Switching Software Vendors Overwhelmingly Drives Increased Satisfaction
Switching Software Vendors Overwhelmingly Drives Increased Satisfaction
(Excl. 21% tax)

Organizations risk being locked in a circular trap of inertia from auto-renewing their software. With inertia comes complacency, leading to a decrease in overall satisfaction. Indeed, organizations are uniformly choosing to renew their software – even if they don’t like the vendor!

Our Advice

Critical Insight

Renewal is an opportunity cost. Switching poorly performing software substantially drives increased satisfaction, and it potentially lowers vendor costs in the process. To realize maximum gains, it’s essential to have a repeatable process in place.

Impact and Result

Realize the benefits of switching by using Info-Tech’s five action steps to optimize your vendor switching processes:

  1. Identify switch opportunities.
  2. Evaluate your software.
  3. Build the business case.
  4. Optimize selection method.
  5. Plan implementation.

Switching Software Vendors Overwhelmingly Drives Increased Satisfaction Research & Tools

Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

1. Why you should consider switching software vendors

Use this outline of key statistics to help make the business case for switching poorly performing software.

  • Switching Existing Software Vendors Overwhelmingly Drives Increased Satisfaction Storyboard

2. How to optimize your software vendor switching process

Optimize your software vendor switching processes with five action steps.

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Tymans Group is a brand by Gert Taeymans BV
Gert Taeymans bv
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