Security Priorities 2022
Security Priorities 2022
(Excl. 21% tax)
  • Ransomware activities and the cost of breaches are on the rise.
  • Cybersecurity talent is hard to find, and an increasing number of cybersecurity professionals are considering leaving their jobs.
  • Moving to the digital world increases the risk of a breach.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • The pandemic has fundamentally changed the technology landscape. Security programs must understand how their threat surface is now different and adapt their controls to meet the challenge.
  • The upside to the upheaval in 2021 is new opportunities to modernize your security program.

Impact and Result

  • Use the report to ensure your plan in 2022 addresses what’s important in cybersecurity.
  • Understand the current situation in the cybersecurity space.

Security Priorities 2022 Research & Tools

Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

1. Security Priorities 2022 – A report that describes priorities and recommendations for CISOs in 2022.

Use this report to understand the current situation in the cybersecurity space and inform your plan for 2022. This report includes sections on protecting against and responding to ransomware, acquiring and retaining talent, securing a remote workforce, securing digital transformation, and adopting zero trust.

  • Security Priorities for 2022 Report


Further reading

Security Priorities 2022

The pandemic has changed how we work

disruptions to the way we work caused by the pandemic are here to stay.

The pandemic has introduced a lot of changes to our lives over the past two years, and this is also true for various aspects of how we work. In particular, a large workforce moved online overnight, which shifted the work environment rapidly.

People changed how they communicate, how they access company information, and how they connect to the company network. These changes make cybersecurity a more important focus than ever.

Although changes like the shift to remote work occurred in response to the pandemic, they are largely expected to remain, regardless of the progression of the pandemic itself. This report will look into important security trends and the priorities that stemmed from these trends.

30% more professionals expect transformative permanent change compared to one year ago.

47% of professionals expect a lot of permanent change; this remains the same as last year. (Source: Info-Tech Tech Trends 2022 Survey; N=475)

The cost of a security breach is rising steeply

The shift to remote work exposes organizations to more costly cyber incidents than ever before.

$4.24 million

Average cost of a data breach in 2021
The cost of a data breach rose by nearly 10% in the past year, the highest rate in over seven years.

$1.07 million

More costly when remote work involved in the breach

The average cost of breaches where remote work is involved is $1.07 million higher than breaches where remote work is not involved.

The ubiquitous remote work that we saw in 2021 and continue to see in 2022 can lead to more costly security events. (Source: IBM, 2021)

Remote work is here to stay, and the cost of a breach is higher when remote work is involved.

The cost comes not only directly from payments but also indirectly from reputational loss. (Source: IBM, 2021)

Security teams can participate in the solution

The numbers are clear: in 2022, when we face a threat environment like WE’VE never EXPERIENCED before, good security is worth the investment

$1.76 million

Saved when zero trust is deployed facing a breach

Zero trust controls are realistic and effective controls.

Organizations that implement zero trust dramatically reduce the cost of an adverse security event.


More costly if it takes more than 200 days to identify and contain a breach

With increased BYOD and remote work, detection and response is more challenging than ever before – but it is also highly effective.

Organizations that detect and respond to incidents quickly will significantly reduce the impact. (Source: IBM, 2021)

Breaches are 34% less costly when mature zero trust is implemented.

A fully staffed and well-prepared security team could save the cost through quick responses. (Source: IBM, 2021)

Top security priorities and constraints in 2022

Survey results

As part of its research process for the 2022 Security Priorities Report, Info-Tech Research Group surveyed security and IT leaders (N=97) to ask their top security priorities as well as their main obstacles to security success in 2022:

Top Priorities
A list of the top three priorities identified in the survey with their respective percentages, 'Acquiring and retaining talent, 30%', 'Protecting against and responding to ransomware, 23%', and 'Securing a remote workforce, 23%'.

Survey respondents were asked to force-rank their security priorities.

Among the priorities chosen most frequently as #1 were talent management, addressing ransomware threats, and securing hybrid/remote work.

Top Obstacles
A list of the top three obstacles identified in the survey with their respective percentages, 'Staffing constraints, 31%', 'Demand of ever-changing business environment, 23%', and 'Budget constraints, 15%'.

Talent management is both the #1 priority and the top obstacle facing security leaders in 2022.

Unsurprisingly, the ever-changing environment in a world emerging from a pandemic and budget constraints are also top obstacles.

We know the priorities…

But what are security leaders actually working on?

This report details what we see the world demanding of security leaders in the coming year.

Setting aside the demands – what are security leaders actually working on?

A list of 'Top security topics among Info-Tech members' with accompanying bars, 'Security Strategy', 'Security Policies', 'Security Operations', 'Security Governance', and 'Security Incident Response'.

Many organizations are still mastering the foundations of a mature cybersecurity program.

This is a good idea!

Most breaches are still due to gaps in foundational security, not lack of advanced controls.

We know the priorities…

But what are security leaders actually working on?

A list of industries with accompanying bars representing their demand for security. The only industry with a significant positive percentage is 'Government'. Security projects included in annual plan relative to industry.

One industry plainly stands out from the rest. Government organizations are proportionally much more active in security than other industries, and for good reason: they are common targets.

Manufacturing and professional services are proportionally less interested in security. This is concerning, given the recent targeting of supply chain and personal data holders by ransomware gangs.

5 Security Priorities for 2022 Logo for Info-Tech. Logo for ITRG.


  1. Acquiring and Retaining Talent
    Create a good working environment for existing and potential employees. Invest time and effort into talent issues to avoid being understaffed.
  2. Securing a Remote Workforce
    Create a secure environment for users and help your people build safe habits while working remotely.


  1. Securing Digital Transformation
    Build in security from the start and check in frequently to create agile and secure user experiences.


  1. Adopting Zero Trust
    Manage access of sensitive information based on the principle of least privilege.
  2. Protecting Against and Responding to Ransomware
    Put in your best effort to build defenses but also prepare for a breach and know how to recover.

Main Influencing Factors

COVID-19 Pandemic
The pandemic has changed the way we interact with technology. Organizations are universally adapting their business and technology processes to fit the post-pandemic paradigm.
Rampant Cybercrime Activity
By nearly every conceivable metric, cybercrime is way up in the past two years. Cybercriminals smell blood and pose a more salient threat than before. Higher standards of cybersecurity capability are required to respond to this higher level of threat.
Remote Work and Workforce Reallocation
Talented IT staff across the globe enabled an extraordinarily fast shift to remote and distance work. We must now reckon with the security and human resourcing implications of this huge shift.

Acquire and Retain Talent

Priority 01

Security talent was in short supply before the pandemic, and it's even worse now.

Executive summary


Cybersecurity talent has been in short supply for years, but this shortage has inflected upward since the pandemic.

The Great Resignation contributed to the existing talent gap. The pandemic has changed how people work as well as how and where they choose work. More and more senior workers are retiring early or opting for remote working opportunities.

The cost to acquire cybersecurity talent is huge, and the challenge doesn’t end there. Retaining top talent can be equally difficult.

Current situation

  • A 2021 survey by ESG shows that 76% of security professional agree it’s difficult to recruit talent, and 57% said their organization is affected by this talent shortage.
  • (ISC)2 reports there are 2.72 million unfilled job openings and an increasing workforce gap (2021).

2.72 million unfilled cybersecurity openings (Source: (ISC)2, 2021)

IT leaders must do more to attract and retain talent in 2022

  • Over 70% of IT professionals are considering quitting their jobs (TalentLMS, 2021). Meanwhile, 51% of surveyed cybersecurity professionals report extreme burnout during the last 12 months and many of them have considered quitting because of it (VMWare, 2021).
  • Working remotely makes it easier for people to look elsewhere, lowering the barrier to leaving.
  • This is a big problem for security leaders, as cybersecurity talent is in very short supply. The cost of acquiring and retaining quality cybersecurity staff in 2022 is significant, and many organizations are unwilling or unable to pay the premium.
  • Top talent will demand flexible working conditions – even though remote work comes with security risk.
  • Most smart, talented new hires in 2022 are demanding to work remotely most of the time.
Top reasons for resignations in 2021
Burnout 30%
Other remote opportunities 20%
Lack of growth opportunities 20%
Poor culture 20%
Acquisition concerns 10%
(Source: Survey of West Coast US cybersecurity professionals; TechBeacon, 2021)

Talent will be 2022’s #1 strength and #1 weakness

Staffing obstacles in 2022:

“Attracting and retaining talent is always challenging. We don’t pay as well and my org wants staff in the office at least half of the time. Most young, smart, talented new hires want to work remotely 100 percent of the time.“

“Trying to grow internal resources into security roles.”

“Remote work expectations by employees and refusal by business to accommodate.”

“Biggest obstacle: payscales that are out of touch with cybersecurity market.”

“Request additional staff. Obtaining funding for additional position is most significant obstacle.”

(Info-Tech Tech Security Priorities Survey 2022)
Top obstacles in 2022:

As you can see, respondents to our security priorities survey have strong feelings on the challenges of staffing a cybersecurity team.

The growth of remote work means local talent can now be hired by anybody, vastly increasing your competition as an employer.

Hiring local will get tougher – but so will hiring abroad. People who don’t want to relocate for a new job now have plenty of alternatives. Without a compelling remote work option, you will find non-local prospects unwilling to move for a new job.

Lastly, many organizations are still reeling at the cost of experienced cybersecurity talent. Focused internal training and development will be the answer for many organizations.

Recommended Actions

Provide career development opportunities

Many security professionals are dissatisfied with their unclear career development paths. To improve retention, organizations should provide their staff with opportunities and clear paths for career and skills advancement.

Be open-minded when hiring

To broaden the candidate pool, organizations should be open-minded when considering who to hire.

  • Enable remote work.
  • Do not fixate on certificates and years of experience; rather, be open to developing those who have the right interest and ability.
  • Consider using freelance workers.
Facilitate work-life balance

Many security professionals say they experience burnout. Promoting work-life balance in your organization can help retain critical skills.

Create inclusive environment

Hire a diverse team and create an inclusive environment where they can thrive.

Talent acquisition and retention plan

Use this template to explain the priorities you need your stakeholders to know about.

Provide a brief value statement for the initiative.

Address a top priority and a top obstacle with a plan to attract and retain top organizational and cybersecurity talent.

Initiative Description:

  • Provide secure remote work capabilities for staff.
  • Work with HR to refine a hiring plan that addresses geographical and compensation gaps with cybersecurity and general staff.
  • Survey staff engagement to identify points of friction and remediate where needed.
  • Define a career path and growth plan for staff.
Description must include what IT will undertake to complete the initiative.

Primary Business Benefits:

Arrow pointing down.
Reduction in costs due to turnover and talent loss

Other Expected Business Benefits:

Arrow pointing up.
Productivity due to good morale/ engagement
Arrow pointing up.
Improved corporate culture
Align initiative benefits back to business benefits or benefits for the stakeholder groups that it impacts.


  • Big organizational and cultural changes
  • Increased attack surface of remote/hybrid workforce

Related Info-Tech Research:

Secure a Remote Workforce

Priority 02

Trends suggest remote work is here to stay. Addressing the risk of insecure endpoints can no longer be deferred.

Executive summary

Remote work poses unique challenges to cybersecurity teams. The personal home environment may introduce unauthorized people and unknown network vulnerabilities, and the organization loses nearly all power and influence over the daily cyber hygiene of its users.

In addition, the software used for enabling remote work itself can be a target of cybersecurity criminals.

Current situation

  • 70% of workers in technical services work from home.
  • Employees of larger firms and highly paid individuals are more likely to be working outside the office.
  • 80% of security and business leaders find that remote work has increased the risk of a breach.
  • (Source: StatCan, 2021)

70% of tech workers work from home (Source: Statcan, 2021)

Remote work demands new security solutions

The security perimeter is finally gone

The data is outside the datacenter.
The users are outside the office.
The endpoints are … anywhere and everywhere.

Organizations that did not implement digital transformation changes following COVID-19 experience higher costs following a breach, likely because it is taking nearly two months longer, on average, to detect and contain a breach when more than 50% of staff are working remotely (IBM, 2021).

In 2022 the cumulative risk of so many remote connections means we need to rethink how we secure the remote/hybrid workforce.

  • Distributed denial of service
  • DNS hijacking
  • Weak VPN protocols
  • One-time verification allowing lateral movement
Colorful tiles representing the surrounding security solutions. Network
  • Risk perimeter stops at corporate network edge
  • Split tunneling
  • Weak authentication
  • Weak password
  • Man-in-the-middle attack
  • Cross-site scripting
  • Session hijacking

Recommended Actions

Mature your identity management

Compromised identity is the main vector to breaches in recent years. Stale accounts, contractor accounts, misalignment between HR and IT – the lack of foundational practices leads to headline-making breaches every week.
Tighten up identity control to keep your organization out of the newspaper.

Get a handle on your endpoints

Work-from-home (WFH) often means unknown endpoints on unknown networks full of other unknown devices…and others in the home potentially using the workstation for non-work purposes. Gaining visibility into your endpoints can help to keep detection and resolution times short.

Educate users

Educate everyone on security best practices when working remotely:

  • Apply secure settings (not just defaults) to the home network.
  • Use strong passwords.
  • Identify suspicious email.
Ease of use

Many workers complain that the corporate technology solution makes it difficult to get their work done.

Employees will take productivity over security if we force them to choose, so IT needs to listen to end users’ needs and provide a solution that is nimble and secure.

Roadmap to securing remote/hybrid workforce

Use this template to explain the priorities you need your stakeholders to know about.

Provide a brief value statement for the initiative.

The corporate network now extends to the internet – ensure your security plan has you covered.

Initiative Description:

  • Reassess enterprise security strategy to include the WFH attack surface (especially endpoint visibility).
  • Ensure authentication requirements for remote workers are sufficient (e.g. MFA, strong passwords, hardware tokens for high-risk users/connections).
  • Assess the value of zero trust networking to minimize the blast radius in the case of a breach.
  • Perform penetration testing annually.
Description must include what IT will undertake to complete the initiative.

Primary Business Benefits:

Arrow pointing down.

Reduced cost of security incidents/reputational damage

Other Expected Business Benefits:

Arrow pointing up.
Improved ability to attract and retain talent
Arrow pointing up.
Increased business adaptability
Align initiative benefits back to business benefits or benefits for the stakeholder groups that it impacts.


  • Potential disruption to traditional working patterns
  • Cost of investing in WFH versus risk of BYOD

Related Info-Tech Research:

Secure Digital Transformation

Priority 03

Digital transformation could be a competitive advantage…or the cause of your next data breach.

Executive summary


Digital transformation is occurring at an ever-increasing rate these days. As Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said early in the pandemic, “We’ve seen two years’ worth of digital transformation in two months.”

We have heard similar stories from Info-Tech members who deployed rollouts that were scheduled to take months over a weekend instead.

Microsoft’s own shift to rapidly expand its Teams product is a prime example of how quickly the digital landscape has changed. The global adaption to a digital world has largely been a success story, but rapid change comes with risk, and there is a parallel story of rampant cyberattacks like we have never seen before.


There is an adage that “slow is smooth, and smooth is fast” – the implication being that fast is sloppy. In 2022 we’ll see a pattern of organizations working to catch up their cybersecurity with the transformations we all made in 2020.

$1.78 trillion expected in digital transformation investments (Source: World Economic Forum, 2021)

An ounce of security prevention versus a pound of cure

The journey of digital transformation is a risky one.

Digital transformations often rely heavily on third-party cloud service providers, which increases exposure of corporate data.

Further, adoption of new technology creates a new threat surface that must be assessed, mitigations implemented, and visibility established to measure performance.

However, digital transformations are often run on slim budgets and without expert guidance.

Survey respondents report as much: rushed deployments, increased cloud migration, and shadow IT are the top vulnerabilities reported by security leaders and executives.

In a 2020 Ponemon survey, 82% of IT security and C-level executives reported experiencing at least one data breach directly resulting from a digital transformation they had undergone.

Scope creep is inevitable on any large project like a digital transformation. A small security shortcut early in the project can have dire consequences when it grows to affect personal data and critical systems down the road.

Recommended Actions

Engage the business early and often

Despite the risks, organizations engage in digital transformations because they also have huge business value.

Security leaders should not be seeking to slow or stop digital transformations; rather, we should be engaging with the business early to get ahead of risks and enable successful transformation.

Establish a vendor security program

Data is moving out of datacenters and onto third-party environments. Without security requirements built into agreements, and clear visibility into vendor security capabilities, that data is a major source of risk.

A robust vendor security program will create assurance early in the process and help to reinforce the responsibility of securing data with other parts of the organization.

Build/revisit your security strategy

The threat surface has changed since before your transformation. This is the right time to revisit or rebuild your security strategy to ensure that your control set is present throughout the new environment – and also a great opportunity to show how your current security investments are helping secure your new digital lines of business!

Educate your key players

Only 16% of security leaders and executives report alignment between security and business processes during digital transformation.

If security is too low a priority, then key players in your transformation efforts are likely unaware of how security risks impact their own success. It will be incumbent upon the CISO to start that conversation.

Securing digital transformation

Use this template to explain the priorities you need your stakeholders to know about.

Provide a brief value statement for the initiative.

Ensure your investment in digital transformation is appropriately secured.

Initiative Description:

  • Engage security with digital transformation and relevant governance structures (steering committees) to ensure security considerations are built into digital transformation planning.
  • Incorporate security stage gates in project management procedures.
  • Establish a vendor security assessment program.
Description must include what IT will undertake to complete the initiative.

Primary Business Benefits:

Arrow pointing up.

Increased likelihood of digital transformation success

Other Expected Business Benefits:

Arrow pointing up.
Ability to make informed decisions for the field rep strategy
Arrow pointing down.
Reduced long-term cost of digital transformation
Align initiative benefits back to business benefits or benefits for the stakeholder groups that it impacts.


  • Potential increased up front cost (reduced long-term cost)
  • Potential slowed implementation with security stage gates in project management

Related Info-Tech Research:

Adopt Zero Trust

Priority 04

Governments are recognizing the importance of zero trust strategies. So should your organization.

Why now for zero trust?

John Kindervag modernized the concept of zero trust back in 2010, and in the intervening years there has been enormous interest in cybersecurity circles, yet in 2022 only 30% of organizations report even beginning to roll out zero trust capabilities (Statista, 2022).

Why such little action on a revolutionary and compelling model?

Zero trust is not a technology; it is a principle. Zero trust adoption takes concerted planning, effort, and expense, for which the business value has been unclear throughout most of the last 10 years. However, several recent developments are changing that:

  • Securing technology has become very hard! The size, complexity, and attack surface of IT environments has grown significantly – especially since the pandemic.
  • Cyberattacks have become rampant as the cost to deploy harmful ransomware has become lower and the impact has become higher.
  • The shift away from on-premises datacenters and offices created an opening for zero trust investment, and zero trust technology is more mature than ever before.

The time has come for zero trust adoption to begin in earnest.

97% will maintain or increase zero trust budget (Source: Statista, 2022)

Traditional perimeter security is not working

Zero trust directly addresses the most prevalent attack vectors today

A hybrid workforce using traditional VPN creates an environment where we are exposed to all the risks in the wild (unknown devices at any location on any network), but at a stripped-down security level that still provides the trust afforded to on-premises workers using known devices.

What’s more, threats such as ransomware are known to exploit identity and remote access vulnerabilities before moving laterally within a network – vectors that are addressed directly by zero trust identity and networking. Ninety-three percent of surveyed zero trust adopters state that the benefits have matched or exceeded their expectations (iSMG, 2022).

Top reasons for building a zero trust program in 2022

(Source: iSMG, 2022)


Enforce least privilege access to critical resources


Reduce attacker ability to move laterally


Reduce enterprise attack surface

The business case for zero trust is clearer than ever

Prior obstacles to Zero Trust are disappearing

A major obstacle to zero trust adoption has been the sheer cost, along with the lack of business case for that investment. Two factors are changing that paradigm in 2022:

The May 2021 US White House Executive Order for federal agencies to adopt zero trust architecture finally placed zero trust on the radar of many CEOs and board members, creating the business interest and willingness to consider investing in zero trust.

In addition, the cost of adopting zero trust is quickly being surpassed by the cost of not adopting zero trust, as cyberattacks become rampant and successful zero trust deployments create a case study to support investment.

Bar chart titled 'Cost to remediate a Ransomware attack' with bars representing the years '2021' and '2020'. 2021's cost sits around $1.8M while 2020's was only $750K The cost to remediate a ransomware attack more than doubled from 2020 to 2021. Widespread adoption of zero trust capabilities could keep that number from doubling again in 2022. (Source: Sophos, 2021)

The cost of a data breach is on average $1.76 million less for organizations with mature zero trust deployments.

That is, the cost of a data breach is 35% reduced compared to organizations without zero trust controls. (Source: IBM, 2021)

Recommended Actions

Start small

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket by deploying zero trust in a wide swath. Rather, start as small as possible to allow for growing pains without creating business friction (or sinking your project altogether).

Build a sensible roadmap

Zero trust principles can be applied in a myriad of ways, so where should you start? Between identities, devices, networking, and data, decide on a use case to do pilot testing and then refine your approach.

Beware too-good-to-be-true products

Zero trust is a powerful buzzword, and vendors know it.

Be skeptical and do your due diligence to ensure your new security partners in zero trust are delivering what you need.

Zero trust roadmap

Use this template to explain the priorities you need your stakeholders to know about.

Provide a brief value statement for the initiative.

Develop a practical roadmap that shows the business value of security investment.

Initiative Description:

  • Define desired business and security outcomes from zero trust adoption.
  • Assess zero trust readiness.
  • Build roadmaps for zero trust:
    1. Identity
    2. Networking
    3. Devices
    4. Data
Description must include what IT will undertake to complete the initiative.

Primary Business Benefits:

Arrow pointing up.

Increased security posture and business agility

Other Expected Business Benefits:

Arrow pointing down.
Reduced impact of security events
Arrow pointing down.
Reduced cost of managing complex control set
Arrow pointing up.
More secure business transformation (i.e. cloud/digital)
Align initiative benefits back to business benefits or benefits for the stakeholder groups that it impacts.


  • Learning curve of implementation (start small and slow)
  • Transition from current control set to zero trust model

Related Info-Tech Research:

Protect Against and Respond to Ransomware

Priority 05

Ransomware is still the #1 threat to the safety of your data.

Executive summary


  • Ransomware attacks have transformed in 2021 and show no sign of slowing in 2022. There is a new major security breach every week, despite organizations spending over $150 billion in a year on cybersecurity (Nasdaq, 2021).
  • Ransomware as a service (RaaS) is commonplace, and attackers are doubling down by holding encrypted data ransom and also demanding payment under threat to disclose exfiltrated data – and they are making good on their threats.
  • The global cost of ransomware is expected to rise to $265 billion by 2031 (Cybersecurity Ventures, 2021).
  • We expect to see an increase in ransomware incidents in 2022, both in severity and volume – multiple attacks and double extortion are now the norm.
  • High staff turnover increases risk because new employees are unfamiliar with security protocols.

150% increase ransomware attacks in 2020 (Source: ENISA)

This is a new golden age of ransomware

What is the same in 2022

Unbridled ransomware attacks make it seem like attackers must be using complex new techniques, but prevalent ransomware attack vectors are actually well understood.

Nearly all modern variants are breaching victim systems in one of three ways:

  • Email phishing
  • Software vulnerabilities
  • RDP/Remote access compromise
What is new in 2022
The sophistication of victim targeting

Victims often find themselves asking, “How did the attackers know to phish the most security-oblivious person in my staff?” Bad actors have refined their social engineering and phishing to exploit high-risk individuals, meaning your chain is only as strong as the weakest link.

Ability of malware to evade detection

Modern ransomware is getting better at bypassing anti-malware technology, for example, through creative techniques such as those seen in the MedusaLocker variant and in Ghost Control attacks.

Effective anti-malware is still a must-have control, but a single layer of defense is no longer enough. Any organization that hopes to avoid paying a ransom must prepare to detect, respond, and recover from an attack.

Many leaders still don’t know what a ransomware recovery would look like

Do you know what it would take to recover from a ransomware incident?

…and does your executive leadership know what it would take to recover?

The organizations that are most likely to pay a ransom are unprepared for the reality of recovering their systems.

If you have not done a tabletop or live exercise to simulate a true recovery effort, you may be exposed to more risk than you realize.

Are your defenses sufficiently hardened against ransomware?

Organizations with effective security prevention are often breached by ransomware – but they are prepared to contain, detect, and eradicate the infection.

Ask yourself whether you have identified potential points of entry for ransomware. Assume that your security controls will fail.

How well are your security controls layered, and how difficult would it be for an attacker to move east/west within your systems?

Recommended Actions

Be prepared for a breach

There is no guarantee that an organization will not fall victim to ransomware, so instead of putting all their effort into prevention, organizations should also put effort into planning to respond to a breach.

Security awareness training/phishing detection

Phishing continues to be the main point of entry for ransomware. Investing in phishing awareness and detection among your end users may be the most impactful countermeasure you can implement.

Zero trust adoption

Always verify at every step of interaction, even when access is requested by internal users. Manage access of sensitive information based on the principle of least privilege access.

Encrypt and back up your data

Encrypt your data so that even if there is a breach, the attackers don’t have a copy of your data. Also, keep regular backups of data at a separate location so that you still have data to work with after a breach occurs.

You never want to pay a ransom. Being prepared to deal with an incident is your best chance to avoid paying!

Prevent and respond to ransomware

Use this template to explain the priorities you need your stakeholders to know about.

Provide a brief value statement for the initiative.

Determine your current readiness, response plan, and projects to close gaps.

Initiative Description:

  • Execute a systematic assessment of your current security and ransomware recovery capabilities.
  • Perform tabletop activities and live recoveries to test data recovery capabilities.
  • Train staff to detect suspicious communications and protect their identities.
Description must include what IT will undertake to complete the initiative.

Primary Business Benefits:

Arrow pointing up.

Improved productivity and brand protection

Other Expected Business Benefits:

Arrow pointing down.
Reduced downtime and disruption
Arrow pointing down.
Reduced cost due to incidents (ransom payments, remediation)
Align initiative benefits back to business benefits or benefits for the stakeholder groups that it impacts.


  • Friction with existing staff

Related Info-Tech Research:

Deepfakes: Dark-horse threat for 2022

Deepfake video

How long has it been since you’ve gone a full workday without having a videoconference with someone?

We have become inherently trustful that the face we see on the screen is real, but the technology required to falsify that video is widely available and runs on commercially available hardware, ushering in a genuinely post-truth online era.

Criminals can use deepfakes to enhance social engineering, to spread misinformation, and to commit fraud and blackmail.

Deepfake audio

Many financial institutions have recently deployed voiceprint authentication. TD describes its VoicePrint as “voice recognition technology that allows us to use your voiceprint – as unique to you as your fingerprint – to validate your identity” over the phone.

However, hackers have been defeating voice recognition for years already. There is ripe potential for voice fakes to fool both modern voice recognition technology and the accounts payable staff.


“2021 Ransomware Statistics, Data, & Trends.” PurpleSec, 2021. Web.

Bayern, Macy. “Why 60% of IT security pros want to quit their jobs right now.” TechRepublic, 10 Oct. 2018. Web.

Bresnahan, Ethan. “How Digital Transformation Impacts IT And Cyber Risk Programs.” CyberSaint Security, 25 Feb. 2021. Web.

Clancy, Molly. “The True Cost of Ransomware.” Backblaze, 9 Sept. 2021.Web.

“Cost of a Data Breach Report 2021.” IBM, 2021. Web.

Cybersecurity Ventures. “Global Ransomware Damage Costs To Exceed $265 Billion By 2031.” Newswires, 4 June 2021. Web.

“Digital Transformation & Cyber Risk: What You Need to Know to Stay Safe.” Ponemon Institute, June 2020. Web.

“Global Incident Response Threat Report: Manipulating Reality.” VMware, 2021.

Granger, Diana. “Karmen Ransomware Variant Introduced by Russian Hacker.” Recorded Future, 18 April 2017. Web.

“Is adopting a zero trust model a priority for your organization?” Statista, 2022. Web.

“(ISC)2 Cybersecurity Workforce Study, 2021: A Resilient Cybersecurity Profession Charts the Path Forward.” (ISC)2, 2021. Web.

Kobialka, Dan. “What Are the Top Zero Trust Strategies for 2022?” MSSP Alert, 10 Feb. 2022. Web.

Kost, Edward. “What is Ransomware as a Service (RaaS)? The Dangerous Threat to World Security.” UpGuard, 1 Nov. 2021. Web.

Lella, Ifigeneia, et al., editors. “ENISA Threat Landscape 2021.” ENISA, Oct. 2021. Web.

Mello, John P., Jr. “700K more cybersecurity workers, but still a talent shortage.” TechBeacon, 7 Dec. 2021. Web.

Naraine, Ryan. “Is the ‘Great Resignation’ Impacting Cybersecurity?” SecurityWeek, 11 Jan. 2022. Web.

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