Cost and Budget Management

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The challenge

  • IT is seen as a cost center in most organizations. Your IT spend is fuelled by negative sentiment instead of contributing to business value.

  • Budgetary approval is difficult, and in many cases, the starting point is lowering the cost-income ratio without looking at the benefits.
  • Provide the right amount of detail in your budgets to tell your investment and spending story. Align it with the business story. Too much detail only increases confusion, too little suspicion.

Our advice


An effective IT budget complements the business story with how you will achieve the expected business targets.

  • Partner with the business to understand the strategic direction of the company and its future needs.
  • Know your costs and the value you will deliver.
  • Present your numbers and story clearly and credibly. Excellent delivery is part of good communication.
  • Guide your company by clearly explaining the implications of different choices they can make.

Impact and results 

  • Get a head-start on your IT forecasting exercise by knowing the business strategy and what initiatives they will launch.
  • The coffee corner works! Pre-sell your ideas in quick chats.
  • Do not make innovation budgets bigger than they need to be. It undermines your credibility.
  • You must know your history to accurately forecast your IT operations cost and how it will evolve based on expected business changes.
  • Anticipate questions. IT discretionary proposals are often challenged. Think ahead of time about what areas your business partners will focus on and be ready with researched and credible responses.
  • When you have an optimized budget, tie further cost reductions to consequences in service delivery or deferred projects, or a changed operating model.

The roadmap

Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

Get started

Our concise executive brief shows you why you should develop a budget based on value delivery. We'll show you our methodology and the ways we can help you in completing this.

Plan for budget success

  • Build an IT Budget That Demonstrates Value Delivery – Phase 1: Plan (ppt)
  • IT Budget Interview Guide (doc)

Build your budget.

  • Build an IT Budget That Demonstrates Value Delivery – Phase 2: Build (ppt)
  • IT Cost Forecasting Tool (xls)

Sell your budget

  • Build an IT Budget That Demonstrates Value Delivery – Phase 3: Sell (ppt)
  • IT Budget Presentation (ppt)


The Accessibility Business Case for IT

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  • Parent Category Name: Lead
  • Parent Category Link: /lead
  • Laws requiring digital accessibility are changing and differ by location.
  • You need to make sure your digital assets, products, and services (internal and external) are accessible to everyone, but getting buy-in is difficult.
  • You may not know where your gaps in understanding are because conventional thinking is driven by compliance and risk mitigation.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • The longer you put off accessibility, the more tech debt you accumulate and the more you risk losing access to new and existing markets. The longer you wait to adopt standards and best practices, the more interest you’ll accumulate on accessibility barriers and costs for remediation.
  • Implementing accessibility feels counterintuitive to IT departments. IT always wants to optimize and move forward, but with accessibility you may stay at one level for what feels like an uncomfortably long period. Don’t worry; building consistency and shifting culture takes time.
  • Accessibility goes beyond compliance, which should be an outcome, not the objective. With 1 billion people worldwide with some form of disability, nearly everyone likely has a connection to disability, whether it be in themselves, family, or colleagues. The market of people with disabilities has a spending power of more than $6 trillion (WAI, 2018).

Impact and Result

  • Take away the overwhelm that many feel when they hear “accessibility” and make the steps for your organization approachable.
  • Clearly communicate why accessibility is critical and how it supports the organization’s key objectives and initiatives.
  • Understand your current state related to accessibility and identify areas for key initiatives to become part of the IT strategic roadmap.

The Accessibility Business Case for IT Research & Tools

Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

1. The Accessibility Business Case for IT – Clearly communicate why accessibility is critical and how it supports the organization’s key objectives and initiatives.

A step-by-step approach to walk you through understanding your current state related to accessibility maturity, identifying your desired future state, and building your business case to seek buy-in. This storyboard will help you figure out what’s right for your organization and build the accessibility business case for IT.

  • The Accessibility Business Case for IT – Phases 1-3

2. Accessibility Business Case Template – A clear, concise, and compelling business case template to communicate the criticality of accessibility.

The business case for accessibility is strong. Use this template to communicate to senior leaders the benefits, challenges, and risks of inaction.

  • Accessibility Business Case Template

3. Accessibility Maturity Assessment – A structured tool to help you identify your current accessibility maturity level and identify opportunities to ensure progress.

This tool uses a capability maturity model framework to evaluate your current state of accessibility. Maturity level is assessed on three interconnected aspects (people, process, and technology) across six dimensions proven to impact accessibility. Complete the assessment to get recommendations based on where you’re at.

  • Accessibility Maturity Assessment


Further reading

The Accessibility Business Case for IT

Accessibility goes beyond compliance

Analyst Perspective

Avoid tech debt related to accessibility barriers

Accessibility is important for individuals, businesses, and society. Diverse populations need diverse access, and it’s essential to provide access and opportunity to everyone, including people with diverse abilities. In fact, access to information and communications technologies (ICT) is a basic human right according to the United Nations.

The benefits of ICT accessibility go beyond compliance. Many innovations that we use in everyday life, such as voice activation, began as accessibility initiatives and ended up creating a better lived experience for everyone. Accessibility can improve user experience and satisfaction, and it can enhance your brand, drive innovation, and extend your market reach (WAI, 2022).

Although your organization might be required by law to ensure accessibility, understanding your users’ needs and incorporating them into your processes early will determine success beyond just compliance.

Heather Leier-Murray, Senior Research Analyst, People and Leadership

Heather Leier-Murray
Senior Research Analyst, People and Leadership
Info-Tech Research Group

Executive Summary

Your Challenge Common Obstacles Info-Tech’s Approach

Global IT and business leaders are challenged to make digital products and services accessible because inaccessibility comes with increasing risk to brand reputation, legal ramifications, and constrained market reach.

  • Laws requiring digital accessibility are changing and differ by location.
  • You need to make sure your digital assets, products, and services (internal and external) are accessible to everyone.
  • The cost of inaction is rising.

Understanding where to start, where accessibility lives, and if or when you’re done can be overwhelmingly difficult.

  • Executive leadership buy-in is difficult to get.
  • Conventional thinking is driven by compliance and risk mitigation.
  • You don’t know where your gaps in understanding are.

Conventional approaches to accessibility often fail because users are expected to do the hard work. You have to be doing 80% of the hard work.1

Use Info-Tech’s research and resources to do what’s right for your organization. This framework takes away the overwhelm that many feel when they hear “accessibility” and makes the steps for your organization approachable.

  • Clearly communicate why accessibility is critical and how it supports the organization’s key objectives and initiatives.
  • Understand your current state related to accessibility and identify areas for key initiatives to become part of the IT strategic roadmap.

1. Harvard Business Review, 2021

Info-Tech Insight
The longer you put off accessibility, the more tech debt you accumulate and the more you risk losing access to new and existing markets. The longer you wait to adopt standards and best practices, the more interest you’ll accumulate on accessibility barriers and costs for remediation.

Your challenge

This research is designed to help organizations who are looking to:

  • Build a business case for accessibility.
  • Ensure that digital assets, products, and services are accessible to everyone, internally and externally.
  • Support staff and build skills to support the organization with accessibility and accommodation.
  • Get assistance figuring out where to start on the road to accessibility compliance and beyond.

The cost of inaction related to accessibility is rising. Preparing for accessibility earlier helps prevent tech debt; the longer you wait to address your accessibility obligations, the more costly it gets.

More than 3,500 digital accessibility lawsuits were filed in the US in 2020, up more than 50% from 2018.

Source: UsableNet. Inc.

Common obstacles

These barriers make accessibility difficult to address for many organizations:

  • You don’t know where your gaps in understanding are. Recognizing the importance of accessibility and how it fits into the bigger picture is key to developing buy-in.
  • Too often organizations focus on mitigating risk by being compliance driven. Shifting focus to the user experience, internally and externally, will realize better results.
  • Conventional approaches to accessibility often fail because the expectation is for users to do the hard work. One in five people have a permanent disability, but it’s likely everyone will be faced with some sort of disability at some point in their lives.1 Your organization has to be doing at least 80% of the hard work.2
  • Other types of compliance reside clearly with one area of the organization. Accessibility, however, has many homes: IT, user experience (UX), customer experience (CX), and even HR.

1. Smashing Magazine

2. Harvard Business Review, 2021

90% of companies claim to prioritize diversity.

Source: Harvard Business Review, 2020

Only 4% of those that claim to prioritize diversity consider disability in those initiatives.

Source: Harvard Business Review, 2020

The four principles of accessibility

WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) identifies four principles of accessibility. WCAG is the most referenced standard in website accessibility lawsuits.

The four principles of accessibility

Source: eSSENTIAL Accessibility, 2022

Why organizations address accessibility

Top three reasons:

61% 62% 78%
To comply with laws To provide the best UX To include people with disabilities

Source: Level Access

Still, most businesses aren’t meeting compliance standards. Even though legislation has been in place for over 30 years, a 2022 study by WebAIM of 1,000,000 homepages returned a 96.8% WCAG 2.0 failure rate.

Source: Institute for Disability Research, Policy, and Practice

How organizations prioritize digital accessibility

43% rated it as a top priority.

36% rated it as important.

Fewer than 5% rated as either low priority or not even on the radar.

More than 65% agreed or strongly agreed it’s a higher priority than last year.

Source: Angel Business Communications

Organizations expect consumers to do more online

The pandemic led to many businesses going digital and more people doing things online.

Chart of activities performed more often compared to before COVID-19

Chart of activities performed for the first time during COVID-19

Source: Statistics Canada

Disability is part of being human

Merriam-Webster defines disability as a “physical, mental, cognitive, or developmental condition that impairs, interferes with, or limits a person’s ability to engage in certain tasks or actions or participate in typical daily activities and interactions.”1

The World Health Organization (WHO) points out that a crucial part of the definition of disability is that it’s not just a health problem, but the environment impacts the experience and extent of disability. Inaccessibility creates barriers for full participation in society.2

The likelihood of you experiencing a disability at some point in your life is very high, whether a physical or mental disability, seen or unseen, temporary or permanent, severe or mild.2

Many people acquire disabilities as they age yet may not identify as “a person with a disability.”3 Where life expectancies are over 70 years of age, 11.5% of life is spent living with a disability. 4

“Extreme personalization is becoming the primary difference in business success, and everyone wants to be a stakeholder in a company that provides processes, products, and services to employees and customers with equitable, person-centered experiences and allows for full participation where no one is left out.”
– Paudie Healy, CEO, Universal Access

1. Merriam-Webster
2. World Health Organization
3. Digital Leaders, as cited in WAI, 2018
4. Disabled World, as cited in WAI, 2018

Untapped talent resource

Common myths about people with disabilities:

  • They can’t work.
  • They need more time off or are absent more often.
  • Only basic, unskilled work is appropriate for them.
  • Their productivity is lower than that of coworkers.
  • They cost more to recruit, train, and employ.
  • They decrease others’ productivity.
  • They’re not eligible for governmental financial incentives (e.g. apprentices).
  • They don’t fit in.

These assumptions prevent organizations from hiring valuable people into the workforce and retaining them.

Source: Forbes

50% to 70% of people with disabilities are unemployed in industrialized countries. In the US alone, 61 million adults have a disability.

Source: United Nations, as cited in Forbes

Thought Model

Info-Tech’s methodology for the accessibility business case for IT

1. Understand Current State 2. Plan for Buy-in 3. Prepare Your Business Case
Phase Steps
  1. Understand standards and legislation
  2. Build awareness
  3. Understand current accessibility maturity level Define desired future state
  1. Define desired future state
  2. Define goals and objectives
  3. Document roles and responsibilities
  1. Customize and populate the Accessibility Business Case Template and gain approval
  2. Validate post-approval steps and establish timelines
Phase Outcomes
  • Accessibility maturity assessment
  • Accessibility drivers determined
  • Goals defined
  • Objectives identified
  • Roles and responsibilities documented
  • Business case drafted
  • Approval to move forward with implementing your accessibility program
  • Next steps and timelines

Insight Summary

Insight 1 The longer you put off accessibility, the more tech debt you accumulate and the more you risk losing access to new and existing markets. The longer you wait to adopt standards and best practices, the more interest you’ll accumulate on accessibility barriers and costs for remediation.
Insight 2 Implementing accessibility feels counterintuitive to IT departments. IT always wants to optimize and move forward, but with accessibility you may stay at one level for what feels like an uncomfortably long period. Don’t worry; building consistency and shifting culture takes time.
Insight 3 Accessibility goes beyond compliance, which should be an outcome, not the objective. With 1 billion people worldwide with some form of disability, nearly everyone likely has a connection to disability, whether it be in themselves, family, or colleagues. The market of people with disabilities has a spending power of more than $6 trillion.1

1. WAI, 2018

Blueprint deliverables

This blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals.

Accessibility Business Case Template

The business case for accessibility is strong. Use this template to communicate to senior leaders the benefits and challenges of accessibility and the risks of inaction.

Accessibility Maturity Assessment

Use this assessment to understand your current accessibility maturity.

Blueprint benefits

Business Benefits IT Benefits
  • Don’t lose out on a 6-trillion-dollar market.
  • Don’t miss opportunities to work with organizations because you’re not accessible.
  • Enable and empower current employees with disabilities.
  • Minimize potential for negative brand reputation due to a lack of consideration for people with disabilities.
  • Decrease the risk of legal action being brought upon the organization.
  • Understand accessibility and know your role in it for your organization and your team members.
  • Be prepared and able to provide the user experience you want.
  • Decrease tech debt – start early to ensure accessibility for everyone.
  • Access an untapped labor market.
  • Mitigate IT retention challenges.

Measure the value of this blueprint

Improve stakeholder satisfaction and engagement

  • Tracking measures to understand the value of this blueprint is a critical part of the process.
  • Monitor employee engagement, overall stakeholder satisfaction with IT, and the overall end-customer satisfaction.
  • Remember, accessibility is not a one-and-done project – just because measures are positive does not mean your work is done.

In phase 2 of this blueprint, we will help you establish current-state and target-state metrics for your organization.

Suggested Metrics
Overall end-customer satisfaction
Monies saved through cost optimization efforts
Employee engagement
Monies save through application rationalization and standardization

For more metrics ideas, see the Info-Tech IT Metrics Library.

Executive Brief Case Study


W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), 2018


Investing in accessibility
With an innovative edge, Google invests in accessibility with the objective of making life easier for everyone. Google has created a broad array of accessibility innovations in its products and services so that people with disabilities get as much out of them as anyone else.

Part of Google’s core mission, accessibility means more to Google than implementing fixes. It is viewed positively by the organization and drives it to be more innovative to make information available to everyone. Google approaches accessibility problems not as barriers but as ways to innovate and discover breakthroughs that will become mainstream in the future.

Among Google’s innovations are contrast minimums, auto-complete, voice-control, AI advances, and machine learning auto-captioning. All of these were created for accessibility purposes but have positively impacted the user experience in general for Google.

Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

DIY Toolkit Guided Implementation Workshop Consulting
"Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful." "Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track." "We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place." "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project."

Diagnostics and consistent frameworks are used throughout all four options.

Guided Implementation

A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

A typical GI is 4 to 6 calls over the course of 2 to 4 months.

What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Call #1: Discuss motivation for the initiative and foundational knowledge requirements.

Call #2: Discuss next steps to assess current accessibility maturity.

Call #3: Discuss stakeholder engagement and future-state analysis.

Call #4: Discuss defining goals and objectives, along with roles and responsibilities.

Call #5: Review draft business case presentation.

Call #6: Discuss post-approval steps and timelines.

Phase 1

Understand Your Current State

Phase 1
1.1 Understand standards and legislation
1.2 Build awareness
1.3 Understand maturity level

Phase 2
2.1 Define desired future state
2.2 Define goals and objectives
2.3 Document roles and responsibilities

Phase 3
3.1 Prepare business case template for presentation and approval
3.2 Validate post-approval steps and establish timelines

The Accessibility Business Case for IT

This phase will walk you through the following activities:

  • Identifying and understanding accessibility and compliance requirements and the ramifications of noncompliance.
  • Defining accessibility, disability, and disability inclusion and building awareness of these with senior leaders.
  • Completing the Accessibility Maturity Assessment to help you understand your current state.

Step 1.1

Understand standards and legislation


1.1.1 Make a list of the legislation you need to comply with

1.1.2 Seek legal and/or professional services’ input on compliance

1.1.3 Detail the risks of inaction for your organization

Understand Your Current State

Outcomes of this step
You will gain foundational understanding of the breadth of the regulation requirements for your organization. You will have reviewed and understand what is applicable to your organization.

The regulatory landscape is evolving


  • Canadian Human Rights Act
  • Policy on Communications and Federal Identity
  • Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
  • Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act
  • Accessible Canada Act of 2019 (ACA)


  • UK Equality Act 2010
  • EU Web and Mobile Accessibility Directive (2016)
  • EN 301 549 European Standard – Accessibility requirements for public procurement of ICT products and services

United States

  • Section 508 of the US Rehabilitation Act of 1973
  • Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)
  • Section 255 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996
  • Air Carrier Access Act of 1986
  • 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010 (CVAA)

New Zealand

  • Human Rights Act 1993
  • Online Practice Guidelines for Government


  • Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA)

Regulatory systems are moving toward an international standard.

1.1.1 Make a list of the legislation you need to comply with

  1. Download the Accessibility Business Case Template.
  2. Conduct research and investigate what legislation and standards are applicable to your organization.
  3. a) Start by looking at your local legislation.
    b) Then consider any other regions you conduct business in.
    c) Also account for the various industries you are in.
  4. While researching, build a list of legislation requirements. Document these in your Accessibility Business Case Template as part of the Project Context section.
Input Output
  • Research
  • Websites
  • Articles
  • List of legislation that applies to the organization related to accessibility
Materials Participants
  • Accessibility Business Case Template
  • Project leader/initiator

Download the Accessibility Business Case Template

1.1.2 Seek professional advice on compliance

  1. Have general counsel review your list of regulations and standards related to accessibility or seek legal and/or professional support to review your list.
  2. Review or research further the implications of any suggestions from legal counsel.
  3. Make any updates to the Legal Landscape slide in the Accessibility Business Case Template.
Input Output
  • Compiled list of applicable legislation and standards
  • Confirmed list of regulations that are applicable to your organization related to accessibility
Materials Participants
  • Accessibility Business Case Template
  • Project leader/initiator
  • General counsel/professional services

Download the Accessibility Business Case Template

Ramifications of noncompliance

Go beyond financial consequences

Beyond the costs resulting from a claim, noncompliance can damage your organization in several ways.

Financial Impact

ADA Warning Shot: A complaint often indicates pending legal action to come. Addressing issues on a reactive, ad hoc basis can be quite expensive. It can cost almost $10,000 to address a single complaint, and chances are if you have one complaint, you have many.

Lawsuit Costs: In the US, 265,000 demand letters were sent in 2020 under the ADA for inaccessible websites. On average, a demand letter could cost the company $25,000 (conservatively). These are low-end numbers; another estimate is that a small, quickly settled digital accessibility lawsuit could cost upwards of $350,000 for the defendant.

Non-Financial Impact

Reputational Impact: Claims brought upon a company can bring negative publicity with them. In contrast, having a clear commitment to accessibility demonstrates inclusion and can enhance brand image and reputation. Stakeholder expectations are changing, and consumers, investors, and employees alike want to support businesses with a purpose.

Technology Resource Strains: Costly workarounds and ad hoc accommodation processes take away from efficiency and effectiveness. Updates and redesigns for accessibility and best practices will reduce costs associated with maintenance and service, including overall stakeholder satisfaction improvements.

Access to Talent: 2022 saw a record high number of job openings, over 11.4 million in the US alone. Ongoing labor shortages require eliminating bias and keeping an open mind about who is qualified.

Source: May Hopewell

In the last four years, 83% of the retail 500 have been sued. Since 2018, 417 of the top 500 have received ADA-based digital lawsuits.

Source: UsableNet

1.1.3 Detail the risks of inaction for your organization

  1. Using the information that you’ve gathered through your research and legal/professional advice, detail the risks of inaction for your organization.
  2. a) Consider legal risks, consumer risks, brand risks, and employee risks. (Remember, risks aren’t just monetary.)
  3. Document the risks in your Accessibility Business Case Template.
  • List of applicable legislation and standards
  • Information about risks
  • Identified accessibility maturity level
  • Accessibility Business Case Template
  • Project leader/initiator

Download the Accessibility Business Case Template

Step 1.2

Build awareness of accessibility and disability inclusion


1.2.1 Identify gaps in understanding

1.2.2 Brainstorm how to reframe accessibility positively

Understand Your Current State

Outcomes of this step
You’ll have a better understanding of accessibility so that you can effectively implement and promote it.

Where to look for understanding

First-hand experience of how people with disabilities interact with your organization is often eye-opening. It will help you understand the benefits and value of accessibility.

Where to look for understanding

  • Talk with people you know with disabilities that are willing to share.*
  • Find role-specific training that’s appropriate.
  • Research. Articles and videos are easy to find.
  • Set up assistive technology trials.
  • Seek out first-hand experience from people with disabilities and how they work and use digital assets.

Source: WAI, 2016

* Remember, people with disabilities aren't obligated to discuss or explain their disabilities and may not be comfortable sharing. If you're asking for their time, be respectful, only ask if appropriate, and accept a "no" answer if the person doesn't wish to assist.

1.2.1 Identify gaps in understanding

Find out what accessibility is and why it is important. Learn the basics.

  1. Using the information that you’ve gathered through your research and legal counsel, conduct further research to understand the importance of accessibility.
  2. Answer these questions:
  3. a) What is accessibility? Why is it important?
    b) From the legislation and standards identified in step 1.1, what gaps exist?
    c) What is the definition of disability?
    d) How does your organization currently address accessibility?
    e) What are your risks?
    f) Do you have any current employees who have disabilities?
  4. Review the previous slide for suggestions on where to find more information to answer the above questions.
  5. Document any changes to the risks in your Accessibility Business Case Template.
  • Articles
  • Interviews
  • Websites
  • Greater understanding of the lived experience of people with disabilities
  • Articles
  • Websites
  • Accessibility Business Case Template
  • Project leader/initiator

Download the Accessibility Business Case Template

Reframe accessibility as a benefit, not a burden

A clear understanding of accessibility and the related standards and regulations can turn accessibility from something big and scary to an achievable part of the business.

The benefits of accessibility are:

Market Reach Minimized Legal Risks Innovation Retention
Over 1 billion people with a spending power of $6 trillion make up the global market of people with disabilities.1 Accessibility improves the experience for all users. In addition, many organizations require you to provide proof you meet accessibility standards during the RFP process. Accessibility regulations are changing, and claims are rising. Costs associated with legal proceedings can be more than just financial. Many countries have laws you need to follow. People with disabilities bring diversity of thought, have different lived experiences, and benefit inclusivity, which helps drive engagement. Plus accessibility features often solve unanticipated problems. Employing and supporting people with disabilities can reduce turnover and improve retention, reliability, company image, employee loyalty, ability awareness, and more.

Source 1: WAI, 2018

1.2.2 Brainstorm ways to reframe accessibility positively

  1. Using the information that you’ve gathered through your research, brainstorm additional positives of accessibility for your organization.
  2. Clearly identify the problem you want to solve (e.g., reframing accessibility positively in your organization).
  3. Collect any tools you want to use to during brainstorming (e.g., whiteboard, markers, sticky notes)
  4. Write down all the ideas that come to mind.
  5. Review all the points and group them into themes.
  6. Update the Accessibility Business Case Template with your findings.
  • Research you have gathered
  • List of ways to positively reframe accessibility for your organization
  • Sticky notes, whiteboard, pens, paper, markers.
  • Accessibility Business Case Template
  • Project leader/initiator

Download the Accessibility Business Case Template

Make it part of the conversation

A first step to disability and accessibility awareness is to talk about it. When it is talked about as freely as other things are in the workplace, this can create a more welcoming workplace.

Accessibility goes beyond physical access and includes technological access and support as well as our attitudes.

Accessibility is making sure everyone (disabled or abled) can access the workplace equally.

Adjustments in the workplace are necessary to create an accessible and welcoming environment. Understanding the three dimensions of accessibility in the workplace is a good place to start.

Source: May Hopewell

Three dimensions of accessibility in the workplace

Three dimensions of accessibility in the workplace

Case Study

Professional Services


Accenture takes an inclusive approach to increase accessibility.

Accessibility is more than tools

Employee experience was the focus of embarking on the accessibility journey, ensuring inclusivity was built in and every employee was able to use the tools they needed and could achieve their goals.

"We are removing barriers in technology to make all of our employees, regardless of their ability, more productive.”
— Melissa Summers, Managing Director – Global IT, Corporate Technology, Accenture

Accessibility is inclusive

The journey began with formalizing a Global IT Accessibility practice and defining an accessibility program charter. This provided direction and underpinned the strategy used to create a virtual Accessibility Center of Excellence and map out a multiyear plan of initiatives.

The team then identified all the technologies they wanted to enhance by prioritizing ones that were high use and high impact. Involving disability champions gave insight into focus areas.

Accessibility is innovation

Working with partners like Microsoft and over 100 employees, Accenture continues toward the goal of 75% accessibility for all its global high-traffic internal platforms.

Achievements thus far include:

  • 100% of new Accenture video and broadcast content is automatically captioned.
  • Accenture received a perfect Disability Equality Index (US) score of 100 out of 100 for 2017, 2018, and 2019.

Step 1.3

Understand your current accessibility maturity level


1.3.1 Complete the Accessibility Maturity Assessment

Understand Your Current State

Outcomes of this step
Completed Accessibility Maturity Assessment to inform planning for and building your business case in Phases 2 and 3.

Know where you are to know where to go

Consider accessibility improvements from three interconnected aspects to determine current maturity level

Accessibility Maturity


  • Consider employee, customer, and user experience.


  • Review processes to ensure accessibility is considered early.


  • Whether it’s new or existing, technology is an important tool to increase accessibility.

Accessibility maturity levels

At this level, accessibility processes are mostly undocumented, if they exist. Accessibility is most likely happening on a reactive, ad hoc basis. No one understands who is responsible for accessibility or what their role is. At this stage the organization is driven by the need for compliance. At the developing level, the organization is taking steps to increase accessibility but still has a lot of opportunity for improvements. The organization is defining and refining processes and is working toward building a library of assistive tools. At this level, processes related to accessibility are repeatable. However, there’s a tendency to resort to old habits under stress. The organization has tools in place to facilitate accommodation requests and technology is compatible with assistive technologies. Accessibility initiatives are driven by the desire to make the user experience better. The managed level is defined by its effective accessibility controls, processes, and metrics. The organization can mostly anticipate preferences of customers, employees, and users. The roles and responsibilities are defined, and disability is included as part of the organization’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. This level is not the goal for all organizations. At this level there is a shift in the organization’s culture to a feeling of belonging. The organization also demonstrates ongoing process improvements. Everyone can experience a seamless interaction with the organization. The focus is on continuous improvement and using feedback to inform future initiatives.

Determine your level of maturity

Use Info-Tech’s Accessibility Maturity Assessment

  • On the accessibility questionnaire, tab 2, choose how much the statements apply to your organization. Answer the questions based on your knowledge of your current state organizationally.
  • Once you’ve answered all the questions, see the results on the tab 3, Accessibility Results. You can see your overall maturity level and the maturity level for each of six dimensions that are necessary to increase the success of an accessibility program.
  • Click through to tab 4, Recommendations, to see specific recommendations based on your results and proven research to progress through the maturity levels. Keep in mind that not all organizations will or should aspire to the “Optimize” maturity level.

1.3.1 Complete the Accessibility Maturity Assessment

  1. Download the Accessibility Maturity Assessment and save it with the date so that as you work on your accessibility program, you can reassess later and track your progress.
  2. Once you have saved the assessment, select the appropriate answer for each statement on tab 2, Accessibility Questions, based on your knowledge of the organization’s approach.
  3. After reviewing all the accessibility statements, see your maturity level results on tab 3, Accessibility Results. Then see tab 4, Recommendations, for suggestions based on your answers.
  4. Document your accessibility maturity results in your Accessibility Business Case Template.
Input Output
  • Assess your current state of accessibility by choosing all the statements that apply to your organization
  • Identified accessibility maturity level
Materials Participants
  • Accessibility Maturity Assessment
  • Accessibility Business Case Template
  • Project leader/sponsor
  • IT leadership team

Download the Accessibility Business Case Template

Phase 2

Plan for Senior Leader Buy-In

Phase 1
1.1 Understand standards and legislation
1.2 Build awareness
1.3 Understand maturity level

Phase 2
2.1 Define desired future state
2.2 Define goals and objectives
2.3 Document roles and responsibilities

Phase 3
3.1 Prepare business case template for presentation and approval
3.2 Validate post-approval steps and establish timelines

The Accessibility Business Case for IT

This phase will walk you through the following activities:

  • Defining your desired future state.
  • Determining your accessibility program goals and objectives.
  • Clarifying and documenting roles and responsibilities related to accessibility in IT.

This phase involves the following participants:

  • Project lead/sponsor
  • IT leadership team
  • Senior leaders/decision makers

Step 2.1

Define the desired future state of accessibility


2.1.1 Identify key stakeholders

2.1.2 Hold a key stakeholder focus group

2.1.3 Conduct a future-state analysis

Outcomes of this step
Following this step, you will have identified your aspirational maturity level and what your accessibility future state looks like for your organization.

Plan for Senior Leader Buy-In

Cheat sheet: Identify stakeholders

Ask stakeholders, “Who else should I be talking to?” to discover additional stakeholders and ensure you don’t miss anyone.

Identify stakeholders through the following questions:
  • Who in areas of influence will be adversely affected by potential environmental and social impacts of what you are doing?
  • At which stage will stakeholders be most affected (e.g. procurement, implementation, operations, decommissioning)?
  • Will other stakeholders emerge as the phases are started and completed?
  • Who is sponsoring the initiative?
  • Who benefits from the initiative?
  • Who is negatively impacted by the initiative?
  • Who can make approvals?
  • Who controls resources?
  • Who has specialist skills?
  • Who implements the changes?
  • Who are the owners, governors, customers, and suppliers of impacted capabilities or functions?
Take a 360-degree view of potential internal and external stakeholders who might be impacted by the initiative.
  • Executives
  • Peers
  • Direct reports
  • Partners
  • Customers
  • Subcontractors
  • Subcontractors
  • Contractors
  • Lobby groups
  • Regulatory agencies

Categorize your stakeholders with a stakeholder prioritization map

A stakeholder prioritization map helps teams categorize their stakeholders by their level of influence and ownership.

There are four areas in the map, and the stakeholders within each area should be treated differently.

Players – Players have a high interest in the initiative and the influence to effect change over the initiative. Their support is critical, and a lack of support can cause significant impediment to the objectives.

Mediators – Mediators have a low interest but significant influence over the initiative. They can help to provide balance and objective opinions to issues that arise.

Noisemakers – Noisemakers have low influence but high interest. They tend to be very vocal and engaged, either positively or negatively, but have little ability to enact their wishes.

Spectators – Generally, spectators are apathetic and have little influence over or interest in the initiative.

Stakeholder prioritization map

Define strategies for engaging stakeholders by type

Each group of stakeholders draws attention and resources away from critical tasks.

By properly identifying your stakeholder groups, you can develop corresponding actions to manage stakeholders in each group. This can dramatically reduce wasted effort trying to satisfy Spectators and Noisemakers while ensuring the needs of the Mediators and Players are met.

Type Quadrant Actions
Players High influence, high interest Actively Engage
Keep them engaged through continuous involvement. Maintain their interest by demonstrating their value to its success.
Mediators High influence, low interest Keep Satisfied
They can be the game changers in groups of stakeholders. Turn them into supporters by gaining their confidence and trust, and include them in important decision-making steps. In turn, they can help you influence other stakeholders.
Noisemakers Low influence, high interest Keep Informed
Try to increase their influence (or decrease it if they are detractors) by providing them with key information, supporting them in meetings, and using Mediators to help them.
Spectators Low influence, low interest Monitor
They are followers. Keep them in the loop by providing clarity on objectives and status updates.

2.1.1 Identify key stakeholders

Collect this information by:

  1. List direct stakeholders for your area. Include stakeholders across the organization (both IT and business units) and externally.
  2. Create a stakeholder map to capture your stakeholders’ interest in and influence on digital accessibility.
  3. Shortlist stakeholders to invite as focus group participants in activity 2.1.2.
    • Aim for a combination of Players, Mediators, and Noisemakers.
Input Output
  • List of stakeholders
  • Stakeholder requirements
  • A stakeholder map
  • List of stakeholders to include in the focus group in step 2.1.2
Materials Participants
  • Sticky notes, pens, whiteboard, markers (optional)
  • Project leader/sponsor

Hold a focus group to initiate planning

Involve key stakeholders to determine the organizational drivers of accessibility, identify target maturity and key performance indicators (KPIs), and ultimately build the project charter.

Building the project charter as a group will help you to clarify your key messages and secure buy-in from critical stakeholders up-front, which is key.

Executing the business case for accessibility requires significant involvement from your IT leadership team. The challenge is that accessibility can be overwhelming because of inherent bias. Members of your IT leadership team will also need to participate in knowledge transfer, so get them involved up-front. The focus group will help stakeholders feel more engaged in the project, which is pivotal for success.

You may feel like a full project charter isn’t necessary, and depending on your organizational size, it might not be. However, the exercise of building the charter is important regardless. No matter your current climate, some level of socializing the value of and plans for accessibility will be necessary.

Meeting Agenda

  1. Short introduction
    Led by: Project Sponsor
    • Why the initiative is being considered.
  2. Make the case for the project
    Led by: Project Manager
    • Current state: What does the initiative address?
    • Future state: What is our target state of maturity?
  3. Success criteria
    Led by: Project Manager
    • How will success be measured?
  4. Define the project team
    Led by: Project Manager
    • Description of planned approach.
    • Stakeholder assessment.
    • What is required of the sponsor and stakeholders?
  5. Determine next steps
    Led by: Project Manager

2.1.2 Hold a stakeholder focus group

Identify the pain points you want to resolve and some of the benefits that you’d like to see from a program. By doing so, you’ll get a holistic view of what you need to achieve and what your drivers are.

  1. Ask the working group participants (as a whole or in smaller groups) to discuss pain points created by inaccessibility.
    • Challenges related to stakeholders.
    • Challenges created by process issues.
    • Difficulties improving accessibility practices.
  2. Discuss opportunities to be gained from improving these practices.
  3. Have participants write these down on sticky notes and place them on a whiteboard or flip chart.
  4. Review all the points as a group. Group challenges and benefits into themes.
  5. Have the group prioritize the risks and benefits in terms of what the solution must have, should have, could have, and won’t have.
Input Output
  • Reasons for the project
  • Stakeholder requirements
  • Pain points and risks
  • A prioritized list of risks and benefits of the solution
Materials Participants
  • Agenda (see previous slide)
  • Sticky notes, pens, whiteboard, markers (optional)
  • IT leadership
  • Other key stakeholders

While defining future state, consider your drivers

The Info-Tech Accessibility Maturity Framework identifies three key strategic drivers: compliance, experience, and incorporation.

  • Over 30% of organizations are focused on compliance, according to a 2022 survey by Harvard Business Review and Slack’s Future Forum. The survey asked more than 10,000 workers in six countries about their organizations’ approach to DEI.2

Even though 90% of companies claim to prioritize diversity,1 over 30% are focused on compliance.2

1. Harvard Business Review, 2020
2. Harvard Business Review, 2022

31.6% of companies remain in the Compliant stage, where they are focused on DEI compliance and not on integrating DEI throughout the organization or on creating continual improvement.

Source: Harvard Business Review, 2022

Align the benefits of program drivers to organizational goals or outcomes

Although there will be various motivating factors, aligning the drivers of your accessibility program provides direction to the program. Connecting the advantages of program drivers to organizational goals builds the confidence of senior leaders and decision makers, increasing the continued commitment to invest in accessibility programming.

Drivers Compliance Experience Incorporation
Maturity level Initial Developing Defined Managed Optimized
Description Any accessibility initiative is to comply with the minimum legislated requirement. Desire to avoid/decrease legal risk. Accessibility initiatives are focused on improving the experience of everyone from the start. Most organizations will be experience driven. Desire to increase accessibility and engagement. Accessibility is a seamless part of the whole organization and initiatives are focused on impacting social issues.
Advantages Compliance is a good starting place for accessibility. It will reduce legal risk. Being people focused from the start of processes enables the organization to reduce tech debt, provide the best user experience, and realize other benefits of accessibility. There is a sense of belonging in the organization. The entire organization experiences the benefits of accessibility.
Disadvantages Accessibility is about more than just compliance. Being compliance driven won’t give you the full benefits of accessibility. This can mean a culture change for the organization, which can take a long time. IT is used to moving quickly – it might feel counterintuitive to slow down and take time. It takes much longer to reach the associated level of maturity. Not possible for all organizations.

Info-Tech Accessibility Maturity Framework

Info-Tech Accessibility Maturity Framework

After initially ensuring your organization is compliant with regulations and standards, you will progress to building disciplined process and consistent standardized processes. Eventually you will build the ability for predictable process, and lastly, you’ll optimize by continuously improving.

Depending on the level of maturity you are trying to achieve, it could take months or even years to implement. The important thing to understand, however, is that accessibility work is never done.

At all levels of the maturity framework, you must consider the interconnected aspects of people, process, and technology. However, as the organization progresses, the impact will shift from largely being focused on process and technology improvement to being focused on people.

Info-Tech Insight
IT typically works through maturity frameworks from the bottom to the top, progressing at each level until they reach the end. When it comes to digital accessibility initiatives, being especially thorough, thoughtful, and collaborative is critical to success. This will mean spending more time in the Developing, Defined, and Managed levels of maturity rather than trying to reach Optimized as quickly as you can. This may feel contrary to what IT historically considers as a successful implementation.

Accessibility maturity levels

Driver Description Benefits
Initial Compliance
  • Accessibility processes are mostly undocumented.
  • Accessibility happens mostly on a reactive or ad hoc basis.
  • No one is aware of who is responsible for accessibility or what role they play.
  • Heavily focused on complying with regulations and standards to decrease legal risk.
  • The organization is aware of the need for accessibility.
  • Legal risk is decreased.
Developing Experience
  • The organization is starting to take steps to increase accessibility beyond compliance.
  • Lots of opportunity for improvement.
  • Defining and refining processes.
  • Working toward building a library of assistive tools.
  • Awareness of the need for accessibility is growing.
  • Process review for accessibility increases process efficiency through avoiding rework.
Defined Experience
  • Accessibility processes are repeatable.
  • There is a tendency to resort to old habits under stress.
  • Tools are in place to facilitate accommodation.
  • Employees know accommodations are available to them.
  • Accessibility is becoming part of daily work.
Managed Experience
  • Defined by effective accessibility controls, processes, and metrics.
  • Mostly anticipating preferences.
  • Roles and responsibilities are defined.
  • Disability is included as part of DEI.
  • Employees understand their role in accessibility.
  • Engagement is positively impacted.
  • Attraction and retention are positively impacted.
Optimized Incorporation
  • Not the goal for every organization.
  • Characterized by a dramatic shift in organizational culture and a feeling of belonging.
  • Ongoing continuous improvement.
  • Seamless interactions with the organization for everyone.
  • Using feedback to inform future initiatives.
  • More likely to be innovative and inclusive, reach more people positively, and meet emerging global legal requirements.
  • Better equipped for success.

2.1.3 Conduct future-state analysis

Identify your target state of maturity

  1. Provide the group with your maturity assessment results to review as well as the slides on the maturity levels, framework, and drivers.
  2. Compare the benefits listed on the Accessibility maturity levels slide to those that you named in the previous exercise and determine which maturity level best describes your target state.
  3. Discuss as a group and agree on one desired maturity level to reach.
  4. Review the other levels of maturity and determine what is in and out of scope for the project (higher-level benefits would be considered out of scope).
  5. Document your target state of maturity in your Accessibility Business Case Template.
Input Output
  • Accessibility maturity levels chart on previous slide
  • Maturity level assessment results
  • Target maturity level documented
Materials Participants
  • Paper and pens
  • Handouts of maturity levels
  • Accessibility Business Case Template
  • IT leadership team

Download the Accessibility Business Case Template

Case Study

Accessibility as a differentiator



Accessibility inside and out

As a financial provider, Barclays embarked on the accessibility journey to engage customers and employees with the goal of equal access for all. One key statement that provided focus was “Essential for some, easier for all. ”

“It's about helping everyone to work, bank and live their lives regardless of their age, situation, abilities or circumstances.”

Embedding into experiences

“The Barclays Accessibility team [supports] digital teams to embed accessibility into our services and culture through effective governance, partnering, training and tools. Establishing an enterprise-wide accessibility strategy, standards and programmes coupled with senior sponsorship helps support our publicly stated ambition of becoming the most accessible and inclusive FTSE company.”

– Paul Smyth, Head of Digital Accessibility, Barclays

It’s a circle, not a roadmap

  • Barclays continues the journey through partnerships with disability charities and accessibility experts and through regularly engaging with customers and colleagues with disabilities directly.
  • More accessible, inclusive products and services engage and attract more people with disabilities. This translates to a more diverse workforce that identifies opportunities for innovation. This leads to being attractive to diverse talent, and the circle continues.
  • Barclays’ mobile banking app was first to be accredited by accessibility consultants AbilityNet.

Step 2.2

Define your accessibility program goals and objectives


2.2.1 Create a list of goals and objectives

2.2.2 Finalize key metrics

Plan for Senior Leader Buy-In

Outcomes of this step
You will have clear measurable goals and objectives to respond to identified accessibility issues and organizational goals.

What does a good goal look like?

Use the SMART framework to build effective goals.

S Specific: Is the goal clear, concrete, and well defined?
M Measurable: How will you know when the goal is met?
A Achievable: Is the goal possible to achieve in a reasonable time?
R Relevant: Does this goal align with your responsibilities and with departmental and organizational goals?
T Time-based: Have you specified a time frame in which you aim to achieve the goal?

SMART is a common framework for setting effective goals. Make sure your goals satisfy these criteria to ensure you can achieve real results.

2.2.1 Create a list of goals and objectives

Use the outcomes from activity 2.1.2.

  1. Using the prioritized list of what your solution must have, should have, could have, and won’t have from activity 2.1.2, develop goals.
  2. Remember to use the SMART goal framework to build out each goal (see the previous slide for more information on SMART goals).
  3. Ensure each goal supports departmental and organizational goals to ensure it is meaningful.
  4. Document your goals and objectives in your Accessibility Business Case Template.
  • Outcomes of activity 2.1.2
  • Organizational and departmental goals
  • Goals and objectives added to your Accessibility Business Case Template
  • Accessibility Business Case Template
  • IT leadership team

Download the Accessibility Business Case Template

2.2.1 Create a list of goals and objectives

Use the outcomes from activity 2.1.2.

  1. Using the prioritized list of what your solution must have, should have, could have, and won’t have from activity 2.1.2, develop goals.
  2. Remember to use the SMART goal framework to build out each goal (see the previous slide for more information on SMART goals).
  3. Ensure each goal supports departmental and organizational goals to ensure it is meaningful.
  4. Document your goals and objectives in your Accessibility Business Case Template.

Establish Baseline Metrics

Baseline metrics will be improved through:

  1. Progressing through the accessibility maturity model.
  2. Addressing accessibility earlier in processes to avoid tech debt and rework late in projects or releases.
  3. Making accessibility part of the procurement process as a scoring consideration and vendor choice.
  4. Ensuring compliance with regulations and standards.
Metric Current Goal
Overall end-customer satisfaction 90 120
Monies saved through cost optimization efforts
Employee engagement
Monies save through application rationalization and standardization

For more metrics ideas, see the Info-Tech IT Metrics Library.

2.2.2 Finalize key metrics

Finalize key metrics the organization will use to measure accessibility success

  1. Brainstorm how you would measure the success of each goal based on the benefits, challenges, and risks you previously identified.
  2. Write each of the metric ideas down and finalize three to five key metrics which you will track. The metrics you choose should relate to the key challenges or risks you have identified and match your desired maturity level and driver.
  3. Document your key metrics in the Accessibility Business Case Template.
  • Accessibility challenges and benefits
  • Goals from activity 2.2.1
  • Three to five key metrics to track
  • Accessibility Business Case Template
  • IT leadership team
  • Project lead/sponsor

Download the Accessibility Business Case Template

Step 2.3

Document accessibility program roles and responsibilities


2.3.1 Populate a RACI chart

Plan for Senior Leader Buy-In

Outcomes of this step
At the end of this step, you will have a completed RACI chart documenting the roles and responsibilities related to accessibility for your accessibility business case.

2.3.1 Populate a RACI

Populate a RACI chart to identify who should be responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed for each key activity.

Define who is responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed for the project team:

  1. Write out the list of all stakeholders along the top of a whiteboard. Write out the key project steps along the left-hand side.
  2. For each initiative, identify each team member’s role. Are they:
    Responsible: The one responsible for getting the job done.
    Accountable: Only one person can be accountable for each task.
    Consulted: Are involved by providing knowledge.
    Informed: Receive information about execution and quality.
  3. As you proceed, continue to add tasks and assign responsibility to the RACI chart in the appendix of the Accessibility Business Case Template.
  • Stakeholder list
  • Key project steps
  • Project RACI chart
  • Whiteboard
  • Accessibility Business Case Template
  • IT leadership team

Download the Accessibility Business Case Template

Phase 3

Prepare your business case and get approval

Phase 1
1.1 Understand standards and legislation
1.2 Build awareness
1.3 Understand maturity level

Phase 2
2.1 Define desired future state
2.2 Define goals and objectives
2.3 Document roles and responsibilities

Phase 3
3.1 Prepare business case template for presentation and approval
3.2 Validate post-approval steps and establish timelines

The Accessibility Business Case for IT

This phase will walk you through the following activities:

  • Compiling the work and learning you’ve done so far into a business case presentation.

This phase involves the following participants:

  • Project lead/sponsor
  • Senior leaders/approval authority

There is a business case for accessibility

  • When planning for initiatives, a business case is a necessary tool. Although it can feel like an administrative exercise, it helps create a compelling argument to senior leaders about the benefits and necessity of building an accessibility program.
  • No matter the industry, you need to justify how the budget and effort you require for the initiative support organizational goals. However, senior leaders of different industries might be motivated by different reasons. For example, government is strongly motivated by legal and equity aspects, commercial companies may be attracted to the increase in innovation or market reach, and educational and nonprofit companies are likely motivated by brand enhancement.
  • The organizational focus and goals will guide your business case for accessibility. Highlight the most relevant benefits to your operational landscape and the risk of inaction.

Source: WAI, 2018

“Many organizations are waking up to the fact that embracing accessibility leads to multiple benefits – reducing legal risks, strengthening brand presence, improving customer experience and colleague productivity.”
– Paul Smyth, Head of Digital Accessibility, Barclays
Source: WAI, 2018

Step 3.1

Customize and populate the Accessibility Business Case Template


3.1.1 Prepare your business case template for presentation and approval

Build Your Business Case

Outcomes of this step
Following this step, you will have a customized business case presentation that you can present to senior leaders.

Use Info-Tech’s template to communicate with stakeholders

Obtain approval for your accessibility program by customizing Info-Tech’s Accessibility Business Case Template, which is designed to effectively convey your key messages. Tailor the template to suit your needs.

It includes:

  • Project context
  • Project scope and objectives
  • Knowledge transfer roadmap
  • Next steps

Info-Tech Insight
The support of senior leaders is critical to the success of your accessibility program development. Remind them of the benefits and impact and the risks associated with inaction.

Download the Accessibility Business Case Template

3.1.1 Prepare a presentation for senior leaders to gain approval

Now that you understand your current and desired accessibility maturity, the next step is to get sign-off to begin planning your initiatives.

Know your audience:

  1. Consider who will be included in your presentation audience.
  2. You want your presentation to be succinct and hard-hitting. Management’s time is tight, and they will lose interest if you drag out the delivery. Impact them hard and fast with the challenges, benefits, and risks of inaction.
  3. Contain the presentation to no more than an hour. Depending on your audience, the actual presentation delivery could be quite short. You want to ensure adequate time for questions and answers.
  4. Schedule a meeting with the key decision makers who will need to approve the initiatives (IT leadership team, executive team, the board, etc.) and present your business case.
  • Activity results
  • Accessibility Maturity Assessment results
  • A completed presentation to communicate your accessibility business case
  • Accessibility Business Case Template
  • IT leadership team
  • Project sponsor
  • Project stakeholders
  • Senior leaders

Download the Accessibility Business Case Template

Step 3.2

Validate post-approval steps and establish timelines


3.2.1 Prepare for implementation: Complete the implementation prep to-do list and assign proposed timelines

Build Your Business Case

Outcomes of this step
This step will help you gain leadership’s approval to move forward with building and implementing the accessibility program.

Prepare to implement your program

Complete the to-do list to ensure you are ready to move your accessibility program forward.

To Do Proposed Timeline
Reach out to your change management team for assistance.
Discuss your plan with HR.
Build a project team.
Incorporate any necessary changes from senior leaders into your business case.
[insert your own addition here]
[insert your own addition here]
[insert your own addition here]
[insert your own addition here]

3.2.1 Prep for implementation (action planning)

Use the implementation prep to-do list to make sure you have gathered relevant information and completed critical steps to be ready for success.

Use the list on the previous slide to make sure you are set up for implementation success and that you’re ready to move your accessibility program forward.

  1. Assign proposed timelines to each of the items.
  2. Work through the list, collecting or completing each item.
  3. As you proceed, keep your identified drivers, current state, desired future state, goals, and objectives in mind.
Input Output
  • Accessibility Maturity Assessment
  • Business case presentation and any feedback from senior leaders
  • Goals, objectives, identified drivers, and desired future state
  • High-level action plan
Materials Participants
  • Previous slide containing the checklist
  • Project lead

Related Info-Tech Research

Implement and Mature Your User Experience Design Practice

  • Create a practice that is focused on human outcomes; it starts and ends with the people you are designing for. This includes:
    • Establishing a practice with a common vision.
    • Enhancing the practice through four design factors.
    • Communicating a roadmap to improve your business through design.

Modernize Your Corporate Website to Drive Business Value

  • Users are demanding more valuable web functionalities and improved access to your website services.
  • The criteria of user acceptance and satisfaction involves more than an aesthetically pleasing user interface (UI). It also includes how emotionally attached the user is to the website and how it accommodates user behaviors.

IT Diversity & Inclusion Tactics

  • Although inclusion is key to the success of a diversity and inclusion (D&I) strategy, the complexity of the concept makes it a daunting pursuit.
  • This is further complicated by the fact that creating inclusion is not a one-and-done exercise. Rather, it requires the ongoing commitment of employees and managers to reassess their own behaviors and to drive a cultural shift.

Fix Your IT Culture

  • Go beyond value statements to create a culture that enables the departmental strategy.
  • There is confusion about how to translate culture from an abstract concept to something that is measurable, actionable, and process driven.
  • Organizations lack clarity about who is accountable and responsible for culture, with groups often pointing fingers at each other.

Works cited

“2021 State of Digital Accessibility.” Level Access, n.d. Accessed 10 Aug. 2022

”2022 Midyear Report: ADA Digital Accessibility Lawsuits.” UsableNet, 2022. Accessed 9 Nov. 2022

“Barclay’s Bank Case Study.” WAI-Engage, 12 Sept. 2018. Accessed 7 Nov. 2022.

Bilodeau, Howard, et al. “StatCan COVID-19 Data to Insights for a Better Canada.” Statistics Canada, 24 June 2021. Accessed 10 Aug. 2022.

Casey, Caroline. “Do Your D&I Efforts Include People With Disabilities?” Harvard Business Review, 19 March 2020. Accessed 28 July 2022.

Digitalisation World. “Organisations failing to meet digital accessibility standards.” Angel Business Communications, 19 May 2022. Accessed Oct. 2022.

“disability.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 10 Aug. 2022.

“Disability.” World Health Organization, 2022. Accessed 10 Aug 2022.

“Driving the Accessibility Advantage at Accenture.” Accenture, 2022. Accessed 7 Oct. 2022.

eSSENTIAL Accessibility. The Must-Have WCAG 2.1 Checklist. 2022

Hopewell, May. Accessibility in the Workplace. 2022.

“Initiate.” W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), 31 March 2016. Accessed 18 Aug. 2022.

Kalcevich, Kate, and Mike Gifford. “How to Bake Layers of Accessibility Testing Into Your Process.” Smashing Magazine, 26 April 2021. Accessed 31 Aug. 2022.

Noone, Cat. “4 Common Ways Companies Alienate People with Disabilities.” Harvard Business Review, 29 Nov. 2021. Accessed Jul. 2022.

Taylor, Jason. “A Record-Breaking Year for ADA Digital Accessibility Lawsuits.” UsableNet, 21 December 2020. Accessed Jul. 2022.

“The Business Case for Digital Accessibility.” W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), 9 Nov. 2018. Accessed 4 Aug. 2022.

“The WebAIM Million.” Web AIM, 31 March 2022. Accessed 28 Jul. 2022.

Washington, Ella F. “The Five Stages of DEI Maturity.” Harvard Business Review, November - December 2022. Accessed 7 Nov. 2022.

Wyman, Nicholas. “An Untapped Talent Resource: People With Disabilities.” Forbes, 25 Feb. 2021. Accessed 14 Sep. 2022.

Design an Enterprise Architecture Strategy

  • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}580|cart{/j2store}
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  • Parent Category Name: Strategy & Operating Model
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  • The enterprise architecture (EA) team is constantly challenged to articulate the value of its function.
  • The CIO has asked the EA team to help articulate the business value the team brings.
  • Traceability from the business goals and vision to the EA contributions often does not exist.
  • Also, clients often struggle with complexity, priorities, and agile execution.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • EA can deliver many benefits to an organization. However, to increase the likelihood of success, the EA group needs to deliver value to the business and cannot be seen solely as IT.
  • Support from the organization is needed.
  • An EA strategy anchored in a value proposition will ensure that EA focuses on driving the most critical outcomes in support of the organization’s enterprise strategy.
  • As agility is not just for project execution, architects need to understand ways to deliver their guidance to influence project execution in real time, to enable the enterprise agility, and to enhance their responsiveness to changing conditions.

Impact and Result

  • Create an EA value proposition based on enterprise needs that clearly articulates the expected contributions of the EA function.
  • Establish the EA fundamentals (vision and mission statement, goals and objectives, and principles) needed to position the EA function to deliver the promised value proposition.
  • Identify the services that EA has to provide to the organization to deliver on the promised value proposition.

Design an Enterprise Architecture Strategy Research & Tools

Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

1. Design an Enterprise Architecture Strategy Deck – A guide to help you define services that your EA function will provide to the organization.

Establish an effective EA function that will realize value for the organization with an EA strategy.

  • Design an Enterprise Architecture Strategy – Phases 1-4

2. EA Function Strategy Template – A communication tool to secure the approval of the EA strategy from organizational stakeholders.

Use this template to document the outputs of the EA strategy and to communicate the EA strategy for approval by stakeholders.

  • EA Function Strategy Template

3. Stakeholder Power Map Template – A template to help visualize the importance of various stakeholders and their concerns.

Identify and prioritize the stakeholders that are important to your IT strategy development effort.

  • Stakeholder Power Map Template

4. PESTLE Analysis Template – A template to help you complete and document a PESTLE analysis.

Use this template to analyze the effect of external factors on IT.

  • PESTLE Analysis Template

5. EA Value Proposition Template – A template to communicate the value EA can provide to the organization.

Use this template to create an EA value proposition that explicitly communicates to stakeholders how an EA function can contribute to addressing their needs.

  • EA Value Proposition Template

6. EA Goals and Objectives Template – A template to identify the EA goals that support the identified promises of value from the EA value proposition.

Use this template to help set goals for your EA function based on the EA value proposition and identify objectives to measure the progression towards those EA goals.

  • EA Goals and Objectives Template

7. EA Principles Template – A template to identify the universal EA principles relevant to your organization.

Use this template to define relevant universal EA principles and create new EA principles to guide and inform IT investment decisions.

  • EA Principles Template – EA Strategy

8. EA Service Planning Tool – A template to identify the EA services your organization will provide to deliver on the EA value proposition.

Use this template to identify the EA services relevant to your organization and then define how those services will be accessed.

  • EA Service Planning Tool

Workshop: Design an Enterprise Architecture Strategy

Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

1 Map the EA Contributions to Business Goals

The Purpose

Show an example of traceability.

Key Benefits Achieved

Members have a real-world example of traceability between business goals and EA contributions.


1.1 Start from the business goals of the organization.

1.2 Document business and IT drivers.

1.3 Identify EA contributions that help achieve the business goals.


Business goals documented.

Business and IT drivers documented.

Identified EA contributions and traced them to business goals.

2 Determine the Role of the Architect in the Agile Ceremonies of the Organization

The Purpose

Create an understanding about role of architect in Agile ceremonies.

Key Benefits Achieved

Understanding of the role of the EA architect in Agile ceremonies.


2.1 Document the Agile ceremony used in the organization (based on SAFe or other Agile approaches).

2.2 Determine which ceremonies the system architect will participate in.

2.3 Determine which ceremonies the solution architect will participate in.

2.4 Determine which ceremonies the enterprise architect will participate in.

2.5 Determine architect syncs, etc.


Documented the Agile ceremonial used in the organization (based on SAFe or other Agile approaches).

Determined which ceremonies the system architect will participate in.

Determined which ceremonies the solution architect will participate in.

Determined which ceremonies the enterprise architect will participate in.

Determined architect syncs, etc.

Further reading

Design an Enterprise Architecture Strategy

Develop a strategy that fits the organization’s maturity and remains adaptable to unforeseen future changes.


Build a right-size enterprise architecture strategy

Enterprise Architecture Strategy

Business & IT Strategy
  • Organizational Goals and Objectives
  • Business Drivers
  • Environment and Industry Trends
  • EA Capabilities and Services
  • Business Architecture
  • Data Architecture
  • Application Architecture
  • Integration Architecture
  • Innovation
  • Roles and Organizational Structure
  • Security Architecture
  • Technology Architecture
  • Integration Architecture
  • Insight and Knowledge
  • EA Operating Model
Unlock the Value of Architecture
  • Increased Business and IT Alignment
  • Robust, Flexible, Scalable, Interoperable, Extensible and Reliable Solutions
  • Timely/Agile Service Delivery and Operations
  • Cost-Effective Solutions
  • Appropriate Risk Management to Address the Risk Appetite
  • Increased Competitive Advantage
Current Environment
  • Business and IT Challenges
  • Opportunities
  • Enterprise Architecture Maturity

Enterprise Architecture – Thought Model

A thought model built around 'Enterprise Architecture', represented by a diagram on a cross-section of a ship which will be explained in the next slide. It begins with an arrow that says 'Organizational goals are the driving force and the ultimate goal' pointing to a bubble titled 'Organization' containing 'Analysis', 'Decisions', 'Actions'. An blue arrow on the right side with one '$' is labelled 'Iterations' and connects 'Organization' to 'Enterprise Architecture', 'Enterprise architecture creates new business value'. A green arrow on the left side with five '$' is labelled 'Goals' and connects back to 'Organization'. A the bottom, a bubble titled 'External forces, pressures, trends, data, etc.' has a blue arrow on the right side with one '$' connecting back to 'Enterprise Architecture'. Another blue arrow representing an output is labelled 'Outcomes' and originates from 'Enterprise Architecture'.

Enterprise Architecture Capabilities

A diagram on a cross-section of a ship representing 'Enterprise Architecture', including a row of process arrows beneath the ship pointing forward all labelled 'Agile iteration' and one airborne arrow above the stern pointing forward labelled 'Business Strategy'. Overlaid on the ship, starting at the back, are 'EA Strategy', 'EA Operating Model', 'Enterprise Principles, Methods, etc.', 'Foundational enterprise decisions: Business, Data/Apps, Technology, Integration, Security', 'Enterprise Reference Architecture', 'Goals, Value Chain, Capability, Business Processes', 'Enterprise Governance (e.g., Standard Mgmt.)', 'Domain Arch', 'Data & App Architecture', 'Security Architecture', 'Infrastructure: Cloud, Hybrid, etc.', at the very front is 'Implementation', and running along the bottom from back to front is 'Operations, Monitoring, and Continuous Improvement'.

Analyst Perspective

Enterprise architecture (EA) needs to be right-sized for the needs of the organization.

Photo of Milena Litoiu, Principal/Senior Director, Enterprise Architecture, Info-Tech Research Group

Enterprise architecture is NOT a one-size-fits-all endeavor. It needs to be right-sized to the needs of the organization.

Enterprise architects are boots on the ground and part of the solution; in addition, they need to have a good understanding of the corporate strategy, vision, and goals and have a vested interest on the optimization of the outcomes for the enterprise. They also need to anticipate the moves ahead, to be able to determine future trends and how they will impact the enterprise.

Milena Litoiu
Principal/Senior Director, Enterprise Architecture
Info-Tech Research Group

Analyst Perspective

EA provides business options based on a deep understanding of the organization.

“Enterprise architects need to think about and consider different areas of expertise when formulating potential business options. By understanding the context, the puzzle pieces can combine to create a positive business outcome that aligns with the organization’s strategies. Sometimes there will be missing pieces; leveraging what you know to create an outline of the pieces and collaborating with others can provide a general direction.”

Jean Bujold
Senior Workshop Delivery Director
Info-Tech Research Group

“The role of enterprise architecture is to eliminate misalignment between the business and IT and create value for the organization.”

Reddy Doddipalli
Senior Workshop Director, Research
Info-Tech Research Group

“Every transformation journey is an opportunity to learn: ‘Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.’ Benjamin Franklin.”

Graham Smith
Senior Lead Enterprise Architect and Independent Consultant

Develop an enterprise architecture strategy that:

  • Helps the organization make decisions that are hard to change in a complex environment.
  • Fits the current organization’s maturity and remains flexible and adaptable to unforeseen future changes.

Executive Summary

Your Challenge

We need to make decisions today for an unknown future. Decisions are influenced by:

  • Changes in the environment you operate in.
  • Complexity of both the business and IT landscapes.
  • IT’s difficulty in keeping up with business demands and remaining agile.
  • Program/project delivery pressure and long-term planning needs.
  • Other internal and external factors affecting your enterprise.

Common Obstacles

Decisions are often made:

  • Without a clear understanding of the business goals.
  • Without a holistic understanding; sometimes in conflict with one another.
  • That hinder the continuity of the organization.
  • That prevent value optimization at the enterprise level.

The more complex an organization, the more players involved, the more difficult it is to overcome these obstacles.

Info-Tech’s Approach

  • Is a holistic, top-down approach, from the business goals all the way to implementation.
  • Has EA act as the canary in the coal mine. EA will identify and mitigate risks in the organization.
  • Enables EA to provide an essential service rather than be an isolated kingdom or an ivory tower.
  • Acknowledges that EA is a balancing act among competing demands.
  • Makes decisions using guiding principles and guardrails, to create a flexible architecture that can evolve and expand, enabling enterprise agility.

Info-Tech Insight

There is no “right architecture” for organizations of all sizes, maturities, and cultural contexts. The value of enterprise architecture can only be measured against the business goals of a single organization. Enterprise architecture needs to be right-sized for your organization.

Info-Tech insight summary on arch. agility

Continuous innovation is of paramount importance in achieving and maintaining competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Business engagement

It is important to trace architectural decisions to business goals. As business goals evolve, architecture should evolve as well.

As new business input is provided during Agile cycles, architecture is continuously evolving.

EA fundamentals

EA fundamentals will shape how enterprise architects think and act, how they engage with the organization, what decisions they make, etc.

Start small and lean and evolve as needed.

Continuously align strategy with delivery and operations.

Architects should establish themselves as business partners as well as implementation/delivery leaders.

Enterprise services

Definitions of enterprise services should start from the business goals of the organization and the capabilities IT needs to perform for the organization to survive in the marketplace.

Continuous delivery and continuous innovation are the two facets of architecture.

Tactical insight

Your current maturity should be reflected as a baseline in the strategy.

Tactical insight

Take Agile/opportunistic steps toward your strategic North star.

Tactical insight

EA services differ based on goals, maturity, and the Agile appetite of the enterprise.

From the best industry experts

“The trick to getting value from enterprise architecture is to commit to the long haul.”

Jeanne W. Ross, MIT CISR
Co-author of Enterprise Architecture as Strategy: Creating a Foundation for Business Execution,
Harvard Business Press, 2006.

Typical EA maturity stages

A line chart that moves through multiple stages titled 'Enterprise Architecture Maturity Stages (MIT CISR)' The five stages of the chart, starting on the left, are 'Business Silos', 'Standardized Technology', 'Optimized Core', 'Business Componentization', and 'Digital Ecosystem'. 'The trick to getting value from enterprise architecture is to commit to the long haul.' The line begins at the bottom left of the chart and gradually creates a stretched S shape to the top right. Points along the line, respective to the aforementioned stages, are 'Locally Optimal Business Solutions', 'Technology Infrastructure Platform', 'Digitized Process Platform', 'Repository of Reusable Business Components', 'Components Connecting with Partners' Components', and at the end of the line, outside of the chart is 'Strategic Business Value from Technology'. Percentages along the bottom, respective to the aforementioned stages, read 20%, 36%, 45%, 7%, 2%. Percentages are rough approximations based on findings reported in Mocker, M., Ross, J.W., Beath, C.M., 'How Companies Use Digital Technologies to Enhance Customer Offerings--Summary of Survey Findings,' MIT CISR Working Paper No. 434, Feb. 2019. Copyright MIT, 2019.

Enterprise Architecture maturity

A maturity ladder visualization for 'Enterprise Architecture' with five color-coded levels. From the bottom up, the colors and designations are Red: 'Unstable', Orange: 'Firefighter', Yellow: 'Trusted Operator', Blue: 'Business Partner', and Green: 'Innovator'. Beside the visualization at the bottom it says 'EA is here', then an arrow in the direction of the top where it says 'EA needs to be here'.
  • Innovator – Transforms the Business
    Reliable Technology Innovation
  • Business Partner – Expands the Business
    Effective Use of Enterprise Architecture in all Business Projects, Enterprise Architecture Is Strategically Engaged
  • Trusted Operator – Optimizes the Business
    Enterprise Architecture Provides Business, Data, Application & Technology Architectures for All IT Projects
  • Firefighter – Supports the Business
    Reliable Architecture for Some Practices/Projects
  • Unstable – Struggles to Support
    Inability to Provide Reliable Architectures

Info-Tech Insight

There is no “absolute maturity” for organizations of all sizes, maturities, and cultural contexts. The maturity of enterprise architecture can only be measured against the business goals of the organization.

Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

DIY Toolkit

Guided Implementation



"Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful." "Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track." "We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place." "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project."

Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options

Workshop Overview

Contact your account representative for more information.

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5
Identify organizational needs and landscape

1.0 Interview stakeholders to identify business and technology needs

1.1 Review organization perspective, including business needs, challenges, and strategic directions

1.2 Conduct PESTLE analysis to identify business and technology trends

1.3 Conduct SWOT analysis to identify business and technology internal perspective

Create the EA value proposition

2.1 Identify and prioritize EA stakeholders

2.2 Create business and technology drivers from needs

2.3 Define the EA value proposition

2.4 Identify EA maturity and target

Define the EA fundamentals

3.1 Define the EA goals and objectives

3.2 Determine EA scope

3.3 Create a set of EA principles

3.4. Define the need of a methodology/agility

3.5 Create the EA vision and mission statement

Identify the EA framework and communicate the EA strategy

4.1 Define initial EA operating model and governance mechanism

4.2 Define the activities and services the EA function will provide, derived from business goals

4.3 Determine effectiveness measures

4.4 Create EA roadmap and next steps

4.5 Build communication plan for stakeholders

Next Steps and Wrap-Up (offsite)

5.1 Generate workshop report

5.2 Set up review time for workshop report and to discuss next steps

  1. Stakeholder insights
  2. Organizational needs, challenges, and direction summary
  3. PESTLE & SWOT analysis
  1. Stakeholder power map
  2. List of business and technology drivers with associated pains
  3. Set of EA contributions articulating the promises of value in the EA value proposition
  4. EA maturity assessment
  1. EA scope
  2. List of EA principles
  3. EA vision statement
  4. EA mission statement
  5. Statement about role of enterprise architect relative to agility
  1. EA capabilities mapped to business goals of the organization
  2. List of EA activities and services the EA function is committed to providing
  3. KPI definitions
  4. EA roadmap
  5. EA communication plan
  1. Completed workshop report on EA strategy with roadmap, recommendations, and outcomes from workshop

Guided Implementation

A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

A typical GI is 8 to 12 calls over the course of 4 to 6 months.

While variations depend on the maturity of the organization as well as its aspirations, these are some typical steps:

    Phase 1

  • Call #1: Explore the role of EA in your organization.
  • Phase 2

  • Call #2: Identify and prioritize stakeholders.
  • Call #3: Use a PESTLE analysis to identify business and technology needs.
  • Call #4: Prepare for stakeholder interviews.
  • Call #5: Discuss your EA value proposition.
  • Phase 3

  • Call #5: Understand the importance of EA fundamentals.
  • Call #6: Define the relevant EA services and their contributions to the organization.
  • Call #7: Measure EA effectiveness.
  • Phase 4

  • Call #8: Build your EA roadmap and communication plan.
  • Call #9: Discuss the EA role relative to agility.
  • Call #10: Summarize results and plan next steps.

Design an Enterprise Architecture Strategy

Phase 1

Explore the Role of Enterprise Architecture

Phase 1

  • 1.1 Explore a general EA strategy approach
  • 1.2 Introduce Agile EA architecture

Phase 2

  • 2.1 Define the business and technology drivers
  • 2.2 Define your value proposition

Phase 3

  • 3.1 Realize the importance of EA fundamentals
  • 3.2 Finalize the EA fundamentals

Phase 4

  • 4.1 Select relevant EA services
  • 4.2 Finalize the set of services and secure approval

This phase will walk you through the following activities:

Define the role of the group and different roles inside the enterprise architecture competency.

This phase involves the following participants:

  • CIO
  • IT Leaders
  • Business Leaders

Enterprise architecture optimizes the outcomes of the entire organization

Corporate Strategy –› Enterprise Architecture Strategy

Info-Tech Insight

Enterprise architecture needs to have input from the corporate strategy of the organization. Similarly, EA governance needs to be informed by corporate governance. If this is not the case, it is like planning and governing with your eyes closed.

Existing EA functions vary in the value they achieve due to their level of maturity

EA Functions
  • EA function is operationalized and operates as an effective core function.
  • Effectively aligns the business and IT through governance, communication, and engagement.
–––› Common EA value
Decreased cost Reduced risk
  • Emerging but limited ad hoc EA function.
  • Limited by lack of alignment to the business and IT.
–x–› Cut through complexity Increased agility
(Source: Booz & Co., 2009)

Benefits of enterprise architecture

  1. Focuses on business outcomes (business centricity)
  2. Provides traceability of architectural decisions to/from business goals
  3. Provides ways to measure results
  4. Provides consistency across different lines of business: establishes a common vocabulary, reducing inconsistencies
  5. Reduces duplications, creating additional efficiencies at the enterprise level
  6. Presents an actionable migration to the strategy/vision, through short-term milestones/steps

Benefits of enterprise architecture continued

  1. Done right, increases agility
  2. Done right, reduces costs
  3. Done right, mitigates risks
  4. Done right, stimulates innovation
  5. Done right, helps achieve the stated business goals (e.g. customer satisfaction) and improves the enterprise agility.
  6. Done right, enhances competitive advantage of the enterprise

Qualities of a well-established and practical enterprise architecture

  1. Objective
  2. Impartial
  3. Credible
  4. Practical
  5. Measurable
  6. (Source: University of Toronto, 2021)

Role of the enterprise architecture

  • Primarily to set up guardrails for the enterprise, so Agile teams work independently in a safe, ready-to-integrate environment
  • Establish strategy
  • Establish priorities
  • Continuously innovate
  • Establish enterprise standards and enterprise guardrails to guide Solution/Domain/Portfolio Architectures
  • Align with and be informed by the organization’s direction

Members of the Architecture Board:

  • Chief (Business) Strategist
  • Lead Enterprise Architect
  • Business SME from each major domain
  • IT SME from each major domain
  • Operational & Infrastructure SME
  • Security & Risk Officer
  • Process Management
  • Other relevant stakeholders

For enterprise architecture to contribute, EA must address the organizational vision and goals

External Factors –› Layers of a Business Model
–› Architecture Supported Transformation
Industry Changes Business Strategy
Competition Value Streams
(Business Outcomes)
Regulatory Impacts Business Capability Maps
  • Security
Workforce Impacts Execution
  • Policies
  • Processes
  • People
  • Information
  • Applications
  • Technology

Info-Tech Insight

External forces can affect the organization as a whole; they need to be included as part of the holistic approach for enterprise architecture.

How does EA provide value?

Business and Technology Drivers – A set of statements created from business and technology needs. Gathered from information sources, it communicates improvements needed.

  • Vision, Aspirations, Long-Term Goals – Vision, aspirations, long term goals

    • EA Contributions – EA contributions that will alleviate obstructions. Removing the obstructions will allow EA to help satisfy business and technology needs.

      • Promise of Value – A statement that depicts a concrete benefit that the EA practice can provide for the organization in response to business and technology drivers.

Info-Tech Insight

Enterprise architecture needs to create and be part of a culture where decisions are made through collaboration while focusing on enterprise-wide efficiencies (e.g. reduced duplication, reusability, enterprise-wide cost minimization, overall security, comprehensive risk mitigation, and any other cross-cutting concerns) to optimize corporate business goals.

The EA function scope is influenced by the EA value proposition and previously developed EA fundamentals

Establish the EA function scope by using the EA value proposition and EA fundamentals that have already been developed. After defining the EA function scope, refer back to these statements to ensure it accurately reflects the EA value proposition and EA fundamentals.

EA value proposition


EA vision statement
EA mission statement
EA goals and objectives


Organizational coverage

Architectural domains


Time horizon

EA function scope

EA team characteristics

Create the optimal EA strategy by including personnel who understand a broad set of topics in the organization

The team assembled to create the EA strategy will be defined as the “EA strategy creation team” in this blueprint.

  • Someone who has been in the organization for a long time and has built strong relationships with key stakeholders. This individual can exert influence and become the EA strategy sponsor.
  • An individual who understands how the different technology components in the organization support its business operations.
  • Someone in the organization who can communicate IT concepts to business managers in a language the business understands.
  • An individual with a strategy background or perspective on the organization. This individual will understand where the organization is headed.
  • Any individuals who feel an acute pain as a result of poorly made investment decisions. They can be champions of EA strategy in their respective functions.

EA skills and competencies

Apart from business know-how, the EA team should have the following skills

  • Architectural thinking
  • Analytical
  • Trusted, credible
  • Can handle complexity
  • Can change perspectives
  • Can learn fast (business and technology)
  • Independent and steadfast
  • Not afraid to go against the stream
  • Able to understand problems of others with empathy
  • Able to estimate scaling on design decisions such as model patterns
  • Intrinsic capability to identify where relevant details are
  • Able to identify root causes quickly
  • Able to communicate complex issues clearly
  • Able to negotiate and come up with acceptable solutions
  • Can model well
  • Able to change perspectives (from business to implementation and operational perspectives).

Use of enterprise architecture methodologies

Balance EA methodologies with Agile approaches

Using an enterprise architecture methodology is a good starting point to achieving a common understanding of what that is. Often, organizations agree to "tailor" methodologies to their needs.

The use of lean/Agile approaches will increase efficiency beyond traditional methodologies.

Use of EA methodologies vs. Agile methods

When to use what?

  • Use an existing methodology to structure your thinking and establish a common vocabulary to communicate basic concepts, processes, and approaches.
  • Customize the methodology to your needs; make it as lean as possible.
  • Execute in an Agile way, but keep in mind the thoughtful checks recommended by your end-to-end methodology.
  • Clarify goals.
  • Have good measures and metrics in place.
  • Continuously monitor progress, fit for purpose, etc.
  • Highlight risks, roadblocks, etc.
  • Get support.
  • Communicate vision, goals, key decisions, etc.
  • Iterate.

Business strategy first, EA strategy second, and EA operating model third

Corporate Strategy
“Why does our enterprise exist in the market?”
EA Strategy
“What does EA need to be and do to support the enterprise’s ability to meet its goals? What is EA’s value proposition?”
Business & IT Operating Culture
“How does the organization’s culture and structure influence the EA operating model?”
EA Operating Model
How does EA need to operate on a daily basis to deliver the value proposition?”

High-level perspective

Creating an effective practice involves many moving parts.

A visual of the many moving parts in an effective practice; there are 6 smaller circles in a large circle, an input arrow labelled 'Environment', an output arrow labelled 'Results', and a thin arrow connecting 'Results' back to 'Environment'. Of the circles, 'Leadership' is in the center, connected to each of the others, while 'Culture', 'Strategy', 'Core Processes', 'Structure', and 'Systems' create a cycle. (Source: The Center for Organizational Design)

  • Environment. Influences that are external to the organization, such as customer perceptions, changing needs, and changes in technology, and the organization’s ability to adjust to them.
  • Strategy. The business strategy defines how the organization adds value and acts as the rudder to direct the organization. Organizational strategy defines the character of the organization, what it wants to be, its values, its vision, its mission, etc.
  • Core Process. The flow of work through the organization.
  • Structure. How people are organized around business processes. Includes reporting structures, boundaries, roles, and responsibilities. The structure should assist the organization with achieving its goals rather than hinder its performance.
  • Systems. Interrelated sets of tasks or activities that help organize and coordinate work.
  • Culture. The personality of the organization: its leadership style, attitudes, habits, and management practices. Culture measures how well philosophy is translated into practice.
  • Results. Measurement of how well the organization achieved its goals.
  • Leadership. Brings the organization together by providing vision and strategy; designing, monitoring, and nurturing the culture; and fostering agility.

The answer to the strategic planning entity dilemma is enterprise architecture

Enterprise architecture is a discipline that defines the structure and operation of an organization. The intent of enterprise architecture is to determine how an organization can most effectively achieve its current and future objectives.

Vision, goals, and aspirations as well internal and external pressures

Business current state

  • Existing capability
  • Existing capability
  • Existing capability
  • Existing capability
  • Existing capability
Enterprise Architecture

IT current state

  • IT asset management
  • Database services
  • Application development

Business target state

  • Existing capability
  • Existing capability
  • Existing capability
  • Existing capability
  • Existing capability
  • New capability

IT target state

  • IT asset management
  • Database services
  • Application development
  • Business analytics
Complex, overlapping, contradictory world of humans vs. logical binary world of IT
EA is a planning tool to help achieve the corporate business goals

EA spans across all the domains of architecture

Business architecture is the cornerstone that sets the foundation for all other architectural domains: security, data, application, and technology.

A flow-like diagram titled 'Enterprise Architecture' beginning with 'Digital Architecture' and 'Business Architecture', which feeds into 'Security Architecture', which feeds into both 'Data Architecture' and 'Application Architecture', which both feed into 'Technology Architecture: Infrastructure'.

“An enterprise architecture practice is both difficult and costly to set up. It is normally built around a process of peer review and involves the time and talent of the strategic technical leadership of an enterprise.” (The Open Group Architecture Framework, 2018)

Enterprise architecture deployment continuum

A diagram visualizing the Enterprise architecture deployment continuum with two continuums, 'Level of Embedding' and 'EA Value', assigning terms to EA deployments based on where they fall. On the left is an 'Ivory Tower' configuration: EA' is separated from the 'BU's but is still controlling them. Level of Embedding: 'Centralized', EA Value: 'Dictatorship'. In the center is a 'Balanced' configuration: 'EA' is spread across and connected to each 'BU'. Level of Embedding: 'Federated', EA Value: 'Democracy'. On the right is a 'Siloed' configuration: Each 'BU' has its own separate 'EA'. Level of Embedding: 'Decentralized', EA Value: 'Abdication of enterprise role'.

Info-Tech Insight

The primary question during the design of the EA operating model is how to integrate the EA function with the rest of the business.

If the EA practice functions on its own, you end up with ivory tower syndrome and a dictatorship.

If you totally embed the EA function within business units it will become siloed with no enterprise value.

Organizations need to balance consistency at the enterprise level with creativity from the grass roots.

Enterprise vs. Program/Portfolio/Domain

Enterprise vs. Program/Portfolio/Domain. Image depicts where Enterprise Scope overlaps Program/Portfolio Scope. Enterprise Scope includes Business Architecture. Program/Portfolio Scope includes Business Requirements, Business Process, and Solutions Architecture. Overlap between scope includes Technology Architecture, Data Architecture, and Applications Architecture.

Info-Tech Insight

Decisions at the enterprise level apply across multiple programs/portfolios/solutions and represent the guardrails set for all to play within.

Decide on the degree of centralization

Larger organizations with multiple domains/divisions or business units will need to decide which architecture functions will be centralized and which, if any, will be decentralized as they plan to scope their EA program. What are the core functions to be centralized for the EA to deliver the greatest benefits?

Typically, we see a need to have a centralized repository of reusable assets and standards across the organization, while other approaches/standards can operate locally.


  • Allows for more strategic planning
  • Visibility into standards and assets across the organization promotes rationalization and cost savings
  • Ensures enterprise-wide assets are used
  • More strategic sourcing of vendors and resellers
  • Can centrally negotiate pricing for better deals
  • Easier to manage risk and prepare for audits
  • Greater coordination of resources
  • Derives benefits from enterprise decisions, e.g. integration…


  • May allow for more innovation
  • May be easier to demonstrate local compliance if the organization is geographically decentralized
  • May be easier to procure software if offices are in different countries
  • Deployment and installation of software on user devices may be easier

EA strategy

What is the role of enterprise architecture vis-à-vis business goals?

  • What needs to be done?
  • Who needs to be involved?
  • When?
  • Where?
  • Why?
  • How?

Top-down approach starting from the goals of the organization

    What the Business Sees...
  • Business Goals
    • Value Streams
        What the CxO Sees...
      • Capabilities
          What the App Managers See...
        • Processes
          • Applications
              What the Program Managers See...
            • Programs/Projects

Info-Tech Insight

Being able to answer the deceptively simple question “How am I doing?” requires traceability to and from the business goals to be achieved all the way to applications, to infrastructure, and ultimately, to the funded initiatives (portfolios, programs, projects, etc.).

Measure EA strategy effectiveness by tracking the benefits it provides to the corporate business goals

The success of the EA function spans across three main dimensions:

  1. The delivery of EA-enabled business outcomes that are most important to the enterprise.
  2. The alignment between the business and the technology from a planning perspective.
  3. Improvements in the corporate business goals due to EA contributions (standardization, rationalization, reuse, etc.).

Corporate Business Goals

  • Reduction in operating costs
  • Decreased regulatory compliance infractions
  • Increased revenue from existing channels
  • Increased revenue from new channels
  • Faster time to business value
  • Improved business agility
  • Reduction in enterprise risk exposure

EA Contributions

  • Alignment of IT investments to business strategy
  • Achievement of business results directly linked to IT involvement
  • Application and platform rationalization
  • Standards in place
  • Flexible architecture
  • Better integration
  • Higher organizational satisfaction with technology-enabled services and solutions


  • Cost reductions based on application and platform rationalization
  • Time and cost reductions due to standardization
  • Time reduction for integration
  • Service reused
  • Stakeholder satisfaction with EA services
  • Increase in customer satisfaction
  • Rework minimized
  • Lower cost of integration
  • Risk reduction
  • Faster time to market
  • Better scalability, etc.

Info-Tech Insight

Organizations must create clear and smart KPIs (key performance indicators) across the board.

From corporate strategy to enterprise architecture

A model connecting 'Enterprise Architecture' with 'Corporate Strategy' through 'EA Services' and 'EA Strategy'.

Info-Tech Insight

In the absence of a corporate strategy, enterprise architecture is missing its North Star.

However, enterprise architects can partner with the business strategists to build the needed vision.

Traceability to and from business corporate business goals to EA contributions (sample)

A model connecting 'Enterprise Architecture' with 'Corporate Goals' through 'EA Contributions'.

Enterprise architecture journey

The enterprise architecture journey, from left to right: 'Business Goals' and 'EA Maturity Assessment', 'EA Strategy', 'Industry-Specific Capability Model' and 'Customized to the Organization's Needs', 'EA Operating Model' and 'EA Governance', 'Business Architecture' and 'EA Tooling', 'Data Architecture' and 'Application Architecture', 'Infrastructure Architecture'.

Agile architecture principles

Agile architecture principles:
  • Fast learning cycle
  • Explore alternatives
  • Create environment for decentralized ideation and innovation

According to the Scaled Agile Framework, three of the most applicable principles for the architectural professions refer to the following:

  1. "Fast learning cycle" refers to learning cycles that allow for quick reiterations as well as the opportunity to fail fast to learn fast.
  2. "Explore alternatives" refers to the exploration phase and also to the need to make tough decisions and balance competing demands.
  3. "Create environment for decentralized ideation and innovation" ensures that no one has a monopoly on innovation. Moreover, EA needs to invite ideas from various stakeholders (from the business to operations as well as implementers, etc.).

Architecture roles in lean enterprises

Typical architecture roles in modern/Agile lean enterprises

  • System Architect
  • Solution Architect
  • Enterprise Architect

Depth vs. strategy focus

Typical architect roles

A graph with different architect roles mapped onto it. Axes are 'Low Strategic Impact' to 'High Strategic Impact' and 'Breadth' to 'Depth'. 'Enterprise Architect' has the highest strategic impact and most breadth. 'Technical/System Architect' has the lowest strategic impact and most depth. 'Solution Architect' sits in the middle of both axes.

Architecture roles continued

The three architect roles from above and their impacts on the list of 'Common Domains' to the right. 'Enterprise Architect's impact is 'Across Value Streams', 'Solution Architect's impact is 'Across Systems', 'Technical/System Architect's impact is 'Single System'. Adapted from Scaled Agile.

Common Domains

Business Architecture

Information Architecture

Application Architecture

Technical Architecture

Integration Architecture

Security Architecture


Info-Tech Insight

All architects are boots on the ground and play in the solutioning space. What differs is their decisions’ impact (the enterprise architect’s decisions affects all domains and solutions).

SAFe definitions of the Enterprise/Solution and System Architect roles can be found here.

The role of the Enterprise Architect is detailed here.

Collaboration models across the enterprise

A collaboration model with 'Enterprise Architecture' at the top consisting of a 'Chief Enterprise Architect', 'Enterprise Architects', and 'EA Concerns across solutions': 'Architect A', 'Architect B', and 'Architect C'. Each lettered Architect is connected to their respective 'Solution Architect (A-C)' which runs their respective 'Delivery Team (A-C)' with 'Other Team Members'.(Adapted from Disciplined Agile)

There are both formal and informal collaborations between enterprise architects and solution architects across the enterprise.

Info-Tech Insight

Enterprise architects should collaborate with solutions architects to create the best solutions at the enterprise level and to provide guidance across the board.

Architect roles in SAFe

According to Scale Agile Framework 5 for Lean Enterprises:

  • The system architect participates in the Essential SAFe
  • Solution architects and system architects participate in Large Solution
  • The enterprise architect participates in the Portfolio SAFe
  • Enterprise, solution, and system architects are all involved in Full SAFe

Please check the SAFe Scaled Agile site for detailed information on the approach.

Architect roles and their participation in Agile events (see likely events and a typical calendar)

Info-Tech Insight

A clear commitment for architects to achieve and support agility is needed. Architects should not be in an ivory tower; they should be hands on and engaged in all relevant Agile ceremonies, like the pre- and post-program increment (PI) planning, etc.

Architect syncs are also required to ensure the needed collaboration.

Architect participation in Agile ceremonies, according to SAFe:

Architecture runway (at scale)

Info-Tech Insight

Architecting for scale, modularity, and extensibility is key for the architecture to adapt to changing conditions and evolve.

Proactively address NFRs; architect for performance and security.

Continuously refine the solution intent.

For large solutions, longer foundational architectural runways are needed.

Having an intentional continuous improvement/continuous development (CI/CD) pipeline to continuously release, test, and monitor is key to evolving large and complex systems.

Parallel continuous exploration/integration/deployment

A cycle titled DevOps containing three smaller cycles labelled 'Continuous Explorations', 'Continuous Integration', and 'Continuous Deployment'.

Info-Tech Insight

Architects need to help make some fundamental decisions, e.g. help define the environment that best supports continuous innovation or exploration and continuous integration, deployment, and delivery.

Typical strategic enterprise architecture involvement

Enterprise Architect —DRIVES–› Enterprise Architecture Strategy

Enterprise Architecture Strategy
  • Application Strategy
  • Business Strategy
  • Data Strategy
  • Implementation Strategy
  • Infrastructure Strategy
  • Inter-domain Collaboration
  • Integration Strategy
  • Operations Strategy
  • Security Strategy
  • (Adapted from Scaled Agile)

The EA statement relative to agility

The enterprise architecture statement relative to agility specifies the architects’ responsibilities as well as the Agile protocols they will participate in. This statement will guide every architect’s participation in planning meetings, pre- and post-PI, various syncs, etc. Use simple and concise terminology; speak loudly and clearly.

Strong EA statement relative to agility has the following characteristics:

  • Describes what different architect roles do to achieve the vision of the organization
  • In an agile way
  • Compelling
  • Easy to grasp
  • Sharply focused
  • Specific
  • Concise

Sample EA statement relative to agility

  • Create strategies that provide guardrails for the organization, provide standards, reusable assets, accelerators, and other decisions at the enterprise level that support agility.
  • Participate in pre-PI and post-PI planning activities, architect syncs, etc.

A clear statement can include additional details surrounding the enterprise architect’s role relative to agility

Below is a sample of connecting keywords to form an enterprise architect role statement, relative to agility.

Optimize, transform, and innovate by defining and implementing the [Company]’s target enterprise architecture in an agile way.

Optimize – We collaborate with the business to analyze and optimize business capabilities and business processes to enable the agile and efficient attainment of [Company name] business objectives.

Transform – We support IT-enabled business transformation programs by building and maintaining a shared vision of the future-state enterprise and consistently communicating it to stakeholders.

Innovate – We identify and develop new and creative opportunities for IT to enable the business. We communicate the art of the possible to the business.

Defining and implementing – We engage with project teams early and guide solution design and selection to ensure alignment to the target-state enterprise architecture and provide guidance and accelerators.

Target enterprise structure in an agile way – We analyze business needs and priorities and assess the current state of the enterprise. We build and maintain the target enterprise architecture blueprints that define:

  • Business capabilities and processes (business architecture)
  • Data, application, and technology assets that enable business capabilities and processes (technology architecture)
  • Architecture principles
  • Standards and reusable assets
  • Continuous exploration, integration, and deployment

Traditional vs. Agile approaches

Traditional Enterprise Architecture Next-Generation Enterprise Architecture
Scope: Technology focused Business transformation (scope includes both business and technology)
Bottom up Top down
Inside out Outside In
Point to point; difficult to change Expandable, extensible, evolvable
Control-based: Governance intensive; often over-centralized Guidance-based: Collaboration and partnership-driven based on accepted guardrails
Big up-front planning Incremental/dynamic planning; frequent changes
Functional siloes and isolated projects, programs, and portfolios Enterprise-driven outcome optimization (across value streams)

Info-Tech Insight

The role of the architecture in Lean (Agile) approaches is to set up the needed guardrails and ensure a safe environment where everyone can be effective and creative.

Design an Enterprise Architecture Strategy

Phase 2

Create the EA Value Proposition

Phase 1

  • 1.1 Explore a general EA strategy approach
  • 1.2 Introduce Agile EA architecture

Phase 2

  • 2.1 Define the business and technology drivers
  • 2.2 Define your value proposition

Phase 3

  • 3.1 Realize the importance of EA fundamentals
  • 3.2 Finalize the EA fundamentals

Phase 4

  • 4.1 Select relevant EA services
  • 4.2 Finalize the set of services and secure approval

This phase will walk you through the following activities:

  • Identify and prioritize EA stakeholders.
  • Create business and technology drivers from stakeholder information.
  • Identify business pains and technology drivers.
  • Define EA contributions to alleviate the pains.
  • Create promises of value to fully articulate the value proposition.

This phase involves the following participants:

  • CIO
  • IT Leaders
  • Business Leaders

Step 2.1

Define the Business and Technology Drivers

  • 2.1.1 Use a stakeholder power map to identify and prioritize EA stakeholders
  • 2.1.2 Conduct a PESTLE analysis
  • 2.1.3 Review strategic planning documents
  • 2.1.4 Conduct EA stakeholder interviews

This step will walk you through the following activities:

  • Learn the five-step process to create an EA value proposition.
  • Uncover business and technology needs from stakeholders.

This step involves the following participants:

  • CIO
  • IT Leaders
  • Business Leaders

Outcomes of this step

An understanding of your organization’s EA needs.

Create the Value Proposition

Step 2.1 Step 2.2

Value proposition is an important step in the creation of the EA strategy

Creating an EA value proposition should be the first step to realizing a healthy EA function. The EA value proposition demonstrates to organizational stakeholders the importance of EA in helping to realize their needs.

Five steps towards the successful articulation of EA value proposition:

  1. Identify and prioritize stakeholders. The EA function must know to whom to communicate the value proposition.
  2. Construct business and technology drivers. Drivers are derived from the needs of the business and IT. Needs come from the analysis of external factors, strategic documents, and interviewing stakeholders. Helping stakeholders and the organization realize their needs demonstrates the value of EA.
  3. Discover pains that prevent driver realization. There are always challenges that obstruct drivers of the organization. Find out what they are to get closer to showing the value of EA.
  4. Brainstorm EA contributions. Pains that obstruct drivers have now been identified. To demonstrate EA’s value, think about how EA can help to alleviate those pains. Create statements that show how EA’s contribution will be able to overcome the pain to show the value of EA.
  5. Derive promises of value. Complete the articulation of value for the EA value proposition by stating how realizing the business or technology will provide in terms of value for the organization. Speak with the stakeholders to discover the value that can be achieved.

Info-Tech Insight

EA can deliver many benefits to an organization. To increase the likelihood of success, each EA group needs to commit to delivering value to their organization based on the current operating environment and the desired direction of the enterprise. An EA value proposition will articulate the group’s promises of value to the enterprise.

The foundation of an optimal EA value proposition is laid by defining the right stakeholders

All stakeholders need to know how the EA function can help them. Provide the stakeholders with an understanding of the EA strategy’s impact on the business by involving them.

A stakeholder map can be a powerful tool to help identify and prioritize stakeholders. A stakeholder map is a visual sketch of how various stakeholders interact with your organization, with each other, and with external audience segments.

An example stakeholder map with the 'Key players' quadrant highlighted, it includes 'CEO', 'CIO', and the modified position of 'CFO' after being engaged.

“Stakeholder management is critical to the success of every project in every organization I have ever worked with. By engaging the right people in the right way in your project, you can make a big difference to its success…and to your career.” (Rachel Thompson, MindTools)

2.1.1 Use a stakeholder power map to identify and prioritize EA stakeholders

2 hours

Input: Expertise from the EA strategy creation team

Output: An identified and prioritized set of stakeholders for the EA function to target

Materials: Note-taking materials, Whiteboard or flip chart, markers

Participants: EA strategy creation team

  1. A stakeholder power map helps to visualize the importance of various stakeholders and their concerns so you can prioritize your time according to the most powerful and most impacted stakeholders.
  2. Evaluate each stakeholder in terms of power, Involvement, impact, and support.
    • Power: How much influence does the stakeholder have? Enough to drive the project forward or into the ground?
    • Involvement: How interested is the stakeholder? How involved is the stakeholder in the project already?
    • Impact: To what degree will the stakeholder be impacted? Will this significantly change how they do their job?
    • Support: Is the stakeholder a supporter of the project? Neutral? A resistor?
  3. Map each stakeholder to an area on the Power Map Template.
  4. Ask yourself if the power map looks accurate. Is there someone who has no involvement in EA strategy development but should?
  5. Some stakeholders may have influence over others. For example, a COO who highly values the opinion of the Director of Operations would be influenced by that director. Draw an arrow from one stakeholder to another to signify this relationship.

Download the Stakeholder Power Map Template for more detailed instructions on completing this activity.

Each stakeholder will have a set of needs that will influence the final EA value proposition

All stakeholders will have a set of needs they would like to address. Take those needs and translate them into business and technology drivers. Drivers help clearly articulate to stakeholders, and the EA function, the stakeholder needs to be addressed.

Business Driver

Business drivers are internal or external business conditions, changing business capabilities, and changing market trends that impact the way EA operates and provides value to the enterprise.


Ensure corporate compliance with legislation pertaining to data and security (e.g. regulated oil fields).

Enable the automation and digitization of internal processes and services to business stakeholders.

Technology Driver

Technology drivers are internal or external technology conditions or factors that are not within the control of the EA group that impact the way that the EA group operates and provides value to the enterprise.


Establish standards and policies for enabling the organization to take advantage of cloud and mobile technologies.

Reduce the frequency of shadow IT by lowering the propensity to make business–technology decisions in isolation.

(Source: The Strategic CFO, 2013)

Gather information from stakeholders to begin the process of distilling business and technology drivers

Review information sources, then analyze them to derive business and technology drivers. Information sources are not targeted towards EA stakeholders. Analyze the information sources to create drivers that are relevant to EA stakeholders.

Information Sources Drivers (Examples)

PESTLE Analysis

Strategy Documents

Stakeholder Interviews

SWOT Analysis




Help the organization align technology investments with corporate strategy

Ensure corporate compliance with legislation.

Increase the organization’s speed to market.

Business and Technology Needs

By examining information sources, the EA team will come across a set of business and technology needs. Through analysis, these needs can be synthesized into drivers.

The PESTLE analysis will help you uncover external factors impacting the organization

PESTLE examines six perspectives for external factors that may impact business and technology needs. Below are prompting questions to facilitate a PESTLE analysis working session.

  • Will a change in government (at any level) affect your organization?
  • Do inter-government or trade relations affect you?
  • Are there shareholder needs or demands that must be considered?
  • How are your costs changing (moving off-shore, fluctuations in markets, etc.)?
  • Do currency fluctuations have an effect on your business?
  • Can you attract and pay for top-quality talent (e.g. desirable location, reasonable cost of living, changes to insurance requirements)?
  • What are the demographics of your customers and/or employees?
  • What are the attitudes of your customers and/or staff (e.g. do they require social media, collaboration, transparency of costs)?
  • What is the general lifecycle of an employee (i.e. is there high turnover)?
  • Is there a market of qualified staff?
  • Is your business seasonal?
  • Do you require constant technology upgrades (e.g. faster network, new hardware)?
  • What is the appetite for innovation within your industry/business?
  • Are there demands for increasing data storage, quality, BI, etc.?
  • Are you looking to cloud technologies?
  • What is the stance on bring your own device?
  • Are you required to do a significant amount of development work in-house?
  • Are there changes to trade laws?
  • Are there changes to regulatory requirements (i.e. data storage policies, privacy policies)?
  • Are there union factors that must be considered?
  • Is there a push towards being environmentally friendly?
  • Does the weather have any effect on your business (hurricanes, flooding, etc.)?

2.1.2 Conduct a PESTLE analysis

2 hours

Input: Expertise from EA strategy creation team

Output: Identified set of business and technology needs from PESTLE

Materials: Note-taking materials, Whiteboard or flip chart, markers

Participants: EA strategy creation team

  1. Begin conducting the PESTLE analysis by breaking the participants into groups. Divide the six different perspectives amongst the groups.
  2. Ask each group to begin to derive business and technology needs from their assigned perspectives. Use some of the areas noted below along with the questions on the previous slide to derive business and technology needs.
    • Political: Examine taxes, environmental regulations, and zoning restrictions.
    • Economic: Examine interest rates, inflation rate, exchange rates, the financial and stock markets, and the job market.
    • Social: Examine gender, race, age, income, disabilities, educational attainment, employment status, and religion.
    • Technological: Examine servers, computers, networks, software, database technologies, wireless capabilities, and availability of Software as a Service.
    • Legal: Examine trade laws, labor laws, environmental laws, and privacy laws.
    • Environmental: Examine green initiatives, ethical issues, weather patterns, and pollution.
  3. Ask each group to take into account the following questions when deriving business and technology needs:
    • Will business components require any changes to address the factor?
    • Will information technology components changes be needed to address any factor?
  4. Have each team record its findings. Have each team present its list and have remaining teams give feedback and additional suggestions. Record any changes in this step.

Download the PESTLE Analysis Template to assist with completing this activity.

Strategic planning documents can provide information regarding the direction of the organization

Some organizations (and business units) create an authoritative strategy document. These documents contain corporate aspirations and outline initiatives, reorganizations, and shifts in strategy. From these documents, a set of business and technology needs can be generated.

Overt Statements

  • Corporate objectives and initiatives are often explicitly stated in these documents. Look for statements that begin with phrases such as “Our corporate objectives are…”
  • Remember that different organizations use different terminology; if you cannot find the word goal or objective then look for “pillar,” “imperative,” “theme,” etc.

Turn these statements to business and technology needs by:

Asking the following:
  • Is there a need from a business perspective to address these objectives, initiatives, and shifts in strategy?
  • Is there a need from a technology perspective to address these objectives, initiatives, and shifts in strategy?

Covert Statements

  • Some corporate objectives and initiatives will be mentioned in passing and will require clarification. For example: “As we continue to penetrate new markets, we will be diversifying our manufacturing geography to simplify distribution.”

2.1.3 Review strategic planning documents

2 hours

Input: Strategic documents in the organization

Output: Identified set of business and technology needs from documents

Materials: Note-taking materials, Whiteboard or flip chart, markers

Participants: EA strategy creation team

Begin the identification process of business and technology needs from strategic documents with the following steps:

  1. Work with the EA strategy creation team to identify the strategic documents within the organization. Look for documents with any of the following content:
    • Corporate strategy document
    • Business unit strategy documents
    • Annual general reports
  2. Gather the strategic documents into one place and call a meeting with the EA strategy creation team to identify the business and technology needs in those documents.
  3. Pick one document and look through its contents. Look for future-looking words such as:
    • We will be…
    • We are planning to…
    • We will need…
  4. Consider those portions of the document with future-looking words and ask the following:
    • Will business components require any changes to address these objectives?
    • Will information technology components changes be needed to address these objectives?
  5. Record the business and technology needs identified in step 4. As well, record any questions you may have regarding the document contents for stakeholders to validate later.
  6. Move to the next document once complete. Complete steps 3-5 for the remaining strategy documents.

Stakeholder interviews will help you collect primary data and will shed light on stakeholder priorities and challenges

In this interview process, you will be asking EA stakeholders questions that uncover their business and technology needs. You will also be able to ask follow-up questions to get a better understanding of abstract or complex concepts from the strategy document review and PESTLE analysis.

EA Stakeholders:

  • Stakeholders may not think of their business and technology needs. But stakeholders will often explicitly state their objectives and initiatives.
  • Objectives often result in risks, opportunities, and annoyances:
    • Risks: Potential damage associated with pursuing an objective or initiative.
    • Opportunities: Potential gains that could be leveraged when capturing objectives and initiatives.
    • Annoyances: Roadblocks that could hinder the pursuit of objectives and initiatives.
  • Ask stakeholders questions on these areas to discern their business and technology needs.

Risks + Opportunities + Annoyances –› Business and Technology Needs

2.1.4 Conduct EA stakeholder interviews

4-8 hours

Input: Expertise from the EA stakeholders

Output: Business and technology needs for EA stakeholders

Materials: Note-taking materials, Whiteboard or flip chart, markers

Participants: EA strategy creation team, Identified EA stakeholders

  1. Schedule an interview with each of the stakeholders that were identified as key stakeholders in the Stakeholder Power Map.
  2. Meet with the key EA stakeholders and start business and technology needs gathering. Schedule each identified key stakeholder for an interview.
  3. When a stakeholder arrives for their interview, ask the following questions and record the answers to help uncover needs. Be sure to record which stakeholder answered the question. Further, record any future stakeholders that agree.
    • What are the current strengths of your organization?
    • What are the current weaknesses of your organization?
    • What is the number 1 risk you need to prevent?
    • What is the number 1 opportunity you want to capitalize on?
    • What is the number 1 annoying pet peeve you want to remove?
    • How would you prioritize these risks, opportunities, and annoyances?
  4. Recorded answer example: “We can’t see what the other departments are doing; when we spend a lot of money to invest in something, we later find out the capability is already within the company.”
  5. After completing each interview, verify with each stakeholder that you have captured their business and technology needs. Continue the interview process until all identified key stakeholders have been interviewed.
  6. Capture all inputs into a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) format.

Step 2.2

Define Your Value Proposition

  • 2.2.1 Create a set of business and technology drivers from business and technology needs
  • 2.2.2 Identify the pains associated with the business and technology drivers
  • 2.2.3 Identify the EA contributions that can address the pains
  • 2.2.4 Create promises of value to shape the EA value proposition

This step will walk you through the following activities:

  • Use business and technology drivers to determine EA’s role in your organization.

This step involves the following participants:

  • CIO
  • IT Leaders
  • Business Leaders

Outcomes of this step

A value proposition document that ties the value of the EA function to stakeholder needs.

Create the EA Value Proposition

Step 2.1 Step 2.2

Synthesize the collected data into business and technology drivers

Two triangles labelled 'Business needs' and 'Technology needs' point to a cloud labelled 'Analysis', which connects to the driver attributes on the right via a dotted line.

There are several key attributes that a driver should have.

Driver Key Attributes
  • A succinct statement.
  • Begins with “action words” to communicate a call to action (e.g. Support, Help, Enable).
  • Written in a language understood by all parties involved.
  • Communicates a need for improvement or prevention.

“The greatest impact of enterprise architecture is the strategic impact. Put the mission and the needs of the organization first.” (Matthew Kern, Clear Government Solutions)

2.2.1 Create a set of business and technology drivers from business and technology needs

3 hours

Input: Expertise from EA strategy creation team

Output: A set of business and technology drivers

Materials: Note-taking materials, Whiteboard or flip chart, markers

Participants: EA strategy creation team, EA stakeholders

Meet with the EA strategy creation team and follow the steps below to begin the process of synthesizing the business and technology needs into drivers.

  1. Lay out the documented business and technology needs your team gathered from PESTLE analysis, strategy document reviews, and stakeholder interviews.
  2. Assess the documented business and technology needs to see if there are common themes. Consolidate those similar business and technology needs by crafting one driver for them. For example:
    • PESTLE: Influx of competitors in the marketplace causing tighter margins.
    • Document review: Improve investment quality and their value to the organization.
    • Stakeholder interview: “We can’t see what the other departments are doing; when we spend a lot of money to invest in something, we later find out the capability is already within the company.”
    • Consolidated business driver example: Help the organization align investments with the corporate strategy and departmental priorities.
  3. As well, synthesize the business and technology needs that cannot be consolidated.
  4. Verify the completed list of drivers with stakeholders. This is to ensure you have fully captured their needs.

Download the EA Value Proposition Template to record your findings in this activity.

When addressing business and technology drivers, an organization can expect obstacles

A pain is an obstacle that business stakeholders will face when attempting to address business and technology drivers. Identify the pains associated with each driver so that EA’s contributions can be linked to resolving obstacles to address business needs.

Business and Technology Drivers


Created by assessing information sources. A sentence that states the nature of the pain and how the pain stops the organization from addressing the drivers.
  • Business driver: Help the organization align investments with the corporate strategy and departmental priorities.
  • Technology driver: Improve the organization’s technology responsiveness and increase speed to market.
  • Business driver pains: Lack of holistic view of business capabilities obstructs the organization from aligning investments with corporate strategy and departmental priorities.
  • Technology driver pains: Ineffective application development requiring delays decreases the speed to market.

2.2.2 Identify the pains associated with the business and technology drivers

2 hours

Input: Expertise from EA strategy creation team and EA stakeholders

Output: An associated pain that obstructs each identified driver

Materials: Note-taking materials, Whiteboard or flip chart, markers

Participants: EA strategy creation team, EA stakeholders

Call a meeting with the EA strategy creation team and any available stakeholders to identify the pains that obstruct addressing the business and technology drivers.

Take each driver and ask the questions below to the EA strategy creation team and to any EA stakeholders who are available. Record the answers to identify the pains when realizing the drivers.

  1. What are your challenges in performing the activity or process today?
  2. What other business activities/processes will be impacted/improved if we solve this?
  3. What compliance/regulatory/policy concerns do we need to consider in any solution?
  4. What are the steps in the process/activity?

Take the recorded answers and follow the steps below to create the pain statements:

  1. Answers to the questions above can be long, unfocused, or spoken in a casual manner. To turn the answer into pains, refine the recorded answers into a succinct sentence that captures its meaning.
    • Recorded answer example: “I feel like there needs to be a holistic view of the organization. If we had a tool to see all the capabilities across the business, then we can figure out what investments should be prioritized.”
    • Example of pain statement: Lack of holistic view of business capabilities obstructs the organization from aligning investments with corporate strategy and departmental priorities.
  2. When the list of pains has been written out, verify with the stakeholders that you have fully captured their pains.

Download the EA Value Proposition Template to record your findings in this activity.

The identified pains can be alleviated by a set of EA contributions

Set the foundations for the value proposition by brainstorming the EA contributions that can alleviate the pains.

Business and technology drivers produce:


EA contributions produce:

Value by alleviating pains


Obstructions to addressing business and technology drivers. Stakeholders will face these pains.

  • Business driver pains: Lack of holistic view of business capabilities obstructs the organization from aligning investments with corporate strategy and departmental priorities.
EA contributions

Activities the EA function can perform to help alleviate the pains. Demonstrates the contributions the EA function can make to business value.

  • Business driver EA contributions: Business capability mapping shows the business capabilities of the organization and the technology that supports those capabilities in the current and target state. This provides a view for the set of investments that are needed by the organization, which can then be prioritized.

Enterprise architecture functions can provide a diverse set of contributions to any organization – Sample

EA contribution category EA contribution details
Define business capabilities and processes As-is and target business capabilities and processes are documented and understood by both IT and the business.
Design information flows and services Information flows and services effectively support business capabilities and processes.
Analyze gaps and identify project opportunities Create informed project identification, scope definition, and project portfolio management.
Optimize technology assets Greater homogeneity and interoperability between tangible and intangible technology assets.
Create and maintain technology standards Decrease development, integration, and support efforts. Reduce complexity and improve interoperability.
Rationalize technology assets Tangible and intangible technology assets are rationalized to adequately and efficiently support information flows and services.

2.2.3 Identify the EA contributions that can address the pains

2 hours

Input: Expertise from EA strategy creation team

Output: EA contributions that addresses the pains that were identified

Materials: Note-taking materials, Whiteboard or flip chart, markers

Participants: EA strategy creation team

Gather with the EA strategy creation team, take each pain, then ask and record the answers to the questions below to identify the EA contributions that would solve the pains:

  1. What activities can the EA practice conduct to overcome the pain?
  2. What are the core EA models that can help accurately define the problem and assist in finding appropriate resolutions?
  3. What are the general EA benefits that can be associated with solving this pain?

Answers to the questions above will generate a list of activities EA can do to help alleviate the pains. Use the following steps to complete this activity:

  1. Create a stronger tie between the EA contributions and pains by linking the EA contribution statement to the pain.
    • Example of pain statement: Lack of holistic view of business capabilities obstructs the organization from aligning investments with corporate strategy and departmental priorities.
    • Example of EA contributions statement: Business capability mapping shows the business capabilities of the organization and the technology that supports those capabilities in the current and target state. This provides a view for the set of investments that are needed by the organization, which can then be prioritized.
  2. Verify with the stakeholders that they understand the EA contributions have been written out and how those contributions address the pains.

Download the EA Value Proposition Template to record your findings in this activity.

EA promises of value articulate EA’s commitment to the organization

  • Business Goals and Technology Drivers
    A set of statements created from business and technology needs. Gathered from information sources, it communicates improvements needed.

    • Value Streams, Aspirations, Long-Term Goals
      Value streams, aspirations, long-term goals

      • EA Contributions
        EA contributions that will alleviate the obstructions. Removing the obstructions will allow EA to help satisfy business and technology needs.

        • Promise of Value
          A statement that depicts a concrete benefit the EA practice can provide for the organization in response to business and technology drivers.
          Communicate the statements in a language that stakeholders understand to complete the articulation of EA’s value proposition.

2.2.4 Create promises of value to shape the EA value proposition

2 hours

Input: Expertise from EA strategy creation team and EA stakeholders

Output: Promises of value for each business and technology driver

Materials: Note-taking materials, Whiteboard or flip chart, markers

Participants: EA strategy creation team, EA stakeholders

Now that the EA contributions have been identified, identify the promises of value to articulate the value proposition.

Take each driver, then ask and record the answers to the questions below to identify the promises of value when realizing the drivers:

  1. What does amazing look like if we solve this perfectly?
  2. What other business activities/processes will be impacted/improved if we solve this?
  3. What measures of success/change should we use to prove value of the effort (KPIs/ROI)?

Take the recorded answers and follow the steps below to create the promises of value.

  1. Answers to the questions above can be long, unfocused, or spoken in a casual manner. To turn the answer into a promise of value, refine the recorded answer into a succinct sentence that captures its meaning.
    • Business driver example: Help the organization align investments with the corporate strategy and departmental priorities.
    • Recorded answer example: “If this would be solved perfectly, we would have a very easy time planning investments and investment planning hours can be spent doing other activities.”
    • Promises of value example: Increase the number of investments that have a direct tie to corporate strategy.
  2. When the promises of value have been written out, verify with the stakeholders that you have fully captured their ideas.

Download the EA Value Proposition Template to record your findings in this activity.

Design an Enterprise Architecture Strategy

Phase 3

Build the EA Fundamentals

Phase 1

  • 1.1 Explore a general EA strategy approach
  • 1.2 Introduce Agile EA architecture

Phase 2

  • 2.1 Define the business and technology drivers
  • 2.2 Define your value proposition

Phase 3

  • 3.1 Realize the importance of EA fundamentals
  • 3.2 Finalize the EA fundamentals

Phase 4

  • 4.1 Select relevant EA services
  • 4.2 Finalize the set of services and secure approval

This phase will walk you through the following activities:

  • Create an EA vision statement and an EA mission statement.
  • Create EA goals, define EA objectives, and link them to EA goals.
  • Define the EA function scope dimensions.
  • Create a set of EA principles for your organization.
  • Discuss current methodology.

This phase involves the following participants:

  • CIO
  • EA Team
  • IT Leaders
  • Business Leaders

Step 3.1

Realize the Importance of EA Fundamentals

  • 3.1.1 Create the EA vision statement
  • 3.1.2 Create the EA mission statement
  • 3.1.3 Create EA goals
  • 3.1.4 Define EA objectives and link them to EA goals
  • 3.1.5 Record the details of each EA objective

This step will walk you through the following activities:

  • Define and document the fundamentals that guide the EA function.

This step involves the following participants:

  • CIO
  • EA Team
  • IT Leaders
  • Business Leaders

Outcomes of this step

  • Vision and mission statements for the EA function.
  • A set of EA goals and a set of objectives to track progression toward those goals.
Build the EA Fundamentals
Step 3.1 Step 3.2

EA fundamentals guide the EA function

EA fundamentals include a vision statement, a mission statement, goals and objectives, and principles. They are a set of documented statements that guide the EA function. The fundamentals guide the EA function in terms of its strategy and decision making.

EA vision statement EA mission statement

EA fundamentals

EA goals and objectives EA principles

Info-Tech Insight

Treat the critical elements of the EA group the same way as you would a business. Create a directional foundation for EA and define the vision, mission, goals, principles, and scope necessary to deliver on the established value proposition.

The EA vision statement articulates the aspirations of the EA function

The enterprise architecture vision statement communicates a desired future state of the EA function. The statement is expressed in the present tense. It seeks to articulate the desired role of the EA function and how the EA function will be perceived.

Strong EA vision statements have the following characteristics:

  • Describe a desired future
  • Focus on ends, not means
  • Communicate promise
  • Concise, no unnecessary words
  • Compelling
  • Achievable
  • Inspirational
  • Memorable

Sample EA vision statements:

  • To be a trusted partner for both the business and IT, driving enterprise effectiveness, efficiency, and agility at [Company Name].
  • To be a trusted partner and advisor to both the business and IT, contributing to business-IT alignment and cost reduction at [Company Name].
  • To create distinctive value and accelerate [Company Name]’s transformation.

The EA mission statement articulates the purpose of the EA function

The enterprise architecture mission statement specifies the team’s purpose or “reason of being.” The mission should guide each day’s activities and decisions. The mission statements use simple and concise terminology, speak loudly and clearly, and generate enthusiasm for the organization.

Strong EA mission statements have the following characteristics:

  • Articulates EA function purpose and reason for existence
  • Describes what the EA function does to achieve its vision
  • Defines who the customers of the EA function are
  • Compelling
  • Easy to grasp
  • Sharply focused
  • Inspirational
  • Memorable
  • Concise

Sample EA mission statements:

  • Define target enterprise architecture for [Company Name], identify solution opportunities, inform IT investment management, and direct solution development, acquisition, and operation compliance.
  • Synergize with both the business and IT to define and help realize [Company Name]’s target enterprise architecture that enables the business strategy and optimizes IT assets, resources, and capabilities.

The EA vision and mission statements become relevant to EA stakeholders when linked to the promises of value

The process for constructing the enterprise architecture vision statement and enterprise architecture mission statement is articulated below.

Promises of value Derive keywords Construct draft statements Reference test criteria Finalize statements
Derive the a set of keywords from the promises of value to accurately capture their essence. Create the initial statement using the keywords. Check the initial statement against a set of test criteria to ensure their quality. Finalize the statement after referencing the initial statement against the test criteria.

Derive keywords from promises of value to begin the vision and mission statement creation process

Develop keywords by summarizing the promises of value that were derived from drivers into one word that will take on the essence of the promise. See examples below:

Business and technology drivers Promises of value Keywords
Help the organization align investments with the corporate strategy and departmental priorities. Increase the number of investments that have a direct tie to corporate strategy. Business
Support the rapid growth and development of the company through fiscal planning, project planning, and technology sustainability. Ensure budgets and projects are delivered on time with the assistance of technology. IT-Enabled
Reduce the duplication and work effort to build and deploy technology solutions across the entire organization. Aim to reduce the number of redundant applications in the organization to streamline processes and save costs. Catalyst
Improve the organization’s technology responsiveness and increase speed to market. Reduce the number of days required in the SDLC for all core business support projects. Value delivery

An inspirational vision statement is greater than the sum of the individual words

Ensure the sentence is cohesive and captures additional value outside of the keywords. The statement as a whole should be greater than the sum of the parts. Expand upon the meaning of the words, if necessary, to communicate the value. Below is an example of a finished vision statement.


Be a catalyst for IT-enabled business value delivery.

Catalyst – We will continuously interact with the business and IT to accelerate and improve results.

IT-enabled – We will ensure the optimal use of technology in enabling business capabilities to achieve business objectives.

Business – We will be perceived as a business-focused unit that understands [Company name]’s business priorities and required business capabilities.

Value delivery – EA’s value will be recognized by both business and IT stakeholders. We will track and market EA’s contribution to business value organization-wide.

A clear mission statement can include additional details surrounding the EA team’s desired and expected value

Likewise, below is a sample of connecting keywords together to form an EA mission statement:

Optimize, transform, and innovate by defining and implementing the [Company]’s target enterprise architecture.

Optimize – We collaborate with the business to analyze and optimize business capabilities and business processes to enable the agile and efficient attainment of [Company name] business objectives.

Transform – We support IT-enabled business transformation programs by building and maintaining a shared vision of the future-state enterprise and consistently communicating it to stakeholders.

Innovate – We identify and develop new and creative opportunities for IT to enable the business. We communicate the art of the possible to the business.

Defining and implementing – We engage with project teams early and guide solution design and selection to ensure alignment to the target-state enterprise architecture.

Target enterprise structure – We analyze business needs and priorities and assess the current state of the enterprise. We build and maintain the target enterprise architecture blueprints that define:

  • Business capabilities and processes (business architecture)
  • Data, application, and technology assets that enable business capabilities and processes (technology architecture)
  • Architecture principles and standards

3.1.1 Create the EA vision statement

1 hour

Input: Identified promises of value, Vision statement test criteria

Output: EA function vision statement

Materials: Note-taking materials, Whiteboard or flip chart, markers

Participants: EA strategy creation team

Begin the creation of the EA vision statement by following the steps below:

  1. Gather the EA strategy creation team and have the promises of value from the EA value proposition laid out.
  2. Select one promise of value and work with the team to identify one word that captures the essence of that promise of value.
  3. Continue to the next promise of value until all of the promises of value have a keyword identified.
  4. Have the identified set of keywords laid out and see if any of their meanings are similar and can be consolidated together. Consolidate similar meaning keywords.
  5. Create the initial draft of the EA vision statement by linking the keywords together.
  6. Check the initial draft of the vision statement against the test criteria below. Ask the team if the vision statement satisfies each of the test criteria.
    • Do you find this vision exciting?
    • Is the vision clear, compelling, and easy to grasp?
    • Does this vision somehow connect to the core purpose?
    • Will this vision be exciting to a broad base of people in the organization, not just those within the EA team?
  7. Make changes to the initial draft to satisfy the test criteria. Socialize the EA vision statement with EA stakeholders to make sure it captures their needs.

3.1.2 Create the EA mission statement

1 hour

Input: Identified promises of value, Mission statement test criteria

Output: EA function mission statement

Materials: Note-taking materials, Whiteboard or flip chart, markers

Participants: EA strategy creation team

Begin the creation of the EA mission statement by following the steps below:

  1. Gather the EA strategy creation team and have the promises of value from the EA value proposition laid out.
  2. Select one promise of value and work with the team to identify one word that captures the essence of that promise of value.
  3. Continue to the next promise of value until all of the promises of value have a keyword identified.
  4. Have the identified set of keywords laid out, and see if any of their meanings are similar and can be consolidated together. Consolidate similar meaning keywords.
  5. Create the initial draft of the EA mission statement by linking the keywords together.
  6. Check the initial draft of the mission statement against the following test criteria below. Ask the team if the mission statement satisfies each of the test criteria.
    • Do you find this purpose personally inspiring?
    • Does the purpose help you to decide what activities to not pursue, to eliminate from consideration? Is this purpose authentic – something true to what the organization is all about – not merely words on paper that sound nice?
    • Would this purpose be greeted with enthusiasm rather than cynicism by a broad base of people in the organization?
  7. Make changes to the initial draft to satisfy the test criteria. Socialize the EA mission statement with EA stakeholders to make sure it captures their needs.

EA goals demonstrate the achievement of success of the EA function

Enterprise architecture goals define specific desired outcomes of an EA function. EA goals are important because they establish the milestones the EA function can strive toward to deliver their promises of value.

Inform EA goals by examining:

Promises of value

EA goals produce:

Targets and milestones

Promises of value

Produce EA strategic outcomes that can be classified into four categories. The four categories are:

  • Business performance
  • IT performance
  • Customer value
  • Risk management
EA goals

Support the strategic outcomes. EA goals can be strategic or operational:

  • EA strategic goals support the strategic outcomes.
  • EA operational goals help measure the architecture capability quality and supporting processes.

3.1.3 Create EA goals

2 hours

Input: Identified promises of value

Output: EA goals

Materials: Note-taking materials, Whiteboard or flip chart, markers

Participants: EA strategy creation team

Begin the creation of EA goals by following the steps below:

  1. Gather the EA strategy creation team and the identified promises of value from Phase 2, Create the EA Value Proposition.
  2. Open the EA Goals and Objectives Template and examine the list of default EA goals already within the template.
  3. Take the identified promises of value and discuss with the team if any of the EA goals in the template relate to the promises of value. Record the related EA goal and promise of value. See example below:
    • Promises of value example: Increase the number of investments that have a direct tie to corporate strategy.
    • Related EA goal example: Alignment of IT and business strategy.
  4. Repeat step 3 until all identified promises of value have been examined in relation to the EA goals in the template.
  5. If there are promises of value that are not related to an EA goal in the template, create EA goals to relate to those promises of value. Keep in mind that EA goals need to support the strategic outcomes produced by the promises of value. Record the EA goals in the template and document the related promises of value.

Download the EA Goals and Objectives Template to assist with completing this activity.

Starting with COBIT, select the appropriate objectives to track EA goals – Sample

Below are examples of EA goals and the objectives that track their performance:

IT performance-oriented goals Objectives
Alignment of IT and business strategy
  • Increase the percentage of enterprise strategic goals and requirements supported by IT strategic goals by X percent in the fiscal year.
  • Improve stakeholder satisfaction with planned function and services portfolio scope by X percent in the fiscal year.
  • Increase the percentage of IT value drivers mapped to business value drivers by X percent in the next fiscal year.
Increase in IT agility
  • Improve business executive satisfaction with IT’s responsiveness to new requirements by X percent in the fiscal year.
  • Increase the number of critical business processes supported by up-to-date infrastructure and applications in the next three years.
  • Lower the average time to turn strategic IT objectives into agreed-upon and approved initiatives.
Optimization of IT assets, resources, and capabilities
  • Increase the frequency of capability maturity and cost optimization assessments.
  • Improve the frequency of reporting for assessment result trends.
  • Raise the satisfaction levels of business and IT executives with IT-related costs and capabilities by X percent.

3.1.4 Define EA objectives and link them to EA goals

2 hours

Input: Defined EA goals

Output: EA objectives linked to EA goals

Materials: Note-taking materials, Whiteboard or flip chart, markers

Participants: EA strategy creation team

Begin the process of defining EA objectives and linking them to EA goals using the following steps:

  1. Gather the EA strategy creation team and open the EA Goals and Objectives Template.
  2. Have the goals laid out, and refer to the objectives already in the EA Goals and Objectives Template. Examine if any of them will fit the goals your team has created.
  3. If some of the goals your team has created do not fit with the objectives in the template, begin the process of creating new objectives. Remember, EA objectives are SMART metrics that help track the progress toward the EA goals.
  4. Create an EA objective and check if it is SMART by asking some of the questions below:
    • Specific: Is the objective specific to the goal? Is the objective clear to anyone who has basic knowledge of the goal?
    • Measurable: Is it possible to figure out how far the team would be away from completing the objective?
    • Agreed Upon: Does everyone involved agree the objective is the correct way to measure progress?
    • Realistic: Can the objective be met within the availability of resources, knowledge, and time?
    • Time Based: Is there a time-bound component to the goal?
  5. Continue to create new objectives until each goal has an objective linked to it.

Download the EA Goals and Objectives Template to assist with completing this activity.

For each of the objectives, determine how they will be collected, reported, and implemented

Add details to the enterprise architecture objectives previously defined to increase their clarity to stakeholders.

EA objective detail category Description
Unit of measure
  • The unit in which the objective will be presented.
Calculation formula
  • The formula by which the objective will be calculated.
Objective baseline, status, and target
  • Baseline: The state of the objective at the start of measurement.
  • Status: The current state of the measurement.
  • Target: The target state the measurement should reach.
Data collection
  • Responsible: The individual responsible for collecting the data.
  • Source: Where the data originates.
  • Frequency: How often the data will be collected to calculate the objective.
  • Target Audience: The people the objective will be presented to.
  • Method: The method used to present the data collected on the objective (e.g. report, presentation).
  • Frequency: How often the data will be presented to the target audience.

3.1.5 Record the details of each EA objective

2 hours

Input: Defined list of EA objectives

Output: Increased detail into each defined EA objective

Materials: Note-taking materials, Whiteboard or flip chart, markers

Participants: EA strategy creation team

Record the details of each EA objective. Use the following steps below to assist with recording the details:

  1. Gather the EA strategy creation team, and open the EA Goals and Objectives Template.
  2. Select one objective that has been identified and discuss the formula for calculating the objective and in what units the objective will be recorded. Record the information in the “Calculation formula” and “Unit of measure” columns in the template once they have been agreed upon.
  3. Using the same objective, move to the “Data Collection” portion of the template. Discuss and record the following: the source of the data that generates the objective, the frequency of reporting on the objective, and the person responsible for reporting the objective.
  4. Move to the “Reporting” portion of the template. Discuss and record the target audience for the objective and the reporting frequency and method to those audiences.
  5. Examine the “Objective baseline,” “Objective status,” and “Objective target” columns. Record any measurement you may currently have in the “Objective baseline” column. Record what you would like the objective measurement to be in the “Objective target” column. Note: Keep track of the progression towards the target in the “Objective status” column in the future.
  6. Select the next objective and complete steps 2–5 for that measure. Continue this process until you have recorded details for all objectives.

Download the EA Goals and Objectives Template to assist with completing this activity.

Step 3.2

Finalize the EA Fundamentals

  • 3.2.1 Define the organizational coverage dimension of the EA function scope
  • 3.2.2 Define the architectural domains and depth dimension
  • 3.2.3 Define the time horizon dimension
  • 3.2.4 Create a set of EA principles for your organization
  • 3.2.5 Add the rationale and implications to the principles
  • 3.2.6 Operationalize the EA principles
  • 3.2.7 Discuss the need for classical methodology and/or a combination including Agile practices

This step will walk you through the following activities:

  • Define the EA function scope dimensions.
  • Create a set of EA principles.
  • Discuss the organization’s current methodology, if any, and whether it works for the business.

This step involves the following participants:

  • CIO
  • EA Team
  • IT Leaders
  • Business Leaders

Outcomes of this step

  • Defined scope of the EA function.
  • A set of EA principles for your organization.
  • A decision on traditional vs. Agile methodology or a blend of both.

Build the EA Fundamentals

Step 3.1 Step 3.2

A clear EA function scope defines the EA sandbox

The EA function scope constrains the promises of value the EA function will deliver on by taking into account factors across four dimensions. The EA function scope ensures that the EA function is not stretched beyond its current/planned means and capabilities when delivering the promised value. The four dimensions are illustrated below:

Organizational coverage
Determine the focus of the enterprise architecture effort in terms of specific business units, functions, departments, capabilities, or geographical areas.
Determine the appropriate level of detail to be captured, based on the intended use of the enterprise architecture and the contingent decisions to be made.

EA Scope

Architectural Domains
Determine the EA domains (business, data, application, infrastructure, security) that are appropriate to address stakeholder concerns and architecture requirements.
Time horizon
Determine the target-state architecture’s objective time period.

The EA function scope is influenced by the EA value proposition and previously developed EA fundamentals

Establish the EA function scope by using the EA value proposition and EA fundamentals that have been developed. After defining the EA function scope, refer back to these statements to ensure the EA function scope accurately reflects the EA value proposition and EA fundamentals.

EA value proposition


EA vision statement
EA mission statement
EA goals and objectives


Organizational coverage

Architectural domains


Time horizon

EA function scope

EA scope – Organizational Coverage

The organizational coverage dimension of EA scope determines the focus of enterprise architecture effort in the organization. Coverage can be determined by specific business units, functions, departments, capabilities, or geographic areas. Info-Tech has typically seen two types of coverage based on the size of the organization.

Small and medium-size enterprise

Indicators: Full-time employees dedicated to manage its data and IT infrastructure. Individuals are IT generalists and may have multiple roles.

Recommended coverage: Typically, for small and medium-size businesses, the organizational coverage of architecture work is the entire enterprise. (Source: The Open Group, 2018)

Large enterprise

Indicators: Dedicated full-time IT staff with expertise to manage specific applications or parts of the IT infrastructure.

Recommended coverage: For large enterprises, it is often necessary to develop a number of architectures focused on specific business segments and/or geographies. In this federated model, an overarching enterprise architecture should be established to ensure interoperability and conformance to overarching EA principles. (Source: DCIG, 2011)

EA objectives track the progression towards the target set by EA goals

Enterprise architecture objectives are specific metrics that help measure and monitor progress towards achieving an EA goal. Objectives are SMART.

EA goals —› EA objectives
  • EA strategic goals:
    • Business performance
    • IT performance
    • Customer value
    • Risk management
  • EA operational goals
  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Agreed upon
  • Realistic
  • Time bound
(Source: Project Smart, 2014)

Download the EA Goals and Objectives Template to see examples between the relationship of EA goals to objectives.

Measure the EA strategy effectiveness by tracking the benefits it provides to the corporate business goals

The success of the EA function is influenced by the following:

  • The delivery of EA-enabled business outcomes that are most important to the enterprise.
  • The alignment between the business and IT from a planning perspective.
  • Improvements in the corporate business goals due to EA contributions (standardization, rationalization, reuse, etc.).
Corporate Business Goals Measurements
  • Reduction in operating costs
  • Decrease in regulatory compliance infractions
  • Increased revenue from existing channels
  • Increased revenue from new channels
  • Faster time to business value
  • Improved business agility
  • Reduction in enterprise risk exposure
  • Cost reductions based on application and platform rationalization
  • Standard-based solutions
  • Time reduction for integration
  • Service reused
  • Stakeholder satisfaction with EA services
  • Increase customer satisfaction
  • Rework minimized
  • Lower cost of integration
  • Risk reduction
  • Faster time to market
  • Better scalability, etc.

3.2.1 Define the organizational coverage dimension of the EA function scope

2 hours

Input: EA value proposition, Previously defined EA fundamentals

Output: Organizational coverage dimension of EA scope defined

Materials: Note-taking materials, Whiteboard or flip chart, markers

Participants: EA strategy creation team

Define the organizational coverage of the EA function scope using the following steps below:

  1. Gather the EA strategy creation team. As well, gather the EA value proposition, the EA vision and mission statements, and the EA goals and objectives your team has already created.
  2. Ask the team to read each of the documents gathered in the previous step. This ensures the concepts are fresh in the team members’ minds when defining the EA function scope organizational coverage.
  3. Consider how much of the organization the EA function would need to cover. Refer to the gathered materials to assist with your decision. For example:
    • EA mission statement: Optimize, transform, and innovate by defining and implementing the [Company]’s target enterprise architecture.
    • Implications on organizational coverage: If the purpose of the EA function is to help optimize, transform, and innovate with target-state architecture mapping, then the scope should cover the entire organization. Only by mapping the entire organization’s architecture can the EA function assist with optimizing, transforming, and innovating.
  4. Work with the EA strategy creation team to examine all the gathered materials and document the implications on organization coverage as shown in step 3.
  5. Discuss with the team and select the organizational coverage level that best fits the documented implications for all the gathered materials. Refer back to the gathered materials and make any changes necessary to ensure they support the selected organizational coverage.

EA scope – Architectural Domains

A complete enterprise architecture should address all five architectural domains. The five architectural domains are business, data, application, infrastructure, and security.

Enterprise Architecture
—› Data Architecture
Business Architecture —› Infrastructure Architecture
Security Architecture
—› Application Architecture

“The realities of resource and time constraints often mean there is not enough time, funding, or resources to build a top-down, all-inclusive architecture encompassing all four architecture domains. Build architecture domains with a specific purpose in mind.” (The Open Group, 2018)

Each architectural domain creates a different view of the organization

Below are the definitions of different domains of enterprise architecture (Info-Tech perspective; others can be identified as well, e.g. Integration Architecture).

Business Architecture

Business architecture is a means of demonstrating the business value of subsequent architecture work to key stakeholders and the return on investment to those stakeholders from supporting and participating in the subsequent work. Business architecture defines the business strategy, governance, organization, and key business processes.

Data Architecture

Describes the structure of an organization’s logical and physical data assets and data management resources.

Application Architecture

Provides a blueprint for the individual applications to be deployed, their interactions, and their relationships to the core business processes of the organization.

Infrastructure Architecture

Represents the sum of hardware, software, and telecommunications-related IT capability associated with a particular enterprise. It is concerned with the synergistic operations and management of the devices in the organization.

Security Architecture

Provides an unified security design that addresses the necessities and potential risks involved in a certain scenario or environment. It also specifies when and where to apply security controls.
(Sources: The Open Group, 2018; IT Architecture Journal, 2014; Technopedia, 2016)

EA scope – Depth

EA scope depth defines the architectural detail for each EA domain that the organization has selected to pursue. The level of depth is broken down into four levels. The level of depth the organization decides to pursue should be consistent across the domains.

  • Helps define the organization scope, and examines external and internal requirements and their effect on the organization. For example, enterprise governance.
  • High-level representations of the organization or what the organization wants to be. For example, business strategy, IT strategy.
  • Models that define how to implement the representation in the conceptual stage. For example, identifying the business gaps from the current state to the target state defined by the business strategy.
  • The technology and physical tools used to implement the representation created in the logical stage. For example, business processes that need to be created to bridge the gaps identified and reach the target stage.
(Source: Zachman International, 2011) Business Architecture Data Architecture Application Architecture Infrastructure Architecture Security Architecture

Each architectural depth level contains a set of key artifacts

The graphic below depicts examples of the key artifacts that each domain of architecture would produce at each depth level.

Contextual Enterprise Governance
Conceptual Business strategy Business objects Use-case models Technology landscaping Security policy
Logical Business capabilities Data attribution Application integration Network/ hardware topology Security standards
Physical Business process Database design Application design Configuration management Security configuration
Business Architecture Data Architecture Application Architecture Infrastructure Architecture Security Architecture

3.2.2 Define the architectural domains and depth dimension of the EA function scope

2 hours

Input: EA value proposition, Previously defined EA fundamentals

Output: Architectural domain and depth dimensions of EA scope defined

Materials: Note-taking materials, Whiteboard or flip chart, markers

Participants: EA strategy creation team

Define the EA function scope for your organization using the following steps below:

  1. Gather the EA strategy creation team. As well, gather the EA value proposition, the EA vision and mission statements, and the EA goals and objectives that your team has already created.
  2. Ask the team to read each of the documents gathered in the previous step. This ensures the concepts are fresh in the team members’ minds when defining the architectural domains and depth of the EA function scope.
  3. Consider the architectural domains and the depth those domains need to reach. Refer to the gathered materials to assist with your decision. For example:
    • Promise of value: Increase the number of IT investments with a direct tie to business strategy.
    • Implications on architectural domains: The EA function will need business architecture. Business architecture generates business capability mapping, which will anticipate what IT investments are needed for the future.
    • Implications on depth: Depth for business architecture needs to reach a logical level to encompass business capabilities.
  4. Work with the EA strategy creation team to examine all the gathered materials and document the implications on architectural domains and depth as shown in step 3.
  5. Discuss with the team and select the architectural domains and the depth for each domain that best fits the documented implication. Refer back to the gathered materials and make any changes necessary to ensure they support the selected architectural domains and depth.

EA scope – Time Horizon

The EA scope time horizon dictates how long to plan for the architecture.

It is important that the EA team’s work has an appropriate planning horizon while avoiding two extremes:

  1. A planning horizon that is too short focuses on immediate operational goals and strategic quick wins, missing the “big picture,” and fails to support the achievement of strategic long-term enterprise goals.
  2. A planning horizon that is too long is at a higher risk of becoming irrelevant.

Target the same strategic planning horizon as your business. Additionally, consider the following recommendations:

Planning Horizon: 1 year 2-3 years 5 years
Recommended under the following conditions:
  • Corporate strategy is not stable and frequently changes direction (typical for small and some mid-sized companies).
  • There will be a major update of the corporate strategy in one year.
  • The company will be acquired by or merged with another company in one year.
  • The business' strategic plan spans the next two to three years, and corporate strategy is moderately stable within this time frame (typical for mid-sized and some large companies).
  • The business' strategic plan spans the next five years and corporate strategy is very stable (typical for large companies).

3.2.3 Define the time horizon dimension of the EA function scope

2 hours

Input: EA value proposition, Previously defined EA fundamentals

Output: Time horizon dimension of EA scope defined

Materials: Note-taking materials, Whiteboard or flip chart, markers

Participants: EA strategy creation team

Define the EA function scope for your organization using the following steps below:

  1. Gather the EA strategy creation team. As well, gather the EA value proposition, the EA vision and mission statements, and the EA goals and objectives your team has already created.
  2. Ask the team to read each of the documents gathered in the previous step. This ensures the concepts are fresh in the team members’ minds when crafting the EA function scope.
  3. Consider the time horizons of the EA function scope. Refer to the gathered materials to assist with your decision. For example:
    • EA Objective: Increase the percentage of enterprise strategic goals and requirements supported by IT strategic goals by 30% in the next 3 years.
    • Implications on time horizon: Because it will take 3 years to measure the success of these EA objectives, the time horizon may need to be 3 years.
  4. Work with the EA strategy creation team to examine all the gathered materials and document the implications on time horizon as shown in step 3.
  5. Discuss with the team and select the time horizon that best fits the documented implication. Refer back to the gathered materials and make any changes necessary to ensure they support the selected architectural time horizon.

EA principles capture the EA value proposition essence and provide guidance for the decisions that impact architecture

EA principles are shared, long-lasting beliefs that guide the use of IT in constructing, transforming, and operating the enterprise by informing and restricting target-state enterprise architecture design, IT investment portfolio management, solution development, and procurement decisions.

EA value proposition Influences
EA Principles Guide and inform
Decisions on the Use of IT Direct and control
Specific Domain Policies

What decisions should be made?
————— ————— —————
How should decisions be made?
————— ————— —————————›
Who has the accountability and authority to make decisions?

EA principles must be carefully constructed to make sure they are adhered to and relevant

Info-Tech has identified a set of characteristics that EA principles should possess. Having these characteristics ensures the EA principles are relevant and followed in the organization.

Approach focused EA principles are focused on the approach, i.e. how the enterprise is built, transformed, and operated, as apposed to what needs to be built, which is defined by both functional and non-functional requirements.
Business relevant Create EA principles specific to the organization. Tie EA principles to the organization’s priorities and strategic aspirations.
Long lasting Build EA principles that will withstand the test of time.
Prescriptive Inform and direct decision making with EA principles that are actionable. Avoid truisms, general statements, and observations.
Verifiable If compliance can’t be verified, the principle is less likely to be followed.
Easily digestible EA principles must be clearly understood by everyone in IT and by business stakeholders. EA principles aren’t a secret manuscript of the EA team. EA principles should be succinct; wordy principles are hard to understand and remember.
Followed Successful EA principles represent a collection of beliefs shared among enterprise stakeholders. EA principles must be continuously “preached” to all stakeholders to achieve and maintain buy-in.

In organizations where formal policy enforcement works well, EA principles should be enforced through appropriate governance processes.

Review ten universal EA principles to determine if your organization wishes to adopt them

1. Enterprise value focus We aim to provide maximum long-term benefits to the enterprise as a whole while optimizing total costs of ownership and risks.
2. Fit for purpose We maintain capability levels and create solutions that are fit for purpose without over-engineering them.
3. Simplicity We choose the simplest solutions and aim to reduce operational complexity of the enterprise.
4. Reuse › buy › build We maximize reuse of existing assets. If we can’t reuse, we procure externally. As a last resort, we build custom solutions.
5. Managed data We handle data creation, modification, and use enterprise-wide in compliance with our data governance policy.
6. Controlled technical diversity We control the variety of technology platforms we use.
7. Managed security We manage security enterprise-wide in compliance with our security governance policy.
8. Compliance to laws and regulations We operate in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
9. Innovation We seek innovative ways to use technology for business advantage.
10. Customer centricity We deliver best experiences to our customers with our services and products.

3.2.4 Create a set of EA principles for your organization

2 hours

Input: Info-Tech’s ten universal EA principles, Identified promises of value

Output: A defined set of EA principles for your organization

Materials: Note-taking materials, Whiteboard or flip chart, markers

Participants: EA strategy creation team

Create a set of EA principles for your organization using the steps below:

  1. Gather the EA strategy creation team, download the EA Principles Template – EA Strategy, and have the identified promises of value opened.
  2. Select one universal principle and relate it to the promises of value by discussing with the EA strategy creation team. If there is a relation, record “Yes” in the template on the slide “Select the applicability of 10 universally accepted EA principles.” See example below:
    • Universal principle: Enterprise value focus – We aim to provide maximum long-term benefits to the enterprise as a whole while optimizing total costs of ownership and risks.
    • Related promise of value example: Increase the number of investments that have a direct tie with corporate strategy.
  3. Continue the process in step 2 until all ten universal EA principles have been examined. If there is a universal principle that is unrelated to a promise of value, discuss with the team whether the principle still needs to be included. If the principle is not included, record “No” in the template on the slide “Select the applicability of 10 universally accepted EA principles.”
  4. If there are any promises of value that are not captured by the universally accepted EA principles, the team may choose to create new principles. Create the new principles in the format below and record them in the template.
    • Name: The name of the principle, in a few words.
    • Statement: A sentence that expands on the “Name” section and explains what the principle achieves.

Download the EA Principles Template – EA Strategy to document this step.

Organizational stakeholders are more likely to follow EA principles when a rationale and an implication are provided

After defining the set of EA principles, ensure they are all expanded upon with a rationale and implications. The rationale and implications ensure principles are more likely to be followed because they communicate why the principles are important and how they are to be used.

  • The name of the EA principle, in a few words.
  • A sentence that expands on the “Name” section and explains what the principle achieves.
  • Describes the business benefits and reasoning for establishing the principle.
  • Explicitly links the principle to business/IT vision, mission, priorities, goals, or strategic aspirations (strategic themes).
  • Describe when and how the principle is to be applied.
  • Communicate this section with “must” sentences.
  • Refer to domain-specific policies that provide detailed, domain-specific direction on how to apply the principle.

3.2.5 Add the rationale and implications to the principles that have been created

2 hours

Input: Identified set of EA principles

Output: EA principles that have rationale and implications

Materials: Note-taking materials, Whiteboard or flip chart, markers

Participants: EA strategy creation team

Add the rationale and implication of each EA principle that your organization has selected using the following steps:

  1. Gather the EA strategy creation team and open the EA Principles Template – EA Strategy.
  2. Examine the EA Principles Template – EA Strategy. Look for the detailed descriptions of all the applicable EA universal principles, and discuss with the team whether the pre-populated rationale and implications need to be changed.
  3. Make sure all the rationale and implication sections of the applicable universal EA principles have been examined. Record the changes on the slide devoted to each principle in the template.
  4. Examine any new principles created outside of the universal EA principles. Create the rationale and implication sections for each of those principles. Use the slide “Review the rationale and implications for the applicable universal principles” in the EA Principles Template – EA Strategy to assist with this step.

Download the EA Principles Template – EA Strategy to document this step.

3.2.6 Operationalize the EA principles to ensure they are used when decisions are being made

1-2 hours

Input: Defined set of EA principles

Output: EA principles are successfully operationalized

Materials: Note-taking materials, Whiteboard or flip chart, markers

Participants: EA strategy creation team

Begin to operationalize the EA principles by reviewing the proposed principles with business and technology leadership to secure their approval.

  1. Publish the list of principles, their rationale, and their implications.
  2. Include the principles in any existing policies that guide decision making for the use of technology within the business.
  3. Provide existing governance bodies with the authority to enforce adherence to principles, and communicate the waiver process.
  4. Ensure that project-level teams are aware of the principles and have at least one champion guiding the decisions of the team.

Review a use case for the utilization of EA principles – Sample

After operationalizing the EA principles for your organization, the organization can now use those principles to guide and inform its IT investment decisions. Below is an example of a scenario where EA principles were used to guide and inform an IT investment decision.

Organization wants to provision an application but it needs to decide how to do so, and it considers the relevant EA principles:

  • Reuse › buy › build
  • Managed security
  • Innovation

The organization has decided to go with a specialized vendor, even though it normally prefers to reuse existing components. The vendor has experience in this domain, understands the data security implications, and can help the organization mitigate risk. Lastly, the vendor is known for providing new solutions on a regular basis and is a market leader, making it more likely to provide the organization with innovative solutions.

An oil and gas company created EA fundamentals to guide the EA function


Industry: Oil & Gas
Source: Info-Tech


As an enterprise architecture function starting from ground zero, the organization did not have the EA fundamentals in place to guide the EA function. Further, the organization also did not possess an EA function scope to define the boundaries of the EA function.

Due to the lack of EA scope, the EA function did not know which part of the organization to provide contributions toward. A lack of EA fundamentals caused confusion regarding the future direction of the EA function.


Info-Tech worked with the EA team to define the different components of the EA fundamentals. This included EA vision and mission statements, EA goals and objectives, and EA principles.

Additionally, Info-Tech worked with the EA team to define the EA function scope.

These EA strategy components were created by examining the needs of the business. The components were aligned with the identified needs of the EA stakeholders.


The defined EA function scope helped set out the responsibilities of the enterprise architecture function to the organization.

The EA vision and mission statements and EA goals and objectives were used to guide the direction of the EA function. These fundamentals helped the EA function improve its maturity and deliver on its promises.

The EA principles were used in IT review boards to guide the decisions on IT investments in the organization.

3.2.7 Discuss the need for a classical methodology and/or a combination including Agility practices

1 hour

Input: Existing methodologies

Output: Decisions about need of agility, ceremonies, and protocols to be used

Materials: Note-taking materials, Whiteboard or flip chart, markers

Participants: EA strategy creation team

Add the rationale and implication of adopting an Agile methodology and/or a combination with a traditional methodology.

  1. Is there an EA methodology adopted by the organization? Is there a classical one, or is it purely Agile?
  2. What would need to happen to address the business goals of the organization (e.g. is there a need to be more agile?)? Do you need to have more decisions centralized (e.g. to adopt certain standards, security controls)?
  3. Where on the decentralization continuum does your organization need to be?
  4. What role would Enterprise Architects have (would they need to be part of existing ceremonies? Would they need to blend traditional and agile processes?)?
  5. If a customized methodology is required, identify this as an item to be included as part of the EA roadmap (can be run as a Agile Enterprise Operating Model workshop).

Design an Enterprise Architecture Strategy

Phase 4

Design the EA Services

Phase 1

  • 1.1 Explore a general EA strategy approach
  • 1.2 Introduce Agile EA architecture

Phase 2

  • 2.1 Define the business and technology drivers
  • 2.2 Define your value proposition

Phase 3

  • 3.1 Realize the importance of EA fundamentals
  • 3.2 Finalize the EA fundamentals

Phase 4

  • 4.1 Select relevant EA services
  • 4.2 Finalize the set of services and secure approval

This phase will walk you through the following activities:

  • Select relevant EA services
  • Finalize the set of services and secure approval

This phase involves the following participants:

  • CIO
  • EA Team
  • IT Leaders
  • Business Leaders

Step 4.1

Select Relevant EA Services

  • 4.1.1 Select the EA services relevant to your organization
  • 4.1.2 Identify if your organization needs additional services outside of the recommended list
  • 4.1.3 Complete all of the service catalog fields for each service to show the organization how each can be consumed

This step will walk you through the following activities:

  • Communicate a definition of EA services.
  • Link services to the previously identified EA contributions.

This step involves the following participants:

  • CIO
  • EA Team
  • IT Leaders
  • Business Leaders

Outcomes of this step

  • A defined set of services the EA function will provide.
  • An EA service catalog that demonstrates to the organization how each provided service can be accessed and consumed.

Design the EA Services

Step 3.1 Step 3.2

The definition of EA services will allow the group to communicate how they can add value to EA stakeholders

Enterprise architecture services are a set of activities the enterprise architecture function provides for the organization. EA services are important because the services themselves provide a set of benefits for the organization.

Enterprise Architecture Services

  • A means of delivering value to the business by facilitating outcomes service consumers want to achieve.
  • EA services are defined from the business perspective using business language.
  • EA services are designed to enable required business activities.

Viewing the EA function from a service perspective resolves the following pains:

  • Business users don’t know how EA can assist them.
  • Business users don’t know how to request access to a service with multiple sources of information available.
  • EA has no way of managing expectations for their users, which tend to inflate.
  • EA does not have a holistic view of all the services they need to provide.

Link EA services to the previously identified EA contributions

Previously identified EA contributions can be linked to EA services, which helps the EA function identify a set of EA services that are important to business stakeholders. Further, linking the EA contributions to EA services can define for the EA function the services they need to provide.

Demonstrate EA service value by linking them to EA contributions

  1. EA stakeholders generate drivers
  2. Drivers have pains that obstruct them
  3. Pains are alleviated by EA contributions
  4. EA contributions help define the EA services needed

    • EA Contributions
      Example EA contribution: Business capability mapping shows the business capabilities of the organization and the technology that supports those capabilities in the current and target state. This provides a view for the set of investments that are needed by the organization, which can then be prioritized.

      • EA Services
        Example EA service: Target-state business capability mapping

4.1.1 Select the EA services relevant to your organization

2 hours

Input: Previously identified EA contributions from the EA value proposition

Output: A set of EA services selected for the organization from Info-Tech’s defined set of EA services

Materials: Note-taking materials, Whiteboard or flip chart, markers

Participants: EA strategy creation team

Begin the selection of EA services relevant to your organization by following the steps below:

  1. Gather the EA strategy creation team, and the list of identified EA contributions that the team formulated during Phase 2.
  2. Open the EA Service Planning Tool, select one sub-service, and read its definition.
  3. Based on the definition of the sub-service, refer back to the identified list of EA contributions and check if there is an identified EA contribution that matches the service.
    • If the EA service definitions matches one of the identified EA contributions, then that EA service is relevant to the organization. If there is no match, then the EA service may not be relevant to the organization.
  4. Highlight the sub-service if it is relevant. Add a checkmark beside the EA contribution if it is addressed by a sub-service.
  5. Select the next sub-service and repeat steps 2-4. Continue down the list of sub-services in the EA Service Planning Tool until all sub-services have been examined.

Download the EA Service Planning Tool to assist with this activity.

4.1.2 Identify if your organization needs additional services outside of the recommended list

2 hours

Input: Expertise from the EA strategy creation team, Previously defined EA contributions

Output: A defined set of EA services outside the list Info-Tech has recommended

Materials: Note-taking materials, Whiteboard or flip chart, markers

Participants: EA strategy creation team

Identify if services outside of the recommended list in the EA Service Planning Tool are relevant to your organization by using the steps below:

  1. Gather the EA strategy creation team and the list of EA contributions with checkmarks for contributions addressed by EA services.
  2. Take the list of unaddressed EA contributions and select one EA contribution in the list. Assess whether an EA service is required to address the EA contribution. Ask the group the following:
    • Can the EA practice provide the service now?
    • Does providing this EA service line up with the previously defined EA function scope and EA fundamentals?
  3. Decide if a service needs to be provided for that contribution. If yes, give the service a name and a definition.
  4. Then, decide if the service fits into one of the service categories in the EA Service Planning Tool. If there is no fit, create another service category. Define the new service category as well.
  5. Continue to the next unaddressed EA contribution and repeat steps 2-4. Repeat this process until all unaddressed EA contributions have been assessed.

Download the EA Service Planning Tool to assist with this activity.

Create the EA service catalog to demonstrate to the organization how each service can be accessed and used

The EA service catalog is an important communicator to the business. It shifts the technology-oriented view of EA to services that show direct benefit to the business. It is a tool that communicates and provides clarity to the business about the EA services that are available and how those services can assist them.

Define the services to show value Define the service catalog to show how to use those services
Already defined
  • EA service categories
  • The services needed by the EA stakeholders in each EA service category
Need to define
  • Should EA deliver this service?
  • Service triggers
  • Service provider
  • Service requestor

Info-Tech Insight

The EA group must provide the organization with a list of services it will provide to demonstrate value. This will help the team manage expectations and the workload while giving organizational stakeholders a clear understanding of how to engage EA and what lies outside of EA’s involvement.

4.1.3 Complete all the service catalog fields for each service to show the organization how each can be consumed

4 hours

Input: Expertise from the EA strategy creation team

Output: Service details for each EA service in your organization

Materials: Note-taking materials, Whiteboard or flip chart, markers

Participants: EA strategy creation team

Complete the details for each relevant EA service in the EA Service Planning Tool by using the following steps:

  1. Gather the EA strategy creation team, and open the EA Service Planning Tool.
  2. Select one of the services you have defined as relevant and begin the process of defining the service. Define the following fields:
    • Should EA deliver this service? Should the EA team provide this service? (Yes/No)
    • Service trigger: What trigger will signal the need for the service?
    • Service provider: Who in the EA team will provide the service?
    • Service requestor: Who outside of the EA team has requested this service?
  3. Have the EA strategy creation team discuss and define each of the fields for the service above. Record the decisions in the corresponding columns of the EA Service Planning Tool.
  4. Select the next required EA service, and repeat steps 2 and 3. Repeat the process until all required EA services have their details defined.

Download the EA Service Planning Tool to assist with this activity.

Step 4.2

Finalize the Set of Services and Secure Approval

  • 4.2.1 Secure approval for your organization’s EA strategy
  • 4.2.2 Map the EA contributions to business goals
  • 4.2.3 Quantify the EA effectiveness
  • 4.2.4 Determine the role of the architect in the Agile ceremonies of the organization

This step will walk you through the following activities:

  • Present the EA strategy to stakeholders.
  • Determine service details for each EA service in your organization.

This step involves the following participants:

  • CIO
  • EA Team
  • IT Leaders
  • Business Leaders

Outcomes of this step

  • Secured approval for your organization’s EA strategy.
  • Measure effectiveness of EA contributions.

Design the EA Services

Step 4.1 Step 4.2

Present the EA strategy to stakeholders to secure approval of the finalized EA strategy

For the EA strategy to be successfully executed, it must be approved by the EA stakeholders. Securing their approval will increase the likelihood of success in the execution of the EA operating model.

Outputs that make up the EA strategy —› Present outputs to EA strategy stakeholders
  • Business and technology drivers
  • EA function value proposition

  • EA vision statement
  • EA mission statement
  • EA goals and objectives
  • EA scope
  • EA principles

  • EA function services
  • Identified and prioritized EA stakeholders.

  • The checkmark symbol represents the outputs this blueprint assists with creating.

4.2.1 Secure approval of your organization’s EA strategy

1 hour

Input: Completed EA Function Strategy Template, Expertise from EA strategy creation team

Output: Approval of the EA strategy

Materials: Note-taking materials, Whiteboard or flip chart, markers

Participants: EA strategy creation team, Key EA stakeholders

Use the following steps to assist with securing approval for your organization’s EA strategy:

  1. Call a meeting between the EA strategy creation team and the identified key EA stakeholders. Key stakeholders were defined in activity 2.1.1.
  2. Open the completed EA Function Strategy Template. Use it to help you discuss the merits of the EA strategy with the key stakeholders.
  3. Discuss with the stakeholders any concerns and modifications they wish to make to the strategy. If detailed questions are asked, refer to the other templates created as a part of this blueprint. Record those concerns and address them at a later time.
  4. After presenting the EA strategy, ask the stakeholders for approval. If stakeholders do not approve, refer back to the concerns documented in step 3 and inquire if addressing the concerns will result in approval.
  5. If applicable, address stakeholder concerns with the EA strategy.
  6. Once EA strategy has been approved, publish the EA strategy to ensure there is a mutual understanding of what the EA function will provide to the organization. Move on to Info-Tech’s Define an EA Operating Model blueprint to begin executing upon the EA strategy.

Use the EA Function Strategy Template to assist with this activity.

4.2.2 Map the EA contributions to the business goals

3 hours

Input: Expertise from EA strategy creation team

Output: Service details for each EA service in your organization

Materials: Note-taking materials, Whiteboard or flip chart, markers

Participants: EA strategy creation team

Map EA contributions/services to the goals of the organization.

  1. Start from the business goals of the organization.
  2. Determine Business and IT drivers.
  3. Identify EA contributions that help achieve the business goals.

Download the EA Service Planning Tool to assist with this activity.

Trace EA drivers to business goals (sample)

A model connecting 'Enterprise Architecture' with 'Corporate Goals' through 'EA Contributions'.

4.2.3 Quantify the EA effectiveness

1 hour

Input: Expertise from EA strategy creation team

Output: Defined KPIs (SMART)

Materials: Note-taking materials, Whiteboard or flip chart, markers

Participants: EA strategy creation team

Use SMART key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure EA contributions vis-à-vis business goals.

Measure the EA strategy effectiveness by tracking the benefits it provides to the corporate business goals

The success of the EA function spans across three main dimensions:

  • The delivery of EA-enabled business outcomes that are most important to the enterprise.
  • The alignment between the business and IT from a planning perspective.
  • Improvements in the corporate business goals due to EA contributions (standardization, rationalization, reuse, etc.).
Corporate Business GoalsEA ContributionsMeasurements
  • Reduction in operating costs
  • Decrease in regulatory compliance infractions
  • Increased revenue from existing channels
  • Increased revenue from new channels
  • Faster time to business value
  • Improved business agility
  • Reduction in enterprise risk exposure
  • Alignment of IT investments to business strategy
  • Achievement of business results directly linked to IT involvement
  • Application and platform rationalization
  • Standards in place
  • Flexible architecture
  • Better integration
  • Higher organizational satisfaction with technology-enabled services and solutions
  • Cost reductions based on application and platform rationalization
  • Standard based solutions
  • Time reduction for integration
  • Service reused
  • Stakeholder satisfaction with EA services
  • Increase customer satisfaction
  • Rework minimized
  • Lower cost of integration
  • Risk reduction
  • Faster time to market
  • Better scalability, etc.

The oil and gas company began the EA strategy creation by crafting an EA value proposition


Industry: Oil & Gas
Source: Info-Tech


The oil and gas corporation faced a great challenge in communicating the role of enterprise architecture to the organization. Although it has the mandate from the CIO to create the EA function, there was no function in existence. Thus, few people in the organization understood EA.

Because of this lack of understanding, the EA function was often undermined. The EA function was seen as an order taker that provided some services to the organization.


First, Info-Tech worked with the enterprise architecture team to define the EA stakeholders in the organization.

Second, Info-Tech interviewed those stakeholders to identify their needs. The needs were analyzed and pains that would obstruct addressing those needs were identified.

Lastly, Info-Tech worked with the team to identify common EA contributions that would solve those pains.


Through this process, Info-Tech helped the team at the oil and gas company create a document that could communicate the value of EA. Specifically, the document could articulate the issues obstructing each stakeholder from achieving their needs and how enterprise architecture could solve them.

With this value proposition, EA was able to demonstrate value to important stakeholders and set itself up for success in its future endeavors.

The oil and gas company defined EA services to provide and communicate value to the organization


Industry: Oil & Gas
Source: Info-Tech


As a brand new enterprise architecture function, the EA function at the oil and gas corporation did not have a set of defined EA services. Because of this lack of EA services, the organization did not know what contributions EA could provide.

Further, without the definition of EA services, the EA function did not set out explicit expectations to the business. This caused expectations from the business to be different from those of the EA function, resulting in friction.


Info-Tech worked with the EA function at the oil and gas corporation to define a set of EA services the function could provide.

The Info-Tech team, along with the organization, assessed the business and technology needs of the stakeholder. Those needs acted as the basis for the EA function to create their initial services.

Additionally, Info-Tech worked with the team to define the service details (e.g. service benefits, service requestor, service provider) to communicate how to provide services to the business.


The defined EA services led the EA function to communicate what it could provide for the business. As well, the defined services clarified the level of expectation for the business.

The EA team was able to successfully service the business on future projects, adding value through their expertise and knowledge of the organization’s systems. Because of the demonstrated value, EA has been given greater responsibility throughout the organization.

4.2.4 Determine the role of the architect in the Agile ceremonies of the organization

1 hour

Input: Expertise from EA strategy creation team

Output: Participation in Agile Pre- and Post-PI, Architect Syncs, etc.

Materials: Note-taking materials, Whiteboard or flip chart, markers

Participants: EA strategy creation team

Document the involvement of the enterprise architect in your organization’s Agile ceremonies.

  1. Document the Agile ceremonial used in the organization (based on SAFe or other Agile approaches).
  2. Determine ceremonies the System Architect will participate in.
  3. Determine ceremonies the Solution Architect will participate in
  4. Determine ceremonies the Enterprise Architect will participate in.
  5. Determine Architect Syncs, etc.

Note: Roles and responsibilities can be further defined as part of the Agile Enterprise Operating Model.

The EA role relative to agility

The enterprise architecture role relative to agility specifies the architecture roles as well as the agile protocols they will participate in.
This statement will guide every architect’s participation in planning meetings, pre- and post-PI, syncs, etc. Use simple and concise terminology; speak loudly and clearly.

A strong EA role statement relative to agility has the following characteristics:

  • Describes what different architect roles do to achieve the vision of the organization
  • In an agile way
  • Compelling
  • Easy to grasp
  • Sharply focused
  • Specific
  • Concise

Sample EA mission relative to agility

  • Create strategies that provide guardrails for the organization, provide standards, reusable assets, accelerators, and other decisions at the enterprise level that support agility.
  • Participate in pre-PI and post-PI planning activities, architect syncs, etc.

A clear statement can include additional details surrounding the Enterprise Architect role relative to agility

Likewise, below is a sample of connecting keywords together to form an enterprise architect role statement, relative to agility.

Optimize, transform, and innovate by defining and implementing the [Company]’s target enterprise architecture in an agile way.

Optimize – We collaborate with the business to analyze and optimize business capabilities and business processes to enable the agile and efficient attainment of [Company name] business objectives.

Transform – We support IT-enabled business transformation programs by building and maintaining a shared vision of the future-state enterprise and consistently communicating it to stakeholders.

Innovate – We identify and develop new and creative opportunities for IT to enable the business. We communicate the art of the possible to the business.

Defining and implementing – We engage with project teams early and guide solution design and selection to ensure alignment to the target-state enterprise architecture and provide guidance as well as accelerators.

Target enterprise structure in an agile way – We analyze business needs and priorities and assess the current state of the enterprise. We build and maintain the target enterprise architecture blueprints that define:

  • Business capabilities and processes (business architecture)
  • Data, application, and technology assets that enable business capabilities and processes (technology architecture)
  • Architecture principles
  • Standards and reusable assets
  • Continuous exploration, integration, and deployment

Move to the enterprise architecture operating model blueprint to execute your EA strategy

Once approved, move on to Info-Tech’s Define an EA Operating Model blueprint to begin executing on the EA strategy.

Enterprise architecture strategy

This blueprint focuses on setting up an enterprise architecture function, with the goal of maximizing the likelihood of EA success. The blueprint puts into place the components that will align the EA function with the needs of the stakeholders, guide the decision making of the EA function, and define the services EA can provide to the organization.

Agile enterprise architecture operating model

An EA operating model helps you design and organize the EA function, ensuring adherence to architectural standards and delivery of EA services. This blueprint acts on the EA strategy by creating methods to engage, govern, and develop architecture as a part of the larger organization.

Research contributors and experts

Photo of Milena Litoiu, Senior Director Research and Advisory, Enterprise Architecture Milena Litoiu
Senior Director Research and Advisory, Enterprise Architecture
  • Milena Litoiu is a Principal/Senior Manager of Enterprise Architecture. She is Master Certified with The Open Group and she sits on global architecture certification boards.
  • Other certifications include SABSA, CRISC, and Scaled Agile Framework. She started as a certified IT Architect at IBM and has over 25 years experience in this field.
  • Milena teaches enterprise architecture at the University of Toronto and led the development of the Enterprise Architecture Certificate (a course on EA fundamentals, one on EA development and Governance, and one on Trends going forward).
  • She has a Masters in Engineering, an executive MBA, and extensive experience in enterprise architecture as well as methodologies and tools.
Photo of Lan Nguyen, IT Executive, Mentor, Managing Partner at CIOs Beyond Borders Group Lan Nguyen
IT Executive, Mentor, Managing Partner at CIOs Beyond Borders Group
  • Lan Nguyen has a wealth of experience driving the EA strategy and the digital transformation success at the City of Toronto.
  • Lan is a university lecturer on topics like strategic leadership in the digital enterprise.
  • Lan is a Managing Partner at CIOs Beyond Borders Group.
  • Lan specializes in Partnership Development; Governance; Strategic Planning, Business Development; Government Relations; Business Relationship Management; Leadership Development; Organizational Agility and Change Management; Talent Management; Managed Services; Digital Transformation; Strategic Management of Enterprise IT; Shared Services; Service Quality Improvement, Portfolio Management; Community Development; and Social Enterprise.

Photo of Dirk Coetsee, Director Research and Advisory, Enterprise Architecture, Data & Analytics Dirk Coetsee
Director Research and Advisory, Enterprise Architecture, Data & Analytics
  • Dirk Coetsee is a Research & Advisory Director in the Data & Analytics practice. Dirk has over 25 years of experience in data management and architecture within a wide range of industries, especially Financial Services, Manufacturing, and Retail.
  • Dirk spearheaded data architecture at several organizations and was involved in enterprise data architecture, data governance, and data quality and analytics. He architected many operational data stores of ranging complexity and transaction volumes and was part of major enterprise data warehouse initiatives. Lately, he was part of projects that implemented big data, enterprise service bus, and micro services architectures. Dirk has an in-depth knowledge of industry models within the financial and retail spaces.
  • Dirk holds a BSc (Hons) in Operational Research and an MBA with specialization in Financial Services from the University of Pretoria, South Africa.
Photo of Andy Neill, AVP, Enterprise Architecture, Data and Analytics Andy Neill
AVP, Enterprise Architecture, Data and Analytics
  • Andy is AVP Data and Analytics and Chief Enterprise Architect at Info-Tech Research Group. Previous roles include leading the data architecture practice for Loblaw Companies Ltd, Shoppers Drug Mart and 360 Insights in Canada as well as leading architecture practices at Siemens consultancy, BBC, NHS, Ordnance Survey, and Houses of Parliament and Commons in the UK.
  • His responsibilities at Info-Tech include leading the data and analytics and enterprise architecture research practices and guiding the future of research and client engagement in that space.
  • Andy is the Product Owner for the Technical Counselor seat offering at Info-Tech, which gives world-class holistic support to our senior technical members.
  • He is also a instructor and content creator for the University of Toronto in the field of Enterprise Architecture.

Photo of Wayne Filin-Matthews, Chief Enterprise Architect, ICMG Winner of Global Chief Enterprise Architect of the Year 2019 Wayne Filin-Matthews
Chief Enterprise Architect, ICMG Winner of Global Chief Enterprise Architect of the Year 2019
  • Wayne is currently the EA Discipline Lead/Chief Enterprise Architect – Global Digital Transformation Office, COE at Dell Technologies.
  • He is a distinguished Motivator & Tech Lead as well as an influencer.
  • Wayne has led multiple Enterprise Architecture practices at the global level and has valuable contributions in this space managing and growing Enterprise Architecture and CTO practices across strategy, execution, and adoption parts of the IT lifecycle.
Photo of Graham Smith, Experienced lead Enterprise Architect and Independent Consultant Graham Smith
Experienced lead Enterprise Architect and Independent Consultant
  • Graham is an experienced lead enterprise architect specializing in digital and data transformation, with over 33 years of experience, spanning financial markets, media, information, insurance, and telecommunications sectors. Graham has successfully established and led large teams across India, China, Australia, Americas, Japan, and the UK.
  • He is currently working as an independent consultant in digital and data-led transformation and his work spans established businesses and start-ups alike.

Thanks also go to all experts who contributed to previous versions of this document:

  • Zachary Curry, Director, Enterprise Architecture and Innovation, FMC Technologies
  • Pam Doucette, Director of Enterprise Architecture, Tufts Health Plan
  • Joe Evers, Consulting Principal, JcEvers Consulting Corp
  • Cameron Fairbairn, Enterprise Architect, Agriculture Financial Services Corporation (AFSC)
  • Michael Fulton, Chief Digital Officer & Senior IT Strategy & Architecture Consultant at CC and C Solutions
  • Tom Graves, Principal Consultant, Tetradian Consulting
  • (JB) Brahmaiah Jarugumilli, Consultant, Federal Aviation Administration – Enterprise Services Center
  • Huw Morgan, IT Research Executive, Enterprise Architect
  • Serge Parisien, Manager, Enterprise Architecture, Canada Mortgage & Housing Corporation

Additional interviews were conducted but are not listed due to privacy and confidentiality requirements.


“Agile Manifesto for Software Development,” Ward Cunningham, 2001. Accessed July 2021.

“ArchiMate 3.1 Specification.” The Open Group, n.d. Accessed July 2021.

“Are Your IT Strategy and Business Strategy Aligned?” 5Q Partners, 8 Jan. 2015. Accessed Oct. 2016.

Bowen, Fillmore. “How agile companies create and sustain high ROI.” IBM. Accessed Oct. 2016.

Burns, Peter, et al. Building Value through Enterprise Architecture: A Global Study. Booz & Co. 2009. Web. Nov. 2016.

“Demonstrating the Value of Enterprise Architecture in Delivering Business Capabilities.” Cisco, 2008. Web. Oct. 2016.

“Disciplined Agile.” Disciplined Agile Consortium, n.d. Web.

Fowler, Martin. “Building Effective software.” Accessed July 2021.

Fowler, Martin. “Agile Software Guide.”, 1 Aug. 2019.

Accessed July 2021.

Haughey, Duncan. “SMART Goals.” Project Smart, 2014. Accessed July 2021.

Kern, Matthew. “20 Enterprise Architecture Practices.” LinkedIn, 3 March 2016. Accessed Nov. 2016.

Lahanas, Stephen. “Infrastructure Architecture, Defined.” IT Architecture Journal, Sept. 2014. Accessed July 2021.

Lean IX website, Accessed July 2021.

Litoiu, Milena. Course material from Information Technology 2690: Foundations of Enterprise Architecture, 2021, University of Toronto.

Mocker, M., J.W. Ross, and C.M. Beath. “How Companies Use Digital Technologies to Enhance Customer Findings.” MIT CISR Working Paper No. 434, Feb. 2019. Qtd in Mayor, Tracy. “MIT expert recaps 30-plus years of enterprise architecture.” MIT Sloan, 10 Aug. 2020. Web.

“Open Agile ArchitectureTM.” The Open Group, 2020. Accessed July 2021.

“Organizational Design Framework – The Transformation Model.” The Center for Organizational Design, n.d. Accessed 1 Aug. 2020.

Ross, Jeanne W. et al. Enterprise Architecture as Strategy: Creating a Foundation for Business Execution. Harvard Business School Press, 2006.

Rouse, Margaret. “Enterprise Architecture (EA).” SearchCIO, June 2007. Accessed Nov. 2016.

“SAFe 5 for Lean Enterprises.” Scaled Agile Framework, Scaled Agile, Inc. Accessed 2021.

“Security Architecture.” Technopedia, updated 20 Dec. 2016. Accessed July 2021.

“Software Engineering Institute.” Carnegie Mellon University, n.d. Web.

“TOGAF 9.1.” The Open Group, 2011. Accessed Oct. 2016.

“TOGAF 9.2.” The Open Group, 2018. Accessed July 2021.

Thompson, Rachel. “Stakeholder Analysis: Winning Support for Your Projects.” MindTools, n.d. Accessed July 2021.

Wendt, Jerome M. “Redefining ‘SMB’, ‘SME’ and ‘Large Enterprise.’” DCIG, 25 Mar. 2011. Accessed July 2021.

Wilkinson, Jim. “Business Drivers.” The Strategic CFO, 23 July 2013. Accessed July 2021.

Zachman, John. “Conceptual, Logical, Physical: It is Simple.” Zachman International, 2011. Accessed July 2021.

Improve Your Statements of Work to Hold Your Vendors Accountable

  • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}233|cart{/j2store}
  • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 10.0/10 Overall Impact
  • member rating average dollars saved: $10,638 Average $ Saved
  • member rating average days saved: 16 Average Days Saved
  • Parent Category Name: Vendor Management
  • Parent Category Link: /vendor-management
  • SOW reviews are tedious, and reviewers may lack the skills and experience to effectively complete the process.
  • Vendors draft provisions that shift the performance risk to the customer in subtle ways that are often overlooked or not identified by customers.
  • Customers don’t understand the power and implications of SOWs, treating them as an afterthought or formality.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • There is often a disconnect between what is sold and what is purchased. To gain the customer’s approval, vendors will present a solution- or outcome-based proposal. However, the SOW is task or activity based, shifting the risk for success to the customer.
  • A good SOW takes time and should not be rushed. The quality of the requirements and of the SOW wording drive success. Not allocating enough time to address both increases the risk of the project’s failure.

Impact and Result

  • Info-Tech’s guidance and insights will help you navigate the complex process of SOW review and identify the key details necessary to maximize the protections for your organization and hold vendors accountable.
  • This blueprint provides direction on spotting vendor-biased terms and conditions and offers tips for mitigating the risk associated with words and phrases that shift responsibilities and obligations from the vendor to the customer.

Improve Your Statements of Work to Hold Your Vendors Accountable Research & Tools

Start here – read the Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should spend more time assessing your statements of work, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

1. Assess SOW Terms and Conditions

Use Info-Tech’s SOW review guidance to find common pitfalls and gotchas, to maximize the protections for your organization, and to hold vendors accountable.

  • Improve Your Statements of Work to Hold Your Vendors Accountable – Storyboard
  • Contract or SOW Guide
  • SOW Maps Tool
  • Red-Flag Words and Phrases Tool

Workshop: Improve Your Statements of Work to Hold Your Vendors Accountable

Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

1 Assess SOW Terms and Conditions

The Purpose

Gain a better understanding of common SOW clauses and phrases.

Key Benefits Achieved

Reduce risk

Increase vendor accountability

Improve negotiation positions


1.1 Review sample SOW provisions, identify the risks, and develop a negotiation position.

1.2 Review Info-Tech tools.


Awareness and increased knowledge

Familiarity with the Info-Tech tools

Cost-Optimize Your Security Budget

  • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}250|cart{/j2store}
  • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.0/10 Overall Impact
  • member rating average dollars saved: $2,078 Average $ Saved
  • member rating average days saved: 2 Average Days Saved
  • Parent Category Name: Security Strategy & Budgeting
  • Parent Category Link: /security-strategy-and-budgeting
  • The security budget has been slashed and the team needs to do more with less.
  • Mitigating risk is still the top priority, only now we need to reassess effectiveness and efficiency to ensure we are getting the greatest level of protection for the least amount of money.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

A cost-optimized security budget is one that has the greatest impact on risk for the least amount of money spent.

Impact and Result

  • Focus on business needs and related risks. Review the risk-reduction efficacy of your people, processes, and technology and justify what can be cut and what must stay.
  • Info-Tech will guide you through this process, and by the end of this blueprint you will have a cost-optimized security budget and an executive presentation to explain your revised spending.

Cost-Optimize Your Security Budget Research & Tools

Start here – read the Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should cost-optimize your security budget, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

1. Cost-optimize your technology and managed services

This phase will help you assess the efficacy of your current technology and service providers.

  • Threat and Risk Assessment Tool
  • In-House vs. Outsourcing Decision-Making Tool

2. Cost-optimize your staffing

This phase will help you assess if layoffs are necessary.

  • Security Employee Layoff Selection Tool

3. Cost-optimize your security strategy

This phase will help you revise the pending process-based initiatives in your security strategy.

  • Security Cost Optimization Workbook
  • Security Cost Optimization Executive Presentation

Plan Your Digital Transformation on a Page

  • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}81|cart{/j2store}
  • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 8.0/10 Overall Impact
  • member rating average dollars saved: $34,649 Average $ Saved
  • member rating average days saved: 20 Average Days Saved
  • Parent Category Name: IT Strategy
  • Parent Category Link: /it-strategy
  • Digital investments often under deliver on expectations of return, and there is no cohesive approach to managing the flow of capital into digital.
  • The focus of the business has historically been to survive technological disruption rather than to thrive in it.
  • Strategy is based mostly on opinion rather than an objective analysis of the outcomes customers want from the organization.
  • Digital is considered a buzzword – nobody has a clear understanding of what it is and what it means in the organization’s context.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • The purpose of going digital is getting one step closer to the customer. The mark of a digital organization lies in how they answer the question, “How does what we’re doing contribute to what the customer wants from us?”
  • The goal of digital strategy is digital enablement. An organization that is digitally enabled no longer needs a digital strategy, it’s just “the strategy.”

Impact and Result

  • Focus strategy making on delivering the digital outcomes that customers want.
    • Leverage the talent, expertise, and perspectives within the organization to build a customer-centric digital strategy.
  • Design a balanced digital strategy that creates value across the five digital value pools:
    • Digital marketing, digital channels, digital products, digital supporting capabilities, and business model innovation.
  • Ask how disruption can be leveraged, or even become the disruptor.
    • Manage disruption through quick-win approaches and empowering staff to innovate.
  • Use a Digital Strategy-on-a-Page to spark the digital transformation.
    • Drive awareness and alignment on the digital vision and spark your organization’s imagination around digital.

Plan Your Digital Transformation on a Page Research & Tools

Start here – read the Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to understand how digital disruption is driving the need for transformation, and how Info-Tech’s methodology can help.

Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

1. Scope the digital transformation

Learn how to apply the Digital Value Pools thought model and scope strategy around them.

  • Plan Your Digital Transformation on a Page – Phase 1: Scope the Digital Transformation

2. Design the digital future state vision

Identify business imperatives, define digital outcomes, and define the strategy’s guiding principles.

  • Plan Your Digital Transformation on a Page – Phase 2: Design the Digital Future State Vision
  • Digital Strategy on a Page

3. Define the digital roadmap

Define, prioritize, and roadmap digital initiatives and plan contingencies.

  • Plan Your Digital Transformation on a Page – Phase 3: Define the Digital Roadmap

4. Sustain digital transformation

Create, polish, and socialize the Digital Strategy-on-a-Page.

  • Plan Your Digital Transformation on a Page – Phase 4: Sustain Digital Transformation

Workshop: Plan Your Digital Transformation on a Page

Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

1 Scope the Digital Transformation

The Purpose

Identify the need for and use of digital strategy and determine a realistic scope for the digital strategy.

Key Benefits Achieved

The digital strategy project is planned and scoped around a subset of the five digital value pools.


1.1 Introduction to digital strategy.

1.2 Establish motivation for digital.

1.3 Discuss in-flight digital investments.

1.4 Define the scope of digital.

1.5 Identify stakeholders.

1.6 Perform discovery interviews.

1.7 Select two value pools to focus day 2, 3, and 4 activities.


Business model canvas

Stakeholder power map

Discovery interview results

Two value pools for focus throughout the workshop

2 Design the Digital Future State Vision

The Purpose

Create guiding principles to help define future digital initiatives. Generate the target state with the help of strategic goals.

Key Benefits Achieved

Establish the basis for planning out the initiatives needed to achieve the target state from the current state.


2.1 Identify digital imperatives.

2.2 Define key digital outcomes.

2.3 Create a digital investment thesis.

2.4 Define digital guiding principles.


Corporate strategy analysis, PESTLE analysis, documented operational pain points (value streams)

Customer needs assessment (journey maps)

Digital investment thesis

Digital guiding principles

3 Define the Digital Roadmap

The Purpose

Understand the gap between the current and target state. Create transition options and assessment against qualitative and quantitative metrics to generate a list of initiatives the organization will pursue to reach the target state. Build a roadmap to plan out when each transition initiative will be implemented.

Key Benefits Achieved

Finalize the initiatives the organization will use to achieve the target digital state. Create a roadmap to plan out the timing of each initiative and generate an easy-to-present document for digital strategy approval.


3.1 Identify initiatives to achieve digital outcomes.

3.2 Align in-flight initiatives to digital initiatives.

3.3 Prioritize digital initiatives.

3.4 Document architecturally significant requirements for high-priority initiatives.


Digital outcomes and KPIs

Investment/value pool matrix

Digital initiative prioritization

Architecturally significant requirements for high-priority initiatives

4 Define the Digital Roadmap

The Purpose

Plan your approach to socializing the digital strategy to help facilitate the cultural changes necessary for digital transformation.

Key Benefits Achieved

Plant the seed of digital and innovation to start making digital a part of the organization’s DNA.


4.1 Review and refine Digital Strategy on a Page.

4.2 Assess company culture.

4.3 Define high-level cultural changes needed for successful transformation.

4.4 Define the role of the digital transformation team.

4.5 Establish digital transformation team membership and desired outcomes.


Digital Strategy on a Page

Strategyzer Culture Map

Digital transformation team charter

Make the Case for Enterprise Business Analysis

  • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}509|cart{/j2store}
  • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
  • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
  • member rating average days saved: N/A
  • Parent Category Name: Requirements & Design
  • Parent Category Link: /requirements-and-design
  • It can be difficult to secure alignment between the many lines of business, IT included, in your organization.
  • Historically, we have drawn a dividing line between IT and "the business.”
  • The reality of organizational politics and stakeholder bias means that, with selection and prioritization, sometimes the highest value option is dismissed to make way for the loudest voice’s option.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • Enterprise business analysis can help you stop the debate between IT and “the business,” as it sees everyone as part of the business. It can effectively break down silos, support the development of holistic strategies to address internal and external risks, and remove the bias and politics in decision making all too common in organizations.
  • The business analyst is the only role that can connect the strategic with the tactical, the systems, and the operations and do so objectively. It is the one source to show how people, process, and technology connect and relate, and the most skilled can remove bias and politics from their lens of view.
  • Maturity can’t be rushed. Build your enterprise business analysis program on a solid foundation of leading and consistent business analysis practices to secure buy-in and have a program that is sustainable in the long term.

Impact and Result

Let’s make the case for enterprise business analysis!

  • Organizations that have higher business analysis maturity and deploy enterprise analysis deliver better quality outcomes, with higher value, lower cost, and higher user satisfaction.
  • Business analysts should be contributing at the strategic level, as they need to understand multiple horizons simultaneously and be able to zoom in and out as the context calls for it. Business analysts aren’t only for projects.

Make the Case for Enterprise Business Analysis Research & Tools

Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

1. Make the Case for Enterprise Business Analysis Storyboard – Take your business analysis from tactics to strategy.

  • Make the Case for Enterprise Business Analysis Storyboard

2. Communicate the Case for Enterprise Business Analysis Template – Make the case for enterprise business analysis.

  • Communicate the Case for Enterprise Business Analysis

Further reading

Make the Case for Enterprise Business Analysis

Putting the strategic and tactical puzzle together.

Analyst Perspective

We commonly recognize the value of effective business analysis at a project or tactical level. A good business analysis professional can support the business by identifying its needs and recommending solutions to address them.
Now, wouldn't it be great if we could do the same thing at a higher level?
Enterprise (or strategic) business analysis is all about seeing that bigger picture, an approach that makes any business analysis professional a highly valuable contributor to their organization. It focuses on the enterprise, not a specific project or line of business.
Leading the business analysis effort at an enterprise level ensures that your business is not only doing things right, but also doing the right things; aligned with the strategic vision of your organization to improve the way decisions are made, options are analyzed, and successful results are realized.

Vincent Mirabelli

Vincent Mirabelli
Principal Research Director, Applications Delivery and Management
Info-Tech Research Group

Executive Summary

Your Challenge

  • Difficulty properly aligning between the many lines of business in your organization.
  • Historically, we have drawn a dividing line between IT and the business.
  • The reality of organizational politics and stakeholder bias means that, with selection and prioritization, sometimes the highest value option is dismissed in favor of the loudest voice.

Common Obstacles

  • Difficulty aligning an ever-changing backlog of projects, products, and services while simultaneously managing risks, external threats, and stakeholder expectations.
  • Many organizations have never heard of enterprise business analysis and only see the importance of business analysts at the project and delivery level.
  • Business analysis professionals rarely do enough to advocate for a seat at the strategic tables in their organizations.

Info-Tech's Approach

Let's make the case for enterprise business analysis!

  • Organizations that have higher business analysis maturity and deploy enterprise business analysis deliver better quality outcomes with higher value, lower cost, and higher user satisfaction.
  • Business analysts aren't only for projects. They should contribute at the strategic level, since they need to understand multiple horizons simultaneously and be able to zoom in and out as the context requires.

Info-Tech Insight

Enterprise business analysis can help you reframe the debate between IT and the business, since it sees everyone as part of the business. It can effectively break down silos, support the development of holistic strategies to address internal and external risks, and remove bias and politics from decision making.

Phase 1

Build the case for enterprise business analysis

Phase 1

Phase 2

1.1 Define enterprise business analysis

1.2 Identify your pains and opportunities

2.1 Set your vision

2.2 Define your roadmap and next steps

2.3 Complete your executive communications deck

This phase will walk you through the following activities:

  • 1.1.1 Discuss how business analysis is used in our organization
  • 1.1.2 Discuss your disconnects between strategy and tactics
  • 1.2.1 Identify your pains and opportunities

This phase involves the following participants:

  • Business analyst(s)
  • Organizational business leaders
  • Any other relevant stakeholders

How business analysis supports our success today

Delivering value at the tactical level

Effective business analysis helps guide an organization through improvements to processes, products, and services. Business analysts "straddle the line between IT and the business to help bridge the gap and improve efficiency" in an organization (CIO, 2019).
They are most heavily involved in:

  • Defining needs
  • Modeling concepts, processes, and solutions
  • Conducting analysis
  • Maintaining and managing requirements
  • Managing stakeholders
  • Monitoring progress
  • Doing business analysis planning
  • Conducting elicitation

In a survey, business analysts indicated that of their total working time, they spend 31% performing business analysis planning and 41% performing elicitation and analysis (PMI, 2017).

By including a business analyst in a project, organizations benefit by:
(IAG, 2009)


Reduced time overspending


Prevented budget overspending


Reduction in missed functionality

1.1.1 Discuss how business analysis is used in your organization

15-30 minutes

  1. Gather the appropriate stakeholders to discuss their knowledge, experience, and perspectives on business analysis. This should relate to their experience and not a future or aspirational usage.
  2. Have a team member facilitate the session.
  3. Brainstorm and document all shared thoughts and perspectives.
  4. Synthesize those thoughts and perspectives and record the results for the group to review and discuss.
  5. Transfer the results to the Communicate the Case for Enterprise Business Analysis template


  • Stakeholder knowledge and experience


  • A shared understanding of how your organization leverages its business analysis function


  • Whiteboard/Flip charts
  • Collaborative whiteboard
  • Communicate the Case for Enterprise Business Analysis template


  • Business analyst(s)
  • Organizational business leaders
  • Any other relevant stakeholders

Download the Communicate the Case for Enterprise Business Analysis template

Executives and leadership are satisfied with IT when there is alignment between tactics and goals

Info-Tech's CIO Business Vision Survey data highlights the importance of IT projects in supporting the business to achieve its strategic goals.

However, Info-Tech's CEO-CIO Alignment Survey (N=124) data indicates that CEOs perceive IT as poorly aligned with the business' strategic goals.

Info-Tech's CIO-CEO Alignment Diagnostics


of CEOs believe that business goals are going unsupported by IT.


of CEOs believe that IT must improve understanding of business goals.


of CIOs/CEOs are misaligned on the target role of IT.


of business stakeholders support their IT departments.

Addressing problems solely with tactics does not always have the desired effect


Source: "Out of the Crisis", Deming (via Harvard Business Review)

According to famed management and quality thought leader and pioneer W. Edwards Deming, 94% of issues in the workplace are systemic cause significant organizational pain.

Yet we continue to address them on the surface, rather than acknowledge how ingrained they are in our culture, systems, and processes.

For example, we:

  • Create workarounds to address process and solution constraints
  • Expect that poor (or lack of ) leadership can be addressed in a course or seminar
  • Expect that "going Agile" will resolve our problems, and that decision making, governance, and organizational alignment will happen organically.

Band-aid solutions rarely have the desired effect, particularly in the long-term.

Our solutions should likewise focus on the systemic/macro environment. We can do this via projects, products and services, but those don't always address the larger issues.

If we take the work our business analysis currently does in defining needs and solutions, and elevate this to the strategic level, the results can be impactful.

Many organizations would benefit from enhancing their business analysis maturity

The often-overlooked strategic value of the role comes with maturing your practices.

Only 18% of organizations have mature (optimized or established) business analysis practices.

With that higher level of maturity comes increased levels of capability, efficiency, and effectiveness in delivering value to people, processes, and technology. Through such efforts, they're better equipped and able to connect the strategy of their organization to the projects, processes, and products they deliver.

They shift focus from "figuring business analysis out" to truly unleashing its potential, with business analysts contributing in strategic and tactical ways.

an image showing the following data: Optimized- 5; Established- 13; Improving- 37; Starting- 25; Ad hoc- 21

(Adapted from PMI, 2017)

Info-Tech Insight

Business analysts are best suited to connect the strategic with the tactical, the systems, and the operations. They maintain the most objective lens regarding how people, process, and technology connect and relate, and the most skilled of them can remove bias and politics from their perspective.

1.1.2 Discuss your disconnects between strategy and tactics

30-60 minutes

    1. Gather the appropriate stakeholders to discuss their knowledge, experience, and perspectives regarding failures that resulted from disconnects between strategy and tactics.
    2. Have a team member facilitate the session.
    3. Brainstorm and document all shared thoughts and perspectives.
    4. Synthesize those thoughts and perspectives and record the results.
    5. Transfer the results to the Communicate the Case for Enterprise Business Analysis template.


  • Stakeholder knowledge and experience


  • A shared understanding and list of failures due to disconnects between strategy and tactics


  • Whiteboard/Flip charts
  • Collaborative whiteboard
  • Communicate the Case for Enterprise Business Analysis template


  • Business analyst(s)
  • Organizational business leaders
  • Any other relevant stakeholders

Download the Communicate the Case for Enterprise Business Analysis template

Defining enterprise business analysis

Terms may change, but the function remains the same.

Enterprise business analysis (sometimes referred to as strategy analysis) "…focuses on defining the future and transition states needed to address the business need, and the work required is defined both by that need and the scope of the solution space. It covers strategic thinking in business analysis, as well as the discovery or imagining of possible solutions that will enable the enterprise to create greater value for stakeholders and/or capture more value for itself."
(Source: "Business Analysis Body of Knowledge," v3)

Define the function of enterprise business analysis

This is a competitive advantage for mature organizations.

Organizations with high-performing business analysis programs experience an enhanced alignment between strategy and operations. This contributes to improved organizational performance. We see this in financial (69% vs. 45%) and strategic performance (66% vs. 21%), also organizational agility (40% vs. 14%) and management of operational projects (62% vs. 29%). (PMI, 2017)

When comparing enterprise with traditional business analysis, we see stark differences in the size and scope of their view, where they operate, and the role they play in organizational decision making.

Enterprise Traditional
Decision making Guides and influences Executes
Time horizon 2-10 years 0-2 years
Focus Strategy, connecting the strategic to the operational Operational, optimizing how business is done, and keeping the lights on

Whole organization

Broader marketplace

Only stakeholder lines of business relevant to the current project, product or service
Organizational Level Executive/Leadership Project

(Adapted from Schulich School of Business)

Info-Tech Insight

Maturity can't be rushed. Build your enterprise business analysis program on a solid foundation of leading and consistent business analysis practices to secure buy-in and have a program that is sustainable in the long term.

An image showing the percentages of high- and low- maturity organizations, for the following categories: Financial performance; Strategy implementation; Organizational agility; Management of projects.

(Adapted from PMI, 2017)

How enterprise business analysis is used to improve organizations

The biggest sources of project failure include:

  • Wrong (or poor) requirements
  • Unrealistic (or incomplete) business case
  • Lack of appropriate governance and oversight
  • Poor implementation
  • Poor benefits management
  • Environmental changes

Source:, 2023.

Enterprise business analysis addresses these sources and more.

It brings a holistic view of the organization, improving collaboration and decision making across the many lines of business, effectively breaking down silos.

In addition to ensuring we're doing the right things, not just doing things right in the form of improved requirements and more accurate business cases, or ensuring return on investment (ROI) and monitoring the broader landscape, enterprise business analysis also supports:

  • Reduced rework and waste
  • Understanding and improving operations
  • Making well-informed decisions through improved objectivity/reduced bias
  • Identifying new opportunities for growth and expansion
  • Identifying and mitigating risk
  • Eliminating projects and initiatives that do not support organizational goals or objectives
  • A career-pathing option for business analysts

Identify your pains and opportunities

There are many considerations in enterprise business analysis.

Pains, gains, threats, and opportunities can come at your organization from anywhere. Be it a new product launch, an international expansion, or a new competitor, it can be challenging to keep up.

This is where an enterprise business analyst can be the most helpful.

By keeping a pulse on the external and internal environments, they can support growth, manage risks, and view your organization through multiple lenses and perspectives to get a single, complete picture.



Identifying competitive forces

In the global environment

Organizational strengths and weaknesses

  • Monitoring and maintaining your competitive advantage.
  • Understanding trends, risks and threats in your business domain, and how they affect your organization.
  • Benchmarking performance against like and unlike organizations, to realize where you stand and set a baseline for continuous improvement and business development.
  • Leveraging tools and techniques to scan the broader landscape on an ongoing basis. Using PESTLE analysis, they can monitor the political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental factors that impact when, where, how, and with who you conduct your business and IT operations.
  • Supporting alignment between a portfolio or program of projects and initiatives.
  • Improving alignment between the various lines of business, who often lack full visibility outside of their silo, and can find themselves clashing over time, resources, and attention from leaders.
  • Improving solutions and outcomes through objective option selection.

1.2.1 Identify your pains and opportunities

30-60 minutes

  1. As a group, generate a list of the current pains and opportunities facing your organization. You can focus on a particular type (competitive, market, or internal) or leave it open. You can also focus on pains or opportunities separately, or simultaneously.
  2. Have a team member facilitate the session.
  3. Record the results for the group to review, discuss, and prioritize.
    1. Discuss the impact and likelihood of each item. This can be formally ranked and quantified if there is data to support the item or leveraging the wisdom of the group.
    2. Prioritize the top three to five items of each type, as agreed by the group, and document the results.
  4. Transfer the results to the Communicate the Case for Enterprise Business Analysis template.

Download the Communicate the Case for Enterprise Business Analysis template


  • Attendee knowledge
  • Supporting data, if available


  • A list of identified organizational pains and opportunities that has been prioritized by the group


  • Whiteboard/Flip charts
  • Collaborative whiteboard
  • Communicate the Case for Enterprise Business Analysis template


  • Business analyst(s)
  • Organizational business leaders
  • Any other relevant stakeholders

Phase 2

Prepare the foundations for your enterprise business analysis program

Phase 1

Phase 2

1.1 Define enterprise business analysis

1.2 Identify your pains and opportunities

2.1 Set your vision

2.2 Define your roadmap and next steps

2.3 Complete your executive communications deck

This phase will walk you through the following activities:

  • 2.1.1 Define your vision and goals
  • 2.1.2 Identify your enterprise business analysis inventory
  • 2.2.1 Now, Next, Later

This phase involves the following participants:

  • Business analyst(s)
  • Organizational business leaders
  • Any other relevant stakeholders

Set your vision

Your vision becomes your "north star," guiding your journey and decisions.

When thinking about a vision statement for enterprise business analysis, think about:

  • Who are we doing this for? Who will benefit?
  • What do our business partners need? What do our customers need?
  • What value do we provide them? How can we best support them?
  • Why is this special/different from how we usually do business?

Always remember: Your goal is not your vision!

Not knowing the difference will prevent you from both dreaming big and achieving your dream.

Your vision represents where you want to go. It's what you want to do.

Your goals represent how you want to achieve your vision.

  • They are a key element of operationalizing your vision.
  • Your strategy, initiatives, and features will align with one or more goals.

Info-Tech Best Practice

Your vision shouldn't be so far out that it doesn't feel real, nor so short term that it gets bogged down in details. Finding balance will take some trial and error and will be different depending on your organization.

2.1.1 Define your vision and goals

1-2 hours

  1. Gather the appropriate stakeholders to discuss their vision for enterprise business analysis. It should address the questions used in framing your vision statement.
  2. Have a team member facilitate the session.
  3. Review your current organizational vision and goals.
  4. Discuss and document all shared thoughts and perspectives on how enterprise business analysis can align with the organizational vision.
  5. Synthesize those thoughts and perspectives to create a vision statement.
  6. Transfer the results to the Communicate the Case for Enterprise Business Analysis template.

Download the Communicate the Case for Enterprise Business Analysis template


  • Stakeholder vision, knowledge, and experience
  • Current organizational vision and goals


  • A documented vision and goals for your enterprise business analysis program


  • Whiteboard/Flip charts
  • Collaborative whiteboard
  • Communicate the Case for Enterprise Business Analysis template


  • Business analyst(s)
  • Organizational business leaders
  • Any other relevant stakeholders

Components of successful enterprise business analysis programs

Ensure you're off to the best start by examining where you are and where you want to go.


  • Do the current team members have the right level of training?
  • Can we easily obtain training to close any gaps?

Competencies and capabilities

  • Do our business analysts have the right skills, attributes, and behaviors to be successful?

Structure and alignment

  • Would the organizational culture support enterprise business analysis (EBA)?
  • How might we structure the EBA unit to maximize effectiveness?
  • How can we best support the organization's goals and objectives?

Methods and processes

  • How do we plan on managing the work to be done?
  • Can we define our processes and workflows?

Tools, techniques, and templates

  • Do we have the most effective tools, techniques, and templates?


  • How will we make decisions?
  • How will the program be managed?

2.1.2 Identify your enterprise business analysis inventory

30-60 minutes

  1. Gather the appropriate stakeholders to discuss the current business analysis assets, which could be leveraged for enterprise business analysis. This includes people, processes, and technologies which cover skills, knowledge, resources, experience, knowledge, and competencies. Focus on what the organization currently has, and not what it needs.
  2. Have a team member facilitate the session.
  3. Record the results for the group to review and discuss.
  4. Transfer the results to the Communicate the Case for Enterprise Business Analysis template.

Download the Communicate the Case for Enterprise Business Analysis template


  • Your current business analysis assets and resources Stakeholder knowledge and experience


  • A list of assets and resources to enable enterprise business analysis


  • Whiteboard/Flip charts
  • Collaborative whiteboard
  • Communicate the Case for Enterprise Business Analysis template


  • Business analyst(s)
  • Organizational business leaders
  • Any other relevant stakeholders

Define your roadmap and next steps

What do we have? What do we need?

From completing the enterprise business analysis inventory, you will have a comprehensive list of all available assets.

The next question is, how can this be leveraged to start building for the future?

To operationalize enterprise business analysis, consider:

  • What do we still need to do?
  • How important are the identified gaps? Can we still operate?
  • What decisions do we need to make?
  • What stakeholders do we need to involve? Have we engaged them all?

Lay out your roadmap

Taking steps to mature your enterprise business analysis practice.

The Now, Next, Later technique is a method for prioritizing and planning improvements or tasks. This involves breaking down a list of tasks or improvements into three categories:

  • Now tasks are those that must be completed immediately. These tasks are usually urgent or critical, and they must be completed to keep the project or organization running smoothly.
  • Next tasks are those that should be completed soon. These tasks are not as critical as Now tasks, but they are still important and should be tackled relatively soon.
  • Later tasks are those that can be completed later. These tasks are less critical and can be deferred without causing major problems.

By using this technique, you can prioritize and plan the most important tasks, while allowing the flexibility to adjust as necessary.

This technique also helps clarify what must be done first vs. what can wait. This prioritizes the most important things while keeping track of what must be done next, maintaining a smooth development/improvement process.

An image of the now - next - later roadmap technique.

2.2.1 Now, Next, Later

1-2 hours

  1. Use the list of items created in 2.1.2 (Identify your enterprise business analysis inventory). Add any you feel are missing during this exercise.
  2. Have a team member facilitate the session.
  3. In the Communicate the Case for Enterprise Business Analysis template, categorize these items according to Now, Next and Later, where:
    1. Now = Critically important items that may require little effort to complete. These must be done within the next six months.
    2. Next = Important items that may require more effort or depend on other factors. These must be done in six to twelve months.
    3. Later = Less important items that may require significant effort to complete. These must be done at some point within twelve months.

Ultimately, the choice of priority and timing is yours. Recognize that items may change categories as new information arises.

Download the Communicate the Case for Enterprise Business Analysis template


  • Your enterprise business analysis inventory and gaps
  • Stakeholder knowledge and experience


  • A prioritized list of items to enable enterprise business analysis


  • Whiteboard/Flip charts
  • Collaborative whiteboard
  • Communicate the Case for Enterprise Business Analysis template


  • Business analyst(s)
  • Organizational business leaders
  • Any other relevant stakeholders

2.3 Complete your executive communication deck

Use the results of your completed exercises to build your executive communication slide deck, to make the case for enterprise business analysis

Slide Header Associated Exercise Rationale
Pains and opportunities

1.1.2 Discuss your disconnects between strategy and tactics

1.2.1 Identify your pains and opportunities

This helps build the case for enterprise business analysis (EBA), leveraging the existing pains felt in the organization. This will draw the connection for your stakeholders.
Our vision and goals 2.1.1 Define your vision and goals Defines where you want to go and what effort will be required.
What is enterprise business analysis

1.1.1 How is BA being used in our organization today?
Pre-populated supporting content

Defines the discipline of EBA and how it can support and mature your organization.
Expected benefits Pre-populated supporting content What's in it for us? This section helps answer that question. What benefits can we expect, and is this worth the investment of time and effort?
Making this a reality 2.1.2 Identify your EBA inventory Identifies what the organization presently has that makes the effort easier. It doesn't feel as daunting if there are existing people, processes, and technologies in place and in use today.
Next steps 2.2.1 Now, Next, Later A prioritized list of action items. This will demonstrate the work involved, but broken down over time, into smaller, more manageable pieces.

Track metrics

Track metrics throughout the project to keep stakeholders informed.

As the project nears completion:

  1. You will have better-aligned and more satisfied stakeholders.
  2. You will see fewer projects and initiatives that don't align with the organizational goals and objectives.
  3. There will be a reduction in costs attributed to misaligned projects and initiatives (as mentioned in #2) and the opportunity to allocate valuable time and resources to other, higher-value work.
Metric Description Target Improvement/Reduction
Improved stakeholder satisfaction Lines of business and previously siloed departments/divisions will be more satisfied with time spent on solution involvement and outcomes. 10% year 1, 20% year 2
Reduction in misaligned/non-priority project work Reduction in projects, products, and services with no clear alignment to organizational goals. With that, resource costs can be allocated to other, higher-value solutions. 10% year 1, 25% year 2
Improved delivery agility/lead time With improved alignment comes reduced conflict and political infighting. As a result, the velocity of solution delivery will increase. 10%


Bossert, Oliver and Björn Münstermann. "Business's 'It's not my problem' IT problem." McKinsey Digital. 30 March, 2023.
Brule, Glenn R. "The Lay of the Land: Enterprise Analysis." Modern Analyst.
"Business Analysis: Leading Organizations to Better Outcomes." Project Management Institute (PMI), 2017
Corporate Finance Institute. "Strategic Analysis." Updated 14 March 2023
IAG Consulting. Business Analysis Benchmark Report, 2009.
International Institute of Business Analysis. "A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge" (BABOK Guide) version 3.
Mirabelli, Vincent. "Business Analysis Foundations: Enterprise" LinkedIn Learning, February 2022.
- - "Essential Techniques in Enterprise Analysis" LinkedIn Learning, September 2022.
- - "The Essentials of Enterprise Analysis" Love the Process Academy. May 2020.
- - "The Value of Enterprise Analysis."
Praslova, Ludmila N. "Today's Most Critical Workplace Challenges Are About Systems." Harvard Business Review. 10 January 2023.
Pratt, Mary K. and Sarah K. White. "What is a business analyst? A key role for business-IT efficiency." CIO. 17 April, 2019.
Project Management Institute. "Business Analysis: Leading Organizations to Better Outcomes." October 2017.
Sali, Sema. "The Importance of Strategic Business Analysis in Successful Project Outcomes." International Institute of Business Analysis. 26 May 2022.
- - "What Does Enterprise Analysis Look Like? Objectives and Key Results." International Institute of Business Analysis. 02 June 2022.
Shaker, Kareem. "Why do projects really fail?" Project Management Institute, PM Network. July 2010.
"Strategic Analysis: Definition, Types and Benefits" Voxco. 25 February 2022.
"The Difference Between Enterprise Analysis and Business Analysis." Schulich School of Business, Executive Education Center. 24 September 2018 (Updated June 2022)
"Why Do Projects Fail: Learning How to Avoid Project Failure." Accessed 24 April 2023.

Satisfy Customer Requirements for Information Security

  • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}259|cart{/j2store}
  • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.0/10 Overall Impact
  • member rating average dollars saved: $247 Average $ Saved
  • member rating average days saved: 3 Average Days Saved
  • Parent Category Name: Governance, Risk & Compliance
  • Parent Category Link: /governance-risk-compliance
  • Your customers and potential customers are increasingly demanding assurance that you will meet their information security requirements.
  • Responding to these assurance demands requires ever more effort from the security team, which distracts them from their primary mission of protecting the organization.
  • Every customer seems to have their own custom security questionnaire they want you to complete, increasing the effort you have to expend to respond to them.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • Your security program can be a differentiator and help win and retain customers.
  • Value rank your customers to right-size the level of effort your security team dedicates to responding to questionnaires.
  • SOC 2 or ISO 27001 certification can be an important part of your security marketing, but only if you make the right business case.

Impact and Result

  • CISOs need to develop a marketing strategy for their information security program.
  • Ensure that your security team dedicates the appropriate amount of effort to sales by value ranking your potential customers and aligning efforts to value.
  • Develop a business case for SOC 2 or ISO 27001 to determine if certification makes sense for your organization, and to gain support from key stakeholders.

Satisfy Customer Requirements for Information Security Research & Tools

Start here – read the Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should proactively satisfy customer requirements for information security, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the ways we can support you in completing this project.

Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

1. Manage customer expectations for information security

Identify your customers’ expectations for security and privacy, value rank your customers to right-size your efforts, and learn how to impress them with your information security program.

  • Satisfy Customer Requirements for Information Security – Phase 1: Manage Customer Expectations for Information Security

2. Select a certification path

Decide whether to obtain SOC 2 or ISO 27001 certification, and build a business case for certification.

  • Satisfy Customer Requirements for Information Security – Phase 2: Select a Certification Path
  • Security Certification Selection Tool
  • Security Certification Business Case Tool

3. Obtain and maintain certification

Develop your certification scope, prepare for the audit, and learn how to maintain your certification over time.

  • Satisfy Customer Requirements for Information Security – Phase 3: Obtain and Maintain Certification

Prepare for Cognitive Service Management

  • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}335|cart{/j2store}
  • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.0/10 Overall Impact
  • member rating average dollars saved: 10 Average Days Saved
  • member rating average days saved: After each Info-Tech experience, we ask our members to quantify the real-time savings, monetary impact, and project improvements our research helped them achieve.
  • Parent Category Name: Strategy and Organizational Design
  • Parent Category Link: /strategy-and-organizational-design
  • The evolution of natural language processing and machine learning applications has led to specialized AI-assisted toolsets that promise to improve the efficiency and timeliness of IT operations.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • These are early days. These AI-assisted toolsets are generating a considerable amount of media attention, but most of them are relatively untested. Early adopters willing to absorb experimentation costs are in the process of deploying the first use cases. Initial lessons are showing that IT operations in most organizations are not yet mature enough to take advantage of AI-assisted toolsets.
  • Focus on the problem, not the tool. Explicit AI questions should be at the end of the list. Start by asking what business problem you want to solve.
  • Get your house in order. The performance of AI-assisted tools depends on mature IT operations processes and reliable data sets. Standardize service management processes and build a knowledgebase of structured content to prepare for AI-assisted IT operations.

Impact and Result

  • Don’t fall prey to the AI-bandwagon effect. AI-assisted innovations will support shift-left service support strategies through natural language processing and machine learning applications. However, the return on your AI investment will depend on whether it helps you meet an actual business goal.
  • AI-assisted tools presuppose the existence of mature IT operations functions, including standardized processes, high-quality structured content focused on the incidents and requests that matter, and a well-functioning ITSM web portal.
  • The success of AI ITSM projects hinges on adoption. If your vision is to power end-user interactions with chatbots and deploy intelligent agents on tickets coming through the web portal, be sure to develop a self-service culture that empowers end users to help themselves and experiment with new tools and technologies. Without end-user adoption, the promised benefits of AI projects will not materialize.

Prepare for Cognitive Service Management Research & Tools

Start here – read the Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should prepare for cognitive service management, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

1. Review emerging AI technology

Get an overview of emerging AI applications to understand how they will strengthen a shift-left service support strategy.

2. Sort potential IT operations AI use cases

Review potential use cases for AI applications to prioritize improvement initiatives and align them to organizational goals.

  • Disruptive Technology Shortlisting Tool
  • Disruptive Technology Value-Readiness and SWOT Analysis Tool

3. Prepare for a cognitive service management project

Develop an ITSM AI strategy to prepare your organization for the coming of cognitive service management, and build a roadmap for implementation.

  • Customer Journey Map (PDF)
  • Customer Journey Map (Visio)
  • Infrastructure Roadmap Technology Assessment Tool
  • Strategic Infrastructure Roadmap Tool

Don’t Allow Software Licensing to Derail Your M&A

  • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}135|cart{/j2store}
  • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
  • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
  • member rating average days saved: N/A
  • Parent Category Name: Vendor Management
  • Parent Category Link: /vendor-management
  • Assuming that all parties are compliant in their licensing is a risky proposition. Most organizations are deficient in some manner of licensing. Know where those gaps are before finalizing M&A activity and have a plan in place to mitigate them right away.
  • Vendors will target companies that have undergone recent M&A activity with an audit. Vendors know that the many moving parts of M&A activity often result in license shortfall, and they may look to capitalize during the transition with audit revenue.
  • New organizational structure can offer new licensing opportunities. Take advantage of the increased volume discounting, negotiation leverage, and consolidation opportunities afforded by a merger or acquisition.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • To mitigate risks and create accurate cost estimates, create a contingency fund to compensate for unavailability of information.
  • Gathering and analyzing information is an iterative process that is ongoing throughout due diligence. Update your assumptions, risks, and budget as you obtain new information.
  • Communication with the M&A team and business process owners should be constant throughout due diligence. IT integration does not exist in isolation.

Impact and Result

  • CIOs must be part of the conversation during the exploration/due diligence phase before the deal is closed to examine licensing compliance and software costs that could have a direct result on the valuation of the new organization.
  • Both organizations must conduct thorough due diligence (such as internal SAM audits), analyze the information, and define critical assumptions to create a strategy for the resultant IT enterprise.
  • The IT team is involved in integration, synergy realization, and cost considerations that the business often does not consider or take into account with respect to IT. License transfer, assignability, use, and geographic rights all come into play and can be overlooked.

Don’t Allow Software Licensing to Derail Your M&A Research & Tools

Start here – read the Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you shouldn’t allow software licensing to derail your M&A deal, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

1. Understand the M&A process with respect to software licensing

Grasp the key pain points of software licensing and the effects it has on an M&A. Review the benefits of early IT involvement and identify IT’s capabilities.

  • Don’t Allow Software Licensing to Derail Your M&A – Phase 1: M&A Overview
  • M&A Software Asset Maturity Assessment

2. Perform due diligence

Understand the various steps and process when conducting due diligence. Request information and assess risks, make assumptions, and budget costs.

  • Don’t Allow Software Licensing to Derail Your M&A – Phase 2: Due Diligence
  • License Inventory
  • IT Due Diligence Report
  • M&A Software Asset RACI Template

3. Prepare for integration

Take a deeper dive into the application portfolios and vendor contracts of both organizations. Review integration strategies and design the end-state of the resultant organization.

  • Don’t Allow Software Licensing to Derail Your M&A – Phase 3: Pre-Integration Planning
  • Effective Licensing Position Tool
  • IT Integration Roadmap Tool

4. Execute on the integration plan

Review initiatives being undertaken to ensure successful integration execution. Discuss long-term goals and how to communicate with vendors to avoid licensing audits.

  • Don’t Allow Software Licensing to Derail Your M&A – Phase 4: Integration Execution

Workshop: Don’t Allow Software Licensing to Derail Your M&A

Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

1 M&A Overview

The Purpose

Identify the goals and objectives the business has for the M&A.

Understand cultural and organizational structure challenges and red flags.

Identify SAM/licensing challenges and red flags.

Conduct maturity assessment.

Clarify stakeholder responsibilities.

Build and structure the M&A team.

Key Benefits Achieved

The capabilities required to successfully examine software assets and licensing during the M&A transaction.

M&A business goals and objectives identified.

IT M&A team selected.

Severity of SAM challenges and red flags examined.


1.1 Document pain points from previous experience.

1.2 Identify IT opportunities during M&A.


M&A Software Asset Maturity Assessment

2 Due Diligence

The Purpose

Take a structured due diligence approach that properly evaluates the current state of the organization.

Review M&A license inventory and use top five vendors as example sets.

Identify data capture and reporting methods/tools.

Scheduling challenges.

Scope level of effort and priority list.

Common M&A pressures (internal/external).

Key Benefits Achieved

A clear understanding of the steps that are involved in the due diligence process.

Recognition of the various areas from which information will need to be collected.

Licensing pitfalls and compliance risks to be examined.

Knowledge of terms and conditions that will limit ability in pre-integration planning.


2.1 Identify IT capabilities for an M&A.

2.2 Create your due diligence team and assign accountability.

2.3 Use Info-Tech’s IT Due Diligence Report Template to track key elements.

2.4 Document assumptions to back up cost estimates and risk.


M&A Software Asset RACI Template

IT Due Diligence Report

3 Pre-Integration Planning

The Purpose

Review and map legal operating entity structure for the resultant organization.

Examine impact on licensing scenarios for top five vendors.

Identify alternative paths and solutions.

Complete license impact for top five vendors.

Brainstorm action plan to mitigate negative impacts.

Discuss and explore the scalable process for second level agreements.

Key Benefits Achieved

Identification of the ideal post-M&A application portfolio and licensing structures.

Recognition of the key considerations when determining the appropriate combination of IT integration strategies.

Design of vendor contracts for the resultant enterprise.

Recognition of how to create an IT integration budget.


3.1 Work with the senior management team to review how the new organization will operate.

3.2 Document the strategic goals and objectives of IT’s integration program.

3.3 Interview business leaders to understand how they envision their business units.

3.4 Perform internal SAM audit.

3.5 Create a library of all IT processes in the target organization as well as your own.

3.6 Examine staff using two dimensions: competency and capacity.

3.7 Design the end-state.

3.8 Communicate your detailed pre-integration roadmap with senior leadership and obtain sign-off.


IT Integration Roadmap Tool

Effective License Position

4 Manage Post-M&A Activities

The Purpose

Finalize path forward for top five vendors based on M&A license impact.

Disclose findings and financial impact estimate to management.

Determine methods for second level agreements to be managed.

Provide listing of specific recommendations for top five list.

Key Benefits Achieved

Initiatives generated and executed upon to achieve the technology end-state of each IT domain.

Vendor audits avoided.

Contracts amended and vendors spoken to.

Communication with management on achievable synergies and quick wins.


4.1 Identify initiatives necessary to realize the application end-state.

4.2 Identify initiatives necessary to realize the end-state of IT processes.

4.3 Identify initiatives necessary to realize the end-state of IT staffing.

4.4 Prioritize initiatives based on ease of implementation and overall business impact.

4.5 Manage vendor relations.


IT Integration Roadmap Tool

IT Strategy

  • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}20|cart{/j2store}
  • Related Products: {j2store}20|crosssells{/j2store}
  • Up-Sell: {j2store}20|upsells{/j2store}
  • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.3/10
  • member rating average dollars saved: $105,465
  • member rating average days saved: 35
  • Parent Category Name: Strategy and Governance
  • Parent Category Link: strategy-and-governance
Success depends on IT initiatives clearly aligned to business goals.

Formalize Your Digital Business Strategy

  • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}101|cart{/j2store}
  • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
  • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
  • member rating average days saved: N/A
  • Parent Category Name: Innovation
  • Parent Category Link: /innovation

Your organization already has a digital strategy, but there is a lack of understanding of what digital means across the enterprise. Digital investments have been made in the past but failed to yield or demonstrate business value. Given the pace of change, the current digital strategy is outdated, and new digital opportunities need to be identified to inform the technology innovation roadmap.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

Turn your digital strategy into a compelling change story that will create a unified vision of how you want to transform your business.

Impact and Result

  • Identify new digitally enabled growth opportunities.
  • Understand which digital ideas yield the biggest return and the value they generate for the organization.
  • Understand the impact of opportunities on your business capabilities.
  • Map a customer journey to identify opportunities to transform stakeholder experiences.

Formalize Your Digital Business Strategy Research & Tools

Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

1. Formalize Your Digital Business Strategy – a document that walks you through a series of activities to help brainstorm and ideate on possible new digital opportunities as an input into building your business case for a new IT innovation roadmap.

Knowing which digital opportunities create the greatest business value requires a structured approach to ideate, prioritize, and understand the value they create for the business to help inform the creation of your business case for investment approval.

  • Formalize Your Digital Strategy Storyboard


Further reading

Formalize Your Digital Business Strategy

Stay relevant in an evolving digital economy

Executive Summary

Your Challenge

Common Obstacles


  • Since 2020, the environment has been volatile, leading many CIOs to rethink their priorities and strategies.
  • The organization already has a digital strategy, but there is a lack of understanding of what digital means across the enterprise.
  • Digital investments have been made but fail to demonstrate the business value.
  • The current digital strategy was developed in isolation and failed to garner consensus on a common understanding of the digital vision from across the business.
  • CIOs struggle to understand what existing capabilities need to transform or what new digital capabilities are needed to support the digital ambitions.
  • The existing Digital Strategy is synonymous with the IT Strategy.
  • Identify new digitally enabled growth opportunities.
  • Understand which digital ideas yield the biggest return and the value they generate for the organization.
  • Understand the impact of opportunities on your business capabilities.
  • Map the customer journey to identify opportunities to transform the stakeholder experience.

Info-Tech Insight

Turn your existing digital strategy into a compelling change story that will create a unified vision of how you want to transform your business.

Info-Tech’s Digital Transformation Journey

Your journey: An IT roadmap for your Digital Business Strategy

The image contains a screenshot of Info-Tech's Digital Transformation Journey.

By now, you understand your current business context and capabilities

The image contains a screenshot of the IT roadmap for your Digital Business Strategy.

By this point you have leveraged industry roundtables to better understand the art of the possible, exploring global trends, shifts in market forces, customer needs, emerging technologies, and economic forecasts to establish your business objectives and innovation goals.

Now you need to formalize digital business strategy.

Phase 1: Industry Trends Report

The image contains a screenshot of phase 1 industry trends report.

Phase 2: Digital Maturity Assessment

The image contains a screenshot of phase 2 digital maturity assessment.

Phase 3: Zero-In on Business Objectives

The image contains a screenshot of phase 3 Zero-in on business objectives.

Business and innovation goals are established through stakeholder interviews and a heatmap of your current capabilities for transformation.

Since 2020, market dynamics have forced organizations to reassess their strategies

The unprecedented pace of global disruptions has become both a curse and a silver lining for many CIOs. The ability to maximize the value of digital will be vital to remain relevant in the new digital economy.

The image contains a screenshot of an image that demonstrates how market dynamics force organizations to reassess their strategies.

Formalize your digital strategy to address industry trends and market dynamics

The goal of this phase is to ensure the scope of the current digital strategy reflects the right opportunities to allocate capital to resources, assets, and capabilities to drive strategic growth and operational efficiency.

There are three key activities outlined in this deck that that can be undertaken by industry members to help evolve their current digital business strategy.

  1. Identify New Digitally Enabled Growth Opportunities
    • Host an ideation session to identify new leapfrog ideas
    • Discuss assumptions, value drivers, and risks
    • Translate ideas into opportunities and consolidate
  2. Evaluate New Digital Opportunities and Business Capabilities
    • Build an opportunity profile
    • Identify business capabilities for transformation
  3. Transform Stakeholder Journeys
    • Understand the impact of opportunities on value-chains
    • Identify stakeholder personas
    • Build a stakeholder journey map
    • Compile your new list of digital opportunities
The image contains a screenshot of Formalize your digital business strategy.

Info-Tech’s approach

  1. Identify New Digital Opportunities
    • Conduct an ideation session
    • Identify leapfrog ideas from trends
    • Evaluate each leapfrog idea to define opportunity
  2. Evaluate Opportunities and Business Capabilities
    • Build Opportunity Profile
    • Understand the impact of opportunities on business capabilities
  3. Transform Stakeholder Journeys
    • Analyze value chains
    • Map your Stakeholder Journey
    • Breakdown opportunities into initiatives

Overview of Key Activities

Formalize your digital business strategy


Members Engaged

  • CIO
  • Business Executives


  • Industry Analyst
  • Executive Advisor

Phase 1: New Digital Opportunities

Phase 2: Evaluate Opportunities and Business Capabilities

Phase 3: Transform Stakeholder Journeys

Content Leveraged

  • Digital Business Strategy blueprint
  • Client’s Business Architecture
  1. Hold an ideation session with business executives.
    • Review relevant reports on industry trends, market shifts, and emerging technologies.
    • Establish guiding principles for digital transformation.
    • Leverage a trend-analysis approach to determine the most impactful and relevant trends.
    • From tends, elicit leapfrog ideas for growth opportunities.
    • For each idea, engage in discussion on assumptions, value drivers, benefits, and risks.
  1. Create opportunity profiles.
    • Evaluate each opportunity to determine if it is important to turn into initiatives
  2. Evaluate the impact of opportunities on your business capabilities.
    • Leverage a value-chain analysis to assess the impact of the opportunity across value chains in order to understand the impact across your business capabilities.
  1. Map stakeholder journey:
    • Identify stakeholder personas
    • Identify one journey scenario
    • Map stakeholder journey
    • Consolidate opportunities
  2. Breakdown opportunities into actional initiatives
    • Brainstorm priority initiatives against opportunities.


Client’s Digital Business Strategy

Phase 1: Deliverable

  1. Compiled list of leapfrog ideas for new growth opportunities

Phase 2: Deliverables

  1. Opportunity Profile
  2. Business Capability Impact

Phase 3: Deliverables

  1. Opportunity Profile
  2. Business Capability Impact

Glossary of Terms


The concept was originally developed in the area of industrial organizations and economic growth. Leapfrogging is the notion that organizations can identify opportunities to skip one or several stages ahead of their competitors.


Opening of new possibilities to transform or change your business model and create operational efficiencies and customer experiences through the adoption of digital platforms, solutions, and capabilities.


Breakdown of opportunities into actionable initiatives that creates value for organizations through new or changes to business models, operational efficiencies, and customer experiences.

    • Precision medicine
    • Machine Learning to sniff out pre-cancer cells
    1. Define genomic analytics capabilities and recruit
    2. Data quality and cleansing review
    3. Implement Machine Learning SW

Identify Digitally Enabled Opportunities

Host an ideation session to turn trends into growth opportunities with new leapfrog ideas.

Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3

Identify New Digitally Enabled Opportunities

Evaluate Opportunities and Business Capabilities

Transform Stakeholder Journeys

Phase 1

Host an Ideation Session to Identify New Digital Opportunities



Build support and eliminate blind spots

It is important to make sure the right stakeholders participate in this working group. Designing a digital strategy will require debate, insights, and business decisions from a broad perspective across the enterprise. The focus is on the value to be generated from digital.


  • Who are the decision makers and key influencers?
  • Who will impact the business?
  • Who has a vested interest in the success or failure of the practice? Who has the skills and competencies necessary to help you be successful?


  • Don’t focus on the organizational structure and hierarchy. Often stakeholder groups don’t fit the traditional structure.
  • Don’t ignore subject matter experts on either the business or IT side. You will need to consider both.


Define the guardrails to focus your ideas

All ideas are great until you need one that works. Establish guiding principles that will help you establish the perimeters for turning big ideas into opportunities.


  • Focus on the breadth and alignment to support business objectives
  • This should help narrow conceptual ideas into actionable initiatives


  • Don’t recreate the corporate guiding principles
  • Focus on what will help define strategic growth opportunities and operational efficiencies


Create space to elicit “big ideas”

Leverage industry roundtables and trend reports imagining how digital solutions can help drive strategic growth and operational efficiency. Brainstorm new opportunities and discuss their viability to create value and better experiences for your stakeholders.


  • Accelerate this exercise by leveraging stakeholder insights from:
    • Your corporate strategy and financial plan
    • Outputs from stakeholder interviews
    • Market research


  • Don’t simply go with the existing documented strategic objectives for the business. Ensure they are up to date and interview the decision makers to validate their perspectives if needed.

Host an Ideation Session

Identify digitally enabled opportunities

Industry Roundtables and Trend Reports

Industry Trends Report

The image contains a screenshot of phase 1 industry trends report.

Business Documents

The image contains a screenshot of Business Documents.

Digital Maturity Assessment

The image contains a screenshot of phase 2 digital maturity assessment.

Activity: 2-4 hours

Members Engaged

  • CIO
  • Business Executives


  • Industry Analyst
  • Executive Advisor

Hold a visioning session with key business executives (e.g., CIO, CEO, CFO, CCO, and COO) and others as needed. Here is a proposed agenda of activities for the ideation session:

  1. Leverage current trend reports and relevant emerging trend reports, market analysis, and customer research to envision future possibilities.
  2. Establish guiding principles for defining your digital strategy and scope.
  3. Leverage insights from trend reports and market analysis to generate leapfrog ideas that can be turned into opportunities.
  4. For each leapfrog idea, engage in a discussion on assumptions, value drivers, benefits, and risks.

Content Leveraged

  • Digital Trends Report
  • Industry roundtables and trend reports
  • Digital Maturity Assessment
  • Digital Business Strategy v1.0


  1. Guiding principles
  2. Strategic growth opportunities

1.1 Executive Stakeholder Engagement

Assemble Executive Stakeholders

Set yourself up for success with these three steps.

CIOs tasked with designing digital strategies must add value to the business. Given the goal of digital is to transform the business, CIOs will need to ensure they have both the mandate and support from the business executives.

Designing the digital strategy is more than just writing up a document. It is an integrated set of business decisions to create a competitive advantage and financial returns. Establishing a forum for debates, decisions, and dialogue will increase the likelihood of success and support during execution.

1. Confirm your role

2. Identify Stakeholders

3. Diverse Perspective

The digital strategy aims to transform the business. Given the scope, validate your role and mandate to lead this work. Identify a business executive to co-sponsor.

Identify key decision-makers and influencers who can help make rapid decisions as well as garner support across the enterprise.

Don’t be afraid to include contrarians or naysayers. They will help reduce any blind spots but can also become the greatest allies through participation.

1.2 Guiding Principles

Set the Guiding Principles

Guiding principles help define the parameters of your digital strategy. They act as priori decisions that establish the guardrails to limit the scope of opportunities from the perspective of people, assets, capabilities, and budgets that are aligned with the business objectives. Consider these components when brainstorming guiding principles:

Consider these three components when brainstorming


Digital strategy should span people, culture, organizational structure, governance, capabilities, assets, and technology. The guiding principle should cover a 3600 view across the entire organization.

Planning Horizon

Timing should anchor stakeholders to look to the long-term with an eye on the foreseeable future i.e., business value realization in one, two, and three years.


Needs to encompass more than the enterprise view of lofty opportunities but establish boundaries to help define actionable initiatives (i.e., individual projects).

1.2 Guiding Principles

Examples of Guiding Principles

IT Principle NameIT Principle Statement
1.Enterprise value focusWe aim to provide maximum long-term benefits to the enterprise as a whole while optimizing total costs of ownership and risks.
2.Fit for purposeWe maintain capability levels and create solutions that are fit for purpose without over engineering them.
3.SimplicityWe choose the simplest solutions and aim to reduce operational complexity of the enterprise.
4.Reuse > buy > buildWe maximize reuse of existing assets. If we can’t reuse, we procure externally. As a last resort, we build custom solutions.
5.Managed dataWe handle data creation and modification and use it enterprise-wide in compliance with our data governance policy.
6.Controlled technical diversityWe control the variety of what technology platforms we use.
7.Managed securityWe manage security enterprise-wide in compliance with our security governance policy.
8.Compliance to laws and regulationsWe operate in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
9.InnovationWe seek innovative ways to use technology for business advantage.
10.Customer centricityWe deliver best experiences to our customers with our services and products.
11.Digital by default We always put digital solutions at the core of our plans for all viable solutions across the organization.
12.Customer-centricity by designWe design new products and services with the goal to drive greater engagement and experiences with our customers.

1.3 Trend-Analysis

Leverage strategic foresight to identify growth opportunities

What is Strategic Foresight?

In times of increasing uncertainty, rapid change, market volatility, and complexity, the development of strategies can be difficult. Strategic foresight offers a solution.
Strategic foresight refers to an approach that uses a range of methodologies, such as scanning the horizon for emerging changes and signals, analyzing megatrends, and developing multiple scenarios to identify opportunities (source: OECD, 2022). However, it cannot predict the future and is distinct from:

  • Forecasting tools
  • Strategic planning
  • Scenario planning (only)
  • Predictive analyses of the future

Why is Strategic Foresight useful?

  • Reduce uncertainties about the future
  • Better anticipate changes
  • Future-proof to stress test proposed strategies
  • Explore innovation to reveal new products, services, and approaches

Explore Info-Tech’s Strategic Foresight Process Tool

“When situations lack analogies to the past, it’s hard to envision the future.”

- J. Peter Scoblic, HBR, 2020

1.3 Trend-Analysis

Leverage industry roundtables and trend reports to understand the art of the possible

Uncover important business and industry trends that can inform possibilities for technology innovation.

Explore trends in areas such as:

  • Machine Learning
  • Citizen Dev 2.0
  • Venture Architecture
  • Autonomous Organizations
  • Self-Sovereign Cloud
  • Digital Sustainability

Market research is critical in identifying factors external to your organization and identifying technology innovation that will provide a competitive edge. It’s important to evaluate the impact each trend or opportunity will have in your organization and market.

Visit Info-Tech’s Trends & Priorities Research Center

Visit Info-Tech’s Industry Coverage Research to get started.

The image contains screenshots from Info-Tech blueprints.

Images are from Info-Tech’s Rethinking Higher Education Report and 2023 Tech Trends Report

1.3 Trend-Analysis

Scan the Horizon

Understand how the environment is evolving in your industry

Scan the horizon to detect early signs of future changes or threats.

Horizon scanning involves scanning, analyzing, and communicating changes in an organization’s environment to prepare for potential threats and opportunities. Much of what we know about the future is based around the interactions and trajectory of macro trends, trends, and drivers. These form the foundations for future intelligence.

Macro Trends

A macro trend captures a large-scale transformative trend on a global scale that could impact your addressable market

Industry Trend

An industry trend captures specific use cases of the macro trend in relation to your market and industry. Consider this in terms of shifts in your market dynamics i.e., competitors, size, transaction, international trade, supply/demand, etc.


A driver is an underlying force causing the trend to occur. There can be multiple causal forces, or drivers, that influence a trend, and multiple trends can be influenced by the same causal force.

Identify signals of change in the present and their potential future impacts.

1.3 Trend-Analysis

Identify macro trends

Macro trends capture a global shift that can change the market and the industry. Here are examples of macro-trends to consider when scanning the horizon for your own organization:

Talent Availability

Customer Expectations

Emerging Technologies

Regulatory System

Supply Chain Continuity

Decentralized workforce

Hybrid workforce

Diverse workforce

Skills gap

Digital workforce

Multigenerational workforce


Digital experience

Data ownership





AI & robotics

Virtual world

Ubiquitous connectivity

Genomics (nano, bio, smart….)

Big data

Market control

Economic shifts

Digital regulation

Consumer protection

Global green

Resource scarcity


Supply chain digitization

Circular supply chains



1.3 Trend-Analysis

Determine impact and relevance of trends

Understand which trends create opportunities or risks for your organization.

Key Concepts:

Once an organization has uncovered a set of trends that are of potential importance, a judgment must be made on which of the trends should be prioritized to understand their impact on your market and ultimately, the implications for your business or organization. Consider the following criteria to help you prioritize your trends.

Impact to Industry: The degree of impact the trend will have on your industry and market to create possibilities or risks for your business. Will this trend create opportunities for the business? Or does it pose a risk that we need to mitigate?

Relevance to Organization. The relevance of the trend to your organization. Does the trend align with the mission, vision, and business objectives of your organization?

Activity: 2-4hours

In order to determine which trends will have an impact on your industry and are relevant to your organization, you need to use a gating approach to short-list those that may create opportunities to capitalize on while you need to manage the ones that pose risk.


What does this trend mean for my industry and market?

  • Degree – how broad or narrow is the impact
  • Likelihood – the reality of disrupting an industry or market
  • Timing – when do we expect disruption?


What opportunity or risk does it pose to my business/organization?

  • Significance – depth and breadth across the enterprise
  • Duration – how long is the anticipated impact?

1.3 Trend-Analysis

Prioritize Trends for Exploration

The image contains a screenshot of a table to demonstrate the trends.The image contains a graph that demonstrates the trends from the table on a graph to show how to prioritze them based on relevance and impact.

Info-Tech Insight

While the scorecard may produce a ranking based on weighted metrics, you need to leverage the group discussion to help contextualize and challenge assumptions when validating the priority. The room for debate is important to truly understand whether a trend is a fad or a fact that needs to be addressed.

1.3 Trend-Analysis

Discuss the driver(s) behind the trend

Determining the root cause(s) of a trend is an important precursor to understanding the how, why, and to what extent a trend will impact your industry and market.

Trend analysis can be a valuable approach to reduce uncertainties about the future and an opportunity to understand the underlying drivers (forces) that may be contributing to a shift in pattern. Understanding the drivers is important to help determine implication on your organization and potential opportunities.

The image contains a screenshot of a driver diagram.

1.3 Trend-Analysis

Examples of driver(s)


Healthcare Exemplar

Macro Trends

(Transformative change)

Industry Trend

(A pattern of change…)




Increase in wait times

Aging population leading to global workforce shortage

New models of care e.g., diversify scope of practice

Address capacity issues

Understanding the drivers is not about predicting the future. Don’t get stuck in “analysis paralysis.” The key objective is to determine what opportunities and risks the trend and its underlying driver pose to your business. This will help elicit leapfrog opportunities that can be funneled into actionable initiatives.

Other examples…



Industry Trend



Demographic shift

Global shortage of healthcare workers

Workforce age

Customer expectations

Patients as partners

Customer demographics


AI and robotics

Early detection of cancer

Patient outcomes

Ubiquitous connectivity

Virtual health






Consumer spending




Climate change

Shift in manufacturers

ESG compliant vendors


Supply chain disruption

Local production



Consolidation of professional colleges

Operational efficiency


New models of care

New service (business) model

1.3 Trend-Analysis

Case Study



Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Precision Medicine (Genomics)

Precision Medicine has become very popular over the recent years fueled by research but also political and patient demands to focus more on better outcomes vs. profits. A cancer care center in Canada wanted to look at what was driving this popularity but more importantly, what this potentially meant to their current service delivery model and operations and what opportunities and risks they needed to address in the foreseeable future. They determined the following drivers:

  • Improve patient outcomes
  • Earlier detection of cancer
  • Better patient experience
  • Ability to compute vast amounts of data to reduce manual effort and errors
  • Accelerate from research to clinical trials to delivery

The image contains a screenshot of AI in Genomics.

1.3 Trend-Analysis


Healthcare Exemplar



Industry Trends



Impact to Industry

Impact to Business

Talent Availability

Diverse workforce

Aboriginal health

Systemic inequities

Brand and legal

Policies in place

Hybrid workforce

Virtual care

COVID-19 and infectious disease

New models of care

New digital talent

Customer Expectation


On-demand care

Patient experience

Patients as consumers

New operating model

Digital experience

Patient portals

Democratization of data

Privacy and security


Emerging Technologies

Internet of Things (IoT)

Smart glucometers

Greater mobility

System redesign

Shift from hospital to home care

Quantum computing

Genomic sequencing

Accelerate analysis

Improve quality of data analysis

Faster to clinical trial and delivery

Regulatory System

Consumer protection

Protect access to sensitive patient data

HIPPA legislation

Restrict access to health record

Electronic health records

Global green

Green certification for redev. projects

Political optics

Higher costs

Contract management

Supply Chain

Supply chain disruptions

Surgical strategic sourcing

Preference cards


Organizational change management

New pharma entrants

Telco’s move into healthcare


Funding model

Resource competition

Sample Output From Trend Analysis

1.3 Elicit New Opportunities

Leapfrog into the future

Turn trends into growth opportunities.

To thrive in the digital age, organizations must innovate big, leverage internal creativity, and prepare for flexibility.

In this digital era, organizations are often playing catch up to a rapidly evolving technological landscape and following a strict linear approach to innovation. However, this linear catch-up approach does not help companies get ahead of competitors. Instead, organizations must identify avenues to skip one or several stages of technological development to leapfrog ahead of their competitors.

“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.”

– Alan Kay

Leapfrogging takes place when an organization introduces disruptive innovation into the market and sidesteps competitors, who are unable to mobilize to respond to the opportunities.

1.3 Elicit New Opportunities

Funnel trends into leapfrog ideas

Go from trend insights into ideas for opportunities

Brainstorm ways to generate leapfrog ideas from trend insights.

Dealing with trends is one of the most important tasks for innovation. It provides the basis of developing the future orientation of the organization. However, being aware of a trend is one thing, to develop strategies for response is another.

To identify the impact the trend has on the organization, consider the four areas of growth for the organization:

  1. New Customers: Leverage the trend to target new customers for existing products or services.
  2. New Business Models: Adjust the business model to capture a change in how the organization delivers value.
  3. New Markets: Enter or create new markets by applying existing products or services to different problems.
  4. New Product or Service Offerings: Introduce new products or services to the existing market.

1.3 Elicit New Opportunities

INDUSTRY: Healthcare

SOURCE: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Case Study

Machine Learning Sensor to Sniff Out Cancer




Timely access to diagnostic services is a key indicator of a cancer patient’s prognosis i.e., outcome. Early detection of cancer means the difference between life and death for cancer patients.

Typically, cancer biomarkers need to be present to detect cancer. Often the presence of these biomarkers is late in the disease state when the cancer cells have likely spread, resulting in suspicions of cancer only when the patient does not feel well or suspects something is wrong.

Researchers in partnership with IBM Watson at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) have created a tool that can sniff for and identify cancer in a blood sample using machine learning.

Originally, MSK worked with IBM Watson to identify machine learning as an emerging technology that could drive early cancer detection without the use of cancer biomarkers. But they needed to find specific use cases. After a series of concept prototypes, they were able to use machine learning to detect patterns in blood cells vs. cancer biomarkers to detect cancer disease.

Machine learning was an emerging trend that researchers at MSK felt held great promise. They needed to turn the trend into tangible opportunities by identifying some key use cases that could be prototyped.

Computational tools in oncology have the ability to greatly reduce clinician labor, improve the consistency of variant classification, and help accelerate the analytics of vast amounts of clinical data that would be prone to errors and delays when done manually.

From trends to leapfrog ideas

Additional Examples in the Appendix

Example of leapfrog ideas that can generate opportunities for consideration


New Customer

New Market

New Business or Operating Model

New Service Offering

What trend(s) pose a significant impact on your business?

New stakeholder segment

Enter or create new markets

Adjust the business or operating model to capture change in how the business creates and delivers value

Introduce new digital products, services and experiences

Virtualize Registration

Empower patients as consumers of healthcare partners

Direct B2C to close gap between providers and patients by removing middle administrative overhead.

24/7 On-Demand Patient Portal

Leverage AI to develop chatbots and on-demand

Phase 1: Deliverable

Phase 1 Deliverable

Example of output from phase 1 ideation session

Business Objectives

New Customers

(Customer Experience)

New Markets

(Health Outcomes)

New Business or

Operating Models

(Operational Excellence)

New Service Offering

(Value for Money)


Focus on improving experiences for patients and providers

Improve quality and standards of care to continually drive better health outcomes

Deliver care better, faster, and more efficiently

Reduce cost per capital of delivery care and increase value for services


  • Global workforce shortage due to ageing demographics
  • Clinicians are burnt-out and unable to practice at the top of their profession
  • On-demand care/mobile/wearables
  • Virtual care
  • Faster access to quality service
  • Help navigating complex medical ecosystem from primary to acute to community
  • Standardize care across regions
  • New models of care to expand capacity
  • Improve medication errors
  • Opportunities to use genomics to design personalized medicine
  • Automate tasks
  • Leverage AI and robotics more effectively
  • Regulatory colleges consolidation mandate
  • Use data and analytics to forecast capacity and health outcomes
  • Upskill vs. virtualize workforce
  • Payment reform i.e., move to value-based care vs. fee-for-service
  • Consolidation of back-office functions like HR, supply chain, IT, etc. to reduce cost i.e., shared services model

Digital Opportunities:

  1. Virtual health command center
  2. Self-scheduling patient portal
  3. Patient way-finder
  4. Smart glucometer for diabetes
  1. Machine learning for early detection of cancer
  2. Visualization tools for capacity planning and forecasting
  3. Contact tracing apps for public health
  1. Build advanced analytics capabilities with new skills and business intelligence tools
  2. Pharmacy robotics
  3. Automate registration
  1. Automate provider billing solution
  2. Payment gateways – supplier portal in the cloud

Phase 2

Evaluate Opportunities and Business Capabilities

Build a better understanding of the opportunities and their impact on your business.

Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3

Identify New Digitally Enabled Opportunities

Evaluate Opportunities and Business Capabilities

Transform Stakeholder Journeys

Phase 2

Evaluate Opportunities and Business Capabilities



Evaluate each opportunity

Some opportunities will have an immediate and significant impact on your business. Some may have a significant impact but on a longer time scale or some may be unlikely to have a significant impact at all. Understanding these trends is an important context for your digital business strategy.


  • Does this opportunity conform with your guiding principles?
  • Can this opportunity feasibly deliver the anticipated benefits?
  • Is this opportunity desired by your stakeholders?


  • Overly vague language. Opportunities need to be specific enough to evaluate what impact they will have.
  • Simply following what competitors are doing. Be ambitious and tailor your digital strategy to your organizational values, goals, and priorities.


Understand the impact across your value chains

Each opportunity has the potential to impact multiple areas of your business. Prioritize where to start acting on new opportunities based on your business objectives and capabilities. You need to assess their impacts across value chains. Does the opportunity impact existing value chain(s) or create a new value chain?


  • How well does this opportunity align with your digital vision, mission, and goals?
  • What will be the overall impact of this opportunity?
  • How urgently must you act?


  • Guessing. Validate assumptions and use clear, unbiased information to make decisions. Info-Tech has extensive resources to assist in evaluating trends, opportunities, and solutions.
  • Making everything a high priority. Most organizations can only prioritize one to two initiatives at a time.

2.1 Build an opportunity profile

Evaluate each opportunity

Discussion Framework:

In your discussion, evaluate each opportunity to assess assumptions, value drivers, and benefits.

Ideas matter, but not all ideas are created equal. Now that you have elicited opportunities, discuss the assumptions, risks, and benefits associated with each new digital opportunity.

Design Thinking

Leverage the guiding principles as the guardrails to limit the scope of your new digital opportunities. You may want to consider taking a design-thinking approach to innovation by discussing the merits of each opportunity based on:

  • DesirabilityDesirability: People want it. Does the solution enable the organization to meet the expectations of stakeholders?
  • Feasibility
  • Feasibility: Able to Execute. Do we have the capabilities to deliver e.g., the right skills, partners, technology, and leadership?

  • Viability
  • Viability: Delivers Value. Will this idea meet business goals e.g., cost, revenue, and benefits?

Source: Adapted from IDEO

Transform the Business

Must Prioritize

Should Plan

Drive Digital Experiences

Build Digital Capabilities

High Value/Low Complexity

  • stakeholders want it
  • easy to implement
  • capabilities exist to deliver
  • creates significant value
  • strategic growth = competitive advantage

High Value/High Complexity

  • customers want it
  • not easy to implement without carefully planning
  • need to invest in developing capabilities
  • Competitive differentiator

Low Value/Low Complexity

  • stakeholders don’t want it
  • easy to implement but takes resources away from priority
  • some capabilities exist
  • creates marginal value
  • minimal growth

Low Value/High Complexity

  • stakeholders don’t want it
  • difficult to implement
  • need to invest in developing capabilities
  • no real strategic growth

Could Have

Don’t Need

Transform Operations



Source: Adapted from MoSCoW prioritization model

Exemplar: Opportunity Profile


An example of a template to capture the output of discussion.

Automate the Registration Process Around Admission, Discharge, and Transfer (ADT)

Description of Opportunity:

ADT is a critical function of registration that triggers patient identification to support services and billing. Currently, ADT is a heavily manual process with a high degree of errors as a result of human intervention. There is an opportunity to leverage intelligent automation by using RPA and AI.

Alignment With Business Objectives

Improve patient outcome

Drive operational efficiency and effectiveness

Better experiences for patients

Business Architecture

This opportunity may impact the following business capabilities:

  • Referral evaluation
  • Admission, discharge, and transfer management
  • Scheduling management
  • Patient registry management
  • Provider registry management
  • Patient billing
  • Provider billing
  • Finance management
  • EHR/EMR integration management
  • Enterprise data warehouse for reporting
  • Provincial/state quality reporting

Benefits & Outcomes

  • Reduce errors by manual registration
  • Improve turnaround time for registration
  • Create a consistent customer experience
  • Improve capacity
  • Virtualize low-value work

Key Risks & Assumptions

  • Need to add skills & knowledge to maintain systems
  • Perception of job loss or change by unions
  • assume documentation of standard work for automation vs. non-standard

Opportunity Owner

VP, Health Information Management (HIM)

Incremental Value

Reduce errors in patient identity

  • Next Steps
  • Investigate use cases for RPA and AI in registration
  • Build business case for funding

2.2 Business capabilities impact

Understand the impact on your business capabilities

Each opportunity has the potential to impact multiple areas of your business. Prioritize where to start acting on new opportunities based on your business objectives and capabilities.

You will need:

Industry Reference Architecture.Industry Reference Architecture

Activity: 1-2 hours

  1. Using your industry reference architecture, highlight the business capabilities that may be impacted by the opportunity. Use a value chain analysis approach to help with this exercise.
  2. Referring to your Prioritized Opportunities for Transformation, prioritize areas to transform. Priority should be given to low maturity areas that are highly or urgently relevant to your overall strategic goals.
Prioritized Opportunities for Transformation.Prioritized Opportunities for TransformationPrioritized Business Capability Map.

2.2 Business capabilities impact

Start with a value chain analysis

This will help identify the impact on your business capabilities.

As we identify and prioritize the opportunities available to us, we need to assess impacts on value chains. Does the opportunity directly impact an existing value chain? Or does it open us to the creation of a new value chain?

The image contains a screenshot of the value chain analysis.

The value chain perspective allows an organization to identify how to best minimize or enhance impacts and generate value.

As we move from opportunity to impact, it is important to break down opportunities into the relevant pieces so we can see a holistic picture of the sources of differentiation.

Exemplar: Prioritized Business Capability Map

The image contains a screenshot of the exemplar prioritized business capability map.

In this example, intelligent automation for referral and admission would create opportunity to virtualize repeatable tasks.

Phase 3

ETransform Stakeholder Journeys

Understand the impact of opportunities across the value chain and possibilities of new or better stakeholder experiences.

Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3

Identify New Digitally Enabled Opportunities

Evaluate Opportunities and Business Capabilities

Transform Stakeholder Journeys

Phase 3

Identify opportunities to transform stakeholder experiences


Understand WHO gains value from the value chain

To define a stakeholder scenario, you need to understand whom we are mapping for. Developing stakeholder personas is a great way to understand their needs through a lens of empathy.


  • Keep your stakeholder persona groupings to the core clusters typical of your industry.
  • See it from their perspective not the business’s.


  • Don’t create a multitude of personas based on discrete nuances.

Identify opportunities to transform the stakeholder experience

A stakeholder or customer journey helps teams visualize the impact of a given opportunity through a value chain. This exercise uncovers the specific initiatives and features that should be considered in the evolution of the digital strategy.


  • Which stakeholders may be most affected by this opportunity?
  • How might stakeholders feel about a given solution as they move through the journey? What pain points can be solved?


  • Simply listing steps in a process. Put yourself in the shoes of whoever’s journey you are mapping. What do they care about?
  • Choosing a stakeholder with limited involvement in the process.

Unlock key initiatives to deliver value

Opportunities need to be broken down into actionable initiatives that can be turned into business cases with clear goals, benefits realization, scope, work plans, and investment ask.


  • Multiple initiatives can be grouped into one opportunity that is similar or in phases.
  • Ensure the initiatives support and enable the business goals.


  • Creating a laundry list of initiatives.
  • Initiatives that don’t align with business goals.

Map Stakeholder Journey

Conduct a journey mapping exercise to further refine and identify value streams to transform.

Stakeholder Journey Mapping

Digital Business Strategy Blueprint

Activity: 4-6 hours

Our analysts can guide and support you, where needed.

  1. First download the Define Your Digital Business Strategy blueprint to review the Stakeholder Journey Mapping exercise.
  2. Identify a stakeholder persona and a one-journey scenario.
  3. Map a stakeholder journey using a single persona across one-journey scenarios to identify pain points and opportunities to improve experiences and generate value.
  4. Consolidate a list of opportunities for business case prioritization.

Key Concepts:

Value Stream: a set of activities to create and capture value for and from the end consumer.

Value Chain: a string of end-to-end processes that creates value for the consumer.

Journey Scenario: a specific use case across a value chain (s).

Members Engaged

  • CIO
  • Business Executives


  • Industry Analyst
  • Executive Advisor

Stakeholder Persona.Stakeholder Persona

1-Journey Use Case.1-Journey Use Case

Map Stakeholder Journey 
Map Stakeholder Journey

Content Leveraged

  • Stakeholder Persona
  • Journey Use Case
  • Map Stakeholder Journey


  1. Guiding principles
  2. Strategic growth opportunities

Download the Define Your Digital Business Strategy blueprint for Customer Journey Mapping Activities

3.1 Persona identification

Identify a stakeholder persona and journey scenario

From value chain to journey scenario.

Stakeholder personas and scenarios help us build empathy towards our customers. It helps put us into the shoes of a stakeholder and relate to their experience to solve problems or understand how they experience the steps or processes required to accomplish a goal. A user persona is a valuable basis for stakeholder journey mapping.

A stakeholder persona is a fictitious profile to represent a customer or a user segment. Creating this persona helps us understand who your customers really are and why they are using your service or product.

A stakeholder scenario describes the situation the journey map addresses. Scenarios can be real (for existing products and services) or anticipated.

Learn more about applying design thinking methodologies

3.1 Persona identification

Identify a stakeholder persona

Who are you transforming for?

To define a stakeholder scenario, we need to understand who we are mapping for. In each value chain, we identified a stakeholder who gains value from that value chain. We now need to develop a stakeholder persona: a representation of the end user to gain a strong understanding of who they are, what they need, and their pains and gains.

One of the best ways to flesh out your stakeholder persona is to engage with the stakeholders directly or to gather the input of those who may engage with them within the organization.

For example, if we want to define a journey map for a student, we might want to gather the input of students or teaching faculty that have firsthand encounters with different student types and are able to define a common student type.

Info-Tech Insight

Run a survey to understand your end users and develop a stronger picture of who they are and what they are seeking to gain from your organization.

3.1 Persona identification

Identify stakeholder scenarios to map

For your digital strategy, leverage the existing and opportunity value chains identified in phases 1 and 2 for journey mapping.

Identify two existing value chains to be transformed.

In section 1, we identified existing value chains to be transformed. For example, your stakeholder persona is a registration clerk who is part of the Health Information Management team responsible for registering and adjudicating patient identity.

The image contains a screenshot example of two existing value chains to be transformed.

Identify one new value chain.

In section 2, we identified a new value chain. However, for a new opportunity, the scenario is more complex as it may capture many different areas of a value chain. Subsequently, a journey map for a new opportunity may require mapping all parts of the value chain.

The image contains a screenshot of one value chain.

3.1 Persona identification

Example Stakeholder Persona

Stakeholder demographics

Name: Anne

Age: 35

Occupation: HIM Clerk

Location: Unity Hospital System


What are their frustrations, fears, and anxieties?

  • Volume of patients to schedule
  • Too many applications to access
  • Data quality is an error
  • Extensive manual entry of data prone to errors
  • Disruptions with calls from patients, doctors, and FOI requests

What do they need to do?

What do they want to get done? How will they know they are successful?

  • Automate some non-valuable tasks that can also reduce human errors. Allow patients to self-schedule online or answer FAQs via a chatbox. Would love to have a virtual triage to alleviate volume of calls and redirects.


What are their wants, needs, hopes, and dreams?

  • Reduce errors in data entry for patient identity (reduce manual look-ups).
  • Have standard requests go through a chatbot.
  • Have physicians automate billing through front-end speech recognition software.

3.1 Persona identification

Define a journey statement for mapping

Now that we understand who we are mapping for, we need to define a journey statement to capture the stakeholder journey.

Leverage the following format to define the journey statement.

“As a [stakeholder], I need to [prioritized value chain task], so that I can [desired result or overall goal].”

The image contains a screenshot of a journey statement for mapping.

3.2 Stakeholder Journey-Map

Leverage customer journey mapping to capture value chains to be transformed

Conduct a journey mapping exercise to identify opportunities for innovation or automation.

A journey-based approach helps an organization understand how a stakeholder moves through a process and interacts with the organization in the form of touch points, channels, and supporting characters. By identifying pain points in the journey and the activity types, we can identify opportunities for innovation and automation along the journey.

The image contains a screenshot of an example of journey mapping.

Embrace design-thinking methodologies to elevate the stakeholder journey and build a competitive advantage for your organization.

3.2 Stakeholder Journey-Map

Key Concepts

0. Name: Annie Smith

Age: 35

Occupation: HIM Registration Clerk for Unity Hospital System

Key Concepts.0.Stakeholder Persona

A fictitious profile of a representative stakeholder group that shares a common yet discrete set of characteristics that embodies how they think, feel, and act.

1. Journey (Value Chain)

Describes the end-to-end steps or processes that a customer takes across the value chain that groups a set of activities, interactions, touch-points, and experiences.

2. Persona’s Goals

Exemplifies what the persona is thinking and wanting across each specific step of their journey.

3. Nature of Activity (see detailed definition in this section)

This section captures two key components: 1) the description of the action or interaction between the personas to achieve their goals, and 2) the classification of the activity to determine the feasibility for automation. The type is based on four main characteristics: 1) routine cognitive, 2) non-routine cognitive , 3) routine manual, and 4) non-routine manual.

4. Type of Touch-Point

The channel by which a persona interacts or touches products, services, the organization, or information.

5. Key Moments & Pain Points

Captures the emotional experience and value of the persona across each step and interaction.

6. Metrics

This section captures the KPIs used to measure the experience, process or activity today. Future KPIs will need to be developed to measure the opportunities.

7. Opportunities refer to both the possible initiatives to address the persona’s pain points, and the ability to enable business goals.

3.2 Stakeholder Journey-Map

Opportunities for Automation: Nature of Activity

We identified opportunities for automation

Categorize the activity type to identify opportunities for automation. While there is no perfect framework for automation, this 4x4 matrix provides a general guide to identifying automation opportunities for consideration.

Automation example list.Automation Quadrant Analysis

Info-Tech Insight

Automation is more than a 1:1 relationship between the defined task or job and automation. When considering automation, look for opportunities to: 1) streamline across multiple processes, 2) utilize artificial intelligence to augment or virtualize manual tasks, and 3) create more structured data to allow for improved data quality over the long-term.

3.2 Stakeholder Journey-Map

Example of stakeholder journey output: Healthcare

Stakeholder: HIM Clerks

Journey: Follow-up visit of 80-year-old diabetes patient at diabetic clinic outpatient


(Value Chain)

AppointmentRegistrationIdentity ReconciliationEligibility VerificationTreatment Consult

Persona’s Goals

  • Confirm appointment
  • Verify referral through provider registry
  • Request medical insurance or care card
  • Enroll patient into CIS
  • Patient registry validation
  • Secondary identification request
  • Verify eligibility through the patient registry
  • Schedule follow referrals & appointments
  • Coding for billing

Nature of Activity



Investigate – ROI

Investigate – ROI


Type of Touchpoint

  • Telephone (land/mobile)
  • Email
  • CIS Application
  • Verbal
  • Patient registry system
  • Telephone
  • Patient and provider registry
  • CIS
  • Email, call, verbal
  • Physician billing
  • Hospital ERP
  • CIS
  • Paper appointments

Pain Points & Gains

  • Volume of calls
  • Manual scheduling
  • Too many applications
  • Data entry errors
  • Limited languages
  • Too many applications
  • Data entry errors
  • Too many applications
  • Limited languages
  • Ask patients to repeat info
  • Data entry errors
  • Too many applications
  • Limited languages
  • Ask patients to repeat info
  • Patient identity not linked to physician billing
  • Manual coding entry


Time to appointment

Time to enrollment

Patient mis-match

Provider mis-match

Percentage of errors in billing codes


  • Patient scheduling portal (24/7)
  • Use of AI and chatbots
  • Automate patient matching index digitalization and integration
  • Automate provider matching index digitalization and integration
  • Natural language processing using front-end speech recognition software for billing

Break opportunities into a series of initiatives aligned to business objectives

Opportunity 1

Virtual Registration


Business Goals


Health Outcomes

Stakeholder Experience

New Models of Care

Operational Efficiency

  • Enterprise master patient index integration with patient registry
  • Intelligent automation for outpatient department
  • Customer service chat box for triage FOI1
  • Front-end speech recognition for billing (FESR)

Opportunity 2

Machine Learning Pre-Cancer Diagnosis


Business Goals


Health Outcomes

Stakeholder Experience

New Models of Care

Operational Efficiency

  • Enterprise Datawarehouse architecture (build data lake)
  • Build genomics analytics capabilities e.g., recruitment, data-quality review
  • Implementation of machine learning software
  • Supply chain integration with ERP for medical and research supplies
FOI = Freedom of Information

Info-Tech Insight

Evaluate if an opportunity will require a series of discrete activities to execute and/or if they can be a stand-alone initiative.

Now you are ready to select and prioritize digital initiatives for business case development

After completing all three phases of activities in this blueprint, you will have compiled a list of new and planned digital initiatives for prioritization and business case development in the next phase.

Consolidated List of Digital Initiatives.

Example: Consolidated List of Digital Initiatives

The next step will focus on prioritizing and building a business case for your top digital initiatives.

IT Roadmap for your Digital Business Strategy.

Appendix: Additional Examples

From trend to leapfrog ideas

Every idea is a good one, unless you need one that works.

Additional Examples
Examples of leapfrog ideas that can generate opportunities for consideration

Example 1 Finance


New Customer

New Market

New Business or Operating Model

New Service Offering

What trend(s) pose a significant impact on your business?

New customer segments

Enter or create new markets

Adjust the business or operating model to capture change in how the business creates and delivers value

Introduce new digital products, services, and experiences

Open banking

Account integrators (AISPs)

Payment integrators

Data monetization

Social payments

Example 2: Retail


New Customer

New Market

New Business or Operating Model

New Service Offering

What trend(s) pose a significant impact on your business?

New customer segments

Enter or create new markets

Adjust the business or operating model to capture change in how the business creates and delivers value

Introduce new digital products, services, and experiences

Virtual cashier

(RFID Enablement)

Big-box retailers

Brick & mortar stores

Automated stores driving new customer experiences

Digital cart

From trend to leapfrog ideas

Every idea is a good one, unless you need one that works.

Additional Exemplars in Appendix

Examples of leapfrog ideas that can generate opportunities for consideration

Example 3:



New Customer

New Market

New Business or

Operating Model

New Service Offering

What trend(s) pose a significant impact on your business?

New customer segments

Enter or create new markets

Adjust the business or operating model to capture change in how the business creates and delivers value

Introduce new digital products, services, and experiences

IT/OT convergence

Value-added resellers

New geographies

Train quality-control algorithms and sell as a service to other manufacturers

Quality control as a service

Case Study: International Airport

Persona Journey Map: International/Domestic Departure

Persona: Super Traveler

Name: Annie Smith

Age: 35

Occupation: Engineer, Global Consultant

Journey Activity Name: Inspired to Travel

Persona’s Goals

What Am I Thinking?

  • I am planning on traveling to Copenhagen, Denmark for work.
  • It’s my first time and I need to gather information about the destination, accommodation, costs, departure information, bag weight, etc..

Nature of Activity

What Am I Doing?

  • Logging onto airline website
  • Confirming departure gates

Type of Touchpoint

  • Airport rewards program
  • Airport Website
  • Online hotel eCommerce
  • Social media
  • Transportation services on mobile

Key moments & pain points

How Am I Feeling?

  • Frustrated because the airport website is difficult to navigate to get information
  • Annoyed because there is no FAQ online and I have to call; there’s a long wait to speak to someone.
  • Stress & uncertainty (cancellation, logistics, insurance, etc..)


  • Travel dates
  • Trip price & budget


  • Tailored communication based on search history
  • Specific messaging (e.g., alerts for COVID-19, changes in events, etc.)
  • Interactive VR experience that guides customers through the airport as a navigator

Related Info-Tech Research

Tech Trends and Priorities Research Center

  • Access Info-Tech’s Tech Trends reports and research center to learn about current industry trends, shifts in markets, and disruptions that are impacting your industry and sector. This is a great starting place to gain insights into how the ecosystem is changing your business and the impact of these changes on IT.

Digital Business Strategy

  • Leverage Info-Tech’s Digital Business Strategy to identify opportunities to transform the customer experience.

Industry Reference Architecture

  • Access Info-Tech’s Industry coverage to accelerate your understanding of your business capabilities and opportunities for automation.

Contact Your Account Manager

Research Contributors and Experts

Joanne Lee

Joanne Lee

Principal, Research Director, CIO Strategy

Info-Tech Research Group

Kim Osborne-Rodgriguez

Kim Osborne-Rodgriguez

Research Director, CIO Strategy

Info-Tech Research Group

Joanne is an executive with over 25 years of in digital technology and management consulting across both public and private entities from solution delivery to organizational redesign across Canada and globally.

Prior to joining Info-Tech Research Group, Joanne was a management consultant within KPMG’s CIO management consulting services and the Western Canada Digital Health Practice lead. She has held several executive roles in the industry with the most recent position as Chief Program Officer for a large $450M EHR implementation. Her expertise spans cloud strategy, organizational design, data and analytics, governance, process redesign, transformation, and PPM. She is passionate about connecting people, concepts, and capital.

Joanne holds a Master’s in Business and Health Policy from the University of Toronto and a Bachelor of Science (Nursing) from the University of British Columbia.

Kim is a professional engineer and Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD) with over a decade of experience in management and engineering consulting spanning healthcare, higher education, and commercial sectors. She has worked on some of the largest hospital construction projects in Canada, from early visioning and IT strategy through to design, specifications, and construction administration. She brings a practical and evidence-based approach to digital transformation, with a track record of supporting successful implementations.

Kim holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mechatronics Engineering from University of Waterloo.

Research Contributors and Experts

Jack Hakimian

Jack Hakimian

Vice President, Research

Info-Tech Research Group

Charl Lombard.

Charl Lombard

President, Digital Transformation Consulting

Info-Tech Research Group

Jack has more than 25 years of technology and management consulting experience. He has served multi-billion dollar organizations in multiple industries including Financial Services and Telecommunications. Jack also served a number of large public sector institutions.

Prior to joining the Info-Tech Research Group, he worked for leading consulting players such as Accenture, Deloitte, EY, and IBM.

Jack led digital business strategy engagements as well as corporate strategy and M&A advisory services for clients across North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. He is a seasoned technology consultant who has developed IT strategies and technology roadmaps, led large business transformations, established data governance programs, and managed the deployment of mission-critical CRM and ERP applications.

He is a frequent speaker and panelist at technology and innovation conferences and events and holds a Master’s degree in Computer Engineering as well as an MBA from the ESCP-EAP European School of Management.

Charl has more than 20 years of professional services experience, “majoring” in digital transformation and strategic topics. He has led multiple successful Digital Transformation programs across a range of industries like Information technology, hospitality, Advanced Industries, High Tech, Entertainment, Travel and Transport, Insurance & Financial Services, Metals & Mining, Electric Power, Renewable Energy, Telecoms, Manufacturing) across different geographics (i.e., North America, EU, Africa) in both private and public sectors.

Prior to joining Info-Tech Research Group, Charl was the Vice President of Global Product Management and Strategy (Saber Hospitality Solution), Associate President, McKinsey Transformation Practice, e-Business Practice for PwC, and tech start-up founder and investor.

Charl is a frequent speaker at innovation and digital transformation conferences and holds an MBA from the University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business, and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Pretoria, South Africa.

Research Contributors and Experts

Mike Tweedie

Mike Tweedie

Practice Lead, CIO Strategy

Info-Tech Research Group

Michael Alemany

Michael Alemany

Vice President, Digital Transformation Consulting

Info-Tech Research Group

Mike Tweedie brings over 25 years of experience as a technology executive. He’s led several large transformation projects across core infrastructure, application, and IT services as the head of Technology at ADP Canada. He was also the Head of Engineering and Service Offerings for a large French IT services firm, focused on cloud adoption and complex ERP deployment and management.

Mike holds a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from Ryerson University.

Michael is a leader in Info-Tech’s digital transformation consulting practice. He brings over 10 years of experience working with companies across a range of industries. His work experience includes ~4.5 years at McKinsey & Company where he led large-scale transformations for fortune 500 companies. Prior to joining Info-Tech, he worked for Sabre Corp., an SaaS platform provider for the travel and hospitality sector, leading Product Strategy & Operations. Michael holds an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth and a B.S in Business Strategy from Brigham Young University.

Research Contributors and Experts

Duane Cooney

Duane Cooney

Executive Counselor, Healthcare

Info-Tech Research Group

Denis Goulet

Denis Goulet

Senior Workshop Director

Info-Tech Research Group

Duane brings over 30 years of experiences a healthcare IT leader with a passion for the transformation of people, processes, and technology. He has led large-scale health technology transformation and operations across the enterprise. Before joining Info-Tech, Duane served as the Deputy CIO, Senior Information Technology Director, and Enterprise Architect for both public not-for-profit and private sectors. He has a Bachelors in Computer Science and is a graduate of EDS Operations. He holds certifications in EHR, LEAN/Agile, ITIL, and PMP.

Denis is an IAF Certified Professional Facilitator who has helped organizations and technology executives develop IT strategies for small to large global enterprises. He firmly believes in a collaborative value-driven approach. Prior to joining Info-Tech Research Group, Denis held several industry positions as CIO, Chief Administrative Office (City Manager), General Manager, and Vice President of Engineering. Denis holds an MBA from Queen’s University and a Diploma in Technology Engineering and Executive Municipal Management.

Jay Cappis.

Jay Cappis

Executive Advisor, Real-Estate

Info-Tech Research Group

Christine Brick.

Christine Brick

Executive Advisor, Financial Services
Info-Tech Research Group

Jay brings over 30 years of experience in management and technology across small and medium enterprises to large global enterprises including Exxon and Xerox. His cross-industry experience includes professional services, commercial real estate, oil and gas, digital start-ups, insurance, and aerospace. Jay has led business process improvements and change management and has expertise in software development lifecycle management and DevOps practices.

Christine brings over 20 years in IT transformation across DevOps, infrastructure, operations, supply chain, IT Strategy, modernization, cost optimization, data management, and operational risk. She brings expertise in business transformation, mergers and acquisitions, vendor selection, and contract management.


Bhatia, AD. “Transforming through disruptions: A conversation with Dan Antonelli. Transformation Insights.” McKinsey & Company. January 31, 2022. Web
Bertoletti, Antonella and Peter Eeles. “Use an IT Maturity Model.” IBM Garage Methodology. Web. accessed May 30, 2022.
Catlin, Tanguy, Jay Scanlan, and Paul Willmott. “Raising your Digital Quotient.” McKinsey Quarterly. June 1, 2015. Article
Custers, Heidi. “Digital Blueprint. Reference Architecture. Deloitte Digital.Accessed May 15, 2022.
Coundouris, Anthony. “Reviewed: The Top 5 Digital Transformation Frameworks in 2020.” Run-frictionless Blog. Accessed May 15, 2022. Web.
Daub, Matthias and Anna Wiesinger. “Acquiring the Capabilities you need to go digital.” Business Technology Office – McKinsey and Company. March 2015. Web.
De La Boutetiere, Alberto Montagner and Angelika Reich. “Unlocking success in digital transformations.” McKinsey and Company. October 2018. Web.
“Design Thinking Defined.” November 21, 2022. Web.
Dorner, Karle and David Edelman. “What ‘Digital’ really means.” McKinsey Digital. July 2015. Web
“Everything Changed. Or Did it? Harvey Nash KPMG CIO Survey 2020.” KPMG, 2020
Kane, Gerald C., Doug Palmer, Ahn Nguyen Phillips, David Kiron, Natasha Buckley. “Aligning the organization for its digital future.” Findings from the 2016 Digital Business Global Executive Study and Research Project. MIT Sloan Management Review. July 26, 2016. Web
LaBerge, Laura, et al. “How COVID-19 has pushed companies over the technology tipping point—and transformed business forever.” McKinsey, 5 Oct. 2020. Accessed 14 June 2021
Mindtools Content Team. “Cause and Effect Analysis.” November 21, 2022. Web.
“Strategic Foresight.” November 21, 2022, Web
Sall, Sherman, Dan Lichtenfeld. “The Digital ME Method. Turning digital opportunities into customer engagement and business growth.” Sygnific. 2017. Web.
Scoblic, J. Peter. “Learning from the Future. How to make robust strategy in times of deep uncertainty.” Harvard Business Review, August 2020.
Silva, Bernardo and Schoenwaelder, Tom. ‘Why Good Strategies fail. Addressing the three critical strategic tensions.” Deloitte Monitor Group. 2019.

Resilience, It's about your business

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January 17th, 2025 is when your ability to serve clients without interruption is legislated. At least when you are in the financial services sector, or when you supply such firms.  If you are not active in the financial arena, don’t click away. Many of these requirements can just give you an edge over your competition.

Many firms underestimated the impact of the legislation, but let’s be honest, so did the European Union. The last pieces of the puzzle are still not delivered only two days before the law comes into effect.

What is DORA all about again? It is the Digital Operational Resilience Act. In essence, it is about your ability to withstand adverse events that may impact your clients or the financial system.

Aside from some nasty details, this really is just common sense. You need to be organized so that the right people know what is expected of them, from the accountable top to the staff executing the day to day operations. You need to know what to do when things go wrong. You need to know your suppliers, especially those who supply services to your critical business services. You need to test your defenses and your IT. You may want to share intelligence around cyber-attacks.

There, all of the 45 business-relevant DORA articles and technical standards in a single paragraph. The remaining articles deal with the competent authorities and make for good reading as they provide some insights into the workings of the regulatory body. The same goes for the preamble of the law. No less than 104 “musings” that elaborate on the operating environment and intent of the law.

If you’re firm is still in the thick of things trying to become compliant, you are not alone. I have seen at least one regulator indicating that they will be understanding of that situation, but you must have a clear roadmap to compliance in the near future. Your regulator may or may not be in line with that position. In the eastern-most countries of the EU, signals are that the regulator will take a much tougher stance.

(This kind of negates one of the musings of the law; the need for a single view on what financial services firms must adhere to to be considered compliant and resilient. But I think this is an unavoidable byproduct of having culturally diverse member states.)

I dare to say that firms typically have the governance in place as well as the IM processes and testing requirements. The biggest open items seem to be in the actual IT hard operational resilience, monitoring and BCM.

Take a look at your own firm and make an honest assessment in those areas. They key resilience (DORA-related or not) is knowing how your service works and is performing from a client perspective.

You need to know how a client achieves all their interaction goals with your company. Typically this is mapped in the client journey. Unfortunately, this usually only maps the business flow, not the technical flow. And usually you look at it from the client UX perspective. This is obviously very important, but it does not help you to understand the elements that ensure you that your clients can always complete that journey.

The other day, I had a customer journey with an online ski-shop. I had bought two ski helmets in size M, the same size my adult son and I had. When the helmets arrived it turned out they were too small. So, ok, no worries, I start the return process online. Once we complete the initial steps, after a few days I notice that the price for only one helmet is shown on the site. This, despite the indicators that both helmets are approved to be returned. Later both helmets are shown as effectively returned. Refund still shows one helmet’s price. What gives? I give it some more time, but after ten days, I decide to enquire. The site still shows refund for one helmet.

Then I receive an email that both helmets will be refunded as they accepted the state of the helmets (unused) and amount of the refund is now correct. Site still shows the wrong amount.

This is obviously a small inconvenience, but it does show that the IT team does not have a full view of the entire customer journey and systems interactions. You need to fix this.

Suppose this is not about two ski helmets, but about ski or home insurance. Or about the sale of a car or a B2B transaction involving tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars or euro, or any other currency? Does your system show the real-time correct status of the transaction? If not, I would, as a consumer, decide to change provider. Why? Because the trust is gone.

Resilience is about withstanding events that threaten your service to your clients. Events are nit just earthquakes or floods. Events are also wrong or missing information. To protect against that, you need to know what the (value) chain is that leads to you providing that service. Additionally, you need to know if that service chain has any impediments at any moment in time. Aka, you need to know that any service request can be fulfilled at any given time. And to have the right processes and resources in place to fix whatever is not working at that time.

And that is in my opinion the biggest task still outstanding with many companies to ensure true resilience and customer service.

Enterprise Application Selection and Implementation

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  • Parent Category Name: Applications
  • Parent Category Link: /applications

The challenge

  • Large scale implementations are prone to failure. This is probably also true in your company. Typically large endeavors like this overrun the budget, are late to deliver, or are abandoned altogether. It would be best if you manage your risks when starting such a new project.

Our advice


  • Large-scale software implementations continue to fail at very high rates. A recent report by McKinsey & Company estimates that 66% go over budget, 33% over time, and 17% delivered less value than expected. Most companies will survive a botched implementation, but 17% threatened the existence of the company involved.
  • With all the knowledge sharing that we have today with oodles of data at our disposal, we should expect IT-providers to have clear, standardized frameworks to handle these implementations. But projects that overrun by more than 200% still occur more often than you may think.
  • When you solicit a systems integrator (SI), you want to equip yourself to manage the SI and not be utterly dependent on their methodology.

Impact and results 

  • You can assume proper accountability for the implementation and avoid over-reliance on the systems integrator.
  • Leverage the collective knowledge and advice of additional IT professionals
  • Review the pitfalls and lessons learned from failed integrations.
  • Manage risk at every stage.
  • Perform a self-assessment at various stages of the integration path.

The roadmap

Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

Executive Summary

Determine the rations for your implementation

See if a custom-of-the-shelf process optimization makes sense.

  • Storyboard: Govern and Manage an Enterprise Software Implementation (ppt)


Determine the right (level of) governance for your implementation.

  • Large Software Implementation Maturity Assessment Tool (xls)
  • Project Success Measurement Tool (xls)
  • Risk Mitigation Plan Template (xls)

Plan and analyze

Prepare for the overall implementation journey and gather your requirements. Then conduct a stage-gate assessment of this phase.

  • Project Phases Entry and Exit Criteria Checklist Tool (xls)
  • Project Lessons Learned Document (doc)

Design, build and deploy

Conduct a stage-gate assessment after every step below.

  • Make exact designs of the software implementation and ensure that all stakeholders and the integrator completely understand.
  • Build the solution according to the requirements and designs.
  • Thoroughly test and evaluate that the implementation meets your business expectations. 
  • Then deploy

Initiate your roadmap

Review your dispositions to ensure they align with your goals. 

  • Build an Application Rationalization Framework – Phase 4: Initiate Your Roadmap (ppt)
  • Disposition Prioritization Tool (xls)

Do you believe in absolute efficiency?

Weekend read. Hence I post this a bit later on Friday.
Lately, I've been fascinated by infinity. And in infinity, some weird algebra pops up. Yet that weirdness is very much akin to what our business stakeholders want, driven by what our clients demand, and hence our KPIs drive us. Do more with less. And that is what absolute efficiency means.

Register to read more …

Prepare for the Upgrade to Windows 11

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  • Parent Category Name: End-User Computing Devices
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  • Windows 10 is going EOL in 2025.That is closer than you think.
  • Many of your endpoints are not eligible for the Windows 11 upgrade. You can’t afford to replace all your endpoints this year. How do you manage this Microsoft initiated catastrophe?
  • You want to stay close to the leading edge of technology and services, but how do you do that while keeping your spending in check and within budget?

Our Advice

Critical Insight

Windows 11 is a step forward in security, which is one of the primary reasons for the release of the new operating system. Windows 11 comes with a list of hardware requirements that enable the use of tools and features that, when combined, will reduce malware infections.

Impact and Result

Windows 11 hardware requirements will result in devices that are not eligible for the upgrade. Companies will be left to spend money on replacement devices. Following the Info-Tech guidance will help clients properly budget for hardware replacements before Windows 10 is no longer supported by Microsoft. Eligible devices can be upgraded, but Info-Tech guidance can help clients properly plan the upgrade using the upgrade ring approach.

Prepare for the Upgrade to Windows 11 Research & Tools

Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

1. Prepare for the Upgrade to Windows 11 Deck – A look into some of the pros and cons of Microsoft’s latest desktop operating system, along with guidance on moving forward with this inevitable upgrade.

Discover the reason for the release of Windows 11, what you require to be eligible for the upgrade, what features were added or updated, and what features were removed. Our guidance will assist you with a planned and controlled rollout of the Windows 11 upgrade. We also provide guidance on how to approach a device refresh plan if some devices are not eligible for Windows 11. The upgrade is inevitable, but you have time, and you have options.

  • Prepare for the Upgrade to Windows 11 Storyboard

2. What Are My Options If My Devices Cannot Upgrade to Windows 11? – Build a Windows 11 Device Replacement budget with our Hardware Asset Management Budgeting Tool.

This tool will help you budget for a hardware asset refresh and to adjust the budget as necessary to accommodate any unexpected changes. The tool can easily be modified to assist in developing and justifying the budget for hardware assets for a Windows 11 project. Follow the instructions on each tab and feel free to play with the HAM budgeting tool to fit your needs.

  • HAM Budgeting Tool

Further reading

Prepare for the Upgrade to Windows 11

The upgrade is inevitable, but you have time, and you have options.

Analyst Perspective

Upgrading to Windows 11 is easy, and while it should be properly investigated and planned, it should absolutely be an activity you undertake.

“You hear that Mr. Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability.” ("The Matrix Quotes" )

The fictitious Agent Smith uttered those words to Keanu Reeves’ character, Neo, in The Matrix in 1999, and while Agent Smith was using them in a very sinister and figurative context, the words could just as easily be applied to the concept of upgrading to the Windows 11 operating system from Microsoft in 2022.

There have been two common, recurring themes in the media since late 2019. One is the global pandemic and the other is cyber-related crime. Microsoft is not in a position to make an impact on a novel coronavirus, but it does have the global market reach to influence end-user technology and it appears that it has done just that. Windows 11 is a step forward in endpoint security and functionality. It also solidifies the foundation for future innovations in end-user operating systems and how they are delivered. Windows-as-a-Service (WAAS) is the way forward for Microsoft. Windows 10 is living on borrowed time, with a defined end of support date of October 14, 2025. Upgrading to Windows 11 is easy, and while it should be properly investigated and planned, it should absolutely be an activity you undertake.

It is inevitable!

P.J. Ryan

Research Director, Infrastructure & Operations

Info-Tech Research Group

Executive Summary

Your Challenge

  • Windows 10 is going EOL in 2025. That is closer than you think.
  • Many of your endpoints are not eligible for the Windows 11 upgrade. You can’t afford to replace all your endpoints this year. How do you manage this Microsoft-initiated catastrophe?
  • You want to stay close to the leading edge of technology and services, but how do you do that while keeping your spending in check and within budget?

Common Obstacles

  • The difference between Windows 10 and Windows 11 is not clear. Windows 11 looks like Windows 10 with some minor changes, mostly cosmetic. Many online users don’t see the need. Why upgrade? What are the benefits?
  • The cost of upgrading devices just to be eligible for Windows 11 is high.
  • Your end users don’t like change. This is not going to go over well!

Info-Tech's Approach

  • Spend wisely. Space out your endpoint replacements and upgrades over several years. You do not have to upgrade everything right away.
  • Be patient. Windows 11 contained some bugs when it was initially released. Microsoft fixed most of the issues through monthly quality updates, but you should ensure that you are comfortable with the current level of functionality before you upgrade.
  • Use the upgrade ring approach. Test your applications with a small group first, and then stage the rollout to increasingly larger groups over time.

Info-Tech Insight

There is a lot of talk about Windows 11, but this is only an operating system upgrade, and it is not a major one. Understand what is new, what is added, and what is missing. Check your devices to determine how many are eligible and ineligible. Many organizations will have to spend capital on endpoint upgrades. Solid asset management practices will help.

Insight summary

Windows 11 is a step forward in security, which is one of the primary reasons for the release of the new operating system.

Windows 11 comes with a list of hardware requirements that enable the use of tools and features that, when combined, will reduce malware infections.

The hardware requirements for Windows 11 enable security features such as password-less logon, disk encryption, increased startup protection with secure boot, and virtualization-based security.

Many organizations will have to spend capital on endpoint upgrades.

Microsoft now insists that modern hardware is required for Windows 11 for not only security but also for improved stability. That same hardware requirement will mean that many devices that are only three or four years old (as well as older ones) may not be eligible for Windows 11.

Windows 11 is a virtualization challenge for some providers.

The hardware requirements for physical devices are also required for virtual devices. The TPM module appears to be the biggest challenge. Oracle VirtualBox and Citrix Hypervisor as well as AWS and Google are unable to support Windows 11 virtual devices as of the time of writing.

Windows 10 will be supported by Microsoft until October 2025.

That will remove some of the pressure felt due to the ineligibility of many devices and the need to refresh them. Take your time and plan it out, keeping within budget constraints. Use the upgrade ring approach for systems that are eligible for the Windows 11 upgrade.

New look and feel, and a center screen taskbar.

Corners are rounded, some controls look a little different, but overall Windows 11 is not a dramatic shift from Windows 10. It is easier to navigate and find features. Oh, and yes, the taskbar (and start button) is shifted to the center of the screen, but you can move them back to the left if desired.

The education industry gets extra attention with the release of Windows 11.

Windows 11 comes with multiple subscription-based education offerings, but it also now includes a new lightweight SE edition that is intended for the K-8 age group. Microsoft also released a Windows 11 Education SE specific laptop, at a very attractive price point. Other manufacturers also offer Windows 11 SE focused devices.

Why Windows 11?

Windows 10 was supposed to be the final desktop OS from Microsoft, wasn’t it?

Maybe. It depends who you ask.

Jerry Nixon, a Microsoft developer evangelist, gained notoriety when he uttered these words while at a Microsoft presentation as part of Microsoft Ignite in 2015: “Right now we’re releasing Windows 10, and because Windows 10 is the last version of Windows, we’re all still working on Windows 10,” (Hachman). Microsoft never officially made that statement. Interestingly enough, it never denied the comments made by Jerry Nixon either.

Perhaps Microsoft released a new operating system as a financial grab, a way to make significant revenue?


Windows 11 is a free upgrade or is included with any new computer purchase.

Market share challenges?


It’s true that Microsoft's market share of desktop operating systems is dropping while Apple OS X and Google Chrome OS are rising.

In fact, Microsoft has relinquished over 13% of the market share since 2012 and Apple has almost doubled its market share. BUT:

Microsoft is still holding 75.12% of the market while Apple is in the number 2 spot with 14.93% (

The market share is worth noting for Microsoft but it hardly warrants a new operating system.

New look and feel?


New start button and taskbar orientation, new search window, rounded corners, new visual look on some controls like the volume bar, new startup sound, new Windows logo, – all minor changes. Updates could achieve the same result.


Likely the main reason.

Windows 11 comes with a list of hardware requirements that enable the use of tools and features that, when combined, will reduce malware infections.

The hardware requirements for Windows 11 enable security features such as password-less logon, disk encryption, increased startup protection with secure boot, and virtualization-based security.

The features are available on all Windows 11 physical devices, due to the common hardware requirements.

Windows 11 hardware-based security

These hardware options and features were available in Windows 10 but not enforced. With Windows 11, they are no longer optional. Below is a description and explanation of the main features.

Feature What it is How it works
TPM 2.0 (Trusted Platform Module) Chip TPM is a chip on the motherboard of the computer. It is used to store encryption keys, certificates, and passwords. TPM does this securely with tamper-proof prevention. It can also generate encryption keys and it includes its own unique encryption key that cannot be altered ( You do not need to enter your password once you setup Windows Hello, so the password is no longer easy to capture and steal. It is set up on a device per device basis, meaning if you go to a different device to sign in, your Windows Hello authentication will not follow you and you must set up your Hello pin or facial recognition again on that particular device. TPM (Trusted Platform Module) can store the credentials used by Windows Hello and encrypt them on the module.
Windows Hello Windows Hello is an alternative to using a password for authentication. Users can use a pin, a fingerprint, or facial recognition to authenticate.
Device Encryption Device encryption is only on when your device is off. It scrambles the data on your disk to make it unreadable unless you have the key to unscramble it. If your endpoint is stolen, the contents of the hard drive will remain encrypted and cannot be accessed by anyone unless they can properly authenticate on the device and allow the system to unscramble the encrypted data.
UEFI Secure Boot Capable UEFI is an acronym for Unified Extensible Firmware Interface. It is an interface between the operating system and the computer firmware. Secure Boot, as part of the firmware interface, ensures that only unchangeable and approved software and drivers are loaded at startup and not any malware that may have infiltrated the system (Lumunge). UEFI, with Secure Boot, references a database containing keys and signatures of drivers and runtime code that is approved as well as forbidden. It will not let the system boot up unless the signature of the driver or run-time code that is trying to execute is approved. This UEFI Secure boot recognition process continues until control is handed over to the operating system.
Virtualization Based Security (VBS) and Hypervisor-Protected Code Integrity (HVCI) VBS is security based on virtualization capabilities. It uses the virtualization features of the Windows operating system, specifically the Hyper-V hypervisor, to create and isolate a small chunk of memory that is isolated from the operating system. HVCI checks the integrity of code for violations. The Code Integrity check happens in the isolated virtual area of memory protected by the hypervisor, hence the acronym HVCI (Hypervisor Protected Code Integrity) (Murtaza). In the secure, isolated region of memory created by VBS with the hypervisor, Windows will run checks on the integrity of the code that runs various processes. The isolation protects the stored item from tampering by malware and similar threats. If they run incident free, they are released to the operating system and can run in the standard memory space. If issues are detected, the code will not be released, nor will it run in the standard memory space of the operating system, and damage or compromise will be prevented.

How do all the hardware-based security features work?

This scenario explains how a standard boot up and login should happen.

You turn on your computer. Secure Boot authorizes the processes and UEFI hands over control to the operating system. Windows Hello works with TPM and uses a pin to authenticate the user and the operating systems gives you access to the Windows environment.

Now imagine the same process with various compromised scenarios.

You turn on your computer. Secure Boot does not recognize the signature presented to it by the second process in the boot sequence. You will be presented with a “Secure Boot Violation” message and an option to reboot. Your computer remains protected.

You boot up and get past the secure boot process and UEFI passes control over to the Windows 11 operating system. Windows Hello asks for your pin, but you cannot remember the pin and incorrectly enter it three times before admitting temporary defeat. Windows Hello did not find a matching pin on the TPM and will not let you proceed. You cannot log in but in the eyes of the operating system, it has prevented an unauthorized login attempt.

You power up your computer, log in without issue, and go about your morning routine of checking email, etc. You are not aware that malware has infiltrated your system and modified a page in system memory to run code and access the operating system kernel. VBS and HVCI check the integrity of that code and detect that it is malicious. The code remains isolated and prevented from running, protecting your system.

TPM, Hello, UEFI with Secure Boot, VBS and HVCI all work together like a well-oiled machine.

“Microsoft's rationale for Windows 11's strict official support requirements – including Secure Boot, a TPM 2.0 module, and virtualization support – has always been centered on security rather than raw performance.” – Andrew Cunningham,

“Windows 11 raises the bar for security by requiring hardware that can enable protections like Windows Hello, Device Encryption, virtualization-based security (VBS), hypervisor-protected code integrity (HVCI), and Secure Boot. These features in combination have been shown to reduce malware by 60% on tested devices.” – Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, Computerworld

Can any device upgrade to Windows 11?

In addition to the security-related hardware requirements listed previously, which may exclude some devices from Windows 11 eligibility, Windows 11 also has a minimum requirement for other hardware components.

Windows 7 and Windows 10 were publicized as being backward compatible and almost any hardware would be able to run those operating systems. That changed with Windows 11. Microsoft now insists that modern hardware is required for Windows 11 for not only security but also improved stability.

Software Requirement

You must be running Windows 10 version 2004 or greater to be eligible for a Windows 11 upgrade (“Windows 11 Requirements”).

Complete hardware requirements for Windows 11

  • 1 GHz (or faster) compatible 64-bit processor with two or more cores
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 64 GB or more of storage space
  • Compatible with DirectX 12 or later with WDDM 2.0 driver
    • DirectX connects the hardware in your computer with Windows. It allows software to display graphics using the video card or play audio, as long as that software is DirectX compatible. Windows 11 requires version 12 (“What are DirectX 12 compatible graphics”).
    • WDDM is an acronym for Windows Display Driver Model. WDDM is the architecture for the graphics driver for Windows (“Windows Display Driver Model”).
    • Version 2.0 of WDDM is required for Windows 11.
  • 720p display greater than 9" diagonally with 8 bits per color channel
  • UEFI Secure Boot capable
  • TPM 2.0 chip
  • (“Windows 11 Requirements”)

Windows 11 may challenge your virtual environment

When Windows 11 was initially released, some IT administrators experienced issues when trying to install or upgrade to Windows 11 in the virtual world.

The Challenge

The issues appeared to be centered around the Windows 11 hardware requirements, which must be detected by the Windows 11 pre-install check before the operating system will install.

The TPM 2.0 chip requirement was indeed a challenge and not offered as a configuration option with Citrix Hypervisor, the free VMware Workstation Player or Oracle VM VirtualBox when Windows 11 was released in October 2021, although it is on the roadmap for Oracle and Citrix Hypervisor. VMware provides alternative products to the free Workstation Player that do support a virtual TPM. Oracle and Citrix reported that the feature would be available in the future and Windows 11 would work on their platforms.

Short-Term Solutions

VMware and Microsoft users can add a vTPM hardware type when configuring a virtual Windows 11 machine. Microsoft Azure does offer Windows 11 as an option as a virtual desktop. Citrix Desktop-As-A-Service (DAAS) will connect to Azure, AWS, or Google Cloud and is only limited by the features of the hosting cloud service provider.

Additional Insight

According to Microsoft, any VM running Windows 11 must meet the following requirements (“Virtual Machine Support”):

  • It must be a generation 2 VM, and upgrading a generation 1 VM to Windows 11 (in-place) is not possible
  • 64 GB of storage or greater
  • Secure Boot capable with the virtual TPM enabled
  • 4 GB of memory or greater
  • 2 or more virtual processors
  • The CPU of the physical computer that is hosting the VM must meet the Windows 11 (“Windows Processor Requirements”)

What’s new or updated in Windows 11?

The following two slides highlight some of the new and updated features in Windows 11.


The most important change with Windows 11 is what you cannot see – the security. Windows 11 adds requirements and controls to make the user and device more secure, as described in previous slides.


The most prominent change in relation to the look and feel of Windows 11 is the shifting of the taskbar (and Start button) to the center of the screen. Some users may find this more convenient but if you do not and prefer the taskbar and start button back on the left of your screen, you can change it in taskbar settings.

Updated Apps

Paint, Photos, Notepad, Media Player, Mail, and other standard Windows apps have been updated with a new look and in some cases minor enhancements.

User Interface

The first change users will notice after logging in to Windows 11 is the new user interface – the look and feel. You may not notice the additional colors added to the Windows palette, but you may have thought that the startup sound was different, and the logo also looks different. You would be correct. Other look-and-feel items that changed include the rounded corners on windows, slightly different icons, new wallpapers, and controls for volume and brightness are now a slide bar. File explorer and the settings app also have a new look.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is now installed on the taskbar by default. Note that this is for a personal Microsoft account only. Teams for Work or School will have to be installed separately if you are using a work or school account.

What’s new or updated in Windows 11?

Snap Layouts

Snap layouts have been enhanced and snap group functionality has been added. This will allow you to quickly snap one window to the side of the screen and open other Windows in the other side. This feature can be accessed by dragging the window you wish to snap to the left or right edge of the screen. The window should then automatically resize to occupy that half of the screen and allow you to select other Windows that are already open to occupy the remaining space on the screen. You can also hover your mouse over the maximize button in the upper right-hand corner of the window. A small screen with multiple snap layouts will appear for your selection. Multiple snapped Windows can be saved as a “Snap Group” that will open together if one of the group windows are snapped in the future.


Widgets are expanding. Microsoft started the re-introduction of widgets in Windows 10, specifically focusing on the weather. Widgets now include other services such as news, sports, stock prices, and others.

Android Apps

Android apps can now run in Windows 11. You will have to use the Amazon store to access and install Android apps, but if it is available in the Amazon store, you can install it on Windows 11.


Docking has improved with Windows 11. Windows knows when you are docked and will minimize apps when you undock so they are not lost. They will appear automatically when you dock again.

This is not intended to be an inclusive list but does cover some of the more prominent features.

What’s missing from Windows 11?

The following features are no longer found in Windows 11:

  • Backward compatibility
    • The introduction of the hardware requirements for Windows 11 removed the backward compatibility (from a hardware perspective) that made the transition from previous versions of Windows to their successor less of a hardware concern. If a computer could run Windows 7, then it could also run Windows 10. That does not automatically mean it can also run Windows 11.
  • Internet Explorer
    • Internet Explorer is no longer installed by default in Windows 11. Microsoft Edge is now the default browser for Windows. Other browsers can also be installed if preferred.
  • Tablet mode
    • Windows 11 does not have a "tablet" mode, but the operating system will maximize the active window and add more space between icons to make selecting them easier if the 2-in-1 hardware detects that you wish to use the device as a tablet (keyboard detached or device opened up beyond 180 degrees, etc.).
  • Semi-annual updates
    • It may take six months or more to realize that semi-annual feature updates are missing. Microsoft moved to an annual feature update schema but continued with monthly quality updates with Windows 11.
  • Specific apps
    • Several applications have been removed (but can be manually added from the Microsoft Store by the user). They include:
      • OneNote for Windows 10
      • 3D Viewer
      • Paint 3D
      • Skype
  • Cortana (by default)
    • Cortana is missing from Windows 11. It is installed but not enabled by default. Users can turn it on if desired.

Microsoft included a complete list of features that have been removed or deprecated with Windows 11, which can be found here Windows 11 Specs and System Requirements.

Windows 11 editions

  • Windows 11 is offered in several editions:
    • Windows 11 Home
    • Windows 11 Pro
    • Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    • Windows 11 Enterprise Windows 11 for Education
    • Windows 11 SE for Education
  • Windows 11 hardware requirements and security features are common throughout all editions.
  • The new look and feel along with all the features mentioned previously are common to all editions as well.
  • Windows Home
    • Standard offering for home users
  • Pro versus Pro for Workstations
    • Windows 11 Pro and Pro for Workstations are both well suited for the business environment with available features such as support for Active Directory or Azure Active Directory, Windows Autopilot, OneDrive for Business, etc.
    • Windows Pro for Workstations is designed for increased demands on the hardware with the higher memory limits (2 TB vs. 6 TB) and processor count (2 CPU vs. 4 CPU).
    • Windows Pro for Workstations also features Resilient File System, Persistent Memory, and SMB Direct. Neither of these features are available in the Windows 11 Pro edition.
    • Windows 11 Pro and Pro for Workstations are both very business focused, although Pro may also be a common choice for non-business users (Home and Education).
  • Enterprise Offerings
    • Enterprise licenses are subscription based and are part of the Microsoft 365 suite of offerings.
    • Windows 11 Enterprise is Windows 11 Pro with some additional addons and functionality in areas such as device management, collaboration, and security services.
    • The level of the Microsoft 365 Enterprise subscription (E3 or E5) would dictate the additional features and functionality, such as the complete Microsoft Defender for Endpoint suite or the Microsoft phone system and Audio Conferencing, which are only available with the E5 subscription.

Windows 11 Education Editions

With the release of a laptop targeted specifically at the education market, Microsoft must be taking notice of the Google Chrome educational market penetration, especially with headlines like these.

“40 Million Chromebooks in Use in Education” (Thurrott)

“The Unprecedented Growth of the Chromebook Education Market Share” (Carklin)

“Chromebooks Gain Market Share as Education Goes Online” (Hruska)

“Chromebooks Gain Share of Education Market Despite Shortages” (Mandaro)

“Chromebook sales skyrocketed in Q3 2020 with online education fueling demand” (Duke)

  • Education licenses are subscription based and are part of the Microsoft 365 suite of offerings. Educational pricing is one benefit of the Microsoft 365 Education model.
  • Windows 11 Education is Windows 11 Pro with some additional addons and functionality similar to the Enterprise offerings for Windows 11 in areas such as device management, collaboration, and security services. Windows 11 Education also adds some education specific settings such as Classroom Tools, which allow institutions to add new students and their devices to their own environment with fewer issues, and includes OneNote Class Notebook, Set Up School PCs app, and Take a Test app.
  • The level of the Microsoft 365 Education subscription (A3 or A5) would dictate the additional features and functionality, such as the complete Microsoft Defender for Endpoint suite or the Microsoft phone system and Audio Conferencing, which are only available with the A5 subscription.
  • Windows 11 SE for Education:
    • A cloud-first edition of Windows 11 specifically designed for the K-8 education market.
    • Windows 11 SE is a light version of Windows 11 that is designed to run on entry-level devices with better performance and security on that hardware.
    • Windows 11 SE requires Intune for Education and only IT admins can install applications.
  • Microsoft and others have come out with Windows SE specific devices at a low price point.
    • The Microsoft Surface Laptop SE comes pre-loaded with Windows 11 SE and can be purchased for US$249.00.
    • Dell, Asus, Acer, Lenovo, and others also offer Windows 11 SE specific devices (“Devices for Education”).

Initial Reactions

Below you can find some actual initial reactions to Windows 11.

Initial reactions are mixed, as is to be expected with any new release of an operating system. The look and feel is new, but it is not a huge departure from the Windows 10 look and feel. Some new features are well received such as the snap feature.

The shift of the taskbar (and start button) is the most popular topic of discussion online when it comes to Windows 11 reactions. Some love it and some do not. The best part about the shift of the taskbar is that you can adjust it in settings and move it back to its original location.

The best thing about reactions is that they garner attention, and thanks in part to all the online reactions and comments, Microsoft is continually improving Windows 11 through quality updates and annual feature releases.

“My 91-year-old Mum has found it easy!” Binns, Paul ITRG

“It mostly looks quite nice and runs well.” Jmbpiano, Reddit user

“It makes me feel more like a Mac user.” Chang, Ben Info-Tech

“At its core, Windows 11 appears to be just Windows 10 with a fresh coat of paint splashed all over it.” Rouse, Rick

“Love that I can snap between different page orientations.” Roberts, Jeremy Info-Tech

“I finally feel like Microsoft is back on track again.” Jawed, Usama Neowin

“A few of the things that seemed like issues at first have either turned out not to be or have been fixed with patches.” Jmbpiano, Reddit user

“The new interface is genuinely intuitive, well-designed, and colorful.” House, Brett AnandTech

“No issues. Have it out on about 50 stations.” Sandrews1313, Reddit User

“The most striking change is to the Start menu.” Grabham, Dan

How do I upgrade to Windows 11?

The process is very similar to applying updates in Windows 10.

  • Windows 11 is offered as an upgrade through the standard Windows 10 update procedure. Windows Update will notify you when the Windows 11 upgrade is ready (assuming your device is eligible for Windows 11).
    • Allow the update (upgrade in this case) to proceed, reboot, and your endpoint will come back to life with Windows 11 installed and ready for you.
  • A fresh install can be delivered by downloading the required Windows 11 installation media from the Microsoft Software Download site for Windows 11.
  • Business users can control the timing and schedule of the Windows 11 rollout to corporate endpoints using Microsoft solutions such as WSUS, Configuration Manager, Intune and Endpoint Manager, or by using other endpoint management solutions.
  • WSUS and Configuration Manager will have to sync the product category for Windows 11 to manage the deployment.
  • Windows Update for Business policies will have to use the target version capability rather than using the feature update referrals alone.
  • Organizations using Intune and a Microsoft 365 E3 license will be able to use the Feature Update Deployments page to select Windows 11.
  • Other modern endpoint management solutions may also allow for a controlled deployment.

Info-Tech Insight

The upgrade itself may be a simple process but be prepared for the end-user reactions that will follow. Some will love it but others will despise it. It is not an optional upgrade in the long run, so everyone will have to learn to accept it.

When can I upgrade to Windows 11?

You can upgrade right now BUT there is no need to rush. Windows 11 was released in October 2021 but that doesn’t mean you have to upgrade everyone right away. Plan this out.

  • Build deployment rings into your Windows 11 upgrade approach: This approach, also referred to as Canary Releases or deployment rings, allows you to ensure that IT can support users if there's a major problem with the upgrade. Instead of disrupting all end users, you are only disrupting a portion of end users.
    • Deploy the initial update to your test environment.
    • After testing is successful or changes have been made, deploy Windows 11 to your pilot group of users.
    • After the pilot group gives you the thumbs up, deploy to the rest of production in phases. Phases are sometimes by office/location, sometimes by department, sometimes by persona (i.e. defer people that don't handle updates well), and usually by a combination of these factors.
    • Increase the size of each ring as you progress.
  • Always back up your data before any upgrade.

Deployment Ring Example

Pilot Ring - Individuals from all departments - 10 users

Ring #1 - Dev, Finance - 20 Users

Ring #2 - Research - 100 Users

Ring #3 - Sales, IT, Marketing - 500 Users

Upgrade your eligible devices and users to Windows 11

Build Windows 11 Deployment Rings


  1. Identify who will be in the pilot group. Use individuals instead of user groups.
  2. Identify how many standard rings you need. This number will be based on the total number of employees per office.
  3. Map groups to rings. Define which user groups will be in each ring.
  4. Allow some time to elapse between upgrades. Allow the first group to work with Windows 11 and identify any potential issues that may arise before upgrading the next group.
  5. Track and communicate. Record all information into a spreadsheet like the one on the right. This will aid in communication and tracking.
Ring Department or Group Total Users Delay Time Before Next Group
Pilot Ring Individuals from all departments 10 Three weeks
Ring 1 Dev Finance 20 Two weeks
Ring 2 Research 100 One week
Ring 3 Sales, IT Marketing 500 N/A

What are my options if my devices cannot upgrade to Windows 11?

Don’t rush out to replace all the ineligible endpoint devices. You have some time to plan this out. Windows 10 will be available and supported by Microsoft until October 2025.

Use asset management strategies and budget techniques in your Windows 11 upgrade approach:

  • Start with current inventory and determine which devices will not be eligible for upgrade to Windows 11.
  • Prioritize the devices for replacement, taking device age, the role of the user the device supports, and delivery times for remote users into consideration.
  • Take this opportunity to review overall device offerings and end-user compute strategy. This will help decide which devices to offer going forward while improving end-user satisfaction.
  • Determine the cost for replacement devices:
    • Compare vendor offerings using an RFP process.
  • Use the hardware asset management planning spreadsheet on the next slide to budget for the replacements over the coming months leading up to October 2025.

Leverage Info-Tech research to improve your end-user computing strategy and hardware asset management processes:

New to End User Computing Strategies? Start with Modernize and Transform Your End-User Computing Strategy.

New to IT asset management? Use Info-Tech’s Implement Hardware Asset Management blueprint.

Use Info-Tech’s HAM Budgeting Tool to plan your hardware asset budget

Build a Windows 11 Device Replacement Budget

The link below will open up a hardware asset management (HAM) budgeting tool. This tool can easily be modified to assist in developing and justifying the budget for hardware assets for the Windows 11 project. The tool will allow you to budget for hardware asset refresh and to adjust the budget as needed to accommodate any changes. Follow the instructions on each tab to complete the tool.

A sample of a possible Windows 11 budgeting spreadsheet is shown on the right, but feel free to play with the HAM budgeting tool to fit your needs.

HAM Budgeting Tool

Windows 11 Replacement Schedule
2022 2023 2024 2025
Department Total to replace Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Left to allocate
Finance 120 20 20 20 10 10 20 20 0
HR 28 15 13 0
IT 30 15 15 0
Research 58 8 15 5 20 5 5 0
Planning 80 10 15 15 10 15 15 0
Other 160 5 30 5 15 15 30 30 30 0
Totals 476 35 38 35 35 35 35 38 35 50 35 35 35 35 0

Related Info-Tech Research

Modernize and Transform Your End-User Computing Strategy

This project helps support the workforce of the future by answering the following questions: What types of computing devices, provisioning models, and operating systems should be offered to end users? How will IT support devices? What are the policies and governance surrounding how devices are used? What actions are we taking and when? How do end-user devices support larger corporate priorities and strategies?

Implement Hardware Asset Management

This project will help you analyze the current state of your HAM program, define assets that will need to be managed, and build and involve the ITAM team from the beginning to help embed the change. It will also help you define standard policies, processes, and procedures for each stage of the hardware asset lifecycle, from procurement through to disposal.


aczechowski, et al. “Windows 11 Requirements.” Microsoft, 3 June 2022. Accessed 13 June 2022.

Binns, Paul. Personal interview. 07 June 2022.

Butler, Sydney. “What Is Trusted Platform Module (TPM) and How Does It Work?” Help Desk Geek, 5 August 2021. Accessed 18 May 2022.

Carklin, Nicolette. “The Unprecedented Growth of the Chromebook Education Market Share.” Parallels International GmbH, 26 October 2021. Accessed 19 May 2022.

Chang, Ben. Personal interview. 26 May 2022.

Cunningham, Andrew. “Why Windows 11 has such strict hardware requirements, according to Microsoft.” Ars Technica, 27 August 2021. Accessed 19 May 2022.

Dealnd-Han, et al. “Windows Processor Requirements.” Microsoft, 9 May 2022. Accessed 18 May 2022.

“Desktop Operating Systems Market Share Worldwide.” Statcounter Globalstats, June 2021–June 2022. Accessed 17 May 2022.

“Devices for education.” Microsoft, 2022. Accessed 13 June 2022.

Duke, Kent. “Chromebook sales skyrocketed in Q3 2020 with online education fueling demand.” Android Police, 16 November 2020. Accessed 18 May 2022.

Grabham, Dan. “Windows 11 first impressions: Our initial thoughts on using Microsoft's new OS.” Pocket-Lint, 24 June 2021. Accessed 3 June 2022.

Hachman, Mark. “Why is there a Windows 11 if Windows 10 is the last Windows?” PCWorld, 18 June 2021. Accessed 17 May 2022.

Howse, Brett. “What to Expect with Windows 11: A Day One Hands-On.” Anandtech, 16 November 2020. Accessed 3 June 2022.

Hruska, Joel. “Chromebooks Gain Market Share as Education Goes Online.” Extremetech, 26 October 2020. Accessed 19 May 2022.

Jawed, Usama. “I am finally excited about Windows 11 again.” Neowin, 26 February 2022. Accessed 3 June 2022.

Jmbpiano. “Windows 11 - What are our initial thoughts and feelings?” Reddit, 22 November 2021. Accessed 3 June 2022.

Lumunge, Erick. “UEFI and Legacy boot.” OpenGenus, n.d. Accessed 18 May 2022.


Mandaro, Laura. “Chromebooks Gain Share of Education Market Despite Shortages.” The Information, 9 September 2020. Accessed 19 May 2022.

Murtaza, Fawad. “What Is Virtualization Based Security in Windows?” Valnet Inc, 24 October 2021. Accessed 17 May 2022.

Roberts, Jeremy. Personal interview. 27 May 2022.

Rouse, Rick. “My initial thoughts about Windows 11 (likes and dislikes).”, 5 September 2021. Accessed 3 June 2022.

Sandrews1313. “Windows 11 - What are our initial thoughts and feelings?” Reddit, 22 November 2021. Accessed 3 June 2022.

“The Matrix Quotes.", n.d. Accessed 18 May 2022.

Thurrott, Paul.” Google: 40 Million Chromebooks in Use in Education.” Thurrott, 21 January 2020. Accessed 18 May 2022.

Vaughan-Nichols, Steven J. “The real reason for Windows 11.” Computerworld, 6 July 2021, Accessed 19 May 2022.

“Virtual Machine Support.” Microsoft,3 June 2022. Accessed 13 June 2022.

“What are DirectX 12 compatible graphics and WDDM 2.x.” Wisecleaner, 20 August 2021. Accessed 19 May 2022.

“Windows 11 Specs and System Requirements.” Microsoft, 2022. Accessed 13 June 2022.

“Windows Display Driver Model.” MiniTool, n.d. Accessed 13 June 2022.

Build a Service Desk Consolidation Strategy

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  • member rating average dollars saved: After each Info-Tech experience, we ask our members to quantify the real-time savings, monetary impact, and project improvements our research helped them achieve.
  • member rating average days saved: Read what our members are saying
  • Parent Category Name: Service Desk
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  • Incompatible technologies. Organizations with more than one service desk are likely to have many legacy IT service management (ITSM) solutions. These come with a higher support cost, costly skill-set maintenance, and the inability to negotiate volume licensing discounts.
  • Inconsistent processes. Organizations with more than one service desk often have incompatible processes, which can lead to inconsistent service support across departments, less staffing flexibility, and higher support costs.
  • Lack of data integration. Without a single system and consistent processes, IT leaders often have only a partial view of service support activities. This can lead to rigid IT silos, limit the ability to troubleshoot problems, and streamline process workflows.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • Every step should put people first. It’s tempting to focus the strategy on designing processes and technologies for the target architecture. However, the most common barrier to success is workforce resistance to change.
  • A consolidated service desk is an investment, not a cost-reduction program. Focus on efficiency, customer service, and end-user satisfaction. There will be many cost savings, but viewing them as an indirect consequence of the pursuit of efficiency and customer service is the best approach.

Impact and Result

  • Conduct a comprehensive assessment of existing service desk people, processes, and technology.
  • Identify and retire resources and processes that are no longer meeting business needs, and consolidate and modernize resources and processes that are worth keeping.
  • Identify logistic and cost considerations and create a roadmap of consolidation initiatives.
  • Communicate the change and garner support for the consolidation initiative.

Build a Service Desk Consolidation Strategy Research & Tools

Start here – read the Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should build a service desk consolidation strategy, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

1. Develop a shared vision

Engage stakeholders to develop a vision for the project and perform a comprehensive assessment of existing service desks.

  • Build a Service Desk Consolidation Strategy – Phase 1: Develop a Shared Vision
  • Stakeholder Engagement Workbook
  • Consolidate Service Desk Executive Presentation
  • Consolidate Service Desk Assessment Tool
  • IT Skills Inventory and Gap Assessment Tool

2. Design the consolidated service desk

Outline the target state of the consolidated service desk and assess logistics and cost of consolidation.

  • Build a Service Desk Consolidation Strategy – Phase 2: Design the Consolidated Service Desk
  • Consolidate Service Desk Scorecard Tool
  • Consolidated Service Desk SOP Template
  • Service Desk Efficiency Calculator
  • Service Desk Consolidation TCO Comparison Tool

3. Plan the transition

Build a project roadmap and communication plan.

  • Build a Service Desk Consolidation Strategy – Phase 3: Plan the Transition
  • Service Desk Consolidation Roadmap
  • Service Desk Consolidation Communications and Training Plan Template
  • Service Desk Consolidation News Bulletin & FAQ Template

Workshop: Build a Service Desk Consolidation Strategy

Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

1 Engage Stakeholders to Develop a Vision for the Service Desk

The Purpose

Identify and engage key stakeholders.

Conduct an executive visioning session to define the scope and goals of the consolidation.

Key Benefits Achieved

A list of key stakeholders and an engagement plan to identify needs and garner support for the change.

A common vision for the consolidation initiative with clearly defined goals and objectives.


1.1 Identify key stakeholders and develop an engagement plan.

1.2 Brainstorm desired service desk attributes.

1.3 Conduct an executive visioning session to craft a vision for the consolidated service desk.

1.4 Define project goals, principles, and KPIs.


Stakeholder Engagement Workbook

Executive Presentation

2 Conduct a Full Assessment of Each Service Desk

The Purpose

Assess the overall maturity, structure, organizational design, and performance of each service desk.

Assess current ITSM tools and how well they are meeting needs.

Key Benefits Achieved

A robust current state assessment of each service desk.

An understanding of agent skills, satisfaction, roles, and responsibilities.

An evaluation of existing ITSM tools and technology.


2.1 Review the results of diagnostics programs.

2.2 Map organizational structure and roles for each service desk.

2.3 Assess overall maturity and environment of each service desk.

2.4 Assess current information system environment.


Consolidate Service Desk Assessment Tool

3 Design Target Consolidated Service Desk

The Purpose

Define the target state for consolidated service desk.

Identify requirements for the service desk and a supporting solution.

Key Benefits Achieved

Detailed requirements and vision for the consolidated service desk.

Gap analysis of current vs. target state.

Documented standardized processes and procedures.


3.1 Identify requirements for target consolidated service desk.

3.2 Build requirements document and shortlist for ITSM tool.

3.3 Use the scorecard comparison tool to assess the gap between existing service desks and target state.

3.4 Document standardized processes for new service desk.


Consolidate Service Desk Scorecard Tool

Consolidated Service Desk SOP

4 Plan for the Transition

The Purpose

Break down the consolidation project into specific initiatives with a detailed timeline and assigned responsibilities.

Plan the logistics and cost of the consolidation for process, technology, and facilities.

Develop a communications plan.

Key Benefits Achieved

Initial analysis of the logistics and cost considerations to achieve the target.

A detailed project roadmap to migrate to a consolidated service desk.

A communications plan with responses to anticipated questions and objections.


4.1 Plan the logistics of the transition.

4.2 Assess the cost and savings of consolidation to refine business case.

4.3 Identify initiatives and develop a project roadmap.

4.4 Plan communications for each stakeholder group.


Consolidation TCO Tool

Consolidation Roadmap

Executive Presentation

Communications Plan

News Bulletin & FAQ Template

Further reading

Build a Service Desk Consolidation Strategy

Manage the dark side of growth.


A successful service desk consolidation begins and ends with people.

"It’s tempting to focus strategic planning on the processes and technology that will underpin the consolidated service desk. Consistent processes and a reliable tool will cement the consolidation, but they are not what will hold you back.

The most common barrier to a successful consolidation is workforce resistance to change. Cultural difference, perceived risks, and organizational inertia can hinder data gathering, deter collaboration, and impede progress from the start.

Building a consolidated service desk is first and foremost an exercise in organizational change. Garner executive support for the project, enlist a team of volunteers to lead the change, and communicate with key stakeholders early and often. The key is to create a shared vision for the project and engage those who will be most affected."

Sandi Conrad

Senior Director, Infrastructure Practice

Info-Tech Research Group

Our understanding of the problem

This Research is Designed For:

  • CIOs who need to reduce support costs and improve customer service.
  • IT leaders tasked with the merger of two or more IT organizations.
  • Service managers implementing a shared service desk tool.
  • Organizations rationalizing IT service management (ITSM) processes.

This Research Will Help You:

  • Develop a shared vision for the consolidated service desk.
  • Assess key metrics and report on existing service desk architecture.
  • Design a target service desk architecture and assess how to meet the new requirements.
  • Deploy a strategic roadmap to build the consolidated service desk architecture.

Executive summary


Every organization must grow to survive. Good growth makes an organization more agile, responsive, and competitive, which leads to further growth.

The proliferation of service desks is a hallmark of good growth when it empowers the service of diverse end users, geographies, or technologies.


Growth has its dark side. Bad growth within a business can hinder agility, responsiveness, and competitiveness, leading to stagnation.

Supporting a large number of service desks can be costly and inefficient, and produce poor or inconsistent customer service, especially when each service desk uses different ITSM processes and technologies.


Manage the dark side of growth. Consolidating service desks can help standardize ITSM processes, improve customer service, improve service desk efficiency, and reduce total support costs. A consolidation is a highly visible and mission critical project, and one that will change the public face of IT. Organizations need to get it right.

Building a consolidated service desk is an exercise in organizational change. The success of the project will hinge on how well the organization engages those who will be most affected by the change. Build a guiding coalition for the project, create a shared vision, enlist a team of volunteers to lead the change, and communicate with key stakeholders early and often.

Use a structured approach to facilitate the development of a shared strategic vision, design a detailed consolidated architecture, and anticipate resistance to change to ensure the organization reaps project benefits.

Info-Tech Insight

  1. Every step should put people first. It’s tempting to focus the strategy on designing processes and technologies for the target architecture. However, the most common barrier to success is workforce resistance to change.
  2. A consolidated service desk is an investment, not a cost-reduction program. Focus on efficiency, customer service, and end-user satisfaction. Cost savings, and there will be many, should be seen as an indirect consequence of the pursuit of efficiency and customer service.

Focus the service desk consolidation project on improving customer service to overcome resistance to change

Emphasizing cost reduction as the most important motivation for the consolidation project is risky.

End-user satisfaction is a more reliable measure of a successful consolidation.

  • Too many variables affect the impact of the consolidation on the operating costs of the service desk to predict the outcome reliably.
  • Potential reductions in costs are unlikely to overcome organizational resistance to change.
  • Successful service desk consolidations can increase ticket volume as agents capture tickets more consistently and increase customer service.

The project will generate many cost savings, but they will take time to manifest, and are best seen as an indirect consequence of the pursuit of customer service.

Info-Tech Insight

Business units facing a service desk consolidation are often concerned that the project will lead to a loss of access to IT resources. Focus on building a customer-focused consolidated service desk to assuage those fears and earn their support.

End users, IT leaders, and process owners recognize the importance of the service desk.

2nd out of 45

On average, IT leaders and process owners rank the service desk 2nd in terms of importance out of 45 core IT processes. Source: Info-Tech Research Group, Management and Governance Diagnostic (2015, n = 486)


On average, end users who were satisfied with service desk effectiveness rated all other IT services 42.1% higher than dissatisfied end users. Source: Info-Tech Research Group, End-User Satisfaction Survey 2015, n = 133)


On average, end users who were satisfied with service desk timeliness rated all other IT services 38.0% higher than dissatisfied end users. Source: Info-Tech Research Group, End-User Satisfaction Survey (2015, n = 133)

Overcome the perceived barriers from differing service unit cultures to pursue a consolidated service desk (CSD)

In most organizations, the greatest hurdles that consolidation projects face are related to people rather than process or technology.

In a survey of 168 service delivery organizations without a consolidated service desk, the Service Desk Institute found that the largest internal barrier to putting in place a consolidated service desk was organizational resistance to change.

Specifically, more than 56% of respondents reported that the different cultures of each service unit would hinder the level of collaboration such an initiative would require.

The image is a graph titled Island cultures are the largest barrier to consolidation. The graph lists Perceived Internal Barriers to CSD by percentage. The greatest % barrier is Island cultures, with executive resistance the next highest.

Service Desk Institute (n = 168, 2007)

Info-Tech Insight

Use a phased approach to overcome resistance to change. Focus on quick-win implementations that bring two or three service desks together in a short time frame and add additional service desks over time.

Avoid the costly proliferation of service desks that can come with organizational growth

Good and bad growth

Every organization must grow to survive, and relies heavily on its IT infrastructure to do that. Good growth makes an organization more agile, responsive, and competitive, and leads to further growth.

However, growth has its dark side. Bad growth hobbles agility, responsiveness, and competitiveness, and leads to stagnation.

As organizations grow organically and through mergers, their IT functions create multiple service desks across the enterprise to support:

  • Large, diverse user constituencies.
  • Rapidly increasing call volumes.
  • Broader geographic coverage.
  • A growing range of products and services.

A hallmark of bad growth is the proliferation of redundant and often incompatible ITSM services and processes.

Project triggers:

  • Organizational mergers
  • ITSM tool purchase
  • Service quality or cost-reduction initiatives
Challenges arising from service desk proliferation:
Challenge Impact
Incompatible Technologies
  • Inability to negotiate volume discounts.
  • Costly skill set maintenance.
  • Increased support costs.
  • Increased shadow IT.
Inconsistent Processes
  • Low efficiency.
  • High support costs.
  • Inconsistent support quality.
  • Less staffing flexibility.
Lack of Data Integration
  • Only partial view of IT.
  • Inefficient workflows.
  • Limited troubleshooting ability.
Low Customer Satisfaction
  • Fewer IT supporters.
  • Lack of organizational support.

Consolidate service desks to integrate the resources, processes, and technology of your support ecosystem

What project benefits can you anticipate?

  • Consolidated Service Desk
    • End-user group #1
    • End-user group #2
    • End-user group #3
    • End-user group #4

A successful consolidation can significantly reduce cost per transaction, speed up service delivery, and improve the customer experience through:

  • Single point of contact for end users.
  • Integrated ITSM solution where it makes sense.
  • Standardized processes.
  • Staffing integration.
Project Outcome

Expected Benefit

Integrated information The capacity to produce quick, accurate, and segmented reports of service levels across the organization.
Integrated staffing Flexible management of resources that better responds to organizational needs.
Integrated technology Reduced tool procurement costs, improved data integration, and increased information security.
Standardized processes Efficient and timely customer service and a more consistent customer experience.

Standardized and consolidated service desks will optimize infrastructure, services, and resources benefits

  • To set up a functioning service desk, the organization will need to invest resources to build and integrate tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3 capabilities to manage incidents and requests.
  • The typical service desk (Figure 1) can address a certain number of tickets from all three tiers. If your tickets in a given tier are less than that number, you are paying for 100% of service costs but consuming only a portion of it.
  • The consolidated model (Figure 2) reduces the service cost by reducing unused capacity.
  • Benefits of consolidation include a single service desk solution, a single point of contact for the business, data integration, process standardization, and consolidated administration, reporting, and management.

The image is a graphic showing 2 figures. The first shows ring graphs labelled Service Desk 1 and Service Desk 2, with the caption Service provisioning with distinct service desks. Figure 2 shows one graphic, captioned Service provisioning with Consolidated service providers. At the bottom of the image, there is a legend.

Info-Tech’s approach to service desk consolidation draws on key metrics to establish a baseline and a target state

The foundation of a successful service desk consolidation initiative is a robust current state assessment. Given the project’s complexity, however, determining the right level of detail to include in the evaluation of existing service desks can be challenging.

The Info-Tech approach to service desk consolidation includes:

  • Envisioning exercises to set project scope and garner executive support.
  • Surveys and interviews to identify the current state of people, processes, technologies, and service level agreements (SLAs) in each service desk, and to establish a baseline for the consolidated service desk.
  • Service desk comparison tools to gather the results of the current state assessment for analysis and identify current best practices for migration to the consolidated service desk.
  • Case studies to illustrate the full scope of the project and identify how different organizations deal with key challenges.

The project blueprint walks through a method that helps identify which processes and technologies from each service desk work best, and it draws on them to build a target state for the consolidated service desk.

Inspiring your target state from internal tools and best practices is much more efficient than developing new tools and processes from scratch.

Info-Tech Insight

The two key hurdles that a successful service desk consolidation must overcome are organizational complexity and resistance to change.

Effective planning during the current state assessment can overcome these challenges.

Identify existing best practices for migration to the consolidated service desk to foster agent engagement and get the consolidated service desk up quickly.

A consolidation project should include the following steps and may involve multiple transition phases to complete

Phase 1: Develop a Shared Vision

  • Identify stakeholders
  • Develop vision
  • Measure baseline

Phase 2: Design the Consolidation

  • Design target state
  • Assess gaps to reach target
  • Assess logistics and cost

Phase 3: Plan the Transition

  • Develop project plan and roadmap
  • Communicate changes
  • Make the transition
    • Evaluate and prepare for next transition phase (if applicable)
    • Evaluate and stabilize
      • CSI

Whether or not your project requires multiple transition waves to complete the consolidation depends on the complexity of the environment.

For a more detailed breakdown of this project’s steps and deliverables, see the next section.

Follow Info-Tech’s methodology to develop a service desk consolidation strategy

Phases Phase 1: Develop a Shared Vision Phase 2: Design the Consolidated Service Desk Phase 3: Plan the Transition
Steps 1.1 - Identify and engage key stakeholders 2.1 - Design target consolidated service desk 3.1 - Build the project roadmap
1.2 - Develop a vision to give the project direction
1.3 - Conduct a full assessment of each service desk 2.2 - Assess logistics and cost of consolidation 3.2 - Communicate the change
Tools & Templates Executive Presentation Consolidate Service Desk Scorecard Tool Service Desk Consolidation Roadmap
Consolidate Service Desk Assessment Tool Consolidated Service Desk SOP Communications and Training Plan Template
Service Desk Efficiency Calculator News Bulletin & FAQ Template
Service Desk Consolidation TCO Comparison Tool

Service desk consolidation is the first of several optimization projects focused on building essential best practices

Info-Tech’s Service Desk Methodology aligns with the ITIL framework


Facilitate the extension of service management best practices to other business functions to improve productivity and position IT as a strategic partner.


Build essential incident, service request, and knowledge management processes to create a sustainable service desk that meets business needs.


Build a continual improvement plan for the service desk to review and evaluate key processes and services, and manage the progress of improvement initiatives.

Adopt Lean

Build essential incident, service request, and knowledge management processes to create a sustainable service desk that boosts business value.

Select and Implement

Review mid-market and enterprise service desk tools, select an ITSM solution, and build an implementation plan to ensure your investment meets your needs.


Build a strategic roadmap to consolidate service desks to reduce end-user support costs and sustain end-user satisfaction.

Our Approach to the Service Desk

Service desk optimization goes beyond the blind adoption of best practices.

Info-Tech’s approach focuses on controlling support costs and making the most of IT’s service management expertise to improve productivity.

Complete the projects sequentially or in any order.

Info-Tech draws on the COBIT framework, which focuses on consistent delivery of IT services across the organization

The image shows Info-Tech's IT Management & Governance Framework. It is a grid of boxes, which are colour-coded by category. The framework includes multiple connected categories of research, including Infrastructure & Operations, where Service Desk is highlighted.

Oxford University IT Service Desk successfully undertook a consolidation project to merge five help desks into one


Industry: Higher Education

Source: Oxford University, IT Services


Until 2011, three disparate information technology organizations offered IT services, while each college had local IT officers responsible for purchasing and IT management.

ITS Service Desk Consolidation Project

Oxford merged the administration of these three IT organizations into IT Services (ITS) in 2012, and began planning for the consolidation of five independent help desks into a single robust service desk.


The relative autonomy of the five service desks had led to the proliferation of different tools and processes, licensing headaches, and confusion from end users about where to acquire IT service.

Oxford University IT at a Glance

  • One of the world’s oldest and most prestigious universities.
  • 36 colleges with 100+ departments.
  • Over 40,000 IT end users.
  • Roughly 350 ITS staff in 40 teams.
  • 300 more distributed IT staff.
  • Offers more than 80 services.

Help Desks:

  • Processes → Business Services & Projects
  • Processes → Computing Services
  • Processes → ICT Support Team

"IT Services are aiming to provide a consolidated service which provides a unified and coherent experience for users. The aim is to deliver a ‘joined-up’ customer experience when users are asking for any form of help from IT Services. It will be easier for users to obtain support for their IT – whatever the need, service or system." – Oxford University, IT Services

Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

DIY Toolkit

“Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful.”

Guided Implementation

“Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track.”


“We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place.”


“Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project.”

Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options

Build a Service Desk Consolidation Strategy – project overview

1. Develop shared vision 2. Design consolidation 3. Plan transition
Best-Practice Toolkit

1.1 Identify and engage key stakeholders

1.2 Develop a vision to give the project direction

1.3 Conduct a full assessment of each service desk

2.1 Design target consolidated service desk

2.2 Assess logistics and cost of consolidation

3.1 Build project roadmap

3.2 Communicate the change

Guided Implementations
  • Build the project team and define their roles and responsibilities, then identify key stakeholders and formulate an engagement plan
  • Develop an executive visioning session plan to formulate and get buy-in for the goals and vision of the consolidation
  • Use diagnostics results and the service desk assessment tool to evaluate the maturity and environment of each service desk
  • Define the target state of the consolidated service desk in detail
  • Identify requirements for the consolidation, broken down by people, process, technology and by short- vs. long-term needs
  • Plan the logistics of the consolidation for process, technology, and facilities, and evaluate the cost and cost savings of consolidation with a TCO tool
  • Identify specific initiatives for the consolidation project and evaluate the risks and dependencies for each, then plot initiatives on a detailed project roadmap
  • Brainstorm potential objections and questions and develop a communications plan with targeted messaging for each stakeholder group
Onsite Workshop

Module 1: Engage stakeholders to develop a vision for the service desk

Module 2: Conduct a full assessment of each service desk

Module 3: Design target consolidated service desk Module 4: Plan for the transition

Phase 1 Outcomes:

  • Stakeholder engagement and executive buy-in
  • Vision for the consolidation
  • Comprehensive assessment of each service desk’s performance

Phase 2 Outcomes:

  • Defined requirements, logistics plan, and target state for the consolidated service desk
  • TCO comparison

Phase 3 Outcomes:

  • Detailed consolidation project roadmap
  • Communications plan and FAQs

Info-Tech delivers: Use our tools and templates to accelerate your project to completion

  • Service Desk Assessment Tool (Excel)
  • Executive Presentation (PowerPoint)
  • Service Desk Scorecard Comparison Tool (Excel)
  • Service Desk Efficiency Calculator (Excel)
  • Service Desk Consolidation Roadmap (Excel)
  • Service Desk Consolidation TCO Tool (Excel)
  • Communications and Training Plan (Word)
  • Consolidation News Bulletin & FAQ Template (PowerPoint)

Measured value for Guided Implementations (GIs)

Engaging in GIs doesn’t just offer valuable project advice, it also results in significant cost savings.

GI Measured Value
Phase 1:
  • Time, value, and resources saved by using Info-Tech’s methodology to engage stakeholders, develop a project vision, and assess your current state.
  • For example, 2 FTEs * 10 days * $80,000/year = $6,200
Phase 2:
  • Time, value, and resources saved by using Info-Tech’s tools and templates to design the consolidated service desk and evaluate cost and logistics.
  • For example, 2 FTEs * 5 days * $80,000/year = $3,100
Phase 3:
  • Time, value, and resources saved by following Info-Tech’s tools and methodology to build a project roadmap and communications plan.
  • For example, 1 FTE * 5 days * $80,000/year = $1,500
Total savings $10,800

Workshop overview

Contact your account representative or email for more information.

Pre-Workshop Workshop Day 1 Workshop Day 2 Workshop Day 3 Workshop Day 4

Module 0: Gather relevant data

0.1 Conduct CIO Business Vision Survey

0.2 Conduct End-User Satisfaction Survey

0.3 Measure Agent Satisfaction

Module 1: Engage stakeholders to develop a vision for the service desk

1.1 Identify key stakeholders and develop an engagement plan

1.2 Brainstorm desired service desk attributes

1.3 Conduct an executive visioning session to craft a vision for the consolidated service desk

1.4 Define project goals, principles, and KPIs

Module 2: Conduct a full assessment of each service desk

2.1 Review the results of diagnostic programs

2.2 Map organizational structure and roles for each service desk

2.3 Assess overall maturity and environment of each service desk

2.4 Assess current information system environment

Module 3: Design target consolidated service desk

3.1 Identify requirements for target consolidated service desk

3.2 Build requirements document and shortlist for ITSM tool

3.3 Use the scorecard comparison tool to assess the gap between existing service desks and target state

3.4 Document standardized processes for new service desk

Module 4: Plan for the transition

4.1 Plan the logistics of the transition

4.2 Assess the cost and savings of consolidation to refine business case

4.3 Identify initiatives and develop a project roadmap

4.4 Plan communications for each stakeholder group

  1. CIO Business Vision Survey Diagnostic Results
  2. End-User Satisfaction Survey Diagnostic Results
  1. Stakeholder Engagement Workbook
  2. Executive Presentation
  1. Consolidate Service Desk Assessment Tool
  1. Consolidate Service Desk Scorecard Tool
  2. Consolidated Service Desk SOP
  1. Consolidation TCO Tool
  2. Executive Presentation
  3. Consolidation Roadmap
  4. Communications Plan
  5. News Bulletin & FAQ Template

Insight breakdown

Phase 1 Insight

Don’t get bogged down in the details. A detailed current state assessment is a necessary first step for a consolidation project, but determining the right level of detail to include in the evaluation can be challenging. Gather enough data to establish a baseline and make an informed decision about how to consolidate, but don’t waste time collecting and evaluating unnecessary information that will only distract and slow down the project, losing management interest and buy-in.

How we can help

Leverage the Consolidate Service Desk Assessment Tool to gather the data you need to evaluate your existing service desks.

Phase 2 Insight

Select the target state that is right for your organization. Don’t feel pressured to move to a complete consolidation with a single point of contact if it wouldn’t be compatible with your organization’s needs and abilities, or if it wouldn’t be adopted by your end users. Design an appropriate level of standardization and centralization for the service desk and reinforce and improve processes moving forward.

How we can help

Leverage the Consolidate Service Desk Scorecard Tool to analyze the gap between your existing processes and your target state.

Phase 3 Insight

Getting people on board is key to the success of the consolidation, and a communication plan is essential to do so. Develop targeted messaging for each stakeholder group, keeping in mind that your end users are just as critical to success as your staff. Know your audience, communicate to them often and openly, and ensure that every communication has a purpose.

How we can help

Leverage the Communications Plan and Consolidation News Bulletin & FAQ Template to plan your communications.

Phase 1

Develop a Shared Vision

Call 1-888-670-8889 or email for more information.

Complete these steps on your own, or call us to complete a guided implementation. A guided implementation is a series of 2-3 advisory calls that help you execute each phase of a project. They are included in most advisory memberships.

Guided Implementation 1: Develop shared vision

Proposed Time to Completion (in weeks): 4-8

Step 1.1: Identify and engage key stakeholders

Discuss with an analyst:

  • Build the project team and define their roles and responsibilities
  • Identify key stakeholders and formulate an engagement plan

Then complete these activities…

  • Assign project roles and responsibilities
  • Identify key stakeholders
  • Formalize an engagement plan and conduct interviews

With these tools & templates:

Stakeholder Engagement Workbook

Step 1.2: Develop a vision to give the project direction

Discuss with an analyst:

  • Develop an executive visioning session plan to formulate and get buy-in for the goals and vision of the consolidation

Then complete these activities…

  • Host an executive visioning exercise to define the scope and goals of the consolidation

With these tools & templates:

Consolidate Service Desk Executive Presentation

Step 1.3: Conduct a full assessment of each service desk

Discuss with an analyst:

  • Use diagnostics results and the service desk assessment tool to evaluate the maturity and environment of each service desk
  • Assess agent skills, satisfaction, roles and responsibilities

Then complete these activities…

  • Analyze organizational structure
  • Assess maturity and environment of each service desk
  • Assess agent skills and satisfaction

With these tools & templates:

Consolidate Service Desk Assessment Tool

IT Skills Inventory and Gap Assessment Tool

Phase 1 Outcome:

  • A common vision for the consolidation initiative, an analysis of existing service desk architectures, and an inventory of existing best practices.

Step 1.1: Get buy-in from key stakeholders

Phase 1

Develop a shared vision

1.1 Identify and engage key stakeholders

1.2 Develop a vision to give the project direction

1.3 Conduct a full assessment of each service desk

This step will walk you through the following activities:
  • 1.1.1 Assign roles and responsibilities
  • 1.1.2 Identify key stakeholders for the consolidation
  • 1.1.3 Conduct stakeholder interviews to understand needs in more depth, if necessary
This step involves the following participants:
  • Project Sponsor
  • CIO or IT Director
  • Project Manager
  • IT Managers and Service Desk Manager(s)
Step Outcomes:
  • A project team with clearly defined roles and responsibilities
  • A list of key stakeholders and an engagement plan to identify needs and garner support for the change

Oxford consulted with people at all levels to ensure continuous improvement and new insights


Industry: Higher Education

Source: Oxford University, IT Services


The merging of Oxford’s disparate IT organizations was motivated primarily to improve end-user service and efficiency.

Similarly, ITS positioned the SDCP as an “operational change,” not to save costs, but to provide better service to their customers.

"The University is quite unique in the current climate in that reduction in costs was not one of the key drivers behind the project. The goal was to deliver improved efficiencies and offer a single point of contact for their user base." – Peter Hubbard, ITSM Consultant Pink Elephant


Oxford recognized early that they needed an open and collaborative environment to succeed.

Key IT and business personnel participated in a “vision workshop” to determine long- and short-term objectives, and to decide priorities for the consolidated service desk.

"Without key support at this stage many projects fail to deliver the expected outcomes. The workshop involved the key stakeholders of the project and was deemed a successful and positive exercise, delivering value to this stage of the project by clarifying the future desired state of the Service Desk." – John Ireland, Director of Customer Service & Project Sponsor


IT Services introduced a Service Desk Consolidation Project Blog very early into the project, to keep everyone up-to-date and maintain key stakeholder buy-in.

Constant consultation with people at all levels led to continuous improvement and new insights.

"We also became aware that staff are facing different changes depending on the nature of their work and which toolset they use (i.e. RT, Altiris, ITSM). Everyone will have to change the way they do things at least a little – but the changes depend on where you are starting from!" – Jonathan Marks, Project Manager

Understand and validate the consolidation before embarking on the project

Define what consolidation would mean in the context of your organization to help validate and frame the scope of the project before proceeding.

What is service desk consolidation?

Service desk consolidation means combining multiple service desks into one centralized, single point of contact.

  • Physical consolidation = personnel and assets are combined into a single location
  • Virtual consolidation = service desks are combined electronically

Consolidation must include people, process, and technology:

  1. Consolidation of some or all staff into one location
  2. Consolidation of processes into a single set of standardized processes
  3. One consolidated technology platform or ITSM tool

Consolidation can take the form of:

  1. Merging multiple desks into one
  2. Collapsing multiple desks into one
  3. Connecting multiple desks into a virtual desk
  4. Moving all desks to one connected platform

Service Desk 1 - Service Desk 2 - Service Desk 3

Consolidated Service Desk

Info-Tech Insight

Consolidation isn’t for everyone.

Before you embark on the project, think about unique requirements for your organization that may necessitate more than one service desk, such as location-specific language. Ask yourself if consolidation makes sense for your organization and would achieve a benefit for the organization, before proceeding.

1.1 Organize and build the project team to launch the project

Solidify strong support for the consolidation and get the right individuals involved from the beginning to give the project the commitment and direction it requires.

Project Sponsor
  • Has direct accountability to the executive team and provides leadership to the project team.
  • Legitimatizes the consolidation and provides necessary resources to implement the project.
  • Is credible, enthusiastic, and understands the organization’s culture and values.
Steering Committee
  • Oversees the effort.
  • Ensures there is proper support from the organization and provides resources where required.
  • Resolves any conflicts.
Core Project Team
  • Full-time employees drawn from roles that are critical to the service desk, and who would have a strong understanding of the consolidation goals and requirements.
  • Ideal size: 6-10 full-time employees.
  • May include roles defined in the next section.

Involve the right people to drive and facilitate the consolidation

Service desk consolidations require broad support and capabilities beyond only those affected in order to deal with unforeseen risks and barriers.

  • Project manager: Has primary accountability for the success of the consolidation project.
  • Senior executive project sponsor: Needed to “open doors” and signal organization’s commitment to the consolidation.
  • Technology SMEs and architects: Responsible for determining and communicating requirements and risks of the technology being implemented or changed, especially the ITSM tool.
  • Business unit leads: Responsible for identifying and communicating impact on business functions, approving changes, and helping champion change.
  • Product/process owners: Responsible for identifying and communicating impact on business functions, approving changes, and helping champion change.
  • HR specialists: Most valuable when roles and organizational design are affected, i.e. the consolidation requires staff redeployment or substantial training (not just using a new system or tool but acquiring new skills and responsibilities) or termination.
  • Training specialists: If you have full-time training staff in the organization, you will eventually need them to develop training courses and material. Consulting them early will help with scoping, scheduling, and identifying the best resources and channels to deliver the training.
  • Communications specialists (internal): Valuable in crafting communications plan, required if communications function owns internal communications.

Use a RACI table (e.g. in the following section) to clarify who is to be accountable, responsible, consulted, and informed.

Info-Tech Insight

The more transformational the change, the more it will affect the organizational chart – not just after the implementation but through the transition.

Take time early in the project to define the reporting structure for the project/transition team, as well as any teams and roles supporting the transition.

Assign roles and responsibilities

1.1.1 Use a RACI chart to assign overarching project responsibilities

  • Project Sponsor
  • IT Director, CIO
  • Project Manager
  • IT Managers and Service Desk Manager(s)
What You'll Need
  • RACI chart

RACI = Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed

The RACI chart will provide clarity for overarching roles and responsibilities during the consolidation.

  1. Confirm and modify the columns to match the stakeholders in your organization.
  2. Confirm and modify the roles listed as rows if there are obvious gaps or opportunities to consolidate rows.
  3. Carefully analyze and document the roles as a group.
Task Project Sponsor Project Manager Sr. Executives SMEs Business Lead Service Desk Managers HR Trainers Communications
Meeting project objectives A R A R R
Identifying risks and opportunities R A A C C C C I I
Assessing current state I A I R C R
Defining target state I A I C C R
Planning logistics I A I R R C R
Building the action plan I A C R R R R R R
Planning and delivering communications I A C C C C R R A
Planning and delivering training I A C C C C R R C
Gathering and analyzing feedback and KPIs I A C C C C C R R

Identify key stakeholders to gather input from the business, get buy-in for the project, and plan communications

Identify the key stakeholders for the consolidation to identify the impact consolidation will have on them and ensure their concerns don’t get lost.

  1. Use a stakeholder analysis to identify the people that can help ensure the success of your project.
  2. Identify an Executive Sponsor
    • A senior-level project sponsor is someone who will champion the consolidation project and help sell the concept to other stakeholders. They can also ensure that necessary financial and human resources will be made available to help secure the success of the project. This leader should be someone who is credible, tactful, and accessible, and one who will not only confirm the project direction but also advocate for the project.

Why is a stakeholder analysis essential?

  • Ignoring key stakeholders is an important cause of failed consolidations.
  • You can use the opinions of the most influential stakeholders to shape the project at an early stage.
  • Their support will secure resources for the project and improve the quality of the consolidation.
  • Communicating with key stakeholders early and often will ensure they fully understand the benefits of your project.
  • You can anticipate the reaction of key stakeholders to your project and plan steps to win their support.

Info-Tech Insight

Be diverse and aware. When identifying key stakeholders for the project, make sure to include a rich diversity of stakeholder expertise, geography, and tactics. Also, step back and add silent members to your list. The loudest voices and heaviest campaigners are not necessarily your key stakeholders.

Identify key stakeholders for the consolidation

1.1.2 Identify project stakeholders, particularly project champions

  • CIO/IT Director
  • Project Sponsor
  • Project Manager
  • IT Managers
What You’ll Need
  • Whiteboard or flip chart and markers

Goal: Create a prioritized list of people who are affected or can affect your project so you can plan stakeholder engagement and communication.

  • Use an influence/commitment matrix to determine where your stakeholders lie.
  • High influence, high commitment individuals should be used in conjunction with your efforts to help bring others on board. Identify these individuals and engage with them immediately.
  • Beware of the high influence, low commitment individuals. They should be the first priority for engagement.
  • High commitment, low influence individuals can be used to help influence the low influence, low commitment individuals. Designate a few of these individuals as “champions” to help drive engagement on the front lines.

Outcome: A list of key stakeholders to include on your steering committee and your project team, and to communicate with throughout the project.

The image is a matrix, with Influence on the Y-axis and Commitment to change on the X-axis. It is a blank template.

Overcome the value gap by gathering stakeholder concerns

Simply identifying and engaging your stakeholders is not enough. There needs to be feedback: talk to your end users to ensure their concerns are heard and determine the impact that consolidation will have on them. Otherwise, you risk leaving value on the table.

  • Talk to the business end users who will be supported by the consolidated service desk.
  • What are their concerns about consolidation?
  • Which functions and services are most important to them? You need to make sure these won't get lost.
  • Try to determine what impact consolidation will have on them.

According to the Project Management Institute, only 25% of individuals fully commit to change. The remaining 75% either resist or simply accept the change. Gathering stakeholder concerns is a powerful way to gain buy-in.

The image is a graph with Business Value on the Y-Axis and Time on the X-Axis. Inside the graph, there is a line moving horizontally, separated into segments: Installation, Implementation, and Target Value. The line inclines during the first two segments, and is flat during the last. Emerging from the space between Installation and Implementation is a second line marked Actual realized value. The space between the target value line and the actual realized value line is labelled: Value gap.

Collect relevant quantitative and qualitative data to assess key stakeholders’ perceptions of IT across the organization

Don’t base your consolidation on a hunch. Gather reliable data to assess the current state of IT.

Solicit direct feedback from the organization to gain critical insights into their perceptions of IT.

  • CIO Business Vision: Understanding the needs of your stakeholders is the first and most important step in building a consolidation strategy. Use the results of this survey to assess the satisfaction and importance of different IT services.
  • End-User Satisfaction: Solicit targeted department feedback on core IT service capabilities, IT communications, and business enablement. Use the results to assess the satisfaction of end users with each service broken down by department and seniority level.

We recommend completing at least the End-User Satisfaction survey as part of your service desk consolidation assessment and planning. An analyst will help you set up the diagnostic and walk through the report with you.

To book a diagnostic, or get a copy of our questions to inform your own survey, visit Info-Tech’s Benchmarking Tools, contact your account manager, or call toll-free 1-888-670-8889 (US) or 1-844-618-3192 (CAN).

Data-Driven Diagnostics:

End-User Satisfaction Survey

CIO Business Vision

Review the results of your diagnostics in step 1.3

Formalize an engagement plan to cultivate support for the change from key stakeholders

Use Info-Tech’s Stakeholder Engagement Workbook to formalize an engagement strategy

If a more formal engagement plan is required for this project, use Info-Tech’s Stakeholder Engagement Workbook to document an engagement strategy to ensure buy-in for the consolidation.

The engagement plan is a structured and documented approach for gathering requirements by eliciting input and validating plans for change and cultivating sponsorship and support from key stakeholders early in the project lifecycle.

The Stakeholder Engagement Workbook situates stakeholders on a grid that identifies which ones have the most interest in and influence on your project, to assist you in developing a tailored engagement strategy.

You can also use this analysis to help develop a communications plan for each type of stakeholder in step 3.2.

Conduct stakeholder interviews to understand needs in more depth, if necessary

1.1.3 Interview key stakeholders to identify needs

  • If the consolidation will be a large and complex project and there is a need to understand requirements in more depth, conduct stakeholder interviews with “high-value targets” who can help generate requirements and promote communication around requirements at a later point.
  • Choose the interview method that is most appropriate based on available resources.
Method Description Assessment and Best Practices Stakeholder Effort Business Analyst Effort
Structured One-on-One Interview In a structured one-on-one interview, the business analyst has a fixed list of questions to ask the stakeholder and follows up where necessary. Structured interviews provide the opportunity to quickly hone in on areas of concern that were identified during process mapping or group elicitation techniques. They should be employed with purpose – to receive specific stakeholder feedback on proposed requirements or help identify systemic constraints. Generally speaking, they should be 30 minutes or less. Low


Unstructured One-on-One Interview In an unstructured one-on-one interview, the business analyst allows the conversation to flow freely. The BA may have broad themes to touch on, but does not run down a specific question list. Unstructured interviews are most useful for initial elicitation, when brainstorming a draft list of potential requirements is paramount. Unstructured interviews work best with senior stakeholders (sponsors or power users), since they can be time consuming if they’re applied to a large sample size. It’s important for BAs not to stifle open dialog and allow the participants to speak openly. They should be 60 minutes or less. Medium Low

Step 1.2: Develop a vision to give the project direction

Phase 1

Develop a shared vision

1.1 Get buy-in from key stakeholders

1.2 Develop a vision to give the project direction

1.3 Conduct a full assessment of each service desk

This step will walk you through the following activities:
  • 1.2.1 Brainstorm desired attributes for the consolidated service desk to start formulating a vision
  • 1.2.2 Develop a compelling vision and story of change
  • 1.2.3 Create a vision for the consolidated service desk
  • 1.2.4 Identify the purpose, goals, and guiding principles of the consolidation project
  • 1.2.5 Identify anticipated benefits and associated KPIs
  • 1.2.6 Conduct a SWOT analysis on the business
This step involves the following participants:
  • Project Sponsor
  • IT Director, CIO
  • IT Managers and Service Desk Manager(s)
  • Business Executives
Step outcomes

A shared vision for the consolidated service desk that:

  • Defines the scope of the consolidation
  • Encompasses the goals and guiding principles of the project
  • Identifies key attributes of the consolidated service desk and anticipated benefits it will bring
  • Is documented in an executive presentation

Hold an executive visioning session to kick off the project

A major change such as service desk consolidation requires a compelling vision to engage staff and motivate them to comprehend and support the change.

After identifying key stakeholders, gather them in a visioning session or workshop to establish a clear direction for the project.

An executive visioning session can take up to two days of focused effort and activities with the purpose of defining the short and long-term view, objectives, and priorities for the new consolidated service desk.

The session should include the following participants:

  • Key stakeholders identified in step 1.1, including:
    • IT management and CIO
    • Project sponsor
    • Business executives interested in the project

The session should include the following tasks:

  • Identify and prioritize the desired outcome for the project
  • Detail the scope and definition of the consolidation
  • Identify and assess key problems and opportunities
  • Surface and challenge project assumptions
  • Clarify the future desired state of the service desk
  • Determine how processes, functions, and systems are to be included in a consolidation analysis
  • Establish a degree of ownership by senior management

The activities throughout this step are designed to be included as part of the visioning session

Choose the attributes of your desired consolidated service desk

Understand what a model consolidated service desk should look like before envisioning your target consolidated service desk.

A consolidated service desk should include the following aspects:

  • Handles all customer contacts – including internal and external users – across all locations and business units
  • Provides a single point of contact for end users to submit requests for help
  • Handles both incidents and service requests, as well as any additional relevant ITIL modules such as problem, change, or asset management
  • Consistent, standardized processes and workflows
  • Single ITSM tool with workflows for ticket handling, prioritization, and escalations
  • Central data repository so that staff have access to all information needed to resolve issues quickly and deliver high-quality service, including:
    • IT infrastructure information (such as assets and support contracts)
    • End-user information (including central AD, assets and products owned, and prior interactions)
    • Knowledgebase containing known resolutions and workarounds

Consolidated Service Desk

  • Service Desk 1
  • Service Desk 2
  • Service Desk 3
  • Consolidated staff
  • Consolidated ITSM tool
  • Consolidated data repository

Brainstorm desired attributes for the consolidated service desk to start formulating a vision

1.2.1 Identify the type of consolidation and desired service desk attributes

  • Project Sponsor
  • IT Director, CIO
  • IT Managers and Service Desk Manager(s)
  • Other interested business executives
What You'll Need
  • Whiteboard or flip chart and markers

Document in the Consolidate Service Desk Executive Presentation, slide 6.

Brainstorm the model and attributes of the target consolidated service desk. You will use this to formulate a vision and define more specific requirements later on.
  1. Identify the type of consolidation: virtual, physical, or hybrid (both)
  2. Identify the level of consolidation: partial (some service desks consolidated) or complete (all service desks consolidated)
Consolidated Service Desk Model Level of Consolidation
Partial Complete
Type of Consolidation Virtual

3. As a group, brainstorm and document a list of attributes that the consolidated service desk should have.


  • Single point of contact for all users
  • One ITSM tool with consistent built-in automated workflows
  • Well-developed knowledgebase
  • Self-serve portal for end users with ability to submit and track tickets
  • Service catalog

Develop a compelling vision and story of change

1.2.2 Use a vision table to begin crafting the consolidation vision

  • Project Sponsor
  • IT Director, CIO
  • IT Managers and Service Desk Manager(s)
  • Other interested business executives
What You'll Need
  • Whiteboard or flip chart and markers

Document in the Consolidate Service Desk Executive Presentation, slide 7.

Build desire for change.

In addition to standard high-level scope elements, consolidation projects that require organizational change also need a compelling story or vision to influence groups of stakeholders.

Use the vision table below to begin developing a compelling vision and story of change.

Why is there a need to consolidate service desks?
How will consolidation benefit the organization? The stakeholders?
How did we determine this is the right change?
What would happen if we didn’t consolidate?
How will we measure success?

Develop a vision to inspire and sustain leadership and commitment

Vision can be powerful but is difficult to craft. As a result, vision statements often end up being ineffective (but harmless) platitudes.

A service desk consolidation project requires a compelling vision to energize staff and stakeholders toward a unified goal over a sustained period of time.

Great visions:

  • Tell a story. They describe a journey with a beginning (who we are and how we got here) and a destination (our goals and expected success in the future).
  • Convey an intuitive sense of direction (or “spirit of change”) that helps people act appropriately without being explicitly told what to do.
  • Appeal to both emotion and reason to make people want to be part of the change.
  • Balance abstract ideas with concrete facts. Without concrete images and facts, the vision will be meaninglessly vague. Without abstract ideas and principles, the vision will lack power to unite people and inspire broad support.
  • Are concise enough to be easy to communicate and remember in any situation.

Info-Tech Insight

Tell a story. Stories pack a lot of information into few words. They are easy to write, remember, and most importantly – share. It’s worth spending a little extra time to get the details right.

Create a vision for the consolidated service desk

1.2.3 Tell a story to describe the consolidated service desk vision

  • Project Sponsor
  • IT Director, CIO
  • IT Managers and Service Desk Manager(s)
What You'll Need
  • Whiteboard or flip chart and markers
  • Document in the Executive Presentation, slide 8.

Craft a vision of the future state of the service desk.

Tell a story.

Stories serve to give the consolidation real-world context by describing what the future state will mean for both staff and users of the service desk. The story should sum up the core of the experience of using the consolidated service desk and reflect how the service desk will fit into the life of the user.

Stories should include:

  • Action describing the way things happen.
  • Contextual detail that helps readers relate to the person in the story.
  • Challenging ideas that contradict common belief and may be disruptive, but help suggest new directions.

Imagine if…

… users could access one single online service that allows them to submit a ticket through a self-service portal and service catalog, view the status of their ticket, and receive updates about organization-wide outages and announcements. They never have to guess who to contact for help with a particular type of issue or how to contact them as there is only one point of contact for all types of incidents and service requests.

… all users receive consistent service delivery regardless of their location, and never try to circumvent the help desk or go straight to a particular technician for help as there is only one way to get help by submitting a ticket through a single service desk.

… tickets from any location could be easily tracked, prioritized, and escalated using standardized definitions and workflows to ensure consistent service delivery and allow for one set of SLAs to be defined and met across the organization.

Discuss the drivers of the consolidation to identify the goals the project must achieve

Identifying the reasons behind the consolidation will help formulate the vision for the consolidated service desk and the goals it should achieve.

The image is a graph, titled Deployment Drivers for Those Planning a Consolidated Service Desk. From highest to lowest, they are: Improved Service Delivery/Increased Productivity; Drive on Operational Costs; and Perceived Best Practice.

Service Desk Institute (n = 20, 2007)

A survey of 233 service desks considering consolidation found that of the 20 organizations that were in the planning stages of consolidation, the biggest driver was to improve service delivery and/or increase productivity.

This is in line with the recommendation that improved service quality should be the main consolidation driver over reducing costs.

This image is a graph titled Drivers Among Those Who Have Implemented a Consolidated Service Desk. From highest to lowest, they are: Improved Service Delivery/Increased Productivity; Best Practice; Drive on Operational Costs; Internal vs Outsourcing; and Legacy.

Service Desk Institute (n = 43, 2007)

The drivers were similar among the 43 organizations that had already implemented a consolidated service desk, with improved service delivery and increased productivity again the primary driver.

Aligning with best practice was the second most cited driver.

Identify the purpose, goals, and guiding principles of the consolidation project

1.2.4 Document goals of the project

  • Project Sponsor
  • IT Director, CIO
  • IT Managers and Service Desk Manager(s)
What You'll Need
  • Whiteboard or flip chart and markers
  • Document in the Executive Presentation, slide 9.

Use the results of your stakeholder analysis and interviews to facilitate a discussion among recommended participants and document the purpose of the consolidation project, the goals the project aims to achieve, and the guiding principles that must be followed.

Use the following example to guide your discussion:

Purpose The purpose of consolidating service desks is to improve service delivery to end users and free up more time and resources to achieve the organization’s core mission.
  • Align IT resources with business strategies and priorities
  • Provide uniform quality and consistent levels of service across all locations
  • Improve the end-user experience by reducing confusion about where to get help
  • Standardize service desk processes to create efficiencies
  • Identify and eliminate redundant functions or processes
  • Combine existing resources to create economies of scale
  • Improve organizational structure, realign staff with appropriate job duties, and improve career paths
Guiding Principles

The consolidated service desk must:

  1. Provide benefit to the organization without interfering with the core mission of the business
  2. Balance cost savings with service quality
  3. Increase service efficiency without sacrificing service quality
  4. Not interfere with service delivery or the experience of end users
  5. Be designed with input from key stakeholders

Identify the anticipated benefits of the consolidation to weigh them against risks and plan future communications

The primary driver for consolidation of service desks is improved service delivery and increased productivity. This should relate to the primary benefits delivered by the consolidation, most importantly, improved end-user satisfaction.

A survey of 43 organizations that have implemented a consolidated service desk identified the key benefits delivered by the consolidation (see chart at right).

The image is a bar graph titled Benefits Delivered by Consolidated Service Desk. The benefits, from highest to lowest are: Increased Customer Satisfaction; Optimised Resourcing; Cost Reduction; Increased Productivity/Revenue; Team Visibility/Ownership; Reporting/Accountability.

Source: Service Desk Institute (n = 43, 2007)

Info-Tech Insight

Cost reduction may be an important benefit delivered by the consolidation effort, but it should not be the most valuable benefit delivered. Focus communications on anticipated benefits for improved service delivery and end-user satisfaction to gain buy-in for the project.

Identify anticipated outcomes and benefits of consolidation

1.2.5 Use a “stop, start, continue” exercise to identify KPIs

What You'll Need
  • Whiteboard or flip chart and markers
  • Project Sponsor
  • IT Director, CIO
  • IT Managers and Service Desk Manager(s)

Document in the Executive Presentation, slide 10

  1. Divide the whiteboard into 3 columns: stop, start, and continue
  2. Identify components of your service desk that:
  • Are problematic and should be phased out (stop)
  • Provide value but are not in place yet (start)
  • Are effective and should be sustained, if not improved (continue)
  • For each category, identify initiatives or outcomes that will support the desired goals and anticipated benefits of consolidation.
  • Stop Start Continue
    • Escalating incidents without following proper protocol
    • Allowing shoulder taps
    • Focusing solely on FCR as a measure of success
    • Producing monthly ticket trend reports
    • Creating a self-serve portal
    • Communicating performance to the business
    • Writing knowledgebase articles
    • Improving average TTR
    • Holding weekly meetings with team members

    Use a SWOT analysis to assess the service desk

    • A SWOT analysis is a structured planning method that organizations can use to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats involved in a project or business venture.
    • Use a SWOT analysis to identify the organization’s current IT capabilities and classify potential disruptive technologies as the first step toward preparing for them.
    Review these questions...
    Strengths (Internal) Weaknesses (Internal)
    • What Service Desk processes provide value?
    • How does the Service Desk align with corporate/IT strategy?
    • How does your Service Desk benefit end users?
    • Does the Service Desk produce reports or data that benefit the business?
    • Does your Service Desk culture offer an advantage?
    • What areas of your service desk require improvement?
    • Are there gaps in capabilities?
    • Do you have budgetary limitations?
    • Are there leadership gaps (succession, poor management, etc.)?
    • Are there reputational issues with the business?
    Opportunities (External) Threats (External)
    • Are end users adopting hardware or software that requires training and education for either themselves or the Service Desk staff?
    • Can efficiencies be gained by consolidating our Service Desks?
    • What is the most cost-effective way to solve the user's technology problems and get them back to work?
    • How can we automate Service Desk processes?
    • Are there obstacles that the Service Desk must face?
    • Are there issues with respect to sourcing of staff or technologies?
    • Could the existing Service Desk metrics be affected?
    • Will the management team need changes to their reporting?
    • Will SLAs need to be adjusted?

    …to help you conduct your SWOT analysis on the service desk.

    Strengths (Internal) Weaknesses (Internal)
    • End user satisfaction >80%
    • Comprehensive knowledgebase
    • Clearly defined tiers
    • TTR on tickets is <1 day
    • No defined critical incident workflow
    • High cost to solve issues
    • Separate toolsets create disjointed data
    • No root cause analysis
    • Ineffective demand planning
    • No clear ticket categories
    Opportunities (External) Threats (External)
    • Service catalog
    • Ticket Templates
    • Ticket trend analysis
    • Single POC through the use of one tool
    • Low stakeholder buy-in
    • Fear over potential job loss
    • Logistics of the move
    • End user alienation over process change

    Conduct a SWOT analysis on the business

    1.2.6 Conduct SWOT analysis

    • Project Sponsor
    • IT Director, CIO
    • IT Managers and Service Desk Manager(s)
    What You'll Need
    • Whiteboard or flip chart and markers
    • Document in the Executive Presentation, slide 11
    1. Break the group into two teams:
    • Assign team A strengths and weaknesses.
    • Assign team B opportunities and threats.
  • Have the teams brainstorm items that fit in their assigned areas.
    • Refer to the questions on the previous slide to help guide discussion
  • Choose someone from each group to fill in the grid on the whiteboard.
  • Conduct a group discussion about the items on the list.
  • Helpful to achieving the objective Harmful to achieving the objective
    Internal origin attributes of the organization Strengths Weaknesses

    External Origin attributes of the environment

    Opportunities Threats

    Frame your project in terms of people, process, technology

    A framework should be used to guide the consolidation effort and provide a standardized basis of comparison between the current and target state.

    Frame the project in terms of the change and impact it will have on:

    • People
    • Process
    • Technology

    Service desk consolidation will likely have a significant impact in all three categories by standardizing processes, implementing a single service management tool, and reallocating resources. Framing the project in this way will ensure that no aspect goes forgotten.

    For each of the three categories, you will identify:

    • Current state
    • Target state
    • Gap and actions required
    • Impact, risks, and benefits
    • Communication and training requirements
    • How to measure progress/success


    • Tier 1 support
    • Tier 2 support
    • Tier 3 support
    • Vendors


    • Incident management
    • Service request management
    • SLAs


    • ITSM tools
    • Knowledgebase
    • CMDB and other databases
    • Technology supported

    Complete the Consolidate Service Desk Executive Presentation

    Complete an executive presentation using the decisions made throughout this step

    Use the Consolidate Service Desk Executive Presentation to deliver the outputs of your project planning to the business and gain buy-in for the project.

    1. Use the results of the activities throughout step 1.2 to produce the key takeaways for your executive presentation.
    2. At the end of the presentation, include 1-2 slides summarizing any additional information specific to your organization.
    3. Once complete, pitch the consolidation project to the project sponsor and executive stakeholders.
      • This presentation needs to cement buy-in for the project before any other progress is made.

    Step 1.3: Conduct a full assessment of each service desk

    Phase 1

    Develop a shared vision

    1.1 Get buy-in from key stakeholders

    1.2 Develop a vision to give the project direction

    1.3 Conduct a full assessment of each service desk

    This step will walk you through the following activities:
    • 1.3.1 Review the results of your diagnostic programs
    • 1.3.2 Analyze the organizational structure of each service desk
    • 1.3.3 Assess the overall maturity of each service desk
    • 1.3.4 Map out roles and responsibilities of each service desk using organizational charts
    • 1.3.5 Assess and document current information system environment
    This step involves the following participants:
    • CIO
    • IT Directors
    • Service Desk Managers
    • Service Desk Technicians
    Step outcomes
    • A robust current state assessment of each service desk, including overall maturity, processes, organizational structure, agent skills, roles and responsibilities, agent satisfaction, technology and ITSM tools.

    Oxford saved time and effort by sticking with a tested process that works


    Industry: Higher Education

    Source: Oxford University, IT Services

    Oxford ITS instigated the service desk consolidation project in the fall of 2012.

    A new ITSM solution was formally acquired in the spring 2014, and amalgamated workflows designed.

    Throughout this period, at least 3 detailed process analyses occurred in close consultation with the affected IT units.

    Responsibility for understanding each existing process (incident, services, change management, etc.) were assigned to members of the project team.

    They determined which of the existing processes were most effective, and these served as the baseline – saving time and effort in the long run by sticking with tested processes that work.

    Reach out early and often.

    Almost from day one, the Oxford consolidation team made sure to consult closely with each relevant ITS team about their processes and the tools they used to manage their workflows.

    This was done both in structured interviews during the visioning stage and informally at periodic points throughout the project.

    The result was the discovery of many underlying similarities. This information was then instrumental to determining a realistic baseline from which to design the new consolidated service desk.

    "We may give our activities different names or use different tools to manage our work but in all cases common sense has prevailed and it’s perhaps not so surprising that we have common challenges that we choose to tackle in similar ways." – Andrew Goff, Change Management at Oxford ITS

    Review the results of your diagnostic programs to inform your current state assessment

    1.3.1 Understand satisfaction with the service desk

    • CIO/IT Director
    • IT Manager
    • Service Manager(s)
    1. Set up an analyst call through your account manager to review the results of your diagnostic.
    • Whatever survey you choose, ask the analyst to review the data and comments concerning:
      • Assessments of service desk timeliness/effectiveness
      • IT business enablement
      • IT innovation leadership
  • Book a meeting with recommended participants. Go over the results of your diagnostic survey.
  • Facilitate a discussion of the results. Focus on the first few summary slides and the overall department results slide.
    • What is the level of IT support?
    • What are stakeholders’ perceptions of IT performance?
    • How satisfied are stakeholders with IT?
    • Does the department understand and act on business needs?
    • What are the business priorities and how well are you doing in meeting these priorities?
    • How can the consolidation project assist the business in achieving goals?
    • How could the consolidation improve end-user satisfaction and business satisfaction?
  • A robust current state assessment is the foundation of a successful consolidation

    You can’t determine where you’re going without a clear idea of where you are now.

    Before you begin planning for the consolidation, make sure you have a clear picture of the magnitude of what you plan on consolidating.

    Evaluate the current state of each help desk being considered for consolidation. This should include an inventory of:

    • Process:
      • Processes and workflows
      • Metrics and SLAs
    • People:
      • Organizational structure
      • Agent workload and skills
      • Facility layout and design
    • Technology:
      • Technologies and end users supported
      • Technologies and tools used by the service desk

    Info-Tech Insight

    A detailed current state assessment is a necessary first step for a consolidation project, but determining the right level of detail to include in the evaluation can be challenging. Gather enough data to establish a baseline and make an informed decision about how to consolidate, but don’t waste time collecting unnecessary information that will only distract and slow down the project.

    Review ticket handling processes for each service desk to identify best practices

    Use documentation, reports, and metrics to evaluate existing processes followed by each service desk before working toward standardized processes.

    Poor Processes vs. Optimized Processes

    Inconsistent or poor processes affect the business through:

    • Low business satisfaction
    • Low end-user satisfaction
    • High cost to resolve
    • Delayed progress on project work
    • Lack of data for reporting due to ineffective ticket categorization, tools, and logged tickets
    • No root cause analysis leads to a reactive vs. proactive service desk
    • Lack of cross-training and knowledge sharing result in time wasted troubleshooting recurring issues
    • Lack of trend analysis limits the effectiveness of demand planning

    Standardized service desk processes increase user and technician satisfaction and lower costs to support through:

    • Improved business satisfaction Improved end-user satisfaction Incidents prioritized and escalated accurately and efficiently
    • Decreased recurring issues due to root cause analysis and trends
    • Increased self-sufficiency of end users
    • Strengthened team and consistent delivery through cross-training and knowledge sharing
    • Enhanced demand planning through trend analysis and reporting

    The image is a graphic of a pyramid, with categories as follows (from bottom): FAQ/Knowledgebase; Users; Tier 1-75-80%; Tier 2-15%; Tier 3 - 5%. On the right side of the pyramid is written Resolution, with arrows extending from each of the higher sections down to Users. On the left is written Escalation, with arrows from each lower category up to the next highest. Inside the pyramid are arrows extending from the bottom to each level and vice versa.

    Analyze the organizational structure of each service desk

    1.3.2 Discuss the structure of each service desk

    • CIO
    • Service Desk Manager(s)
    • Service Desk Technicians
    What You'll Need
    • Consolidate Service Desk Assessment Tool

    1. Facilitate a discussion among recommended participants to discuss the structure of each service desk. Decide which model best describes each service desk:

    • The Gatekeeper Model: All calls are routed through a central call group whose sole responsibility is to link the customer to the right individual or group.
    • The Call Sorting Model: All calls are sorted into categories using technology and forwarded to the right 2nd level specialist group.
    • Tiered Structure (Specialist Model): All calls are sorted through a single specialist group, such as desktop support. Their job is to log the interaction, attempt resolution, and escalate when the problem is beyond their ability to resolve.
    • Tiered Structure (Generalist Model): All calls are sorted through a single generalist group, whose responsibility is to log the interaction, attempt a first resolution, and escalate when the problem is beyond their ability to resolve.

    2. Use a flip chart or whiteboard to draw the architecture of each service desk, using the example on the right as a guide.

    The image is a graphic depicting the organizational structure of a service desk, from Users to Vendor. The graphic shows how a user request can move through tiers of service, and the ways that Tiers 2 and 3 of the service desk are broken down into areas of specialization.

    Assess the current state of each service desk using the Consolidate Service Desk Assessment Tool

    Assess the current state of each service desk

    The Consolidate Service Desk Assessment Tool will provide insight into the overall health of each existing service desk along two vectors:

    1. Process Maturity (calculated on the basis of a comprehensive survey)
    2. Metrics (calculated on the basis of entered ticket and demographic data)

    Together these answers offer a snapshot of the health, efficiency, performance, and perceived value of each service desk under evaluation.

    This tool will assist you through the current state assessment process, which should follow these steps:

    1. Send a copy of this tool to the Service Desk Manager (or other designated party) of each service desk that may be considered as part of the consolidation effort.
      • This will collect key metrics and landscape data and assess process maturity
    2. Analyze the data and discuss as a group
    3. Ask follow-up questions
    4. Use the information to compare the health of each service desk using the scorecard tool

    These activities will be described in more detail throughout this step of the project.

    Gather relevant data to assess the environment of each service desk

    Assess each service desk’s environment using the assessment tool

    Send a copy of the Consolidate Service Desk Assessment Tool to the Service Desk Manager (or other designated party) of each service desk that will be considered as part of the consolidation.

    Instruct them to complete tab 2 of the tool, the Environment Survey:

    • Enter Profile, Demographic, Satisfaction, Technology, and Ticket data into the appropriate fields as accurately as possible. Satisfaction data should be entered as percentages.
    • Notes can be entered next to each field to indicate the source of the data, to note missing or inaccurate data, or to explain odd or otherwise confusing data.

    This assessment will provide an overview of key metrics to assess the performance of each service desk, including:

    • Service desk staffing for each tier
    • Average ticket volume and distribution per month
    • # staff in IT
    • # service desk staff
    • # supported devices (PC, laptops, mobiles, etc.)
    • # desktop images

    Assess the overall maturity of each service desk

    1.3.3 Use the assessment tool to measure the maturity of each service desk

    • CIO
    • Service Desk Manager(s)
    • Service Desk Technicians
    What You'll Need
    • Consolidate Service Desk Assessment Tool
    1. Assemble the relevant team for each service desk: process owners, functional managers, service desk manager, and relevant staff and technicians who work with the processes to be assessed. Each service desk team should meet to complete the maturity assessment together as a group.
    2. Go to tab 3 (Service Desk Maturity Survey) of the Consolidate Service Desk Assessment Tool and respond to the questions in the following categories:
    • Prerequisites (general questions)
    • People
    • Process
    • Technology
    • SLAs
  • Rate each element. Be honest. The goal is to end up with as close a representation as possible to what really exists. Only then can you identify realistic improvement opportunities. Use the maturity definitions as guides.
  • Evaluate resource utilization and satisfaction to allocate resources effectively

    Include people as part of your current state assessment to evaluate whether your resources are appropriately allocated to maximize effectiveness and agent satisfaction.

    Skills Inventory

    Use the IT Skills Inventory and Gap Assessment Tool to assess agent skills and identify gaps or overlaps.

    Agent Satisfaction

    Measure employee satisfaction and engagement to identify strong teams.

    Roles and Responsibilities

    Gather a clear picture of each service desk’s organizational hierarchy, roles, and responsibilities.

    Agent Utilization

    Obtain a snapshot of service desk productivity by calculating the average amount of time an agent is handling calls, divided by the average amount of time an agent is at work.

    Conduct a skills inventory for each service desk

    Evaluate agent skills across service desks

    After evaluating processes, evaluate the skill sets of the agents tasked with following these processes to identify gaps or overlap.

    Send the Skills Coverage Tool tab to each Service Desk Manager, who will either send it to the individuals who make up their service desk with instructions to rate themselves, or complete the assessment together with individuals as part of one-on-one meetings for discussing development plans.

    IT Skills Inventory and Gap Assessment Tool will enable you to:

    • List skills required to support the organization.
    • Document and rate the skills of the existing IT staffing contingent.
    • Assess the gaps to help determine hiring or training needs, or even where to pare back.
    • Build a strategy for knowledge sharing, transfer, and training through the consolidation project.

    Map out roles and responsibilities of each service desk using organizational charts

    1.3.4 Obtain or draw organizational charts for each location

    Clearly document service desk roles and responsibilities to rationalize service desk architecture.
    • CIO, IT Director
    • Service Desk Manager(s)
    • Tier/Specialist Manager(s)
    What You’ll Need
    • Org. charts
    • Flip chart or whiteboard and markers
    1. Obtain or draw (on a whiteboard or flip chart) the organizational chart for each service desk to get a clear picture of the roles that fulfill each service desk. If there is any uncertainty or disagreement, discuss as a group to come to a resolution.
    2. Discuss the roles and reporting relationships within the service desk and across the organization to establish if/where inefficiencies exist and how these might be addressed through consolidation.
    3. If an up-to-date organizational chart is not in place, use this time to define the organizational structure as-is and consider future state.
    IT Director
    Service Desk Manager
    Tier 1 Help Desk Lead Tier 2 Help Desk Lead Tier 2 Apps Support Lead Tier 3 Specialist Support Lead
    Tier 1 Specialist Name Title Name Title Name Title
    Tier 1 Specialist Name Title Name Title Name Title
    Name Title Name Title Name Title
    Name Title Name Title

    Conduct an agent satisfaction survey to compare employee engagement across locations

    Evaluate agent satisfaction

    End-user satisfaction isn’t the only important satisfaction metric.

    Agent satisfaction forms a key metric within the Consolidate Service Desk Assessment Tool, and it can be evaluated in a variety of ways. Choose the approach that best suits your organization and time restraints for the project.

    Determine agent satisfaction on the basis of a robust (and anonymous) survey of service desk agents. Like the end-user satisfaction score, this measure is ideally computed as a percentage.

    There are several ways to measure agent satisfaction:

    1. If your organization runs an employee engagement survey, use the most recent survey results, separating them by location and converting them to a percentage.
    2. If your organization does not currently measure employee engagement or satisfaction, consider one of Info-Tech and McLean & Company’s two engagement diagnostics:
      • Full Engagement Diagnostic – 81 questions that provide a comprehensive view into your organization's engagement levels
      • McLean & Company’s Pulse Survey – 15 questions designed to give a high-level view of employee engagement
    3. For smaller organizations, a survey may not be feasible or make sense. In this case, consider gathering informal engagement data through one-on-one meetings.
    4. Be sure to discuss and document any reasons for dissatisfaction, including pain points with the current tools or processes.
    • Document on tab 2 of the Consolidate Service Desk Assessment Tool

    Assess the service management tools supporting your service desks

    Identify the different tools being used to support each service desk in order to assess whether and how they can be consolidated into one service management tool.

    Ideally, your service desks are already on the same ITSM platform, but if not, a comprehensive assessment of current tools is the first step toward a single, consolidated solution.

    Include the following in your tools assessment:

    • All automated ITSM solutions being used to log and track incidents and service requests
    • Any manual or other methods of tracking tickets (e.g. Excel spreadsheets)
    • Configurations and any customizations that have been made to the tools
    • How configuration items are maintained and how mature the configuration management databases (CMDB) are
    • Pricing and licensing agreements for tools
    • Any unique functions or limitations of the tools

    Info-Tech Insight

    Document not only the service management tools that are used but also any of their unique and necessary functions and configurations that users may have come to rely upon, such as remote support, self-serve, or chat support, in order to inform requirements in the next phase.

    Assess the IT environment your service desks support

    Even if you don’t do any formal asset management, take this opportunity for discovery and inventory to gain a complete understanding of your IT environment and the range of devices your service desks support.

    Inventory your IT environment, including:

    User Devices

    • Device counts by category Equipment/resources by user


    • Server hardware, CPU, memory
    • Applications residing on servers

    Data centers

    • Including location and setup

    In addition to identifying the range of devices you currently support, assess:

    • Any future devices, hardware, or software that the service desk will need to support (e.g. BYOD, mobile)
    • How well each service desk is currently able to support these devices
    • Any unique or location-specific technology or devices that could limit a consolidation

    Info-Tech Insight

    The capabilities and configuration of your existing infrastructure and applications could limit your consolidation plans. A comprehensive technology assessment of not only the service desk tools but also the range of devices and applications your service desks supports will help you to prepare for any potential limitations or obstacles a consolidated service desk may present.

    Assess and document current information system environment

    1.3.5 Identify specific technology and tool requirements

    • CIO
    • Service Desk Manager(s)
    • Service Desk Technicians
    What You'll Need
    • Consolidate Service Desk Assessment Tool, tab 2.

    Document information on number of devices supported and number of desktop images associated with each service desk in the section on “Technology Data” of the Consolidate Service Desk Assessment Tool.

    1. Identify and document the service management tools that are used by each service desk.
    2. For each tool, identify and document any of the following that apply:
    • Integrations
    • Configurations that were made during implementation
    • Customizations that were made during implementation
    • Version, licenses, cost
  • For each service desk, document any location-specific or unique technology requirements or differences that could impact consolidation, including:
    • Devices and technology supported
    • Databases and configuration items
    • Differing applications or hardware needs
  • If you want additional support, have our analysts guide you through this phase as part of an Info-Tech workshop

    Book a workshop with our Info-Tech analysts:

    • To accelerate this project, engage your IT team in an Info-Tech workshop with an Info-Tech analyst team.
    • Info-Tech analysts will join you and your team onsite at your location or welcome you to Info-Tech’s historic Toronto office to participate in an innovative onsite workshop.
    • Contact your account manager (, or email for more information.

    The following are sample activities that will be conducted by Info-Tech analysts with your team:

    1.1.1 Assign roles and responsibilities

    Use a RACI chart to assign overarching responsibilities for the consolidation project.

    1.3.2 Analyze the organizational structure of each service desk

    Map out the organizational structure and flow of each service desk and discuss the model that best describes each.

    Phase 2

    Design the Consolidated Service Desk

    Call 1-888-670-8889 or email for more information.

    Complete these steps on your own, or call us to complete a guided implementation. A guided implementation is a series of 2-3 advisory calls that help you execute each phase of a project. They are included in most advisory memberships.

    Guided Implementation 2: Design consolidated service desk

    Proposed Time to Completion (in weeks): 2-4

    Step 2.1: Model target consolidated service desk

    Start with an analyst kick-off call:

    • Define the target state of the consolidated service desk in detail
    • Identify requirements for the consolidation, broken down by people, process, technology and by short- vs. long-term needs

    Then complete these activities…

    • Set project metrics to measure success of the consolidation
    • Brainstorm people, process, technology requirements for the service desk
    • Build requirements documents and RFP for a new tool
    • Review results of the scorecard comparison tool

    With these tools & templates:

    Consolidate Service Desk Scorecard Tool

    Step 2.2: Assess logistics and cost of consolidation

    Review findings with analyst:

    • Plan the logistics of the consolidation for process, technology, and facilities
    • Evaluate the cost and cost savings of consolidation using a TCO tool

    Then complete these activities…

    • Plan logistics for process, technology, facilities, and resource allocation
    • Review the results of the Service Desk Efficiency Calculator to refine the business case for the consolidation project

    With these tools & templates:

    Service Desk Efficiency Calculator

    Service Desk Consolidation TCO Comparison Tool

    Phase 2 Results:

    • Detailed requirements and vision for the consolidated service desk, gap analysis of current vs. target state, and an initial analysis of the logistical considerations to achieve target.

    Step 2.1: Model target consolidated state

    Phase 2

    Design consolidation

    2.1 Design target consolidated service desk

    2.2 Assess logistics and cost of consolidation

    This step will walk you through the following activities:
    • 2.1.1 Determine metrics to measure the value of the project
    • 2.1.2 Set targets for each metric to measure progress and success of the consolidation
    • 2.1.3 Brainstorm process requirements for consolidated service desk
    • 2.1.4 Brainstorm people requirements for consolidated service desk
    • 2.1.5 Brainstorm technology requirements for consolidated service desk
    • 2.1.6 Build a requirements document for the service desk tool
    • 2.1.7 Evaluate alternative tools, build a shortlist for RFPs, and arrange web demonstrations or evaluation copies
    • 2.1.8 Set targets for key metrics to identify high performing service desks
    • 2.1.9 Review the results of the scorecard to identify best practices
    This step involves the following participants:
    • CIO
    • IT Director
    • Service Desk Managers
    • Service Desk Technicians
    Step Outcomes
    • A list of people, process, and technology requirements for the new consolidated service desk
    • A clear vision of the target state
    • An analysis of the gaps between existing and target service desks

    Ensure the right people and methods are in place to anticipate implementation hurdles


    Industry: Higher Education

    Source: Oxford University, IT Services

    "Since our last update, a review and re-planning exercise has reassessed the project approach, milestones, and time scales. This has highlighted some significant hurdles to transition which needed to be addressed, resulting primarily from the size of the project and the importance to the department of a smooth and well-planned transition to the new processes and toolset." – John Ireland, Director of Customer Service & Project Sponsor

    Initial hurdles led to a partial reorganization of the project in Fall 2014

    Despite careful planning and its ultimate success, Oxford’s consolidation effort still encountered some significant hurdles along the way – deadlines were sometimes missed and important processes overlooked.

    These bumps can be mitigated by building flexibility into your plan:

    • Adopt an Agile methodology – review and revise groups of tasks as the project progresses, rather than waiting until near the end of the project to get approval for the complete implementation.
    • Your Tiger Team or Project Steering Group must include the right people – the project team should not just include senior or high-level management; members of each affected IT group should be consulted, and junior-level employees can provide valuable insight into existing and potential processes and workflows.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Ensure that the project lead is someone conversant in ITSM, so that they are equipped to understand and react to the unique challenges and expectations of a consolidation and can easily communicate with process owners.

    Use the consolidation vision to define the target service desk in more detail

    Use your baseline assessment and your consolidation vision as a guide to figure out exactly where you’re going before planning how to get there.

    With approval for the project established and a clear idea of the current state of each service desk, narrow down the vision for the consolidated service desk into a specific picture of the target state.

    The target state should provide answers to the following types of questions:


    • Will there be one set of SLAs across the organization?
    • What are the target SLAs?
    • How will ticket categories be defined?
    • How will users submit and track their tickets?
    • How will tickets be prioritized and escalated?
    • Will a knowledgebase be maintained and accessible by both service desk and end users?


    • How will staff be reorganized?
    • What will the roles and responsibilities look like?
    • How will tiers be structured?
    • What will the career path look like within the service desk?


    • Will there be one single ITSM tool to support the service desk?
    • Will an existing tool be used or will a new tool be selected?
    • If a new tool is needed, what are the requirements?

    Info-Tech Insight

    Select the target state that is right for your organization. Don’t feel pressured to select the highest target state or a complete consolidation. Instead select the target state that is most compatible with your organization’s current needs and capabilities.

    Determine metrics to measure the value of the project

    2.1.1 Identify KPIs to measure the success of the consolidation

    • CIO
    • Service Desk Manager(s)
    • Service Desk Technicians
    What You’ll Need
    • Whiteboard or flip chart and markers

    Identify three primary categories where the consolidation project is expected to yield benefits to the business. Use the example on the right to guide your discussion.

    Efficiency and effectiveness are standard benefits for this project, but the third category may depend on your organization.

    • Examples include: improved resourcing, security, asset management, strategic alignment, end-user experience, employee experience

    Identify 1-3 key performance indicators (KPIs) associated with each benefit category, which will be used to measure the success of the consolidation project. Ensure that each has a baseline measure that can be reassessed after the consolidation.


    Streamlined processes to reduce duplication of efforts

    • Reduced IT spend and cost of delivery
    • One ITSM tool Improved reliability of service
    • Improved response time


    Improved allocation of human and financial resources

    • Improved resource sharing
    • Improved organizational structure of service desk


    Service delivery will be more accessible and standardized

    • Improved responsive-ness to incidents and service requests
    • Improved resolution time
    • Single point of contact for end users
    • Improved reporting

    Set targets for each metric to measure progress and success of the consolidation

    2.1.2 Identify specific metrics for each KPI and targets for each

    • IT Director
    • Service Desk Manager(s)
    • Service Desk Technicians
    What You’ll Need
    • KPIs from previous step
    • Whiteboard or flip chart and markers
    1. Select one core KPI for each critical success factor, which will be used to measure progress and success of the consolidation effort down the road.
    2. For each KPI, document the average baseline metric the organization is achieving (averaged across all service desks).
    3. Discuss and document a target metric that the project will aim to reach through the single consolidated service desk.
    4. Set a short and long-term target for each metric to encourage continuous improvement. Examples:
    Business Value KPI Current Metric Short-Term (6 month) Target Long-Term (1 year) Target
    Streamlined processes to reduce duplication of efforts Improved response time 2 hours 1 hour 30 minutes
    Business Value KPI Current Metric Short-Term (6 month) Target Long-Term (1 year) Target
    Service delivery will be more accessible and standardized Improved first call resolution (% resolved at Tier 1) 50% 60% 70%

    If poor processes were in place, take the opportunity to start fresh with the consolidation

    If each service desk’s existing processes were subpar, it may be easier to build a new service desk from the basics rather than trying to adapt existing processes.

    You should have these service management essentials in place:

    Service Requests:

    • Standardize process to verify, approve, and fulfill service requests.
    • Assign priority according to business criticality and service agreements.
    • Think about ways to manage service requests to better serve the business long term.

    Incident Management:

    • Set standards to define and record incidents.
    • Define incident response actions and communications.


    • Define standards for knowledgebase.
    • Introduce creation of knowledgebase articles.
    • Create a knowledge-sharing and cross-training culture.


    • Select appropriate metrics.
    • Generate relevant insights that shed light on the value that IT creates for the organization.

    The image is a circle comprised of 3 concentric circles. At the centre is a circle labelled Standardized Service Desk. The ring outside of it is split into 4 sections: Incident Management; Service Requests; Structure and Reporting; and Knowledgebase. The outer circle is split into 3 sections: People, Process, Technologies.

    Evaluate how your processes compare with the best practices defined here. If you need further guidance on how to standardize these processes after planning the consolidation, follow Info-Tech’s blueprint, Standardize the Service Desk.

    Even optimized processes will need to be redefined for the target consolidated state

    Your target state doesn’t have to be perfect. Model a short-term, achievable target state that can demonstrate immediate value.

    Consider the following elements when designing service desk processes:
    • Ticket input (i.e. how can tickets be submitted?)
    • Ticket classification (i.e. how will tickets be categorized?)
    • Ticket prioritization (i.e. how will critical incidents be defined?)
    • Ticket escalation (i.e. how and at what point will tickets be assigned to a more specialized resource?)
    • Ticket resolution (i.e. how will resolution be defined and how will users be notified?)
    • Communication with end users (i.e. how and how often will users be notified about the status of their ticket or of other incidents and outages?)

    Consider the following unique process considerations for consolidation:

    • How will knowledge sharing be enabled in order for all technicians to quickly access known errors and resolve problems?
    • How can first contact resolution levels be maintained through the transition?
    • How will procedures be clearly documented so that tickets are escalated properly?
    • Will ticket classification and prioritization schemes need to change?
    • Will new services such as self-serve be introduced to end users and how will this be communicated?

    Info-Tech Insight

    Don’t do it all at once. Consolidation will lead to some level of standardization. It will be reinforced and improved later through ongoing reengineering and process improvement efforts (continual improvement management).

    Brainstorm process requirements for consolidated service desk

    2.1.3 Identify process-related requirements for short and long term

    • CIO
    • Service Desk Manager(s)
    • Service Desk Technicians
    What You'll Need
    • Whiteboard, sticky notes, markers
    • Vision and goals for the consolidation from step 1.2
    • Document internally, or leave on a whiteboard for workshop participants to return to when documenting tasks in the roadmap tool.
    1. Review the questions in the previous section to frame a discussion on process considerations and best practices for the target consolidated service desk.
    2. Use your responses to the questions to brainstorm a list of process requirements or desired characteristics for the target state, particularly around incident management and service request management.
    3. Write each requirement onto a sticky note and categorize it as one of the following:
      1. Immediate requirement for consolidated service desk
      2. Implement within 6 months
      3. Implement within 1 year



    • Immediate
      • Clearly defined ticket prioritization scheme
      • Critical incident process workflow
    • 6 months
      • Clearly defined SOP, policies, and procedures
      • Transactional end-user satisfaction surveys
    • 1 year
      • Change mgmt.
      • Problem mgmt.

    Define the target resource distribution and utilization for the consolidated service desk

    Consolidation can sound scary to staff wondering if there will be layoffs. Reduce that by repurposing local staff and maximizing resource utilization in your organizational design.

    Consider the following people-related elements when designing your target state:

    • How will roles and responsibilities be defined for service desk staff?
    • How many agents will be required to deal with ticket demand?
    • What is the target agent utilization rate?
    • How will staff be distributed among tiers?
    • What will responsibilities be at each tier?
    • Will performance goals and rewards be established or standardized?

    Consider the following unique people considerations for consolidation:

    • Will staffing levels change?
    • Will job titles or roles change for certain individuals?
    • How will staff be reorganized?
    • Will staff need to be relocated to one location?
    • Will reporting relationships change?
    • How will this be managed?
    • How will performance measurements be consolidated across teams and departments to focus on the business goals?
    • Will there be a change to career paths?
    • What will consolidation do to morale, job interest, job opportunities?

    Info-Tech Insight

    Identify SMEs and individuals who are knowledgeable about a particular location, end-user base, technology, or service offering. They may be able to take on a different, greater role due to the reorganization that would make better use of their skills and capabilities and improve morale.

    Brainstorm people requirements for consolidated service desk

    2.1.4 Identify people-related requirements for short and long term

    • CIO
    • Service Desk Manager(s)
    • Service Desk Technicians
    What You'll Need
    • Whiteboard, sticky notes, markers
    • Vision and goals for the consolidation from step 1.2

    Document internally, or leave on a whiteboard for workshop participants to return to when documenting tasks in the roadmap tool.

    1. Review the questions in the previous section to frame a discussion on people considerations and best practices for the target consolidated service desk.
    2. Use your responses to the questions to brainstorm a list of requirements for the allocation and distribution of resources, including roles, responsibilities, and organizational structure.
    3. When thinking about people, consider requirements for both your staff and your end users.
    4. Write each requirement onto a sticky note and categorize it as one of the following:
      1. Immediate requirement for consolidated service desk
      2. Implement within 6 months
      3. Implement within 1 year



    • Immediate
      • Three tier structure with SMEs at Tier 2 and 3
      • All staff working together in one visible location
    • 6 months
      • Roles and responsibilities well defined and documented
      • Appropriate training and certifications available to staff
    • 1 year
      • Agent satisfaction above 80%
      • End-user satisfaction above 75%

    Identify the tools that will support the service desk and those the service desk will support

    One of the biggest technology-related decisions you need to make is whether you need a new ITSM tool. Consider how it will be used by a single service desk to support the entire organization.

    Consider the following technology elements when designing your target state:
    • What tool will be used to support the service desk?
    • What processes or ITIL modules can the tool support?
    • How will reports be produced? What types of reports will be needed for particular audiences?
    • Will a self-service tool be in place for end users to allow for password resets or searches for solutions?
    • Will the tool integrate with tools for change, configuration, problem, and asset management?
    • Will the majority of manual processes be automated?
    Consider the following unique technology considerations for consolidation:
    • Is an existing service management tool extensible?
    • If so, can it integrate with essential non-IT systems?
    • Can the tool support a wider user base?
    • Can the tool support all areas, departments, and technologies it will need to after consolidation?
    • How will data from existing tools be migrated to the new tool?
    • What implementation or configuration needs and costs must be considered?
    • What training will be required for the tool?
    • What other new tools and technologies will be required to support the consolidated service desk?

    Info-Tech Insight

    Talk to staff at each service desk to ask about their tool needs and requirements to support their work. Invite them to demonstrate how they use their tools to learn about customization, configuration, and functionality in place and to help inform requirements. Engaging staff in the process will ensure that the new consolidated tool will be supported and adopted by staff.

    Brainstorm technology requirements for consolidated service desk

    2.1.5 Identify technology-related requirements for short and long term

    • CIO
    • Service Desk Manager(s)
    • Service Desk Technicians
    What You’ll Need
    • Whiteboard, sticky notes, markers
    • Vision and goals for the consolidation from step 1.2

    Document internally, or leave on a whiteboard for workshop participants to return to when documenting tasks in the roadmap tool.

    1. Review the questions in the previous section to frame a discussion on technology considerations and best practices for the target consolidated service desk.
    2. Use your responses to the questions to brainstorm a list of requirements for the tools to support the consolidated service desk, along with any other technology requirements for the target state.
    3. Write each requirement onto a sticky note and categorize it as one of the following:
      1. Immediate requirement for consolidated service desk
      2. Implement within 6 months
      3. Implement within 1 year



    • Immediate
      • Single ITSM tool
      • Remote desktop support
    • 6 months
      • Self-service portal
      • Regular reports are produced accurately
    • 1 year
      • Mobile portal
      • Chat integration

    Identify specific requirements for a tool if you will be selecting a new ITSM solution

    Service desk software needs to address both business and technological needs. Assess these needs to identify core capabilities required from the solution.

    Features Description
    • Do workflows integrate seamlessly between functions such as incident management, change management, asset management, desktop and network management?


    • Does the existing tool support self-serve in the form of web forms for incident reporting, forms for service requests, as well as FAQs for self-solve?
    • Is a service catalog available or can one be integrated painlessly?
    Enterprise Service Management Needs
    • Integration of solution to all of IT, Human Resources, Finance, and Facilities for workflows and financial data can yield great benefits but comes at a higher cost and greater complexity. Weigh the costs and benefits.
    Workflow Automation
    • If IT has advanced beyond simple workflows, or if extending these workflows beyond the department, more power may be necessary.
    • Full business process management (BPM) is part of a number of more advanced service desk/service management solutions.
    License Maintenance Costs
    • Are license and maintenance costs still reasonable and appropriate for the value of the tool?
    • Will the vendor renegotiate?
    • Are there better tools out there for the same or better price?
    Configuration Costs
    • Templates, forms, workflows, and reports all take time and skills but bring big benefits. Can these changes be done in-house? How much does it cost to maintain and improve?
    Speed / Performance
    • Data growth and volume may have reached levels beyond the current solution’s ability to cope, despite database tuning.
    Vendor Support
    • Is the vendor still supporting the solution and developing the roadmap? Has it been acquired? Is the level of support still meeting your needs?

    Build a requirements document for the service desk tool

    2.1.6 Create a requirements list and demo script for an ITSM tool (optional)

    • CIO/IT Director
    • Service Desk Manager(s)
    • Service Desk Technicians
    What You'll Need
    • Flip charts and markers
    • Templates:
      • IT Service Management Demo Script Template
      • Service Desk Software and RFP Evaluation Tool

    Create a requirements list for the service desk tool.

    1. Break the group into smaller functional groups.
    2. Brainstorm features that would be important to improving efficiencies, services to users, and visibility to data.
    3. Document on flip chart paper, labelling each page with the functional group name.
    4. Prioritize into must-have and nice-to-have items.
    5. Reconvene and discuss each list with the group.
    6. Info-Tech’s Service Desk Software and RFP Evaluation Tool can also be used to document requirements for an RFI.

    Create a demo script:

    Using information from the requirements list, determine which features will be important for the team to see during a demo. Focus on areas where usability is a concern, for example:

    • End-user experience
    • Workflow creation and modification
    • Creating templates
    • Creating service catalog items
    • Knowledgebase

    Evaluate alternative tools, build a shortlist for RFPs, and arrange web demonstrations or evaluation copies

    2.1.7 Identify an alternative tool and build an RFP (optional)

    • CIO (optional)
    • Service Desk Manager
    • Service Desk Technician(s)
    • Service Desk Tool Administrator
    What You'll Need
    • Whiteboard or flip chart and markers
    • Service Desk RFP Template

    Evaluate current tool:

    • Investigate to determine if these features are present and just not in use.
    • Contact the vendor if necessary.
    • If enough features are present, determine if additional training is required.
    • If tool is proven to be inadequate, investigate options.

    Consider alternatives:

    Use Info-Tech’s blueprints for further guidance on selecting and implementing an ITSM tool

    1. Select a tool

    Info-Tech regularly evaluates ITSM solution providers and ranks each in terms of functionality and affordability. The results are published in the Enterprise and Mid-Market Service Desk Software Vendor Landscapes.

    2. Implement the tool

    After selecting a solution, follow the Build an ITSM Tool Implementation Plan project to develop an implementation plan to ensure the tool is appropriately designed, installed, and tested and that technicians are sufficiently trained to ensure successful deployment and adoption of the tool.

    Compare your existing service desks with the Consolidate Service Desk Scorecard Tool

    Complete the scorecard tool along with the activities of the next step

    The Consolidate Service Desk Scorecard Tool will allow you to compare metrics and maturity results across your service desks to identify weak and poor performers and processes.

    The purpose of this tool is to organize the data from up to six service desks that are part of a service desk consolidation initiative. Displaying this data in an organized fashion, while offering a robust comparative analysis, should facilitate the process of establishing a new baseline for the consolidated service desk.

    Use the results on tab 4 of the Consolidate Service Desk Assessment Tool. Enter the data from each service desk into tab “2. InfoCards” of the Consolidate Service Desk Scorecard Tool.

    Data from up to six service desks (up to six copies of the assessment tool) can be entered into this tool for comparison.

    Set targets for key metrics to identify high performing service desks

    2.1.8 Use the scorecard tool to set target metrics against which to compare service desks

    • CIO or IT Director
    • Service Desk Manager(s)
    What You’ll Need
    • Consolidate Service Desk Scorecard Tool
    1. Review the explanations of the six core metrics identified from the service desk assessment tool. These are detailed on tab 3 of the Consolidate Service Desk Scorecard Tool.
      1. End-user satisfaction
      2. Agent satisfaction
      3. Cost per ticket
      4. Agent utilization rate
      5. First contact resolution rate
      6. First tier resolution rate
    2. For each metric (except agent utilization), define a “worst” and “best” target number. These numbers should be realistic and determined only after some consideration.
    • Service desks scoring at or above the “best” threshold for a particular metric will receive 100% on that metric; while service desks scoring at or below the “worst” threshold for a particular metric will receive 0% on that metric.
    • For agent utilization, only a “best” target number is entered. Service desks hitting this target number exactly will receive 100%, with scores decreasing as a service desk’s agent utilization gets further away from this target.
  • Identify the importance of each metric and vary the values in the “weighting” column accordingly.
  • The values entered on this tab will be used in calculating the overall metric score for each service desk, allowing you to compare the performance of existing service desks against each other and against your target state.

    Review the results of the scorecard to identify best practices

    2.1.9 Discuss the results of the scorecard tool

    • CIO or IT Director (optional)
    • Service Desk Manager(s)
    What You'll Need
    • Consolidate Service Desk Scorecard Tool
    1. Facilitate a discussion on the results of the scorecard tool on tabs 4 (Overall Results), 5 (Maturity Results), and 6 (Metrics Results).
    2. Identify the top performing service desks(s) (SD Champions) as identified by the average of their metric and maturity scores.
    3. Identify the top performing service desk by maturity level (tab 5; Level 3 – Integrated or Optimized), paying particular attention to high scorers on process maturity and maturity in incident & service request management.
    4. Identify the top performing service desk by metric score (tab 6), paying particular attention to the metrics that tie into your KPIs.
    5. For those service desks, review their processes and identify what they are doing well to glean best practices.
      1. Incorporate best practices from existing high performing service desks into your target state.
      2. If one service desk is already performing well in all areas, you may choose to model your consolidated service desk after it.

    Document processes and procedures in an SOP

    Define the standard operating procedures for the consolidated service desk

    Develop one set of standard operating procedures to ensure consistent service delivery across locations.

    One set of standard operating procedures for the new service desk is essential for a successful consolidation.

    Info-Tech’s Consolidated Service Desk SOP Template provides a detailed example of documenting procedures for service delivery, roles and responsibilities, escalation and prioritization rules, workflows for incidents and service requests, and resolution targets to help ensure consistent service expectations across locations.

    Use this template as a guide to develop or refine your SOP and define the processes for the consolidated service desk.

    Step 2.2: Assess logistics and cost of consolidation

    Phase 2

    Design consolidation

    2.1 Design target consolidated state

    2.2 Assess logistics and cost

    This step will walk you through the following activities:
    • 2.2.1 Plan logistics for process, technology, and facilities
    • 2.2.2 Plan logistics around resource allocation
    • 2.2.3 Review the results of the Service Desk Efficiency Calculator to refine the business case for the consolidation project
    This step involves the following participants:
    • CIO or IT Director
    • Project Manager
    • Service Desk Manager(s)
    Step outcomes
    • An understanding and list of tasks to accomplish to ensure all logistical considerations for the consolidation are accounted for
    • An analysis of the impact on staffing and service levels using the Service Desk Efficiency Calculator
    • An assessment of the cost of consolidation and the cost savings of a consolidated service desk using a TCO tool

    The United States Coast Guard’s consolidation saved $20 million in infrastructure and support costs


    Industry: US Coast Guard

    Source: CIO Rear Adm. Robert E. Day, Jr. (retired)


    The US Coast Guard was providing internal IT support for 42,000 members on active duty from 11 distinct regional IT service centers around the US.

    Pain Points

    1. Maintaining 11 disparate IT architectures was costly and time consuming.
    2. Staffing inefficiencies limited the USCG’s global IT service operations to providing IT support from 8am to 4pm.
    3. Individual sites were unable to offload peak volume during heavier call loads to other facilities.
    4. Enforcing adherence to standard delivery processes, procedures, and methods was nearly impossible.
    5. Personnel didn’t have a single point of contact for IT support.
    6. Leadership has limited access to consolidated analytics.


    • Significant reduction in infrastructure, maintenance, and support costs.
    • Reduced risk through comprehensive disaster recovery.
    • Streamlined processes and procedures improved speed of incident resolution.
    • Increased staffing efficiencies.
    • Deeper analytical insight into service desk performance.

    Admiral Day was the CIO from 2009 to 2014. In 2011, he lead an initiative to consolidate USCG service desks.

    Selecting a new location communicated the national mandate of the consolidated service desk

    Site Selection - Decision Procedures

    • Determine location criteria, including:
      • Access to airports, trains, and highways
      • Workforce availability and education
      • Cost of land, real estate, taxes
      • Building availability Financial incentives
    • Review space requirements (i.e. amount and type of space).
    • Identify potential locations and analyze with defined criteria.
    • Develop cost models for various alternatives.
    • Narrow selection to 2-3 sites. Analyze for fit and costs.
    • Conduct site visits to evaluate each option.
    • Make a choice and arrange for securing the site.
    • Remember to compare the cost to retrofit existing space with the cost of creating a space for the consolidated service desk.

    Key Decision

    Relocating to a new location involved potentially higher implementation costs, which was a significant disadvantage.

    Ultimately, the relocation reinforced the national mandate of the consolidated service desk. The new organization would act as a single point of contact for the support of all 42,000 members of the US Coast Guard.

    "Before our regional desks tended to take on different flavors and processes. Today, users get the same experience whether they’re in Alaska or Maryland by calling one number: (855) CG-FIX IT." – Rear Adm. Robert E. Day, Jr. (retired)

    Plan the logistics of the consolidation to inform the project roadmap and cost assessment

    Before proceeding, validate that the target state is achievable by evaluating the logistics of the consolidation itself.

    A detailed project roadmap will help break down the project into manageable tasks to reach the target state, but there is no value to this if the target state is not achievable or realistic.

    Don’t forget to assess the logistics of the consolidation that can be overlooked during the planning phase:

    • Service desk size
    • Location of the service desk
    • Proximity to company management and facilities
    • Unique applications, platforms, or configurations in each location/region
    • Distribution of end-user population and varying end-user needs
    • Load balancing
    • Call routing across locations
    • Special ergonomic or accessibility requirements by location
    • Language requirements

    Info-Tech Insight

    Language barriers can form significant hurdles or even roadblocks for the consolidation project. Don’t overlook the importance of unique language requirements and ensure the consolidated service desk will be able to support end-user needs.

    Plan logistics for process, technology, and facilities

    2.2.1 Assess logistical and cost considerations around processes, technology, and facilities

    • CIO or IT Director
    • Project Manager
    • Service Desk Manager(s)
    What You'll Need
    • Whiteboard or flip chart and markers
    • Consolidate roadmap

    Identify tasks that should form part of the roadmap and document in the roadmap tool.

    Identify costs that should be included in the TCO assessment and document in the TCO tool.

    Discuss and identify any logistic and cost considerations that will need to form part of the consolidation plan and roadmap. Examples are highlighted below.

    Logistic considerations

    • Impact of ticket intake process changes on end users
    • Process change impact on SLAs and productivity standards
    • Call routing changes and improvements
    • Workstations and workspace – is there enough and what will it look like for each agent?
    • Physical access to the service desk – will walk-ups be permitted? Is it accessible?
    • Security or authorization requirements for specific agents that may be impacted by relocation
    • Layout and design of new location, if applicable
    • Hardware, platform, network, and server implications
    • Licensing and contract limitations of the service desk tool

    Cost considerations

    • Cost savings from ITSM tool consolidation
    • Cost of new ITSM tool purchase, if applicable
    • Efficiencies gained from process simplification
    • New hardware or software purchases
    • Cost per square foot of new physical location, if applicable

    Develop a staffing plan that leverages the strengths you currently have and supplement where your needs require

    Your staff are your greatest assets; be sensitive to their concerns as you plan the consolidation.

    Keep in mind that if your target state involves reorganization of resources and the creation of resources, there will be additional staffing tasks that should form part of the consolidation plan. These include:

    • Develop job descriptions and reporting relationships
    • Evaluate current competencies Identify training and hiring needs
    • Develop migration strategy (including severance and migration packages)

    If new positions will be created, follow these steps to mitigate risks:

    1. Conduct skills assessments (a skills inventory should have been completed in phase 1)
    2. Re-interview existing staff for open positions before considering hiring outside staff
    3. Hire staff from outside if necessary

    For more guidance on hiring help desk staff, see Info-Tech’s blueprint, Manage Help Desk Staffing.

    Be sensitive to employee concerns.

    Develop guiding principles for the consolidation to ensure that employee satisfaction remains a priority throughout the consolidation.

    Examples include:

    1. Reconcile existing silos and avoid creating new silos
    2. Keep current systems where it makes sense to avoid staff having to learn multiple new systems to do their jobs and to reduce costs
    3. Repurpose staff and allocate according to their knowledge and expertise as much as possible
    4. Remain open and transparent about all changes and communicate change regularly

    Info-Tech Insight

    The most talented employees can be lost in the migration to a consolidated service desk, resulting in organizational loss of core knowledge. Mitigate this risk using measurement strategies, competency modeling, and knowledge sharing to reduce ambiguity and discomfort of affected employees.

    Plan logistics around resource allocation

    2.2.2 Assess logistical and cost considerations around people

    • CIO or IT Director
    • Project Manager
    • Service Desk Manager(s)
    What You’ll Need
    • Whiteboard or flip chart and markers
    • Consolidate roadmap

    Identify tasks that should form part of the roadmap and document in the roadmap tool.

    Identify costs that should be included in the TCO assessment and document in the TCO tool.

    Discuss and identify any logistic and cost considerations surrounding resources and staffing that will need to form part of the consolidation plan and roadmap. Examples are highlighted below.

    Logistic considerations

    • Specialized training requirements for staff moving to new roles
    • Enablement of knowledge sharing across agents
    • Potential attrition of staff who do not wish to relocate or be reallocated
    • Relocation of staff – will staff have to move and will there be incentives for moving?
    • Skills requirements, recruitment needs, job descriptions, and postings for hiring

    Cost considerations

    • Existing and future salaries for employees
    • Potential attrition of employees
    • Retention costs and salary increases to keep employees
    • Hiring costs
    • Training needs and costs

    Assess impact on staffing with the Service Desk Efficiency Calculator

    How do organizations calculate the staffing implications of a service desk consolidation?

    The Service Desk Efficiency Calculator uses the ITIL Gross Staffing Model to think through the impact of consolidating service desk processes.

    To estimate the impact of the consolidation on staffing levels, estimate what will happen to three variables:

    • Ticket volume
    • Average call resolution
    • Spare capacity

    All things being equal, a reduction in ticket volume (through outsourcing or the implementation of self-serve options, for example), will reduce your staffing requirements (all things being equal). The same goes for a reduction in the average call resolution rate.


    Spare capacity: Many organizations are motivated to consolidate service desks by potential reductions in staffing costs. However, this is only true if your service desk agents have spare capacity to take on the consolidated ticket volume. If they don’t, you will still need the same number of agents to do the work at the consolidated service desk.

    Agent capabilities: If your agents have specialised skills that you need to maintain the same level of service, you won’t be able to reduce staffing until agents are cross-trained.

    Review the results of the Service Desk Efficiency Calculator to refine the business case for the consolidation project

    2.2.3 Discuss the results of the efficiency calculator in the context of consolidation

    • CIO or IT Director
    • Service Desk Manager(s)
    What You’ll Need
    • Completed Service Desk Efficiency Calculator

    The third tab of the Service Desk Efficiency Calculator will quantify:

    • Service Desk Staffing: The impact of different ticket distribution on service desk staffing levels.
    • Service Desk Ticket Resolution Cost: The impact of different ticket distributions on ticket resolution costs.
    • Service Management Efficiency: The business impact of service management initiatives, specifically, the time lost or captured in service management processes relative to an average full-time employee equivalent.

    Facilitate a discussion around the results.

    Evaluate where you are now and where you hope to be. Focus on the efficiency gains expected from the outsourcing project. Review the expected gains in average resolution time, the expected impact on service desk ticket volume, and the associated productivity gains.

    Use this information to refine the business case and project plan for the consolidation, if needed.

    Assess consolidation costs and cost savings to refine the business case

    While cost savings should not be the primary driver of consolidation, they should be a key outcome of the project in order to deliver value.

    Typical cost savings for a service desk consolidation are highlighted below:

    People 10-20% savings (through resource pooling and reallocation)

    Process 5-10% savings (through process simplification and efficiencies gained)

    Technology 10-15% savings (through improved call routing and ITSM tool consolidation)

    Facilities 5-10% savings (through site selection and redesign)

    Cost savings should be balanced against the costs of the consolidation itself (including hiring for consolidation project managers or consultants, moving expenses, legal fees, etc.)

    Evaluate consolidation costs using the TCO Comparison Tool described in the next section.

    Analyze resourcing and budgeting to create a realistic TCO and evaluate the benefits of consolidation

    Use the TCO tool to assess the cost and cost savings of consolidation

    • The tool compares the cost of operating two service desks vs. one consolidated service desk, along with the cost of consolidation.
    • If your consolidation effort involves more than two facilities, then use multiple copies of the tool.
      • E.g. If you are consolidating four service desks (A, B, C, and D) into one service desk (X), then use two copies of the tool. We encourage you to book an analyst call to help you get the most out of this tool and process.

    Service Desk Consolidation TCO Comparison Tool

    Refine the business case and update the executive presentation

    Check in with executives and project sponsor before moving forward with the transition

    Since completing the executive visioning session in step 1.2, you should have completed the following activities:

    • Current state assessment
    • Detailed target state and metrics
    • Gap analysis between current and target state
    • Assessment of logistics and cost of consolidation

    The next step will be to develop a project roadmap to achieve the consolidation vision.

    Before doing this, check back in with the project sponsor and business executives to refine the business case, obtain necessary approvals, and secure buy-in.

    If necessary, add to the executive presentation you completed in step 1.2, copying results of the deliverables you have completed since:

    • Consolidate Service Desk Assessment Tool (current state assessment)
    • Consolidate Service Desk Scorecard Tool
    • Service Desk Consolidation TCO Comparison Tool

    If you want additional support, have our analysts guide you through this phase as part of an Info-Tech workshop

    Book a workshop with our Info-Tech analysts:

    • To accelerate this project, engage your IT team in an Info-Tech workshop with an Info-Tech analyst team.
    • Info-Tech analysts will join you and your team onsite at your location or welcome you to Info-Tech’s historic Toronto office to participate in an innovative onsite workshop.
    • Contact your account manager (, or email for more information.

    The following are sample activities that will be conducted by Info-Tech analysts with your team:

    2.1.3 Brainstorm process requirements for consolidated service desk

    Identify process requirements and desired characteristics for the target consolidated service desk.

    2.1.9 Review the results of the scorecard to identify best practices

    Review the results of the Consolidate Service Desk Scorecard Tool to identify top performing service desks and glean best practices.

    Phase 3

    Plan the Transition

    Call 1-888-670-8889 or email for more information.

    Complete these steps on your own, or call us to complete a guided implementation. A guided implementation is a series of 2-3 advisory calls that help you execute each phase of a project. They are included in most advisory memberships.

    Guided Implementation 3: Plan the transition

    Proposed Time to Completion (in weeks): 2-4

    Step 3.1: Build project roadmap

    Discuss with an analyst:

    • Identify specific initiatives for the consolidation project and evaluate the risks and dependencies for each
    • Plot initiatives on a detailed project roadmap with assigned responsibilities

    Then complete these activities…

    • Break the consolidation project down into specific initiatives
    • Identify and document risks and dependencies
    • Plot your initiatives onto a detailed project roadmap
    • Select transition date for consolidation

    With these tools & templates:

    Service Desk Consolidation Roadmap

    Step 3.2: Communicate the change

    Discuss with an analyst:

    • Identify the goals of communication, then develop a communications plan with targeted messaging for each stakeholder group to achieve those goals
    • Brainstorm potential objections and questions as well as responses to each

    Then complete these activities…

    • Build the communications delivery plan
    • Brainstorm potential objections and questions and prepare responses
    • Complete the news bulletin to distribute to your end users

    With these tools & templates:

    Service Desk Consolidation Communications and Training Plan Template

    Service Desk Consolidation News Bulletin & FAQ Template

    Phase 3 Results:
    • A detailed project roadmap toward consolidation and a communications plan to ensure stakeholders are on board

    Step 3.1: Build the project roadmap

    Phase 3

    Plan the consolidation

    3.1 Build the project roadmap

    3.2 Communicate the change

    This step will walk you through the following activities:
    • 3.1.1 Break the consolidation project down into a series of specific initiatives
    • 3.1.2 Identify and document risks and dependencies
    • 3.1.3 Plot your initiatives onto a detailed project roadmap
    • 3.1.4 Select transition date based on business cycles
    This step involves the following participants:
    • CIO
    • IT Directors
    • Service Desk Managers
    • Consolidation Project Manager
    • Service Desk Technicians
    Step outcomes

    A detailed roadmap to migrate to a single, consolidated service desk, including:

    • A breakdown of specific tasks groups by people, process, and technology
    • Identified risks and dependencies for each task
    • A timeline for completion of each task and the overall consolidation
    • Assigned responsibility for task completion

    Failure to engage stakeholders led to the failure of a large healthcare organization’s consolidation


    Industry: Healthcare

    Source: Organizational insider

    A large US healthcare facilities organization implemented a service desk consolidation initiative in early 2013. Only 18 months later, they reluctantly decided to return to their previous service desk model.

    Why did this consolidation effort fail?

    1. Management failed to communicate the changes to service-level staff, leading to agent confusion and pushback. Initially, each desk became part of the other’s overflow queue with no mention of the consolidation effort. Next, the independent desks began to share a basic request queue. Finally, there was a complete virtual consolidation – which came as a shock to service agents.
    2. The processes and workflows of the original service desks were not integrated, requiring service agents to consult different processes and use different workflows when engaging with end users from different facilities, even though all calls were part of the same queue.
    3. Staff at the different service centers did not have a consistent level of expertise or technical ability, even though they all became part of the same queue. This led to a perceived drop in end-user satisfaction – end users were used to getting a certain level of service and were suddenly confronted with less experienced agents.

    Before Consolidation

    Two disparate service desks:

    • With distinct geographic locations.
    • Servicing several healthcare facilities in their respective regions.
    • With distinct staff, end users, processes, and workflows.

    After Consolidation

    One virtually-consolidated service desk servicing many facilities spread geographically over two distinct locations.

    The main feature of the new virtual service desk was a single, pooled ticket queue drawn from all the end users and facilities in the new geographic regions.

    Break the consolidation project down into a series of specific initiatives

    3.1.1 Create a list of specific tasks that will form the consolidation project

    • CIO or IT Director
    • Project Manager
    • Service Desk Manager(s)
    What You’ll Need
    • Whiteboard and markers
    • List of prioritized target state requirements
    • Consolidation roadmap

    Document the list of initiatives in the Service Desk Consolidation Roadmap.

    In order to translate your newly made decisions regarding the target state and logistical considerations into a successful consolidation strategy, create an exhaustive list of all the steps and sub-steps that will lead you from your current state to your target state.

    Use the next few steps to finish brainstorming the initiative list, identify risks and dependencies, and construct a detailed timeline populated with specific project steps.


    Start with the list you have been curating throughout the current and future state assessments. If you are completing this project as a workshop, add to the initiative list you have been developing on the whiteboard.

    Try to organize your initiatives into groups of related tasks. Begin arranging your initiatives into people, process, technology, or other categories.

    Whiteboard People Process Technology Other

    Evaluate the impact of potential risks and develop a backup plan for high risk initiatives

    A service desk consolidation has a high potential for risks. Have a backup plan prepared for when events don’t go as planned.

    • A consolidation project requires careful planning as it is high risk and not performed often.
    • Apply the same due diligence to the consolidation plan as you do in preparing your disaster recovery plan. Establish predetermined resolutions to realistic risks so that the team can think of solutions quickly during the consolidation.

    Potential Sources of Risk

    • Service desk tool or phone line downtime prevents ability to submit tickets
    • Unable to meet SLAs through the transition
    • Equipment failure or damage through the physical move
    • Lost data through tool migration
    • Lost knowledge from employee attrition
    Risk - degree of impact if activities do not go as planned High

    A – High Risk, Low Frequency

    Tasks that are rarely done and are high risk. Focus attention here with careful planning (e.g. consolidation)

    B – High Risk, High Frequency

    Tasks that are performed regularly and must be watched closely each time (e.g. security authorizations)

    C – Low Risk, Low Frequency

    Tasks that are performed regularly with limited impact or risk (e.g. server upgrades)

    D – Low Risk, High Frequency

    Tasks that are done all the time and are not risky (e.g. password resets)

    Low High
    Frequency - how often the activity has been performed

    Service desk consolidations fit in category A

    Identify risks for people, processes, tools, or data to ensure the project plan will include appropriate mitigations

    Each element of the consolidation has an inherent risk associated with it as the daily service flow is interrupted. Prepare in advance by anticipating these risks.

    The project manager, service desk managers, and subject matter experts (SMEs) of different areas, departments, or locations should identify risks for each of the processes, tools, resource groups (people), and any data exchanges and moves that will be part of the project or impacted by the project.

    Process - For each process, validate that workflows can remain intact throughout the consolidation project. If any gaps may occur in the process flows, develop a plan to be implemented in parallel with the consolidation to ensure service isn’t interrupted.

    Technology - For a tool consolidation, upgrade, or replacement, verify that there is a plan in place to ensure continuation of service delivery processes throughout the change.

    Make a plan for if and how data from the old tool(s) will be migrated to the new tool, and how the new tool will be installed and configured.

    People - For movement of staff, particularly with termination, identify any risks that may occur and involve your HR and legal departments to ensure all movement is compliant with larger processes within the organization.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Don’t overlook the little things. Sometimes the most minor-seeming components of the consolidation can cause the greatest difficulty. For example, don’t assume that the service desk phone number can simply roll over to a new location and support the call load of a combined service desk. Verify it.

    Identify and document risks and dependencies

    3.1.2 Risks, challenges, and dependencies exercise - Estimated Time: 60 minutes

    • CIO or IT Director
    • Project Manager
    • Service Desk Manager(s)
    • SMEs
    What You'll Need
    • Whiteboard and markers
    • List of initiatives identified in previous activities
    • Consolidation roadmap

    Use the outcome of this activity to complete your consolidation roadmap.

    • Document risks and challenges, as well as dependencies associated with the initiatives identified earlier, using a different color sticky note from your initiatives.
    • See example below.
    Combine Related Initiatives
    • Look for initiatives that are highly similar, dependent on each other, or occurring at the same time. Consolidate these initiatives into a single initiative with several sub-steps in order to better organize your roadmap and reduce redundancy.
    • Create hierarchies for dependent initiatives that could affect the scheduling of initiatives on a roadmap, and reorganize the whiteboard where necessary.
    • Use a scoring method to categorize risks. E.g.:
      • High: will stop or delay operations, radically increase cost, or significantly reduce consolidation benefits
      • Medium: would cause some delay, cost increase, or performance shortfall, but would not threaten project viability
      • Low: could impact the project to a limited extent, causing minor delays or cost increases
    • Develop contingency plans for high risks or adjust to avoid the problem entirely
    Implement new ISTM tool:
    • Need to transition from existing tools
    • Users must be trained
    • Data and open tickets must be migrated

    Plot your initiatives onto a detailed project roadmap

    3.1.3 Estimated Time: 45 minutes

    • CIO or IT Director
    • Project Manager
    • Service Desk Manager(s)

    Document your initiatives on tab 2 of the Service Desk Consolidation Roadmap or map it out on a whiteboard.

    Determine the sequence of initiatives, identify milestones, and assign dates.
    • The purpose of this exercise is to define a timeline and commit to initiatives to reach your goals.
    • Determine the order in which previously identified consolidation initiatives will be implemented, document previously identified risks and dependencies, assign ownership for each task, and assign dates for pilots and launch.

    Select transition date based on business cycles


    • CIO or IT Director
    • Project Manager
    • Service Desk Manager(s)
    What You'll Need
    • Consolidation roadmap

    Adjust initiatives in the consolidation roadmap if necessary.

    The transition date will be used in communications in the next step.

    1. Review the initiatives in the roadmap and the resulting sunshine diagram on tab 3.
    2. Verify that the initiatives will be possible within the determined time frame and adjust if necessary.
    3. Based on the results of the roadmap, select a target transition date for the consolidation by determining:
      1. Whether there are dates when a major effort of this kind should not be scheduled.
      2. Whether there are merger and acquisition requirements that dictate a specific date for the service desk merger.
    4. Select multiple measurable checkpoints to alert the team that something is awry and mitigate risks.
    5. Verify that stakeholders are aware of the risks and the proposed steps necessary to mitigate them, and assign the necessary resources to them.
    6. Document or adjust the target transition date in the roadmap.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Consolidating service desks doesn’t have to be done in one shot, replacing all your help desks, tools, and moving staff all at the same time. You can take a phased approach to consolidating, moving one location, department, or tool at a time to ease the transition.

    Step 3.2: Communicate the change

    Phase 3

    Design consolidation

    3.1 Build the project roadmap

    3.2 Communicate the change

    This step will walk you through the following activities:
    • 3.2.1 Build the communications delivery plan
    • 3.2.2 Brainstorm potential objections and questions and prepare responses
    This step involves the following participants:
    • IT Director
    • Project Manager
    • Service Desk Manager(s)
    • Service Desk Agents
    Step outcomes
    • A detailed communications plan with key messages, delivery timeline, and spokesperson responsibility for each key stakeholder audience
    • A set of agreed-upon responses to anticipated objections and questions to ensure consistent message delivery
    • A news bulletin and list of FAQs to distribute to end users to prepare them for the change

    Create your communication plan with everyone in mind, from the CIO to end users


    Industry: Higher Education

    Source: Oxford University, IT Services

    Oxford implemented extremely innovative initiatives as part of its robust communications plan.

    ITS ran a one-day ITSM “business simulation” for the CIO and direct reports, increasing executive buy-in.

    The business simulation was incredibly effective as a way of getting management buy-in – it really showed what we are driving at. It’s a way of making it real, bringing people on board. ” – John Ireland, Director of Customer Service

    Detailed use cases were envisioned referencing particular ITIL processes as the backbone of the process framework.

    The use cases were very helpful, they were used […] in getting a broad engagement from teams across our department and getting buy-in from the distributed IT staff who we work with across the wider University. ” – John Ireland, Director of Customer Service

    The Oxford ITS SDCP blog was accessible to everyone.

    • Oxford’s SDCP blog acted as a project touchstone not only to communicate updates quickly, but also to collect feedback, enable collaboration, and set a project tone.
    • An informal tone and accessible format facilitated the difficult cultural shifts required of the consolidation effort.

    We in the project team would love to hear your view on this project and service management in general, so please feel free to comment on this blog post, contact us using the project email address […] or, for further information visit the project SharePoint site […] ” – Oxford ITS SDCP blog post

    Plan for targeted and timely communications to all stakeholders

    Develop a plan to keep all affected stakeholders informed about the changes consolidation will bring, and more importantly, how they will affect them.

    All stakeholders must be kept informed of the project plan and status as the consolidation progresses.
    • Management requires frequent communication with the core project group to evaluate the success of the project in meeting its goals.
    • End users should be informed about changes that are happening and how these changes will affect them.

    A communications plan should address three elements:

    1. The audience and their communication needs
    2. The most effective means of communicating with this audience
    3. Who should deliver the message

    Goals of communication:

    1. Create awareness and understanding of the consolidation and what it means for each role, department, or user group
    2. Gain commitment to the change from all stakeholders
    3. Reduce and address any concerns about the consolidation and be transparent in responding to any questions
    4. Communicate potential risks and mitigation plan
    5. Set expectations for service levels throughout and after the consolidation

    Plan the method of delivery for your communications carefully

    Plan the message, test it with a small audience, then deliver to your employees and stakeholders in person to avoid message avoidance or confusion.

    Message Format

    Email and Newsletters

    Email and newsletters are convenient and can be transmitted to large audiences easily, but most users are inundated with email already and may not notice or read the message.

    • Use email to make large announcements or invite people to meetings but not as the sole medium of communication.

    Face-to-Face Communication

    Face-to-face communication helps to ensure that users are receiving and understanding a clear message, and allows them to voice their concerns and clarify any confusion or questions.

    • Use one-on-ones for key stakeholders and team meetings for groups.

    Internal Website/Drive

    Internal sites help sustain change by making knowledge available after the consolidation, but won’t be retained beforehand.

    • Use for storing policies, how-to-guides, and SOPs.
    Message Delivery
    1. Plan your message
      1. Emphasize what the audience really needs to know, that is, how the change will impact them.
    2. Test your message
      1. Run focus groups or test your communications with a small audience (2-3 people) first to get feedback and adjust messages before delivering them more broadly.
    3. Deliver and repeat your message
      1. “Tell them what you’re going to tell them, then tell them, then tell them what you told them.”
    4. Gather feedback and evaluate communications
      1. Evaluate the effectiveness of the communications (through surveys, focus groups, stakeholder interviews, or metrics) to ensure the message was delivered and received successfully and communication goals were met.

    Address the specific concerns of the business vs. employees

    Focus on alleviating concerns from both sides of the communication equation: the business units and employees.

    Business units:

    Be attentive to the concerns of business unit management about loss of power. Appease worries about the potential risk of reduced service quality and support responsiveness that may have been experienced in prior corporate consolidation efforts.

    Make the value of the consolidation clear, and involve business unit management in the organizational change process.

    Focus on producing a customer-focused consolidated service desk. It will assuage fears over the loss of control and influence. Business units may be relinquishing control of their service desk, but they should retain the same level of influence.


    Employees are often fearful of the impact of a consolidation on their jobs. These fears should be addressed and alleviated as soon as possible.

    Design a communication plan outlining the changes and the reasons motivating it.

    Put support programs in place for displaced and surviving employees.

    Motivate employees during the transition and increase employee involvement in the change.

    Educate and train employees who make the transition to the new structure and new job demands.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Know your audience. Be wary of using technical jargon or acronyms that may seem like common knowledge within your department but would not be part of the vocabulary of non-technical audiences. Ensure your communications are suitable for the audience. If you need to use jargon or acronyms, explain what you mean.

    Build the communications delivery plan

    3.2.1 Develop a plan to deliver targeted messages to key stakeholder groups

    • CIO or IT Director
    • Project Manager
    • Service Desk Manager(s)
    What You'll Need
    • Communications plan template
    • Whiteboard and markers

    Document your decisions in the communications plan template

    1. Define the goals of the communications in section 1 of the Service Desk Consolidation Communications and Training Plan Template.
    2. Determine when communication milestones/activities need to be delivered by completing the Communications Schedule in section 2.
    3. Determine the key stakeholder groups or audiences to whom you will need to deliver communications.
    4. Identify the content of the key messages that need to be delivered and select the most appropriate delivery method for each (i.e. email, team meeting, individual meetings). Designate who will be responsible for delivering the messages.
    5. Document a plan for gathering feedback and evaluating the effectiveness of the communications in section 5 (i.e. stakeholder interviews and surveys).

    Section 4 of the communications plan on objections and question handling will be completed in activity 3.2.2.

    Optional Activity

    If you completed the Stakeholder Engagement Workbook in step 1.1, you may also complete the Communications tab in that workbook to further develop your plan to engage stakeholders.

    Effectively manage the consolidation by implementing change management processes

    Implement change management processes to ensure that the consolidation runs smoothly with limited impact on IT infrastructure.

    Communicate and track changes: Identify and communicate changes to all stakeholders affected by the change to ensure they are aware of any downtime and can plan their own activities accordingly.

    Isolate testing: Test changes within a safe non-production environment to eliminate the risk of system outages that result from defects discovered during testing.

    Document back-out plans: Documented back-out/backup plans enable quick recovery in the event that the change fails.

    The image is a horizontal bar graph, titled Unplanned downtime due to change versus change management maturity. The graph shows that for a Change Management Maturity that is Informal, the % Experiencing Unplanned Downtime due to Failed Change is 41%; for Defined, it is 25%; and for Optimized, it is 19%.

    Organizations that have more mature and defined change management processes experience less unplanned downtime when implementing change across the organization.

    Sustain changes by adapting people, processes, and technologies to accept the transition

    Verify that people, process, and technologies are prepared for the consolidation before going live with the transition.


    1. Adapt people to the change

    • Add/change roles and responsibilities.
    • Move people to different roles/teams.
    • Change compensation and incentive structures to reinforce new goals, if applicable.

    2. Adapt processes to the change

    • Add/change supporting processes.
    • Eliminate or consolidate legacy processes.
    • Add/change standard operating procedures.

    3. Adapt technologies to the change

    • Add/change/update supporting technologies.
    • Eliminate or consolidate legacy technologies
    How? Work with HR on any changes involving job design, personnel changes, or compensation. Work with enterprise architects or business analysts to manage significant changes to processes that may impact the business and service levels.

    See Info-Tech’s Optimize the Change Management Processblueprint to use a disciplined change control process for technology changes.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Organizational change management (OCM) is widely recognized as a key component of project success, yet many organizations struggle to get adoption for new tools, policies, and procedures. Use Info-Tech’s blueprint on driving organizational change to develop a strategy and toolkit to achieve project success.

    Manage people by addressing their specific concerns based on their attitude toward change

    Avoid high turnover and resistance to change by engaging both the enthusiasts and the skeptics with targeted messaging.

    • Clearly articulate and strongly champion the changes that will result from the consolidation for those willing to adapt to the change.
    • Make change management practices integral to the entire project.
    • Provide training workshops on new processes, new goals or metrics, new technologies and tools, and teamwork as early as possible after consolidation.
    1. Enthusiasts - Empower them to stay motivated and promote the change
    2. Fence-Sitters/Indifferent - Continually motivate them by example but give them time to adapt to the change
    3. Skeptics - Engage them early and address their concerns and doubts to convert them to enthusiasts
    4. Saboteurs - Prevent them from spreading dissent and rumors, thus undermining the project, by counteracting negative claims early

    Leverage the Stakeholder Engagement Workbook from step 1.1 as well as Info-Tech’s blueprint on driving organizational change for more tactics on change management, particularly managing and engaging various personas.

    Prepare ahead of time for questions that various stakeholder groups may have

    Anticipate questions that will arise about the consolidation so you can prepare and distribute responses to frequently asked questions. Sample questions from various stakeholders are provided below.

    1. Why is the organization moving to a consolidated service desk?
    2. Where is the consolidated service desk going to be located?
    3. Are all or only some service desks consolidating?
    4. When is the consolidation happening?
    5. What are the anticipated benefits of consolidation?


    1. What is the budget for the project?
    2. What are the anticipated cost savings and return on investment?
    3. When will the proposed savings be realized?
    4. Will there be job losses from the consolidation and when will these occur?
    5. Will the organization subsidize moving costs?


    1. Will my job function be changing?
    2. Will my job location be changing?
    3. What will happen if I can’t relocate?
    4. Will my pay and benefits be the same?
    5. Will reporting relationships change?
    6. Will performance expectations and metrics change?

    End Users

    1. How do I get help with IT issues?
    2. How do I submit a ticket?
    3. How will I be notified of ticket status, outages?
    4. Where will the physical service desk be located?
    5. Will I be able to get help in my language?
    6. Will there be changes for levels of service?

    Brainstorm likely objections/questions to prepare responses

    3.2.2 Prepare responses to likely questions to ensure consistent messaging

    • IT Director
    • Project Manager
    • Service Desk Manager(s)
    • Service Desk Agents

    Document your questions and responses in section 4 of the communications plan template. This should be continually updated.

    1. Brainstorm anticipated objections and questions you may hear from various stakeholder groups: service desk employees, end users, and management or executives.
    2. For each objection or question, prepare a response that will be delivered to ensure consistent messaging. Use a table like the example below.
    Group Objection/Question Response
    Service desk staff I’m comfortable with the service desk tool we’ve been using here and won’t know how to use the new one. We carefully evaluated the new solution against our requirements and selected it as the one that will provide the best service to our users and be user friendly. We tested the solution through user-acceptance testing to ensure staff will be comfortable using it, and we will provide comprehensive training to all users of the tool before launching it.
    End user I’m used to going to my favorite technician for help. How will I get service now? We are initiating a single point of contact so that you will know exactly where to go to get help quickly and easily, so that we can more quickly escalate your issue to the appropriate technician, and so that we can resolve it and notify you as soon as possible. This will make our service more effective and efficient than you having to find one individual who may be tied up with other work or unavailable.

    Keep the following in mind when formulating your responses:

    • Lead with the benefits
    • Be transparent and honest
    • Avoid acronyms, jargon, and technical terms
    • Appeal to both emotion and reason
    • Be concise and straightforward
    • Don’t be afraid to be repetitive; people need repetition to remember the message
    • Use concrete facts and images wherever possible

    Complete the Service Desk Consolidation News Bulletin & FAQ Template to distribute to your end users

    Customize the template or use as a guide to develop your own

    The Service Desk Consolidation News Bulletin & FAQ Template is intended to be an example that you can follow or modify for your own organization. It provides a summary of how the consolidation project will change how end users interact with the service desk.

    1. What the change means to end users
    2. When they should contact the service desk (examples)
    3. How to contact the service desk (include all means of contact and ticket submission)
    4. Answers to questions they may have
    5. Links to more information

    The bulletin is targeted for mass distribution to end users. A similar letter may be developed for service desk staff, though face-to-face communication is recommended.


    1. Use the template as a guide to develop your own FAQ news bulletin and adjust any sections or wording as you see fit.
    2. You may wish to develop separate letters for each location, referring more specifically to their location and where the new service desk will be located.
    3. Save the file as a PDF for print or email distribution at the time determined in your communications plan.

    Keeping people a priority throughout the project ensured success


    Industry: Higher Education

    Source: Oxford University, IT Services

    Oxford’s new consolidated service desk went live April 20, 2015.

    They moved from 3 distinct tools and 5 disparate help desks to a single service desk with one robust ITSM solution, all grounded by a unified set of processes and an integrated workflow.

    The success of this project hinged upon:

    • A bold vision, formulated early and in collaboration with all stakeholders.
    • Willingness to take time to understand the unique perspective of each role and help desk, then carefully studying existing processes and workflows to build upon what works.
    • Constant collaboration, communication, and the desire to listen to feedback from all interested parties.

    "We have had a few teething issues to deal with, but overall this has been a very smooth transition given the scale of it." – ICTF Trinity Term 2015 IT Services Report

    Beyond the initial consolidation.
    • Over the summer of 2015, ITS moved to full 24/7 support coverage.
    • Oxford’s ongoing proposition with regard to support services is to extend the new consolidated service desk beyond its current IT role:
      • Academic Admissions
      • Case Management
      • IT Purchasing
    • To gradually integrate those IT departments/colleges/faculties that remain independent at the present time.
    • Info-Tech can facilitate these goals in your organization with our research blueprint, Extend the Service Desk to Enterprise.

    If you want additional support, have our analysts guide you through this phase as part of an Info-Tech workshop

    Book a workshop with our Info-Tech analysts:

    • To accelerate this project, engage your IT team in an Info-Tech workshop with an Info-Tech analyst team.
    • Info-Tech analysts will join you and your team onsite at your location or welcome you to Info-Tech’s historic Toronto office to participate in an innovative onsite workshop.
    • Contact your account manager (, or email for more information.

    The following are sample activities that will be conducted by Info-Tech analysts with your team:

    3.1.1 Break the consolidation project down into a series of specific initiatives

    Create a list of specific tasks that will form the consolidation project on sticky notes and organize into people, process, technology, and other categories to inform the roadmap.

    3.2.2 Brainstorm likely objections/questions to prepare responses

    Brainstorm anticipated questions and objections that will arise from various stakeholder groups and prepare consistent responses to each.

    Related Info-Tech research

    Standardize the Service Desk - Provide timely and effective responses to user requests and resolutions of all incidents.

    Extend the Service Desk to the Enterprise - Position IT as an innovator.

    Build a Continual Improvement Plan for the Service Desk - Teach your old service desk new tricks.

    Adopt Lean IT to Streamline the Service Desk - Turn your service desk into a Lean, keen, value-creating machine.

    Vendor Landscape: Enterprise Service Desk Software - Move past tickets to proactive, integrated service.

    Vendor Landscape: Mid-Market Service Desk Software - Ensure the productivity of the help desk with the right platform.

    Build an ITSM Tool Implementation Plan - Nail your ITSM tool implementation from the outset.

    Drive Organizational Change from the PMO - Don’t let bad change happen to good projects.

    Research contributors and experts

    Stacey Keener - IT Manager for the Human Health and Performance Directorate, Johnson Space Center, NASA

    Umar Reed - Director of IT Support Services US Denton US LLP

    Maurice Pryce - IT Manager City of Roswell, Georgia

    Ian Goodhart - Senior Business Analyst Allegis Group

    Gerry Veugelaers - Service Delivery Manager New Zealand Defence Force

    Alisa Salley Rogers - Senior Service Desk Analyst HCA IT&S Central/West Texas Division

    Eddie Vidal - IS Service Desk Managers University of Miami

    John Conklin - Chief Information Officer Helen of Troy LP

    Russ Coles - Senior Manager, Computer Applications York Region District Schoolboard

    John Seddon - Principal Vanguard Consulting

    Ryan van Biljon - Director, Technical Services Samanage

    Rear Admiral Robert E. Day Jr. (ret.) - Chief Information Officer United States Coast Guard

    George Bartha - Manager of Information Technology Unifrax

    Peter Hubbard - IT Service Management Consultant Pink Elephant

    Andre Gaudreau - Manager of School Technology Operations York Region District School Board

    Craig Nekola - Manager, Information Technology Anoka County

    Bibliography and Further Reading

    Hoen, Jim. “The Single Point of Contact: Driving Support Process Improvements with a Consolidated IT Help-Desk Approach.” TechTeam Global Inc. September 2005.

    Hubbard, Peter. “Leading University embarks on IT transformation programme to deliver improved levels of service excellence.” Pink Elephant.

    IBM Global Services. “Service Desk: Consolidation, Relocation, Status Quo.” IBM. June 2005.

    Keener, Stacey. “Help Desks: a Problem of Astronomical Proportions.” Government CIO Magazine. 1 February 2015.

    McKaughan, Jeff. “Efficiency Driver.” U.S. Coast Guard Forum Jul. 2013. Web.

    Numara Footprints. “The Top 10 Reasons for Implementing a Consolidated Service Desk.” Numara Software.

    Roy, Gerry, and Frederieke Winkler Prins. “How to Improve Service Quality through Service Desk Consolidation.” BMC Software.

    Smith, Andrew. “The Consolidated Service Desk – An Achievable Goal?” The Service Desk Institute.

    Wolfe, Brandon. “Is it Time for IT Service Desk Consolidation?” Samanage. 4 August 2015.

    What is resilience?

    Aside from the fact that operational resilience is mandated by law as of January 2025 (yes, next year), having your systems and applications available to your customers whenever they need your services is always a good idea. Customers, both existing and new ones, typically prefer smooth operations over new functionality. If you have any roadblocks in your current customer journey, then solving those is also part of operational resilience (and excellence).

    Does this mean you should not market new products or services? Of course not! Solving a customer journey roadblock is ensuring that your company is resilient. The Happy Meal is a prime example: it solved a product roadblock for small children and a profits roadblock for the company. For more info, just google it. But before you bring a new service online, be sure that it can withstand the punches that will be thrown at it. 

    What is resilience? 

    Resilience is the art of making sure your services are available to your customers whenever they can use them. Note I did not say 24/7/365. Your business may require that, but perhaps your systems need "only" to be available during "normal" business hours.

    Resilient systems can withstand adverse events that impair their ability to perform normal functions, and, like in the case the Happy Meals, increased peak demands. Events can include simple breakdowns (like a storage device, an internet connection that fails, or a file that fails to load) or something worse, like a cyber attack or a larger failure in your data center.

    Your client does not care what the cause is; what counts for the client is, "Can I access your service? (or buy that meal for my kid.)"

    Resilience entails several aspects:

    • availability
    • performance
    • right-sizing
    • hardening
    • restore-ability
    • testing
    • monitoring
    • management and governance

    It is now tempting to apply these aspects only to your organization's IT or technical parts. That is insufficient. Your operations, management, and even e.g. sales must ensure that services rendered result in happy clients and happy shareholders/owners. The reason is that resilient operations are a symphony. Not one single department or set of actions will achieve this. When you have product development working with the technical teams to develop a resilient flow at the right level for its earning potential, then you maximize profits.

    This synergy ensures that you invest exactly the right level of resources. There are no exaggerated technical or operational elements for ancillary services. That frees resources to ensure your main services receive the full attention they deserve.

    Resilience, in other words, is the result of a mindset and a way of operating that helps your business remain at the top of its game and provides a top service to clients while keeping the bottom line in the black. 

    Why do we need to spend on this?

    I mean, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. That old adage is true, and yet not. Services can remain up and running for a long time with single points of failure. But can you afford to have them break at any time? If yes, and your customers don't mind waiting for you to patch things up, then you can "risk-accept" that situation. But how realistic is that these days? If I cannot buy it at your shop today, I'll more than likely get it from another. If I'm in a contract with you, yet you cannot deliver, we will have a conversation, or at the very least, a moment of disappointment. If you have enough "disappointments," you will lose the customer. Lose enough customers, and you will have a reputational problem or worse.

    We don't like to spend resources on something that "may"go wrong. We do risk assessments to determine the true cost of non-delivery and the likelihood of that happening. And there are different ways to deal with that assessment's outcome. Not everything needs to have double the number of people working on it, just in case one resignes. Not every system needs an availability of 99,999%.

    But sometimes, we do not have a choice. When lives are at stake, like in medical or aviation services, being sorry is not a good starting point. The same goes for financial services. the DORA and NIS2 legislation in the EU, the CEA, FISMA, and GLBA in the US, and ESPA in Japan, to name a few, are legislations that require your company, if active in the relevant regulated sectors, to comply and ensure that your services continue to perform.

    Most of these elements have one thing in common: we need to know what is important for our service delivery and what is not.

    Business service

    That brings us to the core subject of what needs to be resilient. The answer is very short and very complex at the same time. It is the service that you offer to your customers which must meet reliance levels.

    Take the example of a hospital. When there is a power outage, the most critical systems must continue operating for a given period. That also means that sufficient capable staff must be present to operate said equipment; it even means that the paths leading to said hospital should remain available; if not by road, then, e.g., by helicopter. If these inroads are unavailable, an alternate hospital should be able to take on the workload. 

    Not everything here in this example is the responsibility of the hospital administrators! This is why the management and governance parts of the resilience ecosystem are so important in the bigger picture. 

    If we look at the financial sector, the EU DORA (Digital Operational Resilience Act) specifically states that you must start with your business services. Like many others, the financial sector can no longer function without its digital landscape. If a bank is unexpectedly disconnected from its payment network, especially SWIFT, it will not be long before there are existential issues. A trading department stands to lose millions if the trading system fails. 

    Look in your own environment; you will see many such points. What if your internet connection goes down, and you rely on it for most of your business? How long can you afford to be out? How long before your clients notice and take action? Do you supply a small but critical service to an institution? Then, you may fall under the aforementioned laws (it's called third-party requirements, and your client may be liable to follow them.)

    But also, outside of the technology, we see points in the supply chain that require resilience. Do you still rely on a single person or provider for a critical function? Do you have backup procedures if the tech stops working, yet your clients require you to continue to service them? 

    In all these and other cases, you must know what your critical services are so that you can analyze the requirements and put the right measures in place.

    Once you have defined your critical business services and have analyzed their operational requirements, you can start to look at what you need to implement the aforementioned areas of availability, monitoring, hardening, and others. Remember we're still at the level of business service. The tech comes later and will require a deeper analysis. 

    In conclusion.

    Resilient operations ensure that you continue to function, at the right price, in the face of adverse events. If you can, resilience starts at the business level from the moment of product conception. If the products have long been developed, look at how they are delivered to the client and upgrade operations, resources, and tech where needed.

    In some cases, you are legally required to undertake this exercise. But in all cases, it is important that you understand your business services and the needs of your clients and put sufficient resources in the right places of your delivery chain. 

    If you want to discuss this further, please contact me for a free talk.


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    • Customer relationship management (CRM) suites are an indispensable part of a holistic strategy for managing end-to-end customer interactions.
    • After defining an approach to CRM, selection and implementation of the right CRM suite is a critical step in delivering concrete business value for marketing, sales, and customer service.
    • Despite the importance of CRM selection and implementation, many organizations struggle to define an approach to picking the right vendor and rolling out the solution in an effective and cost-efficient manner.
    • IT often finds itself in the unenviable position of taking the fall for CRM platforms that don't deliver on the promise of the CRM strategy.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • IT needs to be a trusted partner in CRM selection and implementation, but the business also needs to own the requirements and be involved from the beginning.
    • CRM requirements dictate the components of the target CRM architecture, such as deployment model, feature focus, and customization level. Savvy application directors recognize the points in the project where the CRM architecture model necessitates deviations from a "canned" roll-out plan.
    • CRM selection is a multi-step process that involves mapping target capabilities for marketing, sales, and customer service, assigning requirements across functional categories, determining the architecture model to prioritize criteria, and developing a comprehensive RFP that can be scored in a weighted fashion.
    • Companies that succeed with CRM implementation create a detailed roadmap that outlines milestones for configuration, security, points of implementation, data migration, training, and ongoing application maintenance.

    Impact and Result

    • A CRM platform that effectively meets the needs of marketing, sales, and customer service and delivers value.
    • Reduced costs during CRM selection.
    • Reduced implementation costs and time frame.
    • Faster time to results after implementation.

    Customer Relationship Management Platform Selection Guide Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Customer Relationship Management Platform Selection Guide – Speed up the process to build your business case and select your CRM solution.

    This blueprint will help you build a business case for selecting the right CRM platform, defining key requirements, and conducting a thorough analysis and scan of the ever-evolving CRM market space.

    • Customer Relationship Management Platform Selection Guide — Phases 1-3

    2. CRM Business Case Template – Document the key drivers for selecting a new CRM platform.

    Having a sound business case is essential for succeeding with a CRM. This template will allow you to document key drivers and impact, in line with the CRM Platform Selection Guide blueprint.

    • CRM Business Case Template

    3. CRM Request for Proposal Template

    Create your own request for proposal (RFP) for your customer relationship management (CRM) solution procurement process by customizing the RFP template created by Info-Tech.

    • CRM Request for Proposal Template

    4. CRM Suite Evaluation and RFP Scoring Tool

    The CRM market has many strong contenders and differentiation may be difficult. Instead of relying solely on reputation, organizations can use this RFP tool to record and objectively compare vendors according to their specific requirements.

    • CRM Suite Evaluation and RFP Scoring Tool

    5. CRM Vendor Demo Script

    Use this template to support your business's evaluation of vendors and their solutions. Provide vendors with scenarios that prompt them to display not only their solution's capabilities, but also how the tool will support your organization's particular needs.

    • CRM Vendor Demo Script

    6. CRM Use Case Fit Assessment Tool

    Use this tool to help build a CRM strategy for the organization based on the specific use case that matches your organizational needs.

    • CRM Use-Case Fit Assessment Tool

    Further reading

    Customer Relationship Management Platform Selection Guide

    Speed up the process to build your business case and select your CRM solution.

    Table of Contents

    1. Analyst Perspective
    2. Executive Summary
    3. Blueprint Overview
    4. Executive Brief
    5. Phase 1: Understand CRM Functionality
    6. Phase 2: Build the Business Case and Elicit CRM requirements
    7. Phase 3: Discover the CRM Marketspace and Prepare for Implementation
    8. Conclusion

    Analyst Perspective

    A strong CRM platform is paramount to succeeding with customer engagement.

    Modern CRM platforms are the workhorses that provide functional capabilities and data curation for customer experience management. The market for CRM platforms has seen an explosion of growth over the last five years, as organizations look to mature their ability to deliver strong capabilities across marketing, sales, and customer service.

    IT needs to be a trusted partner in CRM selection and implementation, but the business also needs to own the requirements and be involved from the get-go.

    CRM selection must be a multistep process that involves defining target capabilities for marketing, sales, and customer service, prioritizing requirements across functional categories, determining the architecture model for the CRM environment, and developing a comprehensive RFP that can be scored in a weighted fashion.

    To succeed with CRM implementation, create a detailed roadmap that outlines milestones for configuration, security, points of implementation, data migration, training, and ongoing application maintenance.

    Photo of Ben Dickie, Research Lead, Customer Experience Strategy, Info-Tech Research Group. Ben Dickie
    Research Lead, Customer Experience Strategy
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    Customer Relationship Management (CRM) suites are an indispensable part of a holistic strategy for managing end-to-end customer interactions. Selecting the right platform that aligns with your requirements is a significant undertaking.

    After defining an approach to CRM, selection and implementation of the right CRM suite is a critical step in delivering concrete business value for marketing, sales, and customer service.
    Common Obstacles

    Despite the importance of CRM selection and implementation, many organizations struggle to define an approach to picking the right vendor and rolling out the solution in an effective and cost-efficient manner.

    The CRM market is rapidly evolving and changing, making it tricky to stay on top of the space.

    IT often finds itself in the unenviable position of taking the fall for CRM platforms that don’t deliver on the promise of the CRM strategy.
    Info-Tech’s Approach

    CRM platform selection must be driven by your overall customer experience management strategy: link your CRM selection to your organization’s CXM framework.

    Determine if you need a CRM platform that skews toward marketing, sales, or customer service; leverage use cases to help guide selection.

    Ensure strong points of integration between CRM and other software such as MMS. A CRM should not live in isolation; it must provide a 360-degree view.

    Info-Tech Insight

    IT must work in lockstep with its counterparts in marketing, sales, and customer service to define a unified vision for the CRM platform.

    Info-Tech’s methodology for selecting the right CRM platform

    1. Understand CRM Features 2. Build the Business Case & Elicit CRM Requirements 3. Discover the CRM Market Space & Prepare for Implementation
    Phase Steps
    1. Define CRM platforms
    2. Classify table stakes & differentiating capabilities
    3. Explore CRM trends
    1. Build the business case
    2. Streamline requirements elicitation for CRM
    3. Construct the RFP
    1. Discover key players in the CRM landscape
    2. Engage the shortlist & select finalist
    3. Prepare for implementation
    Phase Outcomes
    • Consensus on scope of CRM and key CRM capabilities
    • CRM selection business case
    • Top-level use cases and requirements
    • Completed CRM RFP
    • CRM market analysis
    • Shortlisted vendor
    • Implementation considerations

    Guided Implementation

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    The CRM purchase process should be broken into segments:

    1. CRM vendor shortlisting with this buyer’s guide
    2. Structured approach to selection
    3. Contract review

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    Phase 3

    Call #1: Understand what a CRM platform is and the “art of the possible” for sales, marketing, and customer service. Call #2: Build the business case to select a CRM.

    Call #3: Define your key CRM requirements.

    Call #4: Build procurement items such as an RFP.
    Call #5: Evaluate the CRM solution landscape and shortlist viable options.

    Call #6: Review implementation considerations.

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    Guided Implementation



    "Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful." "Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track." "We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place." "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project."

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options


    Customer Relationship Management Platform Selection Guide

    Speed up the process to build your business case and select your CRM solution.


    Info-Tech Research Group Inc. is a global leader in providing IT research and advice. Info-Tech’s products and services combine actionable insight and relevant advice with ready-to-use tools and templates that cover the full spectrum of IT concerns.
    © 1997-2022 Info-Tech Research Group Inc.

    What exactly is a CRM platform?

    Our Definition: A customer relationship management (CRM) platform (or suite) is a core enterprise application that provides a broad feature set for supporting customer interaction processes, typically across marketing, sales and customer service. These suites supplant more basic applications for customer interaction management (such as the contact management module of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) platform or office productivity suite).

    A customer relationship management suite provides many key capabilities, including but not limited to:

    • Account management
    • Order history tracking
    • Pipeline management
    • Case management
    • Campaign management
    • Reports and analytics
    • Customer journey execution

    A CRM suite provides a host of native capabilities, but many organizations elect to tightly integrate their CRM solution with other parts of their customer experience ecosystem to provide a 360-degree view of their customers.

    Stock image of a finger touching a screen showing a stock chart.

    Info-Tech Insight

    CRM feature sets are rapidly evolving. Focus on the social component of sales, marketing, and service management features, as well as collaboration, to get the best fit for your requirements. Moreover, consider investing in best-of-breed social media management platforms (SMMPs) and internal collaboration tools to ensure sufficient functionality.

    Build a cohesive CRM selection approach that aligns business goals with CRM capabilities.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Customers expect to interact with organizations through the channels of their choice. Now more than ever, you must enable your organization to provide tailored customer experiences.

    Customer expectations are on the rise: meet them!

    A CRM platform is a crucial system for enabling good customer experiences.


    1. Thoughtfulness is in
        Connect with customers on a personal level
    2. Service over products
        The experience is more important than the product
    3. Culture is now number one
        Culture is the most overlooked piece of customer experience strategy
    4. Engineering and service finally join forces
        Companies are combining their technology and service efforts to create strong feedback loops
    5. The B2B world is inefficiently served
        B2B needs to step up with more tools and a greater emphasis placed on customer experience

    (Source: Forbes, 2019)

    Identifying organizational objectives of high priority will assist in breaking down business needs and CRM objectives. This exercise will better align the CRM systems with the overall corporate strategy and achieve buy-in from key stakeholders.

    A strong CRM platform supports a range of organizational objectives for customer engagement.

    Increase Revenue Enable lead scoring Deploy sales collateral management tools Improve average cost per lead via a marketing automation tool
    Enhance Market Share Enhance targeting effectiveness with a CRM Increase social media presence via an SMMP Architect customer intelligence analysis
    Improve Customer Satisfaction Reduce time-to-resolution via better routing Increase accessibility to customer service with live chat Improve first contact resolution with customer KB
    Increase Customer Retention Use a loyalty management application Improve channel options for existing customers Use customer analytics to drive targeted offers
    Create Customer-Centric Culture Ensure strong training and user adoption programs Use CRM to provide 360-degree view of all customer interactions Incorporate the voice of the customer into product development

    Succeeding with CRM selection and implementation has a positive effect on driving revenues and decreasing costs

    There are three buckets of metrics and KPIs where CRM will drive improvements

    The metrics of a smooth CRM selection and implementation process include:

    • Better alignment of CRM functionality to business needs.
    • Better functionality coverage of the selected platform.
    • Decreased licensing costs via better vendor negotiation.
    • Improved end-user satisfaction with the deployed solution.
    • Fewer errors and rework during implementation.
    • Reduced total implementation costs.
    • Reduced total implementation time.

    A successful CRM deployment drives revenue

    • Increased customer acquisition due to enhanced accuracy of segmentation and targeting, superior lead qualification, and pipeline management.
    • Increased customer satisfaction and retention due to targeted campaigns (e.g. customer-specific deals), quicker service incident resolution, and longitudinal relationship management.
    • Increased revenue per customer due to comprehensive lifecycle management tools, social engagement, and targeted upselling of related products and services (enabled by better reporting/analytics).

    A successful CRM deployment decreases cost

    • Deduplication of effort across business domains as marketing, sales, and service now have a common repository of customer information and interaction tools.
    • Increased sales and service agent efficiency due to their focus on selling and resolution, rather than administrative tasks and overhead.
    • Reduced cost-to-sell and cost-to-serve due to automation of activities that were manually intensive.
    • Reduced cost of accurate data due to embedded reporting and analytics functionality.

    CRM platforms sit at the core of a well-rounded customer engagement ecosystem

    At the center is 'Customer Relationship Management Platform' surrounded by 'Web Experience Management Platform', 'E-Commerce & Point-of-Sale Solutions', 'Social Media Management Platform', 'Customer Intelligence Platform', 'Customer Service Management Tools', and 'Marketing Management Suite'.

    Customer Experience Management (CXM) Portfolio

    Customer relationship management platforms are increasingly expansive in functional scope and foundational to an organization’s customer engagement strategy. Indeed, CRMs form the centerpiece for a comprehensive CXM system, alongside tools such as customer intelligence platforms and adjacent point solutions for sales, marketing, and customer service.

    Review Info-Tech’s CXM blueprint below to build a complete, end-to-end customer interaction solution portfolio that encompasses CRM alongside other critical components. The CXM blueprint also allows you to develop strategic requirements for CRM based on customer personas and external market analysis.

    Build a Strong Technology Foundation for Customer Experience Management

    Sample of the 'Build a Strong Technology Foundation for Customer Experience Management' blueprint. Design an end-to-end technology strategy to drive sales revenue, enhance marketing effectiveness, and create compelling experiences for your customers.

    View the blueprint

    Considering a CRM switch? Switching software vendors drives high satisfaction

    Eighty percent of organizations are more satisfied after changing their software vendor.

    • Most organizations see not only a positive change in satisfaction with their new vendor, but also a substantial change in satisfaction.
    • What matters is making sure your organization is well-positioned to make a switch.
    • When it comes to switching software vendors, the grass really can be greener on the other side.

    Over half of organizations are 60%+ more satisfied after changing their vendor.

    (Source: Info-Tech Research Group, "Switching Software Vendors Overwhelmingly Drives Increased Satisfaction", 2020.)

    IT is critical to the success of your CRM selection and rollout

    Today’s shared digital landscape of the CIO and CMO

    Info-Tech Insight

    Technology is the key enabler of building strong customer experiences: IT must stand shoulder to shoulder with the business to develop a technology framework for customer relationship management.


    IT Operations

    Service Delivery and Management

    IT Support

    IT Systems and Application

    IT Strategy and Governance

    Collaboration and Partnership

    Digital Strategy = Transformation
    Business Goals | Innovation | Leadership | Rationalization

    Customer Experience
    Architecture | Design | Omnichannel Delivery | Management

    Insight (Market Facing)
    Analytics | Business Intelligence | Machine Learning | AI

    Marketing Integration + Operating Model
    Apps | Channels | Experiences | Data | Command Center

    Master Data
    Customer | Audience | Industry | Digital Marketing Assets

    PEO Media

    Brand Management

    Campaign Management

    Marketing Tech

    Marketing Ops

    Privacy, Trust, and Regulatory Requirements

    (Source: ZDNet, 2020)

    CRM by the numbers


    Statistical analysis of CRM projects indicates failures vary from 18% to 69%. Taking an average of those analyst reports, about one-third of CRM projects are considered a failure. (Source: CIO Magazine, 2017)


    92% of organizations report that CRM use is important for accomplishing revenue objectives. (Source: Hall, 2020)


    In 2019, 40% of executives name customer experience the top priority for their digital transformation. (Source: CRM Magazine, 2019)

    Case Study

    Align strategy and technology to meet consumer demand.
    Forbes, 2017

    Beginning as a mail-out service, Netflix offered subscribers a catalog of videos to select from and have mailed to them directly. Customers no longer had to go to a retail store to rent a video. However, the lack of immediacy of direct mail as the distribution channel resulted in slow adoption.

    Blockbuster was the industry leader in video retail but was lagging in its response to industry, consumer, and technology trends around customer experience.


    In response to the increasing presence of tech-savvy consumers on the internet, Netflix invested in developing its online platform as its primary distribution channel. The benefit of doing so was two-fold: passive brand advertising (by being present on the internet) and meeting customer demands for immediacy and convenience. Netflix also recognized the rising demand for personalized service and created an unprecedented, tailored customer experience.


    Netflix’s disruptive innovation is built on the foundation of great customer experience management. Netflix is now a $28-billion company, which is tenfold what Blockbuster was worth.

    Netflix used disruptive technologies to innovatively build a customer experience that put it ahead of the long-time video rental industry leader, Blockbuster.

    CRM Buyer’s Guide

    Phase 1

    Understand CRM Features

    Phase 1

    1.1 Define CRM platforms

    1.2 Classify table stakes & differentiating capabilities

    1.3 Explore CRM trends

    Phase 2

    2.1 Build the business case

    2.2 Streamline requirements elicitation for CRM

    2.3 Construct the RFP

    Phase 3

    3.1 Discover key players in the CRM landscape

    3.2 Engage the shortlist & select finalist

    3.3 Prepare for implementation

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Set a level of understanding of CRM technology.
    • Define which CRM features are table stakes (standard) and which are differentiating.
    • Identify the “Art of the Possible” in a modern CRM from a sales, marketing, and service lens.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • CIO
    • Applications manager
    • Project manager
    • Sales executive
    • Marketing executive
    • Customer service executive

    Understand CRM table stakes features

    Organizations can expect nearly all CRM vendors to provide the following functionality.

    Lead Management Pipeline Management Contact Management Campaign Management Customer Service Management
    • Tracks and captures a lead’s information, automatically building a profile. Leads are then qualified through contact scoring models. Assigning leads to sales is typically automated.
    • Enables oversight over future sales. Includes revenue forecasting based on past/present trends, tracking sales velocity, and identifying ineffective sales processes.
    • Tracks and stores customer data, including demography, account and billing history, social media, and contact information. Typically, records and fields can be customized.
    • Provides integrated omnichannel campaign functionality and data analysis of customer intelligence. Data insights can be used to drive new and effective marketing campaigns.
    • Provides integrated omnichannel customer experiences to provide convenient service. Includes case and ticket management, automated escalation rules, and third-party integrations.

    Identify differentiating CRM features

    While not always “must-have” functionality, these features may be the final dealbreaker when deciding between two CRM vendors.

    Image of clustered screens with various network and business icons surounding them.
    • Workflow Automation
      Automate repetitive tasks by creating workflows that trigger actions or send follow-up reminders for next steps.
    • Advanced Analytics and Reporting
      Provides customized dashboard visualizations, detailed reporting, AI-driven virtual assistants, data extraction & analysis, and ML forecasting.
    • Customizations and Open APIs
      Broad range of available customizations (e.g. for dashboards and fields), alongside ease of integration (e.g. via plugins or APIs).
    • Document Management
      Out-of-the-box centralized content repository for storing, uploading, and sharing documents.
    • Mobile Support
      Ability to support mobile devices, OSes, and platforms with a native application or HTML-based web-access.
    • Project and Task Management
      Native project and task management functionality, enhancing cross-team organization and communication.
    • Configure, Price, Quote (CPQ)
      Create and send quotes or proposals to prospective and current customers.

    Features aren’t everything – be wary of common CRM selection pitfalls

    You can have all the right features, but systemic problems will lead to poor CRM implementation. Dig out these root causes first to ensure a successful CRM selection.

    50% of organizations believe the quality of their CRM data is “very poor” or “neutral.”

    Without addressing data governance issues, CRMs will only be as good as your data.

    Source: (Validity 2020)
    27% of organizations report that bad data costs them 10% or more in lost revenue annually.
    42% rate the trust that users have in their data as “high” or “very high.”
    54% believe that sales forecasts are accurate or very accurate.
    69% attribute poor CRM governance to missing or incomplete data, followed by duplicate data, incorrect data, and expired data. Other data issues include siloed data or disparate systems.
    73% believe that they do not have a 360-degree view of their customers.

    Ensure you understand the “art of the possible” in the CRM landscape

    Knowing what is possible will help funnel which features are most suitable for your organization – having all the bells and whistles does not always equal strong ROI.

    Holistically examine the potential of any CRM solution through three main lenses: Stock image of a person working with dashboards.


    Identify sales opportunities through recording customers’ interactions, generating leads, nurturing contacts, and forecasting revenues.
    Stock image of people experiencing digital ideas.


    Analyze customer interactions to identify upsell and cross-sell opportunities, drive customer loyalty, and use customer data for targeted campaigns.
    Stock image of a customer service representative.

    Customer Service

    Improve and optimize customer engagement and retention, leveraging customer data to provide round-the-clock omnichannel experiences.

    Art of the possible: Sales

    Stock image of a person working with dashboards.


    Want to engage with a prospect but don’t know what to lead with? CRM solutions can track and analyze many of the interactions a prospect has with your organization, including with fellow staff, their clickthrough rate on marketing material, and what services they are downloading on your website. This information can then auto-generate tasks to begin lead generation.


    Information captured from a prospect is generated into contact cards; missing data (such as name and company) can be auto-captured by the CRM via crawling sites such as LinkedIn. The CRM then centralizes and scores (according to inputted business rules) a lead’s potential, ensuring sales teams coordinate and keep a track of the lead’s journey without wrongful interference.


    Generate accurate forecasting reports using AI-driven “virtual assistants” within the CRM platform. These assistants are personal data scientists, quickly noting discrepancies, opportunities, and what-if scenarios – tasks that might take weeks to do manually. This pulled data is then auto-forecasted, with the ability to flexibly adjust to real-time data.

    Art of the possible: Marketing

    Stock image of people experiencing digital ideas.


    Data captured and analyzed in the CRM from customer interactions builds profiles and a deeper understanding of customers’ interests. With this data, marketing teams can deliver personalized promotions and customer service to enhance loyalty – from sending a discount on a product the customer was browsing on the website, to providing notifications about delivery statuses.


    Building customer profiles, learning spending habits, and charting a customer’s journey for upselling or cross-selling can be automated through workflows, saving hours of manual work. These workflows can immediately respond to customer enquiries or deliver offers to the customer’s preferred channel based on their prior usage.


    Information attained through a CRM platform directly informs any marketing strategy: identifying customer segments, spending habits, building a better product based on customer feedback, and identifying high-spending customers. With any new product or offering, it is straightforward for marketing teams to understand where to target their next campaign for highest impact.

    Art of the possible: Customer service

    Stock image of a customer service representative.


    Rapidly changing demographics and modes of communications require an evolution toward omnichannel engagement. Many customers now expect to communicate with contact centers not just by voice, but via social media. Agents need customer information synced across each channel they use, meeting the customer’s needs where they are.


    Customers want their issues resolved as quickly as possible. Machine-learning self-service options deliver personalized customer experiences, which also reduce both agent call volume and support costs for the organization.


    The future of customer service is tied up with analytics. This not only entails AI-driven capabilities that fetch the agent relevant information, skills-based routing, and using biometric data (e.g. speech) for security. It also feeds operations leaders’ need for easy access to real insights about how their customers and agents are doing.

    Best-of-Breed Point Solutions

    Full CRM Suite

    Blue smiley face. Benefits
    • Features may be more advanced for specific functional areas and a higher degree of customization may be possible.
    • If a potential delay in real-time customer data transfer is acceptable, best-of-breeds provide a similar level of functionality to suites for a lower price.
    • Best-of-breeds allow value to be realized faster than suites, as they are easier and faster to implement and configure.
    • Rip and replace is easier, and vendor updates are relatively quick to market.
    • Everyone in the organization works from the same set of customer data.
    • There is a “lowest common denominator” for agent learning as consistent user interfaces lower learning curves and increase efficiency in usage.
    • There is a broader range of functionality using modules.
    • Integration between functional areas will be strong and the organization will be in a better position to enable version upgrades without risking invalidation of an integration point between separate systems.
    Green smiley face.
    Purple frowny face. Challenges
    • Best-of-breeds typically cover less breadth of functionality than suites.
    • There is a lack of uniformity in user experience across best-of-breeds.
    • Data integrity risks are higher.
    • Variable infrastructure may be implemented due to multiple disparate systems, which adds to architecture complexity and increased maintenance.
    • There is potential for redundant functionality across multiple best-of-breeds.
    • Suites exhibit significantly higher costs compared to point solutions.
    • Suite module functionality may not have the same depth as point solutions.
    • Due to high configuration availability and larger-scale implementation requirements, the time to deploy is longer than point solutions.
    Orange frowny face.
    Info-Tech Insight

    Even if a suite is missing a potential module, the proliferation of app extensions, integrations, and services could provide a solution. Salesforce’s AppExchange, for instance, offers a plethora of options to extend its CRM solution – from telephony integration, to gamification.

    CRM Buyer’s Guide

    Phase 2

    Build the Business Case & Elicit CRM Requirements

    Phase 1

    1.1 Define CRM platforms

    1.2 Classify table stakes & differentiating capabilities

    1.3 Explore CRM trends

    Phase 2

    2.1 Build the business case

    2.2 Streamline requirements elicitation for CRM

    2.3 Construct the RFP

    Phase 3

    3.1 Discover key players in the CRM landscape

    3.2 Engage the shortlist & select finalist

    3.3 Prepare for implementation

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Identify goals, objectives, challenges, and costs to inform the business case for a new CRM platform.
    • Elicit and prioritize key requirements for your platform.
    • Port the requirements into Info-Tech’s CRM RFP Template.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • CIO
    • Applications manager
    • Project manager
    • Sales executive
    • Marketing executive
    • Customer service executive

    Right-size the CRM selection team to ensure you get the right information but are still able to move ahead quickly

    Full-Time Resourcing: At least one of these five team members must be allocated to the selection initiative as a full-time resource.

    A silhouetted figure.

    IT Leader

    A silhouetted figure.

    Technical Lead

    A silhouetted figure.

    Business Analyst/
    Project Manager

    A silhouetted figure.

    Business Lead

    A silhouetted figure.

    Process Expert(s)

    This team member is an IT director or CIO who will provide sponsorship and oversight from the IT perspective. This team member will focus on application security, integration, and enterprise architecture. This team member elicits business needs and translates them into technology requirements. This team member will provide sponsorship from the business needs perspective. Typically, a CMO or SVP of sales. These team members are the sales, marketing, and service process owners who will help steer the CRM requirements and direction.

    Info-Tech Insight

    It is critical for the selection team to determine who has decision rights. Organizational culture will play the largest role in dictating which team member holds the final say for selection decisions. For more information on stakeholder management and involvement, see this guide.

    Be prepared to define what issues you are trying to address and why a new CRM is the right approach

    Identify the current state and review the background of what you’ve done leading up to this point, goals you’ve been asked to meet, and challenges in solving known problems to help to set the stage for why your proposed solution is needed. If your process improvements have taken you as far as you can go without improved workflows or data, specify where the gaps are.
    Arrows with icons related to the text on the right merging into one arrow. Alignment

    Alignment to strategic goals is always important, but that is especially true with CRM because customer relationship management platforms are at the intersection of your organization and your customers. What are the strategic marketing, sales and customer service goals that you want to realize (in whole or in part) by improving your CRM ecosystem?

    Impact to your business

    Identify areas where your customers may be impacted by poor experiences due to inadequate or aging technology. What’s the impact on customer retention? On revenue?

    Impact to your organization

    Define how internal stakeholders within the organization are impacted by a sub-optimal CRM experience – what are their frustrations and pain points? How do issues with your current CRM environment prevent teams in sales, marketing, or service from doing their jobs?

    Impact to your department

    Describe the challenges within IT of using disparate systems, workarounds, poor data and reporting, lack of automation, etc., and the effect these challenges have on IT’s goals.

    Align the CRM strategy with the corporate strategy

    Corporate Strategy Unified Strategy CRM Strategy
    Spectrum spanning all columns.
    Your corporate strategy:
    • Conveys the current state of the organization and the path it wants to take.
    • Identifies future goals and business aspirations.
    • Communicates the initiatives that are critical for getting the organization from its current state to the future state.
    • The CRM strategy and the rationale for deploying a new CRM can be and should be linked, with metrics, to the corporate strategy and ultimate business objectives (such as improving customer acquisition, entering new segments, or improving customer lifetime value).
    Your CRM strategy:
    • Communicates the organization’s budget and spending on CRM.
    • Identifies IT initiatives that will support the business and key CRM objectives.
    • Outlines staffing and resourcing for CRM initiatives.
    CRM projects are more successful when the management team understands the strategic importance and the criticality of alignment. Time needs to be spent upfront aligning business strategies with CRM capabilities. Effective alignment between sales, marketing, customer service, operations, IT, and the business should happen daily. Alignment doesn’t just need to occur at the executive level, but also at each level of the organization.

    2.1 Create your list of goals and milestones for CRM

    1-3 hours

    Input: Corporate strategy, Target key performance indicators, End-user satisfaction results (if applicable)

    Output: Prioritized list of goals with milestones that can be met with a new or improved CRM solution

    Materials: Whiteboard/flip charts, CRM Business Case Template

    Participants: CIO, Application managers, CMO/SVP sales, Marketing, sales or service SMEs

    1. Review strategic goals to identify alignment to your CRM selection project. For example, digital transformation may be enhanced or enabled with a CRM solution that supports better outreach to key customer segments through improved campaign management.
    2. Next, brainstorm tactical goals with your colleagues.
    3. Identify specific goals the organization has set for the business that may be supported by improved customer prospecting, customer service, or analytics functionality through a better CRM solution.
    4. Identify specific goals your organization will be able to make possible with a new or improved CRM solution.
    5. Prioritize this list and lead with the most important goal that can be reached at the one-year, six-month, and three-month milestones.
    6. Document in the goals section of your business case.

    Download the CRM Business Case Template and record the outputs of this exercise in the strategic business goals, business drivers, and technical drivers slides.

    Identify what challenges exist with the current environment

    Ensure you are identifying issues at a high level, so as not to drown in detail, but still paint the right picture. Identify technical issues that are impacting customer experience or business goals. Typical complaints for CRM solutions that are old or have been outgrown include:


    Lack of a flexible, configurable customer data model that supports complex relationships between accounts and contacts.


    Lack of a flexible, configurable customer data model that supports complex relationships between accounts and contacts.


    Lack of meaningful reports and useable dashboards, or difficulty in surfacing them.


    Poor change enablement resulting in business interruptions.


    Inability to effectively automate routine sales, marketing, or service tasks at scale via a workflow tool.


    Lack of proper service management features, such as service knowledge management.


    Inability to ingest customer data at scale (for example, no ability to automatically log e-mails or calls).


    Major technical deficiencies and outages – the incumbent CRM platform goes down, causing business disruption.


    The platform itself doesn’t exist in the current state – everything is done in Microsoft Excel!

    Separate business issues from technical issues, but highlight where they’re connected and where technical issues are causing business issues or preventing business goals from being reached.

    Before switching vendors, evaluate your existing CRM to see if it’s being underutilized or could use an upgrade

    The cost of switching vendors can be challenging, but it will depend entirely on the quality of data and whether it makes sense to keep it.
    • Achieving success when switching vendors first requires reflection. We need to ask why we are dissatisfied with our incumbent software.
    • If the product is old and inflexible, the answer may be obvious, but don’t be afraid to include your incumbent in your evaluation if your issues might be solved with an upgrade.
    • Look at your use-case requirements to see where you want to take the CRM solution and compare them to your incumbent’s roadmap. If they don’t match, switching vendors may be the only solution. If your roadmaps align, see if you’re fully leveraging the solution or will be able to start working through process improvements.
    Pie graph with a 20% slice. Pie graph with a 25% slice.


    Small/Medium Enterprises


    Large Enterprises
    only occasionally or rarely/never use their software (Source: Software Reviews, 2020; N = 45,027)
    Fully leveraging your current software now will have two benefits:
    1. It may turn out that poor leveraging of your incumbent software was the problem all along; switching vendors won’t solve the problem by itself. As the data to the right shows, a fifth of small/medium enterprises and a quarter of large enterprises do not fully leverage their incumbent software.
    2. If you still decide to switch, you’ll be in a good negotiating position. If vendors can see you are engaged and fully leveraging your software, they will be less complacent during negotiations to win you over.
    Info-Tech Insight

    Switching vendors won’t improve poor internal processes. To be fully successful and meet the goals of the business case, new software implementations must be accompanied by process review and improvement.

    2.2 Create your list of challenges as they relate to your goals and their impacts

    1-2 hours

    Input: Goals lists, Target key performance indicators, End-user satisfaction results (if applicable)

    Output: Prioritized list of challenges preventing or hindering customer experiences

    Materials: Whiteboard/flip charts, CRM Business Case Template

    Participants: CIO, Application managers, CMO/SVP sales, Marketing, sales, or service SMEs

    1. Brainstorm with your colleagues to discuss your challenges with CRM today from an application and process lens.
    2. Identify how these challenges are impacting your ability to meet the goals and identify any that are creating customer-facing issues.
    3. Group together like areas and arrange in order of most impactful. Identify which of these issues will be most relevant to the business case for a new CRM platform.
    4. Document in the current-state section of your business case.
    5. Discuss and determine if the incumbent solution can meet your needs or if you’ll need to replace it with a different product.

    Download the CRM Business Case Template and document the outputs of this exercise in the current-state section of your business case.

    Determine costs of the solution

    Ensure the business case includes both internal and external costs related to the new CRM platform, allocating costs of project managers to improve accuracy of overall costs and level of success.

    CRM solutions include application costs and costs to design processes, install, and configure. These start-up costs can be a significant factor in whether the initial purchase is feasible.

    CRM Vendor Costs

    • Application licensing
    • Implementation and configuration
    • Professional services
    • Maintenance and support
    • Training
    • 3rd Party add-ons
    • Data transformation
    • Integration
    When thinking about vendor costs, also consider the matching internal cost associated with the vendor activity (e.g. data cleansing, internal support).

    Internal Costs

    • Project management
    • Business readiness
    • Change management
    • Resourcing (user groups, design/consulting, testing)
    • Training
    • Auditors (if regulatory requirements need vetting)
    Project management is a critical success factor at all stages of an enterprise application initiative from planning to post-implementation. Ensuring that costs for such critical areas are accurately represented will contribute to success.

    Download the blueprint Improve Your Statements of Work to Hold Your Vendors Accountable to define requirements for installation and configuration.

    Bring in the right resources to guarantee success. Work with the PMO or project manager to get help with creating the SOW.

    60% of IT projects are NOT finished “mostly or always” on time (Wellingtone, 2018).

    55% of IT personnel feel that the business objectives of their software projects are clear to them (Geneca, 2017).

    Document costs and expected benefits of the new CRM

    The business case should account for the timing of both expenditures and benefits. It is naïve to expect straight-line benefit realization or a big-bang cash outflow related to the solution implementation. Proper recognition and articulation of ramp-up time will make your business case more convincing.

    Make sure your timelines are realistic for benefits realization, as these will be your project milestones and your metrics for success.

    Q1-Q2 Q3-Q6 Q6 Onwards

    Benefits at 25%

    At the early stages of an implementation, users are still learning the new system and go-live issues are being addressed. Most of the projected process improvements are likely to be low, zero, or even negative.

    Benefits at 75%

    Gradually, as processes become more familiar, an organization can expect to move closer to realizing the forecasted benefits or at least be in a position to recognize a positive trend toward their realization.

    Benefits at 100%

    In an ideal world, all projected benefits are realized at 100% or higher. This can be considered the stage where processes have been mastered, the system is operating smoothly, and change has been broadly adopted. In reality, benefits are often overestimated.

    Costs at 50%

    As with benefits, some costs may not kick in until later in the process or when the application is fully operational. In the early phases of implementation, factor in the cost of overlapping technology where you’ll need to run redundant systems and transition any data.

    Costs at 100%

    Costs are realized quicker than benefits as implementation activities are actioned, licensing and maintenance costs are introduced, and resourcing is deployed to support vendor activities internally. Costs that were not live in the early stages are an operational reality at this stage.

    Costs at 100%+

    Costs can be expected to remain relatively static past a certain point, if estimates accurately represented all costs. In many instances, costs can exceed original estimates in the business case, where costs were either underestimated, understated, or missed.

    2.3 Document your costs and expected benefits

    1-2 hours

    Input: Quotes with payment schedule, Budget

    Output: Estimated payment schedule and cost breakdown

    Materials: Spreadsheet or whiteboard, CRM Business Case Template

    Participants: CIO, Application managers, CMO/SVP sales, Marketing, sales, or service SMEs

    1. Estimate costs for the CRM solution. If you’re working with a vendor, provide the initial requirements to quote; otherwise, estimate as closely as you’re able.
    2. Calculate the five-year total cost for the solution to ensure the long-term budget is calculated.
    3. Break down costs for licenses, implementation, training, internal support, and hardware or hosting fees.
    4. Determine a reasonable breakdown of costs for the first year.
    5. Identify where residual costs of the old system may factor in if there are remaining contract obligations during the technology transition.
    6. Create a list of benefits expected to be realized within the same timeline.

    Sample of the table on the previous slide.

    Download the CRM Business Case Template and document the outputs of this exercise in the current-state section of your business case.

    Identify risks and dependencies to mitigate barriers to success as you look to roll out a CRM suite

    A risk assessment will be helpful to better understand what risks need to be mitigated to make the project a success and what risks are pending should the solution not be approved or be delayed.

    Risk Criteria Relevant Questions
    Timeline Uncertainty
    • How much risk is associated with the timeline of the CRM project?
    • Is this timeline realistic and can you reach some value in the first year?
    Success of Similar Projects
    • Have we undertaken previous projects that are similar?
    • Were those successful?
    • Did we note any future steps for improvement?
    Certainty of Forecasts
    • Where have the numbers originated?
    • How comfortable are the sponsors with the revenue and cost forecasts?
    Chance of Cost Overruns
    • How likely is the project to have cost overruns?
    • How much process and design work needs to be done prior to implementation?
    Resource Availability
    • Is this a priority project?
    • How likely are resourcing issues from a technical and business perspective?
    • Do we have the right resources?
    Change During Delivery
    • How volatile is the area in which the project is being implemented?
    • Are changes in the environment likely?
    • How complex are planned integrations?

    2.4 Identify risks to the success of the solution rollout and mitigation plan

    1-2 hours

    Input: List of goals and challenges, Target key performance indicators

    Output: Prioritized list of challenges preventing or hindering improvements for the IT teams

    Materials: Whiteboard/flip charts, CRM Business Case Template

    Participants: CIO, Application managers, CMO/SVP sales, Marketing, sales, or service SMEs

    1. Brainstorm with your colleagues to discuss potential roadblocks and risks that could impact the success of the CRM project.
    2. Identify how these risks could impact your project.
    3. Document the ones that are most likely to occur and derail the project.
    4. Discuss potential solutions to mitigate risks.

    Download the CRM Business Case Template and document the outputs of this exercise in the risk and dependency section of your business case. If the risk assessment needs to be more complex, complete the Risk Indicator Analysis in Info-Tech’s Business Case Workbook.

    Start requirements gathering by identifying your most important use cases across sales, marketing, and service

    Add to your business case by identifying which top-level use cases will meet your goals.

    Examples of target use cases for a CRM project include:

    • Enhance sales acquisition capabilities (i.e. via pipeline management)
    • Enhance customer upsell and cross-sell capabilities
    • Improve customer segmentation and targeting capabilities for multi-channel marketing campaigns
    • Strengthen customer care capabilities to improve customer satisfaction and retention (i.e. via improved case management and service knowledge management)
    • Create actionable insights via enhanced reporting and analytics

    Info-Tech Insight

    Lead with the most important benefit and consider the timeline. Can you reach that goal and report success to your stakeholders within the first year? As you look toward that one-year goal, you can consider secondary benefits, some of which may be opportunities to bring early value in the solution.

    Benefits of a successful deployment of use cases will include:
    • Improved customer satisfaction
    • Improved operational efficiencies
    • Reduced customer turnover
    • Increased platform uptime
    • License or regulatory compliance
    • Positioned for growth

    Typically, we see business benefits in this order of importance. Lead with the outcome that is most important to your stakeholders.

    • Net income increases
    • Revenue generators
    • Cost reductions
    • Improved customer service

    Consider perspectives of each stakeholder to ensure functionality needs are met and high satisfaction results

    Best of breed vs. “good enough” is an important discussion and will feed your success.

    Costs can be high when customizing an ill-fitting module or creating workarounds to solve business problems, including loss of functionality, productivity, and credibility.

    • Start with use cases to drive the initial discussion, then determine which features are mandatory and which are nice-to-haves. Mandatory features will help determine high success for critical functionality and identify where “good enough” is an acceptable state.
    • Consider the implications to implementation and all use cases of buying an all-in-one solution, integration of multiple best-of-breed solutions, or customizing features that were not built into a solution.
    • Be prepared to shelve a use case for this solution and look to alternatives for integration where mandatory features cannot meet highly specialized needs that are outside of traditional CRM solutions.

    Pros and Cons

    Build vs. Buy

    Multi-Source Best of Breed

    architectural complexity

    Vendor Add-Ons & Integrations

    Lower support costs

    Multi-source Custom

    high skills requirements

    Single Source

    Lower support costs

    2.5 Define use cases and high-level features for meeting business and technical goals

    1-2 hours

    Input: List of goals and challenges

    Output: Use cases to be used for determining requirements

    Materials: Whiteboard/flip charts, CRM Business Case Template

    Participants: CIO, Application managers, CMO/SVP sales, Marketing, sales, or service SMEs

    1. Identify the key customer engagement use cases that will support your overall goals as defined in the previous section.
    2. The following slide has examples of use case domains that will be enhanced from a CRM platform.
    3. Define high-level goals you wish to achieve in the first year and longer term. If you have more specific KPIs to add, and it is a requirement for your organization’s documentation, add them to this section.
    4. Take note of where processes will need to be improved to benefit from these use-case solutions – the tools are only as good as the process behind them.

    Download the CRM Business Case Template and document the outputs from this exercise in the current-state section of your business case.

    Understand the dominant use-case scenarios across organizations to narrow the list of potential CRM solutions


    • Generate leads through multiple channels.
    • Rapidly sort, score, and prioritize leads based on multiple criteria.
    • Create in-depth sales forecasts segmented by multiple criteria (territory, representative, etc.).


    • Manage marketing campaigns across multiple channels (web, social, email, etc.).
    • Aggregate and analyze customer data to generate market intelligence.
    • Build and deploy customer-facing portals.

    Customer Service

    • Generate tickets, and triage customer service requests through multiple channels.
    • Track customer service interactions with cases.
    • There is a need to integrate customer records with contact center infrastructure.
    Info-Tech Insight

    Use your understanding of the CRM use case to accelerate the vendor shortlisting process. Since the CRM use case has a direct impact on the prioritization of a platform’s features and capabilities, you can rapidly eliminate vendors from contention or designate superfluous modules as out-of-scope.

    2.5.1 Use Info-Tech’s CRM Use-Case Fit Assessment Tool to align your CRM requirements to the vendor use cases

    30 min

    Input: Understanding of business objectives for CRM project, Use-Case Fit Assessment Tool

    Output: Use-case suitability

    Materials: Use-Case Fit Assessment Tool

    Participants: Core project team, Project managers

    1. Use the Use-Case Fit Assessment Tool to understand how your unique business requirements map into which CRM use case.
    2. This tool will assess your answers and determine your relative fit against the use-case scenarios.
    3. Fit will be assessed as “Weak,” “Moderate,” or “Strong.”
      1. Consider the common pitfalls, which were mentioned earlier, that can cause IT projects to fail. Plan and take clear steps to avoid or mitigate these concerns.
      2. Note: These use-case scenarios are not mutually exclusive, meaning your organization can align with one or more scenarios based on your answers. If your organization shows close alignment to multiple scenarios, consider focusing on finding a more robust solution and concentrate your review on vendors that performed strongly in those scenarios or meet the critical requirements for each.

    Download the CRM Use-Case Fit Assessment Tool

    Once you’ve identified the top-level use cases a CRM must support, elicit, and prioritize granular platform requirements.

    Understanding business needs through requirements gathering is the key to defining everything about what is being purchased, yet it is an area where people often make critical mistakes.

    Info-Tech Insight

    To avoid creating makeshift solutions, an organization needs to gather requirements with the desired future state in mind.

    Risks of poorly scoped requirements

    • Fail to be comprehensive and miss certain areas of scope
    • Focus on how the solution should work instead of what it must accomplish
    • Have multiple levels of detail within the requirements, which are inconsistent and confusing
    • Drill all the way down into system-level detail
    • Add unnecessary constraints based on what is done today rather than focusing on what is needed for tomorrow
    • Omit constraints or preferences that buyers think are “obvious”

    Best practices

    • Get a clear understanding of what the system needs to do and what it is expected to produce
    • Test against the principle of MECE – requirements should be “mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive”
    • Explicitly state the obvious and assume nothing
    • Investigate what is sold on the market and how it is sold. Use language that is consistent with that of the market and focus on key differentiators – not table stakes
    • Contain the appropriate level of detail – the level should be suitable for procurement and sufficient for differentiating vendors

    Prioritize requirements to assist with vendor selection: focus on priority requirements linked to differentiated capabilities

    Prioritization is the process of ranking each requirement based on its importance to project success. Hold a meeting for the domain SMEs, implementation SMEs, project managers, and project sponsors to prioritize the requirements list. At the conclusion of the meeting, each requirement should be assigned a priority level. The implementation SMEs will use these priority levels to ensure efforts are targeted toward the proper requirements and to plan features available on each release. Use the MoSCoW Model of Prioritization to effectively order requirements.

    Pyramid of the MoSCoW Model.
    The MoSCoW model was introduced by Dai Clegg of Oracle UK in 1994.

    The MoSCoW Model of Prioritization

    Requirements must be implemented for the solution to be considered successful.

    Requirements that are high priority should be included in the solution if possible.

    Requirements are desirable but not necessary and could be included if resources are available.

    Requirements won’t be in the next release, but will be considered for the future releases.

    Base your prioritization on the right set of criteria

    Effective Prioritization Criteria



    Regulatory & Legal Compliance These requirements will be considered mandatory.
    Policy Compliance Unless an internal policy can be altered or an exception can be made, these requirements will be considered mandatory.
    Business Value Significance Give a higher priority to high-value requirements.
    Business Risk Any requirement with the potential to jeopardize the entire project should be given a high priority and implemented early.
    Likelihood of Success Especially in “proof of concept” projects, it is recommended that requirements have good odds.
    Implementation Complexity Give a higher priority to low implementation difficulty requirements.
    Alignment With Strategy Give a higher priority to requirements that enable the corporate strategy.
    Urgency Prioritize requirements based on time sensitivity.
    Dependencies A requirement on its own may be low priority, but if it supports a high-priority requirement, then its priority must match it.

    2.6 Identify requirements to support your use cases

    1-2 hours

    Input: List of goals and challenges

    Output: Use cases to be used for determining requirements

    Materials: Whiteboard/flip charts, Vendor Evaluation Workbook

    Participants: CIO, Application managers, CMO/SVP sales, Marketing, sales, or service SMEs

    1. Work with the team to identify which features will be most important to support your use cases. Keep in mind there will be some features that will require more effort to implement fully. Add that into your project plan.
    2. Use the features lists on the following slides as a guide to get started on requirements.
    3. Prioritize your requirements list into mandatory features and nice-to-have features (or use the MoSCoW model from the previous slides). This will help you to eliminate vendors who don’t meet bare minimums and to score remaining vendors.
    4. Use this same list to guide your vendor demos.

    Our Improve Requirements Gathering blueprint provides a deep dive into the process of eliciting, analyzing, and validating requirements if you need to go deeper into effective techniques.

    CRM features

    Table stakes vs. differentiating

    What is a table stakes/standard feature?

    • Certain features are standard for all CRM tools, but that doesn’t mean they are all equal.
    • The existence of features doesn’t guarantee their quality or functionality to the standards you need. Never assume that “Yes” in a features list means you don’t need to ask for a demo.
    • If Table Stakes are all you need from your CRM solution, the only true differentiator for the organization is price. Otherwise, dig deeper to find the best price to value for your needs.

    What is a differentiating/additional feature?

    • Differentiating features take two forms:
      • Some CRM platforms offer differentiating features that are vertical specific.
      • Other CRM platforms offer differentiating features that are considered cutting edge. These cutting-edge features may become table stakes over time.

    Table stakes features for CRM

    Account Management Flexible account database that stores customer information, account history, and billing information. Additional functionality includes: contact deduplication, advanced field management, document linking, and embedded maps.
    Interaction Logging and Order History Ability to view all interactions that have occurred between sales teams and the customer, including purchase order history.
    Basic Pipeline Management View of all opportunities organized by their current stage in the sales process.
    Basic Case Management The ability to create and manage cases (for customer service or order fulfilment) and associate them with designated accounts or contacts.
    Basic Campaign Management Basic multi-channel campaign management (i.e. ability to execute outbound email campaigns). Budget tracking and campaign dashboards.
    Reports and Analytics In-depth reports on CRM data with dashboards and analytics for a variety of audiences.
    Mobile Support Mobile access across multiple devices (tablets, smartphones and/or wearables) with access to CRM data and dashboards.

    Additional features for CRM

    Customer Information Management Customizable records with detailed demographic information and the ability to created nested accounts (accounts with associated sub-accounts or contact records).
    Advanced Case Management Ability to track detailed interactions with members or constituents through a case view.
    Employee Collaboration Capabilities for employee-to-employee collaboration, team selling, and activity streams.
    Customer Collaboration Capabilities for outbound customer collaboration (i.e. the ability to create customer portals).
    Lead Generation Capabilities for generating qualified leads from multiple channels.
    Lead Nurturing/Lead Scoring The ability to evaluate lead warmth using multiple customer-defined criteria.
    Pipeline and Deal Management Managing deals through cases, providing quotes, and tracking client deliverables.

    Additional features for CRM (Continued)

    Marketing Campaign Management Managing outbound marketing campaigns via multiple channels (email, phone, social, mobile).
    Customer Intelligence Tools for in-depth customer insight generation and segmentation, predictive analytics, and contextual analytics.
    Multi-Channel Support Capabilities for supporting customer interactions across multiple channels (email, phone, social, mobile, IoT, etc.).
    Customer Service Workflow Management Capabilities for customer service resolution, including ticketing and service management.
    Knowledge Management Tools for capturing and sharing CRM-related knowledge, especially for customer service.
    Customer Journey Mapping Visual workflow builder with automated trigger points and business rules engine.
    Document Management The ability to curate assets and attachments and add them to account or contact records.
    Configure, Price, Quote The ability to create sales quotes/proposals from predefined price lists and rules.

    2.7 Put it all together – port your requirements into a robust RFP template that you can take to market!

    1-2 hours
    1. Once you’ve captured and prioritized your requirements – and received sign-off on them from key stakeholders – it’s time to bake them into a procurement vehicle of your choice.
    2. For complex enterprise systems like a CRM platform, Info-Tech recommends that this should take the form of a structured RFP document.
    3. Use our CRM RFP Template and associated CRM RFP Scoring Tool to jump-start the process.
    4. The next step will be conducting a market scan to identify contenders, and issuing the RFP to a shortlist of viable vendors for further evaluation.

    Need additional guidance on running an effective RFP process? Our Drive Successful Sourcing Outcomes with a Robust RFP Process has everything you need to ace the creation, administration and assessment of RFPs!

    Samples of the CRM Request for Proposal Template and CRM Suite Evaluation and RFP Scoring Tool.

    Download the CRM Request for Proposal Template

    Download the CRM Suite Evaluation and RFP Scoring Tool

    Identify whether vertical-specific CRM platforms are a best fit

    In mature vendor landscapes (like CRM) vendors begin to differentiate themselves by offering vertical-specific platforms, modules, or feature sets. These feature sets accelerate the implantation, decrease the platform’s learning curve, and drive user adoption. The three use cases below cover the most common industry-specific offerings:

    Public Sector

    • Constituent management and communication.
    • Constituent portal deployment for self-service.
    • Segment constituents based on geography, needs and preferences.


    • Top-level view into the student journey from prospect to enrolment.
    • Track student interactions with services across the institution.
    • Unify communications across different departments.

    Financial Services

    • Determine customer proclivity for new services.
    • Develop self-service banking portals.
    • Track longitudinal customer relationships from first account to retirement management.
    Info-Tech Insight

    Vertical-specific solutions require less legwork to do upfront but could cost you more in the long run. Interoperability and vendor viability must be carefully examined. Smaller players targeting niche industries often have limited integration ecosystems and less funding to keep pace with feature innovation.

    Rein-in ballooning scope for CRM selection projects

    Stretching the CRM beyond its core capabilities is a short-term solution to a long-term problem. Educate stakeholders about the limits of CRM technology.

    Common pitfalls for CRM selection

    • Tangential capabilities may require separate solutions. It is common for stakeholders to list features such as “content management” as part of the new CRM platform. While content management goes hand in hand with the CRM’s ability to manage customer interactions, document management is best handled by a standalone platform.

    Keeping stakeholders engaged and in line

    • Ballooning scope leads to stakeholder dissatisfaction. Appeasing stakeholders by over-customizing the platform will lead to integration and headaches down the road.
    • Make sure stakeholders feel heard. Do not turn down ideas in the midst of an elicitation session. Once the requirements-gathering sessions are completed, the project team has the opportunity to mark requirements as “out of scope” and communicate the reasoning behind the decision.
    • Educate stakeholders on the core functionality of CRM. Many stakeholders do not know the best-fit use cases for CRM platforms. Help end users understand what CRM is good at and where additional technologies will be needed.
    Stock image of a man leaping with a balloon.

    CRM Buyer’s Guide

    Phase 3

    Discover the CRM Market Space & Prepare for Implementation

    Phase 1

    1.1 Define CRM platforms

    1.2 Classify table stakes & differentiating capabilities

    1.3 Explore CRM trends

    Phase 2

    2.1 Build the business case

    2.2 Streamline requirements elicitation for CRM

    2.3 Construct the RFP

    Phase 3

    3.1 Discover key players in the CRM landscape

    3.2 Engage the shortlist & select finalist

    3.3 Prepare for implementation

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Dive into the key players of the CRM vendor landscape.
    • Understand best practices for building a vendor shortlist.
    • Understand key implementation considerations for CRM.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • CIO
    • Applications manager
    • Project manager
    • Sales executive
    • Marketing executive
    • Customer service executive

    Consolidating the Vendor Shortlist Up-Front Reduces Downstream Effort

    Put the “short” back in shortlist!

    • Radically reduce effort by narrowing the field of potential vendors earlier in the selection process. Too many organizations don’t funnel their vendor shortlist until nearing the end of the selection process. The result is wasted time and effort evaluating options that are patently not a good fit.
    • Leverage external data (such as SoftwareReviews) and expert opinion to consolidate your shortlist into a smaller number of viable vendors before the investigative interview stage and eliminate time spent evaluating dozens of RFP responses.
    • Having fewer RFP responses to evaluate means you will have more time to do greater due diligence.
    Stock image of river rapids.

    Review your use cases to start your shortlist

    Your Info-Tech analysts can help you narrow down the list of vendors that will meet your requirements.

    Next steps will include:
    1. Reviewing your requirements
    2. Checking out SoftwareReviews
    3. Shortlisting your vendors
    4. Conducting demos and detailed proposal reviews
    5. Selecting and contracting with a finalist!
    Image of a person presenting a dashboard of the steps on the left.

    Get to know the key players in the CRM landscape

    The proceeding slides provide a top-level overview of the popular players you will encounter in the CRM shortlisting process.

    Logos of the key players in the CRM landscape (Salesforce, Microsoft, Oracle, HubSpot, etc).

    Evaluate software category leaders through vendor rankings and awards


    Sample of SoftwareReviews' Data Quadrant Report. Title page of SoftwareReviews' Data Quadrant Report. The Data Quadrant is a thorough evaluation and ranking of all software in an individual category to compare platforms across multiple dimensions.

    Vendors are ranked by their Composite Score, based on individual feature evaluations, user satisfaction rankings, vendor capability comparisons, and likeliness to recommend the platform.

    Sample of SoftwareReviews' Emotional Footprint. Title page of SoftwareReviews' Emotional Footprint. The Emotional Footprint is a powerful indicator of overall user sentiment toward the relationship with the vendor, capturing data across five dimensions.

    Vendors are ranked by their Customer Experience (CX) Score, which combines the overall Emotional Footprint rating with a measure of the value delivered by the solution.

    Speak with category experts to dive deeper into the vendor landscape


    Icon of a person.

    Fact-based reviews of business software from IT professionals.

    Icon of a magnifying glass over a chart.

    Top-tier data quality backed by a rigorous quality assurance process.


    Comprehensive software reviews to make better IT decisions

    We collect and analyze the most detailed reviews on enterprise software from real users to give you an unprecedented view into the product and vendor before you buy.

    Icon of a tablet.

    Product and category reports with state-of-the-art data visualization.

    Icon of a phone.

    User-experience insight that reveals the intangibles of working with a vendor.

    SoftwareReviews is powered by Info-Tech

    Technology coverage is a priority for Info-Tech, and SoftwareReviews provides the most comprehensive unbiased data on today’s technology. Combined with the insights of our expert analysts, our members receive unparalleled support in their buying journey.

    Logo for Salesforce.
    Est. 1999 | CA, USA | NYSE: CRM


    Link for their Twitter account. Link for their LinkedIn profile. Link for their website.
    Sales Cloud Enterprise allows you to be more efficient, more productive, more everything than ever before as it allows you to close more deals, accelerate productivity, get more leads, and make more insightful decisions.

    SoftwareReviews’ Enterprise CRM Rankings

    • Breadth of features
    • Quality of features
    • Sales management functionality
    Areas to Improve:
    • Cost of service
    • Ease of implementation
    • Telephony and contact center management
    Logo gif for SoftwareReviews.
    Vendor scores are driven by real-world practitioner reviews via SoftwareReviews. Composite, CX, EF and NPS scores pulled from live data as of June 2022. Rankings and ”strengths” and ”areas to improve” pulled from January 2022 Category Report.
    Sample of a Salesforce screen. Vendor Pulse rating. How often do we hear about Salesforce from our members for CRM? 'Very Frequently'.
    History of Salesforce in a vertical timeline.
    *Pricing correct as of August 2021. Listed in USD and absent discounts.
    See pricing on vendor’s website for latest information.
    Logo for Salesforce.

    “Salesforce is the pre-eminent vendor in the CRM marketplace and is a force to be reckoned with in terms of the breadth and depth of its capabilities. The company was an early disruptor in the category, placing a strong emphasis from the get-go on a SaaS delivery model and strong end-user experience. This allowed them to rapidly gain market share at the expense of more complacent enterprise application vendors. A series of savvy acquisitions over the years has allowed Salesforce to augment their core Sales and Service Clouds with a wide variety of other solutions, from e-commerce to marketing automation to CPQ. Salesforce is a great fit for any organization looking to partner with a market leader with excellent functional breadth, strong interoperability, and a compelling technology and partner ecosystem. All of this comes at a price, however – Salesforce prices at a premium, and our members routinely opine that Salesforce’s commercial teams are overly aggressive – sometimes pushing solutions without a clear link to underpinning business requirements.”

    Ben Dickie
    Research Practice Lead, Info-Tech Research Group

    Sales Cloud Essentials Sales Cloud Professional Sales Cloud Enterprise Sales Cloud Ultimate
    • Starts at $25*
    • Per user/mo
    • Small businesses after basic functionality
    • Starts at $75*
    • Per user/mo
    • Mid-market target
    • Starts at $150*
    • Per user/mo
    • Enterprise target
    • Starts at $300*
    • Per user/mo
    • Strong upmarket feature additions
    Logo for Microsoft.

    Est. 1975 | WA, USA | NYSE: MSFT


    Link for their Twitter account.Link for their LinkedIn profile.Link for their website.
    Dynamics 365 Sales is an adaptive selling solution that helps your sales team navigate the realities of modern selling. At the center of the solution is an adaptive, intelligent system – prebuilt and ready to go – that actively monitors myriad signals and distills them into actionable insights.

    SoftwareReviews’ Enterprise CRM Rankings


    • Business value created
    • Analytics and reporting
    • Lead management

    Areas to Improve:

    • Quote, contract, and proposals
    • Vendor support
    Logo gif for SoftwareReviews.
    Vendor scores are driven by real-world practitioner reviews via SoftwareReviews. Composite, CX, EF and NPS scores pulled from live data as of June 2022. Rankings and ”strengths” and ”areas to improve” pulled from January 2022 Category Report.
    Sample of a Microsoft screen.Vendor Pulse rating. How often do we hear about Microsoft Dynamics from our Members? 'Very Frequently'.

    History of Microsoft in a vertical timeline.

    *Pricing correct as of June 2022. Listed in USD and absent discounts.
    See pricing on vendor’s website for latest information.
    Logo for Microsoft.

    “Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a strong and compelling player in the CRM arena. While Microsoft is no stranger to the CRM space, their offerings here have seen steady and marked improvement over the last five years. Good functional breadth paired with a modern user interface and best-in-class Microsoft stack compatibility ensures that we consistently see them on our members’ shortlists, particularly when our members are looking to roll out CRM capabilities alongside other components of the Dynamics ecosystem (such as Finance, Operations, and HR). Today, Microsoft segments the offering into discrete modules for sales, service, marketing, commerce, and CDP. While Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a strong option, it’s occasionally mired by concerns that the pace of innovation and investment lags Salesforce (its nearest competitor). Additionally, the marketing module of the product is softer than some of its competitors, and Microsoft themselves points organizations with complex marketing requirements to a strategic partnership that they have with Adobe.”

    Ben Dickie
    Research Practice Lead, Info-Tech Research Group

    D365 Sales Professional D365 Sales Enterprise D365 Sales Premium
    • Starts at $65*
    • Per user/mo
    • Midmarket focus
    • Starts at $95*
    • Per user/mo
    • Enterprise focus
    • Starts at $135*
    • Per user/mo
    • Enterprise focus with customer intelligence
    Logo for Oracle.

    Est. 1977 | CA, USA | NYSE: ORCL


    Link for their Twitter account.Link for their LinkedIn profile.Link for their website.
    Oracle Engagement Cloud (CX Sales) provides a set of capabilities to help sales leaders transition smoothly from sales planning and execution through customer onboarding, account management, and support services.

    SoftwareReviews’ Enterprise CRM Rankings


    • Quality of features
    • Activity and workflow management
    • Analytics and reporting

    Areas to Improve:

    • Marketing management
    • Product strategy & rate of improvement
    Logo gif for SoftwareReviews.
    Vendor scores are driven by real-world practitioner reviews via SoftwareReviews. Composite, CX, EF and NPS scores pulled from live data as of June 2022. Rankings and ”strengths” and ”areas to improve” pulled from January 2022 Category Report.
    Sample of an Oracle screen.Vendor Pulse rating. How often do we hear about Oracle from our members for CRM? 'Frequently'.

    History of Oracle in a vertical timeline.

    Logo for Oracle.

    “Oracle is long-term juggernaut of the enterprise applications space. Their CRM portfolio is diverse – rather than a single stack, there are multiple Oracle solutions (many made by acquisition) that support CRM capabilities – everything from Siebel to JD Edwards to NetSuite to Oracle CX applications. The latter constitute Oracle’s most modern stab at CRM and are where the bulk of feature innovation and product development is occurring within their portfolio. While historically seen as lagging behind other competitors like Salesforce and Microsoft, Oracle has made excellent strides in improving their user experience (via their Redwoods design paradigm) and building new functional capabilities within their CRM products. Indeed, SoftwareReviews shows Oracle performing well in our most recent peer-driven reports. Nonetheless, we most commonly see Oracle as a pricier ecosystem play that’s often subordinate to a heavy Oracle footprint for ERP. Many of our members also express displeasure with Oracle as a vendor and highlight their heavy-handed “threat of audit” approach. ”

    Ben Dickie
    Research Practice Lead, Info-Tech Research Group

    Oracle CX Sales - Pricing Opaque:

    “Request a Demo”

    Logo for SAP.

    Est. 1972 | Germany | NYSE: SAP


    Link for their Twitter account.Link for their LinkedIn profile.Link for their website.
    SAP is the third-largest independent software manufacturer in the world, with a presence in over 120 countries. Having been in the industry for over 40 years, SAP is perhaps best known for its ERP application, SAP ERP.

    SoftwareReviews’ Enterprise CRM Rankings


    • Ease of data integration

    Areas to Improve:

    • Lead management
    • Marketing management
    • Collaboration
    • Usability & intuitiveness
    • Analytics & reporting
    Logo gif for SoftwareReviews.
    Vendor scores are driven by real-world practitioner reviews via SoftwareReviews. Composite, CX, EF and NPS scores pulled from live data as of June 2022. Rankings and ”strengths” and ”areas to improve” pulled from January 2022 Category Report.
    Sample of a SAP screen.Vendor Pulse rating. How often do we hear about SAP from our members for CRM? 'Occasionally'.

    History of SAP in a vertical timeline.

    *Pricing correct as of August 2021. Listed in USD and absent discounts.
    See pricing on vendor’s website for latest information.
    Logo for SAP.

    “SAP is another mainstay of the enterprise applications market. While they have a sound breadth of capabilities in the CRM and customer experience space, SAP consistently underperforms in many of our relevant peer-driven SoftwareReviews reports for CRM and adjacent areas. CRM seems decidedly a secondary focus for SAP, behind their more compelling play in the enterprise resource planning (ERP) space. Indeed, most instances where we see SAP in our clients’ shortlists, it’s as an ecosystem play within a broader SAP strategy. If you’re blue on the ERP side, looking to SAP’s capabilities on the CRM front makes logical sense and can help contain costs. If you’re approaching a CRM selection from a greenfield lens and with no legacy vendor baggage for SAP elsewhere, experience suggests you’ll be better served by a vendor that places a higher degree of primacy on the CRM aspect of their portfolio.”

    Ben Dickie
    Research Practice Lead, Info-Tech Research Group

    SAP CRM - Pricing Opaque:

    “Request a Demo”

    Logo for pipedrive.

    Est. 2010 | NY, USA | Private


    Link for their Twitter account.Link for their LinkedIn profile.Link for their website.
    Pipedrive brings together the tools and data, the platform focuses sales professionals on fundamentals to advance deals through their pipelines. Pipedrive's goal is to make sales success inevitable - for salespeople and teams.

    SoftwareReviews’ Enterprise CRM Rankings


    • Sales Management
    • Account & Contact Management
    • Lead Management
    • Usability & Intuitiveness
    • Ease of Implementation

    Areas to Improve:

    • Customer Service Management
    • Marketing Management
    • Product Strategy & Rate of Improvement
    Logo gif for SoftwareReviews.
    Vendor scores are driven by real-world practitioner reviews via SoftwareReviews. Composite, CX, EF and NPS scores pulled from live data as of June 2022. Rankings and ”strengths” and ”areas to improve” pulled from January 2022 Category Report.
    Sample of a Pipedrive screen.Vendor Pulse rating. How often do we hear about Pipedrive from our members for CRM? 'Occasionally'.

    History of Pipedrive in a vertical timeline.

    *Pricing correct as of June 2022. Listed in USD and absent discounts.
    See pricing on vendor’s website for latest information.
    Logo for Pipedrive.

    “A relatively new offering, Pipedrive has seen explosive growth over the last five years. They’re a vendor that has gone from near-obscurity to popping up frequently on our members’ shortlists. Pipedrive’s secret sauce has been a relentless focus on high-velocity sales enablement. Their focus on pipeline management, lead assessment and routing, and a good single pane of glass for sales reps has driven significant traction for the vendor when sales enablement is the driving rationale behind rolling out a new CRM platform. Bang for your buck is also strong with Pipedrive, with the vendor having a value-driven licensing and implementation model.

    Pipedrive is not without some shortcomings. It’s laser-focus on sales enablement is at the expense of deep capabilities for marketing and service management, and its profile lends itself better to SMBs and lower midmarket than it does large organizations looking for enterprise-grade CRM.”

    Ben Dickie
    Research Practice Lead, Info-Tech Research Group

    Essential Advanced Professional Enterprise
    • Starts at $12.50*
    • Per user/mo
    • Small businesses after basic functionality
    • Starts at $24.90*
    • Per user/mo
    • Small/mid-sized businesses
    • Starts at $49.90*
    • Per user/mo
    • Lower mid-market focus
    • Starts at $99*
    • Per user/mo
    • Enterprise focus
    Logo for SugarCRM.

    Est. 2004 | CA, USA | Private


    Link for their Twitter account.Link for their LinkedIn profile.Link for their website.
    Produces Sugar, a SaaS-based customer relationship management application. SugarCRM is backed by Accel-KKR.

    SoftwareReviews’ Enterprise CRM Rankings


    • Ease of customization
    • Product strategy and rate of improvement
    • Ease of IT administration

    Areas to Improve:

    • Marketing management
    • Analytics and reporting
    Logo gif for SoftwareReviews.
    Vendor scores are driven by real-world practitioner reviews via SoftwareReviews. Composite, CX, EF and NPS scores pulled from live data as of June 2022. Rankings and ”strengths” and ”areas to improve” pulled from January 2022 Category Report.
    Sample of a SugarCRM screen.Vendor Pulse rating. How often do we hear about SugarCRM from our members for CRM? 'Frequently'.
    History of SugarCRM in a vertical timeline.
    *Pricing correct as of August 2021. Listed in USD and absent discounts.
    See pricing on vendor’s website for latest information.
    Logo for SugarCRM.

    “SugarCRM offers reliable baseline capabilities at a lower price point than other large CRM vendors. While SugarCRM does not offer all the bells and whistles that an Enterprise Salesforce plan might, SugarCRM is known for providing excellent vendor support. If your organization is only after standard features, SugarCRM will be a good vendor to shortlist.

    However, ensure you have the time and labor power to effectively implement and train on SugarCRM’s solutions. SugarCRM does not score highly for user-friendly experiences, with complaints centering on outdated and unintuitive interfaces. Setting up customized modules takes time to navigate, and SugarCRM does not provide a wide range of native integrations with other applications. To effectively determine whether SugarCRM does offer a feasible solution, it is recommended that organizations know exactly what kinds of integrations and modules they need.”

    Thomas Randall
    Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group

    Sugar Professional Sugar Serve Sugar Sell Sugar Enterprise Sugar Market
    • Starts at $52*
    • Per user/mo
    • Min. 3 users
    • Small businesses
    • Starts at $80*
    • Per user/mo
    • Min. 3 users
    • Focused on customer service
    • Starts at $80*
    • Per user/mo
    • Min. 3 users
    • Focused on sales automation
    • Starts at $80*
    • Per user/mo
    • Min. 3 users
    • On-premises, mid-sized businesses
    • Starts at $1000*
    • Priced per month
    • Min. 10k contacts
    • Large enterprise
    Logo for .

    Est. 2006 | MA, USA | HUBS (NYSE)


    Link for their Twitter account.Link for their LinkedIn profile.Link for their website.
    Develops software for inbound customer service, marketing, and sales. Software includes CRM, SMM, lead gen, SEO, and web analytics.

    SoftwareReviews’ Enterprise CRM Rankings


    • Breadth of features
    • Product strategy and rate of improvement
    • Ease of customization

    Areas to Improve:

    • Ease of data integration
    • Customer service management
    • Telephony and call center management
    Logo gif for SoftwareReviews.
    Vendor scores are driven by real-world practitioner reviews via SoftwareReviews. Composite, CX, EF and NPS scores pulled from live data as of June 2022. Rankings and ”strengths” and ”areas to improve” pulled from January 2022 Category Report.
    Sample of a HubSpot screen.Vendor Pulse rating. How often do we hear about HubSpot from our members for CRM? 'Frequently'.

    History of HubSpot in a vertical timeline.

    *Pricing correct as of August 2021. Listed in USD and absent discounts
    See pricing on vendor’s website for latest information.
    Logo for HubSpot.

    “ HubSpot is best suited for small to mid-sized organizations that need a range of CRM tools to enable growth across sales, marketing campaigns, and customer service. Indeed, HubSpot offers a content management solution that offers a central storage location for all customer and marketing data. Moreover, HubSpot offers plenty of freemium tools for users to familiarize themselves with the software before buying. However, though HubSpot is geared toward growing businesses, smaller organizations may not see high ROI until they begin to scale. The “Starter” and “Professional” plans’ pricing is often cited by small organizations as a barrier to commitment, and the freemium tools are not a sustainable solution. If organizations can take advantage of discount behaviors from HubSpot (e.g. a startup discount), HubSpot will be a viable long-term solution. ”

    Thomas Randall
    Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group

    Starter Professional Enterprise
    • Starts at $50*
    • Per month
    • Min. 2 users
    • Small businesses
    • Starts at $500*
    • Per month
    • Min. 5 users
    • Small/mid-sized businesses
    • Starts at $1200*
    • Billed yearly
    • Min. 10 users
    • Mid-sized/small enterprise
    Logo for Zoho.

    Est. 1996 | India | Private


    Link for their Twitter account.Link for their LinkedIn profile.Link for their website.
    Zoho Corporation offers a cloud software suite, providing a full operating system for CRM, alongside apps for finance, productivity, HR, legal, and more.

    SoftwareReviews’ Enterprise CRM Rankings


    • Business value created
    • Breadth of features
    • Collaboration capabilities

    Areas to Improve:

    • Usability and intuitiveness
    Logo gif for SoftwareReviews.
    Vendor scores are driven by real-world practitioner reviews via SoftwareReviews. Composite, CX, EF and NPS scores pulled from live data as of June 2022. Rankings and ”strengths” and ”areas to improve” pulled from January 2022 Category Report.
    Sample of a Zoho screen.Vendor Pulse rating. How often do we hear about Zoho from our members for CRM? 'Occasionally'.

    History of Zoho in a vertical timeline.

    See pricing on vendor’s website for latest information.
    Logo for Zoho.

    “Zoho has a long list of software solutions for businesses to run end to end. As one of Zoho’s earliest software releases, though, ZohoCRM remains a flagship product. ZohoCRM’s pricing is incredibly competitive for mid/large enterprises, offering high business value for its robust feature sets. For those organizations that already utilize Zoho solutions (such as its productivity suite), ZohoCRM will be a natural extension.

    However, small/mid-sized businesses may wonder how much ROI they can get from ZohoCRM, when much of the functionality expected from a CRM (such as workflow automation) cannot be found until one jumps to the “Enterprise” plan. Given the “Enterprise” plan’s pricing is on par with other CRM vendors, there may not be much in a smaller organization’s eyes that truly distinguishes ZohoCRM unless they are already invested Zoho users.”

    Thomas Randall
    Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group

    Standard Professional Enterprise Ultimate
    • Starts at $20*
    • Per user/mo
    • Small businesses after basic functionality
    • Starts at $35*
    • Per user/mo
    • Small/mid-sized businesses
    • Adds inventory management
    • Starts at $50*
    • Per user/mo
    • Mid-sized/small enterprise
    • Adds Zia AI
    • Starts at $65*
    • Per user/mo
    • Enterprise
    • Bundles Zoho Analytics
    Logo for Zendesk.

    Est. 2009 | CA, USA | ZEN (NYSE)


    Link for their Twitter account.Link for their LinkedIn profile.Link for their website.
    Software developer for customer service. Founded in Copenhagen but moved to San Francisco after $6 million Series B funding from Charles River Ventures and Benchmark Capital.

    SoftwareReviews’ Enterprise CRM Rankings


    • Quality of features
    • Breadth of features
    • Vendor support

    Areas to Improve:

    • Business value created
    • Ease of customization
    • Usability and intuitiveness
    Logo gif for SoftwareReviews.
    Vendor scores are driven by real-world practitioner reviews via SoftwareReviews. Composite, CX, EF and NPS scores pulled from live data as of June 2022. Rankings and ”strengths” and ”areas to improve” pulled from January 2022 Category Report.
    Sample of a Zendesk screen.Vendor Pulse rating. How often do we hear about Zendesk from our members for CRM? 'Rarely'.

    History of Zendesk in a vertical timeline.

    *Pricing correct as of August 2021. Listed in USD and absent discounts
    See pricing on vendor’s website for latest information.
    Logo for Zendesk.

    “Zendesk’s initial growth was grounded in word-of-mouth advertising, owing to the popularity of its help desk solution’s design and functionality. Zendesk Sell has followed suit, receiving strong feedback for the breadth and quality of its features. Organizations that have already reaped the benefits of Zendesk’s customer service suite will find Zendesk Sell a straightforward fit for their sales teams.

    However, it is important to note that Zendesk Sell is predominantly focused on sales. Other key components of a CRM, such as marketing, are less fleshed out. Organizations should ensure they verify what requirements they have for a CRM before choosing Zendesk Sell – if sales process requirements (such as forecasting, call analytics, and so on) are but one part of what the organization needs, Zendesk Sell may not offer the highest ROI for the pricing offered.”

    Thomas Randall
    Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group

    Sell Team Sell Professional Sell Enterprise
    • Starts at $19*
    • Per user/mo
    • Max. 3 users
    • Small businesses
    • Basic functionality
    • Starts at $49*
    • Per user/mo
    • Small/mid-sized businesses
    • Advanced analytics
    • Starts at $99*
    • Per user/mo
    • Mid-sized/small enterprise
    • Task automation

    Speak with category experts to dive deeper into the vendor landscape

    Icon of a person.
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    Icon of a magnifying glass over a chart.
    Top-tier data quality backed by a rigorous quality assurance process.

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    We collect and analyze the most detailed reviews on enterprise software from real users to give you an unprecedented view into the product and vendor before you buy.

    Icon of a tablet.
    Product and category reports with state-of-the-art data visualization.
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    User-experience insight that reveals the intangibles of working with a vendor.

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    Technology coverage is a priority for Info-Tech, and SoftwareReviews provides the most comprehensive unbiased data on today’s technology. Combined with the insights of our expert analysts, our members receive unparalleled support in their buying journey.

    Conduct a day of rapid-fire vendor demos

    Zoom in on high-value use cases and answers to targeted questions

    Make sure the solution will work for your business

    Give each vendor 90 to 120 minutes to give a rapid-fire presentation. We suggest the following structure:

    • 30 minutes: company introduction and vision
    • 60 minutes: walk-through of two or three high-value demo scenarios
    • 30 minutes: targeted Q&A from the business stakeholders and procurement team
    To ensure a consistent evaluation, vendors should be asked analogous questions, and a tabulation of answers should be conducted.
    How to challenge the vendors in the investigative interview
    • Change the visualization/presentation.
    • Change the underlying data.
    • Add additional data sets to the artifacts.
    • Collaboration capabilities.
    • Perform an investigation in terms of finding BI objects and identifying previous changes, and examine the audit trail.
    Rapid-fire vendor investigative interview

    Invite vendors to come onsite (or join you via video conference) to demonstrate the product and to answer questions. Use a highly targeted demo script to help identify how a vendor’s solution will fit your organization’s particular business capability needs.

    Graphic of an alarm clock.
    To kick-start scripting your demo scenarios, leverage our CRM Demo Script Template.

    A vendor scoring model provides a clear anchor point for your evaluation of CRM vendors based on a variety of inputs

    A vendor scoring model is a systematic method for effectively assessing competing vendors. A weighted-average scoring model is an approach that strikes a strong balance between rigor and evaluation speed.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Even the best scoring model will still involve some “art” rather than science – scoring categories such as vendor viability always entails a degree of subjective interpretation.

    How do I build a scoring model?

    • Start by shortlisting the key criteria you will use to evaluate your vendors. Functional capabilities should always be a critical category, but you’ll also want to look at criteria such as affordability, architectural fit, and vendor viability.
    • Depending on the complexity of the project, you may break down some criteria into sub-categories to assist with evaluation (for example, breaking down functional capabilities into constituent use cases so you can score each one).
    • Once you’ve developed the key criteria for your project, the next step is weighting each criterion. Your weightings should reflect the priorities for the project at hand. For example, some projects may put more emphasis on affordability, others on vendor partnership.
    • Using the information collected in the subsequent phases of this blueprint, score each criterion from 1-100, then multiply by the weighting factor. Add up the weighted scores to arrive at the aggregate evaluation score for each vendor on your shortlist.

    What are some of the best practices?

    • While the criteria for each project may vary, it’s helpful to have an inventory of repeatable criteria that can be used across application selection projects. The next slide contains an example that you can add or subtract from.
    • Don’t go overboard on the number of criteria: five to 10 weighted criteria should be the norm for most projects. The more criteria (and sub-criteria) you must score against, the longer it will take to conduct your evaluation. Always remember, link the level of rigor to the size and complexity of your project! It’s possible to create a convoluted scoring model that takes significant time to fill out but yields little additional value.
    • Creation of the scoring model should be a consensus-driven activity among IT, procurement, and the key business stakeholders – it should not be built in isolation. Everyone should agree on the fundamental criteria and weights that are employed.
    • Consider using not just the outputs of investigative interviews and RFP responses to score vendors, but also third-party review services like SoftwareReviews.

    Define how you’ll score CRM proposals and demos

    Define key CRM selection criteria for your organization – this should be informed by the following goals, use cases, and requirements covered in the blueprint.



    Functional CapabilitiesHow well does the vendor align with the top-priority functional requirements identified in your accelerated needs assessment? What is the vendor’s functional breadth and depth?
    AffordabilityHow affordable is this vendor? Consider a three-to-five-year total cost of ownership (TCO) that encompasses not just licensing costs, but also implementation, integration, training, and ongoing support costs.
    Architectural FitHow well does this vendor align with our direction from an enterprise architecture perspective? How interoperable is the solution with existing applications in our technology stack? Does the solution meet our deployment model preferences?
    ExtensibilityHow easy is it to augment the base solution with native or third-party add-ons as our business needs may evolve?
    ScalabilityHow easy is it to expand the solution to support increased user, data, and/or customer volumes? Are there any capacity constraints of the solution?
    Vendor ViabilityHow viable is this vendor? Are they an established player with a proven track record, or a new and untested entrant to the market? What is the financial health of the vendor? How committed are they to the particular solution category?
    Vendor VisionDoes the vendor have a cogent and realistic product roadmap? Are they making sensible investments that align with your organization’s internal direction?
    Emotional FootprintHow well does the vendor’s organizational culture and team dynamics align to yours?
    Third-Party Assessments and/or ReferencesHow well-received is the vendor by unbiased, third-party sources like SoftwareReviews? For larger projects, how well does the vendor perform in reference checks (and how closely do those references mirror your own situation)?

    Decision Point: Select the Finalist

    After reviewing all vendor responses to your RFP, conducting vendor demos, and running a pilot project (if applicable), the time has arrived to select your finalist.

    All core selection team members should hold a session to score each shortlisted vendor against the criteria enumerated on the previous slide – based on an in-depth review of proposals, the demo sessions, and any pilots or technical assessments.

    The vendor that scores the highest in aggregate is your finalist.

    Congratulations – you are now ready to proceed to final negotiation and inking a contract. This blueprint provides a detailed approach on the mechanics of a major vendor negotiation.

    Leverage Info-Tech’s research to plan and execute your CRM implementation

    Use Info-Tech Research Group’s three phase implementation process to guide your own planning.
    The three phases of software implementation: 'Assess', 'Prepare', 'Govern & Course Correct'. Sample of the 'Governance and Management of Enterprise Software Implementation' blueprint.

    Establish and execute an end-to-end, agile framework to succeed with the implementation of a major enterprise application.

    Visit this link

    Prepare for implementation: establish a clear resourcing plan

    Organizations rarely have sufficient internal staffing to resource a CRM project on their own. Consider the options for closing the gap in internal resource availability.

    The most common project resourcing structures for enterprise projects are:
    Your own staff +
    1. Management consultant
    2. Vendor consultant
    3. System integrator
    Info-Tech Insight

    When contemplating a resourcing structure, consider:

    • Availability of in-house implementation competencies and resources.
    • Timeline and constraints.
    • Integration environment complexity.

    Consider the following:

    Internal vs. External Roles and Responsibilities

    Clearly delineate between internal and external team responsibilities and accountabilities, and communicate this to your technology partner up front.

    Internal vs. External Accountabilities

    Accountability is different than responsibility. Your vendor or SI partner may be responsible for completing certain tasks, but be careful not to outsource accountability for the implementation – ultimately, the internal team will be accountable.

    Partner Implementation Methodologies

    Often vendors and/or SIs will have their own preferred implementation methodology. Consider the use of your partner's implementation methodology; however, you know what will work for your organization.

    Establish team composition

    1 – 2 hours

    Input: Skills assessment, Stakeholder analysis, Vendor partner selection

    Output: Team composition

    Materials: Sticky notes, Whiteboard, Markers

    Participants: Project team

    Use Info-Tech’s Governance and Management of Enterprise Software Implementation to establish your team composition. Within that blueprint:

    1. Assess the skills necessary for an implementation. Inventory the competencies required for the implementation project team. Map your internal resources to each competency as applicable.
    2. Select your internal implementation team. Determine who needs to be involved closely with the implementation. Key stakeholders should also be considered as members of your implementation team.
    3. Identify the number of external consultants/support required for implementation. Consider your in-house skills, timeline considerations, integration environment complexity, and cost constraints as you make your team composition plan. Be sure to dedicate an internal resource to managing the vendor and partner relationships.
    4. Document the roles and responsibilities, accountabilities, and other expectations of your team as they relate to each step of the implementation.

    Governance and Management of Enterprise Software Implementation

    Sample of the 'Governance and Management of Enterprise Software Implementation' blueprint.Follow our iterative methodology with a task list focused on the business must-have functionality to achieve rapid execution and to allow staff to return to their daily work sooner.

    Visit this link

    Ensure your implementation team has a high degree of trust and communication

    If external partners are needed, dedicate an internal resource to managing the vendor and partner relationships.


    Teams must have some type of communication strategy. This can be broken into:
    • Regularity: Having a set time each day to communicate progress and a set day to conduct retrospectives.
    • Ceremonies: Injecting awards and continually emphasizing delivery of value can encourage relationship-building and constructive motivation.
    • Escalation: Voicing any concerns and having someone responsible for addressing those concerns.


    Distributed teams create complexity as communication can break down. This can be mitigated by:
    • Location: Placing teams in proximity can close the barrier of geographical distance and time zone differences.
    • Inclusion: Making a deliberate attempt to pull remote team members into discussions and ceremonies.
    • Communication tools: Having the right technology (e.g. video conference) can help bring teams closer together virtually.


    Members should trust other members are contributing to the project and completing their required tasks on time. Trust can be developed and maintained by:
    • Accountability: Having frequent quality reviews and feedback sessions. As work becomes more transparent, people become more accountable.
    • Role clarity: Having a clear definition of what everyone’s role is.

    Plan for your implementation of CRM based on deployment model

    Place your CRM application into your IT landscape by configuring and adjusting the tool based on your specific deployment method.

    Icon of a housing development.

    1. Identify custom features and configuration items
    2. Train developers and IT staff on new software investment
    3. Install software
    4. Configure software
    5. Test installation and configuration
    6. Test functionality

    Icon of a cloud upload.

    1. Train developers and IT staff on new software investment
    2. Set up connectivity
    3. Identify VPN or internal solution
    4. Check firewalls
    5. Validate bandwidth regulations

    Integration is a top IT challenge and critical to the success of the CRM suite

    CRM suites are most effective when they are integrated with ERP and MarTech solutions.

    Data interchange between the CRM solution and other data sources is necessary

    Formulate a comprehensive map of the systems, hardware, and software with which the CRM solution must be able to integrate. Customer data needs to constantly be synchronized: without this, you lose out on one of the primary benefits of CRM. These connections must be bidirectional for maximum value (i.e. marketing data to the CRM, customer data to MMS).
    Specialized projects that include an intricate prospect or customer list and complex rules may need to be built by IT The more custom fields you have in your CRM suite and point solutions, the more schema mapping you will have to do. Include this information in the RFP to receive guidance from vendors on the ease with which integration can be achieved.

    Pay attention to legacy apps and databases

    If you have legacy CRM, POS, or customer contact software, more custom code will be required. Many vendors claim that custom integration can be performed for most systems, but custom comes at a cost. Don’t just ask if they can integrate; ask how long it will take and for references from organizations which have been successful in this.
    When assessing the current application portfolio that supports CRM, the tendency will be to focus on the applications under the CRM umbrella, relating mostly to marketing, sales, and customer service. Be sure to include systems that act as inputs to, or benefit due to outputs from, the CRM or similar applications.

    CRM data flow

    Example of a CRM data flow.

    Be sure to include enterprise applications that are not included in the CRM application portfolio. Popular systems to consider for POIs include billing, directory services, content management, and collaboration tools.

    Sample CRM integration map

    Sample of a CRM integration map.

    Scenario: Failure to address CRM data integration will cost you in the long run

    A company spent $15 million implementing a new CRM system in the cloud and decided NOT to spend an additional $1.5 million to do a proper cloud DI tool procurement. The mounting costs followed.

    Cost Element – Custom Data Integration


    2 FTEs for double entry of sales order data $ 100,000/year
    One-time migration of product data to CRM $ 240,000 otc
    Product data maintenance $ 60,000/year
    Customer data synchronization interface build $ 60,000 otc
    Customer data interface maintenance $ 10,000/year
    Data quality issues $ 100,000/year
    New SaaS integration built in year 3 $ 300,000 otc
    New SaaS integration maintenance $ 150,000/year

    Cost Element – Data Integration Tool


    DI strategy and platform implementation $1,500,000 otc
    DI tool maintenance $ 15,000/year
    New SaaS integration point in year 3 $ 300,000 otc
    Thumbs down color coded red to the adjacent chart. Custom integration is costing this organization $300,000/year for one SaaS solution.
    Thumbs up color coded blue to the adjacent chart.

    The proposed integration solution would have paid for itself in 3-4 years and saved exponential costs in the long run.

    Proactively address data quality in the CRM during implementation

    Data quality is a make-or-break issue in a CRM platform; garbage in is garbage out.
    • CRM suites are one of the leading offenders for generating poor-quality data. As such, it’s important to have a plan in place for structuring your data architecture in such a way the poor data quality is minimized from the get-go.
    • Having a plan for data quality should precede data migration efforts; some types of poor data quality can be mitigated prior to migration.
    • There are five main types of poor-quality data found in CRM platforms.
      • Duplicate data: Duplicate records can be a major issue. Leverage dedicated deduplication tools to eliminate them.
      • Stale data: Out-of-date customer information can reduce the usefulness of the platform. Use automated social listening tools to help keep data fresh.
      • Incomplete data: Records with missing info limit platform value. Specify data validation parameters to mandate that all fields are filled in.
      • Invalid and conflicting data: These can create cascading errors. Establishing conflict resolution rules in ETL tools for data integration can lessen issues.
    Info-Tech Insight

    If you have a complex POI environment, appoint data stewards for each major domain and procure a deduplication tool. As the complexity of CRM system-to-system integrations increases, so will the chance that data quality errors will crop up – for example, bidirectional POI with other sources of customer information dramatically increase the chances of conflicting/duplicate data.

    Profile data, eliminate dead weight, and enforce standards to protect data

    Identify and eliminate dead weight

    Poor data can originate in the firm’s CRM system. Custom queries, stored procedures, or profiling tools can be used to assess the key problem areas.

    Loose rules in the CRM system may lead to records of no significant value in the database. Those rules need to be fixed, but if changes are made before the data is fixed, users could encounter database or application errors, which will reduce user confidence in the system.

    • Conduct a data flow analysis: map the path that data takes through the organization.
    • Use a mass cleanup to identify and destroy dead weight data. Merge duplicates either manually or with the aid of software tools. Delete incomplete data, taking care to reassign related data.
    • COTS packages typically allow power users to merge records without creating orphaned records in related tables, but custom-built applications typically require IT expertise.

    Create and enforce standards and policies

    Now that the data has been cleaned, it’s important to protect the system from relapsing.

    Work with business users to find out what types of data require validation and which fields should have changes audited. Whenever possible, implement drop-down lists to standardize values and make programming changes to ensure that truncation ceases.

    • Truncated data is usually caused by mismatches in data structures during either one-time data loads or ongoing data integrations.
    • Don’t go overboard on assigning required fields; users will just put key data in note fields.
    • Discourage the use of unstructured note fields: the data is effectively lost except if it gets subpoenaed.
    Info-Tech Insight

    Data quality concerns proliferate with the customization level of your platform. The more extensive the custom integration points and module/database extensions that you have made, the more you will need to have a plan in place for managing data quality from a reactive and proactive standpoint.

    Create a formal communication process throughout the CRM implementation

    Establish a comprehensive communication process around the CRM enterprise roll-out to ensure that end users stay informed.

    The CRM kick-off meeting(s) should encompass: 'The high-level application overview', 'Target business-user requirements', 'Target quality of service (QoS) metrics', 'Other IT department needs', 'Tangible business benefits of application', 'Special consideration needs'. The overall objective for interdepartmental CRM kick-off meetings is to confirm that all parties agree on certain key points and understand platform rationale and functionality.

    The kick-off process will significantly improve internal communications by inviting all affected internal IT groups, including business units, to work together to address significant issues before the application process is formally activated.

    Department groups or designated trainers should take the lead and implement a process for:

    • Scheduling CRM platform roll-out/kick-off meetings.
    • Soliciting preliminary input from the attending groups to develop further training plans.
    • Establishing communication paths and the key communication agents from each department who are responsible for keeping lines open moving forward.

    Ensure requirements are met with robust user acceptance testing

    User acceptance testing (UAT) is a test procedure that helps to ensure end-user requirements are met. Test cases can reveal bugs before the suite is implemented.

    Five Secrets of UAT Success

    Bracket with colors corresponding the adjacent list items.


    Create the plan With the information collected from requirements gathering, create the plan. Make sure this information is added to the main project plan documentation.


    Set the agenda The time allotted will vary depending on the functionality being tested. Ensure that the test schedule allows for the resolution of issues and discussion.


    Determine who will participate Work with the relevant stakeholders to identify the people who can best contribute to system testing. Look for experienced power users who have been involved in earlier decision making about the system.


    Highlight acceptance criteria Together with the UAT group, pinpoint the criteria to determine system acceptability. Refer back to requirements specified in use cases in the initial requirements-gathering stages of the project.


    Collect end user feedback Weaknesses in resolution workflow design, technical architecture, and existing customer service processes can be highlighted and improved on with ongoing surveys and targeted interviews.

    Calculate post-deployment metrics to assess measurable value of the project

    Track the post-deployment results from the project and compare the metrics to the current state and target state.

    CRM Selection and Implementation Metrics
    Description Formula Current or Estimated Target Post-Deployment
    End-User Satisfaction # of Satisfied Users
    # of End Users
    70% 90% 85%
    Percentage Over/Under Estimated Budget Amount Spent - 100%
    5% 0% 2%
    Percentage Over/Under Estimated Timeline Project Length - 100%
    Estimated Timeline
    10% -5% -10%

    CRM Strategy Metrics
    Description Formula Current or Estimated Target Post-Deployment
    Number of Leads Generated (per month) # of Leads Generated 150 200 250
    Average Time to Resolution (in minutes) Time Spent on Resolution
    # of Resolutions
    30 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes
    Cost per Interaction by Campaign Total Campaign Spending
    # of Customer Interactions
    $17.00 $12.00 $12.00

    Select the Right CRM Platform

    CRM technology is critical to facilitate an organization’s relationships with customers, service users, employees, and suppliers. Having a structured approach to building a business case, defining key requirements, and engaging with the right shortlist of vendors to pick the best finalist is crucial.

    This selection guide allows organizations to execute a structured methodology for picking a CRM that aligns with their needs. This includes:
    • Alignment and prioritization of key business and technology drivers for a CRM selection business case.
    • Identification of key use cases and requirements for CRM.
    • Construction of a robust CRM RFP.
    • A strong market scan of key players.
    • A survey of crucial implementation considerations.
    This formal CRM selection initiative will drive business-IT alignment, identify sales and marketing automation priorities, and allow for the rollout of a platform that’s highly likely to satisfy all stakeholder needs.

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through other phases as part of an Info-Tech workshop.

    Contact your account representative for more information.

    Insight summary

    Stakeholder satisfaction is critical to your success

    Choosing a solution for a single use case and then expanding it to cover other purposes can be a way to quickly gain approvals and then make effective use of dollars spent. However, this can also be a nightmare if the product is not fit for purpose and requires significant customization effort for future use cases. Identify use cases early, engage stakeholders to define success, and recognize where you need to find balance between a single off-the-shelf CRM platform and adjacent MarTech or sales enablement systems.

    Build a business case

    An effective business case isn’t a single-purpose document for obtaining funding. It can also be used to drive your approach to product selection, requirements gathering, and ultimately evaluating stakeholder and user satisfaction.

    Use your business case to define use cases and milestones as well as success.

    Balance process with technology

    A new solution with old processes will result in incremental increased value. Evaluate existing processes and identify opportunities to improve and remove workarounds. Then define requirements.

    You may find that the tools you have would be adequate with an upgrade and tool optimization. If not, this exercise will prepare you to select the right solution for your current and future needs.

    Drive toward early value

    Lead with the most important benefit and consider the timeline. Most stakeholders will lose interest if they don’t realize benefits within the fist year. Can you reach your goal and report success within that timeline?

    Identify secondary, incremental customer engagement improvements that can be made as you work toward the overall goal to be achieved at the one-year milestone.

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Stock image of an office worker. Build a Strong Technology Foundation for Customer Experience Management
    • Any CRM project needs to be guided by the broader strategy around customer engagement. This blueprint explores how to create a strong technology enablement approach for CXM using voice of the customer analysis.
    Stock image of a target with arrows. Improve Requirements Gathering
    • 70% of projects that fail do so because of poor requirements. If you need to double-click on best practices for eliciting, analyzing, and validating requirements as you build up your CRM picklist and RFP, this blueprint will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to hit the ground running.
    Stock image of a pen on paper. Drive Successful Sourcing Outcomes with a Robust RFP Process
    • Managing a complex RFP process for an enterprise application like a CRM platform can be a challenging undertaking. This blueprint zooms into how to build, run, administer, and evaluate RFP responses effectively.


    “Doomed From the Start? Why a Majority of Business and IT Teams Anticipate Their Software Development Projects Will Fail.” Geneca, 25 Jan. 2017. Web.

    Hall, Kerrie. “The State of CRM Data Management 2020.” Validity. 27 April 2020. Web.

    Hinchcliffe, Dion. “The Evolving Role of the CIO and CMO in Customer Experience.” ZDNet, 22 Jan. 2020. Web.

    Klie, L. “CRM Still Faces Challenges, Most Speakers Agree: CRM Systems Have Been Around for Decades, but Interoperability and Data Siloes Still Have to Be Overcome.” CRM Magazine, vol. 23, no. 5, 2019, pp. 13-14.

    Markman, Jon. "Netflix Knows What You Want... Before You Do." Forbes. 9 Jun. 2017. Web.

    Morgan, Blake. “50 Stats That Prove The Value Of Customer Experience.” Forbes, 24 Sept. 2019. Web.

    Taber, David. “What to Do When Your CRM Project Fails.” CIO Magazine, 18 Sept. 2017. Web.

    “The State of Project Management Annual Survey 2018.” Wellingtone, 2018. Web.

    “The History of Microsoft Dynamics.” Eswelt. 2021. Accessed 8 June 2022.

    “Unlock the Mysteries of Your Customer Relationships.” Harvard Business Review. 1 July 2014. Accessed 30 Mar. 2016.

    2020 CIO Priorities Report

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}97|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Innovation
    • Parent Category Link: /innovation
    • The velocity and magnitude of technology changes today has increased dramatically compared to anything that has come before.
    • The velocity and magnitude of advancements in technology has always seemed unprecedented in every wave of technology change we have experienced over the past 40 years. With each new wave of innovation, “unprecedented” is redefined to a new level, and so it remains true that today’s CIO is faced with unprecedented levels of change as a direct result of emerging technologies.
    • What is different today is that we are at the point where the emerging technology itself is now capable of accelerating the pace of change even more through artificial intelligence capabilities.
    • If we are to realize the business value through the adoption of emerging technologies, CIOs must address significant challenges. We believe addressing these challenges lies in the CIO priorities for 2020.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • First there was IT/business alignment, then there was IT/business integration – both states characterized as IT “getting on the same page” as the business. In the context of emerging technologies, the CIO should no longer be focused on getting on the same page as the CEO.
    • Today it is about the CEO and the CIO collaborating to write a new book about convergence of all things: technology (infrastructure and applications), people (including vendors), process, and data.
    • Digital transformation and adoption of emerging technologies is not a goal, it is a journey – a means to the end, not the end unto itself.

    Impact and Result

    • Use Info-Tech's 2020 CIO Priorities Report to ascertain, based on our research, what areas of focus for 2020 are critical for success in adopting emerging technologies.
    • Adopting these technologies requires careful planning and consideration for what is critical to your business customers.
    • This report provides focus on the business benefits of the technology and not just the capabilities themselves. It puts the CIO in a position to better understand the true value proposition of any of today’s technology advancements.

    2020 CIO Priorities Report Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to understand the top five priorities for CIOs in 2020 and why these are so critical to success.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Refine and adapt processes

    Learn about how processes can make or break your adoption of emerging technologies.

    • 2020 CIO Priorities Report – Priority 1: Refine and Adapt Processes

    2. Re-invent IT as collaboration engine

    Learn about how IT can transform its role within the organization to optimize business value.

    • 2020 CIO Priorities Report – Priority 2: Re-Invent IT as Collaboration Engine

    3. Acquire and retain talent for roles in emerging technologies

    Learn about how IT can attract and keep employees with the skills and knowledge needed to adopt these technologies for the business.

    • 2020 CIO Priorities Report – Priority 3: Acquire and Retain Talent for Roles in Emerging Technologies

    4. Define and manage cybersecurity and cyber resilience requirements related to emerging technologies

    Understand how the adoption of emerging technologies has created new levels of risk and how cybersecurity and resilience can keep pace.

    • 2020 CIO Priorities Report – Priority 4: Define and Manage Cybersecurity and Cyber Resilience Requirements Related to Emerging Technologies

    5. Leverage emerging technology to create Wow! customer experiences

    Learn how IT can leverage emerging technology for its own customers and those of its business partners.

    • 2020 CIO Priorities Report – Priority 5: Leverage Emerging Technology to Create Wow! Customer Experiences

    Analyze Your Service Desk Ticket Data

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}483|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 10.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $6,499 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 3 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Service Desk
    • Parent Category Link: /service-desk
    • Leverage your service desk ticket data to gain insights for your service desk strategy.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Properly analyzing ticket data is challenging for the following reasons:
      • Poor ticket hygiene and unclear ticket handling means the data is often inaccurate or incomplete.
      • Service desk personnel are not sure where to start with analysis.
      • Too many metrics are tracked to parse actionable data from the noise.
    • Ticket data won’t give you a silver bullet, but it can help point you in the right direction.

    Impact and Result

    • Create an iterative framework for tracking metrics, keeping data clean, and actioning your data on day-to-day and month-to-month timelines.

    Analyze Your Service Desk Ticket Data Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should analyze your service desk ticket data, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Import your ticket data

    Enter your data into our tool. Compare your own ITSM ticket fields to improve ticket data moving forward.

    • Service Desk Ticket Analysis Tool

    2. Analyze your ticket data

    Use the ticket analysis tool as a guide to build your own operational dashboards to measure metrics over time. Gain actionable insights from your data.

    • Ticket Analysis Report

    3. Action your ticket data

    Use the data to communicate your findings to the business and leadership using the Ticket Analysis Report.


    Further reading


    Analyze Your Service Desk Ticket Data

    Take a data-driven approach to service desk optimization.


    Analyst Perspective

    Photo of Benedict Chang, Research Analyst, Infrastructure & Operations, Info-Tech Research Group

    Benedict Chang
    Research Analyst, Infrastructure & Operations
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Photo of Ken Weston ITIL MP, PMP, Cert.APM, SMC, Research Director, Infrastructure & Operations, Info-Tech Research Group

    Ken Weston ITIL MP, PMP, Cert.APM, SMC
    Research Director, Infrastructure & Operations
    Info-Tech Research Group

    The perfect time to start analyzing your ticket data is now

    Service desks improve their services by leveraging ticket data to inform their actions. However, many organizations don’t know where to start. It’s tempting to wait for perfect data, but there’s a lot of value in analyzing your ticket data as it exists today.

    Start small. Track key tension metrics based on the out-of-the-box functionality in your tool. Review the metrics regularly to stay on track.

    By reviewing your ticket data, you’re going to get better organically. You’re going to learn about the state of your environment, the health of your processes, and the quality of your services. Regularly analyze your data to drive improvements.

    Make ticket analysis a weekly habit. Every week, you should be evaluating how the past week went. Every month, you should be looking for patterns and trends.

    Executive Summary

    Your Situation

    Leverage your service desk ticket data to gain insights for improving your operations:

    1. Use a data-based approach to allocate service desk resources.
    2. Design appropriate SLOs and SLAs to better service end users.
    3. Gain efficiencies for your shift-left strategy.
    4. Communicate the current and future value of the service desk to the business.

    Common Obstacles

    Properly analyzing ticket data is challenging for the following reasons:

    • Poor ticket hygiene and unclear ticket handling guidelines can lead to untrustworthy results.
    • Undocumented tickets from various intake channels prevents you from seeing the whole picture.
    • Service desk personnel are not sure where to start with analysis and are too busy to find time.
    • Too many metrics are tracked to parse actionable insights from the noise.

    Info-Tech’s Approach

    Info-Tech’s approach to improvement:

    • To reduce the noise, standardize your ticket data in a format that will ease analysis.
    • Start with common analyses using the cleaned data set.
    • Identify action items based on your ticket data.

    Analyze your ticket data to help continually improve your service desk.

    Slow down. Give yourself time.

    Give yourself time to observe the new metrics and draw enough insights to make recommendations for improvement. Then, execute on those recommendations. Slow and steady improvement of the service desk only adds business value and will have a positive impact on customer satisfaction.

    Your challenge

    This research is designed to help service desk managers analyze their ticket data

    Analyzing ticket data involves:

    • Collecting ticket data and keeping it clean. Based on the metrics you’re analyzing, define ticket expectations and keep the data up to date.
    • Showing the value of the service desk. SLAs are meaningless if they are not met consistently. The prerequisite to implementing proper SLAs is fully understanding the workload of the service desk.
    • Understanding – and improving – the user experience. You cannot improve the user experience without meaningful metrics that allow you to understand the user experience. Different user groups will have different needs and different expectations of the level of service. Your metrics should reflect those needs and expectations.

    36% of organizations are prioritizing ticket handling in IT for 2021 (Source: SDI, 2021)

    12% of organizations are focusing directly on service desk improvement (Source: SDI, 2021)

    Common obstacles

    Many organizations face these barriers to analyzing their ticket data:

    • Finding time to properly analyze ticket data is a challenge. Not knowing where to start can lead to not analyzing the proper data. Service desks end up either tracking too much data or not tracking the proper metrics.
    • Data, even if clean, can be housed in various tools and databases. It’s difficult to aggregate data if the data is stored throughout various tools. Comparisons may also be difficult if the data sets aren’t consistent.
    • Shifting left to move tickets toward self-service is difficult when there is no visibility into which tickets should be shifted left.

    What your peers are saying about why they can’t start analyzing their ticket data:

    • “My technicians do not consistently update and close tickets.”
    • “My ITSM doesn’t have the capabilities I need to make informed decisions on shifting tickets left.”
    • “My tickets are always missing data”
    • “I’m constantly firefighting. I have no time for ticket data analysis.”
    • “I have no idea where to start with the amount of data I have.”
    (Source: Info-Tech survey, 2021; N=20.)

    Common obstacles that prevent effective ticket analysis

    We asked IT service desk managers and teams about their biggest hurdles

    Missing or Inaccurate Information
    • Lack of information in the ticket
    • Categories are too general/specific to draw insights
    • Poor ticket hygiene
    Missing Updates
    • Tickets aren’t updated while being resolved
    Correlating Tickets to Identify Trends
    • Not sure where to start with all the data at hand
    No Time
    • No time to figure out the tool or analyze the data properly
    Ineffective Categorization Schemes
    • Reduces the power of ticket data
    Tool Limitations
    • Can’t be easily customized
    • Too customized to be effective
    • Desired dashboards unavailable
    (Source: Info-Tech survey, 2021; N=20)

    Info-Tech’s approach

    Repeat this analysis every business cycle:

    • Gather Your Data
      Collect your ticket data OR start measuring the right metrics.
    • Extract & Analyze
      Organize and visualize your data to extract insights
    • Action the Results
      Implement low-effort improvements and celebrate quick successes.
    • Implement Larger Changes
      Reference your ticket data while implementing process, tooling, and other changes.
    • Communicate the Results
      Use your data to show the value of your effort.

    Measure the value of this blueprint

    Track these metrics as you improve

    Use the data to tell you which aspects of IT need to be shifted left and which need to be automated

    Your data will show you where you can improve.

    As you act on your data, you should see:

    • Lower costs per ticket
    • Decreased average time to resolve
    • Increased end-user satisfaction
    • Fewer tickets escalated beyond Tier 1

    An illustration of the 'Shift Left Strategy' using three line graphs arranged in a table with the same axes but representing different metrics. The header row is 'Metrics,' then values of the x-axes are 'Auto-Fix,' 'User,' 'Tier 1,' 'Tier2/Tier3,' and 'Vendor.' Under 'Metrics' we see 'Cost,' 'Time,' and 'Satisfaction.' The 'Cost' graph begins 'Low' at 'Auto-Fix' and gradually moves to 'High' at 'Vendor.' The 'Time' graph begins 'Low' at 'Auto-Fix' and gradually moves to 'High' at 'Vendor.' The 'Satisfaction' graph begins 'High' at 'Auto-Fix' and gradually moves to 'Low' at 'Vendor.' Below is an arrow directing us away from the 'Vendor' option and toward the 'Auto-Fix' option, 'Shift Ticket Resolution Left.'

    See Info-Tech’s blueprint Optimize the Service Desk With a Shift-Left Strategy.

    Info-Tech’s methodology for analyzing service desk tickets

    1. Import Your Ticket Data 2. Analyze Your Ticket Data 3. Communicate Your Insights
    Phase Steps
    1. Import Your Ticket Data
    1. Analyze High-Level Ticket Data
    2. Analyze Incidents, Service Requests, and Ticket Categories
    1. Build Recommendations
    2. Action and Communicate Your Ticket Data
    Phase Outcomes Enter your data into our tool. Compare your own ITSM ticket fields to improve ticket data moving forward. Use the Service Desk Ticket Analysis Tool as a guide to build your own operational dashboards to measure metrics over time. Gain actionable insights from your data. Use the data to communicate your findings to the business and leadership using the Ticket Analysis Report.

    Insight summary

    Slow down. Give yourself time.

    Give yourself time to observe the new metrics and draw enough insights to make recommendations for improvement. Then, execute on those recommendations. Slow and steady improvement of the service desk only adds business value and will have a positive impact on customer satisfaction.

    Iterate on what to track rather than trying to get it right the first time.

    Tracking the right data in your ticket can be challenging if you don’t know what you’re looking for. Start with standardized fields and iterate on your data analysis to figure out your gaps and needs.

    If you don’t know where to go, ticket data can point you in the right direction.

    If you have service desk challenges, you will need to allocate time to process improvement. However, prioritizing your initiatives is easier if you have the ticket data to point you in the right direction.

    Start with data from one business cycle.

    Service desks don’t need three years’ worth of data. Focus on gathering data for one business cycle (e.g. three months). That will give you enough information to start generating value.

    Let the data do the talking.

    Leverage the data to drive organizational and process change in your organization by tracking meaningful metrics. Choose those metrics using business-aligned goals.

    Paint the whole picture.

    Single metrics in isolation, even if measured over time, may not tell the whole story. Make sure you design tension metrics where necessary to get a holistic view of your service desk.

    Blueprint deliverables

    This blueprint’s key deliverable is a ticket analysis tool. Many of the activities throughout this blueprint will direct you to complete and interpret this tool. The other main deliverable is a stakeholder presentation template to help you document the outcomes of the project.
    Service Desk Ticket Analysis Tool Ticket Analysis Report
    Use this tool to identify trends and patterns in your ticket data to action improvement initiatives.

    Sample of the Service Desk Ticket Analysis Tool blueprint deliverable.

    Use this template to document the justification for addressing service desk improvement, the results of your analysis, and your next steps.

    Sample of the Ticket Analysis Report blueprint deliverable.

    Blueprint benefits

    IT Benefits

    • Discover and implement the proper metrics to improve your service desk
    • Use a data-based approach to improve your customer service and operational goals
    • Increase visibility with the business and other IT departments using a structured presentation

    Business Benefits

    • Quicker resolutions to incidents and service requests
    • Better expectations for the service desk and IT
    • Better visibility into the current state, challenges, and goals of the service desk
    • More effective support when contacting the service desk

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    Guided Implementation



    "Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful." "Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track." "We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place." "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project."

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options

    Guided Implementation

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    A typical GI is 3-4 calls over the course of 2-3 months.

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

      Phase 1

    • Call #1: Scope requirements, objectives, and your specific challenges. Enter your data into the tool.
    • Phase 2

    • Call #2: Assess the current state across the different dashboards.
    • Phase 3

    • Call #3: Identify improvements and insights to include in the communication report.
    • Call #4: Review the service desk ticket analysis report.

    PHASE 1

    Import Your Ticket Data

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • 1.1.1 Define your objectives for analyzing ticket data
    • 1.1.2 Identify success metrics
    • 1.1.3 Import your ticket data into the tool
    • 1.1.4 Update your ticket fields for future analysis

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Service Desk Manager
    • ITSM Manager
    • Service Desk Technician

    1.1.1 Define your objectives for analyzing ticket data

    Input: Understanding of current service desk process and ticket routing

    Output: Defined objectives for the project

    Materials: Whiteboard/flip charts, Ticket Analysis Report

    Participants: Service Desk Staff, Service Desk Manager, IT Director, CIO

    Use the discussion questions below as a guide
    1. Identify your main objective for analyzing ticket data. Use these three sample objectives as a starting point:
      • Demonstrate value to the business by improving customer service.
      • Improve service desk operations.
      • Reduce the number of recurring incidents.
    2. Answer the following questions as a group:
      • What challenges do you have getting accurate data for this objective?
      • What data is missing for supporting this objective?
      • What kind of issues must be solved for us to make progress on achieving this objective?
      • What decisions are held up from a lack of data?
      • How can better ticket data help us to more effectively manage our services and operations?

    Document in the Ticket Analysis Report.

    1.1.2 Identify success metrics

    Select metrics that will track your progress on meeting the objective identified in Activity 1.1.1.

    Input: Understanding of current service desk process and ticket routing

    Output: Defined objectives for the project

    Materials: Whiteboard/flip charts, Ticket Analysis Report

    Participants: Service Desk Manager, IT Director, CIO

    Use these sample metrics as a starting point:
    Demonstrate value to the business by improving customer service
    Ticket trends by category by month # tickets by business department % SLAs met by IT teams
    Average customer satisfaction rating % incident tickets closed in one day Service request SLAs met by % Annual IT satisfaction survey result
    Improve service desk operations
    Incident tickets assigned, sorted by age and priority Scheduled requests for today and tomorrow Knowledgebase articles due for renewal this month Top 5-10 tickets for the quarter
    Unassigned tickets by age # incident tickets assigned by tech Open tickets by category Backlog summary by age
    Reducing the number of recurring incidents
    # incidents by category and resolution code Number of problem tickets opened and resolved Correlation of ticket volume trends to events Reduction of volume of recurring tickets
    Use of knowledgebase by users Use of self-service for ticket creation Use of service catalog Use of automated features (e.g. password resets)
    Average call hold time % calls abandoned Average resolution time Number of tickets reopened

    Document in the Ticket Analysis Report.

    Inefficient ticket-handling processes lead to SLA breaches and unplanned downtime

    Analyze the ticket data to catch mismanaged or lost tickets that lead to unnecessary escalations and impact business profitability

    • Ticket Category – Are your tickets categorized by type of asset? By service?
    • Average Ticket Times – How long does it take to resolve or fulfill tickets?
    • Ticket Priority – What is the impact and urgency of the ticket?
    • SLA/OLA Violations – Did we meet our SLA objectives? If not, why?
    • Ticket Channel – How was the issue reported or ticket received?
    • Response and Fulfillment – Did we complete first contact resolution? How many times was it transferred?
    • Associated Tasks and Tickets – Is this incident associated with any other tasks like change tickets or problem tickets?

    Encourage proper ticket-handling procedures to enable data quality

    Ensure everyone understands the expectations and the value created from having ticket data that follows these expectations

    • Create and update tickets, but not at the expense of good customer service. Agents can start the ticket but shouldn’t spend five minutes creating the ticket when they should be troubleshooting the problem.
    • Update the ticket when the issue is resolved or needs to be escalated. If agents are escalating, they should make sure all relevant information is passed along within the ticket to the next technician.
    • Update user of ETA if issue cannot be resolved quickly.
    • Ticket templates for common incidents can lead to fast creation, data input, and categorizations. Templates can reduce the time it takes to create tickets from two minutes to 30 seconds.
    • Update categories to reflect the actual issue and resolution.
    • Reference or link to the knowledgebase article as the documented steps taken to resolve the incident.
    • Validate with the client that the incident is resolved; automate this process with ticket closure after a certain time.
    • Close or resolve the ticket on time.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Ticket handling ensures clean handovers, whether it is to higher tiers or back to the customer. When filling the ticket out with information intended for another party, ensure the information is written for their benefit and from their point of view.

    Service Desk Ticket Analysis Tool overview

    The Service Desk Ticket Analysis Tool will help you standardize your ticket data in a meaningful format that will allow you to apply common analyses to identify the actions you need to take to improve service desk operations

    TABS 1 & 2
    Sample of the Service Desk Ticket Analysis Tool, tabs 1 & 2.
    Input at least three months of your exported ticket data into the corresponding columns in the tool to feed into the common analysis graphs in the other tabs.
    Sample of the Service Desk Ticket Analysis Tool, tab 3.
    This tab contains multiple dashboards analyzing how tickets come in, who requests them, who resolves them, and how long it takes to resolve them.
    Sample of the Service Desk Ticket Analysis Tool, tabs 4 to 8.
    These tabs each have dashboards outlining analysis on incidents and service requests. The category tab will allow you to dive deeper on commonly reported issues.

    1.1.3 Import your data into our Service Desk Ticket Analysis Tool

    You can still leverage your current data, but use this opportunity to improve your service desk ticket fields down the line

    Input: ITSM data log

    Output: Populated Service Desk Ticket Data Analysis Tool

    Materials: Whiteboard/flip charts, Service Desk Ticket Analysis Tool

    Participants: Service Desk Manager, Service Desk Technicians

    Start here:

    • Extract your ticket data from your ITSM tool in an Excel or text format.
    • Look at the fields on the data entry tab of the Service Desk Ticket Analysis Tool.
    • Fill the fields with your ticket data by copying and pasting relevant sections. It is okay if you don’t have all the fields, but take note of the fields you are missing.
    • With the list of the fields you are missing, run through the following activity to decide if you will need to adopt or add fields to your own service desk ticket tool.
    Fields Captured
    Ticket Number Open Date
    Open Time Closed Date
    Closed Time Intake Channel
    Time to Resolve Site Location
    First Contact Resolution Resolution Code
    Category (I, II, III) Ticket Type (Request or Incident)
    Status of Ticket Resolved by Tier
    Ticket Priority Requestor/Department
    SLA Fulfilled Subject

    When entering your data, pay close attention to the following fields:

    • Time to Resolve: This is automatically calculated using data in the Open Date, Open Time, Close Date, and Close Time fields. You have three options for entering your data in these fields:
      1. Enter your data as the fields describe. Ensure your data contain only the field description (e.g. Open Date separated from Open Time). If your data contain Open Date AND Open Time, Excel will not show both.
      2. Enter your data only in Open Date and Close Date. If your ITSM does not separate date and time, you can keep the data in a single cell and enter it in the column. The formula in Time to Resolve will still be accurate.
      3. If your ITSM outputs Time to Resolve, overwrite the formula in the Time to Resolve column.
    • SLA: If your ITSM outputs SLA fulfilled: Y/N, enter that directly into the SLA Fulfilled column.
    • Blank Columns: If you do not have data for all the columns, that is okay. Continue with the following activity. Note that some stock dashboards will be empty if that is the case.
    • Incidents vs. Service Requests: If you separate incidents and service requests, be sure to capture that in the SR/Incident for Tabs 4 and 5. If you do not separate the two, then you will only need to analyze Tab 3.
    Fields Captured
    Ticket Number Open Date
    Open Time Closed Date
    Closed Time Intake Channel
    Time to Resolve Site Location
    First Contact Resolution Resolution Code
    Category (I, II, III) Ticket Type (Request or Incident)
    Status of Ticket Resolved by Tier
    Ticket Priority Requestor/Department
    SLA Fulfilled Subject

    Use Info-Tech’s tool instead of building your own. Download the Service Desk Ticket Analysis Tool.

    1.1.4 Update your ticket fields for future analysis

    Input: Populated Service Desk Ticket Data Analysis Tool

    Output: New ticket fields to track

    Materials: Whiteboard/flip charts, Service Desk Ticket Analysis Tool

    Participants: Service Desk Manager, Service Desk Technicians

    As a group, pay attention to the ticket fields populated in the tool as well as the ticket fields that you were not able to populate. Use the example “Fields Captured” table to the right, which lists all fields present in the ticket analysis tool.

    Discuss the following questions:

    1. Consider the fields not captured. Would it be valuable to start capturing that data for future analysis?
    2. If so, does your ITSM support that field?
    3. Can you make the change in-house or do you have to bring in an external ITSM administrator to make the change?
    4. Capture the results in the Ticket Analysis Report.
    Example: Fields Captured - Fields Not Captured
    Ticket Number Open Date
    Open Time Closed Date
    Closed Time Intake Channel
    Time to Resolve Site Location
    First Contact Resolution Resolution Code
    Category (I, II, III) Ticket Type (Request or Incident)
    Status of Ticket Resolved by Tier
    Ticket Priority Requestor/Department
    SLA Fulfilled Subject

    Document in the Ticket Analysis Report.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Don’t wait for your ticket quality to be perfect. You can still draw actions from your ticket data. They will likely be process improvements initially, but the exercise of pulling the data is a necessary first step.

    Common ticket fields tracked by your peers

    Which of these metrics do you track and action?

    • Remember you don’t have to track every metric. Only track metrics that are actionable.

    For each metric that you end up tracking:

    • Look for trends over time.
    • Brainstorm reasons why the metric could rise or fall.

    Associate a metric with each improvement you execute.

    • Performing this step will allow you to better see the value from your team’s efforts.
    • It will also give you a quicker response than waiting for spikes in your data.

    A bar chart of 'Metrics tracked by other organizations' with the x-axis populated by different metrics and the y-axis as '% organizations who track the metric'. The highest percentage of businesses track 'Ticket volume', then 'Ticket trends by category', then 'Tickets by business units'. The lowest three shown are 'Reopened tickets', 'Cost per ticket', and 'Other'.(Source: Info-Tech survey, 2021; N=20)

    PHASE 2

    Analyze Your Ticket Data

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • 2.1.1 Review high-level ticket dashboards
    • 2.2.1 Review incident, service request, and ticket category dashboards

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Service Desk Manager
    • Service Desk Technicians
    • IT Managers

    Visualize your ticket data as a first step to analysis

    Identifying trends is easier when looking at diagrams, graphs, and figures

    Start your analysis with common visuals employed by other service desk professionals

    • Phase 2 will walk you through visualizing your data to get a better understanding of your ticket intake, incident management, and service request management.
    • Each step will walk you through:
      • Common visualizations used by service desks
      • Patterns to look for in your visualizations
      • Actions to take to address negative patterns and to continue positive trends
    • Share diagrams that underscore both the value being provided by the service desk as well as the scope of the pain points. Use Info-Tech’s Ticket Analysis Report template as a starting point.

    “Being able to tell stories with data is a skill that’s becoming ever more important in our world of increasing data and desire for data-driven decision making. An effective data visualization can mean the difference between success and failure when it comes to communicating the findings of your study, raising money for your nonprofit, presenting to your board, or simply getting your point across to your audience.” - Cole Knaflic, Founder and CEO, Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals

    Use the detailed dashboards to determine the next steps for improvement

    A single number doesn’t tell the whole picture

    Analyze trends over time:

    • Analyze trends by day, by week, by month, and by year to determine:
      • When are the busy periods? (E.g. Do tickets tend to spike every morning, every Monday, or every September?)
      • When are the slow periods? (E.g. Do tickets drop at the end of the day, at midday, on Fridays, or over the summer?)
    • Are spikes or drops in volume consistent trends or one-time anomalies?

    Then build a plan to address them:

    • How will you handle volume spikes, if they’re consistent?
    • What can your resources work on during slow times, if they are consistent?
    • If you assume no shrinkage, can you handle the peaks in volume if you make all FTEs available to work on tickets at a certain time of day?

    Sample of a bar chart comparing tickets that were 'Backlog versus Closed by Month Opened'.

    Look for seasonal trends. In this example, we see high ticket volumes in May and January, with lower ticket volumes in June and July when many staff are taking holidays. However, also be careful to look at the big picture of how you pulled the data. August through October sees a high volume of open tickets because the data set is pulled in November, not because there’s a seasonal spike on tickets not closing at the end of the fiscal year.

    Track ticket data over time

    Make low-effort adjustments before major changes

    Don’t rush to a decision based off the first numbers you see

    Review ticket summary dashboard

    Ideally, you should track ticket patterns over an entire year to get a full sense of trends within each month of the year. At minimum, track for 30 days, then 60, then 90, and see if anything changes. The longer you can track ticket patterns, the more accurate your picture will be.

    Review additional dashboards

    If you separate incidents and service requests, and you have accurate ticket categories, then you can use these dashboards to further break down the data to identify ticket trends.

    The output of the ticket analysis will only be as accurate as its input.
    To get the most accurate results, first ensure your data is accurate, then analyze it over as much time as possible. Aggregating with accurate data will give you a better picture of the trends in demand that your service desk sees.

    Not separating incidents and service requests? Need to fix your ticket categories? Visit Standardize the Service Desk to get started.

    Analyze incidents and requests separately

    Each type has its own set of customer experiences and expectations

    • Different ticket types are associated with radically different prioritization, routing, and service levels. For instance, most incidents are resolved within a business day, but requests take longer to implement.
    • If you fail to distinguish between ticket types, your metrics will obscure service desk performance.
    • From a ticket analysis standpoint, separating ticket types prior to analysis or, better yet, at intake allows for cleaner data. In turn, this means more structured analyses, better insights, and more meaningful actions. Not separating ticket types may still get you to the same conclusions, but it will be much more difficult to sift through the data.


    An unanticipated interruption of a service.
    The goal of incident management is to restore the service as soon as possible, even if the resolution involves a workaround.


    A generic description for a small change or service access.
    Requests are small, frequent, and low risk. They are best handled by a process distinct from incident, change, and project management.

    Not separating incidents and service requests? Need to fix your ticket categories? Visit Standardize the Service Desk to get started.

    Step 2.1

    Analyze Your High-Level Ticket Data

    • Ticket Volume
    • Ticket Intake
    • Ticket Handling and Resolution
    • Ticket Categorization

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    Visualize the current state of your service desk.

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Service Desk Manager
    • Service Desk Technicians
    • IT Managers

    Outcomes of this step

    Build your metrics baseline to compare with future metric results.

    Dashboards: Ticket Volume

    Example of a dashboard for ticket volume with two bar charts, one breaking down volume by month, and the other marking certain days or weeks in each month.

    Analyze your data for insights

    • Analyze volume trends by day, by week, by month, and by year to determine:
      • When are the busy periods? (E.g. Do tickets tend to spike every morning, every Monday, or every September?)
      • When are slow periods? (E.g. Do tickets drop at the end of the day, at midday, on Fridays, or over the summer?)
    • Are spikes or drops in volume consistent trends or one-time anomalies?
    • What can your resources be working on during slow times? Are you able to address ticket backlog?

    Dashboards: Ticket Intake

    Example of a dashboard for ticket intake with three bar charts, one breaking it down by 'Intake Channel', one by 'Requestor/Department', and one by 'Location'.

    Analyze your data for insights

    • Determine how to drive intake to the most appropriate solution for your organization:
      • A web portal is the most efficient intake method, but it must be user friendly to increase its adoption.
      • The phone should be available for urgent requests or incidents. Encourage those who call with a request to submit a ticket through the portal.
      • Discourage use of email if it is unstructured, as users don’t provide enough detail, and often two or three transactions are required for triage.
      • If walk-ups are encouraged, structure and formalize the support so it can be resourced and managed rather than interrupt-driven.

    Dashboard: Ticket Handling and Resolution

    Example of a dashboard for ticket handling and resolution with three bar charts, one breaking down 'Tickets Resolved by Technician', one by 'Tier', and one by 'Average Time to Resolve (Hours)'.

    Analyze your data for insights

    • Look at your ticket load by technician and by tier. This is an essential step to set your baseline to measure your shift-left initiatives. If you are focusing on self-service or Tier 1 training, the ticket load from higher tiers should decrease over time.
    • If Tiers 2 and 3 are handling the majority of the tickets, this could be a red flag indicating tickets are inappropriately escalated or Tier 1 could use more training and support.
    • For average time to resolve and average time to resolve by tier, are you meeting your SLAs? If not, are your SLAs too aggressive? Are tickets left open and not properly closed?

    Dashboard: Ticket Categorization

    Analyze your data for insights

    • Ticket categorization is critical to clean data. Having a categorization scheme with categories that are miscellaneous, too specific, or too general easily leads to inaccurate reporting or confusing workflows for technicians.
    • When looking at your ticket categories, first look for duplicate categories that could be collapsed into one.
    • Also look at your top five to seven categories and see if they make sense. Are these good candidates in your organization for automation or shift-left?
    • Compare your Tier 1 categories. The level of specificity for these categories should be comparable to easily run reports. If they are not, assess the need for a category redesign.

    Example of a dashboard for ticket categorization with one horizontal bar chart, 'Incident Ticket Volume by Level 1 Category'.

    Step 2.2

    Analyze Incidents, Service Requests, and Ticket Categories

    • Incidents
    • Service Requests
    • Volume by Ticket Category
    • Resolution Times by Priority and/or Category
    • Tabs for More Granular Investigation and Reporting

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    Visualize your incident and service request ticket load and analyze trends. Use this information and cross reference data sets to gain a holistic view of how the service desk interacts with IT and the business.

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Service Desk Manager
    • Service Desk Technicians
    • IT Managers

    Outcomes of this step

    Gain actionable, data-driven improvements based on your incident and service request data. Show the value of the service desk and highlight improvements needed.

    Incident and Service Requests Dashboard: Priority and SLA

    Example of an Incident and Service Requests dashboard for priority and SLA with three charts, one breaking down 'Incident Priority', one 'Average time to resolve (in hours) by priority', and one '% of SLA met'.

    Analyze your data for insights

    • Your ticket priority distribution for overall load and time to resolve (TTR) should look something like above with low-priority tickets having higher load and TTR and high/critical-priority tickets having a lower load and lower TTR. If it is reversed, that is a good indication that the service desk is too reactive or isn’t properly prioritizing its work.
    • If your SLA has a high failure rate, consider reassessing your targets with SLOs that you can meet before publishing them as achievable SLAs.

    Incident and Service Requests Dashboard: Priority and SLA

    Example of an Incident and Service Requests dashboard for resolution and close with three bar charts, one breaking down 'Incident Volume by Resolution Code', one 'Incidents Resolved by Tier', and one 'Average time to resolve (in hours) by Resolution Code'.

    Analyze your data for insights

    • Examine your ticket handling by looking at ticket status and resolution codes.
      • If you have a lot of blanks, then tickets are not properly handled. Consider reinforcing your standards for close codes and statuses.
      • Alternatively, if tickets are left open, you may have to build follow-ups on stale tickets into your process or introduce proper auto-close processes.

    Category, Resolution Time, and Resolution Code Dashboards

    These PivotCharts allow you to dig deeper

    Investigate whether there are trends in ticket volume and resolution times within specific categories and subcategories

    Tab 6, Category Dashboard; tab 7, Resolution Time Dashboard; and tab 8, Resolution Code Dashboard are PivotCharts. Use these tabs to investigate whether there are trends in ticket volume, resolution times, and resolution codes within specific categories and subcategories.

    Start with the charts that are available. The +/- buttons will allow you to show more granular information. By default, this granularity will be into the levels of the ticket categorization scheme.

    For most categorization schemes, there will be too many categories to properly graph. You can apply a filter to investigate specific categories by clicking on the drop-down buttons.

    Example of dashboards featured on next slide

    Use these tabs for more granular investigation and reporting

    TAB 6
    TAB 7
    TAB 8
    Sample of the 'Ticket Volume by Second, Third Level Category' dashboard tab.
    Investigate ticket distributions in first, second, and third levels. Are certain categories overcrowded, suggesting they can be split? Are certain categories not being used?
    Sample of the 'Average Resolution Times' dashboard tab.
    Do average resolution times match your service level agreements? Do certain categories have significantly different resolution times? Are there areas that can benefit from shift-left?
    Sample of the 'Volume of Resolution Codes' dashboard tab.
    Are resolution codes being accurately used? Are there trends in resolution codes? Are these codes providing sufficient information for problem management?

    PHASE 3

    Communicate Your Insights

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • 3.1.1 Review common recommendations
    • 3.2.1 Review ticket reports daily
    • 3.2.2 Incorporate ticket data into retrospectives and team updates
    • 3.2.3 Regularly review trends with business leaders
    • 3.2.4 Tell a story with your data

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Service Desk Manager
    • Service Desk Technicians
    • IT Managers

    Step 3.1

    Build Recommendations Based on Your Ticket Data

    • 3.1.1 Review common recommendations

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    Review common recommendations as a first step to extracting insights from your own data.

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Service Desk Manager
    • Service Desk Technicians

    Outcomes of this step

    You will gain an understanding of the common challenges with service desks and ticket analysis in general. See which ones apply to you to inform your ticket data analysis moving forward.

    Review these common recommendations

    1. Fix your ticket categories
      Organize your ticket categorization scheme for proper routing and reporting.
    2. Focus more on self-service
      Self-service is essential to enable shift-left strategies. Focus on knowledgebase processes and portal ease of use.
    3. Update your service catalog
      Improve your service catalog, if necessary, to make it easy for end users to request services and for the service desk to provide those services.
    4. Direct volume toward other channels
      Walk-ups make it more difficult to properly log tickets and assign service desk resources. Drive volume to other channels to improve your ticket quality.
    5. Crosstrain Tier 1 on certain topics
      Tier 1 breadth of knowledge is essential to drive up first contact resolution.
    6. Build more automation
      Identify bottlenecks and challenges with your ticket data to streamline ticket handling and resolution.
    7. Revisit service level agreements
      Update your SLAs and/or SLOs to prioritize expectation management for your end users.
    8. Improve your data quality
      You can only analyze data that exists. Revisit your ticket-handling guidelines and more regularly check tickets to ensure they comply with those standards.

    Optimize your processes and look for opportunities for automation

    Leverage Info-Tech research to improve service desk processes

    Review your service desk processes and tools for optimization opportunities:

    • Clearly establish ticket-handling guidelines.
    • Use ticket templates to reduce time spent entering tickets.
    • Document incident management and service request fulfillment workflows and eliminate any unnecessary steps.
    • Automate manual tasks wherever possible.
    • Build or improve a self-service portal with a knowledgebase to allow users to resolve their own issues, reducing incoming ticket volume to the service desk.
    • Optimize your internal knowledgebase to reduce time spent troubleshooting recurring issues.
    • Leverage AI capabilities to speed up ticket processing and resolution.

    Standardize the Service Desk

    This project will help you build and improve essential service desk processes, including incident management, request fulfillment, and knowledge management.

    Optimize the Service Desk With a Shift-Left Strategy

    This project will help you build a strategy to shift service support left to optimize your service desk operations and increase end-user satisfaction.

    Step 3.2

    Action and Communicate Your Ticket Data

    • 3.2.1 Review your ticket queues daily
    • 3.2.2 Incorporate ticket data into retrospectives and team status updates
    • 3.2.3 Regularly review trends with business leaders
    • 3.2.4 Tell a story with your data

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    Organize your scrums to report on the metrics that will inform daily and monthly operations.

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Service Desk Manager
    • Service Desk Technicians
    • IT Managers

    Outcomes of this step

    Use the dashboards and data to inform your daily and monthly scrums.

    3.2.1 Review your ticket queues daily

    Clean data is still useless if not used properly

    • The metrics you’ve chosen to measure and visualize in the previous step are useful for informing your day-to-day, week-to-week, and month-to-month strategies for the service desk and IT. Conduct scrums daily to action your dashboard data to help clear ticket queues.
    • Reference your dashboards daily with each IT team.
    • You need to have a dashboard of open tickets assigned to each team.

    Review Daily

    • Ticket volume over the last day (look for spikes)
    • SLA breach risks/SLA breaches
    • Recurring incidents
    • Tickets open
    • Tickets handed over (confirmation of handover)

    3.2.2 Incorporate ticket data into retrospectives and team status updates

    Explain your metric spikes and trends

    • Hold weekly or monthly meetings to review the ticket trends selected during Phases 1 and 2 of this blueprint.
    • Review ticket spikes, identify seasonal trends, and discuss root causes (e.g. projects/changes going live, onboarding blitz).
    • Discuss any actions associated with spikes and seasonal trends (e.g. resource allocation, hiring, training).
    • You can incorporate other IT leaders or departments in this meeting as needed to discuss action items for improvement, quality assurance concerns, customer service concerns, and/or operating level agreement concerns.

    Review Weekly/Monthly

    • Ticket volume
    • Ticket category by priority level over time
    • Tickets from different business groups, VIP groups, and different vertical levels
    • Tickets escalated, tickets that didn’t need to be escalated, tickets that were incorrectly escalated
    • Ticket priority levels over time
    • Most requested services
    • Tickets resolved by which group over time
    • Ability to meet SLAs and OLAs over time by different groups

    3.2.3 Regularly review trends with business leaders

    Use your data to help improve business relationships

    Review the following with business leaders:

    • Volume of work done this past time cycle for the leader’s group
    • Trends and spikes in the data and possible explanations for them (note: get their input on the potential causes of trends)
    • Improvements you plan to execute within the service desk
    • Action items you need from the business leader

    Use your data to show the value you provide to the group. Schedule quarterly meetings with the heads of different business groups to discuss the work that the service desk does for each group.

    Show trends in incidents and service requests: “I see you have a spike in CRM tickets. I’ve been working with the CRM team to address this issue.”

    3.2.4 Tell a story with your data

    Effectively communicate with the business and leadership

    • With your visualized metrics, organize your story into a presentation for different stakeholder groups. You can use the Ticket Analysis Report as a starting point to provide data about:
      • Value provided by the service desk
      • Successes
      • Opportunities for Improvements
      • Current state of KPIs
    • Include information about the causes of data trends and actions you will take in response to the data.
    • For each of these themes, look at the metrics you’ve chosen to track and see which ones fit to tell the story. Let the data do the talking.
    • Consider supplementing the ticket data with data from other systems. For example, you can include data on transactional customer satisfaction surveys, knowledgebase utilization, and self-service utilization.

    Sample of the Ticket Analysis Report.

    Download the Ticket Analysis Report.

    Ticket Analysis Report

    Include the following information as you build your ticket analysis report:

    • Value Provided by the Service Desk
      Start with the value provided by the service desk to different areas of the business. Include information about first contact resolution, average resolution times, ticket volume (e.g. by category, priority, location, requestor).
    • Successes
      Successes is a general field that can include how process improvements have impacted the service desk or how initiatives have enhanced shift-left opportunities. Highlight any positive trends over time.
    • Opportunities for Improvement
      Let the data guide the conversation to where improvements can be made. Day-to-day ops, self-service tools, shifting work left from Tier 2, Tier 3, standardizing a non-standard service, and staffing adjustments are possibilities for this section.
    • Current State of KPIs
      Mean time to resolve, FCR, ticket volume, and end-user satisfaction are great KPIs to include as a starting point.

    Sample of the Ticket Analysis Report.

    Download the Ticket Analysis Report.

    Summary of Accomplishment

    Problem Solved

    You now have a better understanding of how to action your service desk ticket data, including improvements to your current ticket templates for incidents and service requests.

    You also have the data to craft a story to different stakeholder groups to celebrate the successes of the service desk and highlight possible improvements. Continue this exercise iteratively to continue improving the service desk.

    Remember, ticket analysis is not a single event but an ongoing initiative. As you track, analyze, and action more data, you will find more improvements.

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through other phases as part of an Info-Tech workshop.

    Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889

    Additional Support

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through other phases as part of an Info-Tech workshop.

    Photo of Benedict Chang.

    Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889

    To accelerate this project, engage your IT team in an Info-Tech workshop with an Info-Tech analyst team. Info-Tech analysts will join you and your team at your location or welcome you to Info-Tech’s historic Toronto office to participate in an innovative onsite workshop.

    The following are sample activities that will be conducted by Info-Tech analysts with your team:

    Sample of dashboards we saw earlier. Sample of the 'Ticket Analysis Report'.
    Analyze your dashboards
    An analyst will walk through the ticket data and dashboards with you and your team to help interpret the data and tailor improvements
    Populate your ticket data report
    Given the action items from this solution set, an analyst will help you craft a report to celebrate the successes and highlight needed improvements in the service desk.

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    Bayes, Scarlett. “ITSM: 2021 & Beyond.” Service Desk Institute, 2021. Web.

    “Benchmarking Report v.9.” Service Desk Institute, 17 Jan. 2020. Web.

    Bennett, Micah. “The 9 Help Desk Metrics That Should Guide Your Customer Support.” Zapier, 3 Dec. 2015. Web.

    “Global State of Customer Service: The transformation of customer service from 2015 to present day.” Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft, 2020. Web.

    Goodey, Ben. “How to Manually Analyze Support Tickets.” SentiSum, 26 July 2021. Web.

    Jadhav, Megha. “Four Metrics to Analyze When Using Ticketing Software.” Vision Helpdesk Blog, 21 Mar. 2016. Web.

    Knaflic, Cole Nussbaumer. Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals. Wiley, 2015.

    Li, Ta Hsin, et al. “Incident Ticket Analytics for IT Application Management Services.” 2014 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, 2014. Web.

    Olson, Sarah. “10 Help Desk Metrics for Service Desks and Internal Help Desks.” Zendesk Blog, Sept. 2021. Web.

    Paramesh, S.P., et al. “Classifying the Unstructured IT Service Desk Tickets Using Ensemble of Classifiers.” 2018 3rd International Conference on Computational Systems and Information Technology for Sustainable Solutions (CSITSS), 2018. Web.

    Volini, Erica, et al. “2021 Global Human Capital Trends: Special Report.” Deloitte Insights, 21 July 2021. Web.

    “What Kind of Analysis You Can Perform on a Ticket Management System.” Commence, 3 Dec. 2019. Web.


    Assess Infrastructure Readiness for Digital Transformation

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    • Parent Category Name: Strategy and Organizational Design
    • Parent Category Link: /strategy-and-organizational-design

    There are many challenges for I&O when it comes to digital transformation, including:

    • Legacy infrastructure technical debt
    • Skills and talent in the IT team
    • A culture that resists change
    • Fear of job loss

    These and many more will hinder your progress, which demonstrates the need to invest in modernizing your infrastructure, investing in training and hiring talent, and cultivating a culture that supports digital transformation.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    By using the framework of culture, competencies, collaboration and capabilities, organizations can create dimensions in their I&O structure in order to shift from traditional infrastructure management to becoming a strategic enabler, driving agility, innovation, and operational excellence though the effective integration of people, process, and technology.

    Impact and Result

    By driving a customer-centric approach, delivering a successful transformation can be tailored to the business goals and drive adoption and engagement. Refining your roadmap through data and analytics will drive this change. Use third-party expertise to guide your transformation and help build that vision of the future.

    Assess Infrastructure Readiness for Digital Transformation Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Assess Infrastructure Readiness for Digital Transformation – Unlock the full potential of your infrastructure with a digital transformation strategy and clear the barriers for success.

  • Be customer centric as opposed to being technology driven.
  • Understanding business needs and pain points is key to delivering solutions.
  • Approach infrastructure digital transformation in iterations and look at this as a journey.
    • Assess Infrastructure Readiness for Digital Transformation Storyboard
    • I&O Digital Transformation Maturity Assessment Tool


    Further reading

    Assess Infrastructure Readiness for Digital Transformation

    Unlock the full potential of your infrastructure with a digital transformation strategy and clear the barriers to success.

    Analyst Perspective

    It’s not just about the technology!

    Many businesses fail in their endeavors to complete a digital transformation, but the reasons are complex, and there are many ways to fail, whether it is people, process, or technology. In fact, according to many surveys, 70% of digital transformations fail, and it’s mainly down to strategy – or the lack thereof.

    A lot of organizations think of digital transformation as just an investment in technology, with no vision of what they are trying to achieve or transform. So, out of the gate, many organizations fail to undergo a meaningful transformation, change their business model, or bring about a culture of digital transformation needed to be seriously competitive in their given market.

    When it comes to I&O leaders who have been given a mandate to drive digital transformation projects, they still must align to the vision and mission of the organization; they must still train and hire staff that will be experts in their field; they must still drive process improvements and align the right technology to meet the needs of a digital transformation.

    John Donovan

    John Donovan

    Principal Research Director, I&O
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Insight summary

    Overarching insight

    Digital transformation requires I&O teams to shift from traditional infrastructure management to becoming a strategic enabler, driving agility, innovation, and operational excellence through effective integration of people, process, and technology.

    Insight 1

    Collaboration is a key component of I&O – Promote strong collaboration between I&O and other business functions. When doing a digital transformation, it is clear that this is a cross-functional effort. Business leaders and IT teams need to align their objectives, prioritize initiatives, and ensure that you are seamlessly integrating technologies with the new business functions.

    Insight 2

    Embrace agility and adaptability as core principles – As the digital landscape continues to evolve, it is paramount that I&O leaders are agile and adaptable to changing business needs, adopting new technology and implementing new innovative solutions. The culture of continuous improvement and openness to experimentation and learning will assist the I&O leaders in their journey.

    Insight 3

    Future-proof your infrastructure and operations – By anticipating emerging technologies and trends, you can proactively plan and organize your team for future needs. By investing in scalable, flexible infrastructure such as cloud services, automation, AI technologies, and continuously upskilling the IT staff, you can stay relevant and forward-looking in the digital space.

    Tactical insight

    An IT infrastructure maturity assessment is a foundational step in the journey of digital transformation. The demand will be on performance, resilience, and scalability. IT infrastructure must be able to support innovation and rapid deployment of services.

    Tactical insight

    Having a clear strategy, with leadership commitment along with hiring and training the right people, monitoring and measuring your progress, and ensuring it is a business-led journey will increase your chances of success.

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    There are a lot of challenges for I&O when it comes to digital transformation, including:

    • Legacy infrastructure technical debt.
    • Skills and talent in the IT team.
    • A culture that resists change.
    • Fear of job loss.

    These and many more will hinder your progress, which demonstrates the need to invest in modernizing your infrastructure, investing in training and hiring talent, and cultivating a culture that supports digital transformation.

    Common Obstacles

    Many obstacles to digital transformation begin with non-I&O activities, including:

    • Lack of a clear vision and strategy.
    • Siloed organizational structure.
    • Lack of governance and data management.
    • Limited budget and resources.

    By addressing these obstacles, I&O will have a better chance of a successful transformation and delivering the full potential of digital technologies.

    Info-Tech's Approach

    Building a culture of innovation by developing clear goals and creating a vision will be key.

    • Be customer centric as opposed to being technology driven.
    • Understand the business needs and pain points in order to effectively deliver solutions.
    • Approach infrastructure digital transformation in iterations and look at it as a journey.

    By completing the Info-Tech digital readiness questionnaire, you will see where you are in terms of maturity and areas you need to concentrate on.

    Info-Tech Insight

    By driving a customer-centric approach, delivering a successful transformation can be tailored to the business goals and drive adoption and engagement. Refining your roadmap through data and analytics will drive this change. Use third-party expertise to guide your transformation and help build that vision of the future.

    The cost of digital transformation

    The challenges that stand in the way of your success, and what is needed to reverse the risk

    What CIOs are saying about their challenges

    26% of those CIOs surveyed cite resistance to change, with entrenched viewpoints demonstrating a real need for a cultural shift to enhance the digital transformation journey.

    Source: Prophet, 2019.

    70% of digital transformation projects fall short of their objectives – even when their leadership is aligned, often with serious consequences.

    Source: BCG, 2020.

    Having a clear strategy and commitment from leadership, hiring and training the right people, monitoring and measuring your progress, and ensuring it is a business-led journey will increase your chances of success.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Cultural change, business alignment, skills training, and setting a clear strategy with KPIs to demonstrate success are all key to being successful in your digital journey.

    Small and medium-sized enterprises

    What business owners and CEOs are saying about their digital transformation

    57% of small business owners feel they must improve their IT infrastructure to optimize their operations.

    Source: SMB Story, 2023.

    64% of CEOs believe driving digital transformation at a rapid pace is critical to attracting and retaining talent and customers.

    Source: KPMG, 2022.

    Info-Tech Insight

    An IT infrastructure maturity assessment is a foundational step in the journey of digital transformation. The demand will be on performance, resilience, and scalability. IT infrastructure must be able to support innovation and rapid deployments.

    Embed Security Into the DevOps Pipeline

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    • Parent Category Name: Secure Cloud & Network Architecture
    • Parent Category Link: /secure-cloud-network-architecture
    • Your organization is starting its DevOps journey and is looking to you for guidance on how to ensure that the outcomes are secure.
    • Or, your organization may have already embraced DevOps but left the security team behind. Now you need to play catch-up.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Shift security left. Identify opportunities to embed security earlier in the development pipeline.
    • Start with minimum viable security. Use agile methodologies to further your goals of secure DevOps.
    • Treat “No” as a finite resource. The role of security must transition from that of naysayer to a partner in finding the way to “Yes.”

    Impact and Result

    • Leverage the CLAIM (Culture, Learning, Automation, Integration, Measurement) Framework to identify opportunities to close the gaps.
    • Collaborate to find new ways to shift security left so that it becomes part of development rather than an afterthought.
    • Start with creating minimum viable security by developing a DevSecOps implementation strategy that focuses initially on quick wins.

    Embed Security Into the DevOps Pipeline Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should secure the DevOps pipeline, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Identify opportunities

    Brainstorm opportunities to secure the DevOps pipeline using the CLAIM Framework.

    • Embed Security Into the DevOps Pipeline – Phase 1: Identify Opportunities

    2. Develop strategy

    Assess opportunities and formulate a strategy based on a cost/benefit analysis.

    • Embed Security Into the DevOps Pipeline – Phase 2: Develop Strategy
    • DevSecOps Implementation Strategy Template

    Master the Public Cloud IaaS Acquisition Models

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    • member rating average dollars saved: $3,820 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 2 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Vendor Management
    • Parent Category Link: /vendor-management

    Understanding the differences in IaaS platform agreements, purchasing options, associated value, and risks. What are your options for:

    • Upfront or monthly payments
    • Commitment discounts
    • Support options
    • Migration planning and support

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    IaaS platforms offer similar technical features, but they vary widely on their procurement model. By fully understanding the procurement differences and options, you will be able to purchase wisely, save money both long and short term, and mitigate investment risk.

    Most vendors have similar processes and options to buy. Finding a transparent explanation and summary of each platform in a side-by-side review is difficult.

    • Are vendor reps being straight forward?
    • What are the licensing requirements?
    • What discounts or incentives can I negotiate?
    • How much do I have to commit to and for how long?

    Impact and Result

    This project will provide several benefits for both IT and the business. It includes:

    • Best IaaS platform to support current and future procurement requirements.
    • Right-sized cloud commitment tailored to the organization’s budget.
    • Predictable and controllable spend model.
    • Flexible and reliable IT infrastructure that supports the lines of business.
    • Reduced financial and legal risk.

    Master the Public Cloud IaaS Acquisition Models Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to learn how the public cloud IaaS procurement models compare. Review Info-Tech’s methodology and understand the top three platforms, features, and benefits to support and inform the IaaS vendor choice.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Educate

    Learn the IaaS basics, terminologies, purchasing options, licensing requirements, hybrid options, support, and organization requirements through a checklist process.

    • Master the Public Cloud IaaS Acquisition Models – Phase 1: Educate
    • Public Cloud Procurement Checklist
    • Microsoft Public Cloud Licensing Guide

    2. Evaluate

    Review and understand the features, downsides, and differences between the big three players.

    • Master the Public Cloud IaaS Acquisition Models – Phase 2: Evaluate
    • Public Cloud Procurement Comparison Summary

    3. Execute

    Decide on a primary vendor that meets requirements, engage with a reseller, negotiate pricing incentives, migration costs, review, and execute the agreement.

    • Master the Public Cloud IaaS Acquisition Models – Phase 3: Execute
    • Public Cloud Acquisition Executive Summary Template


    Evolve Your Business Through Innovation

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    • Parent Category Name: Innovation
    • Parent Category Link: /innovation
    • Innovation teams are tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that their organizations are in the best position to succeed while the world is in a period of turmoil, chaos, and uncertainty.
    • CIOs have been expected to help the organization transition to remote work and collaboration instantaneously.
    • CEOs are under pressure to redesign, and in some cases reinvent, their business model to cope with and compete in a new normal.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    It is easy to get swept up during a crisis and cling to past notions of normal. Unfortunately, there is no controlling the fact that things have changed fundamentally, and it is now incumbent upon you to help your organization adapt and evolve. Treat this as an opportunity because that is precisely what this is.

    Impact and Result

    There are some lessons we can learn from innovators who have succeeded through past crises and from those who are succeeding now.

    There are a number of tactics an innovation team can employ to help their business evolve during this time:

    1. Double down on digital transformation (DX)
    2. Establish a foresight capability
    3. Become a platform for good

    Evolve Your Business Through Innovation Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Evolve your business through innovation

    Download our guide to learn what you can do to evolve your business and innovate your way through uncertainty.

    • Evolve Your Business Through Innovation Storyboard

    Select and Prioritize Digital Initiatives

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    • Parent Category Name: Innovation
    • Parent Category Link: /innovation

    The business has embarked on its digital transformation journey. As CIO, you are being relied on to help triage what is most important – initiatives that will move the needle to achieve and fulfill the digital goals and ambitions of the organization.

    • If selection criteria are not identified and well defined, then digital initiatives risk being misprioritized or, worse yet, incorrectly labelled as having high ROI.
    • Like any other project, net-new digital initiatives must be triaged according to the value they bring to the organization.
    • Just as importantly, the complexity of each initiative must also be weighed as a critical factor of success.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    Once the scope of the digital strategy and its goals are finalized, the heavy lifting begins. CIOs must prepare for this change by evaluating opportunities and prioritizing which will become digital initiatives.

    Impact and Result

    By using an appropriate selection process, CIOs can prioritize the digital initiatives that will matter most to the organization and drive business value.

    Select and Prioritize Digital Initiatives Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Select and Prioritize Digital Initiatives Storyboard – A step-by-step document that walks you through how to prepare an IT department to embrace innovation and support the organization’s digital initiatives.

    Part of Info-Tech’s seven-phase approach for aligning IT with the business’ digital strategy, this deck focuses the core and enabling initiatives that define IT’s innovation goals. By the end of this deck, the IT leader will have a roadmap of prioritized initiatives that enable the organization’s digital business initiatives.

    • Select and Prioritize Digital Initiatives Storyboard

    Further reading

    Select and Prioritize Digital Initiatives

    Build your digital investment business case.

    Info-Tech Research Group

    Info-Tech is a provider of best-practice IT research advisory services that make every IT leader’s job easier.
    35,000 members sharing best practices you can leverage. Millions spent annually developing tools and templates. Leverage direct access to over 100 analysts as an extension of your team. Use our massive database of benchmarks and vendor assessments. Get up to speed in a fraction of the time.

    Key Concepts

    Digital initiative

    A project – or a group of interdependent projects – whose primary purpose is to enable digital technologies and/or digital business models. These technologies and models may be net new to the organization, or they may be existing ones that are optimized and improved by the initiative itself.

    The feasibility of any initiative is gauged by answering:

    • What amount of return on investment (ROI) or value does it bring to the organization?
    • What level of complexity does it pose to project execution?
    • To what extent does it solve a problem or leverage an opportunity?
    • To what degree is it aligned with digital business goals?

    Digital strategy

    The plan to deploy existing/emerging technologies to look at developing new products and services, new business models, and operational efficiency to meet or exceed performance targets.

    IT strategy

    The plan for deploying and maintaining applications, hardware, infrastructure, and IT services that support the business goals in a secure/regulatory-compliant manner to ensure reliability.

    Digital transformation

    Digital transformation is an at-scale change program – planned and executed over a finite time period – with the aspiration of creating material and sustainable improvement in the performance of an organization. Techniques include deploying a programmatic approach to innovation along with enabling technologies, capabilities, and practices that drive efficiency and create new products, markets, and business models.

    Your Challenge

    • Once the scope of the digital strategy and its goals are finalized, the heavy lifting begins.
    • The CIO must prepare for this change by evaluating opportunities and prioritizing which will become digital initiatives.
    • But where to start with prioritization? What should the selection criteria be?
    • To answer these all-important questions, the CIO must identify what success actually looks like.

    Common Obstacles

    • If selection criteria are not identified and well-defined, then digital initiatives risk being neglected or worse yet, incorrectly labelled as having high ROI.
    • Like any other project, net-new digital initiatives must be triaged according to the value they bring to the organization.
    • Just as importantly, the complexity of each initiative must also be weighed as a critical factor of success.


    • Determine and set your selection criteria by leveraging the matrix provided in this deck.
    • Evaluate each proposed initiative against this repeatable process in order to test your assumptions.
    • Develop a business case for each high priority digital initiative that captures its benefits and business value.
    • Assemble your prioritized list of digital initiatives to present to stakeholders.

    Info-Tech Insight

    The business has embarked on its digital transformation journey. As CIO, you are being relied on to help triage what is most important – initiatives that will move the needle to achieve and fulfill the digital goals and ambitions of the organization.

    Analyst Perspective

    Prioritization follows ideation, and it’s not always easy.

    Ross Armstrong

    Your stakeholders have spent considerable time and effort identifying and articulating a digital business strategy. Now that ideas have turned into opportunities, the CIO must prioritize those opportunities as actual initiatives. Where to begin?

    Your first task is to identify the criteria that will be used to conduct prioritization activities. These criteria should be immutable and rigorously applied.

    Your second task will be to develop business cases for each opportunity that passes muster. But don’t worry, you won’t need an MBA to get the job done properly.

    Ross Armstrong

    Principal Research Director
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Info-Tech’s digital transformation journey

    Info-Tech’s digital transformation journey: 1 - Visualize the art of the digitally possible, 2 - Evolve your digital business strategy, 3 - Execute with confidence

    Info-Tech's digital transformation journey for industry members. Table shows the stakeholders, advisory support and deliverables for each industry members

    By now, you have established your current strategic context

    You have reviewed trends to reimagine the future of your industry and undertaken a digital maturity assessment to validate your business objectives and innovation goals. Now you need to evolve the current scope of your digital vision and opportunities.

    • Phase 1.1: Industry Trends Report

    • Phase 1.2: Digital Maturity Assessment

    • Phase 2.1: Zero In on Business Objectives

    By this point you have leveraged industry roundtables to better understand the art of the possible – exploring global trends, shifts in market forces or industry, customer needs, emerging technologies, and economic forecasts and creating opportunities out of these disruptions.

    In Phase 2.1, you identified your business and innovation goals and documented your current capabilities, prioritized for transformation.

    Business and innovation goals have been established through stakeholder interviews and business document review.

    Current capabilities have been prioritized for transformation and heat mapped.

    You have also formalized your digital strategy

    Throughout the course of Phase 2.2, you identified new digital opportunities, identified the business capabilities required to capitalize those opportunities, and updated the digital goals of your organization, accordingly.

    An example of a formalized digital strategy from Phase 2.2.

    The end result of this exercise is a new goals cascade that aligns digital goals and capabilities with those of the business. Digital initiatives were also identified but not yet selected or prioritized for execution at the project level.

    Now you will select and prioritize digital initiatives

    The goal of this phase is to ensure that initiatives that are green-lit for execution have been successfully assessed against your chosen criteria and that the business case for each initiative is firmly established and documented.

    Info-Tech’s digital transformation journey for industry members.

    There are three key activities outlined here that describe the actions that can be undertaken by industry members to help select and prioritize digital initiatives for the business.

    1. Identify your selection criteria

    2. Evaluate initiatives against criteria

    3. Determine a prioritized list of initiatives

    Info-Tech’s approach


    Identify your selection criteria

    • Define what viability actually looks like.
    • Conduct an evaluation session to test your assumptions

    Evaluate initiatives against criteria

    • Evaluate and validate an initiative to determine its viability.
    • Map the benefits and value proposition for each initiative.
    • Build a business case and profile for each selected initiative.

    Determine a prioritized list of initiatives

    • Finalize your initiatives list and compile all relevant information.
    • Communicate the list to stakeholders.

    Step 1: Identify Your Selection Criteria

    Understand which conditions must be met in order to turn an opportunity into a digital initiative.

    Step 1: Identify Your Selection Criteria

    Step 1

    Identify Your Selection Criteria


    Define what "viable" looks like

    Set criteria types and thresholds.

    It is impossible to gauge whether or not an opportunity is worthwhile if you don’t have a yardstick to measure it by. However, what is viable for one organization in a particular industry may not be viable for a company elsewhere.

    • Use the criteria already set forth in this deck.
    • If for any reason you cannot use these criteria, work with stakeholders to establish viability factors that suit both the business and IT.
    • Vague language when establishing your own criteria.
    • Ambiguity in both measures and their definitions. Be crystal clear.


    Conduct an evaluation session

    Test your assumptions by piloting prioritization.

    Select an initiative from one of the opportunity profiles from Phase 2.2 and run it through the selection criteria. From there, determine if your assumptions are sound. If not, tweak the criteria and test again until all stakeholders have confidence in the process.

    • Most if not all projects must go through the IT project management office (PMO) or project management leader, so why not create a “digital-only” track for digital business initiatives?
    • Which digital initiatives also represent a sound strategic fit to the organization?
    • Have we undertaken previous projects that are similar? Were those successful? Why or why not?
    • Making too many initiatives high priority. IT resources are limited, so be ruthless.
    • Taking on too many initiatives at once. Most IT organizations can only work on a small number at any given time.

    Use these selection criteria to prioritize initiatives

    Ideas matter, but not all ideas are created equal. Now that you have elicited ideas and identified opportunities, discuss the assumptions, risks, and benefits associated with each proposed digital business initiative.

    Complexity versus Impact. Shows initiatives that have a business Must Prioritize (High value/low complexity), Should Plan (High value/high complexity), Could Have (Low Value/ Low complexity), and Don't need (Low value/high complexity)

    Prioritize opportunities into initiatives

    Recall that the opportunities identified in Phase 2.2 also became proposed digital initiatives demonstrated in your goals cascade.

    In your discussion, evaluate each opportunity through a matrix to create tension between value and complexity or other dimensions. Capture the information based on measurable business benefits-realization; risks or considerations; assumptions; and competencies, talent, and assets needed to deliver.

    Prioritize opportunities into Initiatives. For example: new digital products and services, intelligent fleet management via automation, ERP automation etc.

    Leverage opportunity profiles from your digital strategy

    To start, take one of the opportunity profiles you created in Phase 2.2, Build Your Digital Vision and Strategy, and use it throughout the following steps. Once done, repeat with the next opportunity profile until all have been vetted against criteria. If you did not use Info-Tech’s approach, simply use whatever list of digital business opportunities provided to you from stakeholders.

    Robotic process automation Template.

    Prioritization Criteria

    Run each initiative through the following evaluation criteria. When finished, any opportunities that appear in the top left quadrant (high value/low complexity) are now your highest priority digital initiatives.


    Assign each initiative a letter. As you decide on each one, move a copy of the circled letter to its appropriate place on the 2x2 selection matrix.

    List of digital opportunities.

    Complexity versus Impact. Shows initiatives that have a business Must Prioritize (High value/low complexity), Should Plan (High value/high complexity), Could Have (Low Value/ Low complexity), and Don't need (Low value/high complexity)

    Info-Tech Insight

    Evaluation should be based on the insights from analysis across all criteria. Leverage group discussion to help contextualize and challenge assumptions when validating opportunities.

    Digital initiative ≠ IT project

    Every idea is a good one, unless you need one that works. What “works” as a digital initiative is not the same thing as a straightforward IT project that would be typically managed by a project manager or PMO. These latter projects will be addressed in Phase 3.1 of the digital journey.

    Opportunities and business needs > Business model > Impact > Mandatory > Innovation path forward

    Digital Track

    Focus: Transform the business and operations

    1. Problem may not be well defined.
    2. “Initiative” is not clear.
    3. Based on market research, customer needs, trend analysis, and economic forecast, risk to the business if fit-for-purpose initiative is not identified.
    4. Previous delivery results not as expected, or uncertain how to continue the project.
    5. Highly complex with significant impact to transform the business or operations.
    6. Execution approach is not clear.
    7. Capabilities may not exist within IT.

    IT PMO

    1. Emerging technology trends create opportunities to modernize IT, not transform business.
    2. Problem is well defined and understood.
    3. Initiative is clearly identified.
    4. New IT project.
    5. Can be complex but does not transform the business.
    6. Standard PMP approach is a good fit.
    7. Capabilities exist to execute within IT.
    8. Software vendor or systems integrator is initiative provider.

    Step 2: Evaluate Initiatives Against Criteria

    Ruthlessly prioritize which opportunities will deliver the greatest business value and pose the best chance of success.

    Step 2: Evaluate initiatives against criteria.

    Step 2

    Evaluate Initiatives Against Criteria


    Evaluate and validate

    Evaluate and validate (or invalidate) opportunities.

    Now that you have tested and refined the selection criteria, take each opportunity profile from Phase 2.2 and run it through its paces. Once plotted on the 2x2 matrix, you will have a clear and concise view of high priority digital initiatives.

    • What are the timing, relevance, and impact of each initiative being evaluated?
    • What are the merits of each opportunity?
    • What are the extent and reach of their impacts?
    • Guesswork. Stick with what you know based on the available information and data at hand.


    Determine benefits

    Document benefits and value proposition.

    Identify and determine the benefits of each high priority initiative, including the benefit type (e.g. observable, financial, etc.). In addition, discuss and articulate the value proposition for each high priority initiative.

    • Tangible and intangible benefits.
    • Creating a vision statement for each initiative selected as high priority.
    • Don’t reach too much when identifying benefits. Be realistic.


    Make your case

    Build a business case for each initiative.

    Once you have enunciated the value and benefits of each high priority initiative, create a business case and profile for each one that includes known costs, risks, and so on. These materials will be crucial for project execution and IT capability planning in Phase 2.3 of your digital journey.

    • All forms of costs, both in terms of time, labor, and physical assets and resources.
    • Stick with a short-form business case for now to save time. You can always expand it into full-form business case later on, if necessary.
    • Generalities. Be conservative in your estimates and keep them grounded in what has transpired in past initiatives at the organization.

    Exemplar: Prioritization criteria

    Your prioritization matrix should look something like this. Initiatives B and C will now have short-form business cases developed for them. Initiatives in the “Should Plan” quadrant can be dealt with later.

    List of initiatives for digital opportunities. Complexity versus Impact. Shows initiatives that have a business Must Prioritize (High value/low complexity), Should Plan (High value/high complexity), Could Have (Low Value/ Low complexity), and Don't need (Low value/high complexity)

    Draw information from the opportunity profiles

    You created opportunity profiles in Phase 2.2 to clarify, validate and evaluate specific ideas for digital initiatives. In these profiles, you considered the timing, relevance, and impact of those opportunities.

    Some prioritized initiatives will have an immediate and significant impact on your business. Some may have a significant impact, but on a longer timeline. Understanding this is important context for your overall digital business strategy.

    Above all, you must be able to communicate to stakeholders how the newly prioritized digital initiatives are relevant to driving the strategic growth of the business.

    Start by elucidating further on initiative benefits and business value as outlined in the opportunity profile. This will become crucial for completing your next step – building a short-form business case for each prioritized initiative.

    Robotics Process Automation Template. Benefits and outcomes as well as incremental value are highlighted. The next slide is a template for the short-form business case, while the slides after that contain instructions on how to fill out each section of the business case.

    Short-Form Business Case Template

    Short form business case template. Shows value proposition, initiative benefits and initiative roadmap.

    Prepare your business case for each initiative


    1. On a whiteboard, draw the visual initiative canvas supplied below.
    2. For each prioritized initiative, leverage its opportunity profile (if used) to list the resulting customer or stakeholder products/services and its pain relievers and gain creators in the associated sections of the canvas.
    3. Ensure that the top pains, gains, and jobs are addressed by products/services, pain relievers, and gain creators.
    4. Use this information as a basis for further exercises in this section, such as defining benefits, articulating value proposition and vision, and cost estimates.
    Initiative canvas example.


    • The initiative’s opportunity profile from Phase 2.2 of the Digital Journey series (if used)


    • Short-form initiative business case


    • Whiteboard and markers


    • Opportunity owner
    • Opportunity group/team

    Expand on the key benefits of each initiative

    Business cases are not just a vehicle with which to acquire resources for investments, they are a mechanism that helps ensure the benefits of an investment are realized. To accomplish this, a business case must have a set of clearly defined benefits, combined with an understanding of how they will be measured and an explicitly stated beneficiary who can corroborate that the benefit has been realized.

    What is a benefit?

    Benefits are the advantages, or outcomes, that specific groups or individuals realize as a result of the proposed initiative’s implementation.

    Initiative inputs

    Initiative inputs are the time, resources, and scope dedicated to the endeavor of implementing an initiative.

    Benefits of initiative and initiative inputs diagram.

    Identify how to measure benefit achievement

    Benefits are realized when an organization either starts doing something new, stops doing something, or improves the way something is already being done. The impact of these changes must be measured in order to determine whether the change is positive and if the case warrants more resources in order to scale.

    Types of benefits

    • Observable: These are measured by opinion or judgement.
    • Measurable: These can be identified when there is an existing measure in place for the benefit (or when one can be easily created).
    • Quantifiable: Similar to measurable benefits; however, these benefits additionally feature size or magnitude (if it can be reliably estimated).
    • Financial: These are benefits that can be communicated in monetary terms. A benefit should only be classified as financial when sufficient evidence is available to show that the stated value is likely to be achieved.

    Benefit owners and responsibilities

    1. Each benefit should have assigned to it an explicit owner who gains an advantage as a result of the initiative’s implementation.
    2. For most benefits, the owner will be the primary beneficiary of the initiative.
    3. These individuals are the ones who must corroborate that a benefit has been realized.
    4. Assigning an owner to each benefit will foster a sense of accountability in terms of benefits realization and will also create a traceable path that helps track the success of the initiative.

    Complete the benefits section of the business case


    1. Use the Short-Form Business Case Template included in this deck.
    2. Arrange a meeting with the key beneficiary or beneficiaries of your initiative. Refer back to the benefits and outcomes section of the initiative’s opportunity profile (if used) as a starting point.
    3. Clearly define what the key benefits of your initiative will be and list them in the Short-Form Business Case Template.
    4. Assign an owner to each benefit – the individual who will corroborate that the benefit has accrued.
    5. Come to a mutual agreement with the beneficiaries as to whether each benefit is:
      • Financial
      • Quantifiable
      • Measurable
      • Observable
    6. Discuss and list the methods that will be used to measure each benefit and list them in the Short-Form Business Case Template.


    • Key benefits of the initiative, how they will be measured, and who owns the benefits


    • Completed benefits section of the Short-Form Business Case Template


    • Short-Form Business Case Template


    • Opportunity owner
    • Key beneficiary

    Craft value proposition and vision statements

    The way one articulates the value an initiative provides is just as important as the initiative itself. Use the previous exercises as inputs to craft a statement that reflects the value your initiative will provide, but also describes how the initiative will create value. Specifically, a value proposition should answer the following questions:

    1. Who is the initiative for?
    2. What is the initiative?
    3. What does the initiative do?
    4. How is the initiative different from others?

    Complete value prop and vision statement sections of the business case


    1. Having already completed the benefits section of the Short-Form Business Case Template, turn your attention to the value proposition section.
    2. Using your problem and initiative canvases, in addition to the benefits section, craft a value proposition statement that answers the following questions in one or two sentences:
      • Who is the initiative for?
      • What is the initiative?
      • What does the initiative do?
      • How is the initiative different?
    3. Input the value proposition statement into the value proposition section of the Short-Form Business Case Template.


    • Initiative canvas
    • Benefits section of the Short-Form Business Case Template


    • Completed value proposition section of the Short-Form Business Case Template


    • Short-Form Business Case Template


    • Opportunity owner
    • Opportunity group/team

    Identify initiative steps and add to business case


    Turn your attention to the roadmap section of the Short-Form Business Case Template and fill it in through the following steps:

    1. Select which scope, resource, and/or time reduction tactics to apply given the context of the project.
    2. Use the test, run, gauge, and collect framework supplied, unless you elect to generate your own project phases. If that is the case, ensure that phases are mutually exclusive and completely exhaustive (MECE).
    3. For each phase, supply a brief description of the activities to be undertaken for that phase.
    4. Map the benefits to be accrued within each phase.
    5. For each phase, supply a set of two to three potential factors that create risk toward the benefits listed.
    6. For each risk, supply a mitigation tactic that could be employed to diffuse the risk or to mitigate it completely.


    • Project benefits
    • Scope, resource, and time reduction tactics


    • Roadmap section of the Short-Form Business Case Template


    • Short-Form Business Case Template


    • Opportunity owner

    Fill out the cost section of the business case


    1. Having already completed the roadmap part of the Short-Form Business Case Template, turn your attention to the cost section.
    2. Use the scope, resource, and time reduction tactics and roadmap to estimate the cost necessary to execute the project. Remember that costs are a factor of the resources required and the cost type.
      • Resources:
        • Hardware
        • Software
        • Human
        • Network and communications
        • Facilities
      • Cost Types:
        • Acquisition
        • Operation
        • Growth and change
    3. Complete the cost section of the Short-Form Business Case Template with the cost estimate for the project.


    • Roadmap
    • Scope, resource, and time reduction tactics


    • Cost section of the Short-Form Business Case Template


    • Short-Form Business Case Template


    • Opportunity owner
    • Opportunity group/team

    Exemplar: Short-Form Business Case

    Short form business case template. Shows value proposition, initiative benefits and initiative roadmap.

    Step 3: Determine a Prioritized List of Initiatives

    Green-light opportunities for digital investment and create your list of high-priority digital initiatives.

    Step 3: Determine a prioritized list of initiatives.

    Step 3

    Determine a Prioritized List of Initiatives


    Compile information

    Finalize your list of high priority initiatives.

    This list should also include the short-form business cases that you completed in the previous step. This compilation of initiative information will be used in the next phase of your digital journey and is critical for its successful completion.

    • Checking your work. Does it ring true? Does it create excitement? People will be working on these initiatives in the near future, so it’s ideal if they feel good about the outcomes.
    • Integrating with your IT strategy, if you have one. These digital initiatives will figure prominently in the fiscal quarters to come.
    • Dramatic effect. While you want stakeholders and IT staff to be enthusiastic about the work ahead, don’t dress up the initiatives as something they’re not.



    It’s time to communicate with stakeholders.

    By now you should have a relatively short yet potent list of digital business initiatives – plus a business case for each – that has been thoroughly vetted and prioritized. Stakeholders are eager to learn more about these initiatives, though the details that matter most may differ from stakeholder to stakeholder.

    • Socializing the business cases before formally presenting to stakeholders for approval.
    • You will want to first elicit feedback and make any recommended changes to messaging.
    • Tailoring your message depending on stakeholder type, their priorities and concerns, and so on.
    • Sugar coating. Many, if not all, of these stakeholders have the authority to invalidate or disapprove any business case that fails to pass muster. Give it to them straight.

    Compile your prioritized initiatives

    There are two follow-up actions to do with your newly prioritized list of digital initiative business cases: present them to stakeholders for approval and then add them to your IT strategic roadmap.

    Compile prioritized initiatives. Present to stakeholders and then add them to your IT strategic roadmap.

    Present business cases to stakeholders

    For most high-profile digital business initiatives, the short-form business case will not be the first time stakeholders hear about them. By this point, securing approval should only be a formality if the initiative has been effectively socialized beforehand. If this is not the case, one must build an adequate understanding of the stakeholder landscape and then use this understanding to effectively present business cases for digital initiative and receive approval to proceed with them.

    Gauge the importance of various stakeholders and tailor your message according to their concerns and the requirements of their role. Consider the following important questions about each stakeholder:

    • Authority: How much influence does the stakeholder have? Enough to drive the initiative forward?
    • Involvement: How interested is the stakeholder? How involved is the stakeholder in the initiative already?
    • Impact: To what degree will the stakeholder be impacted? Will this significantly change how they do their job?
    • Support: Is the stakeholder a supporter of the initiative? Neutral? A resistor?

    Develop a stakeholder map

    A stakeholder map helps visualize the importance of various stakeholders and their concerns so you can prioritize your time according to those stakeholders who are most impacted by a digital initiative, as well as those who have the authority to green-light them.

    1. Evaluate each stakeholder in terms of authority, involvement, impact, and support, as discussed in the previous slide.
    2. Map each stakeholder to an area on the right template (slide four) based upon the level of their authority and involvement (high or low).
      • Vary the size of the circle to distinguish stakeholders that are highly impacted by the IT strategy from those who are not. Color each circle to show each stakeholder’s estimated or gauged level of support for the project.
    3. Ask yourself if the stakeholder map looks accurate. Is there someone who has no involvement in digital initiatives, but should?
      • A) For example, if a CFO who has the authority to disapprove project funding is heavily impacted and not involved, the success of the business cases will be put at risk.
    4. Draw a dotted circle to show where that stakeholder needs to be located (increased involvement and support), and an arrow with a dotted line to signify the needed change. Some stakeholders may have influence over others.
      • B) For example, a COO who highly values the opinion of the director of operations would be influenced by that director. Draw an arrow from one stakeholder to another to signify this relationship.

    Focus on key players: Relevant stakeholders who have high power are highly impacted and should have high involvement. Engage the stakeholders that are impacted most and have the authority to influence digital initiatives and approve business cases.

    Stakeholder map. Authority versus involvement of key players.

    Summary of key insights

    By now, you should have a firm understanding of the principles and desired actions, behaviors, and outcomes that have been presented in this methodology. Furthermore:

    1. Prioritization of digital opportunities can be a relatively straightforward task as long as the correct stakeholders are involved and use a common and agreed upon set of criteria.
    2. Developing a business case for a digital initiative in an agile manner need not be a grueling exercise provided that a vetted and repeatable process is used.
    3. Above all, remember that this is a journey. Going from an intangible (macro-trend, problem, or opportunity) to a tangible (actual project or initiative) does not happen all at once.

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Understand Industry Trends

    Assess how the external environment presents opportunities or threats to your organization.

    Build a Business-Aligned IT Strategy

    Align with the business by creating an IT strategy that documents the business context, key initiatives, and a strategic roadmap.

    Define Your Digital Business Strategy

    Design a strategy that applies innovation to your business model, streamlines and transforms processes, and makes use of technologies to enhance interactions with customers and employees.

    Research Contributors and Experts

    Ross Armstrong

    Ross Armstrong

    Principal Research Director, CIO Advisory
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Ross Armstrong is a Principal Research Director in the CIO Advisory practice at Info-Tech Research Group, covering the areas of IT strategic planning, digital strategy, digital transformation, and IT innovation.

    Ross has worked in a variety of public and private sector industries including automotive, IT, mobile/telecom, and higher education. All of his roles over the years have centered around data-driven market research – in pursuit of insightful and successful product development and product management – at their core.

    In addition to his long tenure as an Info-Tech Research Group analyst, Ross has worked in research and product innovation positions at Autodata initiatives (J.D. Power), BlackBerry, and Ivey Business School (Western University).

    Ross holds a Master of Arts degree in English Language and Literature from Western University (UWO) and has served as an advisory board member for a number of not-for-profit and educational institutions.

    Joanne Lee

    Joanne Lee

    Principal Research Director, CIO Advisory
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Joanne is an executive with over 25 years of experience providing leadership in digital technology and management consulting across both public and private entities from initiative delivery to organizational redesign across BC, Ontario, and Globally.

    A Director within KPMG’s CIO Advisory Management Consulting services and practice lead for Digital Health in BC, Joanne has led various client engagements from ERP Cloud Strategy, IT Operating Models, Data and Analytics maturity, to process redesign. More recently, Joanne was the Chief Program Officer and Executive Director responsible for leading the implementation of a $450M technology and business transformation initiative across 13 hospitals and community services for one of the largest health authorities in BC.

    A former clinician, Joanne has held progressive leadership roles in healthcare with accountabilities across IT operations and service management, data analytics, project management office (PMO), clinical informatics, and privacy and contract management. Joanne is passionate about connecting people, concepts, and capital.


    “AI: From Data to ROI.” Cognizant, September 2020. Accessed November 2022.

    Bughin, Jacques, et al. “The Case for Digital Reinvention.” McKinsey Quarterly, February 2017. Accessed November 2022.

    “The Business Case for Digital Transformation.” CPA Canada, June 2021. Accessed November 2022.

    “The Case for Digital Transformation.” The National Center for the Middle Market, Ohio State University, 2020. Accessed October 2022.

    “Digital Transformation in Government Case Study.” Ionology, April 2020. Accessed October 2022.

    Louis, Peter, et al. “Internet of Things – From Buzzword to Business Case.” Siemens, 11 January 2021. Accessed December 2022.

    Miesen, Nick. “Case Studies of Digital Transformations in Process and Aerospace Industries.” Jugaad, 2018. Accessed November 2022.

    Proff, Harald, and Claudia Bittrich. “The Digital Business Case - Done Right!” Deloitte, August 2019. Accessed October 2022.

    “Propelling an Aerospace Innovator.” Accenture, 2021. Accessed October 2022.

    Schmidt-Subramanian, Maxie. “The ROI of CX Transformation.” Forrester, 15 August 2019. Accessed November 2022.

    Ward, John, et al. “Building Better Business Cases for IT Investments.” California Management Review, Sept. 2007. Web.

    Create a Holistic IT Dashboard

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    • Parent Category Name: Performance Measurement
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    • IT leaders do not have a single holistic view of how their 45 IT processes are operating.
    • Expecting any single individual to understand the details of all 45 IT processes is unrealistic.
    • Problems in performance only become evident when the process has already failed.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Mature your IT department by measuring what matters.
    • Don’t measure things just because you can; change what you measure as your organization matures.

    Impact and Result

    • Use Info-Tech’s IT Metrics Library to review typical KPIs for each of the 45 process areas and select those that apply to your organization.
    • Configure your IT Management Dashboard to record your selected KPIs and start to measure performance.
    • Set up the cadence for review of the KPIs and develop action plans to improve low-performing indicators.

    Create a Holistic IT Dashboard Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out how to develop your KPI program that leads to improved performance.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Choose the KPIs

    Identify the KPIs that matter to your organization’s goals.

    • Create a Holistic IT Dashboard – Phase 1: Choose the KPIs
    • IT Metrics Library

    2. Build the Dashboard

    Use the IT Management Dashboard on the Info-Tech website to display your chosen KPIs.

    • Create a Holistic IT Dashboard – Phase 2: Build the Dashboard

    3. Create the Action Plan

    Use the review of your KPIs to build an action plan to drive performance.

    • Create a Holistic IT Dashboard – Phase 3: Build the Action Plan

    Workshop: Create a Holistic IT Dashboard

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Identify What to Measure (Offsite)

    The Purpose

    Determine the KPIs that matter to your organization.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Identify organizational goals

    Identify IT goals and their organizational goal alignment

    Identify business pain points


    1.1 Identify organizational goals.

    1.2 Identify IT goals and organizational alignment.

    1.3 Identify business pain points.


    List of goals and pain points to create KPIs for

    2 Configure the Dashboard Tool (Onsite)

    The Purpose

    Learn how to configure and use the IT Management Dashboard.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Configured IT dashboard

    Initial IT scorecard report


    2.1 Review metrics and KPI best practices.

    2.2 Use the IT Metrics Library.

    2.3 Select the KPIs for your organization.

    2.4 Use the IT Management Dashboard.


    Definition of KPIs to be used, data sources, and ownership

    Configured IT dashboard

    3 Review and Develop the Action Plan

    The Purpose

    Learn how to review and plan actions based on the KPIs.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Lead KPI review to actions to improve performance


    3.1 Create the scorecard report.

    3.2 Interpret the results of the dashboard.

    3.3 Use the IT Metrics Library to review suggested actions.


    Initial IT scorecard report

    Action plan with initial actions

    4 Improve Your KPIs (Onsite)

    The Purpose

    Use your KPIs to drive performance.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Improve your metrics program to drive effectiveness


    4.1 Develop your action plan.

    4.2 Execute the plan and tracking progress.

    4.3 Develop new KPIs as your practice matures.


    Understanding of how to develop new KPIs using the IT Metrics Library

    5 Next Steps and Wrap-Up (Offsite)

    The Purpose

    Ensure all documentation and plans are complete.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Documented next steps


    5.1 Complete IT Metrics Library documentation.

    5.2 Document decisions and next steps.


    IT Metrics Library

    Action plan

    Further reading

    Create a Holistic IT Dashboard

    Mature your IT department by measuring what matters.

    Executive Brief

    Analyst Perspective

    Measurement alone provides only minimal improvements

    It’s difficult for CIOs and other top-level leaders of IT to know if everything within their mandate is being managed effectively. Gaining visibility into what’s happening on the front lines without micromanaging is a challenge most top leaders face.

    Understanding Info-Tech’s Management and Governance Framework of processes that need to be managed and being able to measure what’s important to their organization's success can give leaders the ability to focus on their key responsibilities of ensuring service effectiveness, enabling increased productivity, and creating the ability for their teams to innovate.

    Even if you know what to measure, the measurement alone will lead to minimal improvements. Having the right methods in place to systematically collect, review, and act on those measurements is the differentiator to driving up the maturity of your IT organization.

    The tools in this blueprint can help you identify what to measure, how to review it, and how to create effective plans to improve performance.

    Tony Denford

    Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    • IT leaders do not have a single holistic view of how their IT processes are operating.
    • Expecting any single individual to understand the details of all IT processes is unrealistic.
    • Problems in performance only become evident when the process has already failed.

    Common Obstacles

    • Business changes quickly, and what should be measured changes as a result.
    • Most measures are trailing indicators showing past performance.
    • Measuring alone does not result in improved performance.
    • There are thousands of operational metrics that could be measured, but what are the right ones for an overall dashboard?

    Info-Tech's Approach

    • Use Info-Tech’s IT Metrics Library to review typical KPIs for each of the process areas and select those that apply to your organization.
    • Configure your IT Management Dashboard to record your selected KPIs and start to measure performance.
    • Set up the cadence for review of the KPIs and develop action plans to improve low-performing indicators.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Mature your IT department by aligning your measures with your organizational goals. Acting early when your KPIs deviate from the goals leads to improved performance.

    Your challenge

    This research is designed to help organizations quickly choose holistic measures, review the results, and devise action plans.

    • The sheer number of possible metrics can be overwhelming. Choose metrics from our IT Metrics Library or choose your own, but always ensure they are in alignment with your organizational goals.
    • Ensure your dashboard is balanced across all 45 process areas that a modern CIO is responsible for.
    • Finding leading indicators to allow your team to be proactive can be difficult if your team is focused on the day-to-day operational tasks.
    • It can be time consuming to figure out what to do if an indicator is underperforming.

    Build your dashboard quickly using the toolset in this research and move to improvement actions as soon as possible.

    The image is a bar graph, titled KPI-based improvements. On the X-axis are four categories, each with one bar for Before KPIs and another for After KPIs. The categories are: Productivity; Fire Incidents; Request Response Time; and Savings.

    Productivity increased by 30%

    Fire/smoke incidents decreased by 25% (high priority)

    Average work request response time reduced by 64%

    Savings of $1.6 million in the first year

    (CFI, 2013)

    Common obstacles

    These barriers make this challenge difficult to address for many organizations:

    • What should be measured can change over time as your organization matures and the business environment changes. Understanding what creates business value for your organization is critical.
    • Organizations almost always focus on past result metrics. While this is important, it will not indicate when you need to adjust something until it has already failed.
    • It’s not just about measuring. You also need to review the measures often and act on the biggest risks to your organization to drive performance.

    Don’t get overwhelmed by the number of things you can measure. It can take some trial and error to find the measures that best indicate the health of the process.

    The importance of frequent review

    35% - Only 35% of governing bodies review data at each meeting. (Committee of University Chairs, 2008)

    Common obstacles

    Analysis paralysis

    Poor data can lead to incorrect conclusions, limit analysis, and undermine confidence in the value of your dashboard.

    Achieving perfect data is extremely time consuming and may not add much value. It can also be an excuse to avoid getting started with metrics and analytics.

    Data quality is a struggle for many organizations. Consider how much uncertainty you can tolerate in your analysis and what would be required to improve your data quality to an acceptable level. Consider cost, technological resources, people resources, and time required.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Analytics are only as good as the data that informs it. Aim for just enough data quality to make informed decisions without getting into analysis paralysis.

    Common obstacles

    The problem of surrogation

    Tying KPIs and metrics to performance often leads to undesired behavior. An example of this is the now infamous Wells Fargo cross-selling scandal, in which 3.5 million credit card and savings accounts were opened without customers’ consent when the company incented sales staff to meet cross-selling targets.

    Although this is an extreme example, it’s an all-too-common phenomenon.

    A focus on the speed of closure of tickets often leads to shortcuts and lower-quality solutions.

    Tying customer value to the measures can align the team on understanding the objective rather than focusing on the measure itself, and the team will no longer be able to ignore the impact of their actions.

    Surrogation is a phenomenon in which a measure of a behavior replaces the intent of the measure itself. People focus on achieving the measure instead of the behavior the measure was intended to drive.

    Info-Tech’s thought model

    The Threefold Role of the IT Executive Core CIO Objectives
    IT Organization - Manager A - Optimize the Effectiveness of the IT Organization
    Enterprise - Partner B - Boost the Productivity of the Enterprise
    Market - Innovator C - Enable Business Growth Through Technology

    Low-Maturity Metrics Program

    Trailing indicators measure the outcomes of the activities of your organization. Hopefully, the initiatives and activities are aligned with the organizational goals.

    High-Maturity Metrics Program

    The core CIO objectives align with the organizational goals, and teams define leading indicators that show progress toward those goals. KPIs are reviewed often and adjustments are made to improve performance based on the leading indicators. The results are improved outcomes, greater transparency, and increased predictability.

    The image is a horizontal graphic with multiple text boxes. The first (on the left) is a box that reads Organizational Goals, second a second box nested within it that reads Core CIO Objectives. There is an arrow pointing from this box to the right. The arrow connects to a text box that reads Define leading indicators that show progress toward objectives. To the right of that, there is a title Initiatives & activities, with two boxes beneath it: Processes and Projects. Below this middle section, there is an arrow pointing left, with the text: Adjust behaviours. After this, there is an arrow pointing right, to a box with the title Outcomes, and the image of an unlabelled bar graph.

    Info-Tech’s approach

    Adopt an iterative approach to develop the right KPIs for your dashboard

    Periodically: As appropriate, review the effectiveness of the KPIs and adjust as needed.

    Frequently: At least once per month, but the more frequent, the more agility your organization will have.

    The image shows a series of steps in a process, each connected by an arrow. The process is iterative, so the steps circle back on themselves, and repeat. The process begins with IT Metrics Library, then Choose or build KPIs, then Build Dashboard, then Review KPIs and Create action plan. Review KPIs and Create action plan are steps that the graphic indicates should be repeated, so the arrows are arranged in a circle around these two items. Following that, there is an additional step: Are KPIs and action plans leading to improved results? After this step, we return to the Choose or build KPIs step.

    The Info-Tech difference:

    1. Quickly identify the KPIs that matter to your organization using the IT Metrics Library.
    2. Build a presentable dashboard using the IT Management Dashboard available on the Info-Tech website.
    3. When indicators show underperformance, quickly get them back on track using the suggested research in the IT Metrics Library.
    4. If your organization’s needs are different, define your own custom metrics using the same format as the IT Metrics Library.
    5. Use the action plan tool to keep track of progress

    Info-Tech’s methodology for creating a holistic IT dashboard

    1. Choose the KPIs 2. Build the Dashboard 3. Create the Action Plan
    Phase Steps
    1. Review available KPIs
    2. Select KPIs for your organization
    3. Identify data sources and owners
    1. Understand how to use the IT Management Dashboard
    2. Build and review the KPIs
    1. Prioritize low-performing indicators
    2. Review suggested actions
    3. Develop your action plan
    Phase Outcomes A defined and documented list of the KPIs that will be used to monitor each of the practice areas in your IT mandate A configured dashboard covering all the practice areas and the ability to report performance in a consistent and visible way An action plan for addressing low-performing indicators

    Insight summary

    Mature your IT department by aligning your measures with your organizational goals. Acting early when your KPIs deviate from the goals leads to improved performance.

    Don’t just measure things because you can. Change what you measure as your organization becomes more mature.

    Select what matters to your organization

    Measure things that will resolve pain points or drive you toward your goals.

    Look for indicators that show the health of the practice, not just the results.

    Review KPIs often

    Ease of use will determine the success of your metrics program, so keep it simple to create and review the indicators.

    Take action to improve performance

    If indicators are showing suboptimal performance, develop an action plan to drive the indicator in the right direction.

    Act early and often.

    Measure what your customers value

    Ensure you understand what’s valued and measure whether the value is being produced. Let front-line managers focus on tactical measures and understand how they are linked to value.

    Look for predictive measures

    Determine what action will lead to the desired result and measure if the action is being performed. It’s better to predict outcomes than react to them.

    Blueprint deliverables

    Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals:

    IT Metrics Library

    Customize the KPIs for your organization using the IT Metrics Library

    IT Metrics Library Action Plan

    Keep track of the actions that are generated from your KPI review

    Key deliverable:

    IT Management Dashboard and Scorecard

    The IT Overall Scorecard gives a holistic view of the performance of each IT function

    Blueprint benefits

    IT Benefits

    • An IT dashboard can help IT departments understand how well they are performing against key indicators.
    • It can allow IT teams to demonstrate to their business partners the areas they are focusing on.
    • Regular review and action planning based on the results will lead to improved performance, efficiency, and effectiveness.
    • Create alignment of IT teams by focusing on common areas of performance.

    Business Benefits

    • Ensure alignment and transparency between the business and IT.
    • Understand the value that IT brings to the operation and strategic initiatives of your organization.
    • Understand the contribution of the IT team to achieving business outcomes.
    • Focus IT on the areas that are important to you by requesting new measures as business needs change.

    Measure the value of this blueprint

    Utilize the existing IT Metrics Library and IT Dashboard tools to quickly kick off your KPI program

    • Developing the metrics your organization should track can be very time consuming. Save approximately 120 hours of effort by choosing from the IT Metrics Library.
    • The need for a simple method to display your KPIs means either developing your own tool or buying one off the shelf. Use the IT Management Dashboard to quickly get your KPI program up and running. Using these tools will save approximately 480 hours.
    • The true value of this initiative comes from using the KPIs to drive performance.

    Keeping track of the number of actions identified and completed is a low overhead measure. Tracking time or money saved is higher overhead but also higher value.

    The image is a screen capture of the document titled Establish Baseline Metrics. It shows a table with the headings: Metric, Current, Goal.

    The image is a chart titled KPI benefits. It includes a legend indicating that blue bars are for Actions identified, purple bars are for Actions completed, and the yellow line is for Time/money saved. The graph shows Q1-Q4, indicating an increase in all areas across the quarters.

    Executive Brief Case Study

    Using data-driven decision making to drive stability and increase value

    Industry: Government Services

    Source: Info-Tech analyst experience


    A newly formed application support team with service desk responsibilities was becoming burned out due to the sheer volume of work landing on their desks. The team was very reactive and was providing poor service due to multiple conflicting priorities.

    To make matters worse, there was a plan to add a major new application to the team’s portfolio.


    The team began to measure the types of work they were busy doing and then assessed the value of each type of work.

    The team then problem solved how they could reduce or eliminate their low-value workload.

    This led to tracking how many problems were being resolved and improved capabilities to problem solve effectively.


    Upon initial data collection, the team was performing 100% reactive workload. Eighteen months later slightly more than 80% of workload was proactive high-value activities.

    The team not only was able to absorb the additional workload of the new application but also identified efficiencies in their interactions with other teams that led to a 100% success rate in the change process and a 92% decrease in resource needs for major incidents.

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    "Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful."

    Guided Implementation

    "Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track."


    "We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place."


    "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project."

    Diagnostic and consistent frameworks are used throughout all four options.

    Guided Implementation

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    Phase 1 - Choose the KPIs

    Call #1: Scope dashboard and reporting needs.

    Call #2: Learn how to use the IT Metrics Library to select your metrics.

    Phase 2 – Build the Dashboard

    Call #3: Set up the dashboard.

    Call #4: Capture data and produce the report.

    Phase 3 – Create the Action Plan

    Call #5: Review the data and use the metrics library to determine actions.

    Call #6: Improve the KPIs you measure.

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    A typical GI is between 5 and 8 calls over the course of 2 to 3 months.

    Workshop Overview

    Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889

    Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
    Identify What to Measure Configure the Dashboard Tool Review and Develop the Action Plan Improve Your KPIs Compile Workshop Output

    1.1 Identify organizational goals.

    1.2 Identify IT goals and organizational alignment.

    1.3 Identify business pain points.

    2.1 Determine metrics and KPI best practices.

    2.2 Learn how to use the IT Metrics Library.

    2.3 Select the KPIs for your organization.

    2.4 Configure the IT Management Dashboard.

    3.1 Create the scorecard report.

    3.2 Interpret the results of the dashboard.

    3.3 Use the IT Metrics Library to review suggested actions.

    4.1 Develop your action plan.

    4.2 Execute the plan and track progress.

    4.3 Develop new KPIs as your practice matures.

    5.1 Complete the IT Metrics Library documentation.

    5.2 Document decisions and next steps.

    Outcomes 1. List of goals and pain points that KPIs will measure

    1. Definition of KPIs to be used, data sources, and ownership

    2. Configured IT dashboard

    1. Initial IT scorecard report

    2. Action plan with initial actions

    1. Understanding of how to develop new KPIs using the IT Metrics Library

    1. IT Metrics Library documentation

    2. Action plan

    Phase 1

    Choose the KPIs

    Phase 1

    1.1 Review Available KPIs

    1.2 Select KPIs for Your Org.

    1.3 Identify Data Sources and Owners

    Phase 2

    2.1 Understand the IT Management Dashboard

    2.2 Build and Review the KPIs

    Phase 3

    3.1 Prioritize Low-Performing Indicators

    3.2 Review Suggested Actions

    3.3 Develop the Action Plan

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    Reviewing and selecting the KPIs suggested in the IT Metrics Library.

    Identifying the data source for the selected KPI and the owner responsible for data collection.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Process area owners
    • Metrics program owners and administrators

    Step 1.1

    Review Available KPIs


    1.1.1 Download the IT Metrics Library and review the KPIs for each practice area.

    Choose the KPIs

    Step 1.1 – Review Available KPIs

    Step 1.2 – Select KPIs for Your Org.

    Step 1.3 – Identify Data Sources and owners

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    Downloading the IT Metrics Library

    Understanding the content of the tool

    Reviewing the intended goals for each practice area

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Process area owners
    • Metrics program owners and administrators

    Outcomes of this step

    Downloaded tool ready to select the KPIs for your organization

    Using the IT Metrics Library

    Match the suggested KPIs to the Management and Governance Framework

    The “Practice” and “Process” columns relate to each of the boxes on the Info-Tech Management and Governance Framework. This ensures you are measuring each area that needs to be managed by a typical IT department.

    The image shows a table on the left, and on the right, the Info-Tech Management and Governance Structure. Sections from the Practice and Process columns of the table have arrows emerging from them, pointing to matching sections in the framework.

    Using the IT Metrics Library

    Content for each entry

    KPI - The key performance indicator to review

    CSF - What needs to happen to achieve success for each goal

    Goal - The goal your organization is trying to achieve

    Owner - Who will be accountable to collect and report the data

    Data Source (typical) - Where you plan to get the data that will be used to calculate the KPI

    Baseline/Target - The baseline and target for the KPI

    Rank - Criticality of this goal to the organization's success

    Action - Suggested action if KPI is underperforming

    Blueprint - Available research to address typical underperformance of the KPI

    Practice/Process - Which practice and process the KPI represents

    1.1.1 Download the IT Metrics Library


    • IT Metrics Library


    • Ideas for which KPIs would be useful to track for each of the practice areas


    • Whiteboard/flip charts


    • IT senior leadership
    • Process area owners
    • Metrics program owners and administrators

    4 hours

    1. Click the link below to download the IT Metrics Library spreadsheet.
    2. Open the file and select the “Data Entry” tab.
    3. The sheet has suggested KPIs for each of the 9 practice areas and 45 processes listed in the Info-Tech Management and Governance Framework. You can identify this grouping in the “Practice” and “Process” columns.
    4. For each practice area, review the suggested KPIs and their associated goals and discuss as a team which of the KPIs would be useful to track in your organization.

    Download the IT Metrics Library

    Step 1.2

    Select KPIs for Your Organization


    1.2.1 Select the KPIs that will drive your organization forward

    1.2.2 Remove unwanted KPIs from the IT Metrics Library

    Choose the KPIs

    Step 1.1 – Review Available KPIs

    Step 1.2 – Select KPIs for Your Org.

    Step 1.3 – Identify Data Sources and Owners

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    • Selecting the KPIs for your organization and removing unwanted KPIs from IT Metrics Library

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Process area owners
    • Metrics program owners and administrators

    Outcomes of this step

    A shortlist of selected KPIs

    1.2.1 Select the KPIs that will drive your organization forward


    • IT Metrics Library


    • KPIs would be useful to track for each of the practice areas


    • IT Metrics Library


    • Senior IT leadership
    • Process area owners
    • Metrics program owners and administrators

    4 hours

    1. Review the suggested KPIs for each practice area and review the goal.
    2. Some suggested KPIs are similar, so make sure the goal is appropriate for your organization.
    3. Pick up to three KPIs per practice.

    1.2.2 Remove unwanted KPIs


    • IT Metrics Library


    • KPIs would be useful to track for each of the practice areas


    • IT Metrics Library


    • Senior IT leadership
    • Process area owners
    • Metrics program owners and administrators

    0.5 hours

    1. To remove unwanted KPIs from the IT Metric Library Tool, select the unwanted row, right-click on the row, and delete it.
    2. The result should be up to three KPIs per practice area left on the spreadsheet.

    Step 1.3

    Identify data sources and owners


    1.3.1 Document the data source

    1.3.2 Document the owner

    1.3.3 Document baseline and target

    Choose the KPIs

    Step 1.1 – Review Available KPIs

    Step 1.2 – Select KPIs for Your Org.

    Step 1.3 – Identify Data Sources and Owners

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    Documenting for each KPI where you plan to get the data, who is accountable to collect and report the data, what the current baseline is (if available), and what the target is

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Process area owners
    • Metrics program owners and administrators

    Outcomes of this step

    A list of KPIs for your organization with appropriate attributes documented

    1.3 Identify data sources, owners, baseline, and target


    • IT Metrics Library


    • Completed IT Metrics Library


    • IT Metrics Library


    • Process area owners
    • Metrics program owners and administrators

    2 hours

    1. For each selected KPI, complete the owner, data source, baseline, and target if the information is available.
    2. If the information is not available, document the owner and assign them to complete the other columns.

    Phase 2

    Build the Dashboard

    Phase 1

    1.1 Review Available KPIs

    1.2 Select KPIs for Your Org.

    1.3 Identify Data Sources and Owners

    Phase 2

    2.1 Understand the IT Management Dashboard

    2.2 Build and Review the KPIs

    Phase 3

    3.1 Prioritize Low-Performing Indicators

    3.2 Review Suggested Actions

    3.3 Develop the Action Plan

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    Understanding the IT Management Dashboard

    Configuring the IT Management Dashboard and entering initial measures

    Produce thing IT Scorecard from the IT Management Dashboard

    Interpreting the results

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Process area owners
    • Metrics program owners and administrators

    Step 2.1

    Understand the IT Management Dashboard


    2.1.1 Logging into the IT Management Dashboard

    2.1.2 Understanding the “Overall Scorecard” tab

    2.1.3 Understanding the “My Metrics” tab

    Build the Dashboard

    Step 2.1 – Understand the IT Management Dashboard

    Step 2.2 – Build and review the KPIs

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    Accessing the IT Management Dashboard

    Basic functionality of the tool

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Process area owners
    • Metrics program owners and administrators

    Outcomes of this step

    Understanding of how to administer the IT Management Dashboard

    2.1.1 Logging into the IT Management Dashboard


    • Info-Tech membership


    • Access to the IT Management Dashboard


    • Web browser


    • Metrics program owners and administrators

    0.5 hours

    1. Using your web browser, access your membership at
    2. Log into your Info-Tech membership account.
    3. Select the “My IT Dashboard” option from the menu (circled in red).
    4. If you cannot gain access to the tool, contact your membership rep.

    The image is a screen capture of the Info-Tech website, with the Login button at the top right of the window circled in red.

    2.1.2 Understanding the “Overall Scorecard” tab

    0.5 hours

    1. Once you select “My IT Dashboard,” you will be in the “Overall Scorecard” tab view.
    2. Scrolling down reveals the data entry form for each of the nine practice areas in the Info-Tech Management and Governance Framework, with each section color-coded for easy identification.
    3. Each of the section headers, KPI names, data sources, and data values can be updated to fit the needs of your organization.
    4. This view is designed to show a holistic view of all areas in IT that are being managed.

    2.1.3 Understanding the “My Metrics” tab

    0.5 hours

    1. On the “My Metrics” tab you can access individual scorecards for each of the nine practice areas.
    2. Below the “My Metrics” tab is each of the nine practice areas for you to select from. Each shows a different subset of KPIs specific to the practice.
    3. The functionality of this view is the same as the overall scorecard. Each title, KPI, description, and actuals are editable to fit your organization’s needs.
    4. This blueprint does not go into detail on this tab, but it is available to be used by practice area leaders in the same way as the overall scorecard.

    Step 2.2

    Build and review the KPIs


    2.2.1 Entering the KPI descriptions

    2.2.2 Entering the KPI actuals

    2.2.3 Producing the IT Overall Scorecard

    Build the Dashboard

    Step 2.1 – Understand the IT Management Dashboard

    Step 2.2 – Build and review the KPIs

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    Entering the KPI descriptions

    Entering the actuals for each KPI

    Producing the IT Overall Scorecard

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Process area owners
    • Metrics program owners and administrators

    Outcomes of this step

    An overall scorecard indicating the selected KPI performance

    2.2.1 Entering the KPI descriptions


    • Access to the IT Management Dashboard
    • IT Metrics Library with your organization’s KPIs selected


    • KPI descriptions entered into tool


    • Web browser


    • Metrics program owners and administrators

    1 hour

    1. Navigate to the IT Management Dashboard as described in section 2.1.1 and scroll down to the practice area you wish to complete.
    2. If needed, modify the section name to match your organization’s needs.
    3. Select “Add another score.”

    2.2.1 Entering the KPI descriptions

    1 hour

    1. Select if your metric is a custom metric or a standard metric available from one of the Info-Tech diagnostic tools.
    2. Enter the metric name you selected from the IT Metrics Library.
    3. Select the value type.
    4. Select the “Add Metric” button.
    5. The descriptions only need to be entered when they change.

    Example of a custom metric

    The image is a screen capture of the Add New Metric function. The metric type selected is Custom metric, and the metric name is Employee Engagement. There is a green Add Metric button, which is circled in red.

    Example of a standard metric

    The image is a screen capture of the Add New Metric function. The metric type selected is Standard Metric. The green Add Metric button at the bottom is circled in red.

    2.2.2 Entering the KPI actuals


    • Actual data from each data source identified


    • Actuals recorded in tool


    • Web browser


    • Metrics program owners and administrators

    1 hour

    1. Select the period you wish to create a scorecard for by selecting “Add New Period” or choosing one from the drop-down list.
    2. For each KPI on your dashboard, collect the data from the data source and enter the actuals.
    3. Select the check mark (circled) to save the data for the period.

    The image is a screen capture of the My Overall Scorecard Metrics section, with a button at the bottom that reads Add New Period circled in red

    The image has the text People and Resources at the top. It shows data for the KPI, and there is a check mark circled in red.

    2.2.3 Producing the IT Overall Scorecard


    • Completed IT Overall Scorecard data collection


    • IT Overall Scorecard


    • Web browser


    • Metrics program owners and administrators

    0.5 hours

    1. Select the period you wish to create a scorecard for by selecting from the drop-down list.
    2. Click the “Download as PDF” button to produce the scorecard.
    3. Once the PDF is produced it is ready for review or distribution.

    Phase 3

    Create the Action Plan

    Phase 1

    1.1 Review Available KPIs

    1.2 Select KPIs for Your Org.

    1.3 Identify Data Sources and Owners

    Phase 2

    2.1 Understand the IT Management Dashboard

    2.2 Build and Review the KPIs

    Phase 3

    3.1 Prioritize Low-Performing Indicators

    3.2 Review Suggested Actions

    3.3 Develop the Action Plan

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    Prioritizing low-performing indicators

    Using the IT Metrics Library to review suggested actions

    Developing your team’s action plan to improve performance

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Process area owners
    • Metrics program owners and administrators

    Step 3.1

    Prioritize low-performing indicators


    3.1.1 Determine criteria for prioritization

    3.1.2 Identify low-performing indicators

    3.1.3 Prioritize low-performing indicators

    Create the action plan

    Step 3.1 – Prioritize low-performing indicators

    Step 3.2 – Review suggested actions

    Step 3.3 – Develop the action plan

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    Determining the criteria for prioritization of low-performing indicators

    Identifying low-performing indicators

    Prioritizing the low-performing indicators

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Process area owners
    • Metrics program owners and administrators

    Outcomes of this step

    A prioritized list of low-performing indicators that need remediation

    3.1.1 Determine criteria for prioritization

    Often when metrics programs are established, there are multiple KPIs that are not performing at the desired level. It’s easy to expect the team to fix all the low-performing indicators, but often teams are stretched and have conflicting priorities.

    Therefore it’s important to spend some time to prioritize which of your indicators are most critical to the success of your business.

    Also consider, if one area is performing well and others have multiple poor indicators, how do you give the right support to optimize the results?

    Lastly, is it better to score slightly lower on multiple measures or perfect on most but failing badly on one or two?

    3.1.1 Determine criteria for prioritization


    • Business goals and objectives
    • IT goals and objectives
    • IT organizational structure


    • Documented scorecard remediation prioritization criteria


    • Whiteboard or flip charts


    • Senior IT leadership
    • Process area owners
    • Metrics program owners and administrators

    1 hour

    1. Identify any KPIs that are critical and cannot fail without high impact to your organization.
    2. Identify any KPIs that cannot fail for an extended period and document the time period.
    3. Rank the KPIs from most critical to least critical in the IT Metrics Library.
    4. Look at the owner accountable for the performance of each KPI. If there are any large groups, reassess the ownership or rank.
    5. Periodically review the criteria to see if they’re aligned with meeting current business goals.

    3.1.2 Identify low-performing indicators


    • Overall scorecard
    • Overall scorecard (previous period)
    • IT Metrics Library


    • List of low-performing indicators that need remediation
    • Planned actions to improve performance


    • Whiteboard or flip charts


    • Senior IT leadership
    • Process area owners
    • Metrics program owners and administrators

    1 hour

    1. Review the overall scorecard for the current period. List any KPIs that are not meeting the target for the current month in the “Action Plan” tab of the IT Metrics Library.
    2. Compare current month to previous month. List any KPIs that are moving away from the long-term target documented in the tool IT Metrics Library.
    3. Revise the target in the IT Metrics Library as business needs change.

    3.1.3 Prioritize low-performing indicators


    • IT Metrics Library


    • Prioritized list of planned actions for low-performing indicators


    • IT Metrics Library


    • Senior IT leadership
    • Process area owners
    • Metrics program owners and administrators
    • Task owners

    1 hour

    1. Look through the list of new and outstanding planned actions in the “Action Plan” tab of the IT Metrics Library, review progress, and prioritize outstanding items.
    2. Compare the list that needs remediation with the rank in the data entry tab.
    3. Adjust the priority of the outstanding and new actions to reflect the business needs.

    Step 3.2

    Review suggested actions


    3.2.1 Review suggested actions in the IT Metrics Library

    Create the Action Plan

    Step 3.1 – Prioritize low-performing indicators

    Step 3.2 – Review suggested actions

    Step 3.3 – Develop the action plan

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    Reviewing the suggested actions in the IT Metrics Library

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Process area owners
    • Metrics program owners and administrators

    Outcomes of this step

    An idea of possible suggested actions

    Take Action

    Knowing where you are underperforming is only half the battle. You need to act!

    • So far you have identified which indicators will tell you whether or not your team is performing and which indicators are most critical to your business success.
    • Knowing is the first step, but things will not improve without some kind of action.
    • Sometimes the action needed to course-correct is small and simple, but sometimes it is complicated and may take a long time.
    • Utilize the diverse ideas of your team to find solutions to underperforming indicators.
    • If you don’t have a viable simple solution, leverage the IT Metrics Library, which suggests high-level action needed to improve each indicator. If you need additional information, use your Info-Tech membership to review the recommended research.

    3.2.1 Review suggested actions in the IT Metrics Library


    • IT Metrics Library


    • Suggested actions


    • IT Metrics Library


    • Process area owners
    • Metrics program owners and administrators
    • Task owners

    0.5 hours

    1. For each of your low-performing indicators, review the suggested action and related research in the IT Metrics Library.

    Step 3.3

    Develop the action plan


    3.3.1 Document planned actions

    3.3.2 Assign ownership of actions

    3.3.3 Determine timeline of actions

    3.3.4 Review past action status

    Create the action plan

    Step 3.1 – Prioritize low- performing indicators

    Step 3.2 – Review suggested actions

    Step 3.3 – Develop the action plan

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    Using the action plan tool to document the expected actions for low-performing indicators

    Assigning an owner and expected due date for the action

    Reviewing past action status for accountability

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Process area owners
    • Metrics program owners and administrators

    Outcomes of this step

    An action plan to invoke improved performance

    3.3.1 Document planned actions


    • IT Metrics Library


    • Planned actions


    • IT Metrics Library


    • Process area owners
    • Metrics program owners and administrators
    • Task owners

    1 hour

    1. Decide on the action you plan to take to bring the indicator in line with expected performance and document the planned action in the “Action Plan” tab of the IT Metrics Library.

    Info-Tech Insight

    For larger initiatives try to break the task down to what is likely manageable before the next review. Seeing progress can motivate continued action.

    3.3.2 Assign ownership of actions


    • IT Metrics Library


    • Identified owners for each action


    • IT Metrics Library


    • Process area owners
    • Metrics program owners and administrators
    • Task owners

    0.5 hours

    1. For each unassigned task, assign clear ownership for completion of the task.
    2. The task owner should be the person accountable for the task.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Assigning clear ownership can promote accountability for progress.

    3.3.3 Determine timeline of actions


    • IT Metrics Library


    • Expected timeline for each action


    • IT Metrics Library


    • Process area owners
    • Metrics program owners and administrators
    • Task owners

    0.5 hours

    1. For each task, agree on an estimated target date for completion.

    Info-Tech Insight

    If the target completion date is too far in the future, break the task into manageable chunks.

    3.3.4 Review past action status


    • IT Metrics Library


    • Complete action plan for increased performance


    • IT Metrics Library


    • Process area owners
    • Metrics program owners and administrators
    • Task owners

    0.5 hours

    1. For each task, review the progress since last review.
    2. If desired progress is not being made, adjust your plan based on your organizational constraints.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Seek to understand the reasons that tasks are not being completed and problem solve for creative solutions to improve performance.

    Measure the value of your KPI program

    KPIs only produce value if they lead to action

    • Tracking the performance of key indicators is the first step, but value only comes from taking action based on this information.
    • Keep track of the number of action items that come out of your KPI review and how many are completed.
    • If possible, keep track of the time or money saved through completing the action items.

    Keeping track of the number of actions identified and completed is a low overhead measure.

    Tracking time or money saved is higher overhead but also higher value.

    The image is a chart titled KPI benefits. It includes a legend indicating that blue bars are for Actions identified, purple bars are for Actions completed, and the yellow line is for Time/money saved. The graph shows Q1-Q4, indicating an increase in all areas across the quarters.

    Establish Baseline Metrics

    Baseline metrics will be improved through:

    1. Identifying actions needed to remediate poor-performing KPIs
    2. Associating time and/or money savings as a result of actions taken
    Metric Current Goal
    Number of actions identified per month as a result of KPI review 0 TBD
    $ saved through actions taken due to KPI review 0 TBD
    Time saved through actions taken due to KPI review 0 TBD

    Summary of Accomplishment

    Problem Solved

    Through this project we have identified typical key performance indicators that are important to your organization’s effective management of IT.

    You’ve populated the IT Management Dashboard as a simple method to display the results of your selected KPIs.

    You’ve also established a regular review process for your KPIs and have a method to track the actions that are needed to improve performance as a result of the KPI review. This should allow you to hold individuals accountable for improvement efforts.

    You can also measure the effectiveness of your KPI program by tracking how many actions are identified as a result of the review. Ideally you can also track the money and time savings.

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through other phases as part of an Info-Tech workshop.

    Contact your account representative for more information.


    Additional Support

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through other phases as part of an Info-Tech Workshop.

    Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889

    To accelerate this project, engage your IT team in an Info-Tech Workshop with an Info-Tech analyst team.

    Info-Tech analysts will join you and your team at your location or welcome you to Info-Tech’s historic Toronto office to participate in an innovative onsite workshop.

    The following are sample activities that will be conducted by Info-Tech analysts with your team:

    Select the KPIs for your organization

    Examine the benefits of the KPIs suggested in the IT Metrics Library and help selecting those that will drive performance for your maturity level.

    Build an action plan

    Discuss options for identifying and executing actions that result from your KPI review. Determine how to set up the discipline needed to make the most of your KPI review program.

    Research Contributors and Experts

    Valence Howden

    Principal Research Director, CIO – Service Management Info-Tech Research Group

    • Valence has extensive experience in helping organizations be successful through optimizing how they govern themselves, how they design and execute strategies, and how they drive service excellence in all work.

    Tracy-Lynn Reid

    Practice Lead, CIO – People & Leadership Info-Tech Research Group

    • Tracy-Lynn covers key topics related to People & Leadership within an information technology context.

    Fred Chagnon

    Practice Lead, Infrastructure & Operations Info-Tech Research Group

    • Fred brings extensive practical experience in all aspects of enterprise IT Infrastructure, including IP networks, server hardware, operating systems, storage, databases, middleware, virtualization and security.

    Aaron Shum

    Practice Lead, Security, Risk & Compliance Info-Tech Research Group

    • With 20+ years of experience across IT, InfoSec, and Data Privacy, Aaron currently specializes in helping organizations implement comprehensive information security and cybersecurity programs as well as comply with data privacy regulations.

    Cole Cioran

    Practice Lead, Applications and Agile Development Info-Tech Research Group

    • Over the past twenty-five years, Cole has developed software; designed data, infrastructure, and software solutions; defined systems and enterprise architectures; delivered enterprise-wide programs; and managed software development, infrastructure, and business systems analysis practices.

    Barry Cousins

    Practice Lead, Applications – Project and Portfolio Mgmt. Info-Tech Research Group

    • Barry specializes in Project Portfolio Management, Help/Service Desk, and Telephony/Unified Communications. He brings an extensive background in technology, IT management, and business leadership.

    Jack Hakimian

    Vice President, Applications Info-Tech Research Group

    • Jack has close to 25 years of Technology and Management Consulting experience. He has served multi-billion-dollar organizations in multiple industries, including Financial Services and Telecommunications. Jack also served several large public sector institutions.

    Vivek Mehta

    Research Director, CIO Info-Tech Research Group

    • Vivek publishes on topics related to digital transformation and innovation. He is the author of research on Design a Customer-Centric Digital Operating Model and Create Your Digital Strategy as well as numerous keynotes and articles on digital transformation.

    Carlos Sanchez

    Practice Lead, Enterprise Applications Info-Tech Research Group

    • Carlos has a breadth of knowledge in enterprise applications strategy, planning, and execution.

    Andy Neill

    Practice Lead, Enterprise Architecture, Data & BI Info-Tech Research Group

    • Andy has extensive experience in managing technical teams, information architecture, data modeling, and enterprise data strategy.

    Michael Fahey

    Executive Counselor Info-Tech Research Group

    • As an Executive Counselor, Mike applies his decades of business experience and leadership, along with Info-Tech Research Group’s resources, to assist CIOs in delivering outstanding business results.

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Develop Meaningful Service Metrics to Ensure Business and User Satisfaction

    • Reinforce service orientation in your IT organization by ensuring your IT metrics generate value-driven resource behavior.

    Use Applications Metrics That Matter

    • It all starts with quality and customer satisfaction.

    Take Control of Infrastructure Metrics

    • Master the metrics maze to help make decisions, manage costs, and plan for change.


    Bach, Nancy. “How Often Should You Measure Your Organization's KPIs?” EON, 26 June 2018. Accessed Jan. 2020.

    “The Benefits of Tracking KPIs – Both Individually and for a Team.” Hoopla, 30 Jan. 2017. Accessed Jan. 2020.

    Chepul, Tiffany. “Top 22 KPI Examples for Technology Companies.” Rhythm Systems, Jan. 2020. Accessed Jan. 2020.

    Cooper, Larry. “CSF's, KPI's, Metrics, Outcomes and Benefits” itSM Solutions. 5 Feb. 2010. Accessed Jan 2020.

    “CUC Report on the implementation of Key Performance Indicators: case study experience.” Committee of University Chairs, June 2008. Accessed Jan 2020.

    Harris, Michael, and Bill Tayler. “Don’t Let Metrics Undermine Your Business.” HBR, Sep.–Oct 2019. Accessed Jan. 2020.

    Hatari, Tim. “The Importance of a Strong KPI Dashboard.” TMD Coaching. 27 Dec. 2018. Accessed Jan. 2020.

    Roy, Mayu, and Marian Carter. “The Right KPIs, Metrics for High-performing, Cost-saving Space Management.” CFI, 2013. Accessed Jan 2020.

    Schrage, Michael, and David Kiron. “Leading With Next-Generation Key Performance Indicators.” MIT Sloan Management Review, 26 June 2018. Accessed Jan. 2020.

    Setijono, Djoko, and Jens J. Dahlgaard. “Customer value as a key performance indicator (KPI) and a key improvement indicator (KII)” Emerald Insight, 5 June 2007. Accessed Jan 2020.

    Skinner, Ted. “Balanced Scorecard KPI Examples: Comprehensive List of 183 KPI Examples for a Balanced Scorecard KPI Dashboard (Updated for 2020).” Rhythm Systems, Jan. 2020. Accessed Jan 2020.

    Wishart, Jessica. “5 Reasons Why You Need The Right KPIs in 2020” Rhythm Systems, 1 Feb. 2020. Accessed Jan. 2020.

    Marketing Management Suite Software Selection Guide

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}552|cart{/j2store}
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    • Parent Category Name: Marketing Solutions
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    • Selecting and implementing the right MMS platform – one that aligns with your requirements is a significant undertaking.
    • Despite the importance of selecting and implementing the right MMS platform, many organizations struggle to define an approach to picking the most appropriate vendor and rolling out the solution in an effective and cost-efficient manner.
    • IT often finds itself in the unenviable position of taking the fall for an MMS platform that doesn’t deliver on the promise of the MMS strategy.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • MMS platform selection must be driven by your overall customer experience management strategy. Link your MMS selection to your organization’s CXM framework.
    • Determine what exactly you require from your MMS platform; leverage use cases to help guide selection.
    • Ensure strong points of integration between your MMS and other software such as CRM and POS. Your MMS solution should not live in isolation; it must be part of a wider ecosystem.

    Impact and Result

    • An MMS platform that effectively meets business needs and delivers value.
    • Reduced costs during MMS vendor platform selection and faster time to results after implementation.

    Marketing Management Suite Software Selection Guide Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Marketing Management Suite Software Selection Guide – A deck that walks you through the process of building your business case and selecting the proper MMS platform.

    This blueprint will help you build a business case for selecting the right MMS platform, define key requirements, and conduct a thorough analysis and scan of the current state of the ever-evolving MMS market space.

    • Marketing Management Suite Software Selection Guide Storyboard

    Further reading

    Marketing Management Suite Software Selection Guide

    Streamline your organizational approach to selecting a right-sized marketing management platform.

    Analyst perspective

    A robustly configured and comprehensive MMS platform is a crucial ingredient to help kick-start your organization's cross-channel and multichannel marketing management initiatives.

    Modern marketing management suites (MMS) are imperative given today's complex, multitiered, and often non-standardized marketing processes. Relying on isolated methods such as lead generation or email marketing techniques for executing key cross-channel and multichannel marketing initiatives is not enough to handle the complexity of contemporary marketing management activities.

    Organizations need to invest in highly customizable and functionally extensive MMS platforms to provide value alongside the marketing value chain and a 360-degree view of the consumer's marketing journey. IT needs to be rigorously involved with the sourcing and implementation of the new MMS tool, and the necessary business units also need to own the requirements and be involved from the initial stages of software selection.

    To succeed with MMS implementation, consider drafting a detailed roadmap that outlines milestone activities for configuration, security, points of integration, and data migration capabilities and provides for ongoing application maintenance and support.

    This is a picture of Yaz Palanichamy

    Yaz Palanichamy
    Senior Research Analyst, Customer Experience Strategy
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive summary

    Your Challenge

    • Many organizations struggle with taking a systematic and structured approach to selecting a right-sized marketing management suite (MMS) – an indispensable part of managing an organization's specific and nuanced marketing management needs.
    • Organizations must define a clear-cut strategic approach to investing in a new MMS platform. Exercising the appropriate selection and implementation rigor for a right-sized MMS tool is a critical step in delivering concrete business value to sustain various marketing value chains across the organization.

    Common Obstacles

    • An MMS vendor that is not well aligned to marketing requirements wastes resources and causes an endless cascade of end-user frustration.
    • The MMS market is rapidly evolving, making it difficult for vendors to retain a competitive foothold in the space.
    • IT managers and/or marketing professionals often find themselves in the unenviable position of taking the fall for MMS platforms that fail to deliver on the promise of the overarching marketing management strategy.

    Info-Tech's Approach

    • MMS platform selection must be driven by your overall marketing management strategy. Email marketing techniques, social marketing, and/or lead management strategies are often not enough to satisfy the more sophisticated use cases demanded by increasingly complex customer segmentation levels.
    • For organizations with a large audience or varied product offerings, a well-integrated MMS platform enables the management of various complex campaigns across many channels, product lines, customer segments, and marketing groups throughout the enterprise.

    Info-Tech Insight

    IT must collaborate with marketing professionals and other key stakeholder groups to define a unified vision and holistic outlook for a right-sized MMS platform.

    Info-Tech's methodology for selecting a right-sized marketing management suite platform

    1. Understand Core MMS Features

    2. Build the Business Case & Streamline Requirements

    3. Discover the MMS Market Space & Prepare for Implementation

    Phase Steps

    1. Define MMS Platforms
    2. Classify Table Stakes & Differentiating Capabilities
    3. Explore Trends
    1. Build the Business Case
    2. Streamline the Requirements Elicitation Process for a New MMS Platform
    3. Develop an Inclusive RFP Approach
    1. Discover Key Players in the Vendor Landscape
    2. Engage the Shortlist & Select Finalist
    3. Prepare for Implementation

    Phase Outcomes

    1. Consensus on scope of MMS and key MMS platform capabilities
    1. MMS platform selection business case
    2. Top-level use cases and requirements
    3. Procurement vehicle best practices
    1. Market analysis of MMS platforms
    2. Overview of shortlisted vendors
    3. Implementation considerations

    Guided Implementation

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

    Call #1: Understand what a marketing management suite is. Discuss core capabilities and key trends.

    Call #2: Build the business case
    to select a right-sized MMS.

    Call #3: Define your core
    MMS requirements.

    Call #4: Build and sustain procurement vehicle best practices.

    Call #5: Evaluate the MMS vendor landscape and short-list viable options.

    Call #6: Review implementation considerations.

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    The MMS procurement process should be broken into segments:

    1. Create a vendor shortlist using this buyer's guide.
    2. Define a structured approach to selection.
    3. Review the contract.

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    “Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful.”

    Guided Implementation

    “Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track.”


    “We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place.”


    “Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project.”

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options


    What are marketing management suite platforms?

    Our Definition: Marketing management suite (MMS) platforms are core enterprise applications that provide a unified set of marketing processes for a given organization and, typically, the capability to coordinate key cross-channel marketing initiatives.

    Key product capabilities for sophisticated MMS platforms include but are not limited to:

    • Email marketing
    • Lead nurturing
    • Social media management
    • Content curation and distribution
    • Marketing reporting and analytics
    • Consistent brand messaging

    Using a robust and comprehensive MMS platform equips marketers with the appropriate tools needed to make more informed decisions around campaign execution, resulting in better targeting, acquisition, and customer retention initiatives. Moreover, such tools can help bolster effective revenue generation and ensure more viable growth initiatives for future marketing growth enablement strategies.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Feature sets are rapidly evolving over time as MMS offerings continue to proliferate in this market space. Ensure that you focus on core components such as customer conversion rates and new lead captures through maintaining well- integrated multichannel campaigns.

    Marketing Management Suite Software Selection Buyer's Guide

    Info-Tech Insight

    A right-sized MMS software selection and procurement decision should involve comprehensive requirements and needs analysis by not just Marketing but also other organizational units such as IT, in conjunction with input suppled from the internal vendor procurement team.

    MMS Software Selection & Vendor Procurement Journey. The three main steps are: Envision the Art of the Possible; Elicit Granular Requirements; Contextualize the MMS Vendor Market Space

    Phase 1

    Understand Core MMS Features

    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    Phase 3

    1.1 Define MMS Platforms

    1.2 Classify Table Stakes & Differentiating Capabilities

    1.3 Explore Trends

    2.1 Build the Business Case

    2.2 Streamline Requirements Elicitation

    2.3 Develop an Inclusive RFP Approach

    3.1 Discover Key Players in the Vendor Landscape

    3.2 Engage the Shortlist & Select Finalist

    3.3 Prepare for Implementation

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Level-set an understanding of MMS technology.
    • Define which MMS features are table stakes (standard) and which are key differentiating functionalities.
    • Identify the art of the possible in a modern MMS platform from sales, marketing, and service lenses.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • CMO
    • Digital Marketing Project Manager
    • Marketing Data Analytics Analyst
    • Marketing Management Executive

    What are marketing management suite platforms?

    Our Definition: Marketing management suite (MMS) platforms are core enterprise applications that provide a unified set of marketing processes for a given organization and, typically, the capability to coordinate key cross-channel marketing initiatives.

    Key product capabilities for sophisticated MMS platforms include but are not limited to:

    • Email marketing
    • Lead nurturing
    • Social media management
    • Content curation and distribution
    • Marketing reporting and analytics
    • Consistent brand messaging

    Using a robust and comprehensive MMS platform equips marketers with the appropriate tools needed to make more informed decisions around campaign execution, resulting in better targeting, acquisition, and customer retention initiatives. Moreover, such tools can help bolster effective revenue generation and ensure more viable growth initiatives for future marketing growth enablement strategies.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Feature sets are rapidly evolving over time as MMS offerings continue to proliferate in this market space. Ensure that you focus on core components such as customer conversion rates and new lead captures through maintaining well- integrated multichannel campaigns.

    Marketing through the ages

    Tracing the foundational origins of marketing management practices

    Initial traction for marketing management strategies began with the need to holistically understand the effects of advertising efforts and how the media mix could be best optimized.






    Recognizing the increasing need for focused and professional marketing efforts, the University of Pennsylvania offers the first marketing course, dubbed "The Marketing of Products."

    As broadcast media began to peak, marketers needed to manage a greater number of complex and interspersed marketing channels.

    The introduction of television ads in 1942 offered new opportunities for brands to reach consumers across a growing media landscape. To generate the highest ROI, marketers sought to understand the consumer and focus on more tailored messaging and product personalization. Thus, modern marketing practices were born.

    Following the introduction of broadcast media, marketers had to develop strategies beyond traditional spray-and-pray methods. The first modern marketing measurement concept, "marketing mix," was conceptualized in 1952 and popularized in 1964 by Neil Borden.

    This period marked the digital revolution and the new era of marketing. With the advent of new communications technology and the modern internet, marketing management strategies reached new heights of sophistication. During the early 1990s, search engines emerged to help users navigate the web, leading to early forms of search engine optimization and advertising.

    Where it's going: the future state of marketing management

    1. Increasing Complexity Driving Consumer Purchasing Decisions
      • "The main complexity is dealing with the increasing product variety and changing consumer demands, which is forcing marketers to abandon undifferentiated marketing strategies and even niche marketing strategies and to adopt a mass customization process interacting one-to-one with their customers." – Complexity, 2019
    2. Consumers Seeking More Tailored Brand Personalization
      • Financial Services marketers lead all other industries in AI application adoption, with 37% currently using them (Salesforce, 2019).
    3. The Inclusion of More AI-Enabled Marketing Strategies
      • According to a 2022 Nostro report, 70% of consumers say it is important that brands continue to offer personalized consumer experiences.
    4. Green Marketing
      • Recent studies have shown that up to 80% of all consumers are interested in green marketing strategies (Marketing Schools, 2020).

    Marketing management by the numbers

    Key trends


    As a continuously growing discipline, marketing management roles are predicted to grow faster than average, at a rate of 6% over the next decade.

    Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2021


    While many marketing management vendors offer A/B testing, only 17% of marketers are actively using A/B testing on landing pages to increase conversion rates.

    Source: Oracle, 2022


    It is imperative that technology and SaaS companies begin to use marketing automation as a core component of their martech strategy to remain competitive. About 70% of technology and SaaS companies are employing integrated martech tools.

    Source: American Marketing Association, 2021

    Understand MMS table stakes features

    Organizations can expect nearly all MMS vendors to provide the following functionality

    Email Marketing

    Lead Nurturing

    Reporting, Analytics, and Marketing KPIs

    Marketing Campaign Management

    Integrational Catalog

    The use of email alongside marketing efforts to promote a business' products and services. Email marketing can be a powerful tool to maintain connections with your audience and ensure sustained brand promotion.

    The process of developing and nurturing relationships with key customer contacts at every major touchpoint in their customer journey. MMS platforms can use automated lead-nurturing functions that are triggered by customer behavior.

    The use of well-defined metrics to help curate, gather, and analyze marketing data to help track performance and improve the marketing department's future marketing decisions and strategies.

    Tools needed for the planning, execution, tracking, and analysis of direct marketing campaigns. Such tools are needed to help gauge your buyers' sentiments toward your company's product offerings and services.

    MMS platforms should generally have a comprehensive open API/integration catalog. Most MMS platforms should have dedicated integration points to interface with various tools across the marketing landscape (e.g. social media, email, SEO, CRM, CMS tools, etc.).

    Identify differentiating MMS features

    While not always deemed must-have functionality, these features may be the deciding factor when choosing between two MMS-focused vendors.

    Digital Asset Management (DAM)

    A DAM can help manage digital media asset files (e.g. photos, audio files, video).

    Customer Data Management

    Customer data management modules help your organization track essential customer information to maximize your marketing results.

    Text-Based Marketing

    Text-based marketing strategy is ideal for any organization primarily focused on coordinating structured and efficient marketing campaigns.

    Journey Orchestration

    Customer journey orchestration enables users to orchestrate customer conversations and journeys across the entire marketing value chain.

    AI-Driven Workflows

    AI-powered workflows can help eliminate complexities and allow marketers to automate and optimize tasks across the marketing spectrum.

    Dynamic Segmentation

    Dynamic segmentation to target audience cohorts based on recent actions and stated preferences.

    Advanced Email Marketing

    These include capabilities such as A/B testing, spam filter testing, and detailed performance reporting.

    Ensure you understand the art of the possible across the MMS landscape

    Understanding the trending feature sets that encompass the broader MMS vendor landscape will best equip your organization with the knowledge needed to effectively match today's MMS platforms with your organization's marketing requirements.

    Holistically examine the potential of any MMS solution through three main lenses:

    Digital Advertising

    Adapt innovative techniques such as conversational marketing to help collect, analyze, and synthesize crucial audience information to improve the customer marketing experience and pre-screen prospects in a more conscientious manner.

    Next Best Action Marketing

    Next best action marketing (NBAM) is a customer-centric paradigm/marketing technique designed to capture specific information about customers and their individual preferences. Predicting customers' future actions by understanding their intent during their purchasing decisions stage will help improve conversion rates.

    AI-Driven Customer

    The use of inclusive and innovative AI-based forecast modeling techniques can help more accurately analyze customer data to create more targeted segments. As such, marketing messages will be more accurately tailored to the customer that is reading them.

    Art of the possible: data-driven digital advertising


    Are you curious about the measures needed to boost engagement among your client base and other primary target audience groups? Conversational marketing intelligence metrics can help collect and disseminate key descriptive data points across a broader range of audience information.


    Certain social media channels (e.g. LinkedIn and Facebook) like to take advantage of click-to-Messenger-style applications to help drive meaningful conversations with customers and learn more about their buying preferences. In addition, AI-driven chatbot applications can help the organization glean important information about the customer's persona by asking probing questions about their marketing purchase behaviors and preferences.


    One of the newest phenomena in data-driven marketing technology and digital advertising techniques is the metaverse, where users can represent themselves and their brand via virtual avatars to further gamify their marketing strategies. Moreover, brands can create immersive experiences and engage with influencers and established communities and collect a wealth of information about their audience that can help drive customer retention and loyalty.

    Case study

    This is the logos for Gucci and Roblox.

    Metaverse marketing extends the potential for commercial brand development and representation: a deep dive into Gucci's metaverse practice

    INDUSTRY: Luxury Goods Apparel
    SOURCE: Vogue Business


    Beginning with a small, family-owned leather shop known as House of Gucci in Florence, Italy, businessman and fashion designer Guccio Gucci sold saddles, leather bags, and other accessories to horsemen during the 1920s. Over the years, Gucci's offerings have grown to include various other personal luxury goods.

    As consumer preferences have evolved over time, particularly with the younger generation, Gucci's professional marketing teams looked to invest in virtual technology environments to help build and sustain better brand awareness among younger consumer audiences.


    In response to the increasing presence of metaverse-savvy gamers on the internet, Gucci began investing in developing its online metaverse presence to bolster its commercial marketing brand there.

    A recent collaboration with Roblox, an online gaming platform that offers virtual experiences, provided Gucci the means to showcase its fashion items using the Gucci Garden – a virtual art installation project for Generation Z consumers, powered by Roblox's VR technology. The Gucci Garden virtual system featured a French-styled garden environment where players could try on and buy Gucci virtual fashion items to dress up their blank avatars.


    Gucci's disruptive, innovative metaverse marketing campaign project with Roblox is proof of its commitment to tapping new marketing growth channels to showcase the brand to engage new and prospective consumers (e.g. Roblox's player base) across more unique sandboxed/simulation environments.

    The freedom and flexibility in the metaverse environments allows brands such as Gucci to execute a more flexible digital marketing approach and enables them to take advantage of innovative metaverse-driven technologies in the market to further drive their data-driven digital marketing campaigns.

    Art of the possible: next best action marketing (NBAM)


    To improve conversion propensity, next best action techniques can use predictive modeling methods to help build a dynamic overview of the customer journey. With information sourced from actionable marketing intelligence data, MMS platforms can use NBAM techniques to identify customer needs based on their buying behavior, social media interactions, and other insights to determine what unique set of actions should be taken for each customer.


    Rules-based recommender systems can help assign probabilities of purchasing behaviors based on the patterns in touchpoints of a customer's journey and interaction with your brand. For instance, a large grocery chain company such as Walmart or Whole Foods will use ML-based recommender systems to decide what coupons they should offer to their customers based on their purchasing history.

    Art of the possible: AI-driven customer segmentation


    The inclusion of AI in data analytics helps make customer targeting more accurate
    and meaningful. Organizations can analyze customer data more thoroughly and generate in-depth contextual and descriptive information about the targeted segments. In addition, they can use this information to automate the personalization of marketing campaigns for a specific target audience group.


    To greatly benefit from AI-powered customer segmentation, organizations must deploy specialized custom AI solutions to help organize qualitative comments into quantitative data. This approach requires companies to use custom AI models and tools that will analyze customer sentiments and experiences based on data extracted from various touchpoints (e.g. CRM systems, emails, chatbot logs).

    Phase 2

    Build the Business Case and Streamline Requirements

    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    Phase 3

    1.1 Define MMS Platforms

    1.2 Classify Table Stakes & Differentiating Capabilities

    1.3 Explore Trends

    2.1 Build the Business Case

    2.2 Streamline Requirements Elicitation

    2.3 Develop an Inclusive RFP Approach

    3.1 Discover Key Players in the Vendor Landscape

    3.2 Engage the Shortlist & Select Finalist

    3.3 Prepare for Implementation

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Define and build the business case for the selection of a right-sized MMS platform.
    • Elicit and prioritize granular requirements for your MMS platform.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • CMO
    • Technical Marketing Analyst
    • Digital Marketing Project Manager
    • Marketing Data Analytics Analyst
    • Marketing Management Executive

    Software Selection Engagement

    5 Advisory Calls over a 5-Week Period to Accelerate Your Selection Process

    Expert analyst guidance over 5 weeks on average to select software and negotiate with the vendor.

    Save money, align stakeholders, speed up the process and make better decisions.

    Use a repeatable, formal methodology to improve your application selection process.

    Better, faster results, guaranteed, included in your membership.

    This is an image of the plan for five advisory calls over a five-week period.

    CLICK HERE to book your Selection Engagement

    Elicit and prioritize granular requirements for your marketing management suite (MMS) platform

    Understanding business needs through requirements gathering is the key to defining everything you need from your software. However, it is an area where people often make critical mistakes.

    Poorly scoped requirements

    Best practices

    • Fail to be comprehensive and miss certain areas of scope.
    • Focus on how the solution should work instead of what it must accomplish.
    • Have multiple levels of detail within the requirements, causing inconsistency and confusion.
    • Drill all the way down to system-level detail.
    • Add unnecessary constraints based on what is done today rather than focusing on what is needed for tomorrow.
    • Omit constraints or preferences that buyers think are obvious.
    • Get a clear understanding of what the system needs to do and what it is expected to produce.
    • Test against the principle of MECE – requirements should be "mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive."
    • Explicitly state the obvious and assume nothing.
    • Investigate what is sold on the market and how it is sold. Use language that is consistent with that of the market and focus on key differentiators – not table stakes.
    • Contain the appropriate level of detail – the level should be suitable for procurement and sufficient for differentiating vendors.

    Info-Tech Insight
    Poor requirements are the number one reason projects fail. Review Info-Tech's Improve Requirements Gathering blueprint to learn how to improve your requirements analysis and get results that truly satisfy stakeholder needs.

    Info-Tech's approach

    Develop an inclusive and thorough approach to the RFP process

    Identity Need; Define Business requirements; Gain Business Authorization; Perform RFI/RFP; Negotiate Agreement; Purchase Goods and Services; Assess and Measure Performance.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Review Info-Tech's process and understand how you can prevent your organization from leaking negotiation leverage while preventing vendors from taking control of your RFP.

    The Info-Tech difference:

    1. The secret to managing an RFP is to make it as manageable and as thorough as possible. The RFP process should be like any other aspect of business – by developing a standard process. With a process in place, you are better able to handle whatever comes your way, because you know the steps you need to follow to produce a top-notch RFP.
    2. The business then identifies the need for more information about a product/service or determines that a purchase is required.
    3. A team of stakeholders from each area impacted gather all business, technical, legal, and risk requirements. What are the expectations of the vendor relationship post-RFP? How will the vendors be evaluated?
    4. Based on the predetermined requirements, either an RFI or an RFP is issued to vendors with a due date.

    Leverage Info-Tech's Contract Review Service to level the playing field with your shortlisted vendors

    You may be faced with multiple products, services, master service agreements, licensing models, service agreements, and more.
    Use Info-Tech's Contract Review Service to gain insights on your agreements:

    1. Are all key terms included?
    2. Are they applicable to your business?
    3. Can you trust that results will be delivered?
    4. What questions should you be asking from an IT perspective?

    Validate that a contract meets IT's and the business' needs by looking beyond the legal terminology. Use a practical set of questions, rules, and guidance to improve your value for dollar spent.

    This is an image of three screenshots from Info-Tech's Contract Review Service.

    CLICK to BOOK The Contract Review Service

    CLICK to DOWNLOAD Master Contract Review and Negotiation for Software Agreements

    Phase 3

    Discover the MMS Market Space and Prepare for Implementation

    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    Phase 3

    1.1 Define MMS Platforms

    1.2 Classify Table Stakes & Differentiating Capabilities

    1.3 Explore Trends

    2.1 Build the Business Case

    2.2 Streamline Requirements Elicitation

    2.3 Develop an Inclusive RFP Approach

    3.1 Discover Key Players in the Vendor Landscape

    3.2 Engage the Shortlist & Select Finalist

    3.3 Prepare for Implementation

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Dive into the key players of the MMS vendor landscape.
    • Understand best practices for building a vendor shortlist.
    • Understand key implementation considerations for MMS.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • CMO
    • Marketing Management Executive
    • Applications Manager
    • Digital Marketing Project Manager
    • Sales Executive
    • Vendor Outreach and Partnerships Manager

    Review your use cases to start your shortlist

    Your Info-Tech analysts can help you narrow down the list of vendors that will meet your requirements.

    Next steps will include:

    1. Reviewing your requirements.
    2. Checking out SoftwareReviews.
    3. Shortlisting your vendors.
    4. Conducting demos and detailed proposal reviews.
    5. Selecting and contracting with a finalist!

    Get to know the key players in the MMS landscape

    The following slides provide a top-level overview of the popular players you will encounter in your MMS shortlisting process.

    This is a series of images of the logos for the companies which will be discussed later in this blueprint.

    Evaluate software category leaders through vendor rankings and awards


    This is an image of two screenshots from the Data Quadrant Report.

    The Data Quadrant is a thorough evaluation and ranking of all software in an individual category to compare platforms across multiple dimensions.

    Vendors are ranked by their Composite Score, based on individual feature evaluations, user satisfaction rankings, vendor capability comparisons, and likeliness to recommend the platform.

    This is an image of two screenshots from the Emotional Footprint Report.

    The Emotional Footprint is a powerful indicator of overall user sentiment toward the relationship with the vendor, capturing data across five dimensions.

    Vendors are ranked by their Customer Experience (CX) Score, which combines the overall Emotional Footprint rating with a measure of the value delivered by the solution.

    Speak with category experts to dive deeper into the vendor landscape


    • Fact-based reviews of business software from IT professionals.
    • Product and category reports with state-of-the-art data visualization.
    • Top-tier data quality backed by a rigorous quality assurance process.
    • User-experience insight that reveals the intangibles of working with a vendor.


    Comprehensive software reviews
    to make better IT decisions

    We collect and analyze the most detailed reviews on enterprise software from real users to give you an unprecedented view into the product and vendor before you buy.

    SoftwareReviews is powered by Info-Tech

    Technology coverage is a priority for Info-Tech, and SoftwareReviews provides the most comprehensive unbiased data on today's technology. Combined with the insight of our expert analysts, our members receive unparalleled support in their buying journey.

    SoftwareReviews' Enterprise MMS Rankings


    • Advanced Campaign Management
    • Email Marketing Automation
    • Multichannel Integration

    Areas to Improve:

    • Mobile Marketing Management
    • Advanced Data Segmentation
    • Pricing Sensitivity and Implementation Support Model

    This is an image of SoftwareReviews analysis for Adobe Experience Cloud.


    This is the Logo for Adobe Experience Cloud

    "Adobe Experience Cloud (AEC), formerly Adobe Marketing Cloud (AMC), provides a host of innovative multichannel analytics, social, advertising, media optimization, and content management products (just to name a few). The Adobe Marketing Cloud package allows users with valid subscriptions to download the entire collection and use it directly on their computer with open access to online updates. Organizations that have a deeply ingrained Adobe footprint and have already reaped the benefits of Adobe's existing portfolio of cloud services products (e.g. Adobe Creative Cloud) will find the AEC suite a functionally robust and scalable fit for their marketing management and marketing automation needs.

    However, it is important to note that AEC's pricing model is expensive when compared to other competitors in the space (e.g. Sugar Market) and, therefore, is not as affordable for smaller or mid-sized organizations. Moreover, there is the expectation of a learning curve with the AEC platform. Newly onboarded users will need to spend some time learning how to navigate and work comfortably with AEC's marketing automaton modules. "
    - Yaz Palanichamy
    Senior Research Analyst, Info-Tech Research Group

    Adobe Experience Cloud Platform pricing is opaque.
    Request a demo.*

    *Info-Tech recommends reaching out to the vendor's internal sales management team for explicit details on individual pricing plans for the Adobe Marketing Cloud suite.


    Adobe Experience Platform Launch is integrated into the Adobe Experience Platform as a suite of data collection technologies (Experience League, Adobe).

    November 2020

    Adobe announces that it will spend $1.5 billion to acquire Workfront, a provider of marketing collaboration software (TechTarget, 2020).

    September 2018

    Adobe acquires marketing automation software company Marketo (CNBC, 2018).

    June 2018

    Adobe buys e-commerce services provider Magento Commerce from private equity firm Permira for $1.68 billion (TechCrunch, 2018).


    Adobe acquires DemDex, Inc. with the intention of adding DemDex's audience-optimization software to the Adobe Online Marketing Suite (Adobe News, 2011).


    Adobe acquires online marketing and web analytics company Omniture for $1.8 billion and integrates its products into the Adobe Marketing Cloud (Zippia, 2022).

    Adobe platform launches in December 1982.

    SoftwareReviews' Enterprise MMS Rankings


    • Marketing Workflow Management
    • Advanced Data Segmentation
    • Marketing Operations Management

    Areas to Improve:

    • Email Marketing Automation
    • Marketing Asset Management
    • Process of Creating and/or Managing Marketing Lists

    This is an image of SoftwareReviews analysis for Dynamics 365


    This is the logo for Dynamics 365


    Microsoft Dynamics 365 suite adds customer journey orchestration as a viable key feature (Tech Target, 2021)


    Microsoft begins adding to its Dynamics 365 suite in April 2019 with new functionalities such as virtual agents, fraud detection, new mixed reality (Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog, 2019).


    Adobe and Microsoft expand key partnership between Adobe Experience Manager and Dynamics 365 integration (TechCrunch, 2017).


    Microsoft Dynamics CRM paid seats begin growing steadily at more than 2.5x year-over-year (TechCrunch, 2016).


    On-premises application, called Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement, contains the Dynamics 365 Marketing Management platform (Learn Microsoft, 2023).

    Microsoft Dynamics 365 product suite is released on November 1, 2016.

    "Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing remains a viable option for organizations that require a range of innovative MMS tools that can provide a wealth of functional capabilities (e.g. AI-powered analytics to create targeted segments, A/B testing, personalizing engagement for each customer). Moreover, Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing offers trial options to sandbox their platform for free for 30 days to help users familiarize themselves with the software before buying into the product suite.

    However, ensure that you have the time to effectively train users on implementing the MS Dynamics 365 platform. The platform does not score high on customizability in SoftwareReviews reports. Developers have only a limited ability to modify the core UI, so organizations need to be fully equipped with the knowledge needed to successfully navigate MS-based applications to take full advantage of the platform. For organizations deep in the Microsoft stack, D365 Marketing is a compelling option."
    Yaz Palanichamy
    Senior Research Analyst, Info-Tech Research Group

    Dynamics 365

    Dynamics 365
    Marketing (Attachment)

    • Starts from $1,500 per tenant/month*
    • Includes 10,000 contacts, 100,000 interactions, and 1,000 SMS messages
    • For organizations without any other Dynamics 365 application
    • Starts from $750 per tenant/month*
    • Includes 10,000 contacts, 100,000 interactions, and 1,000 SMS messages
    • For organizations with a qualifying Dynamics 365 application

    * Pricing correct as of October 2022. Listed in USD and absent discounts. See pricing on vendor's website for latest information.

    SoftwareReviews' Enterprise MMS Rankings


    • Marketing Analytics
    • Marketing Workflow Management
    • Lead Nurturing

    Areas to Improve:

    • Advanced Campaign Management
    • Email Marketing Automation
    • Marketing Segmentation

    This is an image of SoftwareReviews analysis for HubSpot


    This is an image of the Logo for HubSpot


    HubSpot Marketing Hub releases Campaigns 2.0 module for its Marketing Hub platform (HubSpot, 2022).


    HubSpot announces the launch of its Marketing Hub Starter platform, a new offering that aims to give growing teams the tools they need to start marketing right (HubSpot Company News, 2018).


    HubSpot celebrates its first initial public offering on the NYSE market (HubSpot Company News, 2014).


    HubSpot opens its first international office location in Dublin, Ireland
    (HubSpot News, 2013).


    Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah write "Inbound Marketing," a seminal book that focuses on inbound marketing principles (HubSpot, n.d.).

    HubSpot opens for business in Cambridge, MA, USA, in 2005.

    "HubSpot's Marketing Hub software ranks consistently high in scores across SoftwareReviews reports and remains a strong choice for organizations that want to run successful inbound marketing campaigns that make customers interested and engaged with their business. HubSpot Marketing Hub employs comprehensive feature sets, including the option to streamline ad tracking and management, perform various audience segmentation techniques, and build personalized and automated marketing campaigns.

    However, SoftwareReviews reports indicate end users are concerned that HubSpot Marketing Hub's platform may be slightly overpriced in recent years and not cost effective for smaller and mid-sized companies that are working with a limited budget. Moreover, when it comes to mobile user accessibility reports, HubSpot's Marketing Hub does not directly offer data usage reports in relation to how mobile users navigate various web pages on the customer's website."
    Yaz Palanichamy
    Senior Research Analyst, Info-Tech Research Group

    HubSpot Marketing Hub (Starter Package)

    HubSpot Marketing Hub (Professional Package)

    HubSpot Marketing Hub (Enterprise Package)

    • Starts from $50/month*
    • Includes 1,000 marketing contacts
    • All non-marketing contacts are free, up to a limit of 15 million overall contacts (marketing contacts + non-marketing contracts)
    • Starts from $890/month*
    • Includes 2,000 marketing contacts
    • Onboarding is required for a one-time fee of $3,000
    • Starts from $3600/month*
    • Includes 10,000 marketing contacts
    • Onboarding is required for a one-time fee of $6,000

    *Pricing correct as of October 2022. Listed in USD and absent discounts.
    See pricing on vendor's website for latest information.

    SoftwareReviews' Enterprise MMS Rankings


    • Email Marketing Automation
    • Customer Journey Mapping
    • Contacts Management

    Areas to Improve:

    • Pricing Model Flexibility
    • Integrational API Support
    • Antiquated UI/CX Design Elements

    This is an image of SoftwareReviews analysis for Maropost


    This is an image of the Logo for MAROPOST Marketing Cloud


    Maropost acquires Retail Express, leading retail POS software in Australia for $55M (PRWire, 2022).


    Maropost develops innovative product feature updates to its marketing cloud platform (e.g. automated social campaign management, event segmentation for mobile apps) (Maropost, 2019).


    US-based communications organization Success selects Maropost Marketing Cloud for marketing automation use cases (Apps Run The World, 2015).


    Maropost is on track to become one of Toronto's fastest-growing companies, generating $30M in annual revenue (MarTech Series, 2017).


    Maropost is ranked as a "High Performer" in the Email Marketing category in a G2 Crowd Grid Report (VentureBeat, 2015).

    Maropost is founded in 2011 as a customer-centric ESP platform.

    Maropost Marketing Cloud – Essential

    Marketing Cloud –Professional

    Marketing Cloud –Enterprise

    • Starts from $279/month*
    • Includes baseline features such as email campaigns, A/B campaigns, transactional emails, etc.
    • Starts from $849/month*
    • Includes additional system functionalities of interest (e.g. mobile keywords, more journeys for marketing automation use cases)
    • Starts from $1,699/month*
    • Includes unlimited number of journeys
    • Upper limit for custom contact fields is increased by 100-150

    *Pricing correct as of October 2022. Listed in USD and absent discounts.
    See pricing on vendor's website for latest information.

    SoftwareReviews' Enterprise MMS Rankings


    • Advanced Data Segmentation
    • Marketing Analytics
    • Multichannel Integration

    Areas to Improve:

    • Marketing Operations
    • Marketing Asset Management
    • Community Marketing Management

    This is an image of SoftwareReviews analysis for Oracle Marketing Cloud.


    This is an image of the Logo for Oracle Marketing Cloud


    New advanced intelligence capabilities within Oracle Eloqua Marketing Automation help deliver more targeted and personalized messages (Oracle, Marketing Automation documentation).


    Oracle revamps its marketing cloud with new feature sets, including Oracle ID Graph for cross-platform identification of customers, AppCloud Connect, etc. (Forbes, 2015).


    Oracle announces the launch of the Oracle Marketing Cloud (TechCrunch, 2014).


    Oracle acquires PeopleSoft, a company that produces human resource management systems, in 2005 for $10.3B (The Economic Times, 2016).


    Oracle becomes the first company to sell relational database management software (RDBMS). In 1982 it has revenue of $2.5M (

    Relational Software, Inc (RSI) – later renamed Oracle Corporation – is founded in 1977.

    "Oracle Marketing Cloud offers a comprehensive interwoven and integrated marketing management solution that can help end users launch cross-channel marketing programs and unify all prospect and customer marketing signals within one singular view. Oracle Marketing Cloud ranks consistently high across our SoftwareReviews reports and sustains top scores in overall customer experience rankings at a factor of 9.0. The emotional sentiment of users interacting with Oracle Marketing Cloud is also highly favorable, with Oracle's Emotional Footprint score at +93.

    Users should be aware that some of the reporting mechanisms and report-generation capabilities may not be as mature as those of some of its competitors in the MMS space (e.g. Salesforce, Adobe). Data exportability also presents a challenge in Oracle Marketing Cloud and requires a lot of internal tweaking between end users of the system to function properly. Finally, pricing sensitivity may be a concern for small and mid-sized organizations who may find Oracle's higher-tiered pricing plans to be out of reach. "
    Yaz Palanichamy
    Senior Research Analyst, Info-Tech Research Group

    Oracle Marketing Cloud pricing is opaque.
    Request a demo.*

    *Info-Tech recommends reaching out to the vendor's internal sales management team for explicit details on individual pricing plans for the Adobe Marketing Cloud suite.

    SoftwareReviews' Enterprise MMS Rankings


    • Marketing Analytics
    • Advanced Campaign Management
    • Email Marketing Automation
    • Social Media Marketing Management

    Areas to Improve:

    • Community Marketing Management
    • Marketing Operations Management
    • Pricing Sensitivity and Vendor Support Model

    This is an image of SoftwareReviews analysis for Salesforce


    This is an image of the Logo for Salesforce Marketing Cloud


    Salesforce announces sustainability as a core company value (Forbes, 2022).


    Salesforce unveils Salesforce Marketing Cloud during Dreamforce 2012, with 90,000 registered attendees (Dice, 2012).


    Salesforce launches Service Cloud, bringing customer service and support automation features to the market (TechCrunch, 2009).


    The first Dreamforce event is held at the Westin St. Francis hotel in downtown San Francisco
    (Salesforce, 2020).


    Salesforce delivers $22.4M in revenue for the fiscal year ending January 31, 2002 (Salesforce, 2020).

    Salesforce is founded in 1999.

    "Salesforce Marketing Cloud is a long-term juggernaut of the marketing management software space and is the subject of many Info-Tech member inquiries. It retains strong composite and customer experience (CX) scores in our SoftwareReviews reports. Some standout features of the platform include marketing analytics, advanced campaign management functionalities, email marketing automation, and customer journey management capabilities. In recent years Salesforce has made great strides in improving the overall user experience by investing in new product functionalities such as the Einstein What-If Analyzer, which helps test how your next email campaign will impact overall customer engagement, triggers personalized campaign messages based on an individual user's behavior, and uses powerful real-time segmentation and sophisticated AI to deliver contextually relevant experiences that inspire customers to act.

    On the downside, we commonly see Salesforce's solutions as costlier than competitors' offerings, and its commercial/sales teams tend to be overly aggressive in marketing its solutions without a distinct link to overarching business requirements. "
    Yaz Palanichamy
    Senior Research Analyst, Info-Tech Research Group

    Marketing Cloud Basics

    Marketing Cloud Pro

    Marketing Cloud Corporate

    Marketing Cloud Enterprise

    • Starts at $400*
    • Per org/month
    • Personalized promotional email marketing
    • Starts at $1,250*
    • Per org/month
    • Personalized marketing automation with email solutions
    • Starts at $3,750*
    • Per org/month
    • Personalized cross-channel strategic marketing solutions

    "Request a Quote"

    *Pricing correct as of October 2022. Listed in USD and absent discounts. See pricing on vendor's website for latest information.

    SoftwareReviews' Enterprise MMS Rankings


    • Email Marketing Automation
    • Marketing Workflow Management
    • Marketing Analytics

    Areas to Improve:

    • Mobile Marketing Management
    • Marketing Operations Management
    • Advanced Data Segmentation

    This is an image of SoftwareReviews analysis for SAP


    This is an image of the Logo for SAP


    SAP announces the second cycle of the 2022 SAP Customer Engagement Initiative. (SAP Community Blog, 2022).


    SAP acquires Austrian cloud marketing company Emarsys (TechCrunch, 2020).


    SAP Digital for Customer Engagement launches in May 2015 (SAP News, 2015).


    SAP begins branching out into three markets of the future (mobile technology, database technology, and cloud). SAP acquires some of its competitors (e.g. Ariba, SuccessFactors, Business Objects) to quickly establish itself as a key player in those areas (SAP, n.d.).


    SAP responds to the internet and new economy by launching its strategy (SAP, n.d.).

    SAP is founded In 1972.

    "Over the years, SAP has positioned itself as one of the usual suspects across the enterprise applications market. While SAP has a broad range of capabilities within the CRM and customer experience space, it consistently underperforms in many of our user-driven SoftwareReviews reports for MMS and adjacent areas, ranking lower in MMS product feature capabilities such as email marketing automation and advanced campaign management than other mainstream MMS vendors, including Salesforce Marketing Cloud and Adobe Experience Cloud. The SAP Customer Engagement Marketing platform seems decidedly a secondary focus for SAP, behind its more compelling presence across the enterprise resource planning space.

    If you are approaching an MMS selection from a greenfield lens and with no legacy vendor baggage for SAP elsewhere, experience suggests that your needs will be better served by a vendor that places greater primacy on the MMS aspect of their portfolio."
    Yaz Palanichamy
    Senior Research Analyst, Info-Tech Research Group

    SAP Customer Engagement Marketing pricing is opaque:
    Request a demo.*

    *Info-Tech recommends reaching out to the vendor's internal sales management team for explicit details on individual pricing plans for the Adobe Marketing Cloud suite.

    SoftwareReviews' Enterprise MMS Rankings


    • Social Media Automation
    • Email Marketing Automation
    • Marketing Analytics

    Areas to Improve:

    • Ease of Data Integration
    • Breadth of Features
    • Marketing Workflow Management


    SoftwareReviews' Enterprise MMS Rankings


    • Campaign Management
    • Segmentation
    • Email Delivery

    Areas to Improve:

    • Mobile Optimization
    • A/B Testing
    • Content Authoring

    This is an image of SoftwareReviews analysis for ZOHO Campaigns.


    This is an image of the Logo for ZOHO Campaigns


    Zoho announces CRM-Campaigns sync (Zoho Campaigns Community Learning, 2021).


    Zoho reaches more than 50M customers in January ( Zippia, n.d.).


    Zoho launches Zoho One, a comprehensive suite of 40+ applications (Zoho Blog, 2017).


    Zoho releases Zoho Campaigns (Business Wire, 2012).


    Zoho expands into the collaboration space with the release of Zoho Docs and Zoho Meetings (Zoho, n.d.).


    Zoho CRM is released (Zoho, n.d.).

    Zoho platform is founded in 1996.

    "Zoho maintains a long-running repertoire of end-to-end software solutions for business development purposes. In addition to its flagship CRM product, the company also offers Zoho Campaigns, which is an email marketing software platform that enables contextually driven marketing techniques via dynamic personalization, email interactivity, A/B testing, etc. For organizations that already maintain a deep imprint of Zoho solutions, Zoho Campaigns will be a natural extension to their immediate software environment.

    Zoho Campaigns is a great ecosystem play in environments that have a material Zoho footprint. In the absence of an existing Zoho environment, it's prudent to consider other affordable products as well."
    Yaz Palanichamy
    Senior Research Analyst, Info-Tech Research Group

    Free Version



    • Starts at $0*
    • Per user/month billed annually
    • Up to 2,000 contacts
    • 6,000 emails/month
    • Starts at $3.75*
    • Per user/month billed annually
    • Up to 100,000 contacts
    • Advanced email templates
    • SMS marketing
    • Starts at $6*
    • Per user/month billed annually
    • Advanced segmentation
    • Dynamic content

    *Pricing correct as of October 2022. Listed in USD and absent discounts.

    See pricing on vendor's website for latest information.

    Leverage Info-Tech's research to plan and execute your MMS implementation

    Use Info-Tech's three-phase implementation process to guide your planning:

    1. Assess

    2. Prepare

    3. Govern & Course Correct

    Download Info-Tech's Governance and Management of Enterprise Software Implementation
    Establish and execute an end-to-end, agile framework to succeed with the implementation of a major enterprise application.

    Ensure your implementation team has a high degree of trust and communication

    If external partners are needed, dedicate an internal resource to managing the vendor and partner relationships.


    Teams must have some type of communication strategy. This can be broken into:

    • Regularity: Having a set time each day to communicate progress and a set day to conduct retrospectives.
    • Ceremonies: Injecting awards and continually emphasizing delivery of value to encourage relationship building and constructive motivation.
    • Escalation: Voicing any concerns and having someone responsible for addressing them.


    Distributed teams create complexity as communication can break down. This can be mitigated by:

    • Location: Placing teams in proximity to eliminate the barrier of geographical distance and time zone differences.
    • Inclusion: Making a deliberate attempt to pull remote team members into discussions and ceremonies.
    • Communication Tools: Having the right technology (e.g. video conference) to help bring teams closer together virtually.


    Members should trust other members are contributing to the project and completing their required tasks on time. Trust can be developed and maintained by:

    • Accountability: Having frequent quality reviews and feedback sessions. As work becomes more transparent, people become more accountable.
    • Role Clarity: Having a clear definition of what everyone's role is.

    Selecting a right-sized MMS platform

    This selection guide allows organizations to execute a structured methodology for picking an MMS platform that aligns with their needs. This includes:

    • Alignment and prioritization of key business and technology drivers for an MMS selection business case.
    • Identification of key use cases and requirements for a right-sized MMS platform.
    • A comprehensive market scan of key players in the MMS market space.

    This formal MMS selection initiative will drive business-IT alignment, identify pivotal sales and marketing automation priorities, and thereby allow for the rollout of a streamlined MMS platform that is highly likely to satisfy all stakeholder needs.

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through other phases as part of an Info-Tech workshop

    contact your account representative for more information


    Summary of accomplishment

    Knowledge Gained

    • What marketing management is
    • Historical origins of marketing management
    • The future of marketing management
    • Key trends in marketing management suites

    Processes Optimized

    • Requirements gathering
    • RFPs and contract reviews
    • Marketing management suite vendor selection
    • Marketing management platform implementation

    Marketing Management

    • Adobe Experience Cloud
    • Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing
    • HubSpot Marketing Hub
    • Maropost Marketing Cloud
    • Oracle Marketing Cloud

    Vendors Analyzed

    • Salesforce Marketing Cloud
    • SAP
    • Sugar Market
    • Zoho Campaigns

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Select a Marketing Management Suite

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    Get the Most Out of Your CRM

    Customer relationship management (CRM) application portfolios are often messy,
    with multiple integration points, distributed data, and limited ongoing end-user training. A properly optimized CRM ecosystem will reduce costs and increase productivity.

    Customer Relationship Management Platform Selection Guide

    Speed up the process to build your business case and select your CRM solution. Despite the importance of CRM selection and implementation, many organizations struggle to define an approach to picking the right vendor and rolling out the solution in an effective and cost-efficient manner.


    "16 Biggest Tech Acquisitions in History." The Economic Times, 28 July 2016. Web.
    "Adobe Acquires Demdex – Brings Audience Optimization to $109 Billion Global Online Ad Market." Adobe News, 18 Jan 2011. Accessed Nov 2022.
    "Adobe Company History Timeline." Zippia, 9 Sept 2022. Accessed Nov 2022.
    "Adobe to acquire Magento for $1.68B." TechCrunch, 21 May 2018. Accessed Dec 2022.
    Anderson, Meghan Keaney. "HubSpot Launches European Headquarters." HubSpot Company News, 3 Mar 2013.
    Arenas-Gaitán, Jorge, et al. "Complexity of Understanding Consumer Behavior from the Marketing Perspective." Journal of Complexity, vol. 2019, 8 Jan 2019. Accessed Sept 2022.
    Bureau of Labor Statistics. "Advertising, Promotions, and Marketing Managers." Occupational Outlook Handbook. U.S. Department of Labor, 8 Sept 2022. Accessed 1 Nov 2022.
    "Campaigns." Marketing Hub, HubSpot, n.d. Web.
    Conklin, Bob. "Adobe report reveals best marketing practices for B2B growth in 2023 and beyond." Adobe Experience Cloud Blog, 23 Sept 2022. Web.
    "Consumer Behavior Stats 2021: The Post-Pandemic Shift in Online Shopping Habit", 7 April 2022. Accessed Oct 2022.
    "Data Collection Overview." Experience League,, n.d. Accessed Dec 2022.
    Duduskar, Avinash. "Interview with Tony Chen, CEO at Channel Factory." MarTech Series, 16 June 2017. Accessed Nov 2022.
    "Enhanced Release of SAP Digital for Customer Engagement Helps Anyone Go Beyond CRM." SAP News, 8 Dec. 2015. Press release.
    Fang, Mingyu. "A Deep Dive into Gucci's Metaverse Practice.", 27 Feb 2022. Accessed Oct 2022.
    Flanagan, Ellie. "HubSpot Launches Marketing Hub Starter to Give Growing Businesses the Tools They Need to Start Marketing Right." HubSpot Company News, 17 July 2018. Web.
    Fleishman, Hannah. "HubStop Announces Pricing of Initial Public Offering." HubSpot Company News, 8 Oct. 204. Web.
    Fluckinger, Don. "Adobe to acquire Workfront for $1.5 billion." TechTarget, 10 Nov 2020. Accessed Nov 2022.
    Fluckinger, Don. "Microsoft Dynamics 365 adds customer journey orchestration." TechTarget, 2 March 2021. Accessed Nov 2022.
    Green Marketing: Explore the Strategy of Green Marketing." Marketing Schools, 19 Nov 2020. Accessed Oct 2022.
    Ha, Anthony. "Oracle Announces Its Cross-Platform Marketing Cloud." TechCrunch, 30 April 2014. Web.
    Heyd, Kathrin. "Partners Welcome – SAP Customer Engagement Initiative 2022-2 is open for your registration(s)!" SAP Community Blog, 21 June 2022. Accessed Nov 2022.
    HubSpot. "Our Story." HubSpot, n.d. Web.
    Jackson, Felicia. "Salesforce Tackles Net Zero Credibility As It Adds Sustainability As A Fifth Core Value." Forbes, 16 Feb. 2022. Web.
    Kolakowski, Nick. "Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff Talks Social Future." Dice, 19 Sept. 2012. Web.
    Lardinois, Frederic. "Microsoft's Q4 earnings beat Street with $22.6B in revenue, $0.69 EPS." TechCrunch, 19 July 2016. Web.
    Levine, Barry. "G2 Crowd report finds the two email marketing tools with the highest user satisfaction." Venture Beat, 30 July 2015. Accessed Nov 2022.
    Looking Back, Moving Forward: The Evolution of Maropost for Marketing." Maropost Blog, 21 May 2019. Accessed Oct 2022.
    Maher, Sarah. "What's new with HubSpot? Inbound 2022 Feature Releases." Six & Flow, 9 July 2022. Accessed Oct 2022.
    Marketing Automation Provider, Salesfusion, Continues to Help Marketers Achieve Their Goals With Enhanced User Interface and Powerful Email Designer Updates." Yahoo Finance, 10 Dec 2013. Accessed Oct 2022.
    "Maropost Acquires Retail Express for $55 Million+ as it Continues to Dominate the Global Commerce Space." Marapost Newsroom,, 19 Jan 2022. Accessed Nov 2022.
    McDowell, Maghan. "Inside Gucci and Roblox's new virtual world." Vogue Business, 17 May 2021. Web.
    Miller, Ron. "Adobe and Microsoft expand partnership with Adobe Experience Manager and Dynamics 265 Integration." TechCrunch, 3 Nov 2017. Accessed Nov 2022.
    Miller, Ron. "Adobe to acquire Magento for $1.68B" TechCrunch, 21 May 2018. Accessed Nov 2022.
    Miller, Ron. "SAP continues to build out customer experience business with Emarys acquisition." TechCrunch, 1 Oct. 2020. Web.
    Miller, Ron. "SugarCRM moves into marketing automation with Salesfusion acquisition." TechCrunch, 16 May 2019.
    Novet, Jordan. "Adobe confirms it's buying Marketo for $4.75 billion." CNBC, 20 Sept 2018. Accessed Dec 2022.
    "Oracle Corp.", n.d. Web.
    Phillips, James. "April 2019 Release launches with new AI, mixed reality, and 350+ feature updates." Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog. Microsoft, 2 April 2019. Web.
    S., Aravindhan. "Announcing an important update to Zoho CRM-Zoho Campaigns integration." Zoho Campaigns Community Learning, Zoho, 1 Dec. 2021. Web.
    Salesforce. "The History of Salesforce." Salesforce, 19 March 2020. Web.
    "Salesfusion Integrates With NetSuite CRM to Simplify Sales and Marketing Alignment" GlobeNewswire, 6 May 2016. Accessed Oct 2022. Press release.
    "Salesfusion Integrates With NetSuite CRM to Simplify Sales and Marketing Alignment." Marketwired, 6 May 2016. Web.
    "Salesfusion is Now Sugar Market: The Customer FAQ." SugarCRM Blog, 31 July 2019. Web.
    "Salesfusion's Marketing Automation Platform Drives Awareness and ROI for Education Technology Provider" GlobeNewswire, 25 June 2015. Accessed Nov 2022. Press release.
    SAP. "SAP History." SAP, n.d. Web.
    "State of Marketing." 5th Edition, Salesforce, 15 Jan 2019. Accessed Oct 2022.
    "Success selects Maropost Marketing Cloud for Marketing Automation." Apps Run The World, 10 Jan 2015. Accessed Nov 2022.
    "SugarCRM Acquires SaaS Marketing Automation Innovator Salesfusion." SugarCRM, 16 May 2019. Press release.
    Sundaram, Vijay. "Introducing Zoho One." Zoho Blog, 25 July 2017. Web.
    "The State of MarTech: Is you MarTech stack working for you?" American Marketing Association, 29 Nov 2021. Accessed Oct 2022.
    "Top Marketing Automation Statistics for 2022." Oracle, 15 Jan 2022. Accessed Oct 2022.
    Trefis Team. "Oracle Energizes Its Marketing Cloud With New Features." Forbes, 7 April 2015. Accessed Oct 2022.
    Vivek, Kumar, et al. "Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises) Help, version 9.x." Learn Dynamics 365, Microsoft, 9 Jan 2023. Web.
    "What's new with HubSpot? Inbound 2022 feature releases" Six and Flow, 9 July 2022. Accessed Nov 2022.
    Widman, Jeff. " Launches The Service Cloud,, A Customer Service SaaS Application." TechCrunch, 15 Jan. 2009. Web.
    "Zoho History." Zippia, n.d. Web.
    "Zoho Launches Zoho Campaigns." Business Wire, 14 Aug. 2012. Press release.
    Zoho. "About Us." Zoho, n.d. Web.

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    Audit the Project Portfolio

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    • As a CIO you know you should audit your portfolio, but you don’t know where to start.
    • There is a lack of portfolio and project visibility.
    • Projects are out of scope, over budget, and over schedule.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Organizations establish processes and assume people are following them.
    • There is a dilution of practices from external influences and rapid turnover rates.
    • Many organizations build their processes around existing frameworks. These frameworks are great resources but they’re often missing context and clear links to tools, templates, and fiduciary duty.

    Impact and Result

    • The best way to get insight into your current state is to get an objective set of observations of your processes.
    • Use Info-Tech’s framework to audit your portfolios and projects:
      • Triage at a high level to assess the need for an audit by using the Audit Standard Triage Tool to assess your current state and the importance of conducting a deeper audit.
      • Complete Info-Tech’s Project Portfolio Audit Tool:
        • Validate the inputs.
        • Analyze the data.
        • Review the findings and create your action plan.

    Audit the Project Portfolio Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should audit the project portfolio, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Assess readiness

    Understand your current state and determine the need for a deeper audit.

    • Audit the Project Portfolio – Phase 1: Assess Readiness
    • Info-Tech Audit Standard for Project Portfolio Management
    • Audit Glossary of Terms
    • Audit Standard Triage Tool

    2. Perform project portfolio audit

    Audit your selected projects and portfolios. Understand the gaps in portfolio practices.

    • Audit the Project Portfolio – Phase 2: Perform Project Portfolio Audit
    • Project Portfolio Audit Tool

    3. Establish a plan

    Document the steps you are going to take to address any issues that were uncovered in phase 2.

    • Audit the Project Portfolio – Phase 3: Establish a Plan
    • PPM Audit Timeline Template

    Workshop: Audit the Project Portfolio

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Portfolio Audit

    The Purpose

    An audit of your portfolio management practices.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Analysis of audit results.


    1.1 Info-Tech’s Audit Standard/Engagement Context

    1.2 Portfolio Audit

    1.3 Input Validation

    1.4 Portfolio Audit Analysis

    1.5 Start/Stop/Continue


    Audit Standard and Audit Glossary of Terms

    Portfolio and Project Audit Tool


    2 Project Audit

    The Purpose

    An audit of your project management practices.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Analysis of audit results.


    2.1 Project Audit

    2.2 Input Validation

    2.3 Project Audit Analysis

    2.4 Start/Stop/Continue


    Portfolio and Project Audit Tool


    3 Action Plan

    The Purpose

    Create a plan to start addressing any vulnerabilities.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A plan to move forward.


    3.1 Action Plan

    3.2 Key Takeaways


    Audit Timeline Template

    Enhance Your Solution Architecture Practices

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}157|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $33,359 Average $ Saved
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    • Parent Category Name: Development
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    • In today’s world, business agility is essential to stay competitive. Quick responses to business needs through efficient development and deployment practices is critical for business value delivery.
    • A mature solution architecture practice is the basic necessity for a business to have technical agility.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    Don’t architect for normal situations. That is a shallow approach and leads to decisions that may seem “right” but will not be able to stand up to system elasticity needs.

    Impact and Result

    • Understand the different parts of a continuous security architecture framework and how they may apply to your decisions.
    • Develop a solution architecture for upcoming work (or if there is a desire to reduce tech debt).

    Enhance Your Solution Architecture Practices Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Solution Architecture Practices Deck – A deck to help you develop an approach for or validate existing solution architecture capability.

    Translate stakeholder objectives into architecture requirements, solutions, and changes. Incorporate architecture quality attributes in decisions to increase your architecture’s life. Evaluate your solution architecture from multiple views to obtain a holistic perspective of the range of issues, risks, and opportunities.

    • Enhance Your Solution Architecture Practices – Phases 1-3

    2. Solution Architecture Template – A template to record the results from the exercises to help you define, detail, and make real your digital product vision.

    Identify and detail the value maps that support the business, and discover the architectural quality attribute that is most important for the value maps. Brainstorm solutions for design decisions for data, security, scalability, and performance.

    • Solution Architecture Template

    Workshop: Enhance Your Solution Architecture Practices

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Vision and Value Maps

    The Purpose

    Document a vision statement for the solution architecture practice (in general) and/or a specific vision statement, if using a single project as an example.

    Document business architecture and capabilities.

    Decompose capabilities into use cases.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Provide a great foundation for an actionable vision and goals that people can align to.

    Develop a collaborative understanding of business capabilities.

    Develop a collaborative understanding of use cases and personas that are relevant for the business.


    1.1 Develop vision statement.

    1.2 Document list of value stream maps and their associated use cases.

    1.3 Document architectural quality attributes needed for use cases using SRME.


    Solution Architecture Template with sections filled out for vision statement canvas and value maps

    2 Continue Vision and Value Maps, Begin Phase 2

    The Purpose

    Map value stream to required architectural attributes.

    Prioritize architecture decisions.

    Discuss and document data architecture.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    An understanding of architectural attributes needed for value streams.

    Conceptual understanding of data architecture.


    2.1 Map value stream to required architectural attributes.

    2.2 Prioritize architecture decisions.

    2.3 Discuss and document data architecture.


    Solution Architecture Template with sections filled out for value stream and architecture attribute mapping; a prioritized list of architecture design decisions; and data architecture

    3 Continue Phase 2, Begin Phase 3

    The Purpose

    Discuss security and threat assessment.

    Discuss resolutions to threats via security architecture decisions.

    Discuss system’s scalability needs.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Decisions for security architecture.

    Decisions for scalability architecture.


    3.1 Discuss security and threat assessment.

    3.2 Discuss resolutions to threats via security architecture decisions.

    3.3 Discuss system’s scalability needs.


    Solution Architecture Template with sections filled out for security architecture and scalability design

    4 Continue Phase 3, Start and Finish Phase 4

    The Purpose

    Discuss performance architecture.

    Compile all the architectural decisions into a solutions architecture list.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A complete solution architecture.

    A set of principles that will form the foundation of solution architecture practices.


    4.1 Discuss performance architecture.

    4.2 Compile all the architectural decisions into a solutions architecture list.


    Solution Architecture Template with sections filled out for performance and a complete solution architecture

    Further reading

    Enhance Your Solution Architecture Practice

    Ensure your software systems solution is architected to reflect stakeholders’ short- and long-term needs.

    Analyst Perspective

    Application architecture is a critical foundation for supporting the growth and evolution of application systems. However, the business is willing to exchange the extension of the architecture’s life with quality best practices for the quick delivery of new or enhanced application functionalities. This trade-off may generate immediate benefits to stakeholders, but it will come with high maintenance and upgrade costs in the future, rendering your system legacy early.

    Technical teams know the importance of implementing quality attributes into architecture but are unable to gain approval for the investments. Overcoming this challenge requires a focus of architectural enhancements on specific problem areas with significant business visibility. Then, demonstrate how quality solutions are vital enablers for supporting valuable application functionalities by tracing these solutions to stakeholder objectives and conducting business and technical risk and impact assessments through multiple business and technical perspectives.

    this is a picture of Andrew Kum-Seun

    Andrew Kum-Seun
    Research Manager, Applications
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Enhance Your Solution Architecture

    Ensure your software systems solution is architected to reflect stakeholders’ short- and long-term needs.


    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    • Most organizations have some form of solution architecture; however, it may not accurately and sufficiently support the current and rapidly changing business and technical environments.
    • To enable quick delivery, applications are built and integrated haphazardly, typically omitting architecture quality practices.

    Common Obstacles

    • Failing to involve development and stakeholder perspectives in design can lead to short-lived architecture and critical development, testing, and deployment constraints and risks being omitted.
    • Architects are experiencing little traction implementing solutions to improve architecture quality due to the challenge of tracing these solutions back to the right stakeholder objectives.

    Info-Tech's Approach

    • Translate stakeholder objectives into architecture requirements, solutions, and changes. Incorporate architecture quality attributes in decisions to increase your architecture’s life.
    • Evaluate your solution architecture from multiple views to obtain a holistic perspective of the range of issues, risks, and opportunities.
    • Regularly review and recalibrate your solution architecture so that it accurately reflects and supports current stakeholder needs and technical environments.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Well-received applications can have poor architectural qualities. Functional needs often take precedence over quality architecture. Quality must be baked into design, execution, and decision-making practices to ensure the right tradeoffs are made.

    A badly designed solution architecture is the root of all technical evils

    A well-thought-through and strategically designed solution architecture is essential for the long-term success of any software system, and by extension, the organization because:

    1. It will help achieve quality attribute requirements (security, scalability, performance, usability, resiliency, etc.) for a software system.
    2. It can define and refine architectural guiding principles. A solution architecture is not only important for today but also a vision for the future of the system’s ability to react positively to changing business needs.
    3. It can help build usable (and reusable) services. In a fast-moving environment, the convenience of having pre-made plug-and-play architectural objects reduces the risk incurred from knee-jerk reactions in response to unexpected demands.
    4. It can be used to create a roadmap to an IT future state. Architectural concerns support transition planning activities that can lead to the successful implementation of a strategic IT plan.

    Demand for quick delivery makes teams omit architectural best practices, increasing downstream risks

    In its need for speed, a business often doesn’t see the value in making sure architecture is maintainable, reusable, and scalable. This demand leads to an organizational desire for development practices and the procurement of vendors that favor time-to-market over long-term maintainability. Unfortunately, technical teams are pushed to omit design quality and validation best practices.

    What are the business impacts of omitting architecture design practices?

    Poor quality application architecture impedes business growth opportunities, exposes enterprise systems to risks, and consumes precious IT budgets in maintenance that could otherwise be used for innovation and new projects.

    Previous estimations indicate that roughly 50% of security problems are the result of software design. […] Flaws in the architecture of a software system can have a greater impact on various security concerns in the system, and as a result, give more space and flexibility for malicious users.(Source: IEEE Software)

    Errors in software requirements and software design documents are more frequent than errors in the source code itself according to Computer Finance Magazine. Defects introduced during the requirements and design phase are not only more probable but also more severe and more difficult to remove. (Source: iSixSigma)

    Design a solution architecture that can be successful within the constraints and complexities set before you


    … describes the dependencies, structures, constraints, standards, and development guidelines to successfully deliver functional and long-living applications. This artifact lays the foundation to discuss the enhancement of the use and operations of your systems considering existing complexities.

    Good architecture design practices can give you a number of benefits:

    Lowers maintenance costs by revealing key issues and risks early. The Systems Sciences Institute at IBM has reported that the cost to fix an error found after product release was 4 to 5 times as much as one uncovered during design.(iSixSigma)

    Supports the design and implementation activities by providing key insights for project scheduling, work allocation, cost analysis, risk management, and skills development.(IBM: developerWorks)

    Eliminates unnecessary creativity and activities on the part of designers and implementers, which is achieved by imposing the necessary constraints on what they can do and making it clear that deviation from constraints can break the architecture.(IBM: developerWorks)

    Use Info-Tech’s Continuous Solution Architecture (CSA) Framework for designing adaptable systems

    Solution architecture is not a one-size-fits-all conversation. There are many design considerations and trade-offs to keep in mind as a product or services solution is conceptualized, evaluated, tested, and confirmed. The following is a list of good practices that should inform most architecture design decisions.

    Principle 1: Design your solution to have at least two of everything.

    Principle 2: Include a “kill switch” in your fault-isolation design. You should be able to turn off everything you release.

    Principle 3: If it can be monitored, it should be. Use server and audit logs where possible.

    Principle 4: Asynchronous is better than synchronous. Asynchronous design is more complex but worth the processing efficiency it introduces.

    Principle 5: Stateless over stateful: State data should only be used if necessary.

    Principle 6: Go horizonal (scale out) over vertical (scale up).

    Principle 7: Good architecture comes in small packages.

    Principle 8: Practice just-in-time architecture. Delay finalizing an approach for as long as you can.

    Principle 9: X-ilities over features. Quality of an architecture is the foundation over which features exist. A weak foundation can never be obfuscated through shiny features.

    Principle 10: Architect for products not projects. A product is an ongoing concern, while a project is short lived and therefore only focused on what is. A product mindset forces architects to think about what can or should be.

    Principle 11: Design for rollback: When all else fails, you should be able to stand up the previous best state of the system.

    Principle 12: Test the solution architecture like you test your solution’s features.

    CSA should be used for every step in designing a solution’s architecture

    Solution architecture is a technical response to a business need, and like all complex evolutionary systems, must adapt its design for changing circumstances.

    The triggers for changes to existing solution architectures can come from, at least, three sources:

    1. Changing business goals
    2. Existing backlog of technical debt
    3. Solution architecture roadmap

    A solution’s architecture is cross-cutting and multi-dimensional and at the minimum includes:

    • Product Portfolio Strategy
    • Application Architecture
    • Data Architecture
    • Information Architecture
    • Operational Architecture

    along with several qualitative attributes (also called non-functional requirements).

    This image contains a chart which demonstrates the relationship between changing hanging business goals, Existing backlog of technical debt, Solution architecture roadmap, and Product Portfolio Strategy, Application Architecture, Data Architecture, Information Architecture and, Operational Architecture

    Related Research: Product Portfolio Strategy

    Integrate Portfolios to Create Exceptional Customer Value

    • Define an organizing principle that will structure your projects and applications in a way that matters to your stakeholders.
    • Bridge application and project portfolio data using the organizing principle that matters to communicate with stakeholders across the organization.
    • Create a dashboard that brings together the benefits of both project and application portfolio management to improve visibility and decision making.

    Deliver on Your Digital Portfolio Vision

    • Recognize that a vision is only as good as the data that backs it up. Lay out a comprehensive backlog with quality built in that can be effectively communicated and understood through roadmaps.
    • Your intent is only a dream if it cannot be implemented ; define what goes into a release plan via the release canvas.
    • Define a communication approach that lets everyone know where you are heading.

    Related Research: Data, Information & Integration Architecture

    Build a Data Architecture Roadmap

    • Have a framework in place to identify the appropriate solution for the challenge at hand. Our three-phase practical approach will help you build a custom and modernized data architecture.
    • Identify and prioritize the business drivers in which data architecture changes would create the largest overall benefit and determine the corresponding data architecture tiers that need to be addressed.
    • Discover the best-practice trends, measure your current state, and define the targets for your data architecture tactics.
    • Build a cohesive and personalized roadmap for restructuring your data architecture. Manage your decisions and resulting changes.

    Build a Data Pipeline for Reporting and Analytics

    • Understand your high-level business capabilities and interactions across them – your data repositories and flows should be just a digital reflection thereof.
    • Divide your data world in logical verticals overlaid with various speed data progression lanes, i.e. build your data pipeline – and conquer it one segment at a time.
    • Use the most appropriate database design pattern for a given phase/component in your data pipeline progression.

    Related Research:Operational Architecture

    Optimize Application Release Management

    • Acquire release management ownership. Ensure there is appropriate accountability for the speed and quality of the releases passing through the entire pipeline.
    • A release manager has oversight over the entire release process and facilitates the necessary communication between business stakeholders and various IT roles.
    • Instill holistic thinking. Release management includes all steps required to push release and change requests to production along with the hand-off to Operations and Support. Increase the transparency and visibility of the entire pipeline to ensure local optimizations do not generate bottlenecks in other areas.
    • Standardize and lay a strong release management foundation. Optimize the key areas where you are experiencing the most pain and continually improve.

    Build Your Infrastructure Roadmap

    • Increased communication. More information being shared to more people who need it.
    • Better planning. More accurate information being shared.
    • Reduced lead times. Less due diligence or discovery work required as part of project implementations.
    • Faster delivery times. Less low-value work, freeing up more time for project work.

    Related Research:Security Architecture

    Identify Opportunities to Mature the Security Architecture

    • A right-sized security architecture can be created by assessing the complexity of the IT department, the operations currently underway for security, and the perceived value of a security architecture within the organization. This will bring about a deeper understanding of the organizational infrastructure.
    • Developing a security architecture should also result in a list of opportunities (i.e. initiatives) that an organization can integrate into a roadmap. These initiatives will seek to improve security operations and strengthen the IT department’s understanding of security’s role within the organization.
    • A better understanding of the infrastructure will help to save time on determining the correct technologies required from vendors, and therefore, cut down on the amount of vendor noise.
    • Creating a defensible roadmap will assist with justifying future security spend.

    Key deliverable:

    Solution Architecture Template
    Record the results from the exercises to help you define, detail, and make real your digital product vision.

    Blueprint Deliverables

    Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals:

    This image contains screenshots of the deliverables which will be discussed later in this blueprint

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful.

    Guided Implementation

    Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track


    We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place


    Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. we need assistance through the entirety of this project.

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks are used throughout all four options

    Workshop Overview

    Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889

    Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
    1. Articulate an architectural vision
    2. Develop dynamic value stream maps
    1. Create a conceptual map between the value stream, use case, and required architectural attribute
    2. Create a prioritized list of architectural attributes
    3. Develop a data architecture that supports transactional and analytical needs
    1. Document security architecture risks and mitigations
    2. Document scalability architecture
    1. Document performance-enhancing architecture
    2. Bring it all together
    1. Architecture vision
    2. Dynamic value stream maps (including user stories/personas)
    1. List of required architectural attributes
    2. Architectural attributes prioritized
    3. Data architecture design decisions
    1. Security threat and risk analysis
    2. Security design decisions
    3. Scalability design decisions
    1. Performance design decisions
    2. Finalized decisions

    Guided Implementation

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.
    This GI is between 8 to 10 calls over the course of approximately four to six months.

    Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 2
    Call #1:
    Articulate an architectural vision.
    Call #4:
    Continue discussion on value stream mapping and related use cases.
    Call #6:
    Document security design decisions.
    Call #2:
    Discuss value stream mapping and related use cases.
    Call #5:
    • Map the value streams to required architectural attribute.
    • Create a prioritized list of architectural attributes.
    Call #7:
    • Document scalability design decisions.
    • Document performance design decisions.
    Call #3:
    Continue discussion on value stream mapping and related use cases.
    Call #8:
    Bring it all together.

    Phase 1: Visions and Value Maps

    Phase 1

    1.1 Articulate an Architectural Vision
    1.2 Develop Dynamic Value Stream Maps
    1.3 Map Value Streams, Use Cases, and Required Architectural Attributes
    1.4 Create a Prioritized List of Architectural Attributes

    Phase 2

    2.1 Develop a Data Architecture That Supports Transactional and Analytical Needs
    2.2 Document Security Architecture Risks and Mitigations

    Phase 3

    3.1 Document Scalability Architecture
    3.2 Document Performance Enhancing Architecture
    3.3 Combine the Different Architecture Design Decisions Into a Unified Solution Architecture

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Determine a vision for architecture outcomes
    • Draw dynamic value stream maps
    • Derive architectural design decisions
    • Prioritize design decisions

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Business Architect
    • Product Owner
    • Application Architect
    • Integration Architect
    • Database Architect
    • Enterprise Architect

    Enhance Your Solution Architecture Practice

    Let’s get this straight: You need an architectural vision

    If you start off by saying I want to architect a system, you’ve already lost. Remember what a vision is for!

    An architectural vision...

    … is your North Star

    Your product vision serves as the single fixed point for product development and delivery.

    … aligns stakeholders

    It gets everyone on the same page.

    … helps focus on meaningful work

    There is no pride in being a rudderless ship. It can also be very expensive.

    And eventually...

    … kick-starts your strategy

    We know where to go, we know who to bring along, and we know the steps to get there. Let’s plan this out.

    An architectural vision is multi-dimensional

    Who is the target customer (or customers)?

    What is the key benefit a customer can get from using our service or product?

    Why should they be engaged with you?

    What makes our service or product better than our competitors?

    (Adapted from Crossing the Chasm)

    Info-Tech Insight

    It doesn’t matter if you are delivering value to internal or external stakeholders, you need a product vision to ensure everyone understands the “why.”

    Use a canvas as the dashboard for your architecture

    The solution architecture canvas provides a single dashboard to quickly define and communicate the most important information about the vision. A canvas is an effective tool for aligning teams and providing an executive summary view.

    This image contains a sample canvas for you to use as the dashboard for your architecture. The sections are: Solution Name, Tracking Info, Vision, Business Goals, Metrics, Personas, and Stakeholders.

    Leverage the solution architecture canvas to state and inform your architecture vision

    This image contains the sample canvas from the previous section, with annotations explaining what to do for each of the headings.

    1.1 Craft a vision statement for your solution’s architecture

    1. Use the product canvas template provided for articulating your solution’s architecture.

    *If needed, remove or add additional data points to fit your purposes.

    There are different statement templates available to help form your product vision statements. Some include:

    • For [our target customer], who [customer’s need], the [product] is a [product category or description] that [unique benefits and selling points]. Unlike [competitors or current methods], our product [main differentiators].
    • We believe (in) a [noun: world, time, state, etc.] where [persona] can [verb: do, make, offer, etc.], for/by/with [benefit/goal].
    • To [verb: empower, unlock, enable, create, etc.] [persona] to [benefit, goal, future state].
    • Our vision is to [verb: build, design, provide] the [goal, future state] to [verb: help, enable, make it easier to...] [persona].

    (Adapted from Crossing the Chasm)

    Download the Solution Architecture Template and document your vision statement.


    • Business Goals
    • Product Portfolio Vision


    • Solution Architecture Vision


    • Whiteboard/Flip Charts


    • Business Architect
    • Product Owner
    • IT Leadership
    • Business Leadership

    Solution Architecture Canvas: Refine your vision statement

    This image contains a screenshot of the canvas from earlier in the blueprint, with only the annotation for Solution Name: Vision, unique value proposition, elevator pitch, or positioning statement.

    Understand your value streams before determining your solution’s architecture

    Business Strategy

    Sets and communicates the direction of the entire organization.

    Value Stream

    Segments, groups, and creates a coherent narrative as to how an organization creates value.

    Business Capability Map

    Decomposes an organization into its component parts to establish a common language across the organization.


    Implements the business strategy through capability building or improvement projects.

    Identify your organization’s goals and define the value streams that support them


    Revenue Growth

    Value Streams

    Stream 1- Product Purchase
    Stream 2- Customer Acquisition
    stream 3- Product Financing

    There are many techniques that help with constructing value streams and their capabilities.

    Domain-driven design is a technique that can be used for hypothesizing the value maps, their capabilities, and associated solution architecture.

    Read more about domain-driven design here.

    Value streams can be external (deliver value to customers) or internal (support operations)

      External Perspective

    1. Core value streams are mostly externally facing: they deliver value to either an external/internal customer and they tie to the customer perspective of the strategy map.
    • E.g. customer acquisition, product purchase, product delivery

    Internal Perspective

  • Support value streams are internally facing: they provide the foundational support for an organization to operate.
    • E.g. employee recruitment to retirement

    Key Questions to Ask While Evaluating Value Streams

    • Who are your customers?
    • What benefits do we deliver to them?
    • How do we deliver those benefits?
    • How does the customer receive the benefits?
    This image contains an example of value streams. The main headings are: Customer Acquisitions, Product Purchase, Product Delivery, Confirm Order, Product Financing, and Product Release.

    Value streams highlight the what, not the how

    Value chains set a high-level context, but architectural decisions still need to be made to deal with the dynamism of user interaction and their subsequent expectations. User stories (and/or use cases) and themes are great tools for developing such decisions.

    Product Delivery

    1. Order Confirmation
    2. Order Dispatching
    3. Warehouse Management
    4. Fill Order
    5. Ship Order
    6. Deliver Order

    Use Case and User Story Theme: Confirm Order

    This image shows the relationship between confirming the customer's order online, and the Online Buyer, the Online Catalog, the Integrated Payment, and the Inventory Lookup.

    The use case Confirming Customer’s Online Order has four actors:

    1. An Online Buyer who should be provided with a catalog of products to purchase from.
    2. An Online Catalog that is invoked to display its contents on demand.
    3. An Integrated Payment system for accepting an online form of payment (credit card, Bitcoins, etc.) in a secure transaction.
    4. An Inventory Lookup module that confirms there is stock available to satisfy the Online Buyer’s order.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Each use case theme links back to a feature(s) in the product backlog.

    Related Research

    Deliver on Your Digital Portfolio Vision

    • Recognize that a vision is only as good as the data that backs it up. Lay out a comprehensive backlog with quality built in that can be effectively communicated and understood through roadmaps.
    • Your intent is only a dream if it cannot be implemented – define what goes into a release plan via the release canvas.
    • Define a communication approach that lets everyone know where you are heading.

    Document Your Business Architecture

    • Recognize the opportunity for architecture work, analyze the current and target states of your business strategy, and identify and engage the right stakeholders.
    • Model the business in the form of architectural blueprints.
    • Apply business architecture techniques such as strategy maps, value streams, and business capability maps to design usable and accurate blueprints of the business.
    • Drive business architecture forward to promote real value to the organization.
    • Assess your current projects to determine if you are investing in the right capabilities. Conduct business capability assessments to identify opportunities and to prioritize projects.

    1.2 Document dynamic value stream maps

    1. Create value stream maps that support your business objectives.
    • The value stream maps could belong to existing or new business objectives.
  • For each value stream map:
    • Determine use case(s), the actors, and their expected activity.

    *Refer to the next slide for an example of a dynamic value stream map.

    Download the Solution Architecture Template for documentation of dynamic value stream map


    • Business Goals
    • Some or All Existing Business Processes
    • Some or All Proposed New Business Processes


    • Dynamic Value Stream Maps for Multiple Use Roles and Use Cases


    • Whiteboard/Flip Charts


    • Business Architect
    • Product Owner
    • Application Architect
    • Integration Architect

    Example: Dynamic value stream map

    Loan Provision*

    *Value Stream Name: Usually has the same name as the capability it illustrates.

    Loan Application**; Disbursement of Fund**; Risk Management**; Service Accounts**

    **Value Stream Components: Specific functions that support the successful delivery of a value stream.

    Disbursement of Funds

    This image shows the relationship between depositing the load into the applicant's bank account, and the Applicant's bank, the Loan Applicant, and the Loan Supplier.

    Style #1:

    The use case Disbursement of Funds has three actors:

    1. A Loan Applicant who applied for a loan and got approved for one.
    2. A Loan Supplier who is the source for the funds.
    3. The Applicant’s Bank that has an account into which the funds are deposited.

    Style # 2:

    Loan Provision: Disbursement of Funds
    Use Case Actors Expectation
    Deposit Loan Into Applicant’s Bank Account
    1. Loan Applicant
    2. Loan Supplier
    3. Applicant’s Bank
    1. Should be able to see deposit in bank account
    2. Deposit funds into account
    3. Accept funds into account

    Mid-Phase 1 Checkpoint

    By now, the following items are ideally completed:

    • Mid-Phase 1 Checkpoint

    Start with an investigation of your architecture’s qualitative needs

    Quality attributes can be viewed as the -ilities (e.g. scalability, usability, reliability) that a software system needs to provide. A system not meeting any of its quality attribute requirements will likely not function as required. Examples of quality attributes are:

    1. Slow system response time
    2. Security breaches that result in loss of personal data
    3. A product feature upgrade that is not compatible with previous versions
    Examples of Qualitative Attributes
    Performance Compatibility Usability Reliability Security Maintainability
    • Response Time
    • Resource Utilization
    • System Capacity
    • Interoperability
    • Accessibility
    • User Interface
    • Intuitiveness
    • Availability
    • Fault Tolerance
    • Recoverability
    • Integrity
    • Non-Repudiation
    • Modularity
    • Reusability
    • Modifiability
    • Testability

    Focus on quality attributes that are architecturally significant.

    • Not every system requires every quality attribute.
    • Pay attention to those attributes without which the solution will not be able to satisfy a user’s abstract* expectation.
    • This set can be considered Architecturally Significant Requirements (ASR). ASR concern scenarios have the most impact on the architecture of the software system.
    • ASR are fundamental needs of the system and changing them in the future can be a costly and difficult exercise.

    *Abstract since attributes like performance and reliability are not directly measurable by a user.

    Stimulus Response Measurement Environmental Context

    For applicable use cases: (*Adapted from S Carnegie Mellon University, 2000)

    1. Determine the Stimulus (temporal, external, or internal) that puts stress on the system. For example, a VPN-accessed hospital management system is used for nurses to login at 8am every weekday.
    2. Describe how the system should Respond to the stimulus. For example, the hospital management system should complete a nurse login under 10ms on initiation of the HTTPS request.
    3. Set a Measurement criteria for determining the success of the response to the stimulus. For example, the system should be able to successfully respond to 98% of the HTTPS requests the first time.
    4. Note the environmental context under which the stimulus occurs, including any unusual conditions in effect.
    • The hospital management system needs to respond in under 10ms under typical load or peak load?
    • What is the time variance of peak loads, for example, an e-commerce system during a Black Friday sale?
    • How big is the peak load?

    Info-Tech Insight

    Three out of four is bad. Don’t architect for normal situations because the solution will be fragile and prone to catastrophic failure under unexpected events.
    Read article: Retail sites crash under weight of online Black Friday shoppers.

    Discover and evaluate the qualitative attributes needed for use cases or user stories

    Deposit Loan Into Applicant’s Bank Account

    Assume analysis is being done for a to-be developed system.

    User Loan Applicant
    Expectations On login to the web system, should be able to see accurate bank balance after loan funds are deposited.
    User signs into the online portal and opens their account balance page.
    Expected Response From System System creates a connection to the data source and renders it on the screen in under 10ms.
    Measurement Under Normal Loads:
    • Response in 10ms or less
    • Data should not be stale
    Under Peak Loads:
    • Response in 15ms or less
    • Data should not be stale
    Quality Attribute Required Required Attribute # 1: Performance
    • Design Decision: Reduce latency by placing authorization components closer to user’s location.
    Required Attribute # 2: Data Reliability
    • Design Decision: Use event-driven ETL pipelines.
    Required Attribute # 3: Scalability
    • Design Decision: Following Principle # 4 of the CSA (JIT Architecture), delay decision until necessary.

    Use cases developed in Phase 1.2 should be used here. (Adapted from the ATAM Utility Tree Method for Quality Attribute Engineering)

    Reduce technical debt while you are at it

    Deposit Loan Into Applicant’s Bank Account

    Assume analysis is being done for a to-be developed system.

    UserLoan Applicant
    ExpectationsOn login to the web system, should be able to see accurate bank balance after loan funds are deposited.
    User signs into the online portal and opens their account balance page.
    Expected Response From SystemSystem creates a connection to the data source and renders it on the screen in under 10ms.
    MeasurementUnder Normal Loads:
    • Response in 10ms or less
    • Data should not be stale
    Under Peak Loads:
    • Response in 15ms or less
    • Data should not be stale
    Quality Attribute RequiredRequired Attribute # 1: Performance
    • Design Decision: Reduce latency by placing authorization components closer to user’s location.

    Required Attribute # 2: Data Reliability

    • Expected is 15ms or less under peak loads, but average latency is 21ms.
    • Design Decision: Use event-driven ETL pipelines.

    Required Attribute # 3: Scalability

    • Data should not be stale and should sync instantaneously, but in some zip codes data synchronization is taking 8 hours.
    • Design Decision: Investigate integrations and flows across application, database, and infrastructure. (Note: A dedicated section for discussing scalability is presented in Phase 2.)

    1.3 Create a conceptual map between the value streams, use cases, and required architectural attributes

    1. For selected use cases completed in Phase 1.2:
    • Map the value stream to its associated use cases.
    • For each use case, list the required architectural quality attributes.

    Download the Solution Architecture Template for mapping value stream components to their required architectural attribute.


    • Use Cases
    • User Roles
    • Stimulus to System
    • Response From System
    • Response Measurement


    • List of Architectural Quality Attributes


    • Whiteboard/Flip Charts


    • Business Architect
    • Application Architect
    • Integration Architect
    • Database Architect
    • Infrastructure Architect

    Example for Phase 1.3

    Loan Provision

    Loan Application → Disbursement of Funds → Risk Management → Service Accounts

    Value Stream Component Use Case Required Architectural Attribute
    Loan Application UC1: Submit Loan Application
    UC2: Review Loan Application
    UC3: Approve Loan Application
    UCn: ……..
    UC1: Resilience, Data Reliability
    UC2: Data Reliability
    UC3: Scalability, Security, Performance
    UCn: …..
    Disbursement of Funds UC1: Deposit Funds Into Applicant’s Bank Account
    UCn: ……..
    UC1: Performance, Scalability, Data Reliability
    Risk Management ….. …..
    Service Accounts ….. …..

    1.2 Document dynamic value stream maps

    1. Create value stream maps that support your business objectives.
    • The value stream maps could belong to existing or new business objectives.
  • For each value stream map:
    • Determine use case(s), the actors, and their expected activity.

    *Refer to the next slide for an example of a dynamic value stream map.

    Download the Solution Architecture Template for documentation of dynamic value stream map


    • Business Goals
    • Some or All Existing Business Processes
    • Some or All Proposed New Business Processes


    • Dynamic Value Stream Maps for Multiple Use Roles and Use Cases


    • Whiteboard/Flip Charts


    • Business Architect
    • Product Owner
    • Application Architect
    • Integration Architect

    Example: Dynamic value stream map

    Loan Provision*

    *Value Stream Name: Usually has the same name as the capability it illustrates.

    Loan Application**; Disbursement of Fund**; Risk Management**; Service Accounts**

    **Value Stream Components: Specific functions that support the successful delivery of a value stream.

    Disbursement of Funds

    This image shows the relationship between depositing the load into the applicant's bank account, and the Applicant's bank, the Loan Applicant, and the Loan Supplier.

    Style #1:

    The use case Disbursement of Funds has three actors:

    1. A Loan Applicant who applied for a loan and got approved for one.
    2. A Loan Supplier who is the source for the funds.
    3. The Applicant’s Bank that has an account into which the funds are deposited.

    Style # 2:

    Loan Provision: Disbursement of Funds
    Use Case Actors Expectation
    Deposit Loan Into Applicant’s Bank Account
    1. Loan Applicant
    2. Loan Supplier
    3. Applicant’s Bank
    1. Should be able to see deposit in bank account
    2. Deposit funds into account
    3. Accept funds into account

    Mid-Phase 1 Checkpoint

    By now, the following items are ideally completed:

    • Mid-Phase 1 Checkpoint

    Start with an investigation of your architecture’s qualitative needs

    Quality attributes can be viewed as the -ilities (e.g. scalability, usability, reliability) that a software system needs to provide. A system not meeting any of its quality attribute requirements will likely not function as required. Examples of quality attributes are:

    1. Slow system response time
    2. Security breaches that result in loss of personal data
    3. A product feature upgrade that is not compatible with previous versions
    Examples of Qualitative Attributes
    Performance Compatibility Usability Reliability Security Maintainability
    • Response Time
    • Resource Utilization
    • System Capacity
    • Interoperability
    • Accessibility
    • User Interface
    • Intuitiveness
    • Availability
    • Fault Tolerance
    • Recoverability
    • Integrity
    • Non-Repudiation
    • Modularity
    • Reusability
    • Modifiability
    • Testability

    Focus on quality attributes that are architecturally significant.

    • Not every system requires every quality attribute.
    • Pay attention to those attributes without which the solution will not be able to satisfy a user’s abstract* expectation.
    • This set can be considered Architecturally Significant Requirements (ASR). ASR concern scenarios have the most impact on the architecture of the software system.
    • ASR are fundamental needs of the system and changing them in the future can be a costly and difficult exercise.

    *Abstract since attributes like performance and reliability are not directly measurable by a user.

    Stimulus Response Measurement Environmental Context

    For applicable use cases: (*Adapted from S Carnegie Mellon University, 2000)

    1. Determine the Stimulus (temporal, external, or internal) that puts stress on the system. For example, a VPN-accessed hospital management system is used for nurses to login at 8am every weekday.
    2. Describe how the system should Respond to the stimulus. For example, the hospital management system should complete a nurse login under 10ms on initiation of the HTTPS request.
    3. Set a Measurement criteria for determining the success of the response to the stimulus. For example, the system should be able to successfully respond to 98% of the HTTPS requests the first time.
    4. Note the environmental context under which the stimulus occurs, including any unusual conditions in effect.
    • The hospital management system needs to respond in under 10ms under typical load or peak load?
    • What is the time variance of peak loads, for example, an e-commerce system during a Black Friday sale?
    • How big is the peak load?

    Info-Tech Insight

    Three out of four is bad. Don’t architect for normal situations because the solution will be fragile and prone to catastrophic failure under unexpected events.
    Read article: Retail sites crash under weight of online Black Friday shoppers.

    Discover and evaluate the qualitative attributes needed for use cases or user stories

    Deposit Loan Into Applicant’s Bank Account

    Assume analysis is being done for a to-be developed system.

    User Loan Applicant
    Expectations On login to the web system, should be able to see accurate bank balance after loan funds are deposited.
    User signs into the online portal and opens their account balance page.
    Expected Response From System System creates a connection to the data source and renders it on the screen in under 10ms.
    Measurement Under Normal Loads:
    • Response in 10ms or less
    • Data should not be stale
    Under Peak Loads:
    • Response in 15ms or less
    • Data should not be stale
    Quality Attribute Required Required Attribute # 1: Performance
    • Design Decision: Reduce latency by placing authorization components closer to user’s location.
    Required Attribute # 2: Data Reliability
    • Design Decision: Use event-driven ETL pipelines.
    Required Attribute # 3: Scalability
    • Design Decision: Following Principle # 4 of the CSA (JIT Architecture), delay decision until necessary.

    Use cases developed in Phase 1.2 should be used here. (Adapted from the ATAM Utility Tree Method for Quality Attribute Engineering)

    Reduce technical debt while you are at it

    Deposit Loan Into Applicant’s Bank Account

    Assume analysis is being done for a to-be developed system.

    UserLoan Applicant
    ExpectationsOn login to the web system, should be able to see accurate bank balance after loan funds are deposited.
    User signs into the online portal and opens their account balance page.
    Expected Response From SystemSystem creates a connection to the data source and renders it on the screen in under 10ms.
    MeasurementUnder Normal Loads:
    • Response in 10ms or less
    • Data should not be stale
    Under Peak Loads:
    • Response in 15ms or less
    • Data should not be stale
    Quality Attribute RequiredRequired Attribute # 1: Performance
    • Design Decision: Reduce latency by placing authorization components closer to user’s location.

    Required Attribute # 2: Data Reliability

    • Expected is 15ms or less under peak loads, but average latency is 21ms.
    • Design Decision: Use event-driven ETL pipelines.

    Required Attribute # 3: Scalability

    • Data should not be stale and should sync instantaneously, but in some zip codes data synchronization is taking 8 hours.
    • Design Decision: Investigate integrations and flows across application, database, and infrastructure. (Note: A dedicated section for discussing scalability is presented in Phase 2.)

    1.3 Create a conceptual map between the value streams, use cases, and required architectural attributes

    1. For selected use cases completed in Phase 1.2:
    • Map the value stream to its associated use cases.
    • For each use case, list the required architectural quality attributes.

    Download the Solution Architecture Template for mapping value stream components to their required architectural attribute.


    • Use Cases
    • User Roles
    • Stimulus to System
    • Response From System
    • Response Measurement


    • List of Architectural Quality Attributes


    • Whiteboard/Flip Charts


    • Business Architect
    • Application Architect
    • Integration Architect
    • Database Architect
    • Infrastructure Architect

    Prioritize architectural quality attributes to ensure a right-engineered solution

    Trade-offs are inherent in solution architecture. Scaling systems may impact performance and weaken security, while fault-tolerance and redundancy may improve availability but at higher than desired costs. In the end, the best solution is not always perfect, but balanced and right-engineered (versus over- or under-engineered).

    Loan Provision

    Loan Application → Disbursement of Funds → Risk Management → Service Accounts

    1. Map architecture attributes against the value stream components.
    • Use individual use cases to determine which attributes are needed for a value stream component.
    This image contains a screenshot of the table showing the importance of scalability, resiliance, performance, security, and data reliability for loan application, disbursement of funds, risk management, and service accounts.

    In our example, the prioritized list of architectural attributes are:

    • Security (4 votes for Very Important)
    • Data Reliability (2 votes for Very Important)
    • Scalability (1 vote for Very Important and 1 vote for Fairly Important) and finally
    • Resilience (1 vote for Very Important, 0 votes for Fairly Important and 1 vote for Mildly Important)
    • Performance (0 votes for Very Important, 2 votes for Fairly Important)

    1.4 Create a prioritized list of architectural attributes (from 1.3)

    1. Using the tabular structure shown on the previous slide:
    • Map each value stream component against architectural quality attributes.
    • For each mapping, indicate its importance using the green, blue, and yellow color scheme.

    Download the Solution Architecture Template and document the list of architectural attributes by priority.


    • List of Architectural Attributes From 1.3


    • Prioritized List of Architectural Attributes


    • Whiteboard/Flip Charts


    • Business Architect
    • Application Architect
    • Integration Architect
    • Database Architect
    • Infrastructure Architect

    End of Phase 1

    At the end of this Phase, you should have completed the following activities:

    • Documented a set of dynamic value stream maps along with selected use cases.
    • Using the SRME framework, identified quality attributes for the system under investigation.
    • Prioritized quality attributes for system use cases.

    Phase 2: Multi-Purpose Data and Security Architecture

    Phase 1

    1.1 Articulate an Architectural Vision
    1.2 Develop Dynamic Value Stream Maps
    1.3 Map Value Streams, Use Cases, and Required Architectural Attributes
    1.4 Create a Prioritized List of Architectural Attributes

    Phase 2

    2.1 Develop a Data Architecture That Supports Transactional and Analytical Needs
    2.2 Document Security Architecture Risks and Mitigations

    Phase 3

    3.1 Document Scalability Architecture
    3.2 Document Performance Enhancing Architecture
    3.3 Combine the Different Architecture Design Decisions Into a Unified Solution Architecture

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Understand the scalability, performance, resilience, and security needs of the business.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Business Architect
    • Product Owner
    • Application Architect
    • Integration Architect
    • Database Architect
    • Enterprise Architect

    Enhance Your Solution Architecture Practice

    Fragmented data environments need something to sew them together

    • A full 93% of enterprises have a multi-cloud strategy, with 87% having a hybrid-cloud environment in place.
    • On average, companies have data stored in 2.2 public and 2.2 private clouds as well as in various on-premises data repositories.
    This image contains a breakdown of the cloud infrastructure, including single cloud versus multi-cloud.

    Source: Flexera

    In addition, companies are faced with:

    • Access and integration challenges (Who is sending the data? Who is getting it? Can we trust them?)
    • Data format challenges as data may differ for each consumer and sender of data
    • Infrastructure challenges as data repositories/processors are spread out over public and private clouds, are on premises, or in multi-cloud and hybrid ecosystems
    • Structured vs. unstructured data

    A robust and reliable integrated data architecture is essential for any organization that aspires to be relevant and impactful in its industry.

    Data’s context and influence on a solution’s architecture cannot be overestimated

    Data used to be the new oil. Now it’s the life force of any organization that has serious aspirations of providing profit-generating products and services to customers. Architectural decisions about managing data have a significant impact on the sustainability of a software system as well as on quality attributes such as security, scalability, performance, and availability.

    Storage and Processing go hand in hand and are the mainstay of any data architecture. Due to their central position of importance, an architecture decision for storage and processing must be well thought through or they become the bottleneck in an otherwise sound system.

    Ingestion refers to a system’s ability to accept data as an input from heterogenous sources, in different formats, and at different intervals.

    Dissemination is the set of architectural design decisions that make a system’s data accessible to external consumers. Major concerns involve security for the data in motion, authorization, data format, concurrent requests for data, etc.

    Orchestration takes care of ensuring data is current and reliable, especially for systems that are decentralized and distributed.

    Data architecture requires alignment with a hybrid data management plan

    Most companies have a combination of data. They have data they own using on-premises data sources and on the cloud. Hybrid data management also includes external data, such as social network feeds, financial data, and legal information amongst many others.

    Data integration architectures have typically been put in one of two major integration patterns:

    Application to Application Integration (or “speed matters”) Analytical Data Integrations (or “send it to me when its all done”)
    • This domain is concerned with ensuring communication between processes.
    • Examples include patterns such as Service-Oriented Architecture, REST, Event Hubs and Enterprise Service Buses.
    • This domain is focused on integrating data from transactional processes towards enterprise business intelligence. It supports activities that require well-managed data to generate evidence-based insights.
    • Examples of this pattern are ELT, enterprise data warehouses, and data marts.


    Difference between real-time, batch, and streaming data movements


    • Reacts to data in seconds or even quicker.
    • Real-time systems are hard to implement.


    • Batch processing deals with a large volume of data all at once and data-related jobs are typically completed simultaneously in non-stop, sequential order.
    • Batch processing is an efficient and low-cost means of data processing.
    • Execution of batch processing jobs can be controlled manually, providing further control over how the system treats its data assets.
    • Batch processing is only useful if there are no requirements for data to be fresh and current. Real-time systems are suited to processing data that requires these attributes.


    • Stream processing allows almost instantaneous analysis of data as it streams from one device to another.
    • Since data is analyzed quickly, storage may not be a concern (since only computed data is stored while raw data can be dispersed).
    • Streaming requires the flow of data into the system to equal the flow of data computing, otherwise issues of data storage and performance can rise.

    Modern data ingestion and dissemination frameworks keep core data assets current and accessible

    Data ingestion and dissemination frameworks are critical for keeping enterprise data current and relevant.

    Data ingestion/dissemination frameworks capture/share data from/to multiple data sources.

    Factors to consider when designing a data ingestion/dissemination architecture

    What is the mode for data movement?

    • The mode for data movement is directly influenced by the size of data being moved and the downstream requirements for data currency.
    • Data can move in real-time, as a batch, or as a stream.

    What is the ingestion/dissemination architecture deployment strategy?

    • Outside of critical security concerns, hosting on the cloud vs. on premises leads to a lower total cost of ownership (TCO) and a higher return on investment (ROI).

    How many different and disparate data sources are sending/receiving data?

    • Stability comes if there is a good idea about the data sources/recipient and their requirements.

    What are the different formats flowing through?

    • Is the data in the form of data blocks? Is it structured, semi-unstructured, or unstructured?

    What are expected performance SLAs as data flow rate changes?

    • Data change rate is defined as the size of changes occurring every hour. It helps in selecting the appropriate tool for data movement.
    • Performance is a derivative of latency and throughput, and therefore, data on a cloud is going to have higher latency and lower throughput then if it is kept on premises.
    • What is the transfer data size? Are there any file compression and/or file splits applied on the data? What is the average and maximum size of a block object per ingestion/dissemination operation?

    What are the security requirements for the data being stored?

    • The ingestion/dissemination framework should be able to work through a secure tunnel to collect/share data if needed.

    Sensible storage and processing strategy can improve performance and scalability and be cost-effective

    The range of options for data storage is staggering...

    … but that’s a good thing because the range of data formats that organizations must deal with is also richer than in the past.

    Different strokes for different workloads.

    The data processing tool to use may depend upon the workloads the system has to manage.

    Expanding upon the Risk Management use case (as part of the Loan Provision Capability), one of the outputs for risk assessment is a report that conducts a statistical analysis of customer profiles and separates those that are possibly risky. The data for this report is spread out across different data systems and will need to be collected in a master data management storage location. The business and data architecture team have discussed three critical system needs, noted below:

    Data Management Requirements for Risk Management Reporting Data Design Decision
    Needs to query millions of relational records quickly
    • Strong indexing
    • Strong caching
    • Message queue
    Needs a storage space for later retrieval of relational data
    • Data storage that scales as needed
    Needs turnkey geo-replication mechanism with document retrieval in milliseconds
    • Add NoSQL with geo-replication and quick document access

    Keep every core data source on the same page through orchestration

    Data orchestration, at its simplest, is the combination of data integration, data processing, and data concurrency management.

    Data pipeline orchestration is a cross-cutting process that manages the dependencies between your data integration tasks and scheduled data jobs.

    A task or application may periodically fail, and therefore, as a part of our data architecture strategy, there must be provisions for scheduling, rescheduling, replaying, monitoring, retrying, and debugging the entire data pipeline in a holistic way.

    Some of the functionality provided by orchestration frameworks are:

    • Job scheduling
    • Job parametrization
    • SLAs tracking, alerting, and notification
    • Dependency management
    • Error management and retries
    • History and audit
    • Data storage for metadata
    • Log aggregation
    Data Orchestration Has Three Stages
    Organize Transform Publicize
    Organizations may have legacy data that needs to be combined with new data. It’s important for the orchestration tool to understand the data it deals with. Transform the data from different sources into one standard type. Make transformed data easily accessible to stakeholders.

    2.1 Discuss and document data architecture decisions

    1. Using the value maps and associated use cases from Phase 1, determine the data system quality attributes.
    2. Use the sample tabular layout on the next slide or develop one of your own.

    Download the Solution Architecture Template for documenting data architecture decisions.


    • Value Maps and Use Cases


    • Initial Set of Data Design Decisions


    • Whiteboard/Flip Charts


    • Business Architect
    • Application Architect
    • Integration Architect
    • Database Architect
    • Infrastructure Architect

    Example: Data Architecture

    Data Management Requirements for Risk Management Reporting Data Design Decision
    Needs to query millions of relational records quickly
    • Strong indexing
    • Strong caching
    • Message queue
    Needs a storage space for later retrieval of relational data
    • Data storage that scales as needed
    Needs turnkey geo-replication mechanism with document retrieval in milliseconds
    • Add NoSQL with geo-replication and quick document access

    There is no free lunch when making the most sensible security architecture decision; tradeoffs are a necessity

    Ensuring that any real system is secure is a complex process involving tradeoffs against other important quality attributes (such as performance and usability). When architecting a system, we must understand:

    • Its security needs.
    • Its security threat landscape.
    • Known mitigations for those threats to ensure that we create a system with sound security fundamentals.

    The first thing to do when determining security architecture is to conduct a threat and risk assessment (TRA).

    This image contains a sample threat and risk assessment. The steps are Understand: Until we thoroughly understand what we are building, we cannot secure it. Structure what you are building, including: System boundary, System structure, Databases, Deployment platform; Analyze: Use techniques like STRIDE and attack trees to analyze what can go wrong and what security problems this will cause; Mitigate: The security technologies to use, to mitigate your concerns, are discussed here. Decisions about using single sign-on (SSO) or role-based access control (RBAC), encryption, digital signatures, or JWT tokens are made. An important part of this step is to consider tradeoffs when implementing security mechanisms; validate: Validation can be done by experimenting with proposed mitigations, peer discussion, or expert interviews.

    Related Research

    Optimize Security Mitigation Effectiveness Using STRIDE

    • Have a clear picture of:
      • Critical data and data flows
      • Organizational threat exposure
      • Security countermeasure deployment and coverage
    • Understand which threats are appropriately mitigated and which are not.
    • Generate a list of initiatives to close security gaps.
    • Create a quantified risk and security model to reassess program and track improvement.
    • Develop measurable information to present to stakeholders.

    The 3A’s of strong security: authentication, authorization, and auditing


    Authentication mechanisms help systems verify that a user is who they claim to be.

    Examples of authentication mechanisms are:

    • Two-Factor Authentication
    • Single Sign-On
    • Multi-Factor Authentication
    • JWT Over OAUTH


    Authorization helps systems limit access to allowed features, once a user has been authenticated.

    Examples of authentication mechanisms are:

    • RBAC
    • Certificate Based
    • Token Based


    Securely recording security events through auditing proves that our security mechanisms are working as intended.

    Auditing is a function where security teams must collaborate with software engineers early and often to ensure the right kind of audit logs are being captured and recorded.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Defects in your application software can compromise privacy and integrity even if cryptographic controls are in place. A security architecture made after thorough TRA does not override security risk introduced due to irresponsible software design.

    Examples of threat and risk assessments using STRIDE and attack trees

    STRIDE is a threat modeling framework and is composed of:

    • Spoofing or impersonation of someone other than oneself
    • Tampering with data and destroying its integrity
    • Repudiation by bypassing system identity controls
    • Information disclosure to unauthorized persons
    • Denial of service that prevents system or parts of it from being used
    • Elevation of privilege so that attackers get rights they should not have
    Example of using STRIDE for a TRA on a solution using a payment system This image contains a sample attack tree.
    Spoofing PayPal Bad actor can send fraudulent payment request for obtaining funds.
    Tampering PayPal Bad actor accesses data base and can resend fraudulent payment request for obtaining funds.
    Repudiation PayPal Customer claims, incorrectly, their account made a payment they did not authorize.
    Disclosure PayPal Private service database has details leaked and made public.
    Denial of Service PayPal Service is made to slow down through creating a load on the network, causing massive build up of requests
    Elevation of Privilege PayPal Bad actor attempts to enter someone else’s account by entering incorrect password a number of times.

    2.2 Document security architecture risks and mitigations

    1. Using STRIDE, attack tree, or any other framework of choice:
    • Conduct a TRA for use cases identified in Phase 1.2
  • For each threat identified through the TRA, think through the implications of using authentication, authorization, and auditing as a security mechanism.
  • Download the Solution Architecture Template for documenting data architecture decisions.


    • Dynamic Value Stream Maps


    • Security Architecture Risks and Mitigations


    • Whiteboard/Flip Charts


    • Business Architect
    • Product Owner
    • Security Team
    • Application Architect
    • Integration Architect

    Examples of threat and risk assessments using STRIDE

    Example of using STRIDE for a TRA on a solution using a payment system
    Threat System Component Description Quality Attribute Impacted Resolution
    Spoofing PayPal Bad actor can send fraudulent payment request for obtaining funds. Confidentiality Authorization
    Tampering PayPal Bad actor accesses data base and can resend fraudulent payment request for obtaining funds. Integrity Authorization
    Repudiation PayPal Customer claims, incorrectly, their account made a payment they did not authorize. Integrity Authentication and Logging
    Disclosure PayPal Private service database has details leaked and made public. Confidentiality Authorization
    Denial of Service PayPal Service is made to slow down through creating a load on the network, causing massive build up of requests Availability N/A
    Elevation of Privilege PayPal Bad actor attempts to enter someone else’s account by entering incorrect password a number of times. Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability Authorization

    Phase 3: Upgrade Your System’s Availability

    Phase 1

    1.1 Articulate an Architectural Vision
    1.2 Develop Dynamic Value Stream Maps
    1.3 Map Value Streams, Use Cases, and Required Architectural Attributes
    1.4 Create a Prioritized List of Architectural Attributes

    Phase 2

    2.1 Develop a Data Architecture That Supports Transactional and Analytical Needs
    2.2 Document Security Architecture Risks and Mitigations

    Phase 3

    3.1 Document Scalability Architecture
    3.2 Document Performance Enhancing Architecture
    3.3 Combine the Different Architecture Design Decisions Into a Unified Solution Architecture

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Examine architecture for scalable and performant system designs
    • Integrate all design decisions made so far into a solution design decision log

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Business Architect
    • Product Owner
    • Application Architect
    • Integration Architect
    • Database Architect
    • Enterprise Architect

    Enhance Your Solution Architecture Practice

    In a cloud-inspired system architecture, scalability takes center stage as an architectural concern

    Scale and scope of workloads are more important now than they were, perhaps, a decade and half back. Architects realize that scalability is not an afterthought. Not dealing with it at the outset can have serious consequences should an application workload suddenly exceed expectations.

    Scalability is …

    … the ability of a system to handle varying workloads by either increasing or decreasing the computing resources of the system.

    An increased workload could include:

    • Higher transaction volumes
    • A greater number of users

    Architecting for scalability is …

    … not easy since organizations may not be able to accurately judge, outside of known circumstances, when and why workloads may unexpectedly increase.

    A scalable architecture should be planned at the:

    • Application Level
    • Infrastructure Level
    • Database Level

    The right amount and kind of scalability is …

    … balancing the demands of the system with the supply of attributes.

    If demand from system > supply from system:

    • Services and products are not useable and deny value to customers.

    If supply from system > demand from system:

    • Excess resources have been paid for that are not being used.

    When discussing the scalability needs of a system, investigate the following, at a minimum:

    • In case workloads increase due to higher transaction volumes, will the system be able to cope with the additional stress?
    • In situations where workloads increase, will the system be able to support the additional stress without any major modifications being made to the system?
    • Is the cost associated with handling the increased workloads reasonable for the benefit it provides to the business?
    • Assuming the system doesn’t scale, is there any mechanism for graceful degradation?

    Use evidence-based decision making to ensure a cost-effective yet appropriate scaling strategy

    The best input for an effective scaling strategy is previously gathered traffic data mapped to specific circumstances.

    In some cases, either due to lack of monitoring or the business not being sure of its needs, scalability requirements are hard to determine. In such cases, use stated tactical business objectives to design for scalability. For example, the business might state its desire to achieve a target revenue goal. To accommodate this, a certain number of transactions would need to be conducted, assuming a particular conversion rate.

    Scaling strategies can be based on Vertical or Horizontal expansion of resources.
    Pros Cons
    Scale up through use of more powerful but limited number of resources
    • May not require frequent upgrades.
    • Since data is managed through a limited number of resources, it is easier to share and keep current.
    • Costly upfront.
    • Application, database, and infrastructure may not be able to make optimal use of extra processing power.
    • As the new, more powerful resource is provisioned, systems may experience downtime.
    • Lacks redundancy due to limited points of failure.
    • Performance is constrained by the upper limits of the infrastructure involved.
    Scale out through use of similarly powered but larger quantity of resources
    • Cost-effective upfront.
    • System downtime is minimal, when scaling is being performed.
    • More redundance and fault-tolerance is possible since there are many nodes involved, and therefore, can replace failed nodes.
    • Performance can scale out as more nodes are added.
    • Upgrades may occur more often than in vertical scaling.
    • Increases machine footprints and administrative costs over time.
    • Data may be partitioned on multiple nodes, leading to administrative and data currency challenges.

    Info-Tech Insight

    • Scalability is the one attribute that sparks a lot of trade-off discussions. Scalable solutions may have to compromise on performance, cost, and data reliability.
    • Horizontal scalability is mostly always preferable over vertical scalability.


    The many flavors of horizontal scaling

    Traffic Shard-ing

    Through this mechanism, incoming traffic is partitioned around a characteristic of the workload flowing in. Examples of partitioning characteristics are user groups, geo-location, and transaction type.

    Beware of:

    • Lack of data currency across shards.

    Copy and Paste

    As the name suggests, clone the compute resources along with the underlying databases. The systems will use a load balancer as the first point of contact between itself and the workload flowing in.

    Beware of:

    • Though this is a highly scalable model, it does introduce risks related to data currency across all databases.
    • In case master database writes are frequent, it could become a bottleneck for the entire system.

    Productization Through Containers

    This involves breaking up the system into specific functions and services and bundling their business rules/databases into deployable containers.

    Beware of:

    • Too many containers introduce the need to orchestrate the distributed architecture that results from a service-oriented approach.

    Start a scalability overview with a look at the database(s)

    To know where to go, you must know where you are. Before introducing architectural changes to database designs, use the right metrics to get an insight into the root cause of the problem(s).

    In a nutshell, the purpose of scaling solutions is to have the technology stack do less work for the most requested services/features or be able to effectively distribute the additional workload across multiple resources.

    For databases, to ensure this happens, consider these techniques:

    • Reuse data through caching on the server and/or the client. This eliminates the need for looking up already accessed data. Examples of caching are:
      • In-memory caching of data
      • Caching database queries
    • Implement good data retrieval techniques like indexes.
    • Divide labor at the database level.
      • Through setting up primary-secondary distribution of data. In such a setup, the primary node is involved in writing data to itself and passes on requests to secondary nodes for fulfillment.
      • Through setting up database shards (either horizontally or vertically).
        • In a horizontal shard, a data table is broken into smaller pieces with the same data model but unique data in it. The sum total of the shared databases contains all the data in the primary data table.
        • In a vertical shard, a data table is broken into smaller pieces, but each piece may have a subset of the data columns. The data’s corresponding columns are put into the table where the column resides.

    Info-Tech Insight

    A non-scalable architecture has more than just technology-related ramifications. Hoping that load balancers or cloud services will manage scalability-related issues is bound to have economic impacts as well.


    Caching Options

    CSA PRINCIPLE 5 applies to any decision that supports system scalability.
    “X-ilities Over Features”

    Database Caching
    Fetches and stores result of database queries in memory. Subsequent requests to the database for the same queries will investigate the cache before making a connection with the database.
    Tools like Memcached or Redis are used for database caching.

    Precompute Database Caching
    Unlike database caching, this style of caching precomputes results of queries that are popular and frequently used. For example, a database trigger could execute several predetermined queries and have them ready for consumption. The precomputed results may be stored in a database cache.

    Application Object Caching
    Stores computed results in a cache for later retrieval. For data sources, which are not changing frequently and are part of a computation output, application caching will remove the need to connect with a database.

    Proxy Caching
    Caches retrieved web pages on a proxy server and makes them available for the next time the page is requested.

    The intra- and inter-process communication of the systems middle tier can become a bottleneck

    To synchronize or not to synchronize?

    A synchronous request (doing one thing at a time) means that code execution will wait for the request to be responded to before continuing.

    • A synchronous request is a blocking event and until it is completed, all following requests will have to wait for getting their responses.
    • An increasing workload on a synchronous system may impact performance.
    • Synchronous interactions are less costly in terms of design, implementation, and maintenance.
    • Scaling options include:
    1. Vertical scale up
    2. Horizontal scale out of application servers behind a load balancer and a caching technique (to minimize data retrieval roundtrips)
    3. Horizonal scale out of database servers with data partitioning and/or data caching technique

    Use synchronous requests when…

    • Each request to a system sets the necessary precondition for a following request.
    • Data reliability is important, especially in real-time systems.
    • System flows are simple.
    • Tasks that are typically time consuming, such as I/O, data access, pre-loading of assets, are completed quickly.

    Asynchronous requests (doing many things at the same time) do not block the system they are targeting.

    • It is a “fire and forget” mechanism.
    • Execution on a server/processor is triggered by the request, however, additional technical components (callbacks) for checking the state of the execution must be designed and implemented.
    • Asynchronous interactions require additional time to be spent on implementation and testing.
    • With asynchronous interactions, there is no guarantee the request initiated any processing until the callbacks check the status of the executed thread.

    Use asynchronous requests when…

    • Tasks are independent in nature and don’t require inter-task communication.
    • Systems flows need to be efficient.
    • The system is using event-driven techniques for processing.
    • Many I/O tasks are involved.
    • The tasks are long running.


    Other architectural tactics for inter-process communication

    • Does not require any additional data, apart from the bits sent through with the request.
    • Without implementing a caching solution, it is impossible to access the previous data trail for a transaction session.
    • In addition to the data sent through with the request, require previous data sent to complete processing.
    • Requires server memory to store the additional state data. With increasing workloads, this could start impacting the server’s performance.
    It is generally accepted that stateless services are better for system scalability, especially if vertical scaling is costly and there is expectation that workloads will increase.
    • Services are designed as small units of code with a single responsibility and are available on demand.
    • A microservices architecture is easily scaled horizontally by adding a load balancer and a caching mechanism.
    • Like microservices, these are small pieces of code designed to fulfill a single purpose.
    • Are provided only through cloud vendors, and therefore, there is no need to worry about provisioning of infrastructure as needs increase.
    • Stateless by design but the life cycle of a serverless function is vendor controlled.
    Serverless function is an evolving technology and tightly controlled by the vendor. As and when vendors make changes to their serverless products, your own systems may need to be modified to make the best use of these upgrades.

    A team that does not measure their system’s scalability is a team bound to get a 5xx HTTP response code

    A critical aspect of any system is its ability to monitor and report on its operational outcomes.

    • Using the principle of continuous testing, every time an architectural change is introduced, a thorough load and stress testing cycle should be executed.
    • Effective logging and use of insightful metrics helps system design teams make data-driven decisions.
    • Using principle of site reliability engineering and predictive analytics, teams can be prepared for any unplanned exaggerated stimulus on the system and proactively set up remedial steps.

    Any system, however well architected, will break one day. Strategically place kill-switches to counter any failures and thoroughly test their functioning before releasing to production.

    • Using Principles 2 and 9 of the CSA, (include kill-switches and architect for x-ilities over features), introduce tactics at the code and higher levels that can be used to put a system in its previous best state in case of failure.
    • Examples of such tactics are:
      • Feature flags for turning on/off code modules that impact x-ilities.
      • Implement design patterns like throttling, autoscaling, and circuit breaking.
      • Writing extensive log messages that bubble up as exceptions/error handling from the code base. *Logging can be a performance drag. Use with caution as even logging code is still code that needs CPU and data storage.

    Performance is a system’s ability to satisfy time-bound expectations

    Performance can also be defined as the ability for a system to achieve its timing requirements, using available resources, under expected full-peak load:

    (International Organization for Standardization, 2011)

    • Performance and scalability are two peas in a pod. They are related to each other but are distinct attributes. Where scalability refers to the ability of a system to initiate multiple simultaneous processes, performance is the system’s ability to complete the processes within a mandated average time period.
    • Degrading performance is one of the first red flags about a system’s ability to scale up to workload demands.
    • Mitigation tactics for performance are very similar to the tactics for scalability.

    System performance needs to be monitored and measured consistently.

    Measurement Category 1: System performance in terms of end-user experience during different load scenarios.

    • Response time/latency: Length of time it takes for an interaction with the system to complete.
    • Turnaround time: Time taken to complete a batch of tasks.
    • Throughput: Amount of workload a system is capable of handling in a unit time period.

    Measurement Category 2: System performance in terms of load managed by computational resources.

    • Resource utilization: The average usage of a resource (like CPU) over a period. Peaks and troughs indicate excess vs. normal load times.
    • Number of concurrent connections: Simultaneous user requests that a resource like a server can successfully deal with at once.
    • Queue time: The turnaround time for a specific interaction or category of interactions to complete.

    Architectural tactics for performance management are the same as those used for system scalability

    Application Layer

    • Using a balanced approach that combines CSA Principle 7 (Good architecture comes in small packages) and Principle 10 (Architect for products, not projects), a microservices architecture based on domain-driven design helps process performance. Microservices use lightweight HTTP protocols and have loose coupling, adding a degree of resilience to the system as well. *An overly-engineered microservices architecture can become an orchestration challenge.
    • The code design must follow standards that support performance. Example of standards is SOLID*.
    • Serverless architectures can run application code from anywhere – for example, from edge servers close to an end user – thereby reducing latency.

    Database Layer

    • Using the right database technologies for persistence. Relational databases have implicit performance bottlenecks (which get exaggerated as data size grows along with indexes), and document store database technologies (key-value or wide-column) can improve performance in high-read environments.
    • Data sources, especially those that are frequently accessed, should ideally be located close to the application servers. Hybrid infrastructures (cloud and on premises mixed) can lead to latency when a cloud-application is accessing on-premises data.
    • Using a data partitioning strategy, especially in a domain-driven design architecture, can improve the performance of a system.

    Performance modeling and continuous testing makes the SRE a happy engineer

    Performance modeling and testing helps architecture teams predict performance risks as the solution is being developed.
    (CSA Principle 12: Test the solution architecture like you test your solution’s features)

    Create a model for your system’s hypothetical performance testing by breaking an end-to-end process or use case into its components. *Use the SIPOC framework for decomposition.

    This image contains an example of modeled performance, showing the latency in the data flowing from different data sources to the processing of the data.

    In the hypothetical example of modeled performance above:

    • The longest period of latency is 15ms.
    • The processing of data takes 30ms, while the baseline was established at 25ms.
    • Average latency in sending back user responses is 21ms – 13ms slower than expected.

    The model helps architects:

    • Get evidence for their assumptions
    • Quantitatively isolate bottlenecks at a granular level

    Model the performance flow once but test it periodically

    Performance testing measures the performance of a software system under normal and abnormal loads.

    Performance testing process should be fully integrated with software development activities and as automated as possible. In a fast-moving Agile environment, teams should attempt to:

    • Shift-left performance testing activities.
    • Use performance testing to pinpoint performance bottlenecks.
    • Take corrective action, as quickly as possible.

    Performance testing techniques

    • Normal load testing: Verifies the system’s behavior under the expected normal load to ensure that its performance requirements are met. Load testing can be used to measure response time, responsiveness, turnaround time, and throughput.
    • Expected maximum load testing: Like the normal load testing process, ensures system meets its performance requirements under expected maximum load.
    • Stress testing: Evaluates system behavior when processing loads beyond the expected maximum.

    *In a real production scenario, a combination of these tests are executed on a regular basis to monitor the performance of the system over a given period.

    3.1-3.2 Discuss and document initial decisions made for architecture scalability and performance

    1. Use the outcomes from either or both Phases 1.3 and 1.4.
    • For each value stream component, list the architecture decisions taken to ensure scalability and performance at client-facing and/or business-rule layers.

    Download the Solution Architecture Template for documenting data architecture decisions.


    • Output From Phase 1.3 and/or From Phase 1.4


    • Initial Set of Design Decisions Made for System Scalability and Performance


    • Whiteboard/Flip Charts


    • Business Architect
    • Application Architect
    • Integration Architect
    • Database Architect
    • Infrastructure Architect

    Example: Architecture decisions for scalability and performance

    Value Stream Component Design Decision for User Interface Layer Design Decisions for Middle Processing Layer
    Loan Application Scalability: N/A
    Resilience: Include circuit breaker design in both mobile app and responsive websites.
    Performance: Cache data client.
    Scalability: Scale vertically (up) since loan application processing is very compute intensive.
    Resilience: Set up fail-over replica.
    Performance: Keep servers in the same geo-area.
    Disbursement of Funds *Does not have a user interface Scalability: Scale horizontal when traffic reaches X requests/second.
    Resilience: Create microservices using domain-driven design; include circuit breakers.
    Performance: Set up application cache; synchronous communication since order of data input is important.
    …. …. ….

    3.3 Combine the different architecture design decisions into a unified solution architecture

    Download the Solution Architecture Template for documenting data architecture decisions.


    • Output From Phase 1.3 and/or From Phase 1.4
    • Output From Phase 2.1
    • Output From Phase 2.2
    • Output From 3.1 and 3.2


    • List of Design Decisions for the Solution


    • Whiteboard/Flip Charts


    • Business Architect
    • Application Architect
    • Integration Architect
    • Database Architect
    • Infrastructure Architect

    Putting it all together is the bow that finally ties this gift

    This blueprint covered the domains tagged with the yellow star.

    This image contains a screenshot of the solution architecture framework found earlier in this blueprint, with stars next to Data Architecture, Security, Performance, and Stability.


    The right design decision is never the same for all perspectives. Along with varying opinions, comes the “at odds with each other set” of needs (scalability vs. performance, or access vs. security).

    An evidence-based decision-making approach using a domain-driven design strategy is a good mix of techniques for creating the best (right?) solution architecture.

    This image contains a screenshot of a table that summarizes the themes discussed in this blueprint.

    Summary of accomplishment

    • Gained understanding and clarification of the stakeholder objectives placed on your application architecture.
    • Completed detailed use cases and persona-driven scenario analysis and their architectural needs through SRME.
    • Created a set of design decisions for data, security, scalability, and performance.
    • Merged the different architecture domains dealt with in this blueprint to create a holistic view.


    Ambysoft Inc. “UML 2 Sequence Diagrams: An Agile Introduction.” Agile Modeling, n.d. Web.

    Bass, Len, Paul Clements, and Rick Kazman. Software Architecture in Practices: Third Edition. Pearson Education, Inc. 2003.

    Eeles, Peter. “The benefits of software architecting.” IBM: developerWorks, 15 May 2006. Web.

    Flexera 2020 State of the Cloud Report. Flexera, 2020. Web. 19 October 2021.

    Furdik, Karol, Gabriel Lukac, Tomas Sabol, and Peter Kostelnik. “The Network Architecture Designed for an Adaptable IoT-based Smart Office Solution.” International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Security, November 2013. Web.

    Ganzinger, Matthias, and Petra Knaup. “Requirements for data integration platforms in biomedical research networks: a reference model.” PeerJ, 5 February 2015. (

    Garlan, David, and Mary Shaw. An Introduction to Software Architecture. CMU-CS-94-166, School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University, January 1994.

    Gupta, Arun. “Microservice Design Patterns.” Java Code Geeks, 14 April 2015. Web.

    How, Matt. The Modern Data Warehouse in Azure. O’Reilly, 2020.

    ISO/IEC 17788:2014: Information technology – Cloud computing, International Organization for Standardization, October 2014. Web.

    ISO/IEC 18384-1:2016: Information technology – Reference Architecture for Service Oriented Architecture (SOA RA), International Organization for Standardization, June 2016. Web.

    ISO/IEC 25010:2011(en) Systems and software engineering — Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) — System and software quality models. International Organization for Standardization, March 2011. Web.

    Kazman, R., M. Klein, and P. Clements. ATAM: Method for Architecture Evaluation. S Carnegie Mellon University, August 2000. Web.

    Microsoft Developer Network. “Chapter 16: Quality Attributes.” Microsoft Application Architecture Guide. 2nd Ed., 13 January 2010. Web.

    Microsoft Developer Network. “Chapter 2: Key Principles of Software Architecture.” Microsoft Application Architecture Guide. 2nd Ed., 13 January 2010. Web.

    Microsoft Developer Network. “Chapter 3: Architectural Patterns and Styles.” Microsoft Application Architecture Guide. 2nd Ed., 14 January 2010. Web.

    Microsoft Developer Network. “Chapter 5: Layered Application Guidelines.” Microsoft Application Architecture Guide. 2nd Ed., 13 January 2010. Web.

    Mirakhorli, Mehdi. “Common Architecture Weakness Enumeration (CAWE).” IEEE Software, 2016. Web.

    Moore, G. A. Crossing the Chasm, 3rd Edition: Marketing and Selling Disruptive Products to Mainstream Customers (Collins Business Essentials) (3rd ed.). Harper Business, 2014.

    OASIS. “Oasis SOA Reference Model (SOA RM) TC.” OASIS Open, n.d. Web.

    Soni, Mukesh. “Defect Prevention: Reducing Costs and Enhancing Quality.” iSixSigma, n.d. Web.

    The Open Group. TOGAF 8.1.1 Online, Part IV: Resource Base, Developing Architecture Views. TOGAF, 2006. Web.

    The Open Group. Welcome to the TOGAF® Standard, Version 9.2, a standard of The Open Group. TOGAF, 2018. Web.

    Watts, S. “The importance of solid design principles.” BMC Blogs, 15 June 2020. 19 October 2021.

    Young, Charles. “Hexagonal Architecture–The Great Reconciler?” Geeks with Blogs, 20 Dec 2014. Web.


    Techniques to enhance application architecture.

    Consider the numerous solutions to address architecture issues or how they will impact your application architecture

    Many solutions exist for improving the layers of the application stack that may address architecture issues or impact your current architecture. Solutions range from capability changes to full stack replacement.

    Method Description Potential Benefits Risks Related Blueprints
    Business Capabilities:
    Enablement and enhancement
    • Introduce new business capabilities by leveraging unused application functionalities or consolidate redundant business capabilities.
    • Increase value delivery to stakeholders.
    • Lower IT costs through elimination of applications.
    • Increased use of an application could overload current infrastructure.
    • IT cannot authorize business capability changes.
    Use Info-Tech’s Document Your Business Architecture blueprint to gain better understanding of business and IT alignment.
    • Remove existing business capabilities that don’t contribute value to the business.
    • Lower operational costs through elimination of unused and irrelevant capabilities.
    • Business capabilities may be seen as relevant or critical by different stakeholder groups.
    • IT cannot authorize business capability changes.
    Use Info-Tech’s Build an Application Rationalization Framework to rationalize your application portfolio.
    Business Process:
    Process integration and consolidation
    • Combine multiple business processes into a single process.
    • Improved utilization of applications in each step of the process.
    • Reduce business costs through efficient business processes.
    • Minimize number of applications required to execute a single process.
    • Significant business disruption if an application goes down and is the primary support for business processes.
    • Organizational pushback if process integration involves multiple business groups.
    Business Process (continued):
    Process automation
    • Automate manual business processing tasks.
    • Reduce manual processing errors.
    • Improve speed of delivery.
    • Significant costs to implement automation.
    • Automation payoffs are not immediate.
    Lean business processes
    • Eliminate redundant steps.
    • Streamline existing processes by focusing on value-driven steps.
    • Improve efficiency of business process through removal of wasteful steps.
    • Increase value delivered at the end of the process.
    • Stakeholder pushback from consistently changing processes.
    • Investment from business is required to fit documentation to the process.
    Outsource the process
    • Outsource a portion of or the entire business process to a third party.
    • Leverage unavailable resources and skills to execute the business process.
    • Loss of control over process.
    • Can be costly to bring the process back into the business if desired in the future.
    Business Process (continued):
    • Implement standards for business processes to improve uniformity and reusability.
    • Consistently apply the same process across multiple business units.
    • Transparency of what is expected from the process.
    • Improve predictability of process execution.
    • Process bottlenecks may occur if a single group is required to sign off on deliverables.
    • Lack of enforcement and maintenance of standards can lead to chaos if left unchecked.
    User Interface:
    Improve user experience (UX)
    • Eliminate end-user emotional, mechanical, and functional friction by improving the experience of using the application.
    • UX encompasses both the interface and the user’s behavior.
    • Increase satisfaction and adoption rate from end users.
    • Increase brand awareness and user retention.
    • UX optimizations are only focused on a few user personas.
    • Current development processes do not accommodate UX assessments
    Update coding language
    Translate legacy code into modern coding language.
    • Coding errors in modern languages can have lesser impact on the business processes they support.
    • Modern languages tend to have larger pools of coders to hire.
    • Increase availability of tools to support modern languages.
    • Coding language changes can create incompatibilities with existing infrastructure.
    • Existing coding translation tools do not offer 100% guarantee of legacy function retention.
    Code (continued):
    Open source code
    • Download pre-built code freely available in open source communities.
    • Code is rapidly evolving in the community to meet current business needs.
    • Avoid vendor lock-in from proprietary software
    • Community rules may require divulgence of work done with open source code.
    • Support is primarily provided through community, which may not address specific concerns.
    Update the development toolchain
    • Acquire new or optimize development tools with increased testing, build, and deployment capabilities.
    • Increase developer productivity.
    • Increase speed of delivery and test coverage with automation.
    • Drastic IT overhauls required to implement new tools such as code conversion, data migration, and development process revisions.
    Update source code management
    • Optimize source code management to improve coding governance, versioning, and development collaboration.
    • Ability to easily roll back to previous build versions and promote code to other environments.
    • Enable multi-user development capabilities.
    • Improve conflict management.
    • Some source code management tools cannot support legacy code.
    • Source code management tools may be incompatible with existing development toolchain.
    Outsource extraction
    • Outsource your data analysis and extraction to a third party.
    • Lower costs to extract and mine data.
    • Leverage unavailable resources and skills to translate mined data to a usable form.
    • Data security risks associated with off-location storage.
    • Data access and control risks associated with a third party.
    Update data structure
    • Update your data elements, types (e.g. transactional, big data), and formats (e.g. table columns).
    • Standardize on a common data definition throughout the entire organization.
    • Ease data cleansing, mining, analysis, extraction, and management activities.
    • New data structures may be incompatible with other applications.
    • Implementing data management improvements may be costly and difficult to acquire stakeholder buy-in.
    Update data mining and data warehousing tools
    • Optimize how data is extracted and stored.
    • Increase the speed and reliability of the data mined.
    • Perform complex analysis with modern data mining and data warehousing tools.
    • Data warehouses are regularly updated with the latest data.
    • Updating data mining and warehousing tools may create incompatibilities with existing infrastructure and data sets.
    Move from point-to-point to enterprise service bus (ESB)
    • Change your application integration approach from point-to-point to an ESB.
    • Increase the scalability of enterprise services by exposing applications to a centralized middleware.
    • Reduce the number of integration tests to complete with an ESB.
    • Single point of failure can cripple the entire system.
    • Security threats arising from centralized communication node.
    Leverage API integration
    • Leverage application programming interfaces (APIs) to integrate applications.
    • Quicker and more frequent transfers of lightweight data compared to extract, load, transfer (ETL) practices.
    • Increase integration opportunities with other modern applications and infrastructure (including mobile devices).
    • APIs are not as efficient as ETL when handling large data sets.
    • Changing APIs can break compatibility between applications if not versioned properly.

    Build IT Capabilities to Enable Digital Marketing Success

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}553|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Marketing Solutions
    • Parent Category Link: /marketing-solutions
    • Misalignment: Even if IT builds the capabilities to pursue digital channels, the channels will underperform in realizing organizational goals if the channels and the goals are misaligned.
    • Ineffective analytics: Failure to integrate and analyze new data will undermine organizational success in influencer and sentiment identification.
    • Missed opportunity: If IT does not develop the capabilities to support these channels, then lead generation, brand promotion, and engagement opportunities will be lost.
    • Lack of control: Marketing is developing and depending on internal power users and agencies. This practice can isolate IT from digital marketing technology decision making.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Identify and understand the digital marketing channels that can benefit your organization.
    • Get stakeholder buy-in to facilitate collaboration between IT and product marketing groups to identify necessary IT capabilities.
    • Build IT capability by purchasing software, outsourcing, and training or hiring individuals with necessary skillsets.
    • Become transformational: use IT capabilities to support analytics that identify new customer segments, key influencers, and other invaluable insights.
    • Time is of the essence! It is easier to begin strengthening the relationship between marketing and IT today then it will be at any point in the future.
    • Being transformational means more than just enabling the channels marketing wants to pursue; IT must assist in identifying new segments and digital marketing opportunities, such as enabling influencer management.

    Impact and Result

    • IT is involved in decision making and has a complete understanding of the digital channels the organization is going to migrate to or phase out if unused.
    • IT has the necessary capabilities to support and enable success in all relevant digital channel management technologies.
    • IT is a key player in ensuring that all relevant data from new digital channels is managed and analyzed in order to maintain a 360 degree view of customers and feed real-time campaigns.
    • This enables the organization to not only target existing segments effectively, but also to identify and pursue new opportunities not presented before.
    • These opportunities include: identifying new segments among social networks, identifying key influencers as a new target, identifying proactive service and marketing opportunities from the public social cloud, and conducting new competitive analyses on the public social cloud.

    Build IT Capabilities to Enable Digital Marketing Success Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Make the case for building IT capabilities

    Identify the symptoms of inadequate IT support of digital marketing to diagnose the problems in your organization.

    • Storyboard: Build IT Capabilities to Enable Digital Marketing Success

    2. Identify digital marketing opportunities to understand the need for action in your organization

    Identify the untapped digital marketing value in your organization to understand where your organization needs to improve.

    • Digital Marketing Capability Builder Tool

    3. Mobilize for action: get stakeholder buy-in

    Develop a plan for communicating with stakeholders to ensure buy-in to the digital marketing capability building project.

    • Digital Marketing Communication Deck

    4. Identify the product/segment-specific digital marketing landscape to identify required IT capabilities

    Assess how well each digital channel reaches target segments. Identify the capabilities that must be built to enable digital channels.

    5. Create a roadmap for building capabilities to enable digital marketing

    Assess the people, processes, and technologies required to build required capabilities and determine the best fit with your organization.


    Workshop: Build IT Capabilities to Enable Digital Marketing Success

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Identify Digital Marketing Opportunities

    The Purpose

    Determine the fit of each digital channel with your organizational goals.

    Determine the fit of digital channels with your organizational structure and business model.

    Compare the fit of digital channels with your organization’s current levels of use to:Identify missed opportunities your organization should capitalize on.Identify digital channels that your organization is wasting resources on.

    Identify missed opportunities your organization should capitalize on.

    Identify digital channels that your organization is wasting resources on.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    IT department achieves consensus around which opportunities need to be pursued.

    Understanding that continuing to pursue excellent-fit digital channels that your organization is currently active on is a priority.

    Identification of the channels that stopping activity on could free up resources for.


    1.1 Define and prioritize organizational goals.

    1.2 Assess digital channel fit with goals and organizational characteristics.

    1.3 Identify missed opportunities and wasted resources in your digital channel mix.

    1.4 Brainstorm creative ways to pursue untapped digital channels.


    Prioritized list of organizational goals.

    Assigned level of fit to digital channels.

    List of digital channels that represent missed opportunities or wasted resources.

    List of brainstormed ideas for pursuing digital channels.

    2 Identify Your Product-Specific Digital Marketing Landscape

    The Purpose

    Identify the digital channels that will be used for specific products and segments.

    Identify the IT capabilities that must be built to enable digital channels.

    Prioritize the list of IT capabilities.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    IT and marketing achieve consensus around which digital channels will be pursued for specific product-segment pairings.

    Identification of the capabilities that IT must build.


    2.1 Assess digital channel fit with specific products.

    2.2 Identify the digital usage patterns of target segments.

    2.3 Decide precisely which digital channels you will use to sell specific products to specific segments.

    2.4 Identify and prioritize the IT capabilities that need to be built to succeed on each digital channel.


    Documented channel fit with products.

    Documented channel usage by target segments.

    Listed digital channels that will be used for each product-segment pairing.

    Listed and prioritized capabilities that must be built to enable success on necessary digital channels.

    3 Enable Digital Marketing Capabilities and Leverage Analytics

    The Purpose

    Identification of the best possible way to build IT capabilities for all channels.

    Creation of a plan for leveraging transformational analytics to supercharge your digital marketing strategy.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    IT understanding of the costs and benefits of capability building options (people, process, and technology).

    Information about how specific technology vendors could fit with your organization.

    IT identification of opportunities to leverage transformational analytics in your organization.


    3.1 Identify the gaps in your IT capabilities.

    3.2 Evaluate options for building capabilities.

    3.3 Identify opportunities for transformational analytics.


    A list of IT capability gaps.

    An action plan for capability building.

    A plan for leveraging transformational analytics.

    Master the Secrets of VMware Licensing to Maximize Your Investment

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}138|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Licensing
    • Parent Category Link: /licensing
    • A lack of understanding around VMware’s licensing models, bundles, and negotiation tactics makes it difficult to negotiate from a position of strength.
    • Unfriendly commercial practices combined with hyperlink-ridden agreements have left organizations vulnerable to audits and large shortfall payments.
    • Enterprise license agreements (ELAs) come in several purchasing models and do not contain the EULA or various VMware product guide documentation that governs license usage rules and can change monthly.
    • Without a detailed understanding of VMware’s various purchasing models, shelfware often occurs.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Contracts are typically overweighted with a discount at the expense of contractual T&Cs that can restrict license usage and expose you to unpleasant financial surprises and compliance risk.
    • VMware customers almost always have incomplete price information from which to effectively negotiate a “best in class” ELA.
    • VMware has a large lead in being first to market and it realizes that running dual virtualization stacks is complex, unwieldy, and expensive. To further complicate the issues, most skill sets in the industry are skewed towards VMware.

    Impact and Result

    • Negotiate desired terms and conditions at the start of the agreement, and prioritize which use rights may be more important than an additional discount percentage.
    • Gather data points and speak with licensing partners to determine if the deal being offered is in fact as great as VMware says it is.
    • Beware of out-year pricing and ELA optimization reviews that may provide undesirable surprises and more spend than was planned.

    Master the Secrets of VMware Licensing to Maximize Your Investment Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Manage Your VMware Agreements – Use the Info-Tech tools capture your existing licenses and prepare for your renewal bids.

    Use Info-Tech’s licensing best practices to avoid shelfware with VMware licensing and remain compliant in case of an audit.

    • Master the Secrets of VMware Licensing to Maximize Your Investment Storyboard

    2. Manage your VMware agreements

    Use Info-Tech’s licensing best practices to avoid shelfware with VMware licensing and remain compliant in case of an audit.

    • VMware Business as Usual – Install Base SnS Renewal Only Tool
    • VMware ELA RFQ Template

    3. Transition to the VMWare Cloud – Use these tools to evaluate your ELA and vShpere requirements and make an informed choice.

    Manage your renewals and transition to the cloud subscription model.

    • VPP Transactional Purchase Tool
    • VMware ELA Analysis Tool
    • vSphere Edition 7 Features List


    Further reading

    Master the Secrets of VMware Licensing to Maximize Your Investment

    Learn the essential steps to avoid overspending and to maximize negotiation leverage with VMware.


    Analyst Perspective

    Master the Secrets of VMware Licensing to Maximize Your Investment.

    The image contains a picture of Scott Bickley.

    The mechanics of negotiating a deal with VMware may seem simple at first as the vendor is willing to provide a heavy discount on an enterprise license agreement (ELA). However, come renewal time, when a reduction in spend or shelfware is needed, or to exit the ELA altogether, the process can be exceedingly frustrating as VMware holds the balance of power in the negotiation.

    Negotiating a complete agreement with VMware from the start can save you from an immense headache and unforeseen expenditures. Many VMware customers do not realize that the terms and conditions in the Volume Purchasing Program (VPP) and Enterprise Purchasing Program (EPP) agreements limit how and where they are able to use their licenses.

    Furthermore, after the renewal is complete, organizations must still worry about the management of various license types, accurate discovery of what has been deployed, visibility into license key assignments, and over and under use of licenses.

    Preventive and proactive measures enclosed within this blueprint will help VMware clients mitigate this minefield of challenges.

    Scott Bickley
    Practice Lead, Vendor Management
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    Common Obstacles

    Info-Tech’s Approach

    VMware's dominant position in the virtualization space can create uncertainty to your options in the long term as well as the need to understand:

    • The hybrid cloud model.
    • Hybrid VM security and management.
    • New subscription license model and how it affects renewals.

    Make an informed decision with your VMware investments to allow for continued ROI.

    There are several hurdles that are presented when considering a VMware ELA:

    • Evolving licensing and purchasing models
    • Understanding potential ROI in the cloud landscape
    • Evolving door of corporate ownership

    Overcoming these and other obstacles are key to long-term satisfaction with your VMware infrastructure.

    Info-Tech has a two-phase approach:

    • Manage your VMware agreements.
    • Plan a transition to the cloud.

    A tactical roadmap approach to VMware ELA and the cloud will ensure long-term success and savings.

    Info-Tech Insight

    VMware customers almost always have incomplete price information from which to effectively negotiate a “best in class” ELA.

    Your challenge

    VMware's dominant position in the virtualization space can create uncertainty to your options in the long term driven by:

    • VMware’s dominant market position and ownership of the virtualization market, which is forcing customers to focus on managing capacity demand to ensure a positive ROI on every license.
    • The trend toward a hybrid cloud for many organizations, especially those considering using VMware in public clouds, resulting in confusion regarding licensing and compliance scenarios.

    ELAs and EPPs are generally the only way to get a deep discount from VMware.

    The image contains a pie chart to demonstrate that 85% have answered yes to being audited by VMware for software license compliance.

    Common obstacles

    There are several hurdles that are presented when considering a VMware ELA.

    • A lack of understanding around VMware’s licensing models, bundles, and negotiation tactics makes it difficult to negotiate from a position of strength.
    • Unfriendly commercial practices combined with hyperlink-ridden agreements have left organizations vulnerable to audits and large shortfall payments.
    • ELAs come in several purchasing models and do not contain the EULA or various VMware product guide documentation that govern license usage rules and can change monthly.

    Competition is a key driver of price

    The image contains a screenshot of a bar graph to demonstrate virtualization market share % 2022.

    Source: Datanyze

    Master the Secrets of VMware Licensing to Maximize your Investment

    The image contains a screenshot of the Thought model on Master the secrets of VMware Licensing to Maximize your Investment.

    Info-Tech’s methodology for Master the Secrets of VMware Licensing to Maximize Your Investment

    1. Manage Your VMware Agreements

    2. Transition to the VMware Cloud

    Phase Steps

    1.1 Establish licensing requirements

    1.2 Evaluate licensing options

    1.3 Evaluate agreement options

    1.4 Purchase and manage licenses

    1.5 Understand SnS renewal management

    2.1 Understand the VMware subscription model

    2.2 Migrate workloads and licenses

    2.3 Manage SnS and cloud subscriptions

    Phase Outcomes

    Understanding of your licensing requirements and what agreement option best fits your needs for now and the future.

    Knowledge of VMware’s sales model and how to negotiate the best deal.

    Knowledge of the evolving cloud subscription model and how to plan your cloud migration and transition to the new licensing.

    Insight summary

    Overarching insight

    With the introduction of the subscription licensing model, VMware licensing and renewals are becoming more complex and require a deeper understanding of the license program options to best manage renewals and cloud deployments as well as to maximize legacy ROI.

    Phase 1 insight

    Contracts are typically overweighted with a discount at the expense of contractual T&Cs that can restrict license usage and expose you to unpleasant financial surprises and compliance risk.

    Phase 1 insight

    VMware has a large lead in being first to market and it realizes running dual virtualization stacks is complex, unwieldy, and expensive. To further complicate the issues, most skill sets in the industry are skewed toward VMware.

    Phase 2 insight

    VMware has purposefully reduced a focus on the actual license terms and conditions; most customers focus on the transactional purchase or the ELA document, but the rules governing usage are on a website and can be changed by VMware regularly.

    Tactical insight

    Beware of out-year pricing and ELA optimization reviews that may provide undesirable surprises and more spend than was planned.

    Tactical insight

    Negotiate desired terms and conditions at the start of the agreement, and prioritize which use rights may be more important than an additional discount percentage.

    Blueprint deliverables

    Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals:

    VMware ELA Analysis Tool

    VMware ELA RFQ Template Tool

    VPP Transaction Purchase Tool

    VMware ELA Analysis Tool

    Use this tool as a template for an RFQ with VMware ELA contracts.

    Use this tool to analyze cost breakdown and discount based on your volume purchasing program (VPP) level.

    The image contains screenshots of the VMware ELA Analysis Tool. The image contains a screenshot of the VMware ELA RFQ template tool. The image contains a screenshot of the VPP Transaction Purchase Tool.

    Key deliverable:

    VMware Business as Usual SnS Renewal Only Tool

    Use this tool to analyze discounts from a multi-year agreement vs. prepay. See how you can get the best discount.

    The image contains screenshots of the VMware Business as Usual SnS Renewal Only Tool.

    Blueprint Objectives

    The aim of this blueprint is to provide a foundational understanding of VMware’s licensing agreement and best practices to manage them.

    Why VMware

    What to Know

    The Future

    VMware is the leader in OS virtualization, however, this is a saturated market, which is being pressured by public and hybrid cloud as a competitive force taking market share.

    There are few viable alternatives to VMware for virtualization due to vendor lock-in of existing IT infrastructure footprint. It is too difficult and cost prohibitive to make a shift away from VMware even when alternative solutions are available.

    ELAs are the preferred method of contracting as it sets the stage for a land-and-expand product strategy; once locked into the ELA model, customers must examine VMware alternatives with preference or risk having Support and Subscription Services (SnS) re-priced at retail.

    VMware does not provide a great deal of publicly available information regarding its enterprise license agreement (ELA) options, leaving a knowledge gap that allows the sales team to steer the customer.

    VMware is taking countermeasures against increasing competition.

    Recent contract terms changed to eliminate perpetual caps on SnS renewals; they are now tied to a single year of discounted SnS, then they go to list price.

    Migration of list pricing to a website versus contract, where pricing can now be changed, reducing discount percentage effectiveness.

    Increased audits of customers, especially those electing to not renew an ELA.

    Examining VMware’s vendor profile

    Turbonomics conducted a vendor profile on major vendors, focusing on licensing and compliance. It illustrated the following results:

    The image contains a pie graph to demonstrate that the majority of companies say yes to using license enterprise software from VMware.

    The image contains a bar graph to demonstrate what license products organizations use of VMware products.

    Source: Turbonomics
    N-sample size

    Case Study

    The image contains a logo for ADP.

    INDUSTRY: Finance


    “We’ll have network engineers, storage engineers, computer engineers, database engineers, and systems engineers all working together as one intact team developing and delivering goals on specific outcomes.” – Vipul Nagrath, CIO, ADP

    Improving developer capital management

    Constant innovation helped ADP keep ahead of customer needs in the human resources space, but it also brought constant changes to the IT environment. Internally, the company found it was spending too long working on delivering the required infrastructure and system updates. IT staff wanted to improve velocity for refreshes to better match the needs of ADP developers and encourage continued development innovation.

    Business needs

    • Improve turnaround time on infrastructure refreshes to better meet developer roadmaps.
    • Establish an IT culture that works at the global scale of ADP and empowers individual team members.
    • Streamline approach toward infrastructure resource delivery to reduce need for manual management.


    • Infrastructure resource delivery reduced from 100+ days to minutes, improving ADP developer efficiency.
    • VMware Cloud™ on AWS establishes seamless private and public cloud workflows, fostering agility and innovation.
    • Automating IT management redirects resources to R&D, boosting time to market for new services.

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    Guided Implementation



    “Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful.” “Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track.” “We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place.” “Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project.”

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options

    Guided Implementation

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

    Call #1: Discuss scope requirements, objectives, and your specific challenges.

    Call #2: Assess the current state.

    Determine licensing position.

    Call #3: Complete a deployment count, needs analysis, and internal audit.

    Call #4: Review findings with analyst:

    • Review licensing options.
    • Review licensing rules.
    • Review contract option types.

    Call #5: Select licensing option. Document forecasted costs and benefits.

    Call #6: Review final contract:

    • Discuss negotiation points.
    • Plan a roadmap for SAM.

    Call #7: Negotiate final contract. Evaluate and develop a roadmap for SAM.

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    A typical GI is between 2 to 6 calls over the course of 1 to 2 months.

    Phase # 1

    Manage Your VMware Agreements

    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    1.1 Establish licensing requirements

    1.2 Evaluate licensing options

    1.3 Evaluate agreement options

    1.4 Purchase and manage licenses

    2.1 Understand the VMware subscription model

    2.2 Migrate workloads and licenses

    2.3 Discuss the VMware sales approach

    2.4 Manage SnS and cloud subscriptions

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Understanding the VMware licensing model
    • Understanding the license agreement options
    • Understanding the VMware sales approach

    This phase will take you thorough:

    • The new VMware subscription movement to the cloud
    • How to prepare and migrate
    • Manage your subscriptions efficiently

    1.1 Establish licensing requirements

    VMware has greatly improved the features of vSphere over time.

    vSphere Main Editions Overview

    • vSphere Standard – Provides the basic features for server consolidation. A support and subscription contract (SnS) is mandatory when purchasing the vSphere Standard.
    • vSphere Enterprise Plus – Provides the full range of vSphere features. A support and subscription contract (SnS) is mandatory when purchasing the Enterprise Plus editions.
    • vSphere Essentials kit – The Essentials kit is an all-in-one solution for small environments with up to three hosts (2 CPUs on each host). Support is optional when purchasing the Essentials kit and is available on a per-incident basis.
    • vSphere Essentials Plus kit – This is similar to the Essentials kit and provides additional features such as vSphere vMotion, vSphere HA, and vSphere replication. A support and subscription contract (SnS) is sold separately, and a minimum of one year of SnS is required.

    Review vSphere Edition Features

    The image contains a screenshot to review the vSphere Edition Features.

    Download the vSphere Edition 7 Features List

    1.2 Evaluate licensing options

    VMware agreement types

    Review purchase options to align with your requirements.

    Transactional VPP EPP ELA


    Entry-level volume license purchasing program

    Mid-level purchasing program

    Highest-level purchasing program

    • Purchasing in this model is not recommended for business purposes unless very infrequent and low quantities.
    • 250 points minimum
    • Four tiers of discounts
    • Rolling eight-quarter points accumulation period
    • Discounts on license only

    Deal size of initial purchase typically is:

    • US$250K MSRP License + SnS (2,500 tokens)
    • Exceptions do exist with purchase volume

    Minimum deal size of top-up purchase:

    • US$50K MSRP License + SnS (500 tokens)
    • Initial purchase determines token level
    • Three-year term

    Minimum deal size of initial purchase:

    • US$150K-$250K
    • Discounted licenses and SnS through term of contract
    • Single volume license key
    • No final true-up
    • Global deployment rights and consolidation of multiple agreements

    1.2.1 The Volume Purchasing Program (VPP)

    This is the entry-level purchasing program aimed at small/mid-sized organizations.

    How the program works

    • The threshold to be able to purchase from the VPP program is 250 points minimum, equivalent to $25,000.
    • Discounts attained can only be applied to license purchases. They do not apply to service and support/renewals. Discounts range from 4% to 12%.
    • For the large majority of products 1 VPP point = ~$100.
      • Point values will be the same globally.
      • Point ratios may vary over time as SKUs are changed.
      • Points are valid for two years.


    • Budget predictability for two years.
    • Simple license purchase process.
    • Receive points on qualifying purchases that accumulate over a rolling eight-quarter period.
    • Online portal for tracking purchases and eligible discounts.
    • Global program where affiliates can purchase from existing contract.

    VPP Point & Discount Table


    Point Range














    Source: VMware Volume Purchasing Program

    1.2.2 Activity VPP Transactional Purchase Tool

    1-3 hours


    1. Use the tool to analyze the cost breakdown and discount based on your Volume Purchasing Program level.
    2. On tab 1, Enter SnS install base renewal units and or new license details.
    3. Review tab 2 for Purchase summary.

    The image contains a screenshot of the VPP Transactional Purchase Tool.

    Input Output
    • SnS renewal details
    • New license requirements and pricing
    • Transaction purchase summary
    • Estimated VPP purchase level
    Materials Participants
    • Current VMware purchase orders
    • Any SnS renewal requirements
    • Transaction Purchase Tool
    • Procurement
    • Vendor Management
    • Licensing Admin

    Download the VPP Transactional Purchase Tool

    1.3 Evaluate agreement options

    Introduction to EPP and ELA

    What to know when using a token/credit-based agreement.

    Token/credit-based agreements carry high risk as customers are purchasing a set number of tokens/credits to be redeemed during the ELA term for licenses.

    • Tokens/credits that are not used during the ELA term expire and become worthless.
    • By default in most agreements (negotiation dependent), tokens/credits are tied to pricing maintained by VMware on its website that is subject to change (increase usually), resulting in a reduced value for the tokens/credits.
      • Therefore, it is necessary to negotiate to have current list prices for all products/versions included in the ELA to prevent price increases while in the current ELA term.
    • Token-based agreements may come with a lower overall discount level as VMware is granting more flexibility in terms of the wider product selection offered, vendor cost of overhead to manage the redemption program, currency exchange risks, and more complex revenue recognition headaches.

    1.3.1 The Enterprise Purchasing Program (EPP)

    This is aimed at mid-tier customers looking for flexibility with deeper discounting.

    How the program works

    • Token-based program in which tokens are redeemed for licenses and/or SnS.
      • Tokens can be added at any time to active fund.
      • Token usage is automatically tracked and reported.
    • Minimum order of 2,500 tokens, equivalent to $250,000 (1 token=$100).
      • Exceptions have been made, allowing for lower minimum spends.
    • Restricted to specific regions, not a global agreement.
    • Self-service portal for access to license keys and support entitlements.
    • Deeper discounting than the VMware Volume Purchase Program.
    • EPP initial purchase gets VPP L4 for four years.


    • Able to mix and match VMware products, manage licenses, and adjust deployment strategy.
    • Prices are protected for term of the EPP agreement.
    • Number of tokens needed to obtain a product or SnS are negotiated at the start of the contract and fixed for the term.
    • SnS is co-termed to the EPP term.
    • Ability to purchase new products that become available at a future date and are listed on the EPP Eligibility Matrix.

    EPP Level & Point Table


    Point Range









    Source: VMware Volume Purchasing Program

    1.3.2 The ELA is aimed at large global organizations, offering the deepest discounts with operational benefits and flexibility

    What is an ELA?

    • The ELA agreement provides the best vehicle for global enterprises to obtain maximum discounts and price-hold protection for a set period of time. Discounts and price holds are removed once an ELA has expired.
    • The ELA minimum spend previously was $500,000. Purchase volume now generally starts at $250K total spend with exceptions and, depending on VMware, it may be possible to attain for $150K in net-new license spend.

    Key things to know

    • Customers pay up front for license and SnS rights, but depending on the deployment plans, the value of the licenses is not realized and/or recognized for up to two years after point of purchase.
    • License and SnS is paid up front for a three-year period in most ELAs, although a one- or two-year term can be negotiated.
    • Licenses not deployed in year one should be discounted in value and drive a re-evaluation of the ELA ROI, as even heavily discounted licenses that are not used until year three may not be such a great deal in retrospect.
      • Use a time value of money calculation to arrive at a realistic ROI.
      • Partner with Finance and Accounting to ensure the ROI also clears any Internal Hurdle Rate (IHR).
      • Share and strategically position your IHR with VMware and resellers to ensure they understand the minimum value an ELA deal must bring to the table.
    • Organizational changes, such as merger, acquisition, and divestiture (MAD) activities, may result in the customer paying for license rights that can no longer be used and/or require a renegotiated ELA.

    Info-Tech Insight

    If a legacy ELA exists that has “deploy or lose” language, engage VMware to recapture any lost license rights as VMware has changed this language effective with 2016 agreements and there is an “appeals” process for affected customers.

    1.3.3 Select the best ELA variant to match your specific demand profile and financial needs

    The advantages of an ELA are:

    • Maximum discount level + price protection
    • SnS discounted at % of net license fee
    • Sole option for global use territory rights

    General disadvantages are:

    • Term lock-in with SnS for three years
    • Pay up front and if defer usage, ROI drops
    • Territory rights priced at a premium versus domestic use rights

    Type of ELAs

    ELA Type


    Pros and Cons

    Capped (max quantities)

    Used to purchase a specific quantity and type of license.

    Pro – Clarity on what will be purchased

    Pro – Lower risk of over licensing

    Con – Requires accurate forecasting

    All you can eat or unlimited

    Used to purchase access to specified products that can be deployed in unlimited quantities during the ELA term.

    Pro – Acquire large quantity of licenses

    Pro – Accurate forecasting not critical

    Con – Deployment can easily exceed forecast, leading to high renewal costs


    A form of capped ELA purchase that uses prepaid tokens that can be used more flexibly to acquire a variety of licenses or services. This can include the hybrid purchasing program (HPP) credits. However, the percentage redeemable for VMware subscription services may be limited to 10% of the MSRP value of the HPP credit.

    Pro – Accurate demand forecast not critical

    Pro – Can be used for products and services

    Con – Unused tokens or credits are forfeited


    Allows for additional purchases during the ELA term on a determined schedule based on the established ELA pricing.

    Pro – Consumption payments matched after initial purchase

    Pro – Accurate demand forecast not critical

    Con – Potentially requires transaction throughout term

    1.4 Purchase and manage licenses

    Negotiating ELA terms and conditions

    Editable copies of VMware’s license and governance documentation are a requirement to initiate the dialogue and negotiation process over T&Cs.

    VMware’s licensing is complex and although documentation is publicly available, it is often hidden on VMware’s website.

    Many VMware customers often overlook reviewing the license T&Cs, leaving them open to compliance risks.

    It is imperative for customers to understand:

    • Product definition for licensing of each acquired product
    • Products included by bundle
    • Use restrictions:
      • The VMware Product Guide, which includes information about:
        • ELA Order Forms, Amendments, Exhibits, EULA, Support T&Cs, and other policies that add dozens of pages to a contractual agreement.
        • All of these documents are web based and can change monthly; URL links in the contract do not take the user to the actual document but a landing page from which customers must find the applicable documents.
      • Obtain copies of ALL current documents at the time of your order and keep as a reference in the CLM and SAM systems.

    Build in time to obtain, review, and negotiate these documents (easily weeks to months).

    1.4.1 Negotiating ELA terms and conditions specifics

    License and Deployment

    • Review perpetual use rights for all licenses purchased under the ELA (exception being subscription services).
    • Carefully scrutinize contract language for clearly defined deployment rights.
      • Some agreements contain language that terminates the use rights for licenses not deployed by the end of the ELA term.
    • While older contracts would frequently contain clearly defined token values and product prices for the ELA term, VMware has moved away from this process and now refers to URL links for current MSRP pricing.

    Use Rights

    • The customer’s legal entities and territories listed in the contract are hard limits on the license usage via the VMware Product Guide definitions. Global use rights are not a standard license grant with VMware license agreement by default. Global rights are usually tied to an ELA.
    • VMware audits most aggressively against violations of territory use rights and will use the non-compliance events to resolve the issue via a commercial transaction.
      • Negotiate for assignment rights with no strings attached in terms of fees or multi-party consent by future affiliates or successors to a surviving entity.
    • Extraordinary Corporate Transaction clause: VMware’s standard language prevents customers from using licenses within the ELA for any third party that becomes part of customer’s business by way of acquisition, merger, consolidation, change of control, reorganization, or other similar transaction.
      • Request VMware to drop this language.
    • Include any required language pertaining to MAD events as default language will not allow for transfer or assignment of license rights.

    Checklist of necessary information to negotiate the best deal

    Product details that go beyond the sales pitch

    • Product family
    • Unique product SKU for license renewal
    • Part description
    • Current regional or global price list
    • One and three-year proposal for SnS renewals including new license and SnS detail
    • SnS term dates
    • Discount or offered prices for all line items (global pricing is generally ~20% higher than US pricing)

    Different support levels (e.g. basic, enterprise, per incident)

    • Standard pricing:
      • Basic Support = 21% of current list price (12x5)
      • Production Support = 25% of current list price (24x7 for severity 1 issues) – defined in VMware Support and Subscription Services T&Cs; non-severity 1 issues are 12x5

    Details to ensure the product being purchased matches the business needs

    • Realizing after the fact the product is insufficient with respect to functional requirements or that extra spend is required can be frustrating and extend expected timelines

    SnS renewals pricing is based on the (1) year SnS list price

    • This can be bundled for a multi-year discounted SnS rate (can result in 12%+ under VPP)

    Governing agreements, VPP program details

    • Have a printed copy of documents that are URL links, which VMware can change, allowing for surprises or unexpected changes in rules

    1.4.2 Activity VMware ELA Analysis Tool

    2-4 hours


    1. As a group, review the various RFQ responses. Identify top three proposals and start to enter proposal details into the VPP Prepay or ELA tabs of the analysis tool.
    2. Review savings in the ELA Offer Analysis tab.

    The image contains screenshots of the VMware ELA Analysis Tool.

    Input Output
    • RFQ requirements data
    • RFQ response data
    • Analysis of ELA proposals
    • ELA savings analysis
    Materials Participants
    • RFQ response documents
    • ELA Analysis Tool
    • IT Leadership
    • Procurement
    • Vendor Management

    Download the VMware ELA Analysis Tool

    1.4.3 Negotiating ELA terms and conditions specifics: pricing, renewal, and exit

    VMware does not offer price protection on future license consumption by default.

    Securing “out years” pricing for SnS or the cost of SnS is critical or it will default to a set percentage (25%) of MSRP, removing the ELA discount.

    Typically, the out year is one year; maximum is two years.

    Negotiate the “go forward” SnS pricing post-ELA term as part of the ELA negotiations when you have some leverage.

    Default after (1) out year is to rise to 25% of current MSRP versus as low as 20% of net license price within the ELA.

    Carefully incorporate the desired installed-base licenses that were acquired pre-ELA into the agreement, but ensure unwanted licenses are removed.

    Ancillary but binding support policies, online terms and conditions, and other hyperlinked documentation should be negotiated and incorporated as part of the agreement whenever possible.

    1.4.4 Find the best reseller partner

    Seek out a qualified VMware partner that will work with you and with your interest as a priority:

    1. Resellers, at minimum, should have achieved an enterprise-level rating, as these partners can offer the deepest discounts and have more clout with VMware.
    2. Select your reseller prior to engaging in any RFX acquisition steps. Verify they are enterprise level or higher AND secure their written commitment to maximum pass-through of the discounting provided to them by VMware.
    3. Document and prioritize key T&Cs for your ELA and submit to your sales team along with a requirement and timeline for their formal response. Essentially, this escalates outside of the VMware process and disrupts the status quo. Ideally this will occur in advance of being presented a contract by VMware and be pre-emptive in nature.
    4. If applicable and of benefit or a high priority, seek out a reseller that is willing to finance the VMware upfront payment cost at a low or no interest rate.
    5. It will be important to have ELA-level deals escalated to higher levels of authority to obtain “best in class” discount levels, above and beyond those prescribed in the VMware sales playbook.
    6. VMware’s standard process is to “route” customers through a pre-defined channel and “deal desk” process. Preferred pricing of up to an additional 10% discount is reserved for the first reseller that registers the deal with VMware, with larger discounts reserved for the Enterprise and Premium partners. Additional discounts can be earned if the deal closes within specified time periods (First Deal Registration).

    1.4.5 Activity VMware ELA RFQ Template

    1-3 hours

    Use this tool for as a template for an RFQ with VMware ELA contracts.

    1. For SnS renewals that contain no new licenses, state that the requirement for award consideration is the provisioning of all details for each itemized SnS renewal product code corresponding to all the licenses of your installed base. The details for the renewals are to be placed in Section 1 of the template.
    2. SnS Renewal Options: Info-Tech recommends that you ask for one- and three-year SnS renewal proposals, assuming these terms are realistic for your business requirements. Then compare your SnS BAU costs for these two options against ELA offers to determine the best choice for your renewal.

    The image contains a screenshot of the VMware ELA RFQ Template.

    Input Output
    • Renewing SnS data
    • Agreement type options
    • Detailed list of required licenses
    • Summary list of SnS requirements
    Materials Participants
    • RFQ Template
    • SnS renewal summary
    • New license/subscription details
    • IT Leadership
    • Vendor Management
    • Procurement

    Download the VMware ELA RFQ Template

    1.4.6 Consider your path forward

    Consider your route forward as contract commitments, license compliance, and terms and conditions differ in structure to perpetual models previously used.

    • Are you able to accurately discover VMware licensing within your environment?
    • Is licensing managed for compliance? Are internal audits conducted so you have accurate results?
    • Have the product use rights been examined for terms and conditions such as geographic rights? Some T&Cs may change over time due to hyperlinked references within commercial documents.
    • How are Oracle and SQL being used within your VMware environment? This may affect license compliance with Oracle and Microsoft in virtualized environments.
    • Prepare for the Subscription model; it’s here now and will be the lead discussion with all VMware reps going forward.

    Shift to Subscription

    1. With the $64bn takeover by Broadcom, there will be a significant shift and pressure to the subscription model.
    2. Broadcom has significant growth targets for its VMware acquisition that can only be achieved through a strong press to a SaaS model.

    Info-Tech Insight

    VMware has a license cost calculator and additional licensing documents that can be used to help determine what spend should be.

    Phase # 2

    Transition to the VMware Cloud

    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    1.1 Establish licensing requirements

    1.2 Evaluate licensing options

    1.3 Evaluate agreement options

    1.4 Purchase and manage licenses

    2.1 Understand the VMware subscription model

    2.2 Migrate workloads and licenses

    2.3 Discuss the VMware sales approach

    2.4 Manage SnS and cloud subscriptions

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Understand the VMware licensing model
    • Understand the license agreement options
    • Understand the VMware sales approach

    This phase will take you thorough:

    • The new VMware subscription movement to the cloud
    • How to prepare and migrate
    • Manage your subscriptions efficiently

    2.1 Understand the VMware subscription model

    VMware Cloud Universal

    • VMware Cloud Universal unifies compute, network, and storage capabilities across infrastructures, management, and applications.
    • Take advantage of financial and cloud management flexibility by combining on-premises and SaaS capabilities for automation, operations, log analytics, and network visibility across your infrastructure.
    • Capitalize on VMware knowledge by integrating proven migration methods and plans across your transformation journey such as consumption strategies, business outcome workshops, and more.
    • Determine your eligibility to earn a one-time discount with this exclusive benefit designed to offset the value of your current unamortized VMware on-premises license investments and then reallocate toward your multi-cloud initiatives.

    2.2 Migrate workloads and licenses to the cloud

    There are several cloud migration options and solutions to consider.

    • VMware Cloud offers solutions that can provide a low-cost path to the cloud that will help accelerate modernization.
    • There are also many third-party solution providers who can be engaged to migrate workloads and other infrastructure to VMware Cloud and into other public cloud providers.
    • VMware Cloud can be deployed on many IaaS providers such as AWS, Azure, Google, Dell, and IBM.

    VMware Cloud Assist

    1. Leverage all available transition funding opportunities and any IaaS migration incentives from VMware.
    2. Learn and understand the value and capabilities of VMware vRealize Cloud Universal to help you transition and manage hybrid infrastructure.

    2.2.1 Manage your VMware cloud subscriptions

    Use VMware vRealize to manage private, public, and local environments.

    Combine SaaS and on-premises capabilities for automation, operations, log analytics, network visibility, security, and compliance into one license.

    The image contains a screenshot of a diagram to demonstrate VMware cloud subscriptions.

    2.3 The VMware sales approach

    Understand the pitch before entering the discussion

    1. VMware will present a PowerPoint presentation proposal comparing a Business-as-Usual (BAU) scenario versus the ELA model.
    2. Critical factors to consider if considering the proposed ELA are growth rate projections, deployment schedule, cost of non-ELA products/options, shelf-ware, and non-ELA discounts (e.g. VPP, multi-year, or pre-paid).
    3. Involving VMware’s direct account team along with your reseller in the negotiations can be beneficial. Keep in mind that VMware ultimately decides on the final price in terms of the discount that is passed through. Ensure you have a clear line of sight into how pricing is determined.
    4. Explore reseller incentives and promotional programs that may provide for deeper than normal discount opportunities.

    INFO-TECH TIP: Create your own assumptions as inputs into the BAU model and then evaluate the ELA value proposition instead of depending on VMware’s model.

    2.4 Manage SnS and cloud subscriptions

    The new subscription model is making SnS renewal more complex.

    • Start renewal planning four to six months prior to anniversary.
    • Work closely with your reseller on your SnS renewal options.
    • Request “as is” versus subscription renewal proposal from reseller or VMware with a “savings” component.
    • Consider and review multi-year versus annual renewal; savings will differ.
    • For the Subscription transition renewal model, ensure that credits for legacy licensing is provided.
    • Negotiate cloud transition investments and incentives from VMware.

    What information to collect and how to analyze it

    • Negotiating toward preferred terms on SnS is critical, more so than when new license purchases are made, as approximately 75-80% of server virtualization are at x86 workloads, where maintenance revenue is a larger source of revenue for VMware than new license sales.
    • All relevant license and SnS details must be obtained from VMware to include Product Family, Part Description, Product Code (SKU), Regional/Global List Price, SnS Term Dates, and Discount Price for all new licenses.
    • VMware has all costs tied to the US dollar; you must calculate currency conversion into ROI models as VMware does not adjust token values of products across geographies or currency of purchase. The token to dollar value by product SKU is locked for the three-year term. This translates into a variable cost model depending on how local currency fluctuates against the US dollar; time the initial purchase to take this into consideration, if applicable.
    • Products purchased based on MSRP price with each token contains a value of US$100. Under the Hybrid Purchasing Program (HPP) credit values and associated buying power will fluctuate over the term as VMware reserves the right to adjust current list prices. Consider locking in a set product list and pricing versus HPP.
    • Take a structured approach to discover true discounts via the use of a tailored RFQ template and options model to compare and contrast VMware ELA proposals.

    Use Info-Tech Research Group’s customized RFQ template to discover true discount levels and model various purchase options for VMware ELA proposals.

    The image contains a screenshot of the VMware RFQ Template Tool.

    Summary of accomplishment

    Knowledge Gained

    • The key pieces of licensing information that should be gathered about the current state of your own organization.
    • An in-depth understanding of the required licenses across all of your products.
    • Clear methodology for selecting the most effective contract type.
    • Development of measurable, relevant metrics to help track future project success and identify areas of strength and weakness within your licensing program.

    Processes Optimized

    • Senior leaders in IT now have a clear understanding of the importance of licensing in relation to business objectives.
    • Understanding of the various licensing considerations that need to be made.
    • Contract negotiation.

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Prepare for Negotiations More Effectively

    • IT budgets are increasing, but many CIOs feel their budgets are inadequate to accomplish what is being asked of them.
    • Eighty percent of organizations don’t have a mature, repeatable, scalable negotiation process.
    • Training dollars on negotiations are often wasted or ineffective.

    Price Benchmarking & Negotiation

    You need to achieve an objective assessment of vendor pricing in your IT contracts, but you have limited knowledge about:

    • Current price benchmarking on the vendor.
    • Pricing and negotiation intelligence.
    • How to secure a market-competitive price.
    • Vendor pricing tiers, models, and negotiation tactics.

    VMware vRealize Cloud Management

    VMware vCloud Suite is an integrated offering that brings together VMware’s industry-leading vSphere hypervisor and VMware vRealize Suite multi-vendor hybrid cloud management platform. VMware’s new portable licensing units allow vCloud Suite to build and manage both vSphere-based private clouds and multi-vendor hybrid clouds.


    Barrett, Alex. “vSphere and vCenter licensing and pricing explained -- a VMware license guide.” TechTarget, July 2010. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Bateman, Kayleigh. “VMware licensing, pricing and features mini guide.” Computer Weekly, May 2011. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Blaisdell, Rick. “What Are The Common Business Challenges The VMware Sector Faces At This Point In Time?” CIO Review, n.d. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    COMPAREX. “VMware Licensing Program.” COMPAREX, n.d. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Couesbot, Erwann. “Using VMware? Oracle customers hate this licensing pitfall.” UpperEdge, 17 October 2016. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Crayon. “VMware Licensing Programs.” Crayon, n.d. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Datanyze." Virtualization Software Market Share.” Datanyze, n.d. Web.
    Demers, Tom. “Top 18 Tips & Quotes on the Challenges & Future of VMware Licensing.” ProfitBricks, 1 September 2015. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Fenech, J. “A quick look at VMware vSphere Editions and Licensing.” VMware Hub by Altaro, 17 May 2017. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Flexera. “Challenges of VMware Licensing.” Flexera, n.d. Accessed 5 February 2018.
    Fraser, Paris. “A Guide for VMware Licensing.” Sovereign, 11 October 2016. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Haag, Michael. “IDC Data Shows vSAN is the Largest Share of Total HCI Spending.” VMware Blogs, 1 December 2017. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Kealy, Victoria. “VMware Licensing Quick Guide 2015.” The ITAM Review, 17 December 2015. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Kirsch, Brian. “A VMware licensing guide to expanding your environment.” TechTarget, August 2017. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Kirupananthan, Arun. “5 reasons to get VMware licensing right.” Softchoice, 16 April 2018. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Knorr, Eric. “VMware on AWS: A one-way ticket to the cloud.” InfoWorld, 17 October 2016. Accessed 7 May 2018
    Leipzig. “Help, an audit! License audits by VMware. Are you ready?” COMPAREX Group, 2 May 2016. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Mackie, Kurt. “VMware Rips Microsoft for Azure “Bare Metal” Migration Solution.” Redmond Magazine, 27 November 2017. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Micromail. “VMware vSphere Software Licensing.” Micromail, n.d. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Microsoft Corportation. “Migrating VMware to Microsoft Azure” Microsoft Azure, November 2017. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Peter. “Server Virtualization and OS Trends.” Spiceworks, 30 August 2016. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Rich. “VMware running on Azure.” The ITAM Review, 28 November 2017. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Robb, Drew. “Everything you need to know about VMware’s licensing shake up.” Softchoice, 4 March 2016. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Rose, Brendan. “How to determine which VMware licensing option is best.” Softchoice, 28 July 2015. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Scholten, Eric. “New VMware licensing explained.” VMGuru, 12 July 2011. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Sharwood, Simon. “Microsoft to run VMware on Azure, on bare metal. Repeat. Microsoft to run VMware on Azure.” The Register, 22 November 2017. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Siebert, Eric. “Top 7 VMware Management Challenges.” Veeam, n.d. Web.
    Smith, Greg. “Will The Real HCI Market Leader Please Stand Up?” Nutanix, 29 September 2017. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Spithoven, Richard. “Licensing Oracle software in VMware vCenter 6.0.” LinkedIn, 2 May 2016. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    VMTurbo, Inc. “Licensing, Compliance & Audits in the Cloud Era.” Turbonomics, November 2015. Web.
    VMware. “Aug 1st – Dec 31st 2016 Solution Provider Program Requirements & Incentives & Rewards.” VMware, n.d. Web.
    VMware. “Global Support and Subscription Services “SnS” Renewals Policy.” VMware, n.d. Web.
    VMware. “Support Policies.” VMware, n.d. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    VMware. “VMware Cloud Community.” VMware Cloud, n.d. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    VMware. “VMware Cloud on AWS” VMware Cloud, n.d. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    VMware. “VMware Enterprise Purchasing Program.” VMware, 2013. Web.
    VMware. “VMware Product Guide.” VMware, May 2018. Web.
    VMware. “VMware Volume Purchasing Program.” VMware, April 2019. Web.
    VMware. "VMware Case Studies." VMware, n.d. Web.
    Wiens, Rob. “VMware Enterprise Licensing – What You Need To Know. House of Brick, 14 April 2017. Accessed 7 May 2018

    Implement and Optimize Application Integration Governance

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}361|cart{/j2store}
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    • Parent Category Name: Enterprise Integration
    • Parent Category Link: /enterprise-integration
    • Enterprises begin integrating their applications without recognizing the need for a managed and documented governance model.
    • Application Integration (AI) is an inherently complex concept, involving the communication among multiple applications, groups, and even organizations; thus developing a governance model can be overwhelming.
    • The options for AI Governance are numerous and will vary depending on the size, type, and maturity of the organization, adding yet another layer of complexity.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Governance is essential with integrated applications. If you are planning to integrate your applications, you should already be considering a governance model.
    • Proper governance requires oversight into chains of responsibility, policy, control mechanisms, measurement, and communication.
    • People and process are key. Technology options to aid in governance of integrated apps exist, but will not greatly contribute to the success of AI.

    Impact and Result

    • Assess your capabilities and determine which area of governance requires the most attention to achieve success in AI.
    • Form an Integration Center of Competency to oversee AI governance to ensure compliance and increase success.
    • Conduct ongoing training with your personnel to ensure up-to-date skills and end user understanding.
    • Frequently revisit your AI governance strategy to ensure alignment with business goals.

    Implement and Optimize Application Integration Governance Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Implement and optimize Application Integration Governance

    Know where to start and where to focus your attention in the implementation of an AI governance strategy.

    • Storyboard: Implement and Optimize Application Integration Governance

    2. Assess the organization's capabilities in AI Governance

    Assess your current and target states in AI Governance.

    • Application Integration Governance Gap Analysis Tool

    3. Create an Integration Center of Competency

    Have a governing body to oversee AI Governance.

    • Integration Center of Competency Charter Template

    4. Establish AI Governance principles and guidelines

    Create a basis for the organization’s AI governance model.

    • Application Integration Policy and Principles Template

    5. Create an AI service catalog

    Keep record of services and interfaces to reduce waste.

    • Integration Service Catalog Template

    Decide if You Are Ready for SAFe

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}355|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Architecture & Strategy
    • Parent Category Link: /architecture-and-strategy
    • Complex application landscapes require delivery teams to work together and coordinate changes across multiple product lines and releases.
    • Leadership wants to balance strategic goals with localized prioritization of changes.
    • Traditional methodologies are not well suited to support enterprise agility: Scrum doesn’t scale easily, and Waterfall is too slow and risky.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    SAFe’s popularity is largely due to its structural resemblance to enterprise portfolio and project planning with top-down prioritization and decision making. This directly conflicts with Agile’s purpose and principles of empowerment and agility.

    • Poor culture, processes, governance, and leadership will disrupt any methodology. Many drivers for SAFe could be solved by improving and standardizing development and release management within current methodologies.
    • Few organizations are capable or should be applying a pure SAFe framework. Successful organizations have adopted and modified SAFe frameworks to best fit their needs, teams, value streams, and maturity.

    Impact and Result

    • Start with a clear understanding of your needs, constraints, goals, and culture.
      • Start with an Agile readiness assessment. Agile is core to value realization.
      • Take the time to determine your drivers and goals.
      • If SAFe is right for you, selecting the right implementation partner is key.
    • Plan SAFe as a long-term enterprise cultural transformation requiring changes at all levels.

    Decide if You Are Ready for SAFe Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Decide if You Are Ready for SAFe Storyboard – Research to help you understand where SAFe fits into delivery methodologies and determine if SAFe is right for your organization.

    This deck will guide you to define your primary drivers for SAFe, assess your Agile readiness, define enablers and blockers, estimate implementation risk, and start your SAFe implementation plan.

    • Decide if You Are Ready for SAFe Storyboard

    2. Scaled Agile Readiness Assessment – A tool to conduct an Agile readiness survey.

    Start your journey with a clear understanding about the level of Agile and product maturity throughout the organization. Each area that lacks strength should be evaluated further and added to your journey map.

    • Scaled Agile Readiness Assessment

    3. SAFe Transformation Playbook – A template to build a change management plan to guide your transition.

    Define clear ownership for every critical step.

    • SAFe Transformation Playbook

    Workshop: Decide if You Are Ready for SAFe

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Understand where SAFe fits into delivery methodologies and SDLCs

    The Purpose

    Understand what is driving your proposed SAFe transformation and if it is the right framework for your organization.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Better understanding of your scaled agile needs and drivers


    1.1 Define your primary drivers for SAFe.

    1.2 Create your own list of pros and cons of SAFe.


    List of primary drivers for SAFe

    List of pros and cons of SAFe

    2 Determine if you are ready for SAFe

    The Purpose

    Identify factors influencing a SAFe implementation and ensure teams are aware and prepared.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Starting understanding of your organization’s readiness to implement a SAFe framework


    2.1 Assess your Agile readiness.

    2.2 Define enablers and blockers of scaling Agile delivery.

    2.3 Estimate your SAFe implementation risk.

    2.4 Start your SAFe implementation plan.


    Agile readiness assessment results

    List of enablers and blockers of scaling Agile delivery

    Estimated SAFe implementation risk

    High-level SAFe implementation plan template

    Further reading

    Decide if You Are Ready for SAFe

    Approach the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) with open eyes and an open wallet.

    Analyst Perspective

    Ensure that SAFe is the right move before committing.

    Waterfall is dead. Or obsolete at the very least.

    Organizations cannot wait months or years for product, service, application, and process changes. They need to embrace business agility to respond to opportunities more quickly and deliver value sooner. Agile established values and principles that have promoted smaller cycle times, greater connections between teams, improved return on investment (ROI) prioritization, and improved team empowerment.

    Where organizations continue to struggle is matching localized Scrum teams with enterprise initiatives. This struggle is compounded by legacy executive planning cycles, which undermine Agile team authority. SAFe has provided a series of frameworks to help organizations deal with these issues. It combines enterprise planning and alignment with cross-team collaboration.

    Don't rely on popularity or marketing to make your scaled Agile decision. SAFe is a highly disruptive transformation, and it requires extensive training, coaching, process changes, and time to implement. Without the culture shift to an Agile mindset at all levels, SAFe becomes a mirror of Waterfall processes dressed in SAFe names. Furthermore, SAFe itself will not fix problems with communication, requirements, development, testing, release, support, or governance. You will still need to fix these problems within the SAFe framework to be successful.

    Hans Eckman, Principal Research Director, Applications Delivery and Management

    Hans Eckman
    Principal Research Director, Applications Delivery and Management
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge Common Obstacles Info-Tech's Approach
    • Complex application landscapes require delivery teams to work together and coordinate changes across multiple product lines and releases.
    • Leadership wants to maintain executive strategic planning with faster delivery of changes.
    • Traditional methodologies are not well suited to support enterprise agility.
      • Waterfall is too slow, inefficient, and full of accumulated risk.
      • Scrum is not easy to scale and requires behavioral changes.
    • Enterprise transformations are never fast or easy, and SAFe is positioned as a complete replacement of your delivery practices.
    • Teams struggle with SAFe's rigid framework, interconnected methodologies, and new terms.
    • Few organizations are successful at implementing a pure SAFe framework.
    • Organizations without scaled product families have difficulties organizing SAFe teams into proper value streams.
    • Team staffing and stability are hard to resolve.
    Start with a clear understanding of your needs, constraints, goals, and culture.
    • Developing an Agile mindset is core to value realization. Start with Info-Tech's Agile Readiness Assessment.
    • Take the time to identify your drivers and goals.
    • If SAFe is right for you, build a transformation plan and select the right implementation partner.
    Plan SAFe as a long-term enterprise cultural transformation, requiring changes at all levels.

    Info-Tech Insight
    SAFe is a highly disruptive enterprise transformation, and it won't solve your organizational delivery challenges by itself. Start with an open mind, and understand what is needed to support a multi-year cultural transition. Decide how far and how fast you are willing to transform, and make sure that you have the right transformation and coaching partner in place. There is no right software development lifecycle (SDLC) or methodology. Find or create the methodology that best aligns to your needs and goals.

    Agile's Four Core Values

    "...while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more."
    - The Agile Manifesto

    STOP! If you're not Agile, don't start with SAFe.

    Agile over SAFe

    Successful SAFe requires an Agile mindset at all levels.

    Be aware of common myths around Agile and SAFe

    SAFe does not...

    1...solve development and communication issues.

    2...ensure that you will finish requirements faster.

    3...mean that you do not need planning and documentation.

    "Without proper planning, organizations can start throwing more resources at the work, which spirals into the classic Waterfall issues of managing by schedule."
    – Kristen Morton, Associate Implementation Architect,
    OneShield Inc. (Info-Tech Interview)

    Info-Tech Insight
    Poor culture, processes, governance, and leadership will disrupt any methodology. Many drivers for SAFe could be solved by improving and standardizing development and release management within current methodologies.

    Review the drivers that are motivating your organization to adopt and scale Agile practices

    Functional groups have their own drivers to adopt Agile development processes, practices, and techniques (e.g. to improve collaboration, decrease churn, or increase automation). Their buy-in to scaling Agile is just as important as the buy-in of stakeholders.

    If a group's specific needs and drivers are not addressed, its members may develop negative sentiments toward Agile development. These negative sentiments can affect their ability to see the benefits of Agile, and they may return to their old habits once the opportunity arises.

    It is important to find opportunities in which both business objectives and functional group drivers can be achieved by scaling Agile development. This can motivate teams to continuously improve and adhere to the new environment, and it will maintain business buy-in. It can also be used to justify activities that specifically address functional group drivers.

    Examples of Motivating Drivers for Scaling Agile

    • Improve artifact handoffs between development and operations.
    • Increase collaboration among development teams.
    • Reveal architectural and system risks early.
    • Expedite the feedback loop from support.
    • Improve capacity management.
    • Support development process innovation.
    • Create a safe environment to discuss concerns.
    • Optimize value streams.
    • Increase team engagement and comradery.

    Don't start with scaled Agile!

    Scaling Agile is a way to optimize product management and product delivery in application lifecycle management practices. Do not try to start with SAFe when the components are not yet in place.

    Scaled Agile

    Thought model describing how Agile connects Product Management to Product Delivery to elevate the entire Solution Lifecycle.

    Scale Agile delivery to improve cross-functional dependencies and releases

    Top Business Concerns When Scaling Agile

    1 Organizational Culture: The current culture may not support team empowerment, learning from failure, and other Agile principles. SAFe also allows top-down decisions to persist.

    2 Executive Support: Executives may not dedicate resources, time, and effort into removing obstacles to scaling Agile because of lack of business buy-in.

    3 Team Coordination: Current collaboration structures may not enable teams and stakeholders to share information freely and integrate workflows easily.

    4 Business Misalignment: Business vision and objectives may be miscommunicated early in development, risking poorly planned and designed initiatives and low-quality products.

    Extending collaboration is the key to success.

    Uniting stakeholders and development into a single body is the key to success. Assess the internal and external communication flow and define processes for planning and tracking work so that everyone is aware of how to integrate, communicate, and collaborate.

    The goal is to enable faster reaction to customer needs, shorter release cycles, and improved visibility of the project's progress with cross-functional and diverse conversations.

    Advantages of successful SAFe implementations

    Once SAFe is complete and operational, organizations have seen measurable benefits:

    • Multiple frameworks to support different levels of SAFe usage
    • Deliberate and consistent planning and coordination
    • Coordinating dependencies within value streams
    • Reduced time to delivery
    • Focus on customers and end users
    • Alignment to business goals and value streams
    • Increased employee engagement

    Sources: TechBeacon, 2019; Medium, 2020; "Benefits," Scaled Agile, 2023;
    "Pros and Cons," PremierAgile, n.d.; "Scaling Agile Challenges," PremierAgile, n.d.

    Advantages of successful SAFe implementations

    Source: "Benefits," Scaled Agile, 2023

    Recognize the difference between Scrum teams and the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)

    SAFe provides a framework that aligns Scrum teams into coordinated release trains driven by top-down prioritization.

    Scrum vs SAFe

    Develop Your Agile Approach for a Successful Transformation

    Source: Scaled Agile, Inc.

    Info-Tech's IT Management & Governance Framework

    Info-Tech's IT Management & Governance Framework

    Info-Tech Insight
    SAFe is an enterprise, culture, and process transformation that impacts all IT services. Some areas of Info-Tech's IT Management & Governance Framework have higher impacts and require special attention. Plan to include transformation support for each of these topics during your SAFe implementation. SAFe will not fix broken processes on its own.

    Without adopting an Agile mindset, SAFe becomes Waterfall with SAFe terminology

    Waterfall with SAFe terminology

    Source: Scaled Agile, Inc.

    Info-Tech Insight
    When first implementing SAFe, organizations reproduce their organizational design and Waterfall delivery structures with SAFe terms:

    • Delivery Manager = Release Train Engineer
    • Stakeholder/Sponsor = Product Manager
    • Release = Release Train
    • Project/Program = Project or Portfolio

    SAFe isn't without risks or challenges

    Risks and Causes of Failed SAFe Transformations

    • SAFe conflicts with legacy cultures and delivery processes.
    • SAFe promotes continued top-down decisions, undermining team empowerment.
    • Scaled product families are required to define proper value streams.
    • Team empowerment and autonomy are reduced.
    • SAFe activities are poorly executed.
    • There are high training and coaching costs.
    • Implementation takes a long time.
    • End-to-end delivery management tools aligned to SAFe are required.
    • Legacy delivery challenges are not specifically solved with SAFe.
    • SAFe is designed to work for large-scale development teams.


    • Adjusting to a new set of terms for common roles, processes, and activities
    • Executing planning cycles
    • Defining features and epics at the right level
    • Completing adequate requirements
    • Defining value streams
    • Coordinating releases and release trains
    • Providing consistent quality

    Sources: TechBeacon, 2019; Medium, 2020; "Benefits," Scaled Agile, 2023;
    "Pros and Cons," PremierAgile, n.d.; "Scaling Agile Challenges," PremierAgile, n.d.

    Focus on your core competencies instead

    Before undertaking an enterprise transformation, consider improving the underlying processes that will need to be fixed anyway. Fixing these areas while implementing SAFe compounds the effort and disruption.

    Product Delivery

    Product Management

    "But big-bang transitions are hard. They require total leadership commitment, a receptive culture, enough talented and experienced agile practitioners to staff hundreds of teams without depleting other capabilities, and highly prescriptive instruction manuals to align everyone's approach."
    – "Agile at Scale," Harvard Business Review

    Insight Summary

    Overarching insight
    SAFe is a highly disruptive enterprise transformation, and it will not solve your organizational delivery challenges by itself. Start with an open mind, and understand what is needed to support a multi-year cultural transition. Decide how far and fast you are willing to transform and make sure that you have the right transformation and coaching partner in place.

    SAFe conflicts with core Agile principles.
    The popularity of SAFe is largely due to its structural resemblance to enterprise portfolio and project planning with top-down prioritization and decision-making. This directly conflicts with Agile's purpose and principles of empowerment and agility.

    SAFe and Agile will not solve enterprise delivery challenges.
    Poor culture, processes, governance, and leadership will disrupt any methodology. Many issues with drivers for SAFe could be solved by improving development and release management within current methodologies.

    Most organizations should not be using a pure SAFe framework
    Few organizations are capable of, or should be, applying a pure SAFe framework. Successful organizations have adopted and modified SAFe frameworks to best fit their needs, teams, value streams, and maturity.

    Without an Agile mindset, SAFe will be executed as Waterfall stages using SAFe terminology.
    Groups that "Do Agile" are not likely to embrace the behavioral changes needed to make any scaled framework effective. SAFe becomes a series of Waterfall PIs using SAFe terminology.

    Your transformation does not start with SAFe.
    Start your transition to scaled Agile with a maturity assessment for current delivery practices. Fixing broken process, tools, and teams must be at the heart of your initiative.

    Blueprint Deliverables

    Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals:

    Key Deliverable

    SAFe Transformation Playbook

    Build a transformation and organizational change management plan to guide your transition. Define clear ownership for every critical step.

    Scaled Agile Readiness Assessment

    Conduct the Agile readiness survey. Without an Agile mindset, SAFe will follow Waterfall or WaterScrumFall practices.

    Case Study

    Spotify's approach to Agile at scale

    INDUSTRY: Digital Media
    SOURCE: Unified Communications and Collaborations

    Spotify's Scaling Agile Initiative

    With rapid user adoption growth (over 15 million active users in under six years), Spotify had to find a way to maintain an Agile mindset across 30+ teams in three different cities, while maintaining the benefits of cross-functional collaboration and flexibility for future growth.

    Spotify's Approach

    Spotify found a fit-for-purpose way for the organization to increase team autonomy without losing the benefits of cross-team communication from economics of scale. Spotify focused on identifying dependencies that block or slow down work through a mix of reprioritization, reorganization, architectural changes, and technical solutions. The organization embraced dependencies that led to cross-team communication and built in the necessary flexibility to allow Agile to grow with the organization.

    Spotify's scaling Agile initiative used interview processes to identify what each team depended on and how those dependencies blocked or slowed the team.

    Squad refers to an autonomous Agile release team in this case study.

    Case Study

    Suncorp instilled dedicated communication streams to ensure cross-role collaboration and culture.

    INDUSTRY: Insurance
    SOURCE: Agile India, International Conference on Agile and Lean Software Development, 2014

    Challenge Solution Results
    • Suncorp Group wanted to improve delivery and minimize risk. Suncorp realized that it needed to change its project delivery process to optimize business value delivery.
    • With five core business units, over 15,000 employees, and US$96 billion in assets, Suncorp had to face a broad set of project coordination challenges.
    • Suncorp decided to deliver all IT projects using Agile.
    • Suncorp created a change program consisting of five main streams of work, three of which dealt with the challenges specific to Agile culture:
      • People: building culture, leadership, and support
      • Communication: ensuring regular employee collaboration
      • Capabilities: blending training and coaching
    • Sponsorship from management and champions to advocate Agile were key to ensure that everyone was unified in a common purpose.
    • Having a dedicated communication stream was vital to ensure regular sharing of success and failure to enable learning.
    • Having a structured, standard approach to execute the planned culture change was integral to success.

    Case Study

    Nationwide embraces DevOps and improves software quality.

    INDUSTRY: Insurance
    SOURCE: Agile India, International Conference on Agile and Lean Software Development, 2014

    Challenge Solution Results
    • In the past, Nationwide primarily followed a Waterfall development process. However, this method created conflicts between IT and business needs.
    • The organization began transitioning from Waterfall to Agile development. It has seen early successes with Agile: decrease in defects per release and more success in meeting delivery times.
    • Nationwide needed to respond more efficiently to changing market requirements and regulations and to increase speed to market.
    • Nationwide decided to take a DevOps approach to application development and delivery.
    • IT wanted to perform continuous integration and deployment in its environments.
    • Cross-functional teams were organically created, made up of members from the business and multiple IT groups, including development and operations.
    • DevOps allowed Nationwide to be more Agile and more responsive to its customers.
    • Teams were able to perform acceptance testing with their customers in parallel with development. This allowed immediate feedback to help steer the project in the right direction.
    • DevOps improved code quality by 50% over a three-year period and reduced user downtime by 70%.

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit Guided Implementation Workshop Consulting
    "Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful." "Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track." "We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place." "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project."

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks are used throughout all four options.

    Guided Implementation

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    Phase 1

    Call #1:

    Scope your requirements, objectives, and specific challenges.

    Call #2:

    1.1.1 Define your primary drivers for SAFe.

    1.1.2 Create your own list of pros and cons of SAFe.

    Call #3:

    1.2.1 Assess your Agile readiness.

    1.2.2 Define enablers and blockers for scaling Agile delivery.

    1.2.3 Estimate your SAFe implementation risk.

    Call #4:

    1.2.4 Start your SAFe implementation plan.

    Summarize your results and plan your next steps.

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    A typical GI is one to four calls over the course of one to six weeks.

    Workshop Overview

    Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889

    Pre-Planning Step 1.1 Step 1.2
    Identify your stakeholders. Step 1.1 Understand where SAFe fits into your delivery methodologies and SDLCs. Step 1.2 Determine if you are ready for SAFe.
    Activities 1. Determine stakeholders and subject matter experts.
    2. Coordinate timing and participation.
    3. Set goals and expectations for the workshop.
    1.1.1 Define your primary drivers for SAFe.
    1.1.2 Create your own list of pros and cons of SAFe
    1.2.1 Assess your Agile readiness.
    1.2.2 Define enablers and blockers for scaling Agile delivery.
    1.2.3 Estimate your SAFe implementation risk.
    1.2.4 Start your SAFe implementation plan.
  • Workshop schedule
  • Participant commitment
    • List of primary drivers for SAFe
    • List of pros and cons of SAFe
    • Agile Readiness Assessment results
    • List of enablers and blockers for scaling Agile delivery
    • Estimated SAFe implementation risk
    • Template for high-level SAFe implementation plan

    Supporting Your Agile Journey

    Enable Product Agile Delivery Executive Workshop Develop Your Agile Approach Spread Best Practices with an Agile Center of Excellence Implement DevOps Practices That Work Enable Organization-Wide Collaboration by Scaling Agile
    Number One Number two Number Three Number Four Number Five

    Align and prepare your IT leadership teams.

    Audience: Senior and IT delivery leadership

    Size: 8-16 people

    Time: 7 hours

    Tune Agile team practices to fit your organization culture.

    Audience: Agile pilot teams and subject matter experts (SMEs)

    Size: 10-20 people

    Time: 4 days

    Leverage Agile thought leadership to expand your best practices.

    Audience: Agile SMEs and thought leaders

    Size: 10-20 people

    Time: 4 days

    Build a continuous integration and continuous delivery pipeline.

    Audience: Product owners (POs) and delivery team leads

    Size: 10-20 people

    Time: 4 days

    Execute a disciplined approach to rolling out Agile methods.

    Audience: Agile steering team and SMEs

    Size: 3-8 people

    Time: 3 hours

    Repeat Legend

    Sample agendas are included in the following sections for each of these topics.

    Your Product Transformation Journey

    1. Make the Case for Product Delivery2. Enable Product Delivery - Executive Workshop3. Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision4. Deliver Digital Products at Scale5. Mature and Scale Product Ownership
    Align your organization with the practices to deliver what matters most.Participate in a one-day executive workshop to help you align and prepare your leadership.Enhance product backlogs, roadmapping, and strategic alignment.Scale product families to align with your organization's goals.Align and mature your product owners.

    Audience: Senior executives and IT leadership

    Size: 8-16 people

    Time: 6 hours

    Repeat Symbol

    Audience: Product owners/managers

    Size: 10-20 people

    Time: 3-4 days

    Repeat Symbol

    Audience: Product owners/managers

    Size: 10-20 people

    Time: 3-4 days

    Audience: Product owners/managers

    Size: 8-16 people

    Time: 2-4 days

    Repeat Symbol

    Repeat Legend

    Phase 1

    Determine if SAFe Is Right for Your Organization

    Phase 1
    1.1 Understand where SAFe fits into your delivery methodologies and SDLCs
    1.2 Determine if you are ready for SAFe (fit for purpose)

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • 1.1.1 Define your primary drivers for SAFe.
    • 1.1.2 Create your own list of pros and cons of SAFe.
    • 1.2.1 Assess your Agile readiness.
    • 1.2.2 Define enablers and blockers for scaling Agile delivery.
    • 1.2.3 Estimate your SAFe implementation risk.
    • 1.2.4 Start your SAFe implementation plan.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Senior leadership
    • IT leadership
    • Project Management Office
    • Delivery managers
    • Product managers/owners
    • Agile thought leaders and coaches
    • Compliance teams leads

    Step 1.1

    Understand where SAFe fits into your delivery methodologies and SDLCs

    1.1.1 Define your primary drivers for SAFe
    1.1.2 Create your own list of pros and cons of SAFe

    This step involves the following participants:

    • IT leadership
    • Delivery managers
    • Project management office
    • Product owners and managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Architects

    Outcomes of this step:

    • List of primary drivers for SAFe
    • List of pros and cons of SAFe

    Agile's Four Core Values

    "...while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more."
    – The Agile Manifesto

    STOP! If you're not Agile, don't start with SAFe.

    Agile's Four Core Values

    Successful SAFe requires an Agile mindset at all levels.

    Be aware of common myths around Agile and SAFe

    SAFe does not...

    1...solve development and communication issues.

    2...ensure that you will finish requirements faster.

    3...mean that you do not need planning and documentation.

    "Without proper planning, organizations can start throwing more resources at the work, which spirals into the classic Waterfall issues of managing by schedule."
    – Kristen Morton, Associate Implementation Architect,
    OneShield Inc. (Info-Tech Interview)

    Info-Tech Insight
    SAFe only provides a framework and steps where these issues can be resolved.

    The importance of values and principles

    Modern development practices (such as Agile, Lean, and DevOps) are based on values and principles. This supports the move away from command-and-control management to self-organizing teams.


    • Values represent your team's core beliefs and capture what you want to instill in your team.


    • Principles represent methods for solving a problem or deciding.
    • Given that principles are rooted in specifics, they can change more frequently because they are both fallible and conducive to learning.

    Consider the guiding principles of your application team

    Teams may have their own perspectives on how they deliver value and their own practices for how they do this. These perspectives can help you develop guiding principles for your own team to explain your core values and cement your team's culture. Guiding principles can help you:

    • Enable the appropriate environment to foster collaboration within current organizational, departmental, and cultural constraints
    • Foster the social needs that will engage and motivate your team in a culture that suits its members
    • Ensure that all teams are driven toward the same business and team goals, even if other teams are operating differently
    • Build organizational camaraderie aligned with corporate strategies

    Info-Tech Insight
    Following methodologies by the book can be detrimental if they do not fit your organization's needs, constraints, and culture. The ultimate goal of all teams is to deliver value. Any practices or activities that drive teams away from this goal should be removed or modified.

    Review the drivers that are motivating your organization to adopt and scale Agile practices

    Functional groups have their own drivers to adopt Agile development processes, practices, and techniques (e.g. to improve collaboration, decrease churn, or increase automation). Their buy-in to scaling Agile is just as important as the buy-in of stakeholders.

    By not addressing a group's specific needs and drivers, the resulting negative sentiments of its members toward Agile development can affect their ability to see the benefits of Agile and they may return to old habits once the opportunity arises.

    Find opportunities in which both business objectives and functional group drivers can be achieved with scaling Agile development. This alignment can motivate teams to continuously improve and adhere to the new environment, and it will maintain business buy-in. This assessment can also be used to justify activities that specifically address functional group drivers.

    Examples of Motivating Drivers for Scaling Agile

    • Improve artifact hand-offs between development and operations.
    • Increase collaboration among development teams.
    • Reveal architectural and system risks early.
    • Expedite the feedback loop from support.
    • Improve capacity management.
    • Support development process innovation.
    • Create a safe environment to discuss concerns.
    • Optimize value streams.
    • Increase team engagement and comradery.

    Exercise 1.1.1 Define your primary drivers for SAFe

    30 minutes

    • Brainstorm a list of drivers for scaling Agile.
    • Build a value canvas to help capture and align team expectations.
    • Identify jobs or functions that will be impacted by SAFe.
    • List your current pains and gains.
    • List the pain relievers and gain creators.
    • Identify the deliverable needed for a successful transformation.
    • Complete your SAFe value canvas in your SAFe Transformation Playbook.

    Enter the results in your SAFe Transformation Playbook.

    • Organizational understanding
    • Existing Agile delivery strategic plans
    • IT leadership
    • Delivery managers
    • Project management office
    • Product owners and managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Architects

    SAFe Value Canvas Template

    SAFe Value Canvas Template

    Case Study

    A public utilities organization steadily lost stakeholder engagement, diminishing product quality.

    INDUSTRY: Public Utilities
    SOURCE: Info-Tech Expert Interview


    • The goal of a public utilities organization was to adopt Agile so it could quickly respond to changes and trim costs.
    • The organization decided to scale Agile using a structured approach. It began implementation with IT teams that were familiar with Agile principles and leveraged IT seniors as Agile champions. To ensure that Agile principles were widespread, the organization decided to develop a training program with vendor assistance.
    • As Agile successes began to be seen, the organization decided to increase the involvement of business teams gradually so it could organically grow the concept within the business.


    • Teams saw significant success with many projects because they could easily demonstrate deliverables and clearly show the business value. Over time, the teams used Agile for large projects with complex processing needs.
    • Teams continued to deliver small projects successfully, but business engagement waned over time. Some of the large, complex applications they delivered using Agile lacked the necessary functionality and appropriate controls and, in some cases, did not have the ability to scale due to a poor architectural framework. These applications required additional investment, which far exceeded the original cost forecasts.

    While Agile and product development are intertwined, they are not the same!

    Delivering products does not necessarily require an Agile mindset. However, Agile methods help to facilitate the journey because product thinking is baked into them.

    Agile and product development are intertwined

    Recognize the difference between Scrum teams and the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)

    SAFe provides a framework that aligns Scrum teams into coordinated release trains driven by top-down prioritization.

    Difference between Scrum and SAFe

    Develop Your Agile Approach for a Successful Transformation

    Without adopting an Agile mindset, SAFe becomes Waterfall with SAFe terminology

    Waterfall with SAFe terminology

    Info-Tech Insight
    When first implementing SAFe, organizations reproduce their organizational design and Waterfall delivery structures with SAFe terms:

    • Delivery Manager = Release Train Engineer
    • Stakeholder/Sponsor = Product Manager
    • Release = Release Train
    • Project/Program = Project or Portfolio

    Advantages of successful SAFe implementations

    Once SAFe is complete and operational, organizations have seen measurable benefits:

    • Multiple frameworks to support different levels of SAFe usage
    • Deliberate and consistent planning and coordination
    • Coordinating dependencies within value streams
    • Reduced time to delivery
    • Focus on customers and end users
    • Alignment to business goals and value streams
    • Increased employee engagement

    Sources: TechBeacon, 2019; Medium, 2020; "Benefits," Scaled Agile, 2023;
    "Pros and Cons," PremierAgile, n.d.; "Scaling Agile Challenges," PremierAgile, n.d.

    Advantages of successful SAFe implementations

    Source: "Benefits," Scaled Agile, 2023

    SAFe isn't without risks or challenges

    Risks and Causes of Failed SAFe Transformations

    • SAFe conflicts with legacy cultures and delivery processes.
    • SAFe promotes continued top-down decisions, undermining team empowerment.
    • Scaled product families are required to define proper value streams.
    • Team empowerment and autonomy are reduced.
    • SAFe activities are poorly executed.
    • There are high training and coaching costs.
    • Implementation takes a long time.
    • End-to-end delivery management tools aligned to SAFe are required.
    • Legacy delivery challenges are not specifically solved with SAFe.
    • SAFe is designed to work for large-scale development teams.


    • Adjusting to a new set of terms for common roles, processes, and activities
    • Executing planning cycles
    • Defining features and epics at the right level
    • Completing adequate requirements
    • Defining value streams
    • Coordinating releases and release trains
    • Providing consistent quality

    Sources: TechBeacon, 2019; Medium, 2020; "Benefits," Scaled Agile, 2023; "Pros and Cons," PremierAgile, n.d.; "Scaling Agile Challenges," PremierAgile, n.d.

    Exercise 1.1.2 Create your own list of the pros and cons of SAFe

    1 hour

    Pros Cons

    Enter the results in your SAFe Transformation Playbook

    • Organizational drivers
    • Analysis of SAFe
    • Estimate of fit for purpose
    • IT leadership
    • Delivery managers
    • Project management office
    • Product owners and managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Architects

    Focus on your core competencies instead

    Before undertaking an enterprise transformation, consider improving the underlying processes that will need to be fixed anyway. Fixing these areas while implementing SAFe compounds the effort and disruption.

    Product Delivery

    Product Management

    "But big-bang transitions are hard. They require total leadership commitment, a receptive culture, enough talented and experienced agile practitioners to staff hundreds of teams without depleting other capabilities, and highly prescriptive instruction manuals to align everyone's approach."
    - "Agile at Scale," Harvard Business Review

    Step 1.2

    Determine if you are ready for SAFe (fit for purpose)

    1.2.1 Assess your Agile readiness
    1.2.2 Define enablers and blockers for scaling Agile delivery
    1.2.3 Estimate your SAFe implementation risk
    1.2.4 Start your SAFe implementation plan

    This step involves the following participants:

    • IT leadership
    • Delivery managers
    • Project management office
    • Product owners and managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Architects

    Outcomes of this step:

    • Agile Readiness Assessment results
    • Enablers and blockers for scaling Agile
    • SAFe implementation risk
    • SAFe implementation plan

    Use CLAIM to guide your Agile journey

    Use CLAIM to guide your Agile journey

    Conduct the Agile Readiness Assessment Survey

    Without an Agile mindset, SAFe will follow Waterfall or WaterScrumFall practices.

    • Start your journey with a clear understanding of the level of Agile and product maturity throughout your organization.
    • Each area that lacks strength should be evaluated further and added to your journey map.

    Chart of Agile Readiness

    Exercise 1.2.1 Assess your Agile readiness

    1 hour

    • Open and complete the Agile Readiness Assessment in your playbook or the Excel tool provided.
    • Discuss each area's high and low scores to reach a consensus.
    • Record your results in your SAFe Transformation Playbook.

    Chart of Agile Readiness

    Enter the results in Scaled Agile Readiness Assessment.

    • Organizational knowledge
    • Agile Readiness Assessment
    • IT leadership
    • Delivery managers
    • Project Management Office
    • Product owners and managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Architects

    Exercise 1.2.2 Define enablers and blockers for scaling Agile delivery

    1 hour

    • Identify and mitigate blockers for scaling Agile in your organization.
      • Identify enablers who will support successful SAFe transformation.
      • Identify blockers who will make the transition to SAFe more difficult.
      • For each blocker, define at least one mitigating step.
    Enablers Blockers Mitigation

    Enter the results in your SAFe Transformation Playbook

    • Agile Readiness Assessment
    • Organizational knowledge
    • IT leadership
    • Delivery managers
    • Project management office
    • Product owners and managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Architects

    Estimate your SAFe implementation risk

    Poor Fit High Risk Scaling Potential
    Team size <50 >150 or non-dedicated 50-150 dedicated
    Agile maturity Waterfall and project delivery Individual Scrum DevOps teams Scrum DevOps teams coordinating dependencies
    Product management maturity Project-driver changes from stakeholders Proxy product owners within delivery teams Defined product families and products
    Strategic goals Localized decisions Enterprise goals implemented at the app level Translation and refinement of enterprise goals through product families
    Enterprise architecture Siloed architecture standards Common architectures Future enterprise architecture and employee review board (ERB) reviews
    Release management Independent release schedules Formal release calendar Continuous integration/development (CI/CD) with organizational change management (OCM) scheduled cross-functional releases
    Requirements management and quality assurance Project based Partial requirements and test case coverage Requirements as an asset and test automation

    Exercise 1.2.3 Estimate your SAFe implementation risk

    30 minutes

    • Determine which description best matches your overall organizational state.
    • Enter the results in your SAFe Transformation Playbook.
    • Change the text to bold in the cell you selected to describe your current state and/or add a border around the cell.

    Chart of SAFe implementation risk

    Enter the results in SAFe Transformation Playbook.

    • Agile Readiness Assessment
    • Organizational knowledge
    • IT leadership
    • Delivery managers
    • Project management office
    • Product owners and managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Architects

    Interpret your SAFe implementation risks

    Analyze your highlighted selections and patterns in the rows and columns. Use these factors to inform your SAFe implementation steps and timing.

    Interpret your SAFe implementation risks

    Build your implementation plan

    Build a transformation and organizational change management plan to guide your transition. Define clear ownership for every critical step.

    Plan your transformation.

    • Align stakeholders and thought leaders.
    • Select an implementation partner.
    • Insert critical steps.

    Build your SAFe framework.

    • Define your target SAFe framework.
    • Customize your SAFe framework.
    • Establish SAFe governance and reporting.
    • Insert critical steps.

    Implement SAFe practices.

    • Define product families and value streams.
    • Conduct SAFe training for:
      • Executive leadership
      • Agile SAFe coaches
      • Practitioners
    • Insert critical steps.

    For additional help with OCM, please download Master Organizational Change Management Practices.

    Exercise 1.2.4 Start your SAFe implementation plan

    30 minutes

    • Using the high-level SAFE implementation framework, begin building out the critical steps.
    • Record the results in your SAFe Transformation Playbook.
    • Your playbook is an evergreen document to help guide your implementation. It should be reviewed often.

    SAFe implementation plan

    Enter the results in your SAFe Transformation Playbook

    • SAFe readiness assessment
    • Enablers and blockers
    • Drivers for SAFe
    • IT leadership
    • Delivery managers
    • Project management office
    • Product owners and managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Architects

    Select an implementation partner

    Finding the right SAFe implementation partner is critical to your transformation success.

    • Using your previous assessment, align internal and external resources to support your transformation.
    • Select a partner who has experience in similar organizations and is aligned with your delivery goals.
    • Plan to transition support to internal teams when SAFe practices have stabilized and moved into continuous improvement.
    • Augment your transformation partner with internal coaches.
    • Plan for a multiyear engagement before SAFe benefits are realized.

    Summary of Accomplishments

    Your journey begins.

    Implementing SAFe is a long, expensive, and difficult process. For some organizations, SAFe provides the balance of leadership-driven prioritization and control with shorter release cycles and time to value. The key is making sure that SAFe is right for you and you are ready for SAFe. Few organizations fit perfectly into one of the SAFe frameworks. Instead, consider fine-tuning and customizing SAFe to meet your needs and gradual transformation.

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through other phases as part of an Info-Tech workshop.

    Contact your account representative for more information.

    Additional Support

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through other phases as part of an Info-Tech Workshop.

    To accelerate this project, engage your IT team in an Info-Tech workshop with an Info-Tech analyst team.

    Info-Tech analysts will join you and your team at your location or welcome you to Info-Tech's historic Toronto office to participate in an innovative onsite workshop.

    Below are sample activities that will be conducted by Info-Tech analysts with your team:

    Scaled Agile Delivery Readiness Assessment
    This assessment will help identify enablers and blockers in your organizational culture using our CLAIM+G organization transformation model.

    SAFE Value Canvas
    Use a value campus to define jobs, pains, gains, pain relievers, gain creators, and needed deliverables to help inform and guide your SAFe transformation.

    Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889


    "6 Biggest SAFe Agile Implementation Mistakes to Avoid." Triumph Strategic Consulting, 27 July 2017.

    "The 7 Must-Haves for Achieving Scaling Agile Success." The 7 Must-Haves for Achieving Scaling Agile Success.

    Ageling, Willem-Jan. "11 Most Common Reasons to Use Scaled Agile Framework (SAFE) and How to Do This With Unscaled Scrum." Medium, Serious Scrum, 26 Jan. 2020.

    Agile India, International Conference on Agile and Lean Software Development, 2014.

    "Air France - KLM - Agile Adoption with SAFe." Scaled Agile, 28 Nov. 2022.

    "Application Development Trends 2019 - Global Survey Report." OutSystems.

    "Benefits of SAFe: How It Benefits Organizations." Scaled Agile, 13 Mar. 2023.

    Berkowitz, Emma. "The Cost of a SAFe(r) Implementation: CPRIME Blog." Cprime, 30 Jan. 2023.

    "Chevron - Adopting SAFe with Remote Workforce." Scaled Agile, 28 Nov. 2022.

    "Cisco It - Adopting Agile Development with SAFe." Scaled Agile, 13 Sept. 2022.

    "CMS - Business Agility Transformation Using SAFe." Scaled Agile, 13 Sept. 2022.

    Crain, Anthony. "4 Biggest Challenges in Moving to Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)." TechBeacon, 25 Jan. 2019.

    "The Essential Role of Communications ." Project Management Institute .

    Gardiner, Phil. "SAFe Implementation: 4 Tips for Getting Started." Applied Frameworks, 20 Jan. 2022.

    "How Do I Start Implementing SAFe?" Agility in Mind, 29 July 2022.

    "How to Masterfully Screw Up Your SAFe Implementation." Wibas Artikel-Bibliothek, 6 Sept. 2022.

    "Implementation Roadmap." Scaled Agile Framework, 14 Mar. 2023.

    Islam, Ayvi. "SAFe Implementation 101 - The Complete Guide for Your Company." //Seibert/Media, 22 Dec. 2020.

    "Johnson Controls - SAFe Implementation Case Study." Scaled Agile, 28 Nov. 2022.

    "The New Rules and Opportunities of Business Transformation." KPMG.

    "Nokia Software - SAFe Agile Transformation." Scaled Agile, 28 Nov. 2022.

    Pichler, Roman. "What Is Product Management?" Romanpichler, 2014.

    "Product Documentation." ServiceNow.

    "Pros and Cons of Scaled Agile Framework." PremierAgile.

    "Pulse of the Profession Beyond Agility." Project Management Institute.

    R, Ramki. "Pros and Cons of Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)." Medium, 3 Mar. 2019.

    R, Ramki. "When Should You Consider Implementing SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework)?" Medium, Medium, 3 Mar. 2019.

    Rigby, Darrell, Jeff Sutherland, and Andy Noble. "Agile at Scale: How to go from a few teams to hundreds." Harvard Business Review, 2018.

    "SAFe Implementation Roadmap." Scaled Agile Framework, Scaled Agile, Inc., 14 Mar. 2023.

    "SAFe Partner Cprime: SAFe Implementation Roadmap: Scaled Agile." Cprime, 5 Apr. 2023.

    "SAFe: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly." Project Management Institute.

    "Scaled Agile Framework." Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 29 Mar. 2023.

    "Scaling Agile Challenges and How to Overcome Them." PremierAgile.

    "SproutLoud - a Case Study of SAFe Agile Planning." Scaled Agile, 29 Nov. 2022.

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    Sutherland , Jeff. "Scrum: How to Do Twice as Much in Half the Time." Tedxaix, YouTube, 7 July 2014.

    Venema, Marjan. "6 Scaled Agile Frameworks - Which One Is Right for You?" NimbleWork, 23 Dec. 2022.

    Warner, Rick. "Scaled Agile: What It Is and Why You Need It." High-Performance Low-Code for App Development, OutSystems, 25 Oct. 2019.

    Watts, Stephen, and Kirstie Magowan. "The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFE): What to Know and How to Start." BMC Blogs, 9 Sept. 2020.

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    "Why You Should Use SAFe (and How to Find SAFe Training to Help)." Easy Agile.

    Y., H. "Story Points vs. 'Ideal Days.'" Cargo Cultism, 19 Aug. 2010.


    Enable Organization-Wide Collaboration by Scaling Agile

    Ambler, Scott W. "Agile Architecture: Strategies for Scaling Agile Development." Agile Modeling, 2012.

    - - -. "Comparing Approaches to Budgeting and Estimating Software Development Projects." AmbySoft.

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    Ambler, Scott W. and Mark Lines. Disciplined Agile Delivery: A Practitioner's Guide to Agile Software Delivery in the Enterprise. IBM Press, 2012.

    Ambler, Scott W., and Mark Lines. "Scaling Agile Software Development: Disciplined Agility at Scale." Disciplined Agile Consortium White Paper Series, 2014.

    AmbySoft. "2014 Agile Adoption Survey Results." Scott W. Ambler + Associates, 2014.

    Bersin, Josh. "Time to Scrap Performance Appraisals?" Forbes Magazine, 5 June 2013. Accessed 30 Oct. 2013..

    Cheese, Peter, et al. " Creating an Agile Organization." Accenture, Oct. 2009. Accessed Nov. 2013..

    Croxon, Bruce, et al. "Dinner Series: Performance Management with Bruce Croxon from CBC's 'Dragon's Den.'" HRPA Toronto Chapter. Sheraton Hotel, Toronto, ON, 12 Nov. 2013. Panel discussion.

    Culbert, Samuel. "10 Reasons to Get Rid of Performance Reviews." Huffington Post Business, 18 Dec. 2012. Accessed 28 Oct. 2013.

    Denning, Steve. "The Case Against Agile: Ten Perennial Management Objections." Forbes Magazine, 17 Apr. 2012. Accessed Nov. 2013.

    Estis, Ryan. "Blowing up the Performance Review: Interview with Adobe's Donna Morris." Ryan Estis & Associates, 17 June 2013. Accessed Oct. 2013.

    Heikkila et al. "A Revelatory Case Study on Scaling Agile Release Planning." EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), 2010.

    Holler, Robert, and Ian Culling. "From Agile Pilot Project to Enterprise-Wide Deployment: Five Sure-Fire Ways To Fail When You Scale." VersionOne, 2010.

    Kniberg, Henrik, and Anders Ivarsson, "Scaling Agile @ Spotify," Unified Communications and Collaborations, 2012.

    Narayan, Sriram. "Agile IT Organization Design: For Digital Transformation and Continuous Delivery." Addison-Wesley Professional, 2015.

    Shrivastava, NK, and Phillip George. "Scaling Agile." RefineM, 2015.

    Sirkia, Rami, and Maarit Laanti. "Lean and Agile Financial Planning." Scaled Agile Framework Blog, 2014.

    Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). "Agile Architecture." Scaled Agile Inc., 2015.

    VersionOne. 9th Annual: State of Agile Survey. VersionOne, LLC, 2015.

    Appendix A: Supporting Info-Tech Research

    Transformation topics and supporting research to make your journey easier, with less rework

    Supporting research and services

    Improving IT Alignment

    Build a Business-Aligned IT Strategy
    Success depends on IT initiatives clearly aligned to business goals, IT excellence, and driving technology innovation.

    Make Your IT Governance Adaptable
    Governance isn't optional, so keep it simple and make it flexible.

    Create an IT View of the Service Catalog
    Unlock the full value of your service catalog with technical components.

    Application Portfolio Management Foundations
    Ensure your application portfolio delivers the best possible return on investment.

    Shifting Toward Agile DevOps

    Agile/DevOps Research Center
    Access the tools and advice you need to be successful with Agile.

    Develop Your Agile Approach for a Successful Transformation
    Understand Agile fundamentals, principles, and practices so you can apply them effectively in your organization.

    Implement DevOps Practices That Work
    Streamline business value delivery through the strategic adoption of DevOps practices.

    Perform an Agile Skills Assessment
    Being Agile isn't about processes, it's about people.

    Define the Role of Project Management in Agile and Product-Centric Delivery
    Projects and products are not mutually exclusive.

    Shifting Toward Product Management

    Make the Case for Product Delivery
    Align your organization on the practices to deliver what matters most.

    Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision
    Build a product vision your organization can take from strategy through execution.

    Deliver Digital Products at Scale
    Deliver value at the scale of your organization through defining enterprise product families.

    Mature and Scale Product Ownership
    Strengthen the product owner role in your organization by focusing on core capabilities and proper alignment.

    Build a Value Measurement Framework
    Focus product delivery on business value- driven outcomes.

    Improving Value and Delivery Metrics

    Build a Value Measurement Framework
    Focus product delivery on business value-driven outcomes.

    Create a Holistic IT Dashboard
    Mature your IT department by measuring what matters.

    Select and Use SDLC Metrics Effectively
    Be careful what you ask for, because you will probably get it.

    Reduce Time to Consensus With an Accelerated Business Case
    Expand on the financial model to give your initiative momentum.

    Improving Governance, Prioritization, and Value

    Make Your IT Governance Adaptable
    Governance isn't optional, so keep it simple and make it flexible.

    Maximize Business Value From IT Through Benefits Realization
    Embed benefits realization into your governance process to prioritize IT spending and confirm the value of IT.

    Drive Digital Transformation With Platform Strategies
    Innovate and transform your business models with digital platforms.

    Succeed With Digital Strategy Execution
    Building a digital strategy is only half the battle: create a systematic roadmap of technology initiatives to execute the strategy and drive digital transformation.

    Build a Value Measurement Framework
    Focus product delivery on business value-driven outcomes.

    Create a Holistic IT Dashboard
    Mature your IT department by measuring what matters.

    Improving Requirements Management and Quality Assurance

    Requirements Gathering for Small Enterprises
    Right-size the guidelines of your requirements gathering process.

    Improve Requirements Gathering
    Back to basics: great products are built on great requirements.

    Build a Software Quality Assurance Program
    Build quality into every step of your SDLC.

    Automate Testing to Get More Done
    Drive software delivery throughput and quality confidence by extending your automation test coverage.

    Manage Your Technical Debt
    Make the case to manage technical debt in terms of business impact.

    Create a Business Process Management Strategy
    Avoid project failure by keeping the "B" in BPM.

    Build a Winning Business Process Automation Playbook
    Optimize and automate your business processes with a user-centric approach.

    Improving Release Management

    Optimize Applications Release Management
    Build trust by right-sizing your process using appropriate governance.

    Streamline Application Maintenance
    Effective maintenance ensures the long-term value of your applications.

    Streamline Application Management
    Move beyond maintenance to ensure exceptional value from your apps.

    Optimize IT Change Management
    Right-size IT change management to protect the live environment.

    Manage Your Technical Debt
    Make the case to manage technical debt in terms of business impact.

    Improve Application Development Throughput
    Drive down your delivery time by eliminating development inefficiencies and bottlenecks while maintaining high quality.

    Improving Business Relationship Management

    Embed Business Relationship Management in IT
    Show that IT is worthy of Trusted Partner status.

    Mature and Scale Product Ownership
    Strengthen the product owner role in your organization by focusing on core capabilities and proper alignment.

    Improving Security

    Build an Information Security Strategy
    Create value by aligning your strategy to business goals and business risks.

    Develop and Deploy Security Policies
    Enhance your overall security posture with a defensible and prescriptive policy suite.

    Simplify Identity and Access Management
    Leverage risk- and role-based access control to quantify and simplify the identity and access management (IAM) process.

    Improving and Supporting Business-Managed Applications

    Embrace Business-Managed Applications
    Empower the business to implement their own applications with a trusted business-IT relationship.

    Enhance Your Solution Architecture Practices
    Ensure your software systems solution is architected to reflect stakeholders' short- and long-term needs.

    Satisfy Digital End Users With Low- and No-Code
    Extend IT, automation, and digital capabilities to the business with the right tools, good governance, and trusted organizational relationships.

    Build Your First RPA Bot
    Support RPA delivery with strong collaboration and management foundations.

    Automate Work Faster and More Easily With Robotic Process Automation
    Embrace the symbiotic relationship between the human and digital workforce.

    Improving Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Reporting

    Modernize Data Architecture for Measurable Business Results
    Enable the business to achieve operational excellence, client intimacy, and product leadership with an innovative, agile, and fit-for-purpose data architecture practice.

    Build a Reporting and Analytics Strategy
    Deliver actionable business insights by creating a business-aligned reporting and analytics strategy.

    Build Your Data Quality Program
    Quality data drives quality business decisions.

    Design Data-as-a-Service
    Journey to the data marketplace ecosystems.

    Build a Robust and Comprehensive Data Strategy
    Learn about the key to building and fostering a data-driven culture.

    Build an Application Integration Strategy
    Level the table before assembling the application integration puzzle or risk losing pieces.

    Appendix B: SDLC Transformation Steps

    Waterfall SDLC

    Valuable product delivered at the end of an extended project lifecycle, frequently in years

    Waterfall SDLC

    • Business is separated from the delivery of technology it needs. Only one-third of the product is actually valuable (ITRG, N=40,000).
    • In Waterfall, a team of experts in specific disciplines hand off different aspects of the lifecycle.
    • Document sign-offs are required to ensure integration between silos (Business, Development, and Operations) and individuals.
    • A separate change-request process lays over the entire lifecycle to prevent changes from disrupting delivery.
    • Tools are deployed to support a specific role (e.g. BA) and seldom integrated (usually requirements <-> test).

    Wagile/Agifall/WaterScrumFall SDLC

    Valuable product delivered in multiple releases

     Wagile/Agifall/WaterScrumFall SDLC

    • Business is more closely integrated by a business product owner, who is accountable for day-to-day delivery of value for users.
    • The team collaborates and develops cross-functional skills as they define, design, build, and test code over time.
    • Sign-offs are reduced but documentation is still focused on satisfying project delivery and operations policy requirements.
    • Change is built into the process to allow the team to respond to change dynamically.
    • Tools start to be integrated to streamline delivery (usually requirements and Agile work management tools).

    Agile SDLC

    Valuable product delivered iteratively: frequency depends Ops' capacity

    Agile SDLC

    • Business users are closely integrated through regularly scheduled demos (e.g. every two weeks).
    • Team is fully cross-functional and collaborates to plan, define, design, build, and test the code, supported by specialists.
    • Documentation is focused on future development and operations needs.
    • Change is built into the process to allow the team to respond to change dynamically.
    • Automation is explored for application development (e.g. automated regression testing).

    Agile With DevOps SDLC

    High frequency iterative delivery of valuable product (e.g. every two weeks)

     Agile With DevOps SDLC

    • Business users are closely integrated through regularly scheduled demos.
    • Development and operations teams collaborate to plan, define, design, build, test, and deploy code, supported by automation.
    • Documentation is focused on supporting users, future changes, and operational support.
    • Change is built into the process to allow the team to respond to change dynamically.
    • Test, build, deploy process is fully automated. (Service desk is still separated.)

    DevOps SDLC

    Continuous integration and delivery

     DevOps SDLC

    • Business users are closely integrated through regularly scheduled demos.
    • Fully integrated DevOps team collaborates to plan, define, design, build, test, deploy, and maintain code.
    • Documentation is focused on future development and use adoption.
    • Change is built into the process to allow the team to respond to change dynamically.
    • Development and operations toolchain are fully integrated.

    Fully integrated product SDLC

    Agile + DevOps + continuous delivery of valuable product on demand

     Fully integrated product SDLC

    • Business users are fully integrated with the teams through dedicated business product owner.
    • Cross-functional teams collaborate across the business and technical life of the product.
    • Documentation supports internal and external needs (business, users, operations).
    • Change is built into the process to allow the team to respond to change dynamically.
    • Toolchain is fully integrated (including service desk).

    Appendix C: Understanding Agile Scrum Practices and Ceremonies

    Cultural advantages of Agile

    Cultural advantages of Agile

    Agile* SDLC

    With shared ownership instead of silos, we are able to deliver value at the end of every iteration (aka sprint)

    Agile SDLC

    Key Elements of the Agile SDLC

    • You are not "one and done." There are many short iterations with constant feedback.
    • There is an empowered product owner. This is a single authoritative voice who represents stakeholders.
    • There is a fluid product backlog. This enables prioritization of requirements "just-in-time."
    • There is a cross-functional, self-managing team. This team makes commitments and is empowered by the organization to do so.
    • There is working, tested code at the end of each sprint: Value becomes more deterministic along sprint boundaries.
    • Stakeholders are allowed to see and use the functionality and provide necessary feedback.
    • Feedback is being continuously injected back into the product backlog. This shapes the future of the solution.
    • There is continuous improvement through sprint retrospectives.
    • The virtuous cycle of sprint-demo-feedback is internally governed when done right.

    * There are many Agile methodologies to choose from, but Scrum is by far the most widely used (and is shown above).

    Understand the Scrum process

    The scrum process coordinates multiple stakeholders to deliver on business priorities.

    Understand the Scrum process

    Understand the ceremonies part of the scrum process

     Understand the ceremonies part of the scrum process

    Scrum vs. Kanban: Key differences

    Scrum vs. Kanban: Key differences

    Scrum vs. Kanban: When to use each


    Related or grouped changes are delivered in fixed time intervals.

    Use when:

    • Coordinating the development or release of related items
    • Maturing a product or service
    • Coordinating interdependencies between work items


    Independent items are delivered as soon as each is ready.

    Use when:

    • Completing work items from ticketing or individual requests
    • Completing independent changes
    • Releasing changes as soon as possible

    Appendix D: Improving Product Management

    Product delivery realizes value for your product family

    While planning and analysis are done at the family level, work and delivery are done at the individual product level.

    Product delivery realizes value for your product family

    Manage and communicate key milestones

    Successful product-delivery managers understand and define key milestones in their product-delivery lifecycles. These milestones need to be managed along with the product backlog and roadmap.

    Manage and communicate key milestones

    Info-Tech Best Practice
    Product management is not just about managing the product backlog and development cycles. Teams need to manage key milestones, such as learning milestones, test releases, product releases, phase gates, and other organizational checkpoints.

    A backlog stores and organizes product backlog items (PBIs) at various stages of readiness

    Organize product backlog at various stages of readiness

    A well-formed backlog can be thought of as a DEEP backlog:

    Detailed Appropriately: PBIs are broken down and refined as necessary.

    Emergent: The backlog grows and evolves over time as PBIs are added and removed.

    Estimated: The effort that a PBI requires is estimated at each tier.

    Prioritized: A PBI's value and priority are determined at each tier.

    Source: Perforce, 2018

    Backlog tiers facilitate product planning steps

    Ranging from the intake of an idea to a PBI ready for development; to enter the backlog, each PBI must pass through a given quality filter.

    Backlog tiers facilitate product planning steps

    Each activity is a variation of measuring value and estimating effort in order to validate and prioritize a PBI.

    A PBI successfully completes an activity and moves to the next backlog tier when it meets the appropriate criteria. Quality filters should exist between each tier.

    Use quality filters to ensure focus on the most important PBIs

    Expand the concepts of defining "ready" and "done" to include the other stages of a PBI's journey through product planning.

    Use quality filters to ensure focus on the most important PBIs

    Info-Tech Best Practice
    A quality filter ensures that quality is met and the appropriate teams are armed with the correct information to work more efficiently and improve throughput.

    Define product value by aligning backlog delivery with roadmap goals

    In each product plan, the backlogs show what you will deliver. Roadmaps identify when and in what order you will deliver value, capabilities, and goals.

    Define product value by aligning backlog delivery with roadmap goals

    Product roadmaps guide delivery and communicate your strategy

    In "Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision," we demonstrate how a product roadmap is core to value realization. The product roadmap is your communicated path. As a product owner, you use it to align teams and changes to your defined goals, as well as your product to enterprise goals and strategy.

    Product roadmaps guide delivery and communicate your strategy

    Info-Tech Insight
    The quality of your product backlog - and your ability to realize business value from your delivery pipeline - is directly related to the input, content, and prioritization of items in your product roadmap.

    Info-Tech's approach

    Operationally align product delivery to enterprise goals

    Operationally align product delivery to enterprise goals

    The Info-Tech Difference

    Create a common definition of what a product is and identify the products in your inventory.

    Use scaling patterns to build operationally aligned product families.

    Develop a roadmap strategy to align families and products to enterprise goals and priorities.

    Use products and families to assess value realization.

    Build Better Workflows

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}496|cart{/j2store}
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    • Parent Category Name: Service Desk
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    Do you experience any of the following challenges:

    • You lack process documentation.
    • Your documentation lacks flowchart examples.
    • Your workflows have points of friction and need improvement.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Don’t just document – target your future state as you document your workflows.
    • Find opportunities for automation, pinpoint key handoff points, and turn cold handoffs into warm handoffs

    Impact and Result

    • Understand the basics of documenting a workflow in flowchart format.
    • Run activities to revise and stress-test your workflows to improve their accuracy and effectiveness.
    • Ensure your workflows are part of a continuous improvement cycle – keep them up to date as a living document.

    Build Better Workflows Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Build Better Workflows – A step by step document that walks you through the process of convening a working group to design and update a process flowchart.

    Ask the right questions and pressure test the workflow so the documentation is as helpful as possible to all who consult it.

    • Build Better Workflows Storyboard

    2. Workflow Activity: An onboarding example for a completed flowchart review.

    Use this workflow as an example of the output of an onboarding workflow-improvement activity.

    • Workflow Activity: Onboarding Example (Visio)
    • Workflow Activity: Onboarding Example (PDF)

    Further reading

    Build Better Workflows

    Go beyond draft one to refine and pressure test your process.

    Analyst Perspective

    Remove friction as you document workflows

    Emily Sugerman

    Emily Sugerman
    Research Analyst, Infrastructure & Operations

    Info-Tech Research Group

    You can’t mature processes without also documenting them. Process documentation is most effective when workflows are both written out and also visualized in the form of flow charts.

    Your workflows may appear in standard operating procedures, in business continuity and disaster recovery plans, or anywhere else a process’ steps need to be made explicit. Often, just getting something down on paper is a win. However, the best workflows usually do not emerge fully-formed out of a first draft. Your workflow documentation must achieve two things:

    • Be an accurate representation of how you currently operate or how you will operate in the near future as a target state.
    • Be the output of a series of refinements and improvements as the workflow is reviewed and iterated.

    This research will use the example of improving an onboarding workflow. Ask the right questions and pressure test the workflow so the documentation is as helpful as possible to all who consult it.

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    Common Obstacles

    Info-Tech’s Approach

    • Your documentation lacks workflows entirely, or ...
    • Your workflows are documented in flowchart form but are not accurate, and/or ...
    • Your workflows are documented in flowchart form but contain points of friction and need process improvement.
    • Getting the relevant stakeholders together to contribute to workflow design and validate them.
    • Selecting the right detail level to include in the workflow – not too much and not too little.
    • Knowing the right questions to ask to review and improve your workflow flowcharts.

    Use this material to help

    • Understand the basics of documenting a workflow in flowchart format.
    • Run activities to revise and stress-test your workflows to improve their accuracy and effectiveness.
    • Ensure your workflows are part of a continuous improvement cycle – keep them up-to-date as a living document.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Don’t just document – target your future state as you document your workflows. Find opportunities for automation, pinpoint key handoff points, and turn cold handoffs into warm handoffs.

    Follow these steps to build, analyze, and improve the workflow

    The image contains a screenshot of a diagram that demonstrates the steps needed to build better workflows.

    Insight Summary

    Keep future state in mind.
    Don’t just document – target your future state as you document your workflows. Find opportunities for automation, pinpoint key handoff points, and turn cold handoffs into warm handoffs.

    Promote the benefits of documenting workflows as flowcharts.
    Foreground to the IT team how this will improve customer experience. End-users will benefit from more efficient workflows.

    Remember the principle of constructive criticism.
    Don’t be afraid to critique the workflow but remember this can be a team-building experience. Focus on how these changes will be mutually beneficial, not assigning blame for workflow friction.

    Don’t waste time building shelfware.
    Establish a review cadence to ensure the flowchart is a living document that people actually use.

    Benefits of building better workflows

    Risks of inadequate workflows

    Benefits of documented workflows

    • Lack of clear communication: If you don’t have workflows, you are losing out on an effective way to document and communicate processes.
    • Outdated documentation: If you do have workflows documented in standard operating procedures, they probably need to be updated unless you already consistently update documentation.
    • Facilitate knowledge transfer.
    • Standardize processes for service delivery consistency.
    • Optimize processes by discovering and improving points of friction within the workflow.
    • Improve transparency of processes to set expectations for other stakeholders.
    • Reduce risk.

    Why are visualized workflows useful?

    Use these talking points to build commitment toward documenting/updating processes.

    Risk reduction
    “Our outdated documentation is a risk, as people will assume the documented process is accurate.”

    “The activity of mapping our processes will bring transparency to everyone involved.”

    “Flow charts will help us clarify task ownership at a glance.”

    “Some team members prefer diagrams over written steps, so we should provide both.”

    Knowledge centralization
    “Our flow charts will include links to other supporting documentation (checklists, vendor documentation, other flowcharts).”

    Role clarification
    “Separating steps into swim lanes can clarify different tiers, process stages, and ownership, while breaking down silos.”

    To leadership/upper management: “This process flow chart quickly depicts the big picture.”

    Knowledge transfer
    “Flow charts will help bring new staff up to speed more quickly.”

    “Documenting a process standardizes it and enables everyone to do it in the same way.”

    Review what process mapping is

    A pictorial representation of a process that is used to achieve transparency.

    This research will use one specific example of an onboarding process workflow. Before drilling down into onboarding workflows specifically, review Info-Tech’s Process Mapping Guide for general guidance on what to do before you begin:

    • Know the purpose of process mapping.
    • Articulate the benefits of process mapping.
    • Recognize the risks of not process mapping.
    • Understand the different levels of processes.
    • Adopt BPMN 2.0 as a standard.
    • Consider tools for process mapping.
    • Select a process to map.
    • Learn methods to gather information.

    The image contains screenshots of the Process Mapping Guide.

    Download the Process Mapping Guide

    Select the workflow your team will focus upon

    Good candidates include:

    • Processes you don’t have documented and need to build from scratch.
    • An existing process that results in an output your users are currently dissatisfied with (if you run an annual IT satisfaction survey, use this data to find this information).
    • An existing process that is overly manual, lacks automation, and causes work slowdown for your staff.

    Info-Tech workflow examples

    Active Directory Processes

    Application Development Process

    Application Maintenance Process

    Backup Process

    Benefits Legitimacy Workflow

    Business Continuity Plan Business Process

    Business Continuity Plan Recovery Process

    Commitment Purchasing Workflow

    Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure Process

    Crisis Management Process

    Data Protection Recovery Workflow

    Disaster Recovery Process

    Disaster Recovery Plan/Business Continuity Plan Review Workflow

    End-User Device Management Workflow Library

    Expense Process

    Event Management Process

    Incident Management and Service Desk Workflows

    MACD Workflow Mapping

    Problem Management Process

    Project Management Process

    Ransomware Response Process

    Sales Process for New Clients

    Security Policy Exception Process

    Self-Service Resolution Process

    Service Definition Process

    Service Desk Ticket Intake by Channel

    Software Asset Management Processes

    Target State Maintenance Workflow

    Example: Onboarding workflow

    Onboarding is a perennial challenge due to the large number of separate teams and departments who are implicated in the process.

    There can be resistance to alignment. As a result, everyone needs to be pulled in to see the big picture and the impact of an overly manual and disconnected process.

    Additionally, the quality of the overall onboarding process (of which IT is but one part) has a significant impact on the employee experience of new hires, and the long-term experience of those employees. This workflow is therefore often a good one to target for improvement.

    “Organizations with a standardized onboarding process experience 62% greater new hire productivity, along with 50% greater new hire retention.”1

    “Companies that focus on onboarding retain 50% more new employees than companies that don’t.”2

    1. Carucci, “To Retain New Hires, Spend More Time Onboarding Them,” 2018
    2. Uzialko, “What Does Poor Onboarding, 2023

    Tabletop exercise: Generate first draft

    In the tabletop exercise, your team will walk through your onboarding process step by step and document what happens at each stage. Prep for this meeting with the following steps:

    1. Identify roles: facilitator, notetaker, and participants. Determine who should be involved in the working group in addition to IT (HR, Hiring Team, Facilities, etc.).
    2. Decide what method of documentation you will use in the meeting. If meeting in person, cue cards are useful because they can be easily rearranged or inserted. If meeting remotely, the notetaker or facilitator will need to share their screen and capture each step with software (such as Visio, PowerPoint, or a whiteboarding software).
    3. Before you even begin mapping out the process, conduct a quick brainstorming session. What are your current challenges with it? What is working? Document on a whiteboard (electronic or hard copy).
    4. Document each step of the process as it currently happens. You will improve it later. Include task ownership.



    • Guide discussion – restate contributors’ ideas, ask probing questions.
    • Keep group on track – cut off or redirect conversation when off track.


    • Ensure the steps are documented via the agreed-upon tools (e.g. cue cards). If the process is being documented in software, the notetaker may be solely responsible for documentation.
    • The notetaker may be the same person as the facilitator.

    Document your workflow challenges: Onboarding

    Brainstorm and document. Group similar challenges together to pull out themes.

    Lack of communication/expectation setting with users:

    Messy process, poor coordination among task owners:

    User experience affected:

    • Users submit onboarding requests with too little lead time.
    • HR/hiring manager does not include all necessary information when submitting new hire request.
    • Approvals are slowing down our ability to fulfill in a timely manner.
    • Lots of manual, repeated tasks.
    • Too much back and forth between technicians.
    • Procurement delays (supply chain challenges) leading to new user starting with no device/workaround.
    • Inconsistent resolution times for these types of requests.
    • Complaints about onboarding were one of the most frequently recurring issues in our most recent annual IT satisfaction survey.
    • Some of these complaints fall more to the responsibility of HR and direct managers, but some of the complaints relate to onboarding tasks not being completed by start date, which is our responsibility.

    Establish flowcharting standards

    If you don’t have existing flowchart standards, use the basic notation conventions used in the examples here.

    Basic notation convention shapes: Circle, oval, square, rectangle, diamond, thought bubble.

    Start, End, and Connector. Traditional flowcharting standards reserve this shape for connectors to other flowcharts or other points in the existing flowchart. Unified modeling language (UML) also uses the circle for start and end points.

    Start, End. Traditional flowcharting standards use this for start and end. However, Info-Tech recommends using the circle shape to reduce the number of shapes and avoid confusion with other similar shapes.

    Process Step. Individual process steps or activities (e.g. create ticket or escalate ticket). If it’s a series of steps, then use the sub-process symbol and flowchart the sub-process separately.

    Sub-Process. A series of steps. For example, a critical incident standard operating procedure (SOP) might reference a recovery process as one of the possible actions. Marking it as a sub-process, rather than listing each step within the critical incident SOP, streamlines the flowchart and avoids overlap with other flowcharts (e.g. the recovery process).

    Decision. Represents decision points, typically with yes/no branches, but you could have other branches depending on the question (e.g. a “Priority” question could branch into separate streams for Priority 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 issues).

    Document/Report Output. For example, the output from a backup process might include an error log.

    Map the current process

    Prompt the working group with the following questions.

    • What happens when the ticket comes in? Who submits it? Where is it coming from? What are the trigger events? Are there any input channels we should eliminate?
    • What is the terminal event? Where does the workflow end?
    • Do we have a triage step?
    • Is the ticket prioritized? Does this need to be a step?
    • Do we create child tickets? Separate tasks for different teams? Do we create a primary/main ticket and sub-tickets? How should we represent this in the flowchart?
    • How should we represent escalations? How should we represent task ownership by different teams?
    • What are our decision points: points when the path can potentially branch (e.g. into yes/no branches)?

    Map the process: First pass

    The image contains a screenshot example of the first pass.

    Tabletop exercise: Revise workflow

    Time to review and revise the workflow. What gaps exist? How can you improve the process? What documentation gaps have been overlooked?

    Consider the following refinements for the onboarding workflow:

    • Identify missing steps
    • Clearly identify task ownership
    • Establish SLAs and timepoints
    • Capture/implement user feedback
    • Identify approval roadblocks
    • Identify communication points
    • Identify opportunities for automation
    • Create personas
    • Create onboarding checklist



    • Guide discussion – restate contributors’ ideas, ask probing questions.
    • Keep group on track – cut off or redirect conversation when off track.


    • Ensure the steps are documented via the agreed-upon tools (e.g. cue cards). If the process is being documented in software, the notetaker may be solely responsible for documentation.
    • The notetaker may be the same person as the facilitator, but this takes some practice.

    Map the process: Critique draft

    The image contains a screenshot example of critique draft.

    Solicit feedback from the group.


    • Our workflow is slowed down by hidden approvals that we haven’t mapped.
    • We have no efficient way to prevent submission of incomplete requests.
    • Our workflow doesn’t clearly show how different tasks are assigned to different teams.
    • We still don’t know how long this all takes.
    • We’re missing some tasks – what about including facilities?
    • We’re missing next steps for some of the decision points.

    Review: Identify missing steps

    Consider the following refinements.

    Be complete.

    The workflow should surface tacit knowledge, so make it explicit (Haddadpoor et al.):

    • Where are the inputs coming from? Do you need to account for various input channels? Have you forgotten any?
    • Are there any input channels that you want to eliminate?
    • Have you overlooked any hardware, software, or services entitlements that should be called out?
    • Have all decision paths been worked through? Do you need to add any missing decision points?
    • Add information flows and annotations as needed.

    Review: Task ownership

    Identify task ownership.

    The flow chart will be more useful if it clearly identifies who does what in the process.

    • Consider organizing the sub-processes within the overall onboarding process into swim lanes, one for each team or group involved in the process.
    • Swim lanes help clarify who does what in the overall process (e.g. all the tasks completed by HR appear in the HR swim lane, all the tasks completed by service desk appear in the service desk swim lane).
    • They can also help draw attention to escalation points or handoff points between different teams. Assess the steps around the boundary of each swim lane. Does the working group experience/know of friction at these handoff points? What might solve it?
    • In what order should the tasks occur? What dependencies do they have?

    The image contains a screenshot of a model that demonstrates task ownership swim lanes.

    “Each task has an owner, and the task list is visible to the employee and other stakeholders, so there's visibility about whether each person has done their actions.”

    Matthew Stibbe, qtd. in Zapier, 2022

    Review: The time the workflow takes

    For onboarding, this means setting SLOs/SLAs and internal timepoints.

    Add internal timepoints for the major steps/tasks in the workflow. Begin to track these service level objectives and adjust as necessary.

    • Review old onboarding tickets and track how long each main step/task takes (or should take). Every additional approval risks adding days.
    • Consider where there are opportunities to increase automation or use templates to save time.
    • Zero in on which task within the onboarding workflow is slowing down the process.
    • Create an overall service level objective that communicates how many days the onboarding workflow is expected to take. Decide where escalations go when the SLA is breached.

    When you have validated the service level objectives are accurate and you can meet them an acceptable amount of time, communicate the overall SLA to your users. This will ensure they submit future onboarding requests to your team with enough lead time to fulfill the request. Try to place the SLA directly in the service catalog.

    “Tracking the time within the workflow can be a powerful way to show the working group why there is user dissatisfaction.”

    Sandi Conrad, Principal Advisory Director, Info-Tech Research Group

    Review: Capture user feedback

    For onboarding, this means implementing a transactional survey.

    The onboarding workflow will be subject to periodic reviews and continual improvement. Suggestions for improvement should come not only from the internal IT team, but also the users themselves.

    • Transactional surveys, launched at the close of a ticket, allow the ticket submitter to provide feedback on their customer service experience.
    • Onboarding tickets are somewhat more complex than the average incident or service request, since the ticket is often opened by one user (e.g. in HR) on behalf of another (the new employee).
    • Decide whose experience you want feedback on – the submitter of the request or the new user. Investigate your ITSM tool’s capabilities: is it possible to direct the survey to someone who is not the ticket submitter?
    Take Action on Service Desk Customer Feedback

    Use Info-Tech’s Take Action on Service Desk Customer Feedback for more guidance on creating these surveys.

    Review: Identify approval roadblocks

    For onboarding, approvals can be the main roadblock to fulfilling requests

    • How are the requests coming in? Do we have a predefined service catalog?
    • What kinds of approvals do we receive (manager, financial, legal, security, regulatory)? Ask the team to think about where there are instances of back and forth and clean that up.
    • Identify where approvals interrupt the technical flow.
      • Confirm that these approvals are indeed necessary (e.g. are certain approval requests ever declined? If not, follow up on whether they are necessary or whether some can be made into preapprovals).
      • Avoid putting agents in charge of waiting on or following up about approvals.
      • Investigate whether interruptive approvals can be moved.

    Review: Identify communication points

    A positive onboarding experience is an important part of a new employee’s success.

    Though IT is only one part of an employee’s onboarding experience, it’s an important part. Delays for hardware procurement and a lack of communication can lead to employee disengagement. Ask the team:

    • Are we communicating with our users when delays occur? When do delays occur most often?
    • How can we mitigate delays? Though we can’t resolve larger supply chain problems, can we increase stock in the meantime?
    • Can we start tracking delays to incorporate into the SLA
    • Do we offer loaner devices in the meantime?

    Place communication bullet points in the flow chart to indicate where the team will reach out to users to update or notify them of delays.

    Review: Identify opportunities for automation

    Where can we automate for onboarding?

    Identify when the process is dragged out due to waiting times (e.g. times when the technician can’t address the ticket right away).

    • Analyze the workflow to identify which tasks tend to stagnate because technician is busy elsewhere. Are these candidates for automation?
    • Is our ITSM tool capable of setting up automatically routed child tickets triggered by the main onboarding ticket? Does it generate a series of tasks? Is it a manual process? Which teams do these tasks/tickets go to?
    • Can we automate notifications if devices are delayed?
    • Can we use mobile device management for automated software installation?
    • If we have a robust service catalog, can we provide it to the users to download what they need? Or is this too many extra steps for our users?
    • Can we create personas to speed up onboarding?

    Avoid reinforcing manual processes, which make it even harder for departmental silos to work together.

    Review: Automation example – create personas

    Create role-based templates.

    Does HR know which applications our users need? Are they deferring to the manager, who then asks IT to simply duplicate an existing user?

    Personas are asset profiles that apply to multiple users (e.g. in a department) and that can be easily duplicated for new hires. You might create three persona groups in a department, with variations within each subgroup or title. To do this, you need accurate information upfront.

    Then, if you’re doing zero touch deployment, you can automate software to automatically load.

    Many HRIS systems have the ability to create a persona, and also to add users to the AD, email, and distribution groups without IT getting involved. This can alleviate work from the sysadmin. Does our HRIS do this?

    • Review old onboarding tickets. Do they include manual steps like setting up mailboxes, creating user accounts, adding to groups?
    • Investigate your ITSM tool’s onboarding template. Does it allow you to create a form through which to create dynamic required fields?
    • Identify the key information service desk needs from the department supervisor, or equivalent role, to begin the onboarding request – employee type, access level, hardware and software entitlements, etc.

    Revised workflow

    How does the group feel about the revised workflow?

    • Are any outputs still missing?
    • Can we add any more annotations to provide more context to someone reading this for the first time?
    • Do the task names follow a “verb-noun” format?
    • Are the handoffs clear?
    • Are some of the steps overly detailed compared to others?
    • Does it help resolve the challenges we listed?
    • Does it achieve the benefits we want to achieve?

    Download the Workflow Activity: Onboarding Example

    Remember the principle of constructive criticism.

    Don’t be afraid to critique the workflow but remember this can also be a team-building experience. Focus on how these changes will be mutually beneficial, not assigning blame for workflow friction.

    Post-review: Revised workflow

    The image contains a screenshot example of a revised workflow.

    Final check

    • Do we need to run this by Legal?
    • Have we included too many sub-processes? Not enough?
    • Is the flowchart easy to read and follow?

    Decide how often this workflow will be revised.

    • Is this workflow part of a larger piece of documentation that has a set review cadence? Where is it stored?
    • If not, what is a realistic time frame for regular review?
    • Who will own this process in an ongoing way and be in charge of convening a future review working group?

    Validation with stakeholders

    • What documentation does the flowchart belong to? When will you review it again?
    • Who do you need to validate the flowchart with?

    Share the flowchart and set up a review meeting.

    • Walk through the workflow with stakeholders who did not participate in building it.
    • Do they find it easy to follow?
    • Can they identify missing steps?

    Don’t waste time building shelfware.

    Establish a review cadence to ensure the flowchart is a living document that people actually use.

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    “Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful.”

    Guided Implementation

    “Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track.”


    “We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place.”


    “Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project.”

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options


    Bushkill, Claire. “The top 5 ways to automate your onboarding checklist.” Rippling Blog. 18 Mar 2022. Accessed 29 Nov 2022. Ha
    Carucci, Ron. “To Retain New Hires, Spend More Time Onboarding Them.” Harvard Business Review, 3 Dec 2018
    Haddadpoor, Asefeh, et al. “Process Documentation: A Model for Knowledge Management in Organizations.” Materia Socio-Medica, vol. 27, no. 5, Oct. 2015, pp. 347–50. PubMed Central,
    King, Melissa. “New hire checklist: An employee onboarding checklist template for 2022.” Zapier. 14 Jul 2022. Accessed 29 Nov 2022.
    Uzialko, Adam. “What Does Poor Onboarding Really Do to Your Team?” Business News Daily. 23 Jan 2023.


    Sandi Conrad, Principal Advisory Director, Infrastructure and Operations, Info-Tech Research Group

    Christine Coz, Executive Counselor, Info-Tech Research Group

    Allison Kinnaird, Practice Lead, Infrastructure and Operations, Info-Tech Research Group

    Natalie Sansone, Research Director, Infrastructure and Operations, Info-Tech Research Group

    Time Study

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}260|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Governance, Risk & Compliance
    • Parent Category Link: /governance-risk-compliance
    • In ESG’s 2018 report “The Life of Cybersecurity Professionals,” 36% of participants expressed the overwhelming workload was a stressful aspect of their job.
    • Organizations expect a lot from their security specialists. From monitoring the threat environment, protecting business assets, and learning new tools, to keeping up with IT initiatives, cybersecurity teams struggle to balance their responsibilities with the constant emergencies and disruptions that take them away from their primary tasks.
    • Businesses fail to recognize the challenges associated with task prioritization and the time management practices of a security professional.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • The majority of scheduled calendar meetings include employees and peers.
      • Our research indicates cybersecurity professionals spent the majority of their meetings with employees (28%) and peers (24%). Other stakeholders involved in meetings included by myself (15%), boss (13%), customers (10%), vendors (8%), and board of directors (2%).
    • Calendar meetings are focused on project work, management, and operations.
      • When asked to categorize calendar meetings, the focus was on project work (26%), management (23%), and operations (22%). Other scheduled meetings included ones focused on strategy (15%), innovation (9%), and personal time (5%).
    • Time management scores were influenced by the percentage of time spent with employees and peers.
      • When participants were divided into good and poor time managers, we found good time managers spent less time with their peers and more time with their employees. This may be due to the nature of employee meetings being more directly tied to the project outputs of the manager than their peer meetings. Managers who spend more time in meetings with their employees feel a sense of accomplishment, and hence rate themselves higher in time management.

    Impact and Result

    • Understand how cybersecurity professionals allocate their time.
    • Gain insight on whether perceived time management skills are associated with calendar maintenance factors.
    • Identify common time management pain points among cybersecurity professionals.
    • Identify current strategies cybersecurity professionals use to manage their time.

    Time Study Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Read our Time Study

    Read our Time Study to understand how cybersecurity professionals allocate their time, what pain points they endure, and tactics that can be leveraged to better manage time.

    • Time Study Storyboard

    Integrate Threat Intelligence Into Your Security Operations

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}320|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: 2 Average Days Saved
    • member rating average days saved: After each Info-Tech experience, we ask our members to quantify the real-time savings, monetary impact, and project improvements our research helped them achieve.
    • Parent Category Name: Threat Intelligence & Incident Response
    • Parent Category Link: /threat-intelligence-incident-response
    • Organizations have limited visibility into their threat landscape, and as such are vulnerable to the latest attacks, hindering business practices, workflow, revenue generation, and damaging their public image.
    • Organizations are developing ad hoc intelligence capabilities that result in operational inefficiencies, the misalignment of resources, and the misuse of their security technology investments.
    • It is difficult to communicate the value of a threat intelligence solution when trying to secure organizational buy-in and the appropriate resourcing.
    • There is a vast array of “intelligence” in varying formats, often resulting in information overload.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    1. Information alone is not actionable. A successful threat intelligence program contextualizes threat data, aligns intelligence with business objectives, and then builds processes to satisfy those objectives.
    2. Your security controls are diminishing in value (if they haven’t already). As technology in the industry evolves, threat actors will inevitably adopt new tools, tactics, and procedures; a threat intelligence program can provide relevant situational awareness to stay on top of the rapidly-evolving threat landscape.
    3. Your organization might not be the final target, but it could be a primary path for attackers. If you exist as a third-party partner to another organization, your responsibility in your technology ecosystem extends beyond your own product/service offerings. Threat intelligence provides visibility into the latest threats, which can help you avoid becoming a backdoor in the next big data breach.

    Impact and Result

    • Assess the needs and intelligence requirements of key stakeholders.
    • Garner organizational buy-in from senior management.
    • Identify organizational intelligence gaps and structure your efforts accordingly.
    • Understand the different collection solutions to identify which best supports your needs.
    • Optimize the analysis process by leveraging automation and industry best practices.
    • Establish a comprehensive threat knowledge portal.
    • Define critical threat escalation protocol.
    • Produce and share actionable intelligence with your constituency.
    • Create a deployment strategy to roll out the threat intelligence program.
    • Integrate threat intelligence within your security operations.

    Integrate Threat Intelligence Into Your Security Operations Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should implement a threat intelligence program, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Plan for a threat intelligence program

    Assess current capabilities and define an ideal target state.

    • Integrate Threat Intelligence Into Your Security Operations – Phase 1: Plan for a Threat Intelligence Program
    • Security Pressure Posture Analysis Tool
    • Threat Intelligence Maturity Assessment Tool
    • Threat Intelligence Project Charter Template
    • Threat Intelligence RACI Tool
    • Threat Intelligence Management Plan Template
    • Threat Intelligence Policy Template

    2. Design an intelligence collection strategy

    Understand the different collection solutions to identify which best supports needs.

    • Integrate Threat Intelligence Into Your Security Operations – Phase 2: Design an Intelligence Collection Strategy
    • Threat Intelligence Prioritization Tool
    • Threat Intelligence RFP MSSP Template

    3. Optimize the intelligence analysis process

    Begin analyzing and acting on gathered intelligence.

    • Integrate Threat Intelligence Into Your Security Operations – Phase 3: Optimize the Intelligence Analysis Process
    • Threat Intelligence Malware Runbook Template

    4. Design a collaboration and feedback program

    Stand up an intelligence dissemination program.

    • Integrate Threat Intelligence Into Your Security Operations – Phase 4: Design a Collaboration and Feedback Program
    • Threat Intelligence Alert Template
    • Threat Intelligence Alert and Briefing Cadence Schedule Template

    Skills Development on the Mainframe Platform

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}336|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Strategy and Organizational Design
    • Parent Category Link: /strategy-and-organizational-design

    Mainframes remain a critical part of an organization’s infrastructure and will need to support these platforms for the foreseeable future. Despite the importance, it can be a challenge for organizations to find qualified resources to support them. Meanwhile, companies are unsure of where to find help to train and develop their teams on mainframe technologies and are at risk of a skills gap within their teams.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Mainframes continue to have wide usage, particularly in enterprise organizations. The complexity of moving or replatforming many of these applications means these platforms will be around for a long time still.
    • Companies need to be proactive about developing their teams to support their mainframe systems.

    Impact and Result

    • Companies can protect their assets by cultivating a pipeline of qualified resources to support their mainframe infrastructure.
    • There is a robust training ecosystem headed by large, reputable organizations to help develop and support companies' resources. You don’t have to do it alone.

    Skills Development on the Mainframe Platform Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Skills Development on the Mainframe Platform Storyboard – An overview of the solutions available to support your mainframe training and skills development needs.

    Your mainframes are not going to disappear overnight. These systems often support the most critical operations in your organization. You need to ensure you have the right qualified resources to support your platforms.

    • Skills Development on the Mainframe Platform Storyboard

    2020 Security Priorities Report

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}245|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Security Strategy & Budgeting
    • Parent Category Link: /security-strategy-and-budgeting

    Use this deck to learn what projects security practitioners are prioritizing for 2020. Based on a survey of 460 IT security professionals, this report explains what you need to know about the top five priorities, including:

    • Signals and drivers
    • Benefits
    • Critical uncertainties
    • Case study
    • Implications

    While the priorities should in no way be read as prescriptive, this research study provides a high-level guide to understand that priorities drive the initiatives, projects, and responsibilities that make up organizations' security strategies.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    There is always more to do, and if IT leaders are to grow with the business, provide meaningful value, and ascend the ladder to achieve true business partner and innovator status, aggressive prioritization is necessary. Clearly, security has become a priority across organizations, as security budgets have continued to increase over the course of 2019. 2020’s priorities highlight that data security has become the thread that runs through all other security priorities, as data is now the currency of the modern digital economy. As a result, data security has reshaped organizations’ priorities to ensure that data is always protected.

    Impact and Result

    Ultimately, understanding how changes in technology and patterns of work stand to impact the day-to-day lives of IT staff across seniority and industries will allow you to evaluate what your priorities should be for 2020. Ensure that you’re spending your time right. Use data to validate. Prioritize and implement.

    2020 Security Priorities Report Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    This storyboard will help you understand what projects security practitioners are prioritizing for 2020.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Data security

    Data security often rubs against other organizational priorities like data quality, but organizations need to understand that the way they store, handle, and dispose of data is now under regulatory oversight.

    • 2020 Security Priorities Report – Priority 1: Data Security

    2. Cloud security

    Cloud security means that organizations can take advantage of automation tools not only for patching and patch management but also to secure code throughout the SDLC. It is clear that cloud will transform how security is performed.

    • 2020 Security Priorities Report – Priority 2: Cloud Security

    3. Email security

    Email security is critical, since email continues to be one of the top points of ingress for cyberattacks from ransomware to business email compromise.

    • 2020 Security Priorities Report – Priority 3: Email Security

    4. Security risk management

    Security risk management requires organizations to make decisions based on their individual risk tolerance on such things as machine learning and IoT devices.

    • 2020 Security Priorities Report – Priority 4: Security Risk Management

    5. Security awareness and training

    Human error continues to be a security issue. In 2020, organizations should tailor their security awareness and training to their people so that they are more secure not only at work but also in life.

    • 2020 Security Priorities Report – Priority 5: Security Awareness and Training

    Deliver Digital Products at Scale

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}156|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 10.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $86,499 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 53 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Development
    • Parent Category Link: /development
    • Products are the lifeblood of an organization. They provide the capabilities the business needs to deliver value to both internal and external customers and stakeholders.
    • Product organizations are expected to continually deliver evolving value to the overall organization as they grow.
    • You need to clearly convey the direction and strategy of a broad product portfolio to gain alignment, support, and funding from your organization.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Product delivery requires significant shifts in the way you complete development work and deliver value to your users. Make the changes that improve end-user value and enterprise alignment.
    • Your organizational goals and strategy are achieved through capabilities that deliver value. Your product hierarchy is the mechanism to translate enterprise goals, priorities, and constraints down to the product level where changes can be made.
    • Recognize that each product owner represents one of three primary perspectives: business, technical, and operational. Although all share the same capabilities, how they approach their responsibilities is influenced by their perspective.
    • The quality of your product backlog – and your ability to realize business value from your delivery pipeline – is directly related to the input, content, and prioritization of items in your product roadmap.
    • Your product family roadmap and product roadmap tell different stories. The product family roadmap represents the overall connection of products to the enterprise strategy, while the product roadmap focuses on the fulfillment of the product’s vision.
    • Although products can be delivered with any software development lifecycle, methodology, delivery team structure, or organizational design, high-performing product teams optimize their structure to fit the needs of product and product family delivery.

    Impact and Result

    • Understand the importance of product families for scaling product delivery.
    • Define products in your context and organize products into operational families.
    • Use product family roadmaps to align product roadmaps to enterprise goals and priorities.
    • Evaluate the different approaches to improve your product family delivery pipelines and milestones.

    Deliver Digital Products at Scale Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should define enterprise product families to scale your product delivery capability, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Become a product-centric organization

    Define products in your organization’s context and explore product families as a way to organize products at scale.

    • Deliver Digital Products at Scale – Phase 1: Become a Product-Centric Organization
    • Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook
    • Digital Product Family Strategy Playbook

    2. Organize products into product families

    Identify an approach to group the inventory of products into one or more product families.

    • Deliver Digital Products at Scale – Phase 2: Organize Products Into Product Families

    3. Ensure alignment between products and families

    Confirm alignment between your products and product families via the product family roadmap and a shared definition of delivered value.

    • Deliver Digital Products at Scale – Phase 3: Ensure Alignment Between Products and Families

    4. Bridge the gap between product families and delivery

    Agree on a delivery approach that best aligns with your product families.

    • Deliver Digital Products at Scale – Phase 4: Bridge the Gap Between Product Families and Delivery
    • Deliver Digital Products at Scale Readiness Assessment

    5. Build your transformation roadmap and communication plan

    Define your communication plan and transformation roadmap for transitioning to delivering products at the scale of your organization.

    • Deliver Digital Products at Scale – Phase 5: Transformation Roadmap and Communication


    Workshop: Deliver Digital Products at Scale

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Become a Product-Centric Organization

    The Purpose

    Define products in your organization’s context and explore product families as a way to organize products at scale.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    An understanding of the case for product practices

    A concise definition of products and product families


    1.1 Understand your organizational factors driving product-centric delivery.

    1.2 Establish your organization’s product inventory.

    1.3 Determine your approach to scale product families.


    Organizational drivers and goals for a product-centric delivery

    Definition of product

    Product scaling principles

    Scaling approach and direction

    Pilot list of products to scale

    2 Organize Products Into Product Families

    The Purpose

    Identify a suitable approach to group the inventory of products into one or more product families.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A scaling approach for products that fits your organization


    2.1 Define your product families.


    Product family mapping

    Enabling applications

    Dependent applications

    Product family canvas

    3 Ensure Alignment Between Products and Families

    The Purpose

    Confirm alignment between your products and product families via the product family roadmap and a shared definition of delivered value.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Recognition of the product family roadmap and a shared definition of value as key concepts to maintain alignment between your products and product families


    3.1 Leverage product family roadmaps.

    3.2 Use stakeholder management to improve roadmap communication.

    3.3 Configure your product family roadmaps.

    3.4 Confirm product family to product alignment.


    Current approach for communication of product family strategy

    List of product family stakeholders and a prioritization plan for communication

    Defined key pieces of a product family roadmap

    An approach to confirming alignment between products and product families through a shared definition of business value

    4 Bridge the Gap Between Product Families and Delivery

    The Purpose

    Agree on the delivery approach that best aligns with your product families.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    An understanding of the team configuration and operating model required to deliver value through your product families


    4.1 Assess your organization’s delivery readiness.

    4.2 Understand your delivery options.

    4.3 Determine your operating model.

    4.4 Identify how to fund product delivery.

    4.5 Learn how to introduce your digital product family strategy.

    4.6 Communicate changes on updates to your strategy.

    4.7 Determine your next steps.


    Assessment results on your organization’s delivery maturity

    A preferred approach to structuring product delivery

    Your preferred operating model for delivering product families

    Understanding of your preferred approach for product family funding

    Product family transformation roadmap

    Your plan for communicating your roadmap

    List of actionable next steps to start on your journey

    5 Advisory: Next Steps and Wrap-Up (offsite)

    The Purpose

    Implement your communication plan and transformation roadmap for transitioning to delivering products at the scale of your organization.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    New product family organization and supporting product delivery approach


    5.1 Execute communication plan and product family changes.

    5.2 Review the pilot family implementation and update the transformation roadmap.

    5.3 Begin advisory calls for related blueprints.


    Organizational communication of product families and product family roadmaps

    Product family implementation and updated transformation roadmap

    Support for product owners, backlog and roadmap management, and other topics

    Further reading

    Deliver Digital Products at Scale

    Deliver value at the scale of your organization through defining enterprise product families.

    Analyst Perspective

    Product families align enterprise goals to product changes and value realization.

    A picture of Info-Tech analyst Banu Raghuraman. A picture of Info-Tech analyst Ari Glaizel. A picture of Info-Tech analyst Hans Eckman

    Our world is changing faster than ever, and the need for business agility continues to grow. Organizations are shifting from long-term project delivery to smaller, iterative product delivery models to be able to embrace change and respond to challenges and opportunities faster.

    Unfortunately, many organizations focus on product delivery at the tactical level. Product teams may be individually successful, but how well are their changes aligned to division and enterprise goals and priorities?

    Grouping products into operationally aligned families is key to delivering the right value to the right stakeholders at the right time.

    Product families translate enterprise goals, constraints, and priorities down to the individual product level so product owners can make better decisions and more effectively manage their roadmaps and backlogs. By scaling products into families and using product family roadmaps to align product roadmaps, product owners can deliver the capabilities that allow organizations to reach their goals.

    In this blueprint, we’ll provide the tools and guidance to help you define what “product” means to your organization, use scaling patterns to build product families, align product and product family roadmaps, and identify impacts to your delivery and organizational design models.

    Banu Raghuraman, Ari Glaizel, and Hans Eckman

    Applications Practice

    Info-Tech Research Group

    Deliver Digital Products at Scale

    Deliver value at the scale of your organization through defining enterprise product families.


    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    • Products are the lifeblood of an organization. They deliver the capabilities needed to deliver value to customers, internal users, and stakeholders.
    • The shift to becoming a product organization is intended to continually increase the value you provide to the broader organization as you grow and evolve.
    • You need to clearly convey the direction and strategy of your product portfolio to gain alignment, support, and funding from your organization.

    Common Obstacles

    • IT organizations are traditionally organized to deliver initiatives in specific periods of time. This conflicts with product delivery, which continuously delivers value over the lifetime of a product.
    • Delivering multiple products together creates additional challenges because each product has its own pedigree, history, and goals.
    • Product owners struggle to prioritize changes to deliver product value. This creates a gap and conflict between product and enterprise goals.

    Info-Tech’s Approach

    Info-Tech’s approach will guide you through:

    • Understanding the importance of product families in scaling product delivery.
    • Defining products in your context and organizing products into operational families.
    • Using product family roadmaps to align product roadmaps to enterprise goals and priorities.
    • Evaluating the different approaches to improve your product family delivery pipelines and milestones.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Changes can only be made at the individual product or service level. To achieve enterprise goals and priorities, organizations needed to organize and scale products into operational families. This structure allows product managers to translate goals and constraints to the product level and allows product owners to deliver changes that support enabling capabilities. In this blueprint, we’ll help you define your products, scale them using the best patterns, and align your roadmaps and delivery models to improve throughput and value delivery.

    Info-Tech’s approach

    Operationally align product delivery to enterprise goals

    A flowchart is shown on how to operationally align product delivery to enterprise goals.

    The Info-Tech difference:

    1. Start by piloting product families to determine which approaches work best for your organization.
    2. Create a common definition of what a product is and identify products in your inventory.
    3. Use scaling patterns to build operationally aligned product families.
    4. Develop a roadmap strategy to align families and products to enterprise goals and priorities.
    5. Use products and families to evaluate delivery and organizational design improvements.

    Deliver Digital Products at Scale via Enterprise Product Families

    An infographic on the Enterprise Product Families is shown.

    Product does not mean the same thing to everyone

    Do not expect a universal definition of products.

    Every organization and industry has a different definition of what a product is. Organizations structure their people, processes, and technologies according to their definition of the products they manage. Conflicting product definitions between teams increase confusion and misalignment of product roadmaps.

    “A product [is] something (physical or not) that is created through a process and that provides benefits to a market.”

    - Mike Cohn, Founding Member of Agile Alliance and Scrum Alliance

    “A product is something ... that is created and then made available to customers, usually with a distinct name or order number.”

    - TechTarget

    “A product is the physical object ... , software or service from which customer gets direct utility plus a number of other factors, services, and perceptions that make the product useful, desirable [and] convenient.”

    - Mark Curphey

    Organizations need a common understanding of what a product is and how it pertains to the business. This understanding needs to be accepted across the organization.

    “There is not a lot of guidance in the industry on how to define [products]. This is dangerous because what will happen is that product backlogs will be formed in too many areas. All that does is create dependencies and coordination across teams … and backlogs.”

    – Chad Beier, "How Do You Define a Product?”

    What is a product?

    “A tangible solution, tool, or service (physical or digital) that enables the long-term and evolving delivery of value to customers and stakeholders based on business and user requirements.”

    Info-Tech Insight

    A proper definition of product recognizes three key facts:

    1. Products are long-term endeavors that don’t end after the project finishes.
    2. Products are not just “apps” but can be software or services that drive the delivery of value.
    3. There is more than one stakeholder group that derives value from the product or service.

    Products and services share the same foundation and best practices

    For the purpose of this blueprint, product/service and product owner/service owner are used interchangeably. Product is used for consistency but would apply to services as well.

    Product = Service

    “Product” and “service” are terms that each organization needs to define to fit its culture and customers (internal and external). The most important aspect is consistent use and understanding of:

    • External products
    • Internal products
    • External services
    • Internal services
    • Products as a service (PaaS)
    • Productizing services (SaaS)

    Recognize the different product owner perspectives


    • Customer facing, revenue generating


    • IT systems and tools


    • Keep the lights on processes

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Product owners must translate needs and constraints from their perspective into the language of their audience. Kathy Borneman, Digital Product Owner at SunTrust Bank, noted the challenges of finding a common language between lines of business and IT (e.g. what is a unit?).

    Info-Tech Insight

    Recognize that product owners represent one of three primary perspectives. Although all share the same capabilities, how they approach their responsibilities is influenced by their perspective.

    “A Product Owner in its most beneficial form acts like an Entrepreneur, like a 'mini-CEO'. The Product Owner is someone who really 'owns' the product.”

    – Robbin Schuurman, “Tips for Starting Product Owners”

    Identify the differences between a project-centric and a product-centric organization



    Fund projects


    Fund products or teams

    Line of business sponsor


    Product owner

    Makes specific changes to a product

    Product management

    Improve product maturity and support

    Assign people to work

    Work allocation

    Assign work to product teams

    Project manager manages

    Capacity management

    Team manages capacity

    Info-Tech Insight

    Product delivery requires significant shifts in the way you complete development work and deliver value to your users. Make the changes that support improving end-user value and enterprise alignment.

    Projects can be a mechanism for delivering product changes and improvements

    A flowchart is shown to demonstrate the difference between project lifecycle, hybrid lifecycle and product lifecycle.

    Projects within products

    Regardless of whether you recognize yourself as a product-based or project-based shop, the same basic principles should apply. The purpose of projects is to deliver the scope of a product release. The shift to product delivery leverages a product roadmap and backlog as the mechanism for defining and managing the scope of the release. Eventually, teams progress to continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) where they can release on demand or as scheduled, requiring org change management.

    Define product value by aligning backlog delivery with roadmap goals

    In each product plan, the backlogs show what you will deliver. Roadmaps identify when and in what order you will deliver value, capabilities, and goals.

    An image is shown to demonstrate the relationship between the product backlog and the product roadmap.

    Product roadmaps guide delivery and communicate your strategy

    In Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision, we demonstrate how the product roadmap is core to value realization. The product roadmap is your communicated path, and as a product owner, you use it to align teams and changes to your defined goals while aligning your product to enterprise goals and strategy.

    An example of a product roadmap is shown to demonstrate how it is the core to value realization.

    Adapted from: Pichler, "What Is Product Management?""

    Info-Tech Insight

    The quality of your product backlog – and your ability to realize business value from your delivery pipeline – is directly related to the input, content, and prioritization of items in your product roadmap.

    Use Agile DevOps principles to expedite product-centric delivery and management

    Delivering products does not necessarily require an Agile DevOps mindset. However, Agile methods facilitate the journey because product thinking is baked into them.

    A flowchart is shown to demonstrate the product deliery maturity and the Agile DevOps used.
    Based on: Ambysoft, 2018

    Organizations start with Waterfall to improve the predictable delivery of product features.

    Iterative development shifts the focus from delivery of features to delivery of user value.

    Agile further shifts delivery to consider ROI. Often, the highest-value backlog items aren’t the ones with the highest ROI.

    Lean and DevOps improve your delivery pipeline by providing full integration between product owners, development teams, and operations.

    CI/CD reduces time in process by allowing release on demand and simplifying release and support activities.

    Although teams will adopt parts of all these stages during their journey, it isn’t until you’ve adopted a fully integrated delivery chain that you’ve become product centric.

    Scale products into related families to improve value delivery and alignment

    Defining product families builds a network of related products into coordinated value delivery streams.

    A flowchart is shown to demonstrate the relations between product family and the delivery streams.

    “As with basic product management, scaling an organization is all about articulating the vision and communicating it effectively. Using a well-defined framework helps you align the growth of your organization with that of the company. In fact, how the product organization is structured is very helpful in driving the vision of what you as a product company are going to do.”

    – Rich Mironov, Mironov Consulting

    Product families translate enterprise goals into value-enabling capabilities

    A flowchart is shown to demonstrate the relationship between enterprise strategy and enabling capabilities.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Your organizational goals and strategy are achieved through capabilities that deliver value. Your product hierarchy is the mechanism to translate enterprise goals, priorities, and constraints down to the product level where changes can be made.

    Arrange product families by operational groups, not solely by your org chart

    A flowchart is shown to demonstrate how to arrange product families by operational groups.

    1. To align product changes with enterprise goals and priorities, you need to organize your products into operational groups based on the capabilities or business functions the product and family support.

    2. Product managers translate these goals, priorities, and constraints into their product families, so they are actionable at the next level, whether that level is another product family or products implementing enhancements to meet these goals.

    3. The product family manager ensures that the product changes enhance the capabilities that allow you to realize your product family, division, and enterprise goals.

    4. Enabling capabilities realize value and help reach your goals, which then drives your next set of enterprise goals and strategy.

    Approach alignment from both directions, validating by the opposite way

    Defining your product families is not a one-way street. Often, we start from either the top or the bottom depending on our scaling principles. We use multiple patterns to find the best arrangement and grouping of our products and families.

    It may be helpful to work partway, then approach your scaling from the opposite direction, meeting in the middle. This way you are taking advantage of the strengths in both approaches.

    Once you have your proposed structure, validate the grouping by applying the principles from the opposite direction to ensure each product and family is in the best starting group.

    As the needs of your organization change, you may need to realign your product families into your new business architecture and operational structure.

    A top-down alignment example is shown.

    When to use: You have a business architecture defined or clear market/functional grouping of value streams.

    A bottom-up alignment example is shown.

    When to use: You are starting from an Application Portfolio Management application inventory to build or validate application families.

    Leverage patterns for scaling products

    Organizing your products and families is easier when leveraging these grouping patterns. Each is explained in greater detail on the following slides

    Value Stream Alignment

    Enterprise Applications

    Shared Services


    Organizational Alignment

    • Business architecture
      • Value stream
      • Capability
      • Function
    • Market/customer segment
    • Line of business (LoB)
    • Example: Customer group > value stream > products
    • Enabling capabilities
    • Enterprise platforms
    • Supporting apps
    • Example: HR > Workday/Peoplesoft > ModulesSupporting: Job board, healthcare administrator
    • Organization of related services into service family
    • Direct hierarchy does not necessarily exist within the family
    • Examples: End-user support and ticketing, workflow and collaboration tools
    • Domain grouping of IT infrastructure, platforms, apps, skills, or languages
    • Often used in combination with Shared Services grouping or LoB-specific apps
    • Examples: Java, .NET, low-code, database, network
    • Used at higher levels of the organization where products are aligned under divisions
    • Separation of product managers from organizational structure no longer needed because the management team owns product management role

    Leverage the product family roadmap for alignment

    It’s more than a set of colorful boxes. It’s the map to align everyone to where you are going.

    Your product family roadmap

      ✓ Lays out a strategy for your product family.

      ✓ Is a statement of intent for your family of products.

      ✓ Communicates direction for the entire product family and product teams.

      ✓ Directly connects to the organization’s goals.

    However, it is not:

      x Representative of a hard commitment.

      x A simple combination of your current product roadmaps.

    Before connecting your family roadmap to products, think about what each roadmap typically presents

    An example of a product family roadmap is shown and how it can be connected to the products.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Your product family roadmap and product roadmap tell different stories. The product family roadmap represents the overall connection of products to the enterprise strategy, while the product roadmap focuses on the fulfillment of the product’s vision.

    Product family roadmaps are more strategic by nature

    While individual product roadmaps can be different levels of tactical or strategic depending on a variety of market factors, your options are more limited when defining roadmaps for product families.



    A roadmap that is technical, committed, and detailed.

    Product Family


    A roadmap that is strategic, goal based, high level, and flexible.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Roadmaps for your product family are, by design, less detailed. This does not mean they aren’t actionable! Your product family roadmap should be able to communicate clear intentions around the future delivery of value in both the near and long term.

    Consider volatility when structuring product family roadmaps

    A roadmap is shown without any changes.

    There is no such thing as a roadmap that never changes.

    Your product family roadmap represents a broad statement of intent and high-level tactics to get closer to the organization’s goals.

    A roadmap is shown with changes.

    All good product family roadmaps embrace change!

    Your strategic intentions are subject to volatility, especially those planned further in the future. The more costs you incur in planning, the more you leave yourself exposed to inefficiency and waste if those plans change.

    Info-Tech Insight

    A good product family roadmap is intended to manage and communicate the inevitable changes as a result of market volatility and changes in strategy.

    Product delivery realizes value for your product family

    While planning and analysis are done at the family level, work and delivery are done at the individual product level.


    What are the artifacts?

    What are you saying?

    Defined at the family level?

    Defined at the product level?


    I want to...

    Strategic focus

    Delivery focus


    To get there we need to...


    To achieve our goals, we’ll deliver...


    The work will be done in this order...

    Release Plan

    We will deliver in the following ways...

    Typical elements of a product family roadmap

    While there are others, these represent what will commonly appear across most family-based roadmaps.

    An example is shown to highlight the typical elements of a product family roadmap.

    GROUP/CATEGORY: Groups are collections of artifacts. In a product family context, these are usually product family goals, value streams, or products.

    ARTIFACT: An artifact is one of many kinds of tangible by-products produced during the delivery of products. For a product family, the artifacts represented are capabilities or value streams.

    MILESTONE: Points in the timeline when established sets of artifacts are complete. This is a critical tool in the alignment of products in a given family.

    TIME HORIZON: Separated periods within the projected timeline covered by the roadmap.

    Connecting your product family roadmaps to product roadmaps

    Your product and product family roadmaps should be connected at an artifact level that is common between both. Typically, this is done with capabilities, but it can be done at a more granular level if an understanding of capabilities isn’t available.

    An example is shown on how the product family roadmpas can be connected to the product roadmaps.

    Multiple roadmap views can communicate differently, yet tell the same truth


    Business/ IT Leaders


    Delivery Teams

    Roadmap View


    Product Family



    To provide a snapshot of the portfolio and priority products

    To visualize and validate product strategy

    To coordinate broad technology and architecture decisions


    Line items or sections of the roadmap are made up of individual products, and an artifact represents a disposition at its highest level.

    Artifacts are generally grouped by product teams and consist of strategic goals and the features that realize those goals.

    Artifacts are grouped by the teams who deliver that work and consist of technical capabilities that support the broader delivery of value for the product family.

    Your communication objectives are linked to your audience; ensure you know your audience and speak their language

    I want to...

    I need to talk to...

    Because they are focused on...


    Get my delivery teams on the same page.


    Products Owners


    A product that delivers value against a common set of goals and objectives.


    Inform users and customers of product strategy.

    Bus. Process Owners

    End Users


    A group of functionality that business customers see as a single unit.


    Inform the business of product development requirements.

    IT Management

    Business Stakeholders


    An initiative that those with the money see as a single budget.

    Assess the impacts of product-centric delivery on your teams and org design

    Product delivery can exist within any org structure or delivery model. However, when making the shift toward product management, consider optimizing your org design and product team structure to match your capacity and throughput needs.

    A flowchart is shown to see how the impacts of product-centric delivery can impact team and org designs.

    Determine which delivery team structure best fits your product pipeline

    Four delivery team structures are shown. The four are: functional roles, shared service and resource pools, product or system, and skills and competencies.

    Weigh the pros and cons of IT operating models to find the best fit

    There are many different operating models. LoB/Product Aligned and Hybrid Functional align themselves most closely with how products and product families are typically delivered.

    1. LoB/Product Aligned – Decentralized Model: Line of Business, Geographically, Product, or Functionally Aligned
    2. A decentralized IT operating model that embeds specific functions within LoBs/product teams and provides cross-organizational support for their initiatives.

    3. Hybrid Functional: Functional/Product Aligned
    4. A best-of-both-worlds model that balances the benefits of centralized and decentralized approaches to achieve both customer responsiveness and economies of scale.

    5. Hybrid Service Model: Product-Aligned Operating Model
    6. A model that supports what is commonly referred to as a matrix organization, organizing by highly related service categories and introducing the role of the service owner.

    7. Centralized: Plan-Build-Run
    8. A highly typical IT operating model that focuses on centralized strategic control and oversight in delivering cost-optimized and effective solutions.

    9. Centralized: Demand-Develop-Service
    10. A centralized IT operating model that lends well to more mature operating environments. Aimed at leveraging economies of scale in an end-to-end services delivery model.

    Consider how investment spending will differ in a product environment

    Reward for delivering outcomes, not features




    Fund what delivers value

    Allocate iteratively

    Measure and adjust

    Fund long-lived delivery of value through products (not projects).

    Give autonomy to the team to decide exactly what to build.

    Allocate to a pool based on higher-level business case.

    Provide funds in smaller amounts to different product teams and initiatives based on need.

    Product teams define metrics that contribute to given outcomes.

    Track progress and allocate more (or less) funds as appropriate.

    Adapted from Bain, 2019

    Info-Tech Insight

    Changes to funding require changes to product and Agile practices to ensure product ownership and accountability.

    Why is having a common value measure important?

    CIO-CEO Alignment Diagnostic

    A stacked bar graph is shown to demonstrate CIO-CEO Alignment Diagnostic. A bar titled: Business Value Metrics is highlighted. 51% had some improvement necessary and 32% had significant improvement necessary.

    Over 700 Info-Tech members have implemented the Balanced Value Measurement Framework.

    “The cynic knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.”

    – Oscar Wilde

    “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”

    – Warren Buffett

    Understanding where you derive value is critical to building solid roadmaps.

    Measure delivery and success

    Metrics and measurements are powerful tools to drive behavior change and decision making in your organization. However, metrics are highly prone to creating unexpected outcomes, so use them with great care. Use metrics judiciously to uncover insights but avoid gaming or ambivalent behavior, productivity loss, and unintended consequences.

    Build good practices in your selection and use of metrics:

    • Choose the metrics that are as close to measuring the desired outcome as possible.
    • Select the fewest metrics possible and ensure they are of the highest value to your team, the safest from gaming behaviors and unintended consequences, and the easiest to gather and report.
    • Never use metrics for reward or punishment; use them to develop your team.
    • Automate as much metrics gathering and reporting as possible.
    • Focus on trends rather than precise metrics values.
    • Review and change your metrics periodically.

    Executive Brief Case Study

    INDUSTRY: Public Sector & Financial Services

    SOURCE: Info-Tech Interviews

    A tale of two product transformations

    Two of the organizations we interviewed shared the challenges they experienced defining product families and the impact these challenges had on their digital transformations.

    A major financial services organization (2,000+ people in IT) had employed a top-down line of business–focused approach and found itself caught in a vicious circle of moving applications between families to resolve cross-LoB dependencies.

    A similarly sized public sector organization suffered from a similar challenge as grouping from the bottom up based on technology areas led to teams fragmented across multiple business units employing different applications built on similar technology foundations.


    Both organizations struggled for over a year to structure their product families. This materially delayed key aspects of their product-centric transformation, resulting in additional effort and expenditure delivering solutions piecemeal as opposed to as a part of a holistic product family. It took embracing a hybrid top-down and bottom-up approach and beginning with pilot product families to make progress on their transformation.

    A picture of Cole Cioran is shown.

    Cole Cioran

    Practice Lead,

    Applications Practice

    Info-Tech Research Group

    There is no such thing as a perfect product-family structure. There will always be trade-offs when you need to manage shifting demand from stakeholder groups spanning customers, business units, process owners, and technology owners.

    Focusing on a single approach to structure your product families inevitably leads to decisions that are readily challenged or are brittle in the face of changing demand.

    The key to accelerating a product-centric transformation is to build a hybrid model that embraces top-down and bottom-up perspectives to structure and evolve product families over time. Add a robust pilot to evaluate the structure and you have the key to unlocking the potential of product delivery in your organization.

    Info-Tech’s methodology for Deliver Digital Products at Scale

    1. Become a Product-Centric Organization

    2. Organize Products Into Product Families

    3. Ensure Alignment Between Products and Families

    4. Bridge the Gap Between Product Families and Delivery

    5. Build Your Transformation Roadmap and Communication Plan

    Phase Steps

    1.1 Understand the organizational factors driving product-centric delivery

    1.2 Establish your organization’s product inventory

    2.1 Determine your approach to scale product families

    2.2 Define your product families

    3.1 Leverage product family roadmaps

    3.2 Use stakeholder management to improve roadmap communication

    3.3 Configure your product family roadmaps

    3.4 Confirm goal and value alignment of products and their product families

    4.1 Assess your organization’s delivery readiness

    4.2 Understand your delivery options

    4.3 Determine your operating model

    4.4 Identify how to fund product family delivery

    5.1 Introduce your digital product family strategy

    5.2 Communicate changes on updates to your strategy

    5.3 Determine your next steps

    Phase Outcomes
    • Organizational drivers and goals for a product-centric delivery
    • Definition of product
    • Pilot list of products to scale
    • Product scaling principles
    • Scaling approach and direction
    • Product family mapping
    • Enabling applications
    • Dependent applications
    • Product family canvas
    • Approach for communication of product family strategy
    • Stakeholder management plan
    • Defined key pieces of a product family roadmap
    • An approach to confirming alignment between products and product families
    • Assessment of delivery maturity
    • Approach to structuring product delivery
    • Operating model for product delivery
    • Approach for product family funding
    • Product family transformation roadmap
    • Your plan for communicating your roadmap
    • List of actionable next steps to start on your journey

    Blueprint deliverables

    Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals:

    Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook

    Use this supporting workbook to document interim results from a number of exercises that will contribute to your overall strategy.

    A screenshot of the Scale Workbook is shown.

    Deliver Digital Products at Scale Readiness Assessment

    Your strategy needs to encompass your approaches to delivery. Understand where you need to focus using this simple assessment.

    A screenshot of the Scale Readiness Assessment is shown.

    Key deliverable:

    Digital Product Family Strategy Playbook

    Record the results from the exercises to help you define, detail, and deliver digital products at scale.

    A screenshot of the Digital Product Family Strategy Playbook is shown.

    Blueprint benefits

    IT Benefits

    • Improved product delivery ROI.
    • Improved IT satisfaction and business support.
    • Greater alignment between product delivery and product family goals.
    • Improved alignment between product delivery and organizational models.
    • Better support for Agile/DevOps adoption.

    Business Benefits

    • Increased value realization across product families.
    • Faster delivery of enterprise capabilities.
    • Improved IT satisfaction and business support.
    • Greater alignment between product delivery and product family goals.
    • Uniform understanding of product and product family roadmaps and key milestones.

    Measure the value of this blueprint

    Align product family metrics to product delivery and value realization.

    Member Outcome Suggested Metric Estimated Impact

    Increase business application satisfaction

    Satisfaction with business applications (CIO Business Vision diagnostic)

    20% increase within one year after implementation

    Increase effectiveness of application portfolio management

    Effectiveness of application portfolio management (Management & Governance diagnostic)

    20% increase within one year after implementation

    Increase importance and effectiveness of application portfolio

    Importance and effectiveness to business ( Application Portfolio Assessment diagnostic)

    20% increase within one year after implementation

    Increase satisfaction of support of business operations

    Support to business (CIO Business Vision diagnostic.

    20% increase within one year after implementation

    Successfully deliver committed work (productivity)

    Number of successful deliveries; burndown

    20% increase within one year after implementation

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    "Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful."

    Guided Implementation

    "Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keeps us on track."


    "We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place."


    "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project."

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks are used throughout all four options.

    Guided Implementation

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    Phase 1: Become a Product-Centric Organization

    Phase 2: Organize Products Into Product Families

    Phase 3: Ensure Alignment Between Products and Families

    Phase 4: Bridge the Gap Between Product Families and Delivery

    Call #1: Scope requirements, objectives, and your specific challenges.

    Call #2: Define products and product families in your context.

    Call #3: Understand the list of products in your context.

    Call #4: Define your scaling principles and goals.

    Call #5: Select a pilot and define your product families.

    Call #6: Understand the product family roadmap as a method to align products to families.

    Call #7: Define components of your product family roadmap and confirm alignment.

    Call #8: Assess your delivery readiness.

    Call #9: Discuss delivery, operating, and funding models relevant to delivering product families.

    Call #10: Wrap up.

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization. A typical GI is between 8 to 12 calls over the course of 4 to 6 months.

    Workshop Overview

    Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889

    Day 1

    Become a Product-Centric Organization

    Day 2

    Organize Products Into Product Families

    Day 3

    Ensure Alignment Between Products and Families

    Day 4

    Bridge the Gap Between Product Families and Delivery


    Next Steps and Wrap-Up (offsite)


    1.1 Understand your organizational factors driving product-centric delivery.

    1.2 Establish your organization’s product inventory.

    2.1 Determine your approach to scale product families.

    2.2 Define your product families.

    3.1 Leverage product family roadmaps.

    3.2 Use stakeholder management to improve roadmap communication.

    3.3 Configure your product family roadmaps.

    3.4 Confirm product family to product alignment.

    4.1 Assess your organization’s delivery readiness.

    4.2 Understand your delivery options.

    4.3 Determine your operating model.

    4.4 Identify how to fund product family delivery.

    5.1 Learn how to introduce your digital product family strategy.

    5.2 Communicate changes on updates to your strategy.

    5.3 Determine your next steps.

    1. Execute communication plan and product family changes.
    2. Review the pilot family implementation and update the transformation roadmap.
    3. Begin advisory calls for related blueprints.

    Key Deliverables

    1. Organizational drivers and goals for a product-centric delivery
    2. Definition of product
    3. Product scaling principles
    4. Scaling approach and direction
    5. Pilot list of products to scale
    1. Product family mapping
    2. Enabling applications
    3. Dependent applications
    4. Product family canvas
    1. Current approach for communication of product family strategy
    2. List of product family stakeholders and a prioritization plan for communication
    3. Defined key pieces of a product family roadmap
    4. An approach to confirming alignment between products and product families through a shared definition of business value
    1. Assessment results on your organization’s delivery maturity
    2. A preferred approach to structuring product delivery
    3. Your preferred operating model for delivering product families
    4. Understanding your preferred approach for product family funding
    5. Product family transformation roadmap
    6. Your plan for communicating your roadmap
    7. List of actionable next steps to start on your journey
    1. Organizational communication of product families and product family roadmaps
    2. Product family implementation and updated transformation roadmap
    3. Support for product owners, backlog and roadmap management, and other topics

    Phase 1

    Become a Product-Centric Organization

    Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5

    1.1 Understand the organizational factors driving product-centric delivery

    1.2 Establish your organization’s product inventory

    2.1 Determine your approach to scale product families

    2.2 Define your product families

    3.1 Leverage product family roadmaps

    3.2 Use stakeholder management to improve roadmap communication

    3.3 Configure your product family roadmaps

    3.4 Confirm product family to product alignment

    4.1 Assess your organization’s delivery readiness

    4.2 Understand your delivery options

    4.3 Determine your operating model

    4.4 Identify how to fund product family delivery

    5.1 Learn how to introduce your digital product family strategy

    5.2 Communicate changes on updates to your strategy

    5.3 Determine your next steps

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    1.1.1 Understand your drivers for product-centric delivery

    1.1.2 Identify the differences between project and product delivery

    1.1.3 Define the goals for your product-centric organization

    1.2.1 Define “product” in your context

    1.2.2 Identify and establish a pilot list of products

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers’
    • Business analysts

    Step 1.1

    Understand the organizational factors driving product-centric delivery


    1.1.1 Understand your drivers for product-centric delivery

    1.1.2 Identify the differences between project and product delivery

    1.1.3 Define the goals for your product-centric organization

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers’
    • Business analysts

    Outcomes of this step

    • Organizational drivers to move to product-centric delivery
    • List of differences between project and product delivery
    • Goals for product-centric delivery

    1.1.1 Understand your drivers for product-centric delivery

    30-60 minutes

    1. Identify your pain points in the current delivery model.
    2. What is the root cause of these pain points?
    3. How will a product-centric delivery model fix the root cause?
    4. Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.
    Pain Points Root Causes Drivers
    • Lack of ownership
    • Siloed departments
    • Accountability


    • Organizational drivers to move to product-centric delivery.


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Business analysts

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    1.1.2 Identify the differences between project and product delivery

    30-60 minutes

    1. Consider project delivery and product delivery.
    2. Discuss what some differences are between the two.
    3. Note: This exercise is not about identifying the advantages and disadvantages of each style of delivery. This is to identify the variation between the two.

    4. Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.
    Project Delivery Product Delivery
    Point in time What is changed
    Method of funding changes Needs an owner


    • List of differences between project and product delivery


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Business analysts

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    Identify the differences between a project-centric and a product-centric organization

    Project Product
    Fund projects Funding Fund products or teams
    Line of business sponsor Prioritization Product owner
    Makes specific changes to a product Product management Improves product maturity and support
    Assignment of people to work Work allocation Assignment of work to product teams
    Project manager manages Capacity management Team manages capacity

    Info-Tech Insight

    Product delivery requires significant shifts in the way you complete development work and deliver value to your users. Make the changes that support improving end-user value and enterprise alignment.

    Projects can be a mechanism for funding product changes and improvements

    A flowchart is shown to demonstrate the difference between project lifecycle, hybrid lifecycle, and product lifecycle.

    Projects within products

    Regardless of whether you recognize yourself as a product-based or project-based shop, the same basic principles should apply.

    The purpose of projects is to deliver the scope of a product release. The shift to product delivery leverages a product roadmap and backlog as the mechanism for defining and managing the scope of the release.

    Eventually, teams progress to continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) where they can release on demand or as scheduled, requiring org change management.

    Use Agile DevOps principles to expedite product-centric delivery and management

    Delivering products does not necessarily require an Agile DevOps mindset. However, Agile methods facilitate the journey because product thinking is baked into them.

    A flowchart is shown to demonstrate the product delivery maturity and the Agile DevOps used.

    Based on: Ambysoft, 2018

    Organizations start with Waterfall to improve the predictable delivery of product features.

    Iterative development shifts the focus from delivery of features to delivery of user value.

    Agile further shifts delivery to consider ROI. Often, the highest-value backlog items aren’t the ones with the highest ROI.

    Lean and DevOps improve your delivery pipeline by providing full integration between product owners, development teams, and operations.

    CI/CD reduces time in process by allowing release on demand and simplifying release and support activities.

    Although teams will adopt parts of all these stages during their journey, it isn’t until you’ve adopted a fully integrated delivery chain that you’ve become product centric.

    1.1.3 Define the goals for your product-centric organization

    30 minutes

    1. Review your list of drivers from exercise 1.1.1 and the differences between project and product delivery from exercise 1.1.2.
    2. Define your goals for achieving a product-centric organization.
    3. Note: Your drivers may have already covered the goals. If so, review if you would like to change the drivers based on your renewed understanding of the differences between project and product delivery.

    Pain PointsRoot CausesDriversGoals
    • Lack of ownership
    • Siloed departments
    • Accountability
    • End-to-end ownership


    • Goals for product-centric delivery


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers’
    • Business analysts

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    Step 1.2

    Establish your organization’s product inventory


    1.2.1 Define “product” in your context

    1.2.2 Identify and establish a pilot list of products

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers’
    • Business analysts

    Outcomes of this step

    • Your organizational definition of products and services
    • A pilot list of active products

    Product does not mean the same thing to everyone

    Do not expect a universal definition of products.

    Every organization and industry has a different definition of what a product is. Organizations structure their people, processes, and technologies according to their definition of the products they manage. Conflicting product definitions between teams increase confusion and misalignment of product roadmaps.

    “A product [is] something (physical or not) that is created through a process and that provides benefits to a market.”

    - Mike Cohn, Founding Member of Agile Alliance and Scrum Alliance

    “A product is something ... that is created and then made available to customers, usually with a distinct name or order number.”

    - TechTarget

    “A product is the physical object ... , software or service from which customer gets direct utility plus a number of other factors, services, and perceptions that make the product useful, desirable [and] convenient.”

    - Mark Curphey

    Organizations need a common understanding of what a product is and how it pertains to the business. This understanding needs to be accepted across the organization.

    “There is not a lot of guidance in the industry on how to define [products]. This is dangerous because what will happen is that product backlogs will be formed in too many areas. All that does is create dependencies and coordination across teams … and backlogs.”

    – Chad Beier, "How Do You Define a Product?”

    Products and services share the same foundation and best practices

    For the purpose of this blueprint, product/service and product owner/service owner are used interchangeably. Product is used for consistency but would apply to services as well.

    Product = Service

    “Product” and “service” are terms that each organization needs to define to fit its culture and customers (internal and external). The most important aspect is consistent use and understanding of:

    • External products
    • Internal products
    • External services
    • Internal services
    • Products as a service (PaaS)
    • Productizing services (SaaS)

    Recognize the different product owner perspectives


    • Customer facing, revenue generating


    • IT systems and tools


    • Keep the lights on processes

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Product owners must translate needs and constraints from their perspective into the language of their audience. Kathy Borneman, Digital Product Owner at SunTrust Bank, noted the challenges of finding a common language between lines of business and IT (e.g. what is a unit?).

    Info-Tech Insight

    Recognize that product owners represent one of three primary perspectives. Although all share the same capabilities, how they approach their responsibilities is influenced by their perspective.

    “A Product Owner in its most beneficial form acts like an Entrepreneur, like a 'mini-CEO'. The Product Owner is someone who really 'owns' the product.”

    – Robbin Schuurman, “Tips for Starting Product Owners”

    Your product definition should include everything required to support it, not just what users see.

    A picture of an iceburg is shown, showing the ice both above and below the water to demonstrate that the product definition should include everything, not just what users see. On top of the picture are various words to go with the product definition. They inlude: funding, external relationships, adoption, product strategy, stakeholder managment. The product defitions that may not be seen include: Product governance, business functionality, user support, managing and governing data, maintenance and enhancement, R-and-D, requirements analysis and design, code, and knowledge management.

    Establish where product management would be beneficial in the organization

    What does not need product ownership?

    • Individual features
    • Transactions
    • Unstructured data
    • One-time solutions
    • Non-repeatable processes
    • Solutions that have no users or consumers
    • People or teams

    Characteristics of a discrete product

    • Has end users or consumers
    • Delivers quantifiable value
    • Evolves or changes over time
    • Has predictable delivery
    • Has definable boundaries
    • Has a cost to produce and operate

    Product capabilities deliver value!

    These are the various facets of a product. As a product owner, you are responsible for managing these facets through your capabilities and activities.

    A flowchart is shown that demonstrates the various facets of a product.

    It is easy to lose sight of what matters when we look at a product from a single point of view. Despite what The Agile Manifesto says, working software is not valuable without the knowledge and support that people need in order to adopt, use, and maintain it. If you build it, they will not come. Product leaders must consider the needs of all stakeholders when designing and building products.

    Define product value by aligning backlog delivery with roadmap goals

    In each product plan, the backlogs show what you will deliver. Roadmaps identify when and in what order you will deliver value, capabilities, and goals.

    An image is shown to demonstrate the relationship between the product backlog and the product roadmap.

    Product roadmaps guide delivery and communicate your strategy

    In Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision, we demonstrate how the product roadmap is core to value realization. The product roadmap is your communicated path, and as a product owner, you use it to align teams and changes to your defined goals while aligning your product to enterprise goals and strategy.

    An example of a product roadmap is shown to demonstrate how it is the core to value realization.

    Info-Tech Insight

    The quality of your product backlog – and your ability to realize business value from your delivery pipeline – is directly related to the input, content, and prioritization of items in your product roadmap.

    What is a product?

    Not all organizations will define products in the same way. Take this as a general example:

    “A tangible solution, tool, or service (physical or digital) that enables the long-term and evolving delivery of value to customers and stakeholders based on business and user requirements.”

    Info-Tech Insight

    A proper definition of product recognizes three key facts:

    1. Products are long-term endeavors that don’t end after the project finishes.
    2. Products are not just “apps” but can be software or services that drive the delivery of value.
    3. There is more than one stakeholder group that derives value from the product or service.

    1.2.1 Define “product” in your context

    30-60 minutes

    1. Discuss what “product” means in your organization.
    2. Create a common, enterprise-wide definition for “product.”
    3. Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    For example:

    • An application, platform, or application family.
    • Discrete items that deliver value to a user/customer.


    • Your enterprise/organizational definition of products and services


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers’
    • Business analysts

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    1.2.2 Identify and establish a pilot list of products

    1-2 hours

    1. Review any current documented application inventory. If you have these details in an existing document, share it with the team. Select the group of applications for your family scaling pilot.
    2. List your initial application inventory on the Product List tab of the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.
  • For each of the products listed, add the vision and goals of the product. Refer to Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision to learn more about identifying vision and goals or to complete the product vision canvas.
  • You’ll add business capabilities and vision in Phase 2, but you can add these now if they are available in your existing inventory.
  • Output

    • A pilot list of active products


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers’
    • Business analysts

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    Phase 2

    Organize Products Into Product Families

    Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5

    1.1 Understand the organizational factors driving product-centric delivery

    1.2 Establish your organization’s product inventory

    2.1 Determine your approach to scale product families

    2.2 Define your product families

    3.1 Leverage product family roadmaps

    3.2 Use stakeholder management to improve roadmap communication

    3.3 Configure your product family roadmaps

    3.4 Confirm product family to product alignment

    4.1 Assess your organization’s delivery readiness

    4.2 Understand your delivery options

    4.3 Determine your operating model

    4.4 Identify how to fund product family delivery

    5.1 Learn how to introduce your digital product family strategy

    5.2 Communicate changes on updates to your strategy

    5.3 Determine your next steps

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    2.1.1 Define your scaling principles and goals

    2.1.2 Define your pilot product family areas and direction

    2.2.1 Arrange your applications and services into product families

    2.2.2 Define enabling and supporting applications

    2.2.3 Build your product family canvas

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers’
    • Business analysts

    Step 2.1

    Determine your approach to scale product families


    2.1.1 Define your scaling principles and goals

    2.1.2 Define your pilot product family areas and direction

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers’
    • Business analysts

    Outcomes of this step

    • List of product scaling principles
    • Scope of product scaling pilot and target areas
    • Scaling approach and direction

    Use consistent terminology for product and service families

    In this blueprint, we refer to any grouping of products or services as a “family.” Your organization may prefer other terms, such as product/service line, portfolio, group, etc. The underlying principles for grouping and managing product families are the same, so define the terminology that fits best with your culture. The same is true for “products” and “services,” which may also be referred to in different terms.

    An example flowchart is displayed to demonstrate the terminology for product and service families.

    A product family is a logical and operational grouping of related products or services. The grouping provides a scaled hierarchy to translate goals, priorities, strategy, and constraints down the grouping while aligning value realization upwards.

    Group product families by related purpose to improve business value

    Families should be scaled by how the products operationally relate to each other, with clear boundaries and common purpose.

    A product family contains...

    • Vision
    • Goals
    • Cumulative roadmap of the products within the family

    A product family can be grouped by...

    • Function
    • Value stream and capability
    • Customer segments or end-user group
    • Strategic purpose
    • Underlying architecture
    • Common technology or support structures
    • And many more
    A flowchart is shown to demonstrate the product family and product relations.

    Scale products into related families to improve value delivery and alignment

    Defining product families builds a network of related products into coordinated value delivery streams.

    A flowchart is shown to demonstrate the relations between product family and the delivery streams.

    “As with basic product management, scaling an organization is all about articulating the vision and communicating it effectively. Using a well-defined framework helps you align the growth of your organization with that of the company. In fact, how the product organization is structured is very helpful in driving the vision of what you as a product company are going to do.”

    – Rich Mironov, Mironov Consulting

    Product families translate enterprise goals into value-enabling capabilities

    A flowchart is shown to demonstrate the relationship between enterprise strategy and enabling capabilities.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Your organizational goals and strategy are achieved through capabilities that deliver value. Your product hierarchy is the mechanism to translate enterprise goals, priorities, and constraints down to the product level where changes can be made.

    Arrange product families by operational groups, not solely by your org chart

    A flowchart is shown to demonstrate how to arrange product families by operational groups.

    1. To align product changes with enterprise goals and priorities, you need to organize your products into operational groups based on the capabilities or business functions the product and family support.

    2. Product managers translate these goals, priorities, and constraints into their product families, so they are actionable at the next level, whether that level is another product family or products implementing enhancements to meet these goals.

    3. The product family manager ensures that the product changes enhance the capabilities that allow you to realize your product family, division, and enterprise goals.

    4. Enabling capabilities realize value and help reach your goals, which then drives your next set of enterprise goals and strategy.

    Product families need owners with a more strategic focus

    Product Owner

    (More tactical product delivery focus)

    • Backlog management and prioritization
    • Product vision and product roadmap
    • Epic/story definition, refinement in conjunction with business stakeholders
    • Sprint planning with Scrum Master and delivery team
    • Working with Scrum Master to minimize disruption to team velocity
    • Ensuring alignment between business and Scrum teams during sprints
    • Profit and loss (P&L) product analysis and monitoring

    Product Manager

    (More strategic product family focus)

    • Product strategy, positioning, and messaging
    • Product family vision and product roadmap
    • Competitive analysis and positioning
    • New product innovation/definition
    • Release timing and focus (release themes)
    • Ongoing optimization of product-related marketing and sales activities
    • P&L product analysis and monitoring

    Info-Tech Insight

    “Product owner” and “product manager” are terms that should be adapted to fit your culture and product hierarchy. These are not management relationships but rather a way to structure related products and services that touch the same end users. Use the terms that work best in your culture.

    Download Build a Better Product Owner for role support.

    2.1.1 Define your scaling principles and goals

    30-60 minutes

    1. Discuss the guiding principles for your product scaling model. Your guiding principles should consider key business priorities, organizational culture, and division/team objectives, such as improving:
    • Business agility and ability to respond to changes and needs.
    • Alignment of product roadmaps to enterprise goals and priorities.
    • Collaboration between stakeholders and product delivery teams.
    • Resource utilization and productivity.
    • The quality and value of products.
    • Coordination between related products and services.


    • List of product scaling principles


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers’
    • Business analysts

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    Start scaling with a pilot

    You will likely use a combination of patterns that work best for each product area. Pilot your product scaling with a domain, team, or functional area before organizing your entire portfolio.

    Learn more about each pattern.

    Discuss the pros and cons of each.

    Select a pilot product area.

    Select a pattern.

    Approach alignment from both directions, validating by the opposite way

    Defining your product families is not a one-way street. Often, we start from either the top or the bottom depending on our scaling principles. We use multiple patterns to find the best arrangement and grouping of our products and families.

    It may be helpful to work partway, then approach your scaling from the opposite direction, meeting in the middle. This way you are taking advantage of the strengths in both approaches.

    Once you have your proposed structure, validate the grouping by applying the principles from the opposite direction to ensure each product and family is in the best starting group.

    As the needs of your organization change, you may need to realign your product families into your new business architecture and operational structure.

    A top-down alignment example is shown.

    When to use: You have a business architecture defined or clear market/functional grouping of value streams.

    A bottom-up alignment example is shown.

    When to use: You are starting from an Application Portfolio Management application inventory to build or validate application families.

    Top-down examples: Start with your enterprise structure or market grouping

    A top-down example flowchart is shown.


    Market Alignment
    • Consumer Banking
      • DDA: Checking, Savings, Money Market
      • Revolving Credit: Credit Cards, Line of Credit
      • Term Credit: Mortgage, Auto, Boat, Installment
    Enterprise Applications
    • Human Resources
      • Benefits: Health, Dental, Life, Retirement
      • Human Capital: Hiring, Performance, Training
      • Hiring: Posting, Interviews, Onboarding
    Shared Service
    • End-User Support
      • Desktop: New Systems, Software, Errors
      • Security: Access Requests, Password Reset, Attestations
    Business Architecture
    • Value Stream
      • Capability
        • Applications
        • Services

    Bottom-up examples: Start with your inventory

    Based on your current inventory, start organizing products and services into related groups using one of the five scaling models discussed in the next step.

    A bottom-up example flowchart is shown.


    Technical Grouping
    • Custom Apps: Java, .NET, Python
    • Cloud: Azure, AWS, Virtual Environments
    • Low Code: ServiceNow, Appian
    Functional/Capability Grouping
    • CRM: Salesforce, Microsoft CRM
    • Security Platforms: IAM, SSO, Scanning
    • Workflow: Remedy, ServiceNow
    Shared Services Grouping
    • Workflow: Appian, Pega, ServiceNow
    • Collaboration: SharePoint, Teams
    • Data: Dictionary, Lake, BI/Reporting

    2.1.2 Define your pilot product family areas and direction

    30-60 minutes

    1. Using your inventory of products for your pilot, consider the top-down and bottom-up approaches.
    2. Identify areas where you will begin arranging your product into families.
    3. Prioritize these pilot areas into waves:
      1. First pilot areas
      2. Second pilot areas
      3. Third pilot areas
    4. Discuss and decide whether a top-down or bottom-up approach is the best place to start for each pilot group.
    5. Prioritize your pilot families in the order in which you want to organize them. This is a guide to help you get started, and you may change the order during the scaling pattern exercise.


    • Scope of product scaling pilot and target areas


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers’
    • Business analysts

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    Step 2.2

    Define your product families


    2.2.1 Arrange your applications and services into product families

    2.2.2 Define enabling and supporting applications

    2.2.3 Build your product family canvas

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers’
    • Business analysts

    Outcomes of this step

    • Product family mapping
    • Product families
    • Enabling applications
    • Dependent applications
    • Product family canvas

    Use three perspectives to guide scaling pattern selection

    • One size does not fit all. There is no single or static product model that fits all product teams.
    • Structure relationships based on your organizational needs and capabilities.
    • Be flexible. Product ownership is designed to enable value delivery.
    • Avoid structures that promote proxy product ownership.
    • Make decisions based on products and services, not people. Then assign people to the roles.
    Alignment perspectives:

    Value Stream

    Align products based on the defined sources of value for a collection of products or services.

    For example: Wholesale channel for products that may also be sold directly to consumers, such as wireless network service.


    Align products based on a common group of users or product consumers.

    For example: Consumer vs. small business vs. enterprise customers in banking, insurance, and healthcare.

    Common Domain

    Align products based on a common domain knowledge or skill set needed to deliver and support the products.

    For example: Applications in a shared service framework supporting other products.

    Leverage patterns for scaling products

    Organizing your products and families is easier when leveraging these grouping patterns. Each is explained in greater detail on the following slides

    Value Stream AlignmentEnterprise ApplicationsShared ServicesTechnicalOrganizational Alignment
    • Business architecture
      • Value stream
      • Capability
      • Function
    • Market/customer segment
    • Line of business (LoB)
    • Example: Customer group > value stream > products
    • Enabling capabilities
    • Enterprise platforms
    • Supporting apps
    • Example: HR > Workday/Peoplesoft > ModulesSupporting: Job board, healthcare administrator
    • Organization of related services into service family
    • Direct hierarchy does not necessarily exist within the family
    • Examples: End-user support and ticketing, workflow and collaboration tools
    • Domain grouping of IT infrastructure, platforms, apps, skills, or languages
    • Often used in combination with Shared Services grouping or LoB-specific apps
    • Examples: Java, .NET, low-code, database, network
    • Used at higher levels of the organization where products are aligned under divisions
    • Separation of product managers from organizational structure no longer needed because the management team owns product management role

    Select the best family pattern to improve alignment

    A flowchart is shown on how to select the best family pattern to improve alignment.

    Use scenarios to help select patterns



    We have a business architecture defined.

    (See Document Your Business Architecture and industry reference architectures for help.)

    Start with your business architecture

    Start with market segments

    We want to be more customer first or customer centric.

    Start with market segments

    Our organization has rigid lines of business and organizational boundaries.

    Start with LoB structure

    Most products are specific to a business unit or division. Start with LoB structure

    Products are aligned to people, not how we are operationally organized.

    Start with market or LoB structure

    We are focusing on enterprise or enabling applications.

    1. Start with enterprise app and service team

    2. Align supporting apps

    We already have applications and services grouped into teams but want to evaluate if they are grouped in the best families.

    Validate using multiple patterns

    Validate using multiple patterns

    Our applications and services are shared across the enterprise or support multiple products, value streams, or shared capabilities.

    Our applications or services are domain, knowledge, or technology specific.

    Start by grouping inventory

    We are starting from an application inventory. (See the APM Research Center for help.)

    Start by grouping inventory

    Pattern: Value Stream – Capability

    Grouping products into capabilities defined in your business architecture is recommended because it aligns people/processes (services) and products (tools) into their value stream and delivery grouping. This requires an accurate capability map to implement.


    • Healthcare is delivered through a series of distinct value streams (top chevrons) and shared services supporting all streams.
    • Diagnosing Health Needs is executed through the Admissions, Testing, Imaging, and Triage capabilities.
    • Products and services are needed to deliver each capability.
    • Shared capabilities can also be grouped into families to better align capability delivery and maturity to ensure that the enterprise goals and needs are being met in each value stream the capabilities support.
    An example is shown to demonstrate how to group products into capabilities.

    Sample business architecture/ capability map for healthcare

    A sample business architecture/capability map for healthcare is shown.

    Your business architecture maps your value streams (value delivered to your customer or user personas) to the capabilities that deliver that value. A capability is the people, processes, and/or tools needed to deliver each value function.

    Defining capabilities are specific to a value stream. Shared capabilities support multiple value streams. Enabling capabilities are core “keep the lights on” capabilities and enterprise functions needed to run your organization.

    See Info-Tech’s industry coverage and reference architectures.

    Download Document Your Business Architecture

    Pattern: Value Stream – Market

    Market/Customer Segment Alignment focuses products into the channels, verticals, or market segments in the same way customers and users view the organization.

    An example is shown to demonstrate how products can be placed into channels, verticals, or market segments.


    • Customers want one stop to solve all their issues, needs, and transactions.
    • Banking includes consumer, small business, and enterprise.
    • Consumer banking can be grouped by type of financial service: deposit accounts (checking, savings, money market), revolving credit (credit cards, lines of credit), term lending (mortgage, auto, installment).
    • Each group of services has a unique set of applications and services that support the consumer product, with some core systems supporting the entire relationship.

    Pattern: Value Stream – Line of Business (LoB)

    Line of Business Alignment uses the operational structure as the basis for organizing products and services into families that support each area.

    An example of the operational structure as the basis is shown.


    • LoB alignment favors continuity of services, tools, and skills based on internal operations over unified customer services.
    • A hospital requires care and services from many different operational teams.
    • Emergency services may be internally organized by the type of care and emergency to allow specialized equipment and resources to diagnose and treat the patients, relying on support teams for imaging and diagnostics to support care.
    • This model may be efficient and logical from an internal viewpoint but can cause gaps in customer services without careful coordination between product teams.

    Pattern: Enterprise Applications

    A division or group delivers enabling capabilities, and the team’s operational alignment maps directly to the modules/components of an enterprise application and other applications that support the specific business function.

    An example flowchart is shown with enterprise applications.


    • Human resources is one corporate function. Within HR, however, there are subfunctions that operate independently.
    • Each operational team is supported by one or more applications or modules within a primary HR system.
    • Even though the teams work independently, the information they manage is shared with or ties into processes used by other teams. Coordination of efforts helps provide a higher level of service and consistency.

    For additional information about HRMS, please download Get the Most Out of Your HRMS.

    Pattern: Shared Services

    Grouping by service type, knowledge area, or technology allows for specialization while families align service delivery to shared business capabilities.

    An example is shown with the shared services.


    • Recommended for governance, risk, and compliance; infrastructure; security; end-user support; and shared platforms (workflow, collaboration, imaging/record retention). Direct hierarchies do not necessarily exist within the shared service family.
    • Service groupings are common for service owners (also known as support managers, operations managers, etc.).
    • End-user ticketing comes through a common request system, is routed to the team responsible for triage, and then is routed to a team for resolution.
    • Collaboration tools and workflow tools are enablers of other applications, and product families might support multiple apps or platforms delivering that shared capability.

    Pattern: Technical

    Technical grouping is used in Shared Services or as a family grouping method within a Value Stream Alignment (Capability, Market, LoB) product family.

    An example of technical grouping is shown.


    • Within Shared Services, Technical product grouping focuses on domains requiring specific experience and knowledge not common to typical product teams. This can also support insourcing so other product teams do not have to build their own capacity.
    • Within a Market or LoB team, these same technical groups support specific tools and services within that product family only while also specializing in the business domain.
    • Alignment into tool, platform, or skill areas improves delivery capabilities and resource scalability.

    Pattern: Organizational Alignment

    Eventually in your product hierarchy, the management structure functions as the product management team.

    • When planning your product families, be careful determining when to merge product families into the management team structure.
    • Since the goal of scaling products into families is to align product delivery roadmaps to enterprise goals and enable value realization, the primary focus of scaling must be operational.
    • Alignment to the organizational chart should only occur when the product families report into an HR manager who has ownership for the delivery and value realization for all product and services within that family.
    Am example of organizational alignment is shown.

    Download Build a Better Product Owner for role support.

    2.2.1 Arrange your applications and services into product families

    1-4 hours

    1. (Optional but recommended) Define your value streams and capabilities on the App Capability List tab in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.
    2. On the Product Families tab, build your product family hierarchy using the following structure:
    • Value Stream > Capability > Family 3 > Family 2 > Family 1 > Product/Service.
    • If you are not using a Value Stream > Capability grouping, you can leave these blank for now.
    A screenshot of the App Capability List in the Deliver Disital Products at Scale Workbook is shown.
  • If you previously completed an application inventory using one of our application portfolio management (APM) resources, you can paste values here. Do not paste cells, as Excel may create a cell reference or replace the current conditional formatting.
  • Output

    • Product family mapping


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Business analysts

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    2.2.2 Define enabling and supporting applications

    1-4 hours

    1. Review your grouping from the reverse direction or with different patterns to validate the grouping. Consider each grouping.
    • Does it operationally align the products and families to best cascade enterprise goals and priorities while validating enabling capabilities?
    • In the next phase, when defining your roadmap strategy, you may wish to revisit this phase and adjust as needed.
  • Select and enter enabling or dependent applications to the right of each product.
  • A screenshot from the Deliver Digitial Products at Scale Workbook is shown.


    • Product families
    • Enabling applications
    • Dependent applications


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Business analysts

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    Use a product canvas to define key elements of your product family

    A product canvas is an excellent tool for quickly providing important information about a product family.

    Product owners/managers

    Provide target state to align child product and product family roadmaps.


    Communicate high-level concepts and key metrics with leadership teams and stakeholders.

    Strategy teams

    Use the canvas as a tool for brainstorming, scoping, and ideation.

    Operations teams

    Share background overview to align operational team with end-user value.

    Impacted users

    Refine communication strategy and support based on user impacts and value realization.

    Download Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision.

    Product Family Canvas: Define your core information

    A screenshot of the product family canvas is shown.

    Problem Statement: The problem or need the product family is addressing

    Business Goals: List of business objectives or goals for the product

    Personas/Customers/Users: List of groups who consume the product/service

    Vision: Vision, unique value proposition, elevator pitch, or positioning statement

    Child Product Families or Products: List of product families or products within this family

    Stakeholders: List of key resources, stakeholders, and teams needed to support the product or service

    Download Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision.

    2.2.3 Build your product family canvas

    30-60 minutes

    1. Complete the following fields to build your product family canvas in your Digital Product Family Strategy Playbook:
      1. Product family name
      2. Product family owner
      3. Parent product family name
      4. Problem that the family is intending to solve (For additional help articulating your problem statement, refer to Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision.)
      5. Product family vision/goals (For additional help writing your vision, refer to Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision..)
      6. Child product or product family name(s)
      7. Primary customers/users (For additional help with your product personas, download and complete Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision..)
      8. Stakeholders (If you aren’t sure who your stakeholders are, fill this in after completing the stakeholder management exercises in phase 3.)


    • Product family canvas


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Business analysts

    Record the results in the Digital Product Family Strategy Playbook.

    A screenshot of the Product Family Canvas is shown.

    Phase 3

    Ensure Alignment Between Products and Families

    Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5

    1.1 Understand the organizational factors driving product-centric delivery

    1.2 Establish your organization’s product inventory

    2.1 Determine your approach to scale product families

    2.2 Define your product families

    3.1 Leverage product family roadmaps

    3.2 Use stakeholder management to improve roadmap communication

    3.3 Configure your product family roadmaps

    3.4 Confirm product family to product alignment

    4.1 Assess your organization’s delivery readiness

    4.2 Understand your delivery options

    4.3 Determine your operating model

    4.4 Identify how to fund product family delivery

    5.1 Learn how to introduce your digital product family strategy

    5.2 Communicate changes on updates to your strategy

    5.3 Determine your next steps

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • 3.1.1 Evaluate your current approach to product family communication
    • 3.2.1 Visualize interrelationships among stakeholders to identify key influencers
    • 3.2.2 Group stakeholders into categories
    • 3.2.3 Prioritize your stakeholders
    • 3.3.1 Define the communication objectives and audience of your product family roadmaps
    • 3.3.2 Identify the level of detail that you want your product family roadmap artifacts to represent
    • 3.4.1 Validate business value alignment between products and their product families

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Portfolio managers
    • Business analysts

    Step 3.1

    Leverage product family roadmaps


    3.1.1 Evaluate your current approach to product family communication

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Portfolio managers
    • Business analysts

    Outcomes of this step

    • Understanding of what a product family roadmap is
    • Comparison of Info-Tech’s position on product families to how you currently communicate about product families

    Aligning products’ goals with families

    Without alignment between product family goals and their underlying products, you aren’t seeing the full picture.

    An example of a product roadmap is shown to demonstrate how it is the core to value realization.

    Adapted from: Pichler," What Is Product Management?"

    • Aligning product strategy to enterprise goals needs to happen through the product family.
    • A product roadmap has traditionally been used to express the overall intent and visualization of the product strategy.
    • Connecting the strategy of your products with your enterprise goals can be done through the product family roadmap.

    Leveraging product family roadmaps

    It’s more than a set of colorful boxes.

      ✓ Lays out a strategy for your product family.

      ✓ Is a statement of intent for your family of products.

      ✓ Communicates direction for the entire product family and product teams.

      ✓ Directly connects to the organization’s goals.

    However, it is not:

      x Representative of a hard commitment.

      x A simple combination of your current product roadmaps.

      x A technical implementation plan.

    Product family roadmaps

    A roadmap is shown without any changes.

    There is no such thing as a roadmap that never changes.

    Your product family roadmap represents a broad statement of intent and high-level tactics to get closer to the organization’s goals.

    A roadmap is shown with changes.

    All good product family roadmaps embrace change!

    Your strategic intentions are subject to volatility, especially those planned further in the future. The more costs you incur in planning, the more you leave yourself exposed to inefficiency and waste if those plans change.

    Info-Tech Insight

    A good product family roadmap is intended to manage and communicate the inevitable changes as a result of market volatility and changes in strategy.

    Product family roadmaps are more strategic by nature

    While individual product roadmaps can be different levels of tactical or strategic depending on a variety of market factors, your options are more limited when defining roadmaps for product families.

    An image is displayed to show the relationships between product and product family, and how the roadmaps could be tactical or strategic.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Roadmaps for your product family are, by design, less detailed. This does not mean they aren’t actionable! Your product family roadmap should be able to communicate clear intentions around the future delivery of value in both the near and long term.

    Reminder: Your enterprise vision provides alignment for your product family roadmaps

    Not knowing the difference between enterprise vision and goals will prevent you from both dreaming big and achieving your dream.

    Your enterprise vision represents your “north star” – where you want to go. It represents what you want to do.

    • Your enterprise goals represent what you need to achieve in order to reach your enterprise vision.
    • A key element of operationalizing your vision.
    • Your strategy, initiatives, and features will align with one or more goals.

    Download Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision for support.

    Multiple roadmap views can communicate differently, yet tell the same truth


    Business/ IT Leaders


    Delivery Teams

    Roadmap View


    Product Family



    To provide a snapshot of the portfolio and priority products

    To visualize and validate product strategy

    To coordinate broad technology and architecture decisions


    Line items or sections of the roadmap are made up of individual products, and an artifact represents a disposition at its highest level.

    Artifacts are generally grouped by product teams and consist of strategic goals and the features that realize those goals.

    Artifacts are grouped by the teams who deliver that work and consist of technical capabilities that support the broader delivery of value for the product family.

    Typical elements of a product family roadmap

    While there are others, these represent what will commonly appear across most family-based roadmaps.

    An example is shown to highlight the typical elements of a product family roadmap.

    GROUP/CATEGORY: Groups are collections of artifacts. In a product family context, these are usually product family goals, value streams, or products.

    ARTIFACT: An artifact is one of many kinds of tangible by-products produced during the delivery of products. For a product family, the artifacts represented are capabilities or value streams.

    MILESTONE: Points in the timeline when established sets of artifacts are complete. This is a critical tool in the alignment of products in a given family.

    TIME HORIZON: Separated periods within the projected timeline covered by the roadmap.

    3.1.1 Evaluate your current approach to product family communication

    1-2 hours

    1. Write down how you currently communicate your intentions for your products and family of products.
    2. Compare and contrast this to how this blueprint defines product families and product family roadmaps.
    3. Consider the similarities and the key gaps between your current approach and Info-Tech’s definition of product family roadmaps.


    • Your documented approach to product family communication


    • Product owners
    • Stakeholders

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    Step 3.2

    Use stakeholder management to improve roadmap communication


    3.2.1 Visualize interrelationships among stakeholders to identify key influencers

    3.2.2 Group stakeholders into categories

    3.2.3 Prioritize your stakeholders

    Info-Tech Note

    If you have done the stakeholder exercises in Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision or Build a Better Product Owner u don’t need to repeat the exercises from scratch.

    You can bring the results forward and update them based on your prior work.

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Portfolio managers
    • Business analysts

    Outcomes of this step

    • Relationships among stakeholders and influencers
    • Categorization of stakeholders and influencers
    • Stakeholder and influencer prioritization

    Reminder: Not everyone is a user!


    Individuals who directly obtain value from usage of the product.


    Represent individuals who provide the context, alignment, and constraints that influence or control what you will be able to accomplish.


    Individuals both external and internal that fund the product initiative. Sometimes they are lumped in as stakeholders. However, motivations can be different.

    For more information, see Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision.

    A stakeholder strategy is a key part of product family attainment

    A roadmap is only “good” when it effectively communicates to stakeholders. Understanding your stakeholders is the first step in delivering great product family roadmaps.

    A picture is shown that has 4 characters with puzzle pieces, each repersenting a key to product family attainment. The four keys are: Stakeholder management, product lifecycle, project delivery, and operational support.

    Create a stakeholder network map for product roadmaps and prioritization

    Follow the trail of breadcrumbs from your direct stakeholders to their influencers to uncover hidden stakeholders.

    An example stakeholder network map is displayed.


    Black arrows: indicate the direction of professional influence

    Dashed green arrows: indicate bidirectional, informal influence relationships

    Info-Tech Insight

    Your stakeholder map defines the influence landscape your product family operates in. It is every bit as important as the teams who enhance, support, and operate your product directly.

    Use connectors to determine who may be influencing your direct stakeholders. They may not have any formal authority within the organization, but they may have informal yet substantial relationships with your stakeholders.

    3.2.1 Visualize interrelationships among stakeholders to identify key influencers

    60 minutes

    1. List direct stakeholders for your product.
    2. Determine the stakeholders of your stakeholders and consider adding each of them to the stakeholder list.
    3. Assess who has either formal or informal influence over your stakeholders; add these influencers to your stakeholder list.
    4. Construct a diagram linking stakeholders and their influencers together.
    • Use black arrows to indicate the direction of professional influence.
    • Use dashed green arrows to indicate bidirectional, informal influence relationships.


    • Relationships among stakeholders and influencers


    • Product owners
    • Stakeholders

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    Categorize your stakeholders with a prioritization map

    A stakeholder prioritization map helps product leaders categorize their stakeholders by their level of influence and ownership in the product and/or teams.

    An example stakeholder prioritization map is shown.

    There are four areas in the map, and the stakeholders within each area should be treated differently.

    Players – players have a high interest in the initiative and the influence to effect change over the initiative. Their support is critical, and a lack of support can cause significant impediment to the objectives.

    Mediators – mediators have a low interest but significant influence over the initiative. They can help to provide balance and objective opinions to issues that arise.

    Noisemakers – noisemakers have low influence but high interest. They tend to be very vocal and engaged, either positively or negatively, but have little ability to enact their wishes.

    Spectators – generally, spectators are apathetic and have little influence over or interest in the initiative.

    3.2.2 Group stakeholders into categories

    30-60 minutes

    1. Identify your stakeholders’ interest in and influence on your product as high, medium, or low by rating the attributes below.
    2. Map your results to the model below to determine each stakeholder’s category.
    Level of Influence
    • Power: Ability of a stakeholder to effect change.
    • Urgency: Degree of immediacy demanded.
    • Legitimacy: Perceived validity of stakeholder’s claim.
    • Volume: How loud their “voice” is or could become.
    • Contribution: What they have that is of value to you.
    Level of Interest

    How much are the stakeholder’s individual performance and goals directly tied to the success or failure of the product?

    The example stakeholder prioritization map is shown with the stakeholders grouped into the categories.


    • Categorization of stakeholders and influencers


    • Product owners
    • Stakeholders

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    Prioritize your stakeholders

    There may be too many stakeholders to be able to manage them all. Focus your attention on the stakeholders that matter most.

    Level of Support

    Stakeholder Category



    Neutral Blocker





















    Consider the three dimensions for stakeholder prioritization: influence, interest, and support. Support can be determined by answering the following question: How likely is it that this stakeholder would recommend your product?

    These parameters are used to prioritize which stakeholders are most important and should receive your focused attention.

    3.2.3 Prioritize your stakeholders

    30 minutes

    1. Identify the level of support of each stakeholder by answering the following question: How likely is it that this stakeholder would endorse your product?
    2. Prioritize your stakeholders using the prioritization scheme on the previous slide.



    Level of Support











    • Stakeholder and influencer prioritization


    • Product owners
    • Stakeholders

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    Define strategies for engaging stakeholders by type

    An example is shown to demonstrate how to define strategies to engage staeholders by type.





    High influence, high interest – actively engage

    Keep them updated on the progress of the project. Continuously involve Players in the process and maintain their engagement and interest by demonstrating their value to its success.


    High influence, low interest – keep satisfied

    They can be the game changers in groups of stakeholders. Turn them into supporters by gaining their confidence and trust and including them in important decision-making steps. In turn, they can help you influence other stakeholders.


    Low influence, high interest – keep informed

    Try to increase their influence (or decrease it if they are detractors) by providing them with key information, supporting them in meetings, and using Mediators to help them.


    Low influence, low interest – monitor

    They are followers. Keep them in the loop by providing clarity on objectives and status updates.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Each group of stakeholders draws attention and resources away from critical tasks. By properly identifying your stakeholder groups, the product owner can develop corresponding actions to manage stakeholders in each group. This can dramatically reduce wasted effort trying to satisfy Spectators and Noisemakers, while ensuring the needs of Mediators and Players are met.

    Step 3.3

    Configure your product family roadmaps


    3.3.1 Define the communication objectives and audience of your product family roadmaps

    3.3.2 Identify the level of detail that you want your product family roadmap artifacts to represent

    Info-Tech Note

    If you are unfamiliar with product roadmaps, Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision contains more detailed exercises we recommend you review before focusing on product family roadmaps.

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Portfolio managers
    • Business analysts

    Outcomes of this step

    • An understanding of the key communication objectives and target stakeholder audience for your product family roadmaps
    • A position on the level of detail you want your product family roadmap to operate at

    Your communication objectives are linked to your audience; ensure you know your audience and speak their language

    I want to... I need to talk to... Because they are focused on...
    ALIGN PRODUCT TEAMS Get my delivery teams on the same page. Architects Products Owners PRODUCTS A product that delivers value against a common set of goals and objectives.
    SHOWCASE CHANGES Inform users and customers of product strategy. Bus. Process Owners End Users FUNCTIONALITY A group of functionality that business customers see as a single unit.
    ARTICULATE RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS Inform the business of product development requirements. IT Management Business Stakeholders FUNDING An initiative that those with the money see as a single budget.

    3.3.1 Define the communication objectives and audience of your product family roadmaps

    30-60 minutes

    1. Explicitly state the communication objectives and audience of your roadmap.
    • Think of finishing this sentence: This roadmap is designed for … in order to …
  • You may want to consider including more than a single audience or objective.
  • Example:
  • Roadmap



    Internal Strategic Roadmap

    Internal Stakeholders

    This roadmap is designed to detail the strategy for delivery. It tends to use language that represents internal initiatives and names.

    Customer Strategic Roadmap

    External Customers

    This roadmap is designed to showcase and validate future strategic plans and internal teams to coordinate the development of features and enablers.


    • Roadmap list with communication objectives and audience


    • Product owners and product managers
    • Application leaders
    • Stakeholders

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    The length of time horizons on your roadmap depend on the needs of the underlying products or families

    Info-Tech InsightAn example timeline is shown.

    Given the relationship between product and product family roadmaps, the product family roadmap needs to serve the time horizons of its respective products.

    This translates into product family roadmaps with timelines that, at a minimum, cover the full scope of the respective product roadmaps.

    Based on your communication objectives, consider different ways to visualize your product family roadmap

    Swimline/Stream-Based roadmap example.

    Swimlane/Stream-Based – Understanding when groups of items intend to be delivered.

    An example is shown that has an overall plan with rough intentions around delivery.

    Now, Next, Later – Communicate an overall plan with rough intentions around delivery without specific date ranges.

    An example of a sunrise roadmap is shown.

    Sunrise Roadmap – Articulate the journey toward a given target state across multiple streams.

    Before connecting your family roadmap to products, think about what each roadmap typically presents

    An example of a product family roadmap is shown and how it can be connected to the products.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Your product family roadmap and product roadmap tell different stories. The product family roadmap represents the overall connection of products to the enterprise strategy, while the product roadmap focuses on the fulfillment of the product’s vision.

    Example: Connecting your product family roadmaps to product roadmaps

    Your roadmaps should be connected at an artifact level that is common between both. Typically, this is done with capabilities, but you can do it at a more granular level if an understanding of capabilities isn’t available.

    Example is shown connecting product family roadmaps to product roadmaps.

    3.3.2 Identify the level of detail that you want your product family roadmap artifacts to represent

    30-60 minutes

    1. Consider the different available artifacts for a product family (goals, value stream, capabilities).
    2. List the roadmaps that you wish to represent.
    3. Based on how you currently articulate details on your product families, consider:
    • What do you want to use as the level of granularity for the artifact? Consider selecting something that has a direct connection to the product roadmap itself (for example, capabilities).
    • For some roadmaps you will want to categorize your artifacts – what would work best in those cases?


    Level of Hierarchy

    Artifact Type

    Roadmap 1



    Roadmap 2

    Roadmap 3


    • Details on your roadmap granularity


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Portfolio managers

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    Step 3.4

    Confirm goal and value alignment of products and their product families


    3.4.1 Validate business value alignment between products and their product families

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Portfolio managers
    • Business analysts

    Outcomes of this step

    • Validation of the alignment between your product families and products

    Confirming product to family value alignment

    It isn’t always obvious whether you have the right value delivery alignment between products and product families.

    An example is shown to demonstrate product-to-family-alignment.

    Product-to-family alignment can be validated in two different ways:

    1. Initial value alignment
    2. Confirm the perceived business value at a family level is aligned with what is being delivered at a product level.

    3. Value measurement during the lifetime of the product
    4. Validate family roadmap attainment through progression toward the specified product goals.

    For more detail on calculating business value, see Build a Value Measurement Framework.

    To evaluate a product family’s contribution, you need a common definition of value

    Why is having a common value measure important?

    CIO-CEO Alignment Diagnostic

    A stacked bar graph is shown to demonstrate CIO-CEO Alignment Diagnostic. A bar titled Business Value Metrics is highlighted. 51% had some improvement necessary and 32% had significant improvement necessary.

    Over 700 Info-Tech members have implemented the Balanced Value Measurement Framework.

    “The cynic knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.”

    – Oscar Wilde

    “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”

    – Warren Buffett

    Understanding where you derive value is critical to building solid roadmaps.

    All value in your product family is not created equal

    Business value is the value of the business outcome the application produces and how effective the product is at producing that outcome. Dissecting value by the benefit type and the value source allows you to see the many ways in which a product or service brings value to your organization. Capture the value of your products in short, concise statements, like an elevator pitch.

    A business value matrix is shown.

    Increase Revenue

    Product or service functions that are specifically related to the impact on your organization’s ability to generate revenue.

    Reduce Costs

    Reduction of overhead. The ways in which your product limits the operational costs of business functions.

    Enhance Services

    Functions that enable business capabilities that improve the organization’s ability to perform its internal operations.

    Reach Customers

    Application functions that enable and improve the interaction with customers or produce market information and insights.

    Financial Benefits vs. Improved Capabilities

    • Financial Benefit refers to the degree to which the value source can be measured through monetary metrics and is often quite tangible.
    • Human Benefit refers to how a product or service can deliver value through a user’s experience.

    Inward vs. Outward Orientation

    • Inward refers to value sources that have an internal impact and improve your organization’s effectiveness and efficiency in performing its operations.
    • Outward refers to value sources that come from your interaction with external factors, such as the market or your customers.

    3.4.1 Validate business value alignment between products and their product families

    30-60 minutes

    1. Draw the 2x2 Business Value Matrix on a flip chart or open the Business Value Matrix tab in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook to use in this exercise.
    2. Brainstorm and record the different types of business value that your product and product family produce on the sticky notes (one item per sticky note).
    3. As a team, evaluate how the product value delivered contributes to the product family value delivered. Note any gaps or differences between the two.

    Download and complete Build a Value Measurement Framework for full support in focusing product delivery on business value–driven outcomes.

    A business value matrix is shown.


    • Confirmation of value alignment between product families and their respective products


    • Product owners
    • Product managers

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    Example: Validate business value alignment between products and their product families

    An example of a business value matrix is shown.

    Measure product value with metrics tied to your business value sources and objectives

    Assign metrics to your business value sources

    Business Value Category

    Source Examples

    Metric Examples

    Profit Generation


    Customer Lifetime Value (LTV)

    Data Monetization

    Average Revenue per User (ARPU)

    Cost Reduction

    Reduce Labor Costs

    Contract Labor Cost

    Reduce Overhead

    Effective Cost per Install (eCPI)

    Service Enablement

    Limit Failure Risk

    Mean Time to Mitigate Fixes


    Completion Time Relative to Deadline

    Customer and Market Reach

    Customer Satisfaction

    Net Promoter Score

    Customer Trends

    Number of Customer Profiles

    The importance of measuring business value through metrics

    The better an organization is at using business value metrics to evaluate IT’s performance, the more satisfied the organization is with IT’s performance as a business partner. In fact, those that say they’re effective at business value metrics have satisfaction scores that are 30% higher than those that believe significant improvements are necessary (Info-Tech’s IT diagnostics).

    Assigning metrics to your prioritized values source will allow you to more accurately measure a product’s value to the organization and identify optimization opportunities. See Info-Tech’s Related Research: Value, Delivery Metrics, Estimation blueprint for more information.

    Your product delivery pipeline connects your roadmap with business value realization

    The effectiveness of your product roadmap needs to be evaluated based on delivery capacity and throughput.

    A product roadmap is shown with additional details to demonstrate delivery capacity and throughput.

    When thinking about product delivery metrics, be careful what you ask for…

    As the saying goes “Be careful what you ask for, because you will probably get it.”

    Metrics are powerful because they drive behavior.

    • Metrics are also dangerous because they often lead to unintended negative outcomes.
    • Choose your metrics carefully to avoid getting what you asked for instead of what you intended.

    It’s a cautionary tale that also offers a low-risk path through the complexities of metrics use.

    For more information on the use (and abuse) of metrics, see Select and Use SDLC Metrics Effectively.

    Measure delivery and success

    Metrics and measurements are powerful tools to drive behavior change and decision making in your organization. However, metrics are highly prone to creating unexpected outcomes, so use them with great care. Use metrics judiciously to uncover insights but avoid gaming or ambivalent behavior, productivity loss, and unintended consequences.

    Build good practices in your selection and use of metrics:

    • Choose the metrics that are as close to measuring the desired outcome as possible.
    • Select the fewest metrics possible and ensure they are of the highest value to your team, the safest from gaming behaviors and unintended consequences, and the easiest to gather and report.
    • Never use metrics for reward or punishment; use them to develop your team.
    • Automate as much metrics gathering and reporting as possible.
    • Focus on trends rather than precise metrics values.
    • Review and change your metrics periodically.

    Phase 4

    Bridge the Gap Between Product Families and Delivery

    Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5

    1.1 Understand the organizational factors driving product-centric delivery

    1.2 Establish your organization’s product inventory

    2.1 Determine your approach to scale product families

    2.2 Define your product families

    3.1 Leverage product family roadmaps

    3.2 Use stakeholder management to improve roadmap communication

    3.3 Configure your product family roadmaps

    3.4 Confirm product family to product alignment

    4.1 Assess your organization’s delivery readiness

    4.2 Understand your delivery options

    4.3 Determine your operating model

    4.4 Identify how to fund product family delivery

    5.1 Learn how to introduce your digital product family strategy

    5.2 Communicate changes on updates to your strategy

    5.3 Determine your next steps

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    4.1.1 Assess your organization’s readiness to deliver digital product families

    4.2.1 Consider pros and cons for each delivery model relative to how you wish to deliver

    4.3.1 Understand the relationships between product management, delivery teams, and stakeholders

    4.4.1 Discuss traditional vs. product-centric funding methods

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Portfolio managers
    • Delivery managers

    Assess the impacts of product-centric delivery on your teams and org design

    Product delivery can exist within any org structure or delivery model. However, when making the shift toward product management, consider optimizing your org design and product team structure to match your capacity and throughput needs.

    A flowchart is shown to see how the impacts of product-centric delivery can impact team and org designs.

    Info-Tech Note

    Realigning your delivery pipeline and org design takes significant effort and time. Although we won’t solve these questions here, it’s important to identify factors in your current or future models that improve value delivery.

    Step 4.1

    Assess your organization’s delivery readiness


    4.1.1 Assess your organization’s readiness to deliver digital product families

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Portfolio managers
    • Delivery managers

    Outcomes of this step

    • An understanding of the group’s maturity level when it comes to product delivery

    Maturing product practices enables delivery of product families, not just products or projects

    A flowchart is shown to demonstrate the differences between project lifecycle, hybrid lifecycle, and product lifecycle.

    Just like product owners, product family owners are needed to develop long-term product value, strategy, and delivery. Projects can still be used as the source of funding and change management; however, the product family owner must manage product releases and operational support. The focus of this section will be on aligning product families to one or more releases.

    4.1.1 Assess your organization’s readiness to deliver digital product families

    30-60 minutes

    1. For each question in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Readiness Assessment, ask yourself which of the five associated maturity statements most closely describes your organization.
    2. As a group, agree on your organization’s current readiness score for each of the six categories.

    A screenshot of the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Readiness Assessment is shown.


    • Product delivery readiness score


    • Product managers
    • Product owners

    Download the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Readiness Assessment.

    Value realization is constrained by your product delivery pipeline

    Value is realized through changes made at the product level. Your pipeline dictates the rate, quality, and prioritization of your backlog delivery. This pipeline connects your roadmap goals to the value the goals are intended to provide.

    An example of a product roadmap is shown with the additional details of the product delivery pipeline being highlighted.

    Product delivery realizes value for your product family

    While planning and analysis are done at the family level, work and delivery are done at the individual product level.


    What are the artifacts?

    What are you saying?

    Defined at the family level?

    Defined at the product level?


    I want to...

    Strategic focus

    Delivery focus


    To get there we need to...


    To achieve our goals, we’ll deliver...


    The work will be done in this order...

    Release Plan

    We will deliver in the following ways...

    Step 4.2

    Understand your delivery options


    4.2.1 Consider pros and cons for each delivery model relative to how you wish to deliver

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Portfolio managers
    • Delivery managers

    Outcomes of this step

    • An understanding of the different team configuration options when it comes to delivery and their relevance to how you currently work

    Define the scope of your product delivery strategy

    The goal of your product delivery strategy is to establish streamlined, enforceable, and standardized product management and delivery capabilities that follow industry best practices. You will need to be strategic in how and where you implement your changes because this will set the stage for future adoption. Strategically select the most appropriate products, roles, and areas of your organization to implement your new or enhanced capabilities and establish a foundation for scaling.

    Successful product delivery requires people who are knowledgeable about the products they manage and have a broad perspective of the entire delivery process, from intake to delivery, and of the product portfolio. The right people also have influence with other teams and stakeholders who are directly or indirectly impacted by product decisions. Involve team members who have expertise in the development, maintenance, and management of your selected products and stakeholders who can facilitate and promote change.

    Learn about different patterns to structure and resource your product delivery teams

    The primary goal of any product delivery team is to improve the delivery of value for customers and the business based on your product definition and each product’s demand. Each organization will have different priorities and constraints, so your team structure may take on a combination of patterns or may take on one pattern and then transform into another.

    Delivery Team Structure Patterns

    How Are Resources and Work Allocated?

    Functional Roles

    Teams are divided by functional responsibilities (e.g. developers, testers, business analysts, operations, help desk) and arranged according to their placement in the software development lifecycle (SDLC).

    Completed work is handed off from team to team sequentially as outlined in the organization’s SDLC.

    Shared Service and Resource Pools

    Teams are created by pulling the necessary resources from pools (e.g. developers, testers, business analysts, operations, help desk).

    Resources are pulled whenever the work requires specific skills or pushed to areas where product demand is high.

    Product or System

    Teams are dedicated to the development, support, and management of specific products or systems.

    Work is directly sent to the teams who are directly managing the product or directly supporting the requester.

    Skills and Competencies

    Teams are grouped based on skills and competencies related to technology (e.g. Java, mobile, web) or familiarity with business capabilities (e.g. HR, finance).

    Work is directly sent to the teams who have the IT and business skills and competencies to complete the work.

    See the flow of work through each delivery team structure pattern

    Four delivery team structures are shown. The four are: functional roles, shared service and resource pools, product or system, and skills and competencies.

    Staffing models for product teams

    Functional Roles Shared Service and Resource Pools Product or System Skills and Competencies
    A screenshot of the functional roles from the flow of work example is shown. A screenshot of the shared service and resource pools from the flow of work example is shown. A screenshot of the product or system from the flow of work example is shown. A screenshot of skills and competencies from the flow of work example is shown.
      ✓ Specialized resources are easier to staff

      ✓ Product knowledge is maintained

      ✓ Flexible demand/capacity management

      ✓ Supports full utilization of resources

      ✓ Teams are invested in the full life of the product

      ✓ Standing teams enable continuous improvement

      ✓ Teams are invested in the technology

      ✓ Standing teams enable continuous improvement

      x Demand on specialists can create bottlenecks

      x Creates barriers to collaboration

      x Unavailability of resources can lead to delays

      x Product knowledge can be lost as resources move

      x Changes in demand can lead to downtime

      x Cross-functional skills make staffing a challenge

      x Technology bias can lead to the wrong solution

      x Resource contention when team supports multiple solutions

      ! Product owners must break requests down into very small components to support Agile delivery as mini-Waterfalls
      ! Product owners must identify specialist requirements in the roadmap to ensure resources are available
      ! Product owners must ensure that there is a sufficient backlog of valuable work ready to keep the team utilized
      ! Product owners must remain independent of technology to ensure the right solution is built
    Use Case
    • When you lack people with cross-functional skills
    • When you have specialists such as those skilled in security and operations who will not have full-time work on the product
    • When you have people with cross-functional skills who can self-organize around the request
    • When you have a significant investment in a specific technology stack

    4.2.1 Consider pros and cons for each delivery model relative to how you wish to deliver

    1. Document your current staffing model for your product delivery teams.
    2. Evaluate the pros and cons of each model, as specified on the previous slide, relative to how you currently work.
    3. What would be the ideal target state for your team? If one model does not completely fit, is there a hybrid option worth considering? For example: Product-Based combined with Shared Service/Resource Pools for specific roles.

    Functional Roles

    Teams are divided by functional responsibilities (e.g. developers, testers, business analysts, operations, help desk) and arranged according to their placement in the software development lifecycle (SDLC).

    Shared Service and Resource Pools

    Teams are created by pulling the necessary resources from pools (e.g. developers, testers, business analysts, operations, help desk).

    Product or System

    Teams are dedicated to the development, support, and management of specific products or systems.

    Skills and Competencies

    Teams are grouped based on skills and competencies related to technology (e.g. Java, mobile, web) or familiarity with business capabilities (e.g. HR, finance).


    • An understanding of pros and cons for each delivery model and the ideal target state for your team


    • Product managers
    • Product owners

    Record the results in the Digital Product Family Strategy Playbook.

    Step 4.3

    Determine your operating model


    4.3.1 Understand the relationships between product management, delivery teams, and stakeholders

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Portfolio managers
    • Delivery managers

    Outcomes of this step

    • An understanding of the potential operating models and what will work best for your organization

    Reminder: Patterns for scaling products

    The alignment of your product families should be considered in your operating model.

    Value Stream Alignment

    Enterprise Applications

    Shared Services


    Organizational Alignment

    • Business architecture
      • Value stream
      • Capability
      • Function
    • Market/customer segment
    • Line of business (LoB)
    • Example: Customer group > value stream > products
    • Enabling capabilities
    • Enterprise platforms
    • Supporting apps
    • Example: HR > Workday/Peoplesoft > ModulesSupporting: Job board, healthcare administrator
    • Organization of related services into service family
    • Direct hierarchy does not necessarily exist within the family
    • Examples: End-user support and ticketing, workflow and collaboration tools
    • Domain grouping of IT infrastructure, platforms, apps, skills, or languages
    • Often used in combination with Shared Services grouping or LoB-specific apps
    • Examples: Java, .NET, low-code, database, network
    • Used at higher levels of the organization where products are aligned under divisions
    • Separation of product managers from organizational structure no longer needed because the management team owns product management role

    Ensure consistency in the application of your design principles with a coherent operating model

    What is an operating model?

    An operating model is an abstract visualization, used like an architect’s blueprint, that depicts how structures and resources are aligned and integrated to deliver on the organization’s strategy. It ensures consistency of all elements in the organizational structure through a clear and coherent blueprint before embarking on detailed organizational design

    The visual should highlight which capabilities are critical to attaining strategic goals and clearly show the flow of work so that key stakeholders can understand where inputs flow in and outputs flow out of the IT organization.

    An example of an operating model is shown.

    For more information, see Redesign Your IT Organizational Structure.

    Weigh the pros and cons of IT operating models to find the best fit

    1. LoB/Product Aligned – Decentralized Model: Line of Business, Geographically, Product, or Functionally Aligned
    2. A decentralized IT operating model that embeds specific functions within LoBs/product teams and provides cross-organizational support for their initiatives.

    3. Hybrid Functional: Functional/Product Aligned
    4. A best-of-both-worlds model that balances the benefits of centralized and decentralized approaches to achieve both customer responsiveness and economies of scale.

    5. Hybrid Service Model: Product-Aligned Operating Model
    6. A model that supports what is commonly referred to as a matrix organization, organizing by highly related service categories and introducing the role of the service owner.

    7. Centralized: Plan-Build-Run
    8. A highly typical IT operating model that focuses on centralized strategic control and oversight in delivering cost-optimized and effective solutions.

    9. Centralized: Demand-Develop-Service
    10. A centralized IT operating model that lends well to more mature operating environments. Aimed at leveraging economies of scale in an end-to-end services delivery model.

    There are many different operating models. LoB/Product Aligned and Hybrid Functional align themselves most closely with how products and product families are typically delivered.

    Decentralized Model: Line of Business, Geographically, Product, or Functionally Aligned

    An example of a decentralized model is shown.



    • Organization around functions (FXN) allows for diversity in approach in how areas are run to best serve specific business units needs.
    • Each functional line exists largely independently, with full capacity and control to deliver service at the committed service level agreements.
    • Highly responsive to shifting needs and demands with direct connection to customers and all stages of the solution development lifecycle.
    • Accelerates decision making by delegating authority lower into the FXN.
    • Promotes a flatter organization with less hierarchy and more direct communication with the CIO.
    • Less synergy and integration across what different lines of business are doing can result in redundancies and unnecessary complexity.
    • Higher overall cost to the IT group due to role and technology duplication across different FXN.
    • Inexperience becomes an issue; requires more competent people to be distributed across the FXN.
    • Loss of sight of the big picture – difficult to enforce standards around people/process/technology with solution ownership within the FXN.

    For more information, see Redesign your IT Organizational Structure.

    Hybrid Model: Functional/Product Aligned

    An example of a hybrid model: functional/product aligned is shown.



    • Best of both worlds of centralization and decentralization; attempts to channel benefits from both centralized and decentralized models.
    • Embeds key IT functions that require business knowledge within functional areas, allowing for critical feedback.
    • Balances a holistic IT strategy and architecture with responsiveness to needs of the organization.
    • Achieves economies of scale where necessary through the delivery of shared services that can be requested by the function.
    • May result in excessive cost through role and system redundancies across different functions
    • Business units can have variable levels of IT competence; may result in different levels of effectiveness.
    • No guaranteed synergy and integration across functions; requires strong communication, collaboration, and steering.
    • Cannot meet every business unit’s needs – can cause tension from varying effectiveness of the IT functions placed within the functional areas.

    For more information, see Redesign your IT Organizational Structure.

    Hybrid Model: Product-Aligned Operating Model

    An example of a hybrid model: product-aligned operating model.



    • Focus is on the full lifecycle of a product – takes a strategic view of how technology enables the organization.
    • Promotes centralized backlog around a specific value creator, rather than traditional project focus, which is more transactional.
    • Dedicated teams around the product family ensure that you have all of the resources required to deliver on your product roadmap.
    • Reduces barriers between IT and business stakeholders, focuses on technology as a key strategic enabler.
    • Delivery is largely done through a DevOps methodology.
    • Significant business involvement is required for success within this model, with business stakeholders taking an active role in product governance and potentially product management as well.
    • Strong architecture standards and practices are required to make this successful because you need to ensure that product families are building in a consistent manner and limiting application sprawl.
    • Introduced the need for practice standards to drive consistency in quality of delivered services.
    • May result in increased cost through role redundancies across different squads.

    For more information, see Redesign your IT Organizational Structure.

    Centralized: Plan-Build-Run

    An example of a centralized: Plan-Build-Run is shown.



    • Effective at implementing long-term plans efficiently, separates maintenance and projects to allow each to have the appropriate focus.
    • More oversight over financials; better suited for fixed budgets.
    • Works across centralized technology domains to better align with the business's strategic objectives – allows for a top-down approach to decision making.
    • Allows for economies of scale and expertise pooling to improve IT’s efficiency.
    • Well suited for a project-driven environment that employs Waterfall or a hybrid project management methodology that is less iterative.
    • Not optimized for unpredictable/shifting project demands, as decision making is centralized in the plan function.
    • Less agility to deliver new features or solutions to the customer in comparison to decentralized models.
    • Build (developers) and run (operations staff) are far removed from the business, resulting in lower understanding of business needs (as well as “passing the buck” – from development to operations).
    • Requires strong hand-off processes to be defined and strong knowledge transfer from build to run functions in order to be successful.

    For more information, see Redesign your IT Organizational Structure.

    Centralized: Demand-Develop-Service

    An example of a centralized: Demand-Develop-Service model is shown.



    • Aligns well with an end-to-end services model; constant attention to customer demand and service supply.
    • Centralizes service operations under one functional area to serve shared needs across lines of business.
    • Allows for economies of scale and expertise pooling to improve IT’s efficiency.
    • Elevates sourcing and vendor management as its own strategic function; lends well to managed service and digital initiatives.
    • Development and operations housed together; lends well to DevOps-related initiatives.
    • Can be less responsive to business needs than decentralized models due to the need for portfolio steering to prioritize initiatives and solutions.
    • Requires a higher level of operational maturity to succeed; stable supply functions (service mgmt., operations mgmt., service desk, security, data) are critical to maintaining business satisfaction.
    • Requires highly effective governance around project portfolio, services, and integration capabilities.
    • Effective feedback loop highly dependent on accurate performance measures.

    For more information, see Redesign your IT Organizational Structure.

    Assess how your product scaling pattern impacts your resource delivery model

    Value Stream Alignment

    Enterprise Applications

    Shared Services



    Pro: Supports established and stable families.

    Con: Command-and-control nature inhibits Agile DevOps and business agility.

    Pro: Supports established and stable families.

    Con: Command-and-control nature inhibits Agile DevOps and business agility.

    Pro: Can be used to align high-level families.

    Con: Lacks flexibility at the product level to address shifting priorities in product demand.

    Pro: Supports a factory model.

    Con: Lacks flexibility at the product level to address shifting priorities in product demand.

    Centralized Model 2:

    Pro: Supports established and stable families.

    Con: Command-and-control nature inhibits Agile DevOps and business agility.

    Pro: Supports established and stable families.

    Con: Command-and-control nature inhibits Agile DevOps and business agility.

    Pro: Recommended for aligning high-level service families based on user needs.

    Con: Reduces product empowerment, prioritizing demand. Slow.

    Pro: Supports factory models.

    Con: Reduces product empowerment, prioritizing demand. Slow.

    Decentralized Model:
    Line of Business, Product, Geographically, or

    Functionally Aligned

    Pro: Aligns product families to value streams, capabilities, and organizational structure.

    Con: Reduces shared solutions and may create duplicate apps and services.

    Pro: Enterprise apps treated as distinct LoB groups.

    Con: Reduces shared solutions and may create duplicate apps and services.

    Pro: Complements value stream alignment by consolidating shared apps and services.

    Con: Requires additional effort to differentiate local vs. shared solutions.

    Pro: Fits within other groupings where technical expertise is needed.

    Con: Creates redundancy between localized and shared technical teams.

    Hybrid Model:


    Pro: Supports multiple patterns of product grouping.

    Con: Requires additional effort to differentiate local vs. shared solutions.

    Pro: Supports multiple patterns of product grouping.

    Con: Requires additional effort to differentiate local vs. shared solutions.

    Pro: Supports multiple patterns of product grouping.

    Con: Requires additional effort to differentiate local vs. shared solutions.

    Pro: Supports multiple patterns of product grouping.

    Con: Creates redundancy between localized and shared technical teams.

    Hybrid Model:

    Product-Aligned Operating Model

    Pro: Supports multiple patterns of product grouping.

    Con: Requires additional effort to differentiate local vs. shared solutions.

    Pro: Supports multiple patterns of product grouping.

    Con: Requires additional effort to differentiate local vs. shared solutions.

    Pro: Supports multiple patterns of product grouping.

    Con: Requires additional effort to differentiate local vs. shared solutions.

    Pro: Supports multiple patterns of product grouping.

    Con: Creates redundancy between localized and shared technical teams.

    4.3.1 Understand the relationships between product management, delivery teams, and stakeholders

    30-60 minutes

    1. Discuss the intake sources of product work.
    2. Trace the flow of requests down to the functional roles of your delivery team (e.g., developer, QA, operations).
    3. Indicate where key deliverables are produced, particularly those that are built in collaboration.
    4. Discuss the five operating models relative to your current operating model choice. How aligned are you?
    5. Review Info-Tech’s recommendation on the best-aligned operating models for product family delivery. Do you agree or disagree?
    6. Evaluate recommendations against how you operate/work.


    • Understanding of the relationships between key groups
    • A preferred operating model


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Delivery managers

    Record the results in the Digital Product Family Strategy Playbook.

    4.3.1 Understand the relationships between product management, delivery teams, and stakeholders

    An example of activity 4.3.1 to understand the relationships between product management, delivery teams, and stakeholders is shown.


    • Understanding of the relationships between key groups
    • A preferred operating model


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Delivery managers

    Step 4.4

    Identify how to fund product family delivery


    4.4.1 Discuss traditional vs. product-centric funding methods

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Portfolio managers
    • Delivery managers

    Outcomes of this step

    • An understanding of the differences between product-based and traditional funding methods

    Why is funding so problematic?

    We often still think about funding products like construction projects.

    Three models are shown on the various options to fund projects.

    These models require increasing accuracy throughout the project lifecycle to manage actuals vs. estimates.

    "Most IT funding depends on one-time expenditures or capital-funding mechanisms that are based on building-construction funding models predicated on a life expectancy of 20 years or more. Such models don’t provide the stability or flexibility needed for modern IT investments." – EDUCAUSE

    Reminder: Projects don’t go away. The center of the conversation changes.

    A flowchart is shown to demonstrate the difference between project lifecycle, hybrid lifecycle, and product lifecycle.

    Projects within products

    Regardless of whether you recognize yourself as a product-based or project-based shop, the same basic principles should apply.

    The purpose of projects is to deliver the scope of a product release. The shift to product delivery leverages a product roadmap and backlog as the mechanism for defining and managing the scope of the release.

    Eventually, teams progress to continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) where they can release on demand or as scheduled, requiring org change management.

    Planning and budgeting for products and families

    Reward for delivering outcomes, not features

    Fund what delivers valueAllocate iterativelyMeasure and adjust

    Fund long-lived delivery of value through products (not projects).

    Give autonomy to the team to decide exactly what to build.

    Allocate to a pool based on higher-level business case.

    Provide funds in smaller amounts to different product teams and initiatives based on need.

    Product teams define metrics that contribute to given outcomes.

    Track progress and allocate more (or less) funds as appropriate.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Changes to funding require changes to product and Agile practices to ensure product ownership and accountability.

    The Lean Enterprise Funding Model is an example of a different approach

    An example of the lean enterprise funding model is shown.
    From: Implement Agile Practices That Work

    A flexible funding pool akin to venture capital models is maintained to support innovative ideas and fund proofs of concept for product and process improvements.

    Proofs of concept (POCs) are run by standing innovation teams or a reserve of resources not committed to existing products, projects, or services.

    Every product line has funding for all changes and ongoing operations and support.

    Teams are funded continuously so that they can learn and improve their practices as much as possible.

    Budgeting approaches must evolve as you mature your product operating environment






    Budget tracked by major phases

    Budget tracked by sprint and project

    Budget tracked by sprint and project

    Budget tracked by sprint and release


    All change is by exception

    Scope change is routine, budget change is by exception

    Scope change is routine, budget change is by exception

    Budget change is expected on roadmap cadence


    Benefits realization after project completion

    Benefits realization is ongoing throughout the life of the project

    Benefits realization is ongoing throughout the life of the product

    Benefits realization is ongoing throughout life of the product


    Project Manager

    • Project team delivery role
    • Refines project scope, advocates for changes in the budget
    • Advocates for additional funding in the forecast

    Product Owner

    • Project team delivery role
    • Refines project scope, advocates for changes in the budget
    • Advocates for additional funding in the forecast

    Product Manager

    • Product portfolio team role
    • Forecasting new initiatives during delivery to continue to drive value throughout the life of the product

    Product Manager

  • Product family team role
  • Forecasting new initiatives during delivery to continue to drive value throughout the life of the product
  • Info-Tech Insight

    As you evolve your approach to product delivery, you will be decoupling the expected benefits, forecast, and budget. Managing them independently will improve your ability to adapt to change and drive the right outcomes!

    Your strategy must include the cost to build and operate

    Most investment happens after go-live, not in the initial build!

    An example strategy is displayed that incorporates the concepts of cost to build and operate.

    Adapted from: LookFar

    Info-Tech Insight

    While the exact balance point between development or implementation costs varies from application to application, over 80% of the cost is accrued after go-live.

    Traditional accounting leaves software development CapEx on the table

    Software development costs have traditionally been capitalized, while research and operations are operational expenditures.

    The challenge has always been the myth that operations are only bug fixes, upgrades, and other operational expenditures. Research shows that most post-release work on developed solutions is the development of new features and changes to support material changes in the business. While projects could bundle some of these changes into capital expenditure, much of the business-as-usual work that goes on leaves capital expenses on the table because the work is lumped together as maintenance-related OpEx.

    From “How to Stop Leaving Software CapEx on the Table With Agile and DevOps”

    4.4.1 Discuss traditional vs. product-centric funding methods

    30-60 minutes

    1. Discuss how products and product families are currently funded.
    2. Review how the Agile/product funding models differ from how you currently operate.
    3. What changes do you need to consider in order to support a product delivery model?
    4. For each change, identify the key stakeholders and list at least one action to take.
    5. Record the results in the Digital Product Family Strategy Playbook.


    • Understanding of funding principles and challenges


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Delivery managers

    Record the results in the Digital Product Family Strategy Playbook.

    Phase 5

    Build Your Transformation Roadmap and Communication Plan

    Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5

    1.1 Understand the organizational factors driving product-centric delivery

    1.2 Establish your organization’s product inventory

    2.1 Determine your approach to scale product families

    2.2 Define your product families

    3.1 Leverage product family roadmaps

    3.2 Use stakeholder management to improve roadmap communication

    3.3 Configure your product family roadmaps

    3.4 Confirm product family to product alignment

    4.1 Assess your organization’s delivery readiness

    4.2 Understand your delivery options

    4.3 Determine your operating model

    4.4 Identify how to fund product family delivery

    5.1 Learn how to introduce your digital product family strategy

    5.2 Communicate changes on updates to your strategy

    5.3 Determine your next steps

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    5.1.1 Introduce your digital product family strategy

    5.2.1 Define your communication cadence for your strategy updates

    5.2.2 Define your messaging for each stakeholder

    5.3.1 How do we get started?

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Application leaders
    • Stakeholders

    Step 5.1

    Introduce your digital product family strategy


    5.1.1 Introduce your digital product family strategy

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners and product managers
    • Application leaders
    • Stakeholders

    Outcomes of this step

    • A completed executive summary presenting your digital product strategy

    Product decisions are traditionally made in silos with little to no cross-functional communication and strategic oversight

    Software delivery teams and stakeholders traditionally make plans, strategies, and releases within their silos and tailor their decisions based on their own priorities. Interactions are typically limited to hand-offs (such as feature requests) and routing of issues and defects back up the delivery pipeline. These silos likely came about through well-intentioned training, mandates, and processes, but they do not sufficiently support today’s need to rapidly release and change platforms.

    Siloed departments often have poor visibility into the activities of other silos, and they may not be aware of the ramifications their decisions have on teams and stakeholders outside of their silo.

    • Silos may make choices that are optimal largely for themselves without thinking of the holistic impact on a platform’s structure, strategy, use cases, and delivery.
    • The business may approve platform improvements without the consideration of the delivery team’s current capacity or the system’s complexity, resulting in unrealistic commitments.
    • Quality standards may be misinterpreted and inconsistently enforced across the entire delivery pipeline.

    In some cases, the only way to achieve greater visibility and communication for all roles across a platform’s lifecycle is implementing an overarching role or team.

    “The majority of our candid conversations with practitioners and project management offices indicate that the platform ownership role is poorly defined and poorly executed.”

    – Barry Cousins

    Practice Lead, Applications – Project & Portfolio Management

    Info-Tech Research Group

    Use stakeholder management and roadmap views to improve communication

    Proactive, clear communication with stakeholders, SMEs, and your product delivery team can significantly improve alignment and agreement with your roadmap, strategy, and vision.

    When building your communication strategy, revisit the work you completed in phase 3 developing your:

    • Roadmap types
    • Stakeholder strategy





    High influence, high interest – actively engage

    Keep them updated on the progress of the project. Continuously involve Players in the process and maintain their engagement and interest by demonstrating their value to its success.


    High influence, low interest – keep satisfied

    They can be the game changers in groups of stakeholders. Turn them into supporters by gaining their confidence and trust and including them in important decision-making steps. In turn, they can help you influence other stakeholders.


    Low influence, high interest – keep informed

    Try to increase their influence (or decrease it if they are detractors) by providing them with key information, supporting them in meetings, and using Mediators to help them.


    Low influence, low interest – monitor

    They are followers. Keep them in the loop by providing clarity on objectives and status updates.

    5.1.1 Introduce your digital product family strategy

    30-60 minutes

    This exercise is intended to help you lay out the framing of your strategy and the justification for the effort. A lot of these items can be pulled directly from the product canvas you created in phase 2. This is intended to be a single slide to frame your upcoming discussions.

    1. Update your vision, goals, and values on your product canvas. Determine which stakeholders may be impacted and what their concerns are. If you have many stakeholders, limit to Players and Influencers.
    2. Identify what you need from the stakeholders as a result of this communication.
    3. Keeping in mind the information gathered in steps 1 and 2, describe your product family strategy by answering three questions:
    1. Why do we need product families?
    2. What is in our way?
    3. Our first step will be... ?


    • An executive summary that introduces your product strategy


    • Product owners and product managers
    • Application leaders
    • Stakeholders

    Record the results in the Digital Product Family Strategy Playbook.

    Example: Scaling delivery through product families

    Why do we need product families?

    • The growth of our product offerings and our company’s movement into new areas of growth mean we need to do a better job scaling our offerings to meet the needs of the organization.

    What is in our way?

    • Our existing applications and services are so dramatically different we are unsure how to bring them together.

    Our first step will be...

    • Taking a full inventory of our applications and services.

    Step 5.2

    Communicate changes on updates to your strategy


    5.2.1 Define your communication cadence for your strategy updates

    5.2.2 Define your messaging for each stakeholder

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners and product managers
    • Application leaders
    • Stakeholders

    Outcomes of this step

    • A communication plan for when strategy updates need to be given

    5.2.1 Define your communication cadence for your strategy updates

    30 minutes

    Remember the role of different artifacts when it comes to your strategy. The canvas contributes to the What, and the roadmap addresses the How. Any updates to the strategy are articulated and communicated through your roadmap.

    1. Review your currently defined roadmaps, their communication objectives, update frequency, and updates.
    2. Consider the impacted stakeholders and the strategies required to communicate with them.
    3. Fill in your communication cadence and communication method.


    Roadmap Name


    Communication Cadence

    External Customer Roadmap

    Customers and External Users

    Quarterly (Website)

    Product Delivery Roadmap

    Development Teams, Infrastructure, Architects

    Monthly (By Email)

    Technology Roadmap

    Development Teams, Infrastructure, Architects

    Biweekly (Website)


    • Clear communication cadence for your roadmaps


    • Product owners and product managers
    • Application leaders
    • Stakeholders

    Record the results in the Digital Product Family Strategy Playbook.

    The “what” behind the communication

    Leaders of successful change spend considerable time developing a powerful change message, i.e. a compelling narrative that articulates the desired end state and makes the change concrete and meaningful to staff.

    The change message should:

    • Explain why the change is needed.
    • Summarize what will stay the same.
    • Highlight what will be left behind.
    • Emphasize what is being changed.
    • Explain how change will be implemented.
    • Address how change will affect various roles in the organization.
    • Discuss the staff’s role in making the change successful.

    Five elements of communicating change

    1. What is the change?
    2. Why are we doing it?
    3. How are we going to go about it?
    4. How long will it take us to do it?
    5. What is the role for each department and individual?

    Source: Cornelius & Associates

    How we engage with the message is just as important as the message itself

    Why are we here?

    Speak to what matters to them

    Sell the improvement

    Show real value

    Discuss potential fears

    Ask for their support

    Be gracious

    5.2.2 (Optional) Define your messaging for each stakeholder

    30 minutes

    It’s one thing to communicate the strategy, it’s another thing to send the right message to your stakeholders. Some of this will depend on the kind of news given, but the majority of this is dependent on the stakeholder and the cadence of communication.

    1. From exercise 5.2.1, take the information on the specific roadmaps, target audience, and communication cadence.
    2. Based on your understanding of the audience’s needs, what would the specific update try to get across?
    3. Pick a specific typical example of a change in strategy that you have gone through. (e.g. Product will be delayed by a quarter; key feature is being substituted for another.)


    Roadmap Name

    Audience/ Stakeholder

    Communication Cadence


    External Customer Roadmap

    Customers and External Users

    Quarterly (Website)


    • Messaging plan for each roadmap type


    • Product owners and product managers
    • Application leaders
    • Stakeholders

    Record the results in the Digital Product Family Strategy Playbook.

    Step 5.3

    Determine your next steps


    5.3.1 How do we get started?

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners and product managers
    • Application leaders
    • Stakeholders

    Outcomes of this step

    • Understanding the steps to get started in your transformation

    Make a plan in order to make a plan!

    Consider some of the techniques you can use to validate your strategy.

    Learning Milestones

    Sprint Zero (AKA Project-before-the-project)

    The completion of a set of artifacts dedicated to validating business opportunities and hypotheses.

    Possible areas of focus:

    Align teams on product strategy prior to build

    Market research and analysis

    Dedicated feedback sessions

    Provide information on feature requirements

    The completion of a set of key planning activities, typically the first sprint.

    Possible areas of focus:

    Focus on technical verification to enable product development alignment

    Sign off on architectural questions or concerns

    An image showing the flowchart of continuous delivery of value is shown.

    Go to your backlog and prioritize the elements that need to be answered sooner rather than later.

    Possible areas of focus:

    Regulatory requirements or questions to answer around accessibility, security, privacy.

    Stress testing any new processes against situations that may occur.

    The “Now, Next, Later” roadmap

    Use this when deadlines and delivery dates are not strict. This is best suited for brainstorming a product plan when dependency mapping is not required.

    Now: What are you going to do now?

    Next: What are you going to do very soon?

    Later: What are you going to do in the future?

    An example of a now, next, later roadmap is shown.

    Source: “Tips for Agile product roadmaps & product roadmap examples,”, 2017

    5.3.1 How do we get started?

    30-60 minutes

    1. Identify what the critical steps are for the organization to embrace product-centric delivery.
    2. Group each critical step by how soon you need to address it:
    • Now: Let’s do this ASAP.
    • Next: Sometime very soon, let’s do these things.
    • Later: Much further off in the distance, let’s consider these things.
  • Record the group results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.
  • Record changes for your product and product family in the Digital Product Family Strategy Playbook.
  • An example of a now, next, later roadmap is shown.

    Source: “Tips for Agile product roadmaps & product roadmap examples,”, 2017


    • Product family transformation critical steps and basic roadmap


    • Product owners and product managers
    • Application leaders
    • Stakeholders

    Record the results in the Digital Product Family Strategy Playbook.

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    Summary of Accomplishment

    Problem Solved

    The journey to become a product-centric organization is not short or easy. Like with any improvement or innovation, teams need to continue to evolve and mature with changes in their operations, teams, tools, and user needs.You’ve taken a big step completing your product family alignment. This provides a backbone for aligning all aspects of your organization to your enterprise goals and strategy while empowering product teams to find solutions closer to the problem. Continue to refine your model and operations to improve value realization and your product delivery pipelines to embrace business agility. Organizations that are most responsive to change will continue to outperform command-and-control leadership.

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through other phases as part of an Info-Tech workshop.

    Contact your account representative for more information.


    Research Contributors and Experts

    Photo of Emily Archer.

    Emily Archer

    Lead Business Analyst,

    Enterprise Consulting, authentic digital agency

    Emily Archer is a consultant currently working with Fortune 500 clients to ensure the delivery of successful projects, products, and processes. She helps increase the business value returned for organizations’ investments in designing and implementing enterprise content hubs and content operations, custom web applications, digital marketing, and e-commerce platforms.

    Photo of David Berg

    Founder & CTO

    Strainprint Technologies Inc.

    David Berg is a product commercialization expert that has spent the last 20 years of his career delivering product management and business development services across a broad range of industries. Early in his career, David worked with product management and engineering teams to build core network infrastructure products that secure and power the internet we benefit from today. David’s experience also includes working with clean technologies in the area of clean power generation, agritech, and Internet of Things infrastructure. Over the last five years, David has been focused on his latest venture, Strainprint Technologies, a data and analytics company focused on the medical cannabis industry. Strainprint has built the largest longitudinal medical cannabis dataset in the world with the goal to develop an understanding of treatment behavior, interactions, and chemical drivers to guide future product development.

    Kathy Borneman

    Digital Product Owner, SunTrust Bank

    Kathy Borneman is a senior product owner who helps people enjoy their jobs again by engaging others in end-to-end decision making to deliver software and operational solutions that enhance the client experience and allow people to think and act strategically.

    Photro of Charlie Campbell

    Charlie Campbell

    Product Owner, Merchant e-Solutions

    Charlie Campbell is an experienced problem solver with the ability to quickly dissect situations and recommend immediate actions to achieve resolution, liaise between technical and functional personnel to bridge the technology and communication gap, and work with diverse teams and resources to reach a common goal.

    Photo of Yarrow Diamond

    Yarrow Diamond

    Sr. Director, Business Architecture

    Financial Services

    Yarrow Diamond is an experienced professional with expertise in enterprise strategy development, project portfolio management, and business process reengineering across financial services, healthcare and insurance, hospitality, and real estate environments. She has a master’s in Enterprise Architecture from Penn State University, LSSMBB, PMP, CSM, ITILv3.

    Photo of Cari J. Faanes-Blakey

    Cari J. Faanes-Blakey, CBAP, PMI-PBA

    Enterprise Business Systems Analyst,

    Vertex, Inc.

    Cari J. Faanes-Blakey has a history in software development and implementation as a Business Analyst and Project Manager for financial and taxation software vendors. Active in the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA), Cari participated on the writing team for the BA Body of Knowledge 3.0 and the certification exam.

    Photo of Kieran Gobey

    Kieran Gobey

    Senior Consultant Professional Services

    Blueprint Software Systems

    Kieran Gobey is an IT professional with 24 years of experience, focused on business, technology, and systems analysis. He has split his career between external and internal customer-facing roles, and this has resulted in a true understanding of what is required to be a Professional Services Consultant. His problem-solving skills and ability to mentor others have resulted in successful software implementations. Kieran’s specialties include deep system troubleshooting and analysis skills, facilitating communications to bring together participants effectively, mentoring, leadership, and organizational skills.

    Photo of Rupert Kainzbauer

    Rupert Kainzbauer

    VP Product, Digital Wallets

    Paysafe Group

    Rupert Kainzbauer is an experienced senior leader with a passion for defining and delivering products that deliver real customer and commercial benefit. Together with a team of highly experienced and motivated product managers, he has successfully led highly complex, multi-stakeholder payments initiatives, from proposition development and solution design through to market delivery. Their domain experience is in building online payment products in high-risk and emerging markets, remittance, prepaid cards, and mobile applications.

    Photo of Saeed Khan

    Saeed Khan


    Transformation Labs

    Saeed Khan has been working in high tech for 30 years in both Canada and the US and has held a number of leadership roles in Product Management over that time. He speaks regularly at conferences and has been writing publicly about technology product management since 2005. Through Transformation Labs, Saeed helps companies accelerate product success by working with product teams to improve their skills, practices, and processes. He is a cofounder of ProductCamp Toronto and currently runs a Meetup group and global Slack community called Product Leaders; the only global community of senior level product executives.

    Photo of Hoi Kun Lo

    Hoi Kun Lo

    Product Owner


    Hoi Kun Lo is an experienced change agent who can be found actively participating within the IIBA and WITI groups in Tampa, FL and a champion for Agile, architecture, diversity, and inclusion programs at Nielsen. She is currently a Product Owner in the Digital Strategy team within Nielsen Global Watch Technology.

    Photo of Abhishek Mathur

    Abhishek Mathur

    Sr Director, Product Management

    Kasisto, Inc.

    Abhishek Mathur is a product management leader, an artificial intelligence practitioner, and an educator. He has led product management and engineering teams at Clarifai, IBM, and Kasisto to build a variety of artificial intelligence applications within the space of computer vision, natural language processing, and recommendation systems. Abhishek enjoys having deep conversations about the future of technology and helping aspiring product managers enter and accelerate their careers.

    Photo of Jeff Meister

    Jeff Meister

    Technology Advisor and Product Leader

    Jeff Meister is a technology advisor and product leader. He has more than 20 years of experience building and operating software products and the teams that build them. He has built products across a wide range of industries and has built and led large engineering, design, and product organizations. Jeff most recently served as Senior Director of Product Management at Avanade, where he built and led the product management practice. This involved hiring and leading product managers, defining product management processes, solution shaping and engagement execution, and evangelizing the discipline through pitches, presentations, and speaking engagements. Jeff holds a Bachelor’s of Applied Science (Electrical Engineering) and a Bachelor’s of Arts from the University of Waterloo, an MBA from INSEAD (Strategy), and certifications in product management, project management, and design thinking.

    Photo of Vincent Mirabelli

    Vincent Mirabelli


    Global Project Synergy Group

    With over 10 years of experience in both the private and public sectors, Vincent Mirabelli possesses an impressive track record of improving, informing, and transforming business strategy and operations through process improvement, design and re-engineering, and the application of quality to business analysis, project management, and process improvement standards.

    Photo of Oz Nazili

    Oz Nazili

    VP, Product & Growth


    Oz Nazili is a product leader with a decade of experience in both building products and product teams. Having spent time at funded startups and large enterprises, he thinks often about the most effective way to deliver value to users. His core areas of interest include Lean MVP development and data-driven product growth.

    Photo of Mark Pearson

    Mark Pearson

    Principal IT Architect, First Data Corporation

    Mark Pearson is an executive business leader grounded in the process, data, technology, and operations of software-driven business. He knows the enterprise software landscape and is skilled in product, technology, and operations design and delivery within information technology organizations, outsourcing firms, and software product companies.

    Photo of Brenda Peshak

    Brenda Peshak

    Product Owner,

    Widget Industries, LLC

    Brenda Peshak is skilled in business process, analytical skills, Microsoft Office Suite, communication, and customer relationship management (CRM). She is a strong product management professional with a Master’s focused in Business Leadership (MBL) from William Penn University.

    Photo of Mike Starkey

    Mike Starkey

    Director of Engineering

    W.W. Grainger

    Mike Starkey is a Director of Engineering at W.W. Grainger, currently focusing on operating model development, digital architecture, and building enterprise software. Prior to joining W.W. Grainger, Mike held a variety of technology consulting roles throughout the system delivery lifecycle spanning multiple industries such as healthcare, retail, manufacturing, and utilities with Fortune 500 companies.

    Photo of Anant Tailor

    Anant Tailor

    Cofounder & Head of Product

    Dream Payments Corp.

    Anant Tailor is a cofounder at Dream Payments where he currently serves as the COO and Head of Product, having responsibility for Product Strategy & Development, Client Delivery, Compliance, and Operations. He has 20+ years of experience building and operating organizations that deliver software products and solutions for consumers and businesses of varying sizes. Prior to founding Dream Payments, Anant was the COO and Director of Client Services at DonRiver Inc, a technology strategy and software consultancy that he helped to build and scale into a global company with 100+ employees operating in seven countries. Anant is a Professional Engineer with a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from McMaster University and a certificate in Product Strategy & Management from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.

    Photo of Angela Weller

    Angela Weller

    Scrum Master, Businessolver

    Angela Weller is an experienced Agile business analyst who collaborates with key stakeholders to attain their goals and contributes to the achievement of the company’s strategic objectives to ensure a competitive advantage. She excels when mediating or facilitating teams.

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Product Delivery

    Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision

    • Build a product vision your organization can take from strategy through execution.

    Build a Better Product Owner

    • Strengthen the product owner role in your organization by focusing on core capabilities and proper alignment.

    Build Your Agile Acceleration Roadmap

    • Quickly assess the state of your Agile readiness and plan your path forward to higher value realization.

    Implement Agile Practices That Work

    • Improve collaboration and transparency with the business to minimize project failure.

    Implement DevOps Practices That Work

    • Streamline business value delivery through the strategic adoption of DevOps practices.

    Extend Agile Practices Beyond IT

    • Further the benefits of Agile by extending a scaled Agile framework to the business.

    Build Your BizDevOps Playbook

    • Embrace a team sport culture built around continuous business-IT collaboration to deliver great products.

    Embed Security Into the DevOps Pipeline

    • Shift security left to get into DevSecOps.

    Spread Best Practices With an Agile Center of Excellence

    • Facilitate ongoing alignment between Agile teams and the business with a set of targeted service offerings.

    Enable Organization-Wide Collaboration by Scaling Agile

    • Execute a disciplined approach to rolling out Agile methods in the organization.

    Application Portfolio Management

    APM Research Center

    • See an overview of the APM journey and how we can support the pieces in this journey.

    Application Portfolio Management for Small Enterprises

    • There is no one-size-fits-all rationalization. Tailor your framework to meet your goals.

    Streamline Application Maintenance

    • Effective maintenance ensures the long-term value of your applications.

    Build an Application Rationalization Framework

    • Manage your application portfolio to minimize risk and maximize value.

    Modernize Your Applications

    • Justify modernizing your application portfolio from both business and technical perspectives.

    Review Your Application Strategy

    • Ensure your applications enable your business strategy.

    Discover Your Applications

    • Most application strategies fail. Arm yourself with the necessary information and team structure for a successful application portfolio strategy.

    Streamline Application Management

    • Move beyond maintenance to ensuring exceptional value from your apps.

    Optimize Applications Release Management

    • Facilitate ongoing alignment between Agile teams and the business with a set of targeted service offerings.

    Embrace Business-Managed Applications

    • Empower the business to implement their own applications with a trusted business-IT relationship.

    Value, Delivery Metrics, Estimation

    Build a Value Measurement Framework

    • Focus product delivery on business value–driven outcomes.

    Select and Use SDLC Metrics Effectively

    • Be careful what you ask for, because you will probably get it.

    Application Portfolio Assessment: End User Feedback

    • Develop data-driven insights to help you decide which applications to retire, upgrade, re-train on, or maintain to meet the demands of the business.

    Create a Holistic IT Dashboard

    • Mature your IT department by measuring what matters.

    Refine Your Estimation Practices With Top-Down Allocations

    • Don’t let bad estimates ruin good work.

    Estimate Software Delivery With Confidence

    • Commit to achievable software releases by grounding realistic expectations.

    Reduce Time to Consensus With an Accelerated Business Case

    • Expand on the financial model to give your initiative momentum.

    Optimize Project Intake, Approval, and Prioritization

    • Deliver more projects by giving yourself the voice to say “no” or “not yet” to new projects.

    Enhance PPM Dashboards and Reports

    • Facilitate ongoing alignment between Agile teams and the business with a set of targeted service offerings.

    Org Design and Performance

    Redesign Your IT Organizational Structure

    • Focus product delivery on business value–driven outcomes.

    Build a Strategic Workforce Plan

    • Have the right people, in the right place, at the right time.

    Implement a New Organizational Structure

    • Reorganizations are inherently disruptive. Implement your new structure with minimal pain for staff while maintaining IT performance throughout the change.

    Improve Employee Engagement to Drive IT Performance

    • Don’t just measure engagement, act on it.

    Set Meaningful Employee Performance Measures

    • Set holistic measures to inspire employee performance.

    Master Organizational Change Management Practices

    • PMOs, if you don't know who is responsible for org change, it's you.

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    Bibliography (Roadmap)

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    Johnson, Steve. “How to Master the 3 Horizons of Product Strategy.” Aha!, 24 Sept. 2015. Accessed Sept. 2018.

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    Barry, Richard. “The Product Vision Canvas – a Strategic Tool in Developing a Successful Business.” Polymorph, 2019. Web.

    “Business Canvas – Business Models & Value Propositions.” Strategyzer, 2019. Web.

    “Business Model Canvas.” Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, 4 Aug. 2019. Web.

    Charak, Dinker. “Idea to Product: The Working Model.” ThoughtWorks, 13 July 2017. Web.

    Charak, Dinker. “Product Management Canvas - Product in a Snapshot.” Dinker Charak, 29 May 2017. Web.

    Chudley, James. “Practical Steps in Determining Your Product Vision (Product Tank Bristol, Oct. 2018).” LinkedIn SlideShare. Uploaded by cxpartners, 2 Nov. 2018. Web.

    Cowan, Alex. “The 20 Minute Business Plan: Business Model Canvas Made Easy.” COWAN+, 2019. Web.

    Craig, Desiree. “So You've Decided To Become A Product Manager.” Start it up, Medium, 2 June 2019. Web.

    Create an Aha! Business Model Canvas Strategic Model.” Aha! Support, 2019. Web.

    Eick, Stephen. “Does Code Decay? Assessing the Evidence from Change Management Data.” IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 27, no. 1, Jan. 2001, pp. 1-12. Web.

    Eriksson, Martin. “The next Product Canvas.” Mind the Product, 22 Nov. 2013. Web.

    “Experience Canvas: a Lean Approach: Atlassian Team Playbook.” Atlassian, 2019. Web.

    Freeman, James. “How to Make a Product Canvas – Visualize Your Product Plan.” Edraw, 23 Dec. 2019. Web.

    Fuchs, Danny. “Measure What Matters: 5 Best Practices from Performance Management Leaders.” OpenGov, 8 Aug. 2018. Web.

    Gorisse, Willem. “A Practical Guide to the Product Canvas.” Mendix, 28 Mar. 2017. Web.

    Gothelf, Jeff. “The Lean UX Canvas.” Jeff Gothelf, 15 Dec. 2016. Web.

    Gottesdiener, Ellen. “Using the Product Canvas to Define Your Product: Getting Started.” EBG Consulting, 15 Jan. 2019. Web.

    Gottesdiener, Ellen. “Using the Product Canvas to Define Your Product's Core Requirements.” EBG Consulting, 4 Feb. 2019. Web.

    Gray, Mark Krishan. “Should I Use the Business Model Canvas or the Lean Canvas?” Emergn, 2019. Web.

    Hanby, Jeff. "Software Maintenance: Understanding and Estimating Costs." LookFar, 21 Oct. 2016. Web.

    “How do you define a product?”, 4 Apr 2017, Web

    Juncal, Shaun. “How to Build a Product Roadmap Based on a Business Model Canvas.” ProductPlan, 19 June 2019. Web.

    “Lean Canvas Intro - Uber Example.” YouTube, uploaded by Railsware Product Academy, 12 Oct. 2018. Web.

    “Lesson 6: Product Canvas.” ProdPad Help Center, 2019. Web.

    Lucero, Mario. “The Product Canvas.”, 22 June 2015. Web.

    Maurya, Ash. “Create a New Lean Canvas.” Canvanizer, 2019. Web.

    Maurya, Ash. “Don't Write a Business Plan. Create a Lean Canvas Instead.” LEANSTACK, 2019. Web.

    Maurya, Ash. “Why Lean Canvas vs Business Model Canvas?” Medium, 27 Feb. 2012. Web.

    Mirabelli, Vincent. “The Project Value Canvas.” Vincent Mirabelli, 2019. Web.

    Mishra, LN. “Business Analysis Canvas – The Ultimate Enterprise Architecture.” BA Times, 19 June 2019. Web.

    Muller. Jerry Z. “Why performance metrics isn’t always the best way to judge performance.” Fast Company, 3 April 2019. Web.

    Perri, Melissa. “What Is Good Product Strategy?” Melissa Perri, 14 July 2016. Web.

    Pichler, Roman. “A Product Canvas for Agile Product Management, Lean UX, Lean Startup.” Roman Pichler, 16 July 2012. Web.

    Pichler, Roman. “Introducing the Product Canvas.” JAXenter, 15 Jan. 2013. Web.

    Pichler, Roman. “Roman's Product Canvas: Introduction.” YouTube, uploaded by Roman Pichler, 3 Mar. 2017. Web.

    Pichler, Roman. “The Agile Vision Board: Vision and Product Strategy.” Roman Pichler, 10 May 2011. Web.

    Pichler, Roman. “The Product Canvas – Template.” Roman Pichler, 11 Oct. 2016. Web.

    Pichler, Roman. “The Product Canvas Tutorial V1.0.” LinkedIn SlideShare. Uploaded by Roman Pichler, 14 Feb. 2013. Web.

    Pichler, Roman. “The Product Vision Board: Introduction.” YouTube uploaded by Roman Pichler, 3 Mar. 2017. Web.

    “Product Canvas PowerPoint Template.” SlideModel, 2019. Web.

    Product Canvas.” SketchBubble, 2019, Web.

    “Product Canvas.” YouTube, uploaded by Wojciech Szramowski, 18 May 2016. Web.

    “Product Roadmap Software to Help You Plan, Visualize, and Share Your Product Roadmap.” Productboard, 2019. Web.

    Roggero, Giulio. “Product Canvas Step-by-Step.” LinkedIn SlideShare, uploaded by Giulio Roggero, 18 May 2013. Web.

    Royce, Dr. Winston W. “Managing the Development of Large Software Systems.”, 1970. Web.

    Ryan, Dustin. “The Product Canvas.” Qdivision, Medium, 20 June 2017. Web.

    Snow, Darryl. “Product Vision Board.” Medium, 6 May 2017. Web.

    Stanislav, Shymansky. “Lean Canvas – a Tool Your Startup Needs Instead of a Business Plan.” Railsware, 12 Oct. 2018. Web.

    Stanislav, Shymansky. “Lean Canvas Examples of Multi-Billion Startups.” Railsware, 20 Feb. 2019. Web.

    “The Product Vision Canvas.” YouTube, Uploaded by Tom Miskin, 20 May 2019. Web.

    Tranter, Leon. “Agile Metrics: the Ultimate Guide.” Extreme Uncertainty, n.d. Web.

    “Using Business Model Canvas to Launch a Technology Startup or Improve Established Operating Model.” AltexSoft, 27 July 2018. Web.

    Veyrat, Pierre. “Lean Business Model Canvas: Examples + 3 Pillars + MVP + Agile.” HEFLO BPM, 10 Mar. 2017. Web.

    “What Are Software Metrics and How Can You Track Them?” Stackify, 16 Sept. 2017. Web

    “What Is a Product Vision?” Aha!, 2019. Web.

    Explore the Secrets of Oracle Cloud Licensing

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}142|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.5/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: 5 Average Days Saved
    • member rating average days saved: After each Info-Tech experience, we ask our members to quantify the real-time savings, monetary impact, and project improvements our research helped them achieve.
    • Parent Category Name: Licensing
    • Parent Category Link: /licensing
    • Organizations are considering moving workloads to the cloud; however, they often struggle to understand Oracle's licensing and services models.
    • Complexity of licensing and high price tags can make the renewal process an overwhelming experience.
    • Oracle’s SaaS applications are the most mature, but Oracle’s on-premises E-Business Suite still has functionality gaps in comparison to Oracle’s cloud apps.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Understand the Oracle agenda. Oracle has established a unique approach to their cloud offerings – they want all of your workloads on the Red Stack.
    • Communicate effectively. Be aware that Oracle will reach out to members at your organization at various levels. Having your executives on the same page is critical to successfully managing Oracle.
    • Negotiate hard. Oracle needs the deal more than the customer. Oracle's top leaders are heavily incentivized to drive massive cloud adoption and increase Oracle's share price. Use this to your advantage.

    Impact and Result

    • Conducting business with Oracle is not typical compared to other vendors. To emerge successfully from a commercial transaction with Oracle, customers must learn the “Oracle way” of conducting business, which includes a best-in-class sales structure, highly unique contracts, and license use policies coupled with a hyper-aggressive compliance function.
    • Leverage cloud spend to retire support on shelf-ware licenses, or gain virtualization rights for an on-premises environment.
    • Map out the process of how to negotiate from a position of strength, examining terms and conditions, discount percentages, and agreement pitfalls.
    • Carefully review key clauses in the Oracle Cloud Services Agreement to avoid additional spend and compliance risks.

    Explore the Secrets of Oracle Cloud Licensing Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should explore the secrets of Oracle Cloud licensing, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Evaluate licensing requirements

    Review current licensing options and models to determine which cloud products will most appropriately fit the organization's environment.

    • Oracle Cloud Services Agreement Terms and Conditions Evaluation Tool

    Set a Strategic Course of Action for the PMO in 100 Days

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}356|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.3/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $13,744 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 19 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Project Management Office
    • Parent Category Link: /project-management-office
    • As a new PMO director, you’ve been thrown into the middle of an unfamiliar organizational structure and a chaotic project environment.
    • The expectations are that the PMO will help improve project outcomes, but beyond that your mandate as PMO director is opaque.
    • You know that the statistics around PMO longevity aren’t good, with 50% of new PMOs closing within the first three years. As early in your tenure as possible, you need to make sure that your stakeholders understand the value that your role could provide to the organization with the right level of buy-in and support.
    • Whether you’re implementing a new PMO or taking over an already existing one, you need to quickly overcome these challenges by rapidly assessing your unfamiliar tactical environment, while at the same time demonstrating confidence and effective leadership to project staff, business stakeholders, and the executive layer.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • The first 100 days are critical. You have a window of influence where people are open to sharing insights and opinions because you were wise enough to seek them out. If you don’t reach out soon, people notice and assume you’re not wise enough to seek them out, or that you don’t think they are important enough to involve.
    • PMOs most commonly stumble when they shortsightedly provide project management solutions to what are, in fact, more complex, systemic challenges requiring a mix of project management, portfolio management, and organizational change management capabilities. If you fail to accurately diagnose pain points and needs in your first days, you could waste your tenure as PMO leader providing well-intentioned solutions to the wrong project problems.
    • You have diminishing value on your time before skepticism and doubt start to erode your influence. Use your first 100 days to define an appropriate mandate for your PMO, get the right people behind you, and establish buy-in for long-term PMO success.

    Impact and Result

    • Develop an action plan to help leverage your first 100 days on the job. Hit the ground running in your new role with an action plan to achieve realistic goals and milestones in your first 100 days. A results-driven first three months will help establish roots throughout the organization that will continue to feed and grow the PMO beyond your first year.
    • Get to know what you don’t know quickly. Use Info-Tech’s advice and tools to perform a triage of every aspect of PMO accountability as well as harvest stakeholder input to ensure that your PMO meets or exceeds expectations and establishes the right solutions to the organization’s project challenges.
    • Solidify the PMO’s long-term mission. Adopt our stakeholder engagement best practices to ensure that you knock on the right doors early in your tenure. Not only do you need to clarify expectations, but you will ultimately need buy-in from key stakeholders as you move to align the mandate, authority, and resourcing needed for long-term PMO success.

    Set a Strategic Course of Action for the PMO in 100 Days Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out how capitalizing on your first 100 days as PMO leader can help ensure the long-term success of your PMO.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Survey the project landscape

    Get up-to-speed quickly on key PMO considerations by engaging PMO sponsors, assessing stakeholders, and taking stock of your PMO inventory.

    • Set a Strategic Course of Action for the PMO in 100 Days – Phase 1: Survey the Project Landscape
    • Mission Identification and Inventory Tool
    • PMO Director First 100 Days Timeline - MS Project
    • PMO Director First 100 Days Timeline - MS Excel

    2. Gather PMO requirements

    Make your first major initiative as PMO director be engaging the wider pool of PMO stakeholders throughout the organization to determine their expectations for your office.

    • Set a Strategic Course of Action for the PMO in 100 Days – Phase 2: Gather PMO Requirements
    • PMO Requirements Gathering Tool
    • PMO Course of Action Stakeholder Interview Guide

    3. Solidify your PPM goals

    Review the organization’s current PPM capabilities in order to identify your ability to meet stakeholder expectations and define a sustainable mandate.

    • Set a Strategic Course of Action for the PMO in 100 Days – Phase 3: Solidify Your PPM Goals
    • Project Portfolio Management Maturity Assessment Workbook
    • Project Management Maturity Assessment Workbook
    • Organizational Change Management Maturity Assessment Workbook
    • PMO Strategic Expectations Glossary

    4. Formalize the PMO’s mandate

    Communicate your strategic vision for the PMO and garner stakeholder buy-in.

    • Set a Strategic Course of Action for the PMO in 100 Days – Phase 4: Formalize the PMO's Mandate
    • PMO Mandate and Strategy Roadmap Template
    • PMO Director Peer Feedback Evaluation Template
    • PMO Director First 100 Days Self-Assessment Tool

    Workshop: Set a Strategic Course of Action for the PMO in 100 Days

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Assess the Current Project Ecosystem

    The Purpose

    Quickly develop an on-the-ground view of the organization’s project ecosystem and the PMO’s abilities to effectively serve.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A comprehensive and actionable understanding of the PMO’s tactical environment


    1.1 Perform a PMO SWOT analysis.

    1.2 Assess the organization’s portfolio management, project management, and organizational change management capability levels.

    1.3 Take inventory of the PMO’s resourcing levels, project demand levels, and tools and artifacts.


    Overview of current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats

    Documentation of your current process maturity to execute key portfolio management, project management, and organizational change management functions

    Stock of the PMO’s current access to PPM personnel relative to total project demand

    2 Analyze PMO Stakeholders

    The Purpose

    Determine stakeholder expectations for the PMO.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    An accurate understanding of others’ expectations to help ensure the PMO’s course of action is responsive to organizational culture and strategy


    2.1 Conduct a PMO Mission Identification Survey with key stakeholders.

    2.2 Map the PMO’s stakeholder network.

    2.3 Analyze key stakeholders for influence, interest, and support.


    An understanding of expected PMO outcomes

    A stakeholder map and list of key stakeholders

    A prioritized PMO requirements gathering elicitation plan

    3 Determine Strategic Expectations and Define the Tactical Plan

    The Purpose

    Develop a process and method to turn stakeholder requirements into a strategic vision for the PMO.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A strategic course of action for the PMO that is responsive to stakeholders’ expectations.


    3.1 Assess the PMO’s ability to support stakeholder expectations.

    3.2 Use Info-Tech’s PMO Strategic Expectations glossary to turn raw process and service requirements into specific strategic expectations.

    3.3 Define an actionable tactical plan for each of the strategic expectations in your mandate.


    An understanding of PMO capacity and limits

    A preliminary PMO mandate

    High-level statements of strategy to help support your mandate

    4 Formalize the PMO’s Mandate and Roadmap

    The Purpose

    Establish a final PMO mandate and a process to help garner stakeholder buy-in to the PMO’s long-term vision.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A viable PMO course of action complete with stakeholder buy-i


    4.1 Finalize the PMO implementation timeline.

    4.2 Finalize Info-Tech’s PMO Mandate and Strategy Roadmap Template.

    4.3 Present the PMO’s strategy to key stakeholders.


    A 3-to-5-year implementation timeline for key PMO process and staffing initiatives

    A ready-to-present strategy document

    Stakeholder buy-in to the PMO’s mandate

    Improve IT Operations With AI and ML

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}454|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 10.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: After each Info-Tech experience, we ask our members to quantify the real-time savings, monetary impact, and project improvements our research helped them achieve.
    • member rating average days saved: Read what our members are saying
    • Parent Category Name: Operations Management
    • Parent Category Link: /i-and-o-process-management
    • Many IT departments experience difficulty with meeting the business' expectations for service delivery on a regular basis.
    • Despite significant investment in improving various areas of IT operations, you still feel like you’re constantly firefighting.
    • To tackle these issues, businesses tend to invest in purchasing multiple solutions. This not only complicates their IT operations, but also, in some cases, deteriorates functionality.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • To leverage AI capabilities, you first need to assess the current state of your IT operations and know what your priorities are.
    • Contemplate use cases that will get the most benefit from automation and start with processes that you are relatively comfortable handling.
    • Analyze your initial plan to identify easy wins, then expand your AIOps.

    Impact and Result

    • Perform a current state assessment to spot which areas within your operations management are the least mature and causing you the most grief. Identify which functional areas within operations management need to be prioritized for improvement.
    • Make a shortlist of use cases that will get the most benefit from AI-based technology.
    • Prepare a plan to deploy AI capabilities to improve your IT operations.

    Improve IT Operations With AI and ML Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out about the latest improvements in AIOps and how these can help you improve your IT operations. Review Info-Tech’s methodology and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Assess the current state of IT operations management

    Identify where your organization currently stands in its operations management practices.

    • AIOps Project Summary Template
    • AIOps Prerequisites Assessment Tool

    2. Identify initiatives that align with operations requirements

    Recognize the benefits of AI and ML for your business. Determine the necessary roles and responsibilities for potential initiatives, then develop and assess your shortlist.

    • AIOps RACI Template
    • AIOps Shortlisting Tool

    3. Develop the AI roadmap

    Analyze your ROI for AIOps and create an action plan. Communicate your AI and ML initiatives to stakeholders to obtain their support.

    • AIOps ROI Calculator
    • AIOps Roadmap Tool
    • AIOps Communications Plan Template

    Choose Your Mobile Platform and Tools

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}281|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Mobile Development
    • Parent Category Link: /mobile-development
    • Organizations see the value of mobile applications in improving productivity and reach of day-to-day business and IT operations. This motivates leaders to begin the planning of their first application.
    • However, organizations often lack the critical foundational knowledge and skills to deliver and maintain high quality and valuable applications that meet business and user priorities and technical requirements.
    • Mobile technologies and trends are continually evolving and maturing. It is hard to predict which trends will make a significant impact and to prepare current mobile investments to harness their value of these trends.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Mobile applications can stress the stability, reliability, and overall quality of your enterprise systems and services. They will also increase your security risks because of the exposure of your enterprise technology assets to unsecured networks and devices.
    • High costs of entry may restrict what built-in features your users can have in their mobile experience. Workarounds may not be sufficient to offset the costs of certain built-in feature needs.
    • Many operating models do not enable or encourage the collaboration required to fully understand user needs and behaviors and evaluate mobile opportunities and underlying operational systems from multiple perspectives.

    Impact and Result

    • Establish the right expectations. Understand your mobile users by learning their needs, challenges, and behaviors. Discuss the current state of your systems and your high priority non-functional requirements to determine what to expect from your mobile applications.
    • Choose the right mobile platform approach and shortlist your mobile delivery solutions. Obtain a thorough view of the business and technical complexities of your mobile opportunities, including current mobile delivery capabilities and system compatibilities.
    • Create your mobile roadmap. Describe the gradual rollout of your mobile technologies through minimal valuable products (MVPs).

    Choose Your Mobile Platform and Tools Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Choose Your Mobile Platform and Tools Storyboard

    This blueprint helps you develop an approach to understand the mobile experience your stakeholders want your users to have and select the appropriate platform and delivery tools to meet these expectations.

    • Choose Your Mobile Platform and Tools Storyboard

    2. Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template – Clearly communicate the goal and approach of your mobile application implementation in a language your audience understands.

    This template narrates a story to describe the need and expectations of your low- and no-code initiative to get buy-in from stakeholders and interested parties.

    • Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template


    Workshop: Choose Your Mobile Platform and Tools

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Choose Your Platform and Delivery Solution

    The Purpose

    Choose the right mobile platform.

    Shortlist your mobile delivery solution and desired features and services.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A chosen mobile platform that meets user and enterprise needs.

    Candidate mobile delivery solutions that meet your delivery needs and capacity of your teams.


    1.1 Select your platform approach.

    1.2 Shortlist your mobile delivery solution.

    1.3 Build your feature and service lists.


    Desired mobile platform approach.

    Shortlisted mobile delivery solutions.

    Desired list of vendor features and services.

    2 Create Your Roadmap

    The Purpose

    Design the mobile application minimal viable product (MVP).

    Create your mobile roadmap.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    An achievable and valuable mobile application that is scalable for future growth.

    Clear intent of business outcome delivery and completing mobile delivery activities.


    2.1 Define your MVP release.

    2.2 Build your roadmap.


    MVP design.

    Mobile delivery roadmap.

    3 Set the Mobile Context

    The Purpose

    Understand your user’s environment needs, behaviors, and challenges.

    Define stakeholder expectations and ensure alignment with the holistic business strategy.

    Identify your mobile application opportunities.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Thorough understanding of your mobile user and opportunities where mobile applications can help.

    Level set stakeholder expectations and establish targeted objectives.

    Prioritized list of mobile opportunities.


    3.1 Generate user personas with empathy maps.

    3.2 Build your mobile application canvas.

    3.3 Build your mobile backlog.


    User personas.

    Mobile objectives and metrics.

    Mobile opportunity backlog.

    4 Identify Your Technical Needs

    The Purpose

    Define the mobile experience you want to deliver and the features to enable it.

    Understand the state of your current system to support mobile.

    Identify your definition of mobile application quality.

    List the concerns with mobile delivery.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Clear understanding of the desired mobile experience.

    Potential issues and risks with enabling mobile on top of existing systems.

    Grounded understanding of mobile application quality.

    Holistic readiness assessment to proceed with mobile delivery.


    4.1 Discuss your mobile needs.

    4.2 Conduct a technical assessment.

    4.3 Define mobile application quality.

    4.4 Verify your decision to deliver mobile applications.


    List of mobile features to enable the desired mobile experience.

    System current assessment.

    Mobile application quality definition.

    Verification to proceed with mobile delivery.

    Further reading

    Choose Your Mobile Platform and Tools

    Maximize the value of your mobile investments by prioritizing technology decisions on user experience, business priorities, and system quality.


    Analyst Perspective

    Mobile is the way of working.

    Workers require access to enterprise products, data, and services anywhere at anytime on any device. Give them the device-specific features, offline access, desktop-like interfaces, and automation capabilities they need to be productive.

    To be successful, you need to instill a collaborative business-IT partnership. Only through this partnership will you be able to select the right mobile platform and tools to balance desired outcomes with enterprise security, performance, integration, quality, and other delivery capacity concerns.

    This is a picture of Andrew Kum-Seun Senior Research Analyst, Application Delivery and Application Management Info-Tech Research Group

    Andrew Kum-Seun
    Senior Research Analyst,
    Application Delivery and Application Management
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    • Organizations see the value of mobile applications in improving productivity and reach of day-to-day business and IT operations. This motivates leaders to begin the planning of their first application.
    • However, organizations often lack the critical foundational knowledge and skills to deliver and maintain high quality and valuable applications that meet business and user priorities and technical requirements.
    • Mobile technologies and trends are continually evolving and maturing. It is hard to predict which trends will make a significant impact and to prepare current mobile investments to harness the value of these trends.

    Common Obstacles

    • Mobile applications can stress the stability, reliability and overall quality of your enterprise systems and services. They will also increase your security risks because of the exposure of your enterprise technology assets to unsecured networks and devices.
    • High costs of entry may restrict what native features your users can have in their mobile experience. Workarounds may not be sufficient to offset the costs of certain native feature needs.
    • Many operating models do not enable or encourage the collaboration required to fully understand user needs and behaviors and evaluate mobile opportunities and underlying operational systems from multiple perspectives.

    Info-Tech's Approach

    • Establish the right expectations. Understand your mobile users by learning their needs, challenges, and behaviors. Discuss the current state of your systems and your high priority non-functional requirements to determine what to expect from your mobile applications.
    • Choose the right mobile platform approach and shortlist your mobile delivery solutions. Obtain a thorough view of the business and technical complexities of your mobile opportunities, including current mobile delivery capabilities and system compatibilities.
    • Create your mobile roadmap. Describe the gradual rollout of your mobile technologies through minimal valuable products (MVPs).

    Insight Summary

    Overarching Info-Tech Insight

    Treat your mobile applications as digital products. Digital products are continuously modernized to ensure they are fit-for-purpose, secured, accessible, and immersive. A successful mobile experience involves more than just the software and supporting system. It involves good training and onboarding, efficient delivery turnaround, and a clear and rational vision and strategy.

    Phase 1: Set the Mobile Context

    • Build applications your users need and desire – Design the right mobile application that enables your users to address their frustrations and productivity challenges.
    • Maximize return on your technology investments – Build your mobile applications with existing web APIs, infrastructure, and services as much as possible.
    • Prioritize mobile security, performance and integration requirements – Understand the unique security, performance, and integration influences has on your desired mobile user experience. Find the right balance of functional and non-functional requirements through business and IT collaboration.

    Phase 2: Define Your Mobile Approach

    • Start with a mobile web platform - Minimize disruptions to your existing delivery process and technical stack by building against common web standards. Select a hybrid platform or cross-platform if you need device hardware access or have complicated non-functional requirements.
    • Focus your mobile solution decision on vendor support and functional complexity – Verify that your solution is not only compatible with the architecture, data, and policies of existing business systems, but satisfies IT's concerns with access to restricted technology and data, and with IT's ability to manage and operate your applications.
    • Anticipate changes, defects & failures in your roadmap - Quickly shift your mobile roadmaps according to user feedback, delivery challenges, value, and stability.

    Mobile is how the business works today

    Mobile adoption continues to grow in part due to the need to be a mobile workforce, and the shift in customer behaviors. This reality pushed the industry to transform business processes and technologies to better support the mobile way of working.

    Mobile Builds Interests
    Mobile devices drove 61% of visits to U.S. websites
    Source: Perficient, 2021

    Mobile Maintains Engagement
    Mobile devices generated 54.4% of global website traffic in Q4 2021.
    Source: Statista, 2022

    Mobile Drives Productivity
    According to 82% of IT executives, smartphones are highly important to employee productivity
    Source: Samsung and Oxford Economics, 2022

    Mobile applications enable and drive your digital business strategy

    Organizations know the criticality of mobile applications in meeting key business and digital transformation goals, and they are making significant investments. Over half (58%) of organizations say their main strategy for driving application adoption is enabling mobile access to critical enterprise systems (Enterprise CIO, 2016). The strategic positioning and planning of mobile applications are key for success.

    Mobile Can Motivate, Support and Drive Progress in Key Activities Underpinning Digital Transformation Goals

    Goal: Enhance Customer Experience

    • A shift from paper to digital communications
    • Seamless, omni-channel client experiences across devices
    • Create Digital interactive documents with sections that customers can customize to better understand their communications

    Goal: Increase Workflow Throughput & Efficiency

    • Digitized processes and use of data to improve process efficiency
    • Modern IT platforms
    • Automation through robotic process automation (RPA) where possible
    • Use of AI and machine learning for intelligent automation

    Source: Broadridge, 2022

    To learn more, visit Info-Tech's Define Your Digital Business Strategy blueprint.

    Well developed mobile applications bring unique opportunities to drive more value


    Opportunities With Mobile Applications

    Expected Value

    Stationary Worker

    Design flowcharts and diagrams, while abandoning paper and desktop applications in favor of easy-to-use, drawing tablet applications.

    Multitask by checking the application to verify information given by a vendor during their presentation or pitch.

    • Reduce materials cost to complete administrative responsibilities.
    • Digitally and automatically store and archive frequently used documents.

    Roaming Worker

    Replace physical copies of service and repair manuals with digital copies, and access them with mobile applications.

    Scan or input product bar code to determine whether a replacement part is available or needs to be ordered.

    • Readily access and update corporate data anywhere at anytime.
    • Expand employee responsibilities with minimal skills impact.

    Roaming Worker

    Log patient information according to HIPAA standards and complete diagnostics live to propose medication for a patient.

    Receive messages from senior staff about patients and scheduling while on-call.

    • Quickly and accurately complete tasks and update patient data at site.
    • Be readily accessible to address urgent issues.

    Info-Tech Insight

    If you build it, they may not come. Design and build the applications your user wants and needs, and ensure users are properly onboarded and trained. Learn how your applications are leveraged, capture feedback from the user and system dashboards, and plan for enhancements, fixes, and modernizations.

    Workers expect IT to deliver against their high mobile expectations

    Workers want sophisticated mobile applications like what they see their peers and competitors use.

    Why is IT considering building their own applications?

    • Complex and Unique Workflows: Canned templates and shells are viewed as incompatible to the workflows required to complete worker responsibilities outside the office, with the same level of access to corporate data as on premise.
    • Supporting Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): Developing your own mobile applications around your security protocols and standards can help mitigate the risks with personal devices that are already in your workforce.
    • Long-Term Architecture Misalignment: Outsourcing mobile development risks the mobile application misaligned with your quality standards or incompatible with other enterprise and third-party systems.

    Continuously meeting aggressive user expectations will not be easy

    Value Quickly Wears Off
    39.9% of users uninstall an application because it is not in use.
    Source: n=2,000, CleverTap, 2021

    Low Tolerance to Waiting
    Keeping a user waiting for 3 seconds is enough to dissatisfy 43% of users.
    Source: AppSamurai, 2018

    Quick Fixes Are Paramount
    44% of defects are found by users
    Source: Perfecto Mobile, 2014

    Mobile emphasizes the importance of good security, performance, and integration

    Today's mobile workers are looking for new ways to get more work done quickly. They want access to enterprise solutions and data directly on their mobile devices, which can reside on multiple legacy systems and in the cloud and third-party infrastructure. This presents significant performance, integration, and security risks.

    Cloud Solutions: Can I use my existing APIs?. Solutions in Corporate Networks: Do my legacy systems have the capacity to support mobile?; How do I integrate solutions and data from multiple sources into a single view?; Third Party Solutions: Will I have a significant performance bottleneck?; Single View on Mobile Devices: How is corporate data stored on the device?; What new technology dependencies must I account for in my architecture and operational support capabilities?

    Accept change as the norm

    IT is challenged with keeping up with disruptive technologies, such as mobile, which are arriving and changing faster and faster.

    What is the issue? Mobile priorities, concepts, and technologies do not remain static. For example, current Google's Pixels benefit from at least three versions of Android updates and at least three years of monthly security patches after their release (NextPit, 2022). Keeping up to date with anything mobile is difficult if you do not have the right delivery and product management practices in place.

    What is the impact on IT? Those who fail to prepare for changing requirements and technologies will quickly run into maintainability, extensibility, and flexibility issues. Mobile applications will quickly become stale and misaligned with the maturity of other enterprise infrastructure and applications.

    Continuously look at the trends, vendor roadmaps, and your user's feedback to envision where your mobile applications should be. Learning from your past attempts gives you insights on the opportunities and impacts changes will have on your people, process, and technology.

    How do I address this issue? A well-defined mobile vision and roadmap ensures your initiatives are aligned with your holistic business and technology strategies, the right problem is being solved, and resources are available to deliver high priority changes.

    To learn more, visit Info-Tech's Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision blueprint.

    Address the difficulties in managing enterprise mobile technologies

    Adaptability During Development

    Teams must be ready to alter their mobile approach when new insights and issues arise during and after the delivery of your mobile application and its updates.

    High Cybersecurity Standards

    Cybersecurity should be a top priority given the high security exposure of mobiles and the sensitive data mobile applications need to operate. Role-based access, back-up systems, advanced scanning, and protection software and encryption should all be implemented.

    Integration with Other Systems

    Your application will likely be integrated with other systems to expand service offerings and optimize performance and user experience. Your enterprise integration strategy ensures all systems connect against a common pattern with compatible technologies.

    Finding the Right Mobile Developers

    Enterprise mobile delivery requires a broad skillset to build valuable applications against extensive non-functional requirements in complex and integration environments. The right resources are even harder to find when native applications are preferred over web-based ones.

    Source: Radoslaw Szeja, Netguru, 2022.

    Build and manage the right experience by treating mobile as digital products

    Digital products are continuously modernized to ensure they are fit-for-purpose, secured, insightful, accessible, and interoperable. A good experience involves more than just technology.

    First, deliver the experience end users want and expect by designing the application against digital application principles.

    Business Value

    Continuous modernization

    • Fit for purpose
    • User-centric
    • Adaptable
    • Accessible
    • Private and secured
    • Informative and insightful
    • Seamless application connection
    • Relationship and network building

    To learn more, visit Info-Tech's Modernize Your Applications blueprint.

    Then, deliver a long-lasting experience by supporting your applications with key governance and management capabilities.

    • Product Strategy and Roadmap
    • External Relationships
    • User Adoption and Organizational Change Management
    • Funding
    • Knowledge Management
    • Stakeholder Management
    • Product Governance
    • Maintenance & Enhancement
    • User Support
    • Managing and Governing Data
    • Requirements Analysis and Design
    • Research & Development

    To learn more, visit Info-Tech's Make the Case for Product Delivery blueprint.

    Choose Your Mobile Platform and Tools

    Maximize the value of your mobile investments by prioritizing technology decisions on user experience, business priorities, and system quality.


    1. Capture Your User Personas and Journey workflow: Trigger: Step 1; Step 2; Step 3; Step 4; Outcome
    2. Select Your Platform Nine datapoints are arranged on a graph where the x axis s labeled: User Centric Needs; and the Y axis is labeled: Enterprise-centric needs. The datapoints are, in order from left to right, top to bottom: Hybrid; Cross- Platform; Native; Web; Hybrid or Cross- Platform; Cros-s Platform; Web; Web; Hybrid or Cross- Platform.
    3. Shortlist Your Solutions A quadrant analysis is depicted. the top data is labeled Complex Mobile Features; the right side is labeled Organization-Managed Stack; the bottom is labeled Simple Mobile Features; and the left side is labeled Vendor-Managed Stack. The quadrants are labeled the following, in order from left to right, top to bottom. Vendor- Hosted Mobile Platform; Custom Native Development Solutions; Commercial-Off-the-Shelf Solutions; Custom Web Development Solutions. In the middle of the graph are the following, in order from top to bottom: Cross-Platform Development Solutions; Hybrid Development Solutions

    Strategic Perspective
    Business and Product Strategies

    1. End-User Perspective

    End User Needs

    • Productivity
    • Innovation
    • Transformation

    Native User Experience

    • Anytime, Anywhere
    • Visually Pleasing & Fulfilling
    • Personalized & Insightful
    • Hands-Off & Automated
    • Integrated Ecosystem

    2. Platform Perspective

    Technical Requirements




    Mobile Platform

    3. Solution Perspective

    Vendor Support


    Stack Mgmt.

    Quality & Risk

    Mobile Delivery Solutions

    Make user experience (UX) the standard

    User experience (UX) focuses on a user's emotions, beliefs, and physical and psychological responses that occur before, during, or after interacting with a service or product.

    For a mobile application to be meaningful, the functions, aesthetics and content must be:

    • Usable
      • Users can intuitively navigate through your mobile application and complete their desired tasks.
    • Desirable
      • The application elements are used to evoke positive emotions and appreciation.
    • Accessible
      • Users can easily use your mobile application, including those with disabilities.
    • Valuable
      • Users find the content useful, and it fulfills a need.

    Enable a greater experience with UX-driven thinking

    Designing for a high-quality experience requires more than just focusing on the UI. It also requires the merging of multiple business, technical, and social disciplines in order to create an immersive, practical, and receptive application. The image on the right explains the disciplines involved in UX. This is critical for ensuring users have a strong desire to use the mobile application, it is adequately supported technically, and it supports business objectives.

    To learn more, visit Info-Tech's Implement and Mature Your User Experience Design Practice blueprint.

    A Venn diagram is depicted, demonstrating the inputs that lead to an interactive design, with interactive elements, usability, and accessibility. This work by Mark Roden is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

    Source: Marky Roden, Xomino, 2018

    Define the mobile experience your end users want

    • Anytime, Anywhere
      • The user can access, update and analyze data and corporate products and services whenever they want, in all networks, and on any device.
    • Hands-Off and Automated
      • The application can perform various workflows and tasks without the user's involvement and notify the user when specific triggers are hit.
    • Personalized and Insightful
      • Content presentation and subject are tailored for the user based on specific inputs from the user, device hardware, or predicted actions.
    • Integrated Ecosystem
      • The application supports a seamless experience across various third-party and enterprise applications and services the user needs.
    • Visually Pleasing and Fulfilling
      • The UI is intuitive and aesthetically gratifying, with little security and performance trade-offs to use the full breadth of its functions and services.

    Each mobile platform has its own take on the mobile native experience. The choice ultimately depends on whether the costs and effort are worth the anticipated value.

    Mobile value is dependent on the platform you choose

    What is a platform?

    "A platform is a set of software and a surrounding ecosystem of resources that helps you to grow your business. A platform enables growth through connection: its value comes not only from its own features, but from its ability to connect external tools, teams, data, and processes." (Source: Emilie Nøss Wangen, 2021) In the mobile context, applications in a platform execute and communicate through a loosely-coupled API architecture, whether the supporting system is managed and supported by your organization or by third-party providers.


    Mobile web applications are deployed and executed within the mobile web browser. They are often developed with a combination of web and scripting languages, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Web often takes two forms on mobile:

    • Progressive Web Applications (PWA)
    • Mobile Web Sites


    Hybrid applications are developed with web technologies but are deployed as native applications. The code is wrapped using a framework so that it runs locally within a native container. It uses the device's browser runtime engine to support more sophisticated designs and features than to the web approach.


    Cross-platform applications are developed within a distinct programming or scripting environment that uses its own scripting language (often like web languages) and APIs. The solution compiles the code into device-specific builds for native deployment.


    Native applications are developed and deployed to specific devices and OSs using platform-specific software development kits (SDKs) provided by the operating system vendors. The programming language and framework are dictated by the targeted device, such as Java for Android.

    Start mobile development on a mobile web platform

    Start with what you have: begin with a mobile web platform to minimize impacts to your existing delivery skill sets and technical stack while addressing business needs. Resort to a hybrid first. Then consider a cross-platform application if you require device access or need to meet specific non-functional requirements.

    Why choose a mobile web platform?


    The latest versions of the most popular web languages (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript) abstract away from the granular, physical components of the application, simplifying the development process. HTML5 offer some mobile features (e.g. geolocation, accelerometer) that can meet your desired experience without the need for native development skills. Native look-and-feel, high performance, and full device access are just a few tradeoffs of going with web languages.


    Native mobile platforms depend on device-specific code which follows specific frameworks and leverages unique programming libraries, such as Objective C for iOS and Java for Android. Each language requires a high level of expertise in the coding structure and hardware of specific devices. This requires resources with specific skillsets and different tools to support development and testing.

    Other Notable Benefits with Web Languages

    • Modern browsers in most mobile devices can execute and render many mobile features developed in web languages, allowing for greater portability and sophistication of code across multiple devices. However, this flexibility comes at the cost of performance since the browser's runtime engine will not perform as well as a native engine.
    • Web languages are well known by developers, minimizing skills and resourcing impacts. Consequently, changes can be quickly accommodated and updated uniformly across all end users.

    Select your mobile platform

    Drive your mobile platform selection against user-centric needs (e.g. device access, aesthetics) and enterprise-centric needs (e.g. security, system performance).

    When does a platform makes sense to use?


    • Desire to maximize current web technologies investments (people, process, and technologies).
    • Use cases do not require significant computational resources on the device or are tightly constrained by non-functional requirements.
    • Limited budget to acquire mobile development resources.
    • Access to device hardware is not a high priority.

    Hybrid / Cross-Platform

    • The need to quickly spin up native-like applications for multiple platforms and devices.
    • Desire to leverage existing web development skills, but also a need for device access and meeting specific non-functional requirements.
    • Vendor support is needed for the entire mobile delivery process.


    • Developers are experts in the target programming language and with the device's hardware.
    • Strong need for high performance, security, and device-specific access and customizations.
    • Application use cases require significant computing resources.

    Nine datapoints are arranged on a graph where the x axis s labeled: User Centric Needs; and the Y axis is labeled: Enterprise-centric needs. The datapoints are, in order from left to right, top to bottom: Hybrid; Cross- Platform; Native; Web; Hybrid or Cross- Platform; Cros-s Platform; Web; Web; Hybrid or Cross- Platform.

    Understand the common attributes of a mobile delivery solution

    • Source Code Management – Built-in or having the ability to integrate with code management solutions for branching, merging, and versioning. Debugging and coding assistance capabilities may be available.
    • Single Code Base – Capable of programming in a standard coding and scripting language for deployment into several platforms and devices. This code base is aligned to a common industry framework (e.g. AngularJS, Java) or a vendor-defined one.
    • Out-of-the-Box Connectors & Plug-ins – Pre-built APIs enhance the solution's capabilities with third-party tools and systems to deliver and manage high quality and valuable mobile applications.
    • Emulators – Ability to virtualize an application's execution on a target platform and device.
    • Support for Native Features – Supports plug-ins and APIs for access to device-specific features.

    What are mobile delivery solutions?

    A mobile delivery solution provides the tools, resources, and support to enable or build your mobile application. It can provide pre-built applications, vendor supported components to allow some configurations, or resources for full stack customizations. Solutions can be barebone software development kits (SDKs), or comprehensive suites offering features to support the entire software delivery lifecycle, such as:

    • Mobile application management
    • Testing and publishing to app stores
    • Content management
    • Cloud hosting
    • Application performance management

    Info-Tech Insight

    Mobile enablement and development capabilities are already embedded in many common productivity tools and enterprise applications, such as Microsoft PowerApps and ERP modules. They can serve as a starting point in the initial rollout of new management and governance practices without the need to acquire new tools.

    Select your mobile delivery solutions

    1. Set the scope of your framework.
    • The initial context of this framework is based on the mobile functions needed to support your desired mobile experience and on the current state of your enterprise and 3rd party systems.
  • Define the decision factors for your solution selection.
    • Review the decision factors that will influence the selection of your mobile delivery solution for each mobile opportunity:
    • Stack Management – Who will be hosting and supporting your mobile application stack?
    • Workflows Complexity & Native Experience – How complex is your desired mobile experience and how will native device features be leveraged?
  • Select your solution type.
    • Mobile delivery solutions are broadly defined in the following groups:
    • Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) – Pre-built mobile applications requiring little to no configurations or implementation effort.
    • Vendor Hosted Mobile Platform – Back-end and mid-tier infrastructure and operational support are managed by a vendor.
    • Cross-Platform Development – Frameworks that transform a single code base into platform-specific builds.
    • Hybrid Development – Tools that wrap a single code base into a locally deployable build.
    • Custom Web Development – Environment enabling full stack development for mobile web applications.
    • Custom Native Development – Environment enabling full stack development for mobile native applications.
  • A quadrant analysis is depicted. the top data is labeled Complex Mobile Features; the right side is labeled Organization-Managed Stack; the bottom is labeled Simple Mobile Features; and the left side is labeled Vendor-Managed Stack. The quadrants are labeled the following, in order from left to right, top to bottom. Vendor- Hosted Mobile Platform; Custom Native Development Solutions; Commercial-Off-the-Shelf Solutions; Custom Web Development Solutions. In the middle of the graph are the following, in order from top to bottom: Cross-Platform Development Solutions; Hybrid Development Solutions

    Optimize your software delivery process

    Mobile brings new delivery and management challenges that are often difficult for organizations that are tied to legacy systems, hindered by rigid and slow delivery lifecycles, and are unable to adopt leading-edge technologies. Many of these challenges stem from the fact that mobile is a significant shift from desktop development:

    • Mobile devices and operating systems are heavily fragmented, especially in the Android space.
    • Test coverage is significantly expanded to include physical environments and multiple network connections.
    • Mobile devices do not have the same performance capabilities and memory storage as their desktop counterparts.
    • The user interface must be strategically designed to accommodate the limited screen size.
    • Mobile applications are highly susceptible to security breaches.
    • Mobile users often expect quick turnaround time on fixes and enhancements due to continuously changing technology, business priorities, and user needs.

    To learn more, visit Info-Tech's Modernize Your SDLC blueprint.

    How should the process change?

    • Cross-functional collaboration – Bringing business and IT together at the most opportune times to clarify user needs and business priorities, and set realistic expectations given technology and capacity constraints. The appropriate tactics and techniques are used to improve decision making and delivery effectiveness according to the type of work.
    • Iterative delivery – Frequent delivery of progressive changes minimizes the risk of low-quality features by containing and simplifying scope, and enables responsive turnarounds of fixes, enhancements, and priority changes.
    • Feedback loops –Mobile application owners constantly review, update and refine their backlog of mobile features and changes to reflect user feedback and system performance metrics. Delivery teams proactively prepare the application for future scaling based on lessons and feedback learned from earlier releases.

    Achieve mobile success with MVPs

    By delivering mobile capabilities in small iterations, teams recognize value sooner and reduce accumulated risk. Both benefits are realized as the iteration enters validation testing and release.

    This image depicts a graph of the learn-build-measure cycle over time, adapted from Managing the Development of Large Software Systems, Dr. Winston W. Royce, 1970

    An MVP focuses on a small set of functions, involves minimal possible effort to deliver a working and valuable solution, and is designed to satisfy a specific user group. Its purpose is to:

    • Maximize learning.
    • Evaluate the value and acceptance of mobile applications.
    • Inform the building of a mobile delivery practice.

    The build-measure-learn loop suggests mobile delivery teams should perpetually take an idea and develop, test, and validate it with the mobile development solution, then expand on the MVP using the lessons learned and evolving ideas. In this sense the MVP is just the first iteration in the loop.

    Gauge the value with the right metrics

    Metrics are a powerful way to drive behavior change in your organization. But metrics are highly prone to creating unexpected outcomes so they must be used with great care. Use metrics judiciously to avoid gaming or ambivalent behavior, productivity loss, and unintended consequences.

    To learn more, visit Info-Tech's Select and Use SDLC Metrics Effectively blueprint.

    What should I measure?

    1. Mobile Application Engagement, Retention and User Satisfaction
      1. The activeness of users on the applications, the number of returning users, and the happiness of the users.
      2. Example: Number of tasks completed, number of active and returning users, session length and intervals, user satisfaction
    2. Value Driven from Mobile Applications
      1. The business value that the user directly or indirectly receives with the mobile application.
      2. Example: Mobile application revenue, business operational costs, worker productivity, business reputation and image
    3. Delivery Throughput and Quality
      1. The health and quality of your mobile applications throughout their lifespan and the speed to deliver working applications that meet stakeholder expectations.
      2. Example: Frequency of release, lead time, request turnaround, escaped defects, test coverage.

    Use Info-Tech's diagnostic to evaluate the reception of your mobile applications

    Info-Tech's Application Portfolio Assessment (APA) Diagnostic is a canned end-user satisfaction survey used to evaluate your application portfolio health to support data-driven decisions.

    This image contains a screenshot from Info-Tech's Application Portfolio Assessment (APA) Diagnostic


    • Assess the importance and satisfaction of enterprise applications.
    • Solicit feedback from your end users on applications being used.
    • Understand the strengths and weaknesses of your current applications.
    • Perform a high-level application rationalization initiative.


    • Target which applications to analyze in greater detail.
    • Expand on the initial application rationalization results with a more comprehensive and business-value-focused criteria.

    Grow your mobile delivery practice

    Level 1: Mobile Delivery Foundations

    You understand the opportunities and impacts mobile has on your business operations and its disruptive nature on your enterprise systems. Your software delivery lifecycle was optimized to incorporate the specific practices and requirements needed for mobile. A mobile platform was selected based on stakeholder needs that are weighed against current skillsets, high priority non-functional requirements, the available capacity and scalability of your stack, and alignment to your current delivery process.

    Level 2: Scaled Mobile Delivery

    New features and mobile use cases are regularly emerging in the industry. Ensuring your mobile platform and delivery process can easily scale to incorporate constantly changing mobile features and technologies is key. This can help minimize the impact these changes will have on your mobile stack and the resulting experience.

    Achieving this state requires three competencies: mobile security, performance optimization, and integration practices.

    Level 3: Leading-Edge Mobile Delivery

    Many of today's mobile trends involve, in one form or another, hardware components on the mobile device (e.g., NFC receivers, GPS, cameras). You understand the scope of native features available on your end user's mobile device and the required steps and capabilities to enable and leverage them.

    Hit a home run with your stakeholders

    Use a data-driven approach to select the right tooling vendor for your needs – fast.

    Awareness Education & Discovery Evaluation Selection

    Negotiation & Configuration

    1.1 Proactively Lead Technology Optimization & Prioritization 2.1 Understand Marketplace Capabilities & Trends 3.1 Gather & Prioritize Requirements & Establish Key Success Metrics 4.1 Create a Weighted Selection Decision Model 5.1 Initiate Price Negotiation with Top Two Venders
    1.2 Scope & Define the Selection Process for Each Selection Request Action 2.2 Discover Alternate Solutions & Conduct Market Education 3.2 Conduct a Data Driven Comparison of Vendor Features & Capabilities 4.2 Conduct Investigative Interviews Focused on Mission Critical Priorities with Top 2-4 Vendors 5.2 Negotiate Contract Terms & Product Configuration

    1.3 Conduct an Accelerated Business Needs Assessment

    2.3 Evaluate Enterprise Architecture & Application Portfolio Narrow the Field to Four Top Contenders 4.3 Validate Key Issues with Deep Technical Assessments, Trial Configuration & Reference Checks 5.3 Finalize Budget Approval & Project
    1.4 Align Stakeholder Calendars to Reduce Elapsed Time & Asynchronous Evaluation 2.4 Validate the Business Case 5.4 Invest in Training & Onboarding Assistance

    Investing time improving your software selection methodology has big returns.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Not all software selection projects are created equal – some are very small, some span the entire enterprise. To ensure that IT is using the right framework, understand the cost and complexity profile of the application you're looking to select. Info-Tech's Rapid Application Selection Framework approach is best for commodity and mid-tier enterprise applications; selecting complex applications is better handled by the methodology in Info-Tech's Implement a Proactive and Consistent Vendor Selection Process.

    Pitch your mobile delivery approach with Info-Tech's template

    Communicate the justification of your approach to mobile applications with Info-Tech's Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template:

    • Level set your mobile application goals and objectives by weighing end user expectations with technical requirements.
    • Define the high priority opportunities for mobile applications.
    • Educate decision makers of the limitations and challenges of delivering specific mobile experiences with the various mobile platform options.
    • Describe your framework to select the right mobile platform and delivery tools.
    • Lay out your mobile delivery roadmap and initiatives.


    This is a screenshot from Info-Tech's Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template

    Info-Tech's methodology for mobile platform and delivery solution selection

    1. Set the Mobile Context

    2. Define Your Mobile Approach

    Phase Steps

    Step 1.1 Build Your Mobile Backlog

    Step 1.2 Identify Your Technical Needs

    Step 1.3 Define Your Non-Functional Requirements

    Step 2.1 Choose Your Platform Approach

    Step 2.2 Shortlist Your Mobile Delivery Solution

    Step 2.3 Create a Roadmap for Mobile Delivery

    Phase Outcomes

    • User personas
    • Mobile objectives and metrics
    • Mobile opportunity backlog
    • List of mobile features to enable the desired mobile experience
    • System current assessment
    • Mobile application quality definition
    • Readiness for mobile delivery
    • Desired mobile platform approach
    • Shortlisted mobile delivery solutions
    • Desired list of vendor features and services
    • MVP design
    • Mobile delivery roadmap

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    "Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful."

    Guided Implementation

    "Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track."


    "We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place."


    "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project."

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options

    Guided Implementation

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    Phase 1 Phase 2

    Call #1: Understand the case and motivators for mobile applications.

    Call #2: Discuss the end user and desired mobile experience.

    Call #5: Discuss the desired mobile platform.

    Call #8: Discuss your mobile MVP.

    Call #3: Review technical complexities and non-functional requirements.

    Call #6: Shortlist mobile delivery solutions and desired features.

    Call #9: Review your mobile delivery roadmap.

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    A typical GI is 6 to 9 calls over the course of 2 to 3 months.

    Workshop Overview

    Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889

    Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Post-Workshop
    Activities Set the Mobile Context Identify Your Technical Needs Choose Your Platform & Delivery Solution Create Your Roadmap Next Steps andWrap-Up (offsite)

    1.1 Generate user personas with empathy maps

    1.2 Build your mobile application canvas

    1.3 Build your mobile backlog

    2.1 Discuss your mobile needs

    2.2 Conduct a technical assessment

    2.3 Define mobile application quality

    2.4 Verify your decision to deliver mobile applications

    3.1 Select your platform approach

    3.2 Shortlist your mobile delivery solution

    3.3 Build your feature and service lists

    4.1 Define your MVP release

    4.2 Build your roadmap

    5.1 Complete in-progress deliverables from previous four days.

    5.2 Set up review time for workshop deliverables and to discuss next steps.


    • User personas
    • Mobile objectives and metrics
    • Mobile opportunity backlog
    • List of mobile features to enable the desired mobile experience
    • System current assessment
    • Mobile application quality definition
    • Verification to proceed with mobile delivery
    • Desired mobile platform approach
    • Shortlisted mobile delivery solutions
    • Desired list of vendor features and services
    • MVP design
    • Mobile delivery roadmap
    • Completed workshop output deliverable
    • Next steps

    Phase 1

    Set the Mobile Context

    Choose Your Mobile Platform and Tools

    This phase will walk you through the following steps:

    • Step 1.1 – Build Your Mobile Backlog
    • Step 1.2 – Identify Your Technical Needs
    • Step 1.3 – Define Your Non-Functional Requirements

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Applications Manager
    • Product and Platform Owners
    • Software Delivery Teams
    • Business and IT Leaders

    Step 1.1

    Build Your Mobile Backlog


    1.1.1 Generate user personas with empathy maps

    1.1.2 Build your mobile application canvas

    1.1.3 Build your mobile backlog

    Set the Mobile Context

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Applications Manager
    • Product and Platform Owners
    • Software Delivery Teams
    • Business and IT Leaders

    Outcomes of this step

    • User personas
    • Mobile objectives and metrics
    • Mobile opportunity backlog

    Users expect your organization to support their mobile way of working

    Today, users expect sophisticated and personalized features, immersive interactions, and cross-platform capabilities from their mobile applications and be able to access information and services anytime, anywhere and on any device. These demands are pushing organizations to become more user-driven, placing greater importance on user experience (UX) with enterprise-grade technologies.

    How has technologies evolved to easily enable mobile capabilities?

    • Desktop-Like Features
      • Native-like features, such as geolocation and local caching, are supported through web language or third-party plugins and extensions.
    • Extendable & Scalable
      • Plug-and-play architecture is designed to allow software delivery teams to explore new use cases and mobile capabilities with out-of-the-box connectors and/or customizable REST APIs.
    • Low Barrier to Entry
      • Low- and no-code development tools, full-stack solutions, and plug-and-play architectures allow non-technical users to easily build and implement applications without direct IT involvement.
    • Templates & Shells
      • Vendors provide UI templates and application shells that contain pre-built native features and multiple aesthetic layouts in a publishing-friendly and configurable way.
    • Personalized Content
      • Content can be uniquely tailored to a user's preference or be automatically generated based on the user's profile or activity history.
    • Hands-Off Operations
      • Many mobile solutions operate in a as-a-service model where the underlying and integrated technologies are managed by the vendor and abstracted away.

    Make user experience (UX) the standard

    User experience (UX) focuses on a user's emotions, beliefs, and physical and psychological responses that occur before, during, or after interacting with a service or product.

    For a mobile application to be a meaningful experience, the functions, aesthetics and content must be:

    • Usable
      • Users can intuitively navigate through your mobile application and complete their desired tasks.
    • Desirable
      • The application elements are used to evoke positive emotions and appreciation.
    • Accessible
      • Users can easily use your mobile application, including those with disabilities.
    • Valuable
      • Users find the content useful, and it fulfills a need.

    Enable a greater experience with UX-driven thinking

    Designing for a high-quality experience requires more than just focusing on the UI. It also requires the merging of multiple business, technical, and social disciplines in order to create an immersive, practical, and receptive application. The image on the right explains the disciplines involved in UX. This is critical for ensuring users have a strong desire to use the mobile application, it is adequately supported technically, and it supports business objectives.

    To learn more, visit Info-Tech's Implement and Mature Your User Experience Design Practice blueprint.

    A Venn diagram is depicted, demonstrating the inputs that lead to an interactive design, with interactive elements, usability, and accessibility. This work by Mark Roden is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

    Source: Marky Roden, Xomino, 2018

    UX-driven mobile apps bring together a compelling UI with valuable functionality

    Info-Tech Insight

    Organizations often over-rotate on the UI. Receptive and satisfying applications require more than just pretty pictures, bold colors, and flashy animations. UX-driven mobile applications require the seamless merging of enticing design elements and valuable functions that are specifically tailored to the behaviors of the users. Take a deep look at how each design element and function is used and perceived by the user, and how your application can sufficiently support user needs.

    UI-Function Balance to Achieve Highly Satisfying Mobile Applications

    An application's UI and function both contribute to UX, but they do so in different ways.

    • The UI generates the visual, audio, and vocal cues to draw the attention of users to key areas of the application while stimulating the user's emotions.
    • Functions give users the means to satisfy their needs effortlessly.

    Finding the right balance of UI and function is dependent on the organization's understanding of user emotions, needs, and tendencies. However, these factors are often left out of an application's design. Having the right UX competencies is key in assuring user behaviors are appropriately accommodated early in the delivery process.

    To learn more, visit Info-Tech's Modernize Your Corporate Website to Drive Business Value blueprint.

    Focus your efforts on all items that drive high user experience and satisfaction

    UX-driven mobile applications involve all interaction points and system components working together to create an immersive experience while being actively supported by delivery and operations teams. Many organizations commonly focus on visual and content design to improve the experience, but this is only a small fraction of the total UX design. Look beyond the surface to effectively enhance your application's overall UX.

    Typical Focus of Mobile UX

    What Are the Colors & Fonts?

    Relevance & Modern
    Will Users Receive Up to Date Content and Trending Features?

    UI Design
    Where Are the Interaction Points?

    Content Layout
    How Is Content Organized?

    Critical Areas of Mobile UX That Are Often Ignored

    Web Infrastructure
    How Will Your Application Be Operationally Supported?

    Human Behavior
    What Do the Users Feel About Your Application?

    Coding Language
    What Is the Best Language to Use?

    Cross-Platform Compatibility
    How Does It Work in a Browser Versus Each Mobile Platform?

    Application Quality
    How are Functional and Non-Functional Needs Balanced?

    Adoption & Retention
    How Do I Promote Adoption and Maintain User Engagement?

    Application Support
    How Will My Requests and Issues Be Handled?

    Use personas to envision who will be using your mobile application

    What Are Personas?

    Personas are detailed descriptions of the targeted audience of your mobile application. It represents a type of user in a particular scenario. Effective personas:

    • Express and focus on the major needs and expectations of the most important user groups.
    • Give a clear picture of the typical user's behavior.
    • Aid in uncovering critical features and functionalities.
    • Describe real people with backgrounds, goals, and values.

    Why Are Personas Important to UX?

    They are important because they help:

    • Focus the development of mobile application features on the immediate needs of the intended audience.
    • Detail the level of customization needed to ensure content is valuable to and resonates with the user.
    • Describe how users may behave when certain audio and visual stimulus are triggered from the mobile application.
    • Outline the special design considerations required to meet user accessibility needs.

    Key Elements of a Persona:

    • Professional and Technical Skills and Experiences (e.g., knowledge of mobile applications, area of expertise)
    • Persona Group (e.g., executives)
    • Technological Environment of User (e.g., devices, browsers, network connection)
    • Demographics (e.g., nationality, age, language spoken)
    • Typical Behaviors and Tendencies (e.g., goes to different website when cannot find information in 20 seconds)
    • Purpose of Using the Mobile Application (e.g., search for information, submit registration form)

    Create empathy maps to gain a deeper understanding of stakeholder personas

    Empathy mapping draws out the characteristics, motivations, and mannerisms of a potential end user.

    This image contains an image of an empathy map from XPLANE, 2017. it includes the following list: 1. Who are we empathizing with; 2. What do they need to DO; 3. What do they SEE; 4. What do they SAY?; 5. What do they DO; 6. What do they HEAR; 7. What do they THINK and FEEL.

    Source: XPLANE, 2017

    Empathy mapping focuses on identifying the problems, ambitions, and frustrations they are looking to resolve and describes their motivations for wanting to resolve them. This analysis helps your teams:

    • Better understand the reason behind the struggles, frustrations and motivators through a user's perspective.
    • Verify the accuracy of assertions made about the user.
    • Pinpoint the specific problem the mobile application will be designed to solve and the constraints to its successful adoption and on-going use.
    • Read more about empathy mapping and download the empathy map PDF template here.

    To learn more, visit Info-Tech's Use Experience Design to Drive Empathy with the Business blueprint.

    1.1.1 Generate user personas with empathy maps

    1-3 hours

    1. Download the Empathy Map Canvas and draw the map on a whiteboard or project it on the screen.
    2. Choose an end user to be the focus of your empathy map. Using sticky notes, fill out the sections of the empathy map in the following order:
      1. Start by filling out the goals section. State who the subject of the empathy map will be and what activity or task you would like them to do.
        1. Focus on activities and tasks that may benefit from mobile.
      2. Next, complete the outer sections in clockwise order (see, say, do, hear). The purpose of this is to think in terms of what the subject of your empathy map is observing, sensing, and experiencing.
        1. Indicate the mobile devices and OS users will likely use and the environments they will likely be in (e.g., places with poor connections)
        2. Discuss accessibility needs and how user prefer to consume content.
      3. Last, complete the inner circle of the empathy map (pains and gains). Since you spent the last step of the exercise thinking about the external influences on your stakeholder, you can think about how those stimuli affect their emotions.
    3. Document your end user persona into Info-Tech's Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template.


    • List of potential mobile application users
    • User personas
    Materials Participants
    • Whiteboard/Flip Charts
    • Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template
    • Applications Manager
    • Product and Platform Owners
    • Software Delivery Teams
    • Business and IT Leaders

    1.1.1 cont'd

    This image contains an image of an empathy map from XPLANE, 2017. it includes the following list: 1. Who are we empathizing with; 2. What do they need to DO; 3. What do they SEE; 4. What do they SAY?; 5. What do they DO; 6. What do they HEAR; 7. What do they THINK and FEEL.

    Download the Empathy Map Canvas

    Many business priorities are driving mobile

    Mobile Applications

    • Product Roadmap
      • Upcoming enterprise technology releases and updates offer mobile capabilities to expand its access to a broader userbase.
    • Cost Optimization
      • Maximizing business value in processes and technologies through disciplined and strategic cost and spending reduction practices with mobile applications.
    • Competitive Differentiation
      • Developing and optimizing your organization's distinct products and services quickly with mobile applications.
    • Digital Transformation
      • Transitioning processes, data and systems to a digital environment to broaden access to enterprise data and services anywhere at anytime.
    • Operational Efficiency
      • Improving software delivery and business process throughput by increasing worker productivity with mobile applications.
    • Other Business Priorities
      • New corporate products and services, business model changes, application rationalization and other priorities may require modernization, innovation and a mobile way of working.

    Focus on the mobile business and end user problem, not the solution

    People are naturally solution-focused. The onus isn't on them to express their needs in the form of a problem statement!

    When refining your mobile problem statement, attempt to answer the following four questions:

    • Who is impacted?
    • What is the (user or organizational) challenge that needs to be addressed?
    • Where does it happen?
    • Why does it matter?

    There are many ways of writing problem statements, a clear approach follows the format:

    • "Our (who) has the problem that (what) when (where). Our solution should (why)."
    • Example: "Our system analysts has the problem that new tickets take too long to update when working on user requests. Our approach should enable the analyst to focus on working with customers and not on administration."

    Adapted from: "Design Problem Statements – What and How to Frame Them"

    How to write a vision statement

    It's ok to dream a little!

    When thinking about a vision statement, think about:

    • Who is it for?
    • What does the customer need?
    • What can we do for them?
    • And why is this special?

    There are different statement templates available to help form your vision statements. Some include:

    1. For [our target customer], who [customer's need], the [product] is a [product category or description] that [unique benefits and selling points]. Unlike [competitors or current methods], our product [main differentiators]. (Crossing the Chasm)
    2. "We believe (in) a [noun: world, time, state, etc.] where [persona] can [verb: do, make, offer, etc.], for/by/with [benefit/goal].
    3. To [verb: empower, unlock, enable, create, etc.] [persona] to [benefit, goal, future state].
    4. Our vision is to [verb: build, design, provide], the [goal, future state], to [verb: help, enable, make it easier to...] [persona]."

    (Numbers 2-4 from: How to define a product vision)

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    A vision shouldn't be so far out that it doesn't feel real and so short term that it gets bogged down in minutiae and implementation details. Finding that right balance will take some trial and error and will be different depending on your organization.

    Ensure mobile supports ongoing value delivery and stakeholder expectations

    Success hinges on your team's ability to deliver business value. Well-developed mobile applications instill stakeholder confidence in ongoing business value delivery and stakeholder buy-in, provided proper expectations are set and met.

    Business value defines the success criteria of an organization, and it is interpreted from four perspectives:

    • Profit Generation – The revenue generated from a business capability with mobile applications.
    • Cost Reduction – The cost reduction when performing business capabilities with mobile applications.
    • Service Enablement – The productivity and efficiency gains of internal business operations with mobile applications.
    • Customer and Market Reach – Metrics measuring the improved reach and insights of the business in existing or new markets.

    See our Build a Value Measurement Framework blueprint for more information about business value definition.

    This image contains a quadrant analysis with the following labels: Left - Improved Capabilities; Top - Outward; Right - Financial Benefit; Bottom - Inward. the quadrants are labeled the following, in order from left to right, top to bottom. Customer and Market Reach; Profit Generation; Service Enhancement; Cost Reduction

    Set realistic mobile goals

    Mobile applications enables the exploration of new and different ways to improve worker productivity and deliver business value. However, the realities of mobile applications may limit your ability to meet some of your objectives:

    • On the day of installation, the average retention rate for public-facing applications was 25.3%. By day 30, the retention rate drops to 5.7%. (Source: Statista, 2020)
    • 63% of 3,335 most popular Android mobile applications on the Google Play Store contained open-source components with known security vulnerabilities and other pervasive security concerns including exposing sensitive data (Source: Synopsys, 2021)
    • 62% of users would delete the application because of performance issues, such as crashes, freezes and other errors (Source: Intersog, 2021).

    These realities are not guaranteed to occur or impede your ability to deliver valuable mobile applications, but they can lead to unachievable expectations. Ensure your stakeholders are not oversold on advertised benefits and hold you accountable for unrealistic objectives. Recognize that the organization must also change how it works and operates to see the full benefit and adoption of mobile applications and overcome the known and unknown challenges and hurdles that often come with mobile delivery.

    Benchmarks present enticing opportunities, but should be used to set reasonable expectations

    Improve Market Reach
    66% of the global population uses a mobile device
    Source: DataReportal, 2021

    Connected Workers are More Productive
    Nearly 20 percent of mobile professionals estimate they miss more than three hours of working time a week not being able to get connected to the internet
    Source: iPass, 2017

    Increase Brand Recognition
    80% of smartphone users are more likely to purchase from companies whose mobile sites of apps help them easily find answers to their questions
    Source: Google, 2018

    Gauge the value with the right metrics

    Metrics are a powerful way to drive behavior change in your organization. But metrics are highly prone to creating unexpected outcomes so they must be used with great care. Use metrics judiciously to avoid gaming or ambivalent behavior, productivity loss, and unintended consequences.

    To learn more, visit Info-Tech's Select and Use SDLC Metrics Effectively blueprint.

    What should I measure?

    1. Mobile Application Engagement, Retention and User Satisfaction
      • The activeness of users on the applications, the number of returning users, and the happiness of the users.
      • Example: Number of tasks completed, number of active and returning users, session length and intervals, user satisfaction
    2. Value Driven from Mobile Applications
      • The business value that the user directly or indirectly receives with the mobile application.
      • Example: Mobile application revenue, business operational costs, worker productivity, business reputation and image
    3. Delivery Throughput and Quality
      • The health and quality of your mobile applications throughout their lifespan and the speed to deliver working applications that meet stakeholder expectations.
      • Example: Frequency of release, lead time, request turnaround, escaped defects, test coverage.

    Use Info-Tech's diagnostic to evaluate the reception of your mobile applications

    Info-Tech's Application Portfolio Assessment (APA) Diagnostic is a canned end user satisfaction survey used to evaluate your application portfolio health to support data-driven decisions.

    This image contains a screenshot from Info-Tech's Application Portfolio Assessment (APA) Diagnostic


    • Assess the importance and satisfaction of enterprise applications.
    • Solicit feedback from your end users on applications being used.
    • Understand the strengths and weaknesses of your current applications.
    • Perform a high-level application rationalization initiative.


    • Target which applications to analyze in greater detail.
    • Expand on the initial application rationalization results with a more comprehensive and business-value-focused criteria.

    Use a canvas to define key elements of your mobile initiative

    Mobile Application Initiative Name

    Parent Initiative:

    October 05, 2022

    Problem Statement


    The problem or need mobile applications are addressing

    Vision, unique value proposition, elevator pitch, or positioning statement

    Business Goals & Metrics

    Capabilities, Processes & Application Systems

    List of business objectives or goals for the mobile application initiative.

    List of business capabilities, processes and application systems related to this initiative.



    List of groups who consume the mobile application

    List of key resources, stakeholders, and teams needed to support the process, systems and services

    To learn more, visit Info-Tech's Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision blueprint.

    1.1.2 Build your mobile application canvas

    1-3 hours

    1. Complete the following fields to build your mobile application canvas:
      • Mobile application initiative name
      • Mobile application owner
      • Parent initiative name
      • Problem that mobile applications are intending to solve and your vision. See the outcome from the previous exercise.
      • Mobile application business goals and metrics.
      • Capabilities, processes and application systems involved
      • Primary customers/users (For additional help with your product personas, download and complete to Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision.)
    2. Stakeholders
    3. Document your findings and discussions into Info-Tech's Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template.

    Download the Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template


    • User personas
    • Business strategy
    • Problem and vision statements
    • Mobile objectives and metrics
    • Mobile application canvas
    • Whiteboard/Flip Charts
    • Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template
    • Applications Manager
    • Product and Platform Owners
    • Software Delivery Teams
    • Business and IT Leaders

    1.1.2 cont'd

    Mobile Application Initiative Name

    Parent Initiative:

    October 05, 2022

    Problem Statement


    [Problem Statement]


    Business Goals & Metrics

    Capabilities, Processes & Application Systems

    [Business Goal 1, Metric]
    [Business Goal 2, Metric]
    [Business Goal 3, Metric]

    [Business Capability]
    [Business Process]
    [Application System]



    [User 1]
    [User 2]
    [User 3]

    [Stakeholder 1]
    [Stakeholder 2]
    [Stakeholder 3]

    Create your mobile backlog

    Your backlog gives you a holistic understanding of the demand for mobile applications across your organization.


    External Sources

    Internal Sources

    • Market Trends Analysis
    • Competitive Analysis
    • Regulations & Industry Standards
    • Customer & Reputation Analysis
    • Application Rationalization
    • Capability & Value Stream Analysis
    • Business Requests & Incidents
    • Discovery & Mining Capabilities

    A mobile application minimum viable product (MVP) focuses on a small set of functions, involves minimal possible effort to deliver a working and valuable solution, and is designed to satisfy a specific user group. Its purpose is to maximize learning, evaluate value and acceptance, and inform the development of a full-fledged mobile delivery practice.

    Find your mobile opportunities

    Modern mobile technologies enable users to access, analyze and change data anywhere with native device features, which opens the door to enhanced processes and new value sources.

    Examples of Mobile Opportunities:

    • Mobile Payment
      • Cost alternative to credit card transaction fees.
      • Loyalty systems are updated upon payment without need of a physical card.
      • Quicker completion of transactions.
    • Inventory Management
      • Update inventory database when shipments arrive or deliveries are made.
      • Inform retailers and consumers of current stock on website.
      • Alert staff of expired or outdated products.
    • Quick and Small Data Transfer
      • Embed tags into posters to transfer URIs, which sends users to sites containing product or location information.
      • Replace entry tags, fobs, or smart cards at doors.
      • Exchange contact details.
    • Location Sensitive Information
      • Proactively send promotions and other information (e.g. coupons, event details) to users within a defined area.
      • Inform employees of nearby prospective clients.
    • Supply Chain Management
      • Track the movement and location of goods and delivery trucks.
      • Direct drivers to the most optimal route.
      • Location-sensitive billing apps such as train and bus ticket purchases.
    • Education and Learning
      • Educate users about real-world objects and places with augmented books and by pushing relevant learning materials.
      • Visualize theories and other text with dynamic 3D objects.
    • Augmented Reality (AR)
      • Provide information about the user's surroundings and the objects in the environment through the mobile device.
      • Interactive and immersive experiences with the inclusion of virtual reality.
    • Architecture and Planning
      • Visualize historic buildings or the layout of structural projects and development plans.
      • Develop a digital tour with location-based audio initiated with location-based services or a camera.
    • Navigation
      • Provide directions to users to navigate and provide contextual travelling instructions.
      • Push traffic notifications and route changes to travelling users.
    • Tracking User Movement
      • Predict the future location of users based on historic information and traffic modelling.
      • Proactively push information to users before they reach their destination.

    1.1.3 Build your mobile backlog

    1-3 hours

    1. As a group, discuss the use and value mobile already has within your organization for each persona.
      1. What are some of the apps being used?
      2. What enterprise systems and applications are already exposed to the web and accessible by mobile devices?
      3. How critical is mobile to business operations, marketing campaigns, etc.?
    2. Discuss how mobile can bring additional business value to other areas of your organization for each persona.
      1. Can mobile enhance your customer reach? Do your customers care that your services are offered through mobile?
      2. Are employees asking for better access to enterprise systems in order to improve their productivity?
    3. Write your mobile opportunities in the following form: As a [end user persona], I want to [process or capability to enable with mobile applications], so that [organizational benefit]. Prioritize each opportunity against feasibility, desirability, and viability.
    4. Document your findings and discussions into Info-Tech's Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template.


    • Problem and vision statements
    • Mobile objectives and metrics
    • Mobile application canvas
    • Mobile opportunities backlog
    • Whiteboard/Flip Charts
    • Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template
    • Applications Manager
    • Product and Platform Owners
    • Software Delivery Teams
    • Business and IT Leaders

    Manage your mobile backlog

    Your backlog stores and organizes your mobile opportunities at various stages of readiness. It must be continuously refined to address new requests, maintenance and changing priorities.

    3 – IDEAS
    Composed of raw, vague, and potentially large ideas that have yet to go through any formal valuation.

    Researched and qualified opportunities awaiting refinement.

    1 READY
    Discrete, refined opportunities that are ready to be placed in your team's delivery plans.

    Adapted from Essential Scrum

    A well-formed backlog can be thought of as a DEEP backlog

    • Detailed Appropriately: opportunities are broken down and refined as necessary
    • Emergent: The backlog grows and evolves over time as opportunities are added and removed.
    • Estimated: The effort an opportunity requires is estimated at each tier.
    • Prioritized: The opportunity's value and priority are determined at each tier.

    (Source Perforce, 2018)

    See our Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision for more information on backlog practices.

    Step 1.2

    Identify Your Technical Needs


    1.2.1 Discuss your mobile needs

    1.2.2 Conduct a technical assessment

    Set the Mobile Context

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Applications Manager
    • Product and Platform Owners
    • Software Delivery Teams
    • Business and IT Leaders

    Outcomes of this step

    • List of mobile features to enable the desired mobile experience
    • System current assessment

    Describe your desired mobile experiences with journey maps

    A journey map tells the story of the user's experience with an existing or prospective product or service, starting with a trigger, through the process of engagement, to create an outcome. Journey maps can focus on a particular part of the user's or the entire experience with your organization's products or services. All types of maps capture key interactions and motivations of the user in chronological order.

    Why are journey maps an important for mobile application delivery?

    Everyone has their own preferred method for completing their tasks on mobile devices – often, what differentiates one persona from another has to do with how users privately behave. Understand that the activities performed outside of IT's purview develop context for your persona's pain points and position IT to meet their needs with the appropriate solution.

    To learn more, visit Info-Tech's Use Experience Design to Drive Empathy with the Business blueprint.

    Two charts are depicted, the first shows the path from Trigger, through steps 1-4, to the outcome, and the Activities and Touchpoints for each. The second chart shows the Expectation analysis, showing which steps are must-haves, nice-to-haves, and hidden-needs.

    Pinpoint specific mobile needs in your journey map

    Realize that mobile applications may not precisely fit with your personas workflow or align to their expectations due to device and system limitations and restrictions. Flag the mobile opportunities that require significant modifications to underlying systems.

    Consider these workflow scenarios that can influence your persona's desire for mobile:

    Workflow Scenarios Ask Yourself The Key Questions Technology Constraints or Restrictions to Consider Examples of Mobile Opportunities

    Data View – Data is queried, prepared and presented to make informed decisions, but it cannot be edited.

    Where is the data located and can it be easily gathered and prepared?

    Is the data sensitive and can it be locally stored?

    What is the level of detail in my view?

    Multi-factor authentication required.

    Highly sensitive data requires encryption in transit and at rest.

    Minor calculations and preparation needed before data view.

    Generate a status report.

    View social media channels.

    View contact information.

    Data Collection – Data is inputted directly into the application and updates back-end system or integrated 3rd party services.

    Do I need special permission to add, delete and overwrite data?

    How much data can I edit?

    Is the data automatically gathered?

    Bandwidth restrictions.

    Multi-factor authentication required.

    Native device access required (e.g., camera).

    Multiple types and formats of gathered data.

    Manual and automatic data gathering

    Book appointments with clients.

    Update inventory.

    Tracking movement of company assets.

    Data Analysis & Modification – Data is evaluated, manipulated and transformed through the application, back-end system or 3rd party service.

    How complex are my calculations?

    Can computations be offloaded?

    What resources are needed to complete the analysis?

    Memory and processing limitations on device.

    Inability to configure device and enterprise hardware to support system resource demand.

    Scope and precision of analysis and modifications.

    Evaluate and propose trends.

    Gauge user sentiment.

    Propose next steps and directions.

    Define the mobile experience your end users want

    Anytime, Anywhere
    The user can access, update and analyze data, and corporate products and services whenever they want, in all networks, and on any device.

    Hands-Off & Automated
    The application can perform various workflows and tasks without the user's involvement and notify the user when specific triggers are hit.

    Personalized & Insightful
    Content presentation and subject are tailored for the user based on specific inputs from the user, device hardware or predicted actions.

    Integrated Ecosystem
    The application supports a seamless experience across various 3rd party and enterprise applications and services the user needs.

    Visually Pleasing & Fulfilling
    The UI is intuitive and aesthetically gratifying with little security and performance trade-offs to use the full breadth of its functions and services.

    Each mobile platform has its own take on the mobile native experience. The choice ultimately depends on whether the costs and effort are worth the anticipated value.

    1.2.1 Discover your mobile needs

    1-3 hours

    1. Define the workflow of a high priority opportunity in your mobile backlog. This workflow can be pertaining to an existing mobile application or a workflow that can benefit with a mobile application.
      1. Indicate the trigger that will initiate the opportunity and the desired outcome.
      2. Break down the persona's desired outcome into small pieces of value that are realized in each workflow step.
    2. Identify activities and touchpoints the persona will need to complete to finish each step in the workflow. Indicate the technology used to complete the activity or to facilitate the touchpoint.
    3. Indicate which activities and touchpoints can be satisfied, complimented or enhanced with mobile.


    • User personas
    • Mobile application canvas
    • Desired mobile experience
    • List of mobile features
    • Journey map
    • Whiteboard/Flip Charts
    • Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template
    • Applications Manager
    • Product and Platform Owners
    • Software Delivery Teams
    • Business and IT Leaders

    1.2.1 cont'd



    Conduct initial analysis

    Get planning help

    Complete and submit RFP

    Design and implement solution

    Implement changes

    Activities, Channels, and Touchpoints

    Need is recognized in CIO council meeting

    See if we have a sufficient solution internally

    Seek planning help (various channels)

    *Meet with IT shared services business analyst

    Select the appropriate vendor

    Follow action plan

    Compliance rqmt triggered by new law

    See if we have a sufficient solution internally

    *Hold in-person initial meeting with IT shared services

    *Review and approve rqmts (email)

    Seek miscellaneous support

    Implement project and manage change

    Research potential solutions in the marketplace

    Excess budget identified for utilization

    Pick a "favorite" solution

    *Negotiate and sign statement of work (email)

    Prime organization for the change

    Create action plan

    If solution is unsatisfactory, plan remediation

    Current Technology

    • Email
    • Video conferencing
    • Phone
    • Meeting transcripts and recordings
    • ERP
    • IT asset management
    • Internet browser for research
    • Virtual environment to demonstrate solutions
    • Email
    • Vendor assessment and procurement solution
    • Email
    • Video conferencing
    • Phone
    • Meeting transcripts and recordings
    • PDF documents and reader
    • Digital signature
    • Email
    • Video conferencing
    • Phone
    • Meeting transcripts and recordings
    • PDF documents and reader
    • Digital signature
    • Email
    • Video conferencing
    • Phone
    • Vendor assessment and procurement solution
    • Project management solution
    • Team collaboration solution
    • Email
    • Video conferencing
    • Phone
    • Project management solution
    • Team collaboration solution
    • Vendor's solution


    Bold – Touchpoint

    * – Activities or Touchpoints That Can Benefit with Mobile

    1.2.1 cont'd

    1-3 hours

    1. Analyze persona expectations. Identify the persona's must-haves, then nice-to-haves, and then hidden needs to effectively complete the workflow.
      1. Must-haves. The necessary outcomes, qualities, and features of the workflow step.
      2. Nice-to-haves. Desired outcomes, qualities, or features that your persona is able to articulate or express.
      3. Hidden needs. Outcomes, qualities, or features that your persona is not aware they have a desire for; benefits that they are pleasantly surprised to receive. These will usually be unknown for your first-iteration journey map.
    2. Indicate which persona expectations can be satisfied with mobile. Discuss what would the desired mobile experience be.
    3. Discuss feedback and experiences your team has heard from the personas they engage with regularly.
    4. Document your findings and discussions into Info-Tech's Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template.

    Download the Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template

    1.2.1 cont'd


    This image contains an example workflow for determining mobile needs.

    1.2.1 cont'd



    TriggerStep 1Step 2Step 3Step 4

    Desired Outcome

    Journey Map

    Activities & Touch-points





















    Hidden Needs







    Emotional Journey







    If you need more than four steps in the workflow, duplicate this slide.

    Understand how mobile fits with your current system

    Evaluate the risks and impacts of your desired mobile features by looking at your enterprise system architecture from top to bottom. Is your mobile vision and needs compatible with your existing business capabilities and technologies?

    An architecture is usually represented by one or more architecture views that together provide a coherent description of the application system, including demonstrating the full impact mobile will have. A single, comprehensive model is often too complex to be understood and communicated in its most detailed form, and a model too high level hides the underlying complexity of an application's structure and deployment (The Open Group, TOGAF 8.1.1 - Developing Architecture Views). Obtain a complete understanding of your architecture by assessing it through multiple levels of views to reveal different sets of concerns:

    Application Architecture Views

    1. Use Case View
    • How does your business operate, and how will users interact with your mobile applications?
  • . Process View
    • What is the user workflow impacted by mobile, and how will it change?
  • Component View
    • How are my existing applications structured? What are its various components? How will mobile expand the costs of the existing technical debt?
  • Data View
    • What is the relationship of the data and information consumed, analyzed, and transmitted? Will mobile jeopardize the quality and reliability of the data?
  • Deployment View
    • In what environment are your mobile application components deployed? How will the existing systems operate with your mobile applications?
  • System View
    • How does your mobile application communicate with other internal and external systems? How will dependencies change with mobile?
  • See our Enhance Your Solution Architecture for more information.

    Ask key questions in your current system assessment

    • How do the various components of your system communicate with each other (e.g., web APIs, middleware, and point to point)?
    • What information is exchanged during the conversation?
    • How does the data flow from one component to the next? Is the data read-only or can application and users edit and modify it?
    • What are the access points to your mid- and back-tier systems (e.g., user access through web interface, corporate networks and third-party application access through APIs)?
    • Who has access to your enterprise systems?
    • Which components are managed and operated by third-party providers? What is your level of control?
    • What are the security protocols currently enforced in your system?
    • How often are your databases updated? Is it real-time or periodic extract, transfer, and load (ETL)?
    • What are the business rules?
    • Is your mobile stack dependent on other systems?
    • Is a mobile middleware, web server, or API gateway needed to help facilitate the integration between devices and your back-end support?

    1.2.2 Conduct a technical assessment

    1-3 hours

    1. Evaluate your current systems that will support the journey map of your mobile opportunities based on two categories: system quality and system management. Use the tables on the following slides and modify the questions if needed.
    2. Discuss if the current state of your system will impede your ability to succeed with mobile. Use this discussion to verify the decision to continue with mobile applications in your current state.
    3. Document your findings and discussions into Info-Tech's Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template.

    Download the Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template


    • Journey map
    • Understanding of current system
    • Assessment of current system
    • Whiteboard/Flip Charts
    • Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template
    • Applications Manager
    • Product and Platform Owners
    • Software Delivery Teams
    • Business and IT Leaders

    1.2.2 cont'd

    Current State System Quality Assessment

    Factors Definitions Survey Responses
    Fit-for-Purpose System functionalities, services and integrations are designed and implemented for the purpose of satisfying the end users' needs and technology compatibilities. 1 (Very Poor) – 2 – 3 (Fair) – 4 – 5 (Excellent)
    Response Rate The system completes computation and processing requests within acceptable timeframes. 1 (Very Poor) – 2 – 3 (Fair) – 4 – 5 (Excellent)
    Data Quality The system delivers consumable, accurate, and trustworthy data. 1 (Very Poor) – 2 – 3 (Fair) – 4 – 5 (Excellent)
    Usability The system provides functionalities, services and integrations that are rewarding, engaging, intuitive, and emotionally satisfying. 1 (Very Poor) – 2 – 3 (Fair) – 4 – 5 (Excellent)
    Reliability The system is resilient or quickly recovers from issues and defects. 1 (Very Poor) – 2 – 3 (Fair) – 4 – 5 (Excellent)
    Accessible The system is available on demand and on the end user's preferred interface and device. 1 (Very Poor) – 2 – 3 (Fair) – 4 – 5 (Excellent)
    Secured End-user activity and data is protected from unauthorized access. 1 (Very Poor) – 2 – 3 (Fair) – 4 – 5 (Excellent)
    Adaptable The system can be quickly tailored to meet changing end-user and technology needs with reusable and customizable components. 1 (Very Poor) – 2 – 3 (Fair) – 4 – 5 (Excellent)

    1.2.2 cont'd

    Current State System Management Assessment

    Factors Definitions Survey Responses
    Documentation The system is documented, accurate, and shared in the organization. 1 (Very Poor) – 2 – 3 (Fair) – 4 – 5 (Excellent)
    Measurement The system is continuously measured against clearly defined metrics tied to business value. 1 (Very Poor) – 2 – 3 (Fair) – 4 – 5 (Excellent)
    Compliance The system is compliant with regulations and industry standards. 1 (Very Poor) – 2 – 3 (Fair) – 4 – 5 (Excellent)
    Continuous Improvement The system is routinely rationalized and enhanced. 1 (Very Poor) – 2 – 3 (Fair) – 4 – 5 (Excellent)
    Architecture There is a shared overview of how the process supports business value delivery and its dependencies with technologies and other processes. 1 (Very Poor) – 2 – 3 (Fair) – 4 – 5 (Excellent)
    Ownership & Accountability The process has a clearly defined owner who is accountable for its risks and roadmap. 1 (Very Poor) – 2 – 3 (Fair) – 4 – 5 (Excellent)
    Support Resources are available to address adoption and execution challenges. 1 (Very Poor) – 2 – 3 (Fair) – 4 – 5 (Excellent)
    Organizational Change Management Communication, onboarding, and other change management capabilities are available to facilitate technology and related role and process changes. 1 (Very Poor) – 2 – 3 (Fair) – 4 – 5 (Excellent)

    Step 1.3

    Define Your Non-Functional Requirements


    1.3.1 Define mobile application quality

    1.3.2 Verify your decision to deliver mobile applications

    Set the Mobile Context

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Applications Manager
    • Product and Platform Owners
    • Software Delivery Teams

    Outcomes of this step

    • Mobile application quality definition
    • Readiness for mobile delivery

    Build a strong foundation of mobile application quality

    Functionality and aesthetics often take front seats in mobile application delivery. Applications are then frequently modified and changed, not because they are functionally deficient or visually displeasing, but because they are difficult to maintain or scale, too slow, vulnerable or compromised. Implementing clear quality principles (i.e., non-functional requirements) and strong quality assurance practices throughout delivery are critical to minimize the potential work of future maintenance and to avoid, mitigate and manage IT risks.

    What is Mobile Application Quality?

    • Quality requirements (i.e., non-functional requirements) are properties of a system or product that dictate how it should behave at runtime and how it should be designed, implemented, and maintained.
    • These requirements should be involved in decision making around architecture, UI and functional design changes.
    • Functionality should not dictate the level of security, availability, or performance of a product, thereby risking system quality. Functionality and quality are viewed orthogonally, and trade-offs are discussed when one impacts the other.
    • Quality attributes should never be achieved in isolation as one attribute can have a negative or positive impact on another (e.g. security and availability).

    Why is Mobile Quality Assurance Critical?

    • Quality assurance (QA) is a necessity for the validation and verification of mobile delivery, whether you are delivering applications in an Agile or Waterfall fashion. Effective QA practices implemented across the software development lifecycle (SDLC) are vital, as all layers of the mobile stack need to readily able to adjust to suddenly evolving and changing business and user needs and technologies without risking system stability and breaking business standards and expectations.
    • However, investments in QA optimizations are often afterthoughts. QA is commonly viewed as a lower priority compared to other delivery capabilities (e.g., design and coding) and is typically the first item cut when delivery is under pressure.

    See our Build a Software Quality Assurance Program for more information.

    Mobile emphasizes the importance of good security, performance and integration

    Today's mobile workforce is looking for new ways to get more work done quickly. They want access to enterprise solutions and data directly on their mobile device, which can reside on multiple legacy systems and in the cloud and third-party infrastructure. This presents significant performance, integration, and security risks.

    Cloud Solutions: Can I use my existing APIs?. Solutions in Corporate Networks: Do my legacy systems have the capacity to support mobile?; How do I integrate solutions and data from multiple sources into a single view?; Third Party Solutions: Will I have a significant performance bottleneck?; Single View on Mobile Devices: How is corporate data stored on the device?; What new technology dependencies must I account for in my architecture and operational support capabilities?

    Mobile risks opening and widening existing security gaps

    New mobile technologies and the continued expansion of the enterprise environment increase the number of entry points attackers to your corporate data and networks. The ever-growing volume, velocity, and variety of new threats puts significant pressure on mobile delivery teams who are responsible for implementing mobile security measures and maintaining alignment to your security policies and those of app stores.

    Mobile attacks can come from various vectors:

    Attack Surface: Mobile Device

    Attack Surface: Network

    Attack Surface: Data Center

    Buffer Overflow
    Data Caching

    No Passcode
    Jailbroken and Rooted OS
    No/Weak Encryption
    OS Data Caching

    Radio Frequency Attacks

    Configuration Manipulation
    Runtime Injection
    Improper SSL Validation

    • Packet Sniffing
    • Session Hijacking
    • Man-in-the-Middle (circumvent password verification systems)
    • Fake SSL Certificate
    • Rogue Access Points

    Web Server:
    Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
    Brute Force Attacks
    Server Misconfigurations

    SQL Injection
    Data Dumping

    Understand the top web security risks and vulnerabilities seen in the industry

    Recognize mobile applications are exposed to the same risks and vulnerabilities as web applications. Learn of OWASP's top 10 web security risks.

    • Broken Access Control
      • Failures typically lead to unauthorized information disclosure, modification, or destruction of all data or performing a business function outside the user's limits.
    • Cryptographic Failures
      • Improper and incorrect protection of data in transit and at rest, especially proprietary and confidential data and those that fall under privacy laws.
    • Injection
      • Execution of malicious code and injection of hostile or unfiltered data on the mobile device via the mobile application.
    • Insecure Design
      • Missing or ineffective security controls in the application design. An insecure design cannot be fixed by a perfect implementation,. Needed security controls were never created to defend against specific attacks.
    • Security Misconfiguration
      • The security settings in the application are not securely set or configured, including poor security hardening and inadequate system upgrading practices.
    • Vulnerable and Outdated Components
      • System components are vulnerable because they are unsupported, out of date, untested or not hardened against current security concerns.
    • Identification and Authentication Failures
      • Improper or poor protection against authentication-related attacks, particularly to the user's identity, authentication and session management.
    • Software and Data Integrity Failures
      • Failures related to code and infrastructure that does not protect against integrity violations, such as an application relying upon plugins, libraries, or modules from untrusted sources, repositories, and content delivery networks
    • Security Logging and Monitoring Failures
      • Insufficient logging, detection, monitoring, and active response that hinders the ability to detect, escalate, and respond to active breaches.
    • Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)
      • SSRF flaws occur whenever a web application is fetching a remote resource without validating the user-supplied URL.

    Good mobile application performance drives satisfaction and value delivery

    Underperforming mobile applications can cause your users to be unproductive. Your mobile applications should always aim to satisfy the productivity requirements of your end users.

    Users quickly notice applications that are slow and difficult to use. Providing a seamless experience for the user is now heavily dependent on how well your application performs. Optimizing your mobile application's processing efficiency can help your users perform their jobs properly in various environment conditions.

    Productive Users Need
    Performant Mobile Applications


    Mobile Application Use Case

    Optimized Mobile Application

    Stationary Worker

    • Design flowcharts and diagrams, while abandoning paper and desktop apps in favor of easy-to-use, drawing tablet applications.
    • Multitask by checking the application to verify information given by a vendor during their presentation or pitch.
    • Flowcharts and diagrams are updated in real time for team members to view and edit
    • Compare vendors under assessment with a quick look-up app feature

    Roaming Worker (Engineer)

    • Replace physical copies of service and repair manuals physically stored with digital copies and access them with mobile applications.
    • Scan or input product bar code to determine whether a replacement part is available or needs to be ordered.
    • Worker is capable of interacting with other features of the mobile web app while product bar code is being verified

    Enhance the performance of the entire mobile stack

    Due to frequently changing mobile hardware, users' high performance expectations and mobile network constraints, mobile delivery teams must focus on the entire mobile stack for optimizing performance.

    Fine tune your enterprise mobile applications using optimization techniques to improve performance across the full mobile stack.

    This image contains a bar graph ranking the importance of the following datapoints: Minimize render blocking resources; Configure the mobile application viewport; Determine the right image file format ; Determine above-the-fold content; Minimize browser reflow; Adopt UI techniques to improve perceived latency; Resource minification; Data compression; Asynchronous programming; Resource HTTP caching; Minimize network roundtrips for first time to render.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Some user performance expectations can be managed with clever UI design (e.g., spinning pinwheels to indicate loading in progress and directing user focus to quick loading content) and operational choices (e.g. graceful degradation and progressive enhancements).

    Create an API-centric integration strategy

    Mobile delivery teams are tasked to keep up with the changing needs of end users and accommodate the evolution of trending mobile features. Ensuring scalable APIs is critical in quickly releasing changes and ensuring availability of corporate services and resources.

    As your portfolio of mobile applications grows, and device platforms and browsers diversify, it will become increasingly complex to provide all the data and service capabilities your mobile apps need to operate. It is important that your APIs are available, reliable, reusable, and secure for multiple uses and platforms.

    Take an API-centric approach to retain control of your mobile development and ensure reliability.

    APIs are the underlying layer of your mobile applications, enabling remote access of company data and services to end users. Focusing design and development efforts on the maintainability, reliability and scalability of your APIs enables your delivery teams to:

    • Reuse tried-and-tested APIs to deliver, test and harden applications and systems quicker by standardizing on the use and structure of REST APIs.
    • Ensure a consistent experience and performance across different applications using the same API.
    • Uniformly apply security and access control to remain compliant to security protocols, industry standards and regulations.
    • Provide reliable integration points when leveraging third-party APIs and services.

    See our Build Effective Enterprise Integration on the Back of Business Process for more information.

    Guide your integration strategy with principles

    Craft your principles around good API management and integration practices

    Expose Enterprise Data And Functionality in API-Friendly Formats
    Convert complex on-premises application services into developer-friendly RESTful APIs

    Protect Information Assets Exposed Via APIs to Prevent Misuse
    Ensure that enterprise systems are protected against message-level attack and hijack

    Authorize Secure, Seamless Access for Valid Identities
    Deploy strong access control, identity federation and social login functionality

    Optimize System Performance and Manage the API Lifecycle
    Maintain the availability of backend systems for APIs, applications and end users

    Engage, Onboard, Educate and Manage Developers
    Give developers the resources they need to create applications that deliver real value

    Source: 5 Pillars of API Management, Broadcom, 2021

    Clarify your definition of mobile quality

    Quality does not mean the same thing to everyone

    Do not expect a universal definition of mobile quality. Each department, person and industry standard will have a different interpretation of quality, and they will perform certain activities and enforce policies that meet those interpretations. Misunderstanding of what is defined as a high quality mobile application within business and IT teams can lead to further confusion behind governance, testing priorities and compliance.

    Each interpretation of quality can lead to endless testing, guardrails and constraints, or lack thereof. Be clear on the priority of each interpretation and the degree of effort needed to ensure they are met.

    For example:

    Mobile Application Owner
    What does an accessible mobile application mean?

    Persona: Customer
    I can access it on mobile phones, tablets and the web browser

    Persona: Developer
    I have access to each layer of the mobile stack including the code & data

    Persona: Operations
    The mobile application is accessible 24/7 with 95% uptime

    Example: A School Board's Quality Definition

    Quality Attribute Definitions
    Usability The product is an intuitive solution. Usability is the ease with which the user accomplishes a desired task in the application system and the degree of user support the system provides. Limited training and documentation are required.
    Performance Usability and performance are closely related. A solution that is slow is not usable. The application system is able to meet timing requirements, which is dependent on stable infrastructure to support it regardless of where the application is hosted. Baseline performance metrics are defined and changes must result in improvements. Performance is validated against peak loads.
    Availability The application system is present, accessible, and ready to carry out its tasks when needed. The application is accessible from multiple devices and platforms, is available 24x7x365, and teams communicate planned downtimes and unplanned outages. IT must serve teachers international student's parents, and other users who access the application outside normal business hours. The application should never be down when it should be up. Teams must not put undue burden on end users accessing the systems. Reasonable access requirements are published.
    Security Applications handle both private and personal data, and must be able to segregate data based on permissions to protect privacy. The application system is able to protect data and information from unauthorized access. Users want it to be secure but seamless. Vendors need to understand and implement the District School Board's security requirements into their products. Teams ensure access is authorized, maintain data integrity, and enforce privacy.
    Reusability Reusability is the capability for components and subsystems to be suitable for use in other applications and in other scenarios. This attribute minimizes the duplication of components and implementation time. Teams ensure a modular design that is flexible and usable in other applications.
    Interoperability The degree to which two or more systems can usefully exchange meaningful information via interfaces in a particular context.


    There are two kinds of scalability:

    • Horizontal scalability (scaling out): Adding more resources to logical units, such as adding another server to a cluster of servers.
    • Vertical scalability (scaling up): Adding more resources to a physical unit, such as adding more memory to a single computer.

    Ease of maintenance and enhancements are critical. Additional care is given to custom code because of the inherent difficulty to make it scale and update.

    Modifiability The capability to manage the risks and costs of change, considering what can be changed, the likelihood of change, and when and who makes the change. Teams minimize the barriers to change, and get business buy in to keep systems current and valuable.
    Testability The ease with which software are made to demonstrate its faults through (typically execution-based) testing. It cannot be assumed that the vendor has already tested the system against District School Board's requirements. Testability applies to all applications, operating systems, and databases.
    Supportability The ability of the system to provide information helpful for identifying and resolving issues when it fails to work correctly. Supportability applies to all applications and systems within the District School Board's portfolio, whether that be custom developed applications or vendor provided solutions. Resource investments are made to better support the system.
    Cost Efficiency The application system is executed and maintained in such a way that each area of cost is reduced to what is critically needed. Cost efficiency is critical (e.g. printers cost per page, TCO, software what does downtime cost us), and everyone must understand the financial impact of their decisions.
    Self-Service End users are empowered to make configurations, troubleshoot and make changes to their application without the involvement of IT. The appropriate controls are in place to manage the access to unauthorized access to corporate systems.
    Modifiability The capability to manage the risks and costs of change, considering what can be changed, the likelihood of change, and when and who makes the change. Teams minimize the barriers to change, and get business buy in to keep systems current and valuable.
    Testability The ease with which software are made to demonstrate its faults through (typically execution-based) testing. It cannot be assumed that the vendor has already tested the system against District School Board's requirements. Testability applies to all applications, operating systems, and databases.
    Supportability The ability of the system to provide information helpful for identifying and resolving issues when it fails to work correctly. Supportability applies to all applications and systems within the District School Board's portfolio, whether that be custom developed applications or vendor provided solutions. Resource investments are made to better support the system.

    1.3.1 Define mobile application quality

    1-3 hours

    1. List 5 quality attributes that your organization sees as important for a successful mobile application.
    2. List the core personas that will support mobile delivery and that will consume the mobile application. Start with development, operations and support, and end user.
    3. Describe each quality attributes from the perspective of each persona by asking, "What does quality mean to you?".
    4. Review each description from each persona to come to an acceptable definition.
    5. Document your findings and discussions into Info-Tech's Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template.

    Download the Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template


    • User personas
    • Mobile application canvas
    • Journey map
    • Mobile application quality definition
    • Whiteboard/Flip Charts
    • Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template
    • Applications Manager
    • Product and Platform Owners
    • Software Delivery Teams
    • Business and IT Leaders

    1.3.1 cont'd

    Example: Info-Tech Guided Implementation with a Legal and Professional Services Organization

    Quality AttributeDeveloperOperations & Support TeamEnd Users


    • Architecture and frameworks are aligned with industry best practices
    • Regular feedback through analytics and user feedback
    • Faster development and less technical debt
    • Pride in the product
    • Satisfaction that the product is serving its purpose and is actually being used by the user
    • Increased update of product use and feedback for future lifecycle
    • Standardization and positive perception of IT processes
    • Simpler to train users to adopt products and changes
    • Trust in system and ability to promote the product in a positive light
    • Trusted list of applications
    • Intuitive (easy to use, no training required)
    • Encourage collaboration and sharing ideas between end users and delivery teams
    • The information presented is correct and accurate
    • Users understand where the data came from and the algorithms behind it
    • Users learn features quickly and retain their knowledge longer, which directly correlates to decreased training costs and time
    • High uptake in use of the product
    • Seamless experience, use less energy to work with product


    • Secure by design approach
    • Testing across all layers of the application stack
    • Security analysis of our source code
    • Good approach to security requirement definition, secure access to databases, using latest libraries and using semantics in code
    • Standardized & clear practices for development
    • Making data access granular (not all or none)
    • Secure mission critical procedures which will reduce operational cost, improve compliance and mitigate risks
    • Auditable artifacts on security implementation
    • Good data classification, managed secure access, system backups and privacy protocols
    • Confidence of protection of user data
    • Encryption of sensitive data
    • Good access to the code
    • Good access to the data
    • Good access to APIs and other integration technologies
    • Automatic alerts when something goes wrong
    • Self-repairing/recovering
    • SLAs and uptimes
    • Code documentation
    • Proactive support from the infrastructure team
    • System availability dashboard
    • Access on any end user device, including mobile and desktop
    • 24/7 uptime
    • Rapid response to reported defects or bugs
    • Business continuity

    1.3.2 Verify your decision to deliver mobile applications

    1-3 hours

    1. Review the various end user, business and technical expectations for mobile its achievability given the current state of your system and non-functional requirements.
    2. Complete the list of questions on the following slide as an indication for your readiness for mobile delivery.


    • Mobile application canvas
    • Assessment to proceed with mobile
    • Whiteboard/Flip Charts
    • Applications Manager
    • Product and Platform Owners
    • Software Delivery Teams
    • Business and IT Leaders

    1.3.2 cont'd

    Skill Sets
    Software delivery teams have skills in creating mobile applications that stakeholders are expecting in value and quality. 1 (Strongly Disagree) – 2 – 3 (Neutral) – 4 – 5 (Strongly Agree)
    Architects look for ways to reuse existing technical asset and design for future growth and maturity in mobile. 1 (Strongly Disagree) – 2 – 3 (Neutral) – 4 – 5 (Strongly Agree)
    Resources can be committed to implement and manage a mobile platform. 1 (Strongly Disagree) – 2 – 3 (Neutral) – 4 – 5 (Strongly Agree)
    Software delivery teams and resources are adaptable and flexible to requirements and system changes. 1 (Strongly Disagree) – 2 – 3 (Neutral) – 4 – 5 (Strongly Agree)
    Delivery Process
    My software delivery process can accommodate last minute and sudden changes in mobile delivery tasks. 1 (Strongly Disagree) – 2 – 3 (Neutral) – 4 – 5 (Strongly Agree)
    Business and IT requirements for the mobile are clarified through collaboration between business and IT representatives. 1 (Strongly Disagree) – 2 – 3 (Neutral) – 4 – 5 (Strongly Agree)
    Mobile will help us fill the gaps and standardize our software delivery process process. 1 (Strongly Disagree) – 2 – 3 (Neutral) – 4 – 5 (Strongly Agree)
    My testing practices can be adapted to verify and validate the mobile functional and non-functional requirements. 1 (Strongly Disagree) – 2 – 3 (Neutral) – 4 – 5 (Strongly Agree)
    Technical Stack
    My mid-tier and back-end support has the capacity to accommodate additional traffic from mobile. 1 (Strongly Disagree) – 2 – 3 (Neutral) – 4 – 5 (Strongly Agree)
    I have access to my web infrastructure and integration technologies, and I am capable of making configurations. 1 (Strongly Disagree) – 2 – 3 (Neutral) – 4 – 5 (Strongly Agree)
    My security approaches and capabilities can be enhanced address specific mobile application risks and vulnerabilities. 1 (Strongly Disagree) – 2 – 3 (Neutral) – 4 – 5 (Strongly Agree)
    I have a sound and robust integration strategy involving web APIs that gives me the flexibility to support mobile applications. 1 (Strongly Disagree) – 2 – 3 (Neutral) – 4 – 5 (Strongly Agree)

    Phase 2

    Define Your Mobile Approach

    Choose Your Mobile Platform and Tools

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Step 2.1 – Choose Your Platform Approach
    • Step 2.2 – Shortlist Your Mobile Delivery Solution
    • Step 2.3 – Create a Roadmap for Mobile Delivery

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Applications Manager
    • Product and Platform Owners
    • Software Delivery Teams
    • Business and IT Leaders

    Step 2.1

    Choose Your Platform Approach


    2.1.1 Select your platform approach

    Define Your Mobile Approach

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Applications Manager
    • Product and Platform Owners
    • Software Delivery Teams
    • Business and IT Leaders

    Outcomes of this step

    • Desired mobile platform approach

    Mobile value is dependent on the platform you choose

    What is a platform?

    "A platform is a set of software and a surrounding ecosystem of resources that helps you to grow your business. A platform enables growth through connection: its value comes not only from its own features, but from its ability to connect external tools, teams, data, and processes." (Source: Emilie Nøss Wangen, 2021) In the mobile context, applications in a platform execute and communicate through a loosely coupled API architecture whether the supporting system is managed and supported by your organization or by 3rd party providers.


    The mobile web often takes on one of the following two approaches:

    • Responsive websites – Content, UI and other website elements automatically adjusts itself according to the device, creating a seamless experience regardless of the device.
    • Progressive web applications (PWAs) – PWAs uses the browser's APIs and features to offer native-like experiences.

    Mobile web applications are often developed with a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript languages.


    Hybrid applications are developed with web technologies but are deployed as native applications. The code is wrapped using a framework so that it runs locally within a native container, and it uses the device's browser runtime engine to support more sophisticated designs and features compared to the web approach. Hybrid mobile solutions allows teams to code once and deploy to multiple platforms.

    Some notable examples:

    • Gmail
    • Instagram


    Cross-platform applications are developed within a distinct programming or scripting environment that uses its own scripting language (often like web languages) and APIs. Then the solution will compile the code into device-specific builds for native deployment.

    Some notable examples:

    • Facebook
    • Skype
    • Slack


    Native applications are developed and deployed to specific devices and OSs using platform-specific software development kits (SDKs) provided by the operating system vendors. The programming language and framework are dictated by the targeted device, such as Java for Android.

    With this platform, developers have direct access to local device features allowing customized operations. This enables the use of local resources, such as memory and runtime engines, which will achieve a higher performance than hybrid and cross-platform applications.

    Each platform offers unique pros and cons depending on your mobile needs










    • Modern browsers support the popular of web languages (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript).
    • Ubiquitous across multiple form factors and devices.
    • Mobile can be easily integrated into traditional web development processes and technical stacks.
    • Installations are not required, and updates are immediate.
    • Sensitive data can be wiped from memory after app is closed.
    • Limited access to local device hardware and software.
    • Local caching is available for limited offline capabilities, but the scope of tasks that can be completed in this scenario is restricted.
    • The browser's runtime engine is limited in computing power.
    • Not all browsers fully support the latest versions of HTML, CSS, or JavaScript.
    • Web languages can be used to develop a complete application.
    • Code can be reused for multiple platforms, including web.
    • Access to commonly-used native features that are not available through the web platform.
    • Quick delivery and maintenance updates compared to native and cross-platform platforms.
    • Consistent internet access is needed due to its reliance heavily reliance on web technologies to operate.
    • Limited ability to support complex workflows and features.
    • Sluggish performance compared to cross-platform and native applications.
    • Certain features may not operate the same across all platforms given the code once, deploy everywhere approach.
    • More cost-effective to develop than using native development approaches to gain similar features. Platform-specific developers are not needed.
    • Common codebase to develop applications on different applications.
    • Enables more complex application functionalities and technical customizations compared to hybrid applications.
    • Code is not portable across cross-platform delivery solutions.
    • The framework is tied to the vendor solution which presents the risk of vendor lock-in.
    • Deployment is dependent on an app store and the delivery solution may not guarantee the application's acceptance into the application store.
    • Significant training and onboarding may be needed using the cross-platform framework.
    • Tight integration with the device's hardware enables high performance and greater use of hardware features.
    • Computationally-intensive and complex tasks can be completed on the device.
    • Available offline access.
    • Apps are available through easy-to-access app stores.
    • Requires additional investments, such as app stores, app-specific support, versioning, and platform-specific extensions.
    • Developers skilled in a device-specific language are difficult to acquire and costly to train.
    • Testing is required every time a new device or OS is introduced.
    • Higher development and maintenance costs are tradeoffs for native device features.

    Start mobile development on a mobile web platform

    Start with what you have: begin with a mobile web platform to minimize impacts to your existing delivery skill sets and technical stack while addressing business needs. Resort to a hybrid first and then consider a cross-platform application if you require device access or the need to meet specific non-functional requirements.

    Why choose a mobile web platform?


    The latest versions of the most popular web languages (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript) abstract away from the granular, physical components of the application, simplifying the development process. HTML5 offer some mobile features (e.g., geolocation, accelerometer) that can meet your desired experience without the need for native development skills. Native look-and-feel, high performance, and full device access are just a few tradeoffs of going with web languages.


    Native mobile platforms depend on device-specific code which follows specific frameworks and leverages unique programming libraries, such as Objective C for iOS and Java for Android. Each language requires a high level of expertise in the coding structure and hardware of specific devices requiring resources with specific skillsets and different tools to support development and testing.

    Other Notable Benefits with Web Languages

    • Modern browsers in most mobile devices are capable of executing and rendering many mobile features developed in web languages, allowing for greater portability and sophistication of code across multiple devices. However, this flexibility comes at the cost of performance since the browser's runtime engine will not perform as well as a native engine.
    • Web languages are well known by developers, minimizing skills and resourcing impacts. Consequently, changes can be quickly accommodated and updated uniformly across all end users.

    Do you need a native platform?

    Consider web workarounds if you choose a web platform but require some native experiences.

    The web platform does not give you direct access or sophisticated customizations to local device hardware and services, underlying code and integrations. You may run into the situation where you need some native experiences, but the value of these features may not offset the costs to undertake a native, hybrid or cross-platform application. When developing hybrid and cross-platform applications with a mobile delivery solution, only the APIs of the commonly used device features are available. Note that some vendors may not offer a particular native feature across all devices, inhibiting your ability to achieve feature parity or exploiting device features only available in certain devices. Workarounds are then needed.

    Consider the following workarounds to address the required native experiences on the web platform:

    Native Function Description Web Workaround Impact
    Camera Takes pictures or records videos through the device's camera. Create an upload form in the web with HTML5. Break in workflow leading to poor user experience (UX).
    Geolocation Detects the geographical location of the device. Available through HTML5. Not Applicable.
    Calendar Stores the user's calendar in local memory. Integrate with calendaring system or manually upload contacts. Costly integration initiative. Poor user experience.
    Contacts Stores contact information in local memory. Integrate app with contact system or manually upload contacts. Costly integration initiative. Poor user experience.
    Near Field Communication (NFC) Communication between devices by touching them together or bringing them into proximity. Manual transfer of data. A lot of time is consumed transferring simple information.
    Native Computation Computational power and resources needed to complete tasks on the device. Resource-intensive requests are completed by back-end systems and results sent back to user. Slower application performance given network constraints.

    Info-Tech Insight

    In many cases, workarounds are available when evaluating the gaps between web and native applications. For example, not having application-level access to the camera does not negate the user option to upload a picture taken by the camera through a web form. Tradeoffs like this will come down to assessing the importance of each platform gap for your organization and whether a workaround is good enough as a native-like experience.

    Architect and configure your entire mobile stack with a plan

    • Assess your existing technology stack that will support your mobile platform. Determine if it has the capacity to handle mobile traffic and the necessary integration between devices and enterprise and 3rd party systems are robust and reliable. Reach out to your IT teams and vendors if you are missing key mobile components, such as:
    • The acquisition and provisioning of physical or virtual mobile web servers and middleware from existing vendors.
    • Cloud services [e.g., Mobile Back-end as a Service (mBaaS)] that assists in the mobilization of back-end data sources with API SDKs, orchestration of data from multiple sources, transformation of legacy APIs to mobile formats, and satisfaction of other security, integration and performance needs.
    • Configure the services of your web server or middleware to facilitate the translation, transformation, and transfer of data between your mobile front-end and back-end. If your plan involves scripts, maintenance and other ongoing costs will likely increase.
    • Leverage the APIs or adapters provided by your vendors or device manufacturers to integrate your mobile front-end and back-end support to your web server or middleware. If you are reusing a web server, the back-end integration should already be in place. Remember, APIs implement business rules to maintain the integrity of data exchange within your mobile stack.
    • See Appendix A for examples of reference architectures of mobile platforms.

    See our Enhance Your Solution Architecture for more information.

    Do Not Forget Your Security and Performance Requirements

    Security: New threats from mobile put organizations into a difficult situation beyond simply responding to them in a timely matter. Be careful not to take the benefits of security out of the mobile context. You need to make security a first-order citizen during the scoping, design, and optimization of your systems supporting mobile. It must also be balanced with other functional and non-functional requirements with the right roles taking accountability for these decisions.

    See our Strengthen the SSDLC for Enterprise Mobile Applications for more information.

    Performance: Within a distributed mobile environment, performance has a risk of diminishing due to limited device capacity, network hopping, lack of server scalability, API bottlenecks, and other device, network and infrastructure issues. Mobile web APIs suffer from the same pain points as traditional web browsing and unplanned API call management in an application will lead to slow performance.

    See our Develop Enterprise Mobile Applications With Realistic and Relevant Performance for more information.

    Enterprise platform selection requires a shift in perspective

    Your mobile platform selection must consider both user and enterprise (i.e., non-functional) needs. Use a two-step process for your analysis:

    Begin Platform Selection with a User-Centric Approach

    Organizations appealing to end users place emphasis on the user experience: the look and appeal of the user interface, and the satisfaction, ease of use, and value of its functionalities. In this approach, IT concerns and needs are not high priorities, but many functions are completed locally or isolated from mission critical corporate networks and sensitive data. Some needs include:

    • Performance: quick execution of tasks and calculations made on the device or offloaded to web servers or the cloud.
    • User Interface: cross-platform compatibility and feature-rich design and functionality. The right native experience is critical to the user adoption and satisfaction.
    • Device Access: use of local device hardware and software to complete app use cases, such as camera, calendar, and contact lists.

    Refine Platform Selection with an Enterprise-Centric Approach

    From the enterprise perspective, emphasis is on security, system performance, integration, reuse and other non-functional requirements as the primary motivations in the selection of a mobile platform. User experience is still a contributing factor because of the mobile application's need to drive value but its priority is not exclusive. Some drivers include:

    • Openness: agreed-upon industry standards and technologies that can be applied to serve enterprise needs which support business processes.
    • Integration: increase the reuse of legacy investments and existing applications and services with integration capabilities.
    • Flexibility: support for multiple data types from applications such as JSON format for mobile.
    • Capacity: maximize the utilization of your software delivery resources beyond the initial iteration of the mobile application.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Selecting a mobile platform should not solely be made on business requirements. Key technical stakeholders should be at the table in this discussion to provide insight on the implementation and ongoing costs and benefits of each platform. Both business and technical requirements should be considered when deciding on a final platform.

    Select your mobile platform

    Drive your mobile platform selection against user-centric needs (e.g. device access, aesthetics) and enterprise-centric needs (e.g. security, system performance).

    When does a platform makes sense to use?


    • Desire to maximize current web technologies investments (people, process, and technologies).
    • Use cases do not require significant computational resources on the device or are tightly constrained by non-functional requirements.
    • Limited budget to acquire mobile development resources.
    • Access to device hardware is not a high priority.

    Hybrid / Cross-Platform

    • The need to quickly spin up native-like applications for multiple platforms and devices.
    • Desire to leverage existing web development skills, but also a need for device access and meeting specific non-functional requirements.
    • Vendor support is needed for the entire mobile delivery process.


    • Developers are experts in the target programming language and with the device's hardware.
    • Strong need for high performance, security and device-specific access and customizations.
    • Application use cases requiring significant computing resources.

    Nine datapoints are arranged on a graph where the x axis s labeled: User Centric Needs; and the Y axis is labeled: Enterprise-centric needs. The datapoints are, in order from left to right, top to bottom: Hybrid; Cross- Platform; Native; Web; Hybrid or Cross- Platform; Cros-s Platform; Web; Web; Hybrid or Cross- Platform.

    2.1.1 Select your platform approach

    1-3 hours

    1. Review your mobile objectives, end user needs and non-functional requirements.
    2. Determine which mobile platform is appropriate for each mobile opportunity or use case by answering the following questions on the following slides against two factors: user-centric and enterprise-centric needs.
    3. Calculate an average score for user-centric and one for enterprise-centric. Then, map them on the matrix to indicate possible platform options. Consider all options around the plotted point.
    4. Further discuss which platforms should be the preferred choice.
    5. Document your findings and discussions into Info-Tech's Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template.

    Download the Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template


    • Desired mobile experience
    • List of desired mobile features
    • Current state assessments
    • Mobile platform approach
    • Whiteboard/Flip Charts
    • Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template
    • Applications Manager
    • Product and Platform Owners
    • Software Delivery Teams
    • Business and IT Leaders

    2.1.1 cont'd

    User-Centric Needs: Functional Requirements

    Factors Definitions Survey Responses
    Device Hardware Access The scope of access to native device hardware features. Basic features include those that are available through current web languages (e.g., geolocation) whereas comprehensive features are those that are device-specific. 1 (Basic) – 2 – 3 (Moderate) – 4 – 5 (Comprehensive)
    Customized Execution of Device Hardware The degree of changes to the execution of local device hardware to satisfy functional needs. 1 (Use as Is) – 2 – 3 (Configure) – 4 – 5 (Customize)
    Device Software Access The scope of access to software on the user's device, such as calendars and contact. 1 (Basic) – 2 – 3 (Moderate) – 4 – 5 (Comprehensive)
    Customized Execution of Device Software The degree of changes to the execution of local device software to satisfy functional needs. 1 (Use as Is) – 2 – 3 (Configure) – 4 – 5 (Customize)
    Use Case Complexity Workflow tasks and decisions are simple and straightforward. Complex computation is not needed to acquire the desired outcome. 1 (Strongly Agree) – 2 – 3 (Neutral) – 4 – 5 (Strongly Disagree)
    Computational Resources The resources needed on the device to complete desired functional needs. 1 (Low) – 2 – 3 (Moderate) – 4 – 5 (High)
    Use Case Ambiguity The mobile use case and technical requirements are well understood and documented. Changes to the mobile application is likely. 1 (Strongly Disagree) – 2 – 3 (Neutral) – 4 – 5 (Strongly Agree)
    Mobile Application Access Enterprise systems and data are accessible to the broader organization through the mobile application. This factor does not necessarily mean that anyone can access it untracked. You may still need to identify yourself or log in, etc. 1 (Strongly Disagree) – 2 – 3 (Neutral) – 4 – 5 (Strongly Agree)
    Scope of Adoption & Impact The extent to which the mobile application is leveraged in the organization. 1 (Enterprise) – 2 – 3 (Department) – 4 – 5 (Team)
    Installable The need to locally install the mobile application. 1 (Low) – 2 – 3 (Moderate) – 4 – 5 (High)
    Targeted Devices & Platforms Mobile applications are developed for a defined set of mobile platform versions and types and device. 1 (Strongly Disagree) – 2 – 3 (Neutral) – 4 – 5 (Strongly Agree)
    Output Audience The mobile application transforms an input into a valuable output for high-priority internal or external stakeholders. 1 (Strongly Disagree) – 2 – 3 (Neutral) – 4 – 5 (Strongly Agree)

    2.1.1 cont'd

    User-Centric Needs: Native User Experience Factors

    Factors Definitions Survey Responses
    Immersive Experience The need to bridge physical world with the virtual and digital environment, such as geofencing and NFC. 1 (Internally Delivered) – 2 – 3 (3rd Party Supported) – 4 – 5 (Business Implemented)
    Timeliness of Content and Updates The speed of which the mobile application (and supporting system) responds with requested information, data and updates from enterprise systems and 3rd party services. 1 (Reasonable Delayed Response) – 2 – 3 (Partially Outsourced) – 4 – 5 (Fully Outsourced)
    Application Performance The speed of which the mobile application completes tasks is critical to its success. 1 (Strongly Disagree) – 2 – 3 (Neutral) – 4 – 5 (Strongly Agree)
    Network Accessibility The needed ability to access and use the mobile application in various network conditions. 1 (Only Available When Online) – 2 – 3 (Partially Available When Online) – 4 – 5 (Available Online)
    Integrated Ecosystem The approach to integrate the mobile application with enterprise or 3rd party systems and services. 1 (Out-of-the-Box Connectors) – 2 – 3 (Configurable Connectors) – 4 – 5 (Customized Connectors)
    Desire to Have a Native Look-and-Feel The aesthetics and UI features (e.g., heavy animations) that are only available through native and cross-platform applications. 1 (Low) – 2 – 3 (Moderate) – 4 – 5 (High)
    User Tolerance to Change The degree of willingness and ableness for a user to change their way of working to maximize the value of the mobile application. 1 (Low) – 2 – 3 (Moderate) – 4 – 5 (High)
    Mission Criticality The business could not execute its main strategy if the mobile application was removed. 1 (Strongly Disagree) – 2 – 3 (Neutral) – 4 – 5 (Strongly Agree)
    Business Value The mobile application directly adds business value to the organization. 1 (Strongly Disagree) – 2 – 3 (Neutral) – 4 – 5 (Strongly Agree)
    Industry Differentiation The mobile application provides a distinctive competitive advantage or is unique to your organization. 1 (Strongly Disagree) – 2 – 3 (Neutral) – 4 – 5 (Strongly Agree)

    2.1.1 cont'd

    Enterprise-Centric Needs: Non-Functional Requirements

    Factors Definitions Survey Responses
    Legacy Compatibility The need to integrate and operate with legacy systems. 1 (Low) – 2 – 3 (Moderate) – 4 – 5 (High)
    Code Portability The need to enable the "code once and deploy everywhere" approach. 1 (High) – 2 – 3 (Moderate) – 4 – 5 (Low)
    Vendor & Technology Lock-In The tolerance to lock into a vendor mobile delivery solution or technology framework. 1 (Low) – 2 – 3 (Moderate) – 4 – 5 (High)
    Data Sensitivity The data used by the mobile application does not fall into the category of sensitive data – meaning nothing financial, medical, or personal identity (GDPR and worldwide equivalents). The disclosure, modification, or destruction of this data would cause limited harm to the organization. 1 (Strongly Disagree) – 2 – 3 (Neutral) – 4 – 5 (Strongly Agree)
    Data Policies Policies of the mobile application's data are mandated by internal departmental standards (e.g. naming standards, backup standards, data type consistency). Policies only mandated in this way usually have limited use in a production capacity. 1 (Strongly Disagree) – 2 – 3 (Neutral) – 4 – 5 (Strongly Agree)
    Security Risks Mobile applications are connected to private data sources and its intended use will be significant if underlying data is breached. 1 (Strongly Disagree) – 2 – 3 (Neutral) – 4 – 5 (Strongly Agree)
    Business Continuity & System Integrity Risks The mobile application in question does not have much significance relative to the running of mission critical processes in the organization. 1 (Strongly Disagree) – 2 – 3 (Neutral) – 4 – 5 (Strongly Agree)
    System Openness Openness of enterprise systems to enable mobile applications from the user interface to the business logic and backend integrations and database. 1 (High) – 2 – 3 (Moderate) – 4 – 5 (Low)
    Mobile Device Management The organization's policy for the use of mobile devices to access and leverage enterprise data and services. 1 (Bring-Your-Own-Device) – 2 – 3 (Hybrid) – 4 – 5 (Corporate Devices)

    2.1.1 cont'd

    Enterprise-Centric Needs: Delivery Capacity

    Factors Definitions Survey Responses
    Ease of Mobile Delivery The desire to have out-of-the-box and packaged tools to expedite mobile application delivery using web technologies. 1 (Low) – 2 – 3 (Moderate) – 4 – 5 (High)
    Solution Competency The capability for internal staff to and learn how to implement and administer mobile delivery tools and deliver valuable, high-quality applications. 1 (Low) – 2 – 3 (Moderate) – 4 – 5 (High)
    Ease of Deployment The desire to have the mobile applications delivered by the team or person without specialized resources from outside the team. 1 (Low) – 2 – 3 (Moderate) – 4 – 5 (High)
    Delivery Approach The capability to successfully deliver mobile applications given budgetary and costing, resourcing, and supporting services constraints. 1 (Low) – 2 – 3 (Moderate) – 4 – 5 (High)
    Maintenance & Operational Support The capability of the resources to responsibly maintain and operate mobile applications, including defect fixes and the addition and extension of modules to base implementations of the digital product. 1 (Low) – 2 – 3 (Moderate) – 4 – 5 (High)
    Domain Knowledge Support The availability and accessibility of subject and domain experts to guide facilitate mobile application implementation and adoption. 1 (Low) – 2 – 3 (Moderate) – 4 – 5 (High)
    Delivery Urgency The desire to have the mobile application delivered quickly. 1 (High) – 2 – 3 (Moderate) – 4 – 5 (Low)
    Reusable Components The desire to reuse UI elements and application components. 1 (High) – 2 – 3 (Moderate) – 4 – 5 (Low)

    2.1.1 cont'd


    Score Factors (Average) Mobile Opportunity 1: Inventory Management Mobile Opportunity 2: Remote Support
    User-Centric Needs 4.25 3
    Functional Requirements 4.5 2.25
    Native User Experience Factors 4 1.75
    Enterprise-Centric Needs 4 2
    Non-Functional Requirements 3.75 3.25
    Delivery Capacity 4.25 2.75
    Possible Mobile Platform Cross-Platform Native PWA Hybrid

    Nine datapoints are arranged on a graph where the x axis s labeled: User Centric Needs; and the Y axis is labeled: Enterprise-centric needs. The datapoints are, in order from left to right, top to bottom: Hybrid; Cross- Platform; Native; Web; Hybrid or Cross- Platform; Cros-s Platform; Web; Web; Hybrid or Cross- Platform. Two yellow circles are overlaid, one containing the phrase: Remote Support - over the box containing Progressive Web Applications (PWA) or Hybrid; and a yellow circle containing the phrase Inventory MGMT, partly covering the box containing Native; and the box containing Cross-Platform.

    Build a scalable and manageable platform

    Long-term mobile success depends on the efficiency and reliability of the underlying operational platform. This platform must support the computational and performance demands in a changing business environment, whether it is composed of off-the-self or custom-developed solutions, or a single vendor or best-of-breed.

    • Application
      • The UI design and content language is standardized and consistently applied
      • All mobile configurations and components are automatically versioned
      • Controlled administration and tooling access, automation capabilities, and update delivery
      • Holistic portfolio management
    • Data
      • Automated data management to preserve data quality (e.g. removal of duplications)
      • Defined single source of truth
      • Adherence to data governance, and privacy and security policies
      • Good content management practices, governance and architecture
    • Infrastructure
      • Containers and sandboxes are available for development and testing
      • Self-healing and self-service environments
      • Automatic system scaling and load balancing
      • Comply to budgetary and licensing constraints
    • Integration
      • Backend database and system updates are efficient
      • Loosely coupled architecture to minimize system regressions and delivery effort
      • Application, system and data monitoring

    Step 2.2

    Shortlist Your Mobile Delivery Solution


    2.2.1 Shortlist your mobile delivery solution

    2.2.2 Build your feature and service lists

    Define Your Mobile Approach

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Applications Manager
    • Product and Platform Owners
    • Software Delivery Teams
    • Business and IT Leaders

    Outcomes of this step

    • Shortlisted mobile delivery solutions
    • Desired list of vendor features and services

    Ask yourself: should I build or buy?

    Build Buy

    Multi-Source Best-of-Breed

    Vendor Add-Ons & Integrations

    Integrate various technologies that provide subset(s) of the features needed for supporting the business functions.

    Enhance an existing vendor's offerings by using their system add-ons either as upgrades, new add-ons or integrations.


    • Flexibility in choice of tools.
    • In some cases, cost may be lower.
    • Easier to enhance with in-house teams.


    • Introduces tool sprawl.
    • Requires resources to understand tools and how they integrate.
    • Some of the tools necessary may not be compatible with each other.


    • Reduces tool sprawl.
    • Supports consistent tool stack.
    • Vendor support can make enhancement easier.
    • Total cost of ownership may be lower.


    • Vendor Lock-In.
    • The processes to enhance may require tweaking to fit tool capability.

    Multi-Source Custom

    Single Source

    Integrate systems built in-house with technologies developed by external organizations.

    Buy an application/system from one vendor only.


    • Flexibility in choice of tools.
    • In some cases, cost may be lower.
    • Easier to enhance with in-house teams.


    • May introduce tool sprawl.
    • Requires resources to have strong technical skills
    • Some of the tools necessary may
    • not be compatible with each other.


    • Reduces tool sprawl.
    • Supports consistent tool stack.
    • Vendor support can make enhancement easier.
    • Total cost of ownership may be lower.


    • Vendor Lock-In.
    • The processes to enhance may require tweaking to fit tool capability.

    Weigh the pros and cons of mobile enablement versus development

    Mobile Enablement

    Mobile Development

    Description Mobile interfaces that heavily rely on enterprise or 3rd party systems to operate. Mobile does not expand the functionality of the system but complements it with enhanced access, input and consumption capabilities. Mobile applications that are custom built or configured in a way that can operate as a standalone entity, whether they are locally deployed to a user's device or virtually hosted.
    Mobile Platform Mobile web, locally installed mobile application provided by vendor Mobile web, hybrid, cross-platform, native
    Typical Audience Internal staff, trusted users Internal and external users, general public
    Examples of Tooling Flavors Enterprise applications, point solutions, robotic & process automation Mobile enterprise application platform, web development, low and no code development, software development kits (SDKs)
    Technical Skills Required Little to no mobile delivery experience and skillsets are needed, but teams must be familiar with the supporting system to understand how a mobile interface can improve the value of the system. Have good UX-driven and quality-first practices in the mobile context. In-depth coding, networking, system and UX design, data management and security skills are needed for complex designs, functions, and architectures.
    Architecture & Integration Architecture is standardized by the vendor or enterprise with UI elements that are often minimally configurable. Extensions and integrations must be done through the system rather than the mobile interface. Much of application stack and integration approach can be customized to meet the specific functional and non-functional needs. It should still leverage web and design standards and investments currently used.
    Functional Scope Functionality is limited to the what the underlying system allows the interface to do. This often is constrained to commodity web application features (e.g., reporting) or tied to minor configurations to the vendor-provided point solution Functionality is only constrained by the platform and the targeted mobile devices whether it is performance, integration, access or security related. Teams should consider feature and content parity across all products within the organization portfolio.
    Delivery Pipeline End-to-end delivery and automated pipeline is provided by the vendor to ensure parity across all interfaces. Many vendors provide cloud-based services for hosting. Otherwise, it is directly tied to the SDLC of the supporting system. End-to-end delivery and automated pipeline is directly tied to enterprise SDLC practices or through the vendor. Some vendors provide cloud-based services for hosting. Updates are manually or automatically (through a vendor) published to app stores and can be automatically pushed to corporate users through mobile application management capabilities.
    Standards & Guardrails Quality standards and technology governance are managed by the vendor or IT with limited capabilities to tailor them to be mobile specific. Quality standards and technology governance are managed by the mobile delivery teams. The degree of customizations to these standards and guardrails is dependent on the chosen platform and delivery team competencies.

    Understand the common attributes of a mobile delivery solution

    • Source Code Management – Built-in or having the ability to integrate with code management solutions for branching, merging, and versioning. Debugging and coding assistance capabilities may be available.
    • Single Code Base – Capable of programming in a standard coding and scripting language for deployment into several platforms and devices. This code base is aligned to a common industry framework (e.g., AngularJS, Java) or a vendor-defined one.
    • Out-of-the-Box Connectors & Plug-ins – Pre-built APIs enhance the solution's capabilities with 3rd party tools and systems to deliver and manage high quality and valuable mobile applications.
    • Emulators – Ability to virtualize an application's execution on a target platform and device.
    • Support for Native Features – Supports plug-ins and APIs for access to device-specific features.

    What are mobile delivery solutions?

    A mobile delivery solution gives you the tools, resources and support to enable or build your mobile application. They can provide pre-built applications, vendor supported components to allow some configurations, or resources for full stack customizations. Some solutions can be barebone software development kits (SDKs) or comprehensive suites offering features to support the entire software delivery lifecycle, such as:

    • Mobile application management
    • Testing and publishing to app stores
    • Content management
    • Cloud hosting
    • Application performance management

    Info-Tech Insight

    Mobile enablement and development capabilities are already embedded in many common productivity tools and enterprise applications, such as Microsoft PowerApps and ERP modules. They can serve as a starting point in the initial rollout of new management and governance practices without the need of acquiring new tools.

    Select your mobile delivery solutions

    1. Set the scope of your framework.
    • The initial context of this framework is based on the mobile functions needed to support your desired mobile experience and on the current state of your enterprise and 3rd party systems.
  • Define the decision factors for your solution selection.
    • Review the decision factors that will influence the selection of your mobile delivery solution for each mobile opportunity:
    • Stack Management – Who will be hosting and supporting your mobile application stack?
    • Workflows Complexity & Native Experience – How complex is your desired mobile experience and how will native device features be leveraged?
  • Select your solution type.
    • Mobile delivery solutions are broadly defined in the following groups:
    • Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) – Pre-built mobile applications requiring little to no configurations or implementation effort.
    • Vendor Hosted Mobile Platform – Back-end and mid-tier infrastructure and operational support are managed by a vendor.
    • Cross-Platform Development – Frameworks that transform a single code base into platform-specific builds.
    • Hybrid Development – Tools that wrap a single code base into a locally deployable build.
    • Custom Web Development – Environment enabling full stack development for mobile web applications.
    • Custom Native Development – Environment enabling full stack development for mobile native applications.
  • A quadrant analysis is depicted. the top data is labeled Complex Mobile Features; the right side is labeled Organization-Managed Stack; the bottom is labeled Simple Mobile Features; and the left side is labeled Vendor-Managed Stack. The quadrants are labeled the following, in order from left to right, top to bottom. Vendor- Hosted Mobile Platform; Custom Native Development Solutions; Commercial-Off-the-Shelf Solutions; Custom Web Development Solutions. In the middle of the graph are the following, in order from top to bottom: Cross-Platform Development Solutions; Hybrid Development Solutions

    Explore the various solution options

    Vendor Hosted Mobile Platform

    • Cloud Services (Mobile Backend-as-a-Service) (Amazon Amplify, Kinvey, Back4App, Google Firebase, Apache Usergrid)
    • Low Code Mobile Platforms (Outsystems, Mendix, Zoho Creator, IBM Mobile Foundation, Pega Mobile, HCL Volt MX, Appery)
    • Mobile Development via Enterprise Application (SalesForce Heroku, Oracle Application Accelerator MAX, SAP Mobile Development Kit, NetSuite Mobile)
    • Mobile Development via Business Process Automation (PowerApps, Appian, Nintex, Quickbase)

    Cross-Platform Development SDKs

    React Native, NativeScript, Xamarin Forms, .NET MAUI, Flutter, Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile, jQuery Mobile, Telerik, Temenos Quantum

    Custom Native Development Solutions

    • Native Development Languages and Environments (Swift, Java, Objective-C, Kotlin, Xcode, NetBeans, Android Studio, AppCode, Microsoft Visual Studio, Eclipse, DriodScript, Compose, Atom)
    • Mobile Application Utilities (Unity, MonoGame, Blender, 3ds Max Design, Maya, Unreal Engine, Amazon Lumberyard, Oculus)

    Commercial-Off-the-Shelf Solutions

    • No Code Mobile Platforms (Swiftic, Betty Blocks, BuildFire, Appy Pie, Plant an App, Microsoft Power Apps, AppSheet, Wix, Quixy)
    • Mobile Application Point Solutions and Enablement via Enterprise Applications

    Hybrid Development SDKs

    Cordova Project, Sencha Touch, Electron, Ionic, Capacitor, Monaca, Voltbuilder

    Custom Web Development Solutions

    Web Development Frameworks (React, Angular, Vue, Express, Django, Rails, Spring, Ember, Backbone, Bulma, Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, Blade)

    Get the most out of your solutions by understanding their core components

    While most of the heavy lifting is handled by the vendor or framework, understanding how the mobile application is built and operates can identify where further fine-tuning is needed to increase its value and quality.

    Platform Runtime

    Automatic provisioning, configurations, and tuning of organizational and 3rd party infrastructure for high availability, performance, security and stability. This can include cloud management and non-production environments.


    • Mobile delivery solutions can be extended to allow:
    • Custom development of back-end code
    • Customizable integrations and hooks where needed
    • Integrations with CI/CD pipelines and administrative services
    • Integrations with existing databases and authentication services

    Platform Services

    The various services needed to support mobile delivery and enable continuous delivery, such as:

    • Configuration & Change Management – Verifies, validates, and monitors builds, deployments and changes across all components.
    • Code Generator – Transforms UI and data models into native application components that are ready to be deployed.
    • Deployment Services – Deploys application components consistently across all target environments and app stores.
    • Application Services – Manages the mobile application at runtime, including executing scheduled tasks and instrumentation.

    Application Architecture

    Fundamentally, mobile application architecture is no different than any other application architecture so much of your design standards still applies. The trick is tuning it to best meet your mobile functional and non-functional needs.

    This image contains an example of mobile application architecture.

    Source: "HCL Volt MX", HCL.

    Build your shortlist decision criteria

    The decision on which type of mobile delivery solution to use is dependent on several key questions?

    Who is the Mobile Delivery Team?

    • Is it a worker, business or IT?
    • What skills and knowledge does this person have?
    • Who is supporting mobile delivery and management?
    • Are other skills and tools needed to support, extend or mature mobile delivery adoption?

    What are the Use Cases?

    • What is the value and priority of the use cases?
    • What native features do we need?
    • Who is the audience of the output and who is impacted?
    • What systems, data and services do I need access?
    • Is it best to build it or buy it?
    • What are the quality standards?
    • How strategic is the use case?

    How Complex is the System?

    • Is the mobile application a standalone or integrated with enterprise systems?
    • What is the system's state and architecture?
    • What 3rd party services do we need integrated?
    • Are integrations out-of-the-box or custom?
    • Is the data standardized and who can edit its definition?
    • Is the system monolithic or loosely coupled?

    How Much Can We Tolerate?

    • Risks: What are the business and technical risks involved?
    • Costs: How much can we invest in implementation, training and operations?
    • Change: What organizational changes am I expecting to make? Will these changes be accepted and adopted?

    2.2.1 Shortlist your mobile delivery solution

    1-3 hours

    1. Determine which mobile delivery solutions is appropriate for each mobile opportunity or use case by answering the following questions on the following slides against two factors: complexity of mobile workflows and native features and management of the mobile stack.
      1. Take the average of the enterprise-centric and user-centric scores from step 2.1 for your complexity of mobile workflows and native features scores.
    2. Calculate an average score for the management of the mobile stack. Then, map them on the matrix to indicate possible solution options alongside your user-centric scores. Consider all options around the plotted point.
    3. Further discuss which solution should be the preferred choice and compare those options with your selected platform approach.
    4. Document your findings and discussions into Info-Tech's Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template.

    Download the Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template


    • Current state assessment
    • Mobile platform approach
    • Shortlist of mobile delivery solution
    • Whiteboard/Flip Charts
    • Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template
    • Applications Manager
    • Product and Platform Owners
    • Software Delivery Teams
    • Business and IT Leaders

    2.2.1 cont'd

    Stack Management

    Factors Definitions Survey Responses
    Cost of Delayed Delivery The expected cost if a vendor solution or update is delayed. 1 (Low) – 2 – 3 (Moderate) – 4 – 5 (High)
    Vendor Negotiation Organization's ability to negotiate favorable terms from vendors. 1 (High) – 2 – 3 (Moderate) – 4 – 5 (Low)
    Controllable Delivery Timeline Organization's desire to control when solutions and updates are delivered. 1 (Low) – 2 – 3 (Moderate) – 4 – 5 (High)
    Solution Hosting The desired approach to host the mobile application. 1 (Fully Outsourced) – 2 – 3 (Partially Outsourced) – 4 – 5 (Internally Hosted)
    Vendor Lock-In The tolerance to be locked into a specific technology stack or vendor ecosystem. 1 (Low) – 2 – 3 (Moderate) – 4 – 5 (High)
    Operational Cost Target The primary target of the mobile application's operational budget. 1 (External Resources) – 2 – 3 (Hybrid) – 4 – 5 (Internal Resources)
    Platform Management The desired approach to manage the mobile delivery solution, platform or underlying technology. 1 (Decentralized) – 2 – 3 (Federated) – 4 – 5 (Centralized)
    Skill & Competency of Mobile Delivery Team The ability of the team to create and manage valuable and high-quality mobile applications. 1 (Low) – 2 – 3 (Moderate) – 4 – 5 (High)
    Current Investment in Enterprise Technologies The need to maximize the ROI of current enterprise technologies or integrate with legacy technologies. 1 (High) – 2 – 3 (Moderate) – 4 – 5 (Low)
    Ease of Extensibility Need to have out-of-the-box connectors and plug-ins to extend the mobile delivery solution beyond its base implementation. 1 (High) – 2 – 3 (Moderate) – 4 – 5 (Low)
    Holistic Application Strategy Organizational priorities on the types of applications the portfolio should be comprised. 1 (Buy) – 2 – 3 (Hybrid) – 4 – 5 (Build)
    Control of Delivery Pipeline The desire to control the software delivery pipeline from design to development, testing, publishing and support. 1 (Low) – 2 – 3 (Moderate) – 4 – 5 (High)
    Specific Quality Requirements Software and mobile delivery is constrained to your unique quality standards (e.g., security, performance, availability) 1 (Low) – 2 – 3 (Moderate) – 4 – 5 (High)

    2.2.1 cont'd


    Score Factors (Average) Mobile Opportunity 1: Inventory Management Mobile Opportunity 2: Remote Support
    User-Centric & Enterprise Centric Needs (From Step 2.1) 4.125 2.5
    Stack Management 2 2.5
    Desired Mobile Delivery Solution Vendor-Hosted Mobile Platform

    Commercial-Off-the-Shelf Solution

    Hybrid Development Solution

    A quadrant analysis is depicted. the top data is labeled Complex Mobile Features; the right side is labeled Organization-Managed Stack; the bottom is labeled Simple Mobile Features; and the left side is labeled Vendor-Managed Stack. The quadrants are labeled the following, in order from left to right, top to bottom. Vendor- Hosted Mobile Platform; Custom Native Development Solutions; Commercial-Off-the-Shelf Solutions; Custom Web Development Solutions. In the middle of the graph are the following, in order from top to bottom: Cross-Platform Development Solutions; Hybrid Development Solutions.

    Consider the following in your solution selection and implementation

    • Vendor lock in – Each solution has its own approach, frameworks, and data schemas to convert designs and logic into an executable build that is stable in the targeted environment. Consequently, moving application artifacts (e.g., code and designs) from one solution or environment to another may not be easily accomplished without significant modifications or the use of application modernization or migration services.
    • Conflicting priorities and viewpoints of good delivery practices – Mobile delivery solutions are very particular on how they generate applications from designs and configurations. The solution's approach may not accommodate your interpretation of high-quality code (e.g., scalability, maintainability, extensibility, security). Technical experts should be reviewing and refactoring the generated code.
    • Incompatibility with enterprise applications and systems – The true benefit of mobile delivery solutions is their ability to connect your mobile application to enterprise and 3rd party technologies and services. This capability often requires enterprise technologies and services to be architected in a way that is compatible with your delivery solution while ensuring data, security protocols and other standards and policies are consistently enforced.
    • Integration with current application development and management tools – Mobile delivery solutions should be extensions from your existing application development and management tools that provides the versioning, testing, monitoring, and deployment capabilities to sustain a valuable application portfolio. Without this integration, IT will be unable to:
      • Root cause issues found on IT dashboards or reported to help desk.
      • Rollback defective applications to a previous stable state.
      • Obtain a complete application portfolio inventory.
      • Execute comprehensive testing for high-risk applications.
      • Trace artifacts throughout the development lifecycle.
      • Generate reports of the status of releases.

    Enhance your SDLC to support mobile delivery

    What is the SDLC?

    The software development lifecycle (SDLC) is a process that ensures valuable software products are efficiently delivered to customers. It contains a repeatable set of activities needed to intake and analyze requirements to design, build, test, deploy, and maintain software products.

    How will mobile delivery influence my SDLC?

    • Cross-functional collaboration – Bringing business and IT together at the most opportune times to clarify user needs and business priorities, and set realistic expectations given technology and capacity constraints. The appropriate tactics and techniques are used to improve decision making and delivery effectiveness according to the type of work.
    • Iterative delivery – Frequent delivery of progressive changes minimizes the risk of low-quality features by containing and simplifying scope, and enables responsive turnarounds of fixes, enhancements, and priority changes.
    • Feedback loops –Mobile application owners constantly review, update and refine their backlog of mobile features and changes to reflect user feedback and system performance metrics. Delivery teams proactively prepare the application for future scaling based on lessons and feedback learned from earlier releases.

    To learn more, visit Info-Tech's Modernize Your SDLC blueprint.

    Example: Low- & No-Code Mobile Delivery Pipeline

    Low Code

    Data Modeling & Configuration

    No Code

    Visual Interface with Complex Data Models

    Data Modeling & Configuration

    Visual Interfaces with Simple Data Models

    GUI Designer with Customizable Components & Entities

    UI Definition & Design

    GUI Designer with Canned Templates

    Visual Workflow and Custom Scripting

    Business Logic Rules and Workflow Specification

    Visual Workflow and Natural Language Scripting

    Out-of-the-Box Plugins & Custom Integrations

    Integration of External Services (via 3rd Party APIs)

    Out-of-the-Box Plugins

    Automated and Manual Build & Packaging

    Build & Package

    Automated Build & Packaging

    Automated & Manual Testing


    Automated Testing

    One-Click Push or IT Push to App Store

    Publish to App Store

    One-Click Push to App Store

    Use Info-Tech's research to address your delivery gaps

    Mobile success requires more than a set of good tools.

    Overcome the Common Challenges Faced with Building Mobile Applications

    Common Challenges with Digital Applications

    Suggested Solutions

    • Time & Resource Constraints
    • Buy-In From Internal Stakeholders
    • Rapidly Changing Requirements
    • Legacy Systems
    • Low-Priority for Internal Tools
    • Insufficient Data Access

    Source: DronaHQ, 2021

    Learn the differentiators of mobile delivery solutions

    • Native Program Languages – Supports languages other than web (Java, Ruby, C/C++/C#, Objective-C).
    • IDE Integration – Available plug-ins for popular development suites and editors.
    • Debugging Tools – Finding and eliminating bugs (breakpoints, single stepping, variable inspection, etc.).
    • Application Packaging via IDE – Digitally sign applications through the IDE for it to be packaged and published in app stores.
    • Automated Testing Tools – Native or integration with automated functional and unit testing tools.
    • Low- and No- Code Designer – Tools for designing graphical user interfaces and features and managing data with drag-and-drop functionalities.
    • Publishing and Deployment Capabilities – Automated deployment to mobile device management (MDM) systems, mobile application management (MAM) systems, mobile application stores, and web servers.
    • Third-Party and Open-Source Integration – Integration with proprietary and open-source third-party modules, development tools, and systems.
    • Developer Marketplace – Out-of-the-box plug-ins, templates, and integration are available through a marketplace.
    • Mobile Application Support Capabilities – Ability to gather, manage, and address application issues and defects.
    • API Gateway, Monitoring, and Management – Services that enable the creation, publishing, maintenance, monitoring, and securing of APIs through a common interface.
    • Mobile Analytics and Monitoring – View the adoption, usage, and performance of deployed mobile applications through graphical dashboards.
    • Mobile Content Management – Publish and manage mobile content through a centralized system.
    • Mobile Application Security – Supports the securing of application access and usage, data encryption, and testing of security controls.

    Define your mobile delivery vendor selection criteria

    Focus on the key vendor attributes and capabilities that enable mobile delivery scaling and growth in your organization

    Considerations in Mobile Delivery Vendor Selection
    Platform Features & Capabilities Price to Implement & Operate Platform
    Types of Mobile Applications That Can Be Developed Ease of IT Administration & Management
    User Community & Marketplace Size Security, Privacy & Access Control Capabilities
    SME in Industry Verticals & Business Functions Vendor Product Roadmap & Corporate Strategy
    Pre-Built Designs, Templates & Application Shells Scope of Device- and OS-Specific Compatibilities
    Regulatory & Industry Compliance Integration & Technology Partners
    Importing Artifacts From and Exporting to Other Solutions Platform Architecture & Underlying Technology
    End-to-End Support for the Entire Mobile SDLC Relevance to Current Mobile Trends & Practices

    Build your features list

    Incorporate different perspectives when defining the list of mandatory and desired features of your target solution.

    Appendix B contains a list of features for low- and no-code solutions that can be used as a starting point.

    Visit Info-Tech's Implement a Proactive and Consistent Vendor Selection Process blueprint.

    Mobile Developer

    • Visual, drag-and-drop models to define data models, business logic, and user interfaces.
    • One-click deployment.
    • Self-healing capabilities.
    • Vendor-managed infrastructure.
    • Active community and marketplace.
    • Pre-built templates and libraries.
    • Optical character recognition and natural language processing.
    • Knowledgebase and document management.
    • Business value, operational costs, and other KPI monitoring.
    • Business workflow automation.

    Mobile IT Professional

    • Audit and change logs.
    • Theme and template builder.
    • Template management.
    • Role-based access.
    • Regulatory compliance.
    • Consistent design and user experience across applications.
    • Application and system performance monitoring.
    • Versioning and code management.
    • Automatic application and system refactoring and recovery.
    • Exception and error handling.
    • Scalability (e.g. load balancing) and infrastructure management.
    • Real-time debugging.
    • Testing capabilities.
    • Security management.
    • Application integration management.

    2.2.2 Build your feature and service lists

    1-3 hours

    Review the key outcomes in the previous exercises to help inform the features and vendor support you require to support your mobile delivery needs:

    End user personas and desired mobile experience

    Objectives and expectations

    Desired mobile features and platform

    Mobile delivery solutions

    Brainstorm a list of features and functionalities you require from your ideal solution vendors. Prioritize these features and functionalities. See our Implement a Proactive and Consistent Vendor Selection Process blueprint for more information on vendor procurement.

    Document your findings and discussions into Info-Tech's Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template.

    Download the Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template


    • Shortlist of mobile solutions
    • Quality definitions
    • Mobile objectives and metrics
    • List of desired features and services of mobile delivery solution vendors
    • Whiteboard/Flip Charts
    • Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template
    • Applications Manager
    • Product and Platform Owners
    • Software Delivery Teams
    • Business and IT Leaders

    Hit a home run with your stakeholders

    Use a data-driven approach to select the right tooling vendor for your needs – fast.

    AwarenessEducation & DiscoveryEvaluationSelection

    Negotiation & Configuration

    1.1 Proactively Lead Technology Optimization & Prioritization2.1 Understand Marketplace Capabilities & Trends3.1 Gather & Prioritize Requirements & Establish Key Success Metrics4.1 Create a Weighted Selection Decision Model5.1 Initiate Price Negotiation with Top Two Venders
    1.2 Scope & Define the Selection Process for Each Selection Request Action2.2 Discover Alternate Solutions & Conduct Market Education3.2 Conduct a Data Driven Comparison of Vendor Features & Capabilities4.2 Conduct Investigative Interviews Focused on Mission Critical Priorities with Top 2-4 Vendors5.2 Negotiate Contract Terms & Product Configuration

    1.3 Conduct an Accelerated Business Needs Assessment

    2.3 Evaluate Enterprise Architecture & Application PortfolioNarrow the Field to Four Top Contenders4.3 Validate Key Issues with Deep Technical Assessments, Trial Configuration & Reference Checks5.3 Finalize Budget Approval & Project
    1.4 Align Stakeholder Calendars to Reduce Elapsed Time & Asynchronous Evaluation2.4 Validate the Business Case5.4 Invest in Training & Onboarding Assistance

    Investing time improving your software selection methodology has big returns.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Not all software selection projects are created equal – some are very small, some span the entire enterprise. To ensure that IT is using the right framework, understand the cost and complexity profile of the application you're looking to select. Info-Tech's Rapid Application Selection Framework approach is best for commodity and mid-tier enterprise applications; selecting complex applications is better handled by the methodology in Info-Tech's Implement a Proactive and Consistent Vendor Selection Process.

    Step 2.3

    Create a Roadmap for Mobile Delivery


    2.3.1 Define your MVP release

    2.3.2 Build your roadmap

    Define Your Mobile Approach

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Applications Manager
    • Product and Platform Owners
    • Software Delivery Teams
    • Business and IT Leaders

    Outcomes of this step

    • MVP design
    • Mobile delivery roadmap

    Achieve mobile success with MVPs

    By delivering mobile capabilities in small iterations, teams recognize value sooner and reduce accumulated risk. Both benefits are realized as the iteration enters validation testing and release.

    This image depicts a graph of the learn-build-measure cycle over time, adapted from Managing the Development of Large Software Systems, Dr. Winston W. Royce, 1970

    An MVP focuses on a small set of functions, involves minimal possible effort to deliver a working and valuable solution, and is designed to satisfy a specific user group. Its purpose is to:

    • Maximize learning.
    • Evaluate the value and acceptance of mobile applications.
    • Inform the building of a mobile delivery practice.

    The build-measure-learn loop suggests mobile delivery teams should perpetually take an idea and develop, test, and validate it with the mobile development solution, then expand on the MVP using the lessons learned and evolving ideas. In this sense the MVP is just the first iteration in the loop.

    Leverage a canvas to detail your MVP

    Use the release canvas to organize and align the organization around your MVP!

    This is an example of a release canvas which can be used to detail your MVP.

    2.3.1 Define your MVP release

    1-3 hours

    1. Create a list of high priority use cases slated for mobile application delivery. Brainstorm the various supporting activities required to implement your use cases including the shortlisting of mobile delivery tools.
    2. Prioritize these use cases based on business priority (from your canvas). Size the effort of these use cases through collaboration.
    3. Define your MVPs using a release canvas as shown on the following slide.
    4. Document your findings and discussions into Info-Tech's Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template.


    • High priority mobile opportunities
    • Mobile platform approach
    • Shortlist of mobile solutions
    • List of potential MVPs
    • Whiteboard/Flip Charts
    • Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template
    • Applications Manager
    • Product and Platform Owners
    • Software Delivery Teams
    • Business and IT Leaders

    2.3.1 cont'd

    MVP Name

    Parent Initiative:

    October 05, 2022

    MVP Theme/Goals

    [Theme / Goal]

    Use Cases



    [Use Case 1]
    [Use Case 2]
    [Use Case 3]

    [Business Value 1]
    [Business Value 2]
    [Business Value 3]

    [Cost Item 1]
    [Cost Item 2]
    [Cost Item 3]

    Impacted Personas

    Impacted Workflows


    [Persona 1]
    [Persona 2]
    [Persona 3]

    [Workflow 1]
    [Workflow 2]
    [Workflow 3]

    [Stakeholder 1]
    [Stakeholder 2]
    [Stakeholder 3]

    Build your mobile roadmap

    It's more than a set of colorful boxes. It's the map to align everyone to where you are going

    Your mobile roadmap

    • Lays out a strategy for your mobile application, platform and practice implementation and scaling.
    • Is a statement of intent for your mobile adoption.
    • Communicates direction for the implementation and use of mobile delivery tools, mobile applications and supporting technologies.
    • Directly connects to the organization's goals

    However, it is not:

    • Representative of a hard commitment.
    • A simple combination of your current product roadmaps

    Roadmap your MVPs against your milestones and release dates

    This is an image of an example of a roadmap for your MVPS, with milestones across Jan 2022, Feb 2022, Mar 2022, Apr 2022. under milestones, are the following points: Points in the timeline when an established set of artifacts is complete (feature-based), or to check status at a particular point in time (time-based); Typically assigned a date and used to show progress; Plays an important role when sequencing different types of artifacts. Under Release Dates are the following points: Releases mark the actual delivery of a set of artifacts packaged together in a new version of processes and applications or new mobile application and delivery capabilities. ; Release dates, firm or not, allow stakeholders to anticipate when this is coming.

    To learn more, visit Info-Tech's Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision blueprint.

    Understand what is communicated in your roadmap

    WHY is the work being done?

    Explains the overarching goal of work being done to a specific audience.

    WHO is doing the work?

    Categorizes the different groups delivering the work on the product.

    WHAT is the work being done?

    Explains the artifacts, or items of work, that will be delivered.

    WHEN is the work being done?

    Explains when the work will be delivered within your timeline.

    To learn more, visit Info-Tech's Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision blueprint.

    Pay attention to organizational changes

    Be prepared to answer:

    "How will mobile change the way I do my job?"

    • Plan how workers will incorporate mobile applications into their way of working and maximize the features it offers.
    • Address the human concerns regarding the transition to a digital world involving modern and mobile technologies and automation.
    • Accept changes, challenges and failures with open arms and instill tactics to quickly address them.
    • Build and strengthen business-IT trust, empowerment, and collaborative culture by adopting the right practices throughout the mobile delivery process.
    • Ensure continuous management and leadership support for business empowerment, operational changes, and shifts in role definitions to best support mobile delivery.
    • Establish a committee to manage the growth, adoption, and delivery of mobile as part of a grandeur digital application portfolio and address conflicts among business units and IT.

    Anticipate and prepare for changes and issues

    Verify and validate the flexibility and adaptability of your mobile applications, strategy and roadmap against various scenarios

    • Scenarios
      • Application Stores Rejecting the Application
      • Security Incidents & Risks
      • Low User Adoption, Retention & Satisfaction
      • Incompatibility with User's Device & Other Systems
      • Device & OS Patches & Updates
      • Changes in Industry Standards & Regulations

    Use the "Now, Next, Later" roadmap

    Use this when deadlines and delivery dates are not strict. This is best suited for brainstorming a product plan when dependency mapping is not required.


    What are you going to do now?


    What are you going to do very soon?


    What are you going to do in the future?

    This is a roadmap showing various points in the following categories: Now; Next; Later

    Adapted From: "Tips for Agile product roadmaps & product roadmap examples,", 2017

    2.3.2 Build your roadmap

    1-3 hours

    1. Identify the business outcomes your mobile application delivery and MVP is expected to deliver.
    2. Build your strategic roadmap by grouping each business outcome by how soon you need to deliver it:
      1. Now: Let's achieve this ASAP.
      2. Next: Sometime very soon, let's achieve these things.
      3. Later: Much further off in the distance, let's consider these things.
    3. Identify what the critical steps are for the organization to embrace mobile application delivery and deliver your MVP.
    4. Build your tactical roadmap by grouping each critical step by how soon you need to address it:
      1. Now: Let's do this ASAP.
      2. Next: Sometime very soon, let's do these things.
      3. Later: Much further off in the distance, let's consider these things.
    5. Document your findings and discussions into Info-Tech's Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template.


    • List of potential MVPs
    • Mobile roadmap
    • Whiteboard/Flip Charts
    • Mobile Application Delivery Communication Template
    • Applications Manager
    • Product and Platform Owners
    • Software Delivery Teams
    • Business and IT Leaders

    2.3.2 cont'd

    Example: Tactical Roadmap

    Milestone 1

    • Modify the business processes of the MVP to best leverage mobile technologies. Streamline the business processes by removing the steps that do not directly support value delivery.
    • Develop UI templates using the material design framework and the organization's design standards. Ensure it is supported on mobile devices through the mobile browser and satisfy accessibility design standards.
    • Verify and validate current security controls against latest security risks using the W3C as a starting point. Install the latest security patches to maintain compliance.
    • Acquire the Ionic SDK and upskill delivery teams.

    Milestone 2

    • Update the current web framework and third-party libraries with the latest version and align web infrastructure to latest W3C guidelines.
    • Verify and validate functionality and stability of APIs with third-party applications. Begin transition to REST APIs where possible.
    • Make minor changes to the existing data architecture to better support the data volume, velocity, variety, and veracity the system will process and deliver.
    • Update the master data management with latest changes. Keep changes to a minimum.
    • Develop and deliver the first iteration of the MVP with Ionic.

    Milestone 3

    • Standardize the initial mobile delivery practice.
    • Continuously monitor the system and proactively address business continuity, system stability and performance, and security risks.
    • Deliver a hands-on and facilitated training session to end users.
    • Develop intuitive user manuals that are easily accessible on SharePoint.
    • Consult end users for their views and perspectives of suggested business model and technology changes.
    • Regularly survey end users and the media to gauge industry sentiment toward the organization.

    Pitch your roadmap initiatives

    There are multiple audiences for your pitch, and each audience requires a different level of detail when addressed. Depending on the outcomes expected from each audience, a suitable approach must be chosen. The format and information presented will vary significantly from group to group.


    Key Contents



    • Costs or benefits estimates

    Sign off on cost and benefit projections

    Executives and decision makers

    • Business value and financial benefits
    • Notable business risks and impacts
    • Business rationale and strategic roadmap

    Revisions, edits, and approval

    IT teams

    • Notable technical and IT risks
    • IT rationale and tactical roadmap
    • Proposed resourcing and skills capacity

    Clarity of vision and direction and readiness for delivery

    Business workers

    • Business rationale
    • Proposed business operations changes
    • Application roadmap

    Verification on proposed changes and feedback

    Continuously measure the benefits and value realized in your mobile applications

    Success hinges on your team's ability to deliver business value. Well-developed mobile applications instill stakeholder confidence in ongoing business value delivery and stakeholder buy-in, provided proper expectations are set and met.

    Business value defines the success criteria of an organization, and it is interpreted from four perspectives:

    • Profit Generation – The revenue generated from a business capability with mobile applications.
    • Cost Reduction – The cost reduction when performing business capabilities with mobile applications.
    • Service Enablement – The productivity and efficiency gains of internal business operations with mobile applications.
    • Customer and Market Reach – Metrics measuring the improved reach and insights of the business in existing or new markets.

    See our Build a Value Measurement Framework blueprint for more information about business value definition.

    Business Value Matrix

    This image contains a quadrant analysis with the following labels: Left - Improved Capabilities; Top - Outward; Right - Financial Benefit; Bottom - Inward. the quadrants are labeled the following, in order from left to right, top to bottom. Customer and Market Reach; Profit Generation; Service Enhancement; Cost Reduction

    Grow your mobile delivery practice

    We are Here
    Level 1: Mobile Delivery Foundations Level 2: Scaled Mobile Delivery Level 3: Leading-Edge Mobile Delivery

    You understand the opportunities and impacts mobile has on your business operations and its disruptive nature on your enterprise systems. Your software delivery lifecycle was optimized to incorporate the specific practices and requirements needed for mobile. A mobile platform was selected based on stakeholder needs that are weighed against current skillsets, high priority non-functional requirements, the available capacity and scalability of your stack, and alignment to your current delivery process.

    New features and mobile use cases are regularly emerging in the industry. Ensuring your mobile platform and delivery process can easily scale to incorporate constantly changing mobile features and technologies is key. This can help minimize the impact these changes will have on your mobile stack and the resulting experience.

    Achieving this state requires three competencies: mobile security, performance optimization, and integration practices.

    Many of today's mobile trends involve, in one form or another, hardware components on the mobile device (e.g., NFC receivers, GPS, cameras). You understand the scope of native features available on your end user's mobile device and the required steps and capabilities to enable and leverage them.

    Grow your mobile delivery practice (cont'd)

    Ask yourself the following questions:
    Level 1: Mobile Delivery Foundations Level 2: Scaled Mobile Delivery Level 3: Leading-Edge Mobile Delivery

    Checkpoint questions shown at the end of step 1.2 of this blueprint

    You should be at this point upon the successful delivery of your first mobile application.


    • Your mobile stack (application, data, and infrastructure) is updated to incorporate the security risks mobile apps will have on your systems and business operations.
    • Leading edge encryption, authentication management (e.g., multi-factor), and access control systems are used to bolster existing mobile security infrastructure.
    • Network traffic to and from mobile application is monitored and analyzed.

    Performance Optimization

    • Performance enhancements are made with the entire mobile stack in mind.
    • Mobile performance is monitored and assessed with both proactive (data flow) and retroactive (instrumentation) approaches.
    • Development and testing practices and technologies accommodate the performance differences between mobile and desktop applications.

    API Development

    • Existing web APIs are compatible with mobile applications, or a gateway / middleware is used to facilitate communication with backend and third-party services.
    • APIs are secured to prevent unauthorized access and misuse.
    • Web APIs are documented and standardized for reuse in multiple mobile applications.
    • Implementing APIs of native features in native and/or cross-platform and/or hybrid platforms is well understood.
    • All leading-edge mobile features are mapped to and support business requirements and objectives.
    • The new mobile use cases are well understood and account for the various scenarios/environments a user may encounter with the leading-edge mobile features.
    • The relevant non-mobile devices, readers, sensors, and other dependent systems are shortlisted and acquired to enable and support your new mobile capabilities.
    • Delivery teams are prepared to accommodate the various security, performance, and integration risks associated with implementing leading-edge mobile features. Practices and mechanisms are established to minimize the impact to business operations.
    • Metrics are used to measure the success of your leading-edge mobile features implementation by comparing its performance and acceptance against past projects.
    • Business stakeholders and development teams are up to date with the latest mobile technologies and delivery techniques.

    Summary of Accomplishment

    Choose Your Mobile Platform and Tools

    • User personas
    • Mobile objectives and metrics
    • Mobile opportunity backlog
    • List of mobile features to enable the desired mobile experience
    • System current assessment
    • Mobile application quality definition
    • Readiness for mobile delivery
    • Desired mobile platform approach
    • Shortlisted mobile delivery solutions
    • Desired list of vendor features and services
    • MVP design
    • Mobile delivery roadmap

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through other phases as part of Info-Tech workshop.

    Contact your account representative for more information


    Research Contributors and Experts

    This is a picture of Chaim Yudkowsky, Chief Information Officer for The American Israel Public Affairs Committee

    Chaim Yudkowsky
    Chief Information Officer
    The American Israel Public Affairs Committee

    Chaim Yudkowsky is currently Chief information Officer for American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the DC headquartered not-for-profit focused on lobbying for a strong US-Israel relationship. In that role, Chaim is responsible for all traditional IT functions including oversight of IT strategy, vendor relationships, and cybersecurity program. In addition, Chaim also has primary responsibility for all physical security technology and strategy for US offices and event technology for the many AIPAC events.


    "5 Pillars of API Management". Broadcom, 2021. Web.

    Bourne, James. "Apperian research shows more firms pushing larger numbers of enterprise apps". Enterprise CIO, 17 Feb 2016. Web.

    Ceci, L. "Mobile app user retention rate worldwide 2020, by vertical". Statista, 6 Apr 2022. Web.

    Clement, J. "Share of global mobile website traffic 2015-2021". Statista, 18 Feb 2022. Web

    DeVos, Jordan. "Design Problem Statements – What They Are and How to Frame Them." Toptal, n.d. Web.

    Enge, Eric. "Mobile vs. Desktop Usage in 2020". Perficient, 23 March 2021. Web.

    Engels, Antoine. "How many Android updates does Samsung, Xiaomi or OnePlus offer?" NextPit, Mar 2022. Web.

    "Fast-tracking digital transformation through next-gen technologies". Broadridge, 2022. Web.

    Gayatri. "The Pulse of Digital Transformation 2021 – Survey Results." DronaHQ, 2021. Web.

    Gray, Dave. "Updated Empathy Map Canvas." The XPLANE Collection, 15 July 2017. Web.

    "HCL Volt MX". HCL, n.d. Web.

    "iPass Mobile Professional Report 2017". iPass, 2017. Web.

    Karlsson, Johan. "Backlog Grooming: Must-Know Tips for High-Value Products." Perforce, 2019. Web.

    Karnes, KC. "Why Users Uninstall Apps: 28% of People Feel Spammed [Survey]". CleverTap, 27 July 2021. Web.

    Kemp, Simon. "Digital 2021: Global Overview Report". DataReportal, 27 Jan 2021. Web.

    Kleinberg, Sara. "Consumers are always shopping and eager for your help". Google, Aug 2018. Web.

    MaLavolta, Ivano. "Anatomy of an HTML 5 mobile web app". University of L'Aquila, 16 Apr 2012. Web.

    "Maximizing Mobile Value: To BYOD or not to BYOD?" Samsung and Oxford Economics, 2022. Web.

    "Mobile App Performance Metrics For Crash-Free Apps." AppSamurai, 27 June 2018. Web.

    "Mobile Application Development Statistics: 5 Facts". Intersog, 23 Nov 2021. Web.

    Moore, Geoffrey A. "Crossing the Chasm, 3rd Edition: Marketing and Selling Disruptive Products to Mainstream Customers." Harper Business, 3rd edition, 2014. Book.

    "OWASP Top Ten". OWASP, 2021. Web.

    "Personas"., n.d. Web.

    Roden, Marky. "PSC Tech Talk: UX Design – Not just making things pretty". Xomino, 18 Mar 2018. Web.

    Royce, Dr. Winston W. "Managing the Development of Large Software Systems." USC Student Computing Facility, 1970. Web.

    Rubin, Kenneth S. Essential Scrum: A Practical Guide to the Most Popular Agile Process. Pearson Education, 2012. Book.

    Sahay, Apurvanand et al. "Supporting the understanding and comparison of low-code development platforms." Universit`a degli Studi dell'Aquila, 2020. Web.

    Schuurman, Robbin. "Tips for Agile product roadmaps & product roadmap examples.", 2017. Web.

    Strunk, Christian. "How to define a product vision (with examples)." Christian Strunk. n.d. Web.

    Szeja, Radoslaw. "14 Biggest Challenges in Mobile App Development in 2022". Netguru, 4 Jan 2022. Web.

    "Synopsys Research Reveals Significant Security Concerns in Popular Mobile Apps Amid Pandemic". Synopsys, 25 Mar 2021. Web.

    "TOGAF 8.1.1 Online, Part IV: Resource Base, Developing Architecture Views." The Open Group, n.d. Web.

    Wangen, Emilie Nøss. "What Is a Software Platform & How Is It Different From a Product?" HubSpot, 2021. Web.

    "Mobile App Retention Rate: What's a Good Retention Rate?" Localytics, July 2021. Web.

    "Why Mobile Apps Fail: Failure to Launch". Perfecto Mobile, 26 Jan 2014. Web.

    Appendix A

    Sample Reference Frameworks

    Reference Framework: Web Platform

    Most of the operations of the applications on a web platform are executed in the mid-tier or back-end servers. End users interact with the platform through the presentation layer, developed with web languages, in the browser.

    This is an image of the Reference Framework: Web Platform

    Reference Framework: Mobile Web Application

    Many mobile web applications are composed of JavaScript (the muscle of the app), HTML5 (the backbone of the app), and CSS (the aesthetics of the app). The user will make a request to the web server which will interact with the application to provide a response. Since each device has unique attributes, consider a device detection service to help adjust content for each type of device.

    this is an image of the Reference Framework: Mobile Web Application

    Source: MaLavolta, Ivono, 2012.

    Web Platform: Anatomy of a Web Server

    Web Server Services

    • Mediation Services: Perform transformation of data/messages.
    • Boundary Services: Provide interface protocol and data/message conversion capabilities.
    • Event Distribution: Provides for the enterprise-wide adoption of content and topic-based publish/subscribe event distribution.
    • Transport Services: Facilitate data transmission across the middleware/server.
    • Service Directory: Manages multiple service identifiers and locations.

    This image shows the relationships of the various web server services listed above

    Reference Framework: Hybrid Platform

    Unlike the mobile web platform, most of an application's operations on the hybrid platform is on the device within a native container. The container leverages the device browser's runtime engine and is based on the framework of the mobile delivery solution.

    This is an image of the Reference Framework: Hybrid Platform

    Reference Framework: Native Platform

    Applications on a native platform are installed locally on the device giving it access to native device hardware and software. The programming language depends on the operating system's or device's SDK.

    This is an image of the Reference Framework: Native Platform

    Appendix B

    List of Low- and No- Code Software Delivery Solution Features

    Supplementary List of Features

    Graphical user interface

    • Drag-and-drop designer - This feature enhances the user experience by permitting to drag all the items involved in making an app including actions, responses, connections, etc.
    • Point and click approach - This is similar to the drag-and-drop feature except it involves pointing on the item and clicking on the interface rather than dragging and dropping the item.
    • Pre-built forms/reports - This is off-the-shelf and most common reusable editable forms or reports that a user can use when developing an application.
    • Pre-built dashboards - This is off-the-shelf and most common dashboards that a user can use when developing an application.
    • Forms - This feature helps in creating a better user interface and user experience when developing applications. A form includes dashboards, custom forms, surveys, checklists, etc. which could be useful to enhance the usability of the application being developed.
    • Progress tracking - This features helps collaborators to combine their work and track the development progress of the application.
    • Advanced Reporting - This features enables the user to obtain a graphical reporting of the application usage. The graphical reporting includes graphs, tables, charts, etc.
    • Built-in workflows - This feature helps to concentrate the most common reusable workflows when creating applications.
    • Configurable workflows - Besides built-in workflows, the user should be able to customize workflows according to their needs.

    Interoperability support

    • Interoperability with external services - This feature is one of the most important features to incorporate different services and platforms including that of Microsoft, Google, etc. It also includes the interoperability possibilities among different low-code platforms.
    • Connection with data sources - This features connects the application with data sources such as Microsoft Excel, Access and other relational databases such as Microsoft SQL, Azure and other non-relational databases such as MongoDB.

    Security Support

    • Application security - This feature enables the security mechanism of an application which involves confidentiality, integrity and availability of an application, if and when required.
    • Platform security - The security and roles management is a key part in developing an application so that the confidentiality, integrity and authentication (CIA) can be ensured at the platform level.

    Collaborative development support

    • Off-line collaboration - Different developers can collaborate on the specification of the same application. They work off-line locally and then they commit to a remote server their changes, which need to be properly merged.
    • On-line collaboration - Different developers collaborate concurrently on the specification of the same application. Conflicts are managed at run-time.

    Reusability support

    • Built-in workflows - This feature helps to concentrate the most common reusable workflows in creating an application.
    • Pre-built forms/reports - This is off-the-shelf and most common reusable editable forms or reports that a user might want to employ when developing an application.
    • Pre-built dashboards - This is off-the-shelf and most common dashboards that a user might want to employ when developing an application.


    • Scalability on number of users - This features enables the application to scale-up with respect to the number of active users that are using that application at the same time.
    • Scalability on data traffic - This features enables the application to scale-up with respect to the volume of data traffic that are allowed by that application in a particular time.
    • Scalability on data storage - This features enables the application to scale-up with respect to the data storage capacity of that application.

    Business logic specification mechanisms

    • Business rules engine - This feature helps in executing one or more business rules that help in managing data according to user's requirements.
    • Graphical workflow editor - This feature helps to specify one or more business rules in a graphical manner.
    • AI enabled business logic - This is an important feature which uses Artificial Intelligence in learning the behavior of an attributes and replicate those behaviors according to learning mechanisms.

    Application build mechanisms

    • Code generation - According to this feature, the source code of the modeled application is generated and subsequently deployed before its execution.
    • Models at run-time - The model of the specified application is interpreted and used at run-time during the execution of the modeled application without performing any code generation phase.

    Deployment support

    • Deployment on cloud - This features enables an application to be deployed online in a cloud infrastructure when the application is ready to deployed and used.
    • Deployment on local infrastructures - This features enables an application to be deployed locally on the user organization's infrastructure when the application is ready to be deployed and used.

    Kinds of supported applications

    • Event monitoring - This kind of applications involves the process of collecting data, analyzing the event that can be caused by the data, and signaling any events occurring on the data to the user.
    • Process automation - This kind of applications focuses on automating complex processes, such as workflows, which can take place with minimal human intervention.
    • Approval process control - This kind of applications consists of processes of creating and managing work approvals depending on the authorization of the user. For example, payment tasks should be managed by the approval of authorized personnel only.
    • Escalation management - This kind of applications are in the domain of customer service and focuses on the management of user viewpoints that filter out aspects that are not under the user competences.
    • Inventory management - This kind of applications is for monitoring the inflow and outflow of goods and manages the right amount of goods to be stored.
    • Quality management - This kind of applications is for managing the quality of software projects, e.g., by focusing on planning, assurance, control and improvements of quality factors.
    • Workflow management - This kind of applications is defined as sequences of tasks to be performed and monitored during their execution, e.g., to check the performance and correctness of the overall workflow.

    Source: Sahay, Apurvanand et al., 2020

    Create a Service Management Roadmap

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}394|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 8.9/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $71,003 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 24 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Service Management
    • Parent Category Link: /service-management
    • Inconsistent adoption of holistic practices has led to a chaotic service delivery model that results in poor customer satisfaction.
    • There is little structure, formalization, or standardization in the way IT services are designed and managed, leading to diminishing service quality and low business satisfaction.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Having effective service management practices in place will allow you to pursue activities, such as innovation, and drive the business forward.
    • Addressing foundational elements like business alignment and management practices will enable you to build effective core practices that deliver business value.
    • Providing consistent leadership support and engagement is essential to allow practitioners to focus on delivering expected outcomes.

    Impact and Result

    • Understand the foundational and core elements that allow you to build a successful service management practice focused on outcomes.
    • Use Info-Tech’s advice and tools to perform an assessment of your organization’s current state, identify the gaps, and create a roadmap for success.
    • Increase business and customer satisfaction by delivering services focused on creating business value.

    Create a Service Management Roadmap Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why many service management maturity projects fail to address foundational and core elements, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Launch the project

    Kick-off the project and complete the project charter.

    • Create a Service Management Roadmap – Phase 1: Launch Project
    • Service Management Roadmap Project Charter

    2. Assess the current state

    Determine the current state for service management practices.

    • Create a Service Management Roadmap – Phase 2: Assess the Current State
    • Service Management Maturity Assessment Tool
    • Organizational Change Management Capability Assessment Tool
    • Service Management Roadmap Presentation Template

    3. Build the roadmap

    Build your roadmap with identified initiatives.

    • Create a Service Management Roadmap – Phase 3: Identify the Target State

    4. Build the communication slide

    Create the communication slide that demonstrates how things will change, both short and long term.

    • Create a Service Management Roadmap – Phase 4: Build the Roadmap

    Workshop: Create a Service Management Roadmap

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Understand Service Management

    The Purpose

    Understand service management.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Gain a common understanding of service management, the forces that impact your roadmap, and the Info-Tech Service Management Maturity Model.


    1.1 Understand service management.

    1.2 Build a compelling vision and mission.


    Constraints and enablers chart

    Service management vision, mission, and values

    2 Assess the Current State of Service Management

    The Purpose

    Assess the organization’s current service management capabilities.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Understand attitudes, behaviors, and culture.

    Understand governance and process ownership needs.

    Understand strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

    Defined desired state.


    2.1 Assess cultural ABCs.

    2.2 Assess governance needs.

    2.3 Perform SWOT analysis.

    2.4 Define desired state.


    Cultural improvements action items

    Governance action items

    SWOT analysis action items

    Defined desired state

    3 Continue Current-State Assessment

    The Purpose

    Assess the organization’s current service management capabilities.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Understand the current maturity of service management processes.

    Understand organizational change management capabilities.


    3.1 Perform service management process maturity assessment.

    3.2 Complete OCM capability assessment.

    3.3 Identify roadmap themes.


    Service management process maturity activities

    OCM action items

    Roadmap themes

    4 Build Roadmap and Communication Tool

    The Purpose

    Use outputs from previous steps to build your roadmap and communication one-pagers.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Easy-to-understand roadmap one-pager

    Communication one-pager


    4.1 Build roadmap one-pager.

    4.2 Build communication one-pager.


    Service management roadmap

    Service management roadmap – Brought to Life communication slide

    Further reading

    Create a Service Management Roadmap

    Implement service management in an order that makes sense.


    "More than 80% of the larger enterprises we’ve worked with start out wanting to develop advanced service management practices without having the cultural and organizational basics or foundational practices fully in place. Although you wouldn’t think this would be the case in large enterprises, again and again IT leaders are underestimating the importance of cultural and foundational aspects such as governance, management practices, and understanding business value. You must have these fundamentals right before moving on."

    Tony Denford,

    Research Director – CIO

    Info-Tech Research Group

    Our understanding of the problem

    This Research Is Designed For:

    • CIO
    • Senior IT Management

    This Research Will Help You:

    • Create or maintain service management (SM) practices to ensure user-facing services are delivered seamlessly to business users with minimum interruption.
    • Increase the level of reliability and availability of the services provided to the business and improve the relationship and communication between IT and the business.

    This Research Will Also Assist

    • Service Management Process Owners

    This Research Will Help Them:

    • Formalize, standardize, and improve the maturity of service management practices.
    • Identify new service management initiatives to move IT to the next level of service management maturity.

    Executive summary


    • Inconsistent adoption of holistic practices has led to a chaotic service delivery model that results in poor customer satisfaction.
    • There is little structure, formalization, or standardization in the way IT services are designed and managed, leading to diminishing service quality and low business satisfaction.


    • IT organizations want to be seen as strategic partners, but they fail to address the cultural and organizational constraints.
    • Without alignment with the business goals, services often fail to provide the expected value.
    • Traditional service management approaches are not adaptable for new ways of working.


    • Follow Info-Tech’s methodology to create a service management roadmap that will help guide the optimization of your IT services and improve IT’s value to the business.
    • The blueprint will help you right-size your roadmap to best suit your specific needs and goals and will provide structure, ownership, and direction for service management.
    • This blueprint allows you to accurately identify the current state of service management at your organization. Customize the roadmap and create a plan to achieve your target service management state.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Having effective service management practices in place will allow you to pursue activities such as innovation and drive the business forward. Addressing foundational elements like business alignment and management practices will enable you to build effective core practices that deliver business value. Consistent leadership support and engagement is essential to allow practitioners to focus on delivering expected outcomes.

    Poor service management manifests in many different pains across the organization

    Immaturity in service management will not result in one pain – rather, it will create a chaotic environment for the entire organization, crippling IT’s ability to deliver and perform.

    Low Service Management Maturity

    These are some of the pains that can be attributed to poor service management practices.

    • Frequent service-impacting incidents
    • Low satisfaction with the service desk
    • High % of failed deployments
    • Frequent change-related incidents
    • Frequent recurring incidents
    • Inability to find root cause
    • No communication with the business
    • Frequent capacity-related incidents

    And there are many more…

    Mature service management practices are a necessity, not a nice-to-have

    Immature service management practices are one of the biggest hurdles preventing IT from reaching its true potential.

    In 2004, PwC published a report titled “IT Moves from Cost Center to Business Contributor.” However, the 2014-2015 CSC Global CIO Survey showed that a high percentage of IT is still considered a cost center.

    And low maturity of service management practices is inhibiting activities such as agility, DevOps, digitalization, and innovation.

    A pie chart is shown that is titled: Where does IT sit? The chart has 3 sections. One section represents IT and the business have a collaborative partnership 28%. The next section represents at 33% where IT has a formal client/service provider relationship with the business. The last section has 39% where IT is considered as a cost center.
    Source: CSC Global CIO Survey: 2014-2015 “CIOs Emerge as Disruptive Innovators”

    39%: Resources are primarily focused on managing existing IT workloads and keeping the lights on.

    31%: Too much time and too many resources are used to handle urgent incidents and problems.

    There are many misconceptions about what service management is

    Misconception #1: “Service management is a process”

    Effective service management is a journey that encompasses a series of initiatives that improves the value of services delivered.

    Misconception #2: “Service Management = Service Desk”

    Service desk is the foundation, since it is the main end-user touch point, but service management is a set of people and processes required to deliver business-facing services.

    Misconception #3: “Service management is about the ITSM tool”

    The tool is part of the overall service management program, but the people and processes must be in place before implementing.

    Misconception #4: “Service management development is one big initiative”

    Service management development is a series of initiatives that takes into account an organization’s current state, maturity, capacities, and objectives.

    Misconception #5: “Service management processes can be deployed in any order, assuming good planning and design”

    A successful service management program takes into account the dependencies of processes.

    Misconception #6: “Service management is resolving incidents and deploying changes”

    Service management is about delivering high-value and high-quality services.

    Misconception #7: “Service management is not the key determinant of success”

    As an organization progresses on the service management journey, its ability to deliver high-value and high-quality services increases.

    Misconception #8: “Resolving Incidents = Success”

    Preventing incidents is the name of the game.

    Misconception #9: “Service Management = Good Firefighter”

    Service management is about understanding what’s going on with user-facing services and proactively improving service quality.

    Misconception #10: “Service management is about IT and technical services (e.g. servers, network, database)”

    Service management is about business/user-facing services and the value the services provide to the business.

    Service management projects often don’t succeed because they are focused on process rather than outcomes

    Service management projects tend to focus on implementing process without ensuring foundational elements of culture and management practices are strong enough to support the change.

    1. Aligning your service management goals with your organizational objectives leads to better understanding of the expected outcomes.
    2. Understand your customers and what they value, and design your practices to deliver this value.

    3. IT does not know what order is best when implementing new practices or process improvements.
    4. Don't run before you can walk. Fundamental practices must reach the maturity threshold before developing advanced practices. Implement continuous improvement on your existing processes so they continue to support new practices.

    5. IT does not follow best practices when implementing a practice.
    6. Our best-practice research is based on extensive experience working with clients through advisory calls and workshops.

    Info-Tech can help you create a customized, low-effort, and high-value service management roadmap that will shore up any gaps, prove IT’s value, and achieve business satisfaction.

    Info-Tech’s methodology will help you customize your roadmap so the journey is right for you

    With Info-Tech, you will find out where you are, where you want to go, and how you will get there.

    With our methodology, you can expect the following:

    • Eliminate or reduce rework due to poor execution.
    • Identify dependencies/prerequisites and ensure practices are deployed in the correct order, at the correct time, and by the right people.
    • Engage all necessary resources to design and implement required processes.
    • Assess current maturity and capabilities and design the roadmap with these factors in mind.

    Doing it right the first time around

    You will see these benefits at the end

      ✓ Increase the quality of services IT provides to the business.

      ✓ Increase business satisfaction through higher alignment of IT services.

      ✓ Lower cost to design, implement, and manage services.

      ✓ Better resource utilization, including staff, tools, and budget.

    Focus on a strong foundation to build higher value service management practices

    Info-Tech Insight

    Focus on behaviors and expected outcomes before processes.

    Foundational elements

    • Operating model facilitates service management goals
    • Culture of service delivery
    • Governance discipline to evaluate, direct, and monitor
    • Management discipline to deliver


    • Deliver stable, reliable IT services to the business
    • Respond to user requests quickly and efficiently
    • Resolve user issues in a timely manner
    • Deploy changes smoothly and successfully


    • Avoid/prevent service disruptions
    • Improve quality of service (performance, availability, reliability)

    Service Provider

    • Understand business needs
    • Ensure services are available
    • Measure service performance, based on business-oriented metrics

    Strategic Partner

    • Fully aligned with business
    • Drive innovation
    • Drive measurable value

    Info-Tech Insight

    Continued leadership support of the foundational elements will allow delivery teams to provide value to the business. Set the expectation of the desired maturity level and allow teams to innovate.

    Follow our model and get to your target state

    A model is depicted that shows the various target states. There are 6 levels showing in the example, and the example is made to look like a tree with a character watering it. In the roots, the level is labelled foundational. The trunk is labelled the core. The lowest hanging branches of the tree is the stabilize section. Above it is the proactive section. Nearing the top of the tree is the service provider. The canopy of the tree are labelled strategic partner.

    Before moving to advanced service management practices, you must ensure that the foundational and core elements are robust enough to support them. Leadership must nurture these practices to ensure they are sustainable and can support higher value, more mature practices.

    Each step along the way, Info-Tech has the tools to help you

    Phase 1: Launch the Project

    Assemble a team with the right talent and vision to increase the chances of project success.

    Phase 2: Assess Current State

    Understand where you are currently on the service management journey using the maturity assessment tool.

    Phase 3: Build Roadmap

    Based on the assessments, build a roadmap to address areas for improvement.

    Phase 4: Build Communication slide

    Based on the roadmap, define the current state, short- and long-term visions for each major improvement area.

    Info-Tech Deliverables:

    • Project Charter
    • Assessment Tools
    • Roadmap Template
    • Communication Template

    CIO call to action

    Improving the maturity of the organization’s service management practice is a big commitment, and the project can only succeed with active support from senior leadership.

    Ideally, the CIO should be the project sponsor, even the project leader. At a minimum, the CIO needs to perform the following activities:

    1. Walk the talk – demonstrate personal commitment to the project and communicate the benefits of the service management journey to IT and the steering committee.
    2. Improving or adopting any new practice is difficult, especially for a project of this size. Thus, the CIO needs to show visible support for this project through internal communication and dedicated resources to help complete this project.

    3. Select a senior, capable, and results-driven project leader.
    4. Most likely, the implementation of this project will be lengthy and technical in some nature. Therefore, the project leader must have a good understanding of the current IT structure, senior standing within the organization, and the relationship and power in place to propel people into action.

    5. Help to define the target future state of IT’s service management.
    6. Determine a realistic target state for the organization based on current capability and resource/budget restraints.

    7. Conduct periodic follow-up meetings to keep track of progress.
    8. Reinforce or re-emphasize the importance of this project to the organization through various communication channels if needed.

    Stabilizing your environment is a must before establishing any more-mature processes


    Industry: Manufacturing

    Source: Engagement


    • The business landscape was rapidly changing for this manufacturer and they wanted to leverage potential cost savings from cloud-first initiatives and consolidate multiple, self-run service delivery teams that were geographically dispersed.


    Original Plan

    • Consolidate multiple service delivery teams worldwide and implement service portfolio management.

    Revised Plan with Service Management Roadmap:

    • Markets around the world had very different needs and there was little understanding of what customers value.
    • There was also no understanding of what services were currently being offered within each geography.


    • Plan was adjusted to understand customer value and services offered.
    • Services were then stabilized and standardized before consolidation.
    • Team also focused on problem maturity and drove a continuous improvement culture and increasing transparency.


    Understanding the value of each service allowed the organization to focus effort on high-return activities rather than continuous fire fighting.

    Understand the processes involved in the proactive phase


    Industry: Manufacturing

    Source: Engagement


    • Services were fairly stable, but there were significant recurring issues for certain services.
    • The business was not satisfied with the service quality for certain services, due to periodic availability and reliability issues.
    • Customer feedback for the service desk was generally good.


    Original Plan

    • Review all service desk and incident management processes to ensure that service issues were handled in an effective manner.

    Revised Plan with Service Management Roadmap:

    • Design and deploy a rigorous problem management process to determine the root cause of recurring issues.
    • Monitor key services for events that may lead to a service outage.


    • Root cause of recurring issues was determined and fixes were deployed to resolve the underlying cause of the issues.
    • Service quality improved dramatically, resulting in high customer satisfaction.


    Make sure that you understand which processes need to be reviewed in order to determine the cause for service instability. Focusing on the proactive processes was the right answer for this company.

    Have the right culture and structure in place before you become a service provider


    Industry: Healthcare

    Source:Journal of American Medical Informatics Association


    • The IT organization wanted to build a service catalog to demonstrate the value of IT to the business.
    • IT was organized in technology silos and focused on applications, not business services.
    • IT services were not aligned with business activities.
    • Relationships with the business were not well established.


    Original Plan

    • Create and publish a service catalog.

    Revised Plan: with Service Management Roadmap:

    • Establish relationships with key stakeholders in the business units.
    • Understand how business activities interface with IT services.
    • Lay the groundwork for the service catalog by defining services from the business perspective.


    • Strong relationships with the business units.
    • Deep understanding of how business activities map to IT services.
    • Service definitions that reflect how the business uses IT services.


    Before you build and publish a service catalog, make sure that you understand how the business is using the IT services that you provide.

    Calculate the benefits of using Info-Tech’s methodology

    To measure the value of developing your roadmap using the Info-Tech tools and methodology, you must calculate the effort saved by not having to develop the methods.

    A. How much time will it take to develop an industry-best roadmap using Info-Tech methodology and tools?

    Using Info-Tech’s tools and methodology you can accurately estimate the effort to develop a roadmap using industry-leading research into best practice.

    B. What would be the effort to develop the insight, assess your team, and develop the roadmap?

    This metric represents the time your team would take to be able to effectively assess themselves and develop a roadmap that will lead to service management excellence.

    C. Cost & time saving through Info-Tech’s methodology

    Measured Value

    Step 1: Assess current state

    Cost to assess current state:

    • 5 Directors + 10 Managers x 10 hours at $X an hour = $A

    Step 2: Build the roadmap

    Cost to create service management roadmap:

    • 5 Directors + 10 Managers x 8 hours at $X an hour = $B

    Step 3: Develop the communication slide

    Cost to create roadmaps for phases:

    • 5 Directors + 10 Managers x 6 hours at $X an hour = $C

    Potential financial savings from using Info-Tech resources:

    Estimated cost to do “B” – (Step 1 ($A) + Step 2 ($B) + Step 3 ($C)) = $Total Saving

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    "Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful."

    Guided Implementation

    "Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keeps us on track."


    "We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place."


    "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project."

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks are used throughout all four options.

    Create a Service Management Roadmap – project overview

    Launch the project

    Assess the current state

    Build the roadmap

    Build communication slide

    Best-Practice Toolkit

    1.1 Create a powerful, succinct mission statement

    1.2 Assemble a project team with representatives from all major IT teams

    1.3 Determine project stakeholders and create a communication plan

    1.4 Establish metrics to track the success of the project

    2.1 Assess impacting forces

    2.2 Build service management vision, mission, and values

    2.3 Assess attitudes, behaviors, and culture

    2.4 Assess governance

    2.5 Perform SWOT analysis

    2.6 Identify desired state

    2.7 Assess SM maturity

    2.8 Assess OCM capabilities

    3.1 Document overall themes

    3.2 List individual initiatives

    4.1 Document current state

    4.2 List future vision

    Guided Implementations

    • Kick-off the project
    • Build the project team
    • Complete the charter
    • Understand current state
    • Determine target state
    • Build the roadmap based on current and target state
    • Build short- and long-term visions and initiative list

    Onsite Workshop

    Module 1: Launch the project

    Module 2: Assess current service management maturity

    Module 3: Complete the roadmap

    Module 4: Complete the communication slide

    Workshop overview

    Contact your account representative or email for more information

    Workshop Day 1

    Workshop Day 2

    Workshop Day 3

    Workshop Day 4


    Understand Service Management

    1.1 Understand the concepts and benefits of service management.

    1.2 Understand the changing impacting forces that affect your ability to deliver services.

    1.3 Build a compelling vision and mission for your service management program.

    Assess the Current State of Your Service Management Practice

    2.1 Understand attitudes, behaviors, and culture.

    2.2 Assess governance and process ownership needs.

    2.3 Perform SWOT analysis.

    2.4 Define the desired state.

    Complete Current-State Assessment

    3.1 Conduct service management process maturity assessment.

    3.2 Identify organizational change management capabilities.

    3.3 Identify themes for roadmap.

    Build Roadmap and Communication Tool

    4.1 Build roadmap one-pager.

    4.2 Build roadmap communication one-pager.


    1. Constraints and enablers chart
    2. Service management vision, mission, and values
    1. Action items for cultural improvements
    2. Action items for governance
    3. Identified improvements from SWOT
    4. Defined desired state
    1. Service Management Process Maturity Assessment
    2. Organizational Change Management Assessment
    1. Service management roadmap
    2. Roadmap Communication Tool in the Service Management Roadmap Presentation Template

    PHASE 1

    Launch the Project

    Launch the project

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    • Create a powerful, succinct mission statement based on your organization’s goals and objectives.
    • Assemble a project team with representatives from all major IT teams.
    • Determine project stakeholders and create a plan to convey the benefits of this project.
    • Establish metrics to track the success of the project.

    Step Insights

    • The project leader should have a strong relationship with IT and business leaders to maximize the benefit of each initiative in the service management journey.
    • The service management roadmap initiative will touch almost every part of the organization; therefore, it is important to have representation from all impacted stakeholders.
    • The communication slide needs to include the organizational change impact of the roadmap initiatives.

    Phase 1 outline

    Call 1-888-670-8889 or email for more information.

    Complete these steps on your own, or call us to complete a guided implementation. A guided implementation is a series of 2-3 advisory calls that help you execute each phase of a project. They are included in most advisory memberships.

    Guided Implementation 1: Launch the Project

    Step 1.1 – Kick-off the Project

    Start with an analyst kick-off call:

    • Identify current organization pain points relating to poor service management practices
    • Determine high-level objectives
    • Create a mission statement

    Then complete these activities…

    • Identify potential team members who could actively contribute to the project
    • Identify stakeholders who have a vested interest in the completion of this project

    With these tools & templates:

    • Service Management Roadmap Project Charter

    Step 1.2 – Complete the Charter

    Review findings with analyst:

    • Create the project team; ensure all major IT teams are represented
    • Review stakeholder list and identify communication messages

    Then complete these activities…

    • Establish metrics to complete project planning
    • Complete the project charter

    With these tools & templates:

    • Service Management Roadmap Project Charter

    Use Info-Tech’s project charter to begin your initiative

    1.1 Service Management Roadmap Project Charter

    The Service Management Roadmap Project Charter is used to govern the initiative throughout the project. It provides the foundation for project communication and monitoring.

    The template has been pre-populated with sample information appropriate for this project. Please review this sample text and change, add, or delete information as required.

    The charter includes the following sections:

    • Mission Statement
    • Goals & Objectives
    • Project Team
    • Project Stakeholders
    • Current State (from phases 2 & 3)
    • Target State (from phases 2 & 3)
    • Target State
    • Metrics
    • Sponsorship Signature
    A screenshot of Info-Tech's Service Management Roadmap Project Charter is shown.

    Use Info-Tech’s ready-to-use deliverable to customize your mission statement

    Adapt and personalize Info-Tech’s Service Management Roadmap Mission Statement and Goals & Objectives below to suit your organization’s needs.

    Goals & Objectives

    • Create a plan for implementing service management initiatives that align with the overall goals/objectives for service management.
    • Identify service management initiatives that must be implemented/improved in the short term before deploying more advanced initiatives.
    • Determine the target state for each initiative based on current maturity and level of investment available.
    • Identify service management initiatives and understand dependencies, prerequisites, and level of effort required to implement.
    • Determine the sequence in which initiatives should be deployed.
    • Create a detailed rollout plan that specifies initiatives, time frames, and owners.
    • Engage the right teams and obtain their commitment throughout both the planning and assessment of roadmap initiatives.
    • both the planning and assessment of roadmap initiatives. Obtain support for the completed roadmap from executive stakeholders.

    Example Mission Statement

    To help [Organization Name] develop a set of service management practices that will better address the overarching goals of the IT department.

    To create a roadmap that sequences initiatives in a way that incorporates best practices and takes into consideration dependencies and prerequisites between service management practices.

    To garner support from the right people and obtain executive buy-in for the roadmap.

    Create a well-balanced project team

    The project leader should be a member of your IT department’s senior executive team with goals and objectives that will be impacted by service management implementation. The project leader should possess the following characteristics:


    • Influence and impact
    • Comprehensive knowledge of IT and the organization
    • Relationship with senior IT management
    • Ability to get things done

    Team Members


    The project team members are the IT managers and directors whose day-to-day lives will be impacted by the service management roadmap and its implementation. The service management initiative will touch almost every IT staff member in the organization; therefore, it is important to have representatives from every single group, including those that are not mentioned. Some examples of individuals you should consider for your team:

    • Service Delivery Managers
    • Director/Manager of Applications
    • Director/Manager of Infrastructure
    • Director/Manager of Service Desk
    • Business Relationship Managers
    • Project Management Office

    Engage & Communicate

    You want to engage your project participants in the planning process as much as possible. They should be involved in the current-state assessment, the establishment of goals and objectives, and the development of your target state.

    To sell this project, identify and articulate how this project and/or process will improve the quality of their job. For example, a formal incident management process will benefit people working at the service desk or on the applications or infrastructure teams. Helping them understand the gains will help to secure their support throughout the long implementation process by giving them a sense of ownership.

    The project stakeholders should also be project team members

    When managing stakeholders, it is important to help them understand their stake in the project as well as their own personal gain that will come out of this project.

    For many of the stakeholders, they also play a critical role in the development of this project.

    Role & Benefits

    • CIO
    • The CIO should be actively involved in the planning stage to help determine current and target stage.

      The CIO also needs to promote and sell the project to the IT team so they can understand that higher maturity of service management practices will allow IT to be seen as a partner to the business, giving IT a seat at the table during decision making.

    • Service Delivery Managers/Process Owners
    • Service Delivery Managers are directly responsible for the quality and value of services provided to the business owners. Thus, the Service Delivery Managers have a very high stake in the project and should be considered for the role of project leader.

      Service Delivery Managers need to work closely with the process owners of each service management process to ensure clear objectives are established and there is a common understanding of what needs to be achieved.

    • IT Steering Committee
    • The Committee should be informed and periodically updated about the progress of the project.

    • Manager/Director – Service Desk
    • The Manager of the Service Desk should participate closely in the development of fundamental service management processes, such as service desk, incident management, and problem management.

      Having a more established process in place will create structure, governance, and reduce service desk staff headaches so they can handle requests or incidents more efficiently.

    • Manager/Director –Applications & Infrastructure
    • The Manager of Applications and Infrastructure should be heavily relied on for their knowledge of how technology ties into the organization. They should be consulted regularly for each of the processes.

      This project will also benefit them directly, such as improving the process to deploy a fix into the environment or manage the capacity of the infrastructure.

    • Business Relationship Manager
    • As the IT organization moves up the maturity ladder, the Business Relationship Manager will play a fundamental role in the more advanced processes, such as business relationship management, demand management, and portfolio management.

      This project will be an great opportunity for the Business Relationship Manager to demonstrate their value and their knowledge of how to align IT objectives with business vision.

    Ensure you get the entire IT organization on board for the project with a well-practiced change message

    Getting the IT team on board will greatly maximize the project’s chance of success.

    One of the top challenges for organizations embarking on a service management journey is to manage the magnitude of the project. To ensure the message is not lost, communicate this roadmap in two steps.

    1. Communicate the roadmap initiative

    The most important message to send to the IT organization is that this project will benefit them directly. Articulate the pains that IT is currently experiencing and explain that through more mature service management, these pains can be greatly reduced and IT can start to earn a place at the table with the business.

    2. Communicate the implementation of each process separately

    The communication of process implementation should be done separately and at the beginning of each implementation. This is to ensure that IT staff do not feel overwhelmed or overloaded. It also helps to keep the project more manageable for the project team.

    Continuously monitor feedback and address concerns throughout the entire process

    • Host lunch and learns to provide updates on the service management initiative to the entire IT team.
    • Understand if there are any major roadblocks and facilitate discussions on how to overcome them.

    Articulate the service management initiative to the IT organization

    Spread the word and bring attention to your change message through effective mediums and organizational changes.

    Key aspects of a communication plan

    The methods of communication (e.g. newsletters, email broadcast, news of the day, automated messages) notify users of implementation.

    In addition, it is important to know who will deliver the message (delivery strategy). You need IT executives to deliver the message – work hard on obtaining their support as they are the ones communicating to their staff and should be your project champions.

    Anticipate organizational changes

    The implementation of the service management roadmap will most likely lead to organizational changes in terms of structure, roles, and responsibilities. Therefore, the team should be prepared to communicate the value that these changes will bring.

    Communicating Change

    • What is the change?
    • Why are we doing it?
    • How are we going to go about it?
    • What are we trying to achieve?
    • How often will we be updated?

    The Qualities of Leadership: Leading Change

    Create a project communication plan for your stakeholders

    This project cannot be successfully completed without the support of senior IT management.

    1. After the CIO has introduced this project through management meetings or informal conversation, find out how each IT leader feels about this project. You need to make sure the directors and managers of each IT team, especially the directors of application and infrastructure, are on board.
    2. After the meeting, the project leader should seek out the major stakeholders (particularly the heads of applications and infrastructure) and validate their level of support through formal or informal meetings. Create a list documenting the major stakeholders, their level of support, and how the project team will work to gain their approval.
    3. For each identified stakeholder, create a custom communication plan based on their role. For example, if the director of infrastructure is not a supporter, demonstrate how this project will enable them to better understand how to improve service quality. Provide periodic reporting or meetings to update the director on project progress.


    • A collaborative discussion between team members


    • Thorough briefing for project launch
    • A committed team


    • Communication message and plan
    • Metric tracking


    • Project leader
    • Core project team

    If you want additional support, have our analysts guide you through this phase as part of an Info-Tech workshop

    Book a workshop with our Info-Tech analysts:

    Photo of an Info-Tech analyst is shown.
    • To accelerate this project, engage your IT team in an Info-Tech workshop with an Info-Tech analyst team.
    • Info-Tech analysts will join you and your team onsite at your location or welcome you to Info-Tech’s historic Toronto office to participate in an innovative onsite workshop.
    • Contact your account manager (, or email for more information.

    The following are sample activities that will be conducted by Info-Tech analysts with your team:


    A screenshot of activity 1.1 is shown.

    Create a powerful, succinct mission statement

    Using Info-Tech’s sample mission statement as a guide, build your mission statement based on the objectives of this project and the benefits that this project will achieve. Keep the mission statement short and clear.


    A screenshot of activity 1.2 is shown.

    Assemble the project team

    Create a project team with representatives from all major IT teams. Engage and communicate to the project team early and proactively.


    A screenshot of activity 1.3 is shown.

    Identify project stakeholders and create a communication plan

    Info-Tech will help you identify key stakeholders who have a vested interest in the success of the project. Determine the communication message that will best gain their support.


    A screenshot of activity 1.4 is shown.

    Use metrics to track the success of the project

    The onsite analyst will help the project team determine the appropriate metrics to measure the success of this project.

    PHASE 2

    Assess Your Current Service Management State

    Assess your current state

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    • Use Info-Tech’s Service Management Maturity Assessment Tool to determine your overall practice maturity level.
    • Understand your level of completeness for each individual practice.
    • Understand the three major phases involved in the service management journey; know the symptoms of each phase and how they affect your target state selection.

    Step Insights

    • To determine the real maturity of your service management practices, you should focus on the results and output of the practice, rather than the activities performed for each process.
    • Focus on phase-level maturity as opposed to the level of completeness for each individual process.

    Phase 2 outline

    Call 1-888-670-8889 or email for more information.

    Complete these steps on your own, or call us to complete a guided implementation. A guided implementation is a series of 2-3 advisory calls that help you execute each phase of a project. They are included in most advisory memberships.

    Guided Implementation 2: Determine Your Service Management Current State

    Step 2.1 – Assess Impacting Forces

    Start with an analyst kick-off call:

    • Discuss the impacting forces that can affect the success of your service management program
    • Identify internal and external constraints and enablers
    • Review and interpret how to leverage or mitigate these elements

    Then complete these activities…

    • Present the findings of the organizational context
    • Facilitate a discussion and create consensus amongst the project team members on where the organization should start

    With these tools & templates:

    Service Management Roadmap Presentation Template

    Step 2.2 – Build Vision, Mission, and Values

    Review findings with analyst:

    • Review your service management vision and mission statement and discuss the values

    Then complete these activities…

    • Socialize the vision, mission, and values to ensure they are aligned with overall organizational vision. Then, set the expectations for behavior aligned with the vision, mission, and values

    With these tools & templates:

    Service Management Roadmap Presentation Template

    Step 2.3 – Assess Attitudes, Behaviors, and Culture

    Review findings with analyst:

    • Discuss tactics for addressing negative attitudes, behaviors, or culture identified

    Then complete these activities…

    • Add items to be addressed to roadmap

    With these tools & templates:

    Service Management Roadmap Presentation Template

    Step 2.4 – Assess Governance Needs

    Review findings with analyst:

    • Understand the typical types of governance structure and the differences between management and governance
    • Choose the management structure required for your organization

    Then complete these activities…

    • Determine actions required to establish an effective governance structure and add items to be addressed to roadmap

    With these tools & templates:

    Service Management Roadmap Presentation Template

    Step 2.5 – Perform SWOT Analysis

    Review findings with analyst:

    • Discuss SWOT analysis results and tactics for addressing within the roadmap

    Then complete these activities…

    • Add items to be addressed to roadmap

    With these tools & templates:

    Service Management Roadmap Presentation Template

    Step 2.6 – Identify Desired State

    Review findings with analyst:

    • Discuss desired state and commitment needed to achieve aspects of the desired state

    Then complete these activities…

    • Use the desired state to critically assess the current state of your service management practices and whether they are achieving the desired outcomes
    • Prep for the SM maturity assessment

    With these tools & templates:

    Service Management Roadmap Presentation Template

    Step 2.7 – Perform SM Maturity Assessment

    Review findings with analyst:

    • Review and interpret the output from your service management maturity assessment

    Then complete these activities…

    • Add items to be addressed to roadmap

    With these tools & templates:

    Service Management Roadmap Presentation Template

    Service Management Maturity Assessment

    Step 2.8 – Review OCM Capabilities

    Review findings with analyst:

    • Review and interpret the output from your organizational change management maturity assessment

    Then complete these activities…

    • Add items to be addressed to roadmap

    With these tools & templates:

    Service Management Roadmap Presentation Template

    Organizational Change Management Assessment

    Understand and assess impacting forces – constraints and enablers

    Constraints and enablers are organizational and behavioral triggers that directly impact your ability and approach to establishing Service Management practices.

    A model is shown to demonstrate the possibe constraints and enablers on your service management program. It incorporates available resources, the environment, management practices, and available technologies.

    Effective service management requires a mix of different approaches and practices that best fit your organization. There’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. Consider the resources, environment, emerging technologies, and management practices facing your organization. What items can you leverage or use to mitigate to move your service management program forward?

    Use Info-Tech’s “Organizational Context” template to list the constraints and enablers affecting your service management

    The Service Management Roadmap Presentation Template will help you understand the business environment you need to consider as you build out your roadmap.

    Discuss and document constraints and enablers related to the business environment, available resources, management practices, and emerging technologies. Any constraints will need to be addressed within your roadmap and enablers should be leveraged to maximize your results.

    Screenshot of Info-Tech's Service Management Roadmap Presentation Template is shown.

    Document constraints and enablers

    1. Discuss and document the constrains and enablers for each aspect of the management mesh: environment, resources, management practices, or technology.
    2. Use this as a thought provoker in later exercises.


    • A collaborative discussion


    • Organizational context constraints and enablers


    • Whiteboards or flip charts


    • All stakeholders

    Build compelling vision and mission statements to set the direction of your service management program

    While you are articulating the vision and mission, think about the values you want the team to display. Being explicit can be a powerful tool to create alignment.

    A vision statement describes the intended state of your service management organization, expressed in the present tense.

    A mission statement describes why your service management organization exists.

    Your organizational values state how you will deliver services.

    Use Info-Tech’s “Vision, Mission, and Values” template to set the aspiration & purpose of your service management practice

    The Service Management Roadmap Presentation Template will help you document your vision for service management, the purpose of the program, and the values you want to see demonstrated.

    If the team cannot gain agreement on their reason for being, it will be difficult to make traction on the roadmap items. A concise and compelling statement can set the direction for desired behavior and help team members align with the vision when trying to make ground-level decisions. It can also be used to hold each other accountable when undesirable behavior emerges. It should be revised from time to time, when the environment changes, but a well-written statement should stand the test of time.

    A screenshot of the Service Management Roadmap Presentation Temaplate is shown. Specifically it is showing the section on the vision, mission, and values results.

    Document your organization’s vision, mission , and values

    1. Vision: Identify your desired target state, consider the details of that target state, and create a vision statement.
    2. Mission: Consider the fundamental purpose of your SM program and craft a statement of purpose.
    3. Values: As you work through the vision and mission, identify values that your organization prides itself in or has the aspiration for.
    4. Discuss common themes and then develop a concise vision statement and mission statement that incorporates the group’s ideas.


    • A collaborative discussion


    • Vision statement
    • Mission statement
    • Organizational values


    • Whiteboards or flip charts
    • Sample vision and mission statements


    • All stakeholders
    • Senior leadership

    Understanding attitude, behavior, and culture


    • What people think and feel. It can be seen in their demeanor and how they react to change initiatives, colleagues, and users.

    Any form of organizational change involves adjusting people’s attitudes, creating buy-in and commitment. You need to identify and address attitudes that can lead to negative behaviors and actions or that are counter-productive. It must be made visible and related to your desired behavior.


    • What people do. This is influenced by attitude and the culture of the organization.

    To implement change within IT, especially at a tactical level, both IT and organizational behavior needs to change. This is relevant because people don’t like to change and will resist in an active or passive way unless you can sell the need, value, and benefit of changing their behavior.


    • The accepted and understood ways of working in an organization. The values and standards that people find normal and what would be tacitly identified to new resources.

    The organizational or corporate “attitude,” the impact on employee behavior and attitude is often not fully understood. Culture is an invisible element, which makes it difficult to identify, but it has a strong impact and must be addressed to successfully embed any organizational change or strategy.

    Culture is a critical and under-addressed success factor

    43% of CIOs cited resistance to change as the top impediment to a successful digital strategy.

    75% of organizations cannot identify or articulate their culture or its impact.


    “Shortcomings in organizational culture are one of the main barriers to company success in the digital age.”

    McKinsey – “Culture for a digital age”

    Examples of how they apply


    • “I’ll believe that when I see it”
    • Positive outlook on new ideas and changes


    • Saying you’ll follow a new process but not doing so
    • Choosing not to document a resolution approach or updating a knowledge article, despite being asked


    • Hero culture (knowledge is power)
    • Blame culture (finger pointing)
    • Collaborative culture (people rally and work together)

    Why have we failed to address attitude, behavior, and culture?

      ✓ While there is attention and better understanding of these areas, very little effort is made to actually solve these challenges.

      ✓ The impact is not well understood.

      ✓ The lack of tangible and visible factors makes it difficult to identify.

      ✓ There is a lack of proper guidance, leadership skills, and governance to address these in the right places.

      ✓ Addressing these issues has to be done proactively, with intent, rigor, and discipline, in order to be successful.

      ✓ We ignore it (head in the sand and hoping it will fix itself).

    Avoidance has been a common strategy for addressing behavior and culture in organizations.

    Use Info-Tech’s “Culture and Environment” template to identify cultural constraints that should be addressed in roadmap

    The Service Management Roadmap Presentation Template will help you document attitude, behavior, and culture constraints.

    Discuss as a team attitudes, behaviors, and cultural aspects that can either hinder or be leveraged to support your vision for the service management program. Capture all items that need to be addressed in the roadmap.

    A screenshot of the Service Management Roadmap Presentation Template is shown. Specifically showing the culture and environment slide.

    Document your organization’s attitudes, behaviors, and culture

    1. Discuss and document positive and negative aspects of attitude, behavior, or culture within your organization.
    2. Identify the items that need to be addressed as part of your roadmap.


    • A collaborative discussion


    • Culture and environment worksheet


    • Whiteboards or flip charts


    • All stakeholders

    The relationship to governance

    Attitude, behavior, and culture are still underestimated as core success factors in governance and management.

    Behavior is a key enabler of good governance. Leading by example and modeling behavior has a cascading impact on shifting culture, reinforcing the importance of change through adherence.

    Executive leadership and governing bodies must lead and support cultural change.

    Key Points

    • Less than 25% of organizations have formal IT governance in place (ITSM Tools).
    • Governance tends to focus on risk and compliance (controls), but forgets the impact of value and performance.

    Lack of oversight often limits the value of service management implementations

    Organizations often fail to move beyond risk mitigation, losing focus of the goals of their service management practices and the capabilities required to produce value.

    Risk Mitigation

    • Stabilize IT
    • Service Desk
    • Incident Management
    • Change Management


    • Organizational alignment through governance
    • Disciplined focus on goals of SM

    Value Production

    • Value that meets business and consumer needs

    This creates a situation where service management activities and roadmaps focus on adjusting and tweaking process areas that no longer support how the organization needs to work.

    How does establishing governance for service management provide value?

    Governance of service management is a gap in most organizations, which leads to much of the failure and lack of value from service management processes and activities.

    Once in place, effective governance enables success for organizations by:

    1. Ensuring service management processes improve business value
    2. Measuring and confirming the value of the service management investment
    3. Driving a focus on outcome and impact instead of simply process adherence
    4. Looking at the integrated impact of service management in order to ensure focused prioritization of work
    5. Driving customer-experience focus within organizations
    6. Ensuring quality is achieved and addressing quality impacts and dependencies between processes

    Four common service management process ownership models

    Your ownership structure largely defines how processes will need to be implemented, maintained, and improved. It has a strong impact on their ability to integrate and how other teams perceive their involvement.

    An organizational structure is shown. In the image is an arrow, with the tip facing in the right direction. The left side of the arrow is labelled: Traditional, and the right side is labelled: Complex. The four models are noted along the arrow. Starting on the left side and going to the right are: Distributed Process Ownership, Centralized Process Ownership, Federated Process Ownership, and Service Management Office.

    Most organizations are somewhere within this spectrum of four core ownership models, usually having some combination of shared traits between the two models that are closest to them on the scale.

    Info-Tech Insight

    The organizational structure that is best for you depends on your needs, and one is not necessarily better than another. The next four slides describe when each ownership level is most appropriate.

    Distributed process ownership

    Distributed process ownership is usually evident when organizations initially establish their service management practices. The processes are assigned to a specific group, who assumes some level of ownership over its execution.

    The distributed process ownership model is shown. CIO is listed at the top with four branches leading out from below it. The four branches are labelled: Service Desk, Operations, Applications, and Security.

    Info-Tech Insight

    This model is often a suitable approach for initial implementations or where it may be difficult to move out of siloes within the organization’s structure or culture.

    Centralized process ownership

    Centralized process ownership usually becomes necessary for organizations as they move into a more functional structure. It starts to drive management of processes horizontally across the organization while still retaining functional management control.

    A centralized process ownership model is shown. The CIO is at the top and the following are branches below it: Service Manager, Support, Middleware, Development, and Infrastructure.

    Info-Tech Insight

    This model is often suitable for maturing organizations that are starting to look at process integration and shared service outcomes and accountability.

    Federated process ownership

    Federated process ownership allows for global control and regional variation, and it supports product orientation and Agile/DevOps principles

    A federated process ownership model is shown. The Sponsor/CIO is at the top, with the ITSM Executive below it. Below that level is the: Process Owner, Process Manager, and Process Manager.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Federated process ownership is usually evident in organizations that have an international or multi-regional presence.

    Service management office (SMO)

    SMO structures tend to occur in highly mature organizations, where service management responsibility is seen as an enterprise accountability.

    A service management office model is shown. The CIO is at the top with the following branches below it: SMO, End-User Services, Infra., Apps., and Architecture.

    Info-Tech Insight

    SMOs are suitable for organizations with a defined IT and organizational strategy. A SMO supports integration with other enterprise practices like enterprise architecture and the PMO.

    Determine which process ownership and governance model works best for your organization

    The Service Management Roadmap Presentation Template will help you document process ownership and governance model


    Key Goals:

      ☐ Own accountability for changes to core processes

      ☐ Understand systemic nature and dependencies related to processes and services

      ☐ Approve and prioritize improvement and CSI initiatives related to processes and services

      ☐ Evaluate success of initiative outcomes based on defined benefits and expectations

      ☐ Own Service Management and Governance processes and policies

      ☐ Report into ITSM executive or equivalent body


      ☐ Process Owners, SM Owner, Tool Owner/Liaison, Audit

    Discuss as a team which process ownership model works for your organization. Determine who will govern the service management practice. Determine items that should be identified in your roadmap to address governance and process ownership gaps.

    Use Info-Tech’s “SWOT” template to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats that should be addressed

    The Service Management Roadmap Presentation Template will help you document items from your SWOT analysis.

    A screenshot of the Service Management Roadmap Presentation Template is shown. Specifically the SWOT section is shown.

    Brainstorm the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to resources, environment, technology, and management practices. Add items that need to be addressed to your roadmap.

    Perform a SWOT analysis

    1. Brainstorm each aspect of the SWOT with an emphasis on:
    • Resources
    • Environment
    • Technologies
    • Management Practices
  • Record your ideas on a flip chart or whiteboard.
  • Add items to be addressed to the roadmap.

    • A collaborative discussion


    • SWOT analysis
    • Priority items identified


    • Whiteboards or flip charts


    • All stakeholders

    Indicate desired maturity level for your service management program to be successful

    Discuss the various maturity levels and choose a desired level that would meet business needs.

    The desired maturity model is depicted.


    • A collaborative discussion


    • Desired state of service management maturity


    • None


    • All stakeholders

    Use Info-Tech’s Service Management Process Maturity Assessment Tool to understand your current state

    The Service Management Process Maturity Assessment Tool will help you understand the true state of your service management.

    A screenshot of Info-Tech's Service Management Process Assessment Tool is shown.

    Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 tabs

    These three worksheets contain questions that will determine the overall maturity of your service management processes. There are multiple sections of questions focused on different processes. It is very important that you start from Part 1 and continue the questions sequentially.

    Results tab

    The Results tab will display the current state of your service management processes as well as the percentage of completion for each individual process.

    Complete the service management process maturity assessment

    The current-state assessment will be the foundation of building your roadmap, so pay close attention to the questions and answer them truthfully.

    1. Start with tab 1 in the Service Management Process Maturity Assessment Tool. Remember to read the questions carefully and always use the feedback obtained through the end-user survey to help you determine the answer.
    2. In the “Degree of Process Completeness” column, use the drop-down menu to input the results solicited from the goals and objectives meeting you held with your project participants.
    3. A screenshot of Info-Tech's Service Management Process Assessment Tool is shown. Tab 1 is shown.
    4. Host a meeting with all participants following completion of the survey and have them bring their results. Discuss in a round-table setting, keeping a master sheet of agreed upon results.


    • Service Management Process Maturity Assessment Tool questions


    • Determination of current state


    • Service Management Process Maturity Assessment Tool


    • Project team members

    Review the results of your current-state assessment

    At the end of the assessment, the Results tab will have action items you could perform to close the gaps identified by the process assessment tool.

    A screenshot of Info-Tech's Service Management Process Maturity Assessment Results is shown.


    • Maturity assessment results


    • Determination of overall and individual practice maturity


    • Service Management Maturity Assessment Tool


    • Project team members

    Use Info-Tech’s OCM Capability Assessment tool to understand your current state

    The Organizational Change Management Capabilities Assessment tool will help you understand the true state of your organizational change management capabilities.

    A screenshot of Info-Tech's Organizational Change Management Capabilities Assessment

    Complete the Capabilities tab to capture the current state for organizational change management. Review the Results tab for interpretation of the capabilities. Review the Recommendations tab for actions to address low areas of maturity.

    Complete the OCM capability assessment

    1. Open Organizational Change Management Capabilities Assessment tool.
    2. Come to consensus on the most appropriate answer for each question. Use the 80/20 rule.
    3. Review result charts and discuss findings.
    4. Identify roadmap items based on maturity assessment.


    • A collaborative discussion


    • OCM Assessment tool
    • OCM assessment results


    • OCM Capabilities Assessment tool


    • All stakeholders

    If you want additional support, have our analysts guide you through this phase as part of an Info-Tech workshop

    Book a workshop with our Info-Tech analysts:

    Photo of an Info-Tech analyst is shown.

    • To accelerate this project, engage your IT team in an Info-Tech workshop with an Info-Tech analyst team.
    • Info-Tech analysts will join you and your team onsite at your location or welcome you to Info-Tech’s historic Toronto office to participate in an innovative onsite workshop.
    • Contact your account manager (, or email for more information.

    The following are sample activities that will be conducted by Info-Tech analysts with your team:


    A screenshot of activity 2.1 is shown.

    Create a powerful, succinct mission statement

    Using Info-Tech’s sample mission statement as a guide, build your mission statement based on the objectives of this project and the benefits that this project will achieve. Keep the mission statement short and clear.


    A screenshot of activity 2.2 is shown.

    Complete the assessment

    With the project team in the room, go through all three parts of the assessment with consideration of the feedback received from the business.


    A screenshot of activity 2.3 is shown.

    Interpret the results of the assessment

    The Info-Tech onsite analyst will facilitate a discussion on the overall maturity of your service management practices and individual process maturity. Are there any surprises? Are the results reflective of current service delivery maturity?

    PHASE 3

    Build Your Service Management Roadmap

    Build Roadmap

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    • Document your vision and mission on the roadmap one-pager.
    • Using the inputs from the current-state assessments, identify the key themes required by your organization.
    • Identify individual initiatives needed to address key themes.

    Step Insights

    • Using the Info-Tech thought model, address foundational gaps early in your roadmap and establish the management methods to continuously make them more robust.
    • If any of the core practices are not meeting the vision for your service management program, be sure to address these items before moving on to more advanced service management practices or processes.
    • Make sure the story you are telling with your roadmap is aligned to the overall organizational goals.

    Phase 3 outline

    Call 1-888-670-8889 or email for more information.

    Complete these steps on your own, or call us to complete a guided implementation. A guided implementation is a series of 2-3 advisory calls that help you execute each phase of a project. They are included in most advisory memberships.

    Guided Implementation 3: Determine Your Service Management Target State

    Step 3.1 – Document the Overall Themes

    Start with an analyst kick-off call:

    • Review the outputs from your current-state assessments to identify themes for areas that need to be included in your roadmap

    Then complete these activities…

    • Ensure foundational elements are solid by adding any gaps to the roadmap
    • Identify any changes needed to management practices to ensure continuous improvement

    With these tools & templates:

    Service Management Roadmap Presentation Template

    Step 3.2 – Determine Individual Initiatives

    Review findings with analyst:

    • Determine the individual initiatives needed to close the gaps between the current state and the vision

    Then complete these activities…

    • Finalize and document roadmap for executive socialization

    With these tools & templates:

    Service Management Roadmap Presentation Template

    Focus on a strong foundation to build higher value service management practices

    Info-Tech Insight

    Focus on behaviors and expected outcomes before processes.

    Foundational elements

    • Operating model facilitates service management goals
    • Culture of service delivery
    • Governance discipline to evaluate, direct, and monitor
    • Management discipline to deliver


    • Deliver stable, reliable IT services to the business
    • Respond to user requests quickly and efficiently
    • Resolve user issues in a timely manner
    • Deploy changes smoothly and successfully


    • Avoid/prevent service disruptions
    • Improve quality of service (performance, availability, reliability)

    Service Provider

    • Understand business needs
    • Ensure services are available
    • Measure service performance, based on business-oriented metrics

    Strategic Partner

    • Fully aligned with business
    • Drive innovation
    • Drive measurable value

    Info-Tech Insight

    Continued leadership support of the foundational elements will allow delivery teams to provide value to the business. Set the expectation of the desired maturity level and allow teams to innovate.

    Identify themes that can help you build a strong foundation before moving to higher level practices

    A model is depicted that shows the various target states. There are 6 levels showing in the example, and the example is made to look like a tree with a character watering it. In the roots, the level is labelled foundational. The trunk is labelled the core. The lowest hanging branches of the tree is the stabilize section. Above it is the proactive section. Nearing the top of the tree is the service provider. The top most branches of the tree is labelled strategic partner.

    Before moving to advanced service management practices, you must ensure that the foundational and core elements are robust enough to support them. Leadership must nurture these practices to ensure they are sustainable and can support higher value, more mature practices.

    Use Info-Tech’s “Service Management Roadmap” template to document your vision, themes and initiatives

    The Service Management Roadmap Presentation Template contains a roadmap template to help communicate your vision, themes to be addressed, and initiatives

    A screenshot of Info-Tech's Service Management Roadmap template is shown.

    Working from the lower maturity items to the higher value practices, identify logical groupings of initiatives into themes. This will aid in communicating the reasons for the needed changes. List the individual initiatives below the themes. Adding the service management vision and mission statements can help readers understand the roadmap.

    Document your service management roadmap

    1. Document the service management vision and mission on the roadmap template.
    2. Identify, from the assessments, areas that need to be improved or implemented.
    3. Group the individual initiatives into logical themes that can ease communication of what needs to happen.
    4. Document the individual initiatives.
    5. Document in terms that business partners and executive sponsors can understand.


    • Current-state assessment outputs
    • Maturity model


    • Service management roadmap


    • Whiteboard
    • Roadmap template


    • All stakeholders

    If you want additional support, have our analysts guide you through this phase as part of an Info-Tech workshop

    Book a workshop with our Info-Tech analysts:

    Photo of an Info-Tech analyst is shown.

    • To accelerate this project, engage your IT team in an Info-Tech workshop with an Info-Tech analyst team.
    • Info-Tech analysts will join you and your team onsite at your location or welcome you to Info-Tech’s historic Toronto office to participate in an innovative onsite workshop.
    • Contact your account manager (, or email for more information.

    The following are sample activities that will be conducted by Info-Tech analysts with your team:


    A screenshot of activity 3.1 is shown.

    Identify themes to address items from the foundational level up to higher value service management practices

    Identify easily understood themes that will help others understand the expected outcomes within your organization.

    A screenshot of activity 3.2 is shown.

    Document individual initiatives that contribute to the themes

    Identify specific activities that will close gaps identified in the assessments.

    PHASE 2

    Build Communication Slide

    Complete your service management roadmap

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    • Use the current-state assessment exercises to document the state of your service management practices. Document examples of the behaviors that are currently seen.
    • Document the expected short-term gains. Describe how you want the behaviors to change.
    • Document the long-term vision for each item and describe the benefits you expect to see from addressing each theme.

    Step Insights

    • Use the communication template to acknowledge the areas that need to be improved and paint the short- and long-term vision for the improvements to be made through executing the roadmap.
    • Write it in business terms so that it can be used widely to gain acceptance of the upcoming changes that need to occur.
    • Include specific areas that need to be fixed to make it more tangible.
    • Adding the values from the vision, mission, and values exercise can also help you set expectations about how the team will behave as they move towards the longer-term vision.

    Phase 4 Outline

    Call 1-888-670-8889 or email for more information.

    Complete these steps on your own, or call us to complete a guided implementation. A guided implementation is a series of 2-3 advisory calls that help you execute each phase of a project. They are included in most advisory memberships.

    Guided Implementation 4: Build the Service Management Roadmap

    Step 4.1: Document the Current State

    Start with an analyst kick-off call:

    • Review the pain points identified from the current state analysis
    • Discuss tactics to address specific pain points

    Then complete these activities…

    • Socialize the pain points within the service delivery teams to ensure nothing is being misrepresented
    • Gather ideas for the future state

    With these tools & templates:

    Service Management Roadmap Presentation Template

    Step 4.2: List the Future Vision

    Review findings with analyst:

    • Review short- and long-term vision for improvements for the pain points identified in the current state analysis

    Then complete these activities…

    • Prepare to socialize the roadmap
    • Ensure long-term vision is aligned with organizational objectives

    With these tools & templates:

    Service Management Roadmap Presentation Template

    Use Info-Tech’s “Service Management Roadmap – Brought to Life” template to paint a picture of the future state

    The Service Management Roadmap Presentation Template contains a communication template to help communicate your vision of the future state

    A screenshot of Info-Tech's Service Management Roadmap - Brought to Life template

    Use this template to demonstrate how existing pain points to delivering services will improve over time by painting a near- and long-term picture of how things will change. Also list specific initiatives that will be launched to affect the changes. Listing the values identified in the vision, mission, and values exercise will also demonstrate the team’s commitment to changing behavior to create better outcomes.

    Document your current state and list initiatives to address them

    1. Use the previous assessments and feedback from business or customers to identify current behaviors that need addressing.
    2. Focus on high-impact items for this document, not an extensive list.
    3. An example of step 1 and 2 are shown.
    4. List the initiatives or actions that will be used to address the specific pain points.

    An example of areas for improvement.


    • Current-state assessment outputs
    • Feedback from business


    • Service Management Roadmap Communication Tool, in the Service Management Roadmap Presentation


    • Whiteboard
    • Roadmap template


    • All stakeholders

    Document your future state

    An example of document your furture state is shown.

    1. For each pain point document the expected behaviors, both short term and longer term.
    2. Write in terms that allow readers to understand what to expect from your service management practice.


    • Current-state assessment outputs
    • Feedback from business


    • Service Management Roadmap Communication Tool, in the Service Management Roadmap Presentation Template


    • Whiteboard
    • Roadmap template


    • All stakeholders

    If you want additional support, have our analysts guide you through this phase as part of an Info-Tech workshop

    Book a workshop with our Info-Tech analysts:

    Photo of an Info-Tech analyst is shown.

    • To accelerate this project, engage your IT team in an Info-Tech workshop with an Info-Tech analyst team.
    • Info-Tech analysts will join you and your team onsite at your location or welcome you to Info-Tech’s historic Toronto office to participate in an innovative onsite workshop.
    • Contact your account manager (, or email for more information.

    The following are sample activities that will be conducted by Info-Tech analysts with your team:


    A screenshot of activity 4.1 is shown.

    Identify the pain points and initiatives to address them

    Identify items that the business can relate to and initiatives or actions to address them.


    A screenshot of activity 4.2 is shown.

    Identify short- and long-term expectations for service management

    Communicate the benefits of executing the roadmap both short- and long-term gains.

    Research contributors and experts

    Photo of Valence Howden

    Valence Howden, Principal Research Director, CIO Practice

    Info-Tech Research Group

    Valence helps organizations be successful through optimizing how they govern, design, and execute strategies, and how they drive service excellence in all work. With 30 years of IT experience in the public and private sectors, he has developed experience in many information management and technology domains, with focus in service management, enterprise and IT governance, development and execution of strategy, risk management, metrics design and process design, and implementation and improvement.

    Photo of Graham Price

    Graham Price, Research Director, CIO Practice

    Info-Tech Research Group

    Graham has an extensive background in IT service management across various industries with over 25 years of experience. He was a principal consultant for 17 years, partnering with Fortune 500 clients throughout North America, leveraging and integrating industry best practices in IT service management, service catalog, business relationship management, IT strategy, governance, and Lean IT and Agile.

    Photo of Sharon Foltz

    Sharon Foltz, Senior Workshop Director

    Info-Tech Research Group

    Sharon is a Senior Workshop Director at Info-Tech Research Group. She focuses on bringing high value to members via leveraging Info-Tech’s blueprints and other resources enhanced with her breadth and depth of skills and expertise. Sharon has spent over 15 years in various IT roles in leading companies within the United States. She has strong experience in organizational change management, program and project management, service management, product management, team leadership, strategic planning, and CRM across various global organizations.

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Build a Roadmap for Service Management Agility

    Extend the Service Desk to the Enterprise


    • “CIOs Emerge as Disruptive Innovators.” CSC Global CIO Survey: 2014-2015. Web.
    • “Digital Transformation: How Is Your Organization Adapting?”, 2018. Web.
    • Goran, Julie, Laura LaBerge, and Ramesh Srinivasan. “Culture for a digital age.” McKinsey, July 2017. Web.
    • The Qualities of Leadership: Leading Change. Cornelius & Associates, 14 April 2012.
    • Wilkinson, Paul. “Culture, Ethics, and Behavior – Why Are We Still Struggling?” ITSM Tools, 5 July 2018. Web.

    Leverage Agile Goal Setting for Improved Employee Engagement & Performance

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}593|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Manage & Coach
    • Parent Category Link: /manage-coach
    • Managers are responsible for driving the best performance out of their staff while still developing individuals professionally.
    • Micromanaging tasks is an ineffective, inefficient way to get things done and keep employees engaged at the same time.
    • Both managers and employees view goal setting as a cumbersome process that never materializes in day-to-day work.
    • Without a consistent and agile goal-setting environment that pervades every day, managers risk low productivity and disengaged employees.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Effective performance management occurs throughout the year, on a daily and weekly basis, not just at annual performance review time. Managers must embrace this reality and get into the habit of setting agile short-term goals to drive productivity.
    • Employee empowerment is one of the most significant contributors to employee engagement, which is a proven performance driver. Short-term goal setting, which is ultimately employee-owned, develops and nurtures a strong sense of employee empowerment.
    • Micromanaging employee tasks will get managers nowhere quickly. Putting in the effort to collaboratively define goals that benefit both the organization and the employee will pay off in the long run.
    • Goal setting should not be a cumbersome activity, but an agile, rolling habit that ensures employees are focused, supported, and given appropriate feedback to continue to drive performance.

    Impact and Result

    • Managers who have daily meetings to set goals are 17% more successful in terms of employee performance than managers who set goals annually.
    • Managers must be agile goal-setting role models, or risk over a third of their staff being confused about productivity expectations.
    • Managers that allow tracking of goals to be an inhibitor to goal setting are most likely to have a negative effect on employee performance success. In fact, tracking goals should not be a priority in the short-term.

    Leverage Agile Goal Setting for Improved Employee Engagement & Performance Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Learn the agile, short-term goal-setting process

    Implement agile goal setting with your team right away and drive performance.

    • Storyboard: Leverage Agile Goal Setting for Improved Employee Engagement & Performance

    Avoid Project Management Pitfalls

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}374|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Program & Project Management
    • Parent Category Link: /program-and-project-management
    • IT organizations seem to do everything in projects, yet fewer than 15% successfully complete all deliverables on time and on budget.
    • Project managers seem to succumb to the relentless pressure from stakeholders to deliver more, more quickly, with fewer resources, and with less support than is ideal.
    • To achieve greater likelihood that your project will stay on track, watch out for the four big pitfalls: scope creep, failure to obtain stakeholder commitment, inability to assemble a team, and failure to plan.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • While many project managers worry about proper planning as the key to project success, skilled management of the political factors around a project has a much greater impact on success.
    • Alone, combating scope creep can improve your likelihood of success by a factor of 2x.
    • A strong project sponsor will be key to fighting the inevitable battles to control scope and obtain resources.

    Impact and Result

    • Take steps to avoid falling into common project pitfalls.
    • Assess which pitfalls threaten your project in its current state and take appropriate steps to avoid falling into them.
    • Avoiding pitfalls will allow you to deliver value on time and on budget, creating the perception of success in users’ and managers’ eyes.

    Avoid Project Management Pitfalls Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Learn about common PM pitfalls and the strategies to avoid them

    Consistently meet project goals through enhanced PM knowledge and awareness.

    • Storyboard: Avoid Project Management Pitfalls
    • None

    2. Detect project pitfalls

    Take action and mitigate a pitfall before it becomes a problem.

    • Project Pitfall Detection & Mitigation Tool

    3. Document and report PM issues

    Learn from issues encountered to help map PM strategies for future projects.

    • Project Management Pitfalls Issue Log

    Reinforce End-User Security Awareness During Your COVID-19 Response

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}311|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Endpoint Security
    • Parent Category Link: /endpoint-security

    Without the control over the areas in which employees are working, businesses are opening themselves up to a greater degree of risk during the pandemic. How does a business raise awareness for employees who are going to be working remotely?

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • An expanding remote workforce requires training efforts to evolve to include the unique security threats that face remote end users.
    • By presenting security as a personal and individualized issue, you can make this new personal focus a driver for your organizational security awareness and training program.

    Impact and Result

    • Teach remote end users how to recognize current cyberattacks before they fall victim and turn them into active barriers against cyberattacks.
    • Use Info-Tech’s blueprint and materials to build a customized training program that uses best practices.

    Reinforce End-User Security Awareness During Your COVID-19 Response Research & Tools

    Start here

    COVID-19 is forcing many businesses to expand their remote working capabilities further than before. Using this blueprint, see how to augment your existing training or start from scratch during a remote work situation.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    • Reinforce End-User Security Awareness During Your COVID-19 Response Storyboard
    • Security Awareness and Training Program Development Tool
    • Security Awareness and Training Metrics Tool
    • End-User Security Knowledge Test Template

    1. Training Materials

    Use Info-Tech’s training materials to get you started on remote training and awareness.

    • Training Materials – Phishing
    • Training Materials – Incident Response
    • Training Materials – Cyber Attacks
    • Training Materials – Web Usage
    • Training Materials – Physical Computer Security
    • Training Materials – Mobile Security
    • Training Materials – Passwords
    • Training Materials – Social Engineering
    • Security Training Email Templates

    Develop and Deploy Security Policies

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}256|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.5/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $19,953 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 19 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Governance, Risk & Compliance
    • Parent Category Link: /governance-risk-compliance
    • Employees are not paying attention to policies. Awareness and understanding of what the security policy’s purpose is, how it benefits the organization, and the importance of compliance are overlooked when policies are distributed.
    • Informal, un-rationalized, ad hoc policies do not explicitly outline responsibilities, are rarely comprehensive, and are difficult to implement, revise, and maintain.
    • Data breaches are still on the rise and security policies are not shaping good employee behavior or security-conscious practices.
    • Adhering to security policies is rarely a priority to users as compliance often feels like an interference to daily workflow. For a lot of organizations, security policies are not having the desired effect.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Creating good policies is only half the solution. Having a great policy management lifecycle will keep your policies current, effective, and compliant.
    • Policies must be reasonable, auditable, enforceable, and measurable. If the policy items don’t meet these requirements, users can’t be expected to adhere to them. Focus on developing policies to be quantified and qualified for them to be relevant.

    Impact and Result

    • Save time and money using the templates provided to create your own customized security policies mapped to the Info-Tech framework, which incorporates multiple industry best-practice frameworks (NIST, ISO, SOC2SEC, CIS, PCI, HIPAA).

    Develop and Deploy Security Policies Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Develop and Deploy Security Policies Deck – A step-by-step guide to help you build, implement, and assess your security policy program.

    Our systematic approach will ensure that all identified areas of security have an associated policy.

  • Develop the security policy program.
  • Develop and implement the policy suite.
  • Communicate the security policy program.
  • Measure the security policy program.
    • Develop and Deploy Security Policies – Phases 1-4

    2. Security Policy Prioritization Tool – A structured tool to help your organization prioritize your policy suite to ensure that you are addressing the most important policies first.

    The Security Policy Prioritization Tool assesses the policy suite on policy importance, ease to implement, and ease to enforce. The output of this tool is your prioritized list of policies based on our policy framework.

    • Security Policy Prioritization Tool

    3. Security Policy Assessment Tool – A structured tool to assess the effectiveness of policies within your organization and determine recommended actions for remediation.

    The Security Policy Assessment Tool assesses the policy suite on policy coverage, communication, adherence, alignment, and overlap. The output of this tool is a checklist of remediation actions for each individual policy.

    • Security Policy Assessment Tool

    4. Security Policy Lifecycle Template – A customizable lifecycle template to manage your security policy initiatives.

    The Lifecycle Template includes sections on security vision, security mission, strategic security and policy objectives, policy design, roles and responsibilities for developing security policies, and organizational responsibilities.

    • Security Policy Lifecycle Template

    5. Policy Suite Templates – A best-of-breed templates suite mapped to the Info-Tech framework you can customize to reflect your organizational requirements and acquire approval.

    Use Info-Tech's security policy templates, which incorporate multiple industry best-practice frameworks (NIST, ISO, SOC2SEC, CIS, PCI, HIPAA), to ensure that your policies are clear, concise, and consistent.

    • Acceptable Use of Technology Policy Template
    • Application Security Policy Template
    • Asset Management Policy Template
    • Backup and Recovery Policy Template
    • Cloud Security Policy Template
    • Compliance and Audit Management Policy Template
    • Data Security Policy Template
    • Endpoint Security Policy Template
    • Human Resource Security Policy Template
    • Identity and Access Management Policy Template
    • Information Security Policy Template
    • Network and Communications Security Policy Template
    • Physical and Environmental Security Policy Template
    • Security Awareness and Training Policy Template
    • Security Incident Management Policy Template
    • Security Risk Management Policy Template
    • Security Threat Detection Policy Template
    • System Configuration and Change Management Policy Template
    • Vulnerability Management Policy Template

    6. Policy Communication Plan Template – A template to help you plan your approach for publishing and communicating your policy updates across the entire organization.

    This template helps you consider the budget time for communications, identify all stakeholders, and avoid scheduling communications in competition with one another.

    • Policy Communication Plan Template

    7. Security Awareness and Training Program Development Tool – A tool to help you identify initiatives to develop your security awareness and training program.

    Use this tool to first identify the initiatives that can grow your program, then as a roadmap tool for tracking progress of completion for those initiatives.

    • Security Awareness and Training Program Development Tool


    Workshop: Develop and Deploy Security Policies

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Define the Security Policy Program

    The Purpose

    Define the security policy development program.

    Formalize a governing security policy lifecycle.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Understanding the current state of policies within your organization.

    Prioritizing list of security policies for your organization.

    Being able to defend policies written based on business requirements and overarching security needs.

    Leveraging an executive champion to help policy adoption across the organization.

    Formalizing the roles, responsibilities, and overall mission of the program.


    1.1 Understand the current state of policies.

    1.2 Align your security policies to the Info-Tech framework for compliance.

    1.3 Understand the relationship between policies and other documents.

    1.4 Prioritize the development of security policies.

    1.5 Discuss strategies to leverage stakeholder support.

    1.6 Plan to communicate with all stakeholders.

    1.7 Develop the security policy lifecycle.


    Security Policy Prioritization Tool

    Security Policy Prioritization Tool

    Security Policy Lifecycle Template

    2 Develop the Security Policy Suite

    The Purpose

    Develop a comprehensive suite of security policies that are relevant to the needs of the organization.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Time, effort, and money saved by developing formally documented security policies with input from Info-Tech’s subject-matter experts.


    2.1 Discuss the risks and drivers your organization faces that must be addressed by policies.

    2.2 Develop and customize security policies.

    2.3 Develop a plan to gather feedback from users.

    2.4 Discuss a plan to submit policies for approval.


    Understanding of the risks and drivers that will influence policy development.

    Up to 14 customized security policies (dependent on need and time).

    3 Implement Security Policy Program

    The Purpose

    Ensure policies and requirements are communicated with end users, along with steps to comply with the new security policies.

    Improve compliance and accountability with security policies.

    Plan for regular review and maintenance of the security policy program.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Streamlined communication of the policies to users.

    Improved end user compliance with policy guidelines and be better prepared for audits.

    Incorporate security policies into daily schedule, eliminating disturbances to productivity and efficiency.


    3.1 Plan the communication strategy of new policies.

    3.2 Discuss myPolicies to automate management and implementation.

    3.3 Incorporate policies and processes into your security awareness and training program.

    3.4 Assess the effectiveness of security policies.

    3.5 Understand the need for regular review and update.


    Policy Communication Plan Template

    Understanding of how myPolicies can help policy management and implementation.

    Security Awareness and Training Program Development Tool

    Security Policy Assessment Tool

    Action plan to regularly review and update the policies.

    Further reading

    Develop and Deploy Security Policies

    Enhance your overall security posture with a defensible and prescriptive policy suite.

    Analyst Perspective

    A policy lifecycle can be the secret sauce to managing your policies.

    A policy for policy’s sake is useless if it isn’t being used to ensure proper processes are followed. A policy should exist for more than just checking a requirement box. Policies need to be quantified, qualified, and enforced for them to be relevant.

    Policies should be developed based on the use cases that enable the business to run securely and smoothly. Ensure they are aligned with the corporate culture. Rather than introducing hindrances to daily operations, policies should reflect security practices that support business goals and protection.

    No published framework is going to be a perfect fit for any organization, so take the time to compare business operations and culture with security requirements to determine which ones apply to keep your organization secure.

    Photo of Danny Hammond, Research Analyst, Security, Risk, Privacy & Compliance Practice, Info-Tech Research Group. Danny Hammond
    Research Analyst
    Security, Risk, Privacy & Compliance Practice
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge
    • Security breaches are damaging and costly. Trying to prevent and respond to them without robust, enforceable policies makes a difficult situation even harder to handle.
    • Informal, un-rationalized, ad hoc policies are ineffective because they do not explicitly outline responsibilities and compliance requirements, and they are rarely comprehensive.
    • Without a strong lifecycle to keep policies up to date and easy to use, end users will ignore or work around poorly understood policies.
    • Time and money is wasted dealing with preventable security issues that should be pre-emptively addressed in a comprehensive corporate security policy program.
    Common Obstacles

    InfoSec leaders will struggle to craft the right set of policies without knowing what the organization actually needs, such as:

    • The security policies needed to safeguard infrastructure and resources.
    • The scope the security policies will cover within the organization.
    • The current compliance and regulatory obligations based on location and industry.
    InfoSec leaders must understand the business environment and end-user needs before they can select security policies that fit.
    Info-Tech’s Approach

    Info-Tech’s Develop and Deploy Security Policies takes a multi-faceted approach to the problem that incorporates foundational technical elements, compliance considerations, and supporting processes:

    • Assess what security policies currently exist within the organization and consider additional secure policies.
    • Develop a policy lifecycle that will define the needs, develop required documentation, and implement, communicate, and measure your policy program.
    • Draft a set of security policies mapped to the Info-Tech framework, which incorporates multiple industry best-practice frameworks (NIST, ISO, SOC2SEC, CIS, PCI, HIPAA).

    Info-Tech Insight

    Creating good policies is only half the solution. Having a great policy management lifecycle will keep your policies current, effective, and compliant.

    Your Challenge

    This research is designed to help organizations design a program to develop and deploy security policies

    • A security policy is a formal document that outlines the required behavior and security controls in place to protect corporate assets.
    • The development of policy documents is an ambitious task, but the real challenge comes with communication and enforcement.
    • A good security policy allows employees to know what is required of them and allows management to monitor and audit security practices against a standard policy.
    • Unless the policies are effectively communicated, enforced, and updated, employees won’t know what’s required of them and will not comply with essential standards, making the policies powerless.
    • Without a good policy lifecycle in place, it can be challenging to illustrate the key steps and decisions involved in creating and managing a policy.

    The problem with security policies

    29% Of IT workers say it's just too hard and time consuming to track and enforce.

    25% Of IT workers say they don’t enforce security policies universally.

    20% Of workers don’t follow company security policies all the time.

    (Source: Security Magazine, 2020)

    Common obstacles

    The problem with security policies isn’t development; rather, it’s the communication, enforcement, and maintenance of them.

    • Employees are not paying attention to policies. Awareness and understanding of what the security policy’s purpose is, how it benefits the organization, and the importance of compliance are overlooked when policies are distributed.
    • Informal, un-rationalized, ad hoc policies do not explicitly outline responsibilities, are rarely comprehensive, and are difficult to implement, revise, and maintain.
    • Date breaches are still on the rise and security policies are not shaping good employee behavior or security-conscious practices.
    • Adhering to security policies is rarely a priority to users as compliance often feels like an interference to daily workflow. For a lot of organizations, security policies are not having the desired effect.
    Bar chart of the 'Average cost of a data breach' in years '2019-20', '20-21', and '21-22'.
    (Source: IBM, 2022 Cost of a Data Breach; n=537)

    Reaching an all-time high, the cost of a data breach averaged US$4.35 million in 2022. This figure represents a 2.6% increase from last year, when the average cost of a breach was US$4.24 million. The average cost has climbed 12.7% since 2020.

    Info-Tech’s approach

    The right policy for the right audience. Generate a roadmap to guide the order of policy development based on organizational policy requirements and the target audience.


    1. Develop policy lifecycle
    2. Identify compliance requirements
    3. Understand which policies need to be developed, maintained, or decommissioned
    I. Define Security Policy Program

    a) Security policy program lifecycle template

    b) Policy prioritization tool
    Clockwise cycle arrows at the centre of the table. II. Develop & Implement Policy Suite

    a) Policy template set

    Policies must be reasonable, auditable, enforceable, and measurable. Policy items that meet these requirements will have a higher level of adherence. Focus on efficiently creating policies using pre-developed templates that are mapped to multiple compliance frameworks.


    1. Differentiate between policies, procedures, standards, and guidelines
    2. Draft policies from templates
    3. Review policies, including completeness
    4. Approve policies
    Gaining feedback on policy compliance is important for updates and adaptation, where necessary, as well as monitoring policy alignment to business objectives.


    1. Enforce policies
    2. Measure policy effectiveness
    IV. Measure Policy Program

    a) Security policy tracking tool

    III. Communicate Policy Program

    a) Security policy awareness & training tool

    b) Policy communication plan template
    Awareness and training on security policies should be targeted and must be relevant to the employees’ jobs. Employees will be more attentive and willing to incorporate what they learn if they feel that awareness and training material was specifically designed to help them.


    1. Identify any changes in the regulatory and compliance environment
    2. Include policy awareness in awareness and training programs
    3. Disseminate policies
    Build trust in your policy program by involving stakeholder participation through the entire policy lifecycle.

    Blueprint benefits

    IT/InfoSec Benefits

    • Reduces complexity within the policy creation process by using a single framework to align multiple compliance regimes.
    • Introduces a roadmap to clearly educate employees on the do’s and don’ts of IT usage within the organization.
    • Reduces costs and efforts related to managing IT security and other IT-related threats.

    Business Benefits

    • Identifies and develops security policies that are essential to your organization’s objectives.
    • Integrates security into corporate culture while maximizing compliance and effectiveness of security policies.
    • Reduces security policy compliance risk.

    Key deliverable:

    Security Policy Templates

    Templates for policies that can be used to map policy statements to multiple compliance frameworks.

    Sample of Security Policy Templates.

    Blueprint deliverables

    Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals:

    Security Policy Prioritization Tool

    The Info-Tech Security Policy Prioritization Tool will help you determine which security policies to work on first.
    Sample of the Security Policy Prioritization Tool.
    Sample of the Security Policy Assessment Tool.

    Security Policy Assessment Tool

    Info-Tech's Security Policy Assessment Tool helps ensure that your policies provide adequate coverage for your organization's security requirements.

    Measure the value of this blueprint



    Measured Value

    Define Security Policy Program Understand the value in formal security policies and determine which policies to prepare to update, eliminate, or add to your current suite. Time, value, and resources saved with guidance and templates:
    1 FTE*3 days*$80,000/year = $1,152
    Time, value, and resources saved using our recommendations and tools:
    1 FTE*2 days*$80,000/year = $768
    Develop and Implement the Policy Suite Select from an extensive policy template offering and customize the policies you need to optimize or add to your own policy program. Time, value, and resources saved using our templates:
    1 consultant*15 days*$150/hour = $21,600 (if starting from scratch)
    Communicate Security Policy Program Use Info-Tech’s methodology and best practices to ensure proper communication, training, and awareness. Time, value, and resources saved using our training and awareness resources:
    1 FTE*1.5 days*$80,000/year = $408
    Measure Security Policy Program Use Info-Tech’s custom toolkits for continuous tracking and review of your policy suite. Time, value, and resources saved by using our enforcement recommendations:
    2 FTEs*5 days*$160,000/year combined = $3,840
    Time, value, and resources saved by using our recommendations rather than an external consultant:
    1 consultant*5 days*$150/hour = $7,200

    After each Info-Tech experience, we ask our members to quantify the real-time savings, monetary impact, and project improvements our research helped them achieve.

    Overall Impact

    9.5 /10

    Overall Average $ Saved


    Overall Average Days Saved


    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    Guided Implementation



    "Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful." "Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track." "We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place." "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project."

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options

    Guided Implementation

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    A typical GI is six to ten calls over the course of two to four months.

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    Phase 3

    Phase 4

    Call #1: Scope security policy requirements, objectives, and any specific challenges.

    Call #2: Review policy lifecycle; prioritize policy development.

    Call #3: Customize the policy templates.

    Call #4: Gather feedback on policies and get approval.

    Call #5: Communicate the security policy program.

    Call #6: Develop policy training and awareness programs.

    Call #7: Track policies and exceptions.

    Workshop Overview

    Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889
    Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
    Define the security policy program
    Develop the security policy suite
    Develop the security policy suite
    Implement security policy program
    Finalize deliverables and next steps

    1.1 Understand the current state of policies.

    1.2 Align your security policies to the Info-Tech framework for compliance.

    1.3 Understand the relationship between policies and other documents.

    1.4 Prioritize the development of security policies.

    1.5 Discuss strategies to leverage stakeholder support.

    1.6 Plan to communicate with all stakeholders.

    1.7 Develop the security policy lifecycle.

    2.1 Discuss the risks and drivers your organization faces that must be addressed by policies.

    2.2 Develop and customize security policies.

    2.1 Discuss the risks and drivers your organization faces that must be addressed by policies (continued).

    2.2 Develop and customize security policies (continued).

    2.3 Develop a plan to gather feedback from users.

    2.4 Discuss a plan to submit policies for approval.

    3.1 Plan the communication strategy for new policies.

    3.2 Discuss myPolicies to automate management and implementation.

    3.3 Incorporate policies into your security awareness and training program.

    3.4 Assess the effectiveness of policies.

    3.5 Understand the need for regular review and update.

    4.1 Review customized lifecycle and policy templates.

    4.2 Discuss the plan for policy roll out.

    4.3 Schedule follow-up Guided Implementation calls.

    1. Security Policy Prioritization Tool
    2. Security Policy Lifecycle
    1. Security Policies (approx. 9)
    1. Security Policies (approx. 9)
    1. Policy Communication Plan
    2. Security Awareness and Training Program Development Tool
    3. Security Policy Assessment Tool
    1. All deliverables finalized

    Develop and Deploy Security Policies

    Phase 1

    Define the Security Policy Program

    Phase 1

    1.1 Understand the current state

    1.2 Align your security policies to the Info-Tech framework

    1.3 Document your policy hierarchy

    1.4 Prioritize development of security policies

    1.5 Leverage stakeholders

    1.6 Develop the policy lifecycle

    Phase 2

    2.1 Customize policy templates

    2.2 Gather feedback from users on policy feasibility

    2.3 Submit policies to upper management for approval

    Phase 3

    3.1 Understand the need for communicating policies

    3.2 Use myPolicies to automate the management of your security policies

    3.3 Design, build, and implement your communications plan

    3.4 Incorporate policies and processes into your training and awareness programs

    Phase 4

    4.1 Assess the state of security policies

    4.2 Identify triggers for regular policy review and update

    4.3 Develop an action plan to update policies

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Understand the current state of your organization’s security policies.
    • Align your security policies to the Info-Tech framework for compliance.
    • Prioritize the development of your security policies.
    • Leverage key stakeholders to champion the policy initiative.
    • Inform all relevant stakeholders of the upcoming policy program.
    • Develop the security policy lifecycle.

    1.1 Understand the current state of policies

    Scenario 1: You have existing policies

    1. Use the Security Policy Prioritization Tool to identify any gaps between the policies you already have and those recommended based on your changing business needs.
    2. As your organization undergoes changes, be sure to incorporate new requirements in the existing policies.
    3. Sometimes, you may have more specific procedures for a domain’s individual security aspects instead of high-level policies.
    4. Group current policies into the domains and use the policy templates to create overarching policies where there are none and improve upon existing high-level policies.

    Scenario 2: You are starting from scratch

    1. To get started on new policies, use the Security Policy Prioritization Tool to identify the policies Info-Tech recommends based on your business needs. See the full list of templates in the Appendix to ensure that all relevant topics are addressed.
    2. Whether you’re starting from scratch or have incomplete/ad hoc policies, use Info-Tech’s policy templates to formalize and standardize security requirements for end users.
    Info-Tech Insight

    Policies are living, evolving documents that require regular review and update, so even if you have policies already written, you’re not done with them.

    1.2 Align your security policies to the Info-Tech framework for compliance

    You have an opportunity to improve your employee alignment and satisfaction, improve organizational agility, and obtain high policy adherence. This is achieved by translating your corporate culture into a policy-based compliance culture.

    Align your security policies to the Info-Tech Security Framework by using Info-Tech’s policy templates.

    Info-Tech’s security framework uses a best-of-breed approach to leverage and align with most major security standards, including:
    • ISO 27001/27002
    • COBIT
    • Center for Internet Security (CIS) Critical Controls
    • NIST Cybersecurity Framework
    • NIST SP 800-53
    • NIST SP 800-171

    Info-Tech Security Framework

    Info-Tech Security Framework with policies grouped into categories which are then grouped into 'Governance' and 'Management'.

    1.3 Document your policy hierarchy

    Structuring policy components at different levels allows for efficient changes and direct communication depending on what information is needed.

    Policy hierarchy pyramid with 'Security Policy Lifecycle' on top, then 'Security Policies', then 'IT and/or Supporting Documentation'.

    Defines the cycle for the security policy program and what must be done but not how to do it. Aligns the business, security program, and policies.
    Addresses the “what,” “who,” “when,” and “where.”

    Defines high-level overarching concepts of security within the organization, including the scope, purpose, and objectives of policies.
    Addresses the high-level “what” and “why.”
    Changes when business objectives change.

    Defines enterprise/technology – specific, detailed guidelines on how to adhere to policies.
    Addresses the “how.”
    Changes when technology and processes change.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Design separate policies for different areas of focus. Policies that are written as single, monolithic documents are resistant to change. A hierarchical top-level document supported by subordinate policies and/or procedures can be more rapidly revised as circumstances change.

    1.3.1 Understand the relationship between policies and other documents

    • Provides emphasis and sets direction.
    • Standards, guidelines, and procedures must be developed to support an overarching policy.
    Arrows stemming from the above list, connecting to the three lists below.


    • Specifies uniform method of support for policy.
    • Compliance is mandatory.
    • Includes process, frameworks, methodologies, and technology.
    Two-way horizontal arrow.


    • Step-by-step instructions to perform desired actions.
    Two-way horizontal arrow.


    Recommended actions to consider in absence of an applicable standard, to support a policy.
    This model is adapted from a framework developed by CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor).

    Supporting Documentation

    Considerations for standards

    Standards. These support policies by being much more specific and outlining key steps or processes that are necessary to meet certain requirements within a policy document. Ideally standards should be based on policy statements with a target of detailing the requirements that show how the organization will implement developed policies.

    If policies describe what needs to happen, then standards explain how it will happen.

    A good example is an email policy that states that emails must be encrypted; this policy can be supported by a standard such as Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption that specifically ensures that all email communication is encrypted for messages “in transit” from one secure email server that has TLS enabled to another.

    There are numerous security standards available that support security policies/programs based on the kind of systems and controls that an organization would like to put in place. A good selection of supporting standards can go a long way to further protect users, data, and other organizational assets
    Key Policies Example Associated Standards
    Access Control Policy
    • Password Management User Standard
    • Account Auditing Standard
    Data Security Policy
    • Cryptography Standard
    • Data Classification Standard
    • Data Handling Standard
    • Data Retention Standard
    Incident Response Policy
    • Incident Response Plan
    Network Security Policy
    • Wireless Connectivity Standard
    • Firewall Configuration Standard
    • Network Monitoring Standard
    Vendor Management Policy
    • Vendor Risk Management Standard
    • Third-Party Access Control Standard
    Application Security Policy
    • Application Security Standard

    1.4 Prioritize development of security policies

    The Info-Tech Security Policy Prioritization Tool will help you determine which security policies to work on first.
    • The tool allows you to prioritize your policies based on:
      • Importance: How relevant is this policy to organizational security?
      • Ease to implement: What is the effort, time, and resources required to write, review, approve, and distribute the policy?
      • Ease to enforce: How much effort, time, and resources are required to enforce the policy?
    • Additionally, the weighting or priority of each variable of prioritization can be adjusted.

    Align policies to recent security concerns. If your organization has recently experienced a breach, it may be crucial to highlight corresponding policies as immediately necessary.

    Info-Tech Insight

    If you have an existing policy that aligns with one of the Info-Tech recommended templates weight Ease to Implement and Ease to Enforce as HIGH (4-5). This will decrease the priority of these policies.

    Sample of the Security Policy Prioritization Tool.

    Download the Security Policy Prioritization Tool

    1.5 Leverage stakeholders to champion policies

    Info-Tech Insight

    While management support is essential to initiating a strong security posture, allow employees to provide input on the development of security policies. This cooperation will lead to easier incorporation of the policies into the daily routines of workers, with less resistance. The security team will be less of a police force and more of a partner.

    Executive champion

    Identify an executive champion who will ensure that the security program and the security policies are supported.

    Focus on risk and protection

    Security can be viewed as an interference, but the business is likely more responsive to the concepts of risk and protection because it can apply to overall business operations and a revenue-generating mandate.

    Communicate policy initiatives

    Inform stakeholders of the policy initiative as security policies are only effective if they support the business requirements and user input is crucial for developing a strong security culture.

    Current security landscape

    Leveraging the current security landscape can be a useful mechanism to drive policy buy-in from stakeholders.

    Management buy-in

    This is key to policy acceptance; it indicates that policies are accurate, align with the business, and are to be upheld, that funds will be made available, and that all employees will be equally accountable.

    Tech Trend Update: If Contact Tracing Then Distributed Trust

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    • Parent Category Name: DR and Business Continuity
    • Parent Category Link: /business-continuity

    With COVID-19's rapid spread through populations, governments are looking for technology tools that can augment the efforts of manual contact tracing processes. How the system is designed is crucial to a positive outcome.

    • CIOs must understand how distributed trust principles achieve embedded privacy and help encourage user adoption.
    • CEOs must consider how society's waning trust in institutions affects the way they engage their customers.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    Mobile contact tracing apps that use a decentralized design approach will be the most likely to be adopted by a wide swath of the population.

    Impact and Result

    There are some key considerations to realize from the way different governments are approaching contact tracing:

    1. If centralized, then seek to ensure privacy protections.
    2. If decentralized, then seek to enable collaboration.
    3. In either case, put in place data governance to create trust.

    Tech Trend Update: If Contact Tracing Then Distributed Trust Research & Tools

    Learn why distributed trust is becoming critical to technology systems design

    Understand the differences between mobile app architectures available to developers and how to achieve success in implementation based on your goals.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    • Tech Trend Update: If Contact Tracing Then Distributed Trust Storyboard

    Implement Your Negotiation Strategy More Effectively

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    • Parent Category Name: Vendor Management
    • Parent Category Link: /vendor-management
    • Forty-eight percent of CIOs believe their budgets are inadequate.
    • CIOs and IT departments are getting more involved with negotiations to reduce costs and risk.
    • Not all negotiators are created equal, and the gap between a skilled negotiator and an average negotiator is not always easy to identify objectively.
    • Skilled negotiators are in short supply.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Preparation is critical for the success of your negotiation, but you cannot prepare for every eventuality.
    • Communication is the heart and soul of negotiations, but what is being “said” is only part of the picture.
    • Skilled negotiators separate themselves based on skillsets, and outcomes alone may not provide an accurate assessment of a negotiator.

    Impact and Result

    Addressing and managing critical negotiation elements helps:

    • Improve negotiation skills.
    • Implement your negotiation strategy more effectively.
    • Improve negotiation results.

    Implement Your Negotiation Strategy More Effectively Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should create and follow a scalable process for preparing to negotiate with vendors, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. During

    Throughout this phase, ten essential negotiation elements are identified and reviewed.

    • Implement Your Negotiation Strategy More Effectively – Phase 1: During
    • During Negotiations Tool

    Workshop: Implement Your Negotiation Strategy More Effectively

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 12 Steps to Better Negotiation Preparation

    The Purpose

    Improve negotiation skills and outcomes.

    Understand how to use the Info-Tech During Negotiations Tool.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A better understanding of the subtleties of the negotiation process and an identification of where the negotiation strategy can go awry.

    The During Negotiation Tool will be reviewed and configured for the customer’s environment (as applicable).


    1.1 Manage six key items during the negotiation process.

    1.2 Set the right tone and environment for the negotiation.

    1.3 Focus on improving three categories of intangibles.

    1.4 Improve communication skills to improve negotiation skills.

    1.5 Customize your negotiation approach to interact with different personality traits and styles.

    1.6 Maximize the value of your discussions by focusing on seven components.

    1.7 Understand the value of impasses and deadlocks and how to work through them.

    1.8 Use concessions as part of your negotiation strategy.

    1.9 Identify and defeat common vendor negotiation ploys.

    1.10 Review progress and determine next steps.


    Sample negotiation ground rules

    Sample vendor negotiation ploys

    Sample discussion questions and evaluation matrix

    The State of Black Professionals in Tech

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    • Parent Category Name: Engage
    • Parent Category Link: /engage
    • The experience of Black professionals in IT differs from their colleagues.
    • Job satisfaction is also lower for Black IT professionals.
    • For organizations to gain from the benefits of diversity, equity, and inclusion, they need to ensure they understand the landscape for many Black professionals.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • As an IT leader, you can make a positive difference in the working lives of your team; this is not just the domain of HR.
    • Employee goals can vary depending on the barriers that they encounter. IT leaders must ensure they have an understanding of unique employee needs to better support them, increasing their ability to recruit and retain.
    • Improve the experience of Black IT professionals by ensuring your organization has diversity in leadership and supports mentorship and sponsorship.

    Impact and Result

    • Use the data from Info-Tech’s analysis to inform your DEI strategy.
    • Learn about actions that IT leaders can take to improve the satisfaction and career advancement of their Black employees.

    The State of Black Professionals in Tech Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. The State of Black Professionals in Tech Report – A report providing you with advice on barriers and solutions for leaders of Black employees.

    IT leaders often realize that there are barriers impacting their employees but don’t know how to address them. This report provides insights on the barriers and actions that can help improve the lives of Black professionals in technology.

    • The State of Black Professionals in Tech Report


    Further reading

    The State of Black Professionals in Tech

    Keep inclusion at the forefront to gain the benefits from diversity.

    Analysts' Perspective

    The experience of Black professionals in technology is unique.

    Diversity in tech is not a new topic, and it's not a secret that technology organizations struggle to attract and retain Black employees. Ever since the early '90s, large tech organizations have been dealing with public critique of their lack of diversity. This topic is close to our hearts, but unfortunately while improvements have been made, progress is quite slow.

    In recent years, current events have once again brought diversity to the forefront for many organizations. In addition, the pandemic along with talent trends such as "the great resignation" and "quiet quitting" and preparations for a recession have not only impacted diversity at large but also Black professionals in technology. Our previous research has focused on the wider topic of Recruiting and Retaining People of Color in Tech, but we've found that the experiences of persons of color are not all the same.

    This study focuses on the unique experience of Black professionals in technology. Over 600 people were surveyed using an online tool; interviews provided additional insights. We're excited to share our findings with you.

    This is a picture of Allison Straker This is an image of Ugbad Farah

    Allison Straker
    Research Director
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Ugbad Farah
    Research Director
    Info-Tech Research Group


    In October 2021, we launched a survey to understand what the Black experience is like for people in technology. We wanted and received a variety of responses which would help us to understand how Black technology professionals experienced their working world. We received responses from 633 professionals, providing us with the data for this report.

    For more information on our survey demographics please see the appendix at this end of this report.

    A pie chart showing 26% black and 74% All Other

    26% of our respondents either identified as Black or felt the world sees them as Black.

    Professionals from various countries responded to the survey:

    • Most respondents were born in the US (52%), Canada (14%), India (14%), or Nigeria (4%).
    • Most respondents live in the US (56%), Canada (25%), Nigeria (2%), or the United Kingdom (2%).

    Companies with more diversity achieve more revenue from innovation

    Organizations do better and are more innovative when they have more diversity, a key ingredient in an organization's secret sauce.
    Organizations also benefit from engaged employees, yet we've seen that organizations struggle with both. Just having a certain number of diverse individuals is not enough. When it comes to reaping the benefits of diversity, organizations can flourish when employees feel safe bringing their whole selves to work.

    45% Innovation Revenue by Companies With Above-Average Diversity Scores

    Innovation Revenue by Companies With Below-Average Diversity Scores

    (Chart source: McKinsey, 2020)

    Companies with higher employee engagement experience 19.2% higher earnings.

    However, those with lower employee engagement experience 32.7% lower earnings.
    (DecisionWise, 2020)

    If your workforce doesn't reflect the community it serves, your business may be missing out on the chance to find great employees and break into new and growing markets, both locally and globally.
    Diversity makes good business sense.
    (Business Development Canada, 2023)

    A study about Black professionals

    Why is this about Black professionals and not other diverse groups?

    While there are a variety of diversity dimensions, it's important to understand what makes up a "multicultural workforce." There is more to diversity than gender, race, and ethnicity. Organizations need to understand that there is diversity within these groups and Black professionals have their own unique experience when it comes to entering and navigating tech that needs to be addressed.

    This image contains two bar graphs from the Brookfield Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. They show the answers to two questions, sorted by the following categories: Black; Non-White; Asian; White. The questions are as follows: I feel comfortable to voice my opinion, even when it differs from the group opinion; I am part of the decision-making process at work.

    (Brookfield Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2019)

    The solutions that apply to Black professionals are not only beneficial for Black employees but for all. While all demographics are unique, the solutions in this report can support many.

    Unsatisfied and underrepresented

    Less Black professionals responded as "satisfied" in their IT careers. The question is: How do we mend the Gap?

    Percentage of IT Professionals Who Reported Being Very Satisfied in Their Current Role

    • All Other Professionals: 34%
    • Black Professionals: 23%

    Black workers are underrepresented in most professional roles, especially computer and math Occupations

    A bar graph showing representation of black workers in the total workforce compared to computer and mathematical science occupations.

    The gap in satisfaction

    What's Important?

    Our research suggests that the differences in satisfaction among ethnic groups are related to differences in value systems. We asked respondents to rank what's important, and we explored why.

    Non-Black professionals rated autonomy and their manager working relationships as most important.

    For Black professionals, while those were important, #1 was promotion and growth opportunities, ranked #7 by all other professionals. This is a significant discrepancy.

    Recognition of my work/accomplishments also was viewed significantly differently, with Black professionals ranking it low on the list at #7 and all other professionals considering it very important at #3.

    All Other Professionals

    Black Professionals

    Two columns, containing metrics of satisfaction rated by Black Professionals, and All Other Professionals.

    Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs applies to job satisfaction

    In Maslow's hierarchy, it is necessary for people to achieve items lower on the hierarchy before they can successfully pursue the higher tiers.

    An image of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs modified to apply to Job Satisfaction

    Too many Black professionals in tech are busy trying to achieve some of the lower parts of the hierarchy; it is stopping them from achieving elements higher up that can lead to job satisfaction.

    This can stop them from gaining esteem, importance, and ultimately, self-actualization. The barriers that impact safety and social belonging happen on a day-to-day basis, and so the day-to-day lives of Black professionals in tech can look very different from their counterparts.

    There are barriers that hinder and solutions that support employees

    An image showing barriers to success An image showing Actions for Success.
    There are various barriers that increase the likelihood for Black professionals to focus on the lower end of the needs hierarchy:

    These are among some of the solutions that, when layered, can support Black professionals in tech in moving up the needs hierarchy.

    Focusing on these actions can support Black professionals in achieving much needed job satisfaction.

    What does this mean?

    The minority experience is not a monolith

    The barriers that Black professionals encounter aren't limited to the same barriers as their colleagues, and too often this means that they aren't in a position to grow their careers in a way that leads to job satisfaction.

    There is a 11% gap between the satisfaction of Black professionals and their peers.

    Early Steps:
    Take time to understand the Black experience.

    As leaders, it's important to be aware that employee goals vary depending on the barriers they're battling with.

    If Black employees don't have strong relationships, networks, and mentorships it becomes increasingly difficult to navigate the path to upward mobility.

    As a leader, you can look for opportunities to bridge the gap on these types of conversations.

    Black professionals in tech are not advancing like their counterparts.

    Creating clear career paths will not only benefit Black employees but also support your entire organization.

    Key metrics:

    • Engagement
    • Committed Executive Leadership
    • Development Opportunities
    • Organizational Programs

    Black respondents are significantly more likely to report barriers to their career advancement

    Common barriers

    Black professionals, like their colleagues, encounter barriers as they try to advance their careers. The barriers both groups encounter include microaggressions, racism, ageism, accessibility issues, sexual orientation, bias due to religion, lack of a career-supported network, gender bias, family status bias, and discrimination due to language/accents.

    What tops the list

    Microaggressions and racism are at the top of these barriers, but Black professionals also deal with other barriers that their colleagues may experience, such as gender-based bias, accessibility issues, religion, and more.

    One of these barriers alone can be difficult to deal with but when they are compounded it can be very difficult to navigate through the working environment in tech.

    A graph charting the impact of the common barriers

    What are microaggressions?


    A statement, action, or incident regarded as an instance of indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group such as a racial or ethnic minority.

    (Oxford Languages, 2023)

    Why are they significant?

    These things may seem innocent enough but the messaging that is received and the lasting impression is often far from it.

    Our research shows that racism and discrimination contribute to poor mental health among Black professionals.


    • You're so articulate!
    • How do you always have different hair, can I touch it?
    • Where are you really from?
    • I don't see color.
    • I believe the most qualified person should get the job; everyone can succeed in this society if they work hard enough.

    "The experience of having to question whether something happened to you because of your race or constantly being on edge because your environment is hostile can often leave people feeling invisible, silenced, angry, and resentful."
    Dr. Joy Bradford,
    clinical Psychologist, qtd. In Pfizer

    It takes some time to get in the door

    For too many Black respondents, It took Longer than their peers to Find Technology Jobs.

    Both groups had some success finding jobs in "no time" – however, there was a difference. Thirty-four percent of "all others" found their jobs quickly, while the numbers were less for Black professionals, at 26%. There was also a difference at the opposite end of the spectrum. For 29% of Black professionals, it took seven months or longer to find their IT job, while that number is only 19% for their peers.

    .a graph showing time taken for respondents sorted by black; and all other.

    This points to the need for improvements in recruitment and career advancement.

    29% of Black respondents said that it took them 7 months or longer to find their technology job.

    Compared to 19% of all other professionals that selected the same response.

    And once they're in, it's difficult to advance

    Black Professionals are not Advancing as Quickly as their Colleagues. Especially when you look at their Experience.

    Our research shows that compared to all other ethnicities; Black participants were 55% more likely to report that they had no career advancement/promotion in their career. There is a bigger percentage of Black professionals who have never received a promotion; there's also a large number of Black professionals who have been working a significant amount time in the same role without a promotion.

    .Career Advancement

    A graph showing career advancement for the categories: Black and All Other.

    Black participants were 55% more likely to report that they had had no career advancement/promotion in their career.

    No advancement

    A graph showing the number of respondents who reported no career advancement over time, for the categories: Black; and All Other.

    There's a high cost to lack of engagement

    When employees feel disillusioned with things like career advancement and microaggressions, they often become disengaged. When you continuously have to steel yourself against microaggressions, racism, and other barriers, it prevents you from bringing your whole self to the office. The barriers can lead to what's been coined as "emotional tax." An emotional tax is the experience of feeling different from colleagues because of your inherent diversity and the associated negative effects on health, wellbeing, and the ability to thrive at work.

    Earnings of companies with higher employee engagement


    Earnings of companies with lower employee engagement


    (DecisionWise, 2020)

    "I've conditioned myself for the corporate world, I don't bring my authentic self to work."
    Anonymous Interview Subject

    Lack of engagement also costs the organization in terms of turnover, something many organizations today are struggling with how to address. Organizations want to increase the ability of the workforce to remain in the organization. For Black employees, this gets harder when they're not engaged and they're the only one. When the emotional tax gets to be too much, this can lead to turnover. Turnover not only costs companies billions in profits, it also negatively impacts leadership diversity. It's difficult to imagine career growth when you don't see anyone that looks like you at the top. It is a challenge to see your future when there aren't others that you can relate to at top levels in the organization, leading to one of our interview subjects to muse, "How long can I last?"

    "Being Black in tech can be hard on your mental health. Your mind is constantly wondering, 'how long can I last?' "
    Anonymous Interview Subject

    Fewer Black professionals feel like they can be their authentic selves at work

    Authentic vs. Successes

    For many Black professionals, "code-switching," or altering the way one speaks and acts depending on context, becomes the norm to make others more comfortable. Many feel that being authentic and succeeding in the workplace are mutually exclusive.

    Programs and Resources

    We asked respondents "What's in place to build an inclusive culture at your company?" Most respondents (51% and 45%) reported that there were employee resource groups at their organizations.

    Do you feel you can be your authentic self at work?

    A bar graph showing 86% for All Other Professions, and 75% for Black Professionals

    A bar graph showing responses to the question What’s in place to build an inclusive culture at your company.

    What can be done?

    An image showing actions for success.

    There are various actions that organizations can take to help address barriers.

    It's important to ensure these are not put in as band-aid solutions but that they are carefully thought out and layered.

    Our findings demonstrate that remote work, career development, and DEI programs along with mentorship and diverse leadership are strong enablers of professional satisfaction. An unfortunate consequence, if professionals are not nurtured, is that we risk losing much needed talent to self-employment or to other organizations.

    There are several solutions

    Respondents were asked to distribute points across potential solutions that could lead to job satisfaction. The ratings showed that there were common solutions that could be leveraged across all groups.

    Respondents were asked what solutions were valuable for their career development.

    All groups were mostly aligned on the order of the solutions that would lead to career satisfaction; however, Black professionals rated the importance of employee resource groups as higher than their colleagues did.

    An image showing how respondents rate a number of categories, sorted into Ratings by Black Professionals, and Ratings by Other Professionals

    Mentorship and sponsorship are seen as key for all employees, as is of course training.

    However, employee resource groups (ERGs) were rated significantly higher for Black professionals and discussions around diversity were higher for their colleagues. This may be because other groups feel a need to learn more about diversity, whereas Black professionals live this experience on a day-to day basis, so it's not as critical for them.

    Double the number of satisfied Black professionals through mentorship and sponsorship

    a bar graph showing the number of very satisfied people with and without mentors/sponsors.

    Mentorship and sponsorship help to close the job satisfaction gap for Black IT professionals. The percentage of satisfied Black employees almost doubles when they have a mentor or sponsorship, moving the satisfaction rate to closer to all other colleagues.

    As leaders, you likely benefit from a few different advisors, and your staff should be able to benefit in the same way.

    They can have their own personal board of advisors, both inside and outside of your organization, helping them to navigate the working world in IT.

    To support your staff, provide guidance and coaching to internal mentors so that they can best support employees, and ensure that your organizational culture supports relationship building and trust.

    While all are critical, coaching, mentoring, and sponsorship are not the same


    Performance-driven guidance geared to support the employee with on-the-job performance. This could be a short-term relationship.


    A relationship where the mentor provides guidance, information, and expertise to support the long-term career development of the mentee.


    The act of advocating on the behalf of another for a position, promotion, development opportunity, etc. over a longer period.

    For more information on setting up a mentorship program, see Optimize the Mentoring Program to Build a High Performing Learning Organization.

    On why mentorship and sponsorship are important:

    "With some degree of mentorship or sponsorship, it means that your ability to thrive or to have a positive experience in organizations increases substantially.

    Mentorship and sponsorship are very often the lynchpin of someone being successful and sticking with an organization.

    Sponsorship is an endorsement to other high-level stakeholders who very often are the gatekeepers of opportunity. Sponsors help to shepherd you through the gate."

    An Image of Carlos Thomas

    Carlos Thomas
    Executive Councilor, Info-Tech Research Group

    What is an employee resource group?

    IT Professionals rated ERGs as the third top driver of success at work

    Employee resource groups enable employees to connect in their workplace based on shared characteristics or life experiences.

    ERGs generally focus on providing support, enhancing career development, and contributing to personal development in the work environment. Some ERGs provide advice to the organization on how they can support their diverse employees.

    As leaders, you should support and encourage the formation of ERGs in your organization.

    What each ERG does will vary according to the needs of employees in your organization. Your role is to enable the ERGs as they are created and maintained.

    On setting up and leveraging employee resource groups:

    "Employee resource groups, when leveraged in an authentically intentional way, can be the some of the most impactful stakeholders in the development and implementation of the organizational diversity, equity, and inclusion strategy.

    ERGs are essential to the development of policies, programs, and initiatives that address the needs of equity-seeking groups and are key to driving organizational culture and employee wellbeing, in addition to hiring and recruitment.

    ERGs must be set up for success by having adequate resources to do the work, which includes adequate budgets, executive sponsorship, training, support, and capacity to do the work. According to a Great Place To Work survey (2021), 50% of ERGs identified the need for adequate resources as a challenge for carrying out the work.:"

    An image of Cinnamon Clark


    There is a gap when it comes to diversity in leadership

    Representation at leadership levels is especially stagnant.

    Black Americans comprise 13.6% of the US population
    (2022 data from the US Census Bureau)

    And yet only 5.9% of the country's CEOs are Black, with only 6 (1%) at the top of Fortune 500 companies.
    (2021 data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and

    I've never worked for a company that has Black executives. It's difficult to envision long-term growth with an organization when you don't see yourself represented in leadership.
    – Anonymous Interview Subject

    Having diversity in your leadership team doubles satisfaction

    An image of a bar graph showing satisfaction for those who do, and do not see diversity in their company's leadership.

    Our research shows that Black professionals are more satisfied in their role when they see leaders that look like them.

    Satisfaction of other professionals is not as impacted by diversity in leadership as for Black professionals. Satisfaction doubles in organizations that have a diverse leadership team.

    To reap the benefits from diversity, we need to ensure diversity is not just in entry or mid-level positions and provide employees an opportunity to see diversity in their company's leadership.

    On the need for diversity in leadership:

    "As a Black professional leader, it's not lost on me that I have a responsibility. I have to demonstrate authenticity, professionalism, and exemplary behavior that others can mimic. And I must also showcase that there are possibilities for those coming up in their career. I feel very grateful that I can bestow onto others my knowledge, my experience, my journey, and the tips that I've used to help bring me to be where I am.
    (Having Black leaders in an organization) demonstrates that there is talent across the board, that there are all types of women and people with proficiencies. What it brings to the table is a difference in thoughts and experience.
    A person like myself, sitting at the table, can bring a unique perspective on employee behavior and employee impact. CCL is an organization focused on equity, diversity, and inclusion; for sure having me at the table and others that look like me at the table demonstrates to the public an organization that's practicing what it preaches."

    An image of C. Fara Francis

    C. Fara Francis
    CIO, Center for creative leadership

    Work from home

    While all groups have embraced the work-from-home movement, many Black professionals find it reduces the impact of racial incidents in the workplace.

    Percentage of employees who experienced positive changes in motivation after working remotely.

    Black: 43%; All Other: 43%

    I have to guard and protect myself from experiencing and witnessing racism every day. I am currently working remotely, and I can say for certain my mood and demeanor have improved. Not having to decide if I should address a racist comment or action has made my day easier.
    Source: Slate, 2022

    Remote work significantly led to feelings of better chances for career advancement

    Survey respondents were asked about the positive and negative changes they saw in their interactions and experiences with remote work. Black employees and their colleagues replied similarly, with mostly positive experiences.

    While both groups enjoyed better chances for career advancement, the difference was significantly higher for Black professionals.

    An image of a series of bar graphs showing the effects of remote work on a number of factors.

    Reasons for Self-Employment:

    More Black professionals have chosen self-employment than their colleagues.

    All Other: 26%; Black: 30%.

    A bar graph showing rankings for reasons for self employment, sorted by Black and All Other.

    The biggest reasons for both groups in choosing self-employment were for better pay, career growth, and work/life balance.

    While the desire for better pay was the highest reason for both groups, for engaged employees salary is a lower priority than other concerns (Adecco Group's Global Workforce of the Future report). Consider salary in conjunction with career growth, work/life balance, and the variety in the work that your employees have.

    A bar graph showing rankings for reasons for self employment, sorted by Black and All Other.

    If we don't consider our Black employees, not only do we risk them leaving the organization, but they may decide to just work for themselves.

    Most professionals believe their organizations are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion

    38% of all respondents believe their organizations are very committed to DEI
    49% believe they are somewhat committed
    9% feel they are not committed
    4% are unsure

    Make sure supports are in place to help your employees grow in their careers:

    IT Leadership Career Planning Research Center

    Diversity and Inclusion Tactics
    IT Diversity & Inclusion Tactics

    Employee Development Planning
    Implement an IT Employee Development Plan

    Belief in your organization's diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts isn't consistent across groups: Make sure actions are seen as genuine

    While organization's efforts are acknowledged, Black professionals aren't as optimistic about the commitment as their peers. Make sure that your programs are reaching the various groups you want to impact, to increase the likelihood of satisfaction in their roles.


    When they believe in their company's commitment to diversity, equity. and inclusion.

    Of those who believe in their organization's commitment, 61% of Black professionals and 67% of non-Black professionals are very satisfied in their roles.










    It's important to understand the current landscape:

    • The barriers that Black employees often face.
    • The potential solutions that can help close the gap in employee satisfaction.

    We recognize that resolving this is not easy. Although senior executives are recognizing that a diverse set of experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds is crucial to fostering innovation and competing on the global stage, organizations often don't take the extra step to actively look for racialized talent, and many people still believe that race doesn't play an important part in an individual's ability to access opportunities.

    Look at a variety of solutions that you can implement within your organization; layering solutions is the key to driving business diversity. Always keep in mind that diversity is not a monolith, that the experiences of each demographic varies.

    Info-Tech resources


    About the research

    Diversity in tech survey

    As part of the research process for the State of Black Tech Report, Info-Tech Research Group conducted an open online survey among its membership and wider community of professionals. The survey was fielded from October 2021 to April 2022, collecting 633 responses.

    An image of Page 1 of the Appendix.

    Current Position

    An image of Page 2 of the Appendix.

    Education and Experience

    Education was fairly consistent across both groups, with a few exceptions: more Black professionals had secondary school (9% vs. 4%) and more Black professionals had Doctorate degrees (4% vs. 2%).

    We had more non-Black respondents with 20+ years of experience (31% vs. 19%) and more Black respondents with less than 1 year of experience (8% vs. 5%) – the rest of the years of experience were consistent across the two groups.

    An image of Page 3 of the Appendix.

    It is important to recognize that people are often seen by "the world" as belonging to a different race or set of races than what they personally identify as. Both aspects impact a professional's experience in the workplace.

    An image of Page 4 of the Appendix.


    Barton, LeRon. “I’m Black. Remote Work Has Been Great for My Mental Health.” Slate, 15 July 2022.

    “Black or African American alone, percent.” U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: United States. Accessed 14 February 2023.

    Boyle, Matthew. “More Workers Ready to Quit Over ‘Window Dressing’ Racism Efforts.”, 9 June 2022.

    Boyle, Matthew. “Remote Work Has Vastly Improved the Black Worker Experience.”, 5 October 2021.

    Cooper, Frank, and Ranjay Gulati. “What Do Black Executives Really Want?” Harvard Business Review, 18 November 2021.

    “Emotional Tax.” Catalyst. Accessed 1 April 2022.

    “Employed Persons by Detailed Occupation, Sex, Race, and Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Accessed February 14, 2023.

    “Equality in Tech Report - Welcome.” Dice, 9 March 2022. Accessed 23 March 2022.

    Erb, Marcus. "Leaders Are Missing the Promise and Problems of Employee Resource Groups." Great Place To Work, 30 June 2021.

    Gawlak, Emily, et al. “Key Findings - Being Black In Corporate America.” Coqual, Center for Talent Innovation (CTI), 2019.

    “Global Workforce of the Future Research.” Adecco, 2022. Accessed 4 February 2023.

    Gruman, Galen. “The State of Ethnic Minorities in U.S. Tech: 2020.” Computerworld, 21 September 2020. Accessed 31 May 2022.

    Hancock, Bryan, et al. “Black Workers in the US Private Sector.” McKinsey, 21 February 2021. Accessed 1 April 2022.

    “Hierarchy Of Needs Applied To Employee Engagement.” Proactive Insights, 12 February 2020.

    Hobbs, Cecyl. “Shaping the Future of Leadership for Black Tech Talent.” Russell Reynolds Associates, 27 January 2022. Accessed 3 August 2022.

    Hubbard, Lucas. “Race, Not Job, Predicts Economic Outcomes for Black Households.” Duke Today, 16 September 2021. Accessed 30 May 2022.

    Knight, Marcus. “How the Tech Industry Can Be More Inclusive to the Black Community.” Crunchbase, 23 February 2022.

    “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in Employee Engagement (Pre and Post Covid 19).” Vantage Circle HR Blog, 30 May 2022.

    McDonald, Autumn. “The Racism of the ‘Hard-to-Find’ Qualified Black Candidate Trope (SSIR).” Stanford Social Innovation Review, 1 June 2021. Accessed 13 December 2021.

    McGlauflin, Paige. “The Fortune 500 Features 6 Black CEOs—and the First Black Founder Ever.” Fortune, 23 May 2022. Accessed 14 February 2023.

    “Microaggression." Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford Languages, 2023.

    Reed, Jordan. "Understanding Racial Microaggression and Its Effect on Mental Health." Pfizer, 26 August 2020.

    Shemla, Meir “Why Workplace Diversity Is So Important, And Why It’s So Hard To Achieve.” Forbes, 22 August 2018. Accessed 4 February 2023.

    “The State of Black Women in Corporate America.” Lean In and McKinsey & Company, 2020. Accessed 14 January 2022.

    Van Bommel, Tara. “The Power of Empathy in Times of Crisis and Beyond (Report).” Catalyst, 2021. Accessed 1 April 2022.

    Vu, Viet, Creig Lamb, and Asher Zafar. “Who Are Canada’s Tech Workers?” Brookfield Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, January 2019. Accessed on Canadian Electronic Library, 2021. Web.

    Warner, Justin. “The ROI of Employee Engagement: Show Me the Money!” DecisionWise, 1 January 2020. Web.

    White, Sarah K. “5 Revealing Statistics about Career Challenges Black IT Pros Face.” CIO (blog), 9 February 2023. Accessed 5 July 2022.

    Williams, Joan C. “Stop Asking Women of Color to Do Unpaid Diversity Work.”, 14 April 2022.

    Williams, Joan C., Rachel Korn, and Asma Ghani. “A New Report Outlines Some of the Barriers Facing Asian Women in Tech.” Fast Company, 13 April 2022.

    Wilson, Valerie, Ethan Miller, and Melat Kassa. “Racial representation in professional occupations.” Economic Policy Institute, 8 June 2021.

    “Workplace Diversity: Why It’s Good for Business.” Business Development Canada (, 6 Feb. 2023. Accessed 4 February 2023.

    Automate Work Faster and More Easily With Robotic Process Automation

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}237|cart{/j2store}
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    • Parent Category Name: Optimization
    • Parent Category Link: /optimization
    • Your organization has many business processes that rely on repetitive, routine manual data collection and processing work, and there is high stakeholder interest in automating them.
    • You’re investigating whether robotic process automation (RPA) is a suitable technological enabler for automating such processes.
    • Being a trending technology, especially with its association with artificial intelligence (AI), there is much marketing fluff, hype, and misunderstanding about RPA.
    • Estimating the potential impact of RPA on business is difficult, as the relevant industry statistics often conflict each other and you aren’t sure how applicable it is to your business.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • There are no physical robots in RPA. RPA is about software “bots” that interact with applications as if they were human users to perform routine, repetitive work in your place. It’s for any business in any industry, not just for manufacturing.
    • RPA is lightweight IT; it reduces the cost of entry, maintenance, and teardown of automation as well as the technological requirement of resources that maintain it, as it complements existing automation solutions in your toolkit.
    • RPA is rules-based. While AI promises to relax the rigidity of rules, it adds business risks that are poorly understood by both businesses and subject-matter experts. Rules-based “RPA 1.0” is mature and may pose a stronger business case than AI-enabled RPA.
    • RPA’s sweet spot is “swivel chair automation”: processes that require human workers to act as a conduit between several systems, moving between applications, manually keying, re-keying, copying, and pasting information. A bot can take their place.

    Impact and Result

    • Discover RPA and how it differentiates from other automation solutions.
    • Understand the benefits and risks of complementing RPA with AI.
    • Identify existing business processes best suited for automation with RPA.
    • Communicate RPA’s potential business benefits to stakeholders.

    Automate Work Faster and More Easily With Robotic Process Automation Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should use RPA to automate routine, repetitive data collection and processing work, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the ways we can support you.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Discover robotic process automation

    Learn about RPA, including how it compares to IT-led automation rooted in business process management practices and the role of AI.

    • Automate Work Faster and More Easily With Robotic Process Automation – Phase 1: Discover Robotic Process Automation
    • Robotic Process Automation Communication Template

    2. Identify processes best suited for robotic process automation

    Identify and prioritize candidate processes for RPA.

    • Automate Work Faster and More Easily With Robotic Process Automation – Phase 2: Identify Processes Best Suited for Robotic Process Automation
    • Process Evaluation Tool for Robotic Process Automation
    • Minimum Viable Business Case Document

    Develop a Web Experience Management Strategy

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}555|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Marketing Solutions
    • Parent Category Link: /marketing-solutions
    • Web Experience Management (WEM) solutions have emerged as applications that provide marketers and other customer experience professionals with a complete set of tools for web content management, delivery, campaign execution, and site analytics.
    • However, many organizations are unsure of how to leverage these new technologies to enhance their customer interaction strategy.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • WEM products are not a one-size-fits-all investment: unique evaluations and customization is required in order to deploy a solution that fits your organization.
    • WEM technology often complements core CRM and marketing management products – it does not supplant it, and must augment the rest of your customer experience management portfolio.
    • WEM provides benefits by giving web visitors a better experience – leveraging tools such as web analytics gives the customer a tailored experience. Marketing can then monitor their behavior and use this information to warm leads.

    Impact and Result

    • Deploy a WEM platform and execute initiatives that will strengthen the web-facing customer experience, improving customer satisfaction and unlocking new revenue opportunities.
    • Avoid making unnecessary new WEM investments.
    • Make informed decisions about the types of technologies and initiatives that are necessary to support WEM.

    Develop a Web Experience Management Strategy Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should develop a WEM strategy, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Harness the value of web experience management

    Make the case for a web experience management suite and structure the WEM strategy project.

    • Develop a Web Experience Management Strategy Phase 1: Harness the Value of Web Experience Management
    • Web Experience Management Strategy Summary Template
    • WEM Project Charter Template

    2. Create the vision for web experience management

    Identify the target state WEM strategy, assess current state, and identify gaps.

    • Develop a Web Experience Management Strategy Phase 2: Create the Vision for Web Experience Management

    3. Execute initiatives for WEM deployment

    Build the WEM technology stack and create a web strategy initiatives roadmap.

    • Develop a Web Experience Management Strategy Phase 3: Execute Initiatives for WEM Deployment
    • Web Process Automation Investment Appropriateness Assessment Tool

    Workshop: Develop a Web Experience Management Strategy

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Launch the WEM Selection Project

    The Purpose

    Discuss the general project overview for the WEM selection.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Launch of your WEM selection project.

    Development of your organization’s WEM requirements. 


    1.1 Facilitation of activities from the Launch the WEM Project and Collect Requirements phase, including project scoping and resource planning.

    1.2 Conduct overview of the WEM market landscape, trends, and vendors.

    1.3 Conduct process mapping for selected marketing processes.

    1.4 Interview business stakeholders.

    1.5 Prioritize WEM functional requirements.


    WEM Procurement Project Charter

    WEM Use-Case Fit Assessment

    2 Plan the Procurement and Implementation Process

    The Purpose

    Plan the procurement and the implementation of the WEM solution.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Selection of a WEM solution.

    A plan for implementing the selected WEM solution. 


    2.1 Complete marketing process mapping with business stakeholders.

    2.2 Interview IT staff and project team, identify technical requirements for the WEM suite, and document high-level solution requirements.

    2.3 Perform a use-case scenario assessment, review use-case scenario results, identify use-case alignment, and review the WEM Vendor Landscape vendor profiles and performance.

    2.4 Create a custom vendor shortlist and investigate additional vendors for exploration in the marketplace.

    2.5 Meet with project manager to discuss results and action items.


    Vendor Shortlist


    Vendor Evaluations

    Selection of a WEM Solution

    WEM projected work break-down

    Implementation plan

    Framework for WEM deployment and CRM/Marketing Management Suite Integration

    IT Governance

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    • Up-Sell: {j2store}22|upsells{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.2/10
    • member rating average dollars saved: $124,127
    • member rating average days saved: 37
    • Parent Category Name: Strategy and Governance
    • Parent Category Link: /strategy-and-governance
    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you may want to redesign your IT governance, Review our methodology, and understand how we can support you in completing this process.

    Cybersecurity in Healthcare 2024

    Healthcare cybersecurity is a major concern for healthcare organizations and patients alike. In 2024, the healthcare industry faces several cybersecurity challenges, including the growing threat of ransomware, the increasing use of mobile devices in healthcare, and the need to comply with new regulations.

    Continue reading

    Implement and Mature Your User Experience Design Practice

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    • Parent Category Name: Requirements & Design
    • Parent Category Link: /requirements-and-design

    Many organizations want to get to market quickly and on budget but don’t know the steps to get the right product/service to satisfy the users and business. This may be made apparent through uninformed decisions leading to lack of adoption of your product or service, rework due to post-implementation user feedback, or the competition discovering new approaches that outshine yours.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    Ensure your practice has a clear understanding of the design problem space – not just the solution. An understanding of the user is critical to this.

    Impact and Result

    • Create a practice that is focused on human outcomes; it starts and ends with the people you are designing for. This includes:
      • Establishing a practice with a common vision.
      • Enhancing the practice through four design factors.
      • Communicating a roadmap to improve your business through design.
    • Create a practice that develops solutions specific to the needs of users, customers, and stakeholders.

    Implement and Mature Your User Experience Design Practice Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should implement an experience design practice, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four dimensions we recommend using to mature your practice.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Build the foundation

    Motivate your team with a common vision, mission, and goals.

    • Design Roadmap Workbook
    • User Experience Practice Roadmap

    2. Review the design dimensions

    Examine your practice – from the perspectives of organizational alignment, business outcomes, design perspective, and design integration – to determine what it takes to improve your maturity.

    3. Build your roadmap and communications

    Bring it all together – determine your team structure, the roadmap for the practice maturity, and communication plan.


    Workshop: Implement and Mature Your User Experience Design Practice

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Answer “So What?”

    The Purpose

    Make the case for UX. Bring the team together with a common mission, vision, and goals.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Mission, vision, and goals for design


    1.1 Define design practice goals.

    1.2 Generate the vision statement.

    1.3 Develop the mission statement.


    Design vision statement

    Design mission statement

    Design goals

    2 Examine Design Dimensions

    The Purpose

    Review the dimensions that help organizations to mature, and assess what next steps make sense for your organization.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Develop initiatives that are right-sized for your organization.


    2.1 Examine organizational alignment.

    2.2 Establish priorities for initiatives.

    2.3 Identify business value sources.

    2.4 Identify design perspective.

    2.5 Brainstorm design integration.

    2.6 Complete UCD-Canvas.


    Documented initiatives for design maturity

    Design canvas framework

    3 Create Structure and Initiatives

    The Purpose

    Make your design practice structure right for you.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Examine patterns and roles for your organization.


    3.1 Structure your design practice.


    Design practice structure with patterns

    4 Roadmap and Communications

    The Purpose

    Define the communications objectives and audience for your roadmap.

    Develop your communication plan.

    Sponsor check-in.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Complete in-progress deliverables from previous four days.

    Set up review time for workshop deliverables and to discuss next steps.


    4.1 Define the communications objectives and audience for your roadmap.

    4.2 Develop your communication plan.


    Communication Plan and Roadmap

    Renovate the Data Center

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}497|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Data Center & Facilities Optimization
    • Parent Category Link: /data-center-and-facilities-optimization
    • 33% of enterprises will be undertaking facility upgrades or refreshes in 2010 aimed at extending the life of their existing data centers.
    • Every upgrade or refresh targeting specific components in the facility to address short-term pain will have significant impact on the data center environment as a whole. Planning upfront and establishing a clear project scope will minimize expensive changes in later years.
    • This solution set will provide you with step-by-step design, planning, and selection tools to define a Data Center renovation plan to reduce cost and risk while supporting cost-effective long-term growth for power, cooling, standby power, and fire protection renovations.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • 88% of organizations cited they would spend more time and effort on documenting and identifying facility requirements for initial project scoping. Organizations can prevent scope creep by conducting the necessary project planning up front and identify requirements and the effect that the renovation project will have in all areas of the data center facility.
    • Data Center facilities renovations must include the specific requirements related to power provisioning, stand-by power, cooling, and fire protection - not just the immediate short-term pain.
    • 39% of organizations cited they would put more emphasis on monitoring contractor management and performance to improve the outcome of the data center renovation project.

    Impact and Result

    • Early internal efforts to create a budget and facility requirements yields better cost and project outcomes when construction begins. Each data center renovation project is unique and should have its own detailed budget.
    • Upfront planning and detailed project scoping can prevent a cascading impact on data center renovation projects to other areas of the data center that can increase project size, scope and spend.
    • Contractor selection is one of the most important first steps in a complex data center renovation. Organizations must ensure the contractor selected has experience specifically in data center renovation.

    Renovate the Data Center Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Identify and understand the renovation project.

    • Storyboard: Renovate the Data Center
    • None
    • Data Center Annual Review Checklist

    2. Renovate power in the data center.

    • Data Center Power Requirements Calculator

    3. Renovate cooling in the data center.

    • Data Center Cooling Requirements Calculator

    4. Renovate standby power in the data center.

    • Data Center Standby Power Requirements Calculator

    5. Define current and future fire protection requirements.

    • Fire Protection & Suppression Engineer Selection Criteria Checklist
    • None

    6. Assess the opportunities and establish a clear project scope.

    • Data Center Renovation Project Charter
    • Data Center Renovation Project Planning & Monitoring Tool

    7. Establish a budget for the data center renovation project.

    • Data Center Renovation Budget Tool

    8. Select a general contractor to execute the project.

    • None
    • Data Center Renovation Contractor Scripted Interview
    • Data Center Renovation Contractor Scripted Interview Scorecard
    • Data Center Renovation Contractor Reference Checklist

    Modernize Your SDLC

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}148|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.5/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $30,263 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 39 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Development
    • Parent Category Link: /development
    • Today’s rapidly scaling and increasingly complex products create mounting pressure on delivery teams to release new features and changes quickly and with sufficient quality.
    • Many organizations lack the critical capabilities and resources needed to satisfy their growing backlog, jeopardizing product success.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Delivery quality and throughput go hand in hand. Focus on meeting minimum process and product quality standards first. Improved throughput will eventually follow.
    • Business integration is not optional. The business must be involved in guiding delivery efforts, and ongoing validation and verification product changes.
    • The software development lifecycle (SDLC) must deliver more than software. Business value is generated through the products and services delivered by your SDLC. Teams must provide the required product support and stakeholders must be willing to participate in the product’s delivery.

    Impact and Result

    • Standardize your definition of a successful product. Come to an organizational agreement of what defines a high-quality and successful product. Accommodate both business and IT perspectives in your definition.
    • Clarify the roles, processes, and tools to support business value delivery and satisfy stakeholder expectations. Indicate where and how key roles are involved throughout product delivery to validate and verify work items and artifacts. Describe how specific techniques and tools are employed to meet stakeholder requirements.
    • Focus optimization efforts on most affected stages. Reveal the health of your SDLC from the value delivery, business and technical practice quality standards, discipline, throughput, and governance perspectives with a diagnostic. Identify and roadmap the solutions to overcome the root causes of your diagnostic results.

    Modernize Your SDLC Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should modernize your SDLC, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Set your SDLC context

    State the success criteria of your SDLC practice through the definition of product quality and organizational priorities. Define your SDLC current state.

    • Modernize Your SDLC – Phase 1: Set Your SDLC Context
    • SDLC Strategy Template

    2. Diagnose your SDLC

    Build your SDLC diagnostic framework based on your practice’s product and process objectives. Root cause your improvement opportunities.

    • Modernize Your SDLC – Phase 2: Diagnose Your SDLC
    • SDLC Diagnostic Tool

    3. Modernize your SDLC

    Learn of today’s good SDLC practices and use them to address the root causes revealed in your SDLC diagnostic results.

    • Modernize Your SDLC – Phase 3: Modernize Your SDLC

    Workshop: Modernize Your SDLC

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Set Your SDLC Context

    The Purpose

    Discuss your quality and product definitions and how quality is interpreted from both business and IT perspectives.

    Review your case for strengthening your SDLC practice.

    Review the current state of your roles, processes, and tools in your organization.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Grounded understanding of products and quality that is accepted across the organization.

    Clear business and IT objectives and metrics that dictate your SDLC practice’s success.

    Defined SDLC current state people, process, and technologies.


    1.1 Define your products and quality.

    1.2 Define your SDLC objectives.

    1.3 Measure your SDLC effectiveness.

    1.4 Define your current SDLC state.


    Product and quality definitions.

    SDLC business and technical objectives and vision.

    SDLC metrics.

    SDLC capabilities, processes, roles and responsibilities, resourcing model, and tools and technologies.

    2 Diagnose Your SDLC

    The Purpose

    Discuss the components of your diagnostic framework.

    Review the results of your SDLC diagnostic.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    SDLC diagnostic framework tied to your SDLC objectives and definitions.

    Root causes to your SDLC issues and optimization opportunities.


    2.1 Build your diagnostic framework.

    2.2 Diagnose your SDLC.


    SDLC diagnostic framework.

    Root causes to SDLC issues and optimization opportunities.

    3 Modernize Your SDLC

    The Purpose

    Discuss the SDLC practices used in the industry.

    Review the scope and achievability of your SDLC optimization initiatives.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Knowledge of good practices that can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of your SDLC.

    Realistic and achievable SDLC optimization roadmap.


    3.1 Learn and adopt SDLC good practices.

    3.2 Build your optimization roadmap.


    Optimization initiatives and target state SDLC practice.

    SDLC optimization roadmap, risks and mitigations, and stakeholder communication flow.

    Info-Tech Quarterly Research Agenda Outcomes Q2-Q3 2023

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    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: IT Strategy
    • Parent Category Link: /it-strategy

    At Info-Tech, we take pride in our research and have established the most rigorous publication standards in the industry. However, we understand that engaging with all our analysts to gauge the future may not always be possible. Hence, we have curated some compelling recently published research along with forthcoming research insights to assist you in navigating the next quarter.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    We offer a quarterly Research Agenda Outcomes deck that thoroughly summarizes our recently published research, supplying decision makers with valuable insights and best practices to make informed and effective decisions. Our research is supported by our team of seasoned analysts with decades of experience in the IT industry.

    By leveraging our research, you can stay updated with the latest trends and technologies, giving you an edge over the competition and ensuring the optimal performance of your IT department. This way, you can make confident decisions that lead to remarkable success and improved outcomes.

    Impact and Result

    • Enhance preparedness for future market trends and developments: Keep up to date with the newest trends and advancements in the IT sector to be better prepared for the future.
    • Enhance your decision making: Acquire valuable information and insights to make better-informed, confident decisions.
    • Promote innovation: Foster creativity, explore novel perspectives, drive innovation, and create new products or services.

    Info-Tech Quarterly Research Agenda Outcomes Q2/Q3 2023 Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Info-Tech Quarterly Research Agenda Q3 2023 Deck – An overview of our Research Agenda Outcome for Q2 and Q3 of 2023.

    A guide to our top research published to date for 2023 (Q2/Q3).

    • Info-Tech Quarterly Research Agenda Outcomes for Q2/Q3 2023

    Further reading

    Featured Research Projects 2023 (Q2/Q3)

    “Here are my selections for the top research projects of the last quarter.”

    Photo of Gord Harrison, Head of Research & Advisory, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Gord Harrison
    Head of Research & Advisory
    Info-Tech Research Group


    Build Your Generative AI Roadmap

    Generative AI is here, and it's time to find its best uses – systematically and responsibly.

    CIO Priorities 2023

    Engage cross-functional leadership to seize opportunity while protecting the organization from volatility.

    Build an IT Risk Taxonomy

    If integrated risk is your destination, your IT risk taxonomy is the road to get you there.

    Navigate the Digital ID Ecosystem to Enhance Customer Experience

    Beyond the hype: How it can help you become more customer-focused?

    Effective IT Communications

    Generative AI is here, and it's time to find its best uses – systematically and responsibly.

    Develop a Targeted Flexible Work Program for IT

    Select flexible work options that balance organizational and employee needs to drive engagement and improve attraction and retention.

    Effectively Manage CxO Relations

    Make relationship management a daily habit with a personalized action plan.

    Establish High-Value IT Performance Dashboards and Metrics

    Spend less time struggling with visuals and more time communicating about what matters to your executives.


    Build Your Enterprise Application Implementation Playbook

    Your implementation doesn't start with technology but with an effective plan that the team can align on.

    Develop Your Value-First Business Process Automation Strategy

    As you scale your business automations, focus on what matters most.

    Manage Requirements in an Agile Environment

    Agile and requirements management are complementary, not competitors.


    Assess Your Cybersecurity Insurance Policy

    Adapt to changes in the cyber insurance market.

    Design and Implement a Business-Aligned Security Program

    Focus first on business value.

    Infrastructure & Operations

    Automate IT Asset Data Collection

    Acquire and use discovery tools wisely to populate, update, and validate the data in your ITAM database.

    Industry | Retail

    Leveraging AI to Create Meaningful Insights and Visibility in Retail

    AI prominence across the enterprise value chain.

    Industry | Education

    Understand the Implications of Generative AI in Education

    Bans aren't the answer, but what is?

    Industry | Wholesale

    Wholesale Industry Business Reference Architecture

    Business capability maps, value streams, and strategy maps for the wholesale industry.

    Industry | Retail Banking

    Mainframe Modernization for Retail Banking

    A strategy for modernizing mainframe systems to meet the needs of modern retail banking.

    Industry | Utilities

    Data Analytics Use Cases for Utilities

    Building upon the collective wisdom for the art of the possible.

    Build Your Generative AI Roadmap

    Generative AI is here, and it's time to find its best uses – systematically and responsibly.

    Strategy & Governance

    Photo of Bill Wong, Principal Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Bill Wong
    Principal Research Director

    Download this research or book an analyst call on this topic

    Sample of the 'Build Your Generative AI Roadmap' research.

    Sample of the 'Build Your Generative AI Roadmap' research.

    Logo for Info-Tech.

    CIO Priorities 2023

    Engage cross-functional leadership to seize opportunity while protecting the organization from volatility.

    Strategy & Governance

    Photo of Brian Jackson, Principal Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Brian Jackson
    Principal Research Director

    Download this report or book an analyst call on this topic

    Sample of the 'CIO Priorities 2023' report.

    Sample of the 'CIO Priorities 2023' report.

    Logo for Info-Tech.

    Build an IT Risk Taxonomy

    If integrated risk is your destination, your IT risk taxonomy is the road to get you there.

    Strategy & Governance

    Photo of Donna Bales, Principal Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Donna Bales
    Principal Research Director

    Download this research or book an analyst call on this topic

    Sample of the 'Build an IT Risk Taxonomy' research.

    Sample of the 'Build an IT Risk Taxonomy' research.

    Logo for Info-Tech.

    Navigate the Digital ID Ecosystem to Enhance Customer Experience

    Beyond the hype: How it can help you become more customer-focused?

    Strategy & Governance

    Photo of Manish Jain, Principal Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Manish Jain
    Principal Research Director

    Download this research or book an analyst call on this topic

    Sample of the 'Navigate the Digital ID Ecosystem to Enhance Customer Experience' research.

    Sample of the 'Navigate the Digital ID Ecosystem to Enhance Customer Experience' research.

    Logo for Info-Tech.

    Effective IT Communications

    Empower IT employees to communicate well with any stakeholder across the organization.

    People & Leadership

    Photo of Brittany Lutes, Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Brittany Lutes
    Research Director

    Photo of Diana MacPherson, Senior Research Analyst, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Diana MacPherson
    Senior Research Analyst

    Download this research or book an analyst call on this topic

    Effective IT Communications' research.

    Sample of the 'Effective IT Communications' research.

    Logo for Info-Tech.

    Develop a Targeted Flexible Work Program for IT

    Select flexible work options that balance organizational and employee needs to drive engagement and improve attraction and retention.

    People & Leadership

    Photo of Jane Kouptsova, Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Jane Kouptsova
    Research Director

    Download this research or book an analyst call on this topic

    Sample of the 'Develop a Targeted Flexible Work Program for IT' research.

    Sample of the 'Develop a Targeted Flexible Work Program for IT' research.

    Logo for Info-Tech.

    Effectively Manage CxO Relations

    Make relationship management a daily habit with a personalized action plan.

    Value & Performance

    Photo of Mike Tweedle, Practice Lead, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Mike Tweedle
    Practice Lead

    Download this research or book an analyst call on this topic

    Sample of the 'Effectively Manage CxO Relations' research.

    Sample of the 'Effectively Manage CxO Relations' research.

    Logo for Info-Tech.

    Establish High-Value IT Performance Dashboards and Metrics

    Spend less time struggling with visuals and more time communicating about what matters to your executives.

    Value & Performance

    Photo of Diana MacPherson, Senior Research Analyst, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Diana MacPherson
    Senior Research Analyst

    Download this research or book an analyst call on this topic

    Sample of the 'Establish High-Value IT Performance Dashboards and Metrics' research.

    Sample of the 'Establish High-Value IT Performance Dashboards and Metrics' research.

    Logo for Info-Tech.

    Build Your Enterprise Application Implementation Playbook

    Your implementation doesn't start with technology but with an effective plan that the team can align on.

    Business Processes

    Photo of Ricardo de Oliveira, Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Ricardo de Oliveira
    Research Director

    Download this research or book an analyst call on this topic

    Sample of the 'Build Your Enterprise Application Implementation Playbook' research.

    Sample of the 'Build Your Enterprise Application Implementation Playbook' research.

    Logo for Info-Tech.

    Develop Your Value-First Business Process Automation Strategy

    As you scale your business automations, focus on what matters most.

    Business Processes

    Photo of Andrew Kum-Seun, Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Andrew Kum-Seun
    Research Director

    Download this research or book an analyst call on this topic

    Sample of the 'Develop Your Value-First Business Process Automation Strategy' research.

    Sample of the 'Develop Your Value-First Business Process Automation Strategy' research.

    Logo for Info-Tech.

    Manage Requirements in an Agile Environment

    Agile and requirements management are complementary, not competitors.

    Application Development

    Photo of Vincent Mirabelli, Principal Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Vincent Mirabelli
    Principal Research Director

    Download this research or book an analyst call on this topic

    Sample of the 'Manage Requirements in an Agile Environment' research.

    Sample of the 'Manage Requirements in an Agile Environment' research.

    Logo for Info-Tech.

    Assess Your Cybersecurity Insurance Policy

    Adapt to changes in the cyber insurance market.

    Security Risk, Strategy & Governance

    Photo of Logan Rohde, Senior Research Analyst, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Logan Rohde
    Senior Research Analyst

    Download this research or book an analyst call on this topic

    Sample of the 'Assess Your Cybersecurity Insurance Policy' research.

    Sample of the 'Assess Your Cybersecurity Insurance Policy' research.

    Logo for Info-Tech.

    Design and Implement a Business-Aligned Security Program

    Focus first on business value.

    Security Risk, Strategy & Governance

    Photo of Michel Hébert, Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Michel Hébert
    Research Director

    Download this research or book an analyst call on this topic

    Sample of the 'Design and Implement a Business-Aligned Security Program' research.

    Sample of the 'Design and Implement a Business-Aligned Security Program' research.

    Logo for Info-Tech.

    Automate IT Asset Data Collection

    Acquire and use discovery tools wisely to populate, update, and validate the data in your ITAM database.

    Infrastructure & Operations
    I&O Process Management

    Photo of Andrew Sharp, Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Andrew Sharp
    Research Director

    Download this research or book an analyst call on this topic

    Sample of the 'Automate IT Asset Data Collection' research.

    Sample of the 'Automate IT Asset Data Collection' research.

    Logo for Info-Tech.

    Leveraging AI to Create Meaningful Insights and Visibility in Retail

    AI prominence across the enterprise value chain.

    Industry Coverage

    Photo of Rahul Jaiswal, Principal Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Rahul Jaiswal
    Principal Research Director

    Download this research or book an analyst call on this topic

    Sample of the 'Leveraging AI to Create Meaningful Insights and Visibility in Retail' research.

    Sample of the 'Leveraging AI to Create Meaningful Insights and Visibility in Retail' research.

    Logo for Info-Tech.

    Understand the Implications of Generative AI in Education

    Bans aren't the answer, but what is?

    Industry Coverage

    Photo of Mark Maby, Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Mark Maby
    Research Director

    Download this research or book an analyst call on this topic

    Sample of the 'Understand the Implications of Generative AI in Education' research.

    Sample of the 'Understand the Implications of Generative AI in Education' research.

    Logo for Info-Tech.

    Wholesale Industry Business Reference Architecture

    Business capability maps, value streams, and strategy maps for the wholesale industry.

    Industry Coverage

    Photo of Rahul Jaiswal, Principal Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Rahul Jaiswal
    Principal Research Director

    Download this research or book an analyst call on this topic

    Sample of the 'Wholesale Industry Business Reference Architecture' research.

    Sample of the 'Wholesale Industry Business Reference Architecture' research.

    Logo for Info-Tech.

    Mainframe Modernization for Retail Banking

    A strategy for modernizing mainframe systems to meet the needs of modern retail banking.

    Industry Coverage
    Retail Banking

    Photo of David Tomljenovic, Principal Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group.

    David Tomljenovic
    Principal Research Director

    Download this research or book an analyst call on this topic

    Sample of the 'Mainframe Modernization for Retail Banking' research.

    Sample of the 'Mainframe Modernization for Retail Banking' research.

    Logo for Info-Tech.

    Data Analytics Use Cases for Utilities

    Building upon the collective wisdom for the art of the possible.

    Industry Coverage

    Photo of Jing Wu, Principal Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Jing Wu
    Principal Research Director

    Download this research or book an analyst call on this topic

    Sample of the 'Data Analytics Use Cases for Utilities' research.

    Sample of the 'Data Analytics Use Cases for Utilities' research.

    Sneak Peaks: Research coming in next quarter!

    “Next quarter we have a big lineup of reports and some great new research!”

    Photo of Gord Harrison, Head of Research & Advisory, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Gord Harrison
    Head of Research & Advisory
    Info-Tech Research Group

    1. Build MLOps and Engineering for AI and ML

      Enabling you to develop your Engineering and ML Operations to support your current & planned use cases for AI and ML.
    2. Leverage Gen AI to Improve Your Test Automation Strategy

      Enabling you to embed Gen AI to assist your team during testing broader than Gen AI compiling code.
    3. Make Your IT Financial Data Accessible, Reliable, and Usable

      This project will provide a recipe for bringing IT's financial data to a usable state through a series of discovery, standardization, and policy-setting actions.
    4. Implement Integrated AI Governance

      Enabling you to implement best-practice governance principles when implementing Gen AI.
    5. Develop Exponential IT Capabilities

      Enabling you to understand and develop your strategic Exponential IT capabilities.
    6. Build Your AI Strategy and Roadmap

      This project will provide step-by-step guidance in development of your AI strategy with an AI strategy exemplar.
    7. Priorities for Data Leaders in 2024 and Beyond

      This report will detail the top five challenges expected in the upcoming year and how you as the CDAO can tackle them.
    8. Deploy AIOps More Effectively

      This research is designed to assess the process maturity of your IT operations and help identify pain pains and opportunities for AI deployment within your IT operations.
    9. Design Your Edge Computing Architecture

      This research will provide deployment guidelines and roadmap to address your edge computing needs.
    10. Manage Change in the AI-Enabled Enterprise

      Managing change is complex with the disruptive nature of emerging tech like AI. This research will assist you from an organizational change perspective.
    11. Assess the Security and Privacy Impacts of Your AI Vendors

      This research will allow you to enhance transparency, improve risk management, and ensure the security and privacy of data when working with AI vendors.
    12. Prepare Your Board for AI Disruption

      This research will arm you with tools to educate your board on the impact of Gen AI, addressing the potential risks and the potential benefits.

    Info-Tech Research Leadership Team

    “We have a world-class team of experts focused on providing practical, cutting-edge IT research and advice.”

    Photo of Gord Harrison, Head of Research & Advisory, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Gord Harrison
    Head of Research & Advisory
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Photo of Jack Hakimian, Senior Vice President, Research Development, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Jack Hakimian
    Senior Vice President
    Research Development

    Photo of Aaron Shum, Vice President, Security & Privacy Research, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Aaron Shum
    Vice President
    Security & Privacy Research

    Photo of Larry Fretz, Vice President, Industry Research, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Larry Fretz
    Vice President
    Industry Research

    Photo of Mark Tauschek, Vice President, Research Fellowships, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Mark Tauschek
    Vice President
    Research Fellowships

    Photo of Tom Zehren, Chief Product Officer, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Tom Zehren
    Chief Product Officer

    Photo of Rick Pittman, Vice President, Advisory Quality & Delivery, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Rick Pittman
    Vice President
    Advisory Quality & Delivery

    Photo of Nora Fisher, Vice President, Shared Services, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Nora Fisher
    Vice President
    Shared Services

    Photo of Becca Mackey, Vice President, Workshops, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Becca Mackey
    Vice President

    Photo of Geoff Nielson, Senior Vice President, Global Services & Delivery, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Geoff Nielson
    Senior Vice President
    Global Services & Delivery

    Photo of Brett Rugroden, Senior Vice President, Global Market Programs, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Brett Rugroden
    Senior Vice President
    Global Market Programs

    Photo of Hannes Scheidegger, Senior Vice President, Global Public Sector, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Hannes Scheidegger
    Senior Vice President
    Global Public Sector

    About Info-Tech Research Group

    Info-Tech Research Group produces unbiased and highly relevant research to help leaders make strategic, timely, and well-informed decisions. We partner closely with your teams to provide everything they need, from actionable tools to analyst guidance, ensuring they deliver measurable results for the organization.

    Sample of the IT Management & Governance Framework.

    Drive Measurable Results

    Our world-class leadership team is continually focused on building disruptive research and products that drive measurable results and save money.

    Info-Tech logo.

    Better Research Than Anyone

    Our team of experts is composed of the optimal mix of former CIOs, CISOs, PMOs, and other IT leaders and IT and management consultants as well as academic researchers and statisticians.

    Dramatically Outperform Your Peers

    Leverage Industry Best Practices

    We enable over 30,000 members to share their insights and best practices that you can use by having direct access to over 100 analysts as an extension of your team.

    Become an Info-Tech influencer:

    • Help shape our research by talking with our analysts.
    • Discuss the challenges, insights, and opportunities in your chosen areas.
    • Suggest new topic ideas for upcoming research cycles.

    Jack Hakimian

    We interview hundreds of experts and practitioners to help ensure our research is practical and focused on key member challenges.

    Why participate in expert interviews?

    • Discuss market trends and stay up to date.
    • Influence Info-Tech's research direction with your practical experience.
    • Preview our analysts' perspectives and preliminary research.
    • Build on your reputation as a thought leader and research contributor.
    • See your topic idea transformed into practical research.

    Thank you!

    Join us at our webinars to discuss more topics.

    For information on Info-Tech's products and services and to participate in our research process, please contact:

    Jack Hakimian

    Optimize the Current Testing Process for Enterprise Mobile Applications

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}404|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Testing, Deployment & QA
    • Parent Category Link: /testing-deployment-and-qa
    • Your team has little or no experience in mobile testing.
    • You need to optimize current testing processes to include mobile.
    • You need to conduct an RFP for mobile testing tools.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • One-size-fits-all testing won’t work for mobile. The testing tools are fragmented.
    • Mobile offers many new test cases, so organizations can expect to spend more time testing.

    Impact and Result

    • Identify and address gaps between your current testing process and a target state that includes mobile testing.
    • Establish project value metrics to ensure business and technical requirements are met.

    Optimize the Current Testing Process for Enterprise Mobile Applications Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Assess the current testing state

    Determine a starting point for architecture and discuss pain points that will drive reusability.

    • Storyboard: Optimize the Current Testing Process for Enterprise Mobile Applications
    • Mobile Testing Project Charter Template
    • Visual SOP Template for Application Testing

    2. Determine the target state testing framework

    Document a preliminary list of test requirements and create vendor RFP and scoring.

    • Test Requirements Tool
    • Request for Proposal (RFP) Template

    3. Implement testing tools to support the testing SOP

    Create an implementation rollout plan.

    • Project Planning and Monitoring Tool


    Workshop: Optimize the Current Testing Process for Enterprise Mobile Applications

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Assess the Fit for Test Process Optimization

    The Purpose

    Understand mobile testing pain points.

    Evaluate current statistics and challenges around mobile testing and compare with your organization.

    Realize the benefits of mobile testing.

    Understand the differences of mobile testing.

    Assess your readiness for optimizing testing to include mobile.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Preliminary understanding of how mobile testing is different from conventional approaches to testing apps.

    Understanding of how mobile testing can optimize your current testing process.


    1.1 Understand the pain points experienced with mobile testing

    1.2 Evaluate current statistics and challenges of mobile testing and compare your organization

    1.3 Realize the benefits that come from mobile testing

    1.4 Understand the differences between mobile app testing and conventional app testing

    1.5 Assess your readiness for optimizing the testing process to include mobile


    Organizational state assessment for mobile testing

    2 Structure & Launch the Project

    The Purpose

    Identify stakeholders for testing requirements gathering.

    Create a project charter to obtain project approval.

    Present and obtain project charter sign-off.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Well documented project charter.

    Approval to launch the project.


    2.1 Identify stakeholders for testing requirements gathering

    2.2 Create a project charter to obtain project approval

    2.3 Present & obtain project charter sign-off


    Project objectives and scope

    Project roles and responsibilities

    3 Assess Current Testing State

    The Purpose

    Document your current non-mobile testing processes.

    Create a current testing visual SOP.

    Determine current testing pain points.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Thorough understanding of current testing processes and pain points.


    3.1 Document your current non-mobile testing processes

    3.2 Create a current state visual SOP

    3.3 Determine current testing pain points


    Documented current testing processes in the form of a visual SOP

    List of current testing pain points

    4 Determine Target State Testing Framework

    The Purpose

    Determine your target state for mobile testing.

    Choose vendors for the RFP process.

    Evaluate selected vendor(s) against testing requirements.

    Design mobile testing visual SOP(s).

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Prioritized list of testing requirements for mobile.

    Vendor selection for mobile testing solutions through an RFP process.

    New SOP designed to include both current testing and mobile testing processes.


    4.1 Determine your target state for mobile testing by following Info-Tech’s framework as a starting point

    4.2 Design new SOP to include testing for mobile apps

    4.3 Translate all considered visual SOP mobile injections into requirements

    4.4 Document the preliminary list of test requirements in the RFP

    4.5 Determine which vendors to include for the RFP process

    4.6 Reach out to vendors for a request for proposal

    4.7 Objectively evaluate vendors against testing requirements

    4.8 Identify and assess the expected costs and impacts from determining your target state


    List of testing requirements for mobile

    Request for Proposal

    5 Implement Testing Tools to Support Your Testing SOP

    The Purpose

    Develop an implementation roadmap to integrate new testing initiatives.

    Anticipate potential roadblocks during implementation rollout.

    Operationalize mobile testing and ensure a smooth hand-off to IT operations.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Creation of implementation project plan.

    List of approaches to mitigate potential implementation roadblocks.

    Achieving clean hand-off to IT ops team.


    5.1 Develop a project plan to codify your current understanding of the scope of work

    5.2 Anticipate potential roadblocks during your tool’s implementation

    5.3 Operationalize your testing tools and ensure a smooth hand-off from the project team


    Mobile testing metrics implementation plan

    6 Conduct Your Retrospectives

    The Purpose

    Conduct regular retrospectives to consider areas for improvement.

    Adjust your processes, systems, and testing tools to improve performance and usability.

    Revisit implementation metrics to communicate project benefits.

    Leverage the lessons learned and apply them to other projects.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Project specific metrics.

    Discovery of areas to improve.


    6.1 Conduct regular retrospectives to consider areas for improvement

    6.2 Revisit your implementation metrics to communicate project benefits to business stakeholders

    6.3 Adjust your processes, systems, and testing tools to improve performance and usability

    6.4 Leverage the lessons learned and apply them to other IT projects


    Steps to improve your mobile testing

    Prepare Your Organization to Successfully Embrace the “New Normal”

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}422|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.3/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $61,749 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 2 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: DR and Business Continuity
    • Parent Category Link: /business-continuity
    • The COVID-19 pandemic is creating significant challenges across every sector, but even the deepest crisis will eventually pass. However, many of the changes it has brought to how organizations function are here to stay.
    • As an IT leader, it can be challenging to envision what this future state will look like and how to position IT as a trusted partner to the business to help steer the ship as the crisis abates.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Organizations need to cast their gaze into the “New Normal” and determine an appropriate strategy to stabilize their operations, mitigate ongoing challenges, and seize new opportunities that will be presented in a post-COVID-19 world.
    • IT needs to understand the key trends and permanent changes that will exist following the crisis and develop a proactive roadmap for rapidly adapting their technology stack, processes, and resourcing to adjust to the new normal.

    Impact and Result

    • Info-Tech recommends a three-step approach for adapting to the new normal: begin by surveying crucial changes that will occur as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, assess their relevance to your organization’s unique situation, and create an initiatives roadmap to support the new normal.
    • This mini-blueprint will examine five key themes: changing paradigms for remote work, new product delivery models, more self-service options for customers, greater decentralization and agility for organizational decision making, and a renewed emphasis on security architecture.

    Prepare Your Organization to Successfully Embrace the “New Normal” Research & Tools

    Read the Research

    Understand the five key trends that will persist after the pandemic has passed and create a roadmap of initiatives to help your organization adapt to the "New Normal."

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    • Prepare Your Organization to Successfully Embrace the “New Normal” Storyboard

    First 30 Days Pandemic Response Plan

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}418|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: DR and Business Continuity
    • Parent Category Link: /business-continuity
    • Given the speed and scope of the spread of the pandemic, governments are responding with changes almost daily as to what organizations and people can and can’t do. This volatility and uncertainty challenges organizations to respond, particularly in the absence of a business continuity or crisis management plan.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Assess the risk to and viability of your organization in order to create appropriate action and communication plans quickly.

    Impact and Result

    • HR departments must be directly involved in developing the organization’s pandemic response plan. Use Info-Tech's Risk and Viability Matrix and uncover the crucial next steps to take during the first 30 days of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    First 30 Days Pandemic Response Plan Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Create a response plan for the first 30 days of a pandemic

    Manage organizational risk and viability during the first 30 days of a crisis.

    • First 30 Days Pandemic Response Plan Storyboard
    • Crisis Matrix Communications Template: Business As Usual
    • Crisis Matrix Communications Template: Organization Closing
    • Crisis Matrix Communications Template: Manage Risk and Leverage Resilience
    • Crisis Matrix Communications Template: Reduce Labor and Mitigate Risk

    Assess Your IT Financial Management Maturity Effectively

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}315|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Cost & Budget Management
    • Parent Category Link: /cost-and-budget-management

    Organizations wishing to mature their IT financial management (ITFM) maturity often face the following obstacles:

    • Unfamiliarity: Lack of knowledge and understanding related to ITFM maturity.
    • Shortsightedness: Randomly reacting to changing circumstances.
    • Exchange: Inability to consistently drive dialogues.
    • Perception: IT is perceived as a cost center instead of a trustworthy strategic partner.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    No matter where you currently stand in your ITFM practice, there is always room for improvement. Hence, a maturity assessment should be viewed as a self-improvement tool that is only valuable if you are willing to act on it.

    Impact and Result

    A mature ITFM practice leads to many benefits.

    • Foundation: Improved governance, skill sets, processes, and tools.
    • Data: An appropriate taxonomy/data model alongside accurate data for high-quality reporting and insights.
    • Language: A common vocabulary across the organization.
    • Organization Culture: Improved communication and collaboration between IT and business partners.

    Assess Your IT Financial Management Maturity Effectively Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Assess Your IT Financial Management Maturity Effectively Storyboard – A framework and step-by-step methodology to assess your ITFM maturity.

    This research seeks to support IT leaders and ITFM practitioners in evaluating and improving their current maturity. It will help document both current and target states as well as prioritize focus areas for improvement.

    • Assess Your IT Financial Management Maturity Effectively Storyboard

    2. IT Financial Management Maturity Assessment Tool – A structured tool to help you assess your ITFM maturity.

    This Excel workbook guides IT finance practitioners to effectively assess their IT financial management practice. Incorporate the visual outputs into your final executive presentation document. Key activities include context setting, completing the assessment, and prioritizing focus areas based on results.

    • IT Financial Management Maturity Assessment Tool

    3. IT Financial Management Maturity Assessment Report Template – A report summarizing your ITFM maturity assessment results to help you communicate with stakeholders.

    Use this template to document your final ITFM maturity outputs, including the current and target states and your identified priorities.

    • IT Financial Management Maturity Assessment Report Template

    Further reading

    Assess Your IT Financial Management Maturity Effectively

    Influence your organization’s strategic direction.

    Analyst Perspective

    Make better informed data-driven business decisions.

    Technology has been evolving throughout the years, increasing complexity and investments, while putting more stress on operations and people involved. As an IT leader, you are now entrusted to run your outfit as a business, sit at the executive table as a true partner, and be involved in making decisions that best suit your organization. Therefore, you have an obligation to fulfill the needs of your end customers and live up to their expectations, which is not an easy task.

    IT financial management (ITFM) helps you generate value to your organization’s clientele by bringing necessary trade-offs to light, while driving effective dialogues with your business partners and leadership team.

    This research will focus on Info-Tech’s approach to ITFM maturity, aiming for a state of continuous improvement, where an organization can learn and grow as it adapts to change. As the ITFM practice matures, IT and business leaders will be able to better understand one another and together make better business decisions, driven by data.

    This client advisory presentation and accompanying tool seek to support IT leaders and ITFM practitioners in evaluating and improving their current maturity. It will help document both current and target states as well as prioritize focus areas for improvement.

    Photo of Bilal Alberto Saab, Research Director, IT Financial Management, Info-Tech Research Group. Bilal Alberto Saab
    Research Director, IT Financial Management
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    The value of ITFM is undermined

    ITFM is often discarded and not given enough importance and relevance due to the operational nature of IT, and the specialized skillset of its people, leading to several problems and challenges, such as:

    • Unfamiliarity: Lack of knowledge and understanding related to ITFM maturity.
    • Shortsightedness: Randomly reacting to changing circumstances.
    • Exchange: Inability to consistently drive dialogues.
    • Perception: IT is perceived as a cost center instead of a trustworthy strategic partner.

    Constructive dialogues with business partners are not the norm

    Business-driven conversations around financials (spending, cost, revenue) are a rarity in IT due to several factors, including:

    • Foundation: Weak governance, inadequate skillset, and less than perfect processes and tools.
    • Data: Lack of adequate taxonomy/data model, alongside inaccurate data leading to poor reporting and insights.
    • Language: Lack of a common vocabulary across the organization.
    • Organization culture: No alignment, alongside minimal communication and collaboration between IT and business partners.

    Follow Info-Tech’s approach to move up the ITFM maturity ladder

    Mature your ITFM practice by activating the means to make informed business decisions.

    Info-Tech’s methodology helps you move the dial by focusing on three maturity focus areas:

    • Build an ITFM Foundation
    • Manage and Monitor IT Spending
    • Bridge the Language Barrier

    Info-Tech Insight

    Influence your organization’s strategic direction by maturing your ITFM practice.

    What is ITFM?

    ITFM is not just about finance.

    • ITFM has evolved from traditional budgeting, accounting, and cost optimization; however, it is much more than those activities alone.
    • It starts with understanding the financial implications of technology by adopting different perspectives to become adept in communicating with various stakeholders, including finance, business partners, IT managers, and your CEO.
    • Armed with this knowledge, ITFM helps you address a variety of questions, such as:
      • How are technology funds being spent?
      • Which projects is IT prioritizing and why?
      • What are the resources needed to speed IT delivery?
      • What’s the value of IT within the organization?
    • ITFM’s main objective is thus to improve decision-making capabilities by facilitating communication between IT leaders and stakeholders, while enabling a customer focus attitude throughout the organization.

    “ITFM embeds technology in financial management practices. Through cost, demand, and value, ITFM brings technology and business together, forging the necessary relationships and starting the right conversations to enable the best decisions for the organization.”
    – Monica Braun, Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group

    Your challenge

    IT leaders struggle to articulate and communicate business value.

    • IT spending is often questioned by different stakeholders, such as business partners and various IT business units. These questions, usually resulting from shifts in business needs, may revolve around investments, expenditures, services, and speed to market, among others. While IT may have an idea about its spending habits, aligning it to the business strategy may prove difficult.
    • IT staff often does not have access to, or knowledge of, the business model and its intricacies. In an operational environment, the focus tends to be on technical issues rather than overall value.
    • People tend to fear what they do not know. Some business managers may not be comfortable with technology. They do not recognize the implications and ramifications of certain implementations or understand the related terminology, which puts a strain on any conversation.

    “Value is not the numbers you visualize on a chart, it’s the dialogue this data generates with your business partners and leadership team.”
    – Dave Kish, Practice Lead, Info-Tech Research Group

    Technology is constantly evolving

    Increasing IT spending and decision-making complexity.

    Timeline of IT technology evolution, starting with 'Timesharing' in the 1980s to 'All Things Digital' in the 2020s. 'IT Spend Growth' grows from start to finish.

    Common obstacles

    IT leaders are not able to have constructive dialogues with their stakeholders.

    • The way IT funds are spent has changed significantly, moving from the purchase of discrete hardware and software tools to implementing data lakes, cloud solutions, the metaverse and blockchain. This implies larger investments and more critical decisions. Conversations around interoperability, integration, and service-based solutions that focus more on big-picture architecture than day-to-day operations have become the norm.
    • Speed to market is now a survival criterion for most organizations, requiring IT to shift rapidly based on changing priorities and customer expectations. This leads to the need for greater financial oversight, with the CFO as the gatekeeper. Today’s IT leaders need to possess both business and financial management savvy to justify their spending with various stakeholders.
    • Any IT budget increase is tied to expectations of greater value. Hence, the compelling demands for IT to prove its worth to the business. Promoting value comes in two ways: 1) objectively, based on data, KPIs, and return on investment; and 2) subjectively, based on stakeholder satisfaction, alongside relationships. Building trust, credibility, and confidence can go a long way.

    In a technology-driven world, advances come at a price. With greater spending required, more complex and difficult conversations arise.

    Constructive dialogues are key

    You don’t know what you don’t know.

    • IT, being historically focused on operations, has become a hub for technically savvy personnel. On the downside, technology departments are often alien to business, causing problems such as:
      • IT staff have no knowledge of the business model and lack customer focus.
      • Business is not comfortable with technology and related jargon.
    • The lack of two-way communication and business alignment is hence an important ramification. If the business does not understand technology, and IT does not speak in business terms, where does that lead us?
    • Poor data quality and governance practices, alongside overly manual processes can only exasperate the situation.

    IT Spending Survey

    79% of respondents believe that decisions taking too long to make is either a significant or somewhat of a challenge (Flexera 2022 Tech Spend Pulse; N=501).

    81% of respondents believe that ensuring spend efficiency (avoiding waste) is either a challenge or somewhat of a challenge (Flexera 2022 Tech Spend Pulse; N=501).

    ITFM is trailing behind

    IT leaders must learn to speak business.

    In today’s world, where organizations are driving customer experience through technology investments, having a seat at the table means IT leaders must be well versed in business language and practice, including solid financial management skills.

    However, IT staff across all industries aren’t very confident in how well IT is doing in managing its finances. This becomes evident after looking at three core processes:

    • Demonstrating IT’s value to the business.
    • Accounting of costs and budgets.
    • Optimizing costs to gain the best return on investment.

    Recent data from 4,137 respondents to Info-Tech’s IT Management & Governance Diagnostic shows that while most IT staff feel that these three financial management processes are important, notably fewer feel that IT management is effective at executing on them.

    IT leadership’s capabilities around fundamental cost data capture appear to be lagging, not to mention the essential value-added capabilities around optimizing costs and demonstrating IT’s contribution to business value.

    Bar charts comparing percentages of people who 'Agree process is important' and 'Agree process is effective' for three processes: Business Value, Cost & Budget Management, and Cost Optimization. In all instances, the importance outweighed the perceived effectiveness.
    Source: Info-Tech Research Group, IT Management & Governance Diagnostic, 2023.

    Info-Tech’s approach

    We take a holistic approach to ITFM and support you throughout your maturity journey.

    Visualization of the IT maturity levels with three goals at the bottom, 'Build am ITFM Foundation', 'Manage & Monitor IT Spending', and 'Bridge the Language Barrier'. The 5 levels, from bottom to top, are 'Nascent - Level 1, Inability to consistently deliver financial planning services', 'Cost Operator - Level 2, Rudimentary financial planning capabilities', 'Trusted Coordinator - Level 3, Enablement of business through cost-effective supply of technology', 'Value Optimizer - Level 4, Effective impact on business performance', and 'Strategic Partner - Level 5, Influence on the organization's strategic direction'.

    The Info-Tech difference:

    • Info-Tech has a methodology and set of tools that will help assess your ITFM maturity and take the first step in developing an improvement plan. We have identified three maturity focus areas:
      • Build an ITFM Foundation
      • Manage and Monitor IT Spending
      • Bridge the Language Barrier
    • No matter where you currently stand in your ITFM practice, there is always room for improvement. Hence, a maturity assessment should be viewed as a self-improvement tool, which is only valuable if you are willing to act on it.

    Note: See Appendix A for maturity level definitions and descriptions.

    Climb the maturity ladder

    By growing along three maturity focus areas.

    A diagram with '3 Maturity Focus Areas' and '9 Maturity Levers' within them. The first area is 'Build an ITFM Foundation' with levers 'Establish your Team', 'Set up your Governance Structure', and 'Adopt ITFM Processes & Tools'. The second area is 'Manage & Monitor IT Spending', with levers 'Standardize your Taxonomy & Data Model', 'Identify, Gather & Prepare your Data', and 'Analyze your Findings and Develop your Reports'. The third area is 'Bridge the Language Barrier' with levers 'Communicate your IT Spending', 'Educate the Masses', and 'Influence your Organization's Culture'.

    Info-Tech identified three maturity focus areas, each containing three levers.

    Identify where you stand across the nine maturity levers, detect the gaps, and determine your priorities as a first step to develop an improvement plan.

    Note: See Appendix B for maturity level definitions and descriptions per lever.

    Key project deliverables

    Each step of this activity is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals.

    IT Financial Management Maturity Assessment Report Template

    A template of an ITFM maturity assessment report that can be customized based on your own results.

    IT Financial Management Maturity Assessment Tool

    A workbook including an ITFM maturity survey, generating a summary of your current state, target state, and priorities.

    Measure the value of this activity

    Reach your 12-month maturity target.

    • Determine your 12-month maturity target, identify your gaps, and set your priorities.
    • Use the ITFM maturity assessment to kickstart your improvement plan by developing actionable initiatives.
    • Implement your initiatives and monitor your progress to reach your 12-month target.

    Sample of a result page from the ITFM maturity assessment.

    Build your improvement plan and implement your initiatives to move the dial and climb the maturity ladder.

    Sample of a result page from the ITFM maturity assessment with a graph.

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    Guided Implementation



    "Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful." "Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track." "We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place." "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project."

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options

    Step 1

    Prepare for the ITFM maturity assessment

    Content Overview

    1. Identify your stakeholders
    2. Set the context
    3. Determine the methodology
    4. Identify assessment takers

    This step involves the following participants:

    • CIO/IT director
    • CFO/finance director
    • IT finance lead
    • IT audit lead
    • Other IT management

    1. Prepare to take the ITFM maturity assessment

    3 hours

    Input: Understanding your context, objectives, and methodology

    Output: ITFM maturity assessment stakeholders and their objectives, ITFM maturity assessment methodology, ITFM maturity assessment takers

    Materials: 1a. Prepare for Assessment tab in the ITFM Maturity Assessment Tool

    Participants: CIO/IT director, CFO/finance director, IT finance lead, IT audit lead, Other IT management

    1. Identify your stakeholders and document it in the ITFM Maturity Assessment Tool (see next slides). We recommend having representatives from different business units across the organization, most notably IT, IT finance, finance, and IT audit.
    2. Set the context with your stakeholders and document it in the ITFM Maturity Assessment Tool. Discuss the reason behind taking the ITFM maturity assessment among the various stakeholders. Why do each of your stakeholders want to take the assessment? What are their main objectives? What would they like to achieve?
    3. Determine the methodology and document it in the ITFM Maturity Assessment Tool. Discuss how you want to go about taking the assessment with your stakeholders. Do you want to have representatives from each business unit take the assessment individually, then share and discuss their findings? Do you prefer forming a working group with representatives from each business unit and go through the assessment together? Or does any of your stakeholders have a different suggestion? You will have to consider the effort, skillset, and knowledge required.
    4. Identify the assessment takers and document it in the ITFM Maturity Assessment Tool. Determine who will be taking the assessment (specific names of stakeholders). Consider their availability, knowledge, and skills.

    Download the IT Financial Management Maturity Assessment Tool


    Document your stakeholders, objectives, and methodology

    Excel Workbook: ITFM Maturity Assessment Tool – Prepare for Assessment worksheet

    Refer to the example and guidelines below on how to document stakeholders, objectives, and methodology (table range: columns B to G and rows 8 to 15).

    Example table from the ITFM Maturity Assessment Tool re: 'Maturity Assessment Stakeholders'.

    Column ID Input Type Guidelines
    B Formula Automatic calculation, no entry required.
    C Text Enter the full name of each stakeholder on a separate row.
    D Text Enter the job title related to each stakeholder.
    E Text Enter the objective(s) related to each stakeholder.
    F Text Enter the agreed upon methodology.
    G Text Enter any notes or comments per stakeholder (optional).

    Review the following in the Excel workbook as per guidelines:

    1. Navigate to the 1a. Prepare for Assessment tab.
    2. Enter the full names and job titles of the ITFM maturity assessment stakeholders.
    3. Document the maturity assessment objective of each of your stakeholders.
    4. Document the agreed-upon methodology.

    Download the IT Financial Management Maturity Assessment Tool


    Document your assessment takers

    Excel Workbook: ITFM Maturity Assessment Tool – Prepare for Assessment worksheet

    Refer to the example and guidelines below on how to document assessment takers (table range: columns B to E and rows 18 to 25).

    Example table from the ITFM Maturity Assessment Tool re: 'Maturity Assessment Takers'.

    Column ID Input Type Guidelines
    B Formula Automatic calculation, no entry required.
    C Text Enter the full name of each assessment taker on a separate row.
    D Text Enter the job title related to each stakeholder to identify which party is being represented per assessment taker.
    E Text Enter any notes or comments per stakeholder (optional).

    Review the following in the Excel workbook as per guidelines:

    1. Navigate to the 1a. Prepare for Assessment tab.
    2. Enter the full name of each assessment taker, along with the job title of the stakeholder they are representing.

    Download the IT Financial Management Maturity Assessment Tool

    Step 2

    Take the ITFM maturity assessment

    Content Overview

    1. Complete the survey
    2. Review your assessment results
    3. Determine your priorities

    This step involves the following participants:

    • CIO/IT director
    • CFO/finance director
    • IT finance lead
    • IT audit lead
    • Other IT management

    2. Take the ITFM maturity assessment

    3 hours

    Input: Understanding of your ITFM current state and 12-month target state, ITFM maturity assessment results

    Output: ITFM current- and target-state maturity levels, average scores, and variance, ITFM current- and target-state average scores, variance, and priority by maturity focus area and maturity lever

    Materials: 1b. Glossary, 2a. Assess ITFM Foundation, 2b. Assess Mngt. & Monitoring, 2c. Assess Language, and 3. Assessment Summary tabs in the ITFM Maturity Assessment Tool

    Participants: CIO/IT director, CFO/finance director, IT finance lead, IT audit lead, Other IT management

    1. Complete the survey: select the current and target state of each statement – refer to the glossary as needed for definitions of key terms – in the ITFM Maturity Assessment Tool (see next slides). There are three tabs (one per maturity focus area) with three tables each (nine maturity levers). Review and discuss statements with all assessment takers: consider variations, differing opinions, and reach an agreement on each statement inputs.
    2. Review assessment results: navigate to the Assessment Summary tab in the ITFM maturity assessment tool (see next slides) to view your results. Review and discuss with all assessment takers: consider any shocking output and adjust survey input if necessary.
    3. Determine your priorities: decide on the priority (Low/Medium/High) by maturity focus area and/or maturity lever. Rank your maturity focus area priorities from 1 to 3 and your maturity lever priorities from 1 to 9. Consider the feasibility in terms of timeframe, effort, and skillset required, positive and negative impacts on business and technology, likelihood of failure, and necessary approvals. Document your priorities in the ITFM maturity assessment tool (see next slides).
      Review and discuss priorities with all assessment takers: consider variations, differing opinions, and reach an agreement on each priority.

    Download the IT Financial Management Maturity Assessment Tool


    Complete the survey

    Excel workbook: ITFM Maturity Assessment Tool – Survey worksheets

    Refer to the example and guidelines below on how to complete the survey.

    Example table from the ITFM Maturity Assessment Tool re: Survey worksheets.

    Column ID Input Type Guidelines
    B Formula Automatic calculation, no entry required.
    C Formula Automatic calculation, no entry required: ITFM maturity statement to assess.
    D, E Dropdown Select the maturity levels of your current and target states. One of five maturity levels for each statement, from “1. Nonexistent” (lowest maturity) to “5. Advanced” (highest maturity).
    F, G, H Formula Automatic calculation, no entry required: scores associated with your current and target state selection, along with related variance (column G – column F).
    I Text Enter any notes or comments per ITFM maturity statement (optional).

    Review the following in the Excel workbook as per guidelines:

    1. Navigate to the survey tabs: 2a. Assess ITFM Foundation, 2b. Assess Management and Monitoring, and 2c. Assess Language.
    2. Select the appropriate current and target maturity levels.
    3. Add any notes or comments per ITFM maturity statement where necessary or helpful.

    Download the IT Financial Management Maturity Assessment Tool


    Review your overall result

    Excel Workbook: ITFM Maturity Assessment Tool – Assessment Summary worksheet

    Refer to the example and guidelines below on how to review your results.

    Example table from the ITFM Maturity Assessment Tool re: Assessment Summary worksheet.

    Column ID Input Type Guidelines
    K Formula Automatic calculation, no entry required.
    L Formula Automatic calculation, no entry required: Current State, Target State, and Variance entries. Please ignore the current state benchmark, it’s a placeholder for future reference.
    M Formula Automatic calculation, no entry required: average overall maturity score for your Current State and Target State entries, along with related Variance.
    N, O Formula Automatic calculation, no entry required: maturity level and related name based on the overall average score (column M), where level 1 corresponds to an average score less than or equal to 1.49, level 2 corresponds to an average score between 1.5 and 2.49 (inclusive), level 3 corresponds to an average score between 2.5 and 3.49 (inclusive), level 4 corresponds to an average score between 3.5 and 4.49 (inclusive), and level 5 corresponds to an average score between 4.5 and 5 (inclusive).
    P, Q Formula Automatic calculation, no entry required: maturity definition and related description based on the maturity level (column N).

    Review the following in the Excel workbook as per guidelines:

    1. Navigate to tab 3. Assessment Summary.
    2. Review your overall current state and target state result along with the corresponding variance.

    Download the IT Financial Management Maturity Assessment Tool


    Set your priorities

    Excel Workbook: ITFM Maturity Assessment Tool – Assessment Summary worksheet

    Refer to the example and guidelines below on how to review your results per maturity focus area and maturity lever, then prioritize accordingly.

    Example table from the ITFM Maturity Assessment Tool re: Assessment Summary worksheet.

    Column ID Input Type Guidelines
    B Formula Automatic calculation, no entry required.
    C Formula Automatic calculation, no entry required: ITFM maturity focus area or lever, depending on the table.
    D Placeholder Ignore this column because it’s a placeholder for future reference.
    E, F, G Formula Automatic calculation, no entry required: average score related to the current state and target state, along with the corresponding variance per maturity focus area or lever (depending on the table).
    H Formula Automatic calculation, no entry required: preliminary priority based on the average variance (column G), where Low corresponds to an average variance between 0 and 0.5 (inclusive), Medium corresponds to an average variance between 0.51 and 0.99 (inclusive), and High corresponds to an average variance greater than or equal to 1.
    J Dropdown Select your final priority (Low, Medium, or High) per ITFM maturity focus area or lever, depending on the table.
    K Whole Number Enter the appropriate rank based on your priorities; do not use the same number more than once. A whole number between 1 and 3 to rank ITFM maturity focus areas, and between 1 and 9 to rank ITFM maturity levers, depending on the table.

    Review the following in the Excel workbook as per guidelines:

    1. Navigate to tab 3. Assessment Summary.
    2. Review your current-state and target-state result along with the corresponding variance per maturity focus area and maturity lever.
    3. Select the appropriate priority for each maturity focus area and maturity lever.
    4. Enter a unique rank for each maturity focus area (1 to 3).
    5. Enter a unique rank for each maturity lever (1 to 9).

    Download the IT Financial Management Maturity Assessment Tool

    Step 3

    Communicate your ITFM maturity results

    Content Overview

    1. Review your assessment charts
    2. Customize the assessment report
    3. Communicate your results

    This step involves the following participants:

    • CIO/IT director
    • CFO/finance director
    • IT finance lead
    • IT audit lead
    • Other IT management

    3. Communicate your ITFM maturity results

    3 hours

    Input: ITFM maturity assessment results

    Output: Customized ITFM maturity assessment report

    Materials: 3. Assessment Summary tab in the ITFM Maturity Assessment Tool, ITFM Maturity Assessment Report Template

    Participants: CIO/IT director, CFO/finance director, IT finance lead, IT audit lead, Other IT management

    1. Review assessment charts: navigate to the Assessment Summary tab in the ITFM Maturity Assessment Tool (see next slides) to view your results and related charts.
    2. Edit the report template: complete the template based on your results and priorities to develop your customized ITFM maturity assessment report (see next slide).
    3. Communicate results: communicate and deliberate the assessment results with assessment takers at a first stage, and with your stakeholders at a second stage. The objective is to agree on next steps, including developing an improvement plan.

    Download the IT Financial Management Maturity Assessment Tool


    Review assessment charts

    Excel Workbook: ITFM Maturity Assessment Tool – Assessment Summary worksheet

    Refer to the example below on charts depicting different views of the maturity assessment results across the three focus areas and nine levers.

    Samples of different tabs from the ITFM Maturity Assessment Tool: 'Assessment Summary tab: From cell B49 to cell M100' and 'Assessment Summary tab: From cell K13 to cell Q34'.

    From the Excel workbook, after completing your potential initiatives and filling all related entries in the Outline Initiatives tab:

    1. Navigate to tab 3. Assessment Summary.
    2. Review each of the charts.
    3. Navigate back to the survey tabs to examine, drill down, and amend individual entries as you deem necessary.

    Download the IT Financial Management Maturity Assessment Tool


    Customize your report

    PowerPoint presentation: ITFM Maturity Assessment Report Template

    Refer to the example below on slides depicting different views of the maturity assessment results across the three maturity focus areas and nine maturity levers.

    Samples of different slides from the ITFM Maturity Assessment Report Template, detailed below.

    Slide 6: Edit levels based on your assessment results. Copy and paste the appropriate maturity level definition and description from slide 4.

    Slide 7: Copy related charts from the assessment summary tab in the Excel workbook and remove the chart title. You can use the “Outer Offset: Bottom” shadow under shape effects on the chart.

    Slide 8: Copy related charts from the assessment summary tab in the Excel workbook and remove the chart title and legend. You can use the “Outer Offset: Center” shadow under shape effects on the chart.

    From the ITFM Maturity Assessment Report Template:

    1. Edit the report based on your results found in the assessment summary tab of the Excel workbook (see previous slide).
    2. Review slides 6 to 8 and bring necessary adjustments.

    Download the IT Financial Management Maturity Assessment Report Template

    Make informed business decisions

    Take a holistic approach to ITFM.

    • A thorough understanding of your technology spending in relation to business needs and drivers is essential to make informed decisions. As a trusted partner, you cannot have effective conversations around budgets and cost optimization without a solid foundation.
    • It is important to realize that ITFM is not a one-time exercise, but a continuous, sustainable process to educate (teach, mentor, and train), increase transparency, and assign responsibility.
    • Move up the ITFM maturity ladder by improving across three maturity focus areas:
      • Build an ITFM Foundation
      • Manage and Monitor IT Spending
      • Bridge the Language Barrier

    What’s Next?

    Communicate your maturity results with stakeholders and develop an actionable ITFM improvement plan.

    And remember, having informed discussions with your business partners and stakeholders, where technology helps propel your organization forward, is priceless!

    IT Financial Management Team

    Photo of Dave Kish, Practice Lead, ITFM Practice, Info-Tech Research Group. Dave Kish
    Practice Lead, ITFM Practice
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Photo of Jennifer Perrier, Principal Research Director, ITFM Practice, Info-Tech Research Group. Jennifer Perrier
    Principal Research Director, ITFM Practice
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Photo of Angie Reynolds, Principal Research Director, ITFM Practice, Info-Tech Research Group. Angie Reynolds
    Principal Research Director, ITFM Practice
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Photo of Monica Braun, Research Director, ITFM Practice, Info-Tech Research Group. Monica Braun
    Research Director, ITFM Practice
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Photo of Rex Ding, Research Specialist, ITFM Practice, Info-Tech Research Group. Rex Ding
    Research Specialist, ITFM Practice
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Photo of Aman Kumari, Research Specialist, ITFM Practice, Info-Tech Research Group. Aman Kumari
    Research Specialist, ITFM Practice
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Research Contributors and Experts

    Photo of Amy Byalick, Vice President, IT Finance, Info-Tech Research Group. Amy Byalick
    Vice President, IT Finance
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Amy Byalick is an IT Finance practitioner with 15 years of experience supporting CIOs and IT leaders elevating the IT financial storytelling and unlocking insights. Amy is currently working at Johnson Controls as the VP, IT Finance, previously working at PepsiCo, AmerisourceBergen, and Jacobs.
    Photo of Carol Carr, Technical Counselor, Executive Services, Info-Tech Research Group. Carol Carr
    Technical Counselor, Executive Services
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Photo of Scott Fairholm, Executive Counselor, Executive Services, Info-Tech Research Group. Scott Fairholm
    Executive Counselor, Executive Services
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Photo of Gokul Rajan, Executive Counselor, Executive Services, Info-Tech Research Group. Gokul Rajan
    Executive Counselor, Executive Services
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Photo of Allison Kinnaird, Practice Lead, Infrastructure & Operations, Info-Tech Research Group. Allison Kinnaird
    Practice Lead, Infrastructure & Operations
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Photo of Isabelle Hertanto, Practice Lead, Security & Privacy, Info-Tech Research Group. Isabelle Hertanto
    Practice Lead, Security & Privacy
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Sample of the IT spending transparency research. Achieve IT Spending Transparency

    Mature your ITFM practice by activating the means to make informed business decisions.

    Sample of the IT cost optimization roadmap research. Build Your IT Cost Optimization Roadmap

    Develop an IT cost optimization strategy based on your specific circumstances and timeline.


    Eby, Kate. “The Complete Guide to Organizational Maturity: Models, Levels, and Assessments.” Smartsheet, 8 June 2022. Web.

    “Financial Management Maturity Model.” National Audit Office, n.d. Accessed 28 Apr. 2023.

    “ITFM/TBM Program Maturity Guide.” Nicus Software, n.d. Accessed 28 Apr. 2023.

    Jouravlev, Roman. "Service Financial Management: ITIL 4 Practice Guide." Axelos, 2020.

    McCarthy, Seamus. “Financial Management Maturity Model: A Good Practice Guide.” Office of the Comptroller & Auditor General, 26 June 2018. Web.

    “Principles for Effective Risk Data Aggregation and Risk Reporting.“ Bank for International Settlements, Jan. 2013. Web.

    “Role & Influence of the Technology Decision-Maker 2022.” Foundry, 2022. Web.

    Stackpole, Beth. “State of the CIO, 2022: Focus turns to IT fundamentals.” CIO, 21 March 2022. Web.

    “Tech Spend Pulse.” Flexera, 2022. Web.

    Appendix A

    Definition and Description
    Per Maturity Level

    ITFM maturity levels and definitions

    Maturity Level



    Level 1
    Inability to consistently deliver financial planning services ITFM practices are almost inexistent. Only the most basic financial tasks and activities are being performed on an ad hoc basis to fulfill the Finance department’s requests.
    Cost Operator
    Level 2
    Rudimentary financial planning capabilities. ITFM activities revolve around minimizing the IT budget as much as possible. ITFM practices are not well defined, and IT’s financial view is limited to day-to-day technical operations.
    IT is only involved in low complexity decision making, where financial conversations center on general ledger items and IT spending.
    Trusted Coordinator
    Level 3
    Enablement of business through cost-effective supply of technology. ITFM activities revolve around becoming a proficient and cost-effective technology supplier to business partners.
    ITFM practices are in place, with moderate coordination and adherence to execution. Various IT business units coordinate to produce a consolidated financial view focused on business services.
    IT is involved in moderate complexity decision making, as a technology subject matter expert, where financial conversations center on IT spending in relation to technology services or solutions provided to business partners.
    Value Optimizer
    Level 4
    Effective impact on business performance. ITFM activities revolve around optimizing existing technology investments to improve both IT and business performance.
    ITFM practices are well managed, established, documented, repeatable, and integrated as necessary across the organization. IT’s financial view tie technology investments to lines of business, business products, and business capabilities.
    Business partners are well informed on the technology mix and drive related discussion. IT is trusted to contribute to complex decision making around existing investments to cost-effectively plan initiatives, as well as enhance business performance.
    Strategic Partner
    Level 5
    Influence on the organization’s strategic direction. ITFM activities revolve around predicting the outcome of new or potential technology investments to continuously optimize business performance.
    ITFM practices are fully optimized, reviewed, and improved in a continuous and sustainable manner, and related execution is tracked by gathering qualitative and quantitative feedback. IT’s financial view is holistic and fully integrated with the business, with an outlook on innovation, growth, and strategic transformation.
    Business and IT leaders know the financial ramifications of every business and technology investment decision. IT is trusted to contribute to strategic decision making around potential and future investments to grow and transform the business.

    Appendix B

    Maturity Level Definitions and Descriptions
    Per Lever

    Establish your ITFM team

    Maturity focus area: Build an ITFM foundation.

    Maturity Level



    Level 1
    Inability to provide any type of financial insight.ITFM tasks, activities, and functions are not being met in any way, shape, or form.
    Cost Operator
    Level 2
    Ability to provide basic financial insights.There is no dedicated ITFM team.

    Basic ITFM tasks, activities, and functions are being performed on an ad hoc basis, such as high-level budget reporting.

    Trusted Coordinator
    Level 3
    Ability to provide basic business insights.A dedicated team is fulfilling essential ITFM tasks, activities, and functions.

    ITFM team can combine and analyze financial and technology data to produce necessary reports.

    Value Optimizer
    Level 4
    Ability to provide valuable business driven insights.A dedicated ITFM team with well-defined roles and responsibilities can provide effective advice to IT leaders, in a timely fashion, and positively influence IT decisions.
    Strategic Partner
    Level 5
    Ability to influence both technology and business decisions.A dedicated and highly specialized ITFM team is trusted and valued by both IT and Business leaders.

    Insights provided by the ITFM team can influence and shape the organization’s strategy.

    Set up your governance structure

    Maturity focus area: Build an ITFM foundation

    Maturity Level



    Level 1
    Inability to ensure any adherence to rules and regulations.ITFM frameworks, guidelines, policies, and procedures are not developed nor documented.
    Cost Operator
    Level 2
    Ability to ensure basic adherence to rules and regulations.Basic ITFM frameworks, guidelines, policies, and procedures are in place, developed on an ad hoc basis, with no apparent coherence or complete documentation.
    Trusted Coordinator
    Level 3
    Ability to ensure compliance to rules and regulations, as well as accountability across ITFM processes.Essential ITFM frameworks, guidelines, policies, and procedures are in place, coherent, and documented, aiming to (a) comply with rules and regulations, and (b) provide clear accountability.
    Value Optimizer
    Level 4
    Ability to ensure compliance to rules and regulations, as well as structure, transparency, and business alignment across ITFM processes.ITFM frameworks, guidelines, policies, and procedures are well defined, coherent, documented, and regularly reviewed, aiming to (a) comply with rules and regulations, (b) provide clear accountability, and (c) maintain business alignment.
    Strategic Partner
    Level 5
    Ability to:
    • Ensure compliance to rules and regulations, as well as ITFM processes are transparent, structured, focused on business objectives, and support decision making.
    • Reinforce and shape the organization culture.
    ITFM frameworks, guidelines, policies, and procedures are complete, well defined, coherent, documented, continuously reviewed, and improved, aiming to (a) comply with rules and regulations, (b) provide clear accountability, (c) maintain business alignment, and (d) facilitate the decision-making process.

    Enforcement of the ITFM governance structure can influence the organization culture.

    Adopt ITFM processes and tools

    Maturity focus area: Build an ITFM foundation.

    Maturity Level



    Level 1
    Inability to deliver IT financial planning and performance output.ITFM processes and tools are not developed nor documented.
    Cost Operator
    Level 2
    Ability to deliver basic IT financial planning output.Basic ITFM processes and tools are in place, developed on an ad hoc basis, with no apparent coherence or complete documentation.
    Trusted Coordinator
    Level 3
    Ability to deliver accurate IT financial output and basic IT performance output in a consistent cadence.Essential ITFM processes and tools are in place, coherent, and documented, aiming to (a) maintain integrity across activities, tasks, methodologies, data, and reports; (b) deliver IT financial planning and performance output needed by stakeholders; and (c) provide clear accountability. ITFM tools and processes are adopted by the ITFM team and some IT business units but are not fully integrated.
    Value Optimizer
    Level 4
    Ability to deliver accurate IT financial planning and performance output at the needed level of detail to stakeholders in a consistent cadence.ITFM processes and tools are complete, well defined, coherent, documented, continuously reviewed, and improved, aiming to (a) maintain integrity across activities, tasks, methodologies, data, and reports; (b) deliver IT financial planning and performance output needed by stakeholders; (c) provide clear accountability; and (d) facilitate decision-making. ITFM tools and processes are adopted by IT and business partners but are not fully integrated.
    Strategic Partner
    Level 5
    Ability to:
    • Deliver accurate IT financial planning and performance output at the needed level of detail to stakeholders.
    • Leverage IT financial planning and performance output in real time and when needed by stakeholders.
    ITFM processes and tools are complete, well defined, coherent, documented, continuously reviewed, and improved, aiming to (a) maintain integrity across activities, tasks, methodologies, data, and reports; (b) deliver IT financial planning and performance output needed by stakeholders; (c) provide clear accountability; and (d) facilitate decision making.

    ITFM processes and tools are automated to the full extent needed by the organization, utilized to their full potential, and integrated into a single enterprise platform, providing a holistic view of IT spending and IT performance.

    Standardize your taxonomy and data model

    Maturity focus area: Manage and monitor IT spending.

    Maturity Level



    Level 1
    Inability to provide transparency across technology spending.ITFM taxonomy and data model are not developed nor documented.
    Cost Operator
    Level 2
    Ability to provide transparency and support IT financial planning data, analysis, and reporting needs of finance stakeholders.ITFM taxonomy and data model are in place, developed on an ad hoc basis, with no apparent coherence or complete documentation, to comply with, and meet the needs of finance stakeholders.
    Trusted Coordinator
    Level 3
    Ability to provide transparency and support IT financial planning and performance data, analysis, and reporting needs of IT and finance stakeholders.ITFM taxonomy and data model are in place, coherent, and documented to meet the needs of IT and finance stakeholders.
    Value Optimizer
    Level 4
    Ability to provide transparency and support IT financial planning and performance data, analysis, and reporting needs of IT, finance, business, and executive stakeholders.ITFM taxonomy and data model are complete, well defined, coherent, documented, continuously reviewed, and improved, aiming to provide (a) a holistic view of IT spending and IT performance, (b) visibility and transparency, (c) flexibility, and (d) valuable insights to facilitate data driven decision making.

    ITFM taxonomy and data model are standardized to meet the needs of IT, finance, business, and executive stakeholders, but not flexible enough to be adjusted in a timely fashion as needed.

    Strategic Partner
    Level 5
    Ability to:
    • Provide transparency and support IT financial planning and performance data, analysis, and reporting needs of IT, finance, business, and executive stakeholders.
    • Change to meet evolving needs.
    ITFM taxonomy and data model are complete, well defined, coherent, documented, continuously reviewed, and improved, aiming to provide (a) a holistic view of IT spending and IT performance, (b) visibility and transparency, (c) flexibility, and (d) valuable insights to facilitate data driven decision making.

    ITFM taxonomy and data model are standardized and meet the changing needs of IT, finance, business, and executive stakeholders.

    Identify, gather, and prepare your data

    Maturity focus area: Manage and monitor IT spending.

    Maturity Level



    Level 1
    Inability to provide accurate and complete across technology spending.ITFM data needs and requirements are not understood.
    Cost Operator
    Level 2
    Ability to provide accurate, but incomplete IT financial planning data to meet the needs of finance stakeholders.Technology spending data is extracted, transformed, and loaded on an ad hoc basis to meet the needs of finance stakeholders.
    Trusted Coordinator
    Level 3
    Ability to provide accurate and complete IT financial planning data to meet the needs of IT and finance stakeholders, but IT performance data remain incomplete.IT financial planning data is extracted, transformed, and loaded in a regular cadence to meet the needs of IT and finance stakeholders.

    IT financial planning data is (a) complete and accurate, as defined in related control documents (guideline, policies, procedures, etc.), (b) regularly validated for inconsistencies, and (c) sourced from the organization’s system of record.

    Value Optimizer
    Level 4
    Ability to provide accurate and complete IT financial planning and performance data to meet the needs of IT, finance, business, and executive stakeholders.ITFM data needs and requirements are understood.

    ITFM data is extracted, transformed, and loaded in a regular cadence to meet the needs of IT, finance, business, and executive stakeholders.

    IT financial planning and performance data are (a) complete and accurate, as defined in related control documents (guideline, policies, procedures, etc.), (b) regularly validated for inconsistencies, and (c) sourced from the organization’s system of record.

    Strategic Partner
    Level 5
    Ability to provide accurate and complete IT financial planning and performance data real time and when needed by IT, finance, business, and executive stakeholders.ITFM data needs and requirements are understood.

    IT financial planning and performance data are (a) complete and accurate, as defined in related control documents (guideline, policies, procedures, etc.), (b) regularly validated for inconsistencies, (c) available and refreshed as needed, and (d) sourced from the organization’s system of record.

    Analyze your findings and develop your reports

    Maturity focus area: Manage and monitor IT spending.

    Maturity Level



    Level 1
    Inability to provide any type of financial insight.ITFM analysis and reports are not developed nor documented.
    Cost Operator
    Level 2
    Ability to provide basic financial insights.IT financial planning analysis is conducted on an ad hoc basis to meet the needs of finance stakeholders.
    Trusted Coordinator
    Level 3
    Ability to provide basic financial planning and performance insights to meet the needs of IT and finance stakeholders.IT financial planning and performance analysis are methodical and rigorous, as defined in related control documents (guideline, policies, procedures, etc.).

    IT financial planning and performance reports are accurate, precise, and methodical, as defined in related control documents (guideline, policies, procedures, etc.).

    Value Optimizer
    Level 4
    Ability to provide practical insights and useful recommendations as needed by IT, finance, business, and executive stakeholders to facilitate business decision making around technology investments.ITFM analysis and reports support business decision making around technology investments.

    IT financial planning and performance analysis are methodical and rigorous, as defined in related control documents (guideline, policies, procedures, etc.).

    IT financial planning and performance reports are (a) accurate, precise, and methodical, as defined in related control documents (guideline, policies, procedures, etc.), (b) fit for purpose, and (c) regularly validated for inconsistencies.

    Strategic Partner
    Level 5
    Ability to provide practical insights and useful recommendations as needed by IT, finance, business, and executive stakeholders to facilitate strategic decision making.ITFM analysis and reports support strategic decision making.

    IT financial planning and performance analysis are methodical and rigorous, as defined in related control documents (guideline, policies, procedures, etc.), and consider multiple point of views (hypotheses, interpretations, opinions, etc.).

    IT financial planning and performance reports are (a) accurate, precise, and methodical, as defined in related control documents (guideline, policies, procedures, etc.), (b) fit for purpose, (c) comprehensive, and (d) regularly validated for inconsistencies.

    Communicate your IT spending

    Maturity focus area: Bridge the language barrier.

    Maturity Level



    Level 1
    Inability of organization stakeholders to communicate and understand each other.The organization stakeholders including IT, finance, business, and executives do not understand one another, and cannot speak the same language.
    Cost Operator
    Level 2
    Ability to understand business and finance requirements.IT understands and meets business and financial planning requirements but does not communicate in a similar language.

    IT cannot influence finance or business decision making.

    Trusted Coordinator
    Level 3
    Ability to understand the needs of different stakeholders including IT, finance, business, and executives and take part in decision making around technology spending.The organization stakeholders including IT, finance, business, and executives understand each other’s needs, but do not communicate in a common language.

    IT leaders provide insights as technology subject matter experts, where conversations center on IT spending in relation to technology services or solutions provided to business partners.

    IT can influence technology decisions around its own budget.

    Value Optimizer
    Level 4
    Ability to communicate in a common vocabulary across the organization and take part in business decision making around technology investments.The organization stakeholders including IT, finance, business, and executives communicate in a common vocabulary and understand one another.

    IT and business leaders, along with their respective teams, collaborate frequently across various initiatives.

    IT leaders provide valuable insight to support and influence business decision making around existing technology investments.

    Strategic Partner
    Level 5
    Ability to communicate in a common vocabulary across the organization and take part in strategic decision making.The organization stakeholders including IT, finance, business, and executives communicate in a common vocabulary and understand one another.

    IT and business leaders, along with their respective teams, collaborate frequently across various initiatives.

    IT leaders provide valuable insight to facilitate decision making around potential and future investments to grow and transform the business, thus influencing the organization’s overall strategic direction.

    Educate the masses

    Maturity focus area: Bridge the language barrier.

    Maturity Level



    Level 1
    Inability of organization stakeholders to acquire knowledge.Educational resources are inexistent.
    Cost Operator
    Level 2
    Ability to acquire financial knowledge and understand financial concepts.IT leaders have access to educational resources to gain the financial knowledge necessary to perform their duties.
    Trusted Coordinator
    Level 3
    Ability to acquire financial and business knowledge and understand related concepts.IT leaders and their respective teams have access to educational resources to gain the financial and business knowledge necessary to perform their duties.

    ITFM team has access to the necessary educational resources to keep up with changing financial regulations and technology developments.

    Value Optimizer
    Level 4
    Ability to acquire knowledge, across technology, business, and finance as needed by different organization stakeholders, and the leadership understand concepts across these various domains.Stakeholders including IT, finance, business, and executives have access to various educational resources to gain knowledge in different domains as needed.

    IT leaders have a good understanding of business and financial concepts.

    Business leaders have a good understanding of technology concepts.

    Strategic Partner
    Level 5
    Ability to acquire knowledge, and understand concepts across technology, business, and finance as needed by different organization stakeholders.The organization promotes continuous learning through well designed programs including training, mentorship, and academic courses. Thus, stakeholders including IT, finance, business, and executives have access to various educational resources to gain knowledge in different domains as needed.

    IT leaders and their respective teams have a good understanding of business and financial concepts.

    Business leaders and their respective teams have a good understanding of technology concepts.

    Influence your organization’s culture

    Maturity focus area: Bridge the language barrier.

    Maturity Level



    Level 1
    Inability to provide and foster an environment of collaboration and continuous improvement.Stakeholders including IT, finance, business, and executives operate in silos, and collaboration between different teams is inexistent.
    Cost Operator
    Level 2
    Ability to provide an environment of cooperation to meet the needs of IT, finance, and business leaders.IT, finance, and business leaders cooperate to meet financial planning requirements as necessary to perform their duties.
    Trusted Coordinator
    Level 3
    Ability to provide and foster an environment of collaboration across the organization.IT, finance, and business collaborate on various initiatives.

    ITFM employees are trusted and supported by their stakeholders (IT, finance, and business).

    Value Optimizer
    Level 4
    Ability to provide and foster an environment of collaboration and continuous improvement, where employees across the organization feel trusted, supported, empowered, and valued.Stakeholders including IT, finance, business, and executives support and promote continuous improvement, transparency practices, and collaboration across the organization.

    Employees are trusted, supported, empowered, and valued.

    Strategic Partner
    Level 5
    Ability to provide and foster an environment of collaboration and continuous improvement, where leaders are willing to change, and employees across the organization feel trusted, supported, empowered, and valued.Stakeholders including IT, finance, business, and executives support and promote continuous improvement, transparency practices, and collaboration across the organization.

    The organization’s leadership is adaptable and open to change.

    Employees are trusted, supported, empowered, and valued.

    Build an IT Succession Plan

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}476|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $338,474 Average $ Saved
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    • Pending retirements in key roles create workforce risks and potentially impact business continuity.
    • Fifty-six percent of organizations have not engaged in succession planning, so they haven’t identified at-risk key roles or successors for those roles.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Just under 60% of organizations haven't tackled succession planning.
    • This means that three out of five organizations don’t know what skills they need for the future or what their key roles truly are. They also haven’t identified at-risk key roles or successors for those roles.
    • In addition, 74% of organizations have no formal process for facilitating knowledge transfer between individuals, so knowledge will be lost.

    Impact and Result

    • Info-Tech's Key Roles Succession Planning Tool will help you assess key role incumbent risk factors as well as identify potential successors and their readiness. Pay particular attention to those employees in key roles that are nearing retirement, and flag them as high risk.
    • Plan for the transfer of critical knowledge held by key role incumbents. Managers and HR leaders see significant tacit knowledge gaps in younger workers; prioritize tacit knowledge in your transfer plan and leverage multiple transfer methods.
    • Explore alternative work arrangements to ensure sufficient time to prepare successors. A key role incumbent must be available to complete knowledge transfer.
    • Define formal transition plans for all employees in at-risk key roles and their successors by leveraging your workforce and succession planning outputs, knowledge transfer strategy, and selected alternative work arrangements.

    Build an IT Succession Plan Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Build an IT Succession Plan Deck – A step-by-step document that walks you through how to future-proof your IT team.

    Protect your team and organization from losses associated with departure of people from key roles. This blueprint will help you build an IT succession plan to ensure critical knowledge doesn’t walk out the door and continuity of business when people in key roles leave.

    • Build an IT Succession Plan Storyboard

    2. Critical Role Identifier – A tool to help you determine which roles are most critical to the success of your team.

    The purpose of this tool is to help facilitate a conversation around critical roles.

    • Critical Role Identifier

    3. Key Role Succession Planning Template – A tool that walks you through reviewing your talent, succession planning, and determining successor readiness.

    This tool will help IT leaders work through key steps in succession development for each employee in the team, and present summaries of the findings for easy reference and defensibility.

    • Key Roles Succession Planning Tool

    4. Role Profile Template – A template that helps you outline the minimum requirements for each critical role addressed in succession planning.

    This template is a guide and the categories can be customized to your organization.

    • Role Profile Template

    5. Individual Talent Profile Template – A template to assess an employee against the role profiles of critical roles.

    This profile provides the basis for evidence-based comparison of talent in talent calibration sessions.

    • Individual Talent Profile Template

    6. Role Transition Plan Template – A template to help you plan to implement knowledge transfer and alternative work arrangements.

    As one person exits a role and a successor takes over, a clear checklist-based plan will help ensure a smooth transition.

    • Role Transition Plan Template

    Further reading


    Build an IT Succession Plan

    Future-proof your IT team.

    Build an IT Succession Plan

    Future-proof your IT team.


    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    Most organizations are unprepared for the loss of employees who hold key roles.

    • The departure of employees in key roles results in the loss of valuable knowledge, core business relationships, and profits.
    • Pending retirements in key roles create workforce risks and potentially impact business continuity.

    Planning and executing on key role transition can take years. CIOs should prepare now to mitigate the risk of loss later.

    Common Obstacles
    • The number of organizations which have not engaged in succession planning is 56%; they haven’t identified at-risk key roles, or successors for those roles.
    • Analyzing key roles at the incumbent and successor level introduces real-life, individual-focused factors that have a major impact on role-related risk.
    Info-Tech’s Approach
    • Plan for the transfer of critical knowledge held by key role incumbents.
    • Explore alternative work arrangements to ensure sufficient time to prepare successors.
    • Define formal transition plans for all employees in at-risk key roles and their successors.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Losing employees in key roles without adequate preparation hinders productivity, knowledge retention, relationships, and opportunities. Implement scalable succession planning to mitigate the risks.

    Most organizations are unprepared for the loss of employees who hold key roles

    Due to the atmosphere of uncertainty.

    Not only do they not have the right processes in place, but they are also ill-equipped to deal with the sheer volume of retirees in the future.

    Over 58% of organizations are unprepared for Baby Boomer retirement. Only 8% said they were very prepared.

    Pie chart with percentages of organizations who are prepared for Baby Boomer retirement.
    (Source: McLean & Company, 2013; N=120)

    A survey done by SHRM and AARP found similar results: 41% of HR professionals said their organizations have done nothing and don’t plan to do anything to prepare for a possible worker shortage as Boomers retire.

    (Source: Poll: Organizations Can Do More to Prepare for Talent Shortage as Boomers Retire)
    This means that three out of five organizations don’t know what skills they need for the future, or what their key roles truly are. They also have not identified at-risk key roles or successors for those roles.
    (Source: McLean & Company, 2013, N=120)

    To make matters worse, 74% of organizations have no formal process for facilitating knowledge transfer between individuals, so knowledge will be lost.

    Pie chart with percentages of organizations with a formal process for facilitating knowledge transfer.
    (Source: McLean & Company, 2013; N=120)

    Most organizations underestimate the costs associated with ignoring succession planning

    “In many cases, executives have no idea what knowledge they are losing.” (TLNT: Lost Knowledge – What Are You and Your Organization Doing About It?”)
    Objections to succession planning now: The risks of this mindset…
    “The recession bought us time to plan for Baby Boomer retirement.” Forty-two percent of organizations believe this to be true and may feel a false sense of security. Assume it takes three years to identify an internal successor for a key role, develop them, and execute the transition. Add the idea that, like most organizations, you don’t have a repeatable process for doing this. Do you still have enough time?
    “The skills possessed by my organization’s Baby Boomers are easy to develop in others internally.” Forty percent of organizations agree with this statement, but given the low rate of workforce planning taking place, most may not actually know the skills and knowledge they need to meet future business goals. These organizations may realize their loss too late.
    “We don’t have the time to invest in succession planning.” Thirty-nine percent of organizations cite this as an obstacle, which is a very real concern. Adopting a simple, scalable process that focuses on the most mission critical key roles will be easier to digest, as well as eliminate time wasted trying to recoup losses in the long run. The costs of not planning are much higher than the costs of planning.
    “We don’t know when our boomers plan to retire, so we can’t really plan for it.” The fact that 42% of organizations do not know employees’ retirement plans is proof positive that they’re operating blind. You can’t plan for something if you don’t have any information about what to plan for or the time frame you’re working against.
    “My organization puts a premium on fresh ideas over experience.” While nearly 45% of organizations prioritize fresh ideas, 50% value experience more. Succession planning and knowledge transfer are important strategies for ensuring experience is retained long enough for it to be passed along in the organization.

    Use Info-Tech’s tools and templates

    Talent Review

    Succession Planning

    Knowledge Transfer

    Key tools and templates to help you complete your project deliverables
    Key Roles Succession Planning Tool
    Critical Role Identifier
    Role Profile Template
    Individual Talent Profile Template
    Key Roles Succession Planning Tool
    Role Profile Template
    Individual Talent Profile Template
    Role Transition Plan Template
    Key Roles Succession Planning Tool
    Role Profile Template
    Individual Talent Profile Template
    Your completed project deliverables

    Critical Role Identifier

    Key Roles Succession Plan

    Key Role Profiles

    Individual Talent Profiles

    Key Role Transition Plans

    Ignoring succession planning could cause significant costs

    Losing knowledge will undermine your strategy in four ways:


    Inefficiency due to “reinvention of the wheel.” When workers leave and don’t effectively transfer their knowledge, duplication of effort to solve problems and find solutions occurs.


    Reduced capacity to innovate. Older workers know what works and what doesn’t, what’s new and what’s not. They can identify the status quo faster to make way for novel thinking.

    Competitive Advantage

    Loss of competitive advantage. Losing knowledge and/or established client relationships hurts your asset base and stifles growth.


    Increased vulnerability. Losing knowledge can impede your organizational ability to identify, understand, and mitigate risks. You’ll have to learn through experience all over again.

    Succession planning improves performance by reducing the impact of sudden departures

    Business Continuity

    Succession planning limits disruption to daily operations and minimizes recruitment costs:

    • The average time to fill a vacant role externally in the US is approximately 43 days (Workable). Succession planning can reduce this via a talent pool of ready-now successors.
    Engagement & Retention

    Effective succession planning is a tool for engaging, developing, and retaining employees:

    • Of departing employees, 45% cite lack of opportunities for career advancement as the moderate, major, or primary reason they left (McLean & Company Exit Survey, 2018, N=7,530).
    Innovation & Growth

    Knowledge is a strategic asset, and succession planning can help retain, grow, and capitalize on it:

    • Retaining the experience and expertise of individuals departing from critical roles supports and enhances the quality of innovation (Harvard Business Review, 2008).

    Info-Tech’s approach

    Talent Review

    Conduct a talent review to identify key roles

    Short bracket.
    Succession Planning

    Succession planning helps you assess which key roles are most at risk

    Long bracket.
    Knowledge Transfer

    Utilize methods that make it easy to apply the knowledge in day-to-day practice.

    Long bracket.
    Identify Critical Roles Assess Talent Identify Successors Develop Successors Select Successors Identify Critical Knowledge Select Transfer Methods Document Role Transition Plans

    Future-Proofed IT Team
    • Business continuity
    • The right people, in the right positions, at the right time
    • Retention due to employee development & growth
    • IT success
    • Decreased impact of sudden departures
    • Improved performance

    Info-Tech’s methodology for building an IT succession plan

    1. Talent Review 2. Succession Planning 3. Knowledge Transfer
    Phase Steps
    1. Identify critical roles
    2. Assess talent
    1. Identify successor pool
    2. Develop successors
    3. Select successors
    1. Identify critical knowledge
    2. Select knowledge transfer methods
    3. Document role transition plans
    Phase Outcomes
    • Documented business priorities
    • Identified critical roles including required skills and knowledge that support achievement of business strategy
    • Key at-risk roles identified.
    • Potential successors for key roles identified.
    • Gap assessment between key role incumbents and potential successors.
    • Critical knowledge risks identified.
    • Appropriate knowledge transfer methods selected.
    • Documented knowledge transfer initiatives for key role transition plans.

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    Guided Implementation



    "Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful." "Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track." "We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place." "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project."

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options

    Guided Implementation

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    A typical GI is six to ten calls over the course of four to eight months.

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    Phase 3

    Call #1: Scope requirements, objectives, and your specific challenges. Call #2:Review business priorities and clarify criteria weighting.

    Call #3: Review key role criteria. Explain information collection process.

    Call #4: Review risk and readiness assessments.

    Call #5: Analyze gaps between key roles and successors for key considerations.

    Call #6: Feedback and recommendations on critical knowledge risks.

    Call #7: Review selected transfer methods.

    Call #8: Analyze role transition plans for flags.

    Build an IT Succession Plan

    Phase 1

    Talent Review

    Phase 1

    1.1 Identify Critical Roles

    1.2 Assess Talent

    Phase 2

    2.1 Identify Successors

    2.2 Develop Successors

    2.3 Select Successors

    Phase 3

    3.1 Identify Critical Knowledge

    3.2 Select Transfer Methods

    3.3 Document Role Transition Plan

    This phase will walk you through:

    • Identifying your business priorities
    • Identifying your critical roles including required skills and knowledge that support achievement of business strategy

    Tools and resources used:

    • Key Roles Succession Planning Tool
    • Key Role Profile
    • Individual Talent Profile
    • Critical Role Identifier

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • IT leadership/management team
    • HR

    Conduct a talent review to identify key roles

    Sixty percent of organizations have not engaged in formal workforce planning, so they don’t know what skills they need or what their key roles truly are. (Source: McLean & Company, 2013; N=139)
    1. A talent review ensures that each work unit has the right people, in the right place, at the right time to successfully execute the business strategy.
    2. Only 40% of organizations have engaged in some form of workforce planning.
    3. The first step is to identify your business focus; with this information you can start to note the key roles that drive your business strategy.

    Key roles

    Where an organization’s most valued skills and knowledge reside

    Organizations should prepare now to mitigate the risk of loss later.

    Key roles are:

    • Held by the most senior people in the organization, who carry the bulk of leadership and decision-making responsibility.
    • Highly technical or specialized, and therefore difficult to replace.
    • Tied closely to unique or proprietary processes or possess knowledge that cannot be procured externally.
    • Critical to the continuation of business and cannot be left vacant without risking business operations.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Losing employees in key roles without adequate preparation for their departure has a direct impact on the bottom line in terms of disrupted productivity, lost knowledge, severed relationships, and missed opportunities.

    A tree of key roles, starting with CEO and branching down.

    Identifying key roles is the first step in a range of workforce management activities because it helps establish organizational needs and priorities, as well as focusing planning effort.

    A talent review allows you to identify the knowledge and skills you need today and for the long term.

    Knowing what you need is the first step in determining what you have and what you need to keep.

    • A talent review is an analytic planning process used to ensure a work unit has the right people, in the right place, at the right time, and for the right cost in order to successfully execute its business strategy. It allows organizations to:
    • Evaluate workforce demographics, review skills, and conduct position inventories.
    • Evaluate business continuity risk from a talent perspective by identifying potential workforce shortages.
    • Identify critical positions, critical skills for each position, and percentage of critical workers retiring to assess the potential impact of losing them.
    • Look at the effect of loss on new product development, revenues, costs, and business strategic objectives.


    A talent review is a high-level planning process which does not take individual employees into consideration. Succession planning looks at individuals and will be discussed in Phase 2.

    A talent review gets you to think in terms of:

    • Where your organization wants to be in five years.
    • What skills the organization needs to meet business goals between now and then.
    • How it can be best positioned for the longer-term future.

    Note: Planning against a time frame longer than five years is difficult because uncertainty in the external business environment will have unforeseen effects. Revisit your plan annually and update it, considering changes.

    Step 1.1

    Identify critical roles

    • 1.1.1 Document Business Priorities, Goals, and Challenges
    • 1.1.2 Clarify Key Role Criteria and Weighting
    • 1.1.3 Evaluate Role Importance
    • 1.1.4 Key Role Selection and Comparison
    • 1.1.5 Capture Key Elements of Critical Roles

    The primary goal of this step is to ensure we have effectively identified key roles based on business priorities, goals, and challenges, and to capture the key elements of critical roles.

    Outcomes of this step

    • Documented business priorities, goals, and challenges.
    • Key elements of critical roles captured.
    • Key role criteria and weighting.
    Talent Review
    Step 1.1 Step 1.2

    Business priorities will determine the knowledge and skills you value most

    Venn diagram of business priorities: 'Customer Focus', 'Operational Focus', and 'Product Focus'.
    Note: Most organizations will be a blend of all three, with one predominating
    “I’ve been in the position where the business assumes everyone knows what is required. It’s not until you get people into a room that it becomes clear there is misalignment. It all seems very intuitive but in a lot of cases they haven’t made the critical distinctions regarding what exactly the competencies are. They haven’t spent the time figuring out what they know.” (Anne Roberts, Principal, Leadership Within Inc.)

    1.1.1 Document business priorities

    Input: Business strategic plan

    Output: Completed workforce planning worksheet (Tab 2) of the Key Roles Succession Planning Tool

    Materials: Key Roles Succession Planning Tool

    Participants: IT leadership

    Start by identifying your business priorities based on your strategic plan. The goal of this exercise is to blast away assumptions and make sure leadership has a common understanding of your target.

    With the questions on the previous slide in mind document your business priorities, business goals, and business challenges in Tab 2 of the Key Roles Succession Planning Tool worksheet.

    Get clear answers to these questions:

    • Are we customer focused, product focused, or operationally focused? In other words, is your organization known for:
      • Great customer service or a great customer experience?
      • The lowest price?
      • Having the latest technology, or the best quality product?
    • What are our organizational/departmental business goals? To improve operational effectiveness, are we really talking about reducing operational costs?
    • What are the key business challenges to address within the context of our focus?

    Key Roles Succession Planning Tool

    Clarify what defines a key role

    A key role is crucial to achieving organizational objectives, drives business performance, and includes specialized and rare competencies. Key roles are high in strategic value and rarity – for example, the developer role for a tech company.
    Chart with axes 'Rarity' and 'Strategic Value'. Lowest in both are 'Supporting Roles', Highest in both are 'Critical Roles', and the space in the middle are 'Core Roles'. Look at two dimensions when examining roles:
    • Strategic value refers to the importance of the role in keeping the organization functioning and executing on the strategic objectives.
    • Rarity refers to how difficult it is to find and develop the competencies in the role.

    Info-tech insight

    Traditionally, succession planning has only addressed top management roles. However, until you look at the evidence, you won’t know if these are indeed high-value roles, and you may be missing other critical roles further down the hierarchy.

    Use the Critical Role Identifier to facilitate the identification of critical roles with your leaders.

    1.1.2 Clarify key role criteria & weighting

    Input: Business strategic plan

    Output: Weighted criteria to help identify critical roles

    Materials: Critical Role Identifier

    Participants: IT leadership

    1. Using Tab 2 of the Critical Role Identifier tool, along with the information on the previous slide, determine the relative importance of four criteria as contributing to the importance of a role within the organization.
    2. Rate each of the four criteria: strategic value, rarity, revenue generation, business/operation continuity, and any custom criteria numerically. You might choose only one or two criteria – they all do not need to be included.
    3. Document your decisions in Tab 2 of the Critical Role Identifier.

    Critical Role Identifier

    1.1.3 Evaluate role importance

    Input: List of IT roles

    Output: Full list of roles and a populated Critical Role Selection sheet (Tab 4)

    Materials: Critical Role Identifier

    Participants: IT leadership

    1. Using Tab 3 of the Critical Role Identifier, collect information about IT roles.
    2. Start by listing each role under consideration, and its department or subcategory.
    3. For each criteria statement listed across the top of the sheet, select an option from the drop-down menu to reflect the appropriate answer scale rating. Replace the text in grey with information customized to your team. If criteria has a weighting of zero in Tab 2, the questions associated with that criteria will be greyed out and do not have to be answered.

    Critical Role Identifier

    Identify the key roles that support and drive your business priorities

    Focus on key IT roles instead of all roles to save time and concentrate effort on your highest risk areas.

    Key Roles include:

    • Strategic Roles: Roles that give the greatest competitive advantage. Often these are roles that involve decision-making responsibility.
    • Core Roles: Roles that must provide consistent results to achieve business goals.
    • Proprietary Roles: Roles that are tied closely to unique or proprietary internal processes or knowledge that cannot be procured externally. These are often highly technical or specialized.
    • Required Roles: Roles that support the department and are required to keep it moving forward day-to-day.
    • Influential Roles: Positions filled by employees who are the backbone of the organization, the go-to people who are the corporate culture.
    Ask these questions to identify key roles:
    1. What are the roles that have a significant impact on delivering the business strategy?
    2. What are the key differentiating roles for our organization?
    3. Which roles, if vacant, would leave the organization open to non-compliance with regulatory or legal requirements?
    4. Which roles have a direct impact on the customer?
    5. Which roles, if vacant, would create system, function, or process failure for the organization?

    1.1.4 Key role selection and comparison

    Input: Tab 3 of the Critical Role Identifier

    Output: List of roles from highest to lowest criticality score, List of key roles entered in Tab 2 of the Key Roles Succession Planning Tool

    Materials: Critical Role Identifier, Key Roles Succession Planning Tool

    Participants: IT leadership

    1. Using tab 4 of the Critical Role Identifier, which displays the results of the role importance evaluation, review the weighted criticality score. To add or remove roles or departments make changes on Tab 3.
    2. Use this table to see the scores and roles from highest to lowest based on your weightings and scoring.
    3. In column J, classify the roles as critical, core, or supporting based on the weighted overall score and the individual criteria scores.
      1. Critical – is crucial to achieving organizational objectives, drives business performance, and includes specialized and rare skills.
      2. Core – is related to operational excellence. Highly strategically valuable but easy to find or develop.
      3. Supporting – is important in keeping business functioning; however, the strategic value is low. Competencies are easy to develop.
    4. Once you’ve selected the key roles, transfer them into Tab 2 of the Key Roles Succession Planning Tool worksheet where you have documented your business priorities.

    Critical Role Identifier

    Key Roles Succession Planning Tool

    1.1.5 Capture key elements of critical roles

    Input: Job descriptions, Success profiles, Competency profiles

    Output: List of required skills and knowledge for key roles, Role profiles documented for key roles

    Materials: Key Roles Succession Planning Tool, Role Profile Template

    Participants: IT leadership

    1. Document the minimum requirements for critical roles in column E and F of Tab 2 of the Key Roles Succession Planning Tool. Include elements that drive talent decisions, are measurable, and are oriented to future organizational needs.
    2. Consider how leadership competencies and technical skills tie to business expansion plans, new service offerings, etc.
    3. Use the Role Profile Template to help in this process and to maintain up-to-date information.
    4. Role profiles may be informed by existing job descriptions, success profiles, or competency profiles.
    5. Conduct regular maintenance on your role profiles. Outdated and inaccurate role-related information can make succession planning efforts ineffective.

    Key Roles Succession Planning Tool

    Role Profile Template

    Case Study

    Conduct a “sanity check” by walking through a checklist of all roles to ensure you haven’t missed anything.
    Large Provincial Hospital
    Payroll Manager
    • Key roles may not be what you think they are.
    • The Payroll Manager of a large Provincial hospital, with 20-year tenure, announced her retirement.
    • Throughout her tenure, this employee took on many tasks outside the scope of her role, including pension calculations/filings and other finance-related tasks that required a high level of specialized knowledge of internal systems.
    • Little time or effort was placed on fully understanding what she did day-to-day.
    • Furthermore, the search for a replacement was left far too late, which meant that she vacated the role without training a replacement.
    • Low level roles can become critical to business continuation if they’re occupied by only one person, creating a “single point of failure” if they become vacant.
    • It wasn’t until after she left that it became obvious how much extra work she was doing, which made it nearly impossible to find a replacement.
    • Her manager found a replacement to take the payroll duties but had to distribute the other duties to colleagues (who were very unhappy about the extra tasks).
    • This role may not seem like a “key role,” but the incumbent turned it into one. Keep tabs on what people are working on to avoid overly nuanced role requirements.

    Step 1.2

    Assess talent

    • 1.2.1 Identify Current Incumbents’ Information
    • 1.2.2 Identify Potential Successors and Collect Information

    The primary goal of this step is to assess departmental talent and identify gaps between potential successors and key roles. This analysis is intended to support departmental access to suitable talent ensuring future business success.

    Outcomes of this step

    • Collection of current incumbents’ information.
    • Collection of potential successor information.
    • Gap assessment.

    Talent Review

    Step 1.1 Step 1.2

    Find out key role incumbents’ career plans

    Have career discussions with key role incumbents

    • Do not ask employees directly about their retirement plans as this can be misconstrued as age discrimination – let them take the initiative.
    • To take the spotlight away from older workers and potential feelings of discrimination, supervisors should be having these discussions with their employees at least annually.
    • Having this discussion creates an opportunity for employees to share their retirement plans, if they have any.
    • Warning: This is not the time to make promises about the future. For example, alternative work arrangements cannot be guaranteed without further analysis and planning.
    Do the following:
    1. Book a meeting with employees and ask them to prepare for a career development discussion.
    2. Ask direct questions about motivation, lifestyle preferences, and passions.
    3. Spend the time to understand your employees’ goals and their development needs.
    If an employee discloses that they plan to leave within the next few years:
    1. Gather information about approximate exit dates (non-binding).
    2. Find out their opinions about how they would like to transition out of their role, including any alternative work arrangements they would like to pursue.

    Potential questions to ask during career discussions with key role incumbents

    • Where do you see yourself in five years?
    • What role would you see yourself in after this one?
    • What gets you excited about coming to work?
    • Describe your greatest strengths. How would you like to use those strengths in the future?
    • What is standing in the way of your career goals?
    ** Do not ask employees directly about their retirement plans as this can be misconstrued as age discrimination – let them take the initiative.**
    Stock photo of a smiling employee with grey hair.

    1.2.1 Identify current incumbents' information

    Input: Key roles list, Employee information

    Output: List of key roles with individual incumbent information

    Materials: Key Roles Succession Planning Tool – Succession Plan Worksheet (Tab 3)

    Participants: IT leadership/management team, HR, Current incumbents if necessary

    Identify current incumbents for all key roles and collect information about them.

    Using Tab 3 of the Key Roles Succession Planning Tool identify the incumbent (the person currently in the role) for all key roles.

    Distribute the worksheet to department managers and team leaders to complete the information below for each key role.

    For that incumbent, also document:

    1. Their time in that role.
    2. Their overall performance in current role (does not meet, meets, or exceeds expectations).
    3. Next step in career (target role or retirement).
    4. Time until exit from the current role (known or estimated).
    5. Development needs for next step in career.
    6. Any additional knowledge and skills they possess beyond the role description that is of value to the organization.

    Upon completion, managers and team leaders should review the results with the department leader.

    Key Roles Succession Planning Tool

    Identify potential successors for all key roles

    It’s imperative that multiple sources of information are used to ensure no potential successor is missed and to gain a complete candidate picture.

    Work collaboratively with the management team and HR business partners for names of potential successors.

    The management team includes:

    • The incumbent’s direct supervisor.
    • Managers from the department in which the key role exists.
    • Leaders of teams with which potential successors have worked.
    • The key role incumbent (assuming it’s appropriate to do so).

    Use management roundtable discussions to identify and analyze each potential successor.

    • Participants should come equipped with names of potential successors and be prepared to provide a rationale for their recommendation.
    • Provide all participants with the key role job description in advance of the meeting, including responsibilities and required knowledge and skills.

    Don’t confuse successors with high potentials!

    • Identifying high potential employees involves recognizing those employees who consistently outperform their peers, progress more quickly than their peers, and live the company culture. They are usually striving for leadership roles.
    • While you also want your successors to exemplify these qualities of excellence, succession planning is specifically about identifying the employees who currently possess (or soon will possess) the skills and knowledge required to take over a key role.
    • Remember: Key roles are not limited to leadership roles, so cast a wider net when identifying succession candidates.
    See the following slide for sources of information participants should consult to back up their recommendations and vet succession candidates.

    Determine how employees will be identified for talent assessment

    Description Advice
    Management-nominated employees
    • Managers or skip-level leaders nominate potential successors within or outside their team.
    • Limit bias by requiring management nominations to be based on specific evidence of performance and potential.
    High-potential employees (HiPos)
    • Consider employees who are in an existing high-potential program.
    • Determine whether the HiPo program sufficiently assesses for critical role requirements. Successors must possess the skills and knowledge required for specific critical roles. Expand assessment beyond just HiPo.
    Self-nominated employees
    • Employees are informed about succession planning and asked to indicate their interest in critical roles.
    • Train managers to support the program and to handle difficult conversations (e.g. employee submitted self-nomination and was unsuccessful).
    All employees
    • All employees across a division, geography, function, or leadership level are invited for assessment.
    • While less common, this approach is appropriate for highly inclusive cultures. Be prepared to invest significantly more time and resources.
    When identifying employees, keep the following advice in mind:

    Widen the net

    Don’t limit yourself to the next level down or the same functional group.

    Match transparency

    With less transparency, there are fewer options, and you risk missing out on potential successors.

    Select the appropriate talent assessment methods

    Identify all talent assessment types used in your organization and examine their ability to inform decision-making for critical role assignments. Select multiple sources to ensure a robust talent assessment approach:

    A sound talent assessment methodology will involve both quantitative and qualitative components. Multiple data inputs and perspectives will help ensure relevant information is prioritized and suitable candidates aren’t overlooked.

    However, beware that too many inputs may slow down the process and frustrate managers.

    Beware of biases in talent assessments. A common tendency is for people to recommend successors who are exactly like them or who they like personally, not necessarily the best person for the job. HR must (diplomatically) challenge leaders to use evidence-based assessments.

    Good Successor Information Sources

    • 360-Degree Feedback – (breadth and accuracy)
    • HR-led Interviews – (objectivity and confirmation)
    • Talent Review Meetings – (leadership input)
    • Stretch Assignments – (challenge comfort zones)
    • Competency-Based Aptitude Tests – (objective data)
    • Job Simulations – (real-life testing)
    • Recent Performance Evaluations – (predictor of future performance)

    Prepare to customize the Individual Talent Profile Template

    Ensure the role profile and individual talent profile are synchronized to enable comparing employee qualifications and readiness to critical role requirements. Sample of the Role Profile.

    Role Profile

    A role profile contains information on the skills, competencies, and other minimum requirements for the critical role. It details the type of incumbent that would fit a critical role.
    Stock image of a chain link.

    Use both in conjunction during:

    • Talent assessment
    • Successor identification
    • Successor development
    • Successor selection
    Sample the Individual Talent Profile.

    Individual Talent Profile

    A talent profile provides information about a person. In addition to responding to role profile criteria, it provides information on an employee’s past experiences and performance, career aspirations, and future potential.

    1.2.2 Identify Potential Successors’ Information

    Input: Key roles list, Employee information, Completed role profiles and/or Tab 2 role information.

    Output: List of potential successors for key roles that are selected for talent assessment

    Materials: Key Roles Succession Planning Tool – Succession Plan Worksheet (Tab 3)

    Participants: IT leadership, IT team leads, Employees

    Identify potential successors for key roles and collect critical information.

    Have managers and team leads complete column I on Tab 3 of the Key Roles Succession Planning Tool and review with the department leader.

    There may be more than one potential successor for key roles; this is okay.

    Once the list is compiled, complete an individual talent profile for each potential successor. Record an employee’s:

    1. Employee information
    2. Career goals
    3. Experience and education
    4. Achievements
    5. Competencies
    6. Performance
    7. Any assessment results

    Once the profiles are completed, they can be compared to the role profile to identify development needs.

    Key Roles Succession Planning Tool

    Individual Talent Profile Template

    Build an IT Succession Plan

    Phase 2

    Succession Planning

    Phase 1

    1.1 Identify Critical Roles

    1.2 Assess Talent

    Phase 2

    2.1 Identify Successors

    2.2 Develop Successors

    2.3 Select Successors

    Phase 3

    3.1 Identify Critical Knowledge

    3.2 Select Transfer Methods

    3.3 Document Role Transition Plan

    This phase will walk you through how to:

    • Conduct an assessment to identify “at risk” key role incumbents.
    • Identify potential successors for key roles and collect critical information.
    • Assess gaps between key role incumbents and potential successors.

    Tools and resources used:

    • Key Roles Succession Planning Tool
    • Key Role Profile
    • Individual Talent Profile

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • IT leadership/management team
    • HR

    Succession planning helps you assess which key roles are most at risk

    Drilling down to the incumbent and successor level introduces “real life,” individual-focused factors that have a major impact on role-related risk.

    Succession planning is an organizational process for identifying and developing talent internally to fill key business roles. It allows organizations to:

    • Understand the career plans of employees to allow organizations to plan more accurately.
    • Identify suitable successors for key roles and assess their readiness.
    • Mitigate risks to long-term business continuity and growth.
    • Avoid external replacement costs including headhunting and recruitment, HR administration, and productivity loss.
    • Retain internal tacit knowledge.
    • Increase engagement and retention; keeping talented people reinforces career path opportunities and builds team culture.


    Where the talent review was about high-level strategic planning for talent requirements, succession planning looks at individual employees and plans for which employees will fulfill which key roles next.
    “I ask the questions, What are the risks we have with these particular roles? Is there a way to disperse this knowledge to other members of the group? If yes, then how do we do that?” (Director of HR, Service Industry)

    Succession planning ultimately must drill down to individual people – namely, the incumbent and potential successors.

    This is because individual human beings possess a unique knowledge and skill set, along with their own personal aspirations and life circumstances.

    The risks associated with a key role are theoretical. When people are introduced into the equation, the “real life” risk of loss for that key role can change dramatically.

    Succession Planning

    Funnel titled 'Succession Planning' with 'Critical Roles' at the top of the funnel, 'Critical Knowledge and Skills' as the middle of the funnel, 'Individuals' as the bottom of the funnel, and it drains into 'Incumbent's Potential Successors'.

    Step 2.1

    Identify Successors

    • 2.1.1 Conduct Individual Risk Assessment
    • 2.1.2 Successor Readiness Assessment

    This step highlights the relative positioning of all employees assessed for departure risk compared to the potential successors’ readiness, identifying gaps that create risk for the organization, and need mitigation strategies.

    Outcomes of this step

    • Individual risk assessment results – mitigate, manage, accept matrix.
    • Potential successor readiness ranking.
    • Determination on transparency level with successors.

    Succession Planning

    Step 2.1 Step 2.2 Step 2.3

    Decide how to obtain information on employee interest in critical roles

    Not all employees may want to be considered as part of the succession planning program. It might not fit their short- or long-term plans. Avoid misalignment and outline steps to ascertain employee interest.


    • Use your target transparency level to:
      • Determine the degree of employees’ participation in self-assessment.
      • Guide organization-wide and targeted messaging about succession planning (see Step 3).


    • Ensure program-level communication has occurred before asking employees about their interests in critical roles, in order to garner more trust and engagement.
    • Decide at what point along the succession planning process (if at all) that employee’s career interests will be collected and incorporated.

    Manager accountability and resources

    • Identify resources needed for managers to conduct targeted career conversations with employees (e.g. training, communication guides, key messaging).
    • If program communication is to be implemented organization-wide, approach accordingly.

    Obtaining employee interest ensures process efficiency because:

    • Time isn’t wasted focusing on candidates who aren’t interested.
    • The assessment group is narrowed down through self-selection.

    Level-set expectations with employees:

    • Communicate that they will be considered for assessment and talent review discussions.
    • Ensure they understand that everyone assessed will not necessarily be identified or selected as a successor.

    Conduct a risk assessment

    Identify key role incumbents who may leave before you’re ready.

    Pay particular attention to those employees nearing retirement and flag them as high risk.

    Understand the impact that employee age has on key role risk. Keep the following in mind when filling out the Individual Risk Assessment of the Key Roles Succession Planning Tool. See the next slide for more details on this.

    High Risk Arrow pointing both ways vertically. Anyone 60 years of age or older, or anyone who has indicated they will be retiring within five years.
    Moderate Risk Employees in their early 50s are still many years away from retirement but have enough years remaining in their career to make a significant move to a new role outside of your organization. Furthermore, they have specialized skills making them more attractive to external organizations.
    Employees in their late 50s are likely more than five years away from retirement but are also less likely than younger employees to leave your organization for another role elsewhere. This is because of increasing personal risk in making such a move, and persistent employer unwillingness to hire older employees.
    Low Risk Technically, when it comes to succession planning for key roles held by employees over the age of 50, no one should be considered “low risk for departure.
    Pull some hard demographic data.

    Compile a report that breaks down employees into age-based demographic groups.

    Flag those over the age of 50 – they’re in the “retirement zone” and could decide to leave at any time.

    Check to see which key role incumbents fall into the “over 50” age demographic. You’ll want to shortlist these people for an individual risk assessment.

    Update this report twice a year to keep it current.

    For those people on your shortlist, gather the information that supervisors gained from the career discussions that took place. Specifically, draw out information that indicates their retirement plans.

    2.1.1 Conduct Individual Risk Assessment

    Input: Completed Succession Plan worksheet

    Output: Risk assessment of key role incumbents, understanding of which key role departures to manage, mitigate, and accept

    Materials: Key Roles Succession Planning Tool – Individual Risk Assessment (Tab 4), Key Roles Succession Planning Tool – Risk Assessment Results (Tab 5)

    Participants: IT leadership/management team

    Assign values for probability of departure and impact of departure using the Key Roles Succession Planning Tool.

    For those in key roles and those over 50, complete the Individual Risk Assessment (Tab 4) of the Key Roles Succession Planning Tool:

    1. Assess each key role incumbent’s probability of departure based on your knowledge. If the person is going to another job, is a known flight risk, or faces dismissal, the probability is high.
      • 0-40: Unlikely to Leave. If the employee is new to the role, highly engaged, or a high potential.
      • 41-60: Unknown. If the employee is sending mixed messages about happiness at work, or sending no messages, it may be difficult to guess.
      • 61-100: Likely to Leave. If the employee is nearing retirement, actively job searching, disengaged, or faces dismissal, then the probability of departure is high.
    2. Assess the role and the individual’s impact of departure on a scale of 1 (no impact) to 100 (devasting impact).
    3. Review the risk assessment results on tab 5 of the planning tool. The employees that appear in the mitigate quadrant are your succession planning priorities.

    Key Roles Succession Planning Tool

    Define readiness criteria for successor identification

    1. Select the types of readiness and the number of levels:

      Readiness by time horizon:

      • Successors are identified as ready based on how long it is estimated they will take to acquire the minimum requirements of the critical role.
      • Levels example: Ready Now, Ready in 1-2 Years, Ready in 3-5 Years.

      Readiness by moves:

      • Successors are identified as ready based on how many position moves they have made or how many developmental experiences they have had.
      • Levels example: Ready Now, Ready after 1 Move, Ready after 2 Moves.
    2. Create definitions for each readiness level:



      Ready Now Definition: Ability to deliver in current role Requirement: Meets or exceeds expectations Definition: Ability to take on greater responsibility Requirement: Demonstrates learning agility
      The 9-box is an effective way to map performance and potential requirements and can guide management decision making in talent review and calibration sessions. See McLean & Company’s 9-Box Job Aid for more information. Sample of the 9-Box Job Aid, a 9-field matrix with axes 'Potential: Low to High' and 'Performance: Low to High'.
      “Time means nothing. If you say someone will be ready in a year, and you’ve done nothing in that year to develop them, they won’t be ready. We look at it as moves or experiences: ready now, ready in one move, ready in two moves.” (Amanda Mathieson, Senior Manager, Talent Management, Tangerine)

    2.1.2 Successor Readiness Assessment

    Input: Individual talent profiles, List of potential successors (Tab 3)

    Output: Readiness ranking for each potential successor

    Materials: Key Roles Succession Planning Tool

    Participants: IT leadership/management team

    Assign values for probability of departure and impact of departure using the Key Roles Succession Planning Tool.

    Using Tab 6 of the Key Roles Succession Planning Tool, evaluate the readiness of each potential successor that you previously identified.

    1. Enter the name, current role, and target role of each potential successor into the spreadsheet.
    2. For each employee, fill in a response from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree” for the assessment criteria statements listed in column B of Tab 6. This will give you a readiness ranking in row 68.

    Key Roles Succession Planning Tool

    Decide if and how successors will be told about their status in the succession plan

    1. Decide if employees will be told. Be as transparent as possible. This will provide several benefits to your organization (e.g. higher engagement, retention) while managing potential risks (e.g. perception that the process is unfair, reducing motivation to perform).
    2. Decide who will tell them. Decide based on the culture of your organization; are official communications usually conveyed through the direct manager, HR, senior leaders, or steering committee?
    1. Determine how you will tell them.

      Suggested messaging to non-successors:

      • Not being identified as a successor does not mean that an employee is not valued by the organization, nor does it indicate the employee will be let go. It simply means that the organization needs a backup plan to manage risk.
      • Employees can still develop toward a critical role they are interested in, and the organization will continue to evaluate whether they can be a potential successor.
      • It is the employee’s responsibility to own their development and communicate to their manager any interest they have in critical roles.

      Suggested messaging to successors:

      • Being identified as a successor is an investment in employee development – not a guaranteed promotion.
      • Successor status may change based on changes to the critical role itself, or if performance is not on par with expectations.
      • The organization strives to be as fair and objective as possible through evidence-based assessments of performance and potential.

    Case Study

    Failing to have a career aspiration discussion with a potential successor leaves a sales director in a bind.

    Professional Services
    • A senior sales director in a medium-sized private company knew there would be a key management opportunity opening up in six months. He had one candidate in mind: a key contributor from the sales floor.
    • The sales manager assumed that the sales representative would want the management position and began planning the candidate’s required training in order to get him ready.
    • Three months before the position opened up, the manager finally approached the representative about the opportunity, telling the representative that he was an excellent candidate for the role.
    • However, the sales representative was not interested in managing people. He wanted to come in, do a really great day’s worth of work, and then go home and be done. He already loved what he did.
    • The sales representative turned down the offer point blank, leaving the manager with less than three months to find and groom a new internal successor.
    • The manager failed on several fronts. First, he did not ask the employee about his career aspirations. Second, he did not groom a pool of potential successors for the role, affording no protection in the event that the primary candidate couldn’t or wouldn’t assume the role.

    Step 2.2

    Develop Successors

    • 2.2.1 Outline Successor Development Process

    The primary goal of this step is to identify the steps that need to be taken to develop potential successors. Focus on training employees for their future role, not just their current one.

    Outcomes of this step

    • Identified gaps between key role exits and successor readiness.

    Succession Planning

    Step 2.1 Step 2.2 Step 2.3

    2.2.1 Outline Successor Development Process

    Input: Role profiles, Talent profiles, Talent assessments

    Output: Identified gaps between key role exits and successor readiness

    Materials: Key Roles Succession Planning Tool – Successor Identification (Tab 7)

    Participants: IT leadership/management team

    Prepare successors for their next role, not just their current one.

    Use role and talent profiles and any talent assessment results to identify gaps for development.

    1. Outline the steps involved in the individual development planning process for successors. Key steps include identifying development timeline, learning needs, learning resources and strategies, and accomplishment metrics/evidence.
    2. Identify learning elements successor development will involve based on critical role type. For example, coaching and/or mentoring, leadership training, functional skills training, or targeted experiences/projects.
    3. Select metrics with associated timelines to measure the progress of successor development plans. Establish guidelines for employee and manager accountability in developing prioritized competencies.
    4. Determine monitoring cadence of successor development plans (i.e. how often successor development plans will be tracked to ensure timely progress). Identify who will be involved in monitoring the process (e.g. steering committee).

    Info-Tech insight

    Succession planning without integrated efforts for successor development is simply replacement planning. Get successors ready for promotion by ensuring a continuously monitored and customized development plan is in place.

    Integrate knowledge transfer in the successor development process


    Brainstorm ideas to encourage knowledge-sharing and transfer from incumbent to successor.


    Integrate knowledge-transfer methods into the successor development process.
    Identify key knowledge areas to include:
    • Specialized technical knowledge
    • Specialized research and development processes
    • Unique design capabilities/methods/models
    • Special formulas/algorithms/techniques
    • Proprietary production processes
    • Decision-making criteria
    • Innovative sales methods
    • Knowledge about key customers
    • Relationships with key stakeholders
    • Company history and values
    Use multiple methods for effective knowledge transfer.

    Explicit knowledge is easily explained and codified, such as facts and procedures. Knowledge transfer methods tend to be more formal and one-way. For example:

    • Formal documentation of processes and best practices
    • Self-published knowledgebase
    • Formal training sessions

    Tacit knowledge accumulates over years of experience and is hard to articulate. Knowledge transfer methods are often informal and interactive. For example:

    • Mentoring and job shadowing
    • Multigenerational work teams
    • Networks and communities
    Knowledge transfer can occur via a wide range of methods that need to be selected and integrated into daily work to suit the needs of the knowledge to be transferred and of the people involved. See Phase 3 for more details on knowledge transfer.

    Step 2.3

    Select Successors

    The goal of this step is to determine how critical roles will be filled when vacancies arise.

    Outcomes of this step

    • Agreement with HR on the process to fill vacancies when key roles exit.

    Succession Planning

    Step 2.1 Step 2.2 Step 2.3

    Determine how critical roles will be filled when vacancies arise

    Choose one of two approaches to successor selection:
    • Talent review meeting:
      • Conduct a talent review meeting with functional leaders to discuss key open positions and select the right successors. Ascertain successor interest prior to the meeting, if not obtained already.
      • If multiple successors are ready now, use both role and talent profiles to arrive at a final decision.
      • If only one successor is ready now, outline steps for their promotion process. Which leaders should be involved for final approval? What is TA’s role?
    • Talent acquisition (TA) process:
      • Align with TA to implement a formal recruitment process to select the right successor (open application and interview process to talent pool).
      • Decide if a talent review meeting is required afterwards to agree on the final successor or if the interview panel will make the final decision.

    Work together with Talent Acquisition (TA) to outline special treatment of critical role vacancies. Ensure TA is aware of succession plan(s).

    Explicitly determine the level of preference for internal successors versus external hires to your TA team to ensure alignment. This will create an environment where promotion from within is customary.

    Build an IT Succession Plan

    Phase 3

    Knowledge Transfer

    Phase 1

    1.1 Identify Critical Roles

    1.2 Assess Talent

    Phase 2

    2.1 Identify Successors

    2.2 Develop Successors

    2.3 Select Successors

    Phase 3

    3.1 Identify Critical Knowledge

    3.2 Select Transfer Methods

    3.3 Document Role Transition Plan

    This phase will show you to:

    • Identify critical knowledge risks.
    • Select appropriate transfer methods.
    • Document knowledge transfer initiatives for key role transition plans.

    Tools and resources used:

    • Role Transition Plan Template

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • IT leadership/management team
    • HR
    • Incumbent & successor managers

    Mitigate risk – formalize knowledge transfer

    Use Info-Tech’s Mitigate Key IT Employee Knowledge Loss blueprint to build and implement your knowledge transfer plan.

    Effective knowledge transfer allows organizations to:
    • Maintain or improve speed and productivity by ensuring the right people have the right skills to do their jobs well.
    • Increase agility because knowledge is more evenly distributed amongst employees. Multiple people can perform a given task and no one person becomes a bottleneck.
    • Capture and sustain knowledge; creating a knowledge database provides all employees access to the information, now and in the future.
    Knowledge transfer between those in key roles and potential successors yields the highest dividends for:
    • Senior level successions.
    • External hires.
    • Senior expatriate transfers.
    • Developmental stretch assignments.
    • Internal cross-divisional transfers and promotions.
    • High organizational dependency on unique expert knowledge.
    • Critical function/project/team transitions.
    • Large scale reorganizations and mergers & acquisitions.
    (Source: Piktialis and Greenes, 2008)
    Sample of the Mitigate Key IT Employee Knowledge Loss blueprint.

    Mitigate Key IT Employee Knowledge Loss

    Knowledge transfer is complex and must be both multi-faceted and well supported

    Knowledge transfer is the capture, organization, and distribution of knowledge held by individuals to ensure that it is accessible and usable by others.

    Knowledge transfer is not stopping, learning, and returning to work. Nor is it simply implementing a document management system.  Arrow pointing right. Knowledge transfer is a wide range of methods that must be carefully selected and integrated into daily work in order to meet the needs of the knowledge to be transferred and the people involved.

    Knowledge transfer works best when the following techniques are applied

    • Use multiple methods and media to transfer the knowledge.
    • Ensure a two-way interaction between the knowledge source and recipient.
    • Support knowledge transfer with active mentoring.
    • Transfer knowledge at the point of need; that is, when it’s immediately useful.
    • Offer experience-oriented training to reinforce knowledge absorption.
    • Use a knowledge management system to permanently capture knowledge shared.
    Personalization is the key.

    Dwyer & Dwyer say that providing “insights to a particular person (or people) needing knowledge at the time of the requirement” is the difference between knowledge transfer that sticks and knowledge that is forgotten.

    “Designing a system in which the employee must interrupt his or her work to learn or obtain new knowledge is not productive. Focus on ‘teachable moments.” (Karl Kapp, “Tools and Techniques for Transferring Know-How from Boomers to Gamers”)

    Step 3.1

    Identify Critical Knowledge to Transfer

    The goal of this step is to understand what knowledge and skills much be transferred, keeping in mind the various types of knowledge.

    Outcomes of this step

    • Critical knowledge and skills for key roles documented in the Key Role Transition plans.

    Knowledge Transfer

    Step 3.1 Step 3.2 Step 3.3

    Understand what knowledge and skills must be transferred

    There are two basic types of knowledge:

    Explicit knowledge:
    Easily explained and codified, e.g. facts and procedures.
    Image of a head with gears inside. Tacit knowledge:
    Accumulates over years of experience and is hard to verbalize.
    • You should already have a good idea of what knowledge and skills are valued from the worksheets completed earlier.
    • Focus on identifying the knowledge, skills, and relationships essential to the specific incumbent in a key role and what it is he or she does to perform that key role well.
    Document critical knowledge and skills for key roles in the:

    Role Transition Plan Template

    1. Identify key knowledge areas. These include:
      • Specialized technical knowledge and research and development process.
      • Unique design capabilities/methods/models.
      • Special formulas/algorithms/techniques.
      • Proprietary production processes.
      • Decision-making criteria.
      • Innovative sales methods.
      • Knowledge about key customers.
      • Relationships with key stakeholders.
      • Company history and values.
    2. Ask questions of both sources and receivers of knowledge to help determine the best knowledge transfer methods to use.
      • What is the nature of the knowledge? Explicit or tacit?
      • Why is it important to transfer?
      • How will the knowledge be used?
      • What knowledge is critical for success?
      • How will the users find and access it?
      • How will it be maintained and remain relevant and usable?
      • What are the existing knowledge pathways or networks connecting sources to recipients?

    Step 3.2

    Select Knowledge Transfer Methods

    • 3.2.1 Select Knowledge Transfer Methods

    This step helps you identify the knowledge transfer methods that will be the most effective, considering the knowledge or skill that needs to be transferred and the individuals involved.

    Outcomes of this step

    • Knowledge transfer methods chosen documented in the Key Role Transition Plans.

    Knowledge Transfer

    Step 3.1 Step 3.2 Step 3.3

    Knowledge transfer methods available

    Be prepared to use various methods to transfer knowledge and use them all liberally.

    The most common knowledge transfer method is simply to have a collaborative culture

    Horizontal bar chart ranking knowledge transfer methods by commonality.
    (Source: McLean & Company, 2013; N=121)

    A basic willingness for a role incumbent to share with a successor is the most powerful item in your tacit knowledge transfer toolkit.

    Formal documentation is critical for explicit knowledge sharing, yet only 40% of organizations use it.

    Rewarding and recognizing employees for doing knowledge transfer well is underutilized yet has emerged as an important reinforcing component of any effective knowledge transfer program.
    Don’t forget it!

    3.2.1 Select Knowledge Transfer Methods

    Input: Role profiles, Talent profiles

    Output: Methods for integrating knowledge transfer into day-to-day practice

    Materials: Role Transition Plan Template

    Participants: IT leadership/management team, HR, Knowledge source, Knowledge recipient

    Utilize methods that make it easy to apply the knowledge in day-to-day practice.

    Select your method according to the following criteria:

    1. The type of knowledge. A soft skill, like professionalism, is best taught via mentoring, while a technical process is best documented and applied on-the-job.
    2. What the knowledge recipient is comfortable with. The recipient may get bored during formal training sessions and retain more during job shadowing.
    3. What the knowledge source is comfortable with. The source may be uncomfortable with blogs and wikis, but comfortable with SharePoint.
    4. The cost. Some methods require an investment in time (e.g. mentoring), while others require an investment in technology (e.g. knowledge bases).
      • The good news is that many supporting technologies may already exist in your organization or can be acquired for free.
      • Methods that cost time may be difficult to get underway since employees may feel they don’t have the time or must change the way they work.

    The more integrated knowledge transfer is in day-to-day activities, the more likely it is to be successful and the lower the time cost. This is because real learning is happening at the same time real work is being accomplished.

    Document the knowledge transfer methods in the Role Transition Plan Template.

    Role Transition Plan Template

    Explore alternative work arrangements

    Ensure sufficient time to prepare successors

    If a key role incumbent isn’t around to complete knowledge transfer, it’s all for naught.

    Alternative work arrangements are critical tools that employers can use to achieve a mutually beneficial solution that mitigates the risk of loss associated with key roles.

    Alternative work arrangements not only support employees who want to keep working, but they allow the business to retain employees that are needed in key roles.

    In a survey from The Conference Board, one out of four older workers indicated that they continue to work because their company provided them with needed flexibility.

    And, nearly half said that more flexibility would make them less likely to retire. (Source: Ivey Business Journal)

    Flexible work options are the most used form of alternative work arrangement

    Horizontal bar chart ranking alternative work arrangements by usage.
    (Source: McLean & Company, N=44)

    Choose the alternative work arrangement that works best for you and the employee

    Alternative Work Arrangement


    Ideal Use


    Flexible work options Employees work the same number of hours but have flexibility in when and where they work (e.g. from home, evenings). Employees who work fairly independently, with no or few direct reports. Employee may become isolated or disconnected, impeding knowledge transfer methods that require interaction or one-on-one time.
    Contract-based work Working for a defined period of time on a specific project on a non-salaried or non-wage basis. Project-oriented work that requires specialized knowledge or skills. Available work may be sporadic or specific projects more intensive than the employee wants. Knowledge transfer must be built into the contractual arrangement.
    Part-time roles Half-days or a certain number of days per week; indefinite with no end date in mind. Employees whose roles can be readily narrowed and upon whom people and critical processes are not dependent. It may be difficult to break a traditionally full-time job down into a part-time role given the size and nature of associated tasks.
    Graduated retirement Retiring employee has a set retirement date, gradually reducing hours worked per week over time. Roles where a successor has been identified and is available to work alongside the incumbent in an overlapping capacity while he or she learns. The role may only require a single FTE, and the organization may not be able to afford the amount of redundancy inherent in this arrangement.

    The arrangement chosen may be a combination of multiple options

    Alternative Work Arrangement


    Ideal Use


    Part-year jobs or job sharingWorking part of the year and having the rest of the year off, unpaid.Project-oriented work where ongoing external relationships do not need to be maintained. The employee is unavailable for knowledge transfer activities for a large portion of the year. Another risk is that the employee may opt not to return at the end of the extended time off, with little notice.
    Increased paid time offAdditional vacation days upon reaching a certain age.Best used as recognition or reward for long-term service. This may be a particularly useful retention incentive in organizations that do not offer pension plans. The company may not be able to financially afford to pay for such extensive time off. If the role incumbent is the only one in the role, this may mean crucial work is not being done.
    Altered rolesConcentration of a job description on fewer tasks that allows the employee to focus on his or her specific expertise.Roles where a successor has been identified and is available to work alongside the incumbent, with the incumbent’s new role highly focused on mentoring. The role may only require a single FTE, and the organization may not be able to afford the amount of redundancy inherent in this arrangement.

    Alternative work arrangements require senior management support

    Senior management and other employees must see the value of retaining older workers, or they will not be supportive of these solutions.

    Any changes made to an employee’s work arrangement has an impact on people, processes, and policies.

    If the knowledge and skills of older employees aren’t valued, then:

    • Alternative arrangements will be seen as wasteful accommodation of a low-value employee.
    • Time won’t be allowed to manage the transition properly and make appropriate changes.
    • Other employees may resent any workload spillover.
    Alternate work arrangements can’t be implemented on a whim.

    Make sure alternative work arrangements can be done right and are supported – they’re often solutions that come with additional work. Determine the effects and make appropriate adjustments.

    • Review processes, particularly hand-off and approval points, to ensure tasks will still be handled seamlessly.
    • Assess organizational policies to ensure no violations are occurring or to rework policies (where possible) to accommodate alternative work arrangements.
    • Speak to affected employees to answer questions, identify obstacles, gain support, redefine their job descriptions if required, and make appropriate compensation adjustments. Always provide appropriate training when skills requirements are expanded.

    Step 3.3

    Document Role Transition Plans for all Key Roles

    • 3.3.1 Document Role Transition Plans

    The primary goal of this step is to build clear checklist-based plans for each key role to help ensure a smooth transition as a successor takes over.

    Outcomes of this step

    • Completed key role transition plans

    Knowledge Transfer

    Step 3.1 Step 3.2 Step 3.3

    3.3.1 Document Role Transition Plans

    Input: Role profiles, Talent profiles, Talent assessments, Workforce plans

    Output: A clear checklist-based plan to help ensure a smooth transition.

    Materials: Role Transition Plan Template

    Participants: IT leadership/management team, Incumbent, Successor(s), HR

    Define a transition plan for all employees in at-risk key roles, and their successors.

    You should already have a good idea of what knowledge and skills are valued from the worksheets completed earlier. Focus on identifying the knowledge, skills, and relationships essential to the specific incumbent in a key role and what it is they do to perform that key role well.

    Using the Role Transition Plan Template develop a plan to transfer what needs to be transferred from the incumbent to the successor.

    1. Record the incumbent and successor information in the template.
    2. Summarize the key accountabilities and expectations of the incumbent’s role. This summary should highlight specific tasks and initiatives that the successor must take on, including success enablers. Attach the job description for a full description of accountabilities and expectations.
    3. Document the knowledge and skills requirements for the key role, as well as any additional knowledge and skills possessed by the key role incumbent that will aid the successor.
    4. Document any alternative work arrangements to the incumbent’s roles.
    5. Populate the Role Transition Checklist for key transition activities that must be completed by certain dates. A list of sample checklist items has been provided. Add, delete, or modify list items to suit your needs.

    Role Transition Plan Template

    DairyNZ leverages alternative work arrangements

    Ensures successful knowledge transfer
    Agricultural research
    Rose Macfarlane, General Manager Human Resources, DairyNZ
    • DairyNZ employs many people in specialized science research roles. Some very senior employees are international experts in their field.
    • Several experts have reached or are nearing retirement age. These pending retirements have come as no surprise.
    • However, due to the industry’s lack of development investment in the past, there is a 20–30-year experience gap in the organization for some key roles.
    • One principal scientist gave over two years’ notice. His replacement – an external candidate – had been identified in advance and was hired once retirement notice was given.
    • The incumbent’s role was amended. He worked alongside his successor for 18 months in a controlled hand-over process.
    • The result was ideal in that the advance notice allowed full knowledge transfer to take place.

    Research Contributors and Experts

    Anne Roberts
    Principal, Leadership Within Inc. al,
    • Anne T. Roberts is an experienced organization development professional and executive business coach who works with leaders and their organizations to help them create, articulate and implement their change agenda. Her extensive experience in change management, organizational design, meeting design and facilitation, communication and leadership alignment has helped leaders tap into their creativity, drive and energy. Her ability to work with and coach people at the leadership level on a wide range of topics has them face their own organizational stories.
    Amanda Mathieson
    Senior Manager, Talent Management, Tangerine
    • Amanda is responsible for researching people- and leadership-focused trends, developing thought models, and providing resources, tools, and processes to build and drive the success of leaders in a disruptive world.
    • Her expertise in leadership development, organizational change management, and performance and talent management comes from her experience in various industries spanning pharmaceutical, retail insurance, and financial services. She takes a practical, experiential approach to people and leadership development that is grounded in adult learning methodologies and leadership theory. She is passionate about identifying and developing potential talent, as well as ensuring the success of leaders as they transition into more senior roles.

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Stock image of a brain. Mitigate Key IT Employee Knowledge Loss
    • Transfer IT knowledge before it’s gone.
    • Effective knowledge transfer mitigates risks from employees leaving the organization and is a key asset driving innovation and customer service.
    Stock image of sticky notes being organized on a board. Implement an IT Employee Development Plan
    • There is a growing gap between the competencies organizations have been focused on developing, and what is needed in the future.
    • Employees have been left to drive their own development, with little direction or support and without the alignment of development to organizational needs.


    “Accommodating Older Workers’ Needs for Flexible Work Options.” Ivey Business Journal, July/August 2005. Accessed Jan 7, 2013.

    Christensen, Kathleen and Marcie Pitt-Catsouphes. “Approaching 65: A Survey of Baby Boomers Turning 65 Years Old”. AARP, Dec. 2010.

    Coyne, Kevin P. and Shawn T. Coyne. “The Baby Boomer Retirement Fallacy and What It Means to You. “ HBR Blog Network. Harvard Business Review, May 16, 2008. Accessed 8 Jan. 2013.

    Dwyer, Kevin and Ngoc Luong Dwyer. “Managing the Baby Boomer Brain Drain: The Impact of Generational Change on Human Resource Management.” ChangeFactory, April 2010. Accessed Jan 9, 2013.

    Gurchiek, Kathy. “Poll: Organizations Can Do More to Prepare for Talent Shortage as Boomers Retire.” SHRM, Nov 17, 2010. Accessed Jan 3, 2013.

    Howden, Daniel. “What Is Time to Fill? KPIs for Recruiters.” Workable, 24 March 2016. Web.

    Kapp, Karl M. “Tools and Techniques for Transferring Know-How from Boomers to Gamers.” Global Business and Organizational Excellence, July/August 2007. Web.

    Piktialis, Diane and Kent A. Greenes. Bridging the Gaps: How to Transfer Knowledge in Today’s Multigenerational Workplace. The Conference Board, 2008.

    Pisano, Gary P. “You need an Innovation Strategy.” Harvard Business Review, June 2015.

    Vilet, Jacque. “Lost Knowledge – What Are You and Your Organization Doing About It?” TLNT, 25 April 2012. Accessed 5 Jan. 2013.

    Architect Your Big Data Environment

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    • Parent Category Name: Big Data
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    • Organizations may understand the transformative potential of a big data initiative, but they struggle to make the transition from the awareness of its importance to identifying a concrete use case for a pilot project.
    • The big data ecosystem is crowded and confusing, and a lack of understanding of it may cause paralysis for organizations.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Don’t panic, and make use of the resources you already have. The skills, tools, and infrastructure for big data can break any budget quickly, but before making rash decisions, start with the resources you have in-house.
    • Big data as a service (BDaaS) is making big waves. BDaaS removes many of the hurdles associated with implementing a big data strategy and vastly lowers the barrier of entry.

    Impact and Result

    • Follow Info-Tech’s methodology for understanding the types of modern approaches to big data tools, and then determining which approach style makes the most sense for your organization.
    • Based on your big data use case, create a plan for getting started with big data tools that takes into account the backing of the use case, the organization’s priorities, and resourcing available.
    • Put a repeatable framework in place for creating a comprehensive big data tool environment that will help you decide on the necessary tools to help you realize the value from your big data use case and scale for the future.

    Architect Your Big Data Environment Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should find your optimal approach to big data tools, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Plant the foundations of your big data tool architecture

    Identify your big data use case and your current data-related capabilities.

    • Architect Your Big Data Environment – Phase 1: Plant the Foundations of Your Big Data Tool Architecture
    • Big Data Execution Plan Presentation
    • Big Data Architecture Planning Tool

    2. Weigh your big data architecture decision criteria

    Determine your capacity for big data tools, as well as the level of customizability and security needed for your solution to help justify your implementation style decision.

    • Architect Your Big Data Environment – Phase 2: Weigh Your Big Data Architecture Decision Criteria

    3. Determine your approach to implementing big data tools

    Analyze the three big data implementation styles, select your approach, and complete the execution plan for your big data initiative.

    • Architect Your Big Data Environment – Phase 3: Determine Your Approach To Implementing Big Data Tools

    Key Metrics for Every CIO

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    • Parent Category Name: Performance Measurement
    • Parent Category Link: /performance-measurement
    • As a CIO, you are inundated with data and information about how your IT organization is performing based on the various IT metrics that exist.
    • The information we receive from metrics is often just that – information. Rarely is it used as a tool to drive the organization forward.
    • CIO metrics need to consider the goals of key stakeholders in the organization.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • The top metrics for CIOs don’t have anything to do with IT.
    • CIOs should measure and monitor metrics that have a direct impact on the business.
    • Be intentional with the metric and number of metrics that you monitor on a regular basis.
    • Be transparent with your stakeholders on what and why you are measuring those specific metrics.

    Impact and Result

    • Measure fewer metrics, but measure those that will have a significant impact on how your deliver value to your organization.
    • Focus on the metrics that you can take action against, rather than simply monitor.
    • Ensure your metrics tie to your top priorities as a CIO.

    Key Metrics for Every CIO Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Key Metrics for Every CIO deck – The top metrics every CIO should measure and act on

    Leverage the top metrics for every CIO to help focus your attention and provide insight into actionable steps.

    • Key Metrics for Every CIO Storyboard

    Further reading

    Key Metrics for Every CIO

    The top six metrics for CIOs – and they have very little to do with IT

    Analyst Perspective

    Measure with intention

    Be the strategic CIO who monitors the right metrics relevant to their priorities – regardless of industry or organization. When CIOs provide a laundry list of metrics they are consistently measuring and monitoring, it demonstrates a few things.

    First, they are probably measuring more metrics than they truly care about or could action. These “standardized” metrics become something measured out of expectation, not intention; therefore, they lose their meaning and value to you as a CIO. Stop spending time on these metrics you will be unable or unwilling to address.

    Secondly, it indicates a lack of trust in the IT leadership team, who can and should be monitoring these commonplace operational measures. An empowered IT leader will understand the responsibility they have to inform the CIO should a metric be derailing from the desired outcome.

    Photo of Brittany Lutes, Senior Research Analyst, Organizational Transformation Practice, Info-Tech Research Group. Brittany Lutes
    Senior Research Analyst
    Organizational Transformation Practice
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    CIOs need to measure a set of specific metrics that:

    • Will support the organization’s vision, their career, and the IT function all in one.
    • Can be used as a tool to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions that will improve the IT function’s ability to deliver value.
    • Consider the influence of critical stakeholders, especially the end customer.
    • Are easily measured at any point in time.
    Common Obstacles

    CIOs often cannot define these metrics because:

    • We confuse the operational metrics IT leaders need to monitor with strategic metrics CIOs need to monitor.
    • Previously monitored metrics did not deliver value.
    • It is hard to decide on a metric that will prove both insightful and easily measurable.
    • We measure metrics without any method or insight on how to take actionable steps forward.
    Info-Tech’s Approach

    For every CIO, there are six areas that should be a focus, no matter your organization or industry. These six priorities will inform the metrics worth measuring:

    • Risk management
    • Delivering on business objectives
    • Customer satisfaction
    • Employee engagement
    • Business leadership relations
    • Managing to a budget

    Info-Tech Insight

    The top metrics for a CIO to measure and monitor have very little to do with IT and everything to do with ensuring the success of the business.

    Your challenge

    CIOs are not using metrics as a personal tool to advance the organization:
    • Metrics should be used as a tool by the CIO to help inform the future actions that will be taken to reach the organization’s strategic vision.
    • As a CIO, you need to have a defined set of metrics that will support your career, the organization, and the IT function you are accountable for.
    • CIO metrics must consider the most important stakeholders across the entire ecosystem of the organization – especially the end customer.
    • The metrics for a CIO are distinctly different from the metrics you use to measure the operational effectiveness of the different IT functions.
    “CIOs are businesspeople first and technology people second.” (Myles Suer, Source: CIO, 2019.)

    Common obstacles

    These barriers make this challenge difficult to address for many CIOs:
    • CIOs often do not measure metrics because they are not aware of what should or needs to be measured.
    • As a result of not wanting to measure the wrong thing, CIOs can often choose to measure nothing at all.
    • Or they get too focused on the operational metrics of their IT organization, leaving the strategic business metrics forgotten.
    • Moreover, narrowing the number of metrics that are being measured down to an actionable number is very difficult.
    • We rely only on physical data sets to help inform the measurements, not considering the qualitative feedback received.
    CIO priorities are business priorities

    46% of CIOs are transforming operations, focused on customer experiences and employee productivity. (Source: Foundry, 2022.)

    Finances (41.3%) and customers (28.1%) remain the top two focuses for CIOs when measuring IT effectiveness. All other focuses combine for the remaining 30.6%. (Source: Journal of Informational Technology Management, 2018.)

    Info-Tech’s approach

    Organizational goals inform CIO metrics

    Diagram with 'CIO Metrics' at the center surrounded by 'Directive Goals', 'Product/Service Goals', 'IT Goals', and 'Operations Goals', each of which are connected to eachother by 'Customers'.

    The Info-Tech difference:
    1. Every CIO has the same set of priorities regardless of their organization or industry given that these metrics are influenced by similar goals of organizations.
    2. CIO metrics are a tool to help inform the actions that will support each core area in reaching their desired goals.
    3. Be mindful of the goals different business units are using to reach the organization’s strategic vision – this includes your own IT goals.
    4. Directly or indirectly, you will always influence the ability to acquire and retain customers for the organization.

    CIO priorities

    Reducing operational costs and increasing strategic IT spend.
    Table centerpiece for CIO Priorities. DELIVERING ON BUSINESS OBJECTIVES
    Aligning IT initiatives to the vision of the organization.
    Directly and indirectly impacting customer experience.
    Creating an IT workforce of engaged and purpose-driven people.
    Actively knowing and mitigating threats to the organization.
    Establishing a network of influential business leaders.

    High-level process flow

    How do we use the CIO metrics?
    Process flow that starts at 'Consider - Identify and analyze CIO priorities', and is followed by 'Select priorities - Identify the top priorities for CIOs (see previous slide)', 'Create a measure - Determine a measure that aligns to each priority', 'Make changes & improvements - Take action to improve the measure and reach the goal you are trying to achieve', 'Demonstrate progress - Use the metrics to demonstrate progress against priorities'. Using priority-based metrics allows you to make incremental improvements that can be measured and reported on, which makes program maturation a natural process.

    Example CIO dashboard

    Example CIO dashboard.
    * Arrow indicates month-over-month trend

    Harness the value of metric data

    Metrics are rarely used accurately as a tool
    • When you have good metrics, you can:
      • Ensure employees are focused on the priorities of the organization
      • Have insight to make better decisions
      • Communicate with the business using language that resonates with each stakeholder
      • Increase the performance of your IT function
      • Continually adapt to meet changing business demands
    • Metrics are tools that quantifiably indicate whether a goal is on track to being achieved (proactive) or if the goal was successfully achieved (retroactive)
    • This is often reflected through two metric types:
      • Leading Metrics: The metric indicates if there are actions that should be taken in the process of achieving a desired outcome.
      • Lagging Metrics: Based on the desired outcome, the metric can indicate where there were successes or failures that supported or prevented the outcome from being achieved.
    • Use the data from the metrics to inform your actions. Do not collect this data if your intent is simply to know the data point. You must be willing to act.
    "The way to make a metric successful is by understanding why you are measuring it." (Jeff Neyland CIO)

    CIOs measure strategic business metrics

    Keep the IT leadership accountable for operational metrics
    • Leveraging the IT leadership team, empower and hold each leader accountable for the operational metrics specific to their functional area
    • As a CIO, focus on the metrics that are going to impact the business. These are often tied to people or stakeholders:
      • The customers who will purchase the product or service
      • The decision makers who will fund IT initiatives
      • The champions of IT value
      • The IT employees who will be driven to succeed
      • The owner of an IT risk event
    • By focusing on these priority areas, you can regularly monitor aspects that will have major business impacts – and be able to address those impacts.
    As a CIO, avoid spending time on operational metrics such as:
    • Time to deliver
    • Time to resolve
    • Project delivery (scope, time, money)
    • Application usage
    • User experiences
    • SLAs
    • Uptime/downtime
    • Resource costs
    • Ticket resolution
    • Number of phishing attempts
    Info-Tech Insight

    While operational metrics are important to your organization, IT leaders should be empowered and responsible for their management.


    Actively Managing IT Risks

    Actively manage IT risks

    The impact of IT risks to your organization cannot be ignored any further
    • Few individuals in an organization understand IT risks and can proactively plan for the prevention of those threats, making the CIO the responsible and accountable individual when it comes to IT risks – especially the components that tie into cybersecurity.
    • When the negative impacts of an IT threat event are translated into terms that can be understood and actioned by all in the organization, it increases the likelihood of receiving the sponsorship and funding support necessary.
    • Moreover, risk management can be used as a tool to drive the organization toward its vision state, enabling informed risk decisions.

    Risk management metric:

    Number of critical IT threats that were detected and prevented before impact to the organization.

    Beyond risk prevention
    Organizations that have a clear risk tolerance can use their risk assessments to better inform their decisions.
    Specifically, taking risks that could lead to a high return on investment or other key organizational drivers.

    Protect the organization from more than just cyber threats

    Other risk-related metrics:
    • Percentage of IT risks integrated into the organization’s risk management approach.
    • Number of risk management incidents that were not identified by your organization (and the potential financial impact of those risks).
    • Business satisfaction with IT actions to reduce impact of negative IT risk events.
    • Number of redundant systems removed from the organizations portfolio.
    Action steps to take:
    • Create a risk-aware culture, not just with IT folks. The entire organization needs to understand how IT risks are preventable.
    • Clearly demonstrate the financial and reputational impact of potential IT risks and ensure that this is communicated with decision-makers in the organization.
    • Have a single source of truth to document possible risk events and report prevention tactics to minimize the impact of risks.
    • Use this information to recommend budget changes and help make risk-informed decisions.


    Investing in Risk

    Heads of IT “cited increasing cybersecurity protections as the top business initiative driving IT investments this year” (Source: Foundry, 2022.)


    Delivering on Business Objectives

    Delivering on business objectives

    Deliver on initiatives that bring value to your organization and stop benchmarking
    • CIOs often want to know how they are performing in comparison to their competitors (aka where do you compare in the benchmarking?)
    • While this is a nice to know, it adds zero value in demonstrating that you understand your business, let alone the goals of your business
    • Every organization will have a different set of goals it is striving toward, despite being in the same industry, sector, or market.
    • Measuring your performance against the objectives of the organization prevents CIOs from being more technical than it would do them good.

    Business Objective Alignment Metric:

    Percentage of IT metrics have a direct line of impact to the business goals

    Stop using benchmarks to validate yourself against other organizations. Benchmarking does not provide:
    • Insight into how well that organization performed against their goals.
    • That other organizations goals are likely very different from your own organization's goals.
    • It often aggregates the scores so much; good and bad performers stop being clearly identified.

    Provide a clear line of sight from IT metrics to business goals

    Other business alignment metrics:
    • Number of IT initiatives that have a significant impact on the success of the organization's goals.
    • Number of IT initiatives that exceed the expected value.
    • Positive impact ($) of IT initiatives on driving business innovation.
    Action steps to take:
    • Establish a library or dashboard of all the metrics you are currently measuring as an IT organization, and align each of them to one or more of the business objectives your organization has.
    • Leverage the members of the organization’s executive team to validate they understand how your metric ties to the business objective.
    • Any metric that does not have a clear line of sight should be reconsidered.
    • IT metrics should continue to speak in business terms, not IT terms.


    CIOs drive the business

    The percentage of CEOs that recognize the CIO as the main driver of the business strategy in the next 2-3 years. (Source: Deloitte, 2020.)


    Impact on Customer Satisfaction

    Influencing end-customer satisfaction

    Directly or indirectly, IT influences how satisfied the customer is with their product or service
    • Now more than ever before, IT can positively influence the end-customer’s satisfaction with the product or service they purchase.
    • From operational redundancies to the customer’s interaction with the organization, IT can and should be positively impacting the customer experience.
    • IT leaders who take an interest in the customer demonstrate that they are business-focused individuals and understand the intention of what the organization is seeking to achieve.
    • With the CIO role becoming a strategic one, understanding why a customer would or would not purchase your organization’s product or service stops being a “nice to have.”

    Customer satisfaction metric:

    What is the positive impact ($ or %) of IT initiatives on customer satisfaction?

    Info-Tech Insight

    Be the one to suggest new IT initiatives that will impact the customer experience – stop waiting for other business leaders to make the recommendation.

    Enhance the end-customer experience with I&T

    Other customer satisfaction metrics:
    • Amount of time CIO spends interacting directly with customers.
    • Customer retention rate.
    • Customer attraction rate.
    Action steps to take:
    • Identify the core IT capabilities that support customer experience. Automation? Mobile application? Personal information secured?
    • Suggest an IT-supported or-led initiative that will enhance the customer experience and meet the business goals. Retention? Acquisition? Growth in spend?
    • This is where operational metrics or dashboards can have a real influence on the customer experience. Be mindful of how IT impacts the customer journey.


    Direct CX interaction

    In 2022, 41% of IT heads were directly interacting with the end customer. (Source: Foundry, 2022.)


    Keeping Employees Engaged

    Keeping employees engaged

    This is about more than just an annual engagement survey
    • As a leader, you should always have a finger on the pulse of how engaged your employees are
    • Employee engagement is high when:
      • Employees have a positive disposition to their place of work
      • Employees are committed and willing to contribute to the organization's success
    • Employee engagement comprises three types of drivers: organizational, job, and retention. As CIO, you have a direct impact on all three drivers.
    • Providing employees with a positive work environment where they are empowered to complete activities in line with their desired skillset and tied to a clear purpose can significantly increase employee engagement.

    Employee engagement metric:

    Number of employees who feel empowered to complete purposeful activities related to their job each day

    Engagement leads to increases in:
    • Innovation
    • Productivity
    • Performance
    • Teamwork
    While reducing costs associated with high turnover.

    Employees daily tasks need to have purpose

    Other employee engagement metrics:
    • Tenure of IT employees at the organization.
    • Number of employees who seek out or use a training budget to enhance their knowledge/skills.
    • Degree of autonomy employees feel they have in their work on a daily basis.
    • Number of collaboration tools provided to enable cross-organizational work.
    Action steps to take:
    • If you are not willing to take actionable steps to address engagement, don’t bother asking employees about it.
    • Identify the blockers to empowerment. Common blockers include insufficient team collaboration, bureaucracy, inflexibility, and feeling unsupported and judged.
    • Ensure there is a consistent understanding of what “purposeful” means. Are you talking about “purposeful” to the organization or the individual?
    • Provide more clarity on what the organization’s purpose is and the vision it is driving toward. Just because you understand does not mean the employees do.


    Act on engagement

    Only 26% of leaders actually think about and act on engagement every single day. (Source: SHRM, 2022.)


    Establishing Trusted Business Relationships

    Establishing trusted business partnerships

    Leverage your relationships with other C-suite executives to demonstrate IT’s value
    • Your relationship with other business peers is critical – and, funny enough, it is impacted by the use of good metrics and data.
    • The performance of your IT team will be recognized by other members of the executive leadership team (ELT) and is a direct reflection of you as a leader.
    • A good relationship with the ELT can alleviate issues if concerns about IT staff surface.
      • Of the 85% of IT leaders working on transformational initiatives, only 30% are trying to cultivate an IT/business partnership (Foundry, 2022).
    • Don’t let other members of the organizations ELT overlook you or the value IT has. Build the key relationships that will drive trust and partnerships.

    Business leadership relationship metric:

    Ability to influence business decisions with trusted partners.

    Some key relationships that are worth forming with other C-suite executives right now include:
    • Chief Sustainability Officer
    • Chief Revenue Officer
    • Chief Marketing Officer
    • Chief Data Officer

    Influence business decisions with trusted partners

    Other business relations metrics:
    • The frequency with which peers on the ELT complain about the IT organization to other ELT peers.
    • Percentage of business leaders who trust IT to make the right choices for their accountable areas.
    • Number of projects that are initiated with a desired solution versus problems with no desired solution.
    Action steps to take:
    • From lunch to the boardroom, it is important you make an effort to cultivate relationships with the other members of the ELT.
    • Identify who the most influential members of the ELT are and what their primary goals or objectives are.
    • Follow through on what you promise you will deliver – if you do not know, do not promise it!
    • What will work for one member of the ELT will not work for another – personalize your approach.


    Enterprise-wide collaboration

    “By 2023, 60% of CIOs will be primarily measured for their ability to co-create new business models and outcomes through extensive enterprise and ecosystem-wide collaboration.” (Source: IDC, 2021.)


    Managing to a Budget

    Managing to a budget

    Every CIO needs to be able to spend within budget while increasing their strategic impact
    • From security, to cloud, to innovating the organization's products and services, IT has a lot of initiatives that demand funds and improve the organization.
    • Continuing to demonstrate good use of the budget and driving value for the organization will ensure ongoing recognition in the form of increased money.
    • 29% of CIOs indicated that controlling costs and expense management was a key duty of a functional CIO (Foundry, 2022).
    • Demonstrating the ability to spend within a defined budget is a key way to ensure the business trusts you.
    • Demonstrating an ability to spend within a defined budget and reducing the cost of operational expenses while increasing spend on strategic initiatives ensures the business sees the value in IT.

    Budget management metric:

    Proportion of IT budget that is strategic versus operational.

    Info-Tech Insight

    CIOs need to see their IT function as its own business – budget and spend like a CEO.

    Demonstrate IT’s ability to spend strategically

    Other budget management metrics:
    • Cost required to lead the organization through a digital transformation.
    • Reduction in operational spend due to retiring legacy solutions.
    • Percentage of budget in the run, grow, and transform categories.
    • Amount of money spent keeping the lights on versus investing in new capabilities.

    Action steps to take:

    • Consider opportunities to automate processes and reduce the time/talent required to spend.
    • Identify opportunities and create the time for resources to modernize or even digitize the organization to enable a better delivery of the products or services to the end customer.
    • Review the previous metrics and tie it back to running the business. If customer satisfaction will increase or risk-related threats decrease through an initiative IT is suggesting, you can make the case for increased strategic spend.


    Direct CX interaction

    Ninety percent of CIOs expect their budget to increase or remain the same in their next fiscal year. (Source: Foundry, 2022.)

    Research contributors and experts

    Photo of Jeff Neyland. Jeff Neyland
    Chief Information Officer – University of Texas at Arlington
    Photo of Brett Trelfa. Brett Trelfa
    SVP and CIO – Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield
    Blank photo template. Lynn Fyhrlund
    Chief Information Officer – Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services

    Info-Tech Research Group

    Vicki Van Alphen Executive Counselor Ibrahim Abdel-Kader Research Analyst
    Mary Van Leer Executive Counselor Graham Price Executive Counselor
    Jack Hakimian Vice President Research Valence Howden Principal Research Director
    Mike Tweedie CIO Practice Lead Tony Denford Organization Transformation Practice Lead

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Sample of the 'IT Metrics Library'. IT Metrics Library
    • Use this tool to review commonly used KPIs for each practice area
    • Identify KPI owners, data sources, baselines, and targets. It also suggests action and research for low-performing KPIs.
    • Use the "Action Plan" tab to keep track of progress on actions that were identified as part of your KPI review.
    Sample of 'Define Service Desk Metrics That Matter'. Define Service Desk Metrics That Matter
    • Consolidate your metrics and assign context and actions to those currently tracked.
    • Establish tension metrics to see and tell the whole story.
    • Split your metrics for each stakeholder group. Assign proper cadences for measurements as a first step to building an effective dashboard.
    Sample of 'CIO Priorities 2022'. CIO Priorities 2022
    • Understand how to respond to trends affecting your organization.
    • Determine your priorities based on current state and relevant internal factors.
    • Assign the right resources to accomplish your vision.
    • Consider what new challenges outside of your control will demand a response.


    “Developing and Sustaining Employee Engagement.” SHRM, 2022.

    Dopson, Elise. “KPIs Vs. Metrics: What’s the Difference & How Do You Measure Both?” Databox, 23 Jun. 2021.

    Shirer, Michael, and Sarah Murray. “IDC Unveils Worldwide CIO Agenda 2022 Predictions.” IDC, 27 Oct. 2021.

    Suer, Myles. “The Most Important Metrics to Drive IT as a Business.” CIO, 19 Mar. 2019.

    “The new CIO: Business Savvy.” Deloitte Insights. Deloitte, 2020.

    “2022 State of the CIO: Rebalancing Act: CIO’s Operational Pandemic-Era Innovation.” Foundry, 2022.

    “Why Employee Engagement Matters for Leadership at all Levels.” Walden University, 20 Dec. 2019.

    Zhang, Xihui, et al. “How to Measure IT Effectiveness: The CIO’s Perspective.” Journal of Informational Technology Management, 29(4). 2018.

    Select and Use SDLC Metrics Effectively

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    • Parent Category Name: Development
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    • Your organization wants to implement (or revamp existing) software delivery metrics to monitor performance as well as achieve its goals.
    • You know that metrics can be a powerful tool for managing team behavior.
    • You also know that all metrics are prone to misuse and mismanagement, which can lead to unintended consequences that will harm your organization.
    • You need an approach for selecting and using effective software development lifecycle (SDLC) metrics that will help your organization to achieve its goals while minimizing the risk of unintended consequences.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Metrics are powerful, dangerous, and often mismanaged, particularly when they are tied to reward or punishment. To use SDLC metrics effectively, know the dangers, understand good practices, and then follow Info-Tech‘s TAG (team-oriented, adaptive, and goal-focused) approach to minimize risk and maximize impact.

    Impact and Result

    • Begin by understanding the risks of metrics.
    • Then understand good practices associated with metrics use.
    • Lastly, follow Info-Tech’s TAG approach to select and use SDLC metrics effectively.

    Select and Use SDLC Metrics Effectively Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Understand both the dangers and good practices related to metrics, along with Info-Tech’s TAG approach to the selection and use of SDLC metrics.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Understand the dangers of metrics

    Explore the significant risks associated with metrics selection so that you can avoid them.

    • Select and Use SDLC Metrics Effectively – Phase 1: Understand the Risks of Metrics

    2. Know good practices related to metrics

    Learn about good practices related to metrics and how to apply them in your organization, then identify your team’s business-aligned goals to be used in SDLC metric selection.

    • Select and Use SDLC Metrics Effectively – Phase 2: Know Good Practices Related to Metrics
    • SDLC Metrics Evaluation and Selection Tool

    3. Rank and select effective SDLC metrics for your team

    Follow Info-Tech’s TAG approach to selecting effective SDLC metrics for your team, create a communication deck to inform your organization about your selected SDLC metrics, and plan to review and revise these metrics over time.

    • Select and Use SDLC Metrics Effectively – Phase 3: Rank and Select Effective SDLC Metrics for Your Team
    • SDLC Metrics Rollout and Communication Deck

    Workshop: Select and Use SDLC Metrics Effectively

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Understand the Dangers of Metrics

    The Purpose

    Learn that metrics are often misused and mismanaged.

    Understand the four risk areas associated with metrics: Productivity loss Gaming behavior Ambivalence Unintended consequences

    Productivity loss

    Gaming behavior


    Unintended consequences

    Key Benefits Achieved

    An appreciation of the dangers associated with metrics.

    An understanding of the need to select and manage SDLC metrics carefully to avoid the associated risks.

    Development of critical thinking skills related to metric selection and use.


    1.1 Examine the dangers associated with metric use.

    1.2 Share real-life examples of poor metrics and their impact.

    1.3 Practice identifying and mitigating metrics-related risk.


    Establish understanding and appreciation of metrics-related risks.

    Solidify understanding of metrics-related risks and their impact on an organization.

    Develop the skills needed to critically analyze a potential metric and reduce associated risk.

    2 Understand Good Practices Related to Metrics

    The Purpose

    Develop an understanding of good practices related to metric selection and use.

    Introduce Info-Tech’s TAG approach to metric selection and use.

    Identify your team’s business-aligned goals for SDLC metrics.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Understanding of good practices for metric selection and use.

    Document your team’s prioritized business-aligned goals.


    2.1 Examine good practices and introduce Info-Tech’s TAG approach.

    2.2 Identify and prioritize your team’s business-aligned goals.


    Understanding of Info-Tech’s TAG approach.

    Prioritized team goals (aligned to the business) that will inform your SDLC metric selection.

    3 Rank and Select Your SDLC Metrics

    The Purpose

    Apply Info-Tech’s TAG approach to rank and select your team’s SDLC metrics.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Identification of potential SDLC metrics for use by your team.

    Collaborative scoring/ranking of potential SDLC metrics based on their specific pros and cons.

    Finalize list of SDLC metrics that will support goals and minimize risk while maximizing impact.


    3.1 Select your list of potential SDLC metrics.

    3.2 Score each potential metric’s pros and cons against objectives using a five-point scale.

    3.3 Collaboratively select your team’s first set of SDLC metrics.


    A list of potential SDLC metrics to be scored.

    A ranked list of potential SDLC metrics.

    Your team’s first set of goal-aligned SDLC metrics.

    4 Create a Communication and Rollout Plan

    The Purpose

    Develop a rollout plan for your SDLC metrics.

    Develop a communication plan.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    SDLC metrics.

    A plan to review and adjust your SDLC metrics periodically in the future.

    Communication material to be shared with the organization.


    4.1 Identify rollout dates and responsible individuals for each SDLC metric.

    4.2 Identify your next SDLC metric review cycle.

    4.3 Create a communication deck.


    SDLC metrics rollout plan

    SDLC metrics review plan

    SDLC metrics communication deck

    Prepare Your Application for PaaS

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}181|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Architecture & Strategy
    • Parent Category Link: /architecture-and-strategy
    • The application may have been written a long time ago, and have source code, knowledge base, or design principles misplaced or lacking, which makes it difficult to understand the design and build.
    • The development team does not have a standardized practice for assessing cloud benefits and architecture, design principles for redesigning an application, or performing capacity for planning activities.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • An infrastructure-driven cloud strategy overlooks application specific complexities. Ensure that an application portfolio strategy is a precursor to determining the business value gained from an application perspective, not just an infrastructure perspective.
    • Business value assessment must be the core of your decision to migrate and justify the development effort.
    • Right-size your application to predict future usage and minimize unplanned expenses. This ensures that you are truly benefiting from the tier costing model that vendors offer.

    Impact and Result

    • Identify and evaluate what cloud benefits your application can leverage and the business value generated as a result of migrating your application to the cloud.
    • Use Info-Tech’s approach to building a robust application that can leverage scalability, availability, and performance benefits while maintaining the functions and features that the application currently supports for the business.
    • Standardize and strengthen your performance testing practices and capacity planning activities to build a strong current state assessment.
    • Use Info-Tech’s elaboration of the 12-factor app to build a clear and robust cloud profile and target state for your application.
    • Leverage Info-Tech’s cloud requirements model to assess the impact of cloud on different requirements patterns.

    Prepare Your Application for PaaS Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should build a right-sized, design-driven approach to moving your application to a PaaS platform, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    • Prepare Your Application for PaaS – Phases 1-2

    1. Create your cloud application profile

    Bring the business into the room, align your objectives for choosing certain cloud capabilities, and characterize your ideal PaaS environment as a result of your understanding of what the business is trying to achieve. Understand how to right-size your application in the cloud to maintain or improve its performance.

    • Prepare Your Application for PaaS – Phase 1: Create Your Cloud Application Profile
    • Cloud Profile Tool

    2. Evaluate design changes for your application

    Assess the application against Info-Tech’s design scorecard to evaluate the right design approach to migrating the application to PaaS. Pick the appropriate cloud path and begin the first step to migrating your app – gathering your requirements.

    • Prepare Your Application for PaaS – Phase 2: Evaluate Design Changes for Your Application
    • Cloud Design Scorecard Tool



    Break Open Your DAM With Intuitive Metadata

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}389|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Data Management
    • Parent Category Link: /data-management
    • Organizations are facing challenges from explosive information growth in both volume and complexity, as well as the need to use more new sources of information for social media just to remain in business.
    • A lot of content can be created quickly, but managing those digital assets properly through metadata tagging that will be used consistently and effectively requires processes to be in place to create standardized and informational metadata at the source of content creation.
    • Putting these processes in place changes the way the organization handles its information, which may generate pushback, and requires socialization and proper management of the metadata strategy.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Metadata is an imperative part of the organizations broader information management strategy. Some may believe that metadata is not needed anymore; Google search is not a magic act – it relies on information tagging that reflects cultural sentiment.
    • Metadata should be pliable. It needs to grow with the changing cultural and corporate vernacular and knowledge, and adapt to changing needs.
    • Build a map for your metadata before you dig for buried treasure. Implement metadata standards and processes for current digital assets before chasing after your treasure troves of existing artifacts.

    Impact and Result

    • Create a sustainable and effective digital asset management (DAM) program by understanding Info-Tech’s DAM framework and how the framework fits within your organization for better management of key digital assets.
    • Create an enterprise-wide metadata design principles handbook to keep track of metadata schemas and standards, as well as communicate the standards to the entire organization.
    • Gather requirements for your DAM program, as well as the DAM system and roles, by interviewing key stakeholders and identifying prevalent pains and opportunities. Understand where digital assets are created, used, and stored throughout the enterprise to gain a high-level perspective of DAM requirements.
    • Identify the organization’s current state of metadata management along with the target state, identify the gaps, and then define solutions to fill those gaps. Ensure business initiatives are woven into the mix.
    • Create a comprehensive roadmap to prioritize initiatives and delineate responsibilities.

    Break Open Your DAM With Intuitive Metadata Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should develop a digital asset management program focused on metadata, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Build a foundation for your DAM project

    Gain an in-depth understanding of what digital asset management is as well as how it is supported by Info-Tech’s DAM framework.

    • Break Open Your DAM With Intuitive Metadata – Phase 1: Build a Foundation for Your DAM Project
    • DAM Design Principles Handbook
    • Where in the World Is My Digital Asset? Tool
    • Digital Asset Inventory Tool
    • DAM Requirements Gathering Tool

    2. Dive into the DAM strategy

    Create a metadata program execution strategy and assess current and target states for the organization’s DAM.

    • Break Open Your DAM With Intuitive Metadata – Phase 2: Dive Into the DAM Strategy
    • DAM Roadmap Tool
    • DAM Metadata Execution Strategy Document

    3. Create intuitive metadata for your DAM

    Design a governance plan for ongoing DAM and metadata management.

    • Break Open Your DAM With Intuitive Metadata – Phase 3: Create Intuitive Metadata for Your Digital Assets
    • Metadata Manager Tool

    Workshop: Break Open Your DAM With Intuitive Metadata

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Structure the Metadata Project

    The Purpose

    Develop a foundation of knowledge regarding DAM and metadata, as well as the best practices for organizing the organization’s information and digital assets for ideal findability.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Design standardized processes for metadata creation and digital asset management to help to improve findability of key assets.

    Gain knowledge of how DAM can benefit both IT and the business.


    1.1 Build a DAM and metadata knowledge foundation.

    1.2 Kick-start creation of the organization’s DAM design principles handbook.

    1.3 Interview key business units to understand drivers for the program.

    1.4 Develop a DAM framework.


    DAM Design Principles Handbook

    DAM Execution Strategy Document

    2 Assess Requirements for the DAM Program

    The Purpose

    Inventory the organization’s key digital assets and their repositories.

    Gather the organization’s requirements for a full-time digital asset librarian, as well as the DAM system.  

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Determine clear and specific requirements for the organization from the DAM system and the people involved.


    2.1 Conduct a digital asset inventory to identify key assets to include in DAM.

    2.2 Prioritize digital assets to determine their risk and value to ensure appropriate support through the information lifecycle.

    2.3 Determine the requirements of the business and IT for the DAM system and its metadata.


    Digital Asset Inventory Tool

    DAM Requirements Gathering Tool

    3 Design Roadmap and Plan Implementation

    The Purpose

    Determine strategic initiatives and create a roadmap outlining key steps required to get the organization to start enabling data-driven insights.

    Determine timing of the initiatives. 

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Establish a clear direction for the DAM program.

    Build a step-by-step outline of how to create effective metadata with true business-IT collaboration.

    Have prioritized initiatives with dependencies mapped out.


    3.1 Assess current and target states of DAM in the organization.

    3.2 Brainstorm and document practical initiatives to close the gap.

    3.3 Discuss strategies rooted in business requirements to execute the metadata management program to improve findability of digital assets.


    DAM Roadmap Tool

    4 Establish Metadata Governance

    The Purpose

    Identify the roles required for effective DAM and metadata management.

    Create sample metadata according to established guiding principles and implement a feedback method to create intuitive metadata in the organization. 

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Metadata management is an ongoing project. Implementing it requires user input and feedback, which governance will help to support.

    By integrating metadata governance with larger information or data governance bodies, DAM and metadata management will gain sustainability. 


    4.1 Discuss and assign roles and responsibilities for initiatives identified in the roadmap.

    4.2 Review policy requirements for the information assets in the organization and strategies to address enforcement.

    4.3 Integrate the governance of metadata into larger governance committees.


    DAM Execution Strategy

    Select Software With the Right Satisfaction Drivers in Mind

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}606|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Selection & Implementation
    • Parent Category Link: /selection-and-implementation
    • Software selection needs to provide satisfaction. Across the board, satisfaction is easy to achieve in the short term, but long-term satisfaction is much harder to attain. It’s not clear what leads to long-term satisfaction, and it’s even more difficult to determine which software continuously delivers on key satisfaction drivers to support the business.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Software satisfaction drops over time. After the initial purchase, the novelty factor of new software begins to wane, and only long-term satisfaction drivers sustain satisfaction after five years.
    • Surface-level satisfaction has immediate effects, but it only provides satisfaction in the short term. Deep satisfaction has a lasting impact that can shape organizational satisfaction and productivity in meaningful ways.
    • Empower IT decision makers with knowledge about what drives satisfaction in the top five and bottom five software vendors in spotlighted categories.

    Impact and Result

    • Reorient discussion around how software is implemented around satisfaction rather than what’s in fashion.
    • Identify software satisfaction drivers that provide deep satisfaction to get the most out of software over the long term.
    • Appreciate the best from the rest and learn which software categories and brands buck the trend of declining satisfaction.

    Select Software With the Right Satisfaction Drivers in Mind Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Understand what drives user satisfaction

    Gain insight on the various factors that influence software satisfaction.

    • Select Software With the Right Satisfaction Drivers in Mind Storyboard

    2. Learn what provides deep satisfaction

    Reduce the size of your RFPs or skip them entirely to limit time spent watching vendor dog and pony shows.

    3. Appreciate what separates the best from the rest

    Narrow the field to four contenders prior to in-depth comparison and engage in accelerated enterprise architecture oversight.


    Build a Strategy for Big Data Platforms

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}203|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Big Data
    • Parent Category Link: /big-data
    • The immaturity of the big data market means that organizations lack examples and best practices to follow, and they are often left trailblazing their own paths.
    • Experienced and knowledgeable big data professionals are limited and without creative resourcing; IT might struggle to fill big data positions.
    • The term NoSQL has become a catch-all phrase for big data technologies; however, the technologies falling under the umbrella of NoSQL are disparate and often misunderstood. Organizations are at risk of adopting incorrect technologies if they don’t take the time to learn the jargon.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • NoSQL plays a key role in the emergence of the big data market, but it has not made relational databases outdated. Successful big data strategies can be conducted using SQL, NoSQL, or a combination of the two.
    • Assign a Data Architect to oversee your initiative. Hire or dedicate someone who has the ability to develop both a short-term and long-term vision and that has hands-on experience with data management, mining and modeling. You will still need someone (like a database administrator) who understands the database, the schemas, and the structure.
    • Understand your data before you attempt to use it. Take a master data management approach to ensure there are rules and standards for managing your enterprise’s data, and take extra caution when integrating external sources.

    Impact and Result

    • Assess whether SQL, NoSQL, or a combination of both technologies will provide you with the appropriate capabilities to achieve your business objectives and gain value from your data.
    • Form a Big Data Team to bring together IT and the business in order to leave a successful initiative.
    • Conduct ongoing training with your personnel to ensure up-to-date skills and end-user understanding.
    • Frequently scan the big data market space to identify new technologies and opportunities to help optimize your big data strategy.

    Build a Strategy for Big Data Platforms Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Develop a big data strategy

    Know where to start and where to focus attention in the implementation of a big data strategy.

    • Storyboard: Build a Strategy for Big Data Platforms

    2. Assess the appropriateness of big data technologies

    Decide the most correct tools to use in order to solve enterprise data management problems.

    • Big Data Diagnostic Tool

    3. Determine the TCO of a scale out implementation

    Compare the TCO of a SQL (scale up) with a NoSQL (scale out) deployment to determine whether NoSQL will save costs.

    • Scale Up vs. Scale Out TCO Tool

    Infrastructure & Operations Priorities 2022

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}56|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Disruptive & Emerging Technologies
    • Parent Category Link: /disruptive-emerging-technologies
    • The expectation amongst IT professionals for permanent transformational change has gone up 30% year over year. Further, 47% expect a lot of permanent change in 2022.
    • We are experiencing a great rate of change concurrent with a low degree of predictability.
    • How do you translate a general trend into a specific priority you can work on?

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Trends don’t matter but pressure does: Trends can be analyzed based on the pressure they exert (or not) on your I&O practice. Organizing trends into categories based on source makes for a more successful and contextual analysis.
    • Different prioritization is being demanded in 2022. For the foreseeable future prioritization is about drawing a line, below which you can ignore items with a clean conscience.
    • The priorities you choose to advocate for will be how your leadership is evaluated in the upcoming year.

    Impact and Result

    • By reading through this publication, you will begin to address the age-old problem “You don’t know what you don’t know.”
    • More importantly you will have a framework to dive deeper into the trends most relevant to you and your organization.
    • Info-Tech can help you turn your strong opinion into a compelling case for your stakeholders.

    Infrastructure & Operations Priorities 2022 Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Infrastructure & Operations Priorities 2022 – A framework to dive deeper into the trends most relevant to you and your organization

    Discover Info-Tech's four trends for Infrastructure & Operations leaders.

    • Infrastructure & Operations Priorities Report for 2022


    Change Management

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}3|cart{/j2store}
    • Related Products: {j2store}3|crosssells{/j2store}
    • Up-Sell: {j2store}3|upsells{/j2store}
    • Download01-Title: Change Management Executive Brief
    • Download-01: Visit Link
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.6/10
    • member rating average dollars saved: $35,031
    • member rating average days saved: 34
    • Parent Category Name: Infra and Operations
    • Parent Category Link: /infra-and-operations
    Every company needs some change management. Both business and IT teams benefit from knowing what changes when.

    incident, problem, problemchange

    Data Quality

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}19|cart{/j2store}
    • Related Products: {j2store}19|crosssells{/j2store}
    • Teaser Video: Visit Website
    • Teaser Video Title: Big data after pandemic
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 8.3/10
    • member rating average dollars saved: $5,100
    • member rating average days saved: 8
    • Parent Category Name: Data and Business Intelligence
    • Parent Category Link: /data-and-business-intelligence
    Restore trust in your data by aligning your data management approach to the business strategy

    Applications Priorities 2022

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}183|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Architecture & Strategy
    • Parent Category Link: /architecture-and-strategy

    There is always more work than hours in the day. IT often feels understaffed and doesn’t know how to get it all done. Trying to satisfy all the requests results in everyone getting a small piece of the pie and in users being dissatisfied.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    Focusing on one initiative will allow leaders to move the needle on what is important.

    Impact and Result

    Focus on the big picture, leveraging Info-Tech’s blueprints. By increasing maturity and efficiency, IT staff can spend more time on value-added activities.

    Applications Priorities 2022 Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Applications Priorities 2022 – A deck that discusses the five priorities we are seeing among Applications leaders.

    There is always more work than hours in the day. IT often feels understaffed and doesn’t know how to get it all done. Trying to satisfy all the requests results in everyone getting a small piece of the pie and in users being dissatisfied. Use Info-Tech's Applications Priorities 2022 to learn about the five initiatives that IT should prioritize for the coming year.

    • Applications Priorities Report for 2022

    Manage an IT Budget

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}70|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 8.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: After each Info-Tech experience, we ask our members to quantify the real-time savings, monetary impact, and project improvements our research helped them achieve.
    • member rating average days saved: Read what our members are saying
    • Parent Category Name: Cost & Budget Management
    • Parent Category Link: /cost-and-budget-management
    • IT is viewed as a cost center without a clear understanding of the value it provides.
    • After completing the budget, the CIO is faced with changing expectations, disruptions, new risks, and new threats.
    • IT departments often lack a reliable budget management process to keep itself on track towards its budget goals.
    • Over budgeting risks credibility if projects are not all delivered, while under budgeting risks not being able to execute important projects.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Managing your budget is not just about numbers; it’s also about people and processes. Better relationships and a proper process leads to better management of your budget. Understand how your relationships and current processes might be leveraged to manage your budget.
    • No one likes to be over budget, but being under budget isn’t necessarily good either. Coming in under budget may mean that you are not accomplishing the initiatives that you promised you would, reflecting poor job performance.

    Impact and Result

    • Implement a formal budget management process that documents your planned budget and actual expenditures, tracks variances, and responds to those variances to stay on track towards budget goals.
    • Manage the expectations of business stakeholders by communicating the links between IT spend and business value in a way that is easily understood by the business.
    • Control for under- or overspending by using Info Tech’s budget management tool and tactics.

    Manage an IT Budget Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to understand the increasing expectations for IT departments to better manage their budgets, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Document

    Create a streamlined documentation process that also considers the elements of people and technology.

    • Manage an IT Budget – Phase 1: Document
    • Manage Your IT Budget Tool

    2. Track

    Track your planned budget against actual expenditures to catch areas of over- and underspending in a timely manner.

    • Manage an IT Budget – Phase 2: Track

    3. Control

    Leverage control mechanisms to manage variances in your budget.

    • Manage an IT Budget – Phase 3: Control

    Workshop: Manage an IT Budget

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Document Budget

    The Purpose

    The first step of managing your IT budget is to make sure there is a properly documented budget that everyone agrees upon.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A properly documented budget facilitates management and communication of the budget.


    1.1 Review budget for the year.

    1.2 Document each budget in the tool.

    1.3 Review CAPEX vs. OPEX.

    1.4 Customize accounts to match your organization.


    Budget broken out into monthly increments and by each account.

    Budget documented in tool.

    Tool customized to reflect organization's specific accounts and terminology.

    2 Optimize Documentation Process

    The Purpose

    A proper documentation process forms the backbone for effective budget management.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A streamlined documentation process with accurate inputs that also considers the elements of people and technology.


    2.1 Draw out process flow of current documentation.

    2.2 Identify bottlenecks.

    2.3 Discuss and develop roadmap to solving bottlenecks.


    Process flow of current documentation process with identified bottlenecks.

    Plan to mitigate bottlenecks.

    3 Track and Control for Over- and Underspending

    The Purpose

    Track your planned budget against actual expenditures to catch areas of over- and underspending in a timely manner. Then, leverage control mechanisms to manage variances in your budget.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Tracking and controlling for variances will help the IT department stay on track towards its budget goals. It will also help with communicating IT’s value to the business.


    3.1 Walk through the “Overview Bar.”

    3.2 Document actual expenses incurred in fiscal to date.

    3.3 Review the risk of over- and underspending.

    3.4 Use the reforecast column to control for over- and underspend.


    Assess the “Overview Bar.”

    Document actual expenditures and committed expenses up to the current date.

    Develop a strategy and roadmap for how you will mitigate any current under- or overspends.

    Reforecast expenditures for each account for each month for the remainder of the fiscal year.

    Re-Envision Enterprise Printing

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}165|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 8.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $9,000 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 2 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: End-User Computing Devices
    • Parent Category Link: /end-user-computing-devices
    • Enterprises may be overspending on printing, but this spend is often unknown and untracked.
    • You are locked into a traditional printer lease and outdated document management practices, hampering digital transformation.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    Don’t just settle for printer consolidation: Seek to eliminate print and enlist your managed print services vendor to help you achieve that goal.

    Impact and Result

    • Identify reduction opportunities via a thorough inventory and requirements-gathering process, and educate others on the financial and non-financial benefits. Enforce reduced printing through policies.
    • Change your printing financial model to print as a service by building an RFP and scoring tool for managed print services that makes the vendor a partner in continuous innovation.
    • Leverage durable print management software to achieve vendor-agnostic governance and visibility.

    Re-Envision Enterprise Printing Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Re-Envision Enterprise Printing – A step-by-step document to help plan and execute a printer reduction project.

    This storyboard will help you plan the project, assess your current state and requirements, build a managed print services RFP and scoring process, and build continuous improvement of business processes into your operations.

    • Re-Envision Enterprise Printing – Phases 1-3

    2. Planning tools

    Use these templates and tools to plan the printer reduction project, document your inventory, assess current printer usage, and gather information on current and future requirements.

    • Enterprise Printing Project Charter
    • Enterprise Printing Roles and Responsibilities RACI Guide
    • Printer Reduction Tool
    • End-User Print Requirements Survey

    3. RFP tools

    Use these templates and tools to create an RFP for managed print services that can easily score and compare vendors.

    • Managed Print Services Vendor Assessment Questions
    • Managed Print Services RFP Vendor Proposal Scoring Tool
    • Managed Print Services RFP Template

    4. Printer policy

    Update the printer policy to express the new focus on reducing unsupported printer use.

    • Printer Policy Template


    Further reading

    Re-Envision Enterprise Printing

    Don't settle for printer consolidation; seek the elimination of print


    You're likely not in the printing business.
    Prepare your organization for the future by reducing print.

    Initiatives to reduce printers are often met with end-user resistance. Don't focus on the idea of taking something away from end users. Instead, focus on how print reduction fits into larger goals of business process improvement, and on opportunities to turn the vendor into a partner who drives business process improvement through ongoing innovation and print reduction.

    What are your true print use cases? Except in some legitimate use cases, printing often introduces friction and does not lead to efficiencies. Companies investing in digital transformation and document management initiatives must take a hard look at business processes still reliant on hard copies. Assess your current state to identify what the current print volume and costs are and where there are opportunities to consolidate and reduce.

    Change your financial model. The managed print services industry allows you to use a pay-as-you-go approach and right-size your print spend to the organization's needs. However, in order to do printing-as-a-service right, you will need to develop a good RFP and RFP evaluation process to make sure your needs are covered by the vendor, while also baking in assurances the vendor will partner with you for continuous print reduction.

    This is a picture of Emily Sugerman

    Emily Sugerman
    Research Analyst, Infrastructure & Operations
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Darin Stahl
    Principal Research Advisor, Infrastructure & Operations
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive summary

    Your Challenge

    IT directors and business operations managers face several challenges:

    • Too many known unknowns: Enterprises may be overspending on printing, but this spend is often unknown and untracked.
    • Opportunity costs: By locking into conventional printer leases and outdated document management, you are locking yourself out of the opportunity to improve business processes.

    Common Obstacles

    Printer reduction initiatives are stymied by:

    • End-user resistance: Though sometimes the use of paper remains necessary, end users often cling to paper processes out of concern about change.
    • Lack of governance: You lack insight into legitimate print use cases and lack full control over procurement of devices and consumables.
    • Overly generic RFP: Print requirements are not tailored to your organization, and your managed print services RFP does not ask enough of the vendor.

    Info-Tech's Approach

    Follow these steps to excise superfluous, costly printing:

    • Identify reduction opportunities via a thorough inventory and requirements-gathering process, and educate others on the financial and non-financial benefits. Enforce reduced printing through policies.
    • Change your printing financial model to print-as-a-service by building an RFP and scoring tool for managed print services that makes the vendor a partner in continuous innovation.
    • Leverage durable print management software to achieve vendor-agnostic governance and visibility.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Don't settle for printer consolidation: seek to eliminate print and enlist your managed print services vendor to help you achieve that goal.

    Your challenge

    This research is designed to help organizations that aim to reduce printing long term

    • Finally understand aggregate printing costs: Not surprisingly, printing has become a large hidden expense in IT. Enterprises may be overspending on printing, but this spend is often unknown and untracked. Printer consumables are purchased independently by each department, non-networked desktop printers are everywhere, and everyone seems to be printing in color.
    • Walk the walk when it comes to digital transformation: Outdated document management practices that rely on unnecessary printing are not the foundation upon which the organization can improve business processes.
    • Get out of the printing business: Hire a managed print provider and manage that vendor well.

    "There will be neither a V-shaped nor U-shaped recovery in demand for printing paper . . . We are braced for a long L-shaped decline."
    –Toru Nozawa, President, Nippon Paper Industries (qtd. in Nikkei Asia, 2020).

    Weight of paper and paperboard generated in the U.S.*

    This is an image of a graph plotting the total weight of paper and paperboard generated in the US, bu thousands of US tons.

    *Comprises nondurable goods (including office paper), containers, and packaging.

    **2020 data not available.

    Source: EPA, 2020.

    Common obstacles

    These barriers make this challenge difficult to address for many organizations:

    • Cost-saving opportunities are unclear: In most cases, nobody is accountable for controlling printing costs, so there's a lack of incentive to do so.
    • End-user attachment to paper-based processes: For end users who have been relying on paper processes, switching to a new way of working can feel like a big ask, particularly if an optimized alternative has not been provided and socialized.
    • Legitimate print use cases are undefined: Print does still have a role in some business processes (e.g. for regulatory reasons). However, these business processes have not been analyzed to determine which print use cases are still legitimate. The WFH experience during the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated that many workflows that previously incorporated printing could be digitized. Indeed, the overall attachment to office paper is declining (see chart).
    • Immature RFP and RFP scoring methods: Outsourcing print to a managed service provider necessitates careful attention to RFP building and scoring. If your print requirements are not properly tailored to your organization and your managed print services RFP does not ask enough of the vendor, it will be harder to hold your vendor to account.

    How important is paper in your office?

    87% 77%

    Quocirca, a printer industry market research firm, found that the number of organizations for whom paper is "fairly or very important to their business" has dropped 10 percentage points between 2019 and 2021.

    Source: Quocirca, 2021.

    Info-Tech's approach

    Permanently change your company's print culture

    1. Plan your Project
    • Create your project charter, investigate end user printer behavior and reduction opportunities, gather requirements and calculate printer costs
  • Find the right managed print vendor
    • Protect yourself by building the right requirements into your RFP, evaluating candidates and negotiating from a strong position
  • Implement the new printer strategy
    • Identify printers to consolidate and eliminate, install them, and communicate updated printer policy
  • Operate
    • Track the usage metrics, service requests, and printing trends, support the printers and educate users to print wisely and sparingly
  • The Info-Tech difference:

    1. Use Info-Tech's tracking tools to finally track data on printer inventory and usage.
    2. Get to an RFP for managed print services faster through Info-Tech's requirement selection activity, and use Info-Tech's scoring tool template to more quickly compare candidates and identify frontrunners and knockouts.
    3. Use Info-Tech's guidance on print management software to decouple your need to govern the fleet from any specific vendor.

    Info-Tech's methodology for Re-Envision Enterprise Printing

    1. Strategy & planning 2. Vendor selection, evaluation, acquisition 3. Implementation & operation
    Phase steps
    1. Create project charter and assign roles
    2. Assess current state of enterprise print environments
    3. Gather current and future printer requirements
    1. Understand managed print services model
    2. Create RFP documents and score vendors
    3. Understand continuous innovation & print management software
    1. Modify printer policies
    2. Measure project success
    3. Training & adoption
    4. Plan persuasive communication
    5. Prepare for continuous improvement
    Phase outcomes
    • Documentation of project roles, scope, objectives, success metrics
    • Accurate printer inventory
    • Documentation of requirements based on end-user feedback, existing usage, and future goals
    • Finalized requirements
    • Completed RFP and vendor scoring tool
    • Managed print vendor selected, if necessary
    • Updated printer policies that reinforce print reduction focus
    • Assessment of project success

    Insight summary

    Keep an eye on the long-term goal of eliminating print

    Don't settle for printer consolidation: seek to eliminate print and enlist your managed print services vendor to help you achieve that goal.

    Persuading leaders is key

    Good metrics and visible improvement are important to strengthen executive support for a long-term printer reduction strategy.

    Tie printer reduction into business process improvement

    Achieve long-lasting reductions in print through document management and improved workflow processes.

    Maintain clarity on what types of printer use are and aren't supported by IT

    Modifying and enforcing printing policies can help reduce use of printers.

    Print management software allows for vendor-agnostic continuity

    Print management software should be vendor-agnostic and allow you to manage devices even if you change vendors or print services.

    Secure a better financial model from the provider

    Simply changing your managed print services pay model to "pay-per-click" can result in large cost savings.

    Blueprint deliverables

    Key deliverable:

    Managed Print Services RFP

    This blueprint's key deliverable is a completed RFP for enterprise managed print services, which feeds into a scoring tool that accelerates the requirements selection and vendor evaluation process.

    Managed Print Services Vendor Assessment Questions

    This is a screenshot from the Managed Print Services Vendor Assessment Questions

    Managed Print Services RFP Template

    This is a screenshot from the Managed Print Services RFP Template

    Managed Print Services RFP Vendor Proposal Scoring Tool

    This is a screenshot from the Managed Print Services RFP Vendor Proposal Scoring Tool

    Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals:

    Enterprise Printing Project Charter

    This is a screenshot from the Enterprise Printing Project Charter

    Document the parameters of the print reduction project, your goals, desired business benefits, metrics.

    Enterprise Printing Roles and Responsibilities RACI Guide

    This is a screenshot from the Enterprise Printing Project Charter

    Assign key tasks for the project across strategy & planning, vendor selection, implementation, and operation.

    Printer Policy

    This is a screenshot from the Printer Policy

    Start with a policy template that emphasizes reduction in print usage and adjust as needed for your organization.

    Printer Reduction Tool

    This is a screenshot from the Printer Reduction Tool

    Track the printer inventory and calculate total printing costs.

    End-User Print Requirements Survey

    This is a screenshot from the End-User Print Requirements Survey

    Base your requirements in end user needs and feedback.

    Blueprint benefits

    IT benefits

    • Make the project charter for printer reduction and estimate cost savings
    • Determine your organization's current printing costs, usage, and capabilities
    • Define your organization's printing requirements and select a solution
    • Develop a printer policy and implement the policy

    Business benefits

    • Understand the challenges involved in reducing printers
    • Understand the potential of this initiative to reduce costs
    • Accelerate existing plans for modernization of paper-based business processes by reducing printer usage
    • Contribute to organizational environmental sustainability targets

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    "Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful."

    Guided Implementation

    "Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track."


    "We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place."


    "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project."

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options

    Guided Implementation

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

    Call #1: Scope requirements, objectives, and your specific challenges.

    Call #4: Review requirements.
    Weigh the benefits of managed print services.

    Call #6: Measure project success.

    Call #2: Review your printer inventory.
    Understand your current printing costs and usage.

    Call #5: Review completed scoring tool and RFP.

    Call #5: Review vendor responses to RFP.

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    A typical GI is 8 to 12 calls over the course of 4 to 6 months.

    Phase 1

    Strategy and Planning

    Strategy & planning

    Vendor selection, evaluation, acquisition

    Implementation & Operation

    1.1 Create project charter and assign roles

    1.2 Assess current state

    1.3 Gather requirements

    2.1 Understand managed print services model

    2.2 Create RFP materials

    2.3 Leverage print management software

    3.1 Modify printer policies

    3.2 Measure project success

    3.3 Training & adoption

    3.4 Plan communication

    3.5 Prepare for continuous improvement

    Re-Envision Enterprise Printing

    • This phase will walk you through the following activities:
    • Create a list of enterprise print roles and responsibilities
    • Create project charter
    • Inventory printer fleet and calculate printing costs
    • Examine current printing behavior and identify candidates for device elimination
    • Gather requirements, including through end user survey

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • IT director/CIO
    • Business operations manager
    • Project manager

    Step 1.1

    Create project charter and assign roles

    Outcomes of this step

    Completed Project Charter with RACI chart

    Phase 1: Strategy and Planning

    • Step 1.1 Create project charter and assign roles
    • Step 1.2 Assess current state
    • Step 1.3 Gather requirements

    This step involves the following participants:

    • IT director/CIO
    • Business operations manager
    • Project manager

    Activities in this step

    • Create a list of enterprise print roles and responsibilities
    • Create project charter

    1.1 Create project charter

    Use the project charter to clearly define the scope and avoid scope creep

    Identify project purpose

    • Why is the organization taking on this project? What are you trying to achieve?
    • What is the important background you need to document? How old is the fleet? What kinds of printer complaints do you get? What percentage of the IT budget does printing occupy?
    • What specific goals should this project achieve? What measurable financial and non-financial benefits do these goals achieve?

    Identify project scope

    • What functional requirements do you have?
    • What outputs are expected?
    • What constraints will affect this project?
    • What is out of scope for this project?

    What are the main roles and responsibilities?

    • Who is doing what for this project?

    How will you measure success?

    • What are the project's success metrics and KPIs?

    Enterprise Printing Project Charter

    This is a screenshot from the Enterprise Printing Project Charter

    Anticipate stakeholder resistance

    Getting management buy-in for printer reduction is often one of the biggest challenges of the project.

    Challenge Resolution
    Printer reduction is not typically high on the priority list of strategic IT initiatives. It is often a project that regularly gets deferred. The lack of an aggregate view of the total cost of printing in the environment could be one root cause, and what can't be measured usually isn't being managed. Educate and communicate the benefits of printer reduction to executives. In particular, spend time getting buy-in from the COO and/or CFO. Use Info-Tech's Printer Reduction Tool to show executives the waste that is currently being generated.
    Printers are a sensitive and therefore unpopular topic of discussion. Executives often see a trade-off: cost savings versus end-user satisfaction. Make a strong financial and non-financial case for the project. Show examples of other organizations that have successfully consolidated their printers.

    Info-Tech Insight

    If printer reduction is not driven and enforced from the top down, employees will find ways to work around your policies and changes. Do not attempt to undertake printer reduction initiatives without alerting executives. Ensure visible executive support to achieve higher cost savings.

    Align the printer reduction project to org goals to achieve buy-in

    A successful IT project demonstrates clear connections to business goals

    Which business and organizational goals and drivers are supported by IT's intention to transform its printing ecosystem? For example,

    Legislation: In 2009, the Washington House of Representatives passed a bill requiring state agencies to implement a plan to reduce paper consumption by 30% (State of Washington, 2009). The University of Washington cites this directive as one of the drivers for their plans to switch fully to electronic records by 2022 (University of Washington, n.d.).

    Health care modernization: Implementing electronic health records; reducing paper charts.

    Supply chain risk reduction: In 2021, an Ontario district school board experienced photocopier toner shortages and were forced to request schools to reduce printing and photocopying: "We have recommended to all locations that the use of printing be minimized as much as possible and priority given to the printing of sensitive and confidential documentation" (CBC, 2021).

    Identify overall organizational goals in the following places:

    • Company mission statements
    • Corporate website
    • Business strategy documents
    • Other IT strategy documents
    • Executives

    Document financial and non-financial benefits

    Financial benefits: Printer reduction can reduce your printing costs and improve printing capabilities.

    • Printer reduction creates a controlled print environment; poorly controlled print environments breed unnecessary costs.
    • Cost savings can be realized through:
      • Elimination of cost-efficient inkjet desktop printers.
      • Elimination of high-cost, inefficient, or underutilized printers.
      • Sharing of workshop printers between an optimal number of end users.
      • Replacing separate printers, scanners, copiers, and fax machines with. multi-function devices.
    • Cost savings can be achieved through a move to managed print services, if you negotiate the contract well and manage the vendor properly. The University of Washington estimated a 20-25% cost reduction under a managed print services model compared to the existing lease (University of Washington, "What is MPS").

    Non-financial benefits: Although the main motivation behind printer reduction is usually cost savings, there are also non-financial benefits to the project.

    • Printer reduction decreases physical space required for printers
    • Printer reduction meets employee and client environmental demands
      • Printer reduction can reduce the electricity and consumables used
      • Reduction in consumables means reduced hazardous waste from consumables and devices
    • Printer reduction can result in better printing capabilities
      • Moving to a managed print services model can provide you with better printing capabilities with higher availability

    Assign responsibility to track print device costs to IT

    Managers in many organizations wrongly assume that since IT manages the printer devices, they also already manage costs.

    However, end users typically order printer devices and supplies through the supplies/facilities department, bypassing any budget approval process, or through IT, which does not have any authority or incentive to restrict requests (when they're not measured against the controlling of printer costs).

    Organization-wide printer usage policies are rarely enforced with any strictness.

    Without systematic policy enforcement, end-user print behavior becomes frivolous and generates massive printing costs.

    Recommend all print device costs be allocated to IT.

    • Aggregate responsibility: Recommend that all printer costs be aggregated under IT's budget and tracked by IT staff.
    • Assign accountability: Although supplies may continually be procured by the organization's supplies/facilities department, IT should track monthly usage and costs by department.
    • Enforce policy: Empower IT with the ability to enforce a strict procurement policy that ensures all devices in the print environment are approved models under IT's control. This eliminates having unknown devices in the printer fleet and allows for economies of scale to be realized from purchasing standardized printing supplies.
    • Track metrics: IT should establish metrics to measure and control each department's printer usage and flat departments that exceed their acceptable usage amounts.

    Assign accountability for the initiative

    Someone needs to have accountability for both the printer reduction tasks and the ongoing operation tasks, or the initiative will quickly lose momentum.

    Customize Info-Tech's Enterprise Printing Roles and Responsibilities RACI Guide RACI chart to designate project roles and responsibilities to participants both inside and outside IT.

    These tasks fall under the categories of:

    • Strategy and planning
    • Vendor selection, evaluation, and acquisition
    • Implementation
    • Operate

    Assign a RACI: Remember the meaning of the different roles

    • Responsible (does the work on a day-to-day basis)
    • Accountable (reviews, signs off on, and is held accountable for outcomes)
    • Consulted (input is sought to feed into decision making)
    • Informed (is given notification of outcomes)

    As a best practice, no more than one person should be responsible or accountable for any given process. The same person can be both responsible and accountable for a given process, or it could be two different people.

    Avoid making someone accountable for a process if they do not have full visibility into the process for appropriate oversight, or do not have time to give the process sufficient attention.

    The Enterprise Printing Roles and Responsibilities RACI Guide can be used to organize and manage these tasks.

    This is a screenshot from the Enterprise Printing Roles and Responsibilities RACI Guide

    Define metrics to measure success

    Track your project success by developing and tracking success metrics

    Ensure your metrics relate both to business value and customer satisfaction. "Reduction of print" is a business metric, not an experience metric.

    Frame metrics around experience level agreements (XLAs) and experience level objectives (XLOs): What are the outcomes the customer wants to achieve and the benefits they want to achieve? Tie the net promoter score into the reporting from the IT service management system, since SLAs are still needed to tactically manage the achievement of the XLOs.

    Use the Metrics Development Workbook from Info-Tech's Develop Meaningful Service Metrics to define:

    • Relevant stakeholders
    • Their goals and pain points
    • The success criteria that must be met to achieve these goals
    • The key indicators that must be measured to achieve these goals from an IT perspective
    • What the appropriate IT metrics are, based on all of the above

    Metrics could include

    • User satisfaction
    • Print services net promoter model
    • Total printing costs
    • Printer availability (uptime)
    • Printer reliability (mean time between failures)
    • Total number of reported incidents
    • Mean time for vendor to respond and repair

    Info-Tech Insight:

    Good metrics and visible improvement are important to strengthen executive support for a long-term printer reduction strategy.

    Step 1.2

    Assess current state

    Outcomes of this step

    • Aggregate view of your printer usage and costs

    Strategy and Planning

    This step involves the following participants:

    • IT director/CIO
    • Business operations manager
    • Project manager

    Activities in this step

    • 1.2. Inventory your printer fleet: Office walk-around
    • 1.2 Inventory your printer fleet: Collect purchase receipts/statements/service records
    • 1.3 Calculate printing costs

    Create an aggregate view of your printer usage and costs

    Problem: Lack of visibility

    • Most organizations are unaware of the savings potential in reducing print due to a lack of data.
    • Additionally, organizations may have inappropriately sized devices for their workloads.
    • Often, nobody is responsible for managing the printers collectively, resulting in a lack of visibility into printing activity. Without this visibility, it is difficult to muster executive commitment and support for printer reduction efforts.
    • The first step to eliminating your printers is to inventory all the printers in the organization and look at an aggregate view of the costs. Without understanding the cost saving potential, management will likely continue to avoid printer changes due to the idea's unpopularity with end users.
    • Valid use cases for printers will likely still remain, but these use cases should be based on a requirements analysis.
    This is a screenshot from the Printer Reduction Tool. It includes the Printer Inventory, and a table with the following column headings: Device Type; Specific Device; Networked; Manufacturer; Model; Serial #; Office Location; Device Owner; # users Supported; Monthly Duty; Page Count to; Device Age; Remaining Useful; # Pages printer/month; % Utilization

    Create visibility through by following these steps:

    1. Office walk-around: Most organizations have no idea how many printers they have until they walk around the office and physically count them. This is especially true in cases where management is allowed to purchase personal printers and keep them at their desks. An office walk-around is often necessary to accurately capture all the printers in your inventory.
    2. Collect purchase receipts/statements/service records: Double-check your printer inventory by referring to purchase receipts, statements, and service records.
    3. Identify other sources of costs: Printer purchases only make up a small fraction of total printing costs. Operating costs typically account for 95% of total printer costs. Make sure to factor in paper, ink/toner, electricity, and maintenance costs.

    1.2.1 Inventory your printer fleet: part 1

    Office walk-around

    1. Methodically walk around the office and determine the following for each printer:
      • Device type
      • Make, model, serial number
      • Location
      • Number of users supported
      • Device owner
      • Type of users supported (department, employee position)
    2. Record printer details in Tab 1 of Info-Tech's Printer Reduction Tool. Collaborate with the accounting or purchasing department to determine the following for each printer recorded:
      • Purchase price/date
      • Monthly duty cycle
      • Estimated remaining useful life
      • Page count to date


    • Existing inventory lists
    • Visual observation
    • Inventory of office printers, including their printer details



    • Notepad
    • Pen
    • Printer Reduction Tool
    • IT director
    • IT staff

    Download the Printer Reduction Tool

    1.2.2 Inventory your printer fleet:
    part 2

    Collect purchase receipts/statements/service records

    1. Ask your purchasing manager for purchase receipts, statements, and service records relating to printing.
    2. For documents found, match the printer with your physical inventory. Add any printers found that were not captured in the physical inventory count. Record the following:
      1. Device type
      2. Make, model, serial number
      3. Location
      4. Number of users supported
      5. Device owner
      6. Type of users supported (department, employee position)
    3. 3. Collaborate with the accounting or purchasing department to determine the following for each printer recorded:
      1. Purchase price/date
      2. Monthly duty cycle
      3. Estimated remaining useful life
      4. Page count to date
    4. Enter the data in Tab 1 of the Printer Reduction Tool


    • Purchase receipts
    • Statements
    • Service records
    • Printer inventory cross-checked with paperwork



    • Printer inventory from previous activity
    • IT director
    • IT staff
    • Purchasing manager

    Download the Printer Reduction Tool

    1.2.3 Calculate your printing costs

    Collect purchase receipts/statements/service records

    • Collect invoices, receipts, and service records to sum up the costs of paper, ink or toner, and maintenance for each machine. Estimate electricity costs.
    • Record your costs in Tab 2 of the Printer Reduction Tool.
    • Review the costs per page and per user to look for particularly expensive printers and understand the main drivers of the cost.
    • Review your average monthly cost and annual cost per user. Do these costs surprise you?


    • Invoices, receipts, service records for
    • Cost per page and user
    • Average monthly and annual cost



    • Printer Reduction Tool
    • IT director
    • IT staff

    Step 1.3

    Gather printing requirements

    Outcomes of this step

    • Understanding of the organization's current printing behavior and habits
    • Identification of how industry context and digitization of business processes have impacted current and future requirements

    This step involves the following participants:

    • IT director
    • IT staff
    • Rest of organization

    Activities in this step

    • Examine current printing behavior and habits
    • Administer end-user survey
    • Identify current requirements
    • Identify future requirements

    Requirements Gathering Overview

    1. Identify opportunities to go paperless
      • Determine where business process automation is occurring
      • Align with environmental and sustainability campaigns
    2. Identify current requirements
      • Review the types of document being printed and the corresponding features needed
      • Administer end-user survey to understand user needs and current printer performance
    3. Identify future requirements
    • Identify future requirements to avoid prematurely refreshing your printer fleet
  • Examine industry-specific/ workflow printing
    • Some industries have specific printing requirements such as barcode printing accuracy. Examine your industry-specific printing requirements
  • Stop: Do not click "Print"

    The most effective way to achieve durable printing cost reduction is simply to print less.

    • Consolidating devices and removing cost-inefficient individual printers is a good first step to yielding savings.
    • However, more sustainable success is achieved by working with the printer vendor(s) and the business on continuous innovation via proposals and initiatives that combine hardware, software, and services.
    • Sustained print reduction depends on separate but related business process automation and digital innovation initiatives.

    Info-Tech Insight:

    Achieve long-lasting reductions in print through document management and improved workflow processes.

    Leverage Info-Tech research to support your business' digital transformation

    This is an image of the title page from Info-Tech's Define your Digital Business Strategy blueprint.

    Define how changes to enterprise printing fit into digital transformation plans

    Identify opportunities to go paperless

    The "paperless office" has been discussed since the 1970s. The IT director alone does not have authority to change business processes. Ensure the print reduction effort is tied to other strategies and initiatives around digital transformation. Working on analog pieces of paper is not digital and may be eroding digital transformation process.

    Leverage Info-Tech's Assert IT's Relevance During Digital Transformations to remind others that modernization of the enterprise print environment belongs to the discussion around increasing digitized support capabilities.

    1. Digital Marketing

    2. Digital Channels

    3. Digitized Support Capabilities

    4. Digitally Enabled Products

    5. Business Model Innovation

    Manage Websites

    E-Channel Operations

    Workforce Management

    Product Design

    Innovation Lab Management

    Brand Management

    Product Inventory Management

    Digital Workplace Management

    Portfolio Product Administration

    Data Sandbox Management


    Interactive Help

    Document Management

    Product Performance Measurement

    Innovation Compensation Management

    Campaign Execution

    Party Authentication

    Eliminate business process friction caused by print

    Analyze workflows for where they are still using paper. Ask probing questions about where paper still adds value and where the business process is a candidate for paperless digital transformation

    • Is this piece of paper only being used to transfer information from one application to another?
    • What kind of digitalization efforts have happened in the business as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic? Which workflows have digitized on their own?
    • Where has e-signature been adopted?
    • Is this use of paper non-negotiable (e.g. an ER triage that requires a small printer for forms; the need for bank tellers to provide receipts to customers)?
    • Do we have compliance obligations that require us to retain a paper process?
    • What is getting printed? Who is printing the most? Identify if there are recurring system-generated reports being printed daily/weekly/quarterly that are adding to the volume. Are reports going directly from staff mailboxes to a recycling bin?
    • Does our print financial model incentivize the transformation of business processes, or does it reinforce old habits?
    • What services, software, and solutions for document management and business process analysis does our managed print services vendor offer? Can we involve the vendor in the business transformation conversation by including an innovation clause in the next contract (re)negotiation to push the vendor to offer proposals for projects that reduce print?

    Develop short-term and long-term print reduction strategies

    Short-term strategies

    • Consolidate the number of printers you have.
    • Determine whether to outsource printing to a managed services provider and make the move.
    • Enable print roaming and IT verification.
    • Require user-queued print jobs to be authenticated at a printer to prevent print jobs that are lost or not picked up.
    • Set up user quotas.
    • Provide usage records to business managers so they can understand the true cost of printing.
    • User quotas may create initial pushback, but they lead users to ask themselves whether a particular print job is necessary.
    • Renegotiate print service contracts.
    • Revisit contracts and shop around to ensure pricing is competitive.
    • Leverage size and centralization by consolidating to a single vendor, and use the printing needs of the entire enterprise to decrease pricing and limit future contractual obligations.
    • Train users on self-support.
    • Train users to remedy paper jams and move paper in and out of paper trays.

    Long-term strategies

    • Promote a paperless culture by convincing employees of its benefits (greater cost savings, better security, easier access, centralized repository, greener).
    • Educate users to use print area wisely.
    • Develop campaigns to promote black and white printing or a paperless culture.

    Info-Tech Insight:

    One-time consolidation initiatives leave money on the table. The extra savings results from changes in printing culture and end-user behavior.

    Examine current printing behavior and habits

    It's natural for printer usage and printing costs to vary based on office, department, and type of employee. Certain jobs simply require more printing than others.

    However, the printing culture within your organization likely also varies based on

    • office
    • department
    • type of employee

    Examine the printing behaviors of your employees based on these factors and determine whether their printing behavior aligns with the nature of their job.

    Excessive printing costs attributed to departments or groups of employees that don't require much printing for their jobs could indicate poor printing culture and potentially more employee pushback.

    Examine current printing behavior and habits, and identify candidates for elimination

    1. Go to Tab 3 of your Printer Reduction Tool ("Usage Dashboard Refresh"). Right-click each table and press "Refresh."
    2. Go to Tab 4 of your Printer Reduction Tool ("Usage Dashboard") to understand the following:
      1. Average printer utilization by department
      2. Pages printed per month by department
      3. Cost per user by department
    3. Take note of the outliers and expensive departments.
    4. Review printer inventory and printer use rates on Tab 5.
    5. Decide which printers are candidates for elimination and which require more research.
    6. If already working in a managed print services model, review the vendor's recommendations for printer elimination and consolidation.
    7. Mark printers that could be eliminated or consolidated.


    • Discussion
    • Understanding of expensive departments and other outliers



    • Printer Reduction Tool
    • IT director/ business operations
    • Business managers

    Administer end-user survey

    Understand end-user printing requirements and current printer performance through an end-user survey

    1. Customize Info-Tech's End-User Print Requirements Survey to help you understand your users' needs and the current performance of your printer fleet.
    2. Send the survey to all printer users in the organization.
    3. Collect the surveys and aggregate the requirements of users in each department.
    4. Record the survey results in the "Survey Results" tab.


    • End-user feedback
    • Identification of outliers and expensive departments



    • End-User Print Requirements Survey template
    • IT director
    • IT staff
    • Rest of organization

    Download the End-User Print Requirements Survey

    Info-Tech Insight:

    Use an end-user printer satisfaction survey before and after any reduction efforts or vendor implementation, both as a requirement-gathering user input and to measure/manage the vendor.

    Identify your current requirements

    Collect all the surveys and aggregate user requirements. Input the requirements into your Printer Reduction Tool.

    Discussion activity:

    • Review the requirements for each department and discuss:
    • What is this device being used for (e.g. internal documents, external documents, high-quality graphics/color)?
    • Based on its use case, what kinds of features are needed (e.g. color printing, scanning to email, stapling)?
    • Is this the right type of device for its purpose? Do we need this device, or can it be eliminated?
    • Based on its use case, what kinds of security features are needed (e.g. secure print release)?
    • Are there any compliance requirements that need to be satisfied (e.g. PCI, ITAR, HIPAA)?
    • Based on its use case, what's the criticality of uptime?
    • What is this device's place in the organization's workflow? What are its dependencies?
    • With which systems is the device compatible? Is it compatible with the newer operating system versions? If not, determine whether the device is a refresh candidate.


    • Survey results and department requirements
    • List of current requirements



    • N/A
    • IT director
    • IT staff

    Identify your future requirements

    Prepare your printer fleet for future needs to avoid premature printer refreshes.

    Discussion activity:

    • Review the current requirements for each department's printers and discuss whether the requirements will meet the department's printing needs over the next 10 years.
    • What is this device going to be used for in the next 10 years?
    • Will use of this device be reduced by plans to increase workflow digitization?
    • Based on its use case, what kinds of features are needed?
    • Is this the right type of device for its purpose?
    • Based on its use case, what kinds of security features are needed?
    • Based on its use case, what is the criticality of uptime?
    • Is this device's place in the organization's workflow going to change? What are its dependencies?
    • Reassess your current requirements and make any changes necessary to accommodate for future requirements.


    • Discussion
    • List of future requirements



    • N/A
    • IT director
    • IT staff

    Examine requirements specific to your industry and workflow

    Some common examples of industries with specific printing requirements:

    • Healthcare
      • Ability to comply with HIPAA requirements
      • High availability and reliability with on-demand support and quick response times
      • Built-in accounting software for billing purposes
      • Barcode printing for hospital wristbands
      • Fax requirements
    • Manufacturing
      • Barcoding technology
      • Ability to meet regulations such as FDA requirements for the pharmaceutical industry
      • Ability to integrate with ERP systems
    • Education
      • Password protection for sensitive student information
      • Test grading solutions
      • Paper tests for accessibility needs

    Phase 2

    Vendor Selection, Evaluation, Acquisition

    Strategy & planning

    Vendor selection, evaluation, acquisition

    Implementation & Operation

    1.1 Create project charter and assign roles

    1.2 Assess current state

    1.3 Gather requirements

    2.1 Understand managed print services model

    2.2 Create RFP materials

    2.3 Leverage print management software

    3.1 Modify printer policies

    3.2 Measure project success

    3.3 Training & adoption

    3.4 Plan communication

    3.5 Prepare for continuous improvement

    Re-Envision Enterprise Printing

    • This phase will walk you through the following activities:
    • Define managed print services RFP requirement questions
    • Create managed print services RFP and scoring tool
    • Score the RFP responses

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • IT director/CIO
    • Business operations manager
    • Project manager

    Change your financial model

    The managed print services industry allows you to use a pay-as-you-go approach and right-size your print spend to the organization's needs.

    Avoid being locked into a long lease where the organization pays a fixed monthly fee whether the printer runs or not.

    Instead, treat enterprise printing as a service, like the soda pop machine in the break room, where the vendor is paid when the device is used. If the vending machine is broken, the vendor is not paid until the technician restores it to operability. Printers can work the same way.

    By moving to a per click/page financial model, the vendor installs and supports the devices and is paid whenever a user prints. Though the organization pays more on a per-click/page basis compared to a lease, the vendor is incentivized to right-size the printer footprint to the organization, and the organization saves on monthly recurring lease costs and maintenance costs.

    Right-size commitments: If the organization remains on a lease instead of pay-per-click model, it should right-size the commitment if printing drops below a certain volume. In the agreement, include a business downturn clause that allows the organization to right-size and protect itself in the event of negative growth.

    Understand the managed print services model and its cost savings

    Outsourcing print services can monitor and balance your printers and optimize your fleet for efficiency. Managed print services are most appropriate for:

    • Organizations engaging in high-volume, high-quality print jobs with growing levels of output.
    • Organizations with many customer-facing print jobs.

    There are three main managed printing service models. Sometimes, an easy switch from a level pay model to a pay-per-click model can result in substantial savings:

    Level Pay

    • Flat rate per month based on estimates.
    • Attempts to flatten IT's budgeting so printing costs are consistent every month or every year (for budgeting purposes). At the end of the year, the amount of supplies used is added up and compared with the initial estimates and adjusted accordingly.
    • The customer pays the same predictable fee each month every year, even if you don't meet the maximum print quantity for the pay. Increased upcharge for quantities exceeding maximum print quantity.

    Base Plus Click

    • Fixed base payment (lease or rental) + pay-per-sheet for services.
    • In addition to the monthly recurring base cost, you pay for what you use. This contract may be executed with or without a minimum monthly page commitment. Page count through remote monitoring technologies is typically required.

    Pay Per Click

    • Payment is solely based on printing usage.
    • Printing costs will likely be the lowest with this option, but also the most variable.
    • This option requires a minimum monthly page commitment and/or minimum term.

    Info-Tech Insight:

    Vendors typically do not like the pay-per-click option and will steer businesses away from it. However, this option holds the vendor accountable for the availability and reliability of your printers, and Info-Tech generally recommends this option.

    Compare financials of each managed print services option

    Your printing costs with a pay-per-click model are most reflective of your actual printer usage. Level pay tends to be more expensive, where you need to pay for overages but don't benefit from printing less than the maximum allocated.

    See the below cost comparison example with level pay set at a maximum of 120,000 impressions per month. In the level pay model, the organization was paying for 120,000 sheets in the month it only used 60,000 impressions, whereas it would have been able to pay just for the 60,000 sheets in the pay-per-click model.

    This image contains tables with the column headings: Impressions per month; Total Cost; Average Cost per Impression; for each of the following categories: Level Pay; Base Plus Click; Pay Per Click

    Financial comparison case study

    This organization compared estimated costs over a 36-month period for the base-plus-click and pay-per-page models for Toshiba E Studio 3515 AC Digital Color Systems.

    Base-plus-click model

    Monthly recurring cost

    Avg. impressions per month

    Monthly cost

    Monthly cost

    "Net pay per click"

    Cost over 36-month period

    A fixed lease cost each month, with an additional per click/page charge


    12,000 (B&W)

    $0.02 (B&W)

    $1,164.00 (B&W)

    $0.097 (B&W)

    $41,904 (B&W)

    5,500 (Color)

    $0.09 (Color)

    $495.00 (Color)

    $0.090 (Color)

    $17,820 (Color)

    Base-plus-click model

    Monthly recurring cost

    Avg. impressions per month

    Monthly cost

    Monthly cost

    "Net pay per click"

    Cost over 36-month period

    No monthly lease cost, only per-image charges


    12,000 (B&W)

    $0.06 (B&W)

    $720.00 (B&W)

    $0.060 (B&W)

    $25,920 (B&W)

    5,500 (Color)

    $0.12 (Color)

    $660.00 (Color)

    $0.120 (Color)

    $23,760 (Color)


    Though the per-image cost for each image is lower in the base-plus-click model, the added monthly recurring costs for the lease means the "net pay per click" is higher.

    Overall, the pay-per-page estimate saved $10,044 over a 36-month period for this device.

    Bake continuing innovation into your requirements

    Once you are in the operation phase, you will need to monitor and analyze trends in company printing in order to make recommendations for the future and to identify areas for possible savings and/or asset optimization.

    Avoid a scenario where the vendor drops the printer in your environment and returns only for repairs. Engage the vendor in this continuous innovation work:

    In the managed services agreement, include a proviso for continuous innovation where the vendor has a contractual obligation to continually look at the business process flow and bring yearly proposals to show innovation (e.g. cost reductions; opportunities to reduce print, which allows the vendor to propose document management services and record keeping services). Leverage vendors who are building up capabilities to transform business processes to help with the heavy lifting.

    Establish a vision for the relationship that goes beyond devices and toner. The vendor can make a commitment to continuous management and constant improvement, instead of installing the devices and leaving. Ideally, this produces a mutually beneficial situation: The client asks the vendor to sell them ways to mature and innovate the business processes, while the vendor retains the business and potentially sells new services. In order to retain your business, the vendor must continue to learn and know about your business.

    The metric of success for your organization is the simple reduction in printed copies overall. The vendor success metric would be proposals that may combine hardware, software, and services that provide cost-effective reductions in print through document management and workflow processes. The vendors should be keen to build this into the relationship since the services delivery has a higher margin for them.

    Sample requirement wording:

    "Continuing innovation: The contractor initiates at least one (1) project each year of the contract that shows leadership and innovation in solutions and services for print, document management, and electronic recordkeeping. Bidders must describe a sample project in their response, planning for an annual investment of approximately 50 consulting hours and $10,000 in hardware and/or software."

    Reward the vendor for performance instead of "punishing" them for service failures

    Problem: Printer downtime and poor service is causing friction with your managed service provider (MSP).

    MSPs often offer clients credit requests (service credits) for their service failures, which are applied to the previous month's monthly recurring charge. They are applied to the last month's MRC (monthly reoccurring charges) at the end of term and then the vendor pays out the residual.

    However, while common, service credits are not always perceived to be a strong incentive for the provider to continually focus on improvement of mean time to respond or mean time to repair.

    Solution: Turn your vendor into a true partner by including an "earn back" condition in the contract.

    • Engage the vendor as a true partner within a relationship based upon service credits.
    • Suggest that the vendor include a minor change to the non-performance processes within the final agreement: the vendor implements an "earn back" condition in the agreement.
    • Where a bank of service credits exists because of non-performance, if the provider exceeds the SLA performance metrics for a number of consecutive months (two is common), then a given number of prior credits received by the client are returned to the provider as a reward for improved performance.
    • This can be a useful mechanism to drive improved performance.

    Leverage enterprise print management software

    Printers are commoditized and can come and go, but print management software enables the governance, compliance, savings and visibility necessary for the transformation

    • Printer management solutions range from tools bundled with ink-jet printers that track consumables' status, to software suites that track data for thousands of print devices.
    • Typically, these solutions arrive in enterprises as part of larger managed services printing engagements, bundled with hardware, financing, maintenance, and "services."
    • Bundling print management software means that customers very rarely seek to acquire printing management software alone.
    • Owing to the level of customization (billing, reporting, quotas, accounts, etc.) switching print management software solutions is also rare. The work you put into this software will remain with IT regardless of your hardware.
    • Durability of print management software is also influenced by the hardware- and technology-agnostic nature of the solutions (e.g. swapping one vendor's devices for another does not trigger anything more than a configuration change in print management software.)

    Include enterprise print management requirements in the RFP

    Ask respondents to describe their managed services capabilities and an optional on-premises, financed solution with these high-level capabilities.

    Select the appropriate type of print management software

    Vendor-provided solutions are adequate control for small organizations with simple print environments

    • Suitable for small organizations (<100 users).
    • Software included with print devices can pool print jobs, secure access, and centralize job administration.
    • Dealing with complex sales channels for third-party vendors is likely a waste of resources.

    SMBs with greater print control needs can leverage mid-level solutions to manage behavior

    • Suitable for mid-size organizations (<500 users).
    • Mid-level software can track costs, generate reports, and centralize management.
    • Solutions start at $500 but require additional per-device costs.

    Full control solutions will only attract large organizations with a mature print strategy

    • Full control solutions tend to be suitable for large organizations (>500 users) with complex print environments and advanced needs.
    • Full control software allows for absolute enforcement of printing policies and full control of printing.
    • Expect to spend thousands for a tailored solution that will save time and guide cost savings.

    Enterprise print management software features

    The feature set for these tools is long and comprehensive. The feature list below is not exhaustive, as specific tools may have additional product capabilities.

    Print Management Software Features

    Hardware-neutral support of all major printer types and operating systems (e.g. direct IP to any IPP-enabled printer along with typical endpoint devices) Tracking of all printing activity by user, client account, printer, and document metadata
    Secure print on demand (Secure print controls: User Authenticated Print Release, Pull Printing) Granular print cost/charging, allowing costs to be assigned on a per-printer basis with advanced options to charge different amounts based on document type (e.g. color, grayscale or duplex), page size, user or group
    Managed and secured mobile printing (iOS/Android), BYOD, and guest printing DaaS/VDI print support
    Printer installation discovery/enablement, device inventory/management Auditing/reporting, print audit trail using document attributes to manage costs/savings, enforce security and compliance with regulations and policies
    Monitoring print devices, print queues, provide notification of conditions Watermarking and/or timestamping to ensure integrity and confidentially/classification of printed documents some solutions support micro font adding print date, time, user id and other metadata values discreetly to a page preventing data leakage
    Active Directory integration or synchronization with LDAP user accounts Per-user quotas or group account budgets
    Ability to govern default print settings policies (B&W, double-sided, no color, etc.)

    Get to the managed print services RFP quicker

    Jumpstart your requirements process using these tools and exercises

    Vendor Assessment Questions

    Use Info-Tech's catalog of commonly used questions and requirements in successful acquisition processes for managed print services. Ask the right questions to secure an agreement that meets your needs. If you are already in a contract with managed print services, take the opportunity of contract renewal to improve the contract and service.

    RFP Template and "Schedule 1" Attachment

    Add your finalized assessment questions into this table, which you will attach to your RFP. The vendor answers questions in this "Schedule 1" attachment and returns it to you.

    RFP Scoring Tool

    Aggregate the RFP responses into this scoring tool to identify the frontrunners and candidates for elimination. Since the vendors are asked to respond in a standard format, it is easier to bring together all the responses to create a complete view of your options.

    Define RFP requirement questions

    Include the right requirements for your organization, and avoid leaving out important requirements that might have been overlooked.

    1. Download the Managed Print Services Vendor Assessment Questions tool. Use this document as a "shopping list" to jumpstart an initial draft of the RFP and, more importantly, scoring requirements.
    2. Review the questions in the context of your near- and long-term printer outsourcing needs. Consider your environment, your requirements, and goals. Include other viewpoints from the RACI chart from Phase 1.
    3. Place an 'X' in the first column to retain the question. Edit the wording of the question if required, based on your organizational needs.
    4. Use the second column to indicate which section of the RFP to include the question in.


    • Requirements from Phase 1.3
    • Completed list of requirement questions



    • Managed Print Services Vendor Assessment Questions tool
    • IT director/business operations
    • Other roles from the RACI chart completed in Phase 1

    Download the Managed Print Services Vendor Assessment Questions tool

    Create RFP scoring tool and RFP

    1. Enter the requirements questions into the scoring tool on Tabs 2 and 4.
    2. Tab 2: Create scoring column for each vendor. You will paste in their responses here.
    3. Edit Tabs 3 and 4 so they align with what you want the vendor to see. Copy and paste Tab 3 and Tab 4 into a new document, which will serve as a "Schedule 1" attachment to the RFP package the vendor receives.
    4. Complete the RFP template. Describe your current state and current printer hardware (documented in the earlier current-state assessment). Explain the rules of how to respond and how to fill out the Schedule 1 document. Instruct each vendor to fill in their responses to each question along with any notes, and to reply with a zip file that includes the completed RFP package along with any marketing material needed to support their response.
    5. Send a copy of the RFP and Schedule 1 to each vendor under consideration.


    • Completed list of requirement questions from previous activity
    • RFP Scoring tool
    • Completed RFP and schedule 1 attachment



    • Managed Print Services RFP Vendor Proposal Scoring Tool
    • Managed Print Services RFP
    • IT director/business operations

    Download the Managed Print Services RFP Vendor Proposal Scoring Tool

    Download the Managed Print Services RFP template

    Score RFP responses

    1. When the responses are returned, copy and paste each vendor's results from Schedule 1 into Tab 2 of the main scoring tool.
    2. Evaluate each RFP response against the RFP criteria based on the scoring scale.
    3. Send the completed scoring tool to the CIO.
    4. Set up a meeting to discuss the scores and generate shortlist of vendors.
    5. Conduct further interviews with shortlisted vendors for due diligence, pricing, and negotiation discussions.
    6. Once a vendor is selected, review the SLAs and contract and develop a transition plan.


    • Completed Managed Print Services RFP Vendor Proposal Scoring Tool
    • Shortlist or final decision on vendor



    • N/A
    • IT director/business operations

    Info-Tech Insight:

    The responses from the low-scoring vendors still have value: these providers will likely provide ideas that you can then leverage with your frontrunner, even if their overall proposal did not score highly.

    Phase 3

    Implementation & Operation

    Strategy & planning

    Vendor selection, evaluation, acquisition

    Implementation & Operation

    1.1 Create project charter and assign roles

    1.2 Assess current state

    1.3 Gather requirements

    2.1 Understand managed print services model

    2.2 Create RFP materials

    2.3 Leverage print management software

    3.1 Modify printer policies

    3.2 Measure project success

    3.3 Training & adoption

    3.4 Plan communication

    3.5 Prepare for continuous improvement

    Re-Envision Enterprise Printing

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Update your enterprise printer policies
    • Readminister end-user survey to measure project success

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • IT director/CIO
    • Business operations manager
    • Project manager

    Modify your printer policies

    Review and modify Info-Tech's Printer Policy Template to support your print reduction goals

    Consider that your goal is to achieve printer reduction. Discuss with your team how strict it needs to be to truly reset behavior with printers. Many organizations struggle with policy enforcement. Firm language in the policy may be required to achieve this goal. For example,

    • IT only supports the printers acquired through the managed print service. Personal desktop printers are not supported by IT. Expense statements will not be accepted for non-supported printers.
    • Create a procurement policy where all device requests need justification and approval by department managers and IT. Have a debate over what the extreme exceptions would be. Legitimate exceptions must go through a review and approval process.
    • Restrict color printing to external or customer-facing use cases.
    • Encourage digital or electronic solutions in lieu of hard copies (e.g. e-signatures and approval workflows; scanning; use of integrated enterprise applications like SharePoint).
    This is a screenshot of the Printer Policy Page Template

    Download the Printer Policy template

    Readminister the end-user survey

    You have already run this survey during the requirements-gathering phase. Run it again to measure success.

    The survey was run once prior to the changes being implemented to establish a baseline of user satisfaction and to gain insights into additional requirements.

    Several months after the initial rollout (90 days is typical to let the dust settle), resurvey the end users and publish or report to the administration success metrics (the current costs vs. the actual costs prior to the change).

    User satisfaction survey can be used to manage the vendor, especially if the users are less happy after the vendor touched their environment. Use this feedback to hold the provider to account for improvement.


    • Previous survey results
    • Changes to baseline satisfaction metrics



    • End-user survey from Phase 1
    • IT director
    • IT staff
    • Rest of organization

    Measure project success

    Revisit the pre-project metrics and goals and compare with your current metrics

    • Identify printers to consolidate or eliminate.
    • Update asset management system (enter software and hardware serial numbers or identification tags into configuration management system).
    • Reallocate/install printers across the organization.
    • Develop ongoing printer usage and cost reports for each department.
    • Review the end-user survey and compare against baseline.
    • Operate, validate, and distribute usage metrics/chargeback to stakeholders.
    • Audit and report on environmental performance and sustainability performance to internal and external bodies, as required.
    • Write and manage knowledgebase articles.
    • Monitor and analyze trends in company printing in order to make recommendations for the future and to identify areas for possible savings and/or asset optimization.

    Metrics could include

    • User satisfaction
    • Print services net promoter model
    • Total printing costs
    • Printer availability (uptime)
    • Printer reliability (mean time between failures)
    • Total number of reported incidents
    • Mean time for vendor to respond and repair

    Support training and adoption

    Train users on self-support

    Prepare troubleshooting guides and step-by-step visual aid posters for the print areas that guide users to print, release, and find their print jobs and fix common incidents on their own. These may include:

    • The name of this printer location and the names of the others on that floor.
    • How to enter a PIN to release a print job.
    • How to fix a paper jam.
    • How to empty the paper tray.
    • How to log a service ticket if all other steps are exhausted.

    Educate users to use print area wisely

    • Inform users what to do if other print jobs appear to be left behind in the printer area.
    • Display guidelines on printer location alternatives in case of a long line.
    • Display suggestions on maximum recommended time to spend on a job in the event other users are waiting.

    Develop campaign to promote paperless culture

    Ensure business leadership and end users remain committed to thinking before they print.

    • Help your users avoid backsliding by soliciting feedback on the new printer areas.
    • Ensure timely escalation of service tickets to the vendor.
    • Support efforts by the business to seek out business process modernization opportunities whenever possible.

    Plan persuasive communication strategies

    Identify cost-saving opportunities and minimize complaints through persuasive communication

    Solicit the input of end users through surveys and review comments.

    Common complaints Response

    Consider the input of end users when making elimination and consolidation decisions and communicate IT's justification for each end user's argument to keep their desktop printers.

    "I don't trust network storage. I want physical copies." Explain the security and benefits of content management systems.
    "I use my desktop a lot. I need it." Explain the cost benefits of printing on cheaper network MFPs, especially if they print in large quantities.
    "I don't use it a lot, so it's not costly." It's a waste of money to maintain and power underused devices.
    "I need security and confidentiality." MFPs have biometric and password-release functions, which add an increased layer of security.
    "I need to be able to print from home." Print drivers and networked home printers can be insecure devices and attack vectors.
    "I don't have time to wait." Print jobs in queue can be released when users are at the device.
    "I don't want to walk that far." Tell the end user how many feet the device will be within (e.g. 50 feet). It is not usually very far.

    Implement a continual improvement plan to achieve long-term enterprise print goals

    Implement a continual improvement plan for enterprise printing:

    • Develop a vendor management plan:
      • In order to govern SLAs and manage the vendor, ensure that you can track printer-related tickets even if the device is now supported by managed print services.
      • Ensure that printer service tickets sent from the device to the vendor are also reconciled in your ITSM tool. Require the MSP to e-bond the ticket created within their own device and ticketing system back to you so you can track it in your own ITSM tool.
      • Every two months, validate service credits that can be returned to the vendor for exceeding SLA performance metrics.
      • Monitor the impact of their digital transformation strategies. Develop a cadence to review the vendor's suggestions for innovation opportunities.
    • Operate, validate, and distribute usage and experience metrics/chargeback to stakeholders.
    • Monitor and analyze trends in company printing.
    This is a graph which demonstrates the process of continual improvement through Standardization. It depicts a graph with Time as the X axis, and Quality Management as the Y axis. A grey circle with the words: ACT; PLAN; CHECK; DO, moving from the lower left part of the graph to the upper right, showing that standardization improves Quality Management.

    Summary of Accomplishment

    Problem Solved

    You have now re-envisioned your enterprise print environment by documenting your current printer inventory and current cost and usage. You also have hard inventory and usage data benchmarks that you can use to measure the success of future initiatives around digitalization, going paperless, and reducing print cost.

    You have also developed a plan to go to market and become a consumer of managed print services, rather than a provider yourself. You have established a reusable RFP and requirements framework to engage a managed print services vendor who will work with you to support your continuous improvement plans.

    Return to the deliverables and advice in this blueprint to reinforce the organization's message to end users on when, where, and how to print. Ideally, this project has helped you go beyond a printer refresh – but rather served as a means to change the printing culture at your organization.

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through other phases as part of an Info-Tech workshop.

    Contact your account representative for more information


    Fernandes, Louella. "Quocirca Managed Services Print Market, 2021." Quocirca, 25 Mar. 2021. Accessed 12 Oct. 2021.

    McInnes, Angela. "No More Photocopies, No More Ink: Thames Valley Schools Run Out of Toner." CBC, 21 Oct. 2021. Web.

    "Paper and Paperboard: Material-Specific Data." EPA, 15 Dec. 2020. Accessed 15 Oct. 2021.

    State of Washington, House of Representatives. "State Agencies – Paper Conservation and Recycling." 61st Legislature, Substitute House Bill 2287, Passed 20 April 2009.

    Sugihara, Azusa. "Pandemic Shreds Office Paper Demand as Global Telework Unfolds." Nikkei Asia, 18 July 2020. Accessed 29 Sept. 2021.

    "Paper Reduction." University of Washington, n.d. Accessed 28 Oct. 2021.

    "What is MPS?" University of Washington, n.d. Accessed 16 Mar. 2022.

    Research contributors

    Jarrod Brumm
    Senior Digital Transformation Consultant

    Jacques Lirette
    President, Ditech Testing

    3 anonymous contributors

    Info-Tech Research Group Experts

    Allison Kinnaird, Research Director & Research Lead
    Frank Trovato, Research Director

    Manage Exponential Value Relationships

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}210|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Vendor Management
    • Parent Category Link: /vendor-management

    Implementing exponential IT will require businesses to work with external vendors to facilitate the rapid adoption of cutting-edge technologies such as generative artificial intelligence. IT leaders must:

    These challenges require new skills which build trust and collaboration among vendors.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    Outcome-based relationships require a higher degree of trust than traditional vendor relationships. Build trust by sharing risks and rewards.

    Impact and Result

    • Assess your readiness to take on the new types of vendor relationships that will help you succeed.
    • Identify where you need to build your capabilities in order to successfully manage relationships.
    • Successfully manage outcomes, financials, risk, and relationships in complex vendor relationships.

    Manage Exponential Value Relationships Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Manage Exponential Value Relationships Storyboard – Learn about the new era of exponential vendor relationships and the capabilities needed to succeed.

    This research walks you through how to assess your capabilities to undertake a new model of vendor relationships and drive exponential IT.

    • Manage Exponential Value Relationships Storyboard

    2. Exponential Relationships Readiness Assessment – Assess your readiness to engage in exponential vendor partnerships.

    This tool will facilitate your readiness assessment.

    • Exponential Relationships Readiness Assessment

    Further reading

    Manage Exponential Value Relationships

    Are you ready to manage outcome-based agreements?

    Analyst Perspective

    Outcome-based agreements require a higher degree of mutual trust.

    Kim Osborne Rodriguez

    Exponential IT brings with it an exciting new world of cutting-edge technology and increasingly accelerated growth of business and IT. But adopting and driving change through this paradigm requires new capabilities to grow impactful and meaningful partnerships with external vendors who can help implement technologies like artificial intelligence and virtual reality.

    Building outcome-based partnerships involves working very closely with vendors who, in many cases, will have just as much to lose as the organizations implementing these new technologies. This requires a greater degree of trust between parties than a standard vendor relationship. It also drastically increases the risks to both organizations; as each loses some control over data and outcomes, they must trust that the other organization will follow through on commitments and obligations.

    Outcome-based partnerships build upon traditional vendor management practices and create the potential for organizations to embrace emerging technology in new ways.

    Kim Osborne Rodriguez
    Research Director, CIO Advisory
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Exponential IT drives change

    Vendor relationships must evolve

    To deliver exponential value

    Implementing exponential IT will require businesses to work with external vendors to facilitate the rapid adoption of cutting-edge technologies such as generative artificial intelligence. IT leaders must:

    • Build strategic relationships with external entities to support the autonomization of the enterprise.
    • Procure, operate, and manage contracts and performance in outcome-based relationships.
    • Build relationships with new vendors.

    These challenges require new skills which build trust and collaboration with vendors.

    Traditional vendor management approaches are still important for organizations to develop and maintain. But exponential relationships bring new challenges:

    • A shift from managing technology service agreements to managing business capability agreements
    • Increased vendor access to intellectual property, confidential information, and customers

    IT leaders must adapt traditional vendor management capabilities to successfully lead this change.

    Outcome-based relationships should not be undertaken lightly as they can significantly impact the risk profile of the organization. Use this research to:

    • Assess your foundational vendor management capabilities as well as the transformative capabilities you need to manage outcome-based relationships.
    • Identify where you need to build your capabilities in order to successfully manage relationships.
    • Successfully manage outcomes, financials, risk, and relationships in complex vendor partnerships.

    Exponential value relationships will help drive exponential IT and autonomization of the enterprise.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Outcome-based partnerships require a higher degree of trust than traditional vendor relationships. Build trust by sharing risks and rewards.

    Vendor relationships can be worth billions of dollars

    Positive vendor relationships directly impact the bottom line, sometimes to the tune of billions of dollars annually.

    • Organizations typically spend 40% to 80% of their total budget on external suppliers.
    • Greater supplier trust translates directly to greater business profits, even in traditional vendor relationships.1
    • Based on over a decade of data from vehicle manufacturers, greater supplier relationships nearly doubled the unit profit margin on vehicles, contributing over $20 billion to Toyota’s annual profits based on typical sales volume.2
    • Having positive vendor relationships can be instrumental in times of crisis – when scarcity looms, vendors often choose to support their best customers.3,4 For example, Toyota protected itself from the losses many original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) faced in 2020 and showed improved profitability that year due to increased demand for vehicles which it was able to supply as a result of top-ranked vendor relationships.
    1 PR Newswire, 2022.
    2 Based on 10 years of data comparing Toyota and Nissan, every 1-point increase in the company’s Working Relations Index was correlated with a $15.77 net profit increase per unit. Impact on Toyota annual profits is based on 10.5 million units sold in 2021 and 2022.
    3 Interview with Renee Stanley, University of Texas at Arlington. Conducted 17 May 2023.
    4 Plante Moran, 2020.

    Supplier Trust Impacts OEM Profitability

    Sources: Macrotrends, Plante Moran 2022, Nissan 2022 and 2023, and Toyota 2022. Profit per car is based on total annual profit divided by total annual sales volume.

    Outcome-based relationships are a new paradigm

    In a new model where organizations are procuring autonomous capabilities, outcomes will govern vendor relationships.

    An outcome-based relationship requires a higher level of mutual trust than traditional vendor relationships. This requires shared reward and shared risk.

    Don’t forget about traditional vendor management relationships! Not all vendor relationships can (or should) be outcome-based.

    Managing Exponential Value Relationships.

    Case study

    INDUSTRY: Technology

    SOURCE: Press Release

    Microsoft and OpenAI partner on Azure, Teams, and Microsoft Office suite

    In January 2023, Microsoft announced a $10 billion investment in OpenAI, allowing OpenAI to continue scaling its flagship large language model, ChatGPT, and giving Microsoft first access to deploy OpenAI’s products in services like GitHub, Microsoft Office, and Microsoft Teams.

    Shared risk

    Issues with OpenAI’s platforms could have a debilitating effect on Microsoft’s own reputation – much like Google’s $100 billion stock loss following a blunder by its AI platform Bard – not to mention the financial loss if the platform does not live up to the hype.

    Shared reward

    This was a particularly important strategic move by Microsoft, as its main competitors develop their own AI models in a race to the top. This investment also gave OpenAI the resources to continue scaling and evolving its services much faster than it would be capable of on its own. If OpenAI’s products succeed, there is a significant upside for both companies.

    The image contains a graph that demonstrates time to reach 1 million users.

    Adapt your approach to vendor relationships

    Both traditional vendors and exponential relationships are important.





    Exponential vendor relationships

    • Ideal for procuring a product or service
    • Typically evaluates vendors based on their capabilities and track record of success
    • Focuses on metrics, KPIs, and contracts to deliver success to the organization purchasing the product or service
    • Vendors typically only have access to company data showing what is required to deliver their product or service
    • Ideal for managing vendors supplying products or services
    • Typically evaluates vendors based on the value and the criticality of a vendor to drive VM-resource allocation
    • External vendors do not generally participate in sharing of risks or rewards outside of payment for services or incentives/penalties
    • Vendors typically have limited access to company data
    • Ideal for procuring an autonomous capability
    • Typically evaluated based on the total possible value creation for both parties
    • External vendors share in substantial portions of the risks and rewards of the relationship
    • Vendors typically have significant access to company data, including proprietary methods, intellectual property, and customer lists

    Use this research to successfully
    manage outcome-based relationships.

    Use Info-Tech’s research to Jump Start Your Vendor Management Initiative.

    Common obstacles

    Exponential relationships require new approaches to vendor management as businesses autonomize:

    • Autonomization refers to the shift toward autonomous business capabilities which leverage technologies such as AI and quantum computing to operate independently of human interaction.
    • The speed and complexity of technology advancement requires that businesses move quickly and confidently to develop strong relationships and deliver value.
    • We are seeing businesses shift from procuring products and services to procuring autonomous business capabilities (sometimes called “as a service,” or aaS). This shift can drive exponential value but also increases complexity and risk.
    • Exponential IT requires a shift in emphasis toward more mature relationship and risk management strategies, compared to traditional vendor management.

    The shift from technology service agreements to business capability agreements needs a new approach

    Eighty-seven percent of organizations are currently experiencing talent shortages or expect to within a few years.

    Source: McKinsey, “Mind the [skills] gap”, 2021.

    Sixty-three percent of IT leaders plan to implement AI in their organizations by the end of 2023.

    Source: Info-Tech Research Group survey, 2022

    Insight summary

    Build trust

    Successfully managing exponential relationships requires increased trust and the ability to share both risks and rewards. Outcome-based vendors typically have greater access to intellectual property, customer data, and proprietary methods, which can pose a risk to the organization if this information is used to benefit competitors. Build mutual trust by sharing both risks and rewards.

    Manage risk

    Outcome-based relationships with external vendors can drastically affect an organization’s risk profile. Carefully consider third-party risk and shared risk, including ESG risk, as well as the business risk of losing control over capabilities and assets. Qualified risk specialists (such as legal, regulatory, contract, intellectual property law) should be consulted before entering outcome-based relationships.

    Drive outcomes

    Fostering strategic relationships can be instrumental in times of crisis, when being the customer of choice for key vendors can push your organization up the line from the vendor’s side – but be careful about relying on this too much. Vendor objectives may not align with yours, and in the end, everyone needs to protect themselves.

    Assess your readiness for exponential value relationships

    Key deliverable:

    Exponential Relationships Readiness Assessment

    Determine your readiness to build exponential value relationships.

    Measure the value of this blueprint

    Save thousands of dollars by leveraging this research to assess your readiness, before you lose millions from a relationship gone bad.

    Our research indicates that most organizations would take months to prepare this type of assessment without using our research. That’s over 80 person-hours spent researching and gathering data to support due diligence, for a total cost of thousands of dollars. Doesn’t your staff have better things to do?

    Start by answering a few brief questions, then return to this slide at the end to see how much your answers have changed.

    Establish Baseline Metrics

    Use Info-Tech’s research to Exponential Relationships Readiness Assessment.

    Estimated time commitment without Info-Tech’s research (person-hours)

    Establish a baseline

    Gauge the effectiveness of this research by asking yourself the following questions before and after completing your readiness assessment:




    To what extent are you satisfied with your current vendor management approach?

    How many of your current vendors would you describe as being of strategic importance?

    How much do you spend on vendors annually?

    How much value do you derive from your vendor relationships annually?

    Do you have a vendor management strategy?

    What outcomes are you looking to achieve through your vendor relationships?

    How well do you understand the core capabilities needed to drive successful vendor management?

    How well do you understand your current readiness to engage in outcome-based vendor relationships?

    Do you feel comfortable managing the risks when working with organizations to implement artificial intelligence and other autonomous capabilities?

    How to use this research

    Five tips to get the most out of your readiness assessment.

    1. Each category consists of five competencies, with a maximum of five points each. The maximum score on this assessment is 100 points.
    2. Effectiveness levels range from basic (level 1) to advanced (level 5). Level 1 is generally considered the baseline for most effectively operating organizations. If your organization is struggling with level 1 competencies, it is recommended to improve maturity in those areas before pursuing exponential relationships.
    3. This assessment is qualitative; complete the assessment to the best of your ability, based on the scoring rubric provided. If you fall between levels, use the lower one in your assessment.
    4. The scoring rubric may not perfectly fit the processes and practices within every organization. Consider the spirit of the description and score accordingly.
    5. Other industry- and region-specific competencies may be required to succeed at exponential relationships. The competencies in this assessment are a starting point, and internal validation and assessments should be conducted to uncover additional competencies and skills.

    Financial management

    Manage your budget and spending to stay on track throughout your relationship.

    “Most organizations underestimate the amount of time, money, and skill required to build and maintain a successful relationship with another organization. The investment in exponential relationships is exponential in itself – as are the returns.”

    – Jennifer Perrier, Principal Research Director,
    Info-Tech Research Group

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Executive leadership team, including CIO
    • CFO
    • Vendor management leader
    • Other internal stakeholders of vendor relationships


    • Assess your ability to manage scope and budget in exponential IT relationships.

    Successfully manage complex finances

    Stay on track and keep your relationship running smoothly.

    Why is this important?

    • Finance is at the core of most business – it drives decision making, acts as a constraint for innovation and optimization, and plays a key role in assessing options (such as return on investment or payback period).
    • Effectively managing finances is a critical success factor in developing strong relationships. Each organization must be able to manage their own budget and spending in order to balance the risk and reward in the relationship. Often, these risks and rewards will come in the form of profit and loss or revenue and spend.

    Build it into your practice:

    1. Ensure your financial decision-making practices are aligned with the organizational and relationship strategy. Do metrics and criteria reflect the organization’s goals?
    2. Develop strong accounting and financial analysis practices – this includes the ability to conduct financial due diligence on potential vendors.
    3. Develop consistent methodology to track and report on the desired outcomes on a regular basis.

    Build your ability to manage finances

    The five competencies needed to manage finances in exponential value relationships are:

    Budget procedures

    Financial alignment


    Financial analysis

    Reporting & compliance

    Clearly articulate and communicate budgets, with proactive analysis and reporting.

    There is a strong, direct alignment between financial outcomes and organizational strategy and goals.

    Financial structures can manage many different types of relationships and structures without major overhaul.

    Proactive financial analysis is conducted regularly, with actionable insights.

    This exceeds legal requirements and includes proactive and actionable reporting.

    Relationship management

    Drive exponential value by becoming a customer of choice.

    “The more complex the business environment becomes — for instance, as new technologies emerge or as innovation cycles get faster — the more such relationships make sense. And the better companies get at managing individual relationships, the more likely it is that they will become “partners of choice” and be able to build entire portfolios of practical and value-creating partnerships.”

    (“Improving the management of complex business partnerships.” McKinsey, 2019)

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Executive leadership team, including CIO
    • Vendor management leader
    • Other internal stakeholders of vendor relationships


    • Assess your ability to manage relationships in exponential IT relationships.

    Take your relationships to the next level

    Maintaining positive relationships is key to building trust.

    Why is this important?

    • All relationships will experience challenges, and the ability to resolve these issues will rely heavily on the relationship management skills and soft skills of the leadership within each organization.
    • Based on a 20-year study of vendor relationships in the automotive sector, business-to-business trust is a function of reasonable demands, follow-through, and information sharing.
    (Source: Plante Moran, 2020)

    Build it into your practice:

    1. Develop the soft skills necessary to promote psychological safety, growth mindset, and strong and open communication channels.
    2. Be smart about sharing information – you don’t need to share everything, but being open about relevant information will enhance trust.
    3. Both parties need to work hard to develop trust necessary to build a true relationship. This will require increased access to decision-makers, clearly defined guardrails, and the ability for unsatisfied parties to leave.

    Build your ability to manage relationships

    The five competencies needed to manage relationships in exponential partnerships are:

    Strategic alignment


    Information sharing

    Shared risk & rewards


    Work with vendors to create roadmaps and strategies to drive mutual success.

    Ensure demands are reasonable and consistently follow through on commitments.

    Proactively and freely share relevant information between parties.

    Equitably share responsibility for outcomes and benefits from success.

    Ensure clear, proactive, and frequent communication occurs between parties.

    Performance management

    Outcomes management focuses on results, not methods.

    According to Jennifer Robinson, senior editor at Gallup, “This approach focuses people and teams on a concrete result, not the process required to achieve it. Leaders define outcomes and, along with managers, set parameters and guidelines. Employees, then, have a high degree of autonomy to use their own unique talents to reach goals their own way.” (Forbes, 2023)

    In the context of exponential relationships, vendors can be given a high degree of autonomy provided they meet their objectives.

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Executive leadership team, including CIO
    • Vendor management leader
    • Other internal stakeholders of vendor relationships


    • Assess your ability to manage outcomes in exponential IT relationships.

    Manage outcomes to drive mutual success

    Build trust by achieving shared objectives.

    Why is this important?

    • Relationships are based on shared risk and shared reward for all parties. In order to effectively communicate the shared rewards, you must first understand and communicate your objectives for the relationship, then measure outcomes to ensure all parties are benefiting.
    • Effectively managing outcomes reduces the risk that one party will choose to leave based on a perception of benefits not being achieved. Parties may still leave the agreement, but decisions should be based on shared facts and issues should be communicated and addressed early.

    Build it into your practice:

    1. Clearly articulate what you hope to achieve by entering an outcome-based relationship. Each party should outline and agree to the goals, objectives, and desired outcomes from the relationship.
    2. Document how rewards will be shared among parties. What type of rewards are anticipated? Who will benefit and how?
    3. Develop consistent methodology to track and report on the desired outcomes on a regular basis. This might consist of a vendor scorecard or a monthly meeting.

    Build your ability to manage outcomes

    The five competencies needed to manage outcomes in exponential value relationships are:

    Goal setting


    Performance tracking


    Scope management

    Set specific, measurable and actionable goals, and communicate them with stakeholders.

    Clearly articulate and agree upon measurable outcomes between all parties.

    Proactively track progress toward goals/outcomes and discuss results with vendors regularly.

    Openly discuss potential issues and challenges on a regular basis. Find collaborative solutions to problems.

    Proactively manage scope and discuss with vendors on a regular basis.

    Risk management

    Exponential IT means exponential risk – and exponential rewards.

    One of the key differentiators between traditional vendor relationships and exponential relationships is the degree to which risk is shared between parties. This is not possible in all industries, which may limit companies’ ability to participate in this type of exponential relationship.

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Executive leadership team, including CIO
    • Vendor management leader
    • Risk management leader
    • Other internal stakeholders of vendor relationships


    • Assess your ability to manage risk in exponential IT relationships.

    Relationships come with a lot of hidden risks

    Successfully managing complex risks can be the difference between a spectacular success and company-ending failure.

    Why is this important?

    • Relationships inherently involve a loss of control. You are relying on another party to fulfill their part of the agreement, and you depend on the success of the outcome. Loss of control comes with significant risks.
    • Sharing in risk is what differentiates an outcome-based relationship from a traditional vendor relationship; vendors must have skin in the game.
    • Organizations must consider many different types of risk when considering a relationship with a vendor: fraud, security, human rights, labor relations, ESG, and operational risks. Remember that risk is not inherently bad; some risk is necessary.

    Build it into your practice:

    1. Build or hire the necessary risk expertise needed to properly assess and evaluate the risks of potential vendor relationships. This includes intellectual property, ESG, legal/regulatory, cybersecurity, data security, and more.
    2. Develop processes and procedures which clearly communicate and report on risk on a regular basis.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Some highly regulated industries (such as finance) are prevented from transferring certain types of risk. In these industries, it may be much more difficult to form vendor relationships.

    Don’t forget about third-party ESG risk

    Customers care about ESG. You should too.

    Protect yourself against third-party ESG risks by considering the environmental and social impacts of your vendors.

    Third-party ESG risks can include the following:

    • Environmental risk: Vendors with unsustainable practices such as carbon emissions or waste generation of natural resource depletion can negatively impact the organization’s environmental goals.
    • Social risk: Unsafe or illegal labor practices, human rights violations, and supply chain management issues can reflect negatively on organizations that choose to work with vendors who engage in such practices.
    • Governance risk: Vendors who engage in illegal or unethical behaviors, including bribery and corruption or data and privacy breaches can impact downstream customers.

    Working with vendors that have a poor record of ESG carries a very real reputational risk for organizations who do not undertake appropriate due diligence.

    A global survey of nearly 14,000 customers revealed that…

    Source: EY Future Consumer Index, 2021

    Seventy-seven percent of customers believe companies have a responsibility to manufacture sustainably.

    Sixty-eight percent of customers believe businesses should ensure their suppliers meet high social and environmental standards.

    Fifty-five percent of customers consider the environmental impact of production in their purchasing decisions.

    Build your ability to manage risk

    The five competencies needed to manage risk in exponential value relationships are:

    Third-party risk

    Value chain

    Data management

    Regulatory & compliance

    Monitoring & reporting

    Understand and assess third-party risk, including ESG risk, in potential relationships.

    Assess risk throughout the value chain for all parties and balance risk among parties.

    Proactively assess and manage potential data risks, including intellectual property and strategic data.

    Manage regulatory and compliance risks, including understanding risk transfer and ultimate risk holder.

    Proactive and open monitoring and reporting of risks, including regular communication among stakeholders.

    Contract management

    Contract management is a critical part of vendor management.

    Well-managed contracts include clearly defined pricing, performance-based outcomes, clear roles and responsibilities, and appropriate remedies for failure to meet requirements. In outcome-based relationships, contracts are generally used as a secondary method of enforcing performance, with relationship management being the primary method of addressing challenges and ensuring performance.

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Executive leadership team, including CIO
    • Vendor management leader
    • Risk management leader
    • Other internal stakeholders of vendor relationships


    • Assess your ability to manage risk in exponential IT relationships.

    Build your ability to manage contracts

    The five competencies needed to manage contracts in exponential value relationships are:


    Performance outcomes

    Roles and responsibilities



    Pricing is clearly defined in contracts so that the total cost is understood including all fees, optional pricing, and set caps on increases.

    Contracts are performance-based whenever possible, including deliverables, milestones, service levels, due dates, and outcomes.

    Each party's roles and responsibilities are clearly defined in the contract documents with adequate detail.

    Contracts contain appropriate remedies for a vendor's failure to meet SLAs, due dates, and other obligations.

    Payment is made after performance targets are met, approved, or accepted.

    Activity 1: Assess your readiness for exponential relationships

    1-3 hours

    1. Gather key stakeholders from across your organization to participate in the readiness assessment exercise.
    2. As a group, review the core competencies from the previous four sections and determine where your organization’s effectiveness lies for each competency. Record your responses in the Exponential Relationships Readiness Assessment tool.

    Download the Exponential Relationships Readiness Assessment tool.

    Input Output
    • Core competencies
    • Knowledge of internal processes and capabilities
    • Readiness assessment
    Materials Participants
    • Exponential
      Relationships Readiness Assessment
    • Whiteboard/flip charts
    • Executive leadership team, including CIO
    • Vendor management leader
    • Other internal stakeholders of vendor relationships

    Understand your assessment

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Executive leadership team, including CIO
    • Vendor management leader
    • Other internal stakeholders of vendor relationships


    • Create an action plan.

    Understand the results of your assessment

    Consider the following recommendations based on your readiness assessment scores:

    • The chart to the right shows sample results. The bars indicate the recommended scores, and the line indicates the readiness score.
    • Three or more categories below the recommended scores, or any categories more than five points below the recommendation: outcome-based relationships are not recommended at this time.
    • Two or more categories below the recommended scores: Proceed with caution and limit outcome-based relationships to low-risk areas. Continue to mature capabilities.
    • One category below the recommended scores: Evaluate the risks and benefits before engaging in higher-risk vendor relationships. Continue to mature capabilities.
    • All categories at or above the recommended scores: You have many of the core capabilities needed to succeed at exponential relationships! Continue to evaluate and refine your vendor relationships strategy, and identify any additional competencies needed based on your industry or region.

    Acme Corp Exponential Relationships Readiness.

    Activity 2: Create an action plan

    1 hour

    1. Gather the stakeholders who participated in the readiness assessment exercise.
    2. As a group, review the results of the readiness assessment. Where there any surprise? Do the results reflect your understanding of the organization’s maturity?
    3. Determine which areas are likely to limit the organization’s relationship capability, based on lowest scoring areas and relative importance to the organization.
    4. Break out into groups and have each group identify three actions the organization could take to mature the lowest scoring areas.
    5. Bring the group back together and prioritize the actions. Note who will be accountable for each next step.
    • Readiness assessment
    • Action plan to improve maturity of capabilities
    • Exponential
      Relationship Readiness Assessment
    • Whiteboard/flip charts
    • Executive leadership team, including CIO
    • Vendor management leader
    • Other internal stakeholders of vendor relationships

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    Kim Osborne Rodriguez

    Kim Osborne Rodriguez
    Research Director, CIO Advisory
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Kim is a professional engineer and Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD) with over a decade of experience in management and engineering consulting spanning healthcare, higher education, and commercial sectors. She has worked on some of the largest hospital construction projects in Canada, from early visioning and IT strategy through to design, specifications, and construction administration. She brings a practical and evidence-based approach, with a track record of supporting successful projects.

    Kim holds a Bachelor’s degree in Honours Mechatronics Engineering and an option in Management Sciences from the University of Waterloo.

    Research Contributors and Experts

    Jack Hakimian

    Jack Hakimian
    Senior Vice President
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Jack has more than 25 years of technology and management consulting experience. He has served multibillion-dollar organizations in multiple industries including financial services and telecommunications. Jack also served several large public sector institutions.

    He is a frequent speaker and panelist at technology and innovation conferences and events and holds a Master’s degree in Computer Engineering as well as an MBA from the ESCP-EAP European School of Management.

    Michael Tweedie

    Michael Tweedie
    Practice Lead, CIO Strategy
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Mike Tweedie brings over 25 years as a technology executive. He’s led several large transformation projects across core infrastructure, application and IT services as the head of Technology at ADP Canada. He was also the Head of Engineering and Service Offerings for a large French IT services firm, focused on cloud adoption and complex ERP deployment and management.

    Mike holds a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from Ryerson University.

    Scott Bickley

    Scott Bickley
    Practice Lead, VCCO
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Scott Bickley is a Practice Lead & Principal Research Director at Info-Tech Research Group, focused on Vendor Management and Contract Review. He also has experience in the areas of IT Asset Management (ITAM), Software Asset Management (SAM), and technology procurement along with a deep background in operations, engineering, and quality systems management.

    Scott holds a B.S. in Justice Studies from Frostburg State University. He also holds active IAITAM certification designations of CSAM and CMAM and is a Certified Scrum Master (SCM).

    Donna Bales

    Donna Bales
    Principal Research Director
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Donna Bales is a Principal Research Director in the CIO Practice at Info-Tech Research Group, specializing in research and advisory services in IT risk, governance, and compliance. She brings over 25 years of experience in strategic consulting and product development and has a history of success in leading complex, multistakeholder industry initiatives.

    Donna has a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Western Ontario.

    Research Contributors and Experts

    Jennifer Perrier

    Jennifer Perrier
    Principal Research Director
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Jennifer has 25 years of experience in the information technology and human resources research space, joining Info-Tech in 1998 as the first research analyst with the company. Over the years, she has served as a research analyst and research manager, as well as in a range of roles leading the development and delivery of offerings across Info-Tech’s product and service portfolio, including workshops and the launch of industry roundtables and benchmarking. She was also Research Lead for McLean & Company, the HR advisory division of Info-Tech, during its start-up years.

    Jennifer’s research expertise spans the areas of IT strategic planning, governance, policy and process management, people management, leadership, organizational change management, performance benchmarking, and cross-industry IT comparative analysis. She has produced and overseen the development of hundreds of publications across the full breadth of both the IT and HR domains in multiple industries. In 2022, Jennifer joined Info-Tech’s IT Financial Management Practice with a focus on developing financial transparency to foster meaningful dialogue between IT and its stakeholders and drive better technology investment decisions.

    Phil Bode

    Phil Bode
    Principal Research Director
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Phil has 30+ years of experience with IT procurement-related topics: contract drafting and review, negotiations, RFXs, procurement processes, and vendor management. Phil has been a frequent speaker at conferences, a contributor to magazine articles in CIO Magazine and ComputerWorld, and quoted in many other magazines. He is a co-author of the book The Art of Creating a Quality RFP.

    Phil has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a double major of Finance and Entrepreneurship and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a major of Accounting, both from the University of Arizona.

    Research Contributors

    Erin Morgan

    Erin Morgan
    Assistant Vice President, IT Administration
    University of Texas at Arlington

    Renee Stanley

    Renee Stanley
    Assistant Director IT Procurement and Vendor Management
    University of Texas at Arlington

    Note: Additional contributors did not wish to be identified.


    Andrea, Dave. “Plante Moran’s 2022 Working Relations Index® (WRI) Study shows supplier relations can improve amid industry crisis.” Plante Moran, 25 Aug 2022. Accessed 18 May 2023.
    Andrea, Dave. “Trust between suppliers and OEMs can better prepare you for the next crisis.” Plante Moran, 9 Sept 2020. Accessed 17 May 2023.
    Cleary, Shannon, and Carolan McLarney. “Organizational Benefits of an Effective Vendor Management Strategy.” IUP Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. 16, Issue 4, Dec 2019.
    De Backer, Ruth, and Eileen Kelly Rinaudo. “Improving the management of complex business partnerships.” McKinsey, 21 March 2019. Accessed 9 May 2023 .
    Dennean, Kevin et al. “Let's chat about ChatGPT.” UBS, 22 Feb 2023. Accessed 26 May 2023.
    F&I Tools. “Nissan Worldwide Vehicle Sales Report.” Factory Warranty List, 2022. Accessed 18 May 2023.
    Gomez, Robin. “Adopting ChatGPT and Generative AI in Retail Customer Service.” Radial, 235, April 2023. Accessed 10 May 2023.
    Harms, Thomas and Kristina Rogers. “How collaboration can drive value for you, your partners and the planet.” EY, 26 Oct 2021. Accessed 10 May 2023.
    Hedge & Co. “Toyota, Honda finish 1-2; General Motors finishes at 3rd in annual Supplier Working Relations Study.” PR Newswire, 23 May 2022. Accessed 17 May 2023.
    Henke Jr, John W., and T. Thomas. "Lost supplier trust, lost profits." Supply Chain Management Review, May 2014. Accessed 17 May 2023.
    Information Services Group, Inc. “Global Demand for IT and Business Services Continues Upward Surge in Q2, ISG Index™ Finds.” BusinessWire, 7 July 2021. Accessed 8 May 2023.
    Kasanoff, Bruce. “New Study Reveals Costs Of Bad Supplier Relationships.” Forbes, 6 Aug 2014. Accessed 17 May 2023.
    Macrotrends. “Nissan Motor Gross Profit 2010-2022.” Macrotrends. Accessed 18 May 2023.
    Macrotrends. “Toyota Gross Profit 2010-2022.” Macrotrends. Accessed 18 May 2023.
    McKinsey. “Mind the [skills] gap.” McKinsey, 27 Jan 2021. Accessed 18 May 2023.
    Morgan, Blake. “7 Examples of How Digital Transformation Impacted Business Performance.” Forbes, 21 Jul 2019. Accessed 10 May 2023.
    Nissan Motor Corporation. “Nissan reports strong financial results for fiscal year 2022.” Nissan Global Newsroom, 11 May 2023. Accessed 18 May 2023.


    “OpenAI and Microsoft extend partnership.” Open AI, 23 Jan 2023. Accessed 26 May 2023.
    Pearson, Bryan. “The Apple Of Its Aisles: How Best Buy Lured One Of The Biggest Brands.“ Forbes, 23 Apr 2015. Accessed 23 May 2023.
    Perifanis, Nikolaos-Alexandros and Fotis Kitsios. “Investigating the Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Business Value in the Digital Era of Strategy: A Literature Review.” Information, 2 Feb 2023. Accessed 10 May 2023.
    Scott, Tim and Nathan Spitse. “Third-party risk is becoming a first priority challenge.” Deloitte. Accessed 18 May 2023.
    Stanley, Renee. Interview by Kim Osborne Rodriguez, 17 May 2023.
    Statista. “Toyota's retail vehicle sales from 2017 to 2021.” Statista, 27 Jul 2022. Accessed 18 May 2023.
    Tlili, Ahmed, et al. “What if the devil is my guardian angel: ChatGPT as a case study of using chatbots in education.” Smart Learning Environments, 22 Feb 2023. Accessed 9 May 2023.
    Vitasek, Kate. “Outcome-Based Management: What It Is, Why It Matters And How To Make It Happen.” Forbes, 12 Jan 2023. Accessed 9 May 2023.

    Reimagine Learning in the Face of Crisis

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    • Parent Category Link: /train-and-develop
    • As organizations re-evaluate their priorities and shift to new ways of working, leaders and employees are challenged to navigate unchartered territory and to adjust quickly to ever-evolving priorities.
    • Learning how to perform effectively through the crisis and deliver on new priorities is crucial to the success of all employees and the organization.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    The most successful organizations recognize that learning is critical to adjusting quickly and effectively to their new reality. This requires L&D to reimagine their approach to deliver learning that enables the organization’s immediate and evolving priorities.

    Impact and Result

    • L&D teams should focus on how to support employees and managers to develop the critical competencies they need to successfully perform through the crisis, enabling organizations to survive and thrive during and beyond the crisis.
    • Ensure learning needs align closely with evolving organizational priorities, collaborate cross-functionally, and curate content to provide the learning employees and leaders need most, when they need it.

    Reimagine Learning in the Face of Crisis Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Prioritize

    Involve key stakeholders, identify immediate priorities, and conduct high-level triage of L&D.

    • Reimagine Learning in the Face of Crisis Storyboard
    • Reimagine Learning in the Face of Crisis Workbook

    2. Reimagine

    Determine learning needs and ability to realistically deliver learning. Leverage existing or curate learning content that can support learning needs.

    3. Transform

    Identify technical requirements for the chosen delivery method and draft a four- to six-week action plan.

    • How to Curate Guide
    • Tips for Building an Online Learning Community
    • Ten Tips for Adapting In-Person Training During a Crisis
    • Tips for Remote Learning in the Face of Crisis

    Design and Implement a Business-Aligned Security Program

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}368|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Security Strategy & Budgeting
    • Parent Category Link: /security-strategy-and-budgeting
    • You need to build a security program that enables business services and secures the technology that makes them possible.
    • Building an effective, business-aligned security program requires that you coordinate many components, including technologies, processes, organizational structures, information flows, and behaviors.
    • The program must prioritize the right capabilities, and support its implementation with clear accountabilities, roles, and responsibilities.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Common security frameworks focus on operational controls rather than business value creation, are difficult to convey to stakeholders, and provide little implementation guidance.
    • A security strategy can provide a snapshot of your program, but it won’t help you modernize or transform it, or align it to meet emerging business requirements.
    • There is no unique, one-size-fits-all security program. Each organization has a distinct character and profile and differs from others in several critical respects.

    Impact and Result

    Tailor your security program according to what makes your organization unique.

    • Analyze critical design factors to determine and refine the scope of your security program and prioritize core program capabilities.
    • Identify program accountabilities, roles, and responsibilities.
    • Build an implementation roadmap to ensure its components work together in a systematic way to meet business requirements.

    Design and Implement a Business-Aligned Security Program Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Design and Implement a Business-Aligned Security Strategy – A step-by-step guide on how to understand what makes your organization unique and design a security program with capabilities that create business value.

    This storyboard will help you lay foundations for your security program that will inform future security program decisions and give your leadership team the information they need to support your success. You will evaluate design factors that make your organization unique, prioritize the security capabilities to suit, and assess the maturity of key security program components including security governance, security strategy, security architecture, service design, and service metrics.

    • Design and Implement a Business-Aligned Security Program Storyboard

    2. Security Program Design Tool – Tailor the security program to what makes your organization unique to ensure business-alignment.

    Use this Excel workbook to evaluate your security program against ten key design factors. The tool will produce a goals cascade that shows the relationship between business and security goals, a prioritized list of security capabilities that align to business requirements, and a list of program accountabilities.

    • Security Program Design Tool

    3. Security Program Design and Implementation Plan – Assess the current state of different security program components, plan next steps, and communicate the outcome to stakeholders.

    This second Excel workbook will help you conduct a gap analysis on key security program components and identify improvement initiatives. You can then use the Security Program Design and Implementation Plan to collect results from the design and implementation tools and draft a communication deck.

    • Security Program Implementation Tool
    • Security Program Design and Implementation Plan


    Workshop: Design and Implement a Business-Aligned Security Program

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Initial Security Program Design

    The Purpose

    Determine the initial design of your security program.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    An initial prioritized list of security capabilities that aligns with enterprise strategy and goals.


    1.1 Review Info-Tech diagnostic results.

    1.2 Identify project context.

    1.3 Identify enterprise strategy.

    1.4 Identify enterprise goals.

    1.5 Build a goal cascade.

    1.6 Assess the risk profile.

    1.7 Identify IT-related issues.

    1.8 Evaluate initial program design.


    Stakeholder satisfaction with program

    Situation, challenges, opportunities

    Initial set of prioritized security capabilities

    Initial set of prioritized security capabilities

    Initial set of prioritized security capabilities

    Initial set of prioritized security capabilities

    Initial set of prioritized security capabilities

    Initial set of prioritized security capabilities

    2 Refine Security Program Capabilities

    The Purpose

    Refine the design of your security program.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A refined, prioritized list of security capabilities that reflects what makes your organization unique.


    2.1 Gauge threat landscape.

    2.2 Identify compliance requirements.

    2.3 Categorize the role of IT.

    2.4 Identify the sourcing model.

    2.5 Identify the IT implementation model.

    2.6 Identify the tech adoption strategy.

    2.7 Refine the scope of the program.


    Refined set of prioritized security capabilities

    Refined set of prioritized security capabilities

    Refined set of prioritized security capabilities

    Refined set of prioritized security capabilities

    Refined set of prioritized security capabilities

    Refined set of prioritized security capabilities

    Refined set of prioritized security capabilities

    3 Security Program Gap Analysis

    The Purpose

    Finalize security program design.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Key accountabilities to support the security program

    Gap analysis to produce an improvement plan


    3.1 Identify program accountabilities.

    3.2 Conduct program gap analysis.

    3.3 Prioritize initiatives.


    Documented program accountabilities.

    Security program gap analysis

    Security program gap analysis

    4 Roadmap and Implementation Plan

    The Purpose

    Create and communicate an improvement roadmap for the security program.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Security program design and implementation plan to organize and communicate program improvements.


    4.1 Build program roadmap

    4.2 Finalize implementation plan

    4.3 Sponsor check-in


    Roadmap of program improvement initiatives

    Roadmap of program improvement initiatives

    Communication deck for program design and implementation

    Further reading

    Design a Business-Aligned Security Program

    Focus on business value first.


    Analyst Perspective

    Business alignment is no accident.

    Michel Hébert

    Security leaders often tout their choice of technical security framework as the first and most important program decision they make. While the right framework can help you take a snapshot of the maturity of your program and produce a quick strategy and roadmap, it won’t help you align, modernize, or transform your program to meet emerging business requirements.

    Common technical security frameworks focus on operational controls rather than business services and value creation. They are difficult to convey to business stakeholders and provide little program management or implementation guidance.

    Focus on business value first, and the security services that enable it. Your organization has its own distinct character and profile. Understand what makes your organization unique, then design and refine the design of your security program to ensure it supports the right capabilities. Next, collaborate with stakeholders to ensure the right accountabilities, roles, and responsibilities are in place to support the implementation of the security program.

    Michel Hébert
    Research Director, Security & Privacy
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    Common Obstacles

    Info-Tech’s Approach

    • You need to build a security program that enables business services and secures the technology that makes them possible.
    • Building an effective, business-aligned security program requires that you coordinate many components, including technologies, processes, organizational structures, information flows, and behaviors.
    • The program must prioritize the right capabilities, and support its implementation with clear accountabilities, roles, and responsibilities.
    • Common security frameworks focus on operational controls rather than business value creation, are difficult to convey to stakeholders, and provide little implementation guidance.
    • A security strategy can provide a snapshot of your program, but it won’t help you modernize or transform it, or align it to meet emerging business requirements.
    • There is no unique, one-size-fits-all security program. Each organization has a distinct character and profile and differs from others in several critical respects.

    Tailor your security program according to what makes your organization unique.

    • Analyze critical design factors to determine and refine the design of your security program and prioritize core program capabilities.
    • Identify program accountabilities, roles, and responsibilities.
    • Build an implementation roadmap to ensure its components work together in a systematic way to meet business requirements.

    Info-Tech Insight

    You are a business leader who supports business goals and mitigates risk. Focus first on business value and the security services that enable it, not security controls.

    Your challenge

    The need for a solid and responsive security program has never been greater.

    • You need to build a security program that enables business services and secures the technology that makes them possible.
    • Building an effective, business-aligned security program requires that you coordinate many components, including technologies, processes, organizational structures, information flows, and behaviors.
    • The program must prioritize the right capabilities, and support its implementation with clear accountabilities, roles, and responsibilities.
    • You must communicate effectively with stakeholders to describe the risks the organization faces, their likely impact on organizational goals, and how the security program will mitigate those risks and support the creation of business value.
    • Ransomware is a persistent threat to organizations worldwide across all industries.
    • Cybercriminals deploying ransomware are evolving into a growing and sophisticated criminal ecosystem that will continue to adapt to maximize its profits.

    • Critical infrastructure is increasingly at risk.
    • Malicious agents continue to target critical infrastructure to harm industrial processes and the customers they serve State-sponsored actors are expected to continue to target critical infrastructure to collect information through espionage, pre-position in case of future hostilities, and project state power.

    • Disruptive technologies bring new threats.
    • Malicious actors increasingly deceive or exploit cryptocurrencies, machine learning, and artificial intelligence technologies to support their activities.

    Sources: CCCS (2023), CISA (2023), ENISA (2023)

    Your challenge

    Most security programs are not aligned with the overall business strategy.

    50% Only half of leaders are framing the impact of security threats as a business risk.

    49% Less than half of leaders align security program cost and risk reduction targets with the business.

    57% Most leaders still don’t regularly review security program performance of the business.

    Source: Tenable, 2021

    Common obstacles

    Misalignment is hurting your security program and making you less influential.

    Organizations with misaligned security programs have 48% more security incidents...

    …and the cost of their data breaches are 40% higher than those with aligned programs.

    37% of stakeholders still lack confidence in their security program.

    54% of senior leaders still doubt security gets the goals of the organization.

    Source: Frost & Sullivan, 2019
    Source: Ponemon, 2023

    Common obstacles

    Common security frameworks won’t help you align your program.

    • Common security frameworks focus on operational controls rather than business value creation, are difficult to convey to stakeholders, and provide little implementation guidance.
    • A security strategy based on the right framework can provide a snapshot of your program, but it won’t help you modernize, transform, or align your program to meet emerging business requirements.
    • The lack of guidance leads to a lack of structure in the way security services are designed and managed, which reduces service quality, increases security friction, and reduces business satisfaction.

    There is no unique, one-size-fits-all security program.

    • Each organization has a distinct character and profile and differs from others in several critical respects. The security program for a cloud-first, DevOps environment must emphasize different capabilities and accountabilities than one for an on-premise environment and a traditional implementation model.

    Info-Tech’s approach

    You are a business leader who supports business goals and mitigates risk.

    • Understand what makes your organization unique, then design and refine a security program with capabilities that create business value.
    • Next, collaborate with stakeholders to ensure the right accountabilities, roles, and responsibilities are in place, and build an implementation roadmap to ensure its components work together over time.

    Security needs to evolve as a business strategy.

    • Laying the right foundations for your security program will inform future security program decisions and give your leadership team the information they need to support your success. You can do it in two steps:
      • Evaluate the design factors that make your organization unique and prioritize the security capabilities to suit. Info-Tech’s approach is based on the design process embedded in the latest COBIT framework.
      • Review the key components of your security program, including security governance, security strategy, security architecture, service design, and service metrics.

    If you build it, they will come

    “There's so much focus on better risk management that every leadership team in every organization wants to be part of the solution.

    If you can give them good data about what things they really need to do, they will work to understand it and help you solve the problem.”

    Dan Bowden, CISO, Sentara Healthcare (Tenable)

    Design a Business-Aligned Security Program

    The image contains a screenshot of how to Design a business-aligned security program.

    Choose your own adventure

    This blueprint is ideal for new CISOs and for program modernization initiatives.

    1. New CISO

    “I need to understand the business, prioritize core security capabilities, and identify program accountabilities quickly.”

    2. Program Renewal

    “The business is changing, and the threat landscape is shifting. I am concerned the program is getting stale.”

    Use this blueprint to understand what makes your organization unique:

    1. Prioritize security capabilities.
    2. Identify program accountabilities.
    3. Plan program implementation.

    If you need a deep dive into governance, move on to a security governance and management initiative.

    3. Program Update

    “I am happy with the fundamentals of my security program. I need to assess and improve our security posture.”

    Move on to our guidance on how to Build an Information Security Strategy instead.

    Info-Tech’s methodology for security program design

    Define Scope of
    Security Program

    Refine Scope of
    Security Program

    Finalize Security
    Program Design

    Phase steps

    1.1 Identify enterprise strategy

    1.2 Identify enterprise goals

    1.3 Assess the risk profile

    1.4 Identify IT-related issues

    1.5 Define initial program design

    2.1 Gage threats and compliance

    2.2 Assess IT role and sourcing

    2.3 Assess IT implementation model

    2.4 Assess tech adoption strategy

    2.5 Refine program design

    3.1 Identify program accountabilities

    3.2 Define program target state

    3.3 Build program roadmap

    Phase outcomes

    • Initial security program design
    • Refined security program design
    • Prioritized set of security capabilities
    • Program accountabilities
    • Program gap closure initiatives


    Insight Map

    You are a business leader first and a security leader second

    Technical security frameworks are static and focused on operational controls and standards. They belong in your program’s solar system but not at its center. Design your security program with business value and the security services that enable it in mind, not security controls.

    There is no one-size-fits-all security program
    Tailor your security program to your organization’s distinct profile to ensure the program generates value.

    Lay the right foundations to increase engagement
    Map out accountabilities, roles, and responsibilities to ensure the components of your security program work together over time to secure and enable business services.

    If you build it, they will come
    Your executive team wants to be part of the solution. If you give them reliable data for the things they really need to do, they will work to understand and help you solve the problem.

    Blueprint deliverables

    Info-Tech supports project and workshop activities with deliverables to help you accomplish your goals and accelerate your success.

    Security Program Design Tool

    Tailor the security program to what makes your organization unique to ensure alignment.

    The image contains a screenshot of the Security Program Design Tool.

    Security Program Implementation Tool

    Assess the current state of different security program components and plan next steps.

    SecurityProgram Design and Implementation Plan

    Communicate capabilities, accountabilities, and implementation initiatives.

    The image contains a screenshot of the Security Program Design and Implementation Plan.

    Key deliverable

    Security Program Design and Implementation Plan

    The design and implementation plan captures the key insights your work will generate, including:

    • A prioritized set of security capabilities aligned to business requirements.
    • Security program accountabilities.
    • Security program implementation initiatives.

    Blueprint benefits

    IT Benefits

    Business Benefits

    • Laying the right foundations for your security program will:
      • Inform the future security governance, security strategy, security architecture, and service design decisions you need to make.
      • Improve security service design and service quality, reduce security friction, and increase business satisfaction with the security program.
      • Help you give your leadership team the information they need to support your success.
      • Improve the standing of the security program with business leaders.
    • Organizations with a well-aligned security program:
      • Improve security risk management, performance measurement, resource management, and value delivery.
      • Lower rates of security incidents and lower-cost security breaches.
      • Align costs, performance, and risk reduction objectives with business needs.
      • Are more satisfied with their security program.

    Measure the value of using Info-Tech’s approach

    Assess the effectiveness of your security program with a risk-based approach.



    Security Program Design

    • Prioritized set of security capabilities
    • Program accountabilities
    • Devise and deploy an approach to gather business requirements, identify and prioritize relevant security capabilities, and assign program accountabilities.
    • Cost and Effort : 2 FTEs x 90 days x $130,000/year

    Program Assessment and Implementation Plan

    • Security program assessment
    • Roadmap of gap closure initiatives
    • Devise and deploy an approach to assess the current state of your security program, identify gap closure or improvement initiatives, and build a transformation roadmap.
    • Cost and Effort : 2 FTEs x 90 days x $130,000/year

    Measured Value

    • Using Info-Tech’s best practice methodology will cut the cost and effort in half.
    • Savings: 2 FTEs x 45 days x $130,000/year = $65,000

    Measure the impact of your project

    Use Info-Tech diagnostics before and after the engagement to measure your progress.

    • Info-Tech diagnostics are standardized surveys that produce historical and industry trends against which to benchmark your organization.
    • Run the Security Business Satisfaction and Alignment diagnostic now, and again in twelve months to assess business satisfaction with the security program and measure the impact of your program improvements.
    • Reach out to your account manager or follow the link to deploy the diagnostic and measure your success. Diagnostics are included in your membership.

    Inform this step with Info-Tech diagnostic results

    • Info-Tech diagnostics are standardized surveys that accelerate the process of gathering and analyzing pain point data.
    • Diagnostics also produce historical and industry trends against which to benchmark your organization.
    • Reach out to your account manager or follow the links to deploy some or all these diagnostics to validate your assumptions. Diagnostics are included in your membership.

    Governance & Management Maturity Scorecard
    Understand the maturity of your security program across eight domains.
    Audience: Security Manager

    Security Business Satisfaction and Alignment Report
    Assess the organization’s satisfaction with the security program.
    Audience: Business Leaders

    CIO Business Vision
    Assess the organization’s satisfaction with IT services and identify relevant challenges.
    Audience: Business Leaders

    Executive Brief Case Study

    INDUSTRY: Higher Education

    SOURCE: Interview

    Building a business-aligned security program

    Portland Community College (PCC) is the largest post-secondary institution in Oregon and serves more than 50,000 students each year. The college has a well-established information technology program, which supports its education mission in four main campuses and several smaller centers.

    PCC launched a security program modernization effort to deal with the evolving threat landscape in higher education. The CISO studied the enterprise strategy and goals and reviewed the college’s risk profile and compliance requirements. The exercise helped the organization prioritize security capabilities for the renewal effort and informed the careful assessment of technical controls in the current security program.


    Laying the right foundations for the security program helped the security function understand how to provide the organization with a clear report of its security posture. The CISO now reports directly to the board of directors and works with stakeholders to align cost, performance, and risk reduction objectives with the needs of the college.

    The security program modernization effort prioritized several critical design factors

    • Enterprise Strategy
    • Enterprise Goals
    • IT Risk Profile
    • IT-Related Issues
    • IT Threat Landscape
    • Compliance Requirements

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    “Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful.”

    Guided Implementation

    “Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track.”


    “We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place.”


    “Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project.”

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options

    Guided Implementation

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

    Call #1:
    Scope requirements, objectives, and specific challenges.

    Call #2:
    Define business context, assess risk profile, and identify existing security issues.

    Define initial design of security program.

    Call #3:
    Evaluate threat landscape and compliance requirements.

    Call #4:
    Analyze the role of IT, the security sourcing model, technology adoption, and implementation models.

    Refine the design of the security program.

    Call #5:
    Identify program accountabilities.

    Call #6:
    Design program target state and draft security program implementation plan.

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    A typical GI is 4 to 6 calls over the course of 6 months.

    Workshop Overview

    Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889

    Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

    Initial Security
    Program Design

    Refine Security
    Program Design

    Security Program
    Gap Analysis

    Roadmap and Implementation Plan

    Next Steps and
    Wrap-Up (offsite)


    1.1.0 Review Info-Tech diagnostic results

    1.1.1 Identify project context

    1.1.2 Identify enterprise strategy

    1.2.1 Identify enterprise goals

    1.2.2 Build a goals cascade

    1.3 Assess the risk profile

    1.4 Identify IT-related issues

    1.5 Evaluate initial program design

    2.1.1 Gauge threat landscape

    2.1.2 Identify compliance requirements

    2.2.1 Categorize the role of IT

    2.2.2 Identify the sourcing model

    2.3.1 Identify the IT implementation model

    2.4.1 Identify the tech adoption strategy

    2.5.1 Refine the design of the program

    3.1 Identify program accountabilities

    3.2.1 Conduct program gap analysis

    3.2.2 Prioritize initiatives

    3.3.1 Build program roadmap

    3.3.2 Finalize implementation plan

    3.3.3 Sponsor check-in

    4.1 Complete in-progress deliverables from previous four days

    4.2 Set up review time for workshop deliverables and to discuss next steps


    1. Project context
    2. Stakeholder satisfaction feedback on security program
    3. Initial set of prioritized security capabilities
    1. Refined set of prioritized security capabilities
    1. Documented program accountabilities
    2. Security program gap analysis
    1. Roadmap of initiatives
    2. Communication deck for program design and implementation
    1. Completed security program design
    2. Security program design and implementation plan

    Customize your journey

    The security design blueprint pairs well with security governance and security strategy.

    • The prioritized set of security capabilities you develop during the program design project will inform efforts to develop other parts of your security program, like the security governance and management program and the security strategy.
    • Work with your member services director, executive advisor, or technical counselor to scope the journey you need. They will work with you to align the subject matter experts to support your roadmap and workshops.

    Days 1 and 2

    Days 3 and 4

    Security Program Design Factors

    Security Program Gap Analysis or
    Security Governance and Management

    Build an ITSM Tool Implementation Plan

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}486|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 7.5/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $9,246 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 7 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Service Desk
    • Parent Category Link: /service-desk
    • Selecting the Wrong Resources: You need ITSM technology and process experts, because this is not just a technology project, but also a process improvement opportunity.
    • Over-Reliance on the Vendor to Optimize Your Tool: Yes, the vendor will typically install and set up the tool, but they will not fix your processes for you.
    • Not Preparing for Data Migration: Data migration is complex. You need to determine what data to migrate, if any, and how that data will be mapped to the new environment.
    • Insufficient IT and End-User Training: A link to the ITSM tool manual is not enough. Staff and users need training on how your processes will be executed in the new tool.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Start with the assumption you don’t need to migrate old data.
    • ITSM tools are designed to support ITIL best practices.
    • Implement your new tool in stages to manage scope.

    Impact and Result

    • Ability to plan and scope the project to avoid or reduce last-minute chaos.
    • Opportunity to review and optimize processes as part of the ITSM tool implementation project.
    • Improved project management, and therefore, better cost and effort estimates, by identifying required tasks upfront.

    Build an ITSM Tool Implementation Plan Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Build an ITSM Tool Implementation Plan Deck – An implementation guide that walks you through the steps to ensure the tool delivers business value.

    There may be hundreds of parameters to define and decisions to make, so identifying the full list of tasks early is critical for the success of the implementation project.

    • Build an ITSM Tool Implementation Plan – Phases 1-3

    2. ITSM Tool Project Charter Template – A charter to document your project scope, milestones, stakeholders, risks etc. to kick-off and manage your project.

    This project charter document summarizes the Project Overview (Description, background, drivers, and objectives), Governance and Management (Project stakeholders/roles, budget, and dependencies), and Risk, Assumptions, and Constraints (Known and potential risks and mitigation strategy).

    • ITSM Tool Implementation Project Charter Template

    3. ITSM Tool Implementation Checklist – A tool to help identify the most common decisions you will need to make and prepare for your implementation project.

    The checklists in this tool identify the most common decisions and preparation you will need to make to support the implementation for the ITSM modules that we recommend are set up first: incident management and service requests; change management; and asset management. Use these checklists as a model to follow for any additional ITSM modules you plan to implement, and refer to Info-Tech's blueprints for each service management topic for additional guidance.

    • ITSM Tool Implementation Checklist

    4. ITSM Tool Deployment Plan Template – A tool to help prioritize and prepare for tool rollout plan.

    This deployment plan documents the strategy and decisions made for making the transition to the new ITSM tool, and the details to execute the cutover to a live environment, including how, when, where.

    • ITSM Tool Deployment Plan Template

    5. ITSM Tool Training Schedule – Use the tool to create your new tool training roadmap.

    This template is a guide for creating a training and communication plan as part of the implementation project for your ITSM tool. Use the template to document and plan the communications and training needs prior to deployment of the new tool.

    • ITSM Tool Training Schedule


    Further reading

    Build an ITSM Tool Implementation Plan

    Plan ahead with a step-by-step approach to ensure the tool delivers business value.


    Analyst perspective

    Take control of the wheel or you might end up in a ditch.

    The image contains a picture of Frank Trovato.

    An ITSM tool implementation is a complex project with direct impact on IT’s ability to support the business. With that level of risk, you need to take control early on.

    Yes, your vendor will support or execute the technical implementation, but they depend on you to tell them how to configure ITSM parameters and workflows that affect user interface, the ability to manage incidents, and governance over assets and IT changes.

    If you leave the configuration completely to the vendor, at best you might get the same setup as in your old tool (and not realize the benefits that leadership is expecting). At worst you end up with default values that don’t fit your process needs, i.e., confusion and not realizing expected benefits.

    A successful implementation requires early planning from a wide range of resources including ITSM tool experts (supported by the vendor), process experts, and a project manager to methodically step through the hundreds of parameters you will need to define before implementation.

    Frank Trovato
    Research Director, Infrastructure and Operations
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    Common Obstacles

    Info-Tech’s Approach

    Leadership has invested significantly in a new ITSM tool and expects to see the benefits they were promised by the vendor and the procurement team.

    The ITSM project team needs to balance leadership expectations with the direct impact this project will have on IT staff and end users.

    Implementing an ITSM tool is a large project that is often highly complex in part because it requires input from a wide range of stakeholders: IT staff, end users, senior management, and vendors.

    A new ITSM tool will change how IT staff work and how users are serviced, and change is always difficult.

    Finally, implementing the new tool requires a migration from an existing tool without a pause in IT service availability. Incidents don’t take a week off while you execute the final product rollout.

    There may be hundreds of parameters to define and decisions to make, so identifying the full list of tasks early is critical to:

    • Identify the necessary stakeholders to provide input into implementation decisions.
    • Properly define scope and timelines.
    • Take advantage of the opportunity to review and improve processes as part of defining what will need to be configured in the new ITSM tool.

    Info-Tech Insight

    As with any large project, a key step is tackling it one bite at a time – but also understanding the size of the whole meal. This is where organizations often fail with ITSM implementations: not understanding upfront the volume of work required for a successful implementation.

    Your Challenge

    Organizations implementing a new ITSM tool often face these pitfalls:

    • Selecting the Wrong Resources: You need ITSM technology and process experts, because this is not just a technology project but also a process improvement opportunity. You will need to configure ITSM parameters and workflows in the new tool – which directly affects processes. Take advantage of that opportunity to fix pain points. For example, if your existing ticket categories are not effective, implement a better categorization scheme rather than just configure the same old, ineffective scheme.
    • Over-Reliance on the Vendor to Optimize Your Tool: Yes, the vendor will typically install and set up the tool but they will not fix your processes for you. On installation day, if you are not prepared with the categories, ticket templates, and so on that you wish to configure, your vendor will just go with the default or migrate your old parameters from your old ITSM tool.
    • Not Preparing for Data Migration: Data migration is complex. You need to determine what data to migrate, if any, and how that data will be mapped to the new environment. That takes planning and must be defined well before the vendor is ready to implement your tool.
    • Insufficient IT and End-User Training: A link to the ITSM tool manual is not enough. Staff and users need training on how your processes will be executed in the new tool.

    A survey of implementation challenges for ServiceNow’s customers

    26% Resistance to change

    43% Lacked a clear roadmap

    38% Planning for resources

    Source: Acorio, 2019

    Info-Tech’s approach

    Divide the implementation project into controllable phases for an effective implementation.


    Define the scope of your project, identify and get buy-in from your stakeholders, and establish a timeframe for the implementation.

    Design & Build

    Identify existing process challenges and design workflows and ticket management to improve processes. Make decisions on data migrations and integrations for your new tool.

    Deploy & Train

    Create a rollout plan and communicate changes and improvements to users. Plan for the new tool deployment and monitor your solution.

    STOP: Use this blueprint after you have selected an ITSM solution

    Leverage our SoftwareReviews service and related blueprints to assist with ITSM tool selection, and then use this blueprint to plan the implementation.

    1. Evaluate solutions

    2. Select and purchase

    3. Implement (use this blueprint)

    Use our SoftwareReviews resources to evaluate solutions and vendors based on criteria such as features and customer service. Below are links to our ITSM software reviews:

    Use the following resources to help you make the case for funding and execute the purchase process:

    Your ITSM vendor or systems integrator will lead the technical implementation (e.g. software install and integration).

    As a result, your implementation plan needs to focus on preparing the information needed for implementation (e.g. ticket categories, workflow requirements) and organizational change management.

    This blueprint provides a methodology, checklist, and supporting templates to prepare for the implementation.

    Info-Tech’s methodology to build an ITSM Tool Implementation Plan

    1. Identify Scope, Stakeholders, and Preliminary Timeline

    2. Prepare to Implement Incident Management and Service Request Modules

    3. Create a Deployment Plan (Communication, Training, Rollout)

    Phase Steps

    1.1 Document define scope

    1.2 Define roles and responsibilities

    1.3 Identify preliminary timeline

    2.1 Review your existing solution and challenges

    2.2 Plan ticket management and workflow implementation

    2.3 Plan data migration, knowledgebase setup, and integrations

    2.4 Plan the module rollout

    3.1 Create a communication plan (for IT, users, and business leaders)

    3.2 Create a training plan

    3.3 Plan how you will deploy, monitor, and maintain the solution

    Phase Outcomes

    • RACI chart outlining high-level accountability and responsibilities for the project
    • Documenting timeline and team for the implementation project
    • ITSM tool implementation checklist
    • Strategy and identified opportunities to implement incident and service request modules
    • Documented communications and targeted training plan
    • Completed rollout plan and prepared to monitor your success metrics

    Insight summary

    Start with the assumption you don’t need to migrate old data

    ITSM tools are designed to support ITIL best practices

    Implement your new tool in stages to manage scope

    We all love data. We love being able to run reports showing trends, measuring changes over time, and highlighting pain points – but is your data from five years ago relevant to those assessments? Can you get by with just migrating open tickets and perhaps just the last year of critical tickets?

    Be ruthless in deciding what really needs to be in your active system to support incident matching, troubleshooting, or ongoing reporting.

    If you can’t make a strong case, don’t waste your time on old data. Remember, you can still save an exported copy or report of your old data if the need arises to search historical records.

    For organizations lacking process maturity, the tool’s default settings will often provide a good starting point. For example, a good ITSM tool will typically already be configured to follow best practices such as:

    • Separating incidents from service requests
    • Assigning resolution codes to solved tickets
    • Enabling routing based on categories

    Within those defaults, you will still need to decide your specific parameters – e.g. what your categories and resolution codes should be – so don’t blindly follow default settings but use them as a starting point.

    Start with the incident management and service requests modules. Those are typically the core of IT service management operations, so that should help realize benefits from the new tool sooner. In addition, incident management and service requests processes will support other ITSM processes such as asset management and problem management.

    Once those modules are implemented successfully (from a technology and process perspective), then start to implement your next core module (e.g. asset or change management), and continue to build from there.

    Blueprint deliverables

    This blueprint includes tools and templates to help you accomplish your goals:

    ITSM Tool Implementation Checklist

    Identify the most common decisions you will need to make and prepare for your implementation project.

    ITSM Tool Project Charter Template

    Review and edit the template to suit your project requirements

    The image contains a screenshot of the ITSM Tool Project Charter Template.
    The image contains screenshots of the ITSM Tool Implementation Checklist.

    ITSM Tool Deployment Plan Template

    Prioritize and prepare tool rollout plan

    The image contains a screenshot of the ITSM Tool Deployment Plan Template.

    ITSM Tool Training Schedule

    Use the checklist to create your new tool training roadmap

    The image contains a screenshot of the ITSM Tool Training Schedule.

    Blueprint benefits

    Benefits for IT

    Benefits for the business

    • Checklists and templates to support a smoother transition to the new ITSM tool.
    • Opportunity to review and optimize processes as part of the ITSM tool implementation project. A new tool with the same old processes will not achieve expected benefits.
    • Ability to plan and scope the project to avoid or reduce last-minute chaos.
    • Better planning means better results – specifically, ensuring that the implementation takes into account targeted business benefits.
    • Improved project management, and therefore better cost and effort estimates, by identifying required tasks upfront. This also provides the opportunity to re-scope or adjust timelines based on estimated effort.
    • Higher end-user satisfaction by executing a well-organized ITSM tool implementation.

    Measured value from using this blueprint

    Use this guide as an example to calculate your total cost savings from the ITSM tool implementation project.

    Phase 1

    Identify Scope, Stakeholders, and Preliminary Timeline

    Time, value, and resources saved by using Info-Tech’s methodology to define scope and plan your project

    E.g. 2 FTEs * 6 days * $80,000/year = $4,000/-

    Phase 2

    Prepare to Implement Incident Management and Service Request Modules

    Time, value, and resources saved by using Info-Tech’s methodology to build your solution strategy and determine configurations

    E.g. 2 FTEs * 8 days * $80,000/year = $5,400/-

    Phase 3

    Create a Deployment Plan (Communication, Training, Rollout)

    Time, value, and resources saved by using Info-Tech’s methodology to establish an effective communications roadmap and deploy tool

    E.g. 2 FTEs * 6 days * $80,000/year = $4,000/-

    Total Savings

    Total Savings

    Phase 1 + Phase 2 + Phase 3 = $13,400

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit Guided Implementation Workshop Consulting
    "Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful." “Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track.” “We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place.” “Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project.”

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options

    Guided Implementation

    Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

    Call #1: Define scope, roles, responsibilities and timeline.

    Call #2: Review your existing solution and challenges.

    Call #3: Plan ticket management and workflow implementation.

    Call #4: Plan data migration, knowledgebase setup, and integrations.

    Call #5: Plan the module rollout.

    Call #6: Create a communication plan.

    Call #7: Create a training plan.

    Call #8: Plan how you will deploy, monitor, and maintain the solution.

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization. A typical GI is between 6 to 8 calls over the course of 3 to 6 months.

    Phase 1

    Identify Stakeholders, Scope, and Preliminary Timeline

    Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

    Identify Stakeholders, Scope, and Preliminary Timeline

    Prepare to Implement Incident Management and Service Request Modules

    Create a Deployment Plan (Communication, Training, Rollout)

    This phase will walk you through the following steps:

    1. Define scope
    2. Define roles and responsibilities
    3. Identify preliminary timeline

    Step 1.1

    Define scope



    Use the Project Charter Template to capture project parameters


    Leverage the Implementation Checklist to guide your preparation


    Review goals that drove the ITSM tool purchase


    Interview ITSM staff to identify current tool challenges and support organizational change management


    Identify the modules and features you will plan to implement


    Determine if data migration is required

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    • Define the scope of the implementation project
    • Establish the future processes and functionalities the tool will support

    This step involves the following participants:

    • CIO
    • IT Director/Manager
    • Service Manager
    • Project Manager and the project team

    Outcomes of this step

    • Specifying the implementation project
    • Identifying the business units that are needed to support the project
    • Defining the ongoing and future service management processes the tool will support

    1.1.1 Use the Project Charter Template to capture scope, stakeholders, and timeline as outlined in Phase 1

    Follow the instructions in Phase 1 (step 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3) to gather information needed to create a project charter to define project parameters.

    Specific subsections are listed below and described in more detail in the remainder of this phase.

    1. Project Overview: Includes deliverables, scope, milestones, and success metrics.
    2. Governance and Management: Includes roles, responsibilities, and resource requirements.
    3. Project Risks, Assumptions, and Constraints: Includes risks and mitigation strategies as well as any assumptions and constraints.
    4. Project Sign-Off: Includes IT and executive sign-off (if required).

    The image contains a screenshot of the Project Charter Template.

    Download the ITSM Tool Implementation Project Charter Template

    1.1.2 Leverage the Implementation Checklist to guide your preparation

    The checklist tabs align to each phase of this blueprint.

    • Phase 1 (Tab 1) – Identify Stakeholders, Scope, and Preliminary Timeline
    • Phase 2 (Tab 2) – Prepare to Implement Incident Management and Service Request Modules
    • Phase 3 (Tabs 3+4) – Prepare to Implement Additional ITSM Modules (e.g. Change Management)
    • Phase 4 (deployment section in each tab) – Create a Deployment Plan (Communication, Training, Rollout)

    The image contains screenshots from the Implementation Checklist.

    Download the ITSM Tool Implementation Checklist

    1.1.3 Review goals that drove the ITSM tool purchase

    Identify the triggers for the selection and implementation of your new ITSM tool.

    Whether this is your first ITSM tool or a replacement for your old tool, the project was likely triggered by pain points that must be addressed by the new tool to improve your service desk. Having a clear understanding of these pain points throughout the implementation of your new tool will help to prevent them from reoccurring.

    Common ITSM pain points include:

    1. Poor communication with end users on ticket status.
    2. Lack of SLA automation to escalate issues to the appropriate channels.
    3. Poor self-service options for end users to perform simple requests on their own.
    4. Undeveloped knowledgebase for users to find answers to common issues.
    5. Lack of reporting or mistrust in reporting data.
    6. Lack of automation, including ticket templates.
    7. Overcomplicated ticket categories resulting in categories being misused.
    8. Overconfiguration prevents future upgrades.
    9. Lack of integration with other tools.

    If you haven't already selected an ITSM tool, leverage the IT Service Management Selection Guide to select the right tool.

    Download the IT Service Management Selection Guide

    1.1.4 Plan to interview staff to support organizational change management

    Identify challenges with the existing tool and processes as well as potential objections to the new tool.

    Incorporate this feedback in the implementation to drive buy-in and a successful rollout.

    Implementing a new ITSM tool will force changes in how IT staff do their work:

    • At a minimum, it means learning a new interface.
    • It could also mean leveraging features that improve IT operations but could change the process or tasks for the staff.
    • Their input on the current tool and process challenges can be critical for the project.
    • Solving at least some of their challenges can help bring them onboard to use this tool properly and follow associated process changes.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Keep management in the loop through every stage of the implementation process. They are the ones who are paying for the software, so they need to be informed throughout implementation and feel that their needs and feedback are being heard to prevent pushback further into the implementation.

    1.1.5 Identify the modules and features you will plan to implement

    Consider these factors when deciding what modules and features you want to implement:

    • Specific ITSM modules based on the recommended order and any unique business requirements
    • Key features that drove the tool purchase and address key issues
    • High-level process changes needed to address challenges and realize expected benefits from the new ITSM tool (e.g. if a key goal was automated ticket routing based on categories, then the project needs to include developing a good categorization scheme)

    Recommended order for implementation:

    1. Incident Management and Service Request
    2. This is the core of service management and typically has the highest impact on the organization. Include knowledgebase development as part of this implementation.

    3. Change Management
    4. A foundational component of service management, it allows organizations to minimize disruptions to IT services when making changes to services and critical systems.

    5. Asset Management
    6. A foundational component of service management, it allows organizations to track their assets’ locations, how they are used, and when changes are made to them.

    1.1.6 Determine if data migration is required

    If you are switching from a previous ITSM tool, carefully weigh the pros and cons as well as the necessity of migrating historical transactional data before deciding to import it into the new tool.

    Importing your old transactional data will allow you to track metrics over time, which can be valuable for data analysis and reporting purposes.

    However, ask yourself what the true value of your data is before you import it.

    You will not get value out of migrating the old data if:

    • You have incomplete or inaccurate data (a high percentage of incidents did not have tickets created in the old system).
    • The categorization of your old tickets was not useful or was used inconsistently.
    • You plan on changing the ticket categorization in the new system.

    “Don’t debate whether you can import your old data until you’ve made sure that you should.”

    – Barry Cousins, Practice Lead at Info-Tech Research Group

    Info-Tech Insight

    If you decide to migrate your data, keep in mind that it can be a complex process and proper time should be budgeted for planning, structuring the data, and importing and testing it.

    Step 1.2

    Define roles and responsibilities



    Key internal roles and responsibilities


    Key external roles and responsibilities

    This step involves the following participants:

    • CIO
    • IT Director/Manager
    • Service Manager
    • Project Manager and the project team

    Outcomes of this step

    • Decision on whether to hire professional services for the implementation
    • Clearly defined roles and responsibilities for the project

    1.2.1 Identify key internal roles and responsibilities

    Review the tasks outlined in the Implementation Checklist to help you identify appropriate roles and specific staff that will be needed to execute this project.

    Project Role



    Assigned To

    Executive Sponsor

    Liaison with the executive team (the CIO would be a good candidate for this role).

    Accountable for project completion.

    Approves resource allocation and funding.

    A, C


    Project Manager

    Manages the project schedule, tasks, and budget.

    May act as a liaison between executives and the project-level team.



    Product Owner

    Liaison with the vendor.

    SME for the new tool.

    Provides input to tool configuration decisions.

    Manages the tool post-implementation.



    Process Owners

    Define current processes.

    Provide input to identifying current-state process challenges to address and potential changes as part of the new tool implementation.



    Service Desk Manager

    Provides input to tool configuration decisions.

    Manages and trains service desk agents to use new tool and processes.



    ITSM Tool Core Users (e.g. Service Desk Technicians)

    Provide input to identifying current-state process challenges to address.

    Provide input to tool configuration decisions.



    RACI = Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed

    Assign individuals to roles through each step of the implementation project in the governance and management chart in the Project Charter Template.

    Download the Project Charter Template

    1.2.2 Key external roles and responsibilities

    Determine whether you will engage professional services for the implementation.

    There are three main ways to implement your ITSM tool

    Implemented in-house by own staff

    Implemented using a combination of your own staff and your ITSM tool vendor

    Implemented by professional services and your ITSM tool vendor

    DIY Implementation

    Adopting a DIY implementation approach can save money but could draw out your implementation timeline and increase the likelihood of errors. Carefully consider your integration environment to determine your resourcing capabilities and maturity.

    Vendor Implementation

    In most cases, your vendor will support or execute the technical implementation based on your requirements. Use this blueprint to help you define those requirements.

    Professional Services

    Opting for professional services may result in a shorter implementation period and fewer errors but may also deny your IT staff the opportunity to develop the skills necessary to maintain and configure the solution in the future.

    Clarify the role of the professional services vendor before acquiring their services to make sure your expectations are aligned. For example, are you hiring the vendor for tool installation, tool configuration, or tool customization or for training your end users?

    Step 1.3

    Identify preliminary timeline



    Identify preliminary internal target dates


    Identify target dates for vendor involvement

    This step involves the following participants:

    • CIO
    • IT Director/Manager
    • Service Manager
    • Project Manager and the project team

    Outcomes of this step

    • Specifying the target dates for the implementation project

    1.3.1 Identify preliminary internal target dates

    Identify high-level start and end dates based on the following:

    • Existing process maturity
    • Process changes required (to address process issues or to realize targeted benefits from the new tool)
    • Data migration requirements (if any)
    • Information to prepare for the implementation (review the Checklist Tool)
    • Vendor availability to support implementation
    • Executive mandates that have established specific milestone dates

    Create an initial project schedule:

    • Review the remaining phases of this blueprint for more details on the implementation planning steps.
    • Review and update the Checklist Tool to suit your implementation goals and requirements.
    • Assign task owners and target dates in the Checklist Tool.

    Note: This is a preliminary schedule. Monitor progress as well as requirement changes, and adjust the scope or schedule as needed.

    Update the columns in the Checklist Tool to plan and keep track of your implementation project.

    1.3.2 Identify target dates for vendor involvement

    Plan when you'll be ready for the vendor and identify the key points for when the vendor will come in.

    Are dates already scheduled for tool installation/configuration/customization?

    If yes:

    • Clarify vendor expectations for those target dates (i.e. what do you have to have prepared in advance?).
    • Determine options to adjust dates if needed.

    If no:

    • Defer scheduling until you have reviewed and updated the Implementation Checklist. The checklist will help you determine your readiness for vendor involvement.

    Consider if the vendor will implement the ITSM tool in one go or if they will help setup the tool in stages. Keep in mind that ITSM implementation projects typically take anywhere from 9 weeks to 16 months and plan accordingly depending on the maturity of your processes and the modules and features you plan to implement.

    Use your internal target dates to estimate when you'll be ready for the vendor to set up the tool and implement the setting that you've defined.

    Phase 2

    Prepare to Implement Incident Management and Service Request Modules

    Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3

    Identify Stakeholders, Scope, and Preliminary Timeline

    Prepare to Implement Incident Management and Service Request Modules

    Create a Deployment Plan (Communication, Training, Rollout)

    This phase will walk you through the following steps:

    • Review your existing solution and challenges
    • Plan ticket management and workflow implementation
    • Plan data migration, knowledgebase setup, and integrations
    • Plan the module rollout

    Additional Info-Tech Research

    The Implementation Checklist Tool summarizes what you need to prepare for the implementation. If you need more assistance with developing the underlying ITSM processes, use the tools, templates, and guidance in these blueprints.

    Standardize the Service Desk

    Build core elements of service desk operations, including incident management and service request workflows, ticket categorization schemes, and ticket prioritization rules.

    Optimize the Service Desk With a Shift-Left Strategy

    Implement tools such as an improved knowledgebase and self-service portal to enable lower tier support staff and end users to resolve incidents or fulfill service requests.

    Incident and Problem Management

    Develop a critical incident management workflow and create standard operating procedures for problem management.

    Step 2.1

    Review your existing solution and challenges



    Configure, don’t customize, your solution to minimize risk


    Review your existing process and solution challenges for opportunities for improvement

    This step involves the following participants:

    1. Service Manager and Service Desk Team
    2. Project Manager and Core Project Team
    3. Subject Matter Experts and Tool Administrator, if applicable

    2.1.1 Configure your tool, don’t customize it

    Your tool may require at least some basic configurations to align with your processes, but in most cases customization of the tool is not recommended.



    • Creating settings and recording reference data in the tool within the normal functionality of the tool.
    • Does not require changes to source code.

    Documentation of configurations is key.

    Failure to document configurations and the reasons for specific configurations will lead to:

    • Difficulty diagnosing incidents and problems.
    • Difficulty reconstructing the tool in the case of disaster recovery.
    • One administrator having all of the knowledge of configurations and taking it with them if they leave the organization.
    • Configurations that become useless in the future are maintained and lead to unnecessary work if documentation is not regularly reviewed.
    • Extending the functionality of the tool beyond what it was originally intended to do.
    • Requires manual changes to source code.

    Carefully consider whether a customization is necessary.

    • Over-customization of your ITSM tool code may lock you into your current version of the software by preventing future patches and upgrades, leaving you with outdated software.
    • Over-customization becomes particularly risky when your ITSM solution is integrated with other tools, as a loss in functionality of your ITSM tool resulting from over-customization may cause disruptions across the business.
    • If your selected ITSM solution doesn’t do something you think you need it to do, carefully evaluate whether you really need that customization and if the trade-off of potentially limiting future innovation is worth it.

    Case Study

    Consider the consequences of over-customizing your solution.

    INDUSTRY: Education

    SOURCE: IT Director




    A few years ago, the service management office at the university decided to switch ITSM tools, from Computer Associates to ServiceNow.

    They wanted the new tool to behave similarly to what they had previously, so they made a lot of customized code changes to ServiceNow during implementation.

    As a result of the customizations, much of the functionality of the tool was restricted, and the upgrades were not compatible with the solution.

    The external consultants who performed the customizations and backend work did not document their changes, leaving the service management team without an understanding of why they did what they did.

    The service management team is working with ServiceNow to slowly unravel the custom code to try to get the solution back to having out-of-the-box functionality, with the ability to be upgraded.

    It has been challenging to do this work without disrupting the functionality of the tool.

    Over-customization led to the organization paying for features they couldn’t use and spending more time and resources down the road to try to reverse the changes.

    2.1.2 Review your existing process to identify opportunities for improvement

    Documenting your existing processes is an effective method for also reviewing those processes and identifying inefficiencies. Take advantage of this project to fix your process issues.

    1. Document your existing workflows for incident management and service requests.
    2. Review your workflows to identify opportunities to optimize through process refinement (e.g. clarifying escalation guidelines) or by leveraging features in your new ITSM tool (e.g. improved workflow automation).
    3. Similarly, review the challenges identified through stakeholder interviews: is there an opportunity address those challenges through process changes or leveraging your new ITSM tool?
    4. Address those challenge and issues as you execute the tasks outlined in the Implementation Checklist Tool. For example, if inconsistent ticket routing was identified as a challenge due to a vague categorization scheme, that’s a driver to review and update your scheme rather than just carry forward your existing scheme.

    Regardless of your existing ITSM maturity, this is an opportunity to review and optimize existing processes. Even the most-mature organizations can typically find an area to improve.

    Case Study

    Reviewing and defining processes before the implementation can be a project in itself.

    INDUSTRY: Defense

    SOURCE: Anonymous




    The organization was switching to a new ITSM tool. To prepare for the implementation, they gathered stakeholders, held steering committee meetings, and broke down key processes, teams, and owners before even meeting with the larger group.

    They used a software tool called InDesign to visibly map service requests and incidents and determine who owned each process and where the handoffs were.

    The service catalog also needed to be built out as they were performing certain services that didn’t relate to anything in the catalog.

    The goal for the implementation was to have it completed within a year, but it ended up going over, taking 15 to 16 months to complete.

    Most of the time was spent identifying processes upfront before configuring the tool. There were difficulties defining processes as well as agreeing on who owned a process or service.

    There were also difficulties agreeing upon who the valid stakeholders were for processes, as groups were siloed.

    The major obstacles to implementation were therefore people and process, not the product.

    New processes were introduced, and boundaries were placed around processes that were being done in the past that weren’t necessary.

    Once the groups were able to agree upon process owners, the tool configuration and implementation itself did not pose any major difficulties.

    After the implementation, the tool was continually improved and sharpened to adapt to processes.

    Step 2.2

    Plan ticket management and workflow implementation



    Define ticket classification values


    Define ticket templates for common incident types and service requests


    Plan your ticket intake channels


    Design a self-service portal


    Plan your knowledgebase implementation in the new tool


    Design your ticket status notification processes and templates


    Identify required user accounts, access levels, and skills/ service groups


    Review and update your workflows and escalation rules


    Identify desired reporting and relevant metrics to track

    This step involves the following participants:

    1. Service Manager and Service Desk Team
    2. Project Manager and Core Project Team
    3. Subject Matter Experts and Tool Administrator, if applicable

    Outcomes of this step

    Tool is designed and configured to support service desk processes and organization needs.

    Checklist overview

    The ITSM Tool Implementation Checklist will help you estimate resources required to support demand, based on your ticket volume.

    TAB 2

    TAB 3

    TAB 4

    Incident and Service Modules Checklist

    Change Management Modules

    Asset Management Modules

    The image contains a screenshot of the ITSM Tool Implementation Checklist, tab 2. The image contains a screenshot of the ITSM Tool Implementation Checklist, tab 3. The image contains a screenshot of the ITSM Tool Implementation Checklist, tab 4.

    How to follow this section:

    The following slides contain a table that explains why each task in the module matters and what needs to be considered. Complete the checklist modules referring to this section.

    2.2.1 Define ticket classification values

    Ticket classification improves reporting, workflow automation, and problem identification.

    Review your existing ticket classification values to identify what to carry forward, drop, or change. For example, if your categorization scheme has become too complex, this is your opportunity to fix it; don’t perpetuate ineffective classification in the new tool.


    Why this matters

    Ticket Types (e.g. incident, service request, change)

    In particular, separating incidents from service requests supports appropriate ticket prioritization and resourcing; for example, an incident typically should be prioritized, and service requests can be scheduled.

    Categories (e.g. network, servers)

    An effective categorization scheme can help identify ticket assignment and escalation (e.g. network tickets would be escalated to the network team), and potentially automate ticket routing.

    Resolution Codes

    Indicates how the ticket was resolved (e.g. configuration change). Supports another layer of trends reporting and data to support problem identification.

    Status Values

    Shows what status the ticket is currently in (e.g. if the ticket has been opened or assigned to an agent, if it is in progress or has been resolved).

    2.2.2 Define ticket templates for common incident types and service requests

    Ticket templates are the backbone of automation. A common complaint is that tickets take too much time. However, a little planning can reduce the time it takes to create a ticket to less than a minute.


    Why this matters

    Identify common recurring tickets that would be good candidates for using ticket templates (e.g. common service requests and incidents).

    Some common recurring tickets such as password reset, new laptop, and login requests would be great candidates to create ticket templates for. Building a deck of standard rules to follow for common tickets saves time and reduces the number of tickets generated.

    Design ticket templates and workflows for common tickets (e.g. fields to auto-populate as well as routing and secondary tickets for onboarding requests).

    Differentiating between recurring ticket types and building pre-defined templates not just saves time but can also have major impact on how service is delivered as this will also help separate tickets. Creating these templates beforehand will also let you communicate effectively with the users at a time when all hands need to be on deck.

    2.2.3 Plan your ticket intake channels

    Consider possible ticket intake channels and evaluate their relevance to your organization.


    Why this matters

    Decide on ticket intake channels (e.g. phone, email, portal, walk-ups).

    Each standard intake channel serves its own purposes and can be extremely valuable under different circumstances. For example, walk-ins may be inefficient but necessary for critical incidents.

    If using email, identify/create the email account and appropriate permissions.

    Email works well if it automatically creates a ticket in your ticketing system, but users often don’t provide enough information in unstructured emails. Use required fields and ticket templates to ensure the ticket is properly categorized.

    If using phone, identify/create the phone number and appropriate integrations.

    Maintain the phone for users from other locations and for critical incidents but encourage users who call in to submit a ticket through the portal.

    If using a portal, determine if you will leverage the tool's portal or an existing portal.

    The web portal is the most efficient intake method, but ensure it is user friendly before promoting it.

    If using chat, determine whether you will use the tool's chat or an existing chat mechanism and whether integrations are needed.

    Another way to improve support experience for your customers is through live chat. This gives your customers an easy way to reach you at the exact moment they have questions or issues they can't fix.

    2.2.4 Design a self-service portal

    Map your processes to the tool by defining your ticket input, categories, escalations, and workflows.

    Don’t forget about the client-facing side of the solution. It is important to build a self-serve portal that has an easy-to-use interface where the user can easily find the category for the help they’re looking for. It is also necessary to educate the users on where to find the portal or how to access it.


    Why this matters

    Identify components to include (e.g. service request, incident, knowledgebase).

    Identify the categories you want the users to be able to access in the portal. Finding the right balance of components to include is very important to make it easy for your users to find all the relevant information they are looking for. This could mean fewer tickets.

    Plan the input form for service requests and incidents (e.g. mandatory fields, optional fields, drop-down lists).

    Having relevant and specific fields helps to narrow down your user’s issues and provides more information on how to allocate these tasks among the service desk resources and reduce time to further investigate the issues.

    If service catalog will be attached to the ITSM tool, define routing and workflows; if there is no existing service catalog, start a separate project to define it (e.g. services, SLAs).

    A centrally defined guide enables a uniform quality in service and clarifies the responsible tier for the ticket. Identify services that will be included in the catalog, and if the information is attached to the ITSM tool, plan for how will the routing and workflows be structured.

    Plan design requirements (e.g. company branding).

    Ensure that the portal is aligned with the company’s theme and access format. Work with the vendor to customize the branding on the tool, design requirements, images.

    2.2.5 Plan your knowledgebase (KB) implementation in the new tool

    Evaluate how onerous KB migration will be for you. Is this an opportunity to improve how the KB is organized?


    Why this matters

    Define knowledgebase categories and structure.

    Establishing knowledgebase structures or having them separated into categories makes it easy for your clients to find them (e.g. do they align with ticket categories?).

    Identify existing knowledgebase articles to add to the new tool.

    Review existing knowledgebase articles at a high level (e.g. Do you carry forward all existing articles? Take an opportunity to retire old articles?).

    Define knowledgebase article templates.

    Having standardized templates makes it an easy read and will increase its usage (e.g. all knowledgebase articles for recurring incidents will follow the same template).

    Build knowledgebase article creation, usage, and revision workflows.

    Decide how new knowledgebase articles will be built and added to the tool, how it will be accessed and used, and also any steps necessary to update the articles.

    Plan a knowledgebase feedback system.

    For example, include a comments section, like buttons, and who will get notified about feedback.

    2.2.6 Design your ticket status notification processes and templates


    Why this matters

    Identify triggers for status notifications. Balance the need for keeping users informed versus notifications being treated as spam.

    Identify when and where the users are informed to make sure you are not under or over communicating with them. Status notifications and alerts are a great way to set or reset expectations to your users on the delivery or resolution on their tickets. For example, auto-response for a new ticket, or status updates to users when the ticket is assigned, solved, and closed.

    If using email notifications, design email templates for each type of notification.

    Creating notification templates is a great way to provide standardized service to your clients and it saves time when a ticket is raised. For example, email templates for new ticket, ticket updated, or ticket closed.

    Plan how you will enable users to validate the ticket or resolve request without causing the ticket to reopen.

    For example, in the ticket solved template, provide a link to close the ticket, and ask the user to reply only if they wish to re-open the ticket (i.e. if it's not resolved). May require consulting with the ITSM tool vendor.

    Decide if customer satisfaction surveys will be sent to end users after their ticket has been closed.

    Discuss if this data would be useful to you if captured to improve/modify your service.

    If customer satisfaction surveys will be used, design the survey.

    Discuss what data would be useful to you if captured and create survey questionnaires to capture that data from your clients. For example, how many questions, types of questions, whether sent for every ticket or randomly.

    2.2.7 Identify required user accounts, access levels, and skills/service groups


    Why this matters

    Define Tier 1, 2, and 3 roles and their associated access levels.

    Having pre-established roles for different tiers and teams is a great way to boost accountability and also helps identify training requirements for each tier. For example, knowledgebase training for tier 1 & 2, reporting/analytics for IT manager.

    Identify skill groups or support teams.

    Establishing accountability for all the support practices in the service desk is important for the tickets to be effectively distributed among the functional individuals and teams. Identifying the responsibilities of groups help execute shift-left strategy.

    Identify required email permissions for each role.

    For example, define which roles get permissions to include status updates or other ticket information in their emails or to support automated notifications and other integrations with email.

    Determine how you will import users into the new tool.

    Identify the best way to migrate your users to the new tool whether it be by importing from Active Directory or the old ITSM tool, etc.

    2.2.8 Review and update your workflows and escalation rules


    Why this matters

    Document your future-state incident and service request workflows that will incorporate the above planning as well as improvements supported by the new tool.

    Document your workflows and review it to make sure it’s accurate and also to help you with communicating process expectations to all the stakeholders.

    Review the future-state workflows.

    This helps you validate that the planned changes meet your goals and identify any additional required changes.

    Update ticket classification values, templates, and ticket intake as needed based on the future-state workflows.

    Documenting your process might uncover additional requirements for classification, templates, etc. Ensure that the classification templates and related parameters align with the workflows.

    Identify opportunities to further automate workflows by leveraging the new tool.

    The process of reviewing the workflows often helps identify manual processes, labor intensive processes, very repetitive processes, etc. These can be opportunities to further automate your processes.

    2.2.9 Identify desired reporting and relevant metrics to track

    Documentation of key metrics of service desk performance and end-user satisfaction that you wish to improve through the new solution is key to evaluate the success of your implementation.


    Why this matters

    Define the metrics you will track in the new ITSM tool.

    It is critical to ensure that your tool will be able to track necessary metrics on KPIs from the start and that this data is accurate and reliable so that reporting will be relevant and meaningful to the business. Whether you use your own tool for tracking metrics or an external tool, ensure that you can get the internal data you need from the ITSM tool. This may include measures of Productivity (e.g. time to respond, time to resolve), Service (e.g. incident backlog, customer satisfaction), and Proactiveness (e.g. number of knowledgebase articles per week).

    Determine what reports you want to generate from data collected through the tool.

    It’s not enough to simply set up metrics, you have to actually use the information. Reports should be analyzed regularly and used to manage costs and productivity, improve services, and identify issues. Ensure that your service desk team contributes to the usefulness of reporting by following processes such as creating tickets for every incident and request, categorizing it properly, and closing it after it’s resolved with the proper resolution code.

    Identify the information and metrics to include in the ITSM tool's dashboards.

    A dashboard helps drive accountability across the team through greater visibility. Decide what will be reported on the dashboard. For example, average time to resolution, number of open tickets with subtotals for each priority, problem ticket aging.

    Step 2.3

    Plan data migration and integrations



    Create a data migration and archiving plan


    Identify and plan required integrations

    This step involves the following participants:

    1. Service Manager and Service Desk Team
    2. Project Manager and Core Project Team
    3. Subject Matter Experts and Tool Administrator, if applicable

    Outcomes of this step

    • Decisions made around data migration, integrations, automation, and reporting.
    • ITSM Tool Implementation Checklist

    2.3.1 Create a data migration and archiving plan


    Why this matters

    Document your future-state incident and service request workflows that will incorporate the above planning as well as improvements supported by the new tool.

    Document your workflows and review them to make sure they’re accurate and also to help you with communicating process expectations to all the stakeholders.

    Review the future-state workflows.

    This helps you validate that the planned changes meet your goals and identify any additional required changes.

    Update ticket classification values, templates, and ticket intake as needed based on the future-state workflows.

    Documenting your process might uncover additional requirements for classification, templates, etc. Ensure that the classification templates and related parameters align with the workflows.

    Identify opportunities to further automate workflows leveraging the new tool.

    The process of reviewing the workflows often helps identify manual processes, labor-intensive processes, very repetitive processes, etc. These can be opportunities to further automate your processes.

    2.3.2 Identify and plan required integrations

    Consider and plan for any necessary integrations with other systems.

    A major component of the implementation that should be carefully considered throughout is if and how to integrate your ITSM tool with other applications in the environment.


    Why this matters

    Identify the systems you need to integrate with your ITSM tool (e.g. asset discovery tools, reporting systems).

    Regardless of whether your solution will be configured and installed on-premises or as a SaaS, you need to consider the underlying technology to determine how you will integrate it with other tools where necessary.

    Businesses may need to integrate their ITSM tool with other systems including asset management, network monitoring, and reporting systems to make the organization more efficient.

    Determine how data will flow between systems.

    Carefully evaluate the purpose of each integration. Clients often want their ITSM tool to be integrated with all of the available data in another application when they only need a subset of that data to be integrated.

    Consider not only which systems you need to integrate with your ITSM tool but also who the owners of those systems are and which way the data needs to flow.

    Plan the development, configuration, and testing of integrations.

    As with other aspects of the implementation, configure and test the integrations before going live with the tool.

    Step 2.4

    Plan the module rollout



    Repeat the methodology for additional ITSM modules, using the Checklists as a guide


    Leverage these blueprints to help you implement change and asset management modules

    This step involves the following participants:

    1. Service Manager and Service Desk Team
    2. Project Manager and Core Project Team
    3. Subject Matter Experts and Tool Administrator, if applicable

    Outcomes of this step

    Identify and plan for additional modules and features to be implemented

    2.4.1 Repeat the methodology for additional ITSM modules, using the Checklists as a guide

    The preparation completed in Phase 1 and 2 to this point provide a foundation for additional ITSM modules.

    This blueprint starts with the incident management and service request modules as those are typically implemented first since they are the most impactful to day-to-day IT service management.

    In addition, the methodology outlined in Phase 1 and 2 to this point provides a model to follow for additional ITSM modules:

    • If you did not already account for additional modules in Phase 1, then repeat the steps in Phase 1 to define scope, stakeholders, and timeline.
    • The Implementation Checklist Tool provides tabs for Change Management and Asset Management to outline the specific details for those topic areas, but they follow the same high-level steps as Phase 2 (e.g. review existing processes, design relevant workflows).
    • If you are planning to implement other modules (e.g. Problem Management), create additional tabs in the Implementation Checklist Tool as needed, using the existing tabs as a base.
    The image contains screenshots of the ITSM checklists.

    2.4.2 Leverage these blueprints to help you implement change and asset management modules

    The Implementation Checklist Tool summarizes what you need to prepare for the implementation. If you need more assistance with developing the underlying ITSM processes, use the tools, templates, and guidance in the blueprints below.

    Optimize IT Change Management

    Define change management workflows, key roles, and supporting elements such as request-for-change forms based on best practices.

    Implement Hardware Asset Management

    Create an SOP and associated process workflows to streamline and standardize hardware asset management.

    Implement Software Asset Management

    Build on a strong hardware asset management program to also properly track and manage software assets. This includes managing software licensing, finding opportunities to reduce costs, and improving your software audit readiness.

    Phase 3

    Create a Deployment Plan (Communication, Training, Rollout)

    Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3

    Identify Stakeholders, Scope, and Preliminary Timeline

    Prepare to Implement Incident Management and Service Request Modules

    Create a Deployment Plan (Communication, Training, Rollout)

    This phase will walk you through the following steps:

    1. Create a communication plan (for IT, users, and business leaders)
    2. Create a training plan
    3. Plan how you will deploy, monitor, and maintain the solution

    ITSM Tool Training Schedule

    ITSM Tool Deployment Plan Template

    Use the template to document and plan the communications and training needs prior to deployment of the new tool.

    The image contains a screenshot of the ITSM Tool Training Schedule.

    Use the deployment plan template to document the strategy and decisions made for making the transition to the new ITSM tool.

    The image contains a screenshot of the ITSM Tool Deployment Plan Template.

    Download the ITSM Tool Training Schedule

    Download the ITSM Tool Deployment Plan Template

    Step 3.1

    Create a communication plan (for IT, users, and business leaders)



    Ensure there is strong communication from management throughout the implementation and deployment


    Base your communications timeline on a classic change curve to accommodate natural resistance


    Communicate new processes with business leaders and end users to improve positive customer feedback

    This step involves the following participants:

    1. CIO/IT Director
    2. IT Manager
    3. Service Manager

    Outcomes of this step

    Plan for communicating the change with business executives, service desk agents, and end users.

    3.1.1 Ensure there is strong communication from management throughout the implementation and deployment

    A common contributing factor for unsuccessful implementation is a lack of communication around training, transitioning, and deploying the new tool.

    Common Pitfall:

    Organizational communication and change management should have been ongoing and tightly monitored throughout the project. However, cut-over is a time in which critical communication regarding deployment and proper user training can be derailed when last-minute preparations take priority. Not only will general user frustration increase, but unintended process workarounds will emerge, eroding system effectiveness.

    Mitigating Actions:

    Deliver training for end users that will be engaged in testing. For all other users, deliver training prior to go-live to avoid the risk of training too early (where materials may not be ready or users are likely to forget what was learned). If possible, host quick refresher training a week or two prior to go-live.

    Aim to communicate the upcoming go-live. The purpose of communication here is to reiterate expectations, complexities, and ramifications on business going forward. Alleviate performance anxiety by clearly stating that temporary drops in productivity are to be expected and that there will be appropriate assistance throughout the transition period.

    Transition: Have the project/program manager remain on the project team for some time after deployment to oversee and assure smooth transition for the organization.

    Complete training: Have a clear plan for training those users that were missed in the first round of training as well as a plan for ongoing training for those that require refresher training, for new joiners to your organization, and for any training requirements that result from subsequent upgrades.

    3.1.2 Base your communications timeline on a classic change curve

    It’s important to communicate the change ahead of the implementation, but also to reinforce that communication after implementation to recover from any resistance that occurs through the implementation itself.

    Stages in a typical change curve:

    1. Change is announced. Some people are skeptical and resistant, but others are enthusiastic. Most people are fence sitters; if they trust senior leadership, they will give the benefit of the doubt and expect change to be good.
    2. Positive sentiment declines as implementation approaches. Training and other disruptions take people’s time and energy away from their work. Project setbacks and delays take credibility away from project leaders and seem to validate the efforts of saboteurs and skeptics.
    3. Overall sentiment begins to improve as people adjust and see real progress made. Ideally, early successes or quick wins neutralize saboteurs and convert skeptics. At the very least, people will begin to accept and adapt to new realities.
    4. If the project is successful and communication is reinforced after implementation, sentiment will peak and level out over time as people move on to other projects.

    The image contains a diagram of a change curve.

    1. Honeymoon of “Uninformed Optimism”: Tentative support and enthusiasm for change before people have really felt or understood what it involves.
    2. Backlash of “Informed Pessimism” (leading to “Valley of Despair”): People realize they’ve overestimated the benefits (or how soon they’ll be achieved) and underestimated the difficulty of change.
    3. Valley of Despair and beginning of “Hopeful Realism”: Sentiment bottoms out and people begin to accept the difficulty (or inevitability) of change.
    4. Bounce of “Informed Optimism”: More optimism and support when people begin to see bright spots and early successes.
    5. Contentment of “Completion”: Change has been successfully adopted and benefits are being realized.

    3.1.3 Communicate new processes

    1. Communicate with business unit leaders and users:
    • Focus on the benefits for end users to encourage buy-in for the change.
    • Include preliminary instructions with a date for training sessions.
  • Train users:
    • Teach users how to contact the service desk and submit a ticket.
    • Set expectations for IT’s response.
    • Record all your training sessions so it can used for recursive training.
  • Enforce:
    • IT must point users toward the new process, but ad hoc requests should still be expected at first. Deal with these politely but encourage all employees to use the new service desk ticketing process, if applicable.
  • Measure success:
    • Continue to adjust communications if processes aren’t being followed to ensure SLAs can be met and improved.

    “Communicate with your end users in phase 1 to let them know what will be changing, get feedback and buy-in, and inform them that training will be happening, then ensure you train them once the tool is installed. A lot of times we’ll get our tool set up but people don’t know how to use it."

    – Director of ITSM Tools

    Info-Tech Insight

    If there is a new process for ticket input, consider using a reward system for users who submit a ticket through the proper channel ;(e.g. email or self-serve portal) instead of their old method (e.g. phone). However, if a significant cultural change is required, don’t expect it to happen right away.

    Step 3.2

    Create a training plan



    Target training session(s) to the specific needs of your service desk, service groups, IT managers


    Provide training (tool/portal and process changes)


    Choose an appropriate training delivery method that will focus on both process and tool

    This step involves the following participants:

    • IT Director
    • Project Manager
    • Service Desk Manager

    Outcomes of this step

    • Training modules for different users of the tool.
    • Assignment of training modules to users and schedule for completion.

    3.2.1 Target training session(s) to the specific needs of your service desk and IT staff

    Create targeted role-based training programs for your service desk analysts; they care about the portion of the solution they are responsible for, not the functionality that is irrelevant to their job.

    Create and execute a role-based training program by conducting training sessions for targeted groups of users, training them on the functions they require to perform their jobs.

    Use a table like this one to help identify which roles should be trained on which tasks within the ITSM tool.

    The image contains a table as an example of identifying which roles should be trained within the ITSM tool.

    The need for targeted training:

    • IT personnel may challenge the need for training. They may feel they don’t require training on the use of tools or that they don’t have time to dedicate to training when there is so much work to be done.
    • Providing targeted training focused on only the functions of the solution that each tier is responsible for can help to overcome that resistance.
    • Targeted training may include basic training for level 1 technicians and more advanced in-depth training for administrators, power users, or level 2/3 technicians.

    Info-Tech Insight:

    Properly trained users promote adoption and improve results. Always keep training materials updated and available. New employees, new software integration, and internal promotions create opportunities for training employees to align the ITSM tool with their roles and responsibilities.

    3.2.2 Provide training

    Training must take place before deployment to ensure that both your service desk agents and end users will use the tool in the way it was intended and improve end-user satisfaction.

    • Implementing a new ITSM tool will likely bring with it at least some degree of organizational and cultural change. It’s important to manage that change through proper training. Your training needs will vary depending on the maturity of the organization and the amount of cultural and process change being implemented.
    • If this is your first ITSM solution with many new changes for staff to take on board, it will be important to dedicate training time not only before deployment but also several months after the initial installation, to allow staff to gain more experience with the new tool and processes and formulate questions they may not think to ask during implementation.
    • A training plan should take into account not only training needs for the implementation project but also any ongoing training requirements that may be required. This may include:
      • Training for new personnel.
      • Training on any changes to the tool.
      • Training on any new processes the tool will support.
    • Better agent training will lead to better performance and improved end-user satisfaction.

    The image contains a screenshot of a graph to demonstrate training hours and first contact resolution.

    The blue graph line charts new-agent training hours against first contact resolution and the orange graph line charts the trendline for the dataset.

    Source: MetricNet, 2012

    3.2.3 Choose an appropriate training delivery method

    Training should include use cases that focus on not only how the tool’s interface works but also how the tool should be used to support process activities.

    1. Training through use cases highlights how the tool will support the user in role-based tasks.
    2. If new processes are being introduced along with the tool, training should cover both in an integrated way.
    3. Team leadership and management commitment ensures that all agents take their training seriously and are prepared for all use cases by the deployment date.

    Trainer-led sessions:

    Self-taught sessions:

    • May take the form of onsite or video training.
    • Vendor may train administrators or managers, who will later train remaining staff.
    • Allows for interaction with the trainer and greater opportunity to ask questions.
    • Difficult for large organizations with many users to be trained.
    • Delivered via computer-based training applications, typically through a web browser.
    • May include voice training sessions combined with exercises and quizzes.
    • More feasible for large, distributed organizations with less flexible schedules.

    Info-Tech Insight:

    Ensure that the training demonstrates not only how the tool should be used, but also the benefits it will provide your staff in terms of improved efficiency and productivity. Users who can clearly see the benefits the tool will provide for their daily work will accept the tool more readily and promote it across the organization.

    Step 3.3

    Plan how you will deploy, monitor, and maintain the solution



    Plan the transition from your old tool to ensure continual functionality


    Choose a cut-over approach that works for you


    Deploy the solution and any new processes simultaneously to ease the transition


    Have a post-deployment support plan in place


    Monitor success metrics defined in Phase 1

    This step involves the following participants:

    • IT Director
    • Project Manager
    • Service Desk Manager

    Outcomes of this step

    Deployment plan, including a plan for cut-over from the old tool (if applicable), release of the new tool, and post-deployment support and maintenance of the tool.

    3.3.1 Plan the transition from your old tool to ensure continual functionality

    If you will have a transitional period during which the current tool will be used alongside the new tool, develop a clear plan for the transition to ensure continued service for your end users.

    • If there will be an interim period during which only some aspects of the new ITSM tool are functional, you will need to determine how the new system and old systems will work together for that period of time. This may require creating interfaces as well as providing user documentation and/or SOPs on how the business processes will operate during the interim period.
    • Cut-over is the period during which the changeover to the new system occurs. Cut-over activities need to be tightly choreographed for a successful deployment. If improperly planned, chaos may erupt when unforeseen issues are encountered during deployment, the deployment may be jeopardized, and the organization may encounter costly interruptions to its daily operations.
    • Many organizations may leave any open tickets in the old tool until they are closed, which requires that tool run alongside the new tool for a transitional period. In this case, it is necessary to create guidelines around how long the open tickets will remain in the old system and ensure there is clear communication around these processes.

    Be prepared for the transition:

    1. Create a robust cut-over plan that includes when the old tool will be decommissioned, what activities are necessary during the cut-over, and what the contingency plan is in case of unforeseen issues.
    2. Plan for and perform mock cut-overs to establish the timeline and dependencies for all steps that need to be performed to successfully complete the changeover. Do this to avoid any surprises or delays during the true cut-over period.
    3. Establish cut-over logistics: Create a schedule for resources to work in shifts to avoid burn-out during cut-over, which can lead to lapses in judgment and easily avoidable mistakes. Allocate dedicated workspaces for cut-over activities, e.g. “war rooms” for the triage of issues.

    3.3.2 Choose a cut-over approach that works for you

    Approaches and insights from three case studies

    Case Study #1

    Case Study #2

    Case Study #3

    On day one we started recording all new incidents in the new tool, and everything that was open in the old tool remained open for about one month. At that point we transferred over some open incidents but closed old incidents with the view that if anyone really wanted something done that hadn’t been yet, they could re-submit a ticket.

    – Brett Andrews,

    Managing Director at BAPTISM Consultancy

    It made sense for us to start fresh with the new system. We left all of the old tickets in the old system and started the new system with ticket #1. We only had about a dozen open tickets in the old system so we left them there and ran the two tools side by side until those were closed.

    – CIO, Publishing

    It depends on the client and the size of their service desk as well as the complexity of their data and whether they need their old data for reporting. If there are only a dozen open tickets, they can manually move those over easily, and decide whether they want to migrate their historical data for reporting purposes.

    – Scott Walling,

    Co-Founder at Monitor 24-7 Inc.

    3.3.3 Deploy the solution and any new processes simultaneously to ease the transition

    Follow a deployment plan for introducing new processes alongside the new tool to ensure changes to both process and technology are adopted simultaneously.

    If you’re introducing new processes alongside the new tool, it’s important to maintain the link between process and tool. Typically, the processes and tool should be deployed simultaneously unless there is a strong reason not to do so.

    Deployment can be done as a big-bang or phased approach. The decision to employ a phased deployment depends on the number and size of business units the tool will support, as well as the organization’s geography and infrastructure (deployment locations).

    Before deployment, conduct readiness assessments to understand whether:

    The people are ready to accept the new system (have received the proper training and communications and understand how their jobs will change when the switch is flipped).

    The technology is ready (test results are favorable, workarounds and a plan for closure have been identified for any open defects, and the system is performing as expected).

    The data is ready (data for final conversion has been cleansed, and all conversions have been rehearsed).

    The post-deployment support model is ready (infrastructure and technical support is in place, sites are ready, knowledge transfer has been conducted with the support organization, and end users understand procedures for escalation of issues).

    3.3.4 Have a post-deployment support plan in place

    Ensure that strong internal support for the project and tool will continue after deployment.

    The stabilization period after a new software deployment can last between three and nine months, during which there may be continued training needs and fine-tuning of processes. Internal support from project leaders within your organization will be critical to recover from any dip in operational efficiency and deliver the benefits of the tool.

    Consider the following to prepare better for your support plan:

    What are the roles and responsibilities for ongoing tool administration support?

    What level of support will exist to assist service desk staff after deployment?

    How much time will project team resources devote to tackling upcoming issues and assisting with ongoing support?

    Who will be responsible for ongoing training needs and documentation?

    If your organization is spread across multiple locations, what level of support/assistance will be available at each site?

    How will new code releases or system upgrades be managed and communicated?

    Info-Tech Insight:

    Deployment is only the first step in the system lifecycle. Full benefit realization from the tool requires ongoing investment and learning to be sustained. Unless processes and training are updated on an ongoing basis, benefits gained will start to decrease over time. If your service desk efficiency stagnates at the level it was at prior to implementation, the tool has failed to serve its objective.

    Establish ongoing tool maintenance, improvement structures, and processes

    People, processes, and organizations change over time, and your ITSM tool will need to change to meet expectations.

    Develop and execute a plan for the maintenance of the solution and its infrastructure components.

    Include periodic reviews against business needs and operational requirements (e.g. patches, upgrades, and risk and security requirements).

    For maintenance updates, use the change management process and assess how an activity will impact solution design, functionality, and business processes.

    For major changes that result in significant change in current designs, functionality, and/or business processes, follow the development process used for new systems.

    Ensure that maintenance activities are periodically analyzed for abnormal trends indicating underlying quality or performance problems, cost/benefit of major upgrade, or replacement in lieu of maintenance.

    Assign responsibility for ongoing maintenance. Hold regular meetings for the following activities:

    1. Inspect data and reports.
    2. Assess whether you’re meeting SLAs.
    3. Predict any upcoming changes that may impact ticket volume (e.g. a new operating system or security patch).
    4. Create new ticket templates for recurring or upcoming issues.
    5. Create new knowledgebase articles.
    6. Determine whether ticket categories are being used correctly.
    7. Ask team if there are any problems with the tool.

    3.3.5 Monitor success metrics defined in Project Charter

    Revisit your goals for the solution and assess if they are being met by evaluating current metrics. If your goals have not yet been met, re-evaluate how to ensure the tool will deliver value.

    Sample High-Level Goals:

    1. Improved service desk efficiency
    2. Improved end-user satisfaction
    3. Improved self-service options for end users
    4. Improved data and reporting capabilities

    Sample Metric Descriptions

    Baseline Metric


    Current Metric

    Increased ticket input through email versus phone

    50% of tickets submitted through phone

    10% of tickets submit through phone

    Reduced ticket volume (through improved self-serve capabilities)

    1,500 tickets per month

    1,200 tickets per month

    Improved first call resolution (through increased efficiency and automation)

    50% FCR

    60% FCR

    Improved ability to meet SLAs (through automated escalations and prioritization)

    5 minutes to log a ticket

    1 minute to log a ticket

    Improved time to produce reports

    3 business days

    1 business day

    Improved end-user satisfaction

    60% satisfied with services

    75% satisfied

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Optimize IT Change Management

    Define change management workflows, key roles, and supporting elements such as request-for-change forms based on best practices.

    Standardize the Service Desk

    Build core elements of service desk operations, including incident management and service request workflows, ticket categorization schemes, and ticket prioritization rules.

    Optimize the Service Desk With a Shift-Left Strategy

    Implement tools such as an improved knowledgebase and self-service portal to enable lower tier support staff and end users to resolve incidents or fulfill service requests.

    Incident and Problem Management

    Develop a critical incident management workflow and create standard operating procedures for problem management.

    IT Service Management Selection Guide

    Identify the best-of-breed solution to make the most of your investment and engage the right stakeholders to define success.

    Analyze Your Service Desk Ticket Data

    Develop a framework to track metrics, clean data, and put your data to use for pre-defined timelines.


    Adiga, Siddanth. “10 Reasons Why ITSM Implementations Fail.” Could Strategy, 6 May 2015. Web.

    Hastie, Shane, and Stéphane Wojewoda. “Standish Group 2015 Chaos Report.” InfoQ, 4 October 2015. Web.

    “How to Manage Change in the Implementation of an ITSM Software.” C2, 20 April 2015. Web.

    Lockwood, Meghan. “First Look: Annual ServiceNow Insight and Vision Executive Summary [eBook].” Acorio, 31 October 2019. Web.

    Mainville, David. “7 Steps to a Successful ITSM Tool Implementation.” Navvia, 2012. Web.

    Rae, Barclay. “Preparing for ITSM Tool Implementation.” Joe the IT Guy, 24 June 2015. Web.

    Rae, Barclay. “Successful ITSM Tool Implementation.” BrightTALK, 9 May 2013. Webcast.

    Rumburg, Jeffrey. “Metric of the Month: Agent Training Hours.” MetricNet, 2012. Web.

    Develop a Security Operations Strategy

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}264|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 10.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $79,249 Average $ Saved
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    • Parent Category Name: Security Processes & Operations
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    • There is an onslaught of security data – generating information in different formats, storing it in different places, and forwarding it to different locations.
    • The organization lacks a dedicated enterprise security team. There is limited resourcing available to begin or mature a security operations center.
    • Many organizations are developing ad hoc security capabilities that result in operational inefficiencies, the misalignment of resources, and the misuse of security technology investments.
    • It is difficult to communicate the value of a security operations program when trying to secure organizational buy-in to gain the appropriate resourcing.
    • There is limited communication between security functions due to a centralized security operations organizational structure.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    1. Security operations is no longer a center, but a process. The need for a physical security hub has evolved into the virtual fusion of prevention, detection, analysis, and response efforts. When all four functions operate as a unified process, your organization will be able to proactively combat changes in the threat landscape.
    2. Functional threat intelligence is a prerequisite for effective security operations – without it, security operations will be inefficient and redundant. Eliminate false positives by contextualizing threat data, aligning intelligence with business objectives, and building processes to satisfy those objectives.
    3. If you are not communicating, you are not secure. Collaboration eliminates siloed decisions by connecting people, processes, and technologies. You leave less room for error, consume fewer resources, and improve operational efficiency with a transparent security operations process.

    Impact and Result

    • A unified security operations process actively transforms security events and threat information into actionable intelligence, driving security prevention, detection, analysis, and response processes, addressing the increasing sophistication of cyberthreats, and guiding continuous improvement.
    • This blueprint will walk through the steps of developing a flexible and systematic security operations program relevant to your organization.

    Develop a Security Operations Strategy Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should enhance your security operations program, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Assess your current state

    Assess current prevention, detection, analysis, and response capabilities.

    • Develop a Security Operations Strategy – Phase 1: Assess Operational Requirements
    • Security Operations Preliminary Maturity Assessment Tool

    2. Develop maturity initiatives

    Design your optimized state of operations.

    • Develop a Security Operations Strategy – Phase 2: Develop Maturity Initiatives
    • Information Security Requirements Gathering Tool
    • Concept of Operations Maturity Assessment Tool

    3. Define operational interdependencies

    Identify opportunities for collaboration within your security program.

    • Develop a Security Operations Strategy – Phase 3: Define Operational Interdependencies
    • Security Operations RACI Chart & Program Plan
    • Security Operations Program Cadence Schedule Template
    • Security Operations Collaboration Plan
    • Security Operations Metrics Summary Document

    Workshop: Develop a Security Operations Strategy

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Assess Operational Requirements

    The Purpose

    Determine current prevention, detection, analysis, and response capabilities, operational inefficiencies, and opportunities for improvement.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Determine why you need a sound security operations program.

    Understand Info-Tech’s threat collaboration environment.

    Evaluate your current security operation’s functions and capabilities.


    1.1 Understand the benefits of refining your security operations program.

    1.2 Gauge your current prevention, detection, analysis, and response capabilities.


    Security Operations Preliminary Maturity Assessment Tool

    2 Develop Maturity Initiatives

    The Purpose

    Begin developing and prioritizing gap initiatives in order to achieve the optimal state of operations.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Establish your goals, obligations, scope, and boundaries.

    Assess your current state and define a target state.

    Develop and prioritize gap initiatives.

    Define the cost, effort, alignment, and security benefits of each initiative.

    Develop a security strategy operational roadmap.


    2.1 Assess your current security goals, obligations, and scope.

    2.2 Design your ideal target state.

    2.3 Prioritize gap initiatives.


    Information Security Strategy Requirements Gathering Tool

    Security Operations Maturity Assessment Tool

    3 Define Operational Interdependencies

    The Purpose

    Identify opportunities for collaboration.

    Formalize your operational process flows.

    Develop a comprehensive and actionable measurement program.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Understand the current security operations process flow.

    Define the security operations stakeholders and their respective deliverables.

    Formalize an internal information-sharing and collaboration plan.


    3.1 Identify opportunities for collaboration.

    3.2 Formalize a security operations collaboration plan.

    3.3 Define operational roles and responsibilities.

    3.4 Develop a comprehensive measurement program.


    Security Operations RACI & Program Plan Tool

    Security Operations Collaboration Plan

    Security Operations Cadence Schedule Template

    Security Operations Metrics Summary

    Further reading


    Develop a Security Operations Strategy

    Transition from a security operations center to a threat collaboration environment.

    Info-Tech Research Group, Inc. is a global leader in providing IT research and advice. Info-Tech’s products and services combine actionable insight and relevant advice with ready-to-use tools and templates that cover the full spectrum of IT concerns.
    © 1997-2017 Info-Tech Research Group Inc.


    “A reactive security operations program is no longer an option. The increasing sophistication of threats demands a streamlined yet adaptable mitigation and remediation process. Protect your assets by preparing for the inevitable; unify your prevention, detection, analysis, and response efforts and provide assurance to your stakeholders that you are making information security a top priority.”

    Phot of Edward Gray, Consulting Analyst, Security, Risk & Compliance, Info-Tech Research Group.

    Edward Gray,
    Consulting Analyst, Security, Risk & Compliance
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Our understanding of the problem

    This Research Is Designed For:
    • Chief Information Officer (CIO)
    • Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
    • Chief Operating Officer (COO)
    • Security / IT Management
    • Security Operations Director / Security Operations Center (SOC)
    • Network Operations Director / Network Operations Center (NOC)
    • Systems Administrator
    • Threat Intelligence Staff
    • Security Operations Staff
    • Security Incident Responders
    • Vulnerability Management Staff
    • Patch Management
    This Research Will Help You:
    • Enhance your security program by implementing and streamlining next-generation security operations processes.
    • Increase organizational situational awareness through active collaboration between core threat teams, enriching internal security events with external threat intelligence and enhancing security controls.
    • Develop a comprehensive threat analysis and dissemination process: align people, process, and technology to scale security to threats.
    • Identify the appropriate technological and infrastructure-based sourcing decisions.
    • Design a step-by-step security operations implementation process.
    • Pursue continuous improvement: build a measurement program that actively evaluates program effectiveness.
    This Research Will Also Assist:
    • Board / Chief Executive Officer
    • Information Owners (Business Directors/VP)
    • Security Governance and Risk Management
    • Fraud Operations
    • Human Resources
    • Legal and Public Relations
    This Research Will Help Them
    • Aid decision making by staying abreast of cyberthreats that could impact the business.
    • Increase visibility into the organization’s threat landscape to identify likely targets or identify exposed vulnerabilities.
    • Ensure the business is compliant with regularity, legal, and/or compliance requirements.
    • Understand the value and return on investment of security operations offerings.

    Executive summary


    • Current security practices are disjointed, operating independently with a wide variety of processes and tools to conduct incident response, network defense, and threat analysis. These disparate mitigations leave organizations vulnerable to the increasing number of malicious events.
    • Threat management has become resource intensive, requiring continuous monitoring, collection, and analysis of massive volumes of security event data, while juggling business, compliance, and consumer obligations.


    • There is an onslaught of security data – generating information in different formats, storing it in different places, and forwarding it to different locations.
    • The organization lacks a dedicated enterprise security team. There is limited resourcing available to begin or mature a security operations center.
    • Many organizations are developing ad hoc security capabilities that result in operational inefficiencies, the misalignment of resources, and the misuse of their security technology investments.
    • It is difficult to communicate the value of a security operations program when trying to secure organizational buy-in to gain the appropriate resourcing.
    • There is limited communication between security functions due to a centralized security operations organizational structure.


    • A unified security operations process actively transforms security events and threat information into actionable intelligence, driving security prevention, detection, analysis, and response processes, addressing the increasing sophistication of cyberthreats, and guiding continuous improvement.
    • This blueprint will walk through the steps of developing a flexible and systematic security operations program relevant to your organization.

    Info-Tech Insight

    1. Security operations is no longer a center, but a process. The need for a physical security hub has evolved into the virtual fusion of prevention, detection, analysis, and response efforts. When all four functions operate as a unified process, your organization will be able to proactively combat changes in the threat landscape.
    2. Functional threat intelligence is a prerequisite for effective security operations – without it, security operations will be inefficient and redundant. Eliminate false positives by contextualizing threat data, aligning intelligence with business objectives, and building processes to satisfy those objectives.
    3. If you are not communicating, you are not secure. Collaboration eliminates siloed decisions by connecting people, processes, and technologies. You leave less room for error, consume fewer resources, and improve operational efficiency with a transparent security operations process.

    Data breaches are resulting in major costs across industries

    Horizontal bar chart of 'Per capita cost by industry classification of benchmarked companies', with the highest cost attributed to 'Health', 'Pharmaceutical', 'Financial', 'Energy', and 'Transportation'.

    Average data breach costs per compromised record hit an all-time high of $217 (in 2015); $74 is direct cost (e.g. legal fees, technology investment) and $143 is indirect cost (e.g. abnormal customer churn). (Source: Ponemon Institute, “2015 Cost of Data Breach Study: United States”)

    '% of systems impacted by a data breach', '1% No Impact', '19% 1-10% impacted', '41% 11-30% impacted', '24% 31-50% impacted', '15% more than 50% impacted
    Divider line.
    '% of customers lost from a data breach', '61% Lost <20%', '21% Lost 20-40%', '8% Lost 40-60%', '6% Lost 60-80%', '4% Lost 80-100%'.
    Divider line.
    '% of business opportunity lost from a data breach', '58% Lost <20%', '25% Lost 20-40%', '9% Lost, 40-60%', '5% Lost 60-80%', '4% Lost 80-100%'.
    (Source: The Network, “ Cisco 2017 Security Capabilities Benchmark Study”)

    Persistent issues

    • Organizational barriers separating prevention, detection, analysis, and response efforts.
      Siloed operations limit collaboration and internal knowledge sharing.
    • Lack of knowledgeable security staff.
      Human capital is transferrable between roles and functions and must be cross-trained to wear multiple hats.
    • Failure to evaluate and improve security operations.
      The effectiveness of operations must be frequently measured and (re)assessed through an iterative system of continuous improvement.
    • Lack of standardization.
      Pre-established use cases and policies outlining tier-1 operational efforts will eliminate ad hoc remediation efforts and streamline operations.
    • Failure to acknowledge the auditor as a customer.
      Many compliance and regulatory obligations require organizations to have comprehensive documentation of their security operations practices.

    60% Of organizations say security operation teams have little understanding of each other’s requirements.

    40% Of executives report that poor coordination leads to excessive labor and IT operational costs.

    38-100% Increase in efficiency after closing operational gaps with collaboration.
    (Source: Forbes, “The Game Plan for Closing the SecOps Gap”)

    The solution

    Bar chart of the 'Benefits of Internal Collaboration' with 'Increased Operational Efficiency' and 'Increased Problem Solving' having the highest percentage.

    “Empower a few administrators with the best information to enable fast, automated responses.”
    – Ismael Valenzuela, IR/Forensics Technical Practice Manager, Foundstone® Services, Intel Security)

    Insufficient security personnel resourcing has been identified as the most prevalent challenge in security operations…

    When an emergency security incident strikes, weak collaboration and poor coordination among critical business functions will magnify inefficiencies in the incident response (IR) process, impacting the organization’s ability to minimize damage and downtime.

    The solution: optimize your SOC. Info-Tech has seen SOCs with five analysts outperform SOCs with 25 analysts through tools and process optimization.

    Ponemon. "2016 State of Cybersecurity in Small & Medium-Sized Businesses (SMB).”
    Syngress. Designing and Building a Security Operations Center.

    Maintain a holistic security operations program

    Legacy security operations centers (SOCs) fail to address gaps between data sources, network controls, and human capital. There is limited visibility and collaboration between departments, resulting in siloed decisions that do not support the best interests of the organization.
    Venn diagram of 'Next-Gen Security Operations' with four intersecting circles: 'Prevent', 'Detect', 'Analyze', and 'Respond'.

    Security operations is part of what Info-Tech calls a threat collaboration environment, where members must actively collaborate to address cyberthreats affecting the organization’s brand, business operations, and technology infrastructure on a daily basis.

    Prevent: Defense in depth is the best approach to protect against unknown and unpredictable attacks. Diligent patching and vulnerability management, endpoint protection, and strong human-centric security (amongst other tactics) are essential. Detect: There are two types of companies – those who have been breached and know it and those who have been breached and don’t know it. Ensure that monitoring, logging, and event detection tools are in place and appropriate to your organizational needs
    Analyze: Raw data without interpretation cannot improve security and is a waste of time, money, and effort. Establish a tiered operational process that not only enriches data but also provides visibility into your threat landscape. Respond: Organizations can’t rely on an ad hoc response anymore – don’t wait until a state of panic. Formalize your response processes in a detailed incident runbook in order to reduce incident remediation time and effort.

    Info-Tech’s security operations blueprint ties together various initiatives

    Stock image 1.

    Design and Implement a Vulnerability Management Program

    Vulnerability Management
    Vulnerability management revolves around the identification, prioritization, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Vulnerability management teams hunt to identify which vulnerabilities need patching and remediating.
    • Vulnerability Tracking Tool
    • Vulnerability Scanning Tool RFP Template
    • Penetration Test RFP Template
    • Vulnerability Mitigation Process Template
    Stock image 2.

    Integrate Threat Intelligence Into Your Security Operations

    Threat Intelligence
    Threat intelligence addresses the collection, analysis, and dissemination of external threat data. Analysts act as liaisons to their peers, publishing actionable threat alerts, reports, and briefings. Threat intelligence proactively monitors and identifies whether threat indicators are impacting your organization.
    • Maturity Assessment Tool
    • Threat Intelligence RACI Tool
    • Management Plan Template
    • Threat Intelligence Policy Template
    • Alert Template
    • Alert and Briefing Cadence Schedule
    Stock image 3.

    Develop Foundational Security Operations Processes

    Security operations include the real-time monitoring and analysis of events based on the correlation of internal and external data sources. This also includes incident escalation based on impact. Analysts are constantly tuning and tweaking rules and reporting thresholds to further help identify which indicators are most impactful during the analysis phase of operations.
    • Maturity Assessment Tool
    • Event Prioritization Tool
    • Efficiency Calculator
    • SecOps Policy Template
    • In-House vs. Outsourcing Decision-Making Tool
    • SecOps RACI Tool
    • TCO & ROI Comparison Calculator
    Stock image 4.

    Develop and Implement a Security Incident Management Program

    Incident Response
    Effective and efficient management of incidents involves a formal process of analysis, containment, eradication, recovery, and post-incident activities. IR teams coordinate root-cause analysis and incident gathering while facilitating post-incident lessons learned. Incident response can provide valuable threat data that ties specific indicators to threat actors or campaigns.
    • Incident Management Policy
    • Maturity Assessment Tool
    • Incident Management RACI Tool
    • Incident Management Plan
    • Incident Runbook Prioritization Tool
    • Various Incident Management Runbooks

    This blueprint will…

    …better protect your organization with an interdependent and collaborative security operations program.

    Phase 01

    Assess your operational requirements.

    Phase 02

    Optimize and further mature your security operations processes

    Phase 3a

    Develop the process flow and specific interaction points between functions

    Phase 3b

    Test your current capabilities with a table top exercise
    Briefly assess your current prevention, detection, analysis, and response capabilities.
    Highlight operational weak spots that should be addressed before progressing.
    Develop a prioritized list of security-focused operational initiatives.
    Conduct a holistic analysis of your operational capabilities.
    Define the operational interaction points between security-focused operational departments.
    Document the results in comprehensive operational interaction agreement.
    Test your operational processes with Info-Tech’s security operations table-top exercise.

    Info-Tech integrates several best practices to create a best-of-breed security framework

    Legend for the 'Information Security Framework' identifying blue best practices as 'In Scope' and white best practices as 'Out of Scope'. Info-Tech's 'Information Security Framework' of best practices with two main categories 'Governance' and 'Management', each with subcategories such as 'Context & Leadership' and 'Prevention', each with a group of best practices color-coded to the associated legend identifying them as 'In Scope' or 'Out of Scope'.

    Benefits of a collaborative and integrated operations program

    Effective security operations management will help you do the following:

    • Improve efficacy
      Develop structured processes to automate activities and increase process consistency across the security program. Expose operational weak points and transition teams from firefighting to an innovator role.
    • Improve threat protection
      Enhance network controls through the hardening of perimeter defenses, an intelligence-driven analysis process, and a streamlined incident remediation process.
    • Improve visibility and information sharing
      Promote both internal and external information sharing to enable good decision making.
    • Create and clarify accountability and responsibility
      Security operations management practices will set a clear level of accountability throughout the security program and ensure role responsibility for all tasks and processes involved in service delivery.
    • Control security costs
      Security operations management is concerned with delivering promised services in the most efficient way possible. Good security operations management practices will provide insight into current costs across the organization and present opportunities for cost savings.
    • Identify opportunities for continuous improvement
      Increased visibility into current performance levels and the ability to accurately identify opportunities for continuous improvement.


    Short term:

    • Streamlined security operations program development process.
    • Completed comprehensive list of operational gaps and initiatives.
    • Formalized and structured implementation process.
    • Standardized operational use cases that predefine necessary operational protocol.

    Long term:

    • Enhanced visibility into immediate threat environment.
    • Improved effectiveness of internal defensive controls.
    • Increased operational collaboration between prevention, detection, analysis, and response efforts.
    • Enhanced security pressure posture.
    • Improved communication with executives about relevant security risks to the business.

    Understand the cost of not having a suitable security operations program

    A practical approach, justifying the value of security operations, is to identify the assets at risk and calculate the cost to the company should the information assets be compromised (i.e. assess the damage an attacker could do to the business).

    Cost Structure Cost Estimation ($) for SMB
    (Small and medium-sized business)
    Cost Estimation ($) for LE
    (Large enterprise)
    Security controls Technology investment: software, hardware, facility, maintenance, etc.
    Cost of process implementation: incident response, CMBD, problem management, etc.
    Cost of resource: salary, training, recruiting, etc.
    $0-300K/year $200K-2M/year
    Security incidents
    (if no security control is in place)
    Explicit cost:
    1. Incident response cost:
      • Remediation costs
      • Productivity: (number of employees impacted) × (hours out) × (burdened hourly rate)
      • Extra professional services
      • Equipment rental, travel expenses, etc.
      • Compliance fine
      • Cost of notifying clients
    2. Revenue loss: direct loss, the impact of permanent loss of data, lost future revenues
    3. Financial performance: credit rating, stock price
      Hidden cost:
      • Reputation, customer loyalty, etc.
    $15K-650K/year $270K-11M/year

    Workshop Overview

    Contact your account representative or email for more information.

    Workshop Day 1 Workshop Day 2 Workshop Day 3 Workshop Day 4 Workshop Day 5
    • Kick-off and introductions.
    • High-level overview of weekly activities and outcomes.
    • Activity: Define workshop objectives and current state of knowledge.
    • Understand the threat collaboration environment.
    • Understand the benefits of an optimized security operations.
    • Activity: Review preliminary maturity level.
    • Activity: Assess current people, processes, and technology capabilities.
    • Activity: Assess workflow capabilities.
    • Activity: Begin deep-dive into maturity assessment tool.
    • Discuss strategies to enhance the analysis process (ticketing, automation, visualization, use cases, etc.).
    • Activity: Design ideal target state.
    • Activity: Identify security gaps.
    • Build initiatives to bridge the gaps.
    • Activity: Estimate the resources needed.
    • Activity: Prioritize gap initiatives.
    • Activity: Develop dashboarding and visualization metrics.
    • Activity: Plan for a transition with the security roadmap and action plan.
    • Activity: Define and assign tier 1, 2 & 3 SOC roles and responsibilities.
    • Activity: Assign roles and responsibilities for each security operations initiative.
    • Activity: Develop a comprehensive measurement program.
    • Activity: Develop specific runbooks for your top-priority incidents (e.g. ransomware).
      • Detect the incident.
      • Analyze the incident.
      • Contain the incident.
      • Eradicate the root cause.
      • Recover from the incident.
      • Conduct post-incident analysis and communication.
    • Activity:Conduct attack campaign simulation.
    • Finalize main deliverables.
    • Schedule feedback call.
    1. Security Operations Maturity Assessment Tool
    1. Target State and Gap Analysis (Security Operations Maturity Assessment Tool)
    1. Security Operations Role & Process Design
    2. Security Operations RACI Chart
    3. Security Operations Metrics Summary
    4. Security Operations Phishing Process Runbook
    5. Attack Campaign Simulation PowerPoint

    All Final Deliverables

    Develop a Security Operations Strategy

    PHASE 1

    Assess Operational Requirements


    Assess Operational Requirements


    Develop Maturity Initiatives


    Define Interdependencies

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    • Determine why you need a sound security operations program.
    • Understand Info-Tech’s threat collaboration environment.
    • Evaluate your current security operation’s functions and capabilities.

    Outcomes of this step

    • A defined scope and motive for completing this project.
    • Insight into your current security operations capabilities.
    • A prioritized list of security operations initiatives based on maturity level.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Security operations is no longer a center, but a process. The need for a physical security hub has evolved into the virtual fusion of prevention, detection, analysis, and response efforts. When all four functions operate as a unified process, your organization will be able to proactively combat changes in the threat landscape.

    Warm-up exercise: Why build a security operations program?

    Estimated time to completion: 30 minutes

    Discussion: Why are we pursuing this project?

    What are the objectives for optimizing and developing sound security operations?

    Stakeholders Required:

    • Key business executives
    • IT leaders
    • Security operations team members

    Resources Required

    • Sticky notes
    • Whiteboard
    • Dry-erase markers
    1. Briefly define the scope of security operations
      What people, processes, and technology fall within the security operations umbrella?
    2. Brainstorm the implications of not acting
      What does the status quo have in store? What are the potential risks?
    3. Define the goals of the project
      Clarify from the outset: what exactly do you want to accomplish from this project?
    4. Prioritize all brainstormed goals
      Classify the goals based on relevant prioritization criteria, e.g. urgency, impact, cost.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Don’t develop a security operations program with the objective of zero incidents. This reliance on prevention results in over-engineered security solutions that cost more than the assets being protected.

    Decentralizing the SOC: Security as a function

    Before you begin, remember that no two security operation programs are the same. While the end goal may be similar, the threat landscape, risk tolerance, and organizational requirements will differ from any other SOC. Determine what your DNA looks like before you begin to protect it.

    Security operations must provide several fundamental functions:
    • Real-time monitoring, detecting, and triaging of data from both internal and external sources.
    • In-depth analysis of indicators and incidents, leveraging malware analysis, correlation and rule tweaking, and forensics and eDiscovery techniques.
    • Network/host scanning and vulnerability patch management.
    • Incident response, remediation, and reporting. Security operations must disseminate appropriate information/intelligence to relevant stakeholders.
    • Comprehensive logging and ticketing capabilities that document and communicate events throughout the threat collaboration environment.
    • Tuning and tweaking of technologies to ingest collected data and enhance the analysis process.
    • Enhance overall organizational situational awareness by reporting on security trends, escalating incidents, and sharing adversary tools, tactics, and procedures.
    Venn diagram of 'Security Operations' with four intersecting circles: 'Prevent', 'Detect', 'Analyze', and 'Respond'.
    At its core, a security operations program is responsible for the prevention, detection, analysis, and response of security events.

    Optimized security operations can seamlessly integrate threat and incident management processes with monitoring and compliance workflows and resources. This integration unlocks efficiency.

    Understand the levels of security operations

    Take the time to map out what you need and where you should go. Security operations has to be more than just monitoring events – there must be a structured program.

    Foundational Arrow with a plus sign pointing right. Operational Arrow with a plus sign pointing right. Strategic
    • Intrusion Detection Management
    • Active Device and Event Monitoring
    • Log Collection and Retention
    • Reporting and Escalation Management
    • Incident Management
    • Audit Compliance
    • Vendor Management
    • Ticketing Processes
    • Packet Capture and Analysis
    • SIEM
    • Firewall
    • Antivirus
    • Patch Management
    • Event Analysis and Incident Triage
    • Security Log Management
    • Vulnerability Management
    • Host Hardening
    • Static Malware Analysis
    • Identity and Access Management
    • Change Management
    • Endpoint Management
    • Business Continuity Management
    • Encryption Management
    • Cloud Security (if applicable)
    • SIEM with Defined Use Cases
    • Big Data Security Analytics
    • Threat Intelligence
    • Network Flow Analysis
    • VPN Anomaly Detection
    • Dynamic Malware Analysis
    • Use-Case Management
    • Feedback and Continuous Improvement Management
    • Visualization and Dashboarding
    • Knowledge Portal Ticket Documentation
    • Advanced Threat Hunting
    • Control and Process Automation
    • eDiscovery and Forensics
    • Risk Management
    ——Security Operations Capabilities—–›

    Understand security operations: Establish a unified threat collaboration environment

    Stock image 1.

    Design and Implement a Vulnerability Management Program

    Security operations is part of what Info-Tech calls a threat collaboration environment, where members must actively collaborate to address threats impacting the organization’s brand, operations, and technology infrastructure.
    • Managing incident escalation and response.
    • Coordinating root-cause analysis and incident gathering.
    • Facilitating post-incident lessons learned.
    • Managing system patching and risk acceptance.
    • Conducting vulnerability assessment and penetration testing.
    • Monitoring in real-time and triaging of events.
    • Escalating events to incident management team.
    • Tuning and tweaking rules and reporting thresholds.
    • Gathering and analyzing external threat data.
    • Liaising with peers, industry, and government.
    • Publishing threat alerts, reports, and briefings.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Ensure that information flows freely throughout the threat collaboration environment – each function should serve to feed and enhance the next.

    Stock image 2.

    Integrate Threat Intelligence Into Your Security Operations

    Stock image 3.

    Develop Foundational Security Operations Processes

    Stock image 4.

    Develop and Implement a Security Incident Management Program

    The threat collaboration environment is comprised of three core elements

    Info-Tech Insight

    The value of a SOC can be achieved with fewer prerequisites than you think. While it is difficult to cut back on process and technology requirements, human capital is transferrable between roles and functions and can be cross-trained to satisfy operational gaps.

    Three hexes fitting together with the words 'People', 'Process', and 'Technology'. People. Effective human capital is fundamental to establishing an efficient security operations program, and if enabled correctly, can be the driving factor behind successful process optimization. Ensure you address several critical human capital components:
    • Who is responsible for each respective threat collaboration environment function?
    • What are the required operational roles, responsibilities, and competencies for each employee?
    • Are there formalized training procedures to onboard new employees?
    • Is there an established knowledge transfer and management program?
    Processes. Formal and informal mechanisms that bridge security throughout the collaboration environment and organization at large. Ask yourself:
    • Are there defined runbooks that clearly outline critical operational procedures and guidelines?
    • Is there a defined escalation protocol to transfer knowledge and share threats internally?
    • Is there a defined reporting procedure to share intelligence externally?
    • Are there formal and accessible policies for each respective security operations function?
    • Is there a defined measurement program to report on the performance of security operations?
    • Is there a continuous improvement program in place for all security operations functions?
    • Is there a defined operational vendor management program?
    Technology. The composition of all infrastructure, systems, controls, and tools that enable processes and people to operate and collaborate more efficiently. Determine:
    • Are the appropriate controls implemented to effectively prevent, detect, analyze, and remediate threats? Is each control documented with an assigned asset owner?
    • Can a solution integrate with existing controls? If so, to what extent?
    • Is there a centralized log aggregation tool such as a SIEM?
    • What is the operational cost to effectively manage each control?
    • Is the control the most up-to-date version? Have the most recent patches and configuration changes been applied? Can it be consolidated with or replaced by another control?

    Conduct a preliminary maturity assessment before tackling this project

    Stock image 1.

    Design and Implement a Vulnerability Management Program

    Sample of Info-Tech's Security Operations Preliminary Maturity Assessment

    At a high level, assess your organization’s operational maturity in each of the threat collaboration environment functions. Determine whether the foundational processes exist in order to mature and streamline your security operations.

    Stock image 2.

    Integrate Threat Intelligence Into Your Security Operations

    Stock image 3.

    Develop Foundational Security Operations Processes

    Stock image 4.

    Develop and Implement a Security Incident Management Program

    Assess the current maturity of your security operations program

    Prioritize the component most important to the development of your security operations program.

    Screenshot of a table from the Security Operations Preliminary Maturity Assessment presenting the 'Impact Sub-Weightings' of 'People', 'Process', 'Technology', and 'Policy'.
    Screenshot of a table from the Security Operations Preliminary Maturity Assessment assessing the 'Current State' and 'Target State' of different 'Security Capabilities'.
    Each “security capability” covers a component of the overarching “security function.” Assign a current and target maturity score to each respective security capability. (Note: The CMMI maturity scores are further explained on the following slide.) Document any/all comments for future Info-Tech analyst discussions.

    Assign each security capability a reflective and desired maturity score.

    Your current and target state maturity will be determined using the capability maturity model integration (CMMI) scale. Ensure that all participants understand the 1-5 scale.
    Two-way vertical arrow colored blue at the top and green at the bottom. Ad Hoc
    1 Arrow pointing right. Initial/Ad Hoc: Activity is not well defined and is ad hoc, e.g. no formal roles or responsibilities exist, de facto standards are followed on an individual-by-individual basis.
    2 Arrow pointing right. Developing: Activity is established and there is moderate adherence to its execution, e.g. while no formal policies have been documented, content management is occurring implicitly or on an individual-by-individual basis.
    3 Arrow pointing right. Defined: Activity is formally established, documented, repeatable, and integrated with other phases of the process, e.g. roles and responsibilities have been defined and documented in an accessible policy, however, metrics are not actively monitored and managed.
    4 Arrow pointing right. Managed and Measurable: Activity execution is tracked by gathering qualitative and quantitative feedback, e.g. metrics have been established to monitor the effectiveness of tier-1 SOC analysts.
    5 Arrow pointing right. Optimized: Qualitative and quantitative feedback is used to continually improve the execution of the activity, e.g. the organization is an industry leader in the respective field; research and development efforts are allocated in order to continuously explore more efficient methods of accomplishing the task at hand.

    Notes: Info-Tech seldom sees a client achieve a CMMI score of 4 or 5. To achieve a state of optimization there must be a subsequent trade-off elsewhere. As such, we recommend that organizations strive for a CMMI score of 3 or 4.

    Ensure that your threat collaboration environment is of a sufficient maturity before progressing

    Example report card from the maturity assessment. Functions are color-coded green, yellow, and red. Review the report cards for each of the respective threat collaboration environment functions.
    • A green function indicates that you have exceeded the operational requirements to proceed with the security operations initiative.
    • A yellow function indicates that your maturity score is below the recommended threshold; Info-Tech advises revisiting the attached blueprint. In the instance of a one-off case, the client can proceed with this security operations initiative.
    • A red function indicates that your maturity score is well below the recommended threshold; Info-Tech strongly advises to not proceed with the security operations initiative. Revisit the recommended blueprint and further mature the specific function.

    Are you ready to move on to the next phase?

    Self-Assessment Questions

    • Have you clearly defined the rationale for refining your security operations program?
    • Have you clearly defined and prioritized the goals and outcomes of optimizing your security operations program?
    • Have you assessed your respective people, process, and technological capabilities?
    • Have you completed the Security Operations Preliminary Maturity Assessment Tool?
    • Were all threat collaboration environment functions of a sufficient maturity level?

    If you answered “yes” to the questions, then you are ready to move on to Phase 2: Develop Maturity Initiatives

    Develop a Security Operations Strategy

    PHASE 2

    Develop Maturity Initiatives


    Assess Operational Requirements


    Develop Maturity Initiatives


    Define Interdependencies

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    • Establish your goals, obligations, scope, and boundaries.
    • Assess your current state and define a target state.
    • Develop and prioritize gap initiatives.
    • Define cost, effort, alignment, and security benefit of each initiative.
    • Develop a security strategy operational roadmap.

    Outcomes of this step

    • A formalized understanding of your business, customer, and regulatory obligations.
    • A comprehensive current and target state assessment.
    • A succinct and consolidated list of gap initiatives that will collectively achieve your target state.
    • A formally documented set of estimated priority variables (cost, effort, business alignment).
    • A fully prioritized security roadmap that is in alignment with business goals and informed by the organization’s needs and limitations.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Functional threat intelligence is a prerequisite for effective security operations – without it, security operations will be inefficient and redundant. Eliminate false positives by contextualizing threat data, aligning intelligence with business objectives, and building processes to satisfy those objectives

    Align your security operations program with corporate goals and obligations

    A common challenge for security leaders is learning to express their initiatives in terms that are meaningful to business executives.

    Frame the importance of your security operations program to
    align with that of the decision makers’ over-arching strategy.

    Oftentimes resourcing and funding is dependent on the
    alignment of security initiatives to business objectives.

    Corporate goals and objectives can be categorized into three major buckets:
      The primary goals and functions of the organization at large. Examples include customer retention, growth, innovation, customer experience, etc.
      The needs and demands of internal and external stakeholders. Examples include ease of use (external), data protection (external), offsite access (internal), etc.
      The requirements of the organization to comply with mandatory and/or voluntary standards. Examples include HIPAA, PIPEDA, ISO 27001, etc.
    *Do not approach the above list with a security mindset – take a business perspective and align your security efforts accordingly.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Developing a security operations strategy is a proactive activity that enables you to get in front of any upcoming business projects or industry trends rather than having to respond reactively later on. Consider as many foreseeable variables as possible!

    Determine your security operations program scope and boundaries

    It is important to define all security-related areas of responsibility. Upon completion you should clearly understand what you are trying to secure.

    Ask yourself:
    Where does the onus of responsibility stop?

    The organizational scope and boundaries and can be categorized into four major buckets:
      The physical locations that the security operations program is responsible for. Examples include office locations, remote access, clients/vendors, etc.
      The network systems that must be protected by the security operations program. Examples include fully owned systems, IaaS, PaaS, remotely hosted SaaS, etc.
      The business units, departments, or divisions that will be affected by the security operations program. Examples include user groups, departments, subsidiaries, etc.
      The data types that the business handles and the privacy/criticality level of each. Examples include top secret, confidential, private, public, etc.

    This also includes what is not within scope. For some outsourced services or locations you may not be responsible for security. For some business departments you may not have control of security processes. Ensure that it is made explicit at the outset, what will be included and what will be excluded from security considerations.

    Reference Info-Tech’s security strategy: goals, obligations, and scope activities

    Explicitly understanding how security aligns with the core business mission is critical for having a strategic plan and fulfilling the role of business enabler.

    Download and complete the information security goals, obligations and scope activities (Section 1.3) within the Info-Tech security strategy research publication. If previously completed, take the time to review your results.

    Proceed through each slide and brainstorm the ways that security operations supports business, customer, and compliance needs.

    Goals & Obligations
    Screenshots of slides from the information security goals, obligations and scope activities (Section 1.3) within the Info-Tech security strategy research publication.

    Assess your current organizational environment. Document current IT systems, critical data, physical environments, and departmental divisions.

    If a well-defined corporate strategy does not exist, these questions can help pinpoint objectives:

    • What is the message being delivered by the CEO?
    • What are the main themes of investments and projects?
    • What are the senior leaders measured on?
    Program Scope & Boundaries
    Screenshots of slides from the information security goals, obligations and scope activities (Section 1.3) within the Info-Tech security strategy research publication.


    For more information on how to complete the goals & obligations activity please reference Section 1.3 of Info-Tech’s Build an Information Security Strategy blueprint.

    Complete the Information Security Requirements Gathering Tool

    On tab 1. Goals and Obligations:
    • Document all business, customer, and compliance obligations. Ensure that each item is reflective of the over-arching business strategy and is not security focused.
    • In the second column, identify the corresponding security initiative that supports the obligation.
    Screenshot from tab 1 of Info-Tech's Information Security Requirements Gathering Tool. Columns are 'Business obligations', 'Security obligations to support the business (optional)', and 'Notes'.
    On tab 2. Scope and Boundaries:
    • Record all details for what is in and out of scope from physical, IT, organizational, and data perspectives.
    • Complete the affiliated columns for a comprehensive scope assessment.
    • As a discussion guide, refer to the considerations slides prior to this in phase 1.3.
    Screenshot from tab 2 of Info-Tech's Information Security Requirements Gathering Tool. Title is 'Physical Scope', Columns are 'Environment Name', 'Highest data criticality here', 'Is this in scope of the security strategy?', 'Are we accountable for security here?', and 'Notes'.
    For the purpose of this security operations initiative please IGNORE the risk tolerance activities on tab 3.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    A common challenge for security leaders is expressing their initiatives in terms that are meaningful to business executives. This exercise helps make explicit the link between what the business cares about and what security is trying to do.

    Conduct a comprehensive security operations maturity assessment

    The following slides will walk you through the process below.

    Define your current and target state

    Self-assess your current security operations capabilities and determine your intended state.

    Create your gap initiatives

    Determine the operational processes that must be completed in order to achieve the target state.

    Prioritize your initiatives

    Define your prioritization criteria (cost, effort, alignment, security benefit) based on your organization

    Build a Gantt chart for your upcoming initiatives
    The final output will be a Gantt to action your prioritized initiatives

    Info-Tech Insight

    Progressive improvements provide the most value to IT and your organization. Leaping from pre-foundation to complete optimization is an ineffective goal. Systematic improvements to your security performance delivers value to your organization, each step along the way.

    Optimize your security operations workflow

    Info-Tech consulted various industry experts and consolidated their optimization advice.

    Dashboards: Centralized visibility, threat analytics, and orchestration enable faster threat detection with fewer resources.

    Adding more controls to a network never increases resiliency. Identify technological overlaps and eliminate unnecessary costs.

    Automation: There is shortfall in human capital in contrast to the required tools and processes. Automate the more trivial processes.

    SOCs with 900 employees are just as efficient as those with 35-40. There is an evident tipping point in marginal value.

    There are no plug-and-play technological solutions – each is accompanied by a growing pain and an affiliated human capital cost.

    Planning: Narrow the scope of operations to focus on protecting assets of value.

    Cross-train employees throughout different silos. Enable them to wear multiple hats.

    Practice: None of the processes happen in a vacuum. Make the most of tabletop exercises and other training exercises.

    Define appropriate use cases and explicitly state threat escalation protocol. Focus on automating the tier-1 analyst role.

    Self-assess your current-state capabilities and determine the appropriate target state

    1. Review:
    The heading in blue is the security domain, light blue is the subdomain and white is the specific control.
    2. Determine and Record:
    Ask participants to identify your organization’s current maturity level for each control. Next, determine a target maturity level that meets the requirements of the area (requirements should reflect the goals and obligations defined earlier).
    In small groups, have participants answer “what is required to achieve the target state?” Not all current/target state gaps will require additional description, explanation, or an associated imitative. You can generate one initiative that may apply to multiple line items.

    Screenshot of a table for assessing the current and target states of capabilities.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    When customizing your gap initiatives consider your organizational requirements and scope while remaining realistic. Below is an example of lofty vs. realistic initiatives:
    Lofty: Perform thorough, manual security analysis. Realistic: Leverage our SIEM platform to perform more automated security analysis through the use of log information.

    Consolidate related gap initiatives to simplify and streamline your roadmap

    Identify areas of commonality between gap initiative in order to effectively and efficiently implement your new initiatives.

    1. After reviewing and documenting initiatives for each security control, begin sorting controls by commonality, where resources can be shared, or similar end goals and actions. Begin by copying all initiatives from tab 2. Current State Assessment into tab 5. Initiative List of the Security Operations Maturity Assessment Tool and then consolidating them.
    2. Initiatives Consolidated Initiatives
      Document data classification and handling in AUP —› Document data classification and handling in AUP Keep urgent or exceptional initiatives separate so they can be addressed appropriately.
      Document removable media in AUP —› Define and document an Acceptable Use Policy Other similar or related initiatives can be consolidated into one item.
      Document BYOD and mobile devices in AUP —›
      Document company assets in Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) —›

    3. Review grouped initiatives and identify specific initiatives should be broken out and defined separately.
    4. Record your consolidated gap initiatives in the Security Operations Maturity Assessment Tool, tab 6. Initiative Prioritization.

    Understand your organizational maturity gap

    After inputting your current and target scores and defining your gap initiatives in tab 2, review tab 3. Current Maturity and tab 4. Maturity Gap in Info-Tech’s Security Operations Maturity Assessment Tool.

    Automatically built charts and tables provide a clear visualization of your current maturity.

    Presenting these figures to stakeholders and management can help visually draw attention to high-priority areas and contextualize the gap initiatives for which you will be seeking support.

    Screenshot of tabs 3 and 4 from Info-Tech's Security Operations Maturity Assessment Tool. Bar charts titled 'Planning and Direction', 'Vulnerability Management', 'Threat Intelligence', and 'Security Maturity Level Gap Analysis'.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Communicate the value of future security projects to stakeholders by copying relevant charts and tables into an executive stakeholder communication presentation (ask an Info-Tech representative for further information).

    Define cost, effort, alignment, and security benefit

    Define low, medium, and high resource allocation, and other variables for your gap initiatives in the Concept of Operations Maturity Assessment Tool. These variables include:
    1. Define initial cost. One-time, upfront capital investments. The low cut-off would be a project that can be approved with little to no oversight. Whereas the high cut-off would be a project that requires a major approval or a formal capital investment request. Initial cost covers items such as appliance cost, installation, project based consulting fees, etc.
    2. Define ongoing cost. This includes any annually recurring operating expenses that are new budgetary costs, e.g. licensing or rental costs. Do not account for FTE employee costs. Generally speaking you can take 20-25% of initial cost as ongoing cost for maintenance and service.
    3. Define initial staffing in hours. This is total time in hours required to complete a project. Note: It is not total elapsed time, but dedicated time. Consider time required to research, document, implement, review, set up, fine tune, etc. Consider all staff hours required (2 staff at 8 hours means 16 hours total).
    4. Define ongoing staffing in hours. This is the ongoing average hours per week required to support that initiative. This covers all operations, maintenance, review, and support for the initiative. Some initiatives will have a week time commitment (e.g. perform a vulnerability scan using our tool once a week) versus others that may have monthly, quarterly, or annual time commitments that need to averaged out per week (e.g. perform annual security review requiring 0.4 hours/week (20 hours total based on 50 working weeks per year).
    Table relating the four definitions on the left, 'Initial Cost', 'Ongoing Cost (annual)', 'Initial Staffing in Hours', and 'Ongoing Staffing in Hours/Week'. Each row header is a definition and has four sub-rows 'High', 'Medium', 'Low', and 'Zero'.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    When considering these parameters, aim to use already existing resource allocations.

    For example, if there is a dollar value that would require you to seek approval for an expense, this might be the difference between a medium and a high cost category.

    Define cost, effort, alignment, and security benefit

    1. Define Alignment with Business. This variable is meant to capture how well the gap initiative aligns with organizational goals and objectives. For example, something with high alignment usually can be tied to a specific organization initiative and will receive senior management support. You can either:
      • Set low, medium, and high based on levels of support the organization will provide (e.g. High – senior management support, Medium – VP/business unit head support, IT support only)
      • Attribute specific corporate goals or initiatives to the gap initiative (e.g. High – directly supports a customer requirement/key contract requirement; Medium – indirectly support customer requirement/key contract OR enables remote workforce; Low – security best practice).
    2. Define Security Benefit. This variable is meant to capture the relative security benefit or risk reduction being provided by the gap initiative. This can be represented through a variety of factors, such as:
      • Reduces compliance or regulatory risk by meeting a control requirement
      • Reduces availability and operational risk
      • Implements a non-existent control
      • Secures high-criticality data
      • Secures at-risk end users
    Table relating the two definitions on the left, 'Alignment with Business', and 'Security Benefit'. Each row header is a definition and has three sub-rows 'High', 'Medium', and 'Low'.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Make sure you consider the value of AND/OR. For either alignment with business or security benefit, the use of AND/OR can become useful thresholds to rank similar importance but different value initiatives.

    Example: with alignment with business, an initiative can indirectly support a key compliance requirement OR meet a key corporate goal.

    Info-Tech Insight

    You cannot do everything – and you probably wouldn’t want to. Make educated decisions about which projects are most important and why.

    Apply your variable criteria to your initiatives

    Identify easy-win tasks and high-value projects worth fighting for.
    Categorize the Initiative
    Select the gap initiative type from the down list. Each category (Must, Should, Could, and Won’t) is considered to be an “execution wave.” There is also a specific order of operations within each wave. Based on dependencies and order of importance, you will execute on some “must-do” items before others.
    Assign Criteria
    For each gap initiative, evaluate it based on your previously defined parameters for each variable.
    • Cost – initial and ongoing
    • Staffing – initial and ongoing
    • Alignment with business
    • Security benefit
    Overall Cost/Effort Rating
    An automatically generated score between 0 and 12. The higher the score attached to the initiative, the more effort required. The must-do, low-scoring items are quick wins and must be prioritized first.
    Screenshot of a table from Info-Tech's Concept of Operations Maturity Assessment Tool with all of the previous table row headers as column headers.

    A financial services organization defined its target security state and created an execution plan

    Industry: Financial Services | Source: Info-Tech Research Group
    Framework Components
    Security Domains & Accompanied Initiatives
    (A portion of completed domains and initiatives)
    CSC began by creating over 100 gap initiatives across Info-Tech’s seven security domains.
    Current-State Assessment Context & Leadership Compliance, Audit & Review Security Prevention
    Gap Initiatives Created 12
    Gap Initiative Prioritization
    Planned Initiative(s)* Initial Cost Ongoing Cost Initial Staffing Ongoing Staffing
    Document Charter Low - ‹$5K Low - ‹$1K Low - ‹1d Low - ‹2 Hour
    Document RACI Low - ‹$5K Low - ‹$1K Low - ‹1d Low - ‹2 Hour
    Expand IR processes Medium - $5K-$50K Low - ‹$1K High - ›2w Low - ‹2 Hour
    Investigate Threat Intel Low - ‹$5K Low - ‹$1K Medium - 1-10d Low - ‹2 Hour
    CSC’s defined low, medium, and high for cost and staffing are specific to the organization.

    CSC then consolidated its initiatives to create less than 60 concise tasks.

    *Initiatives and variables have been changed or modified to maintain anonymity

    Review your prioritized security roadmap

    Review the final Gantt chart to review the expected start and end dates for your security initiatives as part of your roadmap.

    In the Gantt chart, go through each wave in sequence and determine the planned start date and planned duration for each gap initiative. As you populate the planned start dates, take into consideration the resource constraints or dependencies for each project. Go back and revise the granular execution wave to resolve any conflicts you find.

    Screenshot of a 'Gantt Chart for Initiatives', a table with planned and actual start times and durations for each initiative, and beside it a roadmap with the dates from the Gantt chart plugged in.
    Review considerations
    • Does this roadmap make sense for our organization?
    • Do we focus too much on one quarter over others?
    • Will the business be going through any significant changes during the upcoming years that will directly impact this project?
    This is a living management document
    • You can use the same process on a per-case basis to decide where this new project falls in the priority list, and then add it to your Gantt chart.
    • As you make progress, check items off of the list, and periodically use this chart to retroactively update your progress towards achieving your overall target state.

    Consult an Info-Tech Analyst

    To accelerate this project, engage your IT team in an Info-Tech workshop with an Info-Tech analyst team.
    Onsite workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to successfully complete your project.
    Photo of TJ Minichillo, Senior Director – Security, Risk & Compliance, Info-Tech Research Group. TJ Minichillo
    Senior Director – Security, Risk & Compliance
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Edward Gray, Consulting Analyst – Security, Risk & Compliance, Info-Tech Research Group. Edward Gray
    Consulting Analyst – Security, Risk & Compliance
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Photo of Celine Gravelines, Research Manager – Security, Risk & Compliance, Info-Tech Research Group. Celine Gravelines
    Research Manager – Security, Risk & Compliance
    Info-Tech Research Group
    If you are not communicating, then you are not secure.

    Call 1-888-670-8889 or email for more information.

    Are you ready to move on to the next phase?

    Self-Assessment Questions

    • Have you identified your organization’s corporate goals along with your obligations?
    • Have you defined the scope and boundaries of your security program?
    • Have you determined your organization’s risk tolerance level?
    • Have you considered threat types your organization may face?
    • Are the above answers documented in the Security Requirements Gathering Tool?
    • Have you defined your maturity for both your current and target state?
    • Do you have clearly defined initiatives that would bridge the gap between your current and target state?
    • Are each of the initiatives independent, specific, and relevant to the associated control?
    • Have you indicated any dependencies between your initiatives?
    • Have you consolidated your gap initiatives?
    • Have you defined the parameters for each of the prioritization variables (cost, effort, alignment, and security benefit)?
    • Have you applied prioritization parameters to each consolidated initiative?
    • Have you recorded your final prioritized roadmap in the Gantt chart tab?
    • Have you reviewed your final Gantt chart to ensure it aligns to your security requirements?

    If you answered “yes” to the questions, then you are ready to move on to Phase 3: Define Operational Interdependencies

    Develop a Security Operations Strategy

    PHASE 3

    Define Operational Interdependencies


    Assess Operational Requirements


    Develop Maturity Initiatives


    Define Interdependencies

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    • Understand the current security operations process flow.
    • Define the security operations stakeholders and their respective deliverables.
    • Formalize an internal information sharing and collaboration plan.

    Outcomes of this step

    • A formalized security operations interaction agreement.
    • A security operations service and product catalog.
    • A structured operations collection plan.

    Info-Tech Insight

    If you are not communicating, you are not secure. Collaboration eliminates siloed decisions by connecting people, processes, and technologies. You leave less room for error, consume fewer resources, and improve operational efficiency with a transparent security operations process.

    Tie everything together with collaboration

    If you are not communicating, you are not secure. Collaboration eliminates siloed decisions by connecting people, processes, and technologies. You leave less room for error, consume fewer resources, and improve operational efficiency with a transparent security operations process.

    Define Strategic Needs and Requirements Participate in Information Sharing Communicate Clearly
    • Establish a channel to communicate management needs and requirements and define important workflow activities. Focus on operationalizing those components.
    • Establish a feedback loop to ensure your actions satisfied management’s criteria.
    • Consolidate critical security data within a centralized portal that is accessible throughout the threat collaboration environment, reducing the human capital resources required to manage that data.
    • Participate in external information sharing groups such as ISACs. Intelligence collaboration allows organizations to band together to decrease risk and protect one another from threat actors.
    • Disseminate relevant information in clear and succinct alerts, reports, or briefings.
    • Security operations analysts must be able to translate important technical security issues and provide in-depth strategic insights.
    • Define your audience before presenting information; various stakeholders will interpret information differently. You must present it in a format that appeals to their interests.
    • Be transparent in your communications. Holding back information will only serve to alienate groups and hinder critical business decisions.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Simple collaborative activities, such as a biweekly meeting, can unite prevention, detection, analysis, and response teams to help prevent siloed decision making.

    Understand the security operations process flow

    Process standardization and automation is critical to the effectiveness of security operations.

    Process flow for security operations with column headers 'Monitoring', 'Preliminary Analysis (Tier 1)', 'Triage', 'Investigation & Analysis (Tier 2)', 'Response', and 'Advanced Threat Detection (Tier 3)'. All processes begin with elements in the 'Monitoring' column and end up at 'Visualization & Dashboarding'.

    Document your security operations’ capabilities and tasks

    Table of capabilities and tasks for security operations.
    Document your security operations’ functional capabilities and operational tasks to satisfy each capability. What resources will you leverage to complete the specific task/capability? Identify your internal and external collection sources to satisfy the individual requirement. Identify the affiliated product, service, or output generated from the task/capability. Determine your escalation protocol. Who are the stakeholders you will be sharing this information with?

    The major responsibilities of a specific function. These are the high-level processes that are expected to be completed by the affiliated employees and/or stakeholders.


    The specific and granular tasks that need to be completed in order to satisfy a portion of or the entire capability.

    Download Info-Tech’s Security Operations RACI Chart & Program Plan.

    Convert your results into actionable process flowcharts

    Map each functional task or capability into a visual process-flow diagram.

    • The title should reflect the respective capability and product output.
    • List all involved stakeholders (inputs and threat escalation protocol) along the left side.
    • Ensure all relevant security control inputs are documented within the body of the process-flow diagram.
    • Map out the respective processes in order to achieve the desired outcome.
    • Segment each process within its own icon and tie that back to the respective input.
    Example of a process flow made with sticky notes.

    Title: Output #1 Example of a process flow diagram with columns 'Stakeholders', 'Input Processes', 'Output Processes', and 'Threat Escalation Protocol'. Processes are mapped by which stakeholder and column they fall to.

    Download Info-Tech’s Security Operations RACI Chart & Program Plan.

    Formalize the opportunities for collaboration within your security operations program

    Security Operations Collaboration Plan

    Security operations provides a single pane of glass through which the threat collaboration environment can manage its operations.

    How to customize

    The security operations interaction agreement identifies opportunities for optimization through collaboration and cross-training. The document is composed of several components:

    • Security operations program scope and objectives
    • Operational capabilities and outputs on a per function basis
    • A needs and requirements collection plan
    • Escalation protocol and respective information-sharing guidance (i.e. a detailed cadence schedule)
    • A security operations RACI chart
    Sample of Info-Tech's Security Operations Collaboration Plan.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Understand the operational cut-off points. While collaboration is encouraged, understand when the onus shifts to the rest of the threat collaboration environment.

    Assign responsibilities for the threat management process

    Security Operations RACI Chart & Program Plan

    Formally documenting roles and responsibilities helps to hold those accountable and creates awareness as to everyone’s involvement in various tasks.

    How to customize
    • Customize the header fields with applicable stakeholders.
    • Identify stakeholders that are:
      • Responsible: The person(s) who does the work to accomplish the activity; they have been tasked with completing the activity and/or getting a decision made.
      • Accountable: The person(s) who is accountable for the completion of the activity. Ideally, this is a single person and is often an executive or program sponsor.
      • Consulted: The person(s) who provides information. This is usually several people, typically called subject matter experts (SMEs).
      • Informed: The person(s) who is updated on progress. These are resources that are affected by the outcome of the activities and need to be kept up to date.
    Sample of Info-Tech's Security Operations Collaboration Plan.

    Download Info-Tech’s Security Operations RACI Chart & Program Plan.

    Identify security operations consumers and their respective needs and requirements

    Ensure your security operations program is constantly working toward satisfying a consumer need or requirement.

    Internal Consumers External Consumers
    • Business Executives & Management (CIO, CISO, COO):
      • Inform business decisions regarding threats and their association with future financial risk, reputational risk, and continuity of operations.
    • Human Resources:
      • Security operations must directly work with HR to enforce tight device controls, develop processes, and set expectations.
    • Legal:
      • Security operations is responsible to notify the legal department of data breaches and the appropriate course of action.
    • Audit and Compliance:
      • Work with the auditing department to define additional audits or controls that must be measured.
    • Public Relations/Marketing Employees:
      • Employees must be educated on prevalent threats and how to avoid or mitigate them.

    Note: Your organization might not be the final target, but it could be a primary path for attackers. If you exist as a third-party partner to another organization, your responsibility in your technology ecosystem extends beyond your own product or service offerings.

    • Third-Party Contractors:
      • Identify relevant threats across industries – security operations is responsible for protecting more than just itself.
    • Commercial Vendors:
      • Identify commercial vendors of control failures and opportunities for operational improvement.
    • Suppliers:
      • Provide or maintain a certain level of security delivery.
      • Meet the same level of security that is expected of business units.
    • All End Users:
      • Be notified of any data breaches and potential violations of privacy.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    “In order to support a healthy constituency, network operations and security operations should be viewed as equal partners, rather than one subordinate to the other.” (Mitre world-class CISO)

    Define the stakeholders, their respective outputs, and the underlying need

    Security Operations Program Service & Product Catalog

    Create an informal security operations program service and product catalog. Work your way backwards – map each deliverable to the respective stakeholders and functions.

    Action/Output Arrow pointing right. Frequency Arrow pointing right. Stakeholders/Function
    Document the key services and outputs produced by the security operations program. For example:
    • Real-time monitoring
    • Event analysis and incident coordination
    • Malware analysis
    • External information sharing
    • Published alerts, reports, and briefings
    • Metrics
    Define the frequency for which each deliverable or service is produced or conducted. Leverage this activity to establish a state of accountability within your threat collaboration environment. Identify the stakeholders or groups affiliated with each output. Remember to include potential MSSPs.
    • Vulnerability Management
    • Threat Intelligence
    • Tier 1, 2, and 3 Analysts
    • Incident Response
    • MSSP
    • Network Operations
    Remember to include any target-state outputs or services identified in the maturity assessment. Use this exercise as an opportunity to organize your security operations outputs and services.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Develop a central web/knowledge portal that is easily accessible throughout the threat collaboration environment.

    Internal information sharing helps to focus operational efforts

    Organizations must share information internally and through secure external information sharing and analysis centers (ISACs).

    Ensure information is shared in a format that relates to the particular end user. Internal consumers fall into two categories:

    • Strategic Users — Intelligence enables strategic stakeholders to better understand security trends, minimize risk, and make more educated and informed decisions. The strategic intelligence user often lacks technical security knowledge; bridge the communication gap between security and non-technical decision makers by clearly communicating the underlying value and benefits.
    • Operational Users — Operational users integrate information and indicators directly into their daily operations and as a result have more in-depth knowledge of the technical terms. Reports help to identify escalated alerts that are part of a bigger campaign, provide attribution and context to attacks, identify systems that have been compromised, block malicious URLs or malware signatures in firewalls, IDPS systems, and other gateway products, identify patches, reduce the number of incidents, etc.
    Collaboration includes the exchange of:
    • Contextualized threat indicators, threat actors, TTPs, and campaigns.
    • Attribution of the attack, motives of the attacker, victim profiles, and frequent exploits.
    • Defensive and mitigation strategies.
    • Best-practice incident response procedures.
    • Technical tools to help normalize threat intelligence formats or decode malicious network traffic.
    Collaboration can be achieved through:
    • Manual unstructured exchanges such as alerts, reports, briefings, knowledge portals, or emails.
    • Automated centralized platforms that allow users to privately upload, aggregate, and vet threat intelligence. Current players include commercial, government, and open-source information-sharing and analysis centers.
    Isolation prevents businesses from learning from each others’ mistakes and/or successes.

    Define the routine of your security operations program in a detailed cadence schedule

    Security Operations Program Cadence Schedule Template

    Design your meetings around your security operations program’s outputs and capabilities

    How to customize

    Don’t operate in a silo. Formalize a cadence schedule to develop a state of accountability, share information across the organization, and discuss relevant trends. A detailed cadence schedule should include the following:

    • Activity, output, or topic being discussed.
    • Participants and stakeholders involved.
    • Value and purpose of meeting.
    • Duration and frequency of each meeting.
    • Investment per participant per meeting.
    Sample of Info-Tech's Security Operations Program Cadence Schedule Template.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Schedule regular meetings composed of key members from different working groups to discuss concerns, share goals, and communicate operational processes pertaining to their specific roles.

    Apply a strategic lens to your security operations program

    Frame the importance of optimizing the security operations program to align with that of the decision makers’ overarching strategy.

    1. Bridge the communication gap between security and non-technical decision makers. Communicate concisely in business-friendly terms.
    2. Quantify the ROI for the given project.
    3. Educate stakeholders – if stakeholders do not understand what a security operations program encompasses, it will be hard for them to champion the initiative.
    4. Communicate the implications, value, and benefits of a security operations program.
    5. Frame the opportunity as a competitive advantage, e.g. proactive security measures as a client acquisition strategy.
    6. Address the increasing prevalence of threat actors. Use objective data to demonstrate the impact, e.g. through case studies, recent media headlines, or statistics.

    Defensive Strategy diagram with columns 'Adversaries', 'Defenses', 'Assets', and priority level.
    (Source: iSIGHT, “ Definitive Guide to Threat Intelligence”)

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Refrain from using scare tactics such as fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD). While this may be a short-term solution, it limits the longevity of your operations as senior management is not truly invested in the initiative.

    Example: Align your strategic needs with that of management.

    Identify assets of value, current weak security measures, and potential adversaries. Demonstrate how an optimized security operations program can mitigate those threats.

    Develop a comprehensive measurement program to evaluate the effectiveness of your security operations

    There are three types of metrics pertaining to security operations:

    1) Operations-focused

    Operations-focused metrics are typically communicated through a centralized visualization such as a dashboard. These metrics guide operational efforts, identifying operational and control weak points while ensuring the appropriate actions are taken to fix them.

    Examples include, but are not limited to:

    • Ticketing metrics (e.g. average ticket resolution rate, ticketing status, number of tickets per queue/analyst).
    • False positive percentage per control.
    • Incident response metrics (e.g. mean time to recovery).
    • CVSS scores per vulnerability.

    2) Business-focused

    The evaluation of operational success from a business perspective.

    Example metrics include:

    • Return on investment.
    • Total cost of ownership (can be segregated by function: prevent, detect, analyze, and respond).
    • Saved costs from mitigated breaches.
    • Security operations budget as a percentage of the IT budget.

    3) Initiative-focused

    The measurement of security operations project progress. These are frequently represented as time, resource, or cost-based metrics.

    Note: Remember to measure end-user feedback. Asking stakeholders about their current expectations via a formal survey is the most effective way to kick-start the continuous improvement process.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Operational metrics have limited value beyond security operations – when communicating to management, focus on metrics that are actionable from a business perspective.

    Download Info-Tech’s Security Operations Metrics Summary Document.Sample of Info-Tech's Security Operations Metrics Summary Document.

    Identify the triggers for continual improvement

    Continual Improvement

    • Audits: Check for performance requirements in order to pass major audits.
    • Assessments: Variances in efficiency or effectiveness of metrics when compared to the industry standard.
    • Process maturity: Opportunity to increase efficiency of services and processes.
    • Management reviews: Routine reviews that reveal gaps.
    • Technology advances: For example, new security architecture/controls have been released.
    • Regulations: Compliance to new or changed regulations.
    • New staff or technology: Disruptive technology or new skills that allow for improvement.

    Conduct tabletop exercises with Info-Tech’s onsite workshop

    Assess your security operations capabilities

    Leverage Info-Tech’s Security Operations Tabletop Exercise to guide simulations to validate your operational procedures.

    How to customize
    • Use the templates to document actions and actors.
    • For each new injection, spend three minutes discussing the response as a group. Then spend two minutes documenting each role’s contribution to the response. After the time limit, proceed to the following injection scenario.
    • Review the responses only after completing the entire exercise.
    Sample of Info-Tech's Security Operations Tabletop Exercise.

    This tabletop exercise is available through an onsite workshop as we can help establish and design a tabletop capability for your organization.

    Are you ready to implement your security operations program?

    Self-Assessment Questions

    • Is there a formalized security operations collaboration plan?
    • Are all key stakeholders documented and acknowledged?
    • Have you defined your strategic needs and requirements in a formalized collection plan?
    • Is there an established channel for management to communicate needs and requirements to the security operation leaders?
    • Are all program outputs documented and communicated?
    • Is there an accessible, centralized portal or dashboard that actively aggregates and communicates key information?
    • Is there a formalized threat escalation protocol in order to facilitate both internal and external information sharing?
    • Does your organization actively participate in external information sharing through the use of ISACs?
    • Does your organization actively produce reports, alerts, products, etc. that feed into and influence the output of other functions’ operations?
    • Have you assigned program responsibilities in a detailed RACI chart?
    • Is there a structured cadence schedule for key stakeholders to actively communicate and share information?
    • Have you developed a structured measurement program on a per function basis?
    • Now that you have constructed your ideal security operations program strategy, revisit the question “Are you answering all of your objectives?”

    If you answered “yes” to the questions, then you are ready to implement your security operations program.



    1. Security operations is no longer a center, but a process. The need for a physical security hub has evolved into the virtual fusion of prevention, detection, analysis, and response efforts. When all four functions operate as a unified process, your organization will be able to proactively combat changes in the threat landscape.
    2. Functional threat intelligence is a prerequisite for effective security operations – without it, security operations will be inefficient and redundant. Eliminate false positives by contextualizing threat data, aligning intelligence with business objectives, and building processes to satisfy those objectives
    3. If you are not communicating, then you are not secure. Collaboration eliminates siloed decisions by connecting people, processes, and technologies. You leave less room for error, consume fewer resources, and improve operational efficiency with a transparent security operations process.

    Best Practices

    • Have a structured plan of attack. Define your unique threat landscape, as well as business, regulatory, and consumer obligations.
    • Foster both internal and external collaboration.
    • Understand the operational cut-off points. While collaboration is encouraged, understand when the onus shifts to the rest of the threat collaboration environment.
    • Do not bite off more than you can chew. Identify current people, processes, and technologies that satisfy immediate problems and enable future expansion.
    • Leverage threat intelligence to create a predictive and proactive security operations analysis process.
    • Formalize escalation procedures with logic and incident management flow.
    • Don’t develop a security operations program with the objective of zero incidents. This reliance on prevention results in over-engineered security solutions that cost more than the assets being protected.
    • Ensure that information flows freely throughout the threat collaboration environment – each function should serve to feed and enhance the next.
    • Develop a central web/knowledge portal that is easily accessible throughout the threat collaboration environment
    Protect your organization with an interdependent and collaborative security operations program.


    “2016 State of Cybersecurity in Small & Medium-Sized Businesses (SMB).” Ponemon Institute, June 2016. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.

    Ahmad, Shakeel et al. “10 Tips to Improve Your Security Incident Readiness and Response.” RSA, n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2016.

    Anderson, Brandie. “ Building, Maturing & Rocking a Security Operations Center.” Hewlett Packard, n.d. Web. 4 Nov. 2016.

    Barnum, Sean. “Standardizing cyber threat intelligence information with the structured threat information expression.” STIX, n.d. Web. 03 Oct. 2016.

    Bidou, Renaud. “Security Operation Center Concepts & Implementation.” IV2-Technologies, n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2016.

    Bradley, Susan. “Cyber threat intelligence summit.” SANS Institute InfoSec Reading Room, n.d. Web. 03 Oct. 2016.

    “Building a Security Operations Center.” DEF CON Communications, Inc., 2015. Web. 14 Nov. 2016.

    “Building a Successful Security Operations Center.” ArcSight, 2015. Web. 21 Nov. 2016.

    “Building an Intelligence-Driven Security Operations Center.” RSA, June 2014. Web. 25 Nov. 2016.

    Caltagirone, Sergio, Andrew Pendergast, and Christopher Betz. “Diamond Model of Intrusion Analysis,” Center for Cyber Threat Intelligence and Threat Research, 5 July 2013. Web. 25 Aug. 2016.

    “Cisco 2017 Annual Cybersecurity Report: Chief Security Officers Reveal True Cost of Breaches and the Actions Organizations Are Taking.” The Network. Cisco, 31 Jan. 2017. Web. 11 Nov. 2017.

    “CITP Training and Education.” Carnegie Mellon University, 2015. Web. 03 Oct. 2016.

    “Creating and Maintaining a SOC.” Intel Security, n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2016.

    “Cyber Defense.” Mandiant, 2015. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.

    “Cyber Security Operations Center (CSOC).” Northrop Grumman, 2014. Web. 14 Nov. 2016.

    Danyliw, Roman. “Observations of Successful Cyber Security Operations.” Carnegie Mellon, 12 Dec. 2016. Web. 14 Dec. 2016.

    “Designing and Building Security Operations Center.” SearchSecurity. TechTarget, Mar. 2016. Web. 14 Dec. 2016.

    EY. “Managed SOC.” EY, 2015. Web. 14 Nov. 2016.

    Fishbach, Nicholas. “How to Build and Run a Security Operations Center.”, n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2016.

    “Framework for improving critical infrastructure cybersecurity.” National Institute of Standards and Technology, 12 Feb. 2014. Web.

    Friedman, John, and Mark Bouchard. “Definitive Guide to Cyber Threat Intelligence.” iSIGHT, 2015. Web. 1 June 2015.

    Goldfarb, Joshua. “The Security Operations Hierarchy of Needs.”, 10 Sept. 2015. Web. 14 Dec. 2016.

    “How Collaboration Can Optimize Security Operations.” Intel, n.d. Web. 2 Nov. 2016.

    Hslatman. “Awesome threat intelligence.” GitHub, 16 Aug. 2016. Web. 03 Oct. 2016.

    “Implementation Framework – Collection Management.” Carnegie Mellon University, 2015. Web.

    “Implementation Framework – Cyber Threat Prioritization.” Carnegie Mellon University, 03 Oct. 2016. Web. 03 Oct. 2016.

    “Intelligent Security Operations Center.” IBM, 25 Feb. 2015. Web. 15 Nov. 2016.

    Joshi Follow , Abhishek. “Best Practices for Security Operations Center.” LinkedIn, 01 Nov. 2015. Web. 14 Nov. 2016.

    Joshi. “Best Practices for a Security Operations Center.” Cybrary, 18 Sept. 2015. Web. 14 Dec. 2016.

    Kelley, Diana and Ron Moritz. “Best Practices for Building a Security Operations Center.” Information Security Today, 2006. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.

    Killcrece, Georgia, Klaus-Peter Kossakowski, Robin Ruefle, and Mark Zajicek. ”Organizational Models for Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs).” Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, Dec. 2003. Carnegie Mellon. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.

    Kindervag , John. “SOC 2.0: Three Key Steps toward the Next-generation Security Operations Center.” SearchSecurity. TechTarget, Dec. 2010. Web. 14 Dec. 2016.

    Kvochko, Elena. “Designing the Next Generation Cyber Security Operations Center.” Forbes Magazine, 14 Mar. 2016. Web. 14 Dec. 2016.

    Lambert, P. “ Security Operations Center: Not Just for Huge Enterprises.” TechRepublic, 31 Jan. 2013. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.

    Lecky, M. and D. Millier. “Re-Thinking Security Operations.” SecTor Security Education Conference. Toronto, 2014.

    Lee, Michael. “Three Elements That Every Advanced Security Operations Center Needs.” CSO | The Resource for Data Security Executives, n.d. Web. 16 Nov. 2016.

    Linch, David and Jason Bergstrom. “Building a Culture of Continuous Improvement in an Age of Disruption.” Deloitte LLP, 2014.

    Lynch, Steve. “Security Operations Center.” InfoSec Institute, 14 May 2015. Web. 14 Dec. 2016.

    Macgregor, Rob. “Diamonds or chains – cyber security updates.” PwC, n.d. Web. 03 Oct. 2016.

    “Make Your Security Operations Center (SOC) More Efficient.” Making Your Data Center Energy Efficient (2011): 213-48. Intel Security. Web. 20 Nov. 2016.

    Makryllos, Gordon. “The Six Pillars of Security Operations.” CSO | The Resource for Data Security Executives, n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2016.

    Marchany, R. “ Building a Security Operations Center.” Virginia Tech, 2015. Web. 8 Nov. 2016.

    Marty, Raffael. “Dashboards in the Security Operations Center (SOC).” Security Bloggers Network, 15 Jan. 2016. Web. 14 Nov. 2016.

    Minu, Adolphus. “Discovering the Value of Knowledge Portal.” IBM, n.d. Web. 1 Nov. 2016.

    Muniz, J., G. McIntyre, and N. AlFardan. “Introduction to Security Operations and the SOC.” Security Operations Center: Building, Operating, and Maintaining your SOC. Cisco Press, 29 Oct. 2015. Web. 14 Nov. 2016.

    Muniz, Joseph and Gary McIntyre. “ Security Operations Center.” Cisco, Nov. 2015. Web. 14 Nov. 2016.

    Muniz, Joseph. “5 Steps to Building and Operating an Effective Security Operations Center (SOC).” Cisco, 15 Dec. 2015. Web. 14 Dec. 2016.

    Nathans, David. Designing and Building a Security Operations Center. Syngress, 2015. Print.

    National Institute of Standards and Technology. “SP 800-61 Revision 2: Computer Security Incident Handling Guide.” 2012. Web.

    National Institute of Standards and Technology. “SP 800-83 Revision 1.” 2013. Web.

    National Institute of Standards and Technology. “SP 800-86: Guide to Integrating Forensic Techniques into Incident Response.” 2006. Web.

    F5 Networks. “F5 Security Operations Center.” F5 Networks, 2014. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.

    “Next Generation Security Operations Center.” DTS Solution, n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2016.

    “Optimizing Security Operations.” Intel, 2015. Web. 4 Nov. 2016.

    Paganini, Pierluigi. “What Is a SOC ( Security Operations Center)?” Security Affairs, 24 May 2016. Web. 14 Dec. 2016.

    Ponemon Institute LLC. “Cyber Security Incident Response: Are we as prepared as we think?” Ponemon, 2014. Web.

    Ponemon Institute LLC. “The Importance of Cyber Threat Intelligence to a Strong Security Posture.” Ponemon, Mar. 2015. Web. 17 Aug. 2016.

    Poputa-Clean, Paul. “Automated defense – using threat intelligence to augment.” SANS Institute InfoSec Reading Room, 15 Jan. 2015. Web.

    Quintagroup. “Knowledge Management Portal Solution.” Quintagroup, n.d. Web.

    Rasche, G. “Guidelines for Planning an Integrated Security Operations Center.” EPRI, Dec. 2013. Web. 25 Nov. 2016.

    Rehman, R. “What It Really Takes to Stand up a SOC.” Rafeeq Rehman – Personal Blog, 27 Aug. 2015. Web. 14 Dec. 2016.

    Rothke, Ben. “Designing and Building Security Operations Center.” RSA Conference, 2015. Web. 14 Nov. 2016.

    Ruks, Martyn and David Chismon. “Threat Intelligence: Collecting, Analysing, Evaluating.” MWR Infosecurity, 2015. Web. 24 Aug. 2016.

    Sadamatsu, Takayoshi. “Practice within Fujitsu of Security Operations Center.” Fujitsu, July 2016. Web. 15 Nov. 2016.

    Sanders, Chris. “Three Useful SOC Dashboards.” Chris Sanders, 24 Oct. 2016. Web. 14 Nov. 2016.

    SANS Institute. “Incident Handler's Handbook.” 2011. Web.

    Schilling, Jeff. “5 Pitfalls to Avoid When Running Your SOC.” Dark Reading, 18 Dec. 2014. Web. 14 Nov. 2016.

    Schinagl, Stef, Keith Schoon, and Ronald Paans. “A Framework for Designing a Security Operations Centre (SOC).” 2015 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences., 2015. Web. 20 Nov. 2016.

    “Security – Next Gen SOC or SOF.”, 31 Dec. 2013. Web. 14 Nov. 2016.

    “Security Operations Center Dashboard.” Enterprise Dashboard Digest, n.d. Web. 14 Dec. 2016.

    “Security Operations Center Optimization Services.” AT&T, 2015. Web. 5 Nov. 2016.

    “Security Operations Centers — Helping You Get Ahead of Cybercrime Contents.” EY, 2014. Web. 6 Nov. 2016.

    Sheikh, Shah. “DTS Solution - Building a SOC (Security Operations Center).” LinkedIn, 4 May 2013. Web. 20 Nov. 2016.

    Soto, Carlos. “ Security Operations Center (SOC) 101.” Tom's IT Pro, 28 Oct. 2015. Web. 14 Dec. 2016.

    “Standardizing and Automating Security Operations.” National Institute of Standards and Technology, 3 Sept. 2006. Web.

    “Strategy Considerations for Building a Security Operations Center.” IBM, Dec. 2013. Web. 5 Nov. 2016.

    “Summary of Key Findings.” Carnegie Mellon University, 03 Oct. 2016. Web. 03 Oct. 2016.

    “Sustainable Security Operations.” Intel, 2016. Web. 20 Nov. 2016.

    “The Cost of Malware Containment.” Ponemon Institute, Jan. 2015. Web.

    “The Game Plan for Closing the SecOps Gap.” BMC. Forbes Magazine, Jan. 2016. Web. 10 Jan. 2017.

    Veerappa Srinivas, Babu. “Security Operations Centre (SOC) in a Utility Organization.” GIAC, 17 Sept. 2014. Web. 5 Nov. 2016.

    Wang, John. “Anatomy of a Security Operations Center.” NASA, 2015. Web. 2 Nov. 2016.

    Weiss, Errol. “Statement for the Record.” House Financial Services Committee, 1 June 2012. Web. 12 Nov. 2016.

    Wilson, Tim. “SOC 2.0: A Crystal-Ball Glimpse of the Next-Generation Security Operations Center.” Dark Reading, 22 Nov. 2010. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.

    Zimmerman, Carson. “Ten Strategies of a World-Class Cybersecurity Operations Center.” Mitre, 2014. Web. 24 Aug. 2016.

    Maximize Value From Your Value-Added Reseller (VAR)

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    • member rating average dollars saved: After each Info-Tech experience, we ask our members to quantify the real-time savings, monetary impact, and project improvements our research helped them achieve.
    • member rating average days saved: Read what our members are saying
    • Parent Category Name: Vendor Management
    • Parent Category Link: /vendor-management

    Organizations need to understand their value-added reseller (VAR) portfolio and the greater VAR landscape to better:

    • Manage the VAR portfolio.
    • Understand additional value each VAR can provide.
    • Maximize existing VAR commitments.
    • Evaluate the VARs’ performance.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    VARs typically charge more for products because they are in some way adding value. If you’re not leveraging any of the provided value, you’re likely wasting money and should use a basic commodity-type reseller for procurement.

    Impact and Result

    This project will provide several benefits to Vendor Management and Procurement:

    • Defined VAR value and performance tracking.
    • Manageable portfolio of VARs that fully benefit the organization.
    • Added training, licensing advice, faster quoting, and invoicing resolution.
    • Reduced deployment and logistics costs.

    Maximize Value From Your Value-Added Reseller (VAR) Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our informative Executive Brief to find out why you should maximize value from your value-added reseller, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the three ways to better manage your VARs improve performance and reduce costs.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Organize and prioritize

    Organize all your VARs and create a manageable portfolio detailing their value, specific, product, services, and certifications.

    • Maximize Value From Your Value-Added Reseller – Phase 1: Organize and Prioritize
    • VAR Listing and Prioritization Tool

    2. “EvaluRate” your VARs

    Create an in-depth evaluation of the VARs’ capabilities.

    • Maximize Value From Your Value-Added Reseller – Phase 2: EvaluRate Your VARs
    • VAR Features Checklist Tool
    • VAR Profile and EvaluRation Tool

    3. Consolidate and reduce

    Assess each VAR for low performance and opportunity to increase value or consolidate to another VAR and reduce redundancy.

    • Maximize Value From Your Value-Added Reseller – Phase 3: Consolidate and Reduce

    4. Maximize their value

    Micro-manage your primary VARs to ensure performance to commitments and maximize their value.

    • Maximize Value From Your Value-Added Reseller – Phase 4: Maximize Their Value
    • VAR Information and Scorecard Workbook

    Configuration management

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    • Download01-Title: Harness the power of Configuration Management Executive Brief
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    • Parent Category Name: Infra and Operations
    • Parent Category Link: /infra-and-operations
    Configuration management is all about being able to manage your assets within the support processes. That means to record what you need. Not less than that, and not more either.

    Asset Management, Configuration Management, Lifecycle Management

    Implement an IT Chargeback System

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}71|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 8.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: After each Info-Tech experience, we ask our members to quantify the real-time savings, monetary impact, and project improvements our research helped them achieve.
    • member rating average days saved: Read what our members are saying
    • Parent Category Name: Cost & Budget Management
    • Parent Category Link: /cost-and-budget-management
    • Business units voraciously consume IT services and don’t understand the actual costs of IT. This is due to lack of IT cost transparency and business stakeholder accountability for consumption of IT services.
    • Business units perceive IT costs as uncompetitive, resulting in shadow IT and a negative perception of IT.
    • Business executives have decided to implement an IT chargeback program and IT must ensure the program succeeds.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    Price IT services so that business consumers find them meaningful, measurable, and manageable:

    • The business must understand what they are being charged for. If they can’t understand the value, you’ve chosen the wrong basis for charge.
    • Business units must be able to control and track their consumption levels, or they will feel powerless to control costs and you’ll never attain real buy-in.

    Impact and Result

    • Explain IT costs in ways that matter to the business. Instead of focusing on what IT pays for, discuss the value that IT brings to the business by defining IT services and how they serve business users.
    • Develop a chargeback model that brings transparency to the flow of IT costs through to business value. Demonstrate how a good chargeback model can bring about fair “pay-for-value” and “pay-for-what-you-use” pricing.
    • Communicate IT chargeback openly and manage change effectively. Business owners will want to know how their profit and loss statements will be affected by the new pricing model.

    Implement an IT Chargeback System Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should implement an IT chargeback program, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Launch

    Make the case for IT chargeback, then assess the financial maturity of the organization and identify a pathway to success. Create a chargeback governance model.

    • Implement IT Chargeback – Phase 1: Launch
    • IT Chargeback Kick-Off Presentation

    2. Define

    Develop a chargeback model, including identifying user-facing IT services, allocating IT costs to services, and setting up the chargeback program.

    • Implement IT Chargeback – Phase 2: Define
    • IT Chargeback Program Development & Management Tool

    3. Implement

    Communicate the rollout of the IT chargeback model and establish a process for recovering IT services costs from business units.

    • Implement IT Chargeback – Phase 3: Implement
    • IT Chargeback Communication Plan
    • IT Chargeback Rollout Presentation
    • IT Chargeback Financial Presentation

    4. Revise

    Gather and analyze feedback from business owners, making necessary modifications to the chargeback model and communicating the implications.

    • Implement IT Chargeback – Phase 4: Revise
    • IT Chargeback Change Communication Template

    Workshop: Implement an IT Chargeback System

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Kick-Off IT Chargeback

    The Purpose

    Make the case for IT chargeback.

    Identify the current and target state of chargeback maturity.

    Establish a chargeback governance model.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Investigated the benefits and challenges of implementing IT chargeback.

    Understanding of the reasons why traditional chargeback approaches fail.

    Identified the specific pathway to chargeback success.


    1.1 Investigate the benefits and challenges of implementing IT chargeback

    1.2 Educate business owners and executives on IT chargeback

    1.3 Identify the current and target state of chargeback maturity

    1.4 Establish chargeback governance


    Defined IT chargeback mandate

    IT chargeback kick-off presentation

    Chargeback maturity assessment

    IT chargeback governance model

    2 Develop the Chargeback Model

    The Purpose

    Develop a chargeback model.

    Identify the customers and user-facing services.

    Allocate IT costs.

    Determine chargeable service units.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Identified IT customers.

    Identified user-facing services and generated descriptions for them.

    Allocated IT costs to IT services.

    Identified meaningful, measurable, and manageable chargeback service units.


    2.1 Identify user-facing services and generate descriptions

    2.2 Allocate costs to user-facing services

    2.3 Determine chargeable service units and pricing

    2.4 Track consumption

    2.5 Determine service charges


    High-level service catalog

    Chargeback model

    3 Communicate IT Chargeback

    The Purpose

    Communicate the implementation of IT chargeback.

    Establish a process for recovering the costs of IT services from business units.

    Share the financial results of the charge cycle with business owners.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Managed the transition to charging and recovering the costs of IT services from business units.

    Communicated the implementation of IT chargeback and shared the financial results with business owners.


    3.1 Create a communication plan

    3.2 Deliver a chargeback rollout presentation

    3.3 Establish a process for recovering IT costs from business units

    3.4 Share the financial results from the charge cycle with business owners


    IT chargeback communication plan

    IT chargeback rollout presentation

    IT service cost recovery process

    IT chargeback financial presentation

    4 Review the Chargeback Model

    The Purpose

    Gather and analyze feedback from business owners on the chargeback model.

    Make necessary modifications to the chargeback model and communicate implications.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Gathered business stakeholder feedback on the chargeback model.

    Made necessary modifications to the chargeback model to increase satisfaction and accuracy.

    Managed changes by communicating the implications to business owners in a structured manner.


    4.1 Address stakeholder pain points and highly disputed costs

    4.2 Update the chargeback model

    4.3 Communicate the chargeback model changes and implications to business units


    Revised chargeback model with business feedback, change log, and modifications

    Chargeback change communication

    Operations management

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    IT Operations is all about effectiveness. We make sure that you deliver reliable services to the clients and users within the company.

    Adopt Generative AI in Solution Delivery

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    • Delivery teams are under continuous pressure to deliver high value and quality solutions with limited capacity in complex business and technical environments. Common challenges experienced by these teams include:
      • Attracting and retaining talent
      • Maximizing the return on technology
      • Confidently shifting to digital
      • Addressing competing priorities
      • Fostering a collaborative culture
      • Creating high-throughput teams
    • Gen AI offers a unique opportunity to address many of these challenges.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Your stakeholders' understanding of Gen AI, its value, and its application can be driven by hype and misinterpretation. This confusion can lead to unrealistic expectations and set the wrong precedent for the role Gen AI is intended to play.
    • Your SDLC is not well documented and is often executed inconsistently. An immature practice will not yield the benefits stakeholders expect.
    • The Gen AI marketplace is broad and diverse. Selecting the appropriate tools and partners is confusing and overwhelming.
    • There is a skills gap for what is needed to configure, adopt, and operate Gen AI.

    Impact and Result

    • Ground your Gen AI expectations. Set realistic and achievable goals centered on driving business value and efficiency across the entire SDLC by enabling Gen AI in key tasks and activities. Propose the SDLC as the ideal pilot for Gen AI.
    • Select the right Gen AI opportunities. Discuss how proven Gen AI capabilities can be applied to your solution delivery practice to achieve the outcomes and priorities stakeholders expect. Lessons learned sow the foundation for future Gen AI scaling.
    • Assess your Gen AI readiness in your solution delivery teams. Clarify the roles, processes, and tools needed for the implementation, use, and maintenance of Gen AI.

    Adopt Generative AI in Solution Delivery Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Adopt Generative AI in Solution Delivery Storyboard – A step-by-step guide that helps you assess whether Gen AI is right for your solution delivery practices.

    Gain an understanding of the potential opportunities that Gen AI can provide your solution delivery practices and answer the question "What should I do next?"

    • Adopt Generative AI in Solution Delivery Storyboard

    2. Gen AI Solution Delivery Readiness Assessment Tool – A tool to help you understand if your solution delivery practice is ready for Gen AI.

    Assess the readiness of your solution delivery team for Gen AI. This tool will ask several questions relating to your people, process, and technology, and recommend whether or not the team is ready to adopt Gen AI practices.

    • Gen AI Solution Delivery Readiness Assessment Tool

    Further reading

    Adopt Generative AI in Solution Delivery

    Drive solution quality and team productivity with the right generative AI capabilities.

    Analyst Perspective

    Build the case for Gen AI with the right opportunities.

    Generative AI (Gen AI) presents unique opportunities to address many solution delivery challenges. Code generation can increase productivity, synthetic data generation can produce usable test data, and scanning tools can identify issues before they occur. To be successful, teams must be prepared to embrace the changes that Gen AI brings. Stakeholders must also give teams the opportunity to optimize their own processes and gauge the fit of Gen AI.

    Start small with the intent to learn. The right pilot initiative helps you learn the new technology and how it benefits your team without the headache of complex setups and lengthy training and onboarding. Look at your existing solution delivery tools to see what Gen AI capabilities are available and prioritize the use cases where Gen AI can be used out of the box.

    This is a picture of Andrew Kum-Seun

    Andrew Kum-Seun
    Research Director,
    Application Delivery and Management
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    Delivery teams are under continuous pressure to deliver high-value, high-quality solutions with limited capacity in complex business and technical environments. Common challenges experienced by these teams include:

    • Attracting and retaining talent
    • Maximizing the return on technology
    • Confidently shifting to digital
    • Addressing competing priorities
    • Fostering a collaborative culture
    • Creating high-throughput teams

    Generative AI (Gen AI) offers a unique opportunity to address many of these challenges.

    Common Obstacles

    • Your stakeholders' understanding of what is Gen AI, its value and its application, can be driven by hype and misinterpretation. This confusion can lead to unrealistic expectations and set the wrong precedent for the role Gen AI is intended to play.
    • Your solution delivery process is not well documented and is often executed inconsistently. An immature practice will not yield the benefits stakeholders expect.
    • The Gen AI marketplace is very broad and diverse. Selecting the appropriate tools and partners is confusing and overwhelming.
    • There is a skills gap for what is needed to configure, adopt, and operate Gen AI.

    Info-Tech's Approach

    • Ground your Gen AI expectations. Set realistic and achievable goals centered on driving business value and efficiency across the entire solution delivery process by enabling Gen AI in key tasks and activities. Propose this process as the ideal pilot for Gen AI.
    • Select the right Gen AI opportunities. Discuss how proven Gen AI capabilities can be applied to your solution delivery practice and achieve the outcomes and priorities stakeholders expect. Lessons learned sow the foundation for future Gen AI scaling.
    • Assess your Gen AI readiness in your solution delivery teams. Clarify the roles, processes, and tools needed for the implementation, use, and maintenance of Gen AI.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Position Gen AI as a tooling opportunity to enhance the productivity and depth of your solution delivery practice. Current Gen AI tools are unable to address the various technical and human complexities that commonly occur in solution delivery. Assess the fit of Gen AI by augmenting low-risk, out-of-the-box tools in key areas of your solution delivery process and teams.

    Insight Summary

    Overarching Info-Tech Insight

    Position Gen AI is a tooling opportunity to enhance the productivity and depth of your solution delivery practice. However, current Gen AI tools are unable to address the various technical and human complexities that commonly occur in solution delivery. Assess the fit of Gen AI by augmenting low-risk, out-of-the-box tools in key areas of your solution delivery process and teams.

    Understand and optimize first, automate with Gen AI later.
    Gen AI magnifies solution delivery inefficiencies and constraints. Adopt a user-centric perspective to understand your solution delivery teams' interactions with solution delivery tools and technologies to better replicate how they complete their tasks and overcome challenges.

    Enable before buy. Buy before build.
    Your solution delivery vendors see AI as a strategic priority in their product and service offering. Look into your existing toolset and see if you already have the capabilities. Otherwise, prioritize using off-the-shelf solutions with pre-trained Gen AI capabilities and templates.

    Innovate but don't experiment.
    Do not reinvent the wheel and lower your risk of success. Stick to the proven use cases to understand the value and fit of Gen AI tools and how your teams can transform the way they work. Use your lessons learned to discover scaling opportunities.

    Blueprint benefits

    IT benefits

    Business benefits

    • Select the Gen AI tools and capabilities that meet both the solution delivery practice and team goals, such as:
    • Improved team productivity and throughput.
    • Increased solution quality and value.
    • Greater team satisfaction.
    • Motivate stakeholder buy-in for the investment in solution delivery practice improvements.
    • Validate the fit and opportunities with Gen AI for future adoption in other IT departments.
    • Increase IT satisfaction by improving the throughput and speed of solution delivery.
    • Reduce the delivery and operational costs of enterprise products and services.
    • Use a pilot to demonstrate the fit and value of Gen AI capabilities and supporting practices across business and IT units.

    What is Gen AI?

    An image showing where Gen AI sits within the artificial intelligence.  It consists of four concentric circles.  They are labeled from outer-to-inner circle in the following order: Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Deep Learning; Gen AI

    Generative AI (Gen AI)
    A form of ML whereby, in response to prompts, a Gen AI platform can generate new output based on the data it has been trained on. Depending on its foundational model, a Gen AI platform will provide different modalities and use case applications.

    Machine Learning (ML)
    The AI system is instructed to search for patterns in a data set and then make predictions based on that set. In this way, the system learns to provide accurate content over time. This requires a supervised intervention if the data is inaccurate. Deep learning is self-supervised and does not require intervention.

    Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    A field of computer science that focuses on building systems to imitate human behavior. Not all AI systems have learning behavior; many systems (such as customer service chatbots) operate on preset rules.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Many vendors have jumped on Gen AI as the latest marketing buzzword. When vendors claim to offer Gen AI functionality, pin down what exactly is generative about it. The solution must be able to induce new outputs from inputted data via self-supervision – not trained to produce certain outputs based on certain inputs.

    Augment your solution delivery teams with Gen AI

    Position Gen AI as a tooling opportunity to enhance the productivity and depth of your solution delivery practice. Current Gen AI tools are unable to address the various technical and human complexities that commonly occur in solution delivery; assess the fit of Gen AI by augmenting low-risk, out-of-the-box tools in key areas of your solution delivery process and teams.

    Solution Delivery Team


    Gen AI Bots

    Product owner and decision maker
    Is accountable for the promised delivery of value to the organization.

    Business analyst and architect
    Articulates the requirements and aligns the team to the business and technical needs.

    Integrator and builder
    Implements the required solution.

    Consults and supports the delivery.

    Performs common administrative tasks to ensure smooth running of the delivery toolchain and end-solutions.

    Designer and content creator
    Provides design and content support for common scenarios and approaches.

    Paired developer and tester
    Acts as a foil for existing developer or tester to ensure high quality output.

    System monitor and support
    Monitors and recommends remediation steps for operational issues that occur.

    Research deliverable

    This research is accompanied by a supporting deliverable to help you accomplish your goals.

    Gen AI Solution Delivery Readiness Assessment Tool

    Assess the readiness of your solution delivery team for Gen AI. This tool will ask several questions relating to your people, process, and technology, and recommend whether the team is ready to adopt Gen AI practices.

    This is a series of three screenshots from the Gen AI Solution Delivery Readiness Assessment Tool

    Step 1.1

    Set the context


    1.1.1 Understand the challenges of your solution delivery teams.

    1.1.2 Outline the value you expect to gain from Gen AI.

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Applications VP
    • Applications Director
    • Solution Delivery Manager
    • Solution Delivery Team

    Outcomes of this step

    • SWOT Analysis to help articulate the challenges facing your teams.
    • A Gen AI Canvas that will articulate the value you expect to gain.

    IT struggles to deliver solutions effectively

    • Lack of skills and resources
      Forty-six percent of respondents stated that it was very or somewhat difficult to attract, hire, and retain developers (GitLab, 2023; N=5,010).
    • Delayed software delivery
      Code development (37%), monitoring/observability (30%), deploying to non-production environments (30%), and testing (28%) were the top areas where software delivery teams or organizations encountered the most delays (GitLab, 2023, N=5,010).
    • Low solution quality and satisfaction
      Only 64% of applications were identified as effective by end users. Effective applications are identified as at least highly important and have high feature and usability satisfaction (Application Portfolio Assessment, August 2021 to July 2022; N=315).
    • Burnt out teams
      While workplace flexibility comes with many benefits, longer work hours jeopardize wellbeing. Sixty-two percent of organizations reported increased working hours, while 80% reported an increase in flexibility ("2022 HR Trends Report," McLean & Company, 2022; N=394) .

    Creating high-throughput teams is an organizational priority.

    CXOs ranked "optimize IT service delivery" as the second highest priority. "Achieve IT business" was ranked first.

    (CEO-CIO Alignment Diagnostics, August 2021 to July 2022; n=568)

    1.1.1 Understand the challenges of your solution delivery teams

    1-3 hours

    1. Complete a SWOT analysis of your solution delivery team to discover areas where Gen AI can be applied.
    2. Record this information in the Gen AI Solution Delivery Readiness Assessment Tool.


    Internal characteristics that are favorable as they relate to solution delivery


    Internal characteristics that are unfavorable or need improvement


    External characteristics that you may use to your advantage


    External characteristics that may be potential sources of failure or risk

    Record the results in the Gen AI Solution Delivery Readiness Assessment Tool


    • SWOT analysis of current state of solution delivery practice


    • Applications VP
    • Applications Director
    • Solution Delivery Manager
    • Solution Delivery Team

    Gen AI can help solve your solution delivery challenges

    Why is software delivery an ideal pilot candidate for Gen AI?

    • Many software delivery practices are repeatable and standardized.
    • Software delivery roles that are using and implementing Gen AI are technically savvy.
    • Automation is a staple in many commonly used tools.
    • Change will likely not impact business operations.

    Improved productivity

    Gen AI jumpstarts the most laborious and mundane parts of software delivery. Delivery teams saved 22 hours (avg) per software use case when using AI in 2022, compared to last year when AI was not used ("Generative AI Speeds Up Software Development," PRNewswire, 2023).

    Fungible resources

    Teams are transferrable across different frameworks, platforms, and products. Gen AI provides the structure and guidance needed to work across a wider range of projects ("Game changer: The startling power generative AI is bringing to software development," KPMG, 2023).

    Improved solution quality

    Solution delivery artifacts (e.g. code) are automatically scanned to quickly identify bugs and defects based on recent activities and trends and validate against current system performance and capacity.

    Business empowerment

    AI enhances the application functionalities workers can build with low- and no-code platforms. In fact, "AI high performers are 1.6 times more likely than other organizations to engage non-technical employees in creating AI applications" ("The state of AI in 2022 — and a half decade in review." McKinsey, 2022, N=1,492).

    However, various fears, uncertainties, and doubts challenge Gen AI adoption

    Black Box

    Little transparency is provided on the tool's rationale behind content creation, decision making, and the use and storage of training data, creating risks for legal, security, intellectual property, and other areas.

    Role Replacement

    Some workers have job security concerns despite Gen AI being bound to their rule-based logic framework, the quality of their training data, and patterns of consistent behavior.

    Skills Gaps

    Teams need to gain expertise in AI/ML techniques, training data preparation, and continuous tooling improvements to support effective Gen AI adoption across the delivery practice and ensure reliable operations.

    Data Inaccuracy

    Significant good quality data is needed to build trust in the applicability and reliability of Gen AI recommendations and outputs. Teams must be able to combine Gen AI insights with human judgment to generate the right outcome.

    Slow Delivery of AI Solution

    Timelines are sensitive to organizational maturity, experience with Gen AI, and investments in good data management practices. 65% of organizations said it took more than three months to deploy an enterprise-ready AIOps solution (OpsRamp, 2022).

    Define the value you want Gen AI to deliver

    Well-optimized Gen AI instills stakeholder confidence in ongoing business value delivery and ensures stakeholder buy-in, provided proper expectations are set and met. However, business value is not interpreted or prioritized the same across the organization. Come to a common business value definition to drive change in the right direction by balancing the needs of the individual, team, and organization.

    Business value cannot always be represented by revenue or reduced expenses. Dissecting value by the benefit type and the value source's orientation allows you to see the many ways in which Gen AI brings value to the organization.

    Financial benefits vs. intrinsic needs

    • Financial benefits refers to the degree to which the value source can be measured through monetary metrics, such as revenue generation and cost saving.
    • Intrinsic needs refers to how a product, service, or business capability enhanced with Gen AI meets functional, user experience, and existential needs.

    Inward vs. outward orientation

    • Inward refers to value sources that are internally impacted by Gen AI and improve your employees' and teams' effectiveness in performing their responsibilities.
    • Outward refers to value sources that come from your interaction with external stakeholders and customers and were improved from using Gen AI.

    See our Build a Value Measurement Framework blueprint for more information about business value definition.

    An image of the Business Value Matrix for Gen AI

    Measure success with the right metrics

    Establishing and monitoring metrics are powerful ways to drive behavior and strategic changes in your organization. Determine the right measures that demonstrate the value of your Gen AI implementation by aligning them with your Gen AI objectives, business value drivers, and non-functional requirements.

    Select metrics with different views

    1. Solution delivery practice effectiveness
      The ability of your practice to deliver, support, and operate solutions with Gen AI
      Examples: Solution quality and throughput, delivery and operational costs, number of defects and issues, and system quality
    2. Solution quality and value
      The outcome of your solutions delivered with Gen AI tools
      Examples: Time and money saved, utilization of products and services, speed of process execution, number of errors, and compliance with standards
    3. Gen AI journey goals and milestones
      Your organization's position in your Gen AI journey
      Examples: Maturity score, scope of Gen AI adoption, comfort and
      confidence with Gen AI capabilities, and complexity of Gen AI use cases

    Leverage Info-Tech's Diagnostics

    IT Management & Governance

    • Improvement to application development quality and throughput effectiveness
    • Increased importance of application delivery and maintenance capabilities across the IT organization
    • Delegation of delivery accountability across more IT roles

    CIO Business Vision

    • Improvements to IT satisfaction and value from delivered solutions
    • Changes to the value and importance of IT core services enabled with Gen AI
    • The state of business and IT relationships
    • Capability to deliver and support Gen AI effectively

    1.1.2 Outline the value you expect to gain from Gen AI

    1-3 hours

    1. Complete the following fields to build your Gen AI canvas:
      1. Problem that Gen AI is intending to solve
      2. List of stakeholders
      3. Desired business and IT outcomes
      4. In-scope solution delivery teams, systems, and capabilities.
    2. Record this information in the Gen AI Solution Delivery Readiness Assessment Tool.


    • Gen AI Canvas


    • Applications VP
    • Applications Director
    • Solution Delivery Manager
    • Solution Delivery Team

    Record the results in the Gen AI Solution Delivery Readiness Assessment Tool

    1.1.2 Example

    Example of an outline of the value you expect to gain from Gen AI

    Problem statements

    • Manual testing procedures hinder pace and quality of delivery.
    • Inaccurate requirement documentation leads to constant redesigning.

    Business and IT outcomes

    • Improve code quality and performance.
    • Expedite solution delivery cycle.
    • Improve collaboration between teams and reduce friction.

    List of stakeholders

    • Testing team
    • Application director
    • CIO
    • Design team
    • Project manager
    • Business analysts

    In-scope solution delivery teams, system, and capabilities

    • Web
    • Development
    • App development
    • Testing
    • Quality assurance
    • Business analysts
    • UI/UX design

    Align your objectives to the broader AI strategy

    Why is an organizational AI strategy important for Gen AI?

    • All Gen AI tactics and capabilities are designed, delivered, and managed to support a consistent interpretation of the broader AI vision and goals.
    • An organizational strategy gives clear understanding of the sprawl, criticality, and risks of Gen AI solutions and applications to other IT capabilities dependent on AI.
    • Gen AI initiatives are planned, prioritized, and coordinated alongside other software delivery practice optimizations and technology modernization initiatives.
    • Resources, skills, and capacities are strategically allocated to meet the needs of Gen AI considering other commitments in the software delivery optimization backlog and roadmap.
    • Gen AI expectations and practices uphold the persona, values, and principles of the software delivery team.

    What is an AI strategy?

    An AI strategy details the direction, activities, and tactics to deliver on the promise of your AI portfolio. It often includes:

    • AI vision and goals
    • Application, automation, and process portfolio involved or impacted by AI
    • Values and principles
    • Health of your AI portfolio
    • Risks and constraints
    • Strategic roadmap

    Step 1.2

    Evaluate opportunities for Gen AI


    1.2.1 Align Gen AI opportunities with teams and capabilities.

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Applications VP
    • Applications Director
    • Solution Delivery Manager
    • Solution Delivery Team

    Outcomes of this step

    • Understand the Gen AI opportunities for your solution delivery practice.

    Learn how Gen AI is employed in solution delivery

    Gen AI opportunity Common Gen AI tools and vendors Teams than can benefit How can teams leverage this? Case study
    Synthetic data generation
    • Testing
    • Data Analysts
    • Privacy and Security
    • Create test datasets
    • Replace sensitive personal data

    How Unity Leverages Synthetic Data

    Code generation
    • Development
    • Testing
    • Code Templates & Boilerplate
    • Code Refactoring

    How CI&T accelerated development by 11%

    Defect forecasting and debugging
    • Project Manager & Quality Assurance
    • Development
    • Testing
    • Identify root cause
    • Static and dynamic code analysis
    • Debugging assistance

    Altran Uses Microsoft Code Defect AI Solution

    Requirements documentation and elicitation
    • Business Analysts
    • Development
    • Document functional requirements
    • Writing test cases

    Google collaborates with Replit to reduce time to bring new products to market by 30%

    UI design and prototyping
    • UI/UX Design
    • Development
    • Deployment
    • Rapid prototyping
    • Design assistance

    How Spotify is Upleveling Their Entire Design Team

    Other common AI opportunities solutions include test case generation, code translation, use case creation, document generation, and automated testing.

    Opportunity 1: Synthetic data generation

    Create artificial data that mimics the structure of real-life data.

    What are the expected benefits?

    • Availability of test data: Creation of large volumes of data compatible for testing multiple systems within the organization.
    • Improved privacy: Substituting real data with artificial leads to reduced data leaks.
    • Quicker data provisioning: Automated generation of workable datasets aligned to company policies.

    What are the notable risks and challenges?

    • Generalization and misrepresentations: Data models used in synthetic data generation may not be an accurate representation of production data because of potentially conflicting definitions, omission of dependencies, and multiple sources of truth.
    • Lack of accurate representation: It is difficult for synthetic data to fully capture real-world data nuances.
    • Legal complexities: Data to build and train the Gen AI tool does not comply with data residency and management standards and regulations.

    How should teams prepare for synthetic data generation?

    It can be used:

    • To train machine learning models when there is not enough real data, or the existing data does not meet specific needs.
    • To improve quality of test by using data that closely resembles production without the risk of leveraging sensitive and private information.

    "We can simply say that the total addressable market of synthetic data and the total addressable market of data will converge,"
    Ofir Zuk, CEO, Datagen (Forbes, 2022)

    Opportunity 2: Code generation

    Learn patterns and automatically generate code.

    What are the expected benefits?

    • Increased productivity: It allows developers to generate more code quickly.
    • Improved code consistency: Code is generated using a standardized model and lessons learnt from successful projects.
    • Rapid prototyping: Expedite development of a working prototype to be verified and validated.

    What are the notable risks and challenges?

    • Limited contextual understanding: AI may lack domain-specific knowledge or understanding of requirements.
    • Dependency: Overreliance on AI generated codes can affect developers' creativity.
    • Quality concerns: Generated code is untested and its alignment to coding and quality standards is unclear.

    How should teams prepare for code generation?

    It can be used to:

    • Build solutions without the technical expertise of traditional development.
    • Discover different solutions to address coding challenges.
    • Kickstart new development projects with prebuilt code.

    According to a survey conducted by Microsoft's GitHub, a staggering 92% of programmers were reported as using AI tools in their workflow (GitHub, 2023).

    Opportunity 3: Defect forecasting & debugging

    Predict and proactively address defects before they occur.

    What are the expected benefits?

    • Reduced maintenance cost: Find defects earlier in the delivery process, when it's cheaper to fix them.
    • Increased efficiency: Testing efforts can remain focused on critical and complex areas of solution.
    • Reduced risk: Find critical defects before the product is deployed to production.

    What are the notable risks and challenges?

    • False positives and negatives: Incorrect interpretation and scope of defect due to inadequate training of the Gen AI model.
    • Inadequate training: Training data does not reflect the complexity of the solutions code.
    • Not incorporating feedback: Gen AI models are not retrained in concert with solution changes.

    How should teams prepare for defect forecasting and debugging?

    It can be used to:

    • Perform static and dynamic code analysis to find vulnerabilities in the solution source code.
    • Forecast potential issues of a solution based on previous projects and industry trends.
    • Find root cause and suggest solutions to address found defects.

    Using AI technologies, developers can reduce the time taken to debug and test code by up to 70%, allowing them to finish projects faster and with greater accuracy (Aloa, 2023).

    Opportunity 4: Requirements documentation & elicitation

    Capturing, documenting, and analyzing function and nonfunctional requirements.

    What are the expected benefits?

    • Improve quality of requirements: Obtain different perspectives and contexts for the problem at hand and help identify ambiguities and misinterpretation of risks and stakeholder expectation.
    • Increased savings: Fewer resources are consumed in requirements elicitation activities.
    • Increased delivery confidence: Provide sufficient information for the solution delivery team to confidently estimate and commit to the delivery of the requirement.

    What are the notable risks and challenges?

    • Conflicting bias: Gen AI models may interpret the problem differently than how the stakeholders perceive it.
    • Organization-specific interpretation: Inability of the Gen AI models to accommodate unique interpretation of terminologies, standards, trends and scenarios.
    • Validation and review: Interpreting extracted insights requires human validation.

    How should teams prepare for requirements documentation & elicitation?

    It can be used to:

    • Document requirements in a clear and concise manner that is usable to the solution delivery team.
    • Analyze and test requirements against various user, business, and technical scenarios.

    91% of top businesses surveyed report having an ongoing investment in AI (NewVantage Partners, 2021).

    Opportunity 5: UI design and prototyping

    Analyze existing patterns and principles to generate design, layouts, and working solutions.

    What are the expected benefits?

    • Increased experimentation: Explore different approaches and tactics to solve a solution delivery problem.
    • Improved collaboration: Provide quick design layouts that can be reshaped based on stakeholder feedback.
    • Ensure design consistency: Enforce a UI/UX design standard for all solutions.

    What are the notable risks and challenges?

    • Misinterpretation of UX Requirements: Gen AI model incorrectly assumes a specific interpretation of user needs, behaviors, and problem.
    • Incorrect or missing requirements: Lead to extensive redesigns and iterations, adding to costs while hampering user experience.
    • Design creativity: May lack originality and specific brand aesthetics if not augmented well with human customizability and creativity.

    How should teams prepare for UI design and prototyping?

    It can be used to:

    • Visualize the solution through different views and perspectives such as process flows and use-case diagrams.
    • Create working prototypes that can be verified and validated by stakeholders and end users.

    A study by McKinsey & Company found that companies that invest in AI-driven design outperform their peers in revenue growth and customer experience metrics. They were found to achieve up to two times higher revenue growth than industry peers and up to 10% higher net promoter score (McKinsey & Company, 2018).

    Determine the importance of your opportunities by answering these questions

    Realizing the complete potential of Gen AI relies on effectively fostering its adoption and resulting changes throughout the entire solution delivery process.

    What are the challenges faced by your delivery teams that could be addressed by Gen AI?

    • Recognize the precise pain points, bottlenecks, or inefficiencies faced by delivery teams.
    • Include all stakeholders' perspectives during problem discovery and root cause analysis.

    What's holding back Gen AI adoption in the organization?

    • Apart from technical barriers, address cultural and organizational challenges and discuss how organizational change management strategies can mitigate Gen AI adoption risk.

    Are your objectives aligned with Gen AI capabilities?

    • Identify areas where processes can be modernized and streamlined with automation.
    • Evaluate the current capabilities and resources available within the organization to leverage Gen AI technologies effectively.

    How can Gen AI improve the entire solution delivery process?

    • Investigate and evaluate the improvements Gen AI can reasonably deliver, such as increased accuracy, quickened delivery cycles, improved code quality, or enhanced cross-functional collaboration.

    1.2.1 Align Gen AI opportunities to teams and capabilities

    1-3 hours

    1. Associate the Gen AI opportunities that can be linked to your system capabilities. These opportunities refer to the potential applications of generative AI techniques, such as code generation or synthetic data, to address specific challenges.
      1. Start by analyzing your system's requirements, constraints, and areas where Gen AI techniques can bring value. Identify the potential benefits of integrating Gen AI, such as increased productivity, or enhanced creativity.
      2. Next, discern potential risks or challenges, such as dependency or quality concerns, associated with the opportunity implementation.
    2. Record this information in the Gen AI Solution Delivery Readiness Assessment Tool.


    • Gen AI opportunity selection


    • Applications VP
    • Applications Director
    • Solution Delivery Manager
    • Solution Delivery Team

    Record the results in the Gen AI Solution Delivery Readiness Assessment Tool

    Keep an eye out for red flags

    Not all Gen AI opportunities are delivered and adopted the same. Some present a bigger risk than others.

    • Establishing vague targets and success criteria
    • Defining Gen AI as substitution of human capital
    • Open-source software not widely adopted or validated
    • High level of dependency on automation
    • Unadaptable cross-functional training across organization
    • Overlooking privacy, security, legal, and ethical implications
    • Lack of Gen AI expertise and understanding of good practices

    Step 1.3

    Assess your readiness for Gen AI


    1.3.1 Assess your readiness for Gen AI.

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Applications VP
    • Applications Director
    • Solution Delivery Manager
    • Solution Delivery Team

    Outcomes of this step

    • A completed Gen AI Readiness Assessment to confirm how prepared you are to embrace Gen AI in your solution delivery team.

    Prepare your SDLC* to leverage Gen AI

    As organizations evolve and adopt more tools and technology, their solution delivery processes become more complex. Process improvement is needed to simplify complex and undocumented software delivery activities and artifacts and prepare it for Gen AI. Gen AI scales process throughput and output quantity, but it multiplies the negative impact of problems the process already has.

    When is your process ready for Gen AI?

    • Solution value Ensures the accuracy and alignment of the committed feature and change requests to what the stakeholder truly expects and receives.
    • ThroughputDelivers new products, enhancements, and changes at a pace and frequency satisfactory to stakeholder expectations and meets delivery commitments.
    • Process governance Has clear ownership and appropriate standardization. The roles, activities, tasks, and technologies are documented and defined. At each stage of the process someone is responsible and accountable.
    • Process management Follows a set of development frameworks, good practices, and standards to ensure the solution and relevant artifacts are built, tested, and delivered consistently and repeatably.
    • Technical quality assurance – Accommodates committed non-functional requirements within the stage's outputs to ensure products meet technical excellence expectations.

    *software development lifecycle

    To learn more, visit Info-Tech's Modernize Your SDLC blueprint.

    To learn more, visit Info-Tech's Build a Winning Business Process Automation Playbook

    Assess the impacts from Gen AI changes

    Ensure that no stone is left unturned as you evaluate the fit of Gen AI and prepare your adoption and support plans.

    By shining a light on considerations that might have otherwise escaped planners and decision makers, an impact analysis is an essential component to Gen AI success. This analysis should answer the following questions on the impact to your solution delivery teams.

    1. Will the change impact how our clients/customers receive, consume, or engage with our products/services?
    2. Will there be an increase in operational costs, and a change to compensation and/or rewards?
    3. Will this change increase the workload and alter staffing levels?
    4. Will the vision or mission of the team change?
    5. Will a new or different set of skills be needed?
    6. Will the change span multiple locations/time zones?
    7. Are multiple products/services impacted by this change?
    8. Will the workflow and approvals be changed, and will there be a substantial change to scheduling and logistics?
    9. Will the tools of the team be substantially different?
    10. Will there be a change in reporting relationships?

    See our Master Organizational Change Management Practices blueprint for more information.

    Brace for impact

    A thorough analysis of change impacts will help your software delivery teams and change leaders:

    • Bypass avoidable problems.
    • Remove non-fixed barriers to success.
    • Acknowledge and minimize the impact of unavoidable barriers.
    • Identify and leverage potential benefits.
    • Measure the success of the change.

    Many key IT capabilities are required to successfully leverage Gen AI

    Portfolio Management

    An accurate and rationalized inventory of all Gen AI tools verifies they support the goals and abide to the usage policies of the broader delivery practice. This becomes critical when tooling is updated frequently and licenses and open- source community principles drastically change (e.g. after an acquisition).

    Quality Assurance

    Gen AI tools are routinely verified and validated to ensure outcomes are accurate, complete, and aligned to solution delivery quality standards. Models are retrained using lessons learned, new use cases, and updated training data.

    Security & Access Management

    Externally developed and trained Gen AI models may not include the measures, controls, and tactics you need to prevent vulnerabilities and protect against threats that are critical in your security frameworks, policies, and standards.

    Data Management & Governance

    All solution delivery data and artifacts can be transformed and consumed in various ways as they transit through solution delivery and Gen AI tools. Data integrations, structures, and definitions must be well-defined, governed, and monitored.


    Resources are available to support the ongoing operations of the Gen AI tool, including infrastructure, preparing training data, and managing integration with other tools. They are also prepared to recover backups, roll back, and execute recovery plans at a moment's notice.

    Apply Gen AI good practices in your solution delivery practice

    1. Keep the human in the loop.
      Gen AI models cannot produce high-quality content with 100% confidence. Keeping the human in the loop allows people to directly give feedback to the model to improve output quality.
    2. Strengthen prompt and query engineering.
      The value of the outcome is dependent on what is being asked. Good prompts and queries focus on creating the optimal input by selecting and phrasing the appropriate words, sentence structures, and punctuation to illustrate the focus, scope, problem, and boundaries.
    3. Thoughtfully prepare your training data.
      Externally hosted Gen AI tools may store your training data in their systems or use it to train their other models. Intellectual property and sensitive data can leak into third-party systems and AI models if it is not properly masked and sanitized.
    4. Build guardrails into your Gen AI models.
      Guardrails can limit the variability of any misleading Gen AI responses by defining the scope and bounds of the response, enforcing the policies of its use, and clarifying the context of its response.
    5. Monitor your operational costs.
      The cost breakdown will vary among the types of Gen AI solution and the vendor offerings. Cost per query, consultant fees, infrastructure hosting, and licensing costs are just a few cost factors. Open source can be an attractive cost-saving option, but you must be willing to invest in the roles to assume traditional vendor accountabilities.
    6. Check the licenses of your Gen AI tool.
      Each platform has licenses and agreements on how their solution can or cannot be used. They limit your ability to use the tool for commercial purposes or reproductions or may require you to purchase and maintain a specific license to use their solution and materials.

    See Build Your Generative AI Roadmap for more information.

    Assess your Gen AI readiness

    • Solution delivery team
      The team is educated on Gen AI, its use cases, and the tools that enable it. They have the skills and capacity to implement, create, and manage Gen AI.
    • Solution delivery process and tools
      The solution delivery process is documented, repeatable, and optimized to use Gen AI effectively. Delivery tools are configured to enable, leverage and manage Gen AI assets to improve their performance and efficiency.
    • Solution delivery artifacts
      Delivery artifacts (e.g. code, scripts, documents) that will be used to train and be leveraged by Gen AI tools are discoverable, accurate, complete, standardized, of sufficient quantity, optimized for Gen AI use, and stored in an accessible shared central repository.
    • Governance
      Defined policies, role definitions, guidelines, and processes that guide the implementation, development, operations, and management of Gen AI.
    • Vision and executive support
      Clear alignment of Gen AI direction, ambition, and objectives with broader business and IT priorities. Stakeholders support the Gen AI initiative and allocate human and financial resources for its implementation within the solution delivery team.
    • Operational support
      The capabilities to manage the Gen AI tools and ensure they support the growing needs of the solution delivery practice, such as security management, hosting infrastructure, risk and change management, and data and application integration.

    1.3.1 Assess your readiness for Gen AI

    1-3 hours

    1. Review the current state of your solution delivery teams including their capacity, skills and knowledge, delivery practices, and tools and technologies.
    2. Determine the readiness of your team to adopt Gen AI.
    3. Discuss the gaps that need to be filled to be successful with Gen AI.
    4. Record this information in the Gen AI Solution Delivery Readiness Assessment Tool.

    Record the results in the Gen AI Solution Delivery Readiness Assessment Tool


    • Gen AI Solution Delivery Readiness Assessment


    • Applications VP
    • Applications Director
    • Solution Delivery Manager
    • Solution Delivery Team

    Recognize that Gen AI does not require a fully optimized solution delivery process

    1. Consideration; 2. Exploration; 3. Incorporation; 4. Proliferation; 5. Optimization.  Steps 3-5 are Recommended maturity levels to properly embrace Gen AI.

    To learn more, visit Info-Tech's Develop Your Value-First Business Process Automation (BPA) Strategy.

    Be prepared to take the next steps

    Deliver Gen AI to your solution delivery teams

    Modernize Your SDLC
    Efficient and effective SDLC practices are vital, as products need to readily adjust to evolving and changing business needs and technologies.

    Adopt Generative AI in Solution Delivery
    Generative AI can drive productivity and solution quality gains to your solution delivery teams. Level set expectations with the right use case to demonstrate its value potential.

    Select Your AI Vendor & Implementation Partner
    The right vendor and partner are critical for success. Build the selection criteria to shortlist the products and services that best meets the current and future needs of your teams.

    Drive Business Value With Off-the-Shelf AI
    Build a framework that will guide your teams through the selection of an off-the-shelf AI tool with a clear definition of the business case and preparations for successful adoption.

    Build Your Enterprise Application Implementation Playbook
    Your Gen AI implementation doesn't start with technology, but with an effective plan that your team supports and is aligned to broader stakeholder and sponsor priorities and goals.

    Build your Gen AI practice

    • Get Started With AI
    • AI Strategy & Generative AI Roadmap
    • AI Governance

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Build a Winning Business Process Automation Playbook
    Optimize and automate your business processes with a user-centric approach.

    Embrace Business Managed Applications
    Empower the business to implement their own applications with a trusted business-IT relationship.

    Application Portfolio Management Foundations
    Ensure your application portfolio delivers the best possible return on investment.

    Maximize the Benefits from Enterprise Applications with a Center of Excellence
    Optimize your organization's enterprise application capabilities with a refined and scalable methodology.

    Create an Architecture for AI
    Build your target state architecture from predefined best-practice building blocks.

    Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision
    Build a product vision your organization can take from strategy through execution.

    Enhance Your Solution Architecture Practices
    Ensure your software systems solution is architected to reflect stakeholders' short- and long-term needs.

    Apply Design Thinking to Build Empathy With the Business
    Use design thinking and journey mapping to make IT the business' go-to problem solver.

    Modernize Your SDLC
    Deliver quality software faster with new tools and practices.

    Drive Business Value With Off-the-Shelf AI
    A practical guide to ensure return on your off-the-shelf AI investment.


    "Altran Helps Developers Write Better Code Faster with Azure AI." Microsoft, 2020.
    "Apply Design Thinking to Complex Teams, Problems, and Organizations." IBM, 2021.
    Bianca. "Unleashing the Power of AI in Code Generation: 10 Applications You Need to Know — AITechTrend." AITechTrend, 16 May 2023.
    Biggs, John. "Deep Code Cleans Your Code with the Power of AI." TechCrunch, 26 Apr 2018.
    "Chat GPT as a Tool for Business Analysis — the Brazilian BA." The Brazilian BA, 24 Jan 2023.
    Davenport, Thomas, and Randy Bean. "Big Data and AI Executive Survey 2019." New Vantage Partners, 2019.
    Davenport, Thomas, and Randy Bean. "Big Data and AI Executive Survey 2021." New Vantage Partners, 2021.
    Das, Tamal. "9 Best AI-Powered Code Completion for Productive Development." Geek flare, 5 Apr 2023.
    Gondrezick, Ilya. "Council Post: How AI Can Transform the Software Engineering Process." Forbes, 24 Apr 2020.
    "Generative AI Speeds up Software Development: Compass UOL Study." PR Newswire, 29 Mar 2023.
    "GitLab 2023 Global Develops Report Series." Gitlab, 2023.
    "Game Changer: The Startling Power Generative AI Is Bringing to Software Development." KPMG, 30 Jan 2023.
    "How AI Can Help with Requirements Analysis Tools." TechTarget, 28 July 2020.
    Indra lingam, Ashanta. "How Spotify Is Upleveling Their Entire Design Team." Framer, 2019.
    Ingle, Prathamesh. "Top Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools That Can Generate Code to Help Programmers." Matchcoat, 1 Jan 2023.
    Kaur, Jagreet . "AI in Requirements Management | Benefits and Its Processes." Xenon Stack, 13 June 2023.
    Lange, Danny. "Game On: How Unity Is Extending the Power of Synthetic Data beyond the Gaming Industry." CIO, 17 Dec 2020.
    Lin, Ying. "10 Artificial Intelligence Statistics You Need to Know in 2020." OBERLO, 17 Mar. 2023.
    Mauran, Cecily. "Whoops, Samsung Workers Accidentally Leaked Trade Secrets via ChatGPT." Mashable, 6 Apr 2023.

    Streamline Application Maintenance

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}402|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.5/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: 20 Average Days Saved
    • member rating average days saved: After each Info-Tech experience, we ask our members to quantify the real-time savings, monetary impact, and project improvements our research helped them achieve.
    • Parent Category Name: Maintenance
    • Parent Category Link: /maintenance
    • Application maintenance teams are accountable for the various requests and incidents coming from a variety business and technical sources. The sheer volume and variety of requests create unmanageable backlogs.
    • The increasing complexity and reliance on technology within the business has set unrealistic expectations on maintenance teams. Stakeholders expect teams to accommodate maintenance without impact on project schedules.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Improving maintenance’s focus and attention may mean doing less but more valuable work. Teams need to be realistic about what can be committed and be prepared to justify why certain requests have to be pushed down the backlog (e.g. lack of business value, high risks).
    • Maintenance must be treated like any other development activity. The same intake and prioritization practices and quality standards must be upheld, and best practices followed.

    Impact and Result

    • Justify the necessity of streamlined maintenance. Gain a grounded understanding of stakeholder objectives and concerns, and validate their achievability against the current state of the people, process, and technologies involved in application maintenance.
    • Strengthen triaging and prioritization practices. Obtain a holistic picture of the business and technical impacts, risks, and urgencies of each accepted maintenance requests in order to justify its prioritization and relevance within your backlog. Identify opportunities to bundle requests together or integrate them within project commitments to ensure completion.
    • Establish and govern a repeatable process. Develop a maintenance process with well-defined stage gates, quality controls, and roles and responsibilities, and instill development best practices to improve the success of delivery.

    Streamline Application Maintenance Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our Executive Brief to understand the common struggles found in application maintenance, their root causes, and the Info-Tech methodology to overcoming these hurdles.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Understand your maintenance priorities

    Understand the stakeholder priorities driving changes in your application maintenance practice.

    • Streamline Application Maintenance – Phase 1: Assess the Current Maintenance Landscape
    • Application Maintenance Operating Model Template
    • Application Maintenance Resource Capacity Assessment
    • Application Maintenance Maturity Assessment

    2. Instill maintenance governance

    Identify the appropriate level of governance and enforcement to ensure accountability and quality standards are upheld across maintenance practices.

    • Streamline Application Maintenance – Phase 2: Develop a Maintenance Release Schedule

    3. Enhance triaging and prioritization practices

    Build a maintenance triage and prioritization scheme that accommodates business and IT risks and urgencies.

    • Streamline Application Maintenance – Phase 3: Optimize Maintenance Capabilities

    4. Streamline maintenance delivery

    Define and enforce quality standards in maintenance activities and build a high degree of transparency to readily address delivery challenges.

    • Streamline Application Maintenance – Phase 4: Streamline Maintenance Delivery
    • Application Maintenance Business Case Presentation Document

    Workshop: Streamline Application Maintenance

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Understand Your Maintenance Priorities

    The Purpose

    Understand the business and IT stakeholder priorities driving the success of your application maintenance practice.

    Understand any current issues that are affecting your maintenance practice.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Awareness of business and IT priorities.

    An understanding of the maturity of your maintenance practices and identification of issues to alleviate.


    1.1 Define priorities for enhanced maintenance practices.

    1.2 Conduct a current state assessment of your application maintenance practices.


    List of business and technical priorities

    List of the root-cause issues, constraints, and opportunities of current maintenance practice

    2 Instill Maintenance Governance

    The Purpose

    Define the processes, roles, and points of communication across all maintenance activities.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    An in-depth understanding of all maintenance activities and what they require to function effectively.


    2.1 Modify your maintenance process.

    2.2 Define your maintenance roles and responsibilities.


    Application maintenance process flow

    List of metrics to gauge success

    Maintenance roles and responsibilities

    Maintenance communication flow

    3 Enhance Triaging and Prioritization Practices

    The Purpose

    Understand in greater detail the process and people involved in receiving and triaging a request.

    Define your criteria for value, impact, and urgency, and understand how these fit into a prioritization scheme.

    Understand backlog management and release planning tactics to accommodate maintenance.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    An understanding of the stakeholders needed to assess and approve requests.

    The criteria used to build a tailored prioritization scheme.

    Tactics for efficient use of resources and ideal timing of the delivery of changes.

    A process that ensures maintenance teams are always working on tasks that are valuable to the business.


    3.1 Review your maintenance intake process.

    3.2 Define a request prioritization scheme.

    3.3 Create a set of practices to manage your backlog and release plans.


    Understanding of the maintenance request intake process

    Approach to assess the impact, urgency, and severity of requests for prioritization

    List of backlog management grooming and release planning practices

    4 Streamline Maintenance Delivery

    The Purpose

    Understand how to apply development best practices and quality standards to application maintenance.

    Learn the methods for monitoring and visualizing maintenance work.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    An understanding of quality standards and the scenarios for where they apply.

    The tactics to monitor and visualize maintenance work.

    Streamlined maintenance delivery process with best practices.


    4.1 Define approach to monitor maintenance work.

    4.2 Define application quality attributes.

    4.3 Discuss best practices to enhance maintenance development and deployment.


    Taskboard structure and rules

    Definition of application quality attributes with user scenarios

    List of best practices to streamline maintenance development and deployment

    5 Finalize Your Maintenance Practice

    The Purpose

    Create a target state built from appropriate metrics and attainable goals.

    Consider the required items and steps for the implementation of your optimization initiatives.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A realistic target state for your optimized application maintenance practice.

    A well-defined and structured roadmap for the implementation of your optimization initiatives.


    5.1 Refine your target state maintenance practices.

    5.2 Develop a roadmap to achieve your target state.


    Finalized application maintenance process document

    Roadmap of initiatives to achieve your target state

    Govern Office 365

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}52|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.5/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $21,473 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 21 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: End-User Computing Applications
    • Parent Category Link: /end-user-computing-applications

    Exploring the enterprise collaboration marketspace is difficult. The difficulty in finding a suitable collaboration tool is that there are many ways to collaborate, with just as many tools to match.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    Map your organizational goals to the administration features available in the Office 365 console. Your governance should reflect your requirements.

    Impact and Result

    The result is a defined plan for controlling Office 365 by leveraging hard controls to align Microsoft’s toolset with your needs and creating acceptable use policies and communication plans to highlight the impact of the transition to Office 365 on the end-user population.

    Govern Office 365 Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Understand the challenges posed by governing Office 365 and the necessity of deploying proper governance.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Define your organizational goals

    Develop a list of organizational goals that will enable you to leverage the Office 365 toolset to its fullest extent while also implementing sensible governance.

    • Govern Office 365 – Phase 1: Define Your Organizational Goals

    2. Control your Office 365 environment

    Use Info-Tech's toolset to build out controls for OneDrive, SharePoint, and Teams that align with your organizational goals as they relate to governance.

    • Govern Office 365 – Phase 2: Control Your Office 365 Environment
    • Office 365 Control Map
    • Microsoft Teams Acceptable Use Policy
    • Microsoft SharePoint Online Acceptable Use Policy
    • Microsoft OneDrive Acceptable Use Policy

    3. Communicate your results

    Communicate the results of your Office 365 governance program using Info-Tech's toolset.

    • Govern Office 365 – Phase 3: Communicate Your Results
    • Office 365 Communication Plan Template


    Workshop: Govern Office 365

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Define Goals

    The Purpose

    Develop a plan to assess the capabilities of the Office 365 solution and select licensing for the product.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Office 365 capability assessment (right-size licensing)

    Acceptable Use Policies

    Mapped Office 365 controls


    1.1 Review organizational goals.

    1.2 Evaluate Office 365 capabilities.

    1.3 Conduct the Office 365 capability assessment.

    1.4 Define user groups.

    1.5 Finalize licensing.


    List of organizational goals

    Targeted licensing decision

    2 Build Refined Governance Priorities

    The Purpose

    Leverage the Office 365 governance framework to develop and refined governance priorities.

    Build a SharePoint acceptable use policy and define SharePoint controls.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Refined governance priorities

    List of SharePoint controls

    SharePoint acceptable use policy


    2.1 Explore the Office 365 Framework.

    2.2 Conduct governance priorities refinement exercise.

    2.3 Populate the Office 365 control map (SharePoint).

    2.4 Build acceptable use policy (SharePoint).


    Refined governance priorities

    SharePoint control map

    Sharepoint acceptable use policy

    3 Control Office 365

    The Purpose

    Implement governance priorities for OneDrive and Teams.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Clearly defined acceptable use policies for OneDrive and Teams

    List of OneDrive and Teams controls


    3.1 Populate the Office 365 Control Map (OneDrive).

    3.2 Build acceptable use policy (OneDrive).

    3.3 Populate the Office 365 Control Map (Teams).

    3.4 Build acceptable use policy (Teams).


    OneDrive controls

    OneDrive acceptable use policy

    Teams controls

    Teams acceptable use policy

    4 SOW Walkthrough

    The Purpose

    Build a plan to communicate coming changes to the productivity environment.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Communication plan covering SharePoint, Teams, and OneDrive


    4.1 Build SharePoint one pager.

    4.2 Build OneDrive one pager.

    4.3 Build Teams one pager.

    4.4 Finalize communication plan.


    SharePoint one pager

    OneDrive one pager

    Teams one pager

    Overall finalized communication plan

    5 Communicate and Implement

    The Purpose

    Finalize deliverables and plan post-workshop communications.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Completed Office 365 governance plan

    Finalized deliverables


    5.1 Completed in-progress deliverables from previous four days.

    5.2 Set up review time for workshop deliverables and to discuss next steps.

    5.3 Validate governance with stakeholders.


    Completed acceptable use policies

    Completed control map

    Completed communication plan

    Completed licensing decision

    Select Your Data Platform

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}346|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 10.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $62,999 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 20 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Data Management
    • Parent Category Link: /data-management

    Every organization needs a data management (DM) platform that enables the DM capabilities required. This could be a daunting task because:

    • Every organization has a unique set of requirements for the DM platform.
    • Software products are difficult to compare because every vendor provides a unique set of features.
    • Software vendors are interested in getting as large a footprint as possible.
    • Some products from different categories offer the same functionalities.
    • Some products are just not compatible.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Technology requirements start with the business goals.
    • Data platform selection should be based on common best practices and, at the same time, be optimized for the organization’s specific needs and goals and support an evolutionary platform development.
    • What is best for one organization may be totally unacceptable for another – all for very valid reasons.

    Impact and Result

    Understand your current environment and use proven reference architecture patterns to expedite building the data management platform that matches your needs.

    • Use a holistic approach.
    • Understand your goals and priorities.
    • Picture your target-state architecture.
    • Identify your current technology coverage.
    • Select the software covering the gaps in technology enablement based on feature/functional enablement descriptions as well as vendor and deployment preferences.

    Select Your Data Platform Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out what challenges are typically in the way of designing a data platform, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand how we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Select your data platform

    Assess your current environment, find the right reference architecture pattern, and match identified capabilities with software features.

    • Data Platform Design Assessment
    • Reference Architecture Pattern


    Adapt Your Onboarding Process to a Virtual Environment

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}577|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: After each Info-Tech experience, we ask our members to quantify the real-time savings, monetary impact, and project improvements our research helped them achieve.
    • member rating average days saved: Read what our members are saying
    • Parent Category Name: Attract & Select
    • Parent Category Link: /attract-and-select
    • For many, the WFH arrangement will be temporary, however, the uncertainty around the length of the pandemic makes it hard for organizations to plan long term.
    • As onboarding plans traditionally carry a six- to twelve-month outlook, the uncertainty around how long employees will be working remotely makes it challenging to determine how much of the current onboarding program needs to change. In addition, introducing new technologies to a remote workforce and planning training on how to access and effectively use these technologies is difficult.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a virtual environment many organizations were not prepared for.
    • Focusing on critical parts of the onboarding process and leveraging current technology allows organizations to quickly adapt to the uncertainty and constant change.

    Impact and Result

    • Organizations need to assess their existing onboarding process and identify the parts that are critical.
    • Using the technology currently available, organizations must adapt onboarding to a virtual environment.
    • Develop a plan to re-assess and update the onboarding program according to the duration of the situation.

    Adapt Your Onboarding Process to a Virtual Environment Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Assess current onboarding processes

    Map the current onboarding process and identify the challenges to a virtual approach.

    • Adapt Your Onboarding Process to a Virtual Environment Storyboard
    • Virtual Onboarding Workbook
    • Process Mapping Guide

    2. Modify onboarding activities

    Determine how existing onboarding activities can be modified for a virtual environment.

    • Virtual Onboarding Ideas Catalog
    • Performance Management for Emergency Work-From-Home

    3. Launch the virtual onboarding process and plan to re-assess

    Finalize the virtual onboarding process and create an action plan. Continue to re-assess and iterate over time.

    • Virtual Onboarding Guide for HR
    • Virtual Onboarding Guide for Managers
    • HR Action and Communication Plan
    • Virtual Onboarding Schedule

    Application Maintenance

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}30|cart{/j2store}
    • Related Products: {j2store}30|crosssells{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 10.0/10
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Applications
    • Parent Category Link: /applications

    The challenge

    • If you work with application maintenance or operations teams that handle the "run" of your applications, you may find that the sheer volume and variety of requests create large backlogs.
    • Your business and product owners may want scrum or DevOps teams to work on new functionality rather than spend effort on lifecycle management.
    • Increasing complexity and increasing reliance on technology may create unrealistic expectations for your maintenance teams. Business applications must be available around the clock, and new feature roadmaps cannot be side-tracked by maintenance.

    Our advice


    • Improving maintenance focus may mean doing less work but create more value. Your teams need to be realistic about what commitments they take—balance maintenance with business value and risk levels.
    • Treat maintenance the same as any other development practice. Use the same intake and prioritization practices. Uphold the same quality standards.

    Impact and results 

    • Justify the necessity of streamlined and regular maintenance. Understand each stakeholder's objectives and concerns, validate them against your staff's current state, processes, and technologies involved.
    • Maintenance and risk go hand in hand. And the business wants to move forward all the time as well. Strengthen your prioritization practice. Use a holistic view of the business and technical impacts, risks, urgencies across the maintenance needs and requests. That allows you to justify their respective positions in the overall development backlog. Identify opportunities to bring some requirements and features together.
    • Build a repeatable process with appropriate governance around it. Ensure that people know their roles and responsibilities and are held accountable.
    • Instill development best-practices into your maintenance processes.

    The roadmap

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    Get started.

    Read our executive brief to understand everyday struggles regarding application maintenance, the root causes, and our methodology to overcome these. We show you how we can support you.

    Understand your maintenance priorities

    Identify your stakeholders and understand their drivers.

    • Streamline Application Maintenance – Phase 1: Assess the Current Maintenance Landscape (ppt)
    • Application Maintenance Operating Model Template (doc)
    • Application Maintenance Resource Capacity Assessment (xls)
    • Application Maintenance Maturity Assessment (xls)

    Define and employ maintenance governance

    Identify the right level of governance appropriate to your company and business context for your application maintenance. That ensures that people uphold standards across maintenance practices.

    • Streamline Application Maintenance – Phase 2: Develop a Maintenance Release Schedule (ppt)

    Enhance your prioritization practices

    Most companies cannot do everything for all applications and systems. Build your maintenance triage and prioritization rules to safeguard your company, maximize business value generation and IT risks and requirements.

    • Streamline Application Maintenance – Phase 3: Optimize Maintenance Capabilities (ppt)

    Streamline your maintenance delivery

    Define quality standards in maintenance practices. Enforce these in alignment with the governance you have set up. Show a high degree of transparency and open discussions on development challenges.

    • Streamline Application Maintenance – Phase 4: Streamline Maintenance Delivery (ppt)
    • Application Maintenance Business Case Presentation Document (ppt)



    Integrate IT Risk Into Enterprise Risk

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}195|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 10.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $12,599 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 2 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: IT Governance, Risk & Compliance
    • Parent Category Link: /it-governance-risk-and-compliance
    • IT risks, when considered, are identified and classified separately from the enterprise-wide perspective.
    • IT is expected to own risks over which they have no authority or oversight.
    • Poor behaviors, such as only considering IT risks when conducting compliance or project due diligence, have been normalized.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Stop avoiding risk – integrate it. This provides a holistic view of uncertainty for the organization to drive innovative new approaches to optimize the organization’s ability to respond to risk.

    Impact and Result

    • Understand gaps in the organization’s current approach to risk management practices.
    • Establish a standardized approach for how IT risks impact the enterprise as a whole.
    • Drive a risk-aware organization toward innovation and consider alternative options for how to move forward.
    • Integrate IT risks into the foundational risk practice.

    Integrate IT Risk Into Enterprise Risk Research & Tools

    Integrated Risk Management Capstone – A framework for how IT risks can be integrated into your organization’s enterprise risk management program to enable strategic risk-informed decisions.

    This is a capstone blueprint highlighting the benefits of an integrated risk management program that uses risk information and data to inform strategic decision making. Throughout this research you will gain insight into the five core elements of integrating risk through assessing, governing, defining the program, defining the process, and implementing.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    • Integrate IT Risk Into Enterprise Risk Capstone
    • Integrated Risk Maturity Assessment
    • Risk Register Tool


    Further reading

    Integrate IT Risk Into Enterprise Risk

    Don’t fear IT risks, integrate them.


    Analyst Perspective

    Having siloed risks is risky business for any enterprise.

    Photo of Valence Howden, Principal Research Director, CIO Practice.
    Valence Howden
    Principal Research Director, CIO Practice
    Photo of Petar Hristov Research Director, Security, Privacy, Risk & Compliance.
    Petar Hristov
    Research Director, Security, Privacy, Risk & Compliance
    Photo of Ian Mulholland Research Director, Security, Risk & Compliance.
    Ian Mulholland
    Research Director, Security, Risk & Compliance
    Photo of Brittany Lutes, Senior Research Analyst, CIO Practice.
    Brittany Lutes
    Senior Research Analyst, CIO Practice
    Photo of Ibrahim Abdel-Kader, Research Analyst, CIO Practice
    Ibrahim Abdel-Kader
    Research Analyst, CIO Practice

    Every organization has a threshold for risk that should not be exceeded, whether that threshold is defined or not.

    In the age of digital, information and technology will undoubtedly continue to expand beyond the confines of the IT department. As such, different areas of the organization cannot address these risks in silos. A siloed approach will produce different ways of identifying, assessing, responding to, and reporting on risk events. Integrated risk management is about embedding IT uncertainty to inform good decision making across the organization.

    When risk is integrated into the organization's enterprise risk management program, it enables a single view of all risks and the potential impact of each risk event. More importantly, it provides a consistent view of the risk event in relation to uncertainty that might have once been seemingly unrelated to IT.

    And all this can be achieved while remaining within the enterprise’s clearly defined risk appetite.

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    Most organizations fail to integrate IT risks into enterprise risks:

    • IT risks, when considered, are identified and classified separately from the enterprise-wide perspective.
    • IT is expected to own risks over which they have no authority or oversight.
    • Poor behaviors, such as only considering IT risks when conducting compliance or project due diligence, have been normalized.

    Common Obstacles

    IT leaders have to overcome these obstacles when it comes to integrating risk:

    • Making business leaders aware of, involved in, and able to respond to all enterprise risks.
    • A lack of data or information being used to support a holistic risk management process.
    • A low level of enterprise risk maturity.
    • A lack of risk management capabilities.

    Info-Tech’s Approach

    By leveraging the Info-Tech Integrated Risk approach, your business can better address and embed risk by:

    • Understanding gaps in the organization’s current approach to risk management practices.
    • Establishing a standardized approach for how IT risks impact the enterprise as a whole.
    • Driving a risk-aware organization toward innovation and considering alternative options for how to move forward.
    • Helping integrate IT risks into the foundational risk practice.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Stop avoiding risk – integrate it. This provides a holistic view of uncertainty for the organization to drive innovative new approaches to optimize its ability to respond to risk.

    What is integrated risk management?

    • Integrated risk management is the process of ensuring all forms of risk information, including information and technology, are considered and included in the enterprise’s risk management strategy.
    • It removes the siloed approach to classifying risks related to specific departments or areas of the organization, recognizing that each of those risks is a threat to the overarching enterprise.
    • Aggregating the different threats or uncertainty that might exist within an organization allows for informed decisions to be made that align to strategic goals and continue to drive value back to the business.
    • By holistically considering the different risks, the organization can make informed decisions on the best course of action that will reduce any negative impacts associated with the uncertainty and increase the overall value.

    Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

    • IT
    • Security
    • Digital
    • Vendor/Third Party
    • Other

    Enterprise risk management is the practice of identifying and addressing risks to your organization and using risk information to drive better decisions and better opportunities.

    IT risk is enterprise risk

    Multiple types of risk, 'Finance', 'IT', 'People', and 'Digital', funneling into 'ENTERPRISE RISKS'. IT risks have a direct and often aggregated impact on enterprise risks and opportunities in the same way other business risks can. This relationship must be understood and addressed through integrated risk management to ensure a consistent approach to risk.

    Your challenge

    Embedding IT risks into the enterprise risk management program is challenging because:

    • Most organizations classify risks based on the departments or areas of the business where the uncertainty is likely to happen.
    • Unnecessary expectations are placed on the IT department to own risks over which they have no authority or oversight.
    • Risks are often only identified when conducting due diligence for a project or ensuring compliance with regulations and standards.

    Risk-mature organizations have a unique benefit in that they often have established an overarching governance framework and embedded risk awareness into the culture.

    35% — Only 35% of organizations had embraced ERM in 2020. (Source: AICPA and NC State Poole College of Management)

    12% — Only 12% of organizations are leveraging risk as a tool to their strategic advantage. (Source: AICPA and NC State Poole College of Management)

    Common obstacles

    These barriers make integrating IT risks difficult to address for many organizations:

    • IT risks are not seen as enterprise risks.
    • The organization’s culture toward risk is not defined.
    • The organization’s appetite and threshold for risk are not defined.
    • Each area of the organization has a different method of identifying, assessing, and responding to risk events.
    • Access to reliable and informative data to support risk management is difficult to obtain.
    • Leadership does not see the business value of integrating risk into a single management program.
    • The organization’s attitudes and behaviors toward risk contradict the desired and defined risk culture.
    • Skills, training, and resources to support risk management are lacking, let alone those to support integrated risk management.

    Integrating risks has its challenges

    62% — Accessing and disseminating information is the main challenge for 62% of organizations maturing their organizational risk management. (Source: OECD)

    20-28% — Organizations with access to machine learning and analytics to address future risk events have 20 to 28% more satisfaction. (Source: Accenture)

    Integrate Risk and Use It to Your Advantage

    Accelerate and optimize your organization by leveraging meaningful risk data to make intelligent enterprise risk decisions.

    Risk management is more than checking an audit box or demonstrating project due diligence.

    Risk Drivers
    • Audit & compliance
    • Preserve value & avoid loss
    • Previous risk impact driver
    • Major transformation
    • Strategic opportunities
    Arrow pointing right. Only 7% of organizations are in a “leading” or “aspirational” level of risk maturity. (OECD, 2021) 63% of organizations struggle when it comes to defining their appetite toward strategy related risks. (“Global Risk Management Survey,” Deloitte, 2021) Late adopters of risk management were 70% more likely to use instinct over data or facts to inform an efficient process. (Clear Risk, 2020) 55% of organizations have little to no training on ERM to properly implement such practices. (AICPA, NC State Poole College of Management, 2021)
    1. Assess Enterprise Risk Maturity 3. Build a Risk Management Program Plan 4. Establish Risk Management Processes 5. Implement a Risk Management Program
    2. Determine Authority with Governance
    Unfortunately, less than 50% of those in risk focused roles are also in a governance role where they have the authority to provide risk oversight. (Governance Institute of Australia, 2020)
    IT can improve the maturity of the organization’s risk governance and help identify risk owners who have authority and accountability.

    Governance and related decision making is optimized with integrated and aligned risk data.

    List of 'Integrated Risk Maturity Categories': '1. Context & Strategic Direction', '2. Risk Culture and Authority', '3. Risk Management Process', and '4. Risk Program Optimization'. The five types of a risk in Enterprise Risk Management.

    ERM incorporates the different types of risk, including IT, security, digital, vendor, and other risk types.

    The program plan is meant to consider all the major risk types in a unified approach.

    The 'Risk Process' cycle starting with '1. Identify', '2. Assess', '3. Respond', '4. Monitor', '5. Report', and back to the beginning. Implementation of an integrated risk management program requires ongoing access to risk data by those with decision making authority who can take action.

    Integrated Risk Mapping — Downside Risk Focus

    A diagram titled 'Risk and Controls' beginning with 'Possible Sources' and a list of sources, 'Control Activities' to prevent, the 'RISK EVENT', 'Recovery Activities' to recover, and 'Possible Repercussions' with a list of ramifications.

    Integrated Risk Mapping — Downside and Upside Risk

    Third-Party Risk Example

    Example of a third-party risk mapped onto the diagram on the previous slide, but with potential upsides mapped out as well. The central risk event is 'Vendor exposes private customer data'. Possible Sources of the downside are 'External Attack' with likelihood prevention method 'Define security standard requirements for vendor assessment' and 'Exfiltration of data through fourth-party staff' with likelihood prevention method 'Ensure data is properly classified'. Possible Sources of the upside are 'Application rationalization' with likelihood optimization method 'Reduce number of applications in environment' and 'Review vendor assessment practices' with likelihood optimization method 'Improve vendor onboarding'. Possible Repercussions on the downside are 'Organization unable to operate in jurisdiction' with impact minimization method 'Engage in-house risk mitigation responses' and 'Fines levied against organization' with impact minimization method 'Report incident to any regulators'. Possible Repercussions on the upside are 'Easier vendor integration and management' with impact utilization method 'Improved vendor onboarding practices' and 'Able to bid on contracts with these requirements' with impact utilization method 'Vendors must provide attestations (e.g. SOC or CMMC)'.

    Insight Summary

    Overarching insight

    Stop fearing risk – integrate it. Integration leads to opportunities for organizations to embrace innovation and new digital technologies as well as reducing operational costs and simplifying reporting.

    Govern risk strategically

    Governance of risk management for information- and technology-related events is often misplaced. Just because it's classified as an IT risk does not mean it shouldn’t be owned by the board or business executive.

    Assess risk maturity

    Integrating risk requires a baseline of risk maturity at the enterprise level. IT can push integrating risks, but only if the enterprise is willing to adopt the attitudes and behaviors that will drive the integrated risk approach.

    Manage risk

    It is not a strategic decision to have different areas of the organization manage the risks perceived to be in their department. It’s the easy choice, but not the strategic one.

    Implement risk management

    Different areas of an enterprise apply risk management processes differently. Determining a single method for identification, assessment, response, and monitoring can ensure successful implementation of enterprise risk management.

    Tactical insight

    Good risk management will consider both the positives and negatives associated with a risk management program by recognizing both the upside and downside of risk event impact and likelihood.

    Integrated risk benefits

    IT Benefits

    • IT executives have a responsibility but not accountability when it comes to risk. Ensure the right business stakeholders have awareness and ability to make informed risk decisions.
    • Controls and responses to risks that are within the “IT” realm will be funded and provided with sufficient support from the business.
    • The business respects and values the role of IT in supporting the enterprise risk program, elevating its role into business partner.

    Business Benefits

    • Business executives and boards can make informed responses to the various forms of risk, including those often categorized as “IT risks.”
    • The compounding severity of risks can be formally assessed and ideally quantified to provide insight into how risks’ ramifications can change based on scenarios.
    • Risk-informed decisions can be used to optimize the business and drive it toward adopting innovation as a response to risk events.
    • Get your organization insured against cybersecurity threats at the lowest premiums possible.

    Measure the value of integrating risk

    • Reduce Operating Costs

      • Organizations can reduce their risk operating costs by 20 to 30% by adopting enterprise-wide digital risk initiatives (McKinsey & Company).
    • Increase Cybersecurity Threat Preparedness

      • Increase the organization’s preparedness for cybersecurity threats. 79% of organizations that were impacted by email threats in 2020 were not prepared for the hit (Diligent)
    • Increase Risk Management’s Impact to Drive Strategic Value

      • Currently, only 3% of organizations are extensively using risk management to drive their unique competitive advantage, compared to 35% of companies who do not use it at all (AICPA & NC State Poole College of Management).
    • Reduce Lost Productivity for the Enterprise

      • Among small businesses, 76% are still not considering purchasing cyberinsurance in 2021, despite the fact that ransomware attacks alone cost Canadian businesses $5.1 billion in productivity in 2020 (Insurance Bureau of Canada, 2021).

    “31% of CIO’s expected their role to expand and include risk management responsibilities.” (IDG “2021 State of the CIO,” 2021)

    Make integrated risk management sustainable


    Focus not just on the preventive risk management but also the value-creating opportunities. With 58% of organizations concerned about disruptive technology, it’s an opportunity to take the concern and transform it into innovation. (Accenture)


    Invest in tools that have data and analytics features. Currently, “gut feelings” or “experience” inform the risk management decisions for 70% of late adopters. (Clear Risk)


    Align to the strategic vision of the board and CEO, given that these two roles account for 54% of the accountability associated with extended enterprise risk management. (Extended Enterprise Risk Management Survey, 2020,” Deloitte)


    Include IT leaders in the risk committee to help informed decision making. Currently 63% of chief technology officers are included in the C‑suite risk committee. (AICPA & NC State Poole College of Management)

    Successful adoption of integrated risk management is often associated with these key elements.


    Assess your organization’s method of addressing risk management to determine if integrated risk is possible

    Assessing the organization’s risk maturity

    Mature or not, integrated risk management should be a consideration for all organizations

    The first step to integrating risk management within the enterprise is to understand the organization’s readiness to adopt practices that will enable it to successfully integrate information.

    In 2021, we saw enterprise risk management assessments become one of the most common trends, particularly as a method by which the organization can consolidate the potential impacts of uncertainties or threats (Lawton, 2021). A major driver for this initiative was the recognition that information and technology not only have enterprise-wide impacts on the organization’s risk management but that IT has a critical role in supporting processes that enable effective access to data/information.

    A maturity assessment has several benefits for an organization: It ensures there is alignment throughout the organization on why integrated risk is the right approach to take, it recognizes the organization’s current risk maturity, and it supports the organization in defining where it would like to go.

    Pie chart titled 'Organizational Risk Management Maturity Assessment Results' showing just under half 'Progressing', a third 'Established', a seventh 'Emerging', and a very small portion 'Leading or Aspirational'.

    Integrated Risk Maturity Categories

    Semi-circle with colored points indicating four categories.


    Context & Strategic Direction Understand the organization’s main objectives and how risk can support or enhance those objectives.


    Risk Culture and Authority Examine if risk-based decisions are being made by those with the right level of authority and if the organization’s risk appetite is embedded in the culture.


    Risk Management Process Determine if the current process to identify, assess, respond to, monitor, and report on risks is benefitting the organization.


    Risk Program Optimization Consider opportunities where risk-related data is being gathered, reported, and used to make informed decisions across the enterprise.

    Maturity should inform your approach to risk management

    The outcome of the risk maturity assessment should inform how risk management is approached within the organization.

    A row of waves starting light and small and becoming taller and darker in steps. The levels are 'Non-existent', 'Basic', 'Partially Integrated', 'Mostly Integrated', 'Fully Integrated', and 'Optimized'.

    For organizations with a low maturity, remaining superficial with risk will offer more benefits and align to the enterprise’s risk tolerance and appetite. This might mean no integrated risk is taking place.

    However, organizations that have higher risk maturity should begin to integrate risk information. These organizations can identify the nuances that would affect the severity and impact of risk events.

    Integrated Risk Maturity Assessment

    The purpose of the Integrated Risk Maturity Assessment is to assess the organization's current maturity and readiness for integrated risk management (IRM).

    Frequently and continually assessing your organization’s maturity toward integrated risk ensures the right risk management program can be adopted by your organization.

    Integrated Risk Maturity Assessment

    A simple tool to understand if your organization is ready to embrace integrated risk management by measuring maturity across four key categories: Context & Strategic Direction, Risk Culture & Authority, Risk Management Process, and Risk Program Optimization

    Sample of the Integrated Risk Maturity Assessment deliverable.

    Use the results from this integrated risk maturity assessment to determine the type of risk management program that can and should be adopted by your organization.

    Some organizations will need to remain siloed and focused on IT risk management only, while others will be able to integrate risk-related information to start enabling automatic controls that respond to this data.

    Fast Track Your GDPR Compliance Efforts

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}372|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 10.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $25,779 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 30 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Governance, Risk & Compliance
    • Parent Category Link: /governance-risk-compliance
    • Organizations often tackle compliance efforts in an ad hoc manner, resulting in an ineffective use of resources.
    • The alignment of business objectives, information security, and data privacy is new for many organizations, and it can seem overwhelming.
    • GDPR is an EU regulation that has global implications; it likely applies to your organization more than you think.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Financial impact isn’t simply fines. A data controller fined for GDPR non-compliance may sue its data processor for damage.
    • Even day-to-day activities may be considered processing. Screen-sharing from a remote location is considered processing if the data shown onscreen contains personal data!
    • This is not simply an IT problem. Organizations that address GDPR in a siloed approach will not be as successful as organizations that take a cross-functional approach.

    Impact and Result

    • Follow a robust methodology that applies to any organization and aligns operational and situational GDPR scope. Info-Tech's framework allows organizations to tackle GDPR compliance in a right-sized, methodical approach.
    • Adhere to a core, complex GDPR requirement through the use of our documentation templates.
    • Understand how the risk of non-compliance is aligned to both your organization’s functions and data scope.
    • This blueprint will guide you through projects and steps that will result in quick wins for near-term compliance.

    Fast Track Your GDPR Compliance Efforts Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should fast track your GDPR compliance efforts, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Understand your compliance requirements

    Understand the breadth of the regulation’s requirements and document roles and responsibilities.

    • Fast Track Your GDPR Compliance Efforts – Phase 1: Understand Your Compliance Requirements
    • GDPR RACI Chart

    2. Define your GDPR scope

    Define your GDPR scope and prioritize initiatives based on risk.

    • Fast Track Your GDPR Compliance Efforts – Phase 2: Define Your GDPR Scope
    • GDPR Initiative Prioritization Tool

    3. Satisfy documentation requirements

    Understand the requirements for a record of processing and determine who will own it.

    • Fast Track Your GDPR Compliance Efforts – Phase 3: Satisfy Documentation Requirements
    • Record of Processing Template
    • Legitimate Interest Assessment Template
    • Data Protection Impact Assessment Tool
    • A Guide to Data Subject Access Requests

    4. Align your data breach requirements and security program

    Document your DPO decision and align security strategy to data privacy.

    • Fast Track Your GDPR Compliance Efforts – Phase 4: Align Your Data Breach Requirements & Security Program

    5. Prioritize your GDPR initiatives

    Prioritize any initiatives driven out of Phases 1-4 and begin developing policies that help in the documentation effort.

    • Fast Track Your GDPR Compliance Efforts – Phase 5: Prioritize Your GDPR Initiatives
    • Data Protection Policy

    Workshop: Fast Track Your GDPR Compliance Efforts

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Understand Your Compliance Requirements

    The Purpose

    Kick-off the workshop; understand and define GDPR as it exists in your organizational context.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Prioritize your business units based on GDPR risk.

    Assign roles and responsibilities.


    1.1 Kick-off and introductions.

    1.2 High-level overview of weekly activities and outcomes.

    1.3 Identify and define GDPR initiative within your organization’s context.

    1.4 Determine what actions have been done to prepare; how have regulations been handled in the past?

    1.5 Identify key business units for GDPR committee.

    1.6 Document business units and functions that are within scope.

    1.7 Prioritize business units based on GDPR.

    1.8 Formalize stakeholder support.


    Prioritized business units based on GDPR risk

    GDPR Compliance RACI Chart

    2 Define Your GDPR Scope

    The Purpose

    Know the rationale behind a record of processing.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Determine who will own the record of processing.


    2.1 Understand the necessity for a record of processing.

    2.2 Determine for each prioritized business unit: are you a controller or processor?

    2.3 Develop a record of processing for most-critical business units.

    2.4 Perform legitimate interest assessments.

    2.5 Document an iterative process for creating a record of processing.


    Initial record of processing: 1-2 activities

    Initial legitimate interest assessment: 1-2 activities

    Determination of who will own the record of processing

    3 Satisfy Documentation Requirements and Align With Your Data Breach Requirements and Security Program

    The Purpose

    Review existing security controls and highlight potential requirements.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Ensure the initiatives you’ll be working on align with existing controls and future goals.


    3.1 Determine the appetite to align the GDPR project to data classification and data discovery.

    3.2 Discuss the benefits of data discovery and classification.

    3.3 Review existing incident response plans and highlight gaps.

    3.4 Review existing security controls and highlight potential requirements.

    3.5 Review all initiatives highlighted during days 1-3.


    Highlighted gaps in current incident response and security program controls

    Documented all future initiatives

    4 Prioritize GDPR Initiatives

    The Purpose

    Review project plan and initiatives and prioritize.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Finalize outputs of the workshop, with a strong understanding of next steps.


    4.1 Analyze the necessity for a data protection officer and document decision.

    4.2 Review project plan and initiatives.

    4.3 Prioritize all current initiatives based on regulatory compliance, cost, and ease to implement.

    4.4 Develop a data protection policy.

    4.5 Finalize key deliverables created during the workshop.

    4.6 Present the GDPR project to key stakeholders.

    4.7 Workshop executive presentation and debrief.


    GDPR framework and prioritized initiatives

    Data Protection Policy

    List of key tools

    Communication plans

    Workshop summary documentation

    Responsibly Resume IT Operations in the Office

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}423|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: DR and Business Continuity
    • Parent Category Link: /business-continuity

    Having shifted operations almost overnight to a remote work environment, and with the crisis management phase of the COVID-19 pandemic winding down, IT leaders and organizations are faced with the following issues:

    • A reduced degree of control with respect to the organization’s assets.
    • Increased presence of unapproved workaround methods, including applications and devices not secured by the organization.
    • Pressure to resume operations at pre-pandemic cadence while still operating in recovery mode.
    • An anticipated game plan for restarting the organization’s project activities.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    An organization’s shift back toward the pre-pandemic state cannot be carried out in isolation. Things have changed. Budgets, resource availability, priorities, etc., will not be the same as they were in early March. Organizations must ensure that all departments work collaboratively to support office repatriation. IT must quickly identify the must-dos to allow safe return to the office, while prioritizing tasks relating to the repopulation of employees, technical assets, and operational workloads via an informed and streamlined roadmap.

    As employees return to the office, PMO and portfolio leaders must sift through unclear requirements and come up with a game plan to resume project activities mid-pandemic. You need to develop an approach, and fast.

    Impact and Result

    Responsibly resume IT operations in the office:

    • Evaluate risk tolerance
    • Prepare to repatriate people to the office
    • Prepare to repatriate assets to the office
    • Prepare to repatriate workloads to the office
    • Prioritize your tasks and build your roadmap

    Quickly restart the engine of your PPM:

    • Restarting the engine of the project portfolio won’t be as simple as turning a key and hitting the gas. The right path forward will differ for every project portfolio practice.
    • Therefore, in this publication we put forth a multi-pass approach that PMO and portfolio managers can follow depending on their unique situations and needs.
    • Each approach is accompanied by a checklist and recommendations for next steps to get you on right path fast.

    Responsibly Resume IT Operations in the Office Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    As the post-pandemic landscape begins to take shape, ensure that IT can effectively prepare and support your employees as they move back to the office.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Evaluate your new risk tolerance

    Identify the new risk landscape and risk tolerance for your organization post-pandemic. Determine how this may impact the second wave of pandemic transition tasks.

    • Responsibly Resume IT Operations in the Office – Phase 1: Evaluate Your New Risk Tolerance
    • Resume Operations Information Security Pressure Analysis Tool

    2. Repatriate people to the office

    Prepare to return your employees to the office. Ensure that IT takes into account the health and safety of employees, while creating an efficient and sustainable working environment

    • Responsibly Resume IT Operations in the Office – Phase 2: Repatriate People to the Office
    • Mid-Pandemic IT Prioritization Tool

    3. Repatriate assets to the office

    Prepare the organization's assets for return to the office. Ensure that IT takes into account the off-license purchases and new additions to the hardware family that took place during the pandemic response and facilitates a secure reintegration to the workplace.

    • Responsibly Resume IT Operations in the Office – Phase 3: Repatriate Assets to the Office

    4. Repatriate workloads to the office

    Prepare and position IT to support workloads in order to streamline office reintegration. This may include leveraging pre-existing solutions in different ways and providing additional workstreams to support employee processes.

    • Responsibly Resume IT Operations in the Office – Phase 4: Repatriate Workloads to the Office

    5. Prioritize your tasks and build the roadmap

    Once you've identified IT's supporting tasks, it's time to prioritize. This phase walks through the activity of prioritizing based on cost/effort, alignment to business, and security risk reduction weightings. The result is an operational action plan for resuming office life.

    • Responsibly Resume IT Operations in the Office – Phase 5: Prioritize Your Tasks and Build the Roadmap

    6. Restart the engine of your project portfolio

    Restarting the engine of the project portfolio mid-pandemic won’t be as simple as turning a key and hitting the gas. Use this concise research to find the right path forward for your organization.

    • Restart the Engine of Your Project Portfolio

    Drive Business Value With a Right-Sized Project Gating Process

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}445|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $61,999 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 21 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Portfolio Management
    • Parent Category Link: /portfolio-management
    • Low sponsor commitment on projects.
    • Poor quality on completed projects.
    • Little to no visibility into the project portfolio.
    • Organization does not operationalize change .
    • Analyzing, fixing, and redeploying is a constant struggle. Even when projects are done well, they fail to deliver the intended outcomes and benefits.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Stop applying a one-size-fits-all-projects approach to governance.
    • Engage the sponsor by shifting the accountability to the business so they can get the most out of the project.
    • Do not limit the gating process to project management – expand to portfolio management.

    Impact and Result

    • Increase Project Throughput: Do more projects by ensuring the right projects and right amount of projects are approved and executed.
    • Validate Project Quality: Ensure issues are uncovered and resolved with standard check points in the project.
    • Increase Reporting and Visibility: Easily compare progress of projects across the portfolio and report outcomes to leadership.
    • Reduce Resource Waste: Terminate low-value projects early and assign the right resources to approved projects.
    • Achieve Intended Project Outcomes: Keep the sponsor engaged throughout the gating process to achieve desired outcomes.

    Drive Business Value With a Right-Sized Project Gating Process Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should design a right-sized project gating process, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Lay the groundwork for tailored project gating

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

  • Understand the role of gating and why we need it.
  • Determine what projects will follow the gating process and how to classify them.
  • Establish the role of the project sponsor throughout the entire project lifecycle.
    • Drive Business Value With a Right-Sized Project Gating Process – Phase 1: Lay the Groundwork for Tailored Project Gating
    • Project Intake Classification Matrix
    • Project Sponsor Role Description Template

    2. Establish level 1 project gating

    This phase will help you customize Level 1 Project Gates with appropriate roles and responsibilities.

    • Drive Business Value With a Right-Sized Project Gating Process – Phase 2: Establish Level 1 Project Gating
    • Project Gating Strategic Template

    3. Establish level 2 project gating

    This phase will help you customize Level 2 Project Gates with appropriate roles and responsibilities.

    • Drive Business Value With a Right-Sized Project Gating Process – Phase 3: Establish Level 2 Project Gating

    4. Establish level 3 project gating

    This phase will help you customize Level 3 Project Gates with appropriate roles and responsibilities. It will also help you determine next steps and milestones for the adoption of the new process.

    • Drive Business Value With a Right-Sized Project Gating Process – Phase 4: Establish Level 3 Project Gating
    • Project Gating Reference Document

    Workshop: Drive Business Value With a Right-Sized Project Gating Process

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Lay the Groundwork for Tailored Project Gating

    The Purpose

    Understand the role of gating and why we need it.

    Determine what projects will follow the gating process and how to classify them.

    Establish the role of the project sponsor throughout the entire project lifecycle.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Get stakeholder buy-in for the process.

    Ensure there is a standard leveling process to determine size, risk, and complexity of requests.

    Engage the project sponsor throughout the portfolio and project processes.


    1.1 Project Gating Review

    1.2 Establish appropriate project levels

    1.3 Define the role of the project sponsor


    Project Intake Classification Matrix

    Project Sponsor Role Description Template

    2 Establish Level 1 Project Gating

    The Purpose

    This phase will help you customize Level 1 Project Gates with appropriate roles and responsibilities.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Create a lightweight project gating process for small projects.


    2.1 Review level 1 project gating process

    2.2 Determine what gates should be part of your custom level 1 gating process

    2.3 Establish required artifacts for each gate

    2.4 Define the stakeholder’s roles and responsibilities at each gate


    Documented outputs in the Project Gating Strategic Template

    3 Establish Level 2 Project Gating

    The Purpose

    This phase will help you customize Level 2 Project Gates with appropriate roles and responsibilities.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Create a heavier project gating process for medium projects.


    3.1 Review level 2 project gating process

    3.2 Determine what gates should be part of your custom level 2 gating process

    3.3 Establish required artifacts for each gate

    3.4 Define the stakeholder’s roles and responsibilities at each gate


    4 Establish Level 3 Project Gating

    The Purpose

    This phase will help you customize Level 3 Project Gates with appropriate roles and responsibilities.

    Come up with a roadmap for the adoption of the new project gating process.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Create a comprehensive project gating process for large projects.


    4.1 Review level 3 project gating process

    4.2 Determine what gates should be part of your custom level 3 gating process

    4.3 Establish required artifacts for each gate

    4.4 Define the stakeholder’s roles and responsibilities at each gate

    4.5 Determine next steps and milestones for process adoption


    Documented outputs in the Project Gating Strategic Template

    Documented Project Gating Reference Document for all stakeholders

    Take Control of Infrastructure and Operations Metrics

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}460|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 8.5/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $7,199 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 11 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Operations Management
    • Parent Category Link: /i-and-o-process-management
    • Measuring the business value provided by IT is very challenging.
    • You have a number of metrics, but they may not be truly meaningful, contextual, or actionable.
    • You know you need more than a single metric to tell the whole story. You also suspect that metrics from different systems combined will tell an even fuller story.
    • You are being asked to provide information from different levels of management, for different audiences, conveying different information.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Many organizations collect metrics to validate they are keeping the lights on. But the Infrastructure and Operations managers who are benefitting the most are taking steps to ensure they are getting the right metrics to help them make decisions, manage costs, and plan for change.
    • Complaints about metrics are often rooted in managers wading through too many individual metrics, wrong metrics, or data that they simply can’t trust.
    • Info-Tech surveyed and interviewed a number of Infrastructure managers, CIOs, and IT leaders to understand how they are leveraging metrics. Successful organizations are using metrics for everything from capacity planning to solving customer service issues to troubleshooting system failures.

    Impact and Result

    • Manage metrics so they don’t become time wasters and instead provide real value.
    • Identify the types of metrics you need to focus on.
    • Build a metrics process to ensure you are collecting the right metrics and getting data you can use to save time and make better decisions.

    Take Control of Infrastructure and Operations Metrics Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should implement a metrics program in your Infrastructure and Operations practice, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Gap analysis

    This phase will help you identify challenges that you want to avoid by implementing a metrics program, discover the main IT goals, and determine your core metrics.

    • Take Control of Infrastructure and Operations Metrics – Phase 1: Gap Analysis
    • Infra & Ops Metrics Executive Presentation

    2. Build strategy

    This phase will help you make an actionable plan to implement your metrics program, define roles and responsibilities, and communicate your metrics project across your organization and with the business division.

    • Take Control of Infrastructure and Operations Metrics – Phase 2: Build Strategy
    • Infra & Ops Metrics Definition Template
    • Infra & Ops Metrics Tracking and Reporting Tool
    • Infra & Ops Metrics Program Roles & Responsibilities Guide
    • Weekly Metrics Review With Your Staff
    • Quarterly Metrics Review With the CIO

    IT Diversity & Inclusion Tactics

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}517|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Engage
    • Parent Category Link: /engage
    • Although inclusion is key to the success of a diversity and inclusion (D&I) strategy, the complexity of the concept makes it a daunting pursuit.
    • This is further complicated by the fact that creating inclusion is not a one-and-done exercise. Rather, it requires the ongoing commitment of employees and managers to reassess their own behaviors and to drive a cultural shift.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    Realize the benefits of a diverse workforce by embedding inclusion into work practices, behaviors, and values, ensuring accountability throughout the department.

    Impact and Result

    Understand what it means to be inclusive: reassess work practices and learn how to apply leadership behaviors to create an inclusive environment

    IT Diversity & Inclusion Tactics Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Mobilize inclusion efforts

    Learn, evaluate, and understand what it means to be inclusive, examine biases, and apply inclusive leadership behaviors.

    • Diversity & Inclusion Initiatives Catalog
    • Inclusive IT Work Practices Examples
    • Inclusive Work Practices Template
    • Equip Managers to Adopt Inclusive Leadership Behaviors
    • Workbook: Equip Managers to Adopt Inclusive Leadership Behaviors
    • Standard Focus Group Guide