The challenge of corporate security management

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Corporate security management is a vital aspect in every modern business, regardless of business area or size. At Tymans Group we offer expert security management consulting to help your business set up proper protocols and security programs. More elaborate information about our security management consulting services and solutions can be found below.

Corporate security management components

You may be experiencing one or more of the following:

  • The risk goals should support business goals. Your business cannot operate without security, and security is there to conduct business safely. 
  • Security governance supports security strategy and security management. These three components form a protective arch around your business. 
  • Governance and management are like the legislative branch and the executive branch. Governance tells people what to do, and management's job is to verify that they do it.

Our advice with regards to corporate security management


To have a successful information security strategy, take these three factors into account:

  • Holistic: your view must include people, processes, and technology.
  • Risk awareness: Base your strategy on the actual risk profile of your company and then add the appropriate best practices.
  • Business-aligned: When your strategic security plan demonstrates alignment with the business goals and supports it, embedding will be much more straightforward.

Impact and results of our corporate security management approach

  • The approach of our security management consulting company helps to provide a starting point for realistic governance and realistic corporate security management.
  • We help you by implementing security governance and managing it, taking into account your company's priorities, and keeping costs to a minimum.

The roadmap

Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within the corporate security management domain have access to:

Get up to speed

Read up on why you should build your customized corporate information security governance and management system. Review our methodology and understand the four ways we can support you.

Align your security objectives with your business goals

Determine the company's risk tolerance.

  • Implement a Security Governance and Management Program – Phase 1: Align Business Goals With Security Objectives (ppt)
  • Information Security Governance and Management Business Case (ppt)
  • Information Security Steering Committee Charter (doc)
  • Information Security Steering Committee RACI Chart (doc)
  • Security Risk Register Tool (xls)

Build a practical governance framework for your company

Our best-of-breed security framework makes you perform a gap analysis between where you are and where you want to be (your target state). Once you know that, you can define your goals and duties.

  • Implement a Security Governance and Management Program – Phase 2: Develop an Effective Governance Framework (ppt)
  • Information Security Charter (doc)
  • Security Governance Organizational Structure Template (doc)
  • Security Policy Hierarchy Diagram (ppt)
  • Security Governance Model Facilitation Questions (ppt)
  • Information Security Policy Charter Template (doc)
  • Information Security Governance Model Tool (Visio)
  • Pdf icon 20x20
  • Information Security Governance Model Tool (PDF)

Now that you have built it, manage your governance framework.

There are several essential management activities that we as a security management consulting company suggest you employ.

  • Implement a Security Governance and Management Program – Phase 3: Manage Your Governance Framework (ppt)
  • Security Metrics Assessment Tool (xls)
  • Information Security Service Catalog (xls)
  • Policy Exception Tracker (xls)
  • Information Security Policy Exception Request Form (doc)
  • Security Policy Exception Approval Workflow (Visio)
  • Security Policy Exception Approval Workflow (PDF)
  • Business Goal Metrics Tracking Tool (xls)

Book an online appointment for more advice

We are happy to tell you more about our corporate security management solutions and help you set up fitting security objectives. As a security management consulting firm we offer solutions and advice, based on our own extensive experience, which are practical and people-orientated. Discover our services, which include data security management and incident management and book an online appointment with CEO Gert Taeymans to discuss any issues you may be facing regarding risk management or IT governance.


Create and Manage Enterprise Data Models

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  • Parent Category Name: Data Management
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  • Business executives don’t understand the value of Conceptual and Logical Data Models and how they define their data assets.
  • Data, like mercury, is difficult to manage and contain.
  • IT needs to justify the time and cost of developing and maintaining Data Models.
  • Data as an asset is only perceived from a physical point of view, and the metadata that provides context and definition is often ignored.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • Data Models tell the story of the organization and its data in pictures to be used by a business as a tool to evolve the business capabilities and processes.
  • Data Architecture and Data Modeling have different purposes and should be represented as two distinct processes within the software development lifecycle (SDLC).
  • The Conceptual Model provides a quick win for both business and IT because it can convey abstract business concepts and thereby compartmentalize the problem space.

Impact and Result

  • A Conceptual Model can be used to define the semantics and relationships for your analytical layer.
    • It provides a visual representation of your data in the semantics of business.
    • It acts as the anchor point for all data lineages.
    • It can be used by business users and IT for data warehouse and analytical planning.
    • It provides the taxonomies for data access profiles.
    • It acts as the basis for your Enterprise Logical and Message Models.

Create and Manage Enterprise Data Models Research & Tools

Start here – read the Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should create enterprise data models, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

1. Setting the stage

Prepare your environment for data architecture.

  • Enterprise Data Models

2. Revisit your SDLC

Revisit your SDLC to embed data architecture.

  • Enterprise Architecture Tool Selection

3. Develop a Conceptual Model

Create and maintain your Conceptual Data Model via an iterative process.

4. Data Modeling Playbook

View the main deliverable with sample models.

  • Data Modeling Playbook

Workshop: Create and Manage Enterprise Data Models

Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

1 Establish the Data Architecture Practice

The Purpose

Understand the context and goals of data architecture in your organization.

Key Benefits Achieved

A foundation for your data architecture practice.


1.1 Review the business context.

1.2 Obtain business commitment and expectations for data architecture.

1.3 Define data architecture as a discipline, its role, and the deliverables.

1.4 Revisit your SDLC to embed data architecture.

1.5 Modeling tool acquisition if required.


Data Architecture vision and mission and governance.

Revised SDLC to include data architecture.

Staffing strategy.

Data Architecture engagement protocol.

Installed modeling tool.

2 Business Architecture and Domain Modeling

The Purpose

Identify the concepts and domains that will inform your data models.

Key Benefits Achieved

Defined concepts for your data models.


2.1 Revisit business architecture output.

2.2 Business domain selection.

2.3 Identify business concepts.

2.4 Organize and group of business concepts.

2.5 Build the Business Data Glossary.


List of defined and documented entities for the selected.

Practice in the use of capability and business process models to identify key data concepts.

Practice the domain modeling process of grouping and defining your bounded contexts.

3 Harvesting Reference Models

The Purpose

Harvest reference models for your data architecture.

Key Benefits Achieved

Reference models selected.


3.1 Reference model selection.

3.2 Exploring and searching the reference model.

3.3 Harvesting strategies and maintaining linkage.

3.4 Extending the conceptual and logical models.


Established and practiced steps to extend the conceptual or logical model from the reference model while maintaining lineage.

4 Harvesting Existing Data Artifacts

The Purpose

Gather more information to create your data models.

Key Benefits Achieved

Remaining steps and materials to build your data models.


4.1 Use your data inventory to select source models.

4.2 Match semantics.

4.3 Maintain lineage between BDG and existing sources.

4.4 Select and harvest attributes.

4.5 Define modeling standards.


List of different methods to reverse engineer existing models.

Practiced steps to extend the logical model from existing models.

Report examples.

5 Next Steps and Wrap-Up (offsite)

The Purpose

Wrap up the workshop and set your data models up for future success.

Key Benefits Achieved

Understanding of functions and processes that will use the data models.


5.1 Institutionalize data architecture practices, standards, and procedures.

5.2 Exploit and extend the use of the Conceptual model in the organization.


Data governance policies, standards, and procedures for data architecture.

List of business function and processes that will utilize the Conceptual model.

Application Development Throughput

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The challenge

  • As we work more and more using agile techniques, teams tend to optimize their areas of responsibility.
  • IT will still release lower-quality applications when there is a lack of clarity around the core SDLC processes.
  • Software development teams continue to struggle with budget and time constraints within their releases.
  • Typically each group claims to be optimized, yet the final deliverable falls short of the expected quality.

Our advice


  • Database administrators know this all too well: Optimizing can you perform worse. The software development lifecycle (SDLC) must be optimized holistically, not per area or team.
  • Separate how you work from your framework. You do not need "agile" or "extreme" or "agifall" or "safe" to optimize your SDLC.
  • SDLC optimization is a continuous effort. Start from your team's current capabilities and improve over time.

Impact and results 

  • You can assume proper accountability for the implementation and avoid over-reliance on the systems integrator.
  • Leverage the collective knowledge and advice of additional IT professionals
  • Review the pitfalls and lessons learned from failed integrations.
  • Manage risk at every stage.
  • Perform a self-assessment at various stages of the integration path.

The roadmap

Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

Get started.

Read our executive brief to understand our approach to SDLC optimization and why we advocate a holistic approach for your company.

Document your current state

This phase helps you understand your business goals and priorities. You will document your current SDLC process and find where the challenges are.

  • Create a Horizontally Optimized SDLC to Better Meet Business Demands – Phase 1: Document the Current State of the SDLC (ppt)
  • SDLC Optimization Playbook (xls)

Find out the root causes, define how to move forward, and set your target state

  • Create a Horizontally Optimized SDLC to Better Meet Business Demands – Phase 2: Define Root Causes, Determine Optimization Initiatives, and Define Target State (ppt)

Develop the roll-out strategy for SDLC optimization

Prioritize your initiatives and formalize them in a roll-out strategy and roadmap. Communicate your plan to all your stakeholders.

  • Create a Horizontally Optimized SDLC to Better Meet Business Demands – Phase 3: Develop a Rollout Strategy for SDLC Optimization (ppt)
  • SDLC Communication Template (ppt)


The State of Black Professionals in Tech

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  • Parent Category Name: Engage
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  • The experience of Black professionals in IT differs from their colleagues.
  • Job satisfaction is also lower for Black IT professionals.
  • For organizations to gain from the benefits of diversity, equity, and inclusion, they need to ensure they understand the landscape for many Black professionals.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • As an IT leader, you can make a positive difference in the working lives of your team; this is not just the domain of HR.
  • Employee goals can vary depending on the barriers that they encounter. IT leaders must ensure they have an understanding of unique employee needs to better support them, increasing their ability to recruit and retain.
  • Improve the experience of Black IT professionals by ensuring your organization has diversity in leadership and supports mentorship and sponsorship.

Impact and Result

  • Use the data from Info-Tech’s analysis to inform your DEI strategy.
  • Learn about actions that IT leaders can take to improve the satisfaction and career advancement of their Black employees.

The State of Black Professionals in Tech Research & Tools

Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

1. The State of Black Professionals in Tech Report – A report providing you with advice on barriers and solutions for leaders of Black employees.

IT leaders often realize that there are barriers impacting their employees but don’t know how to address them. This report provides insights on the barriers and actions that can help improve the lives of Black professionals in technology.

  • The State of Black Professionals in Tech Report


Further reading

The State of Black Professionals in Tech

Keep inclusion at the forefront to gain the benefits from diversity.

Analysts' Perspective

The experience of Black professionals in technology is unique.

Diversity in tech is not a new topic, and it's not a secret that technology organizations struggle to attract and retain Black employees. Ever since the early '90s, large tech organizations have been dealing with public critique of their lack of diversity. This topic is close to our hearts, but unfortunately while improvements have been made, progress is quite slow.

In recent years, current events have once again brought diversity to the forefront for many organizations. In addition, the pandemic along with talent trends such as "the great resignation" and "quiet quitting" and preparations for a recession have not only impacted diversity at large but also Black professionals in technology. Our previous research has focused on the wider topic of Recruiting and Retaining People of Color in Tech, but we've found that the experiences of persons of color are not all the same.

This study focuses on the unique experience of Black professionals in technology. Over 600 people were surveyed using an online tool; interviews provided additional insights. We're excited to share our findings with you.

This is a picture of Allison Straker This is an image of Ugbad Farah

Allison Straker
Research Director
Info-Tech Research Group

Ugbad Farah
Research Director
Info-Tech Research Group


In October 2021, we launched a survey to understand what the Black experience is like for people in technology. We wanted and received a variety of responses which would help us to understand how Black technology professionals experienced their working world. We received responses from 633 professionals, providing us with the data for this report.

For more information on our survey demographics please see the appendix at this end of this report.

A pie chart showing 26% black and 74% All Other

26% of our respondents either identified as Black or felt the world sees them as Black.

Professionals from various countries responded to the survey:

  • Most respondents were born in the US (52%), Canada (14%), India (14%), or Nigeria (4%).
  • Most respondents live in the US (56%), Canada (25%), Nigeria (2%), or the United Kingdom (2%).

Companies with more diversity achieve more revenue from innovation

Organizations do better and are more innovative when they have more diversity, a key ingredient in an organization's secret sauce.
Organizations also benefit from engaged employees, yet we've seen that organizations struggle with both. Just having a certain number of diverse individuals is not enough. When it comes to reaping the benefits of diversity, organizations can flourish when employees feel safe bringing their whole selves to work.

45% Innovation Revenue by Companies With Above-Average Diversity Scores

Innovation Revenue by Companies With Below-Average Diversity Scores

(Chart source: McKinsey, 2020)

Companies with higher employee engagement experience 19.2% higher earnings.

However, those with lower employee engagement experience 32.7% lower earnings.
(DecisionWise, 2020)

If your workforce doesn't reflect the community it serves, your business may be missing out on the chance to find great employees and break into new and growing markets, both locally and globally.
Diversity makes good business sense.
(Business Development Canada, 2023)

A study about Black professionals

Why is this about Black professionals and not other diverse groups?

While there are a variety of diversity dimensions, it's important to understand what makes up a "multicultural workforce." There is more to diversity than gender, race, and ethnicity. Organizations need to understand that there is diversity within these groups and Black professionals have their own unique experience when it comes to entering and navigating tech that needs to be addressed.

This image contains two bar graphs from the Brookfield Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. They show the answers to two questions, sorted by the following categories: Black; Non-White; Asian; White. The questions are as follows: I feel comfortable to voice my opinion, even when it differs from the group opinion; I am part of the decision-making process at work.

(Brookfield Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2019)

The solutions that apply to Black professionals are not only beneficial for Black employees but for all. While all demographics are unique, the solutions in this report can support many.

Unsatisfied and underrepresented

Less Black professionals responded as "satisfied" in their IT careers. The question is: How do we mend the Gap?

Percentage of IT Professionals Who Reported Being Very Satisfied in Their Current Role

  • All Other Professionals: 34%
  • Black Professionals: 23%

Black workers are underrepresented in most professional roles, especially computer and math Occupations

A bar graph showing representation of black workers in the total workforce compared to computer and mathematical science occupations.

The gap in satisfaction

What's Important?

Our research suggests that the differences in satisfaction among ethnic groups are related to differences in value systems. We asked respondents to rank what's important, and we explored why.

Non-Black professionals rated autonomy and their manager working relationships as most important.

For Black professionals, while those were important, #1 was promotion and growth opportunities, ranked #7 by all other professionals. This is a significant discrepancy.

Recognition of my work/accomplishments also was viewed significantly differently, with Black professionals ranking it low on the list at #7 and all other professionals considering it very important at #3.

All Other Professionals

Black Professionals

Two columns, containing metrics of satisfaction rated by Black Professionals, and All Other Professionals.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs applies to job satisfaction

In Maslow's hierarchy, it is necessary for people to achieve items lower on the hierarchy before they can successfully pursue the higher tiers.

An image of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs modified to apply to Job Satisfaction

Too many Black professionals in tech are busy trying to achieve some of the lower parts of the hierarchy; it is stopping them from achieving elements higher up that can lead to job satisfaction.

This can stop them from gaining esteem, importance, and ultimately, self-actualization. The barriers that impact safety and social belonging happen on a day-to-day basis, and so the day-to-day lives of Black professionals in tech can look very different from their counterparts.

There are barriers that hinder and solutions that support employees

An image showing barriers to success An image showing Actions for Success.
There are various barriers that increase the likelihood for Black professionals to focus on the lower end of the needs hierarchy:

These are among some of the solutions that, when layered, can support Black professionals in tech in moving up the needs hierarchy.

Focusing on these actions can support Black professionals in achieving much needed job satisfaction.

What does this mean?

The minority experience is not a monolith

The barriers that Black professionals encounter aren't limited to the same barriers as their colleagues, and too often this means that they aren't in a position to grow their careers in a way that leads to job satisfaction.

There is a 11% gap between the satisfaction of Black professionals and their peers.

Early Steps:
Take time to understand the Black experience.

As leaders, it's important to be aware that employee goals vary depending on the barriers they're battling with.

If Black employees don't have strong relationships, networks, and mentorships it becomes increasingly difficult to navigate the path to upward mobility.

As a leader, you can look for opportunities to bridge the gap on these types of conversations.

Black professionals in tech are not advancing like their counterparts.

Creating clear career paths will not only benefit Black employees but also support your entire organization.

Key metrics:

  • Engagement
  • Committed Executive Leadership
  • Development Opportunities
  • Organizational Programs

Black respondents are significantly more likely to report barriers to their career advancement

Common barriers

Black professionals, like their colleagues, encounter barriers as they try to advance their careers. The barriers both groups encounter include microaggressions, racism, ageism, accessibility issues, sexual orientation, bias due to religion, lack of a career-supported network, gender bias, family status bias, and discrimination due to language/accents.

What tops the list

Microaggressions and racism are at the top of these barriers, but Black professionals also deal with other barriers that their colleagues may experience, such as gender-based bias, accessibility issues, religion, and more.

One of these barriers alone can be difficult to deal with but when they are compounded it can be very difficult to navigate through the working environment in tech.

A graph charting the impact of the common barriers

What are microaggressions?


A statement, action, or incident regarded as an instance of indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group such as a racial or ethnic minority.

(Oxford Languages, 2023)

Why are they significant?

These things may seem innocent enough but the messaging that is received and the lasting impression is often far from it.

Our research shows that racism and discrimination contribute to poor mental health among Black professionals.


  • You're so articulate!
  • How do you always have different hair, can I touch it?
  • Where are you really from?
  • I don't see color.
  • I believe the most qualified person should get the job; everyone can succeed in this society if they work hard enough.

"The experience of having to question whether something happened to you because of your race or constantly being on edge because your environment is hostile can often leave people feeling invisible, silenced, angry, and resentful."
Dr. Joy Bradford,
clinical Psychologist, qtd. In Pfizer

It takes some time to get in the door

For too many Black respondents, It took Longer than their peers to Find Technology Jobs.

Both groups had some success finding jobs in "no time" – however, there was a difference. Thirty-four percent of "all others" found their jobs quickly, while the numbers were less for Black professionals, at 26%. There was also a difference at the opposite end of the spectrum. For 29% of Black professionals, it took seven months or longer to find their IT job, while that number is only 19% for their peers.

.a graph showing time taken for respondents sorted by black; and all other.

This points to the need for improvements in recruitment and career advancement.

29% of Black respondents said that it took them 7 months or longer to find their technology job.

Compared to 19% of all other professionals that selected the same response.

And once they're in, it's difficult to advance

Black Professionals are not Advancing as Quickly as their Colleagues. Especially when you look at their Experience.

Our research shows that compared to all other ethnicities; Black participants were 55% more likely to report that they had no career advancement/promotion in their career. There is a bigger percentage of Black professionals who have never received a promotion; there's also a large number of Black professionals who have been working a significant amount time in the same role without a promotion.

.Career Advancement

A graph showing career advancement for the categories: Black and All Other.

Black participants were 55% more likely to report that they had had no career advancement/promotion in their career.

No advancement

A graph showing the number of respondents who reported no career advancement over time, for the categories: Black; and All Other.

There's a high cost to lack of engagement

When employees feel disillusioned with things like career advancement and microaggressions, they often become disengaged. When you continuously have to steel yourself against microaggressions, racism, and other barriers, it prevents you from bringing your whole self to the office. The barriers can lead to what's been coined as "emotional tax." An emotional tax is the experience of feeling different from colleagues because of your inherent diversity and the associated negative effects on health, wellbeing, and the ability to thrive at work.

Earnings of companies with higher employee engagement


Earnings of companies with lower employee engagement


(DecisionWise, 2020)

"I've conditioned myself for the corporate world, I don't bring my authentic self to work."
Anonymous Interview Subject

Lack of engagement also costs the organization in terms of turnover, something many organizations today are struggling with how to address. Organizations want to increase the ability of the workforce to remain in the organization. For Black employees, this gets harder when they're not engaged and they're the only one. When the emotional tax gets to be too much, this can lead to turnover. Turnover not only costs companies billions in profits, it also negatively impacts leadership diversity. It's difficult to imagine career growth when you don't see anyone that looks like you at the top. It is a challenge to see your future when there aren't others that you can relate to at top levels in the organization, leading to one of our interview subjects to muse, "How long can I last?"

"Being Black in tech can be hard on your mental health. Your mind is constantly wondering, 'how long can I last?' "
Anonymous Interview Subject

Fewer Black professionals feel like they can be their authentic selves at work

Authentic vs. Successes

For many Black professionals, "code-switching," or altering the way one speaks and acts depending on context, becomes the norm to make others more comfortable. Many feel that being authentic and succeeding in the workplace are mutually exclusive.

Programs and Resources

We asked respondents "What's in place to build an inclusive culture at your company?" Most respondents (51% and 45%) reported that there were employee resource groups at their organizations.

Do you feel you can be your authentic self at work?

A bar graph showing 86% for All Other Professions, and 75% for Black Professionals

A bar graph showing responses to the question What’s in place to build an inclusive culture at your company.

What can be done?

An image showing actions for success.

There are various actions that organizations can take to help address barriers.

It's important to ensure these are not put in as band-aid solutions but that they are carefully thought out and layered.

Our findings demonstrate that remote work, career development, and DEI programs along with mentorship and diverse leadership are strong enablers of professional satisfaction. An unfortunate consequence, if professionals are not nurtured, is that we risk losing much needed talent to self-employment or to other organizations.

There are several solutions

Respondents were asked to distribute points across potential solutions that could lead to job satisfaction. The ratings showed that there were common solutions that could be leveraged across all groups.

Respondents were asked what solutions were valuable for their career development.

All groups were mostly aligned on the order of the solutions that would lead to career satisfaction; however, Black professionals rated the importance of employee resource groups as higher than their colleagues did.

An image showing how respondents rate a number of categories, sorted into Ratings by Black Professionals, and Ratings by Other Professionals

Mentorship and sponsorship are seen as key for all employees, as is of course training.

However, employee resource groups (ERGs) were rated significantly higher for Black professionals and discussions around diversity were higher for their colleagues. This may be because other groups feel a need to learn more about diversity, whereas Black professionals live this experience on a day-to day basis, so it's not as critical for them.

Double the number of satisfied Black professionals through mentorship and sponsorship

a bar graph showing the number of very satisfied people with and without mentors/sponsors.

Mentorship and sponsorship help to close the job satisfaction gap for Black IT professionals. The percentage of satisfied Black employees almost doubles when they have a mentor or sponsorship, moving the satisfaction rate to closer to all other colleagues.

As leaders, you likely benefit from a few different advisors, and your staff should be able to benefit in the same way.

They can have their own personal board of advisors, both inside and outside of your organization, helping them to navigate the working world in IT.

To support your staff, provide guidance and coaching to internal mentors so that they can best support employees, and ensure that your organizational culture supports relationship building and trust.

While all are critical, coaching, mentoring, and sponsorship are not the same


Performance-driven guidance geared to support the employee with on-the-job performance. This could be a short-term relationship.


A relationship where the mentor provides guidance, information, and expertise to support the long-term career development of the mentee.


The act of advocating on the behalf of another for a position, promotion, development opportunity, etc. over a longer period.

For more information on setting up a mentorship program, see Optimize the Mentoring Program to Build a High Performing Learning Organization.

On why mentorship and sponsorship are important:

"With some degree of mentorship or sponsorship, it means that your ability to thrive or to have a positive experience in organizations increases substantially.

Mentorship and sponsorship are very often the lynchpin of someone being successful and sticking with an organization.

Sponsorship is an endorsement to other high-level stakeholders who very often are the gatekeepers of opportunity. Sponsors help to shepherd you through the gate."

An Image of Carlos Thomas

Carlos Thomas
Executive Councilor, Info-Tech Research Group

What is an employee resource group?

IT Professionals rated ERGs as the third top driver of success at work

Employee resource groups enable employees to connect in their workplace based on shared characteristics or life experiences.

ERGs generally focus on providing support, enhancing career development, and contributing to personal development in the work environment. Some ERGs provide advice to the organization on how they can support their diverse employees.

As leaders, you should support and encourage the formation of ERGs in your organization.

What each ERG does will vary according to the needs of employees in your organization. Your role is to enable the ERGs as they are created and maintained.

On setting up and leveraging employee resource groups:

"Employee resource groups, when leveraged in an authentically intentional way, can be the some of the most impactful stakeholders in the development and implementation of the organizational diversity, equity, and inclusion strategy.

ERGs are essential to the development of policies, programs, and initiatives that address the needs of equity-seeking groups and are key to driving organizational culture and employee wellbeing, in addition to hiring and recruitment.

ERGs must be set up for success by having adequate resources to do the work, which includes adequate budgets, executive sponsorship, training, support, and capacity to do the work. According to a Great Place To Work survey (2021), 50% of ERGs identified the need for adequate resources as a challenge for carrying out the work.:"

An image of Cinnamon Clark


There is a gap when it comes to diversity in leadership

Representation at leadership levels is especially stagnant.

Black Americans comprise 13.6% of the US population
(2022 data from the US Census Bureau)

And yet only 5.9% of the country's CEOs are Black, with only 6 (1%) at the top of Fortune 500 companies.
(2021 data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and

I've never worked for a company that has Black executives. It's difficult to envision long-term growth with an organization when you don't see yourself represented in leadership.
– Anonymous Interview Subject

Having diversity in your leadership team doubles satisfaction

An image of a bar graph showing satisfaction for those who do, and do not see diversity in their company's leadership.

Our research shows that Black professionals are more satisfied in their role when they see leaders that look like them.

Satisfaction of other professionals is not as impacted by diversity in leadership as for Black professionals. Satisfaction doubles in organizations that have a diverse leadership team.

To reap the benefits from diversity, we need to ensure diversity is not just in entry or mid-level positions and provide employees an opportunity to see diversity in their company's leadership.

On the need for diversity in leadership:

"As a Black professional leader, it's not lost on me that I have a responsibility. I have to demonstrate authenticity, professionalism, and exemplary behavior that others can mimic. And I must also showcase that there are possibilities for those coming up in their career. I feel very grateful that I can bestow onto others my knowledge, my experience, my journey, and the tips that I've used to help bring me to be where I am.
(Having Black leaders in an organization) demonstrates that there is talent across the board, that there are all types of women and people with proficiencies. What it brings to the table is a difference in thoughts and experience.
A person like myself, sitting at the table, can bring a unique perspective on employee behavior and employee impact. CCL is an organization focused on equity, diversity, and inclusion; for sure having me at the table and others that look like me at the table demonstrates to the public an organization that's practicing what it preaches."

An image of C. Fara Francis

C. Fara Francis
CIO, Center for creative leadership

Work from home

While all groups have embraced the work-from-home movement, many Black professionals find it reduces the impact of racial incidents in the workplace.

Percentage of employees who experienced positive changes in motivation after working remotely.

Black: 43%; All Other: 43%

I have to guard and protect myself from experiencing and witnessing racism every day. I am currently working remotely, and I can say for certain my mood and demeanor have improved. Not having to decide if I should address a racist comment or action has made my day easier.
Source: Slate, 2022

Remote work significantly led to feelings of better chances for career advancement

Survey respondents were asked about the positive and negative changes they saw in their interactions and experiences with remote work. Black employees and their colleagues replied similarly, with mostly positive experiences.

While both groups enjoyed better chances for career advancement, the difference was significantly higher for Black professionals.

An image of a series of bar graphs showing the effects of remote work on a number of factors.

Reasons for Self-Employment:

More Black professionals have chosen self-employment than their colleagues.

All Other: 26%; Black: 30%.

A bar graph showing rankings for reasons for self employment, sorted by Black and All Other.

The biggest reasons for both groups in choosing self-employment were for better pay, career growth, and work/life balance.

While the desire for better pay was the highest reason for both groups, for engaged employees salary is a lower priority than other concerns (Adecco Group's Global Workforce of the Future report). Consider salary in conjunction with career growth, work/life balance, and the variety in the work that your employees have.

A bar graph showing rankings for reasons for self employment, sorted by Black and All Other.

If we don't consider our Black employees, not only do we risk them leaving the organization, but they may decide to just work for themselves.

Most professionals believe their organizations are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion

38% of all respondents believe their organizations are very committed to DEI
49% believe they are somewhat committed
9% feel they are not committed
4% are unsure

Make sure supports are in place to help your employees grow in their careers:

IT Leadership Career Planning Research Center

Diversity and Inclusion Tactics
IT Diversity & Inclusion Tactics

Employee Development Planning
Implement an IT Employee Development Plan

Belief in your organization's diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts isn't consistent across groups: Make sure actions are seen as genuine

While organization's efforts are acknowledged, Black professionals aren't as optimistic about the commitment as their peers. Make sure that your programs are reaching the various groups you want to impact, to increase the likelihood of satisfaction in their roles.


When they believe in their company's commitment to diversity, equity. and inclusion.

Of those who believe in their organization's commitment, 61% of Black professionals and 67% of non-Black professionals are very satisfied in their roles.










It's important to understand the current landscape:

  • The barriers that Black employees often face.
  • The potential solutions that can help close the gap in employee satisfaction.

We recognize that resolving this is not easy. Although senior executives are recognizing that a diverse set of experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds is crucial to fostering innovation and competing on the global stage, organizations often don't take the extra step to actively look for racialized talent, and many people still believe that race doesn't play an important part in an individual's ability to access opportunities.

Look at a variety of solutions that you can implement within your organization; layering solutions is the key to driving business diversity. Always keep in mind that diversity is not a monolith, that the experiences of each demographic varies.

Info-Tech resources


About the research

Diversity in tech survey

As part of the research process for the State of Black Tech Report, Info-Tech Research Group conducted an open online survey among its membership and wider community of professionals. The survey was fielded from October 2021 to April 2022, collecting 633 responses.

An image of Page 1 of the Appendix.

Current Position

An image of Page 2 of the Appendix.

Education and Experience

Education was fairly consistent across both groups, with a few exceptions: more Black professionals had secondary school (9% vs. 4%) and more Black professionals had Doctorate degrees (4% vs. 2%).

We had more non-Black respondents with 20+ years of experience (31% vs. 19%) and more Black respondents with less than 1 year of experience (8% vs. 5%) – the rest of the years of experience were consistent across the two groups.

An image of Page 3 of the Appendix.

It is important to recognize that people are often seen by "the world" as belonging to a different race or set of races than what they personally identify as. Both aspects impact a professional's experience in the workplace.

An image of Page 4 of the Appendix.


Barton, LeRon. “I’m Black. Remote Work Has Been Great for My Mental Health.” Slate, 15 July 2022.

“Black or African American alone, percent.” U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: United States. Accessed 14 February 2023.

Boyle, Matthew. “More Workers Ready to Quit Over ‘Window Dressing’ Racism Efforts.”, 9 June 2022.

Boyle, Matthew. “Remote Work Has Vastly Improved the Black Worker Experience.”, 5 October 2021.

Cooper, Frank, and Ranjay Gulati. “What Do Black Executives Really Want?” Harvard Business Review, 18 November 2021.

“Emotional Tax.” Catalyst. Accessed 1 April 2022.

“Employed Persons by Detailed Occupation, Sex, Race, and Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Accessed February 14, 2023.

“Equality in Tech Report - Welcome.” Dice, 9 March 2022. Accessed 23 March 2022.

Erb, Marcus. "Leaders Are Missing the Promise and Problems of Employee Resource Groups." Great Place To Work, 30 June 2021.

Gawlak, Emily, et al. “Key Findings - Being Black In Corporate America.” Coqual, Center for Talent Innovation (CTI), 2019.

“Global Workforce of the Future Research.” Adecco, 2022. Accessed 4 February 2023.

Gruman, Galen. “The State of Ethnic Minorities in U.S. Tech: 2020.” Computerworld, 21 September 2020. Accessed 31 May 2022.

Hancock, Bryan, et al. “Black Workers in the US Private Sector.” McKinsey, 21 February 2021. Accessed 1 April 2022.

“Hierarchy Of Needs Applied To Employee Engagement.” Proactive Insights, 12 February 2020.

Hobbs, Cecyl. “Shaping the Future of Leadership for Black Tech Talent.” Russell Reynolds Associates, 27 January 2022. Accessed 3 August 2022.

Hubbard, Lucas. “Race, Not Job, Predicts Economic Outcomes for Black Households.” Duke Today, 16 September 2021. Accessed 30 May 2022.

Knight, Marcus. “How the Tech Industry Can Be More Inclusive to the Black Community.” Crunchbase, 23 February 2022.

“Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in Employee Engagement (Pre and Post Covid 19).” Vantage Circle HR Blog, 30 May 2022.

McDonald, Autumn. “The Racism of the ‘Hard-to-Find’ Qualified Black Candidate Trope (SSIR).” Stanford Social Innovation Review, 1 June 2021. Accessed 13 December 2021.

McGlauflin, Paige. “The Fortune 500 Features 6 Black CEOs—and the First Black Founder Ever.” Fortune, 23 May 2022. Accessed 14 February 2023.

“Microaggression." Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford Languages, 2023.

Reed, Jordan. "Understanding Racial Microaggression and Its Effect on Mental Health." Pfizer, 26 August 2020.

Shemla, Meir “Why Workplace Diversity Is So Important, And Why It’s So Hard To Achieve.” Forbes, 22 August 2018. Accessed 4 February 2023.

“The State of Black Women in Corporate America.” Lean In and McKinsey & Company, 2020. Accessed 14 January 2022.

Van Bommel, Tara. “The Power of Empathy in Times of Crisis and Beyond (Report).” Catalyst, 2021. Accessed 1 April 2022.

Vu, Viet, Creig Lamb, and Asher Zafar. “Who Are Canada’s Tech Workers?” Brookfield Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, January 2019. Accessed on Canadian Electronic Library, 2021. Web.

Warner, Justin. “The ROI of Employee Engagement: Show Me the Money!” DecisionWise, 1 January 2020. Web.

White, Sarah K. “5 Revealing Statistics about Career Challenges Black IT Pros Face.” CIO (blog), 9 February 2023. Accessed 5 July 2022.

Williams, Joan C. “Stop Asking Women of Color to Do Unpaid Diversity Work.”, 14 April 2022.

Williams, Joan C., Rachel Korn, and Asma Ghani. “A New Report Outlines Some of the Barriers Facing Asian Women in Tech.” Fast Company, 13 April 2022.

Wilson, Valerie, Ethan Miller, and Melat Kassa. “Racial representation in professional occupations.” Economic Policy Institute, 8 June 2021.

“Workplace Diversity: Why It’s Good for Business.” Business Development Canada (, 6 Feb. 2023. Accessed 4 February 2023.

Organizational Change Management

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  • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.6/10
  • member rating average dollars saved: $19,055
  • member rating average days saved: 24
  • Parent Category Name: Project Portfolio Management and Projects
  • Parent Category Link: /ppm-and-projects
If you don't know who is responsible for organizational change, it's you.

Grow Your Own PPM Solution

  • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}436|cart{/j2store}
  • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.6/10 Overall Impact
  • member rating average dollars saved: $47,944 Average $ Saved
  • member rating average days saved: 29 Average Days Saved
  • Parent Category Name: Portfolio Management
  • Parent Category Link: /portfolio-management
  • As portfolio manager, you’re responsible for supporting the intake of new project requests, providing visibility into the portfolio of in-flight projects, and helping to facilitate the right approval and prioritization decisions.
  • You need a project portfolio management (PPM) tool that promotes the maintenance and flow of good data to help you succeed in these tasks. However, while throwing expensive technology at bad process rarely works, many organizations take this approach to solve their PPM problems.
  • Commercial PPM solutions are powerful and compelling, but they are also expensive, complex, and hard to use. When a solution is not properly adopted, the data can be unreliable and inconsistent, defeating the point of purchasing a tool in the first place.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • Your choice of PPM solution must be in tune with your organizational PPM maturity to ensure that you are prepared to sustain the tool use without having the corresponding PPM processes collapse under its own weight.
  • A spreadsheet-based homegrown PPM solution can provide key capabilities of an optimized PPM solution with a high level of sophistication and complexity without the prohibitive capital and labor costs demanded by commercial PPM solution.
  • Focus on your PPM decision makers that will consume the reports and insights by investigating their specific reporting needs.

Impact and Result

  • Think outside the commercial box. Develop an affordable, adoptable, and effective PPM solution using widely available tools based on Info-Tech’s ready-to-deploy templates.
  • Make your solution sustainable. When it comes to portfolio management, high level is better. A tool that is accurate and maintainable will provide more value than one that strives for precise data yet is ultimately unmaintainable.
  • Report success. A PPM tool needs to foster portfolio visibility in order to engage and inform the executive layer and support effective decision making.

Grow Your Own PPM Solution Research & Tools

Start here – read the Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should grow your own PPM solution, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

1. Right-size your PPM solution

Scope an affordable, adoptable, and effective PPM solution with Info-Tech's Portfolio Manager 2017 workbook.

  • Grow Your Own PPM Solution – Phase 1: Right-Size Your PPM Solution
  • Portfolio Manager 2017 Cost-in-Use Estimation Tool
  • None

2. Get to know Portfolio Manager 2017

Learn how to use Info-Tech's Portfolio Manager 2017 workbook and create powerful reports.

  • Grow Your Own PPM Solution – Phase 2: Meet Portfolio Manager 2017
  • Portfolio Manager 2017
  • Portfolio Manager 2017 (with Actuals)
  • None
  • None
  • None

3. Implement your homegrown PPM solution

Plan and implement an affordable, adoptable, and effective PPM solution with Info-Tech's Portfolio Manager 2017 workbook.

  • Grow Your Own PPM Solution – Phase 3: Implement Your PPM Solution
  • Portfolio Manager 2017 Operating Manual
  • Stakeholder Engagement Workbook
  • Portfolio Manager Debut Presentation for Portfolio Owners
  • Portfolio Manager Debut Presentation for Data Suppliers

4. Outgrow your own PPM solution

Develop an exit strategy from your home-grown solution to a commercial PPM toolset. In this video, we show a rapid transition from the Excel dataset shown on this page to a commercial solution from Meisterplan. Christoph Hirnle of Meisterplan is interviewed starting at 9 minutes.

  • None

Workshop: Grow Your Own PPM Solution

Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

1 Scope a Homegrown PPM Solution for Your Organization

The Purpose

Assess the current state of project portfolio management capability at your organization. The activities in this module will inform the next modules by exploring your organization’s current strengths and weaknesses and identifying areas that require improvement.

Set up the workbook to generate a fully functional project portfolio workbook that will give you a high-level view into your portfolio.

Key Benefits Achieved

A high-level review of your current project portfolio capability is used to decide whether a homegrown PPM solution is an appropriate choice

Cost-benefit analysis is done to build a business case for supporting this choice


1.1 Review existing PPM strategy and processes.

1.2 Perform a cost-benefit analysis.


Confirmation of homegrown PPM solution as the right choice

Expected benefits for the PPM solution

2 Get to Know Portfolio Manager 2017

The Purpose

Define a list of requirements for your PPM solution that meets the needs of all stakeholders.

Key Benefits Achieved

A fully customized PPM solution in your chosen platform


2.1 Introduction to Info-Tech's Portfolio Manager 2017: inputs, outputs, and the data model.

2.2 Gather requirements for enhancements and customizations.


Trained project/resource managers on the homegrown solution

A wish list of enhancements and customizations

3 Implement Your Homegrown PPM Solution

The Purpose

Determine an action plan regarding next steps for implementation.

Implement your homegrown PPM solution. The activities outlined in this step will help to promote adoption of the tool throughout your organization.

Key Benefits Achieved

A set of processes to integrate the new homegrown PPM solution into existing PPM activities

Plans for piloting the new processes, process improvement, and stakeholder communication


3.1 Plan to integrate your new solution into your PPM processes.

3.2 Plan to pilot the new processes.

3.3 Manage stakeholder communications.


Portfolio Manager 2017 operating manual, which documents how Portfolio Manager 2017 is used to augment the PPM processes

Plan for a pilot run and post-pilot evaluation for a wider rollout

Communication plan for impacted PPM stakeholders

Application Portfolio Management Foundations

  • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}172|cart{/j2store}
  • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.4/10 Overall Impact
  • member rating average dollars saved: $54,542 Average $ Saved
  • member rating average days saved: 21 Average Days Saved
  • Parent Category Name: Architecture & Strategy
  • Parent Category Link: /architecture-and-strategy

Organizations consider application oversight a low priority and app portfolio knowledge is poor:

  • No dedicated or centralized effort to manage the app portfolio means no single source of truth is available to support informed decision making.
  • Organizations acquire more applications over time, creating redundancy, waste, and the need for additional support.
  • Organizations are more vulnerable to changing markets. Flexibility and growth are compromised when applications are unadaptable or cannot scale.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • You cannot outsource application strategy.
  • Modern software options have lessened the need for organizations to have robust in-house application management capabilities. But your applications’ future and governance of the portfolio still require centralized oversight to ensure the best overall return on investment.
  • Application portfolio management is the mechanism to ensure that the applications in your enterprise are delivering value and support for your value streams and business capabilities. Understanding value, satisfaction, technical health, and total cost of ownership are critical to digital transformation, modernization, and roadmaps.

Impact and Result

Build an APM program that is actionable and fit for size:

  • Understand your current state, needs, and goals for your application portfolio management.
  • Create an application and platform inventory that is built for better decision making.
  • Rationalize your apps with business priorities and communicate risk in operational terms.
  • Create a roadmap that improves communication between those who own, manage, and support your applications.

Application Portfolio Management Foundations Research & Tools

Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

1. Application Portfolio Management Foundations Deck – A guide that helps you establish your core application inventory, simplified rationalization, redundancy comparison, and modernization roadmap.

Enterprises have more applications than they need and rarely apply oversight to monitor the health, cost, and relative value of applications to ensure efficiency and minimal risk. This blueprint will help you build a streamlined application portfolio management process.

  • Application Portfolio Management Foundations – Phases 1-4

2. Application Portfolio Management Diagnostic Tool – A tool that assesses your current application portfolio.

Visibility into your application portfolio and APM practices will help inform and guide your next steps.

  • Application Portfolio Management Diagnostic Tool

3. Application Portfolio Management Foundations Playbook – A template that builds your application portfolio management playbook.

Capture your APM roles and responsibilities and build a repeatable process.

  • Application Portfolio Management Foundations Playbook

4. Application Portfolio Management Snapshot and Foundations Tool – A tool that stores application information and allows you to execute rationalization and build a portfolio roadmap.

This tool is the central hub for the activities within Application Portfolio Management Foundations.

  • Application Portfolio Management Snapshot and Foundations Tool

Workshop: Application Portfolio Management Foundations

Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

1 Lay Your Foundations

The Purpose

Work with key corporate stakeholders to come to a shared understanding of the benefits and aspects of application portfolio management.

Key Benefits Achieved

Establish the goals of APM.

Set the scope of APM responsibilities.

Establish business priorities for the application portfolio.


1.1 Define goals and metrics.

1.2 Define application categories.

1.3 Determine steps and roles.

1.4 Weight value drivers.


Set short- and long-term goals and metrics.

Set the scope for applications.

Set the scope for the APM process.

Defined business value drivers.

2 Improve Your Inventory

The Purpose

Gather information on your applications to build a detailed inventory and identify areas of redundancy.

Key Benefits Achieved

Populated inventory based on your and your team’s current knowledge.

Understanding of outstanding data and a plan to collect it.


2.1 Populate inventory.

2.2 Assign business capabilities.

2.3 Review outstanding data.


Initial application inventory

List of areas of redundancy

Plan to collect outstanding data

3 Gather Application Information

The Purpose

Work with the application subject matter experts to collect and compile data points and determine the appropriate disposition for your apps.

Key Benefits Achieved

Dispositions for individual applications

Application rationalization framework


3.1 Assess business value.

3.2 Assess end-user perspective.

3.3 Assess TCO.

3.4 Assess technical health.

3.5 Assess redundancies.

3.6 Determine dispositions.


Business value score for individual applications

End-user satisfaction scores for individual applications

TCO score for individual applications

Technical health scores for individual applications

Feature-level assessment of redundant applications

Assigned dispositions for individual applications

4 Gather, Assess, and Select Dispositions

The Purpose

Work with application delivery specialists to determine the strategic plans for your apps and place these in your portfolio roadmap.

Key Benefits Achieved

Prioritized initiatives

Initial application portfolio roadmap

Ongoing structure of APM


4.1 Prioritize initiatives

4.2 Populate roadmap.

4.3 Determine ongoing APM cadence.

4.4 Build APM action plan.


Prioritized new potential initiatives.

Built an initial portfolio roadmap.

Established an ongoing cadence of APM activities.

Built an action plan to complete APM activities.

Further reading

Application Portfolio Management Foundations

Ensure your application portfolio delivers the best possible return on investment.

Analyst Perspective

You can’t outsource accountability.

Many lack visibility into their overall application portfolio, focusing instead on individual projects or application development. Inevitably, application sprawl creates process and data disparities, redundant applications, and duplication of resources and stands as a significant barrier to business agility and responsiveness. The shift from strategic investment to application maintenance creates an unnecessary constraint on innovation and value delivery.

With the rise and convenience of SAAS solutions, IT has an increasing need to discover and support all applications in the organization. Unmanaged and unsanctioned applications can lead to increased reputational risk. What you don’t know WILL hurt you.

You can outsource development, you can even outsource maintenance, but you cannot outsource accountability for the portfolio. Organizations need a holistic dashboard of application performance and dispositions to help guide and inform planning and investment discussions. Application portfolio management (APM) can’t tell you why something is broken or how to fix it, but it is an important tool to determine if an application’s value and performance are up to your standards and can help meet your future goals.

The image contains a picture of Hans Eckman.

Hans Eckman
Principal Research Director
Info-Tech Research Group

Is this research right for you?

Research Navigation

Managing your application portfolio is essential regardless of its size or whether your software is purchased or developed in house. Each organization must have some degree of application portfolio management to ensure that applications deliver value efficiently and that their risk or gradual decline in technical health is appropriately limited.

Your APM goals

If this describes your primary goal(s)

  • We are building a business case to determine where and if APM is needed now.
  • We want to understand how well supported are our business capabilities, departments, or core functions by our current applications.
  • We want to start our APM program with our core or critical applications.
  • We want to build our APM inventory for less than 150 applications (division, department, operating unit, government, small enterprise, etc.).
  • We want to start simple with a quick win for our 150 most important applications.
  • We want to start with an APM pilot before committing to an enterprise APM program.
  • We need to rationalize potentially redundant and underperforming applications to determine which to keep, replace, or retire.
  • We want to start enterprise APM, with up to 150 critical applications.
  • We want to collect and analyze detailed information about our applications.
  • We need tools to help us calculate total cost of ownership (TCO) and value.
  • We want to customize our APM journey and rationalization.
  • We want to build a formal communication strategy for our APM program.

Executive Summary

Your Challenge

Common Obstacles

Info-Tech’s Approach

  • Organizations consider application oversight a low priority and app portfolio knowledge is poor.
  • No dedicated or centralized effort to manage the app portfolio means no single source of truth is available to support informed decision making.
  • Organizations acquire more applications over time, creating redundancy, waste, and the need for additional support.
  • Organizations are more vulnerable to changing markets. Flexibility and growth are compromised when applications are unadaptable or cannot scale.
  • APM implies taking a holistic approach and compiling multiple priorities and perspectives.
  • Organizations have limited time to act strategically or proactively and need to be succinct.
  • Uncertainties on business value prevent IT from successfully advising software decision making.
  • IT knows its technical debt but struggles to get the business to act on technical risks.
  • Attempts at exposing these problems rarely gain buy-in and discourage the push for improvement.
  • Think low priority over no priority.
  • Integrate these tasks into your mixed workload.
  • Create an inventory built for better decision making.
  • Rationalize your apps in accordance with business priorities and communicate risks on their terms.
  • Create a roadmap that improves communication between those who own, manage, and support an application.
  • Build your APM process fit for size.

Info-Tech Insight: You can’t outsource strategy.

Modern software options have decreased the need for organizations to have robust in-house application management capabilities. Your applications’ future and governance of the portfolio still require a centralized IT oversight to ensure the best return on investment.

The top IT challenges for SE come from app management

#1 challenge small enterprise owners face in their use of technology:

Taking appropriate security precautions


The costs of needed upgrades to technology


The time it takes to fix problems


The cost of maintaining technology


Lack of expertise


Breaks in service

Source: National Small Business Association, 2019

Having more applications than an organization needs means unnecessarily high costs and additional burden on the teams who support the applications. Especially in the case of small enterprises, this is added pressure the IT team cannot afford.

A poorly maintained portfolio will eventually hurt the business more than it hurts IT.

Legacy systems, complex environments, or anything that leads to a portfolio that can’t adapt to changing business needs will eventually become a barrier to business growth and accomplishing objectives. Often the blame is put on the IT department.


of small businesses cited inflexible technology as a barrier to growth

Source: Salesforce as quoted by Tech Republic, 2019

A hidden and inefficient application portfolio is the root cause of so many pains experienced by both IT and the business.

  • Demand/Capacity Imbalance
  • Overspending
  • Security and Business Continuity Risk
  • Delays in Delivery
  • Barriers to Growth

APM comes at a justified cost

The image contains a screenshot of a graph to demonstrate APM and the costs.

The benefits of APM

APM identifies areas where you can reduce core spending and reinvest in innovation initiatives.

Other benefits can include:

  • Fewer redundancies
  • Less risk
  • Less complexity
  • Improved processes
  • Flexibility
  • Scalability

APM allows you to better understand and set the direction of your portfolio

Application Inventory

The artifact that documents and informs the business of your application portfolio.

Application Rationalization

The process of collecting information and assessing your applications to determine recommended dispositions.

Application Alignment

The process of revealing application information through interviewing stakeholders and aligning to business capabilities.

Application Roadmap

The artifact that showcases the strategic directions for your applications over a given timeline.

Application Portfolio Management (APM):

The ongoing practice of:

  • Providing visibility into applications across the organization.
  • Recommending corrections or enhancements to decision makers.
  • Aligning delivery teams on priority.
  • Showcasing the direction of applications to stakeholders.

Create a balanced approach to value delivery

Enterprise Agility and Value Realization

Product Lifecycle Management

Align your product and service improvement and execution to enterprise strategy and value realization in three key areas: defining your products and services, aligning product/service owners, and developing your product vision.

Product Delivery Lifecycle (Agile DevOps)

Enhance business agility by leveraging an Agile mindset and continuously improving your delivery throughput, quality, value realization, and adaptive governance.

Application Portfolio Management

Transform your application portfolio into a cohesive service catalog aligned to your business capabilities by discovering, rationalizing, and modernizing your applications while improving application maintenance, management, and reuse.

The image contains a screenshot of a Thought Model on the Application Department Strategy.

The image contains a screenshot of a Thought Model on Accelerate Your Transition to Product Delivery.

Every organization experiences some degree of application sprawl

The image contains a screenshot of images to demonstrate application sprawl.

Causes of Sprawl

  • Poor Lifecycle Management
  • Turnover & Lack of Knowledge Transfer
  • Siloed Business Units & Decentralized IT
  • Business-Managed IT
  • (Shadow IT)
  • Mergers & Acquisitions

Problems With Sprawl

  • Redundancy and Inefficient Spending
  • Disparate Apps & Data
  • Obsolescence
  • Difficulties in Prioritizing Support
  • Barriers to Change & Growth

Application Sprawl:

Inefficiencies within your application portfolio are created by the gradual and non-strategic accumulation of applications.

You have more apps than you need.

Only 34% of software is rated as both IMPORTANT and EFFECTIVE by users.

Source: Info-Tech’s CIO Business Vision

Build your APM journey map

The image contains screenshots of diagrams that reviews building your APM journey map.

Application rationalization provides insight

Directionless portfolio of applications

Info-Tech’s Five Lens Model

Assigned dispositions for individual apps

The image contains a screenshot of an example of directionless portfolio of applications.

Application Alignment

Business Value

Technical Health

End-User Perspective

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

Maintain: Keep the application but adjust its support structure.

Modernize: Create a new initiative to address an inadequacy.

Consolidate: Create a new initiative to reduce duplicate functionality.

Retire: Phase out the application.

Disposition: The intended strategic direction or implied course of action for an application.

How well do your apps support your core functions and teams?

How well are your apps aligned to value delivery?

Do your apps meet all IT quality standards and policies?

How well do your apps meet your end users’ needs?

What is the relative cost of ownership and operation of your apps?

Application rationalization requires the collection of several data points that represent these perspectives and act as the criteria for determining a disposition for each of your applications.

APM is an iterative and evergreen process

APM provides oversight and awareness of your application portfolio’s performance and support for your business operations and value delivery to all users and customers.

Determine Scope and categories Build your list of applications and capabilities Score each application based on your values Determine outcomes based on app scoring and support for capabilities

1. Lay Your Foundations

1.1 Assess the state of your current application portfolio.

1.2 Determine narrative.

1.3 Define goals and metrics.

1.4 Define application categories.

1.5 Determine APM steps and roles (SIPOC).

2. Improve Your Inventory

2.1 Populate your inventory.

2.2 Align to business capabilities.


3. Rationalize Your Apps

3.1 Assess business value.

3.2 Assess technical health.

3.3 Assess end-user perspective.

3.4 Assess total cost of ownership.


4. Populate Your Roadmap

4.1 Review APM Snapshot results.

4.2 Review APM Foundations results.

4.3 Determine dispositions.

4.4 Assess redundancies (optional).

4.5 Determine dispositions for redundant applications (optional).

4.6 Prioritize initiatives.

4.7 Determine ongoing cadence.


Repeat according to APM cadence and application changes

Executive Brief Case Study


SOURCE: Deloitte, 2017

Supermarket Company

The grocer was a smaller organization for the supermarket industry with a relatively low IT budget. While its portfolio consisted of a dozen applications, the organization still found it difficult to react to an evolving industry due to inflexible and overly complex legacy systems.

The IT manager found himself in a scenario where he knew the applications well but had little awareness of the business processes they supported. Application maintenance was purely in keeping things operational, with little consideration for a future business strategy.

As the business demanded more responsiveness to changes, the IT team needed to be able to react more efficiently and effectively while still securing the continuity of the business.

The IT manager found success by introducing APM and gaining a better understanding of the business use and future needs for the applications. The organization started small but then increased the scope over time to produce and develop techniques to aid the business in meeting strategic goals with applications.


The IT manager gained credibility and trust within the organization. The organization was able to build a plan to move away from the legacy systems and create a portfolio more responsive to the dynamic needs of an evolving marketplace.

The application portfolio management initiative included the following components:

Train teams and stakeholders on APM

Model the core business processes

Collect application inventory

Assign APM responsibilities

Start small, then grow

Info-Tech’s application portfolio management methodology

1. Lay Your Foundations

2. Improve Your Inventory

3. Rationalize Your Apps

4. Populate Your Roadmap

Phase Activities

1.1 Assess your current application portfolio

1.2 Determine narrative

1.3 Define goals and metrics

1.4 Define application categories

1.5 Determine APM steps and roles

2.1 Populate your inventory

2.2 Align to business capabilities

3.1 Assess business value

3.2 Assess technical health

3.3 Assess end-user perspective

3.4 Assess total cost of ownership

4.1 Review APM Snapshot results

4.2 Review APM Foundations results

4.3 Determine dispositions

4.4 Assess redundancies (optional)

4.5 Determine dispositions for redundant applications (optional)

4.6 Prioritize initiatives

4.7 Determine ongoing APM cadence

Phase Outcomes

Work with the appropriate management stakeholders to:

  • Extract key business priorities.
  • Set your goals.
  • Define scope of APM effort.

Gather information on your own understanding of your applications to build a detailed inventory and identify areas of redundancy.

Work with application subject matter experts to collect and compile data points and determine the appropriate disposition for your apps.

Work with application delivery specialists to determine the strategic plans for your apps and place these in your portfolio roadmap.

Blueprint deliverables

Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals.

Application Portfolio Management Foundations Playbook

Application Portfolio Management Snapshot and Foundations Tool

This template allows you to capture your APM roles and responsibilities and build a repeatable process.

This tool stores all relevant application information and allows you to assess your capability support, execute rationalization, and build a portfolio roadmap.

The image contains screenshots of the Application Portfolio Management Foundations Playbook. The image contains screenshots of the Application Portfolio Management Snapshot and Foundations Tool.

Key deliverable:

Blueprint Storyboard

This is the PowerPoint document you are viewing now. Follow this guide to understand APM, learn how to use the tools, and build a repeatable APM process that will be captured in your playbook.

The image contains a screenshot of the blueprint storyboard.

Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

DIY Toolkit

Guided Implementation



“Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful.” “Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track.” “We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place.” “Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project.”

Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options

Guided Implementation

What does a typical GI for on this topic look like?

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

Call #1: Establish goals and foundations for your APM practice.

Call #2:

Initiate inventory and determine data requirements.

Call #3:

Initiate rationalization with group of applications.

Call #4:

Review result of first iteration and perform retrospective.

Call #5:

Initiate your roadmap and determine your ongoing APM practice.

Note: The Guided Implementation will focus on a subset or group of applications depending on the state of your current APM inventory and available time. The goal is to use this first group to build your APM process and models to support your ongoing discovery, rationalization, and modernization efforts.

A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our right-sized best practices in your organization. A typical GI, using our materials, is 3 to 6 calls over the course of 1 to 3 months.

Workshop Overview

Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889

1. Lay Your Foundations

2. Improve Your Inventory

3. Rationalize Your Apps

4. Populate Your Roadmap

Post Workshop Steps


1.1 Assess your current
application portfolio

1.2 Determine narrative

1.3 Define goals and metrics

1.4 Define application categories

1.5 Determine APM steps and roles

2.1 Populate your inventory

2.2 Align to business capabilities

3.1 Assess business value

3.2 Assess technical health

3.3 Assess end-user perspective

3.4 Assess total cost of ownership

4.1 Review APM Snapshot results

4.2 Review APM Foundations results

4.3 Determine dispositions

4.4 Assess redundancies (optional)

4.5 Determine dispositions for redundant applications (optional)

4.6 Prioritize initiatives

4.7 Determine ongoing APM cadence

  • Complete in-progress deliverables from the previous four days.
  • Set up review time for workshop deliverables and to discuss the next steps.


Work with the appropriate management stakeholders to:

  1. Extract key business priorities
  2. Set your goals
  3. Agree on key terms and set the scope for your APM effort

Work with your applications team to:

  1. Build a detailed inventory
  2. Identify areas of redundancy

Work with the SMEs for a subset of applications to:

  1. Define your rationalization criteria, descriptions, and scoring
  2. Evaluate each application using rationalization criteria

Work with application delivery specialists to:

  1. Determine the appropriate disposition for your apps
  2. Build an initial application portfolio roadmap
  3. Establish an ongoing cadence of APM activities

Info-Tech analysts complete:

  1. Workshop report
  2. APM Snapshot and Foundations Toolset
  3. Action plan

Note: The workshop will focus on a subset or group of applications depending on the state of your current APM inventory and available time. The goal is to use this first group to build your APM process and models to support your ongoing discovery, rationalization, and modernization efforts.

Workshop Options

Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889


1-Day Snapshot

3-Day Snapshot and Foundations (Key Apps)

4-Day Snapshot and Foundations (Pilot Area)

APM Snapshot

  • Align applications to business capabilities
  • Evaluate application support for business capabilities

APM Foundations

  • Define your APM program and cadence
  • Rationalize applications using weighted criteria
  • Define application dispositions
  • Build an application roadmap aligned to initiatives

Establish APM practice with a small sample set of apps and capabilities.

Establish APM practice with a pilot group of apps and capabilities.

Blueprint Pre-Step: Get the right stakeholders to the right exercises

The image contains four steps and demonstrates who should be handling each exercise. 1. Lay Your Foundations, is to be handled by the APM Lead/Owner and the Key Corporate Stakeholders. 2. Improve Your Inventory, is to be handled by the APM Lead/Owner and the Applications Subject Matter Experts. 3. Rationalize Your Apps, is to be handled by the APM Lead/Owner, the Applications Subject Matter Experts, and the Delivery Leads. 4. Populate Your Roadmap, is to be handled by the APM Lead/Owner, the Key Corporate Stakeholders, and the Delivery Leads.

APM Lead/Owner (Recommended)

☐ Applications Lead or the individual responsible for application portfolio management, along with any applications team members, if available

Key Corporate Stakeholders

Depending on size and structure, participants could include:

☐ Head of IT (CIO, CTO, IT Director, or IT Manager)

☐ Head of shared services (CFO, COO, VP HR, etc.)

☐ Compliance Officer, Steering Committee

☐ Company owner or CEO

Application Subject Matter Experts

Individuals who have familiarity with a specific subset of applications

☐ Business owners (product owners, Head of Business Function, power users)

☐ Support owners (Operations Manager, IT Technician)

Delivery Leads

☐ Development Managers

☐ Solution Architects

☐ Project Managers

Understand your APM tools and outcomes

1.Diagnostic The image contains a screenshot of the diagnostic APM tool.

5. Foundations: Chart

The image contains a screenshot of the Foundations: Chart APM tool.

2. Data Journey

The image contains a screenshot of the data journey APM tool.

6. App Comparison

The image contains a screenshot of the App Comparison APM tool.

3. Snapshot

The image contains a screenshot of the snapshot APM tool.

7. Roadmap

The image contains a screenshot of the Roadmap APM tool.

4. Foundations: Results

The image contains a screenshot of the Foundations: Results APM Tool.

Examples and explanations of these tools are located on the following slides and within the phases where they occur.

Assess your current application portfolio with Info-Tech’s APM Diagnostic Tool

The image contains a screenshot of the APM Diagnostic Tool.

One of the primary purposes of application portfolio management is to get what we know and need to know on paper so we can share a common vision and understanding of our portfolio. This enables better discussions and decisions with your application owners and stakeholders.

APM worksheet data journey map

The image contains a screenshot of the APM worksheet data journey map.

Interpreting your APM Snapshot results

The image contains a screenshot of the APM snapshots results.

Interpreting your APM Foundations results

The image contains a screenshot of the APM Foundations results.

Interpreting your APM Foundations chart

The image contains a screenshot of the APM Foundations chart.

Compare application groups

Group comparison can be used for more than just redundant/overlapping applications.

The image contains a screenshot of images that demonstrate comparing application groups.

Apply Info-Tech’s 6 R’s Rationalization Disposition Model

The image contains a screenshot of Info-Tech's 6 R's Rationalization Disposition Model.




Prioritize new features or enhancement requests and openly welcome the expansion of these applications as new requests are presented.


Address the poor end-user satisfaction with a prioritized project. Consult with users to determine if UX issues require improvement to address satisfaction.


Determine the root cause of the low value. Refocus, retrain, or refresh the UX to improve value. If there is no value found, aim to "keep the lights on" until the app can be decommissioned.


Replace or rebuild the application as technical and user issues are putting important business capabilities at risk. Decommission application alongside replacement.


Address the poor technical health or risk with a prioritized project. Further consult with development and technical teams to determine if migration or refactoring is suited to address the technical issue.


Cancel any requested features and enhancements. Schedule the proper decommission and transfer end users to a new or alternative system if necessary.

TCO, compared relatively to business value, helps determine the practicality of a disposition and the urgency of any call to action. Application alignment is factored in when assessing redundancies and has a separate set of dispositions.

Populate roadmap example

The image contains an example of the populate roadmap.


Phase 1

Lay Your Foundations

Phase 1

1.1 Assess Your Current Application Portfolio

1.2 Determine Narrative

1.3 Define Goals and Metrics

1.4 Define Application Categories

1.5 Determine APM Steps and Roles

Phase 2

2.1 Populate Your Inventory

2.2 Align to Business Capabilities

Phase 3

3.1 Assess Business Value

3.2 Assess Technical Health

3.3 Assess End-User Perspective

3.4 Assess Total Cost of Ownership

Phase 4

4.1 Review APM Snapshot Results

4.2 Review APM Foundations Results

4.3 Determine Dispositions

4.4 Assess Redundancies (Optional)

4.5 Determine Dispositions for Redundant Applications (Optional)

4.6 Prioritize Initiatives

4.7 Determine Ongoing APM Cadence

This phase involves the following participants:

Applications Lead

Key Corporate Stakeholders

Additional Resources

APM supports many goals

Building an APM process requires a proper understanding of the underlying business goals and objectives of your organization’s strategy. Effectively identifying these drivers is paramount to gaining buy-in and the approval for any changes you plan to make to your application portfolio.

After identifying these goals, you will need to ensure they are built into the foundations of your APM process.

“What is most critical?” but also “What must come first?”




Collect Inventory

Uncover Shadow IT

Uncover Redundancies

Anticipate Upgrades

Predict Retirement

Reduce Cost

Increase Efficiency

Reduce Applications

Eliminate Redundancy

Limit Risk

Improve Architecture


Enable Scalability

Drive Business Growth

Improve UX

Assess your current application portfolio with Info-Tech’s APM Diagnostic Tool

The image contains a screenshot of the APM Diagnostic Tool.

One of the primary purposes of application portfolio management is to get what we know and need to know on paper so we can share a common vision and understanding of our portfolio. This enables better discussions and decisions with your application owners and stakeholders.

1.1 Assess your current application portfolio with Info-Tech’s diagnostic tool

Estimated time: 1 hour

  1. This tool provides visibility into your application portfolio and APM practices.
  2. Based on your assessment, you should gain a better understanding of whether the appropriate next steps are in application discovery, rationalization, or roadmapping.
  3. Complete the “Data Entry” worksheet in the Application Portfolio Management Diagnostic Tool (Excel).
  4. Review the “Results” worksheet to help inform and guide your next steps.

Download the Application Portfolio Management Diagnostic Tool

Input Output
  • Current APM program
  • Application landscape
  • APM current-state assessment
Materials Participants
  • Application Portfolio Management Diagnostic Tool
  • Applications Lead

1.1 Understanding the diagnostic results

  • Managed Apps are your known knowns and most of your portfolio.
  • Unmanaged and Unsanctioned Apps are known but have unknown risks and compliance. Bring these under IT support.
  • Unknown Apps are high risk and noncompliant. Prioritize these based on risk, cost, and use.
The image contains a screenshot of the diagnostic APM tool.
  • APM is more than an inventory and assessment. A strong APM program provides ongoing visibility and insights to drive application improvement and value delivery.
  • Use your Sprawl Factors to identify process and organizational gaps that may need to be addressed.
  • Your APM inventory is only as good as the information in it. Use this chart to identify gaps and develop a path to define missing information.
  • APM is an iterative process. Use this state assessment to determine where to focus most of your current effort.

Understand potential motivations for APM

The value of APM is defined by how the information will be used to drive better decisions.

Portfolio Governance

Transformative Initiatives

Event-Driven Rationalization


  • Spending efficiency
  • Risk
  • Retirement of aged and low-value applications
  • Business enablement

Impact on your rationalization framework:

  • Less urgent
  • As rigorous as appropriate
  • Apply in-depth analysis as needed


  • Data migration or harmonization
  • Legacy modernization
  • Infrastructure/cloud migration
  • Standardizing platforms
  • Shift to cloud and SAAS

Impact on your rationalization framework:

  • Time sensitive
  • Scope on impacted areas
  • Need to determine specific dispositions
  • Outcomes need to include detailed and actionable steps

Responds to:

  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Regulatory and compliance change
  • New applications
  • Application retirement by vendors
  • Changes in business operations
  • Security risks and BC/DR

Impact on your rationalization framework:

  • Time constrained
  • Lots of discovery work
  • Primary focus on duplication
  • Increased process and system understanding

Different motivations will influence the appropriate approach to and urgency of APM or, specifically, rationalizing the portfolio. When rationalizing is directly related to enabling or in response to a broader initiative, you will need to create a more structured approach with a formal budget and resources.

1.2 Determine narrative

Estimated time: 30 minutes-2 hours

  1. Open the “Narrative” tab in the APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool.
  2. Start by listing your prevailing IT pain points with the application portfolio. These will be the issues experienced predominantly by the IT team and not necessarily by the stakeholders. Be sure to distinguish pain points from their root causes.
  3. Determine an equivalent business pain point for each IT pain point. This should be how the problem manifests itself to business stakeholders and should include potential risks to the organization is exposed to.
  4. Determine the business goal for each business pain point. Ideally, these are established organizational goals that key decision-makers will recognize. These goals should address the business pain points you have documented.
  5. Determine the technical objective for each business goal. These speak to the general corrections or enhancements to the portfolio required to accomplish the business goals.
  6. Use the “Narrative - Matrix” worksheet to group items into themes if needed.

Record the results in the APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool

Input Output
  • Familiarity with application landscape
  • Organizational context and strategic artifacts
  • Narrative for application portfolio transformation
Materials Participants
  • APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool
  • Application Portfolio Manager

Connect your pains to what the business cares about to find the most effective narrative

Root Cause

IT Pain Points

Business Pain Points

Business Goals


Technical Objectives


Shadow IT/decentralized oversight

Neglect over time

Poor delivery processes

Back-End Complexity

Disparate Data/Apps

Poor Architectural Fit


Maintenance Demand/
Resource Drain

Low Maintainability

Technical Debt

Legacy, Aging, or Expiring Apps

Security Vulnerabilities

Unsatisfied Customers

Hurdles to Growth/Change

Poor Business Analytics

Process Inefficiency

Software Costs

Business Continuity Risk

Data Privacy Risk

Data/IP Theft Risk

Poor User Experience

Low-Value Apps



Data-Driven Insights

M&A Transition

Business Unit Consolidation/ Centralization

Process Improvement

Process Modernization

Cost Reduction


Customer Protection


Employee Enablement

Business Enablement


Create Strategic Alignment

Identify specific business capabilities that are incompatible with strategic initiatives.

Reduce Application Intensity

Highlight the capabilities that are encumbered due to functional overlaps and complexity.

Reduce Software Costs

Specific business capabilities come at an unnecessarily or disproportionately high cost.

Mitigate Business Continuity Risk

Specific business capabilities are at risk of interruption or stoppages due to unresolved back-end issues.

Mitigate Security Risk

Specific business capabilities are at risk due to unmitigated security vulnerabilities or breaches.

Increase Satisfaction Applications

Specific business capabilities are not achieving their optimal business value.

Platform Standardization

Platform Standardization Consolidation

Data Harmonization

Removal/Consolidation of Redundant Applications

Legacy Modernization

Application Upgrades

Removal of Low-Value Applications

1.3 Define goals and metrics

Estimated time: 1 hour

  1. Determine the motivations behind APM. You may want to collect and review any of the organization’s strategic documents that provide additional context on previously established goals.
  2. With the appropriate stakeholders, discuss the goals of APM. Try to label your goals as either:
    1. Short term: Refers to immediate goals used to represent the progress of APM activities. Likely these goals are more IT-oriented
    2. Long term: Refers to broader and more distant goals more related to the impact of APM. These goals tend to be more business-oriented.
  3. To help clearly define your goals, discuss appropriate metrics for each goal. Often these metrics can be expressed as:
    1. Leading indicators: Metrics used to gauge the success of your short-term goals and the progress of APM activities.
    2. Lagging indicators: Metrics used to gauge the success of your long-term goals.

Record the results in the APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool

Input Output
  • Overarching organizational strategy
  • IT strategy
  • Defined goals and metrics for APM
Materials Participants
  • Whiteboard
  • Markers
  • APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool
  • Applications Lead
  • Key Corporate Stakeholders

1.3 Define goals and metrics: Example




Short Term

Improve ability to inform the business

Leading Indicators

  • Application inventory with all data fields completed
  • Applications with recommended dispositions
  • 80% of portfolio

Improve ownership of applications

  • Applications with an assigned business and technical owner
  • 80% of portfolio

Reduce costs of portfolio

  • TCO of full application portfolio
  • The number of recovered/avoided software licenses from retired apps
  • Reduce by 5%
  • $50,000

Long Term

Migrate platform

Lagging Indicators

  • Migrate all applications
  • Total value change in on-premises apps switched to SaaS
  • 100% of applications
  • Increase 50%

Improve overall satisfaction with portfolio

  • End-user satisfaction rating
  • Increase 25%

Become more customer-centric

  • Increased sales
  • Increased customer experience
  • Increase 35%

“Application” doesn’t have the same meaning to everyone

The image contains a picture of Martin Fowler.

Code: A body of code that's seen by developers as a single unit.

Functionality: A group of functionality that business customers see as a single unit.

Funding: An initiative that those with the money see as a single budget.

?: What else?

“Essentially applications are social constructions.

Source: Martin Fowler

APM focuses on business applications.

“Software used by business users to perform a business function.”

– ServiceNow, 2020

Unfortunately, that definition is still quite vague.

You must set boundaries and scope for “application”

1. Many individual items can be considered applications on their own or components within or associated with an application.

2. Different categories of applications may be out of scope or handled differently within the activities and artifacts of APM.

Different categories of applications may be out of scope or handled differently within the activities and artifacts of APM.

  • Interface
  • Software Component
  • Supporting Software
  • Platform
  • Presentation Layer
  • Middleware
  • Micro Service
  • Database
  • UI
  • API
  • Data Access/ Transfer/Load
  • Operating System

Apps can be categorized by generic categories

  • Enterprise Applications
  • Unique Function-Specific Applications
  • Productivity Tools
  • Customer-Facing Applications
  • Mobile Applications

Apps can be categorized by bought vs. built or install types

  • Custom
  • On-Prem
  • Off the Shelf
  • SaaS
  • Hybrid
  • End-User-Built Tools

Apps can be categorized by the application family

  • Parent Application
  • Child Application
  • Package
  • Module
  • Suite
  • Component (Functional)

Apps can be categorized by the group managing them

  • IT-Managed Applications
  • Business-Managed Applications (Shadow IT)
  • Partner/External Applications

Apps can be categorized by tiers

  • Mission Critical
  • Tier 2
  • Tier 3

Set boundaries on what is an application or the individual unit that you’re making business decisions on. Also, determine which categories of applications are in scope and how they will be included in the activities and artifacts of APM. Use your product families defined in Deliver Digital Products at Scale to help define your application categories, groups, and boundaries.

1.4 Define application categories

Estimated time: 1 hour

  1. Review the items listed on the previous slide and consider what categories provide the best initial grouping to help organize your rationalization and dispositions. Update the category list to match your application groupings.
  2. Identify the additional categories you need to manage in your application portfolio.
  3. For each category, establish or modify a description or definition and provide examples that exist in your current portfolio.
  4. For each category, answer:
    1. Will these be documented in the application inventory?
    2. Will these be included in application rationalization? Think about if this item will be assigned a TCO, value score, and, ultimately, a disposition.
    3. Will these be listed in the application portfolio roadmap?
  5. If you completed Deliver Digital Products at Scale, use your product families to help define your application categories.

Record the results in the APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool

  • Working list of applications
  • Definitions and guidelines for which application categories are in scope for APM
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool
  • Applications Lead
  • Key Corporate Stakeholders

1.4 APM worksheet data journey map

The image contains a screenshot of the APM worksheet data journey map.

1.4 Define application categories: Example




Documented in your application inventory?

Included in application rationalization?

Listed in your application portfolio roadmap?

Business Application

End-user facing applications that directly enable specific business functions. This includes enterprise-wide and business-function-specific applications. Separate modules will be considered a business application when appropriate.

ERP system, CRM software, accounting software


Yes. Unless currently in dev. TCO of the parent application will be divided among child apps.


Software Components

Back-end solutions are self-contained units that support business functions.

ETL, middleware, operating systems

No. Documentation in CMDB. These will be listed as a dependency in the application inventory.

No. These will be linked to a business app and included in TCO estimates and tech health assessments.


Productivity Tools

End-user-facing applications that enable standard communication of general document creation.

MS Word, MS Excel, corporate email




End-User- Built Microsoft Tools

Single instances of a Microsoft tool that the business has grown dependent on.

Payroll Excel tool, Access databases

No. Documentation in Business Tool Glossary.

No No

Partner Applications

Partners or third-party applications that the business has grown dependent on but are internally owned or managed.

Supplier’s ERP portal, government portal

No No


Shadow IT

Business-managed applications.

Downloaded tools


Yes. However, just from a redundancy perspective.


The roles in APM rarely exist; you need to adapt

Application Portfolio Manager

  • Responsible for the health and evolution of the application portfolio.
  • Facilitates the rationalization process.
  • Compiles and assesses application information and recommends and supports key decisions regarding the direction of the applications.
  • This is rarely a dedicated role even in large enterprises. For small enterprises, this should be an IT employee at a manager level – an IT manager or operations manager.

Business Owner

  • Responsible for managing individual applications on a functional level and approves and prioritizes projects.
  • Provides business process or functional subject matter expertise for the assessment of applications.
  • For small enterprises, this role is rarely defined, but the responsibility should exist. Consider the head of a business unit or a process owner as the owner of the application.

Support Owner

  • Responsible for the maintenance and management of individual applications.
  • Provides technical information and subject matter expertise for the assessment of an application.
  • For small enterprises, this would be those responsible for maintaining the application and those responsible for its initial implementation. Often support responsibilities are external, and this role will be more of a vendor manager.

Project Portfolio Manager

  • Responsible for intake, planning, and coordinating the resources that deliver any changes.
  • The body that consumes the results of rationalization and begins planning any required action or project.
  • For small enterprises, the approval process can come from a steering committee but it is often less formal. Often a smaller group of project managers facilitates planning and coordination and works closely with the delivery leads.

Corner-of-the-Desk Approach

  • No one is explicitly dedicated to building a strategy or APM practices.
  • Information is collected whenever the applications team has time available.
  • Benefits are pushed out and the value is lost.

Dedicated Approach

  • The initiative is given a budget and formal agenda.
  • Roles and responsibilities are assigned to team members.

The high-level steps of APM present some questions you need to answer

Build Inventory

Create the full list of applications and capture all necessary attributes.

  • Who will build the inventory?
  • Do you know all your applications (Shadow IT)?
  • Do you know your applications’ functionality?
  • Do you know where your applications overlap?
  • Who do you need to consult with to fill in the gaps?
  • Who will provide specific application information?

Collect & Compile

Engage with appropriate SMEs and collect necessary data points for rationalization.

  • Who will collect and compile the data points for rationalization?
  • What are the specific data points?
  • Are some of the data points currently documented?
  • Who will provide specific data points on technical health, cost, performance, and business value?
  • Who will determine what business value is?

Assess & Recommend

Apply rationalization framework and toolset to determine dispositions.

  • Who will apply a rationalization tool or decision-making framework to generate dispositions for the applications?
  • Who will modify the tool or framework to ensure results align to the goals of the organization?
  • Who will define any actions or projects that result from the rationalization? And who needs to be consulted to assess the feasibility of any potential project?

Validate & Roadmap

Present dispositions for validation and communicate any decisions or direction for applications.

  • Who will present the recommended disposition, corrective action, or new project to the appropriate decision maker?
  • Who is the appropriate decision maker for application changes or project approval?
  • What format is recommended (idea, proposal, business case) and what extra analysis is required?
  • Who needs to be consulted regarding the potential changes?

1.5 Determine APM steps and roles (SIPOC)

Estimated time: 1-2 hours

  1. Begin by comparing Info-Tech’s list of common APM roles to the roles that exist in your organization with respect to application management and ownership.
  2. There are four high-level steps for APM: build inventory, collect & compile, assess & recommend, and validate & roadmap. Apply the SIPOC (Supplier, Input, Process, Output, Customer) model by completing the following for each step:
    1. In the Process column, modify the description, if necessary. Identify who is responsible for performing the step.
    2. In the Inputs column, modify the list of inputs.
    3. In the Suppliers column, identify who must be included to provide the inputs.
    4. In the Outputs column, modify the list of outputs.
    5. In the Customers column, identify who consumes the outputs.
  3. (Optional) Outline how the results of APM will be consumed. For example, project intake or execution, data or platform migration, application or product management, or whichever is appropriate.

Record the results in the APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool

Input Output
  • Existing function and roles regarding application delivery, management, and ownership
  • Scope of APM
  • Responsibilities assigned to your roles
Materials Participants
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • “Supporting Activities – SIPOC” worksheet in the APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool
  • Applications Lead
  • Key Corporate Stakeholders

1.5 Determine steps and roles






  • Applications Manager
  • Operations Manager
  • Business Owners
  • IT Team
  • List of applications
  • Application attributes
  • Business capabilities

Build Inventory

Create the full list of applications and capture all necessary attributes.

Resp: Applications Manager & IT team member

  • Application inventory
  • Identified redundancies
  • Whole organization
  • Applications SMEs
  • Business Owners
  • Support Owners & Team
  • End Users
  • Application inventory
  • Existing documentation
  • Additional collection methods
  • Knowledge of business value, cost, and performance for each application

Collect & Compile

Engage with appropriate SMEs and collect necessary data points for rationalization.

Resp: IT team member

  • Data points of business value, cost, and performance for each application
  • Applications Manager
  • Applications Manager
  • Defined application rationalization framework and toolset
  • Data points of business value, cost, and performance for each application

Assess & Recommend

Apply rationalization framework and toolset to determine dispositions.

Resp: Applications Manager

  • Assigned disposition for each application
  • New project ideas for applications
  • Business Owners
  • Steering Committee
  • Business Owners
  • Steering Committee
  • Assigned disposition for each application
  • New project ideas for applications
  • Awareness of goals and priorities
  • Awareness of existing projects and resources capacity

Validate & Roadmap

Present dispositions for validation and communicate any decisions or direction for applications.

Resp: Applications Manager

  • Application portfolio roadmap
  • Confirmed disposition for each application
  • Project request submission
  • Whole organization
  • Applications Manager
  • Solutions Engineer
  • Business Owner
  • Project request submission
  • Estimated cost
  • Estimated value or ROI

Project Intake

Build business case for project request.

Resp: Project Manager

  • Approved project
  • Steering Committee

Planning your APM modernization journey steps

Discovery Rationalization Disposition Roadmap

Enter your pilot inventory.

  • Optional Snapshot: Populate your desired snapshot grouping lists (departments, functions, groups, capabilities, etc.).

Score your pilot apps to refine your rationalization criteria and scoring.

  • Score 3 to 9 apps to adjust and get comfortable with the scoring.
  • Validate scoring with the remaining apps in your pilot group. Refine and finalize the criteria and scoring descriptions.
  • Optional Snapshot: Use the Group Alignment Matrix to match your grouping list to select which apps support each grouping item.

Determine recommended disposition for each application.

  • Review and adjust the disposition recommendations on the “Disposition Options” worksheet and set your pass/fail threshold.
  • Review your apps on the “App Rationalization Results” worksheet. Update (override) the recommended disposition and priority if needed.

Populate your application roadmap.

  • Indicate programs, projects, initiatives, or releases that are planned for each app.
  • Update the priority based on the initiative.
  • Use the visual roadmap to show high-level delivery phases.

Phase 2

Improve Your Inventory

Phase 1

1.1 Assess Your Current Application Portfolio

1.2 Determine Narrative

1.3 Define Goals and Metrics

1.4 Define Application Categories

1.5 Determine APM Steps and Roles

Phase 2

2.1 Populate Your Inventory

2.2 Align to Business Capabilities

Phase 3

3.1 Assess Business Value

3.2 Assess Technical Health

3.3 Assess End-User Perspective

3.4 Assess Total Cost of Ownership

Phase 4

4.1 Review APM Snapshot Results

4.2 Review APM Foundations Results

4.3 Determine Dispositions

4.4 Assess Redundancies (Optional)

4.5 Determine Dispositions for Redundant Applications (Optional)

4.6 Prioritize Initiatives

4.7 Determine Ongoing APM Cadence

This phase involves the following participants:

  • Applications Lead
  • Applications Team

Additional Resources

Document Your Business Architecture

Industry Reference Architectures

Application Capability Template

Pre-step: Collect your applications

  1. Consult with your IT team and leverage any existing documentation to gather an initial list of your applications.
  2. Build an initial working list of applications. This is just meant to be a starting point. Aim to include any new applications in procurement, implementation, or development.
  3. The rationalization and roadmapping phases are best completed when iteratively focusing on manageable groups of applications. Group your applications into subsets based on shared subject matter experts. Likely this will mean grouping applications by business units.
  4. Select a subset to be the first group of applications that will undergo the activities of rationalization and roadmapping to refine your APM processes, scoring, and disposition selection.

Info-Tech Best Practice

The more information you plan to capture, the larger the time and effort, especially as you move along toward advanced and strategic items. Capture the information most aligned to your objectives to make the most of your investment.

If you completed Deliver Digital Products at Scale, use your product families and products to help define your applications.

Learn more about automated application discovery:
High Application Satisfaction Starts With Discovering Your Application Inventory

Discover your applications

The image contains a screenshot of examples of applications that support APM.

2.1 Populate your inventory

Estimated time: 1-4 hours per group

  1. Review Info-Tech’s list of application inventory attributes.
  2. Open the “Application Inventory Details” tab of the APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool. Modify, add, or omit attributes.
  3. For each application, populate your prioritized data fields or any fields you know at the time of discovery. You will complete all the fields in future iterations.
  4. Complete this the best you can based on your team’s familiarity and any readily available documentation related to these applications.
  5. Use the drop-down list to select Enabling, Redundant/Overlapping, and Dependent apps. This will be used to help determine dispositions and comparisons.
  6. Highlight missing information or placeholder values that need to be verified.

Record the results in the APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool

Input Output
  • Working list of applications
  • Determined attributes for inventory
  • Populated inventory
Materials Participants
  • APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool
  • Applications Lead
  • Any Applications Team Members

2.1 APM worksheet data journey map

The image contains a screenshot of the APM worksheet data journey map.

Why is the business capability so important?

For the purposes of an inventory, business capabilities help all stakeholders gain a sense of the functionality the application provides.

However, the true value of business capability comes with rationalization.

Upon linking all the organization’s applications to a standardized and consistent set of business capabilities, you can then group your applications based on similar, complementary, or overlapping functionality. In other words, find your redundancies and consolidation opportunities.

Important Consideration

Defining business capabilities and determining the full extent of redundancy is a challenging undertaking and often is a larger effort than APM all together.

Business capabilities should be defined according to the unique functions and language of your organization, at varying levels of granularity, and ideally including target-state capabilities that identify gaps in the future strategy.

This blueprint provides a simplified and generic list for the purpose of categorizing similar functionality. We strongly encourage exploring Document Your Business Architecture to help in the business capability defining process, especially when visibility into your portfolio and knowledge of redundancies is poor.

The image contains a screenshot of the business capability scenarios.

For a more detailed capability mapping, use the Application Portfolio Snapshot and the worksheets in your current workbook.

What is a business capability map?

The image contains a screenshot of a business capability map.

A business capability map (BCM) is an abstraction of business operations that helps describe what the enterprise does to achieve its vision, mission, and goals. Business capabilities are the building blocks of the enterprise. They are typically defined at varying levels of granularity and include target-state capabilities that identify gaps in the future strategy. These are the people, process, and tool units that deliver value to your teams and customers.

Info-Tech’s Industry Coverage and Reference Architectures give you a head start on producing a BCM fit for your organization. The visual to the left is an example of a reference architecture for the retail industry.

These are the foundational piece for our Application Portfolio Snapshot. By linking capabilities to your supporting applications, you can better visualize how the portfolio supports the organization at a single glance. More specifically, you can highlight how issues with the portfolio are impacting capability delivery.

Reminder: Best practices imply that business capabilities are methodologically defined by business stakeholders and business architects to capture the unique functions and language of your organization.

The approach laid out in this service is about applying minimal time and effort to make the case for proper investment into the best practices, which can include creating a tailored BCM. Start with a good enough example to produce a useful visual and generate a positive conversation toward resourcing and analyses.

We strongly encourage exploring Document Your Business Architecture and the Application Portfolio Snapshot to understand the thorough methods and tactics for BCM.

Why perform a high-level application alignment before rationalization?

Having to address redundancy complicates the application rationalization process. There is no doubt that assessing applications in isolation is much easier and allows you to arrive at dispositions for your applications in a timelier manner.

Rationalization has two basic steps: first, collect and compile information, and second, analyze that information and determine a disposition for each application. When you don’t have redundancy, you can analyze an application and determine a disposition in isolation. When you do have redundancies, you need to collect information for multiple applications, likely across departments or lines of business, then perform a comparative analysis.

Most likely your approach will fall somewhere between the examples below and require a hybrid approach.

Benefits of a high-level application alignment:

  • Review the degree of redundancy across your portfolio.
  • Understand the priority areas for rationalization and the sequence of information collection.

The image contains a screenshot of a timeline of rationalization effort.

2.2 Align apps to capabilities and functions

Estimated time: 1-4 hours per grouping

The APM tool provides up to three different grouping comparisons to assess how well your applications are supporting your enterprise. Although business capabilities are important, identify your organizational perspectives to determine how well your portfolio supports these functions, departments, or value streams. Each grouping should be a consistent category, type, or arrangement of applications.

  1. Enter the business capabilities, from either your own BCM or the Info-Tech reference architectures, into the Business Capability column under Grouping 1.
  2. Open the “Group 1 Alignment Matrix” worksheet in the APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool.
  3. For each application’s row, enter an “X” in the column of a capability that the application supports.
  4. Optionally, repeat these steps under Grouping 2 and 3 for each value stream, department, function, or business unit where you’d like to assess application support. Note: To use Grouping 3, unhide the columns on the “Application and Group Lists” worksheet and unhide the worksheet “Grouping 3 Alignment Matrix.”

Record the results in the APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool

  • Application inventory
  • List of business capabilities, Info-Tech Reference Architecture capabilities, departments, functions, divisions, or value streams for grouping comparison
  • Assigned business capabilities to applications
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool
  • Applications Lead
  • Any Applications Team Members

2.2 APM worksheet data journey map

The image contains a screenshot of the APM worksheet data journey map.

2.2 Aligning applications to groups example

Alignment Matrix: Identify applications supporting each capability or function.

Capability, Department, or Function 1

Capability, Department, or Function 2

Capability, Department, or Function 3

Capability, Department, or Function 4

Capability, Department, or Function 5

Capability, Department, or Function 6

Application A


Application B


Application C


Application D


Application E

x x

Application F


Application G


Application H


Application I


Application J


In this example:

BC 1 is supported by App A

BC 2 is supported by App B

BC 3 is supported by Apps C & D

BCs 4 & 5 are supported by App E

BC 6 is supported by Apps F-G. BC 6 shows an example of potential redundancy and portfolio complexity.

The APM tool supports three different Snapshot groupings. Repeat this exercise for each grouping.

Align application to capabilities – tool view

The image contains screenshots of the align application to capabilities - tool view

Phase 3

Rationalize Your Applications

Phase 1

1.1 Assess Your Current Application Portfolio

1.2 Determine Narrative

1.3 Define Goals and Metrics

1.4 Define Application Categories

1.5 Determine APM Steps and Roles

Phase 2

2.1 Populate Your Inventory

2.2 Align to Business Capabilities

Phase 3

3.1 Assess Business Value

3.2 Assess Technical Health

3.3 Assess End-User Perspective

3.4 Assess Total Cost of Ownership

Phase 4

4.1 Review APM Snapshot Results

4.2 Review APM Foundations Results

4.3 Determine Dispositions

4.4 Assess Redundancies (Optional)

4.5 Determine Dispositions for Redundant Applications (Optional)

4.6 Prioritize Initiatives

4.7 Determine Ongoing APM Cadence

This phase involves the following participants:

  • Applications Lead
  • Application SMEs

Additional Resources

Phase pre-step: Sequence rationalization assessments appropriately

Use the APM Snapshot results to determine APM iterations

  • Application rationalization requires an iterative approach.
  • Review your application types and alignment from Phase 2 to begin to identify areas of overlapping or redundant applications.
  • Sequence the activities of Phase 3 based on whether you have a:
    • Redundant Portfolio
      • Use the APM Snapshot to prioritize analysis by grouping.
      • Complete the application functional analysis.
      • Use the “Application Comparison” worksheet to aid your comparison of application subsets.
      • Update application dispositions and roadmap initiatives.
    • Non-Redundant Portfolio
      • Use the APM Snapshot to prioritize analysis by grouping.
      • Update application dispositions and roadmap initiatives.

The image contains a screenshot of a timeline of rationalization effort.

Phase pre-step: Are the right stakeholders present?

Make sure you have the right people at the table from the beginning.

  • Application rationalization requires specific stakeholders to provide specific data points.
  • Ensure your application subsets are grouped by shared subject matter experts. Ideally, these are grouped by business units.
  • For each subset, identify the appropriate SMEs for the five areas of rationalization criteria.
  • Communicate and schedule interviews with groups of stakeholders. Inform them of additional information sources to have readily available.
  • (Optional) This phase’s activities follow the clockwise sequence of the diagram to the right. Reorder the sequence of activities based on overlaps of availability in subject matter expertise.



Additional Information Sources

Ideal Stakeholders

  • KPIs

Business Value

  • Business Application/Product Owners
  • Business Unit/ Process Owners
  • Survey Results

End User

  • Business Application/ Product Owners
  • Key/Power Users
  • End Users
  • General Ledger
  • Service Desk
  • Vendor Contracts


  • Operations/Maintenance Manager
  • Vendor Managers
  • Finance & Acct.
  • Service Desk
  • ALM Tools

Technical Health

  • Operations/ Maintenance Manager
  • Solution Architect
  • Security Manager
  • Dev. Manager
  • Capability Maps
  • Process Maps

Application Alignment

  • Business Unit/ Process Owners

Rationalize your applications

The image contains screenshots of diagrams that reviews building your APM journey map.

One of the principal goals of application rationalization is determining dispositions

Disposition: The intended strategic direction or course of action for an application.

Directionless portfolio of applications

Assigned dispositions for individual apps

High-level examples:

The image contains a screenshot of an image that demonstrates a directionless portfolio of applications.

Maintain: Keep the application but adjust its support structure.

The image contains screenshots of a few images taken from the directionless application to demonstrate the text above.

Modernize: Create a new project to address an inadequacy.

The image contains screenshots of a few images taken from the directionless application to demonstrate the text above.

Consolidate: Create a new project to reduce duplicate functionality.

The image contains screenshots of a few images taken from the directionless application to demonstrate the text above.

Retire: Phase out the application.

The image contains screenshots of a few images taken from the directionless application to demonstrate the text above.

Application rationalization provides insight

Directionless portfolio of applications

Info-Tech’s Five Lens Model

Assigned dispositions for individual apps

The image contains a screenshot of an example of directionless portfolio of applications.

Application Alignment

Business Value

Technical Health

End-User Perspective

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

Maintain: Keep the application but adjust its support structure.

Modernize: Create a new initiative to address an inadequacy.

Consolidate: Create a new initiative to reduce duplicate functionality.

Retire: Phase out the application.

Disposition: The intended strategic direction or implied course of action for an application.

How well do your apps support your core functions and teams?

How well are your apps aligned to value delivery?

Do your apps meet all IT quality standards and policies?

How well do your apps meet your end users’ needs?

What is the relative cost of ownership and operation of your apps?

Application rationalization requires the collection of several data points that represent these perspectives and act as the criteria for determining a disposition for each of your applications.

Disposition: The intended strategic direction or implied course of action for an application.

3.1-3.4 APM worksheet data journey map

The image contains a screenshot of the APM worksheet data journey map.

Assessing application business value

The Business Business Value of Applications IT
Keepers of the organization’s mission, vision, and value statements that define IT success. The business maintains the overall ownership and evaluation of the applications. Technical subject matter experts of the applications they deliver and maintain. Each IT function works together to ensure quality applications are delivered to stakeholder expectations.

First, the authorities on business value need to define and weigh their value drivers that describe the priorities of the organization.

This will then allow the applications team to apply a consistent, objective, and strategically aligned evaluation of applications across the organization.

In this context…business value is the value of the business outcome that the application produces and how effective the application is at producing that outcome.

Business value IS NOT the user’s experience or satisfaction with the application.

Review the value drivers of your applications

The image contains a screenshot of a the business value matrix.

Financial vs. Human Benefits

Financial benefits refer to the degree to which the value source can be measured through monetary metrics and are often quite tangible.

Human benefits refer to how an application can deliver value through a user’s experience.

Inward vs. Outward Orientation

Inward orientation refers to value sources that have an internal impact and improve your organization’s effectiveness and efficiency in performing its operations.

Outward orientation refers to value sources that come from your interaction with external factors, such as the market or your customers.

Increased Revenue

Reduced Costs

Enhanced Services

Reach Customers

Application functions that are specifically related to the impact on your organization’s ability to generate revenue and deliver value to your customers.

Reduction of overhead. The ways in which an application limits the operational costs of business functions.

Functions that enable business capabilities that improve the organization’s ability to perform its internal operations.

Application functions that enable and improve the interaction with customers or produce market information and insights.

3.1 Assess business value

Estimated time: 1 -4 hours

  1. Review Info-Tech’s four quadrants of business value: increase revenue/value, reduce costs, enhance services, and reach customers. Edit your value drivers, description, and scoring on the “Rationalization Inputs” worksheet. For each value driver, update the key indicators specific to your organization’s priorities. When editing the scoring descriptions, keep only the one you are using.
  2. (Optional) Add an additional value driver if your organization has distinct value drivers (e.g. compliance, sustainability, innovation, and growth).
  3. For each application, score on a scale of 0 to 5 how impactful the application is for each value driver. Use the indicators set in Phase 1 to guide your scoring.
  4. For each value driver, adjust the criteria weighting to match its relative importance to the organization. Start with a balanced or low weighting. Adjust the weights to ensure that the category score matches your relative values and priorities.

Record the results in the APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool

  • Knowledge of organizational priorities
  • (Optional) Existing mission, vision, and value statements
  • Scoring scheme for assessing business value
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool
  • Applications Lead
  • Key Corporate Stakeholders

3.1 Weigh value drivers: Example

The image contains a screenshot example of the weigh value drivers.

For additional support in implementing a balanced value framework, refer to Build a Value Measurement Framework.

Understand the back end and technical health of your applications

Technical health identifies the extent of technology risk to the organization.


RAS refers to an app’s reliability, availability, and serviceability. How often, how long, and how difficult is it for your resources to keep an app functioning, and what are the resulting continuity risks? This can include root causes of maintenance challenges.


Applications should be aligned and compliant with ALL security policies. Are there vulnerabilities or is there a history of security incidents? Remember that threats are often internal and non-malicious.


How easily can the app be enhanced or scaled to meet changes in business needs? Does the app fit within the business strategy?


The degree to which an app is integrated with current systems. Apps require comprehensive technical planning and oversight to ensure they connect within the greater application architecture. Does the app fit within your enterprise architecture strategy?


The degree to which the application is compatible with business continuity/disaster recovery (BC/DR) policies and plans that are routinely tested and verified.

Unfortunately, the business only cares about what they can see or experience. Rationalization is your opportunity to get risk on the business’ radar and gain buy-in for the necessary action.

3.2 Assess technical health

Estimated time: 1-4 hours

  1. Review Info-Tech’s suggested technical health criteria. Edit your criteria, descriptions, and scoring on the “Rationalization Inputs” worksheet. For each criterion, update the key indicators specific to your organization’s priorities.
  2. For each application, score on a scale of 1 to 5 on how impactful the application is for each criterion.
  3. For each criterion, adjust the weighting to match its relative importance to the organization. Start with a balanced or low weighting. Adjust the weights to ensure that the category score matches your relative values and priorities.
  • Familiarity of technical health perspective for applications within this subset
  • Maintenance history, architectural models
  • Technical health scores for each application
  • APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool
  • Technical SMEs
  • Applications Lead
  • Any Applications Team Members

Record the results in the APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool

End users provide valuable perspective

Your end users are your best means of determining front-end issues.

Data Quality

To what degree do the end users find the data quality sufficient to perform their role and achieve their desired outcome?


To what degree do the end users find the application effective for performing their role and desired outcome?


To what degree do the end users find the application reliable and easy to use to achieve their desired outcome?


To what degree are end users satisfied with the features of this application?

What else matters to you?

Tune your criteria to match your values and priorities.

Info-Tech Best Practice

When facing large user groups, do not make assumptions or use lengthy methods of collecting information. Use Info-Tech’s Application Portfolio Assessment to collect data by surveying your end users’ perspectives.

3.3 Assess end-user perspective

Estimated time: 1-4 hours

  1. Review Info-Tech’s suggested end-user perspective criteria. Edit your criteria, descriptions and scoring on the “Rationalization Inputs” worksheet. For each criterion, update the key indicators specific to your organization’s priorities.
  2. For each application, score on a scale of 1 to 5 on how impactful the application is for each criterion.
  3. For each criterion, adjust the weighting to match its relative importance to the organization. Start with a balanced or low weighting. Adjust the weights to ensure that the category score matches your relative values and priorities.
  • Familiarity of end user’s perspective for applications within this subset
  • User satisfaction scores for each application
  • APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool
  • Business Owners, Key Users
  • Applications Lead
  • Any Applications Team Members

Record the results in the APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool

Consider the spectrum of application cost

An application’s cost extends past a vendor’s fee and even the application itself.

LICENSING AND SUBSCRIPTIONS: Your recurring payments to a vendor.

Many commercial off-the-shelf applications require a license on a per-user basis. Review contracts and determine costs by looking at per-user or fixed rates charged by the vendor.

MAINTENANCE COSTS: Your internal spending to maintain an app.

These are the additional costs to maintain an application such as support agreements, annual maintenance fees, or additional software or hosting expenses.

INDIRECT COSTS: Miscellaneous expenses necessary for an app’s continued use.

Expenses like end-user training, developer education, and admin are often neglected, but they are very real costs organizations pay regularly.

RETURN ON INVESTMENT: Perceived value of the application related to its TCO.

Some of our most valuable applications are the most expensive. ROI is an optional criterion to account for the value and importance of the application.

Info-Tech Best Practice

The TCO assessment is one area where what you are considering the ”application” matters quite a bit. An application’s peripherals or software components need to be considered in your estimates. For additional help calculating TCO, use the Application TCO Calculator from Build a Rationalization Framework.

3.4 Assess total cost of ownership

Estimated time: 1-4 hours

  1. Review Info-Tech’s suggested TCO criteria. Edit your criteria, descriptions, and scoring on the “Rationalization Inputs” worksheet. For each criterion, update the key indicators specific to your organization’s priorities.
  2. For each application, score on a scale of 1 to 5 on how impactful the application is for each criterion.
  3. For each criterion, adjust the weighting to match its relative importance to the organization. Start with a balanced or low weighting. Adjust the weights to ensure that the category score matches your relative values and priorities.
  • Familiarity with the TCO for applications within this subset
  • Vendor contracts, maintenance history
  • TCO scores for each application
  • APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool
  • Business Owners, Vendor Managers, Operations Managers
  • Applications Lead
  • Any Applications Team Members

Record the results in the APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool

Phase 4

Populate Your Roadmap

Phase 1

1.1 Assess Your Current Application Portfolio

1.2 Determine Narrative

1.3 Define Goals and Metrics

1.4 Define Application Categories

1.5 Determine APM Steps and Roles

Phase 2

2.1 Populate Your Inventory

2.2 Align to Business Capabilities

Phase 3

3.1 Assess Business Value

3.2 Assess Technical Health

3.3 Assess End-User Perspective

3.4 Assess Total Cost of Ownership

Phase 4

4.1 Review APM Snapshot Results

4.2 Review APM Foundations Results

4.3 Determine Dispositions

4.4 Assess Redundancies (Optional)

4.5 Determine Dispositions for Redundant Applications (Optional)

4.6 Prioritize Initiatives

4.7 Determine Ongoing APM Cadence

his phase involves the following participants:

  • Applications Lead
  • Delivery Leads

Additional Resources

Review your APM Snapshot

The image contains a screenshot of examples of applications that support APM.

4.1 Review your APM Snapshot results

Estimated time: 1-2 hours

  1. The APM Snapshot provides a dashboard to support your APM program’s focus and as an input to demand planning. Unhide the “Group 3” worksheet if you completed the alignment matrix.
  2. For each grouping area, review the results to determine underperforming areas. Use this information to prioritize your application root cause analysis and demand planning. Use the key on the following slide to guide your analysis.
  3. Analysis guidance:
    1. Start with the quartile grouping to find areas scoring in Remediate or Critical Need and focus follow-up actions on these areas.
    2. Use the lens/category heat map to determine which lenses are underperforming. Use this to then look up the individual app scores supporting that group to identify application issues.
    3. Use the “Application Comparison” worksheet to select and compare applications for the group to make your review and comparison easier.
    4. Work with teams in the group to provide root cause analysis for low scores.
    5. Build a plan to address any apps not supported by IT.
  • Application list
  • Application to Group mapping
  • Rationalization scores
  • Awareness of application support for each grouping


  • APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool
  • Business Owners
  • Applications Lead
  • Any Applications Team Members

Record the results in the APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool

Interpreting your APM Snapshot

The image contains a screenshot of the APM Snapshot with guides on how to interpret it.

4.1 APM worksheet data journey map

The image contains a screenshot of the AMP worksheet data journey map.

Review your APM rationalization results

The image contains a screenshot of examples of applications that support APM.

4.2 Review your APM Foundations results

Estimated time: 1-2 hours

The APM Foundations Results dashboard (“App Rationalization Results” worksheet) provides a detailed summary of your relative app scoring to serve as input to demand planning.

  1. For each grouping, review the results to determine underperforming app support. Use this information to prioritize your application root cause analysis using the individual criteria scores on the “Rationalization Inputs” worksheet.
  2. Use guidance on the following example slides to understand each area of the results.
  3. Any applications marked as N/A for evaluation will display N/A on the results worksheet and will not be displayed in the chart. You can still enter dispositions.
  4. Use the column filters to compare a subset of applications or use the “App Comparison” worksheet to maintain an ongoing view by grouping, redundancy, or category.
  5. Any applications marked as N/A for evaluation will display N/A on the results worksheet and will not be displayed in the chart. You can still enter dispositions.
  • Application list
  • Rationalization scores
  • Application awareness
  • APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool
  • Business Owners
  • Applications Lead
  • Any Applications Team Members

Record the results in the APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool

4.2 APM worksheet data journey map

The image contains a screenshot of the AMP worksheet data journey map.

Interpreting your APM Foundations results

The image contains a screenshot of the APM Foundations results.

Interpreting your APM Foundations chart

The image contains a screenshot of the APM Foundations chart.

Modernize your applications

The image contains a screenshot of examples of applications that support APM.

Apply Info-Tech’s 6 R’s Rationalization Disposition Model

The image contains a screenshot of Info-Tech's 6 R's Rationalization Disposition Model.




Prioritize new features or enhancement requests and openly welcome the expansion of these applications as new requests are presented.


Address the poor end-user satisfaction with a prioritized project. Consult with users to determine if UX issues require improvement to address satisfaction.


Determine the root cause of the low value. Refocus, retrain, or refresh the UX to improve value. If there is no value found, aim to "keep the lights on" until the app can be decommissioned.


Replace or rebuild the application as technical and user issues are putting important business capabilities at risk. Decommission application alongside replacement.


Address the poor technical health or risk with a prioritized project. Further consult with development and technical teams to determine if migration or refactoring is suited to address the technical issue.


Cancel any requested features and enhancements. Schedule the proper decommission and transfer end users to a new or alternative system if necessary.

TCO, compared relatively to business value, helps determine the practicality of a disposition and the urgency of any call to action. Application alignment is factored in when assessing redundancies and has a separate set of dispositions.

4.3 Determine dispositions

Estimated time: 1-4 hours

  1. The Recommended Disposition and Priority fields are prepopulated from your scoring thresholds and options on the “Disposition Options” worksheet. You can update any individual application disposition or priority using the drop-down menu and it will populate your selection on the “Roadmap” worksheet.
  2. Question if that disposition is appropriate. Be sure to consider:
    1. TCO – cost should come into play for any decisions.
    2. Alignment to strategic goals set for the overarching organizational, IT, technology (infrastructure), or application portfolio.
    3. Existing organizational priorities or funded initiatives impacting the app.
  3. Some dispositions may imply a call to action, new project, or initiative. Ideate and/or discuss with the team any potential initiatives. You can use different dispositions and priorities on the “App Rationalization Results” and “Roadmap” worksheets.
  4. Note: Modify the list of dispositions on the “Disposition Options” worksheet as appropriate for your rationalization initiative. Any modifications to the Disposition column will be automatically updated in the “App Rationalization Results” and “Roadmap” worksheets.
  • Rationalization results
  • Assigned dispositions for applications
  • APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool
  • Business Owners
  • Applications Lead
  • Any Applications Team Members

Record the results in the APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool

4.3 APM worksheet data journey map

The image contains a screenshot of the worksheet data journey map.

Redundancies require a different analysis and set of dispositions

Solving application redundancy is a lot more complicated than simply keeping one application and eliminating the others.

First, you need to understand the extent of the redundancy. The applications may support the same capability, but do they offer the same functions? Determine which apps offer which functions within a capability. This means you cannot accurately arrive at a disposition until you have evaluated all applications.

Next, you need to isolate the preferred system. This is completed by comparing the same data points collected for rationalization and the application alignment analysis. Cost and coverage of all necessary functions become the more important factors in this decision-making process.

Lastly, for the non-preferred redundant applications you need to determine: What will you do with the users? What will you do with the data? And what can you do with the functionality (can the actual coding be merged onto a common platform)?


Description & Additional Analysis

Call to Action (Priority)

Keep & Absorb

Higher value, health satisfaction, and cost than alternatives

These are the preferred apps to be kept. However, additional efforts are still required to migrate new users and data and potentially configure the app to new processes.

Application or Process Initiative


Shift & Retire

Lower value, health satisfaction, and cost than alternatives

These apps will be decommissioned alongside efforts to migrate users and data to the preferred system.

*Confirm there are no unique and necessary features.

Process Initiative & Decommission



Lower value, health satisfaction, and cost than alternatives but still has some necessary unique features

These apps will be merged with the preferred system onto a common platform.

*Determine the unique and necessary features.

*Determine if the multiple applications are compatible for consolidation.

Application Initiative


Compare groups of applications

The image contains a screenshot of examples of applications that support APM.

4.4 Assess redundancies (optional)

Estimated rime: 1 hour per group

This exercise is best performed after aligning business capabilities to applications across the portfolio and identifying your areas of redundancy. At this stage, this is still an information collection exercise, and it will not yield a consolidation-based disposition until applied to all relevant applications. Lastly, this exercise may still be at too high a level to outline the full details of redundancy, but it is still vital information to collect and a starting point to determine which areas require more concentrated analysis.

  1. Determine which areas of redundancy or comparisons are desired. Duplicate the “App Comparison” worksheet for each grouping or comparison.
  2. Extend the comparison to better identify redundancy.
    1. For each area of redundancy, identify the high-level features. Aim to limit the features to ten, grouping smaller features if necessary. SoftwareReviews can be a resource for identifying common features.
    2. Label features using the MoSCoW model: must have, should have, could have, will not have.
    3. For each application, identify which features they support. You can use the grouping alignment matrix as a template for feature alignment comparison. Duplicate the worksheet, unlock it, and replace the grouping cell references with your list of features.
Input Output
  • Areas of redundancy
  • Familiarity with features for applications within this subset
  • Feature-level review of application redundancy
Materials Participants
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool
  • Business Owners
  • Applications Lead
  • Any Applications Team Members

Record the results in the APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool

4.4 Assess redundancies (optional)

Account Management

Call Management

Order/Transaction Processing

Contract Management

Lead/Opportunity Management


Customer Surveying

Email Synchronization





4.5 Determine dispositions for redundant applications (optional)

Estimated time: 1 hour per group

  1. Based on the feature-level assessment, determine if you can omit applications if they don’t truly overlap with other applications.
  2. Make a copy of the “App Comparison” worksheet and select the applications you want to compare based on your functional analysis.
  3. Determine the preferred application(s). Use the diagram to inform your decision. This may be the application closest to the top right (strong health and value). However, less expensive options or any options that provide a more complete set of features may be preferable.
  4. Open the “App Rationalization Results” worksheet. Update your disposition for each application.
  5. Use these updated dispositions to determine a call to action, new project, or initiative. Ideate and/or discuss with the team any potential initiatives. Update your roadmap with these initiatives in the next step.
  • Feature-level review of application redundancy
  • Redundancy comparison
  • Assigned dispositions for redundant applications
  • APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool
  • Business Owners
  • Applications Lead
  • Any Applications Team Members

Record the results in the APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool

Compare application groups

Group comparison can be used for more than just redundant/overlapping applications.

The image contains a screenshot of images that demonstrate comparing application groups.

Roadmaps are used for different purposes

Roadmaps are used for different communication purposes and at varying points in your application delivery practice. Some use a roadmap to showcase strategy and act as a feedback mechanism that allows stakeholders to validate any changes (process 1). Others may use it to illustrate and communicate approved and granular elements of a change to an application to inform appropriate stakeholders of what to anticipate (process 2).

Select Dispositions & Identify New Initiatives

Add to Roadmap

Validate Direction

Plan Project

Execute Project

Select Dispositions & Identify New Initiatives

  • Project Proposal
  • Feasibility/ Estimation
  • Impact Assessment
  • Business Case
  • Initial Design

Approve Project

Add to Roadmap

Execute Project

The steps between selecting a disposition and executing on any resulting project will vary based on the organization’s project intake standards (or lack thereof).

This blueprint focuses on building a strategic portfolio roadmap prior to any in-depth assessments related to initiative/project intake, approval, and prioritization. For in-depth support related to intake, approval, prioritization, or planning, review the following resources.

The image contains a screenshot of the Deliver on your Digital Product Vision blueprint. The image contains a screenshot of the Deliver Digital Products at Scale blueprint.

Determine what makes it onto the roadmap

A roadmap should not be limited to what is approved or committed to. A roadmap should be used to present the items that need to happen and begin the discussion of how or if this can be put into place. However, not every idea should make the cut and end up in front of key stakeholders.

The image contains a screenshot of steps to be taken to determine what makes it onto the roadmap.

4.6 Prioritize initiatives

Estimated time: 1-4 hours

  1. This is a high-level assessment to provide a sense of feasibility, practicality, and priority as well as an estimated timeline of a given initiative. Do not get lost in granular estimations. Use this as an input to your demand planning process.
  2. Enter the specific name or type of initiative.
    1. Process Initiative: Any project or effort focused on process improvements without technical modification to an app (e.g. user migration, change in SLA, new training program). Write the application and initiative name on a blue sticky note.
    2. App Initiative: Any project or effort involving technical modification to an app (e.g. refactoring, platform migration, feature addition or upgrade). Write the application and initiative name on a yellow sticky note.
    3. Decommission Initiative: Any project and related efforts to remove an app (e.g. migrating data, removal from server). Write the application and initiative name on a red sticky note.
  3. Prioritize the initiative to aid in demand planning. This is prepopulated from your selected application disposition, but you can set a different priority for the initiative here.
  4. Select the Initiative Phase in the timeline to show the intended schedule and sequencing of the initiative.
Input Output
  • Assigned dispositions
  • Rationalization results
  • Prioritized initiatives
Materials Participants
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool
  • Delivery Leads
  • Applications Lead
  • Any Applications Team Members

Record the results in the APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool

4.6 APM worksheet data journey map

The image contains a screenshot of the worksheet data journey map.

Populate roadmap example

The image contains an example of the populate roadmap.

Create a recurring update plan

  • Application inventories become stale before you know it. Build steps in your procurement process to capture the appropriate information on new applications. Also, build in checkpoints to revisit your inventory regularly to assess the accuracy of inventory data.
  • Rationalization is not one and done; it must occur with an appropriate cadence.
    • Business priorities change, which will impact the current and future value of your apps.
    • Now more than ever, user expectations evolve rapidly.
    • Application sprawl likely won’t stop, so neither will shadow IT and redundancies.
    • Obsolescence, growing technical debt, changing security threats, or shifting technology strategies are all inevitable, as is the gradual decline of an app’s health or technical fit.
  • An application’s disposition changes quicker than you think, and rationalization requires a structured cadence. You need to plan to minimize the need for repeated efforts. Conversely, many use preceding iterations to increase the analysis (e.g. more thorough TCO projections or more granular capability-application alignment).
  • Portfolio roadmaps require a cadence for both updates and presentations to stakeholders. Updates are often completed semiannually or quarterly to gauge the business adjustments that affect the timeline of the domain-specific applications. The presentation of a roadmap should be completed alongside meetings or gatherings of key decision makers.
  • M&A or other restructuring events will prompt the need to address all the above.

The image contains a screenshot of chart to help determine frequency of updating your roadmap.

Build your APM maturity by taking the right steps at the right time

The image contains a diagram to demonstrate the steps taken to build APM maturity.

Info-Tech’s Build an Application Rationalization Framework provides additional TCO and value tools to help build out your portfolio strategy.

APM is an iterative and evergreen process

APM provides oversight and awareness of your application portfolio’s performance and support for your business operations and value delivery to all users and customers.

Determine scope and categories Build your list of applications and capabilities Score each application based on your values Determine outcomes based on app scoring and support for capabilities

1. Lay Your Foundations

  • 1.1 Assess the state of your current application portfolio
  • 1.2 Determine narrative
  • 1.3 Define goals and metrics
  • 1.4 Define application categories
  • 1.5 Determine APM steps and roles (SIPOC)

2. Improve Your Inventory

  • 2.1 Populate your inventory
  • 2.2 Align to business capabilities

3. Rationalize Your Apps

  • 3.1 Assess business value
  • 3.2 Assess technical health
  • 3.3 Assess end-user perspective
  • 3.4 Assess total cost of ownership

4. Populate Your Roadmap

  • 4.1 Review APM Snapshot results
  • 4.2 Review APM Foundations results
  • 4.3 Determine dispositions
  • 4.4 Assess redundancies (Optional)
  • 4.5 Determine dispositions for redundant applications (Optional)
  • 4.6 Prioritize initiatives
  • 4.7 Ongoing APM cadence

Repeat according to APM cadence and application changes

4.7 Ongoing APM cadence

Estimated time: 1-2 hours

  1. Determine how frequently you will update or present the artifacts of your APM practice: Application Inventory, Rationalization, Disposition, and Roadmap.
  2. For each artifact, determine the:
    1. Owner: Who is accountable for the artifact and the data or information within the artifact and will be responsible for or delegate the responsibility of updating or presenting the artifact to the appropriate audience?
    2. Update Cadence: How frequently will you update the artifact? Include what regularly scheduled meetings this activity will be within.
    3. Update Scope: Describe what activities will be performed to keep the artifact up to date. The goal here is to minimize the need for a full set of activities laid out within the blueprint. Optional: How will you expand the thoroughness of your analysis?
    4. Audience: Who is the audience for the artifact or assessment results?
    5. Presentation Cadence: How frequently and when will you review the artifact with the audience?
  • Initial experience with APM
  • Strategic meetings schedule
  • Ongoing cadence for APM activities
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool
  • Applications Lead
  • Any Applications Team Members

Record the results in the APM Snapshot and Foundations Tool

4.7 Ongoing APM cadence



Update Cadence

Update Scope


Presentation Cadence


Greg Dawson

  • As new applications are acquired
  • Annual review
  • Add new application data points (this is added to implementation standards)
  • Review inventory and perform a data health check
  • Validate with app’s SME
  • Whole organization
  • Always available on team site

Rationalization Tool

Judy Ng

  • Annual update
  • Revisit value driver weights
  • Survey end users
  • Interview support owners
  • Interview business owners
  • Update TCO based on change in operational costs; expand thoroughness of cost estimates
  • Rescore applications
  • Business owners of applications
  • IT leaders
  • Annually alongside yearly strategy meeting

Portfolio Roadmap

Judy Ng

  • Monthly update alongside project updates
  • Shift the timeline of the roadmap to current day 1
  • Carry over project updates and timeline changes
  • Validate with PMs and business owners
  • Steering Committee
  • Business owners of applications
  • IT leaders
  • Quarterly alongside Steering Committee meetings
  • Upon request


  • Additional support slides
  • Bibliography

The APM tool provides a single source of truth and global data sharing

The table shows where source data is used to support different aspects of APM discovery, rationalization, and modernization.

Worksheet Data Mapping

Application and Capability List

Group Alignment Matrix (1-3)

Rationalization Inputs

Group 1-3 Results

Application Inventory Details

App Rationalization Results


App Redundancy Comparison

Application and Capability List

App list, Groupings

App list

App list, Groupings

App list, Categories

App list, Categories

App list

App list

Groups 1-3 Alignment Matrix

App to Group Tracing

Application Categories




Rationalization Inputs

Lens Scores (weighted input to Group score)

Lens Scores (weighted input)

Disposition Options

Disposition list, Priorities list, Recommended Disposition and Priority

Lens Scores (weighted input)

App Rationalization Results


Common application inventory attributes

Attribute Description Common Collection Method
Name Organization’s terminology used for the application. Auto-discovery tools will provide names for the applications they reveal. However, this may not be the organizational nomenclature. You may adapt the names by leveraging pre-existing documentation and internal knowledge or by consulting business users.
ID Unique identifiers assigned to the application (e.g. app number). Typically an identification system developed by the application portfolio manager.
Description A brief description of the application, often referencing core capabilities. Typically completed by leveraging pre-existing documentation and internal knowledge or by consulting business users.
Business Units A list of all business units, departments, or user groups. Consultation, surveys, or interviews with business unit representatives. However, this doesn’t always expose hidden applications. Application-capability mapping is the most effective way to determine all the business units/user groups of an app.
Business Capabilities A list of business capabilities the application is intended to enable. Application capability mapping completed via interviews with business unit representatives.
Criticality A high-level grading of the importance of the application to the business, typically used for support prioritization purposes (i.e. critical, high, medium, low). Typically the criticality rating is determined by a committee representing IT and business leaders.
Ownership The individual accountable for various aspect of the application (e.g. product owner, product manager, application support, data owner); typically includes contact information and alternatives. If application ownership is an established accountability in your organization, typically consulting appropriate business stakeholders will reveal this information. Otherwise, application capability mapping can be an effective means of identifying who that owner should be.
Application SMEs Any relevant subject matter experts who can speak to various aspects of the application (e.g. business process owners, development managers, data architects, data stewards, application architects, enterprise architects). Technical SMEs should be known within an IT department, but shadow IT apps may require interviews with the business unit. Application capability mapping will determine the identity of those key users/business process SMEs.
Type An indication of whether the application was developed in-house, commercial off-the-shelf, or a hybrid option. Consultation, surveys, or interviews with product owners or development managers.
Active Status An indication of whether the application is currently active, out of commission, in repair, etc. Consultation, surveys, or interviews with product owners or operation managers.

Common application inventory attributes

Attribute Description Common Collection Method
Vendor Information Identification of the vendor from whom the software was procured. May include additional items such as the vendor’s contact information. Consultation with business SMEs, end users, or procurement teams, or review of vendor contracts or license agreements.
Links to Other Documentation Pertinent information regarding the other relevant documentation of the application (e.g. SLA, vendor contracts, data use policies, disaster recovery plan). Typically includes links to documents. Consultation with product owners, service providers, or SMEs, or review of vendor contracts or license agreements.
Number of Users The current number of users for the application. This can be based on license information but will often require some estimation. Can include additional items of quantities at different levels of access (e.g. admin, key users, power users). Consultation, surveys, or interviews with product owners or appropriate business SMEs or review of vendor contracts or license agreements. Auto-discovery tools can reveal this information.
Software Dependencies List of other applications or operating components required to run the application. Consultation with application architects and any architectural tools or documentation. This information can begin to reveal itself through application capability mapping.
Hardware Dependencies Identification of any hardware or infrastructure components required to run the application (i.e. databases, platform). Consultation with infrastructure or enterprise architects and any architectural tools or documentation. This information can begin to reveal itself through application capability mapping.
Development Language Coding language used for the application. Consultation, surveys, or interviews with development managers or appropriate technical SMEs.
Platform A framework of services that application programs rely on for standard operations. Consultation, surveys, or interviews with infrastructure or development managers.
Lifecycle Stage Where an application is within the birth, growth, mature, end-of-life lifecycle. Consultation with business owners and technical SMEs.
Scheduled Updates Any major or minor updates related to the application, including the release date. Consultation with business owners and vendor managers.
Planned or In-Flight Projects Any projects related to the application, including estimated project timeline. Consultation with business owners and project managers.


”2019 Technology & Small Business Survey.” National Small Business Association (NSBA), n.d. Accessed 1 April 2020.
“Application Rationalization – Essential Part of the Process for Modernization and Operational Efficiency.” Flexera, 2015. Web.
“Applications Rationalization during M&A: Standardize, Streamline, Simplify.” Deloitte Consulting, 2016. Web.
Bowling, Alan. “Clearer Visibility of Product Roadmaps Improves IT Planning.”, 1 Nov. 2010. Web.
Brown, Alex. “Calculating Business Value.” Agile 2014 Orlando, 13 July 2014. Scrum Inc. 2014. Web.
Brown, Roger. “Defining Business Value.” Scrum Gathering San Diego 2017. Agile Coach Journal. Web.
“Business Application Definition.” Microsoft Docs, 18 July 2012. Web.
“Connecting Small Businesses in the US.” Deloitte Consulting, 2017. Accessed 1 April. 2020.
Craveiro, João. “Marty meets Martin: connecting the two triads of Product Management.” Product Coalition, 18 Nov. 2017. Web.
Curtis, Bill. “The Business Value of Application Internal Quality.” CAST, 6 April 2009. Web.
Fleet, Neville, Joan Lasselle, and Paul Zimmerman. “Using a Balance Scorecard to Measure the Productivity and Value of Technical Documentation Organizations.” CIDM, April 2008. Web.
Fowler, Martin. “Application Boundary.”, 11 Sept. 2003. Web.
Harris, Michael. “Measuring the Business Value of IT.” David Consulting Group, 2007. Web.
“How Application Rationalization Contributes to the Bottom Line.” LeanIX, 2017. Web.
Jayanthi, Aruna. “Application Landscape Report 2014.” Capgemini, 4 March 2014. Web.
Lankhorst, Marc., et al. “Architecture-Based IT Valuation.” Via Nova Architectura, 31 March 2010. Web.
“Management of business application.” ServiceNow, Jan.2020. Accessed 1 April 2020.
Mauboussin, Michael J. “The True Measures of Success.” HBR, Oct. 2012. Web.
Neogi, Sombit., et al. “Next Generation Application Portfolio Rationalization.” TATA, 2011. Web.
Riverbed. “Measuring the Business Impact of IT Through Application Performance.” CIO Summits, 2015. Web.
Rouse, Margaret. “Application Rationalization.” TechTarget, March 2016. Web.
Van Ramshorst, E.A. “Application Portfolio Management from an Enterprise Architecture Perspective.” Universiteit Utrecht, July 2013.
“What is a Balanced Scorecard?” Intrafocus, n.d. Web.
Whitney, Lance. “SMBs share their biggest constraints and great challenges.” Tech Republic, 6 May 2019. Web.

Effectively Recognize IT Employees

  • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}547|cart{/j2store}
  • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 8.0/10 Overall Impact
  • member rating average dollars saved: $100 Average $ Saved
  • member rating average days saved: 5 Average Days Saved
  • Parent Category Name: Engage
  • Parent Category Link: /engage
  • Even when organizations do have recognition programs, employees want more recognition than they currently receive.
  • In a recent study, McLean & Company found that 69% of IT employees surveyed felt they were not adequately praised and rewarded for superior work.
  • In a lot of cases, the issue with recognition programs isn’t that IT departments haven’t thought about the importance but rather that they haven’t focused on proper execution.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • You’re busy – don’t make your recognition program more complicated than it needs to be. Focus on day-to-day ideas and actively embed recognition into your IT team’s culture.
  • Recognition is impactful independent of rewards (i.e. items with a monetary value), but rewarding employees without proper recognition can be counterproductive. Put recognition first and use rewards as a way to amplify its effectiveness.

Impact and Result

  • Info-Tech tools and guidance will help you develop a successful and sustainable recognition program aligned to strategic goals and values.
  • By focusing on three key elements – customization, alignment, and transparency – you can improve your recognition culture within four weeks, increasing employee engagement and productivity, improving relationships, and reducing turnover.

Effectively Recognize IT Employees Research & Tools

Start here – read the Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should implement an IT employee recognition program, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

  • Effectively Recognize IT Employees – Executive Brief
  • Effectively Recognize IT Employees – Phases 1-3

1. Assess the current recognition landscape

Understand the current perceptions around recognition practices in the organization and determine the behaviors that your program will seek to recognize.

  • Effectively Recognize IT Employees – Phase 1: Assess the Current Recognition Landscape
  • IT Employee Recognition Survey Questions

2. Design the recognition program

Determine the structure and processes to enable effective recognition in your IT organization.

  • Effectively Recognize IT Employees – Phase 2: Design the Recognition Program
  • Employee Recognition Program Guide
  • Employee Recognition Ideas Catalog
  • Employee Recognition Nomination Form

3. Implement the recognition program

Rapidly build and roll out a recognition action and sustainment plan, including training managers to reinforce behavior with recognition.

  • Effectively Recognize IT Employees – Phase 3: Implement the Recognition Program
  • Recognition Action and Communication Plan
  • Manager Training: Reinforce Behavior With Recognition

Create a Horizontally Optimized SDLC to Better Meet Business Demands

  • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}149|cart{/j2store}
  • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
  • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
  • member rating average days saved: N/A
  • Parent Category Name: Development
  • Parent Category Link: /development
  • While teams are used to optimizing their own respective areas of responsibility, there is lack of clarity on the overall core SDLC process resulting in applications being released that are of poor quality.
  • Software development teams are struggling to release on time and within budget.
  • Teams do not understand the overall process, are not communicating well, and traceability is hard to achieve.
  • Each team claims to be optimized yet the final deliverable doesn’t reflect the expected quality.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • Optimizing can make you worse. One cannot just optimize locally – the SDLC must be optimized in its entirety to ensure traceability across the process.
  • Separate process from framework.
    You don’t need to “Go Agile” or follow other industry jargon to effectively optimize your SDLC.
  • SDLC process improvement is ongoing.
    Start with your team’s current capabilities and optimize. You should set expectations that new improvements will always come in the future.

Impact and Result

  • Use a systematic framework to bring out local optimizations as potential candidates for SDLC optimization.
  • Prioritize those candidates that will aid in optimizing the overall core SDLC process.
  • Create the necessary governance and control structures to sustain the changes.
  • Use Info-Tech tools and templates to accelerate your process optimization.

Create a Horizontally Optimized SDLC to Better Meet Business Demands Research & Tools

Start here – read the Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand Info-Tech's approach to SDLC optimization and why the SDLC must be optimized in its entirety to ensure traceability across the process.

Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

1. Document the current state of the SDLC

This phase of the blueprint will help in understanding the organization's business priorities, documenting the current SDLC process, and identifing current SDLC challenges.

  • Create a Horizontally Optimized SDLC to Better Meet Business Demands – Phase 1: Document the Current State of the SDLC
  • SDLC Optimization Playbook

2. Define root causes, determine optimization initiatives, and define target state

This phase of the blueprint, will help with defining root causes, determining potential optimization initiatives, and defining the target state of the SDLC.

  • Create a Horizontally Optimized SDLC to Better Meet Business Demands – Phase 2: Define Root Causes, Determine Optimization Initiatives, and Define Target State

3. Develop a rollout strategy for SDLC optimization

This phase of the blueprint will help with prioritizing initiatives in order to develop a rollout strategy, roadmap, and communication plan for the SDLC optimization.

  • Create a Horizontally Optimized SDLC to Better Meet Business Demands – Phase 3: Develop a Rollout Strategy for SDLC Optimization
  • SDLC Communication Template

Workshop: Create a Horizontally Optimized SDLC to Better Meet Business Demands

Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

1 Document Your Current SDLC

The Purpose

Understand SDLC current state.

Key Benefits Achieved

Understanding of your current SDLC state and metrics to measure the success of your SDLC optimization initiative.


1.1 Document the key business objectives that your SDLC delivers upon.

1.2 Document your current SDLC process using a SIPOC process map.

1.3 Identify appropriate metrics in order to track the effectiveness of your SDLC optimization.

1.4 Document the current state process flow of each SDLC phase.

1.5 Document the control points and tools used within each phase.


Documented business objectives

Documented SIPOC process map

Identified metrics to measure the effectiveness of your SDLC optimization

Documented current state process flows of each SDLC phase

Documented control points and tools used within each SDLC phase

2 Assess Challenges and Define Root Causes

The Purpose

Understand current SDLC challenges and root causes.

Key Benefits Achieved

Understand the core areas of your SDLC that require optimization.


2.1 Identify the current challenges that exist within each SDLC phase.

2.2 Determine the root cause of the challenges that exist within each SDLC phase.


Identified current challenges

Identified root causes of your SDLC challenges

3 Determine Your SDLC Optimization Initiatives

The Purpose

Understand common best practices and the best possible optimization initiatives to help optimize your current SDLC.

Key Benefits Achieved

Understand the best ways to address your SDLC challenges.


3.1 Define optimization initiatives to address the challenges in each SDLC phase.


Defined list of potential optimization initiatives to address SDLC challenges

4 Define SDLC Target State

The Purpose

Define your SDLC target state while maintaining traceability across your overall SDLC process.

Key Benefits Achieved

Understand what will be required to reach your optimized SDLC.


4.1 Determine the target state of your SDLC.

4.2 Determine the people, tools, and control points necessary to achieve your target state.

4.3 Assess the traceability between phases to ensure a seamlessly optimized SDLC.


Determined SDLC target state

Identified people, processes, and tools necessary to achieve target state

Completed traceability alignment map and prioritized list of initiatives

5 Prioritize Initiatives and Develop Rollout Strategy

The Purpose

Define how you will reach your target state.

Key Benefits Achieved

Create a plan of action to achieve your desired target state.


5.1 Gain the full scope of effort required to implement your SDLC optimization initiatives.Gain the full scope of effort required to implement your SDLC optimization initiatives.

5.2 Identify the enablers and blockers of your SDLC optimization.

5.3 Define your SDLC optimization roadmap.

5.4 Create a communication plan to share initiatives with the business.


Level of effort required to implement your SDLC optimization initiatives

Identified enablers and blockers of your SDLC optimization

Defined optimization roadmap

Completed communication plan to present your optimization strategy to stakeholders

Re-Envision Enterprise Printing

  • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}165|cart{/j2store}
  • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 8.0/10 Overall Impact
  • member rating average dollars saved: $9,000 Average $ Saved
  • member rating average days saved: 2 Average Days Saved
  • Parent Category Name: End-User Computing Devices
  • Parent Category Link: /end-user-computing-devices
  • Enterprises may be overspending on printing, but this spend is often unknown and untracked.
  • You are locked into a traditional printer lease and outdated document management practices, hampering digital transformation.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

Don’t just settle for printer consolidation: Seek to eliminate print and enlist your managed print services vendor to help you achieve that goal.

Impact and Result

  • Identify reduction opportunities via a thorough inventory and requirements-gathering process, and educate others on the financial and non-financial benefits. Enforce reduced printing through policies.
  • Change your printing financial model to print as a service by building an RFP and scoring tool for managed print services that makes the vendor a partner in continuous innovation.
  • Leverage durable print management software to achieve vendor-agnostic governance and visibility.

Re-Envision Enterprise Printing Research & Tools

Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

1. Re-Envision Enterprise Printing – A step-by-step document to help plan and execute a printer reduction project.

This storyboard will help you plan the project, assess your current state and requirements, build a managed print services RFP and scoring process, and build continuous improvement of business processes into your operations.

  • Re-Envision Enterprise Printing – Phases 1-3

2. Planning tools

Use these templates and tools to plan the printer reduction project, document your inventory, assess current printer usage, and gather information on current and future requirements.

  • Enterprise Printing Project Charter
  • Enterprise Printing Roles and Responsibilities RACI Guide
  • Printer Reduction Tool
  • End-User Print Requirements Survey

3. RFP tools

Use these templates and tools to create an RFP for managed print services that can easily score and compare vendors.

  • Managed Print Services Vendor Assessment Questions
  • Managed Print Services RFP Vendor Proposal Scoring Tool
  • Managed Print Services RFP Template

4. Printer policy

Update the printer policy to express the new focus on reducing unsupported printer use.

  • Printer Policy Template


Further reading

Re-Envision Enterprise Printing

Don't settle for printer consolidation; seek the elimination of print


You're likely not in the printing business.
Prepare your organization for the future by reducing print.

Initiatives to reduce printers are often met with end-user resistance. Don't focus on the idea of taking something away from end users. Instead, focus on how print reduction fits into larger goals of business process improvement, and on opportunities to turn the vendor into a partner who drives business process improvement through ongoing innovation and print reduction.

What are your true print use cases? Except in some legitimate use cases, printing often introduces friction and does not lead to efficiencies. Companies investing in digital transformation and document management initiatives must take a hard look at business processes still reliant on hard copies. Assess your current state to identify what the current print volume and costs are and where there are opportunities to consolidate and reduce.

Change your financial model. The managed print services industry allows you to use a pay-as-you-go approach and right-size your print spend to the organization's needs. However, in order to do printing-as-a-service right, you will need to develop a good RFP and RFP evaluation process to make sure your needs are covered by the vendor, while also baking in assurances the vendor will partner with you for continuous print reduction.

This is a picture of Emily Sugerman

Emily Sugerman
Research Analyst, Infrastructure & Operations
Info-Tech Research Group

Darin Stahl
Principal Research Advisor, Infrastructure & Operations
Info-Tech Research Group

Executive summary

Your Challenge

IT directors and business operations managers face several challenges:

  • Too many known unknowns: Enterprises may be overspending on printing, but this spend is often unknown and untracked.
  • Opportunity costs: By locking into conventional printer leases and outdated document management, you are locking yourself out of the opportunity to improve business processes.

Common Obstacles

Printer reduction initiatives are stymied by:

  • End-user resistance: Though sometimes the use of paper remains necessary, end users often cling to paper processes out of concern about change.
  • Lack of governance: You lack insight into legitimate print use cases and lack full control over procurement of devices and consumables.
  • Overly generic RFP: Print requirements are not tailored to your organization, and your managed print services RFP does not ask enough of the vendor.

Info-Tech's Approach

Follow these steps to excise superfluous, costly printing:

  • Identify reduction opportunities via a thorough inventory and requirements-gathering process, and educate others on the financial and non-financial benefits. Enforce reduced printing through policies.
  • Change your printing financial model to print-as-a-service by building an RFP and scoring tool for managed print services that makes the vendor a partner in continuous innovation.
  • Leverage durable print management software to achieve vendor-agnostic governance and visibility.

Info-Tech Insight

Don't settle for printer consolidation: seek to eliminate print and enlist your managed print services vendor to help you achieve that goal.

Your challenge

This research is designed to help organizations that aim to reduce printing long term

  • Finally understand aggregate printing costs: Not surprisingly, printing has become a large hidden expense in IT. Enterprises may be overspending on printing, but this spend is often unknown and untracked. Printer consumables are purchased independently by each department, non-networked desktop printers are everywhere, and everyone seems to be printing in color.
  • Walk the walk when it comes to digital transformation: Outdated document management practices that rely on unnecessary printing are not the foundation upon which the organization can improve business processes.
  • Get out of the printing business: Hire a managed print provider and manage that vendor well.

"There will be neither a V-shaped nor U-shaped recovery in demand for printing paper . . . We are braced for a long L-shaped decline."
–Toru Nozawa, President, Nippon Paper Industries (qtd. in Nikkei Asia, 2020).

Weight of paper and paperboard generated in the U.S.*

This is an image of a graph plotting the total weight of paper and paperboard generated in the US, bu thousands of US tons.

*Comprises nondurable goods (including office paper), containers, and packaging.

**2020 data not available.

Source: EPA, 2020.

Common obstacles

These barriers make this challenge difficult to address for many organizations:

  • Cost-saving opportunities are unclear: In most cases, nobody is accountable for controlling printing costs, so there's a lack of incentive to do so.
  • End-user attachment to paper-based processes: For end users who have been relying on paper processes, switching to a new way of working can feel like a big ask, particularly if an optimized alternative has not been provided and socialized.
  • Legitimate print use cases are undefined: Print does still have a role in some business processes (e.g. for regulatory reasons). However, these business processes have not been analyzed to determine which print use cases are still legitimate. The WFH experience during the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated that many workflows that previously incorporated printing could be digitized. Indeed, the overall attachment to office paper is declining (see chart).
  • Immature RFP and RFP scoring methods: Outsourcing print to a managed service provider necessitates careful attention to RFP building and scoring. If your print requirements are not properly tailored to your organization and your managed print services RFP does not ask enough of the vendor, it will be harder to hold your vendor to account.

How important is paper in your office?

87% 77%

Quocirca, a printer industry market research firm, found that the number of organizations for whom paper is "fairly or very important to their business" has dropped 10 percentage points between 2019 and 2021.

Source: Quocirca, 2021.

Info-Tech's approach

Permanently change your company's print culture

  1. Plan your Project
  • Create your project charter, investigate end user printer behavior and reduction opportunities, gather requirements and calculate printer costs
  • Find the right managed print vendor
    • Protect yourself by building the right requirements into your RFP, evaluating candidates and negotiating from a strong position
  • Implement the new printer strategy
    • Identify printers to consolidate and eliminate, install them, and communicate updated printer policy
  • Operate
    • Track the usage metrics, service requests, and printing trends, support the printers and educate users to print wisely and sparingly
  • The Info-Tech difference:

    1. Use Info-Tech's tracking tools to finally track data on printer inventory and usage.
    2. Get to an RFP for managed print services faster through Info-Tech's requirement selection activity, and use Info-Tech's scoring tool template to more quickly compare candidates and identify frontrunners and knockouts.
    3. Use Info-Tech's guidance on print management software to decouple your need to govern the fleet from any specific vendor.

    Info-Tech's methodology for Re-Envision Enterprise Printing

    1. Strategy & planning 2. Vendor selection, evaluation, acquisition 3. Implementation & operation
    Phase steps
    1. Create project charter and assign roles
    2. Assess current state of enterprise print environments
    3. Gather current and future printer requirements
    1. Understand managed print services model
    2. Create RFP documents and score vendors
    3. Understand continuous innovation & print management software
    1. Modify printer policies
    2. Measure project success
    3. Training & adoption
    4. Plan persuasive communication
    5. Prepare for continuous improvement
    Phase outcomes
    • Documentation of project roles, scope, objectives, success metrics
    • Accurate printer inventory
    • Documentation of requirements based on end-user feedback, existing usage, and future goals
    • Finalized requirements
    • Completed RFP and vendor scoring tool
    • Managed print vendor selected, if necessary
    • Updated printer policies that reinforce print reduction focus
    • Assessment of project success

    Insight summary

    Keep an eye on the long-term goal of eliminating print

    Don't settle for printer consolidation: seek to eliminate print and enlist your managed print services vendor to help you achieve that goal.

    Persuading leaders is key

    Good metrics and visible improvement are important to strengthen executive support for a long-term printer reduction strategy.

    Tie printer reduction into business process improvement

    Achieve long-lasting reductions in print through document management and improved workflow processes.

    Maintain clarity on what types of printer use are and aren't supported by IT

    Modifying and enforcing printing policies can help reduce use of printers.

    Print management software allows for vendor-agnostic continuity

    Print management software should be vendor-agnostic and allow you to manage devices even if you change vendors or print services.

    Secure a better financial model from the provider

    Simply changing your managed print services pay model to "pay-per-click" can result in large cost savings.

    Blueprint deliverables

    Key deliverable:

    Managed Print Services RFP

    This blueprint's key deliverable is a completed RFP for enterprise managed print services, which feeds into a scoring tool that accelerates the requirements selection and vendor evaluation process.

    Managed Print Services Vendor Assessment Questions

    This is a screenshot from the Managed Print Services Vendor Assessment Questions

    Managed Print Services RFP Template

    This is a screenshot from the Managed Print Services RFP Template

    Managed Print Services RFP Vendor Proposal Scoring Tool

    This is a screenshot from the Managed Print Services RFP Vendor Proposal Scoring Tool

    Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals:

    Enterprise Printing Project Charter

    This is a screenshot from the Enterprise Printing Project Charter

    Document the parameters of the print reduction project, your goals, desired business benefits, metrics.

    Enterprise Printing Roles and Responsibilities RACI Guide

    This is a screenshot from the Enterprise Printing Project Charter

    Assign key tasks for the project across strategy & planning, vendor selection, implementation, and operation.

    Printer Policy

    This is a screenshot from the Printer Policy

    Start with a policy template that emphasizes reduction in print usage and adjust as needed for your organization.

    Printer Reduction Tool

    This is a screenshot from the Printer Reduction Tool

    Track the printer inventory and calculate total printing costs.

    End-User Print Requirements Survey

    This is a screenshot from the End-User Print Requirements Survey

    Base your requirements in end user needs and feedback.

    Blueprint benefits

    IT benefits

    • Make the project charter for printer reduction and estimate cost savings
    • Determine your organization's current printing costs, usage, and capabilities
    • Define your organization's printing requirements and select a solution
    • Develop a printer policy and implement the policy

    Business benefits

    • Understand the challenges involved in reducing printers
    • Understand the potential of this initiative to reduce costs
    • Accelerate existing plans for modernization of paper-based business processes by reducing printer usage
    • Contribute to organizational environmental sustainability targets

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    "Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful."

    Guided Implementation

    "Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track."


    "We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place."


    "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project."

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options

    Guided Implementation

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

    Call #1: Scope requirements, objectives, and your specific challenges.

    Call #4: Review requirements.
    Weigh the benefits of managed print services.

    Call #6: Measure project success.

    Call #2: Review your printer inventory.
    Understand your current printing costs and usage.

    Call #5: Review completed scoring tool and RFP.

    Call #5: Review vendor responses to RFP.

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    A typical GI is 8 to 12 calls over the course of 4 to 6 months.

    Phase 1

    Strategy and Planning

    Strategy & planning

    Vendor selection, evaluation, acquisition

    Implementation & Operation

    1.1 Create project charter and assign roles

    1.2 Assess current state

    1.3 Gather requirements

    2.1 Understand managed print services model

    2.2 Create RFP materials

    2.3 Leverage print management software

    3.1 Modify printer policies

    3.2 Measure project success

    3.3 Training & adoption

    3.4 Plan communication

    3.5 Prepare for continuous improvement

    Re-Envision Enterprise Printing

    • This phase will walk you through the following activities:
    • Create a list of enterprise print roles and responsibilities
    • Create project charter
    • Inventory printer fleet and calculate printing costs
    • Examine current printing behavior and identify candidates for device elimination
    • Gather requirements, including through end user survey

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • IT director/CIO
    • Business operations manager
    • Project manager

    Step 1.1

    Create project charter and assign roles

    Outcomes of this step

    Completed Project Charter with RACI chart

    Phase 1: Strategy and Planning

    • Step 1.1 Create project charter and assign roles
    • Step 1.2 Assess current state
    • Step 1.3 Gather requirements

    This step involves the following participants:

    • IT director/CIO
    • Business operations manager
    • Project manager

    Activities in this step

    • Create a list of enterprise print roles and responsibilities
    • Create project charter

    1.1 Create project charter

    Use the project charter to clearly define the scope and avoid scope creep

    Identify project purpose

    • Why is the organization taking on this project? What are you trying to achieve?
    • What is the important background you need to document? How old is the fleet? What kinds of printer complaints do you get? What percentage of the IT budget does printing occupy?
    • What specific goals should this project achieve? What measurable financial and non-financial benefits do these goals achieve?

    Identify project scope

    • What functional requirements do you have?
    • What outputs are expected?
    • What constraints will affect this project?
    • What is out of scope for this project?

    What are the main roles and responsibilities?

    • Who is doing what for this project?

    How will you measure success?

    • What are the project's success metrics and KPIs?

    Enterprise Printing Project Charter

    This is a screenshot from the Enterprise Printing Project Charter

    Anticipate stakeholder resistance

    Getting management buy-in for printer reduction is often one of the biggest challenges of the project.

    Challenge Resolution
    Printer reduction is not typically high on the priority list of strategic IT initiatives. It is often a project that regularly gets deferred. The lack of an aggregate view of the total cost of printing in the environment could be one root cause, and what can't be measured usually isn't being managed. Educate and communicate the benefits of printer reduction to executives. In particular, spend time getting buy-in from the COO and/or CFO. Use Info-Tech's Printer Reduction Tool to show executives the waste that is currently being generated.
    Printers are a sensitive and therefore unpopular topic of discussion. Executives often see a trade-off: cost savings versus end-user satisfaction. Make a strong financial and non-financial case for the project. Show examples of other organizations that have successfully consolidated their printers.

    Info-Tech Insight

    If printer reduction is not driven and enforced from the top down, employees will find ways to work around your policies and changes. Do not attempt to undertake printer reduction initiatives without alerting executives. Ensure visible executive support to achieve higher cost savings.

    Align the printer reduction project to org goals to achieve buy-in

    A successful IT project demonstrates clear connections to business goals

    Which business and organizational goals and drivers are supported by IT's intention to transform its printing ecosystem? For example,

    Legislation: In 2009, the Washington House of Representatives passed a bill requiring state agencies to implement a plan to reduce paper consumption by 30% (State of Washington, 2009). The University of Washington cites this directive as one of the drivers for their plans to switch fully to electronic records by 2022 (University of Washington, n.d.).

    Health care modernization: Implementing electronic health records; reducing paper charts.

    Supply chain risk reduction: In 2021, an Ontario district school board experienced photocopier toner shortages and were forced to request schools to reduce printing and photocopying: "We have recommended to all locations that the use of printing be minimized as much as possible and priority given to the printing of sensitive and confidential documentation" (CBC, 2021).

    Identify overall organizational goals in the following places:

    • Company mission statements
    • Corporate website
    • Business strategy documents
    • Other IT strategy documents
    • Executives

    Document financial and non-financial benefits

    Financial benefits: Printer reduction can reduce your printing costs and improve printing capabilities.

    • Printer reduction creates a controlled print environment; poorly controlled print environments breed unnecessary costs.
    • Cost savings can be realized through:
      • Elimination of cost-efficient inkjet desktop printers.
      • Elimination of high-cost, inefficient, or underutilized printers.
      • Sharing of workshop printers between an optimal number of end users.
      • Replacing separate printers, scanners, copiers, and fax machines with. multi-function devices.
    • Cost savings can be achieved through a move to managed print services, if you negotiate the contract well and manage the vendor properly. The University of Washington estimated a 20-25% cost reduction under a managed print services model compared to the existing lease (University of Washington, "What is MPS").

    Non-financial benefits: Although the main motivation behind printer reduction is usually cost savings, there are also non-financial benefits to the project.

    • Printer reduction decreases physical space required for printers
    • Printer reduction meets employee and client environmental demands
      • Printer reduction can reduce the electricity and consumables used
      • Reduction in consumables means reduced hazardous waste from consumables and devices
    • Printer reduction can result in better printing capabilities
      • Moving to a managed print services model can provide you with better printing capabilities with higher availability

    Assign responsibility to track print device costs to IT

    Managers in many organizations wrongly assume that since IT manages the printer devices, they also already manage costs.

    However, end users typically order printer devices and supplies through the supplies/facilities department, bypassing any budget approval process, or through IT, which does not have any authority or incentive to restrict requests (when they're not measured against the controlling of printer costs).

    Organization-wide printer usage policies are rarely enforced with any strictness.

    Without systematic policy enforcement, end-user print behavior becomes frivolous and generates massive printing costs.

    Recommend all print device costs be allocated to IT.

    • Aggregate responsibility: Recommend that all printer costs be aggregated under IT's budget and tracked by IT staff.
    • Assign accountability: Although supplies may continually be procured by the organization's supplies/facilities department, IT should track monthly usage and costs by department.
    • Enforce policy: Empower IT with the ability to enforce a strict procurement policy that ensures all devices in the print environment are approved models under IT's control. This eliminates having unknown devices in the printer fleet and allows for economies of scale to be realized from purchasing standardized printing supplies.
    • Track metrics: IT should establish metrics to measure and control each department's printer usage and flat departments that exceed their acceptable usage amounts.

    Assign accountability for the initiative

    Someone needs to have accountability for both the printer reduction tasks and the ongoing operation tasks, or the initiative will quickly lose momentum.

    Customize Info-Tech's Enterprise Printing Roles and Responsibilities RACI Guide RACI chart to designate project roles and responsibilities to participants both inside and outside IT.

    These tasks fall under the categories of:

    • Strategy and planning
    • Vendor selection, evaluation, and acquisition
    • Implementation
    • Operate

    Assign a RACI: Remember the meaning of the different roles

    • Responsible (does the work on a day-to-day basis)
    • Accountable (reviews, signs off on, and is held accountable for outcomes)
    • Consulted (input is sought to feed into decision making)
    • Informed (is given notification of outcomes)

    As a best practice, no more than one person should be responsible or accountable for any given process. The same person can be both responsible and accountable for a given process, or it could be two different people.

    Avoid making someone accountable for a process if they do not have full visibility into the process for appropriate oversight, or do not have time to give the process sufficient attention.

    The Enterprise Printing Roles and Responsibilities RACI Guide can be used to organize and manage these tasks.

    This is a screenshot from the Enterprise Printing Roles and Responsibilities RACI Guide

    Define metrics to measure success

    Track your project success by developing and tracking success metrics

    Ensure your metrics relate both to business value and customer satisfaction. "Reduction of print" is a business metric, not an experience metric.

    Frame metrics around experience level agreements (XLAs) and experience level objectives (XLOs): What are the outcomes the customer wants to achieve and the benefits they want to achieve? Tie the net promoter score into the reporting from the IT service management system, since SLAs are still needed to tactically manage the achievement of the XLOs.

    Use the Metrics Development Workbook from Info-Tech's Develop Meaningful Service Metrics to define:

    • Relevant stakeholders
    • Their goals and pain points
    • The success criteria that must be met to achieve these goals
    • The key indicators that must be measured to achieve these goals from an IT perspective
    • What the appropriate IT metrics are, based on all of the above

    Metrics could include

    • User satisfaction
    • Print services net promoter model
    • Total printing costs
    • Printer availability (uptime)
    • Printer reliability (mean time between failures)
    • Total number of reported incidents
    • Mean time for vendor to respond and repair

    Info-Tech Insight:

    Good metrics and visible improvement are important to strengthen executive support for a long-term printer reduction strategy.

    Step 1.2

    Assess current state

    Outcomes of this step

    • Aggregate view of your printer usage and costs

    Strategy and Planning

    This step involves the following participants:

    • IT director/CIO
    • Business operations manager
    • Project manager

    Activities in this step

    • 1.2. Inventory your printer fleet: Office walk-around
    • 1.2 Inventory your printer fleet: Collect purchase receipts/statements/service records
    • 1.3 Calculate printing costs

    Create an aggregate view of your printer usage and costs

    Problem: Lack of visibility

    • Most organizations are unaware of the savings potential in reducing print due to a lack of data.
    • Additionally, organizations may have inappropriately sized devices for their workloads.
    • Often, nobody is responsible for managing the printers collectively, resulting in a lack of visibility into printing activity. Without this visibility, it is difficult to muster executive commitment and support for printer reduction efforts.
    • The first step to eliminating your printers is to inventory all the printers in the organization and look at an aggregate view of the costs. Without understanding the cost saving potential, management will likely continue to avoid printer changes due to the idea's unpopularity with end users.
    • Valid use cases for printers will likely still remain, but these use cases should be based on a requirements analysis.
    This is a screenshot from the Printer Reduction Tool. It includes the Printer Inventory, and a table with the following column headings: Device Type; Specific Device; Networked; Manufacturer; Model; Serial #; Office Location; Device Owner; # users Supported; Monthly Duty; Page Count to; Device Age; Remaining Useful; # Pages printer/month; % Utilization

    Create visibility through by following these steps:

    1. Office walk-around: Most organizations have no idea how many printers they have until they walk around the office and physically count them. This is especially true in cases where management is allowed to purchase personal printers and keep them at their desks. An office walk-around is often necessary to accurately capture all the printers in your inventory.
    2. Collect purchase receipts/statements/service records: Double-check your printer inventory by referring to purchase receipts, statements, and service records.
    3. Identify other sources of costs: Printer purchases only make up a small fraction of total printing costs. Operating costs typically account for 95% of total printer costs. Make sure to factor in paper, ink/toner, electricity, and maintenance costs.

    1.2.1 Inventory your printer fleet: part 1

    Office walk-around

    1. Methodically walk around the office and determine the following for each printer:
      • Device type
      • Make, model, serial number
      • Location
      • Number of users supported
      • Device owner
      • Type of users supported (department, employee position)
    2. Record printer details in Tab 1 of Info-Tech's Printer Reduction Tool. Collaborate with the accounting or purchasing department to determine the following for each printer recorded:
      • Purchase price/date
      • Monthly duty cycle
      • Estimated remaining useful life
      • Page count to date


    • Existing inventory lists
    • Visual observation
    • Inventory of office printers, including their printer details



    • Notepad
    • Pen
    • Printer Reduction Tool
    • IT director
    • IT staff

    Download the Printer Reduction Tool

    1.2.2 Inventory your printer fleet:
    part 2

    Collect purchase receipts/statements/service records

    1. Ask your purchasing manager for purchase receipts, statements, and service records relating to printing.
    2. For documents found, match the printer with your physical inventory. Add any printers found that were not captured in the physical inventory count. Record the following:
      1. Device type
      2. Make, model, serial number
      3. Location
      4. Number of users supported
      5. Device owner
      6. Type of users supported (department, employee position)
    3. 3. Collaborate with the accounting or purchasing department to determine the following for each printer recorded:
      1. Purchase price/date
      2. Monthly duty cycle
      3. Estimated remaining useful life
      4. Page count to date
    4. Enter the data in Tab 1 of the Printer Reduction Tool


    • Purchase receipts
    • Statements
    • Service records
    • Printer inventory cross-checked with paperwork



    • Printer inventory from previous activity
    • IT director
    • IT staff
    • Purchasing manager

    Download the Printer Reduction Tool

    1.2.3 Calculate your printing costs

    Collect purchase receipts/statements/service records

    • Collect invoices, receipts, and service records to sum up the costs of paper, ink or toner, and maintenance for each machine. Estimate electricity costs.
    • Record your costs in Tab 2 of the Printer Reduction Tool.
    • Review the costs per page and per user to look for particularly expensive printers and understand the main drivers of the cost.
    • Review your average monthly cost and annual cost per user. Do these costs surprise you?


    • Invoices, receipts, service records for
    • Cost per page and user
    • Average monthly and annual cost



    • Printer Reduction Tool
    • IT director
    • IT staff

    Step 1.3

    Gather printing requirements

    Outcomes of this step

    • Understanding of the organization's current printing behavior and habits
    • Identification of how industry context and digitization of business processes have impacted current and future requirements

    This step involves the following participants:

    • IT director
    • IT staff
    • Rest of organization

    Activities in this step

    • Examine current printing behavior and habits
    • Administer end-user survey
    • Identify current requirements
    • Identify future requirements

    Requirements Gathering Overview

    1. Identify opportunities to go paperless
      • Determine where business process automation is occurring
      • Align with environmental and sustainability campaigns
    2. Identify current requirements
      • Review the types of document being printed and the corresponding features needed
      • Administer end-user survey to understand user needs and current printer performance
    3. Identify future requirements
    • Identify future requirements to avoid prematurely refreshing your printer fleet
  • Examine industry-specific/ workflow printing
    • Some industries have specific printing requirements such as barcode printing accuracy. Examine your industry-specific printing requirements
  • Stop: Do not click "Print"

    The most effective way to achieve durable printing cost reduction is simply to print less.

    • Consolidating devices and removing cost-inefficient individual printers is a good first step to yielding savings.
    • However, more sustainable success is achieved by working with the printer vendor(s) and the business on continuous innovation via proposals and initiatives that combine hardware, software, and services.
    • Sustained print reduction depends on separate but related business process automation and digital innovation initiatives.

    Info-Tech Insight:

    Achieve long-lasting reductions in print through document management and improved workflow processes.

    Leverage Info-Tech research to support your business' digital transformation

    This is an image of the title page from Info-Tech's Define your Digital Business Strategy blueprint.

    Define how changes to enterprise printing fit into digital transformation plans

    Identify opportunities to go paperless

    The "paperless office" has been discussed since the 1970s. The IT director alone does not have authority to change business processes. Ensure the print reduction effort is tied to other strategies and initiatives around digital transformation. Working on analog pieces of paper is not digital and may be eroding digital transformation process.

    Leverage Info-Tech's Assert IT's Relevance During Digital Transformations to remind others that modernization of the enterprise print environment belongs to the discussion around increasing digitized support capabilities.

    1. Digital Marketing

    2. Digital Channels

    3. Digitized Support Capabilities

    4. Digitally Enabled Products

    5. Business Model Innovation

    Manage Websites

    E-Channel Operations

    Workforce Management

    Product Design

    Innovation Lab Management

    Brand Management

    Product Inventory Management

    Digital Workplace Management

    Portfolio Product Administration

    Data Sandbox Management


    Interactive Help

    Document Management

    Product Performance Measurement

    Innovation Compensation Management

    Campaign Execution

    Party Authentication

    Eliminate business process friction caused by print

    Analyze workflows for where they are still using paper. Ask probing questions about where paper still adds value and where the business process is a candidate for paperless digital transformation

    • Is this piece of paper only being used to transfer information from one application to another?
    • What kind of digitalization efforts have happened in the business as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic? Which workflows have digitized on their own?
    • Where has e-signature been adopted?
    • Is this use of paper non-negotiable (e.g. an ER triage that requires a small printer for forms; the need for bank tellers to provide receipts to customers)?
    • Do we have compliance obligations that require us to retain a paper process?
    • What is getting printed? Who is printing the most? Identify if there are recurring system-generated reports being printed daily/weekly/quarterly that are adding to the volume. Are reports going directly from staff mailboxes to a recycling bin?
    • Does our print financial model incentivize the transformation of business processes, or does it reinforce old habits?
    • What services, software, and solutions for document management and business process analysis does our managed print services vendor offer? Can we involve the vendor in the business transformation conversation by including an innovation clause in the next contract (re)negotiation to push the vendor to offer proposals for projects that reduce print?

    Develop short-term and long-term print reduction strategies

    Short-term strategies

    • Consolidate the number of printers you have.
    • Determine whether to outsource printing to a managed services provider and make the move.
    • Enable print roaming and IT verification.
    • Require user-queued print jobs to be authenticated at a printer to prevent print jobs that are lost or not picked up.
    • Set up user quotas.
    • Provide usage records to business managers so they can understand the true cost of printing.
    • User quotas may create initial pushback, but they lead users to ask themselves whether a particular print job is necessary.
    • Renegotiate print service contracts.
    • Revisit contracts and shop around to ensure pricing is competitive.
    • Leverage size and centralization by consolidating to a single vendor, and use the printing needs of the entire enterprise to decrease pricing and limit future contractual obligations.
    • Train users on self-support.
    • Train users to remedy paper jams and move paper in and out of paper trays.

    Long-term strategies

    • Promote a paperless culture by convincing employees of its benefits (greater cost savings, better security, easier access, centralized repository, greener).
    • Educate users to use print area wisely.
    • Develop campaigns to promote black and white printing or a paperless culture.

    Info-Tech Insight:

    One-time consolidation initiatives leave money on the table. The extra savings results from changes in printing culture and end-user behavior.

    Examine current printing behavior and habits

    It's natural for printer usage and printing costs to vary based on office, department, and type of employee. Certain jobs simply require more printing than others.

    However, the printing culture within your organization likely also varies based on

    • office
    • department
    • type of employee

    Examine the printing behaviors of your employees based on these factors and determine whether their printing behavior aligns with the nature of their job.

    Excessive printing costs attributed to departments or groups of employees that don't require much printing for their jobs could indicate poor printing culture and potentially more employee pushback.

    Examine current printing behavior and habits, and identify candidates for elimination

    1. Go to Tab 3 of your Printer Reduction Tool ("Usage Dashboard Refresh"). Right-click each table and press "Refresh."
    2. Go to Tab 4 of your Printer Reduction Tool ("Usage Dashboard") to understand the following:
      1. Average printer utilization by department
      2. Pages printed per month by department
      3. Cost per user by department
    3. Take note of the outliers and expensive departments.
    4. Review printer inventory and printer use rates on Tab 5.
    5. Decide which printers are candidates for elimination and which require more research.
    6. If already working in a managed print services model, review the vendor's recommendations for printer elimination and consolidation.
    7. Mark printers that could be eliminated or consolidated.


    • Discussion
    • Understanding of expensive departments and other outliers



    • Printer Reduction Tool
    • IT director/ business operations
    • Business managers

    Administer end-user survey

    Understand end-user printing requirements and current printer performance through an end-user survey

    1. Customize Info-Tech's End-User Print Requirements Survey to help you understand your users' needs and the current performance of your printer fleet.
    2. Send the survey to all printer users in the organization.
    3. Collect the surveys and aggregate the requirements of users in each department.
    4. Record the survey results in the "Survey Results" tab.


    • End-user feedback
    • Identification of outliers and expensive departments



    • End-User Print Requirements Survey template
    • IT director
    • IT staff
    • Rest of organization

    Download the End-User Print Requirements Survey

    Info-Tech Insight:

    Use an end-user printer satisfaction survey before and after any reduction efforts or vendor implementation, both as a requirement-gathering user input and to measure/manage the vendor.

    Identify your current requirements

    Collect all the surveys and aggregate user requirements. Input the requirements into your Printer Reduction Tool.

    Discussion activity:

    • Review the requirements for each department and discuss:
    • What is this device being used for (e.g. internal documents, external documents, high-quality graphics/color)?
    • Based on its use case, what kinds of features are needed (e.g. color printing, scanning to email, stapling)?
    • Is this the right type of device for its purpose? Do we need this device, or can it be eliminated?
    • Based on its use case, what kinds of security features are needed (e.g. secure print release)?
    • Are there any compliance requirements that need to be satisfied (e.g. PCI, ITAR, HIPAA)?
    • Based on its use case, what's the criticality of uptime?
    • What is this device's place in the organization's workflow? What are its dependencies?
    • With which systems is the device compatible? Is it compatible with the newer operating system versions? If not, determine whether the device is a refresh candidate.


    • Survey results and department requirements
    • List of current requirements



    • N/A
    • IT director
    • IT staff

    Identify your future requirements

    Prepare your printer fleet for future needs to avoid premature printer refreshes.

    Discussion activity:

    • Review the current requirements for each department's printers and discuss whether the requirements will meet the department's printing needs over the next 10 years.
    • What is this device going to be used for in the next 10 years?
    • Will use of this device be reduced by plans to increase workflow digitization?
    • Based on its use case, what kinds of features are needed?
    • Is this the right type of device for its purpose?
    • Based on its use case, what kinds of security features are needed?
    • Based on its use case, what is the criticality of uptime?
    • Is this device's place in the organization's workflow going to change? What are its dependencies?
    • Reassess your current requirements and make any changes necessary to accommodate for future requirements.


    • Discussion
    • List of future requirements



    • N/A
    • IT director
    • IT staff

    Examine requirements specific to your industry and workflow

    Some common examples of industries with specific printing requirements:

    • Healthcare
      • Ability to comply with HIPAA requirements
      • High availability and reliability with on-demand support and quick response times
      • Built-in accounting software for billing purposes
      • Barcode printing for hospital wristbands
      • Fax requirements
    • Manufacturing
      • Barcoding technology
      • Ability to meet regulations such as FDA requirements for the pharmaceutical industry
      • Ability to integrate with ERP systems
    • Education
      • Password protection for sensitive student information
      • Test grading solutions
      • Paper tests for accessibility needs

    Phase 2

    Vendor Selection, Evaluation, Acquisition

    Strategy & planning

    Vendor selection, evaluation, acquisition

    Implementation & Operation

    1.1 Create project charter and assign roles

    1.2 Assess current state

    1.3 Gather requirements

    2.1 Understand managed print services model

    2.2 Create RFP materials

    2.3 Leverage print management software

    3.1 Modify printer policies

    3.2 Measure project success

    3.3 Training & adoption

    3.4 Plan communication

    3.5 Prepare for continuous improvement

    Re-Envision Enterprise Printing

    • This phase will walk you through the following activities:
    • Define managed print services RFP requirement questions
    • Create managed print services RFP and scoring tool
    • Score the RFP responses

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • IT director/CIO
    • Business operations manager
    • Project manager

    Change your financial model

    The managed print services industry allows you to use a pay-as-you-go approach and right-size your print spend to the organization's needs.

    Avoid being locked into a long lease where the organization pays a fixed monthly fee whether the printer runs or not.

    Instead, treat enterprise printing as a service, like the soda pop machine in the break room, where the vendor is paid when the device is used. If the vending machine is broken, the vendor is not paid until the technician restores it to operability. Printers can work the same way.

    By moving to a per click/page financial model, the vendor installs and supports the devices and is paid whenever a user prints. Though the organization pays more on a per-click/page basis compared to a lease, the vendor is incentivized to right-size the printer footprint to the organization, and the organization saves on monthly recurring lease costs and maintenance costs.

    Right-size commitments: If the organization remains on a lease instead of pay-per-click model, it should right-size the commitment if printing drops below a certain volume. In the agreement, include a business downturn clause that allows the organization to right-size and protect itself in the event of negative growth.

    Understand the managed print services model and its cost savings

    Outsourcing print services can monitor and balance your printers and optimize your fleet for efficiency. Managed print services are most appropriate for:

    • Organizations engaging in high-volume, high-quality print jobs with growing levels of output.
    • Organizations with many customer-facing print jobs.

    There are three main managed printing service models. Sometimes, an easy switch from a level pay model to a pay-per-click model can result in substantial savings:

    Level Pay

    • Flat rate per month based on estimates.
    • Attempts to flatten IT's budgeting so printing costs are consistent every month or every year (for budgeting purposes). At the end of the year, the amount of supplies used is added up and compared with the initial estimates and adjusted accordingly.
    • The customer pays the same predictable fee each month every year, even if you don't meet the maximum print quantity for the pay. Increased upcharge for quantities exceeding maximum print quantity.

    Base Plus Click

    • Fixed base payment (lease or rental) + pay-per-sheet for services.
    • In addition to the monthly recurring base cost, you pay for what you use. This contract may be executed with or without a minimum monthly page commitment. Page count through remote monitoring technologies is typically required.

    Pay Per Click

    • Payment is solely based on printing usage.
    • Printing costs will likely be the lowest with this option, but also the most variable.
    • This option requires a minimum monthly page commitment and/or minimum term.

    Info-Tech Insight:

    Vendors typically do not like the pay-per-click option and will steer businesses away from it. However, this option holds the vendor accountable for the availability and reliability of your printers, and Info-Tech generally recommends this option.

    Compare financials of each managed print services option

    Your printing costs with a pay-per-click model are most reflective of your actual printer usage. Level pay tends to be more expensive, where you need to pay for overages but don't benefit from printing less than the maximum allocated.

    See the below cost comparison example with level pay set at a maximum of 120,000 impressions per month. In the level pay model, the organization was paying for 120,000 sheets in the month it only used 60,000 impressions, whereas it would have been able to pay just for the 60,000 sheets in the pay-per-click model.

    This image contains tables with the column headings: Impressions per month; Total Cost; Average Cost per Impression; for each of the following categories: Level Pay; Base Plus Click; Pay Per Click

    Financial comparison case study

    This organization compared estimated costs over a 36-month period for the base-plus-click and pay-per-page models for Toshiba E Studio 3515 AC Digital Color Systems.

    Base-plus-click model

    Monthly recurring cost

    Avg. impressions per month

    Monthly cost

    Monthly cost

    "Net pay per click"

    Cost over 36-month period

    A fixed lease cost each month, with an additional per click/page charge


    12,000 (B&W)

    $0.02 (B&W)

    $1,164.00 (B&W)

    $0.097 (B&W)

    $41,904 (B&W)

    5,500 (Color)

    $0.09 (Color)

    $495.00 (Color)

    $0.090 (Color)

    $17,820 (Color)

    Base-plus-click model

    Monthly recurring cost

    Avg. impressions per month

    Monthly cost

    Monthly cost

    "Net pay per click"

    Cost over 36-month period

    No monthly lease cost, only per-image charges


    12,000 (B&W)

    $0.06 (B&W)

    $720.00 (B&W)

    $0.060 (B&W)

    $25,920 (B&W)

    5,500 (Color)

    $0.12 (Color)

    $660.00 (Color)

    $0.120 (Color)

    $23,760 (Color)


    Though the per-image cost for each image is lower in the base-plus-click model, the added monthly recurring costs for the lease means the "net pay per click" is higher.

    Overall, the pay-per-page estimate saved $10,044 over a 36-month period for this device.

    Bake continuing innovation into your requirements

    Once you are in the operation phase, you will need to monitor and analyze trends in company printing in order to make recommendations for the future and to identify areas for possible savings and/or asset optimization.

    Avoid a scenario where the vendor drops the printer in your environment and returns only for repairs. Engage the vendor in this continuous innovation work:

    In the managed services agreement, include a proviso for continuous innovation where the vendor has a contractual obligation to continually look at the business process flow and bring yearly proposals to show innovation (e.g. cost reductions; opportunities to reduce print, which allows the vendor to propose document management services and record keeping services). Leverage vendors who are building up capabilities to transform business processes to help with the heavy lifting.

    Establish a vision for the relationship that goes beyond devices and toner. The vendor can make a commitment to continuous management and constant improvement, instead of installing the devices and leaving. Ideally, this produces a mutually beneficial situation: The client asks the vendor to sell them ways to mature and innovate the business processes, while the vendor retains the business and potentially sells new services. In order to retain your business, the vendor must continue to learn and know about your business.

    The metric of success for your organization is the simple reduction in printed copies overall. The vendor success metric would be proposals that may combine hardware, software, and services that provide cost-effective reductions in print through document management and workflow processes. The vendors should be keen to build this into the relationship since the services delivery has a higher margin for them.

    Sample requirement wording:

    "Continuing innovation: The contractor initiates at least one (1) project each year of the contract that shows leadership and innovation in solutions and services for print, document management, and electronic recordkeeping. Bidders must describe a sample project in their response, planning for an annual investment of approximately 50 consulting hours and $10,000 in hardware and/or software."

    Reward the vendor for performance instead of "punishing" them for service failures

    Problem: Printer downtime and poor service is causing friction with your managed service provider (MSP).

    MSPs often offer clients credit requests (service credits) for their service failures, which are applied to the previous month's monthly recurring charge. They are applied to the last month's MRC (monthly reoccurring charges) at the end of term and then the vendor pays out the residual.

    However, while common, service credits are not always perceived to be a strong incentive for the provider to continually focus on improvement of mean time to respond or mean time to repair.

    Solution: Turn your vendor into a true partner by including an "earn back" condition in the contract.

    • Engage the vendor as a true partner within a relationship based upon service credits.
    • Suggest that the vendor include a minor change to the non-performance processes within the final agreement: the vendor implements an "earn back" condition in the agreement.
    • Where a bank of service credits exists because of non-performance, if the provider exceeds the SLA performance metrics for a number of consecutive months (two is common), then a given number of prior credits received by the client are returned to the provider as a reward for improved performance.
    • This can be a useful mechanism to drive improved performance.

    Leverage enterprise print management software

    Printers are commoditized and can come and go, but print management software enables the governance, compliance, savings and visibility necessary for the transformation

    • Printer management solutions range from tools bundled with ink-jet printers that track consumables' status, to software suites that track data for thousands of print devices.
    • Typically, these solutions arrive in enterprises as part of larger managed services printing engagements, bundled with hardware, financing, maintenance, and "services."
    • Bundling print management software means that customers very rarely seek to acquire printing management software alone.
    • Owing to the level of customization (billing, reporting, quotas, accounts, etc.) switching print management software solutions is also rare. The work you put into this software will remain with IT regardless of your hardware.
    • Durability of print management software is also influenced by the hardware- and technology-agnostic nature of the solutions (e.g. swapping one vendor's devices for another does not trigger anything more than a configuration change in print management software.)

    Include enterprise print management requirements in the RFP

    Ask respondents to describe their managed services capabilities and an optional on-premises, financed solution with these high-level capabilities.

    Select the appropriate type of print management software

    Vendor-provided solutions are adequate control for small organizations with simple print environments

    • Suitable for small organizations (<100 users).
    • Software included with print devices can pool print jobs, secure access, and centralize job administration.
    • Dealing with complex sales channels for third-party vendors is likely a waste of resources.

    SMBs with greater print control needs can leverage mid-level solutions to manage behavior

    • Suitable for mid-size organizations (<500 users).
    • Mid-level software can track costs, generate reports, and centralize management.
    • Solutions start at $500 but require additional per-device costs.

    Full control solutions will only attract large organizations with a mature print strategy

    • Full control solutions tend to be suitable for large organizations (>500 users) with complex print environments and advanced needs.
    • Full control software allows for absolute enforcement of printing policies and full control of printing.
    • Expect to spend thousands for a tailored solution that will save time and guide cost savings.

    Enterprise print management software features

    The feature set for these tools is long and comprehensive. The feature list below is not exhaustive, as specific tools may have additional product capabilities.

    Print Management Software Features

    Hardware-neutral support of all major printer types and operating systems (e.g. direct IP to any IPP-enabled printer along with typical endpoint devices) Tracking of all printing activity by user, client account, printer, and document metadata
    Secure print on demand (Secure print controls: User Authenticated Print Release, Pull Printing) Granular print cost/charging, allowing costs to be assigned on a per-printer basis with advanced options to charge different amounts based on document type (e.g. color, grayscale or duplex), page size, user or group
    Managed and secured mobile printing (iOS/Android), BYOD, and guest printing DaaS/VDI print support
    Printer installation discovery/enablement, device inventory/management Auditing/reporting, print audit trail using document attributes to manage costs/savings, enforce security and compliance with regulations and policies
    Monitoring print devices, print queues, provide notification of conditions Watermarking and/or timestamping to ensure integrity and confidentially/classification of printed documents some solutions support micro font adding print date, time, user id and other metadata values discreetly to a page preventing data leakage
    Active Directory integration or synchronization with LDAP user accounts Per-user quotas or group account budgets
    Ability to govern default print settings policies (B&W, double-sided, no color, etc.)

    Get to the managed print services RFP quicker

    Jumpstart your requirements process using these tools and exercises

    Vendor Assessment Questions

    Use Info-Tech's catalog of commonly used questions and requirements in successful acquisition processes for managed print services. Ask the right questions to secure an agreement that meets your needs. If you are already in a contract with managed print services, take the opportunity of contract renewal to improve the contract and service.

    RFP Template and "Schedule 1" Attachment

    Add your finalized assessment questions into this table, which you will attach to your RFP. The vendor answers questions in this "Schedule 1" attachment and returns it to you.

    RFP Scoring Tool

    Aggregate the RFP responses into this scoring tool to identify the frontrunners and candidates for elimination. Since the vendors are asked to respond in a standard format, it is easier to bring together all the responses to create a complete view of your options.

    Define RFP requirement questions

    Include the right requirements for your organization, and avoid leaving out important requirements that might have been overlooked.

    1. Download the Managed Print Services Vendor Assessment Questions tool. Use this document as a "shopping list" to jumpstart an initial draft of the RFP and, more importantly, scoring requirements.
    2. Review the questions in the context of your near- and long-term printer outsourcing needs. Consider your environment, your requirements, and goals. Include other viewpoints from the RACI chart from Phase 1.
    3. Place an 'X' in the first column to retain the question. Edit the wording of the question if required, based on your organizational needs.
    4. Use the second column to indicate which section of the RFP to include the question in.


    • Requirements from Phase 1.3
    • Completed list of requirement questions



    • Managed Print Services Vendor Assessment Questions tool
    • IT director/business operations
    • Other roles from the RACI chart completed in Phase 1

    Download the Managed Print Services Vendor Assessment Questions tool

    Create RFP scoring tool and RFP

    1. Enter the requirements questions into the scoring tool on Tabs 2 and 4.
    2. Tab 2: Create scoring column for each vendor. You will paste in their responses here.
    3. Edit Tabs 3 and 4 so they align with what you want the vendor to see. Copy and paste Tab 3 and Tab 4 into a new document, which will serve as a "Schedule 1" attachment to the RFP package the vendor receives.
    4. Complete the RFP template. Describe your current state and current printer hardware (documented in the earlier current-state assessment). Explain the rules of how to respond and how to fill out the Schedule 1 document. Instruct each vendor to fill in their responses to each question along with any notes, and to reply with a zip file that includes the completed RFP package along with any marketing material needed to support their response.
    5. Send a copy of the RFP and Schedule 1 to each vendor under consideration.


    • Completed list of requirement questions from previous activity
    • RFP Scoring tool
    • Completed RFP and schedule 1 attachment



    • Managed Print Services RFP Vendor Proposal Scoring Tool
    • Managed Print Services RFP
    • IT director/business operations

    Download the Managed Print Services RFP Vendor Proposal Scoring Tool

    Download the Managed Print Services RFP template

    Score RFP responses

    1. When the responses are returned, copy and paste each vendor's results from Schedule 1 into Tab 2 of the main scoring tool.
    2. Evaluate each RFP response against the RFP criteria based on the scoring scale.
    3. Send the completed scoring tool to the CIO.
    4. Set up a meeting to discuss the scores and generate shortlist of vendors.
    5. Conduct further interviews with shortlisted vendors for due diligence, pricing, and negotiation discussions.
    6. Once a vendor is selected, review the SLAs and contract and develop a transition plan.


    • Completed Managed Print Services RFP Vendor Proposal Scoring Tool
    • Shortlist or final decision on vendor



    • N/A
    • IT director/business operations

    Info-Tech Insight:

    The responses from the low-scoring vendors still have value: these providers will likely provide ideas that you can then leverage with your frontrunner, even if their overall proposal did not score highly.

    Phase 3

    Implementation & Operation

    Strategy & planning

    Vendor selection, evaluation, acquisition

    Implementation & Operation

    1.1 Create project charter and assign roles

    1.2 Assess current state

    1.3 Gather requirements

    2.1 Understand managed print services model

    2.2 Create RFP materials

    2.3 Leverage print management software

    3.1 Modify printer policies

    3.2 Measure project success

    3.3 Training & adoption

    3.4 Plan communication

    3.5 Prepare for continuous improvement

    Re-Envision Enterprise Printing

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Update your enterprise printer policies
    • Readminister end-user survey to measure project success

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • IT director/CIO
    • Business operations manager
    • Project manager

    Modify your printer policies

    Review and modify Info-Tech's Printer Policy Template to support your print reduction goals

    Consider that your goal is to achieve printer reduction. Discuss with your team how strict it needs to be to truly reset behavior with printers. Many organizations struggle with policy enforcement. Firm language in the policy may be required to achieve this goal. For example,

    • IT only supports the printers acquired through the managed print service. Personal desktop printers are not supported by IT. Expense statements will not be accepted for non-supported printers.
    • Create a procurement policy where all device requests need justification and approval by department managers and IT. Have a debate over what the extreme exceptions would be. Legitimate exceptions must go through a review and approval process.
    • Restrict color printing to external or customer-facing use cases.
    • Encourage digital or electronic solutions in lieu of hard copies (e.g. e-signatures and approval workflows; scanning; use of integrated enterprise applications like SharePoint).
    This is a screenshot of the Printer Policy Page Template

    Download the Printer Policy template

    Readminister the end-user survey

    You have already run this survey during the requirements-gathering phase. Run it again to measure success.

    The survey was run once prior to the changes being implemented to establish a baseline of user satisfaction and to gain insights into additional requirements.

    Several months after the initial rollout (90 days is typical to let the dust settle), resurvey the end users and publish or report to the administration success metrics (the current costs vs. the actual costs prior to the change).

    User satisfaction survey can be used to manage the vendor, especially if the users are less happy after the vendor touched their environment. Use this feedback to hold the provider to account for improvement.


    • Previous survey results
    • Changes to baseline satisfaction metrics



    • End-user survey from Phase 1
    • IT director
    • IT staff
    • Rest of organization

    Measure project success

    Revisit the pre-project metrics and goals and compare with your current metrics

    • Identify printers to consolidate or eliminate.
    • Update asset management system (enter software and hardware serial numbers or identification tags into configuration management system).
    • Reallocate/install printers across the organization.
    • Develop ongoing printer usage and cost reports for each department.
    • Review the end-user survey and compare against baseline.
    • Operate, validate, and distribute usage metrics/chargeback to stakeholders.
    • Audit and report on environmental performance and sustainability performance to internal and external bodies, as required.
    • Write and manage knowledgebase articles.
    • Monitor and analyze trends in company printing in order to make recommendations for the future and to identify areas for possible savings and/or asset optimization.

    Metrics could include

    • User satisfaction
    • Print services net promoter model
    • Total printing costs
    • Printer availability (uptime)
    • Printer reliability (mean time between failures)
    • Total number of reported incidents
    • Mean time for vendor to respond and repair

    Support training and adoption

    Train users on self-support

    Prepare troubleshooting guides and step-by-step visual aid posters for the print areas that guide users to print, release, and find their print jobs and fix common incidents on their own. These may include:

    • The name of this printer location and the names of the others on that floor.
    • How to enter a PIN to release a print job.
    • How to fix a paper jam.
    • How to empty the paper tray.
    • How to log a service ticket if all other steps are exhausted.

    Educate users to use print area wisely

    • Inform users what to do if other print jobs appear to be left behind in the printer area.
    • Display guidelines on printer location alternatives in case of a long line.
    • Display suggestions on maximum recommended time to spend on a job in the event other users are waiting.

    Develop campaign to promote paperless culture

    Ensure business leadership and end users remain committed to thinking before they print.

    • Help your users avoid backsliding by soliciting feedback on the new printer areas.
    • Ensure timely escalation of service tickets to the vendor.
    • Support efforts by the business to seek out business process modernization opportunities whenever possible.

    Plan persuasive communication strategies

    Identify cost-saving opportunities and minimize complaints through persuasive communication

    Solicit the input of end users through surveys and review comments.

    Common complaints Response

    Consider the input of end users when making elimination and consolidation decisions and communicate IT's justification for each end user's argument to keep their desktop printers.

    "I don't trust network storage. I want physical copies." Explain the security and benefits of content management systems.
    "I use my desktop a lot. I need it." Explain the cost benefits of printing on cheaper network MFPs, especially if they print in large quantities.
    "I don't use it a lot, so it's not costly." It's a waste of money to maintain and power underused devices.
    "I need security and confidentiality." MFPs have biometric and password-release functions, which add an increased layer of security.
    "I need to be able to print from home." Print drivers and networked home printers can be insecure devices and attack vectors.
    "I don't have time to wait." Print jobs in queue can be released when users are at the device.
    "I don't want to walk that far." Tell the end user how many feet the device will be within (e.g. 50 feet). It is not usually very far.

    Implement a continual improvement plan to achieve long-term enterprise print goals

    Implement a continual improvement plan for enterprise printing:

    • Develop a vendor management plan:
      • In order to govern SLAs and manage the vendor, ensure that you can track printer-related tickets even if the device is now supported by managed print services.
      • Ensure that printer service tickets sent from the device to the vendor are also reconciled in your ITSM tool. Require the MSP to e-bond the ticket created within their own device and ticketing system back to you so you can track it in your own ITSM tool.
      • Every two months, validate service credits that can be returned to the vendor for exceeding SLA performance metrics.
      • Monitor the impact of their digital transformation strategies. Develop a cadence to review the vendor's suggestions for innovation opportunities.
    • Operate, validate, and distribute usage and experience metrics/chargeback to stakeholders.
    • Monitor and analyze trends in company printing.
    This is a graph which demonstrates the process of continual improvement through Standardization. It depicts a graph with Time as the X axis, and Quality Management as the Y axis. A grey circle with the words: ACT; PLAN; CHECK; DO, moving from the lower left part of the graph to the upper right, showing that standardization improves Quality Management.

    Summary of Accomplishment

    Problem Solved

    You have now re-envisioned your enterprise print environment by documenting your current printer inventory and current cost and usage. You also have hard inventory and usage data benchmarks that you can use to measure the success of future initiatives around digitalization, going paperless, and reducing print cost.

    You have also developed a plan to go to market and become a consumer of managed print services, rather than a provider yourself. You have established a reusable RFP and requirements framework to engage a managed print services vendor who will work with you to support your continuous improvement plans.

    Return to the deliverables and advice in this blueprint to reinforce the organization's message to end users on when, where, and how to print. Ideally, this project has helped you go beyond a printer refresh – but rather served as a means to change the printing culture at your organization.

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through other phases as part of an Info-Tech workshop.

    Contact your account representative for more information


    Fernandes, Louella. "Quocirca Managed Services Print Market, 2021." Quocirca, 25 Mar. 2021. Accessed 12 Oct. 2021.

    McInnes, Angela. "No More Photocopies, No More Ink: Thames Valley Schools Run Out of Toner." CBC, 21 Oct. 2021. Web.

    "Paper and Paperboard: Material-Specific Data." EPA, 15 Dec. 2020. Accessed 15 Oct. 2021.

    State of Washington, House of Representatives. "State Agencies – Paper Conservation and Recycling." 61st Legislature, Substitute House Bill 2287, Passed 20 April 2009.

    Sugihara, Azusa. "Pandemic Shreds Office Paper Demand as Global Telework Unfolds." Nikkei Asia, 18 July 2020. Accessed 29 Sept. 2021.

    "Paper Reduction." University of Washington, n.d. Accessed 28 Oct. 2021.

    "What is MPS?" University of Washington, n.d. Accessed 16 Mar. 2022.

    Research contributors

    Jarrod Brumm
    Senior Digital Transformation Consultant

    Jacques Lirette
    President, Ditech Testing

    3 anonymous contributors

    Info-Tech Research Group Experts

    Allison Kinnaird, Research Director & Research Lead
    Frank Trovato, Research Director

    Perform an Agile Skills Assessment

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}153|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 10.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $32,166 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 15 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Development
    • Parent Category Link: /development
    • Your organization is trying to address the key delivery challenges you are facing. Early experiments with Agile are starting to bear fruit.
    • As part of maturing your Agile practice, you want to evaluate if you have the right skills and capabilities in place.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Focusing on the non-technical skills can yield significant returns for your products, your team, and your organization. These skills are what should be considered as the real Agile skills.

    Impact and Result

    • Define the skills and values that are important to your organization to be successful at being Agile.
    • Put together a standard criterion for measurement of the attainment of given skills.
    • Define the roadmap and communication plan around your agile assessment.

    Perform an Agile Skills Assessment Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should perform an agile skills assessment. review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Take stock of the Agile skills and values important to you

    Confirm the list of Agile skills that you wish to measure.

    • Perform an Agile Skills Assessment – Phase 1: Take Stock of the Agile Skills and Values Important to You
    • Agile Skills Assessment Tool
    • Agile Skills Assessment Tool Example

    2. Define an assessment method that works for you

    Define what it means to attain specific agile skills through a defined ascension path of proficiency levels, and standardized skill expectations.

    • Perform an Agile Skills Assessment – Phase 2: Define an Assessment Method That Works for You

    3. Plan to assess your team

    Determine the roll-out and communication plan that suits your organization.

    • Perform an Agile Skills Assessment – Phase 3: Plan to Assess Your Team
    • Agile Skills Assessment Communication and Roadmap Plan
    • Agile Skills Assessment Communication and Roadmap Plan Example

    Workshop: Perform an Agile Skills Assessment

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Define Agile Skills and Maturity Levels

    The Purpose

    Learn about and define the Agile skills that are important to your organization.

    Define the different levels of attainment when it comes to your Agile skills.

    Define the standards on a per-role basis.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Get a clear view of the Agile skills important into meet your Agile transformation goals in alignment with organizational objectives.

    Set a clear standard for what it means to meet your organizational standards for Agile skills.


    1.1 Review and update the Agile skills relevant to your organization.

    1.2 Define your Agile proficiency levels to evaluate attainment of each skill.

    1.3 Define your Agile team roles.

    1.4 Define common experience levels for your Agile roles.

    1.5 Define the skill expectations for each Agile role.


    A list of Agile skills that are consistent with your Agile transformation

    A list of proficiency levels to be used during your Agile skills assessment

    A confirmed list of roles that you wish to measure on your Agile teams

    A list of experience levels common to Agile team roles (example: Junior, Intermediate, Senior)

    Define the skill expectations for each Agile role

    Optimize the Mentoring Program to Build a High-Performing Learning Organization

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}596|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Employee Development
    • Parent Category Link: /train-and-develop
    • Many organizations have introduced mentoring programs without clearly defining and communicating the purpose and goals around having a program; they simply jumped on the mentoring bandwagon.
    • As a result, these programs have little impact. They don’t add value for mentors, mentees, or the organization.
    • It can be difficult to design a program that is well-suited to your organization, will be adopted by employees, and will drive the results you are looking for.
    • In particular, it is difficult to successfully match mentors and mentees so both derive maximum value from the endeavor.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • As workforce composition shifts, there is a need for mentoring programs to move beyond the traditional senior–junior format option; organizational culture and goals will dictate the best approach.
    • An organization’s mentoring program doesn’t need to be restricted to one format; individual preferences and goals should also factor in. Be open to choosing format on a case-by-case basis.
    • Be sure to gain upper management buy-in and support early to ensure mentoring becomes a valued part of your organization.
    • Ensure that goal setting, communication, ongoing support for participants, and evaluation all play a role in your mentoring program.

    Impact and Result

    • Mentoring can have a significant positive impact on mentor, mentee, and organization.
    • Mentees gain guidance and advice on their career path and skill development. Mentors often experience re-engagement with their job and the satisfaction of helping another person.
    • Mentoring participants benefit from obtaining different perspectives of both the business and work-related problems. Participation in a mentoring program has been linked to greater access to promotions, pay raises, and increased job satisfaction.
    • Mentoring can have a number of positive outcomes for the organization, including breaking down silos, transferring institutional knowledge, accelerating leadership skills, fostering open communication and dialogue, and resolving conflict.

    Optimize the Mentoring Program to Build a High-Performing Learning Organization Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Align the mentoring program with the organizational culture and goals

    Build a best-fit program that creates a learning culture.

    • Storyboard: Optimize the Mentoring Program to Build a High Performing Learning Organization

    2. Assess the organizational culture and current mentoring program

    Align mentoring practices with culture to improve the appropriateness and effectiveness of the program.

    • Mentoring Program Diagnostic

    3. Align mentoring practices with culture to improve the appropriateness and effectiveness of the program.

    Track project progress and have all program details defined in a central location.

    • Mentoring Project Plan Template
    • Peer Mentoring Guidelines
    • Mentoring Program Guidelines

    4. Gather feedback from the mentoring program participants

    Evaluate the success of the program.

    • Mentoring Project Feedback Surveys Template

    5. Get mentoring agreements in place

    Improve your mentoring capabilities.

    • Mentee Preparation Checklist
    • Mentoring Agreement Template

    IT Operations Consulting

    Operations... make sure that the services and products you offer your clients are delivered in the most efficient way possible. IT Operations makes sure that the applications and infrastructure that your delivery depends on is solid.

    Gert Taeymans has over 20 years experience in directing the implementation and management of mission-critical services for businesses in high-volume international markets. Strong track record in risk management, crisis management including disaster recovery, service delivery and change & config management.

    Continue reading

    Fast Track Your GDPR Compliance Efforts

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}372|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 10.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $25,779 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 30 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Governance, Risk & Compliance
    • Parent Category Link: /governance-risk-compliance
    • Organizations often tackle compliance efforts in an ad hoc manner, resulting in an ineffective use of resources.
    • The alignment of business objectives, information security, and data privacy is new for many organizations, and it can seem overwhelming.
    • GDPR is an EU regulation that has global implications; it likely applies to your organization more than you think.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Financial impact isn’t simply fines. A data controller fined for GDPR non-compliance may sue its data processor for damage.
    • Even day-to-day activities may be considered processing. Screen-sharing from a remote location is considered processing if the data shown onscreen contains personal data!
    • This is not simply an IT problem. Organizations that address GDPR in a siloed approach will not be as successful as organizations that take a cross-functional approach.

    Impact and Result

    • Follow a robust methodology that applies to any organization and aligns operational and situational GDPR scope. Info-Tech's framework allows organizations to tackle GDPR compliance in a right-sized, methodical approach.
    • Adhere to a core, complex GDPR requirement through the use of our documentation templates.
    • Understand how the risk of non-compliance is aligned to both your organization’s functions and data scope.
    • This blueprint will guide you through projects and steps that will result in quick wins for near-term compliance.

    Fast Track Your GDPR Compliance Efforts Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should fast track your GDPR compliance efforts, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Understand your compliance requirements

    Understand the breadth of the regulation’s requirements and document roles and responsibilities.

    • Fast Track Your GDPR Compliance Efforts – Phase 1: Understand Your Compliance Requirements
    • GDPR RACI Chart

    2. Define your GDPR scope

    Define your GDPR scope and prioritize initiatives based on risk.

    • Fast Track Your GDPR Compliance Efforts – Phase 2: Define Your GDPR Scope
    • GDPR Initiative Prioritization Tool

    3. Satisfy documentation requirements

    Understand the requirements for a record of processing and determine who will own it.

    • Fast Track Your GDPR Compliance Efforts – Phase 3: Satisfy Documentation Requirements
    • Record of Processing Template
    • Legitimate Interest Assessment Template
    • Data Protection Impact Assessment Tool
    • A Guide to Data Subject Access Requests

    4. Align your data breach requirements and security program

    Document your DPO decision and align security strategy to data privacy.

    • Fast Track Your GDPR Compliance Efforts – Phase 4: Align Your Data Breach Requirements & Security Program

    5. Prioritize your GDPR initiatives

    Prioritize any initiatives driven out of Phases 1-4 and begin developing policies that help in the documentation effort.

    • Fast Track Your GDPR Compliance Efforts – Phase 5: Prioritize Your GDPR Initiatives
    • Data Protection Policy

    Workshop: Fast Track Your GDPR Compliance Efforts

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Understand Your Compliance Requirements

    The Purpose

    Kick-off the workshop; understand and define GDPR as it exists in your organizational context.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Prioritize your business units based on GDPR risk.

    Assign roles and responsibilities.


    1.1 Kick-off and introductions.

    1.2 High-level overview of weekly activities and outcomes.

    1.3 Identify and define GDPR initiative within your organization’s context.

    1.4 Determine what actions have been done to prepare; how have regulations been handled in the past?

    1.5 Identify key business units for GDPR committee.

    1.6 Document business units and functions that are within scope.

    1.7 Prioritize business units based on GDPR.

    1.8 Formalize stakeholder support.


    Prioritized business units based on GDPR risk

    GDPR Compliance RACI Chart

    2 Define Your GDPR Scope

    The Purpose

    Know the rationale behind a record of processing.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Determine who will own the record of processing.


    2.1 Understand the necessity for a record of processing.

    2.2 Determine for each prioritized business unit: are you a controller or processor?

    2.3 Develop a record of processing for most-critical business units.

    2.4 Perform legitimate interest assessments.

    2.5 Document an iterative process for creating a record of processing.


    Initial record of processing: 1-2 activities

    Initial legitimate interest assessment: 1-2 activities

    Determination of who will own the record of processing

    3 Satisfy Documentation Requirements and Align With Your Data Breach Requirements and Security Program

    The Purpose

    Review existing security controls and highlight potential requirements.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Ensure the initiatives you’ll be working on align with existing controls and future goals.


    3.1 Determine the appetite to align the GDPR project to data classification and data discovery.

    3.2 Discuss the benefits of data discovery and classification.

    3.3 Review existing incident response plans and highlight gaps.

    3.4 Review existing security controls and highlight potential requirements.

    3.5 Review all initiatives highlighted during days 1-3.


    Highlighted gaps in current incident response and security program controls

    Documented all future initiatives

    4 Prioritize GDPR Initiatives

    The Purpose

    Review project plan and initiatives and prioritize.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Finalize outputs of the workshop, with a strong understanding of next steps.


    4.1 Analyze the necessity for a data protection officer and document decision.

    4.2 Review project plan and initiatives.

    4.3 Prioritize all current initiatives based on regulatory compliance, cost, and ease to implement.

    4.4 Develop a data protection policy.

    4.5 Finalize key deliverables created during the workshop.

    4.6 Present the GDPR project to key stakeholders.

    4.7 Workshop executive presentation and debrief.


    GDPR framework and prioritized initiatives

    Data Protection Policy

    List of key tools

    Communication plans

    Workshop summary documentation

    IT Risk management

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}40|cart{/j2store}
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    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Security and Risk
    • Parent Category Link: /security-and-risk
    Mitigation is about balance: take a cost-focused approach to risk management.

    Capture and Market the ROI of Your VMO

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}212|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $108,234 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 9 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Vendor Management
    • Parent Category Link: /vendor-management
    • All IT organizations are dependent on their vendors for technology products, services, and solutions to support critical business functions.
    • Measuring the impact of and establishing goals for the vendor management office (VMO) to maximize its effectiveness requires an objective and quantitative approach whenever possible.
    • Sharing the VMO’s impact internally is a balancing act between demonstrating value and self-promotion.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • The return on investment (ROI) calculation for your VMO must be customized. The ROI components selected must match your VMO ROI maturity, resources, and roadmap. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to calculating VMO ROI.
    • ROI contributions come from many areas and sources. To maximize the VMO’s ROI, look outside the traditional framework of savings and cost avoidance to vendor-facing interactions and the impact the VMO has on internal departments.

    Impact and Result

    • Quantifying the contributions of the VMO takes the guess work out of whether the VMO is performing adequately.
    • Taking a comprehensive approach to measuring the value created by the VMO and the ROI associated with it will help the organization appreciate the importance of the VMO.
    • Establishing goals for the VMO with the help of the executives and key stakeholders ensures that the VMO is supporting the needs of the entire organization.

    Capture and Market the ROI of Your VMO Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should calculate and market internally your VMO’s ROI, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Get organized

    Begin the process by identifying your VMO’s ROI maturity level and which calculation components are most appropriate for your situation.

    • Capture and Market the ROI of the VMO – Phase 1: Get Organized
    • VMO ROI Maturity Assessment Tool
    • VMO ROI Calculator and Tracker
    • VMO ROI Data Source Inventory and Evaluation Tool
    • VMO ROI Summary Template

    2. Establish baseline

    Set measurement baselines and goals for the next measurement cycle.

    • Capture and Market the ROI of the VMO – Phase 2: Establish Baseline
    • VMO ROI Baseline and Goals Tool

    3. Measure and monitor results

    Measure the VMO's ROI and value created by the VMO’s efforts and the overall internal satisfaction with the VMO.

    • Capture and Market the ROI of the VMO – Phase 3: Measure and Monitor Results
    • RFP Cost Estimator
    • Improvements in Working Capital Estimator
    • Risk Estimator
    • General Process Cost Estimator and Delta Estimator
    • VMO Internal Client Satisfaction Survey
    • Vendor Security Questionnaire
    • Value Creation Worksheet
    • Deal Summary Report Template

    4. Report results

    Report the results to key stakeholders and executives in a way that demonstrates the value added by the VMO to the entire organization.

    • Capture and Market the ROI of the VMO – Phase 4: Report Results
    • Internal Business Review Agenda Template
    • IT Spend Analytics
    • VMO ROI Reporting Worksheet
    • VMO ROI Stakeholder Report Template

    Workshop: Capture and Market the ROI of Your VMO

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Get Organized

    The Purpose

    Determine how you will measure the VMO’s ROI.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Focus your measurement on the appropriate activities.


    1.1 Determine your VMO’s maturity level and identify applicable ROI measurement categories.

    1.2 Review and select the appropriate ROI formula components for each applicable measurement category.

    1.3 Compile a list of potential data sources, evaluate the viability of each data source selected, and assign data collection and analysis responsibilities.

    1.4 Communicate progress and proposed ROI formula components to executives and key stakeholders for feedback and/or approval/alignment.


    VMO ROI maturity level and first step of customizing the ROI formula components.

    Second and final step of customizing the ROI formula components…what will actually be measured.

    Viable data sources and assignments for team members.

    A progress report for key stakeholders and executives.

    2 Establish Baseline

    The Purpose

    Set baselines to measure created value against.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    ROI contributions cannot be objectively measured without baselines.


    2.1 Gather baseline data.

    2.2 Calculate/set baselines.

    2.3 Set SMART goals.

    2.4 Communicate progress and proposed ROI formula components to executives and key stakeholders for feedback and/or approval/alignment.


    Data to use for calculating baselines.

    Baselines for measuring ROI contributions.

    Value creation goals for the next measurement cycle.

    An updated progress report for key stakeholders and executives.

    3 Measure and Monitor Results

    The Purpose

    Calculate the VMO’s ROI.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    An understanding of whether the VMO is paying for itself.


    3.1 Assemble the data and calculate the VMO’s ROI.

    3.2 Organize the data for the reporting step.


    The VMO’s ROI expressed in terms of how many times it pays for itself (e.g. 1X, 3X, 5X).

    Determine which supporting data will be reported.

    4 Report Results

    The Purpose

    Report results to stakeholders.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Stakeholders understand the value of the VMO.


    4.1 Create a reporting template.

    4.2 Determine reporting frequency.

    4.3 Decide how the reports will be distributed or presented.

    4.4 Send out a draft report and update based on feedback.


    A template for reporting ROI and supporting data.

    A decision about quarterly or annual reports.

    A decision regarding email, video, and in-person presentation of the ROI reports.

    Final ROI reports.

    Security Priorities 2023

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}254|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $909 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 1 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Security Strategy & Budgeting
    • Parent Category Link: /security-strategy-and-budgeting
    • Most people still want a hybrid work model but there is a shortage in security workforce to maintain secure remote work, which impacts confidence in the security practice.
    • Pressure of operational excellence drives organizational modernization with the consequence of higher risks of security attacks that impact not only cyber but also physical systems.
    • The number of regulations with stricter requirements and reporting is increasing, along with high sanctions for violations.
    • Accurate assessment of readiness and benefits to adopt next-gen cybersecurity technologies can be difficult. Additionally, regulation often faces challenges to keep up with next-gen cybersecurity technologies implications and risks of adoption, which may not always be explicit.
    • Software is usually produced as part of a supply chain instead in a silo. Thus, a vulnerability in any part of the supply chain can become a threat surface.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Secure remote work still needs to be maintained to facilitate the hybrid work model post pandemic.
    • Despite all the cybersecurity risks, organizations continue modernization plans due to the long-term overall benefits. Hence, we need to secure organization modernization.
    • Organizations should use regulatory changes to improve security practices, instead of treating them as a compliance burden.
    • Next-gen cybersecurity technologies alone are not the silver bullet. A combination of technologies with skilled talent, useful data, and best practices will give a competitive advantage.

    Impact and Result

    • Use this report to help decide your 2023 security priorities by:
      • Collecting and analyzing your own related data, such as your organization 2022 incident reports. Use Info-Tech’s Security Priorities 2023 material for guidance.
      • Identifying your needs and analyzing your capabilities. Use Info-Tech's template to explain the priorities you need to your stakeholders.
      • Determining the next steps. Refer to Info-Tech's recommendations and related research.

    Security Priorities 2023 Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Security Priorities 2023 Report – A report to help decide your 2023 security priorities.

    Each organization is different, so a generic list of security priorities will not be applicable to every organization. Thus, you need to:

  • Collect and analyze your own related data such as your organization 2022 incident reports. Use Info-Tech’s Security Priorities 2023 material for guidance.
  • Identify your needs and analyze your capabilities. Use Info-Tech's template to explain the priorities you need to your stakeholders.
  • Refer to Info-Tech's recommendations and related research for guidance on the next steps.
    • Security Priorities 2023 Report


    Further reading

    Security Priorities 2023

    How we live post pandemic

    Each organization is different, so a generic list of priorities will not be applicable to every organization.

    During 2022, ransomware campaigns declined from quarter to quarter due to the collapse of experienced groups. Several smaller groups are developing to recapture the lost ransomware market. However, ransomware is still the most worrying cyber threat.

    Also in 2022, people returned to normal activities such as traveling and attending sports or music events but not yet to the office. The reasons behind this trend can be many fold, such as employees perceive that work from home (WFH) has positive productivity effects and time flexibility for employees, especially for those with families with younger children. On the other side of the spectrum, some employers perceive that WFH has negative productivity effects and thus are urging employees to return to the office. However, employers also understand the competition to retain skilled workers is harder. Thus, the trend is to have hybrid work where eligible employees can WFH for a certain portion of their work week.

    Besides ransomware and the hybrid work model, in 2022, we saw an evolving threat landscape, regulatory changes, and the potential for a recession by the end of 2023, which can impact how we prioritize cybersecurity this year. Furthermore, organizations are still facing the ongoing issues of insufficient cybersecurity resources and organization modernization.

    This report will explore important security trends, the security priorities that stem from these trends, and how to customize these priorities for your organization.

    In Q2 2022, the median ransom payment was $36,360 (-51% from Q1 2022), a continuation of a downward trend since Q4 2021 when the ransom payment median was $117,116.
    Source: Coveware, 2022

    From January until October 2022, hybrid work grew in almost all industries in Canada especially finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing (+14.7%), public administration and professional services (+11.8%), and scientific and technical services (+10.8%).
    Source: Statistics Canada, Labour Force Survey, October 2022; N=3,701

    Hybrid work changes processes and infrastructure

    Investment on remote work due to changes in processes and infrastructure

    As part of our research process for the 2023 Security Priorities Report, we used the results from our State of Hybrid Work in IT Survey, which collected responses between July 10 and July 29, 2022 (total N=745, with n=518 completed surveys). This survey details what changes in processes and IT infrastructure are likely due to hybrid work.

    Process changes to support hybrid work

    A bar graph is depicted with the following dataset: None of the above - 12%; Change management - 29%; Asset management - 34%; Service request support - 41%; Incident management - 42%

    Survey respondents (n=518) were asked what processes had the highest degree of change in response to supporting hybrid work. Incident management is the #1 result and service request support is #2. This is unsurprising considering that remote work changed how people communicate, how they access company assets, and how they connect to the company network and infrastructure.

    Infrastructure changes to support hybrid work

    A bar graph is depicted with the following dataset: Changed queue management and ticketing system(s) - 11%; Changed incident and service request processes - 23%; Addition of chatbots as part of the Service Desk intake process - 29%; Reduced the need for recovery office spaces and alternative work mitigations - 40%; Structure & day-to-day operation of Service Desk - 41%; Updated network architecture - 44%

    For 2023, we believe that hybrid work will remain. The first driver is that employees still prefer to work remotely for certain days of the week. The second driver is the investment from employers on enabling WFH during the pandemic, such as updated network architecture (44%) and the infrastructure and day-to-day operations (41%) as shown on our survey.

    Top cybersecurity concerns and organizational preparedness for them

    Concerns may correspond to readiness.

    In the Info-Tech Research Group 2023 Trends and Priorities Survey of IT professionals, we asked about cybersecurity concerns and the perception about readiness to meet current and future government legislation regarding cybersecurity requirements.

    Cybersecurity issues

    A bar graph is depicted with the following dataset: Cyber risks are not on the radar of the executive leaders or board of directors - 3.19; Organization is not prepared to respond to a cyber attack - 3.08; Supply chain risks related to cyber threats - 3.18; Talent shortages leading to capacity constraints in cyber security - 3.51; New government or industry-imposed regulations - 3.15

    Survey respondents were asked how concerned they are about certain cybersecurity issues from 1 (not concerned at all) to 5 (very concerned). The #1 concern was talent shortages. Other issues with similar concerns included cyber risks not on leadership's radar, supply chain risks, and new regulations (n=507).

    Cybersecurity legislation readiness

    A bar graph is depicted with the following dataset: 1 (Not confident at all) - 2.4%; 2 - 11.2%; 3 - 39.7%; 4 - 33.3%; 5 (Very confident) - 13.4%

    When asked about how confident organizations are about being prepared to meet current and future government legislation regarding cybersecurity requirements, from 1 (not confident at all) to 5 (very confident), the #1 response was 3 (n=499).

    Unsurprisingly, the ever-changing government legislation environment in a world emerging from a pandemic and ongoing wars may not give us the highest confidence.

    We know the concerns and readiness…

    But what is the overall security maturity?

    As part of our research process for the 2023 Security Priorities Report, we reviewed results of completed Info-Tech Research Group Security Governance and Management Benchmark diagnostics (N=912). This report details what we see in our clients' security governance maturity. Setting aside the perception on readiness – what are their actual security maturity levels?

    A bar graph is depicted with the following dataset: Security Culture - 47%; Policy and Process Governance - 47%; Event and Incident Management - 58%; Vulnerability - 57%; Auditing - 52%; Compliance Management - 58%; Risk Analysis - 52%

    Overall, assessed organizations are still scoring low (47%) on Security Culture and Policy and Process Governance. This justifies why most security incidents are still due to gaps in foundational security and security awareness, not lack of advanced controls such as event and incident management (58%).

    And how will the potential recession impact security?

    Organizations are preparing for recession, but opportunities for growth during recession should be well planned too.

    As part of our research process for the 2023 Security Priorities Report, we reviewed the results of the Info-Tech Research Group 2023 Trends and Priorities Survey of IT professionals, which collected responses between August 9 and September 9, 2022 (total N=813 with n=521 completed surveys).

    Expected organizational spending on cybersecurity compared to the previous fiscal year

    A bar graph is depicted with the following dataset: A decrease of more than 10% - 2.2%; A decrease of between 1-10% - 2.6%; About the same - 41.4%; An increase of between 1-10% - 39.6%; An increase of more than 10% - 14.3%

    Keeping the same spending is the #1 result and #2 is increasing spending up to 10%. This is a surprising finding considering the survey was conducted after the middle of 2022 and a recession has been predicted since early 2022 (n=489).

    An infographic titled Cloudy with a Chance of Recession

    Source: Statista, 2022, CC BY-ND

    US recession forecast

    Contingency planning for recessions normally includes tight budgeting; however, it can also include opportunities for growth such as hiring talent who have been laid off by competitors and are difficult to acquire in normal conditions. This can support our previous findings on increasing cybersecurity spending.

    Five Security Priorities for 2023

    This image describes the Five Security Priorities for 2023.

    Maintain Secure Hybrid Work



    Executive summary


    If anything can be learned from COVID-19 pandemic, it is that humans are resilient. We swiftly changed to remote workplaces and adjusted people, processes, and technologies accordingly. We had some hiccups along the way, but overall, we demonstrated that our ability to adjust is amazing.

    The pandemic changed how people work and how and where they choose to work, and most people still want a hybrid work model. However, the number of days for hybrid work itself varies. For example, from our survey in July 2022 (n=516), 55.8% of employees have the option of 2-3 days per week to work offsite, 21.0% for 1 day per week, and 17.8% for 4 days per week.

    Furthermore, the investment (e.g. on infrastructure and networks) to initiate remote work was huge, and the cost doesn't end there, as we need to maintain the secure remote work infrastructure to facilitate the hybrid work model.

    Current situation

    Remote work: A 2022 survey by WFH Research (N=16,451) reports that ~14% of full-time employees are fully remote and ~29% are in a hybrid arrangement as of Summer-Fall 2022.

    Security workforce shortage: A 2022 survey by Bridewell (N=521) reports that 68% of leaders say it has become harder to recruit the right people, impacting organizational ability to secure and monitor systems.

    Confidence in the security practice: A 2022 diagnostic survey by Info-Tech Research Group (N=55) reports that importance may not correspond to confidence; for example, the most important selected cybersecurity area, namely Data Access/Integrity (93.7%), surprisingly has the lowest confidence of the practice (80.5%).

    "WFH doubled every 15 years pre-pandemic. The increase in WFH during the pandemic was equal to 30 years of pre-pandemic growth."

    Source: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2021

    Leaders must do more to increase confidence in the security practice

    Importance may not correspond to confidence

    As part of our research process for the 2023 Security Priorities Report, we analyzed results from the Info-Tech Research Group diagnostics. This report details what we see in our clients' perceived importance of security and their confidence in existing security practices.

    Cybersecurity importance

    A bar graph is depicted with the following dataset: Importance to the Organization - 94.3%; Importance to My Department	92.2%

    Cybersecurity importance areas

    A bar graph is depicted with the following dataset: Mobility (Remote & Mobile Access) - 90.2%; Regulatory Compliance - 90.1%; Desktop Computing - 90.9%; Data Access / Integrity - 93.7%

    Confidence in cybersecurity practice

    A bar graph is depicted with the following dataset: Confidence in the Organization's Overall Security - 79.4%; Confidence in Security for My Department - 79.8%

    Confidence in cybersecurity practice areas

    A bar graph is depicted with the following dataset: Mobility (Remote & Mobile Access) - 75.8%; Regulatory Compliance - 81.5%; Desktop Computing - 80.9%; Data Access / Integrity - 80.5%

    Diagnostics respondents (N=55) were asked about how important security is to their organization or department. Importance to the overall organization is 2.1 percentage points (pp) higher, but confidence in the organization's overall security is slightly lower (-0.4 pp).

    If we break down to security areas, we can see that the most important area, Data Access/Integrity (93.7%), surprisingly has the lowest confidence of the practice: 80.5%. From this data we can conclude that leaders must build a strong cybersecurity workforce to increase confidence in the security practice.

    Use this template to explain the priorities you need your stakeholders to know about.

    Maintain secure hybrid work plan

    Provide a brief value statement for the initiative.

    Build a strong cybersecurity workforce to increase confidence in the security practice to facilitate hybrid work.

    Initiative Description:

    • Description must include what organization will undertake to complete the initiative.
    • Review your security strategy for hybrid work.
    • Identify skills gaps that hinder the successful execution of the hybrid work security strategy.
    • Use the identified skill gaps to define the technical skill requirements for current and future work roles.
    • Conduct a skills assessment on your current workforce to identify employee skill gaps.
    • Decide whether to train, hire, contract, or outsource each skill gap.


    List initiative drivers.

    • Employees still prefer to WFH for certain days of the week.
    • The investment on WFH during pandemic such as updated network architecture and infrastructure and day-to-day operations.
    • Tech companies' huge layoffs, e.g. Meta laid off more than 11,000 employees.


    List initiative risks and impacts.

    • Unskilled workers lacking certificates or years of experience who are trained and become skilled workers then quit or are hijacked by competitors.
    • Organizational and cultural changes cause friction with work-life balance.
    • Increased attack surface of remote/hybrid workforce.


    List initiative benefits and align to business benefits or benefits for the stakeholder groups that it impacts.

    • Increase perceived productivity by employees and increase retention.
    • Increase job satisfaction and work-life balance.
    • Hiring talent that has been laid off who are difficult to acquire in normal conditions.

    Related Info-Tech Research:

    Recommended Actions

    1. Identify skill requirements to maintain secure hybrid work

    Review your security strategy for hybrid work.

    Determine the skill needs of your security strategy.

    2. Identify skill gaps

    Identify skills gaps that hinder the successful execution of the hybrid work security strategy.

    Use the identified skill gaps to define the technical skill requirements for work roles.

    3. Decide whether to build or buy skills

    Conduct a skills assessment on your current workforce to identify employee skill gaps.

    Decide whether to train, hire, contract, or outsource each skill gap.

    Source: Close the InfoSec Skills Gap: Develop a Technical Skills Sourcing Plan, Info-Tech

    Secure Organization Modernization



    Executive summary

    From computerized milk-handling systems in Wisconsin farms, to automated railway systems in Europe, to Ausgrid's Distribution Network Management System (DNMS) in Australia, to smart cities and beyond; system modernization poses unique challenges to cybersecurity.

    The threats can be safety, such as the trains stopped in Denmark during the last weekend of October 2022 for several hours due to an attack on a third-party IT service provider; economics, such as a cream cheese production shutdown that occurred at the peak of cream cheese demand in October 2021 due to hackers compromising a large cheese manufacturer's plants and distribution centers; and reliability, such as the significant loss of communication for the Ukrainian military, which relied on Viasat's services.

    Despite all the cybersecurity risks, organizations continue modernization plans due to the long-term overall benefits.

    Current situation

    • Pressure of operational excellence: Competitive markets cannot keep pace with demand without modernization. For example, in automated milking systems, the labor time saved from milking can be used to focus on other essential tasks such as the decision-making process.
    • Technology offerings: Technologies are available and affordable such as automated equipment, versatile communication systems, high-performance human machine interaction (HMI), IIoT/Edge integration, and big data analytics.
    • Higher risks of cyberattacks: Modernization enlarges attack surfaces, which are not only cyber but also physical systems. Most incidents indicate that attackers gained access through the IT network, which was followed by infiltration into OT networks.

    IIoT market size is USD 323.62 billion in 2022 and projected to be around USD 1 trillion in 2028.

    Source: Statista,
    March 2022

    Modernization brings new opportunities and new threats

    Higher risks of cyberattacks on Industrial Control System (ICS)

    Target: Australian sewage plant.

    Method: Insider attack. Impact: 265,000 gallons of untreated sewage released.

    Target: Middle East energy companies.

    Method: Shamoon.

    Impact: Overwritten Windows-based systems files.

    Target: German Steel Mill

    Method: Spear-phishing

    Impact: Blast furnace control shutdown failure.

    Target: Middle East Safety Instrumented System (SIS).

    Method: TRISIS/TRITON.

    Impact: Modified safety system ladder logic.

    Target: Viasat's KA-SAT Network.

    Method: AcidRain.

    Impact: Significant loss of communication for the Ukrainian military, which relied on Viasat's services.

    A timeline displaying the years 1903; 2000; 2010; 2012; 2013; 2014; 2018; 2019; 2021; 2022 is displayed.

    Target: Marconi wireless telegraphs presentation. Method: Morse code.

    Impact: Fake message sent "Rats, rats, rats, rats. There was a young fellow of Italy, Who diddled the public quite prettily."

    Target: Iranian uranium enrichment plant.

    Method: Stuxnet.

    Impact: Compromised programmable logic controllers (PLCs).

    Target: ICS supply chain.

    Method: Havex.

    Impact: Remote Access Trojan (RAT) collected information and uploaded data to command-and-control (C&C) servers.

    Target: Ukraine power grid.

    Method: BlackEnergy.

    Impact: Manipulation of HMI View causing 1-6 hour power outages for 230,000 consumers.

    Target: Colonial Pipeline.

    Method: DarkSide ransomware.

    Impact: Compromised billing infrastructure halted the pipeline operation.


    • DOE, 2018
    • CSIS, 2022
    • MIT Technology Review, 2022

    Info-Tech Insight

    Most OT incidents start with attacks against IT networks and then move laterally into the OT environment. Therefore, converging IT and OT security will help protect the entire organization.

    Use this template to explain the priorities you need your stakeholders to know about.

    Secure organization modernization

    Provide a brief value statement for the initiative.

    The systems (OT, IT, IIoT) are evolving now – ensure your security plan has you covered.

    Initiative Description:

    • Description must include what organization will undertake to complete the initiative.
    • Identify the drivers to align with your organization's business objectives.
    • Build your case by leveraging a cost-benefit analysis and update your security strategy.
    • Identify people, process, and technology gaps that hinder the modernization security strategy.
    • Use the identified skill gaps to update risks, policies and procedures, IR, DR, and BCP.
    • Evaluate and enable modernization technology top focus areas and refine security processes.
    • Decide whether to train, hire, contract, or outsource to fill the security workforce gap.


    List initiative drivers.

    • Pressure of operational excellence
    • Technology offerings
    • Higher risks of cyberattacks


    List initiative risks and impacts.

    • Complex systems with many components to implement and manage require diligent change management.
    • Organizational and cultural changes cause friction between humans and machines.
    • Increased attack surface of cyber and physical systems.


    List initiative benefits and align to business benefits or benefits for the stakeholder groups that it impacts.

    • Improve service reliability through continuous and real-time operation.
    • Enhance efficiency through operations visibility and transparency.
    • Gain cost savings and efficiency to automate operations of complex and large equipment and instrumentations.

    Related Info-Tech Research:

    Recommended Actions

    1. Identify modernization business cases to secure

    Identify the drivers to align with your organization's business objectives.

    Build your case by leveraging a cost-benefit analysis, and update your security strategy.

    2. Identify gaps

    Identify people, process, and technology gaps that hinder the modernization
    security strategy.

    Use the identified skill gaps to update risks, policies and procedures, IR, DR, and BCP.

    3. Decide whether to build or buy capabilities

    Evaluate and enable modernization technology top focus areas and refine
    security processes.

    Decide whether to train, hire, contract, or outsource to fill the security workforce gap.


    Industrial Control System (ICS) Modernization: Unlock the Value of Automation in Utilities, Info-Tech

    Secure IT-OT Convergence, Info-Tech

    Develop a cost-benefit analysis

    Identify a modernization business case for security.



    Operational Efficiency and Cost Savings

    • Reduction in truck rolls and staff time of manual operations of equipment or instrumentation.
    • Cost reduction in energy usage such as substation power voltage level or water treatment chemical level.

    Improve Reliability and Resilience

    • Reduction in field crew time to identify the outage locations by remotely accessing field equipment to narrow down the
      fault areas.
    • Reduction in outage time impacting customers and avoiding financial penalty in service quality metrics.
    • Improve operating reliability through continuous and real-time trend analysis of equipment performance.

    Energy & Capacity Savings

    • Optimize energy usage of operation to reduce overall operating cost and contribution to organizational net-zero targets.

    Customers & Society Benefits

    • Improve customer safety for essential services such as drinkable water consumption.
    • Improve reliability of services and address service equity issues based on data.



    Equipment and Infrastructure

    Upgrade existing security equipment or instrumentation or deploy new, e.g. IPS on Enterprise DMZ and Operations DMZ.

    Implement communication network equipment and labor to install and configure.

    Upgrade or construct server room including cooling/heating, power backup, and server and rack hardware.

    Software and Commission

    The SCADA/HMI software and maintenance fee as well as lifecycle upgrade implementation project cost.

    Labor cost of field commissioning and troubleshooting.

    Integration with security systems, e.g. log management and continuous monitoring.

    Support and Resources

    Cost to hire/outsource security FTEs for ongoing managing and operating security devices, e.g. SOC.

    Cost to hire/outsource IT/OT FTEs to support and troubleshoot systems and its integrations with security systems, e.g. MSSP.

    An example of a cost-benefit analysis for ICS modernization


    Industrial Control System (ICS) Modernization: Unlock the Value of Automation in Utilities, Info-Tech

    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2021

    IT-OT convergence demands new security approach and solutions

    Identify gaps

    Attack Vectors


    • User's compromised credentials
    • User's access device, e.g. laptop, smartphone
    • Access method, e.g. denial-of-service to modem, session hijacking, bad data injection


    • Site operations, e.g. SCADA server, engineering workstation, historian
    • Controls, e.g. SCADA Client, HMI, PLCs, RTUs
    • Process devices, e.g. sensors, actuators, field devices

    Defense Strategies

    • Limit exposure of system information
    • Identify and secure remote access points
    • Restrict tools and scripts
    • Conduct regular security audits
    • Implement a dynamic network environment

    (Control System Defense: Know the Opponent, CISA)

    An example of a high-level architecture of an electric utility's control system and its interaction with IT systems.

    An example of a high-level architecture of an electric utility's control system and its interaction with IT systems.

    Source: ISA-99, 2007




    Executive summary


    Government-enacted regulatory changes are occurring at an ever-increasing rate these days. As one example, on November 10, 2022, the EU Parliament introduced two EU cybersecurity laws: the Network and Information Security (NIS2) Directive (applicable to organizations located within the EU and organizations outside the EU that are essential within an EU country) and the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). There are also industry regulatory changes such as PCI DSS v4.0 for the payment sector and the North American Electric Reliability Corporation Critical Infrastructure Protection (NERC CIP) for Bulk Electric Systems (BES).

    Organizations should use regulatory changes as a means to improve security practices, instead of treating them as a compliance burden. As said by lead member of EU Parliament Bart Groothuis on NIS2, "This European directive is going to help around 160,000 entities tighten their grip on security […] It will also enable information sharing with the private sector and partners around the world. If we are being attacked on an industrial scale, we need to respond on an industrial scale."

    Current situation

    Stricter requirements and reporting: Regulations such as NIS2 include provisions for incident response, supply chain security, and encryption and vulnerability disclosure and set tighter cybersecurity obligations for risk management reporting obligations.

    Broader sectors: For example, the original NIS directive covers 19 sectors such as Healthcare, Digital Infrastructure, Transport, and Energy. Meanwhile, the new NIS2 directive increases to 35 sectors by adding other sectors such as providers of public electronic communications networks or services, manufacturing of certain critical products (e.g. pharmaceuticals), food, and digital services.

    High sanctions for violations: For example, Digital Services Act (DSA) includes fines of up to 6% of global turnover and a ban on operating in the EU single market in case of repeated serious breaches.

    Approximately 100 cross-border data flow regulations exist in 2022.

    Source: McKinsey, 2022

    Stricter requirements for payments

    Obligation changes to keep up with emerging threats and technologies

    64 New requirements were added
    A total of 64 requirements have been added to version 4.0 of the PCI DSS.

    13 New requirements become effective March 31, 2024
    The other 51 new requirements are considered best practice until March 31, 2025, at which point they will become effective.

    11 New requirements only for service providers
    11 of the new requirements are applicable only to entities that provide third-party services to merchants.

    Defined roles must be assigned for requirements.

    Focus on periodically assessing and documenting scope.

    Entities may choose a defined approach or a customized approach to requirements.

    An example of new requirements for PCI DSS v4.0

    Source: Prepare for PCI DSS v4.0, Info-Tech

    Use this template to explain the priorities you need your stakeholders to know about.

    Respond to regulatory changes

    Provide a brief value statement for the initiative.

    The compliance obligations are evolving – ensure your security plan has you covered.

    Initiative Description:

    Description must include what organization will undertake to complete the initiative.

    • Identify relevant security and privacy compliance and conformance levels.
    • Identify gaps for updated obligations, and map obligations into control framework.
    • Review, update, and implement policies and strategy.
    • Develop compliance exception process and forms.
    • Develop test scripts.
    • Track status and exceptions


    List initiative drivers.

    • Pressure of new regulations
    • Governance, risk & compliance (GRC) tool offerings
    • High administrative or criminal penalties of non-compliance


    List initiative risks and impacts.

    • Complex structures and a great number of compliance requirements
    • Restricted budget and lack of skilled workforce for organizations such as local municipalities and small or medium organizations compared to private counterparts
    • Personal liability for some regulations for non-compliance


    List initiative benefits and align to business benefits or benefits for the stakeholder groups that it impacts.

    • Reduces compliance risk.
    • Reduces complexity within the control environment by using a single framework to align multiple compliance regimes.
    • Reduces costs and efforts related to managing IT audits through planning and preparation.

    Related Info-Tech Research:

    Recommended Actions

    1. Identify compliance obligations

    Identify relevant security and privacy obligations and conformance levels.

    Identify gaps for updated obligations, and map obligations into control framework.

    2. Implement compliance strategy

    Review, update, and implement policies and strategy.

    Develop compliance exception process.

    3. Track and report

    Develop test scripts to check your remediations to ensure they are effective.

    Track and report status and exceptions.

    Sources: Build a Security Compliance Program and Prepare for PCI DSS v4.0, Info-Tech

    Identify relevant security and privacy compliance obligations

    Identify obligations

    # Security Jurisdiction
    1 Network and Information Security (NIS2) Directive European Union (EU) and organizations outside the EU that are essential within an EU country
    2 North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) North American electrical utilities
    3 Executive Order (EO) 14028: Improving the Nation's Cybersecurity, The White House, 2021 United States


    Privacy Jurisdiction
    1 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) EU and EU citizens
    2 Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) Canada
    3 California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) California, USA
    4 Personal Information Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China (PIPL) China

    An example of security and privacy compliance obligations

    How much does it cost to become compliant?

    • It is important to understand the various frameworks and to adhere to the appropriate compliance obligations.
    • Many factors influence the cost of compliance, such as the size of organization, the size of network, and current security readiness.
    • To manage compliance obligations, it is important to use a platform that not only performs internal and external monitoring but also provides third-party vendors (if applicable) with visibility into potential threats in their organization.

    Adopt Next-Generation Cybersecurity Technologies



    Executive summary


    The cat and mouse game between threat actors and defenders is continuing. The looming question "can defenders do better?" has been answered with rapid development of technology. This includes the automation of threat analysis (signature-based, specification-based, anomaly-based, flow-based, content-based, sandboxing) not only on IT but also on other relevant environments, e.g. IoT, IIoT, and OT based on AI/ML.

    More fundamental approaches such as post-quantum cryptography and zero trust (ZT) are also emerging.
    ZT is a principle, a model, and also an architecture focused on resource protection by always verifying transactions using the least privilege principle. Hopefully in 2023, ZT will be more practical and not just a vendor marketing buzzword.

    Next-gen cybersecurity technologies alone are not a silver bullet. A combination of skilled talent, useful data, and best practices will give a competitive advantage. The key concepts are explainable, transparent, and trustworthy. Furthermore, regulation often faces challenges to keep up with next-gen cybersecurity technologies, especially with the implications and risks of adoption, which may not always be explicit.

    Current situation

    ZT: Performing an accurate assessment of readiness and benefits to adopt ZT can be difficult due to ZT's many components. Thus, an organization needs to develop a ZT roadmap that aligns with organizational goals and focuses on access to data, assets, applications, and services; don't select solutions or vendors too early.

    Post-quantum cryptography: Current cryptographic applications, such as RSA for PKI, rely on factorization. However, algorithms such as Shor's show quantum speedup for factorization, which can break current crypto when sufficient quantum computing devices are available. Thus, threat actors can intercept current encrypted information and store it to decrypt in the future.

    AI-based threat management: AI helps in analyzing and correlating data extremely fast compared to humans. Millions of telemetries, malware samples, raw events, and vulnerability data feed into the AI system, which humans cannot process manually. Furthermore, AI does not get tired in processing this big data, thus avoiding human error and negligence.

    Data breach mitigation cost without AI: USD 6.20 million; and with AI: USD 3.15 million

    Source: IBM, 2022

    Traditional security is not working

    Alert Fatigue

    Too many false alarms and too many events to process. Evolving threat landscapes waste your analysts' valuable time on mundane tasks, such as evidence collection. Meanwhile, only limited time is spared for decisions and conclusions, which results in the fear of missing an incident and alert fatigue.

    Lack of Insight

    To report progress, clear metrics are needed. However, cybersecurity still lacks in this area as the system itself is complex and some systems work in silos. Furthermore, lessons learned are not yet distilled into insights for improving future accuracy.

    Lack of Visibility

    System integration is required to create consistent workflows across the organization and to ensure complete visibility of the threat landscape, risks, and assets. Also, the convergence of OT, IoT, and IT enhances this challenge.

    Source: IBM Security Intelligence, 2020

    A business case for AI-based cybersecurity

    Threat management


    Risk scores are generated by machine learning based on variables such as behavioral patterns and geolocation. Zero trust architecture is combined with machine learning. Asset management leverages visibility using machine learning. Comply with regulations by improving discovery, classification, and protection of data using machine learning. Data security and data privacy services use machine learning for data discovery.


    AI, advanced machine learning, and static approaches, such as code file analysis, combine to automatically detect and analyze threats and prevent threats from spreading, assisted by threat intelligence.


    AI helps in orchestrating security technologies for organizations to reduce the number of security agents installed, which may not talk to each other or, worse, may conflict with each other.


    AI continuously tunes based on lessons learned, such as creating security policies for improving future accuracy. AI also does not get fatigue, and it assists humans in a faster recovery.

    Prevention; Detection; Response; Recovery

    AI has been around since the 1940s, but why is it only gaining traction now? Because supporting technologies are only now available, including faster GPUs for complex computations and cheaper storage for massive volumes of data.

    Use this template to explain the priorities you need your stakeholders to know about.

    Adopt next-gen cybersecurity technologies

    Use this template to explain the priorities you need your stakeholders to know about.

    Develop a practical roadmap that shows the business value of next-gen cybersecurity technologies investment.

    Initiative Description:

    Description must include what organization will undertake to complete the initiative.

    • Identify the stakeholders who will be affected by the next-gen cybersecurity technologies implementation and define responsibilities based on skillsets and the degree of support.
    • Adopt well-established data governance practices for cross-functional teams.
    • Conduct a maturity assessment of key processes and highlight interdependencies.
    • Develop a baseline and periodically review risks, policies and procedures, and business plan.
    • Develop a roadmap and deploy next-gen cybersecurity architecture and controls step by step, working with trusted technology partners.
    • Monitor metrics on effectiveness and efficiency.


    List initiative drivers.

    • Pressure of attacks by sophisticated threat actors
    • Next-gen cybersecurity technologies tool offerings
    • High cost of traditional security, e.g. longer breach lifecycle


    List initiative risks and impacts.

    • Lack of transparency of the model or bias, leading to non-compliance with policies/regulations
    • Risks related with data quality and inadequate data for model training
    • Adversarial attacks, including, but not limited to, adversarial input and model extraction


    List initiative benefits and align to business benefits or benefits for the stakeholder groups that it impacts.

    • Reduces the number of alerts, thus reduces alert fatigue.
    • Increases the identification of unknown threats.
    • Leads to faster detection and response.
    • Closes skills gap and increases productivity.

    Related Info-Tech Research:

    Recommended Actions

    1. People

    Identify the stakeholders who will be affected by the next-gen cybersecurity technologies implementation and define responsibilities based on skillsets and the degree of support.

    Adopt well-established data governance practices for cross-functional teams.

    2. Process

    Conduct a maturity assessment of key processes and highlight interdependencies.

    Develop a baseline and periodically review risks, policies and procedures, and business plan.

    3. Technology

    Develop a roadmap and deploy next-gen cybersecurity architecture and controls step by step, working with trusted technology partners.

    Monitor metrics on effectiveness and efficiency.

    Source: Leverage AI in Threat Management (keynote presentation), Info-Tech

    Secure Services and Applications



    Executive summary


    Software is usually produced as part of a supply chain instead of in silos. A vulnerability in any part of the supply chain can become a threat surface. We have learned this from recent incidents such as Log4j, SolarWinds, and Kaseya where attackers compromised a Virtual System Administrator tool used by managed service providers to attack around 1,500 organizations.

    DevSecOps is a culture and philosophy that unifies development, security, and operations to answer this challenge. DevSecOps shifts security left by automating, as much as possible, development and testing. DevSecOps provides many benefits such as rapid development of secure software and assurance that, prior to formal release and delivery, tests are reliably performed and passed.

    DevSecOps practices can apply to IT, OT, IoT, and other technology environments, for example, by integrating a Secure Software Development Framework (SSDF).

    Current situation

    Secure Software Supply Chain: Logging is a fundamental feature of most software, and recently the use of software components, especially open source, are based on trust. From the Log4j incident we learned that more could be done to improve the supply chain by adopting ZT to identify related components and data flows between systems and to apply the least privilege principle.

    DevSecOps: A software error wiped out wireless services for thousands of Rogers customers across Canada in 2021. Emergency services were also impacted, even though outgoing 911 calls were always accessible. Losing such services could have been avoided, if tests were reliably performed and passed prior to release.

    OT insecure-by-design: In OT, insecurity-by-design is still a norm, which causes many vulnerabilities such as insecure protocols implementation, weak authentication schemes, or insecure firmware updates. Additional challenges are the lack of CVEs or CVE duplication, the lack of Software Bill of Materials (SBOM), and product supply chains issues such as vulnerable products that are certified because of the scoping limitation and emphasis on functional testing.

    Technical causes of cybersecurity incidents in EU critical service providers in 2019-2021 shows: software bug (12%) and faulty software changes/update (9%).

    Source: CIRAS Incident reporting, ENISA (N=1,239)

    Software development keeps evolving

    DOD Maturation of Software Development Best Practices

    Best Practices 30 Years Ago 15 Years Ago Present Day
    Lifecycle Years or Months Months or Weeks Weeks or Days
    Development Process Waterfall Agile DevSecOps
    Architecture Monolithic N-Tier Microservices
    Deployment & Packaging Physical Virtual Container
    Hosting Infrastructure Server Data Center Cloud
    Cybersecurity Posture Firewall + SIEM + Zero Trust

    Best practices in software development are evolving as shown on the diagram to the left. For example, 30 years ago the lifecycle was "Years or Months," while in the present day it is "Weeks or Days."

    These changes also impact security such as the software architecture, which is no longer "Monolithic" but "Microservices" normally built within the supply chain.

    The software supply chain has known integrity attacks that can happen on each part of it. Starting from bad code submitted by a developer, to compromised source control platform (e.g. PHP git server compromised), to compromised build platform (e.g. malicious behavior injected on SolarWinds build), to a compromised package repository where users are deceived into using the bad package by the similarity between the malicious and the original package name.

    Therefore, we must secure each part of the link to avoid attacks on the weakest link.

    Software supply chain guidance

    Secure each part of the link to avoid attacks on the weakest link.

    Guide for Developers

    Guide for Suppliers

    Guide for Customers

    Secure product criteria and management, develop secure code, verify third-party components, harden build environment, and deliver code.

    Define criteria for software security checks, protect software, produce well-secured software, and respond to vulnerabilities.

    Secure procurement and acquisition, secure deployment, and secure software operations.

    Source: "Securing the Software Supply Chain" series, Enduring Security Framework (ESF), 2022

    "Most software today relies on one or more third-party components, yet organizations often have little or no visibility into and understanding of how these software components are developed, integrated, and deployed, as well as the practices used to ensure the components' security."

    Source: NIST – NCCoE, 2022

    Use this template to explain the priorities you need your stakeholders to know about.

    Secure services and applications

    Provide a brief value statement for the initiative.

    Adopt recommended practices for securing the software supply chain.

    Initiative Description:

    Description must include what organization will undertake to complete the initiative.

    • Define and keep security requirements and risk assessments up to date.
    • Require visibility into provenance of product, and require suppliers' self-attestation of security hygiene.
    • Verify distribution infrastructure, product and individual components integrity, and SBOM.
    • Use multi-layered defenses, e.g. ZT for integration and control configuration.
    • Train users on how to detect and report anomalies and when to apply updates to a system.
    • Ensure updates from authorized and authenticated sources and verify the integrity of the updated SBOM.


    List initiative drivers.

    • Cyberattacks exploit the vulnerabilities of weak software supply chain
    • Increased need to enhance software supply chain security, e.g. under the White House Executive Order (EO) 14028
    • OT insecure-by-design hinders OT modernization


    List initiative risks and impacts.

    Only a few developers and suppliers explicitly address software security in detail.

    Time pressure to deliver functionality over security.

    Lack of security awareness and lack of trained workforce.


    List initiative benefits and align to business benefits or benefits for the stakeholder groups that it impacts.

    Customers (acquiring organizations) achieve secure acquisition, deployment, and operation of software.

    Developers and suppliers provide software security with minimal vulnerabilities in its releases.

    Automated processes such as automated testing avoid error-prone and labor-intensive manual test cases.

    Related Info-Tech Research:

    Recommended Actions

    1. Procurement and Acquisition

    Define and keep security requirements and risk assessments up to date.

    Perform analysis on current market and supplier solutions and acquire security evaluation.

    Require visibility into provenance of product, and require suppliers' self-attestation of security hygiene

    2. Deployment

    Verify distribution infrastructure, product and individual components integrity, and SBOM.

    Save and store the tests and test environment and review and verify the
    self-attestation mechanism.

    Use multi-layered defenses, e.g. ZT for integration and control configuration.

    3. Software Operations

    Train users on how to detect and report anomalies and when to apply updates to a system.

    Ensure updates from authorized and authenticated sources and verify the integrity of the updated SBOM.

    Apply supply chain risk management (SCRM) operations.

    Source: "Securing the Software Supply Chain" series, Enduring Security Framework (ESF), 2022


    Aksoy, Cevat Giray, Jose Maria Barrero, Nicholas Bloom, Steven J. Davis, Mathias Dolls, and Pablo Zarate. "Working from Home Around the World." Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2022.
    Barrero, Jose Maria, Nicholas Bloom, and Steven J. Davis. "Why working from home will stick." WFH Research, National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper 28731, 2021.
    Boehm, Jim, Dennis Dias, Charlie Lewis, Kathleen Li, and Daniel Wallance. "Cybersecurity trends: Looking over the horizon." McKinsey & Company, March 2022. Accessed
    31 Oct. 2022.
    "China: TC260 issues list of national standards supporting implementation of PIPL." OneTrust, 8 Nov. 2022. Accessed 17 Nov. 2022.
    Chmielewski, Stéphane. "What is the potential of artificial intelligence to improve cybersecurity posture?" blog, 7 Aug. 2022. Accessed 15 Aug. 2022.
    Conerly, Bill. "The Recession Will Begin Late 2023 Or Early 2024." Forbes, 1 Nov. 2022. Accessed 8 Nov. 2022.
    "Control System Defense: Know the Opponent." CISA, 22 Sep. 2022. Accessed 17 Nov. 2022.
    "Cost of a Data Breach Report 2022." IBM, 2022.
    "Cybersecurity: Parliament adopts new law to strengthen EU-wide resilience." European Parliament News, 10 Nov. 2022. Press Release.
    "Cyber Security in Critical National Infrastructure Organisations: 2022." Bridewell, 2022. Accessed 7 Nov. 2022.
    Davis, Steven. "The Big Shift to Working from Home." NBER Macro Annual Session On
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    EU Commission, 16 Nov. 2022. Accessed 16 Nov. 2022.
    "DoD Enterprise DevSecOps Fundamentals." DoD CIO, 12 May 2022. Accessed 21 Nov. 2022.
    Elkin, Elizabeth, and Deena Shanker. "That Cream Cheese Shortage You Heard About? Cyberattacks Played a Part." Bloomberg, 09 Dec. 2021. Accessed 27 Oct. 2022.
    Evan, Pete. "What happened at Rogers? Day-long outage is over, but questions remain." CBC News, 21 April 2022. Accessed 15 Nov. 2022.
    "Fewer Ransomware Victims Pay, as Median Ransom Falls in Q2 2022." Coveware,
    28 July 2022. Accessed 18 Nov. 2022.
    "Fighting cybercrime: new EU cybersecurity laws explained." EU Commission, 10 Nov. 2022. Accessed 16 Nov. 2022.
    "Guide to PCI compliance cost." Vanta. Accessed 18 Nov. 2022.
    Hammond, Susannah, and Mike Cowan. "Cost of Compliance 2022: Competing priorities." Thomson Reuters, 2022. Accessed 18 Nov. 2022.
    Hemsley, Kevin, and Ronald Fisher. "History of Industrial Control System Cyber Incidents." Department of Energy (DOE), 2018. Accessed 29 Aug. 2022.
    Hofmann, Sarah. "What Is The NIS2 And How Will It Impact Your Organisation?" CyberPilot,
    5 Aug. 2022. Accessed 16 Nov. 2022.
    "Incident reporting." CIRAS Incident Reporting, ENISA. Accessed 21 Nov. 2022.
    "Introducing SLSA, an End-to-End Framework for Supply Chain Integrity." Google,
    16 June 2021. Accessed 25 Nov. 2022.
    Kovacs, Eduard. "Trains Vulnerable to Hacker Attacks: Researchers." SecurityWeek, 29 Dec. 2015. Accessed 15 Nov. 2022.
    "Labour Force Survey, October 2022." Statistics Canada, 4 Nov. 2022. Accessed 7 Nov. 2022.
    Malacco, Victor. "Promises and potential of automated milking systems." Michigan State University Extension, 28 Feb. 2022. Accessed 15 Nov. 2022.
    Maxim, Merritt, et al. "Planning Guide 2023: Security & Risk." Forrester, 23 Aug. 2022. Accessed 31 Oct. 2022.
    "National Cyber Threat Assessment 2023-2024." Canadian Centre for Cyber Security, 2022. Accessed 18 Nov. 2022.
    Nicaise, Vincent. "EU NIS2 Directive: what's changing?" Stormshield, 20 Oct. 2022. Accessed
    17 Nov. 2022.
    O'Neill, Patrick. "Russia hacked an American satellite company one hour before the Ukraine invasion." MIT Technology Review, 10 May 2022. Accessed 26 Aug. 2022.
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    Palmer, Danny. "Your cybersecurity staff are burned out - and many have thought about quitting." ZDNet, 8 Aug. 2022. Accessed 19 Aug. 2022.
    Placek, Martin. "Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) market size worldwide from 2020 to 2028 (in billion U.S. dollars)." Statista, 14 March 2022. Accessed 15 Nov. 2022.
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    Richter, Felix. "Cloudy With a Chance of Recession." Statista, 6 April 2022. Web.
    "Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices Guide for Developers." Enduring Security Framework (ESF), Aug. 2022. Accessed 22 Sep. 2022.
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    Souppaya, Murugiah, Michael Ogata, Paul Watrobski, and Karen Scarfone. "Software Supply Chain and DevOps Security Practices: Implementing a Risk-Based Approach to DevSecOps." NIST - National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE), Nov. 2022. Accessed
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    Violino, Bob. "5 key considerations for your 2023 cybersecurity budget planning." CSO Online,
    14 July 2022. Accessed 27 Oct. 2022

    Research Contributors and Experts

    Andrew Reese
    Cybersecurity Practice Lead

    Ashok Rutthan
    Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)

    Chris Weedall
    Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
    Cheshire East Council

    Jeff Kramer
    EVP Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity

    Kris Arthur
    Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
    SEKO Logistics

    Mike Toland
    Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
    Mutual Benefit Group

    Develop and Implement a Security Incident Management Program

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    • Parent Category Name: Threat Intelligence & Incident Response
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    • Tracked incidents are often classified into ready-made responses that are not necessarily applicable to the organization. With so many classifications, tracking becomes inefficient and indigestible, allowing major incidents to fall through the cracks.
    • Outcomes of incident response tactics are not formally tracked or communicated, resulting in a lack of comprehensive understanding of trends and patterns regarding incidents, leading to being re-victimized by the same vector.
    • Having a formal incident response document to meet compliance requirements is not useful if no one is adhering to it.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • You will experience incidents. Don’t rely on ready-made responses. They’re too broad and easy to ignore. Save your organization response time and confusion by developing your own specific incident use cases.
    • Analyze, track, and review results of incident response regularly. Without a comprehensive understanding of incident trends and patterns, you can be re-victimized by the same attack vector.
    • Establish communication processes and channels well in advance of a crisis. Don’t wait until a state of panic. Collaborate and exchange information with other organizations to stay ahead of incoming threats.

    Impact and Result

    • Effective and efficient management of incidents involves a formal process of preparation, detection, analysis, containment, eradication, recovery, and post-incident activities.
    • This blueprint will walk through the steps of developing a scalable and systematic incident response program relevant to your organization.

    Develop and Implement a Security Incident Management Program Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should develop and implement a security incident management program, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Prepare

    Equip your organization for incident response with formal documentation of policies and processes.

    • Develop and Implement a Security Incident Management Program – Phase 1: Prepare
    • Security Incident Management Maturity Checklist ‒ Preliminary
    • Information Security Requirements Gathering Tool
    • Incident Response Maturity Assessment Tool
    • Security Incident Management Charter Template
    • Security Incident Management Policy Template
    • Security Incident Management RACI Tool

    2. Operate

    Act with efficiency and effectiveness as new incidents are handled.

    • Develop and Implement a Security Incident Management Program – Phase 2: Operate
    • Security Incident Management Plan
    • Security Incident Runbook Prioritization Tool
    • Security Incident Management Runbook: Credential Compromise
    • Security Incident Management Workflow: Credential Compromise (Visio)
    • Security Incident Management Workflow: Credential Compromise (PDF)
    • Security Incident Management Runbook: Distributed Denial of Service
    • Security Incident Management Workflow: Distributed Denial of Service (Visio)
    • Security Incident Management Workflow: Distributed Denial of Service (PDF)
    • Security Incident Management Runbook: Malware
    • Security Incident Management Workflow: Malware (Visio)
    • Security Incident Management Workflow: Malware (PDF)
    • Security Incident Management Runbook: Malicious Email
    • Security Incident Management Workflow: Malicious Email (Visio)
    • Security Incident Management Workflow: Malicious Email (PDF)
    • Security Incident Management Runbook: Ransomware
    • Security Incident Management Workflow: Ransomware (Visio)
    • Security Incident Management Workflow: Ransomware (PDF)
    • Security Incident Management Runbook: Data Breach
    • Security Incident Management Workflow: Data Breach (Visio)
    • Security Incident Management Workflow: Data Breach (PDF)
    • Data Breach Reporting Requirements Summary
    • Security Incident Management Runbook: Third-Party Incident
    • Security Incident Management Workflow: Third-Party Incident (Visio)
    • Security Incident Management Workflow: Third-Party Incident (PDF)
    • Security Incident Management Runbook: Blank Template

    3. Maintain and optimize

    Manage and improve the incident management process by tracking metrics, testing capabilities, and leveraging best practices.

    • Develop and Implement a Security Incident Management Program – Phase 3: Maintain and Optimize
    • Security Incident Metrics Tool
    • Post-Incident Review Questions Tracking Tool
    • Root-Cause Analysis Template
    • Security Incident Report Template

    Workshop: Develop and Implement a Security Incident Management Program

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Prepare Your Incident Response Program

    The Purpose

    Understand the purpose of incident response.

    Formalize the program.

    Identify key players and escalation points.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Common understanding of the importance of incident response.

    Various business units becoming aware of their roles in the incident management program.

    Formalized documentation.


    1.1 Assess the current process, obligations, scope, and boundaries of the incident management program.

    1.2 Identify key players for the response team and for escalation points.

    1.3 Formalize documentation.

    1.4 Prioritize incidents requiring preparation.


    Understanding of the incident landscape

    An identified incident response team

    A security incident management charter

    A security incident management policy

    A list of top-priority incidents

    A general security incident management plan

    A security incident response RACI chart

    2 Develop Incident-Specific Runbooks

    The Purpose

    Document the clear response procedures for top-priority incidents.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    As incidents occur, clear response procedures are documented for efficient and effective recovery.


    2.1 For each top-priority incident, document the workflow from detection through analysis, containment, eradication, recovery, and post-incident analysis.


    Up to five incident-specific runbooks

    3 Maintain and Optimize the Program

    The Purpose

    Ensure the response procedures are realistic and effective.

    Identify key metrics to measure the success of the program.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Real-time run-through of security incidents to ensure roles and responsibilities are known.

    Understanding of how to measure the success of the program.


    3.1 Limited scope tabletop exercise.

    3.2 Discuss key metrics.


    Completed tabletop exercise

    Key success metrics identified

    Further reading

    Develop and Implement a Security Incident Management Program

    Create a scalable incident response program without breaking the bank.


    Security incidents are going to happen whether you’re prepared or not. Ransomware and data breaches are just a few top-of-mind threats that all organizations deal with. Taking time upfront to formalize response plans can save you significantly more time and effort down the road. When an incident strikes, don’t waste time deciding how to remediate. Rather, proactively identify your response team, optimize your response procedures, and track metrics so you can be prepared to jump to action.

    Céline Gravelines,
    Senior Research Analyst
    Security, Risk & Compliance Info-Tech Research Group

    Picture of Céline Gravelines

    Céline Gravelines,
    Senior Research Analyst
    Security, Risk & Compliance Info-Tech Research Group

    Our understanding of the problem

    This Research is Designed For

    • A CISO who is dealing with the following:
      • Inefficient use of time and money when retroactively responding to incidents, negatively affecting business revenue and workflow.
      • Resistance from management to adequately develop a formal incident response plan.
      • Lack of closure of incidents, resulting in being re-victimized by the same vector.

    This Research Will Help You

    • Develop a consistent, scalable, and usable incident response program that is not resource intensive.
    • Track and communicate incident response in a formal manner.
    • Reduce the overall impact of incidents over time.
    • Learn from past incidents to improve future response processes.

    This Research Will Also Assist

    • Business stakeholders who are responsible for the following:
    • Improving workflow and managing operations in the event of security incidents to reduce any adverse business impacts.
    • Ensuring that incident response compliance requirements are being adhered to.

    This Research Will Help Them

    • Efficiently allocate resources to improve incident response in terms of incident frequency, response time, and cost.
    • Effectively communicate expectations and responsibilities to users.

    Executive Summary


    • Security incidents are inevitable, but how they’re dealt with can make or break an organization. Poor incident response negatively affects business practices, including workflow, revenue generation, and public image.
    • The incident response of most organizations is ad hoc at best. A formal management plan is rarely developed or adhered to, resulting in ineffective firefighting responses and inefficient allocation of resources.


    • Tracked incidents are often classified into ready-made responses that are not necessarily applicable to the organization. With so many classifications, tracking becomes inefficient and indigestible, allowing major incidents to fall through the cracks.
    • Outcomes of incident response tactics are not formally tracked or communicated, resulting in a lack of comprehensive understanding of trends and patterns regarding incidents, leading to being revictimized by the same vector.
    • Having a formal incident response document to meet compliance requirements is not useful if no one is adhering to it.


    • Effective and efficient management of incidents involves a formal process of preparation, detection, analysis, containment, eradication, recovery, and post-incident activities.
    • This blueprint will walk through the steps of developing a scalable and systematic incident response program relevant to your organization.

    Info-Tech Insight

    • You will experience incidents. Don’t rely on ready-made responses. They’re too broad and easy to ignore. Save your organization response time and confusion by developing your own specific incident use cases.
    • Analyze, track, and review results of incident response regularly. Without a comprehensive understanding of incident trends and patterns, you can be re-victimized by the same attack vector.
    • Establish communication processes and channels well in advance of a crisis. Don’t wait until a state of panic. Collaborate and exchange information with other organizations to stay ahead of incoming threats.

    Data breaches are resulting in major costs across industries

    Per capita cost by industry classification of benchmarked companies (measured in USD)

    This is a bar graph showing the per capita cost by industry classification of benchmarked companies(measured in USD). the companies are, in decreasing order of cost: Health; Financial; Services; Pharmaceutical; Technology; Energy; Education; Industrial; Entertainment; Consumer; Media; Transportation; Hospitality; Retail; Research; Public

    Average data breach costs per compromised record hit an all-time high of $148 (in 2018).
    (Source: IBM, “2018 Cost of Data Breach Study)”

    % of systems impacted by a data breach
    No Impact
    1-10% impacted
    11-30% impacted
    31-50% impacted
    > 50% impacted
    % of customers lost from a data breach
    61% Lost
    < 20%
    21% Lost 20-40% 8% Lost
    6% Lost
    4% Lost
    % of customers lost from a data breach
    58% Lost
    25% Lost
    9% Lost
    5% Lost
    4% Lost

    Source: Cisco, “Cisco 2017 Annual Cybersecurity Report”

    Defining what is security incident management

    IT Incident

    Any event not a part of the standard operation of a service which causes, or may cause, the interruption to, or a reduction in, the quality of that service.

    Security Event:

    A security event is anything that happens that could potentially have information security implications.

    • A spam email is a security event because it may contain links to malware.
    • Organizations may be hit with thousands or perhaps millions of identifiable security events each day.
    • These are typically handled by automated tools or are simply logged.

    Security Incident:

    A security incident is a security event that results in damage such as lost data.

    • Incidents can also include events that don't involve damage but are viable risks.
    • For example, an employee clicking on a link in a spam email that made it through filters may be viewed as an incident.

    It’s not a matter of if you have a security incident, but when

    The increasing complexity and prevalence of threats have finally caught the attention of corporate leaders. Prepare for the inevitable with an incident response program.

    1. A formalized incident response program reduced the average cost of a data breach (per capita) from $148 to $134, while third-party involvement increased costs by $13.40.
    2. US organizations lost an average of $7.91 million per data breach as a result of increased customer attrition and diminished goodwill. Canada and the UK follow suit at $1.57 and $1.39 million, respectively.
    3. 73% of breaches are perpetrated by outsiders, 50% are the work of criminal groups, and 28% involve internal actors.
    4. 55% of companies have to manage fallout, such as reputational damage after a data breach.
    5. The average cost of a data breach increases by $1 million if left undetected for > 100 days.

    (Sources: IBM, “2018 Cost of Data Breach Study”; Verizon, “2017 Data Breach Investigations Report”; Cisco, “Cisco 2018 Annual Cybersecurity Report”)

    Threat Actor Examples

    The proliferation of hacking techniques and commoditization of hacking tools has enabled more people to become threat actors. Examples include:
    • Organized Crime Groups
    • Lone Cyber Criminals
    • Competitors
    • Nation States
    • Hacktivists
    • Terrorists
    • Former Employees
    • Domestic Intelligence Services
    • Current Employees (malicious and accidental)

    Benefits of an incident management program

    Effective incident management will help you do the following:

    Improve efficacy
    Develop structured processes to increase process consistency across the incident response team and the program as a whole. Expose operational weak points and transition teams from firefighting to innovating.

    Improve threat detection, prevention, analysis, and response
    Enhance your pressure posture through a structured and intelligence-driven incident handling and remediation framework.

    Improve visibility and information sharing
    Promote both internal and external information sharing to enable good decision making.

    Create and clarify accountability and responsibility
    Establish a clear level of accountability throughout the incident response program, and ensure role responsibility for all tasks and processes involved in service delivery.

    Control security costs
    Effective incident management operations will provide visibility into your remediation processes, enabling cost savings from misdiagnosed issues and incident reduction.

    Identify opportunities for continuous improvement
    Increase visibility into current performance levels and accurately identify opportunities for continuous improvement with a holistic measurement program.


    Short term:
    • Streamlined security incident management program.
    • Formalized and structured response process.
    • Comprehensive list of operational gaps and initiatives.
    • Detailed response runbooks that predefine necessary operational protocol.
    • Compliance and audit adherence.
    Long term:
    • Reduced incident costs and remediation time.
    • Increased operational collaboration between prevention, detection, analysis, and response efforts.
    • Enhanced security pressure posture.
    • Improved communication with executives about relevant security risks to the business.
    • Preserved reputation and brand equity.

    Incident management is essential for organizations of any size

    Your incidents may differ, but a standard response ensures practical security.

    Certain regulations and laws require incident response to be a mandatory process in organizations.

    Compliance Standard Examples Description
    Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA)
    • Organizations must have “procedures for detecting, reporting, and responding to security incidents” (2002).
    • They must also “inform operators of agency information systems about current and potential information security threats and vulnerabilities.”
    Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS)
    • “Organizations must: (i) establish an operational incident handling capability for organizational information systems that includes adequate preparation, detection, analysis, containment, recovery, and user response activities.”
    Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS v3)
    • 12.5.3: “Establish, document, and distribute security incident response and escalation procedures to ensure timely and effective handling of all situations.”
    Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
    • 164.308: Response and Reporting – “Identify and respond to suspected or known security incidents; mitigate, to the extent practicable, harmful effects of security incidents that are known to the covered entity; and document security incidents and their outcomes.”

    Security incident management is applicable to all verticals

    • Finance
    • Insurance
    • Healthcare
    • Public administration
    • Education services
    • Professional services
    • Scientific and technical services

    Maintain a holistic security operations program

    Legacy security operations centers (SOCs) fail to address gaps between data sources, network controls, and human capital. There is limited visibility and collaboration between departments, resulting in siloed decisions that do not support the best interests of the organization.

    Security operations is part of what Info-Tech calls a threat collaboration environment, where members must actively collaborate to address cyberthreats affecting the organization’s brand, business operation, and technology infrastructure on a daily basis.

    Prevent: Defense in depth is the best approach to protect against unknown and unpredictable attacks. Diligent patching and vulnerability management, endpoint protection, and strong human-centric security (amongst other tactics) are essential. Detect: There are two types of companies – those who have been breached and know it, and those who have been breached and don’t know it. Ensure that monitoring, logging, and event detection tools are in place and appropriate to your organizational needs.
    Analyze: Raw data without interpretation cannot improve security and is a waste of time, money, and effort. Establish a tiered operational process that not only enriches data but also provides visibility into your threat landscape. Respond: Organizations can’t rely on an ad hoc response anymore – don’t wait until a state of panic. Formalize your response processes in a detailed incident runbook to reduce incident remediation time and effort.

    Info-Tech’s incident response blueprint is one of four security operations initiatives

    Design and Implement a Vulnerability Management Program Vulnerability Management
    Vulnerability management revolves around the identification, prioritization, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Vulnerability management teams hunt to identify which vulnerabilities need patching and remediating.
    • Vulnerability Tracking Tool
    • Vulnerability Scanning Tool RFP Template
    • Penetration Test RFP Template
    • Vulnerability Mitigation Process Template
    Integrate Threat Intelligence Into Your Security Operations Vulnerability Management
    Vulnerability management revolves around the identification, prioritization, and remediation of vulnerabilities. Vulnerability management teams hunt to identify which vulnerabilities need patching and remediating.
    • Threat Intelligence Maturity Assessment Tool
    • Threat Intelligence RACI Tool
    • Threat Intelligence Management Plan Template
    • Threat Intelligence Policy Template
    • Threat Intelligence Alert Template
    • Threat Intelligence Alert and Briefing Cadence Schedule Template
    Develop Foundational Security Operations Processes Operations
    Security operations include the real-time monitoring and analysis of events based on the correlation of internal and external data sources. This also includes incident escalation based on impact. These analysts are constantly tuning and tweaking rules and reporting thresholds to further help identify which indicators are most impactful during the analysis phase of operations.
    • Security Operations Maturity Assessment Tool
    • Security Operations Event Prioritization Tool
    • Security Operations Efficiency Calculator
    • Security Operations Policy
    • In-House vs. Outsourcing Decision-Making Tool
    • Seccrimewareurity Operations RACI Tool
    • Security Operations TCO & ROI Comparison Calculator
    Develop and Implement a Security Incident Management Program Incident Response (IR)
    Effective and efficient management of incidents involves a formal process of analysis, containment, eradication, recovery, and post-incident activities. Incident response teams coordinate root cause and incident gathering while facilitating post-incident lessons learned. Incident response can provide valuable threat data that ties specific indicators to threat actors or campaigns.
    Security Incident Management Policy
    • Security Incident Management Plan
    • Incident Response Maturity Assessment Tool
    • Security Incident Runbook Prioritization Tool
    • Security Incident Management RACI Tool
    • Various Incident Management Runbooks

    Understand how incident response ties into related processes

    Info-Tech Resources:
    Business Continuity Plan Develop a Business Continuity Plan
    Disaster Recovery Plan Create a Right-Sized Disaster Recovery Plan
    Security Incident Management Develop and Implement a Security Incident Management Program
    Incident Management Incident and Problem Management
    Service Desk Standardize the Service Desk

    Develop and Implement a Security Incident Management Program – project overview

    1. Prepare 2. Operate 3. Maintain and Optimize
    Best-Practice Toolkit 1.1 Establish the Drivers, Challenges, and Benefits.

    1.2 Examine the Security Incident Landscape and Trends.

    1.3 Understand Your Security Obligations, Scope, and Boundaries.

    1.4 Gauge Your Current Process to Identify Gaps.

    1.5 Formalize the Security Incident Management Charter.

    1.6 Identify Key Players and Develop a Call Escalation Tree.

    1.7 Develop a Security Incident Management Policy.

    2.1 Understand the Incident Response Framework.

    2.2 Understand the Purpose of Runbooks.

    2.3 Prioritize the Development of Incident-Specific Runbooks.

    2.4 Develop Top-Priority Runbooks.

    2.5 Fill Out the Root-Cause Analysis Template.

    2.6 Customize the Post-Incident Review Questions Tracking Tool to Standardize Useful Questions for Lessons-Learned Meetings.

    2.7 Complete the Security Incident Report Template.

    3.1 Conduct Tabletop Exercises.

    3.2 Initialize a Security Incident Management Metrics Program.

    3.3 Leverage Best Practices for Continuous Improvement.

    Guided Implementations Understand the incident response process, and define your security obligations, scope, and boundaries.

    Formalize the incident management charter, RACI, and incident management policy.
    Use the framework to develop a general incident management plan.

    Prioritize and develop top-priority runbooks.
    Develop and facilitate tabletop exercises.

    Create an incident management metrics program, and assess the success of the incident management program.
    Onsite Workshop Module 1:
    Prepare for Incident Response
    Module 2:
    Handle Incidents
    Module 3:
    Review and Communicate Security Incidents
    Phase 1 Outcome:
  • Formalized stakeholder support
  • Security Incident Management Policy
  • Security Incident Management Charter
  • Call Escalation Tree
  • Phase 2 Outcome:
    • A generalized incident management plan
    • A prioritized list of incidents
    • Detailed runbooks for top-priority incidents
    Phase 3 Outcome:
    • A formalized tracking system for benchmarking security incident metrics.
    • Recommendations for optimizing your security incident management processes.

    Workshop overview

    Contact your account representative or email for more information.

    Workshop Day 1 Workshop Day 2 Workshop Day 3 Workshop Day 4 Workshop Day 5
    • Kick off and introductions.
    • High-level overview of weekly activities and outcomes.
    • Understand the benefits of security incident response management.
    • Formalize stakeholder support.
    • Assess your current process, obligations, and scope.
    • Develop RACI chart.
    • Define impact and scope.
    • Identify key players for the threat escalation protocol.
    • Develop a security incident response policy.
    • Develop a general security incident response plan.
    • Prioritize incident-specific runbook development.
    • Understand the incident response process.
    • Develop general and incident-specific call escalation trees.
    • Develop specific runbooks for your top-priority incidents (e.g. ransomware).
      • Detect the incident.
      • Analyze the incident.
      • Contain the incident.
      • Eradicate the root cause.
      • Recover from the incident.
      • Conduct post-incident analysis and communication.
    • Develop specific runbooks for your next top-priority incidents:
      • Detect the incident.
      • Analyze the incident.
      • Contain the incident.
      • Eradicate the root cause.
      • Recover from the incident.
      • Conduct post-incident analysis and communication.
    • Determine key metrics to track and report.
    • Develop post-incident activity documentation.
    • Understand best practices for both internal and external communication.
    • Finalize key deliverables created during the workshop.
    • Present the security incident response program to key stakeholders.
    • Workshop executive presentation and debrief.
    • Finalize main deliverables.
    • Schedule subsequent Analyst Calls.
    • Schedule feedback call.
    • Security Incident Management Maturity Checklist ‒ Preliminary
    • Security Incident Management RACI Tool
    • Security Incident Management Policy
    • General incident management plan
    • Security Incident Management Runbook
    • Development prioritization
    • Prioritized list of runbooks
    • Understanding of incident handling process
    • Incident-specific runbooks for two incidents (including threat escalation criteria and Visio workflow)
    • Discussion points for review with response team
    • Incident-specific runbooks for two incidents (including threat escalation criteria and Visio workflow)
    • Discussion points for review with response team
    • Security Incident Metrics Tool
    • Post-Incident Review Questions Tracking Tool
    • Post-Incident Report Analysis Template
    • Root Cause Analysis Template
    • Post-Incident Review Questions Tracking Tool
    • Communication plans
    • Workshop summary documentation
  • All final deliverables
  • Measured value for Guided Implementations

    Engaging in GIs doesn’t just offer valuable project advice – it also results in significant cost savings.

    GI Purpose Measured Value
    Section 1: Prepare

    Understand the need for an incident response program.
    Develop your incident response policy and plan.
    Develop classifications around incidents.
    Establish your program implementation roadmap.

    Time, value, and resources saved using our classification guidance and templates: 2 FTEs*2 days*$80,000/year = $1,280
    Time, value, and resources saved using our classification guidance and templates:
    2 FTEs*5 days*$80,000/year = $3,200

    Section 2: Operate

    Prioritize runbooks and develop the processes to create your own incident response program:

  • Detect
  • Analyze
  • Contain
  • Eradicate
  • Recover
  • Post-Incident Activity
  • Time, value, and resources saved using our guidance:
    4 FTEs*10 days*$80,000/year = $12,800 (if done internally)

    Time, value, and resources saved using our guidance:
    1 consultant*15 days*$2,000/day = $30,000 (if done by third party)
    Section 3: Maintain and Optimize Develop methods of proper reporting and create templates for communicating incident response to key parties. Time, value, and resources saved using our guidance, templates, and tabletop exercises:
    2 FTEs*3 days*$80,000/year = $1,920
    Total Costs To just get an incident response program off the ground. $49,200

    Insurance company put incident response aside; executives were unhappy

    Organization implemented ITIL, but formal program design became less of a priority and turned more ad hoc.


    • Ad hoc processes created management dissatisfaction around the organization’s ineffective responses to data breaches.
    • Because of the lack of formal process, an entirely new security team needed to be developed, costing people their positions.


    • Lack of criteria to categorize and classify security incidents.
    • Need to overhaul the long-standing but ineffective program means attempting to change mindsets, which can be time consuming.
    • Help desk is not very knowledgeable on security.
    • New incident response program needs to be in alignment with data classification policy and business continuity.
    • Lack of integration with MSSP’s ticketing system.

    Next steps:

    • Need to get stakeholder buy-in for a new program.
    • Begin to establish classification/reporting procedures.

    Follow this case study to Phase 1

    Phase 1


    Develop and Implement a Security Incident Management Program

    Phase 1: Prepare

    Prepare Operate Optimize

    This phase walks you through the following activities:

    1.1 Establish the drivers, challenges, and benefits.
    1.2 Examine the security incident landscape and trends.
    1.3 Understand your security obligations, scope, and boundaries.
    1.4 Gauge your current process to identify gaps.
    1.5 Formalize a security incident management charter.
    1.6 Identify key players and develop a call escalation tree.
    1.7 Develop a security incident management policy.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • CISO
    • Security team
    • IT staff
    • Business leaders

    Outcomes of this phase

    • Formalized stakeholder support.
    • Security incident management policy.
    • Security incident management charter.
    • Call escalation tree.

    Phase 1 outline

    Call 1-888-670-8889 or email for more information.

    Complete these steps on your own, or call us to complete a guided implementation. A guided implementation is a series of 2-3 advisory calls that help you execute each phase of a project. They are included in most advisory memberships.

    Guided Implementation 1: Prepare for Incident Response
    Proposed Time to Completion: 3 Weeks
    Step 1.1-1.3 Understand Incident Response Step 1.4-1.7 Begin Developing Your Program
    Start with an analyst kick-off call:
  • Discuss your current incident management status.
  • Review findings with analyst:
  • Review documents.
  • Then complete these activities…
    • Establish your security obligations, scope, and boundaries.
    • Identify the drivers, challenges, and benefits of formalized incident response.
    • Review any existing documentation.
    Then complete these activities…
    • Discuss further incident response requirements.
    • Identify key players for escalation and notifications.
    • Develop the policy.
    • Develop the plan.

    With these tools & templates:
    Security Incident Management Maturity Checklist ‒ Preliminary Information Security Requirements Gathering Tool

    With these tools & templates:
    Security Incident Management Policy
    Security Incident Management Plan
    Phase 1 Results & Insights:

    Ready-made incident response solutions often contain too much coverage: too many irrelevant cases that are not applicable to the organization are accounted for, making it difficult to sift through all the incidents to find the ones you care about. Develop specific incident use cases that correspond with relevant incidents to quickly identify the response process and eliminate ambiguity when handled by different individuals.

    Ice breaker: What is a security incident for your organization?

    1.1 Whiteboard Exercise – 60 minutes

    How do you classify various incident types between service desk, IT/infrastructure, and security?

    • Populate sticky notes with various incidents and assign them to the appropriate team.
      • Who owns the remediation? When are other groups involved? What is the triage/escalation process?
      • What other groups need to be notified (e.g. cyber insurance, Legal, HR, PR)?
      • Are there dependencies among incidents?
      • What are we covering in the scope of this project?

    Develop the Right Message to Engage Buyers

    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Marketing Solutions
    • Parent Category Link: /marketing-solutions

    Sixty percent of marketers find it hard to produce high-quality content consistently. SaaS marketers have an even more difficult job due to the technical nature of content production. Without an easy content development strategy, marketers have an insurmountable task of continually creating interesting content for an audience they don’t understand.

    Globally, B2B SaaS marketers without the ability to consistently produce and activate quality content will experience:

    • High website bounce rates and low time on site
    • Low page views
    • A low percentage of return visitors
    • Low conversions
    • Low open and click-through rates on email campaigns

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    Marketing content that identifies the benefit of the product along with a deep understanding of the buyer pain points, desired value, and benefit proof points is a key driver in delivering value to a prospect, thereby increasing marketing metrics such as open rates, time on site, page views, and click-through rates.

    Impact and Result

    Marketers that activate the SoftwareReviews message mapping architecture will be able to crack the code on the formula for improving open and click-through rates.

    By applying the SoftwareReviews message mapping architecture, clients will be able to:

    • Quickly diagnose the current state of their content marketing effectiveness compared to industry metrics.
    • Compare their current messaging approach versus the key elements of the Message Map Architecture.
    • Create more compelling and relevant content that aligns with a buyer’s needs and journey.
    • Shrink marketing and sales cycles.
    • Increase the pace of content production.

    Develop the Right Message to Engage Buyers Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Develop the Right Message to Engage Buyers Executive Brief – A mapping architecture to enable marketers to crack the code on the formula for improving open and click-through rates.

    Through this blueprint marketers will learn how to shift content away from low-performing content that only focuses on the product and company to high-performing customer-focused content that answers the “What’s in it for me?” question for a buyer, increasing engagement and conversions.


    Further reading

    Develop the Right Message to Engage Buyers

    Drive higher open rates, time-on-site, and click-through rates with buyer-relevant messaging.

    Analyst Perspective

    Develop the right message to engage buyers.

    Marketers only have seven seconds to capture a visitor's attention but often don't realize that the space between competitors and their company is that narrow. They often miss the mark on content and create reams of product and company-focused messaging that result in high bounce rates, low page views, low return visits, low conversions, and low click-through rates.

    We wouldn't want to sit in a conversation with someone who only speaks about themselves, so why would it be any different when we buy something? Today's marketers must quickly hook their visitors with content that answers the critical question of "What's in it for me?"

    Our research finds that leading content marketers craft messaging that lets their audience ”know they know them,” points out what’s in it for them, and includes proof points of promised value. This simple, yet often missed approach, we call Message Mapping, which helps marketers grab a visitor’s initial attention and when applied throughout the customer journey will turn prospects into customers, lifelong buyers, advocates, and referrals.

    Photo of Terra Higginson, Marketing Research Director, SoftwareReviews.

    Terra Higginson
    Marketing Research Director

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    Globally, B2B SaaS marketers without the ability to consistently produce and activate quality content will experience:

    • High website bounce rates and low time on site
    • Low page views
    • A low percentage of return visitors
    • Low conversions
    • Low open and click-through rates on email campaigns
    Sixty percent of marketers find it hard to produce high-quality content consistently. SaaS marketers have an even more difficult job due to the technical nature of content production. Without an easy content development strategy, marketers have an insurmountable task of continually creating interesting content for an audience they don’t understand.
    Common Obstacles

    Marketers struggle to create content that quickly engages the buyer because they lack:

    • Resources to create a high volume of quality content.
    • True buyer understanding.
    • Experience in how to align technical messaging with the buyer persona.
    • Easy-to-deploy content strategy tools.
    Even though most marketers will say that it’s important to produce interesting content, only 58% of B2B markers take the time to ask their customers what’s important to them. Without a true and deep understanding of buyers, marketers continue to invest their time and resources in an uninteresting product and company-focused diatribe.
    SoftwareReviews’ Approach

    By applying the SoftwareReviews’ message mapping architecture, clients will be able to:

    • Quickly diagnose the current state of their content marketing effectiveness compared to industry metrics.
    • Compare their current messaging approach against the key elements of the Message Map Architecture.
    • Create more compelling and relevant content that aligns with a buyer’s needs and journey.
    • Shrink marketing and sales cycles.
    • Increase the pace of content production.
    Marketers that activate the SoftwareReviews message mapping architecture will be able to crack the code on the formula for improving open and click-through rates.

    SoftwareReviews Insight

    Marketing content that identifies the benefit of the product, along with a deep understanding of the buyer pain points, desired value, and benefit proof-points, is a key driver in delivering value to a prospect, thereby increasing marketing metrics such as open rates, time on site, page views, and click-through rates.

    Your Challenge

    65% of marketers find it challenging to produce engaging content.

    Globally, B2B SaaS marketers without the ability to consistently produce and activate quality content will experience:

    • High website bounce rates and low time on site
    • Low page views
    • A low percentage of return visitors
    • Low conversions
    • Low open and click-through rates on email campaigns

    A staggering 60% of marketers find it hard to produce high-quality content consistently and 62% don’t know how to measure the ROI of their campaigns according to OptinMonster.

    SaaS marketers have an even more difficult job due to the technical nature of content production. Without an easy content development strategy, marketers have an insurmountable task of continually creating interesting content for an audience they don’t understand.

    Over 64% of marketers want to learn how to build a better content
    (Source: OptinMonster, 2021)

    Benchmark your content marketing

    Do your content marketing metrics meet the industry-standard benchmarks for the software industry?
    Visualization of industry benchmarks for 'Bounce Rate', 'Organic CTR', 'Pages/Session', 'Average Session Duration', '% of New Sessions', 'Email Open Rate', 'Email CTR', and 'Sales Cycle Length (Days)' with sources linked below.
    GrowRevenue, MarketingSherpa, Google Analytics, FirstPageSage, Google Analytics, HubSpot
    • Leaders will measure content marketing performance against these industry benchmarks.
    • If your content performance falls below these benchmarks, your content architecture may be missing the mark with prospective buyers.

    Common flaws in content messaging

    Why do marketers have a hard time consistently producing messaging that engages the buyer?

    Mistake #1

    Myopic Focus on Company and Product

    Content suffers a low ROI due to a myopic focus on the company and the product. This self-focused content fails to engage prospects and move them through the funnel.

    Mistake #2

    WIIFM Question Unanswered

    Content never answers the fundamental “What’s in it for me?” question due to a lack of true buyer understanding. This leads to an inability to communicate the value proposition to the prospect.

    Mistake #3

    Inability to Select the Right Content Format

    Marketers often guess what kind of content their buyers prefer without any real understanding or research behind what buyers would actually want to consume.

    Leaders Will Avoid the “Big Three” Pitfalls
    • While outdated content, poor content organization on your website, and poor SEO are additional strategic factors (outside the scope of this research), poor messaging structure will doom your content marketing strategy.
    • Leaders will be vigilant to diagnose current messaging structure and avoid:
      1. Making messaging all about you and your company.
      2. Failing to describe what’s in it for your prospects.
      3. Often guessing at what approach to use when structuring your messaging.

    Implications of poor content

    Without quality content, the sales and marketing cycles elongate and content marketing metrics suffer.
    • Lost sales: Research shows that B2B buyers are 57-70% done with their buying research before they ever contact sales.(Worldwide Business Research, 2022)
    • The buyer journey is increasingly digital: Research shows that 67% of the buyer's journey is now done digitally.(Worldwide Business Research, 2022)
    • Wasted time: In a Moz study of 750,000 pieces of content, 50% had zero backlinks, indicating that no one felt these assets were interesting enough to reference or share. (Moz, 2015)
    • Wasted money: SaaS companies spend $342,000 to $1,080,000 per year (or more) on content marketing. (Zenpost, 2022) The wrong content will deliver a poor ROI.

    50% — Half of the content produced has no backlinks. (Source: Moz, 2015)

    Content matters more than ever since 67% of the buyer's journey is now done digitally. (Source: Worldwide Business Research, 2022)

    Benefits of good content

    A content mapping approach lets content marketers:
    • Create highly personalized content. Content mapping helps marketers to create highly targeted content at every stage of the buyer’s journey, helping to nurture leads and prospects toward a purchase decision.
    • Describe “What’s in it for me?” to buyers. Remember that you aren’t your customer. Good content quickly answers the question “What’s in it for me?” (WIIFM) developed from the findings of the buyer persona. WIIFM-focused content engages a prospect within seven seconds.
    • Increase marketing ROI. Content marketing generates leads three times greater than traditional marketing (Patel, 2016).
    • Influence prospects. Investing in a new SaaS product isn’t something buyers do every day. In a new situation, people will often look to others to understand what they should do. Good content uses the principles of authority and social proof to build the core message of WIIFM. Authority can be conferred with awards and accolades, whereas social proof is given through testimonials, case studies, and data.
    • Build competitive advantage. Increase competitive advantage by providing content that aligns with the ideal client profile. Fifty-two percent of buyers said they were more likely to buy from a vendor after reading its content (1827 Marketing, 2022).
    Avoid value claiming. Leaders will use client testimonials as proof points because buyers believe peers more than they believe you.

    “… Since 95 percent of the people are imitators and only 5 percent initiators, people are persuaded more by the actions of others than by any proof we can offer. (Robert Cialdini, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion)

    Full slide: 'Message Map Architecture'.

    Full slide: 'Message Map Template' with field descriptions and notes.

    Full slide: 'Message Map Template' with field descriptions, no notes.

    Full slide: 'Message Map Template' with blank fields.

    Full slide: 'Message Map Template' with 'Website Example' filled in fields.

    Full slide: 'Website Example' the website as it appears online with labels on the locations of elements of the message map.

    Full slide: 'Website Example' the website as it appears online with labels on the locations of elements of the message map.

    Full slide: 'Website Example' the website as it appears online with labels on the locations of elements of the message map.

    Full slide: 'Website Example' the website as it appears online with labels on the locations of elements of the message map.

    Email & Social Post Example

    Use the message mapping architecture to create other types of content.

    Examples of emails and social media posts as they appear online with labels on the locations of elements of the message map.

    Insight Summary

    Create Content That Matters

    Marketing content that identifies the benefit of the product along with a deep understanding of the buyer pain points, desired value, and benefit proof-points is a key driver in delivering value to a prospect, thereby increasing marketing metrics such as open rates, time on site, page views, and click-through rates.

    What’s in It for Me?

    Most content has a focus on the product and the company. Content that lacks a true and deep understanding of the buyer suffers low engagement and low conversions. Our research shows that all content must answer ”What’s in it for me?” for a prospect.

    Social Proof & Authority

    Buyers that are faced with a new and unusual buying experience (such as purchasing SaaS) look at what others say about the product (social proof) and what experts say about the product (authority) to make buying decisions.

    Scarcity & Loss Framing

    Research shows that scarcity is a strong principle of influence that can be used in marketing messages. Loss framing is a variation of scarcity and can be used by outlining what a buyer will lose instead of what will be gained.

    Unify the Experience

    Use your message map to structure all customer-facing content across Sales, Product, and Marketing and create a unified and consistent experience across all touchpoints.

    Close the Gap

    SaaS marketers often find the gap between product and company-focused content and buyer-focused content to be so insurmountable that they never manage to overcome it without a framework like message mapping.

    Related SoftwareReviews Research

    Sample of 'Create a Buyer Persona and Journey' blueprint.

    Create a Buyer Persona and Journey

    Make it easier to market, sell, and achieve product-market fit with deeper buyer understanding.
    • Reduce time and treasure wasted chasing the wrong prospects.
    • Improve product-market fit.
    • Increase open and click-through rates in your lead gen engine.
    • Perform more effective sales discovery and increase eventual win rates.
    Sample of 'Diagnose Brand Health to Improve Business Growth' blueprint.

    Diagnose Brand Health to Improve Business Growth

    Have a significant and well-targeted impact on business success and growth by knowing how your brand performs, identifying areas of improvement, and making data-driven decisions to fix it.
    • Importance of brand is recognized, endorsed, and prioritized.
    • Support and resources allocated.
    • All relevant data and information collected in one place.
    • Ability to make data-driven recommendations and decisions on how to improve.
    Sample of 'Build a More Effective Go-to-Market Strategy' blueprint.

    Build a More Effective Go-to-Market Strategy

    Creating a compelling Go-to-Market strategy, and keeping it current, is a critical software company function – as important as financial strategy, sales operations, and even corporate business development – given its huge impact on the many drivers of sustainable growth.
    • Align stakeholders on a common vision and execution plan.
    • Build a foundation of buyer and competitive understanding.
    • Deliver a team-aligned launch plan that enables commercial success.


    Arakelyan, Artash. “How SaaS Companies Increase Their ROI With Content Marketing.”, 27 July 2018. Accessed July 2022.

    Bailyn, Evan. “Average Session Duration: Industry Benchmarks.” FirstPageSage, 16 March 2022. Accessed July 2022.

    Burstein, Daniel. “Marketing Research Chart: Average clickthrough rates by industry.” MarketingSherpa, 1 April 2014. Accessed July 2022.

    Cahoon, Sam. “Email Open Rates By Industry (& Other Top Email Benchmarks).” HubSpot, 10 June 2021. Accessed July 2022.

    Cialdini, Robert. Influence: Science and Practice. 5th ed. Pearson, 29 July 2008. Print.

    Cialdini, Robert. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. Revised ed. Harper Business, 26 Dec. 2006. Print.

    Content Marketing—Statistics, Evidence and Trends.” 1827 Marketing, 7 Jan. 2022. Accessed July 2022.

    Devaney, Erik. “Content Mapping 101: The Template You Need to Personalize Your Marketing.” HubSpot, 21 April 2022. Accessed July 2022.

    Hiscox Business Insurance. “Growing Your Business--and Protecting It Every Step of the Way.” 25 April 2022. Accessed July 2022.

    Hurley Hall, Sharon. “85 Content Marketing Statistics To Make You A Marketing Genius.” OptinMonster, 14 Jan. 2021. Accessed July 2022.

    Patel, Neil. “38 Content Marketing Stats That Every Marketer Needs to Know.”, 21 Jan. 2016. Web.

    Prater, Meg. “SaaS Sales: 7 Tips on Selling Software from a Top SaaS Company.” HubSpot, 9 June 2021. Web.

    Polykoff, Dave. “20 SaaS Content Marketing Statistics That Lead to MRR Growth in 2022.” Zenpost blog, 22 July 2022. Web.

    Rayson, Steve. “Content, Shares, and Links: Insights from Analyzing 1 Million Articles.” Moz, 8 Sept. 2015. Accessed July 2022.

    “SaaS Content Marketing: How to Measure Your SaaS Content’s Performance.” Ken Moo, 9 June 2022. Accessed July 2022.

    Taylor Gregory, Emily. “Content marketing challenges and how to overcome them.” Longitude, 14 June 2022. Accessed July 2022.

    Visitors Benchmarking Channels. Google Analytics, 2022. Accessed July 2022.

    WBR Insights. “Here's How the Relationship Between B2B Buying, Content, and Sales Reps Has Changed.” Worldwide Business Research, 2022. Accessed July 2022.

    “What’s a good bounce rate? (Here’s the average bounce rate for websites).”, 24 Feb. 2020. Accessed July 2022.

    Diagnose Brand Health to Improve Business Growth

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}564|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Marketing Solutions
    • Parent Category Link: /marketing-solutions
    • Low number and quality of leads generated, poor conversion rates, and declining customer retention and loyalty
    • Higher customer acquisition vs. marketing costs
    • Difficulties attracting and keeping talent, partners, and investors
    • Slow or low growth and devaluation of the brand due to low brand equity

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • The Brand: Intangible, yet a company’s most valuable asset.
    • Data-driven decisions for a strong brand.
    • Investing in brand-building efforts means investing in your success.

    Impact and Result

    • Increase brand awareness and equity.
    • Build trust and improve customer retention and loyalty.
    • Achieve higher and faster growth.

    Diagnose Brand Health to Improve Business Growth Research & Tools

    Diagnose Brand Health to Improve Business Growth Executive Brief – A deck to help diagnose brand health to improve business growth.

    In this executive brief, you will discover the importance of a strong brand on the valuation, growth, and sustainability of your company. You will also learn about SoftwareReviews' approach to assessing current performance and gaining visibility into areas of improvement.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Brand Diagnostic and Analysis Tool Kit

    A comprehensive set of tools to gather and interpret qualitative and quantitative brand performance metrics.

    • Brand Diagnostic Tool - Digital Metrics Analysis Template
    • Brand Diagnostic Tool - Financial Metrics Analysis Template
    • Brand Diagnostic Tool Survey and Interview Questionnaires and Lists Template
    • Survey Emails Best Practices Guidelines
    • Brand Diagnostic Tool - External and Internal Factors Metrics Analysis Template

    2. Brand Diagnostic Executive Presentation

    Fully customizable, pre-built PowerPoint presentation template to communicate the results of the brand performance diagnostic, areas of improvement and trends, as well as your recommendations. It will also allow you to identify and align executive members and key stakeholders on next steps, and set priorities.

    • Brand Diagnostic - Executive Presentation Template


    Further reading

    Diagnose Brand Health to Improve Business Growth

    Have a significant and well-targeted impact on business success and growth by knowing how your brand performs, identifying areas of improvement, and making data-driven decisions to fix it.


    SoftwareReviews is a division of Info-Tech Research Group Inc., a world-class IT research and consulting firm established in 1997.
    Backed by two decades of IT research and advisory experience, SoftwareReviews offers the most comprehensive insight into the enterprise software landscape and client-vendor relationships.

    Analyst Perspective

    Brand Diagnostic and Monitoring

    In the ever-changing market landscape in which businesses operate, it is imperative to ensure that the brand stays top of mind and quickly adapts. Having a good understanding of where the brand stands and how it performs has become crucial for any company to stand out from its competitors and succeed in a crowded and very dynamic market.

    Unfortunately, the brand does not always receive the attention and importance it deserves, leaving it vulnerable to becoming outdated and unclear to the target audience and to losing its equity.

    Knowing how the brand is perceived, as opposed to how individuals within an organization perceive it, addressing any brand-related issues in a timely manner, and implementing processes to continuously monitor its performance have become key tactics for any company that wants to thrive in today's highly competitive market.

    Photo of Nathalie Vezina, Marketing Research Director, SoftwareReviews Advisory.

    Nathalie Vezina
    Marketing Research Director
    SoftwareReviews Advisory

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    Because it is vulnerable to becoming outdated and unclear to the target audience and to losing its equity, it is essential to ensure that the brand is performing well and to be attentive to these signs of a weakened brand:

    • Low number and quality of leads generated, poor conversion rates, and declining customer retention and loyalty
    • Lack of understanding of the value proposition; lack of interest and interaction with the brand
    • Higher customer acquisition/marketing costs
    • Difficulties attracting and keeping talent, partners, or future investors
    • Low/slow growth; devaluation of the brand due to low brand equity
    Common Obstacles

    Building a strong brand is an everyday challenge, and brand leaders often face what may seem like overwhelming obstacles in achieving their goal. Here are some of the roadblocks they regularly face:

    • Limited visibility on brand perception and overall performance
    • Insufficient supporting information to make clear, undisputable data-driven decisions and convince key stakeholders how to improve brand performance
    • Limited resources (time, budget, headcount, tools) to diagnose, measure, and execute
    • Stakeholders may not be fully aware of the benefits of a strong brand and the impacts that a weak brand can have on the overall performance of the business
    SoftwareReviews’ Approach

    This SoftwareReviews blueprint provides the guidance and tools required to perform a thorough brand diagnostic and enable brand leaders to:

    • Know how the brand performs; pinpoint gaps and areas for improvement
    • Make clear, data-driven recommendations and decisions on how to fix and optimize the brand
    • Communicate, convince key stakeholders, and align on proposed solutions to optimize the brand’s performance
    • Continuously monitor and optimize the brand

    SoftwareReviews Advisory Insight

    The brand is a company’s most valuable asset that should never fall into disrepair. In fact, business leaders should ensure that at least half of their marketing budget is allocated to brand-building efforts.

    What is a brand?

    The brand – both intangible and the most valuable asset for businesses.

    Despite its intangible nature, the brand is at the heart of every business, small and large, around which rotates what drives business success and growth.

    While measuring its real value on the marketplace can be difficult, a brand with high salience will attract and retain customers for as long as it keeps evolving and adapting to its dynamic environment.

    Up to 90% of the total market value of companies is based on intangible assets, such as brand recognition. (Source: Ocean Tomo, 2020)

    Multiple bubbles with the biggest bubble highlighted and labelled 'BRAND'. The other bubbles say 'IDENTITY', 'LOYALTY', 'TRUST', 'STRATEGY', 'GROWTH', 'AWARENESS', and 'VALUE'.

    What makes a brand strong?

    Perception Matters

    The brand reflects the image of a company or a product. The values it conveys and how it’s being perceived have a direct impact on a brand's ability to stand out and grow.

    A brand is strong when it:

    • Projects a positive image
    • Has a clear positioning and value proposition
    • Is authentic and inspiring
    • Conveys values that resonates
    • Is socially engaged
    • Builds awareness
    • Is consistent
    • Delivers on its promise
    • Inspires trust
    “In the past, a brand is what a company told you it was. Today, a brand is what people tell each other it is.” (Source: Mark Schaefer, 2019)

    Investing in building a brand, a top priority for businesses

    Company Valuation

    Branding has become a top priority for companies to increase the value of their business in the marketplace. A good market value is essential to attract and retain investors, obtain future rounds of financing, grow by acquisition, and find buyers.

    The more equity a brand gains, the higher its market value, despite the company’s annual revenue. While annual revenue is factored in the equation, the equity of the brand has a greater impact on the market value. A brand whose market value is lower than its revenue is an important indicator that the brand is weakened and needs to be addressed.

    Revenue and Growth

    Most successful companies are investing heavily in building their brand, and for good reason. A strong brand will deliver the right messaging, and a unique and clear value proposition will resonate with its audience and directly impact customer acquisition costs, outperform competition, enable higher pricing, and increase sales volume and customer lifetime value.

    A strong brand also helps develop partner channels, attract and engage high-value partners, and allow for actionable and incremental KPIs.

    Talent Acquisition and Retention

    Brands with strong values are more attractive to highly skilled talent without having to offer above-market salaries. In addition, when a brand inspires pride and shares common values with employees, it increases their motivation and the company’s retention rate.

    Retaining employees within the company allows for the development of talent and retention of knowledge within the organization, thus contributing to the sustainability of the organization.

    It's no wonder that employer branding has become an essential element of human resources strategies.

    “Sustainable Living Brands are growing 69% faster than the rest of the business and delivering 75% of the company’s growth.” (Source: Unilever, 2019, qtd. in Deloitte, 2021)

    Symptoms of a weakened brand

    Know if your brand is suffering and needs to be fixed.

    Brand leaders experiencing one or more of these brand-related symptoms should consider rebranding or optimizing their brand:
    • Low number and quality of leads generated, poor conversion rates, and declining customer retention and loyalty
    • Higher customer acquisition vs. marketing costs
    • Difficulties attracting and keeping talent, partners, and investors
    • Slow or low growth and devaluation of the brand due to low brand equity

    With visibility into your brand and the supporting data that provides a thorough diagnostic of the brand, combined with ongoing brand performance monitoring, you will have all the information you need to help you drive the brand forward, have a significant impact on business growth, and stand out as a brand leader.

    The largest software companies have an average market cap of 18X their revenue (Source: Companies Market Cap, May 2022)

    Building a strong brand, an everyday challenge

    Brand leaders are often faced with overwhelming obstacles in building a strong brand.

    Limited visibility on brand perception and overall performance Insufficient information to make clear, undisputable data-driven decisions and convince key stakeholders how to improve brand performance Stock image of a person pulling a boulder.
    Misunderstanding of the benefits of a strong brand and negative impacts of a weak brand on business valuation and growth Limited resources (time, budget, headcount, tools) to diagnose, measure, and execute
    of businesses have a B2B brand program in place for measuring brand perceptions. (Source: B2B International, 2016) Only
    of B2B marketing teams measure the impact of their marketing/brand building efforts beyond six months. (Source: LinkedIn’s B2B Institute, 2019) 50%
    of marketing budget is what successful brands spend on average on brand-building efforts. (Source: Les Binet and Peter Field, 2018)
    82% of investors say name recognition is an important factor guiding them in their investment decisions. (Source: Global Banking & Finance Review, 2018) 77% of B2B marketers say branding is crucial for growth. (Source: Circle Research)

    Making brand performance visible

    Implement data-driven strategies and make fact-based decisions to continuously optimize brand performance.

    Diagnose your brand’s health
    Know how your brand is being perceived and have visibility on its performance.
    Cycle titled 'BRAND' with steps 'Diagnose', 'Identify', 'Fix', 'Keep Monitoring' and back to 'Diagnose'. Identify trends and areas of improvement
    Rely on undisputable and reliable data to make clear decisions and educate and communicate with key stakeholders.
    Keep monitoring your brand’s performance
    Stay on top of the game and keep away competitors by continuously monitoring your brand’s health.
    Fix issues with your brand in a timely manner
    Don’t lose the momentum. Achieve better results and have a greater impact on your success and chances to grow.

    Qualitative and quantitative brand performance measures

    Segmented by SoftwareReviews Advisory into three categories for a comprehensive diagnostic.

    Icon of a megaphone. Icon of a head with puzzle pieces. Icon of coins.
    Brand Equity
    • Awareness
    • Perception
    • Positioning
    • Recognition/recall
    • Trust
    Buyer’s Behavior
    • Interaction with the brand
    • Preference
    • Purchase intent
    • Product reviews
    • Social engagement
    • Website traffic
    • Lead generation
    • Revenue
    • Profit margin
    • Customer lifetime value (CLV)
    • Customer acquisition cost (CAC)
    • Intangible asset market value (IAMV)

    Benefits of a strong and healthy brand

    A healthy brand is the foundation of your success.

    Ensure a better understanding of the value proposition and positioning Drive more interest, interaction, and traction Increase brand awareness and equity Generate higher number and quality of leads
    Achieve higher and faster conversion rate Build trust and improve customer retention and loyalty Attract and keep talent, partners, and investors Achieve higher and faster growth

    Visual explaining the brand diagnostic methodology: 1. data collection and analysis; and 2. presentation and alignment. Outcomes: gain visibility into the brand's performance, highlight areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions.

    Who benefits from diagnosing the brand?

    This Research Is Designed for:

    Brand leaders who are looking to:

    • Detect and monitor brand performance, issues, trends, and areas of improvement
    • Optimize and fix their brand
    • Develop strategies, and make recommendations and decisions based on facts
    • Get the support they need from key stakeholders
    This Research Will Help You:
    • Get the visibility you need on your brand’s performance
    • Pinpoint brand issues, trends, and areas of improvement
    • Develop data-driven strategies, and make recommendations and decisions based on facts
    • Communicate with and convince key stakeholders
    • Get the support you need from key stakeholders
    • Put in place new diagnostic and monitoring processes to continually improve your brand
    This Research Will Also Assist:
    • Sales with qualified lead generation and customer retention and loyalty
    • Human Resources in their efforts to attract and retain talent
    • The overall business with growth and increased market value
    This Research Will Help Them:
    • Have a better understanding of the importance of a strong brand on business growth and valuation
    • Align on next steps

    SoftwareReviews’ Brand Diagnostic Methodology

    0. Communication & Alignment 1. Data Collection 2. Data Analysis & Interpretation 3. Report & Presentation
    Phase Steps
    1. Engage and unify the team
    2. Communicate and present
    3. Align on next steps
    1. Identify and document internal and external changes affecting the brand
    2. Conduct internal and external brand perception surveys
    3. Gather customer loyalty feedback
    4. Collect digital performance metrics
    1. Analyze data collected
    2. Identify issues, trends, gaps, and inconsistencies
    3. Compare data with current brand statement
    1. Build report with recommendations
    2. Prioritize brand fixes from high to low positive impact
    3. Build presentation
    Phase Outcomes
    • Importance of the brand is recognized
    • Endorsement and prioritization
    • Support and resources
    • All relevant data/information is collected in one place
    • Visibility on the performance of the brand
    • All the data in hand to support recommendations and make informed decisions
    • Visibility and clear understanding of the brand’s health and how to fix or improve its performance

    Insight summary

    The Brand: Intangible, yet a company’s most valuable asset

    Intangible assets, such as brand recognition, account for almost all of a company’s value.1 Despite its intangible nature, the brand is at the heart of every business and has a direct impact on business growth, profitability, and revenue. While measuring its real value on the marketplace can be difficult, a brand with high traction will attract customers and keep them for as long as it keeps evolving and adapting to its dynamic environment.

    Making brand issues visible

    Having a clear understanding of how the brand performs has become crucial for any company that wants to stand out from its competitors and succeed in a crowded and highly dynamic marketplace.

    Data-driven decisions for a strong brand

    Intuition-based or uninformed decisions are obsolete. Brand leaders must base their decisions on facts to be able to convince key stakeholders.

    Building a strong brand, an everyday challenge

    Brand leaders often face overwhelming obstacles building strong brands. They need guidance and tools to support them to drive the business forward.

    Get team buy-in and alignment

    Brand leaders must ensure that the key stakeholders are aware of the importance of a strong brand to business growth and value increase and that they are aligned and committed to the efforts required to build a successful brand.

    Investing in brand-building efforts means investing in your success

    Successful business leaders allocate at least half of their marketing budget2 to brand-building efforts, enabling them to set themselves apart, significantly increase their market share, grow their business, and thrive in a highly competitive marketplace.

    Guided Implementation

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with a SoftwareReviews Marketing Analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    Your engagement managers will work with you to schedule analyst calls.

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    Brand Diagnostic

    Data Analysis & Interpretation

    Report & Presentation Building

    Communication & Alignment

    Call #1: Discuss concept and benefits of performing a brand diagnostic. Identify key stakeholders. Anticipate concerns and objections.

    Call #2: Discuss how to use the tool. Identify resources and internal support needed.

    Call #3: Review results. Discuss how to identify brand issues, areas of improvement, and trends based on data collected and to interpret key metrics.

    Call #4 (optional): Continue discussion from call #3.

    Call #5: Discuss recommendations and best practices to fix the issues identified and resources required.

    Call #6: Discuss purpose and how to build the report and presentation, Prioritize the brand fixes from high to low positive impact.

    Call #7 (optional): Follow up with call on report and presentation preparation.

    Call #8: Discuss key points to focus on when presenting to key stakeholders and the desired outcome.

    Call #9: Discuss how to leverage brand diagnostic tools now in place and the benefits of continuously monitoring the brand.

    Call #10: Debrief and determine how we can help with next steps.

    Key deliverable:

    Blueprint deliverables

    Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals:

    Brand Diagnostic Presentation Template

    Sample of the key deliverable, the Brand Diagnostic Presentation Template.

    Pre-built and fully customizable PowerPoint template to communicate key findings, areas of improvements, and recommendations to key stakeholders, align on next steps, and prioritize.

    Brand Diagnostic Report Dashboard

    Sample of the Brand Diagnostic Report Dashboard deliverable.

    Auto-filling dashboard built into the Brand Diagnostic Tool Kit. Ready to be saved and shared as a PDF.

    Brand Diagnostic Tool Kit

    Sample of the Brand Diagnostic Tool Kit deliverable.

    Comprehensive Excel Workbook to gather and interpret brand performance metrics. Includes survey questionnaires.


    “71% of Consumers More Likely to Buy a Product or Service From a Name They Recognise.” Global Banking & Finance Review, 5 December 2018. Web.

    B2B Marketing Leaders Report. Circle Research, n.d. Web.

    Binet, Les, and Peter Field. Effectiveness In Context: A manual for Brand Building. Institute of Practitioners in Advertising, 12 October 2018. Ebook.

    “Current Trends in the World of B2B Marketing, 2016 Survey.” B2B International, 2016. Web.

    Intangible Asset Market Value Study. Ocean Tomo, July 2020. Web.

    Largest Software Companies By Market Cap. Companies Market Cap, May 2022. Web.

    “Unilever, purpose-led brands outperform.” Unilever, 6 October 2019. Web. qtd. in Kounkel, Suzanne, Amy Silverstein, and Kathleen Peeters. “2021 Global Marketing Trends.” Deloitte Insights, 2020. Web.

    Schaefer, Mark. “The Future Of Branding Is Human Impressions.” Mark Schaefer Blog, 3 June 2019. Web.

    The 5 Principles Of Growth In B2B Marketing - Empirical Observations on B2B Effectiveness. LinkedIn B2B Institute, 2019. Web.

    Visual explaining the brand diagnostic methodology: 1. data collection and analysis; and 2. presentation and alignment. Outcomes: gain visibility into the brand's performance, highlight areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions.

    Who benefits from diagnosing the brand?

    This Research Is Designed for:

    Brand leaders who are looking to:

    • Detect and monitor brand performance, issues, trends, and areas of improvement
    • Optimize and fix their brand
    • Develop strategies, and make recommendations and decisions based on facts
    • Get the support they need from key stakeholders
    This Research Will Help You:
    • Get the visibility you need on your brand’s performance
    • Pinpoint brand issues, trends, and areas of improvement
    • Develop data-driven strategies, and make recommendations and decisions based on facts
    • Communicate with and convince key stakeholders
    • Get the support you need from key stakeholders
    • Put in place new diagnostic and monitoring processes to continually improve your brand
    This Research Will Also Assist:
    • Sales with qualified lead generation and customer retention and loyalty
    • Human Resources in their efforts to attract and retain talent
    • The overall business with growth and increased market value
    This Research Will Help Them:
    • Have a better understanding of the importance of a strong brand on business growth and valuation
    • Align on next steps

    SoftwareReviews’ Brand Diagnostic Methodology

    0. Communication & Alignment 1. Data Collection 2. Data Analysis & Interpretation 3. Report & Presentation
    Phase Steps
    1. Engage and unify the team
    2. Communicate and present
    3. Align on next steps
    1. Identify and document internal and external changes affecting the brand
    2. Conduct internal and external brand perception surveys
    3. Gather customer loyalty feedback
    4. Collect digital performance metrics
    1. Analyze data collected
    2. Identify issues, trends, gaps, and inconsistencies
    3. Compare data with current brand statement
    1. Build report with recommendations
    2. Prioritize brand fixes from high to low positive impact
    3. Build presentation
    Phase Outcomes
    • Importance of the brand is recognized
    • Endorsement and prioritization
    • Support and resources
    • All relevant data/information is collected in one place
    • Visibility on the performance of the brand
    • All the data in hand to support recommendations and make informed decisions
    • Visibility and clear understanding of the brand’s health and how to fix or improve its performance

    Insight summary

    The Brand: Intangible, yet a company’s most valuable asset

    Intangible assets, such as brand recognition, account for almost all of a company’s value.1 Despite its intangible nature, the brand is at the heart of every business and has a direct impact on business growth, profitability, and revenue. While measuring its real value on the marketplace can be difficult, a brand with high traction will attract customers and keep them for as long as it keeps evolving and adapting to its dynamic environment.

    Making brand issues visible

    Having a clear understanding of how the brand performs has become crucial for any company that wants to stand out from its competitors and succeed in a crowded and highly dynamic marketplace.

    Data-driven decisions for a strong brand

    Intuition-based or uninformed decisions are obsolete. Brand leaders must base their decisions on facts to be able to convince key stakeholders.

    Building a strong brand, an everyday challenge

    Brand leaders often face overwhelming obstacles building strong brands. They need guidance and tools to support them to drive the business forward.

    Get team buy-in and alignment

    Brand leaders must ensure that the key stakeholders are aware of the importance of a strong brand to business growth and value increase and that they are aligned and committed to the efforts required to build a successful brand.

    Investing in brand-building efforts means investing in your success

    Successful business leaders allocate at least half of their marketing budget2 to brand-building efforts, enabling them to set themselves apart, significantly increase their market share, grow their business, and thrive in a highly competitive marketplace.

    Guided Implementation

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with a SoftwareReviews Marketing Analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    Your engagement managers will work with you to schedule analyst calls.

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    Brand Diagnostic

    Data Analysis & Interpretation

    Report & Presentation Building

    Communication & Alignment

    Call #1: Discuss concept and benefits of performing a brand diagnostic. Identify key stakeholders. Anticipate concerns and objections.

    Call #2: Discuss how to use the tool. Identify resources and internal support needed.

    Call #3: Review results. Discuss how to identify brand issues, areas of improvement, and trends based on data collected and to interpret key metrics.

    Call #4 (optional): Continue discussion from call #3.

    Call #5: Discuss recommendations and best practices to fix the issues identified and resources required.

    Call #6: Discuss purpose and how to build the report and presentation, Prioritize the brand fixes from high to low positive impact.

    Call #7 (optional): Follow up with call on report and presentation preparation.

    Call #8: Discuss key points to focus on when presenting to key stakeholders and the desired outcome.

    Call #9: Discuss how to leverage brand diagnostic tools now in place and the benefits of continuously monitoring the brand.

    Call #10: Debrief and determine how we can help with next steps.

    Key deliverable:

    Blueprint deliverables

    Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals:

    Brand Diagnostic Presentation Template

    Sample of the key deliverable, the Brand Diagnostic Presentation Template.

    Pre-built and fully customizable PowerPoint template to communicate key findings, areas of improvements, and recommendations to key stakeholders, align on next steps, and prioritize.

    Brand Diagnostic Report Dashboard

    Sample of the Brand Diagnostic Report Dashboard deliverable.

    Auto-filling dashboard built into the Brand Diagnostic Tool Kit. Ready to be saved and shared as a PDF.

    Brand Diagnostic Tool Kit

    Sample of the Brand Diagnostic Tool Kit deliverable.

    Comprehensive Excel Workbook to gather and interpret brand performance metrics. Includes survey questionnaires.


    “71% of Consumers More Likely to Buy a Product or Service From a Name They Recognise.” Global Banking & Finance Review, 5 December 2018. Web.

    B2B Marketing Leaders Report. Circle Research, n.d. Web.

    Binet, Les, and Peter Field. Effectiveness In Context: A manual for Brand Building. Institute of Practitioners in Advertising, 12 October 2018. Ebook.

    “Current Trends in the World of B2B Marketing, 2016 Survey.” B2B International, 2016. Web.

    Intangible Asset Market Value Study. Ocean Tomo, July 2020. Web.

    Largest Software Companies By Market Cap. Companies Market Cap, May 2022. Web.

    “Unilever, purpose-led brands outperform.” Unilever, 6 October 2019. Web. qtd. in Kounkel, Suzanne, Amy Silverstein, and Kathleen Peeters. “2021 Global Marketing Trends.” Deloitte Insights, 2020. Web.

    Schaefer, Mark. “The Future Of Branding Is Human Impressions.” Mark Schaefer Blog, 3 June 2019. Web.

    The 5 Principles Of Growth In B2B Marketing - Empirical Observations on B2B Effectiveness. LinkedIn B2B Institute, 2019. Web.

    The First 100 Days as CISO

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}248|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: 50 Average Days Saved
    • member rating average days saved: After each Info-Tech experience, we ask our members to quantify the real-time savings, monetary impact, and project improvements our research helped them achieve.
    • Parent Category Name: Security Strategy & Budgeting
    • Parent Category Link: /security-strategy-and-budgeting
    • Make a good first impression at your new job.
    • Obtain guidance on how you should approach the first 100 days.
    • Assess the current state of the security program and recommend areas of improvement and possible solutions.
    • Develop a high-level security strategy in three months.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Every CISO needs to follow Info-Tech’s five-step approach to truly succeed in their new position. The meaning and expectations of a CISO role will differ from organization to organization and person to person, however, the approach to the new position will be relatively the same.
    • Eighty percent of your time will be spent listening. The first 100 days of the CISO role is an information gathering exercise that will involve several conversations with different stakeholders and business divisions. Leverage this collaborative time to understand the business, its internal and external operations, and its people. Unequivocally, active listening will build company trust and help you to build an information security vision that reflects that of the business strategy.
    • Start “working” before you actually start the job. This involves finding out as much information about the company before officially being an employee. Investigate the company website and leverage available organizational documents and initial discussions to better understand your employer’s leadership, company culture ,and business model.

    Impact and Result

    • Hit the ground running with Info-Tech’s ready-made agenda vetted by CISO professionals to impress your colleagues and superiors.
    • Gather details needed to understand the organization (i.e. people, process, technology) and determine the current state of the security program.
    • Track and assess high-level security gaps using Info-Tech’s diagnostic tools and compare yourself to your industry’s vertical using benchmarking data.
    • Deliver an executive presentation that shows key findings obtained from your security evaluation.

    The First 100 Days as CISO Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why the first 100 days of being a CISO is a crucial time to be strategic. Review Info-Tech’s methodology and discover our five-step approach to CISO success.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Prepare

    Review previous communications to prepare for your first day.

    • CISO Diary
    • Introduction Sheet

    2. Build relationships

    Understand how the business operates and develop meaningful relationships with your sphere of influence.

    3. Inventory components of the business

    Inventory company assets to know what to protect.

    4. Assess security posture

    Evaluate the security posture of the organization by leveraging Info-Tech’s IT Security diagnostic program.

    • Diagnostic Benchmarks: Security Governance & Management Scorecard
    • Diagnostic Benchmarks: Security Business Satisfaction Report

    5. Deliver plan

    Communicate your security vision to business stakeholders.

    • The First 100 Days as CISO Executive Presentation Template
    • The First 100 Days as CISO Executive Presentation Example

    Define Service Desk Metrics That Matter

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}491|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Service Desk
    • Parent Category Link: /service-desk
    • Consolidate your metrics and assign context and actions to ones currently tracked.
    • Establish tension metrics to see and tell the whole story.
    • Split your metrics for each stakeholder group. Assign proper cadences for measurements as a first step to building an effective dashboard.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Identify the metrics that serve a real purpose and eliminate the rest. Establish a formal review process to ensure metrics are still valid, continue to provide the answers needed, and are at a manageable and usable level.

    Impact and Result

    • Tracking goal- and action-based metrics allows you to make meaningful, data-driven decisions for your service desk. You can establish internal benchmarks to set your own baselines.
    • Predefining the audience and cadence of each metric allows you to construct targeted dashboards to aid your metrics analysis.

    Define Service Desk Metrics That Matter Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Define Service Desk Metrics That Matter Storyboard – A deck that shows you how to look beyond benchmarks and rely on internal metrics to drive success.

    Deciding which service desk metrics to track and how to analyze them can be daunting. Use this deck to narrow down your goal-oriented metrics as a starting point and set your own benchmarks.

    • Define Service Desk Metrics That Matter Storyboard

    2. Service Desk Metrics Workbook – A tool to organize your service desk metrics.

    For each metric, consider adding the relevant overall goal, audience, cadence, and action. Use the audience and cadence of the metric to split your tracked metrics into various dashboards. Your final list of metrics and reports can be added to your service desk SOP.

    • Service Desk Metrics Workbook

    Further reading

    Define Service Desk Metrics That Matter

    Look beyond benchmarks and rely on internal metrics to drive success.

    Analyst Perspective

    Don’t get paralyzed by benchmarks when establishing metrics

    When establishing a suite of metrics to track, it’s tempting to start with the metrics measured by other organizations. Naturally, benchmarking will enter the conversation. While benchmarking is useful, measuring you organization against others with a lack of context will only highlight your failures. Furthermore, benchmarks will highlight the norm or common practice. It does not necessarily highlight best practice.

    Keeping the limitations of benchmarking in mind, establish your own metrics suite with action-based metrics. Define the audience, cadence, and actions for each metric you track and pair them with business goals. Measure only what you need to.

    Slowly improve your metrics process over time and analyze your environment using your own data as your benchmark.

    Benedict Chang

    Research Analyst, Infrastructure & Operations

    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    • Measure the business value provided by the service desk.
    • Consolidate your metrics and assign context and actions to ones currently tracked.
    • Establish tension metrics to see and tell the whole story.
    • Split your metrics for each stakeholder group. Assign proper cadences for measurements as a first step to building an effective dashboard or effective dashboards.

    Common Obstacles

    • Becoming too focused on benchmarks or unidimensional metrics (e.g. cost, first-contact resolution, time to resolve) can lead to misinterpretation of the data and poorly informed actions.
    • Sifting through the many sources of data post hoc can lead to stalling in data analysis or slow reaction times to poor metrics.
    • Dashboards can quickly become cluttered with uninformative metrics, thus reducing the signal-to-noise ratio of meaningful data.

    Info-Tech's Approach

    • Use metrics that drive productive change and improvement. Track only what you need to report on.
    • Ensure each metric aligns with the desired business goal, is action-based, and includes the answers to what, why, how, and who.
    • Establish internal benchmarks by analyzing the trends from your own data to set baselines.
    • Act on the results of your metrics by adjusting targets and measuring success.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Identify the metrics that serve a real purpose and eliminate the rest. Establish a formal review process to ensure metrics are still valid, continue to provide the answers needed, and are at a manageable and usable level.

    Improve your metrics to align IT with strategic business goals

    The right metrics can tell the business how hard IT works and how well they perform.

    • Only 19% of CXOs feel that their organization is effective at measuring the success of IT projects with their current metrics.
    • Implementing the proper metrics can facilitate communication between the business division and IT practice.
    • The proper metrics can help IT know what issues the business has and how the CEO and CIO should tackle them.
    • If the goals above resonate with your organization, our blueprint Take Control of Infrastructure and Operations Metrics will take you through the right steps.

    Current Metrics Suite

    19% Effective

    36% Some Improvement Necessary

    45% Significant Improvement Necessary

    Source: Info-Tech Research Group’s CEO/CIO Alignment Diagnostic, 2019; N=622

    CXOs stress that value is the most critical area for IT to improve in reporting

    • You most likely have to improve your metrics suite by addressing business value.
    • Over 80% of organizations say they need improvement to their business value metrics, with 32% of organizations reporting that significant improvement is needed.
    • Of course, measuring metrics for service desk operations is important, but don’t forget business-oriented metrics such as measuring knowledgebase articles written for shift-left enablement, cost (time and money) of service desk tickets, and overall end-user satisfaction.

    The image shows a bar graph with percentages on the Y-Acis, and the following categories on the X-Axis: Business value metrics; Stakeholder satisfaction reporting; Risk metrics; Technology performance & operating metrics; Cost & Salary metrics; and Ad hoc feedback from executives and staff. Each bar is split into two sections, with the blue section marked a Significant Improvement Necessary, and the purple section labelled Some Improvement necessary. Two sections are highlighted with red circles: Business Value metrics--32% blue; 52% purple; and Technology performance & operating metrics--23% blue and 51% purple.

    Source: Info-Tech Research Group’s CEO/CIO Alignment Diagnostic, 2019; N=622

    Benchmarking used in isolation will not tell the whole story

    Benchmarks can be used as a step in the metrics process

    They can be the first step to reach an end goal, but if benchmarks are observed in isolation, it will only highlight your failures.

    Benchmarking relies on standardized models

    This does not account for all the unique variables that make up an IT organization.

    For example, benchmarks that include cost and revenue may include organizations that prioritize first-call resolution (FCR), but the variables that make up this benchmark model will be quite different within your own organization.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Benchmarks reflect the norm and common practice, not best practice.

    Benchmarks are open to interpretation

    Taking the time to establish proper metrics is often more valuable time spent than going down the benchmark rabbit hole.

    Being above or below the norm is neither a good nor a bad thing.

    Determining what the results mean for you depends on what’s being measured and the unique factors, characteristics, and priorities in your organization.

    If benchmark data is a priority within your IT organization, you may look up organizations like MetricNet, but keep the following in mind:

    Review the collected benchmark data

    See where IT organizations in your industry typically stand in relation to the overall benchmark.

    Assess the gaps

    Large gaps between yourself and the overall benchmark could indicate areas for improvement or celebration. Use the data to focus your analysis, develop deeper self-awareness, and prioritize areas for potential concern.

    Benchmarks are only guidelines

    The benchmark source data may not come from true peers in every sense. Each organization is different, so always explore your unique context when interpreting any findings.

    Rely on internal metrics to measure and improve performance

    Measure internal metrics over time to define goals and drive real improvement

    • Internally measured metrics are more reliable because they provide information about your actual performance over time. This allows for targeted improvements and objective measurements of your milestones.
    • Whether a given metric is the right one for your service desk will depend on several different factors, including:
      • The maturity and capability of your service desk processes
      • The volume of service requests and incidents
      • The complexity of your environment when resolving tickets
      • The degree to which your end users are comfortable with self-service

    Take Info-Tech’s approach to metrics management

    Use metrics that drive productive change and improvement. Track only what you need to report on.

    Ensure each metric aligns with the desired business goal, is action-based, and includes the answers to what, why, how, and who.

    Establish internal benchmarks by analyzing the trends from your own data to set baselines.

    Act on the results of your metrics by adjusting targets and measuring success.

    Define action-based metrics to cut down on analysis paralysis

    Every metric needs to be backed with the following criteria:

    • Defining audience, cadence, goal, and action for each metric allows you to keep your tracked metrics to a minimum while maximizing the value.
    • The audience and cadence of each metric may allow you to define targeted dashboards.

    Audience - Who is this metric tracked for?

    Goal - Why are you tracking this metric? This can be defined along with the CSFs and KPIs.

    Cadence - How often are you going to view, analyze, and action this metric?

    Action - What will you do if this metric spikes, dips, trends up, or trends down?

    Activity 1. Define your critical success factors and key performance indicators

    Critical success factors (CSFs) are high-level goals that help you define the direction of your service desk. Key performance indicators (KPIs) can be treated as the trend of metrics that will indicate that you are moving in the direction of your CSFs. These will help narrow the data you have to track and action (metrics).

    CSFs, or your overall goals, typically revolve around three aspects of the service desk: time spent on tickets, resources spent on tickets, and the quality of service provided.

    1. As a group, brainstorm the CSFs and the KPIs that will help narrow your metrics. Use the Service Desk Metrics Workbook to record the results.
    2. Look at the example to the right as a starting point.

    Example metrics:

    Critical success factor Key performance indicator
    High End-User Satisfaction Increasing CSAT score on transactional surveys
    High end-user satisfaction score
    Proper resolution of tickets
    Low time to resolve
    Low Cost per Ticket Decreasing cost per ticket (due to efficient resolution, FCR, automation, self-service, etc.)
    Improve Access to Self-Service (tangential to improve customer service) High utilization of knowledgebase
    High utilization of portal

    Download the Service Desk Metrics Workbook

    Activity 2. Define action-based metrics that align with your KPIs and CSFs

    1. Now that you have defined your goals, continue to fill the workbook by choosing metrics that align with those goals.
    2. Use the chart below as a guide. For every metric, define the cadence of measurement, audience of the metric, and action associated with the metric. There may be multiple metrics for each KPI.
    3. If you find you are unable to define the cadence, audience, or action associated with a metric, you may not need to track the metric in the first place. Alternatively, if you find that you may action a metric in the future, you can decide to start gathering data now.

    Example metrics:

    Critical success factor Key performance indicator Metric Cadence Audience Action
    High End-User Satisfaction Increasing CSAT score on transactional surveys Monthly average of ticket satisfaction scores Monthly Management Action low scores immediately, view long-term trends
    High end-user satisfaction score Average end-user satisfaction score from annual survey Annually IT Leadership View IT satisfaction trends to align IT with business direction
    Proper resolution of tickets Number of tickets reopened Weekly Service Desk Technicians Action reopened tickets, look for training opportunities
    SLA breach rate Daily Service Desk Technicians Action reopened tickets, look for training opportunities
    Low time to resolve Average TTR (incidents) Weekly Management Look for trends to monitor resources
    Average TTR by priority Weekly Management Look for TTR solve rates to align with SLA
    Average TTR by tier Weekly Management Look for improperly escalated tickets or shift-left opportunities

    Download the Service Desk Metrics Workbook

    Activity 3. Define the data ownership, metric viability, and dashboards

    1. For each metric, define where the data is housed. Ideally, the data is directly in the ticketing tool or ITSM tool. This will make it easy to pull and analyze.
    2. Determine how difficult the metric will be to pull or track. If the effort is high, decide if the value of tracking the metric is worth the hassle of gathering it.
    3. Lastly, for each metric, use the cadence and audience to place the metric in a reporting dashboard. This will help divide your metrics and make them easier to report and action.
    4. You may use the output of this exercise to add your tracked metrics to your service desk SOP.
    5. A full suite of metrics can be found in our Infrastructure & Operations Metrics Library in the Take Control of Infrastructure Metrics Storyboard. The metrics have been categorized by low, medium, and advanced capabilities for you.

    Example metrics:

    Metric Who Owns the Data? Efforts to Track? Dashboards
    Monthly average of ticket satisfaction scores Service Desk Low Monthly Management Meeting
    Average end-user satisfaction score Service Desk Low Leadership Meeting
    Number of tickets reopened Service Desk Low Weekly Technician Standup
    SLA breach rate Service Desk Low Daily Technician Standup
    Average TTR (incidents) Service Desk Low Weekly Technician Standup
    Average TTR by priority Service Desk Low Weekly Technician Standup
    Average TTR by tier Service Desk Low Weekly Technician Standup
    Average TTR (SRs) Service Desk Low Weekly Technician Standup
    Number of tickets reopened Service Desk Low Daily Technician Standup

    Download the Service Desk Metrics Workbook

    Keep the following considerations in mind when defining which metrics matter

    Keep the customer in mind

    Metrics are typically focused on transactional efficiency and process effectiveness and not what was achieved against the customers’ need and satisfaction.

    Understand the relationships between performance and metrics management to provide the end-to-end service delivery picture you are aiming to achieve.

    Don’t settle for tool defaults

    ITSM solutions offer an abundance of metrics to choose from. The most common ones are typically built into the reporting modules of the tool suite.

    Do not start tracking everything. Choose metrics that are specifically aligned to your organization’s desired business outcomes.

    Establish tension metrics to achieve balance

    Don’t ignore the correlation and context between the suites of metrics chosen and how one interacts and affects the other.

    Measuring metrics in isolation may lead to an incomplete picture or undesired technician behavior. Tension metrics help complete the picture and lead to proper actions.

    Adjust those targets

    An arbitrary target on a metric that is consistently met month over month is useless. Each metric should inform the overall performance by combining capable service level management and customer experience programs to prove the value IT is providing to the organization.

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Standardize the Service Desk

    This project will help you build and improve essential service desk processes, including incident management, request fulfillment, and knowledge management, to create a sustainable service desk.

    Take Control of Infrastructure and Operations Metrics

    Make faster decisions and improve service delivery by using the right metrics for the job.

    Analyze Your Service Desk Ticket Data

    Take a data-driven approach to service desk optimization.

    IT Diagnostics: Build a Data-Driven IT Strategy

    Our data-driven programs ask business and IT stakeholders the right questions to ensure you have the inputs necessary to build an effective IT strategy.

    Measure and Manage Customer Satisfaction Metrics That Matter the Most

    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Marketing Solutions
    • Parent Category Link: /marketing-solutions
    • Lack of understanding of what is truly driving customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
    • Lack of insight into who our satisfied and dissatisfied customers are.
    • Lack of a system for early detection of declines in satisfaction.
    • Lack of clarity on what to improve and how resources should be allocated.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • All software companies measure satisfaction in some way, but many lack understanding of what’s truly driving customers to stay or leave. By understanding the true drivers of satisfaction, solution providers can measure and monitor satisfaction more effectively, pull actionable insights and feedback, and make changes to products and services that customers really care about and will keep them coming back to you to have their needs met.
    • Obstacles:
      • Use of metrics that don’t provide the insight needed to make impactful changes that will boost satisfaction and ultimately, retention and profit.
      • Lack of a clear definition of what satisfaction means to customers, metric definitions and/or standard methods of measurement, and a consistent monitoring cadence.

    Impact and Result

    • Understanding of who your satisfied and dissatisfied customers are.
    • Understanding of the true drivers of satisfaction and dissatisfaction among your customer segments.
    • Establishment of a repeatable process and cadence for effective satisfaction measurement and monitoring.
    • Development of an executable customer satisfaction improvement plan that identifies customer journey pain points and areas of dissatisfaction, and outlines how to improve them.
    • Knowledge of where money, time, and other resources are needed most to improve satisfaction levels and ultimately increase retention.

    Measure and Manage Customer Satisfaction Metrics That Matter the Most Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Measure and Manage the Customer Satisfaction Metrics that Matter the Most Deck – An overview of how to understand what drives customer satisfaction and how to measure and manage it for improved business outcomes.

    Understand the true drivers of customer satisfaction and build a process for managing and improving customer satisfaction.


    Further reading

    Measure and Manage the Customer Satisfaction Metrics that Matter the Most

    Understand what truly keeps your customer satisfied. Start to measure what matters to improve customer experience and increase satisfaction and advocacy. 


    Analyst perspective

    Understanding and measuring the true drivers of satisfaction enable the delivery of real customer value

    The image contains a picture of Emily Wright.

    “Healthy customer relationships are the paramount to long-term growth. When customers are satisfied, they remain loyal, spend more, and promote your company to others in their network. The key to high satisfaction is understanding and measuring the true drivers of satisfaction to enable the delivery of real customer value.

    Most companies believe they know who their satisfied customers are and what keeps them satisfied, and 76% of B2B buyers expect that providers understand their unique needs (Salesforce Research, 2020). However, on average B2B companies have customer experience scores of less than 50% (McKinsey, 2016). This disconnect between customer expectations and provider experience indicates that businesses are not effectively measuring and monitoring satisfaction and therefore are not making meaningful enhancements to their service, offerings, and overall experience.

    By focusing on the underlying drivers of customer satisfaction, organizations develop a truly accurate picture of what is driving deep satisfaction and loyalty, ensuring that their company will achieve sustainable growth and stay competitive in a highly competitive market.”

    Emily Wright

    Senior Research Analyst, Advisory


    Executive summary

    Your Challenge

    Common Obstacles

    SoftwareReviews’ Approach

    Getting a truly accurate picture of satisfaction levels among customers, and where to focus efforts to improve satisfaction, is challenging. Providers often find themselves reacting to customer challenges and being blindsided when customers leave. More effective customer satisfaction measurement is possible when providers self-assess for the following challenges:

    • Lack of understanding of what is truly driving customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
    • Lack of insight into who our satisfied and dissatisfied customers are.
    • Lack of a system for early detection of declines in satisfaction.
    • Lack of clarity of what needs to be improved and how resources should be allocated.
    • Lack of reliable internal data for effective customer satisfaction monitoring.

    What separates customer success leaders from developing a full view of their customers are several nagging obstacles:

    • Use of metrics that don’t provide the insight needed to make impactful changes that will boost satisfaction and ultimately, retention and profit.
    • Friction from customers participating in customer satisfaction studies.
    • Lack of data, or integrated databases from which to track, pull, and analyze customer satisfaction data.
    • Lack a clear definition of what satisfaction means to customers, metric definitions, and/or standard methods of measurement and a consistent monitoring cadence.
    • Lack of time, resources, or technology to uncover and effectively measure and monitor satisfaction drivers.

    Through the SoftwareReviews’ approach, customer success leaders will:

    • Understand who your satisfied and dissatisfied customers are.
    • Understand the true drivers of satisfaction and dissatisfaction among your customer segments.
    • Establish a repeatable process and cadence for effective satisfaction measurement and monitoring.
    • Develop an executable customer satisfaction improvement plan that identifies customer journey pain points and areas of dissatisfaction, and outlines how to improve them.
    • Know where money, time, and resources are needed most to improve satisfaction levels and ultimately retention.

    Overarching SoftwareReviews Advisory Insight:

    All companies measure satisfaction in some way, but many lack understanding of what’s truly driving customers to stay or leave. By understanding the true drivers of satisfaction, solution providers can measure and monitor satisfaction more effectively, pull actionable insights and feedback, and make changes to products and services that customers really care about. This will keep them coming back to you to have their needs met.

    Healthy Customer Relationships are vital for long-term success and growth

    Measuring customer satisfaction is critical to understanding the overall health of your customer relationships and driving growth.

    Through effective customer satisfaction measurement, organizations can:

    Improve Customer Experience

    Increase Retention and CLV

    Increase Profitability

    Reduce Costs

    • Provide insight into where and how to improve.
    • Enhance experience, increase loyalty.
    • By providing strong CX, organizations can increase revenue by 10-15% (McKinsey, 2014).
    • Far easier to retain existing customers than to acquire new ones.
    • Ensuring high satisfaction among customers increases Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) through longer tenure and higher spending.
    • NPS Promoter score has a customer lifetime value that's 600%-1,400% higher than a Detractor (Bain & Company, 2015).
    • Highly satisfied customers spend more through expansions and add-ons, as well as through their long tenure with your company.
    • They also spread positive word of mouth, which brings in new customers.
    • “Studies demonstrate a strong correlation between customer satisfaction and increased profits — with companies with high customer satisfaction reporting 5.7 times more revenue than competitors.” (Matthew Loper, CEO and Co-Founder of WELLTH, 2022)
    • Measuring, monitoring, and maintaining high satisfaction levels reduces costs across the board.
    • “Providing a high-quality customer experience can save up to 33% of customer service costs” (Deloitte, 2018).
    • Satisfied customers are more likely to spread positive word of mouth which reduces acquisition / marketing costs for your company.

    “Measuring customer satisfaction is vital for growth in any organization; it provides insights into what works and offers opportunities for optimization. Customer satisfaction is essential for improving loyalty rate, reducing costs and retaining your customers.”

    -Ken Brisco, NICE, 2019

    Poor customer satisfaction measurement is costly

    Virtually all companies measure customer satisfaction, but few truly do it well. All too often, customer satisfaction measurement consists of a set of vanity metrics that do not result in actionable insight for product/service improvement. Improper measurement can result in numerous consequences:

    Direct and Indirect Costs

    Being unaware of true drivers of satisfaction that are never remedied costs your business directly through customer churn, service costs, etc.

    Tarnished Brand

    Tarnished brand through not resolving issues drives dissatisfaction; dissatisfied customers share their negative experiences, which can damage brand image and reputation.

    Waste Limited Resources

    Putting limited resources towards vanity programs and/or fixes that have little to no bearing on core satisfaction drivers wastes time and money.

    “When customer dissatisfaction goes unnoticed, it can slowly kill a company. Because of the intangible nature of customer dissatisfaction, managers regularly underestimate the magnitude of customer dissatisfaction and its impact on the bottom line.”

    - Lakshmiu Tatikonda, “The Hidden Costs of Customer Dissatisfaction”, 2013

    SoftwareReviews Advisory Insight:

    Most companies struggle to understand what’s truly driving customers to stay or leave. By understanding the true satisfaction drivers, tech providers can measure and monitor satisfaction more effectively, avoiding the numerous harmful consequences that result from average customer satisfaction measurement.

    Does your customer satisfaction measurement process need improvement?

    Getting an accurate picture of customer satisfaction is no easy task. Struggling with any of the following means you are ready for a detailed review of your customer satisfaction measurement efforts:

    • Not knowing who your most satisfied customers are.
    • Lacking early detection for declining satisfaction – either reactive, or unaware of dissatisfaction as it’s occurring.
    • Lacking a process for monitoring changes in satisfaction and lack ability to be proactive; you feel blindsided when customers leave.
    • Inability to fix the problem and wasting money on the wrong areas, like vanity metrics that don’t bring value to customers.
    • Spending money and other resources towards fixes based on a gut feeling, without quantifying the real root cause drivers and investing in their improvement.
    • Having metrics and data but lacking context; don’t know what contributed to the metrics/results, why people are dissatisfied or what contributes to satisfaction.
    • Lacking clear definition of what satisfaction means to customers / customer segments.
    • Difficulty tying satisfaction back to financial results.

    Customers are more satisfied with software vendors who understand the difference between surface level and short-term satisfaction, and deep or long-term satisfaction

    Surface-level satisfaction

    Surface-level satisfaction has immediate effects, but they are usually short-term or limited to certain groups of users. There are several factors that contribute to satisfaction including:

    • Novelty of new software
    • Ease of implementation
    • Financial savings
    • Breadth of features

    Software Leaders Drive Deep Satisfaction

    Deep satisfaction has long-term and meaningful impacts on the way that organizations work. Deep satisfaction has staying power and increases or maintains satisfaction over time, by reducing complexity and delivering exceptional quality for end-users and IT alike. This report found that the following capabilities provided the deepest levels of satisfaction:

    • Usability and intuitiveness
    • Quality of features
    • Ease of customization
    • Vendor-specific capabilities

    The above solve issues that are part of everyday problems, and each drives satisfaction in deep and meaningful ways. While surface-level satisfaction is important, deep and impactful capabilities can sustain satisfaction for a longer time.

    Deep Customer Satisfaction Among Software Buyers Correlates Highly to “Emotional Attributes”

    Vendor Capabilities and Product Features remain significant but are not the primary drivers

    The image contains a graph to demonstrate a correlation to Satisfaction, all Software Categories.
    Source: SoftwareReviews buyer reviews (based on 82,560 unique reviews).

    Driving deep satisfaction among software customers vs. surface-level measures is key

    Vendor capabilities and product features correlate significantly to buyer satisfaction

    Yet, it’s the emotional attributes – what we call the “Emotional Footprint”, that correlate more strongly

    Business-Value Created and Emotional Attributes are what drives software customer satisfaction the most

    The image contains a screenshot of a graph to demonstrate Software Buyer Satisfaction Drivers and Emotional Attributes are what drives software customer satisfaction.

    Software companies looking to improve customer satisfaction will focus on business value created and the Emotional Footprint attributes outlined here.

    The essential ingredient is understanding how each is defined by your customers.

    Leaders focus on driving improvements as described by customers.

    SoftwareReviews Insight:

    These true drivers of satisfaction should be considered in your customer satisfaction measurement and monitoring efforts. The experience customers have with your product and brand is what will differentiate your brand from competitors, and ultimately, power business growth. Talk to a SoftwareReviews Advisor to learn how users rate your product on these satisfaction drivers in the SoftwareReviews Emotional Footprint Report.

    Benefits of Effective Customer Satisfaction Measurement

    Our research provides Customer Success leaders with the following key benefits:

    • Ability to know who is satisfied, dissatisfied, and why.
    • Confidence in how to understand or uncover the factors behind customer satisfaction; understand and identify factors driving satisfaction, dissatisfaction.
    • Ability to develop a clear plan for improving customer satisfaction.
    • Knowledge of how to establish a repeatable process for customer satisfaction measurement and monitoring that allows for proactivity when declines in satisfaction are detected.
    • Understanding of what metrics to use, how to measure them, and where to find the right information/data.
    • Knowledge of where money, time, and other resources are needed most to drive tangible customer value.

    “81% of organizations cite CX as a competitive differentiator. The top factor driving digital transformation is improving CX […] with companies reporting benefits associated with improving CX including:

    • Increased customer loyalty (92%)
    • An uplift in revenue (84%)
    • Cost savings (79%).”

    – Dan Cote, “Advocacy Blooms and Business Booms When Customers and Employees Engage”, Influitive, 2021

    The image contains a screenshot of a thought model that focuses on Measure & Manage the Customer Satisfaction Metrics That Matter the Most.

    Who benefits from improving the measurement and monitoring of customer satisfaction?

    This Research Is Designed for:

    • Customer Success leaders and marketers who are:
      • Responsible for understanding how to benchmark, measure, and understand customer satisfaction to improve satisfaction, NPS, and ROI.
      • Looking to take a more proactive and structured approach to customer satisfaction measurement and monitoring.
      • Looking for a more effective and accurate way to measure and understand how to improve customer satisfaction around products and services.

    This Research Will Help You:

    • Understand the factors driving satisfaction and dissatisfaction.
    • Know which customers are satisfied/dissatisfied.
    • Know where time, money, and resources are needed the most in order to improve or maintain satisfaction levels.
    • Develop a formal plan to improve customer satisfaction.
    • Establish a repeatable process for customer satisfaction measurement and monitoring that allows for proactivity when declines in satisfaction are detected.

    This Research Will Also Assist:

    • Customer Success Leaders, Marketing and Sales Directors and Managers, Product Marketing Managers, and Advocacy Managers/Coordinators who are responsible for:
      • Product improvements and enhancements
      • Customer service and onboarding
      • Customer advocacy programs
      • Referral/VoC programs

    This Research Will Help Them:

    • Coordinate and align on customer experience efforts and actions.
    • Gather and make use of customer feedback to improve products, solutions, and services provided.
    • Provide an amazing customer experience throughout the entirety of the customer journey.

    SoftwareReviews’ methodology for measuring the customer satisfaction metrics that matter the most

    1. Identify true customer satisfaction drivers

    2. Develop metrics dashboard

    3. Develop customer satisfaction measurement and management plan

    Phase Steps

    1. Identify data sources, documenting any gaps in data
    2. Analyze all relevant data on customer experiences and outcomes
    3. Document top satisfaction drivers
    1. Identify business goals, problems to be solved / define business challenges and marketing/customer success goals
    2. Use SR diagnostic to assess current state of satisfaction measurement, assessing metric alignment to satisfaction drivers
    3. Define your metrics dashboard
    4. Develop common metric definitions, language for discussing, and standards for measuring customer satisfaction
    1. Determine committee structure to measure performance metrics over time
    2. Map out gaps in satisfaction along customer journey/common points in journey where customers are least dissatisfied
    3. Build plan that identifies weak areas and shows how to fix using SR’s emotional footprint, other measures
    4. Create plan and roadmap for CSat improvement
    5. Create communication deck

    Phase Outcomes

    1. Documented satisfaction drivers
    2. Documented data sources and gaps in data
    1. Current state customer satisfaction measurement analysis
    2. Common metric definitions and measurement standards
    3. Metrics dashboard
    1. Customer satisfaction measurement plan
    2. Customer satisfaction improvement plan
    3. Customer journey maps
    4. Customer satisfaction improvement communication deck
    5. Customer Satisfaction Committee created

    Insight summary

    Understanding and measuring the true drivers of satisfaction enable the delivery of real customer value

    All software companies measure satisfaction in some way, but many lack understanding of what’s truly driving customers to stay or leave. By understanding the true drivers of satisfaction, solution providers can measure and monitor satisfaction more effectively, pull actionable insights and feedback, and make changes to products and services that customers really care about and which will keep them coming back to you to have their needs met.

    Positive experiences drive satisfaction more so than features and cost

    According to our analysis of software buyer reviews data*, the biggest drivers of satisfaction and likeliness to recommend are the positive experiences customers have with vendors and their products. Customers want to feel that:

    1. Their productivity and performance is enhanced, and the vendor is helping them innovate and grow as a company.
    2. Their vendor inspires them and helps them to continually improve.
    3. They can rely on the vendor and the product they purchased.
    4. They are respected by the vendor.
    5. They can trust that the vendor will be on their side and save them time.
    *8 million data points across all software categories

    Measure Key Relationship KPIs to gauge satisfaction

    Key metrics to track include the Business Value Created score, Net Emotional Footprint, and the Love/Hate score (the strength of emotional connection).

    Orient the organization around customer experience excellence

    1. Arrange staff incentives around customer value instead of metrics that are unrelated to satisfaction.
    2. Embed customer experience as a core company value and integrate it into all functions.
    3. Make working with your organization easy and seamless for customers.

    Have a designated committee for customer satisfaction measurement

    Best in class organizations create customer satisfaction committees that meet regularly to measure and monitor customer satisfaction, resolve issues quickly, and work towards improved customer experience and profit outcomes.

    Use metrics that align to top satisfaction drivers

    This will give you a more accurate and fulsome view of customer satisfaction than standard satisfaction metrics alone will.

    Guided Implementation

    What is our GI on measuring and managing the customer satisfaction metrics that matter most?

    Identify True Customer Satisfaction Drivers

    Develop Metrics Dashboard Develop Customer Satisfaction Measurement and Management Plan

    Call #1: Discuss current pain points and barriers to successful customer satisfaction measurement, monitoring and maintenance. Plan next call – 1 week.

    Call #2: Discuss all available data, noting any gaps. Develop plan to fill gaps, discuss feasibility and timelines. Plan next call – 1 week.

    Call #3: Walk through SoftwareReviews reports to understand EF and satisfaction drivers. Plan next call – 3 days.

    Call #4: Segment customers and document key satisfaction drivers. Plan next call – 2 week.

    Call #5: Document business goals and align them to metrics. Plan next call – 1 week.

    Call #6: Complete the SoftwareReviews satisfaction measurement diagnostic. Plan next call – 3 days.

    Call #7: Score list of metrics that align to satisfaction drivers. Plan next call – 2 days.

    Call #8: Develop metrics dashboard and definitions. Plan next call – 2 weeks.

    Call #9: Finalize metrics dashboard and definitions. Plan next call – 1 week.

    Call #10: Discuss committee and determine governance. Plan next call – 2 weeks.

    Call #11: Map out gaps in satisfaction along customer journey as they relate to top satisfaction drivers. Plan next call –2 weeks.

    Call #12: Develop plan and roadmap for satisfaction improvement. Plan next call – 1 week.

    Call #13: Finalize plan and roadmap. Plan next call – 1 week.

    Call # 14: Review and coach on communication deck.

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is series of calls with a SoftwareReviews Advisory analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    For guidance on marketing applications, we can arrange a discussion with an Info-Tech analyst.

    Your engagement managers will work with you to schedule analyst calls.

    Software Reviews offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    Guided Implementation



    “Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful.” “Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track.” “We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place.” “Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project.”
    Included within Advisory Membership Optional add-ons


    “Are you experienced?” Bain & Company, Apr. 2015. Accessed 6 June. 2022.

    Brisco, Ken. “Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Why It’s So Important.” NICE, Feb. 2019. Accessed 6 June. 2022. Team. “The Customer Experience Management Mandate.” Adobe Experience Cloud Blog, July 2019. Accessed 14 June. 2022.

    Cote, Dan. “Advocacy Blooms and Business Booms When Customers and Employees Engage.” Influitive, Dec. 2021. Accessed 15 June. 2022.

    Fanderl, Harald and Perrey, Jesko. “Best of both worlds: Customer experience for more revenues and lower costs.” McKinsey & Company, Apr. 2014. Accessed 15 June. 2022.

    Gallemard, Jeremy. “Why – And How – Should Customer Satisfaction Be Measured?” Smart Tribune, Feb. 2020. Accessed 6 June. 2022.

    Kumar, Swagata. “Customer Success Statistics in 2021.” Customer Success Box, 2021. Accessed 17 June. 2022.

    Lakshmiu Tatikonda, “The Hidden Costs of Customer Dissatisfaction”, Management Accounting Quarterly, vol. 14, no. 3, 2013, pp 38. Accessed 17 June. 2022.

    Loper, Matthew. “Why ‘Customer Satisfaction’ Misses the Mark – And What to Measure Instead.” Newsweek, Jan. 2022. Accessed 16 June. 2022.

    Maechler, Nicolas, et al. “Improving the business-to-business customer experience.” McKinsey & Company, Mar. 2016. Accessed 16 June.

    “New Research from Dimension Data Reveals Uncomfortable CX Truths.” CISION PR Newswire, Apr. 2017. Accessed 7 June. 2022.

    Sheth, Rohan. 75 Must-Know Customer Experience Statistics to move Your Business Forward in 2022.” SmartKarrot, Feb. 2022. Accessed 17 June. 2022.

    Smith, Mercer. “111 Customer Service Statistics and Facts You Shouldn’t Ignore.” HelpScout, May 2022. Accessed 17 June. 2022.

    “State of the Connected Customer.” Salesforce, 2020. Accessed 14 June. 2022

    “The true value of customer experiences.” Deloitte, 2018. Accessed 15 June. 2022.

    Master the Secrets of VMware Licensing to Maximize Your Investment

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}138|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Licensing
    • Parent Category Link: /licensing
    • A lack of understanding around VMware’s licensing models, bundles, and negotiation tactics makes it difficult to negotiate from a position of strength.
    • Unfriendly commercial practices combined with hyperlink-ridden agreements have left organizations vulnerable to audits and large shortfall payments.
    • Enterprise license agreements (ELAs) come in several purchasing models and do not contain the EULA or various VMware product guide documentation that governs license usage rules and can change monthly.
    • Without a detailed understanding of VMware’s various purchasing models, shelfware often occurs.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Contracts are typically overweighted with a discount at the expense of contractual T&Cs that can restrict license usage and expose you to unpleasant financial surprises and compliance risk.
    • VMware customers almost always have incomplete price information from which to effectively negotiate a “best in class” ELA.
    • VMware has a large lead in being first to market and it realizes that running dual virtualization stacks is complex, unwieldy, and expensive. To further complicate the issues, most skill sets in the industry are skewed towards VMware.

    Impact and Result

    • Negotiate desired terms and conditions at the start of the agreement, and prioritize which use rights may be more important than an additional discount percentage.
    • Gather data points and speak with licensing partners to determine if the deal being offered is in fact as great as VMware says it is.
    • Beware of out-year pricing and ELA optimization reviews that may provide undesirable surprises and more spend than was planned.

    Master the Secrets of VMware Licensing to Maximize Your Investment Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Manage Your VMware Agreements – Use the Info-Tech tools capture your existing licenses and prepare for your renewal bids.

    Use Info-Tech’s licensing best practices to avoid shelfware with VMware licensing and remain compliant in case of an audit.

    • Master the Secrets of VMware Licensing to Maximize Your Investment Storyboard

    2. Manage your VMware agreements

    Use Info-Tech’s licensing best practices to avoid shelfware with VMware licensing and remain compliant in case of an audit.

    • VMware Business as Usual – Install Base SnS Renewal Only Tool
    • VMware ELA RFQ Template

    3. Transition to the VMWare Cloud – Use these tools to evaluate your ELA and vShpere requirements and make an informed choice.

    Manage your renewals and transition to the cloud subscription model.

    • VPP Transactional Purchase Tool
    • VMware ELA Analysis Tool
    • vSphere Edition 7 Features List


    Further reading

    Master the Secrets of VMware Licensing to Maximize Your Investment

    Learn the essential steps to avoid overspending and to maximize negotiation leverage with VMware.


    Analyst Perspective

    Master the Secrets of VMware Licensing to Maximize Your Investment.

    The image contains a picture of Scott Bickley.

    The mechanics of negotiating a deal with VMware may seem simple at first as the vendor is willing to provide a heavy discount on an enterprise license agreement (ELA). However, come renewal time, when a reduction in spend or shelfware is needed, or to exit the ELA altogether, the process can be exceedingly frustrating as VMware holds the balance of power in the negotiation.

    Negotiating a complete agreement with VMware from the start can save you from an immense headache and unforeseen expenditures. Many VMware customers do not realize that the terms and conditions in the Volume Purchasing Program (VPP) and Enterprise Purchasing Program (EPP) agreements limit how and where they are able to use their licenses.

    Furthermore, after the renewal is complete, organizations must still worry about the management of various license types, accurate discovery of what has been deployed, visibility into license key assignments, and over and under use of licenses.

    Preventive and proactive measures enclosed within this blueprint will help VMware clients mitigate this minefield of challenges.

    Scott Bickley
    Practice Lead, Vendor Management
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    Common Obstacles

    Info-Tech’s Approach

    VMware's dominant position in the virtualization space can create uncertainty to your options in the long term as well as the need to understand:

    • The hybrid cloud model.
    • Hybrid VM security and management.
    • New subscription license model and how it affects renewals.

    Make an informed decision with your VMware investments to allow for continued ROI.

    There are several hurdles that are presented when considering a VMware ELA:

    • Evolving licensing and purchasing models
    • Understanding potential ROI in the cloud landscape
    • Evolving door of corporate ownership

    Overcoming these and other obstacles are key to long-term satisfaction with your VMware infrastructure.

    Info-Tech has a two-phase approach:

    • Manage your VMware agreements.
    • Plan a transition to the cloud.

    A tactical roadmap approach to VMware ELA and the cloud will ensure long-term success and savings.

    Info-Tech Insight

    VMware customers almost always have incomplete price information from which to effectively negotiate a “best in class” ELA.

    Your challenge

    VMware's dominant position in the virtualization space can create uncertainty to your options in the long term driven by:

    • VMware’s dominant market position and ownership of the virtualization market, which is forcing customers to focus on managing capacity demand to ensure a positive ROI on every license.
    • The trend toward a hybrid cloud for many organizations, especially those considering using VMware in public clouds, resulting in confusion regarding licensing and compliance scenarios.

    ELAs and EPPs are generally the only way to get a deep discount from VMware.

    The image contains a pie chart to demonstrate that 85% have answered yes to being audited by VMware for software license compliance.

    Common obstacles

    There are several hurdles that are presented when considering a VMware ELA.

    • A lack of understanding around VMware’s licensing models, bundles, and negotiation tactics makes it difficult to negotiate from a position of strength.
    • Unfriendly commercial practices combined with hyperlink-ridden agreements have left organizations vulnerable to audits and large shortfall payments.
    • ELAs come in several purchasing models and do not contain the EULA or various VMware product guide documentation that govern license usage rules and can change monthly.

    Competition is a key driver of price

    The image contains a screenshot of a bar graph to demonstrate virtualization market share % 2022.

    Source: Datanyze

    Master the Secrets of VMware Licensing to Maximize your Investment

    The image contains a screenshot of the Thought model on Master the secrets of VMware Licensing to Maximize your Investment.

    Info-Tech’s methodology for Master the Secrets of VMware Licensing to Maximize Your Investment

    1. Manage Your VMware Agreements

    2. Transition to the VMware Cloud

    Phase Steps

    1.1 Establish licensing requirements

    1.2 Evaluate licensing options

    1.3 Evaluate agreement options

    1.4 Purchase and manage licenses

    1.5 Understand SnS renewal management

    2.1 Understand the VMware subscription model

    2.2 Migrate workloads and licenses

    2.3 Manage SnS and cloud subscriptions

    Phase Outcomes

    Understanding of your licensing requirements and what agreement option best fits your needs for now and the future.

    Knowledge of VMware’s sales model and how to negotiate the best deal.

    Knowledge of the evolving cloud subscription model and how to plan your cloud migration and transition to the new licensing.

    Insight summary

    Overarching insight

    With the introduction of the subscription licensing model, VMware licensing and renewals are becoming more complex and require a deeper understanding of the license program options to best manage renewals and cloud deployments as well as to maximize legacy ROI.

    Phase 1 insight

    Contracts are typically overweighted with a discount at the expense of contractual T&Cs that can restrict license usage and expose you to unpleasant financial surprises and compliance risk.

    Phase 1 insight

    VMware has a large lead in being first to market and it realizes running dual virtualization stacks is complex, unwieldy, and expensive. To further complicate the issues, most skill sets in the industry are skewed toward VMware.

    Phase 2 insight

    VMware has purposefully reduced a focus on the actual license terms and conditions; most customers focus on the transactional purchase or the ELA document, but the rules governing usage are on a website and can be changed by VMware regularly.

    Tactical insight

    Beware of out-year pricing and ELA optimization reviews that may provide undesirable surprises and more spend than was planned.

    Tactical insight

    Negotiate desired terms and conditions at the start of the agreement, and prioritize which use rights may be more important than an additional discount percentage.

    Blueprint deliverables

    Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals:

    VMware ELA Analysis Tool

    VMware ELA RFQ Template Tool

    VPP Transaction Purchase Tool

    VMware ELA Analysis Tool

    Use this tool as a template for an RFQ with VMware ELA contracts.

    Use this tool to analyze cost breakdown and discount based on your volume purchasing program (VPP) level.

    The image contains screenshots of the VMware ELA Analysis Tool. The image contains a screenshot of the VMware ELA RFQ template tool. The image contains a screenshot of the VPP Transaction Purchase Tool.

    Key deliverable:

    VMware Business as Usual SnS Renewal Only Tool

    Use this tool to analyze discounts from a multi-year agreement vs. prepay. See how you can get the best discount.

    The image contains screenshots of the VMware Business as Usual SnS Renewal Only Tool.

    Blueprint Objectives

    The aim of this blueprint is to provide a foundational understanding of VMware’s licensing agreement and best practices to manage them.

    Why VMware

    What to Know

    The Future

    VMware is the leader in OS virtualization, however, this is a saturated market, which is being pressured by public and hybrid cloud as a competitive force taking market share.

    There are few viable alternatives to VMware for virtualization due to vendor lock-in of existing IT infrastructure footprint. It is too difficult and cost prohibitive to make a shift away from VMware even when alternative solutions are available.

    ELAs are the preferred method of contracting as it sets the stage for a land-and-expand product strategy; once locked into the ELA model, customers must examine VMware alternatives with preference or risk having Support and Subscription Services (SnS) re-priced at retail.

    VMware does not provide a great deal of publicly available information regarding its enterprise license agreement (ELA) options, leaving a knowledge gap that allows the sales team to steer the customer.

    VMware is taking countermeasures against increasing competition.

    Recent contract terms changed to eliminate perpetual caps on SnS renewals; they are now tied to a single year of discounted SnS, then they go to list price.

    Migration of list pricing to a website versus contract, where pricing can now be changed, reducing discount percentage effectiveness.

    Increased audits of customers, especially those electing to not renew an ELA.

    Examining VMware’s vendor profile

    Turbonomics conducted a vendor profile on major vendors, focusing on licensing and compliance. It illustrated the following results:

    The image contains a pie graph to demonstrate that the majority of companies say yes to using license enterprise software from VMware.

    The image contains a bar graph to demonstrate what license products organizations use of VMware products.

    Source: Turbonomics
    N-sample size

    Case Study

    The image contains a logo for ADP.

    INDUSTRY: Finance


    “We’ll have network engineers, storage engineers, computer engineers, database engineers, and systems engineers all working together as one intact team developing and delivering goals on specific outcomes.” – Vipul Nagrath, CIO, ADP

    Improving developer capital management

    Constant innovation helped ADP keep ahead of customer needs in the human resources space, but it also brought constant changes to the IT environment. Internally, the company found it was spending too long working on delivering the required infrastructure and system updates. IT staff wanted to improve velocity for refreshes to better match the needs of ADP developers and encourage continued development innovation.

    Business needs

    • Improve turnaround time on infrastructure refreshes to better meet developer roadmaps.
    • Establish an IT culture that works at the global scale of ADP and empowers individual team members.
    • Streamline approach toward infrastructure resource delivery to reduce need for manual management.


    • Infrastructure resource delivery reduced from 100+ days to minutes, improving ADP developer efficiency.
    • VMware Cloud™ on AWS establishes seamless private and public cloud workflows, fostering agility and innovation.
    • Automating IT management redirects resources to R&D, boosting time to market for new services.

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    Guided Implementation



    “Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful.” “Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track.” “We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place.” “Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project.”

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options

    Guided Implementation

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

    Call #1: Discuss scope requirements, objectives, and your specific challenges.

    Call #2: Assess the current state.

    Determine licensing position.

    Call #3: Complete a deployment count, needs analysis, and internal audit.

    Call #4: Review findings with analyst:

    • Review licensing options.
    • Review licensing rules.
    • Review contract option types.

    Call #5: Select licensing option. Document forecasted costs and benefits.

    Call #6: Review final contract:

    • Discuss negotiation points.
    • Plan a roadmap for SAM.

    Call #7: Negotiate final contract. Evaluate and develop a roadmap for SAM.

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    A typical GI is between 2 to 6 calls over the course of 1 to 2 months.

    Phase # 1

    Manage Your VMware Agreements

    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    1.1 Establish licensing requirements

    1.2 Evaluate licensing options

    1.3 Evaluate agreement options

    1.4 Purchase and manage licenses

    2.1 Understand the VMware subscription model

    2.2 Migrate workloads and licenses

    2.3 Discuss the VMware sales approach

    2.4 Manage SnS and cloud subscriptions

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Understanding the VMware licensing model
    • Understanding the license agreement options
    • Understanding the VMware sales approach

    This phase will take you thorough:

    • The new VMware subscription movement to the cloud
    • How to prepare and migrate
    • Manage your subscriptions efficiently

    1.1 Establish licensing requirements

    VMware has greatly improved the features of vSphere over time.

    vSphere Main Editions Overview

    • vSphere Standard – Provides the basic features for server consolidation. A support and subscription contract (SnS) is mandatory when purchasing the vSphere Standard.
    • vSphere Enterprise Plus – Provides the full range of vSphere features. A support and subscription contract (SnS) is mandatory when purchasing the Enterprise Plus editions.
    • vSphere Essentials kit – The Essentials kit is an all-in-one solution for small environments with up to three hosts (2 CPUs on each host). Support is optional when purchasing the Essentials kit and is available on a per-incident basis.
    • vSphere Essentials Plus kit – This is similar to the Essentials kit and provides additional features such as vSphere vMotion, vSphere HA, and vSphere replication. A support and subscription contract (SnS) is sold separately, and a minimum of one year of SnS is required.

    Review vSphere Edition Features

    The image contains a screenshot to review the vSphere Edition Features.

    Download the vSphere Edition 7 Features List

    1.2 Evaluate licensing options

    VMware agreement types

    Review purchase options to align with your requirements.

    Transactional VPP EPP ELA


    Entry-level volume license purchasing program

    Mid-level purchasing program

    Highest-level purchasing program

    • Purchasing in this model is not recommended for business purposes unless very infrequent and low quantities.
    • 250 points minimum
    • Four tiers of discounts
    • Rolling eight-quarter points accumulation period
    • Discounts on license only

    Deal size of initial purchase typically is:

    • US$250K MSRP License + SnS (2,500 tokens)
    • Exceptions do exist with purchase volume

    Minimum deal size of top-up purchase:

    • US$50K MSRP License + SnS (500 tokens)
    • Initial purchase determines token level
    • Three-year term

    Minimum deal size of initial purchase:

    • US$150K-$250K
    • Discounted licenses and SnS through term of contract
    • Single volume license key
    • No final true-up
    • Global deployment rights and consolidation of multiple agreements

    1.2.1 The Volume Purchasing Program (VPP)

    This is the entry-level purchasing program aimed at small/mid-sized organizations.

    How the program works

    • The threshold to be able to purchase from the VPP program is 250 points minimum, equivalent to $25,000.
    • Discounts attained can only be applied to license purchases. They do not apply to service and support/renewals. Discounts range from 4% to 12%.
    • For the large majority of products 1 VPP point = ~$100.
      • Point values will be the same globally.
      • Point ratios may vary over time as SKUs are changed.
      • Points are valid for two years.


    • Budget predictability for two years.
    • Simple license purchase process.
    • Receive points on qualifying purchases that accumulate over a rolling eight-quarter period.
    • Online portal for tracking purchases and eligible discounts.
    • Global program where affiliates can purchase from existing contract.

    VPP Point & Discount Table


    Point Range














    Source: VMware Volume Purchasing Program

    1.2.2 Activity VPP Transactional Purchase Tool

    1-3 hours


    1. Use the tool to analyze the cost breakdown and discount based on your Volume Purchasing Program level.
    2. On tab 1, Enter SnS install base renewal units and or new license details.
    3. Review tab 2 for Purchase summary.

    The image contains a screenshot of the VPP Transactional Purchase Tool.

    Input Output
    • SnS renewal details
    • New license requirements and pricing
    • Transaction purchase summary
    • Estimated VPP purchase level
    Materials Participants
    • Current VMware purchase orders
    • Any SnS renewal requirements
    • Transaction Purchase Tool
    • Procurement
    • Vendor Management
    • Licensing Admin

    Download the VPP Transactional Purchase Tool

    1.3 Evaluate agreement options

    Introduction to EPP and ELA

    What to know when using a token/credit-based agreement.

    Token/credit-based agreements carry high risk as customers are purchasing a set number of tokens/credits to be redeemed during the ELA term for licenses.

    • Tokens/credits that are not used during the ELA term expire and become worthless.
    • By default in most agreements (negotiation dependent), tokens/credits are tied to pricing maintained by VMware on its website that is subject to change (increase usually), resulting in a reduced value for the tokens/credits.
      • Therefore, it is necessary to negotiate to have current list prices for all products/versions included in the ELA to prevent price increases while in the current ELA term.
    • Token-based agreements may come with a lower overall discount level as VMware is granting more flexibility in terms of the wider product selection offered, vendor cost of overhead to manage the redemption program, currency exchange risks, and more complex revenue recognition headaches.

    1.3.1 The Enterprise Purchasing Program (EPP)

    This is aimed at mid-tier customers looking for flexibility with deeper discounting.

    How the program works

    • Token-based program in which tokens are redeemed for licenses and/or SnS.
      • Tokens can be added at any time to active fund.
      • Token usage is automatically tracked and reported.
    • Minimum order of 2,500 tokens, equivalent to $250,000 (1 token=$100).
      • Exceptions have been made, allowing for lower minimum spends.
    • Restricted to specific regions, not a global agreement.
    • Self-service portal for access to license keys and support entitlements.
    • Deeper discounting than the VMware Volume Purchase Program.
    • EPP initial purchase gets VPP L4 for four years.


    • Able to mix and match VMware products, manage licenses, and adjust deployment strategy.
    • Prices are protected for term of the EPP agreement.
    • Number of tokens needed to obtain a product or SnS are negotiated at the start of the contract and fixed for the term.
    • SnS is co-termed to the EPP term.
    • Ability to purchase new products that become available at a future date and are listed on the EPP Eligibility Matrix.

    EPP Level & Point Table


    Point Range









    Source: VMware Volume Purchasing Program

    1.3.2 The ELA is aimed at large global organizations, offering the deepest discounts with operational benefits and flexibility

    What is an ELA?

    • The ELA agreement provides the best vehicle for global enterprises to obtain maximum discounts and price-hold protection for a set period of time. Discounts and price holds are removed once an ELA has expired.
    • The ELA minimum spend previously was $500,000. Purchase volume now generally starts at $250K total spend with exceptions and, depending on VMware, it may be possible to attain for $150K in net-new license spend.

    Key things to know

    • Customers pay up front for license and SnS rights, but depending on the deployment plans, the value of the licenses is not realized and/or recognized for up to two years after point of purchase.
    • License and SnS is paid up front for a three-year period in most ELAs, although a one- or two-year term can be negotiated.
    • Licenses not deployed in year one should be discounted in value and drive a re-evaluation of the ELA ROI, as even heavily discounted licenses that are not used until year three may not be such a great deal in retrospect.
      • Use a time value of money calculation to arrive at a realistic ROI.
      • Partner with Finance and Accounting to ensure the ROI also clears any Internal Hurdle Rate (IHR).
      • Share and strategically position your IHR with VMware and resellers to ensure they understand the minimum value an ELA deal must bring to the table.
    • Organizational changes, such as merger, acquisition, and divestiture (MAD) activities, may result in the customer paying for license rights that can no longer be used and/or require a renegotiated ELA.

    Info-Tech Insight

    If a legacy ELA exists that has “deploy or lose” language, engage VMware to recapture any lost license rights as VMware has changed this language effective with 2016 agreements and there is an “appeals” process for affected customers.

    1.3.3 Select the best ELA variant to match your specific demand profile and financial needs

    The advantages of an ELA are:

    • Maximum discount level + price protection
    • SnS discounted at % of net license fee
    • Sole option for global use territory rights

    General disadvantages are:

    • Term lock-in with SnS for three years
    • Pay up front and if defer usage, ROI drops
    • Territory rights priced at a premium versus domestic use rights

    Type of ELAs

    ELA Type


    Pros and Cons

    Capped (max quantities)

    Used to purchase a specific quantity and type of license.

    Pro – Clarity on what will be purchased

    Pro – Lower risk of over licensing

    Con – Requires accurate forecasting

    All you can eat or unlimited

    Used to purchase access to specified products that can be deployed in unlimited quantities during the ELA term.

    Pro – Acquire large quantity of licenses

    Pro – Accurate forecasting not critical

    Con – Deployment can easily exceed forecast, leading to high renewal costs


    A form of capped ELA purchase that uses prepaid tokens that can be used more flexibly to acquire a variety of licenses or services. This can include the hybrid purchasing program (HPP) credits. However, the percentage redeemable for VMware subscription services may be limited to 10% of the MSRP value of the HPP credit.

    Pro – Accurate demand forecast not critical

    Pro – Can be used for products and services

    Con – Unused tokens or credits are forfeited


    Allows for additional purchases during the ELA term on a determined schedule based on the established ELA pricing.

    Pro – Consumption payments matched after initial purchase

    Pro – Accurate demand forecast not critical

    Con – Potentially requires transaction throughout term

    1.4 Purchase and manage licenses

    Negotiating ELA terms and conditions

    Editable copies of VMware’s license and governance documentation are a requirement to initiate the dialogue and negotiation process over T&Cs.

    VMware’s licensing is complex and although documentation is publicly available, it is often hidden on VMware’s website.

    Many VMware customers often overlook reviewing the license T&Cs, leaving them open to compliance risks.

    It is imperative for customers to understand:

    • Product definition for licensing of each acquired product
    • Products included by bundle
    • Use restrictions:
      • The VMware Product Guide, which includes information about:
        • ELA Order Forms, Amendments, Exhibits, EULA, Support T&Cs, and other policies that add dozens of pages to a contractual agreement.
        • All of these documents are web based and can change monthly; URL links in the contract do not take the user to the actual document but a landing page from which customers must find the applicable documents.
      • Obtain copies of ALL current documents at the time of your order and keep as a reference in the CLM and SAM systems.

    Build in time to obtain, review, and negotiate these documents (easily weeks to months).

    1.4.1 Negotiating ELA terms and conditions specifics

    License and Deployment

    • Review perpetual use rights for all licenses purchased under the ELA (exception being subscription services).
    • Carefully scrutinize contract language for clearly defined deployment rights.
      • Some agreements contain language that terminates the use rights for licenses not deployed by the end of the ELA term.
    • While older contracts would frequently contain clearly defined token values and product prices for the ELA term, VMware has moved away from this process and now refers to URL links for current MSRP pricing.

    Use Rights

    • The customer’s legal entities and territories listed in the contract are hard limits on the license usage via the VMware Product Guide definitions. Global use rights are not a standard license grant with VMware license agreement by default. Global rights are usually tied to an ELA.
    • VMware audits most aggressively against violations of territory use rights and will use the non-compliance events to resolve the issue via a commercial transaction.
      • Negotiate for assignment rights with no strings attached in terms of fees or multi-party consent by future affiliates or successors to a surviving entity.
    • Extraordinary Corporate Transaction clause: VMware’s standard language prevents customers from using licenses within the ELA for any third party that becomes part of customer’s business by way of acquisition, merger, consolidation, change of control, reorganization, or other similar transaction.
      • Request VMware to drop this language.
    • Include any required language pertaining to MAD events as default language will not allow for transfer or assignment of license rights.

    Checklist of necessary information to negotiate the best deal

    Product details that go beyond the sales pitch

    • Product family
    • Unique product SKU for license renewal
    • Part description
    • Current regional or global price list
    • One and three-year proposal for SnS renewals including new license and SnS detail
    • SnS term dates
    • Discount or offered prices for all line items (global pricing is generally ~20% higher than US pricing)

    Different support levels (e.g. basic, enterprise, per incident)

    • Standard pricing:
      • Basic Support = 21% of current list price (12x5)
      • Production Support = 25% of current list price (24x7 for severity 1 issues) – defined in VMware Support and Subscription Services T&Cs; non-severity 1 issues are 12x5

    Details to ensure the product being purchased matches the business needs

    • Realizing after the fact the product is insufficient with respect to functional requirements or that extra spend is required can be frustrating and extend expected timelines

    SnS renewals pricing is based on the (1) year SnS list price

    • This can be bundled for a multi-year discounted SnS rate (can result in 12%+ under VPP)

    Governing agreements, VPP program details

    • Have a printed copy of documents that are URL links, which VMware can change, allowing for surprises or unexpected changes in rules

    1.4.2 Activity VMware ELA Analysis Tool

    2-4 hours


    1. As a group, review the various RFQ responses. Identify top three proposals and start to enter proposal details into the VPP Prepay or ELA tabs of the analysis tool.
    2. Review savings in the ELA Offer Analysis tab.

    The image contains screenshots of the VMware ELA Analysis Tool.

    Input Output
    • RFQ requirements data
    • RFQ response data
    • Analysis of ELA proposals
    • ELA savings analysis
    Materials Participants
    • RFQ response documents
    • ELA Analysis Tool
    • IT Leadership
    • Procurement
    • Vendor Management

    Download the VMware ELA Analysis Tool

    1.4.3 Negotiating ELA terms and conditions specifics: pricing, renewal, and exit

    VMware does not offer price protection on future license consumption by default.

    Securing “out years” pricing for SnS or the cost of SnS is critical or it will default to a set percentage (25%) of MSRP, removing the ELA discount.

    Typically, the out year is one year; maximum is two years.

    Negotiate the “go forward” SnS pricing post-ELA term as part of the ELA negotiations when you have some leverage.

    Default after (1) out year is to rise to 25% of current MSRP versus as low as 20% of net license price within the ELA.

    Carefully incorporate the desired installed-base licenses that were acquired pre-ELA into the agreement, but ensure unwanted licenses are removed.

    Ancillary but binding support policies, online terms and conditions, and other hyperlinked documentation should be negotiated and incorporated as part of the agreement whenever possible.

    1.4.4 Find the best reseller partner

    Seek out a qualified VMware partner that will work with you and with your interest as a priority:

    1. Resellers, at minimum, should have achieved an enterprise-level rating, as these partners can offer the deepest discounts and have more clout with VMware.
    2. Select your reseller prior to engaging in any RFX acquisition steps. Verify they are enterprise level or higher AND secure their written commitment to maximum pass-through of the discounting provided to them by VMware.
    3. Document and prioritize key T&Cs for your ELA and submit to your sales team along with a requirement and timeline for their formal response. Essentially, this escalates outside of the VMware process and disrupts the status quo. Ideally this will occur in advance of being presented a contract by VMware and be pre-emptive in nature.
    4. If applicable and of benefit or a high priority, seek out a reseller that is willing to finance the VMware upfront payment cost at a low or no interest rate.
    5. It will be important to have ELA-level deals escalated to higher levels of authority to obtain “best in class” discount levels, above and beyond those prescribed in the VMware sales playbook.
    6. VMware’s standard process is to “route” customers through a pre-defined channel and “deal desk” process. Preferred pricing of up to an additional 10% discount is reserved for the first reseller that registers the deal with VMware, with larger discounts reserved for the Enterprise and Premium partners. Additional discounts can be earned if the deal closes within specified time periods (First Deal Registration).

    1.4.5 Activity VMware ELA RFQ Template

    1-3 hours

    Use this tool for as a template for an RFQ with VMware ELA contracts.

    1. For SnS renewals that contain no new licenses, state that the requirement for award consideration is the provisioning of all details for each itemized SnS renewal product code corresponding to all the licenses of your installed base. The details for the renewals are to be placed in Section 1 of the template.
    2. SnS Renewal Options: Info-Tech recommends that you ask for one- and three-year SnS renewal proposals, assuming these terms are realistic for your business requirements. Then compare your SnS BAU costs for these two options against ELA offers to determine the best choice for your renewal.

    The image contains a screenshot of the VMware ELA RFQ Template.

    Input Output
    • Renewing SnS data
    • Agreement type options
    • Detailed list of required licenses
    • Summary list of SnS requirements
    Materials Participants
    • RFQ Template
    • SnS renewal summary
    • New license/subscription details
    • IT Leadership
    • Vendor Management
    • Procurement

    Download the VMware ELA RFQ Template

    1.4.6 Consider your path forward

    Consider your route forward as contract commitments, license compliance, and terms and conditions differ in structure to perpetual models previously used.

    • Are you able to accurately discover VMware licensing within your environment?
    • Is licensing managed for compliance? Are internal audits conducted so you have accurate results?
    • Have the product use rights been examined for terms and conditions such as geographic rights? Some T&Cs may change over time due to hyperlinked references within commercial documents.
    • How are Oracle and SQL being used within your VMware environment? This may affect license compliance with Oracle and Microsoft in virtualized environments.
    • Prepare for the Subscription model; it’s here now and will be the lead discussion with all VMware reps going forward.

    Shift to Subscription

    1. With the $64bn takeover by Broadcom, there will be a significant shift and pressure to the subscription model.
    2. Broadcom has significant growth targets for its VMware acquisition that can only be achieved through a strong press to a SaaS model.

    Info-Tech Insight

    VMware has a license cost calculator and additional licensing documents that can be used to help determine what spend should be.

    Phase # 2

    Transition to the VMware Cloud

    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    1.1 Establish licensing requirements

    1.2 Evaluate licensing options

    1.3 Evaluate agreement options

    1.4 Purchase and manage licenses

    2.1 Understand the VMware subscription model

    2.2 Migrate workloads and licenses

    2.3 Discuss the VMware sales approach

    2.4 Manage SnS and cloud subscriptions

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Understand the VMware licensing model
    • Understand the license agreement options
    • Understand the VMware sales approach

    This phase will take you thorough:

    • The new VMware subscription movement to the cloud
    • How to prepare and migrate
    • Manage your subscriptions efficiently

    2.1 Understand the VMware subscription model

    VMware Cloud Universal

    • VMware Cloud Universal unifies compute, network, and storage capabilities across infrastructures, management, and applications.
    • Take advantage of financial and cloud management flexibility by combining on-premises and SaaS capabilities for automation, operations, log analytics, and network visibility across your infrastructure.
    • Capitalize on VMware knowledge by integrating proven migration methods and plans across your transformation journey such as consumption strategies, business outcome workshops, and more.
    • Determine your eligibility to earn a one-time discount with this exclusive benefit designed to offset the value of your current unamortized VMware on-premises license investments and then reallocate toward your multi-cloud initiatives.

    2.2 Migrate workloads and licenses to the cloud

    There are several cloud migration options and solutions to consider.

    • VMware Cloud offers solutions that can provide a low-cost path to the cloud that will help accelerate modernization.
    • There are also many third-party solution providers who can be engaged to migrate workloads and other infrastructure to VMware Cloud and into other public cloud providers.
    • VMware Cloud can be deployed on many IaaS providers such as AWS, Azure, Google, Dell, and IBM.

    VMware Cloud Assist

    1. Leverage all available transition funding opportunities and any IaaS migration incentives from VMware.
    2. Learn and understand the value and capabilities of VMware vRealize Cloud Universal to help you transition and manage hybrid infrastructure.

    2.2.1 Manage your VMware cloud subscriptions

    Use VMware vRealize to manage private, public, and local environments.

    Combine SaaS and on-premises capabilities for automation, operations, log analytics, network visibility, security, and compliance into one license.

    The image contains a screenshot of a diagram to demonstrate VMware cloud subscriptions.

    2.3 The VMware sales approach

    Understand the pitch before entering the discussion

    1. VMware will present a PowerPoint presentation proposal comparing a Business-as-Usual (BAU) scenario versus the ELA model.
    2. Critical factors to consider if considering the proposed ELA are growth rate projections, deployment schedule, cost of non-ELA products/options, shelf-ware, and non-ELA discounts (e.g. VPP, multi-year, or pre-paid).
    3. Involving VMware’s direct account team along with your reseller in the negotiations can be beneficial. Keep in mind that VMware ultimately decides on the final price in terms of the discount that is passed through. Ensure you have a clear line of sight into how pricing is determined.
    4. Explore reseller incentives and promotional programs that may provide for deeper than normal discount opportunities.

    INFO-TECH TIP: Create your own assumptions as inputs into the BAU model and then evaluate the ELA value proposition instead of depending on VMware’s model.

    2.4 Manage SnS and cloud subscriptions

    The new subscription model is making SnS renewal more complex.

    • Start renewal planning four to six months prior to anniversary.
    • Work closely with your reseller on your SnS renewal options.
    • Request “as is” versus subscription renewal proposal from reseller or VMware with a “savings” component.
    • Consider and review multi-year versus annual renewal; savings will differ.
    • For the Subscription transition renewal model, ensure that credits for legacy licensing is provided.
    • Negotiate cloud transition investments and incentives from VMware.

    What information to collect and how to analyze it

    • Negotiating toward preferred terms on SnS is critical, more so than when new license purchases are made, as approximately 75-80% of server virtualization are at x86 workloads, where maintenance revenue is a larger source of revenue for VMware than new license sales.
    • All relevant license and SnS details must be obtained from VMware to include Product Family, Part Description, Product Code (SKU), Regional/Global List Price, SnS Term Dates, and Discount Price for all new licenses.
    • VMware has all costs tied to the US dollar; you must calculate currency conversion into ROI models as VMware does not adjust token values of products across geographies or currency of purchase. The token to dollar value by product SKU is locked for the three-year term. This translates into a variable cost model depending on how local currency fluctuates against the US dollar; time the initial purchase to take this into consideration, if applicable.
    • Products purchased based on MSRP price with each token contains a value of US$100. Under the Hybrid Purchasing Program (HPP) credit values and associated buying power will fluctuate over the term as VMware reserves the right to adjust current list prices. Consider locking in a set product list and pricing versus HPP.
    • Take a structured approach to discover true discounts via the use of a tailored RFQ template and options model to compare and contrast VMware ELA proposals.

    Use Info-Tech Research Group’s customized RFQ template to discover true discount levels and model various purchase options for VMware ELA proposals.

    The image contains a screenshot of the VMware RFQ Template Tool.

    Summary of accomplishment

    Knowledge Gained

    • The key pieces of licensing information that should be gathered about the current state of your own organization.
    • An in-depth understanding of the required licenses across all of your products.
    • Clear methodology for selecting the most effective contract type.
    • Development of measurable, relevant metrics to help track future project success and identify areas of strength and weakness within your licensing program.

    Processes Optimized

    • Senior leaders in IT now have a clear understanding of the importance of licensing in relation to business objectives.
    • Understanding of the various licensing considerations that need to be made.
    • Contract negotiation.

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Prepare for Negotiations More Effectively

    • IT budgets are increasing, but many CIOs feel their budgets are inadequate to accomplish what is being asked of them.
    • Eighty percent of organizations don’t have a mature, repeatable, scalable negotiation process.
    • Training dollars on negotiations are often wasted or ineffective.

    Price Benchmarking & Negotiation

    You need to achieve an objective assessment of vendor pricing in your IT contracts, but you have limited knowledge about:

    • Current price benchmarking on the vendor.
    • Pricing and negotiation intelligence.
    • How to secure a market-competitive price.
    • Vendor pricing tiers, models, and negotiation tactics.

    VMware vRealize Cloud Management

    VMware vCloud Suite is an integrated offering that brings together VMware’s industry-leading vSphere hypervisor and VMware vRealize Suite multi-vendor hybrid cloud management platform. VMware’s new portable licensing units allow vCloud Suite to build and manage both vSphere-based private clouds and multi-vendor hybrid clouds.


    Barrett, Alex. “vSphere and vCenter licensing and pricing explained -- a VMware license guide.” TechTarget, July 2010. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Bateman, Kayleigh. “VMware licensing, pricing and features mini guide.” Computer Weekly, May 2011. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Blaisdell, Rick. “What Are The Common Business Challenges The VMware Sector Faces At This Point In Time?” CIO Review, n.d. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    COMPAREX. “VMware Licensing Program.” COMPAREX, n.d. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Couesbot, Erwann. “Using VMware? Oracle customers hate this licensing pitfall.” UpperEdge, 17 October 2016. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Crayon. “VMware Licensing Programs.” Crayon, n.d. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Datanyze." Virtualization Software Market Share.” Datanyze, n.d. Web.
    Demers, Tom. “Top 18 Tips & Quotes on the Challenges & Future of VMware Licensing.” ProfitBricks, 1 September 2015. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Fenech, J. “A quick look at VMware vSphere Editions and Licensing.” VMware Hub by Altaro, 17 May 2017. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Flexera. “Challenges of VMware Licensing.” Flexera, n.d. Accessed 5 February 2018.
    Fraser, Paris. “A Guide for VMware Licensing.” Sovereign, 11 October 2016. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Haag, Michael. “IDC Data Shows vSAN is the Largest Share of Total HCI Spending.” VMware Blogs, 1 December 2017. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Kealy, Victoria. “VMware Licensing Quick Guide 2015.” The ITAM Review, 17 December 2015. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Kirsch, Brian. “A VMware licensing guide to expanding your environment.” TechTarget, August 2017. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Kirupananthan, Arun. “5 reasons to get VMware licensing right.” Softchoice, 16 April 2018. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Knorr, Eric. “VMware on AWS: A one-way ticket to the cloud.” InfoWorld, 17 October 2016. Accessed 7 May 2018
    Leipzig. “Help, an audit! License audits by VMware. Are you ready?” COMPAREX Group, 2 May 2016. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Mackie, Kurt. “VMware Rips Microsoft for Azure “Bare Metal” Migration Solution.” Redmond Magazine, 27 November 2017. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Micromail. “VMware vSphere Software Licensing.” Micromail, n.d. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Microsoft Corportation. “Migrating VMware to Microsoft Azure” Microsoft Azure, November 2017. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Peter. “Server Virtualization and OS Trends.” Spiceworks, 30 August 2016. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Rich. “VMware running on Azure.” The ITAM Review, 28 November 2017. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Robb, Drew. “Everything you need to know about VMware’s licensing shake up.” Softchoice, 4 March 2016. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Rose, Brendan. “How to determine which VMware licensing option is best.” Softchoice, 28 July 2015. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Scholten, Eric. “New VMware licensing explained.” VMGuru, 12 July 2011. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Sharwood, Simon. “Microsoft to run VMware on Azure, on bare metal. Repeat. Microsoft to run VMware on Azure.” The Register, 22 November 2017. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Siebert, Eric. “Top 7 VMware Management Challenges.” Veeam, n.d. Web.
    Smith, Greg. “Will The Real HCI Market Leader Please Stand Up?” Nutanix, 29 September 2017. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    Spithoven, Richard. “Licensing Oracle software in VMware vCenter 6.0.” LinkedIn, 2 May 2016. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    VMTurbo, Inc. “Licensing, Compliance & Audits in the Cloud Era.” Turbonomics, November 2015. Web.
    VMware. “Aug 1st – Dec 31st 2016 Solution Provider Program Requirements & Incentives & Rewards.” VMware, n.d. Web.
    VMware. “Global Support and Subscription Services “SnS” Renewals Policy.” VMware, n.d. Web.
    VMware. “Support Policies.” VMware, n.d. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    VMware. “VMware Cloud Community.” VMware Cloud, n.d. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    VMware. “VMware Cloud on AWS” VMware Cloud, n.d. Accessed 7 May 2018.
    VMware. “VMware Enterprise Purchasing Program.” VMware, 2013. Web.
    VMware. “VMware Product Guide.” VMware, May 2018. Web.
    VMware. “VMware Volume Purchasing Program.” VMware, April 2019. Web.
    VMware. "VMware Case Studies." VMware, n.d. Web.
    Wiens, Rob. “VMware Enterprise Licensing – What You Need To Know. House of Brick, 14 April 2017. Accessed 7 May 2018

    Bring Visibility to Your Day-to-Day Projects

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    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.8/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $9,649 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 24 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Portfolio Management
    • Parent Category Link: /portfolio-management
    • As an IT leader, you are responsible for getting new things done while keeping the old things running. These “new things” can come in many forms, e.g. service requests, incidents, and officially sanctioned PMO projects, as well as a category of “unofficial” projects that have been initiated through other channels.
    • These unofficial projects get called many things by different organizations (e.g. level 0 projects,BAU projects, non-PMO projects, day-to-day projects), but they all have the similar characteristics: they are smaller and less complex than larger projects or officially sanctioned projects; they are larger and more risky than operational tasks or incidents; and they are focused on the needs of a specific functional unit and tend to stay within those units to get done.
    • Because these day-to-day projects are small, emergent, team-specific, operationally vital, yet generally perceived as being strategically unimportant, top-level leadership has a limited understanding of them when they are approving and prioritizing major projects. As a result, they approve projects with no insight into how your team’s capacity is already stretched thin by existing demands.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Senior leadership cannot contrast the priority of things that are undocumented. As an IT leader, you need to ensure day-to-day projects receive the appropriate amount of documentation without drowning your team in a process that the types of project don’t warrant.
    • Don’t bleed your project capacity dry by leaving the back door open. When executive oversight took over the strategic portfolio, we assumed they’d resource those projects as a priority. Instead, they focused on “alignment,” “strategic vision,” and “go to market” while failing to secure and defend the resource capacity needed. To focus on the big stuff, you need to sweat the small stuff.

    Impact and Result

    • Develop a method to consistently identify and triage day-to-day projects across functional teams in a standard and repeatable way.
    • Establish a way to balance and prioritize the operational necessity of day-to-day projects against the strategic value of major projects.
    • Build a repeatable process to document and report where the time goes across all given pockets of demand your team faces.

    Bring Visibility to Your Day-to-Day Projects Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should put more portfolio management structure around your day-to-day projects, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Uncover your organization’s hidden pockets of day-to-day projects

    Define an organizational standard for identifying day-to-day projects and triaging them in relation to other categories of projects.

    • Bring Visibility to Your Day-to-Day Projects – Phase 1: Uncover Your Organization’s Hidden Pockets of Day-to-Day Projects
    • Day-to-Day Project Definition Tool
    • Day-to-Day Project Supply/Demand Calculator

    2. Establish ongoing day-to-day project visibility

    Build a process for maintaining reliable day-to-day project supply and demand data.

    • Bring Visibility to Your Day-to-Day Projects – Phase 2: Establish Ongoing Day-to-Day Project Visibility
    • Day-to-Day Project Process Document
    • Day-to-Day Project Intake and Prioritization Tool

    Workshop: Bring Visibility to Your Day-to-Day Projects

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Analyze the Current State of Day-to-Day Projects

    The Purpose

    Assess the current state of project portfolio management and establish a realistic target state for the management of day-to-day projects.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Realistic and well-informed workshop goals.


    1.1 Begin with introductions and workshop expectations activity.

    1.2 Perform PPM SWOT analysis.

    1.3 Assess pain points and analyze root causes.


    Realistic workshop goals and expectations

    PPM SWOT analysis

    Root cause analysis

    2 Establish Portfolio Baselines for Day-to-Day Projects

    The Purpose

    Establish a standard set of baselines for day-to-day projects that will help them to be identified and managed in the same way across different functional teams.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Standardization of project definitions and project value assessments across different functional teams.


    2.1 Formalize the definition of a day-to-day project and establish project levels.

    2.2 Develop a project value scorecard for day-to-day projects.

    2.3 Analyze the capacity footprint of day-to-day projects.


    Project identification matrix

    Project value scorecard

    A capacity overview to inform baselines

    3 Build a Target State Process for Day-to-Day Projects

    The Purpose

    Establish a target state process for tracking and monitoring day-to-day projects at the portfolio level.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Standardization of how day-to-day projects are managed and reported on across different functional teams.


    3.1 Map current state workflows for the intake and resource management practices (small and large projects).

    3.2 Perform a right-wrong-missing-confusing analysis.

    3.3 Draft a target state process for the initiation of day-to-day projects and for capacity planning.


    Current state workflows

    Right-wrong-missing-confusing analysis

    Target state workflows

    4 Prepare to Implement Your New Processes

    The Purpose

    Start to plan the implementation of your new processes for the portfolio management of day-to-day projects.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    An implementation plan, complete with communication plans, timelines, and goals.


    4.1 Perform a change impact and stakeholder management analysis.

    4.2 Perform a start-stop-continue activity.

    4.3 Define an implementation roadmap.


    Change impact and stakeholder analyses

    Start-stop-continue retrospective

    Implementation roadmap

    Foster Data-Driven Culture With Data Literacy

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}132|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 10.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $12,999 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 115 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Data Management
    • Parent Category Link: /data-management

    Organizations are joining the wave and adopting machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to unlock the value in their data and power their competitive advantage. But to succeed with these complex analytics programs, they need to begin by looking at their data – empowering their people to realize and embrace the valuable insights within the organization’s data.

    The key to achieve becoming a data-driven organization is to foster a strong data culture and equip employees with data skills through an organization-wide data literacy program.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Start with real business problems in a hands-on format to demonstrate the value of data.
    • Use a formalized organization-wide approach to data literacy program to bridge the data skills gap.
    • Provide relevant and practical training programs tailored to different learning styles and tenures (e.g. onboarding, development plan).

    Impact and Result

    Data literacy is critical to the success of digital transformation and AI analytics. Info-Tech’s approach to creating a sustainable and effective data literacy program is recognizing it is:

    • More than just technical training. A data literacy program isn’t just about data; it encompasses aspects of business, IT, and data.
    • More than a one-off exercise. To keep the literacy skills alive the program must be regular, sustainable, and tailored to different needs across all levels of the organization.
    • More than one delivery format. Different delivery methods need to be considered to suit various learning styles to ensure an effective delivery.

    Foster Data-Driven Culture With Data Literacy Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Foster Data-Driven Culture With Data Literacy Storyboard – A step-by-step guide to help organizations build an effective and sustainable data literacy program that benefits all employees who work with data.

    Data literacy as part of the data governance strategic program should be launched to all levels of employees that will help your organization bridge the data knowledge gap at all levels of the organization. This research recommends approaches to different learning styles to address data skill needs and helps members create a practical and sustainable data literacy program.

    • Foster Data-Driven Culture With Data Literacy Storyboard

    2. Fundamental Data Literacy Program Template – A document that provides an example of a fundamental data literacy program.

    Kick off a data awareness program that explains the fundamental understanding of data and its lifecycle. Explore ways to create or mature the data literacy program with smaller amounts of information on a more frequent basis.

    • Fundamental Data Literacy Program Template

    Further reading

    Foster Data-Driven Culture With Data Literacy

    Data literacy is an essential part of a data-driven culture, bridging the data knowledge gaps across all levels of the organization.

    Analyst Perspective

    Data literacy is the missing link to becoming a data-driven organization.

    “Digital transformation” and “data driven” are two terms that are inseparable. With organizations accelerating in their digital transformation roadmap implementation, organizations need to invest in developing data skills with their people. Talent is scarce and the demand for data skills is huge, with 70% of employees expected to work heavily with data by 2025. There is no time like the present to launch an organization-wide data literacy program to bridge the data knowledge gap and foster a data-driven culture.

    Data literacy training is as important as your cybersecurity training. It impacts all levels of the organization. Data literacy is critical to success with digital transformation and AI analytics.

    Annabel Lui

    Principal Advisory Director, Data & Analytics Practice
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    Organizations are joining the wave and adopting machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) to unlock the value in their data and power their competitive advantage. But to succeed with these complex analytics programs, they need to begin by empowering their people to realize and embrace the valuable insights within the organization’s data.

    The key to becoming a data-driven organization is to foster a strong data culture and equip people with data skills through an organization-wide data literacy program.

    Common Obstacles

    Challenges the data leadership is likely to face as digital transformation initiatives drive intensified competition:

    • Resistance to change
    • Technological distractions
    • “Shadow data”
    • Difficulty securing resources and skilled data professionals
    • Inability to appreciate the value of data and its meaning for users – even fear of it

    Info-Tech's Approach

    We interviewed data leaders and instructors to gather insights about investing in data:

    • Start with real business problems in a hands-on format to demonstrate the value of data.
    • Implement a formalized organization-wide approach to data literacy program to bridge the data skill gap.
    • Provide relevant and practical training programs tailored to different learning styles and tenures (e.g. onboarding,development plan).

    Info-Tech Insight

    By thoughtfully designing a data literacy training program for the audience's own experience, maturity level, and learning style, organizations build the data-driven and engaged culture that helps them to unlock their data's full potential and outperform other organizations.

    Your Challenge

    Data literacy is the missing link to drive business outcomes from data.

    • Having a data-driven culture as an organization’s mission statement without implementing a data literacy program is like making an empty promise and leaving the value unrealized and unattainable.
    • A study conducted by the Data Literacy Project clearly indicates that organizations with aggressive data literacy programs will outperform those who do not have such programs. By 2030, data literacy will be one of the most sought-after skill sets. All employees require data literacy skills.
    • Everyone has a role in data. From employees who are actively involved in data collection to operational teams who create reports with analytics tools and finally to executives who use data to make business decisions – they all require continuous data literacy training in a data-driven organization. Because of differences in maturity, data literacy strategies cannot be one-size-fits-all.

    “Data literacy is the ability to read, work with, analyze, and communicate with data. It's a skill that empowers all levels of workers to ask the right questions of data and machines, build knowledge, make decisions, and communicate meaning to others.” – Qlik, n.d.

    75% of organizational employees have access to data tools – only 21% demonstrated confidence in their data skills.

    Source: Accenture, 2020.

    89% of C-level executives expect team members to explain how data has informed their decisions, but only 11% employees are fully confident in their ability to read, analyze, work with, and communicate with data

    Source: Qlik, 2022.

    Data debt or data asset?

    Manage your data as strategic assets.

    “[Data debt is] when you have undocumented, unused, incomplete, and inconsistent data,” according to Secoda (2023). “When … data debt is not solved, data teams could risk wasting time managing reports no one uses and producing data that no one understands.”

    Signs of data debt when considering investing in data literacy:

    • Lack of definition and understanding of data terms, therefore they don’t speak the same language. Without data literacy, an organization will not succeed in becoming a data-driven organization.
    • Putting data literacy as a low priority. Organization sees this as “another” training to put on the list and keeps it on the back burner.
    • Data literacy is not seen as the number one skill set needed in the organization. However, anyone who works with data requires data skills.
    • End users are not trained on self-serve features and tools.
    • Focusing on a minority group of people rather than everyone in the organization or seeing it as a one-off exercise.
    • Delays or failure to deliver digital transformation projects due to lack of data skills and data access issues.


    of organizations say a backlog of data debt is impacting new data management initiatives.


    of organizations say individuals within the business do not trust data insights.


    of organizations are unable to become data-driven.

    Source: Experian, 2020

    Info-Tech’s Approach

    Data literacy is critical to success with digital transformation and AI analytics.

    Diagram showing components of Data literacy: 1 - Data: understand your data, 2 - Business: define the purpose, 3 - IT: Introduce new ways of working

    The Info-Tech difference:

    1. More than just technical training. Data literacy program isn’t just about data but rather encompasses aspects of business, IT, and data.
    2. More than a one-off exercise. To keep literacy skills alive, the program must be routine and sustainable, tailored to different needs across all levels of the organization.
    3. More than one delivery format. Different delivery methods need to be considered to suit various learning styles.

    Data needs to be processed

    Data – facts – are organized, processed, and given meaning to become insights.

    Data, information, knowledge, insight, wisdom

    Image source: Welocalize, 2020.

    Data represents a discrete fact or event without relation to other things (e.g. it is raining). Data is unorganized and not useful on its own.

    Information organizes and structures data so that it is meaningful and valuable for a specific purpose (i.e. it answers questions). Information is a refined form of data.

    When information is combined with experience and intuition, it results in knowledge. It is our personal map/model of the world.

    Knowledge set with context generates insight. We become knowledgeable as a result of reading, researching, and memorizing (i.e. accumulating information).

    Wisdom means the ability to make sound judgments. Wisdom synthesizes knowledge and experiences into insights.

    Investment in data literacy is a game changer.

    Data literacy is the ability to collect, manage, evaluate, and apply data in a critical manner.

    A data-driven culture is “an operating environment that seeks to leverage data whenever and wherever possible to enhance business efficiency and effectiveness” (Forbes).

    Info-Tech Insight

    Data-driven culture refers to a workplace where decisions are made based on data evidence, not on gut instinct.

    Info-Tech’s methodology for building a data literacy program

    Phase Steps

    1. Define Data Literacy Objectives

    1.1 Understand organization’s needs

    1.2 Create vision and objective for data literacy program

    2. Assess Learning Style and Align to Program Design

    2.1 Create persona and identify audience

    2.2 Assess learning style and align to program design

    2.3 Determine the right delivery method

    3. Socialize Roadmap and Milestones

    3.1 Establish a roadmap

    3.2 Set key performance metrics and milestones

    Phase Outcomes

    Identify key objectives to establish and grow the data literacy program by articulating the problem and solutions proposed.

    Assess each audience’s learning style and adapt the program to their unique needs.

    Show a roadmap with key performance indicators to track each milestone and tell a data story.

    Insight Summary

    “In a world of more data, the companies with more data-literate people are the ones that are going to win.”

    – Miro Kazakoff, senior lecturer, MIT Sloan, in MIT Sloan School of Management, 2021

    Overarching insight

    By thoughtfully designing a data literacy training program personalized to each audience's maturity level, learning style, and experience, organizations can develop and grow a data-driven culture that unlocks the data's full potential for competitive differentiation.

    Module 1 insight

    We can learn a lot from each other. Literacy works both ways – business data stewards learn to “speak data” while IT data custodians understand the business context and value. Everyone should strive to exchange knowledge.

    Module 2 insight

    Avoid traditional classroom teaching – create a data literacy program that is learner-centric to allow participants to learn and experiment with data.

    Aligning program design to those learning styles will make participants more likely to be receptive to learning a new skill.

    Module 3 insight

    A data literacy program isn’t just about data but rather encompasses aspects of business, IT, and data. With executive support and partnership with business, running a data literacy program means that it won’t end up being just another technical training. The program needs to address why, what, how questions.

    Tactical insight

    A lot of programs don’t include the fundamentals. To get data concepts to stick, focus on socializing the data/information/knowledge/wisdom foundation.

    Tactical insight

    Many programs speak in abstract terms. We present case studies and tangible use cases to personalize training to the audience’s world and showcase opportunities enabled through data.

    Key performance indicators (KPIs) for your data literacy program

    How do you know if your data literacy program is successful? Here are some useful KPIs:

    Program Adoption Metrics

    • Percentage of employees attending data literacy training
    • Percentage of participants who report gains in data management knowledge after training sessions
    • Maturity assessment result
    • Survey and diagnostic feedback before and after training
    • Trend analysis of overall data literacy program

    Operational Metrics

    • Number of requests for analytics/reporting services
    • Number of reports created by users
    • Speed and quality of business decisions
    • User satisfaction with reports and analytics services
    • Improved business performance (customer satisfaction)
    • Improved valuation of organization data

    A data-driven culture builds tools and skills, builds users’ trust in the quality of data across sources, and raises the skills and understanding among the frontlines by encouraging everyone to leverage data for critical thinking and innovation.

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    "Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful."

    Guided Implementation

    "Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track."


    "We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place."


    "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of the project."

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks are used throughout all four options.

    Workshop Overview

    Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889

    Session 1

    Session 2

    Session 3

    Session 4


    Define Data Literacy Objectives

    1.1 Review Data Culture Diagnostic results

    1.2 Identify business context: business goals, initiatives

    1.3 Create vision and objective for data literacy program

    Assess Learning Style and Align to Program Design

    2.1 Identify audience

    2.2 Assess learning style and align to program design

    2.3 Determine the right delivery method

    Build a Data Literacy Roadmap and Milestones

    3.1 Identify program initiatives and topics

    3.2 Determine delivery methods

    3.3 Build the data literacy roadmap

    Operational Strategy to implement Data Literacy

    4.1 Identify key performance metrics

    4.2 Identify owners and document RACI matrix

    4.3 Discuss next steps and wrap up.


    1. Diagnostics reports (data culture survey)
    2. Vision and value statement
    1. Assessment of audience covering all levels of organization
    1. List of key program initiatives and topics
    2. Allocation of delivery methods
    3. Roadmap
    1. Data literacy metrics
    2. List of owners and roles and responsibilities
    3. Next step and implementation schedule

    Phase 1

    Define Data Literacy Objectives

    Phase 1: step 1 - Understand organization's needs, step 2 - Create vision and objective for data literacy program.

    Foster Data-Driven Culture With Data Literacy

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Understand the organization’s needs.
    • Create vision and objective for data literacy program.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Data governance sponsor
    • Data owners
    • Data stewards
    • Data custodians

    1.1 Gauge your organization’s current data culture

    Conduct data culture survey or diagnostic.

    1. Identify members of the data user base, data consumers, and other key stakeholders for surveying.
    2. Conduct an information session to introduce Info-Tech’s Data Culture Diagnostic survey. Explain the objective and importance of the survey and its role in helping to understand the organization’s current data culture and inform the improvement of that culture.
    3. Roll out the Info-Tech Data Culture Diagnostic survey to the identified users and stakeholders.
    4. Debrief and document the results and scorecard in the Data Strategy Stakeholder Interview Guide and Findings document.


    • Email addresses of participants in your organization who should receive the survey


    • Your organization’s Data Culture Scorecard for understanding current data culture as it relates to the use and consumption of data
    • An understanding of whether data is currently perceived to be an asset to the organization


    • Info-Tech’s Data Culture Diagnostic service


    • Participants include those at the senior leadership level through to middle management, as well as other business stakeholders at varying levels across the organization
    • Data owners, stewards, and custodians
    • Core data users and consumers

    Contact your Info-Tech Account Representative for details on launching a Data Culture Diagnostic.

    1.2 Define data literacy objectives

    1. Understand the organization’s needs by identifying opportunities and challenges relating to data. Document the described real-life examples.
    2. Categorize the list and identify areas where data literacy can address the business problem.
    3. Create a vision statement for the data literacy program, ensuring that it covers all levels of the organization.
    4. Articulate the intended targets and goals in planning for a data literacy program.


    • List of opportunities and challenges relating to data
    • Relevant business real-life examples


    • Categorized list of data literacy needs
    • Vision for literacy program
    • Targets and goals


    • Whiteboard/flip charts
    • Sticky notes


    • CDO or sponsor
    • Key business stakeholders
    • Data stewards
    • Data custodians
    • Data governance working group

    Quick wins for improving data literacy

    Data collected through Info-Tech’s Data Culture Diagnostic suggests three ways to improve data literacy:


    think more can be done to define and document commonly used terms with methods such as a business data glossary.


    think they can have a better understanding of the meaning of all data elements that are being captured or managed.


    feel that they can have more training in terms of tools as well as on what data is available at the organization.

    Source: Info-Tech Research Group's Data Culture Diagnostic, 2022; N=2,652

    Quick Wins

    • Create a business data glossary to document and define common terms.
    • Provide easy access to the business data glossary and procedures on how data is captured and managed.
    • Launch an organization-wide data literacy program.

    Delivering value is a means and the goal

    Start with real business problems in a hands-on format to demonstrate the value of data.

    Identify business problem:

    • Business decisions without facts are just guesses.
    • Management spends a lot of time finding and fixing data.
    • Unknown challenges on data assets and risk.
    • Incomplete view of customer/client and industry.
    • Not ready for modern data opportunities (e.g. artificial intelligence).

    Create an objective

    Treat data as a strategic asset to gain insight into our customers for all levels of organization.

    The solution: Data-driven culture powered by people who speak data.

    • Data dictionary
    • Data literacy
    • Trusted single source
    • Access to analytics tools
    • Decision making

    "According to Forrester, 91% of organizations find it challenging to improve the use of data insights for decision-making – even though 90% see it as a priority. Why the disconnect? A lack of data literacy."

    – Alation, 2020

    Fundamental data literacy

    Data literacy is more than just a technical training or a one-off exercise.

    Info-Tech provides various topics suited for a data literacy program that can accommodate different data skill requirements and encompasses relevant aspects of business, IT, and data.

    Info-Tech Research Group’s Data Literacy Program

    Use discovery and diagnostics to understand users’ comfort level and maturity with data.

    Data lunch 'n' learn

    • The power and value of data
    • Everyone is a data steward
    • Becoming data literate
    • Data 101
    • The future is data
    1 hour
    For: General audience, senior leadership, data leads, change management

    Speak data

    • What is data
    • Meet the data team
    • Day in the life of a steward
    • How data impacts you
    • Tools of the trade
    1/2 day
    For: New stewards, data owners, pre-data strategy workshop

    Your data story

    • Ask the right questions
    • Find the top five data elements
    • Understand your data
    • Present your data story
    • Lessons from COVID-19
    1/2 day
    For: New stewards, business data owners, pre-BI/analytics workshop

    Phase 2

    Assess Learning Style and Align to Program Design

    Phase 2: step 1 - Identify audience, step 2 - Access learning style and align to program design, step 3 - Determine the right delivery method.

    Foster Data-Driven Culture With Data Literacy

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Identify your audience.
    • Assess learning styles and align them to the data program design.
    • Determine the right delivery method.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Data governance sponsor
    • Data owners
    • Data stewards
    • Data custodians

    Avoid common pitfalls


    feel that training was too long to remember or to apply in their day-to-day work.


    find training had insufficient follow-up to help them apply on the job.

    Source: Grovo, 2018.

    1. Information Overload

      Trying to cover too much useful information results in overwhelm and does not deliver on key training objectives.
    2. Limited Implementation

      Learning is only the beginning. The real results are obtained when learning is followed by practice, which turns new knowledge into reliable habits.
    3. Lack of Organizational Alignment

      Implementing training without a clear link to organizational objectives leaves you unable to clearly communicate its value, undermines your ability to secure buy-in from attendees and executives, and leaves you unable to verify that the training is actually improving effectiveness.

    2.1 Understand learning style

    1. Create persona and identify the audiences and their roles in data across all levels of the organization.
    2. Identify the data program initiatives and assign the best delivery method to each initiative.
    3. Assign participants to each program initiative based on their skill gap and learning style.


    • List of audiences, their roles, and tenures
    • Data skill gap assessment
    • List of literacy program initiatives/topics


    • Target audience grouping
    • List of program initiatives with assigned groups


    • Whiteboard/flip charts
    • Sticky notes


    • CDO or sponsor
    • Key business stakeholders
    • Data stewards
    • Data custodians
    • Data governance working group

    You and data

    Is data an integral part of your work?

    Do you feel comfortable finding and using data in your organization?

    • Many people feel intimidated by data and therefore miss out on what data can do for them.
    • Often the obstacle is language. If you don’t understand the semantics around data, you will not feel confident to contribute to discussions around data.
    • You use data every day but need additional vocabulary to understand how to handle it properly.
    • Data literacy is the ability to “speak data” and to understand what data means (i.e. how to read charts and graphs, draw valid conclusions, and recognize when data is misinterpreted or used inappropriately to be misleading).
    • The business often doesn’t understand its role in data governance and how it informs and assists IT in responsible data management.

    Info-Tech Insight

    IT and data professionals need to understand the business as much as business needs to talk about data. Bidirectional learning and feedback improves the synergy between business and IT.

    Create personas

    Persona creation is a way to brainstorm ideas for the data literacy program.

    Choose a data role (e.g. data steward, data owner, data scientist).

    Describe the persona based on goals, priorities, tenures, preferred learning style, type of work with data.

    Identify data skill and level of skills required.

    Persona 1: Denise - Manager, People and Culture. Goals, priorities, tenure, data role, learning style, skill level

    Consider these other ways to brainstorm:

    • Review current in-flight projects.
    • Analyze types of data requests.
    • Understand needs by department.
    • Share learnings in a community of practice.

    Program design

    Categorize into six data skill areas

    Not everyone needs the same level of skill sets

    Bullseye board with skill levels (Innermost going outward): Expert, advanced, intermediate and Basic. The six data skill areas: 1. Understanding Data, 2. Find and Obtain Data, 3. Read, Interpret and Evaluate Data, 4. Manage Data, 5. Create and Use Data, 6. Tell a Story and Share Data are placed equally around in sections.

    Map the personas to the program

    Bridging the data knowledge gap.

    • Each component will promote the value of data to all levels of employees when demonstrating the right way for data to be understood, managed, and consumed in the organization.
    • Categorizing the data literacy program into six areas and levels of skill sets will provide clarity into which areas to focus on.
    • The program is intended to be implemented in stages, allowing the audience to learn and adopt the new skills. Leveraging in-flight projects for rolling out training will have a higher success because the need is already built into the project.
    Personas are placed at different points in the data skill area and skill level.

    Align program design to learning styles

    The four methods (Discussion, Information, Coaching, and Self-Discovery) are based on learner-centered model design rather than the traditional teacher-centered model.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Tailor your data literacy program to meet your organization’s needs, filling your range of knowledge gaps and catering to different levels of users.

    When it comes to rolling out a data literacy program, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Your data literacy program is intended to spread knowledge throughout your organization. It should target everyone from executive leadership to management to subject matter experts across all functions of the business.

    Discussion method

    Delivery Method

    • Interactive format between instructor and learner
    • Instructor empowers and motivates learner through dialogues and exercises

    The imaginative learner

    The imaginative learner group likes to engage in feelings and spend time on reflection. This type of learner desires personal meaning and involvement. They focus on personal values for themselves and others and make connections quickly.

    For this group of learners, their question is: why should I learn this?

    Learning characteristics

    • Seek meaning
    • Need to be personally involved
    • Learn by listening and sharing ideas
    • Function through social interaction

    Information method

    Delivery Method

    • Instructor does most of the talking in the training
    • Instructor is teaching the content, delivering the training content, and demonstrating

    Analytical learner

    The analytical learner group likes to listen, to think about information, and to come up with ideas. They are interested in acquiring facts and delving into concepts and processes. They can learn effectively and enjoy doing independent research.

    For this group of learners, their question is: what should I learn?

    Learning characteristics

    • Seek and examine the facts
    • Need to know what experts think
    • Interested in ideas and concepts
    • Critique information and collect data
    • Function by adapting to experts

    Coaching method

    Delivery Method

    • Learning has on-the-job training or learning through role-play exercises
    • Instructor is coaching and facilitating learner

    Common sense learner

    The common sense learner group likes thinking and doing. They are satisfied when they can carry out experiments, build and design, and create usability. They like tinkering and applying useful ideas.

    For this group of learners, their question is: how should I learn?

    Learning characteristics

    • Seek usability
    • Need to know how things work
    • Learn by testing theories using practical methods
    • Use factual data to build concepts
    • Enjoy hands-on experience

    Self-discovery method

    Delivery Method

    • Interactive format between instructor and learner
    • Instructor provides evaluation and remedial instruction

    Common sense learner

    The dynamic learner group learns through doing and experiencing. They are continually looking for hidden possibilities and researching ideas to make original adjustments. They learn through trial and error and self-discovery.

    For this group of learners, their question is: what if I learn this?

    Learning characteristics

    • Seek hidden possibilities
    • Need to know what can be done with things
    • Learn by trial and error
    • Enjoy variety and excel in being flexible

    Delivery method considerations

    There are four common ways to learn a new skill: by watching, conceptualizing, doing, and experiencing. The following are some suggestions on ways to implement your data literacy program through different delivery methods.

    There are four common ways to learn a new skill: by watching, conceptualizing, doing, and experiencing. The following are some suggestions on ways to implement your data literacy program through different delivery methods.

    Phase 3

    Map Out Data Literacy Roadmap and Milestones

    Phase 3: step 1 - Roadmap exercise, step 2 - Set key performance metrics and milestones.

    Foster Data-Driven Culture With Data Literacy

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Complete a roadmap exercise.
    • Set key performance metrics and milestones.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Data governance sponsor
    • Data owners
    • Data stewards
    • Data custodians

    3.1 Build the data literacy roadmap and milestones

    1-3 hours
    1. Gather the data literacy objectives and list of program initiatives with their assigned groups.
    2. Discuss each program initiative with the data literacy creation team, assigning content owners and estimating effort required to build the content.

    For the Gantt chart:

    • Input the roadmap start year.
    • List each data literacy topic and delivery method.
    • Populate the planned start and end dates for the prepopulated list of program initiatives.


    • List of data literacy topics with assigned groups
    • Vision statement of data literacy program
    • Data literacy objectives


    • Roadmap Gantt chart
    • List of program initiatives with start and end date
    • Content owner assignment


    • Whiteboard/flip charts
    • Sticky notes
    • MS Projects/Excel


    • CDO or sponsor
    • Key business stakeholders
    • Data stewards
    • Data custodians
    • Data governance working group

    Data literacy journey mapping

    Making it sustainable

    • Deliver the literacy program in stages to make it easier for the audience to consume the content.
    • Allow opportunities to apply the learnings at work.
    • Map out the data literacy trainings as they get delivered and identify gaps, if any. Continue to refine and adjust the program and delivery method for better outcome.
    • Set clear goals and KPIs measurement up front.
    • Conduct Info-Tech Research Group’s Data Culture Diagnostics to set the baseline and repeat the assessment in 12 to 18 months.
    • Assign champions to lead change and influence end users to adopt better processes.
    Data Literacy journey mapping. Different departments need different skills in data literacy.

    Research contributors



    Andrea Malick Advisory Director, Info-Tech Research Group
    Andy Neill AVP, Data and Analytics, Chief Enterprise Architect, Info-Tech Research Group
    Crystal Singh Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group
    Imad Jawadi Senior Manager, Consulting Advisory, Info-Tech Research Group
    Irina Sedenko Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group
    Reddy Doddipalli Senior Workshop Director, Info-Tech Research Group
    Sherwick Min Technical Counselor, Info-Tech Research Group
    Wayne Cain Principal Advisory Director, Info-Tech Research Group

    Info-Tech’s Data Literacy Program

    Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889

    Session 1

    Session 2

    Session 3

    Session 4


    Understand the WHY and Value of Data

    1.1 Business context, business objectives, and goals

    1.2 You and data

    1.3 Data journey from data to insights

    1.4 Speak data – common terminology

    Learn about the WHAT Through Data Flow

    2.1 Data creation

    2.2 Data ingestion

    2.3 Data accumulation

    2.4 Data augmentation

    2.5 Data delivery

    2.6 Data consumption

    Explore the HOW Through Data Visualization Training

    3.1 Ask the right questions

    3.2 Find the top five data elements

    3.3 Understand your data

    3.4 Present your data story

    3.5 Sharing of lessons learned

    Put Them All Together Through Data Governance Awareness

    4.1 Data governance framework

    4.2 Data roles and responsibilities

    4.3 Data domain and owners


    1. Learning material for understanding the data fundamental and its terminology
    1. Learning material for data flow elements
    1. Learning material for data visualization
    1. Learning material for data governance awareness program

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Establish Data Governance

    Deliver measurable business value.

    Build a Robust and Comprehensive Data Strategy

    Key to building and fostering a data-driven culture.

    Create a Data Management Roadmap

    Streamline your data management program with our simplified framework.


    About Learning. “4MAT overview.” About Learning., 16 Aug. 2001. Web.

    Accenture. “The Human Impact of Data Literacy,” Accenture, 2020. Web.

    Anand, Shivani. “IDC Reveals India Data and Content Technologies Predictions for 2022 and onwards; Focus on Data Literacy for an Elevated data Culture.” IDC, 14 Mar. 2022. Web.

    Belissent, Jennifer, and Aaron Kalb. “Data Literacy: The Key to Data-Driven Decision Making.” Alation, April 2020. Web.

    Brown, Sara. “How to build data literacy in your company.” MIT Sloan School of Management, 9 Feb 2021. Web.

    ---. “How to build a data-driven company.” MIT Sloan School of Management, 24 Sept. 2020. Web.

    Domo. “Data Never Sleeps 9.0.” Domo, 2021. Web.

    Dykes, Brent. “Creating A Data-Driven Culture: Why Leading By Example Is Essential.” Forbes, 26 Oct. 2017. Web.

    Experian. “10 signs you are sitting on a pile of data debt.” Experian, 2020. Accessed 25 June 2021. Web.

    Experian. “2019 Global Data Management Research.” Experian, 2019. Web.

    Knight, Michelle. “Data Literacy Trends in 2023: Formalizing Programs.” Dataversity, 3 Jan. 2023. Web.

    Ghosh, Paramita. “Data Literacy Skills Every Organization Should Build.” Dataversity, 2 Nov. 2022. Web.

    Johnson, A., et al., “How to Build a Strategy in a Digital World,” Compact, 2018, vol. 2. Web.

    LifeTrain. “Learning Style Quiz.” EMTrain, Web.

    Lambers, E., et al. “How to become data literate and support a data-drive culture.” Compact, 2018, vol. 4. Web.

    Marr, Benard. “Why is data literacy important for any business?” Bernard Marr & Co., 16 Aug. 2022. Web.

    Marr, Benard. “8 simple ways to enhance your data literacy skills.” Bernard Marr & Co., 16 Aug. 2022. Web/

    Mendoza, N.F. “Data literacy: Time to cure data phobia” Tech Republic, 27 Sept. 2022. Web.

    Mizrahi, Etai. “How to stay ahead of data debt and downtime?” Secoda, 17 April 2023. Web.

    Needham, Mass., “IDC FutureScape: Top 10 Predictions for the Future of Intelligence.” IDC, 5 Dec. 2022. Web.

    Paton, J., and M.A.P. op het Veld. “Trusted Analytics.” Compact, 2017, vol. 2. Web.

    Qlik. “Data Literacy to be Most In-Demand Skill by 2030 as AI Transforms Global Workplaces.” Qlik., 16 Mar 2022. Web.

    Qlik. “What is data literacy?” Qlik, n.d. Web.

    Reed, David. Becoming Data Literate. Harriman House Publishing, 1 Sept. 2021. Print.

    Salomonsen, Summer. “Grovo’s First-Time Manager Microlearning® Program Will Help Your New Managers Thrive in 2018.” Grovos Blog, 5 Dec. 2018. Web.

    Webb, Ryan. “More Than Just Reporting: Uncovering Actionable Insights From Data.” Welocalize, 1 Sept. 2020. Web.

    Improve Service Desk Ticket Queue Management

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}492|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
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    • Parent Category Name: Service Desk
    • Parent Category Link: /service-desk
    • Service desk tickets pile up in the queue, get lost or buried, jump between queues without progress, leading to slow response and resolution times, a seemingly insurmountable backlog and breached SLAs.
    • There are no defined rules or processes for how tickets should be assigned and routed and technicians don’t know how to prioritize their assigned work, meaning tickets take too long to get to the right place and aren’t always resolved in the correct or most efficient order.
    • Nobody has authority or accountability for queue management, meaning everyone has eyes only on their own tickets while others fall through the cracks.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    If everybody is managing the queue, then nobody is. Without clear ownership and accountability over each and every queue, then it becomes too easy for everyone to assume someone else is handling or monitoring a ticket when in fact nobody is. Assign a Queue Manager to each queue and ensure someone is responsible for monitoring ticket movement across all the queues.

    Impact and Result

    • Clearly define your queue structure, organize the queues by content, then assign resources to relevant queues depending on their role and expertise.
    • Define and document queue management processes, from initial triage to how to prioritize work on assigned tickets. Once processes have been defined, identify opportunities to build in automation to improve efficiency.
    • Ensure everyone who handles tickets is clear on their responsibilities and establish clear ownership and accountability for queue management.

    Improve Service Desk Ticket Queue Management Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Ticket Queue Management Deck – A guide to service desk ticket queue management best practices and advice

    This storyboard reviews the top ten pieces of advice for improving ticket queue management at the service desk.

    • Improve Service Desk Ticket Queue Management Storyboard

    2. Service Desk Queue Structure Template – A template to help you map out and optimize your service desk ticket queues

    This template includes several examples of service desk queue structures, followed by space to build your own model of your optimal service desk queue structure and document who is assigned to each queue and responsible for managing each queue.

    • Service Desk Queue Structure Template

    Further reading

    Improve Service Desk Ticket Queue Management

    Strong queue management is the foundation to good customer service

    Analyst Perspective

    Secure your foundation before you start renovating.

    Service Desk and IT leaders who are struggling with low efficiency, high backlogs, missed SLAs, and poor service desk metrics often think they need to hire more resources or get a new ITSM tool with better automation and AI capabilities. However, more often than not, the root cause of their challenges goes back to the fundamentals.

    Strong ticket queue management processes are critical to the success of all other service desk processes. You can’t resolve incidents and fulfill service requests in time to meet SLAs without first getting the ticket to the right place efficiently and then managing all tickets in the queue effectively. It sounds simple, but we see a lot of struggles around queue management, from new tickets sitting too long before being assigned, to in-progress tickets getting buried in favor of easier or higher-priority tickets, to tickets jumping from queue to queue without progress, to a seemingly insurmountable backlog.

    Once you have taken the time to clearly structure your queues, assign resources, and define your processes for routing tickets to and from queues and resolving tickets in the queue, you will start to see response and resolution time decrease along with the ticket backlog. However, accountability for queue management is often overlooked and is really key to success.
    This is an image of Dr. Natalie Sansone, Senior Research Analyst at Info-Tech Research Group

    Natalie Sansone, PhD
    Senior Research Analyst, Infrastructure & Operations
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    • Tickets come into the service desk via multiple channels (email, phone, chat, portal) and aren’t consolidated into a single queue, making it difficult to know what to prioritize.
    • New tickets sit in the queue for too long before being assigned while assigned tickets sit for too long without progress or in the wrong queue, leading to slow response and resolution times.
    • Tickets quickly pile up in the queues, get lost or buried, or jump between queues without finding the right home, leading to a seemingly insurmountable backlog and breached SLAs.

    Common Obstacles

    • All tickets pile into the same queue, making it difficult to view, manage, or know who’s working on what.
    • There are no defined rules or processes for how tickets should be assigned and routed, meaning they often take too long to get to the right place.
    • Technicians have no guidelines as to how to prioritize their work, and no easy way to organize their tickets or queue to know what to work on next.
    • Nobody has authority or accountability for queue management, meaning everyone has eyes only on their own tickets while others fall through the cracks.

    Info-Tech’s Approach

    • Clearly define your queue structure, organize the queues by content, then assign resources to relevant queues depending on their role and expertise.
    • Define and document queue management processes, from initial triage to how to prioritize work on assigned tickets. Ensure everyone who handles tickets is clear on their responsibilities.
    • Establish clear ownership and accountability for queue management.
    • Once processes have been defined, identify opportunities to build in automation to improve efficiency.

    Info-Tech Insight

    If everybody is managing the queue, then nobody is. Without clear ownership and accountability over each and every queue it becomes too easy for everyone to assume someone else is handling or monitoring a ticket when in fact nobody is. Assign a Queue Manager to each queue and ensure someone is responsible for monitoring ticket movement across all the queues.

    Timeliness is essential to customer satisfaction

    And timeliness can’t be achieved without good queue management practices.

    As soon as that ticket comes in, the clock starts ticking…

    A host of different factors influence service desk response time and resolution time, including process optimization and documentation, workflow automation, clearly defined prioritization and escalation rules, and a comprehensive and easily accessible knowledgebase.

    However, the root cause of poor response and resolution time often comes down to the basics like ticket queue management. Without clearly defined processes and ownership for assigning and actioning tickets from the queue in the most effective order and manner, customer satisfaction will suffer.

    For every 12-hour delay in response time*, CSAT drops by 9.6%.

    *to email and web support tickets
    Source: Freshdesk, 2021

    A Freshworks analysis of 107 million service desk interactions found the relationship between CSAT and response time is stronger than resolution time - when customers receive prompt responses and regular updates, they place less value on actual resolution time.

    A queue is simply a line of people (or tickets) waiting to be helped

    When customers reach out to the service desk for help, their messages are converted into tickets that are stored in a queue, waiting to be actioned appropriately.

    Ticket Queue

    Ideally, the majority of tickets come into the ticket queue through email or a self-service portal, allowing for appropriate categorization, prioritization, and assignment.

    For IT teams with a high volume of support requests coming in through the phone, reducing wait time in queue may be a priority.

    Live chat is growing in popularity as an intake method and may require routing and distribution rules to prevent long or multiple queues.

    Queue Management

    Queue management is a set of processes and tools to direct and monitor tickets or manage ticket flow. It involves the following activities:

    • Review incoming tickets
    • Categorize and prioritize tickets
    • Route or assign appropriately
    • View or update ticket status
    • Monitor resource workload
    • Ensure tickets are being actioned in time
    • Proactively identify SLA breaches

    Ineffective queue management can bury you in backlog

    Ticket backlog with poor queue management

    Without a clear and efficient process or accountability for moving incoming tickets to the right place, tickets will be worked on randomly, older tickets will get buried, the backlog will grow, and SLAs will be missed.

    Ticket backlog with good queue management

    With effective queue management and ownership, tickets are quickly assigned to the right resource, worked on within the appropriate SLO/SLA, and actively monitored, leading to a more manageable backlog and good response and resolution times.

    A growing backlog will quickly lead to dissatisfied end users and staff

    Failing to efficiently move tickets from the queue or monitor tickets in the queue can quickly lead to tickets being buried and support staff feeling buried in tickets.

    Common challenges with queue management include:

    • Tickets come in through multiple channels and aren’t consolidated into a single queue
    • New tickets sit unassigned for too long, resulting in long response times
    • Tickets move around between multiple queues with no clear ownership
    • Assigned tickets sit too long in a queue without progress and breach SLA
    • No accountability for queue ownership and monitoring
    • Technicians cherry pick the easiest tickets from the queue
    • Technicians have no easy way to organize their queue to know what to work on next

    This leads to:

    • Long response times
    • Long resolution times
    • Poor workload distribution and efficiency
    • High backlog
    • Disengaged, frustrated staff
    • Dissatisfied end users

    Info-Tech Insight

    A growing backlog will quickly lead to frustrated and dissatisfied customers, causing them to avoid the service desk and seek alternate methods to get what they need, whether going directly to their favorite technician or their peers (otherwise known as shadow IT).

    Dig yourself out with strong queue management

    Strong queue management is the foundation to good customer service.

    Build a mature ticket queue management process that allows your team to properly prioritize, assign, and work on tickets to maximize response and resolution times.

    A mature queue management process will:

    • Reduce response time to address tickets.
    • Effectively prioritize tickets and ensure everyone knows what to work on next.
    • Ensure tickets get assigned and routed to the right queue and/or resource efficiently.
    • Reduce overall resolution time to resolve tickets.
    • Enable greater accountability for queue management and monitoring of tickets.
    • Improve customer and employee satisfaction.

    As queue management maturity increases:
    Response time decreases
    Resolution time decreases
    Backlog decreases
    End-user satisfaction increases

    Ten Tips to Effectively Manage Your Queue

    The remaining slides in this deck will review these ten pieces of advice for designing and managing your ticket queues effectively and efficiently.

    1. Define your optimal queue structure
    2. Design and assign resources to relevant queues
    3. Define and document queue management processes
    4. Clearly define queue management responsibilities for every team member
    5. Establish clear ownership & accountability over all queues
    6. Always keep ticket status and documentation up to date
    7. Shift left to reduce queue volume
    8. Build-in automation to improve efficiency
    9. Configure your ITSM tool to support and optimize queue management processes
    10. Don’t lose visibility of the backlog

    #1: Define your optimal queue structure

    There is no one right way to do queue management; choose the approach that will result in the highest value for your customers and IT staff.

    Sample queue structures

    This is an image of a sample Queue structure, where Incoming Tickets from all channels pass through auto or manual Queue assignment, to a numbered queue position.

    *Queues may be defined by skillset, role, ticket category, priority, or a hybrid.

    Triage and Assign

    • All incoming tickets are assigned to an appropriate queue based on predefined criteria.
    • Queue assignment may be done through automated workflows based on specific fields within the ticket, or manually by a
    • Queue Manager, dedicated coordinator, or Tier 1 staff.
    • Queues may be defined based on:
      • Skillset/team (e.g. Infrastructure, Security, Apps, etc.)
      • Ticket category (e.g. Network, Office365, Hardware, etc.)
      • Priority (e.g. P1, P2, P3, P4, P5)
    • Resources may be assigned to multiple queues.

    Define your optimal queue structure (cont.)

    Tiered generalist model

    • All incidents and service requests are routed to Tier 1 first, who prioritize and, if appropriate, conduct initial triage, troubleshooting, and resolution on a wide range of issues.
    • More complex or high-priority tickets are escalated to resources at Tier 2 and/or Tier 3, who are specialists working on projects in addition to support tickets.
    This is an image of the Tiered Generalist Model

    Unassigned queue

    • Very small teams may work from an unassigned queue if there are processes in place to monitor tickets and workload balance.
    • Typically, these teams work by resolving the oldest tickets first regardless of complexity (also known as First In, First Out or FIFO). However, this doesn’t allow for much flexibility in terms of priority of the request or customer.
    This is an image of an unassigned queue model

    #2: Design and assign resources to relevant queues

    Once you’ve defined your overall structure, define the content of each queue.

    This image depicts a sample queue organization structure. The bin titles are: Workgroup; Customer Group; Problem Type; and Hybrid

    Info-Tech Insight

    Start small; don’t create a queue for every possible ticket type. Remember that someone needs to be accountable for each of these queues, so only build what you can monitor.

    #3 Define and document queue management processes

    A clear, comprehensive, easily digestible SOP or workflow outlining the steps for handling new tickets and working tickets from the queue will help agents deliver a consistent experience.




    • Ensure a ticket is created for every issue coming from every channel (e.g. phone, email, chat, walk-in, portal).
    • Assign a priority to each ticket.
    • Categorize ticket and add any necessary documentation
    • Update ticket status.
    • Delete spam, merge duplicate tickets, clean up inbox.
    • Assign tickets to appropriate queue or resource, escalate when necessary.
    • How should tickets be prioritized?
    • How should tickets from each channel be prioritized and routed? (e.g. are phone calls resolved right away? Are chats responded to immediately?)
    • Criteria that determine where a ticket should be sent or assigned (i.e. ticket category, priority, customer type).
    • How should VIP tickets be handled?
    • When should tickets be automatically escalated?
    • Which tickets require hierarchical escalation (i.e. to management)?


    • Continually update ticket status and documentation.
    • Assess which tickets should be worked on or completed ahead of others.
    • Troubleshoot, resolve, or escalate tickets.
    • In what order should tickets be worked on (e.g. by priority, by age, by effort, by time to breach)?
    • How long should a ticket be worked on without progress before it should be escalated to a different tier or queue?
    • Exceptions to the rule (e.g. in which circumstances should a lower priority ticket be worked on over a higher priority ticket).

    Process recommendations

    As you define queue management processes, keep the following advice in mind:

    Rotate triage role

    The triage role is critical but difficult. Consider rotating your Tier 1 resources through this role, or your service desk team if you’re a very small group.

    Limit and prioritize channels

    You decide which channels to enable and prioritize, not your users. Phone and chat are very interrupt-driven and should be reserved for high-priority issues if used. Your users may not understand that but can learn over time with training and reinforcement.

    Prioritize first

    Priority matrixes are necessary for consistency but there are always circumstances that require judgment calls. Think about risk and expected outcome rather than simply type of issue alone. And if the impact is bigger than the initial classification, change it.

    Define VIP treatment

    In some organizations, the same issue can be more critical if it happens to a certain user role (e.g. client facing, c-suite). Identify and flag VIP users and clearly define how their tickets should be prioritized.

    Consider time zone

    If users are in different time zones, take their current business hours into account when choosing which ticket to work on.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Think of your service desk as an emergency room. Patients come in with different symptoms, and the triage nurse must quickly assess these symptoms to decide who the patient should see and how soon. Some urgent cases will need to see the doctor immediately, while others can wait in another queue (the waiting room) for a while before being dealt with. Some cases who come in through a priority channel (e.g. ambulance) may jump the queue. Checklists and criteria can help with this decision making, but some degree of judgement is also required and that comes with experience. The triage role is sometimes seen as a junior-level role, but it actually requires expertise to be done well.

    For more detailed process guidance, see Standardize the Service Desk

    Info-Tech’s blueprint Standardize the Service Desk will help you standardize and document core service desk processes and functions, including:

    • Service desk structure, roles, and responsibilities
    • Metrics and reporting
    • Ticket handling and ticket quality
    • Incident and critical incident management
    • Ticket categorization
    • Prioritization and escalation
    • Service request fulfillment
    • Self-service considerations
    • Building a knowledgebase
    this image contains three screenshots from Info-Tech's Standardize the Service Desk Blueprint

    #4 Clearly define queue management responsibilities for every team member

    This may be one of the most critical yet overlooked keys to queue management success. Define the following:

    Who will have overall accountability?

    Someone must be responsible for monitoring all incoming and open tickets as well as assigned tickets in every queue to ensure they are routed and fulfilled appropriately. This person must have authority to view and coordinate all queues and Queue Managers.

    Who will manage each queue?

    Someone must be responsible for managing each queue, including assigning resources, balancing workload, and ensuring SLOs are met for the tickets within their queue. For example, the Apps Manager may be the Queue Manager for all tickets assigned to the Apps team queue.

    Who is responsible for assigning tickets?

    Will you have a triage team who monitors and assigns all incoming tickets? What are their specific responsibilities (e.g. prioritize, categorize, attempt troubleshooting, assign or escalate)? If not, who is responsible for assigning new tickets and how is this done? Will the triage role be a rotating role, and if so, what will the schedule be?

    What are everyone’s responsibilities?

    Everyone who is assigned tickets should understand the ticket handling process and their specific responsibilities when it comes to queue management.

    #5 Establish clear ownership & accountability over all queues

    If everyone is accountable, then no one is accountable. Ownership for each queue and all queues must be clearly designated.

    You may have multiple queue manager roles: one for each queue, and one who has visibility over all the queues. Typically, these roles make up only part of an individual’s job. Clearly define the responsibilities of the Queue Manager role; sample responsibilities are on the right.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Lack of authority over queues – especially those outside Tier 1 of the service desk – is one of the biggest pitfalls we see causing aging tickets and missed SLAs. Every queue needs clear ownership and accountability with everyone committed to meeting the same SLOs.

    The Queue Manager or Coordinator is accountable for ensuring tickets are routed to the correct resources service level objectives or agreements are met.

    Specific responsibilities may include:

    • Monitors queues daily
    • Ensures new tickets are assigned to appropriate resources for resolution
    • Verifies tickets have been routed and assigned correctly and reroutes if necessary
    • Reallocates tickets if assigned resource is suddenly unavailable or away
    • Ensures ticket handling process is met, ticket status is up to date and correct, and ticket documentation is complete
    • Escalates tickets that are aging or about to breach
    • Ensures service level objectives or agreements are met
    • Facilitates resource allocation based on workload
    • Coordinates tickets that require collaboration across workgroups to ensure resolution is achieved within SLA
    • Associates child and parent tickets
    • Prepares reports on ticket status and volume by queues
    • Regularly reviews reports to identify and act on issues and make improvements or changes where needed
    • Identifies opportunities for improvement

    #6 Always keep ticket status and documentation up to date

    Anyone should be able to quickly understand the status and progress on a ticket without needing to ask the technician working on it. This means both the ticket status and documentation must be continually and accurately updated.

    Ticket Documentation
    Ticket descriptions and documentation must be kept accurate and up to date. This ensures that if the ticket is escalated or assigned to a new person, or the Queue Manager or Service Desk Manager needs to know what progress has been made on a ticket, that person doesn’t need to waste time with back-and-forth communication with the technician or end user.

    Ticket Status
    The ticket status field should change as the ticket moves toward resolution, and must be updated every time the status changes. This ensures that anyone looking at the ticket queue can quickly learn and communicate the status of a ticket, tickets don’t get lost or neglected, metrics are accurate (such as time to resolve), and SLAs are not impacted if a ticket is on hold.

    Common ticket statuses include:

    • New/open
    • Assigned
    • In progress
    • Declined
    • Canceled
    • Pending/on hold
    • Resolved
    • Closed
    • Reopened

    For more guidance on ticket handling and documentation, download Info-Tech’s blueprint: Standardize the Service Desk.

    • For ticket handling and documentation, see Step 1.4
    • For ticket status fields, see Step 2.2.

    #7 Shift left to reduce queue volume

    Enable processes such as knowledge management, self-service, and problem management to prevent tickets from even coming into the queue.

    Shift left means enabling fulfilment of repeatable tasks and requests via faster, lower-cost delivery channels, self-help tools, and automation.

    This image contains a graph, where the Y axis is labeled Cost, and the X axis is labeled Time to Resolve.  On the graph are depicted service desk levels 0, 1, 2, and 3.

    Shift to Level 1

    • Identify tickets that are often escalated beyond Tier 1 but could be resolved by Level 1 if they were given the tools, training, resources, or access they need to do so.
    • Provide tools to succeed at resolving those defined tasks (e.g. knowledge article, documentation, remote tools).
    • Embed knowledge management in resolution workflows.

    Shift to End User

    • Build a centralized, easily accessible self-service portal where users can search for solutions to resolve their issues without having to submit a ticket.
    • Communicate and train users on how to use the portal regularly update and improve it.

    Automate & Eliminate

    • Identify processes or tasks that could be automated to eliminate work.
    • Invest in problem management and event management to fix the root problem of recurring issues and prevent a problem from occurring in the first place, thereby preventing future tickets.

    #8 Build in automation to improve efficiency

    Manually routing every ticket can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Once you’ve established the process, automate wherever possible.

    Automation rules can be used to ensure tickets are assigned to the right person or queue, to alert necessary parties when a ticket is about to breach or has breached SLA, or to remind technicians when a ticket has sat in a queue or at a particular status for too long.

    This can improve efficiency, reduce error, and bring greater visibility to both high-priority tickets and aging tickets in the backlog.

    However, your processes, queues, and responsibilities must be clearly defined before you can build in automation.

    For more guidance on implementing automation and AI within your service desk, see these blueprints:

    For examples of rules, triggers, and fields you can automate to improve the efficiency of your queue management processes, see the next slide.

    Sample automation rules

    Criteria or triggers you can automate actions based on:

    • Ticket type
    • Specific field in a ticket web form
    • Ticket form that was used (e.g. specific service request form from the portal)
    • Ticket category
    • Ticket priority
    • Keyword in an email subject line
    • Keywords or string in a chat
    • Requester name or email
    • Requester location
    • Requester/ticket language
    • Requester VIP status
    • Channel ticket was received through
    • SLAs or time-based automations
    • Agent skill
    • Agent status or capacity

    Fields or actions those triggers can automate

    • Priority
    • Category
    • Ticket routing
    • Assigned agent
    • Assigned queue
    • SLA/due date
    • Notifications/communication

    Sample Automation Rules

    • When ticket is about to breach, send alert to Queue Manager and Service Desk Manager.
    • When ticket comes from VIP user, set urgency to high.
    • When ticket status has been set to “open” for ten hours, send an alert to Queue Manager.
    • When ticket status has been set to “on hold” for five days, send a reminder to assignee.
    • When ticket is categorized as “Software-ERP,” send to ERP queue.
    • When ticket is prioritized as P1/critical, send alert to emergency response team.
    • When ticket is prioritized as P1 and hasn’t been updated for one hour, send an alert to Incident Manager.
    • When an in-progress ticket is reassigned to a new queue, alert Queue Manager.
    • When ticket has not been resolved within seven days, flag as aging ticket.

    #9 Configure your ITSM tool to support and optimize queue management processes

    Configure your tool to support your needs; don’t adjust your processes to match the tool.

    • Most ITSM tools have default queues out of the box and the option to create as many custom queues, filters, and views as you need. Custom queues should allow you to name the queue, decide which tickets will be sent to the queue, and what columns or information are displayed in the queue.
    • Before you configure your queues and dashboards, sit down with your team to decide what you need and what will best enable each agent to manage their workload.
    • Decide which queues each role should have access to – most should only need to see their own queue and their team’s queue.
    • Configure which queues or views new tickets will be sent to.
    • Configure automation rules defined earlier (e.g. automate sending certain tickets to specific queues or sending notifications to specific parties when certain conditions are met).
    • Configure dashboards and reports on queue volume and ticket status data relevant to each team to help them manage their workload, increase visibility, and identify issues or actions.

    Info-Tech Insight

    It can be overwhelming to support agents when their view is a long and never-ending queue. Set the default dashboard view to show only those tickets assigned to the viewer to make it appear more manageable and easier to organize.

    Configure queues to maximize productivity

    Info-Tech Insight

    The queue should quickly give your team all the information they need to prioritize their work, including ticket status, priority, category, due date, and updated timestamps. Configuration is important - if it’s confusing, clunky, or difficult to filter or sort, it will impact response and resolution times and can lead to missed tickets. Give your team input into configuration and use visuals such as color coding to help agents prioritize their work – for example, VIP tickets may be clearly flagged, critical or high priority tickets may be highlighted, tickets about to breach may be red.

    this image contains a sample queue organization which demonstrates how to maximize productivity

    #10 Don’t lose visibility of the backlog

    Be careful not to focus so much on assigning new tickets that you forget to update aging tickets, leading to an overwhelming backlog and dissatisfied users.

    Track metrics that give visibility into how quickly tickets are being resolved and how many aging tickets you have. Metrics may include:

    • Ticket resolution time by priority, by workgroup
    • Ticket volume by status (i.e. open, in progress, on hold, resolved)
    • Ticket volume by age
    • Ticket volume by queue and assignee

    Regularly review reports on these metrics with the team.

    Make it an agenda item to review aging tickets, on hold tickets, and tickets about to breach or past breach with the team.

    Take action on aging tickets to ensure progress is being made.

    Set rules to close tickets after a certain number of attempts to reach unresponsive users (and change ticket status appropriately).

    Schedule times for your team to tackle aged tickets or tickets in the backlog.

    Info-Tech Insight

    It can be easy for high priority work to constantly push down low priority work, leaving the lower priority tickets to constantly be ignored and users to be frustrated. If you’re struggling with aging tickets, backlog, and tickets breaching SLA, experiment with your team and queue structure to figure out the best resource distribution to handle your workload. This could mean rotating people through the triage role to allow them time to work through the backlog, reducing the number of people doing triage during slower volume periods, or giving technicians dedicated time to work through tickets. For help with forecasting demand and optimizing resources, see Staff the Service Desk to Meet Demand.

    Activity 1.1: Define ticket queues

    1 hour

    Map out your optimal ticket queue structure using the Service Desk Queue Structure Template. Follow the instructions in the template to complete it as a team.

    The template includes several examples of service desk queue structures followed by space to build your own model of an optimal service desk queue structure and to document who is assigned to each queue and responsible for managing each queue.


    The template is not meant to map out your entire service desk structure (e.g. tiers, escalation paths) or ticket resolution process, but simply the ticket queues and how a ticket moves between queues. For help documenting more detailed process workflows or service desk structure, see the blueprint Standardize the Service Desk.

    this image contains screenshot from Info-Tech's blueprint: Service Desk Queue structure Template


    • Current queue structure and roles


    • Defined service desk ticket queues and assigned responsibilities


    • Org chart
    • ITSM tool for reference, if needed


    • Service Desk Manager
    • IT Director
    • Queue Managers

    Document in the Service Desk Queue Structure Template.

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Standardize the Service Desk

    This project will help you build and improve essential service desk processes including incident management, request fulfillment, and knowledge management to create a sustainable service desk.

    Optimize the Service Desk With a Shift-Left Strategy

    This project will help you build a strategy to shift service support left to optimize your service desk operations and increase end-user satisfaction.

    Improve Service Desk Ticket Intake

    This project will help you streamline your ticket intake process and identify improvements to your intake channels.

    Staff the Service Desk to Meet Demand

    This project will help you determine your optimal service desk structure and staffing levels based on your unique environment, workload, and trends.

    Works Cited

    “What your Customers Really Want.” Freshdesk, 31 May 2021. Accessed May 2022.

    Enter Into Mobile Development Without Confusion and Frustration

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}282|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Mobile Development
    • Parent Category Link: /mobile-development
    • IT managers don’t know where to start when initiating a mobile program.
    • IT has tried mobile development in the past but didn't achieve success.
    • IT must initiate a mobile program quickly based on business priorities and needs a roadmap based on best practices.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Form factors and mobile devices won't drive success – business alignment and user experience will. Don't get caught up with the latest features in mobile devices.
    • Software emulation testing is not true testing. Get on the device and run your tests.
    • Cross form-factor testing cannot be optimized to run in parallel. Therefore, anticipate longer testing cycles for cross form-factor testing.

    Impact and Result

    • Prepare your development, testing, and deployment teams for mobile development.
    • Get a realistic assessment of ROI for the launch of a mobile program.

    Enter Into Mobile Development Without Confusion and Frustration Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Make the Case for a Mobile Program

    Understand the current mobile ecosystem. Use this toolkit to help you initiate a mobile development program.

    • Storyboard: Enter Into Mobile Development Without Confusion and Frustration

    2. Assess Your Dev Process for Readiness

    Review and evaluate your current application development process.

    3. Prepare to Execute Your Mobile Program

    Prioritize your mobile program based on your organization’s prioritization profile.

    • Mobile Program Tool

    4. Communicate with Stakeholders

    Summarize the execution of the mobile program.

    • Project Status Communication Worksheet

    Workshop: Enter Into Mobile Development Without Confusion and Frustration

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Build your Future Mobile Development State

    The Purpose

    Understand the alignment of stakeholder objectives and priorities to mobile dev IT drivers.

    Assess readiness of your organization for mobile dev.

    Understand how to build your ideal mobile dev process.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Identify and address the gaps in your existing app dev process.

    Build your future mobile dev state.


    1.1 Getting started

    1.2 Assess your current state

    1.3 Establish your future state


    List of key stakeholders

    Stakeholder and IT driver mapping and assessment of current app dev process

    List of practices to accommodate mobile dev

    2 Prepare and Execute your Mobile Program

    The Purpose

    Assess the impact of mobile dev on your existing app dev process.

    Prioritize your mobile program.

    Understand the dev practice metrics to gauge success.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Properly prepare for the execution of your mobile program.

    Calculate the ROI of your mobile program.

    Prioritize your mobile program with dependencies in mind.

    Build a communication plan with stakeholders.


    2.1 Conduct an impact analysis

    2.2 Prepare to execute

    2.3 Communicate with stakeholders


    Impact analysis of your mobile program and expected ROI

    Mobile program order of execution and project dependencies mapping

    List of dev practice metrics

    Embrace Business-Managed Applications

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}179|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $64,999 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 18 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Architecture & Strategy
    • Parent Category Link: /architecture-and-strategy
    • The traditional model of managing applications does not address the demands of today’s rapidly changing market and digitally minded business, putting stress on scarce IT resources. The business is fed up with slow IT responses and overbearing desktop and system controls.
    • The business wants more control over the tools they use. Software as a service (SaaS), business process management (BPM), robotic process automation (RPA), artificial intelligence (AI), and low-code development platforms are all on their radar.
    • However, your current governance and management structures do not accommodate the risks and shifts in responsibilities to business-managed applications.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • IT is a business partner, not just an operator. Effective business operations hinge on high-quality, valuable, fit-for-purpose applications. IT provides the critical insights, guidance, and assistance to ensure applications are implemented and leveraged in a way that maximizes return on investment, whether it is being managed by end users or lines of business (LOBs). This can only happen if the organization views IT as a critical asset, not just a supporting player.
    • All applications should be business owned. You have applications because LOBs need them to meet the objectives and key performance indicators defined in the business strategy. Without LOBs, there would be no need for business applications. LOBs define what the application should be and do for it to be successful, so LOBs should own them.
    • Everything boils down to trust. The business is empowered to make their own decisions on how they want to implement and use their applications and, thus, be accountable for the resulting outcomes. Guardrails, role-based access, application monitoring, and other controls can help curb some risk factors, but it should not come at the expense of business innovation and time-sensitive opportunities. IT must trust the business will make rational application decisions, and the business must trust IT to support them in good times and bad.

    Impact and Result

    • Focus on the business units that matter. BMA can provide significant value to LOBs if teams and stakeholders are encouraged and motivated to adopt organizational and operational changes.
    • Reimagine the role of IT. IT is no longer the gatekeeper that blocks application adoption. Rather, IT enables the business to adopt the tools they need to be productive and they guide the business on successful BMA practices.
    • Instill business accountability. With great power comes great responsibility. If the business wants more control of their applications, they must be willing to take ownership of the outcomes of their decisions.

    Embrace Business-Managed Applications Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should embrace business-managed applications, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    • Embrace Business-Managed Applications – Phases 1-3
    • Business-Managed Applications Communication Template

    1. State your objectives

    Level-set the expectations for your business-managed applications.

    • Embrace Business- Managed Applications – Phase 1: State Your Objectives

    2. Design your framework and governance

    Identify and define your application managers and owners and build a fit-for-purpose governance model.

    • Embrace Business-Managed Applications – Phase 2: Design Your Framework & Governance

    3. Build your roadmap

    Build a roadmap that illustrates the key initiatives to implement your BMA and governance models.

    • Embrace Business-Managed Applications – Phase 3: Build Your Roadmap


    Workshop: Embrace Business-Managed Applications

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 State Your Objectives

    The Purpose

    Define business-managed applications in your context.

    Identify your business-managed application objectives.

    State the value opportunities with business-managed applications.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A consensus definition and list of business-managed applications goals

    Understanding of the business value business-managed applications can deliver


    1.1 Define business-managed applications.

    1.2 List your objectives and metrics.

    1.3 State the value opportunities.


    Grounded definition of a business-managed application

    Goals and objectives of your business-managed applications

    Business value opportunity with business-managed applications

    2 Design Your Framework & Governance

    The Purpose

    Develop your application management framework.

    Tailor your application delivery and ownership structure to fit business-managed applications.

    Discuss the value of an applications committee.

    Discuss technologies to enable business-managed applications.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Fit-for-purpose and repeatable application management selection framework

    Enhanced application governance model

    Applications committee design that meets your organization’s needs

    Shortlist of solutions to enable business-managed applications


    2.1 Develop your management framework.

    2.2 Tune your delivery and ownership accountabilities.

    2.3 Design your applications committee.

    2.4 Uncover your solution needs.


    Tailored application management selection framework

    Roles definitions of application owners and managers

    Applications committee design

    List of business-managed application solution features and services

    3 Build Your Roadmap

    The Purpose

    Build your roadmap to implement busines-managed applications and build the foundations of your optimized governance model.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Implementation initiatives

    Adoption roadmap


    3.1 Build your roadmap.


    Business-managed application adoption roadmap


    Deliver Digital Products at Scale

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}156|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 10.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $86,499 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 53 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Development
    • Parent Category Link: /development
    • Products are the lifeblood of an organization. They provide the capabilities the business needs to deliver value to both internal and external customers and stakeholders.
    • Product organizations are expected to continually deliver evolving value to the overall organization as they grow.
    • You need to clearly convey the direction and strategy of a broad product portfolio to gain alignment, support, and funding from your organization.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Product delivery requires significant shifts in the way you complete development work and deliver value to your users. Make the changes that improve end-user value and enterprise alignment.
    • Your organizational goals and strategy are achieved through capabilities that deliver value. Your product hierarchy is the mechanism to translate enterprise goals, priorities, and constraints down to the product level where changes can be made.
    • Recognize that each product owner represents one of three primary perspectives: business, technical, and operational. Although all share the same capabilities, how they approach their responsibilities is influenced by their perspective.
    • The quality of your product backlog – and your ability to realize business value from your delivery pipeline – is directly related to the input, content, and prioritization of items in your product roadmap.
    • Your product family roadmap and product roadmap tell different stories. The product family roadmap represents the overall connection of products to the enterprise strategy, while the product roadmap focuses on the fulfillment of the product’s vision.
    • Although products can be delivered with any software development lifecycle, methodology, delivery team structure, or organizational design, high-performing product teams optimize their structure to fit the needs of product and product family delivery.

    Impact and Result

    • Understand the importance of product families for scaling product delivery.
    • Define products in your context and organize products into operational families.
    • Use product family roadmaps to align product roadmaps to enterprise goals and priorities.
    • Evaluate the different approaches to improve your product family delivery pipelines and milestones.

    Deliver Digital Products at Scale Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should define enterprise product families to scale your product delivery capability, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Become a product-centric organization

    Define products in your organization’s context and explore product families as a way to organize products at scale.

    • Deliver Digital Products at Scale – Phase 1: Become a Product-Centric Organization
    • Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook
    • Digital Product Family Strategy Playbook

    2. Organize products into product families

    Identify an approach to group the inventory of products into one or more product families.

    • Deliver Digital Products at Scale – Phase 2: Organize Products Into Product Families

    3. Ensure alignment between products and families

    Confirm alignment between your products and product families via the product family roadmap and a shared definition of delivered value.

    • Deliver Digital Products at Scale – Phase 3: Ensure Alignment Between Products and Families

    4. Bridge the gap between product families and delivery

    Agree on a delivery approach that best aligns with your product families.

    • Deliver Digital Products at Scale – Phase 4: Bridge the Gap Between Product Families and Delivery
    • Deliver Digital Products at Scale Readiness Assessment

    5. Build your transformation roadmap and communication plan

    Define your communication plan and transformation roadmap for transitioning to delivering products at the scale of your organization.

    • Deliver Digital Products at Scale – Phase 5: Transformation Roadmap and Communication


    Workshop: Deliver Digital Products at Scale

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Become a Product-Centric Organization

    The Purpose

    Define products in your organization’s context and explore product families as a way to organize products at scale.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    An understanding of the case for product practices

    A concise definition of products and product families


    1.1 Understand your organizational factors driving product-centric delivery.

    1.2 Establish your organization’s product inventory.

    1.3 Determine your approach to scale product families.


    Organizational drivers and goals for a product-centric delivery

    Definition of product

    Product scaling principles

    Scaling approach and direction

    Pilot list of products to scale

    2 Organize Products Into Product Families

    The Purpose

    Identify a suitable approach to group the inventory of products into one or more product families.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A scaling approach for products that fits your organization


    2.1 Define your product families.


    Product family mapping

    Enabling applications

    Dependent applications

    Product family canvas

    3 Ensure Alignment Between Products and Families

    The Purpose

    Confirm alignment between your products and product families via the product family roadmap and a shared definition of delivered value.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Recognition of the product family roadmap and a shared definition of value as key concepts to maintain alignment between your products and product families


    3.1 Leverage product family roadmaps.

    3.2 Use stakeholder management to improve roadmap communication.

    3.3 Configure your product family roadmaps.

    3.4 Confirm product family to product alignment.


    Current approach for communication of product family strategy

    List of product family stakeholders and a prioritization plan for communication

    Defined key pieces of a product family roadmap

    An approach to confirming alignment between products and product families through a shared definition of business value

    4 Bridge the Gap Between Product Families and Delivery

    The Purpose

    Agree on the delivery approach that best aligns with your product families.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    An understanding of the team configuration and operating model required to deliver value through your product families


    4.1 Assess your organization’s delivery readiness.

    4.2 Understand your delivery options.

    4.3 Determine your operating model.

    4.4 Identify how to fund product delivery.

    4.5 Learn how to introduce your digital product family strategy.

    4.6 Communicate changes on updates to your strategy.

    4.7 Determine your next steps.


    Assessment results on your organization’s delivery maturity

    A preferred approach to structuring product delivery

    Your preferred operating model for delivering product families

    Understanding of your preferred approach for product family funding

    Product family transformation roadmap

    Your plan for communicating your roadmap

    List of actionable next steps to start on your journey

    5 Advisory: Next Steps and Wrap-Up (offsite)

    The Purpose

    Implement your communication plan and transformation roadmap for transitioning to delivering products at the scale of your organization.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    New product family organization and supporting product delivery approach


    5.1 Execute communication plan and product family changes.

    5.2 Review the pilot family implementation and update the transformation roadmap.

    5.3 Begin advisory calls for related blueprints.


    Organizational communication of product families and product family roadmaps

    Product family implementation and updated transformation roadmap

    Support for product owners, backlog and roadmap management, and other topics

    Further reading

    Deliver Digital Products at Scale

    Deliver value at the scale of your organization through defining enterprise product families.

    Analyst Perspective

    Product families align enterprise goals to product changes and value realization.

    A picture of Info-Tech analyst Banu Raghuraman. A picture of Info-Tech analyst Ari Glaizel. A picture of Info-Tech analyst Hans Eckman

    Our world is changing faster than ever, and the need for business agility continues to grow. Organizations are shifting from long-term project delivery to smaller, iterative product delivery models to be able to embrace change and respond to challenges and opportunities faster.

    Unfortunately, many organizations focus on product delivery at the tactical level. Product teams may be individually successful, but how well are their changes aligned to division and enterprise goals and priorities?

    Grouping products into operationally aligned families is key to delivering the right value to the right stakeholders at the right time.

    Product families translate enterprise goals, constraints, and priorities down to the individual product level so product owners can make better decisions and more effectively manage their roadmaps and backlogs. By scaling products into families and using product family roadmaps to align product roadmaps, product owners can deliver the capabilities that allow organizations to reach their goals.

    In this blueprint, we’ll provide the tools and guidance to help you define what “product” means to your organization, use scaling patterns to build product families, align product and product family roadmaps, and identify impacts to your delivery and organizational design models.

    Banu Raghuraman, Ari Glaizel, and Hans Eckman

    Applications Practice

    Info-Tech Research Group

    Deliver Digital Products at Scale

    Deliver value at the scale of your organization through defining enterprise product families.


    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    • Products are the lifeblood of an organization. They deliver the capabilities needed to deliver value to customers, internal users, and stakeholders.
    • The shift to becoming a product organization is intended to continually increase the value you provide to the broader organization as you grow and evolve.
    • You need to clearly convey the direction and strategy of your product portfolio to gain alignment, support, and funding from your organization.

    Common Obstacles

    • IT organizations are traditionally organized to deliver initiatives in specific periods of time. This conflicts with product delivery, which continuously delivers value over the lifetime of a product.
    • Delivering multiple products together creates additional challenges because each product has its own pedigree, history, and goals.
    • Product owners struggle to prioritize changes to deliver product value. This creates a gap and conflict between product and enterprise goals.

    Info-Tech’s Approach

    Info-Tech’s approach will guide you through:

    • Understanding the importance of product families in scaling product delivery.
    • Defining products in your context and organizing products into operational families.
    • Using product family roadmaps to align product roadmaps to enterprise goals and priorities.
    • Evaluating the different approaches to improve your product family delivery pipelines and milestones.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Changes can only be made at the individual product or service level. To achieve enterprise goals and priorities, organizations needed to organize and scale products into operational families. This structure allows product managers to translate goals and constraints to the product level and allows product owners to deliver changes that support enabling capabilities. In this blueprint, we’ll help you define your products, scale them using the best patterns, and align your roadmaps and delivery models to improve throughput and value delivery.

    Info-Tech’s approach

    Operationally align product delivery to enterprise goals

    A flowchart is shown on how to operationally align product delivery to enterprise goals.

    The Info-Tech difference:

    1. Start by piloting product families to determine which approaches work best for your organization.
    2. Create a common definition of what a product is and identify products in your inventory.
    3. Use scaling patterns to build operationally aligned product families.
    4. Develop a roadmap strategy to align families and products to enterprise goals and priorities.
    5. Use products and families to evaluate delivery and organizational design improvements.

    Deliver Digital Products at Scale via Enterprise Product Families

    An infographic on the Enterprise Product Families is shown.

    Product does not mean the same thing to everyone

    Do not expect a universal definition of products.

    Every organization and industry has a different definition of what a product is. Organizations structure their people, processes, and technologies according to their definition of the products they manage. Conflicting product definitions between teams increase confusion and misalignment of product roadmaps.

    “A product [is] something (physical or not) that is created through a process and that provides benefits to a market.”

    - Mike Cohn, Founding Member of Agile Alliance and Scrum Alliance

    “A product is something ... that is created and then made available to customers, usually with a distinct name or order number.”

    - TechTarget

    “A product is the physical object ... , software or service from which customer gets direct utility plus a number of other factors, services, and perceptions that make the product useful, desirable [and] convenient.”

    - Mark Curphey

    Organizations need a common understanding of what a product is and how it pertains to the business. This understanding needs to be accepted across the organization.

    “There is not a lot of guidance in the industry on how to define [products]. This is dangerous because what will happen is that product backlogs will be formed in too many areas. All that does is create dependencies and coordination across teams … and backlogs.”

    – Chad Beier, "How Do You Define a Product?”

    What is a product?

    “A tangible solution, tool, or service (physical or digital) that enables the long-term and evolving delivery of value to customers and stakeholders based on business and user requirements.”

    Info-Tech Insight

    A proper definition of product recognizes three key facts:

    1. Products are long-term endeavors that don’t end after the project finishes.
    2. Products are not just “apps” but can be software or services that drive the delivery of value.
    3. There is more than one stakeholder group that derives value from the product or service.

    Products and services share the same foundation and best practices

    For the purpose of this blueprint, product/service and product owner/service owner are used interchangeably. Product is used for consistency but would apply to services as well.

    Product = Service

    “Product” and “service” are terms that each organization needs to define to fit its culture and customers (internal and external). The most important aspect is consistent use and understanding of:

    • External products
    • Internal products
    • External services
    • Internal services
    • Products as a service (PaaS)
    • Productizing services (SaaS)

    Recognize the different product owner perspectives


    • Customer facing, revenue generating


    • IT systems and tools


    • Keep the lights on processes

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Product owners must translate needs and constraints from their perspective into the language of their audience. Kathy Borneman, Digital Product Owner at SunTrust Bank, noted the challenges of finding a common language between lines of business and IT (e.g. what is a unit?).

    Info-Tech Insight

    Recognize that product owners represent one of three primary perspectives. Although all share the same capabilities, how they approach their responsibilities is influenced by their perspective.

    “A Product Owner in its most beneficial form acts like an Entrepreneur, like a 'mini-CEO'. The Product Owner is someone who really 'owns' the product.”

    – Robbin Schuurman, “Tips for Starting Product Owners”

    Identify the differences between a project-centric and a product-centric organization



    Fund projects


    Fund products or teams

    Line of business sponsor


    Product owner

    Makes specific changes to a product

    Product management

    Improve product maturity and support

    Assign people to work

    Work allocation

    Assign work to product teams

    Project manager manages

    Capacity management

    Team manages capacity

    Info-Tech Insight

    Product delivery requires significant shifts in the way you complete development work and deliver value to your users. Make the changes that support improving end-user value and enterprise alignment.

    Projects can be a mechanism for delivering product changes and improvements

    A flowchart is shown to demonstrate the difference between project lifecycle, hybrid lifecycle and product lifecycle.

    Projects within products

    Regardless of whether you recognize yourself as a product-based or project-based shop, the same basic principles should apply. The purpose of projects is to deliver the scope of a product release. The shift to product delivery leverages a product roadmap and backlog as the mechanism for defining and managing the scope of the release. Eventually, teams progress to continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) where they can release on demand or as scheduled, requiring org change management.

    Define product value by aligning backlog delivery with roadmap goals

    In each product plan, the backlogs show what you will deliver. Roadmaps identify when and in what order you will deliver value, capabilities, and goals.

    An image is shown to demonstrate the relationship between the product backlog and the product roadmap.

    Product roadmaps guide delivery and communicate your strategy

    In Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision, we demonstrate how the product roadmap is core to value realization. The product roadmap is your communicated path, and as a product owner, you use it to align teams and changes to your defined goals while aligning your product to enterprise goals and strategy.

    An example of a product roadmap is shown to demonstrate how it is the core to value realization.

    Adapted from: Pichler, "What Is Product Management?""

    Info-Tech Insight

    The quality of your product backlog – and your ability to realize business value from your delivery pipeline – is directly related to the input, content, and prioritization of items in your product roadmap.

    Use Agile DevOps principles to expedite product-centric delivery and management

    Delivering products does not necessarily require an Agile DevOps mindset. However, Agile methods facilitate the journey because product thinking is baked into them.

    A flowchart is shown to demonstrate the product deliery maturity and the Agile DevOps used.
    Based on: Ambysoft, 2018

    Organizations start with Waterfall to improve the predictable delivery of product features.

    Iterative development shifts the focus from delivery of features to delivery of user value.

    Agile further shifts delivery to consider ROI. Often, the highest-value backlog items aren’t the ones with the highest ROI.

    Lean and DevOps improve your delivery pipeline by providing full integration between product owners, development teams, and operations.

    CI/CD reduces time in process by allowing release on demand and simplifying release and support activities.

    Although teams will adopt parts of all these stages during their journey, it isn’t until you’ve adopted a fully integrated delivery chain that you’ve become product centric.

    Scale products into related families to improve value delivery and alignment

    Defining product families builds a network of related products into coordinated value delivery streams.

    A flowchart is shown to demonstrate the relations between product family and the delivery streams.

    “As with basic product management, scaling an organization is all about articulating the vision and communicating it effectively. Using a well-defined framework helps you align the growth of your organization with that of the company. In fact, how the product organization is structured is very helpful in driving the vision of what you as a product company are going to do.”

    – Rich Mironov, Mironov Consulting

    Product families translate enterprise goals into value-enabling capabilities

    A flowchart is shown to demonstrate the relationship between enterprise strategy and enabling capabilities.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Your organizational goals and strategy are achieved through capabilities that deliver value. Your product hierarchy is the mechanism to translate enterprise goals, priorities, and constraints down to the product level where changes can be made.

    Arrange product families by operational groups, not solely by your org chart

    A flowchart is shown to demonstrate how to arrange product families by operational groups.

    1. To align product changes with enterprise goals and priorities, you need to organize your products into operational groups based on the capabilities or business functions the product and family support.

    2. Product managers translate these goals, priorities, and constraints into their product families, so they are actionable at the next level, whether that level is another product family or products implementing enhancements to meet these goals.

    3. The product family manager ensures that the product changes enhance the capabilities that allow you to realize your product family, division, and enterprise goals.

    4. Enabling capabilities realize value and help reach your goals, which then drives your next set of enterprise goals and strategy.

    Approach alignment from both directions, validating by the opposite way

    Defining your product families is not a one-way street. Often, we start from either the top or the bottom depending on our scaling principles. We use multiple patterns to find the best arrangement and grouping of our products and families.

    It may be helpful to work partway, then approach your scaling from the opposite direction, meeting in the middle. This way you are taking advantage of the strengths in both approaches.

    Once you have your proposed structure, validate the grouping by applying the principles from the opposite direction to ensure each product and family is in the best starting group.

    As the needs of your organization change, you may need to realign your product families into your new business architecture and operational structure.

    A top-down alignment example is shown.

    When to use: You have a business architecture defined or clear market/functional grouping of value streams.

    A bottom-up alignment example is shown.

    When to use: You are starting from an Application Portfolio Management application inventory to build or validate application families.

    Leverage patterns for scaling products

    Organizing your products and families is easier when leveraging these grouping patterns. Each is explained in greater detail on the following slides

    Value Stream Alignment

    Enterprise Applications

    Shared Services


    Organizational Alignment

    • Business architecture
      • Value stream
      • Capability
      • Function
    • Market/customer segment
    • Line of business (LoB)
    • Example: Customer group > value stream > products
    • Enabling capabilities
    • Enterprise platforms
    • Supporting apps
    • Example: HR > Workday/Peoplesoft > ModulesSupporting: Job board, healthcare administrator
    • Organization of related services into service family
    • Direct hierarchy does not necessarily exist within the family
    • Examples: End-user support and ticketing, workflow and collaboration tools
    • Domain grouping of IT infrastructure, platforms, apps, skills, or languages
    • Often used in combination with Shared Services grouping or LoB-specific apps
    • Examples: Java, .NET, low-code, database, network
    • Used at higher levels of the organization where products are aligned under divisions
    • Separation of product managers from organizational structure no longer needed because the management team owns product management role

    Leverage the product family roadmap for alignment

    It’s more than a set of colorful boxes. It’s the map to align everyone to where you are going.

    Your product family roadmap

      ✓ Lays out a strategy for your product family.

      ✓ Is a statement of intent for your family of products.

      ✓ Communicates direction for the entire product family and product teams.

      ✓ Directly connects to the organization’s goals.

    However, it is not:

      x Representative of a hard commitment.

      x A simple combination of your current product roadmaps.

    Before connecting your family roadmap to products, think about what each roadmap typically presents

    An example of a product family roadmap is shown and how it can be connected to the products.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Your product family roadmap and product roadmap tell different stories. The product family roadmap represents the overall connection of products to the enterprise strategy, while the product roadmap focuses on the fulfillment of the product’s vision.

    Product family roadmaps are more strategic by nature

    While individual product roadmaps can be different levels of tactical or strategic depending on a variety of market factors, your options are more limited when defining roadmaps for product families.



    A roadmap that is technical, committed, and detailed.

    Product Family


    A roadmap that is strategic, goal based, high level, and flexible.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Roadmaps for your product family are, by design, less detailed. This does not mean they aren’t actionable! Your product family roadmap should be able to communicate clear intentions around the future delivery of value in both the near and long term.

    Consider volatility when structuring product family roadmaps

    A roadmap is shown without any changes.

    There is no such thing as a roadmap that never changes.

    Your product family roadmap represents a broad statement of intent and high-level tactics to get closer to the organization’s goals.

    A roadmap is shown with changes.

    All good product family roadmaps embrace change!

    Your strategic intentions are subject to volatility, especially those planned further in the future. The more costs you incur in planning, the more you leave yourself exposed to inefficiency and waste if those plans change.

    Info-Tech Insight

    A good product family roadmap is intended to manage and communicate the inevitable changes as a result of market volatility and changes in strategy.

    Product delivery realizes value for your product family

    While planning and analysis are done at the family level, work and delivery are done at the individual product level.


    What are the artifacts?

    What are you saying?

    Defined at the family level?

    Defined at the product level?


    I want to...

    Strategic focus

    Delivery focus


    To get there we need to...


    To achieve our goals, we’ll deliver...


    The work will be done in this order...

    Release Plan

    We will deliver in the following ways...

    Typical elements of a product family roadmap

    While there are others, these represent what will commonly appear across most family-based roadmaps.

    An example is shown to highlight the typical elements of a product family roadmap.

    GROUP/CATEGORY: Groups are collections of artifacts. In a product family context, these are usually product family goals, value streams, or products.

    ARTIFACT: An artifact is one of many kinds of tangible by-products produced during the delivery of products. For a product family, the artifacts represented are capabilities or value streams.

    MILESTONE: Points in the timeline when established sets of artifacts are complete. This is a critical tool in the alignment of products in a given family.

    TIME HORIZON: Separated periods within the projected timeline covered by the roadmap.

    Connecting your product family roadmaps to product roadmaps

    Your product and product family roadmaps should be connected at an artifact level that is common between both. Typically, this is done with capabilities, but it can be done at a more granular level if an understanding of capabilities isn’t available.

    An example is shown on how the product family roadmpas can be connected to the product roadmaps.

    Multiple roadmap views can communicate differently, yet tell the same truth


    Business/ IT Leaders


    Delivery Teams

    Roadmap View


    Product Family



    To provide a snapshot of the portfolio and priority products

    To visualize and validate product strategy

    To coordinate broad technology and architecture decisions


    Line items or sections of the roadmap are made up of individual products, and an artifact represents a disposition at its highest level.

    Artifacts are generally grouped by product teams and consist of strategic goals and the features that realize those goals.

    Artifacts are grouped by the teams who deliver that work and consist of technical capabilities that support the broader delivery of value for the product family.

    Your communication objectives are linked to your audience; ensure you know your audience and speak their language

    I want to...

    I need to talk to...

    Because they are focused on...


    Get my delivery teams on the same page.


    Products Owners


    A product that delivers value against a common set of goals and objectives.


    Inform users and customers of product strategy.

    Bus. Process Owners

    End Users


    A group of functionality that business customers see as a single unit.


    Inform the business of product development requirements.

    IT Management

    Business Stakeholders


    An initiative that those with the money see as a single budget.

    Assess the impacts of product-centric delivery on your teams and org design

    Product delivery can exist within any org structure or delivery model. However, when making the shift toward product management, consider optimizing your org design and product team structure to match your capacity and throughput needs.

    A flowchart is shown to see how the impacts of product-centric delivery can impact team and org designs.

    Determine which delivery team structure best fits your product pipeline

    Four delivery team structures are shown. The four are: functional roles, shared service and resource pools, product or system, and skills and competencies.

    Weigh the pros and cons of IT operating models to find the best fit

    There are many different operating models. LoB/Product Aligned and Hybrid Functional align themselves most closely with how products and product families are typically delivered.

    1. LoB/Product Aligned – Decentralized Model: Line of Business, Geographically, Product, or Functionally Aligned
    2. A decentralized IT operating model that embeds specific functions within LoBs/product teams and provides cross-organizational support for their initiatives.

    3. Hybrid Functional: Functional/Product Aligned
    4. A best-of-both-worlds model that balances the benefits of centralized and decentralized approaches to achieve both customer responsiveness and economies of scale.

    5. Hybrid Service Model: Product-Aligned Operating Model
    6. A model that supports what is commonly referred to as a matrix organization, organizing by highly related service categories and introducing the role of the service owner.

    7. Centralized: Plan-Build-Run
    8. A highly typical IT operating model that focuses on centralized strategic control and oversight in delivering cost-optimized and effective solutions.

    9. Centralized: Demand-Develop-Service
    10. A centralized IT operating model that lends well to more mature operating environments. Aimed at leveraging economies of scale in an end-to-end services delivery model.

    Consider how investment spending will differ in a product environment

    Reward for delivering outcomes, not features




    Fund what delivers value

    Allocate iteratively

    Measure and adjust

    Fund long-lived delivery of value through products (not projects).

    Give autonomy to the team to decide exactly what to build.

    Allocate to a pool based on higher-level business case.

    Provide funds in smaller amounts to different product teams and initiatives based on need.

    Product teams define metrics that contribute to given outcomes.

    Track progress and allocate more (or less) funds as appropriate.

    Adapted from Bain, 2019

    Info-Tech Insight

    Changes to funding require changes to product and Agile practices to ensure product ownership and accountability.

    Why is having a common value measure important?

    CIO-CEO Alignment Diagnostic

    A stacked bar graph is shown to demonstrate CIO-CEO Alignment Diagnostic. A bar titled: Business Value Metrics is highlighted. 51% had some improvement necessary and 32% had significant improvement necessary.

    Over 700 Info-Tech members have implemented the Balanced Value Measurement Framework.

    “The cynic knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.”

    – Oscar Wilde

    “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”

    – Warren Buffett

    Understanding where you derive value is critical to building solid roadmaps.

    Measure delivery and success

    Metrics and measurements are powerful tools to drive behavior change and decision making in your organization. However, metrics are highly prone to creating unexpected outcomes, so use them with great care. Use metrics judiciously to uncover insights but avoid gaming or ambivalent behavior, productivity loss, and unintended consequences.

    Build good practices in your selection and use of metrics:

    • Choose the metrics that are as close to measuring the desired outcome as possible.
    • Select the fewest metrics possible and ensure they are of the highest value to your team, the safest from gaming behaviors and unintended consequences, and the easiest to gather and report.
    • Never use metrics for reward or punishment; use them to develop your team.
    • Automate as much metrics gathering and reporting as possible.
    • Focus on trends rather than precise metrics values.
    • Review and change your metrics periodically.

    Executive Brief Case Study

    INDUSTRY: Public Sector & Financial Services

    SOURCE: Info-Tech Interviews

    A tale of two product transformations

    Two of the organizations we interviewed shared the challenges they experienced defining product families and the impact these challenges had on their digital transformations.

    A major financial services organization (2,000+ people in IT) had employed a top-down line of business–focused approach and found itself caught in a vicious circle of moving applications between families to resolve cross-LoB dependencies.

    A similarly sized public sector organization suffered from a similar challenge as grouping from the bottom up based on technology areas led to teams fragmented across multiple business units employing different applications built on similar technology foundations.


    Both organizations struggled for over a year to structure their product families. This materially delayed key aspects of their product-centric transformation, resulting in additional effort and expenditure delivering solutions piecemeal as opposed to as a part of a holistic product family. It took embracing a hybrid top-down and bottom-up approach and beginning with pilot product families to make progress on their transformation.

    A picture of Cole Cioran is shown.

    Cole Cioran

    Practice Lead,

    Applications Practice

    Info-Tech Research Group

    There is no such thing as a perfect product-family structure. There will always be trade-offs when you need to manage shifting demand from stakeholder groups spanning customers, business units, process owners, and technology owners.

    Focusing on a single approach to structure your product families inevitably leads to decisions that are readily challenged or are brittle in the face of changing demand.

    The key to accelerating a product-centric transformation is to build a hybrid model that embraces top-down and bottom-up perspectives to structure and evolve product families over time. Add a robust pilot to evaluate the structure and you have the key to unlocking the potential of product delivery in your organization.

    Info-Tech’s methodology for Deliver Digital Products at Scale

    1. Become a Product-Centric Organization

    2. Organize Products Into Product Families

    3. Ensure Alignment Between Products and Families

    4. Bridge the Gap Between Product Families and Delivery

    5. Build Your Transformation Roadmap and Communication Plan

    Phase Steps

    1.1 Understand the organizational factors driving product-centric delivery

    1.2 Establish your organization’s product inventory

    2.1 Determine your approach to scale product families

    2.2 Define your product families

    3.1 Leverage product family roadmaps

    3.2 Use stakeholder management to improve roadmap communication

    3.3 Configure your product family roadmaps

    3.4 Confirm goal and value alignment of products and their product families

    4.1 Assess your organization’s delivery readiness

    4.2 Understand your delivery options

    4.3 Determine your operating model

    4.4 Identify how to fund product family delivery

    5.1 Introduce your digital product family strategy

    5.2 Communicate changes on updates to your strategy

    5.3 Determine your next steps

    Phase Outcomes
    • Organizational drivers and goals for a product-centric delivery
    • Definition of product
    • Pilot list of products to scale
    • Product scaling principles
    • Scaling approach and direction
    • Product family mapping
    • Enabling applications
    • Dependent applications
    • Product family canvas
    • Approach for communication of product family strategy
    • Stakeholder management plan
    • Defined key pieces of a product family roadmap
    • An approach to confirming alignment between products and product families
    • Assessment of delivery maturity
    • Approach to structuring product delivery
    • Operating model for product delivery
    • Approach for product family funding
    • Product family transformation roadmap
    • Your plan for communicating your roadmap
    • List of actionable next steps to start on your journey

    Blueprint deliverables

    Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals:

    Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook

    Use this supporting workbook to document interim results from a number of exercises that will contribute to your overall strategy.

    A screenshot of the Scale Workbook is shown.

    Deliver Digital Products at Scale Readiness Assessment

    Your strategy needs to encompass your approaches to delivery. Understand where you need to focus using this simple assessment.

    A screenshot of the Scale Readiness Assessment is shown.

    Key deliverable:

    Digital Product Family Strategy Playbook

    Record the results from the exercises to help you define, detail, and deliver digital products at scale.

    A screenshot of the Digital Product Family Strategy Playbook is shown.

    Blueprint benefits

    IT Benefits

    • Improved product delivery ROI.
    • Improved IT satisfaction and business support.
    • Greater alignment between product delivery and product family goals.
    • Improved alignment between product delivery and organizational models.
    • Better support for Agile/DevOps adoption.

    Business Benefits

    • Increased value realization across product families.
    • Faster delivery of enterprise capabilities.
    • Improved IT satisfaction and business support.
    • Greater alignment between product delivery and product family goals.
    • Uniform understanding of product and product family roadmaps and key milestones.

    Measure the value of this blueprint

    Align product family metrics to product delivery and value realization.

    Member Outcome Suggested Metric Estimated Impact

    Increase business application satisfaction

    Satisfaction with business applications (CIO Business Vision diagnostic)

    20% increase within one year after implementation

    Increase effectiveness of application portfolio management

    Effectiveness of application portfolio management (Management & Governance diagnostic)

    20% increase within one year after implementation

    Increase importance and effectiveness of application portfolio

    Importance and effectiveness to business ( Application Portfolio Assessment diagnostic)

    20% increase within one year after implementation

    Increase satisfaction of support of business operations

    Support to business (CIO Business Vision diagnostic.

    20% increase within one year after implementation

    Successfully deliver committed work (productivity)

    Number of successful deliveries; burndown

    20% increase within one year after implementation

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    "Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful."

    Guided Implementation

    "Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keeps us on track."


    "We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place."


    "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project."

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks are used throughout all four options.

    Guided Implementation

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    Phase 1: Become a Product-Centric Organization

    Phase 2: Organize Products Into Product Families

    Phase 3: Ensure Alignment Between Products and Families

    Phase 4: Bridge the Gap Between Product Families and Delivery

    Call #1: Scope requirements, objectives, and your specific challenges.

    Call #2: Define products and product families in your context.

    Call #3: Understand the list of products in your context.

    Call #4: Define your scaling principles and goals.

    Call #5: Select a pilot and define your product families.

    Call #6: Understand the product family roadmap as a method to align products to families.

    Call #7: Define components of your product family roadmap and confirm alignment.

    Call #8: Assess your delivery readiness.

    Call #9: Discuss delivery, operating, and funding models relevant to delivering product families.

    Call #10: Wrap up.

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization. A typical GI is between 8 to 12 calls over the course of 4 to 6 months.

    Workshop Overview

    Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889

    Day 1

    Become a Product-Centric Organization

    Day 2

    Organize Products Into Product Families

    Day 3

    Ensure Alignment Between Products and Families

    Day 4

    Bridge the Gap Between Product Families and Delivery


    Next Steps and Wrap-Up (offsite)


    1.1 Understand your organizational factors driving product-centric delivery.

    1.2 Establish your organization’s product inventory.

    2.1 Determine your approach to scale product families.

    2.2 Define your product families.

    3.1 Leverage product family roadmaps.

    3.2 Use stakeholder management to improve roadmap communication.

    3.3 Configure your product family roadmaps.

    3.4 Confirm product family to product alignment.

    4.1 Assess your organization’s delivery readiness.

    4.2 Understand your delivery options.

    4.3 Determine your operating model.

    4.4 Identify how to fund product family delivery.

    5.1 Learn how to introduce your digital product family strategy.

    5.2 Communicate changes on updates to your strategy.

    5.3 Determine your next steps.

    1. Execute communication plan and product family changes.
    2. Review the pilot family implementation and update the transformation roadmap.
    3. Begin advisory calls for related blueprints.

    Key Deliverables

    1. Organizational drivers and goals for a product-centric delivery
    2. Definition of product
    3. Product scaling principles
    4. Scaling approach and direction
    5. Pilot list of products to scale
    1. Product family mapping
    2. Enabling applications
    3. Dependent applications
    4. Product family canvas
    1. Current approach for communication of product family strategy
    2. List of product family stakeholders and a prioritization plan for communication
    3. Defined key pieces of a product family roadmap
    4. An approach to confirming alignment between products and product families through a shared definition of business value
    1. Assessment results on your organization’s delivery maturity
    2. A preferred approach to structuring product delivery
    3. Your preferred operating model for delivering product families
    4. Understanding your preferred approach for product family funding
    5. Product family transformation roadmap
    6. Your plan for communicating your roadmap
    7. List of actionable next steps to start on your journey
    1. Organizational communication of product families and product family roadmaps
    2. Product family implementation and updated transformation roadmap
    3. Support for product owners, backlog and roadmap management, and other topics

    Phase 1

    Become a Product-Centric Organization

    Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5

    1.1 Understand the organizational factors driving product-centric delivery

    1.2 Establish your organization’s product inventory

    2.1 Determine your approach to scale product families

    2.2 Define your product families

    3.1 Leverage product family roadmaps

    3.2 Use stakeholder management to improve roadmap communication

    3.3 Configure your product family roadmaps

    3.4 Confirm product family to product alignment

    4.1 Assess your organization’s delivery readiness

    4.2 Understand your delivery options

    4.3 Determine your operating model

    4.4 Identify how to fund product family delivery

    5.1 Learn how to introduce your digital product family strategy

    5.2 Communicate changes on updates to your strategy

    5.3 Determine your next steps

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    1.1.1 Understand your drivers for product-centric delivery

    1.1.2 Identify the differences between project and product delivery

    1.1.3 Define the goals for your product-centric organization

    1.2.1 Define “product” in your context

    1.2.2 Identify and establish a pilot list of products

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers’
    • Business analysts

    Step 1.1

    Understand the organizational factors driving product-centric delivery


    1.1.1 Understand your drivers for product-centric delivery

    1.1.2 Identify the differences between project and product delivery

    1.1.3 Define the goals for your product-centric organization

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers’
    • Business analysts

    Outcomes of this step

    • Organizational drivers to move to product-centric delivery
    • List of differences between project and product delivery
    • Goals for product-centric delivery

    1.1.1 Understand your drivers for product-centric delivery

    30-60 minutes

    1. Identify your pain points in the current delivery model.
    2. What is the root cause of these pain points?
    3. How will a product-centric delivery model fix the root cause?
    4. Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.
    Pain Points Root Causes Drivers
    • Lack of ownership
    • Siloed departments
    • Accountability


    • Organizational drivers to move to product-centric delivery.


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Business analysts

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    1.1.2 Identify the differences between project and product delivery

    30-60 minutes

    1. Consider project delivery and product delivery.
    2. Discuss what some differences are between the two.
    3. Note: This exercise is not about identifying the advantages and disadvantages of each style of delivery. This is to identify the variation between the two.

    4. Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.
    Project Delivery Product Delivery
    Point in time What is changed
    Method of funding changes Needs an owner


    • List of differences between project and product delivery


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Business analysts

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    Identify the differences between a project-centric and a product-centric organization

    Project Product
    Fund projects Funding Fund products or teams
    Line of business sponsor Prioritization Product owner
    Makes specific changes to a product Product management Improves product maturity and support
    Assignment of people to work Work allocation Assignment of work to product teams
    Project manager manages Capacity management Team manages capacity

    Info-Tech Insight

    Product delivery requires significant shifts in the way you complete development work and deliver value to your users. Make the changes that support improving end-user value and enterprise alignment.

    Projects can be a mechanism for funding product changes and improvements

    A flowchart is shown to demonstrate the difference between project lifecycle, hybrid lifecycle, and product lifecycle.

    Projects within products

    Regardless of whether you recognize yourself as a product-based or project-based shop, the same basic principles should apply.

    The purpose of projects is to deliver the scope of a product release. The shift to product delivery leverages a product roadmap and backlog as the mechanism for defining and managing the scope of the release.

    Eventually, teams progress to continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) where they can release on demand or as scheduled, requiring org change management.

    Use Agile DevOps principles to expedite product-centric delivery and management

    Delivering products does not necessarily require an Agile DevOps mindset. However, Agile methods facilitate the journey because product thinking is baked into them.

    A flowchart is shown to demonstrate the product delivery maturity and the Agile DevOps used.

    Based on: Ambysoft, 2018

    Organizations start with Waterfall to improve the predictable delivery of product features.

    Iterative development shifts the focus from delivery of features to delivery of user value.

    Agile further shifts delivery to consider ROI. Often, the highest-value backlog items aren’t the ones with the highest ROI.

    Lean and DevOps improve your delivery pipeline by providing full integration between product owners, development teams, and operations.

    CI/CD reduces time in process by allowing release on demand and simplifying release and support activities.

    Although teams will adopt parts of all these stages during their journey, it isn’t until you’ve adopted a fully integrated delivery chain that you’ve become product centric.

    1.1.3 Define the goals for your product-centric organization

    30 minutes

    1. Review your list of drivers from exercise 1.1.1 and the differences between project and product delivery from exercise 1.1.2.
    2. Define your goals for achieving a product-centric organization.
    3. Note: Your drivers may have already covered the goals. If so, review if you would like to change the drivers based on your renewed understanding of the differences between project and product delivery.

    Pain PointsRoot CausesDriversGoals
    • Lack of ownership
    • Siloed departments
    • Accountability
    • End-to-end ownership


    • Goals for product-centric delivery


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers’
    • Business analysts

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    Step 1.2

    Establish your organization’s product inventory


    1.2.1 Define “product” in your context

    1.2.2 Identify and establish a pilot list of products

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers’
    • Business analysts

    Outcomes of this step

    • Your organizational definition of products and services
    • A pilot list of active products

    Product does not mean the same thing to everyone

    Do not expect a universal definition of products.

    Every organization and industry has a different definition of what a product is. Organizations structure their people, processes, and technologies according to their definition of the products they manage. Conflicting product definitions between teams increase confusion and misalignment of product roadmaps.

    “A product [is] something (physical or not) that is created through a process and that provides benefits to a market.”

    - Mike Cohn, Founding Member of Agile Alliance and Scrum Alliance

    “A product is something ... that is created and then made available to customers, usually with a distinct name or order number.”

    - TechTarget

    “A product is the physical object ... , software or service from which customer gets direct utility plus a number of other factors, services, and perceptions that make the product useful, desirable [and] convenient.”

    - Mark Curphey

    Organizations need a common understanding of what a product is and how it pertains to the business. This understanding needs to be accepted across the organization.

    “There is not a lot of guidance in the industry on how to define [products]. This is dangerous because what will happen is that product backlogs will be formed in too many areas. All that does is create dependencies and coordination across teams … and backlogs.”

    – Chad Beier, "How Do You Define a Product?”

    Products and services share the same foundation and best practices

    For the purpose of this blueprint, product/service and product owner/service owner are used interchangeably. Product is used for consistency but would apply to services as well.

    Product = Service

    “Product” and “service” are terms that each organization needs to define to fit its culture and customers (internal and external). The most important aspect is consistent use and understanding of:

    • External products
    • Internal products
    • External services
    • Internal services
    • Products as a service (PaaS)
    • Productizing services (SaaS)

    Recognize the different product owner perspectives


    • Customer facing, revenue generating


    • IT systems and tools


    • Keep the lights on processes

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Product owners must translate needs and constraints from their perspective into the language of their audience. Kathy Borneman, Digital Product Owner at SunTrust Bank, noted the challenges of finding a common language between lines of business and IT (e.g. what is a unit?).

    Info-Tech Insight

    Recognize that product owners represent one of three primary perspectives. Although all share the same capabilities, how they approach their responsibilities is influenced by their perspective.

    “A Product Owner in its most beneficial form acts like an Entrepreneur, like a 'mini-CEO'. The Product Owner is someone who really 'owns' the product.”

    – Robbin Schuurman, “Tips for Starting Product Owners”

    Your product definition should include everything required to support it, not just what users see.

    A picture of an iceburg is shown, showing the ice both above and below the water to demonstrate that the product definition should include everything, not just what users see. On top of the picture are various words to go with the product definition. They inlude: funding, external relationships, adoption, product strategy, stakeholder managment. The product defitions that may not be seen include: Product governance, business functionality, user support, managing and governing data, maintenance and enhancement, R-and-D, requirements analysis and design, code, and knowledge management.

    Establish where product management would be beneficial in the organization

    What does not need product ownership?

    • Individual features
    • Transactions
    • Unstructured data
    • One-time solutions
    • Non-repeatable processes
    • Solutions that have no users or consumers
    • People or teams

    Characteristics of a discrete product

    • Has end users or consumers
    • Delivers quantifiable value
    • Evolves or changes over time
    • Has predictable delivery
    • Has definable boundaries
    • Has a cost to produce and operate

    Product capabilities deliver value!

    These are the various facets of a product. As a product owner, you are responsible for managing these facets through your capabilities and activities.

    A flowchart is shown that demonstrates the various facets of a product.

    It is easy to lose sight of what matters when we look at a product from a single point of view. Despite what The Agile Manifesto says, working software is not valuable without the knowledge and support that people need in order to adopt, use, and maintain it. If you build it, they will not come. Product leaders must consider the needs of all stakeholders when designing and building products.

    Define product value by aligning backlog delivery with roadmap goals

    In each product plan, the backlogs show what you will deliver. Roadmaps identify when and in what order you will deliver value, capabilities, and goals.

    An image is shown to demonstrate the relationship between the product backlog and the product roadmap.

    Product roadmaps guide delivery and communicate your strategy

    In Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision, we demonstrate how the product roadmap is core to value realization. The product roadmap is your communicated path, and as a product owner, you use it to align teams and changes to your defined goals while aligning your product to enterprise goals and strategy.

    An example of a product roadmap is shown to demonstrate how it is the core to value realization.

    Info-Tech Insight

    The quality of your product backlog – and your ability to realize business value from your delivery pipeline – is directly related to the input, content, and prioritization of items in your product roadmap.

    What is a product?

    Not all organizations will define products in the same way. Take this as a general example:

    “A tangible solution, tool, or service (physical or digital) that enables the long-term and evolving delivery of value to customers and stakeholders based on business and user requirements.”

    Info-Tech Insight

    A proper definition of product recognizes three key facts:

    1. Products are long-term endeavors that don’t end after the project finishes.
    2. Products are not just “apps” but can be software or services that drive the delivery of value.
    3. There is more than one stakeholder group that derives value from the product or service.

    1.2.1 Define “product” in your context

    30-60 minutes

    1. Discuss what “product” means in your organization.
    2. Create a common, enterprise-wide definition for “product.”
    3. Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    For example:

    • An application, platform, or application family.
    • Discrete items that deliver value to a user/customer.


    • Your enterprise/organizational definition of products and services


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers’
    • Business analysts

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    1.2.2 Identify and establish a pilot list of products

    1-2 hours

    1. Review any current documented application inventory. If you have these details in an existing document, share it with the team. Select the group of applications for your family scaling pilot.
    2. List your initial application inventory on the Product List tab of the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.
  • For each of the products listed, add the vision and goals of the product. Refer to Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision to learn more about identifying vision and goals or to complete the product vision canvas.
  • You’ll add business capabilities and vision in Phase 2, but you can add these now if they are available in your existing inventory.
  • Output

    • A pilot list of active products


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers’
    • Business analysts

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    Phase 2

    Organize Products Into Product Families

    Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5

    1.1 Understand the organizational factors driving product-centric delivery

    1.2 Establish your organization’s product inventory

    2.1 Determine your approach to scale product families

    2.2 Define your product families

    3.1 Leverage product family roadmaps

    3.2 Use stakeholder management to improve roadmap communication

    3.3 Configure your product family roadmaps

    3.4 Confirm product family to product alignment

    4.1 Assess your organization’s delivery readiness

    4.2 Understand your delivery options

    4.3 Determine your operating model

    4.4 Identify how to fund product family delivery

    5.1 Learn how to introduce your digital product family strategy

    5.2 Communicate changes on updates to your strategy

    5.3 Determine your next steps

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    2.1.1 Define your scaling principles and goals

    2.1.2 Define your pilot product family areas and direction

    2.2.1 Arrange your applications and services into product families

    2.2.2 Define enabling and supporting applications

    2.2.3 Build your product family canvas

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers’
    • Business analysts

    Step 2.1

    Determine your approach to scale product families


    2.1.1 Define your scaling principles and goals

    2.1.2 Define your pilot product family areas and direction

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers’
    • Business analysts

    Outcomes of this step

    • List of product scaling principles
    • Scope of product scaling pilot and target areas
    • Scaling approach and direction

    Use consistent terminology for product and service families

    In this blueprint, we refer to any grouping of products or services as a “family.” Your organization may prefer other terms, such as product/service line, portfolio, group, etc. The underlying principles for grouping and managing product families are the same, so define the terminology that fits best with your culture. The same is true for “products” and “services,” which may also be referred to in different terms.

    An example flowchart is displayed to demonstrate the terminology for product and service families.

    A product family is a logical and operational grouping of related products or services. The grouping provides a scaled hierarchy to translate goals, priorities, strategy, and constraints down the grouping while aligning value realization upwards.

    Group product families by related purpose to improve business value

    Families should be scaled by how the products operationally relate to each other, with clear boundaries and common purpose.

    A product family contains...

    • Vision
    • Goals
    • Cumulative roadmap of the products within the family

    A product family can be grouped by...

    • Function
    • Value stream and capability
    • Customer segments or end-user group
    • Strategic purpose
    • Underlying architecture
    • Common technology or support structures
    • And many more
    A flowchart is shown to demonstrate the product family and product relations.

    Scale products into related families to improve value delivery and alignment

    Defining product families builds a network of related products into coordinated value delivery streams.

    A flowchart is shown to demonstrate the relations between product family and the delivery streams.

    “As with basic product management, scaling an organization is all about articulating the vision and communicating it effectively. Using a well-defined framework helps you align the growth of your organization with that of the company. In fact, how the product organization is structured is very helpful in driving the vision of what you as a product company are going to do.”

    – Rich Mironov, Mironov Consulting

    Product families translate enterprise goals into value-enabling capabilities

    A flowchart is shown to demonstrate the relationship between enterprise strategy and enabling capabilities.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Your organizational goals and strategy are achieved through capabilities that deliver value. Your product hierarchy is the mechanism to translate enterprise goals, priorities, and constraints down to the product level where changes can be made.

    Arrange product families by operational groups, not solely by your org chart

    A flowchart is shown to demonstrate how to arrange product families by operational groups.

    1. To align product changes with enterprise goals and priorities, you need to organize your products into operational groups based on the capabilities or business functions the product and family support.

    2. Product managers translate these goals, priorities, and constraints into their product families, so they are actionable at the next level, whether that level is another product family or products implementing enhancements to meet these goals.

    3. The product family manager ensures that the product changes enhance the capabilities that allow you to realize your product family, division, and enterprise goals.

    4. Enabling capabilities realize value and help reach your goals, which then drives your next set of enterprise goals and strategy.

    Product families need owners with a more strategic focus

    Product Owner

    (More tactical product delivery focus)

    • Backlog management and prioritization
    • Product vision and product roadmap
    • Epic/story definition, refinement in conjunction with business stakeholders
    • Sprint planning with Scrum Master and delivery team
    • Working with Scrum Master to minimize disruption to team velocity
    • Ensuring alignment between business and Scrum teams during sprints
    • Profit and loss (P&L) product analysis and monitoring

    Product Manager

    (More strategic product family focus)

    • Product strategy, positioning, and messaging
    • Product family vision and product roadmap
    • Competitive analysis and positioning
    • New product innovation/definition
    • Release timing and focus (release themes)
    • Ongoing optimization of product-related marketing and sales activities
    • P&L product analysis and monitoring

    Info-Tech Insight

    “Product owner” and “product manager” are terms that should be adapted to fit your culture and product hierarchy. These are not management relationships but rather a way to structure related products and services that touch the same end users. Use the terms that work best in your culture.

    Download Build a Better Product Owner for role support.

    2.1.1 Define your scaling principles and goals

    30-60 minutes

    1. Discuss the guiding principles for your product scaling model. Your guiding principles should consider key business priorities, organizational culture, and division/team objectives, such as improving:
    • Business agility and ability to respond to changes and needs.
    • Alignment of product roadmaps to enterprise goals and priorities.
    • Collaboration between stakeholders and product delivery teams.
    • Resource utilization and productivity.
    • The quality and value of products.
    • Coordination between related products and services.


    • List of product scaling principles


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers’
    • Business analysts

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    Start scaling with a pilot

    You will likely use a combination of patterns that work best for each product area. Pilot your product scaling with a domain, team, or functional area before organizing your entire portfolio.

    Learn more about each pattern.

    Discuss the pros and cons of each.

    Select a pilot product area.

    Select a pattern.

    Approach alignment from both directions, validating by the opposite way

    Defining your product families is not a one-way street. Often, we start from either the top or the bottom depending on our scaling principles. We use multiple patterns to find the best arrangement and grouping of our products and families.

    It may be helpful to work partway, then approach your scaling from the opposite direction, meeting in the middle. This way you are taking advantage of the strengths in both approaches.

    Once you have your proposed structure, validate the grouping by applying the principles from the opposite direction to ensure each product and family is in the best starting group.

    As the needs of your organization change, you may need to realign your product families into your new business architecture and operational structure.

    A top-down alignment example is shown.

    When to use: You have a business architecture defined or clear market/functional grouping of value streams.

    A bottom-up alignment example is shown.

    When to use: You are starting from an Application Portfolio Management application inventory to build or validate application families.

    Top-down examples: Start with your enterprise structure or market grouping

    A top-down example flowchart is shown.


    Market Alignment
    • Consumer Banking
      • DDA: Checking, Savings, Money Market
      • Revolving Credit: Credit Cards, Line of Credit
      • Term Credit: Mortgage, Auto, Boat, Installment
    Enterprise Applications
    • Human Resources
      • Benefits: Health, Dental, Life, Retirement
      • Human Capital: Hiring, Performance, Training
      • Hiring: Posting, Interviews, Onboarding
    Shared Service
    • End-User Support
      • Desktop: New Systems, Software, Errors
      • Security: Access Requests, Password Reset, Attestations
    Business Architecture
    • Value Stream
      • Capability
        • Applications
        • Services

    Bottom-up examples: Start with your inventory

    Based on your current inventory, start organizing products and services into related groups using one of the five scaling models discussed in the next step.

    A bottom-up example flowchart is shown.


    Technical Grouping
    • Custom Apps: Java, .NET, Python
    • Cloud: Azure, AWS, Virtual Environments
    • Low Code: ServiceNow, Appian
    Functional/Capability Grouping
    • CRM: Salesforce, Microsoft CRM
    • Security Platforms: IAM, SSO, Scanning
    • Workflow: Remedy, ServiceNow
    Shared Services Grouping
    • Workflow: Appian, Pega, ServiceNow
    • Collaboration: SharePoint, Teams
    • Data: Dictionary, Lake, BI/Reporting

    2.1.2 Define your pilot product family areas and direction

    30-60 minutes

    1. Using your inventory of products for your pilot, consider the top-down and bottom-up approaches.
    2. Identify areas where you will begin arranging your product into families.
    3. Prioritize these pilot areas into waves:
      1. First pilot areas
      2. Second pilot areas
      3. Third pilot areas
    4. Discuss and decide whether a top-down or bottom-up approach is the best place to start for each pilot group.
    5. Prioritize your pilot families in the order in which you want to organize them. This is a guide to help you get started, and you may change the order during the scaling pattern exercise.


    • Scope of product scaling pilot and target areas


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers’
    • Business analysts

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    Step 2.2

    Define your product families


    2.2.1 Arrange your applications and services into product families

    2.2.2 Define enabling and supporting applications

    2.2.3 Build your product family canvas

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers’
    • Business analysts

    Outcomes of this step

    • Product family mapping
    • Product families
    • Enabling applications
    • Dependent applications
    • Product family canvas

    Use three perspectives to guide scaling pattern selection

    • One size does not fit all. There is no single or static product model that fits all product teams.
    • Structure relationships based on your organizational needs and capabilities.
    • Be flexible. Product ownership is designed to enable value delivery.
    • Avoid structures that promote proxy product ownership.
    • Make decisions based on products and services, not people. Then assign people to the roles.
    Alignment perspectives:

    Value Stream

    Align products based on the defined sources of value for a collection of products or services.

    For example: Wholesale channel for products that may also be sold directly to consumers, such as wireless network service.


    Align products based on a common group of users or product consumers.

    For example: Consumer vs. small business vs. enterprise customers in banking, insurance, and healthcare.

    Common Domain

    Align products based on a common domain knowledge or skill set needed to deliver and support the products.

    For example: Applications in a shared service framework supporting other products.

    Leverage patterns for scaling products

    Organizing your products and families is easier when leveraging these grouping patterns. Each is explained in greater detail on the following slides

    Value Stream AlignmentEnterprise ApplicationsShared ServicesTechnicalOrganizational Alignment
    • Business architecture
      • Value stream
      • Capability
      • Function
    • Market/customer segment
    • Line of business (LoB)
    • Example: Customer group > value stream > products
    • Enabling capabilities
    • Enterprise platforms
    • Supporting apps
    • Example: HR > Workday/Peoplesoft > ModulesSupporting: Job board, healthcare administrator
    • Organization of related services into service family
    • Direct hierarchy does not necessarily exist within the family
    • Examples: End-user support and ticketing, workflow and collaboration tools
    • Domain grouping of IT infrastructure, platforms, apps, skills, or languages
    • Often used in combination with Shared Services grouping or LoB-specific apps
    • Examples: Java, .NET, low-code, database, network
    • Used at higher levels of the organization where products are aligned under divisions
    • Separation of product managers from organizational structure no longer needed because the management team owns product management role

    Select the best family pattern to improve alignment

    A flowchart is shown on how to select the best family pattern to improve alignment.

    Use scenarios to help select patterns



    We have a business architecture defined.

    (See Document Your Business Architecture and industry reference architectures for help.)

    Start with your business architecture

    Start with market segments

    We want to be more customer first or customer centric.

    Start with market segments

    Our organization has rigid lines of business and organizational boundaries.

    Start with LoB structure

    Most products are specific to a business unit or division. Start with LoB structure

    Products are aligned to people, not how we are operationally organized.

    Start with market or LoB structure

    We are focusing on enterprise or enabling applications.

    1. Start with enterprise app and service team

    2. Align supporting apps

    We already have applications and services grouped into teams but want to evaluate if they are grouped in the best families.

    Validate using multiple patterns

    Validate using multiple patterns

    Our applications and services are shared across the enterprise or support multiple products, value streams, or shared capabilities.

    Our applications or services are domain, knowledge, or technology specific.

    Start by grouping inventory

    We are starting from an application inventory. (See the APM Research Center for help.)

    Start by grouping inventory

    Pattern: Value Stream – Capability

    Grouping products into capabilities defined in your business architecture is recommended because it aligns people/processes (services) and products (tools) into their value stream and delivery grouping. This requires an accurate capability map to implement.


    • Healthcare is delivered through a series of distinct value streams (top chevrons) and shared services supporting all streams.
    • Diagnosing Health Needs is executed through the Admissions, Testing, Imaging, and Triage capabilities.
    • Products and services are needed to deliver each capability.
    • Shared capabilities can also be grouped into families to better align capability delivery and maturity to ensure that the enterprise goals and needs are being met in each value stream the capabilities support.
    An example is shown to demonstrate how to group products into capabilities.

    Sample business architecture/ capability map for healthcare

    A sample business architecture/capability map for healthcare is shown.

    Your business architecture maps your value streams (value delivered to your customer or user personas) to the capabilities that deliver that value. A capability is the people, processes, and/or tools needed to deliver each value function.

    Defining capabilities are specific to a value stream. Shared capabilities support multiple value streams. Enabling capabilities are core “keep the lights on” capabilities and enterprise functions needed to run your organization.

    See Info-Tech’s industry coverage and reference architectures.

    Download Document Your Business Architecture

    Pattern: Value Stream – Market

    Market/Customer Segment Alignment focuses products into the channels, verticals, or market segments in the same way customers and users view the organization.

    An example is shown to demonstrate how products can be placed into channels, verticals, or market segments.


    • Customers want one stop to solve all their issues, needs, and transactions.
    • Banking includes consumer, small business, and enterprise.
    • Consumer banking can be grouped by type of financial service: deposit accounts (checking, savings, money market), revolving credit (credit cards, lines of credit), term lending (mortgage, auto, installment).
    • Each group of services has a unique set of applications and services that support the consumer product, with some core systems supporting the entire relationship.

    Pattern: Value Stream – Line of Business (LoB)

    Line of Business Alignment uses the operational structure as the basis for organizing products and services into families that support each area.

    An example of the operational structure as the basis is shown.


    • LoB alignment favors continuity of services, tools, and skills based on internal operations over unified customer services.
    • A hospital requires care and services from many different operational teams.
    • Emergency services may be internally organized by the type of care and emergency to allow specialized equipment and resources to diagnose and treat the patients, relying on support teams for imaging and diagnostics to support care.
    • This model may be efficient and logical from an internal viewpoint but can cause gaps in customer services without careful coordination between product teams.

    Pattern: Enterprise Applications

    A division or group delivers enabling capabilities, and the team’s operational alignment maps directly to the modules/components of an enterprise application and other applications that support the specific business function.

    An example flowchart is shown with enterprise applications.


    • Human resources is one corporate function. Within HR, however, there are subfunctions that operate independently.
    • Each operational team is supported by one or more applications or modules within a primary HR system.
    • Even though the teams work independently, the information they manage is shared with or ties into processes used by other teams. Coordination of efforts helps provide a higher level of service and consistency.

    For additional information about HRMS, please download Get the Most Out of Your HRMS.

    Pattern: Shared Services

    Grouping by service type, knowledge area, or technology allows for specialization while families align service delivery to shared business capabilities.

    An example is shown with the shared services.


    • Recommended for governance, risk, and compliance; infrastructure; security; end-user support; and shared platforms (workflow, collaboration, imaging/record retention). Direct hierarchies do not necessarily exist within the shared service family.
    • Service groupings are common for service owners (also known as support managers, operations managers, etc.).
    • End-user ticketing comes through a common request system, is routed to the team responsible for triage, and then is routed to a team for resolution.
    • Collaboration tools and workflow tools are enablers of other applications, and product families might support multiple apps or platforms delivering that shared capability.

    Pattern: Technical

    Technical grouping is used in Shared Services or as a family grouping method within a Value Stream Alignment (Capability, Market, LoB) product family.

    An example of technical grouping is shown.


    • Within Shared Services, Technical product grouping focuses on domains requiring specific experience and knowledge not common to typical product teams. This can also support insourcing so other product teams do not have to build their own capacity.
    • Within a Market or LoB team, these same technical groups support specific tools and services within that product family only while also specializing in the business domain.
    • Alignment into tool, platform, or skill areas improves delivery capabilities and resource scalability.

    Pattern: Organizational Alignment

    Eventually in your product hierarchy, the management structure functions as the product management team.

    • When planning your product families, be careful determining when to merge product families into the management team structure.
    • Since the goal of scaling products into families is to align product delivery roadmaps to enterprise goals and enable value realization, the primary focus of scaling must be operational.
    • Alignment to the organizational chart should only occur when the product families report into an HR manager who has ownership for the delivery and value realization for all product and services within that family.
    Am example of organizational alignment is shown.

    Download Build a Better Product Owner for role support.

    2.2.1 Arrange your applications and services into product families

    1-4 hours

    1. (Optional but recommended) Define your value streams and capabilities on the App Capability List tab in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.
    2. On the Product Families tab, build your product family hierarchy using the following structure:
    • Value Stream > Capability > Family 3 > Family 2 > Family 1 > Product/Service.
    • If you are not using a Value Stream > Capability grouping, you can leave these blank for now.
    A screenshot of the App Capability List in the Deliver Disital Products at Scale Workbook is shown.
  • If you previously completed an application inventory using one of our application portfolio management (APM) resources, you can paste values here. Do not paste cells, as Excel may create a cell reference or replace the current conditional formatting.
  • Output

    • Product family mapping


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Business analysts

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    2.2.2 Define enabling and supporting applications

    1-4 hours

    1. Review your grouping from the reverse direction or with different patterns to validate the grouping. Consider each grouping.
    • Does it operationally align the products and families to best cascade enterprise goals and priorities while validating enabling capabilities?
    • In the next phase, when defining your roadmap strategy, you may wish to revisit this phase and adjust as needed.
  • Select and enter enabling or dependent applications to the right of each product.
  • A screenshot from the Deliver Digitial Products at Scale Workbook is shown.


    • Product families
    • Enabling applications
    • Dependent applications


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Business analysts

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    Use a product canvas to define key elements of your product family

    A product canvas is an excellent tool for quickly providing important information about a product family.

    Product owners/managers

    Provide target state to align child product and product family roadmaps.


    Communicate high-level concepts and key metrics with leadership teams and stakeholders.

    Strategy teams

    Use the canvas as a tool for brainstorming, scoping, and ideation.

    Operations teams

    Share background overview to align operational team with end-user value.

    Impacted users

    Refine communication strategy and support based on user impacts and value realization.

    Download Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision.

    Product Family Canvas: Define your core information

    A screenshot of the product family canvas is shown.

    Problem Statement: The problem or need the product family is addressing

    Business Goals: List of business objectives or goals for the product

    Personas/Customers/Users: List of groups who consume the product/service

    Vision: Vision, unique value proposition, elevator pitch, or positioning statement

    Child Product Families or Products: List of product families or products within this family

    Stakeholders: List of key resources, stakeholders, and teams needed to support the product or service

    Download Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision.

    2.2.3 Build your product family canvas

    30-60 minutes

    1. Complete the following fields to build your product family canvas in your Digital Product Family Strategy Playbook:
      1. Product family name
      2. Product family owner
      3. Parent product family name
      4. Problem that the family is intending to solve (For additional help articulating your problem statement, refer to Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision.)
      5. Product family vision/goals (For additional help writing your vision, refer to Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision..)
      6. Child product or product family name(s)
      7. Primary customers/users (For additional help with your product personas, download and complete Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision..)
      8. Stakeholders (If you aren’t sure who your stakeholders are, fill this in after completing the stakeholder management exercises in phase 3.)


    • Product family canvas


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Business analysts

    Record the results in the Digital Product Family Strategy Playbook.

    A screenshot of the Product Family Canvas is shown.

    Phase 3

    Ensure Alignment Between Products and Families

    Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5

    1.1 Understand the organizational factors driving product-centric delivery

    1.2 Establish your organization’s product inventory

    2.1 Determine your approach to scale product families

    2.2 Define your product families

    3.1 Leverage product family roadmaps

    3.2 Use stakeholder management to improve roadmap communication

    3.3 Configure your product family roadmaps

    3.4 Confirm product family to product alignment

    4.1 Assess your organization’s delivery readiness

    4.2 Understand your delivery options

    4.3 Determine your operating model

    4.4 Identify how to fund product family delivery

    5.1 Learn how to introduce your digital product family strategy

    5.2 Communicate changes on updates to your strategy

    5.3 Determine your next steps

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • 3.1.1 Evaluate your current approach to product family communication
    • 3.2.1 Visualize interrelationships among stakeholders to identify key influencers
    • 3.2.2 Group stakeholders into categories
    • 3.2.3 Prioritize your stakeholders
    • 3.3.1 Define the communication objectives and audience of your product family roadmaps
    • 3.3.2 Identify the level of detail that you want your product family roadmap artifacts to represent
    • 3.4.1 Validate business value alignment between products and their product families

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Portfolio managers
    • Business analysts

    Step 3.1

    Leverage product family roadmaps


    3.1.1 Evaluate your current approach to product family communication

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Portfolio managers
    • Business analysts

    Outcomes of this step

    • Understanding of what a product family roadmap is
    • Comparison of Info-Tech’s position on product families to how you currently communicate about product families

    Aligning products’ goals with families

    Without alignment between product family goals and their underlying products, you aren’t seeing the full picture.

    An example of a product roadmap is shown to demonstrate how it is the core to value realization.

    Adapted from: Pichler," What Is Product Management?"

    • Aligning product strategy to enterprise goals needs to happen through the product family.
    • A product roadmap has traditionally been used to express the overall intent and visualization of the product strategy.
    • Connecting the strategy of your products with your enterprise goals can be done through the product family roadmap.

    Leveraging product family roadmaps

    It’s more than a set of colorful boxes.

      ✓ Lays out a strategy for your product family.

      ✓ Is a statement of intent for your family of products.

      ✓ Communicates direction for the entire product family and product teams.

      ✓ Directly connects to the organization’s goals.

    However, it is not:

      x Representative of a hard commitment.

      x A simple combination of your current product roadmaps.

      x A technical implementation plan.

    Product family roadmaps

    A roadmap is shown without any changes.

    There is no such thing as a roadmap that never changes.

    Your product family roadmap represents a broad statement of intent and high-level tactics to get closer to the organization’s goals.

    A roadmap is shown with changes.

    All good product family roadmaps embrace change!

    Your strategic intentions are subject to volatility, especially those planned further in the future. The more costs you incur in planning, the more you leave yourself exposed to inefficiency and waste if those plans change.

    Info-Tech Insight

    A good product family roadmap is intended to manage and communicate the inevitable changes as a result of market volatility and changes in strategy.

    Product family roadmaps are more strategic by nature

    While individual product roadmaps can be different levels of tactical or strategic depending on a variety of market factors, your options are more limited when defining roadmaps for product families.

    An image is displayed to show the relationships between product and product family, and how the roadmaps could be tactical or strategic.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Roadmaps for your product family are, by design, less detailed. This does not mean they aren’t actionable! Your product family roadmap should be able to communicate clear intentions around the future delivery of value in both the near and long term.

    Reminder: Your enterprise vision provides alignment for your product family roadmaps

    Not knowing the difference between enterprise vision and goals will prevent you from both dreaming big and achieving your dream.

    Your enterprise vision represents your “north star” – where you want to go. It represents what you want to do.

    • Your enterprise goals represent what you need to achieve in order to reach your enterprise vision.
    • A key element of operationalizing your vision.
    • Your strategy, initiatives, and features will align with one or more goals.

    Download Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision for support.

    Multiple roadmap views can communicate differently, yet tell the same truth


    Business/ IT Leaders


    Delivery Teams

    Roadmap View


    Product Family



    To provide a snapshot of the portfolio and priority products

    To visualize and validate product strategy

    To coordinate broad technology and architecture decisions


    Line items or sections of the roadmap are made up of individual products, and an artifact represents a disposition at its highest level.

    Artifacts are generally grouped by product teams and consist of strategic goals and the features that realize those goals.

    Artifacts are grouped by the teams who deliver that work and consist of technical capabilities that support the broader delivery of value for the product family.

    Typical elements of a product family roadmap

    While there are others, these represent what will commonly appear across most family-based roadmaps.

    An example is shown to highlight the typical elements of a product family roadmap.

    GROUP/CATEGORY: Groups are collections of artifacts. In a product family context, these are usually product family goals, value streams, or products.

    ARTIFACT: An artifact is one of many kinds of tangible by-products produced during the delivery of products. For a product family, the artifacts represented are capabilities or value streams.

    MILESTONE: Points in the timeline when established sets of artifacts are complete. This is a critical tool in the alignment of products in a given family.

    TIME HORIZON: Separated periods within the projected timeline covered by the roadmap.

    3.1.1 Evaluate your current approach to product family communication

    1-2 hours

    1. Write down how you currently communicate your intentions for your products and family of products.
    2. Compare and contrast this to how this blueprint defines product families and product family roadmaps.
    3. Consider the similarities and the key gaps between your current approach and Info-Tech’s definition of product family roadmaps.


    • Your documented approach to product family communication


    • Product owners
    • Stakeholders

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    Step 3.2

    Use stakeholder management to improve roadmap communication


    3.2.1 Visualize interrelationships among stakeholders to identify key influencers

    3.2.2 Group stakeholders into categories

    3.2.3 Prioritize your stakeholders

    Info-Tech Note

    If you have done the stakeholder exercises in Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision or Build a Better Product Owner u don’t need to repeat the exercises from scratch.

    You can bring the results forward and update them based on your prior work.

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Portfolio managers
    • Business analysts

    Outcomes of this step

    • Relationships among stakeholders and influencers
    • Categorization of stakeholders and influencers
    • Stakeholder and influencer prioritization

    Reminder: Not everyone is a user!


    Individuals who directly obtain value from usage of the product.


    Represent individuals who provide the context, alignment, and constraints that influence or control what you will be able to accomplish.


    Individuals both external and internal that fund the product initiative. Sometimes they are lumped in as stakeholders. However, motivations can be different.

    For more information, see Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision.

    A stakeholder strategy is a key part of product family attainment

    A roadmap is only “good” when it effectively communicates to stakeholders. Understanding your stakeholders is the first step in delivering great product family roadmaps.

    A picture is shown that has 4 characters with puzzle pieces, each repersenting a key to product family attainment. The four keys are: Stakeholder management, product lifecycle, project delivery, and operational support.

    Create a stakeholder network map for product roadmaps and prioritization

    Follow the trail of breadcrumbs from your direct stakeholders to their influencers to uncover hidden stakeholders.

    An example stakeholder network map is displayed.


    Black arrows: indicate the direction of professional influence

    Dashed green arrows: indicate bidirectional, informal influence relationships

    Info-Tech Insight

    Your stakeholder map defines the influence landscape your product family operates in. It is every bit as important as the teams who enhance, support, and operate your product directly.

    Use connectors to determine who may be influencing your direct stakeholders. They may not have any formal authority within the organization, but they may have informal yet substantial relationships with your stakeholders.

    3.2.1 Visualize interrelationships among stakeholders to identify key influencers

    60 minutes

    1. List direct stakeholders for your product.
    2. Determine the stakeholders of your stakeholders and consider adding each of them to the stakeholder list.
    3. Assess who has either formal or informal influence over your stakeholders; add these influencers to your stakeholder list.
    4. Construct a diagram linking stakeholders and their influencers together.
    • Use black arrows to indicate the direction of professional influence.
    • Use dashed green arrows to indicate bidirectional, informal influence relationships.


    • Relationships among stakeholders and influencers


    • Product owners
    • Stakeholders

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    Categorize your stakeholders with a prioritization map

    A stakeholder prioritization map helps product leaders categorize their stakeholders by their level of influence and ownership in the product and/or teams.

    An example stakeholder prioritization map is shown.

    There are four areas in the map, and the stakeholders within each area should be treated differently.

    Players – players have a high interest in the initiative and the influence to effect change over the initiative. Their support is critical, and a lack of support can cause significant impediment to the objectives.

    Mediators – mediators have a low interest but significant influence over the initiative. They can help to provide balance and objective opinions to issues that arise.

    Noisemakers – noisemakers have low influence but high interest. They tend to be very vocal and engaged, either positively or negatively, but have little ability to enact their wishes.

    Spectators – generally, spectators are apathetic and have little influence over or interest in the initiative.

    3.2.2 Group stakeholders into categories

    30-60 minutes

    1. Identify your stakeholders’ interest in and influence on your product as high, medium, or low by rating the attributes below.
    2. Map your results to the model below to determine each stakeholder’s category.
    Level of Influence
    • Power: Ability of a stakeholder to effect change.
    • Urgency: Degree of immediacy demanded.
    • Legitimacy: Perceived validity of stakeholder’s claim.
    • Volume: How loud their “voice” is or could become.
    • Contribution: What they have that is of value to you.
    Level of Interest

    How much are the stakeholder’s individual performance and goals directly tied to the success or failure of the product?

    The example stakeholder prioritization map is shown with the stakeholders grouped into the categories.


    • Categorization of stakeholders and influencers


    • Product owners
    • Stakeholders

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    Prioritize your stakeholders

    There may be too many stakeholders to be able to manage them all. Focus your attention on the stakeholders that matter most.

    Level of Support

    Stakeholder Category



    Neutral Blocker





















    Consider the three dimensions for stakeholder prioritization: influence, interest, and support. Support can be determined by answering the following question: How likely is it that this stakeholder would recommend your product?

    These parameters are used to prioritize which stakeholders are most important and should receive your focused attention.

    3.2.3 Prioritize your stakeholders

    30 minutes

    1. Identify the level of support of each stakeholder by answering the following question: How likely is it that this stakeholder would endorse your product?
    2. Prioritize your stakeholders using the prioritization scheme on the previous slide.



    Level of Support











    • Stakeholder and influencer prioritization


    • Product owners
    • Stakeholders

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    Define strategies for engaging stakeholders by type

    An example is shown to demonstrate how to define strategies to engage staeholders by type.





    High influence, high interest – actively engage

    Keep them updated on the progress of the project. Continuously involve Players in the process and maintain their engagement and interest by demonstrating their value to its success.


    High influence, low interest – keep satisfied

    They can be the game changers in groups of stakeholders. Turn them into supporters by gaining their confidence and trust and including them in important decision-making steps. In turn, they can help you influence other stakeholders.


    Low influence, high interest – keep informed

    Try to increase their influence (or decrease it if they are detractors) by providing them with key information, supporting them in meetings, and using Mediators to help them.


    Low influence, low interest – monitor

    They are followers. Keep them in the loop by providing clarity on objectives and status updates.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Each group of stakeholders draws attention and resources away from critical tasks. By properly identifying your stakeholder groups, the product owner can develop corresponding actions to manage stakeholders in each group. This can dramatically reduce wasted effort trying to satisfy Spectators and Noisemakers, while ensuring the needs of Mediators and Players are met.

    Step 3.3

    Configure your product family roadmaps


    3.3.1 Define the communication objectives and audience of your product family roadmaps

    3.3.2 Identify the level of detail that you want your product family roadmap artifacts to represent

    Info-Tech Note

    If you are unfamiliar with product roadmaps, Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision contains more detailed exercises we recommend you review before focusing on product family roadmaps.

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Portfolio managers
    • Business analysts

    Outcomes of this step

    • An understanding of the key communication objectives and target stakeholder audience for your product family roadmaps
    • A position on the level of detail you want your product family roadmap to operate at

    Your communication objectives are linked to your audience; ensure you know your audience and speak their language

    I want to... I need to talk to... Because they are focused on...
    ALIGN PRODUCT TEAMS Get my delivery teams on the same page. Architects Products Owners PRODUCTS A product that delivers value against a common set of goals and objectives.
    SHOWCASE CHANGES Inform users and customers of product strategy. Bus. Process Owners End Users FUNCTIONALITY A group of functionality that business customers see as a single unit.
    ARTICULATE RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS Inform the business of product development requirements. IT Management Business Stakeholders FUNDING An initiative that those with the money see as a single budget.

    3.3.1 Define the communication objectives and audience of your product family roadmaps

    30-60 minutes

    1. Explicitly state the communication objectives and audience of your roadmap.
    • Think of finishing this sentence: This roadmap is designed for … in order to …
  • You may want to consider including more than a single audience or objective.
  • Example:
  • Roadmap



    Internal Strategic Roadmap

    Internal Stakeholders

    This roadmap is designed to detail the strategy for delivery. It tends to use language that represents internal initiatives and names.

    Customer Strategic Roadmap

    External Customers

    This roadmap is designed to showcase and validate future strategic plans and internal teams to coordinate the development of features and enablers.


    • Roadmap list with communication objectives and audience


    • Product owners and product managers
    • Application leaders
    • Stakeholders

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    The length of time horizons on your roadmap depend on the needs of the underlying products or families

    Info-Tech InsightAn example timeline is shown.

    Given the relationship between product and product family roadmaps, the product family roadmap needs to serve the time horizons of its respective products.

    This translates into product family roadmaps with timelines that, at a minimum, cover the full scope of the respective product roadmaps.

    Based on your communication objectives, consider different ways to visualize your product family roadmap

    Swimline/Stream-Based roadmap example.

    Swimlane/Stream-Based – Understanding when groups of items intend to be delivered.

    An example is shown that has an overall plan with rough intentions around delivery.

    Now, Next, Later – Communicate an overall plan with rough intentions around delivery without specific date ranges.

    An example of a sunrise roadmap is shown.

    Sunrise Roadmap – Articulate the journey toward a given target state across multiple streams.

    Before connecting your family roadmap to products, think about what each roadmap typically presents

    An example of a product family roadmap is shown and how it can be connected to the products.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Your product family roadmap and product roadmap tell different stories. The product family roadmap represents the overall connection of products to the enterprise strategy, while the product roadmap focuses on the fulfillment of the product’s vision.

    Example: Connecting your product family roadmaps to product roadmaps

    Your roadmaps should be connected at an artifact level that is common between both. Typically, this is done with capabilities, but you can do it at a more granular level if an understanding of capabilities isn’t available.

    Example is shown connecting product family roadmaps to product roadmaps.

    3.3.2 Identify the level of detail that you want your product family roadmap artifacts to represent

    30-60 minutes

    1. Consider the different available artifacts for a product family (goals, value stream, capabilities).
    2. List the roadmaps that you wish to represent.
    3. Based on how you currently articulate details on your product families, consider:
    • What do you want to use as the level of granularity for the artifact? Consider selecting something that has a direct connection to the product roadmap itself (for example, capabilities).
    • For some roadmaps you will want to categorize your artifacts – what would work best in those cases?


    Level of Hierarchy

    Artifact Type

    Roadmap 1



    Roadmap 2

    Roadmap 3


    • Details on your roadmap granularity


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Portfolio managers

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    Step 3.4

    Confirm goal and value alignment of products and their product families


    3.4.1 Validate business value alignment between products and their product families

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Portfolio managers
    • Business analysts

    Outcomes of this step

    • Validation of the alignment between your product families and products

    Confirming product to family value alignment

    It isn’t always obvious whether you have the right value delivery alignment between products and product families.

    An example is shown to demonstrate product-to-family-alignment.

    Product-to-family alignment can be validated in two different ways:

    1. Initial value alignment
    2. Confirm the perceived business value at a family level is aligned with what is being delivered at a product level.

    3. Value measurement during the lifetime of the product
    4. Validate family roadmap attainment through progression toward the specified product goals.

    For more detail on calculating business value, see Build a Value Measurement Framework.

    To evaluate a product family’s contribution, you need a common definition of value

    Why is having a common value measure important?

    CIO-CEO Alignment Diagnostic

    A stacked bar graph is shown to demonstrate CIO-CEO Alignment Diagnostic. A bar titled Business Value Metrics is highlighted. 51% had some improvement necessary and 32% had significant improvement necessary.

    Over 700 Info-Tech members have implemented the Balanced Value Measurement Framework.

    “The cynic knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.”

    – Oscar Wilde

    “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”

    – Warren Buffett

    Understanding where you derive value is critical to building solid roadmaps.

    All value in your product family is not created equal

    Business value is the value of the business outcome the application produces and how effective the product is at producing that outcome. Dissecting value by the benefit type and the value source allows you to see the many ways in which a product or service brings value to your organization. Capture the value of your products in short, concise statements, like an elevator pitch.

    A business value matrix is shown.

    Increase Revenue

    Product or service functions that are specifically related to the impact on your organization’s ability to generate revenue.

    Reduce Costs

    Reduction of overhead. The ways in which your product limits the operational costs of business functions.

    Enhance Services

    Functions that enable business capabilities that improve the organization’s ability to perform its internal operations.

    Reach Customers

    Application functions that enable and improve the interaction with customers or produce market information and insights.

    Financial Benefits vs. Improved Capabilities

    • Financial Benefit refers to the degree to which the value source can be measured through monetary metrics and is often quite tangible.
    • Human Benefit refers to how a product or service can deliver value through a user’s experience.

    Inward vs. Outward Orientation

    • Inward refers to value sources that have an internal impact and improve your organization’s effectiveness and efficiency in performing its operations.
    • Outward refers to value sources that come from your interaction with external factors, such as the market or your customers.

    3.4.1 Validate business value alignment between products and their product families

    30-60 minutes

    1. Draw the 2x2 Business Value Matrix on a flip chart or open the Business Value Matrix tab in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook to use in this exercise.
    2. Brainstorm and record the different types of business value that your product and product family produce on the sticky notes (one item per sticky note).
    3. As a team, evaluate how the product value delivered contributes to the product family value delivered. Note any gaps or differences between the two.

    Download and complete Build a Value Measurement Framework for full support in focusing product delivery on business value–driven outcomes.

    A business value matrix is shown.


    • Confirmation of value alignment between product families and their respective products


    • Product owners
    • Product managers

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    Example: Validate business value alignment between products and their product families

    An example of a business value matrix is shown.

    Measure product value with metrics tied to your business value sources and objectives

    Assign metrics to your business value sources

    Business Value Category

    Source Examples

    Metric Examples

    Profit Generation


    Customer Lifetime Value (LTV)

    Data Monetization

    Average Revenue per User (ARPU)

    Cost Reduction

    Reduce Labor Costs

    Contract Labor Cost

    Reduce Overhead

    Effective Cost per Install (eCPI)

    Service Enablement

    Limit Failure Risk

    Mean Time to Mitigate Fixes


    Completion Time Relative to Deadline

    Customer and Market Reach

    Customer Satisfaction

    Net Promoter Score

    Customer Trends

    Number of Customer Profiles

    The importance of measuring business value through metrics

    The better an organization is at using business value metrics to evaluate IT’s performance, the more satisfied the organization is with IT’s performance as a business partner. In fact, those that say they’re effective at business value metrics have satisfaction scores that are 30% higher than those that believe significant improvements are necessary (Info-Tech’s IT diagnostics).

    Assigning metrics to your prioritized values source will allow you to more accurately measure a product’s value to the organization and identify optimization opportunities. See Info-Tech’s Related Research: Value, Delivery Metrics, Estimation blueprint for more information.

    Your product delivery pipeline connects your roadmap with business value realization

    The effectiveness of your product roadmap needs to be evaluated based on delivery capacity and throughput.

    A product roadmap is shown with additional details to demonstrate delivery capacity and throughput.

    When thinking about product delivery metrics, be careful what you ask for…

    As the saying goes “Be careful what you ask for, because you will probably get it.”

    Metrics are powerful because they drive behavior.

    • Metrics are also dangerous because they often lead to unintended negative outcomes.
    • Choose your metrics carefully to avoid getting what you asked for instead of what you intended.

    It’s a cautionary tale that also offers a low-risk path through the complexities of metrics use.

    For more information on the use (and abuse) of metrics, see Select and Use SDLC Metrics Effectively.

    Measure delivery and success

    Metrics and measurements are powerful tools to drive behavior change and decision making in your organization. However, metrics are highly prone to creating unexpected outcomes, so use them with great care. Use metrics judiciously to uncover insights but avoid gaming or ambivalent behavior, productivity loss, and unintended consequences.

    Build good practices in your selection and use of metrics:

    • Choose the metrics that are as close to measuring the desired outcome as possible.
    • Select the fewest metrics possible and ensure they are of the highest value to your team, the safest from gaming behaviors and unintended consequences, and the easiest to gather and report.
    • Never use metrics for reward or punishment; use them to develop your team.
    • Automate as much metrics gathering and reporting as possible.
    • Focus on trends rather than precise metrics values.
    • Review and change your metrics periodically.

    Phase 4

    Bridge the Gap Between Product Families and Delivery

    Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5

    1.1 Understand the organizational factors driving product-centric delivery

    1.2 Establish your organization’s product inventory

    2.1 Determine your approach to scale product families

    2.2 Define your product families

    3.1 Leverage product family roadmaps

    3.2 Use stakeholder management to improve roadmap communication

    3.3 Configure your product family roadmaps

    3.4 Confirm product family to product alignment

    4.1 Assess your organization’s delivery readiness

    4.2 Understand your delivery options

    4.3 Determine your operating model

    4.4 Identify how to fund product family delivery

    5.1 Learn how to introduce your digital product family strategy

    5.2 Communicate changes on updates to your strategy

    5.3 Determine your next steps

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    4.1.1 Assess your organization’s readiness to deliver digital product families

    4.2.1 Consider pros and cons for each delivery model relative to how you wish to deliver

    4.3.1 Understand the relationships between product management, delivery teams, and stakeholders

    4.4.1 Discuss traditional vs. product-centric funding methods

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Portfolio managers
    • Delivery managers

    Assess the impacts of product-centric delivery on your teams and org design

    Product delivery can exist within any org structure or delivery model. However, when making the shift toward product management, consider optimizing your org design and product team structure to match your capacity and throughput needs.

    A flowchart is shown to see how the impacts of product-centric delivery can impact team and org designs.

    Info-Tech Note

    Realigning your delivery pipeline and org design takes significant effort and time. Although we won’t solve these questions here, it’s important to identify factors in your current or future models that improve value delivery.

    Step 4.1

    Assess your organization’s delivery readiness


    4.1.1 Assess your organization’s readiness to deliver digital product families

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Portfolio managers
    • Delivery managers

    Outcomes of this step

    • An understanding of the group’s maturity level when it comes to product delivery

    Maturing product practices enables delivery of product families, not just products or projects

    A flowchart is shown to demonstrate the differences between project lifecycle, hybrid lifecycle, and product lifecycle.

    Just like product owners, product family owners are needed to develop long-term product value, strategy, and delivery. Projects can still be used as the source of funding and change management; however, the product family owner must manage product releases and operational support. The focus of this section will be on aligning product families to one or more releases.

    4.1.1 Assess your organization’s readiness to deliver digital product families

    30-60 minutes

    1. For each question in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Readiness Assessment, ask yourself which of the five associated maturity statements most closely describes your organization.
    2. As a group, agree on your organization’s current readiness score for each of the six categories.

    A screenshot of the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Readiness Assessment is shown.


    • Product delivery readiness score


    • Product managers
    • Product owners

    Download the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Readiness Assessment.

    Value realization is constrained by your product delivery pipeline

    Value is realized through changes made at the product level. Your pipeline dictates the rate, quality, and prioritization of your backlog delivery. This pipeline connects your roadmap goals to the value the goals are intended to provide.

    An example of a product roadmap is shown with the additional details of the product delivery pipeline being highlighted.

    Product delivery realizes value for your product family

    While planning and analysis are done at the family level, work and delivery are done at the individual product level.


    What are the artifacts?

    What are you saying?

    Defined at the family level?

    Defined at the product level?


    I want to...

    Strategic focus

    Delivery focus


    To get there we need to...


    To achieve our goals, we’ll deliver...


    The work will be done in this order...

    Release Plan

    We will deliver in the following ways...

    Step 4.2

    Understand your delivery options


    4.2.1 Consider pros and cons for each delivery model relative to how you wish to deliver

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Portfolio managers
    • Delivery managers

    Outcomes of this step

    • An understanding of the different team configuration options when it comes to delivery and their relevance to how you currently work

    Define the scope of your product delivery strategy

    The goal of your product delivery strategy is to establish streamlined, enforceable, and standardized product management and delivery capabilities that follow industry best practices. You will need to be strategic in how and where you implement your changes because this will set the stage for future adoption. Strategically select the most appropriate products, roles, and areas of your organization to implement your new or enhanced capabilities and establish a foundation for scaling.

    Successful product delivery requires people who are knowledgeable about the products they manage and have a broad perspective of the entire delivery process, from intake to delivery, and of the product portfolio. The right people also have influence with other teams and stakeholders who are directly or indirectly impacted by product decisions. Involve team members who have expertise in the development, maintenance, and management of your selected products and stakeholders who can facilitate and promote change.

    Learn about different patterns to structure and resource your product delivery teams

    The primary goal of any product delivery team is to improve the delivery of value for customers and the business based on your product definition and each product’s demand. Each organization will have different priorities and constraints, so your team structure may take on a combination of patterns or may take on one pattern and then transform into another.

    Delivery Team Structure Patterns

    How Are Resources and Work Allocated?

    Functional Roles

    Teams are divided by functional responsibilities (e.g. developers, testers, business analysts, operations, help desk) and arranged according to their placement in the software development lifecycle (SDLC).

    Completed work is handed off from team to team sequentially as outlined in the organization’s SDLC.

    Shared Service and Resource Pools

    Teams are created by pulling the necessary resources from pools (e.g. developers, testers, business analysts, operations, help desk).

    Resources are pulled whenever the work requires specific skills or pushed to areas where product demand is high.

    Product or System

    Teams are dedicated to the development, support, and management of specific products or systems.

    Work is directly sent to the teams who are directly managing the product or directly supporting the requester.

    Skills and Competencies

    Teams are grouped based on skills and competencies related to technology (e.g. Java, mobile, web) or familiarity with business capabilities (e.g. HR, finance).

    Work is directly sent to the teams who have the IT and business skills and competencies to complete the work.

    See the flow of work through each delivery team structure pattern

    Four delivery team structures are shown. The four are: functional roles, shared service and resource pools, product or system, and skills and competencies.

    Staffing models for product teams

    Functional Roles Shared Service and Resource Pools Product or System Skills and Competencies
    A screenshot of the functional roles from the flow of work example is shown. A screenshot of the shared service and resource pools from the flow of work example is shown. A screenshot of the product or system from the flow of work example is shown. A screenshot of skills and competencies from the flow of work example is shown.
      ✓ Specialized resources are easier to staff

      ✓ Product knowledge is maintained

      ✓ Flexible demand/capacity management

      ✓ Supports full utilization of resources

      ✓ Teams are invested in the full life of the product

      ✓ Standing teams enable continuous improvement

      ✓ Teams are invested in the technology

      ✓ Standing teams enable continuous improvement

      x Demand on specialists can create bottlenecks

      x Creates barriers to collaboration

      x Unavailability of resources can lead to delays

      x Product knowledge can be lost as resources move

      x Changes in demand can lead to downtime

      x Cross-functional skills make staffing a challenge

      x Technology bias can lead to the wrong solution

      x Resource contention when team supports multiple solutions

      ! Product owners must break requests down into very small components to support Agile delivery as mini-Waterfalls
      ! Product owners must identify specialist requirements in the roadmap to ensure resources are available
      ! Product owners must ensure that there is a sufficient backlog of valuable work ready to keep the team utilized
      ! Product owners must remain independent of technology to ensure the right solution is built
    Use Case
    • When you lack people with cross-functional skills
    • When you have specialists such as those skilled in security and operations who will not have full-time work on the product
    • When you have people with cross-functional skills who can self-organize around the request
    • When you have a significant investment in a specific technology stack

    4.2.1 Consider pros and cons for each delivery model relative to how you wish to deliver

    1. Document your current staffing model for your product delivery teams.
    2. Evaluate the pros and cons of each model, as specified on the previous slide, relative to how you currently work.
    3. What would be the ideal target state for your team? If one model does not completely fit, is there a hybrid option worth considering? For example: Product-Based combined with Shared Service/Resource Pools for specific roles.

    Functional Roles

    Teams are divided by functional responsibilities (e.g. developers, testers, business analysts, operations, help desk) and arranged according to their placement in the software development lifecycle (SDLC).

    Shared Service and Resource Pools

    Teams are created by pulling the necessary resources from pools (e.g. developers, testers, business analysts, operations, help desk).

    Product or System

    Teams are dedicated to the development, support, and management of specific products or systems.

    Skills and Competencies

    Teams are grouped based on skills and competencies related to technology (e.g. Java, mobile, web) or familiarity with business capabilities (e.g. HR, finance).


    • An understanding of pros and cons for each delivery model and the ideal target state for your team


    • Product managers
    • Product owners

    Record the results in the Digital Product Family Strategy Playbook.

    Step 4.3

    Determine your operating model


    4.3.1 Understand the relationships between product management, delivery teams, and stakeholders

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Portfolio managers
    • Delivery managers

    Outcomes of this step

    • An understanding of the potential operating models and what will work best for your organization

    Reminder: Patterns for scaling products

    The alignment of your product families should be considered in your operating model.

    Value Stream Alignment

    Enterprise Applications

    Shared Services


    Organizational Alignment

    • Business architecture
      • Value stream
      • Capability
      • Function
    • Market/customer segment
    • Line of business (LoB)
    • Example: Customer group > value stream > products
    • Enabling capabilities
    • Enterprise platforms
    • Supporting apps
    • Example: HR > Workday/Peoplesoft > ModulesSupporting: Job board, healthcare administrator
    • Organization of related services into service family
    • Direct hierarchy does not necessarily exist within the family
    • Examples: End-user support and ticketing, workflow and collaboration tools
    • Domain grouping of IT infrastructure, platforms, apps, skills, or languages
    • Often used in combination with Shared Services grouping or LoB-specific apps
    • Examples: Java, .NET, low-code, database, network
    • Used at higher levels of the organization where products are aligned under divisions
    • Separation of product managers from organizational structure no longer needed because the management team owns product management role

    Ensure consistency in the application of your design principles with a coherent operating model

    What is an operating model?

    An operating model is an abstract visualization, used like an architect’s blueprint, that depicts how structures and resources are aligned and integrated to deliver on the organization’s strategy. It ensures consistency of all elements in the organizational structure through a clear and coherent blueprint before embarking on detailed organizational design

    The visual should highlight which capabilities are critical to attaining strategic goals and clearly show the flow of work so that key stakeholders can understand where inputs flow in and outputs flow out of the IT organization.

    An example of an operating model is shown.

    For more information, see Redesign Your IT Organizational Structure.

    Weigh the pros and cons of IT operating models to find the best fit

    1. LoB/Product Aligned – Decentralized Model: Line of Business, Geographically, Product, or Functionally Aligned
    2. A decentralized IT operating model that embeds specific functions within LoBs/product teams and provides cross-organizational support for their initiatives.

    3. Hybrid Functional: Functional/Product Aligned
    4. A best-of-both-worlds model that balances the benefits of centralized and decentralized approaches to achieve both customer responsiveness and economies of scale.

    5. Hybrid Service Model: Product-Aligned Operating Model
    6. A model that supports what is commonly referred to as a matrix organization, organizing by highly related service categories and introducing the role of the service owner.

    7. Centralized: Plan-Build-Run
    8. A highly typical IT operating model that focuses on centralized strategic control and oversight in delivering cost-optimized and effective solutions.

    9. Centralized: Demand-Develop-Service
    10. A centralized IT operating model that lends well to more mature operating environments. Aimed at leveraging economies of scale in an end-to-end services delivery model.

    There are many different operating models. LoB/Product Aligned and Hybrid Functional align themselves most closely with how products and product families are typically delivered.

    Decentralized Model: Line of Business, Geographically, Product, or Functionally Aligned

    An example of a decentralized model is shown.



    • Organization around functions (FXN) allows for diversity in approach in how areas are run to best serve specific business units needs.
    • Each functional line exists largely independently, with full capacity and control to deliver service at the committed service level agreements.
    • Highly responsive to shifting needs and demands with direct connection to customers and all stages of the solution development lifecycle.
    • Accelerates decision making by delegating authority lower into the FXN.
    • Promotes a flatter organization with less hierarchy and more direct communication with the CIO.
    • Less synergy and integration across what different lines of business are doing can result in redundancies and unnecessary complexity.
    • Higher overall cost to the IT group due to role and technology duplication across different FXN.
    • Inexperience becomes an issue; requires more competent people to be distributed across the FXN.
    • Loss of sight of the big picture – difficult to enforce standards around people/process/technology with solution ownership within the FXN.

    For more information, see Redesign your IT Organizational Structure.

    Hybrid Model: Functional/Product Aligned

    An example of a hybrid model: functional/product aligned is shown.



    • Best of both worlds of centralization and decentralization; attempts to channel benefits from both centralized and decentralized models.
    • Embeds key IT functions that require business knowledge within functional areas, allowing for critical feedback.
    • Balances a holistic IT strategy and architecture with responsiveness to needs of the organization.
    • Achieves economies of scale where necessary through the delivery of shared services that can be requested by the function.
    • May result in excessive cost through role and system redundancies across different functions
    • Business units can have variable levels of IT competence; may result in different levels of effectiveness.
    • No guaranteed synergy and integration across functions; requires strong communication, collaboration, and steering.
    • Cannot meet every business unit’s needs – can cause tension from varying effectiveness of the IT functions placed within the functional areas.

    For more information, see Redesign your IT Organizational Structure.

    Hybrid Model: Product-Aligned Operating Model

    An example of a hybrid model: product-aligned operating model.



    • Focus is on the full lifecycle of a product – takes a strategic view of how technology enables the organization.
    • Promotes centralized backlog around a specific value creator, rather than traditional project focus, which is more transactional.
    • Dedicated teams around the product family ensure that you have all of the resources required to deliver on your product roadmap.
    • Reduces barriers between IT and business stakeholders, focuses on technology as a key strategic enabler.
    • Delivery is largely done through a DevOps methodology.
    • Significant business involvement is required for success within this model, with business stakeholders taking an active role in product governance and potentially product management as well.
    • Strong architecture standards and practices are required to make this successful because you need to ensure that product families are building in a consistent manner and limiting application sprawl.
    • Introduced the need for practice standards to drive consistency in quality of delivered services.
    • May result in increased cost through role redundancies across different squads.

    For more information, see Redesign your IT Organizational Structure.

    Centralized: Plan-Build-Run

    An example of a centralized: Plan-Build-Run is shown.



    • Effective at implementing long-term plans efficiently, separates maintenance and projects to allow each to have the appropriate focus.
    • More oversight over financials; better suited for fixed budgets.
    • Works across centralized technology domains to better align with the business's strategic objectives – allows for a top-down approach to decision making.
    • Allows for economies of scale and expertise pooling to improve IT’s efficiency.
    • Well suited for a project-driven environment that employs Waterfall or a hybrid project management methodology that is less iterative.
    • Not optimized for unpredictable/shifting project demands, as decision making is centralized in the plan function.
    • Less agility to deliver new features or solutions to the customer in comparison to decentralized models.
    • Build (developers) and run (operations staff) are far removed from the business, resulting in lower understanding of business needs (as well as “passing the buck” – from development to operations).
    • Requires strong hand-off processes to be defined and strong knowledge transfer from build to run functions in order to be successful.

    For more information, see Redesign your IT Organizational Structure.

    Centralized: Demand-Develop-Service

    An example of a centralized: Demand-Develop-Service model is shown.



    • Aligns well with an end-to-end services model; constant attention to customer demand and service supply.
    • Centralizes service operations under one functional area to serve shared needs across lines of business.
    • Allows for economies of scale and expertise pooling to improve IT’s efficiency.
    • Elevates sourcing and vendor management as its own strategic function; lends well to managed service and digital initiatives.
    • Development and operations housed together; lends well to DevOps-related initiatives.
    • Can be less responsive to business needs than decentralized models due to the need for portfolio steering to prioritize initiatives and solutions.
    • Requires a higher level of operational maturity to succeed; stable supply functions (service mgmt., operations mgmt., service desk, security, data) are critical to maintaining business satisfaction.
    • Requires highly effective governance around project portfolio, services, and integration capabilities.
    • Effective feedback loop highly dependent on accurate performance measures.

    For more information, see Redesign your IT Organizational Structure.

    Assess how your product scaling pattern impacts your resource delivery model

    Value Stream Alignment

    Enterprise Applications

    Shared Services



    Pro: Supports established and stable families.

    Con: Command-and-control nature inhibits Agile DevOps and business agility.

    Pro: Supports established and stable families.

    Con: Command-and-control nature inhibits Agile DevOps and business agility.

    Pro: Can be used to align high-level families.

    Con: Lacks flexibility at the product level to address shifting priorities in product demand.

    Pro: Supports a factory model.

    Con: Lacks flexibility at the product level to address shifting priorities in product demand.

    Centralized Model 2:

    Pro: Supports established and stable families.

    Con: Command-and-control nature inhibits Agile DevOps and business agility.

    Pro: Supports established and stable families.

    Con: Command-and-control nature inhibits Agile DevOps and business agility.

    Pro: Recommended for aligning high-level service families based on user needs.

    Con: Reduces product empowerment, prioritizing demand. Slow.

    Pro: Supports factory models.

    Con: Reduces product empowerment, prioritizing demand. Slow.

    Decentralized Model:
    Line of Business, Product, Geographically, or

    Functionally Aligned

    Pro: Aligns product families to value streams, capabilities, and organizational structure.

    Con: Reduces shared solutions and may create duplicate apps and services.

    Pro: Enterprise apps treated as distinct LoB groups.

    Con: Reduces shared solutions and may create duplicate apps and services.

    Pro: Complements value stream alignment by consolidating shared apps and services.

    Con: Requires additional effort to differentiate local vs. shared solutions.

    Pro: Fits within other groupings where technical expertise is needed.

    Con: Creates redundancy between localized and shared technical teams.

    Hybrid Model:


    Pro: Supports multiple patterns of product grouping.

    Con: Requires additional effort to differentiate local vs. shared solutions.

    Pro: Supports multiple patterns of product grouping.

    Con: Requires additional effort to differentiate local vs. shared solutions.

    Pro: Supports multiple patterns of product grouping.

    Con: Requires additional effort to differentiate local vs. shared solutions.

    Pro: Supports multiple patterns of product grouping.

    Con: Creates redundancy between localized and shared technical teams.

    Hybrid Model:

    Product-Aligned Operating Model

    Pro: Supports multiple patterns of product grouping.

    Con: Requires additional effort to differentiate local vs. shared solutions.

    Pro: Supports multiple patterns of product grouping.

    Con: Requires additional effort to differentiate local vs. shared solutions.

    Pro: Supports multiple patterns of product grouping.

    Con: Requires additional effort to differentiate local vs. shared solutions.

    Pro: Supports multiple patterns of product grouping.

    Con: Creates redundancy between localized and shared technical teams.

    4.3.1 Understand the relationships between product management, delivery teams, and stakeholders

    30-60 minutes

    1. Discuss the intake sources of product work.
    2. Trace the flow of requests down to the functional roles of your delivery team (e.g., developer, QA, operations).
    3. Indicate where key deliverables are produced, particularly those that are built in collaboration.
    4. Discuss the five operating models relative to your current operating model choice. How aligned are you?
    5. Review Info-Tech’s recommendation on the best-aligned operating models for product family delivery. Do you agree or disagree?
    6. Evaluate recommendations against how you operate/work.


    • Understanding of the relationships between key groups
    • A preferred operating model


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Delivery managers

    Record the results in the Digital Product Family Strategy Playbook.

    4.3.1 Understand the relationships between product management, delivery teams, and stakeholders

    An example of activity 4.3.1 to understand the relationships between product management, delivery teams, and stakeholders is shown.


    • Understanding of the relationships between key groups
    • A preferred operating model


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Delivery managers

    Step 4.4

    Identify how to fund product family delivery


    4.4.1 Discuss traditional vs. product-centric funding methods

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Portfolio managers
    • Delivery managers

    Outcomes of this step

    • An understanding of the differences between product-based and traditional funding methods

    Why is funding so problematic?

    We often still think about funding products like construction projects.

    Three models are shown on the various options to fund projects.

    These models require increasing accuracy throughout the project lifecycle to manage actuals vs. estimates.

    "Most IT funding depends on one-time expenditures or capital-funding mechanisms that are based on building-construction funding models predicated on a life expectancy of 20 years or more. Such models don’t provide the stability or flexibility needed for modern IT investments." – EDUCAUSE

    Reminder: Projects don’t go away. The center of the conversation changes.

    A flowchart is shown to demonstrate the difference between project lifecycle, hybrid lifecycle, and product lifecycle.

    Projects within products

    Regardless of whether you recognize yourself as a product-based or project-based shop, the same basic principles should apply.

    The purpose of projects is to deliver the scope of a product release. The shift to product delivery leverages a product roadmap and backlog as the mechanism for defining and managing the scope of the release.

    Eventually, teams progress to continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) where they can release on demand or as scheduled, requiring org change management.

    Planning and budgeting for products and families

    Reward for delivering outcomes, not features

    Fund what delivers valueAllocate iterativelyMeasure and adjust

    Fund long-lived delivery of value through products (not projects).

    Give autonomy to the team to decide exactly what to build.

    Allocate to a pool based on higher-level business case.

    Provide funds in smaller amounts to different product teams and initiatives based on need.

    Product teams define metrics that contribute to given outcomes.

    Track progress and allocate more (or less) funds as appropriate.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Changes to funding require changes to product and Agile practices to ensure product ownership and accountability.

    The Lean Enterprise Funding Model is an example of a different approach

    An example of the lean enterprise funding model is shown.
    From: Implement Agile Practices That Work

    A flexible funding pool akin to venture capital models is maintained to support innovative ideas and fund proofs of concept for product and process improvements.

    Proofs of concept (POCs) are run by standing innovation teams or a reserve of resources not committed to existing products, projects, or services.

    Every product line has funding for all changes and ongoing operations and support.

    Teams are funded continuously so that they can learn and improve their practices as much as possible.

    Budgeting approaches must evolve as you mature your product operating environment






    Budget tracked by major phases

    Budget tracked by sprint and project

    Budget tracked by sprint and project

    Budget tracked by sprint and release


    All change is by exception

    Scope change is routine, budget change is by exception

    Scope change is routine, budget change is by exception

    Budget change is expected on roadmap cadence


    Benefits realization after project completion

    Benefits realization is ongoing throughout the life of the project

    Benefits realization is ongoing throughout the life of the product

    Benefits realization is ongoing throughout life of the product


    Project Manager

    • Project team delivery role
    • Refines project scope, advocates for changes in the budget
    • Advocates for additional funding in the forecast

    Product Owner

    • Project team delivery role
    • Refines project scope, advocates for changes in the budget
    • Advocates for additional funding in the forecast

    Product Manager

    • Product portfolio team role
    • Forecasting new initiatives during delivery to continue to drive value throughout the life of the product

    Product Manager

  • Product family team role
  • Forecasting new initiatives during delivery to continue to drive value throughout the life of the product
  • Info-Tech Insight

    As you evolve your approach to product delivery, you will be decoupling the expected benefits, forecast, and budget. Managing them independently will improve your ability to adapt to change and drive the right outcomes!

    Your strategy must include the cost to build and operate

    Most investment happens after go-live, not in the initial build!

    An example strategy is displayed that incorporates the concepts of cost to build and operate.

    Adapted from: LookFar

    Info-Tech Insight

    While the exact balance point between development or implementation costs varies from application to application, over 80% of the cost is accrued after go-live.

    Traditional accounting leaves software development CapEx on the table

    Software development costs have traditionally been capitalized, while research and operations are operational expenditures.

    The challenge has always been the myth that operations are only bug fixes, upgrades, and other operational expenditures. Research shows that most post-release work on developed solutions is the development of new features and changes to support material changes in the business. While projects could bundle some of these changes into capital expenditure, much of the business-as-usual work that goes on leaves capital expenses on the table because the work is lumped together as maintenance-related OpEx.

    From “How to Stop Leaving Software CapEx on the Table With Agile and DevOps”

    4.4.1 Discuss traditional vs. product-centric funding methods

    30-60 minutes

    1. Discuss how products and product families are currently funded.
    2. Review how the Agile/product funding models differ from how you currently operate.
    3. What changes do you need to consider in order to support a product delivery model?
    4. For each change, identify the key stakeholders and list at least one action to take.
    5. Record the results in the Digital Product Family Strategy Playbook.


    • Understanding of funding principles and challenges


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Delivery managers

    Record the results in the Digital Product Family Strategy Playbook.

    Phase 5

    Build Your Transformation Roadmap and Communication Plan

    Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4Phase 5

    1.1 Understand the organizational factors driving product-centric delivery

    1.2 Establish your organization’s product inventory

    2.1 Determine your approach to scale product families

    2.2 Define your product families

    3.1 Leverage product family roadmaps

    3.2 Use stakeholder management to improve roadmap communication

    3.3 Configure your product family roadmaps

    3.4 Confirm product family to product alignment

    4.1 Assess your organization’s delivery readiness

    4.2 Understand your delivery options

    4.3 Determine your operating model

    4.4 Identify how to fund product family delivery

    5.1 Learn how to introduce your digital product family strategy

    5.2 Communicate changes on updates to your strategy

    5.3 Determine your next steps

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    5.1.1 Introduce your digital product family strategy

    5.2.1 Define your communication cadence for your strategy updates

    5.2.2 Define your messaging for each stakeholder

    5.3.1 How do we get started?

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Application leaders
    • Stakeholders

    Step 5.1

    Introduce your digital product family strategy


    5.1.1 Introduce your digital product family strategy

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners and product managers
    • Application leaders
    • Stakeholders

    Outcomes of this step

    • A completed executive summary presenting your digital product strategy

    Product decisions are traditionally made in silos with little to no cross-functional communication and strategic oversight

    Software delivery teams and stakeholders traditionally make plans, strategies, and releases within their silos and tailor their decisions based on their own priorities. Interactions are typically limited to hand-offs (such as feature requests) and routing of issues and defects back up the delivery pipeline. These silos likely came about through well-intentioned training, mandates, and processes, but they do not sufficiently support today’s need to rapidly release and change platforms.

    Siloed departments often have poor visibility into the activities of other silos, and they may not be aware of the ramifications their decisions have on teams and stakeholders outside of their silo.

    • Silos may make choices that are optimal largely for themselves without thinking of the holistic impact on a platform’s structure, strategy, use cases, and delivery.
    • The business may approve platform improvements without the consideration of the delivery team’s current capacity or the system’s complexity, resulting in unrealistic commitments.
    • Quality standards may be misinterpreted and inconsistently enforced across the entire delivery pipeline.

    In some cases, the only way to achieve greater visibility and communication for all roles across a platform’s lifecycle is implementing an overarching role or team.

    “The majority of our candid conversations with practitioners and project management offices indicate that the platform ownership role is poorly defined and poorly executed.”

    – Barry Cousins

    Practice Lead, Applications – Project & Portfolio Management

    Info-Tech Research Group

    Use stakeholder management and roadmap views to improve communication

    Proactive, clear communication with stakeholders, SMEs, and your product delivery team can significantly improve alignment and agreement with your roadmap, strategy, and vision.

    When building your communication strategy, revisit the work you completed in phase 3 developing your:

    • Roadmap types
    • Stakeholder strategy





    High influence, high interest – actively engage

    Keep them updated on the progress of the project. Continuously involve Players in the process and maintain their engagement and interest by demonstrating their value to its success.


    High influence, low interest – keep satisfied

    They can be the game changers in groups of stakeholders. Turn them into supporters by gaining their confidence and trust and including them in important decision-making steps. In turn, they can help you influence other stakeholders.


    Low influence, high interest – keep informed

    Try to increase their influence (or decrease it if they are detractors) by providing them with key information, supporting them in meetings, and using Mediators to help them.


    Low influence, low interest – monitor

    They are followers. Keep them in the loop by providing clarity on objectives and status updates.

    5.1.1 Introduce your digital product family strategy

    30-60 minutes

    This exercise is intended to help you lay out the framing of your strategy and the justification for the effort. A lot of these items can be pulled directly from the product canvas you created in phase 2. This is intended to be a single slide to frame your upcoming discussions.

    1. Update your vision, goals, and values on your product canvas. Determine which stakeholders may be impacted and what their concerns are. If you have many stakeholders, limit to Players and Influencers.
    2. Identify what you need from the stakeholders as a result of this communication.
    3. Keeping in mind the information gathered in steps 1 and 2, describe your product family strategy by answering three questions:
    1. Why do we need product families?
    2. What is in our way?
    3. Our first step will be... ?


    • An executive summary that introduces your product strategy


    • Product owners and product managers
    • Application leaders
    • Stakeholders

    Record the results in the Digital Product Family Strategy Playbook.

    Example: Scaling delivery through product families

    Why do we need product families?

    • The growth of our product offerings and our company’s movement into new areas of growth mean we need to do a better job scaling our offerings to meet the needs of the organization.

    What is in our way?

    • Our existing applications and services are so dramatically different we are unsure how to bring them together.

    Our first step will be...

    • Taking a full inventory of our applications and services.

    Step 5.2

    Communicate changes on updates to your strategy


    5.2.1 Define your communication cadence for your strategy updates

    5.2.2 Define your messaging for each stakeholder

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners and product managers
    • Application leaders
    • Stakeholders

    Outcomes of this step

    • A communication plan for when strategy updates need to be given

    5.2.1 Define your communication cadence for your strategy updates

    30 minutes

    Remember the role of different artifacts when it comes to your strategy. The canvas contributes to the What, and the roadmap addresses the How. Any updates to the strategy are articulated and communicated through your roadmap.

    1. Review your currently defined roadmaps, their communication objectives, update frequency, and updates.
    2. Consider the impacted stakeholders and the strategies required to communicate with them.
    3. Fill in your communication cadence and communication method.


    Roadmap Name


    Communication Cadence

    External Customer Roadmap

    Customers and External Users

    Quarterly (Website)

    Product Delivery Roadmap

    Development Teams, Infrastructure, Architects

    Monthly (By Email)

    Technology Roadmap

    Development Teams, Infrastructure, Architects

    Biweekly (Website)


    • Clear communication cadence for your roadmaps


    • Product owners and product managers
    • Application leaders
    • Stakeholders

    Record the results in the Digital Product Family Strategy Playbook.

    The “what” behind the communication

    Leaders of successful change spend considerable time developing a powerful change message, i.e. a compelling narrative that articulates the desired end state and makes the change concrete and meaningful to staff.

    The change message should:

    • Explain why the change is needed.
    • Summarize what will stay the same.
    • Highlight what will be left behind.
    • Emphasize what is being changed.
    • Explain how change will be implemented.
    • Address how change will affect various roles in the organization.
    • Discuss the staff’s role in making the change successful.

    Five elements of communicating change

    1. What is the change?
    2. Why are we doing it?
    3. How are we going to go about it?
    4. How long will it take us to do it?
    5. What is the role for each department and individual?

    Source: Cornelius & Associates

    How we engage with the message is just as important as the message itself

    Why are we here?

    Speak to what matters to them

    Sell the improvement

    Show real value

    Discuss potential fears

    Ask for their support

    Be gracious

    5.2.2 (Optional) Define your messaging for each stakeholder

    30 minutes

    It’s one thing to communicate the strategy, it’s another thing to send the right message to your stakeholders. Some of this will depend on the kind of news given, but the majority of this is dependent on the stakeholder and the cadence of communication.

    1. From exercise 5.2.1, take the information on the specific roadmaps, target audience, and communication cadence.
    2. Based on your understanding of the audience’s needs, what would the specific update try to get across?
    3. Pick a specific typical example of a change in strategy that you have gone through. (e.g. Product will be delayed by a quarter; key feature is being substituted for another.)


    Roadmap Name

    Audience/ Stakeholder

    Communication Cadence


    External Customer Roadmap

    Customers and External Users

    Quarterly (Website)


    • Messaging plan for each roadmap type


    • Product owners and product managers
    • Application leaders
    • Stakeholders

    Record the results in the Digital Product Family Strategy Playbook.

    Step 5.3

    Determine your next steps


    5.3.1 How do we get started?

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners and product managers
    • Application leaders
    • Stakeholders

    Outcomes of this step

    • Understanding the steps to get started in your transformation

    Make a plan in order to make a plan!

    Consider some of the techniques you can use to validate your strategy.

    Learning Milestones

    Sprint Zero (AKA Project-before-the-project)

    The completion of a set of artifacts dedicated to validating business opportunities and hypotheses.

    Possible areas of focus:

    Align teams on product strategy prior to build

    Market research and analysis

    Dedicated feedback sessions

    Provide information on feature requirements

    The completion of a set of key planning activities, typically the first sprint.

    Possible areas of focus:

    Focus on technical verification to enable product development alignment

    Sign off on architectural questions or concerns

    An image showing the flowchart of continuous delivery of value is shown.

    Go to your backlog and prioritize the elements that need to be answered sooner rather than later.

    Possible areas of focus:

    Regulatory requirements or questions to answer around accessibility, security, privacy.

    Stress testing any new processes against situations that may occur.

    The “Now, Next, Later” roadmap

    Use this when deadlines and delivery dates are not strict. This is best suited for brainstorming a product plan when dependency mapping is not required.

    Now: What are you going to do now?

    Next: What are you going to do very soon?

    Later: What are you going to do in the future?

    An example of a now, next, later roadmap is shown.

    Source: “Tips for Agile product roadmaps & product roadmap examples,”, 2017

    5.3.1 How do we get started?

    30-60 minutes

    1. Identify what the critical steps are for the organization to embrace product-centric delivery.
    2. Group each critical step by how soon you need to address it:
    • Now: Let’s do this ASAP.
    • Next: Sometime very soon, let’s do these things.
    • Later: Much further off in the distance, let’s consider these things.
  • Record the group results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.
  • Record changes for your product and product family in the Digital Product Family Strategy Playbook.
  • An example of a now, next, later roadmap is shown.

    Source: “Tips for Agile product roadmaps & product roadmap examples,”, 2017


    • Product family transformation critical steps and basic roadmap


    • Product owners and product managers
    • Application leaders
    • Stakeholders

    Record the results in the Digital Product Family Strategy Playbook.

    Record the results in the Deliver Digital Products at Scale Workbook.

    Summary of Accomplishment

    Problem Solved

    The journey to become a product-centric organization is not short or easy. Like with any improvement or innovation, teams need to continue to evolve and mature with changes in their operations, teams, tools, and user needs.You’ve taken a big step completing your product family alignment. This provides a backbone for aligning all aspects of your organization to your enterprise goals and strategy while empowering product teams to find solutions closer to the problem. Continue to refine your model and operations to improve value realization and your product delivery pipelines to embrace business agility. Organizations that are most responsive to change will continue to outperform command-and-control leadership.

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through other phases as part of an Info-Tech workshop.

    Contact your account representative for more information.


    Research Contributors and Experts

    Photo of Emily Archer.

    Emily Archer

    Lead Business Analyst,

    Enterprise Consulting, authentic digital agency

    Emily Archer is a consultant currently working with Fortune 500 clients to ensure the delivery of successful projects, products, and processes. She helps increase the business value returned for organizations’ investments in designing and implementing enterprise content hubs and content operations, custom web applications, digital marketing, and e-commerce platforms.

    Photo of David Berg

    Founder & CTO

    Strainprint Technologies Inc.

    David Berg is a product commercialization expert that has spent the last 20 years of his career delivering product management and business development services across a broad range of industries. Early in his career, David worked with product management and engineering teams to build core network infrastructure products that secure and power the internet we benefit from today. David’s experience also includes working with clean technologies in the area of clean power generation, agritech, and Internet of Things infrastructure. Over the last five years, David has been focused on his latest venture, Strainprint Technologies, a data and analytics company focused on the medical cannabis industry. Strainprint has built the largest longitudinal medical cannabis dataset in the world with the goal to develop an understanding of treatment behavior, interactions, and chemical drivers to guide future product development.

    Kathy Borneman

    Digital Product Owner, SunTrust Bank

    Kathy Borneman is a senior product owner who helps people enjoy their jobs again by engaging others in end-to-end decision making to deliver software and operational solutions that enhance the client experience and allow people to think and act strategically.

    Photro of Charlie Campbell

    Charlie Campbell

    Product Owner, Merchant e-Solutions

    Charlie Campbell is an experienced problem solver with the ability to quickly dissect situations and recommend immediate actions to achieve resolution, liaise between technical and functional personnel to bridge the technology and communication gap, and work with diverse teams and resources to reach a common goal.

    Photo of Yarrow Diamond

    Yarrow Diamond

    Sr. Director, Business Architecture

    Financial Services

    Yarrow Diamond is an experienced professional with expertise in enterprise strategy development, project portfolio management, and business process reengineering across financial services, healthcare and insurance, hospitality, and real estate environments. She has a master’s in Enterprise Architecture from Penn State University, LSSMBB, PMP, CSM, ITILv3.

    Photo of Cari J. Faanes-Blakey

    Cari J. Faanes-Blakey, CBAP, PMI-PBA

    Enterprise Business Systems Analyst,

    Vertex, Inc.

    Cari J. Faanes-Blakey has a history in software development and implementation as a Business Analyst and Project Manager for financial and taxation software vendors. Active in the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA), Cari participated on the writing team for the BA Body of Knowledge 3.0 and the certification exam.

    Photo of Kieran Gobey

    Kieran Gobey

    Senior Consultant Professional Services

    Blueprint Software Systems

    Kieran Gobey is an IT professional with 24 years of experience, focused on business, technology, and systems analysis. He has split his career between external and internal customer-facing roles, and this has resulted in a true understanding of what is required to be a Professional Services Consultant. His problem-solving skills and ability to mentor others have resulted in successful software implementations. Kieran’s specialties include deep system troubleshooting and analysis skills, facilitating communications to bring together participants effectively, mentoring, leadership, and organizational skills.

    Photo of Rupert Kainzbauer

    Rupert Kainzbauer

    VP Product, Digital Wallets

    Paysafe Group

    Rupert Kainzbauer is an experienced senior leader with a passion for defining and delivering products that deliver real customer and commercial benefit. Together with a team of highly experienced and motivated product managers, he has successfully led highly complex, multi-stakeholder payments initiatives, from proposition development and solution design through to market delivery. Their domain experience is in building online payment products in high-risk and emerging markets, remittance, prepaid cards, and mobile applications.

    Photo of Saeed Khan

    Saeed Khan


    Transformation Labs

    Saeed Khan has been working in high tech for 30 years in both Canada and the US and has held a number of leadership roles in Product Management over that time. He speaks regularly at conferences and has been writing publicly about technology product management since 2005. Through Transformation Labs, Saeed helps companies accelerate product success by working with product teams to improve their skills, practices, and processes. He is a cofounder of ProductCamp Toronto and currently runs a Meetup group and global Slack community called Product Leaders; the only global community of senior level product executives.

    Photo of Hoi Kun Lo

    Hoi Kun Lo

    Product Owner


    Hoi Kun Lo is an experienced change agent who can be found actively participating within the IIBA and WITI groups in Tampa, FL and a champion for Agile, architecture, diversity, and inclusion programs at Nielsen. She is currently a Product Owner in the Digital Strategy team within Nielsen Global Watch Technology.

    Photo of Abhishek Mathur

    Abhishek Mathur

    Sr Director, Product Management

    Kasisto, Inc.

    Abhishek Mathur is a product management leader, an artificial intelligence practitioner, and an educator. He has led product management and engineering teams at Clarifai, IBM, and Kasisto to build a variety of artificial intelligence applications within the space of computer vision, natural language processing, and recommendation systems. Abhishek enjoys having deep conversations about the future of technology and helping aspiring product managers enter and accelerate their careers.

    Photo of Jeff Meister

    Jeff Meister

    Technology Advisor and Product Leader

    Jeff Meister is a technology advisor and product leader. He has more than 20 years of experience building and operating software products and the teams that build them. He has built products across a wide range of industries and has built and led large engineering, design, and product organizations. Jeff most recently served as Senior Director of Product Management at Avanade, where he built and led the product management practice. This involved hiring and leading product managers, defining product management processes, solution shaping and engagement execution, and evangelizing the discipline through pitches, presentations, and speaking engagements. Jeff holds a Bachelor’s of Applied Science (Electrical Engineering) and a Bachelor’s of Arts from the University of Waterloo, an MBA from INSEAD (Strategy), and certifications in product management, project management, and design thinking.

    Photo of Vincent Mirabelli

    Vincent Mirabelli


    Global Project Synergy Group

    With over 10 years of experience in both the private and public sectors, Vincent Mirabelli possesses an impressive track record of improving, informing, and transforming business strategy and operations through process improvement, design and re-engineering, and the application of quality to business analysis, project management, and process improvement standards.

    Photo of Oz Nazili

    Oz Nazili

    VP, Product & Growth


    Oz Nazili is a product leader with a decade of experience in both building products and product teams. Having spent time at funded startups and large enterprises, he thinks often about the most effective way to deliver value to users. His core areas of interest include Lean MVP development and data-driven product growth.

    Photo of Mark Pearson

    Mark Pearson

    Principal IT Architect, First Data Corporation

    Mark Pearson is an executive business leader grounded in the process, data, technology, and operations of software-driven business. He knows the enterprise software landscape and is skilled in product, technology, and operations design and delivery within information technology organizations, outsourcing firms, and software product companies.

    Photo of Brenda Peshak

    Brenda Peshak

    Product Owner,

    Widget Industries, LLC

    Brenda Peshak is skilled in business process, analytical skills, Microsoft Office Suite, communication, and customer relationship management (CRM). She is a strong product management professional with a Master’s focused in Business Leadership (MBL) from William Penn University.

    Photo of Mike Starkey

    Mike Starkey

    Director of Engineering

    W.W. Grainger

    Mike Starkey is a Director of Engineering at W.W. Grainger, currently focusing on operating model development, digital architecture, and building enterprise software. Prior to joining W.W. Grainger, Mike held a variety of technology consulting roles throughout the system delivery lifecycle spanning multiple industries such as healthcare, retail, manufacturing, and utilities with Fortune 500 companies.

    Photo of Anant Tailor

    Anant Tailor

    Cofounder & Head of Product

    Dream Payments Corp.

    Anant Tailor is a cofounder at Dream Payments where he currently serves as the COO and Head of Product, having responsibility for Product Strategy & Development, Client Delivery, Compliance, and Operations. He has 20+ years of experience building and operating organizations that deliver software products and solutions for consumers and businesses of varying sizes. Prior to founding Dream Payments, Anant was the COO and Director of Client Services at DonRiver Inc, a technology strategy and software consultancy that he helped to build and scale into a global company with 100+ employees operating in seven countries. Anant is a Professional Engineer with a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from McMaster University and a certificate in Product Strategy & Management from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.

    Photo of Angela Weller

    Angela Weller

    Scrum Master, Businessolver

    Angela Weller is an experienced Agile business analyst who collaborates with key stakeholders to attain their goals and contributes to the achievement of the company’s strategic objectives to ensure a competitive advantage. She excels when mediating or facilitating teams.

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    Modernize Your Applications

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    Review Your Application Strategy

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    Discover Your Applications

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    Streamline Application Management

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    Optimize Applications Release Management

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    Embrace Business-Managed Applications

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    Application Portfolio Assessment: End User Feedback

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    Create a Holistic IT Dashboard

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    Refine Your Estimation Practices With Top-Down Allocations

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    Improve Employee Engagement to Drive IT Performance

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    Set Meaningful Employee Performance Measures

    • Set holistic measures to inspire employee performance.

    Master Organizational Change Management Practices

    • PMOs, if you don't know who is responsible for org change, it's you.

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    Cowan, Alex. “The 20 Minute Business Plan: Business Model Canvas Made Easy.” COWAN+, 2019. Web.

    Craig, Desiree. “So You've Decided To Become A Product Manager.” Start it up, Medium, 2 June 2019. Web.

    Create an Aha! Business Model Canvas Strategic Model.” Aha! Support, 2019. Web.

    Eick, Stephen. “Does Code Decay? Assessing the Evidence from Change Management Data.” IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 27, no. 1, Jan. 2001, pp. 1-12. Web.

    Eriksson, Martin. “The next Product Canvas.” Mind the Product, 22 Nov. 2013. Web.

    “Experience Canvas: a Lean Approach: Atlassian Team Playbook.” Atlassian, 2019. Web.

    Freeman, James. “How to Make a Product Canvas – Visualize Your Product Plan.” Edraw, 23 Dec. 2019. Web.

    Fuchs, Danny. “Measure What Matters: 5 Best Practices from Performance Management Leaders.” OpenGov, 8 Aug. 2018. Web.

    Gorisse, Willem. “A Practical Guide to the Product Canvas.” Mendix, 28 Mar. 2017. Web.

    Gothelf, Jeff. “The Lean UX Canvas.” Jeff Gothelf, 15 Dec. 2016. Web.

    Gottesdiener, Ellen. “Using the Product Canvas to Define Your Product: Getting Started.” EBG Consulting, 15 Jan. 2019. Web.

    Gottesdiener, Ellen. “Using the Product Canvas to Define Your Product's Core Requirements.” EBG Consulting, 4 Feb. 2019. Web.

    Gray, Mark Krishan. “Should I Use the Business Model Canvas or the Lean Canvas?” Emergn, 2019. Web.

    Hanby, Jeff. "Software Maintenance: Understanding and Estimating Costs." LookFar, 21 Oct. 2016. Web.

    “How do you define a product?”, 4 Apr 2017, Web

    Juncal, Shaun. “How to Build a Product Roadmap Based on a Business Model Canvas.” ProductPlan, 19 June 2019. Web.

    “Lean Canvas Intro - Uber Example.” YouTube, uploaded by Railsware Product Academy, 12 Oct. 2018. Web.

    “Lesson 6: Product Canvas.” ProdPad Help Center, 2019. Web.

    Lucero, Mario. “The Product Canvas.”, 22 June 2015. Web.

    Maurya, Ash. “Create a New Lean Canvas.” Canvanizer, 2019. Web.

    Maurya, Ash. “Don't Write a Business Plan. Create a Lean Canvas Instead.” LEANSTACK, 2019. Web.

    Maurya, Ash. “Why Lean Canvas vs Business Model Canvas?” Medium, 27 Feb. 2012. Web.

    Mirabelli, Vincent. “The Project Value Canvas.” Vincent Mirabelli, 2019. Web.

    Mishra, LN. “Business Analysis Canvas – The Ultimate Enterprise Architecture.” BA Times, 19 June 2019. Web.

    Muller. Jerry Z. “Why performance metrics isn’t always the best way to judge performance.” Fast Company, 3 April 2019. Web.

    Perri, Melissa. “What Is Good Product Strategy?” Melissa Perri, 14 July 2016. Web.

    Pichler, Roman. “A Product Canvas for Agile Product Management, Lean UX, Lean Startup.” Roman Pichler, 16 July 2012. Web.

    Pichler, Roman. “Introducing the Product Canvas.” JAXenter, 15 Jan. 2013. Web.

    Pichler, Roman. “Roman's Product Canvas: Introduction.” YouTube, uploaded by Roman Pichler, 3 Mar. 2017. Web.

    Pichler, Roman. “The Agile Vision Board: Vision and Product Strategy.” Roman Pichler, 10 May 2011. Web.

    Pichler, Roman. “The Product Canvas – Template.” Roman Pichler, 11 Oct. 2016. Web.

    Pichler, Roman. “The Product Canvas Tutorial V1.0.” LinkedIn SlideShare. Uploaded by Roman Pichler, 14 Feb. 2013. Web.

    Pichler, Roman. “The Product Vision Board: Introduction.” YouTube uploaded by Roman Pichler, 3 Mar. 2017. Web.

    “Product Canvas PowerPoint Template.” SlideModel, 2019. Web.

    Product Canvas.” SketchBubble, 2019, Web.

    “Product Canvas.” YouTube, uploaded by Wojciech Szramowski, 18 May 2016. Web.

    “Product Roadmap Software to Help You Plan, Visualize, and Share Your Product Roadmap.” Productboard, 2019. Web.

    Roggero, Giulio. “Product Canvas Step-by-Step.” LinkedIn SlideShare, uploaded by Giulio Roggero, 18 May 2013. Web.

    Royce, Dr. Winston W. “Managing the Development of Large Software Systems.”, 1970. Web.

    Ryan, Dustin. “The Product Canvas.” Qdivision, Medium, 20 June 2017. Web.

    Snow, Darryl. “Product Vision Board.” Medium, 6 May 2017. Web.

    Stanislav, Shymansky. “Lean Canvas – a Tool Your Startup Needs Instead of a Business Plan.” Railsware, 12 Oct. 2018. Web.

    Stanislav, Shymansky. “Lean Canvas Examples of Multi-Billion Startups.” Railsware, 20 Feb. 2019. Web.

    “The Product Vision Canvas.” YouTube, Uploaded by Tom Miskin, 20 May 2019. Web.

    Tranter, Leon. “Agile Metrics: the Ultimate Guide.” Extreme Uncertainty, n.d. Web.

    “Using Business Model Canvas to Launch a Technology Startup or Improve Established Operating Model.” AltexSoft, 27 July 2018. Web.

    Veyrat, Pierre. “Lean Business Model Canvas: Examples + 3 Pillars + MVP + Agile.” HEFLO BPM, 10 Mar. 2017. Web.

    “What Are Software Metrics and How Can You Track Them?” Stackify, 16 Sept. 2017. Web

    “What Is a Product Vision?” Aha!, 2019. Web.

    Select a Security Outsourcing Partner

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}246|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 8.8/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $13,739 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 8 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Security Processes & Operations
    • Parent Category Link: /security-processes-and-operations
    • Most organizations do not have a clear understanding of their current security posture, their security goals, and the specific security services they require. Without a clear understanding of their needs, organizations may struggle to identify a partner that can meet their requirements.
    • Breakdowns and lack of communication can be a significant obstacle, especially when clear lines of communication with partners, including regular check-ins, reporting, and incident response protocols, have not been clearly established.
    • Ensuring that security partners’ systems and processes integrate seamlessly with existing systems can be a challenge for most organizations in addition to making sure that security partners have the necessary access and permissions to perform their services effectively.
    • Adhering to security policies is rarely a priority to users as compliance often feels like an interference to daily workflow. For a lot of organizations, security policies are not having the desired effect.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • You can outsource your responsibilities but not your accountability.
    • Be aware that in most cases, the traditional approach is more profitable to MSSPs, and they may push you toward one, so make sure you get the service you want, not what they prescribe.

    Impact and Result

    • Determine which security responsibilities can be outsourced and which should be insourced and the right procedure to outsourcing to gain cost savings, improve resource allocation, and boost your overall security posture.

    Select a Security Outsourcing Partner Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Select a Security Outsourcing Partner Storyboard – A guide to help you determine your requirements and select and manage your security outsourcing partner.

    Our systematic approach will ensure that the correct procedure for selecting a security outsourcing partner is implemented. This blueprint will help you build and implement your security policy program by following our three-phase methodology: determine what to outsource, select the right MSSP, and manage your MSSP.

    • Select a Security Outsourcing Partner – Phases 1-3

    2. MSSP RFP Template – A customizable template to help you choose the right security service provider.

    This modifiable template is designed to introduce consistency and outline key requirements during the request for proposal phase of selecting an MSSP.

    • MSSP RFP Template


    Further reading

    Select a Security Outsourcing Partner

    Outsource the right functions to secure your business.

    Analyst Perspective

    Understanding your security needs and remaining accountable is the key to selecting the right partner.

    The need for specialized security services is fast becoming a necessity to most organizations. However, resource challenges will always mean that organizations will still have to take practical measures to ensure that the time, quality, and service that they require from outsourcing partners have been carefully crafted and packaged to elicit the right services that cover all their needs and requirements.

    Organizations must ensure that security partners are aligned not only with their needs and requirements, but also with the corporate culture. Rather than introducing hindrances to daily operations, security partners must support business goals and protect the organization’s interests at all times.

    And as always, outsource only your responsibilities and do not outsource your accountability, as that will cost you in the long run.

    Photo of Danny Hammond
    Danny Hammond
    Research Analyst
    Security, Risk, Privacy & Compliance Practice
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    A lack of high-skill labor increases the cost of internal security, making outsourcing more appealing.

    A lack of time and resources prevents your organization from being able to enable security internally.

    Due to a lack of key information on the subject, you are unsure which functions should be outsourced versus which functions should remain in-house.

    Having 24/7/365 monitoring in-house is not feasible for most firms.

    There is difficulty measuring the effectiveness of managed security service providers (MSSPs).

    Common Obstacles

    InfoSec leaders will struggle to select the right outsourcing partner without knowing what the organization needs, such as:

    • How to start the process to select the right service provider that will cover your security needs. With so many service providers and technology tools in this field, who is the right partner?
    • Where to obtain guidance on externalization of resources or maintaining internal posture to enable to you confidently select an outsourcing partner.

    InfoSec leaders must understand the business environment and their own internal security needs before they can select an outsourcing partner that fits.

    Info-Tech’s Approach

    Info-Tech’s Select a Security Outsourcing Partner takes a multi-faceted approach to the problem that incorporates foundational technical elements, compliance considerations, and supporting processes:

    • Determine which security responsibilities can be insourced and which should be outsourced, and the right procedure to outsourcing in order to gain cost savings, improve resource allocation, and boost your overall security posture.
    • Understand the current landscape of MSSPs that are available today and the features they offer.
    • Highlight the future financial obligations of outsourcing vs. insourcing to explain which method is the most cost-effective.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Mitigate security risks by developing an end-to-end process that ensures you are outsourcing your responsibilities and not your accountability.

    Your Challenge

    This research is designed to help organizations select an effective security outsourcing partner.

    • A security outsourcing partner is a third-party service provider that offers security services on a contractual basis depending on client needs and requirements.
    • An effective outsourcing partner can help an organization improve its security posture by providing access to more specialized security experts, tools, and technologies.
    • One of the main challenges with selecting a security outsourcing partner is finding a partner that is a good fit for the organization's unique security needs and requirements.
    • Security outsourcing partners typically have access to sensitive information and systems, so proper controls and safeguards must be in place to protect all sensitive assets.
    • Without careful evaluation and due diligence to ensure that the partner is a good fit for the organization's security needs and requirements, it can be challenging to select an outsourcing partner.

    Outsourcing is effective, but only if done right

    • 83% of decision makers with in-house cybersecurity teams are considering outsourcing to an MSP (Syntax, 2021).
    • 77% of IT leaders said cyberattacks were more frequent (Syntax, 2021).
    • 51% of businesses suffered a data breach caused by a third party (Ponemon, 2021).

    Common Obstacles

    The problem with selecting an outsourcing partner isn’t a lack of qualified partners, it’s the lack of clarity about an organization's specific security needs.

    • Most organizations do not have a clear understanding of their current security posture, their security goals, and the specific security services they require. Without a clear understanding of their needs, organizations may struggle to identify a partner that can meet their requirements.
    • Breakdowns and lack of communication can be a significant obstacle, especially when clear lines of communication with partners, including regular check-ins, reporting, and incident response protocols, have not been clearly established.
    • Ensuring that security partner's systems and processes integrate seamlessly with existing systems can be a challenge for most organizations. This is in addition to making sure that security partners have the necessary access and permissions to perform their services effectively.
    • Adhering to security policies is rarely a priority to users, as compliance often feels like an interference to daily workflow. For a lot of organizations, security policies are not having the desired effect.

    A diagram that shows Average cost of a data breach from 2019 to 2022.
    Source: IBM, 2022 Cost of a Data Breach; N=537.

    Reaching an all-time high, the cost of a data breach averaged US$4.35 million in 2022. This figure represents a 2.6% increase from 2021, when the average cost of a breach was US$4.24 million. The average cost has climbed 12.7% since 2020.

    Info-Tech’s methodology for selecting a security outsourcing partner

    Determine your responsibilities

    Determine what responsibilities you can outsource to a service partner. Analyze which responsibilities you should outsource versus keep in-house? Do you require a service partner based on identified responsibilities?

    Scope your requirements

    Refine the list of role-based requirements, variables, and features you will require. Use a well-known list of critical security controls as a framework to determine these activities and send out RFPs to pick the best candidate for your organization.

    Manage your outsourcing program

    Adopt a program to manage your third-party service security outsourcing. Trust your managed security service providers (MSSP) but verify their results to ensure you get the service level you were promised.

    Select a Security Outsourcing Partner

    A diagram that shows your organization responsibilities & accountabilities, framework for selecting a security outsourcing partner, and benefits.

    Blueprint benefits

    IT/InfoSec Benefits

    Reduces complexity within the MSSP selection process by highlighting all the key steps to a successful selection program.

    Introduces a roadmap to clearly educate about the do’s and don’ts of MSSP selection.

    Reduces costs and efforts related to managing MSSPs and other security partners.

    Business Benefits

    Assists with selecting outsourcing partners that are essential to your organization’s objectives.

    Integrates outsourcing into corporate culture, leveraging organizational requirements while maximizing value of outsourcing.

    Reduces security outsourcing risk.

    Insight summary

    Overarching insight: You can outsource your responsibilities but not your accountability.

    Determine what to outsource: Assess your responsibilities to determine which ones you can outsource. It is vital that an understanding of how outsourcing will affect the organization, and what cost savings, if any, to expect from outsourcing is clear in order to generate a list of responsibilities that can/should be outsourced.

    Select the right partner: Create a list of variables to evaluate the MSSPs and determine which features are important to you. Evaluate all potential MSSPs and determine which one is right for your organization

    Manage your MSSP: Align the MSSP to your organization. Adopt a program to monitor the MSSP which includes a long-term strategy to manage the MSSP.

    Identifying security needs and requirements = Effective outsourcing program: Understanding your own security needs and requirements is key. Ensure your RFP covers the entire scope of your requirements; work with your identified partner on updates and adaptation, where necessary; and always monitor alignment to business objectives.

    Measure the value of this blueprint



    Measured Value

    Determine what to outsource Understand the value in outsourcing and determining what responsibilities can be outsourced. Cost of determining what you can/should outsource:
    • 120 FTE hours at $90K per year = $5,400
    Cost of determining the savings from outsourcing vs. insourcing:
    • 120 FTE hours at $90K per year = $5,400
    Select the right partner Select an outsourcing partner that will have the right skill set and solution to identified requirements. Cost of ranking and selecting your MSSPs:
    • 160 FTE hours at $90K per year = $7,200
    Cost of creating and distributing RFPs:
    • 200 FTE hours at $90K per year = $9,000
    Manage your third-party service security outsourcing Use Info-Tech’s methodology and best practices to manage the MSSP to get the best value. Cost of creating and implementing a metrics program to manage the MSSP:
    • 80 FTE hours at $90K per year = $3,600

    After each Info-Tech experience, we ask our members to quantify the real-time savings, monetary impact, and project improvements our research helped them achieve.

    Overall Impact: 8.9 /10

    Overall Average Cost Saved: $22,950

    Overall Average Days Saved: 9

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit
    "Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful."

    Guided Implementation
    "Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track."

    "We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place."

    "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project."

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks are used throughout all four options.

    Review and Improve Your IT Policy Library

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}193|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.3/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $34,724 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 14 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: IT Governance, Risk & Compliance
    • Parent Category Link: /it-governance-risk-and-compliance
    • Your policies are out of date, disorganized, and complicated. They don’t reflect current regulations and don’t actually mitigate your organization’s current IT risks.
    • Your policies are difficult to understand, aren’t easy to find, or aren’t well monitored and enforced for compliance. As a result, your employees don’t care about your policies.
    • Policy issues are taking up too much of your time and distracting you from the real issues you need to address.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    A dynamic and streamlined policy approach will:

    1. Right-size policies to address the most critical IT risks.
    2. Clearly lay out a step-by-step process to complete daily tasks in compliance.
    3. Obtain policy adherence without having to be “the police.”

    To accomplish this, the policy writer must engage their audience early to gather input on IT policies, increase policy awareness, and gain buy-in early in the process.

    Impact and Result

    • Develop more effective IT policies. Clearly express your policy goals and objectives, standardize the approach to employee problem solving, and write policies your employees will actually read.
    • Improve risk coverage. Ensure full coverage on the risk landscape, including legal regulations, and establish a method for reporting, documenting, and communicating risks.
    • Improve employee compliance. Empathize with your employees and use policy to educate, train, and enable them instead of restricting them.

    Review and Improve Your IT Policy Library Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out how to write better policies that mitigate the risks you care about and get the business to follow them, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Assess

    Assess your risk landscape and design a plan to update your policy network based on your most critical risks.

    • Review and Improve Your IT Policy Library – Phase 1: Assess
    • Policy Management RACI Chart Template
    • Policy Management Tool
    • Policy Action Plan

    2. Draft and implement

    Use input from key stakeholders to write clear, consistent, and concise policies that people will actually read and understand. Then publish them and start generating policy awareness.

    • Review and Improve Your IT Policy Library – Phase 2: Draft and Implement
    • Policy Template
    • Policy Communication Plan Template

    3. Monitor, enforce, revise

    Use your policies to create a compliance culture in your organization, set KPIs, and track policy effectiveness.

    • Review and Improve Your IT Policy Library – Phase 3: Monitor, Enforce, Revise

    Workshop: Review and Improve Your IT Policy Library

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Establish & Assess

    The Purpose

    Identify the pain points associated with IT policies.

    Establish the policy development process.

    Begin formulating a plan to re-design the policy network.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Establish the policy process.

    Highlight key issues and pain points regarding policy.

    Assign roles and responsibilities.


    1.1 Introduce workshop.

    1.2 Identify the current pain points with policy management.

    1.3 Establish high-level goals around policy management.

    1.4 Select metrics to measure achievement of goals.

    1.5 Create an IT policy working group (ITPWG).

    1.6 Define the scope and purpose of the ITPWG.


    List of issues and pain points for policy management

    Set of six to ten goals for policy management

    Baseline and target measured value

    Amended steering committee or ITPWG charter

    Completed RACI chart

    Documented policy development process

    2 Assess Your Risk Landscape & Map Policies to Risks; Create a Policy Action Plan

    The Purpose

    Identify key risks.

    Develop an understanding of which risks are most critical.

    Design a policy network that best mitigates those risks.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Use a risk-driven approach to decide which policies need to be written or updated first.


    2.1 Identify risks at a high level.

    2.2 Assess each identified risk scenario on impact and likelihood.

    2.3 Map current and required policies to risks.

    2.4 Assess policy effectiveness.

    2.5 Create a policy action plan.

    2.6 Select policies to be developed during workshop.


    Ranked list of IT’s risk scenarios

    Prioritized list of IT risks (simplified risk register)

    Policy action plan

    3 Develop Policies

    The Purpose

    Outline what key features make a policy effective and write policies that mitigate the most critical IT risks.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Write policies that work and get them approved.


    3.1 Define the policy audience, constraints, and in-scope and out-of-scope requirements for a policy.

    3.2 Draft two to four policies


    Drafted policies

    4 Create a Policy Communication and Implementation Plan and Monitor & Reassess the Portfolio

    The Purpose

    Build an understanding of how well the organization’s value creation activities are being supported.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Identify an area or capability that requires improvement.


    4.1 Review draft policies and update if necessary.

    4.2 Create a policy communication plan.

    4.3 Select KPIs.

    4.4 Review root-cause analysis techniques.


    Final draft policies

    Policy communications plan

    KPI tracking log

    Reduce Risk With Rock-Solid Service-Level Agreements

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}365|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Vendor Management
    • Parent Category Link: /vendor-management

    Organizations can struggle to understand what service-level agreements (SLAs) are required and how they can differ depending on the service type. In addition, these other challenges can also cloud an organization’s knowledge of SLAs:

    • No standardized SLAs documents, service levels, or metrics
    • Dealing with lost productivity and revenue due to persistent downtime
    • Not understanding SLAs components and what service levels are required for a particular service
    • How to manage the SLA and hold the vendor accountable

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    SLAs need to have clear, easy-to-measure objectives, to meet expectations and service level requirements, including meaningful reporting and remedies to hold the provider accountable to its obligations.

    Impact and Result

    This project will provide several benefits and learnings for almost all IT workers:

    • Better understanding of an SLA framework and required SLA elements
    • Standardized service levels and metrics aligned to the organization’s requirements
    • Reduced time in reviewing, evaluating, and managing service provider SLAs

    Reduce Risk With Rock-Solid Service-Level Agreements Research & Tools

    Start here – Read our Executive Brief

    Understand how to resolve your challenges with SLAs and their components and ensuring adequate metrics. Learn how to create meaningful SLAs that meet your requirements and manage them effectively.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Understand SLA elements – Understand the elements of SLAs, service types, service levels, metrics/KPIs, monitoring, and reporting

    • SLA Checklist
    • SLA Evaluation Tool

    2. Create requirements – Create your own SLA criteria and templates that meet your organization’s requirements

    • SLA Template & Metrics Reference Guide

    3. Manage obligations – Learn the SLA Management Framework to track providers’ performance and adherence to their commitments.

    • SLO Tracker & Trending Tool


    Workshop: Reduce Risk With Rock-Solid Service-Level Agreements

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Understand the Elements of SLAs

    The Purpose

    Understand key components and elements of an SLA.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Properly evaluate an SLA for required elements.


    1.1 SLA overview, objectives, SLA types, service levels

    1.2 SLA elements and objectives

    1.3 SLA components: monitoring, reporting, and remedies

    1.4 SLA checklist review


    SLA Checklist 

    Evaluation Process

    SLA Checklist

    Evaluation Process

    SLA Checklist

    Evaluation Process

    SLA Checklist

    Evaluation Process

    2 Create SLA Criteria and Management Framework

    The Purpose

    Apply knowledge of SLA elements to create internal SLA requirements.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Templated SLAs that meet requirements.

    Framework to manage SLOs.


    2.1 Creating SLA criteria and requirements

    2.2 SLA templates and policy

    2.3 SLA evaluation activity

    2.4 SLA Management Framework

    2.5 SLA monitoring, tracking, and remedy reconciliation


    Internal SLA Management Framework

    Evaluation of current SLAs

    SLA tracking and trending

    Internal SLA Management Framework

    Evaluation of current SLAs

    SLA tracking and trending

    Internal SLA Management Framework

    Evaluation of current SLAs

    SLA tracking and trending

    Internal SLA Management Framework

    Evaluation of current SLAs

    SLA tracking and trending

    Internal SLA Management Framework

    Evaluation of current SLAs

    SLA tracking and trending

    Further reading

    Reduce Risk With Rock-Solid Service-Level Agreements

    Hold Service Providers more accountable to their contractual obligations with meaningful SLA components & remedies


    Analyst Perspective

    Reduce Risk With Rock-Solid Service-Level Agreements

    Every year organizations outsource more and more IT infrastructure to the cloud, and IT operations to managed service providers. This increase in outsourcing presents an increase in risk to the CIO to save on IT spend through outsourcing while maintaining required and expected service levels to internal customers and the organization. Ensuring that the service provider constantly meets their obligations so that the CIO can meet their obligation to the organization can be a constant challenge. This brings forth the importance of the Service Level Agreement.

    Research clearly indicates that there is a general lack of knowledge when comes to understanding the key elements of a Service Level Agreement (SLA). Even less understanding of the importance of the components of Service Levels and the Service Level Objectives (SLO) that service provider needs to meet so that the outsourced service consistently meets requirements of the organization. Most service providers are very good at providing the contracted service and they all are very good at presenting SLOs that are easy to meet with very few or no ramifications if they don’t meet their objectives. IT leaders need to be more resolute in only accepting SLOs that are meaningful to their requirements and have meaningful, proactive reporting and associated remedies to hold service providers accountable to their obligations.

    Ted Walker

    Principal Research Director, Vendor Practice

    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Brief

    Vendors provide service level commitments to customers in contracts to show a level of trust, performance, availability, security, and responsiveness in an effort create a sense of confidence that their service or platform will meet your organization’s requirements and expectations. Sifting through these promises can be challenging for many IT Leaders. Customers struggle to understand and evaluate what’s in the SLA – are they meaningful and protect your investment? Not understanding the details of SLAs applicable to various types of Service (SaaS, MSP, Service Desk, DR, ISP) can lead to financial and compliance risk for the organization as well as poor customer satisfaction.

    This project will provide IT leadership the knowledge & tools that will allow them to:

    • Understand what SLAs are and why they need them.
    • Develop standard SLAs that meet the organization’s requirements.
    • Negotiate meaningful remedies aligned to Service Levels metrics or KPIs.
    • Create SLA monitoring & reporting and remedies requirements to hold the provider accountable.

    This research:

    1. Is designed for:
    • The CIO or CFO who needs to better understand their provider’s SLAs.
    • The CIO or BU that could benefit from improved service levels.
    • Vendor management who needs to standardize SLAs for the organization IT leadership that needs consistent service levels to the business
    • The contract manager who needs a better understanding of contact SLAs
  • Will help you:
    • Understand what a Service Level Agreement is and what it’s for
    • Learn what the components are of an SLA and why you need them
    • Create a checklist of required SLA elements for your organization
    • Develop standard SLA template requirements for various service types
    • Learn the importance of SLA management to hold providers accountable
  • Will also assist:
    • Vendor management
    • Procurement and sourcing
    • Organizations that need to understand SLAs within contract language
    • With creating standardized monitoring & reporting requirements
    • Organizations get better position remedies & credits to hold vendors accountable to their commitments
  • Reduce Risk With Rock-Solid Service-Level Agreements (SLAs)

    Hold service providers more accountable to their contractual obligations with meaningful SLA components and remedies

    The Problem

    IT Leadership doesn't know how to evaluate an SLA.

    Misunderstanding of obligations given the type of service provided (SAAS, IAAS, DR/BCP, Service Desk)

    Expectations not being met, leading to poor service from the provider.

    No way to hold provider accountable.

    Why it matters

    SLAS are designed to ensure that outsourced IT services meet the requirements and expectations of the organization. Well-written SLAs with all the required elements, metrics, and remedies will allow IT departments to provide the service levels to their customer and avoid financial and contractual risk to the organization.

    The Solution

    1. Understand the key service elements within an SLA
    • Develop a solid understanding of the key elements within an SLA and why they're important.
  • Establish requirements to create SLA criteria
    • Prioritize contractual services and establish concise SLA checklists and performance metrics.
  • Manage SLA obligations to ensure commitments are met
    • Review the five steps for effective SLA management to track provider performance and deal with chronic issues.
  • Service types

    • Availability/Uptime
    • Response Times
    • Resolution Time
    • Accuracy
    • First-Call Resolution

    Agreement Types

    • SaaS/IaaS
    • Service Desk
    • MSP
    • Co-Location
    • DR/BCP
    • Security Ops

    Performance Metrics

    • Reporting
    • Remedies & Credits
    • Monitoring
    • Exclusion

    Example SaaS Provider

    • Response Times ✓
    • Availability/Uptime ✓
    • Resolution Time ✓
    • Update Times ✓
    • Coverage Time ✓
    • Monitoring ✓
    • Reporting ✓
    • Remedies/Credits ✓

    SLA Management Framework

    1. SLO Monitoring
    • SLOs must be monitored by the provider, otherwise they can't be measured.
  • Concise Reporting
    • This is the key element for the provider to validate their performance.
  • Attainment Tracking
    • Capturing SLO metric attainment provides performance trending for each provider.
  • Score carding
    • Tracking details provide input into overall vendor performance ratings.
  • Remedy Reconciliation
    • From SLO tracking, missed SLOs and associated credits needs to be actioned and consumed.
  • Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    To understand which SLAs are required for your organization and how they can differ depending on the service type. In addition, these other challenges can also cloud your knowledge of SLAs

    • No standardized SLA documents, Service levels, or metrics
    • Dealing with lost productivity & revenue due to persistent downtime
    • Understanding SLA components and what service levels are requires for a particular service
    • How to manage the SLA and hold the vendor accountable

    Common Obstacles

    There are several unknowns that SLA can present to different departments within the organization:

    • Little knowledge of what service levels are required
    • Not knowing SLO standards for a service type
    • Lack of resources to manage vendor obligations
    • Negotiating required metrics/KPIs with the provider
    • Low understanding of the risk that poor SLAs can present to the organization

    Info-Tech's Approach

    Info-Tech has a three-step approach to effective SLAs

    • Understand the elements of an SLA
    • Create Requirements for your organization
    • Manage the SLA obligations

    There are some basic components that every SLA should have – most don’t have half of what is required

    Info-Tech Insight

    SLAs need to have clear, easy to measure objectives to meet your expectations and service level requirements, including meaningful reporting and remedies to hold the provider accountable to their obligations.

    Your challenge

    This research is designed to help organizations gain a better understanding of what an SLA is, understand the importance of SLAs in IT contracts, and ensure organizations are provided with rock-solid SLAs that meet their requirements and not just what the vendor wants to provide.

    • Vendors can make SLAs weak and difficult to understand; sometimes the metrics are meaningless. Not fully understanding what makes up a good SLA can bring unknown risks to the organization.
    • Managing vendor SLA obligations effectively is important. Are adequate resources available? Does the vendor provide manual vs. automated processes and which do you need? Is the process proactive from the vendor or reactive from the customer?

    SLAs come in many variations and for many service types. Understanding what needs to be in them is one of the keys to reducing risk to your organization.

    “One of the biggest mistakes an IT leader can make is ignoring the ‘A’ in SLA,” adds Wendy M. Pfeiffer, CIO at Nutanix. “

    An agreement isn’t a one-sided declaration of IT capabilities, nor is it a one-sided demand of business requirements,” she says. “An agreement involves creating a shared understanding of desired service delivery and quality, calculating costs related to expectations, and then agreeing to outcomes in exchange for investment.” (15 SLA mistakes IT leaders still make | CIO)

    Common obstacles

    There are typically a lot of unknowns when it comes to SLAs and how to manage them.

    Most organizations don’t have a full understanding of what SLAs they require and how to ensure they are met by the vendor. Other obstacles that SLAs can present are:

    • Inadequate resources to create and manage SLAs
    • Poor awareness of standard or required SLA metrics/KPIs
    • Lack of knowledge about each provider’s commitment as well as your obligations
    • Low vendor willingness to provide or negotiate meaningful SLAs and credits
    • The know-how or resources to effectively monitor and manage the SLA’s performance

    SLAs need to address your requirements

    55% of businesses do not find all of their service desk metrics useful or valuable (

    27% of businesses spend four to seven hours a month collating metric reports (

    Executive Summary

    Info-Tech’s Approach

    • Understand the elements of an SLA
      • Availability
      • Monitoring
      • Response Times
      • SLO Calculation
      • Resolution Time
      • Reporting
      • Milestones
      • Exclusions
      • Accuracy
      • Remedies & Credits
    • Create standard SLA requirements and criteria
      • SLA Element Checklist
      • Corporate Requirements and Standards
      • SLA Templates and Policy
    • Effectively Manage the SLA Obligations
      • SLA Management Framework
        • SLO Monitoring
        • Concise Reporting
        • Attainment Tracking
        • Score Carding
        • Remedy Reconciliation

    Info-Tech’s three phase approach

    Reduce Risk With Rock-Solid Service-Level Agreements

    Phase 1

    Understand SLA Elements

    Phase Content:

    • 1.1 What are SLAs, types of SLAs, and why are they needed?
    • 1.2 Elements of an SLA
    • 1.3 Obligation management monitoring, Reporting requirements
    • 1.4 Exclusions
    • 1.5 SLAs vs. SLOs vs. SLIs


    This phase will present you with an understanding of the elements of an SLA: What they are, why you need them, and how to validate them.

    Phase 2

    Create Requirements

    Phase Content:

    • 2.1 Create a list of your SLA criteria
    • 2.2 Develop SLA policy & templates
    • 2.3 Create a negotiation strategy
    • 2.4 SLA Overachieving discussion


    This phase will leverage knowledge gained in Phase 1 and guide you through the creation of SLA requirements, criteria, and templates to ensure that providers meet the service level obligations needed for various service types to meet your organization’s service expectations.

    Phase 3

    Manage Obligations

    Phase Content:

    • 3.1 SLA Monitoring, Tracking
    • 3.2 Reporting
    • 3.3 Vendor SLA Reviews & Optimizing
    • 3.4 Performance management


    This phase will provide you with an SLA management framework and the best practices that will allow you to effectively manage service providers and their SLA obligations.

    Insight summary

    Overarching insight

    SLAs need to have clear, easy-to-measure objectives to meet your expectations and service level requirements, including meaningful reporting and remedies to hold the provider accountable to their obligations.

    Phase 1 insight

    Not understanding the required elements of an SLA and not having meaningful remedies to hold service providers accountable to their obligations can present several risk factors to your organization.

    Phase 2 insight

    Creating standard SLA criteria for your organization’s service providers will ensure consistent service levels for your business units and customers.

    Phase 3 insight

    SLAs can have appropriate SLOs and remedies but without effective management processes they could become meaningless.

    Tactical insight

    Be sure to set SLAs that are easily measurable from regularly accessible data and that are straight forward to interpret.

    Tactical insight

    Beware of low, easy to attain service levels and metrics/KPIs. Service levels need to meet your expectations and needs not the vendor’s.

    Blueprint deliverables

    Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals:

    SLA Tracker & Trending Tool

    Track the provider’s SLO attainment and see how their performance is trending over time

    SLA Evaluation Tool

    Evaluate SLA service levels, metrics, credit values, reporting, and other elements

    SLA Template & Metrics Reference Guide

    Reference guide for typical SLA metrics with a generic SLA Template

    Service-Level Agreement Checklist

    Complete SLA component checklist for core SLA and contractual elements.

    Key deliverable:

    Service-Level Agreement Evaluation Tool

    Evaluate each component of the SLA , including service levels, metrics, credit values, reporting, and processes to meet your requirements

    Blueprint objectives

    Understand the components of an SLA and effectively manage their obligations

    • To provide an understanding of different types of SLAs, their required elements, and what they mean to your organization. How to identify meaningful service levels based on service types. We will break down the elements of the SLA such as service types and define service levels such as response times, availability, accuracy, and associated metrics or KPIs to ensure they are concise and easy to measure.
    • To show how important it is that all metrics have remedies to hold the service provider accountable to their SLA obligations.

    Once you have this knowledge you will be able to create and negotiate SLA requirements to meet your organization’s needs and then manage them effectively throughout the term of the agreement.

    InfoTech Insight:

    Right-size your requirements and create your SLO criteria based on risk mitigation and create measurements that motivate the desired behavior from the SLA.

    Blueprint benefits

    IT Benefits

    • An understanding of standard SLA service levels and metrics
    • Reduced financial risk through clear and concise easy-to-measure metrics and KPIs
    • Improved SLA commitments from the service provider
    • Meaningful reporting and remedies to hold the provider accountable
    • Service levels and metrics that meet your requirements to support your customers

    Business Benefits

    • Better understanding of an SLA framework and required SLA elements
    • Improved vendor performance
    • Standardized service levels and metrics aligned to your organization’s requirements
    • Reduced time in reviewing and comprehending vendor SLAs
    • Consistent performance from your service providers

    Measure the value of this blueprint

    1. Dollars Saved
    • Improved performance from your service provider
    • Reduced financial risk through meaningful service levels & remedies
    • Dollars gained through:
      • Reconciled credits from obligation tracking and management
      • Savings due to automated processes
  • Time Saved
    • Reduced time in creating effective SLAs through requirement templates
    • Time spent tracking and managing SLA obligations
    • Reduced negotiation time
    • Time spent tracking and reconciling credits
  • Knowledge Gained
    • Understanding of SLA elements, service levels, service types, reporting, and remedies
    • Standard metrics and KPIs required for various service types and levels
    • How to effectively manage the service provider obligations
    • Tactics to negotiate appropriate service levels to meet your requirements
  • Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    "Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful."

    Guided Implementation

    "Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way wound help keep us on track."


    "We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place."


    "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project."

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks are used throughout all four options.

    Guided Implementation

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    A typical GI is between three to six calls over the course of two to three months.

    Phase 1 - Understand

    • Call #1: Scope requirements, objectives, and your specific SLA challenges

    Phase 2 - Create Requirements

    • Call #2: Review key SLA and how to identify them
    • Call #3: Deep dive into SLA elements and why you need them
    • Call #4: Review your service types and SLA criteria
    • Call #5: Create internal SLA requirements and templates

    Phase 3 - Management

    • Call #6: Review SLA Management Framework
    • Call #7: Review and create SLA Reporting and Tracking

    Workshop Overview

    Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889

    Day 1 Day 2
    Understanding SLAs SLA Templating & Management

    1.1 SLA overview, objectives, SLA types, service levels

    1.2 SLA elements and objectives

    1.3 SLA components – monitoring, reporting, remedies

    1.4 SLA Checklist review

    2.1 Creating SLA criteria and requirements

    2.2 SLA policy & template

    2.3 SLA evaluation activity

    2.4 SLA management framework

    2.5 SLA monitoring, tracking, remedy reconciliation

    1. SLA Checklist
    2. SLA policy & template creation
    3. SLA management gap analysis
    1. Evaluation of current SLAs
    2. SLA tracking and trending
    3. Create internal SLA management framework

    Reduce Risk With Rock-Solid Service-Level Agreements

    Phase 1

    Phase 1

    Understand SLA Elements

    Phase Steps

    • 1.1 What are SLAs, the types of SLAs, and why are they needed?
    • 1.2 Elements of an SLA
    • 1.3 Obligation management monitoring, Reporting requirements
    • 1.4 Exclusions and exceptions
    • 1.5 SLAs vs. SLOs vs. SLIs

    Create Requirements

    Manage Obligations

    1.1 What are SLAs, the types of SLAs, and why are they needed?

    SLA Overview

    What is a Service Level Agreement?

    An SLA is an overarching contractual agreement between a service provider and a customer (can be external or internal) that describes the services that will be delivered by the provider. It describes the service levels and associated performance metrics and expectations, how the provider will show it has attained the SLAs, and defines any remedies or credits that would apply if the provider fails to meet its commitments. Some SLAs also include a change or revision process.

    SLAs come in a few forms. Some are unique, separate, standalone documents that define the service types and levels in more detail and is customized to your needs. Some are separate documents that apply to a service and are web posted or linked to an MSA or SSA. The most common is to have them embedded in, or as an appendix to an MSA or SSA. When negotiating an MSA it’s generally more effective to negotiate better service levels and metrics at the same time.

    Objectives of an SLA

    To be effective, SLAs need to have clearly described objectives that define the service type(s) that the service provider will perform, along with commitment to associated measurable metrics or KPIs that are sufficient to meet your expectations. The goal of these service levels and metrics is to ensure that the service provider is committed to providing the service that you require, and to allow you to maintain service levels to your customers whether internal or external.

    1.1 What are SLAs, the types of SLAs, and why are they needed?

    Key Elements of an SLA

    Principle service elements of an SLA

    There are several more common service-related elements of an SLA. These generally include:

    • The Agreement – the document that defines service levels and commitments.
    • The service types – the type of service being provided by the vendor. These can include SaaS, MSP, Service Desk, Telecom/network, PaaS, Co-Lo, BCP, etc.
    • The service levels – these are the measurable performance objectives of the SLA. They include availability (uptime), response times, restore times, priority level, accuracy level, resolution times, event prevention, completion time, etc.
    • Metrics/KPIs – These are the targets or commitments associated to the service level that the service provider is obligated to meet.
    • Other elements – Reporting requirements, monitoring, remedies/credit values and process.

    Contractual Construct Elements

    These are construct components of an SLA that outline their roles and responsibilities, T&Cs, escalation process, etc.

    In addition, there are several contractual-type elements including, but not limited to:

    • A statement regarding the purpose of the SLA.
    • A list of services being supplied (service types).
    • An in-depth description of how services will be provided and when.
    • Vendor and customer requirements.
    • Vendor and customer obligations.
    • Acknowledgment/acceptance of the SLA.
    • They also list each party’s responsibilities and how issues will be escalated and resolved.

    Common types of SLAs explained

    Service-level SLA

    • This service-level agreement construct is the Service-based SLA. This SLA covers an identified service for all customers in general (for example, if an IT service provider offers customer response times for a service to several customers). In a service-based agreement, the response times would be the same and apply to all customers using the service. Any customer using the service would be provided the same SLA – in this case the same defined response time.

    Customer-based SLA

    • A customer-based SLA is a unique agreement with one customer. The entire agreement is defined for one or all service levels provided to a particular customer (for example, you may use several services from one telecom vendor). The SLAs for these services would be covered in one contract between you and the vendor, creating a unique customer-based vendor agreement. Another scenario could be where a vendor offers general SLAs for its services but you negotiate a specific SLA for a particular service that is unique or exclusive to you. This would be a customer-based SLA as well.

    Multi-level SLA

    • This service-level agreement construct is the multi-level SLA. In a multi-level SLA, components are defined to the organizational levels of the customer with cascading coverage to sublevels of the organization. The SLA typically entails all services and is designed to the cover each sub-level or department within the organization. Sometimes the multi-level SLA is known as a master organization SLA as it cascades to several levels of the organization.

    InfoTech Insight: Beware of low, easy to attain Service levels and metrics/KPIs. Service levels need to meet your requirements, expectations, and needs not the vendor’s.

    1.2 Elements of SLA-objectives, service types, and service levels

    Objectives of Service Levels

    The objective of the service levels and service credits are to:

    • Ensure that the services are of a consistently high quality and meet the requirements of the customer
    • Provide a mechanism whereby the customer can attain meaningful recognition of the vendors failure to deliver the level of service for which it was contracted to deliver
    • Incentivize the vendor or service provider to comply with and to expeditiously provide a remedy for any failure to attain the service levels committed to in the SLA
    • To ensure that the service provider fulfills the defined objectives of the outsourced service

    Service types

    There are several service types that can be part of an SLA. Service types are the different nature of services associated with the SLA that the provider is performing and being measured against. These can include:

    Service Desk, SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, ISP/Telecom/Network MSP, DR & BCP, Co-location security ops, SOW.

    Each service type should have standard service level targets or obligations that can vary depending on your requirements and reliance on the service being provided.

    Service levels

    Service levels are measurable targets, metrics, or KPIs that the service provider has committed to for the particular service type. Service levels are the key element of SLAs – they are the performance expectations set between you and the provider. The service performance of the provider is measured against the service level commitments. The ability of the provider to consistently meet these metrics will allow your organization to fully benefit from the objectives of the service and associated SLAs. Most service levels are time related but not all are.

    Common service levels are:

    Response times, resolution times per percent, restore/recovery times, accuracy, availability/uptime, completion/milestones, updating/communication, latency.

    Each service level has standard or minimum metrics for the provider. The metrics, or KPIs, should be relatively easy to measure and report against on a regular basis. Service levels are generally negotiable to meet your requirements.

    1.2.1 Activity SLA Checklist Tool

    1-2 hours


    • SLA content, Service elements
    • Contract terms & exclusions
    • Service metrices/KPIs


    • A concise list of SLA components
    • A list of missing SLA elements
    • Evaluation of the SLA


    • Comprehensive checklist
    • Service provider SLA
    • Internal templates or policies


    • Vendor or contract manager
    • IT or business unit manager
    • Legal
    • Finance

    Using this checklist will help you review a provider’s SLA to ensure it contains adequate service levels and remedies as well as contract-type elements.


    Use the checklist to identify the principal service level elements as well as the contractual-type elements within the SLA.

    Review the SLA and use the dropdowns in the checklist to verify if the element is in the SLA and whether it is within acceptable parameters as well the page or section for reference.

    The checklist contains a list of service types that can be used for reference of what SLA elements you should expect to see in that service type SLA.

    Download the SLA Checklist Tool

    1.3 Monitoring, reporting requirements, remedies/credit process

    Monitoring & Reporting

    As mentioned, well-defined service levels are key to the success of the SLA. Validating that the metrics/KPIs are being met on a consistent basis requires regular monitoring and reporting. These elements of the SLA are how you hold the provider accountable to the SLA commitments and obligations. To achieve the service level, the service must be monitored to validate that timelines are met and accuracy is achieved.

    • Data or details from monitoring must then be presented in a report and delivered to the customer in an agreed-upon format. These formats can be in a dashboard, portal, spreadsheet, or csv file, and they must have sufficient criteria to validate the service-level metric. Reports should be kept for future review and to create historical trending.
    • Monitoring and reporting should be the responsibility of the service provider. This is the only way that they can validate to the customer that a service level has been achieved.
    • Reporting criteria and delivery timelines should be defined in the SLA and can even have a service level associated with it, such as a scheduled report delivery on the fifth day of the following month.
    • Reports need to be checked and balanced. When defining report criteria, be sure to define data source(s) that can be easily validated by both parties.
    • Report criteria should include compliance requirements, target metric/KPIs, and whether they were attained.
    • The report should identify any attainment shortfall or missed KPIs.

    Too many SLAs do not have these elements as often the provider tries to put the onus on the customer to monitor their performance of the service levels. .

    1.3.1 Monitoring, reporting requirements, remedies/credit process

    Remedies and Credits

    Service-level reports validate the performance of the service provider to the SLA metrics or KPIs. If the metrics are met, then by rights, the service provider is doing its job and performing up to expectations of the SLA and your organization.

    • What if the metrics are not being met either periodically or consistently? Solving this is the goal of remedies. Remedies are typically monetary costs (in some form) to the provider that they must pay for not meeting a service-level commitment. Credits can vary significantly and should be aligned to the severity of the missed service level. Sometimes there no credits offered by the vendor. This is a red flag in an SLA.
    • Typically expressed as a monetary credit, the SLA will have service levels and associated credits if the service-level metric/KPI is not met during the reporting period. Credits can be expressed in a dollar format, often defined as a percentage of a monthly fee or prorated annual fee. Although less common, some SLAs offer non-financial credits. These could include: an extension to service term, additional modules, training credits, access to a higher support level, etc.
    • Regardless of how the credit is presented, this is typically the only way to hold your provider accountable to their commitments and to ensure they perform consistently to expectations. You must do a rough calculation to validate the potential monetary value and if the credit is meaningful enough to the provider.

    Research shows that credit values that equate to just a few dollars, when you are paying the provider tens of thousands of dollars a month for a service or product, the credit is insignificant and therefore doesn’t incent the provider to achieve or maintain a service level.

    1.3.2 Monitoring, reporting requirements, remedies/credit process

    Credit Process

    Along with meaningful credit values, there must be a defined credit calculation method and credit redemption process in the SLA.

    Credit calculation. The credit calculation should be simple and straight forward. Many times, we see providers define complicated methods of calculating the credit value. In some cases complicated service levels require higher effort to monitor and report on, but this shouldn’t mean that the credit for missing the service level needs to require the same effort to calculate. Do a sample credit calculation to validate if the potential credit value is meaningful enough or meets your requirements.

    Credit redemption process. The SLA should define the process of how a credit is provided to the customer. Ideally the process should be fairly automated by the service provider. If the report shows a missed service level, that should trigger a credit calculation and credit value posted to account followed by notification. In many SLAs that we review, the credit process is either poorly defined or not defined at all. When it is defined, the process typically requires the customer to follow an onerous process and submit a credit request that must then be validated by the provider and then, if approved, posted to your account to be applied at year end as long as you are in complete compliance with the agreement and up-to-date on your account etc. This is what we need to avoid in provider-written SLAs. You need a proactive process where the service provider takes responsibility for missing an SLA and automatically assigns an accurate credit to your account with an email notice.

    Secondary level remedies. These are remedies for partial performance. For example, the platform is accessible but some major modules are not working (i.e.: the payroll platform is up and running and accessible but the tax table is not working properly so you can’t complete your payroll run on-time). Consider the requirement of a service level, metric, and remedy for critical components of a service and not just the platform availability.

    Info-Tech Insight SLA’s without adequate remedies to hold the vendor accountable to their commitments make the SLAs essentially meaningless.

    1.4 Exclusions indemnification, force majeure, scheduled maintenance

    Contract-Related Exclusions

    Attaining service-level commitments by the provider within an SLA can depend on other factors that could greatly influence their performance to service levels. Most of these other factors are common and should be defined in the SLA as exclusions or exceptions. Exceptions/exclusions can typically apply to credit calculations as well. Typical exceptions to attaining service levels are:

    • Denial of Service (DoS) attacks
    • Communication/ISP outage
    • Outages of third-party hosting
    • Actions or inactions of the client or third parties
    • Scheduled maintenance but not emergency maintenance
    • Force majeure events which can cover several different scenarios

    Attention should be taken to review the exceptions to ensure they are in fact not within the reasonable control of the provider. Many times the provider will list several exclusions. Often these are not reasonable or can be avoided, and in most cases, they allow the service provider the opportunity to show unjustified service-level achievements. These should be negotiated out of the SLA.

    1.5 Activity SLA Evaluation Tool

    1-2 hours


    • SLA content
    • SLA elements
    • SLA objectives
    • SLO calculation methods


    • Rating of the SLA service levels and objectives
    • Overall rating of the SLA content
    • Targeted list of required improvements


    • SLA comprehensive checklist
    • Service provider SLA


    • Vendor or contract manager
    • IT manager or leadership
    • Application or business unit manager

    The SLA Evaluation Tool will allow you evaluate an SLA for content. Enter details into the tool and evaluate the service levels and SLA elements and components to ensure the agreement contains adequate SLOs to meet your organization’s service requirements.


    Review and identify SLA elements within the service provider’s SLA.

    Enter service-level details into the tool and rate the SLOs.

    Enter service elements details, validate that all required elements are in the SLA, and rate them accordingly.

    Capture and evaluate service-level SLO calculations.

    Review the overall rating for the SLA and create a targeted list for improvements with the service provider.

    Download the SLA Evaluation Tool

    1.5 Clarification: SLAs vs. SLOs vs. SLIs

    SLA – Service-Level Agreement The promise or commitment

    • This is the formal agreement between you and your service provider that contains their service levels and obligations with measurable metrics/KPIs and associated remedies. SLAs can be a separate or unique document, but are most commonly embedded within an MSA, SOW, SaaS, etc. as an addendum or exhibit.

    SLO – Service-Level Objective The goals or targets

    • This service-level agreement construct is the customer-based SLA. A Customer-based SLA is a unique agreement with one customer. The entire agreement is defined for one or all service levels provided to a particular customer. For example, you may use several services from one telecom vendor. The SLAs for these services would be covered in one contract between you and the Telco vendor, creating a unique customer-based to vendor agreement. Another scenario: a vendor offers general SLAs for its services and you negotiate a specific SLA for a particular service that is unique or exclusive to you. This would be a customer-based SLA as well.

    Other common names are Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs )

    SLI – Service-Level Indicator How did we do? Did we achieve the objectives?

    • An SLI is the actual metric attained after the measurement period. SLI measures compliance with an SLO (service level objective). So, for example, if your SLA specifies that your systems will be available 99.95% of the time, your SLO is 99.95% uptime and your SLI is the actual measurement of your uptime. Maybe it’s 99.96%. maybe 99.99% or even 99.75% For the vendor to be compliant to the SLA, the SLI(s) must meet or exceed the SLOs within the SLA document.

    Other common names: attainment, results, actual

    Info-Tech Insight:

    Web-posted SLAs that are not embedded within a signed MSA, can present uncertainty and risk as they can change at any time and typically without direct notice to the customer

    Reduce Risk With Rock-Solid Service-Level Agreements

    Phase 2

    Understand SLA Elements

    Phase 2

    Create Requirements

    Phase Steps

    • 2.1 Create a list of your SLA criteria
    • 2.2 Develop SLA policy & templates
    • 2.3 Create a negotiation strategy
    • 2.4 SLA overachieving discussion

    Manage Obligations

    2.1 Create a list of your SLA criteria

    Principle Service Elements

    With your understanding of the types of SLAs and the elements that comprise a well-written agreement

    • The next step is to start to create a set of SLA criteria for service types that your organization outsources or may require in the future.
    • This criteria should define the elements of the SLA with tolerance levels that will require the provider to meet your service expectations.
    • Service levels, metrics/KPIs, associated remedies and reporting criteria. This criteria could be captured into table-like templates that can be referenced or inserted into service provider SLAs.
    • Once you have defined minimum service-level criteria, we recommend that you do a deeper review of the various service provider types that your organization has in place. The goal of the review is to understand the objective of the service type and associated service levels and then compare them to your requirements for the service to meet your expectations. Service levels and KPIs should be no less than if your IT department was providing the service with its own resources and infrastructure.
    • Most IT departments have service levels that they are required to meet with their infrastructure to the business units or organization, whether it’s App delivery, issue or problem resolution, availability etc. When any of these services are outsourced to an external service provider, you need to make all efforts to ensure that the service levels are equal to or better than the previous or existing internal expectations.
    • Additionally, the goal is to identify service levels and metrics that don’t meet your requirements or expectations and/or service levels that are missing.

    2.2 Develop SLA policies and templates

    Contract-type Elements

    After creating templates for minimum-service metrics & KPIs, reporting criteria templates, process, and timing, the next step should be to work on contract-type elements and additional service-level components. These elements should include:

    • Reporting format, criteria, and timelines
    • Monitoring requirements
    • Minimum acceptable remedy or credits process; proactive by provider vs. reactive by customer
    • Roles & responsibilities
    • Acceptable exclusion details
    • Termination language for persistent failure to meet SLOs

    These templates or criteria minimums can be used as guidelines or policy when creating or negotiating SLAs with a service provider.

    Start your initial element templates for your strategic vendors and most common service types: SaaS, IaaS, Service Desk, SecOps, etc. The goal of SLA templates is to create simple minimum guidelines for service levels that will allow you to meet your internal SLAs and expectations. Having SLA templates will show the service provider that you understand your requirements and may put you in a better negotiating position when reviewing with the provider.

    When considering SLO metrics or KPIs consider the SMART guidance:

    Simple: A KPI should be easy to measure. It should not be complicated, and the purpose behind recording it must be documented and communicated.

    Measurable: A KPI that cannot be measured will not help in the decision-making process. The selected KPIs must be measurable, whether qualitatively or quantitatively. The procedure for measuring the KPIs must be consistent and well-defined.

    Actionable: KPIs should contribute to the decision-making process of your organization. A KPI that does not make any such contributions serves no purpose.

    Relevant: KPIs must be related to operations or functions that a security team seeks to assess.

    Time-based: KPIs should be flexible enough to demonstrate changes over time. In a practical sense, an ideal KPI can be grouped together by different time intervals.

    (Guide for Security Operations Metrics)

    2.2.1 Activity: Review SLA Template & Metrics Reference Guide

    1-2 hours


    • Service level metrics
    • List of who is accountable for PPM decisions


    • SLO templates for service types
    • SLA criteria that meets your organization’s requirements


    • SLA Checklist
    • SLA criteria list with SLO & credit values
    • PPM Decision Review Workbook


    • Vendor manager
    • IT leadership
    • Procurement or contract manager
    1. Review the SLA Template and Metrics Reference Guide for common metrics & KPIs for the various service types. Each Service Type tab has SLA elements and SLO metrics typically associated with the type of service.
    2. Some service levels have common or standard credits* that are typically associated with the service level or metric.
    3. Use the SLA Template to enter service levels, metrics, and credits that meet your organization’s criteria or requirements for a given service type.

    Download the SLA Template & Metrics Reference Guide

    *Credit values are not standard values, rather general ranges that our research shows to be the typical ranges that credit values should be for a given missed service level

    2.3 Create a negotiation strategy

    Once you have created service-level element criteria templates for your organization’s requirements, it’s time to document a negotiation position or strategy to use when negotiating with service providers. Not all providers are flexible with their SLA commitments, in fact most are reluctant to change or create “unique” SLOs for individual customers. Particularly cloud vendors providing IaaS, SaaS, or PaaS, SLAs. ISP/Telcom, Co-Lo and DR/BU providers also have standard SLOs that they don’t like to stray far from. On the other hand, security ops (SIEM), service desk, hardware, and SOW/PS providers who are generally contracted to provide variable services are somewhat more flexible with their SLAs and more willing to meet your requirements.

    • Service providers want to avoid being held accountable to SLOs, and their SLAs are typically written to reflect that.

    The goal of creating internal SLA templates and policies is to set a minimum baseline of service levels that your organization is willing to accept, and that will meet their requirements and expectations for the outsourced service. Using these templated SLOs will set the basis for negotiating the entire SLA with the provider. You can set the SLA purpose, objectives, roles, and responsibilities and then achieve these from the service provider with solid SLOs and associated reporting and remedies.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Web-posted SLAs that are not embedded within a signed MSA can present uncertainty and risk as they can change at any time and typically without direct notice to the customer

    2.3.1 Negotiating strategy guidance

    • Be prepared. Create a negotiating plan and put together a team that understands your organization’s requirements for SLA.
    • Stay informed. Request provider’s recent performance data and negotiate SLOs to the provider’s average performance.
    • Know what you need. Corporate SLA templates or policies should be positioned to service providers as baseline minimums.
    • Show some flexibility. Be willing to give up some ground on one SLO in exchange for acceptance of SLOs that may be more important to your organization.
    • Re-group. Have a fallback position or Plan B. What if the provider can’t or won’t meet your key SLOs? Do you walk?
    • Do your homework. Understand what the typical standard SLOs are for the type of service level.

    2.4 SLO overachieving incentive discussion

    Monitoring & Reporting

    • SLO overachieving metrics are seen in some SLAs where there is a high priority for a service provider to meet and or exceed the SLOs within the SLA. These are not common terms but can be used to improve the overall service levels of a provider. In these scenarios the provider is sometimes rewarded for overachieving on the SLOs, either consistently or on a monthly or quarterly basis. In some cases, it can make financial sense to incent the service provider to overachieve on their commitments. Incentives can drive behaviors and improved performance by the provider that can intern improve the benefits to your organization and therefore justify an incent of some type.
    • Example: You could have an SLO for invoice accuracy. If not achieved, it could cost the vendor if they don’t meet the accuracy metric, however if they were to consistently overachieve the metric it could save accounts payable hours of time in validation and therefore you could pass on some of these measurable savings to the provider.
    • Overachieving incentives can add complexity to the SLA so they need to be easily measurable and simple to manage.
    • Overachieving incentives can also be used in provider performance improvement plans, where a provider might have poor trending attainment and you need to have them improve their performance in a short period of time. Incentives typically will motivate provider improvement and generally will cost much less than replacing the provider.
    • There is another school of thought that you shouldn’t have to pay a provider for doing their job; however, others are of the opinion that incentives or bonuses improve the overall performance of individuals or teams and are therefore worth consideration if both parties benefit from the over performance.

    Reduce Risk With Rock-Solid Service-Level Agreements

    Phase 3

    Understand SLA Elements

    Create Requirements

    Phase 3

    Manage Obligations

    Phase Steps

    • 3.1 SLA monitoring and tracking
    • 3.2 Reporting
    • 3.3 Vendor SLA reviews & optimizing
    • 3.4 Performance management

    3.1 SLA monitoring, tracking, and remedy reconciliation

    The next step to effective SLAs is the management component. It could be fruitless if you were to spend your time and efforts negotiating your required service levels and metrics and don’t have some level of managing the SLA. In that situation you would have no way of knowing if the service provider is attaining their SLOs.

    There are several key elements to effective SLA management:

    • SLO monitoring
    • Simple, concise reporting
    • SLO attainment tracking
    • Score carding & trending
    • Remedy reconciliation

    SLA Management framework

    SLA Monitoring → Concise Reporting → Attainment Tracking → Score Carding →Remedy Reconciliation

    “A shift we’re beginning to see is an increased use of data and process discovery tools to measure SLAs,” says Borowski of West Monroe. “While not pervasive yet, these tools represent an opportunity to identify the most meaningful metrics and objectively measure performance (e.g., cycle time, quality, compliance). When provided by the client, it also eliminates the dependency on provider tools as the source-of-truth for performance data.” – Stephanie Overby

    3.1 SLA management framework

    SLA Performance Management

    • SLA monitoring provides data for SLO reports or dashboards. Reports provide attainment data for tacking over time. Attainment data feeds scorecards and allows for trending analysis. Missed attainment data triggers remedies.
    • All service providers monitor their systems, platforms, tickets, agents, sensors etc. to be able to do their jobs. Therefore, monitoring is readily available from your service provider in some form.
    • One of the key purposes of monitoring is to generate data into internal reports or dashboards that capture the performance metrics of the various services. Therefore, service-level and metric reports are readily available for all of the service levels that a service provider is contracted or engaged to provide.
    • Monitoring and reporting are the key elements that validate how your service provider is meeting its SLA obligations and thus are very important elements of an SLA. SLO report data becomes attainment data once the metric or KPI has been captured.
    • As a component of effective SLA management, this attainment data needs to be tracked/recorded in an easy-to-read format or table over a period of time. Attainment data can then be used to generate scorecards and trending reports for your review both internally and with the provider as required.
    • If attainment data shows that the service provider is meeting their SLA obligations, then the SLA is meeting your requirements and expectations. If on the other hand, attainment data shows that obligations are not being met, then actions must be taken to hold the service provider accountable. The most common method is through remedies that are typically in the form of a credit through a defined process (see Sec. 1.3). Any credits due for missed SLOs should also be tracked and reported to stakeholders and accounting for validation, reconciliation, and collection.

    3.2 Reporting

    Monitoring & Reporting

    • Many SLAs are silent on monitoring and reporting elements and require that the customer, if aware or able, to monitor the providers service levels and attainment and create their own KPI and reports. Then if SLOs are not met there is an arduous process that the customer must go through to request their rightful credit. This manual and reactive method creates all kinds of risk and cost to the customer and they should make all attempts to ensure that the service provider proactively provides SLO/KPI attainment reports on a regular basis.
    • Automated monitoring and reporting is a common task for many IT departments. There is no reason that a service provider can’t send reports proactively in a format that can be easily interpreted by the customer. The ideal state would be to capture KPI report data into a customer’s internal service provider scorecard.
    • Automated or automatic credit posting is another key element that service providers tend to ignore, primarily in hopes that the customer won’t request or go through the trouble of the process. This needs to change. Some large cloud vendors already have automated processes that automatically post a credit to your account if they miss an SLO. This proactive credit process should be at the top of your negotiation checklist. Service providers are avoiding thousands of credit dollars every year based on the design of their credit process. As more customers push back and negotiate more efficient credit processes, vendors will soon start to change and may use it as a differentiator with their service.

    3.2.1 Performance tracking and trending

    What gets measured gets done

    SLO Attainment Tracking

    A primary goal of proactive and automated reporting and credit process is to capture the provider’s attainment data into a tracker or vendor scorecard. These tracking scorecards can easily create status reports and performance trending of service providers, to IT leadership as well as feed QBR agenda content.

    Remedy Reconciliation

    Regardless of how a credit is processed it should be tracked and reconciled with internal stakeholders and accounting to ensure credits are duly applied or received from the provider and in a timely manner. Tracking and reconciliation must also align with your payment terms, whether monthly or annually.

    “While the adage, ‘You can't manage what you don't measure,’ continues to be true, the downside for organizations using metrics is that the provider will change their behavior to maximize their scores on performance benchmarks.” – Rob Lemos

    3.2.1 Activity SLA Tracker and Trending Tool

    1-2 hours setup


    • SLO metrics/KPIs from the SLA
    • Credit values associated with SLO


    • Monthly SLO attainment data
    • Credit tracking
    • SLO trending graphs


    • Service provider SLO reports
    • Service provider SLA
    • SLO Tracker & Trending Tool


    • Contract or vendor managers
    • Application or service managers
    • Service provider

    An important activity in the SLA management framework is to track the provider’s SLO attainment on a monthly or quarterly basis. In addition, if an SLO is missed, an associated credit needs to be tracked and captured. This activity allows you to capture the SLOs from the SLA and track them continually and provide data for trending and review at vendor performance meetings and executive updates.

    Instructions: Enter SLOs from the SLA as applicable.

    Each month, from the provider’s reports or dashboards, enter the SLO metric attainment.

    When an SLO is met, the cell will turn green. If the SLO is missed, the cell will turn red and a corresponding cell in the Credit Tracker will turn green, meaning that a credit needs to be reconciled.

    Use the Trending tab to view trending graphs of key service levels and SLOs.

    Download the SLO Tracker and Trending Tool

    3.3 Vendor SLA reviews and optimizing

    Regular reviews should be done with providers

    Collecting attainment data with scorecards or tracking tools provides summary information on the performance of the service provider to their SLA obligations. This information should be used for regular reviews both internally and with the provider.

    Regular attainment reviews should be used for:

    • Performance trending upward or downward
    • Identifying opportunities to revise or improve SLOs
    • Optimizing SLO and processes
    • Creating a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) for the service provider

    Some organizations choose to review SLA performance with providers at regular QBRs or at specific SLA review meetings

    This should be determined based on the criticality, risk, and strategic importance of the provider’s service. Providers that provide essential services like ERP, payroll, CRM, HRIS, IaaS etc. should be reviewed much more regularly to ensure that any decline in service is identified early and addressed properly in accordance with the service provider. Negative trending performance should also be documented for consideration at renewal time.

    3.4 Performance management

    Dealing with persistent poor performance and termination

    Service providers that consistently miss key service level metrics or KPIs present financial and security risk to the organization. Poor performance of a service provider reflects directly on the IT leadership and will affect many other business aspects of the organization including:

    • Ability to conduct day-to-day business activities
    • Meet internal obligations and expectations
    • Employee productivity and satisfaction
    • Maintain corporate policies or industry compliance
    • Meet security requirements

    Communication is key. Poor performance of a service provider needs to be dealt with in a timely manner in order to avoid more critical impact of the poor performance. Actions taken with the provider can also vary depending again on the criticality, risk, and strategic importance of the provider’s service.

    Performance reviews should provide the actions required with the goal of:

    • Making the performance problems into opportunities
    • Working with the provider to create a PIP with aggressive timelines and ramifications if not attained
    • Non-renewal or termination consideration, if feasible including provider replacement options, risk, costs, etc.
    • SLA renegotiation or revisions
    • Warning notifications to the service provider with concise issues and ramifications

    To avoid the issues and challenges of dealing with chronic poor performance, consider a Persistent or Chronic Failure clause into the SLA contract language. These clauses can define chronic failure, scenarios, ramifications there of, and defined options for the client including increased credit values, non-monetary remedies, and termination options without liability.

    Info-Tech Insight

    It’s difficult to prevent chronic poor performance but you can certainly track it and deal with it in a way that reduces risk and cost to your organization.

    SLA Hall of Shame

    Crazy service provider SLA content collection

    • Excessive list of unreasonable exclusions
    • Subcontractors’ behavior could be excluded
    • Downtime credit, equal to downtime percent x the MRC
    • Controllable FM events (internal labor issues, health events)
    • Difficult downtime or credit calculations that don’t make sense
    • Credits are not valid if agreement is terminated early or not renewed
    • Customer is not current on their account, SLA or credits do not count/apply
    • Total downtime = to prorated credit value (down 3 hrs = 3/720hrs = 0.4% credit)
    • SLOs don’t apply if customer fails to report the issue or request a trouble ticket
    • Downtime during off hours (overnight) do not count towards availability metrics
    • Different availability commitments based on different support-levels packages
    • Extending the agreement term by the length of downtime as a form of a remedy

    SLA Dos and Don’ts


    • Do negotiate SLOs to vendor’s average performance
    • Do strive for automated reporting and credit processes
    • Do right-size and create your SLO criteria based on risk mitigation
    • Do review SLA attainment results with strategic service providers on a regular basis
    • Do ensure that all key elements and components of an SLA are present in the document or appendix


    • Don’t accept the providers response that “we can’t change the SLOs for you because then we’d have to change them for everyone”
    • Don’t leave SLA preparation to the last minute. Give it priority as you negotiate with the provider
    • Don’t create complex SLAs with numerous service levels and SLOs that need to be reported and managed
    • Don’t aim for absolute perfection. Rather, prioritize which service levels are most important to you for the service

    Summary of Accomplishment

    Problem Solved

    Knowledge Gained

    • Understanding of the elements and components of an SLA
    • A list of SLO metrics aligned to service types that meet your organization’s criteria
    • SLA metric/KPI templates
    • SLA Management process for your provider’s service objectives
    • Reporting and tracking process for performance trending

    Deliverables Completed

    • SLA component and contract element checklist
    • Evaluation or service provider SLAs
    • SLA templates for strategic service types
    • SLA tracker for strategic service providers

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through other phases as part of an Info-Tech workshop.

    Contact your account representative for more information.


    Related Info-Tech Research

    Improve IT-Business Alignment Through an Internal SLA

    • Understand business requirements, clarify current capabilities, and enable strategies to close service-level gaps.

    Data center Co-location SLA & Service Definition Template

    • In essence, the SLA defines the “product” that is being purchased, permitting the provider to rationalize resources to best meet the needs of varied clients, and permits the buyer to ensure that business requirements are being met.

    Ensure Cloud Security in IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS Environments

    • Keep your information security risks manageable when leveraging the benefits of cloud computing.


    Henderson, George. “3 Most Common Types of Service Level Agreement (SLA).” Master of Project Academy. N.d. Web.

    “Guide to Security Operations Metrics.” Logsign. Oct 5, 2020. Web.

    Lemos, Rob. “4 lessons from SOC metrics: What your SpecOps team needs to know.” TechBeacon. N.d. Web.

    “Measuring and Making the Most of Service Desk Metrics.” Freshworks. N.d. Web.

    Overby, Stephanie. “15 SLA Mistakes IT Leaders Still Make.” CIO. Jan 21, 2021.

    Monitor IT Employee Experience

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}543|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 10.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $29,096 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 19 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Engage
    • Parent Category Link: /engage
    • In IT, high turnover and sub-optimized productivity can have huge impacts on IT’s ability to execute SLAs, complete projects on time, and maintain operations effectively.
    • With record low unemployment rates in IT, retaining top employees and keeping them motivated in their jobs has never been more critical.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • One bad experience can cost you your top employee. Engagement is the sum total of the day-to-day experiences your employees have with your company.
    • Engagement, not pay, drives results. Engagement is key to your team's productivity and ability to retain top talent. Approach it systematically to learn what really drives your team.
    • It’s time for leadership to step up. As the CIO, it’s up to you to take ownership of your team’s engagement.

    Impact and Result

    • Info-Tech tools and guidance will help you initiate an effective conversation with your team around engagement, and avoid common pitfalls in implementing engagement initiatives.
    • Monitoring employee experience continuously using the Employee Experience Monitor enables you to take a data-driven approach to evaluating the success of your engagement initiatives.

    Monitor IT Employee Experience Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should focus on employee experience to improve engagement in IT, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand how our tools will help you construct an effective employee engagement program.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Start monitoring employee experience

    Plan out your employee engagement program and launch the Employee Experience Monitor survey for your team.

    • Drive IT Performance by Monitoring Employee Experience – Phase 1: Start Monitoring Employee Experience
    • None
    • None
    • EXM Setup Guide
    • EXM Training Guide for Managers
    • None
    • EXM Communication Template

    2. Analyze results and ideate solutions

    Interpret your Employee Experience Monitor results, understand what they mean in the context of your team, and involve your staff in brainstorming engagement initiatives.

    • Drive IT Performance by Monitoring Employee Experience – Phase 2: Analyze Results and Ideate Solutions
    • EXM Focus Group Facilitation Guide
    • Focus Group Facilitation Guide Driver Definitions

    3. Select and implement engagement initiatives

    Select engagement initiatives for maximal impact, create an action plan, and establish open and ongoing communication about engagement with your team.

    • Drive IT Performance by Monitoring Employee Experience – Phase 3: Measure and Communicate Results
    • Engagement Progress One-Pager

    Workshop: Monitor IT Employee Experience

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Launch the EXM

    The Purpose

    Set up the EXM and collect a few months of data to build on during the workshop.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Arm yourself with an index of employee experience and candid feedback from your team to use as a starting point for your engagement program.


    1.1 Identify EXM use case.

    1.2 Identify engagement program goals and obstacles.

    1.3 Launch EXM.


    Defined engagement goals.

    EXM online dashboard with three months of results.

    2 Explore Engagement

    The Purpose

    To understand the current state of engagement and prepare to discuss the drivers behind it with your staff.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Empower your leadership team to take charge of their own team's engagement.


    2.1 Review EXM results to understand employee experience.

    2.2 Finalize focus group agendas.

    2.3 Train managers.


    Customized focus group agendas.

    3 Hold Employee Focus Groups

    The Purpose

    Establish an open dialogue with your staff to understand what drives their engagement.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Understand where in your team’s experience you can make the most impact as an IT leader.


    3.1 Identify priority drivers.

    3.2 Identify engagement KPIs.

    3.3 Brainstorm engagement initiatives.

    3.4 Vote on initiatives within teams.


    Summary of focus groups results

    Identified engagement initiatives.

    4 Select and Plan Initiatives

    The Purpose

    Learn the characteristics of successful engagement initiatives and build execution plans for each.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Choose initiatives with the greatest impact on your team’s engagement, and ensure you have the necessary resources for success.


    4.1 Select engagement initiatives with IT leadership.

    4.2 Discuss and decide on the top five engagement initiatives.

    4.3 Create initiative project plans.

    4.4 Build detailed project plans.

    4.5 Present project plans.


    Engagement project plans.

    Ransomware Cyber Attack. The real Disaster Recovery Scenario

    Cyber-ransomware criminals need to make sure that you cannot simply recover your encrypted data via your backups. They must make it look like paying is your only option. And if you do not have a strategy that takes this into account, unfortunately, you may be up the creek without a paddle. because how do they make their case? Bylooking for ways to infect your backups, way before you find out you have been compromised. 

    That means your standard disaster recovery scenarios provide insufficient protection against this type of event. You need to think beyond DRP and give consideration to what John Beattie and Michael Shandrowski call "Cyber Incident Recovery Risk management" (CIR-RM).  

    incident, incident management, cybersecurity, cyber, disaster recovery, drp, business continuity, bcm, recovery

    Register to read more …

    Design and Implement a Business-Aligned Security Program

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}368|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Security Strategy & Budgeting
    • Parent Category Link: /security-strategy-and-budgeting
    • You need to build a security program that enables business services and secures the technology that makes them possible.
    • Building an effective, business-aligned security program requires that you coordinate many components, including technologies, processes, organizational structures, information flows, and behaviors.
    • The program must prioritize the right capabilities, and support its implementation with clear accountabilities, roles, and responsibilities.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Common security frameworks focus on operational controls rather than business value creation, are difficult to convey to stakeholders, and provide little implementation guidance.
    • A security strategy can provide a snapshot of your program, but it won’t help you modernize or transform it, or align it to meet emerging business requirements.
    • There is no unique, one-size-fits-all security program. Each organization has a distinct character and profile and differs from others in several critical respects.

    Impact and Result

    Tailor your security program according to what makes your organization unique.

    • Analyze critical design factors to determine and refine the scope of your security program and prioritize core program capabilities.
    • Identify program accountabilities, roles, and responsibilities.
    • Build an implementation roadmap to ensure its components work together in a systematic way to meet business requirements.

    Design and Implement a Business-Aligned Security Program Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Design and Implement a Business-Aligned Security Strategy – A step-by-step guide on how to understand what makes your organization unique and design a security program with capabilities that create business value.

    This storyboard will help you lay foundations for your security program that will inform future security program decisions and give your leadership team the information they need to support your success. You will evaluate design factors that make your organization unique, prioritize the security capabilities to suit, and assess the maturity of key security program components including security governance, security strategy, security architecture, service design, and service metrics.

    • Design and Implement a Business-Aligned Security Program Storyboard

    2. Security Program Design Tool – Tailor the security program to what makes your organization unique to ensure business-alignment.

    Use this Excel workbook to evaluate your security program against ten key design factors. The tool will produce a goals cascade that shows the relationship between business and security goals, a prioritized list of security capabilities that align to business requirements, and a list of program accountabilities.

    • Security Program Design Tool

    3. Security Program Design and Implementation Plan – Assess the current state of different security program components, plan next steps, and communicate the outcome to stakeholders.

    This second Excel workbook will help you conduct a gap analysis on key security program components and identify improvement initiatives. You can then use the Security Program Design and Implementation Plan to collect results from the design and implementation tools and draft a communication deck.

    • Security Program Implementation Tool
    • Security Program Design and Implementation Plan


    Workshop: Design and Implement a Business-Aligned Security Program

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Initial Security Program Design

    The Purpose

    Determine the initial design of your security program.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    An initial prioritized list of security capabilities that aligns with enterprise strategy and goals.


    1.1 Review Info-Tech diagnostic results.

    1.2 Identify project context.

    1.3 Identify enterprise strategy.

    1.4 Identify enterprise goals.

    1.5 Build a goal cascade.

    1.6 Assess the risk profile.

    1.7 Identify IT-related issues.

    1.8 Evaluate initial program design.


    Stakeholder satisfaction with program

    Situation, challenges, opportunities

    Initial set of prioritized security capabilities

    Initial set of prioritized security capabilities

    Initial set of prioritized security capabilities

    Initial set of prioritized security capabilities

    Initial set of prioritized security capabilities

    Initial set of prioritized security capabilities

    2 Refine Security Program Capabilities

    The Purpose

    Refine the design of your security program.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A refined, prioritized list of security capabilities that reflects what makes your organization unique.


    2.1 Gauge threat landscape.

    2.2 Identify compliance requirements.

    2.3 Categorize the role of IT.

    2.4 Identify the sourcing model.

    2.5 Identify the IT implementation model.

    2.6 Identify the tech adoption strategy.

    2.7 Refine the scope of the program.


    Refined set of prioritized security capabilities

    Refined set of prioritized security capabilities

    Refined set of prioritized security capabilities

    Refined set of prioritized security capabilities

    Refined set of prioritized security capabilities

    Refined set of prioritized security capabilities

    Refined set of prioritized security capabilities

    3 Security Program Gap Analysis

    The Purpose

    Finalize security program design.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Key accountabilities to support the security program

    Gap analysis to produce an improvement plan


    3.1 Identify program accountabilities.

    3.2 Conduct program gap analysis.

    3.3 Prioritize initiatives.


    Documented program accountabilities.

    Security program gap analysis

    Security program gap analysis

    4 Roadmap and Implementation Plan

    The Purpose

    Create and communicate an improvement roadmap for the security program.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Security program design and implementation plan to organize and communicate program improvements.


    4.1 Build program roadmap

    4.2 Finalize implementation plan

    4.3 Sponsor check-in


    Roadmap of program improvement initiatives

    Roadmap of program improvement initiatives

    Communication deck for program design and implementation

    Further reading

    Design a Business-Aligned Security Program

    Focus on business value first.


    Analyst Perspective

    Business alignment is no accident.

    Michel Hébert

    Security leaders often tout their choice of technical security framework as the first and most important program decision they make. While the right framework can help you take a snapshot of the maturity of your program and produce a quick strategy and roadmap, it won’t help you align, modernize, or transform your program to meet emerging business requirements.

    Common technical security frameworks focus on operational controls rather than business services and value creation. They are difficult to convey to business stakeholders and provide little program management or implementation guidance.

    Focus on business value first, and the security services that enable it. Your organization has its own distinct character and profile. Understand what makes your organization unique, then design and refine the design of your security program to ensure it supports the right capabilities. Next, collaborate with stakeholders to ensure the right accountabilities, roles, and responsibilities are in place to support the implementation of the security program.

    Michel Hébert
    Research Director, Security & Privacy
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    Common Obstacles

    Info-Tech’s Approach

    • You need to build a security program that enables business services and secures the technology that makes them possible.
    • Building an effective, business-aligned security program requires that you coordinate many components, including technologies, processes, organizational structures, information flows, and behaviors.
    • The program must prioritize the right capabilities, and support its implementation with clear accountabilities, roles, and responsibilities.
    • Common security frameworks focus on operational controls rather than business value creation, are difficult to convey to stakeholders, and provide little implementation guidance.
    • A security strategy can provide a snapshot of your program, but it won’t help you modernize or transform it, or align it to meet emerging business requirements.
    • There is no unique, one-size-fits-all security program. Each organization has a distinct character and profile and differs from others in several critical respects.

    Tailor your security program according to what makes your organization unique.

    • Analyze critical design factors to determine and refine the design of your security program and prioritize core program capabilities.
    • Identify program accountabilities, roles, and responsibilities.
    • Build an implementation roadmap to ensure its components work together in a systematic way to meet business requirements.

    Info-Tech Insight

    You are a business leader who supports business goals and mitigates risk. Focus first on business value and the security services that enable it, not security controls.

    Your challenge

    The need for a solid and responsive security program has never been greater.

    • You need to build a security program that enables business services and secures the technology that makes them possible.
    • Building an effective, business-aligned security program requires that you coordinate many components, including technologies, processes, organizational structures, information flows, and behaviors.
    • The program must prioritize the right capabilities, and support its implementation with clear accountabilities, roles, and responsibilities.
    • You must communicate effectively with stakeholders to describe the risks the organization faces, their likely impact on organizational goals, and how the security program will mitigate those risks and support the creation of business value.
    • Ransomware is a persistent threat to organizations worldwide across all industries.
    • Cybercriminals deploying ransomware are evolving into a growing and sophisticated criminal ecosystem that will continue to adapt to maximize its profits.

    • Critical infrastructure is increasingly at risk.
    • Malicious agents continue to target critical infrastructure to harm industrial processes and the customers they serve State-sponsored actors are expected to continue to target critical infrastructure to collect information through espionage, pre-position in case of future hostilities, and project state power.

    • Disruptive technologies bring new threats.
    • Malicious actors increasingly deceive or exploit cryptocurrencies, machine learning, and artificial intelligence technologies to support their activities.

    Sources: CCCS (2023), CISA (2023), ENISA (2023)

    Your challenge

    Most security programs are not aligned with the overall business strategy.

    50% Only half of leaders are framing the impact of security threats as a business risk.

    49% Less than half of leaders align security program cost and risk reduction targets with the business.

    57% Most leaders still don’t regularly review security program performance of the business.

    Source: Tenable, 2021

    Common obstacles

    Misalignment is hurting your security program and making you less influential.

    Organizations with misaligned security programs have 48% more security incidents...

    …and the cost of their data breaches are 40% higher than those with aligned programs.

    37% of stakeholders still lack confidence in their security program.

    54% of senior leaders still doubt security gets the goals of the organization.

    Source: Frost & Sullivan, 2019
    Source: Ponemon, 2023

    Common obstacles

    Common security frameworks won’t help you align your program.

    • Common security frameworks focus on operational controls rather than business value creation, are difficult to convey to stakeholders, and provide little implementation guidance.
    • A security strategy based on the right framework can provide a snapshot of your program, but it won’t help you modernize, transform, or align your program to meet emerging business requirements.
    • The lack of guidance leads to a lack of structure in the way security services are designed and managed, which reduces service quality, increases security friction, and reduces business satisfaction.

    There is no unique, one-size-fits-all security program.

    • Each organization has a distinct character and profile and differs from others in several critical respects. The security program for a cloud-first, DevOps environment must emphasize different capabilities and accountabilities than one for an on-premise environment and a traditional implementation model.

    Info-Tech’s approach

    You are a business leader who supports business goals and mitigates risk.

    • Understand what makes your organization unique, then design and refine a security program with capabilities that create business value.
    • Next, collaborate with stakeholders to ensure the right accountabilities, roles, and responsibilities are in place, and build an implementation roadmap to ensure its components work together over time.

    Security needs to evolve as a business strategy.

    • Laying the right foundations for your security program will inform future security program decisions and give your leadership team the information they need to support your success. You can do it in two steps:
      • Evaluate the design factors that make your organization unique and prioritize the security capabilities to suit. Info-Tech’s approach is based on the design process embedded in the latest COBIT framework.
      • Review the key components of your security program, including security governance, security strategy, security architecture, service design, and service metrics.

    If you build it, they will come

    “There's so much focus on better risk management that every leadership team in every organization wants to be part of the solution.

    If you can give them good data about what things they really need to do, they will work to understand it and help you solve the problem.”

    Dan Bowden, CISO, Sentara Healthcare (Tenable)

    Design a Business-Aligned Security Program

    The image contains a screenshot of how to Design a business-aligned security program.

    Choose your own adventure

    This blueprint is ideal for new CISOs and for program modernization initiatives.

    1. New CISO

    “I need to understand the business, prioritize core security capabilities, and identify program accountabilities quickly.”

    2. Program Renewal

    “The business is changing, and the threat landscape is shifting. I am concerned the program is getting stale.”

    Use this blueprint to understand what makes your organization unique:

    1. Prioritize security capabilities.
    2. Identify program accountabilities.
    3. Plan program implementation.

    If you need a deep dive into governance, move on to a security governance and management initiative.

    3. Program Update

    “I am happy with the fundamentals of my security program. I need to assess and improve our security posture.”

    Move on to our guidance on how to Build an Information Security Strategy instead.

    Info-Tech’s methodology for security program design

    Define Scope of
    Security Program

    Refine Scope of
    Security Program

    Finalize Security
    Program Design

    Phase steps

    1.1 Identify enterprise strategy

    1.2 Identify enterprise goals

    1.3 Assess the risk profile

    1.4 Identify IT-related issues

    1.5 Define initial program design

    2.1 Gage threats and compliance

    2.2 Assess IT role and sourcing

    2.3 Assess IT implementation model

    2.4 Assess tech adoption strategy

    2.5 Refine program design

    3.1 Identify program accountabilities

    3.2 Define program target state

    3.3 Build program roadmap

    Phase outcomes

    • Initial security program design
    • Refined security program design
    • Prioritized set of security capabilities
    • Program accountabilities
    • Program gap closure initiatives


    Insight Map

    You are a business leader first and a security leader second

    Technical security frameworks are static and focused on operational controls and standards. They belong in your program’s solar system but not at its center. Design your security program with business value and the security services that enable it in mind, not security controls.

    There is no one-size-fits-all security program
    Tailor your security program to your organization’s distinct profile to ensure the program generates value.

    Lay the right foundations to increase engagement
    Map out accountabilities, roles, and responsibilities to ensure the components of your security program work together over time to secure and enable business services.

    If you build it, they will come
    Your executive team wants to be part of the solution. If you give them reliable data for the things they really need to do, they will work to understand and help you solve the problem.

    Blueprint deliverables

    Info-Tech supports project and workshop activities with deliverables to help you accomplish your goals and accelerate your success.

    Security Program Design Tool

    Tailor the security program to what makes your organization unique to ensure alignment.

    The image contains a screenshot of the Security Program Design Tool.

    Security Program Implementation Tool

    Assess the current state of different security program components and plan next steps.

    SecurityProgram Design and Implementation Plan

    Communicate capabilities, accountabilities, and implementation initiatives.

    The image contains a screenshot of the Security Program Design and Implementation Plan.

    Key deliverable

    Security Program Design and Implementation Plan

    The design and implementation plan captures the key insights your work will generate, including:

    • A prioritized set of security capabilities aligned to business requirements.
    • Security program accountabilities.
    • Security program implementation initiatives.

    Blueprint benefits

    IT Benefits

    Business Benefits

    • Laying the right foundations for your security program will:
      • Inform the future security governance, security strategy, security architecture, and service design decisions you need to make.
      • Improve security service design and service quality, reduce security friction, and increase business satisfaction with the security program.
      • Help you give your leadership team the information they need to support your success.
      • Improve the standing of the security program with business leaders.
    • Organizations with a well-aligned security program:
      • Improve security risk management, performance measurement, resource management, and value delivery.
      • Lower rates of security incidents and lower-cost security breaches.
      • Align costs, performance, and risk reduction objectives with business needs.
      • Are more satisfied with their security program.

    Measure the value of using Info-Tech’s approach

    Assess the effectiveness of your security program with a risk-based approach.



    Security Program Design

    • Prioritized set of security capabilities
    • Program accountabilities
    • Devise and deploy an approach to gather business requirements, identify and prioritize relevant security capabilities, and assign program accountabilities.
    • Cost and Effort : 2 FTEs x 90 days x $130,000/year

    Program Assessment and Implementation Plan

    • Security program assessment
    • Roadmap of gap closure initiatives
    • Devise and deploy an approach to assess the current state of your security program, identify gap closure or improvement initiatives, and build a transformation roadmap.
    • Cost and Effort : 2 FTEs x 90 days x $130,000/year

    Measured Value

    • Using Info-Tech’s best practice methodology will cut the cost and effort in half.
    • Savings: 2 FTEs x 45 days x $130,000/year = $65,000

    Measure the impact of your project

    Use Info-Tech diagnostics before and after the engagement to measure your progress.

    • Info-Tech diagnostics are standardized surveys that produce historical and industry trends against which to benchmark your organization.
    • Run the Security Business Satisfaction and Alignment diagnostic now, and again in twelve months to assess business satisfaction with the security program and measure the impact of your program improvements.
    • Reach out to your account manager or follow the link to deploy the diagnostic and measure your success. Diagnostics are included in your membership.

    Inform this step with Info-Tech diagnostic results

    • Info-Tech diagnostics are standardized surveys that accelerate the process of gathering and analyzing pain point data.
    • Diagnostics also produce historical and industry trends against which to benchmark your organization.
    • Reach out to your account manager or follow the links to deploy some or all these diagnostics to validate your assumptions. Diagnostics are included in your membership.

    Governance & Management Maturity Scorecard
    Understand the maturity of your security program across eight domains.
    Audience: Security Manager

    Security Business Satisfaction and Alignment Report
    Assess the organization’s satisfaction with the security program.
    Audience: Business Leaders

    CIO Business Vision
    Assess the organization’s satisfaction with IT services and identify relevant challenges.
    Audience: Business Leaders

    Executive Brief Case Study

    INDUSTRY: Higher Education

    SOURCE: Interview

    Building a business-aligned security program

    Portland Community College (PCC) is the largest post-secondary institution in Oregon and serves more than 50,000 students each year. The college has a well-established information technology program, which supports its education mission in four main campuses and several smaller centers.

    PCC launched a security program modernization effort to deal with the evolving threat landscape in higher education. The CISO studied the enterprise strategy and goals and reviewed the college’s risk profile and compliance requirements. The exercise helped the organization prioritize security capabilities for the renewal effort and informed the careful assessment of technical controls in the current security program.


    Laying the right foundations for the security program helped the security function understand how to provide the organization with a clear report of its security posture. The CISO now reports directly to the board of directors and works with stakeholders to align cost, performance, and risk reduction objectives with the needs of the college.

    The security program modernization effort prioritized several critical design factors

    • Enterprise Strategy
    • Enterprise Goals
    • IT Risk Profile
    • IT-Related Issues
    • IT Threat Landscape
    • Compliance Requirements

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    “Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful.”

    Guided Implementation

    “Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track.”


    “We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place.”


    “Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project.”

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options

    Guided Implementation

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

    Call #1:
    Scope requirements, objectives, and specific challenges.

    Call #2:
    Define business context, assess risk profile, and identify existing security issues.

    Define initial design of security program.

    Call #3:
    Evaluate threat landscape and compliance requirements.

    Call #4:
    Analyze the role of IT, the security sourcing model, technology adoption, and implementation models.

    Refine the design of the security program.

    Call #5:
    Identify program accountabilities.

    Call #6:
    Design program target state and draft security program implementation plan.

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    A typical GI is 4 to 6 calls over the course of 6 months.

    Workshop Overview

    Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889

    Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

    Initial Security
    Program Design

    Refine Security
    Program Design

    Security Program
    Gap Analysis

    Roadmap and Implementation Plan

    Next Steps and
    Wrap-Up (offsite)


    1.1.0 Review Info-Tech diagnostic results

    1.1.1 Identify project context

    1.1.2 Identify enterprise strategy

    1.2.1 Identify enterprise goals

    1.2.2 Build a goals cascade

    1.3 Assess the risk profile

    1.4 Identify IT-related issues

    1.5 Evaluate initial program design

    2.1.1 Gauge threat landscape

    2.1.2 Identify compliance requirements

    2.2.1 Categorize the role of IT

    2.2.2 Identify the sourcing model

    2.3.1 Identify the IT implementation model

    2.4.1 Identify the tech adoption strategy

    2.5.1 Refine the design of the program

    3.1 Identify program accountabilities

    3.2.1 Conduct program gap analysis

    3.2.2 Prioritize initiatives

    3.3.1 Build program roadmap

    3.3.2 Finalize implementation plan

    3.3.3 Sponsor check-in

    4.1 Complete in-progress deliverables from previous four days

    4.2 Set up review time for workshop deliverables and to discuss next steps


    1. Project context
    2. Stakeholder satisfaction feedback on security program
    3. Initial set of prioritized security capabilities
    1. Refined set of prioritized security capabilities
    1. Documented program accountabilities
    2. Security program gap analysis
    1. Roadmap of initiatives
    2. Communication deck for program design and implementation
    1. Completed security program design
    2. Security program design and implementation plan

    Customize your journey

    The security design blueprint pairs well with security governance and security strategy.

    • The prioritized set of security capabilities you develop during the program design project will inform efforts to develop other parts of your security program, like the security governance and management program and the security strategy.
    • Work with your member services director, executive advisor, or technical counselor to scope the journey you need. They will work with you to align the subject matter experts to support your roadmap and workshops.

    Days 1 and 2

    Days 3 and 4

    Security Program Design Factors

    Security Program Gap Analysis or
    Security Governance and Management

    The Accessibility Business Case for IT

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}519|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Lead
    • Parent Category Link: /lead
    • Laws requiring digital accessibility are changing and differ by location.
    • You need to make sure your digital assets, products, and services (internal and external) are accessible to everyone, but getting buy-in is difficult.
    • You may not know where your gaps in understanding are because conventional thinking is driven by compliance and risk mitigation.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • The longer you put off accessibility, the more tech debt you accumulate and the more you risk losing access to new and existing markets. The longer you wait to adopt standards and best practices, the more interest you’ll accumulate on accessibility barriers and costs for remediation.
    • Implementing accessibility feels counterintuitive to IT departments. IT always wants to optimize and move forward, but with accessibility you may stay at one level for what feels like an uncomfortably long period. Don’t worry; building consistency and shifting culture takes time.
    • Accessibility goes beyond compliance, which should be an outcome, not the objective. With 1 billion people worldwide with some form of disability, nearly everyone likely has a connection to disability, whether it be in themselves, family, or colleagues. The market of people with disabilities has a spending power of more than $6 trillion (WAI, 2018).

    Impact and Result

    • Take away the overwhelm that many feel when they hear “accessibility” and make the steps for your organization approachable.
    • Clearly communicate why accessibility is critical and how it supports the organization’s key objectives and initiatives.
    • Understand your current state related to accessibility and identify areas for key initiatives to become part of the IT strategic roadmap.

    The Accessibility Business Case for IT Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. The Accessibility Business Case for IT – Clearly communicate why accessibility is critical and how it supports the organization’s key objectives and initiatives.

    A step-by-step approach to walk you through understanding your current state related to accessibility maturity, identifying your desired future state, and building your business case to seek buy-in. This storyboard will help you figure out what’s right for your organization and build the accessibility business case for IT.

    • The Accessibility Business Case for IT – Phases 1-3

    2. Accessibility Business Case Template – A clear, concise, and compelling business case template to communicate the criticality of accessibility.

    The business case for accessibility is strong. Use this template to communicate to senior leaders the benefits, challenges, and risks of inaction.

    • Accessibility Business Case Template

    3. Accessibility Maturity Assessment – A structured tool to help you identify your current accessibility maturity level and identify opportunities to ensure progress.

    This tool uses a capability maturity model framework to evaluate your current state of accessibility. Maturity level is assessed on three interconnected aspects (people, process, and technology) across six dimensions proven to impact accessibility. Complete the assessment to get recommendations based on where you’re at.

    • Accessibility Maturity Assessment


    Further reading

    The Accessibility Business Case for IT

    Accessibility goes beyond compliance

    Analyst Perspective

    Avoid tech debt related to accessibility barriers

    Accessibility is important for individuals, businesses, and society. Diverse populations need diverse access, and it’s essential to provide access and opportunity to everyone, including people with diverse abilities. In fact, access to information and communications technologies (ICT) is a basic human right according to the United Nations.

    The benefits of ICT accessibility go beyond compliance. Many innovations that we use in everyday life, such as voice activation, began as accessibility initiatives and ended up creating a better lived experience for everyone. Accessibility can improve user experience and satisfaction, and it can enhance your brand, drive innovation, and extend your market reach (WAI, 2022).

    Although your organization might be required by law to ensure accessibility, understanding your users’ needs and incorporating them into your processes early will determine success beyond just compliance.

    Heather Leier-Murray, Senior Research Analyst, People and Leadership

    Heather Leier-Murray
    Senior Research Analyst, People and Leadership
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge Common Obstacles Info-Tech’s Approach

    Global IT and business leaders are challenged to make digital products and services accessible because inaccessibility comes with increasing risk to brand reputation, legal ramifications, and constrained market reach.

    • Laws requiring digital accessibility are changing and differ by location.
    • You need to make sure your digital assets, products, and services (internal and external) are accessible to everyone.
    • The cost of inaction is rising.

    Understanding where to start, where accessibility lives, and if or when you’re done can be overwhelmingly difficult.

    • Executive leadership buy-in is difficult to get.
    • Conventional thinking is driven by compliance and risk mitigation.
    • You don’t know where your gaps in understanding are.

    Conventional approaches to accessibility often fail because users are expected to do the hard work. You have to be doing 80% of the hard work.1

    Use Info-Tech’s research and resources to do what’s right for your organization. This framework takes away the overwhelm that many feel when they hear “accessibility” and makes the steps for your organization approachable.

    • Clearly communicate why accessibility is critical and how it supports the organization’s key objectives and initiatives.
    • Understand your current state related to accessibility and identify areas for key initiatives to become part of the IT strategic roadmap.

    1. Harvard Business Review, 2021

    Info-Tech Insight
    The longer you put off accessibility, the more tech debt you accumulate and the more you risk losing access to new and existing markets. The longer you wait to adopt standards and best practices, the more interest you’ll accumulate on accessibility barriers and costs for remediation.

    Your challenge

    This research is designed to help organizations who are looking to:

    • Build a business case for accessibility.
    • Ensure that digital assets, products, and services are accessible to everyone, internally and externally.
    • Support staff and build skills to support the organization with accessibility and accommodation.
    • Get assistance figuring out where to start on the road to accessibility compliance and beyond.

    The cost of inaction related to accessibility is rising. Preparing for accessibility earlier helps prevent tech debt; the longer you wait to address your accessibility obligations, the more costly it gets.

    More than 3,500 digital accessibility lawsuits were filed in the US in 2020, up more than 50% from 2018.

    Source: UsableNet. Inc.

    Common obstacles

    These barriers make accessibility difficult to address for many organizations:

    • You don’t know where your gaps in understanding are. Recognizing the importance of accessibility and how it fits into the bigger picture is key to developing buy-in.
    • Too often organizations focus on mitigating risk by being compliance driven. Shifting focus to the user experience, internally and externally, will realize better results.
    • Conventional approaches to accessibility often fail because the expectation is for users to do the hard work. One in five people have a permanent disability, but it’s likely everyone will be faced with some sort of disability at some point in their lives.1 Your organization has to be doing at least 80% of the hard work.2
    • Other types of compliance reside clearly with one area of the organization. Accessibility, however, has many homes: IT, user experience (UX), customer experience (CX), and even HR.

    1. Smashing Magazine

    2. Harvard Business Review, 2021

    90% of companies claim to prioritize diversity.

    Source: Harvard Business Review, 2020

    Only 4% of those that claim to prioritize diversity consider disability in those initiatives.

    Source: Harvard Business Review, 2020

    The four principles of accessibility

    WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) identifies four principles of accessibility. WCAG is the most referenced standard in website accessibility lawsuits.

    The four principles of accessibility

    Source: eSSENTIAL Accessibility, 2022

    Why organizations address accessibility

    Top three reasons:

    61% 62% 78%
    To comply with laws To provide the best UX To include people with disabilities

    Source: Level Access

    Still, most businesses aren’t meeting compliance standards. Even though legislation has been in place for over 30 years, a 2022 study by WebAIM of 1,000,000 homepages returned a 96.8% WCAG 2.0 failure rate.

    Source: Institute for Disability Research, Policy, and Practice

    How organizations prioritize digital accessibility

    43% rated it as a top priority.

    36% rated it as important.

    Fewer than 5% rated as either low priority or not even on the radar.

    More than 65% agreed or strongly agreed it’s a higher priority than last year.

    Source: Angel Business Communications

    Organizations expect consumers to do more online

    The pandemic led to many businesses going digital and more people doing things online.

    Chart of activities performed more often compared to before COVID-19

    Chart of activities performed for the first time during COVID-19

    Source: Statistics Canada

    Disability is part of being human

    Merriam-Webster defines disability as a “physical, mental, cognitive, or developmental condition that impairs, interferes with, or limits a person’s ability to engage in certain tasks or actions or participate in typical daily activities and interactions.”1

    The World Health Organization (WHO) points out that a crucial part of the definition of disability is that it’s not just a health problem, but the environment impacts the experience and extent of disability. Inaccessibility creates barriers for full participation in society.2

    The likelihood of you experiencing a disability at some point in your life is very high, whether a physical or mental disability, seen or unseen, temporary or permanent, severe or mild.2

    Many people acquire disabilities as they age yet may not identify as “a person with a disability.”3 Where life expectancies are over 70 years of age, 11.5% of life is spent living with a disability. 4

    “Extreme personalization is becoming the primary difference in business success, and everyone wants to be a stakeholder in a company that provides processes, products, and services to employees and customers with equitable, person-centered experiences and allows for full participation where no one is left out.”
    – Paudie Healy, CEO, Universal Access

    1. Merriam-Webster
    2. World Health Organization
    3. Digital Leaders, as cited in WAI, 2018
    4. Disabled World, as cited in WAI, 2018

    Untapped talent resource

    Common myths about people with disabilities:

    • They can’t work.
    • They need more time off or are absent more often.
    • Only basic, unskilled work is appropriate for them.
    • Their productivity is lower than that of coworkers.
    • They cost more to recruit, train, and employ.
    • They decrease others’ productivity.
    • They’re not eligible for governmental financial incentives (e.g. apprentices).
    • They don’t fit in.

    These assumptions prevent organizations from hiring valuable people into the workforce and retaining them.

    Source: Forbes

    50% to 70% of people with disabilities are unemployed in industrialized countries. In the US alone, 61 million adults have a disability.

    Source: United Nations, as cited in Forbes

    Thought Model

    Info-Tech’s methodology for the accessibility business case for IT

    1. Understand Current State 2. Plan for Buy-in 3. Prepare Your Business Case
    Phase Steps
    1. Understand standards and legislation
    2. Build awareness
    3. Understand current accessibility maturity level Define desired future state
    1. Define desired future state
    2. Define goals and objectives
    3. Document roles and responsibilities
    1. Customize and populate the Accessibility Business Case Template and gain approval
    2. Validate post-approval steps and establish timelines
    Phase Outcomes
    • Accessibility maturity assessment
    • Accessibility drivers determined
    • Goals defined
    • Objectives identified
    • Roles and responsibilities documented
    • Business case drafted
    • Approval to move forward with implementing your accessibility program
    • Next steps and timelines

    Insight Summary

    Insight 1 The longer you put off accessibility, the more tech debt you accumulate and the more you risk losing access to new and existing markets. The longer you wait to adopt standards and best practices, the more interest you’ll accumulate on accessibility barriers and costs for remediation.
    Insight 2 Implementing accessibility feels counterintuitive to IT departments. IT always wants to optimize and move forward, but with accessibility you may stay at one level for what feels like an uncomfortably long period. Don’t worry; building consistency and shifting culture takes time.
    Insight 3 Accessibility goes beyond compliance, which should be an outcome, not the objective. With 1 billion people worldwide with some form of disability, nearly everyone likely has a connection to disability, whether it be in themselves, family, or colleagues. The market of people with disabilities has a spending power of more than $6 trillion.1

    1. WAI, 2018

    Blueprint deliverables

    This blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals.

    Accessibility Business Case Template

    The business case for accessibility is strong. Use this template to communicate to senior leaders the benefits and challenges of accessibility and the risks of inaction.

    Accessibility Maturity Assessment

    Use this assessment to understand your current accessibility maturity.

    Blueprint benefits

    Business Benefits IT Benefits
    • Don’t lose out on a 6-trillion-dollar market.
    • Don’t miss opportunities to work with organizations because you’re not accessible.
    • Enable and empower current employees with disabilities.
    • Minimize potential for negative brand reputation due to a lack of consideration for people with disabilities.
    • Decrease the risk of legal action being brought upon the organization.
    • Understand accessibility and know your role in it for your organization and your team members.
    • Be prepared and able to provide the user experience you want.
    • Decrease tech debt – start early to ensure accessibility for everyone.
    • Access an untapped labor market.
    • Mitigate IT retention challenges.

    Measure the value of this blueprint

    Improve stakeholder satisfaction and engagement

    • Tracking measures to understand the value of this blueprint is a critical part of the process.
    • Monitor employee engagement, overall stakeholder satisfaction with IT, and the overall end-customer satisfaction.
    • Remember, accessibility is not a one-and-done project – just because measures are positive does not mean your work is done.

    In phase 2 of this blueprint, we will help you establish current-state and target-state metrics for your organization.

    Suggested Metrics
    Overall end-customer satisfaction
    Monies saved through cost optimization efforts
    Employee engagement
    Monies save through application rationalization and standardization

    For more metrics ideas, see the Info-Tech IT Metrics Library.

    Executive Brief Case Study


    W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), 2018


    Investing in accessibility
    With an innovative edge, Google invests in accessibility with the objective of making life easier for everyone. Google has created a broad array of accessibility innovations in its products and services so that people with disabilities get as much out of them as anyone else.

    Part of Google’s core mission, accessibility means more to Google than implementing fixes. It is viewed positively by the organization and drives it to be more innovative to make information available to everyone. Google approaches accessibility problems not as barriers but as ways to innovate and discover breakthroughs that will become mainstream in the future.

    Among Google’s innovations are contrast minimums, auto-complete, voice-control, AI advances, and machine learning auto-captioning. All of these were created for accessibility purposes but have positively impacted the user experience in general for Google.

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit Guided Implementation Workshop Consulting
    "Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful." "Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track." "We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place." "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project."

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks are used throughout all four options.

    Guided Implementation

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    A typical GI is 4 to 6 calls over the course of 2 to 4 months.

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

    Call #1: Discuss motivation for the initiative and foundational knowledge requirements.

    Call #2: Discuss next steps to assess current accessibility maturity.

    Call #3: Discuss stakeholder engagement and future-state analysis.

    Call #4: Discuss defining goals and objectives, along with roles and responsibilities.

    Call #5: Review draft business case presentation.

    Call #6: Discuss post-approval steps and timelines.

    Phase 1

    Understand Your Current State

    Phase 1
    1.1 Understand standards and legislation
    1.2 Build awareness
    1.3 Understand maturity level

    Phase 2
    2.1 Define desired future state
    2.2 Define goals and objectives
    2.3 Document roles and responsibilities

    Phase 3
    3.1 Prepare business case template for presentation and approval
    3.2 Validate post-approval steps and establish timelines

    The Accessibility Business Case for IT

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Identifying and understanding accessibility and compliance requirements and the ramifications of noncompliance.
    • Defining accessibility, disability, and disability inclusion and building awareness of these with senior leaders.
    • Completing the Accessibility Maturity Assessment to help you understand your current state.

    Step 1.1

    Understand standards and legislation


    1.1.1 Make a list of the legislation you need to comply with

    1.1.2 Seek legal and/or professional services’ input on compliance

    1.1.3 Detail the risks of inaction for your organization

    Understand Your Current State

    Outcomes of this step
    You will gain foundational understanding of the breadth of the regulation requirements for your organization. You will have reviewed and understand what is applicable to your organization.

    The regulatory landscape is evolving


    • Canadian Human Rights Act
    • Policy on Communications and Federal Identity
    • Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
    • Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act
    • Accessible Canada Act of 2019 (ACA)


    • UK Equality Act 2010
    • EU Web and Mobile Accessibility Directive (2016)
    • EN 301 549 European Standard – Accessibility requirements for public procurement of ICT products and services

    United States

    • Section 508 of the US Rehabilitation Act of 1973
    • Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)
    • Section 255 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996
    • Air Carrier Access Act of 1986
    • 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010 (CVAA)

    New Zealand

    • Human Rights Act 1993
    • Online Practice Guidelines for Government


    • Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA)

    Regulatory systems are moving toward an international standard.

    1.1.1 Make a list of the legislation you need to comply with

    1. Download the Accessibility Business Case Template.
    2. Conduct research and investigate what legislation and standards are applicable to your organization.
    3. a) Start by looking at your local legislation.
      b) Then consider any other regions you conduct business in.
      c) Also account for the various industries you are in.
    4. While researching, build a list of legislation requirements. Document these in your Accessibility Business Case Template as part of the Project Context section.
    Input Output
    • Research
    • Websites
    • Articles
    • List of legislation that applies to the organization related to accessibility
    Materials Participants
    • Accessibility Business Case Template
    • Project leader/initiator

    Download the Accessibility Business Case Template

    1.1.2 Seek professional advice on compliance

    1. Have general counsel review your list of regulations and standards related to accessibility or seek legal and/or professional support to review your list.
    2. Review or research further the implications of any suggestions from legal counsel.
    3. Make any updates to the Legal Landscape slide in the Accessibility Business Case Template.
    Input Output
    • Compiled list of applicable legislation and standards
    • Confirmed list of regulations that are applicable to your organization related to accessibility
    Materials Participants
    • Accessibility Business Case Template
    • Project leader/initiator
    • General counsel/professional services

    Download the Accessibility Business Case Template

    Ramifications of noncompliance

    Go beyond financial consequences

    Beyond the costs resulting from a claim, noncompliance can damage your organization in several ways.

    Financial Impact

    ADA Warning Shot: A complaint often indicates pending legal action to come. Addressing issues on a reactive, ad hoc basis can be quite expensive. It can cost almost $10,000 to address a single complaint, and chances are if you have one complaint, you have many.

    Lawsuit Costs: In the US, 265,000 demand letters were sent in 2020 under the ADA for inaccessible websites. On average, a demand letter could cost the company $25,000 (conservatively). These are low-end numbers; another estimate is that a small, quickly settled digital accessibility lawsuit could cost upwards of $350,000 for the defendant.

    Non-Financial Impact

    Reputational Impact: Claims brought upon a company can bring negative publicity with them. In contrast, having a clear commitment to accessibility demonstrates inclusion and can enhance brand image and reputation. Stakeholder expectations are changing, and consumers, investors, and employees alike want to support businesses with a purpose.

    Technology Resource Strains: Costly workarounds and ad hoc accommodation processes take away from efficiency and effectiveness. Updates and redesigns for accessibility and best practices will reduce costs associated with maintenance and service, including overall stakeholder satisfaction improvements.

    Access to Talent: 2022 saw a record high number of job openings, over 11.4 million in the US alone. Ongoing labor shortages require eliminating bias and keeping an open mind about who is qualified.

    Source: May Hopewell

    In the last four years, 83% of the retail 500 have been sued. Since 2018, 417 of the top 500 have received ADA-based digital lawsuits.

    Source: UsableNet

    1.1.3 Detail the risks of inaction for your organization

    1. Using the information that you’ve gathered through your research and legal/professional advice, detail the risks of inaction for your organization.
    2. a) Consider legal risks, consumer risks, brand risks, and employee risks. (Remember, risks aren’t just monetary.)
    3. Document the risks in your Accessibility Business Case Template.
    • List of applicable legislation and standards
    • Information about risks
    • Identified accessibility maturity level
    • Accessibility Business Case Template
    • Project leader/initiator

    Download the Accessibility Business Case Template

    Step 1.2

    Build awareness of accessibility and disability inclusion


    1.2.1 Identify gaps in understanding

    1.2.2 Brainstorm how to reframe accessibility positively

    Understand Your Current State

    Outcomes of this step
    You’ll have a better understanding of accessibility so that you can effectively implement and promote it.

    Where to look for understanding

    First-hand experience of how people with disabilities interact with your organization is often eye-opening. It will help you understand the benefits and value of accessibility.

    Where to look for understanding

    • Talk with people you know with disabilities that are willing to share.*
    • Find role-specific training that’s appropriate.
    • Research. Articles and videos are easy to find.
    • Set up assistive technology trials.
    • Seek out first-hand experience from people with disabilities and how they work and use digital assets.

    Source: WAI, 2016

    * Remember, people with disabilities aren't obligated to discuss or explain their disabilities and may not be comfortable sharing. If you're asking for their time, be respectful, only ask if appropriate, and accept a "no" answer if the person doesn't wish to assist.

    1.2.1 Identify gaps in understanding

    Find out what accessibility is and why it is important. Learn the basics.

    1. Using the information that you’ve gathered through your research and legal counsel, conduct further research to understand the importance of accessibility.
    2. Answer these questions:
    3. a) What is accessibility? Why is it important?
      b) From the legislation and standards identified in step 1.1, what gaps exist?
      c) What is the definition of disability?
      d) How does your organization currently address accessibility?
      e) What are your risks?
      f) Do you have any current employees who have disabilities?
    4. Review the previous slide for suggestions on where to find more information to answer the above questions.
    5. Document any changes to the risks in your Accessibility Business Case Template.
    • Articles
    • Interviews
    • Websites
    • Greater understanding of the lived experience of people with disabilities
    • Articles
    • Websites
    • Accessibility Business Case Template
    • Project leader/initiator

    Download the Accessibility Business Case Template

    Reframe accessibility as a benefit, not a burden

    A clear understanding of accessibility and the related standards and regulations can turn accessibility from something big and scary to an achievable part of the business.

    The benefits of accessibility are:

    Market Reach Minimized Legal Risks Innovation Retention
    Over 1 billion people with a spending power of $6 trillion make up the global market of people with disabilities.1 Accessibility improves the experience for all users. In addition, many organizations require you to provide proof you meet accessibility standards during the RFP process. Accessibility regulations are changing, and claims are rising. Costs associated with legal proceedings can be more than just financial. Many countries have laws you need to follow. People with disabilities bring diversity of thought, have different lived experiences, and benefit inclusivity, which helps drive engagement. Plus accessibility features often solve unanticipated problems. Employing and supporting people with disabilities can reduce turnover and improve retention, reliability, company image, employee loyalty, ability awareness, and more.

    Source 1: WAI, 2018

    1.2.2 Brainstorm ways to reframe accessibility positively

    1. Using the information that you’ve gathered through your research, brainstorm additional positives of accessibility for your organization.
    2. Clearly identify the problem you want to solve (e.g., reframing accessibility positively in your organization).
    3. Collect any tools you want to use to during brainstorming (e.g., whiteboard, markers, sticky notes)
    4. Write down all the ideas that come to mind.
    5. Review all the points and group them into themes.
    6. Update the Accessibility Business Case Template with your findings.
    • Research you have gathered
    • List of ways to positively reframe accessibility for your organization
    • Sticky notes, whiteboard, pens, paper, markers.
    • Accessibility Business Case Template
    • Project leader/initiator

    Download the Accessibility Business Case Template

    Make it part of the conversation

    A first step to disability and accessibility awareness is to talk about it. When it is talked about as freely as other things are in the workplace, this can create a more welcoming workplace.

    Accessibility goes beyond physical access and includes technological access and support as well as our attitudes.

    Accessibility is making sure everyone (disabled or abled) can access the workplace equally.

    Adjustments in the workplace are necessary to create an accessible and welcoming environment. Understanding the three dimensions of accessibility in the workplace is a good place to start.

    Source: May Hopewell

    Three dimensions of accessibility in the workplace

    Three dimensions of accessibility in the workplace

    Case Study

    Professional Services


    Accenture takes an inclusive approach to increase accessibility.

    Accessibility is more than tools

    Employee experience was the focus of embarking on the accessibility journey, ensuring inclusivity was built in and every employee was able to use the tools they needed and could achieve their goals.

    "We are removing barriers in technology to make all of our employees, regardless of their ability, more productive.”
    — Melissa Summers, Managing Director – Global IT, Corporate Technology, Accenture

    Accessibility is inclusive

    The journey began with formalizing a Global IT Accessibility practice and defining an accessibility program charter. This provided direction and underpinned the strategy used to create a virtual Accessibility Center of Excellence and map out a multiyear plan of initiatives.

    The team then identified all the technologies they wanted to enhance by prioritizing ones that were high use and high impact. Involving disability champions gave insight into focus areas.

    Accessibility is innovation

    Working with partners like Microsoft and over 100 employees, Accenture continues toward the goal of 75% accessibility for all its global high-traffic internal platforms.

    Achievements thus far include:

    • 100% of new Accenture video and broadcast content is automatically captioned.
    • Accenture received a perfect Disability Equality Index (US) score of 100 out of 100 for 2017, 2018, and 2019.

    Step 1.3

    Understand your current accessibility maturity level


    1.3.1 Complete the Accessibility Maturity Assessment

    Understand Your Current State

    Outcomes of this step
    Completed Accessibility Maturity Assessment to inform planning for and building your business case in Phases 2 and 3.

    Know where you are to know where to go

    Consider accessibility improvements from three interconnected aspects to determine current maturity level

    Accessibility Maturity


    • Consider employee, customer, and user experience.


    • Review processes to ensure accessibility is considered early.


    • Whether it’s new or existing, technology is an important tool to increase accessibility.

    Accessibility maturity levels

    At this level, accessibility processes are mostly undocumented, if they exist. Accessibility is most likely happening on a reactive, ad hoc basis. No one understands who is responsible for accessibility or what their role is. At this stage the organization is driven by the need for compliance. At the developing level, the organization is taking steps to increase accessibility but still has a lot of opportunity for improvements. The organization is defining and refining processes and is working toward building a library of assistive tools. At this level, processes related to accessibility are repeatable. However, there’s a tendency to resort to old habits under stress. The organization has tools in place to facilitate accommodation requests and technology is compatible with assistive technologies. Accessibility initiatives are driven by the desire to make the user experience better. The managed level is defined by its effective accessibility controls, processes, and metrics. The organization can mostly anticipate preferences of customers, employees, and users. The roles and responsibilities are defined, and disability is included as part of the organization’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. This level is not the goal for all organizations. At this level there is a shift in the organization’s culture to a feeling of belonging. The organization also demonstrates ongoing process improvements. Everyone can experience a seamless interaction with the organization. The focus is on continuous improvement and using feedback to inform future initiatives.

    Determine your level of maturity

    Use Info-Tech’s Accessibility Maturity Assessment

    • On the accessibility questionnaire, tab 2, choose how much the statements apply to your organization. Answer the questions based on your knowledge of your current state organizationally.
    • Once you’ve answered all the questions, see the results on the tab 3, Accessibility Results. You can see your overall maturity level and the maturity level for each of six dimensions that are necessary to increase the success of an accessibility program.
    • Click through to tab 4, Recommendations, to see specific recommendations based on your results and proven research to progress through the maturity levels. Keep in mind that not all organizations will or should aspire to the “Optimize” maturity level.

    1.3.1 Complete the Accessibility Maturity Assessment

    1. Download the Accessibility Maturity Assessment and save it with the date so that as you work on your accessibility program, you can reassess later and track your progress.
    2. Once you have saved the assessment, select the appropriate answer for each statement on tab 2, Accessibility Questions, based on your knowledge of the organization’s approach.
    3. After reviewing all the accessibility statements, see your maturity level results on tab 3, Accessibility Results. Then see tab 4, Recommendations, for suggestions based on your answers.
    4. Document your accessibility maturity results in your Accessibility Business Case Template.
    Input Output
    • Assess your current state of accessibility by choosing all the statements that apply to your organization
    • Identified accessibility maturity level
    Materials Participants
    • Accessibility Maturity Assessment
    • Accessibility Business Case Template
    • Project leader/sponsor
    • IT leadership team

    Download the Accessibility Business Case Template

    Phase 2

    Plan for Senior Leader Buy-In

    Phase 1
    1.1 Understand standards and legislation
    1.2 Build awareness
    1.3 Understand maturity level

    Phase 2
    2.1 Define desired future state
    2.2 Define goals and objectives
    2.3 Document roles and responsibilities

    Phase 3
    3.1 Prepare business case template for presentation and approval
    3.2 Validate post-approval steps and establish timelines

    The Accessibility Business Case for IT

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Defining your desired future state.
    • Determining your accessibility program goals and objectives.
    • Clarifying and documenting roles and responsibilities related to accessibility in IT.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Project lead/sponsor
    • IT leadership team
    • Senior leaders/decision makers

    Step 2.1

    Define the desired future state of accessibility


    2.1.1 Identify key stakeholders

    2.1.2 Hold a key stakeholder focus group

    2.1.3 Conduct a future-state analysis

    Outcomes of this step
    Following this step, you will have identified your aspirational maturity level and what your accessibility future state looks like for your organization.

    Plan for Senior Leader Buy-In

    Cheat sheet: Identify stakeholders

    Ask stakeholders, “Who else should I be talking to?” to discover additional stakeholders and ensure you don’t miss anyone.

    Identify stakeholders through the following questions:
    • Who in areas of influence will be adversely affected by potential environmental and social impacts of what you are doing?
    • At which stage will stakeholders be most affected (e.g. procurement, implementation, operations, decommissioning)?
    • Will other stakeholders emerge as the phases are started and completed?
    • Who is sponsoring the initiative?
    • Who benefits from the initiative?
    • Who is negatively impacted by the initiative?
    • Who can make approvals?
    • Who controls resources?
    • Who has specialist skills?
    • Who implements the changes?
    • Who are the owners, governors, customers, and suppliers of impacted capabilities or functions?
    Take a 360-degree view of potential internal and external stakeholders who might be impacted by the initiative.
    • Executives
    • Peers
    • Direct reports
    • Partners
    • Customers
    • Subcontractors
    • Subcontractors
    • Contractors
    • Lobby groups
    • Regulatory agencies

    Categorize your stakeholders with a stakeholder prioritization map

    A stakeholder prioritization map helps teams categorize their stakeholders by their level of influence and ownership.

    There are four areas in the map, and the stakeholders within each area should be treated differently.

    Players – Players have a high interest in the initiative and the influence to effect change over the initiative. Their support is critical, and a lack of support can cause significant impediment to the objectives.

    Mediators – Mediators have a low interest but significant influence over the initiative. They can help to provide balance and objective opinions to issues that arise.

    Noisemakers – Noisemakers have low influence but high interest. They tend to be very vocal and engaged, either positively or negatively, but have little ability to enact their wishes.

    Spectators – Generally, spectators are apathetic and have little influence over or interest in the initiative.

    Stakeholder prioritization map

    Define strategies for engaging stakeholders by type

    Each group of stakeholders draws attention and resources away from critical tasks.

    By properly identifying your stakeholder groups, you can develop corresponding actions to manage stakeholders in each group. This can dramatically reduce wasted effort trying to satisfy Spectators and Noisemakers while ensuring the needs of the Mediators and Players are met.

    Type Quadrant Actions
    Players High influence, high interest Actively Engage
    Keep them engaged through continuous involvement. Maintain their interest by demonstrating their value to its success.
    Mediators High influence, low interest Keep Satisfied
    They can be the game changers in groups of stakeholders. Turn them into supporters by gaining their confidence and trust, and include them in important decision-making steps. In turn, they can help you influence other stakeholders.
    Noisemakers Low influence, high interest Keep Informed
    Try to increase their influence (or decrease it if they are detractors) by providing them with key information, supporting them in meetings, and using Mediators to help them.
    Spectators Low influence, low interest Monitor
    They are followers. Keep them in the loop by providing clarity on objectives and status updates.

    2.1.1 Identify key stakeholders

    Collect this information by:

    1. List direct stakeholders for your area. Include stakeholders across the organization (both IT and business units) and externally.
    2. Create a stakeholder map to capture your stakeholders’ interest in and influence on digital accessibility.
    3. Shortlist stakeholders to invite as focus group participants in activity 2.1.2.
      • Aim for a combination of Players, Mediators, and Noisemakers.
    Input Output
    • List of stakeholders
    • Stakeholder requirements
    • A stakeholder map
    • List of stakeholders to include in the focus group in step 2.1.2
    Materials Participants
    • Sticky notes, pens, whiteboard, markers (optional)
    • Project leader/sponsor

    Hold a focus group to initiate planning

    Involve key stakeholders to determine the organizational drivers of accessibility, identify target maturity and key performance indicators (KPIs), and ultimately build the project charter.

    Building the project charter as a group will help you to clarify your key messages and secure buy-in from critical stakeholders up-front, which is key.

    Executing the business case for accessibility requires significant involvement from your IT leadership team. The challenge is that accessibility can be overwhelming because of inherent bias. Members of your IT leadership team will also need to participate in knowledge transfer, so get them involved up-front. The focus group will help stakeholders feel more engaged in the project, which is pivotal for success.

    You may feel like a full project charter isn’t necessary, and depending on your organizational size, it might not be. However, the exercise of building the charter is important regardless. No matter your current climate, some level of socializing the value of and plans for accessibility will be necessary.

    Meeting Agenda

    1. Short introduction
      Led by: Project Sponsor
      • Why the initiative is being considered.
    2. Make the case for the project
      Led by: Project Manager
      • Current state: What does the initiative address?
      • Future state: What is our target state of maturity?
    3. Success criteria
      Led by: Project Manager
      • How will success be measured?
    4. Define the project team
      Led by: Project Manager
      • Description of planned approach.
      • Stakeholder assessment.
      • What is required of the sponsor and stakeholders?
    5. Determine next steps
      Led by: Project Manager

    2.1.2 Hold a stakeholder focus group

    Identify the pain points you want to resolve and some of the benefits that you’d like to see from a program. By doing so, you’ll get a holistic view of what you need to achieve and what your drivers are.

    1. Ask the working group participants (as a whole or in smaller groups) to discuss pain points created by inaccessibility.
      • Challenges related to stakeholders.
      • Challenges created by process issues.
      • Difficulties improving accessibility practices.
    2. Discuss opportunities to be gained from improving these practices.
    3. Have participants write these down on sticky notes and place them on a whiteboard or flip chart.
    4. Review all the points as a group. Group challenges and benefits into themes.
    5. Have the group prioritize the risks and benefits in terms of what the solution must have, should have, could have, and won’t have.
    Input Output
    • Reasons for the project
    • Stakeholder requirements
    • Pain points and risks
    • A prioritized list of risks and benefits of the solution
    Materials Participants
    • Agenda (see previous slide)
    • Sticky notes, pens, whiteboard, markers (optional)
    • IT leadership
    • Other key stakeholders

    While defining future state, consider your drivers

    The Info-Tech Accessibility Maturity Framework identifies three key strategic drivers: compliance, experience, and incorporation.

    • Over 30% of organizations are focused on compliance, according to a 2022 survey by Harvard Business Review and Slack’s Future Forum. The survey asked more than 10,000 workers in six countries about their organizations’ approach to DEI.2

    Even though 90% of companies claim to prioritize diversity,1 over 30% are focused on compliance.2

    1. Harvard Business Review, 2020
    2. Harvard Business Review, 2022

    31.6% of companies remain in the Compliant stage, where they are focused on DEI compliance and not on integrating DEI throughout the organization or on creating continual improvement.

    Source: Harvard Business Review, 2022

    Align the benefits of program drivers to organizational goals or outcomes

    Although there will be various motivating factors, aligning the drivers of your accessibility program provides direction to the program. Connecting the advantages of program drivers to organizational goals builds the confidence of senior leaders and decision makers, increasing the continued commitment to invest in accessibility programming.

    Drivers Compliance Experience Incorporation
    Maturity level Initial Developing Defined Managed Optimized
    Description Any accessibility initiative is to comply with the minimum legislated requirement. Desire to avoid/decrease legal risk. Accessibility initiatives are focused on improving the experience of everyone from the start. Most organizations will be experience driven. Desire to increase accessibility and engagement. Accessibility is a seamless part of the whole organization and initiatives are focused on impacting social issues.
    Advantages Compliance is a good starting place for accessibility. It will reduce legal risk. Being people focused from the start of processes enables the organization to reduce tech debt, provide the best user experience, and realize other benefits of accessibility. There is a sense of belonging in the organization. The entire organization experiences the benefits of accessibility.
    Disadvantages Accessibility is about more than just compliance. Being compliance driven won’t give you the full benefits of accessibility. This can mean a culture change for the organization, which can take a long time. IT is used to moving quickly – it might feel counterintuitive to slow down and take time. It takes much longer to reach the associated level of maturity. Not possible for all organizations.

    Info-Tech Accessibility Maturity Framework

    Info-Tech Accessibility Maturity Framework

    After initially ensuring your organization is compliant with regulations and standards, you will progress to building disciplined process and consistent standardized processes. Eventually you will build the ability for predictable process, and lastly, you’ll optimize by continuously improving.

    Depending on the level of maturity you are trying to achieve, it could take months or even years to implement. The important thing to understand, however, is that accessibility work is never done.

    At all levels of the maturity framework, you must consider the interconnected aspects of people, process, and technology. However, as the organization progresses, the impact will shift from largely being focused on process and technology improvement to being focused on people.

    Info-Tech Insight
    IT typically works through maturity frameworks from the bottom to the top, progressing at each level until they reach the end. When it comes to digital accessibility initiatives, being especially thorough, thoughtful, and collaborative is critical to success. This will mean spending more time in the Developing, Defined, and Managed levels of maturity rather than trying to reach Optimized as quickly as you can. This may feel contrary to what IT historically considers as a successful implementation.

    Accessibility maturity levels

    Driver Description Benefits
    Initial Compliance
    • Accessibility processes are mostly undocumented.
    • Accessibility happens mostly on a reactive or ad hoc basis.
    • No one is aware of who is responsible for accessibility or what role they play.
    • Heavily focused on complying with regulations and standards to decrease legal risk.
    • The organization is aware of the need for accessibility.
    • Legal risk is decreased.
    Developing Experience
    • The organization is starting to take steps to increase accessibility beyond compliance.
    • Lots of opportunity for improvement.
    • Defining and refining processes.
    • Working toward building a library of assistive tools.
    • Awareness of the need for accessibility is growing.
    • Process review for accessibility increases process efficiency through avoiding rework.
    Defined Experience
    • Accessibility processes are repeatable.
    • There is a tendency to resort to old habits under stress.
    • Tools are in place to facilitate accommodation.
    • Employees know accommodations are available to them.
    • Accessibility is becoming part of daily work.
    Managed Experience
    • Defined by effective accessibility controls, processes, and metrics.
    • Mostly anticipating preferences.
    • Roles and responsibilities are defined.
    • Disability is included as part of DEI.
    • Employees understand their role in accessibility.
    • Engagement is positively impacted.
    • Attraction and retention are positively impacted.
    Optimized Incorporation
    • Not the goal for every organization.
    • Characterized by a dramatic shift in organizational culture and a feeling of belonging.
    • Ongoing continuous improvement.
    • Seamless interactions with the organization for everyone.
    • Using feedback to inform future initiatives.
    • More likely to be innovative and inclusive, reach more people positively, and meet emerging global legal requirements.
    • Better equipped for success.

    2.1.3 Conduct future-state analysis

    Identify your target state of maturity

    1. Provide the group with your maturity assessment results to review as well as the slides on the maturity levels, framework, and drivers.
    2. Compare the benefits listed on the Accessibility maturity levels slide to those that you named in the previous exercise and determine which maturity level best describes your target state.
    3. Discuss as a group and agree on one desired maturity level to reach.
    4. Review the other levels of maturity and determine what is in and out of scope for the project (higher-level benefits would be considered out of scope).
    5. Document your target state of maturity in your Accessibility Business Case Template.
    Input Output
    • Accessibility maturity levels chart on previous slide
    • Maturity level assessment results
    • Target maturity level documented
    Materials Participants
    • Paper and pens
    • Handouts of maturity levels
    • Accessibility Business Case Template
    • IT leadership team

    Download the Accessibility Business Case Template

    Case Study

    Accessibility as a differentiator



    Accessibility inside and out

    As a financial provider, Barclays embarked on the accessibility journey to engage customers and employees with the goal of equal access for all. One key statement that provided focus was “Essential for some, easier for all. ”

    “It's about helping everyone to work, bank and live their lives regardless of their age, situation, abilities or circumstances.”

    Embedding into experiences

    “The Barclays Accessibility team [supports] digital teams to embed accessibility into our services and culture through effective governance, partnering, training and tools. Establishing an enterprise-wide accessibility strategy, standards and programmes coupled with senior sponsorship helps support our publicly stated ambition of becoming the most accessible and inclusive FTSE company.”

    – Paul Smyth, Head of Digital Accessibility, Barclays

    It’s a circle, not a roadmap

    • Barclays continues the journey through partnerships with disability charities and accessibility experts and through regularly engaging with customers and colleagues with disabilities directly.
    • More accessible, inclusive products and services engage and attract more people with disabilities. This translates to a more diverse workforce that identifies opportunities for innovation. This leads to being attractive to diverse talent, and the circle continues.
    • Barclays’ mobile banking app was first to be accredited by accessibility consultants AbilityNet.

    Step 2.2

    Define your accessibility program goals and objectives


    2.2.1 Create a list of goals and objectives

    2.2.2 Finalize key metrics

    Plan for Senior Leader Buy-In

    Outcomes of this step
    You will have clear measurable goals and objectives to respond to identified accessibility issues and organizational goals.

    What does a good goal look like?

    Use the SMART framework to build effective goals.

    S Specific: Is the goal clear, concrete, and well defined?
    M Measurable: How will you know when the goal is met?
    A Achievable: Is the goal possible to achieve in a reasonable time?
    R Relevant: Does this goal align with your responsibilities and with departmental and organizational goals?
    T Time-based: Have you specified a time frame in which you aim to achieve the goal?

    SMART is a common framework for setting effective goals. Make sure your goals satisfy these criteria to ensure you can achieve real results.

    2.2.1 Create a list of goals and objectives

    Use the outcomes from activity 2.1.2.

    1. Using the prioritized list of what your solution must have, should have, could have, and won’t have from activity 2.1.2, develop goals.
    2. Remember to use the SMART goal framework to build out each goal (see the previous slide for more information on SMART goals).
    3. Ensure each goal supports departmental and organizational goals to ensure it is meaningful.
    4. Document your goals and objectives in your Accessibility Business Case Template.
    • Outcomes of activity 2.1.2
    • Organizational and departmental goals
    • Goals and objectives added to your Accessibility Business Case Template
    • Accessibility Business Case Template
    • IT leadership team

    Download the Accessibility Business Case Template

    2.2.1 Create a list of goals and objectives

    Use the outcomes from activity 2.1.2.

    1. Using the prioritized list of what your solution must have, should have, could have, and won’t have from activity 2.1.2, develop goals.
    2. Remember to use the SMART goal framework to build out each goal (see the previous slide for more information on SMART goals).
    3. Ensure each goal supports departmental and organizational goals to ensure it is meaningful.
    4. Document your goals and objectives in your Accessibility Business Case Template.

    Establish Baseline Metrics

    Baseline metrics will be improved through:

    1. Progressing through the accessibility maturity model.
    2. Addressing accessibility earlier in processes to avoid tech debt and rework late in projects or releases.
    3. Making accessibility part of the procurement process as a scoring consideration and vendor choice.
    4. Ensuring compliance with regulations and standards.
    Metric Current Goal
    Overall end-customer satisfaction 90 120
    Monies saved through cost optimization efforts
    Employee engagement
    Monies save through application rationalization and standardization

    For more metrics ideas, see the Info-Tech IT Metrics Library.

    2.2.2 Finalize key metrics

    Finalize key metrics the organization will use to measure accessibility success

    1. Brainstorm how you would measure the success of each goal based on the benefits, challenges, and risks you previously identified.
    2. Write each of the metric ideas down and finalize three to five key metrics which you will track. The metrics you choose should relate to the key challenges or risks you have identified and match your desired maturity level and driver.
    3. Document your key metrics in the Accessibility Business Case Template.
    • Accessibility challenges and benefits
    • Goals from activity 2.2.1
    • Three to five key metrics to track
    • Accessibility Business Case Template
    • IT leadership team
    • Project lead/sponsor

    Download the Accessibility Business Case Template

    Step 2.3

    Document accessibility program roles and responsibilities


    2.3.1 Populate a RACI chart

    Plan for Senior Leader Buy-In

    Outcomes of this step
    At the end of this step, you will have a completed RACI chart documenting the roles and responsibilities related to accessibility for your accessibility business case.

    2.3.1 Populate a RACI

    Populate a RACI chart to identify who should be responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed for each key activity.

    Define who is responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed for the project team:

    1. Write out the list of all stakeholders along the top of a whiteboard. Write out the key project steps along the left-hand side.
    2. For each initiative, identify each team member’s role. Are they:
      Responsible: The one responsible for getting the job done.
      Accountable: Only one person can be accountable for each task.
      Consulted: Are involved by providing knowledge.
      Informed: Receive information about execution and quality.
    3. As you proceed, continue to add tasks and assign responsibility to the RACI chart in the appendix of the Accessibility Business Case Template.
    • Stakeholder list
    • Key project steps
    • Project RACI chart
    • Whiteboard
    • Accessibility Business Case Template
    • IT leadership team

    Download the Accessibility Business Case Template

    Phase 3

    Prepare your business case and get approval

    Phase 1
    1.1 Understand standards and legislation
    1.2 Build awareness
    1.3 Understand maturity level

    Phase 2
    2.1 Define desired future state
    2.2 Define goals and objectives
    2.3 Document roles and responsibilities

    Phase 3
    3.1 Prepare business case template for presentation and approval
    3.2 Validate post-approval steps and establish timelines

    The Accessibility Business Case for IT

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Compiling the work and learning you’ve done so far into a business case presentation.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Project lead/sponsor
    • Senior leaders/approval authority

    There is a business case for accessibility

    • When planning for initiatives, a business case is a necessary tool. Although it can feel like an administrative exercise, it helps create a compelling argument to senior leaders about the benefits and necessity of building an accessibility program.
    • No matter the industry, you need to justify how the budget and effort you require for the initiative support organizational goals. However, senior leaders of different industries might be motivated by different reasons. For example, government is strongly motivated by legal and equity aspects, commercial companies may be attracted to the increase in innovation or market reach, and educational and nonprofit companies are likely motivated by brand enhancement.
    • The organizational focus and goals will guide your business case for accessibility. Highlight the most relevant benefits to your operational landscape and the risk of inaction.

    Source: WAI, 2018

    “Many organizations are waking up to the fact that embracing accessibility leads to multiple benefits – reducing legal risks, strengthening brand presence, improving customer experience and colleague productivity.”
    – Paul Smyth, Head of Digital Accessibility, Barclays
    Source: WAI, 2018

    Step 3.1

    Customize and populate the Accessibility Business Case Template


    3.1.1 Prepare your business case template for presentation and approval

    Build Your Business Case

    Outcomes of this step
    Following this step, you will have a customized business case presentation that you can present to senior leaders.

    Use Info-Tech’s template to communicate with stakeholders

    Obtain approval for your accessibility program by customizing Info-Tech’s Accessibility Business Case Template, which is designed to effectively convey your key messages. Tailor the template to suit your needs.

    It includes:

    • Project context
    • Project scope and objectives
    • Knowledge transfer roadmap
    • Next steps

    Info-Tech Insight
    The support of senior leaders is critical to the success of your accessibility program development. Remind them of the benefits and impact and the risks associated with inaction.

    Download the Accessibility Business Case Template

    3.1.1 Prepare a presentation for senior leaders to gain approval

    Now that you understand your current and desired accessibility maturity, the next step is to get sign-off to begin planning your initiatives.

    Know your audience:

    1. Consider who will be included in your presentation audience.
    2. You want your presentation to be succinct and hard-hitting. Management’s time is tight, and they will lose interest if you drag out the delivery. Impact them hard and fast with the challenges, benefits, and risks of inaction.
    3. Contain the presentation to no more than an hour. Depending on your audience, the actual presentation delivery could be quite short. You want to ensure adequate time for questions and answers.
    4. Schedule a meeting with the key decision makers who will need to approve the initiatives (IT leadership team, executive team, the board, etc.) and present your business case.
    • Activity results
    • Accessibility Maturity Assessment results
    • A completed presentation to communicate your accessibility business case
    • Accessibility Business Case Template
    • IT leadership team
    • Project sponsor
    • Project stakeholders
    • Senior leaders

    Download the Accessibility Business Case Template

    Step 3.2

    Validate post-approval steps and establish timelines


    3.2.1 Prepare for implementation: Complete the implementation prep to-do list and assign proposed timelines

    Build Your Business Case

    Outcomes of this step
    This step will help you gain leadership’s approval to move forward with building and implementing the accessibility program.

    Prepare to implement your program

    Complete the to-do list to ensure you are ready to move your accessibility program forward.

    To Do Proposed Timeline
    Reach out to your change management team for assistance.
    Discuss your plan with HR.
    Build a project team.
    Incorporate any necessary changes from senior leaders into your business case.
    [insert your own addition here]
    [insert your own addition here]
    [insert your own addition here]
    [insert your own addition here]

    3.2.1 Prep for implementation (action planning)

    Use the implementation prep to-do list to make sure you have gathered relevant information and completed critical steps to be ready for success.

    Use the list on the previous slide to make sure you are set up for implementation success and that you’re ready to move your accessibility program forward.

    1. Assign proposed timelines to each of the items.
    2. Work through the list, collecting or completing each item.
    3. As you proceed, keep your identified drivers, current state, desired future state, goals, and objectives in mind.
    Input Output
    • Accessibility Maturity Assessment
    • Business case presentation and any feedback from senior leaders
    • Goals, objectives, identified drivers, and desired future state
    • High-level action plan
    Materials Participants
    • Previous slide containing the checklist
    • Project lead

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Implement and Mature Your User Experience Design Practice

    • Create a practice that is focused on human outcomes; it starts and ends with the people you are designing for. This includes:
      • Establishing a practice with a common vision.
      • Enhancing the practice through four design factors.
      • Communicating a roadmap to improve your business through design.

    Modernize Your Corporate Website to Drive Business Value

    • Users are demanding more valuable web functionalities and improved access to your website services.
    • The criteria of user acceptance and satisfaction involves more than an aesthetically pleasing user interface (UI). It also includes how emotionally attached the user is to the website and how it accommodates user behaviors.

    IT Diversity & Inclusion Tactics

    • Although inclusion is key to the success of a diversity and inclusion (D&I) strategy, the complexity of the concept makes it a daunting pursuit.
    • This is further complicated by the fact that creating inclusion is not a one-and-done exercise. Rather, it requires the ongoing commitment of employees and managers to reassess their own behaviors and to drive a cultural shift.

    Fix Your IT Culture

    • Go beyond value statements to create a culture that enables the departmental strategy.
    • There is confusion about how to translate culture from an abstract concept to something that is measurable, actionable, and process driven.
    • Organizations lack clarity about who is accountable and responsible for culture, with groups often pointing fingers at each other.

    Works cited

    “2021 State of Digital Accessibility.” Level Access, n.d. Accessed 10 Aug. 2022

    ”2022 Midyear Report: ADA Digital Accessibility Lawsuits.” UsableNet, 2022. Accessed 9 Nov. 2022

    “Barclay’s Bank Case Study.” WAI-Engage, 12 Sept. 2018. Accessed 7 Nov. 2022.

    Bilodeau, Howard, et al. “StatCan COVID-19 Data to Insights for a Better Canada.” Statistics Canada, 24 June 2021. Accessed 10 Aug. 2022.

    Casey, Caroline. “Do Your D&I Efforts Include People With Disabilities?” Harvard Business Review, 19 March 2020. Accessed 28 July 2022.

    Digitalisation World. “Organisations failing to meet digital accessibility standards.” Angel Business Communications, 19 May 2022. Accessed Oct. 2022.

    “disability.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 10 Aug. 2022.

    “Disability.” World Health Organization, 2022. Accessed 10 Aug 2022.

    “Driving the Accessibility Advantage at Accenture.” Accenture, 2022. Accessed 7 Oct. 2022.

    eSSENTIAL Accessibility. The Must-Have WCAG 2.1 Checklist. 2022

    Hopewell, May. Accessibility in the Workplace. 2022.

    “Initiate.” W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), 31 March 2016. Accessed 18 Aug. 2022.

    Kalcevich, Kate, and Mike Gifford. “How to Bake Layers of Accessibility Testing Into Your Process.” Smashing Magazine, 26 April 2021. Accessed 31 Aug. 2022.

    Noone, Cat. “4 Common Ways Companies Alienate People with Disabilities.” Harvard Business Review, 29 Nov. 2021. Accessed Jul. 2022.

    Taylor, Jason. “A Record-Breaking Year for ADA Digital Accessibility Lawsuits.” UsableNet, 21 December 2020. Accessed Jul. 2022.

    “The Business Case for Digital Accessibility.” W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), 9 Nov. 2018. Accessed 4 Aug. 2022.

    “The WebAIM Million.” Web AIM, 31 March 2022. Accessed 28 Jul. 2022.

    Washington, Ella F. “The Five Stages of DEI Maturity.” Harvard Business Review, November - December 2022. Accessed 7 Nov. 2022.

    Wyman, Nicholas. “An Untapped Talent Resource: People With Disabilities.” Forbes, 25 Feb. 2021. Accessed 14 Sep. 2022.

    2021 CIO Priorities Report

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}83|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: IT Strategy
    • Parent Category Link: /it-strategy
    • It is a new year, but the challenges of 2020 remain: COVID-19 infection rates continue to climb, governments continue to enforce lockdown measures, we continue to find ourselves in the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, and civil unrest grows in many democratic societies.
    • At the start of 2020, no business leader predicted the disruption that was to come. This left IT in a reactive but critical role as the health crisis hit. It was core to delivering the organization’s products and services, as it drove the radical shift to work-from-home.
    • For the year ahead, IT will continue to serve a critical function in uncertain times. However, unlike last year, CIOs can better prepare for 2021. That said, in the face of the uncertainty and volatility of the year ahead, what they need to prepare for is still largely undefined.
    • But despite the lack of confidence on knowing specifically what is to come, most business leaders will admit they need to get ready for it. This year’s priority report will help.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • “Resilience” is the theme for this year’s CIO Priorities Report. In this context, resilience is about building up the capacity and the capabilities to effectively respond to emergent and unforeseen needs.
    • Early in 2021 is a good time to develop resilience in several different areas. As we explore in this year’s Report, CIOs can best facilitate enterprise resilience through strategic financial planning, proactive risk management, effective organizational change management and capacity planning, as well as through remaining tuned into emergent technologies to capitalize on innovations to help weather the uncertainty of the year ahead.

    Impact and Result

    • Use Info-Tech’s 2021 CIO Priorities Report to prepare for the uncertainty of the year ahead. Across our five priorities we provide five avenues through which CIOs can demonstrate resilient planning, enabling the organization as a whole to better confront what’s coming in 2021.
    • Each of our priorities is backed up by a “call to action” that will help CIOs start to immediately implement the right drivers of resilience for their organization.
    • By building up resilience across our five key areas, CIOs will not only be able to better prepare for the year to come, but also strengthen business relations and staff morale in difficult times.

    2021 CIO Priorities Report Research & Tools

    Read the 2021 CIO Priorities Report

    Use Info-Tech’s 2021 CIO Priorities Report to prepare for the uncertainty of the year ahead. Across our five priorities we provide five avenues through which CIOs can demonstrate resilient planning, enabling the organization as a whole to better confront what’s coming in 2021.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Create an appropriate budget reserve

    Identifying and planning sources of financial contingency will help ensure CIOs can meet unforeseen and emergent operational and business needs throughout the year.

    • 2021 CIO Priorities Report: Priority 1 – Create an Appropriate Budget Reserve

    2. Refocus IT risk planning

    The start of 2021 is a time to refocus and redouble IT risk management and business continuity planning to bring it up to the standards of our “new normal.” Indeed, if last year taught us anything, it’s that no “black swan” should be off the table in terms of scenarios or possibilities for business disruption.

    • 2021 CIO Priorities Report: Priority 2 – Refocus IT Risk Planning

    3. Strengthen organizational change management capabilities

    At its heart, resilience is having the capacity to deal with unexpected change. Organizational change management can help build up this capacity, providing the ability to strategically plot known changes while leaving some capacity to absorb the unknowns as they present themselves.

    • 2021 CIO Priorities Report: Priority 3 – Strengthen Organizational Change Management Capabilities

    4. Establish capacity awareness

    Capacity awareness facilitates resilience by providing capital in the form of resource data. With this data, CIOs can make better decisions on what can be approved and when it can be scheduled for.

    • 2021 CIO Priorities Report: Priority 4 – Establish Capacity Awareness

    5. Keep emerging technologies in view

    Having an up-to-date view of emerging technologies will enable the resilient CIO to capitalize on and deploy leading-edge innovations as the business requires.

    • 2021 CIO Priorities Report: Priority 5 – Keep Emerging Technologies in View

    Design and Build an Effective Contract Lifecycle Management Process

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}214|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $5,039 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 20 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Vendor Management
    • Parent Category Link: /vendor-management
    • Your vendor contracts are unorganized and held in various cabinets and network shares. There is no consolidated list or view of all the agreements, and some are misplaced or lost as coworkers leave.
    • The contract process takes a long time to complete. Coworkers are unsure who should be reviewing and approving them.
    • You are concerned that you are not getting favorable terms with your vendors and not complying with your agreement commitments.
    • You are unsure what risks your organization could be exposed to in your IT vendor contacts. These could be financial, legal, or security risks and/or compliance requirements.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Focus on what’s best for you. There are two phases to CLM. All stages within those phases are important, but choose to improve the phase that can be most beneficial to your organization in the short term. However, be sure to include reviewing risk and monitoring compliance.
    • Educate yourself. Understand the stages of CLM and how each step can rely on the previous one, like a stepping-stone model to success.
    • Consider the overall picture. Contract lifecycle management is the sum of many processes designed to manage contracts end to end while reducing corporate risk, improving financial savings, and managing agreement obligations. It can take time to get CLM organized and working efficiently, but then it will show its ROI and continuously improve.

    Impact and Result

    • Understand how to identify and mitigate risk to save the organization time and money.
    • Gain the knowledge required to implement a CLM that will be beneficial to all business units.
    • Achieve measurable savings in contract time processing, financial risk avoidance, and dollar savings.
    • Effectively review, store, manage, comply with, and renew agreements with a collaborative process

    Design and Build an Effective Contract Lifecycle Management Process Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out how a contract management system will save money and time and mitigate contract risk, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Master the operational framework of contract lifecycle management.

    Understand how the basic operational framework of CLM will ensure cost savings, improved collaboration, and constant CLM improvement.

    • Design and Build an Effective Contract Lifecycle Management Process – Phase 1: Master the Operational Framework of CLM
    • Existing CLM Process Worksheet
    • Contract Manager

    2. Understand the ten stages of contract lifecycle management.

    Understand the two phases of CLM and the ten stages that make up the entire process.

    • Design and Build an Effective Contract Lifecycle Management Process – Phase 2: Understand the Ten Stages of CLM
    • CLM Maturity Assessment Tool
    • CLM RASCI Diagram

    Workshop: Design and Build an Effective Contract Lifecycle Management Process

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Review Your CLM Process and Learn the Basics

    The Purpose

    Identify current CLM processes.

    Learn the CLM operational framework.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Documented overview of current processes and stakeholders.


    1.1 Review and capture your current process.

    1.2 Identify current stakeholders.

    1.3 Learn the operational framework of CLM.

    1.4 Identify current process gaps.


    Existing CLM Process Worksheet

    2 Learn More and Plan

    The Purpose

    Dive into the two phases of CLM and the ten stages of a robust system.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A deep understanding of the required components/stages of a CLM system.


    2.1 Understand the two phases of CLM.

    2.2 Learn the ten stages of CLM.

    2.3 Assess your CLM maturity state.

    2.4 Identify and assign stakeholders.


    CLM Maturity Assessment

    CLM RASCI Diagram

    Further reading

    Design and Build an Effective Contract Lifecycle Management Process

    Mitigate risk and drive value through robust best practices for contract lifecycle management.

    Our understanding of the problem

    This Research Is Designed For:

    • The CIO who depends on numerous key vendors for services
    • The CIO or Project Manager who wants to maximize the value delivered by vendors
    • The Director or Manager of an existing IT procurement or vendor management team
    • The Contracts Manager or Legal Counsel whose IT department holds responsibility for contracts, negotiation, and administration

    This Research Will Help You:

    • Implement and streamline the contract management process, policies, and procedures
    • Baseline and benchmark existing contract processes
    • Understand the importance and value of contract lifecycle management (CLM)
    • Minimize risk, save time, and maximize savings with vendor contracts

    This Research Will Also Assist

    • IT Service Managers
    • IT Procurement
    • Contract teams
    • Finance and Legal departments
    • Senior IT leadership

    This Research Will Help Them

    • Understand the required components of a CLM
    • Establish the current CLM maturity level
    • Implement a new CLM process
    • Improve on an existing or disparate process


    "Contract lifecycle management (CLM) is a vital process for small and enterprise organizations alike. Research shows that all organizations can benefit from a contract management process, whether they have as few as 25 contracts or especially if they have contracts numbering in the hundreds.

    A CLM system will:

    • Save valuable time in the entire cycle of contract/agreement processes.
    • Save the organization money, both hard and soft dollars.
    • Mitigate risk to the organization.
    • Avoid loss of revenue.

    If you’re not managing your contracts, you aren’t capitalizing on your investment with your vendors and are potentially exposing your organization to contract and monetary risk."

    - Ted Walker
    Principal Research Advisor, Vendor Management Practice
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary


    • Most organizations have vendor overload and even worse, no defined process to manage the associated contracts and agreements. To manage contracts, some vendor management offices (VMOs) use a shared network drive to store the contracts and a spreadsheet to catalog and manage them. Yet other less-mature VMOs may just rely on a file cabinet in Procurement and a reminder in someone’s calendar about renewals. These disparate processes likely cost your organization time spent finding, managing, and renewing contracts, not to mention potential increases in vendor costs and risk and the inability to track contract obligations.


    • Contract lifecycle management (CLM) is not an IT buzzword, and it’s rarely on the top-ten list of CIO concerns in most annual surveys. Until a VMO gets to a level of maturity that can fully develop a CLM and afford the time and costs of doing so, there can be several challenges to developing even the basic processes required to store, manage, and renew IT vendor contracts. As is always an issue in IT, budget is one of the biggest obstacles in implementing a standard CLM process. Until senior leadership realizes that a CLM process can save time, money, and risk, getting mindshare and funding commitment will remain a challenge.


    • Understand the immediate benefits of a CLM process – even a basic CLM implementation can provide significant cost savings to the organization; reduce time spent on creating, negotiating, and renewing contracts; and help identify and mitigate risks within your vendor contracts.
    • Budgets don’t always need to be a barrier to a standard CLM process. However, a robust CLM system can provide significant savings to the organization.

    Info-Tech Insight

    • If you aren’t managing your contracts, you aren’t capitalizing on your investments.
    • Even a basic CLM process with efficient procedures will provide savings and benefits.
    • Not having a CLM process may be costing your organization money, time, and exposure to unmitigated risk.

    What you can gain from this blueprint

    Why Create a CLM

    • Improved contract organization
    • Centralized and manageable storage/archives
    • Improved vendor compliance
    • Risk mitigation
    • Reduced potential loss of revenue

    Knowledge Gained

    • Understanding of the value and importance of a CLM
    • How CLM can impact many departments within the organization
    • Who should be involved in the CLM steps and processes
    • Why a CLM is important to your organization
    • How to save time and money by maximizing IT vendor contracts
    • How basic CLM policies and procedures can be implemented without costly software expenditure

    The Outcome

    • A foundation for a CLM with best-practice processes
    • Reduced exposure to potential risks within vendor contracts
    • Maximized savings with primary vendors
    • Vendor compliance and corporate governance
    • Collaboration, transparency, and integration with business units

    Contract management: A case study

    Industry Finance and Banking
    Source Apttus

    FIS Global

    The Challenge

    FIS’ business groups were isolated across the organization and used different agreements, making contract creation a long, difficult, and manual process.

    • Customers frustrated by slow and complicated contracting process
    • Manual contract creation and approval processes
    • Sensitive contract data that lacked secure storage
    • Multiple agreements managed across divisions
    • Lack of central repository for past contracts
    • Inconsistent and inaccessible

    The Solution: Automating and Streamlining the Contract Management Process

    A robust CLM system solved FIS’ various contract management needs while also providing a solution that could expand into full quote-to cash in the future.

    • Contract lifecycle management (CLM)
    • Intelligent workflow approvals (IWA)
    • X-Author for Excel

    Customer Results

    • 75% cycle time reduction
    • $1M saved in admin costs per year
    • 49% increase in sales proposal volume
    • Automation on one standard platform and solution
    • 55% stronger compliance management
    • Easy maintenance for various templates
    • Ability to quickly absorb new contracts and processes via FIS’s ongoing acquisitions

    Track the impact of CLM with these metrics

    Dollars Saved

    Upfront dollars saved

    • Potential dollars saved from avoiding unfavorable terms and conditions
    • Incentives that encourage the vendor to act in the customer’s best interest
    • Secured commitments to provide specified products and services at firm prices
    • Cost savings related to audits, penalties, and back support
    • Savings from discounts found

    Time Saved

    Time saved, which can be done in several areas

    • Defined and automated approval flow process
    • Preapproved contract templates with corporate terms
    • Reduced negotiation times
    • Locate contracts in minutes

    Pitfalls Avoided

    Number of pitfalls found and avoided, such as

    • Auto-renewal
    • Inconsistencies between sections and documents
    • Security and data not being deleted upon termination
    • Improper licensing

    The numbers are compelling


    of companies can’t locate up to 10% of their contracts.

    Source: TechnologyAdvice, 2019


    of companies’ annual revenue is lost because of poor contract management practices.

    Source: IACCM, 2019


    still track contracts in shared drives or email folders.

    Source: “State of Contract Management,” SpringCM, 2018

    CLM blueprint objectives

    • To provide a best-practice process for managing IT vendor contract lifecycles through a framework that organizes from the core, analyzes each step in the cycle, has collaboration and governance attached to each step, and integrates with established vendor management practices within your organization.
    • CLM doesn’t have to be an expensive managed database system in the cloud with fancy dashboards. As long as you have a defined process that has the framework steps and is followed by the organization, this will provide basic CLM and save the organization time and money over a short period of time.
    • This blueprint will not delve into the many vendors or providers of CLM solutions and their methodologies. However, we will discuss briefly how to use our framework and contract stages in evaluating a potential solution that you may be considering.

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    "Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful.”

    Guided Implementation

    “Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track."


    "We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place."


    "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project."

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options

    Design and Build an Effective CLM Process – project overview

    1. Master the Operational Framework

    2. Understand the Ten Stages of CLM

    Best-Practice Toolkit

    1.1 Understand the operational framework components.

    1.2 Review your current framework.

    1.3 Create a plan to implement or enhance existing processes.

    2.1 Understand the ten stages of CLM.

    2.2 Review and document your current processes.

    2.3 Review RASCI chart and assign internal ownership.

    2.4 Create an improvement plan.

    2.5 Track changes for measurable ROI.

    Guided Implementations
    • Review existing processes.
    • Understand what CLM is and why the framework is essential.
    • Create an implementation or improvement plan.
    • Review the ten stages of CLM.
    • Complete CLM Maturity Assessment.
    • Create a plan to target improvement.
    • Track progress to measure savings.
    Onsite Workshop

    Module 1: Review and Learn the Basics

    • Review and capture your current processes.
    • Learn the basic operational framework of contract management.

    Module 2 Results:

    • Understand the ten stages of effective CLM.
    • Create an improvement or implementation plan.
    Phase 1 Outcome:
    • A full understanding of what makes a comprehensive contract management system.
    Phase 2 Outcome:
    • A full understanding of your current CLM processes and where to focus your efforts for improvement or implementation.

    Workshop overview

    Contact your account representative or email for more information.

    Workshop Day 1 Workshop Day 2

    Task – Review and Learn the Basics

    Task – Learn More and Plan

    1.1 Review and capture your current process.

    1.2 Identify current stakeholders.

    1.3 Learn the operational framework of contract lifecycle management.

    1.4 Identify current process gaps.

    2.1 Understand the two phases of CLM.

    2.2 Learn the ten stages of CLM.

    2.3 Assess your CLM maturity.

    2.4 Identify and assign stakeholders.

    2.5 Discuss ROI.

    2.6 Summarize and next steps.

    1. Internal interviews with business units
    2. Existing CLM Process Worksheet
    1. CLM Maturity Assessment
    2. RASCI Diagram
    3. Improvement Action Plan

    PHASE 1

    Master the Operational Framework of Contract Lifecycle Management

    Design and Build an Effective CLM Process

    Phase 1: Master the Operational Framework of Contract Lifecycle Management

    Call 1-888-670-8889 or email for more information.

    Complete these steps on your own, or call us to complete a guided implementation. A guided implementation is a series of
    2-3 advisory calls that help you execute each phase of a project. They are included in most advisory memberships.

    Guided Implementation 1: Master the Operational Framework of Contract Lifecycle Management
    Proposed Time to Completion: 1-4 weeks

    Step 1.1: Document your Current CLM Process

    Step 1.2: Read and Understand the Operational Framework

    Step 1.3: Review Solution Options

    Start with an analyst kick-off call:

    • Understand what your current process(es) is for each stage
    • Do a probative review of any current processes
    • Interview stakeholders for input

    Review findings with analyst:

    • Discuss the importance of the framework as the core of your plan
    • Review the gaps in your existing process
    • Understand how to prioritize next steps towards a CLM

    Finalize phase deliverable:

    • Establish ownership of the framework
    • Prioritize improvement areas or map out how your new CLM will look

    Then complete these activities…

    • Document the details of your process for each stage of CLM

    With these tools & templates:

    • Existing CLM Process Worksheet

    Phase 1 Results:

    • A full understanding of what makes a comprehensive contract management system.

    What Is Contract Lifecycle Management?

    • Every contract has a lifecycle, from creation to time and usage to expiration. Organizations using a legacy or manual contract management process usually ask, “What is contract lifecycle management and how will it benefit my business?”
    • Contract lifecycle management (CLM) creates a process that manages each contract or agreement. CLM eases the challenges of managing hundreds or even thousands of important business and IT contracts that affect the day-to-day business and could expose the organization to vendor risk.
    • Managing a few contracts is quite easy, but as the number of contracts grows, managing each step for each contract becomes increasingly difficult. Ultimately, it will get to a point where managing contracts properly becomes very difficult or seemingly impossible.

    That’s where contract lifecycle management (CLM) comes in.

    CLM can save money and improve revenue by:

    • Improving accuracy and decreasing errors through standardized contract templates and approved terms and conditions that will reduce repetitive tasks.
    • Securing contracts and processes through centralized software storage, minimizing risk of lost or misplaced contracts due to changes in physical assets like hard drives, network shares, and file cabinets.
    • Using policies and procedures that standardize, organize, track, and optimize IT contracts, eliminating time spent on creation, approvals, errors, and vendor compliance.
    • Reducing the organization’s exposure to risks and liability.
    • Having contracts renewed on time without penalties and with the most favorable terms for the business.

    The Operational Framework of Contract Lifecycle Management

    Four Components of the Operational Framework

    1. Organization
    2. Analysis
    3. Collaboration and Governance
    4. Integration/Vendor Management
    • By organizing at the core of the process and then analyzing each stage, you will maximize each step of the CLM process and ensure long-term contract management for the organization.
    • Collaboration and governance as overarching policies for the system will provide accountability to stakeholders and business units.
    • Integration and vendor management are encompassing features in a well-developed CLM that add visibility, additional value, and savings to the entire organization.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Putting a contract manager in place to manage the CLM project will accelerate the improvements and provide faster returns to the organizations. Reference Info-Tech’s Contract Manager Job Description template as needed.

    The operational framework is key to the success, return on investment (ROI), cost savings, and customer satisfaction of a CLM process.

    This image depicts Info-Tech's Operational Framework.  It consists of a series of five concentric circles, with each circle a different colour.  On the outer circle, is the word Integration.  The next outermost circle has the words Collaboration and Governance.  The next circle has no words, the next circle has the word Analysis, and the very centre circle has the word Organization.

    1. Organization

    • Every enterprise needs to organize its contract documents and data in a central repository so that everyone knows where to find the golden source of contractual truth.
    • This includes:
      • A repository for storing and organizing contract documents.
      • A data dictionary for describing the terms and conditions in a consistent, normalized way.
      • A database for persistent data storage.
      • An object model that tracks changes to the contract and its prevailing terms over time.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Paper is still alive and doing very well at slowing down the many stages of the contract process.

    2. Analysis

    Most organizations analyze their contracts in two ways:

    • First, they use reporting, search, and analytics to reveal risky and toxic terms so that appropriate operational strategies can be implemented to eliminate, mitigate, or transfer the risk.
    • Second, they use process analytics to reveal bottlenecks and points of friction as contracts are created, approved, and negotiated.

    3. Collaboration

    • Throughout the contract lifecycle, teams must collaborate on tasks both pre-execution and post-execution.
    • This includes document collaboration among several different departments across an enterprise.
    • The challenge is to make the collaboration smooth and transparent to avoid costly mistakes.
    • For some contracting tasks, especially in regulated industries, a high degree of control is required.
    • In these scenarios, the organization must implement controlled systems that restrict access to certain types of data and processes backed up with robust audit trails.

    4. Integration

    • For complete visibility into operational responsibilities, relationships, and risk, an organization must integrate its golden contract data with other systems of record.
    • An enterprise contracts platform must therefore provide a rich set of APIs and connectors so that information can be pushed into or pulled from systems for enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), supplier relationship management (SRM), document management, etc.

    This is the ultimate goal of a robust contract management system!

    Member Activity: Document Current CLM Processes

    1.1 Completion Time: 1-5 days

    Goal: Document your existing CLM processes (if any) and who owns them, who manages them, etc.


    Interview internal business unit decision makers, stakeholders, Finance, Legal, CIO, VMO, Sales, and/or Procurement to understand what’s currently in place.

    1. Use the Existing CLM Process Worksheet to capture and document current CLM processes.
    2. Establish what processes, procedures, policies, and workflows, if any, are in place for pre-execution (Phase 1) contract stages.
    3. Do the same for post-execution (Phase 2) stages.
    4. Use this worksheet as reference for assessments and as a benchmark for improvement review six to 12 months later.
    This image contains a screenshot of Info-Tech's Existing CLM Process Discovery Worksheet


    • Internal information from all CLM stakeholders


    • A summary of processes and owners currently in place


    • Existing CLM processes from interviews


    • Finance, Legal, CIO, VMO, Sales, Procurement

    PHASE 2

    Understand the Ten Stages of Contract Lifecycle Management

    Design and Build an Effective CLM Process

    Phase 1: Master the Operational Framework of Contract Lifecycle Management

    Call 1-888-670-8889 or email for more information.

    Complete these steps on your own, or call us to complete a guided implementation. A guided implementation is a series of
    2-3 advisory calls that help you execute each phase of a project. They are included in most advisory memberships.

    Guided Implementation 2: Understand the Ten Stages of Contract Lifecycle Management

    Proposed Time to Completion: 1-10 weeks

    Step 2.1: Assess CLM Maturity

    Step 2.2: Complete a RASCI Diagram

    Start with an analyst kick-off call:

    • Review the importance of assessing the maturity of your current CLM processes
    • Discuss interview process for internal stakeholders
    • Use data from the Existing CLM Process Worksheet

    Review findings with analyst:

    • Review your maturity results
    • Identify stages that require immediate improvement
    • Prioritize improvement or implementation of process

    Then complete these activities…

    • Work through the maturity assessment process
    • Answer the questions in the assessment tool
    • Review the summary tab to learn where to focus improvement efforts

    Then complete these activities…

    • Using maturity assessment and existing process data, establish ownership for each process stage
    • Fill in the RASCI Chart based on internal review or existing processes

    With these tools & templates:

    • CLM Maturity Assessment Tool

    With these tools & templates:

    • CLM RASCI Diagram

    Phase 2 Results & Insights:

    • A full understanding of your current CLM process and where improvement is required
    • A mapping of stakeholders for each stage of the CLM process

    The Ten Stages of Contract Lifecycle Management

    There are ten key stages of contract lifecycle management.

    The steps are divided into two phases, pre-execution and post-execution.

      Pre-Execution (Phase 1)

    1. Request
    2. Create
    3. Review Risk
    4. Approve
    5. Negotiate
    6. Sign
    7. Post-Execution (Phase 2)

    8. Capture
    9. Manage
    10. Monitor Compliance
    11. Optimize

    Ten Process Stages Within the CLM Framework

    This image contains the CLM framework from earlier in the presentation, with the addition of the following ten steps: 1. Request; 2. Create Contract; 3. Review Risk; 4. Approve; 5. Negotiate; 6. Sign; 7. Capture; 8. Manage; 9. Monitor Compliance; 10. Optimize.

    Stage 1: Request or Initiate

    Contract lifecycle management begins with the contract requesting process, where one party requests for or initiates the contracting process and subsequently uses that information for drafting or authoring the contract document. This is usually the first step in CLM.

    Requests for contracts can come from various sources:

    • Business units within the organization
    • Vendors presenting their contract, including renewal agreements
    • System- or process-generated requests for renewal or extension

    At this stage, you need to validate if a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is currently in place with the other party or is required before moving forward. At times, adequate NDA components could be included within the contract or agreement to satisfy corporate confidentiality requirements.

    Stage 1: Request or Initiate

    Stage Input

    • Information about what the contract needs to contain, such as critical dates, term length, coverage, milestones, etc.
    • Some organizations require that justification and budget approval be provided at this stage.
    • Request could come from a vendor as a pre-created contract.
    • Best practices recommend that a contract request form or template is used to standardize all required information.

    Stage Output

    • Completed request form, stored or posted with all details required to move forward to risk review and contract creation.
    • Possible audit trails.

    Stage 2: Create Contract

    • At the creation or drafting stage, the document is created, generated, or provided by the vendor. The document will contain all clauses, scope, terms and conditions, and pricing as required.
    • In some cases, a vendor-presented contract that is already prepared will go through an internal review or redlining process by the business unit and/or Legal.
    • Both internal and external review and redlining are included in this stage.
    • Also at this stage, the approvers and signing authorities are identified and added to the contract. In addition, some audit trail features may be added.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    For a comprehensive list of terms and conditions, see our Software Terms & Conditions Evaluation Tool within Master Contract Review and Negotiation for Software Agreements.

    Stage 2: Create Contract

    Stage Input

    • Contract request form, risk review/assessment.
    • Vendor- or contractor-provided contract/agreement, either soft copy, electronic form, or more frequently, “clickwrap” web-posted document.
    • Could also include a renewal notification from a vendor or from the CLM system or admin.

    Stage Output

    • Completed draft contract or agreement, typically in a Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format with audit trail or comment tracking.
    • Redlined document for additional revision and or acceptance.
    • Amendment or addendum to existing contract.

    Stage 3: Review Risk 1 of 2

    The importance of risk review can not be understated. The contract or agreement must be reviewed by several stakeholders who can identify risks to the organization within the contract.

    Three important definitions:

    1. Risk is the potential for a negative outcome. A risk is crossing the street while wearing headphones and selecting the next track to play on your smartphone. A negative outcome is getting hit by an oncoming person who, unremarkably, was doing something similar at the same time.
    2. Risk mitigation is about taking the steps necessary to minimize both the likelihood of a risk occurring – look around both before and while crossing the street – and its impact if it does occur – fall if you must, but save the smartphone!
    3. Contract risk is about any number of situations that can cause a contract to fail, from trivially – the supplier delivers needed goods late – to catastrophically – the supplier goes out of business without having delivered your long-delayed orders.

    Stage 3: Review Risk 2 of 2

    • Contracts must be reviewed for business terms and conditions, potential risk situations from a financial or legal perspective, business commitments or obligations, and any operational concerns.
    • Mitigating contract risk requires a good understanding of what contracts are in place, how important they are to the success of the organization, and what data they contain.

    Collectively, this is known as contract visibility.

    • Risk avoidance and mitigation are also a key component in the ROI of a CLM system and should be tracked for analysis.
    • Risk-identifying forms or templates can be used to maintain consistency with corporate standards.

    Stage 3: Review Risk

    Stage Input

    • All details of the proposed contract so that a proper risk analysis can be done as well as appropriate review with stakeholders, including:
      • Finance
      • Legal
      • Procurement
      • Security
      • Line-of-business owner
      • IT stakeholders

    Stage Output

    • A list of identified concerns that could expose the business unit or organization.
    • Recommendations to minimize or eliminate identified risks.

    Stage 4: Approve

    The approval stage can be a short process if policies and procedures are already in place. Most organizations will have defined delegation of authority or approval authority depending on risk, value of the contract, and other corporate considerations.

    • Defined approval levels should be known within the organization and can be applied to the approval workflow, expediting the approval of drafted terms, conditions, changes, and cost/spend within the contract internally.
    • Tracking and flexibility needs to considered in the approval process.
    • Gates need to be in place to ensure that a required approver has approved the contract before it moves to the next approver.
    • Flexibility is needed in some situations for ad hoc approval tasks and should include audit trail as required.
    • Approvers can include business units, Finance, Legal, Security, and C-level leaders

    Stage 4: Approve

    Stage Input

    • Complete draft contract with all terms and conditions (T&Cs) and approval trail.
    • Amendment or addendum to existing contract.

    Stage Output

    • Approved draft contract ready to move to the next step of negotiating with the vendor.
    • Approved amendment or addendum to existing or renewal agreement.

    Stage 5: Negotiate

    • At this stage, there should be an approved draft of the contract that can be presented to the other party or vendor for review.
    • Typically organizations will negotiate their larger deals for terms and conditions with the goal of balancing the contractual allocation of risk with the importance of the vendor or agreement and its value to the business.
    • Several people on either side are typically involved and will discuss legal and commercial terms of the contract. Throughout the process, negotiators may leverage a variety of tools, including playbooks with preferred and fallback positions, clause libraries, document redlines and comparisons, and issue lists.
    • Audit trails or tracking of changes and acceptances is an important part of this stage. Tracking will avoid duplication and lost or missed changes and will speed up the entire process.
    • A final, clean document is created at this point and readied for execution.

    Stage 5: Negotiate

    Stage Input

    • Approved draft contract ready to move to the next step of negotiating with the vendor.
    • Approved amendment or addendum to existing or renewal agreement.

    Stage Output

    • A finalized and approved contract or amendment with agreed-upon terms and conditions ready for signatures.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Saving the different versions of a contract during negotiations will save time, provide reassurance of agreed terms as you move through the process, and provide reference for future negotiations with the vendor.

    Stage 6: Sign or Execute

    • At this stage in the process, all the heavy lifting in a contract’s creation is complete. Now it’s signature time.
    • To finalize the agreement, both parties need to the sign the final document. This can be done by an in-person wet ink signature or by what is becoming more prevalent, digital signature through an e-signature process.
    • Once complete, the final executed documents are exchanged or received electronically and then retained by each party.

    Stage 6: Sign or Execute

    Stage Input

    • A finalized and approved contract or amendment with agreed-upon terms and conditions ready for signatures.

    Stage Output

    • An executed contract or amendment ready to move to the next stage of CLM, capturing in the repository.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Process flow provisions should made for potential rejection of the contract by signatories, looping the contract back to the appropriate stage for rework or revision.

    Stage 7: Capture in Database/Repository 1 of 2

    • This is one of the most important stages of a CLM process. Executed agreements need to be stored in a single manageable, searchable, reportable, and centralized repository.
    • All documents should to be captured electronically, reviewed for accuracy, and then posted to the CLM repository.
    • The repository can be in various formats depending on the maturity, robustness, and budget of the CLM program.

    Most repositories are some type of database:

    • An off-the-shelf product
    • A PaaS cloud-based solution
    • A homegrown, internally developed database
    • An add-on module to your ERP system

    Stage 7: Capture in Database/Repository 2 of 2

    Several important features of an electronic repository should be considered:

    • Consistent metadata tagging of clauses, terms, conditions, dates, etc.
    • Centralized summary view of all contracts
    • Controlled access for those who need to review and manage the contracts

    Establishing an effective repository will be key to providing measurable value to the organization and saving large amounts of time for the business unit.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Planning for future needs by investing a little more money into a better, more robust repository could pay bigger dividends to the VMO and organization while providing a higher ROI over time as advanced functionality is deployed.

    Stage 8: Manage

    • Once an agreement is captured in the repository, it needs to be managed from both an operational and a commitment perspective.
    • Through a summary view or master list, contracts need to be operationally managed for end dates and renewals, vendor performance, discounts, and rebates.
    • Managing contracts for commitment and compliance will ensure all contract requirements, rights, service-level agreements (SLAs), and terms are fulfilled. This will eliminate the high costs of missed SLAs, potential breaches, or missed renewals.
    • Managing contracts can be improved by adding metadata to the records that allow for easier search and retrieval of contracts or even proactive notification.
    • The repository management features can and should be available to business stakeholders, or reporting from a CLM admin can also alert stakeholders to renewals, pricing, SLAs, etc.
    • Also important to this stage is reporting. This can be done by an admin or via a self-serve feature for stakeholders, or it could even be automated.

    Stage 9: Monitor Compliance 1 of 2

    • At this stage, the contracts or agreements need to be monitored for the polices within them and the purpose for which they were signed.
    • This is referred to as obligation management and is a key step to providing savings to the organization and mitigating risk.
    • Many contracts contain commitments by each party. These can include but are not limited to SLAs, service uptime targets, user counts, pricing threshold discounts and rebates, renewal notices to vendors, and training requirements.
    • All of these obligations within the contracts should be summarized and monitored to ensure that all commitments are delivered on. Managing obligations will mitigate risks, maximize savings and rebates to the organization, and minimize the potential for a breach within the contract.

    Stage 9: Monitor Compliance 2 of 2

    • Monitoring and measuring vendor commitments and performance will also be a key factor in maximizing the benefits of the contract through vendor accountability.
    • Also included in this stage is renewal and/or disposition of the contract. If renewal is due, it should go back to the business unit for submission to the Stage 1: Request process. If the business unit is not going to renew the contract, the contract must be tagged and archived for future reference.

    Stage 10: Optimize

    • The goal of this stage is to improve the other stages of the process as well as evaluate how each stage is integrating with the core operational framework processes.
    • With more data and improved insight into contractual terms and performance, a business can optimize its portfolio for better value, greater savings, and lower-risk outcomes.
    • For high-performance contract teams, the goal is a continuous feedback loop between the contract portfolio and business performance. If, for example, the data shows that certain negotiation issues consume a large chunk of time but yield no measurable difference in risk or performance, you may tweak the playbook to remedy those issues quickly.

    Additional optimization tactics:

    • Streamlining contract renewals with auto-renew
    • Predefined risk review process or template, continuous review/improvement of negotiation playbook
    • Better automation or flow of approval process
    • Better signature delegation process if required
    • Improving repository search with metadata tagging
    • Automating renewal tracking or notice process
    • Tracking the time a contract spends in each stage

    Establish Your Current CLM Maturity Position

    • Sometimes organizations have a well-defined pre-execution process but have a poor post-signature process.
    • Identifying your current processes or lack thereof will provide you with a starting point in developing a plan for your CLM. It’s possible that most of the stages are there and just need some improvements, or maybe some are missing and need to be implemented.
    • It’s not unusual for organizations to have a manual pre-execution process and an automated backend repository with compliance and renewal notices features.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Use the CLM Maturity Assessment Tool to outline where your organization is at each stage of the process.

    Member Activity: Assess Current CLM Maturity

    2.1 Completion Time 1-2 days

    Goal: Identify and measure your existing CLM processes, if any, and provide a maturity value to each stage. The resulting scores will provide a maturity assessment of your CLM.


    1. Use the Existing CLM Process Worksheet to document current CLM processes.
    2. Using the CLM worksheet info, answer the questions in the CLM Maturity Assessment Tool.
    3. Review the results and scores on Tab 3 to see where you need to focus your initial improvements.
    4. Save the initial assessment for future reference and reassess in six to 12 months to measure progress.

    This image contains a screenshot from Info-Tech's CLM Maturity Assessment Tool.


    • Internal information from all CLM stakeholders


    • A summary of processes and owners currently in place in the organization


    • Existing CLM processes from interviews


    • Finance, Legal, CIO, VMO, Sales, Procurement

    Member Activity: Complete RASCI Chart

    2.2 Completion Time 2-6 hours

    Goal: Identify who in your organization is primarily accountable and involved in each stage of the CLM process.


    Engage internal business unit decision makers, stakeholders, Finance, Legal, CIO, VMO, Sales, and Procurement as required to validate who should be involved in each stage.

    1. Using the information collected from internal reviews, assign a level in the CLM RASCI Diagram to each team member.
    2. Use the resulting RASCI diagram to guide you through developing or improving your CLM stages.

    This image contains a screenshot from Info-Tech's CLM RASCI Diagram.


    • Internal interview information


    • Understanding of who is involved in each CLM stage


    • Interview data
    • RASCI Diagram


    • Finance, Legal, CIO, VMO, Sales, Procurement

    Applying CLM Framework and Stages to Your Organization

    • Understand what CLM process you currently do or do not have in place.
    • Review implementation options: automated, semi-automated, and manual solutions.
    • If you are improving an existing process, focus on one phase at a time, perfect it, and then move to the other phase. This can also be driven by budget and time.
    • Create a plan to start with and then move to automating or semi-automating the stages.
    • Building onto or enhancing an existing system or processes can be a cost-effective method to produce near-term measurable savings
    • Focus on one phase at a time, then move on to the other phase.
    • While reviewing implementation of or improvements to CLM stages, be sure to track or calculate the potential time and cost savings and risk mitigation. This will help in any required business case for a CLM.

    CLM: An ROI Discussion 1 of 2

    • ROI can be easier to quantify and measure in larger organizations with larger CLM, but ROI metrics can be obtained regardless of the company or CLM size.
    • Organizations recognize their ROI through gains in efficiency across the entire business as well as within individual departments involved in the contracting process. They also do so by reducing the risk associated with decentralized and insecure storage of and access to their contracts, failure to comply with terms of their contracts, and missing deadlines associated with contracts.

    Just a few of the factors to consider within your own organization include:

    • The number of people inside and outside your company that touch your contracts.
    • The number of hours spent weekly, monthly, and annually managing contracts.
    • Potential efficiencies gained in better managing those contracts.
    • The total number of contracts that exist at any given time.
    • The average value and total value of those contract types.
    • The potential risk of being in breach of any of those contracts.
    • The number of places contracts are stored.
    • The level of security that exists to prevent unauthorized access.
    • The potential impact of unauthorized access to your sensitive contract data.

    CLM: An ROI Discussion 2 of 2

    Decision-Maker Apprehensions

    Decision-maker concerns arise from a common misunderstanding – that is, a fundamental failure to appreciate the true source of contract management value. This misunderstanding goes back many years to the time when analysts first started to take an interest in contract management and its automation. Their limited experience (primarily in retail and manufacturing sectors) led them to think of contract management as essentially an administrative function, primarily focused on procurement of goods. In such environments, the purpose of automation is focused on internal efficiency, augmented by the possibility of savings from reduced errors (e.g. failing to spot a renewal or expiry date) or compliance (ensuring use of standard terms).

    Today’s CLM systems and processes can provide ROI in several areas in the business.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Research on ROI of CLM software shows significant hard cost savings to an organization. For example, a $10 million company with 300 contracts valued at $3 million could realize savings of $83,400 and avoid up to $460,000 in lost revenues. (Derived from: ACCDocket, 2018)

    Additional Considerations 1 of 2

    Who should own and/or manage the CLM process within an organization? Legal, VMO, business unit, Sales?

    This is an often-discussed question. Research suggests that there is no definitive answer, as there are several variables.

    Organizations needs to review what makes the best business sense for them based on several considerations and then decide where CLM belongs.

    • Business unit budgets and time management
    • Available Administration personnel and time
    • IT resources
    • Security and access concerns
    • Best fit based on organizational structure

    35% of law professionals feel contract management is a legal responsibility, while 45% feel it’s a business responsibility and a final 20% are unsure where it belongs. (Source: “10 Eye-Popping Contract Management Statistics,” Apttus, 2018)

    Additional Considerations 2 of 2

    What type of CLM software or platform should we use?

    This too is a difficult question to answer definitively. Again, there are several variables to consider. As well, several solutions are available, and this is not a one-size-fits-all scenario.

    As with who should own the CLM process, organizations must review the various CLM software solutions available that will meet their current and future needs and then ask, “What do we need the system to do?”

    • Do you build a “homegrown” solution?
    • Should it be an add-on module to the current ERP or CRM system?
    • Is on-premises more suitable?
    • Is an adequate off-the-shelf (OTS) solution available?
    • What about the many cloud offerings?
    • Is there a basic system to start with that can expand as you grow?

    Info-Tech Insight

    When considering what type of solution to choose, prioritize what needs to been done or improved. Sometimes solutions can be deployed in phases as an “add-on” type modules.

    Summary of Accomplishment

    Knowledge Gained

    • Documented current CLM process
    • Core operational framework to build a CLM process on
    • Understanding of best practices required for a sustainable CLM

    Processes Optimized

    • Internal RASCI process identified
    • Existing internal stage improvements
    • Internal review process for risk mitigation

    Deliverables Completed

    • Existing CLM Processes Worksheet
    • CLM Maturity Assessment
    • CLM RASCI Chart
    • CLM improvement plan

    Project Step Summary

    Client Project: CLM Assessment and Improvement Plan

    1. Set your goals – what do you want to achieve in your CLM project?
    2. Assess your organization’s current CLM position in relation to CLM best practices and stages.
    3. Map your organization’s RASCI structure for CLM.
    4. Identify opportunities for stage improvements or target all low stage assessments.
    5. Prioritize improvement processes.
    6. Track ROI metrics.
    7. Develop a CLM implementation or improvement plan.

    Info-Tech Insight

    This project can fit your organization’s schedule:

    • Do-it-yourself with your team.
    • Remote delivery (Info-Tech Guided Implementation).

    CLM Blueprint Summary and Conclusion

    • Contract management is a vital component of a responsible VMO that will benefit all business units in an organization, save time and money, and reduce risk exposure.
    • A basic well-deployed and well-managed CLM will provide ROI in the short term.
    • Setting an improvement plan with concise improvements and potential cost savings based on process improvements will help your business case for CLM get approval and leadership buy-in.
    • Educating and aligning all business units and stakeholders to any changes to CLM processes will ensure that cost savings and ROI are achieved.
    • When evaluating a CLM software solution, use the operational framework and the ten process stages in this blueprint as a reference guide for CLM vendor functionality and selection.

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Master Contract Review and Negotiation

    Optimize spend with significant cost savings and negotiate from a position of strength.

    Manage Your Vendors Before They Manage You

    Maximize the value of vendor relationships.


    Burla, Daniel. “The Must Know Of Transition to Dynamics 365 on Premise.” Sherweb, 14 April 2017. Web.

    Anand, Vishal, “Strategic Considerations in Implementing an End-to-End Contract Lifecycle Management Solution.” DWF Mindcrest, 20 Aug. 2016. Web.

    Alspaugh, Zach. “10 Eye-Popping Contract Management Statistics from the General Counsel’s Technology Report.” Apttus, 23 Nov. 2018. Web.

    Bishop, Randy. “Contract Management is not just a cost center.” ContractSafe, 9 Sept. 2019. Web.

    Bryce, Ian. “Contract Management KPIs - Measuring What Matters.” Gatekeeper, 2 May 2019. Web.

    Busch, Jason. “Contract Lifecycle Management 101.” Determine. 4 Jan. 2018. Web.

    “Contract Management Software Buyer's Guide.” TechnologyAdvice, 5 Aug. 2019. Web.

    Dunne, Michael. “Analysts Predict that 2019 will be a Big Year for Contract Lifecycle Management.” Apttus, 19 Nov. 2018. Web.

    “FIS Case Study.” Apttus, n.d. Web.

    Gutwein, Katie. “3 Takeaways from the 2018 State of Contract Management Report.” SpringCM, 2018. Web.

    “IACCM 2019 Benchmark Report.” IAACM, 4 Sept. 2019. Web.

    Linsley, Rod. “How Proverbial Wisdom Can Help Improve Contract Risk Mitigation.” Gatekeeper, 2 Aug. 2019. Web.

    Mars, Scott. “Contract Management Data Extraction.” Exari, 20 June 2017. Web.

    Rodriquez, Elizabeth. “Global Contract Life-Cycle Management Market Statistics and Trends 2019.” Business Tech Hub, 17 June 2017. Web.

    “State of Contract Management Report.” SpringCM, 2018. Web.

    Teninbaum, Gabriel, and Arthur Raguette. “Realizing ROI from Contract Management Technology.”, 29 Jan. 2018. Web.

    Wagner, Thomas. “Strategic Report on Contract Life cycle Management Software Market with Top Key Players- IBM Emptoris, Icertis, SAP, Apttus, CLM Matrix, Oracle, Infor, Newgen Software, Zycus, Symfact, Contract Logix, Coupa Software.” Market Research, 21 June 2019. Web.

    “What is Your Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Persona?” Spend Matters, 19 Oct. 2017. Web.

    Modernize Communications and Collaboration Infrastructure

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    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.4/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $68,332 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 22 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Voice & Video Management
    • Parent Category Link: /voice-video-management
    • Organizations are losing productivity from managing the limitations of yesterday’s technology. The business is changing and the current communications solution no longer adequately connects end users.
    • Old communications technology, including legacy telephony systems, disjointed messaging and communication or collaboration mediums, and unintuitive video conferencing, deteriorates the ability of users to work together in a productive manner.
    • You need a solution that meets budgetary requirements and improves internal and external communication, productivity, and the ability to work together.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Project scope and assessment will take more time than you initially anticipate. Poorly defined technical requirements can result in failure to meet the needs of the business. Defining project scope and assessing the existing solution is 60% of project time. Being thorough here will make the difference moving forward.
    • Even when the project is about modernizing technology, it’s not really about the technology. The requirements of your people and the processes you want to maintain or reform should be the influential factors in your decisions on technology.
    • Gaining business buy-in can be difficult for projects that the business doesn’t equate with directly driving revenue. Ensure your IT team communicates with the business throughout the process and establishes business requirements. Framing conversations in a “business first, IT second” way is crucial to speaking in a language the business will understand.

    Impact and Result

    • Define a comprehensive set of requirements (across people, process, and technology) at the start of the project. Communication solutions are long-term commitments and mistakes in planning will be amplified during implementation.
    • Analyze the pros and cons of each deployment option and identify a communications solution that balances your budget and communications objectives and requirements.
    • Create an effective RFP by outlining your specific business and technical needs and goals.
    • Make the case for your communications infrastructure modernization project and be prepared to support it.

    Modernize Communications and Collaboration Infrastructure Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should modernize your communications and collaboration infrastructure, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Assess communications infrastructure

    Evaluate the infrastructure requirements and the ability to undergo modernization from legacy technology.

    • Modernize Communications and Collaboration Infrastructure – Phase 1: Assess Communications Infrastructure
    • Communications Infrastructure Roadmap Tool
    • Team Skills Inventory Tool
    • MACD Workflow Mapping Template - Visio
    • MACD Workflow Mapping Template - PDF

    2. Define the target state

    Build and document a formal set of business requirements using Info-Tech's pre-populated template after identifying stakeholders, aligning business and user needs, and evaluating deployment options.

    • Modernize Communications and Collaboration Infrastructure – Phase 2: Define the Target State
    • Stakeholder Engagement Workbook
    • Communications Infrastructure Stakeholder Focus Group Guide
    • IP Telephony and UC End-User Survey Questions
    • Enterprise Communication and Collaboration System Business Requirements Document
    • Communications TCO-ROI Comparison Calculator

    3. Advance the project

    Draft an RFP for a UC solution and gain project approval using Info-Tech’s executive presentation deck.

    • Modernize Communications and Collaboration Infrastructure – Phase 3: Advance the Project
    • Unified Communications Solution RFP Template
    • Modernize Communications Infrastructure Executive Presentation

    Workshop: Modernize Communications and Collaboration Infrastructure

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Assess the Communications Infrastructure

    The Purpose

    Identify pain points.

    Build a skills inventory.

    Define and rationalize template configuration needs.

    Define standard service requests and map workflow.

    Discuss/examine site type(s) and existing technology.

    Determine network state and readiness.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    IT skills & process understanding.

    Documentation reflecting communications infrastructure.

    Reviewed network readiness.

    Completed current state analysis.


    1.1 Build a skills inventory.

    1.2 Document move, add, change, delete (MACD) processes.

    1.3 List relevant communications and collaboration technologies.

    1.4 Review network readiness checklist.


    Clearly documented understanding of available skills

    Documented process maps

    Complete list of relevant communications and collaboration technologies

    Completed readiness checklist

    2 Learn and Evaluate Options to Define the Future

    The Purpose

    Hold focus group meeting.

    Define business needs and goals.

    Define solution options.

    Evaluate options.

    Discuss business value and readiness for each option.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Completed value and readiness assessment.

    Current targets for service and deployment models.


    2.1 Conduct internal focus group.

    2.2 Align business needs and goals.

    2.3 Evaluate deployment options.


    Understanding of user needs, wants, and satisfaction with current solution

    Assessment of business needs and goals

    Understanding of potential future-state solution options

    3 Identify and Close the Gaps

    The Purpose

    Identify gaps.

    Examine and evaluate ways to remedy gaps.

    Determine specific business requirements and introduce draft of business requirements document.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Completed description of future state.

    Identification of gaps.

    Identification of key business requirements.


    3.1 Identify gaps and brainstorm gap remedies.

    3.2 Complete business requirements document.


    Well-defined gaps and remedies

    List of specific business requirements

    4 Build the Roadmap

    The Purpose

    Introduce Unified Communications Solution RFP Template.

    Develop statement of work (SOW).

    Document technical requirements.

    Complete cost-benefit analysis.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Unified Communications RFP.

    Documented technical requirements.


    4.1 Draft RFP (SOW, tech requirements, etc.).

    4.2 Conduct cost-benefit analysis.


    Ready to release RFP

    Completed cost-benefit analysis

    Make Sense of Strategic Portfolio Management

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    • Parent Category Name: Portfolio Management
    • Parent Category Link: /portfolio-management
    • As an IT leader, you’re responsible for steering the realization of business strategy through wise investments in and responsible stewardship of assets, applications, portfolios, programs, products, and projects.
    • You need a tool to help align goals and facilitate processes across business units. You’re aware of a tool space called Strategic Portfolio Management, and it looks like it could help, but you’re unsure of how it’s different from some of the existing tools you already pay for and don’t use to their full functionality.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    As a software space, strategic portfolio management lacks a unified definition. In the same way that it took many years for project portfolio management to stabilize as a concept distinct from traditional enterprise project management, strategic portfolio management is experiencing a similar period of formational uncertainty. Unpacking what’s truly new and valuable in helping to define strategy and drive strategic outcomes versus what’s just repackaged as SPM is an important first step, but it's not an easy undertaking.

    Impact and Result

    In this concise publication, we will cut through the marketing to unpack what strategic portfolio management is, and what makes it distinct from similar capabilities. We’ll help to situate you in the space and assess the extent to which your tooling needs can be met by a strategic portfolio management offering.

    Make Sense of Strategic Portfolio Management Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Make Sense of Strategic Portfolio Management Storyboard – A guide to help you drive strategic outcomes.

    In this concise publication we introduce you to strategic portfolio management and consider the extent to which your organization can leverage an SPM application to help drive strategic outcomes.

    • Make Sense of Strategic Portfolio Management Storyboard

    2. Strategic Portfolio Management Needs Assessment Tool – Use this tool to determine if your organization can benefit from the features and functionality of an SPM approach.

    Use this Excel workbook to determine if your organization can benefit from the features and functionality of an SPM approach or whether you need something more like a traditional project portfolio management tool.

    • Strategic Portfolio Management Needs Assessment

    Further reading

    Make Sense of Strategic Portfolio Management

    Separate what's new and valuable from bloated claims on the hype cycle.

    Analyst Perspective

    Do you need strategic portfolio management, or do you need to do portfolio management more strategically?

    Travis Duncan, Research Director, PPM and CIO Strategy

    Travis Duncan
    Research Director, PPM and CIO Strategy
    Info-Tech Research Group

    While the market is eager to get users into what they're calling "strategic portfolio management," there's a lot of uncertainty out there about what this market is and how it's different from other, more established portfolio disciplines – most significantly, project portfolio management.

    Indeed, if you look at how the space is covered within the industry, you'll encounter a dog's breakfast of players, a comparison of apples and oranges: Jira in the same quadrants as Planisware, Smartsheets in the same profiles as Planview and ServiceNow. While each of the individual players is impressive, their areas of focus are unique and the extent to which they should be compared together under the category of strategic portfolio management is questionable.

    It speaks to some of the grey area within the SPM space more generally, which is at a bit of a crossroads: Will it formally shed the guardrails of its antecedents to become its own space, or will it devolve into a bait and switch through which capabilities that struggled to gain much traction beyond IT settings seek to infiltrate the business and grow their market share under a different name?

    Part of it is up to the rest of us as users and potential customers. Clarifying what we need before we jump into something simply because our prior attempts failed will help determine whether we need a unique space for strategic portfolio management or whether we simply need to do portfolio management more strategically.

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge Common Obstacles Info-Tech's Approach
    • As an IT leader, you're responsible for steering the realization of business strategy through wise investments in/ and responsible stewardship of: assets, applications, portfolios, programs, products, and projects.
    • You need a tool to help align goals and facilitate processes and communications across business units. You're aware of a tool space called strategic portfolio management, and it looks like it could help, but you're unsure of how it's different from some of the existing tools you already license.
    • As a software space, strategic portfolio management lacks a unified definition. Unpacking what's truly new in helping to define strategy and drive strategic outcomes versus what's just repackaged as SPM is no small undertaking.
    • Because SPM can span different business units, ways of working, and roles, getting buy-in, alignment, and adoption can be even more precarious than it is when implementing other types of solutions.
    • In this concise publication, we will cut through the marketing to unpack what strategic portfolio management is and what makes it distinct from similar capabilities.
    • Assess the extent to which your tooling needs can be met by a strategic portfolio management offering or the extent to which you may need to look at other software categories.
    • With a better understanding of the space, we hope to help facilitate better internal discussions around the value of SPM for your business needs.

    Info-Tech Insight
    In the same way that it took many years for PPM to stabilize as a concept distinct from traditional enterprise project management, strategic portfolio management is experiencing a similar period of formational uncertainty. In a space that can be all things to all users, clarify your actual needs before jumping onto a bandwagon and ending up with something that you don't need, and that the organization can't adopt.

    Strategic portfolio management is enterprise portfolio management

    Evolved from various other capabilities and vendor solutions, strategic portfolio management (SPM) seeks to connect strategy to execution.

    While the concept of 'strategic portfolio management' has been written about within project portfolio management circles for nearly 20 years, SPM, as a distinct organizational competence and software category, is a relatively new and largely vendor-driven capability.

    First emerging in the discourse during the mid-to-late 2010s, SPM has evolved from its roots in traditional enterprise project portfolio management. Though, as we will discuss, it has other antecedents not limited to PPM.

    In this publication, we'll unpack what SPM is, how it is distinct (and, in turn, how it is not distinct) from PPM and other capabilities, and we will consider the extent to which your organization can and should leverage an SPM application to help drive strategic outcomes.

    –The increasing need to deliver value from digital initiatives is giving rise to strategic portfolio management, a digital investment management discipline that enables strategy realization in complex dynamic environments."
    – OnePlan, "Is Strategic Portfolio Management the Future of PPM?"

    Only 2% of business leaders are confident that they will achieve 80% to 100% of their strategic objectives.
    Source: Smith, 2022

    Put strategic portfolio management in context

    SPM is a new stage in the history of project portfolio management more generally. While it's emerging as a distinct capability, and it borrows from capabilities beyond PPM, unpacking its distinctiveness is best done by first understanding its source.

    Understand the recent triggers for strategic portfolio management

    Triggers for the emergence of strategic portfolio management in the discourse include the pace of technology-introduced change, the waning of enterprise project management, and challenges around enterprise PPM tool adoption.

    Spot the difference?

    Scope, focus, and audience are just a few of the factors distinguishing what the market calls "SPM" from traditional PPM.

    Project Portfolio Management Differentiator Strategic Portfolio Management
    Work-Level (Tactical) Primary Orientation High-Level (Strategic)
    CIO Accountable for Outcomes CxO
    Project Manager Responsible for Outcomes Product Management Organization
    Project Managers, PMO Staff Targeted Users Business Leaders, ePMO Staff
    Project Portfolio(s) Essential Scope Multi-Portfolio (Project, Application, Product, Program, etc.)
    IT Project Delivery and Business Results Delivery Core Focus Business Strategy and Change Delivery
    Project Scope Change Impact Sensitivity Enterprise Scope
    IT and/or Business Benefit Language of Value Value Stream
    Project Timelines Main View Strategy Roadmaps
    Resource Capacity Primary Currency Money
    Work-Assignment Details Modalities of Planning Value Milestones & OKRs
    Work Management Modalities of Execution Governance (Project, Product, Strategy, Program, etc.)
    Project Completion Definitions of "Done" Business Capability Realization

    Info-Tech Insight
    The distinction between the two capabilities is not necessarily as black and white as the table above would have it (some "PPM" tools offer what we're identifying above as "SPM" capabilities), but it can be helpful to think in these binaries when trying to distinguish the two capabilities. At the very least, SPM broadens its scope to target more executive and business users, and functions best when it's speaking at a higher level, to a business audience.

    Strategic portfolio management offers a more holistic view of the enterprise

    At its best, strategic portfolio management can accommodate various paradigms of work management and incorporate different types of portfolio management.

    Perhaps the biggest evolution from traditional PPM that strategic portfolio management promises is that it casts a wider net in terms of the types of work it tracks (and how it tracks that work) and the types of portfolios it accommodates.

    Not bound to the concepts of "projects" and a "project portfolio" specifically, SPM broadens its scope to encompass capabilities like product and product portfolio management, enterprise architecture management, security and risk management, and more.

    • Where a PPM solution only shows one piece of the puzzle, SPM looks at the entire investment ecosystem, tracking strategic goals, the ideas generated to help achieve those goals, and all the various kinds of investments made in the service of those goals.
    • what's more, where traditional PPM tools required users to adhere to a certain way of working and managing tasks, SPM is more flexible, relying on integrations across various ways of working to provide higher-level insight on the progress of work and the achievement of goals.

    Deliver business strategy and change effectively

    Info-Tech's Strategic Portfolio Management Framework

    "An SPM tool will capture business strategy, business capabilities, operating models, the enterprise architecture and the project portfolio with unmatched visibility into how they all relate. This will give...a robust understanding of the impact of a proposed IT change " and enable IT and business to act like cocreators driving innovation."
    – Paula Ziehr

    You might need a strategic portfolio management tool if–

    If you find yourself facing any of these situations, it might be time to step away from your PPM tool and into an SPM approach:

    • Your organization is facing a large implementation that will cross multiple departmental units and requires alignment across senior leadership (e.g. a digital transformation initiative).
    • You currently have disparate systems tracking different portfolios (project, product, applications, etc.) and types of investments, but lack insight into the whole in terms of how work efforts and investments tie back to strategy realization.
    • You are an ePMO or a strategy realization office that doesn't manage work necessarily, but that rather ensures that the work, assets, and capabilities that are funded connect to strategy and drive the realization of strategy.

    Sixty one percent of leaders acknowledge their companies struggle to bridge the gap between creating a strategy and executing on that strategy.
    Source: StrategyBlocks, 2020

    Get to know your strategic portfolio management stakeholders

    In terms of users, SPM's focus is further up the org chart than most applications, relying on high-level but usable outputs to help drive decision making.

    ePMO or Strategy Realization Office Senior Leadership and Executive Stakeholders Business Leads and IT Directors and Managers
    SPM tools are best facilitated through enterprise PMOs or strategy realization offices. After all, in enterprises, these are the entities charged with the planning, execution, and tracking of strategy.

    Their roles within the tool typically entail:

    • Helping to facilitate processes and collect data.
    • Data quality and curation.
    • Report distribution and consumption.
    As those with the accountability and authority to drive the organization's strategy, you could argue that these stakeholders are the primary stakeholders for an SPM tool.

    Their roles within the tool typically entail:

    • Using strategy map and ideation functionalities.
    • Using reports to steward strategy realization.
    SPM targets more business users as well as senior IT managers and directors.

    Their roles within the tool typically entail:

    • Using strategy map and ideation functionalities.
    • Providing updates to ePMOs on progress.

    What should you look for in a strategic portfolio management tool? (1 of 2)

    Standard features for SPM include:

    Name Description
    Analytics and Reporting SPM should provide access to real-time dashboards and data interpretation, which can be exported as reports in a range of formats.
    Strategy Mapping and Road Mapping SPM should provide access to up-to-date timeline views of strategies and initiatives, including the ability to map such things as dependencies, market needs, funding, priorities, governance, and accountabilities.
    Value Tracking and Measurement SPM should include the ability to forecast, track, and measure return on investment for strategic investments. This includes accommodations for various paradigms of value delivery (e.g. traditional value delivery and measurement, OKRs, as well as value mapping and value streams).
    Ideation and Innovation Management SPM should include the ability to facilitate innovation management processes across the organization, including the ability to support stage gates from ideation through to approval; to articulate, socialize, and test ideas; perform impact assessments; create value canvas and OKR maps; and prioritize.
    Multi-Portfolio Management SPM should include the ability to perform various modalities of portfolio management and portfolio optimization, including project portfolio management, applications portfolio management, asset portfolio management, etc.
    Interoperability/APIs An SPM tool should enable seamless integration with other applications for data interoperability.

    What should you look for in a strategic portfolio management tool? (2 of 2)

    Advanced features for SPM can include:

    Name Description
    Product Management SPM can include product-management-specific functionality, including the ability to connect product families, roadmaps, and backlogs to enterprise goals and priorities, and track team-level activities at the sprint, release, and campaign levels.
    Enterprise Architecture Management SPM can include the ability to define and map the structure and operation of an organization in order to effectively coordinate various domains of architecture and governance (e.g. business architecture, data architecture, application architecture, security architecture, etc.) in order to effectively plan and introduce change.
    Security and Risk Management SPM can include the ability to identify and track enterprise risks and ensure compliance controls are met.
    Lean Portfolio Management SPM can include the ability to plan and report on portfolio performance independent from task level details of product, program, or project delivery.
    Investment and Financial Management SPM can include the ability to forecast, track, and report on financials at various levels (strategy, product, program, project, etc.).
    Multi-Methodology Delivery SPM can include the ability to plan and execute work in a way that accommodates various planning and delivery paradigms (predictive, iterative, Kanban, lean, etc.).

    What's promising within the space?

    As this space continues to stabilize, the following are some promising associations for business and IT enablement.

    1. SPM accommodates various ways of working.
    • Where traditional PPM and work management tools required that users change their processes and tasking paradigms to fit within the tool's rigid task management and data structures, the best SPM tools are those that are adaptable to various ways of working and can accommodate many tasking and work management models.
    • Sometimes this is done through extensive integrations and APIs that pull data from existing work management applications into a single view within the SPM tool, and other times, this is done by abstracting the task-level details into a higher-level reporting structure (it can depend on the solution). In any event, the best SPMs are bound to one work management model.
    2. SPM puts the focus on value and change.
    • With its focus on the planning and execution of strategy, SPM can't avoid putting a spotlight on value and value realization. The best SPM tools include the ability to forecast, track, and measure return on investment for strategic investments, and they accommodate for various paradigms of value delivery (e.g. traditional value delivery and measurement, OKRs, as well as value mapping and value streams).
    • Of course, you can't realize value without successfully fostering change. And while SPM tools don't necessarily offer functionality explicitly identifiable as organizational change management, they can act as agents of change in putting the spotlight on the execution of change at the executive level.
    3. SPM fosters a coherent approach to demand management.
    • With its goal of ensuring that strategy informs the organization of portfolios and guides the selection of projects and delivery of products, SPM can potentially bring some order to what is often a chaotic demand-management landscape, ensuring that planned and in-progress work is well justified from an ROI perspective.

    What's of concern within the space?

    As a progeny from other capabilities, SPM has some risks and connotations potential users should be wary of.

    1. The space is rife with IT buzzwords and, as a concept, is sometimes used as a repackaging of failing concepts.
    • You don't need to spend too much time engaging with the literature around SPM before you notice the marketing appeals heavily to concepts like "digitalization," "digital transformation," "continual innovation," "agility/Agile," and the like. While these are all important concepts, and the pursuit of them is worthwhile in many cases, there's no denying they're used as consultant and vendor buzzwords, deployed to excite our imaginations, without necessarily providing much meat around what they mean or how they're deployed and successfully sustained.
    • Indeed, many concepts and capabilities that appear in relation to SPM are on the downward swing of industry hype cycles, suggesting that SPM may be being used by vendors and consultants as another attempt to repackage and capitalize on these concepts even as practitioners grow weary and suspicious of the marketing claims built up around them.
    2. Some solutions that identify as SPM are not.
    • Because it's on the upward swing of its place in the hype cycle, many established PPM and service management vendors are applying the 'strategic portfolio management" label to their products without necessarily doing anything different from a functionality perspective to fit within the space. As a result, SPM vendor landscapes can compare work management, project management, demand management tools, and more. Users who want SPM functionality need to stay frosty to ensure they get what they pay for.
    3. SPM tools may have a capacity blind spot.
    • The biggest barrier to getting things done and done well in modern enterprises is approving more work than you have the capacity to deliver. While SPM offerings can help with better demand management, not many of them cover the capacity side with the same level of improvement.

    Does your organization need a strategic portfolio management tool?

    Use Info-Tech's Strategic Portfolio Management Needs Assessment to gauge your readiness for SPM.

    • As noted in previous places in this deck, there is often a grey area in the market between project portfolio management tools and strategic portfolio management tools.
    • Some PPM tools offer SPM functionality, while some SPM tools avoid traditional PPM outcomes and stay at a higher, strategic level.
    • Depending on the scope of your PMO or portfolio optimization needs, you may need a tool that has just one, or both, of these capabilities.
    • Use Info-Tech's Strategic Portfolio Management Needs Assessment to help you assess whether you require a high-level strategy management tool, a more low-level project portfolio management tool, or a mix of both.

    Download Info-Tech's Strategic Portfolio Management Needs Assessment

    1.1 Assess your needs

    10 to 20 minutes

    1. The Strategic Portfolio Management Needs Assessment is a 41-question survey broken up into three parts: (1) PMO Type, (2) Features and Functionality, (3) Roles.
    2. Go through each section using the provided dropdowns to help identify the orientation of your PMO, the feature and functionality needs of your office, as well as the roles whose needs will need to be serviced through the potential tool implementation.

    This screenshot shows a sample output from the assessment. Based upon your inputs, you'll be grouped within three ranges:

    1. Green: Based upon your inputs, you will benefit from an SPM tool.
    2. Yellow: You may benefit from an SPM tool, but you may also require something more traditional. Clarify your requirements before proceeding.
    3. Red: you're unlikely to leverage many of the benefits of an SPM tool at this time. Look for a more tactical solution.

    Sample Output from the assessment tool

    Input Output
    • Understanding of existing project management, project portfolio management, and work management applications.
    • Recommendation on PPM/SPM tool type
    Materials Participants
    • Strategic Portfolio Management Needs Assessment tool
    • Portfolio managers and/or ePMO directors
    • Project managers and product managers
    • Business stakeholders

    Explore the SPM vendor landscape

    Use Info-Tech's application selection resources to help find the right solution for your organization.

    If the analysis in the previous slides suggested you can benefit from an SPM tool, you can quick-start your vendor evaluation process with SoftwareReviews.

    SoftwareReviews has extensive coverage of not just the SPM space, but of the project portfolio management (pictured to the top right) and project management spaces as well. So, from the tactical to the strategic, SoftwareReviews can help you find the right tools.

    Further, as you settle in on a shortlist, you can begin your vendor analysis using our rapid application selection methodology (see framework on bottom right). For more information see our The Rapid Application Selection Framework blueprint.

    Info-Tech's Rapid Application Selection Framework

    Info-Tech's Rapid Application Selection Framework (RASF)

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Develop a Project Portfolio Management Strategy
    Drive IT project throughput by throttling resource capacity.

    Prepare an Actionable Roadmap for your PMO
    Turn planning into action with a realistic PMO timeline.

    Maintain an Organized Portfolio
    Align portfolio management practices with COBIT (APO05: Manage Portfolio)


    Angliss, Katy, and Pete Harpum. Strategic Portfolio Management: In the Multi-Project and Program Organization. Book. Routledge. 30 Dec. 2022.

    Anthony, James. "95 Essential Project Management Statistics: 2022 Market Share & Data Analysis." Finance Online. 2022. Web. Accessed 21 March 2022

    Banham, Craig. "Integrating strategic planning with portfolio management." Sopheon. Webinar. Accessed 6 Feb. 2023.

    Garfein, Stephen J. "Executive Guide to Strategic Portfolio Management: roadmap for closing the gap between strategy and results." PMI. Conference Paper. Oct. 2007. Accessed 6 Feb. 2023.

    Garfein, Stephen J. "Strategic Portfolio Management: A smart, realistic and relatively fast way to gain sustainable competitive advantage." PMI. Conference Paper. 2 March 2005. Accessed 6 Feb. 2023.

    Hontar, Yulia. "Strategic Portfolio Management." PPM Express. Blog 16 June 2022. Accessed 6 Feb. 2023.

    Milsom, James. "6 Strategic Portfolio Management Trends for 2023." i-nexus. Blog. 25 Jan. 2022. Accessed 6 Feb. 2023.

    Milsom, James. "Strategic Portfolio Management 101." i-nexus. 8 Dec. 2021. Blog . Accessed 6 Feb. 2023.

    OnePlan, "Is Strategic Portfolio Management the Future of PPM?" YouTube. 17 Nov. 2022. Accessed 6 Feb. 2023.

    OnePlan. "Strategic Portfolio Management for Enterprise Agile." YouTube. 27 May 2022. Accessed 6 Feb. 2023.

    Piechota, Frank. "Strategic Portfolio Management: Enabling Successful Business Outcomes." Shibumi. Blog . 31 May 2022. Accessed 6 Feb. 2023.

    ServiceNow. "Strategic Portfolio Management—The Thing You've Been Missing." ServiceNow. Whitepaper. 2021. Accessed 6 Feb. 2023.

    Smith, Shepherd, "50+ Eye-Opening Strategic Planning Statistics" ClearPoint Strategy. Blog. 13 Sept. 2022. Accessed 6 Feb. 2023.

    SoftwareAG. "What is Strategic Portfolio Management (SPM)?" SoftwareAG. Blog. Accessed 6 Feb. 2023.

    Stickel, Robert. "What It Means to be Adaptive." OnePlan. Blog. 24 May 2021. Accessed 6 Feb. 2023.

    UMT360. "What is Strategic Portfolio Management?" YouTube. Webinar. 22 Oct. 2020. Accessed 6 Feb. 2023.

    Wall, Caroline. "Elevating Strategy Planning through Strategic Portfolio Management." StrategyBlocks. Blog. 26 Feb. 2020. Accessed 6 Feb. 2023.

    Westmoreland, Heather. "What is Strategic Portfolio Management." Planview. Blog. 19 Oct 2002. Accessed 6 Feb. 2023.

    Wiltshire, Andrew. "Shibumi Included in Gartner Magic Quadrant for Strategic Portfolio Management for the 2nd Straight Year." Shibumi. Blog. 20 Apr. 2022. Accessed 6 Feb. 2023.

    Ziehr, Paula. "Keep your eye on the prize: Align your IT investments with business strategy." SoftwareAG. Blog. 5 Jul. 2022. Accessed 6 Feb. 2023.

    Prepare Your Application for PaaS

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    • The application may have been written a long time ago, and have source code, knowledge base, or design principles misplaced or lacking, which makes it difficult to understand the design and build.
    • The development team does not have a standardized practice for assessing cloud benefits and architecture, design principles for redesigning an application, or performing capacity for planning activities.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • An infrastructure-driven cloud strategy overlooks application specific complexities. Ensure that an application portfolio strategy is a precursor to determining the business value gained from an application perspective, not just an infrastructure perspective.
    • Business value assessment must be the core of your decision to migrate and justify the development effort.
    • Right-size your application to predict future usage and minimize unplanned expenses. This ensures that you are truly benefiting from the tier costing model that vendors offer.

    Impact and Result

    • Identify and evaluate what cloud benefits your application can leverage and the business value generated as a result of migrating your application to the cloud.
    • Use Info-Tech’s approach to building a robust application that can leverage scalability, availability, and performance benefits while maintaining the functions and features that the application currently supports for the business.
    • Standardize and strengthen your performance testing practices and capacity planning activities to build a strong current state assessment.
    • Use Info-Tech’s elaboration of the 12-factor app to build a clear and robust cloud profile and target state for your application.
    • Leverage Info-Tech’s cloud requirements model to assess the impact of cloud on different requirements patterns.

    Prepare Your Application for PaaS Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should build a right-sized, design-driven approach to moving your application to a PaaS platform, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    • Prepare Your Application for PaaS – Phases 1-2

    1. Create your cloud application profile

    Bring the business into the room, align your objectives for choosing certain cloud capabilities, and characterize your ideal PaaS environment as a result of your understanding of what the business is trying to achieve. Understand how to right-size your application in the cloud to maintain or improve its performance.

    • Prepare Your Application for PaaS – Phase 1: Create Your Cloud Application Profile
    • Cloud Profile Tool

    2. Evaluate design changes for your application

    Assess the application against Info-Tech’s design scorecard to evaluate the right design approach to migrating the application to PaaS. Pick the appropriate cloud path and begin the first step to migrating your app – gathering your requirements.

    • Prepare Your Application for PaaS – Phase 2: Evaluate Design Changes for Your Application
    • Cloud Design Scorecard Tool



    Mitigate Key IT Employee Knowledge Loss

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}511|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.3/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $12,314 Average $ Saved
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    • Parent Category Name: Lead
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    Seventy-four percent of organizations do not have a formal process for capturing and retaining knowledge - which, when lost, results in decreased productivity, increased risk, and money out the door.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Seventy-four percent of organizations do not have a formal process for capturing and retaining knowledge – which, when lost, results in decreased productivity, increased risk, and money out the door. It’s estimated that Fortune 500 companies lose approximately $31.5 billion each year by failing to share knowledge.
    • Don’t follow a one-size-fits-all approach to knowledge transfer strategy! Right-size your approach based on your business goals.
    • Prioritize knowledge transfer candidates based on their likelihood of departure and the impact of losing that knowledge.
    • Select knowledge transfer tactics based on the type of knowledge that needs to be captured – explicit or tacit.

    Impact and Result

    Successful completion of the IT knowledge transfer project will result in the following outcomes:

    1. Approval for IT knowledge transfer project obtained.
    2. Knowledge and stakeholder risks identified.
    3. Effective knowledge transfer plans built.
    4. Knowledge transfer roadmap built.
    5. Knowledge transfer roadmap communicated and approval obtained.

    Mitigate Key IT Employee Knowledge Loss Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Mitigate Key IT Employee Knowledge Loss Deck – A step-by-step document that walks you through how to transfer knowledge on your team to mitigate risks from employees leaving the organization.

    Minimize risk and IT costs resulting from attrition through effective knowledge transfer.

    • Mitigate Key IT Employee Knowledge Loss Storyboard

    2. Project Stakeholder Register Template – A template to help you identify and document project management stakeholders.

    Use this template to document the knowledge transfer stakeholder power map by identifying the stakeholder’s name and role, and identifying their position on the power map.

    • Project Stakeholder Register Template

    3. IT Knowledge Transfer Project Charter Template – Define your project and lay the foundation for subsequent knowledge transfer project planning

    Use this template to communicate the value and rationale for knowledge transfer to key stakeholders.

    • IT Knowledge Transfer Project Charter Template

    4. IT Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool – Identify the risk profile of knowledge sources and the knowledge they have

    Use this tool to identify and assess the knowledge and individual risk of key knowledge holders.

    • IT Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool

    5. IT Knowledge Transfer Plan Template – A template to help you determine the most effective knowledge transfer tactics to be used for each knowledge source by listing knowledge sources and their knowledge, identifying type of knowledge to be transferred and choosing tactics that are appropriate for the knowledge type

    Use this template to track knowledge activities, intended recipients of knowledge, and appropriate transfer tactics for each knowledge source.

    • IT Knowledge Transfer Plan Template

    6. IT Knowledge Identification Interview Guide Template – A template that provides a framework to conduct interviews with knowledge sources, including comprehensive questions that cover what type of knowledge a knowledge source has and how unique the knowledge is

    Use this template as a starting point for managers to interview knowledge sources to extract information about the type of knowledge the source has.

    • IT Knowledge Identification Interview Guide Template

    7. IT Knowledge Transfer Roadmap Presentation Template – A presentation template that provides a vehicle used to communicate IT knowledge transfer recommendations to stakeholders to gain buy-in

    Use this template as a starting point to build your proposed IT knowledge transfer roadmap presentation to management to obtain formal sign-off and initiate the next steps in the process.

    • IT Knowledge Transfer Roadmap Presentation Template

    Workshop: Mitigate Key IT Employee Knowledge Loss

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    Further reading

    Mitigate Key IT Employee Knowledge Loss

    Transfer IT knowledge before it’s gone.


    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    Common Obstacles

    Info-Tech’s Approach

    Seventy-four percent of organizations do not have a formal process for capturing and retaining knowledge1 which, when lost, results in decreased productivity, increased risk, and money out the door. You need to:

    • Build a strategic roadmap to retain and share knowledge.
    • Build a knowledge transfer strategy based on your organization’s business goals.
    • Increase departmental efficiencies through increased collaboration.
    • Retain key IT knowledge
    • Improve junior employee engagement by creating development opportunities.
    • Don’t follow a one-size fits all approach. Right-size your approach based on your organizational goals.
    • Prioritize knowledge transfer candidates based on their likelihood of departure and the impact of losing that knowledge.
    • What you’re transferring impacts how you should transfer it. Select knowledge transfer tactics based on the type of knowledge that needs to be captured – explicit or tacit.

    Our client-tested methodology and project steps allow you to tailor your knowledge transfer plan to any size of organization, across industries. Successful completion of the IT knowledge transfer project will result in the following outcomes:

    • Approval for IT knowledge transfer project obtained.
    • Knowledge and stakeholder risks identified.
    • Effective knowledge transfer plans built.
    • Knowledge transfer roadmap built.
    • Knowledge transfer roadmap communicated.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Seventy-four percent of organizations do not have a formal process for capturing and retaining knowledge which, when lost, results in decreased productivity, increased risk, and money out the door.1

    1 McLean & Company, 2016, N=120

    Stop your knowledge from walking out the door

    Today, the value of an organization has less to do with its fixed assets and more to do with its intangible assets. Intangible assets include patents, research and development, business processes and software, employee training, and employee knowledge and capability.

    People (and their knowledge and capabilities) are an organization’s competitive advantage and with the baby boomer retirement looming, organizations need to invest in capturing employee knowledge before the employees leave. Losing employees in key roles without adequate preparation for their departure has a direct impact on the bottom line in terms of disrupted productivity, severed relationships, and missed opportunities.

    Knowledge Transfer (KT) is the process and tactics by which intangible assets – expertise, knowledge, and capabilities – are transferred from one stakeholder to another. A well-devised knowledge transfer plan will mitigate the risk of knowledge loss, yet as many as 74%2 of organizations have no formal approach to KT – and it’s costing them money, reputation, and time.

    84%of all enterprise value on the S&P 500 is intangibles.3

    $31.5 billion lost annually by Fortune 500 companies failing to share knowledge. 1

    74% of organizations have no formal process for facilitating knowledge transfer. 2

    1 Shedding Light on Knowledge Management, 2004, p. 46

    2 McLean & Company, 2016, N=120

    3 Visual Capitalists, 2020

    Losing knowledge will undermine your organization’s strategy in four ways

    In a worst-case scenario, key employees leaving will result in the loss of valuable knowledge, core business relationships, and profits.


    Inefficiency due to “reinvention of the wheel.” When older workers leave and don’t effectively transfer their knowledge, younger generations duplicate effort to solve problems and find solutions.


    Loss of competitive advantage. What and who you know is a tremendous source of competitive edge. Losing knowledge and/or established client relationships hurts your asset base and stifles growth, especially in terms of proprietary or unique knowledge.


    Reduced capacity to innovate. Older workers know what works and what doesn’t, as well as what’s new and what’s not. They can identify the status quo faster, to make way for novel thinking.


    Increased vulnerability. One thing that comes with knowledge is a deeper understanding of risk. Losing knowledge can impede your organizational ability to identify, understand, and mitigate risks. You’ll have to learn through experience all over again.

    Are you part of the 74% of organizations with no knowledge transfer planning in place? Can you afford not to have it?

    Consider this:




    $14k / minute

    the average age of mainframe workers – making close to 50% of workers over 60.2

    of Fortune 100 companies still use mainframes3 requiring. specialized skills and knowledge

    of CIOs report mainframe applications will remain a key asset in the next decade.1

    is the cost of mainframe outages for an average enterprise.1

    A system failure to a mainframe could be disastrous for organizations that haven’t effectively transferred key knowledge. Now think past the mainframe to key processes, customer/vendor relationships, legal requirements, home grown solutions etc. in your organization.

    What would knowledge loss cost you in terms of financial and reputational loss?

    Source: 1 Big Tech Problem as Mainframes Outlast Workforce

    Source: 2 IT's most wanted: Mainframe programmers

    Source: 3The State of the Mainframe, 2022

    Case Study

    Insurance organization fails to mitigate risk of employee departure and incurs costly consequences – in the millions

    INDUSTRY: Insurance

    SOURCE: ITRG Member




    • A rapidly growing organization's key Senior System Architect unexpectedly fell ill and needed to leave the organization.
    • This individual had been with the organization for more than 25 years and was the primary person in IT responsible for several mission-critical systems.
    • Following this individual’s departure, one of the systems unexpectedly went down.
    • As this individual had always been the go-to person for the system, and issues were few and far between, no one had thought to document key system elements and no knowledge transfer had taken place.
    • The failed system cost the organization more than a million dollars in lost revenue.
    • The organization needed to hire a forensic development team to reverse engineer the system.
    • This cost the organization another $200k in consulting fees plus the additional cost of training existing employees on a system which they had originally been hoping to upgrade.

    Forward thinking organizations use knowledge transfer not only to avoid risks, but to drive IT innovation

    IT knowledge transfer is a process that, at its most basic level, ensures that essential IT knowledge and capabilities don’t leave the organization – and at its most sophisticated level, drives innovation and customer service by leveraging knowledge assets.

    Knowledge Transfer Risks:

    Knowledge Transfer Opportunities:

    ✗ Increased training and development costs when key stakeholders leave the organization.

    ✗ Decreased efficiency through long development cycles.

    ✗ Late projects that tie up IT resources longer than planned, and cost overruns that come out of the IT budget.

    ✗ Lost relationships with key stakeholders within and outside the organization.

    ✗ Inconsistent project/task execution, leading to inconsistent outcomes.

    ✗ IT losing its credibility due to system or project failure from lost information.

    ✗ Customer dissatisfaction from inconsistent service.

    ✓ Mitigated risks and costs from talent leaving the organization.

    ✓ Business continuity through redundancies preventing service interruptions and project delays.

    ✓ Operational efficiency through increased productivity by never having to start projects from scratch.

    ✓ Increased engagement from junior staff through development planning.

    ✓ Innovation by capitalizing on collective knowledge.

    ✓ Increased ability to adapt to change and save time-to-market.

    ✓ IT teams that drive process improvement and improved execution.

    Common obstacles

    In building your knowledge transfer roadmap, the size of your organization can present unique challenges

    How you build your knowledge transfer roadmap will not change drastically based on the size of your organization; however, the scope of your initiative, tactics you employ, and your communication plan for knowledge transfer may change.

    How knowledge transfer projects vary by organization size:

    Small Organization

    Medium Organization

    Large Organization

    Project Opportunities

    ✓ Project scope is much more manageable.

    ✓ Communication and planning can be more manageable.

    ✓ Fewer knowledge sources and receivers can clarify prioritization needs.

    ✓ Project scope is more manageable.

    ✓ Moderate budget for knowledge transfer activities.

    ✓ Communication and enforcement is easier.

    ✓ Budget available to knowledge transfer initiatives.

    ✓ In-house expertise may be available.

    Project Risks

    ✗ Limited resources for the project.

    ✗ In-house expertise is unlikely.

    ✗ Knowledge transfer may be informal and not documented.

    ✗ Limited overlap in responsibilities, resulting in fewer redundancies.

    ✗ Limited staff with knowledge transfer experience for the project.

    ✗ Knowledge assets are less likely to be documented.

    ✗ Knowledge transfer may be a lower priority and difficult to generate buy-in.

    ✗ More staff to manage knowledge transfer for, and much larger scope for the project.

    ✗ Impact of poor knowledge transfer can result in much higher costs.

    ✗Geographically dispersed business units make collaboration and communication difficult.

    ✗ Vast amounts of historical knowledge to capture.

    Capture both explicit and tacit knowledge



    • “What knowledge” – knowledge can be articulated, codified, and easily communicated.
    • Easily explained and captured – documents, memos, speeches, books, manuals, process diagrams, facts, etc.
    • Learn through reading or being told.
    • “How knowledge” – intangible knowledge from an individual’s experience that is more from the process of learning, understanding, and applying information (insights, judgments, and intuition).
    • Hard to verbalize, and difficult to capture and quantify.
    • Learn through observation, imitation, and practice.

    Types of explicit knowledge

    Types of tacit knowledge


    • Specialized technical knowledge.
    • Unique design capabilities/ methods/ models.
    • Legacy systems, details, passwords.
    • Special formulas/algorithms/ techniques/contacts.


    • Specialized research and development processes.
    • Proprietary production processes.
    • Decision-making processes.
    • Legacy systems.
    • Variations from documented processes.


    • Techniques for executing on processes.
    • Relationship management.
    • Competencies built through deliberate practice enabling someone to act effectively.


    • Company history and values.
    • Relationships with key stakeholders.
    • Tips and tricks.
    • Competitor history and differentiators.

    Examples: reading music, building a bike, knowing the alphabet, watching a YouTube video on karate.

    Examples: playing the piano, riding a bike, reading or speaking a language, earning a black belt in karate.

    Knowledge transfer is not a one-size-fits-all project

    The image contains a picture of Info-Tech's Knowledge Transfer Maturity Model. Level 0: Accidental, goal is not prioritized. Level 1: Stabilize, goal is risk mitigation. Level 2: Proactive, goal is operational efficiency. Level 3: Knowledge Culture, goal is innovation & customer service.

    No formal knowledge transfer program exists; knowledge transfer is ad hoc, or may be conducted through an exit interview only.

    74% of organizations are at level 0.1

    At level one, knowledge transfer is focused around ensuring that high risk, explicit knowledge is covered for all high-risk stakeholders.

    Organizations have knowledge transfer plans for all high-risk knowledge to ensure redundancies exist and leverage this to drive process improvements, effectiveness, and employee engagement.

    Increase end-user satisfaction and create a knowledge value center by leveraging the collective knowledge to solve repeat customer issues and drive new product innovation.

    1 Source: McLean & Company, 2016, N=120

    Assess your fit for this blueprint by considering the following statements

    I’m an IT Leader who…


    …has witnessed that new employees have recently left or are preparing to leave the organization, and worries that we don’t have their knowledge captured anywhere.

    …previously had to cut down our IT department, and as a result there is a lack of redundancy for tasks. If someone leaves, we don’t have the information we need to continue operating effectively.

    …is worried that the IT department has no succession planning in place and that we’re opening ourselves up to risk.


    …feels like we are losing productivity because the same problems are being solved differently multiple times.

    …worries that different employees have unique knowledge which is critical to performance and that they are the only ones who know about it.

    …has noticed that the processes people are using are different from the ones that are written down.

    …feels like the IT department is constantly starting projects from scratch, and employees aren’t leveraging each other’s information, which is causing inefficiencies.

    …feels like new employees take too long to get up to speed.

    …knows that we have undocumented systems and more are being built each day.

    Knowledge Culture

    …feels like we’re losing out on opportunities to innovate because we’re not sharing information, learning from others’ mistakes, or capitalizing on their successes.

    …notices that staff don’t have a platform to share information on a regular basis, and believes if we brought that information together, we would be able to improve customer service and drive product innovation.

    …wants to create a culture where employees are valued for their competencies and motivated to learn.

    …values knowledge and the contributions of my team.

    This blueprint can help you build a roadmap to resolve each of these pain points. However, not all organizations need to have a knowledge culture. In the next section, we will walk you through the steps of selecting your target maturity model based on your knowledge goals.

    Case Study

    Siemens builds a knowledge culture to drive customer service improvements and increases sales by $122 million

    INDUSTRY: Electronics Engineering

    SOURCE: KM Best Practices




    • As a large electronics and engineering global company, Siemens was facing increased global competition.
    • There was an emphasized need for agility and specialized knowledge to remain competitive.
    • The new company strategy to address competitive forces focused on becoming a knowledge enterprise and improving knowledge-sharing processes.
    • New leadership roles were created to develop a knowledge management culture.
    • “Communities of practice” were created with the goal of “connecting people to people” by allowing them to share best practices and information across departments.
    • An internal information-sharing program was launched that combined chat, database, and search engine capabilities for 12,000 employees.
    • Employees were able to better focus on customer needs based on offering services and products with high knowledge content.
    • With the improved customer focus, sales increased by $122 million and there was a return of $10-$20 per dollar spent on investment in the communities of practice.

    Info-Tech’s approach

    Five steps to future-proof your IT team

    The five steps are in a cycle. The five steps are: Obtain approval for IT knowledge transfer project, Identify your  knowledge and stakeholder risks, Build knowledge transfer plans, Build your knowledge transfer roadmap, Communicate your knowledge transfer roadmap to stakeholders.

    The Info-Tech difference:

    1. Successfully build a knowledge transfer roadmap based on your goals, no matter what market segment or size of business.
    2. Increase departmental efficiencies through increased collaboration.
    3. Retain key IT knowledge.
    4. Improve junior employee engagement by creating development opportunities.

    Use Info-Tech tools and templates

    Project outcomes

    1. Approval for IT knowledge transfer project obtained

    2. Knowledge and stakeholder risks identified

    3. Tactics for individuals’ knowledge transfer identified

    4. Knowledge transfer roadmap built

    5. Knowledge transfer roadmap approved

    Info-Tech tools and templates to help you complete your project deliverables

    Project Stakeholder Register Template

    IT Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool

    IT Knowledge Identification Interview Guide Template

    Project Planning and Monitoring Tool

    IT Knowledge Transfer Roadmap Presentation Template

    IT Knowledge Transfer Project Charter Template

    IT Knowledge Transfer Plan Template

    Your completed project deliverables

    IT Knowledge Transfer Plans

    IT Knowledge Transfer Roadmap Presentation

    IT Knowledge Transfer Roadmap

    Info-Tech’s methodology to mitigate key IT employee knowledge loss

    1. Initiate

    2. Design

    3. Implement

    Phase Steps

    1. Obtain approval for IT knowledge transfer project.
    2. Identify your knowledge and stakeholder risks.
    1. Build knowledge transfer plans.
    2. Build your knowledge transfer roadmap.
    1. Communicate your knowledge transfer roadmap to stakeholders.

    Phase Outcomes

    • Approval for IT knowledge transfer project obtained.
    • Knowledge and stakeholder risks identified.
    • IT knowledge transfer project charter created.
    • Tactics for individuals’ knowledge transfer identified.
    • Knowledge transfer roadmap built.
    • IT knowledge transfer plans established.
    • IT Knowledge transfer roadmap presented.
    • Knowledge transfer roadmap approved.

    Blueprint deliverables

    Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals:

    IT Knowledge Transfer Project Charter

    Establish a clear project scope, decision rights, and executive sponsorship for the project.

    The image contains a screenshot of the IT Knowledge Transfer Project Charter.

    IT Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool

    Identify and assess the knowledge and individual risk of key knowledge holders.

    The image contains a screenshot of the IT Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool.

    IT Knowledge Identification Interview Guide

    Extract information about the type of knowledge sources have.

    The image contains a screenshot of the IT Knowledge Identification Interview Guide.

    IT Knowledge Transfer Roadmap Presentation

    Communicate IT knowledge transfer recommendations to stakeholders to gain buy-in.

    The image contains a screenshot of the IT Knowledge Transfer Roadmap Presentation.

    Key deliverable:

    IT Knowledge Transfer Plan

    Track knowledge activities, intended recipients, and appropriate transfer tactics for each knowledge source.

    The image contains a screenshot of the IT Knowledge Transfer Plan.

    Blueprint benefits

    IT Benefits

    Business Benefits

    • Business continuity through redundancies preventing service interruptions and project delays.
    • Operational efficiency through increased productivity by never having to start projects from scratch.
    • Increased engagement from junior staff through development planning.
    • IT teams that drive process improvement and improved execution.
    • Mitigated risks and costs from talent leaving the organization.
    • Innovation by capitalizing on collective knowledge.
    • Increased ability to adapt to change and save time-to-market.

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    “ Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful.”

    Guided Implementation

    “Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track.”


    “We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place.”


    “Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project.”

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options

    Guided Implementation

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

    Call #1: Structure the project. Discuss transfer maturity goal and metrics.

    Call #2: Build knowledge transfer plans.

    Call #3: Identify priorities & review risk assessment tool.

    Call #4: Build knowledge transfer roadmap. Determine logistics of implementation.

    Call #5: Determine logistics of implementation.

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization. A typical GI is five to six calls.

    Workshop Overview

    Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889

    Day 1

    Day 2

    Day 3

    Day 4

    Day 5

    Define the Current and Target State

    Identify Knowledge Priorities

    Build Knowledge Transfer Plans

    Define the Knowledge Transfer Roadmap

    Next Steps and
    Wrap-Up (offsite)


    1.1 Have knowledge transfer fireside chat.

    1.2 Identify current and target maturity.

    1.3 Identify knowledge transfer metrics

    1.4 Identify knowledge transfer project stakeholders

    2.1 Identify your knowledge sources.

    2.2 Complete a knowledge risk assessment.

    2.3 Identify knowledge sources’ level of knowledge risk.

    3.1 Build an interview guide.

    3.2 Interview knowledge holders.

    4.1 Prioritize the sequence of initiatives.

    4.2 Complete the project roadmap.

    4.3 Prepare communication presentation.

    5.1 Complete in-progress deliverables from previous four days.

    5.2 Set up review time for workshop deliverables and to discuss next steps.


    1. Organizational benefits and current pain points of knowledge transfer.
    2. Identification of target state of maturity.
    3. Metrics for knowledge transfer.
    4. Project stakeholder register.
    1. List of high risk knowledge sources.
    2. Departure analysis.
    3. Knowledge risk analysis.
    1. Knowledge transfer interview guide.
    2. Itemized knowledge assets.
    1. Prioritized sequence based on target state maturity goals.
    2. Project roadmap.
    3. Communication deck.

    Phase #1

    Initiate your IT knowledge transfer project

    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    Phase 3

    1.1 Obtain approval for project

    1.2 Identify knowledge and stakeholder risks

    2.1 Build knowledge transfer plans

    2.2 Build knowledge transfer roadmap

    3.1 Communicate your roadmap

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Hold a working session with key stakeholders.
    • Identify your current state of maturity for knowledge transfer.
    • Identify your target state of maturity for knowledge transfer.
    • Define key knowledge transfer metrics.
    • Identify your project team and their responsibilities.
    • Build the project charter and obtain approval.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • IT Leadership
    • Other key stakeholders

    Step 1.1

    Obtain Approval for Your IT Knowledge Transfer Project


    1.1.1 Hold a Working Session With Key Stakeholders

    1.1.2 Conduct a Current and Target State Analysis.

    1.1.3 Identify Key Metrics

    1.1.4 Identify Your Project Team

    1.1.5 Populate an RACI

    1.1.6 Build the Project Charter and Obtain Approval

    Initiate Your IT Knowledge Transfer Project

    The primary goal of this section is to gain a thorough understanding of the reasons why your organization should invest in knowledge transfer and to identify the specific challenges to address.

    Outcomes of this step

    Organizational benefits and current pain points of knowledge transfer

    Hold a working session with the key stakeholders to structure the project

    Don’t build your project charter in a vacuum. Involve key stakeholders to determine the desired knowledge transfer goals, target maturity and KPIs, and ultimately build the project charter.

    Building the project charter as a group will help you to clarify your key messages and help secure buy-in from critical stakeholders up-front, which is key.

    In order to execute on the knowledge transfer project, you will need significant involvement from your IT leadership team. The trouble is that knowledge transfer can be inherently stressful for employees as it can cause concerns around job security. Members of your IT leadership team will also be individuals who need to participate in knowledge transfer, so get them involved upfront. The working session will help stakeholders feel more engaged in the project, which is pivotal for success.

    You may feel like a full project charter isn’t necessary, and depending on your organizational size, it might not be. However, the exercise of building the charter is important regardless. No matter your current climate, some level of socializing the value and plans for knowledge transfer will be necessary.

    Meeting Agenda

    1. Short project introduction
    2. Led by: Project Sponsor

    • Why the project was initiated.
  • Make the case for the project
  • Led by: Project Manager

    • Current state: What project does the project address?
    • Future state: What is our target state of maturity?
  • Success criteria
  • Led by: Project Manager

    • How will success be measured?
  • Define the project team
  • Led by: Project Manager

    • Description of planned project approach.
    • Stakeholder assessment.
    • What is required of the sponsor and stakeholders?
  • Determine next steps
  • Led by: Project Manager

    1.1.1 Key Stakeholder Working Session

    Identify the pain points you’re experiencing with knowledge transfer and some of the benefits which you’d like to see from a program to determine the key objectives By doing so, you’ll get a holistic view of what you need to achieve.

    Collect this information by:

    1. Asking the working group participants (as a whole or in smaller groups) to discuss pain points created by ineffective knowledge transfer practices.
    • Challenges related to stakeholders.
    • Challenges created by process issues.
    • Issues achieving the intended outcome due to ineffective knowledge transfer.
    • Difficulties improving knowledge transfer practices.
  • Discussing opportunities to be gained from improving these practices.
  • Having participants write these down on sticky notes and place them on a whiteboard or flip chart.
  • Reviewing all the points as a group and grouping challenges and benefits into themes.
  • Having the group prioritize the risks and benefits in terms of what the solution “must have,” “should have,” “could have,” and “won’t have.”
  • Documenting this in the IT Knowledge Transfer Charter template.
  • Input Output
    • Reasons for the project
    • Stakeholder requirements
    • Pain point and risks
    • Identified next steps
    • Target state
    • Completed IT Knowledge Transfer Charter
    Materials Participants
    • Agenda (see previous slide)
    • Sticky notes (optional)
    • Pens (optional)
    • Whiteboard (optional
    • Markers (optional)
    • IT leadership

    Examples of Possible Pain Points

    • Employees have recently left or are preparing to leave the organization, and we worry that we don’t have their knowledge captured anywhere.
    • We previously had to cut down our IT department, and as a result there is a lack of redundancy for tasks. If someone leaves, we don’t have the information we need to continue operating effectively.
    • We’re worried that the IT department has no succession planning in place and that we’re opening ourselves up to risk.
    • It feels like we are losing productivity because the same problems are being solved multiple times, differently.
    • We’re worried that different employees have unique knowledge which is critical to performance, and that they are the only ones who know about it.
    • We’ve noticed that the processes people are using are different from the ones that are written down.
    • It feels like the IT department is constantly starting projects from scratch and employees aren’t leveraging each other’s information, which is causing inefficiencies.
    • It feels like new employees take too long to get up to speed.
    • We know that we have undocumented systems and more are being built each day.
    • We feel like we’re losing out on opportunities to innovate because we’re not sharing information, learning from others’ mistakes, or capitalizing on their successes.
    • We’ve noticed that staff don’t have a platform to share information on a regular basis. We believe if we brought that information together, we would be better able to improve customer service and drive product innovation.
    • We want to create a culture where employees are valued for their competencies and motivated to learn.
    • We value knowledge and the contributions of our team.

    1.1.2 Conduct a Current and Target State Analysis

    Identify your current and target state of maturity

    How to determine your current and target state of maturity:

    1. Provide the previous two slides with the details of the maturity assessment to the group, to review.
    2. Ask each participant to individually determine what they think is the IT team’s current state of maturity. After a few minutes, discuss as a group and come to an agreement.
    3. Review each of the benefits and timing for each of the maturity levels. Compare the benefits listed to those that you named in the previous exercise and determine which maturity level best describes your target state.
    4. Discuss as a group and agree on one maturity level.
    5. Review the other levels of maturity and determine what is in and out of scope for the project (hint: higher level benefits would be considered out of scope). Document this in the IT Knowledge Transfer Project Charter template.
    Input Output
    • Knowledge Transfer Maturity Level charts
    • Target maturity level documented in the IT Knowledge Transfer Charter
    Materials Participants
    • Paper and pens
    • Handouts of maturity levels
    • IT Leadership Team

    IT Knowledge Transfer Project Charter Template

    Info-Tech’s Knowledge Transfer Maturity Model

    Depending on the level of maturity you are trying to achieve, a knowledge transfer project could take weeks, months, or even years. Your maturity level depends on the business goal you would like to achieve, and impacts who and what your roadmap targets.

    The image contains a picture of Info-Tech's Knowledge Transfer Maturity Model. Level 0: Accidental, goal is not prioritized. Level 1: Stabilize, goal is risk mitigation. Level 2: Proactive, goal is operational efficiency. Level 3: Knowledge Culture, goal is innovation & customer service.

    Info-Tech Insight

    The maturity levels build on one another; if you start with a project, it is possible to move from a level 0 to a level 1, and once the project is complete, you can advance to a level 2 or 3. However, it’s important to set clear boundaries upfront to limit scope creep, and it’s important to set appropriate expectations for what the project will deliver.

    Knowledge Transfer Maturity Level: Accidental and Stabilize



    Time to implement


    Level 0: Accidental

    Not Prioritized

    • No knowledge transfer process is present.
    • Knowledge transfer is completed in an ad hoc manner.
    • Some transfer may take place through exit interviews.


    • Simple to implement and maintain.

    Level 1: Stabilize

    Risk Mitigation

    At level one, knowledge transfer is focused around ensuring that redundancies exist for explicit knowledge for:

    1. ALL high-risk knowledge.
    2. ALL high-risk stakeholders.

    Your high-risk knowledge is any information which is proprietary, unique, or specialized.

    High risk stakeholders are those individuals who are at a higher likelihood of departing the organization due to retirement or disengagement.

    0 – 6 months

    • Mitigates risks from talent leaving the organization.
    • Ensures business continuity through redundancies.
    • Provides stability to sustain high-performing services, and mitigates risks from service interruptions.

    Knowledge Transfer Maturity Level: Proactive and Knowledge Culture



    Time to implement


    Level 2: Proactive

    Operational Efficiency

    Level 2 extends Level 1.

    Once stabilized, you can work on KT initiatives that allow you to be more proactive and cover high risk knowledge that may not be held by those see as high risk individuals.

    Knowledge transfer plans must exist for ALL high risk knowledge.

    3m – 1yr

    • Enhances productivity by reducing need to start projects from scratch.
    • Increases efficiency by tweaking existing processes with best practices.
    • Sees new employees become productive more quickly through targeted development planning.
    • Increases chance that employees will stay at the organization longer, if they can see growth opportunities.
    • Streamlines efficiencies by eliminating redundant or unnecessary processes.

    Level 3: Knowledge Culture

    Drive Innovation Through Knowledge

    Level 3 extends Level 2.

    • Knowledge Transfer covers explicit and tacit information throughout the IT organization.
    • The program should be integrated with leadership development and talent management.
    • Key metrics should be tied to process improvement, innovation, and customer service.

    1-2 years

    • Increases end-user satisfaction by leveraging the collective knowledge to solve repeat customer issues.
    • Drives product innovation through collaboration.
    • Increases employee engagement by recognizing and rewarding knowledge sharing.
    • Increases your ability to adapt to change and save time-to-market through increased learning.
    • Enables the development of new ideas through iteration.
    • Supports faster access to knowledge.

    Select project-specific KPIs

    Use the selected KPIs to track the value of knowledge transfer

    You need to ensure your knowledge transfer initiatives are having the desired effect and adjust course when necessary. Establishing an upfront list of key performance indicators that will be benchmarked and tracked is a crucial step.

    Many organizations overlook the creation of KPIs for knowledge transfer because the benefits are often one step removed from the knowledge transfer itself. However, there are several metrics you can use to measure success.

    Hint: Metrics will vary based on your knowledge transfer maturity goals.

    Metrics For Knowledge Transfer

    Creating KPIs for knowledge transfer is a crucial step that many organizations overlook because the benefits are often one step removed from the knowledge transfer itself. However, there are several qualitative and quantitative metrics you can use to measure success depending on your maturity level goals.


    • Number of high departure risk employees identified.
    • Number of high-risk employees without knowledge transfer plans.
    • Number of post-retirement knowledge issues.

    Be Proactive

    • Number of issues arising from lack of redundancy.
    • Percentage of high-risk knowledge items without transfer plans.
    • Time required to get new employees up to speed.

    Promote Knowledge Culture

    • Percentage of returned deliverables for rework.
    • Percentage of errors repeated in reports.
    • Number of employees mentoring their colleagues.
    • Number of issues solved through knowledge sharing.
    • Percentage of employees with knowledge transfer/development plans.

    1.1.3 Identify Key Metrics

    Identify key metrics the organization will use to measure knowledge transfer success

    How to determine knowledge transfer metrics:

    1. Assign each participant 1-4 of the desired knowledge transfer benefits and pain points which you identified as priorities.
    2. Independently have them brainstorm how they would measure the success of each, and after 10 minutes, present their thoughts to the group.
    3. Write each of the metric suggestions on a whiteboard and agree to 3-5 benefits which you will track. The metrics you choose should relate to the key pain points you have identified and match your desired maturity level.
    • Knowledge transfer pain points and benefits
    • 3-5 key metrics to track
    • Whiteboard
    • IT Leadership Team

    Identify knowledge transfer project team

    Determine Project Participants

    Pick a Project Sponsor

    • The project participants are the IT managers and directors whose day-to-day lives will be impacted by the knowledge transfer roadmap and its implementation.
    • These individuals will be your roadmap ream and will help with planning. Most of these individuals should be in the workshop, but ensure you have everyone covered. Some examples of individuals you should consider for your team are:
      • Director/Manager Level:
        • Applications
        • Infrastructure
        • Operations
      • Service Delivery Managers
      • Business Relationship Managers
    • The project sponsor should be a member of your IT department’s senior executive team whose goals and objectives will be impacted by knowledge transfer implementation.
      • This is the person you will get to sign-off on the project charter document.
    The image contains a triangle that has been split into three parts. The top section is labelled: Project Sponsor, middle section: Project Participants, and the bottom is labelled Project Stakeholders.

    The project sponsor is the main catalyst for the creation of the roadmap. They will be the one who signs off on the project roadmap.

    The Project Participants are the key stakeholders in your organization whose input will be pivotal to the creation of the roadmap.

    The project stakeholders are the senior executives who have a vested interest in knowledge transfer. Following completion of this workshop, you will present your roadmap to these individuals for approval.

    1.1.4 Identify Your Project Team

    How to define the knowledge transfer project team:

    1. Through discussion, generate a complete list of key stakeholders, considering each of the roles indicated in the chart on the Key Project Management Stakeholders slide. Write their names on a whiteboard.
    2. Using the quadrant template on the next slide, draw the stakeholder power map.
    3. Evaluate each stakeholder on the list based on their level of influence and support of the project. Write the stakeholder’s name on a sticky note and place it in the appropriate place on the grid.
    4. Create an engagement plan based on the stakeholder’s placement.
    5. Use Info-Tech’s Project Stakeholder Register Template to identify and document your project management stakeholders.

    Project Stakeholder Register Template

    Input Output
    • Initial stakeholder analysis
    • Complete list of project participants.
    • Complete project stakeholder register.
    Materials Participants
    • Whiteboard / Flip chart
    • Markers / Pens
    • Project Stakeholder Register Template
    • IT Leadership Team
    • Other stakeholders

    Have a strategic approach for engaging stakeholders to help secure buy-in

    If your IT leadership team isn’t on board, you’re in serious trouble! IT leaders will not only be highly involved in the knowledge transfer project, but they also may be participants, so it’s essential that you get their buy-in for the project upfront.

    Document the results in the Project Stakeholder Register Template; use this as a guide to help structure your communication with stakeholders based on where they fall on the grid.

    How to Manage:

    Focus on increasing these stakeholders’ level of support!

    1. Have a one-on-one meeting to seek their views on critical issues and address concerns.
    2. Identify key pain points they have experienced and incorporate these in the project goal statements.
    3. Where possible, leverage KT champions to help encourage support.
    The image contains a small graph to demonstrate the noise makers, the blockers, the changers, and the helpers.

    Capitalize on champions to drive the project/change.

    1. Use them for internal PR of the objectives and benefits.
    2. Ask them what other stakeholders can be leveraged.
    3. Involve them early in creating project documents.

    How to Manage:

    How to Manage:

    Pick your battles – focus on your noise makers first, and then move on to your blockers.

    1. Determine the level of involvement the blockers will have in the project (i.e. what you will need from them in the future) and determine next steps based on this (one-on-one meeting, group meeting, informal communication, or leveraging helpers/ champions to encourage them).

    Leverage this group where possible to help socialize the program and to help encourage dissenters to support.

    1. Mention their support in group settings.
    2. Focus on increasing their understanding via informal communication.

    How to Manage:

    Key Project Management Stakeholders


    Project Role



    Will often play the role of project sponsor and should be involved in key decision points.

    IT Managers Directors

    Assist in the identification of high-risk stakeholders and knowledge and will be heavily involved in the development of each transfer plan.

    Project Manager

    Should be in charge of leading the development and execution of the project.

    Business Analysts

    Responsible for knowledge transfer elicitation analysis and validation for the knowledge transfer project.


    Technical Lead

    Responsible for solution design where required for knowledge transfer tactics.


    Will aid in the identification of high-risk stakeholders or help with communication and stakeholder management.


    Organizations that are subject to knowledge confidentiality, Sarbanes-Oxley, federal rules, etc. may need legal to participate in planning.

    Ensure coverage of all project tasks

    Populate a Project RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) chart

    Apps MGR

    Dev. MGR

    Infra MGR

    Build the project charter




    Identify IT stakeholders




    Identify high risk stakeholders




    Identify high risk knowledge

    I C C

    Validate prioritized stakeholders

    I C R

    Interview key stakeholders

    R R A

    Identify knowledge transfer tactics for individuals

    C C A

    Communicate knowledge transfer goals

    C R A

    Build the knowledge transfer roadmap

    C R A

    Approve knowledge transfer roadmap

    C R C

    1.1.5 Populate an RACI

    Populate a RACI chart to identify who should be responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed for each key activity.

    How to define RACI for the project team:

    1. Write out the list of all stakeholders along the top of a whiteboard. Write out the key project steps along the left-hand side (use this list as a starting point).
    2. For each initiative, identify each team member’s role. Are they:
    3. Responsible: The one responsible for getting the job done.

      Accountable: Only one person can be accountable for each task.

      Consulted: Involvement through input of knowledge and information.

      Informed: Receiving information about process execution and quality.

    4. As you proceed through the project, continue to add tasks and assign responsibility to the RACI chart on the next slide.
    • Stakeholder list
    • Key project steps
    • Project RACI chart
    • Whiteboard
    • IT Leadership Team

    1.1.6 Build the Project Charter and Obtain Sign-off

    Complete the IT knowledge transfer project charter.

    Build the project charter and obtain sign-off from your project sponsor. Use your organization’s project charter if one exists. If not, customize Info-Tech’s IT Knowledge Transfer Project Charter Template to suit your needs.

    The image contains a screenshot of the IT knowledge transfer project charter template.

    IT Knowledge Transfer Project Charter Template

    Step 1.2

    Identify Your Knowledge and Stakeholder Risks


    1.2.1 Identify Knowledge Sources

    1.2.2 Complete a Knowledge Risk Assessment

    1.2.3 Review the Prioritized List of Knowledge Sources

    The primary goal of this section is to identify who your primary risk targets are for knowledge transfer.

    Outcomes of this step

    • A list of your high-risk knowledge sources
    • Departure analysis
    • Knowledge risk analysis

    Prioritize your knowledge transfer initiatives

    Throughout this section, we will walk through the following 3 activities in the tool to determine where you need to focus attention for your knowledge transfer roadmap based on knowledge value and likelihood of departure.

    1. Identify Knowledge Sources

    Create a list of knowledge sources for whom you will be conducting the analysis, and identify which sources currently have a transfer plan in place.

    2. Value of Knowledge

    Consider the type of knowledge held by each identified knowledge source and determine the level of risk based on the knowledge:

    1. Criticality
    2. Availability

    3. Likelihood of Departure

    Identify the knowledge source’s risk of leaving the organization based on their:

    1. Age cohort
    2. Engagement level

    This tool contains sensitive information. Do not share this tool with knowledge sources. The BA and Project Manager, and potentially the project sponsor, should be the only ones who see the completed tool.

    The image contains screenshots from the Knowledge Risk Assessment Tool.

    Focus on key roles instead of all roles in IT

    Identify Key Roles

    Hold a meeting with your IT Leadership team, or meet with members individually, and ask these questions to identify key roles:

    • What are the roles that have a significant impact on delivering the business strategy?
    • What are the key differentiating roles for our IT organization?
    • Which roles, if vacant, would leave the organization open to non-compliance with regulatory or legal requirements?
    • Which roles have a direct impact on the customer?
    • Which roles, if vacant, would create system, function, or process failure for the organization?

    Key roles include:

    • Strategic roles: Roles that give the greatest competitive advantage. Often these are roles that involve decision-making responsibility.
    • Core roles: Roles that must provide consistent results to achieve business goals.
    • Proprietary roles: Roles that are tied closely to unique or proprietary internal processes or knowledge that cannot be procured externally. These are often highly technical or specialized.
    • Required roles: Roles that support the department and are required to keep it moving forward day-to-day.
    • Influential roles: Positions filled by employees who are the backbone of the organization, i.e. the go-to people who are the corporate culture.

    Info-Tech Insight

    This step is meant to help speed up and simplify the process for large IT organizations. IT organizations with fewer than 30 people, or organizations looking to build a knowledge culture, can opt to skip this step and include all members of the IT team. This way, everyone is considered and you can prioritize accordingly.

    1.2.1 Identify Key Knowledge Sources

    1. Identify key roles, as shown on the previous slide. This can be done by brainstorming names on sticky notes and placing them on a whiteboard.
    2. Document using IT Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool Tab 2. Input with first name, last name, department/ IT area, and manager of each identified Knowledge Source.
    3. Also answer the question of whether the Knowledge Source currently has a knowledge transfer plan in place.
    • Not in place
    • Partially in place
    • In place
  • Conduct sanity check: once you have identified key roles, ask – “did we miss anybody?”
  • InputOutput
    • Employee list
    • List of knowledge sources for IT
    • IT Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool.
    • IT Leadership Team

    IT Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool

    Document key knowledge sources (example)

    Use information about the current state of knowledge transfer plans in your organization to understand your key risks and focus areas.

    The image contains a screenshot of the knowledge source.


    1. Document knowledge source information (name, department, and manager).

    2. Select the current state of knowledge transfer plans for each knowledge source.

    Once you have identified key roles, conduct a sanity check and ask – “did we miss anybody?” For example:

    • There are three systems administrators. One of them, Joe, has been with the organization for 15 years.
    • Joe’s intimate systems knowledge and long-term relationship with one of the plant systems vendors has made him a go-to person during times of operational systems crisis and has resulted in systems support discounts.
    • While the systems administrator role by itself is not considered key (partly due to role redundancy), Joe is a key person to flag for knowledge transfer activities as losing him would make achieving core business goals more difficult.

    Case Study

    Municipal government learns the importance of thorough knowledge source identification after losing key stakeholder

    INDUSTRY: Government




    • A municipal government was introducing a new integration project that was led by their controller.
    • The controller left abruptly, and while the HR department conducted an exit interview, they didn’t realize until after the individual had left how much information was lost.
    • Nobody knew the information needed to complete the integration, so they had to make do with what they had.
    • The Director of IT at the time was the most familiar with the process.
    • Even though she would not normally do this type of project, at the time she was the only person with knowledge of the process and luckily was able to complete the integration.
    • The Director of IT had to put other key projects on hold, and lost productivity on other prioritized work.
    • The organization realized how much they were at risk and changed how they approached knowledge. They created a new process to identify “single point of failures” and label people as high risk. These processes started with the support organization’s senior level key people to identify their processes and record everything they do and what they know.

    Identify employees who may be nearing retirement and flag them as high risk

    Risk Parameter


    How to Collect this Data:

    Age Cohort

    • 60+ years of age or older, or anyone who has indicated they will be retiring within five years (highest risk).
    • Employees in their early 50s: are still many years away from retirement but have a sufficient number of years remaining in their career to make a move to a new role outside of your organization.
    • Employees in their late 50s: are likely more than five years away from retirement but are less likely than younger employees to leave your organization for another role because of increasing risk in making such a move, and persistent employer unwillingness to hire older employees.
    • Employees under 50: should never be considered low risk only based on age – which is why the second component of stakeholder risk is engagement.

    For those people on your shortlist, pull some hard demographic data.

    Compile a report that breaks down employees into age-based demographic groups.

    Flag those over the age of 50 – they’re in the “retirement zone” and could decide to leave at any time.

    Check to see which stakeholders identified fall into the “over 50” age demographic.

    Document this information in the IT Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool.

    Info-Tech Insight

    150% of an employee’s base salary and benefits is the estimated cost of turnover according to The Society of Human Resource Professionals.1

    1McLean & Company, Make the Case for Employee Engagement

    Identify disengaged employees who may be preparing to leave the organization

    Risk Parameter


    How to Collect this Data:


    An engaged stakeholder is energized and passionate about their work, leading them to exert discretionary effort to drive organizational performance (lowest risk).

    An almost engaged stakeholder is generally passionate about their work. At times they exert discretionary effort to help achieve organizational goals.

    Indifferent employees are satisfied, comfortable, and generally able to meet minimum expectations. They see their work as “just a job,” prioritizing their needs before organizational goals.

    Disengaged employees have little interest in their job and the organization and often display negative attitudes (highest risk).

    Option 1:

    The optimal approach for determining employee engagement is through an engagement survey. See McLean & Company for more details.

    Option 2:

    Ask the identified stakeholder’s manager to provide an assessment of their engagement either independently or via a meeting.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Engaged employees are five times more likely than disengaged employees to agree that they are committed to their organization.1

    1Source: McLean & Company, N = 13683

    The level of risk of the type of information is defined by criticality and availability

    Risk Parameter


    How to Collect this Data:


    Roles that are critical to the continuation of business and cannot be left vacant without risking business operations. Would the role, if vacant, create system, function, or process failure for the organization?

    Option 1: (preferred)

    Meet with IT managers/directors over the phone or directly and review each of the identified reports to determine the risk.

    Option 2: Send the IT mangers/directors the list of their direct reports, and ask them to evaluate their knowledge type risk independently and return the information to you.

    Option 3: (if necessary) Review individual job descriptions independently, and use your judgment to come up with a rating for each. Send the assessment to the stakeholders’ managers for validation.


    Refers to level of redundancy both within and outside of the organization. Information which is highly available is considered lower risk. Key questions to consider include: does this individual have specialized, unique, or proprietary expertise? Are there internal redundancies?

    1.2.2 Complete a Knowledge Risk Assessment

    Complete a Tab 3 assessment for each of your identified Knowledge Sources. The Knowledge Source tab will pre-populate with information from Tab 2 of the tool. For each knowledge source, you will determine their likelihood of departure and degree of knowledge risk.

    Likelihood of departure:

    1. Document the age cohort risk for each knowledge source on Tab 3 of the IT Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool. Age Cohort: Under 50, 51-55, 56-60, or over 60.
    2. Document the engagement risk for each knowledge source on Tab 3, “Assessment”, of the IT Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool. Engagement level: Engaged, Almost engaged, Indifferent employees, Disengaged.
    3. Degree of knowledge risk is based on:

    4. Document the knowledge type risk for each stakeholder on Tab 3, “Assessment” in the IT Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool.
    • Criticality: Would the role, if vacant, create system, function, or process failure for the organization?
    • Availability: Does this individual have specialized, unique, or proprietary expertise? Are there internal redundancies?
    Input Output
    • Knowledge source list (Tab 2)
    • Employee demographics information
    • List of high-risk knowledge sources
    Materials Participants
    • Sticky notes
    • Pens
    • Whiteboard
    • Marker
    • IT Leadership Team
    • HR

    IT Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool

    Results matrix

    The image contains a screenshot of risk assessment. The image contains a matrix example from tab 4.

    Determine where to focus your efforts

    The IT Knowledge Transfer Map on Tab 5 helps you to determine where to focus your knowledge transfer efforts

    Knowledge sources have been separated into the three maturity levels (Stabilize, Proactive, and Knowledge Culture) and prioritized within each level.

    Focus first on your stabilize groups, and based on your target maturity goal, move on to your proactive and knowledge culture groups respectively.

    The image contains a screenshot of the IT Knowledge Transfer Map on tab 5.

    Sequential Prioritization

    Orange line Level 1: Stabilize

    Blue Line Level 2: Proactive

    Green Line Level 3: Knowledge Culture

    Each pie chart indicates which of the stakeholders in that risk column currently has knowledge transfer plans.

    Each individual also has their own status ball on whether they currently have a knowledge transfer plan.

    1.2.3 Review the Prioritized List

    Review results

    Identify knowledge sources to focus on for the knowledge transfer roadmap. Review the IT Knowledge Transfer Map on Tab 5 to determine where to focus your knowledge transfer efforts

    1. Show the results from the assessment tool.
    2. Discuss matrix and prioritized list.
    • Does it match with maturity goals?
    • Do prioritizations seem correct?
    • Knowledge source risk profile
    • Risk Assessment (Tab 3)
    • Prioritized list of knowledge sources to focus on for the knowledge transfer roadmap
    • n/a
    • IT Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool
    • IT Leadership Team

    IT Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool

    Phase #2

    Design your knowledge transfer plans

    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    Phase 3

    1.1 Obtain approval for project

    1.2 Identify knowledge and stakeholder risks

    2.1 Build knowledge transfer plans

    2.2 Build knowledge transfer roadmap

    3.1 Communicate your roadmap

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Building knowledge transfer plans for all prioritized knowledge sources.
    • Understanding which transfer tactics are best suited for different knowledge types.
    • Identifying opportunities to leverage collaboration tools for knowledge transfer.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • IT Leadership
    • Other key stakeholders
    • Knowledge sources

    Define what knowledge needs to be transferred

    Each knowledge source has unique information which needs to be transferred. Chances are you don’t know what you don’t know. The first step is therefore to interview knowledge sources to find out.

    Identify the knowledge receiver

    Depending on who the information is going to, the knowledge transfer tactic you employ will differ. Before deciding on the knowledge receiver and tactic, consider three key factors:

    • How will this knowledge be used in the future?
    • What is the next career step for the knowledge receiver?
    • Are the receiver and the source going to be in the same location?

    Identify which knowledge transfer tactics you will use for each knowledge asset

    Not all tactics are good in every situation. Always keep the “knowledge type” (information, process, skills, and expertise), knowledge sources’ engagement level, and the knowledge receiver in mind as you select tactics.

    Determine knowledge transfer tactics

    Determine tactics for each stakeholder based on qualities of their specific knowledge.

    This tool is built to accommodate up to 30 knowledge items; Info-Tech recommends focusing on the top 10-15 items.

    1. Send documents to each manager. Include:
    • a copy of this template.
    • interview guide.
    • tactics booklet.
  • Instruct managers to complete the template for each knowledge source and return it to you.
  • These steps should be completed by the BA or IT Manager. The BA is helpful to have around because they can learn about the tactics and answer any questions about the tactics that the managers might have when completing the template.

    The image contains a screenshot of the Knowledge Source's Name.

    IT Knowledge Transfer Plan Template

    Step 2.1

    Build Your Knowledge Transfer Plans


    2.1.1 Interview Knowledge Sources to Uncover Key Knowledge Items

    2.1.2 Identify When to use Knowledge Transfer Tactics

    2.1.3 Build Individual Knowledge Transfer Plans

    The primary goal of this section is to build an interview guide and interview knowledge sources to identify key knowledge assets.

    Outcomes of this step

    • Knowledge Transfer Interview Guide
    • Itemized knowledge assets
    • Completed knowledge transfer plans

    2.1.1 Interview Knowledge Sources

    Determine key knowledge items

    The first step is for managers to interview knowledge sources in order to extract information about the type of knowledge the source has.

    Meet with the knowledge sources and work with them to identify essential knowledge. Use the following questions as guidance:

    1. What are you an expert in?
    2. What do others ask you for assistance with?
    3. What are you known for?
    4. What are key responsibilities you have that no one else has or knows how to do?
    5. Are there any key systems, processes, or applications which you’ve taken the lead on?
    6. When you go on vacation, what is waiting for you in your inbox?
    7. If you went on vacation, would there be any systems that, if there was a failure, you would be the only one who knows how to fix?
    8. Would you say that all the key processes you use, or tools, codes etc. are documented?
    Input Output
    • Knowledge type information
    • Prioritized list of key knowledge sources.
    • Knowledge activity information
    • What are examples of good use cases for the technique?
    • Why would you use this technique over others?
    • Is this technique suitable for all projects? When wouldn’t you use it?
    Materials Participants
    • Interview guide
    • Pen
    • Paper
    • IT Leadership Team
    • Knowledge sources

    IT Knowledge Identification Interview Guide Template

    2.1.2 Understand Knowledge Transfer Tactics

    Understand when and how to use different knowledge transfer tactics

    1. Break the workshop participants into teams. Assign each team two to four knowledge transfer tactics and provide them with the associated handout(s) from the following slides. Using the material provided, have each team brainstorm around the following questions:
      1. What types of information can the technique be used to collect?
      2. What are examples of good use cases for the technique?
      3. Why would you use this technique over others?
      4. Is this technique suitable for all projects? When wouldn’t you use it?
    2. Have each group present their findings from the brainstorming to the group.
    3. Once everyone has presented, have the groups select which tactics they would be interested in using and which ones they would not want to use by putting green and red dots on each.
    4. As a group, confirm the list of tactics you would be interested in using and disqualify the others.
    Input Output
    • List of knowledge tactics to utilize.
    Materials Participants
    • Knowledge transfer tactics handouts
    • Flip chart paper
    • Markers
    • Green and red dot stickers
    • IT Leadership Team
    • Project team

    Knowledge Transfer Tactics:


    Interviews provide an opportunity to meet one-on-one with key stakeholders to document key knowledge assets. Interviews can be used for explicit and tacit information, and in particular, capture processes, rules, coding information, best practices, etc.


    • Good bang-for-your-buck interviews are simple to conduct and can be used for all types of knowledge.
    • Interviews can obtain a lot of information in a relatively short period of time.
    • Interviews help make tacit knowledge more explicit through effective questioning.
    • They have highly flexible formatting as interviews can be conducted in person, over the phone, or by email.

    How to get started:

    1. Have the business analyst (BA) review the employee’s knowledge transfer plan and highlight the areas to be discussed in the interview.
    2. The BA will then create an interview guide detailing key questions which would need to be asked to ascertain the information.
    3. Schedule a 30-60 minute interview. When complete, document the interview and key lessons learned. Send the information back to the interviewee for validation of what was discussed.

    Knowledge Types






    Training: Minimal

    Technology Support: N/A

    Process Development: Minimal

    Duration: Annual


    Business analysts

    Knowledge source


    Interview guide



    Knowledge Transfer Tactics:

    Process Mapping

    Business process mapping refers to building a flow chart diagram of the sequence of actions which defines what a business does. The flow chart defines exactly what a process does and the specific succession of steps including all inputs, outputs, flows, and linkages. Process maps are a powerful tool to frame requirements in the context of the complete solution.


    • They are simple to build and analyze; most organizations and users are familiar with flow diagrams, making them highly usable.
    • They provide an end-to-end picture of a process.
    • They’re ideal for gathering full and detailed requirements of a process.
    • They include information around who is responsible, what they do, when, where it occurs, triggers, to what degree, and how often it occurs.
    • They’re great for legacy systems.

    How to get started:

    1. Have the BA prepare beforehand by doing some preliminary research on the purpose of the process, and the beginning and end points.
    2. With the knowledge holder, use a whiteboard and identify the different stakeholders who interact with the process, and draw swim lanes for each.
    3. Together, use sticky notes and/or dry erase markers etc. to draw out the process.
    4. When you believe you’re complete, start again from the beginning and break the process down to more details.

    Knowledge Types






    Training: Minimal

    Technology Support: N/A

    Process Development: Minimal

    Duration: Annual


    Business analysts

    Knowledge source


    Whiteboard / flip-chart paper


    Knowledge Transfer Tactics:

    Use Cases

    Use case diagrams are a common transfer tactic where the BA maps out step-by-step how an employee completes a project or uses a system. Use cases show what a system or project does rather than how it does it. Use cases are frequently used by product managers and developers.


    • Easy to draw and understand.
    • Simple way to digest information.
    • Can get very detailed.
    • Should be used for documenting processes, experiences etc.
    • Initiation and brainstorming.
    • Great for legacy systems.

    How to get started:

    1. The BA will schedule a 30-60 minute in-person meeting with the employee, draw a stick figure on the left side of the board, and pose the initial question: “If you need to do X, what is your first step?” Have the stakeholder go step-by-step through the process until the end goal. Draw this process across the whiteboard. Make sure you capture the triggers, causes of events, decision points, outcomes, tools, and interactions.
    2. Starting at the beginning of the diagram, go through each step again and ask the employee if the step can be broken down into more granular steps. If the answer is yes, break down the use case further.
    3. Ask the employee if there are any alternative flows that people could use, or any exceptions. If there are, map these out on the board.

    Knowledge Types






    Training: Minimal

    Technology Support: N/A

    Process Development: Minimal

    Duration: Annual


    Business analysts

    Knowledge source


    Whiteboard / flip-chart paper


    Knowledge Transfer Tactics:

    Job Shadow

    Job shadowing is a working arrangement where the “knowledge receiver” learns how to do a job by observing an experienced employee complete key tasks throughout their normal workday.


    • Low cost and minimal effort required.
    • Helps employees understand different elements of the business.
    • Helps build relationships.
    • Good for knowledge holders who are not great communicators.
    • Great for legacy systems.

    How to get started:

    1. Determine goals and objectives for the knowledge transfer, and communicate these to the knowledge source and receiver.
    2. Have the knowledge source identify when they will be performing a particular knowledge activity and select that day for the job shadow. If the information is primarily experience, select any day which is convenient.
    3. Ask the knowledge receiver to shadow the source and ask questions whenever they have them.
    4. Following the job shadow, have the knowledge receiver document what they learned that day and file that information.

    Knowledge Types






    Training: Required

    Technology Support: N/A

    Process Development:Required




    IT manager

    Knowledge source and receiver



    Knowledge Transfer Tactics:

    Peer Assist

    Meeting or workshop where peers from different teams share their experiences and knowledge with individuals or teams that require help with a specific challenge or problem.


    • Improves productivity through enhanced problem solving.
    • Encourages collaboration between teams to share insight, and assistance from people outside your team to obtain new possible approaches.
    • Promotes sharing and development of new connections among different staff, and creates opportunities for innovation.
    • Can be combined with Action Reviews.

    How to get started:

    1. Create a registry of key projects that different individuals have solved. Where applicable, leverage the existing work done through action reviews.
    2. Create and communicate a process for knowledge sources and receivers to reach out to one another. Email or social collaboration platforms are the most common.
    3. The source may then reply with documentation or a peer can set up an interview to discuss.
    4. Information should be recorded and saved on a corporate share drive with appropriate metadata to ensure ease of search.
    5. See Appendix for further details.

    Knowledge Types






    Training: Minimal

    Technology Support: N/A

    Process Development:Required



    Knowledge sources

    Knowledge receiver

    BA to build a skill repository



    Knowledge Transfer Tactics:

    Transition Workshop

    A half- to full-day exercise where an outgoing leader facilitates a knowledge transfer of key insights they have learned along the way and any high-profile knowledge they may have.


    • Accelerates knowledge transfer following a leadership change.
    • Ensures business continuity.
    • New leader gets a chance to understand the business drivers behind team decisions and skills of each member.
    • The individuals on the team learn about the new leader’s values and communication styles.

    How to get started:

    1. Outgoing leader organizes a one-time session where they share information with the team (focus on tacit knowledge, such as team successes and challenges) and team can ask questions.
    2. Incoming leader and remaining team members share information about norms, priorities, and values.
    3. Document the information.

    Knowledge Types






    Training: Required

    Technology Support: Some

    Process Development: Some



    IT leader

    Incoming IT team

    Key stakeholders


    Meeting space

    Video conferencing (as needed)

    Knowledge Transfer Tactics:

    Action Review

    Action Review is a team-based discussion at the end of a project or step to review how the activity went and what can be done differently next time. It is ideal for transferring expertise and skills.


    • Learning is done during and immediately after the project so that knowledge transfer happens quickly.
    • Results can be shared with other teams outside of the immediate members.
    • Makes tacit knowledge explicit.
    • Encourages a culture where making mistakes is OK, but you need to learn from them.

    How to get started:

    1. Hold an initial meeting with IT teams to inform them of the action reviews. Create an action review goals statement by working with IT teams to discuss what they hope to get out of the initiative.
    2. Ask project teams to present their work and answer the following questions:
      1. What was supposed to happen?
      2. What actually happened?
      3. Why were there differences?
      4. What can we learn and do differently next time?
    3. Have each individual or group present, record the meeting minutes, and send the details to the group for future reference. Determine a share storage place on your company intranet or shared drive for future reference.

    Knowledge Types







    Technology Support: Minimal

    Process Development: Some



    IT unit/group

    Any related IT stakeholder impacted by or involved in a project.


    Meeting space

    Video conferencing (as needed)

    Knowledge Transfer Tactics:


    Mentoring can be a formal program where management sets schedules and expectations. It can also be informal through an environment for open dialogue where staff is encouraged to seek advice and guidance, and to share their knowledge with more novice members of the organization.


    • Speeds up learning curves and helps staff acclimate to the organizational culture.
    • Communicates organizational values and appropriate behaviors, and is an effective way to augment training efforts.
    • Leads to higher engagement by improving communication among employees, developing leadership, and helping employees work effectively.
    • Improves succession planning by preparing and grooming employees for future roles and ensuring the next wave of managers is qualified.

    How to get started:

    1. Have senior management define the goals for a mentorship program. Depending on your goals, the frequency, duration, and purpose for mentorship will change. Create a mission statement for the program.
    2. Communicate the program with mentors and mentees and define what the scope of their roles will be.
    3. Implement the program and measure success.

    Creating a mentorship program is a full project in itself. For full details on how to set up a mentorship program, see McLean & Company’s Build a Mentoring Program.

    Knowledge Types






    Training: Required

    Technology Support: N/a

    Process Development:Required



    IT unit/group


    Meeting space

    Video conferencing (as needed)


    Knowledge Transfer Tactics:

    Story Telling

    Knowledge sources use anecdotal examples to highlight a specific point and pass on information, experience, and ideas through narrative.


    • Provides context and transfers expertise in a simple way between people of different contexts and background.
    • Illustrates a point effectively and makes a lasting impression.
    • Helps others learn from past situations and respond more effectively in future ones.
    • Can be completed in person, through blogs, video or audio recordings, or case studies.

    How to get started:

    1. Select a medium for how your organization will record stories, whether through blogs, video or audio recordings, or case studies. Develop a template for how you’re going to record the information.
    2. Integrate story telling into key activities – project wrap-up, job descriptions, morning meetings, etc.
    3. Determine the medium for retaining and searching stories.

    Knowledge Types






    Training: Required

    Technology Support: Some

    Process Development:Required



    Knowledge source

    Knowledge receiver

    Videographer (where applicable)


    Meeting space

    Video conferencing (as needed)


    Knowledge Transfer Tactics:

    Job Share

    Job share exists when at least two people share the knowledge and responsibilities of two job roles.


    • Reduces the risk of concentrating all knowledge in one person and creating a single point of failure.
    • Increases the number of experts who hold key knowledge that can be shared with others, i.e. “two heads are better than one.”
    • Ensures redundancies exist for when an employee leaves or goes on vacation.
    • Great for getting junior employees up to speed on legacy system functionality.
    • Results in more agile teams.
    • Doubles the amount of skills and expertise.

    How to get started:

    1. Determine which elements of two individuals’ job duties could be shared by two people. Before embarking on a job share, ensure that the two individuals will work well together as a team and individually.
    2. Establish a vision, clear values, and well-defined roles, responsibilities, and reporting relationships to avoid duplication of effort and confusion.
    3. Start with a pilot group of employees who are in support of the initiative, track the results, and make adjustments where needed.

    Knowledge Types






    Training: Some

    Technology Support: Minimal

    Process Development:Required



    IT manager




    Job descriptions

    Knowledge Transfer Tactics:

    Communities of Practice

    Communities of practice are working groups of individuals who engage in a process of regularly sharing information with each other across different parts of the organization by focusing on common purpose and working practices. These groups meet on a regular basis to work together on problem solving, to gain information, ask for help and assets, and share opinions and best practices.


    • Supports a collaborative environment.
    • Creates a sense of community and positive working relationships, which is a key driver for engagement.
    • Encourages creative thinking and support of one another.
    • Facilitates transfer of wide range of knowledge between people from different specialties.
    • Fast access to information.
    • Multiple employees hear the answers to questions and discussions, resulting in wider spread knowledge.
    • Can be done in person or via video conference, and is best when supported by social collaboration tools.

    How to get started:

    1. Determine your medium for these communities and ensure you have the needed technology.
    2. Develop training materials, and a rewards and recognition process for communities.
    3. Have a meeting with staff, ask them to brainstorm a list of different key “communities,” and ask staff to self select into communities.
    4. Have the communities determine the purpose statement for each group, and set up guidelines for functionality and uses.

    Knowledge Types







    Technology Support: Required

    Process Development:Required




    BA (to assist in establishing)

    IT managers (rewards and recognition)



    The effectiveness of each knowledge transfer tactic varies based on the type of knowledge you are trying to transfer

    This table shows the relative strengths and weaknesses of each knowledge transfer tactic compared to four different knowledge types.

    Not all techniques are effective for types of knowledge; it is important to use a healthy mixture of techniques to optimize effectiveness.

    Very strong = Very effective

    Strong = Effective

    Medium = Somewhat effective

    Weak = Minimally effective

    Very weak = Not effective

    Knowledge Type









    Very strong




    Process mapping


    Very strong

    Very weak

    Very weak

    Use cases


    Very strong

    Very weak

    Very weak

    Job shadow

    Very weak


    Very strong

    Very strong

    Peer assist



    Very strong

    Very strong

    Action review









    Very strong

    Transition workshop





    Story telling




    Very strong

    Job share



    Very strong

    Very strong

    Communities of practice



    Very strong

    Very strong

    Consider your stakeholders’ level of engagement prior to selecting a knowledge transfer tactic

    Level of Engagement


    Disengaged/ Indifferent

    Almost Engaged - Engaged




    Process mapping



    Use cases



    Job shadow



    Peer assist



    Action review






    Transition workshop



    Story telling



    Job share



    Communities of practice



    When considering which tactics to employ, it’s important to consider the knowledge holder’s level of engagement. Employees whom you would identify as being disengaged may not make good candidates for job shadowing, mentoring, or other tactics where they are required to do additional work or are asked to influence others.

    Knowledge transfer can be controversial for all employees as it can cause feelings of job insecurity. It’s essential that motivations for knowledge transfer are communicated effectively.

    Pay particular attention to your communication style with disengaged and indifferent employees, communicate frequently, and tie communication back to what’s in it for them.

    Putting disengaged employees in a position where they are mentoring others can be a risk. Their negativity could influence others not to participate as well or negate the work you’re doing to create a positive knowledge sharing culture.

    Consider using collaboration tools as a medium for knowledge transfer

    There is a wide variety of different collaboration tools available to enable interpersonal and team connections for work-related purposes. Familiarize yourself with all types of collaboration tools to understand what is available to help facilitate knowledge transfer.

    Collaboration Tools

    Content Management

    Real Time Communication

    Community Collaboration

    Social Collaboration

    Tools for collaborating around documents. They store content and allow for easy sharing and editing, e.g. content repositories and version control.

    Can be used for:

    • Action review
    • Process maps and use cases
    • Storing interview notes
    • Stories: blogs, video, and case studies

    Tools that enable real-time employee interactions. They permit “on-demand” workplace communication, e.g. IM, video and web conferencing.

    Can be used for:

    • Action review
    • Interviews
    • Mentoring
    • Peer assist
    • Story telling
    • Transition workshops

    Tools that allow teams and communities to come together and share ideas or collaborate on projects, e.g. team portals, discussion boards, and ideation tools.

    Can be used for:

    • Action review
    • Communities of practice
    • Peer assist
    • Story Telling

    Social tools borrow concepts from consumer social media and apply them to the employee-centric context, e.g. employee profiles, activity streams, and microblogging.

    Can be used for:

    • Peer assist
    • Story telling
    • Communities of practice

    For more information on Collaboration Tools and how to use them, see Info-Tech’s Establish a Communication and Collaboration System Strategy.

    Identify potential knowledge receivers

    Hold a meeting with your IT leaders to identify who would be the best knowledge receivers for specific knowledge assets

    • Before deciding on a successor, determine how the knowledge asset will be used in the future. This will impact who the receiver will be and your tactic. That is, if you are looking to upgrade a technology in the future, consider who would be taking on that project and what they would need to know.
    • Prior to the meeting, each manager should send a copy of the knowledge assets they have identified to the other managers.
    • Participants should come equipped with names of members of their teams and have an idea of what their career aspirations are.
    • Don’t assume that all employees want a career change. Be sure to have conversations with employees to determine their career aspirations.

    Ask how effectively the potential knowledge receiver would serve in the role today.

    • Review their competencies in terms of:
      • Relationship-building skills
      • Business skills
      • Technical skills
      • Industry-specific skills or knowledge
    • Consider what competencies the knowledge receiver currently has and what must be learned.
    • Finally, determine how difficult it will be for the knowledge receiver to acquire missing skills or knowledge, whether the resources are available to provide the required development, and how long it will take to provide it.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Wherever possible, ask employees about their personal learning styles. It’s likely that a collaborative compromise will have to be struck for knowledge transfer to work well.

    Using the IT knowledge transfer plan tool

    The image contains a screenshot of the IT Knowledge Transfer tool.

    We will use the IT Knowledge Transfer Plans as the foundation for building your knowledge transfer roadmap.

    2.1.3 Complete Knowledge Transfer Plans

    Complete one plan template for each of the knowledge sources

    1. Fill in the top with the knowledge source’s name. Remember that one template should be filled out for each source.
    2. List their key knowledge activities as identified through the interview.
    3. For each knowledge activity, identify and list the most appropriate recipient of this knowledge.
    4. For each knowledge activity, use the drop-down options to identify the type of knowledge that it falls under.
    5. Depending on the type of knowledge, different tactic drop-down options are available. Select which tactic would be most appropriate for this knowledge as well as the people involved in the knowledge transfer.

    The Strength Level column will indicate how well matched the tactic is to the type of knowledge.

    Input Output
    • Results of knowledge source interviews
    • A completed knowledge transfer plan for each identified knowledge source.
    Materials Participants
    • A completed knowledge transfer plan for each identified knowledge source.
    • IT leadership team

    IT Knowledge Transfer Plan Template

    Step 2.2

    Build Your Knowledge Transfer Roadmap


    2.2.1 Merge Your Knowledge Transfer Plans

    2.2.2 Define Knowledge Transfer Initiatives’ Timeframes

    The goal of this step is to build the logistics of the knowledge transfer roadmap to prepare to communicate it to key stakeholders.

    Outcomes of this step

    • Prioritized sequence based on target state maturity goals.
    • Project roadmap.

    Plan and monitor the knowledge transfer project

    Depending on the desired state of maturity, the number of initiatives your organization has will vary and there could be a lengthy number of tasks and subtasks required to reach your organization knowledge transfer target state. The best way to plan, organize, and manage all of them is with a project roadmap.

    The image contains a screenshot of the Project Planning and Monitoring tool.

    Project Planning & Monitoring Tool

    Steps to use the project planning and monitoring tool:

    1. Begin by identifying all the project deliverables in scope for your organization. Review the previous content pertaining to specific people, process, and technology deliverables that your organization plans on creating.
    2. Identify all the tasks and subtasks necessary to create each deliverable.
    3. Arrange the tasks in the appropriate sequential order.
    4. Assign each task to a member of the project team.
    5. Estimate the day the task will be started and completed.
    6. Specify any significant dependencies or prerequisites between tasks.
    7. Update the project roadmap throughout the project by accounting for injections and entering the actual starting and ending dates.
    8. Use the project dashboard to monitor the project progress and identify risks early.

    Project Planning & Monitoring Tool

    Prioritize your tactics to build a realistic roadmap

    Initiatives should not and cannot be tackled all at once;

    • At this stage, each of the identified stakeholders should have a knowledge transfer plan for each of their reports with rough estimates for how long initiatives will take.
    • Simply looking at this raw list of transition plans can be daunting. Logically bundle the identified needs into IT initiatives to create the optimal IT Knowledge Transfer Roadmap.
    • It’s important not to try to do too much too quickly. Focus on some quick wins and leverage the success of these initiatives to drive the project forward.

    The image contains a screenshot of the prioritize tactics step.

    Populate the task column of the Project Planning and Monitoring Tool. See the following slides for more details on how to do this.

    Some techniques require a higher degree of effort than others

    Effort by Stakeholder


    Business Analyst

    IT Manager

    Knowledge Holder

    Knowledge Receiver






    These tactics require the least amount of effort, especially for organizations that are already using these tactics for a traditional requirements gathering process.

    Process Mapping





    Use Cases





    Job Shadow





    These tactics generally require more involvement from IT management and the BA in tandem for preparation. They will also require ongoing effort for all stakeholders. Stakeholder buy-in is key for success.

    Peer Assist





    Action Review










    Transition Workshop





    Story Telling





    Job Share





    Communities of Practice





    Consider each tactic’s dependencies as you build your roadmap

    Implementation Dependencies



    Technology Support

    Process Development







    Start your knowledge transfer project here to get quick wins for explicit knowledge.

    Process Mapping





    Use Cases





    Job Shadow





    Don’t change too much too quickly or try to introduce all of the tactics at once. Focus on 1-2 key tactics and spend a significant amount of time upfront building an effective process and rolling it out. Leverage the effectiveness of the initial tactics to push these initiatives forward.

    Peer Assist





    Action Review










    Transition Workshop





    Story Telling





    Job Share





    Communities of Practice





    2.2.1 Merge Your Knowledge Transfer Plans

    Populate the task column of the Project Planning and Monitoring Tool

    1. Take an inventory of all the tactics and techniques which you plan to employ. Eliminate redundancies where possible.
    2. Start your implementation with your highest risk group using explicit knowledge transfer tactics. Interviews, use cases, and process mapping will give you some quick wins and will help gain momentum for the project.
    3. Proactive and knowledge culture should then move forward to other tactics, the majority of which will require training and process design. Pick one to two other key tactics you would like to employ and build those out.
    4. Once you get more advanced, you can continue to grow the number of tactics you employ, but in the beginning, less is more. Keep growing your implementation roadmap one tactic at a time and track key metrics as you go.
    • A list of project tasks to be completed.
    • Project Planning Monitoring Tool.
    • IT Leadership Team

    Project Planning & Monitoring Tool

    2.2.2 Define Initiatives’ Timeframes

    Populate the estimated start and completion date and task owner columns of the Project Planning and Monitoring Tool.

    1. Define the time frame: time frames will depend on several factors. Consider the following while defining timelines for your knowledge transfer tactics:
    • Tactics you choose to employ
    • Availability of resources to implement the initiative
    • Technology requirements
  • Input the Start Date and End Date for each initiative via the drop-down. (Year 1-M1 = year 1, month 1 of implementation.)
  • Define the status of initiative:
    • Planned
    • In progress
    • Completed
  • The initiative owner will ensure each step of the rollout is executed as planned, and will:
    • Engage all required stakeholders at appropriate stages of the project.
    • Engage all required resources to implement the process and make sure that communication channels are open and available between all relevant parties.
    Input Output
    • Timeframes for all project tasks.
    Materials Participants
    • Project Planning and Monitoring Tool.
    • IT Leadership Team

    Project Planning & Monitoring Tool

    Once you start the implementation, leverage the Project Planning and Monitoring Tool for ongoing status updates

    Track your progress

    • Update your project roadmap as you complete the project and keep track of your progress by completing the “Actual Start Date” and “Actual Completion Date” as you go through your project.
    • Use the Progress Report tab in project team meetings to update stakeholders on which tasks have been completed on schedule, for an analysis of tasks to date, and project time management.
    The image contains screenshots from the Project Planning and Monitoring Tool.

    Phase #3

    Implement your knowledge transfer plans and roadmap

    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    Phase 3

    1.1 Obtain approval for project

    1.2 Identify knowledge and stakeholder risks

    2.1 Build knowledge transfer plans

    2.2 Build knowledge transfer roadmap

    3.1 Communicate your roadmap

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Preparing a key stakeholder communication presentation.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • IT Leadership
    • Other key stakeholders

    Step 3.1

    Communicate Your Knowledge Transfer Roadmap to Stakeholders


    3.1.1 Prepare IT Knowledge Transfer Roadmap Presentation

    The goal of this step is to be ready to communicate the roadmap with the project team, project sponsor, and other key stakeholders.

    Outcomes of this step

    • Key stakeholder communication deck.

    Use Info-Tech’s template to communicate with stakeholders

    Obtain approval for the IT Knowledge Transfer Roadmap by customizing Info-Tech’s IT Knowledge Transfer Roadmap Presentation Template designed to effectively convey your key messages. Tailor the template to suit your needs.

    It includes:

    • Project Context
    • Project Scope and Objectives
    • Knowledge Transfer Roadmap
    • Next Steps

    The image contains screenshots of the IT Knowledge Transfer Roadmap Presentation Template.

    Info-Tech Insight

    The support of IT leadership is critical to the success of your roadmap roll-out. Remind them of the project benefits and impact them hard with the risks/pain points.

    IT Knowledge Transfer Roadmap Presentation Template

    3.1.1 Prepare a Presentation for Your Project Team and Sponsor

    Now that you have created your knowledge transfer roadmap, the final step of the process is to get sign-off from the project sponsor to begin the planning process to roll-out your initiatives.

    Know your audience:

    1. Revisit your project charter to determine the knowledge transfer project stakeholders who will be included in your presentation audience.
    2. You want your presentation to be succinct and hard-hitting. Management’s time is tight, and they will lose interest if you drag out the delivery. Impact them hard and fast with the pains and benefits of your roadmap.
    3. The presentation should take no more than an hour. Depending on your audience, the actual presentation delivery could be quite short (12-13 slides). However, you want to ensure adequate time for Q & A.
    Input Output
    • Project charter
    • A completed presentation to communicate your knowledge transfer roadmap.
    Materials Participants
    • IT Knowledge Transfer Roadmap Presentation Template
    • IT leadership team
    • Project sponsor
    • Project stakeholders

    IT Knowledge Transfer Roadmap Presentation Template

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Build an IT Succession Plan

    Train Managers to Handle Difficult Conversations

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    Babcock, Pamela. “Shedding Light on Knowledge Management.” HR Magazine, 1 May 2004.

    King, Rachael. "Big Tech Problem as Mainframes Outlast Workforce." Bloomberg, 3 Aug. 2010. Web.

    Krill, Paul. “IT’s Most Wanted: Mainframe Programmers.” IDG Communications, Inc. 1 December 2011.

    McLean & Company. “Mitigate the Risk of Baby Boomer Retirement with Scalable Succession Planning.” 7 March 2016.

    McLean & Company. “Make the Case For Employee Engagement.” McLean and Company. 27 March 2014.

    PwC. “15th Annual Global CEO Survey: Delivering Results Growth and Value in a Volatile World.” PwC, 2012.

    Rocket Software, Inc. “Rocket Software 2022 Survey Report: The State of the Mainframe.” Rocket Software, Inc. January 2022. Accessed 30 April 2022.

    Ross, Jenna. “Intangible Assets: A Hidden but Crucial Driver of Company Value.” Visual Capitalist, 11 February 2020. Accessed 2 May 2022.

    Create a Work-From-Anywhere Strategy

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    • member rating average dollars saved: 33 Average Days Saved
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    • Parent Category Name: IT Strategy
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    Work-from-anywhere isn’t going anywhere. During the initial rush to remote work, tech debt was highlighted and the business lost faith in IT. IT now needs to:

    • Rebuild trust with the CXO.
    • Identify gaps created from the COVID-19 rush to remote work.
    • Identify how IT can better support remote workers.

    IT went through an initial crunch to enable remote work. It’s time to be proactive and learn from our mistakes.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • It’s not about embracing the new normal; it’s about resiliency and long-term success. Your strategy needs to not only provide short-term operational value but also make the organization more resilient for the unknown risks of tomorrow.
    • The nature of work has fundamentally changed. IT departments must ensure service continuity, not for how the company worked in 2019, but for how the company is working now and will be working tomorrow.
    • Ensure short-term survival. Don’t focus on becoming an innovator until you are no longer stuck in firefighting.
    • Aim for near-term innovation. Once you’re a trusted operator, become a business partner by helping the business better adapt business processes and operations to work-from-anywhere.

    Impact and Result

    Follow these steps to build a work-from-anywhere strategy that resonates with the business:

    • Identify a vision that aligns with business goals.
    • Design the work-from-anywhere value proposition for critical business roles.
    • Benchmark your current maturity.
    • Build a roadmap for bridging the gap.

    Benefit employees’ remote working experience while ensuring that IT heads in a strategic direction.

    Create a Work-From-Anywhere Strategy Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should create a work-from-anywhere strategy, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Define a target state

    Identify a vision that aligns with business goals, not for how the company worked in 2019, but for how the company is working now and will be working tomorrow.

    • Work-From-Anywhere Strategy Template
    • Work-From-Anywhere Value Proposition Template

    2. Analyze current fitness

    Don’t focus on becoming an innovator until you are no longer stuck in firefighting mode.

    3. Build a roadmap for improving enterprise apps

    Use these blueprints to improve your enterprise app capabilities for work-from-anywhere.

    • Microsoft Teams Cookbook – Sections 1-2
    • Rationalize Your Collaboration Tools – Phases 1-3
    • Adapt Your Customer Experience Strategy to Successfully Weather COVID-19 Storyboard
    • The Rapid Application Selection Framework Deck

    4. Build a roadmap for improving strategy, people & leadership

    Use these blueprints to improve IT’s strategy, people & leadership capabilities for work-from-anywhere.

    • Define Your Digital Business Strategy – Phases 1-4
    • Training Deck: Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Virtual Teams
    • Sustain Work-From-Home in the New Normal Storyboard
    • Develop a Targeted Flexible Work Program for IT – Phases 1-3
    • Maintain Employee Engagement During the COVID-19 Pandemic Storyboard
    • Adapt Your Onboarding Process to a Virtual Environment Storyboard
    • Manage Poor Performance While Working From Home Storyboard
    • The Essential COVID-19 Childcare Policy for Every Organization, Yesterday Storyboard

    5. Build a roadmap for improving infrastructure & operations

    Use these blueprints to improve infrastructure & operations capabilities for work-from-anywhere.

    • Stabilize Infrastructure & Operations During Work-From-Anywhere – Phases 1-3
    • Responsibly Resume IT Operations in the Office – Phases 1-5
    • Execute an Emergency Remote Work Plan Storyboard
    • Build a Digital Workspace Strategy – Phases 1-3

    6. Build a roadmap for improving IT security & compliance capabilities

    Use these blueprints to improve IT security & compliance capabilities for work-from-anywhere.

    • Cybersecurity Priorities in Times of Pandemic Storyboard
    • Reinforce End-User Security Awareness During Your COVID-19 Response Storyboard


    Workshop: Create a Work-From-Anywhere Strategy

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Define a Target State

    The Purpose

    Define the direction of your work-from-anywhere strategy and roadmap.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Base your decisions on senior leadership and user needs.


    1.1 Identify drivers, benefits, and challenges.

    1.2 Perform a goals cascade to align benefits to business needs.

    1.3 Define a vision and success metrics.

    1.4 Define the value IT brings to work-from-anywhere.


    Desired benefits for work-from-anywhere

    Vision statement

    Mission statement

    Success metrics

    Value propositions for in-scope user groups

    2 Review In-Scope Capabilities

    The Purpose

    Focus on value. Ensure that major applications and IT capabilities will relieve employees’ pains and provide them with gains.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Learn from past mistakes and successes.

    Increase adoption of resulting initiatives.


    2.1 Review work-from-anywhere framework and identify capability gaps.

    2.2 Review diagnostic results to identify satisfaction gaps.

    2.3 Record improvement opportunities for each capability.

    2.4 Identify deliverables and opportunities to provide value for each.

    2.5 Identify constraints faced by each capability.


    SWOT assessment of work-from-anywhere capabilities

    Projects and initiatives to improve capabilities

    Deliverables and opportunities to provide value for each capability

    Constraints with each capability

    3 Build the Roadmap

    The Purpose

    Build a short-term plan that allows you to iterate on your existing strengths and provide early value to your users.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Provide early value to address operational pain points.

    Build a plan to provide near-term innovation and business value.


    3.1 Organize initiatives into phases.

    3.2 Identify tasks for short-term initiatives.

    3.3 Estimate effort with Scrum Poker.

    3.4 Build a timeline and tie phases to desired business benefits.


    Prioritized list of initiatives and phases

    Profiles for short-term initiatives

    Establish a Foresight Capability

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    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Innovation
    • Parent Category Link: /innovation
    • To be recognized and validated as a forward-thinking CIO, you must establish a structured approach to innovation that considers external trends as well as internal processes.
    • The CEO is expecting an investment in IT innovation to yield either cost reduction or revenue growth, but growth cannot happen without opportunity identification.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Technological innovation is disrupting business models – and it’s happening faster than organizations can react.
    • Smaller, more agile organizations have an advantage because they have less resources tied to existing operations and can move faster.

    Impact and Result

    • Be the disruptor, not the disrupted. This blueprint will help you plan proactively and identify opportunities before your competitors.
    • Strategic foresight gives you the tools you need to effectively process the signals in your environment, build an understanding of relevant trends, and turn this understanding into action.

    Establish a Foresight Capability Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out how to effectively apply strategic foresight, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Signal gathering

    Develop a better understanding of your external environment and build a database of signals.

    • Establish a Foresight Capability – Phase 1: Signal Gathering
    • Foresight Process Tool

    2. Trends and drivers

    Select and analyze trends to uncover drivers.

    • Establish a Foresight Capability – Phase 2: Trends and Drivers

    3. Scenario building

    Use trends and drivers to build plausible scenarios and brainstorm strategic initiatives.

    • Establish a Foresight Capability – Phase 3: Scenario Building

    4. Idea selection

    Apply the wind tunneling technique to assess strategic initiatives and determine which are most likely to succeed in the face of uncertainty.

    • Establish a Foresight Capability – Phase 4: Idea Selection

    Workshop: Establish a Foresight Capability

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Pre-workshop – Gather Signals and Build a Repository

    The Purpose

    Note: this is preparation for the workshop and is not offered onsite.

    Gather relevant signals that will inform your organization about what is happening in the external competitive environment.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A better understanding of the competitive landscape.


    1.1 Gather relevant signals.

    1.2 Store signals in a repository for quick and easy recall during the workshop.


    A set of signal items ready for analysis

    2 Identify Trends and Uncover Drivers

    The Purpose

    Uncover trends in your environment and assess their potential impact.

    Determine the causal forces behind relevant trends to inform strategic decisions.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    An understanding of the underlying causal forces that are influencing a trend that is affecting your organization.


    2.1 Cluster signals into trends.

    2.2 Analyze trend impact and select a key trend.

    2.3 Perform causal analysis.

    2.4 Select drivers.


    A collection of relevant trends with a key trend selected

    A set of drivers influencing the key trend with primary drivers selected

    3 Build Scenarios and Ideate

    The Purpose

    Leverage your understanding of trends and drivers to build plausible scenarios and apply them as a canvas for ideation.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A set of potential responses or reactions to trends that are affecting your organization.


    3.1 Build scenarios.

    3.2 Brainstorm potential strategic initiatives (ideation).


    Four plausible scenarios for ideation purposes

    A potential strategic initiative that addresses each scenario

    4 Apply Wind Tunneling and Select Ideas

    The Purpose

    Assess the various ideas based on which are most likely to succeed in the face of uncertainty.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    An idea that you have tested in terms of risk and uncertainty.

    An idea that can be developed and pitched to the business or stored for later use. 


    4.1 Assign probabilities to scenarios.

    4.2 Apply wind tunneling.

    4.3 Select ideas.

    4.4 Discuss next steps and prototyping.


    A strategic initiative (idea) that is ready to move into prototyping

    Network Segmentation

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}503|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Network Management
    • Parent Category Link: /network-management
    • Many legacy networks were built for full connectivity and overlooked potential security ramifications.
    • Malware, ransomware, and bad actors are proliferating. It is not a matter of if you will be compromised but how can the damage be minimized.
    • Cyber insurance will detective control, not a preventative one. Prerequisite audits will look for appropriate segmentation.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Lateral movement amplifies damage. Contain movement within the network through segmentation.
    • Good segmentation is a balance between security and manageability. If solutions are too complex, they won’t be updated or maintained.
    • Network services and users change over time, so must your segmentation strategy. Networks are not static; your segmentation must maintain pace.

    Impact and Result

    • Create a common understanding of what is to be built, for whom, and why.
    • Define what services will be offered and how they will be governed.
    • Understand which assets that you already have can jump start the project.

    Network Segmentation Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Network Segmentation Deck – A deck to help you minimize risk by controlling traffic flows within the network.

    Map out appropriate network segmentation to minimize risk in your network.

    • Network Segmentation Storyboard

    Further reading

    Network Segmentation

    Protect your network by controlling the conversations within it.

    Executive Summary

    Info-Tech Insight

    Lateral movement amplifies damage

    From a security perspective, bad actors often use the tactic of “land and expand.” Once a network is breached, if east/west or lateral movement is not restricted, an attacker can spread quickly within a network from a small compromise.

    Good segmentation is a balance between security and manageability

    The ease of management in a network is usually inversely proportional to the amount of segmentation in that network. Highly segmented networks have a lot of potential complications and management overhead. In practice, this often leads to administrators being confused or implementing shortcuts that circumvent the very security that was intended with the segmentation in the first place.

    Network services and users change over time, so must your segmentation strategy

    Network segmentation projects should not be viewed as singular or “one and done.” Services and users on a network are constantly evolving; the network segmentation strategy must adapt with these changes. Be sure to monitor and audit segmentation deployments and change or update them as required to maintain a proper risk posture.

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    Common Obstacles

    Info-Tech’s Approach

    Networks are meant to facilitate communication, and when devices on a network cannot communicate, it is generally seen as an issue. The simplest answer to this is to design flat, permissive networks. With the proliferation of malware, ransomware, and advanced persistent threats (ATPs) a flat or permissive network is an invitation for bad actors to deliver more damage at an increased pace.

    Cyber insurance may be viewed as a simpler mitigation than network reconfiguration or redesign, but this is not a preventative solution, and the audits done before policies are issued will flag flat networks as a concern.

    Network segmentation is not a “bolt on” fix. To properly implement a minimum viable product for segmentation you must, at a minimum:

    • Understand the endpoints and their appropriate traffic flows.
    • Understand the technologies available to implement segmentation.

    Implementing appropriate segmentation often involves elements of (if not a full) network redesign.

    To ensure the best results in a timely fashion, Info-Tech recommends a methodology that consists of:

    • Understand the network (or subset thereof) and prioritizing segmentation based on risk.
    • Align the appropriate segmentation methodology for each surfaced segment to be addressed.
    • Monitor the segmented environment for compliance and design efficacy, adding to and modifying existing as required.

    Info-Tech Insight

    The aim of networking is communication, but unfettered communication can be a liability. Appropriate segmentation in networks, blocking communications where they are not required or desired, restricts lateral movement within the network, allowing for better risk mitigation and management.

    Network segmentation

    Compartmentalization of risk:

    Segmentation is the practice of compartmentalizing network traffic for the purposes of mitigating or reducing risk. Segmentation methodologies can generally be grouped into three broad categories:

    1. Physical Segmentation

    The most common implementation of physical segmentation is to build parallel networks with separate hardware for each network segment. This is sometimes referred to as “air gapping.”

    2. Static Virtual Segmentation

    Static virtual segmentation is the configuration practice of using technologies such as virtual LANs (VLANs) to assign ports or connections statically to a network segment.

    3. Dynamic Virtual Segmentation

    Dynamic virtual segmentation assigns a connection to a network segment based on the device or user of the connection. This can be done through such means as software defined networking (SDN), 802.1x, or traffic inspection and profiling.

    Common triggers for network segmentation projects

    1. Remediate Audit Findings

    Many security audits (potentially required for or affecting premiums of cyber insurance) will highlight the potential issues of non-segmented networks.

    2. Protect Vulnerable Technology Assets

    Whether separating IT and OT or segmenting off IoT/IIoT devices, keeping vulnerable assets separated from potential attack vectors is good practice.

    3. Minimize Potential for Lateral Movement

    Any organization that has experienced a cyber attack will realize the value in segmenting the network to slow a bad actor’s movement through technology assets.

    How do you execute on network segmentation?

    The image contains a screenshot of the network segmentation process. The process includes: identify risk, design segmentation, and operate and optimize.

    Identify risks by understanding access across the network

    Gain visibility

    Create policy

    Prioritize change

    "Security, after all, is a risk business. As companies don't secure everything, everywhere, security resilience allows them to focus their security resources on the pieces of the business that add the most value to an organization, and ensure that value is protected."

    – Helen Patton,

    CISO, Cisco Security Business Group, qtd. In PR News, 2022

    Discover the data flows within the network. This should include all users on the network and the environments they are required to access as well as access across environments.

    Examine the discovered flows and define how they should be treated.

    Change takes time. Use a risk assessment to prioritize changes within the network architecture.

    Understand the network space

    A space is made up of both services and users.

    Before starting to consider segmentation solutions, define whether this exercise is aimed at addressing segmentation globally or at a local level. Not all use cases are global and many can be addressed locally.

    When examining a network space for potential segmentation we must include:

    • Services offered on the network
    • Users of the network

    To keep the space a consumable size, both of these areas should be approached in the abstract. To abstract, users and services should be logically grouped and generalized.

    Groupings in the users and services categories may be different across organizations, but the common thread will be to contain the amount of groupings to a manageable size.

    Service Groupings

    • Are the applications all components of a larger service or environment?
    • Do the applications serve data of a similar sensitivity?
    • Are there services that feed data and don’t interact with users (IoT, OT, sensors)?

    User Groupings

    • Do users have similar security profiles?
    • Do users use a similar set of applications?
    • Are users in the same area of your organization chart?
    • Have you considered access by external parties?

    Info-Tech Insight

    The more granular you are in the definition of the network space, the more granular you can be in your segmentation. The unfortunate corollary to this is that the difficulty of managing your end solution grows with the granularity of your segmentation.

    Create appropriate policy

    Understand which assets to protect and how.

    Context is key in your ability to create appropriate policy. Building on the definition of the network space that has been created, context in the form of the appropriateness of communications across the space and the vulnerabilities of items within the space can be layered on.

    To decide where and how segmentation might be appropriate, we must first examine the needs of communication on the network and their associated risk. Once defined, we can assess how permissive or restrictive we should be with that communication.

    The minimum viable product for this exercise is to define the communication channel possibilities, then designate each possibility as one of the following:

    • Permissive – we should freely allow this traffic
    • Restricted – we should allow some of the traffic and/or control it
    • Rejected – we should not allow this traffic

    Appropriate Communications

    • Should a particular group of users have access to a given service?
    • Are there external users involved in any grouping?

    Potential Vulnerabilities

    • Are the systems in question continually patched/updated?
    • Are the services exposed designed with the appropriate security?

    Prioritize the potential segmentation

    Use risk as a guide to prioritize segmentation.

    For most organizations, the primary reason for network segmentation is to improve security posture. It follows that the prioritization of initiatives and/or projects to implement segmentation should be based on risk.

    When examining risk, an organization needs to consider both:

    • Impact and likelihood of visibility risk in respect to any given asset, data, or user
    • The organization’s level of risk tolerance

    The assets or users that are associated with risk levels higher than the tolerance of the organization should be prioritized to be addressed.

    Service Risks

    • If this service was affected by an adverse event, what would the impact on the organization be?

    User Risks

    • Are the users in question FTEs as opposed to contractors or outsourced resources?
    • Is a particular user group more susceptible to compromise than others?

    Info-Tech Insight

    Be sure to keep this exercise relative so that a clear ranking occurs. If it turns out that everything is a priority, then nothing is a priority. When ranking things relative to others in the exercise, we ensure clear “winners” and “losers.”

    Assess risk and prioritize action

    1-3 hours

    1. Define a list of users and services that define the network space to be addressed. If the lists are too long, use an exercise like affinity diagramming to appropriately group them into a smaller subset.
    2. Create a matrix from the lists (put users and services along the rows and columns). In the intersecting points, label how the traffic should be treated (e.g. Permissive, Restricted, Rejected).
    3. Examine the matrix and assess the intersections for risk using the lens of impact and likelihood of an adverse event. Label the intersections for risk level with one of green (low impact/likelihood), yellow (medium impact/likelihood), or red (high impact/likelihood).
    4. Find commonalities within the medium/high areas and list the users or services as priorities to be addressed.
    Input Output
    • Network, application, and security documentation
    • A prioritized list of areas to address with segmentation
    Materials Participants
    • Whiteboard/Flip Charts


    • Excel spreadsheet
    • Network Team
    • Application Team
    • Security Team
    • Data Team

    Design segmentation

    Segmentation comes in many flavors; decide which is right for the specific circumstance.


    Access control

    "Learning to choose is hard. Learning to choose well is harder. And learning to choose well in a world of unlimited possibilities is harder still, perhaps too hard."

    ― Barry Schwartz, The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less

    What is the best method to segment the particular user group, service, or environment in question?

    How can data or user access move safely and securely between network segments?

    Decide on which methods work for your circumstances

    You always have options…

    There are multiple lenses to look through when making the decision of what the correct segmentation method might be for any given user group or service. A potential subset could include:

    • Effort to deploy
    • Cost of the solution
    • Skills required to operate
    • Granularity of the segmentation
    • Adaptability of the solution
    • Level of automation in the solution

    Info-Tech Insight

    Network segmentation within an organization is rarely a one-size-fits-all proposition. Be sure to look at each situation that has been identified to need segmentation and align it with an appropriate solution. The overall number of solutions deployed has to maintain a balance between that appropriateness and the effort to manage multiple environments.

    Framework to examine segmentation methods

    To assess we need to understand.

    To assess when technologies or methodologies are appropriate for a segmentation use case, we need to understand what those options are. We will be examining potential segmentation methods and concepts within the following framework:


    A description of the segmentation technology, method, or concept.


    Why would this be used over other choices and/or in what circumstances?


    A high-level overview of how this option could or would be deployed.

    Notional assessments will be displayed in a sidebar to give an idea of Effort, Cost, Skills, Granularity, Adaptability, and Automation.


    Notional level of effort to implement on a standard network


    Relative cost of implementing this segmentation strategy


    Notional level of time and skills needed to maintain


    How granular this type of segmentation is in general


    The ability of the solution to be easily modified or changed


    The level of automation inherent in the solution

    Air gap

    … And never the twain shall meet.

    – Rudyard Kipling, “The Ballad of East and West.”


    Air gapping is a strategy to protect portions of a network by segmenting those portions and running them on completely separate hardware from the primary network. In an air gap scenario, the segmented network cannot have connectivity to outside networks. This difference makes air gapping a very specific implementation of parallel networks (which are still segmented and run on separate hardware but can be connected through a control point).


    Air gap is a traditional choice when environments need to be very secure. Examples where air gaps exist(ed) are:

    • Operational technology (OT) networks
    • Military networks
    • Critical infrastructure


    Most networks are not overprovisioned to a level that physical segmentation can be done without purchasing new equipment. The major steps required for constructing an air gap include:

    • Design segmentation
    • Purchase and install new hardware
    • Cable to new hardware

    The image contains a screenshot that demonstrates pie graphs with the notional assessments: Effort, Cost, Skills, Granularity, and Automation.

    Info-Tech Insight

    An air gapped network is the ultimate in segmentation and security … as long as the network does not require connectivity. It is unfortunately rare in today’s world that a network will stand on its own without any need for external connectivity.


    Do what you can, with what you’ve got…

    – Theodore Roosevelt


    Virtual local area networks (VLANs) are a standard feature on today’s firewalls, routers, and manageable switches. This configuration option allows for network traffic to be segmented into separate virtual networks (broadcast domains) on existing hardware. This segmentation is done at layer 2 of the OSI model. All traffic will share the same hardware but be partitioned based on “tags” that the local device applies to the traffic. Because of these tags, traffic is handled separately at layer 2 of the OSI model, but traffic can pass between segments at layer 3 (e.g. IP layer).


    VLANs are commonly used because most existing deployments already have the technology available without extra licensing. VLANs are also potentially used as foundational components in more complex segmentation strategies such as static or dynamic overlays.


    VLANs allow for segmentation of a device at the port level. VLAN strategies are generally on a location level (e.g. most VLAN deployments are local to a site, though the same structure may be used among sites). To deploy VLANs you must:

    • Define VLAN segments
    • Assign ports appropriately

    The image contains a screenshot that demonstrates pie graphs with the notional assessments: Effort, Cost, Skills, Granularity, and Automation.

    Info-Tech Insight

    VLANs are tried and true segmentation workhorses. The fact that they are already included in modern manageable solutions means that there is very little reason to not have some level of segmentation within a network.


    Everyone is against micromanaging, but macro managing means you’re working on the big picture but don’t understand the details.

    – Henry Mintzberg


    Micro-segmentation is used to secure and control network traffic between workloads. This is a foundational technology when implementing zero trust or least-privileged access network designs. Segmentation is done at or directly adjacent to the workload (on the system or its direct network connectivity) through firewall or similar policy controls. The controls are set to only allow the network communication required to execute the workload and is limited to appropriate endpoints. This restrictive design restricts all traffic (including east-west) and reduces the attack surface.


    Micro-segmentation is primarily used:

    • In server-to-server communication.
    • When lateral movement by bad actors is identified as a concern.


    Micro-segmentation can be deployed at different places within the connectivity depending on the technologies used:

    • Workload/server (e.g. server firewall)
    • VM network overlay (e.g. VMware NSX)
    • Network port (e.g. ACL, firewall, ACI)
    • Cloud native (e.g. Azure Firewall)

    Info-Tech Insight

    Micro-segmentation is necessary in the data center to limit lateral movement. Just be sure to be thorough in defining required communication as this technology works on allowlists, not traditional blocklists.

    Static overlay

    Adaptability is key.

    – Marc Andreessen


    Static overlays are a form of virtual segmentation that allows multiple network segments to exist on the same device. Most of these solutions will also allow for these segments to expand across multiple devices or sites, creating overlay virtual networks on top of the existing physical networks. The static nature of the solution is because the ports that participate in the overlays are statically assigned and configured. Connectivity between devices and sites is done through encapsulation and may have a dynamic component of the control plane handled through routing protocols.


    Static overlays are commonly deployed when the need is to segment different use cases or areas of the organization consistently across sites while allowing easy access within the segments between sites. This could be representative of segmenting a department like Finance or extending a layer 2 segment across data centers.


    Static overlays are can segment and potentially extend a layer 2 or layer 3 network. These solutions could be executed with technologies such as:

    • VXLAN (Virtual eXtensible LAN)
    • MPLS (Multi Protocol Label Switching)
    • VRF (Virtual Routing & Forwarding)

    The image contains a screenshot that demonstrates pie graphs with the notional assessments: Effort, Cost, Skills, Granularity, and Automation.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Static overlays are commonly deployed by telecommunications providers when building out their service offerings due to the multitenancy requirements of the network.

    Dynamic overlay

    Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.

    – George S. Patton


    A dynamic overlay segmentation solution has the ability to make security or traffic decisions based on policy. Rather than designing and hardcoding the network architecture, the policy is architected and the network makes decisions based on that policy. Differing levels of control exist in this space, but the underlying commonality is that the segmentation would be considered “software defined” (SDN).


    Dynamic overlay solutions provide the most flexibility of the presented solutions. Some use cases such as BYOD or IoT devices may not be easily identified or controlled through static means. As a general rule of thumb, the less static the network is, the more dynamic your segmentation solution must be.


    Policy is generally applied at the network ingress. When applying policy, which policy to be applied can be identified through different methodologies such as:

    • Authentication (e.g. 802.1x)
    • Device agents
    • Device profiling

    The image contains a screenshot that demonstrates pie graphs with the notional assessments: Effort, Cost, Skills, Granularity, and Automation.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Dynamic overlays allow for more flexibility through its policy-based configurations. These solutions can provide the highest value when positioned where we have less control of the points within a network (e.g. BYOD scenarios).

    Define how your segments will communicate

    No segment is an island…

    Network segmentation allows for protection of devices, users, or data through the act of separating the physical or virtual networks they are on. Counter to this protective stance, especially in today’s networks, these devices, users, or data tend to need to interact with each other outside of the neat lines we draw for them. Proper network segmentation has to allow for the transfer of assets between networks in a safe and secure manner.

    Info-Tech Insight

    The solutions used to facilitate the controlled communication between segments has to consider the friction to the users. If too much friction is introduced, people will try to find a way around the controls, potentially negating the security that is intended with the solution.

    Potential access methods

    A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.

    – John A. Shedd


    Two-way controlled communication

    Firewalls are tried and true control points used to join networks. This solution will allow, at minimum, port-level control with some potential for deeper inspection and control beyond that.

    • Traditionally firewalls are sized to handle internet-bound (North-South) traffic. When being used between segments, (East-West) loads are usually much higher, necessitating a more powerful device.

    Jump Box

    A place between worlds

    Also sometimes referred to as a “Bastion Host,” a jump box is a special-purpose computer/server that has been hardened and resides on multiple segments of a network. Administrators or users can log into this box and use it to securely use the tools installed to act on other segments of the network.

    • Jump box security is of utmost importance. Special care should be taken in hardening, configuration, and application installed to ensure that users cannot use the box to tunnel or traverse between the segments outside of well-defined and controlled circumstances.

    Protocol Gateway

    Command-level control

    A protocol gateway is a specific and special subset of a firewall. Whereas a firewall is a security generalist, a protocol gateway is designed to understand and have rule-level control over the commands passing through it within defined protocols. This granularity, for example, allows for control and filtering to only allow defined OT commands to be passed to a secure SCADA network.

    • Protocol gateways are generally specific feature sets of a firewall and traditionally target OT network security as their core use case.

    Network Pump

    One-way data extraction

    A network pump is a concept designed to allow data to be transferred from a secure network to a less secure network while still protecting against covert channels such as using the ACK within a transfer to transmit data. A network pump will consist of trusted processes and schedulers that allow for data to pass but control channels to be sufficiently modified so as to not allow security concerns.

    • Network pumps would generally be deployed in the most security demanding of environments and are generally not “off the shelf” products.

    Operate and optimize

    Security is not static. Monitor and iterate on policies within the environment.



    Two in three businesses (68%) allow more employee data access than necessary.

    GetApp's 2022 Data Security Survey Report

    Are the segmentation efforts resulting in the expected traffic changes? Are there any anomalies that need investigation?

    Using the output from the monitoring stage, refine and optimize the design by iterating on the process.

    Monitor for efficacy, compliance, and the unknown

    Monitor to ensure your intended results and to identify new potential risks.

    Monitoring network segments

    A combination of passive and active monitoring is required to ensure that:

    • The rules that have been deployed are working as expected.
    • Appropriate proof of compliance is in place for auditing and insurance purposes.
    • Environments are being monitored for unexpected traffic.

    Active monitoring goes beyond the traditional gathering of information for alerts and dashboards and moves into the space of synthetic users and anomaly detection. Using these strategies helps to ensure that security is enforced appropriately and responses to issues are timely.

    "We discovered in our research that insider threats are not viewed as seriously as external threats, like a cyberattack. But when companies had an insider threat, in general, they were much more costly than external incidents. This was largely because the insider that is smart has the skills to hide the crime, for months, for years, sometimes forever."

    – Dr. Larry Ponemon, Chairman Ponemon Institute, at SecureWorld Boston

    Info-Tech Insight

    Using solutions like network detection and response (NDR) will allow for monitoring to take advantage of advanced analytical techniques like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). These technologies can help identify anomalies that a human might miss.

    Monitoring options

    It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.

    – Henry David Thoreau


    Monitor cumulative change in a variable

    Traditional network monitoring is a minimum viable product. With this solution variables can be monitored to give some level of validation that the segmentation solution is operating as expected. Potential areas to monitor include traffic volumes, access-list (ACL) matches, and firewall packet drops.

    • This is expected baseline monitoring. Without at least this level of visibility, it is hard to validate the solutions in place

    Rules Based

    Inspect traffic to find a match against a library of signatures

    Rules-based systems will monitor traffic against a library of signatures and alert on any matches. These solutions are good at identifying the “known” issues on the network. Examples of these systems include security incident and event management (SIEM) and intrusion detection/prevention systems (IDS/IPS).

    • These solutions are optimally used when there are known signatures to validate traffic against.
    • They can identify known attacks and breaches.

    Anomaly Detection

    Use computer intelligence to compare against baseline

    Anomaly detection systems are designed to baseline the network traffic then compare current traffic against that to find anomalies using technologies like Bayesian regression analysis or artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML). This strategy can be useful in analyzing large volumes of traffic and identifying the “unknown unknowns.”

    • Computers can analyze large volumes of data much faster than a human. This allows these solutions to validate traffic in (near) real-time and alert on things that are out of the ordinary and would not be easily visible to a human.

    Synthetic Data

    Mimic potential traffic flows to monitor network reaction

    Rather than wait for a bad actor to find a hole in the defenses, synthetic data can be used to mimic real-world traffic to validate configuration and segmentation. This often takes the form of real user monitoring tools, penetration testing, or red teaming.

    • Active monitoring or testing allows a proactive stance as opposed to a reactive one.

    Gather feedback, assess the situation, and iterate

    Take input from operating the environment and use that to optimize the process and the outcome.

    Optimize through iteration

    Output from monitoring must be fed back into the process of maintaining and optimizing segmentation. Network segmentation should be viewed as an ongoing process as opposed to a singular structured project.

    Monitoring can and will highlight where and when the segmentation design is successful and when new traffic flows arise. If these inputs are not fed back through the process, designs will become stagnant and admins or users will attempt to find ways to circumvent solutions for ease of use.

    "I think it's very important to have a feedback loop, where you're constantly thinking about what you've done and how you could be doing it better. I think that's the single best piece of advice: constantly think about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself."

    – Elon Musk, qtd. in Mashable, 2012

    Info-Tech Insight

    The network environment will not stay static; flows will change as often as required for the business to succeed. Take insights from monitoring the environment and integrate them into an iterative process that will maintain relevance and usability in your segmentation.


    Andreessen, Marc. “Adaptability is key.” BrainyQuote, n.d.
    Barry Schwartz. The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less. Harper Perennial, 18 Jan. 2005.
    Capers, Zach. “GetApp’s 2022 Data Security Report—Seven Startling Statistics.” GetApp,
    19 Sept. 2022.
    Cisco Systems, Inc. “Cybersecurity resilience emerges as top priority as 62 percent of companies say security incidents impacted business operations.” PR Newswire, 6 Dec. 2022.
    “Dynamic Network Segmentation: A Must-Have for Digital Businesses in the Age of Zero Trust.” Forescout Whitepaper, 2021. Accessed Nov. 2022.
    Eaves, Johnothan. “Segmentation Strategy - An ISE Prescriptive Guide.” Cisco Community,
    26 Oct. 2020. Accessed Nov. 2022.
    Kambic, Dan, and Jason Fricke. “Network Segmentation: Concepts and Practices.” Carnegie Mellon University SEI Blog, 19 Oct. 2020. Accessed Nov. 2022.
    Kang, Myong H., et al. “A Network Pump.” IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 22 no. 5, May 1996.
    Kipling, Rudyard. “The Ballad of East and West.” Ballads and Barrack-Room Ballads, 1892.
    Mintzberg, Henry. “Everyone is against micro managing but macro managing means you're working at the big picture but don't know the details.” AZ Quotes, n.d.
    Murphy, Greg. “A Reimagined Purdue Model For Industrial Security Is Possible.” Forbes Magazine, 18 Jan. 2022. Accessed Oct. 2022.
    Patton, George S. “Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.” BrainyQuote, n.d.
    Ponemon, Larry. “We discovered in our research […].” SecureWorld Boston, n.d.
    Roosevelt, Theodore. “Do what you can, with what you've got, where you are.” Theodore Roosevelt Center, n.d.
    Sahoo, Narendra. “How Does Implementing Network Segmentation Benefit Businesses?” Vista Infosec Blog. April 2021. Accessed Nov. 2022.
    “Security Outcomes Report Volume 3.” Cisco Secure, Dec 2022.
    Shedd, John A. “A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.” Salt from My Attic, 1928, via Quote Investigator, 9 Dec. 2023.
    Singleton, Camille, et al. “X-Force Threat Intelligence Index 2022” IBM, 17 Feb. 2022.
    Accessed Nov. 2022.
    Stone, Mark. “What is network segmentation? NS best practices, requirements explained.” AT&T Cyber Security, March 2021. Accessed Nov. 2022.
    “The State of Breach and Attack Simulation and the Need for Continuous Security Validation: A Study of US and UK Organizations.” Ponemon Institute, Nov. 2020. Accessed Nov. 2022.
    Thoreau, Henry David. “It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” BrainyQuote, n.d.
    Ulanoff, Lance. “Elon Musk: Secrets of a Highly Effective Entrepreneur.” Mashable, 13 April 2012.
    “What Is Microsegmenation?” Palo Alto, Accessed Nov. 2022.
    “What is Network Segmentation? Introduction to Network Segmentation.” Sunny Valley Networks, n.d.

    Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision

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    • Parent Category Name: Development
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    • Product organizations are under pressure to align the value they provide to the organization’s goals and overall company vision.
    • You need to clearly convey your direction, strategy, and tactics to gain alignment, support, and funding from your organization.
    • Products require continuous additions and enhancements to sustain their value. This requires detailed, yet simple communication to a variety of stakeholders.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • A vision without tactics is an unsubstantiated dream, while tactics without a vision is working without a purpose. You need to have a handle on both to achieve outcomes that are aligned with the needs of your organization.

    Impact and Result

    • Recognize that a vision is only as good as the data that backs it up – lay out a comprehensive backlog with quality built-in that can be effectively communicated and understood through roadmaps.
    • Your intent is only a dream if it cannot be implemented – define what goes into a release plan via the release canvas.
    • Define a communication approach that lets everyone know where you are heading.

    Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should build a digital product vision that you can stand behind. Review Info-Tech’s methodology and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Define a digital product vision

    Define a digital product vision that takes into account your objectives, business value, stakeholders, customers, and metrics.

    • Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision – Phase 1: Define a Digital Product Vision
    • Digital Product Strategy Template
    • Digital Product Strategy Supporting Workbook

    2. Build a better backlog

    Build a structure for your backlog that supports your product vision.

    • Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision – Phase 2: Build a Better Backlog
    • Product Backlog Item Prioritization Tool

    3. Build a product roadmap

    Define standards, ownership for your backlog to effectively communicate your strategy in support of your digital product vision.

    • Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision – Phase 3: Build a Product Roadmap
    • Product Roadmap Tool

    4. Release and deliver value

    Understand what to consider when planning your next release.

    • Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision – Phase 4: Release and Deliver Value

    5. Communicate the strategy – make it happen

    Build a plan for communicating and updating your strategy and where to go next.

    • Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision – Phase 5: Communicate the Strategy – Make It Happen!


    Workshop: Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Define a Digital Product Vision

    The Purpose

    Understand the elements of a good product vision and the pieces that back it up.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Provide a great foundation for an actionable vision and goals people can align to.


    1.1 Build out the elements of an effective digital product vision


    Completed product vision definition for a familiar product via the product canvas

    2 Build a Better Backlog

    The Purpose

    Define the standards and approaches to populate your product backlog that support your vision and overall strategy.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A prioritized backlog with quality throughout that enables alignment and the operationalization of the overall strategy.


    2.1 Introduction to key activities required to support your digital product vision

    2.2 What do we mean by a quality backlog?

    2.3 Explore backlog structure and standards

    2.4 Define backlog data, content, and quality filters


    Articulate the activities required to support the population and validation of your backlog

    An understanding of what it means to create a quality backlog (quality filters)

    Defining the structural elements of your backlog that need to be considered

    Defining the content of your backlog and quality standards

    3 Build a Product Roadmap

    The Purpose

    Define standards and procedures for creating and updating your roadmap.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Enable your team to create a product roadmap to communicate your product strategy in support of your digital product vision.


    3.1 Disambiguating backlogs vs. roadmaps

    3.2 Defining audiences, accountability, and roadmap communications

    3.3 Exploring roadmap visualizations


    Understand the difference between a roadmap and a backlog

    Roadmap standards and agreed-to accountability for roadmaps

    Understand the different ways to visualize your roadmap and select what is relevant to your context

    4 Define Your Release, Communication, and Next Steps

    The Purpose

    Build a release plan aligned to your roadmap.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Understand what goes into defining a release via the release canvas.

    Considerations in communication of your strategy.

    Understand how to frame your vision to enable the communication of your strategy (via an executive summary).


    4.1 Lay out your release plan

    4.2 How to introduce your product vision

    4.3 Communicate changes to your strategy

    4.4 Where do we get started?


    Release canvas

    An executive summary used to introduce other parties to your product vision

    Specifics on communication of the changes to your roadmap

    Your first step to getting started

    Service Desk

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    • Parent Category Name: Infra and Operations
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    The service desk is typically the first point of contact for clients and staff who need something. Make sure your team is engaged, involved, knowledgeable, and gives excellent customer service.

    Build a Robust and Comprehensive Data Strategy

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}120|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.3/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $46,734 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 29 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Data Management
    • Parent Category Link: /data-management
    • The volume and variety of data that organizations have been collecting and producing have been growing exponentially and show no sign of slowing down.
    • At the same time, business landscapes and models are evolving, and users and stakeholders are becoming more and more data centric, with maturing expectations and demands.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • As the CDO or equivalent data leader in your organization, a robust and comprehensive data strategy is the number one tool in your toolkit for delivering on your mandate of creating measurable business value from data.
    • A data strategy should never be formulated disjointed from the business. Ensure the data strategy aligns with the business strategy and supports the business architecture.
    • Building and fostering a data-driven culture will accelerate and sustain adoption of, appetite for, and appreciation for data and hence drive the ROI on your various data investments.

    Impact and Result

    • Formulate a data strategy that stitches all of the pieces together to better position you to unlock the value in your data:
      • Establish the business context and value: Identify key business drivers for executing on an optimized data strategy, build compelling and relevant use cases, understand your organization’s culture and appetite for data, and ensure you have well-articulated vision, principles, and goals for your data strategy
      • Ensure you have a solid data foundation: Understand your current data environment, data management enablers, people, skill sets, roles, and structure. Know your strengths and weakness so you can optimize appropriately.
      • Formulate a sustainable data strategy: Round off your strategy with effective change management and communication for building and fostering a data-driven culture.

    Build a Robust and Comprehensive Data Strategy Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Data Strategy Research – A step-by-step document to facilitate the formulation of a data strategy that brings together the business context, data management foundation, people, and culture.

    Data should be at the foundation of your organization’s evolution. The transformational insights that executives and decision makers are constantly seeking to leverage can be unlocked with a data strategy that makes high-quality, trusted, and relevant data readily available to the users who need it.

    • Build a Robust and Comprehensive Data Strategy – Phases 1-3

    2. Data Strategy Stakeholder Interview Guide and Findings – A template to support you in your meetings or interviews with key stakeholders as you work on understanding the value of data within the various lines of business.

    This template will help you gather insights around stakeholder business goals and objectives, current data consumption practices, the types or domains of data that are important to them in supporting their business capabilities and initiatives, the challenges they face, and opportunities for data from their perspective.

    • Data Strategy Stakeholder Interview Guide and Findings

    3. Data Strategy Use Case Template – An exemplar template to demonstrate the business value of your data strategy.

    Data strategy optimization anchored in a value proposition will ensure that the data strategy focuses on driving the most valuable and critical outcomes in support of the organization’s enterprise strategy. The template will help you facilitate deep-dive sessions with key stakeholders for building use cases that are of demonstrable value not only to their relevant lines of business but also to the wider organization.

    • Data Strategy Use Case Template

    4. Chief Data Officer – A job description template that includes a detailed explication of the responsibilities and expectations of a CDO.

    Bring data to the C-suite by creating the Chief Data Officer role. This position is designed to bridge the gap between the business and IT by serving as a representative for the organization's data management practices and identifying how the organization can leverage data as a competitive advantage or corporate asset.

    • Chief Data Officer

    5. Data Strategy Document Template – A structured template to plan and document your data strategy outputs.

    Use this template to document and formulate your data strategy. Follow along with the sections of the blueprint Build a Robust and Comprehensive Data Strategy and complete the template as you progress.

    • Data Strategy Document Template

    Workshop: Build a Robust and Comprehensive Data Strategy

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Establish Business Context and Value: Understand the Current Business Environment

    The Purpose

    Establish the business context for the business strategy.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Substantiates the “why” of the data strategy.

    Highlights the organization’s goals, objectives, and strategic direction the data must align with.


    1.1 Data Strategy 101

    1.2 Intro to Tech’s Data Strategy Framework

    1.3 Data Strategy Value Proposition: Understand stakeholder’s strategic priorities and the alignment with data

    1.4 Discuss the importance of vision, mission, and guiding principles of the organization’s data strategy

    1.5 Understand the organization’s data culture – discuss Data Culture Survey results

    1.6 Examine Core Value Streams of Business Architecture


    Business context; strategic drivers

    Data strategy guiding principles

    Sample vision and mission statements

    Data Culture Diagnostic Results Analysis

    2 Business-Data Needs Discovery: Key Business Stakeholder Interviews

    The Purpose

    Build use cases of demonstrable value and understand the current environment.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    An understanding of the current maturity level of key capabilities.

    Use cases that represent areas of concern and/or high value and therefore need to be addressed.


    2.1 Conduct key business stakeholder interviews to initiate the build of high-value business-data cases


    Initialized high-value business-data cases

    3 Understand the Current Data Environment & Practice: Analyze Data Capability and Practice Gaps and Develop Alignment Strategies

    The Purpose

    Build out a future state plan that is aimed at filling prioritized gaps and that informs a scalable roadmap for moving forward on treating data as an asset.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A target state plan, formulated with input from key stakeholders, for addressing gaps and for maturing capabilities necessary to strategically manage data.


    3.1 Understand the current data environment: data capability assessment

    3.2 Understand the current data practice: key data roles, skill sets; operating model, organization structure

    3.3 Plan target state data environment and data practice


    Data capability assessment and roadmapping tool

    4 Align Business Needs with Data Implications: Initiate Roadmap Planning and Strategy Formulation

    The Purpose

    Consolidate business and data needs with consideration of external factors as well as internal barriers and enablers to the success of the data strategy. Bring all the outputs together for crafting a robust and comprehensive data strategy.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A consolidated view of business and data needs and the environment in which the data strategy will be operationalized.

    An analysis of the feasibility and potential risks to the success of the data strategy.


    4.1 Analyze gaps between current- and target-state

    4.2 Initiate initiative, milestone and RACI planning

    4.3 Working session with Data Strategy Owner


    Data Strategy Next Steps Action Plan

    Relevant data strategy related templates (example: data practice patterns, data role patterns)

    Initialized Data Strategy on-a-Page

    Further reading

    Build a Robust and Comprehensive Data Strategy

    Key to building and fostering a data-driven culture.


    Data Strategy: Key to helping drive organizational innovation and transformation

    "In the dynamic environment in which we operate today, where we are constantly juggling disruptive forces, a well-formulated data strategy will prove to be a key asset in supporting business growth and sustainability, innovation, and transformation.

    Your data strategy must align with the organization’s business strategy, and it is foundational to building and fostering an enterprise-wide data-driven culture."

    Crystal Singh,

    Director – Research and Advisory

    Info-Tech Research Group

    Our understanding of the problem

    This Research is Designed For:

    • Chief data officers (CDOs), chief architects, VPs, and digital transformation directors and CIOs who are accountable for ensuring data can be leveraged as a strategic asset of the organization.

    This Research Will Help You:

    • Put a strategy in place to ensure data is available, accessible, well integrated, secured, of acceptable quality, and suitably visualized to fuel decision making by the organizations’ executives.
    • Align data management plans and investments with business requirements and the organization’s strategic plans.
    • Define the relevant roles for operationalizing your data strategy.

    This Research Will Also Assist:

    • Data architects and enterprise architects who have been tasked with supporting the formulation or optimization of the organization’s data strategy.
    • Business leaders creating plans for leveraging data in their strategic planning and business processes.
    • IT professionals looking to improve the environment that manages and delivers data.

    This Research Will Help Them:

    • Get a handle on the current situation of data within the organization.
    • Understand how the data strategy and its resulting initiatives will affect the operations, integration, and provisioning of data within the enterprise.

    Executive Summary


    • The volume and variety of data that organizations have been collecting and producing have been growing exponentially and show no sign of slowing down. At the same time, business landscapes and models are evolving, and users and stakeholders are becoming more and more data centric, with maturing and demanding expectations.


    • As organizations pivot in response to industry disruptions and changing landscapes, a reactive and piecemeal approach leads to data architectures and designs that fail to deliver real and measurable value to the business.
    • Despite the growing focus on data, many organizations struggle to develop a cohesive business-driven strategy for effectively managing and leveraging their data assets.


    Formulate a data strategy that stitches all of the pieces together to better position you to unlock the value in your data:

    • Establish the business context and value: Identify key business drivers for executing on an optimized data strategy, build compelling and relevant use cases, understand your organization’s culture and appetite for data, and ensure you have well-articulated vision, principles, and goals for your data strategy.
    • Ensure you have a solid data foundation: Understand your current data environment, data management enablers, people, skill sets, roles, and structure. Know your strengths and weakness so you can optimize appropriately.
    • Formulate a sustainable data strategy: Round off your strategy with effective change management and communication for building and fostering a data-driven culture.

    Info-Tech Insight

    1. As the CDO or equivalent data leader in your organization, a robust and comprehensive data strategy is the number one tool in your toolkit for delivering on your mandate of creating measurable business value from data.
    2. A data strategy should never be formulated disjointed from the business. Ensure the data strategy aligns with the business strategy and supports the business architecture.
    3. Building and fostering a data-driven culture will accelerate and sustain adoption of, appetite for, and appreciation for data and hence drive the ROI on your various data investments.

    Why do you need a data strategy?

    Your data strategy is the vehicle for ensuring data is poised to support your organization’s strategic objectives.

    The dynamic marketplace of today requires organizations to be responsive in order to gain or maintain their competitive edge and place in their industry.

    Organizations need to have that 360-degree view of what’s going on and what’s likely to happen.

    Disruptive forces often lead to changes in business models and require organizations to have a level of adaptability to remain relevant.

    To respond, organizations need to make decisions and should be able to turn to their data to gain insights for informing their decisions.

    A well-formulated and robust data strategy will ensure that your data investments bring you the returns by meeting your organization’s strategic objectives.

    Organizations need to be in a position where they know what’s going on with their stakeholders and anticipate what their stakeholders’ needs are going to be.

    Data cannot be fully leveraged without a cohesive strategy

    Most organizations today will likely have some form of data management in place, supported by some of the common roles such as DBAs and data analysts.

    Most will likely have a data architecture that supports some form of reporting.

    Some may even have a chief data officer (CDO), a senior executive who has a seat at the C-suite table.

    These are all great assets as a starting point BUT without a cohesive data strategy that stitches the pieces together and:

    • Effectively leverages these existing assets
    • Augments them with additional and relevant key roles and skills sets
    • Optimizes and fills in the gaps around your current data management enablers and capabilities for the growing volume and variety of data you’re collecting
    • Fully caters to real, high-value strategic organizational business needs

    you’re missing the mark – you are not fully leveraging the incredible value of your data.

    Cross-industry studies show that on average, less than half of an organization’s structured data is actively used in making decisions

    And, less than 1% of its unstructured data is analyzed or used at all. Furthermore, 80% of analysts' time is spent simply discovering and preparing, data with over 70% of employees having access to data they should not. Source: HBR, 2017

    Organizational drivers for a data strategy

    Your data strategy needs to align with your organizational strategy.

    Main Organizational Strategic Drivers:

    1. Stakeholder Engagement/Service Excellence
    2. Product and Service Innovations
    3. Operational Excellence
    4. Privacy, Risk, and Compliance Management

    “The companies who will survive and thrive in the future are the ones who will outlearn and out-innovate everyone else. It is no longer ‘survival of the fittest’ but ‘survival of the smartest.’ Data is the element that both inspires and enables this new form of rapid innovation.– Joel Semeniuk, 2016

    A sound data strategy is the key to unlocking the value in your organization’s data.

    Data should be at the foundation of your organization’s evolution.

    The transformational insights that executives are constantly seeking to leverage can be unlocked with a data strategy that makes high-quality, well-integrated, trustworthy, relevant data readily available to the business users who need it.

    Whether hoping to gain a better understanding of your business, trying to become an innovator in your industry, or having a compliance and regulatory mandate that needs to be met, any organization can get value from its data through a well-formulated, robust, and cohesive data strategy.

    According to a leading North American bank, “More than one petabyte of new data, equivalent to about 1 million gigabytes” is entering the bank’s systems every month. – The Wall Street Journal, 2019

    “Although businesses are at many different stages in unlocking the power of data, they share a common conviction that it can make or break an enterprise.”– Jim Love, ITWC CIO and Chief Digital Officer, IT World Canada, 2018

    Data is a strategic organizational asset and should be treated as such

    The expression “Data is an asset” or any other similar sentiment has long been heard.

    With such hype, you would have expected data to have gotten more attention in the boardrooms. You would have expected to see its value reflected on financial statements as a result of its impact in driving things like acquisition, retention, product and service development and innovation, market growth, stakeholder satisfaction, relationships with partners, and overall strategic success of the organization.

    The time has surely come for data to be treated as the asset it is.

    “Paradoxically, “data” appear everywhere but on the balance sheet and income statement.”– HBR, 2018

    “… data has traditionally been perceived as just one aspect of a technology project; it has not been treated as a corporate asset.”– “5 Essential Components of a Data Strategy,” SAS

    According to Anil Chakravarthy, who is the CEO of Informatica and has a strong vantage point on how companies across industries leverage data for better business decisions, “what distinguishes the most successful businesses … is that they have developed the ability to manage data as an asset across the whole enterprise.”– McKinsey & Company, 2019

    How data is perceived in today’s marketplace

    Data is being touted as the oil of the digital era…

    But just like oil, if left unrefined, it cannot really be used.

    "Data is the new oil." – Clive Humby, Chief Data Scientist

    Source: Joel Semeniuk, 2016

    Enter your data strategy.

    Data is being perceived as that key strategic asset in your organization for fueling innovation and transformation.

    Your data strategy is what allows you to effectively mine, refine, and use this resource.

    “The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data.”– The Economist, 2017

    “Modern innovation is now dependent upon this data.”– Joel Semeniuk, 2016

    “The better the data, the better the resulting innovation and impact.”– Joel Semeniuk, 2016

    What is it in it for you? What opportunities can data help you leverage?


    Leveraging data as a strategic asset for the benefit of citizens.

    • The strategic use of data can enable governments to provide higher-quality services.
    • Direct resources appropriately and harness opportunities to improve impact.
    • Make better evidence-informed decisions and better understand the impact of programs so that funds can be directed to where they are most likely to deliver the best results.
    • Maintain legitimacy and credibility in an increasingly complex society.
    • Help workers adapt and be competitive in a changing labor market.
    • A data strategy would help protect citizens from the misuse of their data.

    Source: Privy Council Office, Government of Canada, 2018

    What is it in it for you? What opportunities can data help you leverage?


    Leveraging data to boost traditional profit and loss levers, find new sources of growth, and deliver the digital bank.

    • One bank used credit card transactional data (from its own terminals and those of other banks) to develop offers that gave customers incentives to make regular purchases from one of the bank’s merchants. This boosted the bank’s commissions, added revenue for its merchants, and provided more value to the customer (McKinsey & Company, 2017).
    • In terms of enhancing productivity, a bank used “new algorithms to predict the cash required at each of its ATMs across the country and then combined this with route-optimization techniques to save money” (McKinsey & Company, 2017).

    A European bank “turned to machine-learning algorithms that predict which currently active customers are likely to reduce their business with the bank.” The resulting understanding “gave rise to a targeted campaign that reduced churn by 15 percent” (McKinsey & Company, 2017).

    A leading Canadian bank has built a marketplace around their data – they have launched a data marketplace where they have productized the bank’s data. They are providing data – as a product – to other units within the bank. These other business units essentially represent internal customers who are leveraging the product, which is data.

    Through the use of data and advanced analytics, “a top bank in Asia discovered unsuspected similarities that allowed it to define 15,000 microsegments in its customer base. It then built a next-product-to-buy model that increased the likelihood to buy three times over.” Several sets of big data were explored, including “customer demographics and key characteristics, products held, credit-card statements, transaction and point-of-sale data, online and mobile transfers and payments, and credit-bureau data” (McKinsey & Company, 2017).

    What is it in it for you? What opportunities can data help you leverage?


    Leveraging data and analytics to prevent deadly infections

    The fifth-largest health system in the US and the largest hospital provider in California uses a big data and advanced analytics platform to predict potential sepsis cases at the earliest stages, when intervention is most helpful.

    Using the Sepsis Bio-Surveillance Program, this hospital provider monitors 120,000 lives per month in 34 hospitals and manages 7,500 patients with potential sepsis per month.

    Collecting data from the electronic medical records of all patients in its facilities, the solution uses natural language processing (NLP) and a rules engine to continually monitor factors that could indicate a sepsis infection. In high-probability cases, the system sends an alarm to the primary nurse or physician.

    Since implementing the big data and predictive analytics system, this hospital provider has seen a significant improvement in the mortality and the length of stay in ICU for sepsis patients.

    At 28 of the hospitals which have been on the program, sepsis mortality rates have dropped an average of 5%.

    With patients spending less time in the ICU, cost savings were also realized. This is significant, as sepsis is the costliest condition billed to Medicare, the second costliest billed to Medicaid and the uninsured, and the fourth costliest billed to private insurance.

    Source: SAS, 2019

    What is it in it for you? What opportunities can data help you leverage?


    Leveraging data to better understand customer preferences, predict purchasing, drive customer experience, and optimize supply and demand planning.

    Netflix is an example of a big brand that uses big data analytics for targeted advertising. With over 100 million subscribers, the company collects large amounts of data. If you are a subscriber, you are likely familiar with their suggestions messages of the next series or movie you should catch up on. These suggestions are based on your past search data and watch data. This data provides Netflix with insights into your interests and preferences for viewing (Mentionlytics, 2018).

    “For the retail industry, big data means a greater understanding of consumer shopping habits and how to attract new customers.”– Ron Barasch, Envestnet | Yodlee, 2019

    The business case for data – moving from platitudes to practicality

    When building your business case, consider the following:

    • What is the most effective way to communicate the business case to executives?
    • How can CDOs and other data leaders use data to advance their organizations’ corporate strategy?
    • What does your data estate look like? Are you looking to leverage and drive value from your semi-structured and unstructured data assets?
    • Does your current organizational culture support a data-driven one? Does the organization have a history of managing change effectively?
    • How do changing privacy and security expectations alter the way businesses harvest, save, use, and exchange data?

    “We’re the converted … We see the value in data. The battle is getting executive teams to see it our way.”– Ted Maulucci, President of SmartONE Solutions Inc. IT World Canada, 2018

    Where do you stack up? What is your current data management maturity?

    Info-Tech’s IT Maturity Ladder denotes the different levels of maturity for an IT department and its different functions. What is the current state of your data management capability?

    Innovator - Transforms the Business. Business Partner - Expands the Business. Trusted Operator - Optimizes the Business. Firefighter - Supports the Business. Unstable - Struggles to Support.

    Info-Tech Insight

    You are best positioned to successfully execute on a data strategy if you are currently at or above the Trusted Operator level. If you find yourself still at the Unstable or Firefighter stage, your efforts are best spent on ensuring you can fulfill your day-to-day data and data management demands. Improving this capability will help build a strong data management foundation.

    Guiding principles of a data strategy

    Value of Clearly Defined Data Principles

    • Guiding principles help define the culture and characteristics of your practice by describing your beliefs and philosophy.
    • Guiding principles act as the heart of your data strategy, helping to shape initiative plans and day-to-day behaviors related to the use and treatment of the organization’s data assets.

    “Organizational culture can accelerate the application of analytics, amplify its power, and steer companies away from risky outcomes.”– McKinsey, 2018

    Build a Robust and Comprehensive Data Strategy

    Business Strategy and Current Environment connect with the Data Strategy. Data Strategy includes: Organizational Drivers and Data Value, Data Strategy Objectives and Guiding Principles, Data Strategy Vision and Mission, Data Strategy Roadmap, People: Roles and Organizational Structure, Data Culture and Data Literacy, Data Management and Tools, Risk and Feasibility.

    Follow Info-Tech’s methodology for effectively leveraging the value out of your data

    Some say it’s the new oil. Or the currency of the new business landscape. Others describe it as the fuel of the digital economy. But we don’t need platitudes — we need real ways to extract the value from our data. – Jim Love, CIO and Chief Digital Officer, IT World Canada, 2018

    1. Business Context. 2. Data and Resources Foundation. 3. Effective Data Strategy

    Our practical step-by-step approach helps you to formulate a data strategy that delivers business value.

    1. Establish Business Context and Value: In this phase, you will determine and substantiate the business drivers for optimizing the data strategy. You will identify the business drivers that necessitate the data strategy optimization and examine your current organizational data culture. This will be key to ensuring the fruits of your optimization efforts are being used. You will also define the vision, mission, and guiding principles and build high-value use cases for the data strategy.
    2. Ensure You Have a Solid Data and Resources Foundation: This phase will help you ensure you have a solid data and resources foundation for operationalizing your data strategy. You will gain an understanding of your current environment in terms of data management enablers and the required resources portfolio of key people, roles, and skill sets.
    3. Formulate a Sustainable Data Strategy: In this phase, you will bring the pieces together for formulating an effective data strategy. You will evaluate and prioritize the use cases built in Phase 1, which summarize the alignment of organizational goals with data needs. You will also create your strategic plan, considering change management and communication.

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    “Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful.”

    Guided Implementation

    “Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track.”


    “We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place.”


    “Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project.”

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks are used throughout all four options.

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    Document Business Goals and Capabilities for Your IT Strategy

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    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
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    • Parent Category Name: IT Strategy
    • Parent Category Link: /it-strategy
    • As a strategic driver, IT needs to work with the business. Yet, traditionally IT has not worked hand-in-hand with the business. IT does not know what information it needs from the business to execute on its initiatives.
    • A faster time to new investment decisions mean that IT needs a repeatable and efficient process to understand what the business needs.
    • CIOs must execute strategic initiatives to create an IT function that can support the business. Most CIOs fail because of low business support.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Understanding the business context is a must for all strategic IT initiatives. At its core, each strategic IT project requires answers to a specific set of questions regarding the business.
    • An effective CIO understands which part of the business context applies to which strategic IT project and, in turn, what questions to ask to uncover those insights.

    Impact and Result

    • Uncover what IT knows and needs to know about the business context. This is a necessary first step to begin each of Info-Tech’s strategic IT initiatives, which any CIO should complete.
    • Conduct efficient and repeatable business context discovery activities to uncover business context gaps.
    • Document the business context you have uncovered and streamline the process for executing on Info-Tech’s strategic CIO blueprints.

    Document Business Goals and Capabilities for Your IT Strategy Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should define the business context, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand how we can support you in completing key CIO strategic initiatives.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Identify and document the business needs of the organization

    Define the business context needed to complete strategic IT initiatives.

    • Document Business Goals and Capabilities for Your IT Strategy – Storyboard
    • Business Context Discovery Tool
    • Business Context Discovery Record Template
    • PESTLE Analysis Template
    • Strategy Alignment Map Template

    Workshop: Document Business Goals and Capabilities for Your IT Strategy

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Identify the Missing Business Context (pre-work)

    The Purpose

    Conduct analysis and facilitate discussions to uncover business needs for IT.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A baseline understanding of what business needs mean for IT


    1.1 Define the strategic CIO initiatives our organization will pursue.

    1.2 Complete the Business Context Discovery Tool.

    1.3 Schedule relevant interviews.

    1.4 Select relevant Info-Tech diagnostics to conduct.


    Business context scope

    Completed Business Context Discovery Tool

    Completed Info-Tech diagnostics

    2 Uncover and Document the Missing Context

    The Purpose

    Analyze the outputs from step 1 and uncover the business context gaps.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A thorough understanding of business needs and why IT should pursue certain initiatives


    2.1 Conduct group or one-on-one interviews to identify the missing pieces of the business context.


    Documentation of answers to business context gaps

    3 Uncover and Document the Missing Context

    The Purpose

    Analyze the outputs from step 1 and uncover the business context gaps.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A thorough understanding of business needs and why IT should pursue certain initiatives


    3.1 Conduct group or one-on-one interviews to identify the missing pieces of the business context.


    Documentation of answers to business context gaps

    4 Review Business Context and Next Steps

    The Purpose

    Review findings and implications for IT’s strategic initiative.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A thorough understanding of business needs and how IT’s strategic initiatives addresses those needs


    4.1 Review documented business context with IT team.

    4.2 Discuss next steps for strategic CIO initiative execution.


    Finalized version of the business context

    Select and Implement a Social Media Management Platform

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}554|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Marketing Solutions
    • Parent Category Link: /marketing-solutions
    • The proliferation of social media networks, customer data, and use cases has made ad hoc social media management challenging.
    • Many organizations struggle with shadow IT when it comes to technology enablement for social media; SMMP fragmentation leads to increased costs and no uniformity in enterprise social media management capabilities.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • SMMP selection must be driven by your overall customer experience management strategy; link your SMMP selection to your organization’s CXM framework.
    • Shadow IT will dominate if IT does not step in. Even more so than other areas, SMMP selection is rife with shadow IT.
    • Ensure strong points of integration between SMMP and other software such as CRM. SMMPs can contribute to a unified, 360-degree customer view.

    Impact and Result

    • The value proposition of SMMPs revolves around enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of social media. Using an SMMP to manage social media is considerably more cost effective than ad hoc (manual) management.
    • IT must partner with other departments (e.g. Marketing) to successfully evaluate, select, and implement an SMMP. Before selecting an SMMP, the organization must have a solid overall strategy for leveraging social media in place. If IT does not work as a trusted advisor to the business, shadow IT in social media management will be rampant.

    Select and Implement a Social Media Management Platform Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should implement an SMMP, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Develop a technology enablement approach

    Conduct a maturity assessment to determine whether a dedicated SMMP is right for your organization.

    • Select and Implement a Social Media Management Platform – Phase 1: Develop a Technology Enablement Approach for Social Media
    • Social Media Maturity Assessment Tool
    • Social Media Opportunity Assessment Tool
    • SMMP Use-Case Fit Assessment Tool

    2. Select an SMMP

    Use the Vendor Landscape findings and project guidance to develop requirements for your SMMP RFP, and evaluate and shortlist vendors based on your expressed requirements.

    • Select and Implement a Social Media Management Platform – Phase 2: Select an SMMP
    • SMMP Vendor Shortlist & Detailed Feature Analysis Tool
    • SMMP Vendor Demo Script
    • SMMP RFP Template
    • SMMP RFP Evaluation and Scoring Tool
    • Vendor Response Template

    3. Review implementation considerations

    Even a solution that is a perfect fit for an organization will fail to generate value if it is not properly implemented or measured. Conduct the necessary planning before implementing your SMMP.

    • Select and Implement a Social Media Management Platform – Phase 3: Review Implementation Considerations
    • Social Media Steering Committee Charter Template

    Workshop: Select and Implement a Social Media Management Platform

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Launch Your SMMP Selection Project

    The Purpose

    Discuss the general project overview for the SMMP selection.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Determine your organization’s readiness for SMMP.


    1.1 Identify organizational fit for the technology.

    1.2 Evaluate social media opportunities within your organization.

    1.3 Determine the best use-case scenario for your organization.


    Organizational maturity assessment

    SMMP use-case fit assessment

    2 Plan Your Procurement and Implementation Process

    The Purpose

    Plan the procurement and implementation of the SMMP.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Select an SMMP.

    Review implementation considerations.


    2.1 Review use-case scenario results, identify use-case alignment

    2.2 Review the SMMP Vendor Landscape vendor profiles and performance.

    2.3 Create a custom vendor shortlist and investigate additional vendors for exploration in the marketplace.

    2.4 Meet with the project manager to discuss results and action items.


    Vendor shortlist


    Vendor evaluations

    Selection of an SMMP

    Framework for SMMP deployment and integration

    Further reading

    Select and Implement a Social Media Management Platform

    Rein in social media by choosing a management platform that’s right for you.


    Enterprise use of social media for customer interaction has exploded. Select the right management platform to maximize the value of your social initiatives.

    Social media has rapidly become a ubiquitous channel for customer interaction. Organizations are using social media for use cases from targeted advertising, to sales prospecting, to proactive customer service. However, the growing footprint of social media initiatives – and the constant proliferation of new social networks – has created significant complexity in effectively capturing the value of social.

    Organizations that are serious about social manage this complexity by leveraging dedicated social media management platforms. These platforms provide comprehensive capabilities for managing multiple social media networks, creating engagement and response workflows, and providing robust social analytics. Selecting a best-fit SMMP allows for standardized, enterprise-wide capabilities for managing all aspects of social media.

    This report will help you define your requirements for social media management and select a vendor that is best fit for your needs, as well as review critical implementation considerations such as CRM integration and security.

    Ben Dickie
    Research Director, Enterprise Applications
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive summary


    • Social media has reached maturity as a proven, effective channel for customer interaction across multiple use cases, from customer analytics to proactive customer service.
    • Organizations are looking to IT to provide leadership with social media technology enablement and integration with other enterprise systems.


    • The proliferation of social media networks, customer data, and use cases has made ad hoc social media management challenging.
    • Many organizations struggle with shadow IT when it comes to technology enablement for social media; SMMP fragmentation leads to increased costs and no uniformity in enterprise social media management capabilities.


    • Social media management platforms (SMMPs) reduce complexity and increase the results of enterprise social media initiatives. SMMPs integrate with a variety of different social media services, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. The platforms offer a variety of tools for managing social media, including account management, in-band response and engagement, and social monitoring and analytics.
    • The value proposition of SMMPs revolves around enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of social media. Using an SMMP to manage social media is considerably more cost effective than ad hoc (manual) management.
    • IT must partner with other departments (e.g. Marketing) to successfully evaluate, select, and implement an SMMP. Before selecting an SMMP, the organization must have a solid overall strategy for leveraging social media in place. If IT does not work as a trusted advisor to the business, shadow IT in social media management will be rampant.

    Info-Tech Insight

    1. SMMP selection must be driven by your overall customer experience management strategy: link your SMMP selection to your organization’s CXM framework.
    2. Shadow IT will dominate if IT does not step in: even more so than other areas, SMMP selection is rife with shadow IT.
    3. Ensure strong points of integration between SMMP and other software such as customer relationship management (CRM). SMMPs can contribute to a unified, 360-degree customer view.

    Framing the SMMP selection and implementation project

    This Research Is Designed For:
    • IT directors advising the business on how to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of social media campaigns through technology.
    • IT professionals involved in evaluating, selecting, and deploying an SMMP.
    • Business analysts tasked with collection and analysis of SMMP business requirements.
    This Research Will Help You:
    • Clearly link your business requirements to SMMP selection criteria.
    • Select an SMMP vendor that meets your organization’s needs across marketing, sales, and customer service use cases.
    • Adopt standard operating procedures for SMMP deployment that address issues such as platform security and CRM integration.
    This Research Will Also Assist:
    • Executive-level stakeholders in the following roles:
      • Vice-president of Sales, Marketing, or Customer Service.
      • Business unit managers tasked with ensuring strong end-user adoption of an SMMP.
    This Research Will Help Them
    • Understand what’s new in the SMMP market.
    • Evaluate SMMP vendors and products for your enterprise needs.
    • Determine which products are most appropriate for particular use cases and scenarios.

    Social media management platforms augment social capabilities within a broader customer experience ecosystem

    Customer Experience Management (CXM)

    'Customer Relationship Management Platform' surrounded by supporting capabilities, one of which is highlighted, 'Social Media Management Platform'.

    Social Media Management Platforms are one piece of the overall customer experience management ecosystem, alongside tools such as CRM platforms and adjacent point solutions for sales, marketing, and customer service. Review Info-Tech’s CXM blueprint to build a complete, end-to-end customer interaction solution portfolio that encompasses SMMP alongside other critical components. The CXM blueprint also allows you to develop strategic requirements for SMMP based on customer personas and external market analysis.

    SMMPs reduce complexity and increase the effectiveness of enterprise social media programs

    • SMMPs are solutions (typically cloud based) that offer a host of features for effectively monitoring the social cloud and managing your organization’s presence in the social cloud. SMMPs give businesses the tools they need to run social campaigns in a timely and cost-effective manner.
    • The typical SMMP integrates with two or more social media services (e.g. Facebook, Twitter) via the services’ API or a dedicated connector. SMMPs are not simply a revised “interface layer” for a single social media service. They provide layers for advanced management and analytics across multiple services.
    • The unique value of SMMPs comes from their ability to manage and track multiple social media services. Aggregating and managing data from multiple services gives businesses a much more holistic view of their organization’s social initiatives and reputation in the social cloud.
    Diagram with 'End Users (e.g. marketing managers)' at the top and social platforms like Facebook and Twitter at the bottom; in between them are 'SMMPs’: 'Account & Campaign Management', 'Social Engagement', and 'Social Monitoring/Analytics'.
    SMMPs mediate interactions between end users and the social cloud.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    The increasing complexity of social media, coupled with the rising importance of social channels, has led to a market for formal management platforms. Organizations with an active presence in social media (i.e. multiple services or pages) should strongly consider selecting and deploying an SMMP.

    Failing to rein in social media initiatives leads to more work, uninformed decisions, and diminishing returns

    • The growth of social media services has made manually updating pages and feeds an ineffective and time-consuming process. The challenge is magnified when multiple brands, product lines, or geographic subsidiaries are involved.
      • Use the advanced account management features of an SMMP to reduce the amount of time spent updating social media services.
    • Engaging customers through social channels can be a delicate task – high volumes of social content can easily overwhelm marketing and service representatives, leading to missed selling opportunities and unacceptable service windows.
      • Use the in-band engagement capabilities of an SMMP to create an orderly queue for social interactions.
    • Consumer activity in the social cloud has been increasing exponentially. As the volume of content grows, separating the signal from the noise becomes increasingly difficult.
      • Use the advanced social analytics of an SMMP to ensure critical consumer insights are not overlooked.
    Ad Hoc Management vs. SMMPs:
    What’s the difference?

    Ad Hoc Social Media Management

    Social media initiatives are managed directly through the services themselves. For example, a marketing professional would log in to multiple corporate Twitter accounts to post the same content for a promotional campaign.

    Social Media Management Platform

    Social media initiatives are managed through a third-party software platform. For example, a marketing professional would update all social account simultaneously with just a couple clicks. SMMPs also provide cross-service social analytics – highly valuable for decision makers!

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Effectively managing a social media campaign is not a straightforward exercise. If you have (or plan to have) a large social media footprint, now is the time to procure formal software tools for social media management. Continuing to manage social media in an ad hoc manner is sapping time and money.

    Review the critical success factors for SMMP across the project lifecycle, from planning to post-implementation

    Info-Tech Insight

    Executive management support is crucial. The number one overall critical success factor for an SMMP strategy is top management support. This emphasizes the importance of sales, service, and marketing and prudent corporate strategic alignment. A strategic objective in SMMP projects is to position top management as an enabler rather than a barrier.

    Planning Implementation Post-Implementation Overall
    1 Appropriate Selection Project Management Top Management Support Top Management Support
    2 Clear Project Goals Top Management Support Project Management Appropriate Selection
    3 Top Management Support Training Training Project Management
    4 Business Mission and Vision Effective Communication Effective Communication Training
    5 Project Management Supplier Supports Appropriate Selection Clear Project Goals

    (Source: Information Systems Frontiers)

    Dell uses a dedicated social media management platform to power a comprehensive social command center


    Industry: High-Tech | Source: Dell
    With a truly global customer base, Dell gets about 22,000 mentions on the social web daily, and does not sit idly by. Having established a physical Social Media Command Center powered by Salesforce’s Social Studio, Dell was one of the companies that pioneered the command center concept for social response.

    The SMMP carries out the following activities:

    • Tracking mentions of Dell in the social cloud
    • Sentiment analysis
    • Connecting customers who need assistance with experts who can help them
    • Social media training
    • Maintenance of standards for social media interactions
    • Spreading best social media practices across the organization

    Today the company claims impressive results, including:

    • “Resolution rate” of 99% customer satisfaction
    • Boosting its customer reach with the same number of employees
    • One third of Dell’s former critics are now fans

    Logo for Dell.

    • Salesforce Social Studio
    • Three rows of monitors offering instant insights into customer sentiment, share of voice, and geography.
    • The center started with five people; today it is staffed by a team of 15 interacting with customers in 11 languages.
    • Dell values human interaction; the center is not running on autopilot, and any ambiguous activity is analyzed (and dealt with) manually on an individual basis.

    Follow Info-Tech’s methodology for selection and implementation of enterprise applications

    Prior to embarking on the vendor selection stage, ensure you have set the right building blocks and completed the necessary prerequisites.

    Diagram with 'Enterprise Applications' at the center surrounded by a cycle of 'conceptual', 'consensus', 'concrete', and 'continuous'. The outer circle has three categories with three actions each, 'Governance and Optimization: Process Optimization, Support/ Maintenance, Transition to Operations', 'Strategy and Alignment: Foundation, Assessment, Strategy/ Business Case', and 'Implementation: System Implementation, Business Process Management, Select and Implement'. Follow Info-Tech’s enterprise applications program that covers the application lifecycle from the strategy stage, through selection and implementation, and up to governance and optimization.

    The implementation and execution stage entails the following steps:

    1. Define the business case.
    2. Gather and analyze requirements.
    3. Build the RFP.
    4. Conduct detailed vendor evaluations.
    5. Finalize vendor selection.
    6. Review implementation considerations.

    Info-Tech Insight

    A critical preceding task to selecting a social media management platform is ensuring a strategy is in place for enterprise social media usage. Use our social media strategy blueprint to ensure the foundational elements are in place prior to proceeding with platform selection.

    Use this blueprint to support your SMMP selection and implementation

    Launch the SMMP Project and Collect Requirements — Phase 1

    Benefits — Use the project steps and activity instructions outlined in this blueprint to streamline your selection process and implementation planning. Save time and money, and improve the impact of your SMMP selection by leveraging Info-Tech’s research and project steps.

    Select Your SMMP Solution — Phase 2

    Use Info-Tech’s SMMP Vendor Landscape contained in Phase 2 of this project to support your vendor reviews and selection. Refer to the use-case performance results to identify vendors that align with the requirements and solution needs identified by your earlier project findings.

    Get Ready for Your SMMP Implementation — Phase 3

    Info-Tech Insight — Not everyone’s connection and integration needs are the same. Understand your own business’s integration environment and the unique technical and functional requirements that accompany them to create criteria and select a best-fit SMMP solution.

    Use Info-Tech’s use-case scenario approach to select a best-fit solution for your business needs


    Determine where you are right now and where your organization needs to go with a social media strategy.

    Three stages eventually leading to shapes in a house, 'Distributed Stage', 'Loosely Coupled Stage', and 'Command Center Stage'.
    Use-Case Assessment

    Identify the best-fit use-case scenario to determine requirements that best align with your strategy.

    Three blocks labelled 'Social Listening & Analytics', 'Social Customer Care', and 'Social Publishing & Campaign Management'.

    Approach vendor selection through a use-case centric lens to balance the need for different social capabilities.

    Logos for vendors including Adobe, Hootsuite, CISION, and more.

    Info-Tech walks you through the following steps to help you to successfully select and implement your SMMP

    Steps of this blueprint represented by circles of varying colors and sizes, labelled by text of different sizes.

    Locate your starting point in the research based on the current stage of your project.

    Legend for the diagram above: lines represent Major Milestones, size of circles represent Low or High effort, size of text represents Average or Greater importance, and color of the circles represents the phase.

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    Guided Implementation



    "Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful." "Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track." "We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place." "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project."

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options

    Select and Implement a Social Media Management Platform – project overview

    1. Develop a Technology Enablement Approach 2. Select an SMMP 3. Review Implementation Considerations
    Supporting Tool icon

    Best-Practice Toolkit

    1.1 Determine if a dedicated SMMP is right for your organization

    • Social Media Maturity Assessment Tool
    • Social Media Opportunity Assessment Tool

    1.2 Use an SMMP to enable marketing, sales, and service use cases

    • SMMP Use-Case Fit Assessment Tool

    2.1 SMMP Vendor Landscape

    • CRM Suite Evaluation and RFP Scoring Tool

    2.2 Select your SMMP

    • SMMP Vendor Demo Script Template
    • SMMP RFP Template

    3.1 Establish best practices for SMMP implementation

    • Social Media Steering Committee

    3.2 Assess the measured value from the project

    Guided Implementations

    • Identify organizational fit for the technology.
    • Evaluate social media opportunities within your organization.
    • Evaluate which SMMP use-case scenario is best fit for your organization
    • Discuss the use-case fit assessment results and the Vendor Landscape.
    • Review contract.
    • Determine what is the right governance structure to overlook the SMMP implementation.
    • Identify the right deployment model for your organization.
    • Identify key performance indicators for business units using an SMMP.
    Associated Activity icon

    Onsite Workshop

    Module 1:
    Launch Your SMMP Selection Project
    Module 2:
    Plan Your Procurement and Implementation Process
    Phase 1 Outcome:
    • Social Media Maturity Assessment
    • SMMP Use-Case Assessment
    Phase 2 Outcome:
    • Selection of an SMMP
    Phase 3 Outcome:
    • A plan for implementing the selected SMMP

    SMMP selection and implementation workshop overview

    Associated Activity icon Contact your account representative or email for more information.

    Day 1


    Day 2

    Workshop Day

    Day 3

    Workshop Day

    Day 4

    Workshop Day

    Day 5

    Working Session

    Workshop Preparation
    • Facilitator meets with the project manager and reviews the current project plans and IT landscape of the organization.
    • A review of scheduled meetings and engaged IT and business staff is performed.
    Morning Itinerary
    • Conduct activities from Develop a technology enablement approach for social media phase, including social media maturity and readiness assessment.
    • Conduct overview of the market landscape, trends, and vendors.
    Afternoon Itinerary
    • Interview business stakeholders.
    • Prioritize SMMP requirements.
    Morning Itinerary
    • Perform a use-case scenario assessment.
    Afternoon Itinerary
    • Review use-case scenario results; identify use-case alignment.
    • Review the SMMP Vendor Landscape vendor profiles and performance.
    Morning Itinerary
    • Continue review of SMMP Vendor Landscape results and use-case performance results.
    Afternoon Itinerary
    • Create a custom vendor shortlist.
    • Investigate additional vendors for exploration in the market.
    Workshop Debrief
    • Meet with project manager to discuss results and action items.
    • Wrap up outstanding items from workshop.
    (Post-Engagement): Procurement Support
    • The facilitator will support the project team to outline the RFP contents and evaluation framework.
    • Planning of vendor demo script. Input: solution requirements and use-case results.
    Example of a light blue slide. The light blue slides at the end of each section highlight the key activities and exercises that will be completed during the engagement with our analyst team.

    Use these icons to help direct you as you navigate this research

    Use these icons to help guide you through each step of the blueprint and direct you to content related to the recommended activities.

    A small monochrome icon of a wrench and screwdriver creating an X.

    This icon denotes a slide where a supporting Info-Tech tool or template will help you perform the activity or step associated with the slide. Refer to the supporting tool or template to get the best results and proceed to the next step of the project.

    A small monochrome icon depicting a person in front of a blank slide.

    This icon denotes a slide with an associated activity. The activity can be performed either as part of your project or with the support of Info-Tech team members who will come onsite to facilitate a workshop for your organization.

    A small monochrome icon depicting a descending bar graph.

    This icon denotes a slide that pertains directly to the Info-Tech vendor profiles on marketing management technology. Use these slides to support and guide your evaluation of the MMS vendors included in the research.

    Select and Implement a Social Media Management Platform

    PHASE 1

    Develop a Technology Enablement Approach for Social Media

    Phase 1: Develop a technology enablement approach for social media

    Steps of this blueprint represented by circles of varying colors and sizes, labelled by text of different sizes. Only Phase 1 is highlighted.
    Estimated Timeline: 1-3 Months

    Info-Tech Insight

    Before an SMMP can be selected, the organization must have a strategy in place for enterprise social media. Implementing an SMMP before developing a social media strategy would be akin to buying a mattress without knowing the size of the bed frame.

    Major Milestones Reached
    • Project launch
    • Completion of requirements gathering and documentation

    Key Activities Completed

    • Readiness assessment
    • Project plan / timeline
    • Stakeholder buy-in
    • Technical assessment
    • Functional assessment

    Outcomes from This Phase

    Social Media Maturity Assessment

    Phase 1 outline

    Associated Activity icon Call 1-888-670-8889 or email for more information.

    Complete these steps on your own, or call us to complete a guided implementation. A guided implementation is a series of 2-3 advisory calls that help you execute each phase of a project. They are included in most advisory memberships.

    Guided Implementation 1: Develop a technology enablement approach for social media

    Proposed Time to Completion: 2 weeks
    Step 1.1: Determine if a dedicated SMMP is right for your organization Step 1.2: Use an SMMP to enable marketing, sales, and service use cases
    Start with an analyst kick-off call:
    • Assess your readiness for the SMMP project.
    • Evaluate social media opportunities within your organization.
    Review findings with analyst:
    • Discuss how an SMMP can assist with marketing, sales, and customer service.
    • Evaluate which SMMP use case scenario is best fit for your organization.
    Then complete these activities…
    • Assess your social media maturity.
    • Inventory social media networks to be supported by the SMMP.
    Then complete these activities…
    • Assess best-fit use-case scenario.
    • Build the metrics inventory.
    With these tools & templates:
    • Social Media Maturity Assessment Tool
    • Social Media Opportunity Assessment Tool
    With these tools & templates:
    • SMMP Use-Case Fit Assessment Tool
    Phase 1 Results & Insights:
    • Social Media Maturity Assessment
    • SMMP Use-Case Assessment

    Phase 1, Step 1: Determine if a dedicated SMMP is right for your organization



    Determine if a dedicated SMMP is right for your organization Use an SMMP to enable marketing, sales, and service use cases

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    • Assess where your organization sits on the social media maturity curve.
    • Inventory the current social media networks that must be supported by the SMMP.
    • Go/no-go assessment on SMMP.

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Digital Marketing Executive
    • Digital Strategy Executive
    • Business stakeholders

    Outcomes of this step

    • Social media maturity assessment
    • Inventory of enterprise social media
    • SMMP Go/no-go decision

    Before selecting an SMMP, start with the fundamentals: build a comprehensive strategy for enterprise social media

    Why build a social media strategy?

    • Social media is neither a fad nor a phenomenon; it is simply another tool in the business process. Social channels do not necessitate a radical departure from the organization’s existing customer interaction strategy. Rather, social media should be added to your channel mix and integrated within the existing CRM strategy.
    • Social media allows organizations to form direct and indirect connections through the Friend-of-a-Friend (FOAF) model, which increases the credibility of the information in the eyes of the consumer.
    • Social media enables organizations to share, connect, and engage consumers in an environment where they are comfortable. Having a social media presence is rapidly becoming a pre-requisite for successful business-to-consumer enterprises.

    Important considerations for an enterprise social media strategy:

    • Determine how social media will complement existing customer interaction goals.
    • Assess which social media opportunities exist for your organization.
    • Consider the specific goals you want to achieve using social channels and pick your services accordingly.
    • Not all social media services (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) are equal. Consider which services will be most effective for goal achievement.
    For more information on developing a strategy for enterprise social media, please refer to Info-Tech’s research on Social Media.

    Implement a social media strategy by determining where you are right now and where your organization needs to go

    Organizations pass through three main stages of social media maturity: distributed, loosely coupled, and command center. As you move along the maturity scale, the business significance of the social media program increases. Refer to Info-Tech’s Implement a Social Media Program for guidance on how to execute an ongoing social media program.
    The y-axis 'Business Significance'.

    Distributed Stage

    Shapes labelled 'Sales', 'Customer Service', and 'Marketing'.

    • Open-source or low-cost solutions are implemented informally by individual depts. for specific projects.
    • Solutions are deployed to fulfill a particular function without an organizational vision. The danger of this stage is lack of consistent customer experience and wasted resources.

    Loosely Coupled Stage

    Same shapes with the addition of 'PR' and surrounded by a dotted-line house.

    • More point solutions are implemented across the organization. There is a formal cross-departmental effort to integrate some point solutions.
    • Risks include failing to put together an effective steering committee and not including IT in the decision-making process.

    Command Center Stage

    Same shapes with a solid line house.

    • There’s enterprise-level steering committee with representation from all areas: execution of social programs is handled by a fully resourced physical (or virtual) center.
    • Risks include improper resource allocation and lack of end-user training.
    The x-axis 'Maturity Stages'.
    Optimal stages for SMMP purchase

    Assess where your organization sits on the social media maturity curve

    Associated Activity icon 1.1.1 30 Minutes

    INPUT: Social media initiatives, Current status

    OUTPUT: Current State Maturity Assessment

    MATERIALS: Whiteboard, Markers, Sticky notes

    PARTICIPANTS: Digital Strategy Executive, Business stakeholders

    Before you can move to an objective assessment of your social media program’s maturity, take an inventory of your current efforts across different departments (e.g. Marketing, PR, Sales, and Customer Service). Document the results in the Social Media Maturity Assessment Tool to determine your social media readiness score.

    Department Social Media Initiative(s) Current Status
    Marketing Branded Facebook page with updates and promotions Stalled: insufficient resources
    Sales LinkedIn prospecting campaign for lead generation, qualification, and warm open Active: however, new reps are poorly trained on LinkedIn prospect best practices
    Customer Service Twitter support initiative: mentions of our brand are paired with sentiment analysis to determine who is having problems and to reach out and offer support Active: program has been highly successful to date
    HR Recruitment campaign through LinkedIn and Branch Out Stalled: insufficient technology support for identifying leading candidates
    Product Development Defect tracking for future product iterations using social media Partially active: Tracked, but no feedback loop present
    Social Media Maturity Level Distributed

    Determine your organization’s social media maturity with Info-Tech’s Maturity Assessment Tool

    Supporting Tool icon 1.1 Social Media Maturity Assessment Tool

    Assessing where you fit on the social media maturity continuum is critical for setting the future direction of your social media program. We’ll work through a short tool that assesses the current state of your social media program, then discuss the results.

    Info-Tech’s Social Media Maturity Assessment Tool will help you determine your company’s level of maturity and recommend steps to move to the next level or optimize the status quo of your current efforts.

    INFO-TECH TOOL Sample of the Social Media Current State Assessment.

    The social cloud is a dominant point of interaction: integrate social channels with existing customer interaction channels

    • Instead of thinking of customers as an island, think of them interacting with each other and with organizations in the social cloud. As a result, the social cloud itself becomes a point of interaction, not just individual customers.
    • The social cloud is accessible with services like social networks (e.g. Facebook) and micro-blogs (Twitter).
    • Previous lessons learned from the integration of Web 1.0 e-channels should be leveraged as organizations add the social media channel into their overall customer interaction framework:
      • Do not design exclusively around a single channel. Design hybrid-channel solutions that include social channels.
      • Balance customer segment goals and attributes, product and service goals and attributes, and channel capabilities.
    The 'Web 2.0 Customer Interaction Framework' with 'Social Cloud' above, connected to the below through 'Conversations & Information'. Below are two categories with their components interconnected, 'Communication Channels: Face to Face, Phone, E-mail, Web, and Social Media' and 'Customer Experience Management: Marketing, Sales, and Service'.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Don’t believe that social channel integration will require an entire rebuild of your CXM strategy. Social channels are just new interaction channels that need to be integrated – as you’ve done in the past with Web 1.0 e-channels.

    Understand the different types of social media services and how they link to social media strategy and SMMP selection

    Before adopting an SMMP, it’s important to understand the underlying services they manage. Social media services facilitate the creation and dissemination of user-generated content, and can be grouped according to their purpose and functionality:
    • Social Networking: Social networking services use the Friend-of-a-Friend model to allow users to communicate with their personal networks. Users can share a wide variety of information and media with one another. Social networking sites include Facebook and LinkedIn.
    • Blogging: Blogs are websites that allow users to upload text and media entries, typically displayed in reverse-chronological order. Prominent blogging services include Blogger and WordPress.
    • Micro-Blogging: Micro-blogging is similar to blogging, with the exception that written content is limited to a set number of characters. Twitter, the most popular service, allows users to post messages up to 140 characters.
    • Social Multimedia: Social multimedia sites provide an easy way for users to upload and share multimedia content (e.g. pictures, video) with both their personal contacts as well as the wider community. YouTube is extremely popular for video sharing, while Instagram is a popular option for sharing photos and short videos.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    In many cases, services do not fit discretely within each category. With minor exceptions, creating an account on a social media service is free, making use of these services extremely cost effective. If your organization makes extensive use of a particular service, ensure it is supported by your SMMP vendor.

    Four categories of social media company logos: 'Social multimedia', 'Micro-blogging', 'Blogging', and 'Social Networking'.

    Inventory the current social media networks that must be supported by the SMMP

    Associated Activity icon 1.1.2

    INPUT: Social media services

    OUTPUT: Inventory of enterprise social media

    MATERIALS: Whiteboard, Markers

    PARTICIPANTS: Project team

    1. List all existing social media networks used by your organization.
    2. For each network, enumerate all the accounts that are being used for organizational objectives.
    3. Identify the line of business that administers and manages each service.
    Network Use Case Account Ownership
    • Branding
    • Marketing
    • Social Monitoring
    • Facebook recruitment
    • Corporate Communications
    • Marketing
    • Social monitoring
    • Customer response
    • Corporate
    • Customer Service
    ... ... ...

    An explosion of social media services and functionality has made effectively managing social interactions a complex task

    • Effectively managing social channels is an increasingly complicated task. Proliferation of social media services and rapid end-user uptake has made launching social interactions a challenge for small and large organizations.
    • Using multiple social media services can be a nightmare for account management (particularly when each brand or product line has its own set of social accounts).
    • The volume of data generated by the social cloud has also created barriers for successfully responding in-band to social stakeholders (social engagement), and for carrying out social analytics.
    • There are two methods for managing social media: ad hoc management and platform-based management.
      • Ad hoc social media management is accomplished using the built-in functionality and administrative controls of each social media service. It is appropriate for small organizations with a very limited scope for social media interaction, but poses difficulties once “critical mass” has been reached.
    Comparison of 'Ad Hoc Management' with each social media platform managed directly by the user and 'Platform-Based Management' with social platforms managed by a 'SMMP' which is managed by the user.
    Ad hoc management results in a number of social media touch points. SMMPs serve as a single go-to point for all social media initiatives

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Managing social media is becoming increasingly difficult to do through ad hoc methods, particularly for larger organizations and those with multiple brand portfolios. Ad hoc management is best suited for small organizations with an institutional client base who only need a bare bones social media presence.

    Select social media services that will achieve your specific objectives – and look for SMMPs that integrate with them

    What areas are different social media services helpful in?
    Domain Opportunity Consumer Social Networks (Facebook) Micro-Blogging (Twitter) Professional Social Networks (LinkedIn) Consumer Video Sharing Networks (YouTube)
    Marketing Building Positive Brand Image Green circle 'Proven Useful'. Green circle 'Proven Useful'. Dark Blue circle 'Potentially Useful'.
    Increase Mind Share Green circle 'Proven Useful'. Green circle 'Proven Useful'. Dark Blue circle 'Potentially Useful'.
    Gaining Customer Insights Green circle 'Proven Useful'. Green circle 'Proven Useful'. Green circle 'Proven Useful'. Dark Blue circle 'Potentially Useful'.
    Sales Gaining Sales Insights Dark Blue circle 'Potentially Useful'. Green circle 'Proven Useful'. Dark Blue circle 'Potentially Useful'.
    Increase Revenue Dark Blue circle 'Potentially Useful'. Green circle 'Proven Useful'. Dark Blue circle 'Potentially Useful'.
    Customer Acquisition Green circle 'Proven Useful'. Green circle 'Proven Useful'. Green circle 'Proven Useful'.
    Service Customer Satisfaction Green circle 'Proven Useful'. Green circle 'Proven Useful'. Green circle 'Proven Useful'. Green circle 'Proven Useful'.
    Increase Customer Retention Green circle 'Proven Useful'. Green circle 'Proven Useful'. Dark Blue circle 'Potentially Useful'.
    Reducing Cost of Service Dark Blue circle 'Potentially Useful'. Dark Blue circle 'Potentially Useful'. Dark Blue circle 'Potentially Useful'. Green circle 'Proven Useful'.

    Green circle 'Proven Useful'. Proven Useful*

    Dark Blue circle 'Potentially Useful'. Potentially Useful

    *Proven useful by Info-Tech statistical analysis carried out on a cross-section of real-world implementations.

    Social media is invaluable for marketing, sales, and customer service. Some social media services have a higher degree of efficacy than others for certain functions. Be sure to take this into account when developing a social media strategy.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Different social media services are more effective than others for different goals. For example, YouTube is useful as an avenue for marketing campaigns, but it’s of substantially less use for sales functions like lead generation. The services you select while planning your social media strategy must reflect concrete goals.

    Ad hoc social media management results in manual, resource-intensive processes that are challenging to measure

    • Most organizations that have pursued social media initiatives have done so in an ad hoc fashion rather than outlining a formal strategy and deploying software solutions (e.g. SMMP).
    • Social media is often a component of Customer Experience Management (CXM); Info-Tech’s research shows many organizations are handling CRM without a strategy in place, too.
    • Social media management platforms reduce the resource-intensive processes required for ongoing social media involvement and keep projects on track by providing reporting metrics.
    Social media and CRM are often being done without a defined strategy in place.

    Four-square matrix titled 'Strategy' presenting percentages with y-axis 'CRM', x-axis 'Social Media', both having two sections 'Ad hoc' and 'Defined'.
    Source: Info-Tech Survey, N=64

    Many processes related to social media are being done manually, despite the existence of SMMPs.

    Four-square matrix titled 'technology' presenting percentages with y-axis 'CRM', x-axis 'Social Media', both having two sections 'Ad hoc' and 'Defined'.

    “When we started our social media campaign, it took 34 man-hours a week. An SMMP that streamlines these efforts is absolutely an asset.” (Edie May, Johnson & Johnson Insurance Company)

    SMMPs provide functionality for robust account management, in-band customer response, and social monitoring/analytics

    • Features such as unified account management and social engagement capabilities boost the efficiency of social campaigns. These features reduce duplication of effort (e.g. manually posting the same content to multiple services). Leverage account management functionality and in-band response to “do more with less.”
    • Features such as comprehensive monitoring of the social cloud and advanced social analytics (i.e. sentiment analysis, trends and follower demographics) allow organizations to more effectively use social media. These features empower organizations with the information they need to make informed decisions around messaging and brand positioning. Use social analytics to zero in on your most important brand advocates.

    The value proposition of SMMPs revolves around enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of social media initiatives.

    Three primary use cases for social media management:

    Social Listening & Analytics — Monitor and analyze a variety of social media services: provide demographic analysis, frequency analysis, sentiment analysis, and content-centric analysis.

    Social Publishing & Campaign Management — Executing marketing campaigns through social channels (e.g. Facebook pages).

    Social Customer Care — Track customer conversations and provide the ability to respond in-platform to social interactions.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    SMMPs are a technology platform, but this alone is insufficient to execute a social media program. Organization and process must be integrated as well. See Info-Tech’s research on developing a social media strategy for a step-by-step guide on how to optimize your internal organization and processes.

    Social analytics vary: balance requirements among monitoring goals and social presence/property management

    Segment your requirements around common SMMP vendor product design points. Current market capabilities vary between two primary feature categories: social cloud monitoring and social presence and property management.


    Social Monitoring


    Social cloud monitoring enables:
    • Brand and product monitoring
    • Reputation monitoring
    • Proactive identification of service opportunities
    • Competitive intelligence
    Social presence and property management enables:
    • Monitor and manage discussions on your social properties (e.g. Twitter feeds, Facebook Pages, YouTube channels)
    • Execute marketing campaigns within your social properties

    Social Analytics

    Social analytics provide insights to both dimensions of social media monitoring.

    Some firms only need social cloud monitoring, some need to monitor their own social media properties, and others will need to do both. Some vendors do both while other vendors excel in only one feature dimension. If you are NOT prepared to act on results from social cloud monitoring, then don’t expand your reach into the social cloud for no reason. You can always add cloud monitoring services later. Likewise, if you only need to monitor the cloud and have no or few of your own social properties, don’t buy advanced management and engagement features.

    Use social analytics to gain the most value from your SMMP

    Research indicates successful organizations employ both social cloud monitoring and management of their own properties with analytical tools to enhance both or do one or the other well. Few vendors excel at both larger feature categories. But the market is segmented into vendors that organizations should be prepared to buy more than one product from to satisfy all requirements. However, we expect feature convergence over the next 1–3 years, resulting in more comprehensive vendor offerings.

    Most sought social media analytics capabilities

    Bar Chart of SM analytics capabilities, the most sought after being 'Demographic analysis', 'Geographic analysis', 'Semantic analysis', 'Automated identification of subject and content', and 'Predictive modeling'.
    (Source: The State of Social Media Analytics (2016))

    Value driven from social analytics comes in the form of:
    • Improved customer service
    • Increased revenue
    • Uncovered insights for better targeted marketing
    • A more personalized customer experience offered
    Social analytics is integral to the success of the SMMP – take advantage of this functionality!

    Cost/Benefit Scenario: A mid-sized consumer products company wins big by adopting an SMMP

    The following example shows how an SMMP at a mid-sized consumer products firm brought in $36 000 a year.

    Before: Manual Social Media Management

    • Account management: a senior marketing manager was responsible for updating all twenty of the firm’s social media pages and feeds. This activity consumed approximately 20% of her time. Her annual salary was $80,000. Allocated cost: $16,000 per year.
    • In-band response: Customer service representatives manually tracked service requests originating from social channels. Due to the use of multiple Twitter feeds, several customers were inadvertently ignored and subsequently defected to competitors. Lost annual revenue due to customer defections: $10,000.
    • Social analytics: Analytics were conducted in a crude, ad hoc fashion using scant data available from the services themselves. No useful insights were discovered. Gains from social insights: $0.

    Ad hoc management is costing this organization $26,000 a year.

    After: Social Media Management Platform

    • Account management: Centralized account controls for rapidly managing several social media services meant the amount of time spent updating social media was cut 75%. Allocated cost savings: $12,000 per year.
    • In-band response: Using an SMMP provided customer service representatives with a console for quickly and effectively responding to customer service issues. Service window times were significantly reduced, resulting in increased customer retention. Revenue no longer lost due to defections: $10,000.
    • Social analytics: The product development group used keyword-based monitoring to assist with designing a successful new product. Social feedback noticeably boosted sales. Gains from social insights: $20,000
    • Cost of SMMP: $6,000 per year.

    The net annual benefit of adopting an SMMP is $36,000.

    Go with an SMMP if your organization needs a heavy social presence; stick with ad hoc management if it doesn’t

    The value proposition of acquiring an SMMP does not resonate the same for all organizations: in some cases, it is more cost effective to forego an SMMP and stick with ad hoc social media management.

    Follow these guidelines for determining if an SMMP is a natural fit for your organization.

    Go with an SMMP if…

    • Your organization already has a large social footprint: you manage multiple feeds/pages on three or more social media services.
    • Your organization’s primary activity is B2C marketing; your target consumers are social media savvy. Example: consumer packaged goods.
    • The volume of marketing, sales and service inquiries received over social channels has seen a sharp increase in the last 12 months.
    • Your firm or industry is the topic of widespread discussion in the social cloud.

    Stick with ad hoc management if…

    • Regulatory compliance prohibits the extensive use of social media in your organization.
    • Your organization is focused on a small number of institutional clients with well-defined organizational buying behaviors.
    • Your target market is antipathetic towards using social channels to interact with your organization.
    • Your organization is in a market space where only a bare-bones social media presence is seen as a necessity (for example, only a basic informational Facebook page is maintained).

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Using an SMMP is definitively superior to ad hoc social media management for those organizations with multiple brands and product portfolios (e.g. consumer packaged goods). Ad hoc management is best for small organizations with an institutional client base who only need a bare bones social media presence.

    Assess which social media opportunities exist for your organization with Info-Tech’s tool

    Supporting Tool icon 1.2 Social Media Opportunity Assessment Tool

    Use Info-Tech’s Social Media Opportunity Assessment Tool to determine, based on your unique criteria, where social media opportunities exist for your organization in marketing, sales, and service.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    1. Remember that departmental goals will overlap; gaining customer insight is valuable to marketing, sales, and customer service.
    2. The social media benefits you can expect to achieve will evolve as your processes mature.
    3. Often, organizations jump into social media because they feel they have to. Use this assessment to identify early on what your drivers should be.
    Sample of the Social Media Opportunity Assessment Tool.

    Go/no-go assessment on SMMP

    Associated Activity icon 1.1.3

    INPUT: Social Media Opportunity Questionnaire

    OUTPUT: SMMP go/no-go decision

    MATERIALS: Whiteboard, Opportunity Assessment Tool

    PARTICIPANTS: Digital Strategy Executive, Business stakeholders

    Identify whether an SMMP will help you achieve your goals in sales, marketing, and customer service.

    1. Complete the questionnaire in the Social Media Opportunity Assessment Tool. Ensure all relevant stakeholders are present to answer questions pertaining to their business area.
    2. Evaluate the results to better understand whether your organization has the opportunity to achieve each established goal in marketing, sales, and customer service with an SMMP or you are not likely to benefit from investing in a social media management solution.

    Phase 1, Step 2: Use an SMMP to enable marketing, sales, and service use cases



    Determine if a dedicated SMMP is right for your organization Use an SMMP to enable marketing, sales, and service use cases

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    • Profile and rank your top use cases for social media management
    • Build the metrics inventory

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Project Manager
    • Project Team

    Outcomes of this step

    • Use case suitability
    • SMMP metrics inventory

    SMMPs equip front-line sales staff with the tools they need for effective social lead generation

    • Content-centric social analytics allow sales staff to see click-through details for content posted on social networks. In many cases, these leads are warm and ready for immediate follow-up.
    • A software development firm uses an SMMP to post a whitepaper promoting its product to multiple social networks.
      • The whitepaper is subsequently downloaded by a number of potential prospects.
      • Content-centric analytics within the SMMP link the otherwise-anonymous downloads to named social media accounts.
      • Leads assigned to specific account managers, who use existing CRM software to pinpoint contact information and follow-up in a timely manner.
    • Organizations that intend to use their SMMP for sales purposes should ensure their vendor of choice offers integration with LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the business formal of social networks, and is the network with the greatest proven efficacy from a sales perspective.

    Using an SMMP to assist the sales process can…

    • Increase the number of leads generated through social channels as a result of social sharing.
    • Increase the quality of leads generated through social channels by examining influence scores.
    • Increase prospecting efficiency by finding social leads faster.
    • Keep account managers in touch with prospects and clients through social media.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Social media is on the rise in sales organizations. Savvy companies are using social channels at all points in the sales process, from prospecting to account management. Organizations using social channels for sales will want an SMMP to manage the volume of information and provide content-centric analytics.

    Incorporate social media into marketing workflows to gain customer insights, promote your brand, and address concerns

    While most marketing departments have used social media to some extent, few are using it to its full potential. Identify marketing workflows that can be enhanced through the use of social channel integration.
    • Large organizations must define separate workflows for each stakeholder organization if marketing’s duties are divided by company division, brand, or product lines.
    • Inquiries stemming from marketing campaigns and advertising must be handled by social media teams. For example, if a recent campaign sparks customer questions on the company’s Facebook page, be ready to respond!
    • Social media can be used to detect issues that may indicate product defects, provided defect tracking is not already incorporated into customer service workflows. If defect tracking is part of customer service processes, then such issues should be routed to the customer service organization.
    • If social listening is employed, in addition to monitoring the company's own social properties, marketing teams may elect to receive notices of major trends concerning the company's products or those of competitors.
    Word jumble of different sized buzz words around 'Brand Building'.

    I’m typically using my social media team as a proactive marketing team in the social space, whereas I’m using my consumer relations team as a reactive marketing and a reactive consumer relations taskforce. So a little bit different perspective.” (Greg Brickl, IT Director, Organic Valley)

    SMMPs allow marketers to satisfy all of their needs with one solution

    • Have a marketing manager jointly responsible for the selection of an SMMP to realize higher overall success. This will significantly improve customer acquisition approval and competitive intelligence, as well as the overall SMMP success.
    • The marketing manager should be involved in fleshing out the business requirements of the SMMP in order to select the most appropriate solution.
    • Once selected, the SMMP has multiple benefits for marketing professionals. One pivotal benefit of SMMPs for marketing is the capability for centralized account management. Multiple social pages and feeds can be rapidly managed at pre-determined times, through an easy-to-use dashboard delivered from one source.
    • Centralized account management is especially pertinent for organizations with a wide geographic client base, as they can manage wide social media campaigns within multiple time zones, delivering their messaging appropriately. (e.g. contests, product launches, etc.)
    Bar Chart comparing 'Average Success Scores' of different goals based on whether the 'Marketing Manager [was] Responsible' or not. Scores are always higher when they were.
    (Source: Info-Tech Research Group N = 37)

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Managing multiple social media accounts on an ad hoc basis is time consuming and costs money. Lower costs and get the best results out of your social media campaigns by involving the marketing team in the SMMP selection process and knowing their functional requirements.

    Leverage SMMPs to proactively identify and respond to customer service issues occurring in the social cloud

    • SMMPs are an invaluable tool in customer service organizations. In-band response capabilities allow customer service representatives to quickly and effectively address customer service issues – either reactively or proactively.
    • Reactive customer service can be provided through SMMPs by providing response capabilities for private messages or public mentions (e.g. “@AcmeCo” on Twitter). Many SMMPs provide a queue of social media messages directed at the organization, and also give the ability to assign specific messages to an individual service representative or product expert. Responding to a high-volume of reactive social media requests can be time consuming without an SMMP.
    • Proactive customer service uses the ability of SMMPs to monitor the social cloud for specific keywords in order to identify customers having issues. Forward-thinking companies actively monitor the social cloud for customer service opportunities, to protect and improve their image.
    Illustration of reactive service where the customer initiates the process and then receives service.
    Reactive service is customer-initiated.

    Illustration of proactive service with a complaint through Twitter monitored by an SMMP allowing an associate to provide a 'Proactive Resolution'.
    SMMPs enable organizations to monitor the social cloud for service opportunities and provide proactive service in-band.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Historically, customer service has been “reactive” (i.e. customer initiated) and solely between the customer and supplier. Social media forces proactive service interactions between customer, supplier, and the entire social cloud. Using an SMMP significantly improves reactive and proactive service. The ability to integrate with customer service applications is essential.

    Customer service is a vital department to realize value from leveraging an SMMP

    Info-Tech’s research shows that the more departments get involved with social media implementation, the higher the success score (calculated based on respondents’ report of the positive impact of social media on business objectives). On average, each additional department involved in social media programs increases the overall social media success score by 5%. For example, organizations that leveraged social media within the customer service department, achieved a higher success score than those that did not.

    The message is clear: encourage broad participation in coordinated social media efforts to realize business goals.

    Line graph comparing 'Social Media Success Score' with the 'Number of Departments Involved'. The line trends upward on both axes.
    (Source: Info-Tech Research Group N=65)
    Bar chart comparing 'Social Media Success Scores' if 'Customer Service Involvement' was Yes or No. 'Yes' has a higher score.

    Our research indicates that the most important stakeholder to ensure steering committee success is Customer Service. This has a major impact on CRM integration requirements – more on this later.

    SMMPs are indispensable for allowing PR managers to keep tabs on the firm and its brands

    • Public relations is devoted to relationship management; as such, it is critical for savvy PR departments to have a social media presence.
    • SMMPs empower PR professionals with the ability to track the sentiment of what is said about their organization. Leverage keyword searches and heuristic analysis to proactively mitigate threats and capitalize on positive opportunities. For example, sentiment analysis can be used to identify detractors making false claims over social channels. These claims can then be countered by the Public Relations team.
    • Sentiment analysis can be especially important to the PR professional through change and crisis management situations. These tools allow an organization to track the flow of information, as well as the balance of positive and negative postings and their influence on others in the social cloud.
    • Social analytics provided by SMMPs also serve as a goldmine for competitive intelligence about rival firms and their products.

    Benefits of Sentiment Analysis for PR

    • Take the pulse of public perception of your brands (and competitors).
    • Mitigate negative comments being made and respond immediately.
    • Identify industry and consumer thought leaders to follow on social networks.

    Illustration of sentiment analysis.
    Use sentiment analysis to monitor the social cloud.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Leaving negative statements unaddressed can cause harm to an organization’s reputation. Use an SMMP to track what is being said about your organization; take advantage of response capabilities to quickly respond and mitigate PR risk.

    SMMPs for recruiting is an emerging talent recruitment technique and will lead to stronger candidates

    • Social media provides more direct connections between employer and applicant. It’s faster and more flexible than traditional e-channels.
    • SMMPs should be deployed to the HR silo to aid with recruiting top-quality candidates. Account management functionality can dramatically reduce the amount of time HR managers spend synchronizing content between various social media services.
    • In-band response capabilities flag relevant social conversations and allow HR managers to rapidly respond to prospective employee inquiries. Rapid response over social channels gives candidates a positive impression of the organization.
    • Analytics give HR managers insight into hiring trends and the job market at large – sentiment analysis is useful for gauging not just candidate interests, but also anonymous employee engagement.

    A social media campaign managed via SMMP can…

    • Increase the size of the applicant pool by “fishing where the fish are.”
    • Increase the quality of applicants by using monitoring to create targeted recruitment materials.
    • Increase recruiting efficiency by having a well-managed, standing presence on popular social media sites – new recruiting campaigns require less “awareness generation” time.
    • Allow HR/recruiters to be more in-touch with hiring trends via social analytics.
    Horizontal bar chart of social media platforms that recruiters use. LinkedIn is at the top with 87%. Only 4% of recruiters are NOT using social media for recruitment, while 50% of recruiters plan to increase their investment in SMR in the coming year. (Source: Jobvite, 2015)

    Collapse your drivers for SMMP and link them to Info-Tech’s Vendor Landscape use cases

    Vendor Profiles icon


    Social Listening and Analytics

    What It Looks Like
    Functionality for capturing, aggregating, and analyzing social media content in order to create actionable customer or competitive insights.

    How It Works
    Social listening and analytics includes features such as sentiment and contextual analysis, workflow moderation, and data visualization.

    Social Publishing and Campaign Management

    What It Looks Like
    Functionality for publishing content to multiple networks or accounts simultaneously, and managing social media campaigns in-depth (e.g. social property management and post scheduling).

    How It Works
    Social publishing and campaign management include features such as campaign execution, social post integration, social asset management, and post time optimization.

    Social Customer Care

    What It Looks Like
    Functionality for management of the social customer service queue as well as tools for expedient resolution of customer issues.

    How It Works
    Social customer care use case primarily relies on strong social moderation and workflow management.

    Identify the organizational drivers for social media management – whether it is recruiting, public relations, customer service, marketing, or sales – and align them with the most applicable use case.

    Profile and rank your top use cases for social media management using the Use-Case Fit Assessment Tool

    Associated Activity icon 1.2.1 1 Hour

    INPUT: Project Manager, Core project team

    OUTPUT: Use-case suitability

    MATERIALS: Whiteboard, Markers

    PARTICIPANTS: Project Manager, Core project team

    1. Download your own version of the tool and complete the questionnaire on tab 2, Assessment.
      • Use the information gathered from your assessments and initial project scoping to respond to the prompts to identify the business and IT requirements for the tool.
      • Answer the prompts for each statement from a range of strongly disagree to strongly agree.
    2. Review the outcomes on tab 3, Results.
      • This tab provides a qualitative measure assessing the strength of your fit against the industry use-case scenarios.
    3. If not completed as a team, debrief the results and implications to your core project team.

    Use the SMMP Use-Case Fit Assessment Tool to identify which areas you should focus on

    Supporting Tool icon 1.3 Use Case Fit Assessment Tool
    Use the Use-Case Fit Assessment Tool to understand how your unique requirements map into a specific SMMP use case.

    This tool will assess your answers and determine your relative fit against the use-case scenarios.

    Fit will be assessed as “Weak,” “Moderate,” or “Strong.”

    Consider the common pitfalls, which were mentioned earlier, that can cause IT projects to fail. Plan and take clear steps to avoid or mitigate these concerns.

    Note: These use-case scenarios are not mutually exclusive. Your organization can align with one or more scenarios based on your answers. If your organization shows close alignment to multiple scenarios, consider focusing on finding a more robust solution and concentrate your review on vendors that performed strongly in those scenarios or meet the critical requirements for each.


    Sample of the SMMP Use-Case Fit Assessment Tool.

    Identify the marketing, sales, and customer service metrics that you will target for improvement using an SMMP

    Create measurable S.M.A.R.T. goals for the project.

    Consider the following questions when building your SMMP metrics:
    1. What are the top marketing objectives for your company? For example, is building initial awareness or driving repeat customers more important?
    2. What are the corresponding social media goals for this business objective?
    3. What are some of the metrics that could be used to determine if business and social media objectives are being attained?
    Use Case Sample Metric Descriptions Target Metric
    Social Listening and Analytics Use a listening tool to flag all mentions of our brands or company on social Increase in mentions with neutral or positive sentiment, decrease in mentions with negative sentiment
    Social Publishing and Campaign Management Launch a viral video campaign showcasing product attributes to drive increased YT traffic Net increase in unaided customer recall
    Social Customer Care Create brand-specific social media pages to increase customer sentiment for individual brand extensions Net increase in positive customer sentiment (i.e. as tracked by an SMMP)

    Build the metrics inventory

    Associated Activity icon 1.2.2 45 Minutes

    INPUT: Marketing, sales, and customer service objectives

    OUTPUT: Metrics inventory

    MATERIALS: Whiteboard, Markers

    PARTICIPANTS: Project Manager, Core project team

    1. Identify the top marketing, sales, and customer service objectives for your company? For example, is building initial awareness or driving repeat customers more important?
    2. What are the corresponding social media goals for each business objective?
    3. What are some of the metrics that could be used to determine if business and social media objectives are being attained?
    Marketing/PR Objectives Social Media Goals Goal Attainment Metrics
    E.g. build a positive brand image
    • Create brand-specific social media pages to increase customer sentiment for individual brand extensions
    Net increase in positive customer sentiment (i.e. as tracked by an SMMP)
    E.g. increase customer mind share
    • Launch a viral video campaign showcasing product attributes to drive increased YT traffic
    Net increase in unaided customer recall
    E.g. monitor public mentions
    • Use a listening tool to flag all mentions of our brands or company on social
    Increase in mentions with neutral or positive sentiment, decrease in mentions with negative sentiment

    If you want additional support, have our analysts guide you through this phase as part of an Info-Tech Workshop Associated Activity icon

    Book a workshop with our Info-Tech analysts:

    Photo of an Info-Tech analyst.
    • To accelerate this project, engage your IT team in an Info-Tech workshop with an Info-Tech analyst team.
    • Info-Tech analyst will join you and your team onsite at your location or welcome you to Info-Tech's historic Toronto office to participate in an innovative onsite workshop.
    • Contact your account manager (, or email for more information.

    The following are sample activities that will be conducted by Info-Tech analysts with your team:


    Sample of activity 1.1.1 'Assess where your organization sits on the social media maturity curve'. Assess your organization’s social media maturity

    An Info-Tech analyst will facilitate a discussion to assess the maturity of your organization’s social media program and take an inventory of your current efforts across different departments (e.g. Marketing, PR, Sales, and Customer Service).


    Sample of activity 1.1.2 'Inventory the current social media networks that must be supported by SMMP'. Inventory your current social media networks

    The analyst will facilitate an exercise to catalog all social media networks used in the organization.

    If you want additional support, have our analysts guide you through this phase as part of an Info-Tech Workshop Associated Activity icon

    Book a workshop with our Info-Tech analysts:


    Sample of activity 1.1.3 'Go/no-go assessment on SMMP'. Go/no go assessment on SMMP

    Based on the maturity assessment, the analyst will help identify whether an SMMP will help you achieve your goals in sales, marketing, and customer service.


    Sample of activity 1.2.1 'Profile and rank your top use cases for social media management using the Use Case Fit Assessment Tool'. Rank your top use cases for social media management

    An analyst will facilitate the exercise to answer a series of questions in order to determine best-fit scenario for social media management for your organization.


    Sample of activity 1.2.2 'Build the metrics inventory'. Build the metrics inventory

    An analyst will lead a whiteboarding exercise to brainstorm and generate metrics for your organization’s social media goals.

    Select and Implement a Social Media Management Platform

    PHASE 2

    Select an SMMP

    This phase also includes Info-Tech’s SMMP Vendor Landscape Title icon for vendor slides.

    Phase 2: Select an SMMP

    Steps of this blueprint represented by circles of varying colors and sizes, labelled by text of different sizes. Only Phase 2 is highlighted.
    Estimated Timeline: 1-3 Months

    Info-Tech Insight

    Taking a use-case-centric approach to vendor selection allows you to balance the need for different social capabilities between analytics, campaign management and execution, and customer service.

    Major Milestones Reached
    • Vendor Selection
    • Finalized and Approved Contract

    Key Activities Completed

    • RFP Process
    • Vendor Evaluations
    • Vendor Selection
    • Contract Negotiation

    Outcomes from This Phase

    The completed procurement of an SMMP solution.

    • Selected SMMP solution
    • Negotiated and finalized contract

    Phase 2 outline

    Associated Activity icon Call 1-888-670-8889 or email for more information.

    Complete these steps on your own, or call us to complete a guided implementation. A guided implementation is a series of 2-3 advisory calls that help you execute each phase of a project. They are included in most advisory memberships.

    Guided Implementation 2: Select an SMMP

    Proposed Time to Completion: 4 weeks
    Step 2.1: Analyze and shortlist SMMP vendors Step 2.2: Evaluate vendor responses
    Start with an analyst kick-off call:
    • Evaluate the SMMP marketspace.
    • Re-evaluate best-fit use case.
    Review findings with analyst:
    • Determine your SMMP procurement strategy.
    • Reach out to SMMP vendors.
    Then complete these activities…
    • Review vendor profiles and analysis.
    • Create your own evaluation framework and shortlisting criteria.
    Then complete these activities…
    • Prioritize your requirements.
    • Create an RFP for SMMP procurement.
    • Evaluate vendor responses.
    • Set up product demonstrations.
    With these tools & templates:
    • SMMP Vendor Landscape (included here)
    • SMMP Vendor Shortlist Tool
    With these tools & templates:
    • SMMP RFP Template
    • SMMP Vendor Demo Script Template
    • SMMP Evaluation and RFP Scoring Tool
    Phase 1 Results & Insights:
    • Finalize vendor and product selection

    Phase 2, Step 1: Analyze and shortlist vendors in the space



    Analyze and shortlist vendors in the space Select your SMMP solution

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    • Review vendor landscape methodology
    • Shortlist SMMP vendors

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Core team
    • Representative stakeholders from Digital Marketing, Sales, and IT

    The SMMP Vendor Landscape includes the following sections:


    Info-Tech's Methodology

    Vendor title icon.

    Vendor Landscape use-case scenarios are evaluated based on weightings of features and vendor/product considerations

    Vendor Profiles icon

    Use cases were scored around the features from the general scoring identified as being relevant to the functional considerations and drivers for each scenario.

    Calculation Overview
    Advanced Features Score X Vendor Multiplier = Vendor Performance for Each Scenario
    Pie Chart of Product and Vendor Weightings.
    Product and Vendor Weightings
    Pie Chart of Advanced Features Weightings.
    Advanced Features Weightings

    Please note that both advanced feature scores and vendor multipliers are based on the specific weightings calibrated for each scenario.

    Vendor performance for each use-case scenario is documented in a weighted bar graph

    Vendor Profiles icon
    Sample of the 'Vendor performance for the use-case scenario' slide. Vendor Performance

    Vendors qualify and rank in each use-case scenario based on their relative placement and scoring for the scenario.

    Vendor Ranking

    Champion: The top vendor scored in the scenario

    Leaders: The vendors who placed second and third in the scenario

    Players: Additional vendors who qualified for the scenarios based on their scoring

    Sample of the 'Value Index for the use case scenario' slide. Value ScoreTM

    Each use-case scenario also includes a Value Index that identifies the Value Score for a vendor relative to their price point. This additional framework is meant to help price-conscious organizations identify vendors who provide the best “bang for the buck.”


    Review the SMMP Vendor Evaluation

    Vendor title icon.

    SMMP market overview

    Vendor Profiles icon

    How It Got Here

    • The SMMP market was created in response to the exploding popularity of social media and the realization that it can be harnessed for a wide variety of enterprise purposes (from consumer intelligence to marketing campaigns and customer service).
    • As the number of social media services has expanded, and as the volume of content generated via social networks has ballooned, it became increasingly difficult to mine insights and manage social campaigns. A number of vendors (mostly start-ups) began offering platforms that attempted to streamline and harness social media processes.
    • As usage of social media expanded beyond just the marketing and PR function, being able to successfully scale a social strategy to a large number of customer care and sales interactions became paramount: SMMPs filled a niche by offering large-scale response and workflow management capabilities.

    Where It’s Going

    • The market is segmented into two broad camps: SMMPs focused on social listening and analytics, and SMMPs focused on social engagement. Although the two have begun to converge, there continues to be a clear junction in the market between the two, with a surprising lack of vendors that are equally adept at both sides.
    • With the rise of SMMPs, the expectation was that CRM vendors would offer feature sets similar to those of standalone SMMPS. However, CRM vendors have been slow in incorporating the functionality directly into their products. While some major vendors have made ground in this direction in the last year, organizations that are serious about social will still need a best-of-breed SMMP.
    • Other major trends include using application integration to build a 360-degree view of the customer, workflow automation, and competitive benchmarking.

    Info-Tech Insight

    As the market evolves, capabilities that were once cutting edge become default and new functionality becomes differentiating. Supporting multiple social media services and accounts has become a Table Stakes capability and should no longer be used to differentiate solutions. Instead focus on an SMMP’s social listening, campaign management, and customer care to help you find a solution that best fits your requirements.

    Review Info-Tech’s Vendor Landscape of the SMMP market to identify vendors that meet your requirements

    Vendors Evaluated

    Various logos of the vendors who were evaluated.

    Each vendor in this landscape was evaluated based on their features, product considerations, and vendor considerations. Each vendor was profiled using these evaluations and, based on their performance, qualified and placed in specific use-case scenarios.

    These vendors were included due to consideration of their market share, mind share, and platform coverage

    Vendor Profiles icon

    Vendors included in this report provide a comprehensive, innovative, and functional solution for integrating applications and automating their messaging.

    Included in this Vendor Landscape:

    Adobe: Adobe Social is a key pillar of Adobe’s ecosystem that is heavily focused on social analytics and engagement.

    Hootsuite: A freemium player with strong engagement and collaboration tools, particularly well suited for SMBs.

    Salesforce: Social Studio is a leading social media management solution and is a key channel of Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

    Sendible: A fairly new entrant to the social media management space, Sendible offers robust campaign management capability that is well suited for agencies and SMBs.

    Sprinklr: A leading solution that focuses on social customer care, offering strong ability to prioritize, route, and categorize high-volume social messaging.

    Sprout Social: A great choice for mid-sized companies looking to provide robust social engagement and customer care.

    Sysomos: Their MAP and Heartbeat products offer customers in-depth analysis of a wide array of social channels.

    Viralheat (Cision): Now a Cision product, Viralheat is an excellent option for analytics, social response workflow management, and in-band social engagement.

    Table Stakes represent the minimum standard; without these, a product doesn’t even get reviewed

    Vendor Profiles icon

    The Table Stakes

    Feature: What it is:
    Multiple Services Supported The ability to mange or analyze at least two or more social media services.
    Multiple Accounts Supported The ability to manage or analyze content from at least two or more social media accounts.
    Basic Engagement The ability to post status updates to multiple social media sites.
    Basic Analytics The ability to display inbound feeds and summary info from multiple social media sites.

    What does this mean?

    The products assessed in this Vendor Landscape meet, at the very least, the requirements outlined as Table Stakes.

    Many of the vendors go above and beyond the outlined Table Stakes, some even do so in multiple categories. This section aims to highlight the products’ capabilities in excess of the criteria listed here.

    Info-Tech Insight

    If Table Stakes are all you need from your SMMP solution, the only true differentiator for the organization is price. Otherwise, dig deeper to find the best price to value for your needs.

    Advanced Features are the capabilities that allow for granular differentiation of market players and use-case performance

    Vendor Profiles icon

    Scoring Methodology

    Info-Tech scored each vendor’s features on a cumulative four-point scale. Zero points are awarded to features that are deemed absent or unsatisfactory, one point is assigned to features that are partially present, two points are assigned to features that require an extra purchase in the vendor’s product portfolio or through a third party, three points are assigned to features that are fully present and native to the solution, and four points are assigned to the best-of-breed native feature.

    For an explanation of how Advanced Features are determined, see Information Presentation – Feature Ranks (Stoplights) in the Appendix.

    Feature: What we looked for:
    Social Media Channel Integration - Inbound Ability to monitor social media services, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and more.
    Social Media Channel Integration - Outbound Ability to publish to social media services such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and more.
    Social Response Management Ability to respond in-band to social media posts.
    Social Moderation and Workflow Management Ability to create end-to-end routing and escalation workflows from social content.
    Campaign Execution Ability to manage social and media assets: tools for social campaign execution, reporting, and analytics.
    Social Post Archival Ability to archive social posts and platform activity to create an audit trail.
    Trend Analysis Ability to monitor trends and traffic on multiple social media sites.
    Sentiment Analysis Ability to analyze and uncover insights from attitudes and opinions expressed on social media.
    Contextual Analysis Ability to use NLP, deep learning and semantic analysis to extract meaning from social posts.
    Social Asset Management Ability to access visual asset library with access permissions and expiry dates to be used on social media.
    Post Time Optimization Ability to optimize social media posts by maximizing the level of interaction and awareness around the posts.
    Dashboards and Visualization Ability to visualize data and create analytics dashboards.

    Vendor scoring focused on overall product attributes and vendor performance in the market

    Vendor Profiles icon

    Scoring Methodology

    Info-Tech Research Group scored each vendor’s overall product attributes, capabilities, and market performance.

    Features are scored individually as mentioned in the previous slide. The scores are then modified by the individual scores of the vendor across the product and vendor performance features.

    Usability, overall affordability of the product, and the technical features of the product are considered, and scored on a five-point scale. The score for each vendor will fall between worst and best in class.

    The vendor’s performance in the market is evaluated across four dimensions on a five-point scale. Where the vendor places on the scale is determined by factual information, industry position, and information provided by customer references and/or available from public sources.

    Product Evaluation Features

    Usability The end-user and administrative interfaces are intuitive and offer streamlined workflow.
    Affordability Implementing and operating the solution is affordable given the technology.
    Architecture Multiple deployment options, platform support, and integration capabilities are available.

    Vendor Evaluation Features

    Viability Vendor is profitable, knowledgeable, and will be around for the long term.
    Focus Vendor is committed to the space and has a future product and portfolio roadmap.
    Reach Vendor offers global coverage and is able to sell and provide post-sales support.
    Sales Vendor channel partnering, sales strategies, and process allow for flexible product acquisition.

    Balance individual strengths to find the best fit for your enterprise

    Vendor Profiles icon

    A list of vendors with ratings for their 'Product: Overall, Usability, Affordability, and Architecture' and their 'Vendor: Overall, Viability, Focus, Reach, and Sales'. It uses a quarters rating system where 4 quarters of a circle is Exemplary and 0 quarters is Poor.

    For an explanation of how the Info-Tech Harvey Balls are calculated, see Information Presentation – Criteria Scores (Harvey Balls) in the Appendix.

    Balance individual strengths to find the best fit for your enterprise

    Vendor Profiles icon

    A list of vendors with ratings for their 'Evaluated Features'. Rating system uses Color coding with green being 'Feature is fully present...' and red being 'Feature is absent', and if a star is in the green then 'Feature is best in its class'.

    For an explanation of how Advanced Features are determined, see Information Presentation – Feature Ranks (Stoplights) in the Appendix.

    Vendor title icon.

    USE CASE 1

    Social Listening and Analytics

    Seeking functionality for capturing, aggregating, and analyzing social media content in order to create actionable customer or competitive insights.

    Feature weightings for the social listening and analytics use-case scenario

    Vendor Profiles icon

    Core Features

    Sentiment Analysis Uncovering attitudes and opinions expressed on social media is important for generating actionable customer insights.
    Dashboards and Visualization Capturing and aggregating social media insights is ineffective without proper data visualization and analysis.
    Trend Analysis The ability to monitor trends across multiple social media services is integral for effective social listening.
    Contextual Analysis Understanding and analyzing language and visual content on social media is important for generating actionable customer insights.

    Additional Features

    Social Media Channel Integration – Inbound

    Social Moderation and Workflow Management

    Social Post Archival

    Feature Weightings

    Pie chart of feature weightings.

    Vendor considerations for the social listening and analytics use-case scenario

    Vendor Profiles icon

    Product Evaluation Features

    Usability A clean and intuitive user interface is important for users to fully leverage the benefits of an SMMP.
    Affordability Affordability is an important consideration as the price of SMMPs can vary significantly depending on the breadth and depth of capability offered.
    Architecture SMMP is more valuable to organizations when it can integrate well with their applications, such as CRM and marketing automation software.

    Vendor Evaluation Features

    Viability Vendor viability is critical for long-term stability of an application portfolio.
    Focus The vendor is committed to the space and has a future product and portfolio roadmap.
    Reach Companies with processes that cross organizational and geographic boundaries require effective and available support.
    Sales Vendors need to demonstrate flexibility in terms of industry and technology partnerships to meet evolving customer needs.

    Pie chart for Product and Vendor Evaluation Features.

    Vendor performance for the social listening and analytics use-case scenario

    Vendor Profiles icon
    Champion badge.

    Champions for this use case:

    Salesforce: Salesforce Social Studio offers excellent trend and in-depth contextual analysis and is among the best vendors in presenting visually appealing and interactive dashboards.
    Leader badge.

    Leaders for this use case:

    Sysomos: Sysomos MAP and Heartbeat are great offerings for conducting social media health checks using in-depth contextual analytics.

    Adobe: Adobe Social is a great choice for digital marketers that need in-depth sentiment and longitudinal analysis of social data – particularly when managing social alongside other digital channels.

    Best Overall Value badge.

    Best Overall Value Award

    Sysomos: A strong analytics capability offered in Sysomos MAP and Heartbeat at a relatively low cost places Sysomos as the best bang for your buck in this use case.

    Players in the social listening and analytics scenario

    • Sprinklr
    • Hootsuite
    • Sprout Social

    Vendor performance for the social listening and analytics use-case scenario

    Vendor Profiles icon

    Stacked bar chart comparing vendors' use-case performance in multiple areas of 'Social Listening and Analytics'.

    Value Index for the social listening and analytics scenario

    Vendor Profiles icon
    What is a Value Score?

    The Value Score indexes each vendor’s product offering and business strength relative to its price point. It does not indicate vendor ranking.

    Vendors that score high offer more bang-for-the-buck (e.g. features, usability, stability) than the average vendor, while the inverse is true for those that score lower.

    Price-conscious enterprises may wish to give the Value Score more consideration than those who are more focused on specific vendor/product attributes.

    On a relative basis, Sysomos maintained the highest Info-Tech Value ScoreTM of the vendor group for this use-case scenario. Vendors were indexed against Sysomos’ performance to provide a complete, relative view of their product offerings.

    Bar chart of vendors' Value Scores in social listening and analytics. Sysomos has the highest and the Average Score is 66.8.

    For an explanation of how price is determined, see Information Presentation – Price Evaluation in the Appendix.

    For an explanation of how the Info-Tech Value Index is calculated, see Information Presentation – Value Index in the Appendix.

    Vendor title icon.

    USE CASE 2

    Social Publishing and Campaign Management

    Seeking functionality for publishing content to multiple networks or accounts simultaneously, and managing social media campaigns in-depth (e.g. social property management and post scheduling).

    Feature weightings for the social publishing and campaign management use-case scenario

    Vendor Profiles icon

    Core Features

    Campaign Execution The ability to manage multiple social media services simultaneously is integral for carrying out social media campaigns.
    Social Response Management Creating response workflows is equally important to publishing capability for managing social campaigns.

    Additional Features

    Social Media Channel Integration – Outbound

    Social Moderation and Workflow Management

    Social Post Archival

    Social Asset Management

    Post Time Optimization

    Social Media Channel Integration – Inbound

    Trend Analysis

    Sentiment Analysis

    Dashboards and Visualization

    Feature Weightings

    Pie chart of feature weightings.

    Vendor considerations for the social publishing and campaign management use-case scenario

    Vendor Profiles icon

    Product Evaluation Features

    Usability A clean and intuitive user interface is important for users to fully leverage the benefits of an SMMP.
    Affordability Affordability is an important consideration as the price of SMMPs can vary significantly depending on the breadth and depth of capability offered.
    Architecture SMMP is more valuable to organizations when it can integrate well with their applications, such as CRM and marketing automation software.

    Vendor Evaluation Features

    Viability Vendor viability is critical for long-term stability of an application portfolio.
    Focus The vendor is committed to the space and has a future product and portfolio roadmap.
    Reach Companies with processes that cross organizational and geographic boundaries require effective and available support.
    Sales Vendors need to demonstrate flexibility in terms of industry and technology partnerships to meet evolving customer needs.

    Pie chart of Product and Vendor Evaluation Features.

    Vendor performance for the social publishing and campaign management use-case scenario

    Vendor Profiles icon

    Champion badge.

    Champions for this use case:

    Adobe: Adobe has the best social campaign execution capability in the market, enabling marketers to manage and auto-track multiple campaigns. It also offers a strong asset management feature that allows users to leverage Marketing Cloud content.
    Leader badge.

    Leaders for this use case:

    Salesforce: SFDC has built a social marketing juggernaut, offering top-notch response workflows and campaign execution capability.

    Hootsuite: Hootsuite has good response capabilities backed up by a strong team collaboration feature set. It offers simplified cross-platform posting and post-time optimization capabilities.

    Best Overall Value badge.

    Best Overall Value Award

    Sendible: Sendible offers the best value for your money in this use case with good response workflows and publishing capability.

    Players in the social publishing and campaign management scenario

    • Sprout Social
    • Sprinklr
    • Sendible

    Vendor performance for the social publishing and campaign management use-case scenario

    Vendor Profiles icon

    Stacked bar chart comparing vendors' use-case performance in multiple areas of 'Social publishing and campaign management'.

    Value Index for the social publishing and campaign management scenario

    Vendor Profiles icon

    What is a Value Score?

    The Value Score indexes each vendor’s product offering and business strength relative to its price point. It does not indicate vendor ranking.

    Vendors that score high offer more bang-for-the-buck (e.g. features, usability, stability) than the average vendor, while the inverse is true for those that score lower.

    Price-conscious enterprises may wish to give the Value Score more consideration than those who are more focused on specific vendor/product attributes.

    On a relative basis, Sendible maintained the highest Info-Tech Value ScoreTM of the vendor group for this use-case scenario. Vendors were indexed against Sendible’s performance to provide a complete, relative view of their product offerings.

    Bar chart of vendors' Value Scores in social publishing and campaign management. Sendible has the highest and the Average Score is 72.9.

    For an explanation of how Price is determined, see Information Presentation – Price Evaluation in the Appendix.

    For an explanation of how the Info-Tech Value Index is calculated, see Information Presentation – Value Index in the Appendix.

    Vendor title icon.

    USE CASE 3

    Social Customer Care

    Seeking functionality for management of the social customer service queue as well as tools for expedient resolution of customer issues.

    Feature weightings for the social customer care use-case scenario

    Vendor Profiles icon

    Core Features

    Social Moderation and Workflow Management Creating escalation workflows is important for triaging customer service, managing the social customer service queue and offering expedient resolution to customer complaints.

    Additional Features

    Social Media Channel Integration – Outbound

    Social Moderation and Workflow Management

    Social Response Management

    Social Post Archival

    Sentiment Analysis

    Dashboards and Visualization

    Campaign Execution

    Trend Analysis

    Post Time Optimization

    Feature Weightings

    Pie chart with Feature Weightings.

    Vendor considerations for the social customer case use-case scenario

    Vendor Profiles icon

    Product Evaluation Features

    Usability A clean and intuitive user interface is important for users to fully leverage the benefits of an SMMP.
    Affordability Affordability is an important consideration as the price of SMMPs can vary significantly depending on the breadth and depth of capability offered.
    Architecture SMMP is more valuable to organizations when it can integrate well with their applications, such as CRM and marketing automation software.

    Vendor Evaluation Features

    Viability Vendor viability is critical for long-term stability of an application portfolio.
    Focus The vendor is committed to the space and has a future product and portfolio roadmap.
    Reach Companies with processes that cross organizational and geographic boundaries require effective and available support.
    Sales Vendors need to demonstrate flexibility in terms of industry and technology partnerships to meet evolving customer needs.

    Pie chart with Product and Vendor Evaluation Features.

    Vendor performance for the social customer care use-case scenario

    Vendor Profiles icon

    Champion badge.

    Champions for this use case:

    Salesforce: Salesforce offers exceptional end-to-end social customer care capability with strong response escalation workflows.
    Leader badge.

    Leaders for this use case:

    Sprinklr: Sprinklr’s offering gives users high flexibility to configure escalation workflows and role-based permissions for managing the social customer service queue.

    Hootsuite: Hootsuite’s strength lies in the breadth of social networks that the platform supports in offering expedient resolution to customer complaints.

    Best Overall Value badge.

    Best Overall Value Award

    Sysomos: Sysomos is the best bang for your buck in this use case, offering essential response and workflow capabilities.

    Players in the social listening and analytics scenario

    • Sendible
    • Sysomos
    • Viralheat (Cision)

    Vendor performance for the social customer care use-case scenario

    Vendor Profiles icon

    Stacked bar chart comparing vendors' use-case performance in multiple areas of 'Social customer care'.

    Value Index for the social customer care scenario

    Vendor Profiles icon

    What is a Value Score?

    The Value Score indexes each vendor’s product offering and business strength relative to its price point. It does not indicate vendor ranking.

    Vendors that score high offer more bang-for-the-buck (e.g. features, usability, stability) than the average vendor, while the inverse is true for those that score lower.

    Price-conscious enterprises may wish to give the Value Score more consideration than those who are more focused on specific vendor/product attributes.

    On a relative basis, Sendible maintained the highest Info-Tech Value ScoreTM of the vendor group for this use-case scenario. Vendors were indexed against Sendible’s performance to provide a complete, relative view of their product offerings.

    Bar chart of vendors' Value Scores in social customer care. Sysomos has the highest and the Average Score is 79.6.

    For an explanation of how Price is determined, see Information Presentation – Price Evaluation in the Appendix.

    For an explanation of how the Info-Tech Value Index is calculated, see Information Presentation – Value Index in the Appendix.


    Vendor Profiles and Scoring

    Vendor title icon.

    Use the information in the SMMP Vendor Landscape analysis to streamline your own vendor analysis process

    Vendor Profiles icon

    This section of the Vendor Landscape includes the profiles and scoring for each vendor against the evaluation framework previously outlined.

    Sample of the SMMP Vendor Landscape analysis. Vendor Profiles
    • Include an overview for each company.
    • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the product and vendor.
    • Identify the three-year TCO of the vendor’s solution (based on a ten-tiered model).
    Sample of the Vendor Landscape profiles slide.
    Vendor Scoring

    Use the Harvey Ball scoring of vendor and product considerations to assess alignment with your own requirements.

    Review the use-case scenarios relevant to your organization’s Use-Case Fit Assessment results to identify a vendor’s fit to your organization's SMMP needs. (See the following slide for further clarification on the use-case assessment scoring process.)

    Review the stoplight scoring of advanced features to identify the functional capabilities of vendors.

    Sample of the Vendor Scoring slide.

    Adobe Social is a powerhouse for digital marketers, with extremely well-developed analytics capabilities

    Vendor Profiles icon
    Product Adobe Social
    Employees 15,000+
    Headquarters San Jose, CA
    Founded 1982
    Presence NASDAQ: ADBE

    Logo for Adobe.

    3 year TCO for this solution falls into pricing tier 8 between $500,000 and $1,000,000.

    Pricing tier for Adobe, tier 8.
    Pricing provided by vendor

    • Adobe Social is a strong offering included within the broader Adobe Marketing Cloud. The product is tightly focused on social analytics and social campaign execution. It’s particularly well-suited to dedicated digital marketers or social specialists.
    • Adobe Social provides broad capabilities across social analytics and social campaign management; its integration with Adobe Analytics is a strong selling point for organizations that need a complete, end-to-end solution.
    • It boasts great archiving capabilities (up to 7 years for outbound posts), meeting the needs of compliance-centric organizations and providing for strong longitudinal analysis capabilities.
    • The product plays well with the rest of the Adobe Marketing Cloud, but the list of third-party CRM and CSM integrations is shorter than some other players in the market.
    • While the product is unsurprisingly geared towards marketers, organizations that want a scalable platform for customer service use cases will need to augment the product due to its focus on campaigns and analytics – service-related workflow and automation capabilities are not a core focus for the company.

    Adobe Social

    Vendor Profiles icon
    'Product' and 'Vendor' scores for Adobe. Overall product is 3/4; overall vendor is 4/4.
    'Scenario Performance' awards and 'Value Index' in the three previous scenarios. Adobe earned 'Leader' in Social Listening & Analytics and 'Champion' in Social Publishing & Campaign Management.
    Info-Tech Recommends

    Adobe Social provides impressive features, especially for companies that position social media within a larger digital marketing strategy. Organizations that need powerful social analytics or social campaign execution capability should have Adobe on their shortlist, though the product may be an overbuy for social customer care use cases.

    Scores for Adobe's individual features, color-coded as they were previously.

    Hootsuite is a capable vendor that offers a flexible solution for monitoring many different social media services

    Vendor Profiles icon
    Product Hootsuite
    Employees 800
    Headquarters Vancouver, BC
    Founded 2007
    Presence Privately held

    Logo for Hootsuite.

    3 year TCO for this solution falls into pricing tier 6, between $100,000 and $250,000.

    Pricing tier for Hootsuite, tier 6.
    Pricing derived from public information

    • In the past, Hootsuite worked on the freemium model by providing basic social account management features. The company has since expanded its offering and put a strong focus on enterprise feature sets, such as collaboration and workflow management.
    • Hootsuite is extremely easy to use, having one of the most straightforward interfaces of vendors evaluated.
    • It has extensive monitoring capabilities for a wide variety of social networks as well as related services, which are supported through an app store built into the Hootsuite platform.
    • The product provides a comprehensive model for team-based collaboration and workflow management, demonstrated through nice cross-posting and post-time optimization capabilities.
    • Hootsuite’s reporting and analytics capabilities are relatively basic, particularly when contrasted with more analytics-focused vendors in the market.
    • Running cross-channel campaigns is challenging without integration with third-party applications.


    Vendor Profiles icon
    'Product' and 'Vendor' scores for Hootsuite. Overall product is 3/4; overall vendor is 4/4.
    'Scenario Performance' awards and 'Value Index' in the three previous scenarios. Hootsuite earned 5th out of 6 in Social Listening & Analytics, 'Leader' in Social Publishing & Campaign Management, and 'Leader' in Social Customer Care.
    Info-Tech Recommends

    The free version of Hootsuite is useful for getting your feet wet with social management. The paid version is a great SMMP for monitoring and engaging your own social properties with good account and team management at an affordable price. This makes it ideal for SMBs. However, organizations that need deep social analytics may want to look elsewhere.

    Scores for Hootsuite's individual features, color-coded as they were previously.

    Salesforce Marketing Cloud continues to be a Cadillac solution; it’s a robust platform with a host of features

    Vendor Profiles icon
    Product Salesforce Social Studio
    Employees 24,000+
    Headquarters San Francisco, CA
    Founded 1999
    Presence NASDAQ: CRM

    Logo for Salesforce.

    3 year TCO for this solution falls into pricing tier 7, between $250,000 and $500,000

    Pricing tier for Salesforce, tier 7.
    Pricing provided by vendor

    • Social Studio is a powerful solution fueled by Salesforce’s savvy acquisitions in the marketing automation and social media management marketspace. The product has rapidly matured and is adept at both marketing and customer service use cases.
    • Salesforce continues to excel as one of the best SMMP vendors in terms of balancing inbound analytics and outbound engagement. The recent addition of Salesforce Einstein to the platform bolsters deep learning capabilities and enhances the product’s value proposition to those that want a tool for robust customer intelligence.
    • Salesforce’s integration of Marketing Cloud, with its Sales and Service Clouds, also creates a good 360-degree customer view.
    • Salesforce’s broad and deep feature set comes at a premium: the solution is priced materially higher than many other vendors. Before you consider Marketing Cloud, it’s important to evaluate which social media capabilities you want to develop: if you only need basic response workflows or dashboard-level analytics, purchasing Marketing Cloud runs the risk of overbuying.
    • In part due to its price point and market focus, Marketing Cloud is more suited to enterprise use cases than SMB use cases.


    Vendor Profiles icon
    'Product' and 'Vendor' scores for  . Overall product is 3/4; overall vendor is 4/4.
    'Scenario Performance' awards and 'Value Index' in the three previous scenarios. Salesforce earned 'Champion' in Social Listening & Analytics, 'Leader' in Social Publishing & Campaign Management, and 'Champion' in Social Customer Care.
    Info-Tech Recommends

    Social Studio in Salesforce Marketing Cloud remains a leading solution. Organizations that need to blend processes across the enterprise that rely on social listening, deep analytics, and customer engagement should have the product on their shortlist. However, companies with more basic needs may be off-put by the solution’s price point.

    Scores for 's individual features, color-coded as they were previously.

    Sendible offers multiple social media management capabilities for SMBs and agencies

    Vendor Profiles icon
    Product Sendible
    Employees 27
    Headquarters London, UK
    Founded 2009
    Presence Privately held

    Logo for Sendible.

    3 year TCO for this solution falls into pricing tier 4, between $25,000 and $50,000

    Pricing tier for Sendible, tier 4.
    Pricing derived from public information

    • Founded in 2009, Sendible is a rising player in the SMMP market. Sendible is primarily focused on the SMB space. A growing segment of its client base is digital marketing agencies and franchise companies.
    • Sendible’s user interface is very intuitive and user friendly.
    • The product offers the ability to manage multiple social accounts simultaneously as well as schedule posts to multiple groups on different social networks, making Sendible a strong choice for social engagement and customer care.
    • Its affordability is strong given its feature set, making it an attractive option for organizations that are budget conscious.
    • Sendible remains a smaller vendor in the market – its list of channel partners lags behind larger incumbents.
    • Sendible’s contextual and visual content analytics are lacking vis-à-vis more analytics-centric vendors.


    Vendor Profiles icon
    'Product' and 'Vendor' scores for Sendible. Overall product is 3/4; overall vendor is 4/4.
    'Scenario Performance' awards and 'Value Index' in the three previous scenarios. Sendible earned 6th out of 6 and 'Best Overall Value' in Social Publishing & Campaign Management and 4th out of 6 in Social Customer Care.
    Info-Tech Recommends

    Sendible offers a viable solution for small and mid-market companies, as well as social agencies with a focus on customer engagement for marketing and customer service use cases. However, organizations that need deep social analytics may want to look elsewhere.

    Scores for Sendible's individual features, color-coded as they were previously.


    Vendor Profiles icon
    Product Sprinklr
    Employees 1,100
    Headquarters New York, NY
    Founded 2009
    Presence Privately held

    Logo for Sprinklr.

    Pricing tier for Sprinklr, tier 6.
    Pricing derived from public information

    • Sprinklr has risen rapidly as a best-of-breed player in the social media management market. It markets a solution geared towards multiple use cases, from customer intelligence and analytics to service-centric response management.
    • Sprinklr’s breadth of capabilities are impressive: the vendor has maintained a strong focus on social-specific functionality. As a result of this market focus, they have invested prudently in advanced social analytics and moderation workflow capabilities.
    • Sprinklr’s user experience design and data visualization capabilities are top-notch, making it a solution that’s easy for end users and decision makers to get up and running with quickly.
    • Relative to other players in the market, the breadth and scope of Sprinklr’s integrations with other customer experience management solutions is limited.
    • Based on its feature set and price point, Sprinklr is best suited for mid-to-large organizations. SMBs run the risk of an overbuy situation.


    Vendor Profiles icon

    'Product' and 'Vendor' scores for Sprinklr. Overall product is 3/4; overall vendor is 3/4.
    'Scenario Performance' awards and 'Value Index' in the three previous scenarios. Sprinklr earned 4th out of 6 in Social Listening & Analytics, 5th out of 6 in Social Publishing & Campaign Management, and 'Leader' in Social Customer Care.
    Info-Tech Recommends

    Sprinklr is a strong choice for small and mid-market organizations offering breadth of social media management capabilities that covers social analytics, engagement, and customer service.

    Scores for Sprinklr's individual features, color-coded as they were previously.

    Sprout Social provides small-to-medium enterprises with robust social response capabilities at a reasonable price

    Vendor Profiles icon
    Product Sprout Social
    Employees 200+
    Headquarters Chicago, IL
    Founded 2010
    Presence Privately held

    Logo for Sprout Social.

    3 year TCO for this solution falls into pricing tier 6, between $100,000 and $250,000

    Pricing tier for Sprout Social, tier 6.
    Pricing derived from public information

    • Sprout Social has built out its enterprise capabilities over the last several years. It offers strong feature sets for account management, social monitoring and analytics, and customer care – it particularly excels at the latter.
    • Sprout’s unified inbox and response management features are some of the most intuitive we’ve seen. This makes it a natural option for providing customer service via social channels.
    • Sprout Social is priced competitively in relation to other vendors.
    • The product provides strong social asset management capabilities where users can set content permissions and expiration dates, and limit access.
    • Deep contextual analysis is lacking: the solution clearly falls more to the engagement side of the spectrum, and is particularly suited for social customer service.
    • Sprout Social has a limited number of technology partners for integrations with applications such as CRM and marketing automation software.
    • It still has a predominantly North American market focus.

    Sprout Social

    Vendor Profiles icon
    'Product' and 'Vendor' scores for Sprout Social. Overall product is 3/4; overall vendor is 3/4.
    'Scenario Performance' awards and 'Value Index' in the three previous scenarios. Sprout Social earned 6th out of 6 in Social Listening & Analytics and 4th out of 6 in Social Publishing & Campaign Management.
    Info-Tech Recommends

    Sprout Social’s easy-to-understand benchmarking and dashboards, paired with strong response management, make it a great choice for mid-sized enterprises concerned with social engagement. However, organizations that want to do deep social analytics will need to augment the solution.

    Scores for Sprout Social's individual features, color-coded as they were previously.

    Sysomos’ prime feature is its hardy analytics built atop a plethora of inbound social channels

    Vendor Profiles icon

    Product Sysomos MAP and Heartbeat
    Employees 200+
    Headquarters Toronto, ON
    Founded 2007
    Presence Privately held

    Logo for Sysomos.

    3 year TCO for this solution falls into pricing tier 4, between $25,000 and $50,000

    Pricing tier for Sysomos, tier 4.
    Pricing derived from public information

    • Sysomos began life as a project at the University of Toronto prior to its acquisition by Marketwire in 2010.
    • It split from Marketwire in 2015 and redesigned its product to focus on social monitoring, analysis, and engagement.


    • MAP and Heartbeat offer extensive contextual and sentiment analytics, consolidating findings through a spam-filtering process that parses out a lot of the “noise” inherent in social media data.
    • The solution provides an unlimited number of profiles, enabling more opportunities for collaboration.
    • It provides workflow summaries, documenting the actions of staff and providing an audit trail through the entire process.


    • Sysomos has introduced a publishing tool for social campaigns. However, its outbound capabilities continue to lag, and there are currently no tools for asset management.
    • Sysomos’ application integration stack is limited relative to other vendors.


    Vendor Profiles icon
    'Product' and 'Vendor' scores for Sysomos. Overall product is 3/4; overall vendor is 3/4.
    'Scenario Performance' awards and 'Value Index' in the three previous scenarios. Sysomos earned 'Leader' and 'Best Overall Value' in Social Listening & Analytics and 5th out of 6 as well as 'Best Overall Value' in Social Customer Care.
    Info-Tech Recommends

    Sysomos’ broad array of good features has made it a frequent challenger to Marketing Cloud on analytics-centric SMMP evaluation shortlists. Enterprise-scale customers specifically interested in social listening and analytics, rather than customer engagement and campaign execution, will definitely want to take a look.

    Scores for Sysomos's individual features, color-coded as they were previously.

    Viralheat offers a clean analysis of an organization’s social media activity and has beefed up response workflows

    Vendor Profiles icon

    Product Viralheat
    Employees 1,200
    Headquarters Chicago, IL
    Founded 2015
    Presence Privately held

    Logo for Cision (Viralheat).

    3 year TCO for this solution falls into pricing tier 6, between $100,000 and $250,000

    Pricing tier for Cision (Viralheat), tier 6.
    Pricing derived from public information

    • Viralheat has been in the social media market since 2009. It provides tools for analytics and in-band social engagement.
    • The company was acquired by Cision in 2015, a Chicago-based public relations technology company.


    • Viralheat offers robust workflow management capabilities for social response and is particularly useful for customer service.
    • The product has strong post time optimization capability through its ViralPost scheduling feature.
    • Cision’s acquisition of Viralheat makes the product a great choice for third-party social media management, namely public relations and digital marketing agencies.


    • Viralheat remains a smaller vendor in the market – its list of channel partners lags behind larger incumbents.
    • Contextual and sentiment analysis are lacking relative to other vendors.

    Cision (Viralheat)

    Vendor Profiles icon
    'Product' and 'Vendor' scores for Cision (Viralheat). Overall product is 3/4; overall vendor is 2/4.
    'Scenario Performance' awards and 'Value Index' in the three previous scenarios. Cision (Viralheat) earned  in Social Listening & Analytics,  in Social Publishing & Campaign Management, and  in Social Customer Care.
    Info-Tech Recommends

    Cision has upped its game in terms of social workflow and response management and it monitors an above-average number of services. It is a steadfast tool for brands that are primarily interested in outbound customer engagement for marketing and customer service use cases.

    Scores for Cision (Viralheat)'s individual features, color-coded as they were previously.

    Use the SMMP Vendor Shortlist Tool to customize the vendor analysis for your organization

    Vendor Profiles icon SMMP Vendor Shortlist & Detailed Feature Analysis Tool


    1. Eliminate misaligned vendors with knock-out criteria
      Use the SMMP Vendor Shortlist &am; Detailed Feature Analysis Tool to eliminate vendors based on specific knock-out criteria on tab 2, Knock-Out Criteria.
    2. Create your own evaluation framework
      Tailor the vendor evaluation to include your own product and vendor considerations on tab 3, Weightings. Identify the significance of advanced features for your own procurement on a scale of Mandatory, Optional, and Not Required on tab 4, Detailed Feature Analysis.
    3. Review the results of your customized evaluation
      Review your custom vendor shortlist on tab 5, Results.
    This evaluation uses both functional and architectural considerations to eliminate vendors.

    Knock-Out Criteria

    COTS vs. Open Source
    Deployment Models

    Sample of the SMMP Vender Shortlist & Detailed Feature Analysis Tool tab 5, Results.
    Sample Vendor Shortlist from tab 5, Results

    Interpreting the Results
    Your custom shortlist will rank vendors that passed the initial knock-out criteria based on their overall score.
    The shortlist will provide broken-down scoring, as well as a custom value index based on the framework set in the tool.

    Phase 2, Step 2: Select your SMMP solution



    Analyze and shortlist vendors in the space Select your SMMP solution

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    • Prioritize your solution requirements.
    • Create an RFP to submit to vendors.
    • Solicit and review vendor proposals.
    • Conduct onsite vendor demonstrations.
    • Select the right solution.

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Core Project Team
    • Procurement Manager
    • Representative Stakeholders from Digital Marketing, Sales, and IT

    Outcomes of this step:

    • SMMP Selection Strategy

    Determine your SMMP procurement strategy

    Critical Points and Checks in Your Procurement
    • Follow your own organization’s procurement procedures to ensure that you adhere to your organization’s policies.
    • Based on your organization’s policies, identify if you are going to conduct a private or public RFP process.
      • If your RFP will contain sensitive information, use a private RFP process that is directed to specific vendors in order to protect the proprietary practices of your business.

    Info-Tech Insight

    If you are still not sure of a vendor’s capabilities, we recommend sending an RFI before proceeding with an RFP.


    If your organization lacks a clear procurement process, refer to Info-Tech's Optimize IT Procurement research to help construct a formal process for selecting application technology.

    Info-Tech’s 15-Step Procurement Process

    Use Info-Tech's procurement process to ensure that your SMMP selection is properly planned and executed.

    1. Initiate procurement.
    2. Select procurement manager.
    3. Prepare for procurement; check that prerequisites are met.
    4. Select appropriate procurement vehicle.
    5. Assemble procurement teams.
    6. Create procurement project plan.
    7. Identify and notify vendors about procurement.
    8. Configure procurement process.
    9. Gather requirements.
    10. Prioritize requirements.
    11. Build the procurement documentation package.
    12. Issue the procurement.
    13. Evaluate proposals.
    14. Recommend a vendor.
    15. Present to management.

    Much of your procurement process should already be outlined from your charter and initial project structuring.
    In this stage of the process, focus on the successful completion of steps 7-15.

    Prioritize your solution requirements based on your business, architecture, and performance needs

    Associated Activity icon

    INPUT: Requirements Workbook and requirements gathering findings

    OUTPUT: Full documentation of requirements for the RFP and solution evaluation process

    Completed in Section 3

    1. Identify Your Requirements
      Use the findings being collected in the Requirements Workbook and related materials to define clear requirements around your organization’s desired SMMP.
    2. Prioritize Your Requirements
      • Identify the significance of each requirement for your solution evaluation.
      • Identify features and requirements as mandatory, important, or optional.
      • Control the number of mandatory requirements you document. Too many mandatory requirements could create an unrealistic framework for evaluating solutions.
    3. Create a Requirements Package
      • Consolidate your identified requirements into one list, removing redundancies and conflicts.
      • Categorize the requirements based on their priority and nature.
      • Use this requirements package as you evaluate vendors and create your RFP for shortlisted vendors.

    Info-Tech Insight

    No solution will meet 100% of your requirements. Control the number of mandatory requirements you place in your procurement process to ensure that vendors that are the best fit for your organization are not eliminated unnecessarily.

    Create an RFP to submit to vendors

    Supporting Tool icon Request for Proposal Template
    Associated Activity icon Activity: Interpreting the Results

    INPUT: Requirements package, Organization’s procurement procedures


    MATERIALS: Whiteboard and markers

    PARTICIPANTS: Project manager, Core project team

    Leverage Info-Tech’s SMMP RFP Template to convey your desired suite requirements to vendors and outline the proposal and procurement steps set by your organization.

    Build Your RFP
    1. Outline the organization's procurement instructions for vendors (Sections 1, 3, and 5).
    2. Input the requirements package created in Activity 5.2 into your RFP (Section 4).
    3. Create a scenario overview to provide vendors an opportunity to give an estimated price.

    Approval Process

    Each organization has a unique procurement process; follow your own organization’s process as you submit your RFPs to vendors.

    1. Ensure compliance with your organization's standards and gain approval for submitting your RFP.

    Info-Tech RFP
    Table of Contents

    1. Statement of Work
    2. General Information
    3. Proposal Preparation Instructions
    4. Scope of Work, Specifications, and Requirements
    5. Vendor Qualifications and References
    6. Budget and Estimated Pricing
    7. Vendor Certification

    Standardize the potential responses from vendors and streamline your evaluation with a response template

    Supporting Tool icon Vendor Response Template
    Sample of the Vendor Response Template. Adjust the scope and content of the Vendor Response Template to fit your SMMP procurement process and vendor requirements.


    Why is this section important?

    About the Vendor This is where the vendor will describe itself and prove its organizational viability.
    Understanding of the Challenge Demonstrates that understanding of the problem is the first step in being able to provide a solution.
    Methodology Shows that there is a proven methodology to approach and solve the challenge.
    Proposed Solution Describes how the vendor will address the challenge. This is a very important section as it articulates what you will receive from the vendor as a solution.
    Project Management, Plan, and Timeline Provides an overview of the project management methodology, phases of the project, what will be delivered, and when.
    Vendor Qualifications Provides evidence of prior experience with delivering similar projects for similar clients.
    References Provides contact information for individuals/organizations for which the vendor has worked and who can vouch for the experience and success of working with this vendor.
    Value Added Services Remember, this could lead to a long-term relationship. It’s not only about what you need now, but also what you may need in the future.
    Requirements Confirmation from the vendor as to which requirements it can meet and how it will meet them.

    Evaluate the RFPs you receive within a clear scoring process

    Supporting Tool icon SMMP RFP Evaluation and Scoring Tool
    Steps to follow: 'Review, Evaluate, Shortlist, Brief, Select' with the first 3 highlighted.

    Associated Activity icon Activity

    Build a fair evaluation framework that evaluates vendor solutions against a set criteria rather than relative comparisons.


    1. Have members of the SMMP evaluation team review the RFP responses given by vendors.
    2. Input vendor solution information into the SMMP RFP Evaluation and Scoring Tool.
    3. Analyze the vendors against your identified evaluation framework.
    4. Identify vendors with whom you wish to arrange vendor briefings.
    5. Contact vendors and arranging briefings.
    How to use this tool
    • Review the feature list and select where each feature is mandatory, desirable, or not applicable.
    • Select if each feature has been met by the vendor RFP response.
    • Enter the costing information provided by each vendor.
    • Determine the relative importance of the features, architecture, and support.
    Tool Output
    • Costing
    • Overall score
    • Evaluation notes and comments

    Vendor product demonstration

    Vendor Profiles icon Demo Script Template


    Invite vendors to come onsite to demonstrate the product and to answer questions. Use a demo script to help identify how a vendor’s solution will fit your organization’s particular business capability needs.
    Make sure the solution will work for your business

    Provide the vendor with some usage patterns for the SMMP tool in preparation for the vendor demo.

    Provide the following information to vendors in your script:

    • Usage for different groups.
    • SMMP usage and [business analytics] usage.
    • The requirements for administration.
    How to challenge the vendors in the demo
    • Change visualization/presentation.
    • Change the underlying data.
    • Add additional datasets to the artifacts.
    • Collaboration capabilities.
    • Perform an investigation in terms of finding BI objects and identifying previous changes, and examine the audit trail.
    Sample of the SMMP Demo Script Template
    SMMP Demo Script Template


    INPUT: Requirements package, Use-case results

    OUTPUT: Onsite demo

    1. Create a demo script that will be sent to vendors that outlines SMMP usage patterns from your organization.
    2. Construct the demo script with your SMMP evaluation team, providing both prompts for the vendor to display the capabilities and some sample data for the vendor to model.

    Use vendor RFPs and demos to select the SMMP that best fits your organization’s needs

    Supporting Tool icon Suite Evaluation and Scoring Tool: Tab 5, Overall Score

    Don’t just choose the vendor who gave the best presentation. Instead, select the vendor who meets your functional requirements and organizational needs.

    Category Weight Vendor 1 Vendor 2 Vendor 3 Vendor 4
    SMMP Features 60% 75% 80% 80% 90%
    Architecture 25% 55% 60% 90% 90%
    Support 15% 10% 70% 60% 95%
    Total Score 100% 60% 74% 80% 91%
    Use your objective evaluation to select a vendor to recommend to management for procurement. Arrow from 'Vendor 4' to post script.

    Don’t automatically decide to go with the highest score; validate that the vendor is someone you can envision working with for the long term.

    • Select a vendor based not only on their evaluation performance, but also on your belief that you could form a lasting and supportive relationship with them.
    • Integration needs are dynamic, not static. Find an SMMP tool and vendor that have strong capabilities and will fit with the application and integration plans of the business.
    • In many cases, you will require professional services together with your SMMP purchase to make sure you have some guidance in the initial development and your own staff are trained properly.

    Following the identification of your selected suite, submit your recommendation to the organization’s management or evaluation team for final approval.

    If you want additional support, have our analysts guide you through this phase as part of an Info-Tech Workshop Associated Activity icon

    Book a workshop with our Info-Tech analysts:

    Photo of an Info-Tech analyst.
    • To accelerate this project, engage your IT team in an Info-Tech workshop with an Info-Tech analyst team.
    • Info-Tech analyst will join you and your team onsite at your location or welcome you to Info-Tech's historic Toronto office to participate in an innovative onsite workshop.
    • Contact your account manager (, or email for more information.

    The following are sample activities that will be conducted by Info-Tech analysts with your team:

    Sample of 'Create an RFP to submit to vendors' slide with 'Request for Proposal Template'. Create an RFP for SMMP procurement

    Our Info-Tech analyst will walk you through the RFP preparation to ensure the SMMP requirements are articulated clearly to vendors in this space.

    Sample of 'Vendor product demonstration' slide with 'Demo Script Template'. Create SMMP demo scripts

    An analyst will walk you through the demo script preparation to guide the SMMP product demonstrations and briefings offered by vendors. The analyst will ensure the demo script addresses key requirements documented earlier in the process.

    Select and Implement a Social Media Management Platform

    PHASE 3

    Review Implementation Considerations

    Phase 3: Review implementation considerations

    Steps of this blueprint represented by circles of varying colors and sizes, labelled by text of different sizes. Only Phase 3 is highlighted.
    Estimated Timeline:

    Info-Tech Insight

    Even a solution that is a perfect fit for an organization will fail to generate value if it is not properly implemented or measured. Conduct the necessary planning before implementing your SMMP.

    Major Milestones Reached
    • Plan for implementation and expected go-live date

    Key Activities Completed

    • SMMP Implementation Plan
    • Governance Plan
    • Change Control Methods

    Outcomes from This Phase

    Plans for implementing the selected SMMP tool.

    Phase 3 outline

    Associated Activity icon Call 1-888-670-8889 or email for more information.

    Complete these steps on your own, or call us to complete a guided implementation. A guided implementation is a series of 2-3 advisory calls that help you execute each phase of a project. They are included in most advisory memberships.

    Guided Implementation 3: Review Implementation Considerations

    Proposed Time to Completion: 2 weeks
    Step 3.1: Establish best practices for SMMP implementation Step 3.2: Assess the measured value from the project
    Start with an analyst kick-off call:
    • Determine the right governance structure to overlook the SMMP implementation.
    • Identify integrations with other applications.
    • Establish an ongoing maintenance plan.
    • Assess the different deployment models.
    Review findings with analyst:
    • Determine the key performance indicators for each department using the SMMP
    • Identify key performance indicators for business units using an SMMP
    Then complete these activities…
    • Establish a governance structure for social media.
    • Specify data linkages with CRM.
    • Identify risks and mitigation strategies
    • Determine the right deployment model for your organization.
    Then complete these activities…
    • Identify key performance indicators for business units using an SMMP
    With these tools & templates:
    • Social Media Steering Committee
    Phase 3 Results & Insights:
    • Implementation Plan
    • SMMP KPIs

    Phase 3, Step 1: Establish best practices for SMMP implementation



    Establish best practices for SMMP implementation Assess the measured value from the project

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    • Establish a governance structure for social media management.
    • Specify the data linkages you will need between your CRM platform and SMMP.

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Core Project Team

    Outcomes of this step

    • Social Media Steering Committee Charter
    • SMMP data migration Inventory
    • Determination of the deployment model that works best for your organization
    • Deployment Model

    Follow these steps for effective SMMP implementation

    What to Consider

    • Creating an overall social media strategy is the critical first step in implementing an SMMP.
    • Selecting an SMMP involves gathering business requirements, then translating those requirements into specific selection criteria. Know exactly what your business needs are to ensure the right SMMP is selected.
    • Implement the platform with an eye toward creating business value: establish points of integration with the existing CRM solution, establish ongoing maintenance policies, select the right deployment model, and train end users around role-based objectives.
    Arrow pointing down.


    • Develop a strategy for customer interaction
    • Develop a formal strategy for social media
    • Determine business requirements
    Arrow pointing down.

    Create RFP

    • Translate into functional requirements
    • Determine evaluation criteria
    Arrow pointing down.


    • Evaluate vendors against criteria
    • Shortlist vendors
    • Perform in-depth vendor review


    • Integrate with existing CRM ecosystem (if applicable)
    • Establish ongoing maintenance policies
    • Map deployment to organizational models
    • Train end-users and establish acceptable use policies
    • Designate an SMMP subject matter expert

    Before deploying the SMMP, ensure the right social media governance structures are in place to oversee implementation

    An SMMP is a tool, not a substitute, for adequate cross-departmental social media oversight. You must coordinate efforts across constituent stakeholders.

    • Successful organizations have permanent governance structures in place for managing social media. For example, mature companies leverage Social Media Steering Committees (SMSCs) to coordinate the social media initiatives of different business units and departments. Large organizations with highly complex needs may even make use of a physical command center.
    • Compared to traditional apps projects (like CRM or ERP), social media programs tend to start as grassroots initiatives. Marketing and Public Relations departments are the most likely to spearhead the initial push, often selecting their own tools without IT involvement or oversight. This causes application fragmentation and a proliferation of shadow IT.
    • This organic adoption contrasts with the top-down approach many IT leaders are accustomed to. Bottom-up growth can ensure rapid response to social media opportunities, but it also leads to insufficient coordination. A conscious effort should be made to mature your social media strategy beyond this disorganized initial state.
    • IT can help be a “cat herder” to shepherd departments into shared initiatives.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Before implementing the SMMP, go through the appropriate organizational governance structures to ensure they have input into the deployment. If a social media steering committee is not already in place, rolling out an SMMP is a great opportunity to get one going. See our research on social media program execution for more details.

    Establish a governance structure for social media management

    Associated Activity icon 3.1.1 60 minutes

    INPUT: Project stakeholders, SMMP mandate

    OUTPUT: Social Media Governance Structure

    MATERIALS: Whiteboard, Markers

    PARTICIPANTS: Project Manager, Core project team

    1. Describe the unique role that the governance team will play in social media management.
    2. Describe the overall purpose statement of the governance team.
    3. Define the roles and responsibilities of the governance team.
    4. Document the outcome in the Social Media Steering Committee Charter.


    Executive Sponsorship
    Social Media Steering Committee
    VP Marketing VP Sales VP Customer Service VP Public Relations CIO/ IT Director
    Marketing Dept. Sales Dept. Customer Service Dept. Public Relations Dept. IT Dept.

    Use Info-Tech’s Social Media Steering Committee Charter Template to define roles and ensure value delivery

    Supporting Tool icon 3.1

    Leaders must ensure that the SMSC has a formal mandate with clear objectives, strong executive participation, and a commitment to meeting regularly. Create an SMSC Charter to formalize the committee governance capabilities.

    Developing a Social Media Steering Committee Charter:
    • Outline the committee’s structure, composition, and responsibilities using the Info-Tech Social Media Steering Committee Charter Template.
    • This template also outlines the key tasks and responsibilities for the committee:
      • Providing strategic leadership for social media
      • Leading SMMP procurement efforts
      • Providing process integration
      • Governing social media initiatives
      • Ensuring open communications between departments with ownership of social media processes
    • Keep the completed charter on file and available to all committee members. Remember to periodically update the document as organizational priorities shift to ensure the charter remains relevant.


    Sample of the Social Media Steering Committee Charter Template.

    Integrate your social media management platform with CRM to strengthen the realization of social media goals

    • Linking social media to existing customer relationship management solutions can improve information accuracy, reduce manual effort and provide more in-depth customer insights.
      • Organizations Info-Tech surveyed, and who integrated their solutions, achieved more goals as a result.
    • Several major CRM vendors are now offering products that integrate with popular social networking services (either natively or by providing support for third-party add-ons).
      • For example, now allows for native integration with Twitter, while an add-on available for Oracle gathers real-time information about prospects by pulling their extended information from publicly available LinkedIn profiles.
    • Some CRM vendors are acquiring established SMMPs outright.
      • For example, acquired Radian6 for their clients that have advanced social media requirements.
    Bar chart comparing the social media goal realization of organizations that integrated their SMMP and CRM technology and those that didn't.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    CRM vendors still lag in out-of-the-box social features, making a separate SMMP purchase a given. For companies that have not formally integrated social media with CRM, IT should develop the business case in conjunction with the applicable business-side partner (e.g. Marketing, Sales, Service, PR, etc.).

    Establish points of integration between SMMPs and CRM suites to gain a 360 degree view of the customer

    • Social media is a valuable tool from a standalone perspective, but its power is considerably magnified when it’s paired with the CRM suite.
    • Many SMMPs offer native integration with CRM platforms. IT should identify and enable these connectors to strengthen the business value of the platform.
    • An illustrated example of how an SMMP linked via CRM can provide proactive service while contributing to sales and marketing.
      An example of how an SMMP linked via CRM can provide proactive service while contributing to sales and marketing.
    • New channels do not mean they stand alone and do not need to be integrated into the rest of the customer interaction architecture.
    • Challenge SMMP vendors to demonstrate integration experience with CRM vendors and multimedia queue vendors.
    • Manual integration – adding resolved social inquiries yourself to a CRM system after closure – cannot scale given the rapid increase in customer inquiries originating in the social cloud. Integration with interaction management workflows is most desirable.

    These tools are enabling sales, and they help us serve our customers better. And anything that does that, is a good investment on our part.” Chip Meyers, (Sales Operation Manager, Insource)

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    SMMPs are a necessary single-channel evolutionary step, just like there used to be email-only and web chat-only customer service options in the late 1990s. But they are temporary. SMMPs will eventually be subsumed into the larger marketing automation ecosystem. Only a few best of breed will survive in 10 years.

    Specify the data linkages you will need between your CRM platform and SMMP

    Associated Activity icon 3.1.2 1 hour

    INPUT: SMMP data sources

    OUTPUT: SMMP data migration inventory

    MATERIALS: Whiteboard, Markers

    PARTICIPANTS: Project Manager, Core project team

    1. Build a list of sources of information that you’ll need to integrate with your CRM tool.
    2. Identify:
      1. Data Source
      2. Integration Direction
      3. Data Type and Use Case
    Data Source Migration/Integration Direction Data Type/Use Case
    Social Platform Bidirectional Recent Social Posts
    Customer Data Warehouse Bidirectional Contact Information, Cases, Tasks, Opportunities

    Establish a plan for ongoing platform maintenance

    • Like other enterprise applications, the SMMP will require periodic upkeep. IT must develop and codify policies around ongoing platform maintenance.
    • Platform maintenance should touch on the following areas:
      • Account access and controls – periodically, access privileges for employees no longer with the organization should be purged.
      • Platform security – cloud-based platforms will be automatically updated by the vendor to plug security holes, but on-premises solutions must be periodically updated to ensure that there are no gaps in security.
      • Pruning of old or outdated material – pages (e.g. Facebook Groups, Events, and Twitter feeds) that are no longer in use should be pruned. For example, a management console for an event that was held two years ago is unnecessary. Remove it from the platform (and the relevant service) to cut down on clutter (and reduce costs for “per-topic” priced platforms.)
    SMMP being fixed by a wrench.

    IT: SMMP Maintenance Checklist

    • Account upkeep and pruning
    • Security, privacy, and access
    • Content upkeep and pruning

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Even cloud-based platforms like SMMPs require a certain degree of maintenance around account controls, security, and content pruning. IT should assist the business units in carrying out periodic maintenance.

    Social media is a powerful medium, but organizations must develop a prudent strategy for minimizing associated risks

    Using an SMMP can help mitigate many of the risks associated with social media. Review the risk categories on the next several slides to determine which ones can be mitigated by effective utilization of a dedicated SMMP.

    Risk Category Likelihood Risk(s) Suggested Mitigation Strategy
    Privacy and Confidentiality High
    • Risk of inappropriate exchange of information between personal and business social networks (e.g. a personal account used for company business).
    • Abuse of privacy and confidentiality laws.
    • Whenever possible, implement separate social network accounts for business, and train your employees to avoid using personal accounts at work.
    • Have a policy in place for how to treat pre-existing accounts versus newly created ones for enterprise use.
    • Use the “unified sign-on” capabilities of an SMMP to prevent employees from directly accessing the underlying social media services.

    Good governance means being proactive in mitigating the legal and compliance risks of your social media program

    Risk Category Likelihood Risk(s) Suggested Mitigation Strategy
    Trademark and Intellectual Property Medium
    • Copyrighted information could inappropriately be used for promotional and other business purposes (e.g. using a private user’s images in collateral).
    • Legal should conduct training to make sure the organization’s social media representatives only use information in the public domain, nothing privileged or confidential. This is particularly sensitive for Marketing and PR.
    Control over Brand Image and Inappropriate Content Medium
    • Employees on social media channels may post something inappropriate to the nature of your business.
    • Employees can post something that compromises industry and/or ethical standards.
    • Use SMMP outbound filtering/post approval workflows to censor certain inappropriate keywords.
    • Select the team carefully and ensure they are fully trained on both official company policy and social media etiquette.
    • Ensure strong enforcement of Social Media AUPs: take a zero tolerance approach to flagrant abuses.

    Security is a top-of-mind risk, though bandwidth is a low priority issue for most organizations

    Risk Category Likelihood Risk(s) Suggested Mitigation Strategy
    IT Security Medium Risk of employees downloading or being sent malware through social media services. Your clients are also exposed to this risk; this may undermine their trust of your brand.
    • Implement policies that outline appropriate precautions by employees, such as using effective passwords and not downloading unauthorized software.
    • Use web-filtering and anti-malware software that incorporates social media as a threat vector.
    Bandwidth Low Increase in bandwidth needs to support social media efforts, particularly when using video social media such as YouTube.
    • Plan for any bandwidth requirements with IT network staff.
    • Most social media strategies shouldn’t have a material impact on bandwidth.

    Poaching of client lists and increased costs are unlikely to occur, but address as a worst case scenario

    Risk Category Likelihood Risk(s) Suggested Mitigation Strategy
    Competitors Poaching Client Lists Low The ability for a competitor to view lists of clients that have joined your organization’s social media groups.
    • In a public social network, you cannot prevent this. Monitor your own brand as well as competitors’. If client secrecy must be maintained, then you should use a private social network (e.g. Jive, Lithium, private SharePoint site), not a public network.
    Increased Cost of Servicing Customers Low Additional resources may be allocated to social media without seeing immediate ROI.
    • Augment existing customer service responsibilities with social media requests.
    • If a dedicated resource is not available, dedicate a specific amount of time per employee to be spent addressing customer concerns via social media.

    Determine your top social media risks and develop an appropriate mitigation strategy that incorporates an SMMP

    Associated Activity icon 3.1.3 20 minutes

    INPUT: Risk assessment inventory

    OUTPUT: Top social media risks and mitigation plan

    MATERIALS: Whiteboard, Markers

    PARTICIPANTS: Project Manager, Core project team

    1. Based on your unique business variables, which social media risk categories are most applicable to your organization? In what order?
    2. Summarize the top risks below and identify mitigation steps (which often involve effective use of a dedicated SMMP).
    Rank Risk Category Mitigation Steps
    High Confidentiality We have strong records retention requirements, so using a rules-based SMMP like SocialVolt is a must.
    Medium Brand Image Ensure that only personnel who have undergone mandatory training can touch our social accounts via an SMMP.
    Low Competitors’ Poaching Lists Migrate our Business Services division contacts onto LinkedIn – maintain no Facebook presence for these clients.

    Determine the workflows that will be supported using your social media management platform

    Determine when, where, and how social media services should be used to augment existing workflows across (and between) the business process domains. Establish escalation rules and decide whether workflows will be reactive or proactively.

    • Fine tune your efforts in each business process domain by matching social technologies to specific business workflows. This will clearly delineate where value is created by leveraging social media.
    • Common business process domains that should be targeted include marketing, sales, and customer service. Public relations, human resources, and analyst relations are other areas to consider for social process support.
    • For each business process domain, IT should assist with technology enablement and execution.
    Target domains: 'Marketing', 'Sales', 'Customer Service', 'Public Relations', 'Human Resources'.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    The social media governance team should have high-level supervision of process workflows. Ask to see reports from line managers on what steps they have taken to put process in place for reactive and proactive customer interactions, as well as escalations and channel switching. IT helps orchestrate these processes through knowledge and expertise with SMMP workflow capability.

    There are three primary models for SMMP deployment: the agency model uses the SMMP as a third-party offering

    There are three models for deploying an SMMP: agency, centralized, and distributed.

    Agency Model
    Visual of the Agency Model with the 'Social Cloud' attached to the 'SMMP' attached to the 'Agency (e.g. marketing or public relations agency)' attached to the 'Client Organization (Marketing, Sales, Service)'
    • In the agency model of SMMP deployment, the platform is managed on behalf of the organization by a third party – typically a marketing or public relations agency.
    • The agency serves as the primary touch point for the client organization: the client requests the types of market research it wants done, or the campaigns it wants managed. The agency uses its own SMMP(s) to execute the requests. Often, the SMMP’s results or dashboards will be rebranded by the agency.
    • Pros: The agency model is useful when large portions of marketing, service, or public relations are already being outsourced to a third-party provider. Going with an agency also splits the cost of more expensive SMMPs over multiple clients, and limits deployment costs.
    • Cons: The client organization has no direct control over the platform; going with an agency is not cost effective for firms with in-house marketing or PR capabilities.
    • Advice: Go with an agency-managed SMMP if you already use an agency for marketing or PR.

    Select the centralized deployment model when SMMP functionality rests in the hands of a single department

    Centralized Model
    Visual of the Centralized Model with the 'Social Cloud' attached to the 'SMMP' attached to 'Marketing' attached to the 'Sales' and 'Service'
    In this example, marketing owns and manages a single SMMP
    • In the centralized model, a single SMMP workspace is owned and operated predominantly by a single business unit or department. Unlike the agency model, the SMMP functionality is utilized in-house.
    • Information from the SMMP may occasionally be shared with other departments, but normally the platform is used almost exclusively by a single group in the company. Marketing or public relations are usually the groups that maintain ownership of the SMMP in the centralized model (with selection and deployment assistance from the IT department).
    • Pros: The centralized model provides small organizations with an in-house, dedicated SMMP without having to go through an agency. Having a single group own and manage the SMMP is considerably more cost effective than having SMMPs licensed to multiple business units in a small company.
    • Cons: If more and more departments start clamoring for control of SMMP resources, the centralized model will fail to meet the overall needs of the organization.
    • Advice: Small-to-medium enterprises with mid-sized topic or brand portfolios should use the centralized model.

    Go with a distributed deployment if multiple business units require advanced SMMP functionality

    Distributed Model
    Visual of the Distributed Model with the 'Social Cloud' attached to two 'SMMPs', one attached to 'Marketing' and 'Sales', the other to 'Customer Service' and 'Public Relations'.
    • In the distributed model, multiple SMMPs (sometimes from different vendors) or multiple SMMP workspaces (from a single vendor) are deployed to several groups (e.g. multiple departments or brand portfolios) in the organization.
    • Pros: The distributed model is highly effective in large organizations with multiple departments or brands that each are interested in SMMP functionality. Having separate workspaces for each business group enables customizing workspaces to satisfy different goals of the different business groups.
    • Cons: The cost of deploying multiple SMMP workspaces can be prohibitive.
    • Advice: Go with the distributed model if your organization is large and has multiple relevant departments or product marketing groups, with differing social media goals.

    Determine which deployment model works best for your organization

    Associated Activity icon 3.1.4 1 Hour

    INPUT: Deployment models

    OUTPUT: Best fit deployment model

    MATERIALS: Whiteboard, Markers

    PARTICIPANTS: Project Manager, Core project team

    1. Assess and understand the three models of SMMP deployments: agency, centralized and distributed. Consider the pros and cons of each model.
    2. Understand how your organization manages enterprise social media. Consider the follow questions:
      • What is the size of your organization?
      • Who owns the management of social media in your organization?
      • Is social media managed in-house or outsourced to an agency?
      • What are the number of departments that use and rely on social media?
    3. Select the best deployment model for your organization.
    Agency Model Centralized Model Distributed Model
    Visual of the Agency Model with the 'Social Cloud' attached to the 'SMMP' attached to the 'Agency (e.g. marketing or public relations agency)' attached to the 'Client Organization (Marketing, Sales, Service)' Visual of the Centralized Model with the 'Social Cloud' attached to the 'SMMP' attached to 'Marketing' attached to the 'Sales' and 'Service' Visual of the Distributed Model with the 'Social Cloud' attached to two 'SMMPs', one attached to 'Marketing' and 'Sales', the other to 'Customer Service' and 'Public Relations'.

    Create an SMMP training matrix based on social media roles

    IT must assist the business by creating and executing a role-based training program. An SMMP expert in IT should lead training sessions for targeted groups of end users, training them only on the functions they require to perform their jobs.

    Use the table below to help identify which roles should be trained on which SMMP features.

    PR Professionals Marketing Brand, Product, and Channel Managers Customer Service Reps and Manager Product Development and Market Research IT Application Support
    Account Management Circle indicating a positive field. Circle indicating a positive field. Circle indicating a positive field. Circle indicating a positive field. Circle indicating a positive field.
    Response and Engagement Circle indicating a positive field. Circle indicating a positive field. Circle indicating a positive field.
    Social Analytics and Data Mining Circle indicating a positive field. Circle indicating a positive field. Circle indicating a positive field.
    Marketing Campaign Execution Circle indicating a positive field. Circle indicating a positive field.
    Mobile Access Circle indicating a positive field. Circle indicating a positive field. Circle indicating a positive field.
    Archiving Circle indicating a positive field.
    CRM Integration Circle indicating a positive field.

    Phase 3, Step 2: Track your metrics



    Establish best practices for SMMP implementation Assess the measured value from the project

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    • Identify metrics and KPIs for business units using a dedicated SMMP

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Core Project Team
    • Representative Stakeholders from Digital Marketing, Sales, and IT

    Outcomes of this step

    • Key Performance Indicators

    Know key performance indicators (KPIs) for each department that employs a dedicated social media management platform

    Share of Voice
    How often a brand is mentioned, relative to other brands competing in a defined market.

    User Engagement
    Quantity and quality of customer interactions with a brand or with each other, either on- or offline.

    Campaign Success
    Tracking reception of campaigns and leads brought in as a result.
    Marketing KPIs Reach
    Measurement of the size of market your brand advertisements and communications reach.

    The number of exposures your content, ad, or social post has to people in your target audience.

    Cost per Point (CPP)
    Cost to reach one percent of your organization’s audience.

    Product Innovation
    The quantity and quality of improvements, updates, and changes to existing products.

    Time that passes between idea generation and the product being available to consumers.

    Product Development KPIs

    New Product Launches
    A ratio of completely new product types released to brand extensions and improvements.

    Cancelled Projects
    Measure of quality of ideas generated and quality of idea assessment method.

    Use social media metrics to complement your existing departmental KPIs – not usurp them

    Cost per Lead
    The average amount an organization spends to find leads.

    Conversion Rate
    How many sales are made in relation to the number of leads.

    Quantity of Leads
    How many sales leads are in the funnel at a given time.
    Sales KPIs Average Cycle Time
    Average length of time it takes leads to progress through the sales cycle.

    Revenue by Lead
    Total revenue divided by total number of leads.

    Avg. Revenue per Rep
    Total revenue divided by number of sales reps.

    Time to Resolution
    Average amount of time it takes for customers to get a response they are satisfied with.

    First Contact Resolution
    How often customer issues are resolved on the first contact.

    Customer Service KPIs

    Contact Frequency
    The number of repeated interactions from the same customers.

    Satisfaction Scores
    Determined from customer feedback – either through surveys or gathered sporadically.

    Social analytics don’t operate alone; merge social data with traditional data to gain the deepest insights

    Employee Retention
    The level of effort an organization exerts to maintain its current staff.

    Employee Engagement
    Rating of employee satisfaction overall or with a given aspect of the workplace.

    Preferred Employer
    A company where candidates would rather work over other companies.
    Marketing KPIs Recruitment Cycle Time
    Average length of time required to recruit a new employee.

    Employee Productivity
    A comparison of employee inputs (time, effort, etc.) and outputs (work).

    Employee Referrals
    The ratio of employee referrals that complete the recruitment process.

    There are conversations going on behind your back, and if you're not participating in them, then you're either not perpetuating the positive conversation or not diffusing the negative. And that's irresponsible in today's business world.” (Lon Safko, Social Media Bible)

    Identify key performance indicators for business units using an SMMP

    Associated Activity icon 3.2.1 30 minutes

    INPUT: Social media goals


    MATERIALS: Whiteboard, Markers

    PARTICIPANTS: Representative stakeholders from different business units

    For each listed department, identify the social media goals and departmental key performance indicators to measure the impact of the SMMP.

    DepartmentSocial Media GoalsKPI
    • E.g. build a positive brand image
    • Net increase in brand recognition
    Product Development
    • Launch a viral video campaign showcasing product attributes to drive increased YT traffic
    • Net increase in unaided customer recall
    • Enhance sales lead generation through social channels
    • Net increase in sales lead generation in the social media sales funnel
    Customer Service
    • Produce more timely responses to customer enquiries and complaints
    • Reduced time to resolution
    • Enhance social media recruitment channels
    • Number of LinkedIn recruitment

    If you want additional support, have our analysts guide you through this phase as part of an Info-Tech Workshop Associated Activity icon

    Book a workshop with our Info-Tech analysts:

    Photo of an Info-Tech analyst.
    • To accelerate this project, engage your IT team in an Info-Tech workshop with an Info-Tech analyst team.
    • Info-Tech analyst will join you and your team onsite at your location or welcome you to Info-Tech's historic Toronto office to participate in an innovative onsite workshop.
    • Contact your account manager (, or email for more information.

    The following are sample activities that will be conducted by Info-Tech analysts with your team:


    Sample of activity 3.1.1 'Establish a governance structure for social media management'. Establish a governance structure for social media management

    Our Info-Tech analyst will walk you through the exercise of developing roles and responsibilities to govern your social media program.


    Sample of activity 3.1.2 'Specify the data linkages you will need between your CRM platform and SMMP'. Specify the data linkages you will need between your CRM and SMMP

    The analyst will help you identify the points of integration between the SMMP and your CRM platform.

    If you want additional support, have our analysts guide you through this phase as part of an Info-Tech Workshop Associated Activity icon

    Book a workshop with our Info-Tech analysts:


    Sample of activity 3.1.3 'Determine your top social media risks and develop an appropriate mitigation strategy that incorporates an SMMP'. Determine your top social media risks

    Our Info-Tech analyst will facilitate the discussion to identify the top risks associated with the SMMP and determine mitigation strategies for each risk.


    Sample of activity 3.1.4 'Determine which deployment model works best for your organization'. Determine the best-fit deployment model

    An analyst will demonstrate the different SMMP deployment models and assist in determining the most suitable model for your organization.


    Sample of activity 3.2.1 'Identify key performance indicators for business units using an SMMP'. Identify departmental KPIs

    An analyst will work with different stakeholders to determine the top social media goals for each department.


    Works Cited

    Ashja, Mojtaba, Akram Hadizadeh, and Hamid Bidram. “Comparative Study of Large Information Systems’ CSFs During Their Life Cycle.” Information Systems Frontiers. September 8, 2013.

    UBM. “The State of Social Media Analytics.” January, 2016.

    Jobvite. “2015 Recruiter Nation Survey.” September, 2015.

    Vendor Landscape Analysis Appendices

    Vendor Landscape Methodology:

    Info-Tech’s Vendor Landscapes are research materials that review a particular IT market space, evaluating the strengths and abilities of both the products available in that space, as well as the vendors of those products. These materials are created by a team of dedicated analysts operating under the direction of a senior subject matter expert over a period of several weeks.

    Evaluations weigh selected vendors and their products (collectively “solutions”) on the following eight criteria to determine overall standing:

    • Features: The presence of advanced and market-differentiating capabilities.
    • User Interface: The intuitiveness, power, and integrated nature of administrative consoles and client software components.
    • Affordability: The three-year total cost of ownership of the solution; flexibility of the pricing and discounting structure.
    • Architecture: The degree of integration with the vendor’s other tools, flexibility of deployment, and breadth of platform applicability.
    • Viability: The stability of the company as measured by its history in the market, the size of its client base, and its percentage of growth.
    • Focus: The commitment to both the market space, as well as to the various sized clients (small, mid-sized, and enterprise clients).
    • Reach: The ability of the vendor to support its products on a global scale.
    • Sales: The structure of the sales process and the measure of the size of the vendor’s channel and industry partners.

    Evaluated solutions within scenarios are visually represented by a Pathway to Success, based off a linear graph using above scoring methods:

    • Use-case scenarios are decided upon based on analyst expertise and experience with Info-Tech clients.
    • Use-case scenarios are defined through feature requirements, predetermined by analyst expertise.
    • Placement within scenario rankings consists of features being evaluated against the other scoring criteria.

    Info-Tech’s Vendor Landscapes are researched and produced according to a strictly adhered to process that includes the following steps:

    • Vendor/product selection
    • Information gathering
    • Vendor/product scoring
    • Information presentation
    • Fact checking
    • Publication

    This document outlines how each of these steps is conducted.

    Vendor Landscape Methodology:
    Vendor/Product Selection & Information Gathering

    Info-Tech works closely with its client base to solicit guidance in terms of understanding the vendors with whom clients wish to work and the products that they wish evaluated; this demand pool forms the basis of the vendor selection process for Vendor Landscapes. Balancing this demand, Info-Tech also relies upon the deep subject matter expertise and market awareness of its Senior Analysts to ensure that appropriate solutions are included in the evaluation. As an aspect of that expertise and awareness, Info-Tech’s analysts may, at their discretion, determine the specific capabilities that are required of the products under evaluation, and include in the Vendor Landscape only those solutions that meet all specified requirements.

    Information on vendors and products is gathered in a number of ways via a number of channels.

    Initially, a request package is submitted to vendors to solicit information on a broad range of topics. The request package includes:

    • A detailed survey.
    • A pricing scenario (see Vendor Landscape Methodology: Price Evaluation and Pricing Scenario, below).
    • A request for reference clients.
    • A request for a briefing and, where applicable, guided product demonstration.

    These request packages are distributed approximately eight weeks prior to the initiation of the actual research project to allow vendors ample time to consolidate the required information and schedule appropriate resources.

    During the course of the research project, briefings and demonstrations are scheduled (generally for one hour each session, though more time is scheduled as required) to allow the analyst team to discuss the information provided in the survey, validate vendor claims, and gain direct exposure to the evaluated products. Additionally, an end-user survey is circulated to Info-Tech’s client base and vendor-supplied reference accounts are interviewed to solicit their feedback on their experiences with the evaluated solutions and with the vendors of those solutions.

    These materials are supplemented by a thorough review of all product briefs, technical manuals, and publicly available marketing materials about the product, as well as about the vendor itself.

    Refusal by a vendor to supply completed surveys or submit to participation in briefings and demonstrations does not eliminate a vendor from inclusion in the evaluation. Where analyst and client input has determined that a vendor belongs in a particular evaluation, it will be evaluated as best as possible based on publicly available materials only. As these materials are not as comprehensive as a survey, briefing, and demonstration, the possibility exists that the evaluation may not be as thorough or accurate. Since Info-Tech includes vendors regardless of vendor participation, it is always in the vendor’s best interest to participate fully.

    All information is recorded and catalogued, as required, to facilitate scoring and for future reference.

    Vendor Landscape Methodology:

    Once all information has been gathered and evaluated for all vendors and products, the analyst team moves to scoring. All scoring is performed at the same time so as to ensure as much consistency as possible. Each criterion is scored on a ten-point scale, though the manner of scoring for criteria differs slightly:

    • Features is scored via Cumulative Scoring.
    • Affordability is scored via Scalar Scoring.
    • All other criteria are scored via Base5 Scoring.

    Cumulative Scoring is on a four-point scale. Zero points are awarded to features that are deemed absent or unsatisfactory, one point is assigned to features that are partially present, two points are assigned to features that require an extra purchase in the vendor’s product portfolio or through a third party, three points are assigned to features that are fully present and native to the solution, and four points are assigned to the best-of-breed native feature. The assigned points are summed and normalized to a value out of ten. For example, if a particular Vendor Landscape evaluates eight specific features in the Feature Criteria, the summed score out of eight for each evaluated product would be multiplied by 1.25 to yield a value out of ten to represent in a Harvey Ball format.

    In Scalar Scoring, a score of ten is assigned to the lowest cost solution, and a score of one is assigned to the highest cost solution. All other solutions are assigned a mathematically-determined score based on their proximity to / distance from these two endpoints. For example, in an evaluation of three solutions, where the middle cost solution is closer to the low end of the pricing scale it will receive a higher score, and where it is closer to the high end of the pricing scale it will receive a lower score; depending on proximity to the high or low price it is entirely possible that it could receive either ten points (if it is very close to the lowest price) or one point (if it is very close to the highest price). Where pricing cannot be determined (vendor does not supply price and public sources do not exist), a score of 0 is automatically assigned.

    In Base5 scoring a number of sub-criteria are specified for each criterion (for example, Longevity, Market Presence, and Financials are sub-criteria of the Viability criterion), and each one is scored on the following scale:

    • 5 - The product/vendor is exemplary in this area (nothing could be done to improve the status).
    • 4 - The product/vendor is good in this area (small changes could be made that would move things to the next level).
    • 3 - The product/vendor is adequate in this area (small changes would make it good, more significant changes required to be exemplary).
    • 2 - The product/vendor is poor in this area (this is a notable weakness and significant work is required).
    • 1 - The product/vendor fails in this area (this is a glaring oversight and a serious impediment to adoption).

    The assigned points are summed and normalized to a value out of ten as explained in Cumulative Scoring above.

    Scores out of ten, known as Raw scores, are transposed as is into Info-Tech’s Vendor Landscape Shortlist Tool, which automatically determines Vendor Landscape positioning (see Vendor Landscape Methodology: Information Presentation – Vendor Landscape, below), Criteria Score (see Vendor Landscape Methodology: Information Presentation – Criteria Score, below), and Value Index (see Vendor Landscape Methodology: Information Presentation – Value Index, below).

    Vendor Landscape Methodology:
    Information Presentation – Criteria Scores (Harvey Balls)

    Info-Tech’s criteria scores are visual representations of the absolute score assigned to each individual criterion, as well as of the calculated overall vendor and product scores. The visual representation used is Harvey Balls.

    Harvey Balls are calculated as follows:

    1. Raw scores are transposed into the Info-Tech Vendor Landscape Shortlist Tool (for information on how raw scores are determined, see Vendor Landscape Methodology: Scoring, above).
    2. Each individual criterion raw score is multiplied by a pre-assigned weighting factor for the Vendor Landscape in question. Weighting factors are determined prior to the evaluation process, based on the expertise of the Senior or Lead Research Analyst, to eliminate any possibility of bias. Weighting factors are expressed as a percentage, such that the sum of the weighting factors for the vendor criteria (Viability, Strategy, Reach, Channel) is 100%, and the sum of the product criteria (Features, Usability, Affordability, Architecture) is 100%.
    3. A sum-product of the weighted vendor criteria scores and of the weighted product criteria scores is calculated to yield an overall vendor score and an overall product score.
    4. Both overall vendor score / overall product score, as well as individual criterion raw scores are converted from a scale of one to ten to Harvey Ball scores on a scale of zero to four, where exceptional performance results in a score of four and poor performance results in a score of zero.
    5. Harvey Ball scores are converted to Harvey Balls as follows:
      • A score of four becomes a full Harvey Ball.
      • A score of three becomes a three-quarter full Harvey Ball.
      • A score of two becomes a half-full Harvey Ball.
      • A score of one becomes a one-quarter full Harvey Ball.
      • A score of zero becomes an empty Harvey Ball.
    6. Harvey Balls are plotted by solution in a chart where rows represent individual solutions and columns represent overall vendor / overall product, as well as individual criteria. Solutions are ordered in the chart alphabetically by vendor name.
    Harvey Balls
    Overall Harvey Balls represent weighted aggregates. Example of Harvey Balls with 'Overall' balls at the beginning of each category followed by 'Criteria' balls for individual raw scores. Criteria Harvey Balls represent individual raw scores.

    Vendor Landscape Methodology:
    Use-Case Scoring

    Within each Vendor Landscape a set of use-case scenarios are created by the analysts by considering the different outcomes and purposes related to the technology being evaluated. To generate the custom use-case vendor performances, the feature and Harvey Ball scoring performed in the Vendor Landscapes are set with custom weighting configurations.


    Each product has a vendor multiplier calculated based on its weighted performance, considering the different criteria scored in the Harvey Ball evaluations.

    To calculate each vendor’s performance, the advanced feature scores are multiplied against the weighting for the feature in the use-case scenario’s configuration.

    The weighted advanced feature score is then multiplied against the vendor multiplier.

    The sum of each vendor’s total weighted advanced features is calculated. This sum is used to identify the vendor’s qualification and relative rank within the use case.

    Example pie charts.

    Each use case’s feature weightings and vendor/product weighting configurations are displayed within the body of slide deck.

    Use-Case Vendor Performance

    Example stacked bar chart of use-case vendor performance.

    Vendors who qualified for each use-case scenario are ranked from first to last in a weighted bar graph based on the features considered.

    Vendor Landscape Methodology:
    Information Presentation – Feature Ranks (Stoplights)

    Advanced features are determined by analyst expertise, leveraging information gained from conversations with clients. Advanced features chosen as part of the evaluation are representative of what Info-Tech clients have indicated are of importance to their vendor solution. Advanced features are evaluated through a series of partial marks, dedicated to whether the solution performs all aspects of the Info-Tech definition of the feature and whether the feature is provided within the solution. Analysts hold the right to determine individual, unique scoring criteria for each evaluation. If a feature does not meet the criteria, Info-Tech holds the right to score the feature accordingly.

    Use cases use features as a baseline of the inclusion and scoring criteria.

    'Stoplight Legend' with green+star 'Feature category is present: best in class', green 'Feature category is present: strong', yellow 'Feature category is present: average', orange 'Feature category is partially present: weak', and red 'Feature category is absent or near-absent'.

    Vendor Landscape Methodology:
    Information Presentation – Value Index

    Info-Tech’s Value Index is an indexed ranking of solution value per dollar as determined by the raw scores assigned to each criteria (for information on how raw scores are determined, see Vendor Landscape Methodology: Scoring, above).

    Value scores are calculated as follows:

    1. The TCO Affordability criterion is removed from the Affordability score and the remaining product score criteria (Features, Usability, Architecture). Affordability scoring is adjusted with the TCO weighting distributed in proportion to the use case’s weighting for Affordability. Weighting is adjusted as to retain the same weightings relative to one another, while still summing to 100%.
    2. An adjusted multiplier is determined for each vendor using the recalculated Affordability scoring.
    3. The multiplier vendor score and vendor’s weighted feature score (based on the use-case scenario’s weightings), are summed. This sum is multiplied by the TCO raw score to yield an interim Value Score for each solution.
    4. All interim Value Scores are then indexed to the highest performing solution by dividing each interim Value Score by the highest interim Value Score. This results in a Value Score of 100 for the top solution and an indexed Value Score relative to the 100 for each alternate solution.
    5. Solutions are plotted according to Value Score, with the highest score plotted first, and all remaining scores plotted in descending numerical order.

    Where pricing is not provided by the vendor and public sources of information cannot be found, an Affordability raw score of zero is assigned. Since multiplication by zero results in a product of zero, those solutions for which pricing cannot be determined receive a Value Score of zero. Since Info-Tech assigns a score of zero where pricing is not available, it is always in the vendor’s best interest to provide accurate and up-to-date pricing. In the event that insufficient pricing is available to accurately calculate a Value Index, Info-Tech will omit it from the Vendor Landscape.

    Value Index

    Vendors are arranged in order of Value Score. The Value Score each solution achieved is displayed, and so is the average score.

    Example bar chart indicating the 'Value Score' vs the 'Average Score'.

    Those solutions that are ranked as Champions are differentiated for point of reference.

    Vendor Landscape Methodology:
    Information Presentation – Price Evaluation: Mid-Market

    Info-Tech’s Price Evaluation is a tiered representation of the three-year Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of a proposed solution. Info-Tech uses this method of communicating pricing information to provide high-level budgetary guidance to its end-user clients while respecting the privacy of the vendors with whom it works. The solution TCO is calculated and then represented as belonging to one of ten pricing tiers.

    Pricing tiers are as follows:

    1. Between $1 and $2,500
    2. Between $2,500 and $10,000
    3. Between $10,000 and $25,000
    4. Between $25,000 and $50,000
    5. Between $50,000 and $100,000
    6. Between $100,000 and $250,000
    7. Between $250,000 and $500,000
    8. Between $500,000 and $1,000,000
    9. Between $1,000,000 and $2,500,000
    10. Greater than $2,500,000

    Where pricing is not provided, Info-Tech makes use of publicly available sources of information to determine a price. As these sources are not official price lists, the possibility exists that they may be inaccurate or outdated, and so the source of the pricing information is provided. Since Info-Tech publishes pricing information regardless of vendor participation, it is always in the vendor’s best interest to supply accurate and up to date information.

    Info-Tech’s Price Evaluations are based on pre-defined pricing scenarios (see Product Pricing Scenario, below) to ensure a comparison that is as close as possible between evaluated solutions. Pricing scenarios describe a sample business and solicit guidance as to the appropriate product/service mix required to deliver the specified functionality, the list price for those tools/services, as well as three full years of maintenance and support.

    Price Evaluation

    Call-out bubble indicates within which price tier the three-year TCO for the solution falls, provides the brackets of that price tier, and links to the graphical representation.

    Example price evaluation with a '3 year TCO...' statement, a visual gauge of bars, and a statement on the source of the information.

    Scale along the bottom indicates that the graphic as a whole represents a price scale with a range of $1 to $2.5M+, while the notation indicates whether the pricing was supplied by the vendor or derived from public sources.

    Vendor Landscape Methodology:
    Information Presentation – Vendor Awards

    At the conclusion of all analyses, Info-Tech presents awards to exceptional solutions in three distinct categories. Award presentation is discretionary; not all awards are extended subsequent to each Vendor Landscape and it is entirely possible, though unlikely, that no awards may be presented.

    Awards categories are as follows:

    • Champion Awards are presented to the top performing solution in a particular use-case scenario. As a result, only one Champion Award is given for each use case, and the entire Vendor Landscape will have the same number of Champion Awards as the number of evaluated use cases.
    • Leader Awards are presented to top performing solutions for each use-case scenario. Depending on the use-case scenario and the number of solutions being evaluated, a variable number of leader awards will be given. This number is at the discretion of the analysts, but is generally placed at two, and given to the solutions ranking second and third respectively for the use case.
    • Best Overall Value Awards are presented to the solution for each use-case scenario that ranked the highest in the Info-Tech Value Index for each evaluated scenario (see Vendor Landscape Methodology: Information Presentation – Value Index, above). If insufficient pricing information is made available for the evaluated solutions, such that a Value Index cannot be calculated, no Best Overall Value Award will be presented. Only one Best Overall Value Award is available for each use-case scenario.

    Vendor Awards for Use-Case Performance

    Vendor Award: 'Champion'. Info-Tech’s Champion Award is presented to solutions that placed first in an use-case scenario within the Vendor Landscape.
    Vendor Award: 'Leader'. Info-Tech Leader Award is given to solutions who placed in the top segment of a use-case scenario.
    Vendor Award: 'Best Overall Value'. Info-Tech’s Best Overall Value Award is presented to the solution within each use-case scenario with the highest Value Index score.

    Vendor Landscape Methodology:
    Fact Check & Publication

    Info-Tech takes the factual accuracy of its Vendor Landscapes, and indeed of all of its published content, very seriously. To ensure the utmost accuracy in its Vendor Landscapes, we invite all vendors of evaluated solutions (whether the vendor elected to provide a survey and/or participate in a briefing or not) to participate in a process of fact check.

    Once the research project is complete and the materials are deemed to be in a publication ready state, excerpts of the material specific to each vendor’s solution are provided to the vendor. Info-Tech only provides material specific to the individual vendor’s solution for review encompassing the following:

    • All written review materials of the vendor and the vendor’s product that comprise the evaluated solution.
    • Info-Tech’s Criteria Scores / Harvey Balls detailing the individual and overall vendor / product scores assigned.
    • Info-Tech’s Feature Rank / stoplights detailing the individual feature scores of the evaluated product.
    • Info-Tech’s Raw Pricing for the vendor either as received from the vendor or as collected from publicly available sources.
    • Info-Tech’s Scenario ranking for all considered scenarios for the evaluated solution.

    Info-Tech does not provide the following:

    • Info-Tech’s Vendor Landscape placement of the evaluated solution.
    • Info-Tech’s Value Score for the evaluated solution.
    • End-user feedback gathered during the research project.
    • Info-Tech’s overall recommendation in regard to the evaluated solution.

    Info-Tech provides a one-week window for each vendor to provide written feedback. Feedback must be corroborated (be provided with supporting evidence), and where it does, feedback that addresses factual errors or omissions is adopted fully, while feedback that addresses opinions is taken under consideration. The assigned analyst team makes all appropriate edits and supplies an edited copy of the materials to the vendor within one week for final review.

    Should a vendor still have concerns or objections at that time, they are invited to a conversation, initially via email, but as required and deemed appropriate by Info-Tech, subsequently via telephone, to ensure common understanding of the concerns. Where concerns relate to ongoing factual errors or omissions, they are corrected under the supervision of Info-Tech’s Vendor Relations personnel. Where concerns relate to ongoing differences of opinion, they are again taken under consideration with neither explicit not implicit indication of adoption.

    Publication of materials is scheduled to occur within the six weeks following the completion of the research project, but does not occur until the fact check process has come to conclusion, and under no circumstances are “pre-publication” copies of any materials made available to any client.

    Pricing Scenario

    Info-Tech Research Group is providing each vendor with a common pricing scenario to enable normalized scoring of Affordability, calculation of Value Index rankings, and identification of the appropriate solution pricing tier as displayed on each vendor scorecard.

    Vendors are asked to provide list costs for SMMP software licensing to address the needs of a reference organization described in the pricing scenario. Please price out the lowest possible 3-year total cost of ownership (TCO) including list prices for software and licensing fees to meet the requirements of the following scenario.

    Three-year total acquisition costs will be normalized to produce the Affordability raw scores and calculate Value Index ratings for each solution.

    The pricing scenario:

    • Enterprise Name: Imperial Products Incorporated
    • Enterprise Size: SMB
    • Enterprise Vertical: Consumer packaged goods
    • Total Number of Sites: Three office locations
    • Total Number of Employees: 500
    • Total Number SMMP End Users: 50
      • 20 dedicated CSRs who are handling all customer service issues routed to them
      • 5 PR managers who need the ability to monitor the social cloud
      • 24 brand portfolio managers – each portfolio has 5 products (25 total)
      • Each product has its own Facebook and Twitter presence
      • 1 HR manager (using social media for recruiting)
    • Total Number of IT Staff: 20
    • Operating System Environment: Windows 7
    • Functional Requirements and Additional Information: Imperial Products Incorporated is a mid-sized consumer packaged goods firm operating in the United States. The organization is currently looking to adopt a platform for social media monitoring and management. Functional requirements include the ability to monitor and publish to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and blogs. The platform must have the ability to display volume trends, show follower demographics, and conduct sentiment analysis. It must also provide tools for interacting in-platform with social contacts, provide workflow management capabilities, and offer the ability to manage specific social properties (e.g. Facebook Pages). Additional features that are desirable are the ability to archive social interactions, and a dedicated mobile application for one of the major smartphone/tablet operating systems (iOS, Android etc.).

    Accelerate Digital Transformation With a Digital Factory

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}93|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 10.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $50,000 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 20 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Innovation
    • Parent Category Link: /innovation
    • Organizational challenges are hampering digital transformation (DX) initiatives.
    • The organization’s existing digital factory is failing to deliver value.
    • Designing a successful digital factory is a difficult process.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    To remain competitive, enterprises must deliver products and services like a startup or a digital native enterprise. This requires enterprises to:

    • Understand how digital native enterprises are designed.
    • Understand the foundations of good design: purpose, organizational support, and leadership.
    • Understand the design of the operating model: structure and organization, management practices, culture, environment, teams, technology platforms, and meaningful metrics and KPIs.

    Impact and Result

    Organizations that implement this project will draw benefits in the following aspects:

    • Gain awareness and understanding of various aspects that hamper DX.
    • Set the right foundations by having clarity of purpose, alignment on organizational support, and the right leadership in place.
    • Design an optimal operating model by setting up the right organizational structures, management practices, lean and optimal governance, agile teams, and an environment that promotes productivity and wellbeing.
    • Finally, set the right measures and KPIs.

    Accelerate Digital Transformation With a Digital Factory Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to understand the importance of a well-designed digital factory.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Build the case

    Collect data and stats that will help build a narrative for digital factory.

    • Digital Factory Playbook

    2. Lay the foundation

    Discuss purpose, mission, organizational support, and leadership.

    3. Design the operating model

    Discuss organizational structure, management, culture, teams, environment, technology, and KPIs.


    Workshop: Accelerate Digital Transformation With a Digital Factory

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Build the case

    The Purpose

    Understand and gather data and stats for factors impacting digital transformation.

    Develop a narrative for the digital factory.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Identification of key pain points and data collected

    Narrative to support the digital factory


    1.1 Understand the importance and urgency of digital transformation (DX).

    1.2 Collect data and stats on the progress of DX initiatives.

    1.3 Identify the factors that hamper DX and tie them to data/stats.

    1.4 Build the narrative for the digital factory (DF) using the data/stats.


    Identification of factors that hamper DX

    Data and stats on progress of DX

    Narrative for the digital factory

    2 Lay the foundation

    The Purpose

    Discuss the factors that impact the success of establishing a digital factory.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A solid understanding and awareness that successful digital factories have clarity of purpose, organizational support, and sound leadership.


    2.1 Discuss

    2.2 Discuss what organizational support the digital factory will require and align and commit to it.

    2.3 Discuss reference models to understand the dynamics and the strategic investment.

    2.4 Discuss leadership for the digital age.


    DF purpose and mission statements

    Alignment and commitment on organizational support

    Understanding of competitive dynamics and investment spread

    Develop the profile of a digital leader

    3 Design the operating model (part 1)

    The Purpose

    Understand the fundamentals of the operating model.

    Understand the gaps and formulate the strategies.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Design of structure and organization

    Design of culture aligned with organizational goals

    Management practices aligned with the goals of the digital factory


    3.1 Discuss structure and organization and associated organizational pathologies, with focus on hierarchy and silos, size and complexity, and project-centered mindset.

    3.2 Discuss the importance of culture and its impact on productivity and what shifts will be required.

    3.3 Discuss management for the digital factory, with focus on governance, rewards and compensation, and talent management.


    Organizational design in the context of identified pathologies

    Cultural design for the DF

    Management practices and governance for the digital factory

    Roles/responsibilities for governance

    4 Design the operating model (part 2)

    The Purpose

    Understand the fundamentals of the operating model.

    Understand the gaps and formulate the strategies.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Discuss agile teams and the roles for DF

    Environment design that supports productivity

    Understanding of existing and new platforms


    4.1 Discuss teams and various roles for the DF.

    4.2 Discuss the impact of the environment on productivity and satisfaction and discuss design factors.

    4.3 Discuss technology and tools, focusing on existing and future platforms, platform components, and organization.

    4.4 Discuss design of meaningful metrics and KPIs.


    Roles for DF teams

    Environment design factors

    Platforms and technology components

    Meaningful metrics and KPIs

    Get Started With IT Project Portfolio Management

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}443|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 10.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $7,599 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 46 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Portfolio Management
    • Parent Category Link: /portfolio-management
    • Most companies are struggling to get their project work done. This is due in part to the fact that many prescribed remedies are confusing, disruptive, costly, or ineffective.
    • While struggling to find a solution, within the organization, project requests never stop and all projects continue to all be treated the same. Resources are requested for multiple projects without any visibility into their project capacity. Projects lack proper handoffs from closure to ongoing operational work. And the benefits are never tracked.
    • If you have too many projects, limited resources, ineffective communications, or low post-project adoption, keep reading. Perhaps you should spend a bit more on project, portfolio, and organizational change management.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Successful project outcomes are not built by rigorous project processes: Projects may be the problem, but project management rigor is not the solution.
    • Don’t fall into the common trap of thinking high-rigor project management should be every organization’s end goal.
    • Instead, understand that it is better to spend time assessing the portfolio to determine what projects should be prioritized.

    Impact and Result

    Begin by establishing a few foundational practices that will work to drive project throughput.

    • Capacity Estimation: Understand what your capacity is to do projects by determining how much time is allocated to doing other things.
    • Book of Record: Establish a basic but sustainable book of record so there is an official list of projects in flight and those waiting in a backlog or funnel.
    • Simple Project Management Processes: Align the rigor of your project management process with what is required, not what is prescribed by the PMP designation.
    • Impact Assessment: Address the impact of change at the beginning of the project and prepare stakeholders with the right level of communication.

    Get Started With IT Project Portfolio Management Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Begin by establishing a few foundational practices that will work to drive project throughput. Most project management problems are resolved with portfolio level solutions. This blueprint will address the eco-system of project, portfolio, and organizational change management.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Project portfolio management

    Estimate project capacity, determine what needs to be tracked on an ongoing basis, and determine what criteria is necessary for prioritizing projects.

    • Project Portfolio Supply-Demand Analysis Tool
    • Project Value Scorecard Development Tool
    • Project Portfolio Book of Record

    2. Project management

    Develop a process to inform the portfolio of the project status, create a plan that can be maintained throughout the project lifecycle, and manage the scope through a change request process.

    • Light Project Change Request Form Template

    3. Organizational change management

    Perform a change impact assessment and identify the obvious and non-obvious stakeholders to develop a message canvas accordingly.

    • Organizational Change Management Triage Tool

    4. Develop an action plan

    Develop a roadmap for how to move from the current state to the target state.

    • PPM Wireframe
    • Project Portfolio Management Foundations Stakeholder Communication Deck

    Workshop: Get Started With IT Project Portfolio Management

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Project Portfolio Management

    The Purpose

    Establish the current state of the portfolio.

    Organize the portfolio requirements.

    Determine how projects are prioritized.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Understand project capacity supply-demand.

    Build a portfolio book of record.

    Create a project value scorecard.


    1.1 Conduct capacity supply-demand estimation.

    1.2 Determine requirements for portfolio book of record.

    1.3 Develop project value criteria.


    Clear project capacity

    Draft portfolio book of record

    Project value scorecard

    2 Project Management

    The Purpose

    Feed the portfolio with the project status.

    Plan the project work with a sustainable level of granularity.

    Manage the project as conditions change.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Develop a process to inform the portfolio of the project status.

    Create a plan that can be maintained throughout the project lifecycle and manage the scope through a change request process.


    2.1 Determine necessary reporting metrics.

    2.2 Create a work structure breakdown.

    2.3 Document your project change request process.


    Feed the portfolio with the project status

    Plan the project work with a sustainable level of granularity

    Manage the project as conditions change

    3 Organizational Change Management

    The Purpose

    Discuss change accountability.

    Complete a change impact assessment.

    Create a communication plan for stakeholders.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Complete a change impact assessment.

    Identify the obvious and non-obvious stakeholders and develop a message canvas accordingly.


    3.1 Discuss change accountability.

    3.2 Complete a change impact assessment.

    3.3 Create a communication plan for stakeholders.


    Assign accountability for the change

    Assess the change impact

    Communicate the change

    4 Develop an Action Plan

    The Purpose

    Summarize current state.

    Determine target state.

    Create a roadmap.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Develop a roadmap for how to move from the current state to the target state.


    4.1 Summarize current state and target state.

    4.2 Create a roadmap.


    Stakeholder Communication Deck

    MS Project Wireframe

    Mitigate the Risk of Cloud Downtime and Data Loss

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}412|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: DR and Business Continuity
    • Parent Category Link: /business-continuity
    • Senior leadership is asking difficult questions about the organization’s dependency on third-party cloud services and the risk that poses.
    • IT leaders have limited control over third-party incidents and that includes cloud services. Yet they are on the hot seat when cloud services go down.
    • While vendors have swooped in to provide resilience options for the more-common SaaS solutions, it is not the case for all cloud services.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • No control over the software does not mean no recovery options. Solutions range from designing an IT workaround using alternate technologies to pre-defined third-party service continuity options (e.g. see options for O365) to business workarounds.
    • Even where there is limited control, you can at least define an incident response plan to streamline notification, assessment, and implementation of workarounds. Leadership wants more options than simply waiting for the service to come back online.
    • At a minimum, IT’s responsibility is to identify and communicate risk to senior leadership. That starts with a vendor review to identify SLA issues and overall resilience gaps.

    Impact and Result

    • Follow a structured process to assess cloud resilience risk.
    • Identify opportunities to mitigate risk – at the very least, ensure critical data is protected.
    • Summarize cloud services risk, mitigation options, and incident response for senior leadership.

    Mitigate the Risk of Cloud Downtime and Data Loss Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Mitigate the Risk of Cloud Downtime and Data Loss – Step-by-step guide to assess risk, identify risk mitigation options, and create an incident response plan.

    Even where there is limited control, you can define an incident response plan to streamline notification, assessment, and implementation of workarounds.

    • Mitigate the Risk of Cloud Downtime and Data Loss Storyboard

    2. Cloud Services Incident Risk and Mitigation Review – Review your key cloud vendors’ SLAs, incident preparedness, and data protection strategy.

    At a minimum, IT’s responsibility is to identify and communicate risk to senior leadership. That starts with a vendor review to identify SLA and overall resilience gaps.

    • Cloud Services Incident Risk and Mitigation Review Tool

    3. SaaS Incident Response Workflows – Use these examples to guide your efforts to create cloud incident response workflows.

    The examples illustrate different approaches to incident response depending on the criticality of the service and options available.

    • SaaS Incident Response Workflows (Visio)
    • SaaS Incident Response Workflows (PDF)

    4. Cloud Services Resilience Summary – Use this template to capture your results.

    Summarize cloud services risk, mitigation options, and incident response for senior leadership.

    • Cloud Services Resilience Summary

    Further reading

    Mitigate the Risk of Cloud Downtime and Data Loss

    Resilience and disaster recovery in an increasingly Cloudy and SaaSy world.

    Analyst Perspective

    If you think cloud means you don’t need a response plan, then get your resume ready.

    Frank Trovato

    Most organizations are now recognizing that they can’t ignore the risk of a cloud outage or data loss, and the challenge is “what can I do about it?” since there is limited control.

    If you still think “it’s in the cloud, so I don’t need to worry about it,” then get your resume ready. When O365 goes down, your executives are calling IT, not Microsoft, for an answer of what’s being done and what can they do in the meantime to get the business up and running again.

    The key is to recognize what you can control and what actions you can take to evaluate and mitigate risk. At a minimum, you can ensure senior leadership is aware of the risk and define a plan for how you will respond to an incident, even if that is limited to monitoring and communicating status.

    Often you can do more, including defining IT workarounds, backing up your SaaS data for additional protection, and using business process workarounds to bridge the gap, as illustrated in the case studies in this blueprint.

    Frank Trovato
    Research Director, Infrastructure & Operations

    Info-Tech Research Group

    Use this blueprint to expand your DRP and BCP to account for cloud services

    As more applications are migrated to cloud-based services, disaster recovery (DR) and business continuity plans (BCP) must include an understanding of cloud risks and actions to mitigate those risks. This includes evaluating vendor and service reliability and resilience, security measures, data protection capabilities, and technology and business workarounds if there is a cloud outage or incident.

    Use the risk assessments and cloud service incident response plans developed through this blueprint to supplement your DRP and BCP as well as further inform your crisis management plans (e.g. account for cloud risks in your crisis communication planning).

    Overall Business Continuity Plan

    IT Disaster Recovery Plan

    A plan to restore IT application and infrastructure services following a disruption.

    Info-Tech’s Disaster Recovery Planning blueprint provides a methodology for creating the IT DRP. Leverage this blueprint to validate and provide inputs for your IT DRP.

    BCP for Each Business Unit

    A set of plans to resume business processes for each business unit.

    Info-Tech’s Develop a Business Continuity Plan blueprint provides a methodology for creating business unit BCPs as part of an overall BCP for the organization.

    Crisis Management Plan

    A plan to manage a wide range of crises, from health and safety incidents to business disruptions to reputational damage.

    Info-Tech’s Implement Crisis Management Best Practices blueprint provides a framework for planning a response to any crisis, from health and safety incidents to reputational damage.

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    Common Obstacles

    Info-Tech’s Approach

    • Senior leadership is asking difficult questions about the organization’s dependency on third-party cloud services and the risk that poses.
    • Migrating to cloud services transfers much of the responsibility for day-to-day platform maintenance but not accountability for resilience.
    • IT leaders are often responsible for not just the organization’s IT DRP but also BCP and other elements of overall resilience. Cloud risk adds another element IT leaders need to consider.
    • IT leaders have limited control over third-party incidents and that includes cloud services. With SaaS services in particular, recovery or continuity options may be limited.
    • While vendors have swooped in to provide resilience options for the more common SaaS solutions, that is not the case for all cloud services.
    • Part of the solution is defining business process workarounds and that depends on cooperation from business leaders.
    • At a minimum, IT’s responsibility is to identify and communicate risk to senior leadership. That starts with a vendor review to identify SLA and overall resilience gaps.
    • Adapt how you approach downtime and data loss risk, particularly for SaaS solutions where there is limited or no control over the system.
    • Even where there is limited control, you can define an incident response plan to streamline notification, assessment, and implementation of workarounds. Leadership wants more options than simply waiting for the service to come back online.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Asking vendors about their DRP, BCP, and overall resilience has become commonplace. Expect your vendors to provide answers so you can assess risk. Furthermore, your vendor may have additional offerings to increase resilience or recommendations for third parties who can further assist your goals of improving cloud service resilience.

    Key deliverable

    Cloud Services Resilience Summary

    Provide leadership with a summary of cloud risk, downtime workarounds implemented, and additional data protection.

    The image contains a screenshot of the Cloud Services Resilience Summary.

    Additional tools and templates in this blueprint

    Cloud Services Incident Risk and Mitigation Review Tool

    Use this tool to gather vendor input, evaluate vendor SLAs and overall resilience, and track your own risk mitigation efforts.

    The image contains a screenshot of the Cloud Services Incident Risk and Mitigation Review Tool.

    SaaS Incident Response Workflows

    Use the examples in this document as a model to develop your own incident response workflows for cloud outages or data loss.

    The image contains a screenshot of the SaaS Incident Response Workflows.

    This blueprint will step you through the following actions to evaluate and mitigate cloud services risk

    1. Assess your cloud risk
    • Review your cloud services to determine potential impact of downtime/data loss, vendor SLA gaps, and vendor’s current resilience.
  • Identify options to mitigate risk
    • Explore your cloud vendor’s resilience offerings, third-party solutions, DIY recovery options, and business workarounds.
  • Create an incident response plan
    • Document your cloud risk mitigation strategy and incident response plan, which might include a failover strategy, data protection, and/or business continuity.

    Cloud Risk Mitigation

    Identify options to mitigate risk

    Create an incident response plan

    Assess risk

    Phase 1: Assess your cloud risk

    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    Phase 3

    Assess your cloud risk

    Identify options to mitigate risk

    Create an incident response plan

    Cloud does not guarantee uptime

    Public cloud services (e.g. Azure, GCP, AWS) and popular SaaS solutions experience downtime every year.

    A few cloud outage examples:

    • Microsoft Azure AD outage, March 15, 2022:
      Many users could not log into O365, Dynamics, or the Azure Portal.
      Cause: software change.
    • Three AWS outages in December 2021: December 7 (Netflix and others impacted), December 15 (Duo, Zoom, Slack, others), December 20 (Slack, Epic Games, others). Cause: network issues, power outage.
    • Salesforce outage, May 12, 2022: Users could not access the Lightning platform. Cause: expired certificate.

    Cloud availability

    • Migrating to cloud services can improve availability, as they typically offer more resilience than most organizations can afford to implement themselves.
    • However, having multiple data centers, zones, and regions doesn’t prevent all outages, as we see every year with even the largest cloud vendors.

    DR challenges for IaaS, PaaS, and cloud-native

    While there are limits to what you control, often traditional “failover” DR strategy can apply.

    High-level challenges and resilience options:

    • IaaS: No control over the hardware, but you can failover to another region. This is fairly similar to traditional DR.
    • PaaS: No control over the software platform (e.g. SQL server as a service), but you can back up your data and explore vendor options to replicate your environment.
    • Cloud-native applications: As with PaaS, you can back up your data and explore vendor options to replicate your environment.

    Plan for resilience

    • Include DR requirements when designing cloud service implementation. For example, for IaaS solutions, identify what data would need to be replicated and what services may need to be “always on” (e.g. database services where high-availability is demanded).
    • Similarly, for PaaS and cloud-native solutions, consult your vendor regarding options to build in resilience options (e.g. ability to failover to another environment).

    DR challenges for SaaS solutions

    SaaS is the biggest challenge because you have no control over any part of the base application stack.

    High-level challenges and resilience options:

    • No control over the hardware (or the facility, maintenance processes, and so on).
    • No control over the base application (control is limited to configuration settings and add-on customizations or integrations).
    • Options to back up your data will depend on the service.

    Note: The rest of this blueprint is focused primarily on SaaS resilience due to the challenges listed here. For other cloud services, leverage traditional DR strategies and vendor management to mitigate risk (as summarized on the previous slides).

    Focus on what you can control

    • For SaaS solutions in particular, you must toss out traditional DR. If Salesforce has an outage, you won’t be involved in recovering the system.
    • Instead, DR for SaaS needs to focus on improving resilience where you do have control and implementing business workarounds to bridge the gap.

    Evaluate your cloud services to clarify your specific risks

    Time and money is limited, so focus first on cloud services that are most critical and evaluate the vendors’ SLA and existing resilience capabilities.

    The activities on the next two slides will evaluate risk through two approaches:

    Activity 1: Estimate potential impact of downtime and data loss to quantify the risk and determine which cloud services are most critical and need to be prioritized. This is done through a business impact analysis that assesses:

    • Impact on revenue or costs (if applicable).
    • Impact on reputation (e.g. customer impact).
    • Impact on regulatory compliance and health and safety (if applicable).

    Activity 2: Review the vendor to identify risks and gaps. Specifically, evaluate the following:

    • Incident Management SLAs (e.g. does the SLA include RTO/RPO commitments? Do they meet your requirements?)
    • Incident Response Preparedness (e.g. does the vendor have a DRP, BCP, and security incident response plan?)
    • Data Protection (e.g. does their backup strategy and data security meet your standards?)

    Activity 1: Quantify potential impact and prioritize cloud services using a business impact analysis (BIA)

    1-3 hours

    1. Download the latest version of our DRP BIA: DRP Business Impact Analysis Tool. The tool includes instructions.
    2. Include the cloud services you want to assess in the list of applications/systems (see the tool excerpt below), and follow the BIA methodology outlined in the Create a Right-Sized Disaster Recovery Plan blueprint.
    3. Use the results to quantify potential impact and prioritize your efforts on the most-critical cloud services.

    The image contains a screenshot of the DRP Business Impact Analysis Tool.

    • DRP BIA Tool
    • Core group of IT management and staff who can provide a well-rounded perspective on potential impact. They will create the first draft of the BIA.
    • Review the draft BIA with relevant business leaders to refine and validate the results.

    Activity 2: Review your key cloud vendors’ SLAs, incident preparedness, and data protection strategy

    1-3 hours

    Use the Cloud Services Incident Risk and Mitigation Review Tool as follows:

    1. Send the Vendor Questionnaire tab to your cloud vendors to gather input, and review your existing agreements.
    2. Copy the vendor responses into the tool (see the instructions in the tool) and evaluate. See the example excerpt below.
    3. Identify action items to clarify gaps or address risks. Some action items might not be defined yet and will need to wait until you have had a chance to further explore risk mitigation options.

    The image contains a screenshot of the Cloud Services Incident Risk and Mitigation Review Tool.

    • Cloud Services Incident Risk and Mitigation Review Tool
    • Core group of IT management and staff tasked with evaluating and improving cloud services’ resilience.

    Phase 2: Identify options to mitigate risk

    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    Phase 3

    Assess your cloud risk

    Identify options to mitigate risk

    Create an incident response plan

    Consult your vendor to identify options to improve resilience, as a starting point

    Your vendor might also be able to suggest third parties that offer additional support, backup, or service continuity options.

    • The Vendor Questionnaire tab in the Cloud Services Incident Risk and Mitigation Review Tool includes a section at the bottom where your vendor can name additional options to improve resilience (e.g. premium support packages, potentially their own DR services).
    • If your vendor has not completed that part of the questionnaire, meet with them to discuss this. Asking service vendors about resilience has become commonplace, so they should be prepared to answer questions about their own offerings and potentially can name trusted third-party vendors who can further assist you.
    • Leverage Info-Tech’s advisory services to evaluate options outlined by your vendor and potential third-party options (e.g. enterprise backup solutions that support backing up SaaS data).

    Some SaaS solutions have plenty of resilience options; others not so much

    • The pervasiveness of O365 has led vendors to close the service continuity gap, with options to send and receive email during an outage and back up your data.
    • With many SaaS solutions, there isn’t going to be a third-party service continuity option, but you might still be able to at least back up your data and implement business process workarounds to close the service gap.

    Example SaaS risk and mitigation: O365


    • Several outages every year (e.g. MS Teams July 20, 2022).
    • SLA exceptions include “Scheduled Downtime,” which can occur with just five days’ notice.
    • The Recycling Bin is your data backup, depending on your setup.

    Options to mitigate risk (not an exhaustive list):

    • Third-party solutions for email service continuity.
    • Several backup vendors (e.g. Veeam, Rubrik) can protect most of your O365 suite.
    • Business continuity workarounds leveraging synced OneDrive, SharePoint, and Outlook (access to calendar invites).

    Example SaaS risk and mitigation: Salesforce


    • Downtime has been infrequent, but Salesforce did have a major outage in May 2021 (DNS issue) and May 2022 (expired certificate).
    • At the time of this writing, the Main Services Agreement does not commit to a specific uptime value and specifies the usual exclusions.
    • Similarly, there are limited commitments regarding data protection.

    Options to mitigate risk (not an exhaustive list):

    • Salesforce provides a backup and restore service offering.
    • In addition, some third-party vendors support backing up Salesforce data for additional protection against data corruption or data loss.
    • Business continuity workarounds can further reduce the impact of downtime (e.g. record updates in MS Word and leverage Outlook for contact info until Salesforce is recovered).

    Establish a baseline standard for risk mitigation, regardless of cloud service

    At a minimum, set a goal to review vendor risk at least annually, define standard processes for monitoring outages, and review options to back up your SaaS data.

    Example baseline standard for cloud risk mitigation

    • Review vendor risk at least annually. This includes reviewing SLAs, vendor’s incident preparedness (e.g. do they have a current DRP, BCP, and Security IRP?), and the vendor’s data protection strategy.
    • Incident response plans must include, at a minimum, steps to monitor vendor outage and communicate status to relevant stakeholders. Where possible, business process workarounds are defined to bridge the service gap.
    • For critical data (based on your BIA and an evaluation of risk), maintain your own backups of SaaS data for additional protection.

    Embed risk mitigation standards into existing IT operations

    • Include specific SLA requirements, including incident management processes, in your RFP process and annual vendor review.
    • Define cloud incident response in your incident management procedures.
    • Include cloud data considerations in your backup strategy reviews.

    Phase 3: Create an incident response plan

    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    Phase 3

    Assess your cloud risk

    Identify options to mitigate risk

    Create an incident response plan

    Activity 1: Review the example incident response workflows and case studies as a starting point

    1-3 hours

    1. Review the SaaS Incident Response Workflows examples. The examples illustrate different approaches to incident response depending on the criticality of the service and options available.
    2. Review the case studies on the next few slides, which further illustrate the resilience and incident response solutions implemented.
    3. Note the key elements:
    • Detection
    • Assessment
    • Monitoring status / contacting the vendor
    • Communication with key stakeholders
    • Invoking workarounds, if applicable

    Example SaaS Incident Response Workflow Excerpt

    The image contains a screenshot of an example of the SaaS Incident Response Workflow Excerpt.
    • SaaS Incident Response Workflows examples
    • Core group of IT management and staff tasked with evaluating and improving cloud services’ resilience.
    • Relevant business process owners to provide input and define business workarounds, where applicable.

    Case Study 1: Recovery plan for critical fundraising event

    If either critical SaaS dependency fails, the following plan is executed:

    1. Donors are redirected to a predefined alternate donation page hosted by a different service. The alternate page connects to the backup payment processing service (with predefined integrations).
    2. Marketing communications support the redirect.
    3. While the backup solution doesn’t gather as much data, the payment details provide enough information to follow up with donors where necessary.

    Criticality justified a failover option

    The Annual Day of Giving generates over 50% of fundraising for the year. It’s critically dependent on two SaaS solutions that host the donation page and payment processing.

    To mitigate the risk, the organization implemented the ability to failover to an alternate “environment” – much like a traditional DR solution – supported by workarounds to manage data collection.

    Case Study 2: Protecting customer data

    Daily exports from a SaaS-hosted donations site reduce potential data loss:

    1. Daily exports to a CRM support donor profile updates and follow-ups (tax receipts, thank-you letters, etc.).
    2. The exports also mitigate the risk of data loss due to an incident with the SaaS-hosted donation site.
    3. This company is exploring more-frequent exports to further reduce the risk of data loss.

    Protecting your data gives you options

    For critical data, do you want to rely solely on the vendor’s default backup strategy?

    If your SaaS vendor is hit by ransomware or if their backup frequency doesn’t meet your needs, having your own data backup gives you options.

    It can also support business process workarounds that need to access that data while waiting for SaaS recovery.

    Case Study 3: Recovery plan for payroll

    To enable a more accurate payroll workaround, the following is done:

    1. After each payroll run, export the payroll data from the SaaS solution to a secure location.
    2. If there is a SaaS outage when payroll must be submitted, the exported data can be modified and converted to an ACH file.
    3. The ACH file is submitted to the bank, which has preapproved this workaround.

    BCP can bridge the gap

    When leadership looks to IT to mitigate cloud risk, include BCP in the discussion.

    Payroll is a good example where the best recovery option might be a business continuity workaround.

    IT often still has a role in business continuity workarounds, as in this case study: specifically, providing a solution to modify and convert the payroll data to an ACH file.

    Activity 2: Run tabletop planning exercises as a starting point to build your incident response plan

    1-3 hours

    1. Follow the tabletop planning instructions provided in the Create a Right-Sized Disaster Recovery Plan blueprint.
    2. Run the exercise for each cloud service. Keep the scenario generic at first (e.g. cloud service is down with no reported root cause) so you can focus on your response. Capture response steps and gaps.
    3. Add complexity in subsequent exercises (e.g. data loss plus downtime), and use that to expand and refine the workflow as needed.
    4. Use the resulting workflows as the core piece of your incident response plan.
    5. Supplement the workflow with relevant checklists or procedures. At this point you can choose to incorporate this into your DRP or BCP or maintain these documents as supplements to those plans.
      See the DRP Case Study and BCP Case Study for an example of DRP-BCP documentation.

    Example tabletop planning results excerpt with gaps identified

    The image contains an example tabletop planning results excerpt with gaps identified.

    • SaaS Incident Response Workflows examples
    • Core group of IT management and staff tasked with evaluating and improving cloud services’ resilience.
    • Review results with relevant business process owners to provide input and define business workarounds where applicable.

    Activity 3: Summarize cloud services resilience to inform senior leadership of current risks and mitigation efforts

    1-3 hours

    1. Use the Cloud Services Resilience Summary example as a template to capture the following:
    • The results of your vendor review (i.e. incident management SLAs, incident response preparedness, data protections strategy).
    • The current state of your downtime workarounds and additional data loss protection.
    • Your baseline standard for cloud services risk mitigation.
    • Summary of resilience, risks, workarounds, and data loss protection for each individual cloud service that you have reviewed.
  • Present the results to senior leadership to:
    • Highlight risks to inform business decisions to mitigate or accept those risks.
    • Summarize actions already taken to mitigate risks.
    • Communicate next steps (e.g. action items to address remaining risks).

    Cloud Services Resilience Summary – Table of Contents

    The image contains a screenshot of Cloud Services Resilience Summary – Table of Contents.
    • Cloud Services Resilience Summary
    • Core group of IT management and staff tasked with evaluating and improving cloud services’ resilience.
    • Review results with relevant business process owners to provide input and define business workarounds where applicable.

    Summary: For cloud services, after evaluating risk, IT must adapt how they approach risk mitigation

    1. Identify failover options where possible
    • A failover strategy is possible for many cloud services (e.g. IaaS replication to another region, or failing over SaaS to an alternate solution as in case study 1).
  • At least protect your data
    • Explore supplementary backup options to protect against ransomware, data corruption, or data loss and support business continuity workarounds (see case study 2).
  • Leverage BCP to close the gap
    • This doesn’t absolve IT of its role in mitigating cloud incident risk, but business process workarounds can bridge the gap where IT options are limited (see case study 3).

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    Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market

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    Your challenge:

    • Rising supplier costs and inflation are eroding margins and impacting customers' budgets.
    • There is pressure from management to make a gut-feeling decision because of time, lack of skills, and process limitations.
    • You must navigate competing pricing-related priorities among product, sales, and finance teams.
    • Product price increases fail because discovery lacks understanding of costs, price/value equation, and competitive price points.
    • Customers can react negatively, and results are seen much later (more than 12 months) after the price decision.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    Product leaders will price products based on a deep understanding of the buyer price/value equation and alignment with financial and competitive pricing strategies, and make ongoing adjustments based on an ability to monitor buyer, competitor, and product cost changes.

    Impact and Result

    • Success for many SaaS product managers requires a reorganization and modernization of pricing tools, techniques, and assumptions. Leaders will develop the science of tailored price changes versus across-the-board price actions and account for inflation exposure and the customers’ willingness to pay.
    • This will build skills on how to price new products or adjust pricing for existing products. The disciplines using our pricing strategy methodology will strengthen efforts to develop repeatable pricing models and processes and build credibility with senior management.

    Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Executive Brief - A deck to build your skills on how to price new products or adjust pricing for existing products.

    This Executive Brief will build your skills on how to price new products or adjust pricing for existing products.

    • Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Executive Brief

    2. Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Storyboard – A deck that provides key steps to complete the project.

    This blueprint will build your skills on how to price new products or adjust pricing for existing products with documented key steps to complete the pricing project and use the Excel workbook and customer presentation.

    • Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market – Phases 1-3

    3. Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Workbook – A tool that enables product managers to simplify the organization and collection of customer and competitor information for pricing decisions.

    These five organizational workbooks for product pricing priorities, interview tracking, sample questions, and critical competitive information will enable the price team to validate price change data through researching the three pricing schemes (competitor, customer, and cost-based).

    • Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Workbook

    4. Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Presentation Template – A template that serves as a guide to communicating the Optimize Pricing Strategy team's results for a product or product line.

    This template includes the business case to justify product repricing, contract modifications, and packaging rebuild or removal for launch. This template calls for the critical summarized results from the Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market blueprint and the Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Workbook to complete.

    • Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Presentation Template


    Further reading

    SoftwareReviews — A Division of INFO~TECH RESEARCH GROUP

    Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market

    Leading SaaS product managers align pricing strategy to company financial goals and refresh the customer price/value equation to avoid leaving revenues uncaptured.

    Table of Contents

    Section Title Section Title
    1 Executive Brief 2 Key Steps
    3 Concluding Slides

    Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market

    Leading SaaS product managers align pricing strategy to company financial goals and refresh the customer price/value equation to avoid leaving revenues uncaptured.


    Analyst Perspective

    Optimized Pricing Strategy

    Product managers without well-documented and repeatable pricing management processes often experience pressure from “Agile” management to make gut-feel pricing decisions, resulting in poor product revenue results. When combined with a lack of customer, competitor, and internal cost understanding, these process and timing limitations drive most product managers into suboptimal software pricing decisions. And, adding insult to injury, the poor financial results from bad pricing decisions aren’t fully measured for months, which further compounds the negative effects of poor decision making.

    A successful product pricing strategy aligns finance, marketing, product management, and sales to optimize pricing using a solid understanding of the customer perception of price/value, competitive pricing, and software production costs.

    Success for many SaaS product managers requires a reorganization and modernization of pricing tools, techniques, and data. Leaders will develop the science of tailored price changes versus across-the-board price actions and account for inflation exposure and the customers’ willingness to pay.

    This blueprint will build your skills on how to price new products or adjust pricing for existing products. The discipline you build using our pricing strategy methodology will strengthen your team’s ability to develop repeatable pricing and will build credibility with senior management and colleagues in marketing and sales.

    Photo of Joanne Morin Correia, Principal Research Director, SoftwareReviews.

    Joanne Morin Correia
    Principal Research Director

    Executive Summary

    Organizations struggle to build repeatable pricing processes:
    • A lack of alignment and collaboration among finance, marketing, product development, and sales.
    • A lack of understanding of customers, competitors, and market pricing.
    • Inability to stay ahead of complex and shifting software pricing models.
    • Time is wasted without a deep understanding of pricing issues and opportunities, and revenue opportunities go unrealized.
    Obstacles add friction to the pricing management process:
    • Pressure from management to make quick decisions results in a gut-driven approach to pricing.
    • A lack of pricing skills and management processes limits sound decision making.
    • Price changes fail because discovery often lacks competitive intelligence and buyer value to price point understanding. Customers’ reactions are often observed much later, after the decision is made.
    • Economic disruptions, supplier price hikes, and higher employee salaries/benefits are driving costs higher.
    Use SoftwareReviews’ approach for more successful pricing:
    • Organize for a more effective pricing project including roles & responsibilities as well as an aligned pricing approach.
    • Work with CFO/finance partner to establish target price based on margins and key factors affecting costs.
    • Perform a competitive price assessment and understand the buyer price/value equation.
    • Arrive at a target price based on the above and seek buy-in and approvals.

    SoftwareReviews Insight

    Product leaders will price products based on a deep understanding of the buyer price/value equation and alignment with financial and competitive pricing strategies, and they will make ongoing adjustments based on an ability to monitor buyers, competitors, and product cost changes.

    What is an optimized price strategy?

    “Customer discovery interviews help reduce the chance of failure by testing your hypotheses. Quality customer interviews go beyond answering product development and pricing questions.” (Pricing Strategies, Growth Ramp, March 2022)

    Most product managers just research their direct competitors when launching a new SaaS product. While this is essential, competitive pricing intel is insufficient to create a long-term optimized pricing strategy. Leaders will also understand buyer TCO.

    Your customers are constantly comparing prices and weighing the total cost of ownership as they consider your competition. Why?

    Implementing a SaaS solution creates a significant time burden as buyers spend days learning new software, making sure tools communicate with each other, configuring settings, contacting support, etc. It is not just the cost of the product or service.

    Optimized Price Strategy Is…
    • An integral part of any product plan and business strategy.
    • Essential to improving and maintaining high levels of margins and customer satisfaction.
    • Focused on delivering the product price to your customer’s business value.
    • Understanding customer price-value for your software segment.
    • Monitoring your product pricing with real-time data to ensure support for competitive strategy.
    Price Strategy Is Not…
    • Increasing or decreasing price on a gut feeling.
    • Changing price for short-term gain.
    • Being wary of asking customers pricing-related questions.
    • Haphazardly focusing entirely on profit.
    • Just covering product costs.
    • Only researching direct competitors.
    • Focusing on yourself or company satisfaction but your target customers.
    • Picking the first strategy you see.

    SoftwareReviews Insight

    An optimized pricing strategy establishes the “best” price for a product or service that maximizes profits and shareholder value while considering customer business value vs. the cost to purchase and implement – the total cost of ownership (TCO).

    Challenging environment

    Product managers are currently experiencing the following:
    • Supplier costs and inflation are rising, eroding product margins and impacting customers’ budgets.
    • Pressure from management to make a gut-feeling decision because of time, lack of skills, and process limitations.
    • Navigating competing pricing-related priorities among product, sales, and finance.
    • Product price increases that fail because discovery lacks understanding of costs, price/value equation, and competitive price points.
    • Slowing customer demand due to poorly priced offerings may not be fully measured for many months following the price decision.
    Doing nothing is NOT an option!
    Offense Double Down

    Benefit: Leverage long-term financial and market assets

    Risk: Market may not value those assets in the future
    Fight Back

    Benefit: Move quickly

    Risk: Hard to execute and easy to get pricing wrong
    Defense Retrench

    Benefit: Reduce threats from new entrants through scale and marketing

    Risk: Causes managed decline and is hard to sell to leadership
    Move Away

    Benefit: Seize opportunities for new revenue sources

    Risk: Diversification is challenging to pull off
    Existing Markets and Customers New Markets and Customers

    Pricing skills are declining

    Among product managers, limited pricing skills are big obstacles that make pricing difficult and under-optimized.

    Visual of a bar chart with descending values, each bar has written on it: 'Limited - Limits in understanding of engineering, marketing, and sales expectations or few processes for pricing and/or cost', 'Inexperienced - Inexperience in pricing project skills and corporate training', 'Lagging - Financial lag indicators (marketing ROI, revenue, profitability, COGs)', 'Lacking - Lack of relevant competitive pricing/packaging information', 'Shifting - Shift to cloud subscription-based revenue models is challenging'.

    The top three weakest product management skills have remained constant over the past five years:
    • Competitive analysis
    • Pricing
    • End of life
    Pricing is the weakest skill and has been declining the most among surveyed product professionals every year. (Adapted from 280 Group, 2022)

    Key considerations for more effective pricing decisions

    Pricing teams can improve software product profitability by:
    • Optimizing software profit with four critical elements: properly pricing your product, giving complete and accurate quotations, choosing the terms of the sale, and selecting the payment method.
    • Implementing tailored price changes (versus across-the-board price actions) to help account for inflation exposure, customer willingness to pay, and product attribute changes.
    • Accelerating ongoing pricing decision-making with a dedicated cross-functional team ready to act quickly.
    • Resetting discounting and promotion, and revisiting service-level agreements.
    Software pricing leaders will regularly assess:

    Has it been over a year since prices were updated?

    Have customers told you to raise your prices?

    Do you have the right mix of customers in each pricing plan?

    Do 40% of your customers say they would be very disappointed if your product disappeared? (Adapted from Growth Ramp, 2021)

    Case Study

    Middleware Vendor

    Technology Middleware
    SoftwareReviews Custom Pricing Strategy Project
    A large middleware vendor, who is running on Microsoft Azure, known for quality development and website tools, needed to react strategically to the March 2022 Microsoft price increase.

    Key Initiative: Optimize New Pricing Strategy

    The program’s core objective was to determine if the vendor should implement a price increase and how the product should be packaged within the new pricing model.

    For this initiative, the company interviewed buyers using three key questions: What are the core capabilities to focus on building/selling? What are the optimal features and capabilities valued by customers that should be sold together? And should they be charging more for their products?

    This middleware vendor saw buyer support for a 10% price increase to their product line and restructuring of vertical contract terms. This enabled them to retain customers over multi-year subscription contracts, and the price increase enabled them to protect margins after the Microsoft price increase.

    The Optimize New Pricing Strategy included the following components:

    Components: 'Product Feature Importance & Satisfaction', 'Correlation of Features and Value Drivers', 'Fair Cost to Value Average for Category', 'Average Discounting for Category', 'Customer Value Is an Acceptable Multiple of Price'. First four: 'Component fails into the scope of optimizing price strategy to value'; last one: 'They are optimizing their price strategy decisions'.

    New product price approach

    As a collaborative team across product management, marketing, and finance, we see leaders taking a simple yet well-researched approach when setting product pricing.

    Iterating to a final price point is best done with research into how product pricing:

    • Delivers target margins.
    • Is positioned vs. key competitors.
    • Delivers customer value at a fair price/value ratio.
    To arrive at our new product price, we suggest iterating among 3 different views:

    New Target Price:

    • Buyer Price vs. Value
    • Cost - Plus
    • Vs. Key Competitors
    We analyzed:
    • Customer price/value equation interviews
    • Impacts of Supplier cost increases
    • Competitive pricing research
    • How product pricing delivers target margins

    Who should care about optimized pricing?

    Product managers and marketers who:

    • Support the mandate for optimizing pricing and revenue generation.
    • Need a more scientific way to plan and implement new pricing processes and methods to optimize revenues and profits.
    • Want a way to better apply customer and competitive insights to product pricing.
    • Are evaluating current pricing and cost control to support a refreshed pricing strategy.

    Finance, sales, and marketing professionals who are pricing stakeholders in:

    • Finding alternatives to current pricing and packaging approaches.
    • Looking for ways to optimize price within the shifting market momentum.

    How will they benefit from this research?

    • Refine the ability to effectively target pricing to specific market demands and customer segments.
    • Strengthen product team’s reputation for reliable and repeatable price-management capabilities among senior leadership.
    • Recognize and plan for new revenue opportunities or cost increases.
    • Allow for faster, more accurate intake of customer and competitive data. 
    • Improve pricing skills for professional development and business outcomes.
    • Create new product price, packaging, or market opportunities. 
    • Reduce financial costs and mistakes associated with manual efforts and uneducated guessing.
    • Price software products that better achieve financial goals optimizing revenue, margins, or market share.
    • Enhance the product development and sales processes with real competitive and customer expectations.

    Is Your Pricing Strategy Optimized?

    With the right pricing strategy, you can invest more money into your product, service, or growth. A 1% price increase will improv revenues by:

    Three bars: 'Customer acquisition, 3.32%', 'Customer retention, 6.71%', 'Price monetization, 12.7%'.

    Price monetization will almost double the revenue increases over customer acquisition and retention. (Pricing Strategies, Growth Ramp, March 2022)


    Prices of today's cloud-based services/products are often misaligned against competition and customers' perceived value, leaving more revenues on the table.
    • Do you struggle to price new products with confidence?
    • Do you really know your SaaS product's costs?
    • Have you lost pricing power to stronger competitors?
    • Has cost focus eclipsed customer value focus?
    If so, you are likely skipping steps and missing key outputs in your pricing strategy.


    1. Assign Team Responsibilities
    2. Set Timing for Project Deliverables
    3. Clarify Financial Expectations
    4. Collect Customer Contacts
    5. Determine Competitors
      Documented your executive's financial expectations? If "No," return.

    1. Research Competitors
    2. Interview Customers
    3. Test Pricing vs. Financials
    4. Create Pricing Presentation
      Clarified your customer and competitive positioning to validate pricing? If "No," return.

    1. Executive Pricing Presentation
    2. Post-Mortem of Presentation
    3. Document New Processes
    4. Monitor the Pricing Changes
      Documented your executive's financial expectations? If "No," return.


    Sponsoring executive(s) signs-offs require a well-articulated pricing plan and business case for investment that includes:
    • Competitive features and pricing financial templates
    • Customer validation of price value
    • Optimized price presentation
    • Repeatable pricing processes to monitor changes


    • Product pricing is better aligned to achieve financial goals
    • Improved pricing skills or professional development
    • Stronger team reputation for reliable price management

    Key Insights

    1. Gain a competitive edge by using market and customer information to optimize product financials, refine pricing, and speed up decisions.
    2. Product leaders will best set software product price based on a deep understanding of buyer/price value equation, alignment with financial strategy, and an ongoing ability to monitor buyer, competitor, and product costs.

    SoftwareReviews’ methodology for optimizing your pricing strategy


    1.1 Establish the Team and Responsibilities
    1.2 Educate/Align Team on Pricing Strategy
    1.2 Document Portfolio & Target Product(s) for Pricing Updates
    1.3 Clarify Product Target Margins
    1.4 Establish Customer Price/Value
    1.5 Identify Competitive Pricing
    1.6 Establish New Price and Gain Buy-In


    1. Well-organized project
    2. Clarified product pricing strategy
    3. Customer value vs. price equation
    4. Competitive price points
    5. Approvals

    Insight summary

    Modernize your price planning

    Product leaders will price products based on a deep understanding of the buyer price/value equation and alignment with financial and competitive pricing strategies, and make ongoing adjustments based on an ability to monitor buyer, competitor, and product cost changes.

    Ground pricing against financials

    Meet and align with financial stakeholders.
    • Give finance a heads-up that you want to work with them.
    • Find out the CFO’s expectations for pricing and margins.
    • Ask for a dedicated finance team member.

    Align on pricing strategy

    Lead stakeholders in SaaS product pricing decisions to optimize pricing based on four drivers:
    • Customer’s price/value
    • Competitive strategy
    • Reflective of costs
    • Alignment with financial goals

    Decrease time for approval

    Drive price decisions, with the support of the CFO, to the business value of the suggested change:
    • Reference current product pricing guidelines
    • Compare to the competition and our strategy and weigh results against our customer’s price/value
    • Compare against the equation to business value for the suggested change
    Develop the skill of pricing products

    Increase product revenues and margins by enhancing modern processes and data monetization. Shift from intuitive to information-based pricing decisions.

    Look at other options for revenue

    Adjust product design, features, packaging, and contract terms while maintaining the functionality customers find valuable to their business.

    Blueprint deliverables

    Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals:
    Key deliverable:

    New Pricing Strategy Presentation Template

    Capture key findings for your price strategy with the Optimize Your Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Strategy Presentation Template

    Sample of the 'Acme Corp New Product Pricing' blueprint.

    Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Executive Brief

    This executive brief will build your knowledge on how to price new products or adjust pricing for existing products.

    Sample of the 'Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market' blueprint.

    Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Workbook

    This workbook will help you prioritize which products require repricing, hold customer interviews, and capture competitive insights.

    Sample of the 'Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market' workbook.

    Guided Implementation

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with a SoftwareReviews analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    A typical GI is 4 to 8 calls over the course of 2 to 4 months.

    What does a typical GI on optimizing software pricing look like?


    Research & Reprice


    Call #1: Share the pricing team vision and outline activities for the pricing strategy process. Plan next call – 1 week.

    Call #2: Outline products that require a new pricing approach and steps with finance. Plan next call – 1 week.

    Call #3: Discuss the customer interview process. Plan next call – 1 week.

    Call #4 Outline competitive analysis. Plan next call – 1 week.

    Call #5: Review customer and competitive results for initial new pricing business case with finance for alignment. Plan next call – 3 weeks.

    Call #6: Review the initial business case against financial plans across marketing, sales, and product development. Plan next call – 1 week.

    Call #7 Review the draft executive pricing presentation. Plan next call – 1 week.

    Call #8: Discuss gaps in executive presentation. Plan next call – 3 days.

    SoftwareReviews Offers Various Levels of Support to Meet Your Needs

    Included in Advisory Membership Optional add-ons

    DIY Toolkit

    Guided Implementation



    "Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful." "Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track." "We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place." "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project."

    Desire a Guided Implementation?

    • A GI is where your SoftwareReviews engagement manager and executive advisor/counselor will work with SoftwareReviews research team members to craft with you a Custom Key Initiative Plan (CKIP).
    • A CKIP guides your team through each of the major steps, outlines responsibilities between members of your team and SoftwareReviews, describes expected outcomes, and captures actual value delivered.
    • A CKIP also provides you and your team with analyst/advisor/counselor feedback on project outputs, helps you communicate key principles and concepts to your team, and helps you stay on project timelines.
    • If Guided Implementation assistance is desired, contact your engagement manager.

    Workshop overview

    Contact your account representative for more information.
    Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
    Align Team, Identify Customers, and Document Current Knowledge
    Validate Initial Insights and Identify Competitors and Market View
    Schedule and Hold Buyer Interviews
    Summarize Findings and Provide Actionable Guidance to Stakeholders
    Present, Go Forward, and Measure Impact and Results

    1.1 Identify Team Members, roles, and responsibilities

    1.2 Establish timelines and project workflow

    1.3 Gather current product and future financial margin expectations

    1.4 Review the Optimize Software Executive Brief and Workbook Templates

    1.4 Build prioritized pricing candidates hypothesis

    2.1 Identify customer interviewee types by segment, region, etc.

    2.2 Hear from industry analysts their perspectives on the competitors, buyer expectations, and price trends

    2.3 Research competitors for pricing, contract type, and product attributes

    3.2 Review pricing and attributes survey and interview questionnaires

    3.2 Hold interviews and use interview guides (over four weeks)

    A gap of up to 4 weeks for scheduling of interviews.

    3.3 Hold review session after initial 3-4 interviews to make adjustments

    4.1 Review all draft price findings against the market view

    4.2 Review Draft Executive Presentation

    5.1 Review finalized pricing strategy plan with analyst for market view

    5.2 Review for comments on the final implementation plan

    1. Documented steering committee and working team
    2. Current and initial new pricing targets for strategy
    3. Documented team knowledge
    1. Understanding of market and potential target interviewee types
    2. Objective competitive research
    1. Initial review – “Are we going in the right direction with surveys?”
    2. Validate or adjust the pricing surveys to what you hear in the market
    1. Complete findings and compare to the market
    2. Review and finish drafting the Optimize Software Pricing Strategy presentation
    1. Final impute on strategy
    2. Review of suggested next steps and implementation plan

    Our process

    Align team, perform research, and gain executive buy-in on updated price points

    1. Establish the team and responsibilities
    2. Educate/align team on pricing strategy
    3. Document portfolio & target product(s) for pricing updates
    4. Clarify product target margins
    5. Establish customer price/value
    6. Identify competitive pricing
    7. Establish new price and gain buy-in

    Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market

    Our process will help you deliver the following outcomes:

    • Well-organized project
    • Clarified product pricing strategy
    • Customer value vs. price equation
    • Competitive price points
    • Approvals

    This project involves the following participants:

    • Product management
    • Program leadership
    • Product marketing
    • CFO or finance representative/partner
    • Others
    • Representative(s) from Sales

    1.0 Assign team responsibilities

    Input: Steering committee roles and responsibilities, Steering committee interest and role

    Output: List of new pricing strategy steering committee and workstream members, roles, and timelines, Updated Software Pricing Strategy presentation

    Materials: Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Presentation Template

    Participants: CFO, sponsoring executive, Functional leads – development, product marketing, product management, marketing, sales, customer success/support

    1-2 hours
    1. The product manager/member running this pricing/repricing program should review the entire Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market blueprint and each blueprint attachment.
    2. The product manager should also refer to slide 19 of the Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market blueprint and decide if help via a Guided Implementation (GI) is of value. If desired, alert your SoftwareReviews engagement manager.
    1-2 hours
    1. The product manager should meet with the chief product officer/CPO and functional leaders, and set the meeting agenda to:
      1. Nominate steering committee members.
      2. Nominate work-stream leads.
      3. Establish key pricing project milestones.
      4. Schedule both the steering committee (suggest monthly) and workstream lead meetings (suggest weekly) through the duration of the project.
      5. Ask the CPO to craft, outside this meeting, his/her version of the "Message from the chief product officer.”
      6. If a Guided Implementation is selected, inform the meeting attendees that a SoftwareReviews analyst will join the next meeting to share his/her Executive Brief on Pricing Strategy.
    2. Record all above findings in the Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Presentation Template.

    Download the Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Presentation Template

    SoftwareReviews Advisory Insight:

    Pricing steering committees are needed to steer overall product, pricing, and packaging decisions. Some companies include the CEO and CFO on this committee and designate it as a permanent body that meets monthly to give go/no-go decisions to “all things product and pricing related” across all products and business units.

    2.0 Educate the team

    1 hour

    Input: Typically, a joint recognition that pricing strategies need upgrading and have not been fully documented, Steering committee and working team members

    Output: Communication of team members involved and the makeup of the steering committee and working team, Alignment of team members on a shared vision of “why a new price strategy is critical” and what key attributes define both the need and impact on business

    Materials: Optimize Your Software Strategy Executive Brief PowerPoint presentation

    Participants: Initiative manager – individual leading the new pricing strategy, CFO/sponsoring executive, Working team – typically representatives in product marketing, product management, and sales, SoftwareReviews marketing analyst (optional)

    1. Walk the team through the Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Executive Brief PowerPoint presentation.
    2. Optional – Have the SoftwareReviews Advisory (SRA) analyst walk the team through the Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Executive Brief PowerPoint presentation as part of your session. Contact your engagement manager to schedule.
    3. Walk the team through the current version of the Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Presentation Template outlining project goals, steering committee and workstream make-up and responsibilities, project timeline and key milestones, and approach to arriving at new product pricing.
    4. Set expectations among team members of their specific roles and responsibilities for this project, review the frequency of steering committee and workstream meetings to set expectations of key milestones and deliverable due dates.

    Download the Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Executive Brief

    3.0 Document portfolio and target products for pricing update

    1-3 Hours

    Input: List of entire product portfolio

    Output: Prioritized list of product candidates that should be repriced

    Materials: Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Executive Brief presentation, Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Workbook

    Participants: Initiative manager – individual leading the new pricing strategy, CFO/sponsoring executive, Working team – typically representatives in product marketing, product management, and sales

    1. Walk the team through the current version of Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market workbook, tab 2: “Product Portfolio Organizer.” Modify sample attributes to match your product line where necessary.
    2. As a group, record the product attributes for your entire portfolio.
    3. Prioritize the product price optimization candidates for repricing with the understanding that it might change after meeting with finance.

    Download the Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Workbook

    4.0 Clarify product target margins

    2-3 sessions of 1 Hour each

    Input: Finance partner/CFO knowledge of target product current and future margins, Finance partner/CFO who has information on underlying costs with details that illustrate supplier contributions

    Output: Product finance markup target percentage margins and revenues

    Materials: Finance data on the product family, Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Workbook, Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Presentation Template

    Participants: Initiative manager, Finance partner/CFO

    1. Schedule a meeting with your finance partner/CFO to validate expectations for product margins. The goal is to understand the detail of underlying costs/margins and if the impacts of supplier costs affect the product family. The information will be placed into the Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Workbook on tab 2, Product Portfolio Organizer under the “Unit Margins” heading.
    2. Arrive at a final “Cost-Plus New Price” based on underlying costs and target margins for each of the products. Record results in the Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Workbook, tab 2, under the “Cost-Plus New Price” heading.
    3. Record product target finance markup price under “Cost-Plus” in Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Presentation Template, slide 9, and details in Appendix, “Cost-Plus Analysis,” slide 11.
    4. Repeat this process for any other products to be repriced.

    Download the Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Workbook

    Download the Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Presentation Template

    5.0 Establish customer price to value

    1-4 weeks

    Input: Identify segments within which you require price-to-value information, Understand your persona insight gaps, Review Sample Interview Guide using the Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile, Competitive Market Workbook, Tab 4. Interview Guide.

    Output: List of interviewees, Updated Interview Guide

    Materials: Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Workbook, Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Presentation Template

    Participants: Initiative manager, Customer success to help identify interviewees, Customers, prospects

    1. Identify a list of customers and prospects that best represent your target persona when interviewed. Choose interviewees who will inform key differences among key segments (geographies, company size, a mix of customers and prospects, etc.) and who are decision makers and can best inform insights on price/value and competitors.
    2. Recruit interviewees and schedule 30-minute interviews.
    3. Keep track of interviewees using the Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Workbook, tab 3: “Interviewee Tracking.”
    4. Review the Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Workbook, tab 4: “Interview Guide,” and modify/update it where appropriate.
    5. Record interviewee perspectives on the “price they are willing to pay for the value received” (price/value equation) using the Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Workbook, tab 4: “Interview Guide.”
    6. Summarize findings to result in an average “customer’s value price.” Record product target ”customer’s value price” in Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Presentation Template, slide 9 and supporting details in Appendix, “Customer Pricing Analysis,” slide 12.

    Download the Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Workbook

    Download the Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Presentation Template

    6.0 Identify competitive pricing

    1-2 weeks

    Input: Identify price candidate competitors, Your product pricing, contract type, and product attribute information to compare against, Knowledge of existing competitor information, websites, and technology research sites to guide questions

    Output: Competitive product average pricing

    Materials: Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Workbook, Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Presentation Template

    Participants: Initiative manager, Customers, prospects

    1. Identify the top 3-5 competitors’ products that you most frequently compete against with your selected product.
    2. Perform competitive intelligence research on deals won or lost that contain competitive pricing insights by speaking with your sales force.
    3. Use the interviews with key customers to also inform competitive pricing insights. Include companies which you may have lost to a competitor in your customer interviewee list.
    4. Modify and add key competitive pricing, contract, or product attributes in the Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Workbook, tab 5: “Competitive Information.”
    5. Place your product’s information into the Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Workbook, tab 5: “Competitive Information.”
    6. Research your competitors’ summarized pricing and product attribute insights into the workbook.
    7. Record research in the Summarize research on competitors to arrive at an average “Competitors Avg. Price”. Record in ”Customer’s Value Price” in Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Presentation Template, slide 9, and details in Appendix, “Competitor Pricing Analysis,” slide 13.

    Download the Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Workbook

    Download the Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Presentation Template

    7.0 Establish new price and gain buy-in

    2-3 hours

    Input: Findings from competitive, cost-plus, and customer price/value analysis

    Output: Approvals for price change

    Materials: Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Presentation Template

    Participants: Initiative manager, Steering committee, Working team – typically representatives in product marketing, product management, sales

    1. Using prior recorded findings of Customer’s Value Price, Competitors’ Avg. Price, and Finance Markup Price, arrive at a recommended “New Price” and record in Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Presentation Template, slide 9 and the Appendix for Project Analysis Details.
    2. Present findings to steering committee. Be prepared to show customer interviews and competitive analysis results to support your recommendation.
    3. Plan internal and external communications and discuss the timing of when to “go live” with new pricing. Discuss issues related to migration to a new price, how to handle currently low-priced customers, and how to migrate them over time to the new pricing.
    4. Identify if it makes sense to target a date to launch the new pricing in the future, so customers can be alerted in advance and therefore take advantage of “current pricing” to drive added revenues.
    5. Confer with IT to assess times required to implement within CPQ systems and with product marketing for time to change sales proposals, slide decks, and any other affected assets and systems.

    Download the Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Presentation Template

    Summary of Accomplishment

    Problem Solved

    With the help of this blueprint, you have deepened your and your company’s understanding of how to look at new pricing opportunities and what the market and the buyer will pay for your product. You are among the minority of product and marketing leaders that have thoroughly documented their new pricing strategy and processes – congratulations!

    The benefits of having led your team through the process are significant and include the following:

    • Allow for faster, more accurate intake of customer and competitive data 
    • Refine the ability to effectively target pricing to specific market demands and customer segments 
    • Understand the association between the value proposition of products and services
    • Reduce financial costs and mistakes associated with manual efforts & uneducated guessing
    • Recognize and plan for new revenue opportunities or cost increases
    • Create new market or product packaging opportunities
    And finally, by bringing your team along with you in this process, you have also led your team to become more customer-focused while pricing your products – a strategic shift that all organizations should pursue.

    If you would like additional support, contact us and we’ll make sure you get the professional expertise you need.

    Contact your account representative for more information.


    “Chapter 4 Reasons for Project Failure.” Kissflow's Guide to Project Management. Kissflow, n.d. Web.

    Edie, Naomi. “Microsoft Is Raising SaaS Prices, and Other Vendors Will, Too.” CIO Dive, 8 December 2021. Web.

    Gruman, Galen, Alan S. Morrison, and Terril A. Retter. “Software Pricing Trends.” PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2018. Web.

    Hargrave, Marshall. “Example of Economic Exposure.” Investopedia, 12 April 2022. Web.

    Heaslip, Emily. “7 Smart Pricing Strategies to Attract Customers.” CO—, 17 November 2021. Web.

    Higgins, Sean. “How to Price a Product That Your Sales Team Can Sell.” HubSpot, 4 April 2022. Web.

    “Pricing Strategies.” Growth Ramp, March 2022. Web.

    “Product Management Skills Benchmark Report 2021.” 280 Group, 9 November 2021. Web.

    Quey, Jason. “Price Increase: How to Do a SaaS Pricing Change in 8 Steps.” Growth Ramp, 22 March 2021. Web.

    Steenburg, Thomas, and Jill Avery. “Marketing Analysis Toolkit: Pricing and Profitability Analysis.” Harvard Business School, 16 July 2010. Web.

    “2021 State of Competitive Intelligence.” Crayon and SCIO, n.d. Web.

    Valchev, Konstantin. “Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) for Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Business.” OpenView Venture Partners, OV Blog, 20 April 2020. Web.

    “What Is Price Elasticity?” Market Business News, n.d. Web.

    Design a Tabletop Exercise to Support Your Security Operation

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}319|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 10.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $12,599 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 5 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Threat Intelligence & Incident Response
    • Parent Category Link: /threat-intelligence-incident-response
    • Threat management has become resource intensive, requiring continuous monitoring, collection, and analysis of massive volumes of security event data.
    • Security incidents are inevitable, but how they are handled is critical.
    • The increasing use of sophisticated malware is making it difficult for organizations to identify the true intent behind the attack campaign.
    • The incident response is often handled in an ad hoc or ineffective manner.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Establish communication processes and channels well in advance of a crisis. Don’t wait until a state of panic. Collaborate and share information mutually with other organizations to stay ahead of incoming threats.
    • Security operations is no longer a center, but a process. The need for a physical security hub has evolved into the virtual fusion of prevention, detection, analysis, and response efforts. When all four functions operate as a unified process, your organization will be able to proactively combat changes in the threat landscape.
    • You might experience a negative return on your security control investment. As technology in the industry evolves, threat actors will adopt new tools, tactics, and procedures; a tabletop exercise will help ensure teams are leveraging your security investment properly and providing relevant situational awareness to stay on top of the rapidly evolving threat landscape.

    Impact and Result

    Establish and design a tabletop exercise capability to support and test the efficiency of the core prevention, detection, analysis, and response functions that consist of an organization's threat intelligence, security operations, vulnerability management, and incident response functions.

    Design a Tabletop Exercise to Support Your Security Operation Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should design a tabletop exercise, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Plan

    Evaluate the need for a tabletop exercise.

    • Design a Tabletop Exercise to Support Your Security Operation – Phase 1: Plan

    2. Design

    Determine the topics, scope, objectives, and participant roles and responsibilities.

    • Design a Tabletop Exercise to Support Your Security Operation – Phase 2: Design

    3. Develop

    Create briefings, guides, reports, and exercise injects.

    • Design a Tabletop Exercise to Support Your Security Operation – Phase 3: Develop
    • Design a Tabletop Exercise to Support Your Security Operation – Inject Examples

    4. Conduct

    Host the exercise in a conference or classroom setting.

    • Design a Tabletop Exercise to Support Your Security Operation – Phase 4: Conduct

    5. Evaluate

    Plan to ensure measurement and continued improvement.

    • Design a Tabletop Exercise to Support Your Security Operation – Phase 5: Evaluate

    Decide if You Are Ready for SAFe

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}355|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Architecture & Strategy
    • Parent Category Link: /architecture-and-strategy
    • Complex application landscapes require delivery teams to work together and coordinate changes across multiple product lines and releases.
    • Leadership wants to balance strategic goals with localized prioritization of changes.
    • Traditional methodologies are not well suited to support enterprise agility: Scrum doesn’t scale easily, and Waterfall is too slow and risky.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    SAFe’s popularity is largely due to its structural resemblance to enterprise portfolio and project planning with top-down prioritization and decision making. This directly conflicts with Agile’s purpose and principles of empowerment and agility.

    • Poor culture, processes, governance, and leadership will disrupt any methodology. Many drivers for SAFe could be solved by improving and standardizing development and release management within current methodologies.
    • Few organizations are capable or should be applying a pure SAFe framework. Successful organizations have adopted and modified SAFe frameworks to best fit their needs, teams, value streams, and maturity.

    Impact and Result

    • Start with a clear understanding of your needs, constraints, goals, and culture.
      • Start with an Agile readiness assessment. Agile is core to value realization.
      • Take the time to determine your drivers and goals.
      • If SAFe is right for you, selecting the right implementation partner is key.
    • Plan SAFe as a long-term enterprise cultural transformation requiring changes at all levels.

    Decide if You Are Ready for SAFe Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Decide if You Are Ready for SAFe Storyboard – Research to help you understand where SAFe fits into delivery methodologies and determine if SAFe is right for your organization.

    This deck will guide you to define your primary drivers for SAFe, assess your Agile readiness, define enablers and blockers, estimate implementation risk, and start your SAFe implementation plan.

    • Decide if You Are Ready for SAFe Storyboard

    2. Scaled Agile Readiness Assessment – A tool to conduct an Agile readiness survey.

    Start your journey with a clear understanding about the level of Agile and product maturity throughout the organization. Each area that lacks strength should be evaluated further and added to your journey map.

    • Scaled Agile Readiness Assessment

    3. SAFe Transformation Playbook – A template to build a change management plan to guide your transition.

    Define clear ownership for every critical step.

    • SAFe Transformation Playbook

    Workshop: Decide if You Are Ready for SAFe

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Understand where SAFe fits into delivery methodologies and SDLCs

    The Purpose

    Understand what is driving your proposed SAFe transformation and if it is the right framework for your organization.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Better understanding of your scaled agile needs and drivers


    1.1 Define your primary drivers for SAFe.

    1.2 Create your own list of pros and cons of SAFe.


    List of primary drivers for SAFe

    List of pros and cons of SAFe

    2 Determine if you are ready for SAFe

    The Purpose

    Identify factors influencing a SAFe implementation and ensure teams are aware and prepared.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Starting understanding of your organization’s readiness to implement a SAFe framework


    2.1 Assess your Agile readiness.

    2.2 Define enablers and blockers of scaling Agile delivery.

    2.3 Estimate your SAFe implementation risk.

    2.4 Start your SAFe implementation plan.


    Agile readiness assessment results

    List of enablers and blockers of scaling Agile delivery

    Estimated SAFe implementation risk

    High-level SAFe implementation plan template

    Further reading

    Decide if You Are Ready for SAFe

    Approach the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) with open eyes and an open wallet.

    Analyst Perspective

    Ensure that SAFe is the right move before committing.

    Waterfall is dead. Or obsolete at the very least.

    Organizations cannot wait months or years for product, service, application, and process changes. They need to embrace business agility to respond to opportunities more quickly and deliver value sooner. Agile established values and principles that have promoted smaller cycle times, greater connections between teams, improved return on investment (ROI) prioritization, and improved team empowerment.

    Where organizations continue to struggle is matching localized Scrum teams with enterprise initiatives. This struggle is compounded by legacy executive planning cycles, which undermine Agile team authority. SAFe has provided a series of frameworks to help organizations deal with these issues. It combines enterprise planning and alignment with cross-team collaboration.

    Don't rely on popularity or marketing to make your scaled Agile decision. SAFe is a highly disruptive transformation, and it requires extensive training, coaching, process changes, and time to implement. Without the culture shift to an Agile mindset at all levels, SAFe becomes a mirror of Waterfall processes dressed in SAFe names. Furthermore, SAFe itself will not fix problems with communication, requirements, development, testing, release, support, or governance. You will still need to fix these problems within the SAFe framework to be successful.

    Hans Eckman, Principal Research Director, Applications Delivery and Management

    Hans Eckman
    Principal Research Director, Applications Delivery and Management
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge Common Obstacles Info-Tech's Approach
    • Complex application landscapes require delivery teams to work together and coordinate changes across multiple product lines and releases.
    • Leadership wants to maintain executive strategic planning with faster delivery of changes.
    • Traditional methodologies are not well suited to support enterprise agility.
      • Waterfall is too slow, inefficient, and full of accumulated risk.
      • Scrum is not easy to scale and requires behavioral changes.
    • Enterprise transformations are never fast or easy, and SAFe is positioned as a complete replacement of your delivery practices.
    • Teams struggle with SAFe's rigid framework, interconnected methodologies, and new terms.
    • Few organizations are successful at implementing a pure SAFe framework.
    • Organizations without scaled product families have difficulties organizing SAFe teams into proper value streams.
    • Team staffing and stability are hard to resolve.
    Start with a clear understanding of your needs, constraints, goals, and culture.
    • Developing an Agile mindset is core to value realization. Start with Info-Tech's Agile Readiness Assessment.
    • Take the time to identify your drivers and goals.
    • If SAFe is right for you, build a transformation plan and select the right implementation partner.
    Plan SAFe as a long-term enterprise cultural transformation, requiring changes at all levels.

    Info-Tech Insight
    SAFe is a highly disruptive enterprise transformation, and it won't solve your organizational delivery challenges by itself. Start with an open mind, and understand what is needed to support a multi-year cultural transition. Decide how far and how fast you are willing to transform, and make sure that you have the right transformation and coaching partner in place. There is no right software development lifecycle (SDLC) or methodology. Find or create the methodology that best aligns to your needs and goals.

    Agile's Four Core Values

    "...while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more."
    - The Agile Manifesto

    STOP! If you're not Agile, don't start with SAFe.

    Agile over SAFe

    Successful SAFe requires an Agile mindset at all levels.

    Be aware of common myths around Agile and SAFe

    SAFe does not...

    1...solve development and communication issues.

    2...ensure that you will finish requirements faster.

    3...mean that you do not need planning and documentation.

    "Without proper planning, organizations can start throwing more resources at the work, which spirals into the classic Waterfall issues of managing by schedule."
    – Kristen Morton, Associate Implementation Architect,
    OneShield Inc. (Info-Tech Interview)

    Info-Tech Insight
    Poor culture, processes, governance, and leadership will disrupt any methodology. Many drivers for SAFe could be solved by improving and standardizing development and release management within current methodologies.

    Review the drivers that are motivating your organization to adopt and scale Agile practices

    Functional groups have their own drivers to adopt Agile development processes, practices, and techniques (e.g. to improve collaboration, decrease churn, or increase automation). Their buy-in to scaling Agile is just as important as the buy-in of stakeholders.

    If a group's specific needs and drivers are not addressed, its members may develop negative sentiments toward Agile development. These negative sentiments can affect their ability to see the benefits of Agile, and they may return to their old habits once the opportunity arises.

    It is important to find opportunities in which both business objectives and functional group drivers can be achieved by scaling Agile development. This can motivate teams to continuously improve and adhere to the new environment, and it will maintain business buy-in. It can also be used to justify activities that specifically address functional group drivers.

    Examples of Motivating Drivers for Scaling Agile

    • Improve artifact handoffs between development and operations.
    • Increase collaboration among development teams.
    • Reveal architectural and system risks early.
    • Expedite the feedback loop from support.
    • Improve capacity management.
    • Support development process innovation.
    • Create a safe environment to discuss concerns.
    • Optimize value streams.
    • Increase team engagement and comradery.

    Don't start with scaled Agile!

    Scaling Agile is a way to optimize product management and product delivery in application lifecycle management practices. Do not try to start with SAFe when the components are not yet in place.

    Scaled Agile

    Thought model describing how Agile connects Product Management to Product Delivery to elevate the entire Solution Lifecycle.

    Scale Agile delivery to improve cross-functional dependencies and releases

    Top Business Concerns When Scaling Agile

    1 Organizational Culture: The current culture may not support team empowerment, learning from failure, and other Agile principles. SAFe also allows top-down decisions to persist.

    2 Executive Support: Executives may not dedicate resources, time, and effort into removing obstacles to scaling Agile because of lack of business buy-in.

    3 Team Coordination: Current collaboration structures may not enable teams and stakeholders to share information freely and integrate workflows easily.

    4 Business Misalignment: Business vision and objectives may be miscommunicated early in development, risking poorly planned and designed initiatives and low-quality products.

    Extending collaboration is the key to success.

    Uniting stakeholders and development into a single body is the key to success. Assess the internal and external communication flow and define processes for planning and tracking work so that everyone is aware of how to integrate, communicate, and collaborate.

    The goal is to enable faster reaction to customer needs, shorter release cycles, and improved visibility of the project's progress with cross-functional and diverse conversations.

    Advantages of successful SAFe implementations

    Once SAFe is complete and operational, organizations have seen measurable benefits:

    • Multiple frameworks to support different levels of SAFe usage
    • Deliberate and consistent planning and coordination
    • Coordinating dependencies within value streams
    • Reduced time to delivery
    • Focus on customers and end users
    • Alignment to business goals and value streams
    • Increased employee engagement

    Sources: TechBeacon, 2019; Medium, 2020; "Benefits," Scaled Agile, 2023;
    "Pros and Cons," PremierAgile, n.d.; "Scaling Agile Challenges," PremierAgile, n.d.

    Advantages of successful SAFe implementations

    Source: "Benefits," Scaled Agile, 2023

    Recognize the difference between Scrum teams and the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)

    SAFe provides a framework that aligns Scrum teams into coordinated release trains driven by top-down prioritization.

    Scrum vs SAFe

    Develop Your Agile Approach for a Successful Transformation

    Source: Scaled Agile, Inc.

    Info-Tech's IT Management & Governance Framework

    Info-Tech's IT Management & Governance Framework

    Info-Tech Insight
    SAFe is an enterprise, culture, and process transformation that impacts all IT services. Some areas of Info-Tech's IT Management & Governance Framework have higher impacts and require special attention. Plan to include transformation support for each of these topics during your SAFe implementation. SAFe will not fix broken processes on its own.

    Without adopting an Agile mindset, SAFe becomes Waterfall with SAFe terminology

    Waterfall with SAFe terminology

    Source: Scaled Agile, Inc.

    Info-Tech Insight
    When first implementing SAFe, organizations reproduce their organizational design and Waterfall delivery structures with SAFe terms:

    • Delivery Manager = Release Train Engineer
    • Stakeholder/Sponsor = Product Manager
    • Release = Release Train
    • Project/Program = Project or Portfolio

    SAFe isn't without risks or challenges

    Risks and Causes of Failed SAFe Transformations

    • SAFe conflicts with legacy cultures and delivery processes.
    • SAFe promotes continued top-down decisions, undermining team empowerment.
    • Scaled product families are required to define proper value streams.
    • Team empowerment and autonomy are reduced.
    • SAFe activities are poorly executed.
    • There are high training and coaching costs.
    • Implementation takes a long time.
    • End-to-end delivery management tools aligned to SAFe are required.
    • Legacy delivery challenges are not specifically solved with SAFe.
    • SAFe is designed to work for large-scale development teams.


    • Adjusting to a new set of terms for common roles, processes, and activities
    • Executing planning cycles
    • Defining features and epics at the right level
    • Completing adequate requirements
    • Defining value streams
    • Coordinating releases and release trains
    • Providing consistent quality

    Sources: TechBeacon, 2019; Medium, 2020; "Benefits," Scaled Agile, 2023;
    "Pros and Cons," PremierAgile, n.d.; "Scaling Agile Challenges," PremierAgile, n.d.

    Focus on your core competencies instead

    Before undertaking an enterprise transformation, consider improving the underlying processes that will need to be fixed anyway. Fixing these areas while implementing SAFe compounds the effort and disruption.

    Product Delivery

    Product Management

    "But big-bang transitions are hard. They require total leadership commitment, a receptive culture, enough talented and experienced agile practitioners to staff hundreds of teams without depleting other capabilities, and highly prescriptive instruction manuals to align everyone's approach."
    – "Agile at Scale," Harvard Business Review

    Insight Summary

    Overarching insight
    SAFe is a highly disruptive enterprise transformation, and it will not solve your organizational delivery challenges by itself. Start with an open mind, and understand what is needed to support a multi-year cultural transition. Decide how far and fast you are willing to transform and make sure that you have the right transformation and coaching partner in place.

    SAFe conflicts with core Agile principles.
    The popularity of SAFe is largely due to its structural resemblance to enterprise portfolio and project planning with top-down prioritization and decision-making. This directly conflicts with Agile's purpose and principles of empowerment and agility.

    SAFe and Agile will not solve enterprise delivery challenges.
    Poor culture, processes, governance, and leadership will disrupt any methodology. Many issues with drivers for SAFe could be solved by improving development and release management within current methodologies.

    Most organizations should not be using a pure SAFe framework
    Few organizations are capable of, or should be, applying a pure SAFe framework. Successful organizations have adopted and modified SAFe frameworks to best fit their needs, teams, value streams, and maturity.

    Without an Agile mindset, SAFe will be executed as Waterfall stages using SAFe terminology.
    Groups that "Do Agile" are not likely to embrace the behavioral changes needed to make any scaled framework effective. SAFe becomes a series of Waterfall PIs using SAFe terminology.

    Your transformation does not start with SAFe.
    Start your transition to scaled Agile with a maturity assessment for current delivery practices. Fixing broken process, tools, and teams must be at the heart of your initiative.

    Blueprint Deliverables

    Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals:

    Key Deliverable

    SAFe Transformation Playbook

    Build a transformation and organizational change management plan to guide your transition. Define clear ownership for every critical step.

    Scaled Agile Readiness Assessment

    Conduct the Agile readiness survey. Without an Agile mindset, SAFe will follow Waterfall or WaterScrumFall practices.

    Case Study

    Spotify's approach to Agile at scale

    INDUSTRY: Digital Media
    SOURCE: Unified Communications and Collaborations

    Spotify's Scaling Agile Initiative

    With rapid user adoption growth (over 15 million active users in under six years), Spotify had to find a way to maintain an Agile mindset across 30+ teams in three different cities, while maintaining the benefits of cross-functional collaboration and flexibility for future growth.

    Spotify's Approach

    Spotify found a fit-for-purpose way for the organization to increase team autonomy without losing the benefits of cross-team communication from economics of scale. Spotify focused on identifying dependencies that block or slow down work through a mix of reprioritization, reorganization, architectural changes, and technical solutions. The organization embraced dependencies that led to cross-team communication and built in the necessary flexibility to allow Agile to grow with the organization.

    Spotify's scaling Agile initiative used interview processes to identify what each team depended on and how those dependencies blocked or slowed the team.

    Squad refers to an autonomous Agile release team in this case study.

    Case Study

    Suncorp instilled dedicated communication streams to ensure cross-role collaboration and culture.

    INDUSTRY: Insurance
    SOURCE: Agile India, International Conference on Agile and Lean Software Development, 2014

    Challenge Solution Results
    • Suncorp Group wanted to improve delivery and minimize risk. Suncorp realized that it needed to change its project delivery process to optimize business value delivery.
    • With five core business units, over 15,000 employees, and US$96 billion in assets, Suncorp had to face a broad set of project coordination challenges.
    • Suncorp decided to deliver all IT projects using Agile.
    • Suncorp created a change program consisting of five main streams of work, three of which dealt with the challenges specific to Agile culture:
      • People: building culture, leadership, and support
      • Communication: ensuring regular employee collaboration
      • Capabilities: blending training and coaching
    • Sponsorship from management and champions to advocate Agile were key to ensure that everyone was unified in a common purpose.
    • Having a dedicated communication stream was vital to ensure regular sharing of success and failure to enable learning.
    • Having a structured, standard approach to execute the planned culture change was integral to success.

    Case Study

    Nationwide embraces DevOps and improves software quality.

    INDUSTRY: Insurance
    SOURCE: Agile India, International Conference on Agile and Lean Software Development, 2014

    Challenge Solution Results
    • In the past, Nationwide primarily followed a Waterfall development process. However, this method created conflicts between IT and business needs.
    • The organization began transitioning from Waterfall to Agile development. It has seen early successes with Agile: decrease in defects per release and more success in meeting delivery times.
    • Nationwide needed to respond more efficiently to changing market requirements and regulations and to increase speed to market.
    • Nationwide decided to take a DevOps approach to application development and delivery.
    • IT wanted to perform continuous integration and deployment in its environments.
    • Cross-functional teams were organically created, made up of members from the business and multiple IT groups, including development and operations.
    • DevOps allowed Nationwide to be more Agile and more responsive to its customers.
    • Teams were able to perform acceptance testing with their customers in parallel with development. This allowed immediate feedback to help steer the project in the right direction.
    • DevOps improved code quality by 50% over a three-year period and reduced user downtime by 70%.

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit Guided Implementation Workshop Consulting
    "Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful." "Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track." "We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place." "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project."

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks are used throughout all four options.

    Guided Implementation

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    Phase 1

    Call #1:

    Scope your requirements, objectives, and specific challenges.

    Call #2:

    1.1.1 Define your primary drivers for SAFe.

    1.1.2 Create your own list of pros and cons of SAFe.

    Call #3:

    1.2.1 Assess your Agile readiness.

    1.2.2 Define enablers and blockers for scaling Agile delivery.

    1.2.3 Estimate your SAFe implementation risk.

    Call #4:

    1.2.4 Start your SAFe implementation plan.

    Summarize your results and plan your next steps.

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    A typical GI is one to four calls over the course of one to six weeks.

    Workshop Overview

    Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889

    Pre-Planning Step 1.1 Step 1.2
    Identify your stakeholders. Step 1.1 Understand where SAFe fits into your delivery methodologies and SDLCs. Step 1.2 Determine if you are ready for SAFe.
    Activities 1. Determine stakeholders and subject matter experts.
    2. Coordinate timing and participation.
    3. Set goals and expectations for the workshop.
    1.1.1 Define your primary drivers for SAFe.
    1.1.2 Create your own list of pros and cons of SAFe
    1.2.1 Assess your Agile readiness.
    1.2.2 Define enablers and blockers for scaling Agile delivery.
    1.2.3 Estimate your SAFe implementation risk.
    1.2.4 Start your SAFe implementation plan.
  • Workshop schedule
  • Participant commitment
    • List of primary drivers for SAFe
    • List of pros and cons of SAFe
    • Agile Readiness Assessment results
    • List of enablers and blockers for scaling Agile delivery
    • Estimated SAFe implementation risk
    • Template for high-level SAFe implementation plan

    Supporting Your Agile Journey

    Enable Product Agile Delivery Executive Workshop Develop Your Agile Approach Spread Best Practices with an Agile Center of Excellence Implement DevOps Practices That Work Enable Organization-Wide Collaboration by Scaling Agile
    Number One Number two Number Three Number Four Number Five

    Align and prepare your IT leadership teams.

    Audience: Senior and IT delivery leadership

    Size: 8-16 people

    Time: 7 hours

    Tune Agile team practices to fit your organization culture.

    Audience: Agile pilot teams and subject matter experts (SMEs)

    Size: 10-20 people

    Time: 4 days

    Leverage Agile thought leadership to expand your best practices.

    Audience: Agile SMEs and thought leaders

    Size: 10-20 people

    Time: 4 days

    Build a continuous integration and continuous delivery pipeline.

    Audience: Product owners (POs) and delivery team leads

    Size: 10-20 people

    Time: 4 days

    Execute a disciplined approach to rolling out Agile methods.

    Audience: Agile steering team and SMEs

    Size: 3-8 people

    Time: 3 hours

    Repeat Legend

    Sample agendas are included in the following sections for each of these topics.

    Your Product Transformation Journey

    1. Make the Case for Product Delivery2. Enable Product Delivery - Executive Workshop3. Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision4. Deliver Digital Products at Scale5. Mature and Scale Product Ownership
    Align your organization with the practices to deliver what matters most.Participate in a one-day executive workshop to help you align and prepare your leadership.Enhance product backlogs, roadmapping, and strategic alignment.Scale product families to align with your organization's goals.Align and mature your product owners.

    Audience: Senior executives and IT leadership

    Size: 8-16 people

    Time: 6 hours

    Repeat Symbol

    Audience: Product owners/managers

    Size: 10-20 people

    Time: 3-4 days

    Repeat Symbol

    Audience: Product owners/managers

    Size: 10-20 people

    Time: 3-4 days

    Audience: Product owners/managers

    Size: 8-16 people

    Time: 2-4 days

    Repeat Symbol

    Repeat Legend

    Phase 1

    Determine if SAFe Is Right for Your Organization

    Phase 1
    1.1 Understand where SAFe fits into your delivery methodologies and SDLCs
    1.2 Determine if you are ready for SAFe (fit for purpose)

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • 1.1.1 Define your primary drivers for SAFe.
    • 1.1.2 Create your own list of pros and cons of SAFe.
    • 1.2.1 Assess your Agile readiness.
    • 1.2.2 Define enablers and blockers for scaling Agile delivery.
    • 1.2.3 Estimate your SAFe implementation risk.
    • 1.2.4 Start your SAFe implementation plan.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Senior leadership
    • IT leadership
    • Project Management Office
    • Delivery managers
    • Product managers/owners
    • Agile thought leaders and coaches
    • Compliance teams leads

    Step 1.1

    Understand where SAFe fits into your delivery methodologies and SDLCs

    1.1.1 Define your primary drivers for SAFe
    1.1.2 Create your own list of pros and cons of SAFe

    This step involves the following participants:

    • IT leadership
    • Delivery managers
    • Project management office
    • Product owners and managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Architects

    Outcomes of this step:

    • List of primary drivers for SAFe
    • List of pros and cons of SAFe

    Agile's Four Core Values

    "...while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more."
    – The Agile Manifesto

    STOP! If you're not Agile, don't start with SAFe.

    Agile's Four Core Values

    Successful SAFe requires an Agile mindset at all levels.

    Be aware of common myths around Agile and SAFe

    SAFe does not...

    1...solve development and communication issues.

    2...ensure that you will finish requirements faster.

    3...mean that you do not need planning and documentation.

    "Without proper planning, organizations can start throwing more resources at the work, which spirals into the classic Waterfall issues of managing by schedule."
    – Kristen Morton, Associate Implementation Architect,
    OneShield Inc. (Info-Tech Interview)

    Info-Tech Insight
    SAFe only provides a framework and steps where these issues can be resolved.

    The importance of values and principles

    Modern development practices (such as Agile, Lean, and DevOps) are based on values and principles. This supports the move away from command-and-control management to self-organizing teams.


    • Values represent your team's core beliefs and capture what you want to instill in your team.


    • Principles represent methods for solving a problem or deciding.
    • Given that principles are rooted in specifics, they can change more frequently because they are both fallible and conducive to learning.

    Consider the guiding principles of your application team

    Teams may have their own perspectives on how they deliver value and their own practices for how they do this. These perspectives can help you develop guiding principles for your own team to explain your core values and cement your team's culture. Guiding principles can help you:

    • Enable the appropriate environment to foster collaboration within current organizational, departmental, and cultural constraints
    • Foster the social needs that will engage and motivate your team in a culture that suits its members
    • Ensure that all teams are driven toward the same business and team goals, even if other teams are operating differently
    • Build organizational camaraderie aligned with corporate strategies

    Info-Tech Insight
    Following methodologies by the book can be detrimental if they do not fit your organization's needs, constraints, and culture. The ultimate goal of all teams is to deliver value. Any practices or activities that drive teams away from this goal should be removed or modified.

    Review the drivers that are motivating your organization to adopt and scale Agile practices

    Functional groups have their own drivers to adopt Agile development processes, practices, and techniques (e.g. to improve collaboration, decrease churn, or increase automation). Their buy-in to scaling Agile is just as important as the buy-in of stakeholders.

    By not addressing a group's specific needs and drivers, the resulting negative sentiments of its members toward Agile development can affect their ability to see the benefits of Agile and they may return to old habits once the opportunity arises.

    Find opportunities in which both business objectives and functional group drivers can be achieved with scaling Agile development. This alignment can motivate teams to continuously improve and adhere to the new environment, and it will maintain business buy-in. This assessment can also be used to justify activities that specifically address functional group drivers.

    Examples of Motivating Drivers for Scaling Agile

    • Improve artifact hand-offs between development and operations.
    • Increase collaboration among development teams.
    • Reveal architectural and system risks early.
    • Expedite the feedback loop from support.
    • Improve capacity management.
    • Support development process innovation.
    • Create a safe environment to discuss concerns.
    • Optimize value streams.
    • Increase team engagement and comradery.

    Exercise 1.1.1 Define your primary drivers for SAFe

    30 minutes

    • Brainstorm a list of drivers for scaling Agile.
    • Build a value canvas to help capture and align team expectations.
    • Identify jobs or functions that will be impacted by SAFe.
    • List your current pains and gains.
    • List the pain relievers and gain creators.
    • Identify the deliverable needed for a successful transformation.
    • Complete your SAFe value canvas in your SAFe Transformation Playbook.

    Enter the results in your SAFe Transformation Playbook.

    • Organizational understanding
    • Existing Agile delivery strategic plans
    • IT leadership
    • Delivery managers
    • Project management office
    • Product owners and managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Architects

    SAFe Value Canvas Template

    SAFe Value Canvas Template

    Case Study

    A public utilities organization steadily lost stakeholder engagement, diminishing product quality.

    INDUSTRY: Public Utilities
    SOURCE: Info-Tech Expert Interview


    • The goal of a public utilities organization was to adopt Agile so it could quickly respond to changes and trim costs.
    • The organization decided to scale Agile using a structured approach. It began implementation with IT teams that were familiar with Agile principles and leveraged IT seniors as Agile champions. To ensure that Agile principles were widespread, the organization decided to develop a training program with vendor assistance.
    • As Agile successes began to be seen, the organization decided to increase the involvement of business teams gradually so it could organically grow the concept within the business.


    • Teams saw significant success with many projects because they could easily demonstrate deliverables and clearly show the business value. Over time, the teams used Agile for large projects with complex processing needs.
    • Teams continued to deliver small projects successfully, but business engagement waned over time. Some of the large, complex applications they delivered using Agile lacked the necessary functionality and appropriate controls and, in some cases, did not have the ability to scale due to a poor architectural framework. These applications required additional investment, which far exceeded the original cost forecasts.

    While Agile and product development are intertwined, they are not the same!

    Delivering products does not necessarily require an Agile mindset. However, Agile methods help to facilitate the journey because product thinking is baked into them.

    Agile and product development are intertwined

    Recognize the difference between Scrum teams and the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)

    SAFe provides a framework that aligns Scrum teams into coordinated release trains driven by top-down prioritization.

    Difference between Scrum and SAFe

    Develop Your Agile Approach for a Successful Transformation

    Without adopting an Agile mindset, SAFe becomes Waterfall with SAFe terminology

    Waterfall with SAFe terminology

    Info-Tech Insight
    When first implementing SAFe, organizations reproduce their organizational design and Waterfall delivery structures with SAFe terms:

    • Delivery Manager = Release Train Engineer
    • Stakeholder/Sponsor = Product Manager
    • Release = Release Train
    • Project/Program = Project or Portfolio

    Advantages of successful SAFe implementations

    Once SAFe is complete and operational, organizations have seen measurable benefits:

    • Multiple frameworks to support different levels of SAFe usage
    • Deliberate and consistent planning and coordination
    • Coordinating dependencies within value streams
    • Reduced time to delivery
    • Focus on customers and end users
    • Alignment to business goals and value streams
    • Increased employee engagement

    Sources: TechBeacon, 2019; Medium, 2020; "Benefits," Scaled Agile, 2023;
    "Pros and Cons," PremierAgile, n.d.; "Scaling Agile Challenges," PremierAgile, n.d.

    Advantages of successful SAFe implementations

    Source: "Benefits," Scaled Agile, 2023

    SAFe isn't without risks or challenges

    Risks and Causes of Failed SAFe Transformations

    • SAFe conflicts with legacy cultures and delivery processes.
    • SAFe promotes continued top-down decisions, undermining team empowerment.
    • Scaled product families are required to define proper value streams.
    • Team empowerment and autonomy are reduced.
    • SAFe activities are poorly executed.
    • There are high training and coaching costs.
    • Implementation takes a long time.
    • End-to-end delivery management tools aligned to SAFe are required.
    • Legacy delivery challenges are not specifically solved with SAFe.
    • SAFe is designed to work for large-scale development teams.


    • Adjusting to a new set of terms for common roles, processes, and activities
    • Executing planning cycles
    • Defining features and epics at the right level
    • Completing adequate requirements
    • Defining value streams
    • Coordinating releases and release trains
    • Providing consistent quality

    Sources: TechBeacon, 2019; Medium, 2020; "Benefits," Scaled Agile, 2023; "Pros and Cons," PremierAgile, n.d.; "Scaling Agile Challenges," PremierAgile, n.d.

    Exercise 1.1.2 Create your own list of the pros and cons of SAFe

    1 hour

    Pros Cons

    Enter the results in your SAFe Transformation Playbook

    • Organizational drivers
    • Analysis of SAFe
    • Estimate of fit for purpose
    • IT leadership
    • Delivery managers
    • Project management office
    • Product owners and managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Architects

    Focus on your core competencies instead

    Before undertaking an enterprise transformation, consider improving the underlying processes that will need to be fixed anyway. Fixing these areas while implementing SAFe compounds the effort and disruption.

    Product Delivery

    Product Management

    "But big-bang transitions are hard. They require total leadership commitment, a receptive culture, enough talented and experienced agile practitioners to staff hundreds of teams without depleting other capabilities, and highly prescriptive instruction manuals to align everyone's approach."
    - "Agile at Scale," Harvard Business Review

    Step 1.2

    Determine if you are ready for SAFe (fit for purpose)

    1.2.1 Assess your Agile readiness
    1.2.2 Define enablers and blockers for scaling Agile delivery
    1.2.3 Estimate your SAFe implementation risk
    1.2.4 Start your SAFe implementation plan

    This step involves the following participants:

    • IT leadership
    • Delivery managers
    • Project management office
    • Product owners and managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Architects

    Outcomes of this step:

    • Agile Readiness Assessment results
    • Enablers and blockers for scaling Agile
    • SAFe implementation risk
    • SAFe implementation plan

    Use CLAIM to guide your Agile journey

    Use CLAIM to guide your Agile journey

    Conduct the Agile Readiness Assessment Survey

    Without an Agile mindset, SAFe will follow Waterfall or WaterScrumFall practices.

    • Start your journey with a clear understanding of the level of Agile and product maturity throughout your organization.
    • Each area that lacks strength should be evaluated further and added to your journey map.

    Chart of Agile Readiness

    Exercise 1.2.1 Assess your Agile readiness

    1 hour

    • Open and complete the Agile Readiness Assessment in your playbook or the Excel tool provided.
    • Discuss each area's high and low scores to reach a consensus.
    • Record your results in your SAFe Transformation Playbook.

    Chart of Agile Readiness

    Enter the results in Scaled Agile Readiness Assessment.

    • Organizational knowledge
    • Agile Readiness Assessment
    • IT leadership
    • Delivery managers
    • Project Management Office
    • Product owners and managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Architects

    Exercise 1.2.2 Define enablers and blockers for scaling Agile delivery

    1 hour

    • Identify and mitigate blockers for scaling Agile in your organization.
      • Identify enablers who will support successful SAFe transformation.
      • Identify blockers who will make the transition to SAFe more difficult.
      • For each blocker, define at least one mitigating step.
    Enablers Blockers Mitigation

    Enter the results in your SAFe Transformation Playbook

    • Agile Readiness Assessment
    • Organizational knowledge
    • IT leadership
    • Delivery managers
    • Project management office
    • Product owners and managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Architects

    Estimate your SAFe implementation risk

    Poor Fit High Risk Scaling Potential
    Team size <50 >150 or non-dedicated 50-150 dedicated
    Agile maturity Waterfall and project delivery Individual Scrum DevOps teams Scrum DevOps teams coordinating dependencies
    Product management maturity Project-driver changes from stakeholders Proxy product owners within delivery teams Defined product families and products
    Strategic goals Localized decisions Enterprise goals implemented at the app level Translation and refinement of enterprise goals through product families
    Enterprise architecture Siloed architecture standards Common architectures Future enterprise architecture and employee review board (ERB) reviews
    Release management Independent release schedules Formal release calendar Continuous integration/development (CI/CD) with organizational change management (OCM) scheduled cross-functional releases
    Requirements management and quality assurance Project based Partial requirements and test case coverage Requirements as an asset and test automation

    Exercise 1.2.3 Estimate your SAFe implementation risk

    30 minutes

    • Determine which description best matches your overall organizational state.
    • Enter the results in your SAFe Transformation Playbook.
    • Change the text to bold in the cell you selected to describe your current state and/or add a border around the cell.

    Chart of SAFe implementation risk

    Enter the results in SAFe Transformation Playbook.

    • Agile Readiness Assessment
    • Organizational knowledge
    • IT leadership
    • Delivery managers
    • Project management office
    • Product owners and managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Architects

    Interpret your SAFe implementation risks

    Analyze your highlighted selections and patterns in the rows and columns. Use these factors to inform your SAFe implementation steps and timing.

    Interpret your SAFe implementation risks

    Build your implementation plan

    Build a transformation and organizational change management plan to guide your transition. Define clear ownership for every critical step.

    Plan your transformation.

    • Align stakeholders and thought leaders.
    • Select an implementation partner.
    • Insert critical steps.

    Build your SAFe framework.

    • Define your target SAFe framework.
    • Customize your SAFe framework.
    • Establish SAFe governance and reporting.
    • Insert critical steps.

    Implement SAFe practices.

    • Define product families and value streams.
    • Conduct SAFe training for:
      • Executive leadership
      • Agile SAFe coaches
      • Practitioners
    • Insert critical steps.

    For additional help with OCM, please download Master Organizational Change Management Practices.

    Exercise 1.2.4 Start your SAFe implementation plan

    30 minutes

    • Using the high-level SAFE implementation framework, begin building out the critical steps.
    • Record the results in your SAFe Transformation Playbook.
    • Your playbook is an evergreen document to help guide your implementation. It should be reviewed often.

    SAFe implementation plan

    Enter the results in your SAFe Transformation Playbook

    • SAFe readiness assessment
    • Enablers and blockers
    • Drivers for SAFe
    • IT leadership
    • Delivery managers
    • Project management office
    • Product owners and managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Architects

    Select an implementation partner

    Finding the right SAFe implementation partner is critical to your transformation success.

    • Using your previous assessment, align internal and external resources to support your transformation.
    • Select a partner who has experience in similar organizations and is aligned with your delivery goals.
    • Plan to transition support to internal teams when SAFe practices have stabilized and moved into continuous improvement.
    • Augment your transformation partner with internal coaches.
    • Plan for a multiyear engagement before SAFe benefits are realized.

    Summary of Accomplishments

    Your journey begins.

    Implementing SAFe is a long, expensive, and difficult process. For some organizations, SAFe provides the balance of leadership-driven prioritization and control with shorter release cycles and time to value. The key is making sure that SAFe is right for you and you are ready for SAFe. Few organizations fit perfectly into one of the SAFe frameworks. Instead, consider fine-tuning and customizing SAFe to meet your needs and gradual transformation.

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through other phases as part of an Info-Tech workshop.

    Contact your account representative for more information.

    Additional Support

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through other phases as part of an Info-Tech Workshop.

    To accelerate this project, engage your IT team in an Info-Tech workshop with an Info-Tech analyst team.

    Info-Tech analysts will join you and your team at your location or welcome you to Info-Tech's historic Toronto office to participate in an innovative onsite workshop.

    Below are sample activities that will be conducted by Info-Tech analysts with your team:

    Scaled Agile Delivery Readiness Assessment
    This assessment will help identify enablers and blockers in your organizational culture using our CLAIM+G organization transformation model.

    SAFE Value Canvas
    Use a value campus to define jobs, pains, gains, pain relievers, gain creators, and needed deliverables to help inform and guide your SAFe transformation.

    Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889


    "6 Biggest SAFe Agile Implementation Mistakes to Avoid." Triumph Strategic Consulting, 27 July 2017.

    "The 7 Must-Haves for Achieving Scaling Agile Success." The 7 Must-Haves for Achieving Scaling Agile Success.

    Ageling, Willem-Jan. "11 Most Common Reasons to Use Scaled Agile Framework (SAFE) and How to Do This With Unscaled Scrum." Medium, Serious Scrum, 26 Jan. 2020.

    Agile India, International Conference on Agile and Lean Software Development, 2014.

    "Air France - KLM - Agile Adoption with SAFe." Scaled Agile, 28 Nov. 2022.

    "Application Development Trends 2019 - Global Survey Report." OutSystems.

    "Benefits of SAFe: How It Benefits Organizations." Scaled Agile, 13 Mar. 2023.

    Berkowitz, Emma. "The Cost of a SAFe(r) Implementation: CPRIME Blog." Cprime, 30 Jan. 2023.

    "Chevron - Adopting SAFe with Remote Workforce." Scaled Agile, 28 Nov. 2022.

    "Cisco It - Adopting Agile Development with SAFe." Scaled Agile, 13 Sept. 2022.

    "CMS - Business Agility Transformation Using SAFe." Scaled Agile, 13 Sept. 2022.

    Crain, Anthony. "4 Biggest Challenges in Moving to Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)." TechBeacon, 25 Jan. 2019.

    "The Essential Role of Communications ." Project Management Institute .

    Gardiner, Phil. "SAFe Implementation: 4 Tips for Getting Started." Applied Frameworks, 20 Jan. 2022.

    "How Do I Start Implementing SAFe?" Agility in Mind, 29 July 2022.

    "How to Masterfully Screw Up Your SAFe Implementation." Wibas Artikel-Bibliothek, 6 Sept. 2022.

    "Implementation Roadmap." Scaled Agile Framework, 14 Mar. 2023.

    Islam, Ayvi. "SAFe Implementation 101 - The Complete Guide for Your Company." //Seibert/Media, 22 Dec. 2020.

    "Johnson Controls - SAFe Implementation Case Study." Scaled Agile, 28 Nov. 2022.

    "The New Rules and Opportunities of Business Transformation." KPMG.

    "Nokia Software - SAFe Agile Transformation." Scaled Agile, 28 Nov. 2022.

    Pichler, Roman. "What Is Product Management?" Romanpichler, 2014.

    "Product Documentation." ServiceNow.

    "Pros and Cons of Scaled Agile Framework." PremierAgile.

    "Pulse of the Profession Beyond Agility." Project Management Institute.

    R, Ramki. "Pros and Cons of Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)." Medium, 3 Mar. 2019.

    R, Ramki. "When Should You Consider Implementing SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework)?" Medium, Medium, 3 Mar. 2019.

    Rigby, Darrell, Jeff Sutherland, and Andy Noble. "Agile at Scale: How to go from a few teams to hundreds." Harvard Business Review, 2018.

    "SAFe Implementation Roadmap." Scaled Agile Framework, Scaled Agile, Inc., 14 Mar. 2023.

    "SAFe Partner Cprime: SAFe Implementation Roadmap: Scaled Agile." Cprime, 5 Apr. 2023.

    "SAFe: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly." Project Management Institute.

    "Scaled Agile Framework." Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 29 Mar. 2023.

    "Scaling Agile Challenges and How to Overcome Them." PremierAgile.

    "SproutLoud - a Case Study of SAFe Agile Planning." Scaled Agile, 29 Nov. 2022.

    "Story." Scaled Agile Framework, 13 Apr. 2023.

    Sutherland , Jeff. "Scrum: How to Do Twice as Much in Half the Time." Tedxaix, YouTube, 7 July 2014.

    Venema, Marjan. "6 Scaled Agile Frameworks - Which One Is Right for You?" NimbleWork, 23 Dec. 2022.

    Warner, Rick. "Scaled Agile: What It Is and Why You Need It." High-Performance Low-Code for App Development, OutSystems, 25 Oct. 2019.

    Watts, Stephen, and Kirstie Magowan. "The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFE): What to Know and How to Start." BMC Blogs, 9 Sept. 2020.

    "What Is SAFe? The Scaled Agile Framework Explained." CIO, 9 Feb. 2021.

    "Why Agile Transformations Fail: Four Common Culprits." Planview.

    "Why You Should Use SAFe (and How to Find SAFe Training to Help)." Easy Agile.

    Y., H. "Story Points vs. 'Ideal Days.'" Cargo Cultism, 19 Aug. 2010.


    Enable Organization-Wide Collaboration by Scaling Agile

    Ambler, Scott W. "Agile Architecture: Strategies for Scaling Agile Development." Agile Modeling, 2012.

    - - -. "Comparing Approaches to Budgeting and Estimating Software Development Projects." AmbySoft.

    - - -. "Agile and Large Teams." Dr. Dobb's, 17 Jun 2008.

    Ambler, Scott W. and Mark Lines. Disciplined Agile Delivery: A Practitioner's Guide to Agile Software Delivery in the Enterprise. IBM Press, 2012.

    Ambler, Scott W., and Mark Lines. "Scaling Agile Software Development: Disciplined Agility at Scale." Disciplined Agile Consortium White Paper Series, 2014.

    AmbySoft. "2014 Agile Adoption Survey Results." Scott W. Ambler + Associates, 2014.

    Bersin, Josh. "Time to Scrap Performance Appraisals?" Forbes Magazine, 5 June 2013. Accessed 30 Oct. 2013..

    Cheese, Peter, et al. " Creating an Agile Organization." Accenture, Oct. 2009. Accessed Nov. 2013..

    Croxon, Bruce, et al. "Dinner Series: Performance Management with Bruce Croxon from CBC's 'Dragon's Den.'" HRPA Toronto Chapter. Sheraton Hotel, Toronto, ON, 12 Nov. 2013. Panel discussion.

    Culbert, Samuel. "10 Reasons to Get Rid of Performance Reviews." Huffington Post Business, 18 Dec. 2012. Accessed 28 Oct. 2013.

    Denning, Steve. "The Case Against Agile: Ten Perennial Management Objections." Forbes Magazine, 17 Apr. 2012. Accessed Nov. 2013.

    Estis, Ryan. "Blowing up the Performance Review: Interview with Adobe's Donna Morris." Ryan Estis & Associates, 17 June 2013. Accessed Oct. 2013.

    Heikkila et al. "A Revelatory Case Study on Scaling Agile Release Planning." EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), 2010.

    Holler, Robert, and Ian Culling. "From Agile Pilot Project to Enterprise-Wide Deployment: Five Sure-Fire Ways To Fail When You Scale." VersionOne, 2010.

    Kniberg, Henrik, and Anders Ivarsson, "Scaling Agile @ Spotify," Unified Communications and Collaborations, 2012.

    Narayan, Sriram. "Agile IT Organization Design: For Digital Transformation and Continuous Delivery." Addison-Wesley Professional, 2015.

    Shrivastava, NK, and Phillip George. "Scaling Agile." RefineM, 2015.

    Sirkia, Rami, and Maarit Laanti. "Lean and Agile Financial Planning." Scaled Agile Framework Blog, 2014.

    Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). "Agile Architecture." Scaled Agile Inc., 2015.

    VersionOne. 9th Annual: State of Agile Survey. VersionOne, LLC, 2015.

    Appendix A: Supporting Info-Tech Research

    Transformation topics and supporting research to make your journey easier, with less rework

    Supporting research and services

    Improving IT Alignment

    Build a Business-Aligned IT Strategy
    Success depends on IT initiatives clearly aligned to business goals, IT excellence, and driving technology innovation.

    Make Your IT Governance Adaptable
    Governance isn't optional, so keep it simple and make it flexible.

    Create an IT View of the Service Catalog
    Unlock the full value of your service catalog with technical components.

    Application Portfolio Management Foundations
    Ensure your application portfolio delivers the best possible return on investment.

    Shifting Toward Agile DevOps

    Agile/DevOps Research Center
    Access the tools and advice you need to be successful with Agile.

    Develop Your Agile Approach for a Successful Transformation
    Understand Agile fundamentals, principles, and practices so you can apply them effectively in your organization.

    Implement DevOps Practices That Work
    Streamline business value delivery through the strategic adoption of DevOps practices.

    Perform an Agile Skills Assessment
    Being Agile isn't about processes, it's about people.

    Define the Role of Project Management in Agile and Product-Centric Delivery
    Projects and products are not mutually exclusive.

    Shifting Toward Product Management

    Make the Case for Product Delivery
    Align your organization on the practices to deliver what matters most.

    Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision
    Build a product vision your organization can take from strategy through execution.

    Deliver Digital Products at Scale
    Deliver value at the scale of your organization through defining enterprise product families.

    Mature and Scale Product Ownership
    Strengthen the product owner role in your organization by focusing on core capabilities and proper alignment.

    Build a Value Measurement Framework
    Focus product delivery on business value- driven outcomes.

    Improving Value and Delivery Metrics

    Build a Value Measurement Framework
    Focus product delivery on business value-driven outcomes.

    Create a Holistic IT Dashboard
    Mature your IT department by measuring what matters.

    Select and Use SDLC Metrics Effectively
    Be careful what you ask for, because you will probably get it.

    Reduce Time to Consensus With an Accelerated Business Case
    Expand on the financial model to give your initiative momentum.

    Improving Governance, Prioritization, and Value

    Make Your IT Governance Adaptable
    Governance isn't optional, so keep it simple and make it flexible.

    Maximize Business Value From IT Through Benefits Realization
    Embed benefits realization into your governance process to prioritize IT spending and confirm the value of IT.

    Drive Digital Transformation With Platform Strategies
    Innovate and transform your business models with digital platforms.

    Succeed With Digital Strategy Execution
    Building a digital strategy is only half the battle: create a systematic roadmap of technology initiatives to execute the strategy and drive digital transformation.

    Build a Value Measurement Framework
    Focus product delivery on business value-driven outcomes.

    Create a Holistic IT Dashboard
    Mature your IT department by measuring what matters.

    Improving Requirements Management and Quality Assurance

    Requirements Gathering for Small Enterprises
    Right-size the guidelines of your requirements gathering process.

    Improve Requirements Gathering
    Back to basics: great products are built on great requirements.

    Build a Software Quality Assurance Program
    Build quality into every step of your SDLC.

    Automate Testing to Get More Done
    Drive software delivery throughput and quality confidence by extending your automation test coverage.

    Manage Your Technical Debt
    Make the case to manage technical debt in terms of business impact.

    Create a Business Process Management Strategy
    Avoid project failure by keeping the "B" in BPM.

    Build a Winning Business Process Automation Playbook
    Optimize and automate your business processes with a user-centric approach.

    Improving Release Management

    Optimize Applications Release Management
    Build trust by right-sizing your process using appropriate governance.

    Streamline Application Maintenance
    Effective maintenance ensures the long-term value of your applications.

    Streamline Application Management
    Move beyond maintenance to ensure exceptional value from your apps.

    Optimize IT Change Management
    Right-size IT change management to protect the live environment.

    Manage Your Technical Debt
    Make the case to manage technical debt in terms of business impact.

    Improve Application Development Throughput
    Drive down your delivery time by eliminating development inefficiencies and bottlenecks while maintaining high quality.

    Improving Business Relationship Management

    Embed Business Relationship Management in IT
    Show that IT is worthy of Trusted Partner status.

    Mature and Scale Product Ownership
    Strengthen the product owner role in your organization by focusing on core capabilities and proper alignment.

    Improving Security

    Build an Information Security Strategy
    Create value by aligning your strategy to business goals and business risks.

    Develop and Deploy Security Policies
    Enhance your overall security posture with a defensible and prescriptive policy suite.

    Simplify Identity and Access Management
    Leverage risk- and role-based access control to quantify and simplify the identity and access management (IAM) process.

    Improving and Supporting Business-Managed Applications

    Embrace Business-Managed Applications
    Empower the business to implement their own applications with a trusted business-IT relationship.

    Enhance Your Solution Architecture Practices
    Ensure your software systems solution is architected to reflect stakeholders' short- and long-term needs.

    Satisfy Digital End Users With Low- and No-Code
    Extend IT, automation, and digital capabilities to the business with the right tools, good governance, and trusted organizational relationships.

    Build Your First RPA Bot
    Support RPA delivery with strong collaboration and management foundations.

    Automate Work Faster and More Easily With Robotic Process Automation
    Embrace the symbiotic relationship between the human and digital workforce.

    Improving Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Reporting

    Modernize Data Architecture for Measurable Business Results
    Enable the business to achieve operational excellence, client intimacy, and product leadership with an innovative, agile, and fit-for-purpose data architecture practice.

    Build a Reporting and Analytics Strategy
    Deliver actionable business insights by creating a business-aligned reporting and analytics strategy.

    Build Your Data Quality Program
    Quality data drives quality business decisions.

    Design Data-as-a-Service
    Journey to the data marketplace ecosystems.

    Build a Robust and Comprehensive Data Strategy
    Learn about the key to building and fostering a data-driven culture.

    Build an Application Integration Strategy
    Level the table before assembling the application integration puzzle or risk losing pieces.

    Appendix B: SDLC Transformation Steps

    Waterfall SDLC

    Valuable product delivered at the end of an extended project lifecycle, frequently in years

    Waterfall SDLC

    • Business is separated from the delivery of technology it needs. Only one-third of the product is actually valuable (ITRG, N=40,000).
    • In Waterfall, a team of experts in specific disciplines hand off different aspects of the lifecycle.
    • Document sign-offs are required to ensure integration between silos (Business, Development, and Operations) and individuals.
    • A separate change-request process lays over the entire lifecycle to prevent changes from disrupting delivery.
    • Tools are deployed to support a specific role (e.g. BA) and seldom integrated (usually requirements <-> test).

    Wagile/Agifall/WaterScrumFall SDLC

    Valuable product delivered in multiple releases

     Wagile/Agifall/WaterScrumFall SDLC

    • Business is more closely integrated by a business product owner, who is accountable for day-to-day delivery of value for users.
    • The team collaborates and develops cross-functional skills as they define, design, build, and test code over time.
    • Sign-offs are reduced but documentation is still focused on satisfying project delivery and operations policy requirements.
    • Change is built into the process to allow the team to respond to change dynamically.
    • Tools start to be integrated to streamline delivery (usually requirements and Agile work management tools).

    Agile SDLC

    Valuable product delivered iteratively: frequency depends Ops' capacity

    Agile SDLC

    • Business users are closely integrated through regularly scheduled demos (e.g. every two weeks).
    • Team is fully cross-functional and collaborates to plan, define, design, build, and test the code, supported by specialists.
    • Documentation is focused on future development and operations needs.
    • Change is built into the process to allow the team to respond to change dynamically.
    • Automation is explored for application development (e.g. automated regression testing).

    Agile With DevOps SDLC

    High frequency iterative delivery of valuable product (e.g. every two weeks)

     Agile With DevOps SDLC

    • Business users are closely integrated through regularly scheduled demos.
    • Development and operations teams collaborate to plan, define, design, build, test, and deploy code, supported by automation.
    • Documentation is focused on supporting users, future changes, and operational support.
    • Change is built into the process to allow the team to respond to change dynamically.
    • Test, build, deploy process is fully automated. (Service desk is still separated.)

    DevOps SDLC

    Continuous integration and delivery

     DevOps SDLC

    • Business users are closely integrated through regularly scheduled demos.
    • Fully integrated DevOps team collaborates to plan, define, design, build, test, deploy, and maintain code.
    • Documentation is focused on future development and use adoption.
    • Change is built into the process to allow the team to respond to change dynamically.
    • Development and operations toolchain are fully integrated.

    Fully integrated product SDLC

    Agile + DevOps + continuous delivery of valuable product on demand

     Fully integrated product SDLC

    • Business users are fully integrated with the teams through dedicated business product owner.
    • Cross-functional teams collaborate across the business and technical life of the product.
    • Documentation supports internal and external needs (business, users, operations).
    • Change is built into the process to allow the team to respond to change dynamically.
    • Toolchain is fully integrated (including service desk).

    Appendix C: Understanding Agile Scrum Practices and Ceremonies

    Cultural advantages of Agile

    Cultural advantages of Agile

    Agile* SDLC

    With shared ownership instead of silos, we are able to deliver value at the end of every iteration (aka sprint)

    Agile SDLC

    Key Elements of the Agile SDLC

    • You are not "one and done." There are many short iterations with constant feedback.
    • There is an empowered product owner. This is a single authoritative voice who represents stakeholders.
    • There is a fluid product backlog. This enables prioritization of requirements "just-in-time."
    • There is a cross-functional, self-managing team. This team makes commitments and is empowered by the organization to do so.
    • There is working, tested code at the end of each sprint: Value becomes more deterministic along sprint boundaries.
    • Stakeholders are allowed to see and use the functionality and provide necessary feedback.
    • Feedback is being continuously injected back into the product backlog. This shapes the future of the solution.
    • There is continuous improvement through sprint retrospectives.
    • The virtuous cycle of sprint-demo-feedback is internally governed when done right.

    * There are many Agile methodologies to choose from, but Scrum is by far the most widely used (and is shown above).

    Understand the Scrum process

    The scrum process coordinates multiple stakeholders to deliver on business priorities.

    Understand the Scrum process

    Understand the ceremonies part of the scrum process

     Understand the ceremonies part of the scrum process

    Scrum vs. Kanban: Key differences

    Scrum vs. Kanban: Key differences

    Scrum vs. Kanban: When to use each


    Related or grouped changes are delivered in fixed time intervals.

    Use when:

    • Coordinating the development or release of related items
    • Maturing a product or service
    • Coordinating interdependencies between work items


    Independent items are delivered as soon as each is ready.

    Use when:

    • Completing work items from ticketing or individual requests
    • Completing independent changes
    • Releasing changes as soon as possible

    Appendix D: Improving Product Management

    Product delivery realizes value for your product family

    While planning and analysis are done at the family level, work and delivery are done at the individual product level.

    Product delivery realizes value for your product family

    Manage and communicate key milestones

    Successful product-delivery managers understand and define key milestones in their product-delivery lifecycles. These milestones need to be managed along with the product backlog and roadmap.

    Manage and communicate key milestones

    Info-Tech Best Practice
    Product management is not just about managing the product backlog and development cycles. Teams need to manage key milestones, such as learning milestones, test releases, product releases, phase gates, and other organizational checkpoints.

    A backlog stores and organizes product backlog items (PBIs) at various stages of readiness

    Organize product backlog at various stages of readiness

    A well-formed backlog can be thought of as a DEEP backlog:

    Detailed Appropriately: PBIs are broken down and refined as necessary.

    Emergent: The backlog grows and evolves over time as PBIs are added and removed.

    Estimated: The effort that a PBI requires is estimated at each tier.

    Prioritized: A PBI's value and priority are determined at each tier.

    Source: Perforce, 2018

    Backlog tiers facilitate product planning steps

    Ranging from the intake of an idea to a PBI ready for development; to enter the backlog, each PBI must pass through a given quality filter.

    Backlog tiers facilitate product planning steps

    Each activity is a variation of measuring value and estimating effort in order to validate and prioritize a PBI.

    A PBI successfully completes an activity and moves to the next backlog tier when it meets the appropriate criteria. Quality filters should exist between each tier.

    Use quality filters to ensure focus on the most important PBIs

    Expand the concepts of defining "ready" and "done" to include the other stages of a PBI's journey through product planning.

    Use quality filters to ensure focus on the most important PBIs

    Info-Tech Best Practice
    A quality filter ensures that quality is met and the appropriate teams are armed with the correct information to work more efficiently and improve throughput.

    Define product value by aligning backlog delivery with roadmap goals

    In each product plan, the backlogs show what you will deliver. Roadmaps identify when and in what order you will deliver value, capabilities, and goals.

    Define product value by aligning backlog delivery with roadmap goals

    Product roadmaps guide delivery and communicate your strategy

    In "Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision," we demonstrate how a product roadmap is core to value realization. The product roadmap is your communicated path. As a product owner, you use it to align teams and changes to your defined goals, as well as your product to enterprise goals and strategy.

    Product roadmaps guide delivery and communicate your strategy

    Info-Tech Insight
    The quality of your product backlog - and your ability to realize business value from your delivery pipeline - is directly related to the input, content, and prioritization of items in your product roadmap.

    Info-Tech's approach

    Operationally align product delivery to enterprise goals

    Operationally align product delivery to enterprise goals

    The Info-Tech Difference

    Create a common definition of what a product is and identify the products in your inventory.

    Use scaling patterns to build operationally aligned product families.

    Develop a roadmap strategy to align families and products to enterprise goals and priorities.

    Use products and families to assess value realization.

    Take Control of Infrastructure and Operations Metrics

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}460|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 8.5/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $7,199 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 11 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Operations Management
    • Parent Category Link: /i-and-o-process-management
    • Measuring the business value provided by IT is very challenging.
    • You have a number of metrics, but they may not be truly meaningful, contextual, or actionable.
    • You know you need more than a single metric to tell the whole story. You also suspect that metrics from different systems combined will tell an even fuller story.
    • You are being asked to provide information from different levels of management, for different audiences, conveying different information.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Many organizations collect metrics to validate they are keeping the lights on. But the Infrastructure and Operations managers who are benefitting the most are taking steps to ensure they are getting the right metrics to help them make decisions, manage costs, and plan for change.
    • Complaints about metrics are often rooted in managers wading through too many individual metrics, wrong metrics, or data that they simply can’t trust.
    • Info-Tech surveyed and interviewed a number of Infrastructure managers, CIOs, and IT leaders to understand how they are leveraging metrics. Successful organizations are using metrics for everything from capacity planning to solving customer service issues to troubleshooting system failures.

    Impact and Result

    • Manage metrics so they don’t become time wasters and instead provide real value.
    • Identify the types of metrics you need to focus on.
    • Build a metrics process to ensure you are collecting the right metrics and getting data you can use to save time and make better decisions.

    Take Control of Infrastructure and Operations Metrics Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should implement a metrics program in your Infrastructure and Operations practice, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Gap analysis

    This phase will help you identify challenges that you want to avoid by implementing a metrics program, discover the main IT goals, and determine your core metrics.

    • Take Control of Infrastructure and Operations Metrics – Phase 1: Gap Analysis
    • Infra & Ops Metrics Executive Presentation

    2. Build strategy

    This phase will help you make an actionable plan to implement your metrics program, define roles and responsibilities, and communicate your metrics project across your organization and with the business division.

    • Take Control of Infrastructure and Operations Metrics – Phase 2: Build Strategy
    • Infra & Ops Metrics Definition Template
    • Infra & Ops Metrics Tracking and Reporting Tool
    • Infra & Ops Metrics Program Roles & Responsibilities Guide
    • Weekly Metrics Review With Your Staff
    • Quarterly Metrics Review With the CIO

    Build a Security Compliance Program

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}257|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.6/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $23,879 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 15 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Governance, Risk & Compliance
    • Parent Category Link: /governance-risk-compliance
    • Most organizations spend between 25 and 40 percent of their security budget on compliance-related activities.
    • Despite this growing investment in compliance, only 28% of organizations believe that government regulations help them improve cybersecurity.
    • The cost of complying with cybersecurity and data protection requirements has risen to the point where 58% of companies see compliance costs as barriers to entering new markets.
    • However, recent reports suggest that while the costs of complying are higher, the costs of non-compliance are almost three times greater.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Test once, attest many. Having a control framework allows you to satisfy multiple compliance requirements by testing a single control.
    • Choose your own conformance adventure. Conformance levels allow your organization to make informed business decisions on how compliance resources will be allocated.
    • Put the horse before the cart. Take charge of your audit costs by preparing test scripts and evidence repositories in advance.

    Impact and Result

    • Reduce complexity within the control environment by using a single framework to align multiple compliance regimes.
    • Provide senior management with a structured framework for making business decisions on allocating costs and efforts related to cybersecurity and data protection compliance obligations.
    • Reduces costs and efforts related to managing IT audits through planning and preparation.
    • This blueprint can help you comply with NIST, ISO, CMMC, SOC2, PCI, CIS, and other cybersecurity and data protection requirements.

    Build a Security Compliance Program Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should manage your security compliance obligations, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:


    Workshop: Build a Security Compliance Program

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Establish the Program

    The Purpose

    Establish the security compliance management program.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Reviewing and adopting an information security control framework.

    Understanding and establishing roles and responsibilities for security compliance management.

    Identifying and scoping operational environments for applicable compliance obligations.


    1.1 Review the business context.

    1.2 Review the Info-Tech security control framework.

    1.3 Establish roles and responsibilities.

    1.4 Define operational environments.


    RACI matrix

    Environments list and definitions

    2 Identify Obligations

    The Purpose

    Identify security and data protection compliance obligations.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Identifying the security compliance obligations that apply to your organization.

    Documenting obligations and obtaining direction from management on conformance levels.

    Mapping compliance obligation requirements into your control framework.


    2.1 Identify relevant security and data protection compliance obligations.

    2.2 Develop conformance level recommendations.

    2.3 Map compliance obligations into control framework.

    2.4 Develop process for operationalizing identification activities.


    List of compliance obligations

    Completed Conformance Level Approval forms

    (Optional) Mapped compliance obligation

    (Optional) Identification process diagram

    3 Implement Compliance Strategy

    The Purpose

    Understand how to build a compliance strategy.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Updating security policies and other control design documents to reflect required controls.

    Aligning your compliance obligations with your information security strategy.


    3.1 Review state of information security policies.

    3.2 Recommend updates to policies to address control requirements.

    3.3 Review information security strategy.

    3.4 Identify alignment points between compliance obligations and information security strategy.

    3.5 Develop compliance exception process and forms.


    Recommendations and plan for updates to information security policies

    Compliance exception forms

    4 Track and Report

    The Purpose

    Track the status of your compliance program.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Tracking the status of your compliance obligations.

    Managing exceptions to compliance requirements.

    Reporting on the compliance management program to senior stakeholders.


    4.1 Define process and forms for self-attestation.

    4.2 Develop audit test scripts for selected controls.

    4.3 Review process and entity control types.

    4.4 Develop self-assessment process.

    4.5 Integrate compliance management with risk register.

    4.6 Develop metrics and reporting process.


    Self-attestation forms

    Completed test scripts for selected controls

    Self-assessment process

    Reporting process

    Recommended metrics

    Combine Security Risk Management Components Into One Program

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}376|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.1/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $37,798 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 32 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Governance, Risk & Compliance
    • Parent Category Link: /governance-risk-compliance
    • Companies are aware of the need to discuss and assess risk, but many struggle to do so in a systematic and repeatable way.
    • Rarely are security risks analyzed in a consistent manner, let alone in a systematic and repeatable method to determine project risk as well as overall organizational risk exposure.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • The best security programs are built upon defensible risk management. With an appropriate risk management program in place, you can ensure that security decisions are made strategically instead of based on frameworks and gut feelings. This will optimize any security planning and budgeting.
    • All risks can be quantified. Security, compliance, legal, or other risks can be quantified using our methodology.

    Impact and Result

    • Develop a security risk management program to create a standardized methodology for assessing and managing the risk that information systems face.
    • Build a risk governance structure that makes it clear how security risks can be escalated within the organization and who makes the final decision on certain risks.
    • Use Info-Tech’s risk assessment methodology to quantifiably evaluate the threat severity for any new or existing project or initiative.
    • Tie together all aspects of your risk management program, including your information security risk tolerance level, threat and risk assessments, and mitigation effectiveness models.

    Combine Security Risk Management Components Into One Program Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should develop and implement a security risk management program, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Establish the risk environment

    Lay down the foundations for security risk management, including roles and responsibilities and a defined risk tolerance level.

    • Combine Security Risk Management Components Into One Program – Phase 1: Establish the Risk Environment
    • Security Risk Governance Responsibilities and RACI Template
    • Risk Tolerance Determination Tool
    • Risk Weighting Determination Tool

    2. Conduct threat and risk assessments

    Define frequency and impact rankings then assess the risk of your project.

    • Combine Security Risk Management Components Into One Program – Phase 2: Conduct Threat and Risk Assessments
    • Threat and Risk Assessment Process Template
    • Threat and Risk Assessment Tool

    3. Build the security risk register

    Catalog an inventory of individual risks to create an overall risk profile.

    • Combine Security Risk Management Components Into One Program – Phase 3: Build the Security Risk Register
    • Security Risk Register Tool

    4. Communicate the risk management program

    Communicate the risk-based conclusions and leverage these in security decision making.

    • Combine Security Risk Management Components Into One Program – Phase 4: Communicate the Risk Management Program
    • Security Risk Management Presentation Template
    • Security Risk Management Summary Template

    Workshop: Combine Security Risk Management Components Into One Program

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Establish the Risk Environment

    The Purpose

    Build the foundation needed for a security risk management program.

    Define roles and responsibilities of the risk executive.

    Define an information security risk tolerance level.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Clearly defined roles and responsibilities.

    Defined risk tolerance level.


    1.1 Define the security executive function RACI chart.

    1.2 Assess business context for security risk management.

    1.3 Standardize risk terminology assumptions.

    1.4 Conduct preliminary evaluation of risk scenarios to determine your risk tolerance level.

    1.5 Decide on a custom risk factor weighting.

    1.6 Finalize the risk tolerance level.

    1.7 Begin threat and risk assessment.


    Defined risk executive functions

    Risk governance RACI chart

    Defined quantified risk tolerance and risk factor weightings

    2 Conduct Threat and Risk Assessments

    The Purpose

    Determine when and how to conduct threat and risk assessments (TRAs).

    Complete one or two TRAs, as time permits during the workshop.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Developed process for how to conduct threat and risk assessments.

    Deep risk analysis for one or two IT projects/initiatives.


    2.1 Determine when to initiate a risk assessment.

    2.2 Review appropriate data classification scheme.

    2.3 Identify system elements and perform data discovery.

    2.4 Map data types to the elements.

    2.5 Identify STRIDE threats and assess risk factors.

    2.6 Determine risk actions taking place and assign countermeasures.

    2.7 Calculate mitigated risk severity based on actions.

    2.8 If necessary, revisit risk tolerance.

    2.9 Document threat and risk assessment methodology.


    Define scope of system elements and data within assessment

    Mapping of data to different system elements

    Threat identification and associated risk severity

    Defined risk actions to take place in threat and risk assessment process

    3 Continue to Conduct Threat and Risk Assessments

    The Purpose

    Complete one or two TRAs, as time permits during the workshop.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Deep risk analysis for one or two IT projects/initiatives, as time permits.


    3.1 Continue threat and risk assessment activities.

    3.2 As time permits, one to two threat and risk assessment activities will be performed as part of the workshop.

    3.3 Review risk assessment results and compare to risk tolerance level.


    One to two threat and risk assessment activities performed

    Validation of the risk tolerance level

    4 Establish a Risk Register and Communicate Risk

    The Purpose

    Collect, analyze, and aggregate all individual risks into the security risk register.

    Plan for the future of risk management.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Established risk register to provide overview of the organizational aggregate risk profile.

    Ability to communicate risk to other stakeholders as needed.


    4.1 Begin building a risk register.

    4.2 Identify individual risks and threats that exist in the organization.

    4.3 Decide risk responses, depending on the risk level as it relates to the risk tolerance.

    4.4 If necessary, revisit risk tolerance.

    4.5 Identify which stakeholders sign off on each risk.

    4.6 Plan for the future of risk management.

    4.7 Determine how to present risk to senior management.


    Risk register, with an inventory of risks and a macro view of the organization’s risk

    Defined risk-based initiatives to complete

    Plan for securing and managing the risk register

    Enable Product Delivery – Executive Leadership Workshop

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}353|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Development
    • Parent Category Link: /development
    • You need to clearly convey the direction and strategy of your product portfolio to gain alignment, support, and funding from your organization.
    • IT organizations are traditionally organized to deliver initiatives in specific periods of time. This conflicts with product delivery, which continuously delivers value over the lifetime of a product.
    • Delivering multiple products together creates additional challenges because each product has its own pedigree, history, and goals.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Empowered product managers and product owners are the key to ensuring your delivery teams are delivering the right value at the right time to the right stakeholders.
    • Establishing operationally aligned product families helps bridge the gap between enterprise priorities and product enhancements.
    • Leadership must be aligned to empower and support Agile values and product teams to unlock the full value realization within your organization.

    Impact and Result

    • Common understanding of product management and Agile delivery.
    • Commitment to support and empower product teams.

    Enable Product Delivery – Executive Leadership Workshop Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Enabling Product Delivery – Executive workshop to align senior leadership with their transition to product management and delivery.

    • Enabling Product Delivery – Executive Workshop Storyboard

    2. Enabling Product Delivery –Executive Workshop Outcomes.

    • Enabling Product Delivery – Executive Workshop Outcomes

    Workshop: Enable Product Delivery – Executive Leadership Workshop

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Understanding Your Top Challenges

    The Purpose

    Understand the drivers for your product transformation.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Define the drivers for your transition to product-centric delivery.


    1.1 What is driving your organization to become product focused?


    List of challenges and drivers

    2 Transitioning From Projects to Product-Centric Delivery

    The Purpose

    Understand the product transformation journey and differences.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Identify the cultural, behavioral, and leadership changes needed for a successful transformation.


    2.1 Define the differences between projects and product delivery


    List of differences

    3 Enterprise Agility and the Value of Change

    The Purpose

    Understand why smaller iterations increase value realization and decrease accumulated risk.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Leverage smaller iterations to reduce time to value and accumulated risk to core operations.


    3.1 What is business agility?


    Common understanding about the value of smaller iterations

    4 Defining Products and Product Management in Your Context

    The Purpose

    Establish an organizational starting definition of products.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Tailor product management to meet the needs and vision of your organization.


    4.1 What is a product? Who are your consumers?

    4.2 Identify enablers and blockers of product ownership

    4.3 Define a set of guiding principles for product management


    Product definition

    List of enablers and blockers of product ownership

    Set of guiding principles for product management

    5 Connecting Product Management to Agile Practices

    The Purpose

    Understand the relationship between product management and product delivery.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Optimize product management to prioritize the right changes for the right people at the right time.


    5.1 Discussions


    Common understanding

    6 Commit to Empowering Agile Product Teams

    The Purpose

    Personalize and commit to supporting product teams.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Embrace leadership and cultural changes needed to empower and support teams.


    6.1 Your management culture

    6.2 Personal Cultural Stop, Start, and Continue

    6.3 Now, Next, Later to support product owners


    Your management culture map

    Personal Cultural Stop, Start, and Continue list

    Now, Next, Later roadmap

    Further reading

    Enable Product Delivery – Executive Leadership Workshop

    Strengthen product management in your organization through effective executive leadership by focusing on product teams, core capabilities, and proper alignment.

    Objective of this workshop

    To develop a common understanding and foundation for product management so we, as leaders, better understand how to lead product owners, product managers, and their teams.

    Enable Product Delivery - Executive Leadership Workshop

    Learn how enterprise agility can provide lasting value to the organization

    Clarify your role in supporting your teams to deliver lasting value to stakeholders and customers

    1. Understanding Your Top Challenges
      • Define your challenges, goals, and opportunities Agile and product management will impact.
    2. Transitioning from Projects to Product-centric Delivery
      • Understand the shift from fixed delivery to continuous improvement and delivery of value.
    3. Enterprise Agility and the Value of Change
      • Organizations need to embrace change and leverage smaller delivery cycles.
    4. Defining Your "Products" and Product Management
      • Define products in your culture and how to empower product delivery teams.
    5. Connecting Product Management to Agile Practices
      • Use product ownership to drive increased ROI into your product delivery teams and lifecycles.
    6. Commit to Empowering Agile Product Teams
      • Define the actions and changes you must make for this transformation to be successful.

    Your Product Transformation Journey

    1. Make the Case for Product Delivery
      • Align your organization with the practices to deliver what matters most
    2. Enable Product Delivery – Executive Workshop
      • One-day executive workshop – align and prepare your leadership
      • Audience: Senior executives and IT leadership.
        Size: 8-16 people
        Time: 6 hours
    3. Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision
      • Enhance product backlogs, roadmapping, and strategic alignment
      • Audience: Product Owners/Mangers
        Size: 10-20 people
        Time: 3-4 days
    4. Deliver Your Digital Products at Scale
      • Scale Product Families to Align Enterprise Goals
      • Audience: Product Owners/Mangers
        Size: 10-20 people
        Time: 3-4 days
    5. Mature and Scale Product Ownership
      • Align and mature your product owners
      • Audience: Product Owners/Mangers
        Size: 8-16 people
        Time: 2-4 days

    Repeat workshops with different companies, operating units, departments, or teams as needed.

    What is a workshop?

    We WILL ENGAGE in discussions and activities:

    • Flexible, to accommodate the needs of the group.
    • Open forum for discussion and questions.
    • Share your knowledge, expertise, and experiences (roadblocks and success stories).
    • Everyone is part of the process.
    • Builds upon itself.

    This workshop will NOT be:

    • A lecture or class.
    • A monologue that never ends.
    • Technical training.
    • A presentation.
    • Us making all the decisions.

    Roles within the workshop

    We each have a role to play to make our workshop successful!


    • Introduce the best practice framework used by Info-Tech.
    • Ask questions about processes, procedures, and assumptions.
    • Guide for the methodology.
    • Liaison for any other relevant Info-Tech research or services.


    • Contribute and speak out as much as needed.
    • Provide expertise on the current processes and technology.
    • Ask questions.
    • Provide feedback.
    • Collaborate and work together to produce solutions.

    Understanding Your Top Challenges

    • Understanding Your Top Challenges
    • Transitioning From Projects to Product-Centric Delivery
    • Enterprise Agility and the Value of Change
    • Defining Your Products and Product Management
    • Connecting Product Management to Agile Practices
    • Commit to Empowering Agile Product Teams
    • Wrap-Up and Retrospective

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    • Products are the lifeblood of an organization. They deliver the capabilities needed to deliver value to customers, internal users, and stakeholders.
    • The shift to becoming a product organization is intended to continually increase the value you provide to the broader organization as you grow and evolve.
    • You need to clearly convey the direction and strategy of your product portfolio to gain alignment, support, and funding from your organization.

    Common Obstacles

    • IT organizations are traditionally organized to deliver initiatives in specific periods of time. This conflicts with product delivery, which continuously delivers value over the lifetime of a product.
    • Delivering multiple products together creates additional challenges because each product has its own pedigree, history, and goals.
    • Product owners struggle to prioritize changes to deliver product value. This creates a gap and conflict between product and enterprise goals.

    Info-Tech's Approach

    Info-Tech's approach will guide you through:

    • Understanding the top challenges driving your product initiative.
    • Improving your transitioning from projects to product-centric delivery.
    • Enhancing enterprise agility and the value of change.
    • Defining products and product management in your context.
    • Connecting product management to Agile practices.
    • Committing to empowering Agile Product teams.
    This is an image of an Info-Tech Thought Map for Accelerate Your Transition to Product Delivery
    This is an image of an Info-Tech Thought Map for Delier on your Digital Product Vision
    This is an image of an Info-Tech Thought Map for Deliver Digital Products at Scale via Enterprise Product Families.
    This is an image of an Info-Tech Thought Map for What We Mean by an Applcation Department Strategy.

    What is driving your organization to become product focused?

    30 minutes

    • Team introductions:
      • Share your name and role
      • What are the key challenges you are looking to solve around product management?
      • What blockers or challenges will we need to overcome?

    Capture in the Enable Product Delivery – Executive Leadership Workshop Outcomes and Next Steps.


    • Organizational knowledge
    • Goals and challenges


    • List of key challenges
    • List of workshop expectations
    • Parking lot items

    Transitioning From Projects to Product-Centric Delivery

    • Understanding Your Top Challenges
    • Transitioning From Projects to Product-Centric Delivery
    • Enterprise Agility and the Value of Change
    • Defining Your Products and Product Management
    • Connecting Product Management to Agile Practices
    • Commit to Empowering Agile Product Teams
    • Wrap-Up and Retrospective

    Define the differences between projects and product delivery

    30 minutes

    • Consider project delivery and product delivery.
    • Discussion:
      • What are some differences between the two?

    Capture in the Enable Product Delivery – Executive Leadership Workshop Outcomes and Next Steps.


    • Organizational knowledge
    • Internal terms and definitions


    • List of differences between projects and product delivery

    Define the differences between projects and product delivery

    15 minutes

    Project Delivery


    Product Delivery

    Point in time

    What is changed

    Method of funding changes

    Needs an owner


    • Organizational knowledge
    • Internal terms and definitions


    • List of differences between projects and product delivery

    Capture in the Enable Product Delivery – Executive Leadership Workshop Outcomes and Next Steps.

    Identify the differences between a project-centric and a product-centric organization



    Fund Projects


    Fund Products or Teams

    Line of Business Sponsor


    Product Owner

    Makes Specific Changes
    to a Product

    Product Management

    Improve Product Maturity
    and Support

    Assign People to Work

    Work Allocation

    Assign Work
    to Product Teams

    Project Manager Manages

    Capacity Management

    Team Manages Capacity

    Info-Tech Insight

    Product delivery requires significant shifts in the way you complete development work and deliver value to your users. Make the changes that support improving end user value and enterprise alignment.

    Projects can be a mechanism for funding product changes and improvements

    This is an image showing the relationship between the project lifecycle, a hybrid lifecycle, and a product lifecycle.

    Projects within products

    Regardless of whether you recognize yourself as a "product-based" or "project-based" shop, the same basic principles should apply.

    You go through a period or periods of project-like development to build a version of an application or product.

    You also have parallel services along with your project development, which encompass the more product-based view. These may range from basic support and maintenance to full-fledged strategy teams or services like sales and marketing.

    While Agile and product are intertwined, they are not the same!

    Delivering products does not necessarily require an Agile mindset. However, Agile methods help facilitate the journey because product thinking is baked into them.

    This image shows the product delivery maturity process from waterfall to continuous integration and delivery.

    Product roadmaps guide delivery and communicate your strategy

    In Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision, we demonstrate how the product roadmap is core to value realization. The product roadmap is your communicated path, and as a product owner, you use it to align teams and changes to your defined goals while aligning your product to enterprise goals and strategy.

    This is an image adapted from Pichler, What is Product Management.

    Adapted from: Pichler, "What Is Product Management?"

    Info-Tech Insight

    The quality of your product backlog – and your ability to realize business value from your delivery pipeline – is directly related to the input, content, and prioritization of items in your product roadmap.

    Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Virtual Teams

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}600|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.7/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $20,240 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 4 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Manage & Coach
    • Parent Category Link: /manage-coach
    • Virtual team members must rely upon collaboration technology to communicate and collaborate.
    • Management practices and approaches that work face to face do not always translate effectively in virtual contexts.
    • Managers cannot rely upon spontaneous social interactions that happen organically when people are colocated to build meaningful and trusting relationships. Space and time need to be created in a virtual environment for this to happen.
    • Observing an employee’s performance or development can be more difficult, and relying on others’ feedback becomes more critical for managing performance and development.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Managing virtual teams does not require developing new manager competencies. Instead, managers need to “dial up” competencies they already have and adjust their approaches.
    • Setting clear expectations with virtual teams creates the foundation needed to manage them effectively.
    • Virtual employees crave more meaningful interactions about performance and development with their managers.

    Impact and Result

    • Create a solid foundation for managing virtual teams by setting clear expectations and taking a more planful approach to managing performance and employee development.
    • Dial up key management competencies that you already have. Managers do not need to develop new competencies; they just need to adjust and refocus their approaches.

    Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Virtual Teams Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Equip managers to effectively manage virtual teams

    Equip managers to become more effective with managing remote teams.

    The workbook serves as a reference guide participants will use to support formal training.

    • Training Deck: Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Virtual Teams
    • Workbook: Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Virtual Teams
    • Standard Participant Training Session Evaluation Template

    2. Additional Resources

    Many organizations are developing plans to allow employees more flexible work options, including remote work. Use these resources to help managers and employees make the most of remote work arrangements.

    • Work-From-Home Tips for Managers
    • Work-From-Home Tips for Employees
    • Health & Safety at Home Infographic
    • Wellness and Working From Home
    • Ergonomic Workspaces Infographic

    Further reading

    Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Virtual Teams

    Learning objectives

    Describe the benefits of virtual teams.

    Create a plan for adopting effective management practices and setting clear expectations with virtual teams.

    Identify potential solutions to the challenges of managing performance and developing members of virtual teams.

    Create an action plan to increase effectiveness in managing virtual teams.

    Target audience

    People managers who manage or plan to manage virtual teams.

    Training length

    Two three-hour sessions

    Training material

    • Use the speaker’s notes in the notes pane section of each slide to plan and practice the training session.
    • Activity slides are scattered throughout this training deck and are clearly numbered in the slide title.
    • Notes in italics are written to the facilitator and are not meant to be read aloud.
    • Download the Workbook for participants to use.

    Suggested materials for activities:

    • Index cards or sticky notes
    • Markers
    • Whiteboard/large table space/flip chart

    Agenda & activities

    Section 1

    Section 2

    10 min

    Welcome: Overview & Introductions

    • Introductions
    10 min

    Welcome: Overview & Introductions

    • Session 1 Review
    • Session 2 Overview
    50 min

    1.1 Introduction to virtual teams

    • What kind of virtual team do you lead?
    • Virtual team benefits and challenges
    55 min

    2.1 Managing wellbeing in a virtual team context

    • Share current practices and challenges regarding wellbeing in virtual teams
    • Identify and discuss proposed solutions
    • Develop draft action plan for managing wellbeing in a virtual team context
    5 min


    5 min Break
    45 min

    1.2 Laying the foundation for a virtual team

    • Identify behaviors to better inform, interact with, and involve team members
    60 min

    2.2 Managing performance in a virtual team context

    • Share current performance management practices for virtual teams
    • Identify challenges of current practices and propose solutions
    • Develop draft action plan for managing performance in a virtual team context
    10 min


    10 min Break
    55 min

    1.2 Laying the foundation for a virtual team

    • Identify and share ways you prefer to communicate for different activities
    • Develop draft action plan for laying the foundation for a virtual team
    40 min

    Action planning & conclusion

    • Refine consolidated action plan (three parts) and commit to implementing it
    • Key takeaways
    5 min

    Session 1 Wrap-Up

    Recommended Customization

    Review all slides and adjust the language or content as needed to suit your organizational context and culture.

    The pencil icon to the left denotes slides requiring customization of the slide and/or the speaker’s notes, e.g. adding in an organization-specific process.

    Customization instructions are found in the notes pane.


    • Adjust the speaker’s notes on the slides before (or after) any slides you modify or delete to ensure logical transitions between slides.
    • Update the agenda to reflect new timings if major modifications are made.
    • Even seasoned leaders need to be reminded of the basics now and again. Rather than delete more basic slides, cut back on the amount of time spent covering them and frame the content as a refresher.
    • Participant Workbooks
    • Relevant organization-specific documents (see side panel)
    • Training Session Feedback Form

    Required Information

    • Communication guidelines for managers (e.g. cadence of manager interactions)
    • Performance management process and guidelines
    • Employee development guidelines
    • List of available resources (e.g. social collaboration tools)

    Effectively Manage Virtual Teams

    Section 1.1

    Practical foundations for managing teams in a remote environment

    Feasibility of virtual IT teams

    Most organizations are planning some combination of remote and onsite work in 2022.

    This is an image of a bar graph demonstrating the percentage of companies who have the following plans for return to work: Full work-from-home (All employees WFH permanently) - 4% ; No work-from-home permitted	9% ; Partial work-from-home team (Eligible employees can WFH for a certain portion of their work week)	23% ; Balanced work-from-home team (All employees can WFH for a certain portion of their work week)	28% ; Hybrid work-from-home team (Eligible employees WFH on a full-time basis)	37%

    Source: IT Talent Trends, 2022; n=199

    Speaker’s Notes:

    Most organizations are planning some combination of remote and onsite work in 2022 – the highest reported plans for WFH were hybrid, balanced, and partial work-from-home. This builds on our findings in the IT Talent Trends 2022 report.

    Feasibility of virtual IT teams

    What percentage of roles in IT are capable of being performed remotely permanently?

    Approximately what percentage of roles in IT are capable of being performed remotely permanently?

    0% to less than 10%: 3%; 10% to less than 25%: 5%; 25% to less than 50%: 12%; 50% to less than 75%: 30%; 75% to 100%L 50%.

    IT Talent Trends, 2022; n=207

    Speaker’s Notes:

    80% of respondents estimated that 50 to 100% of IT roles can be performed remotely.

    Virtual teams take all kinds of forms

    A virtual team is any team that has members that are not colocated and relies on technology for communications.

    This image depicts the three levels of virtual teams, Municipal; National; Global.

    Speaker’s Notes:

    Before we start, it will be useful to review what we mean by the term “virtual team.” For our purposes we will be defining a virtual team as any team that has members that are not colocated and relies on technology for communications.

    There are a wide variety of virtual work arrangements and a variety of terms used to describe them. For example, some common terms include:

    • “Flexible work arrangements”: Employees have the option to work where they see fit (within certain constraints). They may choose to work from the office, home, a shared office space, the road, etc.
    • “Remote work,” “work from home,” and “telecommuting”: These are just various ways of describing how or where people are working virtually. They all share the idea that these kinds of employees are not colocated.
    • “Multi-office team”: the team members all work in office environments, but they may not always be in the same office as their team members or manager.

    Our definition of virtual work covers all of these terms. It is also distance neutral, meaning that it applies equally to teams that are dispersed globally or regionally or even those working in the same cities but dispersed throughout different buildings. Our definition also applies whether virtual employees work full time or part time.

    The challenges facing managers arise as soon as some team members are not colocated and have to rely on technology to communicate and coordinate work. Greater distances between employees can complicate challenges (e.g. time zone coordination), but the core challenges of managing virtual teams are the same whether those workers are merely located in different buildings in the same city or in different buildings on different continents.

    1.1 What kind of virtual team do you lead?

    15 Minutes

    Working on your own, take five minutes to figure out what kind of virtual team you lead.

    1. How many people on your team work virtually (all, most, or a small percentage)?
    2. How often and how regularly do they tend to work virtually (full time, part time regularly, or part time as needed)?
    3. What kinds of virtual work arrangements are there on your team (multi-site, work from home, mobile employees)?
    4. Where do your workers tend to be physically located (different offices but in the same city/region or globally dispersed)?
    5. Record this information in your workbook.
    6. Discuss as a group.

    Download the Workbook: Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Virtual Teams


    • Size of virtual team
    • Current remote work practices


    • Documented list of current state of remote work


    • Workbook: Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Virtual Teams


    • All managers with direct reports working virtually


    Benefits to the organization

    Benefits to employees

    Operational continuity in disaster situations that prevent employees from coming into the office.

    Cost savings: Employees who WFH half the time can save $2,500 to $4,000 per year (Global Workplace Analytics, 2021).

    Cost savings: Organizations save ~$11,000 annually per employee working from home half the time (Global Workplace Analytics, 2021).

    Time savings: Employees who WFH half the time save on average 11 workdays per year (Global Workplace Analytics, 2021).

    Increased attraction: 71% of employees would likely choose one employer over another based on WFH offerings (Owl Labs, 2021).

    Improved wellbeing:

    83% employees agree that WFH would make them happier.

    80% agree that WFH would decrease their stress.

    81% agree that WFH would improve their ability to manage their work-life balance.

    (Owl Labs, 2021)

    Increased retention: 74% of employees would be less likely to leave their employer if they could WFH (Owl Labs, 2021).

    Increased flexibility: 32% of employees rated the “ability to have a flexible schedule” as the biggest benefit of WFH (OWL Labs, 2021).

    Increased productivity: 50% of employees report they would maintain or increase their productivity while working from home (Glassdoor Team, 2020).

    Increased engagement: Offsite employees tend to have higher overall engagement than onsite employees (McLean & Company Engagement Survey, 2020).

    Speaker’s Notes:

    Remote work arrangements are becoming more and more common, and for good reason: there are a lot of benefits to the organization – and to employees.

    #1: Save Money

    Perhaps one of the most common reasons for opting for remote-work arrangements is the potential cost savings. One study found that organizations could save about $11,000 per employee working from home half the time (Global Workplace Analytics, 2021).

    #2 Increased Attraction

    In addition, supporting remote-work arrangements can attract employees. One study found that 71% of employees would likely choose one employer over another based on WFH offerings (Owl Labs, 2019).

    #3 Improve productivity.

    There are also improvements to productivity. Fifty percent of employees report they would maintain or increase their productivity while working from home (Glassdoor Team, 2020).

    Remote work also has benefits to employees.

    #1: Save Money

    As with organizations, employees also benefit financially from remote work arrangements, saving between $2,500 and $4,000 and on average 11 working days while working from home half of the time.

    #2: Improved Wellbeing

    Most employees agree that working from home makes them happier, reduces stress, and provides an improved work-life balance through increased flexibility.



    • Concerns that WFH may stifle innovation (Scientific American, 2021), likely due to the potential lack of collaboration and knowledge sharing.
    • Fewer organic opportunities for informal interaction between employees working from home means active efforts are required to foster organizational culture.


    • 42% of managers believe that monitoring the productivity of their direct reports is a top challenge of WFH (Ultimate Software, 2019).
    • The lack of in-person supervision compounded with a lack of trust in employees leads many leaders to believe that WFH will result in a drop in productivity.


    • 20% of employees report collaboration/communication as their top struggle with WFH (Owl Labs, 2021).
    • Employees often experience burnout from working longer hours due to the lack of commute, blurring of work and home life, and the perceived need to prove their productivity.

    Many of these barriers can be addressed by changing traditional mindsets and finding alternative ways of working, but the traditional approach to work is so entrenched that it has been hard to make the shift.

    Speaker’s Notes:

    Many organizations are still grappling with the challenges of remote work. Some are just perceived challenges, while others are quite real.

    Limited innovation and a lack of informal interaction are a potential consequence of failing to properly adapt to the remote-work environment.

    Leaders also face challenges with remote work. Losing in-person supervision has led to the lack of trust and a perceived drop in productivity.

    A study conducted 2021 asked remote workers to identify their biggest struggle with working remotely. The top three struggles remote workers report facing are unplugging after work, loneliness, and collaborating and/or communicating.

    Seeing the struggles remote workers identify is a good reminder that these employees have a unique set of challenges. They need their managers to help them set boundaries around their work; create feelings of connectedness to the organization, culture, and team; and be expert communicators.

    1.2 Virtual teams: benefits and challenges

    20 Minutes

    1. Discuss and list:
      1. Any positives you’ve experienced since managing virtual employees.
      2. Any challenges you’ve had to manage connected to managing virtual employees.
    2. Record information in the workbook.

    Download the Workbook: Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Virtual Teams


    • Personal experiences managing remote teams


    • List of benefits and challenges of remote work


    • Workbook: Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Virtual Teams


    • All managers with direct reports working virtually

    Effectively Manage Virtual Teams

    Section 1.2

    Laying the foundations for a virtual team

    The 3i’s: Inform, interact, and involve your way to effective management:


    Interact Involve

    ↓ Down


    ↑ Up

    Tell employees the whys

    Get to know employees

    Solicit input from employees

    Speaker’s Notes:

    Effectively managing a virtual team really comes down to adopting management approaches that will engage virtual employees.

    Managing a virtual team does not actually require a new management style. The basics of effective management are the same in both colocated and virtual teams; however, the emphasis on certain behaviors and actions we take often differs. Managing a virtual team requires much more thoughtfulness and planning in our everyday interactions with our teams as we cannot rely on the relative ease of face-to-face interactions available to colocated teams.

    The 3i’s Engaging Management Model is useful when interacting with all employees and provides a handy framework for more planful interactions with virtual employees.

    Think of your management responsibilities in these three buckets – they are the most important components of being an effective manager. We’re first going to look at inform and involve before moving on to interact.

    Inform: Relay information down from senior management and leaders to employees. Communicate the rationale behind decisions and priorities, and always explain how they will directly affect employees.

    Why is this important? According to McLean & Company’s Engagement Survey data, employees who say their managers keep them well informed about decisions that affect them are 3.4 times more likely to be engaged (Source: McLean & Company, 2020; N=77,363). Your first reaction to this might be “I already do this,” which may very well be the case. Keep in mind, though, we sometimes tend to communicate on a “need-to-know basis,” especially when we are stressed or short on time. Engaging employees takes more. Always focus on explaining the “why?” or the rationale behind business decisions.

    It might seem like this domain should be the least affected, since important company announcements probably continue in a remote environment. But remember that information like that also flows informally. And even in formal settings, there are question-and-answer opportunities. Or maybe your employee might come to your office to ask for more details. Virtual team members can’t gather around the watercooler. They don’t have the same opportunities to hear information in passing as people who are colocated do, so managers need to make a concerted effort to share information with virtual team members in a clear and timely way.

    Swinging over to the other end, we have involve: Involve your employees. Solicit information and feedback from employees and collaborate with them.

    However, it’s not enough to just solicit their feedback and input; you also need to act on it.

    Make sure you involve your employees in a meaningful way. Such collaboration makes employees feel like a valued part of the team. Not to mention that they often have information and perspectives that can help make your decisions stronger!

    Employees who say their department leaders act on feedback from them are 3.9 times more likely to be engaged than those whose leaders don’t. (Source: McLean & Company, 2020; N=59,779). That is a huge difference!

    Keeping virtual employees engaged and feeling connected and committed to the organization requires planful and regular application of the 3i’s model.

    Finally, Interact: Connect with employees on a personal level; get to know them and understand who they are on a personal and professional level.

    Why? Well, over and above the fact that it can be rewarding for you to build stronger relationships with your team, our data shows that human connection makes a significant difference with employees. Employees who believe their managers care about them as a person are 3.8 times more likely to be engaged than those who do not (Source: McLean & Company, 2017; N=70,927).

    And you might find that in a remote environment, this is the area that suffers the most, since a lot of these interactions tend to be unscripted, unscheduled, and face to face.

    Typically, if we weren’t in the midst of a pandemic, we’d emphasize the importance of allocating some budget to travel and get some face-to-face time with your staff. Meeting and interacting with team members face to face is crucial to building trusting relationships, and ultimately, an effective team, so given the context of our current circumstances, we recommend the use of video when interacting with your employees who are remote.

    Relay information down from senior management to employees.

    Ensure they’ve seen and understand any organization-wide communication.

    Share any updates in a timely manner.

    Connect with employees on a personal level.
    Ask how they’re doing with the new work arrangement.
    Express empathy for challenges (sick family member, COVID-19 diagnosis, etc.).
    Ask how you can support them.
    Schedule informal virtual coffee breaks a couple of times a week and talk about non-work topics.

    Get information from employees and collaborate with them.
    Invite their input (e.g. have a “winning remotely” brainstorming session).
    Escalate any challenges you can’t address to your VP.
    Give them as much autonomy over their work as possible – don’t micromanage.

    1.3 Identify behaviors to inform, interact with, and involve team members

    20 Minutes


    1. Identify one behavior for each of Inform, Interact, and Involve to improve.
    2. Record information in the workbook.

    As a group:

    1. Discuss behaviors to improve for each of Inform, Interact, and Involve and record new ideas to incorporate into your leadership practice.

    Download the Workbook: Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Virtual Teams


    • 3i's Model
    • Current leadership behaviors to improve


    • List of behaviors to better inform, interact, and involve team members


    • Workbook: Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Virtual Teams


    • All managers with direct reports working virtually

    Laying the foundation: Set clear expectations


    • What are the daily and weekly team activities? How do they affect one another?


    • Clarify any adjustments to strategy based on the situation; clarify metrics.


    • How often and when will you check in? What should they come to you for? What modalities will you use and when?


    • Involve your team in deciding how to handle roadblocks and challenges.

    Speaker’s Notes:

    Clear expectations are important in any environment, remote or not. But it is much harder to do in a remote environment. The barrier to seeking clarification is so much higher (For example, email vs. catching someone in hallway, or you can’t notice that a colleague is struggling without them asking).

    Communication – This is one area where the importance actually changes in a remote context. We’ve been talking about a lot of practices that are the same in importance whether you’re in an office or remote, and maybe you just enact them differently. But clarity around communication processes is actually tremendously more important in a remote environment.

    Adopt a five-step process to set specific and documented expectations

    1. Check in with how your team member is doing on a daily basis. Don’t forget to ask how they are doing personally.
    2. Follow up on previously set expectations. Ask how things are going. Discuss if priorities or expectations have changed and update expectations accordingly.
    3. Ask if they are experiencing any roadblocks and collaborate to find solutions.
    4. Provide feedback and recognition as appropriate.
    5. Document newly set expectations – either through a collaboration tool or through email.

    Speaker’s Notes:

    Suggested best practices: Hold daily team check-ins and hold separate individual check-ins. Increase frequency of these.

    During Check-in
    1. Set up a running Teams chat for your team.
    • This is your community. You must be the biggest cheerleader and keep the team feeling like they are contributing. Make sure everyone is involved.
  • Start each workday with a video scrum to discuss what’s coming today for your team.
    • Ask: What are you planning to work on today? Are there any roadblocks I can help with? Technology working OK?
  • Right after your team meeting, set up an “every morning video call” one-on-one meeting with each team member (5-10 minutes max).
    • Ask: What are you working on today? What will your momentum metrics be? What do you need from me?
  • Set up a separate video call at the end of the afternoon to review what everyone did (5 minutes max).
    • Ask: What went well? What went poorly? How can we improve?
  • After a Check-in
    1. Be accessible:
      • Ensure your team knows the best way to get in touch with you.
      • Email is not ideal for informal, frequent contact – use messaging instead.
    2. Be available:
      • Keep a running conversation going in Teams.
      • Respond in a timely manner; address issues quickly so that your team has what they need to succeed.
      • Let your team know if you’ll be away/offline for longer than an hour during the workday and ask them to do the same (e.g. for an appointment).
      • Help address roadblocks, answer questions, clarify priorities, etc.

    Define communication requirements

    • Set up an ongoing communication with your team.
      • E.g. a running conversation on Slack or Teams
    • Schedule daily virtual meetings and check-ins.
      • This can help to maintain a sense of normalcy and conduct a pulse check on your team.
    • Use video for important conversations.
      • Video chat creates better rapport, shows body language, and lessens feelings of isolation, but it can be taxing.
    • Set expectations about communication.
      • Differentiate between day-to-day communication and updates on the state of events.
    • Clearly communicate the collaboration toolkit.
      • What do we have available? What is the purpose of each?

    Speaker’s Notes:

    With organizational expectations set, we need to establish team expectations around how we collaborate and communicate.

    Today there is no lack of technology available to support our virtual communication. We can use the phone, conference calls, videoconferencing, Skype, instant messaging, [insert organization-specific technological tools.], etc.

    However, it is important to have a common understanding of which tools are most appropriate when and for what.

    What are some of the communication channel techniques you’ve found useful in your informal interactions with employees or that you’ve seen work well between employees?

    [Have participants share any technological tools they find useful and why.]

    Check in with your team on communication requirements

    • Should we share our calendars, hours of availability, and/or IM status?
    • How often should we meet as a team and one on one? Should we institute a time when we should not communicate virtually?
    • Which communication channel should we use in what context? How should we decide which communication method to use?
    • Should I share guidelines for email and meeting etiquette (or any other communication methods)?
    • Should we establish a new team charter?
    • What feedback does the team have regarding how we’ve been communicating?

    Speaker’s Notes:

    Whenever we interact, we make the following kinds of social exchanges. We exchange:

    • Information: Data or opinions
    • Emotions: Feelings and evaluations about the data or opinions
    • Motivations: What we feel like doing in response to data or opinions

    We need to make sure that these exchanges are happening as each team member intends. To do this, we have to be sensitive to what information is being conveyed, what emotions are involved in the interaction, and how we are motivating each other to act through the interaction. Every interaction will have intended and unintended effects on others. No one can pay attention to all of these aspects of communication all the time, but if we develop habits that are conducive to successful exchanges in all three areas, we can become more effective.

    In addition to being mindful of the exchange in our communication, as managers it is critical to build trusting relationships and rapport with employees as we saw in the 3i's model. However, in virtual teams we cannot rely on running into someone in the kitchen or hallway to have an informal conversation. We need to be thoughtful and deliberate in our interactions with employees. We need to find alternative ways to build these relationships with and between employees that are both easy and accepted by ourselves and employees. Because of that, it is important to set communication norms and really understand each other’s preferences. For example:

    • Timing of responses. Set the expectation that emails should be responded to within X hours/days unless otherwise noted in the actual email.
    • When it’s appropriate to send an email vs. using instant messaging.
    • A team charter – the team’s objectives, individual roles and responsibilities, and communication and collaboration guidelines.

    1.4 Identify and share ways you prefer to communicate for different activities

    20 Minutes

    1. Brainstorm and list the different types of exchanges you have with your virtual employees and they have with each other.
    2. List the various communication tools in use on your team.
    3. Assign a preferred communication method for each type of exchange

    Download the Workbook: Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Virtual Teams


    • Current types of exchanges on team
    • Communication methods used


    • Defined ways to communicate for each communication method


    • Workbook: Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Virtual Teams


    • All managers with direct reports working virtually

    Effectively Manage Virtual Teams

    Section 2.1
    Balancing wellbeing and performance in a virtual team context

    The pandemic has taken a significant toll on employees’ mental wellbeing

    44% of employees reported declined mental wellbeing since the start of the pandemic.

    • 44% of those who work from home.
    • 34% of those who have other work arrangements (i.e. onsite).
      (Qualtrics, 2020)

    "If one of our colleagues were to fall, break their leg, and get a cast, colleagues would probably rally around that person signing their cast. But, really, we don’t view the health of our brain the same as we do the health of our body."
    – Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) Employee

    Speaker’s Notes:

    Despite being over two years into the pandemic, we are still seeing its effect on the physical and mental health of employees.

    The mental health aspect has been often overlooked by organizations, but in order to have a safe, happy, and productive team, you need to give mental health the same level of focus as physical heath. This requires a change in mindset in order for you as a leader to support your team's mental wellbeing during the pandemic and beyond.

    Employees are reporting several key mental wellbeing challenges

    Stress: 67%

    Employees report increasingly high levels of stress from the onset of COVID-19, stating that it has been the most stressful time in their careers.
    (Qualtrics, 2020)

    Anxiety: 57%

    Similarly, employees’ anxiety levels have peaked because of the pandemic and the uncertainty it brings.
    (Qualtrics, 2020)

    Four main themes surrounding stress & anxiety

    • Fear of contracting COVID-19
    • Financial pressures
    • Job security and uncertainty
    • Loneliness caused by social isolation

    Speaker’s Notes:

    The stress and uncertainty about the future caused by the pandemic and its fallout are posing the biggest challenges to employees.

    Organizations shutting down operations, moving to fully remote, or requiring some of their employees to be on site based on the current situation causes a lot of anxiety as employees are not able to plan for what is coming next.

    Adding in the loss of social networks and in-person interactions exacerbates the problem employees are facing. As leaders, it is your job to understand and mitigate these challenges wherever possible.

    Re-examine your workplace barriers to mental wellbeing

    New Barriers

    Old Barriers

    • Childcare/eldercare responsibilities
    • Fear of workplace health risks
    • Work location
    • Lost support networks
    • Changed work schedules
    • Social distancing
    • Workload
    • Fear of stigma
    • Benefits limits
    • Limits to paid time off
    • Lack of manager knowledge

    Key considerations:

    • Work Environment
      • Accessibility of mental wellbeing programs and initiatives
    • Organizational Culture
      • Modeling of wellbeing
      • Paid time off
      • Discussions around mental wellbeing
    • Total Rewards
      • Benefits coverage
      • Employee assistance programs (EAPs)
      • Manager knowledge

    Speaker’s Notes:

    Organizational barriers to mental wellbeing are sadly not new. Workloads, stigma around mental health, lack of sick days, and limits to benefits for mental health supports were challenges before the pandemic. Adding in the new barriers can very easily result in a tipping point for many employees who are simply not equipped to deal with or supported in dealing with the added burden of remote work in a post-pandemic world.

    To provide the needed support to your employees, it’s important to be mindful of the key considerations.

    Holistic employee wellbeing has never been more critical than it is right now

    Employee Wellbeing


    The physical body; ensuring a person has the freedom, opportunities, and resources needed to sustainably maintain bodily health.


    The psychological ability to cope with information, emotions, desires, and stressors (e.g. change, threats, etc.) in a healthy and balanced way. Essential for day-to-day living and functioning.


    The state of personal and professional relationships, including personal and community engagement. The capability for genuine, authentic, and mutually affirming interactions with others.


    The state of a person’s finances; ensuring that a person feels capable to handle their financial situation and behaviors. The ability to live productively without the weight of financial stress.

    Speaker’s Notes:

    As a manager, you need to be mindful of all of these. Create an atmosphere where people are able to come to you for help if they are struggling in one of these areas. For example, some people might be more comfortable raising physical safety or comfort concerns (personal protective equipment, ergonomics) than concerns about mental health. Or they might feel like their feelings of loneliness are not appropriate to bring into their professional life.

    Wellbeing is a delicate subject, and most of the time, people are reluctant to talk about it. It requires vulnerability. And here’s the thing about it: Your staff will not drive a change in your team around making these topics more acceptable. It has to be the manager. You have to be the one to not just tell but show them that it’s OK to talk about this

    Encourage human-centered workplace behaviors

    Promote empathy as a focus value

    • Listen and show compassion.
    • Allow room for emotions.

    Encourage social connection

    • Leverage networks.
    • Infuse fun where possible.
    • Encourage community and sense of joint purpose.

    Cultivate a growth mindset

    • Encourage mindfulness and resilience.
    • Express gratitude.

    Empower others

    • Ask employees what they need and co-create solutions.
    • Integrate needs of personal and family life with work life.
    • Be clear on accountability.

    Speaker’s Notes:

    As a leader, your focus should be on encouraging the right behaviors on your team and in yourself.
    Show empathy; allowing room for emotion and showing you are willing and able to listen goes a long way to establishing trust.

    A growth mindset applies to resilience too. A person with a growth mindset is more likely to believe that even though they’re struggling now, they will get through it.

    Infuse fun – schedule social check-ins. This is not wasted time, or time off work – it is an integral part of the workday. We have less of it now organically, so you must bring it back deliberately. Remember that theme? We are deliberately reinfusing important organic elements into the workday.

    The last item, empowerment, is interesting – being clear on accountability. Have clear performance expectations. It might sound like telling people what to do would be disempowering, but it’s the opposite. By clarifying the goals of what they need to achieve, you empower them to invent their own “how,” because you and they are both sure they will arrive at the place that you agreed on. We will talk more about this in performance management.

    Emphasize the importance of wellbeing by setting the tone for the team

    Managers must…

      • Employees look to their managers for cues about how to react in a crisis. If the manager reacts with stress and fear, the team will follow.
      • Frequent check-ins and transparent communication are essential during a time of crisis, especially when working remotely.
      • Recognizing the stress that teams may be facing and expressing confidence in them goes a long way.
      • Managers who take care of themselves can better support their teams and encourage them to practice good self-care too.
      • Reducing stigma around mental health encourages people to come forward with their struggles and get the support they need.

    Speaker’s Notes:

    Emphasize the importance of wellbeing with what you do. If you do not model self-care behavior, people will follow what you do, not what you say.

    Lead by example – Live the behaviors you want to see in your employees. If you show confidence, positivity, and resiliency, it will filter down to your team.

    Encourage open communication – Have regular meetings where your team is able to set the agenda, or allow one-on-ones to be guided by the employee. Make sure these are scheduled and keep them a priority.

    Acknowledge the situation – Pretending things are normal doesn’t help the situation. Talk about the stress that the team is facing and express confidence that you will get through it together.

    Promote wellbeing – Take time off, don’t work when you’re sick, and you will be better able to support your team!

    Reduce stigma – Call it out when you see it and be sure to remind people of and provide access to any supports that the organization has.

    Conduct dedicated conversations around wellbeing

    1. Check in with how each team member is doing frequently and ask how they are doing personally.
    2. Discuss how things are going. Ask: “How is your work situation working out for you so far? Do you feel supported? How are you taking care of yourself in these circumstances?”
    3. Ask if there are any stressors or roadblocks that they have experienced and collaborate to find solutions.
    4. Provide reassurance of your support and confidence in them.
    5. Document the plan for managing stressors and roadblocks – either through a collaboration tool or through email.

    Speaker’s Notes:

    Going back to the idea of a growth mindset – this may be uncomfortable for you as a manager. So here’s a step-by-step guide that over time you can morph into your own style.

    With your team – be prepared to share first and to show it is OK to be vulnerable and address wellbeing seriously.

    1. Make sure you make time for the personal. Ask about their lives and show compassion.
    2. Give opportunities for them to bring up things that might stay hidden otherwise. Ask questions that show you care.
    3. Help identify areas they are struggling with and work with them to move past those areas.
    4. Make sure they feel supported in what they are going through and reassured of their place on the team.
    5. Roll wellbeing into your planning process. This signals to team that you see wellbeing as important, not just a checklist to cover during a team meeting, and are ready to follow through on it.

    Recognize when professional help is needed

    SIGNS OF BURNOUT: Overwhelmed; Frequent personal disclosure; Trouble sleeping and focusing; Frequent time off; Strained relationships; Substance abuse; Poor work performance

    Speaker’s Notes:

    As a leader, it is important to be on the lookout for warning signs of burnout and know when to step in and direct individuals to professional help.

    Poor work performance – They struggle to maintain work performance, even after you’ve worked with them to create coping strategies.

    Overwhelmed – They repeatedly tell you that they feel overwhelmed, very stressed, or physically unwell.

    Frequent personal disclosure – They want to discuss their personal struggles at length on a regular basis.

    Trouble sleeping and focusing – They tell you that they are not sleeping properly and are unable to focus on work.

    Frequent time off – They feel the need to take time off more frequently.

    Strained relationships – They have difficulty communicating effectively with coworkers; relationships are strained.

    Substance abuse – They show signs of substance abuse (e.g. drunk/high while working, social media posts about drinking during the day).

    Keeping an eye out for these signs and being able to step in before they become unmanageable can mean the difference between keeping and losing an employee experiencing burnout.

    Remember: Managers also need support

    • Added burden
    • Lead by example
    • Self-care

    Speaker’s Notes:

    If you’ve got managers under you, be mindful of their unique stressors. Don’t forget to check in with them, too.

    If you are a manager, remember to take care of yourself and check in with your own manager about your own wellbeing.

    2.1 Balance wellbeing and performance in a virtual team context

    30 Minutes

    1. Brainstorm and list current practices and challenges connected to wellbeing on your teams.
    2. Choose one or two wellbeing challenges that are most relevant for your team.
    3. Discuss as a group and identify one solution for each challenge that you can put into action with your own virtual team. Document this under “Action plan to move forward” on the workbook slide “2.1 Balancing wellbeing and performance in a virtual team context.”

    Download the Workbook: Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Virtual Teams


    • Current practices and challenges connected to wellbeing


    • Action plan for each challenge listed


    • Workbook: Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Virtual Teams


    • All managers with direct reports working virtually

    Effectively Manage Virtual Teams

    Section 2.2

    Managing performance in a virtual team context

    Virtual employees are craving more meaningful interactions with their managers

    A survey indicated that, overall, remote employees showed less satisfaction with manager interactions compared to other non-remote employees.

    1. 16% less likely to strongly agree their manager involves them in setting goals at work.
    2. 28% less likely to strongly agree they continually work with their manager to clarify work priorities.
    3. 29% less likely to strongly agree they have reviewed their greatest successes with their manager in the last six months.
    4. 30% less likely to strongly agree they have talked with their manager about progress toward goals in the last six months.

    Speaker’s Notes:

    In many cases, we have put people into virtual roles because they are self-directed and self-motivated workers who can thrive with the kind of autonomy and flexibility that comes with virtual work. As managers, we should expect many of these workers to be proactively interested in how they are performing and in developing their careers.

    It would be a mistake to take a hands-off approach when managing virtual workers. A recent survey indicated that, overall, remote employees showed less satisfaction with manager interactions compared to other non-remote employees. It was also one of the aspects of their work experience they were least satisfied with overall (Gallup, State of the American Workplace, 2017). Simply put, virtual employees are craving more meaningful conversations with their managers.

    While conversations about performance and development are important for all employees (virtual or non-virtual), managers of remote teams can have a significant positive impact on their virtual employees’ experience and engagement at work by making efforts to improve their involvement and support in these areas.

    During this module we will work together to identify ways that each of us can improve how we manage the performance of our virtual employees. At the end of the module everyone will create an action plan that they can put in place with their own teams. In the next module, we go through a similar set of activities to create an action plan for our interactions with employees about their development.

    Building blocks of performance management

    • Goal Setting

    • Setting Expectations

    • Measuring Progress

    • Feedback & Coaching

    Speaker’s Notes:

    [Include a visualization of your existing performance management process in the slide. Walk the participants through the process to remind them of what is expected. While the managers participating in the training should know this, there may be different understandings of it, or it might just be the case that it’s been a while since people looked at the official process. The intention here is merely to ensure everyone is on the same page for the purposes of the activities that follow.]

    Now that we’ve reviewed performance management at a high level, let’s dive into what is currently happening with the performance management of virtual teams.

    I know that you have some fairly extensive material at your organization around how to manage performance. This is fantastic. And we’re going to focus mainly on how things change in a virtual context.

    When measuring progress, how do you as a manager make sure that you are comfortable not seeing your team physically at their desks? This is the biggest challenge for remote managers.

    2.2 Share current performance management practices for virtual teams

    30 Minutes

    1. Brainstorm and list current high-level performance management practices connected to each building block. Record in your workbook.
    2. Discuss current challenges connected to implementing the building blocks with virtual employees.

    Download the Workbook: Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Virtual Teams


    • Current performance management practices
    • Challenges surrounding performance management


    • Current state of virtual performance management defined


    • Workbook: Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Virtual Teams


    • All managers with direct reports working virtually

    Communicate the “why”: Cascade organizational goals

    This image depicts the Cascade of Why- organizational goals. Organizational Mission; Organizational Values; Organizational Goals; Department Goals; Team Goals; Individual Goals

    Speaker’s Notes:

    When assisting your employees with their goals, think about the organization’s overall mission and goals to help you determine team and individual goals.

    • Organizational goals: Employee goals should align with organizational goals. Goals may cascade down through the organization.
    • Department or team goals: Create a clear strategy based on high-level goals for the year so employees can link short-term goals to the larger picture.
    • Individual goals: Employees should draw on their individual development plan to help set performance goals.

    Sometimes it’s difficult to get employees thinking about goals and they need assistance from managers. It’s also important to be clear on team goals to help guide employees in setting individual ones.

    The basic idea is to show people how their individual day-to-day work contributes to the overall success of the organization. It gives them a sense of purpose and a rationale, which translates to motivation. And also helps them problem solve with more autonomy.

    You’re giving people a sense of the importance of their own contribution.

    How to set clear expectations for job performance

    Ensure employees have a clear understanding of what’s expected for their role:

    1. Review their metrics so they understand how they’re being evaluated.
    2. Outline daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly goals.
    3. If needed, help them plan when and how each part of their job should be done and what to prioritize.
    4. Ask them to come to you early if they experience a roadblock so that you can help rather than having them flounder on their own.
    5. Document instances where employees aren’t meeting role or performance expectations.

    Speaker’s Notes:

    Tailor performance goals to address any root causes of poor performance.

    For example:

    • If personal factors are getting in the way, work with the employee (and HR if necessary) to create a strategy to address any impediments to performing in the role.

    Tips for managing performance remotely

    • Reflect on one key question: What needs to happen for my direct reports to continue their work while working remotely?
    • Manage for results – not employee visibility at the office.
    • Use metrics to measure performance. If you don’t have any, define tasks and deliverables as clearly as possible and conduct regular check-ins.
    • Work with the employee to set goals and metrics to measure progress.

    Focus on results: Be flexible about how and when work gets done, as long as team members are hitting their targets.

    • For example, if they have childcare duties from 3 to 5pm during school closures and want to work later in the evening to make up the time, that’s fine – as long as the work gets done.
    • Set clear expectations about which work must be done during normal work hours (e.g. attend team meetings, client calls) and which can be done at other hours.
    • Team members must arrange with you any nonstandard working hours before they start using an altered schedule. It is your responsibility to keep track of hours and any alternate arrangements.
    • Don’t make team members feel constantly monitored (i.e. “Where were you from 10 to 11am?”); trust them until you have reason not to.

    Encourage your team members to unplug: If they’re sending you emails late at night and they haven’t made an alternate work hours agreement with you, encourage them to take time away from work.

    • It’s harder to unplug when working at home, and everyone needs a break to stay productive.

    Avoid micromanagement with holistic performance measures


    How well tasks are accomplished


    Related to specific employee actions, skills, or attitudes


    How much work gets done

    Holistic measures demonstrate all the components required for optimal performance. This is the biggest driver in having comfort as a manager of a remote team and avoiding micromanagement. Typically these are set at the organizational level. You may need to adjust for individual roles, etc.

    Speaker's Notes:

    Metrics come in different types. One way to ensure your metrics capture the full picture is to use a mix of different kinds of metrics.

    Some metrics are quantitative: they describe quantifiable or numerical aspects of the goal. This includes timeliness. On the other hand, qualitative metrics have to do with the final outcome or product. And behavioral metrics have to do with employees' actions, skills, or attitudes. Using different kinds of metrics together helps you set holistic measures, which capture all the components of optimal performance toward your goal and prevent gaming the system.

    Let's take an example:

    A courier might have an objective to do a good job delivering packages. An example of a quantitative measure might be that the courier is required to deliver X number of packages per day on time. The accompanying metrics would be the number of packages delivered per day and the ratio of packages delivered on time vs. late.

    Can you see a problem if we use only these quantitative measures to evaluate the courier's performance?

    Wait to see if anyone volunteers an answer. Discuss suggestions.

    That's right, if the courier's only goal is to deliver more packages, they might start to rush, may ruin the packages, and may offer poor customer service. We can help to guard against this by implementing qualitative and behavioral measures as well. For example, a qualitative measure might be that the courier is required to deliver the packages in mint condition. And the metric would be the number of customer complaints about damaged packages or ratings on a satisfaction survey related to package condition.

    For the behavioral aspect, the courier might be required to provide customer-centric service with a positive attitude. The metrics could be ratings on customer satisfaction surveys related to the courier's demeanor or observations by the manager.

    Managing poor performance virtually: Look for key signs

    It’s crucial to acknowledge that an employee might have an “off week” or need time to balance work and life – things that can be addressed with performance management (PM) techniques. Managers should move into the process for performance improvement when:

    1. Performance fluctuates frequently or significantly.
    2. Performance has dropped for an extended period of time.
    3. Expectations are consistently not being met.

    Key signs to look for:

    • PM data/performance-related assessments
    • Continual absences
    • Decreased quality or quantity of output
    • Frequent excuses (e.g. repeated internet outages)
    • Lack of effort or follow-through
    • Missed deadlines
    • Poor communication or lack of responsiveness
    • Failure to improve

    Speaker’s notes:

    • Let’s talk more about identifying low performance.
    • Everybody has off days or weeks. And what if they are new to the role or new to working remotely? Their performance may be low because they need time to adjust. These sort of situations should be managed, but they don’t require moving into the process for performance improvement.
    • When managing employees who are remote or working in a hybrid situation, it is important to be alert to these signs and check in with your employees on a regular basis. Aim to identify and work with employees on addressing performance issues as they arise rather than waiting until it’s too late. Depending on your availability, the needs of the employee, and the complexity of their role, check-ins could occur daily, weekly, and/or monthly. As I mentioned, for remote employees, it’s often better to check-in more frequently but for a shorter period of time.
    • You want to be present in their work life and available to help them manage through roadblocks and stay on track, but try to avoid over-monitoring employees. Micromanaging can impact the manager-employee relationship and lead to the employee feeling that there is a lack of trust. Remember, the employee needs to be responsible for their own performance and improvement.
    • Check-ins should not just be about the work either. Take some time to check in personally. This is particularly important when managing remotely. It enables you to build a personal relationship with the employee and also keeps you aware if there are other personal issues at play that are impacting their work.
    • So, how do you know what does require performance improvement? There are three key things that you should look for that are clear signals that performance improvement is necessary:
      1. Their performance is fluctuating frequently or significantly.
      2. Their performance has dropped for an extended period of time.
      3. Expectations are consistently not being met.
    • What do you think are some key signs to look for that indicate a performance issue is occurring?

    Managing poor performance virtually: Conducting remote performance conversations

    Video calling

    Always use video calls instead of phone calls when possible so that you don’t lose physical cues and body language.

    Meeting invitations

    Adding HR/your leader to a meeting invite about performance may cause undue stress. Think through who needs to participate and whether they need to be included in the invite itself.


    Ensure there are no misunderstandings by setting context for each discussion and having the employee reiterate the takeaways back to you.

    Focus on behavior

    Don’t assume the intent behind the behavior(s) being discussed. Instead, just focus on the behavior itself.


    Be sure to adhere to any relevant HR policies and support systems. Working with HR throughout the process will ensure none are overlooked.

    Speaker’s notes:

    There are a few best practices you should follow when having performance conversations:

    • First, if you are in a different work environment than your employee, always use video calls instead of phone calls whenever possible so that you don’t miss out on physical cues and body language. If videoconferencing isn’t the norm, encourage them to turn on their video. Be empathic that it can feel awkward but explain the benefits, and you will both have an easier time communicating and understanding each other.
    • As I’ve mentioned, be considerate of the environment they are in. If they are in the office and you are working remotely, be sure to book a private meeting room for them to go to for the conversation. If they are working from home, be sure to check that they are prepared and able to focus on the conversation.
    • Next, carefully consider who you are adding to the meeting invite and whether it’s necessary for them to be there. Adding HR or your leader to a meeting invite may cause undue stress for the employee.
    • Consider the timing of the invite. Don’t send it out weeks in advance. When a performance problem exists, you’ll want to address it as soon as possible. A day or two of notice would be an ideal approach because it gives them a heads up but will not cause them extended stress or worrying.
    • Be considerate about the timing of the meeting and what else they may have scheduled. For example, a Friday afternoon before they are heading off on vacation or right before they are leading an important client call would not be appropriate timing.
    • As we just mentioned clear communication is critical. Ensure there are no misunderstandings by setting context for each discussion and having the employee reiterate takeaways back to you.
    • Focus on the behavior and don’t assume their intent. It can be tempting to say, “I know you didn’t mean to miss the deadline,” but you don’t know what they intended. Often people are not aware of the impact their behavior can have on others.
    • Lastly, be sure to adhere to any relevant HR policies and support systems. Working with HR throughout the process will ensure nothing is overlooked.

    2.3 Identify challenges of current practices and propose solutions

    30 Minutes

    1. Select one or two challenges from the previous activity.
    2. Identify one solution for each challenge that you can put into action with your own virtual team. Document in the workbook.

    Download the Workbook: Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Virtual Teams


    • Current performance management practices
    • Challenges surrounding performance management


    • Action plan to move forward


    • Workbook: Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Virtual Teams


    • All managers with direct reports working virtually

    Effectively Manage Virtual Teams

    Optional Section

    Employee development in a virtual team setting

    There are three main development approaches for both colocated and virtual employees

    Formal Training; Relational Learning; Experimental Learning

    Speaker’s Notes:

    As we have seen, our virtual employees crave more meaningful interactions with their managers. In addition to performance conversations, managers should also be having regular discussions with their employees about their employee development plans. One key component of these discussions is career planning. Whether you are thinking shorter term – how to become better at their current role – or longer term – how to advance beyond their current role – discussions about employee development are a great way to engage employees. Employees are ultimately responsible for creating and executing their own development plans, but managers are responsible for making sure that employees have thought through these plans and helping employees identify opportunities for executing those plans.

    To help us think about our own employee development practices, identify challenges they pose when working with virtual employees, and create solutions to these challenges, it is useful to think about employee development opportunities according to three types:

    1. The first kind of development opportunity is formal training. Formal training is organized and has a clearly defined curriculum and desired outcome. It usually takes the form of a group training session (like this one) or training videos or materials that employees can watch individually and on their own time. These opportunities usually end with a test or assignment that can be used to evaluate the degree to which the participant achieved the desired learning outcomes.
    2. The second kind of development opportunity is relational learning. Perhaps the most common form of this type of learning is coaching or mentoring. By establishing a long-term work relationship, checking in with employees about their daily work and development goals, and sharing their own experiences and knowledge, mentors help employees reflect and draw out learning from everyday, on-the-job development activities. Other examples include a peer support group or communities of practice. In these group settings peers share best practices and work together to overcome challenges.
    3. The third kind of development opportunity is experiential learning. This kind of opportunity provides employees the chance to work on real work problems, and the output of the development work can directly benefit the organization. Most people learn best by doing. On-the-job experiences that are challenging or new can force people to use and develop new skills and knowledge based on what worked effectively and what failed. Examples of experiential learning are on-the-job learning for new hires, stretch assignments, or special projects that take the employee beyond their daily routine and allow them to try new activities and develop competencies that they would not have the chance to develop as part of their regular job.

    According to McLean & Company, organizations should use the “70-20-10” rule as a rough guideline when working with employees to create their development plans: 10% of the plan should be dedicated to formal training opportunities, 20% to relational learning, and 70% to experiential learning. Managers should work with employees to identify their performance and career goals, ensure that their development plans are aligned with these goals, and include an appropriate mixture of all three kinds of development opportunities.

    To help identify challenges and solutions, think about how virtual work arrangements will impact the employee’s ability to leverage each type of opportunity at our organization.

    Here are some examples that can help us start thinking about the kinds of challenges virtual employees on our team face:

    Career Planning

    • One challenge can be identifying a career path that is consistent with working virtually. If switching from a virtual arrangement to an onsite arrangement is not a viable option for an employee, some career paths may not feasibly be open to them (at least as the company is currently organized). For example, if an employee would eventually like to be promoted to a senior leadership role in their business function but all senior leaders are required to work onsite at corporate headquarters, the employee will need to consider whether such a move is possible for them. In some cases employees may be willing to do this, but in others they may not. The important thing is to have these conversations with virtual employees and avoid the assumption that all career paths can be done virtually, since that might not be the case

    Formal Training

    • This is probably the least problematic form of employee development for virtual employees. In many cases this kind of training is scheduled well in advance, so virtual employees may be able to join non-virtual employees in person for some group training. When this is not possible (due to distance, budget, or time zone), many forms of group training can be recorded and watched by virtual employees later. Training videos and training materials can also easily be shared with virtual employees using existing collaboration software.

    Relational Learning

    • One major challenge here is developing a mentoring relationship virtually. As we discussed in the module on performance management, developing relationships virtually can be challenging because people cannot rely upon the kind of informal and spontaneous interactions that occur when people are located in the same office. Mentors and mentees will have to put in more effort and planning to get to know each other and they will have to schedule frequent check-ins so that employees can reflect upon their progress and experience (with the help of their mentors) more often.
    • Time zones and technology may pose potential barriers for certain candidates to be mentors. In some cases, employees that are best qualified to be mentors may not be as comfortable with collaborative software as other mentors or their mentees. If there are large time zone differences, some people who would otherwise be interested in acting as a mentor may be dissuaded. Managers need to take this into consideration if they are connecting employees with mentors or if they are thinking of taking on the mentor role themselves.

    Experiential Learning

    • Virtual employees risk being overlooked for special projects due to the “out of sight, out of mind” bias: When special projects come up, the temptation is to look around the room and see who is the best fit. The problem is, however, that in some cases the highest performers or best fit may not physically be in the room. In these cases it is important for managers to take on an advocate role for their employees and remind other managers that they have good virtual employees on their team that should be included or contacted. It is also important for managers to keep their team informed about these opportunities as often as possible.
    • Sometimes certain projects or certain kinds of work just cannot be done virtually in a company for a variety of reasons. The experiential learning opportunities will not be open to virtual employees. If such opportunities are open to the majority of other workers in this role (potentially putting virtual employees’ career development at a disadvantage relative to their peers), managers should work with their virtual employees to identify alternative experiences. Managers may also want to consider advocating for more or for higher quality experiential learning opportunities at the organization.

    Now that we have considered some general examples of challenges and solutions, let’s look at our own employee development practices and think about the practical steps we can take as managers to improve employee development for our virtual employees.

    Employee development basics

    • Career planning & performance improvement
    • Formal training
    • Relational learning
    • Experiential learning

    Speaker’s Notes:

    [Customize this slide according to your organization’s own policies and processes for employee development. Provide useful images that outline this on the slide, and in these notes describe the processes/policies that are in place. Note: In some cases policies or processes may not be designed with virtual employees or virtual teams in mind. That is okay for the purposes of this training module. In the following activities participants will discuss how they apply these policies and processes with their virtual teams. If your organization is interested in adapting its policies/processes to better support virtual workers, it may be useful to record those conversations to supplement existing policies later.]

    Now that we have considered some general examples of challenges and solutions, let’s look at our own employee development practices and think about the practical steps we can take as managers to improve employee development for our virtual employees.

    2.4 Share current practices for developing employees on a virtual team

    30 Minutes

    1. Brainstorm and list current high-level employee development practices. Record in your workbook.
    2. Discuss current challenges connected to developing virtual employees. Record in your workbook.
    3. Identify one solution for each challenge that you can put into action with your own virtual team.
    4. Discuss as a group.

    Download the Workbook: Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Virtual Teams


    • Current employee development practices
    • Challenges surrounding employee development


    • Action plan to move forward


    • Workbook: Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Virtual Teams


    • All managers with direct reports working virtually

    Refine Action Plans

    2.5 Refine your action plan and commit to implementing it

    30 Minutes

    1. Review your action plans for consistency and overlap. Highlight any parts you may struggle to complete.
    2. Meeting with your group, summarize your plans to each other. Provide feedback and discuss each other’s action plans.
    3. Discuss how you can hold each other accountable.

    Download the Workbook: Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Virtual Teams


    • Action items from previous activities.


    • Action plan to move forward


    • Workbook: Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Virtual Teams


    • All managers with direct reports working virtually

    Summary of Accomplishment

    • We do not need to go out and learn a new set of manager responsibilities to better manage our virtual teams; rather, we have to “dial up” certain responsibilities we already have or adjust certain approaches that we already take.
    • It is important to set clear expectations. While managers are ultimately responsible for making sure expectations are set and are clearly communicated, they are not the only ones with responsibilities. Employees and managers need to work together to overcome the challenges that virtual work involves.
    • Virtual employees crave meaningful interactions with their managers and team. Managers must take charge in fostering an atmosphere of openness around wellbeing and establish effective performance management strategies. By being proactive with our virtual teams’ wellness and mindful of our performance management habits, we can take significant steps toward keeping these employees engaged and productive.
    • Effective management in virtual contexts requires being more deliberate than is typical in non-virtual contexts. By working as a group to identify challenges and propose solutions, we have helped each other create action plans that we can use going forward to continually improve our management practices.

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through an info-tech workshop or guided implementation.

    Contact your account representative for more information


    Speaker’s Notes:

    First, let’s take a moment to summarize the key things we have learned today:

    1. We do not need to go out and learn a new set of manager competencies to better manage our virtual teams; rather, we have to “dial up” certain competencies we already have or adjust certain approaches that we already take. In many cases we just need to be more aware of the challenges that virtual communication poses and be more planful in our approaches.
    2. It is important to set clear expectations. While managers are ultimately responsible for making sure expectations are set and clearly communicated, they are not the only ones with responsibilities. Employees and managers need to work together to overcome the challenges that virtual work involves. Making sure that teams have meaningful conversations about expectations, come to a shared understanding of them, and record them will create a firm foundation for all other interactions on the virtual team.
    3. Virtual employees crave meaningful interactions with their managers related to performance and employee development. By creating action plans for improving these kinds of interactions with our teams, we can take significant steps toward keeping these employees engaged and productive.
    4. Effective performance management and employee development in virtual contexts require more planfulness than is required in non-virtual contexts. By working as a group to identify challenges and propose solutions, we have helped each other create action plans that we can use going forward to continually improve our management practices.

    Is there anything that anyone has learned that is not on this list and that they would like to share with the group?

    Finally, were there any challenges identified today that were not addressed?

    [Note to facilitator: Take note of any challenges not addressed and commit to getting back to the participants with some suggested solutions.]

    Additional resources

    Manager Training: Lead Through Change

    Train managers to navigate the interpersonal challenges associated with change management and develop their communication and leadership skills. Upload this LMS module into your learning management system to enable online training.

    Manager Training: Build a Better Manager: Manage Your People

    Management skills training is needed, but organizations are struggling to provide training that makes a long-term difference in the skills managers use in their day to day.

    Many training programs are ineffective because they offer the wrong content, deliver it in a way that is not memorable, and are not aligned with the IT department’s business objectives.

    Blueprint: Manage Poor Performance While Working From Home

    Assess and improve remote work performance with our ready-to-use tools.

    Works Cited

    April, Richard. “10 KPIs Every Sales Manager Should Measure in 2019.” HubSpot, 24 June 2019. Web.

    Banerjea, Peter. “5 Powerful Strategies for Managing a Remote Sales Team.” Badger - Maps for field sales, n.d. Web.

    Bibby, Adrianne. “5 Employers’ Awesome Quotes about Work Flexibility.” FlexJobs, 9 January 2017. Web.

    Brogie, Frank. “The 14 KPIs every field sales rep should strive to improve.” Repsly, 2018. Web.

    Dunn, Julie. “5 smart tips for leading field sales teams.” LevelEleven, March 2015. Web.

    Edinger, Scott. “How great sales leaders coach.” Forbes, 2013. Web.

    “Employee Outlook: Employee Views on Working Life.” CIPD, April 2016. Web.

    Hall, Becki. “The 5 biggest challenges facing remote workers (and how to solve them).” interact, 7 July 2017. Web.

    Hofstede, Geert. “National Cultural Dimensions.” Hofstede Insights, 2012. Web.

    “Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2014 (EPA 430-R-16-002).” Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 15 April 2016.

    “Latest Telecommuting Statistics.” Global Workplace Analytics, June 2021. Web.

    Knight, Rebecca. “How to manage remote direct reports.” Harvard Business Review, 2015. Web.

    “Rewards and Recognition: 5 ways to show remote worker appreciation.” FurstPerson, 2019. Web.

    Palay, Jonathan. "How to build your sales management cadence." CommercialTribe, 22 March 2018. Web.

    “Sales Activity Management Matrix.” Asian Sales Guru, 2019. Web.

    Smith, Simone. “9 Things to Consider When Recognizing Remote Employees.” hppy, 2018. Web.

    “State of Remote Work 2017.” OWL Labs, 2021. Web.

    “State of the American Workplace.” Gallup, 2017. Web.

    “Telework Savings Potential.” Global Workplace Analytics, June 2021. Web.

    “The Future of Jobs Employment Trends.” World Economic Forum, 2016. Web.

    “The other COVID-19 crisis: Mental health.” Qualtrics, 14 April 2020. Web.

    Thompson, Dan. “The straightforward truth about effective sales leadership.” Sales Hacker, 2017. Web.

    Tsipursky, Gleb. “Remote Work Can Be Better for Innovation Than In-Person Meetings.” Scientific American, 14 Oct. 2021. Web.

    Walsh, Kim. “New sales manager? Follow this guide to crush your first quarter.” HubSpot, May 2019. Web.

    “What Leaders Need to Know about Remote Workers: Surprising Differences in Workplace Happiness and Relationships.” TINYpulse, 2016.

    Zenger, Jack, and Joe Folkman. “Feedback: The Leadership Conundrum.” Talent Quarterly: The Feedback Issue, 2015.


    Anonymous CAMH Employee

    Enterprise Network Design Considerations

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    • Parent Category Name: Network Management
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    Security, risk, and trust models play into how networks are designed and deployed. If these models are not considered during network design, band-aids and workarounds will be deployed to achieve the needed goals, potentially bypassing network controls.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    The cloud “gold rush” has made it attractive for many enterprises to migrate services off the traditional network and into the cloud. These services are now outside of the traditional network and associated controls. This shifts the split of east-west vs. north-south traffic patterns, as well as extending the network to encompass services outside of enterprise IT’s locus of control.

    Impact and Result

    Where users access enterprise data or services and from which devices dictate the connectivity needed. With the increasing shift of work that the business is completing remotely, not all devices and data paths will be under the control of IT. This shift does not allow IT to abdicate from the responsibility to provide a secure network.

    Enterprise Network Design Considerations Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Enterprise Network Design Considerations Deck – A brief deck that outlines key trusts and archetypes when considering enterprise network designs.

    This blueprint will help you:

    • Enterprise Network Design Considerations Storyboard

    2. Enterprise Network Roadmap Technology Assessment Tool – Build an infrastructure assessment in an hour.

    Dispense with detailed analysis and customizations to present a quick snapshot of the road ahead.

    • Enterprise Network Roadmap Technology Assessment Tool

    Further reading

    Enterprise Network Design Considerations

    It is not just about connectivity.

    Executive Summary

    Info-Tech Insight

    Connectivity and security are tightly coupled

    Security, risk, and trust models play into how networks are designed and deployed. If these models are not considered during network design, band-aids and workarounds will be deployed to achieve the needed goals, potentially bypassing network controls.

    Many services are no longer within the network

    The cloud “gold rush” has made it attractive for many enterprises to migrate services off the traditional network and into the cloud. These services are now outside of the traditional network and associated controls. This shifts the split of east-west vs. north-south traffic patterns, as well as extending the network to encompass services outside of enterprise IT’s locus of control.

    Users are demanding an anywhere, any device access model

    Where users access enterprise data or services and from which devices dictate the connectivity needed. With the increasing shift of work that the business is completing remotely, not all devices and data paths will be under the control of IT. This shift does not allow IT to abdicate from the responsibility to provide a secure network.

    Enterprise networks are changing

    The new network reality

    The enterprise network of 2020 and beyond is changing:

    • Services are becoming more distributed.
    • The number of services provided “off network” is growing.
    • Users are more often remote.
    • Security threats are rapidly escalating.

    The above statements are all accurate for enterprise networks, though each potentially to differing levels depending on the business being supported by the network. Depending on how affected the network in question currently is and will be in the near future, there are different common network archetypes that are best able to address these concerns while delivering business value at an appropriate price point.

    High-Level Design Considerations

    1. Understand Business Needs
    2. Understand what the business needs are and where users and resources are located.

    3. Define Your Trust Model
    4. Trust is a spectrum and tied tightly to security.

    5. Align With an Archetype
    6. How will the network be deployed?

    7. Understand Available Tooling
    8. What tools are in the market to help achieve design principles?

    Understand business needs


    Never ignore the basics. Start with revisiting the mission and vision of the business to address relevant needs.


    Identify where users will be accessing services from. Remote vs. “on net” is a design consideration now more than ever.


    Identify required resources and their locations, on net vs. cloud.


    Identify required controls in order to define control points and solutions.

    Define a trust model

    Trust is a spectrum

    • There is a spectrum of trust, from fully trusted to not trusted at all. Each organization must decide for their network (or each area thereof) the appropriate level of trust to assign.
    • The ease of network design and deployment is directly proportional to the trust spectrum.
    • When resources and users are outside of direct IT control, the level of appropriate trust should be examined closely.


    Trust everything within the network. Security is perimeter based and designed to stop external actors from entering the large trusted zone.


    Multiple zones of trust within the network. Segmentation is a standard practice to separate areas of higher and lower trust.


    Verify trust. The network is set up to recognize and support the principle of least privilege where only required access is supported.

    Align with an archetype

    Archetypes are a good guide

    • Using a defined archetype as a guiding principle in network design can help clarify appropriate tools or network structures.
    • Different aspects of a network can have different archetypes where appropriate (e.g. IT vs. OT [operational technology] networks).


    Services are provided from within the traditional network boundaries and security is provided at the network edge.


    Services are provided both externally and from within the traditional network boundaries, and security is primarily at the network edge.


    Services are provided primarily externally, and security is cloud centric.

    Traditional networks

    Resources within network boundaries

    Moat and castle security perimeter


    A traditional network is one in which there are clear boundaries defined by a security perimeter. Trust can be applied within the network boundaries as appropriate, and traffic is generally routed through internally deployed control points that may be centralized. Traditional networks commonly include large firewalls and other “big iron” security and control devices.

    Network Design Tenets

    • The full network path from resource to user is designed, deployed, and controlled by IT.
    • Users external to the network must first connect to the network to gain access to resources.
    • Security, risk, and trust controls will be implemented by internal enterprise hardware/software devices.


    In the traditional network, it is assumed that all required control points can be adequately deployed across hardware/software that is “on prem” and under the control of central IT.

    Info-Tech Insight

    With increased cloud services provided to end users, this network is now more commonly used in data centers or OT networks.

    Traditional networks

    The image contains an example of what traditional networks look like, as described in the text below.

    Defining Characteristics

    • Traffic flows in a defined path under the control of IT to and from central IT resources.
    • Due to visibility into, and the control of, the traffic between the end user and resources, IT can relatively simply implement the required security controls on owned hardware.

    Common Components

    • Traditional offices
    • Remote users/road warriors
    • Private data center/colocation space

    Hybrid networks

    Resources internal and external to network

    Network security perimeter combined with cloud protection


    A hybrid network is one that combines elements of a traditional network with cloud resources. As some of these resources are not fully under the control of IT and may be completely “offnet” or loosely coupled to the on-premises network, the security boundaries and control points are less likely to be centralized. Hybrid networks allow the flexibility and speed of cloud deployment without leaving behind traditional network constructs. This generally makes them expensive to secure and maintain.

    Network Design Tenets

    • The network path from resource to user may not be in IT’s locus of control.
    • Users external to the network must first connect to the network to gain access to internal resources but may directly access publicly hosted ones.
    • Security, risk, and trust controls may potentially be implemented by a mixture of internal enterprise hardware/software devices and external control points.


    The hallmark of a hybrid network is the blending of public and private resources. This blending tends to necessitate both public and private points of control that may not be homogenous.

    Info-Tech Insight

    With multiple control points to address, take care in simplifying designs while addressing all concerns to ease operational load.

    Hybrid networks

    The image contains an example of what hybrid networks look like, as described in the text below.

    Defining Characteristics

    • Traffic flows to central resources across a defined path under the control of IT.
    • Traffic to cloud assets may be partially under the control of IT.
    • For central resources, the traffic to and from the end user can have the required security controls relatively simply implemented on owned hardware.
    • For public cloud assets, IT may or may not have some control over part of the path.

    Common Components

    • Traditional offices
    • Remote users/road warriors
    • Private data center/colocation space
    • Public cloud assets (IaaS/PaaS/SaaS)

    Inverted perimeter

    Resources primarily external to the network

    Security control points are cloud centric


    An inverted perimeter network is one in which security and control points cover the entire workflow, on or off net, from the consumer of services through to the services themselves with zero trust. Since the control plane is designed to encompass the workflow in a secure manner, much of the underlying connectivity can be abstracted. In an extreme version of this deployment, IT would abstract end-user access, and any cloud-based or on-premises resources would be securely published through the control plane with context-aware precision access.

    Network Design Tenets

    • The network path from resource to user is abstracted and controlled by IT through services like secure access service edge (SASE).
    • Users only need internet access and appropriate credentials to gain access to resources.
    • Security, risk, and trust controls will be implemented through external cloud based services.


    An inverted network abstracts the lower-layer connectivity away and focuses on implementing a cloud-based zero trust control plane.

    Info-Tech Insight

    This model is extremely attractive for organizations that consume primarily cloud services and have a large remote work force.

    Inverted networks

    The image contains an example of what inverted networks look like, as described in the text below.

    Defining Characteristics

    • The end user does not have to be in a defined location.
    • All central resources that are to be accessed are hosted on cloud resources.
    • IT has little to no control of the path between the end user and central resources.

    Common Components

    • Traditional offices
    • Regent offices/shared workspaces
    • Remote users/road warriors
    • Public cloud assets (IaaS/PaaS/SaaS)

    Understand available tooling

    Don’t buy a hammer and go looking for nails

    • A network archetype must be defined in order to understand what tools (hardware or software) are appropriate for consideration in a network build or refresh.
    • Tools are purpose built and generally designed to solve specific problems if implemented and operated correctly. Choose the tools to align with the challenges that you are solving as opposed to choosing tools and then trying to use those purchases to overcome challenges.
    • The purchase of a tool does not allow for abdication of proper design. Tools must be chosen appropriately and integrated properly to orchestrate the best solutions. Purchasing a tool and expecting the tool to solve all your issues rarely succeeds.

    “It is essential to have good tools, but it is also essential that the tools should be used in the right way.” — Wallace D. Wattles

    Software-defined WAN (SD-WAN)

    Simplified branch office connectivity

    Archetype Value: Traditional Networks

    What It Is Not

    SD-WAN is generally not a way to slash spending by lowering WAN circuit costs. Though it is traditionally deployed across lower cost access, to minimize risk and realize the most benefits from the platform many organizations install multiple circuits with greater bandwidths at each endpoint when replacing the more costly traditional circuits. Though this maximizes the value of the technology investment, it will result in the end cost being similar to the traditional cost plus or minus a small percentage.

    What It Is

    SD-WAN is a subset of software-defined networking (SDN) designed specifically to deploy a secure, centrally managed, connectivity agnostic, overlay network connecting multiple office locations. This technology can be used to replace, work in concert with, or augment more traditional costly connectivity such as MPLS or private point to point (PtP) circuits. In addition to the secure overlay, SD-WAN usually also enables policy-based, intelligent controls, based on traffic and circuit intelligence.

    Why Use It

    You have multiple endpoint locations connected by expensive lower bandwidth traditional circuits. Your target is to increase visibility and control while controlling costs if and where possible. Ease of centralized management and the ability to more rapidly turn up new locations are attractive.

    Cloud access security broker (CASB)

    Inline policy enforcement placed between users and cloud services

    Archetype Value: Hybrid Networks

    What It Is Not

    CASBs do not provide network protection; they are designed to provide compliance and enforcement of rules. Though CASBs are designed to give visibility and control into cloud traffic, they have limits to the data that they generally ingest and utilize. A CASB does not gather or report on cloud usage details, licencing information, financial costing, or whether the cloud resource usage is aligned with the deployment purpose.

    What It Is

    A CASB is designed to establish security controls beyond a company’s environment. It is commonly deployed to augment traditional solutions to extend visibility and control into the cloud. To protect assets in the cloud, CASBs are designed to provide central policy control and apply services primarily in the areas of visibility, data security, threat protection, and compliance.

    Why Use It

    You a mixture of on-premises and cloud assets. In moving assets out to the cloud, you have lost the traditional controls that were implemented in the data center. You now need to have visibility and apply controls to the usage of these cloud assets.

    Secure access service edge (SASE)

    Convergence of security and service access in the cloud

    Archetype Value: Inverted Networks

    What It Is Not

    Though the service will consist of many service offerings, SASE is not multiple services strung together. To present the value proposed by this platform, all functionality proposed must be provided by a single platform under a “single pane of glass.” SASE is not a mature and well-established service. The market is still solidifying, and the full-service definition remains somewhat fluid.

    What It Is

    SASE exists at the intersection of network-as-a-service and network-security-as-a-service. It is a superset of many network and security cloud offerings such as CASB, secure web gateway, SD-WAN, and WAN optimization. Any services offered by a SASE provider will be cloud hosted, presented in a single stack, and controlled through a single pane of glass.

    Why Use It

    Your network is inverting, and services are provided primarily as cloud assets. In a full realization of this deployment’s value, you would abstract how and where users gain initial network access yet remain in control of the communications and data flow.


    Understand your enterprise network options

    Activity: Network assessment in an hour

    • Learn about the Enterprise Network Roadmap Technology Assessment Tool
    • Complete the Enterprise Network Roadmap Technology Assessment Tool

    This activity involves the following participants:

    • IT strategic direction decision makers.
    • IT managers responsible for network.
    • Organizations evaluating platforms for mission critical applications.

    Outcomes of this step:

    • Completed Enterprise Network Roadmap Technology Assessment Tool

    Info-Tech Insight

    Review your design options with security and compliance in mind. Infrastructure is no longer a standalone entity and now tightly integrates with software-defined networks and security solutions.

    Build an assessment in an hour

    Learn about the Enterprise Network Roadmap Technology Assessment Tool.

    This workbook provides a high-level analysis of a technology’s readiness for adoption based on your organization’s needs.

    • The workbook then places the technology on a graph that measures both the readiness and fit for your organization. In addition, it provides warnings for specific issues and lets you know if you have considerable uncertainty in your answers.
    • At a glance you can now communicate what you are doing to help the company:
      • Grow
      • Save money
      • Reduce risk
    • Regardless of your specific audience, these are important stories to be able to tell.
    The image contains three screenshots from the Enterprise Network Roadmap Technology Assessment Tool.

    Build an assessment in an hour

    Complete the Enterprise Network Roadmap Technology Assessment Tool.

    Dispense with detailed analysis and customizations to present a quick snapshot of the road ahead.

    1. Weightings: Adjust the Weighting tab to meet organizational needs. The provided weightings for the overall solution areas are based on a generic firm; individual firms will have different needs.
    2. Data Entry: For each category, answer the questions for the technology you are considering. When you have completed the questionnaire, go to the next tab for the results.
    3. Results: The Enterprise Network Roadmap Technology Assessment Tool provides a value versus readiness assessment of your chosen technology customized to your organization.

    The image contains three screenshots from the Enterprise Network Roadmap Technology Assessment Tool. It has a screenshot for each step as described in the text above.

    Related Info-Tech Research

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    Acquiring a service is like buying an experience. Don’t confuse the simplicity of buying hardware with buying an experience.

    Outsource IT Infrastructure to Improve System Availability, Reliability, and Recovery

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    Build Your Infrastructure Roadmap

    Move beyond alignment: Put yourself in the driver’s seat for true business value.

    Drive Successful Sourcing Outcomes With a Robust RFP Process

    Leverage your vendor sourcing process to get better results.

    Research Authors

    The image contains a photo of Scott Young.

    Scott Young, Principal Research Advisor, Info-Tech Research Group

    Scott Young is a Director of Infrastructure Research at Info-Tech Research Group. Scott has worked in the technology field for over 17 years, with a strong focus on telecommunications and enterprise infrastructure architecture. He brings extensive practical experience in these areas of specialization, including IP networks, server hardware and OS, storage, and virtualization.

    The image contains a photo of Troy Cheeseman.

    Troy Cheeseman, Practice Lead, Info-Tech Research Group

    Troy has over 24 years of experience and has championed large enterprise-wide technology transformation programs, remote/home office collaboration and remote work strategies, BCP, IT DRP, IT operations and expense management programs, international right placement initiatives, and large technology transformation initiatives (M&A). Additionally, he has deep experience working with IT solution providers and technology (cloud) startups.


    Ahlgren, Bengt. “Design considerations for a network of information.” ACM Digital Library, 21 Dec. 2008.

    Cox Business. “Digital transformation is here. Is your business ready to upgrade your mobile work equation?” BizJournals, 1 April 2022. Accessed April 2022.

    Elmore, Ed. “Benefits of integrating security and networking with SASE.” Tech Radar, 1 April 2022. Web.

    Greenfield, Dave. “From SD-WAN to SASE: How the WAN Evolution is Progressing.” Cato Networks, 19 May 2020. Web

    Korolov, Maria. “What is SASE? A cloud service that marries SD-WAN with security.” Network World, 7 Sept. 2020. Web.

    Korzeniowski, Paul, “CASB tools evolve to meet broader set of cloud security needs.” TechTarget, 26 July 2019. Accessed March 2022.

    Application Maintenance

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    • Parent Category Name: Applications
    • Parent Category Link: /applications

    The challenge

    • If you work with application maintenance or operations teams that handle the "run" of your applications, you may find that the sheer volume and variety of requests create large backlogs.
    • Your business and product owners may want scrum or DevOps teams to work on new functionality rather than spend effort on lifecycle management.
    • Increasing complexity and increasing reliance on technology may create unrealistic expectations for your maintenance teams. Business applications must be available around the clock, and new feature roadmaps cannot be side-tracked by maintenance.

    Our advice


    • Improving maintenance focus may mean doing less work but create more value. Your teams need to be realistic about what commitments they take—balance maintenance with business value and risk levels.
    • Treat maintenance the same as any other development practice. Use the same intake and prioritization practices. Uphold the same quality standards.

    Impact and results 

    • Justify the necessity of streamlined and regular maintenance. Understand each stakeholder's objectives and concerns, validate them against your staff's current state, processes, and technologies involved.
    • Maintenance and risk go hand in hand. And the business wants to move forward all the time as well. Strengthen your prioritization practice. Use a holistic view of the business and technical impacts, risks, urgencies across the maintenance needs and requests. That allows you to justify their respective positions in the overall development backlog. Identify opportunities to bring some requirements and features together.
    • Build a repeatable process with appropriate governance around it. Ensure that people know their roles and responsibilities and are held accountable.
    • Instill development best-practices into your maintenance processes.

    The roadmap

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    Get started.

    Read our executive brief to understand everyday struggles regarding application maintenance, the root causes, and our methodology to overcome these. We show you how we can support you.

    Understand your maintenance priorities

    Identify your stakeholders and understand their drivers.

    • Streamline Application Maintenance – Phase 1: Assess the Current Maintenance Landscape (ppt)
    • Application Maintenance Operating Model Template (doc)
    • Application Maintenance Resource Capacity Assessment (xls)
    • Application Maintenance Maturity Assessment (xls)

    Define and employ maintenance governance

    Identify the right level of governance appropriate to your company and business context for your application maintenance. That ensures that people uphold standards across maintenance practices.

    • Streamline Application Maintenance – Phase 2: Develop a Maintenance Release Schedule (ppt)

    Enhance your prioritization practices

    Most companies cannot do everything for all applications and systems. Build your maintenance triage and prioritization rules to safeguard your company, maximize business value generation and IT risks and requirements.

    • Streamline Application Maintenance – Phase 3: Optimize Maintenance Capabilities (ppt)

    Streamline your maintenance delivery

    Define quality standards in maintenance practices. Enforce these in alignment with the governance you have set up. Show a high degree of transparency and open discussions on development challenges.

    • Streamline Application Maintenance – Phase 4: Streamline Maintenance Delivery (ppt)
    • Application Maintenance Business Case Presentation Document (ppt)



    Position IT to Support and Be a Leader in Open Data Initiatives

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    • member rating average dollars saved: After each Info-Tech experience, we ask our members to quantify the real-time savings, monetary impact, and project improvements our research helped them achieve.
    • member rating average days saved: Read what our members are saying
    • Parent Category Name: Innovation
    • Parent Category Link: /innovation
    • Open data programs are often seen as unimportant or not worth taking up space in the budget in local government.
    • Open data programs are typically owned by a single open data evangelist who works on it as a side-of-desk project.
    • Having a single resource spend a portion of their time on open data doesn’t allow the open data program to mature to the point that local governments are realizing benefits from it.
    • It is difficult to gain buy-in for open data as it is hard to track the benefits of an open data program.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Local government can help push the world towards being more open, unlocking economic benefits for the wider economy.
    • Cities don’t know the solutions to all of their problems often they don’t know all of the problems they have. Release data as a platform to crowdsource solutions and engage your community.
    • Build your open data policies in collaboration with the community. It’s their data, let them shape the way it’s used!

    Impact and Result

    • Level-set expectations for your open data program. Every local government is different in terms of the benefits they can achieve with open data; ensure the business understands what is realistic to achieve.
    • Create a team of open data champions from departments outside of IT. Identify potential champions for the team and use this group to help gain greater business buy-in and gather feedback on the program’s direction.
    • Follow the open data maturity model in order to assess your current state, identify a target state, and assess capability gaps that need to be improved upon.
    • Use industry best practices to develop an open data policy and processes to help improve maturity of the open data program and reach your desired target state.
    • Identify metrics that you can use to track, and communicate the success of, the open data program.

    Position IT to Support and Be a Leader in Open Data Initiatives Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should develop your open data program, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Set the foundation for the success of your open data program

    Identify your open data program's current state maturity, and gain buy-in from the business for the program.

    • Position IT to Support and Be a Leader in Open Data Initiatives – Phase 1: Set the Foundation for the Success of Your Open Data Program
    • Open Data Maturity Assessment
    • Open Data Program – IT Stakeholder Powermap Template
    • Open Data in Our City Stakeholder Presentation Template

    2. Grow the maturity of your open data program

    Identify a target state maturity and reach it through building a policy and processes and the use of metrics.

    • Position IT to Support and Be a Leader in Open Data Initiatives – Phase 2: Grow the Maturity of Your Open Data Program
    • Open Data Policy Template
    • Open Data Process Template
    • Open Data Process Descriptions Template
    • Open Data Process Visio Templates (Visio)
    • Open Data Process Visio Templates (PDF)
    • Open Data Metrics Template

    Workshop: Position IT to Support and Be a Leader in Open Data Initiatives

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Define Business Drivers for Open Data Program

    The Purpose

    Ensure that the open data program is being driven out from the business in order to gain business support.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Identify drivers for the open data program that are coming directly from the business.


    1.1 Understand constraints for the open data program.

    1.2 Conduct interviews with the business to gain input on business drivers and level-set expectations.

    1.3 Develop list of business drivers for open data.


    Defined list of business drivers for the open data program

    2 Assess Current State and Define Target State of the Open Data Program

    The Purpose

    Understand the gaps between where your program currently is and where you want it to be.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Identify top processes for improvement in order to bring the open data program to the desired target state maturity.


    2.1 Perform current state maturity assessment.

    2.2 Define desired target state with business input.

    2.3 Highlight gaps between current and target state.


    Defined current state maturity

    Identified target state maturity

    List of top processes to improve in order to reach target state maturity

    3 Develop an Open Data Policy

    The Purpose

    Develop a draft open data policy that will give you a starting point when building your policy with the community.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A draft open data policy will be developed that is based on best-practice standards.


    3.1 Define the purpose of the open data policy.

    3.2 Establish principles for the open data program.

    3.3 Develop a rough governance outline.

    3.4 Create a draft open data policy document based on industry best-practice examples.


    Initial draft of open data policy

    4 Develop Open Processes and Identify Metrics

    The Purpose

    Build open data processes and identify metrics for the program in order to track benefits realization.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Formalize processes to set in place to improve the maturity of the open data program.

    Identify metrics that can track the success of the open data program.


    4.1 Develop the roles that will make up the open data program.

    4.2 Create processes for new dataset requests, updates of existing datasets, and the retiring of datasets.

    4.3 Identify metrics that will be used for measuring the success of the open data program.


    Initial draft of open data processes

    Established metrics for the open data program

    Tech Trend Update: If Contact Tracing Then Distributed Trust

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    • Parent Category Name: DR and Business Continuity
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    With COVID-19's rapid spread through populations, governments are looking for technology tools that can augment the efforts of manual contact tracing processes. How the system is designed is crucial to a positive outcome.

    • CIOs must understand how distributed trust principles achieve embedded privacy and help encourage user adoption.
    • CEOs must consider how society's waning trust in institutions affects the way they engage their customers.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    Mobile contact tracing apps that use a decentralized design approach will be the most likely to be adopted by a wide swath of the population.

    Impact and Result

    There are some key considerations to realize from the way different governments are approaching contact tracing:

    1. If centralized, then seek to ensure privacy protections.
    2. If decentralized, then seek to enable collaboration.
    3. In either case, put in place data governance to create trust.

    Tech Trend Update: If Contact Tracing Then Distributed Trust Research & Tools

    Learn why distributed trust is becoming critical to technology systems design

    Understand the differences between mobile app architectures available to developers and how to achieve success in implementation based on your goals.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    • Tech Trend Update: If Contact Tracing Then Distributed Trust Storyboard

    Build a Data Architecture Roadmap

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    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 8.8/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $8,846 Average $ Saved
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    • Parent Category Name: Data Management
    • Parent Category Link: /data-management
    • Data architecture involves many moving pieces requiring coordination to provide greatest value from data.
    • Data architects are at the center of this turmoil and must be able to translate high-level business requirements into specific instructions for data workers using complex data models.
    • Data architects must account for the constantly growing data and application complexity, more demanding needs from the business, an ever-increasing number of data sources, and a growing need to integrate components to ensure that performance isn’t compromised.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Data architecture needs to evolve with the changing business landscape. There are four common business drivers that put most pressure on archaic architectures. As a result, the organization’s architecture must be flexible and responsive to changing business needs.
    • Data architecture is not just about models. Viewing data architecture as just technical data modeling can lead to structurally unsound data that does not serve the business.
    • Data is used differently across the layers of an organization’s data architecture, and the capabilities needed to optimize use of data change with it. Architecting and managing data from source to warehousing to presentation requires different tactics for optimal use.

    Impact and Result

    • Have a framework in place to identify the appropriate solution for the challenge at hand. Our three-phase practical approach will help you build a custom and modernized data architecture.
      • Identify and prioritize the business drivers in which data architecture changes would create the largest overall benefit, and determine the corresponding data architecture tiers that need to be addressed.
      • Discover the best-practice trends, measure your current state, and define the targets for your data architecture tactics.
      • Build a cohesive and personalized roadmap for restructuring your data architecture. Manage your decisions and resulting changes.

    Build a Data Architecture Roadmap Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why your organization should optimize its data architecture as it evolves with the drivers of the business to get the most from its data.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Prioritize your data architecture with business-driven tactics

    Identify the business drivers that necessitate data architecture improvements, then create a tactical plan for optimization.

    • Build a Business-Aligned Data Architecture Optimization Strategy – Phase 1: Prioritize Your Data Architecture With Business-Driven Tactics
    • Data Architecture Driver Pattern Identification Tool
    • Data Architecture Optimization Template

    2. Personalize your tactics to optimize your data architecture

    Analyze how you stack up to Info-Tech’s data architecture capability model to uncover your tactical plan, and discover groundbreaking data architecture trends and how you can fit them into your action plan.

    • Build a Business-Aligned Data Architecture Optimization Strategy – Phase 2: Personalize Your Tactics to Optimize Your Data Architecture
    • Data Architecture Tactical Roadmap Tool
    • Data Architecture Trends Presentation

    3. Create your tactical data architecture roadmap

    Optimize your data architecture by following tactical initiatives and managing the resulting change brought on by those optimization activities.

    • Build a Business-Aligned Data Architecture Optimization Strategy – Phase 3: Create Your Tactical Data Architecture Roadmap
    • Data Architecture Decision Template

    Workshop: Build a Data Architecture Roadmap

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Identify the Drivers of the Business for Optimizing Data Architecture

    The Purpose

    Explain approach and value proposition.

    Review the common business drivers and how the organization is driving a need to optimize data architecture.

    Understand Info-Tech’s five-tier data architecture model.

    Determine the pattern of tactics that apply to the organization for optimization.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Understanding of the current data architecture landscape.

    Priorities for tactical initiatives in the data architecture practice are identified.

    Target state for the data quality practice is defined.


    1.1 Explain approach and value proposition.

    1.2 Review the common business drivers and how the organization is driving a need to optimize data architecture.

    1.3 Understand Info-Tech’s five-tier data architecture model.

    1.4 Determine the pattern of tactics that apply to the organization for optimization.


    Five-tier logical data architecture model

    Data architecture tactic plan

    2 Determine Your Tactics For Optimizing Data Architecture

    The Purpose

    Define improvement initiatives.

    Define a data architecture improvement strategy and roadmap.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Gaps, inefficiencies, and opportunities in the data architecture practice are identified.


    2.1 Create business unit prioritization roadmap.

    2.2 Develop subject area project scope.

    2.3 Subject area 1: data lineage analysis, root cause analysis, impact assessment, business analysis


    Business unit prioritization roadmap

    Subject area scope

    Data lineage diagram

    3 Create a Strategy for Data Quality Project 2

    The Purpose

    Define improvement initiatives.

    Define a data quality improvement strategy and roadmap.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Improvement initiatives are defined.

    Improvement initiatives are evaluated and prioritized to develop an improvement strategy.

    A roadmap is defined to depict when and how to tackle the improvement initiatives.


    3.1 Create business unit prioritization roadmap.

    3.2 Develop subject area project scope.

    3.3 Subject area 1: data lineage analysis, root cause analysis, impact assessment, business analysis.


    Business unit prioritization roadmap

    Subject area scope

    Data lineage diagram

    Further reading

    Build a Data Architecture Roadmap

    Optimizing data architecture requires a plan, not just a data model.


    Integral to an insight-driven enterprise is a modern and business-driven data environment.

    “As business and data landscapes change, an organization’s data architecture needs to be able to keep pace with these changes. It needs to be responsive so as to not only ensure the organization continues to operate efficiently but that it supports the overall strategic direction of the organization.

    In the dynamic marketplace of today, organizations are constantly juggling disruptive forces and are finding the need to be more proactive rather than reactive. As such, organizations are finding their data to be a source of competitive advantage where the data architecture has to be able to not only support the increasing amount, sources, and rate at which organizations are capturing and collecting data but also be able to meet and deliver on changing business needs.

    Data architecture optimization should, therefore, aid in breaking down data silos and creating a more shared and all-encompassing data environment for better empowering the business.” (Crystal Singh, Director, Research, Data and Information Practice, Info-Tech Research Group)

    Our understanding of the problem

    This Research Is Designed For:
    • Data architects or their equivalent, looking to optimize and improve the efficiency of the capture, movement and storage of data for a variety of business drivers.
    • Enterprise architects looking to improve the backbone of the holistic approach of their organization’s structure.
    This Research Will Help You:
    • Identify the business drivers that are impacted and improved by best-practice data architecture.
    • Optimize your data architecture using tactical practices to address the pressing issues of the business to drive modernization.
    • Align the organization’s data architecture with the grander enterprise architecture.
    This Research Will Also Assist:
    • CIOs concerned with costs, benefits, and the overall structure of their organizations data flow.
    • Database administrators tasked with overseeing crucial elements of the data architecture.
    This Research Will Help Them:
    • Get a handle on the current situation of data within the organization.
    • Understand how data architecture affects the operations of the data sources within the enterprise.

    Executive summary


    • The data architecture of a modern organization involves many moving pieces requiring coordination to provide greatest value from data.
    • Data architects are at the center of this turmoil and must be able to translate high-level business requirements into specific instructions for data workers using complex data models.


    • Data architects must account for the constantly growing data and application complexity, and more demanding needs from the business.
    • There is an ever-increasing number of data sources and a growing need to integrate components to ensure that performance isn’t compromised.
    • There isn’t always a clearly defined data architect role, yet the responsibilities must be filled to get maximum value from data.


    • To deal with these challenges, a data architect must have a framework in place to identify the appropriate solution for the challenge at hand.
      • Identify and prioritize the business drivers in which data architecture changes would create the largest overall benefit, and determine the corresponding data architecture tiers that need to be addressed to customize your solution.
      • Discover the best practice trends, measure your current state, and define the targets for your data architecture tactics.
      • Build a cohesive and personalized roadmap for restructuring your data architecture. Manage your decisions and resulting changes.

    Info-Tech Insight

    1. Data architecture is not just about models. Viewing data architecture as just technical data modeling can lead to a data environment that does not aptly serve or support the business. Identify the priorities of your business and adapt your data architecture to those needs.
    2. Changes to data architecture are typically driven by four common business driver patterns. Use these as a shortcut to understand how to evolve your data architecture.
    3. Data is used differently across the layers of an organization’s data architecture; therefore, the capabilities needed to optimize the use of data change with it. Architecting and managing data from source to warehousing to presentation requires different tactics for optimal use.

    Your data is the foundation of your organization’s knowledge and ability to make decisions

    Data should be at the foundation of your organization’s evolution.

    The transformational insights that executives are constantly seeking to leverage can be uncovered with a data practice that makes high quality, trustworthy information readily available to the business users who need it.

    50% Organizations that embrace data are 50% more likely to launch products and services ahead of their competitors. (Nesta, 2016)

    Whether hoping to gain a better understanding of your business or trying to become an innovator in your industry, any organization can get value from its data regardless of where you are in your journey to becoming a data-driven enterprise:

    Business Monitoring
    • Data reporting
    • Uncover inefficiencies
    • Monitor progress
    • Track inventory levels
    Business Insights
    • Data analytics
    • Expose patterns
    • Predict future trends
    Business Optimization
    • Data-based apps
    • Build apps to automate actions based on insights
    Business Transformation
    • Monetary value of data
    • Create new revenue streams
    (Journey to Data Driven Enterprise, 2015)

    As organizations seek to become more data driven, it is imperative to better manage data for its effective use

    Here comes the zettabyte era.

    A zettabyte is a billion terabytes. Organizations today need to measure their data size in zettabytes, a challenge that is only compounded by the speed at which the data is expected to move.

    Arriving at the understanding that data can be the driving force of your organization is just the first step. The reality is that the true hurdles to overcome are in facing the challenges of today’s data landscape.

    Challenges of The Modern Data Landscape
    Data at rest Data movement
    Greater amounts Different types Uncertain quality Faster rates Higher complexity

    “The data environment is very chaotic nowadays. Legacy applications, data sprawl – organizations are grappling with what their data landscape looks like. Where are our data assets that we need to use?” (Andrew Johnston, Independent Consultant)


    Well-defined and structured data management practices are the best way to mitigate the limitations that derive from these challenges and leverage the most possible value from your data.

    Refer to Info-Tech’s capstone Create a Plan For Establishing a Business-Aligned Data Management Practice blueprint to understand data quality in the context of data disciplines and methods for improving your data management capabilities.

    Data architecture is an integral aspect of data management

    Data Architecture

    The set of rules, policies, standards, and models that govern and define the type of data collected and how it is used, stored, managed, and integrated within the organization and its database systems.

    In general, the primary objective of data architecture is the standardization of data for the benefit of the organization.

    54% of leading “analytics-driven” enterprises site data architecture as a required skill for data analytics initiatives. (Maynard 2015)


    Data architecture is purely a model of the technical requirements of your data systems.


    Data architecture is largely dependent on a human element. It can be viewed as “the bridge between defining strategy and its implementation”. (Erwin 2016)


    A strong data architecture should:

    • Define, visualize, and communicate data strategy to various stakeholders.
    • Craft a data delivery environment.
    • Ensure high data quality.
    • Provide a roadmap for continuous improvement.

    Business value

    A strong data architecture will help you:

    • Align data processes with business strategy and the overall holistic enterprise architecture.
    • Enable efficient flow of data with a stronger focus on quality and accessibility.
    • Reduce the total cost of data ownership.

    Data architects must maintain a comprehensive view of the organization’s rapidly proliferating data

    The data architect:
    • Acts as a “translator” between the business and data workers to communicate data and technology requirements.
    • Facilitates the creation of the data strategy.
    • Manages the enterprise data model.
    • Has a greater knowledge of operational and analytical data use cases.
    • Recommends data management policies and standards, and maintains data management artifacts.
    • Reviews project solution architectures and identifies cross impacts across the data lifecycle.
    • Is a hands-on expert in data management and warehousing technologies.
    • Is not necessarily it’s own designated position, but a role that can be completed by a variety of IT professionals.

    Data architects bridge the gap between strategic and technical requirements:

    Visualization centering the 'Data Architect' as the bridge between 'Data Workers', 'Business', and 'Data & Applications'.

    “Fundamentally, the role of a data architect is to understand the data in an organization at a reasonable level of abstraction.” (Andrew Johnston, Independent Consultant)

    Many are experiencing the pains of poor data architecture, but leading organizations are proactively tackling these issues

    Outdated and archaic systems and processes limit the ability to access data in a timely and efficient manner, ultimately diminishing the value your data should bring.


    of firms believe their legacy storage systems require too much processing to meet today’s business needs. (Attivio, Survey Big Data decision Makers, 2016)


    of companies experience pains from being reliant on “manual methods and trial and error when preparing data.” (Attivio, Survey Big Data decision Makers, 2016)


    44% of firms said preparing data was their top hurdle for analytics, with 22% citing problems in accessing data. (Data Virtualization blog, Data Movement Killed the BI Star, 2016)

    Intuitive organizations who have recognized these shortcomings have already begun the transition to modernized and optimized systems and processes.


    of survey respondents say they plan to replace “data management and architecture because it cannot handle the requirements of big data.” (Informatica, Digital Transformation: Is Your Data Management Ready, 2016)


    Of enterprises plan to replace their data warehouse systems and analytical tools in the next few years. (TDWI, End of the Data Warehouse as we know it, 2017)

    Leading organizations are attacking data architecture problems … you will be left behind if you do not start now!

    Once on your path to redesigning your data architecture, neglecting the strategic elements may leave you ineffective

    Focusing on only data models without the required data architecture guidance can cause harmful symptoms in your IT department, which will lead to organization-wide problems.

    IT Symptoms Due to Ineffective Data Architecture

    Poor Data Quality

    • Inconsistent, duplicate, missing, incomplete, incorrect, unstandardized, out of date, and mistake-riddled data can plague your systems.

    Poor Accessibility

    • Delays in accessing data.
    • Limits on who can access data.
    • Limited access to data remotely.

    Strategic Disconnect

    • Disconnect between owner and consumer of data.
    • Solutions address narrow scope problems.
    • System barriers between departments.
    Leads to Poor Organizational Conditions

    Inaccurate Insights

    • Inconsistent and/or erroneous operational and management reports.
    • Ineffective cross-departmental use of analytics.

    Ineffective Decision Making

    • Slow flow of information to executive decision makers.
    • Inconsistent interpretation of data or reports.

    Inefficient Operations

    • Limits to automated functionality.
    • Increased divisions within organization.
    • Regulatory compliance violations.
    You need a solution that will prevent the pains.

    Follow Info-Tech’s methodology to optimize data architecture to meet the business needs

    The following is a summary of Info-Tech’s methodology:


    1. Prioritize your core business objectives and identify your business driver.
    2. Learn how business drivers apply to specific tiers of Info-Tech’s five-tier data architecture model.
    3. Determine the appropriate tactical pattern that addresses your most important requirements.
    Visualization of the process described on the left: Business drivers applying to Info-Tech's five-tier data architecture, then determining tactical patterns, and eventually setting targets of your desired optimized state.


    1. Select the areas of the five-tier architecture to focus on.
    2. Measure current state.
    3. Set the targets of your desired optimized state.


    1. Roadmap your tactics.
    2. Manage and communicate change.
    A roadmap leading to communication.

    Info-Tech will get you to your optimized state faster by focusing on the important business issues

    First Things First

    1. Info-Tech’s methodology helps you to prioritize and establish the core strategic objectives behind your goal of modernizing data architecture. This will narrow your focus to the appropriate areas of your current data systems and processes that require the most attention.

    Info-Tech has identified these four common drivers that lead to the need to optimize your data architecture.

    • Becoming More Data Driven
    • Regulations and Compliance
    • Mergers and Acquisitions
    • New Functionality or Business Rule

    These different core objectives underline the motivation to optimize data architecture, and will determine your overall approach.

    Use the five-tier architecture to provide a consumable view of your data architecture

    Every organization’s data system requires a unique design and an assortment of applications and storage units to fit their business needs. Therefore, it is difficult to paint a picture of an ideal model that has universal applications. However, when data architecture is broken down in terms of layers or tiers, there exists a general structure that is seen in all data systems.

    Info-Tech's Five Tier Data Architecture. The five tiers being 'Sources' which includes 'Apps', 'Excel and other documents', and 'Access database(s)'; 'Integration and Translation' the 'Movement and transformation of data'; 'Warehousing' which includes 'Data Lakes & Warehouse(s) (Raw Data)'; 'Analytics' which includes 'Data Marts', 'Data Cube', 'Flat Files', and 'BI Tools'; and 'Presentation' which includes 'Reports' and 'Dashboards'.

    Thinking of your data systems and processes in this framework will allow you to see how different elements of the architecture relate to specific business operations.

    1. This blueprint will demonstrate how the business driver behind your redesign requires you to address specific layers of the five-tier data architecture.
    1. Once you’ve aligned your business driver to the appropriate data tiers, this blueprint will provide you with the best practice tactics you should apply to achieve an optimized data architecture.

    Use the five-tier architecture to prioritize tactics to improve your data architecture in line with your pattern

    Info-Tech’s Data Architecture Capability Model
    Info-Tech’s Data Architecture Capability Model featuring the five-tier architecture listing 'Core Capabilities' and 'Advanced Capabilities' within each tier, and a list of 'Cross Capabilities' which apply to all tiers.
    1. Based on your business driver, the relevant data tiers, and your organization’s own specific requirements you will need to establish the appropriate data architecture capabilities.
    2. This blueprint will help you measure how you are currently performing in these capabilities…
    3. And help you define and set targets so you can reach your optimized state.
    1. Once completed, these steps will be provided with the information you will need to create a comprehensive roadmap.
    2. Lastly, this blueprint will provide you with the tools to communicate this plan across your organization and offer change management guidelines to ensure successful adoption.
    Info-Tech Insight

    Optimizing data architecture requires a tactical approach, not a passive approach.

    The demanding task of optimization requires the ability to heavily prioritize. After you have identified why, determine how using our pre-built roadmap to address the four common drivers.

    Do not forget: data architecture is not a standalone concept; it fits into the more holistic design of enterprise architecture

    Data Architecture in Alignment

    Data architecture can not be designed to simply address the focus of data specialists or even the IT department.

    It must act as a key component in the all encompassing enterprise architecture and reflect the strategy and design of the entire business.

    Data architecture collaborates with application architecture in the delivery of effective information systems, and informs technology architecture on data related infrastructure requirements/considerations

    Please refer to the following blueprints to see the full picture of enterprise architecture:

    A diagram titled 'Enterprise Architecture' with multiple forms of architecture interacting with each other. At the top is 'Business Architecture' which feeds into 'Data Architecture' and 'Application Architecture' which feed into each other, and influence 'Infrastructure Architecture' and 'Security Architecture'.
    Adapted from TOGAF
    Refer to Phase C of TOGAF and Bizbok for references to the components of business architecture that are used in data architecture.

    Info-Tech’s data architecture optimization methodology helped a monetary authority fulfill strict regulatory pressures


    Industry: Financial
    Source: Info-Tech Consulting
    Symbol for 'Monetary Authority Case Study'. Look for this symbol as you walk through the blueprint for details on how Info-Tech Consulting assisted this monetary authority.

    Situation: Strong external pressures required the monetary authority to update and optimize its data architecture.

    The monetary authority is responsible for oversight of the financial situation of a country that takes in revenue from foreign incorporation. Due to increased pressure from international regulatory bodies, the monetary authority became responsible for generating multiple different types of beneficial ownership reports based on corporation ownership data within 24 hours of a request.

    A stale and inefficient data architecture prevented the monetary authority from fulfilling external pressures.

    Normally, the process to generate and provide beneficial ownership reports took a week or more. This was due to multiple points of stale data architecture, including a dependence on outdated legacy systems and a broken process for gathering the required data from a mix of paper and electronic sources.

    Provide a structured approach to solving the problem

    Info-Tech helped the monetary authority identify the business need that resulted from regulatory pressures, the challenges that needed to be overcome, and actionable tactics for addressing the needs.

    Info-Tech’s methodology was followed to optimize the areas of data architecture that address the business driver.

    • External Requirements
    • Business Driver
        Diagnose Data Architecture Problems
      • Outdated architecture (paper, legacy systems)
      • Stale data from other agencies
      • Incomplete data
          Data Architecture Optimization Tactics
        1. Optimized Source Databases
        2. Improved Integration
        3. Data Warehouse Optimization
        4. Data Marts for Reports
        5. Report Delivery Efficiency

    As you walk through this blueprint, watch for additional case studies that walk through the details of how Info-Tech helped this monetary authority.

    This blueprint’s three-step process will help you optimize data architecture in your organization

    Phase 1
    Prioritize Your Data Architecture With Business-Driven Tactics
    Phase 2
    Personalize Your Tactics to Optimize Your Data Architecture
    Phase 3
    Create Your Tactical Data Architecture Roadmap
    Step 1: Identify Your Business Driver for Optimizing Data Architecture
    • Learn about what data architecture is and how it must evolve with the drivers of the business.
    • Determine the business driver that your organization is currently experiencing.
    • Data Architecture Driver Pattern Identification Tool

    Step 2: Determine Actionable Tactics to Optimize Data Architecture
    • Create your data architecture optimization plan to determine the high-level tactics you need to follow.
    • Data Architecture Optimization Template

    Step 1: Measure Your Data Architecture Capabilities
    • Determine where you currently stand in the data architecture capabilities across the five-tier data architecture.
    • Data Architecture Tactical Roadmap Tool

    Step 2: Set a Target for Data Architecture Capabilities
    • Identify your targets for the data architecture capabilities.
    • Data Architecture Tactical Roadmap Tool

    Step 3: Identify the Tactics that Apply to Your Organization
    • Understand the trends in the field of data architecture and how they can help to optimize your environment.
    • Data Architecture Trends Presentation

    Step 1: Personalize Your Data Architecture Roadmap
    • Personalize the tactics across the tiers that apply to you to build your personalized roadmap.
    • Data Architecture Tactical Roadmap Tool

    Step 2: Manage Your Data Architecture Decisions and the Resulting Changes
    • Document the changes in the organization’s data architecture.
    • Data architecture involves change management – learn how data architects should support change management in the organization.
    • Data Architecture Decision Template

    Use these icons to help direct you as you navigate this research

    Use these icons to help guide you through each step of the blueprint and direct you to content related to the recommended activities.

    A small monochrome icon of a wrench and screwdriver creating an X.

    This icon denotes a slide where a supporting Info-Tech tool or template will help you perform the activity or step associated with the slide. Refer to the supporting tool or template to get the best results and proceed to the next step of the project.

    A small monochrome icon depicting a person in front of a blank slide.

    This icon denotes a slide with an associated activity. The activity can be performed either as part of your project or with the support of Info-Tech team members, who will come onsite to facilitate a workshop for your organization.

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    Guided Implementation



    "Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful." "Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track." "We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place." "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project."

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options

    Build a Business-Aligned Data Architecture Optimization Strategy – project overview

    PHASE 1
    Prioritize Your Data Architecture With Business-Driven Tactics
    PHASE 2
    Personalize Your Tactics to Optimize Your Data Architecture
    PHASE 3
    Create Your Tactical Data Architecture Roadmap
    Supporting Tool icon

    Best-Practice Toolkit

    1.1 Identify Your Business Driver for Optimizing Data Architecture

    1.2 Determine Actionable Tactics to Optimize Data Architecture

    2.1 Measure Your Data Architecture Capabilities

    2.2 Set a Target for Data Architecture Capabilities

    2.3 Identify the Tactics that Apply to Your Organization

    3.1 Personalize Your Data Architecture Roadmap

    3.2 Manage Your Data Architecture Decisions and the Resulting Changes

    Guided Implementations

    • Understand what data architecture is, how it aligns with enterprise architecture, and how data architects support the needs of the business.
    • Identify the business drivers that necessitate the optimization of the organization’s data architecture.
    • Create a tactical plan to optimize data architecture across Info-Tech’s five-tier logical data architecture model.
    • Understand Info-Tech’s tactical data architecture capability model and measure the current state of these capabilities at the organization.
    • Determine the target state of data architecture capabilities.
    • Understand the trends in the field of data architecture and identify how they can fit into your environment.
    • Use the results of the data architecture capability gap assessment to determine the priority of activities to populate your personalized data architecture optimization roadmap.
    • Understand how to manage change as a data architect or equivalent.
    Associated Activity icon

    Onsite Workshop

    Module 1:
    Identify the Drivers of the Business for Optimizing Data Architecture
    Module 2:
    Create a Tactical Plan for Optimizing Data Architecture
    Module 3:
    Create a Personalized Roadmap for Data Architecture Activities

    Workshop overview

    Contact your account representative or email for more information.


    Workshop Day 1

    Workshop Day 2

    Workshop Day 3

    Workshop Day 4

    Workshop Day 5

    Organize and Plan Workshop Identify the Drivers of the Business for Optimizing Data Architecture Determine the Tactics For Optimizing Data Architecture Create Your Roadmap of Optimization Activities Create Your Personalized Roadmap Create a Plan for Change Management

    Morning Activities

    • Finalize workshop itinerary and scope.
    • Identify workshop participants.
    • Gather strategic documentation.
    • Engage necessary stakeholders.
    • Book interviews.
    • 1.1 Explain approach and value proposition.
    • 1.2 Review the common business drivers and how the organization is driving a need to optimize data architecture.
    • 2.1 Create your data architecture optimization plan.
    • 2.2 Interview key business stakeholders for input on business drivers for data architecture.
    • 3.1 Align with the enterprise architecture by interviewing the enterprise architect for input on the data architecture optimization roadmap.
    • 4.1 As a group, determine the roadmap activities that are applicable to your organization and brainstorm applicable initiatives.
    • 5.1 Use the Data Architecture Decision Documentation Template to document key decisions and updates.

    Afternoon Activities

    • 1.3 Understand Info-Tech’s Five-Tier Data Architecture.
    • 1.4 Determine the pattern of tactics that apply to the organization for optimization.
    • 2.3 With input from the business and enterprise architect, determine the current data architecture capabilities.
    • 3.3 With input from the business and enterprise architect, determine the target data architecture capabilities.
    • 4.2 Determine the timing and effort of the roadmap activities.
    • 5.2 Review best practices for change management.
    • 5.3 Present roadmap and findings to the business stakeholders and enterprise architect.


    • Workshop Itinerary
    • Workshop Participant List
    1. Five-Tier Logical Data Architecture Model
    2. Data Architecture Tactic Plan
    1. Five-Tier Data Architecture Capability Model
    1. Data Architecture Tactical Roadmap
    1. Data Architecture Tactical Roadmap
    1. Data Architecture Decision Template

    Build a Business-Aligned Data Architecture Optimization Strategy

    PHASE 1

    Prioritize Your Data Architecture With Business-Driven Tactics

    Phase 1 outline

    Associated Activity icon Call 1-888-670-8889 or email for more information.

    Complete these steps on your own, or call us to complete a guided implementation. A guided implementation is a series of 2-3 advisory calls that help you execute each phase of a project. They are included in most advisory memberships.

    Guided Implementation 1: Prioritize Your Data Architecture With Business-Driven Tactics

    Proposed Time to Completion: 2 weeks
    Step 1.1: Identify Your Business Driver for Optimizing Data Architecture Step 1.2: Determine Actionable Tactics to Optimize Data Architecture
    Start with an analyst kick-off call:
    • Understand what data architecture is, what it is not, and how it fits into the broader enterprise architecture program.
    • Determine the drivers that fuel the need for data architecture optimization.
    Review findings with analyst:
    • Understand the Five-Tier Data Architecture Model and how the drivers of the business inform your priorities across this logical model of data architecture.
    Then complete these activities…
    • Complete the Data Architecture Driver Pattern Identification Tool.
    Then complete these activities…
    • Create a tactical data architecture optimization plan based on the business driver input.
    With these tools & templates:
    • Data Architecture Driver Pattern Identification Tool
    With these tools & templates:
    • Data Architecture Optimization Template

    Phase 1 Results & Insights

    • Data Architecture is not just about data models. The approach that Phase 1 guides you through will help to not only plan where you need to focus your efforts as a data architect (or equivalent) but also give you guidance in how you should go about optimizing the holistic data architecture environment based on the drivers of the business.

    Phase 1 will help you create a strategy to optimize your data architecture using actionable tactics

    In this phase, you will determine your focus for optimizing your data architecture based on the business drivers that are commonly felt by most organizations.

    1. Identify the business drivers that necessitate data architecture optimization efforts.
    2. Understand Info-Tech’s Five-Tier Data Architecture, a logical architecture model that will help you prioritize tactics for optimizing your data architecture environment.
    3. Identify tactics for optimizing the organization’s data architecture across the five tiers.

    “To stay competitive, we need to become more data-driven. Compliance pressures are becoming more demanding. We need to add a new functionality.”

    Info-Tech’s Five-Tier Data Architecture:

    1. Data Sources
    2. Data Integration and Translation
    3. Data Warehousing
    4. Data Analytics
    5. Data Presentation

    Tactical plan for Data Architecture Optimization

    Phase 1, Step 1: Identify Your Business Driver for Optimizing Data Architecture

    PHASE 1

    1.1 1.2
    Identify Your Business Driver for Optimizing Data Architecture Determine Actionable Tactics to Optimize Data Architecture

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    • Understand how data architecture fits into the organization’s larger enterprise architecture.
    • Understand what data architecture is and how it should be driven by the business.
    • Identify the driver that is creating a need for data architecture optimization.

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Data Architect
    • Enterprise Architect

    Outcomes of this step

    • A starting point for the many responsibilities of the data architect role. Balancing business and technical requirements can be challenging, and to do so you need to first understand what is driving the need for data architecture improvements.
    • Holistic understanding of the organization’s architecture environment, including enterprise, application, data, and technology architectures and how they interact.

    Data architecture involves planning, communication, and understanding of technology

    Data Architecture

    A description of the structure and interaction of the enterprise’s major types and sources of data, logical data assets, physical data assets, and data management resources (TOGAF 9).

    The subject area of data management that defines the data needs of the enterprise and designs the master blueprints to meet those needs (DAMA DMBOK, 2009).

    IBM (2007) defines data architecture as the design of systems and applications that facilitate data availability and distribution across the enterprise.

    Definitions vary slightly across major architecture and management frameworks.

    However, there is a general consensus that data architecture provides organizations with:

    • Alignment
    • Planning
    • Road mapping
    • Change management
    • A guide for the organization’s data management program

    Data architecture must be based on business goals and objectives; developed within the technical strategies, constraints, and opportunities of the organization in support of providing a foundation for data management.

    Current Data Management
    • Alignment
    • Planning
    • Road mapping
    Goal for Data Management

    Info-Tech Insight

    Data Architecture is not just data models. Data architects must understand the needs of the business, as well as the existing people and processes that already exist in the organization to effectively perform their job.

    Review how data architecture fits into the broader architectural context

    A flow diagram starting with 'Business Processes/Activities' to 'Business Architecture' which through a process of 'Integration' flows to 'Data Architecture' and 'Application Architecture', the latter of which also flows into to the former, and they both flow into 'Technology Architecture' which includes 'Infrastructure' and 'Security'.

    Each layer of architecture informs the next. In other words, each layer has components that execute processes and offer services to the next layer. For example, data architecture can be broken down into more granular activities and processes that inform how the organization’s technology architecture should be arranged.

    Data does not exist on its own. It is informed by business architecture and used by other architectural domains to deliver systems, IT services, and to support business processes. As you build your practice, you must consider how data fits within the broader architectural framework.

    The Zachman Framework is a widely used EA framework; within it, data is identified as the first domain.

    The framework aims to standardize artifacts (work-products) within each architectural domain, provides a cohesive view of the scope of EA and clearly delineates data components. Use the framework to ensure that your target DA practice is aligned to other domains within the EA framework.

    'The Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architecture: The Enterprise Ontology', a complicated framework with top and bottom column headers and left and right row headers. Along the top are 'Classification Names': 'What', 'How', 'Where', 'Who', 'When', and 'Why'. Along the bottom are 'Enterprise Names': 'Inventory Sets', 'Process Flows', 'Distribution Networks', 'Responsibility Assignments', 'Timing Cycles', and 'Motivation Intentions'. Along the left are 'Audience Perspectives': 'Executive Perspective', 'Business Mgmt. Perspective', 'Architect Perspective', 'Engineer Perspective', 'Technician Perspective', and 'Enterprise Perspective'. Along the right are 'Model Names': 'Scope Contexts', 'Business Concepts', 'System Logic', 'Technology Physics', 'Tool Components', and 'Operations Instances'.
    (Source: Zachman International)

    Data architects operate in alignment with the other various architecture groups

    Data architects operate in alignment with the other various architecture groups, with coordination from the enterprise architect.

    Enterprise Architect
    The enterprise architect provides thought leadership and direction to domain architects.

    They also maintain architectural standards across all the architectural domains and serve as a lead project solution architect on the most critical assignments.

    • Business Architect
      A business subject matter expert who works with the line-of-business team to assist in business planning through capability-based planning.
    • Security Architect
      Plays a pivotal role in formulating the security strategy of the organization, working with the business and CISO/security manager. Recommends and maintains security standards, policies, and best practices.
    • Infrastructure Architect
      Recommends and maintains standards across the compute, storage, and network layers of the organization. Reviews project solution architectures to ensure compliance with infrastructure standards, regulations, and target state blueprints.
    • Application Architect
      Manages the business effectiveness, satisfaction, and maintainability of the application portfolio. Conduct application architecture assessments to document expected quality attribute standards, identify hotspots, and recommend best practices.
    • Data Architect
      Facilitates the creation of data strategy and has a greater understanding of operational and analytical data use cases. Manages the enterprise data model which includes all the three layers of modelling - conceptual, logical, and physical. Recommends data management policies and standards, and maintains data management artefacts. Reviews project solution architectures and identifies cross impacts across the data lifecycle.

    As a data architect, you must maintain balance between the technical and the business requirements

    The data architect role is integral to connecting the long-term goals of the business with how the organization plans to manage its data for optimal use.

    Data architects need to have a deep experience in data management, data warehousing, and analytics technologies. At a high level, the data architect plans and implements an organization’s data, reporting, and analytics roadmap.

    Some of the role’s primary duties and responsibilities include:

    1. Data modeling
    2. Reviewing existing data architecture
    3. Benchmark and improve database performance
    4. Fine tune database and SQL queries
    5. Lead on ETL activities
    6. Validate data integrity across all platforms
    7. Manage underlying framework for data presentation layer
    8. Ensure compliance with proper reporting to bureaus and partners
    9. Advise management on data solutions

    Data architects bridge the gap between strategic and technical requirements:

    Visualization centering the 'Data Architect' as the bridge between 'Data Workers', 'Business', and 'Data & Applications'.

    “Fundamentally, the role of a data architect is to understand the data in an organization at a reasonable level of abstraction.” (Andrew Johnston, Independent Consultant)

    Info-Tech Insight

    The data architect role is not always clear cut. Many organizations do not have a dedicated data architect resource, and may not need one. However, the duties and responsibilities of the data architect must be carried out to some degree by a combination of resources as appropriate to the organization’s size and environment.

    Understand the role of a data architect to ensure that essential responsibilities are covered in the organization

    A database administrator (DBA) is not a data architect, and data architecture is not something you buy from an enterprise application vendor.

    Data Architect Role Description

    • The data architect must develop (along with the business) a short-term and long-term vision for the enterprise’s data architecture.
    • They must be able to create processes for governing the identification, collection, and use of accurate and valid metadata, as well as for tracking data quality, completeness, and redundancy.
    • They need to create strategies for data security, backup, disaster recovery, business continuity, and archiving, and ensure regulatory compliance.

    Skills Necessary

    • Hands-on experience with data architecting and management, data mining, and large-scale data modeling.
    • Strong understanding of relational and non-relational data structures, theories, principles, and practices.
    • Strong familiarity with metadata management.
    • Knowledge of data privacy practices and laws.

    Define Policies, Processes, and Priorities

    • Policies
      • Boundaries of the data architecture.
      • Data architecture standards.
      • Data architecture security.
      • Responsibility of ownership for the data architecture and data repositories.
      • Responsibility for data architecture governance.
    • Processes
      • Data architecture communication.
      • Data architecture change management.
      • Data architecture governance.
      • Policy compliance monitoring.
    • Priorities
      • Align architecture efforts with business priorities.
      • Close technology gaps to meet service level agreements (SLAs).
      • Determine impacts on current or future projects.

    See Info-Tech’s Data Architect job description for a comprehensive description of the data architect role.

    Leverage data architecture frameworks to understand how the role fits into the greater Enterprise Architecture framework

    Enterprise data architectures are available from industry consortiums such as The Open Group (TOGAF®), and open source initiatives such as MIKE2.0.

    Logo for The Open Group.

    The Open Group TOGAF enterprise architecture model is a detailed framework of models, methods, and supporting tools to create an enterprise-level architecture.

    • TOGAF was first developed in 1995 and was based on the Technical Architecture Framework for Information Management (TAFIM) developed by the US Department of Defense.
    • TOGAF includes application, data, and infrastructure architecture domains providing enterprise-level, product-neutral architecture principles, policies, methods, and models.
    • As a member of The Open Group, it is possible to participate in ongoing TOGAF development initiatives.

    The wide adoption of TOGAF has resulted in the mapping of it to several other industry standards including CoBIT and ITIL.

    Logo for MIKE2.0.

    MIKE2.0 (Method for an Integrated Knowledge Environment), is an open source method for enterprise information management providing a framework for information development.

    • SAFE (Strategic Architecture for the Federated Enterprise) provides the technology solution framework for MIKE2.0
    • SAFE includes application, presentation, information, data, Infrastructure, and metadata architecture domains.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    If an enterprise-level IT architecture is your goal, TOGAF is likely a better model. However, if you are an information and knowledge-based business then MIKE2.0 may be more relevant to your business.

    The data architect must identify what drives the need for data from the business to create a business-driven architecture

    As the business landscape evolves, new needs arise. An organization may undergo new compliance requirements, or look to improve their customer intimacy, which could require a new functionality from an application and its associated database.

    There are four common scenarios that lead to an organization’s need to optimize its data architecture and these scenarios all present unique challenges for a data architect:

    1. Becoming More Data Driven As organizations are looking to get more out of their data, there is a push for more accurate and timely data from applications. Data-driven decision making requires verifiable data from trustworthy sources. Result: Replace decisions made on gut or intuition with real and empirical data - make more informed and data-driven decisions.
    2. New Functionality or Business Rule In order to succeed as business landscapes change, organizations find themselves innovating on products or services and the way they do things. Changes in business rules, product or service offering, and new functionalities can subsequently demand more from the existing data architecture. Result: Prepare yourself to successfully launch new business initiatives with an architecture that supports business needs.
    3. Mergers and Acquisitions If an organization has recently acquired, been acquired, or is merging with another, the technological implications require careful planning to ensure a seamless fit. Application consolidation, retirement, data transfer, and integration points are crucial. Result: Leverage opportunities to incorporate and consolidate new synergistic assets to realize the ROI.
    4. Risk and Compliance Data in highly regulated organizations needs to be kept safe and secure. Architectural decisions around data impact the level of compliance within the organization. Result: Avoid the fear of data audits, regulatory violations, and privacy breaches.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    These are not the only reasons why data architects need to optimize the organization’s data architecture. These are only four of the most common scenarios, however, other business needs can be addressed using the same concept as these four common scenarios.

    Use the Data Architecture Driver tool to identify your focus for data architecture

    Supporting Tool icon 1.1 Data Architecture Driver Pattern Identification Tool

    Follow Info-Tech’s process of first analyzing the needs of the business, then determining how best to architect your data based on these drivers. Data architecture needs to be able to rapidly evolve to support the strategic goals of the business, and the Data Architecture Driver Pattern Identification Tool will help you to prioritize your efforts to best do this.

    Tab 2. Driver Identification

    Objective: Objectively assess the most pressing business drivers.

    Screenshot of the Data Architecture Driver Pattern Identification Tool, tab 2.

    Tab 3. Tactic Pattern Plan, Section 1

    Purpose: Review your business drivers that require architectural changes in your environment.

    Screenshot of the Data Architecture Driver Pattern Identification Tool, tab 3, section 1.

    Tab 3. Tactic Pattern Plan, Section 2

    Purpose: Determine a list of tactics that will help you address the business drivers.

    Screenshot of the Data Architecture Driver Pattern Identification Tool, tab 3, section 2.

    • Evaluate business drivers to determine the data architecture optimization priorities and tactics.
    • Understand how each business driver relates to data architecture and how each driver gives rise to a specific pattern across the five-tier data architecture.
    • Review the list of high-level tactics presented to optimize your data architecture across the five tier architecture.

    Identify the drivers for improving your data architecture

    Associated Activity icon 1.1.1 1 hour

    INPUT: Data Architecture Driver tool assessment prompts.

    OUTPUT: Identified business driver that applies to your organization.

    Materials: Data Architecture Driver Pattern Identification Tool

    Participants: Data architect, Enterprise architect


    In Tab 2. Driver Identification of the Data Architecture Driver Pattern Identification Tool, assess the degree to which the organization is feeling the pains of the four most common business drivers:

    1. Is there a present or growing need for the business to be making data-driven decisions?
    2. Does the business want to explore a new functionality and hence require a new application?
    3. Is your organization acquiring or merging with another entity?
    4. Is your organization’s regulatory environment quick to change and require stricter reporting?

    Data architecture improvements need to be driven by business need.

    Screenshot of the Data Architecture Driver Pattern Identification Tool, tab 2 Driver Identification.
    Tab 2. Driver Identification

    “As a data architect, you have to understand the functional requirements, the non-functional requirements, then you need to make a solution for those requirements. There can be multiple solutions and multiple purposes. (Andrew Johnston, Independent Consultant)

    Interview the business to get clarity on business objectives and drivers

    Associated Activity icon 1.1.2 1 hour per interview

    INPUT: Sample questions targeting the activities, challenges, and opportunities of each business unit

    OUTPUT: Sample questions targeting the activities, challenges, and opportunities of each business unit

    Materials: Data Architecture Driver Pattern Identification Tool

    Participants: Data architect, Business representatives, IT representatives

    Identify 2-3 business units that demonstrate enthusiasm for or a positive outlook on improving how organizational data can help them in their role and as a unit.

    Conducting a deep-dive interview process with these key stakeholders will help further identify high-level goals for the data architecture strategy within each business unit. This process will help to secure their support throughout the implementation process by giving them a sense of ownership.

    Key Interview Questions:

    1. What are your primary activities? What do you do?
    2. What challenges do you have when completing your activities?
    3. How is poor data impacting your job?
    4. If [your selected domain]’s data is improved, what business issues would this help solve?

    Request background information and documentation from stakeholders regarding the following:

    • What current data management policies and processes exist (that you know of)?
    • Who are the data owners and end users?
    • Where are the data sources within the department stored?
    • Who has access to these data sources?
    • Are there existing or ongoing data issues within those data sources?

    Interview the enterprise architect to get input on the drivers of the business

    Associated Activity icon 1.1.3 2 hours

    INPUT: Data Architecture Driver tool assessment prompts.

    OUTPUT: Identified business driver that applies to your organization.

    Materials: Data Architecture Driver Pattern Identification Tool

    Participants: Data architect, Enterprise architect

    Data architecture improvements need to be driven by business need.


    As you work through Tab 2. Driver Identification of the Data Architecture Driver Pattern Identification Tool, consult with the enterprise architect or equivalent to assist you in rating the importance of each of the symptoms of the business drivers. This will help you provide greater value to the business and more aligned objectives.

    Screenshot of the Data Architecture Driver Pattern Identification Tool, tab 2 Driver Identification.
    Tab 2. Driver Identification

    Once you know what that need is, go to Step 2.

    Phase 1, Step 2: Establish Actionable Tactics to Optimize Data Architecture

    PHASE 1

    Identify Your Business Driver for Optimizing Data ArchitectureDetermine Actionable Tactics to Optimize Data Architecture

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    • Understand Info-Tech’s five-tier data architecture to begin focusing your architectural optimization.
    • Create your Data Architecture Optimization Template to plan your improvement tactics.
    • Prioritize your tactics based on the five-tier architecture to plan optimization.

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Data Architect
    • Enterprise Architect
    • DBAs

    Outcomes of this step

    • A tactical and prioritized plan for optimizing the organization’s data architecture according to the needs of the business.

    To plan a business-driven architecture, data architects need to keep the organization’s big picture in mind

    Remember… Architecting an organization involves alignment, planning, road mapping, design, and change management functions.

    Data architects must be heavily involved with:

    • Understanding the short- and long-term visions of the business to develop a vision for the organization’s data architecture.
    • Creating processes for governing the identification, collection, and use of accurate and valid data, as well as for tracking data quality, completeness, and redundancy.
    • They need to create strategies for data security, backup, disaster recovery, business continuity, and archiving, and ensure regulatory compliance.

    To do this, you need a framework. A framework provides you with the holistic view of the organization’s data environment that you can use to design short- and long-term tactics for improving the use of data for the needs of the business.

    Use Info-Tech’s five-tier data architecture to model your environment in a logical, consumable fashion.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    The more complicated an environment is, the more need there is for a framework. Being able to pick a starting point and prioritize tasks is one of the most difficult, yet most essential, aspects of any architect’s role.

    The five tiers of an organization’s data architecture support the use of data throughout its lifecycle

    Info-Tech’s five-tier data architecture model summarizes an organization’s data environment at a logical level. Data flows from left to right, but can also flow from the presentation layer back to the warehousing layer for repatriation of data.

    Info-Tech's Five Tier Data Architecture. The five tiers being 'Sources' which includes 'App1 ', 'App2', 'Excel and other documents', 'Access database(s)', 'IOT devices', and 'External data feed(s) & social media'; 'Integration and Translation' which includes 'Solutions: SOA, Point to Point, Manual Loading, ESB , ETL, ODS, Data Hub' and 'Functions: Scrambling Masking Encryption, Tokenizing, Aggregation, Transformation, Migration, Modeling'; 'Warehousing' which includes 'Data Lakes & Warehouse(s) (Raw Data)', 'EIM, ECM, DAM', and 'Data Lakes & Warehouse(s) (Derived Data)'; 'Analytics' which includes 'Data Marts', 'Data Cube', 'Flat Files', 'BI Tools', and the 'Protected Zone: Data Marts - BDG Class Ref. MDM'; and 'Presentation' which includes 'Formulas', 'Thought Models', 'Reports', 'Dashboards', 'Presentations', and 'Derived Data (from analytics activities)'.

    Use the Data Architecture Optimization Template to build your improvement roadmap

    Supporting Tool icon 1.2 Data Architecture Optimization Template

    Download the Data Architecture Optimization Template.


    Use this template to support your team in creating a tactical strategy for optimizing your data architecture across the five tiers of the organization’s architecture. This template can be used to document your organization’s most pressing business driver, the reasons for optimizing data architecture according to that driver, and the tactics that will be employed to address the shortcomings in the architecture.

    Sample of Info-Tech’s Data Architecture Optimization Template. Info-Tech’s Data Architecture Optimization Template Table of Contents
    1. Build Your Current Data Architecture Logical Model Use this section to document the current data architecture situation, which will provide context for your plan to optimize your data architecture.
    2. Optimization Plan Use this section to document the tactics that will be employed to optimize the current data architecture according to the tactic pattern identified by the business driver.

    Fill out as you go

    As you read about the details of the five-tier data architecture model in the following slides, start building your current logical data architecture model by filling out the sections that correspond to the various tiers. For example, if you identified that the most pressing business driver is becoming compliant with regulations, document the sources of data required for compliance, as well as the warehousing strategy currently being employed. This will help you to understand the organization’s data architecture at a logical level.

    Tier 1 represents all of the sources of your organization’s data

    Tier 1 of Info-Tech's Five Tier Data Architecture, 'Sources', which includes 'App1 ', 'App2', 'Excel and other documents', 'Access database(s)', 'IOT devices', and 'External data feed(s) & social media'.
    –› Data to integration layer

    Tier 1 is where the data enters the organization.

    All applications, data documents such as MS Excel spreadsheets, documents with table entries, manual extractions from other document types, user-level databases including MS Access and MySQL, other data sources, data feeds, big datasets, etc. reside here.

    This tier typically holds the siloed data that is so often not available across the enterprise because the data is held within department-level applications or systems. This is also the layer where transactions and operational activities occur and where data is first created or ingested.

    There are any number of business activities from transactions through business processes that require data to flow from one system to another, so it is often at this layer we see data created more than once, data corruption occurs, manual re-keying of data from system to system, and spaghetti-like point-to-point connections are built that are often fragile. This is usually the single most problematic area within an enterprise’s data environment. Application- or operational-level (siloed) reporting often occurs at this level.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    An optimized Tier 1 has the following attributes:

    • Rationalized applications
    • Operationalized database administration
    • Databases governed, monitored, and maintained to ensure optimal performance

    Tier 2 represents the movement of data

    Tier 2 of Info-Tech's Five Tier Data Architecture, 'Integration and Translation', which includes 'Solutions: SOA, Point to Point, Manual Loading, ESB , ETL, ODS, Data Hub' and 'Functions: Scrambling Masking Encryption, Tokenizing, Aggregation, Transformation, Migration, Modeling'.
    –› Data to Warehouse Environment

    Find out more

    For more information on data integration, see Info-Tech’s Optimize the Organization’s Data Integration Practices blueprint.

    Tier 2 is where integration, transformation, and aggregation occur.

    Regardless of how you integrate your systems and data stores, whether via ETL, ESB, SOA, data hub, ODS, point-to-point, etc., the goal of this layer is to move data at differing speeds for one of two main purposes:

    1) To move data from originating systems to downstream systems to support integrated business processes. This ensures the data is pristine through the process and improves trustworthiness of outcomes and speed to task and process completion.

    2) To move data to Tier 3 - The Data Warehouse Architecture, where data rests for other purposes. This movement of data in its purest form means we move raw data to storage locations in an overall data warehouse environment reflecting any security, compliance and other standards in our choices for how to store.

    Also, this is where data is transformed for unique business purpose that will also be moved to a place of rest or a place of specific use. Data masking, scrambling, aggregation, cleansing and matching, and other data related blending tasks occur at this layer.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    An optimized Tier 2 has the following attributes:

    • Business data glossary is leveraged
    • ETL is governed
    • ETL team is empowered
    • Data matching is facilitated
    • Canonical data model is present

    Tier 3 is where data comes together from all sources to be stored in a central warehouse environment

    Tier 3 is where data rests in long-term storage.

    This is where data rests (long-term storage) and also where an enterprise’s information, documents, digital assets, and any other content types are stored. This is also where derived and contrived data creations are stored for re-use, and where formulas, thought models, heuristics, algorithms, report styles, templates, dashboard styles, and presentations-layer widgets are all stored in the enterprise information management system.

    At this layer there may be many technologies and many layers of security to reflect data domains, classifications, retention, compliance, and other data needs. This is also the layer where data lakes exist as well as traditional relational databases, enterprise database systems, enterprise content management systems, and simple user-level databases.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    An optimized Tier 3 has the following attributes:

    • Data warehouse is governed
    • Data warehouse operations and planning
    • Data library is comprehensive
    • Four Rosetta Stones of data are in place: BDG, data classification, reference data, master data.
    Data from integration layer –›
    Tier 3 of Info-Tech's Five Tier Data Architecture, 'Data Warehouse Environment' which includes 'Data Lakes & Warehouse(s) (Raw Data)', 'EIM, ECM, DAM'.
    –› Analytics

    Find out more

    For more information on Data Warehousing, see Info-Tech’s Build an Extensible Data Warehouse Foundation and Drive Business Innovation With a Modernized Data Warehouse Environment blueprints.

    Tier 4 is where knowledge and insight is born

    Tier 4 represents data being used for a purpose.

    This is where you build fit-for-purpose data sets (marts, cubes, flat files) that may now draw from all enterprise data and information sources as held in Tier 3. This is the first place where enterprise views of all data may be effectively done and with trust that golden records from systems of record are being used properly.

    This is also the layer where BI tools get their greatest use for performing analysis. Unlike Tier 3 where data is at rest, this tier is where data moves back into action. Data is brought together in unique combinations to support reporting, and analytics. It is here that the following enterprise analytic views are crafted:
    Exploratory, Inferential, Causal, Comparative, Statistical, Descriptive, Diagnostic, Hypothesis, Predictive, Decisional, Directional, Prescriptive

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    An optimized Tier 4 has the following attributes:

    • Reporting meets business needs
    • Data mart operations are in place
    • Governance of data marts, cubes, and BI tools in place
    Warehouse Environment –›
    Tier 4 of Info-Tech's Five Tier Data Architecture, 'Analytics', which includes 'Data Marts', 'Data Cube', 'Flat Files', and 'BI Tools'.
    –› Presentation

    Find out more

    For more information on BI tools and strategy, see Info-Tech’s Select and Implement a Business Intelligence and Analytics Solution and Build a Next Generation BI with a Game-Changing BI Strategy blueprints.

    The presentation layer, Tier 5, is where data becomes presentable information

    Tier 5 represents data in knowledge form.

    This is where the data and information combine in information insight mapping methods (presentations, templates, etc.). We craft and create new ways to slice and dice data in Tier 4 to be shown and shared in Tier 5.

    Templates for presenting insights are extremely valuable to an enterprise, both for their initial use, and for the ability to build deeper, more insightful analytics. Re-use of these also enables maximum speed for sharing, consuming the outputs, and collective understanding of these deeper meanings that is a critical asset to any enterprise. These derived datasets and the thought models, presentation styles, templates, and other derived and contrived assets should be repatriated into the derived data repositories and the enterprise information management systems respectively as shown in Tier 3.

    Find out more

    For more information on enterprise content management and metadata, see Info-Tech’s Develop an ECM Strategy and Break Open Your DAM With Intuitive Metadata blueprints.

    Tier 5 of Info-Tech's Five Tier Data Architecture, 'Presentation', which includes 'Formulas', 'Thought Models', 'Reports', 'Dashboards', 'Presentations', and 'Derived Data (from analytics activities)'. The 'Repatriation of data' feeds the derived data back into Warehousing.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    An optimized Tier 5 has the following attributes:

    • Metadata creation is supervised
    • Metadata is organized
    • Metadata is governed
    • Content management capabilities are present

    Info-Tech Insight

    Repatriation of data and information is an essential activity for all organizations to manage organizational knowledge. This is the activity where information, knowledge, and insights that are stored in content form are moved back to the warehousing layer for long-term storage. Because of this, it is crucial to have an effective ECM strategy as well as the means to find information quickly and efficiently. This is where metadata and taxonomy come in.

    As a data architect, you must prioritize your focus according to business need

    Determine your focus.

    Now that you have an understanding of the drivers requiring data architecture optimization, as well as the current data architecture situation at your organization, it is time to determine the actions that will be taken to address the driver.

    1. Business driver

    Screenshot of Data Architecture Driver Pattern Identification Tool, Tab 2. Tactic Pattern Plan.
    Data Architecture Driver Pattern Identification Tool, Tab 2. Tactic Pattern Plan

    3. Documented tactic plan

    Data Architecture Optimization Template

    2. Tactics across the five tiers

    Another screenshot of Data Architecture Driver Pattern Identification Tool, Tab 2. Tactic Pattern Plan.

    The next four slides provide an overview of the priorities that accompany the four most common business drivers that require updates to a stale data architecture.

    Business driver #1: Adding a new functionality to an application can have wide impacts on data architecture

    Does the business wants to add a new application or supplement an existing application with a new functionality?

    Whether the business wants to gain better customer intimacy, achieve operational excellence, or needs to change its compliance and reporting strategy, the need for collecting new data through a new application or a new functionality within an existing application can arise. This business driver has the following attributes:

    • Often operational oriented and application driven.
    • An application is changed through an application version upgrade, migration to cloud, or application customization, or as a result of application rationalization or changes in the way that application data is generated.
    • However, not all new functionalities trigger this scenario. Non-data-related changes, such as a new interface, new workflows, or any other application functionality changes that do not involve data, will not have data architecture impacts.
    Stock photo of someone using a smartphone with apps.
    Modified icon for Tools & Templates. When this business driver arises, data architects should focus on optimizing architecture at the source tier and the integration of the new functionality. Tactics for this business driver should address the following pattern:
    Tiers 1 and 2 highlighted.

    Business driver #2: Organizations today are looking to become more data driven

    Does the business wants to better leverage its data?

    An organization can want to use its data for multiple reasons. Whether these reasons include improving customer experience or operational excellence, the data architect must ensure that the organization’s data aggregation environment, reporting and analytics, and presentation layer are assessed and optimized for serving the needs of the business.

    “Data-drivenness is about building tools, abilities, and, most crucially, a culture that acts on data.” (Carl Anderson, Creating a Data-Driven Organization)

    Tactics for this business driver should address the following pattern:
    Tiers 3, 4, and 5 highlighted.
    Modified icon for Tools & Templates. When this business driver arises, data architects should focus on optimizing architecture at the source tier and the integration of the new functionality.
    Stock photo of someone sitting at multiple computers with analytics screens open.
    • This scenario is typically project driven and analytical oriented.
    • The business is looking to leverage data and information by processing data through BI tools and self-service.
    • Example: The organization wants to include new third-party data, and needs to build a new data mart to provide a slice of data for analysis.

    Business driver #3: Risk and compliance demands can put pressure on outdated architectures

    Is there increasing pressure on the business to maintain compliance requirements as per regulations?

    An organization can want to use its data for multiple reasons. Whether these reasons include improving customer experience or operational excellence, the data architect must ensure that the organization’s data aggregation environment, reporting and analytics, and presentation layer are assessed and optimized for serving the needs of the business.

    There are different types of requirements:
    • Can be data-element driven. For example, PII, PHI are requirements around data elements that are associated with personal and health information.
    • Can be process driven. For example, some requirements restrict data read/write to certain groups.
    Stock photo of someone pulling a block out of a Jenga tower.
    Modified icon for Tools & Templates. When this business driver arises, data architects should focus on optimizing architecture where data is stored: at the sources, the warehouse environment, and analytics layer. Tactics for this business driver should address the following pattern:
    Tiers 1, 3, and 4 highlighted.

    Business driver #4: Mergers and acquisitions can require a restructuring of the organization’s data architecture

    Is the organization looking to acquire or merge with another organization or line of business?

    There are three scenarios that encompass the mergers and acquisitions business driver for data architecture:

    1. The organization acquires/merges with another organization and wants to integrate the data.
    2. The organization acquires/merges a subset of an organization (a line of business, for example) and wants to integrate the data.
    3. The organization acquires another organization for competitive purposes, and does not need to integrate the data.
    Regardless of what scenario your organization falls into, you must go through the same process of identifying the requirements for the new data:
    1. Understand what data you are getting.
      The business may acquire another organization for the data, for the technology, and/or for algorithms (for example). If the goal is to integrate the new data, you must understand if the data is unstructured, structured, how much data, etc.
    2. Plan for the integration of the new data into your environment.
      Do you have the expertise in-house to integrate the data? Database structures and systems are often mismatched (for example, acquired company could have an Oracle database whereas you are an SAP shop) and this may require expertise from the acquired company or a third party.
    3. Integrate the new data.
      Often, the extraction of the new data is the easy part. Transforming and loading the data is the difficult and costly part.
    “As a data architect, you must do due diligence of the acquired firm. What are the workflows, what are the data sources, what data is useful, what is useless, what is the value of the data, and what are the risks of embedding the data?” (Anonymous Mergers and Acquisitions Consultant)
    Modified icon for Tools & Templates. When this business driver arises, data architects should focus on optimizing architecture at the source tier, the warehousing layer, and analytics. Tiers 1, 3, and 4 highlighted.

    Determine your tier priority pattern and the tactics that you should address based on the business drivers

    Associated Activity icon 1.2.1 30 minutes

    INPUT: Business driver assessment

    OUTPUT: Tactic pattern and tactic plan

    Materials: Data Architecture Driver Pattern Identification Tool, Data Architecture Optimization Template

    Participants: Data architect, Enterprise architect

    1. After you have assessed the organization’s business driver on Tab 1. Driver Identification, move to Tab 2. Tactic Pattern Plan.
    2. Here, you will find a summary of the business driver that applies to you, as well as the tier priority pattern that will help you to focus your efforts for data architecture.
    3. Document the Tier Priority Pattern and associated tactics in Section 2. Optimization Plan of the Data Architecture Optimization Plan.
    Screenshot of Data Architecture Driver Tool.
    Data Architecture Driver Tool
    Arrow pointing right. Sample of Data Architecture Optimization Template
    Data Architecture Optimization Template

    Info-Tech Insight

    Our approach will help you to get to the solution of the organization’s data architecture problems as quickly as possible. However, keep in mind that you should still address the other tiers of your data architecture even if they are not part of the pattern we identified. For example, if you need to become more data driven, don’t completely ignore the sources and the integration of data. However, to deliver the most and quickest value, focus on tiers 3, 4, and 5.

    This phase helped you to create a tactical plan to optimize your data architecture according to business priorities

    Phase 1 is all about focus.

    Data architects and those responsible for updating an organization’s data architecture have a wide-open playing field with which to take their efforts. Being able to narrow down your focus and generate an actionable plan will help you provide more value to the organization quickly and get the most out of your data.

      Phase 1
      • Business Drivers
        • Tactic Pattern
          • Tactical Plan

    Now that you have your prioritized tactical plan, move to Phase 2. This phase will help you map these priorities to the essential capabilities and measure where you stack up in these capabilities. This is an essential step in creating your data architecture roadmap and plan for coming years to modernize the organization’s data architecture.

    To identify what the monetary authority needed from its data architecture, Info-Tech helped determine the business driver


    Industry: Financial
    Source: Info-Tech Consulting
    Symbol for 'Monetary Authority Case Study'.

    Part 1

    Prior to receiving new external requirements, the monetary Authority body had been operating with an inefficient system. Outdated legacy systems, reports in paper form, incomplete reports, and stale data from other agencies resulted in slow data access. The new requirements demanded speeding up this process.

    Diagram comparing the 'Original Reporting' requirement of 'Up to 7 days' vs the 'New Requirement' of 'As soon as 1 hour'. The steps of reporting in that time are 'Report Request', 'Gather Data', and 'Make Report'.

    Although the organization understood it needed changes, it first needed to establish what were the business objectives, and which areas of their architecture they would need to focus on.

    The business driver in this case was compliance requirements, which directed attention to the sources, aggregation, and insights tiers.

    Tiers 1, 3, and 4 highlighted.

    Looking at the how the different tiers relate to certain business operations, the organization uncovered the best practise tactics to achieving an optimized data architecture.

    1. Source Tactics: 3. Warehousing Tactics: 4. Analytics Tactics:
    • Identify data sources
    • Ensure data quality
    • Properly catalogue data
    • Properly index data
    • Provide the means for data accessibility
    • Allow for data reduction/space for report building

    Once the business driver had been established, the organization was able to identify the specific areas it would eventually need to evaluate and remedy as needed.

    If you want additional support, have our analysts guide you through this phase as part of an Info-Tech Workshop Associated Activity icon

    Book a workshop with our Info-Tech analysts:

    Photo of an Info-Tech analyst.
    • To accelerate this project, engage your IT team in an Info-Tech workshop with an Info-Tech analyst team.
    • Info-Tech analyst will join you and your team onsite at your location or welcome you to Info-Tech's historic Toronto office to participate in an innovative onsite workshop.
    • Contact your account manager (, or email for more information.

    The following are sample activities that will be conducted by Info-Tech analysts with your team:


    Sample of activity 1.1.1 'Identify the drivers for improving your data architecture'. Identify the business driver that will set the direction of your data architecture optimization plan.

    In this activity, the facilitator will guide the team in identifying the business driver that is creating the need to improve the organization’s data architecture. Data architecture needs to adapt to the changing needs of the business, so this is the most important step of any data architecture improvements.


    Sample of activity 1.2.1 'Determine your tier priority pattern and the tactics that you should address based on the business drivers'. Determine the tactics that you will use to optimize data architecture.

    In this activity, the facilitator will help the team create a tactical plan for optimizing the organization’s data architecture across the five tiers of the logical model. This plan can then be followed when addressing the business needs.

    Build a Business-Aligned Data Architecture Optimization Strategy

    PHASE 2

    Personalize Your Tactics to Optimize Your Data Architecture

    Phase 2 will determine your tactics that you should implement to optimize your data architecture

    Business Drivers
    Each business driver requires focus on specific tiers and their corresponding capabilities, which in turn correspond to tactics necessary to achieve your goal.
    New Functionality Risk and Compliance Mergers and Acquisitions Become More Data Driven
    Tiers 1. Data Sources 2. Integration 3. Warehousing 4. Insights 5. Presentation
    Capabilities Current Capabilities
    Target Capabilities
    Example Tactics Leverage indexes, partitions, views, and clusters to optimize performance.

    Cleanse data source.

    Leverage integration technology.

    Identify matching approach priorities.

    Establish governing principles.

    Install performance enhancing technologies.

    Establish star schema and snowflake principles.

    Share data via data mart.

    Build metadata architecture:
    • Data lineage
    • Sharing
    • Taxonomy
    • Automatic vs. manual creation

    Phase 2 outline

    Associated Activity icon Call 1-888-670-8889 or email for more information.

    Complete these steps on your own, or call us to complete a guided implementation. A guided implementation is a series of 2-3 advisory calls that help you execute each phase of a project. They are included in most advisory memberships.

    Guided Implementation 2: Personalize Your Tactics to Optimize Your Data Architecture

    Proposed Time to Completion: 2 weeks
    Step 2.1: Measure Your Data Architecture Capabilities Step 2.2: Set a Target for Data Architecture Capabilities Step 2.3: Identify the Tactics That Apply to Your Organization
    Start with an analyst kick-off call:
    • Understand Info-Tech’s data architecture capability model to begin identifying where to develop tactics for optimizing your data architecture.
    Review findings with analyst:
    • Understand Info-Tech’s data architecture capability model to begin identifying where to develop tactics for optimizing your data architecture.
    Finalize phase deliverable:
    • Learn about the trends in data architecture that can be leveraged to develop tactics.
    Then complete these activities…
    • Measure your current state across the tiers of the capability model that will help address your business driver.
    Then complete these activities…
    • Measure your target state for the capabilities that will address your business driver.
    Then complete these activities…
    • Review the tactical roadmap that was created with guidance from the capability gap analysis.
    With these tools & templates:
    • Data Architecture Tactical Roadmap Tool
    With these tools & templates:
    • Data Architecture Tactical Roadmap Tool
    With these tools & templates:
    • Data Architecture Trends Presentation Template

    Phase 2 Results & Insights

    • Data architecture is not just data models. Understand the essential capabilities that your organization needs from its data architecture to develop a tactical plan for optimizing data architecture across its people, processes, and technology.

    Phase 2, Step 1: Measure Your Data Architecture Capabilities

    PHASE 2

    2.1 2.2 2.3
    Measure Your Data Architecture Capabilities Set a Target for Data Architecture Capabilities Identify the Tactics That Apply to Your Organization

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    • As you walk through the data architecture capability model, measure your current state in each of the relevant capabilities.
    • Distinguish between essential and nice-to-have capabilities for your organization.

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Data Architect

    Outcomes of this step

    • A framework for generating a tactical plan for data architecture optimization.
    • Knowledge of the various trends in the data architecture field that can be incorporated into your plan.

    To personalize your tactical strategy, you must measure up your base data architecture capabilities

    What is a capability?

    Capabilities represent a mixture of people, technology, and processes. The focus of capability design is on the outcome and the effective use of resources to produce a differentiating capability or an essential supporting capability.

    To personalize your tactics, you have to understand what the essential capabilities are across the five tiers of an organization’s data architecture. Then, assess where you currently stand in these capabilities and where you need to go in order to build your optimization plan.

    'Capability' as a mixture of 'People', 'Technology', 'Process', and 'Assets'.

    Info-Tech’s data architecture capability model can be laid over the five-tier data architecture to understand the essential and advanced capabilities that an organization should have, and to build your tactical strategy for optimizing the organization’s data architecture across the tiers.

    Use Info-Tech’s data architecture capability model as a resource to assess and plan your personalized tactics

    Info-Tech’s data architecture capability model can be laid over the five-tier data architecture to understand the essential and advanced capabilities that an organization should have, and to build your tactical strategy for optimizing the organization’s data architecture across the tiers.

    Info-Tech’s Data Architecture Capability Model featuring the five-tier architecture listing 'Core Capabilities' and 'Advanced Capabilities' within each tier, and a list of 'Cross Capabilities' which apply to all tiers.

    Use the Data Architecture Tactical Roadmap Tool to create a tailored plan of action

    Supporting Tool icon 2.1.1 Data Architecture Tactical Roadmap Tool


    Use the Data Architecture Tactical Roadmap Tool as your central tool to develop a tactical plan of action to optimize the organization’s data architecture.

    This tool contains the following sections:

    1. Business Driver Input
    2. Capability Assessment
    3. Capability Gap Analysis
    4. Tactical Roadmap
    5. Metrics
    6. Initiative Roadmap


    Sample of the Info-Tech deliverable Data Architecture Tactical Roadmap Tool.

    Benefits of using this tool:

    • Comprehensive documentation of data architecture capabilities present in leading organizations.
    • Generates an accurate architecture roadmap for your organization that is developed in alignment with the broader enterprise architecture and related architectural domains.

    To create a plan for your data architecture priorities, you must first understand where you currently stand

    Now that you understand the business problem that you are trying to solve, it is time to take action in solving the problem.

    The organization likely has some of the capabilities that are needed to solve the problem, but also a need to improve other capabilities. To narrow down the capabilities that you should focus on, first select the business driver that was identified in Phase 1 in Tab 1. Business Driver Input of the Data Architecture Tactical Roadmap Tool. This will customize the roadmap tool to deselect the capabilities that are likely to be less relevant to your organization.

    For Example: If you identified your business driver as “becoming more data-driven”, you will want to focus on measuring and building out the capabilities within Tiers 3, 4, and 5 of the capability model.

    Data Architecture Capability Model
    Info-Tech’s Data Architecture Capability Model with tiers 3, 4, and 5 highlighted.


    If you want to assess your organization for all of the capabilities across the data architecture capability model, select “Comprehensive Data Architecture Assessment” in Tab 1. Business Driver Input of the Data Architecture Tactical Roadmap Tool.

    Determine your current state across the related architecture tiers

    Associated Activity icon 2.1.2 1 hour

    INPUT: Current data architecture capabilities.

    OUTPUT: An idea of where you currently stand in the capabilities.

    Materials: Data Architecture Tactical Roadmap Tool

    Participants: Data architect, Enterprise architect, Business representatives

    Use the Data Architecture Tactical Roadmap Tool to evaluate the baseline and target capabilities of your practice in terms of how data architecture is approached and executed.

    1. Invite the appropriate stakeholders to participate in this exercise.
    2. On Tab 2. Practice Components, assess the current and target states of each capability on a scale of 1–5.
    3. Note: “Ad hoc” implies a capability is completed, but randomly, informally, and without a standardized method.
      These results will set the baseline against which you will monitor performance progress and keep track of improvements over time.
    To assess data architecture maturity, Info-Tech uses the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) program for rating capabilities on a scale of 1 to 5:

    1 = Initial/Ad hoc

    2 = Developing

    3 = Defined

    4 = Managed and Measurable

    5 = Optimized

    Info-Tech Insight

    Focus on Early Alignment. Assessing capabilities within specific people’s job functions can naturally result in disagreement or debate, especially between business and IT people. Objectively facilitate any debate and only finalize capability assessments when there is full alignment. Remind everyone that data architecture should ultimately serve business needs wherever possible.

    Phase 2, Step 2: Set a Target for Data Architecture Capabilities

    PHASE 2
    Measure Your Data Architecture CapabilitiesSet a Target for Data Architecture CapabilitiesIdentify the Tactics That Apply to Your Organization

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    • Determine your target state in each of the relevant capabilities.
    • Distinguish between essential and nice-to-have capabilities for your organization.

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Data Architect

    Outcomes of this step

    • A holistic understanding of where the organization’s data architecture currently sits, where it needs to go, and where the biggest gaps lie.

    To create a plan for your data architecture priorities, you must also understand where you need to get to in the future

    Keep the goal in mind by documenting target state objectives. This will help to measure the highest priority gaps in the organization’s data architecture capabilities.

    Example driver = Becoming more data driven Arrow pointing right. Info-Tech’s Data Architecture Capability Model with tiers 3, 4, and 5 highlighted. Arrow pointing right. Current Capabilities Arrow pointing right. Target Capabilities
    Gaps and Priorities
    Stock photo of a hand placing four shelves arranged as stairs. On the first step is a mini-cut-out of a person walking.

    Determine your future state across the relevant tiers of the data architecture capability model

    Associated Activity icon 2.2.1 2 hours

    INPUT: Current state of data architecture capabilities.

    OUTPUT: Target state of data architecture capabilities.

    Materials: Data Architecture Tactical Roadmap Tool

    Participants: Data architect

    The future of data architecture is now.

    Determine the state of data architecture capabilities that the organization needs to reach to address the drivers of the business.

    For example: If you identified your business driver as “becoming more data driven”, you will want to focus on the capabilities within Tiers 3, 4, and 5 of the capability model.

    Driver = Becoming more data driven Arrow pointing right. Info-Tech’s Data Architecture Capability Model with tiers 3, 4, and 5 highlighted. Arrow pointing right. Target Capabilities

    Identify where gaps in your data architecture capabilities lie

    Associated Activity icon 2.2.2 1 hour

    INPUT: Current and target states of data architecture capabilities.

    OUTPUT: Holistic understanding of where you need to improve data architecture capabilities.

    Materials: Data Architecture Tactical Roadmap Tool

    Participants: Data architect

    Visualization of gap assessment of data quality practice capabilities

    To enable deeper analysis on the results of your capability assessment, Tab 4. Capability Gap Analysis in the Data Architecture Tactical Roadmap Tool creates visualizations of the gaps identified in each of your practice capabilities and related data management practices. These diagrams serve as analysis summaries.

    Gap Assessment of Data Source Capabilities

    Sample of the Data Architecture Tactical Roadmap Tool, tab 4. Capability Gap Analysis.

    Use Tab 3. Data Quality Practice Scorecard to enhance your data quality project.

    1. Enhance your gap analyses by forming a relative comparison of total gaps in key practice capability areas, which will help in determining priorities.
    2. Put these up on display to improve discussion in the gap analyses and prioritization sessions.
    3. Improve the clarity and flow of your strategy template, final presentations, and summary documents by copying and pasting the gap assessment diagrams.

    Phase 2, Step 3: Identify the Tactics That Apply to Your Organization

    PHASE 2
    Measure Your Data Architecture CapabilitiesSet a Target for Data Architecture CapabilitiesIdentify the Tactics That Apply to Your Organization

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    • Before making your personal tactic plan, identify the trends in data architecture that can benefit your organization.
    • Understand Info-Tech’s data architecture capability model.
    • Initiate the Data Architecture Roadmap Tool to begin creating a roadmap for your optimization plan.

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Data Architect

    Outcomes of this step

    • A framework for generating a tactical plan for data architecture optimization.
    • Knowledge of the various trends in the data architecture field that can be incorporated into your plan.

    Capitalize on trends in data architecture before you determine the tactics that apply to you

    Stop here. Before you begin to plan for optimization of the organization’s data environment, get a sense of the sustainability and scalability of the direction of the organization’s data architecture evolution.

    Practically any trend in data architecture is driven by an attempt to solve one or more the common challenges of today’s tumultuous data landscape, otherwise known as “big data.” Data is being produced in outrageous amounts, at very high speeds, and in a growing number of types and structures.

    To meet these demands, which are not slowing down, you must keep ahead of the curve. Consider the internal and external catalysts that might fuel your organization’s need to modernize its data architecture:

    Big Data

    Data Storage

    Advanced analytics

    Unstructured data


    Hadoop ecosystem

    The discussion about big data is no longer about what it is, but how do businesses of all types operationalize it.

    Is your organization currently capturing and leveraging big data?

    Are they looking to do so in the near future?

    The cloud

    The cloud offers economical solutions to many aspects of data architecture.

    Have you dealt with issues of lack of storage space or difficulties with scalability?

    Do you need remote access to data and tools?

    Real-time architecture

    Advanced analytics (machine learning, natural language processing) often require data in real-time. Consider Lambda and Kappa architectures.

    Has your data flow prevented you from automation, advanced analytics, or embracing the world of IoT?

    Graph databases

    Self-service data access allows more than just technical users to participate in analytics. NoSQL can uncover buried relationships in your data.

    Has your organization struggled to make sense of different types of unstructured data?

    Is ETL enough?

    What SQL is to NoSQL, ETL is to NoETL. Integration techniques are being created to address the high variety and high velocity of data.

    Have your data scientists wasted too much time and resources in the ETL stage?

    Read the Data Architecture Trends Presentation to understand the current cutting edge topics in data architecture

    Supporting Tool icon 2.1 Data Architecture Trends Presentation

    The speed at which new technology is changing is making it difficult for IT professionals to keep pace with best practices, let alone cutting edge technologies.

    The Info-Tech Data Architecture Trends Presentation provides a glance at some of the more significant innovations in technology that are driving today’s advanced data architectures.

    This presentation also explains how these trends relate to either the data challenges you may be facing, or the specific business drivers you are hoping to bring to your organization.

    Sample of the Data Architecture Trends Presentation.
    Data Architecture Trends Presentation

    Gaps between your current and future capabilities will help you to determine the tactics that apply to you

    Now that you know where the organization currently stands, follow these steps to begin prioritizing the initiatives:

    1. What are you trying to accomplish? Determine target states that are framed in quantifiable objectives that can be clearly communicated. The more specific the objectives are the better.
    2. Evaluate the “delta,” or difference between where the organization currently stands and where it needs to go. This will be expressed in terms of gap closure strategies, and will help clarify the initiatives that will populate the road map.
    3. Determine the relative business value of each initiative, as well as the relative complexities of successfully implementing them. These scores should be created with stakeholder input, and then plotted in an effort/transition quadrant map to determine where the quickest and most valuable wins lie.
    Current State Gap Closure Strategies Target State Data Architecture Tactical Roadmap
    • Organization objectives
    • Functional needs
    • Current operating models
    • Technology assets
    Initiatives involving:
    • Organizational changes
    • Functional changes
    • Technology changes
    • Process changes
    • Performance objectives (revenue growth, customer intimacy, growth of organization)
    • Operating model improvements
    • Prioritized, simplified, and compelling vision of how the organization will optimize data architecture

    (Source: “How to Build a Roadmap”)

    Info-Tech Insight

    Optimizing data architecture requires a tactical approach, not a passive approach. The demanding task of optimization requires the ability to heavily prioritize. After you have identified why, determine how using our pre-built roadmap to address the four common drivers.

    Each of the layers of an organization’s data architecture have associated challenges to optimization

    Stop! Before you begin, recognize these “gotchas” that can present roadblocks to creating an effective data architecture environment.

    Before diving headfirst into creating your tactical data architecture plan, documenting the challenges associated with each aspect of the organization’s data architecture can help to identify where you need to focus your energy in optimizing each tier. The following table presents the common challenges across the five tiers:

    Source Tier

    Integration Tier

    Warehousing Tier

    Analytics Tier

    Presentation Tier

    Inconsistent data models Performance issues Scalability of the data warehouse Data currency, flexibility Model interoperability
    Data quality measures: data accuracy, timeliness, accessibility, relevance Duplicated data Infrastructure needed to support volume of data No business context for using the data in the correct manner No business context for using the data in the correct manner
    Free-form field and data values beyond data domain Tokenization and other required data transformations Performance
    Greedy consumers can cripple performance
    Insufficient infrastructure
    Inefficiencies in building the data mart Report proliferation/chaos (“kitchen sink dashboards”)
    Reporting out of source systems DB model inefficiencies
    Manual errors;
    Application usability

    Create metrics before you plan to optimize your data architecture

    Associated Activity icon 2.2.3 1 hour

    INPUT: Tactics that will be used to optimize data architecture.

    OUTPUT: Metrics that can be used to measure optimization success.

    Materials: Data Architecture Tactical Roadmap Tool

    Participants: Data architect

    Metrics will help you to track your optimization efforts and ensure that they are providing value to the organization.

    There are two types of metrics that are useful for data architects to track and measure: program metrics and project metrics. Program metrics represent the activities that the data architecture program, which is the sum of multiple projects, should help to improve. Project metrics are the more granular metrics that track each project.

    Program Metrics

    • TCO of IT
      • Costs associated with applications, databases, data maintenance
      • Should decrease with better data architecture (rationalized apps, operationalized databases)
    • Cost savings:
      • Retiring a legacy system and associated databases
      • Consolidated licensing
      • Introducing shared services
    • Data systems under maintenance (maintenance burden)
    • End-user data requests fulfilled
    • Improvement of time of delivery of reports and insights

    Project Metrics

    • Percent of projects in alignment with EA
    • Percent of projects compliant with the EA governance process (architectural due diligence rate)
    • Reducing time to market for launching new products
      • Reducing human error rates
      • Speeding up order delivery
      • Reducing IT costs
      • Reducing severity and frequency of security incidents

    Use Tab 6. Metrics of the Data Architecture Tactical Roadmap Tool to document and track metrics associated with your optimization tactics.

    Use Info-Tech’s resources to build your data architecture capabilities

    The following resources from Info-Tech can be used to improve the capabilities that were identified as having a gap. Read more about the details of the five-tier architecture in the blueprints below:

    Data Governance

    Data architecture depends on effective data governance. Use our blueprint, Enable Shared Insights With an Effective Data Governance Engine to get more out of your architecture.

    Data Quality

    The key to maintaining high data quality is a proactive approach that requires you to establish and update strategies for preventing, detecting, and correcting errors. Find out more on how to improve data quality with Info-Tech’s blueprint, Restore Trust in Your Data Using a Business-Aligned Data Quality Management Approach.

    Master Data Management

    When you start your data governance program, you will quickly realize that you need an effective MDM strategy for managing your critical data assets. Use our blueprint, Develop a Master Data Management Strategy and Roadmap to Better Monetize Data to get started with MDM.

    Data Warehouse

    The key to maintaining high data quality is a proactive approach that requires you to establish and update strategies for preventing, detecting, and correcting errors. Find out more on how to improve data quality with Info-Tech’s blueprint, Drive Business Innovation With a Modernized Data Warehouse Environment.

    With the optimal tactics identified, the monetary authority uncovered areas needing improvement


    Industry: Financial
    Source: Info-Tech Consulting
    Symbol for 'Monetary Authority Case Study'.

    Part 2

    After establishing the appropriate tactics based on its business driver, the monetary authority was able to identify its shortcomings and adopt resolutions to remedy the issues.

    Best Practice Tactic Current State Solution
    Tier 1 - Data Sources Identify data sources Data coming from a number of locations. Create data model for old and new systems.
    Ensure data quality Internal data scanned from paper and incomplete. Data cleansing and update governance and business rules for migration to new system.
    External sources providing conflicting data.
    Tier 3 - Data Warehousing Data catalogue Data aggregated incompletely. Built proper business data glossary for searchability.
    Indexing Data warehouse performance sub-optimal. Architected data warehouse for appropriate use (star schema).
    Tier 4 - Data Analytics Data accessibility Relevant data buried in warehouse. Build data marts for access.
    Data reduction Accurate report building could not be performed in current storage. Built interim solution sandbox, spin up SQL database.

    Establishing these solutions provided the organization with necessary information to build their roadmap and move towards implementing an optimized data architecture.

    If you want additional support, have our analysts guide you through this phase as part of an Info-Tech Workshop Associated Activity icon

    Book a workshop with our Info-Tech analysts:

    Photo of a Info-Tech analyst.
    • To accelerate this project, engage your IT team in an Info-Tech workshop with an Info-Tech analyst team.
    • Info-Tech analyst will join you and your team onsite at your location or welcome you to Info-Tech's historic Toronto office to participate in an innovative onsite workshop.
    • Contact your account manager (, or email for more information.

    The following are sample activities that will be conducted by Info-Tech analysts with your team:

    2.1.1 – 2.2.2

    Sample of activities 2.1.1 and 2.2.2, the first being 'Determine your current state across the related architecture tiers'. Evaluate your current capabilities and design your target data quality practice from two angles

    In this assessment and planning activity, the team will evaluate the current and target capabilities for your data architecture’s ability to meet business needs based on the essential capabilities across the five tiers of an organization’s architectural environment.


    Sample of activity 2.2.3 'Create metrics before you plan to optimize your data architecture'. Create metrics to track the success of your optimization plan.

    The Info-Tech facilitator will guide you through the process of creating program and project metrics to track as you optimize your data architecture. This will help to ensure that the tactics are helping to improve crucial business attributes.

    Build a Business-Aligned Data Architecture Optimization Strategy

    PHASE 3

    Create Your Tactical Data Architecture Roadmap

    Phase 3 outline

    Associated Activity icon Call 1-888-670-8889 or email for more information.

    Complete these steps on your own, or call us to complete a guided implementation. A guided implementation is a series of 2-3 advisory calls that help you execute each phase of a project. They are included in most advisory memberships.

    Guided Implementation 3: Create Your Tactical Data Architecture Roadmap

    Proposed Time to Completion: 2 weeks
    Step 3.1: Personalize Your Data Architecture RoadmapStep 3.2: Manage Your Data Architecture Decisions and the Resulting Changes
    Start with an analyst kick-off call:
    • Review the tactical plan that addresses the business drivers by optimizing your data architecture in the relevant focus areas.
    Review findings with analyst:
    • Discuss and review the roadmap of optimization activities, including dependencies, timing, and ownership of activities.
    • Understand how change management is an integral aspect of any data architecture optimization plan.
    Then complete these activities…
    • Create your detailed data architecture initiative roadmap.
    Then complete these activities…
    • Create your Data Architecture Decision Template to document the changes that are going to be made to optimize your data architecture environment.
    • Review how change management fits into the data architecture improvement program.
    With these tools & templates:
    • Data Architecture Tactical Roadmap Tool
    With these tools & templates:
    • Data Architecture Decision Template

    Phase 3 Results & Insights

    • Phase 3 will help you to build a personalized roadmap and plan for optimizing data architecture in your organization. In carrying out this roadmap, changes will, by necessity, occur. Therefore, an integral aspect of a data architect’s role is change management. Use the resources included in Phase 3 to smoothen the change management process.

    Phase 3, Step 1: Personalize Your Data Architecture Roadmap

    PHASE 3

    3.1 3.2
    Personalize Your Data Architecture Roadmap Manage Your Data Architecture Decisions and the Resulting Changes

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    • Determine the timing, effort, and ownership of the recommended optimization initiatives.
    • Brainstorm initiatives that are not yet on the roadmap but apply to you.

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Data Architect
    • DBAs
    • Enterprise Architect

    Outcomes of this step

    • A roadmap of specific initiatives that map to the tactical plan for optimizing your organization’s data architecture.
    • A plan for communicating high-level business objectives to data workers to address the issues of the business.

    Now that you have tactical priorities, identify the actionable steps that will lead you to an optimized data architecture

    Phase 1 and 2 helped you to identify tactics that address some of the most common business drivers. Phase 3 will bring you through the process of practically planning what those tactics look like in your organization’s environment and create a roadmap to plan how you will generate business value through optimization of your data architecture environment.

    Diagram of the three phases and the goals of each one. The first phase says 'Identify your data architecture business driver' and highlights 'Business Driver 3' out of four to focus on in Phase 2. Phase 2 says 'Optimization tactics across the five-tier logical data architecture' and identifies four of six 'Tactics' to use in Phase 3. Phase 3 is a 'Practical Roadmap of Initiatives' and utilizes a timeline of initiatives in which to apply the chosen tactics.

    Use the Data Architecture Tactic Roadmap Tool to personalize your roadmap

    Supporting Tool icon 3.1.1 Data Architecture Tactic Roadmap Tool
    Generating Your Roadmap
    1. On Tab 5. Tactic and Initiative Planning, you will find a list of tactics that correspond to every capability that applies to your chosen driver and where there is a gap. In addition, each tactic has a sequence of “Suggested Initiatives,” which represent the best-practice steps that you should take to optimize your data architecture according to your priorities and gaps.
    2. Customize this list of initiatives according to your needs.
    3. The Gantt chart is generated in Tab 7. Initiative Roadmap, and can be used to organize your plan and ensure that all of the essential aspects of optimizing data architecture are addressed.
    4. The roadmap can be used as an “executive brief” roadmap and as a communication tool for the business.
    Screenshot of the Data Architecture Tactic Roadmap Tool, Tab 5. Tactic and Initiative Planning.
    Tab 5. Tactic and Initiative Planning

    Screenshot of the Data Architecture Tactic Roadmap Tool, Tab 7. Initiative Roadmap.
    Tab 7. Initiative Roadmap

    Determine the details of your data architecture optimization activities

    Associated Activity icon 3.1.2 1 hour

    INPUT: Timing of initiatives for optimizing data architecture.

    OUTPUT: Optimization roadmap

    Materials: Data Architecture Tactic Roadmap Tool

    Participants: Data architect, Enterprise Architect


    1. With the list of suggested activities in place on Tab 5. Tactic and Initiative Planning, select whether or not the initiatives will be included in the roadmap. By default, all of the initiatives are set to “Yes.”
    2. Plan the sequence, starting time, and length of each initiative, as well as the assigned responsibility of the initiative in Tab 5. Tactic and Initiative Planning of the Data Architecture Tactic Roadmap Tool.
    3. The tool will a generate a Gantt chart based on the start and length of your initiatives.
    4. The Gantt chart is generated in Tab 7. Initiative Roadmap.
    Screenshot of the Data Architecture Tactic Roadmap Tool, Tab 5. Tactic and Initiative Planning. Tab 5. Tactic and Initiative Planning Screenshot of the Data Architecture Tactic Roadmap Tool, Tab 7. Initiative Roadmap. Tab 7. Initiative Roadmap

    Info-Tech Insight

    The activities that populate the roadmap can be taken as best practice activities. If you want an actionable, comprehensive, and prescriptive plan for optimizing your data architecture, fill in the timing of the activities and print the roadmap. This can serve as a rapid communication tool for your data architecture plan to the business and other architects.

    Optimizing data architecture relies on communication between the business and data workers

    Remember: Data architects bridge the gap between strategic and technical requirements of data.

    Visualization centering the 'Data Architect' as the bridge between 'Data Workers', 'Business', and 'Data & Applications'.

    Therefore, as you plan the data and its interactions with applications, it is imperative that you communicate the plan and its implications to the business and the data workers. Stock photo of coworkers communicating.
    Also remember: In Phase 1, you built your tactical data architecture optimization plan.
    Sample 1 of the Data Architecture Optimization Template. Sample 2 of the Data Architecture Optimization Template.
    Use this document to communicate your plan for data architecture optimization to both the business and the data workers. Socialize this document as a representation of your organization’s current data architecture as well as where it is headed in the future.

    Communicate your data architecture optimization plan to the business for approval

    Associated Activity icon 3.1.3 2 hours

    INPUT: Data Architecture Tactical Roadmap

    OUTPUT: Communication plan

    Materials: Data Architecture Optimization Template

    Participants: Data Architect, Business representatives, IT representatives


    Begin by presenting your plan and roadmap to the business units who participated in business interviews in activity 1.1.3 of Phase 1.

    If you receive feedback that suggests that you should make revisions to the plan, consult Info-Tech Research Group for suggestions on how to improve the plan.

    If you gain approval for the plan, communicate it to DBAs and other data workers.

    Iterative optimization and communication plan:
    Visualization of the Iterative optimization and communication plan. 'Start here' at 'Communicate Plan and Roadmap to the Business', and then continue in a cycle of 'Receive Approval or Suggested Modifications', 'Get Advice for Improvements to the Plan', 'Revise Plan', and back to the initial step until you receive 'Approval', then 'Present to Data Workers'.

    With a roadmap in place, the monetary authority followed a tactical and practical plan to repair outdated data architecture


    Industry: Financial
    Source: Info-Tech Consulting
    Symbol for 'Monetary Authority Case Study'.

    Part 3

    After establishing the appropriate tactics based on its business driver, the monetary authority was able to identify its shortcomings and adopt resolutions to remedy the issues.


    A monetary authority was placed under new requirements where it would need to produce 6 different report types on its clients to a regulatory body within a window potentially as short as 1 hour.

    With its current capabilities, it could complete such a task in roughly 7 days.

    The organization’s data architecture was comprised of legacy systems that had poor searchability. Moreover, the data it worked with was scanned from paper, regularly incomplete and often inconsistent.


    The solution first required the organization to establish the business driver behind the need to optimize its architecture. In this case, it would be compliance requirements.

    With Info-Tech’s methodology, the organization focused on three tiers: data sources, warehousing, and analytics.

    Several solutions were developed to address the appropriate lacking capabilities. Firstly, the creation of a data model for old and new systems. The implementation of governance principles and business rules for migration of any data. Additionally, proper indexing techniques and business data glossary were established. Lastly, data marts and sandboxes were designed for data accessibility and to enable a space for proper report building.


    With the solutions established, the monetary authority was given information it needed to build a comprehensive roadmap, and is currently undergoing the implementation of the plan to ensure it will experience its desired outcome – an optimized data architecture built with the capacity to handle external compliance requirements.

    Phase 3, Step 2: Manage Your Data Architecture Decisions and the Resulting Changes

    PHASE 3

    Personalize Your Data Architecture RoadmapManage Your Data Architecture Decisions and the Resulting Changes

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    • With a plan in place, document the major architectural decisions that have been and will be made to optimize data architecture.
    • Create a plan for change and release management, an essential function of the data architect role.

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Data Architect
    • Enterprise Architect

    Outcomes of this step

    • Resources for documenting and managing the inevitable change associated with updates to the organization’s data architecture environment.

    To implement data architecture changes, you must plan to accommodate the issues that come with change

    Once you have a plan in place, one the most challenging aspects of improving an organization is yet to come…overcoming change!

    “When managing change, the job of the data architect is to avoid unnecessary change and to encapsulate necessary change.

    You must provide motivation for simplifying change, making it manageable for the whole organization.” (Andrew Johnston, Independent Consultant)

    Stock photo of multiple hands placing app/website design elements on a piece of paper.

    Create roadmap

    Arrow pointing down.

    Communicate roadmap

    Arrow pointing down.

    Implement roadmap

    Arrow pointing down.

    Change management

    Use the Data Architecture Decision Template when architectural changes are made

    Supporting Tool icon 3.2 Data Architecture Decision Template
    Document the architectural decisions made to provide context around changes made to the organization’s data environment.

    The goal of this Data Architecture Decision Template is to provide data architects with a template for managing the changes that accompany major architectural decisions. As you work through the Build a Business-Aligned Data Architecture Optimization Strategy blueprint, you will create a plan for tactical initiatives that address the drivers of the business to optimize your data architecture. This plan will bring about changes to the organization’s data architecture that need change management considerations.

    Document any major changes to the organization’s data architecture that are required to evolve with the organization’s drivers. This will ensure that major architectural changes are documented, tracked, and that the context around the decision is maintained.

    “Environment is very chaotic nowadays – legacy apps, sprawl, ERPs, a huge mix and orgs are grappling with what our data landscape look like? Where are our data assets that we need to use?” (Andrew Johnston, Independent Consultant)

    Sample of the Data Architecture Decision Template.

    Use Info-Tech’s Data Architecture Decision Template to document any major changes in the organization’s data architecture.

    Leverage Info-Tech’s resources to smooth change management

    As changes to the architectural environment occur, data architects must stay ahead of the curve and plan the change management considerations that come with major architectural decisions.

    “When managing change, the job of the data architect is to avoid unnecessary change and to encapsulate necessary change.

    You must provide motivation for simplifying change, making it manageable for the whole organization.” (Andrew Johnston, Independent Consultant)

    See Info-Tech’s resources on change management to smooth changes:
    Banner for the blueprint set 'Optimize Change Management' with subtitle 'Turn and face the change with a right-sized change management process'.
    Sample of the Optimize Change Management blueprint.

    Change Management Blueprint

    Sample of the Change Management Roadmap Tool.

    Change Management Roadmap Tool

    Use Info-Tech’s resources for effective release management

    As changes to the architectural environment occur, data architects must stay ahead of the curve and plan the release management considerations around new hardware and software releases or updates.

    Release management is a process that encompasses the planning, design, build, configuration, and testing of hardware and software releases to create a defined set of release components (ITIL). Release activities can include the distribution of the release and supporting documentation directly to end users. See Info-Tech’s resources on Release Management to smooth changes:

    Banner for the blueprint set 'Take a Holistic View to Optimize Release Management' with subtitle 'Build trust by right-sizing your process using appropriate governance'.
    Samples of the Release Management blueprint.

    Release Management Blueprint

    Sample of the Release Management Process Standard Template.

    Release Management Process Standard Template

    If you want additional support, have our analysts guide you through this phase as part of an Info-Tech Workshop Associated Activity icon

    Book a workshop with our Info-Tech analysts:

    Photo of a Info-Tech analyst.
    • To accelerate this project, engage your IT team in an Info-Tech workshop with an Info-Tech analyst team.
    • Info-Tech analyst will join you and your team onsite at your location or welcome you to Info-Tech's historic Toronto office to participate in an innovative onsite workshop.
    • Contact your account manager (, or email for more information.

    The following are sample activities that will be conducted by Info-Tech analysts with your team:


    Sample of activity 3.1.2 'Determine the timing of your data architecture optimization activities'. Create your personalized roadmap of activities.

    In this activity, the facilitator will guide the team in evaluating practice gaps highlighted by the assessment, and compare these gaps at face value so general priorities can be documented. The same categories as in 3.1.1 are considered.


    Sample of activity 3.1.3 'Communicate your Data Architecture Optimization Plan to the business for approval'. Communicate your data architecture optimization plan.

    The facilitator will help you to identify the optimal medium and timing for communicating your plan for optimizing your data architecture.

    Insight breakdown

    Insight 1

    • Data architecture needs to evolve along with the changing business landscape. There are four common business drivers that put most pressure on archaic architectures. As a result, the organization’s architecture must be flexible and responsive to changing business needs.

    Insight 2

    • Data architecture is not just about models.
      Viewing data architecture as just technical data modeling can lead to structurally unsound data that does not serve the business.

    Insight 3

    • Data is used differently across the layers of an organization’s data architecture, and the capabilities needed to optimize use of data change with it. Architecting and managing data from source to warehousing to presentation requires different tactics for optimal use.

    Summary of accomplishment

    Knowledge Gained

    • An understanding of what data architecture is, how data architects can provide value to the organization, and how data architecture fits into the larger enterprise architecture picture.
    • The capabilities required for optimization of the organization’s data architecture across the five tiers of the logical data architecture model.

    Processes Optimized

    • Prioritization and planning of data architect responsibilities across the five tiers of the five-tier logical data architecture model.
    • Roadmapping of tactics that address the most common business drivers of the organization.
    • Architectural change management.

    Deliverables Completed

    • Data Architecture Driver Pattern Identification Tool
    • Data Architecture Optimization Template
    • Data Architecture Trends Presentation
    • Data Architecture Roadmap Tool
    • Data Architecture Decision Template

    Research contributors and experts

    Photo of Ron Huizenga, Senior Product Manager, Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. Ron Huizenga, Senior Product Manager
    Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.

    Ron Huizenga has over 30 years of experience as an IT executive and consultant in enterprise data architecture, governance, business process reengineering and improvement, program/project management, software development, and business management. His experience spans multiple industries including manufacturing, supply chain, pipelines, natural resources, retail, healthcare, insurance, and transportation.

    Photo of Andrew Johnston, Architect, Independent Consultant. Andrew Johnston, Architect Independent Consultant

    An independent consultant with a unique combination of managerial, commercial, and technical skills, Andrew specializes in the development of strategies and technical architectures that allow businesses to get the maximum benefit from their IT resources. He has been described by clients as a "broad spectrum" architect, summarizing his ability to engage in many problems at many levels.

    Research contributors

    Internal Contributors
    Logo for Info-Tech Research Group.
    • Steven J. Wilson, Senior Director, Research & Advisory Services
    • Daniel Ko, Research Manager
    • Bernie Gilles, Senior Director, Research & Advisory Services
    External Contributors
    Logo for Embarcadero.
    Logo for Questa Computing. Logo for Geha.
    • Ron Huizenga, Embercardo Technologies
    • Andrew Johnston, Independent Consultant
    • Darrell Enslinger, Government Employees Health Association
    • Anonymous Contributors


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    Anadiotis, George. “Streaming hot: Real-time big data architecture matters.” ZDNet. Jan, 2017. Web. 25 Apr 2017. []

    Aston, Dan. “The Economic value of Enterprise Architecture and How to Show It.” Erwin. Aug, 2016. Web. 20 Apr 2017. []

    Baer, Tony. “2017 Trends to Watch: Big Data.” Ovum. Nov, 2016. Web. 25 Apr 2017.

    Bmc. “Benefits & Advantages of Hadoop.” Bmc. Web. 25 Apr 2017. []

    Boyd, Ryan, et al. “Relational vs. Graph Data Modeling” DZone. Mar 2016. Web. 25 Apr 2017. []

    Brahmachar, Satya. “Theme To Digital Transformation - Journey to Data Driven Enterprise” Feb, 2015. Web. 20 Apr 2017. []

    Capsenta. “NoETL.” Capsenta. Web. 25 Apr 2017. []

    Connolly, Shaun. “Implementing the Blueprint for Enterprise Hadoop” Hortonworks. Apr, 2014. Web. 25 Apr 2017.

    Forbes. “Cloud 2.0: Companies Move From Cloud-First To Cloud-Only.” Forbes. Apr, 2017. Web. 25 Apr 2017. []

    Forgeat, Julien. “Lambda and Kappa.” Ericsson. Nov 2015. Web 25 Apr 2017. []

    Grimes, Seth. “Is It Time For NoETL?” InformationWeek. Mar, 2010. Web. 25 Apr 2017. []

    Gupta, Manav. et al. “How IB‹ leads in building big data analytics solutions in the cloud.” IBM. Feb, 2016. Web. 25 Apr 2017. []

    “How To Build A Roadmap.” Hub Designs Magazine. Web 25 Apr 2017. []

    IBM. “Top industry use cases for stream computing.” IBM. Oct, 2015. Web. 25 Apr 2017. []

    Mateos-Garcia, Juan, et al. “Skills Of The Datavores.” Nesta. July. 2015. Web. 8 Aug 2016. [].

    Maynard, Steven. “Analytics: Don’t Forget The Human Element” Forbes. 2015. Web. 20 Apr. 2017. [$FILE/EY-Forbes-Insights-Data-and-Analytics-Impact-Index-2015.pdf]

    Neo4j. “From Relational to Neo4j.” Neo4j. Web. 25 Apr 2017. []

    NoETL “NoETL.” NoETL. Web. 25 Apr 2017. []

    Nolan, Roger. “Digital Transformation: Is Your Data Management Ready?” Informatica. Jun, 2016. Web. 20 Apr 2017. []

    OpsClarity. “2016 State of Fast Data & Streaming Applications.” OpsClarity. Web. 25 Apr 2017. []

    Oracle. “A Relational Database Overview.” Oracle. Web. 25 Apr 2017. []

    Ponemon Institute LLC. “Big Data Cybersecurity Analytics Research Repor.t” Cloudera. Aug, 2016. Web. 25 Apr 2017. []

    Sanchez, Jose Juan. “Data Movement Killed the BI Star.” DV Blog. May, 2016. Web. 20 Apr. 2017. []

    SAS. “Hadoop; What it is and why does it matter?” SAS. Web. 25 Apr 2017. []

    Schumacher, Robin. “A Quick Primer on graph Databases for RDBMS Professionals.” Datastax. Jul, 2016. Web. 25 Apr 2017. []

    Swoyer, Steve. “It’s the End of the Data Warehouse as We Know It.” TDWI. Jan, 2017. Web. 20 Apr. 2017. []

    Webber, Jim, and Ian Robinson. “The Top 5 Use Cases of Graph Databases.” Neo4j. 2015. Web. 25 Apr 2017. []

    Zachman Framework. []

    Zupan, Jane. “Survey of Big Data Decision Makers.” Attiv/o. May, 2016. Web. 20 Apr 2017. []

    Prepare Your Organization to Successfully Embrace the “New Normal”

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}422|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.3/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $61,749 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 2 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: DR and Business Continuity
    • Parent Category Link: /business-continuity
    • The COVID-19 pandemic is creating significant challenges across every sector, but even the deepest crisis will eventually pass. However, many of the changes it has brought to how organizations function are here to stay.
    • As an IT leader, it can be challenging to envision what this future state will look like and how to position IT as a trusted partner to the business to help steer the ship as the crisis abates.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Organizations need to cast their gaze into the “New Normal” and determine an appropriate strategy to stabilize their operations, mitigate ongoing challenges, and seize new opportunities that will be presented in a post-COVID-19 world.
    • IT needs to understand the key trends and permanent changes that will exist following the crisis and develop a proactive roadmap for rapidly adapting their technology stack, processes, and resourcing to adjust to the new normal.

    Impact and Result

    • Info-Tech recommends a three-step approach for adapting to the new normal: begin by surveying crucial changes that will occur as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, assess their relevance to your organization’s unique situation, and create an initiatives roadmap to support the new normal.
    • This mini-blueprint will examine five key themes: changing paradigms for remote work, new product delivery models, more self-service options for customers, greater decentralization and agility for organizational decision making, and a renewed emphasis on security architecture.

    Prepare Your Organization to Successfully Embrace the “New Normal” Research & Tools

    Read the Research

    Understand the five key trends that will persist after the pandemic has passed and create a roadmap of initiatives to help your organization adapt to the "New Normal."

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    • Prepare Your Organization to Successfully Embrace the “New Normal” Storyboard

    Build an Information Security Strategy

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}242|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.5/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $45,303 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 34 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Security Strategy & Budgeting
    • Parent Category Link: /security-strategy-and-budgeting
    • Many security leaders struggle to decide how to best to prioritize their scarce information security resources
    • The need to move from a reactive approach to security towards a strategic planning approach is clear. The path to getting there is less so.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    The most successful information security strategies are:

    • Holistic – They consider the full spectrum of information security, including people, processes, and technology.
    • Risk aware – They understand that security decisions should be made based on the security risks facing their organization, not just on “best practice.”
    • Business aligned – They demonstrate an understanding of the goals and strategies of the organization and how the security program can support the business.

    Impact and Result

    • Info-Tech has developed a highly effective approach to building an information security strategy, an approach that has been successfully tested and refined for more than seven years with hundreds of different organizations:
    • This approach includes tools for:
      • Ensuring alignment with business objectives.
      • Assessing organizational risk and stakeholder expectations.
      • Enabling a comprehensive current state assessment.
      • Prioritizing initiatives and building out a security roadmap.

    Build an Information Security Strategy Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Information Security (IS) Strategy Research – A step-by-step document that helps you build a holistic, risk-based, and business-aligned IS strategy.

    Your security strategy should not be based on trying to blindly follow best practices but on a holistic risk-based assessment that is risk aware and aligns with your business context. Use this storyboard to augment your security strategy by ensuring alignment with business objectives, assessing your organization's risk and stakeholder expectations, understanding your current security state, and prioritizing initiatives and a security roadmap.

    • Build an Information Security Strategy – Phases 1-4

    2. Information Security Requirements Gathering Tool – A tool to make informed security risk decisions to support business needs.

    Use this tool to formally identify business goals and customer and compliance obligations and make explicit links to how security initiatives propose to support these business interests. Then define the scope and boundaries for the security strategy and the risk tolerance definitions that will guide future security risk decisions.

    • Information Security Requirements Gathering Tool

    3. Information Security Pressure Analysis Tool – An evaluation tool to invest in the right security functions using a pressure analysis approach.

    Security pressure posture analysis helps your organization assess your real security context and enables you to invest in the right security functions while balancing the cost and value in alignment with business strategies. Security pressure sets the baseline that will help you avoid over-investing or under-investing in your security functions.

    • Information Security Pressure Analysis Tool

    4. Information Security Program Gap Analysis Tool – A structured tool to systematically understand your current security state.

    Effective security planning should not be one size fits all – it must consider business alignment, security benefit, and resource cost. To enable an effective security program, all areas of security need to be evaluated closely to determine where the organization sits currently and where it needs to go in the future.

    • Information Security Program Gap Analysis Tool

    5. Information Security Strategy Communication Deck – A best-of-breed presentation document to build a clear, concise, and compelling strategy document.

    Use this communication deck template to present the results of the security strategy to stakeholders, demonstrate the progression from the current state to the future state, and establish the roadmap of the security initiatives that will be implemented. This information security communication deck will help ensure that you’re communicating effectively for your cause.

    • Information Security Strategy Communication Deck

    6. Information Security Charter – An essential document for defining the scope and purpose of a security project or program.

    A charter is an essential document for defining the scope and purpose of security. Without a charter to control and set clear objectives for this committee, the responsibility of security governance initiatives will likely be undefined within the enterprise, preventing the security governance program from operating efficiently. This template can act as the foundation for a security charter to provide guidance to the governance of information security.

    • Information Security Charter

    Workshop: Build an Information Security Strategy

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Assess Security Requirements

    The Purpose

    Understand business and IT strategy and plans.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Defined security obligations, scope, and boundaries.


    1.1 Define business and compliance.

    1.2 Establish security program scope.

    1.3 Analyze the organization’s risk and stakeholder pressures.

    1.4 Identify the organizational risk tolerance level.


    Security obligations statement

    Security scope and boundaries statement

    Defined risk tolerance level

    Risk assessment and pressure analysis

    2 Perform a Gap Analysis

    The Purpose

    Define the information security target state.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Set goals and Initiatives for the security strategy in line with the business objectives.


    2.1 Assess current security capabilities.

    2.2 Identify security gaps.

    2.3 Build initiatives to bridge the gaps.


    Information security target state

    Security current state assessment

    Initiatives to address gaps

    3 Complete the Gap Analysis

    The Purpose

    Continue assessing current security capabilities.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Identification of security gaps and initiatives to bridge them according to the business goals.


    3.1 Identify security gaps.

    3.2 Build initiatives to bridge the maturity gaps.

    3.3 Identify initiative list and task list.

    3.4 Define criteria to be used to prioritize initiatives.


    Completed security current state assessment

    Task list to address gaps

    Initiative list to address gaps

    Prioritize criteria

    4 Develop the Roadmap

    The Purpose

    Create a plan for your security strategy going forward.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Set path forward to achieving the target state for the business through goal cascade and gap initiatives.


    4.1 Conduct cost/benefit analysis on initiatives.

    4.2 Prioritize gap initiatives based on cost and alignment with business.

    4.3 Build an effort list.

    4.4 Determine state times and accountability.

    4.5 Finalize security roadmap and action plan.

    4.6 Create communication plan.


    Information security roadmap

    Draft communication deck

    5 Communicate and Implement

    The Purpose

    Finalize deliverables.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Consolidate documentation into a finalized deliverable that can be used to present to executives and decision makers to achieve buy-in for the project.


    5.1 Support communication efforts.

    5.2 Identify resources in support of priority initiatives.


    Security strategy roadmap documentation

    Detailed cost and effort estimates

    Mapping of Info-Tech resources against individual initiatives

    Further reading

    Build an Information Security Strategy

    Create value by aligning your strategy to business goals and business risks.

    Analyst Perspective

    Set your security strategy up for success.

    “Today’s rapid pace of change in business innovation and digital transformation is a call to action to information security leaders.

    Too often, chief information security officers find their programs stuck in reactive mode, a result of years of mounting security technical debt. Shifting from a reactive to proactive stance has never been more important. Unfortunately, doing so remains a daunting task for many.

    While easy to develop, security plans premised on the need to blindly follow ‘best practices’ are unlikely to win over many stakeholders. To be truly successful, an information security strategy needs to be holistic, risk-aware, and business-aligned.”

    Kevin Peuhkurinen

    Research Director – Security, Risk & Compliance

    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive summary

    Your Challenge

    • Many security leaders struggle to decide how best to prioritize their scarce information security resources.
    • The need to move from a reactive approach to security toward a strategic planning approach is clear. The path to getting there is less clear.

    Common Obstacle

    • Developing a security strategy can be challenging. Complications include:
      • Performing an accurate assessment of your current security program can be extremely difficult when you don’t know what to assess or how.
      • Determining the appropriate target state for security can be even more challenging. A strategy built around following best practices is unlikely to garner significant support from business stakeholders.

    Info-Tech’s Approach

    • Info-Tech has developed a highly effective approach to building an information security strategy, an approach that has been successfully tested and refined for 7+ years with hundreds of organizations.
    • This unique approach includes tools for:
      • Ensuring alignment with business objectives.
      • Assessing organizational risk and stakeholder expectations.
      • Enabling a comprehensive current state assessment.
      • Prioritizing initiatives and building out a security roadmap.

    Info-Tech Insight

    The most successful information security strategies are:

    • Holistic. They consider the full spectrum of information security, including people, processes, and technologies.
    • Risk-Aware. They understand that security decisions should be made based on the security risks facing their organization, not just on best practice.
    • Business-Aligned. They demonstrate an understanding of the goals and strategies of the organization, and how the security program can support the business.

    It’s not a matter of if you have a security incident, but when

    Organizations need to prepare and expect the inevitable security breach.

    Fifty-eight percent of companies surveyed that experienced a breach were small businesses.

    Eighty-nine percent of breaches have a financial or espionage motive.

    Three graphs are depicted. The first is labeled ‘Total Cost for Three Data Breach Root Causes,’ the second ‘Distribution of Benchmark by Root Cause of the Data Breach,’ and the third ‘Per Capita for Three Root Causes of a Data Breach.’ The three root causes are malicious or criminal attack (US$166 million per capita), system glitch ($132 million per capita), and human error ($133 million per capita).

    Source: Ponemon Institute, “2019 Global Cost of Data Breach Study”

    An information security strategy can help you prepare for incidents

    Organizations need to expect the inevitable security breach.


    of businesses have experienced an external threat in the last year.


    of IT professionals consider security to be their number one priority.


    of organizations claimed to have experienced an insider attack in the previous 12 months. 1


    of businesses believe the frequency of attacks is increasing. 2

    Effective IT leaders approach their security strategy from an understanding that attacks on their organization will occur. Building a strategy around this assumption allows your security team to understand the gaps in your current approach and become proactive instead of being reactive.

    Sources: 1 Kaspersky Lab, “Global IT Security Risks Survey”; 2 CA Technologies, “Insider Threat 2018 Report”

    Persistent Issues

    Evolving Ransomware

    • Continual changes in types and platforms make ransomware a persistent threat. The frequency of ransomware attacks was reported to have increased by 67% in the past five years. 1

    Phishing Attacks

      • Despite filtering and awareness, email remains the most common threat vector for phishing attacks (94%) and an average of 3% of participants in phishing campaigns still click on them. 2

    Insider Privilege and Misuse

    • Typically, 34% of breaches are perpetrated by insiders, with 15% involving privilege misuse. Takeaway: Care less about titles and more about access levels. 3

    Denial of Service

    • The median amount of time that an organization is under attack from DDoS attack is three days.

    Emerging Trends

    Advanced Identity and Access Governance

    • Using emerging technologies in automation, orchestration, and machine learning, the management and governance of identities and access has become more advanced.

    Sources: 1 Accenture, “2019 The Cost of Cyber Crime Study”; 2,3 Verizon, “2019 Data Breach Investigations Report”

    New threat trends in information security aren’t new.

    Previously understood attacks are simply an evolution of prior implementations, not a revolution.

    Traditionally, most organizations are not doing a good-enough job with security fundamentals, which is why attackers have been able to use the same old tricks.

    However, information security has finally caught the attention of organizational leaders, presenting the opportunity to implement a comprehensive security program.

    Cyberattacks have a significant financial impact

    Global average cost of a data breach: $3.92 Million

    Source: Ponemon Institute, “2019 Cost of a Data Breach Study: Global Overview”

    A bar graph, titled ‘Average cost of data breach by industry,’ is depicted. Of 17 industries depicted, public is the lowest average cost (US$1.29 million) and health is the highest average cost ($6.45 million).

    Primary incident type (with a confirmed data breach)

    1. Leading incident type is Denial of Service attacks (DoS), taking up to 70% of all incidents.
    2. When it comes to data breaches, we see that the use of stolen credentials leads to the most cases of confirmed breaches, accounting for 29%.

    Personal records tend to be the most compromised data types, while databases tend to be the most frequently involved asset in breaches.

    Source: Verizon, “2019 Data Breach Investigations Report”

    Security threats are not going away

    We continue to see and hear of security breaches occurring regularly.

    A bar graph depicts the percentage of businesses who experienced a data breach in the last year–US total and global total. Numbers have increased from 2016 to 2019. In 2016, 19 percent of US businesses experienced a breach. In 2019, this number was 59 percent.

    An attacker must be successful only once. The defender – you – must be successful every time.

    Info-Tech’s approach

    Maturing from reactive to strategic information security

    Two circular graphs depict the move from ‘reactive security’ to ‘strategic security’ organizations can accomplish using Info-Tech’s approach.

    Tools icon that is used in the first three stages of the strategic security graph above. Indicates Info-Tech tools included in this blueprint.

    The Info-Tech difference:

    1. A proven, structured approach to mature your information security program from reactive to strategic.
    2. A comprehensive set of tools to take the pain out of each phase in the strategy building exercise.
    3. Visually appealing templates to communicate and socialize your security strategy and roadmap to your stakeholders.

    Info-Tech’s Security Strategy Model

    Info-Tech’s Security Strategy Model is depicted in this rectangular image with arrows. The first level depicts business context (enterprise goals, compliance obligations, scope and boundaries) and pressures (security risks, risk tolerance, stakeholder expectations). The second level depicts security target state (maturity model, security framework, security alignment goals, target maturity, time frame) and current state (current state assessment, gap analysis). The third level depicts the information security roadmap (initiative list, task list, prioritization methodology, and Gantt chart).

    The Info-Tech difference:

    An information security strategy model that is:

    1. Business-Aligned. Determines business context and cascades enterprise goals into security alignment goals.
    2. Risk-Aware. Understands the security risks of the business and how they intersect with the overall organizational risk tolerance.
    3. Holistic. Leverages a best-of-breed information security framework to provide comprehensive awareness of organizational security capabilities.

    Info-Tech’s best-of-breed security framework

    This image shows how Info-Tech’s framework is based on ISO 27000 series, CIS Top 20, COBIT 2019, NIST 800-53, and NIST CSF.

    Info-Tech’s approach

    Creating an information security strategy

    Value to the business


    Best-of-breed security strategy

    Have documentation that paints a picture of the road to compliance. Integrate your framework with your risk tolerance and external pressures.

    Be ready for future changes by aligning your security strategy to security framework best practices.

    Address the nature of your current information security

    Eliminate gaps in process and know what is in scope for your security strategy. Learn what pressures your business and industry are under.

    Gain insight into your current state, allowing you to focus on high-value projects first, transitioning towards a target state.

    Highlight overlooked functions of your current security strategy

    Build a comprehensive security program that brings to light all aspects of your security program.

    Instead of pursing ad hoc projects, know what needs work and how to prioritize your pressing security issues.

    Create a tangible roadmap to your target state

    Create a plan for your future state of information security. Refer to and update your target state as your business needs change.

    Document your current progress and path forward in the future. Know your goals and requirements, codified in a living document.

    Use our prepopulated deliverables to fast track your progress

    Let Info-Tech do the work for you. With completed deliverables, have tangible documents to convey your business needs.

    A comprehensive set of deliverables with concrete, defensible data to justify any business changes.

    A living security strategy

    Pivot and change prioritization to meet the needs of your security deficits.

    Future-proof your security strategy for any contingency.

    The Info-Tech difference:

    Evolve the security program to be more proactive by leveraging Info-Tech’s approach to building a security strategy.

    • Dive deep into security obligations and security pressures to define the business context.
    • Conduct a thorough current state and future state analysis that is aligned with a best-of-breed framework.
    • Prioritize gap-closing initiatives to create a living security strategy roadmap.

    Use Info-Tech’s blueprint to save one to three months

    This image depicts how using Info-Tech’s four-phase blueprint can save an estimated seven to 14 weeks of an organization’s time and effort.

    Iterative benefit

    Over time, experience incremental value from your initial security strategy. Through continual updates your strategy will evolve but with less associated effort, time, and costs.

    These estimates are based on experiences with Info-Tech clients throughout the creation of this blueprint.

    Key deliverable:

    Information Security Strategy Communication Deck (PPT)

    Present your findings in a prepopulated document that can summarizes all key findings of the blueprint.

    Screenshots from Info-Tech’s Information Security Strategy Communication Deck Template.

    Blueprint deliverables

    Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals:

    Information Security Requirements Gathering Tool

    Define the business, customer, and compliance alignment for your security program.

    Information Security Pressure Analysis Tool

    Determine your organization’s security pressures and ability to tolerate risk.

    Information Security Program Gap Analysis Tool

    Use our best-of-breed security framework to perform a gap analysis between your current and target states.

    Information Security Charter

    Ensure the development and management of your security policies meet the broader program vision.

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    “Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful.”

    Guided Implementation

    “Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track.”


    “We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place.”


    “Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project.”

    Diagnostic and consistent frameworks are used throughout all four options.

    Guided Implementation

    What does a typical Guided Implementation on this topic look like?

    Guided Implementation #1 - Assess security requirements
    • Call #1 - Introduce project and complete pressure analysis.
    Guided Implementation #2 - Build a gap initiative strategy
    • Call #1 - Introduce the maturity assessment.
    • Call #2 - Perform gap analysis and translate into initiatives.
    • Call #3 - Consolidate related gap initiatives and define, cost, effort, alignment, and security benefits.
    Guided Implementation #3 - Prioritize initiatives and build roadmap
    • Call #1 - Review cost/benefit analysis and build an effort map.
    • Call #2 - Build implementation waves and introduce Gantt chart.
    Guided Implementation #4 - Execute and maintain
    • Call #1 - Review Gantt chart and ensure budget/buy-in support.
    • Call #2 - Three-month check-in: Execute and maintain.

    A Guided Implementation is series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    A typical Guided Implementation is between 2-12 calls over the course of 4 to 6 months.

    Workshop Overview

    Contact your account representative for more information, or contact or 1-888-670-8889.

    Day 1

    Day 2

    Day 3

    Day 4

    Day 5


    Assess Security Requirements

    Perform a Gap Analysis

    Complete the Gap Analysis

    Develop Roadmap

    Communicate and Implement

    1.1 Understand business and IT strategy and plans

    1.2 Define business and compliance requirements

    1.3 Establish the security program scope

    1.4 Analyze the organization’s risks and stakeholder pressures

    1.5 Identify the organizational risk tolerance level

    2.1 Define the information security target state

    2.2 Assess current security capabilities

    2.3 Identify security gaps

    2.4 Build initiatives to bridge the gaps

    3.1 Continue assessing current security capabilities

    3.2 Identify security gaps

    3.3 Build initiatives to bridge the maturity gaps

    3.4 Identify initiative list and task list

    3.5 Define criteria to be used to prioritize initiatives

    4.1 Conduct cost/benefit analysis on initiatives

    4.2 Prioritize gap initiatives based on cost, time, and alignment with the business

    4.3 Build effort map

    4.4 Determine start times and accountability

    4.5 Finalize security roadmap and action plan

    4.6 Create communication plan

    5.1 Finalize deliverables

    5.2 Support communication efforts

    5.3 Identify resources in support of priority initiatives


    1.Security obligations statement

    2.Security scope and boundaries statement

    3.Defined risk tolerance level

    4.Risk assessment and pressure analysis

    1.Information security target state

    2.Security current state assessment

    3.Initiatives to address gaps

    1.Completed security current state assessment

    2.Task list to address gaps address gaps

    4.Prioritization criteria

    1.Information security roadmap

    2.Draft communication deck

    1.Security strategy roadmap documentation

    2.Detailed cost and effort estimates

    3.Mapping of Info-Tech resources against individual initiatives

    Executive Brief Case Study

    Credit Service Company

    Industry: Financial Services

    Source: Info-Tech Research group

    Founded over 100 years ago, Credit Service Company (CSC)* operates in the United States with over 40 branches located across four states. The organization services over 50,000 clients.


    Increased regulations, changes in technology, and a growing number of public security incidents had caught the attention of the organization’s leadership. Despite awareness, an IT and security strategy had not been previously created. Management was determined to create a direction for the security team that aligned with their core mission of providing exceptional service and expertise.


    During the workshop, the IT team and Info-Tech analysts worked together to understand the organization’s ideal state in various areas of information security. Having a concise understanding of requirements was a stepping stone to beginning to develop CSC’s prioritized strategy.


    Over the course of the week, the team created a document that concisely prioritized upcoming projects and associated costs and benefits. On the final day of the workshop, the team effectively presented the value of the newly developed security strategy to senior management and received buy-in for the upcoming project.

    *Some details have been changed for client privacy.

    Phase 1

    Assess Security Requirements

      Phase 1

    • 1.1 Define goals & scope
    • 1.2 Assess risks
    • 1.3 Determine pressures
    • 1.4 Determine risk tolerance
    • 1.5 Establish target state

      Phase 2

    • 2.1 Review Info-Tech’s security framework
    • 2.2 Assess your current state
    • 2.3 Identify gap closure actions

      Phase 3

    • 3.1 Define tasks & initiatives
    • 3.2 Perform cost/benefit analysis
    • 3.3 Prioritize initiatives
    • 3.4 Build roadmap

      Phase 4

    • 4.1 Build communication deck
    • 4.2 Develop a security charter
    • 4.3 Execute on your roadmap

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    1.1 Define goals and scope of the security strategy.

    1.2 Assess your organization’s current inherent security risks.

    1.3 Determine your organization’s stakeholder pressures for security.

    1.4 Determine your organization’s risk tolerance.

    1.5 Establish your security target state.

    1.1.1 Record your business goals

    Once you have identified your primary and secondary business goals, as well as the corresponding security alignment goals, record them in the Information Security Requirements Gathering Tool. The tool provides an activity status that will let you know if any parts of the tool have not been completed.

    1. Record your identified primary and secondary business goals in the Goals Cascade tab of the Information Security Requirements Gathering Tool.

    Use the drop-down lists to select an appropriate goal or choose “Other.” If you do choose “Other,” you will need to manually enter an appropriate business goal.

    2. For each of your business goals, select one to two security alignment goals. The tool will provide you with recommendations, but you can override these by selecting a different goal from the drop-down lists.

    A screenshot of the ‘Business Goals Cascade,’ which is part of the ‘Information Security Requirements Gathering Tool.’

    A common challenge for security leaders is how to express their initiatives in terms that are meaningful to business executives. This exercise helps to make an explicit link between what the business cares about and what security is trying to accomplish.

    1.1.2 Review your goals cascade

    Estimated Time: 15 minutes

    1. When you have completed the goals cascade, you can review a graphic diagram that illustrates your goals. The graphic is found on the Results tab of the Information Security Requirements Gathering Tool.
      • Security must support the primary business objectives. A strong security program will enable the business to compete in new and creative ways, rather than simply acting as an obstacle.
      • Failure to meet business obligations can result in operational problems, impacting the organization’s ability to function and the organization’s bottom line.
    2. Once you have reviewed the diagram, copy it into the Information Security Strategy Communication Deck.

    A screenshot of the ‘Goal Cascade Diagrams,’ which is part of the ‘Information Security Requirements Gathering Tool.’

    Identify your compliance obligations

    Most conventional regulatory obligations are legally mandated legislation or compliance obligations, such as:

    Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)

    Applies to public companies that have registered equity or debt securities within the SEC to guarantee data integrity against financial fraud.

    Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)

    Applies to any organization that processes, transmits, or stores credit card information to ensure cardholder data is protected.

    Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

    Applies to the healthcare sector and protects the privacy of individually identifiable healthcare information.

    Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH)

    Applies to the healthcare sector and widens the scope of privacy and security protections available under HIPAA.

    Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)

    Applies to private sector organizations that collect personal information in Canada to ensure the protection of personal information in the course of commercial business.

    Compliance obligations also extend to voluntary security frameworks:


    National Institute of Standards and Technology; a non-regulatory agency that develops and publicizes measurement

    CIS – 20 CSC

    Center for Internet Security – 20 Critical Security Controls; foundational set of effective cybersecurity practices.

    ISO 27001

    An information security management system framework outlining policies and procedures.

    COBIT 5

    An information technology and management and governance framework.


    A common security framework for organizations that use or hold regulated personal health information.

    1.1.3 Record your compliance obligations

    Estimated Time: 30 minutes

    1. Identify your compliance obligations. Most organizations have compliance obligations that must be adhered to. These can include both mandatory and voluntary obligations. Mandatory obligations include:
      • Laws
      • Government regulations
      • Industry standards
      • Contractual agreements
      Voluntary obligations include standards that the organization has chosen to follow for best practices and any obligations that are required to maintain certifications. Organizations will have many different compliance obligations. For the purposes of your security strategy, include only those that have information security or privacy requirements.
    2. Record your compliance obligations, along with any notes, in your copy of the Information Security Requirements Gathering Tool.

    A screenshot of ‘Security Compliance Obligations,’ part of the ‘Information Security Requirements Gathering Tool.’

    Establish your scope and boundaries

    It is important to know at the outset of the strategy: what are we trying to secure?

    This includes physical areas we are responsible for, types of data we care about, and departments or IT systems we are responsible for.

    This also includes what is not in scope. For some outsourced services or locations, you may not be responsible for their security. In some business departments, you may not have control of security processes. Ensure that it is made explicit at the outset what will be included and what will be excluded from security considerations.

    Physical Scope and Boundaries

    • How many offices and locations does your organization have?
    • Which locations/offices will be covered by your information security management system (ISMS)?
    • How sensitive is the data residing at each location?
    • You may have many physical locations, and it is not necessary to list every one. Rather, list exceptional cases that are specifically in or out of scope.

    IT Systems Scope and Boundaries

    • There may be hundreds of applications that are run and maintained in your organization. Some of these may be legacy applications. Does your ISMS need to secure all your programs or a select few?
    • Is the system owned or outsourced?
    • Where are we accountable for security?
    • How sensitive is the data that each system handles?

    Organizational Scope and Boundaries

    • Will your ISMS cover all departments within your organization? For example, do certain departments (e.g. Operations) not need any security coverage?
    • Do you have the ability to make security decisions for each department?
    • Who are the key stakeholders/data owners for each department?

    Organizational scope considerations

    Many different groups will fall within the purview of the security strategy. Consider these two main points when deciding which departments will be in scope:

    1. If a group/user has access to data or systems that can impact the organization, then securing that group/user should be included within scope of the security strategy.
    2. If your organization provides some work direction to a group/user, they should be included within scope of the security strategy.
    1. Identify your departments and business groups
      • Start by identifying departments that provide some essential input or service to the organization or departments that interact with sensitive data.
    2. Break out different subsidiaries or divisions
      • Subsidiaries may or may not be responsible for securing themselves and protecting their data, but either way they are often heavily reliant on corporate for guidance and share IT resourcing support.
    3. Identify user groups
      • Many user groups exist, all requiring different levels of security. For example, from on-premises to remote access, from full-time employees to part-time or contractors.

    Physical scope considerations

    List physical locations by type


    The primary location(s) where business operations are carried out. Usually leased or owned by the business.

    Regional Offices

    These are secondary offices that can be normal business offices or home offices. These locations will have a VPN connection and some sort of tenant.


    These are redundant data center sites set up for additional space, equipment, and bandwidth.

    Remote Access

    This includes all remaining instances of employees or contractors using a VPN to connect.

    Clients and Vendors

    Various vendors and clients have dedicated VPN connections that will have some control over infrastructure (whether owed/laaS/other).

    List physical locations by nature of the location

    Core areas within physical scope

    These are many physical locations that are directly managed. These are high-risk locations with many personal and services, resulting in many possible vulnerabilities and attack vectors.

    Locations on the edge of control

    These are on the edge of the physical scope, and thus, in scope of the security strategy. These include remote locations, remote access connections, etc.

    Third-party connections

    Networks of third-party users are within physical scope and need defined security requirements and definitions of how this varies per user.


    Mostly privately owned mobile devices with either on-network or remote access.

    It would be overkill and unhelpful to list every single location or device that is in scope. Rather, list by broad categories as suggested above or simply list exceptional cases that are in/out of scope.

    IT systems scope considerations

    Consider identifying your IT systems by your level of control or ownership.

    Fully owned systems

    These are systems that are wholly owned or managed by your organization.

    IT is almost always the admin of these systems. Generally they are hosted on premises. All securitization through methods such as patching or antivirus is done and managed by your IT department.

    Cloud/remote hosted (SaaS)

    These are systems with a lot of uncertainties because the vendor or service provided is either not known or what they are doing for security is not fully known.

    These systems need to be secured regardless, but supplier and vendor relationship management becomes a major component of how to manage these systems. Often, each system has varying levels of risk based on vendor practices.

    Hybrid owned (IaaS/PaaS)

    You likely have a good understanding of control for these systems, but they may not be fully managed by you (i.e. ownership of the infrastructure). These systems are often hosted by third parties that do some level of admin work.

    A main concern is the unclear definition of responsibility in maintaining these systems. These are managed to some degree by third parties; it is challenging for your security program to perform the full gamut of security or administrative functions.

    Unknown/unowned systems

    There are often systems that are unowned and even unknown and that very few people are using. These apps can be very small and my not fall under your IT management system framework. These systems create huge levels of risk due to limited visibility.

    For example, unapproved (shadow IT) file sharing or cloud storage applications would be unknown and unowned.

    1.1.4 Record your scope and boundaries

    Estimated Time: 30-60 minutes

    1. Divide into groups and give each group member a handful of sticky notes. Ask them to write down as many items as possible for the organization that could fall under one of the scope buckets.
    2. Collect each group’s responses and discuss the sticky notes and the rationale for including them. Discuss your security-related locations, data, people, and technologies, and define their scope and boundaries.
      • Careful attention should be paid to any elements of the strategy that are not in scope.
    3. Discuss and aggregate all responses as to what will be in scope of the security strategy and what will not be. Record these in the Information Security Requirements Gathering Tool.

    A screenshot of ‘Scope and Boundaries,’ part of the ‘Information Security Requirements Gathering Tool.’

    1.2 Conduct a risk assessment

    Estimated Time: 1-3 hours

    1. As a group, review the questions on the Risk Assessment tab of the Information Security Pressure Analysis Tool.
    2. Gather the required information from subject matter experts on the following risk elements:
      • Threats
      • Assets
      • Vulnerabilities (people, systems, supply chain)
      • Historical security incidents


    • List of organizational assets
    • Historical data on information security incidents


    • Completed risk assessment


    • Information Security Pressure Analysis Tool


    • Security Team
    • IT Leadership
    • Risk Management

    Download the Information Security Pressure Analysis Tool

    1.2.1 Complete the risk assessment questionnaire

    Estimated Time: 60-90 minutes

    1. Review each question in the questionnaire and provide the most appropriate response using the drop-down list.
      • If you are unsure of the answer, consult with subject matter experts to obtain the required data.
      • Otherwise, provide your best estimation
    2. When providing responses for the historical incident questions, only count incidents that had a sizeable impact on the business.

    A screenshot of the ‘Organizational Security Risk Assessment,’ part of the ‘Information Security Pressure Analysis Tool.’

    Info-Tech Insight

    Understanding your organization’s security risks is critical to identifying the most appropriate level of investment into your security program. Organizations with more security risks will need more a mature security program to mitigate those risks.

    1.2.2 Review the results of the risk assessment

    Estimated Time: 30 minutes

    1. Once you have completed the risk assessment, you can review the output on the Results tab.
    2. If required, the weightings of each of the risk elements can be customized on the Weightings tab.
    3. Once you have reviewed the results, copy your risk assessment diagram into the Information Security Strategy Communication Deck.

    A screenshot showing sample results of the ‘Organizational Risk Assessment,’ part of the ‘Information Security Pressure Analysis Tool.’

    It is important to remember that the assessment measures inherent risk, meaning the risk that exists prior to the implementation of security controls. Your security controls will be assessed later as part of the gap analysis.

    1.3 Conduct pressure analysis

    Estimated Time: 1-2 hours

    1. As a group, review the questions on the Pressure Analysis tab of the Information Security Pressure Analysis Tool.
    2. Gather the required information from subject matter experts on the following pressure elements:
      • Compliance and oversight
      • Customer expectations
      • Business expectations
      • IT expectations


    • Information on various pressure elements within the organization


    • Completed pressure analysis


    • Information Security Pressure Analysis Tool


    • Security Team
    • IT Leadership
    • Business Leaders
    • Compliance

    Download the Information Security Pressure Analysis Tool

    Risk tolerance considerations

    At this point, we want to frame risk tolerance in terms of business impact. Meaning, what kinds of impacts to the business would we be able to tolerate and how often? This will empower future risk decisions by allowing the impact of a potential event to be assessed, then compared against the formalized tolerance. We will consider impact from three perspectives:


    Functional Impact

    The disruption or degradation of business/organizational processes.


    Informational Impact

    The breach of confidentiality, privacy, or integrity of data/information.


    Recoverability Impact

    The disruption or degradation of the ability to return to conditions prior to a security incident.

    Consider these questions:

    Questions to ask


    Is there a hard-dollar impact from downtime?

    This refers to when revenue or profits are directly impacted by a business disruption. For example, when an online ordering system is compromised and shut down, it affects sales, and therefore, revenue.

    Is regulatory compliance a factor?

    Depending on the circumstances of the vulnerabilities, it can be a violation of compliance obligations that would cause significant fines.

    Are any critical services dependent on this asset?

    Functional dependencies are sometimes not obvious, and assets that appear marginal can have huge impacts on critical services.

    Is there a health or safety risk?

    Some operations are critical to health and safety. For example, medical organizations have operations that are necessary to ensure uninterrupted critical health services. An exploited vulnerability that impacts these operations can have life and death consequences.


    It is crucial to keep in mind that you care about a risk scenario impact to the main business processes.

    For example, imagine a complete functional loss of the corporate printers. For most businesses, even the most catastrophic loss of printer function will have a small impact on their ability to carry out the main business functions.

    On the flip side, even a small interruption to email or servers could have a large functional impact on business processes.

    Risk tolerance descriptions


    • Organizations with high risk tolerances are often found in industries with limited security risk, such as Construction, Agriculture and Fishing, or Mining.
    • A high risk tolerance may be appropriate for organizations that do not rely on highly sensitive data, have limited compliance obligations, and where their customers do not demand strong security controls. Organizations that are highly focused on innovation and rapid growth may also tend towards a higher risk tolerance.
    • However, many organizations adopt a high risk tolerance by default simply because they have not adequately assessed their risks.


    • Organizations with medium risk tolerances are often found in industries with moderate levels of security risk, such as Local Government, Education, or Retail and Wholesale
    • A medium risk tolerance may be appropriate for organizations that store and process some sensitive data, have a modest number of compliance obligations, and where customer expectations for security tend to be implicit rather than explicit.


    • Organizations with low risk tolerances are often found in industries with elevated security risk, such as Financial Services, Federal Governments, or Defense Contractors.
    • A low risk tolerance may be appropriate for organizations that store very sensitive data, process high-value financial transactions, are highly regulated, and where customers demand strong security controls.
    • Some organizations claim to have a low risk tolerance, but in practice will often allow business units or IT to accept more security risk than would otherwise be permissible. A strong information security program will be required to manage risks to an acceptable level.

    1.4.1 Complete the risk tolerance questionnaire

    Estimated Time: 30-60 minutes

    1. In a group discussion, review the low-, medium-, and high-impact scenarios and examples for each impact category. Ensure that everyone has a consistent understanding of the scenarios.
    2. For each impact type, use the frequency drop-down list to identify the maximum frequency that the organization could tolerate for the event scenarios, considering:
      • The current frequency with which the scenarios are occurring in your organization may be a good indication of your tolerance. However, keep in mind that you may be able to tolerate these incidents happening more frequently than they do.
      • Hoping is not the same as tolerating. While everyone hopes that high-impact incidents never occur, carefully consider whether you could tolerate them occurring more frequently.

    A screenshot showing the ‘Organizational Security Risk Tolerance Assessment,’ part of the ‘Information Security Pressure Analysis Tool.’

    1.4.2 Review the results of the risk tolerance analysis

    Estimated Time: 30 minutes

    1. Once you have completed the risk tolerance exercise, you can review the output on the Results tab.
    2. If required, the weightings of each of the impact types can be customized on the Weightings tab.
    3. Once you have reviewed the results, copy your risk tolerance diagram into the Information Security Strategy Communication Deck.

    A screenshot showing the results of the 'Information Security Risk Tolerance Assessment,' part of the ‘Information Security Pressure Analysis Tool.’

    A low risk tolerance will require a stronger information security program to ensure that operational security risk in the organization is minimized. If this tool reports that your risk tolerance is low, it is recommended that you review the results with your senior stakeholders to ensure agreement and support for the security program.

    1.5 Establish your target state

    Estimated Time: 30-60 minutes

    1. As a group, review the overall results of the requirements gathering exercise:
      • Business goals cascade
      • Compliance obligations
      • Scope
    2. Review the overall results of the risk assessment, pressure analysis, and risk tolerance exercises.
    3. Conduct a group discussion to arrive at a consensus of what the ideal target state for the information security program should look like.
      • Developing mission and vision statements for security may be useful for focusing the group.
      • This discussion should also consider the desired time frame for achieving the target state.

    Download the Information Security Pressure Analysis Tool


    • Information security requirements (goals cascade, compliance obligations, scope)
    • Risk assessment
    • Pressure analysis
    • Risk tolerance


    • Completed information security target state



    • Security Team
    • IT Leadership
    • Risk Management
    • Business Leaders
    • Compliance

    Understanding security target states

    Maturity models are very effective for determining information security target states. This table provides general descriptions for each maturity level. As a group, consider which description most accurately reflects the ideal target state for information security in your organization.

    1. AD HOC

      Initial/Ad hoc security programs are reactive. Lacking strategic vision, these programs are less effective and less responsive to the needs of the business.

      Developing security programs can be effective at what they do but are not holistic. Governance is largely absent. These programs tend to rely on the talents of individuals rather than a cohesive plan.
    3. DEFINED

      A defined security program is holistic, documented, and proactive. At least some governance is in place, however, metrics are often rudimentary and operational in nature. These programs still often rely on best practices rather than strong risk management.
    4. MANAGED

      Managed security programs have robust governance and metrics processes. Management and board-level metrics for the overall program are produced. These are reviewed by business leaders and drive security decisions. More mature risk management practices take the place of best practices.

      An optimized security program is based on strong risk management practices, including the production of key risk indicators (KRIs). Individual security services are optimized using key performance indicators (KPIs) that continually measure service effectiveness and efficiency.

    1.5.1 Review the results of the target state recommendation

    Estimated Time: 30-60 minutes

    1. Based upon your risk assessment, pressure analysis, and risk tolerance, the Information Security Pressure Analysis Tool will provide a recommended information security target state.
    2. With your group, review the recommendation against your expectations.
    3. If required, the weightings of each of the factors can be customized on the Weightings tab.
    4. Once you have reviewed the results, copy your target state diagram into the Information Security Strategy Communication Deck.

    A screenshot showing the results of the ‘Information Security Target State,’ part of the ‘Information Security Pressure Analysis Tool.’

    Info-Tech Insight

    Higher target states require more investment to attain. It is critical to ensure that all key stakeholders agree on the security target state. If you set a target state that aims too high, you may struggle to gain support and funding for the strategy. Taking this opportunity to ensure alignment from the start will pay off dividends in future.

    1.5.2 Review and adjust risk and pressure weightings

    Estimated Time: 30 minutes

    1. If the results of your risk assessment, pressure analysis, risk tolerance, or target state do not match your expectations, you may need to review and adjust the weightings for the elements within one or more of these areas.
    2. On the Weightings tab, review each of the strategic categories and adjust the weights as required.
      • Each domain is weighted to contribute to your overall pressure score based on the perceived importance of the domain to the organization.
      • The sum of all weights for each category must add up to 100%.

    A screenshot showing the results of the weightings given to each factor in a category, part of the ‘Information Security Pressure Analysis Tool.’

    Case Study

    Credit Service Company

    Industry: Financial Services

    Source: Info-Tech Research group

    Below are some of the primary requirements that influenced CSC’s initial strategy development.

    External Pressure

    Pressure Level: High

    • Highly regulated industries, such as Finance, experience high external pressure.
    • Security pressure was anticipated to increase over the following three years due to an increase in customer requirement.


    Regulatory: Numerous regulations and compliance requirements as a financial institution (PCI, FFIEC guidance).

    Customer: Implicitly assumes personal, financial, and health information will be kept secure.

    Risk Tolerance

    Tolerance Level: Low

    1. Management: Are risk averse and have high visibility into information security.
    2. Multiple locations controlled by a central IT department decreased the organization’s risk tolerance.

    Summary of Security Requirements

    Define and implement dynamic information security program that understands and addresses the business’ inherent pressure, requirements (business, regulatory, and customer), and risk tolerance.

    Phase 2

    Build a Gap Initiative Strategy

      Phase 1

    • 1.1 Define goals & scope
    • 1.2 Assess risks
    • 1.3 Determine pressures
    • 1.4 Determine risk tolerance
    • 1.5 Establish target state

      Phase 2

    • 2.1 Review Info-Tech’s security framework
    • 2.2 Assess your current state
    • 2.3 Identify gap closure actions

      Phase 3

    • 3.1 Define tasks & initiatives
    • 3.2 Perform cost/benefit analysis
    • 3.3 Prioritize initiatives
    • 3.4 Build roadmap

      Phase 4

    • 4.1 Build communication deck
    • 4.2 Develop a security charter
    • 4.3 Execute on your roadmap

      This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • 2.1 Review Info-Tech’s framework.
    • 2.2 Assess your current state of security against your target state.
    • 2.3 Identify actions required to close gaps.

    2.1 Review the Info-Tech framework

    Estimated Time: 30-60 minutes

    1. As a group, have the security team review the security framework within the Information Security Gap Analysis Tool.
    2. Customize the tool as required using the instructions on the following slides.


    • Information security requirements
    • Security target state


    • Customized security framework


    • Information Security Gap Analysis Tool


    • Security Team

    Download the Information Security Gap Analysis Tool

    Understand the Info-Tech framework

    Info-Tech’s security framework uses a best-of-breed approach to leverage and align with most major security standards, including:

    • ISO 27001/27002
    • COBIT
    • Center for Internet Security (CIS) Critical Controls
    • NIST Cybersecurity Framework
    • NIST SP 800-53
    • NIST SP 800-171

    A diagram depicting Info-Tech’s best-of-breed security framework.

    A best-of-breed approach ensures holistic coverage of your information security program while refraining from locking you in to a specific compliance standard.

    2.1.1 Configure the Information Security Gap Analysis Tool

    Estimated Time: 30 minutes

    Review the Setup tab of the Information Security Gap Analysis Tool. This tab contains several configurable settings that should be customized to your organization. For now, the three settings you will need to modify are:

    • The security target state. Enter the target state from your Information Security Pressure Analysis Tool. If you do not enter a target state, the tool will default to a target of 3 (Defined).
    • Your Security Alignment Goals (from your Information Security Requirements Gathering Tool).
    • The starting year for your security roadmap.

    A screenshot showing the ‘Setup’ tab of the ‘Information Security Gap Analysis Tool.’

    2.2 Assess current state of security

    Estimated Time: 8-16 hours

    1. Using the Information Security Gap Analysis Tool, review each of the controls in the Gap Analysis tab.
    2. Follow the instructions on the next slides to complete your current state and target state assessment.
    3. For most organizations, multiple internal subject matter experts will need to be consulted to complete the assessment.


    • Security target state
    • Information on current state of security controls, including sources such as audit findings, vulnerability and penetration test results, and risk registers


    • Gap analysis


    • Information Security Gap Analysis Tool


    • Security Team
    • Subject Matter Experts From IT, HR, Legal, Facilities, Compliance, Audit, Risk Management

    Download the Information Security Gap Analysis Tool

    Example maturity levels

    To help determine appropriate current and target maturity levels, refer to the example below for the control “Email communication is filtered for spam and potential malicious communications.”

    AD HOC 01

    There is no centrally managed spam filter. Spam may be filtered by endpoint email clients.


    There is a secure email gateway. However, the processes for managing it are not documented. Administrator roles are not well defined. Minimal fine-tuning is performed, and only basic features are in use.

    DEFINED 03

    There is a policy and documented process for email security. Roles are assigned and administrators have adequate technical training. Most of the features of the solution are being used. Rudimentary reports are generated, and some fine-tuning is performed.

    MANAGED 04

    Metrics are produced to measure the effectiveness of the email security service. Advanced technical features of the solution have been implemented and are regularly fine-tuned based on the metrics.


    There is a dedicated email security administrator with advanced technical training. Custom filters are developed to further enhance security, based on relevant cyber threat intelligence. Email security metrics feed key risk indicators that are reported to senior management.

    2.2.1 Conduct current state assessment

    Estimated Time: 8-16 hours

    1. Carefully review each of the controls in the Gap Analysis tab. For each control, indicate the current maturity level using the drop-down list.
      • You should only use “N/A” if you are confident that the control is not required in your organization.
      • For example, if your organization does not perform any software development then you can select “N/A” for any controls related to secure coding practices.
    2. Provide comments to describe your current state. This step is optional but recommended as it may be important to record this information for future reference.
    3. Select the target maturity for the control. The tool will default to the target state for your security program, but this can be overridden using the drop-down list.

    2.2.1 Conduct current state assessment

    Estimated Time: 8-16 hours

    1. Carefully review each of the controls in the Gap Analysis tab. For each control, indicate the current maturity level using the drop-down list.
      • You should only use “N/A” if you are confident that the control is not required in your organization. For example, if your organization does not perform any software development then you can select “N/A” for any controls related to secure coding practices.
    2. Provide comments to describe your current state. This step is optional but recommended as it may be important to record this information for future reference.
    3. Select the target maturity for the control. The tool will default to the target state for your security program, but this can be overridden using the drop-down list.

    A screenshot showing the 'Gap Analysis' tab of the 'Information Security Gap Analysis Tool.'

    Review the Gap Analysis Dashboard

    Use the Gap Assessment Dashboard to map your progress. As you fill out the Gap Analysis Tool, check with the Dashboard to see the difference between your current and target state.

    Use the color-coded legend to see how large the gap between your current and target state is. The legend can be customized further if desired.

    Security domains that appear white have not yet been assessed or are rated as “N/A.”

    2.2.3 Identify actions required to close gaps

    Estimated Time: 4-8 hours

    1. Using the Information Security Gap Analysis Tool, review each of the controls in the Gap Analysis tab.
    2. Follow the instructions on the next slides to identify gap closure actions for each control that requires improvement.
    3. For most organizations, multiple internal subject matter experts will need to be consulted to complete the assessment.


    • Security control gap information


    • Gap closure action list


    • Information Security Gap Analysis Tool


    • Security Team
    • Subject Matter Experts From IT, HR, Legal, Facilities, Compliance, Audit, Risk Management

    Download the Information Security Gap Analysis Tool

    2.3.1 Identify gap closure actions

    Estimated Time: 4-8 hours

    1. For each of the controls where there is a gap between the current and target state, a gap closure action should be identified:
      • Review the example actions and copy one or more of them if appropriate. Otherwise, enter your own gap closure action.
    2. Identify whether the action should be managed as a task or as an initiative. Most actions should be categorized as an initiative. However, it may be more appropriate to categorize them as a task when:
      1. They have no costs associated with them
      2. They require a low amount of initial effort to implement and no ongoing effort to maintain
      3. They can be accomplished independently of other tasks

    A screenshot showing gap closure actions, part of the 'Gap Analysis' tab of the 'Information Security Gap Analysis Tool.'

    Considerations for gap closure actions

    • In small groups, have participants ask, “what would we have to do to achieve the target state?” Document these in the Gap Closure Actions column.
    • The example gap closure actions may be appropriate for your organization, but do not simply copy them without considering whether they are right for you.
    • Not all gaps will require their own action. You can enter one action that may address multiple gaps.
    • If you find that many of your actions are along the lines of “investigate and make recommendations,” you should consider using the estimated gap closure percentage column to track the fact that these gaps will not be fully closed by the actions.

    A screenshot showing considerations for gap closure actions, part of the 'Gap Analysis' tab of the 'Information Security Gap Analysis Tool.'

    2.3.2 Define gap closure action effectiveness

    Estimated Time: 1-2 hours

    For each of the gap closure actions, optionally enter an estimated gap closure percentage to indicate how effective the action will be in fully closing the gap.

    • For instance, an action to “investigate solutions and make recommendations” will not fully close the gap.
    • This is an optional step but will be helpful to understand how much progress towards your security target state you will make based on your roadmap.
    • If you do not fill in this column, the tool will assume that your actions will fully close all gaps.

    A screenshot showing considerations for estimated gap closure percentage, part of the 'Gap Analysis' tab of the 'Information Security Gap Analysis Tool.'

    Completing this step will populate the “Security Roadmap Progression” diagram in the Results tab, which will provide a graphic illustration of how close to your target state you will get based upon the roadmap.

    Phase 3

    Prioritize Initiatives and Build Roadmap

    Phase 1

    • 1.1 Define goals & scope
    • 1.2 Assess risks
    • 1.3 Determine pressures
    • 1.4 Determine risk tolerance
    • 1.5 Establish target state

    Phase 2

    • 2.1 Review Info-Tech’s security framework
    • 2.2 Assess your current state
    • 2.3 Identify gap closure actions

    Phase 3

    • 3.1 Define tasks & initiatives
    • 3.2 Perform cost/benefit analysis
    • 3.3 Prioritize initiatives
    • 3.4 Build roadmap

    Phase 4

    • 4.1 Build communication deck
    • 4.2 Develop a security charter
    • 4.3 Execute on your roadmap

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • 3.1 Define tasks and initiatives.
    • 3.2 Define cost, effort, alignment, and security benefit of each initiative.
    • 3.3 Prioritize initiatives.
    • 3.4 Build the prioritized security roadmap

    3.1 Define tasks and initiatives

    Estimated Time: 2-4 hours

    1. As a group, review the gap actions identified in the Gap Analysis tab.
    2. Using the instructions on the following slides, finalize your task list.
    3. Using the instructions on the following slides, review and consolidate your initiative list.


    • Gap analysis


    • List of tasks and initiatives


    • Information Security Gap Analysis Tool


    • Security Team
    • Subject Matter Experts From IT, HR, Legal, Facilities, Compliance, Audit, Risk Management
    • Project Management Office

    Download the Information Security Gap Analysis Tool

    3.1.1 Finalize your task list

    Estimated Time: 1-2 hours

    1. Obtain a list of all your task actions by filtering on the Action Type column in the Gap Analysis tab.
    2. Paste the list into the table on the Task List tab.
      • Use Paste Values to retain the table formatting
    3. Enter a task owner and due date for each task. Without accountability, it is too easy to fall into complacency and neglect these tasks.

    A screenshot showing the 'Task List' tab of the 'Information Security Gap Analysis Tool.'

    Info-Tech Insight

    Tasks are not meant to be managed to the same degree that initiatives will be. However, they are still important. It is recommended that you develop a process for tracking these tasks to completion.

    3.1.2 Consolidate your gap closure actions into initiatives

    Estimated Time: 2-3 hours

    1. Once you have finalized your task list, you will need to consolidate your list of initiative actions. Obtain a list of all your initiative actions by filtering on the Action Type column in the Gap Analysis tab.
    2. Create initiatives on the Initiative List tab. While creating initiatives, consider the following:
      • As much as possible, it is recommended that you consolidate multiple actions into a single initiative. Reducing the total number of initiatives will allow for more efficient management of the overall roadmap.
      • Start by identifying areas of commonality between gap closure actions, for instance:
        • Group all actions within a security domain into a single initiative.
        • Group together similar actions, such as all actions that require updating policies.
        • Consider combining actions that have inter-dependencies.
      • While it is recommended that you consolidate actions as much as possible, some actions should become initiatives on their own. This will be appropriate when:
        • The action is time sensitive and consolidating it with other actions will cause scheduling issues.
        • Actions that could otherwise be consolidated have different business sponsors or owners and need to be kept separate for funding or accountability reasons.
    3. Link the initiative actions on the Gap Analysis tab using the drop-down list in the Initiative Name column.

    Initiative consolidation example

    In the example below, we see three gap closure actions within the Security Culture and Awareness domain being consolidated into a single initiative “Develop security awareness program.”

    We can also see one gap closure action within the same domain being grouped with two actions from the Security Policies domain into another initiative “Update security policies.”

    Info-Tech Insight

    As you go through this exercise, you may find that some actions that you previously categorized as tasks could be consolidated into an initiative.

    A screenshot showing how six sample gap closure actions can be distilled into two gap closure initiatives. Part of the 'Information Security Gap Analysis Tool.'

    3.1.3 Finalize your initiative list

    Estimated Time: 30 minutes

    1. Review your final list of initiatives and make any required updates.
    2. Optionally, add a description or paste in a list of the individual gap closure actions that are associated with the initiative. This will make it easier to perform the cost and benefit analysis.
    3. Use the drop-down list to indicate which of the security alignment goals most appropriately reflects the objectives of the initiative. If you are unsure, use the legend next to the table to find the primary security domain associated with the initiative and then select the recommended security alignment goal.
      • This step is important to understand how the initiative supports the business goals identified earlier.

     A screenshot showing the primary security alignment goal, part of the 'Initiative List' tab of the 'Information Security Gap Analysis Tool.'

    3.2 Conduct cost/ benefit analysis

    Estimated Time: 1-2 hours

    1. As a group, define the criteria to be used to conduct the cost/benefit analysis, following the instructions on the next slide.
    2. Assign costing and benefits information for each initiative.
    3. Define dependencies or business impacts if they will help with prioritization.


    • Gap analysis
    • Initiative list


    • Completed cost/benefit analysis for initiative list


    • Information Security Gap Analysis Tool


    • Security Team
    • Subject Matter Experts From IT, HR, Legal, Facilities, Compliance, Audit, Risk Management
    • Project Management Office

    Download the Information Security Gap Analysis Tool

    3.2.1 Define costing criteria

    Estimated Time: 30 minutes

    1. On the Setup tab of the Information Security Gap Analysis Tool, enter high, medium, and low ranges for initial and ongoing costs and efforts.
      1. Initial costs are one-time, upfront capital investments (e.g. hardware and software costs, project-based consulting fees, training).
      2. Ongoing cost is any annually recurring operating expenses that are new budgetary costs (e.g. licensing, maintenance, subscription fees).
      3. Initial staffing in hours is total time in person hours required to complete a project. It is not total elapsed time but dedicated time. Consider time required to gather requirements and to design, test, and implement the solution.
      4. Ongoing staffing in FTEs is the ongoing average effort required to support that initiative after implementation.
    2. In addition to ranges, provide an average for each. These will be used to calculate estimated total costs for the roadmap.

    A screenshot showing the initiative costs for estimation, part of the 'Setup' tab of the 'Information Security Gap Analysis Tool.' The range of costs is labeled with an arrow with number 1 on it, and the average cost per initiative is labeled with an arrow with number 2 on it.

    Make sure that your ranges allow for differentiation between initiatives to enable prioritization. For instance, if you set your ranges too low, all your initiatives will be assessed as high cost, providing no help when you must prioritize them.

    3.2.2 Define benefits criteria

    Estimated Time: 30 minutes

    1. On the Setup tab of the Information Security Gap Analysis Tool, enter high, medium, and low values for the Alignment with Business Benefit.
      • This variable is meant to capture how well each initiative aligns with organizational goals and objectives.
      • By default, this benefit is linked directly to business goals through the primary and secondary security alignment goals. This allows the tool to automatically calculate the benefit based on the security alignment goals associated with each initiative.
      • If you change these values, you may need to override the calculated values in the prioritization tab.
    2. Enter a high, medium, and low value for the Security Benefit.
      • This variable is meant to capture the relative security benefit or risk reduction being provided by the gap initiative.
      • By default, this benefit is linked to security risk reduction.

    A screenshot showing the initiative benefits for estimation, part of the 'Setup' tab of the 'Information Security Gap Analysis Tool.'

    Some organizations prefer to use the “Security Benefit” criteria to demonstrate how well each initiative supports specific compliance goals.

    3.2.3 Complete the cost/benefit analysis

    Estimated Time: 1-2 hours

    1. On the Prioritization tab, use the drop-down lists to enter the estimated costs and efforts for each initiative, using the criteria defined earlier.
      • If you have actual costs available, you can optionally enter them under the Detailed Cost Estimates columns.
    2. Enter the estimated benefits, also using the criteria defined earlier.
      • The Alignment with Business benefit will be automatically populated, but you can override this value using the drop-down list if desired.

    A screenshot showing the estimated cost, estimated effort, and estimated benefits section, part of the 'Prioritization' tab of the 'Information Security Gap Analysis Tool.' Estimated cost and estimated effort are labeled with an arrow with number 1 on it, and estimated benefits is labeled with an arrow with a number 2 on it.

    3.2.4 Optionally enter detailed cost estimates

    Estimated Time: 30 minutes

    1. For each initiative, the tool will automatically populate the Detailed Cost Estimates and Detailed Staffing Estimates columns using the averages that you provided in steps 3.2.1 and 3.2.2. However, if you have more detailed data about the costs and effort requirements for an initiative, you can override the calculated data by manually entering it into these columns. For example:
      • You are planning to subscribe to a security awareness vendor, and you have a quote from them specifying that the initial cost will be $75,000.
      • You have defined your “Medium” cost range as being “$10-100K”, so you select medium as your initial cost for this initiative in step 3.2.3. As you defined the average for medium costs as being $50,000, this is what the tool will put into the detailed cost estimate.
      • You can override this average by entering $75,000 as the initial cost in the detailed cost estimate column.

    A screenshot showing the detailed cost estimates and detailed staffing estimates columns, part of the 'Prioritization' tab of the 'Information Security Gap Analysis Tool.' These columns are labeled with an arrow with a number 1 on it.

    Case Study

    Credit Service Company

    Industry: Financial Services

    Source: Info-Tech Research Group

    A chart titled 'Framework Components,' displaying how the Credit Service Company profiled in the case study performed a current state assessment, created gap initiatives, and prioritized gap initiatives.

    3.3 Prioritize initiatives

    Estimated Time: 2-3 hours

    1. As a group, review the results of the cost/benefit analysis. Optionally, complete the Other Considerations columns in the Prioritization tab:
      • Dependencies can refer to other initiatives on the list or any other dependency that relates to activities or projects within the organization.
      • Business impacts can be helpful to document as they may require additional planning and communication that could impact initiative timelines.
    2. Follow step 3.3.1 to create an effort map with the results of the cost/benefit analysis.
    3. Follow step 3.3.2 to assign initiatives into execution waves.


    • Gap analysis
    • Initiative list
    • Cost/benefit analysis


    • Prioritized list of initiatives


    • Information Security Gap Analysis Tool
    • Whiteboard


    • Security Team
    • IT Leadership
    • Project Management Office

    Download the Information Security Gap Analysis Tool

    3.3.1 Create effort map

    Estimated Time: 30 minutes

    1. On a whiteboard, draw the quadrant diagram shown.
    2. Create sticky notes for each initiative on your initiative list.
    3. For each initiative, use the “Cost/Effort Rating” and the “Benefit Rating” calculated on the Prioritization tab to place the corresponding sticky note onto the diagram.

    An effort map is a tool used for the visualization of a cost/benefit analysis. It is a quadrant output that visually shows how your gap initiatives were prioritized. In this example, the initiative “Update Security Policies” was assessed as low cost/effort (3) and high benefit (10).

    An image showing how 'update security policies,' as ranked on a cost/effort and benefit quadrant, translates to a cost/effort and benefit rating on the 'Prioritization' tab of the 'Information Security Gap Analysis Tool.'

    3.3.2 Assign initiatives to execution waves

    Estimated Time: 60 minutes

    1. Using sticky flip chart sheets, create four sheets and label them according to the four execution waves:
      • MUST DO – These are initiatives that need to get moving right away. They may be quick wins, items with critical importance, or foundational projects upon which many other initiatives depend.
      • SHOULD DO – These are important initiatives that need to get done but cannot launch immediately due to budget constraints, dependencies, or business impacts that require preparation.
      • COULD DO – Initiatives that have merit but are not a priority.
      • WON’T DO – Initiatives where the costs outweigh the benefits.
    2. Using the further instructions on the following slides, move the initiative sticky notes from your effort map into the waves.

    Considerations for prioritization

    • Starting from the top right of the effort map, begin pulling stickies off and putting them in the appropriate roadmap category.
    • Keep dependencies in mind. If an important initiative depends on a low-priority one being completed first, then pull dependent initiatives up the list.
    • It may be helpful to think of each wave as representing a specific time frame (e.g. wave 1 = first year of your roadmap, wave 2 = year two, wave 3 = year three).

    Info-Tech Insight

    Use an iterative approach. Most organizations tend to put too many initiatives into wave 1. Be realistic about what you can accomplish and take several passes at the exercise to achieve a balance.

    An image showing how to map the sticky notes from a sample exercise, as placed on a cost/effort and benefit quadrant, into waves.

    3.3.3 Finalize prioritization

    Estimated Time: 30 minutes

    1. Once you have completed placing your initiative sticky notes into the waves, update the Prioritization tab with the Roadmap Wave column.
    2. Optionally, use the Roadmap Sub-Wave column to prioritize initiatives within a single wave.
      • This will allow you more granular control over the final prioritization, especially where dependencies require extra granularity.

    Any initiatives that are currently in progress should be assigned to Wave 0.

    An image showing the roadmap wave and roadmap sub-wave sections, part of the 'Prioritization' tab of the 'Information Security Gap Analysis Tool.' Roadmap wave is labeled with an arrow with a number 1 on it, and roadmap sub-wave is labeled with an arrow with a number 2 on it.

    3.4 Build roadmap

    Estimated Time: 1-3 hours

    1. As a group, follow step 3.4.1 to create your roadmap by scheduling initiatives into the Gantt chart within the Information Security Gap Analysis Tool.
    2. Review the roadmap for resourcing conflicts and adjust as required.
    3. Review the final cost and effort estimates for the roadmap.


    • Gap analysis
    • Cost/benefit analysis
    • Prioritized initiative list
    • (Optional) List of other non-security IT and business projects


    • Security strategic roadmap


    • Information Security Gap Analysis Tool


    • Security Team
    • IT Leadership
    • Project Management Office

    Download the Information Security Gap Analysis Tool

    3.4.1 Schedule initiatives using the Gantt chart

    Estimated Time: 1-2 Hours

    1. On the Gantt Chart tab for each initiative, enter an owner (the individual who will be primarily responsible for execution).
    2. Additionally, enter a start month and year for the initiative and the expected duration in months.
      • You can filter the Wave column to only see specific waves at any one time to assist with the scheduling.
      • You do not need to schedule Wave 4 initiatives as the expectation is that these initiatives will not be done.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Use the Owner column to help identify resourcing constraints. If a single individual is responsible for many different initiatives that are planned to start at the same time, consider staggering those initiatives.

    An image showing the owner and planned start sections, part of the 'Security Roadmap Gantt Chart' tab of the 'Information Security Gap Analysis Tool.' The owner column is labeled with an arrow with a 1 on it, and the planned start column is labeled with an arrow with a 2 on it.

    3.4.2 Review your roadmap

    Estimated Time: 30-60 minutes

    1. When you have completed the Gantt chart, as a group review the overall roadmap to ensure that it is reasonable for your organization. Consider the following:
      • Do you have other IT or business projects planned during this time frame that may impact your resourcing or scheduling?
      • Does your organization have regular change freezes throughout the year that will impact the schedule?
      • Do you have over-subscribed resources? You can filter the list on the Owner column to identify potential over-subscription of resources.
      • Have you considered any long vacations, sabbaticals, parental leaves, or other planned longer-term absences?
      • Are your initiatives adequately aligned to your budget cycle? For instance, if you have an initiative that is expected to make recommendations for capital expenditure, it must be completed prior to budget planning.

    A screenshot image showing parts of the 'Security Roadmap Gantt Chart' tab with sample data in it. Taken from the 'Information Security Gap Analysis Tool.'

    3.4.3 Review your expected roadmap progression

    Estimated Time: 30 minutes

    1. If you complete the optional exercise of filling in the Estimated Gap Closure Percentage column on the Gap Analysis tab, the tool will generate a diagram showing how close to your target state you can expect to get based on the tasks and initiatives in your roadmap. You can review this diagram on the Results tab.
      • Remember that this Expected Maturity at End of Roadmap score assumes that you will complete all tasks and initiatives (including all Wave 4 initiatives).
    2. Copy the diagram into the Information Security Strategy Communication Deck.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Often, internal stakeholders will ask the question “If we do everything on this roadmap, will we be at our target state?” This diagram will help answer that question.

    A screenshot image showing the 'Expected Security Roadmap Progression' with sample data in it. Part of the 'Results' tab of the 'Information Security Gap Analysis Tool.'

    3.4.4 Review your cost/effort estimates table

    Estimated Time: 30 minutes

    1. Once you have completed your roadmap, review the total cost/effort estimates. This can be found in a table on the Results tab. This table will provide initial and ongoing costs and staffing requirements for each wave. This also includes the total three-year investment. In your review consider:
      • Is this investment realistic? Will completion of your roadmap require adding more staff or funding than you otherwise expected?
      • If the investment seems unrealistic, you may need to revisit some of your assumptions, potentially reducing target levels or increasing the amount of time to complete the strategy.
      • This table provides you with the information to have important conversations with management and stakeholders
    2. When you have completed your review, copy the table into the Information Security Strategy Communication Deck.

    A screenshot image showing the 'Information Security Roadmap Cost/Effort Estimates,' part of the 'Results' tab of the 'Information Security Gap Analysis Tool.'

    Phase 4

    Execute and Maintain

    Phase 1

    • 1.1 Define goals & scope
    • 1.2 Assess risks
    • 1.3 Determine pressures
    • 1.4 Determine risk tolerance
    • 1.5 Establish target state

    Phase 2

    • 2.1 Review Info-Tech’s security framework
    • 2.2 Assess your current state
    • 2.3 Identify gap closure actions

    Phase 3

    • 3.1 Define tasks & initiatives
    • 3.2 Perform cost/benefit analysis
    • 3.3 Prioritize initiatives
    • 3.4 Build roadmap

    Phase 4

    • 4.1 Build communication deck
    • 4.2 Develop a security charter
    • 4.3 Execute on your roadmap

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • 4.1 Build your security strategy communication deck.
    • 4.2 Develop a security charter.
    • 4.3 Execute on your roadmap.

    4.1 Build your communication deck

    Estimated Time: 1-3 hours

    1. As a group, review the Information Security Strategy Communication Deck.
    2. Follow the instructions within the template and on the next few slides to customize the template with the results of your strategic roadmap planning.


    • Completed Security Requirements Gathering Tool
    • Completed Security Pressure Analysis Tool
    • Completed Security Gap Analysis Tool


    • Information Security Strategy Communication Deck


    • Information Security Strategy Communication Deck


    • Security Team
    • IT Leadership

    Download the Information Security Gap Analysis Tool

    4.1.1 Customize the Communication Deck

    Estimated Time: 1-2 hours

    1. When reviewing the Information Security Strategy Communication Deck, you will find slides that contain instructions within green text boxes. Follow the instructions within the boxes, then delete the boxes.
      • Most slides only require that you copy and paste screenshots or tables from your tools into the slides.
      • However, some slides require that you customize or add text explanations that need to reflect your unique organization.
      • It is recommended that you pay attention to the Next Steps slide at the end of the deck. This will likely have a large impact on your audience.
    2. Once you have customized the existing slides, you may wish to add additional slides. For instance, you may wish to add more context to the risk assessment or pressure analysis diagrams or provide details on high-priority initiatives.

    An image showing the 'Business Goals Cascade,' part of the 'Information Security Strategy Communication Deck.' A green box on top of the screenshot instructs you to 'Paste your goals cascade from the Information Security Requirements Gathering Tool here.'

    Consider developing multiple versions of the deck for different audiences. Senior management may only want an executive summary, whereas the CIO may be more interested in the methodology used to develop the strategy.

    Communication considerations

    Developing an information security strategy is only half the job. For the strategy to be successful, you will need to garner support from key internal stakeholders. These may include the CIO, senior executives, and business leaders. Without their support, your strategy may never get the traction it needs. When building your communication deck and planning to present to these stakeholders, consider the following:

    • Gaining support from stakeholders requires understanding their needs. Before presenting to a new audience, carefully consider their priorities and tailor your presentation to address them.
    • Use the communication deck to clarify the business context and how your initiatives that will support business goals.
    • When presenting to senior stakeholders, anticipate what questions they might ask and be sure to prepare answers in advance. Always be prepared to speak to any data point within the deck.
    • If you are going to present your strategy to a group and you anticipate that one or more members of that group may be antagonistic, seek out an opportunity to speak to them before the meeting and address their concerns one on one.

    If you have already fully engaged your key stakeholders through the requirements gathering exercises, presenting the strategy will be significantly easier. The stakeholders will have already bought in to the business goals, allowing you to show how the security strategy supports those goals.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Reinforce the concept that a security strategy is an effort to enable the organization to achieve its core mission and goals and to protect the business only to the degree that the business demands. It is important that stakeholders understand this point.

    4.2 Develop a security charter

    Estimated Time: 1-3 hours

    1. As a group, review the Information Security Charter.
    2. Customize the template as required to reflect your information security program. It may include elements such as:
      • A mission and vision statement for information security in your organization
      • The objectives and scope of the security program
      • A description of the security principles upon which your program is built
      • High-level roles and responsibilities for information security within the organization


    • Completed Security Requirements Gathering Tool
    • Completed Security Pressure Analysis Tool
    • Completed Security Gap Analysis Tool


    • Information security charter


    • Information Security Charter


    • Security Team

    Download the Information Security Gap Analysis Tool

    4.2.1 Customize the Information Security Charter

    Estimated Time: 1-3 hours

    1. Involve the stakeholders that were present during Phase 1 activities to allow you to build a charter that is truly reflective of your organization.
    2. The purpose of the security charter is too:
      • Establish a mandate for information security within the organization.
      • Communicate executive commitment to risk and information security management.
      • Outline high-level responsibilities for information security within the organization.
      • Establish awareness of information security within the organization.

    A screenshot of the introduction of the 'Information Security Charter' template.

    A security charter is a formalized and defined way to document the scope and purpose of your security program. It will define security governance and allow it to operate efficiently through your mission and vision.

    4.3 Execute on your roadmap

    1. Executing on your information security roadmap will require coordinated effort by multiple teams within your organization. To ensure success, consider the following recommendations:
      1. If you have a project management office, leverage them to help apply formal project management methodologies to your initiatives.
      2. Develop a process to track the tasks on your strategy task list. Because these will not be managed as formal initiatives, it will be easy to lose track of them.
      3. Develop a schedule for regular reporting of progress on the roadmap to senior management. This will help hold yourself and others accountable for moving the project forward.
    2. Plan to review and update the strategy and roadmap on a regular basis. You may need to add, change, or remove initiatives as priorities shift.


    • Completed Security Gap Analysis Tool


    • Execution of your strategy and roadmap


    • Information Security Gap Analysis Tool
    • Project management tools as required


    • Security Team
    • Project Management Office
    • IT and Corporate Teams, as required

    Info-Tech Insight

    Info-Tech has many resources that can help you quickly and effectively implement most of your initiatives. Talk to your account manager to learn more about how we can help your strategy succeed.

    Summary of Accomplishment

    Knowledge Gained

    • Knowledge of organizational pressures and the drivers behind them
    • Insight into stakeholder goals and obligations
    • A defined security risk tolerance information and baseline
    • Comprehensive knowledge of security current state and summary initiatives required to achieve security objectives

    Deliverables Completed

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through other phases as part of an Info-Tech workshop.

    Contact your account representative for more information.

    Additional Support

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through other phases as part of an Info-Tech workshop.

    To accelerate this project, engage your IT team in an Info-Tech workshop with an Info-Tech analyst team.

    Info-Tech analysts will join you and your team at your location or welcome you to Info-Tech’s historic Toronto office to participate in an innovative onsite workshop.

    The following are sample activities that will be conducted by Info-Tech analysts with your team:

    Information Security Program Gap Analysis Tool

    Use our best-of-breed security framework to perform a gap analysis between your current and target states.

    Information Security Requirements Gathering Tool

    Define the business, customer, and compliance alignment for your security program.

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Develop a Security Operations Strategy

    A unified security operations process actively transforms security events and threat information into actionable intelligence, driving security prevention, detection, analysis, and response processes, addressing the increasing sophistication of cyberthreats, and guiding continuous improvement.

    This blueprint will walk through the steps of developing a flexible and systematic security operations program relevant to your organization.

    Implement a Security Governance and Management Program

    Your security governance and management program needs to be aligned with business goals to be effective.

    This approach also helps to provide a starting point to develop a realistic governance and management program.

    This project will guide you through the process of implementing and monitoring a security governance and management program that prioritizes security while keeping costs to a minimum.

    Align Your Security Controls to Industry Frameworks for Compliance

    Don’t reinvent the wheel by reassessing your security program using a new framework.

    Instead, use the tools in this blueprint to align your current assessment outcomes to required standards.


    “2015 Cost of Data Breach Study: United States.” Sponsored by IBM. Ponemon Institute, May 2015. Web.

    “2016 Cost of Cyber Crime Study & the Risk of Business Innovation.” Ponemon Institute, Oct. 2016. Web. 25 Oct. 2016.

    “2016 Cost of Data Breach Study: Global Analysis.” Ponemon Institute, June 2016. Web. 26 Oct. 2016.

    “2016 Data Breach Investigations Report.” Verizon, 2016. Web. 25 Oct. 2016.

    “2016 NowSecure Mobile Security Report.” NowSecure, 2016. Web. 5 Nov. 2016.

    “2017 Cost of Cyber Crime Study.” Ponemon Institute, Oct. 2017. Web.

    “2018 Cost of Data Breach Study: Global Overview.” Ponemon Institute, July 2018. Web.

    “2018 Data Breach Investigations Report.” Verizon, 2018. Web. Oct. 2019.

    “2018 Global State of Information Security Survey.” CSO, 2017. Web.

    “2018 Thales Data Threat Report.” Thales eSecurity, 2018. Web.

    “2019 Data Breach Investigations Report.” Verizon, 2020. Web. Feb. 2020.

    “2019 Global Cost of a Data Breach Study.” Ponemon Institute, Feb. 2020. Web.

    “2019 The Cost of Cyber Crime Study.” Accenture, 2019. Web Jan 2020.

    “2020 Thales Data Threat Report Global Edition.” Thales eSecurity, 2020. Web. Mar. 2020.

    Ben Salem, Malek. “The Cyber Security Leap: From Laggard to Leader.” Accenture, 2015. Web. 20 Oct. 2016.

    “Cisco 2017 Annual Cybersecurity Report.” Cisco, Jan. 2017. Web. 3 Jan. 2017.

    “Cyber Attack – How Much Will You Lose?” Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Oct. 2016. Web. 3 Jan. 2017.

    “Cyber Crime – A Risk You Can Manage.” Hewlett Packard Enterprise, 2016. Web. 3 Jan. 2017.

    “Global IT Security Risks Survey.” Kaspersky Lab, 2015. Web. 20 October 2016.

    “How Much Is the Data on Your Mobile Device Worth?” Ponemon Institute, Jan. 2016. Web. 25 Oct. 2016.

    “Insider Threat 2018 Report.” CA Technologies, 2018. Web.

    “Kaspersky Lab Announces the First 2016 Consumer Cybersecurity Index.” Press Release. Kaspersky Lab, 8 Sept. 2016. Web. 3 Jan. 2017.

    “Kaspersky Lab Survey Reveals: Cyberattacks Now Cost Large Businesses an Average of $861,000.” Press Release. Kaspersky Lab, 13 Sept. 2016. Web. 20 Oct. 2016.

    “Kaspersky Security Bulletin 2016.” Kaspersky Lab, 2016. Web. 25 Oct. 2016.

    “Managing Cyber Risks in an Interconnected World: Key Findings From the Global State of Information Security Survey 2015.” PwC, 30 Sept. 2014. Web.

    “Measuring Financial Impact of IT Security on Business.” Kaspersky Lab, 2016. Web. 25 Oct. 2016.

    “Ponemon Institute Releases New Study on How Organizations Can Leapfrog to a Stronger Cyber Security Posture.” Ponemon Institute, 10 Apr. 2015. Web. 20 Oct. 2016.

    “Predictions for 2017: ‘Indicators of Compromise’ Are Dead.” Kaspersky Lab, 2016. Web. 4 Jan. 2017.

    “Take a Security Leap Forward.” Accenture, 2015. Web. 20 Oct. 2016.

    “Trends 2016: (In)security Everywhere.” ESET Research Laboratories, 2016. Web. 25 Oct. 2016.

    Research Contributors

    • Peter Clay, Zeneth Tech Partners, Principal
    • Ken Towne, Zeneth Tech Partners, Security Architect
    • Luciano Siqueria, Road Track, IT Security Manager
    • David Rahbany, The Hain Celestial Group, Director IT Infrastructure
    • Rick Vadgama, Cimpress, Head of Information Privacy and Security
    • Doug Salah, Wabtec Corp, Manager of Information Security and IT Audit
    • Peter Odegard, Children’s Hospitals and Clinics, Information Security Officer
    • Trevor Butler, City of Lethbridge, Information Technology General Manager
    • Shane Callahan, Tractor Supply, Director of Information Security
    • Jeff Zalusky, Chrysalis, President/CEO
    • Candy Alexander, Independent Consultant, Cybersecurity and Information Security Executive
    • Dan Humbert, YMCA of Central Florida, Director of Information Technology
    • Ron Kirkland, Crawford & Co, Manager ICT Security & Customer Service
    • Jason Bevis – FireEye, Senior Director Orchestration Product Management - Office of the CTO
    • Joan Middleton, Village of Mount Prospect, IT Director
    • Jim Burns, Great America Financial Services, Vice President Information Technology
    • Ryan Breed, Hudson’s Bay, Information Security Analyst
    • James Fielder, Farm Credit Services – Central Illinois, Vice President of Information Systems

    Right-Size the Service Desk for Small Enterprise

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}487|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Service Desk
    • Parent Category Link: /service-desk

    The service desk is a major function within IT. Small enterprises with constrained resources need to look at designing a service desk that enables consistency in supporting the business and finds the right balance of documentation.

    Determining the right level of documentation to provide backup and getting the right level of data for good reporting may seem like a waste of time when the team is small, but this is key to knowing when to invest in more people, upgraded technology, and whether your efforts to improve service are successful.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    It’s easy to lose sight of the client experience when working as a small team supporting a variety of end users. Changing from a help desk to a service desk requires a focus on what it means to be a customer centric service desk and a change to the way the technicians think about providing support.

    • Make the best use of the team. Clearly define roles and responsibilities and monitor those wearing multiple hats to make sure they don’t burn out.
    • Build cross training and documentation into your culture to preserve service levels while giving team members time off to recharge.
    • Don’t discount the benefit of good tools. As volume increases, so does the likelihood of issues and requests getting missed. Look for tools that will help to keep a customer focus.

    Impact and Result

    • Improved workload distribution for technicians and enable prioritization based on work type, urgency, and impact.
    • Improved communications methods and messaging will help the technicians to set expectations appropriately and reduce friction between each other and their supported end users.
    • Best practices and use of industry standard tools will reduce administrative overhead while improving workload management.

    Right-Size the Service Desk for Small Enterprise Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Right-Size the Service Desk for Small Enterprise Storyboard – A step-by-step guide to help you identify and prioritize initiatives to become more customer centric.

    This blueprint provides a framework to quickly identify a plan for service desk improvements. It also provides references to build out additional skills and functionality as a continual improvement initiative.

    • Right-Size the Service Desk for Small Enterprise Storyboard

    2. Maturity Assessment – An assessment to determine baseline maturity.

    The maturity assessment will provide a baseline and identify areas of focus based on level of current and target maturity.

    • IT Service Desk Maturity Assessment for Small Enterprise

    3. Standard Operating Procedure – A template to build out a clear, concise SOP right-sized for a small enterprise.

    The SOP provides an excellent guide to quickly inform new team members or contractors of your support approach.

    • Incident Management and Service Desk SOP for Small Enterprise

    4. Categorization Scheme – A template to build out an effective categorization scheme.

    The categorization scheme template provides examples of asset-based categories, resolution codes and status.

    • Service Desk Asset-Based Categories Template

    5. Improvement Plan – A template to present the improvement plan to stakeholders.

    This template provides a starting point for building your communications on planned improvements.

    • Service Desk Improvement Initiative

    Further reading

    Right-Size the Service Desk for Small Enterprise

    Turn your help desk into a customer-centric service desk.

    Analyst Perspective

    Small enterprises have many of the same issues as large ones, but with far fewer resources. Focus on the most important aspects to improve customer service.

    The service desk is a major function within IT. Small enterprises with constrained resources need to look at designing a service desk that enables consistency in supporting the business and finds the right balance of documentation.

    Evaluate documentation to ensure there is always redundancy built in to cover absences. Determining coverage will be an important factor, especially if vendors will be brought into the organization to assist during shortages. They will not have the same level of knowledge as teammates and may have different requirements for documentation.

    It is important to be customer centric, thinking about how services are delivered and communicated with a focus on providing self-serve at the appropriate level for your users and determining what information the business needs for expectation-setting and service level agreements, as well as communications on incidents and changes.

    And finally, don’t discount the value of good reporting. There are many reasons to document issues besides just knowing the volume of workload and may become more important as the organization evolves or grows. Stakeholder reporting, regulatory reporting, trend spotting, and staff increases are all good reasons to ensure minimum documentation standards are defined and in use.

    Photo of Sandi Conrad, Principal Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group. Sandi Conrad
    Principal Research Director
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Table of Contents

    Title Page Title Page
    Blueprint benefits 6 Incident management 25
    Start / Stop / Continue exercise 10 Prioritization scheme 27
    Complete a maturity assessment 11 Define SLAs 29
    Select an ITSM tool 13 Communications 30
    Define roles & responsibilities 15 Reporting 32
    Queue management 17 What can you do to improve? 33
    Ticket handling best practices 18 Staffing 34
    Customer satisfaction surveys 19 Knowledge base & self-serve 35
    Categorization 20 Customer service 36
    Separate ticket types 22 Ticket analysis 37
    Service requests 23 Problem management 38
    Roadmap 39

    Insight summary

    Help desk to service desk

    It’s easy to lose sight of the client experience when working as a small team supporting a variety of end users. Changing from a help desk to a service desk requires a focus on what it means to be a customer-centric service desk and a change to the way the technicians think about providing support.

    Make the best use of the team

    • Clearly define primary roles and responsibilities, and identify when and where escalations should occur.
    • Divide the work in a way that makes the most sense based on intake patterns and categories of incidents or service requests.
    • Recognize who is wearing multiple hats, and monitor to make sure they don’t burn out or struggle to keep up.
    • Determine the most appropriate areas to outsource based on work type and skills required.

    Build cross-training into your culture

    • Primary role holders need time off and need to know the day-to-day work won’t be waiting for them when they come back.
    • The knowledge base is your first line of defense to make sure incidents don’t have to wait for resolution and to avoid having technicians remote in on their day off.
    • When volumes spike for incidents and service requests, everyone needs to be prepared to pitch in. Train the team to recognize and step up to the call to action.

    Don’t discount the benefit of good tools

    • When volume increases, so does the likelihood of missing issues and requests.
    • Designate a single solution to manage the workload, so there is one place to go for work orders, incident reporting, asset data, and more.
    • Set up self-serve for users so they have access to how-to articles and can check the status of tickets themselves.
    • Create a service catalog to make it easy for them to request the most frequent items easily.

    Blueprint deliverables

    Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals:

    Standard Operating Procedures

    Sample of the Standard Operating Procedures deliverable.

    Maturity Assessment

    Sample of the Maturity Assessment deliverable.

    Categorization scheme

    Sample of the Categorization scheme deliverable.

    Improvement Initiative

    Sample of the Improvement Initiative deliverable.
    Create a standard operating procedure to ensure the support team has a consistent understanding of how they need to engage with the business.

    Blueprint benefits

    IT benefits

    • Improve workload distribution for technicians and enable prioritization based on work type, urgency, and impact.
    • Improved communications methods and messaging will help the technicians set expectations appropriately and reduce friction between each other and their supported end users.
    • Best practices and use of industry-standard tools will reduce administrative overhead while improving workload management.

    Business benefits

    • IT taking a customer-centric approach will improve access to support and reduce interruptions to the way they do business.
    • Expectation setting and improved communications will allow the business to better plan their work around new requests and will have a better understanding of service level agreements.

    Guided Implementation

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    A typical GI is six to ten calls over the course of three to four months.

    The current state discussion will determine the path.

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    Current State & Vision

    Best Practices

    Service Requests & Incidents


    Next Steps & Roadmap

    Call #1: Discuss current state & create a vision

    Call #2: Document roles & responsibilities

    Call #3:Review and define best practices for ticket handling Call #4: Review categorization

    Call #5: Discuss service requests & self-serve

    Call #6: Assess incident management processes
    Call #7: Assess and document reporting and metrics

    Call #8: Discuss communications methods

    Call #9: Review next steps

    Call #10: Build roadmap for updates

    For a workshop on this topic, see the blueprint Standardize the Service Desk

    Executive Brief Case Study

    Southwest CARE Center
    Logo for Southwest Care.

    Service Desk Project

    After relying on a managed service provider (MSP) for a number of years, the business hired Kevin to repatriate IT. As part of that mandate, his first strategic initiative was to build a service desk. SCC engaged Info-Tech Research Group to select and build a structure; assign roles and responsibilities; implement incident management, request fulfilment, and knowledge management processes; and integrate a recently purchased ITSM tool.

    Over the course of a four-day onsite engagement, SCC’s IT team worked with two Info-Tech analysts to create and document workflows, establish ticket handling guidelines, and review their technological requirements.


    The team developed a service desk standard operating procedure and an implementation roadmap with clear service level agreements.

    Southwest CARE Center (SCC) is a leading specialty healthcare provider in New Mexico. They offer a variety of high-quality services with a focus on compassionate, patient-centered healthcare.

    “Info-Tech helped me to successfully rebrand from an MSP help desk to an IT service desk. Sandi and Michel provided me with a customized service desk framework and SOP that quickly built trust within the organization. By not having to tweak and recalibrate my service desk processes through trial and error, I was able to save a year’s worth of work, resulting in cost savings of $30,000 to $40,000.” (Kevin Vigil, Director of Information Technology, Southwest CARE Center)

    The service desk is the cornerstone for customer satisfaction

    Bar charts comparing 'Dissatisfied' vs 'Satisfied End Users' in both 'Service Desk Effectiveness' and 'Timeliness'.
    N=63, small enterprise organizations from the End-User Satisfaction Diagnostic, at December 2021
    Dissatisfied was classified as those organizations with an average score less than 7.
    Satisfied was classified as those organizations with an average score greater or equal to 8.
    • End users who were satisfied with service desk effectiveness rated all other IT processes 36% higher than dissatisfied end users.
    • End users who were satisfied with service desk timeliness rated all other IT processes 34% higher than dissatisfied end-users.

    Improve the service desk with a Start, Stop, Continue assessment

    Use this exercise as an opportunity to discuss what’s working and what isn’t with your current help desk. Use this to define your goals for the improvement project, with a plan to return to the results and rerun the exercise on a regular basis.


    • What service desk processes are counterproductive?
    • What service blockers exist that consistently undermine good results?
    • Are end-user relationships with individual team members negatively impacting satisfaction?
    • Make notes on initial ideas for improvement.


    • What service process improvements could be implemented immediately?
    • What technical qualifications do individual staff members need to improve?
    • What opportunities exist to improve service desk communications with end users?
    • How can escalation and triage be more efficient?


    • What aspects of your current service desk are positive?
    • What processes are efficient and can be emulated elsewhere?
    • Where can you identify high levels of end-user satisfaction?

    Complete a maturity assessment to create a baseline and areas of focus

    The Service Desk Maturity Assessment tool helps organizations assess their service desk process maturity and focus the project on the activities that matter most.

    The tool will help guide improvement efforts and measure your progress.

    • The second tab of the tool walks through a qualitative assessment of your service desk practices. Questions will prompt you to evaluate how you are executing key activities. Select the answer in the drop-down menus that most closely aligns with your current state.
    • The third tab displays your rate of process completeness and maturity. You will receive a score for each phase, an overall score, and advice based on your performance.
    • Document the results of the efficiency assessment in the Service Desk Improvement Initiative.
    • The tool is intended for periodic use. Review your answers each year and devise initiatives to improve the process performance where you need it most.
    Sample of the Service Desk Maturity Assessment.

    Define your vision for the support structure

    Use this vision for communicating with the business and your IT team

    Consider service improvements and how those changes can be perceived by the organization. For example, offering multiple platforms, such as adding Macs to end-user devices, could translate to “Providing the right IT solutions for the way our employees want to work.”

    To support new platforms, you might need to look at the following steps to get there:
    • Evaluate skills needed – can you upskill generalists quickly, or will specialists be required? Determine training needs for support staff on new platforms.
    • Estimate uptake of the new platform and adjusting budgets – will these mostly be role-based decisions?
    • Determine what applications will work on the new platform and which will have a parity offering, which will require a solution like Parallels or VirtualBox, and which might need substitute applications.
    • What utilities will be needed to secure your solutions such as for encryption, antivirus, and firewalls?
    • What changes in the way you deploy and patch machines?
    • What level of support do you need to provide – just platform, or applications as well? What self-serve training can be made available?
    If you need to change the way you deploy equipment, you may want to review the blueprint Simplify Remote Deployment With Zero-Touch Provisioning

    Info-Tech Insight

    Identify some high-level opportunities and plan out how these changes will impact the way you provide support today. Document steps you’ll need to follow to make it happen. This may include new offerings and product sourcing, training, and research.

    Facilitate service desk operations with an ITSM tool

    You don’t need to spend a fortune. Many solutions are free or low-cost for a small number of users, and you don’t necessarily have to give up functionality to save money.

    Encourage users to submit requests through email or self-serve to keep organized. Ensure that reporting will provide you with the basics without effort, but ensure report creation is easy enough if you need to add more.

    Consider tools that do more than just store tickets. ITSM tools for small enterprises can also assist with:
    • Equipment and software license management
    • Self-serve for password reset and improving the experience for end users to submit tickets
    • Software deployment
    • Onboarding and offboarding workflows
    • Integration with monitoring tools
    Info-Tech Insight Buying rather than building allows you the greatest flexibility and can provide enterprise-level functionality at small-enterprise pricing. Use Info-Tech’s IT Service Management Selection Guide to create a business case and list of requirements for your ITSM purchase.
    Logo for Spiceworks.
    Logo for ZenDesk. Logo for SysAid.
    Logo for ManageEngine.
    Logo for Vector Networks.
    Logo for Freshworks.
    Logo for Squadcast.
    Logo for Jira Software.
    Logos contain links

    ITSM implementations are the perfect time to fix processes

    Consider engaging a partner for the installation and setup as they will have the expertise to troubleshoot and get you to value quickly.

    Even with a partner, don’t rely on them to set up categories, prioritizations, and workflows. If you have unique requirements, you will need to bring your design work to the table to avoid getting a “standard install” that will need to be modified later.

    When we look at what makes a strong and happy product launch, it boils down to a few key elements:
    • Improving customer service, or at least avoiding a decline
    • Improving access to information for technical team and end users
    • Successfully taking advantage of workflows, templates, and other features designed to improve the technician and user experience
    • Using existing processes with the new tools, without having to completely reengineer how things are done
    For a complete installation guide, visit the blueprint Build an ITSM Implementation Plan
    To prepare for a quick time to value in setting up the new ITSM tool, prioritize in this order:
    1. Categorization and status codes
    2. Prioritization
    3. Divide tickets into incidents and service requests
    4. Create workflows for onboarding and offboarding (automate where you can)
    5. Track escalations to vendors
    6. Reporting
    7. Self-serve
    8. Equipment inventory (leading to hardware asset management)

    Define roles looking to balance between customer service and getting things done

    The team will need to provide backfill for each other with high volume, vacations, and leave, but also need to proactively manage interruptions appropriately as they work on projects.
    Icon of a bullseye. First contact – customer service, general knowledge
    Answers phones, chats, responds to email, troubleshooting, creates knowledge articles for end users.
    Icon of a pie chart. Analyst – experienced troubleshooter, general knowledge
    Answers phone when FC isn’t available, responds to email, troubleshooting, creates knowledge articles for first contact, escalates to other technicians or vendors.
    Icon of a lightbulb. Analyst – experienced troubleshooter, specialist
    Answers phones only when necessary, troubleshooting, creates knowledge articles for anyone in IT, consults with peers, escalates to vendors.
    Icon of gear on a folder. Engineer – deep expertise, specialist
    Answers phones only when necessary, troubleshooting, creates knowledge articles for anyone in IT, consults with peers, escalates to vendors.
    Icon of a handshake. Vendor, Managed Service Providers
    Escalation point per contract terms, must meet SLAs, communicate regularly with analysts and management as appropriate. Who escalates and who manages them?
    Row of colorful people.

    Note roles in the Incident Management and Service Desk – Standard Operating Procedure Template

    Keep customers happy and technicians calm by properly managing your queue

    If ticket volume is too high or too dispersed to effectively have teams self-select tickets, assign a queue manager to review tickets throughout the day to ensure they’re assigned and on the technician’s schedule. This is particularly important for technicians who don’t regularly work out of the ticketing system. Follow up on approaching or missed SLAs.

    • Separate incidents (break fix) and service requests: Prioritize incidents over service requests to focus on getting users doing business as soon as possible. Schedule service requests for slower times or assign to technicians who are not working the front lines.
    • First in/first out…mostly: We typically look to prioritize incidents over service requests and only prioritize incidents if there are multiple people or VIPs affected. Where everything is equal, deal with the oldest first. Pause occasionally to deal with quick wins such as password resets.
    • Update ticket status and notes: Knowing what tickets are in progress and which ones are waiting on information or parts is important for anyone looking to pick up the next ticket. Make sure everyone is aware of the benefits of keeping this information up to date, so technicians know what to work on next without duplicating each other’s work.
    • Implement solutions quickly by using knowledge articles: Continue to build out the knowledge base to be able to resolve end-user issues quickly, check to see if additional information is needed before escalating tickets to other technicians.
    • Encourage end users to create tickets through the portal: Issues called in are automatically moved to the front of the queue, regardless of urgency. Make it easy for users to report issues using the portal and save the phone for urgent issues to allow appropriate prioritization of tickets.
    • Create a process to add additional resources on a regular basis to keep control of the backlog: A few extra hours once a week may be enough if the team is focused without interruptions.
    • Determine what backlog is acceptable to your users: Set that as a maximum time to resolve. Ideally, set up automated escalations for tickets that are approaching target SLAs, and build flexibility into schedules to have an “all hands on deck” option if the volume gets too high.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Make sure your queue manager has an accurate escalation list and has the authority to assign tickets and engage with the technical team to manage SLAs; otherwise, SLAs will never be consistently managed.

    Best practices for ticket handling

    Accurate data leads to good decisions. If working toward adding staff members, reducing recurring incidents, gaining access to better tools, or demonstrating value to the business, tickets will enable reporting and dashboards to manage your day-to-day business and provide reports to stakeholders.
    • Provide an easy way for end users to electronically submit tickets and encourage them to do so. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still accept phone calls, but that should be encouraged for time sensitive issues.
    • Create and update tickets, but not at the expense of good customer service. Agents can start the ticket but shouldn’t spend five minutes creating the ticket when they should be troubleshooting the problem.
    • Update the ticket when the issue is resolved or needs to be escalated. If agents are escalating, they should make sure all relevant information is passed along to the next technician.
    • Update user of ETA if issue cannot be resolved quickly.
    • Update categories to reflect the actual issue and resolution.
    • Reference or link to the knowledge base article as the documented steps taken to resolve the incident.
    • Validate incident is resolved with client. Automate this process with ticket closure after a certain time.
    • Close or resolve the ticket on time.
    Ticket templates (or quick tickets) for common incidents can lead to fast creation, data input, and categorizations. Templates can reduce the time it takes to create tickets from two minutes to 30 seconds.
    Sample ticket template.

    Create a right-sized self-service portal

    Review tickets and talk to the team to find out the most frequent requests and the most frequent incidents that could be solved by the end user if there were clear instructions. Check with your user community to see what they would like to see in the portal.

    A portal is only as attractive as it is useful. Enabling ticket creation and review is the bare minimum and may not entice users to the portal if email is just as easy to use for ticket creation.

    Consider opening the portal to groups other than IT. HR, finance, and others may have information they want to share or forms to fill in or download where an employee portal rather than an IT portal could be helpful. Work with other departments to see if they would find value. Make sure your solution is easy to use when adding content. Low-code options are useful for this.

    Portals could be built in the ITSM solution or SharePoint/Teams and should include:

    • Easy ways to create and see status on all tickets
    • Manuals, how-to articles, links to training
    • Answers to common questions, could be a wiki or Q&A for users to help each other as well as IT
    • Could have a chatbot to help people find documents or to create a ticket

    Info-Tech Insight

    Consider using video capture software to create short how-to videos for common questions. Vendors such as TechSmith Snagit , Vimeo Screen Recorder, Screencast-O-Matic Video Recording, and Movavi Screen Recording may be quick and easy to learn.


    49% of employees have trouble finding information at work


    Employees can cut time spent looking for information by 35% with quality intranet

    (Source: Liferay)

    Use customer satisfaction surveys to monitor service levels

    Transactional surveys are tied to specific interactions and provide a means of communication to help users communicate satisfaction or dissatisfaction with single interactions.
    • Keep it simple: One question to rate the service with opportunity to add a comment is enough to understand the sentiment and potential issues, and it will be more likely that the user will fill it out.
    • Follow up: Feedback will only be provided if customers think it’s being read and actioned. Set an alert to receive notification of any negative feedback and follow up within one or two business days to show you’re listening.

    A simple customer feedback form with smiley face scale.

    Relationship surveys can be run annually to obtain feedback on the overall customer experience.

    Inform yourself of how well you are doing or where you need improvement in the broad services provided.

    Provide a high-level perspective on the relationship between the business and IT.

    Help with strategic improvement decisions.

    Should be sent over a duration of time and to the entire customer base after they’ve had time to experience all the services provided by the service desk. This can be done on an annual basis.

    For example: Info-Tech’s End User Satisfaction Diagnostic. Included in your membership.

    Keep categorizations simple

    Asset categorization provides reports that are straightforward and useful for IT and that are typically used where the business isn’t demanding complex reports.

    Too many options can cause confusion; too few options provide little value. Try to avoid using “miscellaneous” – it’s not useful information. Test your tickets against your new scheme to make sure it works for you. Effective classification schemes are concise, easy to use correctly, and easy to maintain.

    Build out the categories with these questions:
    • What kind of asset am I working on? (type)
    • What general asset group am I working on? (category)
    • What particular asset am I working on? (sub-category)

    Create resolution codes to further modify the data for deeper reporting. This is typically a separate field, as you could use the same code for many categories. Keep it simple, but make sure it’s descriptive enough to understand the type of work happening in IT.

    Create and define simple status fields to quickly review tickets and know what needs to be actioned. Don’t stop the clock for any status changes unless you’re waiting on users. The elapsed time is important to measure from a customer satisfaction perspective.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Think about how you will use the data to determine which components need to be included in reports. If components won’t be used for reporting, routing, or warranty, reporting down to the component level adds little value.

    Example table of categorizations.

    Need to make quick progress? Use Info-Tech Research Group’s Service Desk Asset-Based Categories template.

    1.1 Build or review your categories

    1-3 hours

    Input: Existing tickets

    Output: Categorization scheme

    Materials: Whiteboard/Flip charts, Markers, Sample categorization scheme

    Participants: CIO, Service desk manager, Technicians


    • How can you use categories and resolution information to enhance reporting?
    • What level of detail do you need to be able to understand the data and take action? What level of detail is too much?
    • Are current status fields allowing you to accurately assess pending work at a glance?


    1. Start with existing categories and review, identifying duplicates and areas of inconsistency.
    2. Write out proposed resolution codes and status fields and critically assess their value.
    3. Test categories and resolution codes against a few recent tickets.
    4. Record the ticket categorization scheme in the Incident Management and Service Desk – Standard Operating Procedure.

    Download the Incident Management and Service Desk – Standard Operating Procedure Template

    Separate tickets into service requests and incidents

    Tickets should be separated into different ticket types to be able to see briefly what needs to be prioritized. This may seem like a non-issue if you have a small team, but if you ever need to report how quickly you’re solving break-fix issues or whether you’re doing root cause analysis, this will save on future efforts. Separating ticket types may make it easier to route tickets automatically or to a new provider in the future.



    Icon of a bullseye.


    Incidents will be prioritized based on urgency and impact to the organization. Service requests will be scheduled and only increase in prioritization if there is an issue with the request process (e.g. new hire start).
    Icon of a handshake.


    Did incidents get resolved according to prioritization rules? REPONSE & RESOLUTION Did service requests get completed on time? SCHEDULING & FULFILMENT
    Icon of a lightbulb.


    Incidents will typically need triage at the service desk unless something is set up to go directly to a specialist. Service requests don’t need triage and can be routed automatically for approvals and fulfillment.

    “For me, the first key question is, is this keeping you from doing business? Is this a service request? Is it actually something that's broken? Well, okay. Now let's have the conversation about what's broken and keeping you from doing business.” (Anonymous CIO)

    Determine how service requests will be fulfilled

    Process steps for service requests: 'Request, Approve, Schedule, Fulfill, Notify requester, Close ticket'.

    • Identify standard requests, meaning any product approved for use and deployment in the organization.
    • Determine whether this should be published and how. Consider a service catalog with the ability to create tickets right from the request page. If there is an opportunity to automate fulfillment, build that into your workflow and project plans.
    • Create workflows for complicated requests such as onboarding, and build them into a template in the service desk tool. This will allow you to reduce the administrative work to deploy tasks.
    • Who will fulfill requests? There may be a need for more than one technician to be able to fulfill if volume dictates, but it’s important to determine what will be done by each level to quickly assign those tickets for scheduling. Define what will be done by each group of technicians.
    • Determine reasonable SLAs for most service requests. Identify which ones will not meet “normal” SLAs. As you build out a service catalog or automate fulfillment, SLAs can be refined.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Service requests are not as urgent as incidents and should be scheduled.

    Set the SLA based on time to fulfill, plus a buffer to schedule around more urgent service requests.

    1.2 Identify service requests and routing needs

    2-3 hours

    Input: Ticket data, Existing workflow diagrams

    Output: Workflow diagrams

    Materials: Whiteboard/Flip charts, Markers, Visio

    Participants: CIO, Service desk manager, Technicians


    1. Create your list of typical service requests and identify the best person to fulfill, based on complexity, documentation, specialty, access rights.
    2. Review service requests which include multiple people or departments, such as onboarding and offboarding
    3. Draw existing processes.
    4. Discuss challenges and critique existing process.
    5. Document proposed changes and steps that will need to be taken to improve the process.

    Download the Incident Management and Service Desk – Standard Operating Procedure Template

    Incident management

    Critical incidents and normal incidents

    Even with a small team, it’s important to define a priority for response and resolution time for SLA and uptime reporting and extracting insights for continual improvement efforts.

    • Mission-critical systems or problems that affect many people should always come first (i.e. Severity Level 1).
    • The bulk of reported problems, however, are often individual problems with desktop PCs (i.e. Severity Level 3 or 4).
    • Some questions to consider when deciding on problem severity include:
      • How is productivity affected?
      • How many users are affected?
      • How many systems are affected?
      • How critical are the affected systems to the organization?
    • Decide how many severity levels the organization needs the service desk to have. Four levels of severity is ideal for most organizations.
    Go to incident management for SE

    Super-specialization of knowledge is also a common factor in smaller teams and is caused by complex architectures. While helpful, if that knowledge isn’t documented, it can walk out the door with the resource and the rest of the team is left scrambling.

    Lessons learned may be gathered for critical incidents but often are not propagated, which impacts the ability to solve recurring incidents.

    Over time, repeated incidents can have a negative impact on the customer’s perception that the service desk is a credible and essential service to the business.

    Cover image for 'Incident Management for Small Enterprise'.
    Click picture for a link to the blueprint

    1.3 Activity: Identify critical systems

    1 hour

    Input: Ticket data, Business continuity plan

    Output: Service desk SOP

    Materials: Whiteboard/Flip charts, Markers

    Participants: CIO, Service desk manager, Technicians

    Discuss and document:

    1. Create a list of the most critical systems, and identify and document the escalation path.
    2. Review inventory of support documents for critical systems and identify any that require runbooks to ensure quick resolution in the event of an outage or major performance issue. Refer to the blueprint Incident Management for Small Enterprise to prioritize and document runbooks as needed.
    3. Review vendor agreements to determine if SLAs are appropriate to support needs. If there is a need for adjustments, determine options for modifying or renegotiating SLAs.

    Download the Incident Runbook Prioritization Tool

    Prioritization scheme

    Keep the priority scheme simple and meaningful, using this framework to communicate and report to stakeholders and set SLAs for response and resolution.
    1. Focus primarily on incidents. Service requests should always be medium urgency, unless there is a valid reason to move one to high level.
    2. Separate major outages from all other tickets as these are a major factor in business impact.
    3. Decide how many levels of severity are appropriate for your organization.
    4. Build a prioritization matrix, breaking down priority levels by impact and urgency.
    5. Build out the definitions of “impact” and “urgency” to complete the prioritization matrix.
    6. Run through examples of each priority level to make sure everyone is on the same page.
    A matrix of prioritization with rows as levels of 'IMPACT' and columns as levels of 'URGENCY'. Ratings range from 'Critical' at 'Extensive/Critical' to 'Low' at 'Low Impact/Low'.

    Document escalation rules and contacts

    Depending on the size of the team, escalations may be mostly to internal technical colleagues or could be primarily to vendors.

    • Ensure the list of escalation rules and contacts is accurate and available, adding expected SLAs for quick reference
    • If tickets are being escalated but shouldn’t be, ensure knowledge articles and training materials are up to date
    • Follow up on all external escalations, ensuring SLAs are respected
    • Publish an escalation path for clients if service is not meeting their needs (for internal and external providers) and automate escalations for tickets breaching SLAs
    Escalation rules strung together.
    User doesn’t know who will fix the issue but expects to see it done in a reasonable time. If issue cannot be resolved right away, set expectations for resolution time.
    • Document information so next technician doesn’t need to ask the same questions.
    • Escalate to the right technician the first time.
    • Check notes to catch up on the issue.
    • Run tests if necessary.
    • Contact user to troubleshoot and fix.
    • Meet SLAs or update client on new ETA.
    • Provide complete information to vendor.
    • Monitor resolution.
    • Follow up with vendor if delays.
    • Update client as needed.
    • Vendor will provide support according to agreement.
    • Encourage vendor to provide regular updates to IT.
    • Review vendor performance regularly.
    • IT will validate issue is resolved and close ticket.
    Validate user is happy with the experience

    Define, measure, and report on service level agreements

    Improving communications is the most effective way to improve customer service
    1. Set goals for time to respond and time to resolve for different incident levels, communicate to the technical team, and test ability to meet these goals.
    2. Set goals for time to fulfil for most service requests, document exceptions (e.g. onboarding).
    3. Create reports to measure against goals and determine what information will be most effective for reporting to the business.
    4. Management: Communicate expectations to the business leaders and end users.
    5. Management: Set regular cadence to meet with stakeholders to discuss expectations and review relevant metrics.
    6. Management: Determine how metrics will be tracked and reviewed to manage technical partners.
    Keep messaging simple
    • Be prepared with detailed reporting if needed, but focus on a few key metrics to inform stakeholders of progress against goals.
    • Use trending to tell a story, especially when presenting success stories.
    • Use appropriate media for each type of message. For example: SLAs can be listed on automated ticket responses or in a banner on the portal.

    Determine what communications are most important and who will do them

    Icon of a bperson ascending a staircase.


    From: Service Desk

    Messaging provided by engineer or director, sent to all employees; proactive planning with business unit leaders.

    Icon of a bullseye.


    From: Service Desk

    Use templates to send out concise messaging and updates hourly, with input from technical team working on restoring services to all; director to liaise with business stakeholders.

    Icon of a lightbulb.


    From: Director

    Send announcements no more than monthly about new services and processes.

    Icon of a handshake.


    From: Director

    Monthly reporting to business and IT stakeholders on strategic and project goals, manage escalations.

    1.4 Create communications plan

    2 hours

    Input: Sample past communications

    Output: Communications templates

    Materials: Whiteboard/flip charts, Markers

    Participants: CIO, Service desk manager, Technicians

    Determine where templates are needed to ensure quick and consistent communications. Review sample templates and modify to suit your needs:

    1. Proactive, planned changes
    2. Outages and updates
    3. Updates to services, self-serve
    4. Regular stakeholder communications

    Download the communications templates

    Create reports that are useful and actionable

    Reporting serves two purposes:

    1. Accountability to stakeholders
    2. Identification of items that need action

    To determine what reports are needed, ask yourself:

    • What are your goals?
    • What story are you trying to tell?
    • What do you need to manage day to day?
    • What do you need to report to get funding?
    • What do you need to report to your stakeholders for service updates?

    Determine which metrics will be most useful to suit your strategic and operational goals

    STRATEGIC GOAL (stakeholders): Improve customer service evidenced by:


    • Aged backlog
    • Service requests solved within SLA (could also look for quick ones, e.g. tickets solved in one day, % solved within one hour)
    • Volume of incidents and time to solve each type
    • Critical incidents solved in 4 hours
    • Incidents solved same day


    • Percentage of tickets solved at first contact
    • SLAs missed
    • Percentage of services available to request through catalog
    • Percentage of tickets created through portal (speaks to quality of experience)
    • Customer satisfaction survey results – transactional and annual


    • Knowledge articles used by technicians
    • Knowledge articles used by end users
    • Tickets resolved at each technician level (volume)
    • Non-standard requests evaluated and fulfilled by volume & time served
    • Volume of recurring incidents
    OPERATIONAL GOALS: Report to director & technicians

    What else can you do to improve service?

    Review the next few pages to see if you need additional blueprints to help you:
    • Evaluate staffing and training needs to ensure the right number of resources are available and they have the skills they need for your environment.
    • Create self-service for end users to get quick answers and create tickets.
    • Create a knowledge base to ensure backup for technical expertise.
    • Develop customer service skills through training.
    • Perform ticket analysis to better understand your technical environment.

    Be agile in your approach to service

    It’s easy for small teams to get overwhelmed when covering for vacations, illness, or leave. Determine where priorities may be adjusted during busy or short-staffed times.

    • Have a plan to cross-train technicians and create comprehensive knowledge articles for coverage during vacations and unexpected absences.
    • Know where it makes sense to bring in vendors, such as for managed print services, or to cover for extended absences.
    • Look for opportunities to automate functions or reduce administrative overhead through workflows.
    • Identify any risks and determine how to mitigate, such as managing or changing administrative passwords.
    • Create self-serve to enable ticket creation and self-solve for those users who wish to use it.

    Staff the service desk to meet demand

    • With increasing complexity of support and demand on service desks, staff are often left feeling overwhelmed and struggling to keep up with ticket volume, resulting in long resolution times and frustrated end users.
    • However, it’s not as simple as hiring more staff to keep up with ticket volume. IT managers must have the data to support their case for increasing resources or even maintaining their current resources in an environment where many executives are looking to reduce headcount.
    • Without changing resources to match demand, IT managers will need to determine how to maximize the use of their resources to deliver better service.

    Cover image for 'Staff the Service Desk to Meet Demand'.
    Click picture for a link to the blueprint

    Create and manage a knowledge base

    With a small team, it may seem redundant to create a knowledge base, but without key system and process workflows and runbooks, an organization is still at risk of bottlenecks and knowledge failure.

    • Use a knowledge base to document pre-escalation troubleshooting steps, known errors and workarounds, and runbook solutions.
    • Where incidents may have many root causes, document which are the most frequent solutions and where variations are typically used.
    • Start with an inventory of personal documents, compare and consolidate into the knowledge base, and ensure they are accurate and up to date.
    • Assign someone to review articles on a regular basis and flag for editing and archiving as the technical environment changes.
    • Supplement with vendor-provided or purchased content. Two options for purchased content include RightAnswers or Netformx.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Appeal to a broad audience. Use non-technical language whenever possible to help less technical readers. Identify error messages and use screenshots where it makes sense. Take advantage of social features like voting buttons to increase use.

    Optimize the service desk with a shift-left strategy

    • “Shift left” is a strategy which moves appropriate technical work to users through knowledge articles, automation and service catalogs, freeing up time for technicians to work on more complex issues.
    • Many organizations have built a great knowledge base but fail to see the value of it over time as it becomes overburdened with overlapping and out-of-date information. Knowledge capture, updating, and review must be embedded into your processes if you want to keep the knowledge base useful.
    • Similarly, the self-service portal is often deployed out of the box with little input from end users and fails to deliver its intended benefits. The portal needs to be designed from the end user’s point of view with the goal of self-resolution if it will serve its purpose of deflecting tickets.

    Cover image for 'Optimize the Service Desk With a Shift-Left Strategy'.
    Click picture for a link to the blueprint

    Customer service isn’t just about friendliness

    Your team will all need to deal with end users at some point, and that may occur in times of high stress. Ensure the team has the skills they need to actively listen, stay positive, and de-escalate.

    Info-Tech’s customer service program is a modular approach to improve skills one area at a time. Delivering good customer service means being effective in these areas:
    • Customer focus – Focus on the customer and use a positive, caring, and helpful attitude.
    • Listening and verbal communication skills – Demonstrate empathy and patience, actively listen, and speak in user-friendly ways to help get your point across.
    • Written communication skills – Use appropriate tone, language, and terms in writing (whether via chat, email, or other).
    • Manage difficult situations – Remain calm and in control when dealing with difficult customers and situations.
    • Go the extra mile – Go beyond simply resolving the request to make each interaction positive and memorable.

    Deliver a customer service training program to your IT department

    • There’s a common misconception that customer service skills can’t be taught, so no effort is made to improve those skills.
    • Even when there is a desire to improve customer service, it’s hard for IT teams to make time for training and improvement when they’re too busy trying to keep up with tickets.
    • A talented service desk agent with both great technical and customer service skills doesn’t have to be a rare unicorn, and an agent without innate customer service skills isn’t a lost cause. Relevant and impactful customer service habits, techniques, and skills can be taught through practical, role-based training.
    • IT leaders can make time for this training through targeted, short modules along with continual on-the-job coaching and development.

    Cover image for 'Deliver Customer Service Training Program to Your IT Department'.
    Click picture for a link to the blueprint

    Improve your ticket analysis

    Once you’ve got great data coming into the ticketing system, it’s important to rethink your metrics and determine if there are more insights to be found.

    Analyzing ticket data involves:
    • Collecting ticket data and keeping it clean. Based on the metrics you’re analyzing, define ticket expectations and keep the data up to date.
    • Showing the value of the service desk. SLAs are meaningless if they are not met consistently. The prerequisite to implementing proper SLAs is fully understanding the proper workload of the service desk.
    • Understanding – and improving – the user experience. You cannot improve the user experience without meaningful metrics that allow you to understand the user experience. Different user groups will have different needs and different expectations of the level of service. Your metrics should reflect those needs and expectations.

    Analyze your service desk ticket data

    Properly analyzing ticket data is challenging for the following reasons:
    • Poor ticket hygiene and unclear ticket handling
    • Service desk personnel are not sure where to start with analysis
    • Too many metrics are tracked to parse actionable data from the noise
    Ticket data won’t give you a silver bullet, but it can help point you in the right direction.

    Cover image for 'Analyze Your Service Desk Ticket Data'.
    Click picture for a link to the blueprint

    Start doing problem management

    Proactively focusing on root cause analysis will reduce the most disruptive incidents to the organization.

    • A focus on elimination of critical incidents and the more disruptive recurring incidents will reduce future workloads for the team and improve customer satisfaction.
    • This can be challenging when the team is already struggling with workload; however, setting a regular cadence to review tickets, looking for trends, and identifying at least one focus area a month can be a positive outcome for everyone.
    • Focus on the most impactful ticket or service first. The initial goal should be to reduce or eliminate critical and high-impact incidents. Once the high-stress situations are reduced, proactively scheduling the smaller but still time-consuming repeatable incidents can be done.
    • Where you have vendors involved, work with them to determine when root cause analysis must happen and where they’ll need to coordinate with your team or other supporting vendors.

    Problem management

    Problem management can be challenging because it requires skills and knowledge to go deep into a problem and troubleshoot the root cause of an issue, but it also requires uninterrupted time.
    • Problem management, however, can be taught, and the issue isn’t always hard to spot if you have time to look.
    • Using tried and true methods for walking through an issue step by step will enable the team to improve their investigative and troubleshooting skills.
    • Reduction of one or two major incidents and recurring incidents per month will pay off quickly in reducing reactive ticket volume and improve customer satisfaction.

    Cover image for 'Problem Management'.
    Click picture for a link to the blueprint

    Create your roadmap with high-level requirements

    Determine what tasks and projects need to be completed to meet your improvement goals. Create a high-level project plan and balance with existing resources.

    Roadmap of high-level requirements with 'Goals' as row headers and their timelines mapped out across fiscal quarters.


    Taylor, Sharon and Ivor Macfarlane. ITIL Small Scale Implementation. Office of Government Commerce, 2005.

    “Share, Collaborate, and Communicate on One Consistent Platform.” Liferay, n.d. Accessed 19 July 2022.

    Rodela, Jimmy. “A Beginner’s Guide to Customer Self-Service.” The Ascent, 18 May 2022. Web.

    Manage Exponential Value Relationships

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}210|cart{/j2store}
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    • Parent Category Name: Vendor Management
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    Implementing exponential IT will require businesses to work with external vendors to facilitate the rapid adoption of cutting-edge technologies such as generative artificial intelligence. IT leaders must:

    These challenges require new skills which build trust and collaboration among vendors.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    Outcome-based relationships require a higher degree of trust than traditional vendor relationships. Build trust by sharing risks and rewards.

    Impact and Result

    • Assess your readiness to take on the new types of vendor relationships that will help you succeed.
    • Identify where you need to build your capabilities in order to successfully manage relationships.
    • Successfully manage outcomes, financials, risk, and relationships in complex vendor relationships.

    Manage Exponential Value Relationships Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Manage Exponential Value Relationships Storyboard – Learn about the new era of exponential vendor relationships and the capabilities needed to succeed.

    This research walks you through how to assess your capabilities to undertake a new model of vendor relationships and drive exponential IT.

    • Manage Exponential Value Relationships Storyboard

    2. Exponential Relationships Readiness Assessment – Assess your readiness to engage in exponential vendor partnerships.

    This tool will facilitate your readiness assessment.

    • Exponential Relationships Readiness Assessment

    Further reading

    Manage Exponential Value Relationships

    Are you ready to manage outcome-based agreements?

    Analyst Perspective

    Outcome-based agreements require a higher degree of mutual trust.

    Kim Osborne Rodriguez

    Exponential IT brings with it an exciting new world of cutting-edge technology and increasingly accelerated growth of business and IT. But adopting and driving change through this paradigm requires new capabilities to grow impactful and meaningful partnerships with external vendors who can help implement technologies like artificial intelligence and virtual reality.

    Building outcome-based partnerships involves working very closely with vendors who, in many cases, will have just as much to lose as the organizations implementing these new technologies. This requires a greater degree of trust between parties than a standard vendor relationship. It also drastically increases the risks to both organizations; as each loses some control over data and outcomes, they must trust that the other organization will follow through on commitments and obligations.

    Outcome-based partnerships build upon traditional vendor management practices and create the potential for organizations to embrace emerging technology in new ways.

    Kim Osborne Rodriguez
    Research Director, CIO Advisory
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Exponential IT drives change

    Vendor relationships must evolve

    To deliver exponential value

    Implementing exponential IT will require businesses to work with external vendors to facilitate the rapid adoption of cutting-edge technologies such as generative artificial intelligence. IT leaders must:

    • Build strategic relationships with external entities to support the autonomization of the enterprise.
    • Procure, operate, and manage contracts and performance in outcome-based relationships.
    • Build relationships with new vendors.

    These challenges require new skills which build trust and collaboration with vendors.

    Traditional vendor management approaches are still important for organizations to develop and maintain. But exponential relationships bring new challenges:

    • A shift from managing technology service agreements to managing business capability agreements
    • Increased vendor access to intellectual property, confidential information, and customers

    IT leaders must adapt traditional vendor management capabilities to successfully lead this change.

    Outcome-based relationships should not be undertaken lightly as they can significantly impact the risk profile of the organization. Use this research to:

    • Assess your foundational vendor management capabilities as well as the transformative capabilities you need to manage outcome-based relationships.
    • Identify where you need to build your capabilities in order to successfully manage relationships.
    • Successfully manage outcomes, financials, risk, and relationships in complex vendor partnerships.

    Exponential value relationships will help drive exponential IT and autonomization of the enterprise.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Outcome-based partnerships require a higher degree of trust than traditional vendor relationships. Build trust by sharing risks and rewards.

    Vendor relationships can be worth billions of dollars

    Positive vendor relationships directly impact the bottom line, sometimes to the tune of billions of dollars annually.

    • Organizations typically spend 40% to 80% of their total budget on external suppliers.
    • Greater supplier trust translates directly to greater business profits, even in traditional vendor relationships.1
    • Based on over a decade of data from vehicle manufacturers, greater supplier relationships nearly doubled the unit profit margin on vehicles, contributing over $20 billion to Toyota’s annual profits based on typical sales volume.2
    • Having positive vendor relationships can be instrumental in times of crisis – when scarcity looms, vendors often choose to support their best customers.3,4 For example, Toyota protected itself from the losses many original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) faced in 2020 and showed improved profitability that year due to increased demand for vehicles which it was able to supply as a result of top-ranked vendor relationships.
    1 PR Newswire, 2022.
    2 Based on 10 years of data comparing Toyota and Nissan, every 1-point increase in the company’s Working Relations Index was correlated with a $15.77 net profit increase per unit. Impact on Toyota annual profits is based on 10.5 million units sold in 2021 and 2022.
    3 Interview with Renee Stanley, University of Texas at Arlington. Conducted 17 May 2023.
    4 Plante Moran, 2020.

    Supplier Trust Impacts OEM Profitability

    Sources: Macrotrends, Plante Moran 2022, Nissan 2022 and 2023, and Toyota 2022. Profit per car is based on total annual profit divided by total annual sales volume.

    Outcome-based relationships are a new paradigm

    In a new model where organizations are procuring autonomous capabilities, outcomes will govern vendor relationships.

    An outcome-based relationship requires a higher level of mutual trust than traditional vendor relationships. This requires shared reward and shared risk.

    Don’t forget about traditional vendor management relationships! Not all vendor relationships can (or should) be outcome-based.

    Managing Exponential Value Relationships.

    Case study

    INDUSTRY: Technology

    SOURCE: Press Release

    Microsoft and OpenAI partner on Azure, Teams, and Microsoft Office suite

    In January 2023, Microsoft announced a $10 billion investment in OpenAI, allowing OpenAI to continue scaling its flagship large language model, ChatGPT, and giving Microsoft first access to deploy OpenAI’s products in services like GitHub, Microsoft Office, and Microsoft Teams.

    Shared risk

    Issues with OpenAI’s platforms could have a debilitating effect on Microsoft’s own reputation – much like Google’s $100 billion stock loss following a blunder by its AI platform Bard – not to mention the financial loss if the platform does not live up to the hype.

    Shared reward

    This was a particularly important strategic move by Microsoft, as its main competitors develop their own AI models in a race to the top. This investment also gave OpenAI the resources to continue scaling and evolving its services much faster than it would be capable of on its own. If OpenAI’s products succeed, there is a significant upside for both companies.

    The image contains a graph that demonstrates time to reach 1 million users.

    Adapt your approach to vendor relationships

    Both traditional vendors and exponential relationships are important.





    Exponential vendor relationships

    • Ideal for procuring a product or service
    • Typically evaluates vendors based on their capabilities and track record of success
    • Focuses on metrics, KPIs, and contracts to deliver success to the organization purchasing the product or service
    • Vendors typically only have access to company data showing what is required to deliver their product or service
    • Ideal for managing vendors supplying products or services
    • Typically evaluates vendors based on the value and the criticality of a vendor to drive VM-resource allocation
    • External vendors do not generally participate in sharing of risks or rewards outside of payment for services or incentives/penalties
    • Vendors typically have limited access to company data
    • Ideal for procuring an autonomous capability
    • Typically evaluated based on the total possible value creation for both parties
    • External vendors share in substantial portions of the risks and rewards of the relationship
    • Vendors typically have significant access to company data, including proprietary methods, intellectual property, and customer lists

    Use this research to successfully
    manage outcome-based relationships.

    Use Info-Tech’s research to Jump Start Your Vendor Management Initiative.

    Common obstacles

    Exponential relationships require new approaches to vendor management as businesses autonomize:

    • Autonomization refers to the shift toward autonomous business capabilities which leverage technologies such as AI and quantum computing to operate independently of human interaction.
    • The speed and complexity of technology advancement requires that businesses move quickly and confidently to develop strong relationships and deliver value.
    • We are seeing businesses shift from procuring products and services to procuring autonomous business capabilities (sometimes called “as a service,” or aaS). This shift can drive exponential value but also increases complexity and risk.
    • Exponential IT requires a shift in emphasis toward more mature relationship and risk management strategies, compared to traditional vendor management.

    The shift from technology service agreements to business capability agreements needs a new approach

    Eighty-seven percent of organizations are currently experiencing talent shortages or expect to within a few years.

    Source: McKinsey, “Mind the [skills] gap”, 2021.

    Sixty-three percent of IT leaders plan to implement AI in their organizations by the end of 2023.

    Source: Info-Tech Research Group survey, 2022

    Insight summary

    Build trust

    Successfully managing exponential relationships requires increased trust and the ability to share both risks and rewards. Outcome-based vendors typically have greater access to intellectual property, customer data, and proprietary methods, which can pose a risk to the organization if this information is used to benefit competitors. Build mutual trust by sharing both risks and rewards.

    Manage risk

    Outcome-based relationships with external vendors can drastically affect an organization’s risk profile. Carefully consider third-party risk and shared risk, including ESG risk, as well as the business risk of losing control over capabilities and assets. Qualified risk specialists (such as legal, regulatory, contract, intellectual property law) should be consulted before entering outcome-based relationships.

    Drive outcomes

    Fostering strategic relationships can be instrumental in times of crisis, when being the customer of choice for key vendors can push your organization up the line from the vendor’s side – but be careful about relying on this too much. Vendor objectives may not align with yours, and in the end, everyone needs to protect themselves.

    Assess your readiness for exponential value relationships

    Key deliverable:

    Exponential Relationships Readiness Assessment

    Determine your readiness to build exponential value relationships.

    Measure the value of this blueprint

    Save thousands of dollars by leveraging this research to assess your readiness, before you lose millions from a relationship gone bad.

    Our research indicates that most organizations would take months to prepare this type of assessment without using our research. That’s over 80 person-hours spent researching and gathering data to support due diligence, for a total cost of thousands of dollars. Doesn’t your staff have better things to do?

    Start by answering a few brief questions, then return to this slide at the end to see how much your answers have changed.

    Establish Baseline Metrics

    Use Info-Tech’s research to Exponential Relationships Readiness Assessment.

    Estimated time commitment without Info-Tech’s research (person-hours)

    Establish a baseline

    Gauge the effectiveness of this research by asking yourself the following questions before and after completing your readiness assessment:




    To what extent are you satisfied with your current vendor management approach?

    How many of your current vendors would you describe as being of strategic importance?

    How much do you spend on vendors annually?

    How much value do you derive from your vendor relationships annually?

    Do you have a vendor management strategy?

    What outcomes are you looking to achieve through your vendor relationships?

    How well do you understand the core capabilities needed to drive successful vendor management?

    How well do you understand your current readiness to engage in outcome-based vendor relationships?

    Do you feel comfortable managing the risks when working with organizations to implement artificial intelligence and other autonomous capabilities?

    How to use this research

    Five tips to get the most out of your readiness assessment.

    1. Each category consists of five competencies, with a maximum of five points each. The maximum score on this assessment is 100 points.
    2. Effectiveness levels range from basic (level 1) to advanced (level 5). Level 1 is generally considered the baseline for most effectively operating organizations. If your organization is struggling with level 1 competencies, it is recommended to improve maturity in those areas before pursuing exponential relationships.
    3. This assessment is qualitative; complete the assessment to the best of your ability, based on the scoring rubric provided. If you fall between levels, use the lower one in your assessment.
    4. The scoring rubric may not perfectly fit the processes and practices within every organization. Consider the spirit of the description and score accordingly.
    5. Other industry- and region-specific competencies may be required to succeed at exponential relationships. The competencies in this assessment are a starting point, and internal validation and assessments should be conducted to uncover additional competencies and skills.

    Financial management

    Manage your budget and spending to stay on track throughout your relationship.

    “Most organizations underestimate the amount of time, money, and skill required to build and maintain a successful relationship with another organization. The investment in exponential relationships is exponential in itself – as are the returns.”

    – Jennifer Perrier, Principal Research Director,
    Info-Tech Research Group

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Executive leadership team, including CIO
    • CFO
    • Vendor management leader
    • Other internal stakeholders of vendor relationships


    • Assess your ability to manage scope and budget in exponential IT relationships.

    Successfully manage complex finances

    Stay on track and keep your relationship running smoothly.

    Why is this important?

    • Finance is at the core of most business – it drives decision making, acts as a constraint for innovation and optimization, and plays a key role in assessing options (such as return on investment or payback period).
    • Effectively managing finances is a critical success factor in developing strong relationships. Each organization must be able to manage their own budget and spending in order to balance the risk and reward in the relationship. Often, these risks and rewards will come in the form of profit and loss or revenue and spend.

    Build it into your practice:

    1. Ensure your financial decision-making practices are aligned with the organizational and relationship strategy. Do metrics and criteria reflect the organization’s goals?
    2. Develop strong accounting and financial analysis practices – this includes the ability to conduct financial due diligence on potential vendors.
    3. Develop consistent methodology to track and report on the desired outcomes on a regular basis.

    Build your ability to manage finances

    The five competencies needed to manage finances in exponential value relationships are:

    Budget procedures

    Financial alignment


    Financial analysis

    Reporting & compliance

    Clearly articulate and communicate budgets, with proactive analysis and reporting.

    There is a strong, direct alignment between financial outcomes and organizational strategy and goals.

    Financial structures can manage many different types of relationships and structures without major overhaul.

    Proactive financial analysis is conducted regularly, with actionable insights.

    This exceeds legal requirements and includes proactive and actionable reporting.

    Relationship management

    Drive exponential value by becoming a customer of choice.

    “The more complex the business environment becomes — for instance, as new technologies emerge or as innovation cycles get faster — the more such relationships make sense. And the better companies get at managing individual relationships, the more likely it is that they will become “partners of choice” and be able to build entire portfolios of practical and value-creating partnerships.”

    (“Improving the management of complex business partnerships.” McKinsey, 2019)

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Executive leadership team, including CIO
    • Vendor management leader
    • Other internal stakeholders of vendor relationships


    • Assess your ability to manage relationships in exponential IT relationships.

    Take your relationships to the next level

    Maintaining positive relationships is key to building trust.

    Why is this important?

    • All relationships will experience challenges, and the ability to resolve these issues will rely heavily on the relationship management skills and soft skills of the leadership within each organization.
    • Based on a 20-year study of vendor relationships in the automotive sector, business-to-business trust is a function of reasonable demands, follow-through, and information sharing.
    (Source: Plante Moran, 2020)

    Build it into your practice:

    1. Develop the soft skills necessary to promote psychological safety, growth mindset, and strong and open communication channels.
    2. Be smart about sharing information – you don’t need to share everything, but being open about relevant information will enhance trust.
    3. Both parties need to work hard to develop trust necessary to build a true relationship. This will require increased access to decision-makers, clearly defined guardrails, and the ability for unsatisfied parties to leave.

    Build your ability to manage relationships

    The five competencies needed to manage relationships in exponential partnerships are:

    Strategic alignment


    Information sharing

    Shared risk & rewards


    Work with vendors to create roadmaps and strategies to drive mutual success.

    Ensure demands are reasonable and consistently follow through on commitments.

    Proactively and freely share relevant information between parties.

    Equitably share responsibility for outcomes and benefits from success.

    Ensure clear, proactive, and frequent communication occurs between parties.

    Performance management

    Outcomes management focuses on results, not methods.

    According to Jennifer Robinson, senior editor at Gallup, “This approach focuses people and teams on a concrete result, not the process required to achieve it. Leaders define outcomes and, along with managers, set parameters and guidelines. Employees, then, have a high degree of autonomy to use their own unique talents to reach goals their own way.” (Forbes, 2023)

    In the context of exponential relationships, vendors can be given a high degree of autonomy provided they meet their objectives.

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Executive leadership team, including CIO
    • Vendor management leader
    • Other internal stakeholders of vendor relationships


    • Assess your ability to manage outcomes in exponential IT relationships.

    Manage outcomes to drive mutual success

    Build trust by achieving shared objectives.

    Why is this important?

    • Relationships are based on shared risk and shared reward for all parties. In order to effectively communicate the shared rewards, you must first understand and communicate your objectives for the relationship, then measure outcomes to ensure all parties are benefiting.
    • Effectively managing outcomes reduces the risk that one party will choose to leave based on a perception of benefits not being achieved. Parties may still leave the agreement, but decisions should be based on shared facts and issues should be communicated and addressed early.

    Build it into your practice:

    1. Clearly articulate what you hope to achieve by entering an outcome-based relationship. Each party should outline and agree to the goals, objectives, and desired outcomes from the relationship.
    2. Document how rewards will be shared among parties. What type of rewards are anticipated? Who will benefit and how?
    3. Develop consistent methodology to track and report on the desired outcomes on a regular basis. This might consist of a vendor scorecard or a monthly meeting.

    Build your ability to manage outcomes

    The five competencies needed to manage outcomes in exponential value relationships are:

    Goal setting


    Performance tracking


    Scope management

    Set specific, measurable and actionable goals, and communicate them with stakeholders.

    Clearly articulate and agree upon measurable outcomes between all parties.

    Proactively track progress toward goals/outcomes and discuss results with vendors regularly.

    Openly discuss potential issues and challenges on a regular basis. Find collaborative solutions to problems.

    Proactively manage scope and discuss with vendors on a regular basis.

    Risk management

    Exponential IT means exponential risk – and exponential rewards.

    One of the key differentiators between traditional vendor relationships and exponential relationships is the degree to which risk is shared between parties. This is not possible in all industries, which may limit companies’ ability to participate in this type of exponential relationship.

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Executive leadership team, including CIO
    • Vendor management leader
    • Risk management leader
    • Other internal stakeholders of vendor relationships


    • Assess your ability to manage risk in exponential IT relationships.

    Relationships come with a lot of hidden risks

    Successfully managing complex risks can be the difference between a spectacular success and company-ending failure.

    Why is this important?

    • Relationships inherently involve a loss of control. You are relying on another party to fulfill their part of the agreement, and you depend on the success of the outcome. Loss of control comes with significant risks.
    • Sharing in risk is what differentiates an outcome-based relationship from a traditional vendor relationship; vendors must have skin in the game.
    • Organizations must consider many different types of risk when considering a relationship with a vendor: fraud, security, human rights, labor relations, ESG, and operational risks. Remember that risk is not inherently bad; some risk is necessary.

    Build it into your practice:

    1. Build or hire the necessary risk expertise needed to properly assess and evaluate the risks of potential vendor relationships. This includes intellectual property, ESG, legal/regulatory, cybersecurity, data security, and more.
    2. Develop processes and procedures which clearly communicate and report on risk on a regular basis.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Some highly regulated industries (such as finance) are prevented from transferring certain types of risk. In these industries, it may be much more difficult to form vendor relationships.

    Don’t forget about third-party ESG risk

    Customers care about ESG. You should too.

    Protect yourself against third-party ESG risks by considering the environmental and social impacts of your vendors.

    Third-party ESG risks can include the following:

    • Environmental risk: Vendors with unsustainable practices such as carbon emissions or waste generation of natural resource depletion can negatively impact the organization’s environmental goals.
    • Social risk: Unsafe or illegal labor practices, human rights violations, and supply chain management issues can reflect negatively on organizations that choose to work with vendors who engage in such practices.
    • Governance risk: Vendors who engage in illegal or unethical behaviors, including bribery and corruption or data and privacy breaches can impact downstream customers.

    Working with vendors that have a poor record of ESG carries a very real reputational risk for organizations who do not undertake appropriate due diligence.

    A global survey of nearly 14,000 customers revealed that…

    Source: EY Future Consumer Index, 2021

    Seventy-seven percent of customers believe companies have a responsibility to manufacture sustainably.

    Sixty-eight percent of customers believe businesses should ensure their suppliers meet high social and environmental standards.

    Fifty-five percent of customers consider the environmental impact of production in their purchasing decisions.

    Build your ability to manage risk

    The five competencies needed to manage risk in exponential value relationships are:

    Third-party risk

    Value chain

    Data management

    Regulatory & compliance

    Monitoring & reporting

    Understand and assess third-party risk, including ESG risk, in potential relationships.

    Assess risk throughout the value chain for all parties and balance risk among parties.

    Proactively assess and manage potential data risks, including intellectual property and strategic data.

    Manage regulatory and compliance risks, including understanding risk transfer and ultimate risk holder.

    Proactive and open monitoring and reporting of risks, including regular communication among stakeholders.

    Contract management

    Contract management is a critical part of vendor management.

    Well-managed contracts include clearly defined pricing, performance-based outcomes, clear roles and responsibilities, and appropriate remedies for failure to meet requirements. In outcome-based relationships, contracts are generally used as a secondary method of enforcing performance, with relationship management being the primary method of addressing challenges and ensuring performance.

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Executive leadership team, including CIO
    • Vendor management leader
    • Risk management leader
    • Other internal stakeholders of vendor relationships


    • Assess your ability to manage risk in exponential IT relationships.

    Build your ability to manage contracts

    The five competencies needed to manage contracts in exponential value relationships are:


    Performance outcomes

    Roles and responsibilities



    Pricing is clearly defined in contracts so that the total cost is understood including all fees, optional pricing, and set caps on increases.

    Contracts are performance-based whenever possible, including deliverables, milestones, service levels, due dates, and outcomes.

    Each party's roles and responsibilities are clearly defined in the contract documents with adequate detail.

    Contracts contain appropriate remedies for a vendor's failure to meet SLAs, due dates, and other obligations.

    Payment is made after performance targets are met, approved, or accepted.

    Activity 1: Assess your readiness for exponential relationships

    1-3 hours

    1. Gather key stakeholders from across your organization to participate in the readiness assessment exercise.
    2. As a group, review the core competencies from the previous four sections and determine where your organization’s effectiveness lies for each competency. Record your responses in the Exponential Relationships Readiness Assessment tool.

    Download the Exponential Relationships Readiness Assessment tool.

    Input Output
    • Core competencies
    • Knowledge of internal processes and capabilities
    • Readiness assessment
    Materials Participants
    • Exponential
      Relationships Readiness Assessment
    • Whiteboard/flip charts
    • Executive leadership team, including CIO
    • Vendor management leader
    • Other internal stakeholders of vendor relationships

    Understand your assessment

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Executive leadership team, including CIO
    • Vendor management leader
    • Other internal stakeholders of vendor relationships


    • Create an action plan.

    Understand the results of your assessment

    Consider the following recommendations based on your readiness assessment scores:

    • The chart to the right shows sample results. The bars indicate the recommended scores, and the line indicates the readiness score.
    • Three or more categories below the recommended scores, or any categories more than five points below the recommendation: outcome-based relationships are not recommended at this time.
    • Two or more categories below the recommended scores: Proceed with caution and limit outcome-based relationships to low-risk areas. Continue to mature capabilities.
    • One category below the recommended scores: Evaluate the risks and benefits before engaging in higher-risk vendor relationships. Continue to mature capabilities.
    • All categories at or above the recommended scores: You have many of the core capabilities needed to succeed at exponential relationships! Continue to evaluate and refine your vendor relationships strategy, and identify any additional competencies needed based on your industry or region.

    Acme Corp Exponential Relationships Readiness.

    Activity 2: Create an action plan

    1 hour

    1. Gather the stakeholders who participated in the readiness assessment exercise.
    2. As a group, review the results of the readiness assessment. Where there any surprise? Do the results reflect your understanding of the organization’s maturity?
    3. Determine which areas are likely to limit the organization’s relationship capability, based on lowest scoring areas and relative importance to the organization.
    4. Break out into groups and have each group identify three actions the organization could take to mature the lowest scoring areas.
    5. Bring the group back together and prioritize the actions. Note who will be accountable for each next step.
    • Readiness assessment
    • Action plan to improve maturity of capabilities
    • Exponential
      Relationship Readiness Assessment
    • Whiteboard/flip charts
    • Executive leadership team, including CIO
    • Vendor management leader
    • Other internal stakeholders of vendor relationships

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Jump Start Your Vendor Management Initiative
    Create and implement a vendor management framework to begin obtaining measurable results in 90 days.

    Elevate Your Vendor Management Initiative
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    Evaluate Your Vendor Account Team to Optimize Vendor Relations
    Understand the value of knowing your account team’s influence in the organization, and your influence, to drive results.

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Build an IT Risk Management Program
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    Build an IT Budget
    Effective IT budgets are more than a spreadsheet. They tell a story.

    Adopt an Exponential IT Mindset
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    Kim Osborne Rodriguez

    Kim Osborne Rodriguez
    Research Director, CIO Advisory
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Kim is a professional engineer and Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD) with over a decade of experience in management and engineering consulting spanning healthcare, higher education, and commercial sectors. She has worked on some of the largest hospital construction projects in Canada, from early visioning and IT strategy through to design, specifications, and construction administration. She brings a practical and evidence-based approach, with a track record of supporting successful projects.

    Kim holds a Bachelor’s degree in Honours Mechatronics Engineering and an option in Management Sciences from the University of Waterloo.

    Research Contributors and Experts

    Jack Hakimian

    Jack Hakimian
    Senior Vice President
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Jack has more than 25 years of technology and management consulting experience. He has served multibillion-dollar organizations in multiple industries including financial services and telecommunications. Jack also served several large public sector institutions.

    He is a frequent speaker and panelist at technology and innovation conferences and events and holds a Master’s degree in Computer Engineering as well as an MBA from the ESCP-EAP European School of Management.

    Michael Tweedie

    Michael Tweedie
    Practice Lead, CIO Strategy
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Mike Tweedie brings over 25 years as a technology executive. He’s led several large transformation projects across core infrastructure, application and IT services as the head of Technology at ADP Canada. He was also the Head of Engineering and Service Offerings for a large French IT services firm, focused on cloud adoption and complex ERP deployment and management.

    Mike holds a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from Ryerson University.

    Scott Bickley

    Scott Bickley
    Practice Lead, VCCO
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Scott Bickley is a Practice Lead & Principal Research Director at Info-Tech Research Group, focused on Vendor Management and Contract Review. He also has experience in the areas of IT Asset Management (ITAM), Software Asset Management (SAM), and technology procurement along with a deep background in operations, engineering, and quality systems management.

    Scott holds a B.S. in Justice Studies from Frostburg State University. He also holds active IAITAM certification designations of CSAM and CMAM and is a Certified Scrum Master (SCM).

    Donna Bales

    Donna Bales
    Principal Research Director
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Donna Bales is a Principal Research Director in the CIO Practice at Info-Tech Research Group, specializing in research and advisory services in IT risk, governance, and compliance. She brings over 25 years of experience in strategic consulting and product development and has a history of success in leading complex, multistakeholder industry initiatives.

    Donna has a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Western Ontario.

    Research Contributors and Experts

    Jennifer Perrier

    Jennifer Perrier
    Principal Research Director
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Jennifer has 25 years of experience in the information technology and human resources research space, joining Info-Tech in 1998 as the first research analyst with the company. Over the years, she has served as a research analyst and research manager, as well as in a range of roles leading the development and delivery of offerings across Info-Tech’s product and service portfolio, including workshops and the launch of industry roundtables and benchmarking. She was also Research Lead for McLean & Company, the HR advisory division of Info-Tech, during its start-up years.

    Jennifer’s research expertise spans the areas of IT strategic planning, governance, policy and process management, people management, leadership, organizational change management, performance benchmarking, and cross-industry IT comparative analysis. She has produced and overseen the development of hundreds of publications across the full breadth of both the IT and HR domains in multiple industries. In 2022, Jennifer joined Info-Tech’s IT Financial Management Practice with a focus on developing financial transparency to foster meaningful dialogue between IT and its stakeholders and drive better technology investment decisions.

    Phil Bode

    Phil Bode
    Principal Research Director
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Phil has 30+ years of experience with IT procurement-related topics: contract drafting and review, negotiations, RFXs, procurement processes, and vendor management. Phil has been a frequent speaker at conferences, a contributor to magazine articles in CIO Magazine and ComputerWorld, and quoted in many other magazines. He is a co-author of the book The Art of Creating a Quality RFP.

    Phil has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a double major of Finance and Entrepreneurship and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a major of Accounting, both from the University of Arizona.

    Research Contributors

    Erin Morgan

    Erin Morgan
    Assistant Vice President, IT Administration
    University of Texas at Arlington

    Renee Stanley

    Renee Stanley
    Assistant Director IT Procurement and Vendor Management
    University of Texas at Arlington

    Note: Additional contributors did not wish to be identified.


    Andrea, Dave. “Plante Moran’s 2022 Working Relations Index® (WRI) Study shows supplier relations can improve amid industry crisis.” Plante Moran, 25 Aug 2022. Accessed 18 May 2023.
    Andrea, Dave. “Trust between suppliers and OEMs can better prepare you for the next crisis.” Plante Moran, 9 Sept 2020. Accessed 17 May 2023.
    Cleary, Shannon, and Carolan McLarney. “Organizational Benefits of an Effective Vendor Management Strategy.” IUP Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. 16, Issue 4, Dec 2019.
    De Backer, Ruth, and Eileen Kelly Rinaudo. “Improving the management of complex business partnerships.” McKinsey, 21 March 2019. Accessed 9 May 2023 .
    Dennean, Kevin et al. “Let's chat about ChatGPT.” UBS, 22 Feb 2023. Accessed 26 May 2023.
    F&I Tools. “Nissan Worldwide Vehicle Sales Report.” Factory Warranty List, 2022. Accessed 18 May 2023.
    Gomez, Robin. “Adopting ChatGPT and Generative AI in Retail Customer Service.” Radial, 235, April 2023. Accessed 10 May 2023.
    Harms, Thomas and Kristina Rogers. “How collaboration can drive value for you, your partners and the planet.” EY, 26 Oct 2021. Accessed 10 May 2023.
    Hedge & Co. “Toyota, Honda finish 1-2; General Motors finishes at 3rd in annual Supplier Working Relations Study.” PR Newswire, 23 May 2022. Accessed 17 May 2023.
    Henke Jr, John W., and T. Thomas. "Lost supplier trust, lost profits." Supply Chain Management Review, May 2014. Accessed 17 May 2023.
    Information Services Group, Inc. “Global Demand for IT and Business Services Continues Upward Surge in Q2, ISG Index™ Finds.” BusinessWire, 7 July 2021. Accessed 8 May 2023.
    Kasanoff, Bruce. “New Study Reveals Costs Of Bad Supplier Relationships.” Forbes, 6 Aug 2014. Accessed 17 May 2023.
    Macrotrends. “Nissan Motor Gross Profit 2010-2022.” Macrotrends. Accessed 18 May 2023.
    Macrotrends. “Toyota Gross Profit 2010-2022.” Macrotrends. Accessed 18 May 2023.
    McKinsey. “Mind the [skills] gap.” McKinsey, 27 Jan 2021. Accessed 18 May 2023.
    Morgan, Blake. “7 Examples of How Digital Transformation Impacted Business Performance.” Forbes, 21 Jul 2019. Accessed 10 May 2023.
    Nissan Motor Corporation. “Nissan reports strong financial results for fiscal year 2022.” Nissan Global Newsroom, 11 May 2023. Accessed 18 May 2023.


    “OpenAI and Microsoft extend partnership.” Open AI, 23 Jan 2023. Accessed 26 May 2023.
    Pearson, Bryan. “The Apple Of Its Aisles: How Best Buy Lured One Of The Biggest Brands.“ Forbes, 23 Apr 2015. Accessed 23 May 2023.
    Perifanis, Nikolaos-Alexandros and Fotis Kitsios. “Investigating the Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Business Value in the Digital Era of Strategy: A Literature Review.” Information, 2 Feb 2023. Accessed 10 May 2023.
    Scott, Tim and Nathan Spitse. “Third-party risk is becoming a first priority challenge.” Deloitte. Accessed 18 May 2023.
    Stanley, Renee. Interview by Kim Osborne Rodriguez, 17 May 2023.
    Statista. “Toyota's retail vehicle sales from 2017 to 2021.” Statista, 27 Jul 2022. Accessed 18 May 2023.
    Tlili, Ahmed, et al. “What if the devil is my guardian angel: ChatGPT as a case study of using chatbots in education.” Smart Learning Environments, 22 Feb 2023. Accessed 9 May 2023.
    Vitasek, Kate. “Outcome-Based Management: What It Is, Why It Matters And How To Make It Happen.” Forbes, 12 Jan 2023. Accessed 9 May 2023.

    Build Your Data Quality Program

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    • Experiencing the pitfalls of poor data quality and failing to benefit from good data quality, including:
      • Unreliable data and unfavorable output.
      • Inefficiencies and costly remedies.
      • Dissatisfied stakeholders.
    • The chances of successful decision-making capabilities are hindered with poor data quality.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Address the root causes of your data quality issues and form a viable data quality program.
      • Be familiar with your organization’s data environment and business landscape.
      • Prioritize business use cases for data quality fixes.
      • Fix data quality issues at the root cause to ensure proper foundation for your data to flow.
    • It is important to sustain best practices and grow your data quality program.

    Impact and Result

    • Implement a set of data quality initiatives that are aligned with overall business objectives and aimed at addressing data practices and the data itself.
    • Develop a prioritized data quality improvement project roadmap and long-term improvement strategy.
    • Build related practices such as artificial intelligence and analytics with more confidence and less risk after achieving an appropriate level of data quality.

    Build Your Data Quality Program Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should establish a data quality program, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Define your organization’s data environment and business landscape

    Learn about what causes data quality issues, how to measure data quality, what makes a good data quality practice in relation to your data and business environments.

    • Business Capability Map Template

    2. Analyze your priorities for data quality fixes

    Determine your business unit priorities to create data quality improvement projects.

    • Data Quality Problem Statement Template
    • Data Quality Practice Assessment and Project Planning Tool

    3. Establish your organization’s data quality program

    Revisit the root causes of data quality issues and identify the relevant root causes to the highest priority business unit, then determine a strategy for fixing those issues.

    • Data Lineage Diagram Template
    • Data Quality Improvement Plan Template

    4. Grow and sustain your data quality practices

    Identify strategies for continuously monitoring and improving data quality at the organization.


    Workshop: Build Your Data Quality Program

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Define Your Organization’s Data Environment and Business Landscape

    The Purpose

    Evaluate the maturity of the existing data quality practice and activities.

    Assess how data quality is embedded into related data management practices.

    Envision a target state for the data quality practice.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Understanding of the current data quality landscape

    Gaps, inefficiencies, and opportunities in the data quality practice are identified

    Target state for the data quality practice is defined


    1.1 Explain approach and value proposition

    1.2 Detail business vision, objectives, and drivers

    1.3 Discuss data quality barriers, needs, and principles

    1.4 Assess current enterprise-wide data quality capabilities

    1.5 Identify data quality practice future state

    1.6 Analyze gaps in data quality practice


    Data Quality Management Primer

    Business Capability Map Template

    Data Culture Diagnostic

    Data Quality Diagnostic

    Data Quality Problem Statement Template

    2 Create a Strategy for Data Quality Project 1

    The Purpose

    Define improvement initiatives

    Define a data quality improvement strategy and roadmap

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Improvement initiatives are defined

    Improvement initiatives are evaluated and prioritized to develop an improvement strategy

    A roadmap is defined to depict when and how to tackle the improvement initiatives


    2.1 Create business unit prioritization roadmap

    2.2 Develop subject areas project scope

    2.3 By subject area 1 data lineage analysis, root cause analysis, impact assessment, and business analysis


    Business Unit Prioritization Roadmap

    Subject area scope

    Data Lineage Diagram

    3 Create a Strategy for Data Quality Project 2

    The Purpose

    Define improvement initiatives

    Define a data quality improvement strategy and roadmap

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Improvement initiatives are defined

    Improvement initiatives are evaluated and prioritized to develop an improvement strategy

    A roadmap is defined to depict when and how to tackle the improvement initiatives


    3.1 Understand how data quality management fits in with the organization’s data governance and data management programs

    3.2 By subject area 2 data lineage analysis, root cause analysis, impact assessment, and business analysis


    Data Lineage Diagram

    Root Cause Analysis

    Impact Analysis

    4 Create a Strategy for Data Quality Project 3

    The Purpose

    Determine a strategy for fixing data quality issues for the highest priority business unit

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Strategy defined for fixing data quality issues for highest priority business unit


    4.1 Formulate strategies and actions to achieve data quality practice future state

    4.2 Formulate a data quality resolution plan for the defined subject area

    4.3 By subject area 3 data lineage analysis, root cause analysis, impact assessment, and business analysis


    Data Quality Improvement Plan

    Data Lineage Diagram

    5 Create a Plan for Sustaining Data Quality

    The Purpose

    Plan for continuous improvement in data quality

    Incorporate data quality management into the organization’s existing data management and governance programs

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Sustained and communicated data quality program


    5.1 Formulate metrics for continuous tracking of data quality and monitoring the success of the data quality improvement initiative

    5.2 Workshop Debrief with Project Sponsor

    5.3 Meet with project sponsor/manager to discuss results and action items

    5.4 Wrap up outstanding items from the workshop, deliverables expectations, GIs


    Data Quality Practice Improvement Roadmap

    Data Quality Improvement Plan (for defined subject areas)

    Further reading

    Build Your Data Quality Program

    Quality Data Drives Quality Business Decisions

    Executive Brief

    Analyst Perspective

    Get ahead of the data curve by conquering data quality challenges.

    Regardless of the driving business strategy or focus, organizations are turning to data to leverage key insights and help improve the organization’s ability to realize its vision, key goals, and objectives.

    Poor quality data, however, can negatively affect time-to-insight and can undermine an organization’s customer experience efforts, product or service innovation, operational efficiency, or risk and compliance management. If you are looking to draw insights from your data for decision making, the quality of those insights is only as good as the quality of the data feeding or fueling them.

    Improving data quality means having a data quality management practice that is sustainably successful and appropriate to the use of the data, while evolving to keep pace with or get ahead of changing business and data landscapes. It is not a matter of fixing one data set at a time, which is resource and time intensive, but instead identifying where data quality consistently goes off the rails, and creating a program to improve the data processes at the source.

    Crystal Singh

    Research Director, Data and Analytics

    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    Your organization is experiencing the pitfalls of poor data quality, including:

    • Unreliable data and unfavorable output.
    • Inefficiencies and costly remedies.
    • Dissatisfied stakeholders.

    Poor data quality hinders successful decision making.

    Common Obstacles

    Not understanding the purpose and execution of data quality causes some disorientation with your data.

    • Failure to realize the importance/value of data quality.
    • Unsure of where to start with data quality.
    • Lack of investment in data quality.

    Organizations tend to adopt a project mentality when it comes to data quality instead of taking the strategic approach that would be all-around more beneficial in the long term.

    Info-Tech’s Approach

    Address the root causes of your data quality issues by forming a viable data quality program.

    • Be familiar with your organization’s data environment and business landscape.
    • Prioritize business use cases for data quality fixes.
    • Fixing data quality issues at the root cause to ensure a proper foundation for your data to flow.

    It is important to sustain best practices and grow your data quality program.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Fix data quality issues as close as possible to the source of data while understanding that business use cases will each have different requirements and expectations from data quality.

    Data is the foundation of your organization’s knowledge

    Data enables your organization to make decisions.

    Reliable data is needed to facilitate data consumers at all levels of the enterprise.

    Insights, knowledge, and information are needed to inform operational, tactical, and strategic decision-making processes. Data and information are needed to manage the business and empower business processes such as billing, customer touchpoints, and fulfillment.

    Raw Data

    Business Information

    Actionable Insights

    Data should be at the foundation of your organization’s evolution. The transformational insights that executives are constantly seeking can be uncovered with a data quality practice that makes high-quality, trustworthy information readily available to the business users who need it.

    98% of companies use data to improve customer experience. (Experian Data Quality, 2019)

    High-Level Data Architecture

    The image is a graphic, which at the top shows different stages of data, and in the lower part of the graphic shows the data processes.

    Build Your Data Quality Program

    1. Data Quality & Data Culture Diagnostics Business Landscape Exercise
    2. Business Strategy & Use Cases
    3. Prioritize Use Cases With Poor Quality

    Info-Tech Insight

    As data is ingested, integrated, and maintained in the various streams of the organization's system and application architecture, there are multiple points where the quality of the data can degrade.

    1. Understand the organization's data culture and data quality environment across the business landscape.
    2. Prioritize business use cases with poor data quality.
    3. For each use case, identify data quality issues and requirements throughout the data pipeline.
    4. Fix data quality issues at the root cause.
    5. As data flow through quality assurance monitoring checkpoints, monitor data to ensure good quality output.


    Proper application of data quality dimensions throughout the data pipeline will result in superior business decisions.

    Data quality issues can occur at any stage of the data flow.

    The image shows the flow of data through various stages: Data Creation; Data Ingestion; Data Accumulation and Engineering; Data Delivery; and Reporting & Analytics. At the bottom, there are two bars: the left one labelled Fix data quality root causes here...; and the right reads: prevent expensive cures here.

    The image is a legend that accompanies the data flow graphic. It indicates that a white and green square icon indicates Data quality dimensions; a red cube indicates a potential point of data quality degradation; the pink square indicates Root cause of poor data quality; and a green flag indicates Quality Assurance Monitoring.

    Prevent the domino effect of poor data quality

    Data is the foundation of decisions made at data-driven organizations.

    Therefore, if there are problems with the organization’s underlying data, this can have a domino effect on many downstream business functions.

    Let’s use an example to illustrate the domino effect of poor data quality.

    Organization X is looking to migrate their data to a single platform, System Y. After the migration, it has become apparent that reports generated from this platform are inconsistent and often seem wrong. What is the effect of this?

    1. Time must be spent on identifying the data quality issues, and often manual data quality fixes are employed. This will extend the time to deliver the project that depends on system Y by X months.
    2. To repair these issues, the business needs to contract two additional resources to complete the unforeseen work. The new resources cost $X each, as well as additional infrastructure and hardware costs.
    3. Now, the strategic objectives of the business are at risk and there is a feeling of mistrust in the new system Y.

    Three key challenges impacting the ability to deliver excellent customer experience

    30% Poor data quality

    30% Method of interaction changing

    30% Legacy systems or lack of new technology

    95% Of organizations indicated that poor data quality undermines business performance.

    (Source: Experian Data Quality, 2019)

    Maintaining quality data will support more informed decisions and strategic insight

    Improving your organization’s data quality will help the business realize the following benefits:

    Data-Driven Decision Making

    Business decisions should be made with a strong rationale. Data can provide insight into key business questions, such as, “How can I provide better customer satisfaction?”

    89% Of CIOs surveyed say lack of quality data is an obstacle to good decision making. (Larry Dignan, CIOs juggling digital transformation pace, bad data, cloud lock0in and business alignment, 2020)

    Customer Intimacy

    Improve marketing and the customer experience by using the right data from the system of record to analyze complete customer views of transactions, sentiments, and interactions.

    94% Percentage of senior IT leaders who say that poor data quality impinges business outcomes. (Clint Boulton, Disconnect between CIOs and LOB managers weakens data quality, 2016)

    Innovation Leadership

    Gain insights on your products, services, usage trends, industry directions, and competitor results to support decisions on innovations, new products, services, and pricing.

    20% Businesses lose as much as 20% of revenue due to poor data quality. (RingLead Data Management Solutions, 10 Stats About Data Quality I Bet You Didn’t Know)

    Operational Excellence

    Make sure the right solution is delivered rapidly and consistently to the right parties for the right price and cost structure. Automate processes by using the right data to drive process improvements.

    10-20% The implementation of data quality initiatives can lead to reductions in corporate budget of up to 20%. (HaloBI, 2015)

    However, maintaining data quality is difficult

    Avoid these pitfalls to get the true value out of your data.

    1. Data debt drags down ROI – a high degree of data debt will hinder you from attaining the ROI you’re expecting.
    2. Lack of trust means lack of usage – a lack of confidence in data results in a lack of data usage in your organization, which negatively effects strategic planning, KPIs, and business outcomes.
    3. Strategic assets become a liability – bad data puts your business at risk of failing compliance standards, which could result in you paying millions in fines.
    4. Increased costs and inefficiency – time spent fixing bad data means less workload capacity for your important initiatives and the inability to make data-based decisions.
    5. Barrier to adopting data-driven tech – emerging technologies, such as predictive analytics and artificial intelligence, rely on quality data. Inaccurate, incomplete, or irrelevant data will result in delays or a lack of ROI.
    6. Bad customer experience – Running your business on bad data can hinder your ability to deliver to your customers, growing their frustration, which negatively impacts your ability to maintain your customer base.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Data quality suffers most at the point of entry. This is one of the causes of the domino effect of data quality – and can be one of the most costly forms of data quality errors due to the error propagation. In other words, fix data ingestion, whether through improving your application and database design or improving your data ingestion policy, and you will fix a large majority of data quality issues.

    Follow Our Data & Analytics Journey

    Data Quality is laced into Data Strategy, Data Management, and Data Governance.

    • Data Strategy
      • Data Management
        • Data Quality
        • Data Governance
          • Data Architecture
            • MDM
            • Data Integration
            • Enterprise Content Management
            • Information Lifecycle Management
              • Data Warehouse/Lake/Lakehouse
                • Reporting and Analytics
                • AI

    Data quality is rooted in data management

    Extract Maximum Benefit Out of Your Data Quality Management.

    • Data management is the planning, execution, and oversight of policies, practices, and projects that acquire, control, protect, deliver, and enhance the value of data and information assets (DAMA, 2009).
    • In other words, getting the right information, to the right people, at the right time.
    • Data quality management exists within each of the data practices, information dimensions, business resources, and subject areas that comprise the data management framework.
    • Within this framework, an effective data quality practice will replace ad hoc processes with standardized practices.
    • An effective data quality practice cannot succeed without proper alignment and collaboration across this framework.
    • Alignment ensures that the data quality practice is fit for purpose to the business.

    The DAMA DMBOK2 Data Management Framework

    • Data Governance
      • Data Quality
      • Data Architecture
      • Data Modeling & Design
      • Data Storage & Operations
      • Data Security
      • Data Integration & Interoperability
      • Documents & Content
      • Reference & Master Data
      • Data Warehousing & Business Intelligence
      • Meta-data

    (Source: DAMA International)

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Build a Robust and Comprehensive Data Strategy

    • People often think that the main problems they need to fix first are related to data quality when the issues transpire at a much larger level. This blueprint is the key to building and fostering a data-driven culture.

    Create a Data Management Roadmap

    • Refer to this blueprint to understand data quality in the context of data disciplines and methods for improving your data management capabilities.

    Establish Data Governance

    • Define an effective data governance strategy and ensure the strategy integrates well with data quality with this blueprint.

    Info-Tech’s methodology for Data Quality

    Phase Steps 1. Define Your Organization’s Data Environment and Business Landscape 2. Analyze Your Priorities for Data Quality Fixes 3. Establish Your Organization’s Data Quality Program 4. Grow and Sustain Your Data Quality Practice
    Phase Outcomes This step identifies the foundational understanding of your data and business landscape, the essential concepts around data quality, as well as the core capabilities and competencies that IT needs to effectively improve data quality. To begin addressing specific, business-driven data quality projects, you must identify and prioritize the data-driven business units. This will ensure that data improvement initiatives are aligned to business goals and priorities. After determining whose data is going to be fixed based on priority, determine the specific problems that they are facing with data quality, and implement an improvement plan to fix it. Now that you have put an improvement plan into action, make sure that the data quality issues don’t keep cropping up. Integrate data quality management with data governance practices into your organization and look to grow your organization’s overall data maturity.

    Info-Tech Insight

    “Data Quality is in the eyes of the beholder.”– Igor Ikonnikov, Research Director

    Data quality means tolerance, not perfection

    Data from Info-Tech’s CIO Business Vision Diagnostic, which represents over 400 business stakeholders, shows that data quality is very important when satisfaction with data quality is low.

    However, when data quality satisfaction hit a threshold, it became less important.

    The image is a line graph, with the X-axis labelled Satisfaction with Data Quality, and the Y axis labelled Rated Importance for Data Quality. The line begins high, and then descends. There is text inside the graph, which is transcribed below.

    Respondents were asked “How satisfied are you with the quality, reliability, and effectiveness of the data you use to manage your group?” as well as to rank how important data quality was to their organization.

    When the business satisfaction of data quality reached a threshold value of 71-80%, the rated importance reached its lowest value.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Data needs to be good, but truly spectacular data may go unnoticed.

    Provide the right level of data quality, with the appropriate effort, for the correct usage. This blueprint will help you to determine what “the right level of data quality” means, as well as create a plan to achieve that goal for the business.

    Data Roles and Responsibilities

    Data quality occurs through three main layers across the data lifecycle

    Data Strategy

    Data Strategy should contain Data Quality as a standard component.

    ← Data Quality issues can occur throughout at any stage of the data flow →

    DQ Dimensions

    Timeliness – Representation – Usability – Consistency – Completeness – Uniqueness – Entry Quality – Validity – Confidence – Importance

    Source System Layer

    • Data Resource Manager/Collector: Enters data into a database and ensures that data collection sources are accurate

    Data Transformation Layer

    • ETL Developer: Designs data storage systems
    • Data Engineer: Oversees data integrations, data warehouses and data lakes, data pipelines
    • Database Administrator: Manages database systems, ensures they meet SLAs, performances, backups
    • Data Quality Engineer: Finds and cleanses bad data in data sources, creates processes to prevent data quality problems

    Consumption Layer

    • Data Scientist: Gathers and analyses data from databases and other sources, runs models, and creates data visualizations for users
    • BI Analyst: Evaluates and mines complex data and transforms it into insights that drive business value. Uses BI software and tools to analyze industry trends and create visualizations for business users
    • Data Analyst: Extracts data from business systems, analyzes it, and creates reports and dashboards for users
    • BI Engineer: Documents business needs on data analysis and reporting and develops BI systems, reports, and dashboards to support them
    Data Creation → [SLA] Data Ingestion [ QA] →Data Accumulation & Engineering → [SLA] Data Delivery [QA] →Reporting & Analytics
    Fix Data Quality root causes here… to prevent expensive cures here.

    Executive Brief Case Study

    Industry: Healthcare

    Source: Primary Info-Tech Research

    Align source systems to maximize business output.

    A healthcare insurance agency faced data quality issues in which a key business use case was impacted negatively. Business rules were not well defined, and default values instead of real value caused a concern. When dealing with multiple addresses, data was coming from different source systems.

    The challenge was to identify the most accurate address, as some were incomplete, and some lacked currency and were not up to date. This especially challenged a key business unit, marketing, to derive business value in performing key activities by being unable to reach out to existing customers to advertise any additional products.

    For this initiative, this insurance agency took an economic approach by addressing those data quality issues using internal resources.


    Without having any MDM tools or having a master record or any specific technology relating to data quality, this insurance agency used in-house development to tackle those particular issues at the source system. Data quality capabilities such as data profiling were used to uncover those issues and address them.

    “Data quality is subjective; you have to be selective in terms of targeting the data that matters the most. When getting business tools right, most issues will be fixed and lead to achieving the most value.” – Asif Mumtaz, Data & Solution Architect

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    "Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful."

    Guided Implementation

    "Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track."


    "We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place."


    "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project."

    Diagnostic and consistent frameworks are used throughout all four options.

    Guided Implementation

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4
    • Call #1: Learn about the concepts of data quality and the common root causes of poor data quality.
    • Call #2: Identify the core capabilities of IT for improving data quality on an enterprise scale.
    • Call #3: Determine which business units use data and require data quality remediation.
    • Call #4: Create a plan for addressing business unit data quality issues according to priority of the business units based on value and impact of data.
    • Call #5: Revisit the root causes of data quality issues and identify the relevant root causes to the highest priority business unit.
    • Call #6: Determine a strategy for fixing data quality issues for the highest priority business unit.
    • Call #7: Identify strategies for continuously monitoring and improving data quality at the organization.
    • Call #8: Learn how to incorporate data quality practices in the organization’s larger data management and data governance frameworks.
    • Call #9: Summarize results and plan next steps on how to evolve your data landscape.

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    A typical GI is between eight to twelve calls over the course of four to six months.

    Workshop Overview

    Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889

    Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
    Define Your Organization’s Data Environment and Business Landscape Create a Strategy for Data Quality Project 1 Create a Strategy for Data Quality Project 2 Create a Strategy for Data Quality Project 3 Create a Plan for Sustaining Data Quality
    1. Explain approach and value proposition.
    2. Detail business vision, objectives, and drivers.
    3. Discuss data quality barriers, needs, and principles.
    4. Assess current enterprise-wide data quality capabilities.
    5. Identify data quality practice future state.
    6. Analyze gaps in data quality practice.
    1. Create business unit prioritization roadmap.
    2. Develop subject areas project scope.
    3. By subject area 1:
    • Data lineage analysis
    • Root cause analysis
    • Impact assessment
    • Business analysis
    1. Understand how data quality management fits in with the organization’s data governance and data management programs.
    2. By subject area 2:
    • Data lineage analysis
    • Root cause analysis
    • Impact assessment
    • Business analysis
    1. Formulate strategies and actions to achieve data quality practice future state.
    2. Formulate data quality resolution plan for defined subject area.
    3. By subject area 3:
    • Data lineage analysis
    • Root cause analysis
    • Impact assessment
    • Business analysis
    1. Formulate metrics for continuous tracking of data quality and monitoring the success of the data quality improvement initiative.
    2. Workshop Debrief with Project Sponsor.
    • Meet with project sponsor/manager to discuss results and action items.
    • Wrap up outstanding items from the workshop, deliverables expectations, GIs.
    1. Data Quality Management Primer
    2. Business Capability Map Template
    3. Data Culture Diagnostic
    4. Data Quality Diagnostic
    5. Data Quality Problem Statement Template
    1. Business Unit Prioritization Roadmap
    2. Subject area scope
    3. Data Lineage Diagram
    1. Data Lineage Diagram
    2. Root Cause Analysis
    3. Impact Analysis
    1. Data Lineage Diagram
    2. Data Quality Improvement Plan
    1. Data Quality Practice Improvement Roadmap
    2. Data Quality Improvement Plan (for defined subject areas)

    Phase 1

    Define Your Organization’s Data Environment and Business Landscape

    Build Your Data Quality Program

    Data quality is a methodology and must be treated as such

    A comprehensive data quality practice includes appropriate business requirements gathering, planning, governance, and oversight capabilities, as well as empowering technologies for properly trained staff, and ongoing development processes.

    Some common examples of appropriate data management methodologies for data quality are:

    • The data quality team has the necessary competencies and resources to perform the outlined workload.
    • There are processes that exist for continuously evaluating data quality performance capabilities.
    • Improvement strategies are designed to increase data quality performance capabilities.
    • Policies and procedures that govern data quality are well-documented, communicated, followed, and updated.
    • Change controls exist for revising policies and procedures, including communication of updates and changes.
    • Self-auditing techniques are used to ensure business-IT alignment when designing or recalibrating strategies.

    Effective data quality practices coordinate with other overarching data disciplines, related data practices, and strategic business objectives.

    “You don’t solve data quality with a Band-Aid; you solve it with a methodology.” – Diraj Goel, Growth Advisor, BC Tech

    Data quality can be defined by four key quality indicators

    Similar to measuring the acidity of a substance with a litmus test, the quality of your data can be measured using a simple indicator test. As you learn about common root causes of data quality problems in the following slides, think about these four quality indicators to assess the quality of your data:

    • Completeness – Closeness to the correct value. Encompasses accuracy, consistency, and comparability to other databases.
    • Usability – The degree to which data meets current user needs. To measure this, you must determine if the user is satisfied with the data they are using to complete their business functions.
    • Timeliness – Length of time between creation and availability of data.
    • Accessibility – How easily a user can access and understand the data (including data definitions and context). Interpretability can also be used to describe this indicator.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Quality is a relative term. Data quality is measured in terms of tolerance. Perfect data quality is both impossible and a waste of time and effort.

    How to get investment for your data quality program

    Follow these steps to convince leadership of the value of data quality:

    “You have to level with people, you cannot just start talking with the language of data and expect them to understand when the other language is money and numbers.” – Izabela Edmunds, Information Architect at Mott MacDonald

    1. Perform Phases 0 & 1 of this blueprint as this will offer value in carrying out the following steps.
    2. Build credibility. Show them your understanding of data and how it aligns to the business.
    3. Provide tangible evidence of how significant business use cases are impacted by poor quality data.
    4. Present the ROI of fixing the data quality issues you have prioritized.
    5. Explain how the data quality program will be established, implemented, and sustained.
    6. Prove the importance of fixing data quality issues at the source and how it is the most efficient, effective, and cost-friendly solution.

    Phase 1 deliverables

    Each of these deliverables serve as inputs to detect key outcomes about your organization and to help complete this blueprint:

    1. Data Culture Diagnostic

    Use this report to understand where your organization lies across areas relating to data culture.

    While the Quality & Trust area of the report might be most prevalent to this blueprint, this diagnostic may point out other areas demanding more attention.

    Please speak to your account manager for access

    2. Business Capability Map Template

    Perform this process to understand the capabilities that enable specific value streams. The output of this deliverable is a high-level view of your organization’s defined business capabilities.

    Download this tool

    Info-Tech Insight

    Understanding your data culture and business capabilities are foundational to starting the journey of data quality improvement.

    Key deliverable:

    3. Data Quality Diagnostic

    The Data Quality Report is designed to help you understand, assess, and improve key organizational data quality issues. This is where respondents across various areas in the organization can assess Data Quality across various dimensions.

    Download this tool

    Data Quality Diagnostic Value

    Prioritize business use cases with our data quality dimensions.

    • Complete this diagnostic for each major business use case. The output from the Data Culture Diagnostic and the Business Capability Map should help you understand which use cases to address.
    • Involve all key stakeholders involved in the business use case. There may be multiple business units involved in a single use case.
    • Prioritize the business use cases that need the most attention pertaining to data quality by comparing the scores of the Importance and Confidence data quality dimensions.

    If there are data elements that are considered of high importance and low confidence, then they must be prioritized.

    Sample Scorecard

    The image shows a screen capture of a scorecard, with sample information filled in.

    The image shows a screen capture of a scorecard, with sample information filled in.

    Poor data quality develops due to multiple root causes

    After you get to know the properties of good quality data, understand the underlying causes of why those indicators can point to poor data quality.

    If you notice that the usability, completeness, timeliness, or accessibility of the organization’s data is suffering, one or more of the following root causes are likely plaguing your data:

    Common root causes of poor data quality, through the lens of Info-Tech’s Five-Tier Data Architecture:

    The image shows a graphic of Info-Tech's Five-Tier Data Architecture, with root causes of poor data quality identified. In the data creation and ingestion stages, the root causes are identified as Poor system/application design, Poor database design, Inadequate enterprise integration. The root causes identified in the latter stages are: Absence of data quality policies, procedures, and standards, and Incomplete/suboptimal business processes

    These root causes of poor data quality are difficult to avoid, not only because they are often generated at an organization’s beginning stages, but also because change can be difficult. This means that the root causes are often propagated through stale or outdated business processes.

    Data quality problems root cause #1:

    Poor system or application design

    Application design plays one of the largest roles in the quality of the organization’s data. The proper design of applications can prevent data quality issues that can snowball into larger issues downstream.

    Proper ingestion is 90% of the battle. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This is true in many different topics, and data quality is one of them. Designing an application so that data gets entered properly, whether by internal staff or external customers, is the single most effective way to prevent data quality issues.

    Some common causes of data quality problems at the application/system level include:

    • Too many open fields (free-form text fields that accept a variety of inputs).
    • There are no lookup capabilities present. Reference data should be looked up instead of entered.
    • Mandatory fields are not defined, resulting in blank fields.
    • No validation of data entries before writing to the underlying database.
    • Manual data entry encourages human error. This can be compounded by poor application design that facilitates the incorrect data entry.

    Data quality problems root cause #2:

    Poor database design

    Database design also affects data quality. How a database is designed to handle incoming data, including the schema and key identification, can impact the integrity of the data used for reporting and analytics.

    The most common type of database is the relational database. Therefore, we will focus on this type of database.

    When working with and designing relational databases, there are some important concepts that must be considered.

    Referential integrity is a term that is important for the design of relational database schema, and indicates that table relationships must always be consistent.

    For table relationships to be consistent, primary keys (unique value for each row) must uniquely identify entities in columns of the table. Foreign keys (field that is defined in a second table but refers to the primary key in the first table) must agree with the primary key that is referenced by the foreign key. To maintain referential integrity, any updates must be propagated to the primary parent key.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Other types of databases, including databases with unstructured data, need data quality consideration. However, unstructured data may have different levels of quality tolerance.

    At the database level, some common root causes include:

    1. Lack of referential integrity.
    2. Lack of unique keys.
    3. Don’t have restricted data range.
    4. Incorrect datatype, string fields that can hold too many characters.
    5. Orphaned records.

    Databases and People:

    Even though database design is a technology issue, don’t forget about the people.

    A lack of training employees on database permissions for updating/entering data into the physical databases is a common problem for data quality.

    Data quality problems root cause #3:

    Improper integration and synchronization of enterprise data

    Data ingestion is another category of data-quality-issue root causes. When moving data in Tier 2, whether it is through ETL, ESB, point-to-point integration, etc., the integrity of the data during movement and/or transformation needs to be maintained.

    Tier 2 (the data ingestion layer) serves to move data for one of two main purposes:

    • To move data from originating systems to downstream systems to support integrated business processes.
    • To move data to Tier 3 where data rests for other purposes. This movement of data in its purest form means we move raw data to storage locations in an overall data warehouse environment reflecting any security, compliance and other standards in our choices for how to store. Also, it is where data is transformed for unique business purpose that will also be moved to a place of rest or a place of specific use. Data cleansing and matching and other data-related blending tasks occur at this layer.

    This ensures the data is pristine throughout the process and improves trustworthiness of outcomes and speed to task completion.

    At the integration layer, some common root causes of data quality problems include:

    1. No data mask. For example, zip code should have a mask of five numeric characters.
    2. Questionable aggregation, transformation process, or incorrect logic.
    3. Unsynchronized data refresh process in an integrated environment.
    4. Lack of a data matching tool.
    5. Lack of a data quality tool.
    6. Don’t have data profiling capability.
    7. Errors with data conversion or migration processes – when migrating, decommissioning, or converting systems – movement of data sets.
    8. Incorrect data mapping between data sources and targets.

    Data quality problems root cause #4:

    Insufficient and ineffective data quality policies and procedures

    Data policies and procedures are necessary for establishing standards around data and represent another category of data-quality-issue root causes. This issue spans across all five of the 5 Tier Architecture.

    Data policies are short statements that seek to manage the creation, acquisition, integrity, security, compliance, and quality of data. These policies vary amongst organizations, depending on your specific data needs.

    • Policies describe what to do, while standards and procedures describe how to do something.
    • There should be few data policies, and they should be brief and direct. Policies are living documents and should be continuously updated to respond to the organization’s data needs.
    • The data policies should highlight who is responsible for the data under various scenarios and rules around how to manage it effectively.

    Some common root causes of data quality issues related to policies and procedures include:

    1. Policies are absent or out of date.
    2. Employees are largely unaware of policies in effect.
    3. Policies are unmonitored and unenforced.
    4. Policies are in multiple locations.
    5. Multiple versions of the same policy exist.
    6. Policies are managed inconsistently across different silos.
    7. Policies are written poorly by untrained authors.
    8. Inadequate policy training program.
    9. Draft policies stall and lose momentum.
    10. Weak policy support from senior management.

    Data quality problems root cause #5:

    Inefficient or ineffective business processes

    Some common root causes of data quality issues related to business processes include:

    1. Multiple entries of the same record leads to duplicate records proliferating in the database.
    2. Many business definitions of data.
    3. Failure to document data manipulations when presenting data.
    4. Failure to train people on how to understand data.
    5. Manually intensive processes can result in duplication of effort (creates room for errors).
    6. No clear delineation of dependencies of business processes within or between departments, which leads to a siloed approach to business processes, rather than a coordinated and aligned approach.

    Business processes can impact data quality. How data is entered into systems, as well as employee training and knowledge about the correct data definitions, can impact the quality of your organization’s data.

    These problematic business process root causes can lead to:

    Duplicate records

    Incomplete data

    Improper use of data

    Wrong data entered into fields

    These data quality issues will result in costly and inefficient manual fixes, wasting valuable time and resources.

    Phase 1 Summary

    1. Data Quality Understanding

    • Understanding that data quality is a methodology and should be treated as such.
    • Data quality can be defined by four key indicators which are completeness, usability, timeliness, and accessibility.
    • Explained how to get investment for your data quality program and showcasing its value to leadership.

    2. Phase 0 Deliverables

    Introduced foundational tools to help you throughout this blueprint:

    • Complete the Data Culture Diagnostic and Business Capability Map Template as they are foundational in understanding your data culture and business capabilities to start the journey of data quality improvement.
    • Involve key relevant stakeholders when completing the Data Quality Diagnostic for each major business use case. Use the Importance and Confidence dimensions to help you prioritize which use case to address.

    3. Common Root Causes

    Addressed where multiple root causes can occur throughout the flow of your data.

    Analyzed the following common root causes of data quality:

    1. Poor system or application design
    2. Poor database design
    3. Improper integration and synchronization of enterprise data
    4. Insufficient and ineffective data quality policies and procedures
    5. Inefficient or ineffective business processes

    Phase 2

    Analyze Your Priorities for Data Quality Fixes

    Build Your Data Quality Program

    Business Context & Data Quality

    Establish the business context of data quality improvement projects at the business unit level to find common goals.

    • To ensure the data improvement strategy is business driven, start your data quality project evaluation by understanding the business context. You will then determine which business units use data and create a roadmap for prioritizing business units for data quality repairs.
    • Your business context is represented by your corporate business vision, mission, goals and objectives, differentiators, and drivers. Collectively, they provide essential information on what is important to your organization, and some hints on how to achieve that. In this step, you will gather important information about your business view and interpret the business view to establish a data view.

    Business Vision

    Business Goals

    Business Drivers

    Business Differentiators

    Not every business unit uses data to the same extent

    A data flow diagram can provide value by allowing an organization to adopt a proactive approach to data quality. Save time by knowing where the entry points are and where to look for data flaws.

    Understanding where data lives can be challenging as it is often in motion and rarely resides in one place. There are multiple benefits that come from taking the time to create a data flow diagram.

    • Mapping out the flow of data can help provide clarity on where the data lives and how it moves through the enterprise systems.
    • Having a visual of where and when data moves helps to understand who is using data and how it is being manipulated at different points.
    • A data flow diagram will allow you to elicit how data is used in a different use case.

    Info-Tech’s Four-Column Model of Data will help you to identify the essential aspects of your data:

    Business Use Case →Used by→Business Unit →Housed in→Systems→Used for→Usage of the Data

    Not every business unit requires the same standard of data quality

    To prioritize your business units for data quality improvement projects, you must analyze the relative importance of the data they use to the business. The more important the data is to the business, the higher the priority is of fixing that data. There are two measures for determining the importance of data: business value and business impact.

    Business Value of Data

    Business value of data can be evaluated by thinking about its ties to revenue generation for the organization, as well as how it is used for productivity and operations at the organization.

    The business value of data is assessed by asking what would happen to the following parameters if the data is not usable (due to poor quality, for example):

    • Loss of Revenue
    • Loss of Productivity
    • Increased Operating Costs

    Business Impact of Data

    Business impact of data should take into account the effects of poor data on both internal and external parties.

    The business impact of data is assessed by asking what the impact would be of bad data on the following parameters:

    • Impact on Customers
    • Impact on Internal Staff
    • Impact on Business Partners

    Value + Impact = Data Priority Score

    Ensure that the project starts on the right foot by completing Info-Tech’s Data Quality Problem Statement Template

    Before you can identify a solution, you must identify the problem with the business unit’s data.

    Download this tool

    Use Info-Tech’s Data Quality Problem Statement Template to identify the symptoms of poor data quality and articulate the problem.

    Info-Tech’s Data Quality Problem Statement Template will walk you through a step-by-step approach to identifying and describing the problems that the business unit feels regarding its data quality.

    Before articulating the problem, it helps to identify the symptoms of the problem. The following W’s will help you to describe the symptoms of the data quality issues:


    Define the symptoms and feelings produced by poor data quality in the business unit.


    Define the location of the data that are causing data quality issues.


    Define how severe the data quality issues are in frequency and duration.


    Define who is affected by the data quality problems and who works with the data.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Symptoms vs. Problems. Often, people will identify a list of symptoms of a problem and mistake those for the problem. Identifying the symptoms helps to define the problem, but symptoms do not help to identify the solution. The problem statement helps you to create solutions.

    Define the project problem to articulate the purpose

    1 hour


    • Symptoms of data quality issues in the business unit


    • Refined problem description


    • Data Quality Problem Statement Template


    • Data Quality Improvement Project team
    • Business line representatives

    A defined problem helps you to create clear goals, as well as lead your thinking to determine solutions to the problem.

    A problem statement consists of one or two sentences that summarize a condition or issue that a quality improvement team is meant to address. For the improvement team to fix the problem, the problem statement therefore has to be specific and concise.


    1. Gather the Data Quality Improvement Project Team in a room and start with an issue that is believed to be related to data quality.
    2. Ask what are the attributes and symptoms of that reality today; do this with the people impacted by the issue. This should be an IT and business collaboration.
    3. Draw your conclusions of what it all means: what have you collectively learned?
    4. Consider the implications of your conclusions and other considerations that must be taken into account such as regulatory needs, compliance, policy, and targets.
    5. Develop solutions – Contain the problem to something that can be solved in a realistic timeframe, such as three months.

    Download the Data Quality Problem Statement Template

    Case Study

    A strategic roadmap rooted in business requirements primes a data quality improvement plan for success.



    Software Development


    Primary Info-Tech Research

    As part of moving to a formalized data quality practice, MathWorks leveraged an incremental approach that took its time investigating business cases to support improvement actions. Establishing realistic goals for improvement in the form of a roadmap was a central component for gaining executive approval to push the project forward.

    Roadmap Creation

    In constructing a comprehensive roadmap that incorporated findings from business process and data analyses, MathWorks opted to document five-year and three-year overall goals, with one-year objectives that supported each goal. This approach ensured that the tactical actions taken were directed by long-term strategic objectives.

    Results – Business Alignment

    In presenting their roadmap for executive approval, MathWorks placed emphasis on communicating the progression and impact of their initiatives in terms that would engage business users. They focused on maintaining continual lines of communication with business stakeholders to demonstrate the value of the initiatives and also to gradually shift the corporate culture to one that is invested in an effective data quality practice.

    “Don’t jump at the first opportunity, because you may be putting out a fire with a cup of water where a fire truck is needed.” – Executive Advisor, IT Research and Advisory Firm

    Use Info-Tech’s Practice Assessment and Project Planning Tool to create your strategy for improving data quality

    Assess IT’s capabilities and competencies around data quality and plan to build these as the organization’s data quality practice develops. Before you can fix data quality, make sure you have the necessary skills and abilities to fix data quality correctly.

    The following IT capabilities are developed on an ongoing basis and are necessary for standardizing and structuring a data quality practice:

    • Meeting Business Needs
    • Services and Projects
    • Policies, Procedures, and Standards
    • Roles and Organizational Structure
    • Oversight and Communication
    • Data Quality of Different Data Types

    Download this Tool

    Data Handling and Remediation Competencies:

    • Data Standardization: Formatting values into consistent standards based on industry standards and business rules.
    • Data Cleansing: Modification of values to meet domain restrictions, integrity constraints, or other business rules for sufficient data quality for the organization.
    • Data Matching: Identification, linking, and merging related entries in or across sets of data.
    • Data Validation: Checking for correctness of the data.

    After these capabilities and competencies are assessed for a current and desired target state, the Data Quality Practice Assessment and Project Planning Tool will suggest improvement actions that should be followed in order to build your data quality practice. In addition, a roadmap will be generated after target dates are set to create your data quality practice development strategy.

    Benchmark current and identify target capabilities for your data quality practice

    1 hour


    • Current and desired data quality practices in the organization


    • Assessment of where the gaps lie in your data quality practice


    • Data Quality Practice Assessment and Project Planning Tool


    • Data Quality Project Lead
    • Business Line Representatives
    • Business Architects

    Use the Data Quality Practice Assessment and Project Planning Tool to evaluate the baseline and target capabilities of your practice in terms of how data quality is approached and executed.

    Download this Tool


    1. Invite the appropriate stakeholders to participate in this exercise. Examples:
      1. Business executives will have input in Tab 2
      2. Unique stakeholders: communications expert or executive advisors may have input
    2. On Tab 2: Practice Components, assess the current and target states of each capability on a scale of 1–5. Note: “Ad hoc” implies a capability is completed, but randomly, informally, and without a standardized method.

    These results will set the baseline against which you will monitor performance progress and keep track of improvements over time.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Focus on early alignment. Assessing capabilities within specific people’s job functions can naturally result in disagreement or debate, especially between business and IT people. Remind everyone that data quality should ultimately serve business needs wherever possible.

    Visualization improves the holistic understanding of where gaps exist in your data quality practice

    To enable deeper analysis on the results of your practice assessment, Tab 3: Data Quality Practice Scorecard in the Data Quality Practice Assessment and Project Planning Tool creates visualizations of the gaps identified in each of your practice capabilities and related data management practices. These diagrams serve as analysis summaries.

    Gap assessment of “Meeting Business Needs” capabilities

    The image shows a screen capture of the Gap assessment of 
“Meeting Business Needs” capabilities, with sample information filled in.

    Visualization of gap assessment of data quality practice capabilities

    The image shows a bar graph titled Data Quality Capabilities.

    1. Enhance your gap analyses by forming a relative comparison of total gaps in key practice capability areas, which will help in determining priorities.
    • Example: In Tab 2 compare your capabilities within “Policies, Procedures, and Standards.” Then in Tab 3, compare your overall capabilities in “Policies, Procedures, and Standards” versus “Empowering Technologies.”
  • Put these up on display to improve discussion in the gap analyses and prioritization sessions.
  • Improve the clarity and flow of your strategy template, final presentations, and summary documents by copying and pasting the gap assessment diagrams.
  • Before engaging in the data quality improvement project plan, receive signoff from IT regarding feasibility

    The final piece of the puzzle is to gain sign-off from IT.

    Hofstadter's law: It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter’s Law.

    This means that before engaging IT in data quality projects to fix the business units’ data in Phase 2, IT must assess feasibility of the data quality improvement plan. A feasibility analysis is typically used to review the strengths and weaknesses of the projects, as well as the availability of required skills and technologies needed to complete them. Use the following workflow to guide you in performing a feasibility analysis:

    Project evaluation process:

    Present capabilities

    • Operational Capabilities
    • System Capabilities
    • Schedule Capabilities
      • Summary of Evaluation Results
        • Recommendations/ modifications to the project plan

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    While the PMO identifies and coordinates projects, IT must determine how long and for how much.

    Conduct gap analysis sessions to review and prioritize the capability gaps

    1 hour


    • Current and Target State Assessment


    • Documented initiatives to help you get to the target state


    • Data Quality Practice Assessment and Project Planning Tool


    • Data Quality team
    • IT representatives


    • Analyze Gap Analysis Results – As a group, discuss the high-level results on Tab 3: Data Quality Practice Score. Discuss the implications of the gaps identified.
    • Do a line-item review of the gaps between current and target levels for each assessed capability by using Tab 2: Practice Components.
    • Brainstorm Alignment Strategies – Brainstorm the effort and activities that will be necessary to support the practice in building its capabilities to the desired target level. Ask the following questions:
      • What activities must occur to enable this capability?
      • What changes/additions to resources, process, technology, business involvement, and communication must occur?
    • Document Data Quality Initiatives – Turn activities into initiatives by documenting them in Tab 4. Data Quality Practice Roadmap. Review the initiatives and estimate the start and end dates of each one.
    • Continue to evaluate the assessment results in order to create a comprehensive set of data quality initiatives that support your practice in building capabilities.

    Download this Tool

    Create the organization’s data quality improvement strategy roadmap

    1 hour


    • Data quality practice gaps and improvement actions


    • Data quality practice improvement roadmap


    • Data Quality Practice Assessment and Project Planning Tool


    • Data Quality Project Lead
    • Business Executives
    • IT Executives
    • Business Architects

    Generating Your Roadmap

    1. Plan the sequence, starting time, and length of each initiative in the Data Quality Practice Assessment and Project Planning Tool.
    2. The tool will generate a Gantt chart based on the start and length of your initiatives.
    3. The Gantt chart is generated in Tab 4: Data Quality Practice Roadmap, and can be used to organize and ensure that all of the essential aspects of data quality are addressed.

    Use the Practice Roadmap to plan and improve data quality capabilities

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    Info-Tech Best Practice

    To help get you started, Info-Tech has provided an extensive list of data quality improvement initiatives that are commonly undertaken by organizations looking to improve their data quality.

    Establish Baseline Metrics

    Baseline metrics will be improved through:

    2 hours

    Create practice-level metrics to monitor your data quality practice.


    1. Establish metrics for both the business and IT that will be used to determine if the data quality practice development is effective.
    2. Set targets for each metric.
    3. Collect current data to calculate the metrics and establish a baseline.
    4. Assign an owner for tracking each metric to be accountable for performance.
    Metric Current Goal
    Usage (% of trained users using the data warehouse)
    Performance (response time)
    Performance (response time)
    Resource utilization (memory usage, number of machine cycles)
    User satisfaction (quarterly user surveys)
    Data quality (% values outside valid values, % fields missing, wrong data type, data outside acceptable range, data that violates business rules. Some aspects of data quality can be automatically tracked and reported)
    Costs (initial installation and ongoing, Total Cost of Ownership including servers, software licenses, support staff)
    Security (security violations detected, where violations are coming from, breaches)
    Patterns that are used
    Reduction in time to market for the data
    Completeness of data that is available
    How many "standard" data models are being used
    What is the extra business value from the data governance program?
    How much time is spent for data prep by BI & analytics team?

    Phase 2 summary

    As you improve your data quality practice and move from reactive to stable, don’t rest and assume that you can let data quality keep going by itself. Rapidly changing consumer requirements or other pains will catch up to your organization and you will fall behind again. By moving to the proactive and predictive end of the maturity scale, you can stay ahead of the curve. By following the methodology laid out in Phase 1, the data quality practices at your organization will improve over time, leading to the following results:


    Before Data Quality Practice Improvements

    • No standards to data quality


    Year 1

    • Processes defined
    • Data cleansing approach to data quality


    Year 2

    • Business rules/ stewardship in place
    • Education and training


    Year 3

    • Data quality practices fully in place and embedded in the culture
    • Trusted and intelligent enterprise

    (Global Data Excellence, Data Excellence Maturity Model)

    Phase 3

    Establish Your Organization’s Data Quality Program

    Build Your Data Quality Program

    Create a data lineage diagram to map the data journey and identify the data subject areas to be targeted for fixes

    It is important to understand the various data that exist in the business unit, as well as which data are essential to business function and require the highest degree of quality efforts.

    Visualize your databases and the flow of data. A data lineage diagram can help you and the Data Quality Improvement Team visualize where data issues lie. Keeping the five-tier architecture in mind, build your data lineage diagram.

    Reminder: Five-Tier Architecture

    The image shows the Five-Tier Architecture graphic.

    Use the following icons to represent your various data systems and databases.

    The image shows four icons. They are: the image of a square and a computer monitor, labelled Application; the image of two sheets of paper, labelled Desktop documents; the image of a green circle next to a computer monitor, labelled Web Application; and a blue cylinder labelled Database.

    Use Info-Tech’s Data Lineage Diagram to document the data sources and applications used by the business unit

    2 hours


    • Data sources and applications used by the business unit


    • Data lineage diagram


    • Data Lineage Diagram Template


    • Business Unit Head/Data Owner
    • Business Unit SMEs
    • Data Analysts/Architects

    Map the flow and location of data within a business unit by creating a system context diagram.

    Gain an accurate view of data locations and uses: Engage business users and representatives with a wide breadth of knowledge-related business processes and the use of data by related business operations.

    1. Sit down with key business representatives of the business unit.
    2. Document the sources of data and processes in which they’re involved, and get IT confirmation that the sources of the data are correct.
    3. Map out the sources and processes in a system context diagram.

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    Sample Data Lineage Diagram

    The image shows a sample data lineage diagram, split into External Applications and Internal Applications, and showing the processes involved in each.

    Leverage Info-Tech’s Data Quality Practice Assessment and Project Planning Tool to document business context

    1 hour


    • Business vision, goals, and drivers


    • Business context for the data quality improvement project


    • Data Quality Practice Assessment and Project Planning Tool


    • Data Quality project lead
    • Business line representatives
    • IT executives

    Develop goals and align them with specific objectives to set the framework for your data quality initiatives.

    In the context of achieving business vision, mission, goals, and objectives and sustaining differentiators and key drivers, think about where and how data quality is a barrier. Then brainstorm data quality improvement objectives that map to these barriers. Document your list of objectives in Tab 5. Prioritize business units of the Data Quality Practice Assessment and Project Planning Tool.

    Establishing Business Context Example

    Healthcare Industry

    Vision To improve member services and make service provider experience more effective through improving data quality and data collection, aggregation, and accessibility for all the members.

    Establish meaningful metrics that guide to the improvement of healthcare for member effectiveness of health care providers:

    • Data collection
    • Data harmonization
    • Data accessibility and trust by all constituents.
    Differentiator Connect service consumers with service providers, that comply with established regulations by delivering data that is accurate, trusted, timely, and easy to understand to connect service providers and eliminate bureaucracy and save money and time.
    Key Driver Seamlessly provide a healthcare for members.

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    Document the identified business units and their associated data

    30 minutes


    • Business units


    • Documented business units to begin prioritization


    • Data Quality Practice Assessment and Project Planning Tool


    • Project Manager


    1. Using Tab 5: Prioritize Business Units of the Data Quality Practice Assessment and Project Planning Tool, document the business units that use data in the organization. This will likely be all business units in the organization.
    2. Next, document the primary data used by those business units.
    3. These inputs will then be used to assess business unit priority to generate a data quality improvement project roadmap.

    The image shows a screen capture of Tab 5: Prioritize Business Units, with sample information inputted.

    Reminder – Not every business unit requires the same standard of data quality

    To prioritize your business units for data quality improvement projects, you must analyze the relative importance of the data they use to the business. The more important the data is to the business, the higher the priority is of fixing that data. There are two measures for determining the importance of data: business value and business impact.

    Business Value of Data

    Business value of data can be evaluated by thinking about its ties to revenue generation for the organization, as well as how it is used for productivity and operations at the organization.

    The business value of data is assessed by asking what would happen to the following parameters if the data is not usable (due to poor quality, for example):

    • Loss of Revenue
    • Loss of Productivity
    • Increased Operating Costs

    Business Impact of Data

    Business impact of data should take into account the effects of poor data on both internal and external parties.

    The business impact of data is assessed by asking what the impact would be of bad data on the following parameters:

    • Impact on Customers
    • Impact on Internal Staff
    • Impact on Business Partners

    Value + Impact = Data Priority Score

    Assess the business unit priority order for data quality improvements

    2 hours


    • Assessment of value and impact of business unit data


    • Prioritization list for data quality improvement projects


    • Data Quality Practice Assessment and Project Planning Tool


    • Project Manager
    • Data owners


    Instructions In Tab 5: Prioritize Business Units of the Data Quality Practice Assessment and Project Planning Tool, assess business value and business impact of the data within each documented business unit.

    Use the ratings High, Medium, and Low to measure the financial, productivity, and efficiency value and impact of each business unit’s data.

    In addition to these ratings, assess the number of help desk tickets that are submitted to IT regarding data quality issues. This parameter is an indicator that the business unit’s data is high priority for data quality fixes.

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    Create a business unit order roadmap for your data quality improvement projects

    1 hour


    • Rating of importance of data for each business unit


    • Roadmap for data quality improvement projects


    • Data Quality Practice Assessment and Project Planning Tool


    • Project Manager
    • Product Manager
    • Business line representatives


    After assessing the business units for the business value and business impact of their data, the Data Quality Practice Assessment and Project Planning Tool automatically assesses the prioritization of the business units based on your ratings. These prioritizations are then summarized in a roadmap on Tab 6: Data Quality Project Roadmap. The following is an example of a project roadmap:

    The image shows an example of a project roadmap, with three business units listed vertically along the left hand side, and a Gantt chart showing the time periods in which each Business Unit would work. At the bottom, a table shows the Length of the Project in days (100), and the start date for the first project.

    On Tab 6, insert the timeline for your data quality improvement projects, as well as the starting date of your first data quality project. The roadmap will automatically update with the chosen timing and dates.

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    Identify metrics at the business unit level to track data quality improvements

    As you improve the data quality for specific business units, measuring the benefits of data quality improvements will help you demonstrate the value of the projects to the business.

    Use the following table to guide you in creating business-aligned metrics:

    Business Unit Driver Metrics Goal
    Sales Customer Intimacy Accuracy of customer data. Percent of missing or incomplete records. 10% decrease in customer record errors.


    Customer Intimacy Accuracy of customer data. Percent of missing or incomplete records. 10% decrease in customer record errors.
    Finance Operational Excellence Relevance of financial reports. Decrease in report inaccuracy complaints.
    HR Risk Management Accuracy of employee data. 10% decrease in employee record errors.
    Shipping Operational Excellence Timeliness of invoice data. 10% decrease in time to report.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Relating data governance success metrics to overall business benefits keeps executive management and executive sponsors engaged because they are seeing actionable results. Review metrics on an ongoing basis with those data owners/stewards who are accountable, the data governance steering committee, and the executive sponsors.

    Case Study

    Address data quality with the right approach to maximize the ROI


    Industry: Government

    Source: Environment Development of Canada (EDC)


    Environment Development Canada (EDC) would initially identify data elements that are important to the business purely based on their business instinct.

    Leadership attempted to tackle the enterprise’s data issues by bringing a set of different tools into the organization.

    It didn’t work out because the fundamental foundational layer, which is the data and infrastructure, was not right – they didn't have the foundational capabilities to enable those tools.


    Leadership listened to the need for one single team to be responsible for the data persistence.

    Therefore, the data platform team was granted that mandate to extensively execute the data quality program across the enterprise.

    A data quality team was formed under the Data & Analytics COE. They had the mandate to profile the data and to understand what quality of data needed to be achieved. They worked constantly with the business to build the data quality rules.


    EDC tackled the source of their data quality issues through initially performing a data quality management assessment with business stakeholders.

    From then on, EDC was able to establish their data quality program and carry out other key initiatives that prove the ROI on data quality.

    Begin your data quality improvement project starting with the highest priority business unit

    Now that you have a prioritized list for your data quality improvement projects, identify the highest priority business unit. This is the business unit you will work through Phase 3 with to fix their data quality issues.

    Once you have initiated and identified solutions for the first business unit, tackle data quality for the next business unit in the prioritized list.

    The image is a graphic labelled as Phase 2. On the left, there is a vertical arrow pointing upward labelled Priority of Business Units. Next to it, there are three boxes, with downward pointing arrows between them, each box labelled as each Business Unit's Data Quality Improvement Project. From there an arrow points right to a circle. Inside the circle are the steps necessary to complete the data quality improvement project.

    Create and document your data quality improvement team

    1 hour


    • Individuals who fit the data quality improvement plan team roles


    • Project team


    • Data Quality Improvement Plan Template


    • Data owner
    • Project Manager
    • Product Manager

    The Data Quality Improvement Plan is a concise document that should be created for each data quality project (i.e. for each business unit) to keep track of the project.


    1. Meet with the data owner of the business unit identified for the data quality improvement project.
    2. Identify individuals who fit the data quality improvement plan team roles.
    3. Using the Data Quality Improvement Plan Template to document the roles and individuals who will fit those roles.
    4. Have an introductory meeting with the Improvement team to clarify roles and responsibilities for the project.

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    Team role Assigned to
    Data Owner [Name]
    Project Manager [Name]
    Business Analyst/BRM [Name]
    Data Steward [Name]
    Data Analyst [Name]

    Document the business context of the Data Quality Improvement Plan

    1 hour


    • Project team
    • Identified data attributes


    • Business context for the data quality improvement plan


    • Data Quality Improvement Plan Template


    • Data owner
    • Project Sponsor
    • Product owner

    Data quality initiatives have to be relevant to the business, and the business context will be used to provide inputs to the data improvement strategy. The context can then be used to determine exactly where the root causes of data quality issues are, which will inform your solutions.


    The business context of the data quality improvement plan includes documenting from previous activities:

    1. The Data Quality Improvement Team.
    2. Your Data Lineage Diagram.
    3. Your Data Quality Problem Statement.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    While many organizations adopt data quality principles, not all organizations express them along the same terms. Have multiple perspectives within your organization outline principles that fit your unique data quality agenda. Anyone interested in resolving the day-to-day data quality issues that they face can be helpful for creating the context around the project.

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    Now that you have a defined problem, revisit the root causes of poor data quality

    You previously fleshed out the problem with data quality present in the business unit chosen as highest priority. Now it is time to figure out what is causing those problems.

    In the table below, you will find some of the common categories of causes of data quality issues, as well as some specific root causes.

    Category Description
    1. System/Application Design Ineffective, insufficient, or even incorrect system/application design accepts incorrect and missing data elements to the source applications and databases. The data records in those source systems may propagate into systems in tiers 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the 5-tier architecture, creating domino and ripple effects.
    2. Database design Database is created and modeled in an incorrect manner so that the management of the data records is incorrect, resulting in duplicated and orphaned records, and records that are missing data elements or records that contain incorrect data elements. Poor operational data in databases often leads to issues in tiers 2, 3, 4, and 5.
    3. Enterprise Integration Data or information is improperly integrated, transformed, masked, and aggregated in tier 2. In addition, some data integration tasks might not be timely, resulting in out-of-date data or even data that contradicts with other data. Enterprise integration is a precursor of loading a data warehouse and data marts. Issues in this layer affect tier 3, 4 and 5 on the 5-tier architecture.
    4. Policies and Procedures Policies and procedures are not effectively used to reinforce data quality. In some situations, policy gaps are found. In others, policies are overlapped and duplicated. Policies may also be out-of-date or too complex, affecting the users’ ability to interpret the policy objectives. Policies affect all tiers in the 5-tier architecture.
    5. Business Processes Improper business process design introduces poor data into the data systems. Failure to create processes around approving data changes, failure to document key data elements, and failure to train employees on the proper uses of data make data quality a burning problem.

    Leverage a root cause analysis approach to pinpoint the origins of your data issues

    A root cause analysis is a systematic approach to decompose a problem into its components. Use fishbone diagrams to help reveal the root causes of data issues.

    The image shows a fishbone diagram on the left, which starts with Process on the left, and then leads to Application and Integration, and then Database and Policies. This section is titled Root causes. The right hand section is titled Lead to problems with data... and includes 4 circles with the word or in between each. The circles are labelled: Completeness; Usability; Timeliness; Accessibility.

    Info-Tech recommends five root cause categories for assessing data quality issues:

    Application Design. Is the issue caused by human error at the application level? Consider internal employees, external partners/suppliers, and customers.

    Database Design. Is the issue caused by a particular database and stems from inadequacies in its design?

    Integration. Data integration tools may not be fully leveraged, or data matching rules may be poorly designed.

    Policies and Procedures. Do the issues take place because of lack of governance?

    Business Processes. Do the issues take place due to insufficient processes?

    For Example:

    When performing a deeper analysis of your data issues related to the accuracy of the business unit’s data, you would perform a root cause analysis by assessing the contribution of each of the five categories of data quality problem root causes:

    The image shows another fishbone diagram, with example information filled in. The first section on the left is titled Application Design, and includes the text: Data entry problems lead to incorrect accounting entries. The second is Integration, and includes the text: Data integration tools are not fully leveraged. The third section is Policies, and includes the text: No policy on standardizing name and address. The last section is Database design, with text that reads: Databases do not contain unique keys. The diagram ends with an arrow pointing right to a blue circle with Accuracy in it.

    Leverage a combination of data analysis techniques to identify and quantify root causes

    Info-Tech Insight

    Including all attributes of the key subject area in your data profiling activities may produce too much information to make sense of. Conduct data profiling primarily at the table level and undergo attribute profiling only if you are able to narrow down your scope sufficiently.

    Data Profiling Tool

    Data profiling extracts a sample of the target data set and runs it through multiple levels of analysis. The end result is a detailed report of statistics about a variety of data quality criteria (duplicate data, incomplete data, stale data, etc.).

    Many data profiling tools have built-in templates and reports to help you uncover data issues. In addition, they quantify the occurrences of the data issues.

    E-Discovery Tool

    This supplements a profiling tool. For Example, use a BI tool to create a custom grouping of all the invalid states (e.g. “CAL,” “AZN,” etc.) and visualize the percentage of invalid states compared to all states.

    SQL Queries

    This supplements a profiling tool. For example, use a SQL statement to group the customer data by customer segment and then by state to identify which segment–state combinations contain poor data.

    Identify the data issues for the particular business unit under consideration

    2 hours


    • Issues with data quality felt by the business unit
    • Data lineage diagram


    • Categorized data quality issues


    • Whiteboard, markers, sticky notes
    • Data Quality Improvement Plan Template


    • Data quality improvement project team
    • Business line representatives


    1. Gather the data quality improvement project team in a room, along with sticky notes and a whiteboard.
    2. Display your previously created data lineage diagram on the whiteboard.
    3. Using color-coded sticky notes, attach issues to each component of the data lineage diagram that team members can identify. Use different colors for the four quality attributes: Completeness, Usability, Timeliness, and Accessibility.


    The image shows the data lineage diagram that has been shown in previous sections. In addition, the image shows 4 post-its arranges around the diagram, labelled: Usability; Completeness; Timeliness; and Accessibility.

    Map the data issues on fishbone diagrams to identify root causes

    1 hour


    • Categorized data quality issues


    • Completed fishbone diagrams


    • Whiteboard, markers, sticky notes
    • Data Quality Improvement Plan Template


    • Data quality improvement project team

    Now that you have data quality issues classified according to the data quality attributes, map these issues onto four fishbone diagrams.

    The image shows a fishbone diagram, which is titled Example: Root cause analysis diagram for data accuracy.

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    Get to know the root causes behind system/application design mistakes

    Suboptimal system/application design provides entry points for bad data.

    Business Process
    Usually found in → Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5
    Issue Root Causes Usability Completeness Timeliness Accessibility
    Insufficient data mask No data mask is defined for a free-form text field in a user interface. E.g. North American phone number should have 4 masks – country code (1-digit), area code (3-digit), and local number (7-digit). X X
    Too many free-form text fields Incorrect use of free-form text fields (fields that accept a variety of inputs). E.g. Use a free-form text field for zip code instead of a backend look up. X X
    Lack of value lookup Reference data is not looked up from a reference list. E.g. State abbreviation is entered instead of being looked up from a standard list of states. X X
    Lack of mandatory field definitions Mandatory fields are not identified and reinforced. Resulting data records with many missing data elements. E.g. Some users may fill up 2 or 3 fields in a UI that has 20 non-mandatory fields. X

    The image shows a fishbone diagram, with the following sections, from left to right: Application Design; Integration; Processes; Policies; Database Design; Data Quality Measure. The Application Design section is highlighted.

    Get to know the root causes behind common database design mistakes

    Improper database design allows incorrect data to be stored and propagated.

    Business Process
    Usually found in → Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5
    Issue Root Causes Usability Completeness Timeliness Accessibility
    Incorrect referential integrity Referential integrity constraints are absent or incorrectly implemented, resulting in child records without parent records, or related records are updated or deleted in a cascading manner. E.g. An invoice line item is created before an invoice is created. X X
    Lack of unique keys Lack of unique keys creating scenarios where record uniqueness cannot be guaranteed. E.g. Customer records with the same customer_ID. X X
    Data range Fail to define a data range for incoming data, resulting in data values that are out of range. E.g. The age field is able to store an age of 999. X X
    Incorrect data type Incorrect data types are used to store data fields. E.g. A string field is used to store zip codes. Some users use that to store phone numbers, birthdays, etc. X X

    The image shows a fishbone diagram, with the following sections, from left to right: Application Design; Integration; Processes; Policies; Database Design; Data Quality Measure. The Database Design section is highlighted

    Get to know the root causes behind enterprise integration mistakes

    Improper data integration or synchronization may create poor analytical data.

    Business Process
    Usually found in → Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5
    Issue Root Causes Usability Completeness Timeliness Accessibility
    Incorrect transformation Transformation is done incorrectly. A wrong formula may have been used, transformation is done at the wrong data granularity, or aggregation logic is incorrect. E.g. Aggregation is done for all customers instead of just active customers. X X
    Data refresh is out of sync Data is synchronized at different intervals, resulting in a data warehouse where data domains are out of sync. E.g. Customer transactions are refreshed to reflect the latest activities but the account balance is not yet refreshed. X X
    Data is matched incorrectly Fail to match records from disparate systems, resulting in duplications and unmatched records. E.g. Unable to match customers from different systems because they have different cust_ID. X X
    Incorrect data mapping Fields from source systems are not properly matched with data warehouse fields. E.g. Status fields from different systems are mixed into one field. X X

    The image shows a fishbone diagram, with the following sections, from left to right: Application Design; Integration; Processes; Policies; Database Design; Data Quality Measure. The Integration section is highlighted

    Get to know the root causes behind policy and procedure mistakes

    Suboptimal policies and procedures undermine the effect of best practices.

    Business Process
    Usually found in → Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5
    Issue Root Causes Usability Completeness Timeliness Accessibility
    Policy Gaps There are gaps in the policy landscape in terms of some missing key policies or policies that are not refreshed to reflect the latest changes. E.g. A data entry policy is absent, leading to inconsistent data entry practices. X X
    Policy Communications Policies are in place but the policies are not communicated effectively to the organization, resulting in misinterpretation of policies and under-enforcement of policies. E.g. The data standard is created but very few developers are aware of its existence. X X
    Policy Enforcement Policies are in place but not proactively re-enforced and that leads to inconsistent application of policies and policy adoption. E.g. Policy adoption is dropping over time due to lack of reinforcement. X X
    Policy Quality Policies are written by untrained authors and they do not communicate the messages. E.g. A non-technical data user may find a policy that is loaded with technical terms confusing. X X

    The image shows a fishbone diagram, with the following sections, from left to right: Application Design; Integration; Processes; Policies; Database Design; Data Quality Measure. The Policies section is highlighted

    Get to know the root causes behind common business process mistakes

    Ineffective and inefficient business processes create entry points for poor data.

    Business Process
    Usually found in → Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5
    Issue Root Causes Usability Completeness Timeliness Accessibility
    Lack of training Key data personnel and business analysts are not trained in data quality and data governance, leading to lack of accountability. E.g. A data steward is not aware of downstream impact of a duplicated financial statement. X X
    Ineffective business process The same piece of information is entered into data systems two or more times. Or a piece of data is stalled in a data system for too long. E.g. A paper form is scanned multiple times to extract data into different data systems. X X
    Lack of documentation Fail to document the work flows of the key business processes. A lack of work flow results in sub-optimal use of data. E.g. Data is modeled incorrectly due to undocumented business logic. X X
    Lack of integration between business silos Business silos hold on to their own datasets resulting in data silos in which data is not shared and/or data is transferred with errors. E.g. Data from a unit is extracted as a data file and stored in a shared drive with little access. X X

    The image shows a fishbone diagram, with the following sections, from left to right: Application Design; Integration; Processes; Policies; Database Design; Data Quality Measure. The Processes section is highlighted

    Phase 3 Summary

    1. Data Lineage Diagram
    • Creating the data lineage diagram is recommended to help visualize the flow of your data and to map the data journey and identify the data subject areas to be targeted for fixes.
    • The data lineage diagram was leveraged multiple times throughout this Phase. For example, the data lineage diagram was used to document the data sources and applications used by the business unit
  • Business Context
    • Business context was documented through the Data Quality Practice Assessment and Project Planning Tool.
    • The same tool was used to document identified business units and their associated data.
    • Metrics were also identified at the business unit level to track data quality improvements.
  • Common Root Causes
    • Leverage a root cause analysis approach to pinpoint the origins of your data quality issues.
    • Analyzed and got to know the root causes behind the following:
      1. System/application design mistakes
      2. Common database design mistakes
      3. Enterprise integration mistakes
      4. Policies and procedures mistakes
      5. Common business processes mistakes
  • Phase 4

    Grow and Sustain Your Data Quality Program

    Build Your Data Quality Program

    For the identified root causes, determine the solutions for the problem

    As you worked through the previous step, you identified the root causes of your data quality problems within the business unit. Now, it is time to identify solutions.

    The following slides provide an overview of the solutions to common data quality issues. As you identify solutions that apply to the business unit being addressed, insert the solution tables in Section 4: Proposed Solutions of the Data Quality Improvement Plan Template.

    All data quality solutions have two components to them:

    • Technology
    • People

    For the next five data quality solution slides, look for the slider for the contributions of each category to the solution. Use this scale to guide you in creating solutions.

    When designing solutions, keep in mind that solutions to data quality problems are not mutually exclusive. In other words, an identified root cause may have multiple solutions that apply to it.

    For example, if an application is plagued with inaccurate data, the application design may be suboptimal, but also the process that leads to data being entered may need fixing.

    Data quality improvement strategy #1:

    Fix data quality issues by improving system/application design.


    Application Interface Design

    Restrict field length – Capture only the characters you need for your application.

    Leverage data masks – Use data masks in standardized fields like zip code and phone number.

    Restrict the use of open text fields and use reference tables – Only present open text fields when there is a need. Use reference tables to limit data values.

    Provide options – Use radio buttons, drop-down lists, and multi-select instead of using open text fields.

    Data Validation at the Application Level

    Validate data before committing – Use simple validation to ensure the data entered is not random numbers and letters.

    Track history – Keep track of who entered what fields.

    Cannot submit twice – Only design for one-time submission.



    Data-entry training – Training that is related to data entry, creating, or updating data records.

    Data resolution training – Training data stewards or other dedicated data personnel on how to resolve data records that are not entered properly.

    Continuous Improvement

    Standards – Develop application design principles and standards.

    Field testing – Field data entry with a few people to look for abnormalities and discrepancies.

    Detection and resolution – Abnormal data records should be isolated and resolved ASAP.

    Application Testing

    Thorough testing – Application design is your first line of defence against poor data. Test to ensure bad data is kept out of the systems.

    Case Study


    Industry: Healthcare

    Source: Informatica

    Improve your data quality ingestion procedures to provide better customer intimacy for your users

    Healthcare Management Systems (HMS) provides cost containment services for healthcare sponsors and payers, and coordinates benefits services. This is to ensure that healthcare claims are paid correctly to both government agencies and individuals. To do so, HMS relies on data, and this data needs to be of high quality to ensure the correct decisions are made, the right people get the correct claims, and the appropriate parties pay out.

    To improve the integrity of HMS’s customer data, HMS put in place a framework that helped to standardize the collection of high volume and highly variable data.


    Working with a data quality platform vendor to establish a framework for data standardization, HMS was able to streamline data analysis and reduce new customer implementations from months to weeks.

    HMS data was plagued with a lack of standardization of data ingestion procedures.

    Before improving data quality processes After improving data quality processes
    Data Ingestion Data Ingestion
    Many standards of ingestion. Standardized data ingestion
    Data Storage Data Storage
    Lack of ability to match data, creating data quality errors.
    Data Analysis Data Analysis
    = =
    Slow Customer Implementation Time 50% Reduction in Customer Implementation Time

    Data quality improvement strategy #2:

    Fix data quality issues using proper database design.


    Database Design Best Practices

    Referential integrity – Ensure parent/child relationships are maintained in terms of cascade creation, update, and deletion.

    Primary key definition – Ensure there is at least one key to guarantee the uniqueness of the data records, and primary key should not allow null.

    Validate data domain – Create triggers to check the data values entered in the database fields.

    Field type and length – Define the most suitable data type and length to hold field values.

    One-Time Data Fix (more on the next slide)

    Explore solutions – Where to fix the data issues? Is there a case to fix the issues?

    Running profiling tools to catch errors – Run scans on the database with defined criteria to identify occurrences of questionable data.

    Fix a sample before fixing all records – Use a proof-of-concept approach to explore fix options and evaluate impacts before fixing the full set.


    The DBA Team

    Perform key tasks in pairs – Take a pair approach to perform key tasks so that validation and cross-check can happen.

    Skilled DBAs – DBAs should be certified and accredited.

    Competence – Assess DBA competency on an ongoing basis.

    Preparedness – Develop drills to stimulate data issues and train DBAs.

    Cross train – Cross train team members so that one DBA can cover another DBA.

    Data quality improvement strategy #3:

    Improve integration and synchronization of enterprise data.


    Integration Architecture

    Info-Tech’s 5-Tier Architecture – When doing transformations, it is good practice to persist the integration results in tier 3 before the data is further refined and presented in tier 4.

    Timing, timing, and timing – Think of the sequence of events. You may need to perform some ETL tasks before other tasks to achieve synchronization and consistence.

    Historical changes – Ensure your tier 3 is robust enough to include historical data. You need to enable type 2 slowly, changing dimension to recreate the data at a point in time.

    Data Cleansing

    Standardize – Leverage data standardization to standardize name and address fields to improve matching and integration.

    Fuzzy matching – When there are no common keys between datasets. The datasets can only be matched by fuzzy matching. Fuzzy matching is not hard science; define a confidence level and think about a mechanism to deal with the unmatched.


    Reporting and Documentations

    Business data glossary and data lineage – Define a business data glossary to enhance findability of key data elements. Document data mappings and ETL logics.

    Create data quality reports – Many ETL platforms provide canned data quality reports. Leverage those quality reports to monitor the data health.

    Code Review

    Create data quality reports – Many ETL platforms provide canned data quality reports. Leverage those quality reports to monitor the data health.

    ARB (architectural review board) – All ETL codes should be approved by the architectural review board to ensure alignment with the overall integration strategy.

    Data quality improvement strategy #4:

    Improve data quality policies and procedures.


    Policy Reporting

    Data quality reports – Leverage canned data quality reports from the ETL platforms to monitor data quality on an on-going basis. When abnormalities are found, provoke the right policies to deal with the issues.

    Store policies in a central location that is well known and easy to find and access. A key way that technology can help communicate policies is by having them published on a centralized website.

    Make the repository searchable and easily navigable. myPolicies helps you do all this and more.

    myPolicies helps you do all this and more.

    Go to this link


    Policy Review and Training

    Policy review – Create a schedule for reviewing policies on a regular basis – invite professional writers to ensure polices are understandable.

    Policy training – Policies are often unread and misread. Training users and stakeholders on policies is an effective way to make sure those users and stakeholders understand the rationale of the policies. It is also a good practice to include a few scenarios that are handled by the policies.

    Policy hotline/mailbox – To avoid misinterpretation of the policies, a policy hotline/mailbox should be set up to answer any data policy questions from the end users/stakeholders.

    Policy Communications

    Simplified communications – Create handy one-pagers and infographic posters to communicate the key messages of the polices.

    Policy briefing – Whenever a new data project is initiated, a briefing of data policies should be given to ensure the project team follows the policies from the very beginning.

    Data quality improvement strategy #5:

    Streamline and optimize business processes.


    Requirements Gathering

    Data Lineage – Leverage a metadata management tool to construct and document data lineage for future reference.

    Documentations Repository – It is a best practice to document key project information and share that knowledge across the project team and with the stakeholder. An improvement understanding of the project helps to identify data quality issues early on in the project.

    “Automating creation of data would help data quality most. You have to look at existing processes and create data signatures. You can then derive data off those data codes.” – Patrick Bossey, Manager of Business Intelligence, Crawford and Company


    Requirements Gathering

    Info-Tech’s 4-Column Model – The datasets may exist but the business units do not have an effective way of communicating the quality needs. Use our four-column model and the eleven supporting questions to better understand the quality needs. See subsequent slides.

    I don’t know what the data means so I think the quality is poor – It is not uncommon to see that the right data presented to the business but the business does not trust the data. They also do not understand the business logic done on the data. See our Business Data Glossary in subsequent slides.

    Understand the business workflow – Know the business workflow to understand the manual steps associated with the workflow. You may find steps in which data is entered, manipulated, or consumed inappropriately.

    “Do a shadow data exercise where you identify the human workflows of how data gets entered, and then you can identify where data entry can be automated.” – Diraj Goel, Growth Advisor, BC Tech

    Brainstorm solutions to your data quality issues

    4 hours


    • Data profiling results
    • Preliminary root cause analyses


    • Proposals for data fix
    • Fixed issues


    • Data Quality Improvement Plan Template


    • Business and Data Analysts
    • Data experts and stewards

    After walking through the best-practice solutions to data quality issues, propose solutions to fix your identified issues.


    1. Review Root Cause Analyses: Revisit the root cause analysis and data lineage diagram you have generated in Step 3.2. to understand the issues in greater details.
    2. Characterize Each Issue: You may need to generate a data profiling report to characterize the issue. The report can be generated by using data quality suites, BI platforms, or even SQL statements.
    3. Brainstorm the Solutions: As a group, discuss potential ways to fix the issue. You can tackle the issues by approaching from these areas:
    Solution Approaches
    Technology Approach
    People Approach

    X crossover with

    Problematic Areas
    Application/System Design
    Database Design
    Data Integration and Synchronization
    Policies and Procedures
    Business Processes
    1. Document and Communicate: Document the solutions to your data issues. You may need to reuse or refer to the solutions. Also brainstorm some ideas on how to communicate the results back to the business.

    Download this Tool

    Sustaining your data quality requires continuous oversight through a data governance practice

    Quality data is the ultimate outcome of data governance and data quality management. Data governance enables data quality by providing the necessary oversight and controls for business processes in order to maintain data quality. There are three primary groups (at right) that are involved in a mature governance practice. Data quality should be tightly integrated with all of them.

    Define an effective data governance strategy and ensure the strategy integrates well with data quality with Info-Tech’s Establish Data Governance blueprint.

    Visit this link

    Data Governance Council

    This council establishes data management practices that span across the organization. This should be comprised of senior management or C-suite executives that can represent the various departments and lines of business within the organization. The data governance council can help to promote the value of data governance, facilitate a culture that nurtures data quality, and ensure that the goals of the data governance program are well aligned with business objectives.

    Data Owners

    Identifying the data owner role within an organization helps to create a greater degree of accountability for data issues. They often oversee how the data is being generated as well as how it is being consumed. Data owners come from the business side and have legal rights and defined control over a data set. They ensure data is available to the right people within the organization.

    Data Stewards

    Conflict can occur within an organization’s data governance program when a data steward’s role is confused with that of the steering committee’s role. Data stewards exist to enforce decisions made about data governance and data management. Data stewards are often business analysts or power users of a particular system/dataset. Where a data owner is primarily responsible for access, a data steward is responsible for the quality of a dataset.

    Integrate the data quality management strategy with existing data governance committees

    Ongoing and regular data quality management is the responsibility of the data governance bodies of the organization.

    The oversight of ongoing data quality activities rests on the shoulders of the data governance committees that exist in the organization.

    There is no one-size-fits-all data governance structure. However, most organizations follow a similar pattern when establishing committees, councils, and cross-functional groups. They strive to identify roles and responsibilities at a strategic, tactical, and operational level:

    The image shows a pyramid, with Executive Sponsors at the top, with the following roles in descending order: DG Council; Steering Committee; Working Groups; Data Owners and Data Stewards; and Data Users. Along the left side of the pyramid, there are three labels, in ascending order: Operational, Tactical, and Strategic.

    The image is a flow chart showing project roles, in two sections: the top section is labelled Governing Bodies, and the lower section is labelled Data Quality Improvement Team. There is a note indicating that the Data Owner reports to and provides updates regarding the state of data quality and data quality initiatives.

    Create and update the organization’s Business Data Glossary to keep up with current data definitions

    2 hours


    • Metrics and goals for data quality


    • Regularly scheduled data quality checkups


    • Business Data Glossary Template
    • Data Quality Dashboard


    • Data steward

    A crucial aspect of data quality and governance is the Business Data Glossary. The Business Data Glossary helps to align the terminology of the business with the organization’s data assets. It allows the people who interact with the data to quickly identify the applications, processes, and stewardship associated with it, which will enhance the accuracy and efficiency of searches for organization data definitions and attributes, enabling better access to the data. This will, in turn, enhance the quality of the organization’s data because it will be more accurate, relevant, and accessible.

    Use the Business Data Glossary Template to document key aspects of the data, such as:

    • Definition
    • Source System
    • Possible Values
    • Data Steward
    • Data Sensitivity
    • Data Availability
    • Batch or Live
    • Retention

    Data Element

    • Mkt-Product
    • Fin-Product

    Info-Tech Insight

    The Business Data Glossary ensures that the crucial data that has key business use by key business systems and users is appropriately owned and defined. It also establishes rules that lead to proper data management and quality to be enforced by the data owners.

    Download this Tool

    Data Steward(s): Use the Data Quality Improvement Plan of the business unit for ongoing quality monitoring

    Integrating your data quality strategy into the organization’s data governance program requires passing the strategy over to members of the data governance program. The data steward role is responsible for data quality at the business unit level, and should have been involved with the creation and implementation of the data quality improvement project. After the data quality repairs have been made, it is the responsibility of the data steward to regularly monitor the quality of the business unit’s data.

    Create Improvement Plan ↓
    • Data Quality Improvement Team identifies root cause issues.
    • Brainstorm solutions.
    Implement Improvement Plan ↓
    • Data Quality Improvement Team works with IT.
    Sustain Improvement Plan
    • Data Steward should regularly monitor data quality.

    Download this tool

    See Info-Tech’s Data Steward Job Description Template for a detailed understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the data steward.

    Responsible for sustaining

    The image shows a screen capture of a document entitled Business Context & Subject Area Selection.

    Develop a business-facing data quality dashboard to show improvements or a sudden dip in data quality

    One tool that the data steward can take advantage of is the data quality dashboard. Initiatives that are implemented to address data quality must have metrics defined by business objectives in order to demonstrate the value of the data quality improvement projects. In addition, the data steward should have tools for tracking data quality in the business unit to report issues to the data owner and data governance steering committee.

    • Example 1: Marketing uses data for direct mail and e-marketing campaigns. They care about customer data in particular. Specifically, they require high data quality in attributes such as customer name, address, and product profile.
    • Example 2: Alternatively, Finance places emphasis on financial data, focusing on attributes like account balance, latency in payment, credit score, and billing date.

    The image is Business dashboard on Data Quality for Marketing. It features Data Quality metrics, listed in the left column, and numbers for each quarter over the course of one year, on the right.

    Notes on chart:

    General improvement in billing address quality

    Sudden drop in touchpoint accuracy may prompt business to ask for explanations

    Approach to creating a business-facing data quality dashboard:

    1. Schedule a meeting with the functional unit to discuss what key data quality metrics are essential to their business operations. You should consider the business context, functional area, and subject area analyses you completed in Phase 1 as a starting point.
    2. Discuss how to gather data for the key metrics and their associated calculations.
    3. Discuss and decide the reporting intervals.
    4. Discuss and decide the unit of measurement.
    5. Generate a dashboard similar to the example. Consider using a BI or analytics tool to develop the dashboard.

    Data quality management must be sustained for ongoing improvements to the organization’s data

    • Data quality is never truly complete; it is a set of ongoing processes and disciplines that requires a permanent plan for monitoring practices, reviewing processes, and maintaining consistent data standards.
    • Setting the expectation to stakeholders that a long-term commitment is required to maintain quality data within the organization is critical to the success of the program.
    • A data quality maintenance program will continually revise and fine-tune ongoing practices, processes, and procedures employed for organizational data management.

    Data quality is a program that requires continual care:

    →Maintain→Good Data →

    Data quality management is a long-term commitment that shifts how an organization views, manages, and utilizes its corporate data assets. Long-term buy-in from all involved is critical.

    “Data quality is a process. We are trying to constantly improve the quality over time. It is not a one-time fix.” – Akin Akinwumi, Manager of Data Governance,

    Define a data quality review agenda for data quality sustainment

    2 hours


    • Metrics and goals for data quality


    • Regularly scheduled data quality checkups


    • Data Quality Diagnostic
    • Data Quality Dashboard


    • Data Steward

    As a data steward, you are responsible for ongoing data quality checks of the business unit’s data. Define an improvement agenda to organize the improvement activities. Organize the activities yearly and quarterly to ensure improvement is done year-round.


    • Measure data quality metrics against milestones. Perform a regular data quality health check with Info-Tech’s Data Quality Diagnostic.
    • Review the business unit’s Business Data Glossary to ensure that it is up to date and comprehensive.
    • Assess progress of practice area initiatives (time, milestones, budget, benefits delivered).
    • Analyze overall data quality and report progress on key improvement projects and corrective actions in the executive dashboard.
    • Communicate overall status of data quality to oversight body.


    • Calculate your current baseline and measure progress by comparing it to previous years.
    • Set/revise quality objectives for each practice area and inter-practice hand-off processes.
    • Re-evaluate/re-establish data quality objectives.
    • Set/review data quality metrics and tracking mechanisms.
    • Set data quality review milestones and timelines.
    • Revisit data quality training from an end-user perspective and from a practitioner perspective.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Do data quality diagnostic at the beginning of any improvement plan, then recheck health with the diagnostic at regular intervals to see if symptoms are coming back. This should be a monitoring activity, not a data quality fixing activity. If symptoms are bad enough, repeat the improvement plan process.

    Take the next step in your Data & Analytics Journey

    After establishing your data quality program, look to increase your data & analytics maturity.

    • Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a concept that many organizations strive to implement. AI can really help in areas such as data preparation. However, implementing AI solutions requires a level of maturity that many organizations are not at.
    • While a solid data quality foundation is essential for AI initiatives being successful, AI can also ensure high data quality.
    • An AI analytics solution can address data integrity issues at the earliest point of data processing, rapidly transforming these vast volumes of data into trusted business information. This can be done through Anomaly detection, which flags “bad” data, identifying suspicious anomalies that can impact data quality. By tracking and evaluating data, anomaly detection gives critical insights into data quality as data is processed. (Ira Cohen, The End to a Never-Ending Story? Improve Data Quality with AI Analytics, anodot, 2020)

    Consider… “Garbage in, garbage out.”

    Lay a solid foundation by addressing your data quality issues prior to investing heavily in an AI solution.

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Are You Ready for AI?

    • Use AI as a compelling event to expedite funding, resources, and project plans for your data-related initiatives. Check out this note to understand what it takes to be ready to implement AI solutions.

    Get Started With Artificial Intelligence

    • Current AI technology is data-enabled, automated, adaptive decision support. Once you believe you are ready for AI, check out this blueprint on how to get started.

    Build a Data Architecture Roadmap

    • The data lineage diagram was a key tool used in establishing your data quality program. Check out this blueprint and learn how to optimize your data architecture to provide greatest value from data.

    Create an Architecture for AI

    • Build your target state architecture from predefined best practice building blocks. This blueprint assists members first to assess if they have the maturity to embrace AI in their organization, and if so, which AI acquisition model fits them best.

    Phase 4 Summary

    1. Data Quality Improvement Strategy
    • Brainstorm solutions to your data quality issues using the following data quality improvement strategies as a guide:
      1. Fix data quality issues by improving system/application design
      2. Fix data quality issues using proper database design
      3. Improve integration and synchronization of enterprise data
      4. Improve data quality policies and procedures
      5. Streamline and optimize business processes
  • Sustain Your Data Quality Program
    • Quality data is the ultimate outcome of data governance and data quality management.
    • Sustaining your data quality requires continuous oversight through a data governance practice.
    • There are three primary groups (Data Governance Council, Data Owners, and Data Stewards) that are involved in a mature governance practice.
  • Grow Your Data & Analytics Maturity
    • After establishing your data quality program, take the next step in increasing your data & analytics maturity.
    • Good data quality is the foundation of pursuing different ways of maximizing the value of your data such as implementing AI solutions.
    • Continue your data & analytics journey by referring to Info-Tech’s quality research.
  • Research Contributors and Experts

    Izabela Edmunds

    Information Architect Mott MacDonald

    Akin Akinwumi

    Manager of Data Governance

    Diraj Goel

    Growth Advisor BC Tech

    Sujay Deb

    Director of Data Analytics Technology and Platforms Export Development Canada

    Asif Mumtaz

    Data & Solution Architect Blue Cross Blue Shield Association

    Patrick Bossey

    Manager of Business Intelligence Crawford and Company

    Anonymous Contributors

    Ibrahim Abdel-Kader

    Research Specialist Info-Tech Research Group

    Ibrahim is a Research Specialist at Info-Tech Research Group. In his career to date he has assisted many clients using his knowledge in process design, knowledge management, SharePoint for ECM, and more. He is expanding his familiarity in many areas such as data and analytics, enterprise architecture, and CIO-related topics.

    Reddy Doddipalli

    Senior Workshop Director Info-Tech Research Group

    Reddy is a Senior Workshop Director at Info-Tech Research Group, focused on data management and specialized analytics applications. He has over 25 years of strong industry experience in IT leading and managing analytics suite of solutions, enterprise data management, enterprise architecture, and artificial intelligence–based complex expert systems.

    Andy Neill

    Practice Lead, Data & Analytics and Enterprise Architecture Info-Tech Research Group

    Andy leads the data and analytics and enterprise architecture practices at ITRG. He has over 15 years of experience in managing technical teams, information architecture, data modeling, and enterprise data strategy. He is an expert in enterprise data architecture, data integration, data standards, data strategy, big data, and development of industry standard data models.

    Crystal Singh

    Research Director, Data & Analytics Info-Tech Research Group

    Crystal is a Research Director at Info-Tech Research Group. She brings a diverse and global perspective to her role, drawing from her professional experiences in various industries and locations. Prior to joining Info-Tech, Crystal led the Enterprise Data Services function at Rogers Communications, one of Canada’s leading telecommunications companies.

    Igor Ikonnikov

    Research Director, Data & Analytics Info-Tech Research Group

    Igor is a Research Director at Info-Tech Research Group. He has extensive experience in strategy formation and execution in the information management domain, including master data management, data governance, knowledge management, enterprise content management, big data, and analytics.

    Andrea Malick

    Research Director, Data & Analytics Info-Tech Research Group

    Andrea Malick is a Research Director at Info-Tech Research Group, focused on building best practices knowledge in the enterprise information management domain, with corporate and consulting leadership in enterprise architecture and content management (ECM).

    Natalia Modjeska

    Research Director, Data & Analytics Info-Tech Research Group

    Natalia Modjeska is a Research Director at Info-Tech Research Group. She advises members on topics related to AI, machine learning, advanced analytics, and data science, including ethics and governance. Natalia has over 15 years of experience in developing, selling, and implementing analytical solutions.

    Rajesh Parab

    Research Director, Data & Analytics Info-Tech Research Group

    Rajesh Parab is a Research Director at Info-Tech Research Group. He has over 20 years of global experience and brings a unique mix of technology and business acumen. He has worked on many data-driven business applications. In his previous architecture roles, Rajesh created a number of product roadmaps, technology strategies, and models.


    Amidon, Kirk. "Case Study: How Data Quality Has Evolved at MathWorks." The Fifth MIT Information Quality Industry Symposium. 13 July 2011. Web. 19 Aug. 2015.

    Boulton, Clint. “Disconnect between CIOs and LOB managers weakens data quality.” CIO. 05 February 2016. Accessed June 2020.

    COBIT 5: Enabling Information. Rolling Meadows, IL: ISACA, 2013. Web.

    Cohen, Ira. “The End to a Never-Ending Story? Improve Data Quality with AI Analytics.” anodot. 2020.

    “DAMA Guide to the Data Management Body of Knowledge (DAMA-DMBOK Guide).” First Edition. DAMA International. 2009. Digital. April 2014.

    "Data Profiling: Underpinning Data Quality Management." Pitney Bowes. Pitney Bowes - Group 1 Software, 2007. Web. 18 Aug. 2015. “ Clean.” Salesforce. 2016. Web. 18 Aug. 2015.

    “Dawn of the CDO." Experian Data Quality. 2015. Web. 18 Aug. 2015.

    Demirkan, Haluk, and Bulent Dal. "Why Do So Many Analytics Projects Fail?" The Data Economy: Why Do so Many Analytics Projects Fail? Analytics Magazine. July-Aug. 2014. Web.

    Dignan, Larry. “CIOs juggling digital transformation pace, bad data, cloud lock-in and business alignment.” ZDNet. 11 March 2020. Accessed July.

    Dumbleton, Janani, and Derek Munro. "Global Data Quality Research - Discussion Paper 2015." Experian Data Quality. 2015. Web. 18 Aug. 2015.

    Eckerson, Wayne W. "Data Quality and the Bottom Line - Achieving Business Success through a Commitment to High Quality Data." The Data Warehouse Institute. 2002. Web. 18 Aug. 2015.

    “Infographic: Data Quality in BI the Costs and Benefits.” HaloBI. 2015 Web.

    Lee, Y.W. and Strong, D.M. “Knowing-Why About Data Processes and Data Quality.” Journal of Management Information Systems. 2004.

    “Making Data Quality a Way of Life.” Cognizant. 2014. Web. 18 Aug. 2015.

    "Merck Serono Achieves Single Source of Truth with Comprehensive RIM Solutions." ProductLife Group. 15 Apr. 2015. Web. 23 Nov. 2015.

    Myers, Dan. “List of Conformed Dimensions of Data Quality.” Conformed Dimensions of Data Quality (CDDQ). 2019. Web.

    Redman, Thomas C. “Make the Case for Better Data Quality.” Harvard Business Review. 24 Aug. 2012. Web. 19 Aug. 2015.

    RingLead Data Management Solutions. “10 Stats About Data Quality I Bet You Didn’t Know.” RingLead. Accessed 7 July 2020.

    Schwartzrock, Todd. "Chrysler's Data Quality Management Case Study." Online video clip. YouTube. 21 April. 2011. Web. 18 Aug. 2015

    “Taking control in the digital age.” Experian Data Quality. Jan 2019. Web.

    “The data-driven organization, a transformation in progress.” Experian Data Quality. 2020. Web.

    "The Data Quality Benchmark Report." Experian Data Quality. Jan. 2015. Web. 18 Aug. 2015.

    “The state of data quality.” Experian Data Quality. Sept. 2013. Web. 17 Aug. 2015.

    Vincent, Lanny. “Differentiating Competence, Capability and Capacity.” Innovation Management Services. Web. June 2008.

    “7 ways poor data quality is costing your business.” Experian Data Quality. July 2020. Web.

    Mature and Scale Product Ownership

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    • Product owners must bridge the gap between the customers, operations, and delivery to ensure products continuously deliver increasing value.
    • Product owners are often assigned to projects or product delivery without proper support, guidance, or alignment.
    • In many organizations, the product owner role is not well-defined, serves as a proxy for stakeholder ownership, and lacks reinforcement of the key skills needed to be successful.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    A product owner is the CEO for their product. Successful product management starts with empowerment and accountability. Product owners own the vision, roadmap, and value realization for their product or family aligned to enterprise goals and priorities.

    • Product and service ownership share the same foundation - underlying capabilities and best practices to own and improve a product or service are identical for both roles. Use the terms that make the most sense for your culture.
    • Product owners represent three primary perspectives: Business (externally facing), Technical (systems and tools), or Operational (manual processes). Although all share the same capabilities, how they approach their responsibilities is influenced by their primary perspective.
    • Product owners are operating under an incomplete understanding of the capabilities needed to succeed. Most product/service owners lack a complete picture of the needed capabilities, skills, and activities to successfully perform their roles.

    Impact and Result

    • Create a culture of product management trust and empowerment with product owners aligned to your operational structure and product needs.
    • Promote and develop true Agile skills among your product owners and family managers.
    • Implement Info-Tech’s product owner capability model to define the role expectations and provide a development path for product owners.

    Mature and Scale Product Ownership Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Mature and Scale Product Ownership Storyboard – Establish a culture of success for product management and mature product owner capabilities.

    Strengthen the product owner role in your organization by focusing on core capabilities and proper alignment.

  • Establish a foundation for empowerment and success.
  • Assign and align product owners with products and stakeholders.
  • Mature product owner capabilities and skills.
    • Mature and Scale Product Ownership Storyboard

    2. Mature and Scale Product Ownership Readiness Assessment – Determine your readiness for a product-centric culture based on Info-Tech’s CLAIM+G model.

    Using Info-Tech’s CLAIM model, quickly determine your organization’s strengths and weaknesses preparing for a product culture. Use the heat map to identify key areas.

    • Mature and Scale Product Ownership Readiness Assessment

    3. Mature and Scale Product Ownership Playbook – Playbook for product owners and product managers.

    Use the blueprint exercises to build your personal product owner playbook. You can also use the workbook to capture exercise outcomes.

    • Mature and Scale Product Ownership Playbook

    4. Mature and Scale Product Ownership Workbook – Workbook for product owners and product managers.

    Use this workbook to capture exercise outcomes and transfer them to your Mature and Scale Product Ownership Playbook (optional).

    • Mature and Scale Product Ownership Workbook

    5. Mature and Scale Product Ownership Proficiency Assessment – Determine your current proficiency and improvement areas.

    Product owners need to improve their core capabilities and real Agile skills. The assessment radar will help identify current proficiency and growth opportunities.

    • Mature and Scale Product Ownership Proficiency Assessment

    Workshop: Mature and Scale Product Ownership

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Establish the foundation for product ownership

    The Purpose

    Establish the foundation for product ownership.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Product owner playbook with role clarity and RACI.


    1.1 Define enablers and blockers of product management.

    1.2 Define your product management roles and names.

    1.3 Assess your product management readiness.

    1.4 Identify your primary product owner perspective.

    1.5 Define your product owner RACI.


    Enablers and blockers

    Role definitions.

    Product culture readiness

    Product owner perspective mapping

    Product owner RACI

    2 Align product owners to products

    The Purpose

    Align product owners to products.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Assignment of resources to open products.

    A stakeholder management strategy.


    2.1 Assign resources to your products and families.

    2.2 Visualize relationships to identify key influencers.

    2.3 Group stakeholders into categories.

    2.4 Prioritize your stakeholders.


    Product resource assignment

    Stakeholder management strategy

    Stakeholder management strategy

    Stakeholder management strategy

    3 Mature product owner capabilities

    The Purpose

    Mature product owner capabilities.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Assess your Agile product owner readiness

    Assess and mature product owner capabilities


    3.1 Assess your real Agile skill proficiency.

    3.2 Assess your vison capability proficiency.

    3.3 Assess your leadership capability proficiency.

    3.4 Assess your PLM capability proficiency.

    3.5 Assess your value realization capability proficiency.

    3.6 Identify your business value drivers and sources of value.


    Real Agile skill proficiency assessment

    Info-Tech’s product owner capability model proficiency assessment

    Info-Tech’s product owner capability model proficiency assessment

    Info-Tech’s product owner capability model proficiency assessment

    Info-Tech’s product owner capability model proficiency assessment

    Business value drivers and sources of value

    Further reading

    Mature and Scale Product Ownership

    Strengthen the product owner’s role in your organization by focusing on core capabilities and proper alignment.

    Executive Brief

    Analyst Perspective

    Empower product owners throughout your organization.

    Hans Eckman

    Whether you manage a product or service, the fundamentals of good product ownership are the same. Organizations need to focus on three key elements of product ownership in order to be successful.

    • Create an environment of empowerment and service leadership to reinforce product owners and product family managers as the true owners of the vision, improvement, and realized the value of their products.
    • Align product and product family owner roles based on operational alignment and the groups defined when scaling product management.
    • Develop your product owners to improve the quality of roadmaps, alignment to enterprise goals, and profit and loss (P&L) for each product or service.

    By focusing the attention of the teammates serving in product owner or service owner roles, your organization will deliver value sooner and respond to change more effectively.

    Hans Eckman

    Principal Research Director – Application Delivery and Management
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    Product owners must bridge the gap between the customers, operations, and delivery to ensure products continuously deliver increasing value.

    Product owners are often assigned to projects or product delivery without proper support, guidance, or alignment.

    In many organizations the product owner role is not well-defined, serves as a proxy for stakeholder ownership, and lacks reinforcement of the key skills needed to be successful.

    Common Obstacles

    Organizations have poor alignment or missing product owners between lines of business, IT, and operations.

    Product owners are aligned to projects and demand management rather than long-term strategic product ownership.

    Product families are not properly defined, scaled, and supported within organizations.

    Individuals in product owner roles have an incomplete understanding of needed capabilities and lack a development path.

    Info-Tech's Approach

    Create a culture of product management trust and empowerment with product owners aligned to your operational structure and product needs.

    Promote and develop true Agile skills among your product owners and family managers.

    Implement Info-Tech’s product owner capability model to define the role expectations and provide a development path for product owners.

    Extend product management success using Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision and Deliver Digital Products at Scale.

    Info-Tech Insight

    There is no single correct approach to product ownership. Product ownership must be tuned and structured to meet the delivery needs of your organization and the teams it serves.

    Info-Tech’s Approach

    Product owners make the final decision

    • Establish a foundation for empowerment and success
    • Assign product owners and align with products and stakeholders
    • Mature product owner capabilities and skills
    Product Owner capabilities: Vision, Product Lifecycle Management, Leadership, Value Realization

    The Info-Tech difference

    1. Assign product owners where product decisions are needed, not to match org charts or delivery teams. The product owner has the final word on product decisions.
    2. Organize product owners into related teams to ensure product capabilities delivered are aligned to enterprise strategy and goals.
    3. Shared products and services must support the needs of many product owners with conflicting priorities. Shared service product owners must map and prioritize demand to align to enterprise priorities and goals.
    4. All product owners share the same capability model.

    Insight summary

    There is no single correct approach to product ownership

    Successful product management starts with empowerment and accountability. Product owners own the vision, roadmap, and value realization for their product or family aligned to enterprise goals and priorities.

    Phase 1 insight

    Product owners represent three primary perspectives: business (external-facing), technical (systems and tools), or operational (manual processes). Although all share the same capabilities, how they approach their responsibilities is influenced by their primary perspective.

    Phase 2 insight

    Start with your operational grouping of products and families, identifying where an owner is needed. Then, assign people to the products and families. The owner does not define the product or family.

    Phase 3 insight

    Product owners are operating under an incomplete understanding of the capabilities needed to succeed. Most product/service owners lack a complete picture of the needed capabilities, skills, and activities to successfully perform their roles.

    Product and service ownership share the same foundation

    The underlying capabilities and best practices to own and improve a product or service are identical for both roles. Use the terms that make the most sense for your culture.

    Map product owner roles to your existing job titles

    Identify where product management is needed and align expectations with existing roles. Successful product management does not require a dedicated job family.

    Projects can be a mechanism for funding product changes and improvements

    Projects can be a mechanism for funding product changes and improvements. Shows difference of value for project life-cycles, hybrid life-cycles, and product life-cycles.

    Projects within products

    Regardless of whether you recognize yourself as a product-based or project-based shop, the same basic principles should apply.

    You go through a period or periods of project-like development to build a version of an application or product.

    You also have parallel services along with your project development, which encompass the more product-based view. These may range from basic support and maintenance to full-fledged strategy teams or services like sales and marketing.

    Product and services owners share the same foundation and capabilities

    For the purpose of this blueprint, product/service and product owner/service owner are used interchangeably. The term “product” is used for consistency but would apply to services, as well.

    Product = Service

    Common foundations: Focus on continuous improvement, ROI, and value realization. Clear vision, goals, roadmap, and backlog.

    “Product” and “service” are terms that each organization needs to define to fit its culture and customers (internal and external). The most important aspect is consistent use and understanding of:

    • External products
    • Internal products
    • External services
    • Internal services
    • Products as a service (PaaS)
    • Productizing services (SaaS)

    Recognize the product owner perspectives

    The 3 product owner perspectives. 1. Business: Customer-facing, value-generating. 2. Technical: IT systems and tools. 3. Operations: Keep-the-lights-on processes.

    Product owners represent one of three primary perspectives. Although all share the same capabilities, how they approach their responsibilities is influenced by their primary perspective.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Product owners must translate needs and constraints from their perspective into the language of their audience. Kathy Borneman, Digital Product Owner at SunTrust Bank, noted the challenges of finding a common language between lines of business and IT (e.g. what is a unit?).

    Match your product management role definitions to your product family levels

    Product ownership exists at the different operational tiers or levels in your product hierarchy. This does not imply a management relationship.

    Product portfolio

    Groups of product families within an overall value stream or capability grouping.

    Project portfolio manager

    Product family

    A collection of related products. Products can be grouped along architectural, functional, operational, or experiential patterns.

    Product family manager


    Single product composed of one or more applications and services.

    Product owner

    Info-Tech Insight

    Define the current roles that will perform the product management function or define consistent role names to product owners and managers.

    Align enterprise value through product families

    Product families are operational groups based on capabilities or business functions. Product family managers translate goals, priorities, and constraints so they are actionable at the next level. Product owners prioritize changes to enhance the capabilities that allow you to realize your product family. Enabling capabilities realize value and help reach your goals.

    Understand special circumstances

    In Deliver Digital Products at Scale, products were grouped into families using Info-Tech’s five scaling patterns. Assigning owners to Enterprise Applications and Shared Services requires special consideration.

    Value stream alignment

    • Business architecture
      • Value stream
      • Capability
      • Function
    • Market/customer segment
    • Line of business (LoB)
    • Example: Customer group > value stream > products

    Enterprise applications

    • Enabling capabilities
    • Enterprise platforms
    • Supporting apps
    • Example: HR > Workday/Peoplesoft > Modules Supporting: Job board, healthcare administrator

    Shared Services

    • Organization of related services into service family
    • Direct hierarchy does not necessarily exist within the family
    • Examples: End-user support and ticketing, workflow and collaboration tools


    • Domain grouping of IT infrastructure, platforms, apps, skills, or languages
    • Often used in combination with Shared Services grouping or LoB-specific apps
    • Examples: Java, .NET, low-code, database, network

    Organizational alignment

    • Used at higher levels of the organization where products are aligned under divisions
    • Separation of product managers from organizational structure is no longer needed because the management team owns the product management role

    Map sources of demand and influencers

    Use the stakeholder analysis to define the key stakeholders and sources of demand for enterprise applications and shared services. Extend your mapping to include their stakeholders and influencers to uncover additional sources of demand and prioritization.

    Map of key stakeholders for enterprise applications and shared services.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Your product owner map defines the influence landscape your product operates. It is every bit as important as the teams who enhance, support and operate your product directly.

    Combine your product owner map with your stakeholder map to create a comprehensive view of influencers.

    The primary value of the product owner is to fill the backlog with the highest ROI opportunities aligned with enterprise goals.

    Info-Tech Insight

    The product owner owns the direction of the product.

    • Roadmap - Where are we going?
    • Backlog - What changes are needed to get there?
    • Product review - Did we get close enough?

    Product delivery realizes value for your product family

    While planning and analysis are done at the family level, work and delivery are done at the individual product level.

    Product strategy includes: Vision, Goals, Roadmap, backlog and Release plan.

    Product family owners are more strategic

    When assigning resources, recognize that product family owners will need to be more strategic with their planning and alignment of child families and products.

    Product family owners are more strategic. They require a roadmap that is strategic, goal-based, high-level, and flexible.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Roadmaps for your product family are, by design, less detailed. This does not mean they aren’t actionable! Your product family roadmap should be able to communicate clear intentions around the future delivery of value in both the near and long term.

    Connecting your product family roadmaps to product roadmaps

    Your product and product family roadmaps should be connected at an artifact level that is common between both. Typically, this is done with capabilities, but it can be done at a more granular level if an understanding of capabilities isn’t available.

    Product family roadmap versus Product Roadmaps.

    Develop a product owner stakeholder strategy

    Stakeholder management, Product lifecycle, Project delivery, Operational support.

    Stakeholders are a critical cornerstone to product ownership. They provide the context, alignment, and constraints that influence or control what a product owner can accomplish.

    Product owners operate within a network of stakeholders who represent different perspectives within the organization.

    First, product owners must identify members of their stakeholder network. Next, they should devise a strategy for managing stakeholders.

    Without a stakeholder strategy, product owners will encounter obstacles, resistance, or unexpected changes.

    Create a stakeholder network map to product roadmaps and prioritization

    Follow the trail of breadcrumbs from your direct stakeholders to their influencers, to uncover hidden stakeholders.

    Stakeholder network map defines the influence landscape your product operates. Connectors determine who may be influencing your direct stakeholders.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Your stakeholder map defines the influence landscape your product operates. It is every bit as important as the teams who enhance, support and operate your product directly.

    Use “connectors” to determine who may be influencing your direct stakeholders. They may not have any formal authority within the organization, but they may have informal yet substantive relationships with your stakeholders.

    Being successful at Agile is more than about just doing Agile

    The following represents the hard skills needed to “Do Agile”:

    Being successful at Agile needs 4 hard skills: 1. Engineering skills, 2. Technician Skills, 3. Framework/Process skills, 4. Tools skills.
    • Engineering skills. These are the skills and competencies required for building brand-new valuable software.
    • Technician skills. These are the skills and competencies required for maintaining and operating the software delivered to stakeholders.
    • Framework/Process skills. These are the specific knowledge skills required to support engineering or technician skills.
    • Tools skills. This represents the software that helps you deliver other software.

    While these are important, they are not the whole story. To effectively deliver software, we believe in the importance of being Agile over simply doing Agile.

    Adapted from: “Doing Agile” Is Only Part of the Software Delivery Pie

    Why focus on core skills?

    They are the foundation to achieve business outcomes

    Skills, actions, output and outcomes

    The right skills development is only possible with proper assessment and alignment against outcomes.

    Focus on these real Agile skills

    Agile skills

    • Accountability
    • Collaboration
    • Comfort with ambiguity
    • Communication
    • Empathy
    • Facilitation
    • Functional decomposition
    • Initiative
    • Process discipline
    • Resilience

    Product capabilities deliver value

    As a product owner, you are responsible for managing these facets through your capabilities and activities.

    The core product and value stream consists of: Funding - Product management and governance, Business functionality - Stakeholder and relationship management, and Technology - Product delivery.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    It is easy to lose sight of what matters when we look at a product from a single point of view. Despite what "The Agile Manifesto" says, working software is not valuable without the knowledge and support that people need in order to adopt, use, and maintain it. If you build it, they will not come. Product owners must consider the needs of all stakeholders when designing and building products.

    Recognize product owner knowledge gaps

    Pulse survey of product owners

    Pulse survey of product owners. Graph shows large percentage of respondents have alignment to common agile definition of product owners. Yet a significant perception gap in P&L, delivery, and analytics.

    Info-Tech Insight

    1. Less than 15% of respondents identified analytics or financial management as a key component of product ownership.
    2. Assess your product owner’s capabilities and understanding to develop a maturity plan.

    Source: Pulse Survey (N=18)

    Implement the Info-Tech product owner capability model

    Unfortunately, most product owners operate with incomplete knowledge of the skills and capabilities needed to perform the role. Common gaps include focusing only on product backlogs, acting as a proxy for product decisions, and ignoring the need for key performance indicators (KPIs) and analytics in both planning and value realization.

    Product Owner capabilities: Vision, Product Lifecycle Management, Leadership, Value Realization


    • Market Analysis
    • Business Alignment
    • Product Roadmap


    • Soft Skills
    • Collaboration
    • Decision Making

    Product Lifecycle Management

    • Plan
    • Build
    • Run

    Value Realization

    • KPIs
    • Financial Management
    • Business Model

    Product owner capabilities provide support

    Vision predicts impact of Value realization. Value realization provides input to vision

    Your vision informs and aligns what goals and capabilities are needed to fulfill your product or product family vision and align with enterprise goals and priorities. Each item on your roadmap should have corresponding KPIs or OKRs to know how far you moved the value needle. Value realization measures how well you met your target, as well as the impacts on your business value canvas and cost model.

    Product lifecycle management builds trust with Leadership. Leadership improves quality of Product lifecycle management.

    Your leadership skills improve collaborations and decisions when working with your stakeholders and product delivery teams. This builds trust and improves continued improvements to the entire product lifecycle. A product owner’s focus should always be on finding ways to improve value delivery.

    Product owner capabilities provide support

    Leadership enhances Vision. Vision Guides Product Lifecycle Management. Product Lifecycle Management delivers Value Realization. Leadership enhances Value Realization

    Develop product owner capabilities

    Each capability: Vision, Product lifecycle management, Value realization and Leadership has 3 components needed for successful product ownership.

    Avoid common capability gaps


    • Focusing solely on backlog grooming (tactical only)
    • Ignoring or failing to align product roadmap to enterprise goals
    • Operational support and execution
    • Basing decisions on opinion rather than market data
    • Ignoring or missing internal and external threats to your product


    • Failing to include feedback from all teams who interact with your product
    • Using a command-and-control approach
    • Viewing product owner as only a delivery role
    • Acting as a proxy for stakeholder decisions
    • Avoiding tough strategic decisions in favor of easier tactical choices

    Product lifecycle management

    • Focusing on delivery and not the full product lifecycle
    • Ignoring support, operations, and technical debt
    • Failing to build knowledge management into the lifecycle
    • Underestimating delivery capacity, capabilities, or commitment
    • Assuming delivery stops at implementation

    Value realization

    • Focusing exclusively on “on time/on budget” metrics
    • Failing to measure a 360-degree end-user view of the product
    • Skipping business plans and financial models
    • Limiting financial management to project/change budgets
    • Ignoring market analysis for growth, penetration, and threats

    Your product vision is your North Star

    It's ok to dream a little!

    Who is the target customer, what is the key benefit, what do they need, what is the differentiator

    Adapted from: Crossing the Chasm

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    A product vision shouldn’t be so far out that it doesn’t feel real or so short-term that it gets bogged down in minutiae and implementation details. Finding the right balance will take some trial and error and will be different for each organization.

    Leverage the product canvas to state and inform your product vision

    Leverage the product Canvas to state and inform your product vision. Includes: Product name, Tracking info, Vision, List of business objectives or goals, Metrics used to measure value realization, List of groups who consume the product/service, and List of key resources or stakeholders.

    Define product value by aligning backlog delivery with roadmap goals

    In each product plan, the backlogs show what you will deliver. Roadmaps identify when and in what order you will deliver value, capabilities, and goals.

    In each product plan, the backlogs show what you will deliver. Roadmaps identify when and in what order you will deliver value, capabilities, and goals.

    Use a balanced value to establish a common definition of goals and value

    Value drivers are strategic priorities aligned to our enterprise strategy and translated through our product families. Each product and change has an impact on the value driver helping us reach our enterprise goals.

    Importance of the value driver multiplied by the Impact of value score is equal to the Value score.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Your value drivers and impact helps estimate the expected value of roadmap items, prioritize roadmap and backlog items, and identify KPIs and OKRs to measure value realization and actual impact.

    Use CLAIM to guide your journey

    Culture, Learning, Automation, Integrated teams, Metrics and governance.

    Value is best created by self-managing teams who deliver in frequent, short increments supported by leaders who coach them through challenges.

    Product-centric delivery and Agile are a radical change in how people work and think. Structured, facilitated learning is required throughout the transformation to help leaders and practitioners make the shift.

    Product management, Agile, and DevOps have inspired SDLC tools that have become a key part of delivery practices and work management.

    Self-organizing teams that cross business, delivery, and operations are essential to gain the full benefits of product-centric delivery.

    Successful implementations require the disciplined use of metrics that support developing better teams

    Communicate reasons for changes and how they will be implemented

    Five elements of communicating change: What is the change? Why are we doing it? How are we going to go about it? How long will it take us to do it? What will the role be for each department individual?

    Leaders of successful change spend considerable time developing a powerful change message; that is, a compelling narrative that articulates the desired end state, and that makes the change concrete and meaningful to staff.

    The organizational change message should:

    • Explain why the change is needed.
    • Summarize what will stay the same.
    • Highlight what will be left behind.
    • Emphasize what is being changed.
    • Explain how the change will be implemented.
    • Address how change will affect various roles in the organization.
    • Discuss the staff’s role in making the change successful.

    Info-Tech’s methodology for mature and scale product ownership

    Phase steps

    1. Establish the foundation for product ownership

    Step 1.1 Establish an environment for product owner success

    Step 1.2 Establish your product ownership model

    2. Align product owners to products

    Step 2.1 Assign product owners to products

    Step 2.2 Manage stakeholder influence

    3. Mature product owner capabilities

    Step 3.1 Assess your Agile product owner readiness

    Step 3.2 Mature product owner capabilities

    Phase outcomes

    1.1.1 Define enablers and blockers of product management

    1.1.2 Define your product management roles and names

    1.2.1 Identify your primary product owner perspective

    1.2.2 Define your product owner RACI

    2.1.1 Assign resources to your products and families

    2.2.1 Visualize relationships to identify key influencers

    2.2.2 Group stakeholders into categories

    2.2.3 Prioritize your stakeholders

    3.1.1 Assess your real Agile skill proficiency

    3.2 Mature product owner capabilities

    3.2.1 Assess your vision capability proficiency

    3.2.2 Assess your leadership capability proficiency

    3.2.3 Assess your PLM capability proficiency

    3.2.4 Identify your business value drivers and sources of value

    3.2.5 Assess your value realization capability proficiency

    Blueprint deliverables

    Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals.

    Key deliverable

    Mature and Scale Product Ownership Playbook

    Capture and organize the outcomes of the activities in the workbook.

    Mature and Scale Product Ownership Workbook

    The workbook helps organize and communicate the outcomes of each activity.

    Mature and Scale Product Ownership Readiness Assessment

    Determine your level of mastery of real Agile skills and product owner capabilities.

    Blueprint benefits

    IT benefits

    • Competent product owner who can support teams operating in any delivery methodology.
    • Representative viewpoint and input from the technical and operational product owner perspectives.
    • Products aligned to business needs and committed work are achievable.
    • Single point of contact with a business representative.
    • Acceptance of product owner role outside the Scrum teams.

    Business benefits

    • Better alignment to enterprise goals, vision, and outcomes.
    • Improved coordination with stakeholders.
    • Quantifiable value realization tied to vision.
    • Product decisions made at the right time and with the right input.
    • Product owner who has the appropriate business, operations, and technical knowledge.

    Measure the value of this blueprint

    Align product owner metrics to product delivery and value realization.

    Member outcome

    Suggested Metric

    Estimated impact

    Increase business application satisfaction Satisfaction of business applications (CIO BV Diagnostic) 20% increase within one year after implementation
    Increase effectiveness of application portfolio management Effectiveness of application portfolio management (M&G Diagnostic) 20% increase within one year after implementation
    Increase importance and effectiveness of application portfolio Importance and effectiveness to business (APA Diagnostic) 20% increase within one year after implementation
    Increase satisfaction of support of business operations Support to business (CIO BV Diagnostic) 20% increase within one year after implementation
    Successfully deliver committed work (productivity) Number of successful deliveries; burndown Reduction in project implementation overrun by 20%

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    "Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful."

    Guided Implementation

    "Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track."


    "We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place."


    "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project"

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks are used throughout all four options.

    Guided Implementation

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    Phase 1 Establish the Foundation for Product Ownership

    Phase 2 Align Product Owners to Products

    Phase 3 Mature Product Owner Capabilities

    • Call #1:
      Scope objectives and your specific challenges
    • Call #2:
      Step 1.1 Establish an environment for product owner success
      Step 1.2 Establish your product ownership model
    • Call #3:
      Step 2.1 Assign product owners to products
    • Call #4:
      Step 2.2 Manage stakeholder influence
    • Call #5:
      Step 3.1 Assess your Agile product owner readiness
    • Call #6:
      Step 3.2 Mature product owner capabilities

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    A typical GI is between 8 and 12 calls over the course of 4 to 6 months.

    Workshop Overview

    Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889

    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    Phase 3


    Establish the Foundation for Product Ownership

    Step 1.1 Establish an environment for product owner success

    1.1.1 Define enablers and blockers of product management

    1.1.2 Define your product management roles and names

    1.1.3 Assess your product management readiness

    Step 1.2 Establish your product ownership model

    1.2.1 Identify your primary product owner perspective

    1.2.2 Define your product owner RACI

    Align Product Owners to Products

    Step 2.1 Assign product owners to products

    2.1.1 Assign resources to your products and families

    Step 2.2 Manage stakeholder influence

    2.2.1 Visualize relationships to identify key influencers

    2.2.2 Group stakeholders into categories

    2.2.3 Prioritize your stakeholders

    Mature Product Owner Capabilities

    Step 3.1 Assess your Agile product owner readiness

    3.1.1 Assess your real Agile skill proficiency

    Step 3.2 Mature product owner capabilities=

    3.2.1 Assess your Vision capability proficiency

    3.2.2 Assess your Leadership capability proficiency

    3.2.3 Assess your PLM capability proficiency

    3.2.4 Identify your business value drivers and sources of value

    3.2.5 Assess your Value Realization capability proficiency


    1. Enablers and blockers
    2. Role definitions
    3. Product culture readiness
    4. Product owner perspective mapping
    5. Product owner RACI
    1. Product resource assignment
    2. Stakeholder management strategy
    1. Real Agile skill proficiency assessment
    2. Info-Tech’s product owner capability model proficiency assessment
    3. Business value drivers and sources of value

    Related Info-Tech Research

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    Deliver Digital Products at Scale

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    Build Your Agile Acceleration Roadmap

    Quickly assess the state of your Agile readiness and plan your path forward to higher value realization.

    Develop Your Agile Approach for a Successful Transformation

    Understand Agile fundamentals, principles, and practices so you can apply them effectively in your organization.

    Implement DevOps Practices That Work

    Streamline business value delivery through the strategic adoption of DevOps practices.

    Extend Agile Practices Beyond IT

    Further the benefits of Agile by extending a scaled Agile framework to the business.

    Build Your BizDevOps Playbook

    Embrace a team sport culture built around continuous business-IT collaboration to deliver great products.

    Embed Security Into the DevOps Pipeline

    Shift security left to get into DevSecOps.

    Spread Best Practices With an Agile Center of Excellence

    Facilitate ongoing alignment between Agile teams and the business with a set of targeted service offerings.

    Enable Organization-Wide Collaboration by Scaling Agile

    Execute a disciplined approach to rolling out Agile methods in the organization.

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Application portfolio management

    APM Research Center

    See an overview of the APM journey and how we can support the pieces in this journey.

    Application Portfolio Management Foundations

    Ensure your application portfolio delivers the best possible return on investment.

    Streamline Application Maintenance

    Effective maintenance ensures the long-term value of your applications.

    Streamline Application Management

    Move beyond maintenance to ensuring exceptional value from your apps.

    Build an Application Department Strategy

    Delivering value starts with embracing what your department can do.

    Embrace Business-Managed Applications

    Empower the business to implement its own applications with a trusted business-IT relationship.

    Optimize Applications Release Management

    Facilitate ongoing alignment between Agile teams and the business with a set of targeted service offerings.

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Value, delivery metrics, estimation

    Build a Value Measurement Framework

    Focus product delivery on business value-driven outcomes.

    Select and Use SDLC Metrics Effectively

    Be careful what you ask for, because you will probably get it.

    Application Portfolio Assessment: End User Feedback

    Develop data-driven insights to help you decide which applications to retire, upgrade, re-train on, or maintain to meet the demands of the business.

    Create a Holistic IT Dashboard

    Mature your IT department by measuring what matters.

    Refine Your Estimation Practices With Top-Down Allocations

    Don’t let bad estimates ruin good work.

    Estimate Software Delivery With Confidence

    Commit to achievable software releases by grounding realistic expectations.

    Reduce Time to Consensus With an Accelerated Business Case

    Expand on the financial model to give your initiative momentum.

    Optimize Project Intake, Approval, and Prioritization

    Deliver more projects by giving yourself the voice to say “no” or “not yet” to new projects.

    Enhance PPM Dashboards and Reports

    Facilitate ongoing alignment between Agile teams and the business with a set of targeted service offerings.

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Organizational design and performance

    Redesign Your IT Organizational Structure

    Focus product delivery on business value-driven outcomes.

    Build a Strategic Workforce Plan

    Have the right people in the right place, at the right time.

    Implement a New Organizational Structure

    Reorganizations are inherently disruptive. Implement your new structure with minimal pain for staff while maintaining IT performance throughout the change.

    Build an IT Employee Engagement Program

    Don’t just measure engagement, act on it.

    Set Meaningful Employee Performance Measures

    Set holistic measures to inspire employee performance.

    Phase 1

    Establish the Foundation for Product Ownership

    Phase 1: Establish an environment for product owner success, Establish your product ownership model

    Mature and Scale Product Ownership

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    1.1.1 Define enablers and blockers of product management

    1.1.2 Define your product management roles and names

    1.1.3 Assess your product management readiness

    1.2.1 Identify your primary product owner perspective

    1.2.2 Define your product owner RACI

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Delivery managers
    • Business analysts

    Step 1.1

    Establish an environment for product owner success


    1.1.1 Define enablers and blockers of product management

    1.1.2 Define your product management roles and names

    1.1.3 Assess your product management readiness

    Establish the foundation for product ownership

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Delivery managers
    • Business analysts

    Outcomes of this step

    • Enablers and blockers
    • Role definitions

    Empower product owners as the true owners of their product

    Product ownership requires decision-making authority and accountability for the value realization from those decisions. POs are more than a proxy for stakeholders, aggregators for changes, and the communication of someone else’s priorities.

    “A Product Owner in its most beneficial form acts like an Entrepreneur, like a 'mini-CEO'. The Product Owner is someone who really 'owns' the product.”

    – Robbin Schuurman,
    “Tips for Starting Technical Product Managers”

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Implement Info-Tech’s Product Owner Capability Model to help empower and hold product owners accountable for the maturity and success of their product. The product owner must understand how their product fits into the organization’s mission and strategy in order to align to enterprise value.

    Product and service owners share the same foundation and capabilities

    For the purpose of this blueprint, product/service and product owner/service owner are used interchangeably. The term “product” is used for consistency but applies to services, as well.

    Product = Service

    Common foundations: Focus on continuous improvement, ROI, and value realization. Clear vision, goals, roadmap, and backlog.

    “Product” and “service” are terms that each organization needs to define to fit its culture and customers (internal and external). The most important aspect is consistent use and understanding of:

    • External products
    • Internal products
    • External services
    • Internal services
    • Products as a service (PaaS)
    • Productizing services (SaaS)

    Define product ownership to match your culture and customers

    Characteristics of a discrete product:

    • Has end users or consumers
    • Delivers quantifiable value
    • Evolves or changes over time
    • Has predictable delivery
    • Has definable boundaries
    • Has a cost to produce and operate
    • Has a discrete backlog and roadmap of improvements

    What does not need a product owner?

    • Individual features
    • Transactions
    • Unstructured data
    • One-time solutions
    • Non-repeatable processes
    • Solutions that have no users or consumers
    • People or teams

    Info-Tech Insight

    • Products are long-term endeavors that don’t end after the project finishes.
    • Products mature and improve their ability to deliver value.
    • Products have a discrete backlog of changes to improve the product itself, separate from operational requests fulfilled by the product or service.

    Need help defining your products or services? Download our blueprint Deliver Digital Products at Scale.

    Connect roadmaps to value realization with KPIs

    Every roadmap item should have an expected realized value once it is implemented. The associate KPIs or OKRs determine if our goal was met. Any gap in value feedback back into the roadmap and backlog refinement.</p data-verified=

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    Info-Tech Insight

    Every roadmap item should have an expected realized value once it is implemented. The associate KPIs or OKRs determine if our goal was met. Any gap in value feedback back into the roadmap and backlog refinement.

    Identify the differences between a project-centric and a product-centric organization

    Differences between Project centric and Product centric organizations in regards to: Funding, Prioritization, Accountability, Product management, Work allocation, and Capacity management.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Product delivery requires significant shifts in the way you complete development work and deliver value to your users. Make the changes that support improving end-user value and enterprise alignment.

    Projects can be a mechanism for funding product changes and improvements

    Projects lifecycle, hybrid lifecycle and product lifecycle. Period or periods of project development have parallel services that encompass a more product-based view.

    Projects withing products

    Regardless of whether you recognize yourself as a product-based or project-based shop, the same basic principles should apply.

    You go through a period or periods of project-like development to build a version of an application or product.

    You also have parallel services along with your project development, which encompasses a more product-based view. These may range from basic support and maintenance to full-fledged strategy teams or services like sales and marketing.

    Recognize common barriers to product management

    The transition to product ownership is a series of behavioral and cultural changes supported by processes and governance. It takes time and consistency to be successful.

    • Command and control structures
    • Lack of ownership and accountability
    • High instability in the market, demand, or organization
    • Lack of dedicated teams align to delivery, service, or product areas
    • Culture of one-off projects
    • Lack of identified and engaged stakeholders
    • Lack of customer exposure and knowledge

    Agile’s four core values

    “…while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.”

    Source: “The Agile Manifesto”

    We value...

    We value being agile: Individuals and interactions, Working Software, Customer collaboration, Responding to change. Versus being prescriptive: Processes and tools, Comprehensive documentation, Contract negotiation, following a plan.

    Exercise 1.1.1 Define enablers and blockers of product management

    1 hour
    1. Identify and mitigate blockers of product management in your organization.
    2. What enablers will support strong product owners?
    3. What blockers will make the transition to product management harder?
    4. For each blocker, also define at least one mitigating step.
    Define enablers e.g. team culture. Define blockers and at least one mitigating step


    • Enablers and blockers


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Business analysts

    Capture in the Mature and Scale Product Ownership Playbook.

    Align enterprise value through product families

    Product families are operational groups based on capabilities or business functions. Product family managers translate goals, priorities, and constraints so they are actionable at the next level. Product owners prioritize changes to enhance the capabilities that allow you to realize your product family. Enabling capabilities realize value and help reach your goals.

    Effective product delivery requires thinking about more than just a single product

    Good application and product management begins with strengthening good practices for a single or small set of applications, products, and services.

    Product portfolio

    Groups of product families within an overall value stream or capability grouping.

    Project portfolio manager

    Product family

    A collection of related products. Products can be grouped along architectural, functional, operational, or experiential patterns.

    Product family manager


    Single product composed of one or more applications and services.

    Product owner

    Info-Tech Insight

    Define the current roles that will perform the product management function or define consistent role names to product owners and managers.

    Exercise 1.1.2 Define your product management roles and names

    1-2 hour
    1. Identify the roles in which product management activities will be owned.
    2. Define a common set of role names and describe the role.
    3. Map the level of accountability for each role: Product or Product Family
    4. Product owner perspectives will be defined in the next step.

    Define roles, description and level of product accountability.


    • Role definitions


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Business analysts

    Capture in the Mature and Scale Product Ownership Playbook.

    Use CLAIM to guide your journey

    Culture, Learning, Automation, Integrated teams, Metrics and governance.

    Value is best created by self-managing teams who deliver in frequent, short increments supported by leaders who coach them through challenges.

    Product-centric delivery and Agile are a radical change in how people work and think. Structured, facilitated learning is required throughout the transformation to help leaders and practitioners make the shift.

    Product management, Agile, and DevOps have inspired SDLC tools that have become a key part of delivery practices and work management.

    Self-organizing teams that cross business, delivery, and operations are essential to gain the full benefits of product-centric delivery.

    Successful implementations require the disciplined use of metrics that support developing better teams

    Exercise 1.1.3 Assess your product management readiness

    1 hour
    1. Open and complete the Mature and Scale Product Ownership Readiness Assessment in your Playbook or the provided Excel tool.
    2. Discuss high and low scores for each area to reach a consensus.
    3. Record your results in your Playbook.

    Assess your culture, learning, automation, Integrated teams, metrics and governance.


    • Assessment of product management readiness based on Info-Tech’s CLAIM+G model.


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Business analysts

    Capture in the Mature and Scale Product Ownership Readiness Assessment.

    Communicate reasons for changes and how they will be implemented

    Five elements of communicating change: What is the change? Why are we doing it? How are we going to go about it? How long will it take us to do it? What will the role be for each department individual?

    Leaders of successful change spend considerable time developing a powerful change message; that is, a compelling narrative that articulates the desired end state, and that makes the change concrete and meaningful to staff.

    The organizational change message should:

    Step 1.2

    Establish your product ownership model


    1.2.1 Identify your primary product owner perspective

    1.2.2 Define your product owner RACI

    Establish the foundation for product ownership

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Delivery managers
    • Business analysts

    Outcomes of this step

    • Product owner perspective mapping
    • Product owner RACI

    Recognize the product owner perspectives

    The 3 product owner perspectives. 1. Business: Customer-facing, value-generating. 2. Technical: IT systems and tools. 3. Operations: Keep-the-lights-on processes.

    Product owners represent one of three primary perspectives. Although all share the same capabilities, how they approach their responsibilities is influenced by their primary perspective.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Product owners must translate needs and constraints from their perspective into the language of their audience. Kathy Borneman, Digital Product Owner at SunTrust Bank, noted the challenges of finding a common language between lines of business and IT (e.g. what is a unit?).

    Identify and align to product owner perspectives to ensure product success

    Product owner perspectives

    The 3 product owner perspectives. 1. Business: Customer-facing, value-generating. 2. Technical: IT systems and tools. 3. Operations: Keep-the-lights-on processes.
    1. Each product owner perspective provides important feedback, demand, and support for the product.
    2. Where a perspective is represented by a distinct role, the perspective is managed with that product owner.
    3. If separate roles don’t exist, the product owner must evaluate their work using two or three perspectives.
    4. The ultimate success of a product, and therefore product owner, is meeting the end-user value of the business product owner, tool support of the technical product owner, and manual processing support of the operations product owner.

    Line of business (LOB) product owners

    LOB product owners focus on the products and services consumed by the organization’s external consumers and users. The role centers on the market needs, competitive landscape, and operational support to deliver products and services.

    Business perspective

    • Alignment to enterprise strategy and priorities
    • Growth: market penetration and/or revenue
    • Perception of product value
    • Quality, stability, and predictability
    • Improvement and innovation
    • P&L
    • Market threats and opportunities
    • Speed to market
    • Service alignment
    • Meet or exceed individual goals

    Relationship to Operations

    • Customer satisfaction
    • Speed of delivery and manual processing
    • Continuity

    Relationship to Technical

    • Enabler
    • Analysis and insight
    • Lower operating and support costs

    Technical product owners

    Technical product owners are responsible for the IT systems, tools, platforms, and services that support business operations. Often they are identified as application or platform managers.

    Technical perspective

    • Application, application suite, or group of applications
    • Core platforms and tools
    • Infrastructure and networking
    • Third-party technology services
    • Enable business operations
    • Direct-to-customer product or service
    • Highly interconnected
    • Need for continuous improvement
    • End-of-life management
    • Internal value proposition and users

    Relationship to Business

    • Direct consumers
    • End users
    • Source of funding

    Relationship to Operations

    • End users
    • Process enablement or automation
    • Support, continuity, and manual intervention

    Operations (service) product owners

    Operational product owners focus on the people, processes, and tools needed for manual processing and decisions when automation is not cost-effective. Operational product owners are typically called service owners due to the nature of their work.

    Operational perspective

    • Business enablement
    • Continuity
    • Problem, incident, issue resolution
    • Process efficiency
    • Throughput
    • Error/defect avoidance
    • Decision enablement
    • Waste reduction
    • Limit time in process
    • Disaster recovery

    Relationship to Business

    • Revenue enablement
    • Manual intervention and processing
    • End-user satisfaction

    Relationship to Technical

    • Process enabler
    • Performance enhancement
    • Threat of automation

    Exercise 1.2.1 Identify your primary product owner perspective

    1 hour
    1. Identify which product owner perspective represents your primary focus.
    2. Determine where the other perspectives need to be part of your product roadmap or if they are managed by other product owners.

    Identify product/service name, identify product owner perspective, determine if other perspectives need to be part of roadmap.


    • Identification of primary product owner perspective.


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Business analysts

    Capture in the Mature and Scale Product Ownership Playbook.

    Realign differences between project managers and product owners

    Differences between Project Manager and Product Owners in regards to: Funding, Prioritization, Accountability, Product management, Work allocation, and Capacity management.

    Manage and communicate key milestones

    Successful product owners understand and define the key milestones in their product delivery lifecycles. These need to be managed along with the product backlog and roadmap.

    Define key milestones and their product delivery life-cycles.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Product ownership isn’t just about managing the product backlog and development cycles. Teams need to manage key milestones such as learning milestones, test releases, product releases, phase gates, and other organizational checkpoints.

    Define who manages each key milestone

    Key milestones must be proactively managed. If a project manager is not available, those responsibilities need to be managed by the product owner or Scrum Master. Start with responsibility mapping to decide which role will be responsible.

    Example milestones and Project Manager, Product Owner and Team Facilitator.

    *Scrum Master, Delivery Manager, Team Lead

    Exercise 1.2.2 Define your product owner RACI

    60 minutes
    1. Review your product and project delivery methodologies to identify key milestones (including approvals, gates, reviews, compliance checks, etc.). List each milestone on a flip chart or whiteboard.
    2. For each milestone, define who is accountable for the completion.
    3. For each milestone, define who is responsible for executing the milestone activity. (Who does the work that allows the milestone to be completed?)
    4. Review any responsibility and accountability gaps and identify opportunities to better support and execute your operating model.
    5. If you previously completed Deliver Digital Products at Scale , review and update your RACI in the Mature and Scale Product Ownership Workbook .

    Define: Milestones, Project Manager, Product/service owner, Team Facilitator, and Other roles.


    • Product owner RACI


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Business analysts

    Capture in the Mature and Scale Product Ownership Playbook.

    Phase 2

    Align Product Owners to Products

    Phase 2: Assign product owners to products, Manage stakeholder influence

    Mature and Scale Product Ownership

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    2.1.1 Assign resources to your products and families

    2.2.1 Visualize relationships to identify key influencers

    2.2.2 Group stakeholders into categories

    2.2.3 Prioritize your stakeholders

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Delivery managers
    • Business analysts

    Step 2.1

    Assign product owners to products


    2.1.1 Assign resources to your products and families

    Align product owners to products

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Delivery managers
    • Business analysts

    Outcomes of this step

    • Product resource assignment

    Match your product management role definitions to your product family levels

    Using the role definitions, you created in Exercise 1.1.2, determine which roles correspond to which levels of your product families.

    Product portfolio

    Groups of product families within an overall value stream or capability grouping.

    Project portfolio manager

    Product family

    A collection of related products. Products can be grouped along architectural, functional, operational, or experiential patterns.

    Product family manager


    Single product composed of one or more applications and services.

    Product owner

    Info-Tech Insight

    Define the current roles that will perform the product management function or define consistent role names to product owners and managers.

    Assign resources throughout your product families

    Project families are owned by a product manager. Product owners own each product that has a distinct backlog.

    Info-Tech Insight

    • Start by assigning resources to each product or product family box.
    • A product owner can be responsible for more than one product.
    • Ownership of more than one product does not mean they share the same backlog.
    • For help organizing your product families, please download Deliver Digital Products at Scale.

    Understand special circumstances

    In Deliver Digital Products at Scale , products were grouped into families using Info-Tech’s five scaling patterns. Assigning owners to Enterprise Applications and Shared Services requires special consideration.

    Value stream alignment

    • Business architecture
      • Value stream
      • Capability
      • Function
    • Market/customer segment
    • Line of business (LoB)
    • Example: Customer group > value stream > products

    Enterprise applications

    • Enabling capabilities
    • Enterprise platforms
    • Supporting apps
    • Example: HR > Workday/Peoplesoft > Modules Supporting: Job board, healthcare administrator

    Shared Services

    • Organization of related services into service family
    • Direct hierarchy does not necessarily exist within the family
    • Examples: End-user support and ticketing, workflow and collaboration tools


    • Domain grouping of IT infrastructure, platforms, apps, skills, or languages
    • Often used in combination with Shared Services grouping or LoB-specific apps
    • Examples: Java, .NET, low-code, database, network

    Organizational alignment

    • Used at higher levels of the organization where products are aligned under divisions
    • Separation of product managers from organizational structure is no longer needed because the management team owns the product management role

    Map the source of demand to each product

    With enterprise applications and shared services, your demand comes from other product and service owners rather than end customers in a value stream.

    Enterprise applications

    • Primary demand comes from the operational teams and service groups using the platform.
    • Each group typically has processes and tools aligned to a module or portion of the overall platform.
    • Product owners determine end-user needs to assist with process improvement and automation.
    • Product family managers help align roadmap goals and capabilities across the modules and tools to ensure consistency and the alignment of changes.

    Shared services

    • Primary demand for shared services comes from other product owners and service managers whose solution or application is dependent on the shared service platform.
    • Families are grouped by related themes (e.g. workflow tools) to increase reusability, standard enterprise solutions, reduced redundancy, and consistent processes across multiple teams.
    • Product owners manage the individual applications or services within a family.

    Pattern: Enterprise applications

    A division or group delivers enabling capabilities and the team’s operational alignment maps directly to the modules/components of an enterprise application and other applications that support the specific business function.

    Workforce Management, Strategic HR, Talent Management, Core HR


    • Human resources is one corporate function. Within HR, however, there are subfunctions that operate independently.
    • Each operational team is supported by one or more applications or modules within a primary HR system.
    • Even though the teams work independently, the information they manage is shared with, or ties into processes used by other teams. Coordination of efforts helps provide a higher level of service and consistency.

    For additional information about HRMS, please download Get the Most Out of Your HRMS.

    Assigning owners to enterprise applications

    Align your enterprise application owners to your operating teams that use the enterprise applications. Effectively, your service managers will align with your platform module owners to provide integrated awareness and planning.

    Family manager (top-level), Family managers (second-level) and Product owners.

    Pattern: Shared services

    Grouping by service type, knowledge area, or technology allows for specialization while families align service delivery to shared business capabilities.

    Grouping by service type, knowledge area, or technology allows for specialization while families align service delivery to shared business capabilities.


    • Recommended for governance, risk, and compliance; infrastructure; security; end-user support; and shared platforms (workflow, collaboration, imaging/record retention). Direct hierarchies do not necessarily exist within the shared service family.
    • Service groupings are common for service owners (also known as support managers, operations managers, etc.).
    • End-user ticketing comes through a common request system, is routed to the team responsible for triage, and then is routed to a team for resolution.
    • Collaboration tools and workflow tools are enablers of other applications, and product families might support multiple apps or platforms delivering that shared capability.

    Assigning owners to shared services

    Assign owners by service type, knowledge area, or technology to provide alignment of shared business capabilities and common solutions.

    Family manager (top-level), Family managers (second-level) and Product owners.

    Map sources of demand and influencers

    Use the stakeholder analysis to define the key stakeholders and sources of demand for enterprise applications and shared services. Extend your mapping to include their stakeholders and influencers to uncover additional sources of demand and prioritization.

    Map of key stakeholders for enterprise applications and shared services.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Your product owner map defines the influence landscape your product operates. It is every bit as important as the teams who enhance, support, and operate your product directly.

    Combine your product owner map with your stakeholder map to create a comprehensive view of influencers.

    Exercise 2.1.1 Assign resources to your products and families

    1-4 hours
    1. Use the product families you completed in Deliver Digital Products at Scale to determine which products and product families need a resource assigned. Where the same resource fills more than one role, they are the product owner or manager for each independently.
    2. Product families that are being managed as products (one backlog for multiple products) should have one owner until the family is split into separate products later.
    3. For each product and family, define the following:
      • Who is the owner (role or person)?
      • Is ownership clearly defined?
      • Are there other stakeholders who make decisions for the product?
    4. Record the results in the Mature and Scale Product Ownership Workbook on the Product Owner Mapping worksheet.


    • Product owner and manager resource alignment.


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Business analysts

    Capture in the Mature and Scale Product Ownership Playbook.

    Step 2.2

    Manage stakeholder influence


    2.2.1 Visualize relationships to identify key influencers

    2.2.2 Group stakeholders into categories

    2.2.3 Prioritize your stakeholders

    Align product owners to products

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Delivery managers
    • Business analysts

    Outcomes of this step

    • Stakeholder management strategy

    Develop a product owner stakeholder strategy

    Stakeholder management, Product lifecycle, Project delivery, Operational support.

    Stakeholders are a critical cornerstone to product ownership. They provide the context, alignment, and constraints that influence or control what a product owner can accomplish.

    Product owners operate within a network of stakeholders who represent different perspectives within the organization.

    First, product owners must identify members of their stakeholder network. Next, they should devise a strategy for managing stakeholders.

    Without a stakeholder strategy, product owners will encounter obstacles, resistance, or unexpected changes.

    Create a stakeholder network map to product roadmaps and prioritization

    Follow the trail of breadcrumbs from your direct stakeholders to their influencers to uncover hidden stakeholders.

    Create a stakeholder network map to product roadmaps and prioritization. Use connectors to determine who may be influencing your direct stakeholders.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Your stakeholder map defines the influence landscape your product operates. It is every bit as important as the teams who enhance, support, and operate your product directly.

    Use connectors to determine who may be influencing your direct stakeholders. They may not have any formal authority within the organization, but they may have informal yet substantive relationships with your stakeholders.

    Exercise 2.2.1 Visualize relationships to identify key influencers

    1 hour
    1. List direct stakeholders for your product.
    2. Determine the stakeholders of your stakeholders and consider adding each of them to the stakeholder list.
    3. Assess who has either formal or informal influence over your stakeholders; add these influencers to your stakeholder list.
    4. Construct a diagram linking stakeholders and their influencers together.
      • Use black arrows to indicate the direction of professional influence.
      • Use dashed green arrows to indicate informal bidirectional influence relationships.
    5. Record the results in the Mature and Scale Product Ownership Workbook .


    • Relationships among stakeholders and influencers


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Business analysts

    Capture in the Mature and Scale Product Ownership Playbook.

    Categorize your stakeholders with a prioritization map

    A stakeholder prioritization map helps product owners categorize their stakeholders by their level of influence and ownership in the product and/or teams.

    Influence versus Ownership/Interest

    There are four areas on the map, and the stakeholders within each area should be treated differently.

    • Players have a high interest in the initiative and the influence to effect change over the initiative. Their support is critical, and a lack of support can cause significant impediments to the objectives.
    • Mediators have a low interest but significant influence over the initiative. They can help to provide balance and objective opinions to issues that arise.
    • Noisemakers have low influence but high interest. They tend to be very vocal and engaged, either positively or negatively but have little ability to enact their wishes.
    • Spectators are generally apathetic and have little influence over or interest in the initiative.

    Exercise 2.2.2 Group stakeholders into categories

    1 hour
    1. Identify your stakeholders’ interest in and influence on your Agile implementation as high, medium, or low by rating the attributes below.
    2. Map your results to the model below to determine each stakeholder’s category.
    3. Record the results in the Mature and Scale Product Ownership Workbook .

    Influence versus Ownership/Interest with CMO, CIO and Product Manager in assigned areas.


    • Categorization of stakeholders and influencers


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Business analysts

    Capture in the Mature and Scale Product Ownership Playbook.

    Prioritize your stakeholders

    There may be too many stakeholders to be able to manage them all. Focus your attention on the stakeholders that matter most.

    Stakeholder category versus level of support.

    Consider the three dimensions of stakeholder prioritization: influence, interest, and support. Support can be determined by rating the following question: How likely is it that your stakeholder would recommend your product? These parameters are used to prioritize which stakeholders are most important and should receive your focused attention. The table to the right indicates how stakeholders are ranked.

    Exercise 2.2.3 Prioritize your stakeholders

    1 hour
    1. Identify the level of support of each stakeholder by answering the following question: How likely is it that your stakeholder would endorse your product?
    2. Prioritize your stakeholders using the prioritization scheme on the previous slide.
    3. Record the results in the Mature and Scale Product Ownership Workbook .

    Stakeholder, Category, level of support, prioritization.


    • Stakeholder and influencer prioritization


    • Product owners
    • Product managers
    • Development team leads
    • Portfolio managers
    • Business analysts

    Capture in the Mature and Scale Product Ownership Playbook.

    Define strategies for engaging stakeholders by type

    Authority Vs. Ownership/Interest.





    High influence, high interest – actively engage Keep them updated on the progress of the project. Continuously involve players in the process and maintain their engagement and interest by demonstrating their value to its success.


    High influence, low interest – keep satisfied They can be the game changers in groups of stakeholders. Turn them into supporters by gaining their confidence and trust and including them in important decision-making steps. In turn, they can help you influence other stakeholders.


    Low influence, high interest – keep informed Try to increase their influence (or decrease it if they are detractors) by providing them with key information, supporting them in meetings, and using mediators to help them.


    Low influence, low interest – monitor They are followers. Keep them in the loop by providing clarity on objectives and status updates.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Each group of stakeholders draws attention and resources away from critical tasks. By properly identifying your stakeholder groups, the product owner can develop corresponding actions to manage stakeholders in each group. This can dramatically reduce wasted effort trying to satisfy spectators and noisemakers while ensuring the needs of mediators and players are met.

    Phase 3

    Mature Product Owner Capabilities

    Phase 3: Assess your Agile product owner readiness, Mature product owner capabilities.

    Mature and Scale Product Ownership

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    3.1.1 Assess your real Agile skill proficiency

    3.2.1 Assess your vision capability proficiency

    3.2.2 Assess your leadership capability proficiency

    3.2.3 Assess your PLM capability proficiency

    3.2.4 Identify your business value drivers and sources of value

    3.2.5 Assess your value realization capability proficiency

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers

    Step 3.1

    Assess your Agile product owner readiness


    3.1.1 Assess your real Agile skill proficiency

    Mature product owner capabilities

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers

    Outcomes of this step

    • Real Agile skill proficiency assessment

    Why focus on core skills?

    They are the foundation to achieve business outcomes

    Skills, actions, output and outcomes

    The right skills development is only possible with proper assessment and alignment against outcomes.

    Being successful at Agile is more than about just doing Agile

    The following represents the hard skills needed to “Do Agile”:

    Being successful at Agile needs 4 hard skills: 1. Engineering skills, 2. Technician Skills, 3. Framework/Process skills, 4. Tools skills.

    • Engineering skills. These are the skills and competencies required for building brand-new valuable software.
    • Technician skills. These are the skills and competencies required for maintaining and operating the software delivered to stakeholders.
    • Framework/Process skills. These are the specific knowledge skills required to support engineering or technician skills.
    • Tools skills. This represents the software that helps you deliver other software.

    While these are important, they are not the whole story. To effectively deliver software, we believe in the importance of being Agile over simply doing Agile.

    Adapted from: “Doing Agile” Is Only Part of the Software Delivery Pie

    Focus on these real Agile skills

    Agile skills

    • Accountability
    • Collaboration
    • Comfort with ambiguity
    • Communication
    • Empathy
    • Facilitation
    • Functional decomposition
    • Initiative
    • Process discipline
    • Resilience

    Info-Tech research shows these are the real Agile skills to get started with

    Skill Name



    Refers to the state of being accountable. In an Agile context, it implies transparency, dedication, acting responsibly, and doing what is necessary to get the job done.


    Values diverse perspectives and working with others to achieve the best output possible. Effective at working toward individual, team, department, and organizational goals.

    Comfort with ambiguity

    Allows you to confidently take the next steps when presented with a problem without having all the necessary information present.


    Uses different techniques to share information, concerns, or emotions when a situation arises, and it allows you to vary your approach depending on the current phase of development.


    Is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another to better serve your team and your stakeholders.


    Refers to guiding and directing people through a set of conversations and events to learn and achieve a shared understanding.

    Functional decomposition

    Is being able to break down requirements into constituent epics and stories.


    Is being able to anticipate challenges and then act on opportunities that lead to better business outcomes.

    Process discipline

    Refers to the focus of following the right steps for a given activity at the right time to achieve the right outcomes.


    Refers to the behaviors, thoughts, and actions that allow a person to recover from stress and adversity.


    An accountable person:

    • Takes ownership of their own decisions and actions and is responsible for the quality of results.
    • Recognizes personal accountabilities to others, including customers.
    • Works well autonomously.
    • Ensures that the mutual expectations between themselves and others are clearly defined.
    • Takes the appropriate actions to ensure that obligations are met in a timely manner.
    • As a leader, takes responsibility for those being led.

    Accountability drives high performance in teams and organizations

    • The performance level of teams depends heavily on accountability and who demonstrates it:
      • In weak teams, there is no accountability.
      • In mediocre teams, supervisors demonstrate accountability.
      • In high-performance teams, peers manage most performance problems through joint accountability. (Grenny, 2014)
    • According to Bain & Company, accountability is the third most important attribute of high-performing companies. Some of the other key attributes include honest, performance-focused, collaborative, and innovative. (Mankins, 2013)

    All components of the employee empowerment driver have a strong, positive correlation with engagement.

    Employee empowerment and Correlation with engagement.

    Source: McLean & Company Engagement Database, 2018; N=71,794


    Your Score: ____

    1 - Foundational: Transitioning and Growing

    2 - Capable/Competent: Core Contributor

    3 - Influential: Gifted Improver

    4 - Transformational: Towering Strength

    • Alerts others to possible problems in a timely manner.
    • Seeks appropriate support to solve problems.
    • Actively contributes to the creation and evaluation of possible solutions.
    • Acts on solutions selected and decisions made as directed.
    • Makes effective decisions about how to complete work tasks.
    • Demonstrates the capability of breaking down concrete issues into parts and synthesizing information succinctly.
    • Collects and analyzes information from a variety of sources.
    • Seeks information and input to fully understand the cause of problems.
    • Takes action to address obstacles and problems before they impact performance and results.
    • Initiates the evaluation of possible solutions to problems.
    • Makes effective decisions about work task prioritization.
    • Appropriately assesses risks before deciding.
    • Effectively navigates through ambiguity, using multiple data points to analyze issues and identify trends.
    • Does not jump to conclusions.
    • Draws logical conclusions and provides opinions and recommendations with confidence.
    • Takes ownership over decisions and their consequences.
    • Demonstrates broad knowledge of information sources that can be used to assess problems and make decisions.
    • Invests time in planning, discovery, and reflection to drive better decisions.
    • Effectively leverages hard data as inputs to making decisions.
    • Garners insight from abstract data and makes appropriate decisions.
    • Coaches others in effective decision-making practices.
    • Has the authority to solve problems and make decisions.
    • Thinks several steps ahead in deciding the best course of action, anticipating likely outcomes, risks, or implications.
    • Establishes metrics to aid in decision-making, for self and teams
    • Prioritizes objective and ambiguous information and analyzes this when making decisions.
    • Solicits a diverse range of opinions and perspectives as inputs to decision making.
    • Applies frameworks to decision making, particularly in situations that have little base in prior experience.
    • Makes effective decisions about organizational priorities.
    • Holds others accountable for their decisions and consequences.
    • Creates a culture of empowerment and trust to facilitate effective problem solving and decision making.
    • Makes sound decisions that have organization-wide consequences and that influence future direction.

    Collaboration as a skill

    The principles and values of Agile revolve around collaboration.

    • Works well with others on specialized and cross-functional teams.
    • Can self-organize while part of a team.
    • Respects the commitments that others make.
    • Identifies and articulates dependencies.
    • Values diverse perspectives and works with others to achieve the best output possible.
    • Effective at working toward individual, team, department, and organizational goals.
    The principles and values of Agile revolve around collaboration. Doing what was done before (being prescriptive), going though the motions (doing Agile), living the principles (being Agile)


    The Agile Manifesto has three principles that focus on collaboration:

    1. The business and developers must work together daily throughout the project.
    2. Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need and trust them to get the job done.
    3. The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.

    Effective collaboration supports Agile behaviors, including embracing change and the ability to work iteratively.


    Your Score: ____

    1 - Foundational: Transitioning and Growing

    2 - Capable/Competent: Core Contributor

    3 - Influential: Gifted Improver

    4 - Transformational: Towering Strength

    • Understands role on the team and the associated responsibilities and accountabilities.
    • Treats team members with respect.
    • Contributes to team decisions and to the achievement of team goals and objectives.
    • Demonstrates a positive attitude.
    • Works cross-functionally to achieve common goals and to support the achievement of other team/department goals.
    • Values working in a diverse team and understands the importance of differing perspectives to develop unique solutions or ideas.
    • Fosters team camaraderie, collaboration, and cohesion.
    • Understands the impact of one's actions on the ability of team members to do their jobs.
    • Respects the differences other team members bring to the table by openly seeking others' opinions.
    • Helps the team accomplish goals and objectives by breaking down shared goals into smaller tasks.
    • Approaches challenging team situations with optimism and an open mind, focusing on coming to a respectful conclusion.
    • Makes suggestions to improve team engagement and effectiveness.
    • Supports implementation of team decisions.
    • Professionally gives and seeks feedback to achieve common goals.
    • Values working in a diverse team and understands the importance of differing perspectives to develop unique solutions or ideas.
    • Motivates the team toward achieving goals and exceeding expectations.
    • Reaches out to other teams and departments to build collaborative, cross-functional relationships.
    • Creates a culture of collaboration that leverages team members' strengths, even when the team is remote or virtual.
    • Participates and encourages others to participate in initiatives that improve team engagement and effectiveness.
    • Builds consensus to make and implement team decisions, often navigating through challenging task or interpersonal obstacles.
    • Values leading a diverse team and understands the importance of differing perspectives to develop unique solutions or ideas.
    • Creates a culture of collaboration among teams, departments, external business partners, and all employee levels.
    • Breaks down silos to achieve inter-departmental collaboration.
    • Demonstrates ownership and accountability for team/department/ organizational outcomes.
    • Uses an inclusive and consultative approach in setting team goals and objectives and making team decisions.
    • Coaches others on how to identify and proactively mitigate potential points of team conflict.
    • Recognizes and rewards teamwork throughout the organization.
    • Provides the tools and resources necessary for teams to succeed.
    • Values diverse teams and understands the importance of differing perspectives to develop unique solutions or ideas.

    Comfort with ambiguity

    Ability to handle ambiguity is a key factor in Agile success.

    • Implies the ability to maintain a level of effectiveness when all information is not present.
    • Able to confidently act when presented with a problem without all information present.
    • Risk and uncertainty can comfortably be handled.
    • As a result, can easily adapt and embrace change.
    • People comfortable with ambiguity demonstrate effective problem-solving skills.

    Relative importance of traits found in Agile teams

    1. Handles ambiguity
    2. Agreeable
    3. Conscientious

    Comfort with ambiguity

    Your Score: ____

    1 - Foundational: Transitioning and Growing

    2 - Capable/Competent: Core Contributor

    3 - Influential: Gifted Improver

    4 - Transformational: Towering Strength

    • Requires most information to be present before carrying out required activities.
    • Can operate with some information missing.
    • Comfortable asking people within their known circles for help.
    • Significant time is taken to reveal small pieces of information.
    • More adept at operating with information missing.
    • Willing to reach out to people outside of their regular circles for assistance and clarification.
    • Able to apply primary and secondary research methods to fill in the missing pieces.
    • Can operate essentially with a statement and a blank page.
    • Able to build a plan, drive others and themselves to obtain the right information to solve the problem.
    • Able to optimize only pulling what is necessary to answer the desired question and achieve the desired outcome.


    Even though many organizations recognize its importance, communication is one of the root causes of project failure.

    Project success vs Communication effectiveness. Effective communications is associated with a 17% increase in finishing projects within budget.


    56% of the resources spent on a project are at risk due to ineffective communications.

    PMI, 2013.


    In 29% of projects started in the past 12 months, poor communication was identified as being one of the primary causes of failure.

    PMI, 2013.

    Why are communication skills important to the Agile team?

    It’s not about the volume, it’s about the method.

    • Effectively and appropriately interacts with others to build relationships and share ideas and information.
    • Uses tact and diplomacy to navigate difficult situations.
    • Relays key messages by creating a compelling story, targeted toward specific audiences.

    Communication effectiveness, Activity and Effort required.

    Adapted From: Agile Modeling


    Your Score:____

    1 - Foundational: Transitioning and Growing

    2 - Capable/Competent: Core Contributor

    3 - Influential: Gifted Improver

    4 - Transformational: Towering Strength

    • Actively listens, learns through observation, and uses clear and precise language.
    • Possesses an open and approachable demeanor, with a positive and constructive tone.
    • Demonstrates interest in the thoughts and feelings of others.
    • Considers potential responses of others before speaking or acting.
    • Checks own understanding of others’ communication by repeating or paraphrasing.
    • Demonstrates self-control in stressful situations.
    • Provides clear, concise information to others via verbal or written communication.
    • Seeks to understand others' points of view, looking at verbal and non-verbal cues to encourage open and honest discussions.
    • Invites and encourages others to participate in discussions.
    • Projects a sincere and genuine tone.
    • Remains calm when dealing with others who are upset or angry.
    • Provides and seeks support to improve communication.
    • Does not jump to conclusions or act on assumptions.
    • Tailors messages to meet the different needs of different audiences.
    • Accurately interprets responses of others to their words and actions.
    • Provides feedback effectively and with empathy.
    • Is a role model for others on how to effectively communicate.
    • Ensures effective communication takes place at the departmental level.
    • Engages stakeholders using appropriate communication methods to achieve desired outcomes.
    • Creates opportunities and forums for discussion and idea sharing.
    • Demonstrates understanding of the feelings, motivations, and perspectives of others, while adapting communications to anticipated reactions.
    • Shares insights about their own strengths, weaknesses, successes, ad failures to show empathy and help others relate.
    • Discusses contentious issues without getting defensive and maintains a professional tone.
    • Coaches others on how to communicate effectively and craft targeted messages.
    • Sets and exemplifies standards for respectful and effective communications in the organization.
    • Comfortably delivers strategic messages supporting their function and the organization at the enterprise level.
    • Communicates with senior-level executives on complex organizational issues.
    • Promotes inter-departmental communication and transparency.
    • Achieves buy-in and consensus from people who share widely different views.
    • Shares complex messages in clear, understandable language.
    • Accurately interprets how they are perceived by others.
    • Rallies employees to communicate ideas and build upon differing perspectives to drive innovation.


    Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another in order to better serve your team and your stakeholders. There are three kinds:


    Thought, understanding, intellect

    • Knowing how someone else feels and what they might be thinking.
    • Contributes to more effective communication.


    Feelings, physical sensation

    • You physically feel the emotions of the other person.
    • Helps build emotional connections with others.


    Intellect, emotion with action

    • Along with understanding, you take action to help.

    How is empathy an Agile skill?

    Empathy enables you to serve your team, your customers, and your organization

    Serving the team

    • Primary types: Emotional and compassionate empathy.
    • The team is accountable for delivery.
    • By being able to empathize with the person you are talking to, complex issues can be addressed.
    • A lack of empathy leads to a lack of collaboration and being able to go forward on a common path.

    Serving your customers and stakeholders

    • Primary type: Cognitive empathy.
    • Agile enables the delivery of the right value at the right time to your stakeholders
    • Translating your stakeholders' needs requires an understanding of who they are as people. This is done through observations, interviews and conversations.
    • Leveraging empathy maps and user-story writing is an effective tool.


    Your Score: ____

    1 - Foundational: Transitioning and Growing

    2 - Capable/Competent: Core Contributor

    3 - Influential: Gifted Improver

    4 - Transformational: Towering Strength

    • Knowing how someone else feels and what they might be thinking.
    • Ability to build emotional connections with others.
    • Able to harness emotional connections to achieve tangible and experiential outcomes.
    • Demonstrates an awareness of different feelings and ways of thinking by both internal and external stakeholders.
    • Limited ability to make social connections with others outside of the immediate team.
    • Able to connect with similarly minded people to improve customer/stakeholder satisfaction. (Insights into action)
    • Able to interact and understand others with vastly different views.
    • Lack of agreement does not stop individual. from asking questions, understanding, and pushing the conversation forward


    It’s not just your manager’s problem.

    “Facilitation is the skill of moderating discussions within a group in order to enable all participants to effectively articulate their views on a topic under discussion, and to ensure that participants in the discussion are able to recognize and appreciate the differing points of view that are articulated.” (IIBA, 2015)

    • Drives action through influence, often without authority.
    • Leads and impacts others' thinking, decisions, or behavior through inclusive practices and relationship building.
    • Encourages others to self-organize and hold themselves accountable.
    • Identifies blockers and constructively removes barriers to progress.


    Your Score: ____

    1 - Foundational: Transitioning and Growing

    2 - Capable/Competent: Core Contributor

    3 - Influential: Gifted Improver

    4 - Transformational: Towering Strength

    • Drives action through influence, often without authority.
    • Leads and impacts others' thinking, decisions, or behavior through inclusive practices and relationship building.
    • Encourages others to self-organize and hold themselves accountable.
    • Identifies blockers and constructively removes barriers to progress.
    • Maps and executes processes effectively.
    • Uses facts and concrete examples to demonstrate a point and gain support from others.
    • Openly listens to the perspectives of others.
    • Builds relationships through honest and consistent behavior.
    • Understands the impact of their own actions and how others will perceive it.
    • Identifies impediments to progress.
    • Anticipates the effect of one's approach on the emotions and sensitivities of others.
    • Practices active listening while demonstrating positivity and openness.
    • Customizes discussion and presentations to include "what’s in it for me" for the audience.
    • Presents compelling information to emphasize the value of an idea.
    • Involves others in refining ideas or making decisions in order to drive buy-in and action.
    • Knows how to appropriately use influence to achieve outcomes without formal authority.
    • Seeks ways and the help of others to address barriers or blockers to progress.
    • Leverages a planned approach to influencing others by identifying stakeholder interests, common goals, and potential barriers.
    • Builds upon successes to gain acceptance for new ideas.
    • Facilitates connections between members of their network for the benefit of the organization or others.
    • Demonstrates the ability to draw on trusting relationships to garner support for ideas and action.
    • Encourages a culture that allows space for influence to drive action.
    • Adept at appropriately leveraging influence to achieve business unit outcomes.
    • Actively manages the removal of barriers and blockers for teams.

    Functional decomposition

    It’s not just a process, it’s a skill.

    “Functional decomposition helps manage complexity and reduce uncertainty by breaking down processes, systems, functional areas, or deliverables into their simpler constituent parts and allowing each part to be analyzed independently."

    (IIBA, 2015)

    Being able to break down requirements into constituent consumable items (example: epics and user stories).

    Start: Strategic Initiatives. 1: Epics. 2: Capabilities. 3: Features. End: Stories.

    Use artifact mapping to improve functional decomposition

    In our research, we refer to these items as epics, capabilities, features, and user stories. How you develop your guiding principles and structure your backlog should be based on the terminology and artifact types commonly used in your organization.

    Agile, Waterfall, Relationship, Decomposition skill most in demand, definition.

    Functional Decomposition

    Your Score: ____

    1 - Foundational: Transitioning and Growing

    2 - Capable/Competent: Core Contributor

    3 - Influential: Gifted Improver

    4 - Transformational: Towering Strength

    • Able to decompose items with assistance from other team members.
    • Able to decompose items independently, ensuring alignment with business value.
    • Able to decompose items independently and actively seeks out collaboration opportunities with relevant SME's during and after the refinement process to ensure completion.
    • Able to decompose items at a variety of granularity levels.
    • Able to teach and lead others in their decomposition efforts.
    • Able to quickly operate at different levels of the requirements stack.

    Initiative and self-organization

    A team that takes initiative can self-organize to solve critical problems.

    • "The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams." (Agile Manifesto)
    • In a nutshell, the initiative represents the ability to anticipate challenges and act on opportunities that lead to better business outcomes.
    • Anticipates challenges and acts on opportunities that lead to better business outcomes.
    • Thinks critically and is motivated to use both specialist expertise and general knowledge.
    • Driven by the delivery of business value and better business outcomes.
    • Empowers others to act and is empowered and self-motivated.

    Initiative and self-organization

    Your Score: ____

    1 - Foundational: Transitioning and Growing

    2 - Capable/Competent: Core Contributor

    3 - Influential: Gifted Improver

    4 - Transformational: Towering Strength

    • Demonstrates awareness of an opportunity or issue which is presently occurring or is within the immediate work area.
    • Reports an opportunity or issue to the appropriate person.
    • Acts instead of waiting to be asked.
    • Willingly takes on challenges, even if they fall outside their area of expertise.
    • Is proactive in identifying issues and making recommendations to resolve them.
    • Within the scope of the work environment, takes action to improve processes or results, or to resolve problems.
    • Not deterred by obstacles.
    • Tackles challenges that require risk taking.
    • Procures the necessary resources, team and technical support to enable success.
    • Assists others to get the job done.
    • Demonstrates awareness of an opportunities or issues which are in the future or outside the immediate work area.
    • Typically exceeds the expectations of the job.
    • Learns new technology or skills outside their specialization so that they can be a more effective team member.
    • Recommends solutions to enhance results or prevent potential issues.
    • Drives implementation of new processes within the team to improve results.
    • Able to provide recommendations on plans and decisions that are strategic and future-oriented for the organization.
    • Identifies areas of high risk or of organizational level impact.
    • Able to empower significant recourses from the organization to enable success.
    • Leads long-term engagements that result in improved organizational capabilities and processes.

    Process discipline

    A common misconception is that Agile means no process and no discipline. Effective Agile teams require more adherence to the right processes to create a culture of self-improvement.

    • Refers to the focus of following the right steps for a given activity at the right time to achieve the right outcomes.
    • Focus on following the right steps for a given activity at the right time to achieve desired outcomes.
    Example: Scrum Ceremonies during a sprint (1 - 4 weeks/sprint). 1: Sprint planning, 2: Daily scrum, 3: Sprint review, 4: Sprint retrospective.

    Process discipline

    Your Score: ____

    1 - Foundational: Transitioning and Growing

    2 - Capable/Competent: Core Contributor

    3 - Influential: Gifted Improver

    4 - Transformational: Towering Strength

    • Demonstrates awareness of the key processes and steps that are needed in a given situation.
    • Limited consistency in following processes and limited understanding of the 'why' behind the processes.
    • Aware and follows through with key agile processes in a consistent manner.
    • Demonstrates not only the knowledge of processes but understands the 'why' behind their existence.
    • Aware and follows through with key agile processes in a consistent manner.
    • Demonstrates understanding of not only why specific processes exist but can suggest changes to improve efficiency, consistency, and outcomes.

    N/A -- Maximum level is '3


    If your team hits the wall, don’t let the wall hit them back.

    • Resilience is critical for an effective Agile transformation. A team that demonstrates resilience always exhibits:
    • Evolution over transformation – There is a recognition that changes happen over time.
    • Intensity and productivity – A race is not won by the ones who are the fastest, but by the ones who are the most consistent. Regardless of what comes up, the team can push through.
    • That organizational resistance is futile – Given that it is working on the right objectives, the team needs to demonstrate a consistency of approach and intensity regardless of what may stand in its way.
    • Refers to the behaviors, thoughts, and actions that allow a person to recover from stress and adversity.

    How resilience aligns with Agile

    A team is not “living the principles” without resilience.

    1. Purpose

      Aligns with: “Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.” The vision or goals may not be clear in certain circumstances and can be difficult to relate to a single work item. Being able to intrinsically source and harness a sense of purpose becomes more important, especially as a self-organizing team.
    2. Perseverance

      Aligns with: “Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage.” Perseverance enables teams to continuously deliver at a steady pace, addressing impediments or setbacks and continuing to move forward.
    3. Composure

      Aligns with: “Agile processes promote sustainable development,” and “At regular intervals, the team reflects ... and adjusts its behavior accordingly.”
      When difficult situations arise, composure allows us to understand perspectives, empathize with customers, accept late changes, and sustain a steady pace.
    4. Self-Reliance

      Aligns with: “The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.” Knowing oneself, recognizing strengths, and drawing on past successes, can be a powerful aid in creating high-performing Agile teams
    5. Authenticity

      Aligns with: “At regular intervals, the team reflects … and adjusts its behavior accordingly,” and “Build projects around motivated individuals.”
      When difficult situations arise, authenticity is crucial. “For example, being able to openly disclose areas outside of your strengths in sprint planning or being able to contribute constructively toward self-organization.”

    Adapted from: Why Innovation, 2019.


    Your Score: ____

    1 - Foundational: Transitioning and Growing

    2 - Capable/Competent: Core Contributor

    3 - Influential: Gifted Improver

    4 - Transformational: Towering Strength

    • Easily distracted and stopped by moderately stressful and challenging situations.
    • Requires significant help from others to get back on track.
    • Not frequently able (or knows) how to ask for help
    • Handles typical stresses and challenges for the given role.
    • Able to get back on track with limited assistance.
    • Able to ask for help when they need it.
    • Quality of work unaffected by an increase in pressures and challenges.
    • Handles stresses and challenges what is deemed above and beyond their given role.
    • Able to provide advice to others on how to handle difficult and challenging situations.
    • Quality of work and outcomes is maintained and sometimes exceeded as pressure increases.
    • Team looks to this individual as being the gold standard on how to approach any given problem or situation.
    • Directly mentors others on approaches in situations regardless of the level of challenge.

    Exercise 1.2.1 Identify your primary product owner perspective

    1 hour
    1. Review each real Agile skill and determine your current proficiency.
    2. Complete your assessment in the Mature and Scale Product Owner Proficiency Assessment tool.
    3. Record the results in the Mature and Scale Product Ownership Playbook.
    4. Review the skills map to identify strengths and areas of growth.

    Accountability, Collaboration, Comfort in Ambiguity, Communication, Empathy, Facilitation, Functional Decomposition, Initiative, Process Discipline, Resilience.


    • Agile skills assessment results.


    • Product owners
    • Product managers

    Capture in the Mature and Scale Product Owner Proficiency Assessment.

    Determine your Agile skills proficiency: Edit chart data to plot your scores or add your data points and connect the lines.

    Step 3.2

    Mature product owner capabilities


    3.2.1 Assess your vision capability proficiency

    3.2.2 Assess your leadership capability proficiency

    3.2.3 Assess your PLM capability proficiency

    3.2.4 Identify your business value drivers and sources of value

    3.2.5 Assess your value realization capability proficiency

    Mature product owner capabilities

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Product owners
    • Product managers

    Outcomes of this step

    • Info-Tech product owner capability model proficiency assessment

    Product capabilities deliver value

    As a product owner, you are responsible for managing these facets through your capabilities and activities.

    The core product and value stream consists of: Funding - Product management and governance, Business functionality - Stakeholder and relationship management, and Technology - Product delivery.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    It is easy to lose sight of what matters when we look at a product from a single point of view . Despite what "The Agile Manifesto" says, working software is not valuable without the knowledge and support that people need in order to adopt, use, and maintain it. If you build it, they will not come. Product owners must consider the needs of all stakeholders when designing and building products.

    Recognize product owner knowledge gaps

    Pulse survey of product owners

    Pulse survey of product owners. Graph shows large percentage of respondents have alignment to common agile definition of product owners. Yet a significant perception gap in P&L, delivery, and analytics.

    Info-Tech Insight

    1. Less than 15% of respondents identified analytics or financial management as a key component of product ownership.
    2. Assess your product owner’s capabilities and understanding to develop a maturity plan.

    Source: Pulse Survey (N=18)

    Implement the Info-Tech product owner capability model

    Unfortunately, most product owners operate with incomplete knowledge of the skills and capabilities needed to perform the role. Common gaps include focusing only on product backlogs, acting as a proxy for product decisions, and ignoring the need for key performance indicators (KPIs) and analytics in both planning and value realization.

    Product Owner capabilities: Vision, Product Lifecycle Management, Leadership, Value Realization


    • Market Analysis
    • Business Alignment
    • Product Roadmap


    • Soft Skills
    • Collaboration
    • Decision Making

    Product Lifecycle Management

    • Plan
    • Build
    • Run

    Value Realization

    • KPIs
    • Financial Management
    • Business Model

    Product owner capabilities provide support

    Vision predicts impact of Value realization. Value realization provides input to vision

    Your vision informs and aligns what goals and capabilities are needed to fulfill your product or product family vision and align with enterprise goals and priorities. Each item on your roadmap should have corresponding KPIs or OKRs to know how far you moved the value needle. Value realization measures how well you met your target, as well as the impacts on your business value canvas and cost model.

    Product lifecycle management builds trust with Leadership. Leadership improves quality of Product lifecycle management.

    Your leadership skills improve collaborations and decisions when working with your stakeholders and product delivery teams. This builds trust and improves continued improvements to the entire product lifecycle. A product owner’s focus should always be on finding ways to improve value delivery.

    Product owner capabilities provide support

    Leadership enhances Vision. Vision Guides Product Lifecycle Management. Product Lifecycle Management delivers Value Realization. Leadership enhances Value Realization

    Develop product owner capabilities

    Each capability: Vision, Product lifecycle management, Value realization and Leadership has 3 components needed for successful product ownership.

    Avoid common capability gaps


    • Focusing solely on backlog grooming (tactical only)
    • Ignoring or failing to align product roadmap to enterprise goals
    • Operational support and execution
    • Basing decisions on opinion rather than market data
    • Ignoring or missing internal and external threats to your product


    • Failing to include feedback from all teams who interact with your product
    • Using a command-and-control approach
    • Viewing product owner as only a delivery role
    • Acting as a proxy for stakeholder decisions
    • Avoiding tough strategic decisions in favor of easier tactical choices

    Product lifecycle management

    • Focusing on delivery and not the full product lifecycle
    • Ignoring support, operations, and technical debt
    • Failing to build knowledge management into the lifecycle
    • Underestimating delivery capacity, capabilities, or commitment
    • Assuming delivery stops at implementation

    Value realization

    • Focusing exclusively on “on time/on budget” metrics
    • Failing to measure a 360-degree end-user view of the product
    • Skipping business plans and financial models
    • Limiting financial management to project/change budgets
    • Ignoring market analysis for growth, penetration, and threats

    Capabilities: Vision

    Market Analysis

    • Customer Empathy: Identify the target users and unique value your product provides that is not currently being met. Define the size of your user base, segmentation, and potential growth.
    • Customer Journey: Define the future path and capabilities your users will respond to.
    • Competitive analysis: Complete a SWOT analysis for your end-to-end product lifecycle. Use Info-Tech’s Business SWOT Analysis Template.

    Business Alignment

    • Enterprise alignment: Align to enterprise and product family goals, strategies, and constraints.
    • Delivery and release strategy: Develop a delivery strategy to achieve value quickly and adapt to internal and external changes. Value delivery is constrained by your delivery pipeline.
    • OCM and go-to-market strategy: Create organizational change management, communications, and a user implementation approach to improve adoption and satisfaction from changes.

    Product Roadmap

    • Roadmap strategy: Determine the duration, detail, and structure of your roadmap to accurately communicate your vision.
    • Value prioritization: Define criteria used to evaluate and sequence demand items.
    • Release and capacity planning: Build your roadmap with realistic goals and milestones based on your delivery pipeline and dependencies.

    “Customers are best heard through many ears.”

    – Thomas K. Connellan, Inside the Magic Kingdom

    Vision: Market Analysis, Business Alignment, and Product Roadmap.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Data comes from many places and may still not tell the complete story.

    Build your product strategy playbook

    Complete Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision to define your Vision, Goals, Roadmap approach, and Backlog quality filters.

    Digital Product Strategy Supporting Workbook

    Supporting workbook that captures the interim results from a number of exercises that will contribute to your overall digital product vision.

    Product Backlog Item Prioritization Tool

    An optional tool to help you capture your product backlog and prioritize based on your given criteria

    Product Roadmap Tool

    An optional tool to help you build out and visualize your first roadmap.

    Your Digital Product Vision Details Strategy

    Record the results from the exercises to help you define, detail, and make real your digital product vision.

    Your product vision is your North Star

    It's ok to dream a little!

    Who is the target customer, what is the key benefit, what do they need, what is the differentiator

    Adapted from: Geoffrey Moore, 2014.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    A product vision shouldn’t be so far out that it doesn’t feel real or so short-term that it gets bogged down in minutiae and implementation details. Finding the right balance will take some trial and error and will be different for each organization.

    Use product roadmaps to guide delivery

    In Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision, we showed how the product roadmap is key to value realization. As a product owner, the product roadmap is your communicated path to align teams and changes to your defined goals, while aligning your product to enterprise goals and strategy.

    As a product owner, the product roadmap is your communicated path to align teams and changes to your defined goals, while aligning your product to enterprise goals and strategy

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Info-Tech Best Practice Product delivery requires a comprehensive set of business and technical competencies to effectively roadmap, plan, deliver, support, and validate your product portfolio. Product delivery is a “multi-faceted, complex discipline that can be difficult to grasp and hard to master.” It will take time to learn and adopt methods and become a competent product manager or owner (“What Is Product Management?”, Pichler Consulting Limited).

    Match your roadmap and backlog to the needs of the product

    Ultimately, you want products to be able to respond faster to changes and deliver value sooner. The level of detail in the roadmap and backlog is a tool to help the product owner plan for change. The duration of your product roadmap is all directly related to the tier of product owner in the product family.

    The level of detail in the roadmap and backlog is a tool to help the product owner plan for change. The duration of your product roadmap is all directly related to the tier of product owner in the product family.

    Product delivery realizes value for your product family

    While planning and analysis are done at the family level, work and delivery are done at the individual product level.

    Product strategy includes: Vision, Goals, Roadmap, backlog and Release plan.

    Use artifact mapping to improve functional decomposition

    In our research, we refer to these items as epics, capabilities, features, and user stories. How you develop your guiding principles and structure your backlog should be based on the terminology and artifact types commonly used in your organization.

    Agile, Waterfall, Relationship, Decomposition skill most in demand, definition.

    Manage and communicate key milestones

    Successful product owners understand and define the key milestones in their product delivery lifecycles. These need to be managed along with the product backlog and roadmap.

    Define key milestones and their release dates.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Product ownership isn’t just about managing the product backlog and development cycles! Teams need to manage key milestones such as learning milestones, test releases, product releases, phase gates, and other organizational checkpoints!


    • Points in the timeline when the established set of artifacts is complete (feature-based), or checking status at a particular point in time (time-based).
    • Typically assigned a date and used to show the progress of development.
    • Plays an important role when sequencing different types of artifacts.

    Release dates

    • Releases mark the actual delivery of a set of artifacts packaged together in a new version of the product.
    • Release dates, firm or not, allow stakeholders to anticipate when this is coming.

    Leverage the product canvas to state and inform your product vision

    Leverage the product Canvas to state and inform your product vision. Includes: Product name, Tracking info, Vision, List of business objectives or goals, Metrics used to measure value realization, List of groups who consume the product/service, and List of key resources or stakeholders.

    Capability: Vision

    Your Score: ____

    1 - Foundational: Transitioning and Growing

    2 - Capable/Competent: Core Contributor

    3 - Influential: Gifted Improver

    4 - Transformational: Towering Strength

    • Product backlog.
    • Basic roadmap with milestones and releases.
    • Unprioritized stakeholder list.
    • Understanding of product’s purpose and value.
    • Customers and end-users defined with core needs identified.
    • Roadmap with goals and capabilities defined by themes and set to appropriate time horizons.
    • Documented stakeholder management plan with communication and collaboration aligned to the stakeholder strategy.
    • Value drivers traced to product families and enterprise goals.
    • Customer personas defined with pain relievers and value creators defined.
    • Fully-developed roadmap traced to family (and child) roadmaps.
    • Expected ROI for all current and next roadmap items.
    • KPIs/OKRs used to improve roadmap prioritization and sequencing.
    • Proactive stakeholder engagement and reviews.
    • Cross-functional engagement to align opportunities and drive enterprise value.
    • Formal metrics to assess customer needs and value realization.
    • Roadmaps managed in an enterprise system for full traceability, value realization reporting, and views for defined audiences.
    • Proactive stakeholder engagement with regular planning and review ceremonies tied to their roadmaps and goals.
    • Cross-functional innovation to find disruptive opportunities to drive enterprise value.
    • Omni-channel metrics and customer feedback mechanisms to proactively evaluate goals, capabilities, and value realization.

    Exercise 3.2.1 Assess your Vision capability proficiency

    1 hour
    1. Review the expectations for this capability and determine your current proficiency for each skill.
    2. Complete your assessment in the Mature and Scale Product Owner Proficiency Assessment tool.
    3. Record the results in the Mature and Scale Product Ownership Playbook.
    4. Review the skills map to identify strengths and areas of growth.


    • Product owner capability assessment


    • Product owners
    • Product managers

    Capture in the Mature and Scale Product Owner Proficiency Assessment.

    Capabilities: Leadership

    Soft Skills

    • Communication: Maintain consistent, concise, and appropriate communication using SMART guidelines (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely).
    • Integrity: Stick to your values, principles, and decision criteria for the product to build and maintain trust with your users and teams.
    • Influence: Manage stakeholders using influence and collaboration over contract negotiation.


    • Stakeholder management: Build a communications strategy for each stakeholder group, tailored to individual stakeholders.
    • Relationship management: Use every interaction point to strengthen relationships, build trust, and empower teams.
    • Team development: Promote development through stretch goals and controlled risks to build team capabilities and performance.

    Decision Making

    • Prioritized criteria: Remove personal bias by basing decisions off data analysis and criteria.
    • Continuous improvement: Balance new features with the need to ensure quality and create an environment of continuous improvement.
    • Team empowerment/negotiation: Push decisions to teams closest to the problem and solution, using Delegation Poker to guide you.

    “Everything walks the walk. Everything talks the talk.”

    – Thomas K. Connellan, Inside the Magic Kingdom

    Leadership: Soft skills, collaboration, decision making.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Product owners cannot be just a proxy for stakeholder decisions. The product owner owns product decisions and management of all stakeholders.

    Capability: Leadership

    Your Score: ____

    1 - Foundational: Transitioning and Growing

    2 - Capable/Competent: Core Contributor

    3 - Influential: Gifted Improver

    4 - Transformational: Towering Strength

    • Activities are prioritized with minimal direction and/or assistance.
    • Progress self-monitoring against objectives with leadership apprised of deviations against plan.
    • Facilitated decisions from stakeholders or teams.
    • Informal feedback on performance and collaboration with teams.
    • Independently prioritized activities and provide direction or assistance to others as needed.
    • Managed issue resolution and provided guidance on goals, priorities, and constraints.
    • Product decision ownership with input from stakeholders, SMEs, and delivery teams.
    • Formal product management retrospectives with tracked and measured changes to improve performance.
    • Consulted in the most challenging situations to provide subject matter expertise on leading practices and industry standards.
    • Provide mentoring and coaching to your peers and/or teammates.
    • Use team empowerment, pushing decisions to the lowest appropriate level based on risk and complexity.
    • Mature and flexible communication.
    • Provide strategies and programs ensuring all individuals in the delivery organization obtain the level of coaching and supervision required for success in their position.
    • Provide leadership to the organization’s coaches ensuring delivery excellence across the organization.
    • Help develop strategic initiatives driving common approaches and utilizing information assets and processes across the enterprise.

    Exercise 3.2.2 Assess your Leadership capability proficiency

    1 hour
    1. Review the expectations for this capability and determine your current proficiency for each skill.
    2. Complete your assessment in the Mature and Scale Product Owner Proficiency Assessment tool.
    3. Record the results in the Mature and Scale Product Ownership Playbook.
    4. Review the skills map to identify strengths and areas of growth.


    • Product owner capability assessment


    • Product owners
    • Product managers

    Capture in the Mature and Scale Product Owner Proficiency Assessment.

    Capability: Product lifecycle management


    • Product backlog: Follow a schedule for backlog intake, grooming, updates, and prioritization.
    • Journey map: Create an end-user journey map to guide adoption and loyalty.
    • Fit for purpose: Define expected value and intended use to ensure product meets your end user’s needs.


    • Capacity management: Work with operations and delivery teams to ensure consistent and stable outcomes.
    • Release strategy: Build learning, release, and critical milestones into a repeatable release plan.
    • Compliance: Build policy compliance into delivery practices to ensure alignment and reduce avoidable risk (privacy, security).


    • Adoption: Focus attention on end-user adoption and proficiency to accelerate value and maximize retention.
    • Support: Build operational support and business continuity into every team.
    • Measure: Measure KPIs and validate expected value to ensure product alignment to goals and consistent product quality.

    “Pay fantastic attention to detail. Reward, recognize, celebrate.”

    – Thomas K. Connellan, Inside the Magic Kingdom

    Product Lifecycle Management: Plan, Build, Run

    Info-Tech Insight

    Product owners must actively manage the full lifecycle of the product.

    Define product value by aligning backlog delivery with roadmap goals

    In each product plan, the backlogs show what you will deliver. Roadmaps identify when and in what order you will deliver value, capabilities, and goals.

    In each product plan, the backlogs show what you will deliver. Roadmaps identify when and in what order you will deliver value, capabilities, and goals.

    A backlog stores and organizes PBIs at various stages of readiness

    A backlog stores and organizes PBIs at different levels of readiness. Stage 3 - Ideas are composed of raw, vague ideas that have yet to go through any formal valuation. Stage 2 - Qualified are researched and qualified PBIs awaiting refinement. Stage 1 - Ready are Discrete, refined RBIs that are read to be placed in your development team's sprint plans.

    A well-formed backlog can be thought of as a DEEP backlog:

    Detailed Appropriately: PBIs are broken down and refined, as necessary.

    Emergent: The backlog grows and evolves over time as PBIs are added and removed.

    Estimated: The effort a PBI requires is estimated at each tier.

    Prioritized: The PBI’s value and priority are determined at each tier.

    (Perforce, 2018)

    Distinguish your specific goals for refining in the product backlog vs. planning for a sprint itself

    Often backlog refinement is used interchangeably or considered a part of sprint planning. The reality is they are very similar, as the required participants and objectives are the same; however, there are some key differences.

    Backlog refinement versus Sprint planning. Differences in Objectives, Cadence and Participants

    Use quality filters to promote high value items into the delivery pipeline

    Product backlog has quality filters such as: Backlogged, Qualified and Ready. Sprint backlog has a backlog of accepted PBI's

    Basic scrum process

    The scrum process coordinates multiple stakeholders to deliver on business priorities.

    Prioritized Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Manage Delivery, Sprint Review, Product Release

    Capability: Product lifecycle management

    Your Score: ____

    1 - Foundational: Transitioning and Growing

    2 - Capable/Competent: Core Contributor

    3 - Influential: Gifted Improver

    4 - Transformational: Towering Strength

    • Informal or undocumented intake process.
    • Informal or undocumented delivery lifecycle.
    • Unstable or unpredictable throughput or quality.
    • Informal or undocumented testing and release processes.
    • Informal or undocumented organizational change management planning for each release.
    • Informal or undocumented compliance validation with every release.
    • Documented intake process with stakeholder prioritization of requests.
    • Consistent delivery lifecycle with stable and predictable throughput with an expected range of delivery variance.
    • Formal and documented testing and release processes.
    • Organizational change management planning for each major release.
    • Compliance validation with every major release.
    • Intake process using value drivers and prioritization criteria to sequence all items.
    • Consistent delivery lifecycle with stable and predictable throughput with little variance.
    • Risk-based and partially automated testing and release processes.
    • Organizational change management planning for all releases.
    • Automated compliance validation with every major release.
    • Intake process using enterprise value drivers and prioritization criteria to sequence all items.
    • Stable Agile DevOps with low variability and automation.
    • Risk-based automated and manual testing.
    • Multiple release channels based on risk. Automated build, validation, and rollback capabilities.
    • Cross-channel, integrated organizational change management for all releases.
    • Automated compliance validation with every change or release.

    Exercise 3.2.3 Assess your PLM capability proficiency

    1 hour
    1. Review the expectations for this capability and determine your current proficiency for each skill.
    2. Complete your assessment in the Mature and Scale Product Owner Proficiency Assessment tool.
    3. Record the results in the Mature and Scale Product Ownership Playbook.
    4. Review the skills map to identify strengths and areas of growth.


    • Product owner capability assessment


    • Product owners
    • Product managers

    Capture in the Mature and Scale Product Owner Proficiency Assessment.

    Capabilities: Value realization

    Key performance indicators (KPIs)

    • Usability and user satisfaction: Assess satisfaction through usage monitoring and end-user feedback.
    • Value validation: Directly measure performance against defined value proposition, goals, and predicted ROI.
    • Fit for purpose: Verify the product addresses the intended purpose better than other options.

    Financial management

    • P&L: Manage each product as if it were its own business with profit and loss statements.
    • Acquisition cost/market growth: Define the cost of acquiring a new consumer, onboarding internal users, and increasing product usage.
    • User retention/market share: Verify product usage continues after adoption and solution reaches new user groups to increase value.

    Business model

    • Defines value proposition: Dedicate your primary focus to understanding and defining the value your product will deliver.
    • Market strategy and goals: Define your acquisition, adoption, and retention plan for users.
    • Financial model: Build an end-to-end financial model and plan for the product and all related operational support.

    “The competition is anyone the customer compares you with.”

    – Thomas K. Connellan, Inside the Magic Kingdom

    Value Realization: KPIs, Financial management, Business model

    Info-Tech Insight

    Most organizations stop with on-time and on-budget. True financial alignment needs to define and manage the full lifecycle P&L.

    Use a balanced value to establish a common definition of goals and value

    Value drivers are strategic priorities aligned to our enterprise strategy and translated through our product families. Each product and change has an impact on the value driver helping us reach our enterprise goals.

    Importance of the value driver multiplied by the Impact of value score is equal to the Value score.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Your value drivers and impact helps estimate the expected value of roadmap items, prioritize roadmap and backlog items, and identify KPIs and OKRs to measure value realization and actual impact.

    Include balanced value as one criteria to guide better decisions

    Your balanced value is just one of many criteria needed to align your product goals and sequence roadmap items. Feasibility, delivery pipeline capacity, shared services, and other factors may impact the prioritization of backlog items.

    Build your balanced business value score by using four key value drivers.

    Determine your value drivers

    Competent organizations know that value cannot always be represented by revenue or reduced expenses. However, it is not always apparent how to envision the full spectrum of sources of value. Dissecting value by benefit type and the value source’s orientation allows you to see the many ways in which a product or service brings value to the organization.

    Business value matrix

    Graph with 4 quadrants representing Outward versus Inward, and Financial benefit versus Human benefit. The quadrants are Reach customers, Increase revenue/demonstrate value, Enhance services, Reduce costs.

    Financial benefits vs. improved capabilities

    Financial benefits refer to the degree to which the value source can be measured through monetary metrics and is often quite tangible.

    Human benefits refer to how a product or service can deliver value through a user’s experience.

    Inward vs. outward orientation

    Inward refers to value sources that have an internal impact and improve your organization’s effectiveness and efficiency in performing its operations.

    Outward refers to value sources that come from your interaction with external factors, such as the market or your customers.

    Exercise 3.2.4 Identify your business value drivers and sources of value

    1 hour
    1. Brainstorm the different types of business value that you produce on the sticky notes (one item per page). Draw from examples of products in your portfolio.
    2. Identify the most important value items for your organization (two to three per quadrant).
    3. Record the results in the Mature and Scale Product Ownership Workbook.


    • Product owner capability assessment


    • Product owners
    • Product managers

    Capture in the Mature and Scale Product Ownership Workbook.

    My business value sources

    Graph with 4 quadrants representing Outward versus Inward, and Financial benefit versus Human benefit. The quadrants are Reach customers, Increase revenue/demonstrate value, Enhance services, Reduce costs.

    Capability: Value realization

    Your Score: ____

    1 - Foundational: Transitioning and Growing

    2 - Capable/Competent: Core Contributor

    3 - Influential: Gifted Improver

    4 - Transformational: Towering Strength

    • Product canvas or basic product positioning overview.
    • Simple budget or funding mechanism for changes.
    • Product demos and informal user feedback mechanisms.
    • Business value canvas or basic business model tied to roadmap funding.
    • Product funding tied to roadmap milestones and prioritization.
    • Defined KPIs /OKRs for roadmap delivery throughput and value realization measurement.
    • Business model with operating cost structures, revenue/value traceability, and market/user segments.
    • Scenario-based roadmap funding alignment.
    • Roadmap aligned KPIs /OKRs for delivery throughput and value realization measurement as a key factor in roadmap prioritization.
    • Business model tied to enterprise operating costs and value realization KPIs/OKRs.
    • P&L roadmap and cost accounting tied to value metrics.
    • Roadmap aligned enterprise and scenario-based KPIs /OKRs for delivery throughput and value realization measurement as a key factor in roadmap prioritization.

    Exercise 3.2.5 Assess your value realization capability proficiency

    1 hour
    1. Review the expectations for this capability and determine your current proficiency for each skill.
    2. Complete your assessment in the Mature and Scale Product Owner Proficiency Assessment tool.
    3. Record the results in the Mature and Scale Product Ownership Playbook.
    4. Review the skills map to identify strengths and areas of growth.


    • Product owner capability assessment


    • Product owners
    • Product managers

    Capture in the Mature and Scale Product Owner Proficiency Assessment.

    Determine your product owner capability proficiency in regards to: Vision, Leadership, Product Lifecycle, and Value Realization

    Summary of Accomplishment

    Problem solved.

    Product ownership can be one of the most difficult challenges facing delivery and operations teams. By focusing on operational grouping and alignment of goals, organizations can improve their value realization at all levels in the organization.

    The foundation for delivering and enhancing products and services is rooted in the same capability model. Traditionally, product owners have focused on only a subset of skills and capabilities needed to properly manage and grow their products. The product owner capability model is a useful tool to ensure optimal performance from product owners and assess the right level of detail for each product within the product families.

    Congratulations. You’ve completed a significant step toward higher-value products and services.

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through other phases as apart of an Info-Tech workshop

    Contact your account representative for more information

    Additional Support

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through other phases as apart of an Info-Tech workshop

    Contact your account representative for more information 1-888-670-8889

    The following are sample activities that will be conducted by Info-Tech analysts with your team:

    3.1.1 Assess your real Agile skill proficiency

    Assess your skills and capabilities against the real Agile skills inventory

    2.2.3 Prioritize your stakeholders

    Build a stakeholder management strategy.

    Research Contributors and Experts

    Emily Archer

    Lead Business Analyst,
    Enterprise Consulting, authentic digital agency

    Emily Archer is a consultant currently working with Fortune 500 clients to ensure the delivery of successful projects, products, and processes. She helps increase the business value returned for organizations’ investments in designing and implementing enterprise content hubs and content operations, custom web applications, digital marketing, and e-commerce platforms.

    David Berg

    Founder & CTO
    Strainprint Technologies Inc.

    David Berg is a product commercialization expert who has spent the last 20 years delivering product management and business development services across a broad range of industries. Early in his career, David worked with product management and engineering teams to build core network infrastructure products that secure and power the internet we benefit from today. David’s experience also includes working with clean technologies in the area of clean power generation, agritech, and Internet of Things infrastructure. Over the last five years, David has been focused on his latest venture, Strainprint Technologies, a data and analytics company focused on the medical cannabis industry. Strainprint has built the largest longitudinal medical cannabis dataset in the world, with a goal to develop an understanding of treatment behavior, interactions, and chemical drivers to guide future product development.

    Research Contributors and Experts

    Kathy Borneman

    Digital Product Owner, SunTrust Bank

    Kathy Borneman is a senior product owner who helps people enjoy their jobs again by engaging others in end-to-end decision making to deliver software and operational solutions that enhance the client experience and allow people to think and act strategically.

    Charlie Campbell

    Product Owner, Merchant e-Solutions

    Charlie Campbell is an experienced problem solver with the ability to quickly dissect situations and recommend immediate actions to achieve resolution, liaise between technical and functional personnel to bridge the technology and communication gap, and work with diverse teams and resources to reach a common goal.

    Research Contributors and Experts

    Yarrow Diamond

    Sr. Director, Business Architecture
    Financial Services

    Yarrow Diamond is an experienced professional with expertise in enterprise strategy development, project portfolio management, and business process reengineering across financial services, healthcare and insurance, hospitality, and real estate environments. She has a master’s in Enterprise Architecture from Penn State University, LSSMBB, PMP, CSM, ITILv3.

    Cari J. Faanes-Blakey, CBAP, PMI-PBA

    Enterprise Business Systems Analyst,
    Vertex, Inc.

    Cari J. Faanes-Blakey has a history in software development and implementation as a Business Analyst and Project Manager for financial and taxation software vendors. Active in the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA), Cari participated on the writing team for the BA Body of Knowledge 3.0 and the certification exam.

    Research Contributors and Experts

    Kieran Gobey

    Senior Consultant Professional Services
    Blueprint Software Systems

    Kieran Gobey is an IT professional with 24 years of experience, focused on business, technology, and systems analysis. He has split his career between external and internal customer-facing roles, and this has resulted in a true understanding of what is required to be a Professional Services Consultant. His problem-solving skills and ability to mentor others have resulted in successful software implementations.

    Kieran’s specialties include deep system troubleshooting and analysis skills, facilitating communications to bring together participants effectively, mentoring, leadership, and organizational skills.

    Rupert Kainzbauer

    VP Product, Digital Wallets
    Paysafe Group

    Rupert Kainzbauer is an experienced senior leader with a passion for defining and delivering products that deliver real customer and commercial benefit. With a team of highly experienced and motivated product managers, he has successfully led highly complex, multi-stakeholder payments initiatives, from proposition development and solution design through to market delivery. Their domain experience is in building online payment products in high-risk and emerging markets, remittance, prepaid cards, and mobile applications.

    Research Contributors and Experts

    Saeed Khan

    Transformation Labs

    Saeed Khan has been working in high tech for 30 years in Canada and the US and has held several leadership roles in Product Management in that time. He speaks regularly at conferences and has been writing publicly about technology product management since 2005.

    Through Transformation Labs, Saeed helps companies accelerate product success by working with product teams to improve their skills, practices, and processes. He is a cofounder of ProductCamp Toronto and currently runs a Meetup group and global Slack community called Product Leaders; the only global community of senior level product executives.

    Hoi Kun Lo

    Product Owner

    Hoi Kun Lo is an experienced change agent who can be found actively participating within the IIBA and WITI groups in Tampa, FL and a champion for Agile, architecture, diversity, and inclusion programs at Nielsen. She is currently a Product Owner in the Digital Strategy team within Nielsen Global Watch Technology.

    Research Contributors and Experts

    Abhishek Mathur

    Sr Director, Product Management
    Kasisto, Inc.

    Abhishek Mathur is a product management leader, an artificial intelligence practitioner, and an educator. He has led product management and engineering teams at Clarifai, IBM, and Kasisto to build a variety of artificial intelligence applications within the space of computer vision, natural language processing, and recommendation systems. Abhishek enjoys having deep conversations about the future of technology and helping aspiring product managers enter and accelerate their careers.

    Jeff Meister

    Technology Advisor and Product Leader

    Jeff Meister is a technology advisor and product leader. He has more than 20 years of experience building and operating software products and the teams that build them. He has built products across a wide range of industries and has built and led large engineering, design, and product organizations.

    Jeff most recently served as Senior Director of Product Management at Avanade, where he built and led the product management practice. This involved hiring and leading product managers, defining product management processes, solution shaping and engagement execution, and evangelizing the discipline through pitches, presentations, and speaking engagements.

    Jeff holds a Bachelor of Applied Science (Electrical Engineering) and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Waterloo, an MBA from INSEAD (Strategy), and certifications in product management, project management, and design thinking.

    Research Contributors and Experts

    Vincent Mirabelli

    Global Project Synergy Group

    With over 10 years of experience in both the private and public sectors, Vincent Mirabelli possesses an impressive track record of improving, informing, and transforming business strategy and operations through process improvement, design and re-engineering, and the application of quality to business analysis, project management, and process improvement standards.

    Oz Nazili

    VP, Product & Growth

    Oz Nazili is a product leader with a decade of experience in both building products and product teams. Having spent time at funded startups and large enterprises, he thinks often about the most effective way to deliver value to users. His core areas of interest include Lean MVP development and data-driven product growth.

    Research Contributors and Experts

    Mike Starkey

    Director of Engineering
    W.W. Grainger

    Mike Starkey is a Director of Engineering at W.W. Grainger, currently focusing on operating model development, digital architecture, and building enterprise software. Prior to joining W.W. Grainger, Mike held a variety of technology consulting roles throughout the system delivery lifecycle spanning multiple industries such as healthcare, retail, manufacturing, and utilities with Fortune 500 companies.

    Anant Tailor

    Cofounder and Head of Product
    Dream Payments Corp.

    Anant Tailor is a cofounder at Dream Payments where he currently serves as the COO and Head of Product, having responsibility for Product Strategy & Development, Client Delivery, Compliance, and Operations. He has 20+ years of experience building and operating organizations that deliver software products and solutions for consumers and businesses of varying sizes.

    Prior to founding Dream Payments, Anant was the COO and Director of Client Services at DonRiver Inc, a technology strategy and software consultancy that he helped to build and scale into a global company with 100+ employees operating in seven countries.

    Anant is a Professional Engineer with a Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering from McMaster University and a certificate in Product Strategy & Management from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.

    Research Contributors and Experts

    Angela Weller

    Scrum Master, Businessolver

    Angela Weller is an experienced Agile business analyst who collaborates with key stakeholders to attain their goals and contributes to the achievement of the company’s strategic objectives to ensure a competitive advantage. She excels when mediating or facilitating teams.

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    Implement Agile Practices That Work

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    Estimate Software Delivery With Confidence

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    Bibliography (Product Management)

    “12th Annual State of Agile Report.” VersionOne, 9 April 2018. Web.

    A, Karen. “20 Mental Models for Product Managers.” Product Management Insider, Medium, 2 Aug. 2018. Web.

    Adams, Paul. “Product Teams: How to Build & Structure Product Teams for Growth.” Inside Intercom, 30 Oct. 2019. Web.

    Aghina, Handscomb, Ludolph, West, and Abby Yip, “How to select and develop individuals for successful agile teams: A practical guide” McKinsey & Company 20 Dec. 2018. Web.

    Agile Alliance. “Product Owner.” Agile Alliance. n.d. Web.

    Ambler, Scott W. "Communication on Agile Software Teams“, Agile Modeling. 2001-2022. Web.

    Ambysoft. “2018 IT Project Success Rates Survey Results.” Ambysoft. 2018. Web.

    Banfield, Richard, et al. “On-Demand Webinar: Strategies for Scaling Your (Growing) Enterprise Product Team.” Pluralsight, 31 Jan. 2018. Web.

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    Schuurman, Robbin. “Tips for Agile product roadmaps & product roadmap examples.”, 7 Dec. 2017. Accessed Sept. 2018.

    Bibliography (Vision and Canvas)

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    Gorisse, Willem. “A Practical Guide to the Product Canvas.” Mendix, 28 Mar. 2017. Web.

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    Gray, Mark Krishan. “Should I Use the Business Model Canvas or the Lean Canvas?” Blog,, 2019. Web.

    Bibliography (Vision and Canvas)

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    Maurya, Ash. “Why Lean Canvas vs Business Model Canvas?” Medium, 27 Feb. 2012. Web.

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    Mishra, LN. “Business Analysis Canvas – The Ultimate Enterprise Architecture.” BA Times, 19 June 2019. Web.

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    “What Is a Product Vision?” Aha!, 2019. Web.

    Supporting Research

    Transformation topics and supporting Info-Tech research to make the journey easier, with less rework.

    Supporting research and services

    Improving IT alignment

    Build a Business-Aligned IT Strategy

    Success depends on IT initiatives clearly aligned to business goals, IT excellence, and driving technology innovation.

    Includes a "Strategy on a page" template

    Make Your IT Governance Adaptable

    Governance isn't optional, so keep it simple and make it flexible.

    Create an IT View of the Service Catalog

    Unlock the full value of your service catalog with technical components.

    Application Portfolio Management Foundations

    Ensure your application portfolio delivers the best possible return on investment.

    Supporting research and services

    Shifting toward Agile DevOps

    Agile/DevOps Resource Center

    Tools and advice you need to be successful with Agile.

    Develop Your Agile Approach for a Successful Transformation

    Understand Agile fundamentals, principles, and practices so you can apply them effectively in your organization.

    Implement DevOps Practices That Work

    Streamline business value delivery through the strategic adoption of DevOps practices.

    Perform an Agile Skills Assessment

    Being Agile isn't about processes, it's about people.

    Define the Role of Project Management in Agile and Product-Centric Delivery

    Projects and products are not mutually exclusive.

    Supporting research and services

    Shifting toward product management

    Make the Case for Product Delivery

    Align your organization on the practices to deliver what matters most.

    Deliver on Your Digital Product Vision

    Build a product vision your organization can take from strategy through execution.

    Deliver Digital Products at Scale

    Deliver value at the scale of your organization through defining enterprise product families.

    Build a Better Product Owner

    Strengthen the product owner's role in your organization by focusing on core capabilities and proper alignment.

    Supporting research and services

    Improving value and delivery metrics

    Build a Value Measurement Framework

    Focus product delivery on business value-driven outcomes.

    Create a Holistic IT Dashboard

    Mature your IT department by measuring what matters.

    Select and Use SDLC Metrics Effectively

    Be careful what you ask for because you will probably get it.

    Reduce Time to Consensus With an Accelerated Business Case

    Expand on the financial model to give your initiative momentum.

    Supporting research and services

    Improving governance, prioritization, and value

    Make Your IT Governance Adaptable

    Governance isn't optional, so keep it simple and make it flexible.

    Maximize Business Value from IT Through Benefits Realization

    Embed benefits realization into your governance process to prioritize IT spending and confirm the value of IT.

    Drive Digital Transformation With Platform Strategies

    Innovate and transform your business models with digital platforms.

    Succeed With Digital Strategy Execution

    Building a digital strategy is only half the battle: create a systematic roadmap of technology initiatives to execute the strategy and drive digital transformation.

    Build a Value Measurement Framework

    Focus product delivery on business value-driven outcomes.

    Create a Holistic IT Dashboard

    Mature your IT department by measuring what matters.

    Supporting research and services

    Improving requirements management and quality assurance

    Requirements Gathering for Small Enterprises

    Right-size the guidelines of your requirements gathering process.

    Improve Requirements Gathering

    Back to basics: great products are built on great requirements.

    Build a Software Quality Assurance Program

    Build quality into every step of your SDLC.

    Automate Testing to Get More Done

    Drive software delivery throughput and quality confidence by extending your automation test coverage.

    Manage Your Technical Debt

    Make the case to manage technical debt in terms of business impact.

    Create a Business Process Management Strategy

    Avoid project failure by keeping the "B" in BPM.

    Build a Winning Business Process Automation Playbook

    Optimize and automate your business processes with a user-centric approach.

    Create a Winning BPI Playbook

    Don't waste your time focusing on the "as is." Focus on the improvements and the "to be."

    Supporting research and services

    Improving release management

    Optimize Applications Release Management

    Build trust by right-sizing your process using appropriate governance.

    Streamline Application Maintenance

    Effective maintenance ensures the long-term value of your applications.

    Streamline Application Management

    Move beyond maintenance to ensure exceptional value from your apps.

    Optimize Change Management

    Right-size your change management process.

    Manage Your Technical Debt

    Make the case to manage technical debt in terms of business impact.

    Improve Application Development Throughput

    Drive down your delivery time by eliminating development inefficiencies and bottlenecks while maintaining high quality.

    Supporting research and services

    Business relationship management

    Embed Business Relationship Management

    Leverage knowledge of the business to become a strategic IT partner.

    Improving security

    Build an Information Security Strategy

    Create value by aligning your strategy to business goals and business risks.

    Develop and Deploy Security Policies

    Enhance your overall security posture with a defensible and prescriptive policy suite.

    Simplify Identity and Access Management

    Leverage risk- and role-based access control to quantify and simplify the IAM process.

    Supporting research and services

    Improving and supporting business-managed applications

    Embrace Business-Managed Applications

    Empower the business to implement their own applications with a trusted business-IT relationship.

    Enhance Your Solution Architecture Practices

    Ensure your software systems solution is architected to reflect stakeholders’ short-and long-term needs.

    Satisfy Digital End Users With Low- and No-Code

    Extend IT, automation, and digital capabilities to the business with the right tools, good governance, and trusted organizational relationships.

    Build Your First RPA Bot

    Support RPA delivery with strong collaboration and management foundations.

    Automate Work Faster and More Easily With Robotic Process Automation

    Embrace the symbiotic relationship between the human and digital workforce.

    Supporting research and services

    Improving business intelligence, analytics, and reporting

    Modernize Data Architecture for Measurable Business Results

    Enable the business to achieve operational excellence, client intimacy, and product leadership with an innovative, Agile, and fit-for-purpose data architecture practice.

    Build a Reporting and Analytics Strategy

    Deliver actionable business insights by creating a business-aligned reporting and analytics strategy.

    Build Your Data Quality Program

    Quality data drives quality business decisions.

    Design Data-as-a-Service

    Journey to the data marketplace ecosystems.

    Build a Robust and Comprehensive Data Strategy

    Key to building and fostering a data-driven culture.

    Build an Application Integration Strategy

    Level the table before assembling the application integration puzzle or risk losing pieces.


    Pulse survey results

    Pulse survey (N=18): What are the key components of product/service ownership?

    Pulse survey results: What are the key components of product/service ownership? Table shows answer options and responses in percentage.

    Pulse Survey (N=18): What are the key individual skills for a product/service owner?

    What are the key individual skills for a product/service owner? Table shows answer options and responses in percentage

    Other choices entered by respondents:

    • Anticipating client needs, being able to support delivery in all phases of the product lifecycle, adaptability, and ensuring a healthy backlog (at least two sprints’ worth of work).
    • Requirements elicitation and prioritization.
    • The key skill is being product-focused to ensure it provides value for competitive advantage.

    Pulse Survey (N=18): What are three things an outstanding product/service owner does that an average one doesn’t?

    What are three things an outstanding product/service owner does that an average one doesn't? Table shows results.

    Enterprise Storage Solution Considerations

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}507|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Storage & Backup Optimization
    • Parent Category Link: /storage-and-backup-optimization
    • Enterprise storage technology and options are challenging to understand.
    • There are so many options. How do you decide what the best solution is for your storage challenge??
    • Where do you start when trying to solve your enterprise storage challenge?

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    Take the time to understand the various data storage formats, disk types, and associated technology, as well as the cloud-based and on-premises options. This will help you select the right tool for your needs.

    Impact and Result

    Look to existing use cases based on actual Info-Tech analyst calls to help in your decision-making process.

    Enterprise Storage Solution Considerations Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Enterprise Storage Solution Considerations – Narrow your focus with the right product type and realize efficiencies.

    Explore the building blocks of enterprise storage so you can select the best solution, narrow your focus with the correct product type, explore the features that should be considered when evaluating enterprise storage offerings, and examine use cases based on actual Info-Tech analyst calls to find a storage solution for your situation.

    • Enterprise Storage Solution Considerations Storyboard

    2. Modernize Enterprise Storage Workbook – Understand your data requirements.

    The first step in solving your enterprise storage challenge is identifying your data sources, data volumes, and growth rates. This information will give you insight into what data sources could be stored on premises or in the cloud, how much storage you will require for the coming five to ten years, and what to consider when exploring enterprise storage solutions. This tool can be a valuable asset for determining your current storage drivers and future storage needs, structuring a plan for future storage purchases, and determining timelines and total cost of ownership.

    • Modernize Enterprise Storage Workbook

    Further reading

    Enterprise Storage Solution Considerations

    Narrow your focus with the right product type and realize efficiencies.

    Analyst Perspective

    The vendor landscape is continually evolving, as are the solutions they offer. The options and features are increasing and appealing.

    The image contains a picture of P.J. Ryan.

    To say that the current enterprise storage landscape looks interesting would be an understatement. The solutions offered by vendors continue to grow and evolve. Flash and NVMe are increasing the speed of storage media and reducing latency. Software-defined storage is finding the most efficient use of media to store data where it is best served while managing a variety of vendor storage and older storage area networks and network-attached storage devices.

    Storage as a service is taking on a new meaning with creative solutions that let you keep the storage appliance on premises or in a colocated data center while administration, management, and support are performed by the vendor for a nominal monthly fee.

    We cannot discuss enterprise storage without mentioning the cloud. Bring a thermometer because you must understand the difference between hot, warm, and cold storage when discussing the cloud options. Very hot and very cold may also come into play.

    Storage hardware can assume a higher total cost of ownership with support options that replace the controllers on a regular basis. The options with this type of service are also varied, but the concept of not having to replace all disks and chassis nor go through a data migration is very appealing to many companies.

    The cloud is growing in popularity when it comes to enterprise storage, but on-premises solutions are still in demand, and whether you choose cloud or on premises, you can be guaranteed an array of features and options to add stability, security, and efficiency to your enterprise storage.

    P.J. Ryan
    Research Director, Infrastructure & Operations
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Info-Tech Insight

    The vendor landscape is continually evolving, as are the solutions they offer.

    Storage providers are getting acquired by bigger players, “outside the box” thinking is disrupting the storage support marketplace, “as a service” storage offerings are evolving, and what is a data lake and do I need one? The traditional storage vendors are not alone in the market, and the solutions they offer are no longer traditional either. Explore the landscape and understand your options before you make any enterprise storage solution purchases.

    Understand the building blocks of storage so you can select the best solution.

    There are multiple storage formats for data, along with multiple hardware form factors and disk types to hold those various data formats. Software plays a significant role in many of these storage solutions, and cloud offerings take advantage of all the various formats, form factors, and disks. The challenge is matching your data type with the correct storage format and solution.

    Look to existing use cases to help in your decision-making process.

    Explore previous experiences from others by reading use cases to determine what the best solution is for your challenge. You’re probably not the first to encounter the challenge you’re facing. Another organization may have previously reached out for assistance and found a viable solution that may be just what you also need.

    Enterprise storage has evolved, with more options than ever

    Data is growing, data security will always be a concern, and vendors are providing more and more options for enterprise storage.

    “By 2025, it’s estimated that 463 exabytes of data will be created each day globally – that’s the equivalent of 212,765,957 DVDs per day!” (Visual Capitalist)

    “Modern criminal groups target not only endpoints and servers, but also central storage systems and their backup infrastructure.” (Continuity Software)

    Cloud or on premises? Maybe a hybrid approach with both cloud and on premises is best for you. Do you want to remove the headaches of storage administration, management, and support with a fully managed storage-as-a-service solution? Would you like to upgrade your controllers every three or four years without a major service interruption? The options are increasing and appealing.

    High-Level Considerations

    1. Understand Your Data

    Understand how much data you have and where it is located. This will be crucial when evaluating enterprise storage solutions.

    2. Plan for Growth

    Your enterprise storage considerations should include your data needs now and in the future.

    3. Understand the Mechanics

    Take the time to understand the various data storage formats, disk types, and associated technology, as well as the cloud-based and on-premises options. This will help you select the right tool for your needs.

    Storage formats, disk drives, and technology

    Common data storage formats, technology, and drive types are outlined below. Understanding how data is stored as well as the core building blocks for larger systems will help you decide which solution is best for your storage needs.


    What it is

    Disk Drives and Technology

    File Storage

    File storage is hierarchical storage that uses files, folders, subfolders, and directories. You enter a specific filename and path to access the file, such as P:\users\johndoe\strategy\cloud.doc. If you ever saved a file on a server, you used file storage. File storage is usually managed by some type of file manager, such as File Explorer in Windows. Network-attached storage (NAS) devices use file storage.

    Hard Disk Drives (HDD)

    HDD use a platter of spinning disks to magnetically store data. The disks are thick enough to make them rigid and are referred to as hard disks.

    HDD is older technology but is still in demand and offered by vendors.

    Object Storage

    Object storage is when data is broken into distinct units, called objects. These objects are stored in a flat, non-hierarchical structure in a single location or repository. Each object is identified by its associated ID and metadata. Objects are accessed by an application programming interface (API).


    Flash storage uses flash memory chips to store data. The flash memory chips are written with electricity and contain no moving parts. Flash storage is very fast, which is how the technology got its name (“Flash vs. SSD Storage,” Enterprise Storage Forum, 2018).

    Block Storage

    Block storage is when data is divided up into fixed-size blocks and stored with a unique identifier. Blocks can be stored in different environments, such as Windows or Linux. Storage area networks (SANs) use block storage.

    Solid-State Drive (SSD)

    SSD is a storage mechanism that also does not use any moving parts. Most SSD drives use flash storage, but other options are available for SSD.

    Nonvolatile Memory Express (NVMe)

    NVMe is a communications standard developed specially for SSDs by a consortium of vendors including Intel, Samsung, SanDisk, Dell, and Seagate. It operates across the PCIe bus (hence the “Express” in the name), which allows the drives to act more like the fast memory that they are rather than the hard disks they imitate (PCWorld).

    Narrow your focus with the right product type

    On-premises enterprise storage solutions fit into a few distinct product types.

    Network-Attached Storage

    Storage Area Network

    Software-Defined Storage

    Hyperconverged Infrastructure

    NAS refers to a storage device that is connected directly to your network. Any user or device with access to your network can access the available storage provided by the NAS. NAS storage is easily scalable and can add data redundancy through RAID technology. NAS uses the file storage format.

    NAS storage may or may not be the first choice in terms of enterprise storage, but it does have a solid market appeal as an on-premises primary backup storage solution.

    A SAN is a dedicated network of pooled storage devices. The dedicated network, separate from the regular network, provides high speed and scalability without concern for the regular network traffic. SANs use block storage format and can be divided into logical units that can be shared between servers or segregated from other servers. SANs can be accessed by multiple servers and systems at the same time. SANs are scalable and offer high availability and redundancy through RAID technology.

    SANs can use a variety of disk types and sizes and are quite common among on-premises storage solutions.

    “Software-defined storage (SDS) is a storage architecture that separates storage software from its hardware. Unlike traditional network-attached storage (NAS) or storage area network (SAN) systems, SDS is generally designed to perform on any industry-standard or x86 system, removing the software’s dependence on proprietary hardware.” (RedHat)

    SDS uses software-based policies and rules to grow and protect storage attached to applications.

    SDS allows you to use server-based storage products to add management, protection, and better usage.

    Hyperconverged storage uses virtualization and software-defined storage to combine the storage, compute, and network resources along with a hypervisor into one appliance.

    Hyperconverged storage can scale out by adding more nodes or appliances, but scaling up, or adding more resources to each appliance, can have limitations. There is flexibility as hyperconverged storage can work with most network and compute manufacturers.

    Cloud storage

    • Cloud storage is online storage offered by a cloud provider. Cloud storage is available almost anywhere and is set up with high availability features such as data duplication, redundancy, backup, and power failure protection.
    • Cloud storage is very scalable and typically is offered as object storage, block storage, or file storage. Cloud storage vendors may have their own naming scheme for object, block, or file storage.
    • Cloud-hosted data is marketed according to the frequency of access and length of time in storage. There are typically three main levels of storage: hot, warm, or cold. Vendors may have their own naming convention for hot, warm, and cold storage. Some may also add more layers such as very hot or very cold.
      • Hot storage is for data that is frequently accessed and modified. It is available on demand and is the most costly of the storage levels.
      • Cold storage is for data that will sit for a long period of time and not need to be accessed. Cold storage is usually only available after several hours or days. Cold storage is very low cost and, in some cases, even free, but retrieval or restoration for the free services can be costly.
      • Warm storage sits in between hot and cold storage. It is for data that is infrequently needed. The cost of warm storage is also in between hot and cold storage costs, and access times are measured in terms of minutes or hours.
      • It is not uncommon for data to start in hot storage and, as it ages, move to warm and eventually cold storage.

    “Enterprise cloud storage offers nearly unlimited scalability. Enterprises can add storage quickly and easily as it is needed, eliminating the risk and cost of over-provisioning.”

    – Spectrum Enterprise

    “Hot data will operate on fresh data. Cold data will operate on less frequent data and [is] used mainly for reporting and planning. Warm data is a balance between the two.”

    – TechBlost

    Enterprise storage features

    The features listed below, while not intended to cover all features offered by all vendors, should be considered and could act as a baseline for discussions with storage providers when evaluating enterprise storage offerings.

    • Scalability
      • What are the options to expand, and how easy or difficult it is to expand capacity in the future?
    • Security
      • Does the solution offer data encryption options as well as ransomware protections?
    • Integration options
      • Can the solution support seamless connectivity with other solutions and applications, such as cloud-based storage or backup software?
    • Storage reduction
      • Does the solution offer space-reduction options such as deduplication or data compression?
    • Replication
      • Does the solution offer replication options such as device to device on premises, device to device when geographically separated, device to cloud, or a combination of these scenarios?
    • Performance
      • “Enterprise storage systems have two main ‘speed’ measurements: throughput and IOPS. Throughput is the data transfer rate to and from storage media, measured in bytes per second; IOPS measures the number of reads and writes – input/output (I/O) operations – per second.” (Computer Weekly)
    • Protocol support
      • Does the solution support object-based, block-based, and file-based storage protocols?
    • Storage Efficiency
      • How efficient is the solution? Can they prove it?
      • Storage efficiencies must be available and baselined.
    • Management platform
      • A management/reporting platform should be a component included in the system.
    • Multi-parity
      • Does the solution offer multi-level block “parity” for RAID 6 protection equivalency, which would allow for the simultaneous failure of two disks?
    • Proactive support
      • Features such as call home, dial in, or remote support must be available on the system.
    • Financial considerations
      • The cost is always a concern, but are there subscription-based or “as-a-service” options?
      • Internally, is it better for this expenditure to be a capital expenditure or an ongoing operating expense?

    What’s new in enterprise storage

    • Data warehouses are not a new concept, but the data storage evolution and growth of data means that data lakes and data lakehouses are growing in popularity.
      • “A data lake is a centralized repository that allows you to store all your structured and unstructured data at any scale. You can store your data as-is, without having to first structure the data” (Amazon Web Services).
      • Analytics with a data lake is possible, but manipulation of the data is hindered due to the nature of the data. A data lakehouse adds data management and analytics to a data lake, similar to the data warehouse functionality added to databases.
    • Options for on-premises hardware support is changing.
      • Pure Storage was the first to shake up the SAN support model with its Evergreen support option. Evergreen//Forever support allows for storage controller upgrades without having to migrate data or replace your disks or chassis (Pure Storage).
      • In response to the Pure Storage Evergreen offering, Dell, HPE, NetApp, and others have come out with similar programs that offer controller upgrades while maintaining the data, disks, and chassis.
    • “As a service” is available as a hybrid solution.
      • Storage as a service (STaaS) originally referred to hosted, fully cloud-based offerings without the need for any on-premises hardware.
      • The latest STaaS offerings provide on-premises or colocated hardware with pay-as-you-go subscription pricing for data consumption. Administration, management, and support are included. The vendor will supply support and manage everything on your behalf.
      • Most of the major storage vendors offer a variation of storage as a service.

    “Because data lakes mostly consist of raw unprocessed data, a data scientist with specialized expertise is typically needed to manipulate and translate the data.”

    – DevIQ

    “A Lakehouse is also a type of centralized data repository, integrated from heterogeneous sources. As can be expected from its name, It shares features with both datawarehouses and data lakes.”

    – Cesare

    “Storage as a service (STaaS) eliminates Capex, simplifies management and offers extensive flexibility.”

    – TechTarget

    Major vendors

    The current vendor landscape for enterprise storage solutions represents a range of industry veterans and the brands they’ve aggregated along the way, as well as some relative newcomers who have come to the forefront within the past ten years.

    Vendors like Dell EMC and HPE are longstanding veterans of storage appliances with established offerings and a back catalogue of acquisitions fueling their growth. Others such as Pure Storage offer creative solutions like all-flash arrays, which are becoming more and more appealing as flash storage becomes more commoditized.

    Cloud-based vendors have become popular options in recent years. Cloud storage provides many options and has attracted many other vendors to provide a cloud option in addition to their on-premises solutions. Some software and hardware vendors also partner with cloud vendors to offer a complete solution that includes storage.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Explore your current vendor’s solutions as a starting point, then use that understanding as a reference point to dive into other players in the market

    Key Players

    • Amazon
    • Cisco
    • Dell EMC
    • Google
    • Hewlett Packard Enterprise
    • Hitachi Vantara
    • IBM
    • Microsoft
    • NetApp
    • Nutanix
    • Pure Storage

    Enterprise Storage Use Cases

    Block, object, or file storage? NAS, SAN, SDS, or HCI? Cloud or on prem? Hot, warm, or cold?
    Which one do you choose?
    The following use cases based on actual Info-Tech analyst calls may help you decide.

    1. Offsite backup solution
    2. Infrastructure consolidation
    3. DR/BCP datacenter duplication
    4. Expansion of existing storage
    5. Complete backup solution
    6. Existing storage solution going out of support soon
    7. Video storage
    8. Classify and offload storage

    Offsite backup solution

    “Offsite” may make you think of geographical separation or even cloud-based storage, but what is the best option and why?

    Use Case: How a manufacturing company dealt with retired applications

    • A leading manufacturing company had to preserve older applications no longer in use.
    • The company had completed several acquisitions and ended up with multiple legacy applications that had been merged or migrated into replacement solutions. These legacy applications were very important to the original companies, and although the data they held had been migrated to a replacement solution, executives felt they should hold on to these applications for a period of time, just in case.
    • A modern archiving solution was considered, but a research advisor from Info-Tech Research joined a call with the manufacturing company and helped the client realize that the solution was a modified backup. The application data had already been preserved through the migration, so data could be accessed in the production environment.
    • The data could be exported from the legacy application into a nonsequential database, compressed, and stored in cloud-based cold storage for less than $5 per terabyte per month. The manufacturing company staff realized that they could apply this same approach to several of their legacy applications and save tens of thousands of dollars in the process.
    • Cold storage is inexpensive until you start retrieving that data frequently. The manufacturing company knew they did not have a requirement to retrieve the application and data for a very long time, so cloud-based cold storage was ideal.

    “Data retrieval from cold storage is harder and slower than it is from hot storage. … Because of the longer retrieval time, online cold storage plans are often much cheaper. … The downside is that you’d incur additional costs when retrieving the data.”

    – Ben Stockton, Cloudwards

    Infrastructure consolidation

    Hyperconverged infrastructure combines storage, virtual infrastructure, and associated management into one piece of equipment.

    Use Case: How one company dealt with equipment and storage needs

    • One Info-Tech client had recently started in the role of IT director and realized he had inherited aging infrastructure along with a serious data challenge. The storage appliances were old and out of support. The appliances were performing inadequately, and the client was in need of more data due to ongoing growth, but he also realized that the virtual environment was running on very old servers that were no longer supported. The IT director reached out to Info-Tech to find solutions to the virtualization challenge, but the storage problem also came up throughout the course of the conversation with an analyst.
    • The analyst quickly realized that the IT director was an ideal candidate for a hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) storage solution, which would also provide the necessary virtual environment.
    • The analyst explained the benefits of having a single appliance that would provide virtualization needs as well as storage needs. The built-in management features would ease the burden of administration, and the software-defined nature of the HCI would allow for the migration of data as well as future expansion options.
    • Hyperconverged infrastructure is offered by many vendors under a variety of names. Most are similar but some may have a better interface or other features. The expansion process is simple, and HCI is a good fit for many organizations looking to consolidate virtual infrastructure and storage.

    “HCI environments use a hypervisor, usually running on a server that uses direct-attached storage (DAS), to create a data center pool of systems and resources.”

    – Samuel Greengard, Datamation

    Datacenter duplication

    SAN providers offer a varied range of options for their products, and those options are constantly evolving.

    Use Case: Independent school district provides better data access using SAN technology

    • An independent school district was expanding by adding a second data center in a new school. This new data center would be approximately 20 miles away from the original data center used by the district. The intent was not to replace the original data center but to use both centers to store data and provide services concurrently. The district’s ideal scenario would be that users would not know or care which data center they were reaching, and there would be no difference in the service received from each data center. The school district reached out to Info-Tech when planning discussions reached the topic of data duplication and replication software.
    • An Info-Tech analyst joined a call with the school district and guided the conversation toward the existing environment to understand what options might be available. The analyst quickly discovered that all the district’s servers were virtual, and all associated data was stored on a single SAN.
    • The analyst informed the school district staff about SAN options, including SAN-to-SAN replication. If the school district had a sufficient link between the two data centers, SAN-to-SAN replication would work for them and provide the two identical copies of data at two locations.
    • The analyst continued to offer explanations of other features that some vendors offer with their SANs, such as the ability to turn on or off deduplication and compression, as well as disk options such as flash or NVMe.
    • The school district was moving to the request for proposal (RFP) stage but hoped to have SAN-to-SAN replication implemented before the next academic year started.

    “SAN-to-SAN replication is a low-cost, highly efficient way to manage mounting quantities of stored data.”

    – Secure Infrastructure & Services

    Expansion of existing storage

    That old storage area network may still have some useful life left in it.

    Use Case: Municipality solves data storage aging and growth challenge

    • A municipality in the United States reached out to Info-Tech for guidance on its storage challenge. The municipality had accumulated multiple SANs from different vendors over the years. These SANs were running out of storage, and more data storage was needed. The municipality’s data was growing at a rapid pace, thanks to municipal growth and expansion of services. The IT team was also concerned with modernizing their storage and not hindering their long-term growth by making the wrong purchase decision for their current storage needs.
    • An analyst from Info-Tech discussed several options with the municipality but in the end advised that software-defined storage may be the best solution.
    • Software-defined storage (SDS) would allow the municipality to gain better visibility into existing storage while making more efficient use of existing and new storage. SDS could take over the management of the existing storage from multiple vendors and add additional storage as required. SDS would also be able to integrate cloud-based storage if that was the direction taken by the municipality in the future.
    • The municipality moved forward with an SDS solution and added some additional storage capacity. They used some of their existing SANs but retired the more troublesome ones. The SDS system managed all the storage instances and data management. The administration of the storage environment was easier for the storage admins, and long-term savings were achieved through better storage management.

    “Often enterprises have added storage on an ad hoc basis as they needed it for various applications. That can result in a mishmash of heterogenous storage hardware from a wide variety of vendors. SDS offers the ability to unify management of these different storage devices, allowing IT to be more efficient.”

    – Cynthia Harvey, Enterprise Storage Forum (“What Is Software Defined Storage?”, 2018)

    Complete backup solution

    Many backup software solutions can provide backups to multiple locations, making two-location backups simple.

    Use Case: How an oil refinery modernized its backup solution

    • A large oil refinery needed a better solution for the storage of backups. The refinery was replacing its backup software solution but also wanted to improve the backup storage situation and move away from tape-based storage. All other infrastructure was reasonably modern and not in need of replacement at this time.
    • A research analyst from Info-Tech helped the client realize that the solution was a modified backup. The general guidance for backups is have a least one copy offsite, so the cloud was the obvious focal point. The analyst also explained that it would be beneficial to have a recent copy of the backup available on site for common restoration requests in addition to having the offsite copy for disaster recovery (DR) purposes.
    • The refinery staff conducted a data analysis to determine how much data was being backed up on a daily basis. The solution proposed by the analyst included network-attached storage (NAS) with adequate storage to hold 30 days' worth of on-premises data. The backup software would also simultaneously copy each backup to a cloud-based storage repository. The backup software was smart enough to only back up and transfer data that had changed since the previous backup, so transfer time and capacity was not a factor.
    • The NAS would allow for the restoration of any local, on-premises data while the cloud storage would provide a safe location offsite for backup data. It could also serve as the backup location for other cloud-based services that required a backup.

    “Data protection demands that enterprises have multiple methods of keeping data safe and replicating it in case of disaster or loss.”

    – Drew Robb, Enterprise Storage Forum, 2021

    Storage going out of support

    SAN solutions have come a long way with improvements in how data is stored and what is used to store the data.

    Use Case: How one organization replaced its old storage with a similar solution

    • A government organization was looking for a solution for its aging storage area network appliances. The SANs were old and would be no longer supported by the manufacturer within four months. The SANs had slower spinning disks and their individual capacity was at its limit through the addition of extra shelves and disks over the years.
    • The organization reached out to Info-Tech for guidance. An analyst arranged a call with them, and they discussed the storage situation in detail, including desired benefits from a storage solution and growth requirements. They also discussed cloud storage, but the government organization was not in a position to move its data to the cloud for a variety of reasons.
    • Although the individual SANs were at their storage capacity limit, the total amount of data was well within the limits of many modern on-premises storage solutions. SSD and flash or NVMe storage can store large amounts of data in small footprints and form factors.
    • The analyst reviewed several vendors with the client and discussed some advantages and disadvantages of each. They explored the features offered as well as scalability options.
    • SANs have been around for a long time but the features and capabilities that come with them has evolved. They are still a very viable solution for many organizations in a variety of scenarios.

    “A rapidly growing portion of SAN deployments leverages all-flash storage to gain its high performance, consistent low latency, and lower total cost when compared to spinning disk.”

    – NetApp

    Video storage

    Cloud storage would not be sufficient if you were using a dial up connection, just as on-premises storage solutions would not suffice if they were using floppy disks.

    Use Case: Body cams and public cameras in municipalities are driving storage growth

    • Municipal law enforcement agencies are wearing body cameras more frequently, for their own protection as well as for the protection of the public. Camera footage can be useful in legal situations as well. Municipalities are also installing more and more public cameras for the purposes of public safety. The recorded video footage from these cameras can result in large data files, which in turn drive data storage requirements.
    • Info-Tech analysts are joining calls about video data storage with increasing frequency. The concerns are repetitive, and the guidance is similar on most of these calls.
    • The “object” storage format is ideal for video and media data. Most cloud-based storage solutions use object storage, but it is also available with on-premises solutions such as NAS or SAN. The challenges clients are expressing are typically related to inadequate bandwidth for cloud-based storage or other storage formats instead of “object” storage. Cloud-based storage can also grow beyond the budgeted numbers, causing an increase in the monthly cloud cost. Older, slower on-premises hardware sometimes reveals itself as the latency culprit.
    • Object storage is well suited for the unstructured data that is video footage. It uses metadata to tag the video file for future retrieval and is easily expandable, which also makes it cost effective.
    • Video data stored in a cloud-based repository will work fine as long as the bandwidth is adequate. On-premises storage of video data is also quite adequate on the right storage format, with fast disks and a reasonably up-to-date network infrastructure.

    “The captured video is stored for days, weeks, months and sometimes years and consumes a lot of space. Data storage plays a new and important role in these systems. Object storage is ideal to store the video data.”

    – Object-Storage.Info

    Classify and offload primary storage

    Some software products have storage options available as a result of agreements with other storage vendors. Several backup and archive software products fall into this category.

    Use Case: Enterprise storage can help reduce data sprawl

    • A large engineering firm was trying to manage its data sprawl. The team sampled a small percentage of their data and quickly realized that when they applied their findings on the 1% of data to their entire data estate, the sheer volume of personal files, older files, and unclassified data was going to be a challenge.
    • They found a solution in archiving software. The archiving software would tag data based on several factors. The software would move older files away from primary storage to an alternate storage platform but still leave a stub of the moved file in place and maintain limited access to those files. This would reduce primary storage requirements and allow the firm to eliminate multiple file servers
    • The engineering firm reached out to Info-Tech and participated in an analyst call. During that call, they laid out their plans, and the analyst made them aware of cloud storage. The positive and negative aspects of cloud storage were discussed, and the firm fully understood that the colder the storage tier, the slower the recovery. The firm's stance was if the files had not been accessed in the past six months, waiting a day or two for retrieval would not be a concern, and the firm was content with cold storage in the cloud.
    • The firm had not purchased the archiving software at the time of the analyst call, and the analyst also explained to them that the archiving software may have an existing agreement with a cloud provider for storage options, which could be more cost effective than purchasing cloud storage separately.
    • Cold cloud-based storage was the preferred solution for this firm, but this use case also highlights the option that some software products carry regarding storage. Several backup and archive products have a cloud storage option that should be investigated, as they may be cost-effective options.

    “Cold storage is perfect for archiving your data. Online backup providers offer low-cost, off-site data backups at the expense of fast speeds and easy access, even though data retrieval often comes at an added cost. If you need to keep your data long-term, but don’t need to access it often, this is the kind of storage you need.”

    – Ben Stockton, Cloudwards

    Understand your data requirements


    The first step in solving your enterprise storage challenge is identifying your data sources or drivers, data volume size, and growth rates. This information will give you insight into what data sources could be stored on premises or in the cloud, how much storage you will require for the coming five to ten years, and what to consider when exploring enterprise storage solutions.

    • Info-Tech’s Modernize Enterprise Storage Workbook can be a valuable asset for determining your current storage drivers and future storage needs, structuring a plan for future storage purchases, and determining timelines and total cost of ownership.
    • An example of the Storage Capacity Calculator tab from that workbook is displayed on the right. Using the Storage Capacity Requirements Calculator requires minimal steps.
    1. Enter the current date and planning timeline (horizon) in months
    2. Identify the top sources of data within the business – the current data drivers. Areas of focus could include business applications, file shares, backup, and archives.
    3. For each of these data drivers, include your best estimate of:
    • Current data volume
    • Growth rate
  • Identify the top future data drivers, such as new applications or initiatives that will result from current business plans and priorities, and record the following details:
    • Initial data volumes
    • Projected growth rates
    • Planned implementation date
  • The spreadsheet will automatically calculate the data volume at the planning horizon based on the growth rate.
  • Download the Modernize Enterprise Storage Workbook and take the first step toward understanding your data requirements.

    The image contains a screenshot of the Modernize Enterprise Storage Workbook.

    Download the Modernize Enterprise Storage Workbook

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Modernize Enterprise Storage

    Current and emerging storage technologies are disrupting the status quo – prepare your infrastructure for the exponential rise in data and its storage requirements.

    Modernize Enterprise Storage Workbook

    This workbook will complement the discussions and activities found in the Modernize Enterprise Storage blueprint. Use this workbook in conjunction with the blueprint to develop a strategy for storage modernization.


    Bakkianathan, Raghunathan. “What is the difference between Hot Warm and Cold data storage?” TechBlost, n.d.. Accessed 14 July 2022.
    Cesare. “Data warehouse vs Data lake vs Lakehouse… and DeltaLake?“ Medium, 14 June 2021. Accessed 26 July 2022.
    Davison, Shawn and Ryan Sappenfield. “Data Lake Vs Lakehouse Vs Data Mesh: The Evolution of Data Transformation.” DevIQ, May 2022. Accessed 23 July 2022.
    Desjardins, Jeff. “Infographic: How Much Data is Generated Each Day?” Visual Capitalist, 15 April 2019. Accessed 26 July 2022.
    Greengard, Samuel. “Top 10 Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI) Solutions.” Datamation, 22 December 2020. Accessed 23 July 2022.
    Harvey, Cynthia. “Flash vs. SSD Storage: Is there a Difference?” Enterprise Storage Forum, 10 July 2018. Accessed 23 July 2022.
    Harvey, Cynthia. “What Is Software Defined Storage? Features & Benefits.” Enterprise Storage Forum, 22 February 2018. Accessed 23 July 2022.
    Hecht, Gil. “4 Predictions for storage and backup security in 2022.” Continuity Software, 09 January 2022. Accessed 22 July 2022.
    Jacobi, Jonl. “NVMe SSDs: Everything you need to know about this insanely fast storage.” PCWorld, 10 March 2019. Accessed 22 July 2022
    Pritchard, Stephen. “Briefing: Cloud storage performance metrics.” Computer Weekly, 16 July 2021. Accessed 23 July 2022
    Robb, Drew. “Best Enterprise Backup Software & Solutions 2022.” Enterprise Storage Forum, 09 April 2021. Accessed 23 July 2022.
    Sheldon, Robert. “On-premises STaaS shifts storage buying to Opex model.” TechTarget, 10 August 2020. Accessed 22 July 2022.
    “Simplify Your Storage Ownership, Forever.” PureStorage. Accessed 20 July 2022.
    Stockton, Ben. “Hot Storage vs Cold Storage in 2022: Instant Access vs Long-Term Archives.” Cloudwards, 29 September 2021. Accessed 22 July 2022.
    “The Cost Savings of SAN-to-SAN Replication.” Secure Infrastructure and Services, 31 March 2016. Accessed 16 July 2022.
    “Video Surveillance.” Object-Storage.Info, 18 December 2019. Accessed 25 July 2022.
    “What is a Data Lake?” Amazon Web Services, n.d. Accessed 17 July 2022.
    “What is enterprise cloud storage?” Spectrum Enterprise, n.d. Accessed 28 July 2022.
    “What is SAN (Storage Area Network).” NetApp, n.d. Accessed 25 July 2022.
    “What is software-defined storage?” RedHat, 08 March 2018. Accessed 16 July 2022.

    Drive Business Value With a Right-Sized Project Gating Process

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    • Low sponsor commitment on projects.
    • Poor quality on completed projects.
    • Little to no visibility into the project portfolio.
    • Organization does not operationalize change .
    • Analyzing, fixing, and redeploying is a constant struggle. Even when projects are done well, they fail to deliver the intended outcomes and benefits.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Stop applying a one-size-fits-all-projects approach to governance.
    • Engage the sponsor by shifting the accountability to the business so they can get the most out of the project.
    • Do not limit the gating process to project management – expand to portfolio management.

    Impact and Result

    • Increase Project Throughput: Do more projects by ensuring the right projects and right amount of projects are approved and executed.
    • Validate Project Quality: Ensure issues are uncovered and resolved with standard check points in the project.
    • Increase Reporting and Visibility: Easily compare progress of projects across the portfolio and report outcomes to leadership.
    • Reduce Resource Waste: Terminate low-value projects early and assign the right resources to approved projects.
    • Achieve Intended Project Outcomes: Keep the sponsor engaged throughout the gating process to achieve desired outcomes.

    Drive Business Value With a Right-Sized Project Gating Process Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should design a right-sized project gating process, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Lay the groundwork for tailored project gating

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

  • Understand the role of gating and why we need it.
  • Determine what projects will follow the gating process and how to classify them.
  • Establish the role of the project sponsor throughout the entire project lifecycle.
    • Drive Business Value With a Right-Sized Project Gating Process – Phase 1: Lay the Groundwork for Tailored Project Gating
    • Project Intake Classification Matrix
    • Project Sponsor Role Description Template

    2. Establish level 1 project gating

    This phase will help you customize Level 1 Project Gates with appropriate roles and responsibilities.

    • Drive Business Value With a Right-Sized Project Gating Process – Phase 2: Establish Level 1 Project Gating
    • Project Gating Strategic Template

    3. Establish level 2 project gating

    This phase will help you customize Level 2 Project Gates with appropriate roles and responsibilities.

    • Drive Business Value With a Right-Sized Project Gating Process – Phase 3: Establish Level 2 Project Gating

    4. Establish level 3 project gating

    This phase will help you customize Level 3 Project Gates with appropriate roles and responsibilities. It will also help you determine next steps and milestones for the adoption of the new process.

    • Drive Business Value With a Right-Sized Project Gating Process – Phase 4: Establish Level 3 Project Gating
    • Project Gating Reference Document

    Workshop: Drive Business Value With a Right-Sized Project Gating Process

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Lay the Groundwork for Tailored Project Gating

    The Purpose

    Understand the role of gating and why we need it.

    Determine what projects will follow the gating process and how to classify them.

    Establish the role of the project sponsor throughout the entire project lifecycle.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Get stakeholder buy-in for the process.

    Ensure there is a standard leveling process to determine size, risk, and complexity of requests.

    Engage the project sponsor throughout the portfolio and project processes.


    1.1 Project Gating Review

    1.2 Establish appropriate project levels

    1.3 Define the role of the project sponsor


    Project Intake Classification Matrix

    Project Sponsor Role Description Template

    2 Establish Level 1 Project Gating

    The Purpose

    This phase will help you customize Level 1 Project Gates with appropriate roles and responsibilities.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Create a lightweight project gating process for small projects.


    2.1 Review level 1 project gating process

    2.2 Determine what gates should be part of your custom level 1 gating process

    2.3 Establish required artifacts for each gate

    2.4 Define the stakeholder’s roles and responsibilities at each gate


    Documented outputs in the Project Gating Strategic Template

    3 Establish Level 2 Project Gating

    The Purpose

    This phase will help you customize Level 2 Project Gates with appropriate roles and responsibilities.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Create a heavier project gating process for medium projects.


    3.1 Review level 2 project gating process

    3.2 Determine what gates should be part of your custom level 2 gating process

    3.3 Establish required artifacts for each gate

    3.4 Define the stakeholder’s roles and responsibilities at each gate


    4 Establish Level 3 Project Gating

    The Purpose

    This phase will help you customize Level 3 Project Gates with appropriate roles and responsibilities.

    Come up with a roadmap for the adoption of the new project gating process.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Create a comprehensive project gating process for large projects.


    4.1 Review level 3 project gating process

    4.2 Determine what gates should be part of your custom level 3 gating process

    4.3 Establish required artifacts for each gate

    4.4 Define the stakeholder’s roles and responsibilities at each gate

    4.5 Determine next steps and milestones for process adoption


    Documented outputs in the Project Gating Strategic Template

    Documented Project Gating Reference Document for all stakeholders

    Data Architecture

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}17|cart{/j2store}
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    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.5/10
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    • Parent Category Name: Data and Business Intelligence
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    Enable the business to achieve operational excellence, client intimacy, and product leadership with an innovative, agile, and fit-for-purpose data architecture practice

    Assess the Viability of M365-O365 Security Add-Ons

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}251|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
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    • Parent Category Name: Security Strategy & Budgeting
    • Parent Category Link: /security-strategy-and-budgeting

    The technical side of IT security demands the best security possible, but the business side of running IT demands that you determine what is cost-effective and can still do the job. You likely shrugged off the early iterations of Microsoft’s security efforts, but you may have heard that things have changed. Where do you start in evaluating Microsoft’s security products in terms of effectiveness? The value proposition sounds tremendous to the CFO, “free” security as part of your corporate license, but how does it truly measure up and how do you articulate your findings to the business?

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    Microsoft’s security products have improved to the point where they are often ranked competitively with mainstream security products. Depending on your organization’s licensing of Office 365/Microsoft 365, some of these products are included in what you’re already paying for. That value proposition is hard to deny.

    Impact and Result

    Determine what is important to the business, and in what order of priority.

    Take a close look at your current solution and determine what are table stakes, what features you would like to have in its replacement, and what your current solution is missing.

    Consider Microsoft’s security solutions using an objective methodology. Sentiment will still be a factor, but it shouldn’t dictate the decision you make for the good of the business.

    Assess the Viability of M365/O365 Security Add-Ons Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to assess the viability of M365/O365 security add-ons. Review Info-Tech’s methodology and understand the four key steps to completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Review your current state

    Examine what you are licensed for, what you are paying, what you need, and what your constraints are.

    • Microsoft 365/Office 365 Security Add-Ons Assessment Tool

    2. Assess your needs

    Determine what is “good enough” security and assess the needs of your organization.

    3. Select your path

    Decide what you will go with and start planning your next steps.


    Develop and Deploy Security Policies

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}256|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.5/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $19,953 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 19 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Governance, Risk & Compliance
    • Parent Category Link: /governance-risk-compliance
    • Employees are not paying attention to policies. Awareness and understanding of what the security policy’s purpose is, how it benefits the organization, and the importance of compliance are overlooked when policies are distributed.
    • Informal, un-rationalized, ad hoc policies do not explicitly outline responsibilities, are rarely comprehensive, and are difficult to implement, revise, and maintain.
    • Data breaches are still on the rise and security policies are not shaping good employee behavior or security-conscious practices.
    • Adhering to security policies is rarely a priority to users as compliance often feels like an interference to daily workflow. For a lot of organizations, security policies are not having the desired effect.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Creating good policies is only half the solution. Having a great policy management lifecycle will keep your policies current, effective, and compliant.
    • Policies must be reasonable, auditable, enforceable, and measurable. If the policy items don’t meet these requirements, users can’t be expected to adhere to them. Focus on developing policies to be quantified and qualified for them to be relevant.

    Impact and Result

    • Save time and money using the templates provided to create your own customized security policies mapped to the Info-Tech framework, which incorporates multiple industry best-practice frameworks (NIST, ISO, SOC2SEC, CIS, PCI, HIPAA).

    Develop and Deploy Security Policies Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Develop and Deploy Security Policies Deck – A step-by-step guide to help you build, implement, and assess your security policy program.

    Our systematic approach will ensure that all identified areas of security have an associated policy.

  • Develop the security policy program.
  • Develop and implement the policy suite.
  • Communicate the security policy program.
  • Measure the security policy program.
    • Develop and Deploy Security Policies – Phases 1-4

    2. Security Policy Prioritization Tool – A structured tool to help your organization prioritize your policy suite to ensure that you are addressing the most important policies first.

    The Security Policy Prioritization Tool assesses the policy suite on policy importance, ease to implement, and ease to enforce. The output of this tool is your prioritized list of policies based on our policy framework.

    • Security Policy Prioritization Tool

    3. Security Policy Assessment Tool – A structured tool to assess the effectiveness of policies within your organization and determine recommended actions for remediation.

    The Security Policy Assessment Tool assesses the policy suite on policy coverage, communication, adherence, alignment, and overlap. The output of this tool is a checklist of remediation actions for each individual policy.

    • Security Policy Assessment Tool

    4. Security Policy Lifecycle Template – A customizable lifecycle template to manage your security policy initiatives.

    The Lifecycle Template includes sections on security vision, security mission, strategic security and policy objectives, policy design, roles and responsibilities for developing security policies, and organizational responsibilities.

    • Security Policy Lifecycle Template

    5. Policy Suite Templates – A best-of-breed templates suite mapped to the Info-Tech framework you can customize to reflect your organizational requirements and acquire approval.

    Use Info-Tech's security policy templates, which incorporate multiple industry best-practice frameworks (NIST, ISO, SOC2SEC, CIS, PCI, HIPAA), to ensure that your policies are clear, concise, and consistent.

    • Acceptable Use of Technology Policy Template
    • Application Security Policy Template
    • Asset Management Policy Template
    • Backup and Recovery Policy Template
    • Cloud Security Policy Template
    • Compliance and Audit Management Policy Template
    • Data Security Policy Template
    • Endpoint Security Policy Template
    • Human Resource Security Policy Template
    • Identity and Access Management Policy Template
    • Information Security Policy Template
    • Network and Communications Security Policy Template
    • Physical and Environmental Security Policy Template
    • Security Awareness and Training Policy Template
    • Security Incident Management Policy Template
    • Security Risk Management Policy Template
    • Security Threat Detection Policy Template
    • System Configuration and Change Management Policy Template
    • Vulnerability Management Policy Template

    6. Policy Communication Plan Template – A template to help you plan your approach for publishing and communicating your policy updates across the entire organization.

    This template helps you consider the budget time for communications, identify all stakeholders, and avoid scheduling communications in competition with one another.

    • Policy Communication Plan Template

    7. Security Awareness and Training Program Development Tool – A tool to help you identify initiatives to develop your security awareness and training program.

    Use this tool to first identify the initiatives that can grow your program, then as a roadmap tool for tracking progress of completion for those initiatives.

    • Security Awareness and Training Program Development Tool


    Workshop: Develop and Deploy Security Policies

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Define the Security Policy Program

    The Purpose

    Define the security policy development program.

    Formalize a governing security policy lifecycle.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Understanding the current state of policies within your organization.

    Prioritizing list of security policies for your organization.

    Being able to defend policies written based on business requirements and overarching security needs.

    Leveraging an executive champion to help policy adoption across the organization.

    Formalizing the roles, responsibilities, and overall mission of the program.


    1.1 Understand the current state of policies.

    1.2 Align your security policies to the Info-Tech framework for compliance.

    1.3 Understand the relationship between policies and other documents.

    1.4 Prioritize the development of security policies.

    1.5 Discuss strategies to leverage stakeholder support.

    1.6 Plan to communicate with all stakeholders.

    1.7 Develop the security policy lifecycle.


    Security Policy Prioritization Tool

    Security Policy Prioritization Tool

    Security Policy Lifecycle Template

    2 Develop the Security Policy Suite

    The Purpose

    Develop a comprehensive suite of security policies that are relevant to the needs of the organization.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Time, effort, and money saved by developing formally documented security policies with input from Info-Tech’s subject-matter experts.


    2.1 Discuss the risks and drivers your organization faces that must be addressed by policies.

    2.2 Develop and customize security policies.

    2.3 Develop a plan to gather feedback from users.

    2.4 Discuss a plan to submit policies for approval.


    Understanding of the risks and drivers that will influence policy development.

    Up to 14 customized security policies (dependent on need and time).

    3 Implement Security Policy Program

    The Purpose

    Ensure policies and requirements are communicated with end users, along with steps to comply with the new security policies.

    Improve compliance and accountability with security policies.

    Plan for regular review and maintenance of the security policy program.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Streamlined communication of the policies to users.

    Improved end user compliance with policy guidelines and be better prepared for audits.

    Incorporate security policies into daily schedule, eliminating disturbances to productivity and efficiency.


    3.1 Plan the communication strategy of new policies.

    3.2 Discuss myPolicies to automate management and implementation.

    3.3 Incorporate policies and processes into your security awareness and training program.

    3.4 Assess the effectiveness of security policies.

    3.5 Understand the need for regular review and update.


    Policy Communication Plan Template

    Understanding of how myPolicies can help policy management and implementation.

    Security Awareness and Training Program Development Tool

    Security Policy Assessment Tool

    Action plan to regularly review and update the policies.

    Further reading

    Develop and Deploy Security Policies

    Enhance your overall security posture with a defensible and prescriptive policy suite.

    Analyst Perspective

    A policy lifecycle can be the secret sauce to managing your policies.

    A policy for policy’s sake is useless if it isn’t being used to ensure proper processes are followed. A policy should exist for more than just checking a requirement box. Policies need to be quantified, qualified, and enforced for them to be relevant.

    Policies should be developed based on the use cases that enable the business to run securely and smoothly. Ensure they are aligned with the corporate culture. Rather than introducing hindrances to daily operations, policies should reflect security practices that support business goals and protection.

    No published framework is going to be a perfect fit for any organization, so take the time to compare business operations and culture with security requirements to determine which ones apply to keep your organization secure.

    Photo of Danny Hammond, Research Analyst, Security, Risk, Privacy & Compliance Practice, Info-Tech Research Group. Danny Hammond
    Research Analyst
    Security, Risk, Privacy & Compliance Practice
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge
    • Security breaches are damaging and costly. Trying to prevent and respond to them without robust, enforceable policies makes a difficult situation even harder to handle.
    • Informal, un-rationalized, ad hoc policies are ineffective because they do not explicitly outline responsibilities and compliance requirements, and they are rarely comprehensive.
    • Without a strong lifecycle to keep policies up to date and easy to use, end users will ignore or work around poorly understood policies.
    • Time and money is wasted dealing with preventable security issues that should be pre-emptively addressed in a comprehensive corporate security policy program.
    Common Obstacles

    InfoSec leaders will struggle to craft the right set of policies without knowing what the organization actually needs, such as:

    • The security policies needed to safeguard infrastructure and resources.
    • The scope the security policies will cover within the organization.
    • The current compliance and regulatory obligations based on location and industry.
    InfoSec leaders must understand the business environment and end-user needs before they can select security policies that fit.
    Info-Tech’s Approach

    Info-Tech’s Develop and Deploy Security Policies takes a multi-faceted approach to the problem that incorporates foundational technical elements, compliance considerations, and supporting processes:

    • Assess what security policies currently exist within the organization and consider additional secure policies.
    • Develop a policy lifecycle that will define the needs, develop required documentation, and implement, communicate, and measure your policy program.
    • Draft a set of security policies mapped to the Info-Tech framework, which incorporates multiple industry best-practice frameworks (NIST, ISO, SOC2SEC, CIS, PCI, HIPAA).

    Info-Tech Insight

    Creating good policies is only half the solution. Having a great policy management lifecycle will keep your policies current, effective, and compliant.

    Your Challenge

    This research is designed to help organizations design a program to develop and deploy security policies

    • A security policy is a formal document that outlines the required behavior and security controls in place to protect corporate assets.
    • The development of policy documents is an ambitious task, but the real challenge comes with communication and enforcement.
    • A good security policy allows employees to know what is required of them and allows management to monitor and audit security practices against a standard policy.
    • Unless the policies are effectively communicated, enforced, and updated, employees won’t know what’s required of them and will not comply with essential standards, making the policies powerless.
    • Without a good policy lifecycle in place, it can be challenging to illustrate the key steps and decisions involved in creating and managing a policy.

    The problem with security policies

    29% Of IT workers say it's just too hard and time consuming to track and enforce.

    25% Of IT workers say they don’t enforce security policies universally.

    20% Of workers don’t follow company security policies all the time.

    (Source: Security Magazine, 2020)

    Common obstacles

    The problem with security policies isn’t development; rather, it’s the communication, enforcement, and maintenance of them.

    • Employees are not paying attention to policies. Awareness and understanding of what the security policy’s purpose is, how it benefits the organization, and the importance of compliance are overlooked when policies are distributed.
    • Informal, un-rationalized, ad hoc policies do not explicitly outline responsibilities, are rarely comprehensive, and are difficult to implement, revise, and maintain.
    • Date breaches are still on the rise and security policies are not shaping good employee behavior or security-conscious practices.
    • Adhering to security policies is rarely a priority to users as compliance often feels like an interference to daily workflow. For a lot of organizations, security policies are not having the desired effect.
    Bar chart of the 'Average cost of a data breach' in years '2019-20', '20-21', and '21-22'.
    (Source: IBM, 2022 Cost of a Data Breach; n=537)

    Reaching an all-time high, the cost of a data breach averaged US$4.35 million in 2022. This figure represents a 2.6% increase from last year, when the average cost of a breach was US$4.24 million. The average cost has climbed 12.7% since 2020.

    Info-Tech’s approach

    The right policy for the right audience. Generate a roadmap to guide the order of policy development based on organizational policy requirements and the target audience.


    1. Develop policy lifecycle
    2. Identify compliance requirements
    3. Understand which policies need to be developed, maintained, or decommissioned
    I. Define Security Policy Program

    a) Security policy program lifecycle template

    b) Policy prioritization tool
    Clockwise cycle arrows at the centre of the table. II. Develop & Implement Policy Suite

    a) Policy template set

    Policies must be reasonable, auditable, enforceable, and measurable. Policy items that meet these requirements will have a higher level of adherence. Focus on efficiently creating policies using pre-developed templates that are mapped to multiple compliance frameworks.


    1. Differentiate between policies, procedures, standards, and guidelines
    2. Draft policies from templates
    3. Review policies, including completeness
    4. Approve policies
    Gaining feedback on policy compliance is important for updates and adaptation, where necessary, as well as monitoring policy alignment to business objectives.


    1. Enforce policies
    2. Measure policy effectiveness
    IV. Measure Policy Program

    a) Security policy tracking tool

    III. Communicate Policy Program

    a) Security policy awareness & training tool

    b) Policy communication plan template
    Awareness and training on security policies should be targeted and must be relevant to the employees’ jobs. Employees will be more attentive and willing to incorporate what they learn if they feel that awareness and training material was specifically designed to help them.


    1. Identify any changes in the regulatory and compliance environment
    2. Include policy awareness in awareness and training programs
    3. Disseminate policies
    Build trust in your policy program by involving stakeholder participation through the entire policy lifecycle.

    Blueprint benefits

    IT/InfoSec Benefits

    • Reduces complexity within the policy creation process by using a single framework to align multiple compliance regimes.
    • Introduces a roadmap to clearly educate employees on the do’s and don’ts of IT usage within the organization.
    • Reduces costs and efforts related to managing IT security and other IT-related threats.

    Business Benefits

    • Identifies and develops security policies that are essential to your organization’s objectives.
    • Integrates security into corporate culture while maximizing compliance and effectiveness of security policies.
    • Reduces security policy compliance risk.

    Key deliverable:

    Security Policy Templates

    Templates for policies that can be used to map policy statements to multiple compliance frameworks.

    Sample of Security Policy Templates.

    Blueprint deliverables

    Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals:

    Security Policy Prioritization Tool

    The Info-Tech Security Policy Prioritization Tool will help you determine which security policies to work on first.
    Sample of the Security Policy Prioritization Tool.
    Sample of the Security Policy Assessment Tool.

    Security Policy Assessment Tool

    Info-Tech's Security Policy Assessment Tool helps ensure that your policies provide adequate coverage for your organization's security requirements.

    Measure the value of this blueprint



    Measured Value

    Define Security Policy Program Understand the value in formal security policies and determine which policies to prepare to update, eliminate, or add to your current suite. Time, value, and resources saved with guidance and templates:
    1 FTE*3 days*$80,000/year = $1,152
    Time, value, and resources saved using our recommendations and tools:
    1 FTE*2 days*$80,000/year = $768
    Develop and Implement the Policy Suite Select from an extensive policy template offering and customize the policies you need to optimize or add to your own policy program. Time, value, and resources saved using our templates:
    1 consultant*15 days*$150/hour = $21,600 (if starting from scratch)
    Communicate Security Policy Program Use Info-Tech’s methodology and best practices to ensure proper communication, training, and awareness. Time, value, and resources saved using our training and awareness resources:
    1 FTE*1.5 days*$80,000/year = $408
    Measure Security Policy Program Use Info-Tech’s custom toolkits for continuous tracking and review of your policy suite. Time, value, and resources saved by using our enforcement recommendations:
    2 FTEs*5 days*$160,000/year combined = $3,840
    Time, value, and resources saved by using our recommendations rather than an external consultant:
    1 consultant*5 days*$150/hour = $7,200

    After each Info-Tech experience, we ask our members to quantify the real-time savings, monetary impact, and project improvements our research helped them achieve.

    Overall Impact

    9.5 /10

    Overall Average $ Saved


    Overall Average Days Saved


    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    Guided Implementation



    "Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful." "Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track." "We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place." "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project."

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options

    Guided Implementation

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    A typical GI is six to ten calls over the course of two to four months.

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    Phase 3

    Phase 4

    Call #1: Scope security policy requirements, objectives, and any specific challenges.

    Call #2: Review policy lifecycle; prioritize policy development.

    Call #3: Customize the policy templates.

    Call #4: Gather feedback on policies and get approval.

    Call #5: Communicate the security policy program.

    Call #6: Develop policy training and awareness programs.

    Call #7: Track policies and exceptions.

    Workshop Overview

    Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889
    Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
    Define the security policy program
    Develop the security policy suite
    Develop the security policy suite
    Implement security policy program
    Finalize deliverables and next steps

    1.1 Understand the current state of policies.

    1.2 Align your security policies to the Info-Tech framework for compliance.

    1.3 Understand the relationship between policies and other documents.

    1.4 Prioritize the development of security policies.

    1.5 Discuss strategies to leverage stakeholder support.

    1.6 Plan to communicate with all stakeholders.

    1.7 Develop the security policy lifecycle.

    2.1 Discuss the risks and drivers your organization faces that must be addressed by policies.

    2.2 Develop and customize security policies.

    2.1 Discuss the risks and drivers your organization faces that must be addressed by policies (continued).

    2.2 Develop and customize security policies (continued).

    2.3 Develop a plan to gather feedback from users.

    2.4 Discuss a plan to submit policies for approval.

    3.1 Plan the communication strategy for new policies.

    3.2 Discuss myPolicies to automate management and implementation.

    3.3 Incorporate policies into your security awareness and training program.

    3.4 Assess the effectiveness of policies.

    3.5 Understand the need for regular review and update.

    4.1 Review customized lifecycle and policy templates.

    4.2 Discuss the plan for policy roll out.

    4.3 Schedule follow-up Guided Implementation calls.

    1. Security Policy Prioritization Tool
    2. Security Policy Lifecycle
    1. Security Policies (approx. 9)
    1. Security Policies (approx. 9)
    1. Policy Communication Plan
    2. Security Awareness and Training Program Development Tool
    3. Security Policy Assessment Tool
    1. All deliverables finalized

    Develop and Deploy Security Policies

    Phase 1

    Define the Security Policy Program

    Phase 1

    1.1 Understand the current state

    1.2 Align your security policies to the Info-Tech framework

    1.3 Document your policy hierarchy

    1.4 Prioritize development of security policies

    1.5 Leverage stakeholders

    1.6 Develop the policy lifecycle

    Phase 2

    2.1 Customize policy templates

    2.2 Gather feedback from users on policy feasibility

    2.3 Submit policies to upper management for approval

    Phase 3

    3.1 Understand the need for communicating policies

    3.2 Use myPolicies to automate the management of your security policies

    3.3 Design, build, and implement your communications plan

    3.4 Incorporate policies and processes into your training and awareness programs

    Phase 4

    4.1 Assess the state of security policies

    4.2 Identify triggers for regular policy review and update

    4.3 Develop an action plan to update policies

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Understand the current state of your organization’s security policies.
    • Align your security policies to the Info-Tech framework for compliance.
    • Prioritize the development of your security policies.
    • Leverage key stakeholders to champion the policy initiative.
    • Inform all relevant stakeholders of the upcoming policy program.
    • Develop the security policy lifecycle.

    1.1 Understand the current state of policies

    Scenario 1: You have existing policies

    1. Use the Security Policy Prioritization Tool to identify any gaps between the policies you already have and those recommended based on your changing business needs.
    2. As your organization undergoes changes, be sure to incorporate new requirements in the existing policies.
    3. Sometimes, you may have more specific procedures for a domain’s individual security aspects instead of high-level policies.
    4. Group current policies into the domains and use the policy templates to create overarching policies where there are none and improve upon existing high-level policies.

    Scenario 2: You are starting from scratch

    1. To get started on new policies, use the Security Policy Prioritization Tool to identify the policies Info-Tech recommends based on your business needs. See the full list of templates in the Appendix to ensure that all relevant topics are addressed.
    2. Whether you’re starting from scratch or have incomplete/ad hoc policies, use Info-Tech’s policy templates to formalize and standardize security requirements for end users.
    Info-Tech Insight

    Policies are living, evolving documents that require regular review and update, so even if you have policies already written, you’re not done with them.

    1.2 Align your security policies to the Info-Tech framework for compliance

    You have an opportunity to improve your employee alignment and satisfaction, improve organizational agility, and obtain high policy adherence. This is achieved by translating your corporate culture into a policy-based compliance culture.

    Align your security policies to the Info-Tech Security Framework by using Info-Tech’s policy templates.

    Info-Tech’s security framework uses a best-of-breed approach to leverage and align with most major security standards, including:
    • ISO 27001/27002
    • COBIT
    • Center for Internet Security (CIS) Critical Controls
    • NIST Cybersecurity Framework
    • NIST SP 800-53
    • NIST SP 800-171

    Info-Tech Security Framework

    Info-Tech Security Framework with policies grouped into categories which are then grouped into 'Governance' and 'Management'.

    1.3 Document your policy hierarchy

    Structuring policy components at different levels allows for efficient changes and direct communication depending on what information is needed.

    Policy hierarchy pyramid with 'Security Policy Lifecycle' on top, then 'Security Policies', then 'IT and/or Supporting Documentation'.

    Defines the cycle for the security policy program and what must be done but not how to do it. Aligns the business, security program, and policies.
    Addresses the “what,” “who,” “when,” and “where.”

    Defines high-level overarching concepts of security within the organization, including the scope, purpose, and objectives of policies.
    Addresses the high-level “what” and “why.”
    Changes when business objectives change.

    Defines enterprise/technology – specific, detailed guidelines on how to adhere to policies.
    Addresses the “how.”
    Changes when technology and processes change.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Design separate policies for different areas of focus. Policies that are written as single, monolithic documents are resistant to change. A hierarchical top-level document supported by subordinate policies and/or procedures can be more rapidly revised as circumstances change.

    1.3.1 Understand the relationship between policies and other documents

    • Provides emphasis and sets direction.
    • Standards, guidelines, and procedures must be developed to support an overarching policy.
    Arrows stemming from the above list, connecting to the three lists below.


    • Specifies uniform method of support for policy.
    • Compliance is mandatory.
    • Includes process, frameworks, methodologies, and technology.
    Two-way horizontal arrow.


    • Step-by-step instructions to perform desired actions.
    Two-way horizontal arrow.


    Recommended actions to consider in absence of an applicable standard, to support a policy.
    This model is adapted from a framework developed by CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor).

    Supporting Documentation

    Considerations for standards

    Standards. These support policies by being much more specific and outlining key steps or processes that are necessary to meet certain requirements within a policy document. Ideally standards should be based on policy statements with a target of detailing the requirements that show how the organization will implement developed policies.

    If policies describe what needs to happen, then standards explain how it will happen.

    A good example is an email policy that states that emails must be encrypted; this policy can be supported by a standard such as Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption that specifically ensures that all email communication is encrypted for messages “in transit” from one secure email server that has TLS enabled to another.

    There are numerous security standards available that support security policies/programs based on the kind of systems and controls that an organization would like to put in place. A good selection of supporting standards can go a long way to further protect users, data, and other organizational assets
    Key Policies Example Associated Standards
    Access Control Policy
    • Password Management User Standard
    • Account Auditing Standard
    Data Security Policy
    • Cryptography Standard
    • Data Classification Standard
    • Data Handling Standard
    • Data Retention Standard
    Incident Response Policy
    • Incident Response Plan
    Network Security Policy
    • Wireless Connectivity Standard
    • Firewall Configuration Standard
    • Network Monitoring Standard
    Vendor Management Policy
    • Vendor Risk Management Standard
    • Third-Party Access Control Standard
    Application Security Policy
    • Application Security Standard

    1.4 Prioritize development of security policies

    The Info-Tech Security Policy Prioritization Tool will help you determine which security policies to work on first.
    • The tool allows you to prioritize your policies based on:
      • Importance: How relevant is this policy to organizational security?
      • Ease to implement: What is the effort, time, and resources required to write, review, approve, and distribute the policy?
      • Ease to enforce: How much effort, time, and resources are required to enforce the policy?
    • Additionally, the weighting or priority of each variable of prioritization can be adjusted.

    Align policies to recent security concerns. If your organization has recently experienced a breach, it may be crucial to highlight corresponding policies as immediately necessary.

    Info-Tech Insight

    If you have an existing policy that aligns with one of the Info-Tech recommended templates weight Ease to Implement and Ease to Enforce as HIGH (4-5). This will decrease the priority of these policies.

    Sample of the Security Policy Prioritization Tool.

    Download the Security Policy Prioritization Tool

    1.5 Leverage stakeholders to champion policies

    Info-Tech Insight

    While management support is essential to initiating a strong security posture, allow employees to provide input on the development of security policies. This cooperation will lead to easier incorporation of the policies into the daily routines of workers, with less resistance. The security team will be less of a police force and more of a partner.

    Executive champion

    Identify an executive champion who will ensure that the security program and the security policies are supported.

    Focus on risk and protection

    Security can be viewed as an interference, but the business is likely more responsive to the concepts of risk and protection because it can apply to overall business operations and a revenue-generating mandate.

    Communicate policy initiatives

    Inform stakeholders of the policy initiative as security policies are only effective if they support the business requirements and user input is crucial for developing a strong security culture.

    Current security landscape

    Leveraging the current security landscape can be a useful mechanism to drive policy buy-in from stakeholders.

    Management buy-in

    This is key to policy acceptance; it indicates that policies are accurate, align with the business, and are to be upheld, that funds will be made available, and that all employees will be equally accountable.

    Get the Most Out of Workday

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}239|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 10.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: 20 Average Days Saved
    • member rating average days saved: After each Info-Tech experience, we ask our members to quantify the real-time savings, monetary impact, and project improvements our research helped them achieve.
    • Parent Category Name: Optimization
    • Parent Category Link: /optimization
    • Your Workday systems are critical to supporting the organization’s business processes.They are expensive. Direct benefits and ROI can be hard to measure.
    • Workday application portfolios are often behemoths to support. With complex integration points and unique business processes, stabilization is the norm.
    • Application optimization is essential to staying competitive and productive in today’s digital environment.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    Continuous assessment and optimization of your Workday enterprise resource planning (ERP) is critical to the success of your organization.

    Impact and Result

    • Build an ongoing optimization team to conduct application improvements.
    • Assess your Workday application(s) and the environment in which they exist. Take a business first strategy to prioritize optimization efforts.
    • Validate Workday capabilities, user satisfaction, processes, issues around data, integrations, and vendor management to build out an optimization strategy
    • Pull this all together to develop a prioritized optimization roadmap.

    Get the Most Out of Workday Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Get the Most Out of Workday – A guide to help the business leverages to accomplish its goals.

    Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a core tool that the business leverages to accomplish its goals. Take a proactive approach to optimize your enterprise applications. Strategically re-align business goals, identify business application capabilities, complete a process assessment, evaluate user satisfaction, measure module satisfaction, and vendor relations to create an optimization plan that will drive a cohesive technology strategy that delivers results.

    • Get the Most Out of Workday – Phases 1-4

    2. Get the Most Out of Workday Workbook – A tool to document and assist with this project.

    The Get the Most out of Workday Workbook serves as the holding document for the different elements of the Get the Most out Workday blueprint. Use each assigned tab to input the relevant information for the process of optimizing Workday.

    • Get the Most Out of Workday Workbook

    3. Workday Application Inventory Tool – A tool to define applications and capabilities around ERP.

    Use this tool provide Info-Tech with information surrounding your ERP application(s). This inventory will be used to create a custom Application Portfolio Assessment (APA) for your ERP. The template includes demographics, application inventory, departments to be surveyed and data quality inclusion.

    • Workday Application Inventory Tool


    Workshop: Get the Most Out of Workday

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Define Your Workday Application Vision

    The Purpose

    Define your workday application vision.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Set the foundation for optimizing Workday by building a cross-functional team, aligning with organizational strategy, inventorying current system state, defining your timeframe, and exploring current costs.


    1.1 Identify stakeholders and build your optimization team.

    1.2 Build an ERP strategy model.

    1.3 Inventory current system state.

    1.4 Define optimization timeframe.

    1.5 Understand Workday costs.


    Workday optimization team

    Workday business model

    Workday optimization goals

    System inventory and data flow

    Application and business capabilities list

    Workday optimization timeline

    2 Map Current-State Capabilities

    The Purpose

    Map current-state capabilities.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Measure the state of your current Workday system to understand where it is not performing well.


    2.1 Assess Workday capabilities.

    2.2 Review your satisfaction with the vendor/product and willingness for change.


    Workday capability gap analysis

    Workday user satisfaction (application portfolio assessment)

    Workday SoftwareReviews survey results

    Workday current costs

    3 Assess Workday

    The Purpose

    Assess Workday.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Explore underperforming areas to:

    Uncover where user satisfaction is lacking and possible root causes.

    Identify process and workflows that are creating issues for end users and identify improvement options.

    Understand where data issues are occurring and explore how you can improve these.

    Identify integration points and explore if there are any areas of improvement.

    Investigate your relationship with the vendor and product, including that relative to others.

    Identify any areas for cost optimization (optional).


    3.1 Prioritize optimization opportunities.

    3.2 Discover optimization initiatives.


    Product and vendor satisfaction opportunities

    Capability and feature optimization opportunities

    Process optimization opportunities

    Integration optimization opportunities

    Data optimization opportunities

    Workday cost-saving opportunities

    4 Build the Optimization Roadmap

    The Purpose

    Build the optimization roadmap.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Understanding where you need to improve is the first step, now understand where to focus your optimization efforts, build out next steps and put a timeframe in place.


    4.1 Build your optimization roadmap.


    Workday optimization roadmap

    Further reading

    Get the Most Out of Workday

    In today’s connected world, the continuous optimization of enterprise applications to realize your digital strategy is key.


    Analyst Perspective

    Focus optimization on organizational value delivery.

    HR, finance, and planning systems are the core foundation of enterprise resource systems (ERP) systems. These are core tools that the business leverages to accomplish its goals. An ERP that is doing its job well is invisible to the business. The challenges come when the tool is no longer invisible. It has become a source of friction in the functioning of the business.

    Workday is expensive, benefits can be difficult to quantify, and optimization can be difficult to navigate. Over time, technology evolves, organizational goals change, and the health of these systems is often not monitored. This is complicated in today’s digital landscape with multiple integration points, siloed data, and competing priorities.

    Too often organizations jump into selecting replacement systems without understanding the health of their systems. We can do better than this.

    IT leaders need to take a proactive approach to continually monitor and optimize their enterprise applications. Strategically realign business goals, identify business application capabilities, complete a process assessment, evaluate user satisfaction, measure module satisfaction, and improve vendor relations to create an optimization plan that will drive a cohesive technology strategy that delivers results.

    Lisa Highfield

    Research Director, Enterprise Applications

    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    Your Workday systems are critical to supporting the organization’s business processes. They are expensive. Direct benefits and ROI can be hard to measure.

    Workday application portfolios are often behemoths to support. With complex integration points and unique business processes, stabilization is the norm.

    Application optimization is essential to staying competitive and productive in today’s digital environment.

    Common Obstacles

    Balancing optimization with stabilization is one of the most difficult decisions for Workday application leaders.

    Competing priorities and often unclear enterprise application strategies make it difficult to make decisions about what, how, and when to optimize.

    Enterprise applications involve large numbers of processes, users, and evolving vendor roadmaps.

    Teams do not have a framework to illustrate, communicate, and justify the optimization effort in the language your stakeholders understand.

    Info-Tech's Approach

    In today’s changing world, it is imperative to evaluate your applications for optimization and to look for opportunities to capitalize on rapidly expanding technologies, integrated data, and employee solutions that meet the needs of your organization.

    Assess your Workday applications and the environment in which they exist. Take a business-first strategy to prioritize optimization efforts.

    Validate capabilities, user satisfaction, and issues around data, vendor management, and costs to build out an overall roadmap and optimization strategy.

    Pull this all together to prioritize optimization efforts and develop a concrete roadmap.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Workday is investing heavily in expanding and deepening its finance and expanded product offerings, but we cannot stand still on our optimization efforts. Understand your product(s), processes, user satisfaction, integration points, and the availability of data to business decision makers. Examine these areas to develop a personalized Workday optimization roadmap that fits the needs of your organization. Incorporate these methodologies into an ongoing optimization strategy aimed at enabling the business, increasing productivity, and reducing costs.

    The image shows a graphic titled Get the Most Out of Your ERP. The centre of the graphic shows circular gears labelled with text such as Processes; User Satisfaction; Integrations; Data; and Vendor Relations. There is also text surrounding the central gears in concentric circles, and on either side, there are sets of arrows titled Service-centric capabilities and Product-centric capabilities.

    Insight summary

    Continuous assessment and optimization of your Workday ERP is critical to the success of your organization.

    • Applications and the environments in which they live are constantly evolving.
    • This blueprint provides business and application managers with a method to complete a health assessment of their Workday systems to identify areas for improvement and optimization.
    • Put optimization practices into effect by:
      • Aligning and prioritizing key business and technology drivers.
      • Identifying ERP process classification and performing a gap analysis.
      • Measuring user satisfaction across key departments.
      • Evaluating vendor relations.
      • Understanding how data plays into the mix.
      • Pulling it all together into an optimization roadmap.

    Workday enterprise resource planning (ERP) facilitates the flow of information across business units. It allows for the seamless integration of data across financial and people systems to create a holistic view of the enterprise to support decision making.

    In many organizations, Workday is considered the core people systems and is becoming more widely adopted for finance and a full ERP system.

    ERP systems are considered the lifeblood of organizations. Problems with this key operational system will have a dramatic impact on the ability of the enterprise to survive and grow.

    ERP implementation should not be a one-and-done exercise. There needs to be ongoing optimization to enable business processes and optimal organizational results.

    Workday enterprise resource planning (ERP)


    • Finance
    • Human Resources Management
    • Talent and Performance
    • Payroll and Workforce Management
    • Employee Experience
    • Student Information Systems
    • Professional Services Automation
    • Analytics and Reporting
    • Spend Management
    • Enterprise Planning

    What is Workday?

    Workday has many modules that work together to facilitate the flow of information across the business. Workday’s unique data platform allows for seamless integration of systems and creates a holistic view of the enterprise to support decision making.

    In many organizations, the ERP system is considered the lifeblood of the enterprise. Problems with this key operational system will have a dramatic impact on the ability of the enterprise to survive and grow.

    Workday operates in many industry verticals and performs well in service organizations.

    An ERP system:

    • Automates processes, reducing the amount of manual, routine work.
    • Integrates with core modules, eliminating the fragmentation of systems.
    • Centralizes information for reporting from multiple parts of the value chain to a single point.

    Workday Fast Facts

    Product Description

    • Workday offers HR, Finance, planning systems, and extended offerings. Workday prides itself on rapidly expanding its product portfolio to meet the needs of organizations in a changing world.
    • The integrated cloud data model Workday has been built on allows for seamless end-to-end organizational data.
    • Offerings include Financial Management, Human Capital Management, Workday Adaptive Planning, Spend Management, Talent Management, Payroll & Workforce Management, Analytics & Reporting, Student, Professional Services Automation, Platform & Product Extensions, Workday Peakon Employee Voice, and most recently VNDLY (contract and vendor management).

    Evolution of Workday

    Workday HCM 2006

    Workday Financial Management 2007

    Workday 10 (Finance & HCM) 2010

    Workday Student (Higher Education) 2011

    Workday Cloud (PAAS) 2017

    Acquisition of Adaptive Insights 2018

    Acquisition of VNDLY 2021

    Vendor Description

    • Workday was founded in 2005 by Aneel Bhusri and Dave Duffield (former PeopleSoft founder.)
    • The platform-as-a-service (PaaS) bundles and modules are sold in a subscription model to customers.
    • Workday has untaken several acquisitions in recent years to grow the product and invests in early-stage companies through Workday Ventures.
    • Workday is publicly traded (2012); Nasdaq: WDAY.

    Employees: 12,500

    Headquarters: Pleasanton, CA


    Founded: 2005

    Presence: Global, Publicly Traded

    Workday by the numbers


    77% of clients were satisfied with the product’s business value created. 78% of clients were satisfied that the cost is fair relative to value, and 95% plan to renew. (SoftwareReviews, 2022)

    50% of Fortune 500

    Workday has seen steady growth working with over 50% of Fortune 500 companies. 4,100 of those are HCM and finance customers. It has seen great success in service industries and has a 95% gross retention rate. (Diginomica)


    Workday reported a 40% year-over-year increase in Workday Financial Management deployments for both new and existing customers, as accelerated demand for Workday cloud-based continues. (Workday, June 2021)

    Workday Finance

    A great opportunity for Workday

    Workday continues to invest in Workday Finance

    • 35% of the Fortune 500 and 50% of the Fortune 50 use Workday HCM products (Seeking Alpha, 2019).
    • The customer base for Workday Financial Management has increased from 45 in 2014 to 530 in 2019 with 9 Fortune 500 companies in the mix. This infers that Financial Management is a product that will drive future growth for Workday.

    Recent Finance-Related Acquisitions

    • Zimit - Quotation Management
    • - Augmented Analytics
    • Adaptive Insights - Business Planning
    • SkipFlag - Machine Learning (AI)
    • Platfora - Analytics
    • VNDLY - Contractor and Vendor Management

    Workday challenges and dissatisfaction

    Workday challenges and dissatisfaction


    • Competing Priorities
    • Lack of Strategy
    • Budget Challenges

    People and teams

    • Knowledgeable Staff/Turnover
    • Lack of Internal Skills
    • Ability to Manage New Products
    • Lack of Training


    • Integration Issues
    • Selecting Tools & Technology
    • Keeping Pace With Technology Changes
    • Update Challenges


    • Access to Data
    • Data Literacy
    • Data Hygiene
    • One View of the Customer

    Finance, IT, Sales, and other users of the ERP system can only optimize ERP with the full support of each other. The cooperation of the departments is crucial when trying to improve ERP technology capabilities and customer interaction.

    Info-Tech Insight

    While technology is the key enabler of building strong customer experiences, there are many other drivers of dissatisfaction. IT must stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the business to develop a technology framework for ERP.

    Where are applications leaders focusing?

    Big growth numbers

    Year-over-year call topic requests

    Enterprise Application Optimization - 124%

    Product - 65%

    Enterprise Application Selection - 76%

    Agile - 79%

    (Info-Tech case data, 2022; N=3,293)

    We are seeing Applications leaders’ priorities change year over year, driven by a shift in their approach to problem solving. Leaders are moving from a process-centric approach to a collaborative approach that breaks down boundaries and brings teams together.

    Other changes

    Year-over-year call topic requests

    Application Portfolio Management - 13%

    Business Process Management - 4%

    Software Development Lifecycle -25%

    (Info-Tech case data, 2022; N=3,293)

    Software development lifecycle topics are tactical point solutions. Organizations have been “shifting left” to tackle the strategic issues such as product vision and Agile mindset to optimize the whole organization.

    Application optimization is risky without a plan

    Avoid these common pitfalls:

    • Not considering how this pays into the short-, medium-, and long-term ERP strategy.
    • Not considering application optimization as a business and IT partnership, which requires the continuous formal engagement of all participants.
    • Not having a good understanding of your current state, including integration points and data.
    • Not adequately accommodating feedback and changes after digital applications are deployed and employed.
    • Not treating digital applications as a motivator for potential future IT optimization efforts and incorporating digital assets in strategic business planning.
    • Not involving department leads, management, and other subject-matter experts to facilitate the organizational change digital applications bring.

    “A successful application optimization strategy starts with the business need in mind and not from a technological point of view. No matter from which angle you look at it, modernizing a legacy application is a considerable undertaking that can’t be taken lightly. Your best approach is to begin the journey with baby steps.” – Norelus, Pamidala, and Senti, 2020

    Info-Tech’s methodology for getting the most out of your ERP

    1. Map Current-State Capabilities 2. Assess Your Current State 3. Identify Key Optimization Areas 4. Build Your Optimization Roadmap
    Phase Steps
    1. Identify Stakeholders and Build Your Workday Optimization Team
    2. Build an ERP Strategy Model
    3. Inventory Current System State
    4. Define Business Capabilities
    • Conduct a Gap Analysis for ERP Processes
    • Assess User Satisfaction
    • Review Your Satisfaction With the Vendor and Product
    1. Identify Key Optimization Areas
    2. Evaluate Product Sustainability Over the Short, Medium, and Long Term
    3. Identify Any Product Changes Anticipated Over Short, Medium, and Long Term
    1. Prioritize Optimization Opportunities
    2. Identify Key Optimization Areas
    3. Compile Optimization Assessment Results
    Phase Outcomes
    1. Stakeholder map
    2. Workday optimization team
    3. Workday business model
    4. Strategy alignment
    5. Systems inventory and diagram
    6. Business capabilities map
    7. Key Workday processes list
    1. Gap analysis for Workday-related processes
    2. Understanding of user satisfaction across applications and processes
    3. Insight into Workday data quality
    4. Quantified satisfaction with the vendor and product
    5. Understanding Workday costs
    1. List of Workday optimization opportunities
    1. Workday optimization roadmap

    Blueprint deliverables

    Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals:

    Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    Identify and prioritize your Workday optimization goals.

    Application Portfolio Assessment

    Assess IT-enabled user satisfaction across your Workday portfolio.

    Key deliverable:

    Workday Optimization Roadmap

    Complete an assessment of processes, user satisfaction, data quality, and vendor management.

    Case Study

    MANAGED AP AUTOMATION with OneSource Virtual

    TripAdvisor + OneSource

    INDUSTRY: Travel

    SOURCE: OneSource Virtual, 2017


    TripAdvisor needed a solution that would decrease administrative labor from its accounting department.

    “We needed something that was already compatible with our Workday tenant, that didn’t require a lot of customizations and would be an enhancement to our processes.” – Director of Accounting Operations, Scott Garner

    Requirements included:

    • Easy implementation
    • Existing system compatibility
    • Enhancement to the company’s process
    • Competitive pricing
    • Secure


    TripAdvisor chose to outsource its accounts payable services to OneSource Virtual (OSV).

    OneSource Virtual offers the comprehensive finance and accounting outsourcing solutions needed to improve efficiency, eliminate paper processes, reduce errors, and improve cash flow.

    Managed AP services include scanning and auditing all extracted invoice data for accuracy, transmitting AP files with line-item details from invoices, and creating full invoice images in Workday.


    • Accurate and timely invoice processing for over 3,000 invoices per month.
    • Empowered employees to focus on higher-level tasks rather than day-to-day data entry.
    • 50+ hours saved per week on routine data entry.
    • Employees had 30% of their time freed up to focus on high-value tasks.
    • Allowed TripAdvisor to become more scalable across departments and as an organization.

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    “Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful.”

    Guided Implementation

    “Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track.”


    “We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place.”


    “Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project.”

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options

    Guided Implementation

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    A typical GI is between 8 to 12 calls over the course of 4 to 6 months.

    Phase 1

    Call #1: Scope requirements, objectives, and your specific challenge.

    Phase 2

    Call #2:

    • Build the Workday team.
    • Align organizational goals.

    Call #3:

    • Map current state.
    • Inventory Workday capabilities and processes.
    • Explore Workday-related costs.

    Phase 3

    Call #4: Understand product satisfaction and vendor management.

    Call #5: Review APA results.

    Call #6: Understand Workday optimization opportunities.

    Call #7: Determine the right Workday path for your organization.

    Phase 4

    Call #8: Build out optimization roadmap and next steps.

    Workshop Overview

    Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889

    Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5
    Define Your Workday Application VisionMap Current StateAssess WorkdayBuild Your Optimization RoadmapNext Steps and

    Wrap-Up (offsite)


    1.1 Identify Stakeholders and Build Your Optimization Team

    1.2 Build an ERP Strategy Model

    1.3 Inventory Current System State

    1.4 Define Optimization Timeframe

    1.5 Understand Workday Costs

    2.1 Assess Workday Capabilities

    2.2 Review Your Satisfaction With the Vendor/Product and Willingness for Change

    3.1 Prioritize Optimization Opportunities

    3.2 Discover Optimization Initiatives

    4.1 Build Your Optimization Roadmap

    5.1 Complete In-progress Deliverables From Previous Four Days.

    5.2 Set Up Review Time for Workshop Deliverables and to Discuss Next Steps.

    1. Workday optimization team
    2. Workday business model
    3. Workday optimization goals
    4. System inventory and data flow
    5. Application and business capabilities list
    6. Workday optimization timeline
    1. Workday capability gap analysis
    2. Workday user satisfaction (application portfolio assessment)
    3. Workday SoftwareReviews survey results
    4. Workday current costs
    1. Product and vendor satisfaction opportunities
    2. Capability and feature optimization opportunities
    3. Process optimization opportunities
    4. Integration optimization opportunities
    5. Data optimization opportunities
    6. Workday cost-saving opportunities
    1. Workday optimization roadmap

    Phase 1

    Map Current-State Capabilities

    Phase 1

    1.1 Identify Stakeholders and Build Your Optimization Team

    1.2 Build an ERP Strategy Model

    1.3 Inventory Current System State

    1.4 Define Optimization Timeframe

    1.5 Understand Workday Costs

    Phase 2

    2.1 Assess Workday Capabilities

    2.2 Review Your Satisfaction With the Vendor/Product and Willingness for Change

    Phase 3

    3.1 Prioritize Optimization Opportunities

    3.2 Discover Optimization Initiatives

    Phase 4

    4.1 Build Your Optimization Roadmap

    This phase will guide you through the following activities:

    • Align your organizational goals
    • Gain a firm understanding of your current state
    • Inventory Workday and related applications
    • Confirm the organization’s capabilities

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • CFO
    • Department Leads – Finance, Procurement, Asset Management
    • Applications Director
    • Senior Business Analyst
    • Senior Developer
    • Procurement Analysts

    Step 1.1

    Identify Stakeholders and Build Your Optimization Team


    1.1.1 Identify Stakeholders Critical to Success

    1.1.2 Map Your Workday Optimization Stakeholders

    1.1.3 Determine Your Workday Optimization Team

    Map Current State Capabilities

    Step 1.1

    Step 1.2

    Step 1.3

    Step 1.4

    Step 1.5

    This step will guide you through the following activities:

    • Identify ERP drivers and objectives
    • Explore ERP challenges and pain points
    • Discover ERP benefits and opportunities
    • Align the ERP foundation with your corporate strategy

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Stakeholders
    • Project sponsors and leaders

    Outcomes of this step

    • Stakeholder map
    • Workday optimization team

    ERP optimization stakeholders

    • Understand the roles necessary to Get the Most Out of Your Workday.
    • Understand the role of each player within your project structure. Look for listed participants on the activities slides to determine when each player should be involved.
    Title Role Within the Project Structure
    Organizational Sponsor
    • Owns the project at the management/C-suite level
    • Responsible for breaking down barriers and ensuring alignment with your organizational strategy
    • CIO, CFO, COO, or similar
    Project Manager
    • The IT individual(s) that oversee day-to-day project operations
    • Responsible for preparing and managing the project plan and monitoring the project team’s progress
    • Applications Manager or other IT Manager, Business Analyst, Business Process Owner, or similar
    Business Unit Leaders
    • Works alongside the IT Project Manager to ensure the strategy is aligned with business needs
    • In this case, likely to be a marketing, sales, or customer service lead
    • Sales Director, Marketing Director, Customer Care Director, or similar
    Optimization Team
    • Comprised of individuals whose knowledge and skills are crucial to project success
    • Responsible for driving day-to-day activities, coordinating communication, and making process and design decisions; can assist with persona and scenario development for ERP
    • Project Manager, Business Lead, ERP Manager, Integration Manager, Application SMEs, Developers, Business Process Architects, and/or similar SMEs
    Steering Committee
    • Comprised of the C-suite/management-level individuals that act as the project’s decision makers
    • Responsible for validating goals and priorities, defining the project scope, enabling adequate resourcing, and managing change
    • Project Sponsor, Project Manager, Business Lead, CFO, Business Unit SMEs, or similar

    Info-Tech Insight

    Do not limit project input or participation. Include subject-matter experts and internal stakeholders at stages within the project. Such inputs can be solicited on a one-off basis as needed. This ensures you take a holistic approach to create your ERP optimization strategy.

    1.1.1 Identify Workday optimization stakeholders

    1 hour

    1. Hold a meeting to identify the Workday optimization stakeholders.
    2. Use the next slide as a guide.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    Understand how to navigate the complex web of stakeholders in ERP

    Identify which stakeholders to include and what their level of involvement should be during requirements elicitation based on relevant topic expertise.

    Sponsor End User IT Business
    Description An internal stakeholder who has final sign-off on the ERP project. Front-line users of the ERP technology. Back-end support staff who are tasked with project planning, execution, and eventual system maintenance. Additional stakeholders that will be impacted by any ERP technology changes.
    • CEO
    • CIO/CTO
    • COO
    • CFO
    • Warehouse personnel
    • Sales teams
    • HR admins
    • Applications manager
    • Vendor relationship manager(s)
    • Director, Procurement
    • VP, Marketing
    • Manager, HR
    Values Executive buy-in and support is essential to the success of the project. Often, the sponsor controls funding and resource allocation. End users determine the success of the system through user adoption. If the end user does not adopt the system, the system is deemed useless and benefits realization is poor. IT is likely to be responsible for more in-depth requirements gathering. IT possesses critical knowledge around system compatibility, integration, and data. Involving business stakeholders in the requirements gathering will ensure alignment between HR and organizational objectives.

    Large-scale ERP projects require the involvement of many stakeholders from all corners and levels of the organization, including project sponsors, IT, end users, and business stakeholders. Consider the influence and interest of stakeholders in contributing to the requirements elicitation process and involve them accordingly.

    The image shows a graph with dots on it, titled Example: Stakeholder Involvement during Selection.

    Activity 1.1.2 Map your Workday optimization stakeholders

    1 hour

    1. Use the list of Workday optimization stakeholders.
    2. Map each stakeholder on the quadrant based on their expected Influence and involvement in the project.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    The image shows a graph titled Map the Organization's Stakeholders, with stakeholders listed on the left, and arranged in quadrants. Along the bottom of the graph is the text: Involvement, with an arrow pointing to the right. Along the left side of the graph is the text: Influence, with an arrow pointing upwards.

    Map the organization’s stakeholders

    The image shows the same organization stakeholder map shown in the previous section.

    The Workday optimization team

    Consider the core team functions when putting together the project team. Form a cross-functional team (i.e. across IT, Marketing, Sales, Service, and Operations) to create a well-aligned ERP optimization strategy.

    Don’t let your project team become too large when trying to include all relevant stakeholders. Carefully limiting the size of the project team will enable effective decision making while still including functional business units such as Human Resources, Operations, Manufacturing, Marketing, Sales, Service, and Finance as well as IT.

    Required Skills/Knowledge Suggested Project Team Members
    • Department leads
    • Business process leads
    • Business analysts
    • Subject matter experts
    • SMEs/Business process leads across all functional areas, for example, Strategy, Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, Finance, HR
    • Application development
    • Enterprise integration
    • Business processes
    • Data management
    • Product owner
    • ERP application manager
    • Business process manager
    • Integration manager
    • Application developer
    • Data stewards
    • Operations
    • Administrative
    • Change management
    • COO
    • CFO
    • Change management officer

    1.1.3 Determine your Workday optimization team

    1 hour

    1. Have the project manager and other key stakeholders discuss and determine who will be involved in the Workday optimization project.
      • The size of the team will depend on the initiative and size of your organization.
      • Key business leaders in key areas and IT representatives should be involved.

    Note: Depending on your initiative and size of your organization, the size of this team will vary.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    Step 1.2

    Build an ERP Strategy Model


    1.2.1 Explore Organizational Goals and Business Needs

    1.2.2 Discover Environmental Factors and Technology Drivers

    1.2.3 Consider Potential Barriers to Achieving Workday Optimization

    1.2.4 Set the Foundation for Success

    1.2.5 Discuss Workday Strategy and Develop Your ERP Optimization Goals

    Map Current State Capabilities

    Step 1.1

    Step 1.2

    Step 1.3

    Step 1.4

    Step 1.5

    This step will guide you through the following activities:

    • Identify ERP drivers and objectives
    • Explore ERP challenges and pain points
    • Discover ERP benefits and opportunities
    • Align the ERP foundation with the corporate strategy

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Workday Optimization Team

    Outcomes of this step

    • ERP business model
    • Strategy alignment

    Align your Workday strategy with the corporate strategy

    Corporate Strategy

    Your corporate strategy:

    • Conveys the current state of the organization and the path it wants to take.
    • Identifies future goals and business aspirations.
    • Communicates the initiatives that are critical for getting the organization from its current state to the desired future state.

    Unified ERP Strategy

    • The ideal ERP strategy is aligned with overarching organizational business goals and broader IT initiatives.
    • Include all affected business units and departments in these conversations.
    • The ERP optimization can be and should be linked, with metrics, to the corporate strategy and ultimate business objectives.

    IT Strategy

    Your IT strategy:

    • Communicates the organization’s budget and spending on ERP.
    • Identifies IT initiatives that will support the business and key ERP objectives.
    • Outlines staffing and resourcing for ERP initiatives.

    ERP projects are more successful when the management team understands the strategic importance and the criticality of alignment. Time needs to be spent upfront aligning business strategies with ERP capabilities. Effective alignment between IT and the business should happen daily. Alignment doesn’t just need to occur at the executive level but at each level of the organization.

    ERP Business Model Template

    The image shows a template of the ERP Business Model. At the top, there is a section for ERP Needs, then on the left and right, Environmental Factors and Organizational Goals. At the center, there is a box with text that reads Barriers, with empty space underneath it, then the text: ERP Strategy, and then the heading Enables with empty space beneath it. At the bottom are Technology Drivers. There are notes attached to sections. For ERP Needs, the note reads: What are your business drivers? What are your current ERP pains?. For the Environmental Factors section, the note reads: What factors impacting your strategy are out of your control?. For the Technology Drivers section, the note reads: Why do you need a new system? What is the purpose for becoming an integrated organization?.

    Conduct interviews to elicit the business context

    Stakeholder Interviews

    Begin by conducting interviews of your executive team. Interview the following leaders:

    1. Chief Information Officer
    2. Chief Executive Officer
    3. Chief Financial Officer
    4. Chief Revenue Officer/Sales Leader
    5. Chief Operating Officer/Supply Chain & Logistics Leader
    6. Chief Technology Officer/Chief Product Officer


    1. Your organization’s mission & vision
    2. Your organization’s top business goals
    3. Your organization’s top business initiatives
    4. The stakeholder’s top goals and initiatives
    5. Tools and systems needed to facilitate organizational and departmental goals

    Understand the mission, vision, and goals of the organization and supporting departments

    Business Needs Business Drivers
    Definition A business need is a requirement associated with a particular business process. A business need is a requirement associated with a particular business process.
    • Audit tracking
    • Authorization levels
    • Business rules
    • Data quality
    • Customer satisfaction
    • Branding
    • Time-to-resolution

    Info-Tech Insight

    One of the biggest drivers for ERP adoption is the ability to make quicker decisions from timely information. This driver is a result of external considerations. Many industries today are highly competitive, uncertain, and rapidly changing. To succeed under these pressures, there needs to be timely information and visibility into all components of the organization.

    1.2.1 Explore organizational goals and business needs

    60 minutes

    1. Discuss organizational mission, vision, and goals. What are the top initiatives underway? Are you contracting, expanding, or innovating?
    2. Discuss business needs to support organizational goals. What are identified goals and initiatives at the departmental level? What tools and resources within the Workday system will help make this successful?
    3. Understand how the company is running today and what the organization’s future will look like. Envision the future system state.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook.

    The image shows the same ERP Business Model Template from the previous section, zoomed in on the centre of the graphic.

    Organizational Goals

    • Organization’s mission and vision
    • Top business goals
    • Initiatives underway

    Business Needs

    • Departmental goals
    • Business drivers
    • Key initiatives
    • Key capabilities to support the organization
    • Requirements to support the business capability and process

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    ERP Business Model

    Organizational Goals

    • Organization’s mission and vision
    • Top business goals (~3)
    • Initiatives underway
    • KPIs and metrics that are important to the organization in achieving its goals and objectives

    Business Needs

    • Departmental goals
    • Key initiatives
    • Key capabilities to support the organization
    • Tools and systems required to support business capability or process
    • KPIs and metrics that are important to the department/stakeholder in achieving its goals and objectives

    Understand the technology drivers and environmental factors

    Technology Drivers Environmental Factors
    Definition Technology drivers are technological changes that have created the need for a new ERP enablement strategy. Many organizations turn to technology systems to help them obtain a competitive edge. These external considerations are factors that take place outside of the organization and impact the way business is conducted inside the organization. These are often outside the control of the business. Look three to five years ahead, what challenges will the business face? Where will you have to adapt and pivot? How can we prepare for this?
    • Deployment model (i.e. SaaS)
    • Integration
    • Reporting capabilities
    • Fragmented technologies
    • Economic and political factors
    • Competitive influencers
    • Compliance regulations

    Info-Tech Insight

    A comprehensive plan that takes into consideration organizational goals, departmental needs, technology drivers, and environmental factors will allow for a collaborative approach to defining your Workday strategy.

    1.2.2 Discover environmental factors and technology drivers

    30 minutes

    1. Identify business drivers that are contributing to the organization’s need for ERP.
    2. Understand how the company is running today and what the organization’s future will look like. Try to identify the purpose for becoming an integrated organization. Use a whiteboard or flip charts and markers to capture key findings.
    3. Consider external considerations, organizational drivers, technology drivers, and key functional requirements.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook.

    The image is the same ERP Business Model Template from previous sections. In this instance, it is zoomed into the centre of the graphic, with the environmental factors section circled.

    External Considerations

    • Funding constraints
    • Regulations

    Technology Considerations

    • Data accuracy
    • Data quality
    • Better reporting

    Functional Requirements

    • Information availability
    • Integration between systems
    • Secure data

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    Create a realistic ERP foundation by identifying the challenges and barriers the project will bestow

    There are several different factors that may stifle the success of an ERP implementation. Organizations that are creating an ERP foundation must scan their current environment to identify internal barriers and challenges.

    Common Internal Barriers

    Management Support Organizational Culture Organizational Structure IT Readiness
    Definition The degree of understanding and acceptance toward ERP systems. The collective shared values and beliefs. The functional relationships between people and departments in an organization. The degree to which the organization’s people and processes are prepared for a new ERP system.
    • Is an ERP project recognized as a top priority?
    • Will management commit time to the project?
    • Are employees resistant to change?
    • Is the organization highly individualized?
    • Is the organization centralized?
    • Is the organization highly formalized?
    • Is there strong technical expertise?
    • Is there strong infrastructure?
    • Funding
    • Resources
    • Knowledge sharing
    • User acceptance
    • Flow of knowledge
    • Quality of implementation
    • Need for reliance on consultants

    1.2.3 Consider potential barriers to achieving Workday optimization

    1-3 hours

    1. Open tab 1.2, “Strategy & Goals,” in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook.
    2. Identify barriers to ERP optimization success.
    3. Review the ERP critical success factors and how they relate to your optimization efforts.
    4. Discuss potential barriers to successful ERP optimization.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook.

    The image is the same zoomed-in section of the ERP Strategy Business Model Template seen in previous sections. In this instance, the Barriers section is circled.

    Functional Gaps

    • No online purchase order requisitions

    Technical Gaps

    • Inconsistent reporting – data quality concerns

    Process Gaps

    • Duplication of data
    • Lack of system integration

    Barriers to Success

    • Cultural mindset
    • Resistance to change
    • Lack of training
    • Funding

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    ERP Business Model

    Organizational Goals

    • Efficiency
    • Effectiveness
    • Integrity
    • One source of truth for data
    • One team
    • Customer service, external and internal


    • Organizational silos
    • Lack of formal process documentation
    • Funding availability
    • What goes first? Organizational priorities

    What does success look like?

    Top 15 Critical Success Factors for ERP System Implementation

    The image shows a horizontal bar graph with the text: Frequency of Citation (n=127) at the top. Different implementation strategies are listed on the left, in descending order of frequency.

    (Epizitone and Olugbara, 2019; CC BY 4.0)

    Info-Tech Insight

    Complement your ability to deliver on your critical success factors with the capabilities of your implementation partner to drive a successful ERP implementation.

    “Implementation partners can play an important role in successful ERP implementations. They can work across the organizational departments and layers creating a synergy and a communications mechanism.” – Ayogeboh Epizitone, Durban University of Technology

    1.2.3 Set the foundation for success

    1-3 hours

    1. Open tab 1.2, “Strategy & Goals,” in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook.
    2. Identify barriers to ERP optimization success.
    3. Review the ERP critical success factors and how they relate to your optimization efforts.
    4. Discuss potential barriers to successful ERP optimization.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook.

    The image is the same zoomed-in section of the ERP Strategy Business Model Template seen in previous sections. In this instance, the Enablers section is circled.

    Business Benefits

    • Business-IT alignment

    IT Benefits

    • Compliance
    • Scalability
    • Operational efficiency

    Organizational Benefits

    • Data accuracy
    • Data quality
    • Better reporting

    Enablers of Success

    • Change management
    • Training
    • Alignment with strategic objectives

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    ERP Business Model

    Organizational Goals

    • Efficiency
    • Effectiveness
    • Integrity
    • One source of truth for data
    • One team
    • Customer service, external and internal


    • Cross-trained employees
    • Desire to focus on value-add activities
    • Collaborative
    • Top-level executive support
    • Effective change management process

    The Business Value Matrix

    Rationalizing and quantifying the value of Workday

    Benefits can be realized internally and externally to the organization or department and have different drivers of value.

    • Financial benefits refer to the degree to which the value source can be measured through monetary metrics and are often quite tangible.
    • Human benefits refer to how an application can deliver value through a user’s experience.
    • Inward refers to value sources that have an internal impact and improve your organization’s effectiveness and efficiency in performing its operations.
    • Outward refers to value sources that come from your interaction with external factors, such as the market or your customers.

    Organizational Goals

    Increased Revenue

    Application functions that are specifically related to the impact on your organization’s ability to generate revenue and deliver value to your customers.

    Reduced Costs

    Reduction of overhead. The ways in which an application limits the operational costs of business functions.

    Enhanced Services

    Functions that enable business capabilities that improve the organization’s ability to perform its internal operations.

    Reach Customers

    Application functions that enable and improve the interaction with customers or produce market information and insights.

    Business Value Matrix

    The image shows a matrix, with Human benefits and Financial Benefits on the horizontal axis, and Outward and Inward on the Vertical axis.

    1.2.4 Define your Workday strategy and optimization goals

    30 minutes

    1. Discuss the Workday business model exercises and ERP critical success factors.
    2. Through the lens of corporate goals and objectives think about the supporting ERP technology. How can the ERP system bring value to the organization? What are the top things that will make this initiative a success? What major themes are emerging?
    3. Develop five to ten optimization goals that will form the basis for the success of this initiative.
      • What is a strong statement that will help guide decision making throughout the life of the ERP project?
      • What are your overarching requirements for business processes?
      • What do you ultimately want to achieve?
      • What is a statement that will ensure all stakeholders are on the same page for the project?

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    Workday strategy and optimization goals

    Key Themes Emerging / Workday Strategy

    • Efficiency
    • Effectiveness
    • Integrity
    • One source of truth for data
    • One team
    • Customer service, external and internal

    Optimization Goals

    • Support Business Agility: A flexible and adaptable integrated business system providing a seamless user experience.
    • Use ERP best practices: Do not recreate or replicate what we have today; focus on modernization. Exercise customization governance by focusing on those customizations that are strategically differentiating.
    • Automate: Take manual work out where we can, empowering staff and improving productivity through automation and process efficiencies.
    • Stay focused: Focus on scope around core business capabilities. Maintain scope control. Prioritize demand in line with the strategy.
    • Strive for “One Source of Truth”: Unified data model and integrate processes where possible. Assess integration needs carefully.

    Step 1.3

    Inventory Current System State


    1.3.1 Inventory Workday Applications and Interactions

    1.3.2 Draw Your Workday System Diagram

    1.3.3 Inventory Your Workday Modules and Business Capabilities (or Business Processes)

    1.3.4 Define Your Key Workday Optimization Modules and Business Capabilities

    Map Current-State Capabilities

    Step 1.1

    Step 1.2

    Step 1.3

    Step 1.4

    Step 1.5

    This step will guide you through the following activities:

    • Inventory of applications
    • Mapping interactions between systems

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Workday Optimization Team
    • Enterprise Architect
    • Data Architect

    Outcomes of this step

    • Systems inventory
    • Systems diagram

    1.3.1 Inventory Workday applications and interfaces

    1-3+ hours

    1. Enter your Workday systems, Workday extended applications, and integrated applications within scope.
    2. Include any abbreviated names or nicknames.
    3. List the application type or main function. List the modules the organization has licensed.
    4. List any integrations.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    ERP Data Flow

    When assessing the current application portfolio that supports your ERP, the tendency will be to focus on the applications under the ERP umbrella. These relate mostly to marketing, sales, and customer service. Be sure to include systems that act as input to, or benefit due to outputs from, ERP or similar applications.

    The image shows a flowchart, with example ERP Data. There is a colour-coded legend for the data, and at the bottom of the graphic, there is text that reads: Be sure to include enterprise applications that are not included in the ERP application portfolio. There are also definitions of abbreviated terms at the bottom of the graphic.

    1.3.2 Draw your Workday system diagram (optional)

    1-3+ hours

    1. From the Workday application inventory, diagram your network. Include:
      • Any internal or external systems
      • Integration points
      • Data flow

    The image shows the flowchart section of th image that appears in the previous section.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    Sample Workday and integrations map

    The image shows a sample map of Workday and integrations. There is a colour-coded legend at the bottom right.

    Business capability map (Level 0)

    In business architecture, the primary view of an organization is known as a business capability map.

    A business capability defines what a business does to enable value creation, rather than how.

    Business capabilities:

    • Represent stable business functions.
    • Are unique and independent of each other.
    • Will typically have a defined business outcome.

    A business capability map provides details that help the business architecture practitioner direct attention to a specific area of the business for further assessment.

    The image shows a Business Capability Map, which is divided into 4 sections: Products and Services Development; Revenue Generation; Demand Fulfillment; and Enterprise Management and Planning

    The value stream

    Value stream defined:

    Value Streams:

    Design Product

    • Manufacturers work proactively to design products and services that will meet consumer demand.
    • Products are driven by consumer demand and government regulations.

    Produce Product

    • Production processes and labor costs are constantly analyzed for efficiencies and accuracies.
    • Quality of product and services are highly regulated through all levels of the supply chain.

    Sell Product

    • Sales networks and sales staff deliver the product from the organization to the end consumer.
    • Marketing plays a key role throughout the value stream connecting consumers’ wants and needs to the products and services offered.

    Customer Service

    • Relationships with consumers continue after the sale of products and services.
    • Continued customer support and data mining is important to revenue streams.

    Value streams connect business goals to the organization’s value realization activities in the marketplace. Those activities are dependent on the specific industry segment in which an organization operates. There are two types of value streams: core value streams and support value streams.

    • Core value streams are mostly externally facing. They deliver value to either an external or internal customer and they tie to the customer perspective of the strategy map.
    • Support value streams are internally facing and provide the foundational support for an organization to operate.

    Taking a value stream approach to process mapping allows you to move across departmental and system boundaries to understand the underlying business capability.

    Some mistakes organizations make are over-customizing processes, or conversely, not customizing when required. Workday provides good baseline process that work for most organizations. However, if a process is broken or not working efficiently take the time to investigate it, including underlying policies, roles, workflows, and integrations.

    Process frameworks

    Help define your inventory of sales, marketing, and customer services processes.

    Operating Processes
    1. Develop vision and strategy 2. Develop and manage products and services 3. Market and sell products and services 4. Deliver physical products 5. Deliver services
    Management and Support Processes
    6. Manage customer service
    7. Develop and manage human capital
    8. Manage IT
    9. Manage financial resources
    10. Acquire, construct, and manage assets
    11. Manage enterprise risk, compliance, remediation, and resiliency
    12. Manage external relationships
    13. Develop and manage business capabilities


    If you do not have a documented process model, you can use the APQC Framework to help define your inventory of sales business processes.

    APQC’s Process Classification Framework is a taxonomy of cross-functional business processes intended to allow the objective comparison of organizational performance within and among organizations.

    APQC’s Process Classification Framework

    Process mapping hierarchy

    A process classification framework is helpful for organizations to effectively define their processes and manage them appropriately.

    Use Info-Tech’s related industry resources or publicly available process frameworks (such as APQC) to develop and map your business processes.

    These processes can then be mapped to supporting applications and modules. Policies, roles, and workflows also play a role and should be considered in the overall functioning.

    APQC’s Process Classification Framework

    The image shows a chart, titled PCL Levels Explained, with each of the PCF Levels listed, and a brief description of each.


    Focus on level-1 processes

    Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
    Market and sell products and services Understand markets, customers, and capabilities Perform customer and market intelligence analysis Conduct customer and market research
    Market and sell products and services Develop a sales strategy Develop a sales forecast Gather current and historic order information
    Deliver services Manage service delivery resources Manage service delivery resource demand Develop baseline forecasts
    ? ? ? ?

    Info-Tech Insight

    Focus your initial assessment on the level-1 processes that matter to your organization. This allows you to target your scant resources on the areas of optimization that matter most to the organization and minimize the effort required from your business partners.

    You may need to iterate the assessment as challenges are identified. This allows you to be adaptive and deal with emerging issues more readily and become a more responsive partner to the business.

    Process mapping and supporting ERP modules

    The operating model

    An operating model is a framework that drives operating decisions. It helps to set the parameters for the scope of ERP and the processes that will be supported. The operating model will serve to group core operational processes. These groupings represent a set of interrelated, consecutive processes aimed at generating a common output.

    From your developed processes and your Workday license agreements you will be able to pinpoint the scope for investigation, including the processes and modules.

    The image shows three images, overlapping one another. At the back is a chart with three sections, and boxes beneath. In front of that is a graphic with Objectives, Value Streams, Capabilities, and Processes written down the left side, and descriptions on the right. Below that image is an arrow pointing downward to the text Supporting Workday Modules. In front is a circular graphic with the word Workday in the centre, and circles with text in them around it.

    Workday modules and process enablement

    Workday Finance

    • Accounts Receivable and Collections
    • Accounts Payable and Payments
    • Asset Management
    • Audit and Controls
    • Billing and Invoicing
    • Cash Management
    • Contracts
    • Financial Reporting and Analysis
    • [Global] Close and Consolidation
    • Multi-GAAP/Multi-book/Multi-chart of Accounts
    • Revenue Management

    Spend Management

    • Strategic Sourcing
    • Procure to Pay
    • Inventory
    • Expenses

    Professional Services Automation

    • Project and Resource Management
    • Project Financials
    • Project Billing
    • Expense Management
    • Time Tracking

    Enterprise Planning

    • Financial planning
    • Reporting
    • Analytics
    • Budgets
    • Insights
    • Workforce planning
    • Sales planning
    • Operational planning

    Analytics and Reporting

    • Financial Management Core Reporting
    • Human Capital Management Core Reporting
    • Benchmarking
    • Data Hub
    • Augmented Analytics


    • Admissions
    • Financial Aid
    • Advising
    • Student Finance
    • Student Records

    Human Capital Management (HCM)

    • Human Resource Management
    • Organization Management
    • Business Process Management
    • Reporting and Analytics
    • Employee and Manager Self-Service
    • Contingent Labor Management
    • Skills Cloud
    • Absence Management
    • Benefits Administration
    • ACA Management
    • Compensation
    • Talent Optimization

    Payroll and Workforce Management

    • Scheduling and Labor Management
    • Time and Attendance
    • Absence
    • Payroll

    Employee Experience

    • Employee Engagement Insights
    • Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging Measurement
    • Health and Well-Being Metrics
    • Back-to-Workplace Readiness
    • Confidential Employee-Manager Conversations
    • Attrition Prediction
    • Continuous Industry Benchmarks

    Talent and Performance

    • Talent Profile
    • Continuous Feedback
    • Survey Campaigns
    • Embedded Analytics
    • Goal Management
    • Performance Management
    • Talent Review
    • Calibration
    • Competencies
    • Career and Development Planning
    • Succession Planning
    • Talent Marketplace
    • Mobile
    • Expenses

    1.3.3 Inventory your Workday modules and business capabilities

    1-3+ hours

    1. Look at the major functions or processes within the scope of ERP.
    2. From the inventory of current systems, choose the submodules or processes that you want to investigate and are within scope for this optimization initiative.
    3. List the top modules, capabilities, or processes that will be within the scope of this optimization initiative.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    1.3.4 Define your key Workday optimization modules and business capabilities

    1-3+ hours

    1. Look at the major functions or processes within the scope of ERP.
    2. From the inventory of current systems, choose the submodules or processes for this optimization initiative. Base this on those that are most critical to the business, those with the lowest levels of satisfaction, or those that perhaps need more knowledge around them.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    Step 1.4

    Define Optimization Timeframe


    1.4.1 Define Workday Key Dates, and Workday Optimization Roadmap Timeframe and Structure

    Map Current-State Capabilities

    Step 1.1

    Step 1.2

    Step 1.3

    Step 1.4

    Step 1.5

    This step will guide you through the following activities:

    • Defining key dates related to your optimization initiative
    • Identifying key building blocks for your optimization roadmap

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Workday Optimization Team
    • Vendor Management

    Outcomes of this step

    • Optimization Key Dates
    • Optimization Roadmap Timeframe and Structure

    1.4.1 Optimization roadmap timeframe and structure

    1-3+ hours

    1. Key items and dates relevant to your optimization initiatives, such as any products reaching end of life or end of contract, or budget proposal submission deadlines.
    2. Enter the expected Optimization Initiative Start Date.
    3. Enter the Roadmap Length. This is the total amount of time you expect to participate in the Workday Optimization Initiative. This includes short-, medium-, and long-term initiatives.
    4. Enter your Roadmap Date markers – how you want dates displayed on the roadmap.
    5. Enter column time values – what level of granularity will be helpful for this initiative?
    6. Enter the sprint or cycle timeframe – use this if following Agile.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    Step 1.5

    Understand Workday Costs


    1.5.1 Document Costs Associated With Workday

    Map Current-State Capabilities

    Step 1.1

    Step 1.2

    Step 1.3

    Step 1.4

    Step 1.5

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    • Define your Workday direct and indirect costs
    • List your Workday expense line items

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Finance representatives
    • Workday Optimization Team

    Outcomes of this step

    • Current Workday and related costs

    1.5.1 Document costs associated with Workday

    1-3 hours

    Before you can make changes and optimization decisions, you need to understand the high-level costs associated with your current application architecture. This activity will help you identify the types of technology and people costs associated with your current systems.

    1. Identify the types of technology costs associated with each current system:
      1. System Maintenance
      2. Annual Renewal
      3. Licensing
    2. Identify the cost of people associated with each current system:
      1. Full-Time Employees
      2. Application Support Staff
      3. Help Desk Tickets

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    Phase 2

    Assess Your Current State

    Phase 1

    1.1 Identify Stakeholders and Build Your Optimization Team

    1.2 Build an ERP Strategy Model

    1.3 Inventory Current System State

    1.4 Define Optimization Timeframe

    1.5 Understand Workday Costs

    Phase 2

    2.1 Assess Workday Capabilities

    2.2 Review Your Satisfaction With the Vendor/Product and Willingness for Change

    Phase 3

    3.1 Prioritize Optimization Opportunities

    3.2 Discover Optimization Initiatives

    Phase 4

    4.1 Build Your Optimization Roadmap

    This phase will guide you through the following activities:

    • Determine process relevance
    • Perform a gap analysis
    • Perform a user satisfaction survey
    • Assess software and vendor satisfaction

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Workday Optimization Team
    • Users across functional areas of your ERP and related technologies

    Step 2.1

    Assess Workday Capabilities


    2.1.1 Rate Capability Relevance to Organizational Goals

    2.1.2 Complete a Workday Application Portfolio Assessment

    2.1.3 (Optional) Assess Workday Process Maturity

    Assess Workday Capabilities

    Step 2.1

    Step 2.2

    This step will guide you through the following activities:

    • Capability Relevance
    • Process Gap Analysis
    • Application Portfolio Assessment

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Workday Users

    Outcomes of this step

    • Workday Capability Assessment

    Benefits of the Application Portfolio Assessment

    Assess the health of the application portfolio

    • Get a full 360-degree view of the effectiveness, criticality, and prevalence of all relevant applications to get a comprehensive view of the health of the applications portfolio.
    • Identify opportunities to drive more value from effective applications, retire nonessential applications, and immediately address at-risk applications that are not meeting expectations.

    Provide targeted department feedback

    • Share end-user satisfaction and importance ratings for core IT services, IT communications, and business enablement to focus on the right end-user groups or lines of business, and ramp up satisfaction and productivity.

    Gain insight into the state of data quality

    • Data quality is one of the key issues causing poor ERP user satisfaction and business results. This can include the relevance, accuracy, timeliness, or usability of the organization’s data.
    • Targeted, open-ended feedback around data quality will provide insight into where optimization efforts should be focused.

    2.1.1 Complete a current state assessment (via the Application Portfolio Assessment)

    3 hours

    Option 1: Use Info-Tech’s Application Portfolio Assessment to generate your user satisfaction score. This tool not only measures application satisfaction but also elicits great feedback from users regarding the support they receive from the IT team around Workday.

    1. Download the Workday Application Inventory Tool.
    2. Complete the “Demographics” tab (tab 2).
    3. Complete the “Inventory” tab (tab 3).
      1. Complete the inventory by treating each module within your Workday system as an application.
      2. Treat every department as a separate column in the department section. Feel free to add, remove, or modify department names to match your organization.
      3. Include data quality for all applications applicable.

    Option 2: Create a survey manually.

    1. Use tab Reference 2.1 “APA Questions” as a guide for creating your survey.
    2. Send out surveys to end users.
    3. Modify tab 2.1 “Workday Assessment” if required.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    Content for New section Tag Goes HereThe image shows a number of charts relating to applications, such as Overall Applications Portfolio Satisfaction and Most Critical Applications. Data is shown in each category relating to number of users, usability, data quality, status, and others.

    2.1.2 Complete the Application Portfolio Assessment

    3 hours

    Option 1: Use Info-Tech’s Application Portfolio Assessment to generate your user satisfaction score. This tool not only measures application satisfaction but also elicits great feedback from users regarding the support they receive from the IT team around Workday.

    1. Download the Workday Application Inventory Tool.
    2. Complete the “Demographics” tab (tab 2).
    3. Complete the “Inventory” tab (tab 3).
      1. Complete the inventory by treating each module within your Workday system as an application.
      2. Treat every department as a separate column in the department section. Feel free to add, remove, or modify department names to match your organization.
      3. Include data quality for all applications applicable.

    Option 2: Create a survey manually.

    1. Use tab Reference 2.1 “APA Questions” as a guide for creating your survey.
    2. Send out surveys to end users.
    3. Modify tab 2.1 “Workday Assessment” if required.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    2.1.3 (Optional) Assess Workday process maturity

    1. As with any ERP system, the issues encountered may not be related to the system itself but processes that have developed over time.
    2. Use this opportunity to interview key stakeholders to learn about deeper capability processes.
      1. Identify key stakeholders.
      2. Hold sessions to document deeper processes.
      3. Discuss processes and technical enablement in each area.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    Process Maturity Assessment

    Process Assessment




    1.1 Financial Planning and Analysis

    1.2 Accounting and Financial Close

    1.3 Treasury Management

    1.4 Financial Operations

    1.5 Governance, Risk & Compliance

    2.1 Core HR

    Description All aspects related to financial operations
    Key Success Indicators Month-end reporting in 5 days AR at risk managing down (zero over 90 days) Weekly operating cash flow updates
    Timely liquidity for claims payments Payroll audit reporting and insights reporting 90% of workflow tasks captured in ERP
    EFT uptake Automated reconciliations Reduce audit hours required
    Current Pain Points A lot of voided and re-issued checks NIDPP Integration with banks; can’t get the information back into existing ERP
    There is no payroll integration No payroll automation and other processes Lack of integration with HUB
    Not one true source of data Incentive payment processing Rewards program management
    Audit process is onerous Reconcile AP and AR for dealers

    Stakeholders Interviewed:

    The process is formalized, documented, optimized, and audited.

    The process is poorly documented. More than one person knows how to do it. Inefficient and error-prone.

    The process is not documented. One person knows how to do it. The process is ad hoc, not formalized, inconsistent.

    Capability Processes:

    General Ledger

    Accounts Receivable

    Incentives Management

    Accounts Payable

    General Ledger Consolidation

    Treasury Management

    Cash Management

    Subscription / recurring payments

    Treasury Transactions

    Step 2.2

    Review Your Satisfaction With the Vendor/Product and Willingness for Change


    2.2.1 Rate Your Vendor and Product Satisfaction

    2.2.2 Review Workday Product Scores (if applicable)

    2.2.3 Evaluate Your Product Satisfaction

    2.2.4 Check Your Business Process Change Tolerance

    Product Satisfaction

    Step 2.1

    Step 2.2

    This step will guide you through the following activities:

    • Rate your vendor and product satisfaction
    • Compare with survey data from SoftwareReviews

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Workday Product Owner(s)
    • Procurement Representative
    • Vendor Contracts Manager

    Outcomes of this step

    • Quantified satisfaction with vendor and product

    2.2.1 Rate your vendor and product satisfaction

    30 minutes

    Use Info-Tech’s vendor satisfaction survey to identify optimization areas with your ERP product(s) and vendor(s).

    1. Option 1 (recommended): Conduct a satisfaction survey using SoftwareReviews. This option allows you to see your results in the context of the vendor landscape.
    2. Option 2: Use the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook to review your satisfaction with your Workday software.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    SoftwareReviews’ Enterprise Resource Planning Category

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    2.2.2 Review Workday product scores (if applicable)

    30 minutes

    1. Download the scorecard for your Workday product from the SoftwareReviews website. (Note: Not all products are represented or have sufficient data, so a scorecard may not be available.)
    2. Use the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook tab 2.3 to record the scorecard results.
    3. Use your Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook to flag areas where your score may be lower than the product scorecard. Brainstorm ideas for optimization.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook.

    SoftwareReviews’ Enterprise Resource Planning Category

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    2.2.3 How does your satisfaction compare with your peers?

    Use SoftwareReviews to explore product features, vendor experience, and capability satisfaction.

    The image shows two data quadrants, one titled Enterprise Resource Planning - Enterprise, and Enterprise Resource Planning - Midmarket.

    (SoftwareReviews ERP Mid-Market, 2022; SoftwareReviews ERP Enterprise, 2022)

    2.2.4 Check your business process change tolerance

    1 hours


    • Business process capability map


    • Heat map of risk areas that require more attention to validate best practices or minimize customization


    • Whiteboard/flip charts
    • Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook


    • Implementation team
    • SMEs
    • Departmental Leaders
    1. As a group, list your level-0 and level-1 business capabilities. Sample on the next slide.
    2. Assess the department’s willingness for change and the risk of maintaining the status quo.
    3. Color-code the level-0 business capabilities based on:
      1. Green – Willing to follow best practices
      2. Yellow – May be challenging or unique business model
      3. Red – Low tolerance for change

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    Heat map representing desire for best practice or those having the least tolerance for change


    Willing to follow best practice

    May be challenging or unique business model

    Low tolerance for change

    Out of Scope

    Product-Centric Capabilities
    R&D Production Supply Chain Distribution Asset Mgmt
    Idea to Offering Plan to Produce Procure to Pay Forecast to Delivery Acquire to Dispose
    Add/Remove Shop Floor Scheduling Add/Remove Add/Remove Add/Remove
    Add/Remove Product Costing Add/Remove Add/Remove Add/Remove
    Service-Centric Capabilities
    Finance HR Marketing Sales Service
    Record to Report Hire to Retire Market to Order Quote to Cash Issue to Resolution
    Add/Remove Add/Remove Add/Remove Add/Remove Add/Remove
    Add/Remove Add/Remove Add/Remove Add/Remove Add/Remove

    Determine the areas of risk to conform to best practice and minimize customization. These will be areas needing focus from the vendor, supporting change and guiding best practice.

    For example: Must be able to support our unique process manufacturing capabilities and enhance planning and visibility to detailed costing.

    Phase 3

    Identify Key Optimization Opportunities

    Phase 1

    1.1 Identify Stakeholders and Build Your Optimization Team

    1.2 Build an ERP Strategy Model

    1.3 Inventory Current System State

    1.4 Define Optimization Timeframe

    1.5 Understand Workday Costs

    Phase 2

    2.1 Assess Workday Capabilities

    2.2 Review Your Satisfaction With the Vendor/Product and Willingness for Change

    Phase 3

    3.1 Prioritize Optimization Opportunities

    3.2 Discover Optimization Initiatives

    Phase 4

    4.1 Build Your Optimization Roadmap

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Identify key optimization areas
    • Create an optimization roadmap

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Workday Optimization Team

    Step 3.1

    Prioritize optimization opportunities


    3.1.1 Prioritize Optimization Capability Areas

    Build Your Optimization Roadmap

    Step 3.1

    Step 3.2

    This step will guide you through the following activities:

    • Explore existing process gaps
    • Identify the impact of processes on user satisfaction
    • Identify the impact of data quality on user satisfaction
    • Review your overall product satisfaction and vendor management

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Workday Optimization Team

    Outcomes of this step

    • Application optimization plan

    Info-Tech Insight

    Enabling a high-performing organization requires excellent management practices and continuous optimization efforts. Your technology portfolio and architecture are important, but we must go deeper. Taking a holistic view of ERP technologies in the environments in which they operate allows for the inclusion of people and process improvements – this is key to maximizing business results. Using a formal ERP optimization initiative will drive business-IT alignment, identify IT automation priorities, and dig deep into continuous process improvement.

    Address process gaps:

    • ERP and related technologies are invaluable to the goal of organizational enablement, but they must have supported processes driven by business goals.
    • Identify areas where capabilities need to be improved and work toward optimization.

    Support user satisfaction:

    • The best technology in the world won’t deliver business results if it’s not working for the users who need it.
    • Understand concerns, communicate improvements, and support users in all roles.

    Improve data quality:

    • Data quality is unique to each business unit and requires tolerance, not perfection.
    • Implement data quality initiatives that are aligned with overall business objectives and aimed at addressing data practices and the data itself.

    Proactively manage vendors:

    • Vendor management is a critical component of technology enablement and IT satisfaction.
    • Assess your current satisfaction against that of your peers and work toward building a process that is best fit for your organization.

    Assessing application business value

    The Business

    Keepers of the organization’s mission, vision, and value statements that define IT success. The business maintains the overall ownership and evaluation of the applications.

    Business Value of Applications


    Technical subject matter experts of the applications they deliver and maintain. Each IT function works together to ensure quality applications are delivered to stakeholder expectations.

    First, the authorities on business value need to define and weigh their value drivers that describe the priorities of the organization. This will allow the applications team to apply a consistent, objective, and strategically aligned evaluation of applications across the organization.

    In this context…

    business value is

    the value of the business outcome that the application produces. Additionally, it is how effective the application is at producing that outcome.

    Business value IS NOT

    the user’s experience or satisfaction with the application.

    Brainstorm IT initiatives to enable high areas of opportunity to support the business

    Create or Improve:

    • ERP Capabilities
    • Optimization Initiatives

    Capabilities are what the system and business do that creates value for the organization.

    Optimization initiatives are projects with a definitive start and end date, and they enhance, create, maintain, or remove capabilities with the goal of increasing value.

    Brainstorm ERP optimization initiatives in each area. Ensure you are looking for all-encompassing opportunities within the context of IT, the business, and Workday systems.

    • Process
    • Technology
    • Organization

    Discover the value drivers of your applications

    Financial vs. Human Benefits

    Financial benefits refer to the degree to which the value source can be measured through monetary metrics and are often quite tangible.

    Human benefits refer to how an application can deliver value through a user’s experience.

    Inward vs. Outward Orientation

    Inward refers to value sources that have an internal impact and improve your organization’s effectiveness and efficiency in performing its operations.

    Outward refers to value sources that come from your interaction with external factors, such as the market or your customers.

    The image shows a business value matrix, with Human benefit and Financial benefit in the horizontal and Outward and Inward on the vertical. In the top left quadrant is Reach Customers; top right is Increase Revenue or Deliver Value; bottom left is Enhance Services, and bottom right is Reduce Costs.

    The image shows a graph titled Perceived business benefits from using digital tools. It is a bar graph, showing percentages assigned to each perceived benefit. The source is Collins et al, 2017.

    Increased Revenue

    Application functions that are specifically related to the impact on your organization’s ability to generate revenue and deliver value to your customers.

    Reduced Costs

    Reduction of overhead. The ways in which an application limits the operational costs of business functions.

    Enhanced Services

    Functions that enable business capabilities that improve the organization’s ability to perform its internal operations.

    Reach Customers

    Application functions that enable and improve the interaction with customers or produce market information and insights.

    Prioritize Workday optimization areas that will bring the most value to the organization

    Review your ERP capability areas and rate them according to relevance to organizational goals. This will allow you to eliminate optimization ideas that may not bring value to the organization.

    The image shows a graph, separated into quadrants. On the x-axis is Satisfaction, from low to high, and on the Y-axis is Relevant to Organizational Goals from Low to High. The top left quadrant is High Priority, top right is Maintain, and the two lower quadrants are both low priority.

    Value vs. Effort

    How important is it? vs. How difficult is it?

    How important is it? How Difficult is it?

    What is the value?

    • Increase revenue
    • Decrease costs
    • Enhanced services
    • Reach customers

    What is the benefit?

    • How can it help us reach our goals?

    What is the impact?

    • To organizational goals
    • To ERP goals
    • To departmental goals

    What is the cost?

    • Hours x Rates ++ =

    What is the level of effort?

    • Development effort
    • Operational effort
    • Implementation effort
    • Outside resource coordination

    What is the risk of implementing/not implementing?

    What is the complexity?


    RICE method

    Measure the “total impact per time worked”

    The image shows a graphic with the word Confidence at the top, then an arrow pointing upwards that reads Impact. Below that, there is an arrow pointing horizontally in both directions that reads Reach, and then a horizontal line, with the word Effort below it.

    Reach Impact Confidence Effort

    How many people will this improvement impact? Internal: # of users OR # of transactions per period

    External: # of customers OR # of transactions per period

    What is the scale of impact? How much will the improvement affect satisfaction?

    Example Weighting:

    1 = Massive Impact

    2 = High Impact

    1 = Medium Impact

    0.5 = Low Impact

    0.25 = Very Low Impact

    How confident are we that the improvements are achievable and that they will meet the impact estimates?

    Example Weighting:

    1 = High Confidence

    0.80 = Medium Confidence

    0.50 = Low Confidence

    How much investment will be required to implement the improvement initiative?

    FTE hours x cost per hour


    3.1.1 Prioritize and rate optimization capability areas

    1-3 hours

    1. Use tab 3.1 Optimization Priorities.
    2. From the Workday Key Capabilities (pulled from tab 1.3 Key Capabilities), discuss areas of scope for the Workday optimization initiative.
    3. Discuss the four areas of the business value matrix and identify how each module, along with organizational goals, can bring value to the organization.
    4. Rate each of your Workday capabilities for the level of importance to your organization. The levels of importance are:
      • Crucial
      • Important
      • Secondary
      • Unimportant
      • Not applicable

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    Step 3.2

    Discover Optimization Initiatives


    3.2.1 Discover Product and Vendor Satisfaction Opportunities

    3.2.2 Discover Capability and Feature Optimization Opportunities

    3.2.3 Discover Process Optimization Opportunities

    3.2.4 Discover Integration Optimization Opportunities

    3.2.5 Discover Data Optimization Opportunities

    3.2.6 Discover Workday Cost-Saving Opportunities

    Build Your Optimization Roadmap

    Step 3.1

    Step 3.2

    This step will guide you through the following activities:

    • Explore existing process gaps
    • Identify the impact of processes on user satisfaction
    • Identify the impact of data quality on user satisfaction
    • Review your overall product satisfaction and vendor management

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Workday Optimization Team

    Outcomes of this step

    • Application optimization plan
    Content for New section Tag Goes HereThe image shows a graphic title Product Feature Satisfaction, showing features in rank order and data on each.
    Content for New section Tag Goes HereThe image shows a graphic titled Vendor Capability Satisfaction, showing features in rank order with related data.

    Workday’s partner landscape

    Workday uses an extensive partner network to help deliver results.


    Workday Advisory Partners have in-depth knowledge to help customers determine what’s best for their needs and how to maximize business value. They guide you through digital acceleration strategy and planning, product selection, change management, and more.


    Workday Services Partners represent a curated community of global systems integrators and regional firms that help companies deploy Workday and continually adopt new capabilities.


    Workday Software Partners are a global ecosystem of application, content, and technology software companies that design, build, and deploy solution extensions to help customers enhance the capabilities of Workday.

    Global payroll PARTNERS

    Workday’s Global Payroll Cloud (GPC) program makes it easy to expand payroll (outside of the US, Canada, the UK, and France) to third-party payroll providers around the world using certified, prebuilt integrations from Workday Partners. Payroll partners provide solutions in more than 100 countries.

    Adaptive planning PARTNERS

    Adaptive planning partners guide you through all aspects of everything from integration to deployment.

    With large-scale ERP and HCM systems, the success of the system can be as much about the SI (Systems Integrator) or vendor partners as it is about the core product.

    In evaluating your Workday system, think about Workday’s extensive partner network to understand how you can capitalize on your installation.

    You do not need to reinvent the system; you may just need an additional service partner or bolt-on solution to round out your product functionality.

    Improving vendor management

    Create a right-size, right-fit strategy for managing the vendors relevant to your organization.

    The image shows a matrix, with strategic value on the x-axis from low to high, and Vendor Spend/Switching Costs on the y-axis, from low to high. In the top left is Operational, top right is Strategic; lower left is commodity; and lower right Tactical.

    Info-Tech Insight

    A vendor management initiative is an organization’s formalized process for evaluating, selecting, managing, and optimizing third-party providers of goods and services.

    The amount of resources you assign to managing vendors depends on the number and value of your organization’s relationships. Before optimizing your vendor management program around the best practices presented in Info-Tech’s Jump Start Your Vendor Management Initiative blueprint, assess your current maturity and build the process around a model that reflects the needs of your organization.

    Note: Info-Tech uses VMI interchangeably with the terms “vendor management office (VMO),” “vendor management function,” “vendor management process,” and “vendor management program.”

    Jump Start Your Vendor Management Initiative

    3.2.1 Discover product and vendor satisfaction

    1-2 hours

    1. Review tab 2.2 Vend. & Prod. Sat. to review the overall Product (and Vendor) satisfaction of your Workday system.
    2. Use tab 3.2 Optimization Initiatives to answer the following questions in the Overall Product (and Vendor) Evaluation area.
      • Document overall product satisfaction.
      • How does your satisfaction compare with your peers?
      • Is the overall system fit for use?
      • Do you have a proactive vendor management strategy in place?
      • Is the product dissatisfaction at the point that you need to evaluate if it is time to replace the product?
      • Could your vendor or SI help you achieve better results?

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook.

    The image shows a box with text in it, titled 3.2.1 Overall Product (and Vendor) Evaluation.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    Content for New section Tag Goes HereThe image is a graphic, with the Five Most Critical Applications section at the top, with related data, and other sets of data included in smaller text at the bottom of the image.

    3.2.2 Discover capability and feature optimization opportunities

    1-2 hours

    1. Review tab 2.2 Vend. & Prod. Sat. and tab 3.1 Optimization Priorities to review the satisfaction with the capabilities and features of your Workday system.
    2. Use tab 3.2 Optimization Initiatives to answer the following questions in the Capabilities and Features Evaluation area to answer the following questions:
      • What capabilities and features are performing the worst?
      • Do other organizations and users struggle with these areas?
      • Why is it not performing well?
      • Is there an opportunity for improvement?
      • What are some optimization initiatives that could be undertaken?

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    The image is a box with text in it, titled 3.2.2 Capabilities and Features Evaluation.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    Process optimization: the hidden goldmine

    Know your strategic goals and KPIs that will deliver results.

    Goals of Process Improvement Process Improvement Sample Areas Improvement Possibilities
    • Optimize business and improve value drivers
    • Reduce TCO
    • Reduce process complexity
    • Eliminate manual processes
    • Increase efficiencies
    • Support digital transformation and enablement
    • Order to cash
    • Procure to pay
    • Order to replenish
    • Plan to produce
    • Request to settle
    • Make to order
    • Make to stock
    • Purchase to order
    • Increase number of process instances processed successfully end to end
    • Increase number of instances processed in time
    • Increase degree of process automation
    • Speed up cycle times of supply chain processes
    • Reduce number of process exceptions
    • Apply internal best practices across organizational units

    3.2.3 Discover process optimization opportunities

    1-2 hours

    1. Use tab 3.1 Optimization Priorities and tab 2.2 Bus Proc Change Tolerance to review process optimization opportunities.
    2. Use tab 3.2 Optimization Initiatives to answer the following questions in the Capabilities and Features Evaluation area to answer the following questions:
      • List underperforming capabilities around process.
      • Answer the following:
        • What is the state of the current processes?
        • Is there an opportunity for process improvement?
        • What are some optimization initiatives that could be undertaken in this area?

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook.

    The image shows a box with text in it, titled Processes Optimization.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    Integration provides long-term usability

    Balance the need for secure, compliant data availability with organizational agility.

    The benefits of integration

    • The largest benefit is the extended use of data. The ERP data can be used in the enterprise-level business intelligence suite rather than the application-specific analytics.
    • Enhanced data security. Integrated approaches lend themselves to auditable processes such as sign-on and limit the email movement of data.
    • Regulatory compliance. Large multi-site organizations have many layers of regulation. A clear understanding of where orders, deliveries, and payments were made streamlines the audit process.

    The challenges of integration

    • Extending a single instance ERP to multiple sites. The challenge for data management is the same as any SaaS application. The connection and data replication present challenges.
    • Combining data from equally high-volume systems. For Workday it is recommended that one instance is set to primary and all other sites are read-only to maintain data integrity.
    • Incorporating data from the separate system(s). The proprietary and locked-in nature of the data collection and definitions for ERP systems often limit the movement of data between separate systems.

    Common integration and consolidation scenarios

    Financial Consolidation Data Backup Synchronization Across Sites Legacy Consolidation
    • Financial consolidation requires a holistic view of data format and accounting schedules
    • Problem: Controlling financial documentation across geographic regions. Most companies are required to report in each region where they maintain a presence. Stakeholders and senior management also need a holistic view. This leads to significant strain on the financial department to consolidate both revenue and budget allocations for cross-site projects across the various geographic locations on a regular basis.
    • Solution: For enterprises with a single vendor or Workday-only portfolios, Workday can offer integration tools. For those needing to integrate with other ERPs the use of a connector may be required to send financial data to the main system. The format and accounting calendar for transactions should match the primary ERP system to allow consolidation. The local specific format should be a role-based customization at the level of the site’s specific instance.
    • Use a data center as the main repository to ensure all geographic locations have equal access to the necessary data.
    • Problem: ERP systems generate high volumes of data. Most systems have a defined schedule of back-up during off-hours. Multi-instance brings additional issues through lack of defined off-hours, higher volume of data, and the potential for cross-site or instance data relationships. This leads to headaches for both the Database Administrator and Business Analysts.
    • Solution: The best solution is an offsite data center with high availability. This may include cloud storage or hosted data centers. Regardless of where the data is stored, centralize the data and replicate to each site. Ensure that the data center can mirror the database and Binary Large Object (BLOB) storage that exists for each site.
    • Set up synchronization schedules based on data usage, not site location.
    • Problem: Providing access to up-to-date transactions requires copying of both contextual information (permissions, timestamp, location, history) and the transaction itself across multiple sites to allow local copies to be used for analysis and audits. The sheer volume of information makes timely synchronization difficult.
    • Solution: Not all data needs to be synchronized in a timely fashion. In Workday, administrators can use NetWeaver to maintain and alter global data synchronization through the Master Data Management module. Permissions can be given to users to perform on-demand synchronization of data attached to that user.
    • Carefully define older transactions. Only active transactions should be brought in the ERP. Send older data to storage.
    • Problem: Subsidiaries and acquired companies often have a Tier 2 ERP product. Prior to fully consolidating the processes, many enterprises will want to migrate data to their ERP system to build compliance and audit trails. Migration of data often breaks historical linkages between transactions.
    • Solution: Workday offers tools to integrate data across applications that can be used as part of a data migration strategy. The process of data migration should be combined with data warehousing to ensure a cost-effective process. For most enterprises, the lack of experience in data migration will necessitate the use of consultants and Independent Software Vendors (ISV).

    For more information: Implement a Multi-site ERP

    3.2.4 Discover integration optimization opportunities

    1-2 hours

    1. Use tab 3.2 Optimization Initiatives to answer the following questions in the Integration Evaluation area:
      1. Are there some areas where integration could be improved?
      2. Is there an opportunity for process improvement?
      3. What are some optimization initiatives that could be undertaken in this area?

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook.

    The image shows a box with text in it, titled Integration Evaluation.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    Use a data strategy that fixes the enterprise-wide data management issues

    Your data management must allow for flexibility and scalability for future needs.

    IT has several concerns around ERP data and wide dissemination of that data across sites. Large organizations can benefit from building a data warehouse or at least adopting some of the principles of data warehousing. The optimal way to deal with the issue of integration is to design a metadata-driven data warehouse that acts as a central repository for all ERP data. This serves as the storage facility for millions of transactions, formatted to allow analysis and comparison.

    Key considerations:

    • Technical: At what stage does data move to the warehouse? Can processes be automated to dump data or to do a scheduled data movement?
    • Process: Data integration requires some level of historical context for all data. Ensure that all data has multiple metadata tags to future-proof the data.
    • People: Who will be accessing the data and what are the key items that users will need to adapt to the data warehouse process?

    Info-Tech Insight

    Data warehouse solutions can be expensive. See Info-Tech’s Build a Data Warehouse on a Solid Foundation for guidance on what options are available to meet your budget and data needs.

    Optimizing Workday data, additional considerations

    Data Quality Management Effective Data Governance Data-Centric Integration Strategy Extensible Data Warehousing
    • Prevention is 10x cheaper than remediation. Stop fixing data quality with band-aid solutions and start fixing at the source of the problem.
    • Data quality is unique to each business unit and requires tolerance, not perfection. If the data allows the business to operate at the desired level, don’t waste time fixing data that may not need to be fixed.
    • Implement a set of data quality initiatives that are aligned with overall business objectives and aimed at addressing data practices and the data itself.
    • Develop a prioritized data quality improvement project roadmap and long-term improvement strategy.
    • Build related practices with more confidence and less risk after achieving an appropriate level of data quality.
    • Data governance enables data-driven insight. Think of governance as a structure for making better use of data.
    • Collaboration is critical. The business may own the data, but IT understands the data. Data governance will not work unless the business and IT work together.
    • Data governance powers the organization up the data value chain through policies and procedures, master data management, data quality, and data architecture.
    • Create a roadmap to prioritize initiatives and delineate responsibilities among data stewards, data owners, and the data governance steering committee.
    • Ensure buy-in from business and IT stakeholders. Communicate initiatives to end users and executives to reduce resistance.
    • Every enterprise application involves data integration. Any change in the application and database ecosystem requires you to solve a data integration problem.
    • Data integration is becoming more and more critical for downstream functions of data management and for business operations to be successful. Poor integration holds back these critical functions.
    • Build your data integration practice with a firm foundation in governance and a reference architecture. Ensure that your process is scalable and sustainable.
    • Support the flow of data through the organization and meet the organization’s requirements for data latency, availability, and relevancy.
    • Data availability must be frequently reviewed and repositioned to continue to grow with the business.
    • A data warehouse is a project, but successful data warehousing is a program. An effective data warehouse requires planning beyond the technology implementation.
    • Governance, not technology, needs to be the core support system for enabling a data warehouse program.
    • Leverage an approach that focuses on constructing a data warehouse foundation that can address a combination of operational, tactical, and ad hoc business needs.
    • Invest time and effort to put together pre-project governance to inform and guide your data warehouse implementation.
    • Select the most suitable architecture pattern to ensure the data warehouse is “built right” at the very beginning.

    Build Your Data Quality Program

    Establish Data Governance

    Build a Data Integration Strategy

    Build an Extensible Data Warehouse Foundation

    3.2.5 Discover data optimization opportunities

    1-2 hours

    1. Use your 2.1 APA survey and/or tab 2.2 Vendor & Prod Sat to better understand issues related to data.
    • Note: Data issues happen for a number of reasons:
      • Poor underlying data in the system
      • More than one source of truth
      • Inability to consolidate data
      • Inability to measure KPIs (key performance indicators) effectively
      • Reporting that is cumbersome or non-existent
  • Use tab 3.2 Optimization Initiatives to answer the following questions in the Data Evaluation area:
    • What are some underlying issues?
    • Is there an opportunity for data improvement?
    • What are some optimization initiatives that could be undertaken in this area?
  • Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook.

    The image shows a box with text in it, titled 3.2.5 Data Evaluation.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    Content for New section Tag Goes HereThe image shows a graphic, with a bar graph at the bottom, showing Primary Reason for Leaving Workday Human Capital Management.

    Info-Tech Insight

    The number one reason organizations leave Workday is because of cost. Do not be strong-armed into a contract you do not feel comfortable with. Do your homework, know your leverage points, be fully prepared for cost negotiations, use their competition to your advantage, and get support – such as Info-Tech’s vendor management resources and team.

    Approach contracts and pricing strategically

    Don’t go into contract negotiation blind.

    • Understand the vendor – year-end, market strategy, and competitive position.
    • Take the time to understand the contract. including contract details such as length of the contract, full-service equivalent (FSE, employee count,) innovation fees, modules included, and renewal clauses.
    • Be fully prepared to take a proactive approach to cost negotiations.
      • Use Info-Tech’s vendor management services to support you.
      • Go in prepared.
      • Use your leverage points – FSE count, Module Bundles, CPI & Innovation Fees.
      • Use competition to your advantage.

    Since 2007, Workday has been steadily growing its market share and footprint in human capital management, finance, and student information systems.

    Organizations considering additional modules or undergoing contract renewal need to gain insight into areas of leverage and other relevant vendor information.

    Key issues that occur include pricing transparency and contractual flexibility on terms and conditions. Adequate planning and communication need to be taken into consideration before entering into any agreement.

    3.2.6 Discover Workday cost-saving opportunities

    1-2 hours

    1. Use tab 1.5 Current Costs, as an input for this exercise. Another great resource is Info-Tech’s Workday vendor management resources which you can use to help understand cost-saving strategies.
    2. Use tab 3.2 Optimization Initiatives Costs Evaluation area to list cost savings initiatives and opportunities.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook.

    The image shows a box with text in it, titled 3.2.6 Costs Evaluation.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    Other optimization opportunities

    There are many opportunities to improve your Workday portfolio. Choose the ones that are right for your business.

    • Artificial intelligence (AI) (and management of the AI lifecycle)
    • Machine learning (ML)
    • Augment business interactions
    • Automatically execute sales pipelines
    • Process mining
    • Workday application monitoring
    • Be aware of the Workday product roadmap
    • Implement and take advantage of Workday tools and product offerings

    Phase 4

    Build Your Optimization Roadmap

    Phase 1

    1.1 Identify Stakeholders and Build Your Optimization Team

    1.2 Build an ERP Strategy Model

    1.3 Inventory Current System State

    1.4 Define Optimization Timeframe

    1.5 Understand Workday Costs

    Phase 2

    2.1 Assess Workday Capabilities

    2.2 Review Your Satisfaction With the Vendor/Product and Willingness for Change

    Phase 3

    3.1 Prioritize Optimization Opportunities

    3.2 Discover Optimization Initiatives

    Phase 4

    4.1 Build Your Optimization Roadmap

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Review the different options to solve the identified pain points
    • Build out a roadmap showing how you will get to those solutions
    • Build a communication plan that includes the stakeholder presentation

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Primary stakeholders in each value stream supported by the ERP
    • ERP Applications support team

    Get the Most Out of Your Workday

    Step 4.1

    4.1 Build Your Optimization Roadmap


    4.1.1 Evaluate Optimization Initiatives

    4.1.2 Prioritize Your Workday Initiatives

    4.1.3 Build a Roadmap

    4.1.4 Build a Visual Roadmap

    Next steps

    Step 4.1

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    • Review the different options to solve the identified pain points then build out a roadmap of how to get to that solution.

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Primary stakeholders in each value stream supported by the ERP
    • ERP Applications support team

    Outcomes of this step

    • A strategic direction is set
    • An initial roadmap is laid out

    Evaluate your optimization initiatives and determine next steps to build out your optimization roadmap

    The image shows a chart titled Value Drivers, with specific categories and criteria listed along the top as headings. The rows below the headings are blank.

    Activity 4.1.1 Evaluate optimization Initiatives

    1 hour

    1. Evaluate your optimization initiatives from tab 3.2, Optimization Initiatives.
    2. Complete Value Drivers:
    • Relevance to Organizational Goals and Objectives
    • Applications Portfolio Assessment Survey:
      • Impact: Number of Users, Importance to Role
      • Current State: Satisfaction With Features, Usability, and Data Quality.
    • Value Drivers: Increase Revenue, Decrease Costs, Enhanced Services, or Reach Customers.
    • Additional Factors:
      • Current to Future Risk Profile
      • Number of Departments to Benefit
      • Importance to Stakeholder Relations
  • Complete Effort and Cost Estimations:
    • Resources: Do we have resources available and the skillset?
    • Cost
    • Overall Effort Rating
  • Gut Check: “Is it achievable? Have we done it or something similar before? Are we willing to invest in it?“
  • Decision to Proceed
  • Next Steps
  • Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    Activity 4.1.2 Determine your optimization roadmap building blocks

    1 hour

    Optimization initiatives: Determine which if any to proceed with.

    1. Identify initiatives.
    2. For each item on your roadmap assign an owner who will be accountable to the completion of the roadmap item.
    3. Wherever possible, assign a start date, month, or quarter. The more specific you can be the better.
    4. Identify completion dates to create a sense of urgency. If you are struggling with start dates, it can help to start with a finish date and “back in” to a start date based on estimated efforts.
    5. Include periphery tasks such as communication strategy.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook.

    Note: Your roadmap should be treated as a living document that is updated and shared with the stakeholders on a regular schedule.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    Activity 4.1.3 – Build a visual Workday optimization roadmap (optional)

    1 hour

    For some, a visual representation of a roadmap is easier to comprehend.

    Consider taking the roadmap built in 4.1.2 and creating a visual roadmap.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook.

    The image shows a chart that tracks Initiative and Owner across multiple years.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your Workday Workbook

    Summary of Accomplishment

    Get the Most Out of Your Workday

    ERP technology is critical to facilitating an organization’s flow of information across business units. It allows for seamless integration of systems and creates a holistic view of the enterprise to support decision making. ERP implementation should not be a one-and-done exercise. There needs to be ongoing optimization to enable business processes and optimal organizational results.

    Get the Most Out of Your Workday allows organizations to proactively implement continuous assessment and optimization of their enterprise resource planning system, including:

    • Alignment and prioritization of key business and technology drivers.
    • Identification of processes, including classification and gap analysis.
    • Measurement of user satisfaction across key departments.
    • Improved vendor relations.
    • Data quality initiatives.

    This formal Workday optimization initiative will drive business-IT alignment, identify IT automation priorities, and dig deep into continuous process improvement.

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through other phases as part of an Info-Tech workshop.

    Contact your account representative for more information.


    Research Contributors

    Ben Dickie

    Research Practice Lead

    Info-Tech Research Group

    Ben Dickie is a Research Practice Lead at Info-Tech Research Group. His areas of expertise include customer experience management, CRM platforms, and digital marketing. He has also led projects pertaining to enterprise collaboration and unified communications.

    Scott Bickley

    Practice Lead and Principal Research

    Director Info-Tech Research Group

    Scott Bickley is a Practice Lead and Principal Research Director at Info-Tech Research Group focused on vendor management and contract review. He also has experience in the areas of IT asset management (ITAM), software asset management (SAM), and technology procurement along with a deep background in operations, engineering, and quality systems management.

    Andy Neil

    Practice Lead, Applications

    Info-Tech Research Group

    Andy is a Senior Research Director, Data Management and BI, at Info-Tech Research Group. He has over 15 years of experience in managing technical teams, information architecture, data modeling, and enterprise data strategy. He is an expert in enterprise data architecture, data integration, data standards, data strategy, big data, and the development of industry standard data models.


    “9 product prioritization frameworks for product managers.” Roadmunk, n.d. Accessed 15 May 2022.

    Armel, Kate. "New Article: Data-Driven Estimation, Management Lead to High Quality." QSM: Quantitative Software Management, 14 May 2013. Accessed 4 Feb. 2021.

    Collins, George, et al., “Connecting Small Businesses in the US.” Deloitte Commissioned by Google, 2017. Web.

    Epizitone, Ayogeboh, and Oludayo O. Olugbara. "Critical Success Factors for ERP System Implementation to Support Financial Functions." Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, vol. 23, no. 6, 2019. Accessed 12 Oct. 2021

    Gheorghiu, Gabriel. "The ERP Buyer’s Profile for Growing Companies." Selecthub, 2018. Accessed 21 Feb. 2021.

    Karlsson, Johan. "Product Backlog Grooming Examples and Best Practices." Perforce, 18 May 2018. Accessed 4 Feb. 2021.

    Lauchlan, Stuart. “Workday accelerates into fiscal 2023 with a strong year end as cloud adoption gets a COVID-bounce.” diginomica, 1 March 2022. Web.

    "Maximizing the Emotional Economy: Behavioral Economics." Gallup, n.d. Accessed 21 Feb. 2021.

    Noble, Simon-Peter. “Workday: A High-Quality Business That's Fairly Valued.” Seeking Alpha, 8 Apr. 2019. Web.

    Norelus, Ernese, Sreeni Pamidala, and Oliver Senti. "An Approach to Application Modernization: Discovery and Assessment Phase," Medium, 24 Feb. 2020. Accessed 21 Feb. 2021.

    "Process Frameworks." APQC, n.d. Accessed 21 Feb. 2021.

    Saxena, Deepak, and Joe Mcdonagh. "Evaluating ERP Implementations: The Case for a Lifecycle-based Interpretive Approach." The Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, vol. 22, no. 1, 2019, pp. 29-37. Accessed 21 Feb. 2021.

    “Workday Enterprise Management Cloud Product Scorecard.” SoftwareReviews, May 2022. Web.

    “Workday Meets Growing Customer Demand with Record Number of Deployments and Industry-Leading Customer Satisfaction Score.” Workday, Inc., 7 June 2021. Web.

    Customer Service Management Software Selection Guide

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}530|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Customer Relationship Management
    • Parent Category Link: /customer-relationship-management
    • The business is unaware of cross-selling opportunities across multiple product lines.
    • Customer service staff attrition rates continue to be high, creating longer response delays for voice channels.
    • Customer service responses are reactive in nature, reinforcing a poor culture for customer experience.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • After-sales customer service is critical for creating, maintaining, and growing customer relationships. Organizations that fail to provide adequate service will be ill positioned for future customer service and sales efforts.
    • Shift left toward delivering predictive service instead of reactive service to enhance customer experiences.
    • Ensure your key performance indicators accurately reflect the incentives you want to give your customer support staff for delivering appropriate customer service.

    Impact and Result

    • Determine your organization’s customer service maturity (and thus if a standalone CSM tool is relevant).
    • Understand key trends and differentiating features in the CSM marketspace.
    • Evaluate major vendors in the CSM marketspace to discover the best-fitting provider.

    Customer Service Management Software Selection Guide Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Customer Service Management Software Selection Guide – A guide to walk you through the process of selecting CSM software.

    This trends and buyer’s guide will help you:

    • Customer Service Management Software Selection Guide Storyboard

    2. CSM Platform RFP Template – A template to provide vendors with a detailed account of the requirements and the expected capabilities of the desired suite.

    Create your own request for proposal (RFP) for your customer service management suite procurement process by customizing Info-Tech's RFP template.

    • CSM Platform RFP Template

    3. CSM Platform Opportunity Assessment Tool – A tool to assess whether a CSM solution is right for your organization.

    Use this tool to assess your maturity and fit for a CSM solution. It will help identify your current CSM state and assist with the decision to move forward with a new solution or augment certain features.

    • CSM Platform Opportunity Assessment Tool

    4. Software Selection Workbook – A workbook to document your progress as your select software.

    Keep stakeholders engaged with simple and friction-free templates to document your progress for Rapid Application Selection.

    • The Software Selection Workbook

    5. Vendor Evaluation Workbook – A workbook to assess vendor capabilities and compare vendors.

    Leverage a traceable and straightforward Vendor Evaluation Workbook to narrow the field of potential vendors and accelerate the application selection process.

    • The Vendor Evaluation Workbook

    6. CSM Platform RFP Scoring Tool – A tool to support your business in objectively evaluating the CSM vendors being considered for procurement.

    Create an objective and fair scoring process to evaluate the RFPs and demonstrations provided by shortlisted vendors. Within this framework, provide a multidimensional evaluation that analyzes the solution's functional capabilities, architecture, costs, service support, and overall suitability in comparison to the organization's expressed requirements.

    • CSM Platform RFP Scoring Tool

    7. CSM Platform Vendor Demo Script Template – A template to support your business’ evaluation of vendors and their solutions with an effective demonstration.

    Create an organized and streamlined vendor demonstration process by clearly outlining your expectations for the demo. Use the demo as an opportunity to ensure that capabilities expressed by vendors are actually present within the considered solution.

    • CSM Platform Vendor Demo Script Template

    Further reading

    Customer Service Management Software Selection

    Market trends and buyer’s guide

    Analyst Perspective

    The pandemic and growing younger demographic have shifted the terrain of customer service delivery. Customer service management (CSM) tools ensure organizations enhance customer acquisition, customer retention, and overall revenues into the future.

    It is one thing to research customer service best practices; it is another to experience such service. Whether being put on hold for an hour with a telecommunications company, encountering voice biometric security with a bank, or receiving automated FAQs from a chatbot, we all perform our own primary research in customer service by going about our daily lives. Yet while the pandemic required a shift to this multichannel and digital assistant environment (to account for ongoing agent attrition), this trend was actually just accelerated. A growing younger demographic now prefers online communication channels to voice. Social media (whichever the platform) is a fundamental part of this demographic’s online presence and has instigated the need for customer service delivery to meet customers where they are – for both damage control and enhancing customer relationships.

    Organizations delivering customer service across multiple product lines need to examine what delivery channels they need to satisfy customers, alongside assessing how customer loyalty and cross-selling can increase revenues and company reputation. Customer service management tools can assist and enable the future state.

    Thomas Randall, Ph.D., Research Director

    Thomas Randall, Ph.D.
    Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge Common Obstacles Info-Tech’s Solution
    • The business is unaware of cross-selling opportunities across multiple product lines.
    • Customer service staff attrition rates continue to be high, creating longer response delays for voice channels.
    • Customer service responses are reactive in nature, reinforcing a poor culture for customer experience.
    • It is not clear if a CSM tool would resolve the business’ challenges or if a better-fitting technology solution is preferable (such as a customer relationship management add-on).
    • The business does not know its customer service maturity well enough to assess the feasibility of adopting a CSM tool.
    This trends and buyer’s guide will help you:
    1. Determine your organization’s customer service maturity (and thus if a standalone CSM tool is relevant).
    2. Understand key trends and differentiating features in the CSM marketspace.
    3. Evaluate major vendors in the CSM marketspace to discover the best-fitting provider.

    The objective at the end of the day is to have a single interface that the front-line staff interacts with. I think that is the holy grail when we look at CSM technology. The objective that everyone has in mind is we'd all like to get to one screen and one window. Ultimately, the end game really hasn't changed: How can we make it easy for the agents and how can we minimize their errors? How can we streamline the process so they can work?
    Colin Taylor, CEO, The Taylor Reach Group

    Customer service management tools form an integral part of your CXM technology portfolio

    Customer service management tools are an integral part of CXM

    Info-Tech’s methodology for selecting the right CSM platform

    1. Contextualize the CSM Landscape 2. Select the Right CSM Vendor
    Phase Steps
    1. Define CSM tools.
    2. Explore CSM trends.
    3. Understand if CSM tools are a good fit for your organization.
    1. Build the business case.
    2. Streamline requirements elicitation for CSM.
    3. Construct the request for proposal (RFP)/vendor evaluation workbook.
    Phase Outcomes
    1. Consensus on scope of CSM and key CSM capabilities
    2. Identify your customer service maturity and use for CSM tools
    1. CSM business case
    2. High-value use cases and requirements
    3. CSM RFP/vendor evaluation workbook

    Info-Tech Insight
    Need help constructing your RFP? Use Info-Tech’s CSM Platform RFP Template!

    Guided Implementation

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    Phase 1 Phase 2

    Call #1: Discover if CSM tools are right for your organization. Understand what a CSM platform is and discover the “art of the possible.”

    Call #2: Identify right-sized vendors and build the business case to select a CSM platform.

    Call #3: Define your key CSM requirements.

    Call #4: Build procurement items, such as an RFP and demo script.

    Call #5: Evaluate vendors and perform final due diligence.

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    The CSM selection process should be broken into segments:

    1. CSM vendor shortlisting with this buyer’s guide
    2. Structured approach to selection
    3. Contract review

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit Guided Implementation Workshop Consulting
    "Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful." "Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track." "We need to his the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place." "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project."

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks are used throughout all four options

    Software Selection Engagement

    Five Advisory Calls Over a Five-Week Period to Accelerate Your Selection Process

    Expert analyst guidance over five weeks on average to select and negotiate software

    Save money, align stakeholders, speed up the process, and make better decisions

    Use a repeatable, formal methodology to improve your application selection process

    Better, faster results, guaranteed, included in membership

    Five advisory calls over a five week period to accelerate your selection process

    Book Your Selection Engagement

    Software Selection Workshops

    40 Hours of Advisory Assistance Delivered Online

    Select Better Software, Faster

    40 hours of expert analyst guidance

    Project & stakeholder management assistance

    Save money, align stakeholders, speed up the process, and make better decisions

    Better, faster results, guaranteed, $25,000 standard engagement fee

    Software selection workshops

    Book Your Workshop Engagement

    Customer Service Management (CSM) Software

    Phase 1: Contextualize the CSM Landscape

    Receive and resolve after-sales requests within a unified CSM platform

    Customers may resolve their issues via a variety of channels, including voice, SMS, email, social media, and live webchat.
    Provide a knowledge base for FAQs that is both customer facing (via customer portal) and agent facing (for live resolutions).
    Track customer satisfaction, agent performances, ticket resolutions, backlogs, traffic analysis, and other key performance indicators (KPIs).
    Enable agents to escalate and collaborate within a unified platform (e.g. tagging colleagues to flag a relevant customer query).

    Info-Tech Insight
    After-sales customer service is critical for creating, maintaining, and growing customer relationships. Organizations that fail to provide adequate service will be poorly positioned for future customer service and sales efforts.

    Identify your differentiating CSM requirements that align to your use cases

    Note what integrations are available for your contact center, CRM, or industry-specific solutions (e.g. inventory management) to get the most out of CSM.

    Reads, contextualizes, and categorizes tickets by sentiment (e.g. “positive”) before escalating to an appropriate agent.

    Built-in AI provides prewritten responses or auto-pulls the relevant knowledge article, assisting agents with speed to resolution.

    Learns over time how best to route tickets to appropriate agents based on skills, availability, or proximity of an agent (e.g. multilingual, local, or specialist agents).

    CSM tool providers have varying usability for workflow building and enablement. Ensure your use cases align.

    Adapts and prioritizes customer issues by service-level agreement (SLA), priority, and severity according to inputted KPIs.

    Good technology will not fix a bad process. I don't care how good the technology is. If the use case is wrong and the process is wrong, it's not going to work.
    Colin Taylor, CEO
    The Taylor Reach Group

    Leverage CSM tools to shift left toward predictive customer service

    Real-time Pre-event Post-event
    Channel example: Notifications via SMS or social media. Channel example: Notifications via SMS or social media. Channel example: Working with an agent or live chatbot. Channel example: Working with an agent or live chatbot.
    “Your car may need a check-up for faulty parts.” “Here is a local garage to fix your tire pressure.” “I see you have poor tire pressure. Here is a local garage.” “Thank you for your patience, how can we help?”
    Predictive Service
    The CSM recommends mitigation options to the customer before the issue occurs and before the customer knows they need it.
    Proactive Service
    The issue occurs but the CSM recommends mitigation options to the customer before the customer contacts the organization.
    Real-Time Service
    The organization offers real-time mitigation options while working with the customer to resolve the issue.
    Reactive Service
    The customer approaches the organization after the issue occurs, but the organization has no insight into the event.

    Selecting a CSM tool should form part of your broader CXM strategy

    Organizations should ask whether they need a standalone CSM solution or a CSM as part of a broader suite of CXM tools. The latter is especially relevant if your organization already invests in a CXM platform.

    Matrix of CMS tools as part of CXM strategy

    CSM tools are best-suited for organizations with high product and service complexity

    Customer Service Complexity

    Low complexity refers to primarily transactional inquiries. High complexity refers to service workflows for symptom analysis, problem identification, and solution delivery.

    Product Complexity

    High complexity refers to having a large number of brands and individual SKUs, technologically complex products, and products with many add-ons.

    A matrix showing that a standalone CSM tool is best where customer service complexity and product complexity are both high.

    Info-Tech Insight
    Use Info-Tech’s CSM Platform Opportunity Assessment Tool to discover your organization’s customer service maturity.

    Activity: Discover your customer service maturity

    30 minutes

    1. Complete the CSM Platform Opportunity Assessment Tool.
    2. Evaluate your result and document whether a CSM business case is warranted (or if a separate technology selection process is needed).
    Input Output
    • Understanding of the current state and how complex the organization’s product line and help desk support are
    • Ranking of the importance of each decision point
    • Assessment results that provide a high-level view of whether your organization’s product and customer service complexity warrant a standalone CSM tool
    Materials Participants
    • CSM Platform Opportunity Assessment Tool
    • Shared screen or projection
    • Customer support analyst(s)
    • Infrastructure and Operations lead(s)
    • Representative customer support staff
    • Product management analyst(s)

    Download the CSM Platform Opportunity Assessment Tool

    Finalize whether your organization is well positioned to leverage CSM tools

    Bypass Adopt
    Monochannel approach
    You do not participate in multichannel campaigns or your customer personas are typically limited to one or two channels (e.g. voice or SMS).
    Multichannel approach
    You are pursuing multifaceted, customer-specific campaigns across a multitude of channels.
    Small to mid-sized business with small CX team
    Do not buy what you do not need. Focus on the foundations of customer experience (CX) first before extending into a full-fledged CSM tool.
    Maturing CX department
    Customer service needs are extending into managing budgets, generating and segmenting leads, and measuring channel effectiveness.
    Limited product range
    CSM tools typically gain return on investment (ROI) if the organization has a complex product range and is looking to increase cross-sell opportunities across different customer personas.
    Multiple product lines
    Customer base and product lines are large enough to engage in opportunities for cross- and up-selling.

    Case Study



    Sprinklr (2021)

    Use CSM tools to unify the multichannel experience and reduce response time.

    Challenge Solution Results
    AzkoNobel is a leading global paints and coatings company. AzkoNobel had 60+ fragmented customer service accounts on social media for multiple brands. There was little consistency in customer experience and agent responses. Moreover, the customer journey was not being tracked, resulting in lost opportunities for cross-selling across brands. The result: slow response times (up to one week) and unsatisfied customers, leaving the AzkoNobel brand in a vulnerable state.

    AkzoNobel leveraged Sprinklr, a customer experience software provider, to unify six social channels, 19 accounts, and six brands. Sprinklr aligned governance across social media channels with AzkoNobel’s strategic business goals, emphasizing the need for process, increasing revenue, and streamlining customer service.

    AzkoNobel was able to use keywords from customers’ inbound messaging to put an escalation process in place.

    Since bringing on Sprinklr in 2015-2016, unifying customer service channels under one multichannel platform resulted in:

    • 172% increase in customer engagement.
    • 133% increase in post comments.
    • 80% reduced response times.
    • 47% of inquiries answered within five minutes.
    • $18,500 added revenues via social media responses.

    How it got here: The birth of CSM tools

    CSM developed alongside the telephone and call center, rather than customer relationship management platforms.

    1920s 1950s 1967-1973 1980-1990s 2000-2010s
    The introduction of lines of credit and growth of household appliance innovations meant households were buying products at an unprecedented rate. Department stores would set up customer service sections to assist with live fixes or returns. Following the Great Depression and World War II, process, efficiency, and computational technology became defining features of customer service. These features were played out in call centers as automatic call distribution (ACD) technology began to scale. With the development of private automatic branch exchange (PABX), AT&T introduced the toll-free telephone number. Companies began training staff and departments for customer service and building loyalty. With the development of interactive voice response (IVR) in 1973, call centers became increasingly more efficient at routing. Analog technology shifted to digital and the term “contact center” was coined. These centers began being outsourced internationally. With the advent of the internet, CSM technology (in the early guise of a “help desk”) became equipped with computer telephony integration (CTI). Software as a service (SaaS) and CRM maturation strengthened the retention and organization of customer data. Social media also enhanced consumer power as companies rushed to prevent online embarrassment. This prompted investment in multichannel customer service.

    Where it’s going: The future of CSM tools lies in predictive analytics

    The capabilities below are available today but will mature over the next few years. Use the roadmap as a guide for your year of implementation.

    Go mobile first
    85% of customers believe a company’s mobile website should be just as good as its desktop website. Enabling user-friendly mobile websites provides an effective channel to keep inbound calls down.

    Shift from multichannel to omnichannel
    Integrating CSM tools with your broader CXM suite enables customer data to seamlessly travel between channels for an omnichannel experience.

    Enable predictive service
    CSM tools integrate with Internet of Things (IoT) systems to provide automated notifications that alert staff of issues and mitigate issues with customers before the issue even occurs.

    Leverage predictive analytics for ML use cases
    Use customers’ historic data and preferences to perform better automated customer service over time (e.g. providing personalized resolutions based on previous customer engagements).

    Context and scenario play a huge role in measuring good customer service. Ensure your KPIs accurately reflect the incentives you want to give your customer support staff for delivering appropriate customer service.
    David Thomas, Customer Service Specialist
    Freedom Mobile
    (Reve Chat, 2022)

    Key trends in CSM technology

    As predictive analytics matures, organizations are making use of CSM tools’ ability to enhance personalization, improve their social media response times, and enable self-service.

    65% of customers say they would accept voice recognition to authorize their identity when calling a customer support line (GetApp, 2021).

    51% of marketers, advocating for personalization across multiple touchpoints saw 300% ROI (KoMarketing, 2020).

    29% of customers aged 18 to 39 prefer online chat communication before and after purchase (RingCentral, 2020).

    92% of customers say they would use a knowledge base for self-service support if it was available (Vanilla, 2020).

    Customer Service Management (CSM) Software

    Phase 2: Select the Right CSM Vendor

    Conduct a business impact assessment to document the case for CSM tool selection

    Business Opportunity
    Determine high-level understanding of the need that must be addressed, along with the project goals and affiliated key metrics. Establish KPIs to measure project success.

    System Diagram
    Determine the impact on the application portfolio and where integration is necessary.

    Identify potential blockers and risk factors that will impede selection.

    High-Level Requirements
    Consider the business functions and processes affected.

    People Impact
    Confirm who will be affected by the output of the technology selection.

    Overall Business Case
    Calculate the ROI and the financial implications of the application selection. Highlight the overarching value.

    Activity: Build the business case

    2 hours

    1. Access the Business Impact Assessment within the Software Selection Workbook (linked below). Store the assessment in a shared folder (such as in SharePoint, OneDrive, or Google Drive).
    2. Set aside two hours (does not need to be all at once) to ensure the selection team aligns with the unifying rationale for selection.
    3. Complete the six steps to arrive at a high-level business case. This case can then be shared and communicated with interested parties (e.g. impacted stakeholders).
    • Drivers for the business opportunity to adopt CSM tools
    • Understanding of key stakeholders
    • Overview of application portfolio
    • Budgetary information
    • Business Impact Assessment, which captures your high-level business case
    • Software Selection Workbook
    • Screen sharing or projector
    • Whiteboard and drawing materials
    • Customer support analyst(s)
    • Infrastructure and Operations lead(s)
    • Representative customer support staff
    • Product management analyst(s)

    Download the Software Selection Workbook

    Elicit and prioritize granular requirements for your CSM platform

    Understanding business needs through requirements gathering is key to defining everything about what is being purchased, yet it is an area where people often make critical mistakes.

    Signs of poorly scoped requirements Best practices
    • Requirements focus on how the solution should work instead of what it must accomplish.
    • Multiple levels of detail exist within the requirements, which are inconsistent and confusing.
    • Requirements drill all the way down into system-level detail.
    • Language is technical and dense, leaving some stakeholder groups confused on what they are actually looking for in a solution.
    • Requirements are copied from a market analysis of the art of the possible, abstract from organization’s own customer persona analysis.
    • Get a clear understanding of what the system needs to do and what it is expected to produce. Build customer personas to assist with identifying high-value use cases.
    • Test against the principle of MECE – requirements should be “mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive.”
    • Use language that is consistent with that of the market and focus on key differentiators – not table stakes.
    • Include the appropriate level of detail, which should be suitable for procurement and sufficient for differentiating vendors.

    Info-Tech Insight
    Review Info-Tech’s requirements gathering methodology to improve your requirements gathering process.

    Choose your route: RFP or otherwise?

    As you gather requirements, decide which procurement route best suits your context.

    RFI (Request for Information) RFQ (Request for Quotation) RFP (Request for Proposal)
    Purpose and Usage

    Gather information about products/services when you know little about what’s available.

    Often followed by an RFP.

    Solicit pricing and delivery information for products/services with clearly defined requirements.

    Best for standard or commodity products/services.

    Solicit formal proposals from vendors to conduct an evaluation and selection process.

    Formal and fair process; identical for each participating vendor.

    Level of Intent

    Fact-finding there is no commitment to engage the vendor.

    Vendors are often reluctant to provide quotes.

    Committed to procure a specific product/service at the lowest price.

    Intent to buy the products/services in the RFP.

    Business case/approval to spend is already obtained.

    Level of Detail High-level requirements and business goals.

    Detailed specifications of what products/services are needed.

    Detailed contract and delivery terms.

    Detailed business requirements and objectives.

    Standard questions and contract term requests for all vendors.


    Generalized response with high-level product/services.

    Sometimes standard pricing quote.

    Price quote and confirmation of ability to fulfill desired terms.

    Detailed solution description, delivery approach, customized price quote, and additional requested information.

    Product demo and/or hands-on trial.

    Info-Tech Insight
    If you are in a hurry, consider instead issuing Info-Tech’s Vendor Evaluation Workbook. This workbook speeds up the typical procurement process by adding RFP-like requirements (such as operational and technical requirements) while driving the procurement process via emphasis on high-value use cases.

    Download the Vendor Evaluation Workbook

    Activity: Document requirements

    2 hours

    1. Review each tab of Info-Tech’s CSM Platform RFP Scoring Tool to generate use cases and ideas for your requirements building.
    2. Modify and include additional features you may need, using Info-Tech’s CSM Platform RFP Template to assist with structure (if pursuing an RFP process) or Vendor Evaluation Workbook (if an RFP process is not needed). Pay attention to any nonfunctional requirements (such as security or integrations), alongside future trends of CSM. Vendors must be able to scale with your organization’s growth.
    3. You can use the CSM Platform RFP Scoring Tool again when assessing vendor responses.
    Input Output
    • Key use cases that capture your most important customer service support processes
    • Discussion of CSM future trends and differentiating features
    • Confirmation on organization’s significant nonfunctional requirements (e.g. security or integrations)
    • Either a Requirements Workbook to go straight to shortlisted vendor(s) or an RFP document to solicit a broader market response
    Materials Participants
    • CSM Platform RFP Scoring Tool
    • CSM Platform RFP Template
    • Vendor Evaluation Workbook
    • Customer support analyst(s)
    • Infrastructure and Operations lead(s)
    • Other major stakeholders (for requirements elicitation)

    Download the CSM Platform RFP Scoring Tool

    Download the CSM Platform RFP Template

    Once vendor responses are in, turn product demos into investigative interviews

    Avoid vendor glitz and glamour shows by ensuring vendors are concretely applying their solution to your high-value use cases.

    1 Minimize the number of vendors to four to keep up the pace of the selection process.
    2 Provide a demo script that captures your high-value use cases and differentiating requirements.
    3 Ensure demos are booked close together and the selection committee attends all demos.

    Conduct a day of rapid-fire vendor demos

    Zoom in on high-value use cases and answers to targeted questions

    Rapid-fire vendor investigative interview

    Invite vendors to come onsite (or join you via videoconference) to demonstrate the product and answer questions. Use a highly targeted demo script to help identify how a vendor’s solution will fit your organization’s particular business capability needs.

    Give each vendor 90 to 120 minutes to give a rapid-fire presentation. We suggest the following structure:

    • 30 minutes: Company introduction and vision
    • 60 minutes: Walkthrough of two or three high-value demo scenarios
    • 30 minutes: Targeted Q&A from the business stakeholders and procurement team

    To ensure a consistent evaluation, vendors should be asked analogous questions and answers should be tabulated.

    How to challenge the vendors in the investigative interview

    • Change the visualization/presentation.
    • Change the underlying data.
    • Add additional data sets to the artifacts.
    • Test voice quality (if the vendor offers a native telephony channel).
    • Test collaboration capabilities.

    To kick-start scripting your demo scenarios, leverage our CSM Platform Vendor Demo Script Template.

    A vendor scoring model provides a clear anchor point for your evaluation of CRM vendors based on a variety of inputs

    A vendor scoring model is a systematic method for effectively assessing competing vendors. A weighted-average scoring model is an approach that strikes a strong balance between rigor and evaluation speed.

    How do I build a scoring model? What are some of the best practices?
    • Start by shortlisting the key criteria you will use to evaluate your vendors. Functional capabilities should always be a critical category, but you’ll also want to look at criteria such as affordability, architectural fit, and vendor viability.
    • Depending on the complexity of the project, you may break down some criteria into subcategories to assist with evaluation (for example, breaking down functional capabilities into constituent use cases so you can score each one).
    • Once you’ve developed the key criteria for your project, the next step is weighting each criterion. Your weightings should reflect the priorities for the project at hand. For example, some projects may put more emphasis on affordability, others on vendor partnership.
    • Using the information collected in the subsequent phases of this blueprint, score each criterion from 1 to 100, then multiply by the weighting factor. Add up the weighted scores to arrive at the aggregate evaluation score for each vendor on your shortlist.
    • While the criteria for each project may vary, it’s helpful to have an inventory of repeatable criteria that can be used across application selection projects. The next slide contains an example that you can add to or subtract from.
    • Don’t go overboard on the number of criteria: five to ten weighted criteria should be the norm for most projects. The more criteria (and subcriteria) you must score against, the longer it will take to conduct your evaluation. Always remember, link the level of rigor to the size and complexity of your project! It’s possible to create a convoluted scoring model that takes significant time to fill out but yields little additional value.
    • Creation of the scoring model should be a consensus-driven activity among IT, procurement, and the key business stakeholders – it should not be built in isolation. Everyone should agree on the fundamental criteria and weights that are employed.
    • Consider using not just the outputs of investigative interviews and RFP responses to score vendors, but also third-party review services like SoftwareReviews.

    Info-Tech Insight
    Even the best scoring model will still involve some “art” rather than science. Scoring categories such as vendor viability always entail a degree of subjective interpretation.

    Define how you will score vendor responses and demos

    Your key CSM criteria should be informed by the following goals, use cases, and requirements.

    Criteria Description
    Functional Capabilities How well does the vendor align with the top-priority functional requirements identified in your accelerated needs assessment? What is the vendor’s functional breadth and depth?
    Affordability How affordable is this vendor? Consider a three-to-five-year total cost of ownership (TCO) that encompasses not just licensing costs but also implementation, integration, training, and ongoing support costs.
    Architectural Fit How well does this vendor align with your direction from an enterprise architecture perspective? How interoperable is the solution with existing applications in your technology stack? Does the solution meet your deployment model preferences?
    Extensibility How easy is it to augment the base solution with native or third-party add-ons as your business needs may evolve?
    Scalability How easy is it to expand the solution to support increased user, data, and/or customer volumes? Does the solution have any capacity constraints?
    Vendor Viability How viable is this vendor? Are they an established player with a proven track record or a new and untested entrant to the market? What is the financial health of the vendor? How committed are they to the particular solution category?
    Vendor Vision Does the vendor have a cogent and realistic product roadmap? Are they making sensible investments that align with your organization’s internal direction?
    Emotional Footprint How well does the vendor’s organizational culture and team dynamics align to yours?
    Third-Party Assessments and/or References How well-received is the vendor by unbiased third-party sources like SoftwareReviews? For larger projects, how well does the vendor perform in reference checks (and how closely do those references mirror your own situation)?

    Leverage Info-Tech’s Contract Review Services to level the playing field with shortlisted vendors

    You may be faced with multiple products, services, master service agreements, licensing models, service agreements, and more.

    Use Info-Tech’s Contract Review Services to gain insights on your agreements.

    Consider the aspects of a contract review:

    1. Are all key terms included?
    2. Are they applicable to your business?
    3. Can you trust that results will be delivered?
    4. What questions should you be asking from an IT perspective?

    Validate that a contract meets IT’s and the business’ needs by looking beyond the legal terminology. Use a practical set of questions, rules, and guidance to improve your value for dollar spent.

    Book Contract Review Service

    Download Master Contract Review and Negotiation for Software Agreements

    Customer Service Management (CSM) Software

    Vendor Analysis

    Evaluate software category leaders through vendor rankings and awards


    The Data Quadrant is a thorough evaluation and ranking of all software in an individual category to compare platforms across multiple dimensions.

    Vendors are ranked by their Composite Score, based on individual feature evaluations, user satisfaction rankings, vendor capability comparisons, and likeliness to recommend the platform.

    The Emotional Footprint is a powerful indicator of overall user sentiment toward the relationship with the vendor, capturing data across five dimensions.

    Vendors are ranked by their Customer Experience (CX) Score, which combines the overall Emotional Footprint rating with a measure of the value delivered by the solution.

    Speak with category experts to dive deeper into the vendor landscape


    Fact-based reviews of business software from IT professionals.

    Product and category reports with state-of-the-art data visualization.

    Top-tier data quality backed by a rigorous quality assurance process.

    User-experience insight that reveals the intangibles of working with a vendor.

    SoftwareReviews is powered by Info-Tech

    Technology coverage is a priority for Info-Tech, and SoftwareReviews provides the most comprehensive, unbiased data on today’s technology. Combined with the insight of our expert analysts, our members receive unparalleled support in their buying journey.

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    We collect and analyze the most detailed reviews on enterprise software from real users to give you an unprecedented view into the product and vendor before you buy.

    Microsoft Dynamics 365

    Est. 2003 | WA, USA | MSFT:NASDAQ


    To accelerate your digital transformation, you need a new type of business application. One that breaks down the silos between CRM and ERP, that’s powered by data and intelligence, and helps capture new business opportunities. That’s Microsoft Dynamics 365.


    Microsoft is located all over the world. For a full list, see Microsoft Worldwide Sites.

    representative Customers

    Stated Industry Specializations

    • Covers an extremely wide range of industries, such as finance, education, government, healthcare, manufacturing, and retail.

    Software review for Microsoft

    SoftwareReviews’ CSM Enterprise Vendor Ranking
    (out of 7)

    Likeliness to Recommend

    • 7th (81%)

    Plan to Renew

    • 6th (93%)

    Satisfaction That Cost Is Fair Relative to Value

    • 2nd (81%)


    • Product Strategy and Rate of Improvement (1st)
    • Ease of Customization (1st)
    • Breadth of Features (2nd)

    Areas to Improve

    • Availability and Quality of Training (5th)
    • Ease of Implementation (7th)
    • Usability and Intuitiveness (7th

    Microsoft Dynamics 365


    Founded 2003 (as Microsoft Dynamics CRM)
    2005 Second version branded Dynamics 3.0.
    2009 Dynamics CRM 4.0 (Titan) passes 1 million user mark.
    2015 Announces availability of CRM Cloud design for FedRAMP compliance.
    2016 Dynamics 365 released as successor to Dynamics CRM.
    2016 Microsoft’s acquisition of LinkedIn provides line of data to 500 million users.
    2021 First-party voice channel added to Dynamics 365.
    2022 Announces Digital Contact Center Platform powered with Nuance AI, MS Teams, and Dynamics 365.

    Microsoft is rapidly innovating in the customer experience technology marketspace. Alongside Dynamics 365’s omnichannel offering, Microsoft is building out its own native contact center platform. This will provide new opportunities for centralization without multivendor management between Dynamics 365, Microsoft Teams, and an additional third-party telephony or contact-center-as-a-service (CCaaS) vendor. SoftwareReviews reports suggest that Microsoft is a market leader in the area of product innovation for CSM, and this area of voice channel capability is where I see most industry interest.

    Of course, Dynamics 365 is not a platform to get only for CSM functionality. Users will typically be a strong Microsoft shop already (using Dynamics 365 for customer relationship management) and are looking for native CSM features to enhance customer service workflow management and self-service.
    Thomas Randall
    Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group

    Info-Tech Insight
    Pricing for Microsoft Dynamics 365 is often contextualized to an organization’s needs. However, this can create complicated licensing structures. Two Info-Tech resources to assist are:

    *This service may be used for other enterprise CSM providers too, including Salesforce, ServiceNow, SAP, and Oracle.
    Contact your account manager to review your access to this service.


    Est. 2010 | CA, USA | FRSH:NASDAQ


    Freshworks' cloud-based customer support software, Freshdesk, makes customer happiness refreshingly easy. With powerful features, an easy-to-use interface, and a freemium pricing model, Freshdesk enables companies of all sizes to provide a seamless multichannel support experience across email, phone, web, chat, forums, social media, and mobile apps. Freshdesk’s capabilities include robust ticketing, SLA management, smart automations, intelligent reporting, and game mechanics to motivate agents.


    • Americas: US
    • Asia-Pacific (APAC): Australia, India, Singapore
    • Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA): France, Germany, Netherlands, UK

    Freshworks Representative Customers

    Stated Industry Specializations

    • Automotive
    • Education
    • Energy
    • Finance
    • Healthcare
    • Nonprofit
    • Professional Services
    • Publishing
    • Real Estate
    • Retail
    • Travel

    Software Review of Freshworks

    SoftwareReviews’ CSM Enterprise Vendor Ranking
    (out of 7)

    Likeliness to Recommend

    • 3rd (83%)

    Plan to Renew

    • 4th (94%)

    Satisfaction That Cost Is Fair Relative to Value

    • 3rd (80%)


    • Breadth of Features (1st)
    • Usability and Intuitiveness (1st)
    • Ease of Implementation (2nd)

    Areas to Improve

    • Ease of IT Administration (3rd)
    • Vendor Support (4th)
    • Product Strategy and Rate of Improvement (4th)



    Founded 2010
    2011 Freshdesk forms a core component of product line.
    2014 Raises significant capital in Series D round: $31M.
    2016 Acquires Airwoot, enabling real-time customer support on social media.
    2019 Raises $150M in Series H funding round.
    2019 Acquires Natero, which predicts, analyzes, and drives customer behavior.
    2021 Surpasses $300M in annual recurring revenues.
    2021 Freshworks posts its IPO listing.

    Freshworks stepped into the SaaS customer support marketspace in 2010 to attract dissatisfied Zendesk eSupport customers, following Zendesk’s large price increases that year (of 300%). After performing well during the pandemic, Freshworks has reinforced its global positioning in the CSM tool marketspace; SoftwareReviews data suggests Freshworks performs very well against its competitors for breadth and intuitiveness of its features.

    Freshworks receives strong recommendations from Info-Tech’s members, boasting a broad product selection that enables opportunities for scaling and receiving a high rate of value return. Of note are Freshworks’ internal customer management solution and its native contact center offering, limiting multivendor management typically required for integrating separate IT service management (ITSM) and CCaaS solutions.
    Thomas Randall
    Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group

    Free Growth Pro Enterprise
    • $0 up to 10 agents
    • Knowledge base
    • Ticket routing
    • Out-of-box analytics
    • $15 agent/month
    • Collision detection
    • Integrations
    • Automated follow-ups
    • $49 agent/month
    • Multiple product lines
    • Personalization
    • CSAT surveys
    • Customer journey
    • $79 agent/month
    • Assist bot and email bot
    • Skill-based routing

    *Pricing correct as of November 2022. Listed in USD and absent discounts.
    See pricing on vendor’s website for latest information.

    Help Scout

    Est. 2006 | MA, USA | HUBS:NYSE

    Help Scout is designed with your customers in mind. Provide email and live chat with a personal touch and deliver help content right where your customers need it, all in one place, all for one low price. The customer experience is simple and training staff is painless, but Help Scout still has all the powerful features you need to provide great support at scale. With best-in-class reporting, an integrated knowledge base, 50+ integrations, and a robust API, Help Scout lets your team focus on what really matters: your customers.


    • Americas: Canada, Colombia, US
    • APAC: Australia, Japan, Singapore
    • EMEA: Belgium, France, Ireland, Germany, UK

    Questions for support transition

    Stated Industry Specializations

    • eCommerce
    • Education
    • Finance
    • Healthcare
    • Logistics
    • Manufacturing
    • Media
    • Professional Services
    • Property Management
    • Software

    Software Review of Help Scout

    SoftwareReviews’ CSM Enterprise Vendor Ranking
    (out of 7)

    Likeliness to Recommend

    • 4th (82%)

    Plan to Renew

    • 7th (87%)

    Satisfaction That Cost Is Fair Relative to Value

    • 7th (71%)


    • Business Value Created (1st)
    • Ease of Data Integration (1st)
    • Breadth of Features (3rd)

    Areas to Improve

    • Ease of IT Administration (5th)
    • Product Strategy and Rate of Improvement (5th)
    • Quality of Features (6th)

    Help Scout


    Founded 2011
    2015 Raised $6M in Series A funding.
    2015 Rebrands from Brightwurks to Help Scout.
    2015 Named by Appstorm as one of six CSM tools to delight Mac users.
    2016 iOS app released.
    2017 Android app released.
    2020 All employees instructed to work remotely.
    2021 Raises $15M in Series B funding.

    Help Scout provides a simplified, standalone CSM tool that operates like a shared email inbox. Best suited for mid-sized organizations, customers can expect live chat, in-app messaging, and knowledge-base functionality. A particular strength is Help Scout’s integration capabilities, with a wide range of CRM, eCommerce, marketing, and communication APIs available. This strength is also reflected in the data: SoftwareReviews lists Help Scout as first in its CSM category for ease of data integrations.

    Customers who are expecting a broader range of channels (including voice, video cobrowsing, and so on) will not find good return on investment with Help Scout. However, for mid-sized organizations looking to begin maturing their customer service management, Help Scout provides a strong foundation – especially for enhancing in-house collaboration between support staff.
    Thomas Randall
    Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group

    Standard Plus Pro
    • $20 user/month
    • Live chat
    • Up to 25 users
    • 50+ integrations
    • 2 mailboxes
    • $40 user/month
    • Advanced permissions
    • Group users
    • 5 mailboxes
    • $65 user/month
    • HIPAA compliance
    • Onboarding service
    • Dedicated account manager

    *Pricing correct as of November 2022. Listed in USD and absent discounts.
    See pricing on vendor’s website for latest information.


    Est. 2006 | MA, USA | HUBS:NYSE

    HubSpot’s Service Hub brings all your customer service data and channels together in one place and helps scale your support through automation and self-service. The result? More time for proactive service that delights, retains, and grows your customer base. HubSpot provides software and support to help businesses grow better. The overall platform includes marketing, sales, service, and website management products that start free and scale to meet our customers’ needs at any stage of growth.


    • Americas: Canada, Colombia, US
    • APAC: Australia, Japan, Singapore
    • EMEA: Belgium, France, Ireland, Germany, UK

    HubSpot Representative Customers

    Stated Industry Specializations

    • Covers an extremely wide range of industries, such as finance, education, healthcare, manufacturing, and retail.

    Software Review for HubSpot

    SoftwareReviews’ CSM Enterprise Vendor Ranking
    (out of 7)

    Likeliness to Recommend

    • 1st (88%)

    Plan to Renew

    • 1st (98%)

    Satisfaction That Cost Is Fair Relative to Value

    • 5th (78%)


    • Vendor Support (1st)
    • Availability and Quality of Training (1st)
    • Ease of IT Administration (1st)

    Areas to Improve:

    • Ease of Data Integration (5th)
    • Ease of Customization (5th)
    • Breadth of Features (7th)



    Founded 2006
    2013 Opens first international office in Ireland.
    2014 First IPO listing on NYSE, raising $140M.
    2015 Milestone for acquiring 15,000 customers
    2017 Acquires Kemvi for AI and ML support for sales teams.
    2019 Acquires PieSync for customer data synchronization.
    2021 Yamini Rangan is announced as new CEO.
    2021 Records $1B in revenues.

    HubSpot is a competitive player in the enterprise sales and marketing technology market. Offering an all-in-one platform, HubSpot allows users to leverage its CRM, marketing solutions, content management tool, and CSM tool. Across knowledge management, contact center integration, and customer self-service, SoftwareReviews data pits HubSpot as performing better than its enterprise competitors.

    While customers can leverage HubSpot’s CSM tool independently, watch out for scope creep. HubSpot’s other offerings are tightly integrated and module extensions could quickly add up in price. HubSpot may not be affordable for most regional, mid-sized organizations, and a poor ROI may be expected. For instance, the Pro plan is required to get a knowledge base, which is typically a standard CSM feature – yet the same plan also comes with multicurrency support, which could remain unleveraged.
    Thomas Randall
    Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group

    Free Starter Pro Enterprise
    • $0 month
    • Ticketing
    • Live chat
    • 200 notifications per month
    • $45 month
    • 5,000 email templates
    • White label
    • 500 calling minutes
    • $450 month
    • 30 currencies
    • Knowledge base
    • Up to 300 workflows
    • $1,200 month
    • Conversation intelligence
    • SSO

    *Pricing correct as of November 2022. Listed in USD and absent discounts.
    See pricing on vendor’s website for latest information.


    Est. 1999 | CA, USA | CRM:NYSE


    Service Cloud customer service software gives you faster, smarter customer support. Salesforce provides customer relationship management software and applications focused on sales, customer service, marketing automation, analytics, and application development.


    • Americas: US
    • APAC: Australia, India, Singapore
    • EMEA: France, Germany, Netherlands, UK

    Salesforce Representative Customers

    Stated Industry Specializations

    • Covers an extremely wide range of industries, such as finance, education, government, healthcare, manufacturing, and retail.

    Software Review for Salesforce

    SoftwareReviews’ CSM Enterprise Vendor Ranking
    (out of 7)

    Likeliness to Recommend

    • 6th (81%)

    Plan to Renew

    • 2nd (96%)

    Satisfaction That Cost Is Fair Relative to Value

    • 4th (79%)


    • Usability and Intuitiveness (5th)
    • Breadth of Features (5th)
    • Ease of Implementation (6th)

    Areas to Improve:

    • Ease of IT Administration (7th)
    • Availability and Quality of Training (7th)
    • Ease of Customization (7th)



    Founded 1999
    2000 Salesforce launches its cloud-based products.
    2003 The first Dreamforce (a leading CX conference) happens.
    2005 Salesforce unveils AppExchange.
    2013 Salesforce acquires ExactTarget and expands Marketing Cloud offering.
    2016 Salesforce acquires Demandware, launches Commerce Cloud.
    2019 Salesforce acquires Tableau to expand business intelligence capabilities.
    2021 Salesforce buys major collaboration vendor Slack.

    Salesforce was an early disruptor in CRM marketspace, placing a strong emphasis on a SaaS delivery model and end-user experience. This allowed Salesforce to rapidly gain market share at the expense of complacent enterprise application vendors. A series of savvy acquisitions over the years has allowed Salesforce to augment its core Sales and Service Clouds with a wide variety of other solutions, from ecommerce to marketing automation – and recently Slack for internal collaboration.

    Salesforce Service Cloud Voice is now available to take advantage of integrating telephony and voice channels into your CRM. This service is still maturing, though, with Salesforce selecting Amazon Connect as its preferred integrator. However, Connect is not necessarily plug-and-play – it is a communications platform as a service, requiring you to build your own contact center solution. This is either a fantastic opportunity for creativity or a time suck of already tied-up resources.
    Thomas Randall
    Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group

    Service Cloud Essentials Service Cloud Professional Service Cloud Enterprise Service Cloud Unlimited
    • $25 user/month
    • Small businesses after basic functionality
    • $75 user/month
    • Mid-market target
    • $150 user/month
    • Enterprise target
    • Web Services API
    • $300 user/month
    • Strong upmarket feature additions

    *Pricing correct as of November 2022. Listed in USD and absent discounts.
    See pricing on vendor’s website for latest information.


    Est. 2007 | CA, USA | ZEN:NYSE


    Zendesk streamlines your support with time-saving tools like ticket views, triggers, and automations. This helps you get straight to what matters most – better customer service and more meaningful conversations. Today, Zendesk is the champion of great service everywhere for everyone and powers billions of conversations, connecting more than 100,000 brands with hundreds of millions of customers over telephony, chat, email, messaging, social channels, communities, review sites, and help centers.


    • Americas: Brazil, Canada, US
    • APAC: Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam
    • EMEA: Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, UK

    Zendesk Representative Customers

    Stated Industry Specializations

    • Education
    • Finance
    • Government
    • Healthcare
    • Manufacturing
    • Media
    • Retail
    • Software
    • Telecommunications

    Software Review for Zendesk

    SoftwareReviews’ CSM Enterprise Vendor Ranking
    (out of 7)

    Likeliness to Recommend

    • 5th (81%)

    Plan to Renew

    • 5th (94%)

    Satisfaction That Cost Is Fair Relative to Value

    • 6th (77%)


    • Ease of IT Administration (2nd)
    • Ease of Implementation (5th)
    • Quality of Features (5th)

    Areas to Improve

    • Business Value Created (7th)
    • Vendor Support (7th)
    • Product Strategy and Rate of Improvement (7th)



    Founded 2007
    2008 Initial seed funding of $500,000.
    2009 Receives $6M through Series B Funding.
    2009 Relocates from Copenhagen to San Francisco.
    2014 Acquires Zopin Technologies.
    2014 Listed on NYSE.
    2015 Acquires We Are Cloud SAS.
    2018 Launches Zendesk Sell.

    Zendesk is a global player in the CSM tool marketspace and works with enterprises across a wide variety of industries. Unlike some other CSM players, Zendesk provides more service channels at its lowest licensing offer, affording organizations a quicker expansion in customer service delivery without making enterprise-grade investments. However, the price of the lowest licensing offer starts much higher than Zendesk’s competitors; organizations will need to consider if the cost to try Zendesk over an annual contract is within budget.

    Unfortunately, SoftwareReviews data suggests that Zendesk may not always provide that immediate value, especially to mid-sized organizations. Zendesk is rated lower for vendor support and business value created. However, Zendesk provides strong functionality that competes with other enterprise players, and mid-sized organizations are continually impressed with Zendesk’s automation workflows.
    Thomas Randall
    Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group

    *Pricing correct as of November 2022. Listed in USD and absent discounts.
    See pricing on vendor’s website for latest information.

    Team Growth Pro
    • $49 user/month
    • Ticketing
    • Email, voice, SMS, and live chat channels
    • $79 user/month
    • AI-powered knowledge management
    • Self-service portal
    • $99 user/month
    • HIPAA compliance
    • Customizable dashboards


    Est. 2002 | Poland | WSE:LVC


    Manage all emails from customers in one app and save time on customer support. LiveChat is a real-time live-chat software tool for ecommerce sales and support that is helping ecommerce companies create a new sales channel. It serves more than 30,000 businesses in over 150 countries, including large brands like Adobe, Asus, LG, Acer, Better Business Bureau, and Air Asia and startups like SproutSocial, Animoto, and HasOffers.


    • Americas: US
    • EMEA: Poland

    LiveChat Representative Customers

    Stated Industry Specializations

    • eCommerce
    • Education
    • Finance
    • Software and IT

    Software Review for LiveChat

    SoftwareReviews’ CSM Midmarket Vendor Ranking
    (out of 8)

    Likeliness to Recommend

    • 1st (93%)

    Plan to Renew

    • 4th (92%)

    Satisfaction That Cost Is Fair Relative to Value

    • 5th (83%)


    • Product Strategy and Rate of Improvement (1st)
    • Usability and Intuitiveness (1st)
    • Breadth of Features (1st)

    Areas to Improve

    • Ease of Implementation (5th)
    • Ease of IT Administration (5th)
    • Ease of Customization (7th)



    Founded 2002
    2006 50% of company stock bought by Capital Partners.
    2008 Capital Partners sells entire stake to Naspers.
    2011 LiveChat buys back majority of stakeholder shares.
    2013 Listed by Red Herring in group of most innovative companies across Europe.
    2014 Listed on Warsaw Stock Exchange.
    2019 HelpDesk is launched.
    2020 Offered services for free to organizations helping mitigate the pandemic.

    LiveChat’s HelpDesk solution for CSM is a relatively recent solution (2019) that is proving very popular for small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) – especially across Western Europe. SoftwareReviews’ data shows that HelpDesk is well-rated for breadth of features, usability and intuitiveness, and rate of improvement. Indeed, LiveChat has won and been shortlisted for several awards over the past decade for customer feedback, innovation, and fast growth to IPO.

    When shortlisting LiveChat’s HelpDesk, SMBs should be careful of scope creep. LiveChat offers a range of other solutions that are intended to work together. The LiveChat self-titled product is designed to integrate with HelpDesk to provide ticketing, email management, and chat management. Moreover, LiveChat’s AI-based ChatBot (for automated webchat) comes with additional cost (starting at $52 team/month).
    Thomas Randall
    Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group

    Team Plan Enterprise
    • $29 user/month.
    • Customized canned responses
    • Real-time reporting
    • Request quote
    • White labelling
    • Product training
    • Account manager

    *Pricing correct as of November 2022. Listed in USD and absent discounts.
    See pricing on vendor’s website for latest information.


    Est. 1996 | India | Privately Owned


    SupportCenter Plus is a web-based customer support software that lets organizations effectively manage customer tickets, their account and contact information, and their service contracts, and in the process provide a superior customer experience. ManageEngine is a division of Zoho.


    • Americas: Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, US
    • APAC: Australia, China, India, Japan, Singapore
    • EMEA: Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, UAE, UK

    ManageEngine Representative Customers

    Stated Industry Specializations

    • None stated but representative customers cover manufacturing, R&D, real estate, and transportation.

    Software Review for ManageEngine

    SoftwareReviews’ CSM Midmarket Vendor Ranking
    (out of 8)

    Likeliness to Recommend

    • 6th (85%)

    Plan to Renew

    • 5th (91%)

    Satisfaction That Cost Is Fair Relative to Value

    • 6th (83%)


    • Ease of Customization (1st)
    • Ease of Implementation (2nd)
    • Ease of IT Administration (2nd)

    Areas to Improve

    • Quality of Features (4th)
    • Usability and Intuitiveness (6th)
    • Availability and Quality of Training (8th)



    Founded 1996
    2002 Branches from Zoho to become division focused on IT management.
    2004 Becomes an authorized MySQL Partner.
    2009 Begins shift of offerings into the cloud.
    2010 Tops 35,000 customers.
    2011 Integration with Zoho Assist.
    2015 Integration with Zoho Reports.

    ManageEngine, as a division of Zoho, has its strengths in IT operations management (ITOM). SupportCenter thus scores well in our SoftwareReviews data for ease of customization, implementation, and administration. As ManageEngine is a frequently discussed low-cost vendor in the ITOM market, customers often get good scalability across IT, sales, and marketing teams. Although SupportCenter is aimed at the midmarket and is low cost, organizations have the benefit of ManageEngine’s global presence and backing by Zoho for viability.

    However, because ManageEngine’s focus is ITOM, the breadth and quality of features for SupportCenter are not rated as well compared to its competitors. These features may be “good enough,” but usability and intuitiveness is not scored high. Organizations thinking about SupportCenter are recommended to identify their high-value use cases and perform user acceptance testing before adopting.
    Thomas Randall
    Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group

    Standard* Pro* Enterprise*
    • Account and contact management
    • Knowledge base
    • SLA management
    • Customer portal
    • Active Directory integration
    • Reporting and dashboards
    • Billing contracts
    • Live chat
    • APIs
    • Automation tools

    *Pricing unavailable. Request quote.
    See pricing on vendor’s website for latest information.

    Zoho Desk

    Est. 1996 | India | Privately Owned


    Use the power of customer context to improve agent productivity, promote self-service, manage cross-functional service processes, and increase customer happiness. Zoho offers beautifully smart software to help you grow your business. With over 80 million users worldwide, Zoho's 55+ products (including Zoho Desk) aid your sales and marketing, support and collaboration, finance, and recruitment needs – letting you focus only on your business.


    • Americas: Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, US
    • APAC: Australia, China, India, Japan, Singapore
    • EMEA: Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, UAE, UK

    Zoho Desk Representative Customers

    Stated Industry Specializations

    • Covers an extremely wide range of industries, such as finance, education, government, healthcare, manufacturing, and retail.

    Software Review for Zoho Desk

    SoftwareReviews’ CSM Midmarket Vendor Ranking
    (out of 8)

    Likeliness to Recommend

    • 2nd (90%)

    Plan to Renew

    • 2nd (98%)

    Satisfaction That Cost Is Fair Relative to Value

    • 3rd (83%)


    • Breadth of Features (2nd)
    • Quality of Features (3rd)
    • Ease of Implementation (3rd)

    Areas to Improve

    • Business Value Created (5th)
    • Ease of Data Integration (5th)
    • Product Strategy and Rate of Improvements (5th)

    Zoho Desk


    Founded 1996
    2001 Expands into Japan and shifts focus to SMBs.
    2006 Zoho CRM is launched, alongside first Office suite.
    2008 Reaches 1M users.
    2009 Rebrands from AdventNet to Zoho Corp.
    2011 Zoho Desk is built and launched.
    2017 Zoho One, a suite of applications, is launched.
    2020 Reaches 50M users.

    Zoho Desk is one of the highest scoring CSM tool providers for likelihood to renew and recommend (98% and 90%, respectively). A major reason is that users receive a broad range of functionality for a lower-cost price model. There is also the capacity to scale with Zoho Desk as midmarket customers expand; companies can grow with Zoho and can receive high return on investment in the process.

    However, while Zoho Desk can be used as a standalone CSM tool, there is danger of scope creep with other Zoho products. Zoho now has 50+ applications, all tied into one another. For Zoho Desk, customers may also lean into Zoho Assist (for troubleshooting customer problems via remote access) and Zoho Lens (for reality-based remote assistance, typically for plant machinery or servers). Consequently, customers should keep an eye on business value created if the scope of CSM grows wider.
    Thomas Randall
    Research Director, Info-Tech Research Group

    Standard Pro Enterprise
    • $14 user/month
    • 1 social media channel
    • 5 workflow rules
    • $23 user/month
    • Telephony channel
    • Round-robin ticket assignment
    • Ticket sharing
    • $40 user/month
    • Live chat
    • Contract management SLAs

    *Pricing correct as of November 2022. Listed in USD and absent discounts.
    See pricing on vendor’s website for latest information.

    Summary of AccomplishmentSuccessful selection of a CSM tool

    In this trends and buyer’s guide for CSM tool selection, we engaged in several activities to:

    1. Contextualize the CSM technology marketspace.
    2. Engage in a selection process for CSM tools.

    The result:

    • Understanding of key trends and differentiating features in the CSM marketspace.
    • Determination of your organization’s customer service maturity (and thus if a standalone CSM tool is relevant).
    • Identification of high-value use cases that CSM tools should successfully enable.
    • Evaluation of major vendors in the CSM marketspace to discover the best-fitting provider.
    • Procurement items to finalize selection process.

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through an Info-Tech workshop or Guided Implementation

    Contact your account representative for more information.

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Governance and Management of Enterprise Software Implementation

    • Being Agile will increase the likelihood of success.

    The Rapid Application Selection Framework

    • Application selection is a critical activity for IT departments. Implement a repeatable, data-driven approach that accelerates application selection efforts.

    Build a Strong Technology Foundation for Customer Experience Management

    • Design an end-to-end technology strategy to drive sales revenue, enhance marketing effectiveness, and create compelling experiences for your customers.


    Capers, Zach. “How the Pandemic Changed Customer Attitudes Toward Biometric Technology.” GetApp, 21 Feb. 2022. Accessed Nov. 2022.

    Gomez, Jenny. “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: A History of Customer Service.” Lucidworks, 15 Jul. 2021. Accessed Nov. 2022.

    Hoory. “History of Customer Service: How Did It All Begin?” Hoory, 24 Mar. 2022. Accessed Nov. 2022.

    Patel, Snigdha. “Top 10 Customer Service Technology Trends to Follow in 2022.” Reve Chat, 21 Feb. 2021. Accessed Nov. 2022.

    RingCentral. “The 2020 Customer Communications Review: A Survey of How Consumers Prefer to Communicate with Businesses.” RingCentral, 2020. Accessed Nov. 2022.

    Robinson-Yu, Sarah. “What is a Knowledgebase? How Can It Help my Business?” Vanilla, 25 Feb. 2022. Accessed Nov. 2022.

    Salesforce. “The Complete History of CRM.” Salesforce, n.d. Accessed Nov. 2022.

    Salesforce. “State of the Connected Customer.” 5th ed. Salesforce, 2022. Accessed Nov. 2022.

    Sprinklr. “How AzkoNobel UK Reduced Response Times and Increased Engagement.” Sprinklr, 2021. Accessed Nov. 2022.

    Vermes, Krystle. “Study: 70% of Marketers Using Advanced Personalization Seeing 200% ROI.” KoMarketing, 2 Jun. 2020. Accessed Nov. 2022.

    Research Contributors and Experts

    Colin Taylor, CEO, The Taylor Research Group

    Colin Taylor
    The Taylor Reach Group

    Recognized as one of the leading contact/call center pioneers and experts, Colin has received 30 awards on two continents for excellence in contact center management and has been acknowledged as a leader and influencer on the topics of call/contact centers, customer service, and customer experience, in published rankings on Huffington Post, Call Center Helper, and MindShift. Colin was recognized as number 6 in the global 100 for customer service.

    The Taylor Reach Group is a contact center, call center and customer experience (CX) consultancy specializing in CX consulting and call and contact center consulting, management, performance, technologies, site selection, tools, training development and center leadership training, center audits, benchmarking, and assessments.

    David Thomas, Customer Service Specialist, Freedom Mobile

    David Thomas
    Customer Service Specialist
    Freedom Mobile

    David Thomas has both managerial and hands-on experience with delivering quality service to Freedom Mobile customers. With several years being involved in training customer support and being at the forefront of retail during the pandemic, David has witnessed first-hand how to incentivize staff with the right metrics that create positive experiences for both staff and customers.

    Freedom Mobile Inc. is a Canadian wireless telecommunications provider owned by Shaw Communications. It has 6% market share of Canada, mostly in urban areas of Ontario, British Columbia, and Alberta. Freedom Mobile is the fourth-largest wireless carrier in Canada.

    A special thanks to three other anonymous contributors, all based in customer support and contact center roles for Canada’s National Park Booking Systems’ software provider.

    Effective IT Communications

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}429|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Lead
    • Parent Category Link: /lead

    IT communications are often considered ineffective. This is demonstrated by:

    • A lack of inclusion or time to present in board meetings.
    • Confusion around IT priorities and how they align to organizational objectives.
    • Segregating IT from the rest of the organization.
    • The inability to secure the necessary funding for IT-led initiatives.
    • IT employees not feeling supported or engaged.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • No one is born a good communicator. Every IT employee needs to spend the time and effort to grow their communication skills; with constant change and worsening IT crises, IT cannot afford to communicate poorly anymore.
    • The skills needed to communicate effectively as a front=line employee or CIO are the same. It is important to begin the development of these skills from the beginning of one's career.
    • Time is a non-renewable resource. Any communication needs to be considered valuable and engaging by the audience or they will be unforgiving.

    Impact and Result

    Communications is a responsibility of all members of IT. This is demonstrated through:

    • Engaging in two-way communications that are continuous and evolving.
    • Establishing a communications strategy – and following the plan.
    • Increasing the skills of all IT employees when it comes to communications.
    • Identifying audiences and their preferred means of communication.

    Effective IT Communications Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Effective IT Communications Capstone Deck – A resource center to ensure you never start communications from a blank page again.

    This capstone blueprint highlights the components, best practices, and importance of good communication for all IT employees.

    • Effective IT Communications Storyboard

    2. IT Townhall Template – A ready-to-use template to help you engage with IT employees and ensure consistent access to information.

    IT town halls must deliver value to employees, or they will withdraw and miss key messages. To engage employees, use well-crafted communications in an event that includes crowd-sourced contents, peer involvement, recognition, significant Q&A time allotment, organizational discussions, and goal alignment.

    • IT Townhall Template

    3. IT Year in Review Template – A ready-to-use template to help communicate IT successes and future objectives.

    This template provides a framework to build your own IT Year In Review presentation. An IT Year In Review presentation typically covers the major accomplishments, challenges, and initiatives of an organization's information technology (IT) department over the past year.

    • IT Year in Review Template


    Further reading

    Effective IT Communications

    Empower IT employees to communicate well with any stakeholder across the organization.

    Analyst perspective

    There has never been an expectation for IT to communicate well.

    Brittany Lutes

    Brittany Lutes
    Research Director
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Diana MacPherson

    Diana MacPherson
    Senior Research Analyst
    Info-Tech Research Group

    IT rarely engages in proper communications. We speak at, inform, or tell our audience what we believe to be important. But true communications seldom take place.

    Communications only occur when channels are created to ensure the continuous opportunity to obtain two-way feedback. It is a skill that is developed over time, with no individual having an innate ability to be better at communications. Each person in IT needs to work toward developing their personal communications style. The problem is we rarely invest in development or training related to communications. Information and technology fields spend time and money developing hard skills within IT, not soft ones.

    The benefits associated with communications are immense: higher business satisfaction, funding for IT initiatives, increased employee engagement, better IT to business alignment, and the general ability to form ongoing partnerships with stakeholders. So, for IT departments looking to obtain these benefits through true communications, develop the necessary skills.

    Executive summary

    Your Challenge Common Obstacles Info-Tech’s Approach
    IT communications are often considered ineffective. This is demonstrated by:
    • A lack of inclusion or time to present in board meetings.
    • Confusion around IT priorities and how they align to organizational objectives.
    • Segregating IT from the rest of the organization.
    • An inability to secure the necessary funding for IT-led initiatives.
    • IT employees not feeling supported or engaged.
    Frequently, these barriers have prevented IT communications from being effective:
    • Using technical jargon when a universal language is needed.
    • Speaking at organization stakeholders rather than engaging through dialogue.
    • Understanding the needs of the audience.
    Overall, IT has not been expected to engage in good communications or taken a proactive approach to communicate effectively.
    Communications is a responsibility of all members of IT. This is demonstrated through:
    • Engaging in two-way communications that are continuous and evolving.
    • Establishing a communications strategy – and following the plan.
    • Increasing the skills of all IT employees when it comes to communications.
    • Identifying audiences and their preferred means of communication.

    Info-Tech Insight
    No one is born a good communicator. Every IT employee needs to spend the time and effort to grow their communication skills as constant change and worsening IT crises mean that IT cannot afford to communicate poorly anymore.

    Your challenge

    Overall satisfaction with IT is correlated to satisfaction with IT communications

    Chart showing satisfaction with it and communications

    The bottom line? For every 10% increase in communications there 8.6% increase in overall IT satisfaction. Therefore, when IT communicates with the organization, stakeholders are more likely to be satisfied with IT overall.

    Info-Tech Diagnostic Programs, N=330 organizations

    IT struggles to communicate effectively with the organization:

    • CIOs are given minimal time to present to the board or executive leaders about IT’s value and alignment to business goals.
    • IT initiatives are considered complicated and confusing.
    • The frequency and impact of IT crises are under planned for, making communications more difficult during a major incident.
    • IT managers do not have the skills to communicate effectively with their team.
    • IT employees do not have the skills to communicate effectively with one another and end users.

    Common obstacles

    IT is prevented from communicating effectively due to these barriers:

    • Difficulty assessing the needs of the audience to inform the language and means of communication that should be used.
    • Using technical jargon rather than translating the communication into commonly understood terms.
    • Not receiving the training required to develop communication skills across IT employees.
    • Frequently speak at organization stakeholders rather than engaging through dialogue.
    • Beginning many communications from a blank page, especially crisis communications.
    • Difficulty presenting complex concepts in a short time to an audience in a digestible and concise manner without diluting the point.

    Effective IT communications are rare:

    53% of CXOs believe poor communication between business and IT is a barrier to innovation.
    Source: Info-Tech CEO-CIO Alignment Survey, 2022

    69% of those in management positions don’t feel comfortable even communicating with their staff.”
    Source: TeamStage, 2022

    Info-Tech’s approach

    Effective communications is not a broadcast but a dialogue between communicator and audience in a continuous feedback loop.

    Continuous loop of dialogue

    The Info-Tech difference:

    1. Always treat every communication as a dialogue, enabling the receiver of the message to raise questions, concerns, or ideas.
    2. Different audiences will require different communications. Be sure to cater the communication to the needs of the receiver(s).
    3. Never assume the communication was effective. Create measures and adjust the communications to get the desired outcome.

    Common IT communications

    And the less common but still important communications

    Communicating Up to Board or Executives

    • Board Presentations
    • Executive Leadership Committee Meetings
    • Technology Updates
    • Budget Updates
    • Risk Updates
    • Year in Review

    Communicating Across the Organization

    • Townhalls – external to IT
    • Year in Review
    • Crisis Email
    • Intranet Communication
    • Customer/Constituent Requests for Information
    • Product Launches
    • Email
    • Watercooler Chat

    Communicating Within IT

    • Townhalls – internal to IT
    • Employee 1:1s
    • Team Meetings
    • Project Updates
    • Project Collaboration Sessions
    • Year in Review
    • All-Hands Meeting
    • Employee Interview
    • Onboarding Documentation
    • Vendor Negotiation Meetings
    • Vendor Product Meetings
    • Email
    • Watercooler Chat

    Insight Summary

    Overarching insight
    IT cannot afford to communicate poorly given the overwhelming impact and frequency of change related to technology. Learn to communicate well or get out of the way of someone who can.

    Insight 1: The skills needed to communicate effectively as a frontline employee or a CIO are the same. It’s important to begin the development of these skills from the beginning of one’s career.
    Insight 2: Time is a non-renewable resource. Any communication needs to be considered valuable and engaging by the audience or they will be unforgiving.
    Insight 3: Don’t make data your star. It is a supporting character. People can argue about the collection methods or interpretation of the data, but they cannot argue the story you share.
    Insight 4: Measure if the communication is being received and resulting in the desired outcome. If not, modify what and how the message is being expressed.
    Insight 5: Messages are also non-verbal. Practice using your voice and body to set the right tone and impact your audience.

    Communication principles

    Follow these principles to support all IT communications.


    Incorporate feedback loops into your communication efforts. Providing stakeholders with the opportunity to voice their opinions and ideas will help gain their commitment and buy-in.


    Frequent communications mitigate rumors and the spread of misinformation. Provide warning before the implementation of any changes whenever possible. Communicate as soon as possible after decisions have been made.


    Make sure the messaging is consistent across departments, mediums, and presenters. Provide managers with key phrases to support the consistency of messages.

    Open & Honest

    Transparency is a critical component of communication. Always tell employees that you will share information as soon as you can. This may not be as soon as you receive the information but as soon as sharing it is acceptable.


    Write messages in a way that embodies the personality of the organization. Don’t spin information; position it within the wider organizational context.


    Use your target audience profiles to determine which audiences need to consume which messages and what mediums should be employed.

    Importance of IT being a good communicator

    Don’t pay the price for poor communication.

    IT needs to communicate well because:

    • IT risk mitigation and technology initiative funding are dependent on critical stakeholders comprehending the risk impact and initiative benefit in easy-to-understand terms.
    • IT employees need clear and direct information to feel empowered and accountable to do their jobs well.
    • End users who have a good experience engaging in communications with IT employees have an overall increase in satisfaction with IT.
    • Continuously demonstrating IT’s value to the organization comes when those initiatives are clearly aligned to overall objectives.
    • Communication prevents assumptions and further miscommunication from happening among IT employees who are usually impacted and fear change the most.

    “Poor communication results in employee misunderstanding and errors that cost approximately $37 billion.”
    – Intranet Connections, 2019

    Effective communication enables organizational strategy and facilitates a two-way exchange

    Effective communication facilitates a two-way exchange

    What makes internal communications effective?

    To be effective, internal communications must be strategic. They should directly support organizational objectives, reinforce key messages to make sure they drive action, and facilitate two-way dialogue, not just one-way messaging.

    Measure the value of the communication

    Communication effectiveness can be measured through a variety of metrics:

    • Increase in Productivity
    • “When employees are offered better communication technology and skills, productivity can increase by up to 30%” (Expert Market, 2022).
    • Increase in Understanding Decision Rationale
    • Employees who report understanding the rationale behind the business decisions made by the executive leadership team (ELT) are 3.6x more likely to be engaged, compared to those who were not (McLean & Company Engagement Survey Database, 2022; N=133,167 responses, 187 organizations).
    • Increase in Revenue
    • Collaboration amongst C-suite executives led to a 27% increase in revenue compared to low collaborating C-suites (IBM, 2021).
    • Increase in End-User Satisfaction
    • 80.9% of end users are satisfied with IT’s ability to communicate with them regarding the information they need to perform their job (Info-Tech’s End-User Satisfaction Survey Database, N=20,617 end users from 126 organizations).

    Methods to determine effectiveness:

    • CIO Business Vision Survey
    • Engagement surveys
    • Focus groups
    • Suggestion boxes
    • Team meetings
    • Random sampling
    • Informal feedback
    • Direct feedback
    • Audience body language
    • Repeating the message back

    How to navigate the research center

    This research center is intended to ensure that IT never starts their communications from a blank page again:

    Tools to help IT be better communicators

    “‘Effectiveness’ can mean different things, and effectiveness for your project is going to look different than it would for any other project.”
    – Gale McCreary in WikiHow, 2022

    Audience: Organizational leadership

    Speaking with Board and executive leaders about strategy, risk, and value

    Keep in mind:

    1 2 3
    Priorities Differ Words Matter The Power of Three
    What’s important to you as CIO is very different from what is important to a board or executive leadership team or even the individual members of these groups. Share only what is important or relevant to the stakeholder(s). Simplify the message into common language whenever possible. A good test is to ensure that someone without any technical background could understand the message. Keep every slide to three points with no more than three words. You are the one to translate this information into a worth-while story to share.

    “Today’s CIOs have a story to tell. They must change the old narrative and describe the art of the (newly) possible. A great leader rises to the occasion and shares a vision that inspires the entire organization.”
    – Dan Roberts, CIO, 2019

    Communications for board presentations

    Secure funding and demonstrate IT as a value add to business objectives.


    Stop presenting what is important to you as the CIO and present to the board what is important to them.

    Why does IT need to communicate with the board?

    • To get their buy-in and funding for critical IT initiatives.
    • To ensure that IT risks are understood and receive the funding necessary to mitigate.
    • To change the narrative of IT as a service provider to a business enabler.


    Framework for board presentations


    Do’s & Don’ts of Communicating Board Presentations:

    Do: Ensure you know all the members of the board and their strengths/areas of focus.

    Do: Ensure the IT objectives and initiatives align to the business objectives.

    Do: Avoid using any technical jargon.

    Do: Limit the amount of data you are using to present information. If it can’t stand alone, it isn’t a strong enough data point.

    Do: Avoid providing IT service metrics or other operational statistics.

    Do: Demonstrate how the organization’s revenue is impacted by IT activities.

    Do: Tell a story that is compelling and excited.


    Organization Alignment

    • Approved organization objectives and IT objectives are aligned and supporting one another.

    Stakeholder Buy-In

    • Board members all understand what the future state of IT will look like – and are excited for it!

    Awareness on Technology Trends

    • It is the responsibility of the CIO to ensure the board is aware of critical technology trends that can impact the future of the organization/industry.


    • Risks are understood, the impact they could have on the organization is clear, and the necessary controls required to mitigate the risk are funded.

    Communications for business updates

    Continuously build strong relationships with all members of business leadership.


    Business leaders care about themselves and their goals – present ideas and initiatives that lean into this self-interest.

    Why does IT need to communicate business updates?

    • The key element here is to highlight how IT is impacting the organization’s overall ability to meet goals and targets.
    • Ensure all executive leaders know about and understand IT’s upcoming initiatives – and how they will be involved.


    Framework for business updates


    Do’s & Don’ts of Communicating Business Updates:

    Do: Ensure IT is given sufficient time to present with the rest of the business leaders.

    Do: Ensure the goals of IT are clear and can be depicted visually.

    Do: Tie every IT goal to the objectives of different business leaders.

    Do: Avoid using any technical jargon.

    Do: Reinforce the positive benefits business leaders can expect.

    Do: Avoid providing IT service metrics or other operational statistics.

    Do: Demonstrate how IT is driving the digital transformation of the organization.


    Better Reputation

    • Get other business leaders to see IT as a value add to any initiative, making IT an enabler not an order taker.

    Executive Buy-In

    • Executives are concerned about their own budgets; they want to embrace all the innovation but within reason and minimal impact to their own finances.

    Digital Transformation

    • Indicate and commit to how IT can help the different leaders deliver on their digital transformation activities.

    Relationship Building

    • Establish trust with the different leaders so they want to engage with you on a regular basis.

    Audience: Organization wide

    Speaking with all members of the organization about the future of technology – and unexpected crises.

    1 2 3
    Competing to Be Heard Measure Impact Enhance the IT Brand
    IT messages are often competing with a variety of other communications simultaneously taking place in the organization. Avoid the information-overload paradox by communicating necessary, timely, and relevant information. Don’t underestimate the benefit of qualitative feedback that comes from talking to people within the organization. Ensure they read/heard and absorbed the communication. IT might be a business enabler, but if it is never communicated as such to the organization, it will only be seen as a support function. Use purposeful communications to change the IT narrative.

    Less than 50% of internal communications lean on a proper framework to support their communication activities.
    – Philip Nunn, iabc, 2020

    Communications for strategic IT initiatives

    Communicate IT’s strategic objectives with all business stakeholders and users.


    IT leaders struggle to communicate how the IT strategy is aligned to the overall business objectives using a common language understood by all.

    Why does IT need to communicate its strategic objectives?

    • To ensure a clear and consistent view of IT strategic objectives can be understood by all stakeholders within the organization.
    • To demonstrate that IT strategic objectives are aligned with the overall mission and vision of the organization.


    Framework for IT strategic initiatives


    Do’s & Don’ts of Communicating IT Strategic Objectives:

    Do: Ensure all IT leaders are aware of and understand the objectives in the IT strategy.

    Do: Ensure there is a visual representation of IT’s goals.

    Do: Ensure the IT objectives and initiatives align to the business objectives.

    Do: Avoid using any technical jargon.

    Do: Provide metrics if they are relevant, timely, and immediately understandable.

    Do: Avoid providing IT service metrics or other operational statistics.

    Do: Demonstrate how the future of the organization will benefit from IT initiatives.


    Organization Alignment

    • All employees recognize the IT strategy as being aligned, even embedded, into the overall organization strategy.

    Stakeholder Buy-In

    • Business and IT stakeholders alike understand what the future state of IT will look like – and are excited for it!

    Role Clarity

    • Employees within IT are clear on how their day-to-day activities impact the overall objectives of the organization.

    Demonstrate Growth

    • Focus on where IT is going to be maturing in the coming one to two years and how this will benefit all employees.

    Communications for crisis management

    Minimize the fear and chaos with transparent communications.


    A crisis communication should fit onto a sticky note. If it’s not clear, concise, and reassuring, it won’t be effectively understood by the audience.

    Why does IT need to communicate when a crisis occurs?

    • To ensure all members of the organization have an understanding of what the crisis is, how impactful that crisis is, and when they can expect more information.
    • “Half of US companies don’t have a crisis communication plan” (CIO, 2017).


    Framework for crisis management


    Do’s & Don’ts of Communicating During a Crisis:

    Do: Provide timely and regular updates about the crisis to all stakeholders.

    Do: Involve the Board or ELT immediately for transparency.

    Do: Avoid providing too much information in a crisis communication.

    Do: Have crisis communication statements ready to be shared at any time for possible or common IT crises.

    Do: Highlight that employee safety and wellbeing is top priority.

    Do: Work with members of the public relations team to prepare any external communications that might be required.


    Ready to Act

    • Holding statements for possible crises will eliminate the time and effort required when the crisis does occur.

    Reduce Fears

    • Prevent employees from spreading concerns and not feeling included in the crisis.

    Maintain Trust

    • Ensure Board and ELT members trust IT to respond in an appropriate manner to any crisis or major incident.

    Eliminate Negative Reactions

    • Any crisis communication should be clear and concise enough when done via email.

    Audience: IT employees

    IT employees need to receive and obtain regular transparent communications to better deliver on their expectations.

    Keep in mind:

    1 2 3
    Training for All Listening Is Critical Reinforce Collaboration
    From the service desk technician to CIO, every person within IT needs to have a basic ability to communicate. Invest in the training necessary to develop this skill set. It seems simple, but as humans we do an innately poor job at listening to others. It’s important you hear employee concerns, feedback, and recommendations, enabling the two-way aspect of communication. IT employees will reflect the types of communications they see. If IT leaders and managers cannot collaborate together, then teams will also struggle, leading to productivity and quality losses.

    “IT professionals who […] enroll in communications training have a chance to both upgrade their professional capabilities and set themselves apart in a crowded field of technology specialists.”
    – Mark Schlesinger, Forbes, 2021

    Communications for IT activities and tactics

    Get IT employees aligned and clear on their daily objectives.


    Depending on IT goals, the structure might need to change to support better communication among IT employees.

    Why does IT need to communicate IT activities?

    • To ensure all members of the project team are aligned with their tasks and responsibilities related to the project.
    • To be able to identify, track, and mitigate any problems that are preventing the successful delivery of the project.


    Framework for IT activities & tactics


    Do’s & Don’ts of Communicating IT Activities:

    Do: Provide metrics that define how success of the project will be measured.

    Do: Demonstrate how each project aligns to the overarching objectives of the organization.

    Do: Avoid having large meetings that include stakeholders from two or more projects.

    Do: Consistently create a safe space for employees to communicate risks related to the project(s).

    Do: Ensure the right tools are being leveraged for in-office, hybrid, and virtual environments to support project collaboration.

    Do: Leverage a project management software to reduce unnecessary communications.


    Stakeholder Adoption

    • Create a standard communication template so stakeholders can easily find and apply communications.

    Resource Allocation

    • Understand what the various asks of IT are so employees can be adequately assigned to tasks.

    Meet Responsibly

    • Project status meetings are rarely valuable or insightful. Use meetings for collaboration, troubleshooting, and knowledge sharing.

    Encourage Engagement

    • Recognize employees and their work against critical milestones, especially for projects that have a long timeline.

    Communications for everyday IT

    Engage employees and drive results with clear and consistent communications.


    Employees are looking for empathy to be demonstrated by those they are interacting with, from their peers to managers. Yet, we rarely provide it.

    Why does IT need to communicate on regularly with itself?

    • Regular communication ensures employees are valued, empowered, and clear about their expectations.
    • 97% of employees believe that their ability to perform their tasks efficiently is impacted by communication (Expert Market, 2022).


    Framework for everyday IT


    Do’s & Don’ts of Communicating within IT:

    Do: Have responses for likely questions prepared and ready to go.

    Do: Ensure that all leaders are sharing the same messages with their teams.

    Do: Avoid providing irrelevant or confusing information.

    Do: Speak with your team on a regular basis.

    Do: Reinforce the messages of the organization every chance possible.

    Do: Ensure employees feel empowered to do their jobs effectively.

    Do: Engage employees in dialogue. The worst employee experience is when they are only spoken at, not engaged with.


    Increased Collaboration

    • Operating in a vacuum or silo is no longer an option. Enable employees to successfully collaborate and deliver holistic results.

    Role Clarity

    • Clear expectations and responsibilities eliminate confusion and blame game. Engage employees and create a positive work culture with role clarity.

    Prevent Rumors

    • Inconsistent communication often leads to information sharing and employees spreading an (in)accurate narrative.

    Organizational Insight

    • Employees trust the organization’s direction because they are aware of the different activities taking place and provided with a rationale about decisions.

    Case Study



    Harvard Business Review

    Jeff Bezos has definitely taken on unorthodox approaches to business and leadership, but one that many might not know about is his approach to communication. Some of the key elements that he focused on in the early 2000s when Amazon was becoming a multi-billion-dollar empire included:

    • Banning PowerPoint for all members of the leadership team. They had to learn to communicate without the crutch of the most commonly used presentation tool.
    • Leveraging memos that included specific action steps and clear nouns
    • Reducing all communication to an eighth-grade reading level, including pitches for new products (e.g. Kindle).


    While he was creating the Amazon empire, 85% of Jeff Bezos’ communication was written in a way that an eighth grader could read. Communicating in a way that was easy to understand and encouraging his leadership team to do so as well is one of the many reasons this business has grown to an estimated value of over $800B.

    “If you cannot simplify a message and communicate it compellingly, believe me, you cannot get the masses to follow you.”
    – Indra Nooyi, in Harvard Business Review, 2022

    Communication competency expectations

    Communication is a business skill; not a technical skill.

    Demonstrated Communication Behavior
    Level 1: Follow Has sufficient communication skills for effective dialogue with others.
    Level 2: Assist Has sufficient communication skills for effective dialogue with customers, suppliers, and partners.
    Level 3: Apply Demonstrates effective communication skills.
    Level 4: Enable Communicates fluently, orally, and in writing and can present complex information to both technical and non-technical audiences.
    Level 5: Ensure, Advise Communicates effectively both formally and informally.
    Level 6: Initiate, Influence Communicates effectively at all levels to both technical and non-technical audiences.
    Level 7: Set Strategy, Inspire, Mobilize Understands, explains, and presents complex ideas to audiences at all levels in a persuasive and convincing manner.

    Source: Skills Framework for the Information Age, 2021

    Key KPIs for communication with any stakeholder

    Measuring communication is hard; use these to determine effectiveness.

    Goal Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Related Resource
    Obtain board buy-in for IT strategic initiatives X% of IT initiatives that were approved to be funded. Number of times technical initiatives were asked to be explained further. Using our Board Presentation Review service
    Establish stronger relationships with executive leaders X% of business leadership satisfied with the statement “IT communicates with your group effectively.” Using the CIO Business Vision Diagnostic
    Organizationally, people know what products and services IT provides X% of end users who are satisfied with communications around changing services or applications. Using the End-User Satisfaction Survey
    Organizational reach and understanding of the crisis. Number of follow-up tickets or requests related to the crisis after the initial crisis communication was sent. Using templates and tools for crisis communications
    Project stakeholders receive sufficient communication throughout the initiative. X% overall satisfaction with the quality of the project communications. Using the PPM Customer Satisfaction Diagnostic
    Employee feedback is provided, heard, and acted on X% of satisfaction employees have with managers or IT leadership to act on employee feedback. Using the Employee Engagement Diagnostic Program

    Standard workshop communication activities

    Communications overview.

    Plan your communications using a strategic tool.

    Create your own message.

    Practice delivering your own message.

    Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889

    Research contributors and experts

    Anuja Agrawal, National Communications Director, PwC

    Anuja Agrawal
    National Communications Director

    Anuja is an accomplished global communications professional, with extensive experience in the insurance, banking, financial, and professional services industries in Asia, the US, and Canada. She is currently the National Communications Director at PwC Canada. Her prior work experience includes communication leadership roles at Deutsche Bank, GE, Aviva, and Veritas. Anuja works closely with senior business leaders and key stakeholders to deliver measurable results and effective change and culture building programs. Anuja has experience in both internal and external communications, including strategic leadership communication, employee engagement, PR and media management, digital and social media, and M&A/change and crisis management. Anuja believes in leveraging digital tools and technology-enabled solutions, combined with in-person engagement, to help improve the quality of dialogue and increase interactive communication within the organization to help build an inclusive culture of belonging.

    Nastaran Bisheban, Chief Technology Officer, KFC Canada

    Nastaran Bisheban
    Chief Technology Officer
    KFC Canada

    A passionate technologist, and seasoned transformational leader. A software engineer and computer scientist by education, a certified Project Manager that holds an MBA in Leadership with Honors and Distinction from University of Liverpool. A public speaker on various disciplines of technology and data strategy with a Harvard Business School executive leadership program training to round it all. Challenges status quo and conventional practices; is an advocate for taking calculated risk and following the principle of continuous improvement. With multiple computer software and project management publications she is a strategic mentor and board member on various non-profit organizations. Nastaran sees the world as a better place only when everyone has a seat at the table and is an active advocate for diversity and inclusion.

    Heidi Davidson, Co-Founder & CEO, Galvanize Worldwide and Galvanize On Demand

    Heidi Davidson
    Co-Founder & CEO
    Galvanize Worldwide and Galvanize On Demand

    Dr. Heidi Davidson is the co-founder and CEO of Galvanize Worldwide, the largest distributed network of marketing and communications experts in the world. She also is the co-founder and CEO of Galvanize On Demand, a tech platform that matches marketing and communications freelancers with client projects. Now with 167 active experts, the Galvanize team delivers startup advisory work, outsourced marketing, training, and crisis communications to organizations of all sizes. Before Galvanize, Heidi spent four years as part of the turnaround team at BlackBerry as the Chief Communications Officer and SVP of Corporate Marketing, where she helped the company move from a device manufacturer to a security software provider.

    Eli Gladstone, Co-Founder, Speaker Labs

    Eli Gladstone
    Speaker Labs

    Eli is a co-founder of Speaker Labs. He has spent over six years helping countless individuals overcome their public speaking fears and communicate with clarity and confidence. When he’s not coaching others on how to build and deliver the perfect presentation, you’ll probably find him reading some weird books, teaching his kids how to ski or play tennis, or trying to develop a good-enough jumpshot to avoid being a liability on the basketball court.

    Francisco Mahfuz, Keynote Speaker & Storytelling Coach

    Francisco Mahfuz
    Keynote Speaker & Storytelling Coach

    Francisco Mahfuz has been telling stories in front of audiences for a decade and even became a National Champion of public speaking. Today, Francisco is a keynote speaker and storytelling coach and offers communication training to individuals and international organizations and has worked with organizations like Pepsi, HP, the United Nations, Santander, and Cornell University. He’s the author of Bare: A Guide to Brutally Honest Public Speaking and the host of The Storypowers Podcast, and he’s been part of the IESE MBA communications course since 2020. He’s received a BA in English Literature from Birkbeck University in London.

    Sarah Shortreed, EVP & CTO, ATCO Ltd.

    Sarah Shortreed
    EVP & CTO
    ATCO Ltd.

    Sarah Shortreed is ATCO’s Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer. Her responsibilities include leading ATCO’s Information Technology (IT) function as it continues to drive agility and collaboration throughout ATCO’s global businesses and expanding and enhancing its enterprise IT strategy, including establishing ATCO’s technology roadmap for the future. Ms. Shortreed’s skill and expertise are drawn from her more than 30-year career that spans many industries and includes executive roles in business consulting, complex multi-stakeholder programs, operations, sales, customer relationship management, and product management. She was recently the Chief Information Officer at Bruce Power and has previously worked at BlackBerry, IBM, and Union Gas. She sits on the Board of Governors for the University of Western Ontario and is the current Chair of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) Committee at the Conference Board of Canada.

    Eric Silverberg, Co-Founder, Speaker Labs

    Eric Silverberg
    Speaker Labs

    Eric is a co-founder of Speaker Labs and has helped thousands of people build their public speaking confidence and become more dynamic and engaging communicators. When he’s not running workshops to help people grow in their careers, there’s a good chance you’ll find him with his wife and dog, drinking Diet Coke, and rewatching iconic episodes of the reality TV show Survivor! He’s such a die-hard fan, that you’ll probably see him playing the game one day.

    Stephanie Stewart, Communications Officer & DR Coordinator, Info Security Services Simon Fraser University

    Stephanie Stewart
    Communications Officer & DR Coordinator
    Info Security Services Simon Fraser University

    Steve Strout, President, Miovision Technologies

    Steve Strout
    Miovision Technologies

    Mr. Strout is a recognized and experienced technology leader with extensive experience in delivering value. He has successfully led business and technology transformations by leveraging many dozens of complex global SFDC, Oracle, and SAP projects. He is especially adept at leading what some call “Project Rescues” – saving people’s careers where projects have gone awry; always driving “on-time and on-budget.” Mr. Strout is the current President of Miovision Technologies and the former CEO and board member of the Americas’ SAP Users” Group (ASUG). His wealth of practical knowledge comes from 30 years of extensive experience in many CxO and executive roles at some prestigious organizations such as Vonage, Sabre, BlackBerry, Shred-it, The Thomson Corporation (now Thomson Reuters), and Morris Communications. He has served on boards including Customer Advisory Boards of Apple, AgriSource Data, Dell, Edgewise, EMC, LogiSense,, Spiro Carbon Group, and Unifi.

    Info-Tech Research Group Contributors:

    Sanchia Benedict, Research Lead
    Antony Chan Executive Counsellor
    Janice Clatterbuck, Executive Counsellor
    Ahmed Jowar, Research Specialist
    Dave Kish, Practice Lead
    Nick Kozlo, Senior Research Analyst
    Heather Leier Murray, Senior Research Analyst
    Amanda Mathieson, Research Director
    Carlene McCubbin, Practice Lead
    Joe Meier, Executive Counsellor
    Andy Neill, AVP Research
    Thomas Randall, Research Director

    Plus an additional two contributors who wish to remain anonymous.

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Boardroom Presentation Review

    • You will come away with a clear, concise, and compelling board presentation that IT leaders can feel confident presenting in front of their board of directors.
    • Add improvements to your current board presentation in terms of visual appeal and logical flow to ensure it resonates with your board of directors.
    • Leverage a best-of-breed presentation template.

    Build a Better Manager

    • Management skills training is needed, but organizations are struggling to provide training that makes a long-term difference in the skills managers actually use in their day to day.
    • Many training programs are ineffective because they offer the wrong content, deliver it in a way that is not memorable, and are not aligned with the IT department’s business objectives.

    Crisis Communication Guides

    During a crisis it is important to communicate to employees through messages that convey calm and are transparent and tailored to your audience. Use the Crisis Communication Guides to:

    • Draft a communication strategy.
    • Tailor messages to your audience.
    • Draft employee crisis communications.
    Use this guide to equip leadership to communicate in times of crisis.


    “Communication in the Workplace Statistics: Importance and Effectiveness in 2022.” TeamStage, 2022.

    Gallo, Carmine. “How Great Leaders Communicate.” Harvard Business Review, 23 November 2022

    Guthrie, Georgina. “Why Good Internal Communications Matter Now More than Ever.” Nulab, 15 December 2021.

    Lambden, Duncan. “The Importance of Effective Workplace Communication – Statistics for 2022.” Expert Market, 13 June 2022.

    “Mapping SFIA Levels of Responsibilities to Behavioural Factors.” Skills Framework for the Information Age, 2021.

    McCreary, Gale. “How to Measure the Effectiveness of Communication: 14 Steps.” WikiHow, 31 March 2023.

    Nowak, Marcin. “Top 7 Communication Problems in the Workplace.” MIT Enterprise Forum CEE, 2021.

    Nunn, Philip. “Messaging That Works: A Unique Framework to Maximize Communication Success.” iabc, 26 October 2020.

    Picincu, Andra. “How to Measure Effective Communications.” Small Business Chron. 12 January 2021.

    Price. David A. “Pixar Story Rules.” Stories From the Frontiers of Knowledge, 2011.

    Roberts, Dan. “How CIOs Become Visionary Communicators.” CIO, 2019.

    Schlesinger, Mark. “Why building effective communication skill in IT is incredibly important.” Forbes, 2021.

    Stanten, Andrew. “Planning for the Worst: Crisis Communications 101.” CIO, 25 May 2017.

    State of the American Workplace Report. Gallup, 6 February 2020.

    “The CIO Revolution.” IBM, 2021.

    “The State of High Performing Teams in Tech 2022.” Hypercontex, 2022.

    Walters, Katlin. “Top 5 Ways to Measure Internal Communication.” Intranet Connections, 30 May 2019.

    2024 Tech Trends

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}289|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 10
    • Parent Category Name: Innovation
    • Parent Category Link: /improve-your-core-processes/strategy-and-governance/innovation

    AI has revolutionized the landscape, placing the spotlight firmly on the generative enterprise.

    The far-reaching impact of generative AI across various sectors presents fresh prospects for organizations to capitalize on and novel challenges to address as they chart their path for the future. AI is more than just a fancy auto-complete. At this point it may look like that, but do not underestimate the evolutive power.

    In this year's Tech Trends report, we explore three key developments to capitalize on these opportunities and three strategies to minimize potential risks.

    Generative AI will take the lead.

    As AI transforms industries and business processes, IT and business leaders must adopt a deliberate and strategic approach across six key domains to ensure their success.

    Seize Opportunities:

    • Business models driven by AI
    • Automation of back-office functions
    • Advancements in spatial computing

    Mitigate Risks:

    • Ethical and responsible AI practices
    • Incorporating security from the outset
    • Ensuring digital sovereignty

    Establish High-Value IT Performance Dashboards and Metrics

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}58|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $8,599 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 10 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Performance Measurement
    • Parent Category Link: /performance-measurement

    While most CIOs understand the importance of using metrics to measure IT’s accomplishments, needs, and progress, when it comes to creating dashboards to communicate these metrics, they:

    • Concentrate on the data instead of the audience.
    • Display information specific to IT activities instead of showing how IT addresses business goals and problems.
    • Use overly complicated, out of context graphs that crowd the dashboard and confuse the viewer.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    While most CIOs understand the importance of using metrics to measure IT’s accomplishments, needs, and progress, when it comes to creating dashboards to communicate these metrics, they:

    • Concentrate on the data instead of the audience.
    • Display information specific to IT activities instead of showing how IT addresses business goals and problems.
    • Use overly complicated, out of context graphs that crowd the dashboard and confuse the viewer.

    Impact and Result

    Use Info-Tech’s ready-made dashboards for executives to ensure you:

    • Speak to the right audience
    • About the right things
    • In the right quantity
    • Using the right measures
    • At the right time.

    Establish High-Value IT Performance Dashboards and Metrics Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Establish High-Value IT Performance Metrics and Dashboards – a document that walks you through Info-Tech’s ready-made IT dashboards.

    This blueprint guides you through reviewing Info-Tech’s IT dashboards for your audience and organization, then walks you through practical exercises to customize the dashboards to your audience and organization. The blueprint also gives practical guidance for delivering your dashboards and actioning your metrics.

    • Establish High-Value IT Performance Metrics and Dashboards Storyboard

    2. Info-Tech IT Dashboards and Guide – Ready-made IT dashboards for the CIO to communicate to the CXO.

    IT dashboards with visuals and metrics that are aligned and organized by CIO priority and that allow you to customize with your own data, eliminating 80% of the dashboard design work.

    • Info-Tech IT Dashboards and Guide

    3. IT Dashboard Workbook – A step-by-step tool to identify audience needs, translate needs into metrics, design your dashboard, and track/action your metrics.

    The IT Dashboard Workbook accompanies the Establish High Value IT Metrics and Dashboards blueprint and guides you through customizing the Info-Tech IT Dashboards to your audience, crafting your messages, delivering your dashboards to your audience, actioning metrics results, and addressing audience feedback.

    • Info-Tech IT Dashboards Workbook

    4. IT Metrics Library

    Reference the IT Metrics Library for ideas on metrics to use and how to measure them.

    • IT Metrics Library

    5. HR Metrics Library

    Reference the HR Metrics Library for ideas on metrics to use and how to measure them.

    • HR Metrics Library


    Workshop: Establish High-Value IT Performance Dashboards and Metrics

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Test Info-tech’s IT Dashboards Against Your Audience’s Needs and Translate Audience Needs Into Metrics

    The Purpose

    Introduce the Info-Tech IT Dashboards to give the participants an idea of how they can be used in their organization.

    Understand the importance of starting with the audience and understanding audience needs before thinking about data and metrics.

    Explain how audience needs translate into metrics.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Understanding of where to begin when it comes to considering dashboards and metrics (the audience).

    Identified audience and needs and derived metrics from those identified needs.


    1.1 Review the info-Tech IT Dashboards and document impressions for your organization.

    1.2 Identify your audience and their attributes.

    1.3 Identify timeline and deadlines for dashboards.

    1.4 Identify and prioritize audience needs and desired outcomes.

    1.5 Associate metrics to each need.

    1.6 Identify a dashboard for each metric.


    Initial impressions of Info-Tech IT Dashboards.

    Completed Tabs 2 and 3 of the IT Dashboard Workbook.

    2 Inventory Your Data and Assess Data Quality and Readiness

    The Purpose

    Provide guidance on how to derive metrics and assess data.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Understand the importance of considering how you will measure each metric and get the data.

    Understand that measuring data can be costly and that sometimes you just can’t afford to get the measure or you can’t get the data period because the data isn’t there.

    Understand how to assess data quality and readiness.


    2.1 Complete a data inventory for each metric on each dashboard: determine how you will measure the metric, the KPI, any observation biases, the location of the data, the type of source, the owner, and the security/compliance requirements.

    2.2 Assess data quality for availability, accuracy, and standardization.

    2.3 Assess data readiness and the frequency of measurement and reporting.


    Completed Tab 4 of the IT Dashboard Workbook.

    3 Design and Build Your Dashboards

    The Purpose

    Guide participants in customizing the Info-Tech IT Dashboards with the data identified in previous steps.

    This step may vary as some participants may not need to alter the Info-Tech IT Dashboards other than to add their own data.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Understanding of how to customize the dashboards to the participants’ organization.


    3.1 Revisit the Info-Tech IT Dashboards and use the identified metrics to determine what should change in them.

    3.2 Build your dashboards by editing the Info-Tech IT Dashboards with your changes as planned in Step 3.1.


    Assessed Info-Tech IT Dashboards for your audience’s needs.

    Completed Tab 5 of the IT Dashboard Workbook.

    Finalized dashboards.

    4 Deliver Your Dashboard and Plan to Action Metrics

    The Purpose

    Guide participants in learning how to create a story around the dashboards.

    Guide participants in planning to action metrics and where to record results.

    Guide participants in how to address results of metrics and feedback from audience about dashboards.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Participants understand how to speak to their dashboards.

    Participants understand how to action metrics results and feedback about dashboards.


    4.1 Craft your story.

    4.2 Practice delivering your story.

    4.3 Plan to action your metrics.

    4.4 Understand how to record and address your results.


    Completed Tabs 6 and 7 of the IT Dashboard Workbook.

    5 Next Steps and Wrap-Up

    The Purpose

    Finalize work outstanding from previous steps and answer any questions.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Participants have thought about and documented how to customize the Info-Tech IT Dashboards to use in their organization, and they have everything they need to customize the dashboards with their own metrics and visuals (if necessary).


    5.1 Complete in-progress deliverables from previous four days.

    5.2 Set up review time for workshop deliverables and to discuss next steps.


    Completed IT Dashboards tailored to your organization.

    Completed IT Dashboard Workbook

    Further reading

    Establish High-Value IT Performance Dashboards and Metrics

    Spend less time struggling with visuals and more time communicating about what matters to your executives.

    Analyst Perspective

    A dashboard is a communication tool that helps executives make data-driven decisions

    CIOs naturally gravitate toward data and data analysis. This is their strength. They lean into this strength, using data to drive decisions, track performance, and set targets because they know good data drives good decisions.

    However, when it comes to interpreting and communicating this complex information to executives who may be less familiar with data, CIOs struggle, often falling back on showing IT activity level data instead of what the executives care about. This results in missed opportunities to tell IT’s unique story, secure funding, reveal important trends, or highlight key opportunities for the organization.

    Break through these traditional barriers by using Info-Tech’s ready-made IT dashboards. Spend less time agonizing over visuals and layout and more time concentrating on delivering IT information that moves the organization forward.

    Photo of Diana MacPherson
    Diana MacPherson
    Senior Research Analyst, CIO
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    While most CIOs understand the importance of using metrics to measure IT’s accomplishments, needs, and progress, when it comes to creating dashboards to communicate these metrics, they:

    • Concentrate on the data instead of the audience.
    • Display information specific to IT activities instead of showing how IT addresses business goals and problems.
    • Use overly complicated, out of context graphs that crowd the dashboard and confuse the viewer.

    Common Obstacles

    CIOs often experience these challenges because they:

    • Have a natural bias toward data and see it as the whole story instead of a supporting character in a larger narrative.
    • Assume that the IT activity metrics that are easy to get and useful to them are equally interesting to all their stakeholders.
    • Do not have experience communicating visually to an audience unfamiliar with IT operations or lingo.

    Info-Tech’s Approach

    Use Info-Tech’s ready-made dashboards for executives to ensure you:

    • Speak to the right audience
    • About the right things
    • In the right quantity
    • Using the right measures
    • At the right time

    Info-Tech Insight

    The purpose of a dashboard is to drive decision making. A well designed dashboard presents relevant, clear, concise insights that help executives make data-driven decisions.

    Your challenge

    CIOs struggle to select the right metrics and dashboards to communicate IT’s accomplishments, needs, and progress to their executives. CIOs:

    • Fail to tailor metrics to their audience, often presenting graphs that are familiar and useful to them, but not their executives. This results in dashboards full of IT activities that executives neither understand nor find valuable.
    • Do not consider the timeliness of their metrics, which has the same effect as not tailoring their metrics: the executives do not care about the metrics they are shown.
    • Present too many metrics, which not only clutters the board but also dilutes the message the CIO needs to communicate.
    • Do not act on the results of their metrics and show progress, which makes metrics meaningless. Why measure something if you won’t act on the results?

    The bottom line: CIOs often communicate to the wrong audience, about the wrong things, in the wrong amount, using the wrong metrics, at the wrong time.

    In a survey of 500 executives, organizations that struggled with dashboards identified the reasons as:
    61% Inadequate context
    54% Information overload

    — Source: Exasol

    CXOs and CIOs agree that IT performance metrics need improvement

    When asked which performance indicators should be implemented in your business, CXOs and CIOs both agree that IT needs to improve its metrics across several activity areas: technology performance, cost and salary, and risk.

    A diagram that shows performance indicators and metrics from cxo and cio.

    The Info-Tech IT Dashboards center key metrics around these activities ensuring you align your metrics to the needs of your CXO audience.

    Info-Tech CEO/CIO Alignment Survey Benchmark Report n=666

    The Info-Tech IT Dashboards are organized by the top CIO priorities

    The top six areas that a CIO needs to prioritize and measure outcomes, no matter your organization or industry, are:

    • Managing to a budget: Reducing operational costs and increasing strategic IT spend
    • Customer/constituent satisfaction: Directly and indirectly impacting customer experience.
    • Risk management: Actively knowing and mitigating threats to the organization.
    • Delivering on business objectives: Aligning IT initiatives to the vision of the organization.
    • Employee engagement: Creating an IT workforce of engaged and purpose-driven people.
    • Business leadership relations: Establishing a network of influential business leaders.

    Deliver High-Value IT Dashboards to Your Executives

    A diagram that shows Delivering High-Value IT Dashboards to Your Executives

    Info-Tech’s approach

    Deliver High-Value Dashboards to Your Executives

    A diagram that shows High-Value Dashboard Process.

    Executives recognize the benefits of dashboards:
    87% of respondents to an Exasol study agreed that their organization’s leadership team would make more data-driven decisions if insights were presented in a simpler and more understandable way
    (Source: Exasol)

    The Info-Tech difference:

    We created dashboards for you so you don’t have to!

    1. Eliminate 80% of the dashboard design work by selecting from our ready-made Info-Tech IT Dashboards.
    2. Use our IT Dashboard Workbook to adjust the dashboards to your audience and organization.
    3. Follow our blueprint and IT Dashboard Workbook tool to craft, and deliver your dashboard to your CXO team, then action feedback from your audience to continuously improve.

    Info-Tech’s methodology for establishing high-value dashboards

    1. Test Info-Tech’s IT Dashboards Against Your Audience’s Needs

    Phase Steps

    1. Validate Info-Tech’s IT Dashboards for Your Audience
    2. Identify and Document Your Audience’s Needs

    Phase Outcomes

    1. Initial impressions of Info-Tech IT Dashboards
    2. Completed Tabs 2 of the IT Dashboard Workbook

    2. Translate Audience Needs into Metrics

    Phase Steps

    1. Review Info-Tech’s IT Dashboards for Your Audience
    2. Derive Metrics from Audience Needs
    3. Associate metrics to Dashboards

    Phase Outcomes

    1. Completed IT Tab 3 of IT Dashboard Workbook

    3. Ready Your Data for Dashboards

    Phase Steps

    1. Assess Data Inventory
    2. Assess Data Quality
    3. Assess Data Readiness
    4. Assess Data Frequency

    Phase Outcomes

    1. Assessed Info-Tech IT Dashboards for your audience’s needs
    2. Completed Tab 5 of the IT Dashboard Workbook
    3. Finalized dashboards

    4. Build and Deliver Your Dashboards

    Phase Steps

    1. Design Your Dashboard
    2. Update Your Dashboards
    3. Craft Your Story and Deliver Your Dashboards

    Phase Outcomes

    1. Completed IT Tab 5 and 6 of IT Dashboard Workbook and finalized dashboards

    5. Plan, Record, and Action Your Metrics

    Phase Steps

    1. Plan How to Record Metrics
    2. Record and Action Metrics

    Phase Outcomes

    1. Completed IT Dashboards tailored to your organization
    2. Completed IT Dashboard Workbook

    How to Use This Blueprint

    Choose the path that works for you

    A diagram that shows path of using this blueprint.

    The Info-Tech IT Dashboards address several needs:

    1. New to dashboards and metrics and not sure where to begin? Let the phases in the blueprint guide you in using Info-Tech’s IT Dashboards to create your own dashboards.
    2. Already know who your audience is and what you want to show? Augment the Info-Tech’s IT Dashboards framework with your own data and visuals.
    3. Already have a tool you would like to use? Use the Info-Tech’s IT Dashboards as a design document to customize your tool.

    Insight Summary

    The need for easy-to-consume data is on the rise making dashboards a vital data communication tool.

    70%: Of employees will be expected to use data heavily by 2025, an increase from 40% in 2018.
    — Source: Tableau

    Overarching insight

    A dashboard’s primary purpose is to drive action. It may also serve secondary purposes to update, educate, and communicate, but if a dashboard does not drive action, it is not serving its purpose.

    Insight 1

    Start with the audience. Resist the urge to start with the data. Think about who your audience is, what internal and external environmental factors influence them, what problems they need to solve, what goals they need to achieve, then tailor the metrics and dashboards to suit.

    Insight 2

    Avoid showing IT activity-level metrics. Instead use CIO priority-based metrics to report on what matters to the organization. The Info-Tech IT Dashboards are organized by the CIO priorities: risks, financials, talent, and strategic initiatives.

    Insight 3

    Dashboards show the what not the why. Do not assume your audience will draw the same conclusions from your graphs and charts as you do. Provide the why by interpreting the results, adding insights and calls to action, and marking key areas for discussion.

    Insight 4

    A dashboard is a communication tool and should reflect the characteristics of good communication. Be clear, concise, consistent, and relevant.

    Insight 5

    Action your data. Act and report progress on your metrics. Gathering metrics has a cost, so if you do not plan to action a metric, do not measure it.

    Blueprint deliverables

    Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals:

    Photo of Dashboards

    Key deliverable: Dashboards

    Ready-made risk, financials, talent, and strategic initiatives dashboards that organize your data in a visually appealing way so you can concentrate on the metrics and communication.

    Photo of IT Dashboard Workbook

    IT Dashboard Workbook

    The IT Dashboard Workbook keeps all your metrics, data, and dashboard work in one handy file!

    Photo of IT Dashboard Guide

    IT Dashboard Guide

    The IT Dashboard Guide provides the Info-Tech IT Dashboards and information about how to use them.

    Blueprint benefits

    CIO Benefits

    • Reduces the burden of figuring out what metrics to show executives and how to categorize and arrange the visuals.
    • Increases audience engagement through tools and methods that guide CIOs through tailoring metrics and dashboards to audience needs.
    • Simplifies CIO messages so executives better understand IT needs and value.
    • Provides CIOs with the tools to demonstrate transparency and competency to executive leaders.
    • Provides tools and techniques for regular review and action planning of metrics results, which leads to improved performance, efficiency, and effectiveness.

    Business Benefits

    • Provides a richer understanding of the IT landscape and a clearer connection of how IT needs and issues impact the organization.
    • Increases understanding of the IT team’s contribution to achieving business outcomes.
    • Provides visibility into IT and business trends.
    • Speeds up decision making by providing insights and interpretations to complex situations.

    Measure the value of this blueprint

    Realize measurable benefits after using Info-Tech’s approach:

    Determining what you should measure, what visuals you should use, and how you should organize your visuals, is time consuming. Calculate the time it has taken you to research what metrics you should show, create the visuals, figure out how to categorize the visuals, and layout your visuals. Typically, this takes about 480 hours of time. Use the ready-made Info-Tech IT Dashboards and the IT Dashboard Workbook to quickly put together a set of dashboards to present your CXO. Using these tools will save approximately 480 hours.

    A study at the University of Minnesota shows that visual presentations are 43% more effective at persuading their audiences (Bonsignore). Estimate how persuasive you are now by averaging how often you have convinced your audience to take a specific course of action. After using the Info-Tech IT Dashboards and visual story telling techniques described in this blueprint, average again. You should be 43% more persuasive.

    Further value comes from making decisions faster. Baseline how long it takes, on average, for your executive team to make a decision before using Info-Tech’s IT Dashboards then time how long decisions take when you use your Info-Tech’s IT Dashboards. Your audience should reach decisions 21% faster according to studies at Stanford University and the Wharton School if business (Bonsignore).

    Case Study

    Visuals don’t have to be fancy to communicate clear messages.

    • Industry: Construction
    • Source: Anonymous interview participant


    Year after year, the CIO of a construction company attended business planning with the Board to secure funding for the year. One year, the CEO interrupted and said, “You're asking me for £17 million. You asked me for £14 million last year and you asked me for £12 million the year before that. I don't quite understand what we get for our money.”

    The CEO could not understand how fixing laptops would cost £17 million and for years no one had been able to justify the IT spend.


    The CIO worked with his team to produce a simple one-page bubble diagram representing each IT department. Each bubble included the total costs to deliver the service, along with the number of employees. The larger the bubble, the higher the cost. The CIO brought each bubble to life as he explained to the Board what each department did.

    The Board saw, for example, that IT had architects who thought about the design of a service, where it was going, the life cycle of that service, and the new products that were coming out. They understood what those services cost and knew how many architects IT had to provide for those services.


    The CEO remarked that he finally understood why the CIO needed £17 million. He even saw that the costs for some IT departments were low for the amount of people and offered to pay IT staff more (something the CIO had requested for years).

    Each year the CIO used the same slide to justify IT costs and when the CIO needed further investment for things like security or new products, an upgrade, or end of life support, the sign-offs came very quickly because the Board understood what IT was doing and that IT wasn't a bottomless pit.

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit
    "Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful."

    Guided Implementation
    "Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track."

    "We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place."

    "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project."

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks are used throughout all four options.

    Guided Implementation

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    A typical GI is 8 to 12 calls over the course of 4 to 6 months.

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    A diagram that shows Guided Implementation in 5 phases.

    Workshop overview

    Day 1: Test Info-tech’s IT Dashboards Against Your Audience’s Needs and Translate Audience Needs Into Metrics

    1.1 Review the info-Tech IT Dashboards and document impressions for your organization.
    1.2 Identify your audience’s attributes.
    1.3 Identify timeline and deadlines for dashboards.
    1.4 Identify and prioritize audience needs and desired outcomes.
    1.5 Associate metrics to each need.
    1.6 Identify a dashboard for each metric.

    1. Initial impressions of Info-Tech IT Dashboards.
    2. Completed Tabs 2 and 3 of the IT Dashboard Workbook.

    Day 2: Inventory Your Data; Assess Data Quality and Readiness

    2.1 Complete a data inventory for each metric on each dashboard: determine how you will measure the metric, the KPI, any observation biases, the location of the data, the type of source, and the owner and security/compliance requirements.
    2.2 Assess data quality for availability, accuracy, and standardization.
    2.3 Assess data readiness and frequency of measurement and reporting.

    1. Completed Tab 4 of the IT Dashboard Workbook.

    Day 3: Design and Build Your Dashboards

    3.1 Revisit the Info-Tech IT Dashboards and use the identified metrics to determine what should change on the dashboards.
    3.2 Build your dashboards by editing the Info-Tech IT Dashboards with your changes as planned in Step 3.1.

    1. Assessed Info-Tech IT Dashboards for your audience’s needs.
    2. Completed Tab 5 of the IT Dashboard Workbook.
    3. Finalized dashboards.

    Day 4: Deliver Your Dashboard and Plan to Action Metrics

    4.1 Craft your story.
    4.2 Practice delivering your story.
    4.3 Plan to action your metrics.
    4.4 Understand how to record and address your results.

    1. Completed Tabs 6 and 7 of the IT Dashboard Workbook.

    Day 5: Next Steps and Wrap-Up (offsite)

    5.1 Complete in-progress deliverables from previous four days
    5.2 Set up review time for workshop deliverables and to discuss next steps.

    1. Completed IT Dashboards tailored to your organization.
    2. Completed IT Dashboard Workbook.

    Contact your account representative for more information.

    What is an IT dashboard?

    A photo of Risks - Protect the Organization. A photo of Financials: Transparent, fiscal responsibility
    A photo of talent attrat and retain top talent A photo of Strategic Initiatives: Deliver Value to Customers.

    An IT dashboard is…
    a visual representation of data, and its main purpose is to drive actions. Well-designed dashboards use an easy to consume presentation style free of clutter. They present their audience with a curated set of visuals that present meaningful metrics to their audience.

    Dashboards can be both automatically or manually updated and can show information that is dynamic or a snapshot in time.

    Info-Tech IT Dashboards

    Review the Info-Tech IT Dashboards

    We created dashboards so you don’t have to.

    A photo of Risks - Protect the Organization. A photo of Financials: Transparent, fiscal responsibility A photo of talent attrat and retain top talent A photo of Strategic Initiatives: Deliver Value to Customers.

    Use the link below to download the Info-Tech IT Dashboards and consider the following:

    1. What are your initial reactions to the dashboards?
    2. Are the visuals appealing? If so, what makes them appealing?
    3. Can you use these dashboards in your organization? What makes them usable?
    4. How would you use these dashboards to speak your own IT information to your audience?

    Download the Info-Tech IT Dashboards

    Why Use Dashboards When We Have Data?

    How graphics affect us


    • Engage our imagination
    • Stimulate the brain
    • Heighten creative thinking
    • Enhance or affect emotions


    • Enhance comprehension
    • Increase recollection
    • Elevate communication
    • Improve retention

    Visual clues

    • Help decode text
    • Attract attention
    • Increase memory


    • 43% more effective than text alone

    — Source: (Vogel et al.)

    Phase 1

    Test Info-Tech’s IT Dashboards Against Your Audience’s Needs

    A diagram that shows phase 1 to 5.

    This phase will walk you through the following:

    • Documenting impressions for using Info-Tech’s IT Dashboards for your audience.
    • Documenting your audience and their needs and metrics for your IT dashboards

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Dashboard SMEs

    Info-Tech IT Dashboard organization and audience

    We created a compelling way to organize IT dashboards so you don’t have to. The Info-Tech IT Dashboards are organized by CIO Priorities, and these are consistent irrespective of industry or organization. This is a constant that you can organize your metrics around.

    A photo of Info-Tech IT Dashboards

    Dashboard Customization

    The categories represent a constant around which you can change the order; for example, if your CXO is more focused on Financials, you can switch the Financials dashboard to appear first.

    The Info-Tech IT Dashboards are aimed at a CXO audience so if your audience is the CXO, then you may decide to change very little, but you can customize any visual to appeal to your audience.

    Phase 1 will get you started with your audience.

    Always start with the audience

    …and not the data!

    Reliable, accurate data plays a critical role in dashboards, but data is only worthwhile if it is relevant to the audience who consumes it, and dashboards are only as meaningful as the data and metrics they represent.

    Instead of starting with the data, start with the audience. The more IT understands about the audience, the more relevant the metrics will be to their audience and the more aligned leadership will be with IT.

    Don’t forget yourself and who you are. Your audience will have certain preconceived notions about who you are and what you do. Consider these when you think about what you want your audience to know.

    46% executives identify lack of customization to individual user needs as a reason they struggle with dashboards.
    — Source: (Exasol)

    Resist the Data-First Temptation

    If you find yourself thinking about data and you haven’t thought about your audience, pull yourself back to the audience.

    Ask first Ask later
    Who is this dashboard for? What data should I show?
    How will the audience use the dashboard to make decisions? Where do I get the data?
    How can I show what matters to the audience? How much effort is required to get the data?

    Meaningful measures rely on understanding your audience and their needs

    It is crucial to think about who your audience is so that you can translate their needs into metrics and create meaningful visuals for your dashboards.

    A diagram that highlights step 1-3 of understanding your audience in the high-value dashboard process.

    Step 1.1

    Review and Validate Info-Tech’s IT Dashboards for Your Audience

    1.1.1 Examine Info-Tech’s IT Dashboards.

    • Note, the Info-Tech IT Dashboards are organized by CIO priorities – Risk, Financials, Talent, and Strategic Initiatives – and address the needs of the CXO audience. The IT Dashboard Workbook is pre-populated with this information.
    • If this meets your audience’s needs, you do not have to edit this content and can instead use the pre-populated information. You may wish to review the information to ensure it is still valid for your audience.

    A diagram that shows step 1.1 & 1.2 to Test Info-Tech’s IT Dashboards Against Your Audience’s Needs.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Dashboard SMEs

    Outcomes of this step:

    • Info-Tech dashboards reviewed for your organization’s audience.

    1.1.1 Examine the Info-Tech IT Dashboards

    30 minutes

    1. If you haven’t already downloaded the Info-Tech IT Dashboards, click the link below to download.
    2. Complete a quick review of the dashboards and consider how your audience would receive them.
    3. Document your thoughts, with special emphasis on your audience in the Info-Tech Dashboard Impressions slide.

    A diagram that shows Info-Tech IT Dashboards

    Download Info-Tech IT Dashboards

    Reviewing visuals can help you think about how your audience will respond to them

    Jot down your thoughts below. You can refer to this later as you consider your audience.


    • Who is your dashboard audience?
    • Are their needs different from the Info-Tech IT Dashboard audience’s? If so, how?
    • Will the visuals work for your audience on each dashboard?
    • Will the order of the dashboards work for your audience?
    • What is missing?

    Step 1.2

    Identify and Document Your Audience’s Needs

    1.2.1 Document your audience’s needs in the IT Dashboard Workbook.

    • Note, the Info-Tech IT Dashboards are organized by CIO priorities – Risk, Financials, Talent, and Strategic Initiatives – and address the needs of the CXO audience. The IT Dashboard Workbook is pre-populated with this information.
    • If this meets your audience’s needs, you do not have to edit this content and can instead use the pre-populated information. You may wish to review the information to ensure it is still valid for your audience.

    A diagram that shows step 1.1 & 1.2 to Test Info-Tech’s IT Dashboards Against Your Audience’s Needs.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Dashboard SMEs

    Outcomes of this step:

    • Audience details documented in IT Dashboard Workbook

    Identify Your Audience and dig deeper to understand their needs

    Connect with your audience

    • Who is your audience?
    • What does your audience care about? What matters to them?
    • How is their individual success measured? What are their key performance indicators (KPIs)?
    • Connect the challenges and pain points of your audience to how IT can help alleviate those pain points:
      • For example, poor financial performance could be due to a lack of digitization. Identify areas where IT can help alleviate this issue.
      • Try to uncover the root cause behind the need. Root causes are often tied to broad organizational objectives, so think about how IT can impact those objectives.

    Validate the needs you’ve uncovered with the audience to ensure you have not misinterpreted them and clarify the desired timeline and deadline for the dashboard.

    Document audiences and needs on Tab 2 of the IT Dashboard Workbook

    Typical Audience Needs
    Senior Leadership
    • Inform strategic planning and track progress toward objectives.
    • Understand critical challenges.
    • Ensure risks are managed.
    • Ensure budgets are managed.
    Board of Directors
    • Understand organizational risks.
    • Ensure organization is fiscally healthy.
    Business Partners
    • Support strategic workforce planning.
    • Surface upcoming risks to workforce.
    • IT Spend
    • Budget Health and Risks

    Prioritize and select audience needs that your dashboard will address

    Prioritize needs by asking:

    • Which needs represent the largest value to the entire organization (i.e. needs that impact more of the organization than just the audience)?
    • Which needs will have the largest impact on the audience’s success?
    • Which needs are likely to drive action (e.g. if supporting a decision, is the audience likely to be amenable to changing the way they make that decision based on the data)?

    Select three to five of the highest priority needs for each audience to include on a dashboard.

    Prioritize needs on Tab 2 of the IT Dashboard Workbook

    A diagram that shows 3 tiers of high priority, medium priority, and low priority.

    1.2.1 Document Your Audience Needs in the IT Dashboard Workbook

    1 hour

    Click the link below to download the IT Dashboard Workbook and open the file. Select Tab 2. The workbook contains pre-populated text that reflects information about Info-Tech’s IT Dashboards. You may want to keep the pre-populated text as reference as you identify your own audience then remove after you have completed your updates.

    A table of documenting audience, including key attributes, desired timeline, deadline, needs, and priority.

    Download Info-Tech IT Dashboard Workbook

    Phase 2

    Translate Audience Needs Into Metrics

    A diagram that shows phase 1 to 5.

    This phase will walk you through the following:

    • Revisiting the Info-Tech IT Dashboards for your audience.
    • Documenting your prioritized audience’s needs and the desired outcome of each in the IT Dashboard Workbook.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Dashboard SMEs

    Linking audience needs to metrics has positive outcomes

    When you present metrics that your audience cares about, you:

    • Deliver real value and demonstrate IT’s value as a trusted partner.
    • Improve the relationship between the business and IT.
    • Enlighten the business about what IT does and how it is connected to the organization.

    29% of respondents to The Economist Intelligence Unit survey cited inadequate collaboration between IT and the business as one of the top barriers to the organization’s digital objectives.
    — Source: Watson, Morag W., et al.

    Dashboard Customization

    The Info-Tech IT Dashboards use measures for each dashboard that correspond with what the audience (CXO) cares about. You can find these measures in the IT Dashboard Workbook. If your audience is the CXO, you may have to change a little but you should still validate the needs and metrics in the IT Dashboard Workbook.

    Phase 2 covers the process of translating needs into metrics.

    Once you know what your audience needs, you know what to measure

    A diagram that highlights step 4-5 of knowing your audience needs in the high-value dashboard process.

    Step 2.1

    Document Desired Outcomes for Each Prioritized Audience Need

    2.1.1 Compare the Info-Tech IT Dashboards with your audience’s needs.
    2.1.2 Document prioritized audience needs and the desired outcome of each in the IT Dashboard Workbook.

    • Note, the Info-Tech IT Dashboards are organized by CIO priorities – Risk, Financials, Talent, and Strategic Initiatives – and address the needs of the CXO audience. The IT Dashboard Workbook is pre-populated with this information.
    • If this meets your audience’s needs, you do not have to edit this content and can instead use the pre-populated information. You may wish to review the information to ensure it is still valid for your audience.

    A diagram that shows step 2.1 to 2.3 to translate audience needs into metrics.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Dashboard SMEs

    Outcomes of this step:

    • Understanding of how well Info-Tech IT Dashboards address audience needs.
    • Documented desired outcomes for each audience need.

    2.1.1 Revisit Info-Tech’s IT Dashboards and Review for Your Audience

    30 minutes

    1. If you haven’t already downloaded the Info-Tech IT Dashboards, click the link below to download.
    2. Click the link below to download the Info-Tech IT Dashboard Workbook.
    3. Recall your first impressions of the dashboards that you recorded on earlier in Phase 1 and open up the audience and needs information you documented in Tab 2 of the IT Dashboard Workbook.
    4. Compare the dashboards with your audience’s needs that you documented on Tab 2.
    5. Record any updates to your thoughts or impressions on the next slide. Think about any changes to the dashboards that you would make so that you can reference it when you build the dashboards.

    Download Info-Tech IT Dashboard Workbook

    A photo of Info-Tech IT Dashboards
    The Info-Tech IT Dashboards contain a set of monthly metrics tailored toward a CXO audience.

    Download Info-Tech IT Dashboards

    Knowing what your audience needs, do the metrics the visuals reflect address them?

    Any changes to the Info-Tech IT Dashboards?


    • Are your audience’s needs already reflected in the visuals in each of the dashboards? If so, validate this in the next activity by reviewing the prioritized needs, desired outcomes, and associated metrics already documented in the IT Dashboard Workbook.
    • Are there any visuals your audience would need that you don’t see reflected in the dashboards? Write them here to use in the next exercise.

    Desired outcomes make identifying metrics easier

    When it’s not immediately apparent what the link between needs and metrics is, brainstorm desired outcomes.

    A diagram that shows an example of desired outcomes

    2.1.2 Document your audience’s desired outcome per prioritized need

    Now that you’ve examined the Info-Tech IT Dashboards and considered the needs of your audience, it is time to understand the outcomes and goals of each need so that you can translate your audience’s needs into metrics.

    1 hour

    Click the link below to download the IT Dashboard Workbook and open the file. Select Tab 3. The workbook contains pre-populated text that reflects information about Info-Tech’s IT Dashboards. You may want to keep the pre-populated text as reference as you identify your own audience then remove it after you have completed your updates.

    A diagram that shows desired outcome per prioritized need

    Download Info-Tech IT Dashboard Workbook

    Deriving Meaningful Metrics

    Once you know the desired outcomes, you can identify meaningful metrics

    A diagram of an example of meaningful metrics.

    Common Metrics Mistakes

    Avoid the following oversights when selecting your metrics.

    A diagram that shows 7 metrics mistakes

    Step 2.2

    Derive Metrics From Audience Needs

    2.2.1 Derive metrics using the Info-Tech IT Dashboards and the IT Dashboard Workbook.

    • Note, the Info-Tech IT Dashboards are organized by CIO priorities – Risk, Financials, Talent, and Strategic Initiatives – and address the needs of the CXO audience. The IT Dashboard Workbook is pre-populated with this information.
    • If this meets your audience’s needs, you do not have to edit this content and can instead use the pre-populated information. You may wish to review the information to ensure it is still valid for your audience.

    A diagram that shows step 2.1 to 2.3 to translate audience needs into metrics.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Dashboard SMEs

    Outcomes of this step:

    • Documented metrics for audience needs.

    2.2.1 Derive metrics from desired outcomes

    Now that you have completed the desired outcomes, you can determine if you are meeting those desired outcomes. If you struggle with the metrics, revisit the desired outcomes. It could be that they are not measurable or are not specific enough.

    2 hours

    Click the link below to download the IT Dashboard Workbook and open the file. Select Tab 3. The workbook contains pre-populated text that reflects information about Info-Tech’s IT Dashboards. You may want to keep the pre-populated text as reference as you identify your own audience then remove it after you have completed your updates.

    A diagram that shows derive metrics from desired outcomes

    Download Info-Tech IT Dashboard Workbook

    Download IT Metrics Library

    Download HR Metrics Library

    Step 2.3

    Associate Metrics to Dashboards

    2.3.1 Review the metrics and identify which dashboard they should appear on.

    • Note, the Info-Tech IT Dashboards are organized by CIO priorities – Risk, Financials, Talent, and Strategic Initiatives – and address the needs of the CXO audience. The IT Dashboard Workbook is pre-populated with this information.
    • If this meets your audience’s needs, you do not have to edit this content and can instead use the pre-populated information. You may wish to review the information to ensure it is still valid for your audience.

    A diagram that shows step 2.1 to 2.3 to translate audience needs into metrics.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Dashboard SMEs

    Outcomes of this step:

    • Metrics associated to each dashboard.

    2.3.1 Associate metrics to dashboards

    30 minutes

    Once you have identified all your metrics from Step 2.2, identify which dashboard they should appear on. As with all activities, if the Info-Tech IT Dashboard meets your audience’s needs, you do not have to edit this content and can instead use the pre-populated information.

    A diagram that shows associate metrics to dashboards

    Phase 3

    Ready Your Data for Dashboards

    A diagram that shows phase 1 to 5.

    This phase will walk you through the following:

    • Inventorying your data
    • Assessing your data quality
    • Determining data readiness
    • Determining data measurement frequency

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Dashboard SMEs

    Can you measure your metrics?

    Once appropriate service metrics are derived from business objectives, the next step is to determine how easily you can get your metric.

    A diagram that highlights step 5 of measuring your metrics in the high-value dashboard process.

    Make sure you select data that your audience trusts

    40% of organizations say individuals within the business do not trust data insights.
    — Source: Experian, 2020

    Phase 3 covers the process of identifying data for each metric, creating a data inventory, assessing the readiness of your data, and documenting the frequency of measuring your data. Once complete, you will have a guide to help you add data to your dashboards.

    Step 3.1

    Assess Data Inventory

    3.1.1 Download the IT Dashboard Workbook and complete the data inventory section on Tab 4.

    • Note, the Info-Tech IT Dashboards are organized by CIO priorities – Risk, Financials, Talent, and Strategic Initiatives – and address the needs of the CXO audience. The IT Dashboard Workbook is pre-populated with this information.
    • If this meets your audience’s needs, you do not have to edit this content and can instead use the pre-populated information. You may wish to review the information to ensure it is still valid for your audience.

    A diagram that shows step 3.1 to 3.4 to ready your data for dashboards.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Dashboard SMEs

    Outcomes of this step:

    • Documented data inventory for each metric.

    3.1.1 Data Inventory

    1 hour

    Click the link below to download the IT Dashboard Workbook and open the file. Select Tab 4. The pre-populated text is arranged into the tables according to the dashboard they appear on; you may need to scroll down to see all the dashboard tables.

    Create a data inventory by placing each metric identified on Tab 3 into the corresponding dashboard table. Complete each column as described below.

    A diagram that shows 9 columns of data inventory.

    Metrics Libraries: Use the IT Metrics Library and HR Metrics Library for ideas for metrics to use and how to measure them.

    Download Info-Tech IT Dashboard Workbook

    Step 3.2

    Assess Data Quality

    3.2.1 Use the IT Dashboard Workbook to complete an assessment of data quality on Tab 4.

    • Note, the Info-Tech IT Dashboards are organized by CIO priorities – Risk, Financials, Talent, and Strategic Initiatives – and address the needs of the CXO audience. The IT Dashboard Workbook is pre-populated with this information.
    • If this meets your audience’s needs, you do not have to edit this content and can instead use the pre-populated information. You may wish to review the information to ensure it is still valid for your audience.

    A diagram that shows step 3.1 to 3.4 to ready your data for dashboards.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Dashboard SMEs

    Outcomes of this step:

    • Documented data quality assessment for each metric.

    3.2.1 Assess Data Quality

    1 hour

    Document the data quality on Tab 4 of the IT Dashboard Workbook by filling in the data availability, data accuracy, and data standardization columns as described below.

    A diagram that shows data availability, data accuracy, and data standardization columns.

    Data quality is a struggle for many organizations. Consider how much uncertainty you can tolerate and what would be required to improve your data quality to an acceptable level. Consider cost, technological resources, people resources, and time required.

    Download Info-Tech IT Dashboard Workbook

    Step 3.3

    Assess Data Readiness

    3.3.1 Use the IT Dashboard Workbook to determine the readiness of your data.

    • Note, the Info-Tech IT Dashboards are organized by CIO priorities – Risk, Financials, Talent, and Strategic Initiatives – and address the needs of the CXO audience. The IT Dashboard Workbook is pre-populated with this information.
    • If this meets your audience’s needs, you do not have to edit this content and can instead use the pre-populated information. You may wish to review the information to ensure it is still valid for your audience.

    A diagram that shows step 3.1 to 3.4 to ready your data for dashboards.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Dashboard SMEs

    Outcomes of this step:

    • Documented data readiness for each metric

    3.3.1 Determine Data Readiness

    1 hour

    Once the data quality has been documented and examined, complete the Data Readiness section of Tab 4 in the Info-Tech IT Dashboard Workbook. Select a readiness classification using the definitions below. Use the readiness of your data to determine the level of effort required to obtain the data and consider the constraints and cost/ROI to implement new technology or revise processes and data gathering to produce the data.

    A diagram that shows data readiness section

    Remember: Although in most cases, simple formulas that can be easily understood are the best approach, both because effort is lower and data that is not manipulated is more trustworthy, do not abandon data because it is not perfect but instead plan to make it easier to obtain.

    Download Info-Tech IT Dashboard Workbook

    Step 3.4

    Assess Data Frequency

    3.4.1 Use the IT Dashboard Workbook to determine the readiness of your data and how frequently you will measure your data.

    • Note, the Info-Tech IT Dashboards are organized by CIO priorities – Risk, Financials, Talent, and Strategic Initiatives – and address the needs of the CXO audience. The IT Dashboard Workbook is pre-populated with this information.
    • If this meets your audience’s needs, you do not have to edit this content and can instead use the pre-populated information. You may wish to review the information to ensure it is still valid for your audience.

    A diagram that shows step 3.1 to 3.4 to assess data inventory, quality, and readiness.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Dashboard SMEs

    Outcomes of this step:

    • Documented frequency of measurement for each metric.

    3.4.1 Document Planned Frequency of measurement

    10 minutes

    Document the planned frequency of measurement for all your metrics on Tab 4 of the IT Dashboard Workbook.

    For each metric, determine how often you will need to refresh it on the dashboard and select a frequency from the drop down. The Info-tech IT Dashboards assume a monthly refresh.

    Download Info-Tech IT Dashboard Workbook

    Phase 4

    Build and Deliver Your Dashboards

    A diagram that shows phase 1 to 5.

    This phase will walk you through the following:

    • Designing your dashboards
    • Updating your dashboards
    • Crafting your story
    • Delivering your dashboards

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Dashboard SMEs

    Using your dashboard to tell your story with visuals

    Now that you have linked metrics to the needs of your audience and you understand how to get your data, it is time to start building your dashboards.

    A diagram that highlights step 6 of creating meaningful visuals in the high-value dashboard process.

    Using visual language

    • Shortens meetings by 24%
    • Increases the ability to reach consensus by 21%
    • Strengthens persuasiveness by 43%

    — Source: American Management Association

    Phase 4 guides you through using the Info-Tech IT Dashboard visuals for your audience’s needs and your story.

    Step 4.1

    Design Your Dashboard

    4.1.1 Plan and validate dashboard metrics, data, level of effort and visuals.

    • Note, the Info-Tech IT Dashboards are organized by CIO priorities – Risk, Financials, Talent, and Strategic Initiatives – and address the needs of the CXO audience. The IT Dashboard Workbook is pre-populated with this information.
    • If this meets your audience’s needs, you do not have to edit this content and can instead use the pre-populated information. You may wish to review the information to ensure it is still valid for your audience.

    A diagram that shows step 4.1 to 4.3 to build and deliver your dashboards.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Dashboard SMEs

    Outcomes of this step:

    • Identified and validated metrics, data, and visuals for your IT dashboards.

    Use clear visuals that avoid distracting the audience

    Which visual is better to present?

    Sample A:
    A photo of Sample A visuals

    Sample B:
    A diagram Sample B visuals

    Select the appropriate visuals

    Identify the purpose of the visualization. Determine which of the four categories below aligns with the story and choose the appropriate visual to display the data.


    A photo of Scatterplots

    • Used to show relationships between two variables.
    • Can be difficult to interpret for audiences that are not familiar with them.


    A photo of Histogram

    • Use a histogram to show spread of a given numeric variable.
    • Can be used to organize groups of data points.
    • Requires continuous data.
    • Can make comparisons difficult.

    A photo of Scatterplot

    • Can show correlation between variables.
    • Show each data plot, making it easier to compare.


    A photo of Pie chart
    Pie chart

    • Use pie charts to show different categories.
    • Avoid pie charts with numerous slices.
    • Provide numbers alongside slices, as it can be difficult to compare slices based on size alone.

    A photo of Table

    • Use tables when there are a large number of categories.
    • Presents information in a simple way.


    A photo of Bar graph
    Bar graph

    • Use to compare categories.
    • Easy to understand, familiar format.

    A photo of Line chart
    Line chart

    • Use to show trends or changes over time.
    • Clear and easy to analyze.


    Examples of data visualization

    To compare categories, use a bar chart:
    2 examples of bar chart
    Conclusion: Visualizing the spend in various areas helps prioritize.

    To show trends, use a line graph:
    An example of line graph.
    Conclusion: Overlaying a trend line on revenue per employee helps justify headcount costs.

    To show simple results, text is sometimes more clear:
    A diagram that shows examples of text and graphics.
    Conclusion: Text with meaningful graphics conveys messages quickly.

    To display relative percentages of values, use a pie chart:
    An example of pie chart.
    Conclusion: Displaying proportions in a pie chart gives an at-a-glance understanding of the amount any area uses.

    Choose effective colors and design

    Select colors that will enhance the story

    • Use color strategically to help draw the audience’s attention and highlight key information.
    • Choose two to three colors to use consistently throughout the dashboard, as too many colors will be distracting to the audience.
    • Use colors that connect with the audience (e.g., organization or department colors).
    • Don’t use colors that are too similar in shade or brightness level, as those with colorblindness might have difficulty discerning them.

    Keep the design simple and clear

    • Leave white space to separate sections and keep the dashboard simple.
    • Don’t measure everything; show just enough to address the audience’s needs.
    • Use blank space between data points to provide natural contrast (e.g., leaving space between each bar on a bar graph). Don’t rely on contrast between colors to separate data (Miller).
    • Label each data point directly instead of using a separate key, so anyone who has difficulty discerning color can still interpret the data (Miller).


    A example that shows colours and design of a chart.

    Checklist to build compelling visuals in your presentation

    Leverage this checklist to ensure you are creating the perfect visuals and graphs for your presentation.


    • Do the visuals grab the audience’s attention?
    • Will the visuals mislead the audience/confuse them?
    • Do the visuals facilitate data comparison or highlight trends and differences in a more effective manner than words?
    • Do the visuals present information simply, cleanly, and accurately?
    • Do the visuals illustrate messages and themes from the accompanying text?

    4.1.1 Plan and validate your dashboard visuals

    1 hour

    Click the links below to download the Info-Tech IT Dashboards and the IT Dashboard Workbook. Open the IT Dashboard Workbook and select Tab 5. For each dashboard, represented by its own table, open the corresponding Info-Tech IT Dashboard as reference.

    A diagram of dashboard and its considerations when selecting visuals.

    Download Info-Tech IT Dashboards

    Download Info-Tech IT Dashboard Workbook

    Step 4.2

    Update Your Dashboards

    4.2.1 Update the visuals on the Info-Tech IT Dashboards with data and visuals identified in the IT Dashboard Workbook.

    • Note, the Info-Tech IT Dashboards are organized by CIO priorities – Risk, Financials, Talent, and Strategic Initiatives – and address the needs of the CXO audience. The IT Dashboard Workbook is pre-populated with this information.
    • If this meets your audience’s needs, you do not have to edit this content and can instead use the pre-populated information. You may wish to review the information to ensure it is still valid for your audience.

    A diagram that shows step 4.1 to 4.3 to build and deliver your dashboards.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Dashboard SMEs

    Outcomes of this step:

    • Dashboards updated with your visuals, metrics, and data identified in the IT Dashboard Workbook.

    4.2.1 Update visuals with your own data

    2 hours

    1. Get the data that you identified in Tab 4 and Tab 5 of the IT Dashboard Workbook.
    2. Click the link below to go to the Info-Tech IT Dashboards and follow the instructions to update the visuals.

    Do not worry about the Key Insights or Calls to Action; you will create this in the next step when you plan your story.

    Download Info-Tech IT Dashboards

    Step 4.3

    Craft Your Story and Deliver Your Dashboards

    4.3.1 Craft Your Story
    4.3.2 Finalize Your Dashboards
    4.3.3 Practice Delivering Your Story With Your Dashboards

    • Note, the Info-Tech IT Dashboards are organized by CIO priorities – Risk, Financials, Talent, and Strategic Initiatives – and address the needs of the CXO audience. The IT Dashboard Workbook is pre-populated with this information.
    • If this meets your audience’s needs, you do not have to edit this content and can instead use the pre-populated information. You may wish to review the information to ensure it is still valid for your audience.

    A diagram that shows step 4.1 to 4.3 to build and deliver your dashboards.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Dashboard SMEs

    Outcomes of this step:

    • Documented situations, key insights, and calls to action for each dashboard/visual.
    • A story to tell for each dashboard.
    • Understanding of how to practice delivering the dashboards using stories.

    Stories are more easily understood and more likely to drive decisions

    IT dashboards are valuable tools to provide insights that drive decision making.

    • Monitor: Track and report on strategic areas IT supports.
    • Provide insights: sPresent important data and information to audiences in a clear and efficient way.

    “Data storytelling is a universal language that everyone can understand – from people in STEM to arts and psychology.” — Peter Jackson, Chief Data and Analytics Officer at Exasol

    Storytelling provides context, helping the audience understand and connect with data and metrics.

    • 93% of respondents (business leaders and data professionals) agreed that decisions made as a result of successful data storytelling have the potential to help increase revenue.
    • 92% of respondents agreed that data storytelling was critical to communicate insights effectively.
    • 87% percent of respondents agreed that leadership teams would make more data-driven decisions if insights gathered from data were presented more simply.

    — Exasol

    For more visual guidance, download the IT Dashboard Guide

    Include all the following pieces in your message for an effective communication

    A diagram of an effective message, including consistent, clearn, relevant, and concise.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Time is a non-renewable resource. The message crafted must be considered a value-adding communication to your audience.

    Enable good communication with these components

    Be Consistent

    • The core message must be consistent regardless of audience, channel, or medium.
    • Test your communication with your team or colleagues to obtain feedback before delivering to a broader audience.
    • A lack of consistency can be interpreted as an attempt at deception. This can hurt credibility and trust.

    Be Clear

    • Say what you mean and mean what you say.
    • Choice of language is important: “Do you think this is a good idea? I think we could really benefit from your insights and experience here.” Or do you mean: “I think we should do this. I need you to do this to make it happen.”
    • Avoid jargon.

    Be Relevant

    • Talk about what matters to the audience.
    • Tailor the details of the message to the audience’s specific concerns.
    • IT thinks in processes but wider audiences focus mostly on results; talk in terms of results.
    • IT wants to be understood, but this does not matter to stakeholders. Think: “What’s in it for them?”
    • Communicate truthfully; do not make false promises or hide bad news.

    Be Concise

    • Keep communication short and to the point so key messages are not lost in the noise.
    • There is a risk of diluting your key message if you include too many other details.
    • If you provide more information than necessary, the clarity and consistency of the message can be lost.

    Draft the core messages to communicate

    1. Hook your audience: Use a compelling introduction that ensures your target audience cares about the message. Start with a story or metaphor and then support with the data on your dashboard. Avoid rushing in with data first.
    2. Demonstrate you can help: Let the audience know that based on the unique problem, you can help. There is value in engaging and working with you further.
    3. Write for the ear: Use concise and clear sentences, avoid technological language, and when you read it aloud ensure it sounds like how you would normally speak.
    4. Interpret visuals for your audience: Do not assume they will reach the same conclusions as you. For example, walk them through what a chart shows even if the axes are labeled, tell them what a trend line indicates or what the comparison between two data points means.
    5. Identify a couple of key insights: Think about one or two key takeaways you want your audience to leave with.
    6. Finish with a call to action: Your concluding statement should not be a thank-you but a call to action that ignites how your audience will behave after the communication. Dashboards exist to drive decisions, so if you have no call to action, you should ask if you need to include the visual.

    4.3.1 Craft Your Story

    1 hour

    Click the link below to download the IT Dashboard Workbook and open the file. Select Tab 6. The workbook contains grey text that reflects a sample story about the Info-Tech IT Dashboards. You may want to keep the sample text as reference, then remove after you have entered your information.

    A diagram of dashboard to craft your story.

    Download Info-Tech IT Dashboard Workbook

    4.3.2 Finalize Your Dashboards

    30 minutes

    1. Take the Key Insights and Calls to Action that you documented in Tab 6 of the IT Dashboard Workbook and place them in their corresponding dashboard.
    2. Add any text to your dashboard as necessary but only if the visual requires more information. You can add explanations more effectively during the presentation.

    A diagram that shows strategic initiatives: deliver value to customers.

    Tip: Aim to be brief and concise with any text. Dashboards simplify information and too much text can clutter the visuals and obscure the message.

    Download Info-Tech IT Dashboard Workbook

    4.3.3 Practice Delivering Your Story With Your Dashboards

    1 hour

    Ideally you can present your dashboard to your audience so that you are available to clarify questions and add a layer of interpretation that would crowd out boards if added as text.

    1. To prepare to tell your story, consult the Situation, Key Insights, and Call to Action sections that you documented for each dashboard in Tab 6 of the Info-Tech IT Dashboard Workbook.
    2. Practice your messages as you walk through your dashboards. The next two slides provide delivery guidance.
    3. Once you deliver your dashboards, update Tab 6 with audience feedback. Often dashboards are iterative and when your audience sees them, they are usually inspired to think about what else they would like to see. This is good and shows your audience is engaged!

    Don’t overwhelm your audience with information and data. You spent time to craft your dashboards so that they are clear and concise, so spend time practicing delivering a message that matches your clear, concise dashboards

    Download Info-Tech IT Dashboard Workbook

    Hone presentation skills before meeting with key stakeholders

    Using voice and body

    Think about the message you are trying to convey and how your body can support that delivery. Hands, stance, and frame all have an impact on what might be conveyed.

    If you want your audience to lean in and be eager about your next point, consider using a pause or softer voice and volume.

    Be professional and confident

    State the main points of your dashboard confidently. While this should be obvious, it needs to be stated explicitly. Your audience should be able to clearly see that you believe the points you are stating.

    Present in a way that is genuine to you and your voice. Whether you have an energetic personality or a calm and composed personality, the presentation should be authentic to you.

    Connect with your audience

    Look each member of the audience in the eye at least once during your presentation or if you are presenting remotely, look into the camera. Avoid looking at the ceiling, the back wall, or the floor. Your audience should feel engaged – this is essential to keeping their attention.

    Avoid reading the text from your dashboard, and instead paraphrase it while maintaining eye/camera contact.

    Info-Tech Insight

    You are responsible for the response of your audience. If they aren’t engaged, it is on you as the communicator.

    Communication Delivery Checklist

    • Have you practiced delivering the communication to team members or coaches?
    • Have you practiced delivering the communication to someone with little to no technology background?
    • Are you making yourself open to feedback and improvement opportunities?
    • If the communication is derailed from your plan, are you prepared to handle that change?
    • Can you deliver the communication without reading your notes word for word?
    • Have you adapted your voice throughout the communication to highlight specific components you want the audience to focus on?
    • Are you presenting in a way that is genuine to you and your personality?
    • Can you communicate the message within the time allotted?
    • Are you moving in an appropriate manner based on your communication (e.g., toward the screen, across the stage, hand gestures)
    • Do you have room for feedback on the dashboards? Solicit feedback with your audience after the meeting and record it in Tab 6 of the IT Dashboard Workbook.

    Phase 5

    Plan, record, and action your metrics

    A diagram that shows phase 1 to 5.

    This phase will walk you through the following:

    • Planning to track your metrics
    • Recording your metrics
    • Actioning your metrics

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Dashboard SMEs

    Actioning your metrics to drive results

    To deliver real value from your dashboards, you need to do something with the results.

    Don’t fail on execution! The whole reason you labor to create inviting visuals and meaningful metrics is to action those metrics. The metrics results inform your entire story! It’s important to plan and do, but everything is lost if you fail to check and act.

    70%: of survey respondents say that managers do not get insights from performance metrics to improve strategic decision making.
    60%: of survey respondents say that operational teams do not get insights to improve operation decision making.

    (Bernard Marr)

    “Metrics aren’t a passive measure of progress but an active part of an organization’s everyday management….Applying the “plan–do–check–act” feedback loop…helps teams learn from their mistakes and identify good ideas that can be applied elsewhere”


    Step 5.1

    Plan How to Record Metrics

    5.1.1 For each dashboard, add a baseline and target to existing metrics and KPIs.

    • Note, the Info-Tech IT Dashboards are organized by CIO priorities – Risk, Financials, Talent, and Strategic Initiatives – and address the needs of the CXO audience. The IT Dashboard Workbook is pre-populated with this information.
    • If this meets your audience’s needs, you do not have to edit this content and can instead use the pre-populated information. You may wish to review the information to ensure it is still valid for your audience.

    A diagram that shows step 5.1 to 5.2 to plan, record, and action your metrics.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Dashboard SMEs

    Outcomes of this step:

    • Baselines and targets identified and recorded for each metric.

    5.1.1 Identify Baselines and Targets

    1 hour

    To action your metrics, you must first establish what your baselines and targets are so that you can determine if you are on track.

    To establish baselines:
    If you do not have a baseline. Run your metric to establish one.

    To establish targets:

    • Use historical data and trends of performance.
    • If you do not have historical data, establish an initial target based on stakeholder-identified requirements and expectations.
    • You can also run the metrics report over a defined period of time and use the baseline level of achievement to establish an initial target.
    • The target may not always be a number – it could be a trend. The initial target may be changed after review with stakeholders.

    Actions for Success:
    How will you ensure you can get this metric? For example, if you would like to measure delivered value, to make sure the metric is measurable, you will need to ensure that measures of success are documented for an imitative and then measured once complete.

    • If you need help with Action plans, the IT Metrics Library includes action plans for all of its metrics that may help

    A diagram of identify metrics and to identify baselines and targets.

    Download Info-Tech IT Dashboard Workbook

    Step 5.2

    Record and Action Metrics

    5.2.1 Record and Action Results

    • Note, the Info-Tech IT Dashboards are organized by CIO priorities – Risk, Financials, Talent, and Strategic Initiatives – and address the needs of the CXO audience. The IT Dashboard Workbook is pre-populated with this information.
    • If this meets your audience’s needs, you do not have to edit this content and can instead use the pre-populated information. You may wish to review the information to ensure it is still valid for your audience.

    A diagram that shows step 5.1 to 5.2 to plan, record, and action your metrics.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Senior IT leadership
    • Dashboard SMEs

    Outcomes of this step:

    • Understanding of what and where to record metrics once run.

    5.2.1 Record and Action Results

    1 hour

    After analyzing your results, use this information to update your dashboards. Revisit Tab 6 of the IT Dashboard Workbook to update your story. Remember to record any audience feedback about the dashboards in the Audience Feedback section.

    Action your measures as well as your metrics

    What should be measured can change over time as your organization matures and the business environment changes. Understanding what creates business value for your organization is critical. If metrics need to be changed, record metrics actions under Identified Actions on Tab 7. A metric will need to be addressed in one of the following ways:

    • Added: A new metric is required or an existing metric needs large-scale changes (example: calculation method or scope).
    • Changed: A minor change is required to the presentation format or data. Note: a major change in a metric would be performed through the Add option.
    • Removed: The metric is no longer required, and it needs to be removed from reporting and data gathering. A final report date for that metric should be determined.
    • Maintained: The metric is still useful and no changes are required to the metric, its measurement, or how it’s reported.

    A diagram of record results and identify how to address results.

    Don’t be discouraged if you need to update your metrics a few times before you get it right. It can take some trial and error to find the measures that best indicate the health of what you are measuring.

    Download Info-Tech IT Dashboard Workbook

    Tips for actioning results

    Sometimes actioning your metrics results requires more analysis

    If a metric deviates from your target, you may need to analyze how to correct the issue then run the metric again to see if the results have improved.

    Identify Root Cause
    Root Cause Analysis can include problem exploration techniques like The 5 Whys, fishbone diagrams, or affinity mapping.

    Select a Solution
    Once you have identified a possible root cause, use the same technique to brainstorm and select a solution then re-run your metrics.

    Consider Tension Metrics
    Consider tension metrics when selecting a solution. Will improving one area affect another? A car can go faster but it will consume more fuel – a project can be delivered faster but it may affect the quality.

    Summary of Accomplishment

    Problem Solved

    1. Using this blueprint and the IT Dashboard Workbook, you validated and customized the dashboards for your audience and organization, which reduced or eliminated time spent searching for and organizing your own visuals.
    2. You documented your dashboards’ story so you are ready to present them to your audience.
    3. You assessed the data for your dashboards and you built a metrics action-tracking plan to maintain your dashboards’ metrics.

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through an Info-Tech workshop or Guided Implementation.

    Contact your account representative for more information.

    Additional Support

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through other phases as part of an Info-Tech Workshop.

    To accelerate this project, engage your IT team in an Info-Tech workshop with an Info-Tech analyst team.

    Info-Tech analysts will join you and your team at your location or welcome you to Info-Tech’s historic Toronto office to participate in an innovative onsite workshop.

    Contact your account representative for more information.

    The following are sample activities that will be conducted by Info-Tech analysts with your team:

    A photo of Info-Tech IT Dashboards
    Review the Info-Tech IT Dashboards
    Determine how you can use the Info-Tech IT Dashboards in your organization and the anticipated level of customization.

    A photo of the IT Dashboard Workbook
    Plan your dashboards
    Complete the IT Dashboard Workbook to help plan your dashboards using Info-Tech’s IT Dashboards.

    Research Contributors and Experts

    Photo of John Corrado
    John Corrado
    Head of IT
    X4 Pharmaceuticals

    As head of IT, John is charged with the creation of strategic IT initiatives that align with X4s vision, mission, culture, and long-term goals and is responsible for the organization’s systems, security, and infrastructure. He works closely developing partnerships with X4tizens across the organization to deliver value through innovative programs and services.

    Photo of Grant Frost
    Grant Frost
    Chief Information & Security Officer
    Niagara Catholic School Board

    Grant Frost is an experienced executive, information technologist and security strategist with extensive experience in both the public and private sector. Grant is known for, and has extensive experience in, IT transformation and the ability to increase capability while decreasing cost in IT services.

    Photo of Nick Scozzaro
    Nick Scozzaro
    CEO and Co-Founder of MobiStream and ShadowHQ

    Nick got his start in software development and mobility working at BlackBerry where he developed a deep understanding of the technology landscape and of what is involved in both modernizing legacy systems and integrating new ones. Working with experts across multiple industries, he innovated, learned, strategized, and ultimately helped push the boundaries of what was possible.

    Photo of Joseph Sanders
    Joseph Sanders
    Managing Director of Technology/Cyber Security Services
    Kentucky Housing Corporation

    In his current role Joe oversees all IT Operations/Applications Services that are used to provide services and support to the citizens of Kentucky. Joe has 30+ years of leadership experience and has held several executive roles in the public and private sector. He has been a keynote speaker for various companies including HP, IBM, and Oracle.

    Photo of Jochen Sievert
    Jochen Sievert
    Director Performance Excellence & IT
    Zeon Chemicals

    Jochen moved to the USA from Duesseldorf, Germany in 2010 to join Zeon Chemicals as their IT Manager. Prior to Zeon, Jochen has held various technical positions at Novell, Microsoft, IBM, and Metro Management Systems.

    Info-Tech Contributors

    Ibrahim Abdel-Kader, Research Analyst
    Donna Bales, Principal Research Director
    Shashi Bellamkonda, Principal Research Director
    John Burwash, Executive Counselor
    Tony Denford, Research Lead
    Jody Gunderman, Senior Executive Advisor
    Tom Hawley, Managing Partner
    Mike Higginbotham, Executive Counselor
    Valence Howden, Principal Research Director
    Dave Kish, Practice Lead
    Carlene McCubbin, Practice Lead
    Jennifer Perrier, Principal Research Director
    Gary Rietz, Executive Counselor
    Steve Schmidt, Senior Managing Partner
    Aaron Shum, Vice President, Security & Privacy
    Ian Tyler-Clarke, Executive Counselor

    Plus, an additional four contributors who wish to remain anonymous.

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    “10 Signs You Are Sitting on a Pile of Data Debt.” Experian, n.d. Web.

    “From the What to the Why: How Data Storytelling Is Key to Success.” Exasol, 2021. Web.

    Bonsignore, Marian. “Using Visual Language to Create the Case for Change.” Amarican Management Association. Accessed 19 Apr. 2023.

    Calzon, Bernardita. “Top 25 Dashboard Design Principles, Best Practices & How To’s.” Datapine, 5 Apr. 2023.

    “Data Literacy.” Tableau, n.d. Accessed 3 May 2023.

    “KPIs Don’t Improve Decision-Making In Most Organizations.” LinkedIn, n.d. Accessed 2 May 2023.

    Miller, Amanda. “A Comprehensive Guide to Accessible Data Visualization.” Betterment, 2020. Accessed May 2022.

    “Performance Management: Why Keeping Score Is so Important, and so Hard.” McKinsey. Accessed 2 May 2023.

    Vogel, Douglas, et al. Persuasion and the Role of Visual Presentation Support: The UM/3M Study. Management Information Systems Research Center School of Management University of Minnesota, 1986.

    Watson, Morag W., et al. ”IT’s Changing Mandate in an Age of Disruption.” The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited, 2021.

    Debunk Machine Learning Endpoint Security Solutions

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}168|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Endpoint Security
    • Parent Category Link: /endpoint-security
    • Threat actors are more innovative than ever before and developing sophisticated methods of endpoints attacks capable of avoiding detection with traditional legacy anti-virus software.
    • Legacy anti-virus solutions rely on signatures and hence fail at detecting memory objects, and new and mutating malware.
    • Combined with the cybersecurity talent gap and the sheer volume of endpoint attacks, organizations need endpoint security solutions capable of efficiently and accurately blocking never-before-seen malware types and variants.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Don’t make machine learning a goal in itself. Think of how machine learning can help you achieve your goals.
    • Determine your endpoint security requirements and goals prior to shopping around for a vendor. Vendors can easily suck you into a vortex of marketing jargon and sell you tools that your organization does not need.
    • Machine learning alone is not a solution to catching malware. It is a computational method that can generalize and analyze large datasets, and output insights quicker than a human security analyst.

    Impact and Result

    • Consider deploying an endpoint protection technology that leverages machine learning into your existing endpoint security strategy to counteract against the unknown and to quickly sift through the large volumes of data.
    • Understand how machine learning methods can help drive your organization’s security goals.
    • Identify vendors that utilize machine learning in their endpoint security products.
    • Understand use cases of where machine learning in endpoint security has been successful.

    Debunk Machine Learning Endpoint Security Solutions Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should consider machine learning in endpoint security solutions, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Demystify machine learning concepts

    Understand basic machine learning concepts used in endpoint security.

    • Debunk Machine Learning Endpoint Security Solutions – Phase 1: Demystify Machine Learning Concepts

    2. Evaluate vendors that leverage machine learning

    Determine feature requirements to evaluate vendors.

    • Debunk Machine Learning Endpoint Security Solutions – Phase 2: Evaluate Vendors That Leverage Machine Learning
    • Endpoint Protection Request for Proposal

    Get the Most Out of Your SAP

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}240|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 9.7/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $6,499 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 11 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Optimization
    • Parent Category Link: /optimization
    • SAP systems are changed rarely and changing them has significant impact on an organization.
    • Research shows that even newly installed systems often fail to realize their full potential benefit to the organization.
    • Business process improvement is rarely someone’s day job.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    A properly optimized SAP business process will reduce costs and increase productivity.

    Impact and Result

    • Build an ongoing optimization team to conduct application improvements.
    • Assess your SAP application(s) and the environment in which they exist. Take a business first strategy to prioritize optimization efforts.
    • Validate SAP capabilities, user satisfaction, issues around data, vendor management, and costs to build out an optimization strategy.
    • Pull this all together to develop a prioritized optimization roadmap.

    Get the Most Out of Your SAP Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Get the Most Out of Your SAP Storyboard – A guide to optimize your SAP.

    SAP is a core tool that the business leverages to accomplish its goals. Use this blueprint to strategically re-align business goals, identify business application capabilities, complete a process assessment, evaluate user adoption, and create an optimization plan that will drive a cohesive technology strategy that delivers results.

    • Get the Most Out of Your SAP – Phases 1-4

    2. Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook – A tool to document and assist with optimizing your SAP.

    The Get the Most out of Your SAP Workbook serves as the holding document for the different elements for the Get the Most out of Your SAP blueprint. Use each assigned tab to input the relevant information for the process of optimizing your SAP.

    • Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook


    Workshop: Get the Most Out of Your SAP

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Define Your SAP Application Vision

    The Purpose

    Get the most out of your SAP.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Develop an ongoing SAP optimization team.

    Re-align SAP and business goals.

    Understand your current system state capabilities and processes.

    Validate user satisfaction, application fit, and areas of improvement to optimize your SAP.

    Take a 360-degree inventory of your SAP and related systems.

    Realign business and technology drivers. Assess user satisfaction.

    Review the SAP marketplace.

    Complete a thorough examination of capabilities and processes.

    Manage your vendors and data.

    Pull this all together to prioritize optimization efforts and develop a concrete roadmap.


    1.1 Determine your SAP optimization team.

    1.2 Align organizational goals.

    1.3 Inventory applications and interactions.

    1.4 Define business capabilities.

    1.5 Explore SAP-related costs.


    SAP optimization team

    SAP business model

    SAP optimization goals

    SAP system inventory and data flow

    SAP process list

    SAP and related costs

    2 Map Current-State Capabilities

    The Purpose

    Map current-state capabilities.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Complete an SAP process gap analysis to understand where the SAP is underperforming.

    Review the SAP application portfolio assessment to understand user satisfaction and data concerns.

    Undertake a software review survey to understand your satisfaction with the vendor and product.


    2.1 Conduct gap analysis for SAP processes.

    2.2 Perform an application portfolio assessment.

    2.3 Review vendor satisfaction.


    SAP process gap analysis

    SAP application portfolio assessment

    ERP software reviews survey

    3 Assess SAP

    The Purpose

    Assess SAP.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Learn the processes that you need to focus on.

    Uncover underlying user satisfaction issues to address these areas.

    Understand where data issues are occurring so that you can mitigate this.

    Investigate your relationship with the vendor and product, including that relative to others.

    Identify any areas for cost optimization (optional).


    3.1 Explore process gaps.

    3.2 Analyze user satisfaction.

    3.3 Assess data quality.

    3.4 Understand product satisfaction and vendor management.

    3.5 Look for SAP cost optimization opportunities (optional).


    SAP process optimization priorities

    SAP vendor optimization opportunities

    SAP cost optimization

    4 Build the Optimization Roadmap

    The Purpose

    Build the optimization roadmap.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Understanding where you need to improve is the first step, now understand where to focus your optimization efforts.


    4.1 SAP process gap analysis

    4.2 SAP application portfolio assessment

    4.3 SAP software reviews survey


    ERP optimization roadmap

    Further reading

    Get the Most Out of Your SAP

    In today’s connected world, the continuous optimization of enterprise applications to realize your digital strategy is key.


    Analyst Perspective

    Focus optimization on organizational value delivery.

    The image contains a picture of Chad Shortridge.

    Chad Shortridge

    Senior Research Director, Enterprise Applications

    Info-Tech Research Group

    The image contains a picture of Lisa Highfield.

    Lisa Highfield

    Research Director, Enterprise Applications

    Info-Tech Research Group

    Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a core tool that the business leverages to accomplish its goals. An ERP that is doing its job well is invisible to the business. The challenges come when the tool is no longer invisible. It has become a source of friction in the functioning of the business.

    SAP systems are expensive, benefits can be difficult to quantify, and issues with the products can be difficult to understand. Over time, technology evolves, organizational goals change, and the health of these systems is often not monitored. This is complicated in today’s digital landscape with multiple integrations points, siloed data, and competing priorities.

    Too often organizations jump into selecting replacement systems without understanding the health of their systems. We can do better than this.

    IT leaders need to take a proactive approach to continually monitor and optimize their enterprise applications. Strategically re-align business goals, identify business application capabilities, complete a process assessment, evaluate user adoption, and create an optimization plan that will drive a cohesive technology strategy that delivers results.

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    Common Obstacles

    Info-Tech’s Approach

    Your SAP ERP systems are critical to supporting the organization’s business processes. They are expensive. Direct benefits and ROI can be hard to measure.

    SAP application portfolios are often behemoths to support. With complex integration points and unique business processes, stabilization is the norm.

    Application optimization is essential to staying competitive and productive in today’s digital environment.

    Balancing optimization with stabilization is one of the most difficult decisions for ERP application leaders.

    Competing priorities and often unclear ERP strategies make it difficult to make decisions about what, how, and when to optimize.

    Enterprise applications involve large numbers of processes, users, and evolving vendor roadmaps.

    Teams do not have a framework to illustrate, communicate, and justify the optimization effort in the language your stakeholders understand.

    In today’s rapidly changing SAP landscape it is imperative to evaluate your applications for optimization, no matter what your strategy is moving forward.

    Assess your SAP applications and the environment in which they exist. Take a business-first strategy to prioritize optimization efforts.

    Validate ERP capabilities, user satisfaction, issues around data, vendor management, and costs to build out an overall roadmap and optimization strategy.

    Pull this all together to prioritize optimization efforts and develop a concrete roadmap.

    Info-Tech Insight

    SAP ERP environments are changing, but we cannot stand still on our optimization efforts. Understand your product(s), processes, user satisfaction, integration points, and the availability of data to business decision makers. Examine these areas to develop a personalized SAP optimization roadmap that fits the needs of your organization. Incorporate these methodologies into an ongoing optimization strategy aimed at enabling the business, increasing productivity, and reducing costs.

    The image contains an Info-Tech Thought model on get the most out of your ERP.

    Insight summary

    Continuous assessment and optimization of your SAP ERP systems is critical to the success of your organization.

    • Applications and the environments in which they live are constantly evolving.
    • This blueprint provides business and application managers with a method to complete a health assessment of their ERP systems to identify areas for improvement and optimization.
    • Put optimization practices into effect by:
      • Aligning and prioritizing key business and technology drivers.
      • Identifying ERP process classification and performing a gap analysis.
      • Measuring user satisfaction across key departments.
      • Evaluating vendor relations.
      • Understanding how data plays into the mix.
      • Pulling it all together into an optimization roadmap.

    SAP enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems facilitate the flow of information across business units. It allows for the seamless integration of systems and creates a holistic view of the enterprise to support decision making. In many organizations, the SAP system is considered the lifeblood of the enterprise. Problems with this key operational system will have a dramatic impact on the ability of the enterprise to survive and grow. ERP implementation should not be a one-and-done exercise. There needs to be ongoing optimization to enable business processes and optimal organizational results.

    SAP enterprise resource planning (ERP)

    The image contains a diagram of the SAP enterprise resource planning. The diagram includes a circle with smaller circles all around it. The inside of the circle contains SAP logos. The circles around the big circle are labelled: Human Resources Management, Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, Asset Management, Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Manufacturing, R&D and Engineering, and Finance.

    What is SAP?

    SAP ERP systems facilitate the flow of information across business units. They allow for the seamless integration of systems and create a holistic view of the enterprise to support decision making.

    In many organizations, the ERP system is considered the lifeblood of the enterprise. Problems with this key operational system will have a dramatic impact on the ability of the enterprise to survive and grow.

    An ERP system:

    • Automates processes, reducing the amount of manual, routine work.
    • Integrates with core modules, eliminating the fragmentation of systems.
    • Centralizes information for reporting from multiple parts of the value chain to a single point.

    SAP use cases:


    Suitable for organizations that manufacture, assemble, distribute, or manage material goods.


    Suitable for organizations that provide and manage field services and/or professional services.

    SAP Fast Facts

    Product Description

    • SAP has numerous ERP products. Products can be found under ERP, Finance, Customer Relations and Experience, Supply Chain Management, Human Resources, and Technology Platforms.
    • SAP offers on-premises and cloud solutions for its ERP. In 2011, SAP released the HANA in-memory database. SAP ECC 6.0 reaches the end of life in 2027 (2030 extended support).
    • Many organizations are facing mandatory transformation. This is an excellent opportunity to examine ERP portfolios for optimization opportunities.
    • Now is the time to optimize to ensure you are prepared for the journey ahead.
    The image contains a timeline of the evolution of SAP ERP. The timeline is ordered: SAP R1-R3 1972-1992, SAP ECC 2003-2006, ERP Business Suite 2000+, SAP HANA In-Memory Database 2011, S/4 2015.

    Vendor Description

    • SAP SE was founded in 1972 by five former IBM employees.
    • The organization is focused on enterprise software that integrates all business processes and enables data processing in real-time.
    • SAP stands for Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing.
    • SAP offers more than 100 solutions covering all business functions.
    • SAP operates 65 data centers at 35 locations in 16 countries.




    Walldorf, Baden-Württemberg, Germany





    Global, Publicly Traded

    SAP by the numbers

    Only 72% of SAP S/4HANA clients were satisfied with the product’s business value in 2022. This was 9th out of 10 in the enterprise resource planning category.

    Source: SoftwareReviews

    As of 2022, 65% of SAP customers have not made the move to S/4HANA. These customers will continue to need to optimize the current ERP to meet the demanding needs of the business.

    Source: Statista

    Organizations will need to continue to support and optimize their SAP ERP portfolios. As of 2022, 42% of ASUG members were planning a move to S/4HANA but had not yet started to move.

    Source: ASUG

    Your challenge

    This research is designed to help organizations who need to:

    • Understand the multiple deployment models and the roadmap to successfully navigate a move to S/4HANA.
    • Build a business case to understand the value behind a move.
    • Map functionality to ensure future compatibility.
    • Understand the process required to commercially navigate a move to S/4HANA.
    • Avoid a costly audit due to missed requirements or SAP whiteboarding sessions.

    HANA used to be primarily viewed as a commercial vehicle to realize legacy license model discounts. Now, however, SAP has built a roadmap to migrate all customers over to S/4HANA. While timelines may be delayed, the inevitable move is coming.

    30-35% of SAP customers likely have underutilized assets. This can add up to millions in unused software and maintenance.

    – Upperedge

    SAP challenges and dissatisfaction

    Drivers of Dissatisfaction


    People and teams



    Competing priorities

    Knowledgeable staff/turnover

    Integration issues

    Access to data

    Lack of strategy

    Lack of internal skills

    Selecting tools and technology

    Data hygiene

    Budget challenges

    Ability to manage new products

    Keeping pace with technology changes

    Data literacy

    Lack of training

    Update challenges

    One view of the customer

    Finance, IT, Sales, and other users of the ERP system can only optimize ERP with the full support of each other. The cooperation of the departments is crucial when trying to improve ERP technology capabilities and customer interaction.

    Info-Tech Insight

    While technology is the key enabler of building strong customer experiences, there are many other drivers of dissatisfaction. IT must stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the business to develop a technology framework for ERP.

    Where are applications leaders focusing?

    Big growth numbers

    Year-over-year call topic requests

    Other changes

    Year-over-year call topic requests

    The image contains a graph to demonstrate year-over-year call topic requests. Year 1 has 79%, Year 2 76%, Year 3 65% requests, and Year 4 has 124% requests. The image contains a graph to demonstrate other changes in year-over-year call topic requests. Year 1 has -25%, Year 2 has 4%, and Year 3 has 13%.

    We are seeing applications leaders’ priorities change year over year, driven by a shift in their approach to problem solving. Leaders are moving from a process-centric approach to a collaborative approach that breaks down boundaries and brings teams together.

    Software development lifecycle topics are tactical point solutions. Organizations have been “shifting left” to tackle the strategic issues such as product vision and Agile mindset to optimize the whole organization.

    The S/4HANA journey

    Optimization can play a role in your transition to S/4HANA.

    • The business does not stop. Satisfy ongoing needs for business enablement.
    • Build out a collaborative SAP optimization team across the business and IT.
    • Engage the business to understand requirements.
    • Discover applications and processes.
    • Explore current-state capabilities and future-state needs.
    • Evaluate optimization opportunities. Are there short-term wins? What are the long-term goals?
    • Navigate the path to S/4HANA and develop some timelines and stage gates.
    • Set your course and optimization roadmap.
    • Capitalize on the methodologies for an ongoing optimization effort that can be continued after the S/4HANA go-live date.

    Many organizations may be coming up against changes to their SAP ERP application portfolio.

    Some challenges organizations may be dealing with include:

    • Heavily customized instances
    • Large volumes of data
    • Lack of documentation
    • Outdated business processes
    • Looming end of life

    Application optimization is risky without a plan

    Avoid these common pitfalls:

    • Not pursuing optimization because you are migrating to S/4HANA.
    • Not considering how this plays into the short-, medium-, and long-term ERP strategy.
    • Not considering application optimization as a business and IT partnership, which requires the continuous formal engagement of all participants.
    • Not having a good understanding of your current state, including integration points and data.
    • Not adequately accommodating feedback and changes after digital applications are deployed and employed.
    • Not treating digital applications as a motivator for potential future IT optimization efforts and incorporating digital assets in strategic business planning.
    • Not involving department leads, management, and other subject-matter experts to facilitate the organizational change digital applications bring.

    “[A] successful application [optimization] strategy starts with the business need in mind and not from a technological point of view. No matter from which angle you look at it, modernizing a legacy application is a considerable undertaking that can’t be taken lightly. Your best approach is to begin the journey with baby steps.”

    – Medium

    Info-Tech’s methodology for getting the most out of your ERP

    1. Map Current-State Capabilities

    2. Assess Your Current State

    3. Identify Key Optimization Areas

    4. Build Your Optimization Roadmap

    Phase Steps

    1. Identify stakeholders and build your SAP optimization team.
    2. Build an SAP strategy model.
    3. Inventory current system state.
    4. Define business capabilities.
    1. Conduct a gap analysis for ERP processes.
    2. Assess user satisfaction.
    3. Review your satisfaction with the vendor and product.
    1. Identify key optimization areas.
    2. Evaluate product sustainability over the short, medium, and long term.
    3. Identify any product changes anticipated over short, medium, and long term.
    1. Prioritize optimization opportunities.
    2. Identify key optimization areas.
    3. Compile optimization assessment results.

    Phase Outcomes

    1. Stakeholder map
    2. SAP optimization team
    3. SAP business model
    4. Strategy alignment
    5. Systems inventory and diagram
    6. Business capabilities map
    7. Key SAP processes list
    1. Gap analysis for SAP-related processes
    2. Understanding of user satisfaction across applications and processes
    3. Insight into SAP data quality
    4. Quantified satisfaction with the vendor and product
    5. Understanding SAP costs
    1. List of SAP optimization opportunities
    1. SAP optimization roadmap

    Blueprint deliverables

    Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals:

    Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook

    Identify and prioritize your SAP optimization goals.

    The image contains screenshots of the SAP Workbook.

    Application Portfolio Assessment

    Assess IT-enabled user satisfaction across your SAP portfolio.

    The image contains a screenshot of the Application Portfolio Assessment.

    Key deliverable:

    The image contains a screenshot of the SAP Organization Roadmap.

    SAP Optimization Roadmap

    Complete an assessment of processes, user satisfaction, data quality, and vendor management.

    The image contains screenshots further demonstrating SAP deliverables.

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful.

    Guided Implementation

    Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track.


    We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place.


    Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project.

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options

    Guided Implementation

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    Phase 3 Phase 4

    Call #1: Scope requirements, objectives, and your specific challenge.

    Call #2:

    • Build the SAP team.
    • Align organizational goals.

    Call #3:

    • Map current state.
    • Inventory SAP capabilities and processes.
    • Explore SAP-related costs.

    Call #4: Understand product satisfaction and vendor management.

    Call #5: Review APA results.

    Call #6: Understand SAP optimization opportunities.

    Call #7: Determine the right SAP path for your organization.

    Call #8:

    Build out optimization roadmap and next steps.

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization. A typical GI is 8 to 12 calls over the course of 4 to 6 months.

    Workshop Overview

    Contact your account representative for more information.

    Day 1

    Day 2

    Day 3

    Day 4

    Day 5

    Define Your SAP Application Vision

    Map Current State

    Assess SAP

    Build Your Optimization Roadmap

    Next Steps and Wrap-Up (offsite)


    1.1 Identify Stakeholders and Build Your Optimization Team

    1.2 Build an SAP Strategy Model

    1.3 Inventory Current System State

    1.4 Define Optimization Timeframe

    1.5 Understand SAP Costs

    2.1 Assess SAP Capabilities

    2.2 Review Your Satisfaction With the Vendor/Product and Willingness for Change

    3.1 Prioritize Optimization Opportunities

    3.2 Discover Optimization Initiatives

    4.1 Build Your Optimization Roadmap

    5.1 Complete in-progress deliverables from previous four days.

    5.2 Set up review time for workshop deliverables and to discuss next steps.


    1. SAP optimization team
    2. SAP business model
    3. SAP optimization goals
    4. System inventory and data flow
    5. Application and business capabilities list
    6. SAP optimization timeline
    1. SAP capability gap analysis
    2. SAP user satisfaction (application portfolio assessment)
    3. SAP SoftwareReviews survey results
    4. SAP current costs
    1. Product and vendor satisfaction opportunities
    2. Capability and feature optimization opportunities
    3. Process optimization opportunities
    4. Integration optimization opportunities
    5. Data optimization opportunities
    6. SAP cost-saving opportunities
    1. SAP optimization roadmap

    Phase 1

    Map Current-State Capabilities

    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    Phase 3

    Phase 4

    1.1 Identify Stakeholders and Build Your Optimization Team

    1.2 Build an SAP Strategy Model

    1.3 Inventory Current System State

    1.4 Define Optimization Timeframe

    1.5 Understand SAP Costs

    2.1 Assess SAP Capabilities

    2.2 Review Your Satisfaction With the Vendor/Product and Willingness for Change

    3.1 Prioritize Optimization Opportunities

    3.2 Discover Optimization Initiatives

    4.1 Build Your Optimization Roadmap

    This phase will guide you through the following activities:

    • Align your organizational goals
    • Gain a firm understanding of your current state
    • Inventory ERP and related applications
    • Confirm the organization’s capabilities

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • CFO
    • Department Leads – Finance, Procurement, Asset Management
    • Applications Director
    • Senior Business Analyst
    • Senior Developer
    • Procurement Analysts

    Step 1.1

    Identify Stakeholders and Build Your Optimization Team


    1.1.1 Identify stakeholders critical to success

    1.1.2 Map your SAP optimization stakeholders

    1.1.3 Determine your SAP optimization team

    This step will guide you through the following activities:

    • Identify ERP drivers and objectives
    • Explore ERP challenges and pain points
    • Discover ERP benefits and opportunities
    • Align the ERP foundation with the corporate strategy

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Stakeholders
    • Project sponsors and leaders

    Outcomes of this step

    • Stakeholder map
    • SAP Optimization Team

    ERP optimization stakeholders

    • Understand the roles necessary to get the most out of your SAP.
    • Understand the role of each player within your project structure. Look for listed participants on the activities slides to determine when each player should be involved.


    Role Within the Project Structure

    Organizational Sponsor

    • Owns the project at the management/C-suite level
    • Responsible for breaking down barriers and ensuring alignment with your organizational strategy
    • CIO, CFO, COO, or similar

    Project Manager

    • The IT individual(s) that oversee day-to-day project operations
    • Responsible for preparing and managing the project plan and monitoring the project team’s progress
    • Applications Manager or other IT Manager, Business Analyst, Business Process Owner, or similar

    Business Unit Leaders

    • Works alongside the IT Project Manager to ensure the strategy is aligned with business needs
    • In this case, likely to be a marketing, sales, or customer service lead
    • Sales Director, Marketing Director, Customer Care Director, or similar

    Optimization Team

    • Comprised of individuals whose knowledge and skills are crucial to project success
    • Responsible for driving day-to-day activities, coordinating communication, and making process and design decisions; can assist with persona and scenario development for ERP
    • Project Manager, Business Lead, ERP Manager, Integration Manager, Application SMEs, Developers, Business Process Architects, and/or similar SMEs

    Steering Committee

    • Comprised of the C-suite/management-level individuals that act as the project’s decision makers
    • Responsible for validating goals and priorities, defining the project scope, enabling adequate resourcing, and managing change
    • Project Sponsor, Project Manager, Business Lead, CFO, Business Unit SMEs, or similar

    Info-Tech Insight

    Do not limit project input or participation. Include subject-matter experts and internal stakeholders at stages within the project. Such inputs can be solicited on a one-off basis as needed. This ensures you take a holistic approach to create your ERP optimization strategy.

    1.1.1 Identify SAP optimization stakeholders

    1 hour

    1. Hold a meeting to identify the SAP optimization stakeholders.
    2. Use next slide as a guide.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

    The image contains a screenshot from the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook

    Understand how to navigate the complex web of stakeholders in ERP

    Identify which stakeholders to include and what their level of involvement should be during requirements elicitation based on relevant topic expertise.


    End User




    An internal stakeholder who has final sign-off on the ERP project.

    Front-line users of the ERP technology.

    Back-end support staff who are tasked with project planning, execution, and eventual system maintenance.

    Additional stakeholders that will be impacted by any ERP technology changes.


    • CEO
    • CIO/CTO
    • COO
    • CFO
    • Warehouse personnel
    • Sales teams
    • HR admins
    • Applications manager
    • Vendor relationship manager(s)
    • Director, Procurement
    • VP, Marketing
    • Manager, HR


    Executive buy-in and support is essential to the success of the project. Often, the sponsor controls funding and resource allocation.

    End users determine the success of the system through user adoption. If the end user does not adopt the system, the system is deemed useless and benefits realization is poor.

    IT is likely to be responsible for more in-depth requirements gathering. IT possesses critical knowledge around system compatibility, integration, and data.

    Involving business stakeholders in the requirements gathering will ensure alignment between HR and organizational objectives.

    Large-scale ERP projects require the involvement of many stakeholders from all corners and levels of the organization, including project sponsors, IT, end users, and business stakeholders. Consider the influence and interest of stakeholders in contributing to the requirements elicitation process and involve them accordingly.

    EXAMPLE: Stakeholder involvement during selection

    The image contains an example of stakeholder involvement during selection. The graph is comparing influence and interest. In the lowest section of both influence and interest, it is labelled Monitor. With low interest but high influence that is labelled Keep Satisfied. In low influence but high interest it is labelled Keep Informed. The section that is high in both interest and influence that is labelled Involve closely.

    Activity 1.1.2 Map your SAP optimization stakeholders

    1 hour

    1. Use the list of SAP optimization stakeholders.
    2. Map each stakeholder on the quadrant based on their expected influence and involvement in the project.
    3. [Optional] Color code the users using the scale below to quickly identify the group that the stakeholder belongs to.

    The image contains an example of a colour scheme. Sponsor is coloured blue, End user is purple, IT is yellow, and Business is light blue.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

    The image contains a screenshot of an example map on organization's stakeholders.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook

    Map the organization’s stakeholders

    The image contains a larger version of the image from the previous slide where there is a graph comparing influence and involvement and has a list of stakeholders in a legend on the side.

    The SAP optimization team

    Consider the core team functions when putting together the project team. Form a cross-functional team (i.e. across IT, Marketing, Sales, Service, Operations) to create a well-aligned ERP optimization strategy. Don’t let your project team become too large when trying to include all relevant stakeholders. Carefully limiting the size of the project team will enable effective decision making while still including functional business units such as Marketing, Sales, Service, and Finance as well as IT.

    Required Skills/Knowledge

    Suggested Project Team Members


    • Department leads
    • Business process leads
    • Business analysts
    • Subject matter experts
    • SMEs/Business process leads –All functional areas; example: Strategy, Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, Finance, HR


    • Application development
    • Enterprise integration
    • Business processes
    • Data management
    • Product owner
    • ERP application manager
    • Business process manager
    • Integration manager
    • Application developer
    • Data stewards


    • Operations
    • Administrative
    • Change management
    • COO
    • CFO
    • Change management officer

    1.1.3 Determine your SAP optimization team

    1 hour

    1. Have the project manager and other key stakeholders discuss and determine who will be involved in the SAP optimization project.
    • The size of the team will depend on the initiative and size of your organization.
    • Key business leaders in key areas and IT representatives should be involved.

    Note: Depending on your initiative and the size of your organization, the size of this team will vary.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

    The image contains a screenshot of the section ERP Optimization Team in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook

    Step 1.2

    Build an SAP Strategy Model


    1.2.1 Explore environmental factors and technology drivers

    1.2.2 Consider potential barriers and challenges

    1.2.3 Discuss enablers of success

    1.2.4 Develop your SAP optimization goals

    This step will guide you through the following activities:

    • Identify ERP drivers and objectives
    • Explore ERP challenges and pain points
    • Discover ERP benefits and opportunities
    • Align the ERP foundation with the corporate strategy

    This step involves the following participants:

    • SAP Optimization Team

    Outcomes of this step

    • ERP business model
    • Strategy alignment

    Align your SAP strategy with the corporate strategy

    Corporate Strategy

    Unified ERP Strategy

    IT Strategy

    Your corporate strategy:

    • Conveys the current state of the organization and the path it wants to take.
    • Identifies future goals and business aspirations.
    • Communicates the initiatives that are critical for getting the organization from its current state to the desired future state.
    • The ideal ERP strategy is aligned with overarching organizational business goals and with broader IT initiatives.
    • Include all affected business units and departments in these conversations.
    • The ERP optimization can be and should be linked, with metrics, to the corporate strategy and ultimate business objectives

    Your IT strategy:

    • Communicates the organization’s budget and spending on ERP.
    • Identifies IT initiatives that will support the business and key ERP objectives.
    • Outlines staffing and resourcing for ERP initiatives.

    ERP projects are more successful when the management team understands the strategic importance and the criticality of alignment. Time needs to be spent upfront aligning business strategies with ERP capabilities. Effective alignment between IT and the business should happen daily. Alignment doesn’t just need to occur just at the executive level but at each level of the organization.

    ERP Business Model Template

    The image contains a screenshot of a ERP Business Model Template.

    Conduct interviews to elicit the business context

    Stakeholder Interviews

    Begin by conducting interviews of your executive team. Interview the following leaders:

    1. Chief Information Officer
    2. Chief Executive Officer
    3. Chief Financial Officer
    4. Chief Revenue Officer/Sales Leader
    5. Chief Operating Officer/Supply Chain & Logistics Leader
    6. Chief Technology Officer/Chief Product Officer


    1. Your organization’s top three business goals
    2. Your organization’s top ten business initiatives
    3. Your organization’s mission and vision

    Understand the ERP drivers and organizational objectives

    Business Needs

    Business Drivers

    Technology Drivers

    Environmental Factors


    A business need is a requirement associated with a particular business process.

    Business drivers can be thought of as business-level goals. These are tangible benefits the business can measure such as customer retention, operation excellence, and financial performance.

    Technology drivers are technological changes that have created the need for a new ERP enablement strategy. Many organizations turn to technology systems to help them obtain a competitive edge.

    These external considerations are factors that take place outside of the organization and impact the way business is conducted inside the organization. These are often outside the control of the business.


    • Audit tracking
    • Authorization levels
    • Business rules
    • Data quality
    • Customer satisfaction
    • Branding
    • Time-to-resolution
    • Deployment model (i.e. SaaS)
    • Integration
    • Reporting capabilities
    • Fragmented technologies
    • Economic and political factors
    • Competitive influencers
    • Compliance regulations

    Info-Tech Insight

    One of the biggest drivers for ERP adoption is the ability to make quicker decisions from timely information. This driver is a result of external considerations. Many industries today are highly competitive, uncertain, and rapidly changing. To succeed under these pressures, there needs to be timely information and visibility into all components of the organization.

    1.2.1 Explore environmental factors and technology drivers

    30 minutes

    1. Identify business drivers that are contributing to the organization’s need for ERP.
    2. Understand how the company is running today and what the organization’s future will look like. Try to identify the purpose for becoming an integrated organization. Use a whiteboard or flip charts and markers to capture key findings.
    3. Consider external considerations, organizational drivers, technology drivers, and key functional requirements.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

    The image contains a diagram on exploring the environmental factors and technology drivers.

    External Considerations

    Organizational Drivers

    Technology Considerations

    Functional Requirements

    • Funding constraints
    • Regulations
    • Compliance
    • Scalability
    • Operational efficiency
    • Data accuracy
    • Data quality
    • Better reporting
    • Information availability
    • Integration between systems
    • Secure data

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    Create a realistic ERP foundation by identifying the challenges and barriers the project will bestow

    There are several different factors that may stifle the success of an ERP implementation. Organizations that are creating an ERP foundation must scan their current environment to identify internal barriers and challenges.

    Common Internal Barriers

    Management Support

    Organizational Culture

    Organizational Structure

    IT Readiness


    The degree of understanding and acceptance toward ERP systems.

    The collective shared values and beliefs.

    The functional relationships between people and departments in an organization.

    The degree to which the organization’s people and processes are prepared for a new ERP system.


    • Is an ERP project recognized as a top priority?
    • Will management commit time to the project?
    • Are employees resistant to change?
    • Is the organization highly individualized?
    • Is the organization centralized?
    • Is the organization highly formalized?
    • Is there strong technical expertise?
    • Is there strong infrastructure?


    • Funding
    • Resources
    • Knowledge sharing
    • User acceptance
    • Flow of knowledge
    • Quality of implementation
    • Need for reliance on consultants

    ERP Business Model

    Organizational Goals



    • Efficiency
    • Effectiveness
    • Integrity
    • One source of truth for data
    • One team
    • Customer service, external and internal
    • Cross-trained employees
    • Desire to focus on value-add activities
    • Collaborative
    • Top-level executive support
    • Effective change management process
    • Organizational silos
    • Lack of formal process documentation
    • Funding availability
    • What goes first? Organizational priorities

    What does success look like?

    Top 15 critical success factors for ERP system implementation

    The image contains a graph that demonstrates the top 15 critical success factors for ERP system implementation. The top 15 are: Top management support and commitment, Interdepartmental communication and cooperations throughout the institution, Commitment to business process re-engineering to do away with redundant processes, Implementation project management from initiation to closing, Change management program to ensure awareness and readiness for possible changes, Project team competence, Education and training for stakeholders, Project champion to lead implementation, Project mission and goals for the system with clear objectives agreed upon, ERP expert consultant use to guide the implementation process, Minimum level of customization to use ERP functionalities to maximum, Package selection, Understanding the institutional culture, Use involvement and participation throughout implementation, ERP vendor support and partnership.

    Source: Epizitone and Olugbara, 2020; CC BY 4.0

    Info-Tech Insight

    Complement your ability to deliver on your critical success factors with the capabilities of your implementation partner to drive a successful ERP implementation.

    “Implementation partners can play an important role in successful ERP implementations. They can work across the organizational departments and layers creating a synergy and a communications mechanism.” – Ayogeboh Epizitone, Durban University of Technology

    1.2.2 Consider potential barriers and challenges

    1-3 hours

    • Open tab “1.2 Strategy & Goals,” in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.
    • Identify barriers to ERP optimization success.
    • Review the ERP critical success factors and how they relate to your optimization efforts.
    • Discuss potential barriers to successful ERP optimization.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

    The image contains the same diagram as shown previously, where it demonstrated the environmental factors in relation to the ERP strategy. The same diagram is used and highlights the barriers section.

    Functional Gaps

    Technical Gaps

    Process Gaps

    Barriers to Success

    • No online purchase order for requisitions
    • Inconsistent reporting – data quality concerns
    • Duplication of data
    • Lack of system integration
    • Cultural mindset
    • Resistance to change
    • Lack of training
    • Funding

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    1.2.3 Discuss enablers of success

    1-3 hours

    1. Open tab “1.2 Strategy & Goals,” in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.
    2. Identify barriers to ERP optimization success.
    3. Review the ERP critical success factors and how they relate to your optimization efforts.
    4. Discuss potential barriers to successful ERP optimization.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

    The image contains the same diagram as shown previously, where it demonstrated the environmental factors in relation to the ERP strategy. The same diagram is used and highlights the enablers and organizational goals sections.

    Business Benefits

    IT Benefits

    Organizational Benefits

    Enablers of Success

    • Business-IT alignment
    • Compliance
    • Scalability
    • Operational efficiency
    • Data accuracy
    • Data quality
    • Better reporting
    • Change management
    • Training
    • Alignment with strategic objectives

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    The Business Value Matrix

    Rationalizing and quantifying the value of SAP

    Benefits can be realized internally and externally to the organization or department and have different drivers of value.

    • Financial benefits refer to the degree to which the value source can be measured through monetary metrics and are often quite tangible.
    • Human benefits refer to how an application can deliver value through a user’s experience.
    • Inward refers to value sources that have an internal impact and improve your organization’s effectiveness and efficiency in performing its operations.
    • Outward refers to value sources that come from your interaction with external factors, such as the market or your customers.

    Organizational Goals

    • Increased Revenue
    • Application functions that are specifically related to the impact on your organization’s ability to generate revenue and deliver value to your customers.

    • Reduced Costs
    • Reduction of overhead. The ways in which an application limits the operational costs of business functions.

    • Enhanced Services
    • Functions that enable business capabilities that improve the organization’s ability to perform its internal operations.

    • Reach Customers
    • Application functions that enable and improve the interaction with customers or produce market information and insights.

    Business Value Matrix

    The image contains a screenshot of a Business Value Matrix. It includes: Reach Customers, Increase Revenue or Deliver Value, Reduce Costs, and Enhance Services.

    Link SAP capabilities to organizational value

    The image contains screenshots that demonstrate linking SAP capabilities to organizational value.

    1.2.4 Define your SAP optimization goals

    30 minutes

    1. Discuss the ERP business model and ERP critical success factors.
    2. Through the lens of corporate goals and objectives think about supporting ERP technology. How can the ERP system bring value to the organization? What are the top things that will make this initiative a success?
    3. Develop five to ten optimization goals that will form the basis for the success of this initiative.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

    The image contains an example of the activity describe above on defining your SAP optimization goals.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook

    Step 1.3

    Inventory Current System State


    1.3.1 Inventory SAP applications and interactions

    1.3.2 Draw your SAP system diagram

    1.3.3 Inventory your SAP modules and business capabilities (or business processes)

    1.3.4 Define your key SAP optimization modules and business capabilities

    This step will guide you through the following activities:

    • Inventory of applications
    • Mapping interactions between systems

    This step involves the following participants:

    • SAP Optimization Team
    • Enterprise Architect
    • Data Architect

    Outcomes of this step

    • Systems inventory
    • Systems diagram

    1.3.1 Inventory SAP applications and interfaces

    1-3+ hours

    1. Enter your SAP systems, SAP extended applications, and integrated applications within scope.
    2. Include any abbreviated names or nicknames.
    3. List the application type or main function.
    4. List the modules the organization has licensed.
    5. List any integrations.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

    The image contains a screenshot of the SAP application inventory.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook

    ERP Data Flow

    The image contains an example ERP Data Flow with a legend.

    Be sure to include enterprise applications that are not included in the ERP application portfolio. Popular systems to consider for POIs include billing, directory services, content management, and collaboration tools.

    ERP – enterprise resource planning

    Email – email system such as Microsoft Exchange

    Calendar – calendar system such as Microsoft Outlook

    WEM – web experience management

    ECM – enterprise content management

    When assessing the current application portfolio that supports your ERP, the tendency will be to focus on the applications under the ERP umbrella. These relate mostly to marketing, sales, and customer service. Be sure to include systems that act as input to, or benefit due to outputs from, ERP or similar applications.

    1.3.2 Draw your SAP system diagram

    1-3+ hours

    1. From the SAP application inventory, diagram your network.
    2. Include:

    • Any internal or external systems
    • Integration points
    • Data flow

    The image contains a screenshot of the example ERP Systems Diagram.

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    Sample SAP and integrations map

    The image contains a screenshot of a sample SAP and integrations map.

    Business capability map (Level 0)

    The image contains a screenshot of the business capability map, level 0. The capability map includes: Products and Services Development, Revenue Generation, Demand Fulfillment, and Enterprise Management and Planning.

    In business architecture, the primary view of an organization is known as a business capability map. A business capability defines what a business does to enable value creation, rather than how.

    Business capabilities:

    • Represent stable business functions.
    • Are unique and independent of each other.
    • Will typically have a defined business outcome.

    A business capability map provides details that help the business architecture practitioner direct attention to a specific area of the business for further assessment.

    ERP process mapping

    The image contains screenshots to demonstrate the ERP process mapping. One of the screenshots is of the business capability map, level 0, the second screenshot contains the objectives , value streams, capabilities, and processes. The third image contains a screenshot of the SAP screenshot with the circles around it as previously shown.

    The operating model

    An operating model is a framework that drives operating decisions. It helps to set the parameters for the scope of ERP and the processes that will be supported. The operating model will serve to group core operational processes. These groupings represent a set of interrelated, consecutive processes aimed at generating a common output. From your developed processes and your SAP license agreements you will be able to pinpoint the scope for investigation including the processes and modules.

    APQC Framework

    Help define your inventory of sales, marketing, and customer services processes.

    Operating Processes

    1. Develop vision and strategy 2. Develop and manage products and services 3. Market and sell products and services 4. Deliver physical products 5. Deliver services

    Management and Support Processes

    6.Manage customer service

    7. Develop and manage human capital

    8. Manage IT

    9. Manage financial resources

    10. Acquire, construct, and manage assets

    11. Manage enterprise risk, compliance, remediation, and resiliency

    12. Manage external relationships

    13. Develop and manage business capabilities

    Source: APQC

    If you do not have a documented process model, you can use the APQC Framework to help define your inventory of sales business processes. APQC’s Process Classification Framework is a taxonomy of cross-functional business processes intended to allow the objective comparison of organizational performance within and among organizations.

    APQC’s Process Classification Framework

    The value stream

    Value stream defined:

    Value Streams

    Design Product

    Produce Product

    Sell Product

    Customer Service

    • Manufacturers work proactively to design products and services that will meet consumer demand.
    • Products are driven by consumer demand and government regulations.
    • Production processes and labor costs are constantly analyzed for efficiencies and accuracies.
    • Quality of product and services are highly regulated through all levels of the supply chain.
    • Sales networks and sales staff deliver the product from the organization to the end consumer.
    • Marketing plays a key role throughout the value stream, connecting consumers’ wants and needs to the products and services offered.
    • Relationships with consumers continue after the sale of products and services.
    • Continued customer support and data mining is important to revenue streams.

    Value streams connect business goals to the organization’s value realization activities in the marketplace. Those activities are dependent on the specific industry segment in which an organization operates.

    There are two types of value streams: core value streams and support value streams.

    • Core value streams are mostly externally facing. They deliver value to either an external or internal customer and they tie to the customer perspective of the strategy map.
    • Support value streams are internally facing and provide the foundational support for an organization to operate.

    An effective method for ensuring all value streams have been considered is to understand that there can be different end-value receivers.

    Process mapping hierarchy

    The image contains a screenshot of the PCF levels explained. The levels are 1-5. The levels are: Category, Process Group, Process, Activity, and Task.

    Source: APQC

    APQC provides a process classification framework. It allows organizations to effectively define their processes and manage them appropriately.

    APQC’s Process Classification Framework

    Cross-industry classification framework

    Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

    Market and sell products and services

    Understand markets, customers, and capabilities

    Perform customer and market intelligence analysis

    Conduct customer and market research

    Market and sell products and services

    Develop a sales strategy

    Develop a sales forecast

    Gather current and historic order information

    Deliver services

    Manage service delivery resources

    Manage service delivery resource demand

    Develop baseline forecasts

    ? ? ? ?

    Info-Tech Insight

    Focus your initial assessment on the level 1 processes that matter to your organization. This allows you to target your scant resources on the areas of optimization that matter most to the organization and minimize the effort required from your business partners. You may need to iterate the assessment as challenges are identified. This allows you to be adaptive and deal with emerging issues more readily and become a more responsive partner to the business.

    SAP modules and process enablement





    Extended Solutions

    R&D Engineering

    • Enterprise Portfolio and Project Management
    • Product Development Foundation
    • Enterprise Portfolio and Project Management
    • Product Lifecycle Management
    • Product Compliance
    • Enterprise Portfolio and Project Management
    • Product Safety and Stewardship
    • Engineering Record

    Sourcing and Procurement

    • Procurement Analytics
    • Sourcing & Contract Management
    • Operational Procurement
    • Invoice Management
    • Supplier Management

    Supply Chain

    • Inventory
    • Delivery & Transportation
    • Warehousing
    • Order Promising

    Asset Management

    • Maintenance Operations
    • Resource Scheduling
    • Env, Health and Safety
    • Maintenance Management
    The image contains a diagram of the SAP enterprise resource planning. The diagram includes a circle with smaller circles all around it. The inside of the circle contains SAP logos. The circles around the big circle are labelled: Human Resources Management, Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, Asset Management, Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Manufacturing, R&D and Engineering, and Finance.


    • Financial Planning and Analysis
    • Accounting and Financial Close
    • Treasury Management
    • Financial Operations
    • Governance, Risk & Compliance
    • Commodity Management

    Human Resources

    • Core HR
    • Payroll
    • Timesheets
    • Organization Management
    • Talent Management


    • Sales Support
    • Order and Contract Management
    • Agreement Management
    • Performance Management


    • Service Operations and Processes
    • Basic Functions
    • Workforce Management
    • Case Management
    • Professional Services
    • Service Master Data Management
    • Service Management

    Beyond the core

    The image contains a screenshot of a diagram to demonstrate beyond the core. In the middle of the image is S/4 Core, and the BTP: Business Technology Platform. Surrounding it are: SAP Fieldglass, SAP Concur, SAP Success Factors, SAP CRM SAO Hybris, SAP Ariba. On the left side of the image are: Business Planning and Consolidations, Transportation Management System, Integrated Business Planning, Extended Warehouse Management.

    1.3.3 Inventory your SAP modules and business capabilities

    1-3+ hours

    1. Look at the major functions or processes within the scope of ERP.
    2. From the inventory of current systems, choose the submodules or processes that you want to investigate and are within scope for this optimization initiative.
    3. Use tab 1.3 “SAP Capabilities” in Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook for a list of common SAP Level 1 and Level 2 modules/business capabilities.
    4. List the top modules, capabilities, or processes that will be within the scope of this optimization initiative.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

    The image contains a screenshot of an example of what to do for the activity 1.3.3.

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    1.3.4 Define your key SAP optimization modules and business capabilities

    1-3+ hours

    1. Look at the major functions or processes within the scope of ERP.
    2. From the inventory of current systems, choose the submodules or processes for this optimization initiative. Base this on those that are most critical to the business, those with the lowest levels of satisfaction, or those that perhaps need more knowledge around them.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

    The image contains a screenshot of the Key SAP Optimization Capabilities.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook

    Step 1.4

    Define Optimization Timeframe


    1.4.1 Define SAP key dates and SAP optimization roadmap timeframe and structure

    This step will guide you through the following activities:

    • Defining key dates related to your optimization initiative
    • Identifying key building blocks for your optimization roadmap

    This step involves the following participants:

    • SAP Optimization Team
    • Vendor Management

    Outcomes of this step

    • Optimization Key Dates
    • Optimization Roadmap Timeframe and Structure

    1.4.1 Optimization roadmap timeframe and structure

    1-3+ hours

    1. Record key items and dates relevant to your optimization initiatives, such as any products reaching end of life or end of contract or budget proposal submission deadlines.
    2. Enter the expected Optimization Initiative Start Date.
    3. Enter the Roadmap Length. This is the total amount of time you expect to participate in the SAP optimization initiative.
    4. This includes short-, medium- and long-term initiatives.
    5. Enter your Roadmap Date markers: how you want dates displayed on the roadmap.
    6. Enter Column time values: what level of granularity will be helpful for this initiative?
    7. Enter the sprint or cycle timeframe; use this if following Agile.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

    The image contains a screenshot of the Optimization Roadmap Timeframe and Structure.

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    Step 1.5

    Understand SAP Costs


    1.5.1 Document costs associated with SAP

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    • Define your SAP direct and indirect costs
    • List your SAP expense line items

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Finance Representatives
    • SAP Optimization Team

    Outcomes of this step

    • Current SAP and related costs

    1.5.1 Document costs associated with SAP

    1-3 hours

    Before you can make changes and optimization decisions, you need to understand the high-level costs associated with your current application architecture. This activity will help you identify the types of technology and people costs associated with your current systems.

    1. Identify the types of technology costs associated with each current system:
      1. System Maintenance
      2. Annual Renewal
      3. Licensing
    2. Identify the cost of people associated with each current system:
      1. Full-Time Employees
      2. Application Support Staff
      3. Help Desk Tickets

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

    The image contains a screenshot of the activity 1.5.1 on documenting costs associated with SAP.

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    Phase 2

    Assess Your Current State

    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    Phase 3

    Phase 4

    1.1 Identify Stakeholders and Build Your Optimization Team

    1.2 Build an SAP Strategy Model

    1.3 Inventory Current System State

    1.4 Define Optimization Timeframe

    1.5 Understand SAP Costs

    2.1 Assess SAP Capabilities

    2.2 Review Your Satisfaction With the Vendor/Product and Willingness for Change

    3.1 Prioritize Optimization Opportunities

    3.2 Discover Optimization Initiatives

    4.1 Build Your Optimization Roadmap

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Determine process relevance
    • Perform a gap analysis
    • Perform a user satisfaction survey
    • Assess software and vendor satisfaction

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • SAP Optimization Team
    • Users across functional areas of your ERP and related technologies

    Step 2.1

    Assess SAP Capabilities


    2.1.1 Rate capability relevance to organizational goals

    2.1.2 Complete an SAP application portfolio assessment

    2.1.3 (Optional) Assess SAP process maturity

    This step will guide you through the following activities:

    • Capability relevance
    • Process gap analysis
    • Application Portfolio Assessment

    This step involves the following participants:

    • SAP Users

    Outcomes of this step

    • SAP Capability Assessment

    Benefits of the Application Portfolio Assessment

    The image contains a screenshot of the activity of assessing the health of the application portfolio.

    Assess the health of the application portfolio

    • Get a full 360-degree view of the effectiveness, criticality, and prevalence of all relevant applications to get a comprehensive view of the health of the applications portfolio.
    • Identify opportunities to drive more value from effective applications, retire nonessential applications, and immediately address at-risk applications that are not meeting expectations.
    The image contains a screenshot of the activity on providing targeted department feedback.

    Provide targeted department feedback

    • Share end-user satisfaction and importance ratings for core IT services, IT communications, and business enablement to focus on the right end-user groups or lines of business, and ramp up satisfaction and productivity.
    The image contains a screenshot of the activity on gaining insight into the state of data quality.

    Gain insight into the state of data quality

    • Data quality is one of the key issues causing poor CRM user satisfaction and business results. This can include the relevance, accuracy, timeliness, or usability of the organization’s data.
    • Targeted, open-ended feedback around data quality will provide insight into where optimization efforts should be focused.

    2.1.1 Complete a current-state assessment (via the Application Portfolio Assessment)

    3 hours

    Option 1: Use Info-Tech’s Application Portfolio Assessment to generate your user satisfaction score. This tool not only measures application satisfaction but also elicits great feedback from users regarding the support they receive from the IT team around SAP.

    1. Download the ERP Application Inventory Tool.
    2. Complete the “Demographics” tab (tab 2).
    3. Complete the “Inventory” tab (tab 3).
      1. Complete the inventory by treating each module within your SAP system as an application.
      2. Treat every department as a separate column in the department section. Feel free to add, remove, or modify department names to match your organization.
      3. Include data quality for all applications applicable.

    Option 2: Create a survey manually.

    1. Use tab (Reference) 2.1 “APA Questions” as a guide for creating your survey.
    2. Send out surveys to end users.
    3. Modify tab 2.1, “SAP Assessment,” if required.

    Record Results

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

    The image contains a screenshot of the Application Portfolio Assessment.

    Download the ERP Application Inventory Tool

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook

    Sample Report from Application Portfolio Assessment.

    The image contains a screenshot of a sample report from the Application Portfolio Assessment.

    2.1.2 (Optional) Assess SAP process and technical maturity

    1-3 hours

    1. As with any ERP system, the issues encountered may not be related to the system itself but processes that have developed over time.
    2. Use this opportunity to interview key stakeholders to learn about deeper capability processes.
    • Identify key stakeholders.
    • Hold sessions to document deeper processes.
    • Discuss processes and technical enablement in each area.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

    The image contains an example of the process maturity activity.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook

    Process Maturity Assessment

    The image contains a screenshot of the Process Maturity Assessment.

    Step 2.2

    Review Your Satisfaction With the Vendor/Product and Willingness for Change


    2.2.1 Rate your vendor and product satisfaction

    2.2.2 Review SAP product scores (if applicable)

    2.2.3 Evaluate your product satisfaction

    2.2.4 Check your business process change tolerance

    This step will guide you through the following activities:

    • Rate your vendor and product satisfaction
    • Compare with survey data from SoftwareReviews

    This step involves the following participants:

    • SAP Product Owner(s)
    • Procurement Representative
    • Vendor Contracts Manager

    Outcomes of this step

    • Quantified satisfaction with vendor and product

    2.2.1 Rate your vendor and product satisfaction

    30 minutes

    Use Info-Tech’s vendor satisfaction survey to identify optimization areas with your ERP product(s) and vendor(s).

    1. Option 1 (recommended): Conduct a satisfaction survey using SoftwareReviews. This option allows you to see your results in the context of the vendor landscape.
    2. Option 2: Use the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook to review your satisfaction with your SAP software.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

    The image contains a screenshot of the activity Vendor Optimization.

    SoftwareReviews’ Enterprise Resource Planning Category

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook

    2.2.2 Review SAP product scores (if applicable)

    30 minutes

    1. Download the scorecard for your SAP product from the SoftwareReviews website. (Note: Not all products are represented or have sufficient data, so a scorecard may not be available.)
    2. Use the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook tab 2.2 “Vend. & Prod. Sat” to record the scorecard results.
    3. Use your Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook to flag areas where your score may be lower than the product scorecard. Brainstorm ideas for optimization.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

    The image contains a screenshot of the activity 2.2.2 review SAP product scores.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook

    SoftwareReviews’ Enterprise Resource Planning Category

    2.2.3 How does your satisfaction compare with your peers?

    Use SoftwareReviews to explore product features, vendor experience, and capability satisfaction.

    The image contains two screenshots of SoftwareReviews. One is of the ERP Mid-Market, and the second is of the ERP Enterprise.

    Source: SoftwareReviews ERP Mid-Market, April 2022

    Source: SoftwareReviews ERP Enterprise, April 2022

    2.2.4 Check your business process change tolerance

    1 hours

    1. As a group, review the level 0 business capabilities on the previous slide.
    2. Assess the department’s willingness for change and the risk of maintaining the status quo.
    3. Color-code the level 0 business capabilities based on:
    • Green – Willing to follow best practices
    • Yellow – May be challenging or unique business model
    • Red – Low tolerance for change
  • For clarity, move to level 1 if specific areas need to be called out and use the same color code.
  • Input Output
    • Business process capability map
    • Heat map of risk areas that require more attention for validating best practices or minimizing customization
    Materials Participants
    • Whiteboard/flip charts
    • Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook
    • Implementation team
    • CIO
    • Key stakeholders

    Download Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook for additional process levels

    Heat map representing desire for best practice or those having the least tolerance for change

    The image contains a screenshot of a heat map to demonstrate desire for best practice or those having the least tolerance for change.

    Determine the areas of risk to conform to best practice and minimize customization. These will be areas needing focus from the vendor supporting change and guiding best practice. For example: Must be able to support our unique process manufacturing capabilities and enhance planning and visibility to detailed costing.

    Phase 3

    Identify Key Optimization Opportunities

    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    Phase 3

    Phase 4

    1.1 Identify Stakeholders and Build Your Optimization Team

    1.2 Build an SAP Strategy Model

    1.3 Inventory Current System State

    1.4 Define Optimization Timeframe

    1.5 Understand SAP Costs

    2.1 Assess SAP Capabilities

    2.2 Review Your Satisfaction With the Vendor/Product and Willingness for Change

    3.1 Prioritize Optimization Opportunities

    3.2 Discover Optimization Initiatives

    4.1 Build Your Optimization Roadmap

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Identify key optimization areas
    • Create an optimization roadmap

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • SAP Optimization Team

    Assessing application business value

    In this context…business value is

    the value of the business outcome that the application produces. Additionally, it is how effective the application is at producing that outcome.

    Business value is not

    the user’s experience or satisfaction with the application.

    The image contains a screenshot of a Venn Diagram. In the left circle, labelled The Business it contains the following text: Keepers of the organization’s mission, vision, and value statements that define IT success. The business maintains the overall ownership and evaluation of the applications. In the right circle labelled IT, it contains the following text: Technical subject-matter experts of the applications they deliver and maintain. Each IT function works together to ensure quality applications are delivered to stakeholder expectations. The middle space is labelled: Business Value of Applications.

    First, the authorities on business value need to define and weigh their value drivers that describe the priorities of the organization. This will allow the applications team to apply a consistent, objective, and strategically aligned evaluation of applications across the organization.

    Brainstorm IT initiatives to enable high areas of opportunity to support the business

    Brainstorm ERP optimization initiatives in each area. Ensure you are looking for all-encompassing opportunities within the context of IT, the business, and SAP systems.

    Capabilities are what the system and business does that creates value for the organization. Optimization initiatives are projects with a definitive start and end date, and they enhance, create, maintain, or remove capabilities with the goal of increasing value.

    The image contains a Venn Diagram with 3 circles. The circles are labelled as: Process, Technology, and Organization.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Enabling a high-performing organization requires excellent management practices and continuous optimization efforts. Your technology portfolio and architecture are important, but we must go deeper. Taking a holistic view of ERP technologies in the environments in which they operate allows for the inclusion of people and process improvements – this is key to maximizing business results. Using a formal ERP optimization initiative will drive business-IT alignment, identify IT automation priorities, and dig deep into continuous process improvement.

    Address process gaps:

    • ERP and related technologies are invaluable to the goal of organizational enablement, but they must have supported processes driven by business goals.
    • Identify areas where capabilities need to be improved and work toward optimization.

    Support user satisfaction:

    • The best technology in the world won’t deliver business results if it’s not working for the users who need it.
    • Understand concerns, communicate improvements, and support users in all roles.

    Improve data quality:

    • Data quality is unique to each business unit and requires tolerance, not perfection.
    • Implement data quality initiatives that are aligned with overall business objectives and aimed at addressing data practices and the data itself.

    Proactively manage vendors:

    • Vendor management is a critical component of technology enablement and IT satisfaction.
    • Assess your current satisfaction against that of your peers and work toward building a process that is best fit for your organization.

    Step 3.1

    Prioritize Optimization Opportunities


    3.1.1 Prioritize optimization capability areas

    This step will guide you through the following activities:

    • Explore existing process gaps
    • Identify the impact of processes on user satisfaction
    • Identify the impact of data quality on user satisfaction
    • Review your overall product satisfaction and vendor management

    This step involves the following participants:

    • SAP Optimization Team

    Outcomes of this step

    • Application optimization plan

    The Business Value Matrix

    Rationalizing and quantifying the value of SAP

    Benefits can be realized internally and externally to the organization or department and have different drivers of value.

    • Financial benefits refer to the degree to which the value source can be measured through monetary metrics and are often quite tangible.
    • Human benefits refer to how an application can deliver value through a user’s experience.
    • Inward refers to value sources that have an internal impact and improve your organization’s effectiveness and efficiency in performing its operations.
    • Outward refers to value sources that come from your interaction with external factors, such as the market or your customers.

    Organizational Goals

    • Increased Revenue
    • Application functions that are specifically related to the impact on your organization’s ability to generate revenue and deliver value to your customers.

    • Reduced Costs
    • Reduction of overhead. The ways in which an application limits the operational costs of business functions.

    • Enhanced Services
    • Functions that enable business capabilities that improve the organization’s ability to perform its internal operations.

    • Reach Customers
    • Application functions that enable and improve the interaction with customers or produce market information and insights.

    Business Value Matrix

    The image contains a screenshot of a Business Value Matrix. It includes: Reach Customers, Increase Revenue or Deliver Value, Reduce Costs, and Enhance Services.

    Prioritize SAP optimization areas that will bring the most value to the organization

    Review your ERP capability areas and rate them according to relevance to organizational goals. This will allow you to eliminate optimization ideas that may not bring value to the organization.

    The image contains a screenshot of a graph that compares satisfaction by relevance to organizational goals to demonstrate high priority.

    3.1.1 Prioritize and rate optimization capability areas

    1-3 hours

    1. From the SAP capabilities, discuss areas of scope for the SAP optimization initiative.
    2. Discuss the four areas of the business value matrix and identify how each module, along with organizational goals, can bring value to the organization.
    3. Rate each of your SAP capabilities for the level of importance to your organization. The levels of importance are:
    • Crucial
    • Important
    • Secondary
    • Unimportant
    • Not applicable

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

    The image contains a screenshot of activity 3.1.1.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook

    Step 3.2

    Discover Optimization Initiatives


    3.2.1 Discover product and vendor satisfaction opportunities

    3.2.2 Discover capability and feature optimization opportunities

    3.2.3 Discover process optimization opportunities

    3.2.4 Discover integration optimization opportunities

    3.2.5 Discover data optimization opportunities

    3.2.6 Discover SAP cost-saving opportunities

    This step will guide you through the following activities:

    • Explore existing process gaps
    • Identify the impact of processes on user satisfaction
    • Identify the impact of data quality on user satisfaction
    • Review your overall product satisfaction and vendor management

    This step involves the following participants:

    • SAP Optimization Team

    Outcomes of this step

    • Application optimization plan

    Satisfaction with SAP product

    The image contains three screenshots to demonstrate satisfaction with sap product.

    Improving vendor management

    Create a right-size, right-fit strategy for managing the vendors relevant to your organization.

    The image contains a diagram to demonstrate lower strategic value, higher vendor spend/switching costs, higher strategic value, and lower vendor spend/switching costs.

    Info-Tech Insight

    A vendor management initiative (VMI) is an organization’s formalized process for evaluating, selecting, managing, and optimizing third-party providers of goods and services.

    The amount of resources you assign to managing vendors depends on the number and value of your organization’s relationships. Before optimizing your vendor management program around the best practices presented in Info-Tech’s Jump Start Your Vendor Management Initiative blueprint, assess your current maturity and build the process around a model that reflects the needs of your organization.

    Note: Info-Tech uses VMI interchangeably with the terms “vendor management office (VMO),” “vendor management function,” “vendor management process,” and “vendor management program.”

    Jump Start Your Vendor Management Initiative

    3.2.1 Discover product and vendor satisfaction

    1-2 hours

    1. Use tab 3.1 “Optimization Priorities” and tab 2.2 “Vend. & Prod. Sat” to review the capabilities and features of your SAP system.
    2. Answer the following questions:
      1. Document overall product satisfaction.
      2. How does your satisfaction compare with your peers?
      3. Is the overall system fit for use?
      4. Do you have a proactive vendor management strategy in place?
      5. Is the product dissatisfaction at the point that you need to evaluate if it is time to replace the product?
      6. Could your vendor or Systems Integrator help you achieve better results?
    3. Review the Value Effort Matrix for each initiative.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook

    Examples from Application Portfolio Assessment

    The image contains screenshots from the Application Portfolio Assessment.

    3.2.2 Discover capability and feature optimization opportunities

    1-2 hours

    1. Use tab 3.1 “Optimization Priorities” and tab 2.2 “Vend. & Prod. Sat” to review the capabilities and features of your SAP system.
    2. Answer the following questions:
      1. What capabilities and features are performing the worst?
      2. Do other organizations and users struggle with these areas?
      3. Why is it not performing well?
      4. Is there an opportunity for improvement?
      5. What are some optimization initiatives that could be undertaken?
    3. Review the Value Effort Matrix for each initiative.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook

    Process optimization: the hidden goldmine

    In ~90% of SAP business process analysis reports, SAP identified significant potential for improving the existing SAP implementation, i.e. the large majority of customers are not yet using their SAP Business Suite to the full extent.

    Goals of Process Improvement

    Process Improvement Sample Areas

    Improvement Possibilities

    • Optimize business and improve value drivers
    • Reduce TCO
    • Reduce process complexity
    • Eliminate manual processes
    • Increase efficiencies
    • Support digital transformation and enablement
    • Order to cash
    • Procure to pay
    • Order to replenish
    • Plan to produce
    • Request to settle
    • Make to order
    • Make to stock
    • Purchase to order
    • Increase number of process instances processed successfully end-to-end
    • Increase number of instances processed in time
    • Increase degree of process automation
    • Speed up cycle times of supply chain processes
    • Reduce number of process exceptions
    • Apply internal best practices across organizational units

    3.2.3 Discover process optimization opportunities

    1-2 hours

    1. Use exercise 2.13 and tab 2.1 “SAP Current State Assessment” to assess process optimization opportunities.
    2. List underperforming capabilities around process.
    3. Answer the following:
      1. What is the state of the current processes?
      2. Is there an opportunity for process improvement?
      3. What are some optimization initiatives that could be undertaken in this area?

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook

    Integration provides long-term usability

    Balance the need for secure, compliant data availability with organizational agility.

    The Benefits of Integration

    The Challenges of Integration

    • The largest benefit is the extended use of data. The ERP data can be used in the enterprise-level business intelligence suite rather than the application-specific analytics.
    • Enhanced data security. Integrated approaches lend themselves to auditable processes such as sign-on and limiting the email movement of data.
    • Regulatory compliance. Large multi-site organizations have many layers of regulation. A clear understanding of where orders, deliveries, and payments were made streamlines the audit process.
    • Extending a single instance ERP to multiple sites. The challenge for data management is the same as any SaaS application. The connection and data replication present challenges.
    • Combining data from equally high-volume systems. For SAP it is recommended that one instance is set to primary and all other sites are read-only to maintain data integrity.
    • Incorporating data from the separate system(s). The proprietary and locked-in nature of the data collection and definitions for ERP systems often limit the movement of data between separate systems.

    Common integration and consolidation scenarios

    Financial Consolidation

    Data Backup

    Synchronization Across Sites

    Legacy Consolidation

    • Require a holistic view of data format and accounting schedules.
    • Use a data center as the main repository to ensure all geographic locations have equal access to the necessary data.
    • Set up synchronization schedules based on data usage, not site location.
    • Carefully define older transactions. Only active transactions should be brought in the ERP. Send older data to storage.
    • Problem: Controlling financial documentation across geographic regions.
      Most companies are required to report in each region where they maintain a presence. Stakeholders and senior management also need a holistic view. This leads to significant strain on the financial department to consolidate both revenue and budget allocations for cross-site projects across the various geographic locations on a regular basis.
    • Solution: For enterprises with a single vendor, SAP-only portfolios, SAP can offer integration tools. For those needing to integrate with other ERPs, the use of a connector may be required to send financial data to the main system. The format and accounting calendar for transactions should match the primary ERP system to allow consolidation. The local-specific format should be a role-based customization at the level of the site’s specific instance.
    • Problem: ERP systems generate high volumes of data. Most systems have a defined schedule of back-up during off-hours. Multi-instance brings additional issues through lack of defined off-hours, higher volume of data, and the potential for cross-site or instance data relationships. This leads to headaches for both the database administrator and business analysts.
    • Solution: The best solution is an off-site data center with high availability. This may include cloud storage or hosted data centers. Regardless of where the data is stored, centralize the data and replicate to each site. Ensure that the data center can mirror the database and binary large object (BLOB) storage that exists for each site.
    • Problem: Providing access to up-to-date transactions requires copying of both contextual information (permissions, timestamp, location, history) and the transaction itself across multiple sites to allow local copies to be used for analysis and audits. The sheer volume of information makes timely synchronization difficult.
    • Solution: Not all data needs to be synchronized in a timely fashion. In SAP, administrators can use NetWeaver to maintain and alter global data synchronization through the Master Data Management module. Permissions can be given to users to perform on-demand synchronization of data attached to that user.
    • The Problem: Subsidiaries and acquired companies often have a Tier 2 ERP product. Prior to fully consolidating the processes many enterprises will want to migrate data to their ERP system to build compliance and audit trails. Migration of data often breaks historical linkages between transactions.
    • Solution: SAP offers tools to integrate data across applications that can be used as part of a data migration strategy. The process of data migration should be combined with data warehousing to ensure a cost-effective process. For most enterprises, the lack of experience in data migration will necessitate the use of consultants and independent software vendors (ISV).

    For more information: Implement a Multi-site ERP

    3.2.4 Discover integration optimization opportunities

    1-2 hours

    1. Use tab 1.3.1 “SAP Application Inventory” to discuss integrations and how they are related to capability areas that are not performing well.
    2. List capabilities that might be affected by integration issues. Think about exercise 3.2.1 and discuss how integrations could be affecting overall product satisfaction.
    3. Answer the following:
      1. Are there some areas where integration could be improved?
      2. Is there an opportunity for process improvement?
      3. What are some optimization initiatives that could be undertaken in this area?

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook

    System and data optimization

    Consolidating your business and technology requires an overall system and data migration plan.

    The image contains a screenshot of a diagram that demonstrates three different integrations: system, organization, and data.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Have an overall data migration plan before beginning your systems consolidation journey to S/4HANA.

    Use a data strategy that fixes the enterprise-wide data management issues

    Your data management must allow for flexibility and scalability for future needs.

    IT has several concerns around ERP data and wide dissemination of that data across sites. Large organizations can benefit from building a data warehouse or at least adopting some of the principles of data warehousing. The optimal way to deal with the issue of integration is to design a metadata-driven data warehouse that acts as a central repository for all ERP data. They serve as the storage facility for millions of transactions, formatted to allow analysis and comparison.

    Key considerations:

    • Technical: At what stage does data move to the warehouse? Can processes be automated to dump data or to do a scheduled data movement?
    • Process: Data integration requires some level of historical context for all data. Ensure that all data has multiple metadata tags to future-proof the data.
    • People: Who will be accessing the data and what are the key items that users will need to adapt to the data warehouse process?

    Info-Tech Insight

    Data warehouse solutions can be expensive. See Info-Tech’s Build a Data Warehouse on a Solid Foundation for guidance on what options are available to meet your budget and data needs.

    Optimizing SAP data, additional considerations

    Data Quality Management

    Effective Data Governance

    Data-Centric Integration Strategy

    Extensible Data Warehousing

    • Prevention is ten times cheaper than remediation. Stop fixing data quality with band-aid solutions and start fixing at the source of the problem.
    • Data quality is unique to each business unit and requires tolerance, not perfection. If the data allows the business to operate at the desired level, don’t waste time fixing data that may not need to be fixed.
    • Implement a set of data quality initiatives that are aligned with overall business objectives and aimed at addressing data practices and the data itself.
    • Develop a prioritized data quality improvement project roadmap and long-term improvement strategy.
    • Build related practices with more confidence and less risk after achieving an appropriate level of data quality.
    • Data governance enables data-driven insight. Think of governance as a structure for making better use of data.
    • Collaboration is critical. The business may own the data, but IT understands the data. Data governance will not work unless the business and IT work together.
    • Data governance powers the organization up the data value chain through policies and procedures, master data management, data quality, and data architecture.
    • Create a roadmap to prioritize initiatives and delineate responsibilities among data stewards, data owners, and the data governance steering committee.
    • Ensure buy-in from business and IT stakeholders. Communicate initiatives to end users and executives to reduce resistance.
    • Every enterprise application involves data integration. Any change in the application and database ecosystem requires you to solve a data integration problem.
    • Data integration is becoming more and more critical for downstream functions of data management and for business operations to be successful. Poor integration holds back these critical functions.
    • Build your data integration practice with a firm foundation in governance and a reference architecture. Ensure that your process is scalable and sustainable.
    • Support the flow of data through the organization and meet the organization’s requirements for data latency, availability, and relevancy.
    • Data availability must be frequently reviewed and repositioned to continue to grow with the business.
    • A data warehouse is a project, but successful data warehousing is a program. An effective data warehouse requires planning beyond the technology implementation.
    • Governance, not technology, needs to be the core support system for enabling a data warehouse program.
    • Leverage an approach that focuses on constructing a data warehouse foundation that can address a combination of operational, tactical, and ad hoc business needs.
    • Invest time and effort to put together pre-project governance to inform and guide your data warehouse implementation.
    • Select the most suitable architecture pattern to ensure the data warehouse is “built right” at the very beginning.

    Restore Trust in Your Data Using a Business-Aligned Data Quality Management Approach

    Establish Data Governance

    Build a Data Integration Strategy

    Build an Extensible Data Warehouse Foundation

    Data Optimization

    Organizations are faced with challenges associated with changing data landscapes.

    Data migrations should not be taken lightly. It requires an overall data governance to assure data integrity for the move to S/4HANA and beyond.

    Have a solid plan before engaging S/4HANA Migration Cockpit.

    Develop a Master Data Management Strategy and Roadmap

    • Master data management (MDM) is complex in practice and requires investments in governance, technology, and planning.
    • Develop a MDM strategy and initiative roadmap using Info-Tech’s MDM framework, which takes data governance, architecture, and other critical data capabilities into consideration.

    Establish Data Governance

    • Ensure your data governance program delivers measurable business value by aligning the associated data governance initiatives with the business architecture.
    • Data governance must continuously align with the organization’s enterprise governance function. It should not be perceived as a pet project of IT but rather as an enterprise-wide, business-driven initiative.
    The image contains a screenshot of the S/4HANA Migration Cockpit.

    3.2.5 Discover data optimization opportunities

    1-2 hours

    1. Use your APA or user satisfaction survey to understand issues related to data.
      Note: Data issues happen for a number of reasons:
    • Poor underlying data in the system
    • More than one source of truth
    • Inability to consolidate data
    • Inability to measure KPIs effectively
    • Reporting that is cumbersome or non-existent
  • List underperforming capabilities related to data.
  • Answer the following:
    1. What are some underlying issues?
    2. Is there an opportunity for data improvement?
    3. What are some optimization initiatives that could be undertaken in this area?

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook

    SAP cost savings

    SAP cost savings does not have to be complicated.

    Look for quick wins:

    • Evaluate user licensing:
      • Ensure you are not double paying for employees or paying for employees who are no longer with the organization.
      • Verify user activity – if users are accessing the system very infrequently it does not make sense to license them as full users.
      • Audit your user classifications – ensure title positions and associated licenses are up to date.
    • Curb data sprawl.
    • Consolidate applications.

    30-35% of SAP customers likely have underutilized assets. This can add up to millions in unused software and maintenance.

    -Riley et al.

    20% Only 20 percent of companies manage to capture more than half the projected benefits from ERP systems.

    The image contains a screenshot of the Explore the Secrets of SAP Software Contracts to Optimize Spend and Reduce Compliance Risk.

    Explore the Secrets of SAP Software Contracts to Optimize Spend and Reduce Compliance Risk

    The image contains a screenshot of Secrets of SAP S/4HANA Licensing.

    Secrets of SAP S/4HANA Licensing

    License Optimization

    With the relatively slow uptake of the S/4HANA platform, the pressure is immense for SAP to maintain revenue growth.

    SAP’s definitions and licensing rules are complex and vague, making it extremely difficult to purchase with confidence while remaining compliant.

    Without having a holistic negotiation strategy, it is easy to hit a common obstacle and land into SAP’s playbook, requiring further spend.

    Price Benchmarking & Negotiation

    • Use price benchmarking and negotiation intelligence to secure a market-competitive price.
    • Understand negotiation tactics that can be used to better your deal.

    Secrets of SAP S/4HANA Licensing:

    • Build a business case to evaluate S/4HANA.
    • Understand the S/4HANA roadmap and map current functionality to ensure compatibility.

    SAP’s 2025 Support End of Life Date Delayed…As Predicted Here First

    • The math simply did not add up for SAP.
    • Extended support post 2027 is a mixed bag.

    3.2.6 Discover SAP cost-saving opportunities

    1-2 hours

    1. Use tab 1.5 “Current Costs” as an input for this exercise.
    2. Look for opportunities to cut SAP costs, both quick-wins and long-term strategy.
    3. Review Info-Tech’s SAP vendor management resources to understand cost-saving strategies:
    4. List cost-savings initiatives and opportunities.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook

    Other optimization opportunities

    There are many opportunities to improve your SAP portfolio. Choose the ones that are right for your business:

    • Artificial intelligence (AI) (and management of the AI lifecycle)
    • Machine learning (ML)
    • Augment business interactions
    • Automatically execute sales pipelines
    • Process mining
    • SAP application monitoring
    • Be aware of the SAP product roadmap
    • Implement and take advantage of SAP tools and product offerings

    Phase 4

    Build Your Optimization Roadmap

    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    Phase 3

    Phase 4

    1.1 Identify Stakeholders and Build Your Optimization Team

    1.2 Build an SAP Strategy Model

    1.3 Inventory Current System State

    1.4 Define Optimization Timeframe

    1.5 Understand SAP Costs

    2.1 Assess SAP Capabilities

    2.2 Review Your Satisfaction With the Vendor/Product and Willingness for Change

    3.1 Prioritize Optimization Opportunities

    3.2 Discover Optimization Initiatives

    4.1 Build Your Optimization Roadmap

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Review the different options to solve the identified pain points
    • Build out a roadmap showing how you will get to those solutions
    • Build a communication plan that includes the stakeholder presentation

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Primary stakeholders in each value stream supported by the ERP
    • ERP applications support team

    Get the Most Out of Your SAP

    Step 4.1

    4.1 Build Your Optimization Roadmap


    4.1.1 Pick your path

    4.1.2 Pick the right SAP migration path

    4.1.3 Build a roadmap

    4.1.4 Build a visual roadmap

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    • Review the different options to solve the identified pain points then build out a roadmap of how to get to that solution.

    This step involves the following participants:

    • Primary stakeholders in each value stream supported by the ERP
    • ERP applications support team

    Outcomes of this step

    • A strategic direction is set
    • An initial roadmap is laid out

    Choose the right path for your organization

    There are several different paths you can take to achieve your ideal future state. Make sure to pick the one that suits your needs as defined by your current state.

    The image contains a diagram to demonstrate the different paths that can be taken. The pathways are: Optimize current system, augment current system, consolidate current systems, upgrade system, and replace system.

    Explore the options for achieving your ideal future state



    There is significant evidence of poor user satisfaction, inefficient processes, lack of data usage, poor integrations, and little vendor management. Look for opportunities to improve the system.


    Your existing application is, for the most part, functionally rich but may need some tweaking. Spend time and effort building and enhancing additional functionalities or consolidating and integrating interfaces.


    Your ERP application portfolio consists of multiple apps serving the same functions. Consolidating applications with duplicate functionality is more cost efficient and makes integration and data sharing simpler.


    The current system is reaching end of life and the software vendor offers a fit-for-use upgrade or system to which you can migrate. Prepare your migration strategy to move forward on the product roadmap.


    The current SAP system and future SAP roadmap are not fit for use. Vendor satisfaction is at an all-time low. Revisit your ERP strategy as you move into requirements gathering and selection.


    Option: Optimize your current system

    Look for process, workflow, data usage, and vendor relation improvements.


    Keep the system but look for optimization opportunities.

    Your existing application portfolio satisfies both functionality and integration requirements. The processes surrounding it likely need attention, but the system should be considered for retention.

    Maintaining your current system entails adjusting current processes and/or adding new ones and involves minimal cost, time, and effort.




    • User satisfaction is in the mid-range
    • There is an opportunity to rectify problems
    • Contact vendor to inquire about employee training opportunities
    • Build a change management strategy


    • Processes are old and have not been optimized
    • There are many manual processes and workarounds
    • Low process maturity or undocumented inconsistent processes
    • Explore process reengineering and process improvement opportunities
    • Evaluate and standardize processes


    • No major capability gaps
    • Supported for 5+ years
    • Explore opportunities outside of the core technology including workflows, integrations, and reporting

    Alternative 1: Optimize your current system


    • Keep your SAP system running
    • Invest in resolving current challenges
    • Automate manual processes where appropriate
    • Improve/modify current system
    • Evaluate current system against requirements/processes
    • Reimplement functionality

    Alternative Overview

    Initial Investment ($)




    Change Management Required


    Operating Costs ($)


    Alignment With Organizational Goals and ERP Strategy


    Key Considerations

    • Now that I know my needs, where is the current system underused?
    • Do we have specialized needs?
    • Which functions can best enable the business?


    • Less cost investment than upgrading or replacing the system
    • Less technology risk
    • The current system has several optimization initiatives that can be implemented
    • Familiarity with the system; IT and business users know the system well
    • Least amount of changes
    • Integrations will be able to be maintained and will mean less complexity
    • Will allow us to leverage current investments and build on our current confidence in the solution
    • Allow us to review processes and engineer some workflow and process improvements


    • The system may need some augmentation to handle some improvement areas
    • Build some items from scratch
    • Less user-friendly
    • Need to reimplement and reconfigure some modules
    • Lots of workarounds – more staff needed to support current processes
    • Increase customization (additional IT development investment)
    • System gaps would remain
    • System feels “hard” to use
    • Workarounds still needed
    • Hard to overcome “negative” experience with the current system
    • Some functional gaps will remain
    • Less system development and support from the vendor as the product ages.
    • May become a liability and risk area in the future

    For what time frame does this make sense?

    Short Term

    Medium Term

    Long Term

    Option: Augment your current system

    Use augmentation to resolve your existing technology and data pain points.


    Add to the system.

    Your existing application is for the most part functionally rich but may need some tweaking. Spend time and effort enhancing your current system.

    You will be able to add functions by leveraging existing system features. Augmentation requires limited investment and less time and effort than a full system replacement.



    Technology Pain Points

    • Lack of reporting functions
    • Lacking functional depth in key process areas
    • Add point solutions or enable modules to address missing functionality

    Data Pain Points

    • Poor data quality
    • Lack of data for processing and reporting
    • Single-source data entry
    • Add modules or augment processes to capture data

    Alternative 2: Augment current solution


    Maintain core system.

    Invest in SAP modules or extended functionality.

    Add functionality with bolt-on targeted “best of breed” solutions.

    Invest in tools to make the SAP portfolio and ecosystem work better.

    Alternative Overview

    Initial Investment ($)




    Change Management


    Operating Costs ($)


    Alignment With Organizational Goals and ERP Strategy


    Key Considerations

    • Now that I know my needs, where is the current system underused?
    • Do we have specialized needs?
    • Which functions can best enable the business?


    • Meet specific business needs – right solution for each component
    • Well-aligned to specific business needs
    • Higher morale – best solution with improved user interface
    • Allows you to find the right solution for the unique needs of the organization
    • Allows you to incorporate a light change management strategy that can include training for the end users and IT
    • Incorporate best practice processes
    • Leverage out-of-the-box functionality


    • Multiple technological solutions
    • Lots of integrations
    • Out-of-sync upgrades
    • Extra costs – potential less negotiation leverage
    • Multiple solutions to support
    • Multiple vendors
    • Less control over upgrades – including timing (potential out of sync)
    • More training – multiple products, multiple interfaces
    • Confusion – which system to use when
    • Need more HR specialization
    • More complexity in reporting
    • More alignment with JDE E1 information

    For what time frame does this make sense?

    Short Term

    Medium Term

    Long Term

    Option: Consolidate systems

    Consolidate and integrate your current systems to address your technology and data pain points.


    Get rid of one system, combine two, or connect many.

    Your ERP application portfolio consists of multiple apps serving the same functions.

    Consolidating your systems eliminates the need to manage multiple pieces of software that provide duplicate functionality. Reducing the number of ERP applications makes integration and data sharing simpler.



    Technology Pain Points

    • Disparate and disjointed systems
    • Multiple systems supporting the same function
    • Unused software licenses
    • System consolidation
    • System and module integration
    • Assess usage and consolidate licensing

    Data Pain Points

    • Multiple versions of same data
    • Duplication of data entry in different modules or systems
    • Poor data quality
    • Centralize core records
    • Assign data ownership
    • Single-source data entry

    Alternative 3: Consolidate systems


    Get rid of old disparate on-premise solutions.

    Consolidate into an up-to-date ERP solution.

    Standardize across the organization.

    Alternative Overview

    Initial Investment ($)




    Change Management


    Operating Costs ($)


    Alignment With Organizational Goals and ERP Strategy


    Key Considerations

    • Now that I know my needs, where is the current system underused?
    • Do we have specialized needs?
    • Which functions can best enable the business?


    • Aligns the technology across the organization
    • Streamlining of processes
    • Opportunity for decreased costs
    • Easier to maintain
    • Modernizes the SAP portfolio
    • Easier to facilitate training
    • Incorporate best practice processes
    • Leverage out-of-the-box functionality


    • Unique needs of some business units may not be addressed
    • Will require change management and training
    • Deeper investment in SAP

    For what time frame does this make sense?

    Short Term

    Medium Term

    Long Term

    Option: Upgrade System

    Upgrade your system to address gaps in your existing processes and various pain points.


    Move to a new SAP solution

    You’re transitioning from an end-of-life legacy system. Your existing system offers poor functionality and poor integration. It would likely be more cost- and time-efficient to replace the application and its surrounding processes altogether. You are satisfied with SAP overall and want to continue to leverage your SAP relationships and investments.



    Technology Pain Points

    • Obsolete or end-of-life technology portfolio
    • Lack of functionality and poor integration
    • Not aligned with technology direction or enterprise architecture plans
    • Evaluate the ERP technology landscape
    • Determine if you need to replace the current system with a point solution or an all-in-one solution
    • Align ERP technologies with enterprise architecture

    Data Pain Points

    • Limited capability to store and retrieve data
    • Understand your data requirements

    Process Pains

    • Insufficient tools to manage workflow
    • Review end-to-end processes
    • Assess user satisfaction

    Alternative 4: Upgrade System


    Upgrade your current SAP systems with SAP product replacements.

    Invest in SAP with the appropriate migration path for your organization.

    Alternative Overview

    Initial Investment ($)




    Change Management


    Operating Costs ($)


    Alignment With Organizational Goals and ERP Strategy


    Key Considerations

    • Now that I know my needs, where is the current system underused?
    • Do we have specialized needs?
    • Which functions can best enable the business?


    • Aligns the technology across the organization
    • Opportunity for business transformation
    • Allows you to leverage your SAP and SI relationships
    • Modernizes your ERP portfolio
    • May offer you advantages around business transformation and process improvement
    • Opportunity for new hosting options
    • May offer additional opportunities for consolidation or business enablement


    • Big initiative
    • Costly
    • Adds business risk during ERP upgrade
    • May require a high amount of change management
    • Organization will have to build resources to support the replacement and ongoing support of the new product
    • Training will be required across business and IT
    • Integrations with other applications may need to be rebuilt

    For what time frame does this make sense?

    Short Term

    Medium Term

    Long Term

    Option: Replace your current system

    Replace your system to address gaps in your existing processes and various pain points.


    Start from scratch.

    You’re transitioning from an end-of-life legacy system. Your existing system offers poor functionality and poor integration. It would likely be more cost and time efficient to replace the application and its surrounding processes all together.



    Technology Pain Points

    • Lack of functionality and poor integration
    • Obsolete technology
    • Not aligned with technology direction or enterprise architecture plans
    • Dissatisfaction with SAP and SI
    • Evaluate the ERP technology landscape
    • Determine if you need to replace the current system with a point solution or an all-in-one solution
    • Align ERP technologies with enterprise architecture

    Data Pain Points

    • Limited capability to store and retrieve data
    • Understand your data requirements

    Process Pains

    • Insufficient tools to manage workflow
    • Review end-to-end processes
    • Assess user satisfaction

    Alternative 5: Replace SAP with another ERP solution


    Get rid of old disparate on-premises solutions.

    Consolidate into an up-to-date ERP solution.

    Standardize across the organization.

    Alternative Overview

    Initial Investment ($)




    Change Management


    Operating Costs ($)


    Alignment With Organizational Goals and ERP Strategy


    Key Considerations

    • Do we have the appetite to walk away from SAP?
    • What opportunities are we looking for?
    • Are other ERP solutions better for our business?


    • Allows you to explore ERP options outside of SAP
    • Aligns the technology across the organization
    • Opportunity for business transformation
    • Allows you to move away from SAP
    • Modernizes your ERP portfolio
    • May offer you advantages around business transformation and process improvement
    • Opportunity for new hosting options
    • May offer additional opportunities for consolidation or business enablement


    • Big initiative
    • Costly
    • Adds business risk during ERP replacement
    • Relationships will have to be rebuilt with ERP vendor and SIs
    • May require a high amount of change management
    • Organization will have to build resources to support the replacement and ongoing support of the new product
    • Training will be required across business and IT
    • Integrations with other applications may need to be rebuilt

    For what time frame does this make sense?

    Short Term

    Medium Term

    Long Term

    Activity 4.1.1: Pick your path

    1.5 hours

    For each given path selected, identify:

    • Advantage
    • Disadvantages
    • Initial Investment ($)
    • Risk
    • Change Management
    • Operating Costs ($)
    • Alignment With ERP Objectives
    • Key Considerations
    • Timeframe

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

    The image contains a screenshot of activity 4.1.1 pick your path.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook

    Pick the right SAP migration path for your organization

    There are three S/4HANA paths you can take to achieve your ideal future state. Make sure to pick the one that suits your needs as defined by your current state and meets your overall long-term roadmap.

    The image contains a diagram of the pathways that can be take from current state to future state. The options are: BEST PRACTICE QUICK WIN
(Public Cloud), AUGMENT BEST PRACTICE (Private Cloud), OWN FULL SOLUTION (On Premise)

    SAP S/4 HANA offerings can be confusing

    The image contains a screenshot that demonstrates the SAP S/4 Offerings.

    What is the cloud, how is it deployed, and how is service provided?

    The image contains a screenshot from the National Institute of Standards and Technology that describes the Cloud Characteristics, Service Model, and Delivery Model.

    A workload-first approach will allow you to take full advantage of the cloud’s strengths

    • Under all but the most exceptional circumstances good cloud strategies will incorporate different service models. Very few organizations are “IaaS shops” or “SaaS shops,” even if they lean heavily in a one direction.
    • These different service models (including non-cloud options like colocation and on-premises infrastructure) each have different strengths. Part of your cloud strategy should involve determining which of the services makes the most sense for you.
    • Own the cloud by understanding which cloud (or non-cloud!) offering makes the most sense for you, given your unique context.

    See Info-Tech’s Define Your Cloud Vision for more information.

    Cloud service models

    • This research focuses on five key service models, each of which has its own strengths and weaknesses. Moving right from “on-prem” customers gradually give up more control over their environments to cloud service providers.
    • An entirely premises-based environment means that the customer is responsible for everything ranging from the dirt under the datacenter to application-level configurations. Conversely, in a SaaS environment, the provider is responsible for everything but those top-level application configurations.
    • A managed service provider or other third-party can manage any or of the components of the infrastructure stack. A service provider may, for example, build a SaaS solution on top of another provider’s IaaS or offer configuration assistance with a commercially available SaaS.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Not all workloads fit well in the cloud. Many environments will mix service models (e.g. SaaS for some workloads, some in IaaS, some on-premises) and this can be perfectly effective. It must be consistent and intentional, however.

    The image contains a screenshot of cloud service models: On-prem, CoLo, laaS, PaaS, and SaaS

    Option: Best Practice Quick Win

    S/4HANA Cloud, Essentials


    4 times a year

    License Model


    Server Platform


    Platform Management

    SAP only

    Pre-Set Templates (industries)

    Not allowed

    Single vs. Multi-Tenant


    Maintenance ALM Tool


    New Implementation

    This is a public cloud solution for new clients adopting SAP that are mostly looking for full functionality within best practice.

    Consider a full greenfield approach. Even for mid-size existing customers looking for a best-practice overhaul.

    Functionality is kept to the core. Any specialties or unique needs would be outside the core.

    Regional localization is still being expanded and must be evaluated early if you are a global company.

    Option: Augment Best Practice

    S/4HANA Cloud, Extended Edition


    Every 1-2 years or up to client’s schedule

    License Model


    Server Platform

    AZURE, AWS, Google

    Platform Management

    SAP only

    Pre-Set Templates (industries)

    Coded separately

    Single vs. Multi-Tenant

    Single tenant

    Maintenance ALM Tool

    SAP ALM or SAP Solution Manager

    New Implementation With Client Specifics

    No longer available to new customers from January 25, 2022, though available for renewals.

    Replacement is called SAP Extended Services for SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition.

    This offering is a grey area, and the extended offerings are being defined.

    New S/4HANA Cloud extensibility is being offered to early adopters, allowing for customization within a separate system landscape (DTP) and aiming for an SAP Central Business Configuration solution for the cloud. A way of fine-tuning to meet customer-specific needs.

    Option: Augment Best Practice (Cont.)

    S/4HANA Cloud, Private Edition


    Every 1-5 years or up to client’s schedule

    License Model


    Server Platform

    AZURE, AWS, Google

    Platform Management

    SAP only

    Pre-Set Templates (industries)


    Single vs. Multi-Tenant

    Single tenant

    Maintenance ALM Tool

    SAP ALM or SAP Solution Manager

    New Implementation With Client Specifics

    This is a private cloud solution for existing or new customers needing more uniqueness, though still looking to adopt best practice.

    Still considered a new implementation with data migration requirements that need close attention.

    This offering is trying to move clients to the S/4HANA Cloud with close competition with the Any Premise product offering. Providing client specific scalability while allowing for standardization in the cloud and growth in the digital strategy. All customizations and ABAP functionality must be revisited or revamped to fit standardization.

    Option: Own Full Solution

    S/4HANA Any Premise


    Client decides

    License Model

    Perpetual or subscription

    Server Platform

    AZURE, AWS, Google, partner's or own server room

    Platform Management

    Client and/or partner

    Pre-Set Templates (industries)


    Single vs. Multi-Tenant

    Single tenant

    Maintenance ALM Tool

    SAP Solution Manager

    Status Quo Migration to S/4HANA

    This is for clients looking for a quick transition to S/4HANA with minimal risks and without immediate changes to their operations.

    Though knowing the direction with SAP is toward its cloud solution, this may be a long costly path to getting the that end state.

    The Any Premise version carries over existing critical ABAP functionalities, and the SAP GUI can remain as the user interface.

    Activity 4.1.2 (Optional) Evaluate optimization initiatives

    1 hour

    1. If there is an opportunity to optimize the current SAP environment or prepare for the move to a new platform, continue with this step.
    2. Valuate your optimization initiatives from tab 3.2 “Optimization Initiatives.”

    Consider: relevance to achieving goals, number of users, importance to role, satisfaction with features, usability, data quality

    Value Opportunities: increase revenue, decrease costs, enhanced services, reach customers

    Additional Factors:

    • Current to Future Risk Profile
    • Number of Departments to Benefit
    • Importance to Stakeholder Relations
    • Resources: Do we have resources available and the skillset?
    • Cost
    • Overall Effort Rating
    • "Gut Check: Is it achievable? Have we done it or something similar before? Are we willing to invest in it?"


    • Relative priority
    • Determine if this will be included in your optimization roadmap
    • Decision to proceed
    • Next steps

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook

    Activity 4.1.3 Roadmap building blocks: SAP migration

    1 hour

    Migration paths: Determine your migration path and next steps using the Activity 4.1.1 “SAP System Options.”

    1. Identify initiatives and next steps.
    2. For each item on your roadmap, assign an owner who will be accountable to the completion of the roadmap item.
    3. Wherever possible, assign a start date, month, or quarter. The more specific you can be the better.
    4. Identify completion dates to create a sense of urgency. If you are struggling with start dates, it can help to start with a finish date and “back in” to a start date based on estimated efforts.
    5. Include periphery tasks such as communication strategy.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

    Note: Your roadmap should be treated as a living document that is updated and shared with the stakeholders on a regular schedule.

    The image contains a diagram of the pathways that can be take from current state to future state. The options are: BEST PRACTICE QUICK WIN
(Public Cloud), AUGMENT BEST PRACTICE (Private Cloud), OWN FULL SOLUTION (On Premise)

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook

    Activity 4.1.4 Roadmap building blocks: SAP optimization

    1 hour

    Optimization initiatives: Determine which if any to proceed with.

    1. Identify initiatives.
    2. For each item on your roadmap, assign an owner who will be accountable to the completion of the roadmap item.
    3. Wherever possible, assign a start date, month, or quarter. The more specific you can be the better.
    4. Identify completion dates to create a sense of urgency. If you are struggling with start dates, it can help to start with a finish date and “back in” to a start date based on estimated efforts.
    5. Include periphery tasks such as communication strategy.

    Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

    Note: Your roadmap should be treated as a living document that is updated and shared with the stakeholders on a regular schedule.

    The image contains a screenshot of activity 4.1.4 SAP optimization.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook

    SAP optimization roadmap



    Start Date

    Completion Date

    Create final workshop deliverable


    16 September 2021

    Review final deliverable

    Workshop sponsor

    Present to executive team

    October 2021

    Build business case

    CFO, CIO, Directors

    3 weeks to build

    3-4 weeks process time

    Build an RFI for initial costings

    1-2 weeks

    Stage 1 approval for requirements gathering

    Executive committee


    Determine and acquire BA support for next step

    1 week

    Requirements gathering – level 2 processes

    Project team

    1 week

    Build RFP (based on informal approval)

    CFO, CIO, Directors

    4th calendar quarter 2022

    Possible completion: January 2023

    2-4 weeks

    Data strategy optimization

    The image contains a graph to demonstrate the data strategy optimization.

    Activity 4.1.5 (Optional) Build a visual SAP roadmap

    1 hour

    1. For some, a visual representation of a roadmap is easier to comprehend. Consider taking the roadmap built in 4.1.4 and creating a visual.
    2. Record this information in the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook.

      The image contains a screenshot of activity 4.1.5 build a visual SAP roadmap.

    Download the Get the Most Out of Your SAP Workbook

    SAP strategy roadmap

    The image contains a screenshot of the SAP strategy roadmap.

    Implementations Partners

    • Able to consult, migrate, implement, and manage the SAP S/4HANA business suite across industries.
    • Able to transform the enterprise’s core business system to achieve the desired outcome.
    • Capable in strategic planning, building business cases, developing roadmaps, cost and time analysis, deployment model (on-prem, cloud, hybrid model), database conversion, database and operational support, and maintenance services.

    Info-Tech Insight

    It is becoming a common practice for implementation partners to engage in a two- to three-month Discovery Phase or Phase 0 to prepare an implementation roadmap. It is important to understand how this effort is tied to the overall service agreement.

    The image contains several logos of the implementation partners: Atos, Accenture, Cognizant, EY, Infosys, Tech Mahindra, LTI, Capgemini, Wipro, IBM, tos.

    Summary of Accomplishment

    Get the Most Out of Your SAP

    ERP technology is critical to facilitating an organization’s flow of information across business units. It allows for seamless integration of systems and creates a holistic view of the enterprise to support decision making. ERP implementation should not be a one-and-done exercise. There needs to be an ongoing optimization to enable business processes and optimal organizational results.

    Get the Most Out of Your SAP allows organizations to proactively implement continuous assessment and optimization of their enterprise resource planning system, including:

    • Alignment and prioritization of key business and technology drivers.
    • Identification of processes, including classification and gap analysis.
    • Measurement of user satisfaction across key departments.
    • Improved vendor relations.
    • Data quality initiatives.

    This formal SAP optimization initiative will drive business-IT alignment, identify IT automation priorities, and dig deep into continuous process improvement.

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through other phases as part of an Info-Tech workshop.

    Contact your account representative for more information.


    Research Contributors

    The image contains a picture of Ben Dickie.

    Ben Dickie

    Research Practice Lead

    Info-Tech Research Group

    Ben Dickie is a Research Practice Lead at Info-Tech Research Group. His areas of expertise include customer experience management, CRM platforms, and digital marketing. He has also led projects pertaining to enterprise collaboration and unified communications.

    The image contains a picture of Scott Bickley.

    Scott Bickley

    Practice Lead and Principal Research Director

    Info-Tech Research Group

    Scott Bickley is a Practice Lead and Principal Research Director at Info-Tech Research Group focused on vendor management and contract review. He also has experience in the areas of IT asset management (ITAM), software asset management (SAM), and technology procurement along with a deep background in operations, engineering, and quality systems management.

    The image contains a picture of Andy Neil.

    Andy Neil

    Practice Lead, Applications

    Info-Tech Research Group

    Andy is a Senior Research Director, Data Management and BI, at Info-Tech Research Group. He has over 15 years of experience in managing technical teams, information architecture, data modeling, and enterprise data strategy. He is an expert in enterprise data architecture, data integration, data standards, data strategy, big data, and the development of industry standard data models.


    Armel, Kate. "New Article: Data-Driven Estimation, Management Lead to High Quality." QSM: Quantitative Software Management, 14 May 2013. Accessed 4 Feb. 2021.

    Enterprise Resource Planning. McKinsey, n.d. Accessed 13 Apr. 2022.

    Epizitone, Ayogeboh. Info-Tech Interview, 10 May 2021.

    Epizitone, Ayogeboh, and Oludayo O. Olugbara. “Principal Component Analysis on Morphological Variability of Critical Success Factors for Enterprise Resource Planning.” International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), vol. 11, no. 5, 2020. Web.

    Gheorghiu, Gabriel. "The ERP Buyer’s Profile for Growing Companies." Selecthub, 2018. Accessed 21 Feb. 2021.

    Karlsson, Johan. "Product Backlog Grooming Examples and Best Practices." Perforce, 18 May 2018. Accessed 4 Feb. 2021.

    Lichtenwalter, Jim. “A look back at 2021 and a look ahead to 2022.” ASUG, 23 Jan. 2022. Web.

    “Maximizing the Emotional Economy: Behavioral Economics." Gallup, n.d. Accessed 21 Feb. 2021.

    Mell, Peter, and Timothy Grance. “The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing.” National Institute of Standards and Technology. Sept. 2011. Web.

    Norelus, Ernese, Sreeni Pamidala, and Oliver Senti. "An Approach to Application Modernization: Discovery and Assessment Phase," Medium, 24 Feb 2020. Accessed 21 Feb. 2021.

    “Process Frameworks." APQC, n.d. Accessed 21 Feb. 2021.

    “Quarterly number of SAP S/4HANA subscribers worldwide, from 2015 to 2021.” Statista, n.d. Accessed 13 Apr. 2022.

    Riley, L., C.Hanna, and M. Tucciarone. “Rightsizing SAP in these unprecedented times.” Upperedge, 19 May 2020.

    Rubin, Kenneth S. Essential Scrum: A Practical Guide to the Most Popular Agile Process. Pearson Education, 2012.

    “SAP S/4HANA Product Scorecard Report.” SoftwareReviews, n.d. Accessed 18 Apr. 2022.

    Saxena, Deepak, and Joe Mcdonagh. "Evaluating ERP Implementations: The Case for a Lifecycle-based Interpretive Approach." The Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, vol. 22, no. 1, 2019, pp. 29-37. Accessed 21 Feb. 2021.

    Smith, Anthony. "How To Create A Customer-Obsessed Company Like Netflix." Forbes, 12 Dec. 2017. Accessed 21 Feb. 2021.

    Build Your Enterprise Innovation Program

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}104|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): 10.0/10 Overall Impact
    • member rating average dollars saved: $100,000 Average $ Saved
    • member rating average days saved: 10 Average Days Saved
    • Parent Category Name: Innovation
    • Parent Category Link: /innovation
    • You don’t know where to start when it comes to building an innovation program for your organization.
    • You need to create a culture of innovation in your business, department, or team.
    • Past innovation efforts have been met with resistance and cynicism.
    • You don’t know what processes you need to support business-led innovation.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    Innovation is about people, not ideas or processes. Innovation does not require a formal process, a dedicated innovation team, or a large budget; the most important success factor for innovation is culture. Companies that facilitate innovative behaviors like growth mindset, collaboration, and taking smart risks are most likely to see the benefits of innovation.

    Impact and Result

    • Outperform your peers by 30% by adopting an innovative approach to your business.
    • Move quickly to launch your innovation practice and beat the competition.
    • Develop the skills and capabilities you need to sustain innovation over the long term.

    Build Your Enterprise Innovation Program Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Build Your Enterprise Innovation Program Storyboard – A step-by-step process to create the innovation culture, processes, and tools you need for business-led innovation.

    This storyboard includes three phases and nine activities that will help you define your purpose, align your people, and build your practice.

    • Build Your Enterprise Innovation Program – Phases 1-3

    2. Innovation Program Template – An executive communication deck summarizing the outputs from this research.

    Use this template in conjunction with the activities in the main storyboard to create and communicate your innovation program. This template uses sample data from a fictional retailer, Acme Corp, to illustrate an ideal innovation program summary.

    • Innovation Program Template

    3. Job Description – Chief Innovation Officer

    This job description can be used to hire your Chief Innovation Officer. There are many other job descriptions available on the Info-Tech website and referenced within the storyboard.

    • Chief Innovation Officer

    4. Innovation Ideation Session Template – Use this template to facilitate innovation sessions with the business.

    Use this framework to facilitate an ideation session with members of the business. Instructions for how to customize the information and facilitate each section is included within the deck.

    • Innovation Ideation Session Template

    5. Initiative Prioritization Workbook – Use this spreadsheet template to easily and transparently prioritize initiatives for pilot.

    This spreadsheet provides an analytical and transparent method to prioritize initiatives based on weighted criteria relevant to your business.

    • Initiative Prioritization Workbook


    Workshop: Build Your Enterprise Innovation Program

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Define Your Ambitions

    The Purpose

    Define your innovation ambitions.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Gain a better understanding of why you are innovating and what your organization will gain from an innovation program.


    1.1 Understand your innovation mandate.

    1.2 Define your innovation ambitions.

    1.3 Determine value proposition & metrics.


    Complete the "Our purpose" section of the Innovation Program Template

    Complete "Vision and guiding principles" section

    Complete "Scope and value proposition" section

    Success metrics

    2 Align Your People

    The Purpose

    Build a culture, operating model, and team that support innovation.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Develop a plan to address culture gaps and identify and implement your operating model.


    2.1 Foster a culture of innovation.

    2.2 Define your operating model.


    Complete "Building an innovative culture" section

    Complete "Operating model" section

    3 Develop Your Capabilities

    The Purpose

    Create the capability to facilitate innovation.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Create a resourcing plan and prioritization templates to make your innovation program successful.


    3.1 Build core innovation capabilities.

    3.2 Develop prioritization criteria.


    Team structure and resourcing requirements

    Prioritization spreadsheet template

    4 Build Your Program

    The Purpose

    Finalize your program and complete the final deliverable.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Walk away with a complete plan for your innovation program.


    4.1 Define your methodology to pilot projects.

    4.2 Conduct a program retrospective.


    Complete "Operating model" section in the template

    Notable wins and goals

    Further reading

    Build Your Enterprise Innovation Program

    Transform your business by adopting the culture and practices that drive innovation.

    Analyst Perspective

    Innovation is not about ideas, it's about people.

    Many organizations stumble when implementing innovation programs. Innovation is challenging to get right, and even more challenging to sustain over the long term.

    One of the common stumbling blocks we see comes from organizations focusing more on the ideas and the process than on the culture and the people needed to make innovation a way of life. However, the most successful innovators are the ones which have adopted a culture of innovation and reinforce innovative behaviors across their organization. Organizational cultures which promote growth mindset, trust, collaboration, learning, and a willingness to fail are much more likely to produce successful innovators.

    This research is not just about culture, but culture is the starting point for innovation. My hope is that organizations will go beyond the processes and methodologies laid out here and use this research to dramatically improve their organization's performance.

    Kim Rodriguez

    Kim Osborne Rodriguez
    Research Director, CIO Advisory
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    As a leader in your organization, you need to:

    • Understand your organization's innovation goals.
    • Create an innovation program or structure.
    • Develop a culture of innovation across your team or organization.
    • Demonstrate an ability to innovate and grow the business.

    Common Obstacles

    In the past, you might have experienced one or more of the following:

    • Innovation initiatives lose momentum.
    • Cynicism and distrust hamper innovation.
    • Innovation efforts are unfocused or don't provide the anticipated value.
    • Bureaucracy has created a bottleneck that stifles innovation.

    Info-Tech's Approach

    This blueprint will help you:

    • Understand the different types of innovation.
    • Develop a clear vision, scope, and focus.
    • Create organizational culture and behaviors aligned with your innovation ambitions.
    • Adopt an operational model and methodologies best suited for your culture, goals, and budget.
    • Successfully run a pilot program.

    Info-Tech Insight

    There is no single right way to approach innovation. Begin with an understanding of your innovation ambitions, your existing culture, and the resources available to you, then adopt the innovation operating model that is best suited to your situation.

    Note: This research is written for the individual who is leading the development of the innovation. This role is referred to as the Chief Innovation Officer (CINO) throughout this research but could be the CIO, CTO, IT director, or another business leader.

    Why is innovation so challenging?

    Most organizations want to be innovative, but very few succeed.

    • Bureaucracy slows innovation: Innovation requires speed – it is important to fail fast and early so you can iterate to improve the final solution. Small, agile organizations like startups tend to be more risk tolerant and can move more quickly to iterate on new ideas compared to larger organizations.
    • Change is uncomfortable: Most people are profoundly uncomfortable with failure, risk, and unknowns – three critical components of innovation. Humans are wired to think efficiently rather than innovatively, which leads to confirmation bias and lack of ingenuity.
    • You will likely fail: Innovation initiatives rarely succeed on the first try – Harvard Business Review estimates between 70% and 90% of innovation efforts fail. Organizations which are more tolerant of failure tend to be significantly more innovative than those which are not (Review of Financial Studies, 2014).

    Based on a survey of global innovation trends and practices:


    Three-quarters of companies say innovation is a top-three priority.
    Source: BCG, 2021


    But only 30% of executives say their organizations are doing it well.
    Source: BCG, 2019

    The biggest obstacles to innovation are cultural

    The biggest obstacles to innovation in large companies

    Based on a survey of 270 business leaders.
    Source: Harvard Business Review, 2018

    A bar graph from the Harvard Business Review

    The most common challenges business leaders experience relate to people and culture. Success is based on people, not ideas.

    Politics, turf wars, and a lack of alignment: territorial departments, competition for resources, and unclear roles are holding back the innovation efforts of 55% of respondents.

    FIX IT
    Senior leadership needs to be clear on the innovation goals and how business units are expected to contribute to them.

    Cultural issues: many large companies have a culture that rewards operational excellence and disincentivizes risk. A history of failed innovation attempts may result in significant resistance to new change efforts.

    FIX IT
    Cultural change takes time. Ensure you are rewarding collaboration and risk-taking, and hire people with fresh new perspectives.

    Inability to act on signals crucial to the future of the business: only 18% of respondents indicated their organization was unaware of disruptions, but 42% said they struggled with acting on leading indicators of change.

    FIX IT
    Build the ability to quickly run pilots or partner with startups and incubators to test out new ideas without lengthy review and approval processes.
    Source: Harvard Business Review, 2018

    Build Your Enterprise Innovation Program

    Define your purpose, assess your culture, and build a practice that delivers true innovation.

    An image summarizing how to define your purpose, align your people, and Build your Practice.
    1 Source: Boston Consulting Group, 2021
    2 Source: Boston Consulting Group, 2019
    3 Source: Harvard Business Review, 2018

    Use this research to outperform your peers

    A seven-year review showed that the most innovative companies outperformed the market by upwards of 30%.

    A line graph showing the Normalized Market Capitalization for 2020.

    Innovators are defined as companies that were listed on Fast Company World's 50 Most Innovative Companies for 2+ years.

    Innovation is critical to business success.

    A 25-year study by Business Development Canada and Statistics Canada showed that innovation was more important to business success than management, human resources, marketing, or finance.

    Executive brief case study

    INDUSTRY: Healthcare
    SOURCE: Interview

    Culture is critical

    This Info-Tech member is a nonprofit, community-based mental health organization located in the US. It serves about 25,000 patients per year in community, school, and clinic settings.

    This organization takes its innovation culture very seriously and has developed methodologies to assess individual and team innovation readiness as well as innovation types, which it uses to determine everyone's role in the innovation process. These assessments look at knowledge of and trust in the organization, its innovation profile, and its openness to change. Innovation enthusiasts are involved early in the process when it's important to dream big, while more pragmatic perspectives are incorporated later to improve the final solution.


    The organization has developed many innovative approaches to delivering healthcare. Notably, they have reimagined patient scheduling and reduced wait times to the extent that some patients can be seen the same day. They are also working to improve access to mental health care despite a shortage of professionals.

    Developing an Innovative Culture

    • Innovation Readiness Assessment
    • Coaching Specific to Innovation Profile
    • Innovation Enthusiasts Involved Early
    • Innovation Pragmatists Involved Later
    • High Success Rate of Innovation

    Define innovation roles and responsibilities

    A table showing key innovation roles and responsibilities.

    Info-Tech's methodology for building your enterprise innovation program

    1. Define Your Purpose

    2. Align Your People

    3. Build Your Practice

    Phase Steps

    1. Understand your mandate
    2. Define your innovation ambitions
    3. Determine value proposition and metrics
    1. Foster a culture of innovation
    2. Define your operating model
    3. Build core innovation capabilities
    1. Build your ideation and prioritization methodologies
    2. Define your pilot project methodology
    3. Conduct a program retrospective

    Phase Outcomes

    Understand where the mandate for innovation comes from, and what the drivers are for pursuing innovation. Define what innovation means to your organization, and set the vision, mission, and guiding principles. Articulate the value proposition and key metrics for measuring success.

    Understand what it takes to build an innovative culture, and what types of innovation structure are most suited to your innovation goals. Define an innovation methodology and build your core innovation capabilities and team.

    Gather ideas and understand how to assess and prioritize initiatives based on standardized metrics. Develop criteria for tracking and measuring the success of pilot projects and conduct a program retrospective.

    Innovation program taxonomy

    This research uses the following common terms:

    Innovation Operating Model
    The operating model describes how the innovation program delivers value to the organization, including how the program is structured, the steps from idea generation to enterprise launch, and the methodologies used.
    Examples: Innovation Hub, Grassroots Innovation.

    Innovation Methodology
    Methodologies describe the ways the operating model is carried out, and the approaches used in the innovation practice.
    Examples: Design Thinking, Weighted Criteria Scoring

    Chief Innovation Officer
    This research is written for the person or team leading the innovation program – this might be a CINO, CIO, or other leader in the organization.

    Innovation Team
    The innovation team may vary depending on the operating model, but generally consists of the individuals involved in facilitating innovation across the organization. This may be, but does not have to be, a dedicated innovation department.

    Innovation Program
    The program for generating ideas, running pilot projects, and building a business case to implement across the enterprise.

    Pilot Project
    A way of testing and validating a specific concept in the real world through a minimum viable product or small-scale implementation. The pilot projects are part of the overall pilot program.

    Insight summary

    Innovation is about people, not ideas or processes
    Innovation does not require a formal process, a dedicated innovation team, or a large budget; the most important success factor for innovation is culture. Companies that facilitate innovative behaviors like growth mindset, collaboration, and the ability to take smart risk are most likely to see the benefits of innovation.

    Very few are doing innovation well
    Only 30% of companies consider themselves innovative, and there's a good reason: innovation involves unknowns, risk, and failure – three situations that people and organizations typically do their best to avoid. Counter this by removing the barriers to innovation.

    Culture is the greatest barrier to innovation
    In a survey of 270 business leaders, the top three most common obstacles were politics, turf wars, and alignment; culture issues; and inability to act on signals crucial to the business (Harvard Business Review, 2018). If you don't have a supportive culture, your ability to innovate will be significantly reduced.

    Innovation is a means to an end
    It is not the end itself. Don't get caught up in innovation for the sake of innovation – make sure you are getting the benefits from your investments. Measurable success factors are critical for maintaining the long-term success of your innovation engine.

    Tackle wicked problems
    Innovative approaches are better at solving complex problems than traditional practices. Organizations that prioritize innovation during a crisis tend to outperform their peers by over 30% and improve their market position (McKinsey, 2020).

    Innovate or die
    Innovation is critical to business growth. A 25-year study showed that innovation was more important to business success than management, human resources, marketing, or finance (Statistics Canada, 2006).

    Blueprint deliverables

    Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals:

    Sample Job Descriptions and Organization Charts

    Determine the skills, knowledge, and structure you need to make innovation happen.

    Sample Job Descriptions and Organization Charts

    Ideation Session Template

    Facilitate an ideation session with your staff to identify areas for innovation.

    Ideation Session Template

    Initiative Prioritization Workbook

    Evaluate ideas to identify those which are most likely to provide value.

    Prioritization Workbook

    Key deliverable:

    Enterprise Innovation Program Summary

    Communicate how you plan to innovate with a report summarizing the outputs from this research.

    Enterprise Innovation Program Summary

    Measure the value of this research

    US businesses spend over half a trillion dollars on innovation annually. What are they getting for it?

    • The top innovators(1) typically spend 5-15% of their budgets on innovation (including R&D).
    • This research helps organizations develop a successful innovation program, which delivers value to the organization in the form of new products, services, and methods.
    • Leverage this research to:
      • Get your innovation program off the ground quickly.
      • Increase internal knowledge and expertise.
      • Generate buy-in and excitement about innovation.
      • Develop the skills and capabilities you need to drive innovation over the long term.
      • Validate your innovation concept.
      • Streamline and integrate innovation across the organization.

    (1) based on BCG's 50 Most Innovative Companies 2022


    The most innovative companies outperform the market by 30%.
    Source: McKinsey & Company, 2020

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    “Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful.”

    Guided Implementation

    “Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track.”


    “We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place.”


    “Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project.”

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options

    Guided implementation

    What does a typical guided implementation (GI) on this topic look like?

    Phase 0 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Finish

    Call #1: Scope requirements, objectives, and your specific challenges.

    Call #2: Understand your mandate.
    (Activity 1.1)

    Call #3: Innovation vision, guiding principles, value proposition, and scope.
    (Activities 1.2 and 1.3)

    Call #4: Foster a culture of innovation. (Activity 2.1)

    Call #5: Define your methodology. (Activity 2.2)

    Call #6: Build core innovation capabilities. (Activity 2.3)

    Call #7: Build your ideation and pilot programs. (Activities 3.1 and 3.2)

    Call #8: Identify success metrics and notable wins. (Activity 3.3)

    Call #9: Summarize results and plan next steps.

    A GI is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    A typical GI is 8 to 12 calls over the course of three to six months.

    Workshop overview

    Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889

    Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

    Wrap Up


    Define Your Ambitions

    Align Your People

    Develop Your Capabilities

    Build Your Program

    Next Steps and
    Wrap Up (offsite)

    1. Understand your innovation mandate (complete activity prior to workshop)
    2. Define your innovation ambitions
    3. Determine value proposition and metrics
    1. Foster a culture of innovation
    2. Define your operating model
    1. Build core innovation capabilities
    2. Develop prioritization criteria
    1. Define your methodology to pilot projects
    2. Conduct a program retrospective
    1. Complete in-progress deliverables from previous four days
    2. Set up review time for workshop deliverables and to discuss next steps


    1. Our purpose
    2. Message from the CEO
    3. Vision and guiding principles
    4. Scope and value proposition
    5. Success metrics
    1. Building an innovative culture
    2. Operating model
    1. Core capabilities and structure
    2. Idea evaluation prioritization criteria
    1. Program retrospective
    2. Notable wins
    3. Executive summary
    4. Next steps
    1. Completed enterprise innovation program
    2. An engaged and inspired team

    Phase 1: Define Your Purpose

    Develop a better understanding of the drivers for innovation and what success looks like.




    1. Understand your mandate
    2. Define your innovation ambitions
    3. Determine value proposition and metrics
    1. Foster a culture of innovation
    2. Define your operating model
    3. Build core innovation capabilities
    1. Build your ideation and prioritization methodologies
    2. Define your pilot project methodology
    3. Conduct a program retrospective

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Understand your innovation mandate, including its drivers, scope, and focus.
    • Define what innovation means to your organization.
    • Develop an innovation vision and guiding principles.
    • Articulate the value proposition and proposed metrics for evaluating program success.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • CINO
    • Business executives

    Case study

    INDUSTRY: Transportation
    SOURCE: Interview

    ArcBest is a multibillion-dollar shipping and logistics company which leverages innovative technologies to provide reliable and integrated services to its customers.

    An Innovative Culture Starts at the Top
    ArcBest's innovative culture has buy-in and support from the highest level of the company. Michael Newcity, ArcBest's CEO, is dedicated to finding better ways of serving their customers and supports innovation across the company by dedicating funding and resources toward piloting and scaling new initiatives.
    Having a clear purpose and mandate for innovation at all levels of the organization has resulted in extensive grassroots innovation and the development of a formalized innovation program.

    ArcBest has a legacy of innovation, going back to its early days when it developed a business intelligence solution before anything else existed on the market. It continues to innovate today and is now partnering with start-ups to further expand its innovation capabilities.

    "We don't micromanage or process-manage incremental innovation. We hire really smart people who are inspired to create new things and we let them run – let them create – and we celebrate it.
    Our dedication to innovation comes from the top – I am both the President and the Chief Innovation Officer, and innovation is one of my top priorities."

    Michael Newcity

    Michael Newcity
    President and Chief Innovation Officer ArcBest

    1.1 Understand your innovation mandate

    Before you can act, you need to understand the following:

    • Where is the drive for innovation coming from?
      The source of your mandate dictates the scope of your innovation practice – in general, innovating outside the scope of your mandate (i.e. trying to innovate on products when you don't have buy-in from the product team) will not be successful.
    • What is meant by "innovation"?
      There are many different definitions for innovation. Before pursuing innovation at your organization, you need to understand how it is defined. Use the definition in this section as a starting point, and craft your own definition of innovation.
    • What kind of innovation are you targeting?
      Innovation can be internal or external, emergent or deliberate, and incremental or radically transformative. Understanding what kind of innovation you want is the starting point for your innovation practice.

    The source of your mandate dictates the scope of your influence

    You can only influence what you can control.

    Unless your mandate comes from the CEO or Board of Directors, driving enterprise-wide innovation is very difficult. If you do not have buy-in from senior business leaders, use lighthouse projects and a smaller innovation practice to prove the value of innovation before taking on enterprise innovation.

    In order to execute on a mandate to build innovation, you don't just need buy-in. You need support in the form of resources and funding, as well as strong leadership who can influence culture and the authority to change policies and practices that inhibit innovation.

    For more resources on building relationships in your organization, refer to Info-Tech's Become a Transformational CIO blueprint.

    What is "innovation"?

    Innovation is often easier to recognize than define.

    Align on a useful definition of innovation for your organization before you embark on a journey of becoming more innovative.

    Innovation is the practice of developing new methods, products or services which provide value to an organization.

    This does not have to be a formal process – innovation is a means to an end, not the end itself.

    What does "new" mean to you?

    • New application of an existing method
    • Developing a completely original product
    • Adopting a service from another industry

    What does value mean to you? Look to your business strategy to understand what goals the organization is trying to achieve, then determine how "value" will be measured.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Some innovations are incremental, while some are radically transformative. Decide what kind of innovation you want to cultivate before developing your strategy.

    We can categorize innovation in three ways

    Evaluate your goals with respect to innovation: focus, strategy, and potential to transform.

    Focus: Where will you innovate?


    Strategy: To what extent will you guide innovation efforts?


    Potential: How radical will your innovations be?


    What are your ambitions?

    1. Develop a better understanding of what type of innovation you are trying to achieve by plotting out your goals on the categories on the left.
    2. All categories are independent of one another, so your goals may fall anywhere on the scales for each category.
    3. Understanding your innovation ambitions helps establish the operating model best suited for your innovation practice.
    4. In general, innovation which is more external, deliberate, and radical tends to be more centralized.

    Activity 1.1 Understand your innovation mandate

    1 hour

    1. Schedule a 30-minute discussion with the person (i.e. CEO) or group (i.e. Board of Directors) ultimately requesting the shift toward innovation. If there is no external party, then conduct this assessment yourself.
    2. Facilitate a discussion that addresses the following questions:
    • What is meant by "innovation"?
    • What are they hoping to achieve through innovation?
    • What is the innovation scope? Are any areas off-limits (i.e. org structure, new products, certain markets)?
    • What is the budget (i.e. people, money) they are willing to commit to innovation?
    • What type of innovation are they pursuing?
    1. Record this information and complete the "Our Purpose" section of the Innovation Program Template.

    Download the Innovation Program Template.


    • Knowledge of the key decision maker/sponsor for innovation


    • Understanding of the mandate for innovation, including definition, value, scope, budget, and type of innovation


    • Innovation Program Template


    • CINO
    • CEO, CTO, or Board of Directors (whoever is requesting/sponsoring the pursuit of innovation)

    1.2 Define your innovation ambitions

    Articulate your future state through a vision and guiding principles.

    • Vision and purpose make up the foundation on which all other design aspects will be based. These aspects should not be taken lightly, but rather they should be the force that aligns everyone to work toward a common outcome. It is incumbent on leaders to make them part of the DNA of the organization – to drive organization, structure, culture, and talent strategy.
    • Your vision statement is a future-focused statement that summarizes what you hope to achieve. It should be inspirational, ambitious, and concise.
    • Your guiding principles outline the guardrails for your innovation practice. What will your focus be? How will you approach innovation? What is off-limits?
    • Define the scope and focus for your innovation efforts. This includes what you can innovate on and what is off limits.

    Your vision statement is your North Star

    Articulate an ambitious, inspirational, and concise vision statement for your innovation efforts.

    A strong vision statement:

    • Is future-focused and outlines what you want to become and what you want to achieve.
    • Provides focus and direction.
    • Is ambitious, focused, and concise.
    • Answers: What problems are we solving? Who and what are we changing?


    • "We create radical new technologies to solve some of the world's hardest problems." – Google X, the Moonshot Factory
    • "To be the most innovative enterprise in the world." – 3M
    • "To use our imagination to bring happiness to millions of people." – Disney

    "Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion." – Jack Welch, Former Chairman and CEO of GE

    Your guiding principles are the guardrails for creativity

    Strong guiding principles give your team the freedom and direction to innovate.

    Strong guiding principles:

    • Focus on the approach, i.e. how things are done, as opposed to what needs to be done.
    • Are specific to the organization.
    • Inform and direct decision making with actionable statements. Avoid truisms, general statements, and observations.
    • Are long-lasting and based on values, not solutions.
    • Are succinct and easily digestible.
    • Can be measured and verified.
    • Answers: How do we approach innovation? What are our core values

    Craft your guiding principles using these examples

    Encourage experimentation and risk-taking
    Innovation often requires trying new things, even if they might fail. We encourage experimentation and learn from failure, so that new ideas can be tested and refined.

    Foster collaboration and cross-functional teams
    Innovation often comes from the intersection of different perspectives and skill sets.

    Focus on creating value for the end user. This means understanding their needs and pain points, and using that knowledge to develop new methods, products, or services.

    Embrace diversity and inclusivity
    Innovation comes from a variety of perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences. We actively seek out and encourage diversity and inclusivity among our team members.

    Foster a culture of learning and continuous improvement
    Innovation requires continuous learning, development, and growth. We facilitate a culture that encourages learning and development, and that seeks feedback and uses it to improve.

    Flexible and adaptable
    We adapt to changes in the market, customer needs, and new technologies, so that it can continue to innovate and create value over time.

    We use performance metrics and data to guide our innovation efforts.

    We are open and transparent in our processes and let the business needs guide our innovation efforts. We do not lead innovation, we facilitate it.

    Activity 1.2 Craft your vision statement and guiding principles

    1-2 hours

    1. Gather your innovation team and key program sponsors. Review the guidelines for creating vision statements and guiding principles, as well as your mandate and focus for innovation.
    2. As a group, discuss what you hope to achieve through your innovation efforts.
    3. Separately, have each person write down their ideas for a vision statement. Bring the group back together and share ideas. Group the concepts together and construct a single statement which outlines your aspirational vision.
    4. As a group, review the example guiding principles.
    5. Separately, have each person write down three to five guiding principles. Bring the group back together and share ideas. Group similar concepts together and consolidate duplicate ideas. From this list, construct six to eight guiding principles.
    6. Document your vision and guiding principles in the appropriate sections of the Innovation Program Template.


    • Understanding of your innovation mandate
    • Business vision, mission, and values
    • Sample vision statements and guiding principles


    • Vision statement
    • Guiding principles


    • In person: Whiteboard/flip charts, sticky notes, pens, and notepads
    • Virtual: Consider using a shared document, virtual whiteboard, or online facilitation tool like MURAL
    • Innovation Program Template


    • CINO
    • Innovation sponsors
    • Business leaders
    • Innovation team

    1.3 Determine your value proposition and metrics

    Justify the existence of the innovation program with a strong value proposition.

    • The value proposition for developing an innovation program will be different for each organization, depending on what the organization hopes to achieve. Consider your mandate for innovation as well as the type of innovation you are pursuing when crafting the value proposition.
    • Some of the reasons organizations may pursue innovation:
      • Business growth: Respond to market disruption; create new customers; take advantage of opportunities.
      • Branding: Create market differentiation; increase customer satisfaction and retention; adapt to customer needs.
      • Profitability: Improve products, services, or operations to increase competitiveness and profitability; develop more efficient processes.
      • Culture: Foster a culture of creativity and experimentation within the organization, encouraging employees to think outside the box.
      • Positive impact: Address social challenges such as poverty and climate change.

    Develop a strong value proposition for your innovation program

    Demonstrate the value to the business.

    A strong value proposition not only articulates the value that the business will derive from the innovation program but also provides a clear focus, helps to communicate the innovation goals, and ultimately drives the success of the program.

    Prioritize and focus innovation efforts to create solutions that provide real value to the organization

    Communicate the mandate and benefits of innovation in a clear and compelling way and inspire people to think differently

    Measure Success
    Measure the success of your program by evaluating outcomes based on the value proposition

    Track appropriate success metrics for your innovation program

    Your success metrics should link back to your organizational goals and your innovation program's value proposition.

    Revenue Growth: Increase in revenue generated by new products or services.

    Market Share: Percentage of total market that the business captures as a result of innovation.

    Customer Satisfaction: Reviews, customer surveys, or willingness to recommend the company.

    Employee Engagement: Engagement surveys, performance, employee retention, or turnover.

    Innovation Output: The number of new products, services, or processes that have been developed.

    Return on Investment: Financial return on the resources invested in the innovation process.

    Social Impact: Number of people positively impacted, net reduction in emissions, etc.

    Time to Launch: The time it takes for a new product or service to go from idea to launch.

    Info-Tech Insight

    The total impact of innovation is often intangible and extremely difficult to capture in performance metrics. Focus on developing a few key metrics rather than trying to capture the full value of innovation.

    How much does innovation cost?

    Company Industry Revenue(2)
    (USD billions)
    R&D Spend
    (USD billions)
    R&D Spend
    (% of revenue)
    Apple Technology $394.30 $26.25 6.70%
    Microsoft Technology $203.10 $25.54 12.50% Retail $502.20 $67.71 13.40%
    Alphabet Technology $282.10 $37.94 13.40%
    Tesla Manufacturing $74.90 $3.01 4.00%
    Samsung Technology $244.39 (2021)(3) $19.0 (2021) 7.90%
    Moderna Pharmaceuticals $23.39 $2.73 11.70%
    Huawei Technology $99.9 (2021)4 Not reported -
    Sony Technology $83.80 Not reported -
    IBM Technology $60.50 $1.61 2.70%
    Meta Software $118.10 $32.61 27.60%
    Nike Commercial goods $49.10 Not reported -
    Walmart Retail $600.10 Not reported -
    Dell Technology $105.30 $2.60 2.50%
    Nvidia Technology $28.60 $6.85 23.90%

    The top innovators(1) in the world spend 5% to 15% of their revenue on innovation.

    Innovation requires a dedicated investment of time, money, and resources in order to be successful. The most innovative companies, based on Boston Consulting Group's ranking of the 50 most innovative companies in the world, spend significant portions of their revenue on research and development.

    Note: This data uses research and development as a proxy for innovation spending, which may overestimate the total spend on what this research considers true innovation.

    (1) Based on Boston Consulting Group's ranking of the 50 most innovative companies in the world, 2022
    (2) Macrotrends, based on the 12 months ending Sept 30, 2022
    (3) Statista
    (4) CNBC, 2022

    Activity 1.3 Develop your value proposition and performance metrics

    1 hour

    1. Review your mandate and vision statement. Write down your innovation goals and desired outcomes from pursuing innovation, prioritize the desired outcomes, and select the top five.
    2. For each desired outcome, develop one to two metrics which could be used to track its success. Some outcomes are difficult to track, so get creative when it comes to developing metrics. If you get stuck, think about what would differentiate a great outcome from an unsuccessful one.
    3. Once you have developed a list of three to five key metrics, read over the list and ensure that the metrics you have developed don't negatively influence your innovation. For example, a metric of the number of successful launches may drive people toward launching before a product is ready.
    4. For each metric, develop a goal. For example, you may target 1% revenue growth over the next fiscal year or 20% energy use reduction.
    5. Document your value proposition and key performance metrics in the appropriate sections of the Innovation Program Template.


    • Understanding of your innovation mandate
    • Vision statement


    • Value proposition
    • Performance metrics


    • Innovation Program Template


    • CINO

    Phase 2: Align Your People

    Create a culture that fosters innovative behaviors and puts processes in place to support them.




    1. Understand your mandate
    2. Define your innovation ambitions
    3. Determine value proposition and metrics
    1. Foster a culture of innovation
    2. Define your operating model
    3. Build core innovation capabilities
    1. Build your ideation and prioritization methodologies
    2. Define your pilot project methodology
    3. Conduct a program retrospective

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Understand the key aspects of innovative cultures, and the behaviors associated with innovation.
    • Assess your culture and identify gaps.
    • Define your innovation operating model based on your organizational culture and the focus for innovation.
    • Build your core innovation capabilities, including an innovation core team (if required based on your operating model).

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • CINO
    • Innovation team

    2.1 Foster a culture of innovation

    Culture is the most important driver of innovation – and the most challenging to get right.

    • Fostering a culture of innovation requires a broad approach which considers the perspectives of individuals, teams, leadership, and the overall organization.
    • If you do not have support from leadership, it is very difficult to change organizational culture. It may be more effective to start with an innovation pilot or lighthouse project in order to gain support before addressing your culture.
    • Rather than looking to change outcomes, focus on the behaviors which lead to innovation – such as growth mindset and willingness to fail. If these aren't in place, your ability to innovate will be limited.
    • This section focuses on the specific behaviors associated with increased innovation. For additional resources on implementing these changes, refer to Info-Tech's other research:

    Info-Tech's Fix Your IT Culture can help you promote innovative behaviors

    Refer to Improve IT Team Effectiveness to address team challenges

    Build a culture of innovation

    Focus on behaviors, not outcomes.

    The following behaviors and key indicators either stifle or foster innovation.

    Stifles Innovation Key Indicators Fosters Innovation Key Indicators
    Fixed mindset "It is what it is" Growth mindset "I wonder if there's a better way"
    Performance focused "It's working fine" Learning focused "What can we learn from this?"
    Fear of reprisal "I'll get in trouble" Psychological safety "I can disagree"
    Apathy "We've always done it this way" Curiosity "I wonder what would happen if…"
    Cynicism "It will never work" Trust "You have good judgement"
    Punishing failure "Who did this?" Willingness to fail "It's okay to make mistakes"
    Individualism "How does this benefit me?" Collaboration "How does this benefit us?"
    Homogeneity "We never disagree" Diversity and inclusion "We appreciate different views"
    Excessive bureaucracy "We need approval" Autonomy "I can do this"
    Risk avoidance "We can't try that" Appropriate risk-taking "How can we do this safely?"

    Ensure you are not inadvertently stifling innovation.
    Review the following to ensure that the desired behaviors are promoted:

    • Hiring practices
    • Performance evaluation metrics
    • Rewards and incentives
    • Corporate policies
    • Governance structures
    • Leadership behavior

    Case study

    INDUSTRY: Commercial Real Estate and Retail
    SOURCE: Interview

    How not to approach innovation.

    This anonymous national organization owned commercial properties across the country and had the goal of becoming the most innovative real estate and retail company in the market.

    The organization pursued innovation in the digital solutions space across its commercial and retail properties. Within this space, there were significant differences in risk tolerance across teams, which resulted in the more risk-tolerant teams excluding the risk-averse members from discussions in order to circumvent corporate policies on risk tolerance. This resulted in an adversarial and siloed culture where each group believed they knew better than the other, and the more risk-averse teams felt like they were policing the actions of the risk-tolerant group.


    Morale plummeted, and many of the organization's top people left. Unfortunately, one of the solutions did not meet regulatory requirements, and the company faced negative media coverage and legal action. There was significant reputational damage as a result.

    Lessons Learned

    Considering differences in risk tolerance and risk appetite is critical when pursuing innovation. While everyone doesn't have to agree, leadership needs to understand the different perspectives and ensure that no one party is dominating the conversation over the others. An understanding of corporate risk tolerance and risk appetite is necessary to drive innovation.

    All perspectives have a place in innovation. More risk tolerant perspectives should be involved early in the ideas-generation phase, and risk-averse perspectives should be considered later when ideas are being refined.

    Speed should not override safety or circumvent corporate policies.

    Understand your risk tolerance and risk appetite

    Evaluate and align the appetite for risk.

    • It is important to understand the organization's risk tolerance as well as the desire for risk. Consider the following risk categories when investigating the organization's views on risk:
      • Financial risk: the potential for financial or property loss.
      • Operational risk: the potential for disruptions to operations.
      • Reputational risk: the potential for negative impact to brand or reputation.
      • Compliance risk: the potential for loss due to non-compliance with laws and regulations.
    • Greater risk tolerance typically enables greater innovation. Understand the varying levels of risk tolerance across your organization, and how these differences might impact innovation efforts.

    An arrow showing the directions of risk tolerance.

    It is more important to match the level of risk tolerance to the degree of innovation required. Not all innovation needs to be (or can feasibly be) disruptive.
    Many factors impact risk tolerance including:

    • Regulation
    • Organization size
    • Country
    • Industry
    • Personal experience
    • Type of risk

    Use Info-Tech's Security Risk Management research to better understand risk tolerance

    Activity 2.1 Assess your innovation culture

    1-3 hours

    1. Review the behaviors which support and stifle innovation and give each behavior a score from 1 (stifling innovation) to 5 (fostering innovation). Any behaviors which fall below a 4 on this scale should be prioritized in your efforts to create an innovative culture.
    2. Review the following policies and practices to determine how they may be contributing to the behaviors you see in your organization:
      1. Hiring practices
      2. Performance evaluation metrics
      3. Rewards, recognition, and incentives
      4. Corporate policies
      5. Governance structures
      6. Leadership behavior
    3. Identify three concrete actions you can take to correct any behaviors which are stifling innovation. Examples might be revising a policy which punishes failure or changing performance incentives to reward appropriate risk taking.
    4. Summarize your findings in the appropriate section of the Innovation Program Template.


    • Innovation behaviors


    • Understanding of your organization's culture
    • Concrete actions you can take to promote innovation


    • List of innovative behaviors
    • Relevant policies and documents to review
    • Innovation Program Template


    • CINO

    2.2 Define your innovation model

    Set up your innovation practice for success using proven models and methodologies.

    • There are many ways to approach innovation, from highly distributed forms where it's just part of everyone's job to very centralized and arm's-length innovation hubs or even outsourced innovation via startups. You can combine different approaches to create your own approach.
    • You may or may not have a formal innovation team, but if you do, their role is to facilitate innovation – not lead it. Innovation is most effective when it is led by the business.
    • There are many tools and methodologies you can use to facilitate innovation. Choose the one (or combination) that best suits your needs.

    Select the right model

    There is no one right way to pursue innovation, but some methods are better than others for specific situations and goals. Consider your existing culture, your innovation goals, and your budget when selecting the right methodology for your innovation.

    Model Description Advantages Disadvantages Good when…
    Grassroots Innovation Innovation is the responsibility of everyone, and there is no centralized innovation team. Ideas are piloted and scaled by the person/team which produces it.
    • Can be used in any organization or team
    • Can support low or high degree of structure
    • Low funding requirement
    • Requires a strong innovation culture
    • Often does not produce results since people don't have time to focus on innovation
    • Innovation culture is strong
    • Funding is limited
    • Goal is internal, incremental innovation
    Community of Practice Innovation is led by a cross-divisional Community of Practice (CoP) which includes representation from across the business. Champions consult with their practice areas and bring ideas forward.
    • Bringing people together can help stimulate and share ideas
    • Low funding requirement
    • Able to support many types of innovation
    • Some people may feel left out if they can't be involved
    • May not produce results if people are too busy to dedicate time to innovate
    • Innovation culture is present
    • Funding is limited
    • Goal is incremental or disruptive innovation
    Innovation Enablement
    *Most often recommended*
    A dedicated innovation team with funding set aside to support pilots with a high degree of autonomy, with the role of facilitating business-led innovation.
    • Most flexible of all options
    • Supports business-led innovation
    • Can deliver results quickly
    • Can enable a higher degree of innovation
    • Requires dedicated staff and funding
    • Innovation culture is present
    • Funding is available
    • Goal is internal or external, incremental or radical innovation
    Center of Excellence Dedicated team responsible for leading innovation on behalf of the organization. Generally, has business relationship managers who gather ideas and liaise with the business.
    • Can deliver results quickly
    • Can offer a fresh perspective
    • Can enable a higher degree of innovation
    • Requires dedicated staff and funding
    • Is typically separate from the business
    • Results may not align with the business needs or have adequate input
    • Innovation culture is weak
    • Funding is significant
    • Goal is external, disruptive innovation
    Innovation Hub An arm's length innovation team is responsible for all or much of the innovation and may not interact much with the core business.
    • Can deliver results quickly
    • Can be extremely innovative
    • Expensive
    • Results may not align with the business needs or have adequate/any input
    • Innovation culture is weak
    • Funding is very significant
    • Goal is external, radical innovation
    Outsourced Innovation Innovation is outsourced to an external organization which is not linked to the primary organization. This can take the form of working with or investing in startups.
    • Can lead to more innovative ideas than internal innovation
    • Investments can become a diverse revenue stream if startups are successful
    • Innovation does not rely on culture
    • Higher risk of failure
    • Less control over goals or focus
    • Results may not align with the business needs or have any input from users
    • Innovation does not rely on culture
    • Funding is significant
    • Goal is external or internal, radical innovation

    Use the right methodologies to support different stages of your innovation process

    A chart showing methodologies to support different stages of the integration process.

    Adapted from Niklaus Gerber via Medium, 2022

    Methodologies are most useful when they are aligned with the goals of the innovation organization.

    For example, design thinking tends to be excellent for earlier innovation planning, while Agile can allow for faster implementation and launch of initiatives later in the process.

    Consider combining two or more methodologies to create a custom approach that best suits your organization's capabilities and goals.

    Sample methodologies

    A robust innovation methodology ensures that the process for developing, prioritizing, selecting, implementing, and measuring initiatives is aligned with the results you are hoping to achieve.

    Different types of problems (drivers for innovation) may necessitate different methodologies, or a combination of methodologies.

    Hackathon: An event which brings people together to solve a well-defined problem.

    Design Thinking: Creative approach that focuses on understanding the needs of users.

    Lean Startup: Emphasizes rapid experimentation in order to validate business hypotheses.

    Design Sprint: Five-day process for answering business questions via design, prototyping, and testing.

    Agile: Iterative design process that emphasizes project management and retrospectives.

    Three Horizons: Framework that looks at opportunities on three different time horizons.

    Innovation Ambition Matrix: Helps organizations categorize projects as part of the core offering, an adjacent offering, or completely new.

    Global Innovation Management: A process of identifying, developing and implementing new ideas, products, services, or processes using alternative thinking.

    Blue Ocean Strategy: A methodology that helps organizations identify untapped market space and create new markets via unique value propositions.

    Activity 2.2 Design your innovation model

    1-2 hours

    1. Think about the following factors which influence the design of your innovation practice:
      1. Existing organizational culture
      2. Available funding to support innovation
      3. Type of innovation you are targeting
    2. Review the innovation approaches, and identify which approach is most suitable for your situation. Note why this approach was selected.
    3. Review the innovation methodologies and research those of interest. Select two to five methodologies to use for your innovation practice.
    4. Document your decisions in the Innovation Program Template.


    • Understanding of your mandate and existing culture


    • Innovation approach
    • Selected methodologies


    • Innovation Program Template


    • CINO
    • Innovation team

    2.3 Build your core innovation capabilities

    Develop the skills, knowledge, and experience to facilitate successful innovation.

    • Depending on the approach you selected in step 2.2, you may or may not require a dedicated innovation team. If you do, use the job descriptions and sample organization charts to build it. If not, focus on developing key capabilities which are needed to facilitate innovation.
    • Diversity is key for successful innovation – ensure your team (formal or otherwise) includes diverse perspectives and backgrounds.
    • Use your guiding principles when hiring and training your team.
    • Focus on three core roles: evangelists, enablers, and experts.

    Focus on three key roles when building your innovation team

    Types of roles will depend on the purpose and size of the innovation team.

    You don't need to grow them all internally. Consider partnering with vendors and other organizations to build capabilities.


    Visionaries who inspire, support, and facilitate innovation across the business. Their responsibilities are to drive the culture of innovation.

    Key skills and knowledge:

    • Strong communication skills
    • Relationship-building
    • Consensus-building
    • Collaboration
    • Growth mindset

    Sample titles:

    • CINO
    • Chief Transformation Officer
    • Chief Digital Officer
    • Innovation Lead
    • Business Relationship Manager


    Translate ideas into tangible business initiatives, including assisting with business cases and developing performance metrics.

    Key skills and knowledge:

    • Critical thinking skills
    • Business knowledge
    • Facilitation skills
    • Consensus-building
    • Relationship-building

    Sample titles:

    • Product Owner
    • Design Thinking Lead
    • Data Scientist
    • Business Analyst
    • Human Factors Engineer
    • Digital Marketing Specialist


    Provide expertise in product design, delivery and management, and responsible for supporting and executing on pilot projects.

    Key skills and knowledge:

    • Project management skills
    • Technical expertise
    • Familiarity with emerging technologies
    • Analytical skills
    • Problem-solving skills

    Sample titles:

    • Product Manager
    • Scrum Master/Agile Coach
    • Product Engineer/DevOps
    • Product Designer
    • Emerging tech experts

    Sample innovation team structure (large enterprise)

    Visualize the whole value delivery process end-to-end to help identify the types of roles, resources, and capabilities required. These capabilities can be sourced internally (i.e. grow and hire internally) or through collaboration with centers of excellence, commercial partners, etc.

    A flow chart of a sample innovation team structure.

    Streamline your process by downloading Info-Tech's job description templates:

    Activity 2.3 Build your innovation team

    2-3 hours

    1. Review your work from the previous activities as well as the organizational structure and the job description templates.
    2. Start a list with two columns: currently have and needed. Start listing some of the key roles and capabilities from earlier in this step, categorizing them appropriately.
    3. If you are using an organizational structure for your innovation process, start to frame out the structure and roles for your team.
    4. Develop a list of roles you need to hire, and the key capabilities you need from candidates. Using the job descriptions, write job postings for each role.
    5. Record your work in the appropriate section of the Innovation Program Template.


    • Previous work
    • Info-Tech job description templates


    • List of capabilities required
    • Org chart
    • Job postings for required roles


    • Note-taking capability
    • Innovation Program Template


    • CINO

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Fix Your IT Culture

    • Promote psychological safety and growth mindset within your organization.
    • Develop the organizational behaviors that lead to innovation.

    Improve IT Team Effectiveness

    • Address behaviors, processes, and cultural factors which impact team effectiveness.
    • Grow the team's ability to address challenges and navigate volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous environments.

    Master Organizational Change Management Practices

    • Transformation and change are increasingly becoming the new normal. While this normality may help make people more open to change in general, specific changes still need to be planned, communicated, and managed. Agility and continuous improvement are good but can degenerate into volatility if change isn't managed properly.

    Phase 3: Build Your Practice

    Define your innovation process, streamline pilot projects, and scale for success.




    1. Understand your mandate
    2. Define your innovation ambitions
    3. Determine value proposition and metrics
    1. Foster a culture of innovation
    2. Define your operating model
    3. Build core innovation capabilities
    1. Build your ideation and prioritization methodologies
    2. Define your pilot project methodology
    3. Conduct a program retrospective

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Build the methodologies needed to elicit ideas from the business.
    • Develop criteria to evaluate and prioritize ideas for piloting.
    • Define your pilot program methodologies and processes, including criteria to assess and compare the success of pilot projects.
    • Conduct an end-of-year program retrospective to evaluate the success of your innovation program.

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • CINO
    • Innovation team

    Case study

    INDUSTRY: Government
    SOURCE: Interview

    Confidential US government agency

    The business applications group at this government agency strongly believes that innovation is key to progress and has instituted a formal innovation program as part of their agile operations. The group uses a Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) with 2-week sprints and a 12-week program cycle.

    To support innovation across the business unit, the last sprint of each cycle is dedicated toward innovation and teams do not commit to any other during these two weeks. At the end of each innovation sprint, ideas are presented to leadership and the valuable ones were either implemented initially or were given time in the next cycle of sprints for further development. This has resulted in a more innovative culture across the practice.


    There have been several successful innovations since this process began. Notably, the agency had previously purchased a robotic process automation platform which was only being used for a few specific applications. One team used their innovation sprint to expand the use cases for this solution and save nearly 10,000 hours of effort.

    Standard 12-week Program Cycle
    An image of a standard 12-week program

    Design your innovation operating model to maximize value and learning opportunities

    Pilots are an iterative process which brings together innovators and business teams to test and evaluate ideas.

    Your operating model should include several steps including ideation, validation, evaluation and prioritization, piloting, and a retrospective which follows the pilot. Use the example on this slide when designing your own innovation operating model.

    An image of the design process for innovation operation model.

    3.1 Build your ideation and prioritization methodologies

    Engage the business to generate ideas, then prioritize based on value to the business.

    • There are many ways of generating ideas, from informal discussion to formal ideation sessions or submission forms. Whatever you decide to use, make sure that you're getting the right information to evaluate ideas for prioritization.
    • Use quantitative and qualitative metrics to evaluate ideas generated during the ideation process.
      • Quantitative metrics might include potential return on investment (ROI) or effort and resources required to implement.
      • Qualitative metrics might include alignment with the organizational strategy or the level of risk associated with the idea.

    Engage the business to generate ideas

    There are many ways of generating innovative ideas. Pick the methods that best suit your organization and goals.

    Design Thinking
    A structured approach that encourages participants to think creatively about the needs of the end user.

    An image including the following words: Empathize, Define; Ideate; Test.

    Ideation Workshop
    A formal session that is used to understand a problem then generate potential solutions. Workshops can incorporate the other methodologies (such as brainstorming, design thinking, or mind mapping) to generate ideas.

    • Define the problem
    • Generate ideas
    • Capture ideas
    • Evaluate and prioritize
    • Assign next steps

    An informal method of gathering ideas from a large group of people. This can be a great way to generate many ideas but may lack focus.

    Value Proposition Canvas
    A visual tool which helps to identify customer (or user) needs and design products and services that meet those needs.

    an image of the Value Proposition Canvas

    Evaluate ideas and focus on those with the greatest value

    Evaluation should be transparent and use both quantitative and qualitative metrics. The exact metrics used will depend on your organization and goals.

    It is important to include qualitative metrics as these dimensions are better suited to evaluating highly innovative ideas and can capture important criteria like alignment with overall strategy and feasibility.

    Develop 5 to 10 criteria that you can use to evaluate and prioritize ideas. Some criteria may be a pass/fail (for example, minimum ROI) and some may be comparative.

    The first step is to evaluate ideas to determine if they meet the minimum criteria. This might include quantitative criteria like ROI as well as qualitative criteria like strategic alignment and feasibility.

    Ideas that pass the initial evaluation should be prioritized based on additional criteria which might include quantitative criteria such as potential market size and cost to implement, and qualitative criteria such as risk, impact, and creativity.

    Quantitative Metrics

    Quantitative metrics are objective and easily comparable between initiatives, providing a transparent and data-driven process for evaluation and prioritization.

    • Potential market size
    • ROI
    • Net present value
    • Payback period
    • Number of users impacted
    • Customer acquisition cost
    • Customer lifetime value
    • Breakeven analysis
    • Effort required to implement
    • Cost to implement

    Qualitative Metrics

    Qualitative metrics are less easily comparable but are equally important when it comes to evaluating ideas. These should be developed based on your organization strategy and innovation goals.

    • Strategy alignment
    • Impact on users
    • Uncertainty and risk
    • Innovation potential
    • Culture impact
    • Feasibility
    • Creativity and originality
    • Type of innovation

    Activity 3.1 Develop prioritization metrics

    1-3 hours

    1. Review your mandate, purpose, innovation goals and the sample prioritization and evaluation metrics.
    2. Write down a list of your goals and their associated metrics, then prioritize which are the most important.
    3. Determine which metrics will be used to evaluate ideas before they move on to the prioritization stage, and which metrics will be used to compare initiatives in order to determine which will receive further investment.
    4. For each evaluation metric, determine the minimum threshold required for an idea to move forward. For each prioritization metric identify the definition and how it will be evaluated. Qualitative metrics may require more precise definitions than quantitative metrics.
    5. Enter your metrics into the Initiative Prioritization Template.


    • Innovation mandate
    • Innovation goals
    • Sample metrics


    • Evaluation and prioritization metrics for ideas


    • Whiteboard/Flip charts
    • Innovation Program Template


    • Innovation leader

    Download the Initiative Prioritization Template

    3.2 Build your program to pilot initiatives

    Test and refine ideas through real-world pilot projects.

    • The purpose of your pilot is to test and refine ideas in the real world. In order to compare pilot projects, it's important to track key performance indicators throughout the pilot. Measurements should be useful and comparable.
    • Innovation facilitators are responsible for supporting pilot projects, including designing the pilot, setting up metrics, tracking outcomes, and facilitating retrospectives.
    • Pilots generally follow an Agile methodology where ideas may be refined as the pilot proceeds, and the process iterates until either the idea is discarded or it has been refined into an initiative which can be scaled.
    • Expect that most pilots will fail the first time, and many will fail completely. This is not a loss; lessons learned from the retrospective can be used to improve the process and later pilots.

    Use pilot projects to test and refine initiatives before scaling to the rest of the organization

    "Learning is as powerful as the outcome." – Brett Trelfa, CIO, Arkansas Blue Cross

    1. Clearly define the goals and objectives of the pilot project. Goals and objectives ensure that the pilot stays on track and can be measured.
    2. Your pilot group should include a variety of participants with diverse perspectives and skill sets, in order to gather unique insights.
    3. Continuously track the progress of the pilot project. Regularly identify areas of improvement and implement changes as necessary to refine ideas.
    4. Regularly elicit feedback from participants and iterate in order to improve the final innovation. Not all pilots will be successful, but every failure can help refine future solutions.
    5. Consider scalability. If the pilot project is successful, it should be scalable and the lessons learned should be implemented in the larger organization.

    Sample pilot metrics

    Metrics are used to validate and test pilot projects to ensure they deliver value. This is an important step before scaling to the rest of the organization.

    Adoption: How many end users have adopted the pilot solution?

    Utilization: Is the solution getting utilized?

    Support Requests: How many support requests have there been since the pilot was initiated?

    Value: Is the pilot delivering on the value that it proposed? For example, time savings.

    Feasibility: Has the feasibility of the solution changed since it was first proposed?

    Satisfaction: Focus groups or surveys can provide feedback on user/customer satisfaction.

    A/B Testing: Compare different methods, products or services.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Ensure standard core metrics are used across all pilot projects so that outcomes can be compared. Additional metrics may be used to refine and test hypotheses through the pilot process.

    Activity 3.2 Build your program to pilot initiatives

    1-2 hours

    1. Gather the innovation team and review your mandate, purpose, goals, and the sample innovation operating model and metrics.
    2. As a group, brainstorm the steps needed from idea generation to business case. Use sticky notes if in person, or a collaboration tool if remote.
    3. Determine the metrics that will be used to evaluate ideas at each decision step (for example, prior to piloting). Outline what the different decisions might be (for example, proceed, refine or discard) and what happens as a result of each decision.
    4. Document your final steps and metrics in the Innovation Program Template.


    • Innovation mandate
    • Innovation goals
    • Sample metrics


    • Pilot project methodology
    • Pilot project metrics


    • Innovation Program Template
    • Sticky notes (in person) or digital collaboration tool (if remote)


    • Innovation leader
    • Innovation team

    3.3 Conduct a program retrospective

    Generate value from your successful pilots by scaling ideas across the organization.

    • The final step in the innovation process is to scale ideas to the enterprise in order to realize the full potential.
    • Keeping track of notable wins is important for showing the value of the innovation program. Track performance of initiatives that come out of the innovation program, including their financial, cultural, market, and brand impacts.
    • Track the success of the innovation program itself by evaluating the number of ideas generated, the number of pilots run and the success of the pilots. Keep in mind that many failed pilots is not a failure of the program if the lessons learned were valuable.
    • Complete an innovation program retrospective every 6 to 12 months in order to adjust and make any changes if necessary to improve your process.

    Retrospectives should be objective, constructive, and action-oriented

    A retrospective is a review of your innovation program with the aim of identifying lessons learned, areas for improvement, and opportunities for growth.

    During a retrospective, the team will reflect on past experiences and use that information to inform future decision making and improve outcomes.

    The goal of a retrospective is to learn from the past and use that knowledge to improve in the future.


    Ensure that the retrospective is based on facts and objective data, rather than personal opinions or biases.


    Ensure that the retrospective is a positive and constructive experience, with a focus on finding solutions rather than dwelling on problems.


    The retrospective should result in a clear action plan with specific steps to improve future initiatives.

    Activity 3.3 Conduct a program retrospective

    1-2 hours

    1. Post a large piece of paper on the wall with a timeline from the last year. Include dates and a few key events, but not much more. Have participants place sticky notes in the spots to describe notable wins or milestones that they were proud of. This can be done as part of a formal meeting or asynchronously outside of meetings.
    2. Bring the innovation team together and review the poster with notable wins. Do any themes emerge? How does the team feel the program is doing? Are there any changes needed?
    3. Consider the metrics you use to track your innovation program success. Did the scaled projects meet their targets? Is there anything that could be refined about the innovation process?
    4. Evaluate the outcomes of your innovation program. Did it meet the targets set for it? Did the goals and innovation ambitions come to fruition?
    5. Complete this step every 6 to 12 months to assess the success of your program.
    6. Complete the "Notable Wins" section of the Innovation Program Template.


    • Innovation mandate
    • Innovation goals
    • Sample metrics


    • Notable wins
    • Action items for refining the innovation process


    • Innovation Program Template
    • Sticky notes (in person) or digital collaboration tool (if remote)


    • CIO
    • Innovation team
    • Others who have participated in the innovation process

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    • A user's perspective while interacting with the products and services is very different from the organization's internal perspective while implementing and provisioning those. A design-based organization balances the two perspectives to drive user-satisfaction over end-to-end journeys.

    Prototype With an Innovation Design Sprint

    • Build and test a prototype in four days using Info-Tech's Innovation Design Sprint Methodology.
    • Create an environment for co-creation between IT and the business.

    Fund Innovation With a Minimum Viable Business Case

    • Our approach guides you through effectively designing a solution, de-risking a project through impact reduction techniques, building and pitching the case for your project, and applying the business case as a mechanism to ensure that benefits are realized.

    Summary of Accomplishment

    Congratulations on launching your innovation program!

    You have now completed your innovation strategy, covering the following topics:

    • Executive Summary
    • Our Purpose
    • Scope and Value Proposition
    • Guiding Principles
    • Building an Innovative Culture
    • Program Structure
    • Success Metrics
    • Notable Wins

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through an Info-Tech workshop or Guided Implementation.

    Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Accelerate Digital Transformation With a Digital Factory

    • Understand the foundations of good design: purpose, organizational support, and leadership.
    • Understand the design of the operating model: structure and organization, management practices, culture, environment, teams, technology platforms, and meaningful metrics and KPIs.

    Sustain and Grow the Maturity of Innovation in Your Enterprise

    • Unlock your innovation potential by looking at your innovation projects on both a macro and micro level.
    • Innovation capacity is directly linked with creativity; allow your employees' creativity to flourish using Info-Tech's positive innovation techniques.

    Define Your Digital Business Strategy

    • Design a strategy that applies innovation to your business model, streamline and transform processes, and make use of technologies to enhance interactions with customers and employees.
    • Create a balanced roadmap that improves digital maturity and prepares you for long-term success in a digital economy.

    Research Contributors and Experts

    Kim Osborne Rodriguez

    Kim Osborne Rodriguez
    Research Director, CIO Advisory
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Kim is a professional engineer and Registered Communications Distribution Designer with over a decade of experience in management and engineering consulting spanning healthcare, higher education, and commercial sectors. She has worked on some of the largest hospital construction projects in Canada, from early visioning and IT strategy through to design, specifications, and construction administration. She brings a practical and evidence-based approach, with a track record of supporting successful projects.
    Kim holds a Bachelor's degree in Mechatronics Engineering from University of Waterloo.

    Joanne Lee

    Joanne Lee
    Principal Research Director, CIO Advisory
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Joanne is an executive with over 25 years of experience in digital technology and management consulting across both public and private entities from solution delivery to organizational redesign across Canada and globally.
    Prior to joining Info-Tech Research Group, Joanne was a management consultant within KPMG's CIO management consulting services and the Western Canadas Digital Health Practice lead. She has held several executive roles in the industry with the most recent position as Chief Program Officer for a large $450M EHR implementation. Her expertise spans cloud strategy, organizational design, data and analytics, governance, process redesign, transformation, and PPM. She is passionate about connecting people, concepts, and capital.
    Joanne holds a Master's in Business and Health Policy from the University of Toronto and a Bachelor of Science (Nursing) from the University of British Columbia.

    Jack Hakimian

    Jack Hakimian
    Senior Vice President
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Jack has more than 25 years of technology and management consulting experience. He has served multi-billion-dollar organizations in multiple industries including Financial Services and Telecommunications. Jack also served a number of large public sector institutions.
    He is a frequent speaker and panelist at technology and innovation conferences and events and holds a Master's degree in Computer Engineering as well as an MBA from the ESCP-EAP European School of Management.

    Michael Tweedie

    Michael Tweedie
    Practice Lead, CIO Strategy
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Mike Tweedie brings over 25 years as a technology executive. He's led several large transformation projects across core infrastructure, application, and IT services as the head of Technology at ADP Canada. He was also the Head of Engineering and Service Offerings for a large French IT services firm, focused on cloud adoption and complex ERP deployment and management.
    Mike holds a Bachelor's degree in Architecture from Ryerson University.

    Mike Schembri

    Mike Schembri
    Senior Executive Advisor
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Mike is the former CIO of Fuji Xerox Australia and has 20+ years' experience serving IT and wider business leadership roles. Mike has led technical and broader business service operations teams to value and growth successfully in organizations ranging from small tech startups through global IT vendors, professional service firms, and manufacturers.
    Mike has passion for strategy and leadership and loves working with individuals/teams and seeing them grow.

    John Leidl

    John Leidl
    Senior Director, Member Services
    Info-Tech Research Group

    With over 35 years of IT experience, including senior-level VP Technology and CTO leadership positions, John has a breadth of knowledge in technology innovation, business alignment, IT operations, and business transformation. John's experience extends from start-ups to corporate enterprise and spans higher education, financial services, digital marketing, and arts/entertainment.

    Joe Riley

    Joe Riley
    Senior Workshop Director
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Joe ensures our members get the most value out of their Info-Tech memberships by scoping client needs, current state and desired business outcomes, and then drawing upon his extensive experience, certifications, and degrees (MBA, MS Ops/Org Mgt, BS Eng/Sci, ITIL, PMP, Security+, etc.) to facilitate our client's achievement of desired and aspirational business outcomes. A true advocate of ITSM, Joe approaches technology and technology practices as a tool and enabler of people, core business, and competitive advantage activities.

    Denis Goulet

    Denis Goulet
    Senior Workshop Director
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Denis is a transformational leader and experienced strategist who has worked with 100+ organizations to develop their digital, technology, and governance strategies.
    He has held positions as CIO, Chief Administrative Office (City Manager), General Manager, Vice President of Engineering, and Management Consultant, specializing in enterprise and technology strategy.

    Cole Cioran

    Cole Cioran
    Managing Partner
    Info-Tech Research Group

    I knew I wanted to build great applications that would delight their users. I did that over and over. Along the way I also discovered that it takes great teams to deliver great applications. Technology only solves problems when people, processes, and organizations change as well. This helped me go from writing software to advising some of the largest organizations in the world on how to how to build a digital delivery umbrella of Product, Agile, and DevOps and create exceptional products and services powered by technology.

    Carlene McCubbin

    Carlene McCubbin
    Research Lead, CIO Practice
    Info-Tech Research Group

    During her tenure at Info-Tech, Carlene has led the development of Info-Tech's Organization and Leadership practice and worked with multiple clients to leverage the methodologies by creating custom programs to fit each organization's needs.
    Before joining Info-Tech, Carlene received her Master of Communications Management from McGill University, where she studied development of internal and external communications, government relations, and change management.

    Isabelle Hertanto

    Isabelle Hertanto
    Principal Research Director
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Isabelle Hertanto has over 15 years of experience delivering specialized IT services to the security and intelligence community. As a former federal officer for Public Safety Canada, Isabelle trained and led teams on data exploitation and digital surveillance operations in support of Canadian national security investigations. Since transitioning into the private sector, Isabelle has held senior management and consulting roles across a variety of industry sectors, including retail, construction, energy, healthcare, and the broader Canadian public sector.

    Hans Eckman

    Hans Eckman
    Principal Research Director
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Hans Eckman is a business transformation leader helping organizations connect business strategy and innovation to operational excellence. He supports Info-Tech members in SDLC optimization, Agile and DevOps implementation, CoE/CoP creation, innovation program development, application delivery, and leadership development. Hans is based out of Atlanta, Georgia.

    Valence Howden

    Valence Howden
    Principal Research Director
    Info-Tech Research Group

    With 30 years of IT experience in the public and private sector, Valence has developed experience in many Information Management and Technology domains, with a particular focus in the areas of Service Management, Enterprise and IT Governance, Development and Execution of Strategy, Risk Management, Metrics Design and Process Design, and Implementation and Improvement. Prior to joining Info-Tech, he served in technical and client-facing roles at Bell Canada and CGI Group Inc., as well as managing the design, integration, and implementation of services and processes in the Ontario Public Sector.

    Clayton Gillett

    Clayton Gillett
    Managing Partner
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Clayton Gillett is a Managing Partner for Info-Tech, providing technology management advisory services to healthcare clients. Clayton joined Info-Tech with more than 28 years of experience in health care information technology. He has held senior IT leadership roles at Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound and OCHIN, as well as advisory or consulting roles at ECG Management Consultants and Gartner.

    Donna Bales

    Donna Bales
    Principal Research Director
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Donna Bales is a Principal Research Director in the CIO Practice at Info-Tech Research Group specializing in research and advisory services in IT risk, governance, and compliance. She brings over 25 years of experience in strategic consulting and product development and has a history of success in leading complex, multi-stakeholder industry initiatives.

    Igor Ikonnikov

    Igor Ikonnikov
    Research Director
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Igor Ikonnikov is a Research and Advisory Director in the Data and Analytics practice. Igor has extensive experience in strategy formation and execution in the information management domain, including master data management, data governance, knowledge management, enterprise content management, big data, and analytics.
    Igor has an MBA from the Ted Rogers School of Management (Toronto, Canada) with a specialization in Management of Technology and Innovation.

    Research Contributors and Experts

    Michael Newcity

    Michael Newcity
    Chief Innovation Officer

    Kevin Yoder

    Kevin Yoder
    Vice President, Innovation

    Gary Boyd

    Gary Boyd
    Vice President, Information Systems & Digital Transformation
    Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield

    Brett Trelfa

    Brett Trelfa
    Chief Information Officer
    Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield

    Kristen Wilson-Jones

    Kristen Wilson-Jones
    Chief Technology & Product Officer

    Note: additional contributors did not wish to be identified


    Altringer, Beth. "A New Model for Innovation in Big Companies" Harvard Business Review. 19 Nov. 2013. Accessed 30 Jan. 2023.
    Arpajian, Scott. "Five Reasons Why Innovation Fails" Forbes Magazine. 4 June 2019. Accessed 31 Jan. 2023.
    Baldwin, John & Gellatly, Guy. "Innovation Capabilities: The Knowledge Capital Behind the Survival and Growth of Firms" Statistics Canada. Sept. 2006. Accessed 30 Jan. 2023.
    Bar Am, Jordan et al. "Innovation in a Crisis: Why it is More Critical Than Ever" McKinsey & Company, 17 June 2020. Accessed 12 Jan. 2023. < >
    Boston Consulting Group, "Most Innovative Companies 2021" BCG, April 2021. Accessed 30 Jan. 2023.
    Boston Consulting Group, "Most Innovative Companies 2022" BGC, 15 Sept. 2022. Accessed 6 Feb. 2023.
    Christensen, Clayton M. The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail. Harvard Business Review Press, 2016.
    Gerber, Niklaus. "What is innovation? A beginner's guide into different models, terminologies and methodologies" Medium. 20 Sept 2022. Accessed 7 Feb. 2023.
    Google X, Homepage. Accessed 6 Feb. 2023.
    Harnoss, Johann D. & Baeza, Ramón. "Overcoming the Four Big Barriers to Innovation Success" Boston Consulting Group, 24 Sept. 2019. Accessed 30 Jan 2023.
    Jaruzelski, Barry et al. "Global Innovation 1000 Study" Pricewaterhouse Cooper, 30 Oct. 2018. Accessed 13 Jan. 2023. <>
    Kharpal, Arjun. "Huawei posts first-ever yearly revenue decline as U.S. sanctions continue to bite, but profit surges" CNBC. 28 March 2022. Accessed 7 Feb. 2023.
    Kirsner, Scott. "The Biggest Obstacles to Innovation in Large Companies" Harvard Business Review, 30 July 2018. Accessed 12 Jan. 2023. <>
    Macrotrends. "Apple Revenue 2010-2022" Macrotrends. Accessed 23 Jan. 2023.
    Macrotrends. "Microsoft Revenue 2010-2022" Macrotrends. Accessed 23 Jan. 2023.
    Macrotrends. "Amazon Revenue 2010-2022" Macrotrends. Accessed 23 Jan. 2023.
    Macrotrends. "Alphabet Revenue 2010-2022" Macrotrends. Accessed 23 Jan. 2023.
    Macrotrends. "Tesla Revenue 2010-2022" Macrotrends. Accessed 23 Jan. 2023.
    Macrotrends. "Moderna Revenue 2010-2022" Macrotrends. Accessed 23 Jan. 2023.
    Macrotrends. "Sony Revenue 2010-2022" Macrotrends. Accessed 23 Jan. 2023.
    Macrotrends. "IBM Revenue 2010-2022" Macrotrends. Accessed 23 Jan. 2023.
    Macrotrends. "Meta Platforms Revenue 2010-2022" Macrotrends. Accessed 23 Jan. 2023.
    Macrotrends. "NIKE Revenue 2010-2022" Macrotrends. Accessed 23 Jan. 2023.
    Macrotrends. "Walmart Revenue 2010-2022" Macrotrends. Accessed 23 Jan. 2023.
    Macrotrends. "Dell Revenue 2010-2022" Macrotrends. Accessed 23 Jan. 2023.
    Macrotrends. "NVIDIA Revenue 2010-2022" Macrotrends. Accessed 23 Jan. 2023.
    Sloan, Paul. "How to Develop a Vision for Innovation" Innovation Management, 10 Aug. 2009. Accessed 7 Feb. 2023.
    Statista. "Samsung Electronics' global revenue from 2005 to 2021" Statista. Accessed 7 Feb. 2023.
    Tichy, Noel & Ram Charan. "Speed, Simplicity, Self-Confidence: An Interview with Jack Welch" Harvard Business Review, 2 March 2020. Accessed 7 Feb. 2023.
    Weick, Karl and Kathleen Sutcliffe. Managing the Unexpected: Sustained Performance in a Complex World, Third Edition. John Wiley & Sons, 2015.
    Xuan Tian, Tracy Yue Wang, Tolerance for Failure and Corporate Innovation, The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 27, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 211–255, Accessed

    Digital Data Ethics

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    In the past two years, we've seen that we need quick technology solutions for acute issues. We quickly moved to homeworking and then to a hybrid form. We promptly moved many of our offline habits online.

    That necessitated a boost in data collection from us towards our customers and employees, and business partners.
    Are you sure how to approach this structurally? What is the right thing to do?

    Impact and Results

    • When you partner with another company, set clear expectations
    • When you are building your custom solution, invite constructive criticism
    • When you present yourself as the authority, consider the most vulnerable in the relationship


    Become a Transformational CIO

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    • Parent Category Name: Innovation
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    • Business transformations are happening, but CIOs are often involved only when it comes time to implement change. This makes it difficult for the CIO to be perceived as an organizational leader.
    • CIOs find it difficult to juggle operational activities, strategic initiatives, and involvement in business transformation.
    • CIOs don’t always have the IT organization structured and mobilized in a manner that facilitates the identification of transformation opportunities, and the planning for and the implementation of organization-wide change.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Don’t take an ad hoc approach to transformation.
    • You’re not in it alone.
    • Your legacy matters

    Impact and Result

    • Elevate your stature as a business leader.
    • Empower the IT organization to act with a business mind first, and technology second.
    • Create a high-powered IT organization that is focused on driving lasting change, improving client experiences, and encouraging collaboration across the entire enterprise.
    • Generate opportunities for organizational growth, as manifested through revenue growth, profit growth, new market entry, new product development, etc.

    Become a Transformational CIO Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our Executive Brief to find out why you should undergo an evolution in your role as a business leader, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Are you ready to lead transformation?

    Determine whether you are ready to focus your attention on evolving your role.

    • Become a Transformational CIO – Phase 1: Are You Ready to Lead Transformation?

    2. Build business partnerships

    Create a plan to establish key business partnerships and position IT as a co-leader of transformation.

    • Become a Transformational CIO – Phase 2: Build Business Partnerships
    • Partnership Strategy Template

    3. Develop the capability to transform

    Mobilize the IT organization and prepare for the new mandate.

    • Become a Transformational CIO – Phase 3: Develop the Capability to Transform
    • Transformation Capability Assessment

    4. Shift IT’s focus to the customer

    Align IT with the business through a direct, concentrated focus on the customer.

    • Become a Transformational CIO – Phase 4: Shift IT’s Focus to the Customer
    • Transformational CIO Value Stream Map Template
    • Transformational CIO Business Capability Map Template

    5. Adopt a transformational approach to leadership

    Determine the key behaviors necessary for transformation success and delegate effectively to make room for new responsibilities.

    • Become a Transformational CIO – Phase 5: Adopt a Transformational Approach to Leadership
    • Office of the CIO Template

    6. Sustain the transformational capability

    Track the key success metrics that will help you manage transformation effectively.

    • Become a Transformational CIO – Phase 6: Sustain the Transformational Capability
    • Transformation Dashboard

    Workshop: Become a Transformational CIO

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Determine Readiness to Become a Transformational CIO

    The Purpose

    Understand stakeholder and executive perception of the CIO’s performance and leadership.

    Determine whether the CIO is ready to lead transformation.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Decision to evolve role or address areas of improvement as a pre-requisite to becoming a transformational CIO.


    1.1 Select data collection techniques.

    1.2 Conduct diagnostic programs.

    1.3 Review results and define readiness.


    Select stakeholder and executive perception of the CIO

    Decision as to whether to proceed with the role evolution

    2 Build Business Partnerships

    The Purpose

    Identify potential business partners and create a plan to establish key partnerships.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    An actionable set of initiatives that will help the CIO create valuable partnerships with internal or external business stakeholders.


    2.1 Identify potential business partners.

    2.2 Evaluate and prioritize list of potential partners.

    2.3 Create a plan to establish the target partnerships.


    Partnership strategy

    3 Establish IT’s Ability to Transform

    The Purpose

    Make the case and plan for the development of key capabilities that will enable the IT organization to handle transformation.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A maturity assessment of critical capabilities.

    A plan to address maturity gaps in preparation for a transformational mandate.


    3.1 Define transformation as a capability.

    3.2 Assess the current and target transformation capability maturity.

    3.3 Develop a roadmap to address gaps.


    Transformation capability assessment

    Roadmap to develop the transformation capability

    4 Shift IT’s Focus to the Customer

    The Purpose

    Gain an understanding of the end customer of the organization.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A change in IT mindset away from a focus on operational activities or internal customers to external customers.

    A clear understanding of how the organization creates and delivers value to customers.

    Opportunities for business transformation.


    4.1 Analyze value streams that impact the customer.

    4.2 Map business capabilities to value streams.


    Value stream maps

    Business capability map

    5 Establish Transformation Leadership and Sustain the Capability

    The Purpose

    Establish a formal process for empowering employees and developing new leaders.

    Create a culture of continuous improvement and a long-term focus.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Increased ability to sustain momentum that is inherent to business transformations.

    Better strategic workforce planning and a clearer career path for individuals in IT.

    A system to measure IT’s contribution to business transformation.


    5.1 Set the structure for the office of the CIO.

    5.2 Assess current leadership skills and needs.

    5.3 Spread a culture of self-discovery.

    5.4 Maintain the transformation capability.


    OCIO structure document

    Transformational leadership dashboard

    Select and Prioritize Digital Initiatives

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    • Parent Category Name: Innovation
    • Parent Category Link: /innovation

    The business has embarked on its digital transformation journey. As CIO, you are being relied on to help triage what is most important – initiatives that will move the needle to achieve and fulfill the digital goals and ambitions of the organization.

    • If selection criteria are not identified and well defined, then digital initiatives risk being misprioritized or, worse yet, incorrectly labelled as having high ROI.
    • Like any other project, net-new digital initiatives must be triaged according to the value they bring to the organization.
    • Just as importantly, the complexity of each initiative must also be weighed as a critical factor of success.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    Once the scope of the digital strategy and its goals are finalized, the heavy lifting begins. CIOs must prepare for this change by evaluating opportunities and prioritizing which will become digital initiatives.

    Impact and Result

    By using an appropriate selection process, CIOs can prioritize the digital initiatives that will matter most to the organization and drive business value.

    Select and Prioritize Digital Initiatives Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Select and Prioritize Digital Initiatives Storyboard – A step-by-step document that walks you through how to prepare an IT department to embrace innovation and support the organization’s digital initiatives.

    Part of Info-Tech’s seven-phase approach for aligning IT with the business’ digital strategy, this deck focuses the core and enabling initiatives that define IT’s innovation goals. By the end of this deck, the IT leader will have a roadmap of prioritized initiatives that enable the organization’s digital business initiatives.

    • Select and Prioritize Digital Initiatives Storyboard

    Further reading

    Select and Prioritize Digital Initiatives

    Build your digital investment business case.

    Info-Tech Research Group

    Info-Tech is a provider of best-practice IT research advisory services that make every IT leader’s job easier.
    35,000 members sharing best practices you can leverage. Millions spent annually developing tools and templates. Leverage direct access to over 100 analysts as an extension of your team. Use our massive database of benchmarks and vendor assessments. Get up to speed in a fraction of the time.

    Key Concepts

    Digital initiative

    A project – or a group of interdependent projects – whose primary purpose is to enable digital technologies and/or digital business models. These technologies and models may be net new to the organization, or they may be existing ones that are optimized and improved by the initiative itself.

    The feasibility of any initiative is gauged by answering:

    • What amount of return on investment (ROI) or value does it bring to the organization?
    • What level of complexity does it pose to project execution?
    • To what extent does it solve a problem or leverage an opportunity?
    • To what degree is it aligned with digital business goals?

    Digital strategy

    The plan to deploy existing/emerging technologies to look at developing new products and services, new business models, and operational efficiency to meet or exceed performance targets.

    IT strategy

    The plan for deploying and maintaining applications, hardware, infrastructure, and IT services that support the business goals in a secure/regulatory-compliant manner to ensure reliability.

    Digital transformation

    Digital transformation is an at-scale change program – planned and executed over a finite time period – with the aspiration of creating material and sustainable improvement in the performance of an organization. Techniques include deploying a programmatic approach to innovation along with enabling technologies, capabilities, and practices that drive efficiency and create new products, markets, and business models.

    Your Challenge

    • Once the scope of the digital strategy and its goals are finalized, the heavy lifting begins.
    • The CIO must prepare for this change by evaluating opportunities and prioritizing which will become digital initiatives.
    • But where to start with prioritization? What should the selection criteria be?
    • To answer these all-important questions, the CIO must identify what success actually looks like.

    Common Obstacles

    • If selection criteria are not identified and well-defined, then digital initiatives risk being neglected or worse yet, incorrectly labelled as having high ROI.
    • Like any other project, net-new digital initiatives must be triaged according to the value they bring to the organization.
    • Just as importantly, the complexity of each initiative must also be weighed as a critical factor of success.


    • Determine and set your selection criteria by leveraging the matrix provided in this deck.
    • Evaluate each proposed initiative against this repeatable process in order to test your assumptions.
    • Develop a business case for each high priority digital initiative that captures its benefits and business value.
    • Assemble your prioritized list of digital initiatives to present to stakeholders.

    Info-Tech Insight

    The business has embarked on its digital transformation journey. As CIO, you are being relied on to help triage what is most important – initiatives that will move the needle to achieve and fulfill the digital goals and ambitions of the organization.

    Analyst Perspective

    Prioritization follows ideation, and it’s not always easy.

    Ross Armstrong

    Your stakeholders have spent considerable time and effort identifying and articulating a digital business strategy. Now that ideas have turned into opportunities, the CIO must prioritize those opportunities as actual initiatives. Where to begin?

    Your first task is to identify the criteria that will be used to conduct prioritization activities. These criteria should be immutable and rigorously applied.

    Your second task will be to develop business cases for each opportunity that passes muster. But don’t worry, you won’t need an MBA to get the job done properly.

    Ross Armstrong

    Principal Research Director
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Info-Tech’s digital transformation journey

    Info-Tech’s digital transformation journey: 1 - Visualize the art of the digitally possible, 2 - Evolve your digital business strategy, 3 - Execute with confidence

    Info-Tech's digital transformation journey for industry members. Table shows the stakeholders, advisory support and deliverables for each industry members

    By now, you have established your current strategic context

    You have reviewed trends to reimagine the future of your industry and undertaken a digital maturity assessment to validate your business objectives and innovation goals. Now you need to evolve the current scope of your digital vision and opportunities.

    • Phase 1.1: Industry Trends Report

    • Phase 1.2: Digital Maturity Assessment

    • Phase 2.1: Zero In on Business Objectives

    By this point you have leveraged industry roundtables to better understand the art of the possible – exploring global trends, shifts in market forces or industry, customer needs, emerging technologies, and economic forecasts and creating opportunities out of these disruptions.

    In Phase 2.1, you identified your business and innovation goals and documented your current capabilities, prioritized for transformation.

    Business and innovation goals have been established through stakeholder interviews and business document review.

    Current capabilities have been prioritized for transformation and heat mapped.

    You have also formalized your digital strategy

    Throughout the course of Phase 2.2, you identified new digital opportunities, identified the business capabilities required to capitalize those opportunities, and updated the digital goals of your organization, accordingly.

    An example of a formalized digital strategy from Phase 2.2.

    The end result of this exercise is a new goals cascade that aligns digital goals and capabilities with those of the business. Digital initiatives were also identified but not yet selected or prioritized for execution at the project level.

    Now you will select and prioritize digital initiatives

    The goal of this phase is to ensure that initiatives that are green-lit for execution have been successfully assessed against your chosen criteria and that the business case for each initiative is firmly established and documented.

    Info-Tech’s digital transformation journey for industry members.

    There are three key activities outlined here that describe the actions that can be undertaken by industry members to help select and prioritize digital initiatives for the business.

    1. Identify your selection criteria

    2. Evaluate initiatives against criteria

    3. Determine a prioritized list of initiatives

    Info-Tech’s approach


    Identify your selection criteria

    • Define what viability actually looks like.
    • Conduct an evaluation session to test your assumptions

    Evaluate initiatives against criteria

    • Evaluate and validate an initiative to determine its viability.
    • Map the benefits and value proposition for each initiative.
    • Build a business case and profile for each selected initiative.

    Determine a prioritized list of initiatives

    • Finalize your initiatives list and compile all relevant information.
    • Communicate the list to stakeholders.

    Step 1: Identify Your Selection Criteria

    Understand which conditions must be met in order to turn an opportunity into a digital initiative.

    Step 1: Identify Your Selection Criteria

    Step 1

    Identify Your Selection Criteria


    Define what "viable" looks like

    Set criteria types and thresholds.

    It is impossible to gauge whether or not an opportunity is worthwhile if you don’t have a yardstick to measure it by. However, what is viable for one organization in a particular industry may not be viable for a company elsewhere.

    • Use the criteria already set forth in this deck.
    • If for any reason you cannot use these criteria, work with stakeholders to establish viability factors that suit both the business and IT.
    • Vague language when establishing your own criteria.
    • Ambiguity in both measures and their definitions. Be crystal clear.


    Conduct an evaluation session

    Test your assumptions by piloting prioritization.

    Select an initiative from one of the opportunity profiles from Phase 2.2 and run it through the selection criteria. From there, determine if your assumptions are sound. If not, tweak the criteria and test again until all stakeholders have confidence in the process.

    • Most if not all projects must go through the IT project management office (PMO) or project management leader, so why not create a “digital-only” track for digital business initiatives?
    • Which digital initiatives also represent a sound strategic fit to the organization?
    • Have we undertaken previous projects that are similar? Were those successful? Why or why not?
    • Making too many initiatives high priority. IT resources are limited, so be ruthless.
    • Taking on too many initiatives at once. Most IT organizations can only work on a small number at any given time.

    Use these selection criteria to prioritize initiatives

    Ideas matter, but not all ideas are created equal. Now that you have elicited ideas and identified opportunities, discuss the assumptions, risks, and benefits associated with each proposed digital business initiative.

    Complexity versus Impact. Shows initiatives that have a business Must Prioritize (High value/low complexity), Should Plan (High value/high complexity), Could Have (Low Value/ Low complexity), and Don't need (Low value/high complexity)

    Prioritize opportunities into initiatives

    Recall that the opportunities identified in Phase 2.2 also became proposed digital initiatives demonstrated in your goals cascade.

    In your discussion, evaluate each opportunity through a matrix to create tension between value and complexity or other dimensions. Capture the information based on measurable business benefits-realization; risks or considerations; assumptions; and competencies, talent, and assets needed to deliver.

    Prioritize opportunities into Initiatives. For example: new digital products and services, intelligent fleet management via automation, ERP automation etc.

    Leverage opportunity profiles from your digital strategy

    To start, take one of the opportunity profiles you created in Phase 2.2, Build Your Digital Vision and Strategy, and use it throughout the following steps. Once done, repeat with the next opportunity profile until all have been vetted against criteria. If you did not use Info-Tech’s approach, simply use whatever list of digital business opportunities provided to you from stakeholders.

    Robotic process automation Template.

    Prioritization Criteria

    Run each initiative through the following evaluation criteria. When finished, any opportunities that appear in the top left quadrant (high value/low complexity) are now your highest priority digital initiatives.


    Assign each initiative a letter. As you decide on each one, move a copy of the circled letter to its appropriate place on the 2x2 selection matrix.

    List of digital opportunities.

    Complexity versus Impact. Shows initiatives that have a business Must Prioritize (High value/low complexity), Should Plan (High value/high complexity), Could Have (Low Value/ Low complexity), and Don't need (Low value/high complexity)

    Info-Tech Insight

    Evaluation should be based on the insights from analysis across all criteria. Leverage group discussion to help contextualize and challenge assumptions when validating opportunities.

    Digital initiative ≠ IT project

    Every idea is a good one, unless you need one that works. What “works” as a digital initiative is not the same thing as a straightforward IT project that would be typically managed by a project manager or PMO. These latter projects will be addressed in Phase 3.1 of the digital journey.

    Opportunities and business needs > Business model > Impact > Mandatory > Innovation path forward

    Digital Track

    Focus: Transform the business and operations

    1. Problem may not be well defined.
    2. “Initiative” is not clear.
    3. Based on market research, customer needs, trend analysis, and economic forecast, risk to the business if fit-for-purpose initiative is not identified.
    4. Previous delivery results not as expected, or uncertain how to continue the project.
    5. Highly complex with significant impact to transform the business or operations.
    6. Execution approach is not clear.
    7. Capabilities may not exist within IT.

    IT PMO

    1. Emerging technology trends create opportunities to modernize IT, not transform business.
    2. Problem is well defined and understood.
    3. Initiative is clearly identified.
    4. New IT project.
    5. Can be complex but does not transform the business.
    6. Standard PMP approach is a good fit.
    7. Capabilities exist to execute within IT.
    8. Software vendor or systems integrator is initiative provider.

    Step 2: Evaluate Initiatives Against Criteria

    Ruthlessly prioritize which opportunities will deliver the greatest business value and pose the best chance of success.

    Step 2: Evaluate initiatives against criteria.

    Step 2

    Evaluate Initiatives Against Criteria


    Evaluate and validate

    Evaluate and validate (or invalidate) opportunities.

    Now that you have tested and refined the selection criteria, take each opportunity profile from Phase 2.2 and run it through its paces. Once plotted on the 2x2 matrix, you will have a clear and concise view of high priority digital initiatives.

    • What are the timing, relevance, and impact of each initiative being evaluated?
    • What are the merits of each opportunity?
    • What are the extent and reach of their impacts?
    • Guesswork. Stick with what you know based on the available information and data at hand.


    Determine benefits

    Document benefits and value proposition.

    Identify and determine the benefits of each high priority initiative, including the benefit type (e.g. observable, financial, etc.). In addition, discuss and articulate the value proposition for each high priority initiative.

    • Tangible and intangible benefits.
    • Creating a vision statement for each initiative selected as high priority.
    • Don’t reach too much when identifying benefits. Be realistic.


    Make your case

    Build a business case for each initiative.

    Once you have enunciated the value and benefits of each high priority initiative, create a business case and profile for each one that includes known costs, risks, and so on. These materials will be crucial for project execution and IT capability planning in Phase 2.3 of your digital journey.

    • All forms of costs, both in terms of time, labor, and physical assets and resources.
    • Stick with a short-form business case for now to save time. You can always expand it into full-form business case later on, if necessary.
    • Generalities. Be conservative in your estimates and keep them grounded in what has transpired in past initiatives at the organization.

    Exemplar: Prioritization criteria

    Your prioritization matrix should look something like this. Initiatives B and C will now have short-form business cases developed for them. Initiatives in the “Should Plan” quadrant can be dealt with later.

    List of initiatives for digital opportunities. Complexity versus Impact. Shows initiatives that have a business Must Prioritize (High value/low complexity), Should Plan (High value/high complexity), Could Have (Low Value/ Low complexity), and Don't need (Low value/high complexity)

    Draw information from the opportunity profiles

    You created opportunity profiles in Phase 2.2 to clarify, validate and evaluate specific ideas for digital initiatives. In these profiles, you considered the timing, relevance, and impact of those opportunities.

    Some prioritized initiatives will have an immediate and significant impact on your business. Some may have a significant impact, but on a longer timeline. Understanding this is important context for your overall digital business strategy.

    Above all, you must be able to communicate to stakeholders how the newly prioritized digital initiatives are relevant to driving the strategic growth of the business.

    Start by elucidating further on initiative benefits and business value as outlined in the opportunity profile. This will become crucial for completing your next step – building a short-form business case for each prioritized initiative.

    Robotics Process Automation Template. Benefits and outcomes as well as incremental value are highlighted. The next slide is a template for the short-form business case, while the slides after that contain instructions on how to fill out each section of the business case.

    Short-Form Business Case Template

    Short form business case template. Shows value proposition, initiative benefits and initiative roadmap.

    Prepare your business case for each initiative


    1. On a whiteboard, draw the visual initiative canvas supplied below.
    2. For each prioritized initiative, leverage its opportunity profile (if used) to list the resulting customer or stakeholder products/services and its pain relievers and gain creators in the associated sections of the canvas.
    3. Ensure that the top pains, gains, and jobs are addressed by products/services, pain relievers, and gain creators.
    4. Use this information as a basis for further exercises in this section, such as defining benefits, articulating value proposition and vision, and cost estimates.
    Initiative canvas example.


    • The initiative’s opportunity profile from Phase 2.2 of the Digital Journey series (if used)


    • Short-form initiative business case


    • Whiteboard and markers


    • Opportunity owner
    • Opportunity group/team

    Expand on the key benefits of each initiative

    Business cases are not just a vehicle with which to acquire resources for investments, they are a mechanism that helps ensure the benefits of an investment are realized. To accomplish this, a business case must have a set of clearly defined benefits, combined with an understanding of how they will be measured and an explicitly stated beneficiary who can corroborate that the benefit has been realized.

    What is a benefit?

    Benefits are the advantages, or outcomes, that specific groups or individuals realize as a result of the proposed initiative’s implementation.

    Initiative inputs

    Initiative inputs are the time, resources, and scope dedicated to the endeavor of implementing an initiative.

    Benefits of initiative and initiative inputs diagram.

    Identify how to measure benefit achievement

    Benefits are realized when an organization either starts doing something new, stops doing something, or improves the way something is already being done. The impact of these changes must be measured in order to determine whether the change is positive and if the case warrants more resources in order to scale.

    Types of benefits

    • Observable: These are measured by opinion or judgement.
    • Measurable: These can be identified when there is an existing measure in place for the benefit (or when one can be easily created).
    • Quantifiable: Similar to measurable benefits; however, these benefits additionally feature size or magnitude (if it can be reliably estimated).
    • Financial: These are benefits that can be communicated in monetary terms. A benefit should only be classified as financial when sufficient evidence is available to show that the stated value is likely to be achieved.

    Benefit owners and responsibilities

    1. Each benefit should have assigned to it an explicit owner who gains an advantage as a result of the initiative’s implementation.
    2. For most benefits, the owner will be the primary beneficiary of the initiative.
    3. These individuals are the ones who must corroborate that a benefit has been realized.
    4. Assigning an owner to each benefit will foster a sense of accountability in terms of benefits realization and will also create a traceable path that helps track the success of the initiative.

    Complete the benefits section of the business case


    1. Use the Short-Form Business Case Template included in this deck.
    2. Arrange a meeting with the key beneficiary or beneficiaries of your initiative. Refer back to the benefits and outcomes section of the initiative’s opportunity profile (if used) as a starting point.
    3. Clearly define what the key benefits of your initiative will be and list them in the Short-Form Business Case Template.
    4. Assign an owner to each benefit – the individual who will corroborate that the benefit has accrued.
    5. Come to a mutual agreement with the beneficiaries as to whether each benefit is:
      • Financial
      • Quantifiable
      • Measurable
      • Observable
    6. Discuss and list the methods that will be used to measure each benefit and list them in the Short-Form Business Case Template.


    • Key benefits of the initiative, how they will be measured, and who owns the benefits


    • Completed benefits section of the Short-Form Business Case Template


    • Short-Form Business Case Template


    • Opportunity owner
    • Key beneficiary

    Craft value proposition and vision statements

    The way one articulates the value an initiative provides is just as important as the initiative itself. Use the previous exercises as inputs to craft a statement that reflects the value your initiative will provide, but also describes how the initiative will create value. Specifically, a value proposition should answer the following questions:

    1. Who is the initiative for?
    2. What is the initiative?
    3. What does the initiative do?
    4. How is the initiative different from others?

    Complete value prop and vision statement sections of the business case


    1. Having already completed the benefits section of the Short-Form Business Case Template, turn your attention to the value proposition section.
    2. Using your problem and initiative canvases, in addition to the benefits section, craft a value proposition statement that answers the following questions in one or two sentences:
      • Who is the initiative for?
      • What is the initiative?
      • What does the initiative do?
      • How is the initiative different?
    3. Input the value proposition statement into the value proposition section of the Short-Form Business Case Template.


    • Initiative canvas
    • Benefits section of the Short-Form Business Case Template


    • Completed value proposition section of the Short-Form Business Case Template


    • Short-Form Business Case Template


    • Opportunity owner
    • Opportunity group/team

    Identify initiative steps and add to business case


    Turn your attention to the roadmap section of the Short-Form Business Case Template and fill it in through the following steps:

    1. Select which scope, resource, and/or time reduction tactics to apply given the context of the project.
    2. Use the test, run, gauge, and collect framework supplied, unless you elect to generate your own project phases. If that is the case, ensure that phases are mutually exclusive and completely exhaustive (MECE).
    3. For each phase, supply a brief description of the activities to be undertaken for that phase.
    4. Map the benefits to be accrued within each phase.
    5. For each phase, supply a set of two to three potential factors that create risk toward the benefits listed.
    6. For each risk, supply a mitigation tactic that could be employed to diffuse the risk or to mitigate it completely.


    • Project benefits
    • Scope, resource, and time reduction tactics


    • Roadmap section of the Short-Form Business Case Template


    • Short-Form Business Case Template


    • Opportunity owner

    Fill out the cost section of the business case


    1. Having already completed the roadmap part of the Short-Form Business Case Template, turn your attention to the cost section.
    2. Use the scope, resource, and time reduction tactics and roadmap to estimate the cost necessary to execute the project. Remember that costs are a factor of the resources required and the cost type.
      • Resources:
        • Hardware
        • Software
        • Human
        • Network and communications
        • Facilities
      • Cost Types:
        • Acquisition
        • Operation
        • Growth and change
    3. Complete the cost section of the Short-Form Business Case Template with the cost estimate for the project.


    • Roadmap
    • Scope, resource, and time reduction tactics


    • Cost section of the Short-Form Business Case Template


    • Short-Form Business Case Template


    • Opportunity owner
    • Opportunity group/team

    Exemplar: Short-Form Business Case

    Short form business case template. Shows value proposition, initiative benefits and initiative roadmap.

    Step 3: Determine a Prioritized List of Initiatives

    Green-light opportunities for digital investment and create your list of high-priority digital initiatives.

    Step 3: Determine a prioritized list of initiatives.

    Step 3

    Determine a Prioritized List of Initiatives


    Compile information

    Finalize your list of high priority initiatives.

    This list should also include the short-form business cases that you completed in the previous step. This compilation of initiative information will be used in the next phase of your digital journey and is critical for its successful completion.

    • Checking your work. Does it ring true? Does it create excitement? People will be working on these initiatives in the near future, so it’s ideal if they feel good about the outcomes.
    • Integrating with your IT strategy, if you have one. These digital initiatives will figure prominently in the fiscal quarters to come.
    • Dramatic effect. While you want stakeholders and IT staff to be enthusiastic about the work ahead, don’t dress up the initiatives as something they’re not.



    It’s time to communicate with stakeholders.

    By now you should have a relatively short yet potent list of digital business initiatives – plus a business case for each – that has been thoroughly vetted and prioritized. Stakeholders are eager to learn more about these initiatives, though the details that matter most may differ from stakeholder to stakeholder.

    • Socializing the business cases before formally presenting to stakeholders for approval.
    • You will want to first elicit feedback and make any recommended changes to messaging.
    • Tailoring your message depending on stakeholder type, their priorities and concerns, and so on.
    • Sugar coating. Many, if not all, of these stakeholders have the authority to invalidate or disapprove any business case that fails to pass muster. Give it to them straight.

    Compile your prioritized initiatives

    There are two follow-up actions to do with your newly prioritized list of digital initiative business cases: present them to stakeholders for approval and then add them to your IT strategic roadmap.

    Compile prioritized initiatives. Present to stakeholders and then add them to your IT strategic roadmap.

    Present business cases to stakeholders

    For most high-profile digital business initiatives, the short-form business case will not be the first time stakeholders hear about them. By this point, securing approval should only be a formality if the initiative has been effectively socialized beforehand. If this is not the case, one must build an adequate understanding of the stakeholder landscape and then use this understanding to effectively present business cases for digital initiative and receive approval to proceed with them.

    Gauge the importance of various stakeholders and tailor your message according to their concerns and the requirements of their role. Consider the following important questions about each stakeholder:

    • Authority: How much influence does the stakeholder have? Enough to drive the initiative forward?
    • Involvement: How interested is the stakeholder? How involved is the stakeholder in the initiative already?
    • Impact: To what degree will the stakeholder be impacted? Will this significantly change how they do their job?
    • Support: Is the stakeholder a supporter of the initiative? Neutral? A resistor?

    Develop a stakeholder map

    A stakeholder map helps visualize the importance of various stakeholders and their concerns so you can prioritize your time according to those stakeholders who are most impacted by a digital initiative, as well as those who have the authority to green-light them.

    1. Evaluate each stakeholder in terms of authority, involvement, impact, and support, as discussed in the previous slide.
    2. Map each stakeholder to an area on the right template (slide four) based upon the level of their authority and involvement (high or low).
      • Vary the size of the circle to distinguish stakeholders that are highly impacted by the IT strategy from those who are not. Color each circle to show each stakeholder’s estimated or gauged level of support for the project.
    3. Ask yourself if the stakeholder map looks accurate. Is there someone who has no involvement in digital initiatives, but should?
      • A) For example, if a CFO who has the authority to disapprove project funding is heavily impacted and not involved, the success of the business cases will be put at risk.
    4. Draw a dotted circle to show where that stakeholder needs to be located (increased involvement and support), and an arrow with a dotted line to signify the needed change. Some stakeholders may have influence over others.
      • B) For example, a COO who highly values the opinion of the director of operations would be influenced by that director. Draw an arrow from one stakeholder to another to signify this relationship.

    Focus on key players: Relevant stakeholders who have high power are highly impacted and should have high involvement. Engage the stakeholders that are impacted most and have the authority to influence digital initiatives and approve business cases.

    Stakeholder map. Authority versus involvement of key players.

    Summary of key insights

    By now, you should have a firm understanding of the principles and desired actions, behaviors, and outcomes that have been presented in this methodology. Furthermore:

    1. Prioritization of digital opportunities can be a relatively straightforward task as long as the correct stakeholders are involved and use a common and agreed upon set of criteria.
    2. Developing a business case for a digital initiative in an agile manner need not be a grueling exercise provided that a vetted and repeatable process is used.
    3. Above all, remember that this is a journey. Going from an intangible (macro-trend, problem, or opportunity) to a tangible (actual project or initiative) does not happen all at once.

    Related Info-Tech Research

    Understand Industry Trends

    Assess how the external environment presents opportunities or threats to your organization.

    Build a Business-Aligned IT Strategy

    Align with the business by creating an IT strategy that documents the business context, key initiatives, and a strategic roadmap.

    Define Your Digital Business Strategy

    Design a strategy that applies innovation to your business model, streamlines and transforms processes, and makes use of technologies to enhance interactions with customers and employees.

    Research Contributors and Experts

    Ross Armstrong

    Ross Armstrong

    Principal Research Director, CIO Advisory
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Ross Armstrong is a Principal Research Director in the CIO Advisory practice at Info-Tech Research Group, covering the areas of IT strategic planning, digital strategy, digital transformation, and IT innovation.

    Ross has worked in a variety of public and private sector industries including automotive, IT, mobile/telecom, and higher education. All of his roles over the years have centered around data-driven market research – in pursuit of insightful and successful product development and product management – at their core.

    In addition to his long tenure as an Info-Tech Research Group analyst, Ross has worked in research and product innovation positions at Autodata initiatives (J.D. Power), BlackBerry, and Ivey Business School (Western University).

    Ross holds a Master of Arts degree in English Language and Literature from Western University (UWO) and has served as an advisory board member for a number of not-for-profit and educational institutions.

    Joanne Lee

    Joanne Lee

    Principal Research Director, CIO Advisory
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Joanne is an executive with over 25 years of experience providing leadership in digital technology and management consulting across both public and private entities from initiative delivery to organizational redesign across BC, Ontario, and Globally.

    A Director within KPMG’s CIO Advisory Management Consulting services and practice lead for Digital Health in BC, Joanne has led various client engagements from ERP Cloud Strategy, IT Operating Models, Data and Analytics maturity, to process redesign. More recently, Joanne was the Chief Program Officer and Executive Director responsible for leading the implementation of a $450M technology and business transformation initiative across 13 hospitals and community services for one of the largest health authorities in BC.

    A former clinician, Joanne has held progressive leadership roles in healthcare with accountabilities across IT operations and service management, data analytics, project management office (PMO), clinical informatics, and privacy and contract management. Joanne is passionate about connecting people, concepts, and capital.


    “AI: From Data to ROI.” Cognizant, September 2020. Accessed November 2022.

    Bughin, Jacques, et al. “The Case for Digital Reinvention.” McKinsey Quarterly, February 2017. Accessed November 2022.

    “The Business Case for Digital Transformation.” CPA Canada, June 2021. Accessed November 2022.

    “The Case for Digital Transformation.” The National Center for the Middle Market, Ohio State University, 2020. Accessed October 2022.

    “Digital Transformation in Government Case Study.” Ionology, April 2020. Accessed October 2022.

    Louis, Peter, et al. “Internet of Things – From Buzzword to Business Case.” Siemens, 11 January 2021. Accessed December 2022.

    Miesen, Nick. “Case Studies of Digital Transformations in Process and Aerospace Industries.” Jugaad, 2018. Accessed November 2022.

    Proff, Harald, and Claudia Bittrich. “The Digital Business Case - Done Right!” Deloitte, August 2019. Accessed October 2022.

    “Propelling an Aerospace Innovator.” Accenture, 2021. Accessed October 2022.

    Schmidt-Subramanian, Maxie. “The ROI of CX Transformation.” Forrester, 15 August 2019. Accessed November 2022.

    Ward, John, et al. “Building Better Business Cases for IT Investments.” California Management Review, Sept. 2007. Web.

    Develop an IT Strategy to Support Customer Service

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}528|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: Customer Relationship Management
    • Parent Category Link: /customer-relationship-management
    • Customer expectations regarding service are rapidly evolving. As your current IT systems may be viewed as ineffective at delivering upon these expectations, a transformation is called for.
    • It is unclear whether IT has the system architecture/infrastructure to support modern Customer Service channels and technologies.
    • The relationship between Customer Service and IT is strained. Strategic system-related decisions are being made without the inclusions of IT, and IT is only engaged post-purchase to address integration or issues as they arise.
    • Scope: An ABPM-centric approach is taken to model the desired future state, and retrospectively look into the current state to derive gaps and sequential requirements. The requirements are bundled into logical IT initiatives to be plotted on a roadmap and strategy document.
    • Challenge: The extent to which business processes can be mapped down to task-based Level 5 can be challenging depending on the maturity of the organization.
    • Pain/Risk: The health of the relationship between IT and Customer Service may determine project viability. Poor collaboration and execution may strain the relationship further.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • When transformation is called for, start with future state visioning. Current state analysis can impede your ability to see future needs and possibilities.
    • Solve your own problems by enhancing core or “traditional” Customer Service functionality first, and then move on to more ambitious business enabling functionality.
    • The more rapidly businesses can launch applications in today’s market, the better positioned they are to improve customer experience and reap the associated benefits. Ensure that technology is implemented with a solid strategy to support the initiative.

    Impact and Result

    • The right technology is established to support current and future Customer Service needs.
    • Streamlined and optimized Customer Service processes that drive efficiency and improve Customer Service quality are established.
    • The IT and Customer Service functions are both transformed from a cost center into a competitive advantage.

    Develop an IT Strategy to Support Customer Service Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Structure the project

    Identify project stakeholders, define roles, and create the project charter.

    • Develop an IT Strategy to Support Customer Service Storyboard
    • Project RACI Chart
    • Project Charter

    2. Define vision for future state

    Identify and model the future state of key business processes.

    • Customer Service Business Process Shortlisting Tool
    • Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool

    3. Document current state and assess gaps

    Model the current state of key business processes and assess gaps.

    4. Evaluate solution options

    Review the outputs of the current state architecture health assessment and adopt a preliminary posture on architecture.

    5. Evaluate application options

    Evaluate the marketplace applications to understand the “art of the possible.”

    6. Frame desired state and develop roadmap

    Compile and score a list of initiatives to bridge the gaps, and plot the initiatives on a strategic roadmap.

    • Customer Service Initiative Scoring and Roadmap

    Workshop: Develop an IT Strategy to Support Customer Service

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Define Vision for Future State

    The Purpose

    Discuss Customer Service-related organizational goals and align goals with potential strategies for implementation.

    Score level 5 Customer Service business processes against organizational goals to come up with a shortlist for modeling.

    Create a future state model for one of the shortlisted business processes.

    Draft the requirements as they relate to the business process.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Preliminary list of Customer Service-related business goals

    List of Customer Service business processes (Task Level 5)

    Pre-selected Customer Service business process for modeling


    1.1 Outline and prioritize your customer goals and link their relevance and value to your Customer Service processes with the Customer Service Business Process Shortlisting Tool.

    1.2 Score customer service business processes against organizational goals with the Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool.


    Initial position on viable Customer Service strategies

    Shortlist of key business processes

    Documented future state business process model

    Business/functional/non-functional requirements

    2 Document Current State and Assess Gaps

    The Purpose

    Create a current state model for the shortlisted business processes.

    Score the functionality and integration of current supporting applications.

    Revise future state model and business requirements.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Inventory of Customer Service supporting applications

    Inventory of related system interfaces


    2.1 Holistically assess multiple aspects of Customer Service-related IT assets with the Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool.


    Documented current state business process model

    Customer Service systems health assessment

    3 Adopt an Architectural Posture

    The Purpose

    Review the Customer Service systems health assessment results.

    Discuss options.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Completed Customer Service systems health assessment

    Application options


    3.1 Analyze CS Systems Strategy and review results with the Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool


    Posture on system architecture

    4 Frame Desired State and Develop Roadmap

    The Purpose

    Draft a list of initiatives based on requirements.

    Score and prioritize the initiatives.

    Plot the initiatives on a roadmap.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    Business/functional/non-functional requirements


    4.1 Help project and management stakeholders visualize the implementation of Customer Service IT initiatives with the Customer Service Initiative Scoring and Roadmap Tool.


    Scored and prioritized list of initiatives

    Customer Service implementation roadmap

    Further reading

    Develop an IT Strategy to Support Customer Service

    E-commerce is accelerating, and with it, customer expectations for exceptional digital service.

    Analyst Perspective

    The future of Customer Service is digital. Your organization needs an IT strategy to meet this demand.

    The image contains a picture of Thomas E. Randall.

    As the pandemic closed brick-and-mortar stores, the acceleration of ecommerce has cemented Customer Service’s digital future. However, the pandemic also revealed severe cracks in the IT strategy of organizations’ Customer Service – no matter the industry. These cracks may include low resolution and high wait times through the contact center, or a lack of analytics that fuel a reactive environment. Unfortunately, organizations have no time to waste in resolving these issues. Customer patience for poor digital service has only decreased since March 2020, leaving organizations with little to no runway for ramping up their IT strategy.

    Organizations that quickly mature their digital Customer Service will come out the other side of COVID-19 more competitive and with a stronger reputation. This move necessitates a concrete IT strategy for coordinating what the organization’s future state should look like and agreeing on the technologies and software required to meet this state across the entire organization.

    Thomas E. Randall, Ph.D.

    Senior Research Analyst, Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    Common Obstacles

    Info-Tech’s Solution

    • COVID-19 has accelerated ecommerce, rapidly evolving customer expectations about the service they should receive. Without a robust IT strategy for enabling remote, contactless points of service, your organization will quickly fall behind.
    • The organization would like to use modern channels and technologies to enhance customer service, but it is unclear whether IT has the infrastructure to support them.
    • The relationship between Customer Service and IT is strained. Strategic system-related decisions are being made without the inclusion of IT.
    • IT is in a permanent reactive state, only engaged post-purchase to fix issues as they arise and to offer workarounds.
    • Use Info-Tech’s methodology to produce an IT strategy for Customer Service:
      • Phase 1: Define Project and Future State
      • Phase 2: Evaluate Current State
      • Phase 3: Build a Roadmap to Future State
    • Each phase contributes toward this blueprint’s key deliverable: the Strategic Roadmap.

    Info-Tech Insight

    IT must proactively engage with the organization to define what good customer service should look like. This ensures IT has a fair say in what kinds of architectural solutions are feasible for any projected future state. In this proactive scenario, IT can help build the roadmap for implementing and maintaining customer service infrastructure and operations, reducing the time and resources spent on putting out preventable fires or trying to achieve an unworkable goal set by the organization.

    Key insights

    Develop an IT Strategy to Support Customer Service

    Ecommerce growth has increased customer expectations

    Despite the huge obstacles that organizations are having to overcome to meet accelerating ecommerce from the pandemic, customers have not increased their tolerance for organizations with poor service. Indeed, customer expectations for excellent digital service have only increased since March 2020. If organizations cannot meet these demands, they will become uncompetitive.

    The future of customer service is tied up in analytics

    Without a coordinated IT strategy for leveraging technology and data to improve Customer Service, the organization will quickly be left behind. Analytics and reporting are crucial for proactively engaging with customers, planning marketing campaigns, and building customer profiles. Failing to do so leaves the organization blind to customer needs and will constantly be in firefighting mode.

    Meet the customer wherever they are – no matter the channel

    Providing an omnichannel experience is fast becoming a table stakes offering for customers. To maximize customer engagement and service, the organization must connect with the customer on whatever channel the customer prefers – be it social media, SMS, or by phone. While voice will continue to dominate how Customer Service connects with customers, demographics are shifting toward a digital-first generation. Organizations must be ready to capture this rapidly expanding audience.

    This blueprint will achieve:

    Increased customer satisfaction

    • An IT strategy for Customer Service that proactively meets customer demand, improving overall customer satisfaction with the organization’s services.
    • A process for identifying the organization’s future state of Customer Service and developing a concrete gap analysis.

    Time saved

    • Ready-to-use deliverables that analyze and provide a roadmap toward the organization’s desired future state.
    • Market analyses and rapid application selection through SoftwareReviews to streamline project time-to-completion.

    Increased ROI

    • A modernization process that aids Customer Service digital transformation, with a view to achieve high ROI.
    • Save costs through an effective requirements gathering method.
    • Building and expanding the organization’s customer base to increase revenues by meeting the customers where they are – no matter what channel.

    An IT strategy for customer service is imperative for a post-COVID world

    COVID-19 has accelerated ecommerce, rapidly evolving customer expectations for remote, contactless service.

    59% Of customers agree that the pandemic has raised their standards for service (Salesforce, 2020).

    • With COVID-19, most customer demand and employment moved online and turned remote.
    • Retailers had to rapidly respond, meeting customer demand through ecommerce. This not only entailed a complete shift in how customers could buy their goods but how retailers could provide a remote customer journey from discovery to post-purchase support.

    Info-Tech Insight

    The pandemic did not improve customer tolerance for bad service – instead, the demand for good service increased dramatically. Organizations need an IT strategy to meet customer support demands wherever the customer is located.

    The technology to provide remote customer support is surging

    IT needs to be at the forefront of learning about and suggesting new technologies, working with Customer Service to deliver a consistent, business-driven approach.


    Of decision makers say they’ve invested in new technology as a result of the pandemic (Salesforce, 2020).


    Rapidly changing demographics and modes of communications require an evolution toward omnichannel engagement. Agents need customer information synced across each channel they use, meeting the customer’s needs where they are.


    Of customers have increased their use of self-service during the pandemic (Salesforce, 2020).


    Customers want their issues resolved as quickly as possible. Machine-learning self-service options deliver personalized customer experiences, which also reduce both agent call volume and support costs for the organization.


    Of global executives who use data analytics report that they improved their ability to deliver a great customer experience (Gottlieb, 2019).


    The future of customer service is tied up with analytics: from AI-driven capabilities that include agent assist and using biometric data (e.g., speech) for security, to feeding real insights about how customers and agents are doing and performing.

    Executive Brief – Case Study

    Self-service options improve quality of service and boost organization’s competitiveness in a digital marketspace.

    INDUSTRY: Financial Services





    • The pandemic increased pressure on TSB’s Customer Service, with higher call loads from their five million customers who were anxious about their financial situation.
    • TSB needed to speed up its processing times to ensure loan programs and other assistances were provided as quickly as possible.
    • As meeting in-person became impossible due to the lockdown, TSB had to step up its digital abilities to serve their customers.
    • TSB sought to boost its competitiveness by shifting as far as possible to digital services.
    • TSB launched government loan programs in 36 hours, ahead of its competitors.
    • TSB created and released 21 digital self-service forms for customers to complete without needing to interact with bank staff.
    • TSB processed 140,000 forms in three months, replacing 15,000 branch visits.
    • TSB increased digital self-service rate by nine percent.

    IT can demonstrate its value to business by enhancing remote customer service

    IT must engage with Customer Service – otherwise, IT risks being perennially reactive and dictated to as remote customer service needs increase.

    IT benefits

    Customer Service benefits

    • The right technology is established to support Customer Service.
    • IT is viewed as a strategic partner and innovator, not just a cost center and support function.
    • Streamlined and optimized Customer Service processes that drive efficiency and improve Customer Service quality.
    • Transformation of the Customer Service function into a competitive advantage.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Change to how Customer Service will operate is inevitable. This is an opportunity for IT to establish their value to the business and improve their autonomy in how new technologies should be onboarded and utilized.

    Customer Service and IT need to work together to mitigate their pain points

    IT and Customer Service have an opportunity to reinforce and build their organization’s customer base by working together to streamline operations.

    IT pain points

    Customer Service pain points

    • IT lacks understanding of Customer Service challenges and pain points.
    • IT has technical debt or constrained technology funding.
    • The IT department is viewed as a cost center and support organization, not an engine of innovation, growth, and service delivery performance.
    • Processes supporting Customer Service delivery may be sub-optimal.
    • The existing technology cannot support the increasingly advanced needs of Customer Service functions.
    • Customer Service isn’t fully aware of what your customers think of your service quality. There is little to no monitoring of customer sentiment.
    • There is a lack of value-based segmentation of customers and information on their channel usage and preferences.
    • Competitor actions are not actively monitored.

    IT often cannot spark a debate with Customer Service on whether a decision made without IT is misaligned with corporate direction. It’s almost always an uphill battle for IT.

    Sahri Lava, Research Director, IDC

    Develop an IT Strategy to Support Customer Service


    70% of companies either have a digital transformation strategy in place or are working on one (Tech Pro Research, 2018). Unless IT can enable technology that meets the customer where they are, the organization will quickly fall behind in an age of accelerating ecommerce.


    Many customer journeys are now exclusively digital – 63% of customers expect to receive service over social media (Ringshall, 2020). Organization’s need an IT strategy to develop the future of their customer service – from leveraging analytics to self-service AI portals.


    73% of customers prefer to shop across multiple channels (Sopadjieva et al., 2017). Assess your current state’s application integrations and functionality to ensure your future state can accurately sync customer information across each channel.


    Customer relationship management software is one of the world's fastest growing industries (Kuligowski, 2022). Choosing a best-fit solution requires an intricate analysis of the market, future trends, and your organization’s requirements.


    95% of customers cite service as key to their brand loyalty (Microsoft, 2019). Build out your roadmap for the future state to retain and build your customer base moving forward.

    Use Info-Tech’s method to produce an IT strategy for Customer Service:

    PHASE 1: Define Project and Future State

    Output: Project Charter and Future State Business Processes

    1.1 Structure the Project

    1.2 Define a Vision for Future State

    1.3 Document Preliminary Requirements


    Strategic Roadmap

    The image contains a screenshot of the strategic roadmap.

    PHASE 2: Evaluate Current State

    Output: Requirements Identified to Bridge Current to Future State

    2.1 Document Current State Business Processes

    2.2 Assess Current State Architecture

    2.3 Review and Finalize Requirements for Future State

    PHASE 3: Build a Roadmap to Future State

    Output: Initiatives and Strategic Roadmap

    3.1 Evaluate Architectural and Application Options

    3.2 Understand the Marketplace

    3.3 Score and Plot Initiatives Along Your Strategic Roadmap

    Key deliverable and tools outline

    Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting materials to help you accomplish your goals.

    Project RACI Chart

    Activity 1.1a Organize roles and responsibilities for carrying out project steps.

    The image contains a screenshot of the Project RACI Chart.

    Key Deliverable:

    Strategic Roadmap

    Develop, prioritize, and implement key initiatives for your customer service IT strategy, plotting and tracking them on an easy-to-read timeline.

    The image contains a screenshot of the Strategic Roadmap.

    Business Process Shortlisting Tool

    Activities 1.2a, 1.2b, and 2.1aOutline and prioritize customer service goals.

    The image contains a screenshot of the Business Process Shortlisting Tool.

    Project Charter Template

    Activity 1.1b Define the project, its key deliverables, and metrics for success.

    The image contains a screenshot of the Project Charter Template.

    Systems Strategy Tool

    Activities 1.3a, Phase 2, 3.1a Prioritize requirements, assess current state customer service functions, and decide what to do with your current systems going forward.

    .The image contains a screenshot of the Systems Strategy Tool.

    Looking ahead: defining metrics for success

    Phase 1 of this blueprint will help solidify how to measure this project’s success. Start looking ahead now.

    For example, the metrics below show the potential business benefits for several stakeholders through building an IT strategy for Customer Service. These stakeholders include agents, customers, senior leadership, and IT. The benefits of this project are listed to the right.

    Metric Description

    Current Metric

    Future Goal

    Number of channels for customer contact



    Customer self-service resolution



    % ROI

    - 4%


    Agent satisfaction



    As this project nears completion:

    1. Customers will have more opportunities for self-service resolution.
    2. Agents will experience higher satisfaction, improving attrition rates.
    3. The organization will experience higher ROI from its digital Customer Service investments.
    4. Customers can engage the contact center via a communication channel that suits them.

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    Guided Implementation



    “Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful.”“Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track.”“We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place.”“Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project.”

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options

    Guided Implementation

    What does a typical Guided Implementation on this topic look like?

    Define Project and Future StateDocument and Assess Current StateEvaluate Architectural and Application OptionsBuild Roadmap to Future State

    Call #1: Introduce project, defining its vision and metrics of success.

    Call #2: Review environmental scan to define future state vision.

    Call #3: Examine future state business processes to compile initial requirements.

    Call #4: Document current state business processes.

    Call #5: Assess current customer service IT architecture.

    Call #6: Refine and prioritize list of requirements for future state.

    Call #7: Evaluate architectural options.

    Call #8: Evaluate application options.

    Call #9:Develop and score initiatives to future state.

    Call #10: Develop timeline and roadmap.

    Call #11: Review progress and wrap-up project.

    A Guided Implementation is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    A typical Guided Implementation is two to 12 calls over the course of four to six months.

    Workshop Overview

    Contact your account representative for more information.

    Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5

    Define Your Vision for Future State

    Document Current State and Assess Gaps

    Adopt an Architectural Posture

    Frame Desired State and Develop Roadmap

    Communicate and Implement


    1.1 Outline and prioritize your customer goals.

    1.2 Link customer service goals’ relevance and value to your Customer Service processes.

    1.3 Score Customer Service business processes against organizational goals.

    2.1 Holistically assess multiple aspects of Customer Service-related IT assets with Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool.

    3.1 Analyze Customer Service Systems Strategy and review results with the Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool.

    4.1 Help project management stakeholders visualize implementation of Customer Service IT initiatives.

    4.2 Build strategic roadmap and plot initiatives.

    5.1 Finalize deliverables.

    5.2 Support communication efforts.

    5.3 Identify resources in support of priority initiatives.


    1. Initial position on viable Customer Service strategies.
    2. Shortlist of key business processes.
    3. Documented future-state business process model.
    4. Business/functional/non-functional requirements.
    1. Documented current state business process model.
    2. Customer Service systems health assessment.
    3. Inventory of Customer Service supporting applications.
    4. Inventory of related system interfaces.
    1. Posture on system architecture.
    2. Completed Customer Service systems health assessment.
    3. List of application options.
    1. Scored and prioritized list of initiatives.
    2. Customer Service implementation roadmap.
    1. Customer Service IT Strategy Roadmap.
    2. Mapping of Info-Tech resources against individual initiatives.

    Phase 1

    Define Project and Future State

    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    Phase 3

    1.1 Structure the Project

    1.2 Define Vision for Future State

    1.3 Document Preliminary Requirements

    2.1 Document Current State Business Processes

    2.2 Assess Current State Architecture

    2.3 Review and Finalize Requirements for Future State

    3.1 Evaluate Architectural and Application Options

    3.2 Understand the Marketplace

    3.3 Score and Plot Initiatives Along Strategic Roadmap

    This phase will guide you through the following activities:

    1.1a Create your project’s RACI chart to establish key roles throughout the timeline of the project.

    1.1b Finalize your project charter that captures the key goals of the project, ready to communicate to stakeholders for approval.

    1.2a Begin documenting business processes to establish potential future states.

    1.2b Model future state business processes for looking beyond current constraints and building the ideal scenario.

    1.3a Document your preliminary requirements for concretizing a future state and performing a gap analysis.

    Participants required for Phase 1:

    • Applications Director
    • Customer Service Director
    • IT and Customer Service Representatives

    1.1 Identify process owners early for successful project execution

    IT and Customer Service must work in tandem throughout the project. Both teams’ involvement ensures all stakeholders are heard and support the final decision.

    Customer Service Perspective

    IT Perspective

    • Customer Service is the victim of pain points resulting from suboptimal systems and it stands to gain the most benefits from a well-planned systems strategy.
    • Looking to reduce pain points, Customer Service will likely initiate, own, and participate heavily in the project.
    • Customer Service must avoid the tendency to make IT-independent decisions. This could lead to disparate systems that contribute little to the overall organizational goals.
    • IT owns the application and back-end support of all Customer Service business processes. Any technological aspect of processes will need IT involvement.
    • IT may or may not have the mandate to run the Customer Service strategy project. Responsibility for systems decisions remains with IT.
    • IT should own the task of filtering out unnecessary or infeasible application and technology decisions. IT capabilities to support such acquisitions and post-purchase maintenance must be considered.

    Info-Tech Insight

    While involving management is important for high-level strategic decisions, input from those who interact day-to-day with the systems is a crucial component to a well-planned strategy.

    1.1 Define project roles and responsibilities to improve progress tracking

    Assign responsibilities, accountabilities, and other project involvement roles using a RACI chart.

    • IT should involve Customer Service from the beginning of project planning to implementation and execution. The project requires input and knowledge from both functions to succeed.
    • Do not let the tasks be forgotten within inter-functional communication. Define roles and responsibilities for the project as early as possible.
    • Each member of the project team should be given a RACI designation, which will vary for each task to ensure clear ownership, execution, and progress tracking.
    • Assigning RACI early can:
      • Improve project quality by assigning the right people to the right tasks.
      • Improve chances of project task completion by assigning clear accountabilities.
      • Improve project buy-in by ensuring that stakeholders are kept informed of project progress, risks, and successes.

    R – Responsibility

    A – Accountability

    C – Consulted

    I – Informed

    1.1 Use Info-Tech’s recommended process owners and roles for this blueprint

    Customer Service Head

    Customer Service Director


    Applications Director*


    Marketing Head

    Sales Head

    Determine Project Suitability


    Phase 1.1


    Phases 1.2 – 1.3


    Phase 2


    Phase 3.1

    (Architectural options)


    Phase 3.1

    (Application options)


    Phases 3.2 – 3.3


    * The Applications Director is to compile a list of Customer Service systems; the Customer Service Director is responsible for vetting a list and mapping it to Customer Service functions.

    ** The Applications Director is responsible for technology-related decisions (e.g. SaaS or on-premise, integration issues); the Customer Service Director is responsible for functionality-related decisions.

    1.1a Create your project’s RACI chart

    1 hour

    1. The Applications Director and Customer Service Head should identify key participants and stakeholders of the project.
    2. Use Info-Tech’s Project RACI Chart to identify ownership of tasks.
    3. Record roles in the Project RACI Chart.
    The image contains a screenshot of the project RACI chart.
    • Identification of key project participants and stakeholders.
    • Identification of key project participants and stakeholders.



    • Project RACI Chart
    • Applications Director
    • Customer Service Director

    Download the Project RACI Chart

    1.1 Start developing the project charter

    A project charter should address the following:

    • Executive Summary and Project Overview
      • Goals
      • Benefits
      • Critical Success Factors
    • Scope
    • Key Deliverables
    • Stakeholders and RACI
    • Risk Assessment
      • What are some risks you may encounter during project execution?
    • Projected Timeline and Key Milestones
    • Review and Approval Process

    What is a project charter?

    • The project charter defines the project and lays the foundation for all subsequent project planning.
    • Once approved by the business, the charter gives the project lead formal authority to initiate the project.

    Why create a project charter?

    • The project charter allows all parties involved to reach an agreement and document major aspects of the project.
    • It also supports the decision-making process and can be used as a communication tool.

    Stakeholders must:

    • Understand and agree on the objectives and important characteristics of the project charter before the project is initiated.
    • Be given the opportunity to adjust the project charter to better address their needs and concerns.

    1.1b Finalize the project charter

    1-2 hours

    1. Request relevant individuals and parties to complete sections of Info-Tech’s Project Charter Template.
    2. Input the simplified RACI output from tab 3 in Info-Tech’s Project RACI Chart tool into the RACI section of the charter.
    3. Send the completed template to the CIO and Customer Service Head for approval.
    4. Communicate the document to stakeholders for changes and finalization.
    The image contains a screenshot of the Project Charter Template.



    • Customer Service and IT strategies
    • Justification of impetus to begin this project
    • Timeline estimates
    • A completed project charter that captures the key goals of the project, ready to communicate to stakeholders for approval.



    • Project RACI Chart
    • Project Charter Template
    • Applications Director
    • Customer Service Director

    Download the Project Charter Template

    1.2 IT must play a role shaping Customer Service’s future vision

    IT is only one or two degrees of separation from the end customer – their involvement can significantly impact the customer experience.


    Customer Service


    Customer Service-Facing Application

    Customer-Facing Application

    • IT enables, supports, and maintains the applications used by the Customer Service organization to service customers. IT provides the infrastructural and technical foundation to operate the function.
    • IT supports customer-facing interfaces and channels for Customer Service interaction.
    • Channel examples include web pages, mobile device applications and optimization, and interactive voice response for callers.

    1.2 Establish a vision for Customer Service excellence

    Info-Tech has identified three prominent Customer Service strategic patterns. Evaluate which fits best with your situation and organization.




    Ensuring customers remain customers by providing proactive customer service and a seamless omnichannel strategy.

    Reducing costs by diverting customers to lower cost channels and empowering agents to solve problems quickly.

    Maximizing the value of existing customers by capitalizing on cross-sell and up-sell opportunities.

    1.2 Let profitability goals help reveal which strategy to pursue

    Profitability goals are tied to the enabling of customer service strategies.

    • If looking to drive cost decreases across the organization, pursue cost efficiency strategies such as customer volume diversion in order to lower cost channels and avoid costly escalations for customer complaints and inquiries.
    • Ongoing Contribution Margin is positive only once customer acquisition costs (CAC) have been paid back. For every customer lost, another customer has to be acquired in order to experience no loss. In this way, customer retention strategies help decrease your overall costs.
    • Once cost reduction and customer retention measures are in place, look to increase overall revenue through cross-selling and up-selling activities with your customers.
    The image contains a screenshot of a diagram to demonstrate the relationship between goals and enabling strategies.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Purely driving efficiency is not the goal. Create a balance that does not compromise customer satisfaction.

    Customer Service strategies: Case studies


    • Volume diversion to lower cost channels
    • Agent empowerment

    MISS DIG 811 – a utility notification system – sought to make their customer service more efficient by moving to softphones. Using the Cisco Customer Journey Platform, Miss Dig saw a 9% YoY increase in agent productivity and 83% reduction in phone equipment costs. Source: (Cisco, 2018).


    • Proactive Customer Service
    • Seamless omnichannel strategy

    VoiceSage worked with Home Retail Group – a general merchandise retailer – to proactively increase customer outreach, reducing the number of routine customer order and delivery queries received. In four weeks, Home Retail Group increased their 30-40% answer rate from customers to 100%, with 90% of incoming calls answered and 60% of contacts made via SMS. Source: (VoiceSage, 2018)



    • Cross-Sell and Up-Sell opportunities

    A global brand selling language-learning software utilized Callzilla to help improve their call conversion rate of 2%. After six months of agent and supervisor training, this company increased their call conversion rate to 16% and their upsell rate to 40%. Their average order value increased from < $300 to $465. Source: (Callzilla, n.d.)

    1.2 Performing an environmental scan can help IT optimize Customer Service support

    Though typically executed by Customer Service, IT can gain valuable insights for best supporting infrastructure, applications, and operations from an environmental scan.

    An environmental scan seeks to understand your organization’s customers from multiple directions. It considers:

    • Customers’ value-based segmentations.
    • The interaction channels customers prefer to use.
    • Customers’ likes and dislikes.
    • The general sentiment of your customer service quality.
    • What your competitors are doing in this space.
    The image contains a screenshot of a diagram to demonstrate how performing an environmental scan can help IT optimize Customer Service support.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Business processes must directly relate to customer service. Failing to correlate customer experience with business performance outcomes overlooks the enormous cost of negative sentiment.

    1.2 The environmental scan results should drive IT’s strategy and resource spend

    Insights derived from this scan can help frame IT’s contributions to Customer Service’s future vision.

    Why IT should care:


    Each customer experience, from product/service selection to post-transaction support, can have a significant impact on business performance.

    It is not just IT or Customer Service that should care; rather, it should be an organizational responsibility to care about what customers say.

    Customers have little tolerance for mediocrity or poor service and simply switch their allegiances to those that can satisfy their expectations.

    Do not ignore your competitors; they may be doing something well in Customer Service technology which may serve as your organization’s benchmark.

    With maturing mobile and social technologies, customers want to be treated as individuals rather than as a series of disconnected accounts

    Do not ignore your customers’ plea for individuality through mobile and social. Assess your customers’ technology channel preferences.

    Customer service’s perception of service quality may be drastically different than what is expected by the customers.

    Prevent your organization from investing in technology that will have no positive impact on your customer experience.

    Some customers may not provide your organization the business value that surpasses your cost to serve them.

    Focus on enhancing the technology and customer service experience for your high-value customers.

    1.2 Have Customer Service examine feedback across channels for a holistic view

    Your method of listening needs to evolve to include active listening on social and mobile channels.

    Insights and Implications for Customer Service

    Limitations of conventional listening:

    • Solicited customer feedback, such as surveys, do not provide an accurate feedback method since customers only have one channel to express their views.
    • Sentiment, voice, and text analytics within social media channels provide the most accurate and timely intelligence.

    How IT Can Help

    IT can help facilitate the customer feedback process by:

    • Conducting customer feedback with voice recognition software.
    • Monitoring customer sentiment on mobile and social channels.
    • Utilizing customer data analytic engines on social media management platforms.
    • Referring Customer Service to customer advisory councils and their databases.

    1.2 Benchmark IT assets by examining your competitors’ Customer Service capabilities

    The availability of the internet means almost complete transparency between your products and services, and those of your competitors.

    Insights and implications from Customer Service

    How IT can help

    Competitor actions are crucial. Watch your competitors to learn how they use Customer Service as a competitive differentiator and a customer acquisition tool.

    Do not learn about a competitor’s actions because your customers are already switching to them. Track your competitors before getting a harsh surprise from your customers.

    View the customer service experience from the outside in. Assessing from the inside out gives an internal perspective on how good the service is, rather than what customers are experiencing.

    Take a data and analytics-driven approach to mine insights on what customers are saying about your competitors. Negative sentiment and specific complaints can be used as reference for IT and Customer Service to:

    • Avoid repeating the competitor’s mistakes.
    • Utilize sentiment as a benchmark for goal setting and improvements.
    • Duplicate successful technology initiatives to realize business value.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Look to your competitors for comparative models but do not pursue to solely replicate what they currently have. Aim higher and attempt to surpass their capabilities and brand value.

    1.2 Collaborate with Customer Service to understand customer value segments

    Let segmentation help you gain intelligence on customers’ expectations.

    Insights and implications from customer service

    • Segment your customers based on their value relative to the cost to serve. The easiest way to do so is with channel preference categorization.
    • If the cost for retention attempts are higher than the value that those customers provide, there is little business case to pursue retention action.

    How IT can help

    • Couple value-based segmentation with channel preference and satisfaction levels of your most-valued customers to effectively target IT investments in channels that maximize service customization and quality.
    • Correlate the customers’ channel and technology usage with their business value to see which IT assets are delivering on their investments.

    The image contains a screenshot of a graph to demonstrate the relationship between cost of retention and value.

    “If you're developing a Customer Service strategy, it has to start with who your clients are, what [they are] trying to do, and through what channels […] and then your decision around processes have to fall out of that. If IT is trying to lead the conversation, or bring people together to lead the conversation, then marketing and whoever does segmentation has to be at the table as a huge component of this.”

    Lisa Woznica, Director of Client Experience, BMO Financial Group

    1.2 Be mindful of trends in the consumer and technology landscape

    Building a future vision of customer service requires knowing what upcoming technologies can aid the organization.


    Rapidly changing demographics and modes of communication requires an evolution toward omnichannel engagement. 63% of customers now expect to communicate with contact centers over their social media (Ringshall 2020). Agents need customer information synced across each channel they use, meeting the customer’s needs where they are.


    Customers want their issues resolved as quickly as possible. Machine learning self-service options deliver personalized customer experiences, which also reduce both agent call volume and support costs for the organization. 60% of contact centers are using or plan to use AI in the next 12 months to improve their customer (Canam Research 2020).


    The future of customer service is tied up with analytics. This not only entails AI-driven capabilities that fetch the agent relevant information, but it finds skills-based routing and uses biometric data (e.g., speech) for security. It also feeds operations leaders’ need for easy access to real insights about how their customers and agents are doing.

    Phase 1 – Case Study

    Omnichannel support delivers a financial services firm immediate customer service results.

    INDUSTRY: Financial Services

    SOURCE: Mattsen Kumar




    • A financial services firm’s fast growth began to show cracks in their legacy customer service system.
    • Costs to support the number of customer queries increased.
    • There was a lack of visibility into incoming customer communications and their resolutions.
    • Business opportunities were lost due to a lack of information on customers’ preferences and challenges. Customer satisfaction was decreasing, negatively impacting the firm’s brand.
    • Mattsen Kumar diagnosed that the firm’s major issue was that their customer service processes required a high percentage of manual interventions.
    • Mattsen Kumar developed an omnichannel strategy, including a mix of social channels joined together by a CRM.
    • A key aspect of this omnichannel experience was designing automated processes with minimal manual intervention.
    • 25% reduction in callbacks from customers.
    • $50,000 reduction in operational costs.
    • Two minutes wait time reduction for chat process.
    • 14% decrease in average handle time.
    • Scaled up from 6000 to 50,000 monthly calls that could be handled by the current team.
    • Enabled more than 10,000 customer queries over chats.

    1.2 Construct your future state using a business process management approach

    Documenting and evaluating your business processes serves as a good starting point for defining the overall Customer Service strategy.

    • Examining key Customer Service business processes can unlock clues around the following:
      • Driving operational effectiveness.
      • Identifying, implementing, and maintaining reusable enterprise systems.
      • Identifying gaps that can be addressed by acquisition of additional systems.
    • Business process modeling facilitates the collaboration between business and IT, recording the sequence of events, tasks performed, by whom they are performed, and the levels of interaction with the various supporting applications.
    • By identifying the events and decision points in the process, and overlaying the people that perform the functions and technologies that support them, organizations are better positioned to identify gaps that need to be bridged.
    • Encourage the analysis by compiling the inventory of Customer Service business processes that are relevant to the organization.

    Info-Tech Insight

    A process-oriented approach helps organizations see the complete view of the system by linking strategic requirements to business requirements, and business requirements to system requirements.

    1.2 Use the APQC Framework to define your Customer Service-related processes

    • APQC’s Process Classification Framework (PCF) is a taxonomy of cross-functional business processes intended to allow the objective comparison of organizational performance within and among organizations.
    • Section 5 of the PCF details various levels of Customer Service business processes, useful for mapping on to your own organization’s current state.
    • The APQC Framework can be accessed through the following link: APQC’s Process Classification Framework.

    The APQC Framework serves as a high-level, industry-neutral enterprise model that allows organizations to see activities from a cross-industry process perspective.

    The image contains a screenshot example of the APQC Process Classification Framework.
    Source: (Ziemba and Eisenbardt 2015)

    Info-Tech Caution

    The APQC framework does not list all processes within a specific organization, nor are the processes which are listed in the framework present in every organization. It is designed as a framework and global standard to be customized for use in any organization.

    1.2 Each APQC process has five levels that represent its logical components

    The image contains a screenshot of the APQC five levels. The levels include: category, process group, process, and activity.

    The PCF provides L1 through 4 for the Customer Service Framework.

    L5 processes are task- and industry-specific and need to be defined by the organization.

    Source: (APQC 2020)
    This Industry Process Classification Framework was jointly developed by APQC and IBM to facilitate improvement through process management and benchmarking. ©2018 APQC and IBM. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

    1.2a Begin documenting business processes

    4 hours

    1. Using Info-Tech’s Customer Service Business Process Shortlisting Tool, list the Customer Service goals and rank them by importance.
    2. Score the APQC L4 processes by relevance to the defined goals and perceived satisfaction index.
    3. Define the L5 processes for the top scoring L4 process.
    4. Leave Tab 5, Columns G – I for now. These columns will be revisited in activities 1.2b and 2.1a.
    The image contains a screenshot of the Customer Service Process Shortlisting Tool.



    • List of Customer Service goals
    • A detailed prioritization of Customer Service business processes to model for future states



    • Whiteboard
    • Writing materials
    • Customer Service Business Process Shortlisting Tool
    • Applications Director
    • Customer Service Director
    • IT and Customer Service Representatives

    Download the Customer Service Business Process Shortlisting Tool

    1.2 Start designing the future state of key business processes

    If Customer Service transformation is called for, start with your future-state vision. Don’t get stuck in current state and the “art of the possible” within its context.

    Future-State Analysis

    Start by designing your future state business processes (based on the key processes shortlisting exercise). Design these processes as they would exist as your “ideal scenario.” Next, analyze your current state to help better your understanding of:

    • The gaps that exist and must be bridged to achieve the future-state vision.
    • Whether or not any critical functions that support your business were omitted accidentally from the future-state processes.
    • Whether or not any of the supporting applications or architecture can be salvaged and used toward delivery of your future-state vision.

    Though it’s a commonly used approach, documenting your current-state business processes first can have several drawbacks:

    • Current-state analysis can impede your ability to see future possibility.
    • Teams will spend a great deal of time and effort on documenting current state and inevitably succumb to “analysis paralysis.”
    • Current state assessment, when done first, limits the development of the future (or target) state, constraining thinking to the limitations of the current environment rather than the requirements of the business strategy.

    Current-State Analysis

    “If you're fairly immature and looking for a paradigm shift or different approach [because] you recognize you're totally doing it wrong today, then starting with documenting current state doesn't do a lot except make you sad. You don't want to get stuck in [the mindset of] ‘Here's the current state, and here’s the art of the possible.’”

    Trevor Timbeck, Executive Coach, Parachute Executive Coaching

    1.2 Start modeling future-state processes

    Build buy-in and accountability in process owners through workshops and whiteboarding – either in-person or remotely.

    Getting consensus on the process definition (who does what, when, where, why, and how) is one of the hardest parts of BPM.

    Gathering process owners for a process-defining workshop isn’t easy. Getting them to cooperate can be even harder. To help manage these difficulties during the workshop, make sure to:

    • Keep the scope contained to the processes being defined in order to make best use of everyone’s time, as taking time away from employees is a cost too.
    • Prior to the workshop, gather information about the processes with interviews, questionnaires, and/or system data gathering and analysis.
    • Use the information gathered to have real-life examples of the processes in question so that time isn’t wasted.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Keep meetings short and on task as tangents are inevitable. Set ground rules at the beginning of any brainstorming or whiteboarding session to ensure that all participants are aligned.

    1.2 Use the five W’s to help map out your future-state processes

    Define the “who, what, why, where, when, and how” of the process to gain a better understanding of individual activities.








    Record Claim

    Customer Service

    Customer Service Rep.



    Claims system

    Customer notification

    Agent enters claim into the system and notifies claims department

    Manage Claim

    Claims Department

    Claims Clerk


    Agent submitted the claim

    Claims system

    Agent notification

    Clerk enters claim into the claims system

    Investigate Claim

    Claims Investigation



    Claim notification

    Property where claim is being made

    Assess damage

    Evaluation and expert input

    Settle Claim

    Claims Department

    Claim Approver

    Claim and Adjuster’s evaluation

    Receipt of Adjuster’s report

    Claims system


    Approval or denial

    Administer Claim

    Finance Department

    Finance Clerk

    Claim amount

    Claim approval notification

    Finance system

    Payment required

    Create payment voucher and cut check

    Close Claim

    Claims Department

    Claims Clerk

    Claim and all supporting documentation

    Payment issued

    Claims system

    Claim processed

    Close the claim in the system

    Info-Tech Insight

    It’s not just about your internal processes. To achieve higher customer retention and satisfaction, it’s also useful to map the customer service process from the customer perspective to identify customer pain points and disconnects.

    1.2 Use existing in-house software as a simplistic entry point to process modeling

    A diagramming tool like Visio enables you to plot process participants and actions using dedicated symbols and connectors that indicate causality.

    • Models can use a stick-figure format, a cross-functional workflow format, or BPMN notation.
    • Plot the key activities and decision points in the process using standard flowcharting shapes. Identify the data that belongs to each step in a separate document or as call-outs on the diagram.
    • Document the flow control between steps, i.e., what causes one step to finish and another to start?

    The image contains a screenshot of the sample cross-functional diagram using the claims process.

    Info-Tech Best Practice

    Diagramming tools can force the process designer into a specific layout: linear or cross-functional/swim lane.

    • A linear format is recommended for single function and system processes.
    • A swim lane format is recommended for cross-functional and cross-departmental processes.

    1.2 Introduce low investment alternatives for process modeling for modeling disciplines

    SaaS and low-cost modeling tools are emerging to help organizations with low to medium BPM maturity visualize their processes.

    • Formal modeling tools allow a designer to model in any view and easily switch to other views to gain new perspectives on the process.
    • Subscription-based, best-of-breed SaaS tools provide scalable and flexible process modeling capabilities.
    • Open source and lower cost tools also exist to help distribute BPM modeling discipline and standards.
    • BPMS suites incorporate advanced modeling tools with process execution engines for end-to-end business process management. Integrate process discovery with modeling, process simulation, and analysis. Deploy, monitor, and measure process models in process automation engines.

    The image contains a screenshot of a diagram of the claims process.

    Explore SoftwareReviews’ Business Process Management market analysis by clicking here.

    1.2b Model future state business processes

    4 hours

    1. Model the future state of the most critical business processes.
    2. Use Tab 5, Columns G – H of Info-Tech’s Customer Service Business Process Shortlisting Tool to keep stock of what processes are targeted for modeling, and whether the models have been completed.
    The image contains a screenshot of the Customer Service Business Process Shortlisting Tool.



    • Modeled future Customer Service business processes
    • An inventory of modeled future states for critical Customer Service business processes



    • Whiteboard
    • Writing materials
    • Customer Service Business Process Shortlisting Tool
    • Applications Director
    • Customer Service Director

    Download the Customer Service Business Process Shortlisting Tool

    1.3 Start a preliminary inventory of your requirements

    Use the future state business process models as a source for software requirements.

    • Business process modeling deals with business requirements that can be used as the foundation for elicitation of system (functional and non-functional) requirements.
    • Modeling creates an understanding of the various steps and transfers in each business process, as well as the inputs and outputs of the process.
    • The future state models form an understanding of what information is needed and how it flows from one point to another in each process.
    • Understand what technologies are (or can be) leveraged to facilitate the exchange of information and facilitate the process.

    For each task or event in the process, ask the following questions:

    • What is the input?
    • What is the output?
    • What are the underlying risks and how can they be mitigated?
    • What conditions should be met to mitigate or eliminate each risk?
    • What are the improvement opportunities?
    • What conditions should be met to enable these opportunities?

    Info-Tech Insight

    Incorporate future considerations into the requirements. How will the system need to adapt over time to accommodate additional processes, process variations, introduction of additional channels and capabilities, etc. Do not overreach by identifying system capabilities that cannot possibly be met.

    1.3 Understand the four different requirements to document

    Have a holistic view for capturing the various requirements the organization has for a Customer Service strategy.

    Business requirements

    High-level requirements that management would typically understand.

    User requirements

    High-level requirements on how the tool should empower users’ lives.

    Non-functional requirements

    Criteria that can be used to judge the operation of a contact center. It defines how the system should perform for the organization.

    Functional requirements

    Outline the technical requirements for the desired contact center.

    1.3 Extract requirements from the business process models

    To see how, let us examine our earlier example for the Claims Process, extracting requirements from the “Record Claim” task.

    The image contains an example of the claims process, and focuses on the record claim task.

    1.3a Document your preliminary requirements

    4 hours

    1. The Applications Director and Customer Service Head are to identify participants based on the business processes that will be reviewed.
    2. They are to conduct a workshop to gather all requirements that can be taken from the business process models.
    3. Use Tab 4 of Info-Tech’s Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool to document your preliminary requirements.
    The image contains a screenshot of the Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool.
    • Half-day workshop to review the proposed future-state diagrams and distill from them the business, functional, and non-functional requirements
    • Future state business process models from activities 1.2a and 1.2b
    • An inventory of preliminary requirements for modeled future states
    • Whiteboard
    • Writing materials
    • Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool
    • Results of activities 1.2a and 1.2b
    • Applications Director
    • Customer Service Director
    • IT and Customer Service Representatives

    Download the Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool

    Phase 2

    Evaluate Current State

    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    Phase 3

    1.1 Structure the Project

    1.2 Define Vision for Future State

    1.3 Document Preliminary Requirements

    2.1 Document Current State Business Processes

    2.2 Assess Current State Architecture

    2.3 Review and Finalize Requirements for Future State

    3.1 Evaluate Architectural and Application Options

    3.2 Understand the Marketplace

    3.3 Score and Plot Initiatives Along Strategic Roadmap

    This phase will guide you through the following activities:

    2.1a Model current-state business processes for an inventory to compare against future-state models.

    2.1b Compare future and current business states for a preliminary gap analysis.

    2.1c Begin compiling an inventory of CS Systems by function for an overview of your current state map.

    2.2a Rate your functional and integration quality to assess the performance of your application portfolio.

    2.3a Compare states and propose action to bridge current business processes with viable future alternatives.

    2.3b Document finalized requirements, ready to enact change.

    Participants required for Phase 2:

    • Applications Director
    • Customer Service Director
    • IT and Customer Service Representatives
    • IT Managers

    2.1 Document the current state of your key business processes

    Doing so will solidify your understanding of the gaps, help identify any accidental omissions from the future state vision, and provide clues as to what can be salvaged.

    • Analysis of the current state is important in the context of gap analysis. It aids in understanding the discrepancies between your baseline and the future-state vision, and ensuring that these gaps are recorded as part of the overall requirements.
    • By analyzing the current state of key business processes, you may identify critical functions that are in place today that were not taken into consideration during the future-state business process visioning exercise.
    • By overlaying the current state process models with the applications that support them, the current state models will indicate what systems and interfaces can be salvaged.
    • The baseline feeds the business case, allowing the team to establish proposed benefits and improvements from implementing the future-state vision. Seek to understand the following:
      • The volumes of work
      • Major exceptions
      • Number of employees involved
      • Amount of time spent in each area of the process

    2.1 Assess the current state to drive the gap analysis

    Before you choose any solution, identify what needs to be done to your current state in order to achieve the vision you have defined.

    • By beginning with the future state in mind, you have likely already envisioned some potential solutions.
    • By reviewing your current situation in contrast with your desired future state, you can deliberate what needs to be done to bridge the gap. The differences between the models allow you to define a set of changes that must be enacted in sequence or in parallel. These represent the gaps.
    • The gaps, once identified, translate themselves into additional requirements.

    Assessment Example

    Future State

    Current Situation

    Next Actions/ Proposals

    Incorporate social channels for responding to customer inquiries.

    No social media monitoring or channels for interaction exist at present.

    1. Implement a social media monitoring platform tool and integrate it with the current CSM.
    2. Recruit additional Customer Service representatives to monitor and respond to inquiries via social channels.
    3. Develop report(s) for analyzing volumes of inquiries received through social channels.

    Info-Tech Insight

    It is important to allot time for the current-state analysis, confine it to the minimum effort required to understand the gaps, and identify any missing pieces from your future-state vision. Make sure the work expended is proportional to the benefit derived from this exercise.

    2.1a Model current-state business processes

    2 hours

    1. Model the current state of the most critical business processes, using the work done in activities 1.2a and 1.2b to help identify these processes.
    2. Use Tab 5, Column I of Info-Tech’s Customer Service Business Process Shortlisting Tool to keep stock of what models have been completed.
    3. This tool is now complete.
    The image contains a screenshot of the Customer Service Business Process Shortlisting Tool.
    • Modeled current-state Customer Service business processes
    • An inventory of modeled current states for critical Customer Service business processes
    • Whiteboard
    • Writing materials
    • Customer Service Business Process Shortlisting Tool
    • Results of activities 1.2a and 1.2b.
    • Applications Director
    • Customer Service Director

    Download the Customer Service Business Process Shortlisting Tool

    2.1b Compare future and current business states

    2 hours

    1. Use Tab 9 of Info-Tech’s Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool to record a summary of the future state, current state, and actions proposed in order to bridge the gaps.
      • Fill out the desired future state of the business processes and IT architecture.
      • Fill out the current state of the business processes and IT architecture.
      • Fill out the actions required to mitigate the gaps between the future and current state.
    The image contains a screenshot of thr Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool.
    • The results of activities 1.2a, 1.2b, and 2.1a.
    • Modeled future- and current-state business processes
    • An overview and analysis of how to reach certain future states from the current state.
    • A preliminary list of next steps through bridging the gap between current and future states.
    • Whiteboard
    • Writing materials
    • Customer Service Business Process Shortlisting Tool
    • Applications Director
    • Customer Service Director

    Download the Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool

    2.1 Assess whether Customer Service architecture can meet future-state vision

    Approach your CS systems holistically to identify opportunities for system architecture optimization.

    • Organizations often do not have a holistic view of their Customer Service systems. These systems are often cobbled together from disparate parts, such as:
      • Point solutions (both SaaS and on-premise).
      • Custom interfaces between applications and databases.
      • Spreadsheets and other manual workarounds.
    • A high degree of interaction between multiple systems can cause distention in the application portfolio and databases, creating room for error and more work for CS and IT staff. Mapping your systems and architectural landscape can help you:
      • Identify the number of manual processes you currently employ.
      • Eliminate redundancies.
      • Allow for consolidation and/or integration.

    Consider the following metrics when tracking your CS systems:

    Time needed to perform core tasks (i.e., resolving a customer complaint)

    Accuracy of basic information (customer history, customer product portfolio)

    CSR time spent on manual process/workarounds

    Info-Tech Insight

    There is a two-step process to document the current state of your Customer Service systems:

    1. Compile an inventory of systems by function
    2. Identify points of integration across systems

    2.1c Begin compiling an inventory of CS systems by function

    2 hours

    1. Using Tab 2 of Info-Tech’s Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool, request that the CS managers fill in the application inventory template with all the CS systems that they use.
    2. Questions to trigger exercise:
      • Which applications am I using?
      • Which CS function does the application support?
      • How many applications support the same function?
      • What spreadsheets or manual workarounds do I use to fill in system gaps?
    3. Send the filled-in template to IT Managers to validate and fill in missing system information.
    • Applications Directors’ knowledge of the current state
    • IT Managers’ validation of this state
    • A corroborated inventory of the current state for Customer Service systems
    • Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool
    • Applications Director
    • IT managers

    Download the Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool

    2.1 Use activity 2.1c for an overview of your current state map

    The image contains a screenshot of activity 2.1.

    Info-Tech Insight

    A current-state map of CS systems can offer insight on:

    • Coverage, i.e. whether all functional areas are supported by systems.
    • Redundancies, i.e. functional areas with multiple systems. If a customer’s records are spread across multiple systems, it may be difficult to obtain a single source of truth.

    2.2 Assess current state with user interface architecture diagrams

    Understand a high-level overview of how your current state integrates together to rate its overall quality.

    • If IT already has an architecture diagram, use this in conjunction with your application inventory for the basis of current state discussions.
    • If your organization does not already have an architecture diagram for review and discussion, consider creating one in its most simplistic form using the following guidelines (see illustrative example on next slide):

    Represent each of your systems as a labelled shape with a unique number (this number can be referenced in other artifacts that can provide more detail).

    Color coding can also be applied to differentiate these objects, e.g., to indicate an internal system (where development is owned by your organization) vs. an external system (where development is outside of your organization’s control).

    2.2 Example: Current state with user interface architecture diagrams

    The image contains a screenshot of an example of current state with user interface architecture diagrams.

    2.2 Evaluate application functionality and functional coverage

    Use this documentation of the current state as an opportunity to spot areas for rationalizing your application portfolio.

    If an application is well-received by the organization and is an overall good platform, consider acquiring more modules from the same vendor application.

    The image contains a screenshot of a diagram to demonstrate functionality and functional coverage.

    If you have more than one application for a function, consider why that is and how you might consolidate into a single application.

    Measure the effectiveness of applications under consideration. For example, consider the number of failures when an application attempts a function (by ticket numbers), and overall satisfaction/ease of use.

    The above steps will reveal capability overlaps and application pain points and show how the overall portfolio could be made more efficient.

    2.2 Determine the degree of integration between systems

    Data and system integration are key components of an effective CS system portfolio.

    The needed level of integration will depend on three major factors:

    Integration between systems helps facilitate reporting. The required reports will vary from organization to organization:

    How many other systems benefit from the data of the application?

    Large workforces will benefit from more detailed WFM reports for optimizing workforce planning and talent acquisition.

    Will automating the integration between systems alleviate a significant amount of manual effort?

    Organizations with competitive sales and incentives will want to strategize around talent management and compensation.

    What kind of reports will your organization require in order to perform core and business-enabling functions?

    Aging workforces or organizations with highly specialized skills can benefit from detailed analysis around succession planning.

    Phase 2 – Case Study

    Integrating customer relationship information streamlines customer service and increases ROI for the organization.

    INDUSTRY: Retail and Wholesale

    SOURCE: inContact




    • Hall Automotive – a group of 14 multi-franchise auto dealerships located throughout Virginia and North Carolina – had customer information segmented throughout their CRM system at each dealership.
    • Call center agents lacked the technology to synthesize this information, leading customers to receive multiple and unrelated service calls.
    • Hall Automotive wanted to avoid embarrassing information gaps, integrate multiple CRM systems, and help agents focus on customers.
    • Hall Automotive utilized an inContact solution that included Automated Call Distributor, Computer Telephony Integration, and IVR technologies.
    • This created a complete customer-centric system that interfaced with multiple CRM and back-office systems.
    • The inContact solution simplified intelligent call flows, routed contacts to the right agent, and provided comprehensive customer information.
    • Call time decreased from five minutes to one minute and 23 seconds.
    • 350% increase in production.
    • Market response time down from three months to one day.
    • Cost per call cut from 83 cents to 23 cents.
    • Increased agents’ calls-per-hour from 12 to 43.
    • Scalability matched seasonal fluctuations in sales.

    2.2a Rate your functional and integration quality

    2 hours

    1. Using Tab 5 of Info-Tech’s Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool, evaluate the functionality of your applications.
    2. Then, use Tab 6 of the Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool to evaluate the integration of your applications.
    The image contains screenshots of the Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool.
    • Applications Directors’ knowledge of the current state
    • IT Managers’ validation of this state
    • A documented evaluation of the organization’s application portfolio regarding functional and integration quality
    • Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool
    • Applications Director
    • IT managers

    Download the Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool

    2.3 Revisit and refine the future-state business processes and list of requirements

    With a better understanding of the current state, determine whether the future-state models hold up. Ensure that the requirements are updated accordingly to reflect the full set of gaps identified.

    • Future-state versus current-state modeling is an iterative process.
    • By assessing the gaps between target state and current state, you may decide that:
      • The future state model was overly ambitious for what can reasonably be delivered in the near-term.
      • Core functions that exist today were accidentally omitted from the future state models and need to be incorporated.
      • There are systems or processes that your organization would like to salvage, and they must be worked into the future-state model.
    • Once the future state vision is stabilized, ensure that all gaps have been translated into business requirements.
      • If possible, categorize all gaps by functional and non-functional requirements.

    2.3a Compare states and propose action

    3 hours

    • Revisit Tab 9 of Info-Tech’s Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool to more accurately compare your organization’s current- and future-state business processes.
    • Ensure that gaps in the system architecture have been captured.
    The image contains a screenshot of the Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool.
    • Modeled future- and current-state business processes
    • Refined and prioritized list of requirements
    • An accurate list of action steps for bridging current and future state business processes
    • Whiteboard
    • Writing materials
    • Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool
    • Applications Director
    • IT managers

    Download the Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool

    2.3 Prioritize and finalize the requirements

    Prioritizing requirements will help to itemize initiatives and the timing with which they need to occur.

    Requirements are to be prioritized based on relative important and the timing of the respective initiatives.

    Prioritize the full set of requirements by assigning a priority to each:

    1. High/Critical: A critical requirement; without it, the product is not acceptable to the stakeholders.
    2. Medium/Important: A necessary but deferrable requirement that makes the product less usable but still functional.
    3. Low/Desirable: A nice feature to have if there are resources, but the product can function well without it.

    Requirements prioritization must be completed in collaboration with all key stakeholders (business and IT).

    Consider the following criteria when assigning the priority:

    • Business value
    • Business or technical risk
    • Implementation difficulty
    • Likelihood of success
    • Regulatory compliance
    • Relationship to other requirements
    • Urgency
    • Unified stakeholder agreement

    Stakeholders must ask themselves:

    • What are the consequences to the business objectives if this requirement is omitted?
    • Is there an existing system or manual process/workaround that could compensate for it?
    • Why can’t this requirement be deferred to the next release?
    • What business risk is being introduced if a particular requirement cannot be implemented right away?

    2.3b Document finalized requirements

    4 hours

    1. Using Tab 4 of Info-Tech’s Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool, evaluate your applications’ functionality, review, refine, prioritize, and finalize your requirements.
    2. Review the proposed future state diagrams in activity 2.3a and distill from them the business, functional, and non-functional requirements.
    3. The Applications Director and Customer Service Head are to identify participants based on the business processes that will be reviewed. They are to conduct a workshop to gather all the requirements that can be taken from the business process models.
    The image contains a screenshot of the Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool.
    • Modeled future- and current-state business processes
    • Refined and prioritized list of requirements
    • A documented finalized list of requirements to achieve future state business processes
    • Whiteboard
    • Writing materials
    • Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool
    • IT Applications Director
    • Customer Service Director
    • IT and Customer Service Representatives

    Download the Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool

    Phase 3

    Build Roadmap to Future State

    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    Phase 3

    1.1 Structure the Project

    1.2 Define Vision for Future State

    1.3 Document Preliminary Requirements

    2.1 Document Current State Business Processes

    2.2 Assess Current State Architecture

    2.3 Review and Finalize Requirements for Future State

    3.1 Evaluate Architectural and Application Options

    3.2 Understand the Marketplace

    3.3 Score and Plot Initiatives Along Strategic Roadmap

    This phase will guide you through the following activities:

    3.1a Analyze future architectural posture to understand how applications within the organization ought to be arranged.

    3.3a Develop a Customer Service IT Systems initiative roadmap to reach your future state.

    Participants required for Phase 3:

    • Applications Director
    • CIO
    • Customer Service Director
    • Customer Service Head
    • IT and Customer Service Representatives
    • IT Applications Director

    3.1a Analyze future architectural posture

    1 hour

    Review Tab 8 of the Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool.

    This tab plots each system that supports Customer Service on a 2x2 framework based on its functionality and integration scores. Where these systems plot on each 2x2 provides clues as to whether they should be considered for retention, functional enhancement (upgrade), increased system integration, or replacement.

    • Integrate: The application is functionally rich, so integrate it with other modules by building or enhancing interfaces.
    • Retain: The application satisfies both functionality and integration requirements, so it should be considered for retention.
    • Replace: The application neither offers the functionality sought, nor is it integrated with other modules.
    • Replace/Enhance: The module offers poor functionality but is well integrated with other modules. If enhancing for functionality is easy (e.g., through configuration or custom development), consider enhancement or replace it altogether.
    The image contains a screenshot of tab 8 of the Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool.
    • Review Tab 8 of the Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool
    • An overview of how different applications in the organization ought to be assessed
    • Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool
    • IT Applications Director
    • Customer Service Director
    • IT and Customer Service Representatives

    Download the Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool

    3.1 Interpret 3.1a’s results for next steps

    Involving both sales and marketing in these discussions will provide a 360-degree view on what the modifications should accomplish.

    If the majority of applications are plotted in the “Integrate” quadrant:

    The applications are performing well in terms of functionality but have poor integration. Determine what improvements can be made to enhance integration between the systems where required (e.g. re-working existing interfaces to accommodate additional data elements, automating interfaces, or creating brand new custom interfaces where warranted).

    If the applications are spread across “Integrate,” “Retain,” and “Replace/Enhance”:

    There is no clear recommended direction in this case. Weigh the effort required to replace/enhance/integrate specific applications critical for supporting processes. If resource usage for piecemeal solutions is too high, consider replacement with suite.

    If the majority of applications are plotted in the “Retain” quadrant:

    All applications satisfy both functionality and integration requirements. There is no evidence that significant action is required.

    If the application placements are split between the “Retain” and “Replace/Enhance” quadrants:

    Consider whether or not IT has the capabilities to execute application replacement procedures. If considering replacement, consider the downstream impact on applications that the system in question is currently integrated with. Enhancing an application usually implies upgrading or adding a module to an existing application. Consider the current satisfaction with the application vendor and whether the upgrade or additional module will satisfy your customer service needs.

    3.1 Work through architectural considerations to narrow future states

    Best-of-breeds vs. suite

    Integration and consolidation


    Does the organization only need a point solution or an entire platform of solutions?

    Does the current state enable interoperability between software? Is there room for rationalization?

    Should any new software be SaaS-based, on-premises, or a hybrid?

    Info-Tech Insight

    Decommissioning and replacing entire applications can put well-functioning modules at risk. Make sure to drill down into the granular features to assess if the feature level performance prompts change. The goal is to make the architecture more efficient for Customer Service and easier to manage for IT. If integration has been chosen as a course of action, make sure that the spend on resources and effort is less than that on system replacement. Also make sure that the intended architecture streamlines usability for agents.

    3.1 Considerations: Best-of-breeds vs. suite

    If requirements extend beyond the capabilities of a best-of-breed solution, a suite of tools may be required.




    • Features may be more advanced for specific functional areas and a higher degree of customization may be possible.
    • If a potential delay in real-time customer data transfer is acceptable, best-of-breeds provide a similar level of functionality to suites for a lower price.
    • Best-of-breeds allow value to be realized faster than suites, as they are easier and faster to implement and configure.
    • Rip and replace is easier and vendor updates are relatively quick to market.


    • Everyone in the organization works from the same set of customer data.
    • There is a “lowest common denominator” for agent learning as consistent user interfaces lower learning curves and increase efficiency in usage.
    • There is a broader range of functionality using modules.
    • Integration between functional areas will be strong and the organization will be in a better position to enable version upgrades without risking invalidation of an integration point between separate systems.


    • Best-of-breeds typically cover less breadth of functionality than suites.
    • There is a lack of uniformity in user experience across best-of-breeds.
    • Data integrity risks are higher.
    • Variable infrastructure may be implemented due to multiple disparate systems, which adds to architecture complexity and increased maintenance.
    • There is potential for redundant functionality across multiple best-of-breeds.


    • Suites exhibit significantly higher costs compared to point solutions.
    • Suite module functionality may not have the same depth as point solutions.
    • Due to high configuration availability and larger-scale implementation requirements, the time to deploy is longer than point solutions.

    3.1 Considerations: Integration and consolidation

    Use Tab 7 of Info-Tech’s Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool to gauge the need for consolidation.

    IT benefits

    • Decreased spend on infrastructure, application acquisition, and development.
    • Reduced complexity in vendor management.
    • Less resources and effort spent on internal integration and functional customization.

    Customer Service benefits

    • Reduced user confusion and application usage efficiency.
    • Increased operational visibility and ease process mapping.
    • Improved data management and integrity.

    Theoretical scenarios and recommendations

    The image contains a screenshot of an example of a customer service functional purpose.


    • Large Redundancy – multiple applications address the same function, but one application performs better than others.


    • Consolidate the functions into Application 1 and consider decommissioning Applications 2 to 4.
    The image contains a screenshot of an example of a customer service functional purpose.


    • Large Redundancy – multiple applications address the same function, but none of them do it well.


    • None of the applications perform well in functional support. Consider replacing with suite or leveraging the Application 3 vendor for functional module expansion, if feasible.

    3.1 Considerations: Deployment

    SaaS is typically recommended as it reduces IT support needs. However, customization limitations and higher long-term TCO values continue to be a challenge for SaaS.

    On-premises deployment

    Hybrid deployment

    Public cloud deployment


    • Solution and deployment are highly customizable.
    • There are fewer compliance and security risks because customer data is kept on premises.


    • There is slower physical deployment.
    • Physical hardware and software are required.
    • There are higher upfront costs.


    • Pick-and-mix which aspects to keep on premises and which to outsource.
    • Benefits of scaling and flexibility for outsourced solution.


    • Expensive to maintain.
    • Requires in-house skillset for on-premises option.
    • Some control is lost over outsourced customization.


    • Physical hardware is not required.
    • There is rapid deployment, vendor managed product updates, and server maintenance.
    • There are lower upfront costs.


    • There is higher TCO over time.
    • There are perceived security risks.
    • There are service availability and reliability risks.
    • There is limited customization.

    3.1 Considerations: Public cloud deployment

    Functionality is only one aspect of a broader range of issues to narrow down the viability of a cloud-based architecture.

    Security/Privacy Concerns:

    Whether the data is stored on premise or in the cloud, it is never 100% safe. The risk increases with a multi-tenant cloud solution where a single vendor manages the data of multiple clients. If your data is particularly sensitive, heavily scrutinize the security infrastructure of potential vendors or store the data internally if internal security is deemed stronger than that of a vendor.


    If there are individuals that need to access the system database and work in different locations, centralizing the system and its database in the cloud may be an effective approach.


    Assess the compatibility of the cloud solutions with your internal IT systems. Cloud solutions should be well-integrated with internal systems for data flow to ensure efficiency in service operations.

    Cost/Budget Constraints:

    SaaS allows conversion of up-front CapEx to periodic OpEx. It assists in bolstering a business case as costs in the short-run are much more manageable. On-premise solutions have a much higher upfront TCO than cloud solutions. However, the TCO for the long-term usage of cloud solutions under the licensing model will exceed that of an on-premise solution, especially with a growing business and user base.


    Ensure that the function or feature that you need is available on the cloud solution market and that the feature is robust enough to meet service quality standards. If the available cloud solution does not support the processes that fit your future-state vision and gaps, it has little business value. If high levels of customization are required to meet functionality, the amount of effort and cost in dealing with the cloud vendor may outweigh the benefits.


    For most organizations, lapses in cloud-service availability can become disastrous for customer satisfaction and service quality. Organizations should be prepared for potential outages since customers require constant access to customer support.

    3.2 Explore the customer service technology marketplace

    Your requirements, gap analysis, and assessment of current applications architecture may have prompted the need for a new solutions purchase.

    • Customer service technology has come a long way since PABX in 1960s call centers. Let Info-Tech give you a quick overview of the market and the major systems that revolve around Customer Service.
    • The image contains a screenshot of a timeline of the market and major systems that revolve  around customer service.

    Info-Tech Insight

    While Customer Relationships Management systems interlock several aspects of the customer journey, best-of-breed software for specific aspects of this journey could provide a better ROI if the organization’s coverage of these aspects are only “good enough” and need boosting.

    3.2 The CRM software market will continue to grow at an aggressive rate

    • In recent years, CRM suite solutions have matured significantly in their customer support capabilities. Much of this can be attributed to their acquisitions of smaller best-of-breed Customer Service vendors.
    • Many of the larger CRM solutions (like those offered by Salesforce) have now added social media engagement, knowledge bases, and multi-channel capabilities into their foundational offering.
    • CRM systems are capable of huge sophistication and integration with the core ERP, but they also have heavy license and implementation costs, and therefore may not be for everyone.
    • In some cases, customers are looking to augment upon very specific capabilities that are lacking from their customer service foundation. In these cases, best-of-breed solutions ought to be integrated with a CRM, ERP, or with one another through API integration.
    The image contains a screenshot of a graph that demonstrates the CRM global market growth, 2019-2027.

    3.2 Utilize SoftwareReviews to focus on which CS area needs enhancing

    Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS)

    Cloud-based customer experience solution that allows organizations to utilize a provider’s software to administer incoming support or inquiries from consumers in a hosted, subscription model.

    Customer Service Management (CSM)

    Supports an organization's interaction with current and potential customers. It uses data-driven tools designed to help organizations drive sales and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

    Customer Intelligence Platform

    Gather and analyze data from both structured and unstructured sources regarding your customers, including their demographic/firmographic details and activities, to build deeper and more effective customer relationships and improve business outcomes.

    Enterprise Social Media Management

    Software for monitoring social media activity with the goal of gaining insight into user opinion and optimizing social media campaigns.

    Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

    Consists of applications designed to automate and manage the customer life cycle. CRM software optimizes customer data management, lead tracking, communication logging, and marketing campaigns.

    Virtual Assistants and Chatbots

    interactive applications that use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to engage in conversation via speech or text. These applications simulate human interaction by employing natural language input and feedback.

    3.2 SoftwareReviews’ data accelerates and improves the software selection process

    SoftwareReviews collects and analyzes detailed reviews on enterprise software from real users to give you an unprecedented view into the product and vendor before you buy.

    With SoftwareReviews:

    • Access premium reports to understand the marketspace of 193 software categories.
    • Compare vendors with SoftwareReviews’ Data Quadrant Reports.
    • Discover which vendors have better customer relations management with SoftwareReviews’ Emotional Footprint Reports.
    • Explore the Product Scorecards of single vendors for a detailed analysis of their software offerings.
    The image contains a screenshot of the Software Reviews offerings.

    3.2 Speak with category experts to dive deeper into the vendor landscape

    Fact-based reviews of business software from IT professionals.

    Product and category reports with state-of-the-art data visualization.

    Top-tier data quality backed by a rigorous quality assurance process.

    User-experience insight that reveals the intangibles of working with a vendor.

    CLICK HERE to access SoftwareReviews

    Comprehensive software reviews to make better IT decisions.

    We collect and analyze the most detailed reviews on enterprise software from real users to give you an unprecedented view into the product and vendor before you buy.

    SoftwareReviews is powered by Info-Tech.

    Technology coverage is a priority for Info-Tech, and SoftwareReviews provides the most comprehensive unbiased data on today’s technology. The insights of our expert analysts provide unparalleled support to our members at every step of their buying journey.

    3.2 Leverage Info-Tech’s Rapid Application Selection Framework

    Improve your key software selection metrics for best-of-breed customer service software.

    The image contains a screenshot of an example of Info-Tech's Rapid Application Selection Framework.

    A simple measurement of the number of days from intake to decision.

    Use our Project Satisfaction Tool to measure stakeholder project satisfaction.

    Use our Application Portfolio Assessment Tool annually to measure application satisfaction.

    Use our Contract Review Service to benchmark and optimize your technology spending.

    Learn more about Info-Tech’s The Rapid Application Selection Framework

    The Rapid Application Selection Framework (RASF) is best geared toward commodity and mid-tier enterprise applications

    Not all software selection projects are created equal – some are very small, some span the entire enterprise. To ensure that IT is using the right framework, understand the cost and complexity profile of the application you’re looking to select. The RASF approach is best for commodity and mid-tier enterprise applications; selecting complex applications is better handled by the methodology described in Implement a Proactive and Consistent Vendor Selection Process.

    RASF Methodology

    Commodity & Personal Applications

    • Simple, straightforward applications (think OneNote vs. Evernote)
    • Total application spend of up to $10,000; limited risk and complexity
    • Selection done as a single, rigorous, one-day session

    Complex Mid-Tier Applications

    • More differentiated, department-wide applications (Marketo vs. Pardot)
    • Total application spend of up to $100,000; medium risk and complexity
    • RASF approach done over the course of an intensive 40-hour engagement

    Consulting Engagement

    Enterprise Applications

    Sophisticated, enterprise-wide applications (Salesforce vs. Dynamics)

    Total application spend of over $100,000; high risk and complexity

    Info-Tech can assist with tailored, custom engagements

    3.3 Translate gathered requirements and gaps into project-based initiatives

    Identify initiatives that can address multiple requirements simultaneously.

    The Process

    • You now have a list of requirements from assessing business processes and the current Customer Service IT systems architecture.
    • With a viable architecture and application posture, you can now begin scoring and plotting key initiatives along a roadmap.
    • Group similar requirements into categories of need and formulate logical initiatives to fulfill the requirements.
    • Ensure that all requirements are related to business needs, measurable, sufficiently detailed, and prioritized, and identify initiatives that meet the requirements.

    Consider this case:

    Paul’s organization, a midsize consumer packaged goods retailer, needs to monitor social media for sentiment, use social analytics to gain intelligence, and receive and respond to inquiries made over Twitter.

    The initiative:

    Implement a social media management platform (SMMP): A SMMP is able to deliver on all of the above requirements. SMMPs are highly capable platforms that have social listening modules and allow costumer service representatives to post to and monitor social media.

    3.3 Prioritize your initiatives and plan the order of rollout

    Initiatives should not and cannot be tackled all at once. There are three key factors that dictate the prioritization of initiatives.

    1. Value
      • What is the monetary value/perceived business value?
      • Are there regulatory or security related impacts if the initiative is not undertaken?
      • What is the time to market and is it an easily achievable goal?
      • How well does it align with the strategic direction?
    2. Risk
      • How technically complex is it?
      • Does it impact existing business processes?
      • Are there ample resources and right skillsets to support it?
    3. Dependencies
      • What initiatives must be undertaken first?
      • Which subsequent initiatives will it support?

    Example scenario using Info-Tech’s Initiative Scoring and Roadmap Tool

    An electronics distributor wants to implement social media monitoring and response. Its existing CRM does not have robust channel management functions. The organization plans to replace its CRM in the future, but because of project size and impact and budgetary constraints, the replacement project has been scheduled to occur two years from now.

    • The SMMP solution proposed for implementation has a high perceived value and is low risk.
    • The CRM replacement has higher value, but also carries significantly more risk.
    • Option 1: Complete the CRM replacement first, and overlay the social media monitoring component afterward (as the SMMP must be integrated with the CRM).
    • Option 2: Seize the easily achievable nature of the SMMP initiative. Implement it now and plan to re-work the CRM integration later.
    The image contains a screenshot of an example scenario using Info-Tech's Initiative Scoring and Roadmap Tool.

    3.3a Develop a Customer Service IT Systems initiative roadmap

    1 hour

    • Complete the tool as a team during a one-hour meeting to collaborate and agree on criteria and weighting.
      1. Input initiative information.
      2. Determine value and risk evaluation criteria.
      3. Evaluate each initiative to determine its priority.
      4. Create a roadmap of prioritized initiatives.
    The image contains a screenshot of the Customer Service Initiative Scoring and Roadmap Tool.
    • Input the initiative information including the start date, end date, owner, and dependencies
    • Adjust the evaluation criteria, i.e., the value and risk factors
    • A list of initiatives and a roadmap toward the organization’s future state of Customer Service IT Systems
    • Customer Service Initiative Scoring and Roadmap Tool
    • Applications Director
    • CIO
    • Customer Service Head

    Download the Customer Service Initiative Scoring and Roadmap Tool

    Document and communicate the strategy

    Leverage the artifacts of this blueprint to summarize your findings and communicate the outcomes of the strategy project to the necessary stakeholders.

    Document Section

    Proposed Content

    Leverage the Following Artifacts

    Executive Summary

    • Introduction
    • The opportunity
    • The scope
    • The stakeholders
    • Project success measures

    Project Charter section:

    • 1.1 Project Overview
    • 1.2 Project Objectives
    • 1.3 Project Benefits
    • 2.0 Scope

    Project RACI Chart Tool:

    • Tab 3. Simplified Output
    The image contains screenshots from the Project Charter, and the RACI Chart Tool.


    • The project approach
    • Current situation overview
    • Results of the environmental scan

    Blueprint slides:

    • Info-Tech’s methodology to develop your IT Strategy for CS Systems
    The image contains a screenshot from the blueprint slides.

    Future-State Vision

    • Customer service goals
    • Future-state modeling findings

    Customer Service Business Process Shortlisting Tool:

    • Tab 2. Customer Service Goals
    • Tab 5. Level 5 Process Inventory

    Future State Business Process Models

    The image contains screenshots from the Customer Service Business Process Shortlisting Tool.

    Current Situation

    • Current-state modeling findings
    • Current-state architecture findings
    • Gap assessment
    • Requirements

    Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool:

    • Tab 2. Inventory of Applications
    • Tab 7. Systems Health Heat Map
    • Tab 8. Systems Health Dashboard
    • Tab 9. Future vs. Current State
    • Tab 4. Requirements Collection
    The image contains screenshots from the Customer Service Systems Strategy Tool.

    Summary of Recommendations

    • Optimization opportunities
    • New capabilities


    IT Strategy Implementation Plan

    • Implementation plan
    • Business case

    Customer Service Initiative Scoring and Roadmap Tool:

    • Tab 2. CS Initiative Definition
    • Tab 4. CS Technology Roadmap
    The image contains screenshots from the Customer Service Initiative Scoring and Roadmap Tool.

    Summary of Accomplishment

    Develop an IT Strategy to Support Customer Service

    With ecommerce accelerating and customer expectations rising with it, organizations must have an IT strategy to support Customer Service.

    The deliverable you have produced from this blueprint provides a solution to this problem: a roadmap to a desired future state for how IT can ground an effective customer service engagement. From omnichannel to self-service, IT will be critical to enabling the tools required to digitally meet customer needs.

    Begin implementing your roadmap!

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through other phases as part of an Info-Tech workshop.

    Contact your account representative for more information.


    Related Info-Tech Research

    Deliver a Customer Service Training Program to Your IT Department

    • One training session is not enough to make a change. Leaders must embed the habits, create a culture of engagement and positivity, provide continual coaching and development, regularly gather customer feedback, and seek ways to improve.

    Build a Chatbot Proof of Concept

    • When implemented effectively, chatbots can help save costs, generate new revenue, and ultimately increase customer satisfaction for both external- and internal-facing customers.

    The Rapid Application Selection Framework

    • Application selection is a critical activity for IT departments. Implement a repeatable, data-driven approach that accelerates application selection efforts.

    Bibliography (1/2)

    • Callzilla. "Software Maker Compares Call Center Companies, Switches to Callzilla After 6 Months of Results." Callzilla. N.d. Accessed: 4 Jul. 2022.
    • Cisco. “Transforming Customer Service.” Cisco. 2018. Accessed: 8 Feb. 2021.
    • Gottlieb, Giorgina. “The Importance of Data for Superior Customer Experience and Business Success.” Medium. 23 May 2019. Accessed: 8 Feb. 2021.
    • Grand View Research. “Customer Relationship Management Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Solution, By Deployment, By Enterprise Size, By End Use, By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2020 – 2027.” Grand View Research. April 2020. Accessed: 17 Feb. 2021.
    • inContact. “Hall Automotive Accelerates Customer Relations with inContact.” inContact. N.d. Accessed: 8 Feb. 2021.
    • Kulbyte, Toma. “37 Customer Experience Statistics to Know in 2021.” Super Office. 4 Jan. 2021. Accessed: 5 Feb. 2021.
    • Kuligowski, Kiely. "11 Benefits of CRM Systems." Business News Daily. 29 Jun. 2022. Accessed: 4 Jul. 2022.
    • Mattsen Kumar. “Ominchannel Support Transforms Customer Experience for Leading Fintech Player in India.” Mattsen Kumar. 4 Apr. 2020. Accessed: 8 Feb. 2021.
    • Microsoft. “State of Global Customer Service Report.” Microsoft. Mar. 2019. Accessed: 8 Feb. 2021.
    • Ringshall, Ben. “Contact Center Trends 2020: A New Age for the Contact Center.” Fonolo. 20 Oct. 2020. Accessed 2 Nov. 2020.
    • Salesforce. “State of Service.” Salesforce. 4th ed. 2020. Accessed: 8 Feb. 2021.
    • Sopadjieva, Emma, Utpal M. Dholakia, and Beth Benjamin. “A Study of 46,000 Shoppers Shows That Omnichannel Retailing Works.” Harvard Business Review. 3 Jan. 2017. Accessed: 8 Feb. 2021.

    Bibliography (2/2)

    • Tech Pro Research. “Digital Transformation Research Report 2018: Strategy, Returns on Investment, and Challenges.” Tech Pro Research. 29 Jul. 2018. Accessed: 5 Feb. 2021.
    • TSB. “TSB Bank Self-Serve Banking Increases 9% with Adobe Sign.” TSB. N.d. Accessed: 8 Feb. 2021.
    • VoiceSage. “VoiceSage Helps Home Retail Group Transform Customer Experience.” VoiceSage. 4 May 2018. Accessed: 8 Feb. 2021.

    Mergers & Acquisitions: The Sell Blueprint

    • Buy Link or Shortcode: {j2store}324|cart{/j2store}
    • member rating overall impact (scale of 10): N/A
    • member rating average dollars saved: N/A
    • member rating average days saved: N/A
    • Parent Category Name: IT Strategy
    • Parent Category Link: /it-strategy

    There are four key scenarios or entry points for IT as the selling/divesting organization in M&As:

    • IT can suggest a divestiture to meet the business objectives of the organization.
    • IT is brought in to strategy plan the sale/divestiture from both the business’ and IT’s perspectives.
    • IT participates in due diligence activities and complies with the purchasing organization’s asks.
    • IT needs to reactively prepare its environment to enable the separation.

    Consider the ideal scenario for your IT organization.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    Divestitures are inevitable in modern business, and IT’s involvement in the process should be too. This progression is inspired by:

    • The growing trend for organizations to increase, decrease, or evolve through these types of transactions.
    • A maturing business perspective of IT, preventing the difficulty that IT is faced with when invited into the transaction process late.
    • Transactions that are driven by digital motivations, requiring IT’s expertise.
    • There never being such a thing as a true merger, making the majority of M&A activity either acquisitions or divestitures.

    Impact and Result

    Prepare for a sale/divestiture transaction by:

    • Recognizing the trend for organizations to engage in M&A activity and the increased likelihood that, as an IT leader, you will be involved in a transaction in your career.
    • Creating a standard strategy that will enable strong program management.
    • Properly considering all the critical components of the transaction and integration by prioritizing tasks that will reduce risk, deliver value, and meet stakeholder expectations.

    Mergers & Acquisitions: The Sell Blueprint Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out how your organization can excel its reduction strategy by engaging in M&A transactions. Review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Proactive Phase

    Be an innovative IT leader by suggesting how and why the business should engage in an acquisition or divestiture.

    • One-Pager: M&A Proactive
    • Case Study: M&A Proactive
    • Information Asset Audit Tool
    • Data Valuation Tool
    • Enterprise Integration Process Mapping Tool
    • Risk Register Tool
    • Security M&A Due Diligence Tool
    • Service Catalog Internal Service Level Agreement Template

    2. Discovery & Strategy

    Create a standardized approach for how your IT organization should address divestitures or sales.

    • One-Pager: M&A Discovery & Strategy – Sell
    • Case Study: M&A Discovery & Strategy – Sell

    3. Due Diligence & Preparation

    Comply with due diligence, prepare the IT environment for carve-out possibilities, and establish the separation project plan.

    • One-Pager: M&A Due Diligence & Preparation – Sell
    • Case Study: M&A Due Diligence & Preparation – Sell
    • IT Due Diligence Charter
    • IT Culture Diagnostic
    • M&A Separation Project Management Tool (SharePoint)
    • SharePoint Template: Step-by-Step Deployment Guide
    • M&A Separation Project Management Tool (Excel)

    4. Execution & Value Realization

    Deliver on the separation project plan successfully and communicate IT’s transaction value to the business.

    • One-Pager: M&A Execution & Value Realization – Sell
    • Case Study: M&A Execution & Value Realization – Sell


    Workshop: Mergers & Acquisitions: The Sell Blueprint

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Pre-Transaction Discovery & Strategy

    The Purpose

    Establish the transaction foundation.

    Discover the motivation for divesting or selling.

    Formalize the program plan.

    Create the valuation framework.

    Strategize the transaction and finalize the M&A strategy and approach.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    All major stakeholders are on the same page.

    Set up crucial elements to facilitate the success of the transaction.

    Have a repeatable transaction strategy that can be reused for multiple organizations.


    1.1 Conduct the CIO Business Vision and CEO-CIO Alignment diagnostics.

    1.2 Identify key stakeholders and outline their relationship to the M&A process.

    1.3 Understand the rationale for the company's decision to pursue a divestiture or sale.

    1.4 Assess the IT/digital strategy.

    1.5 Identify pain points and opportunities tied to the divestiture/sale.

    1.6 Create the IT vision statement and mission statement and identify IT guiding principles and the transition team.

    1.7 Document the M&A governance.

    1.8 Establish program metrics.

    1.9 Create the valuation framework.

    1.10 Establish the separation strategy.

    1.11 Conduct a RACI.

    1.12 Create the communication plan.

    1.13 Prepare to assess target organizations.


    Business perspectives of IT

    Stakeholder network map for M&A transactions

    Business context implications for IT

    IT’s divestiture/sale strategic direction

    Governance structure

    M&A program metrics

    IT valuation framework

    Separation strategy


    Communication plan

    Prepared to assess target organization(s)

    2 Mid-Transaction Due Diligence & Preparation

    The Purpose

    Establish the foundation.

    Discover the motivation for separation.

    Identify expectations and create the carve-out roadmap.

    Prepare and manage employees.

    Plan the separation roadmap.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    All major stakeholders are on the same page.

    Methodology identified to enable compliance during due diligence.

    Employees are set up for a smooth and successful transition.

    Separation activities are planned and assigned.


    2.1 Gather and evaluate the stakeholders involved, M&A strategy, future-state operating model, and governance.

    2.2 Review the business rationale for the divestiture/sale.

    2.3 Establish the separation strategy.

    2.4 Create the due diligence charter.

    2.5 Create a list of IT artifacts to be reviewed in the data room.

    2.6 Create a carve-out roadmap.

    2.7 Create a service/technical transaction agreement.

    2.8 Measure staff engagement.

    2.9 Assess the current culture and identify the goal culture.

    2.10 Create employee transition and functional workplans.

    2.11 Establish the separation roadmap.

    2.12 Establish and align project metrics with identified tasks.

    2.13 Estimate integration costs.


    Stakeholder map

    IT strategy assessed

    IT operating model and IT governance structure defined

    Business context implications for IT

    Separation strategy

    Due diligence charter

    Data room artifacts

    Carve-out roadmap

    Service/technical transaction agreement

    Engagement assessment

    Culture assessment

    Employee transition and functional workplans

    Integration roadmap and associated resourcing

    3 Post-Transaction Execution & Value Realization

    The Purpose

    Establish the transaction foundation.

    Discover the motivation for separation.

    Plan the separation roadmap.

    Prepare employees for the transition.

    Engage in separation.

    Assess the transaction outcomes.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    All major stakeholders are on the same page.

    Separation activities are planned and assigned.

    Employees are set up for a smooth and successful transition.

    Separation strategy and roadmap are executed to benefit the organization.

    Review what went well and identify improvements to be made in future transactions.


    3.1 Identify key stakeholders and outline their relationship to the M&A process.

    3.2 Gather and evaluate the M&A strategy, future-state operating model, and governance.

    3.3 Review the business rationale for the divestiture/sale.

    3.4 Establish the separation strategy.

    3.5 Prioritize separation tasks.

    3.6 Establish the separation roadmap.

    3.7 Establish and align project metrics with identified tasks.

    3.8 Estimate separation costs.

    3.9 Measure staff engagement.

    3.10 Assess the current culture and identify the goal culture.

    3.11 Create employee transition and functional workplans.

    3.12 Complete the separation by regularly updating the project plan.

    3.13 Assess the service/technical transaction agreement.

    3.14 Confirm separation costs.

    3.15 Review IT’s transaction value.

    3.16 Conduct a transaction and separation SWOT.

    3.17 Review the playbook and prepare for future transactions.


    M&A transaction team

    Stakeholder map

    IT strategy assessed

    IT operating model and IT governance structure defined

    Business context implications for IT

    Separation strategy

    Separation roadmap and associated resourcing

    Engagement assessment

    Culture assessment

    Employee transition and functional workplans

    Updated separation project plan

    Evaluated service/technical transaction agreement

    SWOT of transaction

    M&A Sell Playbook refined for future transactions

    Further reading

    Mergers & Acquisitions: The Sell Blueprint

    For IT leaders who want to have a role in the transaction process when their business is engaging in an M&A sale or divestiture.


    Analyst Perspective

    Don’t wait to be invited to the M&A table, make it.

    Photo of Brittany Lutes, Research Analyst, CIO Practice, Info-Tech Research Group.
    Brittany Lutes
    Research Analyst,
    CIO Practice
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Photo of Ibrahim Abdel-Kader, Research Analyst, CIO Practice, Info-Tech Research Group.
    Ibrahim Abdel-Kader
    Research Analyst,
    CIO Practice
    Info-Tech Research Group

    IT has always been an afterthought in the M&A process, often brought in last minute once the deal is nearly, if not completely, solidified. This is a mistake. When IT is brought into the process late, the business misses opportunities to generate value related to the transaction and has less awareness of critical risks or inaccuracies.

    To prevent this mistake, IT leadership needs to develop strong business relationships and gain respect for their innovative suggestions. In fact, when it comes to modern M&A activity, IT should be the ones suggesting potential transactions to meet business needs, specifically when it comes to modernizing the business or adopting digital capabilities.

    IT needs to stop waiting to be invited to the acquisition or divestiture table. IT needs to suggest that the table be constructed and actively work toward achieving the strategic objectives of the business.

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    There are four key scenarios or entry points for IT as the selling/divesting organization in M&As:

    • IT can suggest a divestiture to meet the business objectives of the organization.
    • IT is brought in to strategy plan the sale/divestiture from both the business’ and IT’s perspectives.
    • IT participates in due diligence activities and complies with the purchasing organization’s asks.
    • IT needs to reactively prepare its environment to enable the separation.

    Consider the ideal scenario for your IT organization.

    Common Obstacles

    Some of the obstacles IT faces include:

    • IT is often told about the transaction once the deal has already been solidified and is now forced to meet unrealistic business demands.
    • The business does not trust IT and therefore does not approach IT to define value or reduce risks to the transaction process.
    • The people and culture element is forgotten or not given adequate priority.

    These obstacles often arise when IT waits to be invited into the transaction process and misses critical opportunities.

    Info-Tech's Approach

    Prepare for a sale/divestiture transaction by:

    • Recognizing the trend for organizations to engage in M&A activity and the increased likelihood that, as an IT leader, you will be involved in a transaction in your career.
    • Creating a standard strategy that will enable strong program management.
    • Properly considering all the critical components of the transaction and integration by prioritizing tasks that will reduce risk, deliver value, and meet stakeholder expectations.

    Info-Tech Insight

    As the number of merger, acquisition, and divestiture transactions continues to increase, so too does IT’s opportunity to leverage the growing digital nature of these transactions and get involved at the onset.

    The changing M&A landscape

    Businesses will embrace more digital M&A transactions in the post-pandemic world

    • When the pandemic occurred, businesses reacted by either pausing (61%) or completely cancelling (46%) deals that were in the mid-transaction state (Deloitte, 2020). The uncertainty made many organizations consider whether the risks would be worth the potential benefits.
    • However, many organizations quickly realized the pandemic is not a hindrance to M&A transactions but an opportunity. Over 16,000 American companies were involved in M&A transactions in the first six months of 2021 (The Economist). For reference, this had been averaging around 10,000 per six months from 2016 to 2020.
    • In addition to this transaction growth, organizations have increasingly been embracing digital. These trends increase the likelihood that, as an IT leader, you will engage in an M&A transaction. However, it is up to you when you get involved in the transactions.

    The total value of transactions in the year after the pandemic started was $1.3 billion – a 93% increase in value compared to before the pandemic. (Nasdaq)

    71% of technology companies anticipate that divestitures will take place as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. (EY, 2020)

    Your challenge

    IT is often not involved in the M&A transaction process. When it is, it’s often too late.

    • The most important driver of an acquisition is the ability to access new technology (DLA Piper), and yet 50% of the time, IT isn’t involved in the M&A transaction at all (IMAA Institute, 2017).
    • Additionally, IT’s lack of involvement in the process negatively impacts the business:
      • Most organizations (60%) do not have a standardized approach to integration (Steeves and Associates), let alone separation.
      • Two-thirds of the time, the divesting organization and acquiring organization will either fail together or succeed together (McKinsey, 2015).
      • Less than half (47%) of organizations actually experience the positive results sought by the M&A transaction (Steeves and Associates).
    • Organizations pursuing M&A and not involving IT are setting themselves up for failure.

    Only half of M&A deals involve IT (Source: IMAA Institute, 2017)

    Common Obstacles

    These barriers make this challenge difficult to address for many organizations:

    • IT is rarely afforded the opportunity to participate in the transaction deal. When IT is invited, this often happens later in the process where separation will be critical to business continuity.
    • IT has not had the opportunity to demonstrate that it is a valuable business partner in other business initiatives.
    • One of the most critical elements that IT often doesn’t take the time or doesn’t have the time to focus on is the people and leadership component.
    • IT waits to be invited to the process rather then actively involving themselves and suggesting how value can be added to the process.

    In hindsight, it’s clear to see: Involving IT is just good business.

    47% of senior leaders wish they would have spent more time on IT due diligence to prevent value erosion. (Source: IMAA Institute, 2017)

    “Solutions exist that can save well above 50 percent on divestiture costs, while ensuring on-time delivery.” (Source: SNP)

    Info-Tech's approach

    Acquisitions & Divestitures Framework

    Acquisitions and divestitures are inevitable in modern business, and IT’s involvement in the process should be too. This progression is inspired by:

    1. The growing trend for organizations to increase, decrease, or evolve through these types of transactions.
    2. Transactions that are driven by digital motivations, requiring IT’s expertise.
    3. A maturing business perspective of IT, preventing the difficulty that IT is faced with when invited into the transaction process late.
    4. There never being such a thing as a true merger, making the majority of M&A activity either acquisitions or divestitures.
    A diagram highlighting the 'IT Executives' Role in Acquisitions and Divestitures' when they are integrated at different points in the 'Core Business Timeline'. There are four main entry points 'Proactive', 'Discovery and Strategy', 'Due Diligence and Preparation', and 'Execution and Value Realized'. It is highlighted that IT can and should start at 'Proactive', but most organizations start at 'Execution and Value Realized'. 'Proactive': suggest opportunities to evolve the organization; prove IT's value and engage in growth opportunities early. Innovators start here. Steps of the business timeline in 'Proactive' are 'Organization strategies are defined' and 'M and A is considered to enable strategy'. After a buy or sell transaction is initiated is 'Discovery and Strategy': pre-transaction state. If it is a Buy transaction, 'Establish IT's involvement and approach'. If it is a Sell transaction, 'Prepare to engage in negotiations'. Business Partners start here. Steps of the business timeline in 'Discovery and Strategy' are 'Searching criteria is set', 'Potential candidates are considered', and 'LOI is sent/received'. 'Due Diligence and Preparation': mid-transaction state. If it is a Buy transaction, 'Identify potential transaction benefits and risks'. If it is a Sell transaction, 'Comply, communicate, and collaborate in transaction'. Trusted Operators start here. Steps of the business timeline in 'Due Diligence and Preparation' are 'Due diligence engagement occurs', 'Final agreement is reached', and 'Preparation for transaction execution occurs'. 'Execution and Value Realization': post-transaction state. If it is a Buy transaction, 'Integrate the IT environments and achieve business value'. If it is a Sell transaction, 'Separate the IT environment and deliver on transaction terms'. Firefighters start here. Steps of the business timeline in 'Execution and Value Realization' are 'Staff and operations are addressed appropriately', 'Day 1 of implementation and integration activities occurs', '1st 100 days of new entity state occur' and 'Ongoing risk mitigating and value creating activities occur'.

    The business’ view of IT will impact how soon IT can get involved

    There are four key entry points for IT

    A colorful visualization of the four key entry points for IT and a fifth not-so-key entry point. Starting from the top: 'Innovator', Information and Technology as a Competitive Advantage, 90% Satisfaction; 'Business Partner', Effective Delivery of Strategic Business Projects, 80% Satisfaction; 'Trusted Operator', Enablement of Business Through Application and Work Orders, 70% Satisfaction; 'Firefighter', Reliable Infrastructure and IT Service Desk, 60% Satisfaction; and then 'Unstable', Inability to Consistently Deliver Basic Services, <60% Satisfaction.
    1. Innovator: IT suggests a sale or divestiture to meet the business objectives of the organization.
    2. Business Partner: IT is brought in to strategy plan the sale/divestiture from both the business’ and IT’s perspective.
    3. Trusted Operator: IT participates in due diligence activities and complies with the purchasing organization’s asks.
    4. Firefighter: IT needs to reactively prepare its environment in order to enable the separation.

    Merger, acquisition, and divestiture defined


    A merger looks at the equal combination of two entities or organizations. Mergers are rare in the M&A space, as the organizations will combine assets and services in a completely equal 50/50 split. Two organizations may also choose to divest business entities and merge as a new company.


    The most common transaction in the M&A space, where an organization will acquire or purchase another organization or entities of another organization. This type of transaction has a clear owner who will be able to make legal decisions regarding the acquired organization.


    An organization may decide to sell partial elements of a business to an acquiring organization. They will separate this business entity from the rest of the organization and continue to operate the other components of the business.

    Info-Tech Insight

    A true merger does not exist, as there is always someone initiating the discussion. As a result, most M&A activity falls into acquisition or divestiture categories.

    Selling vs. buying

    The M&A process approach differs depending on whether you are the selling or buying organization

    This blueprint is only focused on the sell side:

    • Examples of sell-related scenarios include:
      • Your organization is selling to another organization with the intent of keeping its regular staff, operations, and location. This could mean minimal separation is required.
      • Your organization is selling to another organization with the intent of separating to be a part of the purchasing organization.
      • Your organization is engaging in a divestiture with the intent of:
        • Separating components to be part of the purchasing organization permanently.
        • Separating components to be part of a spinoff and establish a unit as a standalone new company.
    • As the selling organization, you could proactively seek out suitors to purchase all or components of your organization, or you could be approached by an organization.

    The buy side is focused on:

    • More than two organizations could be involved in a transaction.
    • Examples of buy-related scenarios include:
      • Your organization is buying another organization with the intent of having the purchased organization keep its regular staff, operations, and location. This could mean minimal integration is required.
      • Your organization is buying another organization in its entirety with the intent of integrating it into your original company.
      • Your organization is buying components of another organization with the intent of integrating them into your original company.
    • As the purchasing organization, you will probably be initiating the purchase and thus will be valuating the selling organization during due diligence and leading the execution plan.

    For more information on acquisitions or purchases, check out Info-Tech’s Mergers & Acquisitions: The Buy Blueprint.

    Core business timeline

    For IT to be valuable in M&As, you need to align your deliverables and your support to the key activities the business and investors are working on.

    Info-Tech’s methodology for Selling Organizations in Mergers, Acquisitions, or Divestitures

    1. Proactive

    2. Discovery & Strategy

    3. Due Diligence & Preparation

    4. Execution & Value Realization

    Phase Steps

    1. Identify Stakeholders and Their Perspective of IT
    2. Assess IT’s Current Value and Future State
    3. Drive Innovation and Suggest Growth Opportunities
    1. Establish the M&A Program Plan
    2. Prepare IT to Engage in the Separation or Sale
    1. Engage in Due Diligence and Prepare Staff
    2. Prepare to Separate
    1. Execute the Transaction
    2. Reflection and Value Realization

    Phase Outcomes

    Be an innovative IT leader by suggesting how and why the business should engage in an acquisition or divestiture.

    Create a standardized approach for how your IT organization should address divestitures or sales.

    Comply with due diligence, prepare the IT environment for carve-out possibilities, and establish the separation project plan.

    Deliver on the separation project plan successfully and communicate IT’s transaction value to the business.

    Metrics for each phase

    1. Proactive

    2. Discovery & Strategy

    3. Valuation & Due Diligence

    4. Execution & Value Realization

    • % Share of business innovation spend from overall IT budget
    • % Critical processes with approved performance goals and metrics
    • % IT initiatives that meet or exceed value expectation defined in business case
    • % IT initiatives aligned with organizational strategic direction
    • % Satisfaction with IT's strategic decision-making abilities
    • $ Estimated business value added through IT-enabled innovation
    • % Overall stakeholder satisfaction with IT
    • % Percent of business leaders that view IT as an Innovator
    • % IT budget as a percent of revenue
    • % Assets that are not allocated
    • % Unallocated software licenses
    • # Obsolete assets
    • % IT spend that can be attributed to the business (chargeback or showback)
    • % Share of CapEx of overall IT budget
    • % Prospective organizations that meet the search criteria
    • $ Total IT cost of ownership (before and after M&A, before and after rationalization)
    • % Business leaders that view IT as a Business Partner
    • % Defects discovered in production
    • $ Cost per user for enterprise applications
    • % In-house-built applications vs. enterprise applications
    • % Owners identified for all data domains
    • # IT staff asked to participate in due diligence
    • Change to due diligence
    • IT budget variance
    • Synergy target
    • % Satisfaction with the effectiveness of IT capabilities
    • % Overall end-customer satisfaction
    • $ Impact of vendor SLA breaches
    • $ Savings through cost-optimization efforts
    • $ Savings through application rationalization and technology standardization
    • # Key positions empty
    • % Frequency of staff turnover
    • % Emergency changes
    • # Hours of unplanned downtime
    • % Releases that cause downtime
    • % Incidents with identified problem record
    • % Problems with identified root cause
    • # Days from problem identification to root cause fix
    • % Projects that consider IT risk
    • % Incidents due to issues not addressed in the security plan
    • # Average vulnerability remediation time
    • % Application budget spent on new build/buy vs. maintenance (deferred feature implementation, enhancements, bug fixes)
    • # Time (days) to value realization
    • % Projects that realized planned benefits
    • $ IT operational savings and cost reductions that are related to synergies/divestitures
    • % IT staff–related expenses/redundancies
    • # Days spent on IT separation
    • $ Accurate IT budget estimates
    • % Revenue growth directly tied to IT delivery
    • % Profit margin growth

    IT's role in the selling transaction

    And IT leaders have a greater likelihood than ever of needing to support a merger, acquisition, or divestiture.

    1. Reduced Risk

      IT can identify risks that may go unnoticed when IT is not involved.
    2. Increased Accuracy

      The business can make accurate predictions around the costs, timelines, and needs of IT.
    3. Faster Integration

      Faster integration means faster value realization for the business.
    4. Informed Decision Making

      IT leaders hold critical information that can support the business in moving the transaction forward.
    5. Innovation

      IT can suggest new opportunities to generate revenue, optimize processes, or reduce inefficiencies.

    The IT executive’s critical role is demonstrated by:

    • Reduced Risk

      47% of senior leaders wish they would have spent more time on IT due diligence to prevent value erosion (IMAA Institute, 2017).
    • Increased Accuracy

      Sellers often only provide 15 to 30 days for the acquiring organization to decide (Forbes, 2018), increasing the necessity of accurate pricing.
    • Faster Integration

      36% of CIOs have visibility into only business unit data, making the divestment a challenge (EY, 2021).
    • Informed Decision Making

      Only 38% of corporate and 22% of private equity firms include IT as a significant aspect in their transaction approach (IMAA Institute, 2017).
    • Innovation

      Successful CIOs involved in M&As can spend 70% of their time on aspects outside of IT and 30% of their time on technology and delivery (CIO).

    Playbook benefits

    IT Benefits

    • IT will be seen as an innovative partner to the business, and its suggestions and involvement in the organization will lead to benefits, not hindrances.
    • Develop a streamlined method to prepare the IT environment for potential carve-out and separations, ensuring risk management concerns are brought to the business’ attention immediately.
    • Create a comprehensive list of items that IT needs to do during the separation that can be prioritized and actioned.

    Business Benefits

    • The business will get accurate and relevant information about its IT environment in order to sell or divest the company to the highest bidder for a true price.
    • Fewer business interruptions will happen, because IT can accurately plan for and execute the high-priority separation tasks.
    • The business can obtain a high-value offer for the components of IT being sold and can measure the ongoing value the sale will bring.

    Insight summary

    Overarching Insight

    IT controls if and when it gets invited to support the business through a purchasing growth transaction. Take control of the process, demonstrate the value of IT, and ensure that separation of IT environments does not lead to unnecessary and costly decisions.

    Proactive Insight

    CIOs on the forefront of digital transformation need to actively look for and suggest opportunities to acquire or partner on new digital capabilities to respond to rapidly changing business needs.

    Discovery & Strategy Insight

    IT organizations that have an effective M&A program plan are more prepared for the transaction, enabling a successful outcome. A structured strategy is particularly necessary for organizations expected to deliver M&As rapidly and frequently.

    Due Diligence & Preparation Insight

    IT often faces unnecessary separation challenges because of a lack of preparation. Secure the IT environment and establish how IT will retain employees early in the transaction process.

    Execution & Value Realization Insight

    IT needs to demonstrate value and cost savings within 100 days of the transaction. The most successful transactions are when IT continuously realizes synergies a year after the transaction and beyond.

    Blueprint deliverables

    Key Deliverable: M&A Sell Playbook

    The M&A Sell Playbook should be a reusable document that enables your IT organization to successfully deliver on any divestiture transaction.

    Screenshots of the 'M and A Sell Playbook' deliverable.

    M&A Sell One-Pager

    See a one-page overview of each phase of the transaction.

    Screenshots of the 'M and A Sell One-Pagers' deliverable.

    M&A Sell Case Studies

    Read a one-page case study for each phase of the transaction.

    Screenshots of the 'M and A Sell Case Studies' deliverable.

    M&A Separation Project Management Tool (SharePoint)

    Manage the separation process of the divestiture/sale using this SharePoint template.

    Screenshots of the 'M and A Separation Project Management Tool (SharePoint)' deliverable.

    M&A Separation Project Management Tool (Excel)

    Manage the separation process of the divestiture/sale using this Excel tool if you can’t or don’t want to use SharePoint.

    Screenshots of the 'M and A Separation Project Management Tool (Excel)' deliverable.

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    Guided Implementation



    "Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful." "Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track." "We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place." "Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project."

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options

    Guided Implementation

    What does a typical GI on this topic look like?

    A Guided Implementation (GI) is a series of calls with an Info-Tech analyst to help implement our best practices in your organization.

    A typical GI is between 6 to 10 calls over the course of 2 to 4 months.

      Proactive Phase

    • Call #1: Scope requirements, objectives, and your specific challenges.
    • Discovery & Strategy Phase

    • Call #2: Determine stakeholders and business perspectives on IT.
    • Call #3: Identify how M&A could support business strategy and how to communicate.
    • Due Diligence & Preparation Phase

    • Call #4: Establish a transaction team and divestiture/sale strategic direction.
    • Call #5: Create program metrics and identify a standard separation strategy.
    • Call #6: Prepare to carve out the IT environment.
    • Call #7: Identify the separation program plan.
    • Execution & Value Realization Phase

    • Call #8: Establish employee transitions to retain key staff.
    • Call #9: Assess IT’s ability to deliver on the divestiture/sale transaction.

    The Sell Blueprint

    Phase 1


    Phase 1

    Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4
    • 1.1 Identify Stakeholders and Their Perspective of IT
    • 1.2 Assess IT’s Current Value and Future State
    • 1.3 Drive Innovation and Suggest Reduction Opportunities
    • 2.1 Establish the M&A Program Plan
    • 2.2 Prepare IT to Engage in the Separation or Sale
    • 3.1 Engage in Due Diligence and Prepare Staff
    • 3.2 Prepare to Separate
    • 4.1 Execute the Transaction
    • 4.2 Reflection and Value Realization

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Conduct the CEO-CIO Alignment diagnostic
    • Conduct the CIO Business Vision diagnostic
    • Visualize relationships among stakeholders to identify key influencers
    • Group stakeholders into categories
    • Prioritize your stakeholders
    • Plan to communicate
    • Valuate IT
    • Assess the IT/digital strategy
    • Determine pain points and opportunities
    • Align goals to opportunities
    • Recommend reduction opportunities

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • IT and business leadership

    What is the Proactive phase?

    Embracing the digital drivers

    As the number of merger, acquisition, or divestiture transactions driven by digital means continues to increase, IT has an opportunity to not just be involved in a transaction but actively seek out potential deals.

    In the Proactive phase, the business is not currently considering a transaction. However, the business could consider one to reach its strategic goals. IT organizations that have developed respected relationships with the business leaders can suggest these potential transactions.

    Understand the business’ perspective of IT, determine who the critical M&A stakeholders are, valuate the IT environment, and examine how it supports the business goals in order to suggest an M&A transaction.

    In doing so, IT isn’t waiting to be invited to the transaction table – it’s creating it.

    Goal: To support the organization in reaching its strategic goals by suggesting M&A activities that will enable the organization to reach its objectives faster and with greater-value outcomes.

    Proactive Prerequisite Checklist

    Before coming into the Proactive phase, you should have addressed the following:

    • Understand what mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures are.
    • Understand what mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures mean for the business.
    • Understand what mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures mean for IT.

    Review the Executive Brief for more information on mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures for selling organizations.


    Step 1.1

    Identify M&A Stakeholders and Their Perspective of IT


    • 1.1.1 Conduct the CEO-CIO Alignment diagnostic
    • 1.1.2 Conduct the CIO Business Vision diagnostic
    • 1.1.3 Visualize relationships among stakeholders to identify key influencers
    • 1.1.4 Group stakeholders into categories
    • 1.1.5 Prioritize your stakeholders
    • 1.16 Plan to communicate

    This step involves the following participants:

    • IT executive leader
    • IT leadership
    • Critical M&A stakeholders

    Outcomes of Step

    Understand how the business perceives IT and establish strong relationships with critical M&A stakeholders.

    Business executives' perspectives of IT

    Leverage diagnostics and gain alignment on IT’s role in the organization

    • To suggest or get involved with a merger, acquisition, or divestiture, the IT executive leader needs to be well respected by other members of the executive leadership team and the business.
    • Specifically, the Proactive phase relies on the IT organization being viewed as an Innovator within the business.
    • Identify how the CEO/business executive currently views IT and where they would like IT to move within the Maturity Ladder.
    • Additionally, understand how other critical department leaders view IT and how they view the partnership with IT.
    A colorful visualization titled 'Maturity Ladder' detailing levels of IT function that a business may choose from based on the business executives' perspectives of IT. Starting from the bottom: 'Struggle', Does not embarrass, Does not crash; 'Support', Keeps business happy, Keeps costs low; 'Optimize', Increases efficiency, Decreases costs; 'Expand', Extends into new business, Generates revenue; 'Transform', Creates new industry.

    Misalignment in target state requires further communication between the CIO and CEO to ensure IT is striving toward an agreed-upon direction.

    Info-Tech’s CIO Business Vision (CIO BV) diagnostic measures a variety of high-value metrics to provide a well-rounded understanding of stakeholder satisfaction with IT.

    Sample of Info-Tech's CIO Business Vision diagnostic measuring percentages of high-value metrics like 'IT Satisfaction' and 'IT Value' regarding business leader satisfaction. A note for these two reads 'Evaluate business leader satisfaction with IT this year and last year'. A section titled 'Relationship' has metrics such as 'Understands Needs' and 'Trains Effectively'. A note for this section reads 'Examine relationship indicators between IT and the business'. A section titled 'Security Friction' has metrics such as 'Regulatory Compliance-Driven' and 'Office/Desktop Security'.

    Business Satisfaction and Importance for Core Services

    The core services of IT are important when determining what IT should focus on. The most important services with the lowest satisfaction offer the largest area of improvement for IT to drive business value.

    Sample of Info-Tech's CIO Business Vision diagnostic specifically comparing the business satisfaction of 12 core services with their importance. Services listed include 'Service Desk', 'IT Security', 'Requirements Gathering', 'Business Apps', 'Data Quality', and more. There is a short description of the services, a percentage for the business satisfaction with the service, a percentage comparing it to last year, and a numbered ranking of importance for each service. A note reads 'Assess satisfaction and importance across 12 core IT capabilities'.

    1.1.1 Conduct the CEO-CIO Alignment diagnostic

    2 weeks

    Input: IT organization expertise and the CEO-CIO Alignment diagnostic

    Output: An understanding of an executive business stakeholder’s perception of IT

    Materials: M&A Sell Playbook, CEO-CIO Alignment diagnostic

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, Business executive/CEO

    1. The CEO-CIO Alignment diagnostic can be a powerful input. Speak with your Info-Tech account representative to conduct the diagnostic. Use the results to inform current IT capabilities.
    2. You may choose to debrief the results of your diagnostic with an Info-Tech analyst. We recommend this to help your team understand how to interpret and draw conclusions from the results.
    3. Examine the results of the survey and note where there might be specific capabilities that could be improved.
    4. Determine whether there are any areas of significant disagreement between the you and the CEO. Mark down those areas for further conversations. Additionally, take note of areas that could be leveraged to support transactions or support your rationale in recommending transactions.

    Download the sample report.

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    1.1.2 Conduct the CIO Business Vision diagnostic

    2 weeks

    Input: IT organization expertise, CIO BV diagnostic

    Output: An understanding of business stakeholder perception of certain IT capabilities and services

    Materials: M&A Buy Playbook, CIO Business Vision diagnostic

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, Senior business leaders

    1. The CIO Business Vision (CIO BV) diagnostic can be a powerful tool for identifying IT capability focus areas. Speak with your account representative to conduct the CIO BV diagnostic. Use the results to inform current IT capabilities.
    2. You may choose to debrief the results of your diagnostic with an Info-Tech analyst. We recommend this to help your team understand how to interpret the results and draw conclusions from the diagnostic.
    3. Examine the results of the survey and take note of any IT services that have low scores.
    4. Read through the diagnostic comments and note any common themes. Especially note which stakeholders identified they have a favorable relationship with IT and which stakeholders identified they have an unfavorable relationship. For those who have an unfavorable relationship, identify if they will have a critical role in a growth transaction.

    Download the sample report.

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    Create a stakeholder network map for M&A transactions

    Follow the trail of breadcrumbs from your direct stakeholders to their influencers to uncover hidden stakeholders.


    Diagram of stakeholders and their relationships with other stakeholders, such as 'Board Members', 'CFO/Finance', 'Compliance', etc. with 'CIO/IT Leader' highlighted in the middle. There are unidirectional black arrows and bi-directional green arrows indicating each connection.

    • Black arrows indicate the direction of professional influence
    • Dashed green arrows indicate bidirectional, informal influence relationships

    Info-Tech Insight

    Your stakeholder map defines the influence landscape that the M&A transaction will occur within. This will identify who holds various levels of accountability and decision-making authority when a transaction does take place.

    Use connectors to determine who may be influencing your direct stakeholders. They may not have any formal authority within the organization, but they may have informal yet substantial relationships with your stakeholders.

    1.1.3 Visualize relationships among stakeholders to identify key influencers

    1-3 hours

    Input: List of M&A stakeholders

    Output: Relationships among M&A stakeholders and influencers

    Materials: Flip charts, Markers, Sticky notes, M&A Sell Playbook

    Participants: IT executive leadership

    1. The purpose of this activity is to list all the stakeholders within your organization that will have a direct or indirect impact on the M&A transaction.
    2. Determine the critical stakeholders, and then determine the stakeholders of your stakeholders and consider adding each of them to the stakeholder list.
    3. Assess who has either formal or informal influence over your stakeholders; add these influencers to your stakeholder list.
    4. Construct a diagram linking stakeholders and their influencers together.
      • Use black arrows to indicate the direction of professional influence.
      • Use dashed green arrows to indicate bidirectional, informal influence relationships.

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    Categorize your stakeholders with a prioritization map

    A stakeholder prioritization map helps IT leaders categorize their stakeholders by their level of influence and ownership in the merger, acquisition, or divestiture process.

    A prioritization map of stakeholder categories split into four quadrants. The vertical axis is 'Influence', from low on the bottom to high on top. The horizontal axis is 'Ownership/Interest', from low on the left to high on the right. 'Spectators' are low influence, low ownership/interest. 'Mediators' are high influence, low ownership/interest. 'Noisemakers' are low influence, high ownership/interest. 'Players' are high influence, high ownership/interest.

    There are four areas in the map, and the stakeholders within each area should be treated differently.

    Players – players have a high interest in the initiative and the influence to effect change over the initiative. Their support is critical, and a lack of support can cause significant impediment to the objectives.

    Mediators – mediators have a low interest but significant influence over the initiative. They can help to provide balance and objective opinions to issues that arise.

    Noisemakers – noisemakers have low influence but high interest. They tend to be very vocal and engaged, either positively or negatively, but have little ability to enact their wishes.

    Spectators – generally, spectators are apathetic and have little influence over or interest in the initiative.

    1.1.4 Group stakeholders into categories

    30 minutes

    Input: Stakeholder map, Stakeholder list

    Output: Categorization of stakeholders and influencers

    Materials: Flip charts, Markers, Sticky notes, M&A Sell Playbook

    Participants: IT executive leadership, Stakeholders

    1. Identify your stakeholders’ interest in and influence on the M&A process as high, medium, or low by rating the attributes below.
    2. Map your results to the model to the right to determine each stakeholder’s category.

    Same prioritization map of stakeholder categories as before. This one has specific stakeholders mapped onto it. 'CFO' is mapped as low interest and middling influence, between 'Mediator' and 'Spectator'. 'CIO' is mapped as higher than average interest and high influence, a 'Player'. 'Board Member' is mapped as high interest and high influence, a 'Player'.

    Level of Influence
    • Power: Ability of a stakeholder to effect change.
    • Urgency: Degree of immediacy demanded.
    • Legitimacy: Perceived validity of stakeholder’s claim.
    • Volume: How loud their “voice” is or could become.
    • Contribution: What they have that is of value to you.
    Level of Interest

    How much are the stakeholder’s individual performance and goals directly tied to the success or failure of the product?

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    Prioritize your stakeholders

    There may be too many stakeholders to be able to manage them all. Focus your attention on the stakeholders that matter most.

    Level of Support





    Stakeholder Category Player Critical High High Critical
    Mediator Medium Low Low Medium
    Noisemaker High Medium Medium High
    Spectator Low Irrelevant Irrelevant Low

    Consider the three dimensions for stakeholder prioritization: influence, interest, and support. Support can be determined by answering the following question: How significant is that stakeholder to the M&A or divestiture process?

    These parameters are used to prioritize which stakeholders are most important and should receive your focused attention.

    1.1.5 Prioritize your stakeholders

    30 minutes

    Input: Stakeholder matrix

    Output: Stakeholder and influencer prioritization

    Materials: Flip charts, Markers, Sticky notes, M&A Sell Playbook

    Participants: IT executive leadership, M&A/divestiture stakeholders

    1. Identify the level of support of each stakeholder by answering the following question: How significant is that stakeholder to the M&A transaction process?
    2. Prioritize your stakeholders using the prioritization scheme on the previous slide.



    Level of Support


    CMO Spectator Neutral Irrelevant
    CIO Player Supporter Critical

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    Define strategies for engaging stakeholders by type

    A revisit to the map of stakeholder categories, but with strategies listed for each one, and arrows on the side instead of an axis. The vertical arrow is 'Authority', which increases upward, and the horizontal axis is Ownership/Interest which increases as it moves to the right. The strategy for 'Players' is 'Engage', for 'Mediators' is 'Satisfy', for 'Noisemakers' is 'Inform', and for 'Spectators' is 'Monitor'.




    Players High influence, high interest – actively engage Keep them updated on the progress of the project. Continuously involve Players in the process and maintain their engagement and interest by demonstrating their value to its success.
    Mediators High influence, low interest – keep satisfied They can be the game changers in groups of stakeholders. Turn them into supporters by gaining their confidence and trust and including them in important decision-making steps. In turn, they can help you influence other stakeholders.
    Noisemakers Low influence, high interest – keep informed Try to increase their influence (or decrease it if they are detractors) by providing them with key information, supporting them in meetings, and using Mediators to help them.
    Spectators Low influence, low interest – monitor They are followers. Keep them in the loop by providing clarity on objectives and status updates.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Each group of stakeholders draws attention and resources away from critical tasks. By properly identifying stakeholder groups, the IT executive leader can develop corresponding actions to manage stakeholders in each group. This can dramatically reduce wasted effort trying to satisfy Spectators and Noisemakers while ensuring the needs of Mediators and Players are met.

    1.1.6 Plan to communicate

    30 minutes

    Input: Stakeholder priority, Stakeholder categorization, Stakeholder influence

    Output: Stakeholder communication plan

    Materials: Flip charts, Markers, Sticky notes, M&A Sell Playbook

    Participants: IT executive leadership, M&A/divestiture stakeholders

    The purpose of this activity is to make a communication plan for each of the stakeholders identified in the previous activities, especially those who will have a critical role in the M&A transaction process.

    1. In the M&A Sell Playbook, input the type of influence each stakeholder has on IT, how they would be categorized in the M&A process, and their level of priority. Use this information to create a communication plan.
    2. Determine the methods and frequency of communication to keep the necessary stakeholder satisfied and maintain or enhance IT’s profile within the organization.

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.


    Step 1.2

    Assess IT’s Current Value and Method to Achieve a Future State


    • 1.2.1 Valuate IT
    • 1.2.2 Assess the IT/digital strategy

    This step involves the following participants:

    • IT executive leader
    • IT leadership
    • Critical stakeholders to M&A

    Outcomes of Step

    Identify critical opportunities to optimize IT and meet strategic business goals through a merger, acquisition, or divestiture.

    How to valuate your IT environment

    And why it matters so much

    • Valuating your current organization’s IT environment is a critical step that all IT organizations should take, whether involved in an M&A or not, to fully understand what it might be worth.
    • The business investments in IT can be directly translated into a value amount. For every $1 invested in IT, the business might be gaining $100 in value back or possibly even loosing $100.
    • Determining, documenting, and communicating this information ensures that the business takes IT’s suggestions seriously and recognizes why investing in IT is so critical.
    • There are three ways a business or asset can be valuated:
      • Cost Approach: Look at the costs associated with building, purchasing, replacing, and maintaining a given aspect of the business.
      • Market Approach: Look at the relative value of a particular aspect of the business. Relative value can fluctuate and depends on what the markets and consequently society believe that particular element is worth.
      • Discounted Cash Flow Approach: Focus on what the potential value of the business could be or the intrinsic value anticipated due to future profitability.
    • (Source: “Valuation Methods,” Corporate Finance Institute)

    Four ways to create value through digital

    1. Reduced costs
    2. Improved customer experience
    3. New revenue sources
    4. Better decision making
    5. (Source: McKinsey & Company)

    1.2.1 Valuate IT

    1 day

    Input: Valuation of data, Valuation of applications, Valuation of infrastructure and operations, Valuation of security and risk

    Output: Valuation of IT

    Materials: Relevant templates/tools listed on the following slides, Capital budget, Operating budget, M&A Sell Playbook

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership

    The purpose of this activity is to demonstrate that IT is not simply an operational functional area that diminishes business resources. Rather, IT contributes significant value to the business.

    1. Review each of the following slides to valuate IT’s data, applications, infrastructure and operations, and security and risk. These valuations consider several tangible and intangible factors and result in a final dollar amount.
    2. Input the financial amounts identified for each critical area into a summary slide. Use this information to determine where IT is delivering value to the organization.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Consistency is key when valuating your IT organization as well as other IT organizations throughout the transaction process.

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    Data valuation

    Data valuation identifies how you monetize the information that your organization owns.

    Create a data value chain for your organization

    When valuating the information and data that exists in an organization, there are many things to consider.

    Info-Tech has two tools that can support this process:

    1. Information Asset Audit Tool: Use this tool first to take inventory of the different information assets that exist in your organization.
    2. Data Valuation Tool: Once information assets have been accounted for, valuate the data that exists within those information assets.

    Data Collection

    Insight Creation

    Value Creation

    Data Valuation

    01 Data Source
    02 Data Collection Method
    03 Data
    04 Data Analysis
    05 Insight
    06 Insight Delivery
    07 Consumer
    08 Value in Data
    09 Value Dimension
    10 Value Metrics Group
    11 Value Metrics
    Screenshots of Tab 2 of Info-Tech's Data Valuation Tool.


    1. Using the Data Valuation Tool, start gathering information based on the eight steps above to understand your organization’s journey from data to value.
    2. Identify the data value spectrum. (For example: customer sales service, citizen licensing service, etc.)
    3. Fill out the columns for data sources, data collection, and data first.
    4. Capture data analysis and related information.
    5. Then capture the value in data.
    6. Add value dimensions such as usage, quality, and economic dimensions.
      • Remember that economic value is not the only dimension, and usage/quality has a significant impact on economic value.
    7. Collect evidence to justify your data valuation calculator (market research, internal metrics, etc.).
    8. Finally, calculate the value that has a direct correlation with underlying value metrics.

    Application valuation

    Calculate the value of your IT applications

    When valuating the applications and their users in an organization, consider using a business process map. This shows how business is transacted in the company by identifying which IT applications support these processes and which business groups have access to them. Info-Tech has a business process mapping tool that can support this process:

    • Enterprise Integration Process Mapping Tool: Complete this tool first to map the different business processes to the supporting applications in your organization.


    1. Start by calculating user costs. This is the multiplication of: (# of users) × (% of time spent using IT) × (fully burdened salary).
    2. Identify the revenue per employee and divide that by the average cost per employee to calculate the derived productivity ratio (DPR).
    3. Once you have calculated the user costs and DPR, multiply those total values together to get the application value.
    4. User Costs

      Total User Costs

      Derived Productivity Ratio (DPR)

      Total DPR

      Application Value

      # of users % time spent using IT Fully burdened salary Multiply values from the 3 user costs columns Revenue per employee Average cost per employee (Revenue P.E) ÷ (Average cost P.E) (User costs) X (DPR)

    5. Once the total application value is established, calculate the combined IT and business costs of delivering that value. IT and business costs include inflexibility (application maintenance), unavailability (downtime costs, including disaster exposure), IT costs (common costs statistically allocated to applications), and fully loaded cost of active (full-time equivalent [FTE]) users.
    6. Calculate the net value of applications by subtracting the total IT and business costs from the total application value calculated in step 3.
    7. IT and Business Costs

      Total IT and Business Costs

      Net Value of Applications

      Application maintenance Downtime costs (include disaster exposure) Common costs allocated to applications Fully loaded costs of active (FTE) users Sum of values from the four IT and business costs columns (Application value) – (IT and business costs)

    (Source: CSO)

    Infrastructure valuation

    Assess the foundational elements of the business’ information technology

    The purpose of this exercise is to provide a high-level infrastructure valuation that will contribute to valuating your IT environment.

    Calculating the value of the infrastructure will require different methods depending on the environment. For example, a fully cloud-hosted organization will have different costs than a fully on-premises IT environment.


    1. Start by listing all of the infrastructure-related items that are relevant to your organization.
    2. Once you have finalized your items column, identify the total costs/value of each item.
      • For example, total software costs would include servers and storage.
    3. Calculate the total cost/value of your IT infrastructure by adding all of values in the right column.



    Hardware Assets Total Value +$3.2 million
    Hardware Leased/Service Agreement -$
    Software Purchased +$
    Software Leased/Service Agreement -$
    Operational Tools
    Disaster Recovery
    Data Centers
    Service Desk
    Other Licenses

    For additional support, download the M&A Runbook for Infrastructure and Operations.

    Risk and security

    Assess risk responses and calculate residual risk

    The purpose of this exercise is to provide a high-level risk assessment that will contribute to valuating your IT environment. For a more in-depth risk assessment, please refer to the Info-Tech tools below:

    1. Risk Register Tool
    2. Security M&A Due Diligence Tool


    1. Review the probability and impact scales below and ensure you have the appropriate criteria that align to your organization before you conduct a risk assessment.
    2. Identify the probability of occurrence and estimated financial impact for each risk category detail and fill out the table on the right. Customize the table as needed so it aligns to your organization.
    3. Probability of Risk Occurrence

      Occurrence Criteria
      (Classification; Probability of Risk Event Within One Year)

      Negligible Very Unlikely; ‹20%
      Very Low Unlikely; 20 to 40%
      Low Possible; 40 to 60%
      Moderately Low Likely; 60 to 80%
      Moderate Almost Certain; ›80%

    Note: If needed, you can customize this scale with the severity designations that you prefer. However, make sure you are always consistent with it when conducting a risk assessment.

    Financial & Reputational Impact

    Budgetary and Reputational Implications
    (Financial Impact; Reputational Impact)

    Negligible (‹$10,000; Internal IT stakeholders aware of risk event occurrence)
    Very Low ($10,000 to $25,000; Business customers aware of risk event occurrence)
    Low ($25,000 to $50,000; Board of directors aware of risk event occurrence)
    Moderately Low ($50,000 to $100,000; External customers aware of risk event occurrence)
    Moderate (›$100,000; Media coverage or regulatory body aware of risk event occurrence)

    Risk Category Details

    Probability of Occurrence

    Estimated Financial Impact

    Estimated Severity (Probability X Impact)

    Capacity Planning
    Enterprise Architecture
    Externally Originated Attack
    Hardware Configuration Errors
    Hardware Performance
    Internally Originated Attack
    IT Staffing
    Project Scoping
    Software Implementation Errors
    Technology Evaluation and Selection
    Physical Threats
    Resource Threats
    Personnel Threats
    Technical Threats

    1.2.2 Assess the IT/digital strategy

    4 hours

    Input: IT strategy, Digital strategy, Business strategy

    Output: An understanding of an executive business stakeholder’s perception of IT, Alignment of IT/digital strategy and overall organization strategy

    Materials: Computer, Whiteboard and markers, M&A Sell Playbook

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, Business executive/CEO

    The purpose of this activity is to review the business and IT strategies that exist to determine if there are critical capabilities that are not being supported.

    Ideally, the IT and digital strategies would have been created following development of the business strategy. However, sometimes the business strategy does not directly call out the capabilities it requires IT to support.

    1. On the left half of the corresponding slide in the M&A Sell Playbook, document the business goals, initiatives, and capabilities. Input this information from the business or digital strategies. (If more space for goals, initiatives, or capabilities is needed, duplicate the slide).
    2. On the other half of the slide, document the IT goals, initiatives, and capabilities. Input this information from the IT strategy and digital strategy.

    For additional support, see Build a Business-Aligned IT Strategy.

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.


    Step 1.3

    Drive Innovation and Suggest Growth Opportunities


    • 1.3.1 Determine pain points and opportunities
    • 1.3.2 Align goals with opportunities
    • 1.3.3 Recommend reduction opportunities

    This step involves the following participants:

    • IT executive leader
    • IT leadership
    • Critical M&A stakeholders

    Outcomes of Step

    Establish strong relationships with critical M&A stakeholders and position IT as an innovative business partner that can suggest reduction opportunities.

    1.3.1 Determine pain points and opportunities

    1-2 hours

    Input: CEO-CIO Alignment diagnostic, CIO Business Vision diagnostic, Valuation of IT environment, IT-business goals cascade

    Output: List of pain points or opportunities that IT can address

    Materials: Computer, Whiteboard and markers, M&A Sell Playbook

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership, Business stakeholders

    The purpose of this activity is to determine the pain points and opportunities that exist for the organization. These can be external or internal to the organization.

    1. Identify what opportunities exist for your organization. Opportunities are the potential positives that the organization would want to leverage.
    2. Next, identify pain points, which are the potential negatives that the organization would want to alleviate.
    3. Spend time considering all the options that might exist, and keep in mind what has been identified previously.

    Opportunities and pain points can be trends, other departments’ initiatives, business perspectives of IT, etc.

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    1.3.2 Align goals with opportunities

    1-2 hours

    Input: CEO-CIO Alignment diagnostic, CIO Business Vision diagnostic, Valuation of IT environment, IT-business goals cascade, List of pain points and opportunities

    Output: An understanding of an executive business stakeholder’s perception of IT, Foundations for reduction strategy

    Materials: Computer, Whiteboard and markers, M&A Sell Playbook

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership, Business stakeholders

    The purpose of this activity is to determine whether a growth or separation strategy might be a good suggestion to the business in order to meet its business objectives.

    1. For the top three to five business goals, consider:
      1. Underlying drivers
      2. Digital opportunities
      3. Whether a growth or reduction strategy is the solution
    2. Just because a growth or reduction strategy is a solution for a business goal does not necessarily indicate M&A is the way to go. However, it is important to consider before you pursue suggesting M&A.

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    1.3.3 Recommend reduction opportunities

    1-2 hours

    Input: Growth or separation strategy opportunities to support business goals, Stakeholder communication plan, Rationale for the suggestion

    Output: M&A transaction opportunities suggested

    Materials: M&A Sell Playbook

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, Business executive/CEO

    The purpose of this activity is to recommend a merger, acquisition, or divestiture to the business.

    1. Identify which of the business goals the transaction would help solve and why IT is the one to suggest such a goal.
    2. Leverage the stakeholder communication plan identified previously to give insight into stakeholders who would have a significant level of interest, influence, or support in the process.

    Info-Tech Insight

    With technology and digital driving many transactions, leverage your organizations’ IT environment as an asset and reason why the divestiture or sale should happen, suggesting the opportunity yourself.

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    By the end of this Proactive phase, you should:

    Be prepared to suggest M&A opportunities to support your company’s goals through sale or divestiture transactions

    Key outcome from the Proactive phase

    Develop progressive relationships and strong communication with key stakeholders to suggest or be aware of transformational opportunities that can be achieved through sale or divestiture strategies.

    Key deliverables from the Proactive phase
    • Business perspective of IT examined
    • Key stakeholders identified and relationship to the M&A process outlined
    • Ability to valuate the IT environment and communicate IT’s value to the business
    • Assessment of the business, digital, and IT strategies and how M&As could support those strategies
    • Pain points and opportunities that could be alleviated or supported through an M&A transaction
    • Sale or divestiture recommendations

    The Sell Blueprint

    Phase 2

    Discovery & Strategy

    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    Phase 3Phase 4
    • 1.1 Identify Stakeholders and Their Perspective of IT
    • 1.2 Assess IT’s Current Value and Future State
    • 1.3 Drive Innovation and Suggest Reduction Opportunities
    • 2.1 Establish the M&A Program Plan
    • 2.2 Prepare IT to Engage in the Separation or Sale
    • 3.1 Engage in Due Diligence and Prepare Staff
    • 3.2 Prepare to Separate
    • 4.1 Execute the Transaction
    • 4.2 Reflection and Value Realization

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Create the mission and vision
    • Identify the guiding principles
    • Create the future-state operating model
    • Determine the transition team
    • Document the M&A governance
    • Create program metrics
    • Establish the separation strategy
    • Conduct a RACI
    • Create the communication plan
    • Assess the potential organization(s)

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • IT executive/CIO
    • IT senior leadership
    • Company M&A team

    Workshop Overview

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    Day 1

    Day 2

    Day 3

    Day 4

    Day 5

    Establish the Transaction FoundationDiscover the Motivation for Divesting or SellingFormalize the Program PlanCreate the Valuation FrameworkStrategize the TransactionNext Steps and Wrap-Up (offsite)


    • 0.1 Conduct the CIO Business Vision and CEO-CIO Alignment diagnostics
    • 0.2 Identify key stakeholders and outline their relationship to the M&A process
    • 0.3 Identify the rationale for the company's decision to pursue a divestiture or sale
    • 1.1 Review the business rationale for the divestiture/sale
    • 1.2 Assess the IT/digital strategy
    • 1.3 Identify pain points and opportunities tied to the divestiture/sale
    • 1.4 Create the IT vision statement, create the IT mission statement, and identify IT guiding principles
    • 2.1 Create the future-state operating model
    • 2.2 Determine the transition team
    • 2.3 Document the M&A governance
    • 2.4 Establish program metrics
    • 3.1 Valuate your data
    • 3.2 Valuate your applications
    • 3.3 Valuate your infrastructure
    • 3.4 Valuate your risk and security
    • 3.5 Combine individual valuations to make a single framework
    • 4.1 Establish the separation strategy
    • 4.2 Conduct a RACI
    • 4.3 Review best practices for assessing target organizations
    • 4.4 Create the communication plan
    • 5.1 Complete in-progress deliverables from previous four days
    • 5.2 Set up review time for workshop deliverables and to discuss next steps


    1. Business perspectives of IT
    2. Stakeholder network map for M&A transactions
    1. Business context implications for IT
    2. IT’s divestiture/sale strategic direction
    1. Operating model for future state
    2. Transition team
    3. Governance structure
    4. M&A program metrics
    1. IT valuation framework
    1. Separation strategy
    2. RACI
    3. Communication plan
    1. Completed M&A program plan and strategy
    2. Prepared to assess target organization(s)

    What is the Discovery & Strategy phase?

    Pre-transaction state

    The Discovery & Strategy phase during a sale or divestiture is a unique opportunity for many IT organizations. IT organizations that can participate in the transaction at this stage are likely considered a strategic partner of the business.

    For one-off sales/divestitures, IT being invited during this stage of the process is rare. However, for organizations that are preparing to engage in many divestitures over the coming years, this type of strategy will greatly benefit from IT involvement. Again, the likelihood of participating in an M&A transaction is increasing, making it a smart IT leadership decision to, at the very least, loosely prepare a program plan that can act as a strategic pillar throughout the transaction.

    During this phase of the pre-transaction state, IT may be asked to participate in ensuring that the IT environment is able to quickly and easily carve out components/business lines and deliver on service-level agreements (SLAs).

    Goal: To identify a repeatable program plan that IT can leverage when selling or divesting all or parts of the current IT environment, ensuring customer satisfaction and business continuity

    Discovery & Strategy Prerequisite Checklist

    Before coming into the Discovery & Strategy phase, you should have addressed the following:

    • Understand the business perspective of IT.
    • Know the key stakeholders and have outlined their relationship to the M&A process.
    • Be able to valuate the IT environment and communicate IT's value to the business.
    • Understand the rationale for the company's decision to pursue a sale or divestiture and the opportunities or pain points the sale should address.

    Discovery & Strategy

    Step 2.1

    Establish the M&A Program Plan


    • 2.1.1 Create the mission and vision
    • 2.1.2 Identify the guiding principles
    • 2.1.3 Create the future-state operating model
    • 2.1.4 Determine the transition team
    • 2.1.5 Document the M&A governance
    • 2.1.6 Create program metrics

    This step involves the following participants:

    • IT executive/CIO
    • IT senior leadership
    • Company M&A team

    Outcomes of Step

    Establish an M&A program plan that can be repeated across sales/divestitures.

    The vision and mission statements clearly articulate IT’s aspirations and purpose

    The IT vision statement communicates a desired future state of the IT organization, whereas the IT mission statement portrays the organization’s reason for being. While each serves its own purpose, they should both be derived from the business context implications for IT.

    Vision Statements

    Mission Statements


    • Describe a desired future
    • Focus on ends, not means
    • Concise
    • Aspirational
    • Memorable
    • Articulate a reason for existence
    • Focus on how to achieve the vision
    • Concise
    • Easy to grasp
    • Sharply focused
    • Inspirational


    To be a trusted advisor and partner in enabling business innovation and growth through an engaged IT workforce. (Source: Business News Daily) IT is a cohesive, proactive, and disciplined team that delivers innovative technology solutions while demonstrating a strong customer-oriented mindset. (Source: Forbes, 2013)

    2.1.1 Create the mission and vision statements

    2 hours

    Input: Business objectives, IT capabilities, Rationale for the transaction

    Output: IT’s mission and vision statements for reduction strategies tied to mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures

    Materials: Flip charts/whiteboard, Markers, M&A Sell Playbook

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership, Company M&A team

    The purpose of this activity is to create mission and vision statements that reflect IT’s intent and method to support the organization as it pursues a reduction strategy.

    1. Review the definitions and characteristics of mission and vision statements.
    2. Brainstorm different versions of the mission and vision statements.
    3. Edit the statements until you get to a single version of each that accurately reflects IT’s role in the reduction process.

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    Guiding principles provide a sense of direction

    IT guiding principles are shared, long-lasting beliefs that guide the use of IT in constructing, transforming, and operating the enterprise by informing and restricting IT investment portfolio management, solution development, and procurement decisions.

    A diagram illustrating the place of 'IT guiding principles' in the process of making 'Decisions on the use of IT'. There are four main items, connecting lines naming the type of process in getting from one step to the next, and a line underneath clarifying the questions asked at each step. On the far left, over the question 'What decisions should be made?', is 'Business context and IT implications'. This flows forward to 'IT guiding principles', and they are connected by 'Influence'. Next, over the question 'How should decisions be made?', is the main highlighted section. 'IT guiding principles' flows forward to 'Decisions on the use of IT', and they are connected by 'Guide and inform'. On the far right, over the question 'Who has the accountability and authority to make decisions?', is 'IT policies'. This flows back to 'Decisions on the use of IT', and they are connected by 'Direct and control'.

    IT principles must be carefully constructed to make sure they are adhered to and relevant

    Info-Tech has identified a set of characteristics that IT principles should possess. These characteristics ensure the IT principles are relevant and followed in the organization.

    Approach focused. IT principles should be focused on the approach – how the organization is built, transformed, and operated – as opposed to what needs to be built, which is defined by both functional and non-functional requirements.

    Business relevant. Create IT principles that are specific to the organization. Tie IT principles to the organization’s priorities and strategic aspirations.

    Long lasting. Build IT principles that will withstand the test of time.

    Prescriptive. Inform and direct decision making with actionable IT principles. Avoid truisms, general statements, and observations.

    Verifiable. If compliance can’t be verified, people are less likely to follow the principle.

    Easily Digestible. IT principles must be clearly understood by everyone in IT and by business stakeholders. IT principles aren’t a secret manuscript of the IT team. IT principles should be succinct; wordy principles are hard to understand and remember.

    Followed. Successful IT principles represent a collection of beliefs shared among enterprise stakeholders. IT principles must be continuously communicated to all stakeholders to achieve and maintain buy-in.

    In organizations where formal policy enforcement works well, IT principles should be enforced through appropriate governance processes.

    Consider the example principles below

    IT Principle Name

    IT Principle Statement

    1. Risk Management We will ensure that the organization’s IT Risk Management Register is properly updated to reflect all potential risks and that a plan of action against those risks has been identified.
    2. Transparent Communication We will ensure employees are spoken to with respect and transparency throughout the transaction process.
    3. Separation for Success We will create a carve-out strategy that enables the organization and clearly communicates the resources required to succeed.
    4. Managed Data We will handle data creation, modification, separation, and use across the enterprise in compliance with our data governance policy.
    5.Deliver Better Customer Service We will reduce the number of products offered by IT, enabling a stronger focus on specific products or elements to increase customer service delivery.
    6. Compliance With Laws and Regulations We will operate in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations for both our organization and the potentially purchasing organization.
    7. Defined Value We will create a plan of action that aligns with the organization’s defined value expectations.
    8. Network Readiness We will ensure that employees and customers have immediate access to the network with minimal or no outages.
    9. Value Generator We will leverage the current IT people, processes, and technology to turn the IT organization into a value generator by developing and selling our services to purchasing organizations.

    2.1.2 Identify the guiding principles

    2 hours

    Input: Business objectives, IT capabilities, Rationale for the transaction, Mission and vision statements

    Output: IT’s guiding principles for reduction strategies tied to mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures

    Materials: Flip charts/whiteboard, Markers, M&A Sell Playbook

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership, Company M&A team

    The purpose of this activity is to create the guiding principles that will direct the IT organization throughout the reduction strategy process.

    1. Review the role of guiding principles and the examples of guiding principles that organizations have used.
    2. Brainstorm different versions of the guiding principles. Each guiding principle should start with the phrase “We will…”
    3. Edit and consolidate the statements until you have a list of approximately eight to ten statements that accurately reflect IT’s role in the reduction process.
    4. Review the guiding principles every six months to ensure they continue to support the delivery of the business’ reduction strategy goals.

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    Create two IT teams to support the transaction

    IT M&A Transaction Team

    • The IT M&A Transaction Team should consist of the strongest members of the IT team who can be expected to deliver on unusual or additional tasks not asked of them in normal day-to-day operations.
    • The roles selected for this team will have very specific skills sets or deliver on critical separation capabilities, making their involvement in the combination of two or more IT environments paramount.
    • These individuals need to have a history of proving themselves very trustworthy, as they will likely be required to sign an NDA as well.
    • Expect to have to certain duplicate capabilities or roles across the M&A Team and Operational Team.

    IT Operational Team

    • This group is responsible for ensuring the business operations continue.
    • These employees might be those who are newer to the organization but can be counted on to deliver consistent IT services and products.
    • The roles of this team should ensure that end users or external customers remain satisfied.

    Key capabilities to support M&A

    Consider the following capabilities when looking at who should be a part of the IT Transaction Team.

    Employees who have a significant role in ensuring that these capabilities are being delivered will be a top priority.

    Infrastructure & Operations

    • System Separation
    • Data Management
    • Helpdesk/Desktop Support
    • Cloud/Server Management

    Business Focus

    • Service-Level Management
    • Enterprise Architecture
    • Stakeholder Management
    • Project Management

    Risk & Security

    • Privacy Management
    • Security Management
    • Risk & Compliance Management

    Build a lasting and scalable operating model

    An operating model is an abstract visualization, used like an architect’s blueprint, that depicts how structures and resources are aligned and integrated to deliver on the organization’s strategy.

    It ensures consistency of all elements in the organizational structure through a clear and coherent blueprint before embarking on detailed organizational design.

    The visual should highlight which capabilities are critical to attaining strategic goals and clearly show the flow of work so that key stakeholders can understand where inputs flow in and outputs flow out of the IT organization.

    As you assess the current operating model, consider the following:

    • Does the operating model contain all the necessary capabilities your IT organization requires to be successful?
    • What capabilities should be duplicated?
    • Are there individuals with the skill set to support those roles? If not, is there a plan to acquire or develop those skills?
    • A dedicated project team strictly focused on M&A is great. However, is it feasible for your organization? If not, what blockers exist?
    A diagram with 'Initiatives' and 'Solutions' on the left and right of an area chart, 'Customer' at the top, the area between them labelled 'Functional Area n', and six horizontal bars labelled 'IT Capability' stacked on top of each other. The 'IT Capability' bars are slightly skewed to the 'Solutions' side of the chart.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Investing time up-front getting the operating model right is critical. This will give you a framework to rationalize future organizational changes, allowing you to be more iterative and allowing your model to change as the business changes.

    2.1.3 Create the future-state operating model

    4 hours

    Input: Current operating model, IT strategy, IT capabilities, M&A-specific IT capabilities, Business objectives, Rationale for the transaction, Mission and vision statements

    Output: Future-state operating model for divesting organizations

    Materials: Operating model, Capability overlay, Flip charts/whiteboard, Markers, M&A Sell Playbook

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership, Company M&A team

    The purpose of this activity is to establish what the future-state operating model will be if your organization needs to adjust to support a divestiture transaction. If your organization plans to sell in its entirety, you may choose to skip this activity.

    1. Ensuring that all the IT capabilities are identified by the business and IT strategy, document your organization’s current operating model.
    2. Identify what core capabilities would be critical to the divesting transaction process and separation. Highlight and make copies of those capabilities in the M&A Sell Playbook. As a result of divesting, there may also be capabilities that will become irrelevant in your future state.
    3. Ensure the capabilities that will be decentralized are clearly identified. Decentralized capabilities do not exist within the central IT organization but rather in specific lines of businesses, products, or locations to better understand needs and deliver on the capability.

    An example operating model is included in the M&A Sell Playbook. This process benefits from strong reference architecture and capability mapping ahead of time.

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    2.1.4 Determine the transition team

    3 hours

    Input: IT capabilities, Future-state operating model, M&A-specific IT capabilities, Business objectives, Rationale for the transaction, Mission and vision statements

    Output: Transition team

    Materials: Reference architecture, Organizational structure, Flip charts/whiteboard, Markers

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership, Company M&A team

    The purpose of this activity is to create a team that will support your IT organization throughout the transaction. Determining which capabilities and therefore which roles will be required ensures that the business will continue to get the operational support it needs.

    1. Based on the outcome of activity 2.1.3, review the capabilities that your organization will require on the transition team. Group capabilities into functional groups containing capabilities that are aligned well with one another because they have similar responsibilities and functionalities.
    2. Replace the capabilities with roles. For example, stakeholder management, requirements gathering, and project management might be one functional group. Project management and stakeholder management might combine to create a project manager role.
    3. Review the examples in the M&A Sell Playbook and identify which roles will be a part of the transition team.

    For more information, see Redesign Your Organizational Structure

    What is governance?

    And why does it matter so much to IT and the M&A process?

    • Governance is the method in which decisions get made, specifically as they impact various resources (time, money, and people).
    • Because M&A is such a highly governed transaction, it is important to document the governance bodies that exist in your organization.
    • This will give insight into what types of governing bodies there are, what decisions they make, and how that will impact IT.
    • For example, funds to support separation need to be discussed, approved, and supplied to IT from a governing body overseeing the acquisition.
    • A highly mature IT organization will have automated governance, while a seemingly non-existent governance process will be considered ad hoc.
    A pyramid with four levels representing the types of governing bodies that are available with differing levels of IT maturity. An arrow beside the pyramid points upward. The bottom of the arrow is labelled 'Traditional (People and document centric)' and the top is labelled 'Adaptive (Data centric)'. Starting at the bottom of the pyramid is level 1 'Ad Hoc Governance', 'Governance that is not well defined or understood within the organization. It occurs out of necessity but often not by the right people'. Level 2 is 'Controlled Governance', 'Governance focused on compliance and decisions driven by hierarchical authority. Levels of authority are defined and often driven by regulatory'. Level 3 is 'Agile Governance', 'Governance that is flexible to support different needs and quick response in the organization. Driven by principles and delegated throughout the company'. At the top of the pyramid is level 4 'Automated Governance', 'Governance that is entrenched and automated into organizational processes and product/service design. Empowered and fully delegated governance to maintain fit and drive organizational success and survival'.

    2.1.5 Document M&A governance

    1-2 hours

    Input: List of governing bodies, Governing body committee profiles, Governance structure

    Output: Documented method on how decisions are made as it relates to the M&A transaction

    Materials: Flip charts/whiteboard, Markers, M&A Sell Playbook

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership, Company M&A team

    The purpose of this activity is to determine the method in which decisions are made throughout the M&A transaction as it relates to IT. This will require understanding both governing bodies internal to IT and those external to IT.

    1. First, determine the other governance structures within the organization that will impact the decisions made about M&A. List out these bodies or committees.
    2. Create a profile for each committee that looks at the membership, purpose of the committee, decision areas (authority), and the process of inputs and outputs. Ensure IT committees that will have a role in this process are also documented. Consider the benefits realized, risks, and resources required for each.
    3. Organize the committees into a structure, identifying the committees that have a role in defining the strategy, designing and building, and running.

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    Current-state structure map – definitions of tiers

    Strategy: These groups will focus on decisions that directly connect to the strategic direction of the organization.

    Design & Build: The second tier of groups will oversee prioritization of a certain area of governance as well as design and build decisions that feed into strategic decisions.

    Run: The lowest level of governance will be oversight of more-specific initiatives and capabilities within IT.

    Expect tier overlap. Some committees will operate in areas that cover two or three of these governance tiers.

    Measure the IT program’s success in terms of its ability to support the business’ M&A goals

    Upper management will measure IT’s success based on your ability to support the underlying reasons for the M&A. Using business metrics will help assure business stakeholders that IT understands their needs and is working with the business to achieve them.

    Business-Specific Metrics

    • Revenue Growth: Increase in the top line as seen by market expansion, product expansion, etc. by percentage/time.
    • Synergy Extraction: Reduction in costs as determined by the ability to identify and eliminate redundancies over time.
    • Profit Margin Growth: Increase in the bottom line as a result of increased revenue growth and/or decreased costs over time.

    IT-Specific Metrics

    • IT operational savings and cost reductions due to synergies: Operating expenses, capital expenditures, licenses, contracts, applications, infrastructure over time.
    • Reduction in IT staff expense and headcount: Decreased budget allocated to IT staff, and ability to identify and remove redundancies in staff.
    • Meeting or improving on IT budget estimates: Delivering successful IT separation on a budget that is the same or lower than the budget estimated during due diligence.
    • Meeting or improving on IT time-to-separation estimates: Delivering successful IT carve-out on a timeline that is the same or shorter than the timeline estimated during due diligence.
    • Business capability support: Delivering the end state of IT that supports the expected business capabilities and growth.

    Establish your own metrics to gauge the success of IT

    Establish SMART M&A Success Metrics

    S pecific Make sure the objective is clear and detailed.
    M easurable Objectives are measurable if there are specific metrics assigned to measure success. Metrics should be objective.
    A ctionable Objectives become actionable when specific initiatives designed to achieve the objective are identified.
    R ealistic Objectives must be achievable given your current resources or known available resources.
    T ime-Bound An objective without a timeline can be put off indefinitely. Furthermore, measuring success is challenging without a timeline.
    • What should IT consider when looking to identify potential additions, deletions, or modifications that will either add value to the organization or reduce costs/risks?
    • Provide a definition of synergies.
    • IT operational savings and cost reductions due to synergies: Operating expenses, capital expenditures, licenses, contracts, applications, infrastructure.
    • Reduction in IT staff expense and headcount: Decreased budget allocated to IT staff, and ability to identify and remove redundancies in staff.
    • Meeting or improving on IT budget estimates: Delivering successful IT separation on a budget that is the same or lower than the budget estimated during due diligence.
    • Meeting or improving on IT time-to-separation estimates: Delivering successful IT carve-out on a timeline that is the same or shorter than the timeline estimated during due diligence.
    • Revenue growth: Increase in the top line as a result, as seen by market expansion, product expansion, etc., as a result of divesting lines of the business and selling service-level agreements to the purchasing organization.
    • Synergy extraction: Reduction in costs, as determined by the ability to identify and eliminate redundancies.
    • Profit margin growth: Increase in the bottom line as a result of increased revenue growth and/or decreased costs.

    Metrics for each phase

    1. Proactive

    2. Discovery & Strategy

    3. Valuation & Due Diligence

    4. Execution & Value Realization

    • % Share of business innovation spend from overall IT budget
    • % Critical processes with approved performance goals and metrics
    • % IT initiatives that meet or exceed value expectation defined in business case
    • % IT initiatives aligned with organizational strategic direction
    • % Satisfaction with IT's strategic decision-making abilities
    • $ Estimated business value added through IT-enabled innovation
    • % Overall stakeholder satisfaction with IT
    • % Percent of business leaders that view IT as an Innovator
    • % IT budget as a percent of revenue
    • % Assets that are not allocated
    • % Unallocated software licenses
    • # Obsolete assets
    • % IT spend that can be attributed to the business (chargeback or showback)
    • % Share of CapEx of overall IT budget
    • % Prospective organizations that meet the search criteria
    • $ Total IT cost of ownership (before and after M&A, before and after rationalization)
    • % Business leaders that view IT as a Business Partner
    • % Defects discovered in production
    • $ Cost per user for enterprise applications
    • % In-house-built applications vs. enterprise applications
    • % Owners identified for all data domains
    • # IT staff asked to participate in due diligence
    • Change to due diligence
    • IT budget variance
    • Synergy target
    • % Satisfaction with the effectiveness of IT capabilities
    • % Overall end-customer satisfaction
    • $ Impact of vendor SLA breaches
    • $ Savings through cost-optimization efforts
    • $ Savings through application rationalization and technology standardization
    • # Key positions empty
    • % Frequency of staff turnover
    • % Emergency changes
    • # Hours of unplanned downtime
    • % Releases that cause downtime
    • % Incidents with identified problem record
    • % Problems with identified root cause
    • # Days from problem identification to root cause fix
    • % Projects that consider IT risk
    • % Incidents due to issues not addressed in the security plan
    • # Average vulnerability remediation time
    • % Application budget spent on new build/buy vs. maintenance (deferred feature implementation, enhancements, bug fixes)
    • # Time (days) to value realization
    • % Projects that realized planned benefits
    • $ IT operational savings and cost reductions that are related to synergies/divestitures
    • % IT staff–related expenses/redundancies
    • # Days spent on IT separation
    • $ Accurate IT budget estimates
    • % Revenue growth directly tied to IT delivery
    • % Profit margin growth

    2.1.6 Create program metrics

    1-2 hours

    Input: IT capabilities, Mission, vision, and guiding principles, Rationale for the acquisition

    Output: Program metrics to support IT throughout the M&A process

    Materials: Flip charts/whiteboard, Markers, M&A Sell Playbook

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership, Company M&A team

    The purpose of this activity is to determine how IT’s success throughout a growth transaction will be measured and determined.

    1. Document a list of appropriate metrics on the whiteboard. Remember to include metrics that demonstrate the business impact. You can use the sample metrics listed on the previous slide as a starting point.
    2. Set a target and deadline for each metric. This will help the group determine when it is time to evaluate progression.
    3. Establish a baseline for each metric based on information collected within your organization.
    4. Assign an owner for tracking each metric as well as someone to be accountable for performance.

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    Discovery & Strategy

    Step 2.2

    Prepare IT to Engage in the Separation or Sale


    • 2.2.1 Establish the separation strategy
    • 2.2.2 Conduct a RACI
    • 2.2.3 Create the communication plan
    • 2.2.4 Assess the potential organization(s)

    This step involves the following participants:

    • IT executive/CIO
    • IT senior leadership
    • Company M&A team

    Outcomes of Step

    Identify IT’s plan of action when it comes to the separation/sale and align IT’s separation/sale strategy with the business’ M&A strategy.

    Separation strategies

    There are several IT separation strategies that will let you achieve your target technology environment.

    IT Separation Strategies
    • Divest. Carve out elements of the IT organization and sell them to a purchasing organization with or without a service-level agreement.
    • Sell. Sell the entire IT environment to a purchasing organization. The purchasing organization takes full responsibility in delivering and running the IT environment.
    • Spin-Off Joint Venture. Carve out elements of the IT organization and combine them with elements of a new or purchasing organization to create a new entity.

    The approach IT takes will depend on the business objectives for the M&A.

    • Generally speaking, the separation strategy is well understood and influenced by the frequency of and rationale for selling.
    • Based on the initiatives generated by each business process owner, you need to determine the IT separation strategy that will best support the desired target technology environment, especially if you are still operating or servicing elements of that IT environment.

    Key considerations when choosing an IT separation strategy include:

    • What are the main business objectives of the M&A?
    • What are the key synergies expected from the transaction?
    • What IT separation strategy best helps obtain these benefits?
    • What opportunities exist to position the business for sustainable and long-term growth?

    Separation strategies in detail

    Review highlights and drawbacks of different separation strategies

    • Recommended for businesses striving to reduce costs and potentially even generate revenue for the business through the delivery of SLAs.
    • Opportunity to reduce or scale back on lines of business or products that are not driving profits.
    • May be forced to give up critical staff that have been known to deliver high value.
    • The IT department is left to deliver services to the purchasing organization with little support or consideration from the business.
    • There can be increased risk and security concerns that need to be addressed.
    • Recommended for businesses looking to gain capital to exit the market profitably or to enter a new market with a large sum of capital.
    • The business will no longer exist, and as a result all operational costs, including IT, will become redundant.
    • IT is no longer needed as an operating or capital service for the organization.
    • Lost resources, including highly trained and critical staff.
    • May require packaging employees off and using the profit or capital generated to cover any closing costs.
    Spin-Off or Joint Venture
    • Recommended for businesses looking to expand their market presence or acquire new products. Essentially aligning the two organizations in the same market.
    • Each side has a unique offering but complementing capabilities.
    • As much as the organization is going through a separation from the original company, it will be going through an integration with the new company.
    • There could be differences in culture.
    • This could require a large amount of investment without a guarantee of profit or success.

    2.2.1 Establish the separation strategy

    1-2 hours

    Input: Business separation strategy, Guiding principles, M&A governance

    Output: IT’s separation strategy

    Materials: Flip charts/whiteboard, Markers, M&A Sell Playbook

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership, Company M&A team

    The purpose of this activity is to determine IT’s approach to separating or selling. This approach might differ slightly from transaction to transaction. However, the businesses approach to transactions should give insight into the general separation strategy IT should adopt.

    1. Make sure you have clearly articulated the business objectives for the M&A, the technology end state for IT, and the magnitude of the overall separation.
    2. Review and discuss the highlights and drawbacks of each type of separation.
    3. Use Info-Tech’s Separation Posture Selection Framework on the next slide to select the separation posture that will appropriately enable the business. Consider these questions during your discussion:
      1. What are the main business objectives of the M&A? What key IT capabilities will need to support business objectives?
      2. What key synergies are expected from the transaction? What opportunities exist to position the business for sustainable growth?
      3. What IT separation best helps obtain these benefits?

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    Separation Posture Selection Framework

    Business M&A Strategy

    Resultant Technology Strategy

    M&A Magnitude (% of Seller Assets, Income, or Market Value)

    IT Separation Posture

    A. Horizontal Adopt One Model ‹100% Divest
    ›99% Sell
    B. Vertical Create Links Between Critical Systems Any Divest
    C. Conglomerate Independent Model Any Joint Venture
    D. Hybrid: Horizontal & Conglomerate Create Links Between Critical Systems Any Divest
    Joint Venture

    M&A separation strategy

    Business M&A Strategy Resultant Technology Strategy M&A Magnitude (% of Seller Assets, Income, or Market Value) IT Separation Posture

    You may need a hybrid separation posture to achieve the technology end state.

    M&A objectives may not affect all IT domains and business functions in the same way. Therefore, the separation requirements for each business function may differ. Organizations will often choose to select and implement a hybrid separation posture to realize the technology end state.

    Each business division may have specific IT domain and capability needs that require an alternative separation strategy.

    • Example: Even when conducting a joint venture by forming a new organization, some partners might view themselves as the dominant partner and want to influence the IT environment to a greater degree.
    • Example: Some purchasing organizations will expect service-level agreements to be available for a significant period of time following the divestiture, while others will be immediately independent.

    2.2.2 Conduct a RACI

    1-2 hours

    Input: IT capabilities, Transition team, Separation strategy

    Output: Completed RACI for Transition team

    Materials: Reference architecture, Organizational structure, Flip charts/whiteboard, Markers, M&A Sell Playbook

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership, Company M&A team

    The purpose of this activity is to identify the core accountabilities and responsibilities for the roles identified as critical to your transition team. While there might be slight variation from transaction to transaction, ideally each role should be performing certain tasks.

    1. First, identify a list of critical tasks that need to be completed to support the sale or separation. For example:
      • Communicate with the company M&A team.
      • Identify the key IT solutions that can and cannot be carved out.
      • Gather data room artifacts and provide them to acquiring organization.
    2. Next, identify at the activity level which role is accountable or responsible for each activity. Enter an A for accountable, R for responsible, or A/R for both.

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    Communication and change

    Prepare key stakeholders for the potential changes

    • Anytime you are starting a project or program that will depend on users and stakeholders to give up their old way of doing things, change will force people to become novices again, leading to lost productivity and added stress.
    • Change management can improve outcomes for any project where you need people to adopt new tools and procedures, comply with new policies, learn new skills and behaviors, or understand and support new processes.
    • M&As move very quickly, and it can be very difficult to keep track of which stakeholders you need to be communicating with and what you should be communicating.
    • Not all organizations embrace or resist change in the same ways. Base your change communications on your organization’s cultural appetite for change in general.
      • Organizations with a low appetite for change will require more direct, assertive communications.
      • Organizations with a high appetite for change are more suited to more open, participatory approaches.

    Three key dimensions determine the appetite for cultural change:

    • Power Distance. Refers to the acceptance that power is distributed unequally throughout the organization.
      In organizations with a high power distance, the unequal power distribution is accepted by the less powerful employees.
    • Individualism. Organizations that score high in individualism have employees who are more independent. Those who score low in individualism fall into the collectivism side, where employees are strongly tied to one another or their groups.
    • Uncertainty Avoidance. Describes the level of acceptance that an organization has toward uncertainty. Those who score high in this area find that their employees do not favor uncertain situations, while those that score low in this area find that their employees are comfortable with change and uncertainty.

    2.2.3 Create the communication plan

    1-2 hours

    Input: IT’s M&A mission, vision, and guiding principles, M&A transition team, IT separation strategy, RACI

    Output: IT’s M&A communication plan

    Materials: Flip charts/whiteboard, Markers, RACI, M&A Sell Playbook

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership, Company M&A team

    The purpose of this activity is to create a communication plan that IT can leverage throughout the initiative.

    1. Create a structured communication plan that allows for continuous communication with the integration management office, senior management, and the business functional heads.
    2. Outline key topics of communication, with stakeholders, inputs, and outputs for each topic.
    3. Review Info-Tech’s example communication plan in the M&A Sell Playbook and update it with relevant information.
    4. Does this communication plan make sense for your organization? What doesn’t make sense? Adjust the communication guide to suit your organization.

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    Assessing potential organizations

    As soon as you have identified organizations to consider, it’s imperative to assess critical risks. Most IT leaders can attest that they will receive little to no notice when the business is pursuing a sale and IT has to assess the IT organization. As a result, having a standardized template to quickly assess the potential acquiring organization is important.

    Ways to Assess

    1. News: Assess what sort of news has been announced in relation to the organization. Have they had any risk incidents? Has a critical vendor announced working with them?
    2. LinkedIn: Scan through the LinkedIn profiles of employees. This will give you a sense of what platforms they have based on employees. It will also give insight into positive or negative employee experiences that could impact retention.
    3. Trends: Some industries will have specific solutions that are relevant and popular. Assess what the key players are (if you don’t already know) to determine the solution.
    4. Business Architecture: While this assessment won’t perfect, try to understand the business’ value streams and the critical business and IT capabilities that would be needed to support them. Will your organization or employee skills be required to support these long term?

    Info-Tech Insight

    Assessing potential organizations is not just for the purchaser. The seller should also know what the purchasing organization’s history with M&As is and what potential risks could occur if remaining connected through ongoing SLAs.

    2.2.4 Assess the potential organization(s)

    1-2 hours

    Input: Publicized historical risk events, Solutions and vendor contracts likely in the works, Trends

    Output: IT’s valuation of the potential organization(s) for selling or divesting

    Materials: M&A Sell Playbook

    Participants: IT executive/CIO

    The purpose of this activity is to assess the organization(s) that your organization is considering selling or divesting to.

    1. Complete the Historical Valuation Worksheet in the M&A Sell Playbook to understand the type of IT organization that your company may support.
      • The business likely isn’t looking for in-depth details at this time. However, as the IT leader, it is your responsibility to ensure critical risks are identified and communicated to the business.
    2. Use the information identified to help the business narrow down which organizations could be the right organizations to sell or divest to.

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    By the end of this pre-transaction phase you should:

    Have a program plan for M&As and a repeatable M&A strategy for IT when engaging in reduction transactions

    Key outcomes from the Discovery & Strategy phase
    • Prepare the IT environment to support the potential sale or divestiture by identifying critical program plan elements and establishing a separation or carve-out strategy that will enable the business to reach its goals.
    • Create a M&A strategy that accounts for all the necessary elements of a transaction and ensures sufficient governance, capabilities, and metrics exist.
    Key deliverables from the Discovery & Strategy phase
    • Create vision and mission statements
    • Establish guiding principles
    • Create a future-state operating model
    • Identify the key roles for the transaction team
    • Identify and communicate the M&A governance
    • Determine target metrics
    • Identify the M&A operating model
    • Select the separation strategy framework
    • Conduct a RACI for key transaction tasks for the transaction team
    • Document the communication plan

    M&A Sell Blueprint

    Phase 3

    Due Diligence & Preparation

    Phase 1Phase 2

    Phase 3

    Phase 4
    • 1.1 Identify Stakeholders and Their Perspective of IT
    • 1.2 Assess IT’s Current Value and Future State
    • 1.3 Drive Innovation and Suggest Reduction Opportunities
    • 2.1 Establish the M&A Program Plan
    • 2.2 Prepare IT to Engage in the Separation or Sale
    • 3.1 Engage in Due Diligence and Prepare Staff
    • 3.2 Prepare to Separate
    • 4.1 Execute the Transaction
    • 4.2 Reflection and Value Realization

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Drive value with a due diligence charter
    • Gather data room artifacts
    • Measure staff engagement
    • Assess culture
    • Create a carve-out roadmap
    • Prioritize separation tasks
    • Establish the separation roadmap
    • Identify the buyer’s IT expectations
    • Create a service/transaction agreement
    • Estimate separation costs
    • Create an employee transition plan
    • Create functional workplans for employees
    • Align project metrics with identified tasks

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • IT executive/CIO
    • IT senior leadership
    • Company M&A team
    • Business leaders
    • Purchasing organization
    • Transition team

    Workshop Overview

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    Day 1

    Day 2

    Day 3

    Day 4

    Day 5

    Establish the Transaction FoundationDiscover the Motivation for SeparationIdentify Expectations and Create the Carve-Out RoadmapPrepare and Manage EmployeesPlan the Separation RoadmapNext Steps and Wrap-Up (offsite)


    • 0.1 Identify the rationale for the company's decision to pursue a divestiture/sale.
    • 0.2 Identify key stakeholders and determine the IT transaction team.
    • 0.3 Gather and evaluate the M&A strategy, future-state operating model, and governance.
    • 1.1 Review the business rationale for the divestiture/sale.
    • 1.2 Identify pain points and opportunities tied to the divestiture/sale.
    • 1.3 Establish the separation strategy.
    • 1.4 Create the due diligence charter.
    • 2.1 Identify the buyer’s IT expectations.
    • 2.2 Create a list of IT artifacts to be reviewed in the data room.
    • 2.3 Create a carve-out roadmap.
    • 2.4 Create a service/technical transaction agreement.
    • 3.1 Measure staff engagement.
    • 3.2 Assess the current culture and identify the goal culture.
    • 3.3 Create an employee transition plan.
    • 3.4 Create functional workplans for employees.
    • 4.1 Prioritize separation tasks.
    • 4.2 Establish the separation roadmap.
    • 4.3 Establish and align project metrics with identified tasks.
    • 4.4 Estimate separation costs.
    • 5.1 Complete in-progress deliverables from previous four days.
    • 5.2 Set up review time for workshop deliverables and to discuss next steps.


    1. IT strategy
    2. IT operating model
    3. IT governance structure
    4. M&A transaction team
    1. Business context implications for IT
    2. Separation strategy
    3. Due diligence charter
    1. Data room artifacts identified
    2. Carve-out roadmap
    3. Service/technical transaction agreement
    1. Engagement assessment
    2. Culture assessment
    3. Employee transition plans and workplans
    1. Separation roadmap and associated resourcing
    1. Divestiture separation strategy for IT

    What is the Due Diligence & Preparation phase?

    Mid-transaction state

    The Due Diligence & Preparation phase during a sale or divestiture is a critical time for IT. If IT fails to proactively participate in this phase, IT will have to merely react to separation expectations set by the business.

    If your organization is being sold in its entirety, staff will have major concerns about their future in the new organization. Making this transition as smooth as possible and being transparent could go a long way in ensuring their success in the new organization.

    In a divestiture, this is the time to determine where it’s possible for the organization to divide or separate from itself. A lack of IT involvement in these conversations could lead to an overcommitment by the business and under-delivery by IT.

    Goal: To ensure that, as the selling or divesting organization, you comply with regulations, prepare staff for potential changes, and identify a separation strategy if necessary

    Due Diligence Prerequisite Checklist

    Before coming into the Due Diligence & Preparation phase, you must have addressed the following:

    • Understand the rationale for the company's decision to pursue a sale or divestiture and what opportunities or pain points the sale should alleviate.
    • Identify the key roles for the transaction team.
    • Identify the M&A governance.
    • Determine target metrics.
    • Select a separation strategy framework.
    • Conduct a RACI for key transaction tasks for the transaction team.

    Before coming into the Due Diligence & Preparation phase, we recommend addressing the following:

    • Create vision and mission statements.
    • Establish guiding principles.
    • Create a future-state operating model.
    • Identify the M&A operating model.
    • Document the communication plan.
    • Examine the business perspective of IT.
    • Identify key stakeholders and outline their relationship to the M&A process.
    • Be able to valuate the IT environment and communicate IT’s value to the business.

    The Technology Value Trinity

    Delivery of Business Value & Strategic Needs

    • Digital & Technology Strategy
      The identification of objectives and initiatives necessary to achieve business goals.
    • IT Operating Model
      The model for how IT is organized to deliver on business needs and strategies.
    • Information & Technology Governance
      The governance to ensure the organization and its customers get maximum value from the use of information and technology.

    All three elements of the Technology Value Trinity work in harmony to deliver business value and achieve strategic needs. As one changes, the others need to change as well.

    • Digital and IT Strategy tells you what you need to achieve to be successful.
    • IT Operating Model and Organizational Design is the alignment of resources to deliver on your strategy and priorities.
    • Information & Technology Governance is the confirmation of IT’s goals and strategy, which ensures the alignment of IT and business strategy. It’s the mechanism by which you continuously prioritize work to ensure that what is delivered is in line with the strategy. This oversight evaluates, directs, and monitors the delivery of outcomes to ensure that the use of resources results in the achieving the organization’s goals.

    Too often strategy, operating model and organizational design, and governance are considered separate practices. As a result, “strategic documents” end up being wish lists, and projects continue to be prioritized based on who shouts the loudest – not based on what is in the best interest of the organization.

    Due Diligence & Preparation

    Step 3.1

    Engage in Due Diligence and Prepare Staff


    • 3.1.1 Drive value with a due diligence charter
    • 3.1.2 Gather data room artifacts
    • 3.1.3 Measure staff engagement
    • 3.1.4 Assess culture

    This step involves the following participants:

    • IT executive/CIO
    • IT senior leadership
    • Company M&A team
    • Business leaders
    • Prospective IT organization
    • Transition team

    Outcomes of Step

    This step of the process is when IT should prepare and support the business in due diligence and gather the necessary information about staff changes.

    3.1.1 Drive value with a due diligence charter

    1-2 hours

    Input: Key roles for the transaction team, M&A governance, Target metrics, Selected separation strategy framework, RACI of key transaction tasks for the transaction team

    Output: IT Due Diligence Charter

    Materials: M&A Sell Playbook

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership, Company M&A team

    The purpose of this activity is to create a charter leveraging the items completed in the previous phase, as listed on the Due Diligence Prerequisite Checklist slide, to gain executive sign-off.

    1. In the IT Due Diligence Charter in the M&A Sell Playbook, complete the aspects of the charter that are relevant for you and your organization.
    2. We recommend including these items in the charter:
      • Communication plan
      • Transition team roles
      • Goals and metrics for the transaction
      • Separation strategy
      • Sale/divestiture RACI
    3. Once the charter has been completed, ensure that business executives agree to the charter and sign off on the plan of action.

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    3.1.2 Gather data room artifacts

    4 hours

    Input: Future-state operating model, M&A governance, Target metrics, Selected separation strategy framework, RACI of key transaction tasks for the transaction team

    Output: List of items to acquire and verify can be provided to the purchasing organization while in the data room

    Materials: Critical domain lists on following slides, M&A Sell Playbook

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership, Company M&A team, Transition team, Legal team, Compliance/privacy officers

    The purpose of this activity is to create a list of the key artifacts that you could be asked for during the due diligence process.

    1. Review the lists on the following pages as a starting point. Identify which domains, stakeholders, artifacts, and information should be requested for the data room.
    2. IT leadership may or may not be asked to enter the data room directly. The short notice for having to find these artifacts for the purchasing organization can leave your IT organization scrambling. Identify the critical items worth obtaining ahead of time.
    3. Once you have identified the artifacts, provide the list to the legal team or compliance/privacy officers and ensure they also agree those items can be provided. If changes to the documents need to be made, take the time to do so.
    4. Store all items in a safe and secure file or provide to the M&A team ahead of due diligence.

    **Note that if your organization is not leading/initiating the data room, then you can ignore this activity.

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    Critical domains

    Understand the key stakeholders and outputs for each domain



    Key Artifacts

    Key Information to request

    • Enterprise Architecture
    • Business Relationship Manager
    • Business Process Owners
    • Business capability map
    • Capability map (the M&A team should be taking care of this, but make sure it exists)
    • Business satisfaction with various IT systems and services
    Leadership/IT Executive
    • CIO
    • CTO
    • CISO
    • IT budgets
    • IT capital and operating budgets (from current year and previous year)
    Data & Analytics
    • Chief Data Officer
    • Data Architect
    • Enterprise Architect
    • Master data domains, system of record for each
    • Unstructured data retention requirements
    • Data architecture
    • Master data domains, sources, and storage
    • Data retention requirements
    • Applications Manager
    • Application Portfolio Manager
    • Application Architect
    • Applications map
    • Applications inventory
    • Applications architecture
    • Copy of all software license agreements
    • Copy of all software maintenance agreements
    • Head of Infrastructure
    • Enterprise Architect
    • Infrastructure Architect
    • Infrastructure Manager
    • Infrastructure map
    • Infrastructure inventory
    • Network architecture (including which data centers host which infrastructure and applications)
    • Inventory (including separation capabilities of vendors, versions, switches, and routers)
    • Copy of all hardware lease or purchase agreements
    • Copy of all hardware maintenance agreements
    • Copy of all outsourcing/external service provider agreements
    • Copy of all service-level agreements for centrally provided, shared services and systems
    Products and Services
    • Product Manager
    • Head of Customer Interactions
    • Product lifecycle
    • Product inventory
    • Customer market strategy

    Critical domains (continued)

    Understand the key stakeholders and outputs for each domain



    Key Artifacts

    Key Information to request

    • Head of Operations
    • Service catalog
    • Service overview
    • Service owners
    • Access policies and procedures
    • Availability and service levels
    • Support policies and procedures
    • Costs and approvals (internal and customer costs)
    IT Processes
    • CIO
    • IT Management
    • VP of IT Governance
    • VP of IT Strategy
    • IT process flow diagram
    • Processes in place and productivity levels (capacity)
    • Critical processes/processes the organization feels they do particularly well
    IT People
    • CIO
    • VP of Human Resources
    • IT organizational chart
    • Competency & capacity assessment
    • IT organizational structure (including resources from external service providers such as contractors) with appropriate job descriptions or roles and responsibilities
    • IT headcount and location
    • CISO
    • Security Architect
    • Security posture
    • Information security staff
    • Information security service providers
    • Information security tools
    • In-flight information security projects
    • Head of Projects
    • Project portfolio
    • List of all future, ongoing, and recently completed projects
    • Head of Vendor Management
    • License inventory
    • Inventory (including what will and will not be transitioning, vendors, versions, number of licenses)

    Retain top talent throughout the transition

    Focus on retention and engagement

    • People are such a critical component of this process, especially in the selling organization.
    • Retaining employees, especially the critical employees who hold specific skills or knowledge, will ensure the success and longevity of the divesting organization, purchasing organization, or the new company.
    • Giving employees a role in the organization and ensuring they do not see their capabilities as redundant will be critical to the process.
    • It is okay if employees need to change what they were doing temporarily or even long-term. However, being transparent about these changes and highlighting their value to the process and organization(s) will help.
    • The first step to moving forward with retention is to look at the baseline engagement and culture of employees and the organization. This will help determine where to focus and allow you to identify changes in engagement that resulted from the transaction.
    • Job engagement drivers are levers that influence the engagement of employees in their day-to-day roles.
    • Organizational engagement drivers are levers that influence an employee’s engagement with the broader organization.
    • Retention drivers are employment needs. They don’t necessarily drive engagement, but they must be met for engagement to be possible.

    3.1.3 Measure staff engagement

    3-4 hours

    Input: Engagement survey

    Output: Baseline engagement scores

    Materials: Build an IT Employee Engagement Program

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership, IT employees of current organization

    The purpose of this activity is to measure current staff engagement to have a baseline to measure against in the future state. This is a good activity to complete if you will be divesting or selling in entirety.

    The results from the survey should act as a baseline to determine what the organization is doing well in terms of employee engagement and what drivers could be improved upon.

    1. Review Info-Tech’s Build an IT Employee Engagement Program research and select a survey that will best meet your needs.
    2. Conduct the survey and note which drivers employees are currently satisfied with. Likewise, note where there are opportunities.
    3. Document actions that should be taken to mitigate the negative engagement drivers throughout the transaction and enhance or maintain the positive engagement drivers.

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    Assess culture as a part of engagement

    Culture should not be overlooked, especially as it relates to the separation of IT environments

    • There are three types of culture that need to be considered.
    • Most importantly, this transition is an opportunity to change the culture that might exist in your organization’s IT environment.
    • Make a decision on which type of culture you’d like IT to have post transition.

    Target Organization's Culture. The culture that the target organization is currently embracing. Their established and undefined governance practices will lend insight into this.

    Your Organization’s Culture. The culture that your organization is currently embracing. Examine people’s attitudes and behaviors within IT toward their jobs and the organization.

    Ideal Culture. What will the future culture of the IT organization be once separation is complete? Are there aspects that your current organization and the target organization embrace that are worth considering?

    Culture categories

    Map the results of the IT Culture Diagnostic to an existing framework

    • Autonomy
    • Confront conflict directly
    • Decisive
    • Competitive
    • Achievement oriented
    • Results oriented
    • High performance expectations
    • Aggressive
    • High pay for good performance
    • Working long hours
    • Having a good reputation
    • Being distinctive/different
    • Adaptable
    • Innovative
    • Quick to take advantage of opportunities
    • Risk taking
    • Opportunities for professional growth
    • Not constrained by rules
    • Tolerant
    • Informal
    • Enthusiastic
    • Stability
    • Reflective
    • Rule oriented
    • Analytical
    • High attention to detail
    • Organized
    • Clear guiding philosophy
    • Security of employment
    • Emphasis on quality
    • Focus on safety
    • Team oriented
    • Fair
    • Praise for good performance
    • Supportive
    • Calm
    • Developing friends at work
    • Socially responsible

    Culture Considerations

    • What culture category was dominant for each IT organization?
    • Do you share the same dominant category?
    • Is your current dominant culture category the most ideal to have post-separation?

    3.1.4 Assess Culture

    3-4 hours

    Input: Cultural assessments for current IT organization, Cultural assessment for target IT organization

    Output: Goal for IT culture

    Materials: IT Culture Diagnostic

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership, IT employees of current organization, IT employees of target organization, Company M&A team

    The purpose of this activity is to assess the different cultures that might exist within the IT environments of the organizations involved. By understanding the culture that exists in the purchasing organization, you can identify the fit and prepare impacted staff for potential changes.

    1. Complete this activity by leveraging the blueprint Fix Your IT Culture, specifically the IT Culture Diagnostic.
    2. Fill out the diagnostic for the IT department in your organization:
      1. Answer the 16 questions in tab 2, Diagnostic.
      2. Find out your dominant culture and review recommendations in tab 3, Results.
    3. Document the results from tab 3, Results, in the M&A Sell Playbook if you are trying to record all artifacts related to the transaction in one place.
    4. Repeat the activity for the purchasing organization.
    5. Leverage the information to determine what the goal for the culture of IT will be post-separation if it will differ from the current culture.

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    Due Diligence & Preparation

    Step 3.2

    Prepare to Separate


    • 3.2.1 Create a carve-out roadmap
    • 3.2.2 Prioritize separation tasks
    • 3.2.3 Establish the separation roadmap
    • 3.2.4 Identify the buyer’s IT expectations
    • 3.2.5 Create a service/transaction agreement
    • 3.2.6 Estimate separation costs
    • 3.2.7 Create an employee transition plan
    • 3.2.8 Create functional workplans for employees
    • 3.2.9 Align project metrics with identified tasks

    This step involves the following participants:

    • IT executive/CIO
    • IT senior leadership
    • Transition team
    • Company M&A team
    • Purchasing organization

    Outcomes of Step

    Have an established plan of action toward separation across all domains and a strategy toward resources.

    Don’t underestimate the importance of separation preparation

    Separation involves taking the IT organization and dividing it into two or more separate entities.

    Testing the carve capabilities of the IT organization often takes 3 months. (Source: Cognizant, 2014)

    Daimler-Benz lost nearly $19 billion following its purchase of Chrysler by failing to recognize the cultural differences that existed between the two car companies. (Source: Deal Room)

    Info-Tech Insight

    Separating the IT organization requires more time and effort than business leaders will know. Frequently communicate challenges and lost opportunities when carving the IT environment out.

    Separation needs

    Identify the business objectives of the sale to determine the IT strategy

    Set up a meeting with your IT due diligence team to:

    • Ensure there will be no gaps in the delivery of products and services in the future state.
    • Discuss the people and processes necessary to achieve the target technology environment and support M&A business objectives.

    Use this opportunity to:

    • Identify data and application complexities between the involved organizations.
    • Identify the IT people and process gaps, initiatives, and levels of support expected.
    • Determine your infrastructure needs to ensure effectiveness and delivery of services:
      • Does IT have the infrastructure to support the applications and business capabilities?
      • Identify any gaps between the current infrastructure in both organizations and the infrastructure required.
      • Identify any redundancies/gaps.
      • Determine the appropriate IT separation strategies.
    • Document your gaps, redundancies, initiatives, and assumptions to help you track and justify the initiatives that must be undertaken and help estimate the cost of separation.

    Separation strategies

    There are several IT separation strategies that will let you achieve your target technology environment.

    IT Separation Strategies
    • Divest. Carve out elements of the IT organization and sell them to a purchasing organization with or without a service-level agreement.
    • Sell. Sell the entire IT environment to a purchasing organization. The purchasing organization takes full responsibility in delivering and running the IT environment.
    • Spin-Off Joint Venture. Carve out elements of the IT organization and combine them with elements of a new or purchasing organization to create a new entity.

    The approach IT takes will depend on the business objectives for the M&A.

    • Generally speaking, the separation strategy is well understood and influenced by the frequency of and rationale for selling.
    • Based on the initiatives generated by each business process owner, you need to determine the IT separation strategy that will best support the desired target technology environment, especially if you are still operating or servicing elements of that IT environment.

    Key considerations when choosing an IT separation strategy include:

    • What are the main business objectives of the M&A?
    • What are the key synergies expected from the transaction?
    • What IT separation strategy best helps obtain these benefits?
    • What opportunities exist to position the business for sustainable and long-term growth?

    Separation strategies in detail

    Review highlights and drawbacks of different separation strategies

    • Recommended for businesses striving to reduce costs and potentially even generate revenue for the business through the delivery of SLAs.
    • Opportunity to reduce or scale back on lines of business or products that are not driving profits.
    • May be forced to give up critical staff that have been known to deliver high value.
    • The IT department is left to deliver services to the purchasing organization with little support or consideration from the business.
    • There can be increased risk and security concerns that need to be addressed.
    • Recommended for businesses looking to gain capital to exit the market profitably or to enter a new market with a large sum of capital.
    • The business will no longer exist, and as a result all operational costs, including IT, will become redundant.
    • IT is no longer needed as an operating or capital service for the organization.
    • Lost resources, including highly trained and critical staff.
    • May require packaging employees off and using the profit or capital generated to cover any closing costs.
    Spin-Off or Joint Venture
    • Recommended for businesses looking to expand their market presence or acquire new products. Essentially aligning the two organizations in the same market.
    • Each side has a unique offering but complementing capabilities.
    • As much as the organization is going through a separation from the original company, it will be going through an integration with the new company.
    • There could be differences in culture.
    • This could require a large amount of investment without a guarantee of profit or success.

    Preparing the carve-out roadmap

    And why it matters so much

    • When carving out the IT environment in preparation for a divestiture, it’s important to understand the infrastructure, application, and data connections that might exist.
    • Much to the business’ surprise, carving out the IT environment is not easy, especially when considering the services and products that might depend on access to certain applications or data sets.
    • Once the business has indicated which elements they anticipate divesting, be prepared for testing the functionality and ability of this carve-out, either through automation or manually. There are benefits and drawbacks to both methods:
      • Automated requires a solution and a developer to code the tests.
      • Manual requires time to find the errors, possibly more time than automated testing.
    • Identify if there are dependencies that will make the carve-out difficult.
      • For example, the business is trying to divest Product X, but that product is integrated with Product Y, which is not being sold.
      • Consider all the processes and products that specific data might support as well.
      • Moreover, the data migration tool will need to enter the ERP system and identify not just the data but all supporting and historical elements that underlie the data.

    Critical components to consider:

    • Selecting manual or automated testing
    • Determining data dependencies
    • Data migration capabilities
    • Auditing approval
    • People and skills that support specific elements being carved out

    3.2.1 Create a carve-out roadmap

    6 hours

    Input: Items included in the carve-out, Dependencies, Whether testing is completed, If the carve-out will pass audit, If the carve-out item is prepared to be separated

    Output: Carve-out roadmap

    Materials: Business’ divestiture plan, M&A Sell Playbook

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership, Business leaders, Transition team

    The purpose of this activity is to prepare the IT environment by identifying a carve-out roadmap, specifically looking at data, infrastructure, and applications. Feel free to expand the roadmap to include other categories as your organization sees fit.

    1. In the Carve-Out Roadmap in the M&A Sell Playbook, identify the key elements of the carve-out in the first column.
    2. Note any dependencies the items might have. For example:
      • The business is selling Product X, which is linked to Data X and Data Y. The organization does not want to sell Data Y. Data X would be considered dependent on Data Y.
    3. Once the dependencies have been confirmed, begin automated or manual testing to examine the possibility of separating the data sets (or other dependencies) from one another.
    4. After identifying an acceptable method of separation, inform the auditing individual or body and confirm that there would be no repercussions for the planned process.

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    3.2.2 Prioritize separation tasks

    2 hours

    Input: Separation tasks, Transition team, M&A RACI

    Output: Prioritized separation list

    Materials: Separation task checklist, Separation roadmap

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership, Company M&A team

    The purpose of this activity is to prioritize the different separation tasks that your organization has identified as necessary to this transaction. Some tasks might not be relevant for this particular transaction, and others might be critical.

    1. Begin by downloading the SharePoint or Excel version of the M&A Separation Project Management Tool.
    2. Identify which separation tasks you want to have as part of your project plan. Alter or remove any tasks that are irrelevant to your organization. Add in tasks you think are missing.
    3. When deciding criticality of the task, consider the effect on stakeholders, those who are impacted or influenced in the process of the task, and dependencies (e.g. data strategy needs to be addressed first before you can tackle its dependencies, like data quality).
    4. Feel free to edit the way you measure criticality. The standard tool leverages a three-point scale. At the end, you should have a list of tasks in priority order based on criticality.

    Record the updates in the M&A Separation Project Management Tool (SharePoint).

    Record the updates in the M&A Separation Project Management Tool (Excel).

    Separation checklists

    Prerequisite Checklist
    • Build the project plan for separation and prioritize activities
      • Plan first day
      • Plan first 30/100 days
      • Plan first year
    • Create an organization-aligned IT strategy
    • Identify critical stakeholders
    • Create a communication strategy
    • Understand the rationale for the sale or divestiture
    • Develop IT's sale/divestiture strategy
      • Determine goal opportunities
      • Create the mission and vision statements
      • Create the guiding principles
      • Create program metrics
    • Consolidate reports from due diligence/data room
    • Conduct culture assessment
    • Create a transaction team
    • Establish a service/technical transaction agreement
    • Plan and communicate culture changes
    • Create an employee transition plan
    • Assess baseline engagement
    • Design an enterprise architecture
    • Document your business architecture
    • Meet compliance and regulatory standards
    • Identify and assess all of IT's risks
    • Prioritize and address critical applications
      • CRM
      • HRIS
      • Financial
      • Sales
      • Risk
      • Security
      • ERP
      • Email
    • Develop method of separating applications
    • Model critical applications that have dependencies on one another
    • Identify the infrastructure capacity required to support critical applications
    • Prioritize and address critical applications
    Leadership/IT Executive
    • Build an IT budget
    • Structure operating budget
    • Structure capital budget
    • Identify the workforce demand vs. capacity
    • Establish and monitor key metrics
    • Communicate value realized/cost savings
    • Confirm data strategy
    • Confirm data governance
    • Build a data architecture roadmap
    • Analyze data sources and domains
    • Evaluate data storage (on-premises vs. cloud)
    • Develop an enterprise content management strategy and roadmap
    • Ensure cleanliness/usability of data sets
    • Identify data sets that can remain operational if reduced/separated
    • Develop reporting and analytics capabilities
    • Confirm data strategy
    • Manage sales access to customer data
    • Determine locations and hours of operation
    • Separate/terminate phone lists and extensions
    • Split email address books
    • Communicate helpdesk/service desk information

    Separation checklists (continued)

    • Manage organization domains
    • Consolidate data centers
    • Compile inventory of vendors, versions, switches, and routers
    • Review hardware lease or purchase agreements
    • Review outsourcing/service provider agreements
    • Review service-level agreements
    • Assess connectivity linkages between locations
    • Plan to migrate to a single email system if necessary
    • Determine network access concerns
    • Establish a sustainable vendor management office
    • Review vendor landscape
    • Identify warranty options
    • Identify the licensing grant
    • Rationalize vendor services and solutions
    • Design an IT operating model
    • Design your future IT organizational structure
    • Conduct a RACI for prioritized activities
    • Conduct a culture assessment and identify goal IT culture
    • Build an IT employee engagement program
    • Determine critical roles and systems/process/products they support
    • Define new job descriptions with meaningful roles and responsibilities
    • Create employee transition plans
    • Create functional workplans
    • Identify projects to be on hold
    • Communicate project intake process
    • Reprioritize projects
    Products & Services
    • Redefine service catalog
    • Ensure customer interaction requirements are met
    • Select a solution for product lifecycle management
    • Plan service-level agreements
    • Conduct a security assessment
    • Develop accessibility prioritization and schedule
    • Establish an information security strategy
    • Develop a security awareness and training program
    • Develop and manage security governance, risk, and compliance
    • Identify security budget
    • Build a data privacy and classification program
    IT Processes
    • Evaluate current process models
    • Determine productivity/capacity levels of processes
    • Identify processes to be changed/terminated
    • Establish a communication plan
    • Develop a change management process
    • Establish/review IT policies
    • Evaluate current process models

    3.2.2 Establish the separation roadmap

    2 hours

    Input: Prioritized separation tasks, Carve-out roadmap, Employee transition plan, Separation RACI, Costs for activities, Activity owners

    Output: Separation roadmap

    Materials: M&A Separation Project Plan Tool (SharePoint), M&A Separation Project Plan Tool (Excel), SharePoint Template: Step-by-Step Deployment Guide

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership, Transition team, Company M&A team

    The purpose of this activity is to create a roadmap to support IT throughout the separation process. Using the information gathered in previous activities, you can create a roadmap that will ensure a smooth separation.

    1. Use our Separation Project Management Tool to help track critical elements in relation to the separation project. There are a few options available:
      1. Follow the instructions on the next slide if you are looking to upload our SharePoint project template. Additional instructions are available in the SharePoint Template Step-by-Step Deployment Guide.
      2. If you cannot or do not want to use SharePoint as your project management solution, download our Excel version of the tool.
        **Remember that this your tool, so customize to your liking.
    2. Identify who will own or be accountable for each of the separation tasks and establish the time frame for when each project should begin and end. This will confirm which tasks should be prioritized.

    Record the updates in the M&A Separation Project Management Tool (SharePoint).

    Record the updates in the M&A Separation Project Management Tool (Excel).

    Separation Project Management Tool (SharePoint Template)

    Follow these instructions to upload our template to your SharePoint environment

    1. Create or use an existing SP site.
    2. Download the M&A Separation Project Management Tool (SharePoint) .wsp file from the Mergers & Acquisitions: The Sell Blueprint landing page.
    3. To import a template into your SharePoint environment, do the following:
      1. Open PowerShell.
      2. Connect-SPO Service (need to install PowerShell module).
      3. Enter in your tenant admin URL.
      4. Enter in your admin credentials.
      5. Set-SPO Site -DenyAddAndCustomizePages 0
      1. Turn on both custom script features to allow users to run custom
    4. Screenshot of the 'Custom Script' option for importing a template into your SharePoint environment. Feature description reads 'Control whether users can run custom script on personal sites and self-service created sites. Note: changes to this setting might take up to 24 hours to take effect. For more information, see'. There are options to prevent or allow users from running custom script on personal/self-service created sites.
    5. Enable the SharePoint Server feature.
    6. Upload the .wsp file in Solutions Gallery.
    7. Deploy by creating a subsite and select from custom options.
      • Allow or prevent custom script
      • Security considerations of allowing custom script
      • Save, download, and upload a SharePoint site as a template
    8. Refer to Microsoft documentation to understand security considerations and what is and isn’t supported:

    For more information, check out the SharePoint Template: Step-by-Step Deployment Guide.

    Supporting the transition and establishing service-level agreements

    The purpose of this part of the transition is to ensure both buyer and seller have a full understanding of expectations for after the transaction.

    • Once the organizations have decided to move forward with a deal, all parties need a clear level of agreement.
    • IT, since it is often seen as an operational division of an organization, is often expected to deliver certain services or products once the transaction has officially closed.
    • The purchasing organization or the new company might depend on IT to deliver these services until they are able to provide those services on their own.
    • Having a clear understanding of what the buyer’s expectations are and what your company, as the selling organization, can provide is important.
    • Have a conversation with the buyer and document those expectations in a signed service agreement.

    3.2.4 Identify the buyer's IT expectations

    3-4 hours

    Input: Carve-out roadmap, Separation roadmap, Up-to-date version of the agreement

    Output: Buyer’s IT expectations

    Materials: Questions for meeting

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership, Company M&A team, Purchasing company M&A team, Purchasing company IT leadership

    The purpose of this activity is to determine if the buyer has specific service expectations for your IT organization. By identifying, documenting, and agreeing on what services your IT organization will be responsible for, you can obtain a final agreement to protect you as the selling organization.

    1. Buyers should not assume certain services will be provided. Organize a meeting with IT leaders and the company M&A teams to determine what services will be provided.
    2. The next slide has a series of questions that you can start from. Ensure you get detailed information about each of the services.
    3. Once you fully understand the buyer’s IT expectations, create an SLA in the next activity and obtain sign-off from both organizations.

    Questions to ask the buyer

    1. What services would you like my IT organization to provide?
    2. How long do you anticipate those services will be provided to you?
    3. How do you expect your staff/employees to communicate requests or questions to my staff/employees?
    4. Are there certain days or times that you expect these services to be delivered?
    5. How many staff do you expect should be available to support you?
    6. What should be the acceptable response time on given service requests?
    7. When it comes to the services you require, what level of support should we provide?
    8. If a service requires escalation to Level 2 or Level 3 support, are we still expected to support this service? Or are we only Level 1 support?
    9. What preventative security methods does your organization have to protect our environment during this agreement period?

    3.2.5 Create a service/ transaction agreement

    6 hours

    Input: Buyer's expectations, Separation roadmap

    Output: SLA for the purchasing organization

    Materials: Service Catalog Internal Service Level Agreement Template, M&A Separation Project Plan Tool (SharePoint), M&A Separation Project Plan Tool (Excel)

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership, Company M&A team, Purchasing company M&A team, Purchasing company IT leadership

    The purpose of this activity is to determine if the buyer has specific service expectations for your IT organization post-transaction that your IT organization is agreeing to provide.

    1. Document the expected services and the related details in a service-level agreement.
    2. Provide the SLA to the purchasing organization.
    3. Obtain sign-off from both organizations on the level of service that is expected of IT.
    4. Update the M&A Separation Project Management Tool Excel or SharePoint document to reflect any additional items that the purchasing organization identified.

    *For organizations being purchased in their entirety, this activity may not be relevant.

    Modify the Service Catalog Internal Service Level Agreement with the agreed-upon terms of the SLA.

    Importance of estimating separation costs

    Change is the key driver of separation costs

    Separation costs are dependent on the following:
    • Meeting synergy targets – whether that be cost saving or growth related.
      • Employee-related costs, licensing, and reconfiguration fees play a huge part in meeting synergy targets.
    • Adjustments related to compliance or regulations – especially if there are changes to legal entities, reporting requirements, or risk mitigation standards.
    • Governance or third party–related support required to ensure timelines are met and the separation is a success.
    Separation costs vary by industry type.
    • Certain industries may have separation costs made up of mostly one type, differing from other industries, due to the complexity and demands of the transaction. For example:
      • Healthcare separation costs are mostly driven by regulatory, safety, and quality standards, as well as consolidation of the research and development function.
      • Energy and Utilities tend to have the lowest separation costs due to most transactions occurring within the same sector rather than as cross-sector investments. For example, oil and gas transactions tend to be for oil fields and rigs (strategic fixed assets), which can easily be added to the buyer’s portfolio.

    Separation costs are more related to the degree of change required than the size of the transaction.

    3.2.6 Estimate separation costs

    3-4 hours

    Input: Separation tasks, Transition team, Valuation of current IT environment, Valuation of target IT environment, Outputs from data room, Technical debt, Employees

    Output: List of anticipated costs required to support IT separation

    Materials: Separation task checklist, Separation roadmap, M&A Sell Playbook

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership, Company M&A team, Transition team

    The purpose of this activity is to estimate the costs that will be associated with the separation. Identify and communicate a realistic figure to the larger M&A team within your company as early in the process as possible. This ensures that the funding required for the transaction is secured and budgeted for in the overarching transaction.

    1. On the associated slide in the M&A Sell Playbook, input:
      • Task
      • Domain
      • Cost type
      • Total cost amount
      • Level of certainty around the cost
    2. Provide a copy of the estimated costs to the company’s M&A team. Also provide any additional information identified earlier to help them understand the importance of those costs.

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    Employee transition planning

    Considering employee impact will be a huge component to ensure successful separation

    • Meet With Leadership
    • Plan Individual and Department Redeployment
    • Plan Individual and Department Layoffs
    • Monitor and Manage Departmental Effectiveness
    • For employees, the transition could mean:
      • Changing from their current role to a new role to meet requirements and expectations throughout the transition.
      • Being laid off because the role they are currently occupying has been made redundant.
    • It is important to plan for what the M&A separation needs will be and what the IT operational needs will be.
    • A lack of foresight into this long-term plan could lead to undue costs and headaches trying to retain critical staff, rehiring positions that were already let go, and keeping redundant employees longer then necessary.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Being transparent throughout the process is critical. Do not hesitate to tell employees the likelihood that their job may be made redundant. This will ensure a high level of trust and credibility for those who remain with the organization after the transaction.

    3.2.7 Create an employee transition plan

    3-4 hours

    Input: IT strategy, IT organizational design

    Output: Employee transition plans

    Materials: M&A Sell Playbook, Whiteboard, Sticky notes, Markers

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership, Company M&A team, Transition team

    The purpose of this activity is to create a transition plan for employees.

    1. Transition planning can be done at specific individual levels or more broadly to reflect a single role. Consider these four items in the transition plan:
      • Understand the direction of the employee transitions.
      • Identify employees that will be involved in the transition (moved or laid off).
      • Prepare to meet with employees.
      • Meet with employees.
    2. For each employee that will be facing some sort of change in their regular role, permanent or temporary, create a transition plan.
    3. For additional information on transitioning employees, review the blueprint Streamline Your Workforce During a Pandemic.

    **Note that if someone’s future role is a layoff, then there is no need to record anything for skills needed or method for skill development.

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    3.2.8 Create functional workplans for employees

    3-4 hours

    Input: Prioritized separation tasks, Employee transition plan, Separation RACI, Costs for activities, Activity owners

    Output: Employee functional workplans

    Materials: M&A Sell Playbook, Learning and development tools

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership, IT management team, Company M&A team, Transition team

    The purpose of this activity is to create a functional workplan for the different employees so that they know what their key role and responsibilities are once the transaction occurs.

    1. First complete the transition plan from the previous activity (3.2.7) and the separation roadmap. Have these documents ready to review throughout this process.
    2. Identify the employees who will be transitioning to a new role permanently or temporarily. Creating a functional workplan is especially important for these employees.
    3. Identify the skills these employees need to have to support the separation. Record this in the corresponding slide in the M&A Sell Playbook.
    4. For each employee, identify someone who will be a point of contact for them throughout the transition.

    It is recommended that each employee have a functional workplan. Leverage the IT managers to support this task.

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    Metrics for separation

    Valuation & Due Diligence

    • % Defects discovered in production
    • $ Cost per user for enterprise applications
    • % In-house-built applications vs. enterprise applications
    • % Owners identified for all data domains
    • # IT staff asked to participate in due diligence
    • Change to due diligence
    • IT budget variance
    • Synergy target

    Execution & Value Realization

    • % Satisfaction with the effectiveness of IT capabilities
    • % Overall end-customer satisfaction
    • $ Impact of vendor SLA breaches
    • $ Savings through cost-optimization efforts
    • $ Savings through application rationalization and technology standardization
    • # Key positions empty
    • % Frequency of staff turnover
    • % Emergency changes
    • # Hours of unplanned downtime
    • % Releases that cause downtime
    • % Incidents with identified problem record
    • % Problems with identified root cause
    • # Days from problem identification to root cause fix
    • % Projects that consider IT risk
    • % Incidents due to issues not addressed in the security plan
    • # Average vulnerability remediation time
    • % Application budget spent on new build/buy vs. maintenance (deferred feature implementation, enhancements, bug fixes)
    • # Time (days) to value realization
    • % Projects that realized planned benefits
    • $ IT operational savings and cost reductions that are related to synergies/divestitures
    • % IT staff–related expenses/redundancies
    • # Days spent on IT separation
    • $ Accurate IT budget estimates
    • % Revenue growth directly tied to IT delivery
    • % Profit margin growth

    3.2.9 Align project metrics with identified tasks

    3-4 hours

    Input: Prioritized separation tasks, Employee transition plan, Separation RACI, Costs for activities, Activity owners, M&A goals

    Output: Separation-specific metrics to measure success

    Materials: Separation roadmap, M&A Sell Playbook

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership, Transition team

    The purpose of this activity is to understand how to measure the success of the separation project by aligning metrics to each identified task.

    1. Review the M&A goals identified by the business. Your metrics will need to tie back to those business goals.
    2. Identify metrics that align to identified tasks and measure achievement of those goals. For each metric you consider, ask the following questions:
      • What is the main goal or objective that this metric is trying to solve?
      • What does success look like?
      • Does the metric promote the right behavior?
      • Is the metric actionable? What is the story you are trying to tell with this metric?
      • How often will this get measured?
      • Are there any metrics it supports or is supported by?

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    By the end of this mid-transaction phase you should:

    Have successfully evaluated your IT people, processes, and technology to determine a roadmap forward for separating or selling.

    Key outcomes from the Due Diligence & Preparation phase
    • Participate in due diligence activities to comply with regulatory and auditing standards and prepare employees for the transition.
    • Create a separation roadmap that considers the tasks that will need to be completed and the resources required to support separation.
    Key deliverables from the Due Diligence & Preparation phase
    • Drive value with a due diligence charter
    • Gather data room artifacts
    • Measure staff engagement
    • Assess culture
    • Create a carve-out roadmap
    • Prioritize separation tasks
    • Establish the separation roadmap
    • Identify the buyer’s IT expectations
    • Create a service/transaction agreement
    • Estimate separation costs
    • Create an employee transition plan
    • Create functional workplans for employees
    • Align project metrics with identified tasks

    M&A Sell Blueprint

    Phase 4

    Execution & Value Realization

    Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3

    Phase 4

    • 1.1 Identify Stakeholders and Their Perspective of IT
    • 1.2 Assess IT’s Current Value and Future State
    • 1.3 Drive Innovation and Suggest Reduction Opportunities
    • 2.1 Establish the M&A Program Plan
    • 2.2 Prepare IT to Engage in the Separation or Sale
    • 3.1 Engage in Due Diligence and Prepare Staff
    • 3.2 Prepare to Separate
    • 4.1 Execute the Transaction
    • 4.2 Reflection and Value Realization

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Monitor service agreements
    • Continually update the project plan
    • Confirm separation costs
    • Review IT’s transaction value
    • Conduct a transaction and separation SWOT
    • Review the playbook and prepare for future transactions

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • IT executive/CIO
    • IT senior leadership
    • Vendor management team
    • IT transaction team
    • Company M&A team

    Workshop Overview

    Contact your account representative for more information. 1-888-670-8889


    Day 1

    Day 2

    Day 3

    Engage in Separation

    Day 4

    Establish the Transaction FoundationDiscover the Motivation for IntegrationPlan the Separation RoadmapPrepare Employees for the TransitionEngage in SeparationAssess the Transaction Outcomes (Must be within 30 days of transaction date)


    • 0.1 Identify the rationale for the company's decision to pursue a divestiture/sale.
    • 0.2 Identify key stakeholders and determine the IT transaction team.
    • 0.3 Gather and evaluate the M&A strategy, future-state operating model, and governance.
    • 1.1 Review the business rationale for the divestiture/sale.
    • 1.2 Identify pain points and opportunities tied to the divestiture/sale.
    • 1.3 Establish the separation strategy.
    • 1.4 Create the due diligence charter.
    • 2.1 Prioritize separation tasks.
    • 2.2 Establish the separation roadmap.
    • 2.3 Establish and align project metrics with identified tasks.
    • 2.4 Estimate separation costs.
    • 3.1 Measure staff engagement
    • 3.2 Assess the current culture and identify the goal culture.
    • 3.3 Create an employee transition plan.
    • 3.4 Create functional workplans for employees.
    • S.1 Complete the separation by regularly updating the project plan.
    • S.2 Assess the service/technical transaction agreement.
    • 4.1 Confirm separation costs.
    • 4.2 Review IT’s transaction value.
    • 4.3 Conduct a transaction and separation SWOT.
    • 4.4 Review the playbook and prepare for future transactions.


    1. IT strategy
    2. IT operating model
    3. IT governance structure
    4. M&A transaction team
    1. Business context implications for IT
    2. Separation strategy
    3. Due diligence charter
    1. Separation roadmap and associated resourcing
    1. Engagement assessment
    2. Culture assessment
    3. Employee transition plans and workplans
    1. Evaluate service/technical transaction agreement
    2. Updated separation project plan
    1. SWOT of transaction
    2. M&A Sell Playbook refined for future transactions

    What is the Execution & Value Realization phase?

    Post-transaction state

    Once the transaction comes to a close, it’s time for IT to deliver on the critical separation tasks. As the selling organization in this transaction, you need to ensure you have a roadmap that properly enables the ongoing delivery of your IT environment while simultaneously delivering the necessary services to the purchasing organization.

    Throughout the separation transaction, some of the most common obstacles IT should prepare for include difficulty separating the IT environment, loss of key personnel, disengaged employees, and security/compliance issues.

    Post-transaction, the business needs to understands the value they received by engaging in the transaction and the ongoing revenue they might obtain as a result of the sale. You also need to ensure that the IT environment is functioning and mitigating any high-risk outcomes.

    Goal: To carry out the planned separation activities and deliver the intended value to the business.

    Execution Prerequisite Checklist

    Before coming into the Execution & Value Realization phase, you must have addressed the following:

    • Understand the rationale for the company's decisions to pursue a sale or divestiture and what opportunities or pain points the sale should alleviate.
    • Identify the key roles for the transaction team.
    • Identify the M&A governance.
    • Determine target metrics.
    • Select a separation strategy framework.
    • Conduct a RACI for key transaction tasks for the transaction team.
    • Create a carve-out roadmap.
    • Prioritize separation tasks.
    • Establish the separation roadmap.
    • Create employee transition plans.

    Before coming into the Execution & Value Realization phase, we recommend addressing the following:

    • Create vision and mission statements.
    • Establish guiding principles.
    • Create a future-state operating model.
    • Identify the M&A operating model.
    • Document the communication plan.
    • Examine the business perspective of IT.
    • Identify key stakeholders and outline their relationship to the M&A process.
    • Establish a due diligence charter.
    • Be able to valuate the IT environment and communicate IT’s value to the business.
    • Gather and present due diligence data room artifacts.
    • Measure staff engagement.
    • Assess and plan for culture.
    • Estimate separation costs.
    • Create functional workplans for employees.
    • Identify the buyer’s IT expectations.
    • Create a service/ transaction agreement.

    Separation checklists

    Prerequisite Checklist
    • Build the project plan for separation and prioritize activities
      • Plan first day
      • Plan first 30/100 days
      • Plan first year
    • Create an organization-aligned IT strategy
    • Identify critical stakeholders
    • Create a communication strategy
    • Understand the rationale for the sale or divestiture
    • Develop IT's sale/divestiture strategy
      • Determine goal opportunities
      • Create the mission and vision statements
      • Create the guiding principles
      • Create program metrics
    • Consolidate reports from due diligence/data room
    • Conduct culture assessment
    • Create a transaction team
    • Establish a service/technical transaction agreement
    • Plan and communicate culture changes
    • Create an employee transition plan
    • Assess baseline engagement
    • Design an enterprise architecture
    • Document your business architecture
    • Meet compliance and regulatory standards
    • Identify and assess all of IT's risks
    • Prioritize and address critical applications
      • CRM
      • HRIS
      • Financial
      • Sales
      • Risk
      • Security
      • ERP
      • Email
    • Develop method of separating applications
    • Model critical applications that have dependencies on one another
    • Identify the infrastructure capacity required to support critical applications
    • Prioritize and address critical applications
    Leadership/IT Executive
    • Build an IT budget
    • Structure operating budget
    • Structure capital budget
    • Identify the workforce demand vs. capacity
    • Establish and monitor key metrics
    • Communicate value realized/cost savings
    • Confirm data strategy
    • Confirm data governance
    • Build a data architecture roadmap
    • Analyze data sources and domains
    • Evaluate data storage (on-premises vs. cloud)
    • Develop an enterprise content management strategy and roadmap
    • Ensure cleanliness/usability of data sets
    • Identify data sets that can remain operational if reduced/separated
    • Develop reporting and analytics capabilities
    • Confirm data strategy
    • Manage sales access to customer data
    • Determine locations and hours of operation
    • Separate/terminate phone lists and extensions
    • Split email address books
    • Communicate helpdesk/service desk information

    Separation checklists (continued)

    • Manage organization domains
    • Consolidate data centers
    • Compile inventory of vendors, versions, switches, and routers
    • Review hardware lease or purchase agreements
    • Review outsourcing/service provider agreements
    • Review service-level agreements
    • Assess connectivity linkages between locations
    • Plan to migrate to a single email system if necessary
    • Determine network access concerns
    • Establish a sustainable vendor management office
    • Review vendor landscape
    • Identify warranty options
    • Identify the licensing grant
    • Rationalize vendor services and solutions
    • Design an IT operating model
    • Design your future IT organizational structure
    • Conduct a RACI for prioritized activities
    • Conduct a culture assessment and identify goal IT culture
    • Build an IT employee engagement program
    • Determine critical roles and systems/process/products they support
    • Define new job descriptions with meaningful roles and responsibilities
    • Create employee transition plans
    • Create functional workplans
    • Identify projects to be on hold
    • Communicate project intake process
    • Reprioritize projects
    Products & Services
    • Redefine service catalog
    • Ensure customer interaction requirements are met
    • Select a solution for product lifecycle management
    • Plan service-level agreements
    • Conduct a security assessment
    • Develop accessibility prioritization and schedule
    • Establish an information security strategy
    • Develop a security awareness and training program
    • Develop and manage security governance, risk, and compliance
    • Identify security budget
    • Build a data privacy and classification program
    IT Processes
    • Evaluate current process models
    • Determine productivity/capacity levels of processes
    • Identify processes to be changed/terminated
    • Establish a communication plan
    • Develop a change management process
    • Establish/review IT policies
    • Evaluate current process models

    Execution & Value Realization

    Step 4.1

    Execute the Transaction


    • 4.1.1 Monitor service agreements
    • 4.1.2 Continually update the project plan

    This step will walk you through the following activities:

    • Monitor service agreements
    • Continually update the project plan

    This step involves the following participants:

    • IT executive/CIO
    • IT senior leadership
    • Vendor management team
    • IT transaction team
    • Company M&A team

    Outcomes of Step

    Successfully execute the separation of the IT environments and update the project plan, strategizing against any roadblocks as they come.

    Key concerns to monitor during separation

    If you are entering the transaction at this point, consider and monitor the following three items above all else.

    Your IT environment, reputation as an IT leader, and impact on key staff will depend on monitoring these aspects.

    • Risk & Security. Make sure that the channels of communication between the purchasing organization and your IT environment are properly determined and protected. This might include updating or removing employees’ access to certain programs.
    • Retaining Employees. Employees who do not see a path forward in the organization or who feel that their skills are being underused will be quick to move on. Make sure they are engaged before, during, and after the transaction to avoid losing employees.
    • IT Environment Dependencies. Testing the IT environment several times and obtaining sign-off from auditors that this has been completed correctly should be completed well before the transaction occurs. Have a strong architecture outlining technical dependencies.

    For more information, review:

    • Reduce and Manage Your Organization’s Insider Threat Risk
    • Map Technical Skills for a Changing Infrastructure Operations Organization
    • Build a Data Architecture Roadmap

    4.1.1 Monitor service agreements

    3-6 months

    Input: Original service agreement, Risk register

    Output: Service agreement confirmed

    Materials: Original service agreement

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership, External organization IT senior leadership

    The purpose of this activity is to monitor the established service agreements on an ongoing basis. Your organization is most at risk during the initial months following the transaction.

    1. Ensure the right controls exist to prevent the organization from unnecessarily opening itself up to risks.
    2. Meet with the purchasing organization/subsidiary three months after the transaction to ensure that everyone is satisfied with the level of services provided.
    3. This is not a quick and completed activity, but one that requires ongoing monitoring. Repeatedly identify potential risks worth mitigating.

    For additional information and support for this activity, see the blueprint Build an IT Risk Management Program.

    4.1.2 Continually update the project plan

    Reoccurring basis following transition

    Input: Prioritized separation tasks, Separation RACI, Activity owners

    Output: Updated separation project plan

    Materials: M&A Separation Project Plan Tool (SharePoint), M&A Separation Project Plan Tool (Excel)

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership, IT transaction team, Company M&A team

    The purpose of this activity is to ensure that the project plan is continuously updated as your transaction team continues to execute on the various components outlined in the project plan.

    1. Set a regular cadence for the transaction team to meet, update the project plan, review the status of the various separation task items, and strategize how to overcome any roadblocks.
    2. Employ governance best practices in these meetings to ensure decisions can be made effectively and resources allocated strategically.

    Record the updates in the M&A Separation Project Management Tool (SharePoint).

    Record the updates in the M&A Separation Project Management Tool (Excel).

    Execution & Value Realization

    Step 4.2

    Reflection and Value Realization


    • 4.2.1 Confirm separation costs
    • 4.2.2 Review IT’s transaction value
    • 4.2.3 Conduct a transaction and separation SWOT
    • 4.2.4 Review the playbook and prepare for future transactions

    This step involves the following participants:

    • IT executive/CIO
    • IT senior leadership
    • Transition team
    • Company M&A team

    Outcomes of Step

    Review the value that IT was able to generate around the transaction and strategize about how to improve future selling or separating transactions.

    4.2.1 Confirm separation costs

    3-4 hours

    Input: Separation tasks, Carve-out roadmap, Transition team, Previous RACI, Estimated separation costs

    Output: Actual separation costs

    Materials: M&A Sell Playbook

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership, Transaction team, Company M&A team

    The purpose of this activity is to confirm the associated costs around separation. While the separation costs would have been estimated previously, it’s important to confirm the costs that were associated with the separation in order to provide an accurate and up-to-date report to the company’s M&A team.

    1. Taking all the original items identified previously in activity 3.2.6, identify if there were changes in the estimated costs. This can be an increase or a decrease.
    2. Ensure that each cost has a justification for why the cost changed from the original estimation.

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    Track cost savings and revenue generation

    Throughout the transaction, the business would have communicated its goals, rationales, and expectations for the transaction. Sometimes this is done explicitly, and other times the information is implicit. Either way, IT needs to ensure that metrics have been defined and are measuring the intended value that the business expects. Ensure that the benefits realized to the organization are being communicated regularly and frequently.

    1. Define Metrics: Select metrics to track synergies through the separation.
      1. You can track value by looking at percentages of improvement in process-level metrics depending on the savings or revenue being pursued.
      2. For example, if the value being pursued is decreasing costs, metrics could range from capacity to output, highlighting that the output remains high despite smaller IT environments.
    2. Prioritize Value-Driving Initiatives: Estimate the cost and benefit of each initiative's implementation to compare the amount of business value to the cost. The benefits and costs should be illustrated at a high level. Estimating the exact dollar value of fulfilling a synergy can be difficult and misleading.
      • Determine the benefits that each initiative is expected to deliver.
      • Determine the high-level costs of implementation (capacity, time, resources, effort).
    3. Track Cost Savings and Revenue Generation: Develop a detailed workplan to resource the roadmap and track where costs are saved and revenue is generated as the initiatives are undertaken.

    4.2.2 Review IT’s transaction value

    3-4 hours

    Input: Prioritized separation tasks, Separation RACI, Activity owners, M&A company goals

    Output: Transaction value

    Materials: M&A Sell Playbook

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership, Company's M&A team

    The purpose of this activity is to track how your IT organization performed against the originally identified metrics.

    1. If your organization did not have the opportunity to identify metrics, determine from the company M&A what those metrics might be. Review activity 3.2.9 for more information on metrics.
    2. Identify whether the metric (which should support a goal) was at, below, or above the original target metric. This is a very critical task for IT to complete because it allows IT to confirm that they were successful in the transaction and that the business can count on them in future transactions.
    3. Be sure to record accurate and relevant information on why the outcomes (good or bad) are supporting the M&A goals set out by the business.

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    4.2.3 Conduct a transaction and separation SWOT

    2 hours

    Input: Separation costs, Retention rates, Value that IT contributed to the transaction

    Output: Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats

    Materials: Flip charts, Markers, Sticky notes

    Participants: IT executive/CIO, IT senior leadership, Business transaction team

    The purpose of this activity is to assess the positive and negative elements of the transaction.

    1. Consider the internal and external elements that could have impacted the outcome of the transaction.
      • Strengths. Internal characteristics that are favorable as they relate to your development environment.
      • Weaknesses Internal characteristics that are unfavorable or need improvement.
      • Opportunities External characteristics that you may use to your advantage.
      • Threats External characteristics that may be potential sources of failure or risk.

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    M&A Sell Playbook review

    With an acquisition complete, your IT organization is now more prepared then ever to support the business through future M&As

    • Now that the transaction is more than 80% complete, take the opportunity to review the key elements that worked well and the opportunities for improvement.
    • Critically examine the M&A Sell Playbook your IT organization created and identify what worked well to help the transaction and where your organization could adjust to do better in future transactions.
    • If your organization were to engage in another sale or divestiture under your IT leadership, how would you go about the transaction to make sure the company meets its goals?

    4.2.4 Review the playbook and prepare for future transactions

    4 hours

    Input: Transaction and separation SWOT

    Output: Refined M&A playbook

    Materials: M&A Sell Playbook

    Participants: IT executive/CIO

    The purpose of this activity is to revise the playbook and ensure it is ready to go for future transactions.

    1. Using the outputs from the previous activity, 4.2.3, determine what strengths and opportunities there were that should be leveraged in the next transaction.
    2. Likewise, determine which threats and weaknesses could be avoided in the future transactions.
      Remember, this is your M&A Sell Playbook, and it should reflect the most successful outcome for you in your organization.

    Record the results in the M&A Sell Playbook.

    By the end of this post-transaction phase you should:

    Have completed the separation post-transaction and be fluidly delivering the critical value that the business expected of IT.

    Key outcomes from the Execution & Value Realization phase
    • Ensure the separation tasks are being completed and that any blockers related to the transaction are being removed.
    • Determine where IT was able to realize value for the business and demonstrate IT’s involvement in meeting target goals.
    Key deliverables from the Execution & Value Realization phase
    • Monitor service agreements
    • Continually update the project plan
    • Confirm separation costs
    • Review IT’s transaction value
    • Conduct a transaction and separation SWOT
    • Review the playbook and prepare for future transactions

    Summary of Accomplishment

    Problem Solved

    Congratulations, you have completed the M&A Sell Blueprint!

    Rather than reacting to a transaction, you have been proactive in tackling this initiative. You now have a process to fall back on in which you can be an innovative IT leader by suggesting how and why the business should engage in a separation or sale transaction. You have:

    • Created a standardized approach for how your IT organization should address divestitures or sales.
    • Retained critical staff and complied with any regulations throughout the transaction.
    • Delivered on the separation project plan successfully and communicated IT’s transaction value to the business.

    Now that you have done all of this, reflect on what went well and what can be improved if you were to engage in a similar divestiture or sale again.

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through other phases as part of an Info-Tech workshop.

    Contact your account representative for more information 1-888-670-8899

    Research Contributors and Experts

    Ibrahim Abdel-Kader
    Research Analyst | CIO
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Brittany Lutes
    Senior Research Analyst | CIO
    Info-Tech Research Group
    John Annand
    Principal Research Director | Infrastructure
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Scott Bickley
    Principal Research Director | Vendor Management
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Cole Cioran
    Practice Lead | Applications
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Dana Daher
    Research Analyst | Strategy & Innovation
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Eric Dolinar
    Manager | M&A Consulting
    Deloitte Canada
    Christoph Egel
    Director, Solution Design & Deliver
    Cooper Tire & Rubber Company
    Nora Fisher
    Vice President | Executive Services Advisory
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Larry Fretz
    Vice President | Industry
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Research Contributors and Experts

    David Glazer
    Vice President of Analytics
    Jack Hakimian
    Senior Vice President | Workshops and Delivery
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Gord Harrison
    Senior Vice President | Research & Advisory
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Valence Howden
    Principal Research Director | CIO
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Jennifer Jones
    Research Director | Industry
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Nancy McCuaig
    Senior Vice President | Chief Technology and Data Office
    IGM Financial Inc.
    Carlene McCubbin
    Practice Lead | CIO
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Kenneth McGee
    Research Fellow | Strategy & Innovation
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Nayma Naser
    Andy Neill
    Practice Lead | Data & Analytics, Enterprise Architecture
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Research Contributors and Experts

    Rick Pittman
    Vice President | Research
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Rocco Rao
    Research Director | Industry
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Mark Rosa
    Senior Vice President & Chief Information Officer
    Mohegan Gaming and Entertainment
    Tracy-Lynn Reid
    Research Lead | People & Leadership
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Jim Robson
    Senior Vice President | Shared Enterprise Services (retired)
    Great-West Life
    Steven Schmidt
    Senior Managing Partner Advisory | Executive Services
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Nikki Seventikidis
    Senior Manager | Finance Initiative & Continuous Improvement
    CST Consultants Inc.
    Allison Straker
    Research Director | CIO
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Justin Waelz
    Senior Network & Systems Administrator
    Info-Tech Research Group
    Sallie Wright
    Executive Counselor
    Info-Tech Research Group


    “5 Ways for CIOs to Accelerate Value During Mergers and Acquisitions.” Okta, n.d. Web.

    Altintepe, Hakan. “Mergers and acquisitions speed up digital transformation.”, 27 July 2018. Web.

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    Barbaglia, Pamela, and Joshua Franklin. “Global M&A sets Q1 record as dealmakers shape post-COVID world.” Nasdaq, 1 April 2021. Web.

    Boyce, Paul. “Mergers and Acquisitions Definition: Types, Advantages, and Disadvantages.” BoyceWire, 8 Oct. 2020. Web.

    Bradt, George. “83% Of Mergers Fail -- Leverage A 100-Day Action Plan For Success Instead.” Forbes, 27 Jan. 2015. Web.

    Capgemini. “Mergers and Acquisitions: Get CIOs, IT Leaders Involved Early.” Channel e2e, 19 June 2020. Web.

    Chandra, Sumit, et al. “Make Or Break: The Critical Role Of IT In Post-Merger Integration.” IMAA Institute, 2016. Web.

    Deloitte. “How to Calculate Technical Debt.” The Wall Street Journal, 21 Jan. 2015. Web.

    Ernst & Young. “IT As A Driver Of M&A Success.” IMAA Institute, 2017. Web.

    Fernandes, Nuno. “M&As In 2021: How To Improve The Odds Of A Successful Deal.” Forbes, 23 March 2021. Web.

    “Five steps to a better 'technology fit' in mergers and acquisitions.” BCS, 7 Nov. 2019. Web.

    Fricke, Pierre. “The Biggest Opportunity You’re Missing During an M&Aamp; IT Integration.” Rackspace, 4 Nov. 2020. Web.

    Garrison, David W. “Most Mergers Fail Because People Aren't Boxes.” Forbes, 24 June 2019. Web.

    Harroch, Richard. “What You Need To Know About Mergers & Acquisitions: 12 Key Considerations When Selling Your Company.” Forbes, 27 Aug. 2018. Web.

    Hope, Michele. “M&A Integration: New Ways To Contain The IT Cost Of Mergers, Acquisitions And Migrations.” Iron Mountain, n.d. Web.

    “How Agile Project Management Principles Can Modernize M&A.”, 13 April 2020. Web.

    Hull, Patrick. “Answer 4 Questions to Get a Great Mission Statement.” Forbes, 10 Jan. 2013. Web.

    Kanter, Rosabeth Moss. “What We Can Learn About Unity from Hostile Takeovers.” Harvard Business Review, 12 Nov. 2020. Web.

    Koller, Tim, et al. “Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, 7th edition.” McKinsey & Company, 2020. Web.

    Labate, John. “M&A Alternatives Take Center Stage: Survey.” The Wall Street Journal, 30 Oct. 2020. Web.

    Lerner, Maya Ber. “How to Calculate ROI on Infrastructure Automation.”, 1 July 2020. Web.

    Loten, Angus. “Companies Without a Tech Plan in M&A Deals Face Higher IT Costs.” The Wall Street Journal, 18 June 2019. Web.

    Low, Jia Jen. “Tackling the tech integration challenge of mergers today” Tech HQ, 6 Jan. 2020. Web.

    Lucas, Suzanne. “5 Reasons Turnover Should Scare You.” Inc. 22 March 2013. Web.

    “M&A Trends Survey: The future of M&A. Deal trends in a changing world.” Deloitte, Oct. 2020. Web.

    Maheshwari, Adi, and Manish Dabas. “Six strategies tech companies are using for successful divesting.” EY, 1 Aug. 2020. Web.

    Majaski, Christina. “Mergers and Acquisitions: What's the Difference?” Investopedia, 30 Apr. 2021.

    “Mergers & Acquisitions: Top 5 Technology Considerations.” Teksetra, 21 Jul. 2020. Web.

    “Mergers Acquisitions M&A Process.” Corporate Finance Institute, n.d. Web.

    “Mergers and acquisitions: A means to gain technology and expertise.” DLA Piper, 2020. Web.

    Nash, Kim S. “CIOs Take Larger Role in Pre-IPO Prep Work.” The Wall Street Journal, 5 March 2015. Web.

    O'Connell, Sean, et al. “Divestitures: How to Invest for Success.” McKinsey, 1 Aug. 2015. Web

    Paszti, Laila. “Canada: Emerging Trends In Information Technology (IT) Mergers And Acquisitions.” Mondaq, 24 Oct. 2019. Web.

    Patel, Kiison. “The 8 Biggest M&A Failures of All Time” Deal Room, 9 Sept. 2021. Web.

    Peek, Sean, and Paula Fernandes. “What Is a Vision Statement?” Business News Daily, 7 May 2020. Web.

    Ravid, Barak. “How divestments can re-energize the technology growth story.” EY, 14 July 2021. Web.

    Ravid, Barak. “Tech execs focus on growth amid increasingly competitive M&A market.” EY, 28 April 2021. Web.

    Resch, Scott. “5 Questions with a Mergers & Acquisitions Expert.” CIO, 25 June 2019. Web.

    Salsberg, Brian. “Four tips for estimating one-time M&A integration costs.” EY, 17 Oct. 2019. Web.

    Samuels, Mark. “Mergers and acquisitions: Five ways tech can smooth the way.” ZDNet, 15 Aug. 2018. Web.

    “SAP Divestiture Projects: Options, Approach and Challenges.” Cognizant, May, 2014. Web.

    Steeves, Dave. “7 Rules for Surviving a Merger & Acquisition Technology Integration.” Steeves and Associates, 5 Feb. 2020. Web.

    Tanaszi, Margaret. “Calculating IT Value in Business Terms.” CSO, 27 May 2004. Web.

    “The CIO Playbook. Nine Steps CIOs Must Take For Successful Divestitures.” SNP, 2016. Web.

    “The Role of IT in Supporting Mergers and Acquisitions.” Cognizant, Feb. 2015. Web.

    Torres, Roberto. “M&A playbook: How to prepare for the cost, staff and tech hurdles.” CIO Dive, 14 Nov. 2019. Web.

    “Valuation Methods.” Corporate Finance Institute, n.d. Web.

    Weller, Joe. “The Ultimate Guide to the M&A Process for Buyers and Sellers.” Smartsheet, 16 May 2019. Web.

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    The show must go on. Make sure your IT has right-sized DR capabilities.

    Present Security to Executive Stakeholders

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    • There is a disconnect between security leaders and executive stakeholders on what information is important to present.
    • Security leaders find it challenging to convey the necessary information to obtain support for security objectives.
    • Changes to the threat landscape and shifts in organizational goals exacerbate the issue, as they impact security leaders' ability to prioritize topics to be communicated.
    • Security leaders struggle to communicate the importance of security to a non-technical audience.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    Security presentations are not a one-way street. The key to a successful executive security presentation is having a goal for the presentation and ensuring that you have met your goal.

    Impact and Result

    • Developing a thorough understanding of the security communication goals.
    • Understanding the importance of leveraging highly relevant and understandable data.
    • Developing and delivering presentations that will keep your audience engaged and build trust with your executive stakeholders.

    Present Security to Executive Stakeholders Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Present Security to Executive Stakeholders – A step-by-step guide to communicating security effectively to obtain support from decision makers.

    Use this as a guideline to assist you in presenting security to executive stakeholders.

    • Present Security to Executive Stakeholders Storyboard

    2. Security Presentation Templates – A set of security presentation templates to assist you in communicating security to executive stakeholders.

    The security presentation templates are a set of customizable templates for various types of security presentation including:

    • Present Security to Executive Stakeholders Templates


    Further reading

    Present Security to Executive Stakeholders

    Learn how to communicate security effectively to obtain support from decision makers.

    Analyst Perspective

    Build and deliver an effective security communication to your executive stakeholders.

    Ahmad Jowhar

    As a security leader, you’re tasked with various responsibilities to ensure your organization can achieve its goals while its most important assets are being protected.

    However, when communicating security to executive stakeholders, challenges can arise in determining what topics are pertinent to present. Changes in the security threat landscape coupled with different business goals make identifying how to present security more challenging.

    Having a communication framework for presenting security to executive stakeholders will enable you to effectively identify, develop, and deliver your communication goals while obtaining the support you need to achieve your objectives.

    Ahmad Jowhar
    Research Specialist, Security & Privacy

    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    Common Obstacles

    Info-Tech’s Approach

    • Many security leaders struggle to decide what to present and how to present security to executive stakeholders.
    • Constant changes in the security threat landscape impacts a security leader’s ability to prioritize topics to be communicated.
    • There is a disconnect between security leaders and executive stakeholders on what information is important to present.
    • Security leaders struggle to communicate the importance of security to a non-technical audience.
    • Developing a thorough understanding of security communication goals.
    • Understanding the importance of leveraging highly relevant and understandable data.
    • Developing and delivering presentations that will keep your audience engaged and build trust with your executive stakeholders.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Security presentations are not a one-way street. The key to a successful executive security presentation is having a goal for the presentation and verifying that you have met your goal.

    Your challenge

    As a security leader, you need to communicate security effectively to executive stakeholders in order to obtain support for your security objectives.

    • When it comes to presenting security to executive stakeholders, many security leaders find it challenging to convey the necessary information in order to obtain support for security objectives.
    • This is attributed to various factors, such as an increase in the threat landscape, changes to industry regulations and standards, and new organizational goals that security has to align with.
    • Furthermore, with the limited time to communicate with executive stakeholders, both in frequency and duration, identifying the most important information to address can be challenging.

    76% of security leaders struggle in conveying the effectiveness of a cybersecurity program.

    62% find it difficult to balance the risk of too much detail and need-to-know information.

    41% find it challenging to communicate effectively with a mixed technical and non-technical audience.

    Source: Deloitte, 2022

    Common obstacles

    There is a disconnect between security leaders and executive stakeholders when it comes to the security posture of the organization:

    • Executive stakeholders are not confident that their security leaders are doing enough to mitigate security risks.
    • The issue has been amplified, with security threats constantly increasing across all industries.
    • However, security leaders don’t feel that they are in a position to make themselves heard.
    • The lack of organizational security awareness and support from cross-functional departments has made it difficult to achieve security objectives (e.g. education, investments).
    • Defining an approach to remove that disconnect with executive stakeholders is of utmost importance for security leaders, in order to improve their organization’s security posture.

    9% of boards are extremely confident in their organization’s cybersecurity risk mitigation measures.

    77% of organizations have seen an increase in the number of attacks in 2021.

    56% of security leaders claimed their team is not involved when leadership makes urgent security decisions.

    Source: EY, 2021
    The image contains a screenshot of an Info-Tech Thoughtmodel titled: Presenting Security to Executive Stakeholders.

    Info-Tech’s methodology for presenting security to executive stakeholders

    1. Identify communication goals

    2. Collect information to support goals

    3. Develop communication

    4. Deliver communication

    Phase steps

    1. Identify drivers for communicating to executives
    2. Define your goals for communicating to executives
    1. Identify data to collect
    2. Plan how to retrieve data
    1. Plan communication
    2. Build a compelling communication document
    1. Deliver a captivating presentation
    2. Obtain/verify goals

    Phase outcomes

    A defined list of drivers and goals to help you develop your security presentations

    A list of data sources to include in your communication

    A completed communication template

    A solidified understanding of how to effectively communicate security to your stakeholders

    Develop a structured process for communicating security to your stakeholders

    Security presentations are not a one-way street
    The key to a successful executive security presentation is having a goal for the presentation and verifying that you have met your goal.

    Identifying your goals is the foundation of an effective presentation
    Defining your drivers and goals for communicating security will enable you to better prepare and deliver your presentation, which will help you obtain your desired outcome.

    Harness the power of data
    Leveraging data and analytics will help you provide quantitative-based communication, which will result in a more meaningful and effective presentation.

    Take your audience on a journey
    Developing a storytelling approach will help engage with your audience.

    Win your audience by building a rapport
    Establishing credibility and trust with executive stakeholders will enable you to obtain their support for security objectives.

    Tactical insight
    Conduct background research on audience members (i.e. professional background) to help understand how best to communicate with them and overcome potential objections.

    Tactical insight
    Verifying your objectives at the end of the communication is important, as it ensures you have successfully communicated to executive stakeholders.

    Project deliverables

    This blueprint is accompanied by a supporting deliverable which includes five security presentation templates.

    Report on Security Initiatives
    Template showing how to inform executive stakeholders of security initiatives.

    Report on Security Initiatives.

    Security Metrics
    Template showing how to inform executive stakeholders of current security metrics that would help drive future initiatives.

    Security Metrics.

    Security Incident Response & Recovery
    Template showing how to inform executive stakeholders of security incidents, their impact, and the response plan.

    Security Incident Response & Recovery

    Security Funding Request
    Template showing how to inform executive stakeholders of security incidents, their impact, and the response plan.

    Security Funding Request

    Key template:

    Security and Risk Update

    Template showing how to inform executive stakeholders of proactive security and risk initiatives.

    Blueprint benefits

    IT/InfoSec benefits

    Business benefits

    • Reduce effort and time spent preparing cybersecurity presentations for executive stakeholders by having templates to use.
    • Enable security leaders to better prepare what to present and how to present it to their executive stakeholders, as well as driving the required outcomes from those presentations.
    • Establish a best practice for communicating security and IT to executive stakeholders.
    • Gain increased awareness of cybersecurity and the impact executive stakeholders can have on improving an organization’s security posture.
    • Understand how security’s alignment with the business will enable the strategic growth of the organization.
    • Gain a better understanding of how security and IT objectives are developed and justified.

    Measure the value of this blueprint


    Measured Value (Yearly)

    Phase 1: Identify communication goals

    Cost to define drivers and goals for communicating security to executives:

    16 FTE hours @ $233K* =$1,940

    Phase 2: Collect information to support goals

    Cost to collect and synthesize necessary data to support communication goals:

    16 FTE hours @ $233K = $1,940

    Phase 3: Develop communication

    Cost to develop communication material that will contextualize information being shown:

    16 FTE hours @ $233K = $1,940

    Phase 4: Deliver communication

    Potential Savings:

    Total estimated effort = $5,820

    Our blueprint will help you save $5,820 and over 40 FTE hours

    * The financial figure depicts the annual salary of a CISO in 2022

    Source: Chief Information Security Officer Salary.”, 2022

    Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

    DIY Toolkit

    “Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful.”

    Guided Implementation

    “Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track.”


    “We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place.”


    “Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project.”

    Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options

    Phase 1

    Identify communication goals

    Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

    1.1 Identify drivers for communicating to executives

    1.2 Define your goals for communicating to executives

    2.1 Identify data to collect

    2.2 Plan how to retrieve data

    3.1 Plan communication

    3.2 Build a compelling communication document

    4.1 Deliver a captivating presentation

    4.2 Obtain/verify support for security goals

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Understanding the different drivers for communicating security to executive stakeholders
    • Identifying different communication goals

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Security leader

    1.1. Identify drivers for communicating to executive stakeholders

    As a security leader, you meet with executives and stakeholders with diverse backgrounds, and you aim to showcase your organization’s security posture along with its alignment with the business’ goals.

    However, with the constant changes in the security threat landscape, demands and drivers for security could change. Thus, understanding potential drivers that will influence your communication will assist you in developing and delivering an effective security presentation.

    39% of organizations had cybersecurity on the agenda of their board’s quarterly meeting.

    Source: EY, 2021.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Not all security presentations are the same. Keep your communication strategy and processes agile.

    Know your drivers for security presentations

    By understanding the influences for your security presentations, you will be able to better plan what to present to executive stakeholders.

    • These meetings, which are usually held once per quarter, provide you with less than one hour of presentation time.
    • Hence, it is crucial to know why you need to present security and whether these drivers are similar across the other presentations.

    Understanding drivers will also help you understand how to present security to executive stakeholders.

    • These drivers will shape the structure of your presentation and help determine your approach to communicating your goals.
    • For example, financial-based presentations that are driven by budget requests might create a sense of urgency or assurance about investment in a security initiative.

    Identify your communication drivers, which can stem from various initiatives and programs, including:

    • Results from internal or external audit reports.
    • Upcoming budget meetings.
    • Briefing newly elected executive stakeholders on security.

    When it comes to identifying your communication drivers, you can collaborate with subject matter experts, like your corporate secretary or steering committees, to ensure the material being communicated will align with some of the organizational goals.

    Examples of drivers for security presentations

    Upcoming internal or external audits might require updates on the organization’s compliance

    Organizational restructuring
    Restructuring within an organization could require security updates

    Merger & Acquisition
    An M&A would trigger presentations on organization’s current and future security posture

    Cyber incident
    A cyberattack would require an immediate presentation on its impact and the incident response plan

    Ad hoc
    Provide security information requested by stakeholders

    1.2. Define your goals for communicating to executives

    After identifying drivers for your communication, it’s important to determine what your goals are for the presentation.

    • Communication drivers are mainly triggers for why you want to present security.
    • Communication goals are the potential outcomes you are hoping to obtain from the presentation.
    • Your communication goals would help identify what data and metrics to include in your presentation, the structure of your communication deck, and how you deliver your communication to executive stakeholders.

    Identifying your communication goals could require the participation of the security team, IT leadership, and other business stakeholders.

    • As a group, brainstorm the security goals that align with your business goals for the coming year.
      • Aim to have at least two business goals that align with each security goal.
    • Identify what benefits and value the executive stakeholders will gain from the security goal being presented.
      • E.g. Increased security awareness, updates on organization's security posture.
    • Identify what the ask is for this presentation.
      • E.g. Approval for increasing budget to support security initiatives, executive support to implement internal security programs.

    Info-Tech Insight

    There can be different reasons to communicate security to executive stakeholders. You need to understand what you want to get out of your presentation.

    Examples of security presentation goals

    Educate the board on security trends and/or latest risks in the industry

    Provide updates on security initiatives, relevant security metrics, and compliance posture

    Provide an incident response plan due to a security incident or deliver updates on current threats and risks

    Request funding for security investments or financial updates on past security initiatives

    Ad hoc
    Provide security information requested by stakeholders

    Phase 2

    Collect information to support goals

    Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4

    1.1 Identify drivers for communicating to executives

    1.2 Define your goals for communicating to executives

    2.1 Identify data to collect

    2.2 Plan how to retrieve data

    3.1 Plan communication

    3.2 Build a compelling communication document

    4.1 Deliver a captivating presentation

    4.2 Obtain/verify support for security goals

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Understanding what types of data to include in your security presentations
    • Defining where and how to retrieve data

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Security leader
    • Network/security analyst

    2.1 Identify data to collect

    After identifying drivers and goals for your communication, it’s important to include the necessary data to justify the information being communicated.

    • Leveraging data and analytics will assist in providing quantitative-based communication, which will result in a more meaningful and effective presentation.
    • The data presented will showcase the visibility of an organization’s security posture along with potential risks and figures on how to mitigate those risks.
    • Providing analysis of the quantitative data presented will also showcase further insights on the figures, allow the audience to better understand the data, and show its relevance to the communication goals.

    Identifying data to collect doesn’t need to be a rigorous task; you can follow these steps to help you get started:

    • Work with your security team to identify the main type of data applicable to the communication goals.
      • E.g. Financial data would be meaningful to use when communicating a budget presentation.
    • Identify supporting data linked to the main data defined.
      • E.g. If a financial investment is made to implement a security initiative, then metrics on improvements to the security posture will be relevant.
    • Show how both the main and supporting data align with the communication goals.
      • E.g. Improvement in security posture would increase alignment with regulation standards, which would result in additional contracts being awarded and increased revenue.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Understand how to present your information in a way that will be meaningful to your audience, for instance by quantifying security risks in financial terms.

    Examples of data to present

    Number of organizations in industry impacted by data breaches during past year; top threats and risks affecting the industries

    Degree of compliance with standards (e.g. ISO-27001); metrics on improvement of security posture due to security initiatives

    Percentage of impacted clients and disrupted business functions; downtime; security risk likelihood and financial impact

    Capital and operating expenditure for investment; ROI on past and future security initiatives

    Ad hoc
    Number of security initiatives that went over budget; phishing test campaign results

    2.2 Plan how to retrieve the data

    Once the data that is going to be used for the presentation has been identified, it is important to plan how the data can be retrieved, processed, and shared.

    • Most of the data leveraged for security presentations are structured data, which are highly organized data that are often stored in a relational and easily searchable database.
      • This includes security log reports or expenditures for ongoing and future security investments.
    • Retrieving the data, however, would require collaboration and cooperation from different team members.
    • You would need to work with the security team and other appropriate stakeholders to identify where the data is stored and who the data owner is.

    Once the data source and owner has been identified, you need to plan how the data would be processed and leveraged for your presentation

    • This could include using queries to retrieve the relevant information needed (e.g. SQL, Microsoft Excel).
    • Verify the accuracy and relevance of the data with other stakeholders to ensure it is the most appropriate data to be presented to the executive stakeholders.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Using a data-driven approach to help support your objectives is key to engaging with your audience.

    Plan where to retrieve the data

    Identifying the relevant data sources to retrieve your data and the appropriate data owner enables efficient collaboration between departments collecting, processing, and communicating the data and graphics to the audience.

    Examples of where to retrieve your data

    Data Source


    Data Owner

    Communication Goal

    Audit & Compliance Reports

    Percentage of controls completed to be certified with ISO 27001; Number of security threats & risks identified.

    Audit Manager;

    Compliance Manager;

    Security Leader

    Ad hoc, Educate, Inform

    Identity & Access Management (IAM) Applications

    Number of privileged accounts/department; Percentage of user accounts with MFA applied

    Network/Security Analyst

    Ad hoc, Inform, Update

    Security Information & Event Management (SIEM)

    Number of attacks detected and blocked before & after implementing endpoint security; Percentage of firewall rules that triggered a false positive

    Network/Security Analyst

    Ad hoc, Inform, Update

    Vulnerability Management Applications

    Percentage of critical vulnerabilities patched; Number of endpoints encrypted

    Network/Security Analyst

    Ad hoc, Inform, Update

    Financial & Accounting Software

    Capital & operating expenditure for future security investments; Return on investment (ROI) on past and current security investments

    Financial and/or Accounting Manager

    Ad hoc, Educate, Investments

    Phase 3

    Develop communication

    Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4

    1.1 Identify drivers for communicating to executives

    1.2 Define your goals for communicating to executives

    2.1 Identify data to collect

    2.2 Plan how to retrieve data

    3.1 Plan communication

    3.2 Build a compelling communication document

    4.1 Deliver a captivating presentation

    4.2 Obtain/verify support for security goals

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Identifying a communication strategy for presenting security
    • Identifying security templates that are applicable to your presentation

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Security leader

    3.1 Plan communication: Know who your audience is

    • When preparing your communication, it's important to understand who your target audience is and to conduct background research on them.
    • This will help develop your communication style and ensure your presentation caters to the expected audience in the room.

    Examples of two profiles in a boardroom

    Formal board of directors

    The executive team

    • In the private sector, this will include an appointed board of shareholders and subcommittees external to the organization.
    • In the public sector, this can include councils, commissions, or the executive team itself.
    • In government, this can include mayors, ministers, and governors.
    • The board’s overall responsibility is governance.
    • This audience will include your boss and your peers internal to the organization.
    • This category is primarily involved in the day-to-day operations of the organization and is responsible for carrying out the strategic direction set by the board.
    • The executive team’s overall responsibility is operations.

    3.1.1 Know what your audience cares about

    • Understanding what your executive stakeholders value will equip you with the right information to include in your presentations.
    • Ensure you conduct background research on your audience to assist you in knowing what their potential interests are.
    • Your background research could include:
      • Researching the audience’s professional background through LinkedIn.
      • Reviewing their comments from past executive meetings.
      • Researching current security trends that align with organizational goals.
    • Once the values and risks have been identified, you can document them in notes and share the notes with subject matter experts to verify if these values and risks should be shared in the coming meetings.

    A board’s purpose can include the following:

    • Sustaining and expanding the organization’s purpose and ability to execute in a competitive market.
    • Determining and funding the organization’s future and direction.
    • Protecting and increasing shareholder value.
    • Protecting the company’s exposure to risks.

    Examples of potential values and risks

    • Business impact
    • Financial impact
    • Security and incidents

    Info-Tech Insight
    Conduct background research on audience members (e.g. professional background on LinkedIn) to help understand how best to communicate to them and overcome potential objections.

    Understand your audience’s concerns

    • Along with knowing what your audience values and cares about, understanding their main concerns will allow you to address those items or align them with your communication.
    • By treating your executive stakeholders as your project sponsors, you would build a level of trust and confidence with your peers as the first step to tackling their concerns.
    • These concerns can be derived from past stakeholder meetings, recent trends in the industry, or strategic business alignments.
    • After capturing their concerns, you’ll be equipped with the necessary understanding on what material to include and prioritize during your presentations.

    Examples of potential concerns for each profile of executive stakeholders

    Formal board of directors

    The executive team

    • Business impact (What is the impact of IT in solving business challenges?)
    • Investments (How will it impact organization’s finances and efficiency?)
    • Cybersecurity and risk (What are the top cybersecurity risks, and how is IT mitigating those risks to the business?)
    • Business alignment (How do IT priorities align to the business strategy and goals?)
    • IT operational efficiency (How is IT set up for success with foundational elements of IT’s operational strategy?)
    • Innovation & transformation priorities (How is IT enabling the organization’s competitive advantage and supporting transformation efforts as a strategic business partner?)

    Build your presentation to tackle their main concerns

    Your presentation should be well-rounded and compelling when it addresses the board’s main concerns about security.


    • Research your target audience (their backgrounds, board composition, dynamics, executive team vs. external group).
    • Include value and risk language in your presentation to appeal to your audience.
    • Ensure your content focuses on one or more of the board’s main concerns with security (e.g. business impact, investments, or risk).
    • Include information about what is in it for them and the organization.
    • Research your board’s composition and skillsets to determine their level of technical knowledge and expertise. This helps craft your presentation with the right amount of technology vs. business-facing information.

    Info-Tech Insight
    The executive stakeholder’s main concerns will always boil down to one important outcome: providing a level of confidence to do business through IT products, services, and systems – including security.

    3.1.2 Take your audience through a security journey

    • Once you have defined your intended target and their potential concerns, developing the communication through a storytelling approach will be the next step to help build a compelling presentation.
    • You need to help your executive stakeholders make sense of the information being conveyed and allow them to understand the importance of cybersecurity.
    • Taking your audience through a story will allow them to see the value of the information being presented and better resonate with its message.
    • You can derive insights for your storytelling presentation by doing the following:
      • Provide a business case scenario on the topic you are presenting.
      • Identify and communicate the business problem up front and answer the three questions (why, what, how).
      • Quantify the problems in terms of business impact (money, risk, value).

    Info-Tech Insight
    Developing a storytelling approach will help keep your audience engaged and allow the information to resonate with them, which will add further value to the communication.

    Identify the purpose of your presentation

    You should be clear about your bottom line and the intent behind your presentation. However, regardless of your bottom line, your presentation must focus on what business problems you are solving and why security can assist in solving the problem.

    Examples of communication goals

    To inform or educate

    To reach a decision

    • In this presentation type, it is easy for IT leaders to overwhelm a board with excessive or irrelevant information.
    • Focus your content on the business problem and the solution proposed.
    • Refrain from too much detail about the technology – focus on business impact and risk mitigated. Ask for feedback if applicable.
    • In this presentation type, there is a clear ask and an action required from the board of directors.
    • Be clear about what this decision is. Once again, don’t lead with the technology solution: Start with the business problem you are solving, and only talk about technology as the solution if time permits.
    • Ensure you know who votes and how to garner their support.

    Info-Tech Insight
    Nobody likes surprises. Communicate early and often. The board should be pre-briefed, especially if it is a difficult subject. This also ensures you have support when you deliver a difficult message.

    Gather the right information to include in your boardroom presentation

    Once you understand your target audience, it’s important to tailor your presentation material to what they will care about.

    Typical IT boardroom presentations include:

    • Communicating the value of ongoing business technology initiatives.
    • Requesting funds or approval for a business initiative that IT is spearheading.
    • Security incident response/Risk/DRP.
    • Developing a business program or an investment update for an ongoing program.
    • Business technology strategy highlights and impacts.
    • Digital transformation initiatives (value, ROI, risk).

    Info-Tech Insight
    You must always have a clear goal or objective for delivering a presentation in front of your board of directors. What is the purpose of your board presentation? Identify your objective and outcome up front and tailor your presentation’s story and contents to fit this purpose.

    Info-Tech Insight
    Telling a good story is not about the message you want to deliver but the one the executive stakeholders want to hear. Articulate what you want them to think and what you want them to take away, and be explicit about it in your presentation. Make your story logically flow by identifying the business problem, complication, the solution, and how to close the gap. Most importantly, communicate the business impacts the board will care about.

    Structure your presentation to tell a logical story

    To build a strong story for your presentation, ensure you answer these three questions:


    Why is this a business issue, or why should the executive stakeholders care?


    What is the impact of solving the problem and driving value for the company?


    How will we leverage our resources (technology, finances) to solve the problem?


    Scenario 1: The company has experienced a security incident.

    Intent: To inform/educate the board about the security incident.


    The data breach has resulted in a loss of customer confidence, negative brand impact, and a reduction in revenue of 30%.


    Financial, legal, and reputational risks identified, and mitigation strategies implemented. IT is working with the PR team on communications. Incident management playbook executed.


    An analysis of vulnerabilities was conducted and steps to address are in effect. Recovery steps are 90% completed. Incident management program reviewed for future incidents.

    Scenario 2: Security is recommending investments based on strategic priorities.

    Intent: To reach a decision with the board – approve investment proposal.


    The new security strategy outlines two key initiatives to improve an organization’s security culture and overall risk posture.


    Security proposed an investment to implement a security training & phishing test campaign, which will assist in reducing data breach risks.


    Use 5% of security’s budget to implement security training and phishing test campaigns.

    Time plays a key role in delivering an effective presentation

    What you include in your story will often depend on how much time you have available to deliver the message.

    Consider the following:

    • Presenting to executive stakeholders often means you have a short window of time to deliver your message. The average executive stakeholder presentation is 15 minutes, and this could be cut short due to other unexpected factors.
    • If your presentation is too long, you risk overwhelming or losing your audience. You must factor in the time constraints when building your board presentation.
    • Your executive stakeholders have a wealth of experience and knowledge, which means they could jump to conclusions quickly based on their own experiences. Ensure you give them plenty of background information in advance. Provide your presentation material, a brief, or any other supporting documentation before the meeting to show you are well prepared.
    • Be prepared to have deep conversations about the topic, but respect that the executive stakeholders might not be interested in hearing the tactical information. Build an elevator pitch, a one-pager, back-up slides that support your ask and the story, and be prepared to answer questions within your allotted presentation time to dive deeper.

    Navigating through Q&A

    Use the Q&A portion to build credibility with the board.

    • It is always better to say, “I’m not certain about the answer but will follow up,” than to provide false or inaccurate information on the spot.
    • When asked challenging or irrelevant questions, ensure you have an approach to deflect them. Questions can often be out of scope or difficult to answer in a group. Find what works for you to successfully navigate through these questions:
      • “Let’s work with the sub-committee to find you an answer.”
      • “Let’s take that offline to address in more detail.”
      • “I have some follow-up material I can provide you to discuss that further after our meeting.”
    • And ensure you follow up! Make sure to follow through on your promise to provide information or answers after the meeting. This helps build trust and credibility with the board.

    Info-Tech Insight
    The average board presentation is 15 minutes long. Build no more than three or four slides of content to identify the business problem, the business impacts, and the solution. Leave five minutes for questions at the end, and be prepared with back-up slides to support your answers.

    Storytelling checklist


    • Tailor your presentation based on how much time you have.
    • Find out ahead of time how much time you have.
    • Identify if your presentation is to inform/educate or reach a decision.
    • Identify and communicate the business problem up front and answer the three questions (why, what, how).
    • Express the problem in terms of business impact (risk, value, money).
    • Prepare and send pre-meeting collateral to the members of the board and executive team.
    • Include no more than 5-6 slides for your presentation.
    • Factor in Q&A time at the end of your presentation window.
    • Articulate what you want them to think and what you want them to take away – put it right up front and remind them at the end.
    • Have an elevator speech handy – one or two sentences and a one-pager version of your story.
    • Consider how you will build your relationship with the members outside the boardroom.

    3.1.3 Build a compelling communication document

    Once you’ve identified your communication goals, data, and plan to present to your stakeholders, it’s important to build the compelling communication document that will attract all audiences.

    A good slide design increases the likelihood that the audience will read the content carefully.

    • Bad slide structure (flow) = Audience loses focus
      • You can have great content on a slide, but if a busy audience gets confused, they’ll just close the file or lose focus. Structure encompasses horizontal and vertical logic.
    • Good visual design = Audience might read more
      • Readers will probably skim the slides first. If the slides look ugly, they will already have a negative impression. If the slides are visually appealing, they will be more inclined to read carefully. They may even use some slides to show others.
    • Good content + Good structure + Visual appeal = Good presentation
      • A presentation is like a house. Good content is the foundation of the house. Good structure keeps the house strong. Visual appeal differentiates houses.

    Slide design best practices

    Leverage these slide design best practices to assist you in developing eye-catching presentations.

    • Easy to read: Assume reader is tight on time. If a slide looks overwhelming, the reader will close the document.
    • Concise and clear: Fewer words = more skim-able.
    • Memorable: Use graphics and visuals or pithy quotes whenever you can do so appropriately.
    • Horizontal logic: Good horizontal logic will have slide titles that cascade into a story with no holes or gaps.
    • Vertical logic: People usually read from left to right, top to bottom, or in a Z pattern. Make sure your slide has an intuitive flow of content.
    • Aesthetics: People like looking at visually appealing slides, but make sure your attempts to create visual appeal do not detract from the content.

    Your presentation must have a logical flow

    Horizontal logic

    Vertical logic

    • Horizontal logic should tell a story.
    • When slide titles are read in a cascading manner, they will tell a logical and smooth story.
    • Title & tagline = thesis (best insight).
    • Vertical logic should be intuitive.
    • Each step must support the title.
    • The content you intend to include within each slide is directly applicable to the slide title.
    • One main point per slide.

    Vertical logic should be intuitive

    The image contains a screenshot example of a bad design layout for a slide. The image contains a screenshot example of a good design layout for a slide.

    The audience is unsure where to look and in what order.

    The audience knows to read the heading first. Then look within the pie chart. Then look within the white boxes to the right.

    Horizontal and vertical logic checklists

    Horizontal logic

    Vertical logic

    • List your slide titles in order and read through them.
    • Good horizontal logic should feel like a story. Incomplete horizontal logic will make you pause or frown.
    • After a self-test, get someone else to do the same exercise with you observing them.
    • Note at which points they pause or frown. Discuss how those points can be improved.
    • Now consider each slide title proposed and the content within it.
    • Identify if there is a disconnect in title vs. content.
    • If there is a disconnect, consider changing the title of the slide to appropriately reflect the content within it, or consider changing the content if the slide title is an intended path in the story.

    Make it easy to read

    The image contains a screenshot that demonstrates an uneasy to read slide. The image contains a screenshot that demonstrates an easy to read slide.
    • Unnecessary coloring makes it hard on the eyes
    • Margins for title at top is too small
    • Content is not skim-able (best to break up the slide)

    Increase skim-ability:

    • Emphasize the subheadings
    • Bold important words

    Make it easier on the eyes:

    • Declutter and add sections
    • Have more white space

    Be concise and clear

    1. Write your thoughts down
      • This gets your content documented.
      • Don’t worry about clarity or concision yet.
    2. Edit for clarity
      • Make sure the key message is very clear.
      • Find your thesis statement.
    3. Edit for concision
      • Remove unnecessary words.
      • Use the active voice, not passive voice (see below for examples).

    Passive voice

    Active voice

    “There are three things to look out for” (8 words)

    “Network security was compromised by hackers” (6 words)

    “Look for these three things” (5 words)

    “Hackers compromised network security” (4 words)

    Be memorable

    The image contains a screenshot of an example that demonstrates a bad example of how to be memorable. The image contains a screenshot of an example that demonstrates a good example of how to be memorable.

    Easy to read, but hard to remember the stats.

    The visuals make it easier to see the size of the problem and make it much more memorable.

    Remember to:

    • Have some kind of visual (e.g. graphs, icons, tables).
    • Divide the content into sections.
    • Have a bit of color on the page.


    The image contains a screenshot of an example of bad aesthetics. The image contains a screenshot of an example of good aesthetics.

    This draft slide is just content from the outline document on a slide with no design applied yet.

    • Have some kind of visual (e.g. graphs, icons, tables) as long as it’s appropriate.
    • Divide the content into sections.
    • Have a bit of color on the page.
    • Bold or italicize important text.

    Why use visuals?

    How graphics affect us


    • Engage our imagination
    • Stimulate the brain
    • Heighten creative thinking
    • Enhance or affect emotions


    • Enhance comprehension
    • Increase recollection
    • Elevate communication
    • Improve retention

    Visual clues

    • Help decode text
    • Attract attention
    • Increase memory


    • 43% more effective than text alone
    Source: Management Information Systems Research Center

    Presentation format

    Often stakeholders prefer to receive content in a specific format. Make sure you know what you require so that you are not scrambling at the last minute.

    • Is there a standard presentation template?
    • Is a hard-copy handout required?
    • Is there a deadline for draft submission?
    • Is there a deadline for final submission?
    • Will the presentation be circulated ahead of time?
    • Do you know what technology you will be using?
    • Have you done a dry run in the meeting room?
    • Do you know the meeting organizer?

    Checklist to build compelling visuals in your presentation

    Leverage this checklist to ensure you are creating the perfect visuals and graphs for your presentation.


    • Do the visuals grab the audience’s attention?
    • Will the visuals mislead the audience/confuse them?
    • Do the visuals facilitate data comparison or highlight trends and differences in a more effective manner than words?
    • Do the visuals present information simply, cleanly, and accurately?
    • Do the visuals display the information/data in a concentrated way?
    • Do the visuals illustrate messages and themes from the accompanying text?

    3.2 Security communication templates

    Once you have identified your communication goals and plans for building your communication document, you can start building your presentation deck.

    These presentation templates highlight different security topics depending on your communication drivers, goals, and available data.

    Info-Tech has created five security templates to assist you in building a compelling presentation.

    These templates provide support for presentations on the following five topics:

    • Security Initiatives
    • Security & Risk Update
    • Security Metrics
    • Security Incident Response & Recovery
    • Security Funding Request

    Each template provides instructions on how to use it and tips on ensuring the right information is being presented.

    All the templates are customizable, which enables you to leverage the sections you need while also editing any sections to your liking.

    The image contains screenshots of the Security Presentation Templates.

    Download the Security Presentation Templates

    Security template example

    It’s important to know that not all security presentations for an organization are alike. However, these templates would provide a guideline on what the best practices are when communicating security to executive stakeholders.

    Below is an example of instructions to complete the “Security Risk & Update” template. Please note that the security template will have instructions to complete each of its sections.

    The image contains a screenshot of the Executive Summary slide. The image contains a screenshot of the Security Goals & Objectives slide.

    The first slide following the title slide includes a brief executive summary on what would be discussed in the presentation. This includes the main security threats that would be addressed and the associated risk mitigation strategies.

    This slide depicts a holistic overview of the organization’s security posture in different areas along with the main business goals that security is aligning with. Ensure visualizations you include align with the goals highlighted.

    Security template example (continued)

    The image contains a screenshot example of the Top Threats & Risks. The image contains a screenshot example of the Top Threats & Risks.

    This slide displays any top threats and risks an organization is facing. Each threat consists of 2-3 risks and is prioritized based on the negative impact it could have on the organization (i.e. red bar = high priority; green bar = low priority). Include risks that have been addressed in the past quarter, and showcase any prioritization changes to those risks.

    This slide follows the “Top Threats & Risks” slide and focuses on the risks that had medium or high priority. You will need to work with subject matter experts to identify risk figures (likelihood, financial impact) that will enable you to quantify the risks (Likelihood x Financial Impact). Develop a threshold for each of the three columns to identify which risks require further prioritization, and apply color coding to group the risks.

    Security template example (continued)

    The image contains a screenshot example of the slide, Risk Analysis. The image contains a screenshot example of the slide, Risk Mitigation Strategies & Roadmap.

    This slide showcases further details on the top risks along with their business impact. Be sure to include recommendations for the risks and indicate whether further action is required from the executive stakeholders.

    The last slide of the “Security Risk & Update” template presents a timeline of when the different initiatives to mitigate security risks would begin. It depicts what initiatives will be completed within each fiscal year and the total number of months required. As there could be many factors to a project’s timeline, ensure you communicate to your executive stakeholders any changes to the project.

    Phase 4

    Deliver communication

    Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4

    1.1 Identify drivers for communicating to executives

    1.2 Define your goals for communicating to executives

    2.1 Identify data to collect

    2.2 Plan how to retrieve data

    3.1 Plan communication

    3.2 Build a compelling communication document

    4.1 Deliver a captivating presentation

    4.2 Obtain/verify support for security goals

    This phase will walk you through the following activities:

    • Identifying a strategy to deliver compelling presentations
    • Ensuring you follow best practices for communicating and obtaining your security goals

    This phase involves the following participants:

    • Security leader

    4.1 Deliver a captivating presentation

    You’ve gathered all your data, you understand what your audience is expecting, and you are clear on the outcomes you require. Now, it’s time to deliver a presentation that both engages and builds confidence.

    Follow these tips to assist you in developing an engaging presentation:

    • Start strong: Give your audience confidence that this will be a good investment of their time. Establish a clear direction for what’s going to be covered and what the desired outcome is.
    • Use your time wisely: Odds are, your audience is busy, and they have many other things on their minds. Be prepared to cover your content in the time allotted and leave sufficient time for discussion and questions.
    • Be flexible while presenting: Do not expect that your presentation will follow the path you have laid out. Anticipate jumping around and spending more or less time than you had planned on a given slide.

    Keep your audience engaged with these steps

    • Be ready with supporting data. Don’t make the mistake of not knowing your content intimately. Be prepared to answer questions on any part of it. Senior executives are experts at finding holes in your data.
    • Know your audience. Who are you presenting to? What are their specific expectations? Are there sensitive topics to be avoided? You can’t be too prepared when it comes to understanding your audience.
    • Keep it simple. Don’t assume that your audience wants to learn the details of your content. Most just want to understand the bottom line, the impact on them, and how they can help. More is not always better.
    • Focus on solving issues. Your audience members have many of their own problems and issues to worry about. If you show them how you can help make their lives easier, you’ll win them over.

    Info-Tech Insight
    Establishing credibility and trust with executive stakeholders is important to obtaining their support for security objectives.

    Be honest and straightforward with your communication

    • Be prepared. Being properly prepared means not only that your update will deliver the value that you expect, but also that you will have confidence and the flexibility you require when you’re taken off track.
    • Don’t sugarcoat it. These are smart, driven people that you are presenting to. It is neither beneficial nor wise to try to fool them. Be open and transparent about problems and issues. Ask for help.
    • No surprises. An executive stakeholder presentation is not the time or the place for a surprise. Issues seen as unexpected or contentious should always be dealt with prior to the meeting with those most impacted.

    Hone presentation skills before meeting with the executive stakeholders

    Know your environment

    Be professional but not boring

    Connect with your audience

    • Your organization has standards for how people are expected to dress at work. Make sure that your attire meets this standard – don’t be underdressed.
    • Think about your audience – would they appreciate you starting with a joke, or do they want you to get to the point as quickly as possible?
    • State the main points of your presentation confidently. While this should be obvious, it is essential. Your audience should be able to clearly see that you believe the points you are stating.
    • Present with lots of energy, smile, and use hand gestures to support your speech.
    • Look each member of the audience in the eye at least once during your presentation. Avoid looking at the ceiling, the back wall, or the floor. Your audience should feel engaged – this is essential to keeping their attention on you.
    • Never read from your slides. If there is text on a slide, paraphrase it while maintaining eye contact.

    Checklist for presentation logistics

    Optimize the timing of your presentation:

    • Less is more: Long presentations are detrimental to your cause – they lead to your main points being diluted. Keep your presentation short and concise.
    • Keep information relevant: Only present information that is important to your audience. This includes the information that they are expecting to see and information that connects to the business.
    • Expect delays: Your audience will likely have questions. While it is important to answer each question fully, it will take away from the precious time given to you for your presentation. Expect that you will not get through all the information you have to present.

    Script your presentation:

    • Use a script to stay on track: Script your presentation before the meeting. A script will help you present your information in a concise and structured manner.
    • Develop a second script: Create a script that is about half the length of the first script but still contains the most important points. This will help you prepare for any delays that may arise during the presentation.
    • Prepare for questions: Consider questions that may be asked and script clear and concise answers to each.
    • Practice, practice, practice: Practice your presentation until you no longer need the script in front of you.

    Checklist for presentation logistics (continued)

    Other considerations:

    • After the introduction of your presentation, clearly state the objective – don’t keep people guessing and consequently lose focus on your message.
    • After the presentation is over, document important information that came up. Write it down or you may forget it soon after.
    • Rather than create a long presentation deck full of detailed slides that you plan to skip over during the presentation, create a second, compact deck that contains only the slides you plan to present. Send out the longer deck after the presentation.

    Checklist for delivering a captivating presentation

    Leverage this checklist to ensure you are prepared to develop and deliver an engaging presentation.


    • Start with a story or something memorable to break the ice.
    • Go in with the end state in mind (focus on the outcome/end goal and work back from there) – What’s your call to action?
    • Content must compliment your end goal, filter out any content that doesn’t compliment the end goal.
    • Be prepared to have less time to speak. Be prepared with shorter versions of your presentation.
    • Include an appendix with supporting data, but don’t be data heavy in your presentation. Integrate the data into a story. The story should be your focus.

    Checklist for delivering a captivating presentation (continued)

    • Be deliberate in what you want to show your audience.
    • Ensure you have clean slides so the audience can focus on what you’re saying.
    • Practice delivering your content multiple times alone and in front of team members or your Info-Tech counselor, who can provide feedback.
    • How will you handle being derailed? Be prepared with a way to get back on track if you are derailed.
    • Ask for feedback.
    • Record yourself presenting.

    4.2 Obtain and verify support on security goals

    Once you’ve delivered your captivating presentation, it’s imperative to communicate with your executive stakeholders.

    • This is your opportunity to open the floor for questions and clarify any information that was conveyed to your audience.
    • Leverage your appendix and other supporting documents to justify your goals.
    • Different approaches to obtaining and verifying your goals could include:
      • Acknowledgment from the audience that information communicated aligns with the business’s goals.
      • Approval of funding requests for security initiatives.
      • Written and verbal support for implementation of security initiatives.
      • Identifying next steps for information to communicate at the next executive stakeholder meeting.

    Info-Tech Insight
    Verifying your objectives at the end of the presentation is important, as it ensures you have successfully communicated to executive stakeholders.

    Checklist for obtaining and verify support on security goals

    Follow this checklist to assist you in obtaining and verifying your communication goals.


    • Be clear about follow-up and next steps if applicable.
    • Present before you present: Meet with your executive stakeholders before the meeting to review and discuss your presentation and other supporting material and ensure you have executive/CEO buy-in.
    • “Be humble, but don’t crumble” – demonstrate to the executive stakeholders that you are an expert while admitting you don’t know everything. However, don’t be afraid to provide your POV and defend it if need be. Strike the right balance to ensure the board has confidence in you while building a strong relationship.
    • Prioritize a discussion over a formal presentation. Create an environment where they feel like they are part of the solution.

    Summary of Accomplishment

    Problem Solved

    A better understanding of security communication drivers and goals

    • Understanding the difference between communication drivers and goals
    • Identifying your drivers and goals for security presentation

    A developed a plan for how and where to retrieve data for communication

    • Insights on what type of data can be leveraged to support your communication goals
    • Understanding who you can collaborate with and potential data sources to retrieve data from

    A solidified communication plan with security templates to assist in better presenting to your audience

    • A guideline on how to prepare security presentations to executive stakeholders
    • A list of security templates that can be customized and used for various security presentations

    A defined guideline on how to deliver a captivating presentation to achieve your desired objectives

    • Clear message on best practices for delivering security presentations to executive stakeholders
    • Understanding how to verify your communication goals have been obtained

    If you would like additional support, have our analysts guide you through other phases as part of an Info-Tech workshop.

    Contact your account representative for more information.


    Related Info-Tech Research

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    Bhadauriya, Amit S. “Communicating Cybersecurity Effectively to the Board.” Metricstream. Web.
    Booth, Steven, et al. “The Biggest Mistakes Made When Presenting Cyber Security to Senior Leadership or the Board, and How to Fix Them.” Mandiant, May 2019. Web.
    Bradford, Nate. “6 Slides Every CISO Should Use in Their Board Presentation.” Security Boulevard, 9 July 2020. Web.
    Buckalew, Lauren, et al. “Get the Board on Board: Leading Cybersecurity from the Top Down.” Newsroom, 2 Dec. 2019. Web.
    Burg, Dave, et al. “Cybersecurity: How Do You Rise above the Waves of a Perfect Storm?” EY US - Home, EY, 22 July 2021. Web.
    Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Web.
    “Chief Information Security Officer Salary.”, 2022. Web.
    “CISO's Guide to Reporting to the Board - Apex Assembly.” CISO's Guide To Reporting to the Board. Web.
    “Cyber Security Oversight in the Boardroom” KPMG, Jan. 2016. Web.
    “Cybersecurity CEO: My 3 Tips for Presenting in the Boardroom.” Cybercrime Magazine, 31 Mar. 2020. Web.
    Dacri , Bryana. Do's & Don'ts for Security Professionals Presenting to Executives. Feb. 2018. Web.
    Froehlich, Andrew. “7 Cybersecurity Metrics for the Board and How to Present Them: TechTarget.” Security, TechTarget, 19 Aug. 2022. Web.
    “Global Board Risk Survey.” EY. Web.
    “Guidance for CISOs Presenting to the C-Suite.” IANS, June 2021. Web.
    “How to Communicate Cybersecurity to the Board of Directors.” Cybersecurity Conferences & News, Seguro Group, 12 Mar. 2020. Web.
    Ide, R. William, and Amanda Leech. “A Cybersecurity Guide for Directors” Dentons. Web.
    Lindberg, Randy. “3 Tips for Communicating Cybersecurity to the Board.” Cybersecurity Software, Rivial Data Security, 8 Mar. 2022. Web.
    McLeod, Scott, et al. “How to Present Cybersecurity to Your Board of Directors.” Cybersecurity & Compliance Simplified, Apptega Inc, 9 Aug. 2021. Web.
    Mickle, Jirah. “A Recipe for Success: CISOs Share Top Tips for Successful Board Presentations.” Tenable®, 28 Nov. 2022. Web.
    Middlesworth, Jeff. “Top-down: Mitigating Cybersecurity Risks Starts with the Board.” Spiceworks, 13 Sept. 2022. Web.
    Mishra, Ruchika. “4 Things Every CISO Must Include in Their Board Presentation.” Security Boulevard, 17 Nov. 2020. Web.
    O’Donnell-Welch, Lindsey. “CISOs, Board Members and the Search for Cybersecurity Common Ground.” Decipher, 20 Oct. 2022. Web.


    “Overseeing Cyber Risk: The Board's Role.” PwC, Jan. 2022. Web.
    Pearlson, Keri, and Nelson Novaes Neto. “7 Pressing Cybersecurity Questions Boards Need to Ask.” Harvard Business Review, 7 Mar. 2022. Web.
    “Reporting Cybersecurity Risk to the Board of Directors.” Web.
    “Reporting Cybersecurity to Your Board - Steps to Prepare.” Pondurance ,12 July 2022. Web.
    Staynings, Richard. “Presenting Cybersecurity to the Board.” Resource Library. Web.
    “The Future of Cyber Survey.” Deloitte, 29 Aug. 2022. Web.
    “Top Cybersecurity Metrics to Share with Your Board.” Packetlabs, 10 May 2022. Web.
    Unni, Ajay. “Reporting Cyber Security to the Board? How to Get It Right.” Cybersecurity Services Company in Australia & NZ, 10 Nov. 2022. Web.
    Vogel, Douglas, et al. “Persuasion and the Role of Visual Presentation Support.” Management Information Systems Research Center, 1986.
    “Welcome to the Cyber Security Toolkit for Boards.” NCSC. Web.

    Research Contributors

    • Fred Donatucci, New-Indy Containerboard, VP, Information Technology
    • Christian Rasmussen, St John Ambulance, Chief Information Officer
    • Stephen Rondeau, ZimVie, SVP, Chief Information Officer

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    1. Identify switch opportunities.
    2. Evaluate your software.
    3. Build the business case.
    4. Optimize selection method.
    5. Plan implementation.

    Switching Software Vendors Overwhelmingly Drives Increased Satisfaction Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Why you should consider switching software vendors

    Use this outline of key statistics to help make the business case for switching poorly performing software.

    • Switching Existing Software Vendors Overwhelmingly Drives Increased Satisfaction Storyboard

    2. How to optimize your software vendor switching process

    Optimize your software vendor switching processes with five action steps.


    Tame the Project Backlog

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    • Parent Category Name: Portfolio Management
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    • Unmanaged project backlogs can become the bane of IT departments, tying IT leaders and PMO staff down to an ever-growing receptacle of project ideas that provides little by way of strategic value and that typically represents a lack of project intake and approval discipline.
    • Decision makers frequently use the backlog to keep the peace. Lacking the time to assess the bulk of requests, or simply wanting to avoid difficult conversations with stakeholders, they “approve” everything and leave it to IT to figure it out.
    • As IT has increasing difficulty assessing – let alone starting – any of the projects in the backlog, stakeholder relations suffer. Requestors view inclusion in the backlog as a euphemism for “declined,” and often characterize the backlog as the place where good project ideas go to die.
    • Faced with these challenges, you need to make your project backlog more useful and reliable. The backlog may contain projects worth doing, but in its current untamed state, you have difficulty discerning, let alone capitalizing upon, those instances of value.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • Project backlogs are an investment and need to be treated as such. Incurring a cost impact that can be measured in terms of time and money, the backlog needs to be actively managed to ensure that you’re investing wisely and getting a good return in terms of strategic value and project throughput.
    • Unmanageable project backlogs are rooted in bad habits and poorly-defined processes. Identifying the sources that fuel backlog growth is key to long-term success. Unless the problem is addressed at the root, any gains made in the near-term will simply fade away as old, unhealthy habits re-emerge and take hold.
    • Backlog management should facilitate executive awareness about the status of backlog items as new work is being approved. In the long run, this ongoing executive engagement will not only help to keep the backlog manageable, but it will also help to bring more even workloads to IT project staff.

    Impact and Result

    • Keep the best, forget the rest. Develop a near-term approach to limit the role of the backlog to include only those items that add value to the business.
    • Shine a light. Improve executive visibility into the health and status of the backlog so that the backlog is taken into account when decision makers approve new work.
    • Evolve the organizational culture. Effectively employ organizational change management practices to evolve the culture that currently exists around the project backlog in order to ensure customer-service needs are more effectively addressed.
    • Ensure long-term sustainability. Institute processes to make sure that your list of pending projects – should you still require one after implementing this blueprint – remains minimal, maintainable, and of high value.

    Tame the Project Backlog Research & Tools

    Start here – read the Executive Brief

    Read our concise Executive Brief to find out how a more disciplined approach to managing your project backlog can help you realize increased value and project throughput.

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Create a project backlog battle plan

    Calculate the cost of the project backlog and assess the root causes of its unmanageability.

    • Tame the Project Backlog – Phase 1: Create a Backlog Battle Plan
    • Project Backlog ROI Calculator

    2. Execute a near-term backlog cleanse

    Increase the manageability of the backlog by updating stale requests and removing dead weight.

    • Tame the Project Backlog – Phase 2: Execute a Near-Term Backlog Cleanse
    • Project Backlog Management Tool
    • Project Backlog Stakeholder Communications Template

    3. Ensure long-term backlog manageability

    Develop and maintain a manageable backlog growth rate by establishing disciplined backlog management processes.

    • Tame the Project Backlog – Phase 3: Ensure Long-Term Backlog Manageability
    • Project Backlog Operating Plan Template
    • Project Backlog Manager

    Workshop: Tame the Project Backlog

    Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

    1 Create a Project Backlog Battle Plan

    The Purpose

    Gauge the manageability of your project backlog in its current state.

    Calculate the total cost of your project backlog investments.

    Determine the root causes that contribute to the unmanageability of your project backlog.

    Key Benefits Achieved

    An understanding of the organizational need for more disciplined backlog management.

    Visibility into the costs incurred by the project backlog.

    An awareness of the sources that feed the growth of the project backlog and make it a challenge to maintain.


    1.1 Calculate the sunk and marginal costs that have gone into your project backlog.

    1.2 Estimate the throughput of backlog items.

    1.3 Survey the root causes of your project backlog.


    The total estimated cost of the project backlog.

    A project backlog return-on-investment score.

    A project backlog root cause analysis.

    2 Execute a Near-Term Project Backlog Cleanse

    The Purpose

    Identify the most organizationally appropriate goals for your backlog cleanse.

    Pinpoint those items that warrant immediate removal from the backlog and establish a game plan for putting a bullet in them.

    Communicate backlog decisions with stakeholders in a way that minimizes friction and resistance. 

    Key Benefits Achieved

    An effective, achievable, and organizationally right-sized approach to cleansing the backlog.

    Criteria for cleanse outcomes and a protocol for carrying out the near-term cleanse.

    A project sponsor outreach plan to help ensure that decisions made during your near-term cleanse stick. 


    2.1 Establish roles and responsibilities for the near-term cleanse.

    2.2 Determine cleanse scope.

    2.3 Develop backlog prioritization criteria.

    2.4 Prepare a communication strategy.


    Clear accountabilities to ensure the backlog is effectively minimized and outcomes are communicated effectively.

    Clearly defined and achievable goals.

    Effective criteria for cleansing the backlog of zombie projects and maintaining projects that are of strategic and operational value.

    A communication strategy to minimize stakeholder friction and resistance.

    3 Ensure Long-Term Project Backlog Manageability

    The Purpose

    Ensure ongoing backlog manageability.

    Make sure the executive layer is aware of the ongoing status of the backlog when making project decisions.

    Customize a best-practice toolkit to help keep the project backlog useful. 

    Key Benefits Achieved

    A list of pending projects that is minimal, maintainable, and of high value.

    Executive engagement with the backlog to ensure intake and approval decisions are made with a view of the backlog in mind.

    A backlog management tool and processes for ongoing manageability. 


    3.1 Develop a project backlog management operating model.

    3.2 Configure a project backlog management solution.

    3.3 Assign roles and responsibilities for your long-term project backlog management processes.

    3.4 Customize a project backlog management operating plan.


    An operating model to structure your long-term strategy around.

    A right-sized management tool to help enable your processes and executive visibility into the backlog.

    Defined accountabilities for executing project backlog management responsibilities.

    Clearly established processes for how items get in and out of the backlog, as well as for ongoing backlog review.

    Take a Realistic Approach to Disaster Recovery Testing

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    • Parent Category Name: DR and Business Continuity
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    You have made significant investments in availability and disaster recovery – but your ability to recover hasn’t been tested in years. Testing will:

    • Improve your DR capabilities.
    • Identify required changes to planning documentation and procedures.
    • Validate DR capabilities for interested customers and auditors.

    Our Advice

    Critical Insight

    • If you treat testing as a pass/fail exercise, you aren’t meeting the end goal of improving organizational resilience.
    • Focus on identifying gaps and risks, and addressing them, before a real disaster hits.
    • Take a realistic, iterative approach to resilience testing that starts with small, low-risk tests and builds on lessons learned.

    Impact and Result

    • Identify testing scenarios and scope that can deliver value to your organization.
    • Create practical test plans with Info-Tech’s template.
    • Demonstrate value from testing to gain buy-in for additional tests.

    Take a Realistic Approach to Disaster Recovery Testing Research & Tools

    Besides the small introduction, subscribers and consulting clients within this management domain have access to:

    1. Take a Realistic Approach to Disaster Recovery Testing Storyboard – A guide to establishing a right-sized approach to DR testing that delivers durable value to your organization.

    Use this research to understand the different types of tests, prioritize and plan tests for your organization, review the results, and establish a cadence for testing.

    • Take a Realistic Approach to Disaster Recovery Testing Storyboard

    2. Disaster Recovery Test Plan Template – A template to document your organization's DR test plan.

    Use this template to document scope and goals, participants, key pre-test milestones, the test-day schedule, and your findings from the testing exercise.

    • Disaster Recovery Test Plan Template

    3. Disaster Recovery Testing Program Summary – A template to outline your organization's DR testing program.

    Identify the tests you will run over the next year and the expertise, governance, process, and funding required to support testing.

    • Disaster Recovery Testing Program Summary



    Further reading

    Take a Realistic Approach to Disaster Recovery Testing

    Reduce costly downtime with a right-sized testing program that improves IT resilience.

    Analyst Perspective

    Reduce costly downtime with a right-sized testing program that improves IT resilience.

    Andrew Sharp

    Most businesses make significant investments in disaster recovery and technology resilience. Redundant sites and systems, monitoring, intrusion prevention, backups, training, documentation: it all costs time and money.

    But does this investment deliver expected value? Specifically, can you deliver service continuity in a way that meets business requirements?

    You can’t know the answer without regularly testing recovery processes and systems. And more than just validation, testing helps you deliver service continuity by finding and addressing gaps in your plans and training your staff on recovery procedures.

    Use the insights, tools, and templates in this research to create a streamlined and effective resilience testing program that helps validate recovery capabilities and enhance service reliability, availability, and continuity.

    Andrew Sharp

    Research Director, Infrastructure & Operations
    Info-Tech Research Group

    Executive Summary

    Your Challenge

    You have made significant investments in availability and disaster recovery (DR) – but your ability to recover hasn’t been tested in years. Testing will:

    • Improve your DR capabilities.
    • Identify required changes to planning documentation and procedures.
    • Validate DR capabilities for interested customers and auditors.

    Common Obstacles

    Despite the value testing can offer, actually executing on DR tests is difficult because:

    • Testing is often an IT-driven initiative, and it can be difficult to secure business buy-in to redirect resources away from other urgent projects or accept risks that come with testing.
    • Previous tests have been overly complex and challenging to coordinate and leave a hangover so bad that no one wants to do them again.

    Info-Tech's Approach

    Take a realistic approach to resilience testing by starting with small, low-risk tests, then iterating with the lessons you’ve learned:

    • Identify testing scenarios and scope that can deliver value to your organization.
    • Create practical test plans with Info-Tech’s template.
    • Get buy-in for regular DR testing from key stakeholders with a testing program summary.

    Info-Tech Insight

    If you treat testing as a pass/fail exercise, you aren’t meeting the end goal of improving organizational resilience. Focus on identifying gaps and risks so you can address them before a real disaster hits.

    Process and Outputs

    This research is accompanied by templates to help you achieve your goals faster.

    1 - Establish the business rationale for DR testing.
    2 - Review a range of options for testing.
    3 - Prioritize tests that are most valuable to your business.
    4 - Create a disaster recovery test plan.
    5 - Establish a Test Program to support a regular testing cycle.


    DR Test Plan
    DR Testing Program Summary

    Example Orange Activity slide.
    Orange activity slides like the one on the left provide directions to help you make key decisions.

    Key Deliverable:

    Disaster Recovery Test Plan Template

    Build a plan for your first disaster recovery test.

    This document provides a complete example you can use to quickly build your own plan, including goals, milestones, participants, the test-day schedule, and findings from the after-action review.

    Why test?

    Testing helps you avoid costly downtime

    • In a disaster scenario, speed matters. Immediately after an outage, the impact on the organization is small, but impact increases rapidly the longer the outage continues.
    • A quick and reliable response and recovery can protect the organization from significant losses.
    • A DRP testing and maintenance program helps ensure you’re ready to recover when you need to, rather than figuring it out as you go.

    “Routine testing is vital to survive a disaster… that’s when muscle memory sets in. If you don’t test your DR plan it falls [in importance], and you never see how routine changes impact it.”

    – Jennifer Goshorn
    Chief Administrative Officer
    Gunderson Dettmer LLP

    Info-Tech members estimated even one day of system downtime could lead to significant revenue losses. Estimated loss of revenue over 24 hours. Core Infrastructure has the highest potential for lost revenue.

    Average estimated potential loss* in thousands of USD due to a 24-hour outage (N=41)

    *Data aggregated from 41 business impact analyses (BIAs) conducted with Info-Tech advisory assistance. BIAs evaluate potential revenue loss due to a full day of system downtime, at the worst possible time.

    Run tests to enhance disaster recovery plans

    Testing improves organizational resilience

    • Identify and address gaps in your plans before a real disaster strikes.
    • Cross-train staff on systems recovery.
    • Go beyond testing technology to test recovery processes.
    • Establish a culture that centers resilience in everyday decision-making.

    Testing keeps DR documentation ready for action

    • Update documentation ahead of tests to prepare for the testing exercise.
    • Update documentation after testing to incorporate any lessons learned.

    Testing validates that investments in resilience deliver value

    • Confirm your organization can meet defined recovery time objectives (RTOs) and recovery point objectives (RPOs).
    • Provide proof of testing for auditors, prospective customers, and insurance applications

    Overcome testing challenges

    Despite the value of effective recovery testing, most IT organizations struggle to test recovery plans

    Common challenges

    • Key resources don’t have time for testing exercises.
    • You don’t have the technology to support live recovery testing.
    • Tests are done ad hoc and lessons learned are lost.
    • A lack of business support for test exercises as the value isn’t understood.
    • Tests are always artificially simple because RTOs and RPOs must be met to satisfy customer or auditor inquiries

    Overcome challenges with a realistic approach:

    • Start small with tabletop and recovery tests for specific systems.
    • Include recovery tests in operational tasks (e.g. restore systems when you have a maintenance window).
    • Create testing plans for larger testing exercises.
    • Build on successful tests to streamline testing exercises in the future.
    • Don’t make testing a pass-fail exercise. Focus on identifying gaps and risks so you can address them before a real disaster hits.

    Go beyond traditional testing

    Different test techniques help validate recovery against different threats

    • There are many threats to service continuity, including ransomware, severe weather events, geopolitical conflict, legacy systems, staff turnover, and day-to-day outages caused by human error, software updates, hardware failures, or network outages.
    • At its core, disaster recovery planning is about recovery. A plan for service recovery will help you mitigate against many threats at once. The testing approaches on the right will help you validate different aspects of that recovery process.
    • This research will provide an overview of the approaches outlined on the right and help you prioritize tests that are most valuable to your organization.
    Different test techniques for disaster recover training: System Failover tests, tabletop exercises, ransomware recovery tests, etc.

    00 Identify a working group

    30 minutes

    Identify a group of participants who can fill the following roles and inform the discussions around testing in this research. A single person could fill multiple roles and some roles could be filled by multiple people. Many participants will be drawn from the larger DRP team.

    Roles and expectations for Disaster Recovery Planning. DRP sponsor, Testing coordinator, System testers, business liaisons, executive team.


    • Organizational context


    • A list of key participants for test planning and execution


    • Typically, start by identifying the sponsor and coordinator and have them identify the other members of the working group.

    Start by updating your disaster recovery plan (DRP)

    Use Info-Tech’s Create a Right-Sized Disaster Recovery Plan research to identify recovery objectives based on business impact and outline recovery processes. Both are tremendously valuable inputs to your test plans.

    Overall Business Continuity Plan

    IT Disaster Recovery Plan

    A plan to restore IT services (e.g. applications and infrastructure) following a disruption. A DRP:

    • Identifies critical applications and dependencies.
    • Defines appropriate recovery objectives based on a business impact analysis (BIA).
    • Creates a step-by-step incident response plan.

    BCP for Each Business Unit

    A set of plans to resume business processes for each business unit. A business continuity plan (BCP) is also sometimes called a continuity of operations plan (COOP).

    BCPs are created and owned by each business unit, and creating a BCP requires deep involvement from the leadership of each business unit.

    Info-Tech’s Develop a Business Continuity Plan blueprint provides a methodology for creating business unit BCPs as part of an overall BCP for the organization.

    Crisis Management Plan

    A plan to manage a wide range of crises, from health and safety incidents to business disruptions to reputational damage.

    Info-Tech’s Implement Crisis Management Best Practices blueprint provides a framework for planning a response to any crisis, from health and safety incidents to reputational damage.

    01 Confirm: why test at all?

    15-30 minutes

    Identify the value recovery testing for your organization. Use language appropriate for a nontechnical audience. Start with the list below and add, modify, or delete bullet points to reflect your own organization.


    Drivers for testing – Examples:


    • Improve service continuity.
    • Identify and address gaps in recovery plans before a real disaster strikes.
    • Cross-train staff on systems recovery to minimize single points of failure.
    • Identify how we coordinate across teams during a major systems outage.
    • Exercise both recovery processes and technology.
    • Support a culture that centers system resilience in everyday decision-making.
    • Keep recovery documentation up-to-date and ready for action.
    • Confirm that our stated recovery objectives can be met.
    • Provide proof of testing for auditors, prospective customers, and insurance applications.
    • We require proof of testing to pass audits and renew cybersecurity insurance.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Time-strapped technical staff will sometimes push back on planning and testing, objecting that the team will “figure it out” in a disaster. But the question isn’t whether recovery is possible – it’s whether the recovery aligns with business needs. If your plan is to “MacGyver” a solution on the fly, you can’t know if it’s the right solution for your organization.


    • Business drivers and context for testing


    • Specific goals that are driving testing


    • DR sponsor
    • Test coordinator

    Think about what and how you test

    Different layers of the stack to test: Network, Authentication, compute and storage, visualization platforms, database services, middleware, app servers, web servers.

    Find gaps and risks with tabletop testing

    Tabletop planning had the greatest impact on meeting recovery objectives (RTOs/RPOs).

    In a tabletop planning exercise, the team walks through a disaster scenario to outline the recovery workflow, and risks or gaps that could disrupt that workflow.

    Tabletops are particularly effective because:

    • It enables you to play out a wider range of scenarios than technology-based testing (e.g. full-scale, parallel) due to cost and complexity factors.
    • It is non-intrusive, so it can be executed more easily than other testing methodologies.
    • The exercise translates into recovery documentation: you create a workflow as you go.
    • A major site or service recovery scenario will review all aspects of the recovery process and create the backbone of your recovery plan.

    02 Run a tabletop exercise

    2 hours

    Tabletop testing is part of our core DRP methodology, Create a Right-Sized Disaster Recovery Plan. This exercise can be run using cue cards, sticky notes, or on a whiteboard; many of our facilitators find building the workflow directly in flowchart software to be very effective.

    Use our Recovery Workflow Template as a starting point.

    Some tips for running your first tabletop exercise:


    • Review the complete workflow from notification all the way to user acceptance testing.
    • Keep focused; stay on task and on time.
    • Revisit each step and record gaps and risks (and known solutions, but don’t dwell on this).
    • Revise and improve the plan with task owners.


    • Get weighed down by tools.
    • Try to find solutions to every gap/risk as you go. Save in-depth research/discussion for later.
    • Document the details right away – stick to the high-level plan for the first exercise.
    1. Ahead of the exercise, decide on a scenario, identify participants, and book a meeting time.
      • For your first walkthrough of a DR scenario, we often recommend a scenario that considers a site failure requiring failover to a DR site.
      • For the first exercise, focus on technical aspects of recovery before bringing in members of the business. The technical team may need space to discuss the appropriate steps in the recovery process before you bring in business liaisons to discuss user acceptance testing (UAT).
      • A complete failover considers all systems, the viability of your second site, and can help identify parts of the process that require additional exercises.
    2. Review the scenario with participants. Then, discuss and document the recovery process, starting with initial notification of an event.
      • Record steps in the process on white cards or boxes.
      • On yellow and red cards, document gaps and risks in people process and technology requirements.
    3. Once you’ve walked through the process, return to the start.
      • Record the time required to complete each step. Consider identifying who is responsible for key steps. Identify any additional gaps and risks.
    4. Clean up and record the results of the workflow. Save a copy with your DRP documentation.


    • Expert knowledge on systems recovery


    • Recovery workflow, including gaps and risks


    • Test coordinator
    • Technical SMEs

    Move from tabletop testing to functional exercises

    See how your plans fare in the real world

    In live exercises, some portion of your recovery plans are executed in a way that mimics a real recovery scenario. Some advantages of live testing:

    • See how standby systems behave. A tabletop exercise can miss small issues that can make or break the recovery process. For example, connectivity or integration issues on a new subnet might be difficult to predict prior to actually running services in that environment.
    • Hands-on practice: Familiarize the team with the steps, commands, and interfaces of your recovery toolset.
    • Manage the pressure of the DR scenario: Nothing’s quite like the real thing, but a live exercise may be the closest your team can get to a disaster situation without experiencing it firsthand.

    Examples of live exercises

    Boot and smoke test Turn on a standby system and confirm it boots up correctly.
    Restore and validate data Restore data or servers from backup. Confirm data integrity.
    Parallel testing Send familiar transactions to production and standby systems. Confirm both systems produce the same result.
    Failover systems Shut down the production system and use the standby system in production.

    Run local tests ahead of releases

    Think small

    Most unacceptable downtime is caused by localized issues, such as hardware or software failures, rather than widespread destructive events. Regular local testing can help validate the recovery plan for local issues and improve overall service continuity.

    Make local testing a standard step in maintenance work and new deployments to embed resilience considerations in day-to-day activities. Run the same tests in both your primary and your DR environment.

    Some examples of localized tests:

    • Review backup logs and check for errors.
    • Restore files or whole systems from backup.
    • Run application-based tests as part of release management, including unit, regression, and performance tests.
      • Ensure application tests are run for both the primary and DR environment.
      • For a deep-dive on application testing, see Info-Tech’s research Automate Testing to Get More Done.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Local tests will vary between different services, and local test design is usually best left to the system SMEs. At the same time, centralize reporting to understand where tests are being done.

    Investigate whether your IT Service Management or ticketing system can create recurring tasks or work orders to schedule, document, and track test exercises. Tasks can be pre-populated with checklists and documentation to support the test and provide a record of completed tests to support oversight and reporting.

    Have the business validate recovery

    If your business doesn’t think a system’s recovered, it’s not recovered.

    User acceptance testing (UAT) after system recovery is a key step in the recovery process. Like any step in the process, there’s value in testing it before it actually needs to be done. Assign responsibility for building UATs to the person who will be responsible for executing them.

    An acceptance test script might look something like the checklist below.

    • Does the application open?
    • Does the interface look right?
    • Do you see any unusual notifications or warnings?
    • Can you conduct a key transaction with dummy data?
    • Can you run key reports?

    “I cannot stress how important it is to assign ownership of responsibilities in a test; this is the only way to truly mitigate against issues in a test.”

    – Robert Nardella
    IT Service Management
    Certified z/OS Mainframe Professional

    Info-Tech Insight

    Build test scripts and test transactions ahead of time to minimize the amount of new work required during a recovery scenario.

    Beyond the Basics: Full Failover Testing

    • A failover test – a full failover of your production environment to a secondary environment – is what many IT and businesspeople think about when they think of disaster recovery testing.
    • A full test can validate previous local or tabletop tests, identify additional gaps and risks, and provide hands-on training experience with recovery processes and technologies.
    • Setting a date for failover testing can also inject some urgency into otherwise low-priority (but high importance) disaster recovery planning and documentation exercises, which need to be completed prior to the test.
    • Despite these benefits, full failover tests carry significant risk and require a great deal of effort and cost. Typically, only businesses that already have an active-active environment capable of supporting in-scope production systems are able to run a full environment failover.
    • This is especially true the first time you test. While in theory a DR plan should be ready to go at any time, there will be documents to update, gaps to address, and risks to mitigate before you go ahead with the test.

    Full Failover Testing

    What you get:

    • Provide hands-on experience with recovery processes and technology.
    • Confirm that site failover works in practice as you assumed in tabletop or local testing exercises.
    • Identify critical gaps you might have missed without a full failover test.

    What you need:

    • An active-active secondary site, with sufficient standby equipment, data, and licensed standby software to support production.
    • A completed tabletop exercise and documented recovery workflow.
    • A documented test plan, backout plan, and formal sign-off.
    • An off-hours downtime window.
    • Time from technical SMEs and business resources, both for creating the plan and executing the test.

    Beyond the Basics: Site Reliability Engineering

    • Site reliability engineering (SRE) is an application of skills and approaches from software engineering to improve system resilience.
    • SRE is focused on “availability, latency, performance, efficiency, change management, monitoring, emergency response, and capacity planning” across a set portfolio of services (Sloss, 2017).
    • In many organizations, SRE is implemented as a team that supports separate applications teams.
    • Applications must have defined and granular resilience requirements, translated into service objectives. The SRE team and applications teams will work together to meet these objectives.
    • Site reliability engineers (the folks that do SRE, and often also abbreviated as SREs) are expected to build solutions and processes to ensure services remain stable and performant, not just respond when they fail. For example, Google allows their SREs to spend just half their time on incident response, with the rest of their time focused on development and automation tasks.

    Site Reliability Testing

    What you get:

    • Improved reliability and reduced frequency and impact of downtime.
    • Increased use of automation to address problems before they cause an incident.
    • Granular resilience objectives.

    What you need:

    • Systems running on software-defined infrastructure.
    • Specialized skills in programming, infrastructure-as-code.
    • Business & product owners able to define and fund acceptable and appropriate resilience objectives.
    • Technical experts able to translate product requirements into technical design requirements.

    Beyond the Basics: Chaos Engineering

    • Chaos engineering, a term and approach first popularized by the team at Netflix, aims to improve the resilience of particularly large and distributed systems by simulating system failures and evaluating performance against a baseline.
    • Experiments simulate a variety of real-world events that could cause outages (e.g. network slowdowns or server failures). Experiments run continuously, and the recommendation is to run them in production where feasible while minimizing the impact on customers.
    • Tools to help you run chaos testing exist, including open-source toolkits like Chaos Monkey or Mangle and paid software as a service (SaaS) solutions like Gremlin.
    • Deciding whether the long-term benefits of tests that can degrade production are worth the potential risk of system slowdowns or outages is a business or product decision. Technical considerations aside, if the business owner of a particular system doesn’t see the value of continuous testing outweighing the introduced risk, this approach to testing isn’t going to happen.

    Chaos Engineering

    What you get:

    • Confidence that systems can weather volatile and unpredictable conditions in a production environment.
    • An embedded resilience culture.

    What you need:

    • High-maturity IT incident, monitoring and event practices.
    • Standby/resilient systems to minimize downtime impact.
    • Business buy-in for introducing risk into the production environment.
    • Specialized skills to identify, develop, and run tests that degrade production performance in a controlled way.
    • Budget and time to act on issues identified through testing.

    Beyond the Basics: Security Event Simulations

    • Ransomware is driving demands for proof of recovery testing from customers, executives, auditors, and insurance companies. Systems recovery is part of ransomware recovery, but recovering from a breach includes detection, analysis, containment, and eradication of the attack vector before systems recovery can begin.
    • Beyond technical recovery, internal legal and communications teams will have a role, as will your insurance provider, consultants specialized in ransomware recovery, or professional ransom negotiators.
    • A tabletop exercise focused on ransomware incident response is a key first step. You can find Info-Tech’s methodology for a ransomware tabletop in Phase 3 of Build Resilience Against Ransomware Attacks.
    • Live testing approaches can offer hands-on experience and further insight into how your systems are vulnerable to malware. A variety of open source and proprietary tools can simulate ransomware and help you identify problems, though it’s important to understand the limitations of different simulators (Allon, 2022).
    • A “red team” exercise simulates an adversarial attack against your processes and systems. A specialized penetration tester will often take on the role of the red team and provide a report of identified gaps and risks after the engagement.

    Security Event Simulation

    What you get:

    • Hands-on experience managing and recovering from a ransomware attack in a controlled environment.
    • A better understanding of gaps in your response process.

    What you need:

    • A completed ransomware tabletop exercise and mature security incident response processes.
    • For Ransomware Simulators: An air-gapped sandbox environment hosting a copy of your production systems and security tools, and time from your technical SMEs.
    • For Red Team Exercises: A trusted provider, scope for your testing plans, and time from your security incident response team.

    Prioritize tests by asking these three questions

    1. Will the scope of this test deliver sufficient value?

    • Yes, these are critical systems with low tolerance for downtime or data loss.
    • Yes, major changes or new systems require validation of DR capabilities.
    • Yes, there’s high probability of an outage, or recent experience of an outage.
    • •Yes, we have audit requirements or customer demands for testing.

    2. Are we ready for this test?

    • Yes, recovery plans and recovery objectives are documented.
    • Yes, key technical and business resources have time to commit to testing exercises.
    • Yes, technology is currently able to support proposed tests.

    3. Is it easy to do?

    • Yes, effort required to complete the test is low (i.e. minimal work, few participants).
    • Yes, the risks related to testing are low.
    • Yes, it won’t cost much.

    Info-Tech Insight

    More complex, challenging, risky, or costly tests, such as full failover tests, can deliver value. But do the high-value, low-effort stuff first!

    03 Brainstorm and prioritize test ideas

    30-60 minutes

    Even if you have an idea of what you need to test and how you want to run those tests, this brainstorming exercise can generate useful ideas for testing that might otherwise have been missed.

      1. Review the slides above to develop ideas on how and what you want to test. These slides may be enough to kickstart a brainstorming process. Don’t debate or discount ideas at this point. Write down these ideas in a space where all participants can see them (e.g. whiteboard or shared screen).

    The next steps will help you prioritize the list – if needed – to tests that are highest value and lowest effort.

    1. Discuss where you have the greatest need to test. Assign a score of 0 – 3 for each test, with a score of 3 being high-need and a score of zero being low-need. Consider whether:
      • These applications have a low tolerance for downtime.
      • There’s a high chance of an outage, or recent experience with an outage.
      • There’s a need to train or cross-train staff on recovery for the system(s) in question.
      • Major changes require a review or validation of DR capabilities.
      • Audit requirements or customer/executive demands can be met via testing.
    2. Discuss which tests will require the least effort to complete – where readiness is high and tests are easier to do. Assign a score between 0 and 3 for each test, with a score of 3 being least effort and a score of 0 being high effort. Consider whether:
      • Recovery plans and recovery objectives are documented for these systems.
      • Technical experts are available to work on testing exercises.
      • For active testing, standby/sandbox systems are available and capable of supporting proposed tests.
      • The effort required to complete the test is low (e.g. minimal new work, few participants).
      • The risks related to testing are low.
      • You will need to secure additional funding.
    3. Sum together the assigned scores for each test. Higher scores should be the highest priority, but of course use your judgement to validate the results and select one or two tests to execute in the coming year.

    “There are different levels of testing and it is very progressive. I do not recommend my clients to do anything, unless they do it in a progressive fashion. Don’t try to do a live failover test with your users, right out of the box.”

    – Steve Tower
    Principal Consultant
    Prompta Consulting Group


    • Organizational and technical context


    • Prioritize list of DR testing ideas


    • DR sponsor
    • Test coordinator

    04 Build a test plan

    3-5 days

    Building a test plan helps the test run smoothly and can uncover issues with the underlying DRP as you dig into the details.

    The test coordinator will own the plan document but will rely on the sponsor to confirm scope and goals, technical SMEs to develop system recovery plans, and business liaisons to create UAT scripts.

    Download Info-Tech’s Disaster Recovery Test Plan Template. Use the structure of the template to build your own document, deleting example data as you go. Consider saving a separate copy of this document as an example and working from a second copy.

    Key sections of the document include:

    • Goals, scenario, and scope of the test.
    • Assumptions, constraints, risks, and mitigation strategies.
    • Test participants.
    • Key pre-test milestones, and test-day schedule.
    • After-action review.

    Download the Disaster Recovery Test Plan Template


    • Scope
    • High-level goals


    • Test plan, including goals, scope, key milestones, risks and mitigations, and test-day schedule


    • Test coordinator develops the plan with support from:
      • Technical SMEs
      • Business liaisons
      • DR sponsor

    05 Run an after-action review

    30-60 minutes

    Take time after test exercises – especially large-scale tests with many participants – to consider what went well, what didn’t, and where you can improve future testing exercises. Track lessons learned and next steps at the bottom of your test plan.

    1. Start with a short (5-10 minute) debrief of the test and allow participants to ask questions. Confirm:
      • Did we meet the goals we set for the exercise, including RTOs and RPOs?
      • What was done well? What issues, gaps, and risks were identified?
    2. Work through variations of the following questions:
      • Was the test plan effective, and was the test well organized?
      • Was the documentation effective? Where did we follow the plan as documented, and where did we deviate from the plan?
      • Was our communication/collaboration during the test effective?
      • Have gaps and issues found during the test been reported to the testing coordinator? Could some of the issues uncovered apply more broadly to other IT services as well?
      • What could we test next, based on what was discovered?
      • Are there other tools or approaches that could be useful?


    • Insights and experience from a recent testing exercise


    • Identified gaps and risks, and action items to address them
    • Ideas to improve future test exercises


    • Test coordinator develops the plan with support from:
      • Test coordinator
      • Test participants

    Follow a testing cycle

    All tests are expected to drive actions to improve resilience, as appropriate. Experience from previous tests will be applied to future testing exercises.

    The testing cycle: 1. Plan a test, 2. Run test, 3. Take action.

    Use your experience to simplify testing

    The fifth testing exercise should be easier than the first

    Outputs and lessons learned from testing should help you run future tests.

    • With past experience under their belt, participants should have a better understanding of their role, and of their peers’ roles, and the goal of the exercise.
    • Facilitators will be more comfortable facilitating the exercise, and everyone should be more confident in the steps required to recover their systems.
    • Gather feedback from participants through after-action reviews to identify what worked and what didn’t.
    • Documentation from previous tests can provide a template for future tests.
    • Gaps identified in previous tests can provide ideas for future tests.

    Experience, lessons learned, improved process, new test targets, repeat.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Testing should get easier over time. But if you’re easily passing every test, it’s a sign that you’re ready to run more challenging tests.

    06 Create a test program summary

    2-4 hours

    Regular testing allows you to build on prior tests and helps keep plans current despite changes to your environment.

    Keeping a regular testing schedule requires expertise, a process to coordinate your efforts, and a level of governance to provide oversight and ensure testing continues to deliver value. Create a call to action using Info-Tech’s Disaster Recovery Testing Program Summary Template.

    The result is a summary document that:

    • Identifies key takeaways and testing goals
    • Presents key elements of the testing program
    • Outlines the testing cycle
    • Lists expected milestones for the next year
    • Identifies participants
    • Recommends next steps

    “It is extremely important in the early stages of development to concentrate the focus on actual recoverability and data protection, enhancing these capabilities over time into a fully matured program that can truly test the recovery, and not simply focusing on the testing process itself.”

    – Joe Starzyk
    Senior Business Development Executive
    IBM Global Services

    Research Contributors and Experts

    • Bernard A. Jones, Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Expert
    • Robert Nardella, IT Service Management, Certified z/OS Mainframe Professional
    • Larry Liss, Chief Technology Officer, Blank Rome LLP
    • Jennifer Goshorn, Chief Administrative and Chief Compliance Officer, Gunderson Dettmer LLP
    • Paul Kirvan, FBCI, CISA, Independent IT Consultant/Auditor, Paul Kirvan Associates
    • Steve Tower, Principal Consultant, Prompta Consulting Group
    • Joe Starzyk, Senior Business Development Executive, IBM Global Services
    • Thomas Bronack, Enterprise Resiliency and Corporate Certification Consultant, DCAG
    • Paul S. Randal, CEO & Owner,
    • Tom Baumgartner, Disaster Recovery Analyst, Catholic Health


    Alton, Yoni. “Ransomware simulators – reality or a bluff?” Palo Alto Blog, 2 May 2022. Accessed 31 Jan 2023.

    Brathwaite, Shimon. “How to Test your Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan,” Security Made Simple, 13 Nov 2022. Accessed 31 Jan 2023.

    The Business Continuity Institute. Good Practice Guidelines: 2018 Edition. The Business Continuity Institute, 2017.

    Emigh, Jacqueline. “Disaster Recovery Testing: Ensuring Your DR Plan Works,” Enterprise Storage Forum, 28 May 2019. Accessed 31 Jan 2023.
    Disaster Recovery Testing: Ensuring Your DR Plan Works | Enterprise Storage Forum

    Gardner, Dana. "Case Study: Strategic Approach to Disaster Recovery and Data Lifecycle Management Pays off for Australia's SAI Global." ZDNet. BriefingsDirect, 26 Apr 2012. Accessed 31 Jan 2023.

    IBM. “Section 11. Testing the Disaster Recovery Plan.” IBM, 2 Aug 2021. Accessed 31 Jan 2023. Section 11. Testing the disaster recovery plan - IBM Documentation Lutkevich, Ben and Alexander Gillis. “Chaos Engineering”. TechTarget, Jun 2021. Accessed 31 Jan 2023.

    Monperrus, Martin. “Principles of Antifragility.” Arxiv Forum, 7 June 2017. Accessed 31 Jan 2023.

    “Principles of Chaos Engineering.” Principles of Chaos Engineering, 2019 March. Accessed 31 Jan 2023.

    Sloss, Benjamin Treynor. “Introduction.” Site Reliability Engineering. Ed. Betsy Beyer. O’Reilly Media, 2017. Accessed 31 Jan 2023.