Why learn from Tymans Group?

The TY classes contain in-depth learning material based on over 30 years of experience in IT Operations and Resilience.

You receive the techniques, tips, tricks, and "professional secrets" you need to succeed in your resilience journey.

Why would I share "secrets?"

Because over time, you will find that "secrets" are just manifested experiences.

What do I mean by that? Gordon Ramsay, who was born in 1966 like me, decided to focus on his culinary education at age 19. According to his Wikipedia page, that was a complete accident. (His Wikipedia page is a hoot to read, by the way.) And he has nothing to prove anymore. His experience in his field speaks for itself.

I kept studying in my original direction for just one year longer, but by 21, I founded my first company in Belgium in 1987, in the publishing industry. This was extended by IT experiences in various sectors, like international publishing and hospitality, culminating in IT for high-velocity international financial markets and insurance.

See, "secrets" are a great way to get you to sign up for some "guru" program that will "tell all!" Don't fall for it, especially if the person is too young to have significant experience.

There are no "secrets." There is only experience and 'wisdom." And that last one only comes with age.

If I were in my 20s, 30s, or 40s, there is no chance I would share my core experiences with anyone who could become my competitor. At that moment, I'm building my own credibility and my own career. I like helping people, but not to the extent that it will hurt my prospects. 

And that is my second lesson: be always honest about your intentions. Yes, always. 

At the current point in my career, "hurting my prospects" is less important. Yes, I still need to make a living, and in another post, I will explain more about that. Here, I feel it is important to share my knowledge and experience with the next people who will take my place in the day-to-day operations of medium and large corporations. And that is worth something. Hence, "sharing my secrets."


Why learn about resilience from us?

This is a great opportunity to learn from my 30+ years of resilience experience. TY's Gert experienced 9/11 in New York, and he was part of the Lehman Disaster Recovery team that brought the company back within one (one!) week of the terrorist attack.

He also went through the London Bombings of 2005 and the 2008 financial crisis, which required fast incident responses, the Covid 2020 issues, and all that entailed. Not to mention that Gert was part of the Tokyo office disaster response team as early as 1998, ensuring that Salomon was protected from earthquakes and floods in Japan.

Gert was part of the solution (for his clients) to several further global events, like the admittedly technical log4J event in 2021, the 2024 Crowdstrike event, and many other local IT incidents, to ensure that clients could continue using the services they needed at that time.

Beyond the large corporate world, we helped several small local businesses improve their IT resilience with better cloud storage and security solutions. 

These solutions and ways of thinking work for any business, large or small.

The TY team

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